Ball State University State Budget Request 2013–2015 Biennium

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Ball State University State Budget Request 2013–2015 Biennium BALL STATE UNIVERSITY STATE BUDGET REQUEST 2013–2015 BIENNIUM Prepared by Ball State University’s Office of Governmental Relations in collaboration with academic and administrative units September 2012 The information presented here, correct at the time of publication, is subject to change. Ball State University practices equal opportunity in education and employment and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. 8390-12 umc REACHING HIGHER, ACHIEVING MORE Retention and completion. Performance and productivity. Efficiency and quality. Achieving these important outcomes as a public institution of higher education in Indiana requires an innovative, creative, entrepreneurial vision— especially amid today’s challenging financial climate. Ball State University is uniquely positioned to deliver on all of these priorities, which are asserted in the state’s Reaching Higher, Achieving More plan. The distinctive, immersive, transformative educational experience we provide not only prepares Indiana’s best and brightest students for success in the global marketplace but also reaps long-term economic benefits for the Hoosier state. Ball State’s investment in Education Redefined: Strategic Plan 2007–2012 has produced amazing returns as the university recruits and retains high- ability students—nearly 90 percent of whom are from Indiana—and provides accessible world-class faculty, real-world immersive learning experiences, the latest digital technology, and a vibrant and supportive campus. Our new Strategic Plan 2012 –2017 sets the stage for greater success in providing a holistic learning experience for bright and curious students while bringing pragmatic thinking to problems facing the state and its communities and businesses. Implementing these plans requires fiscally sound planning geared to a sustainable long-term approach to financial management, making the most efficient use of resources, facilities, and personnel. Because this approach has been integral to Ball State’s operation for decades, the university is poised to achieve its ambitious goals and objectives. By investing in Ball State’s development as an innovative, excellent, and affordable higher education option, the State of Indiana will retain more of its best and brightest students and reap the benefits of a savvy, entrepreneurial workforce ready for knowledge-based careers, new business development, and community leadership. Our applied research and immersive learning activities also cultivate intellectual capital, spark economic growth, and help students connect with employers so they might stay in Indiana after graduation. This request for biennial operating, line item, and capital improvement budget allocations supports our objectives to recruit better- prepared students, provide a better curriculum and educational experience, and deliver better outcomes for academic excellence and economic improvement. Jo Ann M. Gora, PhD President Ball State University CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 EDUCATION+IMPACT INTRODUCTION 3 REACHING HIGHER + EDUCATION REDEFINED 3 DEFINING QUALITY: BALL STATE 1918–2012 7 ICHE PRIORITY: COMPLETION 9 ICHE PRIORITY: PRODUCTIVITY 17 ICHE PRIORITY: QUALITY 27 OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST 41 EFFICIENT+EFFECTIVE LINE ITEM REQUEST: 45 PEOPLE+IDEAS THE ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY LINE ITEM REQUEST: 49 GIFTED+TALENTED THE INDIANA ACADEMY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REQUEST 53 CAMPUS+FACILITIES CAPITAL PRIORITY FACTORS 53 FACILITY STEWARDSHIP AND RENEWAL 56 CAPITAL PRIORITIES: 2013–2015 BIENNIUM 58 GENERAL REPAIR AND REHABILITATION 72 BUDGET REQUEST SCHEDULES 77 OPERATING+CAPITAL SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES 123 ACHIEVING MORE: 127 CHALLENGE+SUCCESS STRATEGIC PLAN 2007–2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BALL STATE UNIVERSITY STATE BUDGET REQUEST 2013–2015 BIENNIUM EDUCATION+IMPACT REACH NG H GHER, ACH EVING MORE A SUCCESS AGENDA FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIANA COMPLETION PRODUCTIVITY QUALITY Introduction Through its Reaching Higher, Achieving More strategic plan, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education has set goals in the areas of completion, productivity, and quality. Ball State University’s institutional priorities align with each of these goals. Our initiatives and programs ensure student success, institutional efficiency, and a dynamic return on investment benefiting Indiana’s students, economy, and communities. Ball State’s request for operating, line item, and capital appropriations for the 2013–2015 biennium reflects the university’s commitment to advancing higher education in Indiana and providing an innovative, academically excellent, and affordable education that focuses on high-quality undergraduate