Cheshire East Local Plan Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map February 2017 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy: Proposed Modifications – Policies Map

Introduction ...... 2 ...... 3 ...... 14 ...... 22 ...... 29 ...... 37 ...... 40 ...... 45 ...... 49 ...... 58 ...... 60 Other Sites ...... 66 Strategic Green Gaps ...... 69 HS2 Safeguarding Direction ...... 72

1 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


The term ‘Policies Map’ is the new name for the ‘Proposals Map’. Each of the previously produced Local Plans for the former of Congleton, Macclesfield and Crewe & Nantwich had Proposals Maps showing where each of the spatially specific policies in the respective Local Plan applied on the ground. Following local government reorganisation these Proposals Maps together with the Proposals Maps accompanying the Cheshire Minerals and Waste Local Plans in effect came together to form one Policies Map.

The Policies Map therefore covers the whole of Cheshire East excluding that part of the Borough that is within the National Park (which has its own development plan). In land area terms much of Cheshire East is not directly affected by the proposals in the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy. In these places the Policies Map will not as a result be changed. This document therefore refers to parts of the Map that will change because of site-specific proposals. These parts are shown as extracts of the Policies Map. This document accompanies the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Changes (March 2016 Version). It shows on the following pages how the sites proposed for housing and / or employment development and safeguarded land would appear on the statutory Policies Map when the Plan is adopted following examination.

The Local Plan Strategy includes town-wide maps and individual site maps but it does not show the implications these proposals have on the pre-existing policy notations for the areas of land affected. This is what the Policies Map extracts illustrate. The boundaries of the proposed sites as shown on the Policies Map extracts are exactly the same as those used within the Local Plan Strategy but the scales they are shown at may differ. What the extracts do not show are the Strategic Locations for development. These are broad proposals illustrated in diagrammatic form in the Local Plan Strategy such as on the Key Diagram. These proposals will be defined in detail and formally designated as site allocations in the Site Allocations and Development Policies document. Therefore, the Policies Map will be further changed on adoption of that document.

The following pages show the Policies Map in two side-by-side extracts as ‘before’ and ‘after’ views. On the left hand side of each page is a Map extract showing the pre-existing policy designations originating from the relevant previous Local Plan(s). On the right hand side of each corresponding page is the same part of the Policies Map illustrating the on-adoption changed position.

The final two sets of maps show changes to the extent of the Green Gap / Strategic Green Policy designation and a new map showing land within the HS2 Safeguarding Direction.

2 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 ! !

Site CS 1 Basford East, Crewe Key Non Trunk Road Proposals Housing & Employment Site New Woodland Planting and Landscaping site and Employment Allocation are to Areas within Settlement Boundaries be replaced by a proposed Housing & Employment Site. Employment Allocations Existing Open Countryside and Settlement Boundary to be adjusted to new site. Green Gap/ Strategic Green Gap Hazardous Installations Consultation Zones Scale 1:15,000 N New Woodland Planting and Landscaping Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 Indicative Flood Plain HS2 safeguarding zone 4 !







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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017) ! ! k k !

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Key Non Trunk Road Proposals Site CS 2 Basford West, Crewe Areas within Crewe and Nantwich Settlement Boundaries Employment Allocations

Green Gap/ Strategic Green Gap Existing Employment Allocation is to be replaced by a proposed Housing & Employment Site. New Woodland Planting and Landscaping Existing Open Countryside and Settlement Boundary to be adjusted to new site. Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries Housing Site Scale 1:15,000 N Employment Site Commercial Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ecological Mitigation/ Landscaping Areas Ordnance Survey 100049045 Housing & Employment Site

5 HS2 safeguarding zone

Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017) !




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! ! ! Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 ! ! !

Key ! Site CS 3 Leighton West, Crewe Leighton Hospital Land Requirements Housing & Employment Site Leighton West Country Park and Leighton Hospital policies to be replaced by ! k Equipped Children's Playgrounds ! Housing & Employment Site. Protected Open Space

Existing Open Countryside and Settlement Boundary to be adjusted to new site. Areas within Crewe and Nantwich Settlement Bdys !

Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields ! Housing Commitments

Informal Open Space ! Scale 1:15,000 N Leighton Hospital ! ! ! ! ! Leighton West Country Park ! © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. ! ! ! ! ! ! New Woodland Planting and Landscaping ! ! Ordnance Survey 100049045 ! ! Open Countryside! Outside Settlement Boundaries

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Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)



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! ! ! ! ! ! Crewe &! Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan! Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

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! ! ! ! Site! CS 4 ! Key ! ! ! ! Housing Site ! ! Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Open Countryside! Equipped Children's Playgrounds ! ! k ! and the Green Gap and situated within the Settlement Boundary! ! !!!Cycle Routes ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! Protected Open Space ! Areas within Crewe and Nantwich Settlement Bdys

!! ! ## ! # # Conservation Areas ! # Scale 1:15,000 Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields N Green Gap/ Strategic Green Gap © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries Ordnance Survey 100049045 7 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 !


Site CS 5 Sydney Road, Crewe ! Legend ! Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Open Countryside Housing Site and the Green Gap and situated within the Settlement Boundary k Equipped Children's Playgrounds !

Protected Open Space !

Areas within Crewe and Nantwich Settlement Bdys Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields ! Green Gap / Strategic Green Gap

Housing Commitments ! Scale 1:15,000 Indicative Flood Plain

N ! Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. ! Ordnance Survey 100049045 ! ! 8 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 6 The Shavington / Triangle Key Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Open Countryside k Equipped Children's Playgrounds and situated within the Village Settlement Boundary. Protected Open Space Areas within Village Settlement Boundaries Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields Green Gap / Strategic Green Gap Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries Scale 1:15,000 N Housing Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 9 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 7 East Shavington Key Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Open Countryside Housing Site and situated within the Village Settlement Boundary. k Equipped Children's Playgrounds Protected Open Space Areas within Village Settlement Boundaries Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields Green Gap / Strategic Green Gap Scale 1:15,000 N Indicative Flood Plain Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 10 !







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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 ! ! ! The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 ! ! Site CS 37 South Cheshire Growth Village, Key Nature Conservation South East Crewe Areas within Village Settlement Boundaries Green Belt

Proposed Housing Site is to be removed from the existing Open Countryside and Green Gap Green Gap / Strategic Green Gap

and is to have its own Settlement Boundary. Hazardous Installations Consultation Zones ! ! Historic Parks and Gardens The Protected Open Space allocation is to be within the Green ! Belt and not included within the proposed Settlement Boundary. Indicative Flood Plain New Woodland Planting and Landscaping Scale 1:15,000 Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries N Area of Search for Sand and Gravel

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Housing Site Ordnance Survey 100049045 11 Protected Open Space Housing & Employment Site Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 38 Leighton, Crewe Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Open Countryside Key Protected Open Space and situated within the Settlement Boundary. Areas within Crewe and Nantwich Settlement Bdys Leighton Hospital Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries

Housing Site Leighton Hospital Land Requirements Scale 1:18,000 N Housing & Employment Site Housing Commitments © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 12 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 39 Broughton Road Key Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Open Countryside Protected Open Space and situated within the Settlement Boundary. Areas within Village Settlement Boundaries Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields Housing Commitments Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries Scale 1:10,000 N Housing Site HS2 safeguarding zone © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 13 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


14 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017


Site CS 8 South Macclesfield Development Area Housing & Employment Site *H Proposed Hotel Site Proposed Housing & Employment Site to replace existing shopping, employment, !!! Greenway Green Belt open space and hotel allocation. Predominantly Residential Proposed road to remain subject to determination of exact route. Proposed Employment Area Proposed Landscaping - Rd to Congleton Rd Dev Area Proposed Open Space Scale 1:15,000 N Proposed Road Proposed Shopping © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Site of Nature Conservation Importance Ordnance Survey 100049045 15 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 9 Land East of Fence Avenue, Macclesfield

Housing Site to be removed from the green belt and Area of Key Special County Value (Local Landscape Designation). Housing Site Protected Open Space Protected Open Space to remain within the green belt. Area of Special County Value

Existing Conservation Area ; Indicative Flood Risk Area Scale 1:15,000 ; N pf Existing Open Space in the Green Belt © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Green Belt Ordnance Survey 100049045 16 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999

Site CS 10 Land at Congleton Road, Macclesfield Key Housing & Employment Site

Safeguarded Site Proposed Housing & Employment Site to be removed from the green belt. Green Belt Jodrell Bank Radio Telescopes Consultation Zone

Area of Search for Sand and Gravel Scale 1:15,000 N © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 17 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 11 Gaw End Lane, Macclesfield Key Housing Site Protected Open Space Existing employment areas, Housing Site and Protected Open Space to be removed from Area of Special County Value the green belt and Area of Special County Value (Local Landscape Designation). Existing Conservation Area ; Existing Employment Area Green Belt Scale 1:15,000 N Site of Nature Conservation Importance © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 18 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999

