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__J News serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods • MliliN-iDDN

• State Rep Ed Gaffney, R-Grosse Ewald family POinte Farms, supports the death penalty In convictions of first-degree murder of law enforcement officers Page 2A donates • The Grosse POinte Woods Cily Council followed through on Its own recommendation to place a referendum on rts Aug 3 pnmary ballot to free up In $1 million four Class C liquor licenses held escrow Page 3A • Llk:eblack: and white movies, the black:and white police car IS a classIc, and It has retumed to Grosse POinte to library WOods Page 7A • CHD received a Irttlerelief when rt New Park branch support for the new lIlltIa- petitioned the Grosse POinte Woods tIves to unprove the lIbrary City Council for a reduction of a water to be named the system IS growmg bill rt received In September 2002 for Carolyn and Ted "The value of thIS sub- $20,955 Page 7A stantIal donatIOn should be • Tougher laws lead to a 50 percent Ewald Library celebrated,~ Rands SaId drop In drunk:en dnvlng arrests dunng Photo by Brad L1ndberg By Carrie Cunningham "ThIS IS the most ambItIous 2003 In Grosse POinte Shores, accord- Staff Wnter fundraIslOg campaIgn 10 our Ingto the Village'syear-end public safe- Officers mourn fallen comrades hIStory, and It IS the nurtur- ty wrap-up Page 3A The Grosse Pomte PublIc mg of relatIOnshIps through- • Retlnng Grosse POinte Shores PSO John Jabnel of Grosse Pointe Shores secures the flag outside Library FoundatIOn out the years that WIllmake Public Safety Director Gary Mitchell's riI1age headquarters to half staff In moW'lliog for two Detroit pollce announced a major gIft of $1 the dIfference for genera- send-off took:on aspects of a celebnty officers gunned d01lnlJut week during a traffic stop. See page 2A. mIllIon from long tIme tIons to come ~ roast, Withhimself dishing out the best Grosse POInte Farms reSI- one-liners Page 16A dent Carolyn Ewald Kratzet was delIghted to • Stephen Polonl, a 17-year veteran Just another brick in the wall Kratzet at a meetIng of the make a contnbutIon to the qualIty of lIfe In Grosse of the Grosse POinte Shores pUblic Grosse Pomte PublIc People clriven up the waD by the stone sculpture at Kercheval LIbrary Board on Monday, Pomte safety department, IS named director and. St. Clair can view moclffied desJgn. during a special setlaion Feb 23 Page 16A of the City of Gro88e Pointe COUDell scheduled for Monday. March "My farmly and 1 are Just • Grosse POinte South's hock:ey 8. at 7:30 p,m. CoUDCUman C. John Stevens said three miDfature "ThIS IS a proud moment thnlled to be gJ.VIng back to team got an outstanding performance models wU1 be on band to Indicate how the sculpture can be put for the Grosse Pomte Pubhc thls wonderful area that has from goalie Marl

The Grosse POinte Board of Education meets In the Wlck:lngLibrary at Grosse POinte South High School at 8pm

Ob,tuanes 6A Opinion 8A Schools 13-15A Harper Woods 17A 8uslness 18A Autos ... 19A Health 58 Entertainment 6-78 ClaSSifIed ads 6e February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News


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2 Years ServIce ~ Regular Price Verizon Agreement ~ 3000 ReqUIred. -$150.00 Instant Credit Neighborhood SamsungA310 I, WHENEVER Minutes. £'9g.~$99.99 Your ~~=~ 2A February 26, 2004 News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlilles 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week wmg IS expected to begm m place for meetmgs, held • State officIals agree to thiS summer WIth a WInter m Wlckmg Llbrary at South help Grosse Pomte Farms 1980 completIOn date High School battle Dutch elm dISease • A charge of $4 IS estab- Camera eqUIpment WIll The state's $50,000 pledge lished for a mmor home cost the dlstnct $60,000 to comes a few weeks after repaIr program bemg orga. $80,000, accordmg to Farms officials request nIzed by Semors Onward for Supenntendent Ed Shme funds to help save the com- Change, or sac mumty's elm trees Program dIrectors Mary 5 years ago this week Aley and Diane Heavner "WhIle the sum does not • Sparkey Herbert's ends appear to be slgmficant, It IS also announce the creatIon of a sac telephone hotlme Its 20-year reIgn as a popu- m recogmtiOn of the rmpor- lar restaurant on Kercheval tance of contmuIng the bat- • ThIs month's meetmg of In Grosse Pomte Par ... tle agamst thIs disease," the Grosse Pomte Park CIty Owner Darrell FInken CItes says Harry Furton, Farms council IS rescheduled to declInmg busmess take place at the Pierce cIty clerk "We love our commumty MIddle School auchtonum • A complete boggmg and conslder our customers down of Grosse Pomte's The SWlteh IS made to to be part of our fanuly," CIvIl Defense program IS accommodate growmg Fmken says attendance by reSidents, m threatened unless full coop- Palmer Heenan, Park part because of controversy eratIon can be obtained from mayor, says, "ThIs IS a great all mUDlClpahtles of tlsmg federal Commumty dlsappomtment I enjoyed The tenseness of the SItu- Development Block Grants gomg there " Many reSIdents oppose atIOn IS revealed m a letter • Dr Earl Mindel!, author acceptIng block grants due sent to all five Pomtes by of the all-time best-sellmg Defense Coordmator George to the prospect of latent fed- eral stnngs attached to the book on nutntlOn, "Earl Elworthy It's no secret the Mmdell's Vitamm Bible," is letter ISaImed at the Shores Department of Housmg and Urhan Development mterVIewed by Jeanie and Woods, both of wluch McNe\1 and LIZ AIken, co- have been loath to partICI- New convenience for car parkers producers of "PosItIvely The City of Groue Pointe has made it easy for motorists to obtain nick- pate m a Jomt program 10 years ago this week POSItIve!" cable TV show • Cook Road m Grosse • Two alumm of Vernier els for parliDg meten by instaWDg a chaage-maklDg machine on the front The program IS filmed at the of the Sanden atore on Kercheval in the Village. PbyWa Vlak demon.nates Pomte Woods IS the scene of School vote Wlth a unanI- Grosse Pomte War much actIVIty as the $15 how the gadget worb. (Photo by Fred Runne1l8. From the Feb. 25, 1954 mous Grosse Pomte Shores Memonal anri aired on Gl'OMePointe News.) mIllion expansion of the VIllage councrl to tear down Commumty TeleVISIon DetroIt Umverslty School- the 78-year-old buIlding ServIces, Ch8llDel 5. Grosse Pomte Country Day deSIgned by Alfred Kahn Mmdell's book has sold School rushes along The deciSIon comes two nme mtlhon copIes in30 lan- Contractors expect to weeks after a deadlIne guages Death penalty referendum have the enlarged facility expires for any mterested • Our Lady Star of the ready for pupils by the start party to raIse $2 mllhon for Sea girls take second place of the fall term In the structure's renovatIon by 10 the ScholastIc OlymPICS resurrected Legislature September and mamtenance The area-WIde Cathohc • Members of the Grosse schools competItIon IS held 'Fry cop killers,' says state Rep. Ed Gaffney 25 years ago this week Pomte South Mothers' Club at Regma and Notre Dame and Booster Club host a hIgh schools By Brad Lindberg saId "People are fed up. • Workers begm delIver- Staff Wnter Ing heavy eqUIpment and Jomt meetmg to dISCUSS "/Ia police of{.; Cops take an extra nsk ramIficatIons of pay-te-play Enc Marshall's 15 mm- J 1J ~- They're protectmg us 24 settIng up fences around the utes of fame may set the SIte of Grosse Pomte South athletIc programs Woods cer is going to be hours per day !r.ave no use Of MIchIgan's 701 school stage for understudles to for anyone who would take a HIgh School's new $2 nullIon face the final curtam chstncts, 119 have adopted shot,let alone kIll a cop" mdusmal arts annex In response to Marshall's murdered in the A tentatIve constructIon some sort ofpay-to-play pol. closes The Pomtes' state senator, ley due to reforms m school alleged murder of two streets, and if the Martha Scott. D-Hlghland schedule forecasts work on Detrolt polIce officers last the buIldIng to be finIshed finanCIng ::::ity opposes the death • Tape recorded broad- gun range week, Lansmg legislators perpetrator is not by late fall. Remodelmg of are hmng up to lift the ensting mdusmal arts casts of Grosse Pomte Board The Grosse POInte Woods roperly dealt "I don't belIeve In takIng a City CounCIl finalIzed a MIchIgan's ban on the death P Itfe/ Scott SaId. "There are a of Educatlon meetIngs WIll penalty aIr on Grosse Pomte Cable declsIOn to close ItS gun with you have a number ofthmgs we have to "Fry cop kIllers, n Bald Channel 20 range to reSIdents , do 10 sOCIety We Just can't "ThIS has been a long The vote Monday mght Edward Gaffney, R-Grosse keep puttmg people In Pomte Farms breakdown in bme eommg," says Cmdy followed a recomnrendatlOn • ~p(1 pnson untIl we address the Larry Juhan, R-Lentlon~ Pangborn, a Fanus reSl- of the counml at lta McJnda.y, soct~":1" "J - : "wlfole prOblem" __ ! _ • Yeb 9, work seSSIon in mtroduced House J010t dent and advocate of ResolutIon W on Peb' '19, Gary Mitchell... She CIted SOCIallIlJustIce, broadcastIng board meet- which It CIted reco=enda- three days after Marshall's Public Safety Director, a breakdown of the fanWY mgs tIons to close the range to Grosse Pointe ShoTes and the need for educatIOn. reSidents by the CIty'S nsk alleged 2 a m. gun shngIng "We have to start treatIng Pangborn arranged for a tallIed the latest law manager, msurance compa- Death sentences for any all people altke and puttIng Wayne State UnIVerslty enforcement officers kIlled ny, Parks and RecreatIOn cnme are prohibIted In resources mto commum- stlIdent to tape meetmgs m MIchIgan at no cost by utIhzmg ComIDlssIOn, attorney Don ArtIcle IV of the 1963 state tles, n Scott S81d "We used to The measure, cosponsored sound eqUIpment already Berschback and Pubhc Constitution have close faIDlhes We don't Safety DIrector MIchael by 33 legIslators, would JulIan, a retIred MIclugan have the lund of extended MakowskI. The recommen- amend the ConstItutIon to State Pohee sergeant who fanuhes we used to have datIons were pnmanly prOVIde for death penalty spent 27 years 10 the FlInt Throwmg more people m based on the CIty'Shability legIslatIOn m cases of first- area, would support actual pnson IScostIng us so much nsk degree murder death penalty legIslatIOn money when we could be Votmg m favor of c10smg Two-thIrds support from only If It apphed to clear-cut educating our chIldren " the range were Mayor the House and Senate are cases Gaffney SaId excuses don't Robert NOVltke and counCIl needed for the resolutIon to "EVIdence has to be matter members Patncla appear on the ballot If vot- beyond any shadow of "There are a lot of people ers approve, lawmakers ~ ~v\'-~oVl.te estLVl.tClte ChylmskI, Allen DIckInson doubt, not Just reasonable who grew up 10 a ternble and VickI Granger CounCIl would be allowed to craft doubt," Julian s81d eXIstence and poverty and death penalty statutes members LIsa Pmkos He saId circumst8nt181 didn't become cnmmals," Howle, Dona DeSantis "Implementation would cases shouldn't qualuy Gaffney sald "There's no "" ~~CR.[,l~ 9 ~eL[ver~ have to be done by the Reynolds and Darryl "These are cold-blooded excuse for It I'm SIckened by LegIslature," Juhan said SpIcher cast "no" votes murders where the defen- the whole damn thmg .. u u ~ ~eCOrGlhv\'g r::lcMce dant IS standmg over the "Pohce officers are your body, hiS bloody hand WIth a first hne of defense agamst kmfe 10 It, droppmg the all cnmmal actIVItIes," SaId kmfe In front oflaw enforce- Gary MItchell, dIrector of ment and other WItnesses pubhc safety In Grosse saYIng, 'I kIlled hIm .... POInte Shores and a 4o-year SPRING SALE JulIan said veteran of law enforcement Yatufernp .. UpliolStery Blooming wlth PosslbdlllCS Gaffney supports the "If a polIce officer ISgomg to death penalty for cop be murdered m the streets, 28709 Harper Ave • 51 Clair Shores • 3 Blks S of 12 Mile kIllers, but not sweepmg and If the perpetrator IS not 5867729910 capItal pumshment properly dealt WIth, you www Ylnderilpuphoillery com "I'm sick an d tIred of cops have a breakdown 10 SOCI- gettmg kIlled," Gaffney ety"

Grosse Pointe Coach c,lVor ~rllSSt Juhdr ~oobs, I\tichlgan Luxury Sedan Transportation NOTICE OF RFVIEW OF THE 2004 ASSESSME"IT ROLL NOllcc 1~ herehy gJ\cn lhatlhe Board of ReVIew of the City of 2004 & 2003 Lincoln Town Cars Gro~~e POinte Wood~. Wayne Counly. MichIgan, Will be In ~S~lon 10 the CommuOlty Center of the Municipal BUilding, 20025 Mack Plaza. aros~ POinte Woods, MichIgan on

Th~ay, March 9, 2004 Tuesday, March 23.2004 J from 900 a m 10 noon, I 10 P m 10 5 10 P m and 6 00 P m J to 800 pm EST for revlev.lng thc 2004 A~~c~~ment Roll I All per<;on~ con"denng themo;elve~ aggnevcd hy Ihelr a~~~~. Within Grosse Pointe area $15 ment. or who have any que'llon, or comment, may make an appolntmenl 10 appeal heforc the Board of ReView hy COnla~(- From G.P. to Downtown $25 mg the Tax Deparlmenl (phone 111-'41 2415) hetwecn Fehruary 21 and March 12 2004 Re~ldcnl la~payer, mu,t From Downtown to Metro Airport-.$40 appear In per~o" or ~nd an agent to appeal thclr a~'ie~~ment From G.P. to Metro Airport $50 Tentallvc Statc f-qualm:d Factor<; ("ommeTCIal Property I 000 From S.C.S to Metro Airport $57 lndu,tnal Property 1 000 RC~ldenl1al Property I 000 InquIre for addluonal de,lmallon .. (Gralully nOl mcluded) " ...."-lll Pl;1~M:"'( IHM I~FO ...... nOW"RI Wt"H ~ ~K ~q, ':)6(')"- Pcro;onaI Propenyl 000 Add $2 00 Airport ~ fee for tn~ that ongmalc from Metro Airport /t,VAI[ .4.1111 P 10 l)f.qGNfll:\ AT F..- ~C11 between 5 am. IJ pm (313)885-Urn WIlliam B. Knapp, _AIlAFUI"lTlJll COW Major credll card .. accepted • MOOT Cerllfled a PN 02119/2004,02126/2004,0\10412004 Cily A~o,e,1Or February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News Letters 11A Woods schools If a student prOject ImmedIately Just as I must do as a breaks hiS or her leg and IS Feb. 23 I have just returned have corrected Itself Letters- And for the record Mr homeowner, the school sys- home from a Grosse POInte on crutches, we move the I would hke to InVIte the Shenll, thIS has a huge tem WIll find the resources Woods CouncIl meetIng CItIzens of Grosse Pomte to From pageM classroom to the first floor" Impact on the ~quahty of through careful exammatJon There were several Items of assist the ChIldren's Home I went to the Webster's educatIOn" for my daughter of pnontles and telhng voters where to go to dictIOnary and looked up busmess, but one In particu- Ifeach household would con- and all the other mentally or reductlon/ehmmatlon of lar has prompted thIS letter apply for an absent voter's "d18abled " DlSabled' unable, tnbute $2, the finanCIal phYSIcally challenged chIl- those deemed less cntlcal In 2002, the ChIldren's ballot In person, there was unfit or meffectlve, cnpple, challenge faCIng tIDs facilIty dren who are In, or will Jay It. Hackleman Home of DetroIt, wIDch has no notice concernmg where incapaCItate From there, I would qUlCkly be resolved I someday be m our school Gro!i8e Pointe Park been a long-standing and to wnte for one Clearly, the looked up "cnpple. Cnpple dIstnct suggest sending a check to people who run our govern- much loved instItution In the Children's Home, notmg a person or an aromal that IS I don't beheve for a ment schools would prefer to our community, encountered on It the purpose for wIDch lame or otherwIse dIsabled moment that these mfrac- Biblical truths keep theIr election as secret a situation ill wIDch their the money IS Intended In a way that prevents nor- tlons have gone unnotIced. To the Editor: system of underground as possIble so that only mal motion of the lImbs or Your act of kmdness WIll They were addressed and The GroSBe Pointe News pIpes malfunctIOned This teachers and school actiVIsts body Then I took It one more surely be apprecIated unfortunately went unre- Pastor's Corner artIcles subsequently caused a know of It and exercise their step to "handicapped" NancyVelek solved "BIble stones," prInted In water bill of some $21,000 ngh t to vote on the ballot Handicapped those who are Grosse Pointe Woods questIon I have been advocatmg the Feb 12 Issue, and "The for a two-month penod phYSIcally dIsabled or men- tIDs Issue with the Harper season of goodWIll - and Because I did not know tally unp811'ed Four thousand dollars Woods school dlstnet for not gay mamage," pnnted In have been paId, but the where to address my request I'm confused because I Letters welcome only my daughter, but In the Jan 1 Issue, seem to be remammg $17,000 are still for an absent voter's ballot, I have been workmg WIth the conjunction WIth other par- saymg the same thing - do outstanding All late fees mailed It to the school dls- pnnclpal at Beacon The Grosse POInte tnct admInistration office It ents of phYSIcally, mentally not belIeve everything that and penalties have been News welcomes your Elementary, along WIth the and learmng disabled chil- you read in the BIble Does would not surpnse me If the teachers, SOCIalworker and waIved. The Chlldren's Letters to the EdItor powers-that-be handle my dren These Issues are deti- that not beg the questIon Home has paId all the bIlls school psychologIst for more mtely no surpnse "what parts should you The deadlIne for let- request in a manner that than a year now m regards since that time, but finds Kathy (Souvigoey) beheve?" itself In a fInanCIal bmd to ters IS 3 p m Monday prevents me from receiVIng to my daughter, a kinder- Smith If the BIble IS just lItera- cover the InVOIcefrom 2002. a ballot and returnIng It on gartner, who ISdIsabled She Send letters to EdItor, Harper Woods ture, to be read for its The CIty of Grosse Pomte time to be counted In the has cerebral palsy Beacon IS Grosse POIDte News, 96 election "truth" but not for facts, or If Woods had the meter tested, also aware of several other we are to dlSnnss certam Kercheval, Grosse Because I am sIck and Hard choices and dId an extensIve mvestJ- Pomte Farms, Mlch d18abled students who passages that say that bred of ~stealth" elections attend theIr school. By no To the Editor: gatIon, as dId the Children's 48236, or fax them to hke thiS one, I urge my homosexual behaVIOr IS a Home mamtenance staff No means does disabled only I reahze that any old sm, then where do we stop? (313) 882-1585 Letters neIghbors and fnends cause for the exceSSIve may also be sent e-mall mean a person IS on crutch- buIldmg needs updatmg, Why should we beheve throughout the Grosse es water consumption was ever to edItor@grossepomte- ongomg repaIr and mamte- that Jesus Christ dIed for deternnned, and the unex- Pomtes to vote "No" on the I have obtamed from news com proposed tax Increase nance Tlus IS costly and our SinS? Just because the plamed situatIon appears to OCR, Office of ClVlI RIghts, must be done carefully to And I urge our state Rep BIble said so? Chapter 1 - Office for ClVlI mamtain the mtegnty of a Ed Gaffney to do everything Why should we beheve RIghts, Department of structure, halt detenora- that God loves us? That that he can to support legIS- Education, Part 104 - tion, and preserve It for latIon that would establIsh a there is a God? NondlscrimmatlOn on the more years of useful serVIce On the other hand, what hmited number of dates basis of handIcap In pro- upon whIch any election can I know all of tins because I IfGod really created us WIth SEE ME grams or actiVIties recelVJng lIve In one such buIldmg be held That nnght help to free will? What If he estab- Federal finanCIal assistance WIth my family all day, lIshed guidelines that, prevent the educational Under Subpart A, section every day It's my home. bureaucracy from attempt- though on the surface may FOR YOUR 104 3 Defimtlons It clearly As revenue becomes mg to sneak up behind me seem to lInnt us, are actual- states the many defimtlOns restncted, I must make hard and pIck my pocket ag8Jn ly meant to bnng us greater INSURANCE of disabled By no means chOIces because I do not JOy? Justin Moran have I been, (quoted from have unlImited resources I Gro!i8e Pointe Woods And what Ifhe loved us so Mr Danosky), "assured that can choose to conserve eXIst- much that, knowmg we are AND FINANCIAL no children are affected by mg funds through Invest- all a little rebellious and School the old school buIldmgs," ment and saVIDgs, borrow- would not lIve perfect lIves, REVIEW qUite the OPPOSIte to be Ing someone else's money, or he really dId send hIs son to renovation exact dOing WIthout I don't have dIe m our place so that he The old, non-ADA complI- the power to requIre my could reconCIle WIth us for Together we II pnonuze your needs and needed ance school buildIngs affect neIghbor to wnte me a eternIty? help you plan your finanaal future To the Editor: us every school day of our check • Schedule lOur free revIew today What If the BIble really \\ F L!\ [ \\ HLRF 10l ll\ F- I am wntmg In response lIfe. The lIabilIty alone tins SometImes these hard meant what It s81d? Sand)' MtadoT Agenl puts on the school dIstnct 18 chOices reqUIre my saymg 19587 '\tack Avenue- to an artIcle wntten by Mark LubieDBki c.~ Pomte \\ oods M I +8236 JennIe Miller, m the Feb 19, tremendous "no" to good thIngs, even to Grosse Pointe Woods Bus ,I3-,'I}.5liOO Grosse POinte News, titled I do agree WIth the school proposed tax mcreases to sandy meador gckrii'stat.tbnn com admmlstrators, that even fund repaIrs and mamte- II "Dlstnct forced to renovate schools." though only the IDgh school nance to pubhc school build- Send I was very confused when was Inspected and CIted by Ings contributions I read the quote by Harper OCR, that all the $chools But m saymg no on March ~r;; Woodsc " " w '~ch'ool ~uI1dm~ ,.~~~RI' J.9" QA 16. I .4Q.1.\'t:".~heve 1ll:<;l:lID- to CHp lIkE A GOOD NaCHBaR. STATE FAll\lllS THEIlE.. Superlntendent Dan Improved This snoulo, oy pllsbment. of theB& good ~11tJl1"'","td:ltd~""".,.,.1QlS Danosky, ~e don't have any nghts, be incorporated Into things IS blocked - the To the Editor: C