experiences offering relevant learning outcomes for high-ability students in the state and beyond. This request is framed by the challenges of Ball State’s new five-year strategic plan, the achievements of its recently completed strategic plan, and the tradition of quality, entrepreneurship, innovation, and efficiency that has defined the institution for nearly a century. REACHING HIGHER + EDUCATION REDEFINED On the heels of Ball State’s successful Education Redefined: Strategic Plan 2007– 2012, the university’s ambitious work to enhance its distinctiveness will continue seamlessly into our next five-year strategic plan. The goals and objectives of this new plan are aligned with the State of Indiana’s focus on completion, productivity, and quality, as the table on pages 4–5 illustrates. In developing this plan, we remained both in and out of the classroom; for focused on the following priorities: being relentlessly focused on learning ■ undergraduate education outcomes; for embracing and solving today’s greatest educational challenges; ■ selective admissions and for bringing fresh and pragmatic ■ four-year graduation thinking to the problems facing ■ immersive learning communities, businesses, and governments in Indiana and beyond. ■ diversity ■ online learning MISSION ■ economic development As a public research university, we VALUES ■ national recognition focus on students and high-quality, We are committed to the traditional relevant educational outcomes. ■ research awards values of the academy: freedom of Disciplinary knowledge is integrated inquiry, imparting knowledge, and Strategic Plan 2012–2017 lays out the with application. We do this in a manner advancing the frontiers of knowledge, following vision, mission, values, strategy, that fundamentally changes students, all for the purpose of bettering society and goals for Ball State going forward. researchers, and our external partners, and individuals. As a creatively pragmatic who look to the university for guidance. institution, we seek to articulate our VISION We transform information into knowledge, distinctive place in an increasingly diverse knowledge into judgment, and judgment We seek to become recognized for and interconnected world while holding into action that addresses complex providing bright and curious students a these values dear. holistic learning experience that occurs problems. 3 Executive Summary External forces will continue to shape the role of higher education. We seek to COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF lead rather than follow, with the following aspirations as our guide. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS We challenge: BALL STATE UNIVERSITY INDIANA COMMISSION STRATEGIC PLAN 2012–2017 FOR HIGHER EDUCATION ■ the current educational paradigm Goals and Objectives 2012 REACHING HIGHER, ■ our students to question assumptions ACHIEVING MORE PLAN and extend boundaries Corresponding Areas of Alignment ■ disciplinary constraints GOAL 1: Provide distinctive, high-quality Quality, productivity, completion ■ ourselves to be strategic with limited educational experiences resources Objective 1: Continue to strengthen the Preparation We advance: academic profile of the student body. ■ critical thinking and creative problem Objective 2: Focus clearly on student success. Productivity solving ■ scholarship and creative activity Objective 3: Be strategic in our graduate and Continuous efficiency undergraduate offerings. ■ coherent, integrated student experiences Objective 4: Foster student-faculty Quality collaboration at the graduate and ■ innovative built spaces and campus undergraduate level. infrastructure We embrace: Objective 5: Use external funding in support Continuous efficiency of distinctive and innovative educational ■ accountability, adaptability, and agility experiences throughout the university. ■ engagement with communities across Indiana Objective 6: Successfully implement a Learning outcomes cohesive, holistic core curriculum at the ■ diversity and inclusion undergraduate level. ■ a high-quality working and learning environment Objective 7: Be a university that attracts a Smarter pathways diverse student body, faculty, and staff. STRATEGY Objective 8: Place immersive learning at the Innovative models Ball State will continue its efforts to center of a Ball State education. differentiate itself from other public universities by enhancing the quality GOAL 2: Become a recognized leader for Quality, productivity, completion of the academic experiences offered educational and disciplinary innovation to all students, by attracting students Objective 1: Increase the number and range Learning outcomes, continuous of even higher quality, by supporting of academic programs and faculty members efficiency strong faculty and academic programs, that are nationally ranked and/or recognized. by enhancing a vibrant university Place particular emphasis on innovating community, and by providing a
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