Site CS 32 (Safeguarded) South West Macclesfield Key Site of Nature Conservation Importance

Housing & Employment Site

Safeguarded Land Proposed Safeguarded Land to be removed from the green belt. Green Belt Jodrell Bank Radio Telescopes Consultation Zone

Area of Search for Sand and Gravel Scale 1:19,000 N Predominantly Residential © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 19 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999

Site CS 40 Land south of Road, Macclesfield Key Housing Site

Site of Nature Conservation Importance Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the green belt. Green Belt Area of Search for Sand and Gravel

Predominantly Residential Scale 1:10,000 N Safeguarded Land © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 20 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999

Site CS 41 Land between Chelford Road and Whirley Road, Macclesfield Key Housing Site

os Existing open space in the green belt Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the green belt. Green Belt Area of Special County Value for Landscape

Area of Search for Sand and Gravel Scale 1:10,000 N © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 21 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


22 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 12 Twyfords and Cardway, Alsager Key T" Improvements to Public Transport Facility Settlement Zone Line Proposed Housing & Employment Site to be located within the Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility

existing Settlement Zone Line with no change to the existing Infill Boundary Line Green Belt boundary. Conservation Area Open Countryside Scale 1:15,000 N Green Belt Housing & Employment Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 23 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 13 Former Metropolitan

University Campus, Alsager Key Settlement Zone Line Proposed Housing Site and Protected Open Space to replace Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility existing Mixed Use Allocation. Housing Commitment Mixed Use Allocation Open Countryside Scale 1:15,000 N Housing Site Protected Open Space © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 24 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 Key Employment Site

Site CS 14 Radway Green Brownfield, Alsager Area of Search for Sand and Gravel

Former Borough Boundary

Proposed Employment Site removed from the Open Countryside Area at Risk from Flooding

ROF Royal Ordnance Factory Scale 1:15,000 N Open Countryside Green Belt © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Settlement Zone Line Ordnance Survey 100049045 25 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999

Key Site CS 15 Radway Green Extension, Alsager Employment Site Area of Search for Sand and Gravel Proposed Employment Site removed from the Green Belt Boundary Open Countryside Scale 1:15,000 N Green Belt © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 26 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 Key Employment Site Site CS 42 White Moss Quarry, Alsager Housing Site

Area of Search for Sand and Gravel

Proposed Housing Site removed from the Open Countryside Former Borough Boundary

Indicative Flood Plain Area at Risk from Flooding Scale 1:10,000 N Nature Conservation

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Open Countryside Ordnance Survey 100049045 27 Settlement Zone Line Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 Key Employment Site

Site CS 43 Radway Green North, Alsager Area of Search for Sand and Gravel

Former Borough Boundary

Proposed Employment Site removed from the Open Countryside Area at Risk from Flooding

ROF Royal Ordnance Factory

Open Countryside Scale 1:10,000 N Housing Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Settlement Zone Line Ordnance Survey 100049045 28 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


29 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Key Housing Site Site CS 16 Giantswood Lane, Congleton Settlement Zone Line Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility

Area of Special County Value Proposed Housing Site to be removed from existing Open Countryside and Housing Commitment

Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone. Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone The Settlement Zone Line will be realigned to the boundary of the site. Site of Biological Importance

Open Countryside Scale 1:8,000 N Site of Nature Conservation Importance Former boundary of Borough Council

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Community site 30 Ordnance Survey 100049045 Protected Open Space

Land required in connection with Link Road Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 Key Site CS 17 Manchester Road to Macclesfield Housing Site Settlement Zone Line Road, Congleton Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility Housing Commitment Proposed Housing Site to be removed from existing Open Countryside and Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone. Open Countryside

The Settlement Zone Line will be realigned to the boundary of the site. Site of Nature Conservation Importance Former boundary of Borough Council Scale 1:10,000 N Existing Quarry © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Protected Open Space Ordnance Survey 100049045 31 Land required in connection with Link Road Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

  Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 44 Back Lane/ Radnor Park, Congleton Key Proposed Congleton Link Road Infill Boundary Line Area at Risk from Flooding Recreation/ Leisure allocation policy to be replaced by Housing & Employment Site. Public Open Space Existing Open Countryside, Settlement Boundary, Area of Special County Value Community Site Area of Special County Value and Jodrell Bank consultation zone to be adjusted to new site. Housing Site Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone Employment Site Main River