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P F R ~ () N A I RAN KIN G • I END I N G • WE A IT H MAN A<. F M ~ N T

TRlJ<;T AND F"TATE PlANNING V'Slt us on our web site at WNW stjohn org 10A News February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News

Display taken stop a bike theft In Drogr~'" Chnstmas decoratIOns, a m the 600 block of upon bemg Investigated for bird feeder and Wind chImes Bamngton m Grosse Pomte PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS drunken dnvmg In Grosse were taken from the outsIde Park at about 11 a m on Pomte Farms Dante Tuesday, Feb 17 An officer who had been of a house In the 1000 block Thursday, Feb 19 He dId of Bedford m Grosse Pomte Officers apprehended the The passenger had a pis- guardmg an armored car suspect, a Detroit resident, not see who fired the pamt- tol stlckmg out from under tonight at Park sometime between balls crew at Mack and HIllcrest Sunday, Feb 15, and who was ndmg the stolen hIS walstband saw the woman's black 2004 G.P.library Wednesday, Feb 18 bike Officers drew theIr Jeep Cherokee headmg west Officers, however, have Box, no goods, Sidearms and ordered the on Mack The rear bumper not yet recovered a 24-mch men to ralse their hands was draggzng on the pave- The Fnends of the Rxscam T-Rex mountam bike taken delivered Both obeyed. ment Grosse Pomte LIbrary A phYSICian'soffice m the from a front lawn In the A reSIdent m the 1100 The pIstol turned out to be Upon stoppmg the WIllpresent a lecture by 20100 block of Mack m 1100 block of Lakepomte block of Amta m Grosse a DaIsy 4 5 mm BB gun Cherokee on Chalfonte at Dr Ralph WIllIams, a Grosse Pomte Woods IS sometime between 3 and 6 Pomte Woods received a Officers sazd the owner, a Bournemouth, the officer professor In the mISSing an unknown num- p m on Saturday, Feb 21 package from an onhne 17-year-old St Clalr Shores detected an odor of alcohol Enghsh, Language and ber ofprescnptlOn slIps bookseller but dId not reSIdent, also possessed a A 21-year-old female pas- Literature department A DetrOIt pharmacy called receive the book and VIdeo suspected narcotIcs pIpe senger from Grosse Pomte of the Umverslty of the phYSICIan's office on Air gun that were supposed to be Offieers CIted and released Woods began sweanng at MIchIgan, at 7 30 P m Monday, Feb 16, to venfy mSlde the box the pazr, mcludmg the 16- officers when they refused to Thursday, Feb 26, at that the names the prescnp- confiscated The reSIdent found the year-old dnver, also from St stop mvestlgatmg the drIver the Grosse Pomte South tIons were Issued to Grosse Pomte Woods pub- opened box, whIch was left Clazr Shores for alcohol consumptIOn Htgh School lIbrary matched those ofpatlents at bc safety officers confiscated at her front door sometrme The stop occurred on The passenger objected to WillIams will lecture an air gun from a 17-year- between 3 p.m on Thursday, Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 2:03 bemg mvestlgated herself on "Dante and the the practlce They dtd not Visual Arts ~ A pharmacy employee old Woods boy, who was Feb 19, and 720 p.m. on pm., on northbound Moross "Look at my name," she SaId both prescnptlOns were playmg basketball m a Fnday, Feb. 20 as the vehIcle headed across reportedly saId to pohce "Dante la perhaps the dropped off at the pharmacy school yard In the 1600 the border mto DetrOIt when presenting her identi- greatest of all poets of by the same two suspects block of Vernier at about 5 The car had a burned out ficatIon "Read my name. I the West," Wllhams p m. on Thursday, Feb. 19 He too had too brake lIght. don't need thIS ~ Bald. "We WIll explore The officers came to the much Officers learned her dri- his ability to Illummate reason through lan- Shaving profits school after receiVIng a call A 66-year-old Grosse Drug offender ver hcense was suspended, An employee of a store In from a teacher In the school, Pomte Park man, who took and let her call a mend for a guage and fire the rmag- who dId not realize the air On Wednesday, Feb 18, at nde home from the scene matIon, then VIew and the 19300 block of Mack In on desIgnated dnver respon- 2 am, Grosse Pointe Farms gun dIscuss works of VISual Grosse Pomte Woods saw a was not a firearm sIblhty, was arrested for The dnver ultimately con- polIce condUctlng a traffic art whIch were mspIred man grab 10 boxes of dIspos- The officers adVIsed the drunken drIving JD Grosse sented to a breath test She boy of the CIty'SordInance on stop encountered a 40-year- regIstered a 14 percent by Dante's 'Comedy.'" able razor cartndges before Pomte Woods on Saturday, old female reSIdent WIth a the prohIbition of the use of blood alcohol level. Pollce WIlhams speCIalizes fleemg In a whIte and blue Feb. 21 hIstory ofbreakmg the law aIr guns m pubhc areas Sald It was her second alco- 1D MedIeval and early 1980s full-SIze Ford The dnver was mltlally "(The arrestmg officer) gun hol VIolatIon RenaIssance hterature, van down Bournemouth before confiscatmg the spotted driVIng a blue 2000 has had previous profeSSIOn- Shakespeare, literary The inCIdent took place BMW WIth its headlIghts al contacts WIth (the theory, comparatIve lit- around 11 a.m on Monday, turned off on Blmrmoor at woman) for (drug) related Hits curb Feb. 16 Employees saId Paintball target erature and Blbhcal about 12:42 a m The officer actIVIty,~pohce SaId A 31-year-old Birming- studIes they have seen the suspect An unknown person was made a traffic stop after the The woman had been a ham man regzstered a .225 m the store m the past. The USIng the 2000 block of dnver made a WIde turn The lectures are pre- passenger m her 2000 percent blood alcohol level sented free to members retaIl value of the razors Hawthorne In Grosse Pomte onto Marter WIth no turn PontIac Grand Am dnven by last week upon bemg mves- was $150 Woods as a pamtball shoot- SIgnal of Friends of the Grosse a 46-year-old male compan- tIgated for dnmken dnvmg Pointe LIbrary. Non- mg range. The man, who adnutted to Ion from MadIson Heights m Grosse Pomte Farms. members may purchase Bike thefts A Woods man Sald hIs car haVIng a few dnnks at a POlIce saw the vehIcle m the On Fnday, Feb. 20, at 6 26 was hit by several palntballs hockey game that evenIng, tzckets for $10. Pnor Grosse Pomte Park publIc 400 block of Bournemouth p.m , an officer saw the man registratIon IS recom- while dnVIng down the saId he was dnving his safety officers were able to WIth a defective taIllIght. exammmg the damaged mended, but not neces- street at 9:45 p.m. on brother-in-Iaw's car SJDcehis The Farms woman was front dnver-side tire of hIs sary. Call (313) 343- brother-m-Iaw had too much wanted on a $500 warrant red 2002 Pontiac Aztek 2074, ext. 204. to dnnk. for retaIl fraud In MadIson parked m the left lane of The man fazled some field Heights. Lakeshore near Moross sobnety tests and recorded a Officers found two rocks of Damage occurred when hIt- "Johnny Cochran and blood alcohol level between crack cocame and a loaded tIng the curb. Geoffrey Fteger brmg It on I 0.13 percent and 014 per- synnge m the woman's car have nghts~ I cent "(The) synnge was filled Child The woman refused to Harner .• WIth suspected herOIne," I cooperate whzle blood was polIce saId drawn at a local hospItal. A I Laser €linic: B~oken car "It's not mme; It'S hiS," the endangerment On Saturday, Feb 21, at Taser shot to the shoulder I I wIndow woman sald, referenCIng her brought only short-term companion PolIce released 12.55 a.m, a Grosse Pomte ••Laser Vein Removal Someone broke the nght calm I the man at the scene Farms patrolman saw a rear wmdow of a whIte 2000 I , "'Laser Genesis I Upon transportmg the dark green 1997 Ford Escort I Ford Focus parlsAd Ul t.b': being driven southbound m Skin Rejuvenation woman to headquarters for Blood dawn I 2000 block of VanAntwerp III the northbound lanes of I Grosse POinte Woods. processmg and pIckup by I At' 40-year-old Hamson Moross without headlights. 'lbwnshIp man was CIted by I The owner of the car sald MadIson Heights authontles FDA Approved I Upon bemg stopped on Grosse POInte Shores polIce he heard a crashIng sound on the shopliftIng charge, Kercheval near Ridgemont, for refuSIng to perform a I FREE AU Skin Types, • at about 2 a m on Saturday, police learned she'd hIdden a small pIpe m her pants the dnver, a 29-year-old Breathalyzer correctly while IConsultallonsl • Feb 21 Abnck was found In Tans OK' "(She) shook her nght leg DetrOIt woman, had four beIng mvestigated for I For Men Ie Women • the car. a few tImes, and a glass pipe chIldren m the car ages 2 drunken dnVIng. HIS behav- through 10 I fell out of her pants leg," Ior resulted 1D hIS beIng I IS-year-old police SaId Officers CIted her for hav- cited for techmcal1y refusing I The arrestmg officer mg a 20 pereent blood alco- to take the test • joy-rider requested detectives forfeIt hol level, chIld endanger- On Saturday, Feb. 21, at Warnmg Keepmg your the woman's car under state ment and dnVIng WIth a 11 05 pm, a patrolman I• t.OOIGlide'\ headlIghts off IS not a good narcotIcs laws hcense that had been sus- caught the man dnving a way to keep a low profile pended eIght times Officers 1987 Ford Bronco at 54 mph when sneakmg off with Drunk drives found maI1Juana m the car. on Lakeshore near Vermer Mom's car m the nuddle of The woman said she'd A search turned up a film the mght been dnvmg from the area canIster of mSI1Juana and school's truck of Eight MIle and Telegraph A 15-year-old St ClaIr On Thursday, Feb 19, at pIpe contarmng marijuana to Telegraph and reSIdue. Shores boy learned that les- 1 05 am, a man behmd the Schoolcraft son the hard way when a wheel of a pIckup truck reg- Officers took the man to a PolIce arrested the woman local hospItal where a Grosse POinte Woods officer Istered to the Warren GROSSE POINTE TOWNSHIP pulled hIm over on Mack at and released the chIldren to search warrant from Consohdated school dIstnct a 25-year-old DetroIt man AND 3 10 a m. on Saturday, Feb was pIcked up for drunken MUnICIpal Judge Lynne 2l. officers saId was theIr PIerce allowed blood to be LAKE TOWNSHIP dnvmg In Grosse POInte father The boy was arrested for Farms drawn and tested for alco- hol dnvmg WIthout a hcense The 47-year-old Sterlmg Dissed 2004 BOARD OF REVIEW SESSIONS He and hiS passenger, HeIghts reSIdent tested pos- another 15-year-old St Clalr ItIve for a 22 percent blood A 26-year-old DetrOit Hot product The As,essment Roll for the Township of Gro"e POinte, Shores boy, were released to alcohol level woman had to be hand- hiS mother cuffed, constramed, wres- On Thursday, Feb 19, at Wayne County and the Township of Lake Macomb ('ounty, An officer spotted him dn- tled to the ground and her 3 50 pm, a woman bVIng on Grosse POInteShore" MichIgan, for the year 2004 ha' been - Bonnie Capraro vmg a white 2002 GMC ankles shackled whlle bemg Oxford In Grosse POInte compiled The tentativeequalization rates for rc,rdentlal and 1500 at 13 mph over the 30 booked for drunken dnVIng Shores reported a burnIng commeTCIalpropertyISI 00 and the e'llmated re"dcnllal mul- mph limit on southbound Kids caught In Grosse POInte Farms on odor commg from her Moross near Beaupre A tiplier for 2004" I 00 and estImatedcommerCIalmuillpher IS ,CIty of Grosse Pomte Saturday, Feb 21, at about 3 daughter's bedroom, but no I 00 No mcrease will be renected on asse',ment, unlesscon- polIce caught two hometown traffic stop took place on am smoke A publIc safety offi- Structionhas beendone to a home which wouldaffect liSvalue boys, ages 13 and 15, westbound Lakeshore near cer traced the odor to a Kerby The woman reportedly (assessment) The taxable mcrea,e for 2004 " I 023 and Will shopltftmg plastIC tubmg shouted obscemttes, kIcked, "cleanlng!beauty product ~ be applied to the 20(Htaxable amount The exception to th". from a store In the Village tned to scratch and head IS If there wa, a tran,fer of owner,hlp then the taxable and retaIl dlstnct on Saturday, Attacks officer butt officers who took her a't;e''\Cdamount, are thc 'amc The Boardof ReViewWIll hear Feb 21, at about 2 30 p m On Thursday, Feb 19, at Into custody for dnVIng WIth Bad conduct offiCIalpetillon, on the follOWingdale, about 730 pm, a 14-year- a blood alcohol level rated at A 21-year-old St ClaIr In denial old DetrOIt male who was 184 percent Shores man who was want- TtJKliDAY, MARCH 2, 2004 On Saturday, Feb 21, at reportedly causmg a dIstur- Pohce sazd they saw the ed In DetroIt for disorderly conduct was caught for 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon ~ 37 am, a woman WIth a bance In the 200 block of woman dnvIng her Silver MUIr was caught runnmg 2004 PontIac Grand Am drunken dnVIng In Grosse and 244 percent blood alcohol away by Grosse Pomte erratically on westbound Pomte Shores on Thursday, 1:30 p m. - 5:00 p.m. level wa, seen dnVIng her green 1995 Oldsmobile In Farms police near the Inter- Mack at Moross She'd skid- Feb 19, at 1203 a m the eastbound laneq of west- section of CharleVOIX ded to a stop at a red hght Pobce said the man had MONDAY, MARCH II, 2004 bound Jefferson near Fl'lher At the scene, approxI- and hIt the curb when start- been dnVIng hIS white 1990 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. m the City of Grosse POinte mately seven of the boy's Ing up agaIn Chevrolet four-door 20 mph and The woman, a 26-year-old fnends approached officers At headquarters, she over the speed bmlt, on 6:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m. St ClaIr Shores reqldent, from behmd Officers had to refused to take a second northbound Lakeshore near Oxford demed dnnkmg and then repeatedly order the group Breathalyzer test She The Board will meet m Ihe Gro"c POinte"hore, MUniCipal admItted consumIng one to stay back became enraged when offi- He had a blood alcohol level of 14 percent BurldlOg«'''1 nOm) 79'; Lake "hore Road Gro,'C Pomle ounce of alcohol The 14-year-old tned to cers obtamed a search war- punch a patrolman rant from Mumclpal Judge "hore, All property owner- wr,hmg 10 appeal their a"e" She was arrested for drunken dnvIng Police took the boy to Matthew Rumora for a blood ment, and w"hmg 10 file offKldl perIllon, WIllhe ..cen BY test Neon nabbed headquarters A search On Wednesday, Feb 18, at APPO[lIlTMF.NT OM,\'. Appomlmenr, may he made hy revealed a compact dIsk by Offieers qald the woman ~alhng R!l4 02~4 PelrtKln.. bv mail mu'i' be recei~ed by the 10 28 pm, Grosse POInte Routine stop the rap group Ludacnst and wouldn't remove her nngs Shol'E's pohce pulled over a Board PRIOR to the la,t snsion f03/11/04} 'iO they may be Twelve hours after a a small bag of suspected and other jewelry, whIch fea- speedIng maroon Plymouth reviewed m a tnnely manner. AddlllOnally.theA''C''or. Mr manjuana DetrOIt poheeman and tured sharp edges and pre- Neon four-door on north- TImothy 0 Donnell "avallahle to meet wllh you every pohcewoman were gunned sented a danger to pohce bound Lakeshore at Monday aftcrnoon You may call 8114-02~4 for an down, a pair of male and and medical staff Fontana dppomtmcnr Mouthy friend Officers cut ofTthe nngs female Gros~e Pomte Farms On Fnday, Feb 20, at 3 14 The dnver, a 35-year-old p1Jhllc qafety officers pulled The woman threatened to am. a 31-year-old woman sue man from Warren, tested GPN 02/19/2004 & 02/2t)/2004 over a car contaInmg two fmm Harper Woods refused poSitive for a blood alcohol teena~E' males "Johnny Cochran bnng It level of 12 percent to take a Breathalvzer test on,~ she yelled at pohce - Brad Llruiberg February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe Newli News 3A Locals indicted in nationwide drug ring bust A federal grand Jury m more than 1,000 kIlograms senger cars from MexICOto Younan has been accused money In exchange for Ius the Macomb County DetroIt mdIcted 20 members of mlll1Juana Brosnan faces Michigan until It made one. as worlung as a faclhtator silence Sheriff's Office under the of an lj.lleged nahonwlde an addItIonal charge of to two-ton dellvenes m com- for one of the alleged nng- In accordance to federal auspIces of the Orgamzed drug nng accused of Import- attempted possessIOn WIth merclal movmg vans One leaders, and on at least two drug VIOlatIOns, Jeffrey Cnme Drug Enforcement mg 40 tons of Illegal drugs rntent to mstnbute more tan such large-scale dehvery occasIOns made advanced Colhns, a U S. dlstnct attor- Task Force Program, a from MeXICOto southeast 1,000 lulograms of manJua- was the focus of a seizure arrangements to transport ney for the Eastern DIstnct mulh-agency/muht-dlstnct Michigan over the past 13 na and an arrest of Brosnan at mal1Juana rn a co=erclal of MIchigan, 18 seelung to federal program, which tar- years, rnelumng some who Other named m the hIS house In March I, 2003 moving van. seIZe a vehIcle and several gets major drug dlstnbutlOn hve m the Grosse Porntes, IndICtment hve In Brosnan has been accused of Harrouk allegedly worked buildings One of those networks Harper Woods and St ClllJr Bmnmgham, Chesterfield acceptmg several large-scale WIth Younan m arrangIng bwldmgs lDeludes one ID the "If conVIctedon all counta, Shores TownshIp, Hamson dehvenes at hiS Park house the mspatchmg of the mov- 16300 block of Mack m the the defendants may receive John 1i.mothy Brosnan of 'IbwnShlp, Sterling Heights, and busmess mg vans between MeXICO Park owned by one of the sentences up to hfe m pnson Grosse POinte Park, Llvoma, Royal Oak, Vican has been accused of and MIchIgan m addlhon to mdlcted alleged consplra- or fines totalrng $4 mIlhon MalJone Vican of Harper Cahforma, Anzona, New actmg as a money couner for mamtammg records of the tors, George DaVId Thomas or both," said Jeffrey G Woods, James Younan of St Jersey, Nevada and Flonda. the orgaD1zatlOn It IS also group's actiVIty of Blrmmgham Colhns, US Attorney for Cllllr Shores and Abraham The defendants were beheved she delIvered man- Seven others were The mmctments came as a the Eastern Dlstnct of Harrouk of Grosse Pomte accused for their roles In the Juana from 'lUcson to Detroit charged WIth obStructIOn rn result of an InvestigatIon Mlclugan Woods were among the 20 network that at first trans- and delIvered money from the mvestIgatIon by alleged. conducted by the Drug U.S Dlstnct Judge mdicted for theIr parts m ported 200. to 400-pound Detroit to Tucson early m ly paYIng Brosnan's attor- Enforcement Agency, the Victona Roberts WIllpreSIde consplnng to dlstnbute bundles ofm8l1Juana In pas. the conspIracy. ney's fees and offenng Mlclugan State Police and over the case

Major crime on lam in Shores Grosse Pointe Shores By Brad Undberg There hasn't been a car SIXty-eight arrests for Staff Writer stolen m the Shores sIDce drunken dnvIng dunng Incident comparison - five year period At 1.2 square miles, 2001. Only two smce 1999 2003 represented only 3/4 of there's lIttle room for cnme When dealing WIth small the village's five-year aver- m GroSBePomte Shores numbers, however, modest age of 92 cases Dunng 2003, lawbreakers changes generate dramatIc Mitchell credited the who tned to buck the status statIstIcs change to potential offend- quo eked out 462 arrests, Burglary cases last year ers thmIung tWice due to mamly traffic offenses In the Shores mcreased from MIchIgan's tougher drunken MllJor cnme IS a ranty rn one to three, or 300 percent, drIving law It has become the Shores. Typical offenses from the year before. Illegal to dnve With a blood are vanda1Ism and larcenies Larceny showed an Identical alcohol level of .08 percent, co=itted by lugh school three-fold Jump, from two to down from 1 percent the students on scavenger SIX year before hunts PolIce also regularly On average, then, the "With new laws, people pIck off drunken dnvers Shores was plagued by .02 have gotten the message Cl"I118ingLakeshore burglanes or larcemes per and seen what It costs to be Assault (Non-Aggravated 0 02 The tramtIon held firm day m 2003, up from 008 arrested and charged WIth ~'f~" Frllud ~~~:t\~ () last week in Gary MItchell's per day dunng 2002 drunken drIvmg," MItchell Embezzlel1181lt o.l~ ~ 0.8 final year-end wrap-up Overall dunng 2003, sllld -...... ~-.,. ~''', o 0 0 before retIring Feb 27 as those mne Instances of lar- The Shores' 17 cases of ...... ~.~.. " ,f"~ 1 1 Vandall8m 17 0,6 Shores dIrector of public ceny and burglary constitut- vandalism dunng 2003 tIed 17 10 7 17 136 WlI8pcq 1 safety and chIef of pohce and ed the Shores' only Part I, or 2002 There was one case of ,,'t~. ~2 4 2 2 fire more senous, cnmes as non-aggravated assault and Prostitution 0 000 0 0 Of 7,509 mCIdents logged rated by federal aduumstra- four Instances of fraud s.~ 0 f' O. - ..: '0 • ~" O. 0 dunng 2003, MItchell's tors NarcotIcs cases dropped 40 NlueotIcs 6 0 10 5 6 7 68 report had a lot of goose eggs A 50 percent drop In percent, from 10 m 2002 to ~ ~ ~:A~)-.. 40 m the major cnmes catego- drunken dnvmg arrests SIXm 2003 • .hi:,IR~ _ , d ...Q ~ .0, 0 FamllylChlldren 10 0 ry Five-year statistIcs lead the way for a nearly 15 Most Part 2 cnmes m the 14 8 9 7 96 OUL 1 \)~ ",.l;. 'ea. showed no homiCIde, rape, percent overall reductIon m Shores dunng 2003 rnvolved ./."1~... ~.i9:.-L~.~101 ~ tI 92 robbery or arson m the 3-by. Part 2 cnmes, those consld- mmor thmgs such as orm- UquorLaws 6 6 6 0 0 36 lI4-mile lakeSIde reSidentIal ered less senous, such as nance VIolatIons ~Qonduct Ql ~ q-~., . {~ .. ~- ,0 Q co=umty fraud and hquor VIolatIons Overall dunng the year, Vagrancy 0 0 o 0 0 0 Part 2 offenses reached 311, MQIIer 0 down from 365 the year ~~ 198 't98, 180{ .236 1l$3 before Part Two Totals 311 365 2'iJ7 191.8 Woods voters asked 364 268 321 SOUFr:;E GROSSE POINTE SHORES PUBLiC SAFETY DEPAR7MENr Training to free up liquor a 48-hour school m Lansmg PSO James Tassle Trarnmg remalDed a pn. for mcommg chIefs mg valua ~e artwork burned onty for the Shores' 20 offi- achieved Expert WIth 236 down on Sunmngdale cers, all of whom are pohce Lt DaVId Yonk, the pomts Lt James department's trammg offi- Calls for emergency med- !&enses on Aug. 3 and fire fighters Eleven offi- Demeulenaere's score of 235 cer, retunIed recently from Ical serVIce mcreased from 8¥-Bonnle Caprara for consideratIOn Only cers are hcensed para- rated Sharpshooter PSO the Amencan 80cJety of Law 164 m 2002 to 190 In 2003, Wnter Mayor Robert Novitke and medIcs The remlllDmg mne Ron Coste, who Jomed the Enforcement Tramers mcludlng 50 responses for Grosse POinte CouncIlman Allen are hcensed emergency force in 2000, achIeved Conference In St. Lows, Mo mutual aId Overall EMS s Clty CouncIl fol. DickInson backed medIcal teehn IClans Mar,ksman WIth a score of "He attends those classes runs have averaged 1782 low.ed through on Its own Granger s motIon "Our officers completed a 235 each year sIDce 1999 reco=endatJon to place a "I'm strongly m favor of m order to come back and total of 1,410 hours oftraIn' trllln our officers," MItchell Th make hfe mfficult for referendum on Its Aug 3 the present plan," mg m 2003," MItchell saId Fire, EMS S81d burglars, Shores officers primary ballot to free up Dlclonson sllld "The per- The total IS m admtIon to Fire fighters answered 75 Although Shores officers keep an eye on homes whose four Class C hquor lIcenses ceptlOn would not be good regular trammg perfonned alarms dunng 2003. Nearly are eqUIpped WIth less.than- owners are out of town on held In escrow for the counCIlto be endors- as part of dally actiVItIes. lethal Taser weapons and 80 percent were false Eight vacatIOn Officers made The referendum, If mg or promotmg admtlOn- Classes mcluded but were were m response to requests tramed m safe restrlllDt of 5,761 checks of vacatIOn passed, Will amend a al hquor hcenses not hmlted to firefightmg, for aId from nelghbonng homes dunng 2003 chapter In the CIty charter "There are way too many baSIC SWAT school, EMS struggling lawbreakers, CO=umt1es tWIceeach year officers head "When someone leaves which calls for a popular polItics Involved In thiS semInars and cyber cnme Property loss due to fire town and puts hiS or her vote to mcrease the num- Issue (Reynold's motion)," to the gun range to qualIfy "Our officers are very well WIth firearms totaled only $2,500, down house on a watch hst, offi- ber of Class C lIcenses NOVltkesaid 'I don t thmk educated," MItchell saId from $2 million m 2002 In the department's most cers check It on a dally Issued In the CIty from the counCil should put thIS "It's Important to keep them when a large house contaIn- baSIS,"MItchell saId seven to 11 The referen- on the ballot, we should fol. updated on the law" recent Top Gun competi- dum will also abolish the low the procedure that has tIon, PSO Scott Roher Trammg reached the top achieved Dlstmgulshed CIty'S self'Imposed tavern been followed m the past ranks Stephen Polom, who Expert status by regIstenng hcense deSignatIOn, whIch In the past, CItIzen-led WIll succeed MItchell as 237 out of a poSSible 240 allows certam establish- referendums have been dIrector, recently completed ments to serve beer and placed on ballots to pomts WIDeonly mcrease or alter the num- Currently, SIX Class C her of Class C and tavern hcenses and one tavern hcenses Issued m the license have been Issued m Woods z(5)F1~!~J the Woods By state law, The last such referen- Extraortlinary In every ftUet. the Woods IS allowed to dum that was passed by Italian Charm Bracelets Issue 11 Class C hcenses voters was IDltlated by based on the CIty's popula- Edward Barben, owner of ALWAYc£J AVAILABLE AT tlon. DaEdoardo s It mcreased The councIl's formal the number of Class C approval on the motion at hcenses from five to SIX Its Monday, Feb 23, meet- and decreased the number ~ mg was passed by the of tavern licenses from two .~ same counCIlmembers who to one m 1986 313-884-4422 I'i lrrLk\"al,y~J,e HIUf (,;wdl.lfil- rn< 313-886-4341 gave theIr nods of Last year, Reynolds and approval at a Monday, Feb Chyllnskl led a petition 9, work sessIOn PatnCla dnve to place a referendum Chyhnskl, Dona DeSantiS on the November ballot ID ... FINAL ...- Reynolds, Lisa Pmkos an attempt to teke two tav- Howle and Darryl Spicher em licenses out of escrow Reynolds, who IDitlated The petitIon failed when a WINTER CLEAR AWAY Natural Romantrcs the action, claimed opemng substantial number of

up the liquor licenses names and signatures did Take An Additional WI" d\amond £"l"'I~ol~f'frK"nt nn~ would gwe more restau. not properly correspond on 5et In platmum and ru<;.rnm d{"C;.l~ rants an opportunity to the petitIOn II} f'o."lR ""'" Th",,,a< grow their bUSInesses She A cltlZen s referendum 500/0 OFF has also claimed puttIng may be placed on a ballot If AllClNrance PrIced MtrchancHM the onus on restaurateurs a petitIOner collects slgna- Fxamplc of thc Solvmg, to Circulate their own petl- tures from at least 10 per- Rcgular Price $~O 00 tlOns to expand the number cent of the registered vot- Clcarancc Pnce '$24 99 m of Class C hcenses was ers a mUDlClpahty EXira 50% OFF $12 ~O unreasonable Knowmg the substitute CounCilwoman Vlckl motIOn was likely to fall, You Pay $12.49 '" \h 'ale" hn.J1 .. Granger, who voted NOVltke asked Reynolds to agamst the motIOn, offered reword her motIOn as to II a substltuU> motlOn to place the referendum on delay approval of placIDKa the Nov 2 ballot when 70 edmund t.AHII Jewel.... referendum untIl the mat- percent more voters would ter was passed to the Mack likely partICipate HIS I fJ)enniaona I 20139 Mack Avenue, (,ro<;.~e Pomte Wood~, MI 4R216 Avenue Study Committee request was demed 800-987.AHEF • ,13-1l86-4600 17037 KERCHEVAt • "IN THE VIllAGE~ • 88 t -5060 wwwahee)E'weler~com February 26, 2004 4A News Grosse POinte News Dollhouse evolves into family's 'labor of love'