Settlement Zone Line Recreation/ Leisure or Community Use Allocation Scale 1:10,000 N Wildlife Corridor Site of Biological Importance Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility Open Countryside

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Land required in connection with Link Road Ordnance Survey 100049045 32 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 45 Congleton Business Park Extension Key Land required in connection with Link Road Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility to be replaced by Housing Proposed Congleton Link Road Area at Risk from Flooding and Employment Site. Retail Site Existing Open Countryside, Area of Special County Value, Settlement Boundary Area of Special County Value and Jodrell Bank consultation zone to be adjusted to new site. Protected Open Space Employment Commitment Housing Site Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone

Employment Site Main River Scale 1:10,000 N Settlement Zone Line Site of Biological Importance © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Wildlife Corridor Open Countryside Ordnance Survey 100049045 33 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Key The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 Proposed Congleton Link Road Site CS 46 Giantswood Lane to Manchester Road, Congleton Land required in connection with Link Road Housing Site Community Site Proposed Housing and Employment Site to be removed from existing Open Countryside and Settlement Zone Line Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone. Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility The Settlement Zone Line will be realigned to the boundary of the site. Area of Special County Value Housing Commitment

Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone Scale 1:8,000 N Site of Biological Importance Open Countryside © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Site of Nature Conservation Importance Ordnance Survey 100049045 34 Former boundary of Borough Council Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005

Site CS 47 Tall Ash Farm, Congleton Key Settlement Zone Line Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility

Area of Special County Value Proposed Housing Site to be removed from existing Open Countryside and Conservation Area the Settlement Zone Line realigned to the boundary of the site. Canal

Site of Biological Importance

Open Countryside Scale 1:10,000 N Green Belt © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Site of Nature Conservation Importance Ordnance Survey 100049045 35 Housing Site Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 48 North of Lamberts Lane, Congleton Key Settlement Zone Line

Conservation Area Proposed Housing Site to be removed from existing Open Countryside and Canal the Settlement Zone Line realigned to the boundary of the site. Open Countryside Green Belt

Site of Nature Conservation Importance Scale 1:10,000 N Housing Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 36 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


37 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 30 North Cheshire Growth Village, Handforth East Key Site CS 34 (Safeguarded) North Cheshire Growth Village Landscaped Buffer Indicative Flood Risk Area ; Mixed Use Site gc Proposed Open Space in the Green Belt Proposed Mixed Use Site and Safeguarded Land to be removed from the Safeguarded Land Safeguarded Land green belt and replace existing open space allocation. Protected Open Space Area of Special County Value Proposed Protected Open Space to remain within the green belt. Existing Employment Area Cheshire East Council Boundary Green Belt Site of Nature Conservation Importance Scale 1:18,000 N Handforth Dean Shopping Centre Cheshire East Council boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 38 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 49 Land Between Clay Lane and Sagars Road, Handforth Key Housing Site Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the green belt. Predominantly Residential Green Belt Site of Nature Conservation Importance Scale 1:10,000 N © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 39 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


40 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


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pf pf Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 The Cheshire Replacement Minerals Local Plan 1999 Key Site CS 18 North West Knutsford Employment Site Site CS 33 (Safeguarded) Land north of Tabley Road, Knutsford Housing Site Informal Protected Open Space

Site CS 53 (Safeguarded) Land south of Tabley Road, Knutsford Protected Open Space Safeguarded Land Proposed Housing Sites, Employment Site, Formal and Informal Protected Open Space Area of Special County Value and Safeguarded Land removed from the Green Belt Existing Open Space pf Existing Open Space in the Green Belt Scale 1:15,000 N Green Belt © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Predominantly Residential Ordnance Survey 100049045 41 Area of Search for Sand and Gravel #### Conservation Area Boundary Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 19 Parkgate Extension, Knutsford Key Housing Site Proposed Housing Site to replace existing Employment Allocation. Employment Site Area of Special County Value

Existing Employment Area

wd Existing Open Space in the Green Belt

Green Belt

Indicative Flood Risk Area Scale 1:10,000 ; N Proposed Employment Area © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Site of Nature Conservation Importance Predominantly Residential Ordnance Survey 100049045 42 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 50 Land south of Longridge, Knutsford Key k Nature Conservation Priority Area Housing Site Existing Employment Area Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the green belt. os Existing Open Space in the Green Belt Green Belt