By Margie Reins Smith tJOnproject that has taken a Eventually It WIll be "I now call myself 'semI- Asslstanl Editor bIt longer than antIcIpated Sarah's But so much about retIred,'" he saId "I'm domg Many httle girls dream of LIke many constructIOn pro- It IS specIal, [ want to be remodelmg and repaIr of dollhouses Seven-year-old Jects, the finIshed structure sure It ISdIsplayed " homes for some of my LIsa Southwell was no was neIther on hme nor The house opens and clos- fnends I'm sort of a handy- exceptIOn One day LIsa Wlthm budget mto a mIniature versIOn of collectIng furnIture " es on plano hmges The WIn- man or home Improvement found plans for constructmg In fact, It took 27 years the extenor of Sharon and LIsa's mother, Sharon dow glass shdes out for person" a dollhouse m a newspaper LIsa Southwell Kopfer IS Robert Southwell's red-bnck Southwell, helped decorate cleaning The screened He hkes the challenges article She showed the now 34 She graduated from colomal 10 Grosse Pomte the InterIor of the house porch has real screens, the thiS work presents "When plans to her father, Robert Rensselaer Polytechmc Shores Real asbestos shIn- WIth wallpaper and pamt bathroom has a tmy roll of the children were lIttle, If Southwell [nshtute~ In 1991 She IS gles cover Its roof Real mor- and pIctures and acces- tOIlet paper and a rubber somethmg was broken, "Send for them,ffhe saId mamed, lIves m a tar JOInSthe extenor bncks sones ducky on the edge of the they'd say 'Don't worry "And 111make a dollhouse MIlwaukee suburb and has It has real wooden shutters, "It became a labor of love bathtub The attlc IS filled Daddy WIllfix it.' for you" a 7-month-old daughter, real hardware, real carved for the whole famIly,"Robert Wlth old furnIture, a boat "1 have done electncal The plans arrived and Sarah staIrcase balu~ters, mlllla Southwell said "Then I motor and empty flower work, carpentry, wallpaper, Southwell began a con~truc- The dollhouse has evolved ture chma and slherware deCIdedto make the extenor pots, Just hke real attIcs plumbmg, pamtmg, base- mto a rephca of our own The dentll moldmg on the ments, plasterwork and home extenor below the roof over- audto/vldeo sound systems," "I had to figure out how hang IS exactly hke the he said. "I tend to obsess" to do each proJect,ff he Southwells' house m Grosse He volunteered to repIDr saId "That was half the POInteShores the weather-beaten natIvity fun" Southwell also created a scene that has been part of When he was workmg 14-page IllstructlOn book Our Lady Star of the Sea's full hme, Southwell was telhng how he constructed Cathohc Church's m sales and marketmg, the house, WIth pIctures, Chnstmas decoratIOns for but he calls hImself a arrows and instructIons on many years He brought the "frustrated engmeer" how to fold It up for trans- pIeces home, one at a time, "Dunng the Gulf War," port and how to take It then figured out how to Southwell saId, "I was apart, how the electnc restore and refurbish It workIng on the dollhouse wlnng was mstalled and Sharon Southwell touched m the basement, next to a more He said \-je's also a up the pamt on each piece small TV where I watched frustrated teacher and men- The project took them four the war progress I told tor months Then he construct- LIsa she would be commg home from col- lege to a bIg surpnse The surpnse was that the dollhouse was finally finIshed It was her graduatIOn pre- sent Photos by Marg>e Rem. Srruth "I told her that Robert Southwell of Grosse Pointe Shores purcllased plaDs for making a doD- when she has a house house for his daughter, Lisa. when she wu about 7 years old. Some 27 years bIg enough to properly later, he finished it. just in time for her graduation from coDele. contaIn and dIsplay the dollhouse, It's hers " "The whole thIng IS double-hung WIndows Wlth unbelIevable," Kopfer muntms, framed plctUS"eson saId "It's breathtakmg the walls, fabnc tablecloths, It was a labor of love for dOggiechew toys, Let your skin a canopy bed, upholstered come out chairs, woven rugs, an old-fash- IOned wall tele- and play. phone, electnClty, Learn about OJr ec.~ and af!o,e~en a tlPY WhIch is the real house IIJld laser haor I'eIllCMII ~em (Ull ~ cle-e1t- 6r-p-tlrYlng .weh Ii t1i~ i!oUhOUfe? ;;: cards dealt out for In today for a free, no-oblogallon While he was building a a euchre game consuItohon You'll lIke aur Inleresl free doDhouse for hi' daughter, and an atttc full Lisa, Robert SouthweU decid- pa)IIT81t pion wnItlln guarantee of stored furm- and ed to create a house with aD ture and unused And )'OO'U IoYe the way)'OO Iaak- exterior that was enetiy like bnc-a-brac ond feel the famlly's Grosse Pointe Once the con- Shores home. LASER HAIR REMOVAl struction project Treatments startIng at was under way, Lisa would get an Item or Upper Lp $99 95 hIm and he's a perfection- Southwell was born In Bikln' Lne $15995 two for her dollhouse for ed a stable to add to the Underarms $17995 Chnstmas - a httle plano 1st" FlInt, graduated from scene's ambIance Lower Legs $25995 one year, a sofa, a tinY The completed house has Western MIchIgan Southwell's plans for the two Chnstmas trees WIth wwwamencanlasercenlers earn Chnstmas tree Wlth electnc Umverslty, then went to future Include expandtng hIS hghts, a rug tmy toys scattered under- work for Burroughs Corp., handyman/remodehng pro- neath, a pool table, an Igua- where he wound up III the Ject manager status Her grandparents and na cage, a set of hand-pamt- sales and marketIng depart- "Also,I have always want- great-grandparents also ed dIshes for the dInIng ment He was In charge of ed to repair claSSICcars," he helped eqUIp the mIniature room and a dart board Wlth sales tramlllg He was said "I've been puttmg It off Amencan laser Centers house-m-progress real darts tran ~ferred to DetrO!t m because I was too Involved "Weused to go to a cottage "It's ImpOSSIbleto put mto 1974 mother thmgs I would like 1-888-704-9494 III Bnghton: Kopfer said words what It really means He Jomed GMI, a comput- to volunteer at The Henry "There was a store there to me,ffKopfer satd "It WIll er leaSIng company, where Ford, too" four Iocohon. 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..1~i Firmly rooted, yours to be one of those sta- Va They called him "The tistics Du:tIonary" there because of Lt. Burns But you have nothmg but hiS vocabulary, although in the prayers off8IDlly and mgh-achlevmg Grosse takes wings mends that can be offered Pomte he Dllght have been to protect them consIdered average m that 'There are two thUIjJS we respect gIVe our chtldren - one tS B J, as famJly members roots, the other wmgs • - call1um, has strong roots He won the first Ann Sign m foyer of the Burns here m Grosse Pomte Arbor Manne Corps Iron Visit the Groll8e Pointe Dogs website: home, 375 Washington, Trombly Elementary, Man contest ms semor year Grosse Pomte RIchard Elementary, at U-M That plaque hangs Brownell Middle School, on my Wayne State office Lt Benjamin J. H. wall B J knew he wouldn't Bums, USMC, took Wlng Little League, Grosse Pomte Memonal Church have a permanent place to aboard a mtlltary transport hang It for several years .5treetwise plane last week and flew off bwldmg ffilSSlOnsm to the war m Iraq DetrOit, dehvenng "Meals When asked what he on Wheels" at hohdays, would need m Iraq, B J Question of the Week: At age 24, he IS a Manne Neighborhood Club referee- rattled off the usual thmgs Icombat engmeer m charge mg, varsity basketball and - baby WipeS, contaet solu- How will you vote in t'lf?:upco!Jl;,f1]g.£J.rJ)Ji~e ; ~f II platoon It Wlll Pomte Schools mIlage football and the NatIOnal tllon, sum and then added ' e~cttOOlbnlJ'liiC1iM be part of a l50-man umt Honor Soctety at South three' ci'garettes, chewmg deSIgned, m part, to keep were part of them tobacco and snuff terronst mfiltrators out of that war-torn country long On the field or the court, He doesn't smoke, chew enough so that It can set up he was known as a fierce or 8mtr, but a Jot of his men "I would vote to go ahead competltor As a teen, he do "I can chstnbute the and do It because our schools a government that Dllght sUrVIve once ejected a rude, nOIsy tobacco to my Mannes, n he reqUire upkeep to keep the adult coach from a basket- s8ld "Some of them don't beautiful, old world charac- He boarded a mllltary ball game because the man ever get any m8ll from tenstlcs n transport at the Manne A1r was abusmg hiS fellow ref home n Jennifer Zielke Base m Beaufort, S C , on -a girl Grosse Pointe Park Tuesday, Feb 17, and by So there you have It one Wednesday, he was m B J went on to the face of the war III Iraq We Kuwait aW81tmg the rest of Umverslty of MIChigan, couldn't be more proud of "I would vote yes, because ms unit to jom a convoy where he earned degrees III the man he has become If schools need It, I Wlll sup- north pohtlcal sCience and Wlth the help of hiS church English Like many others, and schools, hiS teachers, port them because they It gives the dangers and would never ask for fnvo- he became a fanatic professors, mllllsters, horror of war new meamng Wolvenne fan, makmg hiS fnends and theIr parents lous thmgs n when your son or daughter Lyssa Koresky Spartan-bred parents and a few SpeCIalneIghbors. goes mto hann's way Each shghtly uncomfortable Grosse Pointe Woods day the newspapers carry "We gIVe our chtldren two stones of two soldiers One mght he adVIsed us thmgs - one tS roots, the wounded here or three m a phone call that he had other wmgs n - a Natlve kIlled there by sUlClde taken the phYSical to go to AmerICan saymg bombers or "homemade Manne Officer CandIdate Ben Bums of the CIty of School and passed He sim- "[ would vote yes, because explOSIvedeVIces" Those Grosse Pomte tS a professor as a fonner teacher, I want soldIers someone's sons ply saId he wanted to serve m the Journahsm program to keep Grosse Pomte and daughters, and you hIS country He spent two at Wayne State UnlVerslly schools the best m the de~perately don't want school summers at the He can be reached at state " Manne base at Quantico, Lynne Mogk Gro!lllePointe Shores Points about the Pointes U of Mand our Grosse Pointe schools both have money woes..•who's in worse shape? "I would vote for the milage because I have chil- The open forum ~p

Sheldon Flynn and Bayview Yacht Club Natale Dancy, Jamie, from Wayne State Umverslty Douglas W. Stanley Mrs Hagenmeyer IS sur. Jimmy, Josh and Jenme m DetroIt m 1975 With a Grosse Pomte Fanns resI- Former Grosse Pomte Vlved by mece Diane Hare, Rebecca, Courtney bacl1elor's degree ill econom- dent Sheldon Flynn, 88, died Shores reSident Douglas W Thursday, Feb 19, 2004 Shortndge Reed; stepson and Jimmy Pranger, Kelly, ICS.She pursued a career 10 Willard H Hagenmeyer, Jr, Jack, Katie, Knssy, Ken and retall sales and was manager Stanley, 55, died lD San Born m Brooklme, Mass, Diego, Cahf, on Saturday, Mr Flynn served m the U S grandchlldren Starr Jim O'Neill and Joseph and of Brooks Brothers Men's Pearlman and Wlilard Kyle LentlOe, eight great- ClothIers' Detroit store for Dec 31,2003 Army as a First Sergeant ill A 1966 graduate of Grosse the 188th Combat Hagenmeyer II and long- grandchildren. sister several years Dunng that time compamon Glona Ehzabeth Gaffney, many tIme, her fnendhness and Pomte HIgh School and of Engineers of the 43rd exceptIonal sernce made her Western MichIgan DlV1slOn dunng World War Hadley meves and nephews, special fnends and acquamtances UnIversity 10 1970, Mr II Followmg hiS discharge She was predeceased by nephew Nell Kurtz and god- Withmost of DetrOIt's movers Stanley had a long career In from the Army, he went to husband WIllard H chIldren Hagenmeyer and 12 broth- Instate 9 30 a m until and shakers. bUildIng matenals Bales In work for GJllette's San Upon rebrement. Mrs ers and sisters time of Mass 10 a m on the greater DetroIt area FranCISco office, then to Schott kept bU8ythrough vol- He was an aVld golfer and Denver where he met Ius A memonal seTVlceWlllbe Thursday Feb 26 at St scheduled at a later date unteer sel'V1008She and her member of Gowame Golf Wife, Flonne Clare of Montefalco Cathohc dog, Gmger, made frequent Intennent IS at White Club untIl his move, first to Isabel Celleglum Mr Flynn worked for Church, 1401 Whither, tnps to St. John HospItal and Chapel Memonal Cemetery. Grosse POlDte Clucago, then to the West Gillette from 1941 to 1978 m Georgian East Nursing Home Coast Isabel Callaghan Boston, Salt Lake City, San Memonal contnbutIons MemOrial contnbutlOns to bnghten everyone's spmts Harper Woods resident may be made to a chanty of may be made to St Clare of He IS sUTVlved by hiS FranCISco. Denver, New She was an active member of father Henry Stanley, of Isabel Callaghan, 90, died Orleans and DetrOit He was your chOice Montefalco Elementary St Michael's Episcopal Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at St. School, attentIOn Janet Church, Grosse POlDte Pompano Beach, FIa, and known for his abl1ity to by hiS Sister, Carol Anshaw John Hospital "turn a phrase" If you were Shirley Louise Guensche, 1401 WhittIer, Woods, and partlClpated m Born In Bentleyville, Pa , Grosse Pomte Park, MI numerous outreach programs ofClucago to ask him about Ius Job Kales He was predeceased by she worked as a secretary With Gillette, he would tell 48230 sponsored by the church She for the Chrysler Corp m Westland reSIdent Shirley was a member of the KIwams Ius mother, Virg101aStanley. you, "That either makes me LoUIse Kales. 77, died Memonal contnbutlOns Highland Park a razor peddler or a steel Club of Grosse Pomte and vol- She IS SUTVlVedby meces Monday, Feb. 23, 2004 at the unteered With the Grosse may be made to Pathfinders. magnate." After working m Weatland Convalescent 2980 Cedar St • San Otego, and nephews Bnan and the New Orleans office, Mr. Pomte AnImal AdoptIon Center. Soaety. Ca 92102 Carol Callaghan, Laurence Flynn was transferred to Born ill Detroit on Feb Mrs Schott 18 8urV1Vedby Frazee, Cynthia (Callaghan) Detroit m 1954, where he BablJe, Trlcla Callaghan, 18, 1927 to George and ElSie two sons. Richard Jr, and was the DIstnct Sales McBnde, Mrs Kales was a Jeffrey and four grandchil- Judith Ann Callaghan and Manager for Michigan and Rita Callaghan member of the Navy League dren, Richard III, Kellie, northem Ohio Throughout She IS sUTVlvedby daugh- Spencer and Ryan A memonal semce Willbe hiS career, he was known for held at Jefferson Avenue ter Nancy (John) KabroVlch She was predeceased by hiS outstanding leaderslup and son John Gray Kales her husband, Richani Presbytenan Church. 8625 and trammg skills He was E Jefferson m Detroit on She was predeceased by VISitation will be held at so successful trammg people her husband, Capt. Robert the Verheyden Funeral Saturday, Feb. 28, at 10 a m that many progressed to Home. 16300 Mack, Grosse Interment IS at Jefferson G Kales and her slblmgs. upper management Wlth A funeral service Will be Pomte Park on Sunday, Feb. Avenue Presbytenan G111ette 29, from 1 to 8 p m Church Memonal Garden held at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb In 1978, he and Ius wIfe 27, at the Venneulen A memonal sernce will be held at St Michael's retired and moved to Funeral Home, 980 N Pauline W. Chatham, Mass The rmpor. Patricia Mary SchDeider Episcopal Church, 20475 Newburgh Road m Sunnmgdale Park, Grosse Cleminson tance of bemg close to Westland mends and faml1y caused P010te Woods, on Monday, Grosse Pomte Farms reSI- BurIal Wlll be at W1ute Patricia Mary March 1:, at 11 a m dent Paulme W Clemmson the Flynns' retum to Grosse Chapel Cemetery m Troy. Pomte Farms m 1986 Mr Schneider Memonal contnbutlOns died peacefully In her sleep at Memonal contnbutlOns may be made to the memonal Belmont NUfSlng Home In Flynn was president of both may be made to a chanty of Grosse Pomte Woods resi. the Men's Garden Club of dent Patncla Mary fund at St Michael's Harper Woods on Fnday, Feb your chOIce. Episcopal Church, to the 20,2004 ' Grosse Pomte and the SchneIder, 78. died Amencan Cancer Soctety, to She was born Pauhne W. Semor Men's Club of Grosse Wednesday, Feb 18, 2004 at Mande A. Kidder the KIwams Club of Grosse Roy MortoD Tolleson. Jr. DeKulper on Aug. 6, 1906 In Pomte He volunteered at the Georgian East Nursmg Pomte or to the Grosse Pomte Fremont She attended several Grosse Pomte ele- Harper Woods reSident Home m St. CI8ll' Shores Ammal AdoptIon SoClety Oberhn College and taught mentary schools and the Mancle A. KIdder, 98, died after a long battle WIth ( kmdergarten In East LanSIng Chl1dren's Home of DetroIt, on Sunday, Feb 22, 2004 of Alzheimer's disease Ro,YMorton before marrymg Walter teachmg the children gar- heart-related comphcabons. Born In Rochester, NY. Alvin G. Sherman Tolleson, Jr. Clemmson 10 1933 They denmg. Mr. Flynn was an Born ill East Jordan, he she graduated from Cornell Harbor Spnngs resident Roy Morton Tolleson, Jr., lIVed 10 Port Huron until active member of Grosse grew up 10 Cadillac and Umverslty earnmg a AIvm G "AI" Sherman, 81, 85, died on Fnday, Feb 20, mOVlng to Grosse POInte In Po1OteUnited Church where relocated to Detroit In the Bachelor of SClence degree 1940 where she remamed died on Monday, J an 12. 2004 2004 m Gulf Stream, Fla. he served on many COll1IIllt- mid-'20s. In 1947 She began a law at his home home and ralsed their two Mr KIdder was employed career after rece1VlDg her after succumbmg to heart daughters tees Born Oct. 27, 1922 10 as a toohng SPeCIaliSt and Juns Doctor from the failure After Mr. Clemmson's One of the greatest joys of Detroit to Alfred and W1I11fred assistant master m'echan'ic Umverslty of DetrOIt lD Bom Aug 27, 1918 10 death .m 1957, "lShe »was- Mr Flynn's hfe was ~Iarm,g Sherman, lie made Ius home Santa Claus for toe Grosse 'bY"~1'et'''''e~.' fit th'e I 1977 She served as Deputy 10 Grosse Pomte for 53 years W,nona. M,nn, to ~ employed by the Grosse Morton Tolleson anli POInte Public Library for Pomte Memonal Nursery Jefferson Tank Arsenal and Defender for the Wayne untl! 1975 He graduated many years Upon retmng. School and at pnvate resi- Lynch Road plants County Defender's Office from Grosse P010te High Eleanor OtIS Tolleson, he she became an actJve volun- dences He loved people and He was an aVId hunter, Mrs Schneider was an School 10 1940 He attended completed a B A 10 history teer at the hbrary, the had m81ntamed many close fishennan and boater and aVid gourmet cook and the UruvefSlty ofMlclugan for at Carlton College, where Cottage Hospital GIft Shop relationships With mends also an actIve member of taught classes m adult edu- two years unW transfernng he graduated With highest and m the classroom at throughout the country "The AnCIent Manners," a cation as well as substitute to Northwestern UmveT81ty honors. He earned a law at Evanston, Trombly School Mr Flynn is SUTVlVedby group of charter members of teachmg 10 the Oak Park m degree at the Umverslty of Mrs Clemmson ISsurvIVed hiS wIfe of 53 years, FIonne; the North Channel Yacht and Grosse Pomte School He Jomed the US Naval Reserve program 10 1943 Mlchlgan, after mterrupt- by a SIster, her daughters Sue son Sheldon II (JoAnn), Club Systems ing hiS studies by serving McChntock and Nancy daughter SheIla Flynn He Will long be remem- She loved readmg, golfing where he became a OOmnuB- slOned officer FoUowmg the two years as a captain 10 Bazydlo (Edward), grandclul- Potter (Randy) and grand- bered for Ius sage stones of a and scuba divmg She and war, he returned to AIr Force Intelligence He dren LInda, Carolyn, Molly. chIldren, Sheldon III, KatIe boyhood spent m the north her husband, Burkhard, Northwestern Umverslty, practIced law 10 DetrOit Fred (Carolmel and Michael woods and a strong sense of traveled the world for that and Ethan FIynn where he graduated Wlth a (Kathanne) McClmtock and pnde and love for fanuly and expenence With the finn that later Memonal contnbutlOns bachelor's degree m busmess became Tolleson, Mead, great-grandchildren Wyman, may be made to the Men's close fnends. Mrs Schneider was m 1947 Welchh and Dahn Freddie, Payton and Hamson Garden Club of Grosse Mr KIdder IS SUTVlVedby always mterested m McClmtock Mr Sherman was part A competitive amateur Pomte or the Semor Men's daughter Beverly (Ross) women's and mmonty owner and active A memonal seTVlce was Club of Grosse Pomte at 25 Stone of Grosse POlOte Issues. She was one of the golfer, he was three times held Thesday, Feb 24, at the operatorlsupeTVlSOr of seven Roslyn Road, Grosse Pomte Farms, four grandchIldren founders of the Grosse Howard Johnson restaurants club champion of the Grosse Pomte Memonal and eight great-grandchil- P010te Interfaith Center for Country Club of Detroit. Church m Grosse Po1Ote Shores, MI 48236 or Grosse and one motor lodge 10 dren RaClal Justice, which began He served as preSident of Farms Pomte Umted Church at Michigan and Atlanta, Ga, 240 Chalfonte, Grosse He was predeceased by m 1967 She was also among from 1950-1975 He was a that club and preSident of Memonal contnbutlons the Gulf Stream Golf Club. may be made to the Hospices Pomte Farms, MI 48236 hiS Wife Kathenne Sears the foundmg members of the consultant for a small restau- of Henry Ford, 23000 Mack, An additional public KIdder Women's JustIce Center 10 rant cham from 1972-1975 He was a member of the SUIte 500, St CI81r Shores, memonal seTVlce IS beIng A memonal sel'Vlcewi be DetrOit He moved to Fort Lauderdale. Gulf Stream Bath and MI 48080 planned for the spnng held at the A.H Peters In 1982, the Grosse Pomte FIa , 10 1975 and became an TenmB, FarmIDgton Funeral Home, 20705 Mack, Woods CIty CounCIl appomt- owner of a francl1l!H'd real Country Club and the U.S. David D. Dansbury Grosse Pomte Woods on ed her to the posItion of estate bUSIness and broker- Semors He also served as Saturday, March 6 at 1 p m Mumclpal Judge, an officeto age firm from 1975-1985 He a director of the Wilham L. Former Grosse Pomte was employed as an BSSOClate Woods reSident DaVId D Memonal contnbutlOns which she was re-elected, Clements Library at the may be made to the Juvenlle tWIce She was the first broker for a oommemal real Dansbury, 28, died Fnday, estate firm and tune share Umverslty of Michigan Feb 20, 2004 In Glendale. Diabetes Research female Mumclpal Judge 10 Mr Tolleson's first Wife, FoundatIon, 120 Wall St, Grosse Pomte Woods hlsta- management property 10 Colo Pompano Beach from 1985 to Joyce ElaIne Mlddledltch Born m Grosse Pomte, he 19th floor, NY. New York ry 1992 of Grosse POlllte died In graduated from Grosse Pomte 10005 Mrs Schneider IS sur. Mr Shernlan moved back 1981 In 1984. he mamed North High School m 1994 VlVedby her husband of 56 to Mu:Iugan m 1991 foUowmg Jane Roseberry Ewald and years, Burkhard, children He worked as an office Adele Kurtz Lentine Ius WIfe'sdeath moved shortly thereafter to Chnstme, Steve (Deanna), admmlstrator at the Patton Grosse Pomte Farms resI- He IS sUTVlved by hiS CharlottesVIlle, Va lawtirm Fred (Ruth) and Margaret dent Adele Kurtz Lentme, daughters, Nancy Marquardt, He IS sUTVlved by Wife He IS survIVed by hiS par- (Steve) Alexander She was Suzanne (Sulo) Sherman and 88, dIed Fnday, Feb 20, Kltchle, hiS daughters ents JO'lCph(JaneO Dansbury 2004 the lOVIng grandmother of PatnCla Repeskey, seven Suzanne Tolleson, Betsy and Grace (Laurence) Mrs Lentme Will be rem- eight grandchildren, sIster Mary Meyers, Chnstme Colhne. Dansbury-Gray, SiSters Juhe mebered as a devoted Wife, A memonal seTVlce Will Sewell, brother Dr Roger (Chnstopher) Dansbury- V~Bla1r mother, grandmother and take place at 11 a.m on Shennan and a stepsIster three stepchlldren John Austin, AJmee (MIChael)Ellis lIaIeomeyer fnend WIth a genrous heart Saturday, March 13 at the Bette Fletcher Hiram Ewald, Charles and Chnsty and brothers Grosse POInte Woods He was predeceased by hIS Hildreth Ewald. Katie Joseph E mebral and Scott She was a Red Cross volun- Virginia Blair teer who worked m the sur- Presbytenan Church. 19950 Wife Suzanne Flattery Adams and eleven grand- A funeral Mas~ Willbe cele- Mack A gathenng of family Shennan and daughter children brated on Fnday, Feb 27 at Hagenmeyer gIcal lounge at Bon Secours Leshe Hospital for more than 30 and fnends Will follow the At dates to be deter- St Joan of Arc Catholic Grosse Pomte Shores resI- Memonal contnhutlons years She was a member of seTVlce mmed, there will be a Church In St Cllm Shores at dent VirgInia Blair may be made to the Hosp1ce lOam Hagen meyer, 83, died St Clare of Montefalco In heu of flowers the fam- memonal service In Gulf jly asks for contnbutlOns to of Little Traverse Bay Intermrn\ " It \11 Olivet Sunday, Feb I, 2004 at Bon pansh for more than 50 Stream, and a later seTVlce Cerne!, J'\ Il1 Il, II Secours Hospital In Grosse years and was a member of be sent to Henry Ford 10 CharlottesVIlle Pomte the Arch Confraternity, Ho~plce POBox 02220, Memonal contnbutlOns Born on Jan 22, 1921 In Altar GUIld and the St Detroit, MI 48202-0220 may be sent to Heart and West Virgmla to James A Clare Ladles Bowling Vascular Center Blair and Martha DeskinS League Jane L. Schott UOIveralty of Vlrglnla, Bo~ Blair. she graduated from She IS SUTVlVedby chil- Grosse POinte Woods resI- 800773, Charlottesville. Logan High School In West dren Joey (Ken) Duncan, dent Jane L Schott died Va 22908 VIrgInia and received an Gmger (Claude) Ot Natale, Saturday Feb 21, 2004 at honorary degree from Joanne (John) Hare, Mary St John HO~PltallO DetrOit Baldwm Wallace UniversIty Ann (Jimmy) Norman, Susie Born m Bethlehem, Pa m Academy prayer In OhIO (Ken) Panger, Jame IKeVln) 1931 to Ellen and Frank On March 10 from 1 to She was preSident of Food O'Neill and Manny (Kathy) Mar~teller, she marned 530 pm, MonSIgnor John MerchandIsers, Inc Lentme, grandchildren RIchard R Schott m 1951, P Zenz Will conduct an She was a member of the Kathy De Smet Hagan, Matt moved to Buffalo. NY 10 afternoon prayer m The DetrOit Athletic Club, the and MIke De Smet, Michael 1960 and then to Grosse Grosse Pomte Academy's Grosse Pomte Hunt Club and Lisa Duncan, Adele Th. POInte Park m 1963 Doq1u StaDley Lake Shore bUlldmg The Sheldon F1YJUl Natale Svetmcka, AlexIs Ot Mrs Schott graduated event ISopen to the public February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News News 7A New Woods public safety cars get a classic makeover

By Bonnie Caprara hIgh-VIsibility, which is part backs and whIte doors and The new deSign WIll be StaffWnter of our mission Plus, It's tops has already garnered fully phased m next year Like black and white somethmg different, It's some renewed attention when the other Silver patrol mOVIes, the black and white kmd of a nostalgia tlung " cars WIll be replaced The police car IS a claSSIC, and It "We've gotten a lot of POSI- department's radar cars WIll has returned to Grosse Even the lettenng on the bve comments,~ Deputy remam sohd colors Pomte Woods cars, "Pohce - Grosse DIrector James Fowler sald Pomte Woods,~ which stands

The Woods IS rollmg out out With an unembellished "A lot of other depart- Photo by Bonnie Caprara three of the new black and boldness, was deSIgned by ments have been commg by The Grosse Pointe white Crown Victona Pohce members of the force to look at them," Corporal Woods Department of Interceptors thiS week. James Lafer S81d Publlc Safety has Makowski said he handed returned to a classic "Our officers were looking over the deSIgn aspect of the Makowski sald officers m style with three of its for somethmg different," cars to the officers because, only about a half-dozen law newest pollee cars. Pic- Public Safety Director "That's their office for the enforcement departments m tured with one of the Michael Makowski said day We want them to be the metro DetrOit area new cars .. Deputy DIrec- "They wanted somethmg comfortable" CruIse the streets m "black tor James Fowler, Corpo- our reSIdents Wlll recognIze and whltes," although the ral James Lafer, PSO as one of 'their' cars They The return to the "panda" claSSIC deSign IS seen more Keith Waszak and DIrec- also wanted a car that had deSIgn Wlth black fronts and often m Cahforma tor Michael MakowUi. Children's Home of Detroit gets socked with $18Kwater bill

By Bonnie Caprara The Woods Department stopped on its own. Monday, Feb 23, meetmg CHD's plight, members of be prepared to do thiS for Staff Wnter of Public Works went out to and asked to split the bill the councJ! refused to reSIdents (who come to the If Grosse POinte Woods CHD to investigate "We have not determmed Wlth the Clty budge city With b1l1 dIsputes)," reSidents and bUSinesses what the problem was; Mayor Robert NOVItke said are dreading an mcrease 10 "There was clear water there were no repaIrs "It has presented a bud- "If we say, 'No, don't pay their water bills m the runnmg In the sewer," Ahee made," sald CHD Executive getary problem for us,~ It,' then we pass the cost The councll unanrmously iJumpmmg monthll, the Sald "The behefwas that it Ihrector MIchael HoroWltz HoroW1tz said onto the reSidents of Grosse directed city admmlstratlon ~dren's Home of DetrOit had been runmng for some HoroWltz speculated the Whlle sympathetic to Pointe Woods, or we have to to work out a payment plan (CHD) has the largest con- tlme" water seen runmng through cern of all Ahee sald DPW employ- the sewer and not mto or on CHD received a htUe ees could not find the source the CHD faCllltles may have relief when It pebtloned the of the water running been caused by road work Grosse Pomte Woods City through one of CHD's two being conducted on Cook at CounCll for a reductIOn of a water meters lOto the sewer that time but that theory water bill it receIVed In Ahee saId the problem could not be supported by September 2002 for could not have been detect- either the Woods or CHD $20,955. ed hke a typiCal water mam mvestlgatlons The anomaly was diSCOV- break when water gushlng A new water meter was ered when the Woods water from a broken pIpe naes to mstalled and the old meter bIlling department Issued the surface. was tested by the Woods THE COST OF ENERGY IS RISINGI the bill, whIch hlstoncally Ahee also could not Tests could not deternuned ran anywhere from $684 to explam how the water any problems Wlth the old Save now with a _ Home Furnace (90% Efficiency). $1,253 for the two-month stopped running a few days meter penod dunng July and later Because no fault was August CHD dlrected Its mamte. found, the councll autho- nance department and hlred nzed to discount CHD's "It was the bIggest water a plumbing contractor to July/August 2002 water bill bill I've ever seen," saId Jnvestlgate the problem It, by 10 percent m November Joeseph Ahee, public works too, could not explam the 2002 HoroWltz approached director. water problem or how It the councll agaln at Its

City of <'iross.e Joini.e Jlfarms, Michigan Wayne County



~ Adoption of Michigan Vehicle Code The MichIgan Vehicle Code. 1949 PA 300. MCL 257 I to 257923. and all future amendments and revISIons to !he Michigan Vehicle Code when they are effecnve In .ACADEMY !he State of MichIgan. are lOcorporated and adopted by reference All references lO f1/~t'hnrled-~/// the MIchigan VehIcle Code to 'local au!honllcs' shall mean the Clly of Grosse POinte Fanns The penalties prOVidedby the MichIgan VehIcle Code, as amended or reVised LECTURE SERIES from time to time, are adopted by reference, proVIded, however. that the CIty of Grosse POInie Fanns may not enforce any provISIon of the Michigan Vehicle Code for winch the maximum penod of Impnsonment ISgreater than 93 days Dr. Susan ~ Ratirlcation of Adoption of Uniform Traff'1c Code The adoption In Ordmance No 179 of the Umfonn Traffic Code for CllIes, TownshIps B. Neuman and Village~. as promulgated by the dIrector of !he MichIgan Department of State Pohce pursuant to the admmlsttallve procedures act of 1969 (the "Uniform Traffic Code"). IShereby rallfied The Umform Traffic Code, as prevIously amended, and all former Assistant Secretary future amendments and reVISIonsto the Umform Traffic Code when they are effecllve 10 the State of MIchigan. are IOcorporated and adopted by reference All references m for Elementary and the Uniform Traffic Code to a 'governmental uOlt' shall mean the City of Grosse POinte Farms The penaltles prOVIdedby the Umfonn Traffic Code, as amended or Secondary Education, revi sed from time to 1Ime, are adopted by reference nationally published reading ~ Coordination and Repeal of Certain Prior Ordinances Ordmance No 347, amendmg the Uniform Traffic Code, enacted October 18, 1999, IS expert and University of hereby repealed All other amendment~ and supplements to the Umfonn Traffic Code as prevlOu~ly enacted by the City of Grosse POInte Fanns pursuant to OrdlOance No Michigan professor 179. mcludlOg Without hmllallon Ordmance No 317 (perullnlOg to the reImbursement of cer1am e;o;penses),OrdInance No 339 (per1aJllmg to permit parking) and OrdlOance No _ (pertaining to permIt parkmg), ~hall remam 10 full force and effect to the Beyond the Test Score: elItent not Incon~l~tent With Ihe prOVISions of Ihe MichIgan Vehicle Code or the Umform Tramc Code, a~amended or reVised from lIme to llme Reading for Life ~ Publication of Notice The City Clerk shall pubh~h thl~ Ordmance 10 the manner reqUIred by law and shall pubh~h at the ~ame tIme. a notice ~tatmg Ihe purpo~e of the Michigan VehIcle Code and thc Umform Tramc Code and the fact that a complete copy of each code I~ • avaJ!ahle to the pUhhc for m~pectlon at the office of the City Clerk Thursday ~ Partiallnvahdity If any provllinn of thll Ordinance ~hall be hcld Invahd. the remamder of the Ordmance Ihal1 not he affected thereby March 4,2003 7:30 p.m. ~ Effective Date • Thl~ Ordlnancc I~ dcclared nece~lary for pubhc health and safety and ~hall lake ImmedIate effect 171 Lake Shore Road (Moran Entrance) Auditorium ,,"actcd Fchruary l' 2004 313-886-1221 • Po~ted Fehruary 9 2004 Shane L. Reeslde, www G PN 0212612004 City Clerk Admission is Free

\, supenntendent Dan Danosky for say- f Pointes: mg there are no wsabled students m hiS dlstnct , Plua: To the new Woods City Plus or Couu\,Jl JUt:lIlut:!" cu;J •"t"l an Councilwoman Patty ChIlmsky for • haVIng the guts to reevaluate old, minus we've-always-done-It-that.way Issues, such as laVIsh spendmg on city par- lus: To the two dozen Grosse bes for volunteers and a self-Imposed Pointe Farms pubhc safety hmit on liquor hcenses in the city. P officers who received citatIOns Minus: To Gov Jennifer Granholm able fashion. We don't know what we Minus: To congressman John from Mayor James Farquhar, for renegmg on her prOmIse to restore and the Grosse Pomte school wstrict Conyers Jr., D-Detroit, for lDSistmg Public Safety Director Robert Ferber state school funwng to preVIOUS lev- would do without Mr. Fenton We the Uruted States become embroiled and the city counCll for their dewca- els Because of her forked speech via hope they have key-man msurance on in Haiti's latest round of mtemal dys- bon and good police and fire work. her budget proposal, Grosse Pomte him.l Minus: To the Grosse Pointe Farms schools face a $5.2 milhon budget Plus 'Ib Carolyn Ewald Kratzet function while not providmg mean- parkIng enforcement officer (meter defiCit and the Ewald family for Its $1 mil- mgful solutions to Detroit's long-term reader) who outdoes Barney Fife Plus: 'Ib state Rep Ed Gaffney, R- hon contnbutlOn to the Grosse Pomte problems. when It comes to overzealous cIVIl Grosse POinte Farms, for vowmg to Public Library. In honor of the fabu- Plus: To the City of Grosse Pomte mfractIOn enforcement. fight for school funwng for Grosse lous donation, the new Grosse Pomte counCl1 for addressing the sensitive Minus: To Farms CouncIlman Pomte, Harper Woods and all the dis- Park branch being buJlt on issue of Kressbach Place, named after Louis Theros for cnticlzing the tricts in the state Lakepointe will be called the Carolyn a popular, long-term city admImstra- Grosse Pomte News (see Letters to Minus: 'Ib the Grosse Pointe school and Ted Ewald Library. tor but featunng an ungainly, impos- the Ewtor) Instead of addressing the board for scheduling a rmIlage elec- Plus: '1b Park and library leaders ing, unwelcoming, out-of-scale and Barney FIfe problem. tIOn m March when many retirees are whose foresight and managenal abili- just plain ugly series of cold, harsh Plus: the other Farms parlung at their WInter homes. To ties have resulted in the new Park and bland rock walls. officer, Larry Stockmg, who brings Minus: To the Grosse Pomte Public branch bemg built at lightnmg speed. Plus: 10 Grosse Pointe Shores common sense and courtesy to the School System admImstratlOn for not Minus: Th the Grosse Pointe Public department of pubhc works employ- Job. obtammg absentee ballot lists from Library board for deciding in the first Minus: To all the POlntes mUnlCl- the cibes and mailing ballots WIthout place to build new, palace-like edifices ees for spending tune during winter palitIes for gougmg residents by bemg asked. when one wonders whether there is a months preparing lawn cutting equip- markIng up water and sewer rates Plus: 'lb Chris Fenton, assistant future for libraries, glven the pres- ment for the days when warm weath- anywhere from 80 percent in the superintendent for busmess and sup- ence of on-line computers in every er finally arrives, and nature's little Farms to 196 percent In Grosse port services, for prOVIding finanCial home groWIng thmgs need trimmmg. Keep Pomte Woods Information in a clear, understand- Minus: 'lb Harper Woods schools thmkmg spnng.

EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED -j313) 882_ DISPLAY ADVERTISING (313111&2_ _ora Yubock VelhAcke, UUI 882.J500 John Minnis Matgle R.,no Sauth, Peter J Blrkn .... Advert1S1ng Manoser Manager KeD: Sdlop, EdItorand General AsslStnll Editor (feature Echtor KIm l\l. Mickey, Amotant to the Fran Velardo, Robert B. Edgar Manager Cluck Klonkt', Sports Editor Advert1S1ng Manager Producbon Manager Kathl .. n M. Sin ...... Bonnie Stall Wnter Asslstanl Managft Founder and PublJsher (313) 343-5590 c..pran, Adverbslng Repre;enlabve Greg __ a (1940-1979} Brad Llndbfls, Stall Wnter Id. B,uer I\Iuy Ellen Zander, Curle C~ StaIlWn ... Melanie Mahoney Adverbsutg Ropresenlabve David Hugh .. Jennie MlIl.~SIaIf Wnter JWle R. !oullon. DIane Mo",llJ, E

I I T evvs

Marvelous mentors Memben of the fourth and first grade clUlles at PoUpard Elementary are learning from each other in an activity called Mentor Hates. Memben from the different clusea are divided into pairs, and they read with each other and get to develop a relationship every Wednesday. Pesta.UFirst graden Uke to .know someone who is bigger," said instructor Many The students rave about how fun the meator partnenhips are, and they Uke IDIlkin& new friends. PartiCipants in the program are above from the left: MaUk lbuton, Wen- den Bush, Gabriele Causley and Nick McDonald. Pesta i8 in the center.

Motivational speaker visits St. Paul Lessons on peer pressure for St Paul CatholIc School JunIOr high students and char- acter and mtegnty bUlldmg for the elementary students were themes recently pre- sented by Jerry Jacoby, a smger, songwnter and motivational 8peaker. He performed at two different assemblIes on Tuesday, Jan 20, for both Jumor high and hIgh school students, captIvating them with his Inspmng lessons Jacoby engaged the audience by InVItlOg students to partICIpate In skits on stage Star of the Sea Penny Bonanza that eluCidated values In between the role plaYing, he sang songs wIth a correspond- After conecting over $3,040 to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul "Pennies for 109 theme He tapped mto Ideas such as everyone's umqueness and shOWIngcourtesy and respect for others Poverty" program, students at Our Lady Star of the Sea in GroSBe Pointe Woods may never look at the copper coin in the same way. Inspired by their Jacoby's enthUSIasm, slncenty and sense of humor prOVIded the perfect blend of success, the Student Councll-sponsored event that lasted from Jan. 19-5O entertainment and mstructlOn The show remforced ways ofmteractmg St Paul hopes will likely become an annual event. to mstlll In Its students In awe of the number of pennies collected are. clockwise from lower left, The presentatIOn was brought to the school through the School CommIttee and paid Student Council Representatives Mark Karam of Grosse Pointe Woods and for through the generoSity of the Teacher Parent GuIld Leah Stapleton of Harper Woods, Student Council PreSident Robert Eckert of Grosse Pointe Park, PreSident-EJect Michael Thomas of St. Clair Shores and !t-.!presen.tu!ve. Christa BertaJds of Grosse Pomte..