Indicative Flood Risk Area ; Proposed Employment Area Site of Nature Conservation Importance Scale 1:10,000 N Safeguarded Land Predominantly Residential © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 43 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 52 (Safeguarded) Land adjacent to Hall, Knutsford Key Safeguarded Land Proposed Safeguarded Land to be removed from the green belt. Strategic Employment Area os Existing Open Space in the Green Belt

Green Belt Predominately Residential Scale 1:10,000 N Site of Nature Conservation Importance ") Historic Parkland !( Scheduled Monument and Sites of County Importance © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Major Developed Site in the Green Belt Ordnance Survey 100049045 44 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


45 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 20 Glebe Farm, Middlewich Key Settlement Zone Line Proposed Housing Site to be removed from existing open countryside Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facility and the Settlement Zone Line realigned to the boundary of the site. Canal Conservation Area Existing Protected Area of Open Space Recreational Facilty which is Housing Site no longer in use is to be removed. Employment Allocation Mixed Use Allocation New Road Scale 1:8,000 N Owner Specific Employment Site Site of Special Scientific Interest © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Open Countryside Ordnance Survey 100049045 46 Housing Commitment Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 55 Land off Lane West (Phase II), Middlewich Key

Settlement Zone Line Proposed Housing Site to be removed from existing open countryside Open Countryside and the Settlement Zone Line realigned to the boundary of the site. Housing Commitment

Housing Site Scale 1:10,000 N Local Plan Boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 47 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017 Key !^ Development Requirement Site CS 56 Midpoint 18, Middlewich "T Improvements to Public Transport Facility  Scheduled Ancient Monument Middlewich Eastern By-Pass Proposed Employment Site to replace Employment Commitments Land within which a future Railway Station will be sited and smaller Employment Allocation. Employment Site Local Plan Boundary Settlement Zone Line

Open Countryside Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope Consultation Zone Scale 1:10,000 N Area at Risk from Flooding © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Employment Commitment Ordnance Survey 100049045 48 Mixed Use Allocation Recreation/ Leisure or Community Use Commitment Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)



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Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications! Feb 2017

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! Site CS 21 Kingsley Fields, Nantwich !

Key ## !

!!! Cycle Routes # Proposed Housing & Employment Site to be removed from the # # Conservation Areas

# ! Open Countryside and included within the Settlement Boundary. Highway Improvements Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields Housing & Employment Site Historic ! Battlefields Land to remain undeveloped Indicative! Flood Plain

Allotments Nantwich Riverside Scale 1:15,000 N Areas of Archaeological Potential New Woodland Planting and Landscaping Areas within Crewe and Nantwich Settlement Boundaries © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries Ordnance Survey 100049045 50 ! ! !




! Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed! Main Modifications Feb 2017 !

Site CS 23 Snow Hill, Nantwich !

Key ! Proposed Housing & Employment Site may affect existing town centre ! Cycle Routes Formal Open Space and School Playing Fields !

and shopping boundaries as well as existing car parks and Riverside Mixed Use Site Nantwich Riverside ! open space. ## Areas of Archaeological Potential Housing Commitments

# # Conservation Areas ! Indicative Flood Plain #

Crewe and Nantwich Town Centres Informal Open Space !

Scale 1:15,000 N Existing Car Parks ! Welsh Row, Nantwich

! © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 51 ! Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


52 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 57 Land adjacent to Hazelbadge Road, Key A556 Improvement Scheme

Green Belt

Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Green Belt. Housing Site

Indicative Flood Risk Area ; Predominantly Residential Scale 1:10,000 N pf Existing open space in the Green Belt / existing open space © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Cheshire East Council boundary Ordnance Survey 100049045 53 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 58 Land at Sprink Farm, Poynton Key Green Belt

Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Green Belt. Housing Site Indicative Flood Risk Area ; Predominantly Residential Scale 1:10,000 N © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 54 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Key Site CS 59 Land south of Road, Poynton A556 Improvement Scheme Poynton Relief Road Proposed Road Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Green Belt. Green Belt Housing Site Predominantly Residential Scale 1:10,000 N Cheshire East Council boundary © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 55 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Key Site CS 60 Adlington Business Park Extension, Poynton Poynton Relief Road Proposed Road Green Belt Proposed Employment Sites to be removed from the Green Belt. Safeguarded Land Green Belt boundary to be realigned with the Poynton Relief Road. Existing Employment Area Proposed Employment Area