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Whether you're expecting a baby, have a toddler ,.",' _\ 't" ...... <..".. ready for a big bed tbis is a great time to save. n upbeat me~~aqe foY the new qenerafion! \ • • ''''~'''-'''.to150.'' .....,..,.,.... Furniture &Accessories for Kids of AU Ages. _._ II:'" ~.~~-- / .. ,. ".J..i: • NOVI STORE: 43600 Grand River (just west of Novi Rd.) 248.349.2515 "3 lit Ida "_l~ ROCHESTER STORE: 2813 S. Rocbester Rd. in Hampton Village 248-299.5010 Open Mon, Wed, Fri 10.9; Tues '" Thurs 10.5; Sat 10.6, Suo 12.5 Visit us at: 14A Schools February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News North alumni thrive at rival academies

By Carrie Cunningham Staff Writer reqUIrement m the mlll- One IS clad m the charac- tary after they graduate terIstic West Pomt gray and go wherever the mlh- coat wIth a black stnpe tary Will send them. down the center The other AB far as an ArmylNavy wears a SUIt with double nval, Frank says It IS min- rows of gold buttons and imal gold anchors on his lapel "They're not hke there's Identlfymg him as a Nave.I no other college m the Academy student world,' he s81d. "There's Gomg to nval schools, no envy. They compare West Pornt and the US notes" Naval Academy, the two In the ArmylNavy foot- boys could be tagged as ball game, Frank donned Army and Navy arch foes, hats from both institutIOns but they are brothers, they to show hIS support for respect each other, and both hIS sons they're workmg hard to Frank credIts hiS sons' become officers In the mlll- success in gettmg mto and tary 1U order to serve and perfonning at the mthtary represent Amenca. Pbcloe eou1'leoy of Fnmk MaDaIt academIes to a solid Enc Manclk wJ11gradu- Frank IlaDcik ill proud of his IIODS. Er.Ic. who attenda West Point, aDd Chrls, who goe. to the U.S. Naval upbnngmg. Though he ate from West Pomt, locat- Academy. He wore both Army and Navy caps at an Army/Navy FootbaD game to support both eolia. dIvorced from hill WIfe, ed In West Pomt, NY, m and the Korean War Marta, about ten years ago, 2007 while Chns Manclk Patriotic fervor emanates The boys hke the struc- Frank feels he has glVen plans to graduate fonn the ture of mIlitary life and his sons a lot, enabling Naval Academy m from father Frank and Impacted hIS kIds the ways of the academies. them to have a high self- Annapolis, MD thIS year They are reqUITed to play esteem and respectful attI- They are fonner Poupard, "I have tears In my eyes at sportmg events (when) sports and have delved mto tudes toward the world. Parcells and Grosse Pomte tough academIC challenges. "They grew up extremely North High School stu- you smg the natIOnal anthem," Frank said "It's They both thmk North pre- polite They grew up canng dents Both young men WIll been in my blood • pared them for the acade- about what people thought automatically earn a mIes of them," Frank said. degree m engmeenng from The apphcat10n process to both academies IS ngor- "They felt those classes Frank says between the theIr respective schools, kept them on par With two boys he can see Ene Wlth Enc hopmg to addi- ous and both students were amply prepared Enc had these other kids, and staYIng ID the mlhtary tIOnally study Gennan and a 3 8 GPA while Chns had they're all bnght,. Frank after his five-year reqUIre- languages and Chns study- said ment In the near term, 109 political sCIence a 34 GPA, and they both scored in the 6bOs on their The government pays for Chris IS angling for either Steeped m the Impor- academy hfe, WIth some a naval flIght or subma- tance of servmg one's coun- SATs They played foot- ball, and Chns additIOnal- spare couple of hundred of rme posItion after he grad. try as chlldren, the boys dollars for spendmg money. uates are follOWing the example ly dove and ran track. Enc was recommended by While the boys have Beammg WIth pnde for of their father, Frank, who Democratic leanings, they hiS sons, Frank thmks the was m the military dunng Senator Carl Levm, and support PreSIdent George paths hIS sons have taken Vietnam, and grandfathers Congressman DaVId BODier Eric lIIancllt, left aud Chris IlaDcik, have adapted Bush m hiS role as com- are worthy ones who fought in World War II wrote a letter on behalf of Chns favorably to mllltary Ufe at both academJ.~. mander In chIef They are "They couldn't have gone Mackenzie class reunion ready to serve the five year to better places," he saId MackenzIe High School class of 1954, January, June and summer scboollS havmg a 50th anmversary reumon on Jwy 9 and 10 The deadlme to be mcluded 10 the Memory Book IS GP Nursery students uplifted by Apnl19, 2004. Reservations must be made 10 advance Cor the July 10 dinner banquet byApnll, 2004 No tIckets Wl!I be sold at the door Call Bev at (248) 435.3743 or e.mall friendship --with-' builders [email protected] at (248)4774111 By carrie Cunningham StaffWnter Grosse Pomte Nursery School students are con- structmg a base oC knowledge as well as theIr character VIa a relatIonsbJp Wlth bu1lders Cyntlua WhItten's students of the 50-year~1d school have become frIends Wlthconstruc- tIOn workers from Frank Rewold and Sons, Inc., who are buddIng the Sunnse Commumty Center on Mack Avenue and Bryg nearby the school WhItten notIced the con- structIon close to the school and thought valuable lessons cowd be lIDparted to her stu- dents "We observed how they would put tools away and looked out for each other 10 terms of safety," she Bald In add1tlOnto seemg tools, students saw machmery Cor construction and blue pnnts for the center whIch WIll house the elderly "I liked the big crane," S81d St. Paul Catholic School student Chnstopher Kroll PIIofA>by Came Cunnmgham Students in Cynthia Whitten's Grosse Pointe Nunery school have become The constructIOnfascmated the students They saw the friends with and leUDed from construction worken from Frank Rewold and EARLY CIllLDHOOD PROGRAM workers, headed by SUpeTVl' Sonl, Inc., who are buUdillg the Sunriae Community Center for tbe elderly. In sor Ken Carr, place cement 10 front from left to right are JobD Paul lIeuens. ChrUltopber KroU, INFORMATIONAL EVENING the foundation and mstall the Mitchell Toomer. Tim Konld, Jasmine Zadroga. NJchol .. Webb and Serena vanous components of the Kowalsld. In back from left to right are Chloe R1bco, SamaDtba Filer, Ryan bUlldmg Danaher, Leah Webber. John Hryclu1l:. Erin Burke, DaDieUe Bennett and Preschool: 3 yeu/4 year old program "I hked when they remem- Brandon Fekete. Kneelln, ill the right comer ia Whitten. YOUNG 5'S Program ber to put the pIpes m," 981d oped camaradene Wlth the wave to them," WhItten Bald the chIldren, the workers and student John Paul Messens workers "Areal relatIonship started to the bulldmg project on a bw- KINDERGARTEN The students have devel- "The Iuds would wave to develop" letm board the group, and the guys would When the workers were WhItten has encouraged dlgg10g 10 November, they diSCUSSIon about what It MARCH 4, 2004 came upon clay They gave It means for the center to house CIIVof(!}rosseJlointt .oobs, Michigan to the students who 10 turn the elderly They dlscusa 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. used It to make Chnstmas thmgs like walkers and ornaments for them The stu. wheelchau'!I and how the old 7:00 & 7:30 formal presentations NOTICE TO BJDDUIi • 52.FOOT ARTICULATING dents also made Chnstmas need 9.8B1stance OVFRCENTER AERIAL DEVICE lcommonly knov.n 8.~a Tree cards for the workers and "The Iuds talk about Room): Sealed bld~ WIll he received by Ihe City at the office of the gBvethem bagels grandma and grandpa," Stop by and see the difference to a St Paul &!ucatlon City Clerk 2()()2~ Mack PllI7-3 Gro~<;e POlnle Wood, Michigan Like any good relatIOnship, Whitten Bald Our high academic standards unlll Q 10 a m Wedne~ay March 10 2004 al whIch time and place the workel'!l came back and The kIds saw a woman are only part of the equation thc propo~l\ Will he publicly opened and read aloud for furnishing gsve Chnstrnas stockmgB to worlong at the BIte one day lhc folio'" Ing Item~ the children filled Wlth good. and were buoyNl by her pres- les ence 170 Gro'iSe POinte Blvd Gros~e POinte foarm~ ~2 FOOlAr1rculatln~ Overcenter Aenal DeVice The relalJonshlp has per. "I hke the lady who S81d !listed through February The hello," S81dBrandon Fekete (313) 885-3430 Corle, of ~peclficallon~ and bid ~heet' may he oblalned from the students made Valent1Oe's The exchange has fostered C,ty (Ierk Thc City reo;erve~ the nghl to reJecl any or all prop<>'iaJ~. 1'r'WW,slpauJoO!bdakc Oij: cards for the workers, and the tOstroctlOn and growth for to "'dIve any Irrcgulantlc~ In the hlddlng and to accepl any p,op<>'ial~ workers gave them a basket the students at the school " dccm' to he In the he~t Inlere.\! of the City Anchor~dm faith sma /927 full of penCIlsand sweets 10 owned by the Grosse Po1Ote return BaptIst Chul'Ch The ele- LouiN S, Warnke, "They love us,' saId ments of creation are JlluJJ11- (~ G PN 02/2612004 Jasm10e Zadroga nated for the students and City Clerk LIZ Roberts, Whitten's mutual affection elllsts 9.8B18tant,compiled photos of "It's been 80 cool," saId February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointf" News Automotive 19A Supercharged '04 Impala 55 moves By Greg Zyra Matlc 4T65-E four-speed The new Impala SS also Chevrolet's 2004 Impala roadway and offers that cer- for the electrOnIcally controlled offers Chevy's comprehen- SS offers consumers the best tam snugness we've come to Impala SS automatIc transIDlSSlOn. sive safety package, room of both worlds. performance expect m the hIgher echelon Impala's 'Ib help the new S8 handle for five passengers, lots of and functlOnahty Chevy GM sport sedans cabm IS the torque, Chevy added cargo space and a good mtroduced the first 88 UOlque styhng cues set still one of four-wheel mdependent sus- record of rehablhty and Impala m 1961, Jommg the S8 apart from Its SIb- the best pension With MacPherson durabilIty Impala earned 2004 Chevy Impala as "Leave It to Beaver" on the lIngs and estabhsh a lInk we' v e struts at all four corners, five stars, the highest U S WIth other Chevy 88 models tube, Alan Shepard m space encoun- comes In at 8,606 pounds power rack-and-pIDlon government safety ratIng, m Impala SS features color- and 4-cent U 8 postage steermg, electromc tractIOn tered Comfort and ameD!- EPA numbers for the super- stamps frontal crash testIng for 00- keyed body Side moldings, ties abound, as Chevy cre- control and large-dIameter b charged 3 8 V-6, which ver and passenger "S8 badgmg, umque deck. ates more usable mtenor The big difference four-wheel diSC power- Impala 88 also features a needs 92 octane fuel, are between the Impala 8S and hd spoiler and lowered front room by movmg Impala's estimated to be 18 mpg city assisted bralung With ABS sportIer nde and handlmg faSCIa With mtegrated fog the other models In the seats, steenng wheel and and 28 mpg hIghway, With and race-msplred coolIng 8prmg rates are stIffened m lamps Also noteworthy IS a Impala senes IS Chevrolet's door assembhes outward a ImpreSSive acceleratIon to ducts PuttIng the power to both front and rear The umque rear spoiler celebrated 240-horsepower bit, resultmg m true "blg- 60 mph 10 leSBthan seven the ground are hIgh-perfor- combinatIOn helps reduce The S8 Joms two other supercharged 38-hter V-6 mance speed-rated tIres ~ dimensIOns All gauges seconds body roll m cornermg and front-wheel-dnve Impala are large and easy to read, sittIng under the hood, pro- With 17-mch dIamond-cut Our S8 had a $900 moon Improves dnver feedback models offered m 2004 a and amemty control knobs ducmg a whoppmg 280 cast aluminum wheels. The roof and a $325 XM Satellite On the road, Impala IS com- base sIX-passenger sedan are Wlthm easy reach of pound-feet of torque It may monochromatIc black metal- fortIng and a good handler. radIo optIon added to the not produce the same horse- and the sportIer five-passen- both OOver and passenger $660 destmatlon fee The hc S8, which is the only Whether mergmg on a free- ger LS Similarly, two V-6 power as the 1961 Impala color avallable, also feature6 Important numbers final tally came in at way, passmg on a two-lane engines - 3.4-hter and non- lOclude IB 6 cubic-feet of 88409, but It sWI moves out bnght stainless steel dual road or Just cruismg, Impala $29,220. We hke Impala SS pretty well' The 8.B-liter supercharged 3 B-hter cargo space, a 110 5-mch and rate It a nme on a scale exhaust tips, fog lamps, a did everythmg well. It designs - offer buyers a engme IS mated to a heavy- sIX-gaUge cluster includIng wheelbase and a 17-gallon of 10. It's a neat car, as are grasps country road corners, chOIce as to power The fuel tank that ensures long duty version of the Hydra- boost gauge eaSily negotIates mountam all the Impala models supercharged engme is only OOves.The final curb weight -lUng Features Synduxzte How to read the writing on the 'sidewalls' By Greg Zyla Tractlon grade' TractIon IS the manufacturer and plant Wrzte to Greg Zyla m care Please Help Us Wlcome'IJud;::.': We've receiVed several let- b followed by the letter" A, b "B code, tIre 81ZB code, optional of King Features Weekly ters recently about how to b or "C," WIth "A the best It codes and the date the tire Service, PO Box 536475, Qon New Additions rJ,,:~:t,'l!Io('" read the "wrItIng of the Side- rates a tire's ability to stop on b was manufactured. For Orlaruki, FL 32853.6475, or Sa.yS Th The Ik1n GJoley FcuriLyl wall of passenger

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Last Fnda)-, the stock $5944 a month, plus taxes, rally off the tWin bottoms of market got qUite a Jolt from etc late 2002 and early 2003, the 0 5 percent Increase In Last week, LTS VISited an Stock Market which usually only last nIne January's Consumer Pnce out-state, small, au to-relat- to 12 months at a Glance Index, the largest monthly ed manufacturer, who com- Deemer sees money shlft- gam m over a year plamed the Chinese had all Friday mg out of the major tech Close, 2120104 HIgher energy pnces but cornered the stamless stocks as the Nasdaq goes DaN Jones 100 .10,619 accounted for 75 percent of steel market For months, a through a relatively lack- that monthly gam, while 12-mch machmed part had Nasdaq ~ 2,038 luster penod of up to five the core mdex - minus been quoted at $5 each hIgh, the mdex has lost 5 4 Inc , and stlll prOVIdes tren- yeaJ'll S&P 500 Index 1,144 food and energy - was up Last week's quote was $15 percent and IS now only 1 6 chant technIcal analYSIS to Some technICIans call thiS only 0 2 percent, month-to- each I $10 EUROs 1.2524 percent above Its year-end 35 to 40 mstitutlOnal recent rally a "sucker rally" month Ifyou don't thmk that Crude OIl (~) 35 60 pnce level! mvestors through ms Deemer sees the Nasdaq m Crode OIl pnces surged mflatlOn has started yet, Barron's Web 23) fea- newsletter, "Market a bIg tradmg range between Gold (Oz ) 397.50 above $36 a barrel last look at the pnce charts for tured an mteTVlew by Strategies and InSIghts " Its mJtlallow (October Fnday, closmg that after- gold, Silver, copper, palladi- 3-Mo T-Bdls 092% Sandra Ward, titled, "Set to Deemer says October 2002) and Its recent rally noon at $35.60, up $1.04 for um, platmum, steel, lead, 3O-YrT-Bonds 495% the week Break" Accordmg to her 2002 was a four-year cycle mgh (January 2004) Tills etc , etc , etc guest, Walter Deemer, a Have you seen the gas- low Thereafter, the best SIdeways market could go a substantial increase for veteran techmcal analyst, pnce SIgn at Amoco lately? gmns come 10 year one, on for a decade (The 'Ibkyo upper-middle mcome and Where will it go? "The party WIll soon be over PremIum was $191 last WIth a more selectIve trough lasted much longer) wealthy famihes ~ Last week's holiday.short- for the Nasdaq bulls" week, up 18 6 percent smce advance In year two. Year Ward "How long, then, Some finanCial and estate ened week produced anoth- Deemer IS the guru who year-end. three brings an even more before a break m Nasdaq planners, whIle not adJmt- er "ho-hum" m the stock called the bottom for GM Barron's, the Dow Jones selective nse, or even a occurs?" tlOg the POSSlblhty of a markets. shares in 1974, after GM busmess and financIal decline Year four IS down. Deemer' "It could occur at Democratic election sweep, Both the Dow and the slashed Its diVIdend He weekly, upped its pnce to Deemer figures the easy anytime when the Nasdaq are already reVIewing S&P 500 were basically flat, then urged gJIn-shy portfo- $4 from $3 50, a 14.3 per- part of the cyclical bull goes down on a short-term strategies that would now WIth the Dow off 9 pomts ho manageJ'll to buy GM cent increase market IS Just about over, baSIS of late, the rest of the sell certam low-cost, over- and the S&P down 2 pomts Tills call was nght on the The car wllsh on Mack m and bfe gets tougher from market goes down m sym- SIzed stock poSItions, and Not so the Nasdaq, wmch money and made him a pathy" the Park bumped Its pnce here on HIS technIcal paYIng thIS year's low capI- lost 16 pomts for Its fifth "legend" at Putnam from $3 to $4, a 33 percent analYSIS shows the Nasdaq Ward "But we are talk- tal gams tax. consecutive weekly declme Management mcrease! IS In a secular bear market. mg about a lot of dlsap- Tax loss "wash sale~ Smce Jan. 26, when the In 1980, he started his pomtment?" Comeast mcreased our We are near the end of the restnctlons do not apply to Nasdaq posted a 2 lJ2.year own adVISOry firm, DRT digital cable 10 1 percent to typIcal 50 to 100 percent Deemer "Lots of dlsap- for-profit sales pomtment creates lots of Come to tffink of It, LTS oPPOrtunity " never heard of any Investors in the poor house Senior men can still boot it up! What did you gear? because they took stock Last week, several profits! I had the pleasure last by new and newer technolo- Democratic candldates were Joseph Mengden IS a. resI- week of spealong to one of gy, so we should know more str81ghtforward about dent of the City of Grosse the SenIOr Men's Club's about these techrucal forces repealmg certam Bush tax- POI/Ite and former chatrma.n sub-clubs No, it wasn't As examples, he cites the cuts If they were elected m of First of Mlchzgan "'Let's about submannes toPICS of theIr last three November 7hlk Stocks" IS sponsored by The very popular Tech meetmgs Asked If tms would the follOWing Grosse POI/Ite Club meets at the War Two months ago the Increase taxes, they said, mvestnumt-related firms: Memonal on the tmrd group met to hear a presen- "No mcrease for low- and John M RICkel CPA, P.C Wednesday each month I tation on the use of digital mJddle-mcome famlbes, but and RICkel & BallI! P.C had almost 50 guys hangmg systems In the enjoyment of on my every word It's the plano musIc. The members only trme I've talked to were shown how digitally Qwnn also told me that folder shortcuts that orga- more than 12 people at once controlled pianos make last month the membersmp rnze your Icons smce my tnal And the learmng how to play the was shown how to save Frrst, create a set of fold- Business People hangJDg Involved was some- plano, and the eI\loyment of those many reels of home ers on the start menu thmg a little drlferent But I a plano m the home, easuy mOVIes and dozens of shdes ApplicatJons, Internet, Dr. Bonnie Sloane, head of the digress achIevable at mmlmal cost rnoldmg m the basement PIctures, Sound, ThaIs, and Barbara Ann Karamanos Cancer According to MIke QuInn, Fortunately, at tills meet- from slow death SImply Video. InstItute's Pro teases and Cancer .. who did the inVIting, the 109 I was not asked to play convert them to CDs or Right click the folder on Program and chair of Wayne State club was founded on the Do the words "Heart & DVDs Then they can be the start menu and "copy" Umverslty School of Medlcme's preInlse that more and Soul" nng a f8IDlhar note, copIed and dlstnbuted to It. Department of Pharmacology, has more of our hfe IS affected so to speak? other fBmlly membeJ'll for Next, SWItch to the desk- receIVed a $5.8 mUhon Breast Cancer many years of eIIJoyment top and .paste shortcutn on Center of Excellence grant from the U S. And t1unk of the.fuR, you to the desktop Tb& onlJ' " _", 0 Ilepartment of Defense to study".}J.ow .1 JOHN M. RICKEL, C.P.A., P.C. can have ShOWlDg them to other Icons you may want understandmg proteases may lead to your mends over and over CERTI FI ED PU B LI C ACCO U NTANTS on your desktop are My Sloane better ways of detectmg breast cancer, agam Computer, e-m8l1, browser, treating the disease and monitonng the RICKEL Be BAUN, P.C. As a plus, the members recycle bm and two to three effectiveness of therapy ATTORNEYS were offered a dIscount on new or commonly used Utllizmg thiS grant, Sloane and her team WIll deter- the proceSSIng of their pIC- Icons Inlne whIch of hundreds of prOteases are bnked to the PHONE FOR AN E-FILE TAX PREPARATION QUOTE tures (Hey, what about Now let's look at some of growth and spread of breast canceJ'll and develop nonm- AVOID A 9 MONTH WAIT FOR YOUR REFUNDI guest speakers?) the thmgs you can do WIth vaslve Imaging techmques to momtor treatments that PO Box 36200 In February the toPIC was or WIthout a mouse target these proteases. GROSSE POINTE FARMS MICHIGAN 48236-0200 computers Sound familIar? Ctl-Esc bnngs up the Sloane IS a reSIdent of Grosse Pomte Park TELEPHONE 313/886-0000 Here are some of the Items Windows start menu ThIs EMAIL rlckelbaun@comcast net I addressed last week allows you to start any pro- Gregory L. Ulrich, a partner at the Typical home PC users gram on the start menu law firm of Cummmgs, McClorey, DaVIS use less than 10 percent of WIthout a mouse After the & Acho (CMDA), has been appomted to theIr computeJ'll' capablh- programs are up, use the a three-year term m the State Bar of ties I would estimate that I Cltyof~rnsse 1F!ninte _nob's, Mlclngan arrow keys to move around MIchIgan's JudiCial Etmcs ComInlttee use only about 25 percent of Alt-Tab lets you SWItch The committee IS responSIble for glV- my PC's capablhtles actIve WIndows faster than 109 wntten opinIOns concermng the pro- NOTICE OF BID: 2004 MISCELLANEOUS SIDEWALK The dIfference WIth me IS finding a mdden wmdow pnety of profeSSIOnal and JudICIal con- AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH _ that fm fairly confident I WIth a mouse duct when requested to do so. REPLACEMENT PROGRAM IN DISTRICT NO 2- can figure out Just about How often do you "nght Furthermore, the commIttee may recom- AEW PROJECT NO 160-254 any part of the remammg chck?" mend amendment.s to the MIchigan Ulrich 75 percent whenever I want RIght chcklng on every- Rules of Conduct, the Code of JudICIal The City of Grosse Pomte Woods will receive -;ealed bills unlll to, and I'm always on the tmng teaches you a lot Conduct and other standards of profeSSIOnal conduct 1000 a m local I1me on Thursday, March 18,2004, at the lookout for shortcuts for about what's gomg on that they deem appropnate for proper approval and thmgs I do on a regular offices of the City Clerk, City of Grosse Pomte Woods, 20025 Explore the desktop, tool adoptIon baSIS Mack Plaza, Grosse POinte Woods Michigan 48236, at which bar, Icons, etc DefinItely U1nch, a Grosse FOlnte Woods reSIdent, concentrates Every computer group check out the "propertles~ hIS practice on busmess btlgatlOn, real estate, technolo- time and place all bIds WIll be publicly opened and read aloud has Its "alpha geek " I'm on the "nght chcks "You gy, alternative dIspute resolution and governmental The approximate quantrlles Involved In thiS work are as sort of a geek when we talk, can learn a lot matters at CMDA follows but you should see the pe0- KnoWIng how to select ple who are my alpha dIfferent VIews on file WIn- James B. Nicholson of Grosse '\'Removc and Replace 4" Concrete Sidewalk 56,000 SF, geeks When they tell me dows detaIls, Icons, thumb- POinte Farms has been appomted to '\'Remove and Replace 6" Concrete SIdewalk and Dnveway computer stuff, I need to nails, etc , puts you m con- serve as chairman of the board of dIrec- ¥Approach 20.000 SF Together With related appurtenances take classes Just to trans- trol and lets you see more tors of the Huron.Cllnton Metroparks as well as clean-up and resloral1on late It Info, or more graphICS Even FoundatIOn One of the things I talked more fun IS tallormg what The foundatIOn IS bemg formed to about was learnIng how to Plan~ and speclficatlon~ are on file and copies may be secured you see 10 the explorer raise, manage and dISperse funds and handle almost all mouse VIews on Tuesday, February 24. 2004 at lOOp m . at the offices of resources to support and enhance the functIOns WIth the key- Learn what "arrange Anderson, Eckstein and Wcstrlck, Inc , 5130 I Schoenherr efforts of the Huron-Chnton Metroparks board MIce (mouqes?) do Icons" and "select detaIls" Authonty (HeMA) Development of the Road, Shelby TownshIp, MIchIgan 48315 die It's happened to me, do for you Nichollon foundation was Initiated m 2003 and Ifq only a matter of Here are some ways to NIcholson served on the HCMA's A fee of Twenty Dollar.; (S20 00) Will be reqUIred for each set time before everyone has manage spam and some board of directors from May 200 to Apnl 2002 as a gov- of proposed plans and speclficallons and WIll not be rcfunded the ,a me problem By the software I told the Tech ernor appomtee He IS also the preSident, chIef execu- A maIling fee of Ten Dollar<; (SIO 00) to cover handling and ",ay, keepmg a spare mouse Club about tive officer and pnnClpal shareholder of PVS ChemIcals postage v.,ll be charged to anyone WIshing 10 recCIVethe plans around doesn't ll(}lve the The freebIes you can use Inc, an international manufacturer and marketer of and speclficallons via Umted Parcel Servlce~ problem If you've bent the are called Spampal and water-treatment and other chemical products connector pms (Yes, I dId Spybot Search and Destroy It) SpeClficallons and plans are also on file for viewing al the (Got to love that name') Richard J. Landuyt of Coldwell Banker SchweItzer Here are some non-tncks office of thc (lly Clerk A certlficd check bank draft. or They're free, and they've hss been named the exclUSIve real estate profeSSional to I use both been "EdItors' ChOIce" represent the Grosse Pomtes and St ClalT Shores for satisfactory bId hondo executcd by thc bidder and a suret) The control panel allows m the magazmes Do a HomeslOl net company. payable to the Cily of Gro~~e POlnle Wood~ you to configure lots of Google search HomeslOI net combmes the eaqe and ImmedIacy of Trea~urer. 10 an amounl at Ica~1equal to the percenl (5%) of thmgs Make your mouse That Just about covers domg real estate busmess over the Internet C'onsuml'rs the bid amounl ~hall be ~uhml«cd Wllh cach bId No bid may pomter larger, and set It to half of what [ talked about are able to receIve mformatlOn on local events and busl- be WIthdrawn for a period of 'lXly (60) calendar day~ after make tr81ls for added VlSI Agam, my thanks to the nesqes Within the communIty as well as profeSSIOnal receIpt ofbld~ b,hty Tech Club for haVIng me, relocatIOn seTVIces Specific to bUYIng, selhng or OWnIng Select your own start-up and a speCIal thanks to a house The City of (,ro~~e POlntc Wood~ rc\ervc, the nghl to acccpt mUSIC, Snd'. yOl, rpfer tlw n10rp yOll (,11kfor FREE , , • , •• • I • I,: Grosse Pomte Academy Civil nghts actiVist Dr seventh-grader Paige BenJamm E Mays Dr Simmons was awarded first Wllham H Cosby was place 10 the 2004 Ford named the 2004 Ford • 1.888.535.7597 • Freedom Award Essay Freedom Award Scholar, an Contest dunng an awards honor bestowed on a hVlng muzoN WIRElESS COIIIRINICATIONS S1lNIES AUT1tORIZEDRETAIlERS ceremony held at the mdlVldual who has excelled ~1alJ IIIIClIEtTD NUS I'ESIlAIIl tQUlpment Of'* and Wony Free Guar~ m.y \/'l rv Charles H Wnght Museum m hiS or her chosen field 2570...JacIcsoo Ave. 310 11 0rchanl1..1t ISthe fourth year m which she Willgo to the state level bee "'a, 'Utklnal IN NtlWOlle( .. " .... Art. "w,llS mlHlOIlP"Ot>If In Ih~ US Ta.~ 'PIlIy SH WIlOnWl,.Io<, ,omlbtllntlwor1< '0' "!wolle r1"m dPla,11"'V,oron W".'", 1004 February 26. 2004 16A News Grosse Pointe News Shores' Chief Mitchell retires from 40 years on job

By Brad Lindberg Mitchell, dl1e to rebre ceremony by erackmg Jokes "Steve IS a 24/7 man - scores of well-WIshers• on competent, canng, thought- Staff Wnter Feb 27 as Grosse Pomte dunng t1us month's trustee that's 24 hours per week, hand for hiS retrrement and ful pollce protection for trus Gary MltcheU's send off Shores duector of pubhc meet1Og. seven days a month, • Poloni's sweanng In' "I'll village You epltomtze that" took on aspecUl of a celebnty safety and chief of pohce and Mitchell launched Ius best Mitchell sald. IDlSSyou all, but tf you need Dr. James Cooper, current roast, WIth IumBelf beanng fire, brightened what could matenal at fnend and suc- Upon concludmg the me you can always call 9-1-1 vJ1lage preSident. called the best one-hners have been a glum goodbye cessor, Stephen PoloID evenmg, MItchell addressed and get Steve .. Mitchell's career a "land. PoioIDISused to Mitchell's mark accomphshment " upbeat ways Dunng the equivalent of "He's been a fnend and an awards ceremony. Cooper Shores public safety enters new era mentor,~ Polom sald presented Mitchell a retire- Mitchell was touched that ment badge, semce revolver and a counctlletter of appre- By Brad Lindberg When Mitchell made cruefm "He's a famlly man, rell- workrng WIth I've been on so many people marked the Staff Wnter 2000, PoioID earned second. gious and the kmd of guy end of rus 40-year career 10 ciation offenng "most hearty the Job 26 years Executives congratulatlons. ~ "As one era comes to an 1O-command. you can talk to," Pullen SQld. like Steve don't come along law enforcement. end, so another begms." "1remember Steve commg "He's not there to bun! you, very often ~ Fnends, famlly, mumClpal Mary MatuJa, ch8lr of the Shores planIDng comrmsslon Thus Dr James Cooper, mto the department 17 but woWd help you move up Dan Jensen, Farms employees and public safety and member of the Shores preSident of Grosse Pomte years ago," Bald Mitchell, through the department." deputy director of pubhc officers from the Shores and Shores, commended Gary known to Spice conversation Pralse came from hIgh- safety, rated Mitchell and sister Pomtes overflowed 'lbwnsrup Board of Trustees. the councll chambers Jokmgly gave Mitchell a Mitchell upon retlnng as WIth wry humor "He walked rankmg officers outside the PoioID as "two of the best People stood in an adjoining copy of "Crime and director of pubhc safety and 10 telling me someday he department guys ill the profession. Both In Pumshment" mVlted Inspector Stephen T was gomg to be chief of John Schulte. deputy are outstandmg, dedicated hallway and sat folding Shores Sgt. Wilham PoloIDto take the Job. police m Grosse Pointe chrector of public safety in - great guys You couldn't cluurs set up for the occasion Nicholson presented a cer. Wlthm mmutes the Shores. We should be careful Grosse Pomte Park, SQld, pick a better replacement for m the mam lobby of village tlficate of appreclahon from Bweanng-in was over. On what we WIShfor ~ "Steve PoloID IS one of the Gary MItchell than Steve hall. Fnday, Feb 28, PoioID WIll Polom credited rehred hardest working executlves PoloID, great man, wonder- "It's very heartwarmmg to the Pointe fire mvestigstlon offiCially become the Shores' chief Dan Healy, whom I've had the pnVllege of ful people ~ see everybody here." said team. seventh director of pubhc Mitchell replaced four years MItchell. 64. "It makes me Edward Gaffney, R-Grosse safety smce formmg m 1911 ago, for stresslOg educatlon proud to see people I've been POlOte Farms, arranged for "I'm humbled and hon- "He's a great friend whom serVlng all these years come a state proclamation. Wayne ored,~PoloIDsald to an audl. I owe a great amount of Chief Poloni's out and WIsh me a bon voy- County Executive Robert ence 'IUesday IDght that gratltude.~ Poloni said. age We're very happy Flcano sent a proclamation. extended beyond Shores addmg that Mitchell "has Steve's gOillg to be taking DaVld Hiller, chief of pub- cOUDClIchambers been a fnend and mentor." my place." hc safety m Grosse Pomte Poloni promised unsur- PoioIDgave special thanks Accomplishments Mitchell began Ius career Park, presented plaques on as a patrolman ill Grosse behalf of the Southeastern passed semce whue mlUn- to Mike Kenyon, Vlllage Stephen T Poloni, new Management School tammg "mtegnty, courage manager and former pubhc Pomte Park He JOlOedthe Michigan AsSOCiation of pubhc safety duector m through Eastern Mlclugan Shores 34 years ago. attain- Cluefs of Pollce, plus anoth- and honor" safety officer Grosse Point~ Shores, has University and Macomb mg cruef 10 2000 er from the Fraternal Order He thanked the council for "From the hIDe I started received numerous Cltations Commumty College Lt. Dan Pullen, who hIred ofPohce. Its contidf'nce and support he's been a friend and men- and commendatlons dunng He is a graduate and "I mean that from the bot- tor,~ PoioID swd "I owe rum onto the Shores 18 years ago "I have always consIdered rus17 years with the Vl1lage. member of the FBI Law as a 20-year-old dispatcher, you one of the most profes- tom of my heart," he swd. a lot" • 1991 SpeCial Enforcement Executive Polon! became a Shores Mitchell called Poloni hiS valued the thoughtfulness sional officers I have ever Recogmnon Award from the Development Assoclahon Mitchell showed those serv- met,~ Hiller SQld."I coruuder publlc safety officer m 1987 "nght hand man ~ Fraternal Order of Pollee for Poloni has an associate mg at the bottom of the lad- It an honor to call you both He served five years preVl- Public safety IS a team hiS community S8l"VlCe degree m criminal Justtce ously as a firefighter m effort, a tradihon which der. cruef and my fnend ~ efforts, wluch mcluded help- and Will graduate this "It was Corp. Mitchell at DenniS Van Dale, deputy River Rouge PoioIDvalues 109 needy famUles through spnng With a bachelor Polon! retains fresh memo "I have a great group of the hme," Pullen sald. "He director of City of Grosse the Feed a Famlly Program degree in pubhc buamess was the only guy who wor- POinte pubhc safety, pre- ones of rus Job lOtemew In guys to work Wlth,~he sald PoioDl also worked With admlDlstration from the the Shores He was asked "They've helped me along ried about the dispatchers to sented a proclamatlon from children, teachmg them UIDverslty of Phoernx. take care of them and get Mayor Dale Serace. Ius pnontles In life my career I'm 8XClted and about fire safety PoioID IS chalrman of the "God was first 10 my life; lookmg forward to the chal- them supphes He was kmd Grosse Pomte Woods pub- • 1992 Optimist Club Grosse Pointe Harper Woods enough to do that It's been a hc safety director Mike my famlly was second, and tf lenges of the future" Officer of the Year. Mutual Aid Comnuttee. He pleasure servmg Gary Makowksl represented h1s I kept those two nght, my Dan Pullen was the next • 1993: Mothers Agalnst was appomted to the Wayne tlurd, wruch ISmy Job, would Shores officer hired after Mitchell." counCll's proclamation. Drunk DnVlng award for County Emergency Ed Brady, former Shores Dan Jensen. the Farms' turn out OK,~ Polom sald PoioID enforcmg drunk dnvmg Management staff Sergeant stnpes and lieu- Now a sergeant, Pullen preSldent, called Mitchell a deputy director of pubhc laws PoioIDIS mamed with two "consummate profesSIOnal. I safety. presented a certlfl- tenant bars marked a steady and PoioID became fnends PoioDl 18 a graduate of cluldren. nse through the ranks nght off the bat. know what It means to have cate of appreciatIon from Pohce Command and - Brad Lindberg D1rector Robert Ferber, who was out of state. Ferber wrote that fi I( • MItchell's "tenureY