Indicative Flood Risk Area Scale 1:10,000 ; N Employment Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 56 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Key Site CS 65 (Safeguarded) Woodford Aerodrome, Poynton Poynton Relief Road Proposed Road Proposed Safeguarded Land to be removed from the Green Belt. Green Belt Green Belt boundary to be realigned with the Poynton Relief Road. Safeguarded Land Existing Employment Area Proposed Employment Area Scale 1:10,000 Indicative Flood Risk Area N ; Employment Site © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 57 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


58 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Congleton Borough Local Plan First Review 2005 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

CS 24 Land adjacent to J17 of M6, KEY Planting Belt

south east of Congleton Road, Sandbach. Wildlife Area Proposed Housing & Employment Site to replace existing Employment Commitment Housing Site with corresponding revisions to both the Open Countryside and Settlemet Zone Line. Employment Site Settlement Zone Line Wildlife Corridor Area at Risk from Flooding Scale 1:10,000 N Employment Commitment Housing Commitment

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Site of Biological Importance Ordnance Survey 100049045 59 Open Countryside Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)


60 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 26 Royal London, Wilmslow Key Housing Site Housing and Employment Site, Protected Open Space and Potected Open Space Housing & Employment Site Housing Site to be removed from the green belt. Employment Site Major Developed Site in the Green Belt

Predominantly Residential k Nature Conservation Priority Area pf Existing Open Space in the Green Belt Scale 1:10,000 N Green Belt Indicative Flood Risk Area © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. ; Ordnance Survey 100049045 61 Proposed Road Existing Open Space Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 27 Wilmslow Business Park Key Housing Site Potected Open Space Employment Site to be removed from the green belt. Housing & Employment Site Employment Site

Major Developed Site in the Green Belt Predominantly Residential k Nature Conservation Priority Area Scale 1:10,000 pf N Existing Open Space in the Green Belt Green Belt © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Indicative Flood Risk Area Ordnance Survey 100049045 62 ; Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 36 (Safeguarded) Land at Upcast Lane/ Cumber Lane, Wilmslow Key Proposed Safeguarded Site to be removed from the Green Belt Safeguarded Site Green Belt

Predominantly Residential

Site of Nature Conservation Importance Scale 1:10,000 N © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 63 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 61 Land at Little Stanneylands, Wilmslow Key k Nature Conservation Priority Area

Proposed Housing Site to be removed from the Green Belt. Green Belt Proposed Open Space to remain in the Green Belt. Housing Site Indicative Flood Risk Area ; Predominantly Residential Scale 1:10,000 N Protected Open Space

© Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Site of Nature Conservation Importance Ordnance Survey 100049045 64 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 62 Heathfield Farm (allocation), Wilmslow Key Site CS 63 Land at Heathfield Farm (safeguarded), Wilmslow Safeguarded Land (2004 plan)

Safeguarded Land

Proposed Housing Site and Safeguarded Site Housing Site to be removed from the Green Belt Green Belt

Predominantly Residential Housing Commitment Scale 1:10,000 Area of Special County Value for Landscape N Existing Open Space © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 65 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Other Sites

66 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

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Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Site CS 28 Wardle Employment Improvement Area

Proposed Employment Site to be situated within the Open Countryside Key Employment Site k Equipped Children's Playgrounds Nature Conservation Hazardous Installations Consultation Zones

Open Countryside Outside Settlement Boundaries Scale 1:15,000 N © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 67 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Macclesfield Borough Local Plan 2004 Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

Key Site CS 29 Opportunity Site Alderley Park Previously Developed Land Existing Major Developed site in the Green Belt to be replaced by ") Historic Parkland !( Alderley Park site and Previously Developed Land Policy Site of Archaeological Importance Area of Special County Value Existing Conservation Area ; Green Belt Major Developed Site in the Green Belt Scale 1:18,000 N Proposed Road Site of Nature Conservation Importance © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 68 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

Strategic Green Gaps

69 EXISTING GREEN GAP Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017) Crewe & Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011

00.25 0.5 1 ¯ km 70 © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 STRATEGIC GREEN GAP Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017) Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

00.25 0.5 1 ¯ km 71 © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045 Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017)

HS2 Safeguarding Direction

72 HS2 Safeguarding Zone Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Stage: Policies Map (Feb 2017) Local Plan Strategy - Proposed Main Modifications Feb 2017

01.5 3 6 ¯ km 73 © Crown copyright and database rights 2017. Ordnance Survey 100049045