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~1WJf" \o\It>.tli~M"n('nnr~1- "" ril!>e "m. i!II« .....r"" """""'" 'Tlw> ( l'O'6(" PotntC' ~ r~ tht r'Rht l"l()( to dnE"pt ,11"1MhPfT!,(Or c,. Ofdf., ( ;()li.'lt" P~nlt" N(ow\ .IC'fvE'rt ol;.n~ rt'f'l"1' 'l('flC.ll ~ Nw> 00 .Mhonty 10 ~ 00 1f1,.e,. ~per and onlY PlIhhrahoo of ;In oKiW'rtI5f'mf'n! s~1I COMh!utp "noli "'CfIllolnre 01..... ~""". om.r February 26, 2004 Grosse PoInte News Hareer Woods 17A Board approves new reading curriculum By Jennie Miller PIlots were instituted m "Different students have Staff Wnter the sprmg of 2003 and m the different learning styles," Harper Woods schools are fall of 2003, uSing two dIffer- OZimek said "(With this on the cutting edge of educa- ent programs Wnght Group program, you can meet each tlon Wlth ItS recent acqwsI- and Houghton-Mlfflm After child at hIs or her ablhty tIon of a new elementary much research and wscus- level, which ranges from readJng curnculum through S1On,and workmg directly strugghng to glfted readers, the Wnght Group Wlth Wnght Group repre- and then move them as far Approved at a 'Ileetmg of sentatlves, the commIttee as they can go," OZImek the Harper Woods Board of concluded the latter proVld- added. Educabon on Tuesday, Feb ed the best educat10nai The program offers some- 10, the new curnculum was opportumtles. thmg Harper Woods schools championed by Beacon The new program was haven't seen In years Elementary staff members approved by the school "We can bul1d matenals who felt It was 10 need of a board at a cost of $42,000, and have consistency from major overhaul which wl11 come from the teacher to teacher and from PnnClpal Nancy OZimek wstnet's fund eqwty grade level to grade level," Jomed forces With thud- "The Wnght company was Ozrmek sllld, addmg that It grade teacher Deborah the most appropnate pro- also meets state bench- Bloomhuff, second-grade gram for Beacon," OZImek marks "That ISvery rmpor- teacher Vicki Kardynal, said "It proVldesboth struc- tant when the Iods take the kmdergarten teacher Knstl ture and fleXlblllty, and It MEAP test" Scaglione and first-grade supports our efforts to con- In adwtlon. Wnght Group teacher Barbara Stabile tmually Improve readmg has a comprehensive evalu- "Over the past several 1Ostructlon." ation piece that drives years, It became apparent The program's complete- mstructlon, OZimek sllld that Beacon was m need of a ness was the WinDIngfactor "It ISa record of strengths new readmg program," for the committee It sup- and weaknesses for teachers Ozrmek explamed. "It has ports hteracy by proVldmg to plan appropnate lessons been 20 years smce a com- matenals for guided read- for development and suc- plete kmdergarten through mg. shared reading, phomcs cess," StabIle s81d "The next thlrd grade readmg program mstructlon and wntmg teacher can see exactly Photo byJenDJe Miller has been purchased" "GUidedreadmg 18 a pow- where a chIld IS and where Beacon Elementary SChool principal Nancy Ozimek formed a committee with The teachers formed a erful way to teach students to pick up the pace." teachers Deborah Bloomhuff. Vicki Kardynal, Krist! 8caglione and Barbara Sta- readmg COmDlltteeto reView how to read," Stablle sald, School board members bUe to revamp the school's reading curriculum, dlfferent styles of programs adwng that the guided read- were Impressed Wlth the b II ~: ~=e;~~~ ~u:~~:dco~:ao~:tP:~~eSt~:~ ::,~l~~~:~~h,f~hl~~~st~ Parents Clu to co apse program that would be best allow for mdlVldualIzed !Dcluded a Video on the g for the students • mstructlon. rmportanceofre;dm . without new m.em.bers

RegIna senl 0rs desIgn ByJennie Mill" H.."", Wood., th...... to rem~ 10k.thno, I don'_ Staff Wnter Club allows Its members to how thiS orgamzatlon can "I don't know how much take an active role 10 their stay together Our Iods are longer the Harper Woods chlld's education. It gives gomgto graduate and move fU ture ro11er coasters Parents Club IS gomg to be parents the chance to learn on from thiS dlstnct We around" said a defeated more about the on goings m need new parents With new By Jennie Miller group was responsible for sengers, a park could pass Mary P~glla "We are at our the dlstnct and plan Ideas, who Wlll pass on this Staff Wnter makmg a two-drmenslOnal on the eXCitementto 64 pee- Wlts end trymg to get par- fundr81sers and events orgamzatlon to future gen- "Congratulations, you draWing, a three-wmens1On- pie at a time, a number that ents to come out and help. which ennch the learnmg erabons of parents " have been hired as the al model, and the phySICSof ISsure to bnng profit back to We don't know what to do OpportuDltIes PaglIa sees mvolvement newest employees of the coasters, lDside and out the park The expenence anymore" Every year, the Parents 10 her chIldren's educatIon RegICoaster," phySICS The students were then lasts for three mmutes and Pagha and her team of Club IS able to award schol- as a parental obhgatlon teacher Jay Jordan told her reqUired to present their 15 seconds, droppmg pas- dewcated parents, Annette arshlps to semors who "They're only yOllngonce," class of semors at Regma creations to a panel of sengers down an 80 degree Knoth, Margaret Wagner demonstrate slulls 10 every she said High School. Judges, compnsed of school angle ill 224 seconds before and Maggie Nanm have area of student hfe acade- Partlclpatlngls not a huge For three weeks, the stu- teachers and admmlstrators advanCing mto a loop at a been tirelessly trymg to mICS, athletics, leadership comnntment, she mSlsted dents worked 10 groups to who were portraylOg amuse- speed of 31 miles per hour recruit other parents 10 the and commumty serVIce The The club meets on the first deSign and bul1d a model of ment park representatIVes "They've done such a dlstnct to no avad Their club puts together the Wednesday of every month, a rolLercoaster " , I' from alll{ver the coun~ ., "at ~ob WIthl\'ifiiordan hard oi~"~ 'i1'iWQlj1 ~1I.~acommg ..~~6liI.. ~., In the,.~arr "The purpose was .... ~.. ~ 1fil!ll'tt!IIiPMl!'; & t/ effi wn lay $ distnct's educatIon over the sponsors the all-mght party, schOOl".9melba l:enter It Isn t reView and apply the to real-life as pOSSible,"said studentsi.aurmg thiS project. years Mlght fade mto hlsto- organIzes a celebrat10n for necessary to' attend every phySICSwe learned, thmgs Jordan, who has been teach- "London Underground" ry. the National Honor Society, meetmg, and parents can hke mechamcs, velOCIties, mg for four years, tins bemg glVes passengers a PIC- The Parents Club which and supports teachers With give whatever time they acceleranon and the ener; her first at Regma "I tlnnk turesque expenence, soanng has been In the com'mumty grants, matenals and any- have to vanOll8 projects. gles of mOVing objects, the girls really hke thiS pro- through a tunnel on smce the schools were con- thIng one might need "We don't do anythmg Jordan sllld. Ject - they're haVing a lot of polyurethane wheels With structed, has had a long hIs- "Whenever somebody that IS very contmuous or Jordan chose roller coast- fun Wlth It It doesn't seem scenes of the City displayed tory of support and generos- needs something, we're the lengthy," she said "Once a ers because It wraps all the hke they're dolOg a lot of on the tunnel walls Ity But recent years have ones they come nmnmg to," project IS done, It'S over elements of phySICSlOto one phYSICSbecause It IS such a TravelIng at a maxImum shown a dWlndhng number Pagba laughed "We're With Projects don't carry on machme - plus It's fun. fun proJect." speed of 32 8 meters per sec- of parents at the helm behmd the scenes 10 a lot of more than a few weeks, and Throughout the proJect, The "Physlclzer" was one ond, the nde reaches 55 "I don't know If It'S lack of activItIes throughout the one parent IS never domg the students were responsl- new roller coaster reaclnng meters 10 the air and lasts mterest _ I would hope that year" something all by them- ble for mdependent tasks as 93 mlles per hour and 350 for 1,366 feet It Isn't," Pagha said "Maybe 'Ib raise funds, the club selves We work together well as the team work Each feet 10 the air Students In addItIOn to the general people are too busy or they holds an annual cookIe ThIs Isn't a huge commlt- team conslsted of three or dubted It "the next new phySICS apphcatlOns, the don't understand w'hat It IS dough sale dunng the hoh- ment for a parent to make four employees a produc- nde~ and CitedIts mnovatlve coasters were also graded on we do We've been bangmg day season and the annual All they have to do IS show tIon manager, deSign engl- deSIgn and record-breakmg safety, thnll, appearance, our heads together trylOg to flower sale In early spnng up" neer, research englneer, and length as reasons for park creatiVity and the probablh- figure out what to do" "Fmanclally, we're domg Pagha said the group has a mechanical engmeer representatives to conSider ty of Its purchlUle Speakers At the end of the last card well," PaglIa said "Of course even conSidered bnngIng The class kept dated pro- Its purchase, at a hefty pnce were expected to demon- marlung, the Parents Club rd love to have 5,000 more students 10 to Jom the group Ject notes m lab Journals, of$20 million strate confidence, eye con- sent lOVitatlOnshome WIth dollars In the bank, but They have been 10 discus- turned m weekly team WIth two trams runmng tact, clear speech, profes- report cards More than 500 that's not the problem - It'S slOn With pnnclpal Mike progress reports and Simultaneously, each With slOnal appearance and were sent out, askmg par- the amount of parental Fenchel to orgamze a employee time sheets Each eIght carts holdmg four pas- shared responSibility ents to come to the club's mvolvement We have the teacher-student-parent next meetmg Only SIXnew same seven or 8lght parents orgamzatlOn, which might parents arnved always working hard We prove more successful If the PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS SerVIng both the middle don't know what we can do Parents Club contmues to school and high school 10 to get others Involved If It d,mmlsh Car theft gun at the man's head and car and drove north on ordered him to dnve to Kelly, while the VIctIm A St ClaIr Shores Hayes and 7 Mile called a mend, who met Rookie officer joins police force woman flagged down a After 30 minutes, the her at a gas statIon before Harper Woodspolice officer By Jennie Miller dl'dlcate hlmself the the Job perpetrator demanded to dnv10g her to the hospital on Sunday, Feb 22, at 1 15 Staff Wnter "ThIs IS a wonderful com- stop at Kelly and for treatment a m on the 19500 block of Anstedes Reyes Jomed the mUnlty, and a great career Maddehne and forced the Kelly to report that her Sil- Harper Woodspohce depart- opportunity for me," he said dnver to gIVe up $30 m ver 2000 Chrysler Retail fraud ment last Tuesday and has The department IS eager cash and hIScell phone He Concorde had been stolen More than $350 In mer- already aSSisted 10 an to ~el' what Reyes has to eXlted the van and ran to She had parked and chandIse was returned to a arrest offer He IScurrently under- an unknown locatIon store 10 the 18000 block of "We're Impressed wlth gomg Harper Wood~'mten- locked the vehicle at The Victim drove back to apprOlomately 8 p m and Vermer after a pohce pur- h,m and feel he's gOingto be !llVethree-month field tram- hiS work and reported the went mSlde a local pub for SUItended 10 the arrest of a a blg asset t{) the depart- 109 program, where he WIll lOC1dentto Harper Woods a few hours before dlscov, 43 year old Detroit male ment," "md Lt Randolph learn the rules and practIces police enng her car was mlssmg Aller the suspect was Skotarczyk of the department Rl'ye'l InSIde was $200 worth of seen stuffing SIX Perry Growmg up m Ypsllantl, WIllthen undergo a perfor. computer eqUipment Road rage shooting EllIS shirts mto h,S Jacket Reye'! wa~ det<:>rmmed to mance evaluahon and h,S A woman'~ mIddle finger and walking out of the become a pollce officer and future WIth the department Gun found was 'lacnficed dunng a store, loss preventIon offi- contnbute to keepmg com- WIllhe determined road rage mCldent on cers notified Harper Woods A Harper Woods man mUl1ltlesqafe "It's a pretty intensive and Tue"day, Feb 17 at 4 p m police They spotted the "The Job always appeal<:>ddetaIled training program," Harpel' Woods Police discovered an unloaded Department', newe,t WhIle stopped In the left descnbed gray Cadlllat:, to me bl'cause you get to Skotarczyk "aid "WE'expect gun lYing10 the grass of hiS lane at a turnaround on whIch had been travehng member, 21-year-old front lawn of the 20000 d<:>alwlth the pubhc and great thmgq from hIm" we"tbound on Eight MIle Arlatedes Reyel, block of VanAnt'Vo'erpon Kelly. an older model Ford help out thE' community," vehIcle backed mto a After attempt.'l to pull the Thursday, Feb 19, at 240 ReyE'S"md DetrOIt female'" Impala vehlcll' over, the perpetra- pm The rusty weapon's He qtudled enmmal JUS' CITY OF HARPER WOODS, MICHIGAN tor Jumped from tht> pas- actIOn was open and the The women elnted thell' tlce at Wa'lhtenaw BOARD OF REVIEW senger 'lldl' and ran, carry. gnp was cracked vehlcle!l and bl'g'an to Community College before MUNICIPAL BUILDING engage In a verbal alterca- 109 a bundle of clothmg Jomlng thE' pollee academy Armed robbery hon The perpetrator In the 15200 block of He al'lo workl'd for three PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE punched the woman 10 the Llbera~ at Hayes. the man vear'! a'! a "ecunty officer at An armed robber Jumped face, who returned the was ordered by police to Eastland Mall ",OTI( l- 1\ HI RI fn ( rq ....ltnt h< R 1r I , Rc\ 1'''' If ItK ('II, ('I fhl"f'l('r '\.\l'lO,'" "",11 lOtothe passenger slde of a h:' ~ \\~mj! pi "Ii Inc('hn~ "f'J \.1 mdll) Mu h ~ 1((\4 tOTe," C'""" 1m It.,~~,,''fT)("nlR....\h and blow The 'lubJl'ct went stop, and ht>comphI'd "I l'nJoyE'dthE' expenence \1 t1\\ \hr.1'1~~n\11r m IlOnrm f Impm IlndTIlCWa) \i1N'l,.hl~!\llmmI200 Chma 'IbwnShlP resldent's back to hl'r car, rE'tnl'ved a He was arrt>'lted on at Ea"tland and gamed a lot rm t f IlOrm '.I'f!qIUl1rr nnpr rorl1" '1 ...:-,'mtnt vehicle a'l he left work at handgun, and a ~truggll' charge" of retail fraud and of knowledge," Reyes "aid R\ lent ...... ~1 arr n hk II ;'lll('flo,llhl\ lTK"('llOll mJi)i \uhmlt Iht11 llIPflCal h)i letler 10 the 5 15 P m on Tuesday, Feb ensued Thl' gun went off, resIstIng arrest, and he Harper Wood" IS a com- A ...... \~l!' \ fll~(' al I MI7 lIolrrcr A\rnlJ(' flarJ'C'r W ...xt, \114S22li

...,,-..... - - 8B CommUDletv February 26, 2004 ". ~!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~======_ G_ro_s_se_p_O_in_te_N_e_w.s

Colter's naturalu,t's bent natural landscape Borer-- opposes a v,ldespread and "In southeast MichIgan, ne\ er-endlllg regimen of for every shade tree that chemIcal apphcatlOns Plus, From page 18 somebody mIght be able to fiscal reahtles helped hIm pay to have treated, there Agriculture officials spec adopt an ash borer strategy are 10 to 15 trees m the ulate that m order to be that seeks a permanent woods that nobody can solutlOn to the problem effective, an barn- treat," saId Deb er around southeast "I'm gomg to start takmg McCullough, an MSU forest MIchigan would have to be down dIseased ash trees entomolOgIst Her ground- three to SIXmdes wIde and replacmg them WIth breakmg research of emer- "We have a lot ofmfonna- better species," Colter said ald ash borer rated her the "I don't want to be tethered tlOn so far, but It'S too early pnVIlege of helpmg gIve the to tell where the zone would to annual mjectlOns " bug Its common name be. how far It would go, how Ehmmatmg ash trees big It would be and what It Enemy at the gates offers the best odds for "'ould look like," Lmsmeler- Emerald ash borers - eradIcating emerald ash Wurfel saId half-mch, metallIC green fly- borers Natural predators, Ing stowaways - were from bmis to Illsects, can't Treatments unknown to Amencan SCI- solve the problem U S and Canadian tree- entists untIl two summers "WInle bIOlOgIcalcontrol culhng doesn't outlaw" ago The bugs have been IS an Important method m hVIng free and easy outsIde controllmg high levels of spnng campaIgn III Grosse Pomte Shores to Inject 330 the natural constramts of populations, or keepmg VIllage-owned ash trees their Onental homelands them at lower levels, It's not A group of reSIdents In MIchIgan and presum- useful at all when trymg to offered to bear approXI- ably elsewhere on the conti- eradIcate an msect. such as mately one-thIrd of the pro- nent, there are no known III the case of emerald ash gram's $3,300 cost - $100 natural predators capable of borer," saId Thny HopkIn, a per tree controllmg the bug's estI- research sCIentist WIth the mated lO-fold yearly popu- InjectIOns must be repeat- Canadian Forest SerVIce In ed e\ery year latIOn growth and relentless Sault Ste Mane, Ontano 'I'm for It 100 percent," temtonal expansIOn "All It really does IS sup- saId Brett Snnth, head of Expenments begun last press the populatIon to a year In Grosse Pomte Park the Shores pubhc works certam pomt," HopkIn SaId department "It sure beats proved woodpeckers eat "The populatIOn goes back up" cuttmg down 330 trees" borer larvae, but not "We highly encourage enough to WIpeout an That rules out lettmg bor- entIre colony, accordmg to ers cut themselves to people to mvestlgate the Colter optIOn of InJectmg," shreds by crawlmg on trees Lmsmewr-Wurfel saId "If On the other hand, a two. coated WIth nature's barbed WIre, diatoms ~omeone's wl1lmg to spend year campaIgn of pestIcIde that money, that's great lllJectlOns warded off ash DIatoms are ancIent because It helps knock borers III select Park trees mIcroscopIC, umcellular down the pest populatIOn and all 567 cIty-owned ash algae Fosslhzed cells are and, hopefully, save trees" m Grosse Pomte Farms A WIckedly sharp Colter doesn't have the SImIlar effort at a Plymouth "DIatom cell ISmade of luxury of subSidIzed treat- subdiVISIOnbrought Infest- SIlica, SImIlar to glass," saId ments It would cost ed trees back to health professor Rex Lowe, a $120,000 per year to mJect Upcommg treatments m dIatom speclaiist III the the Park's 1,200 city-owned Grosse Pomte Shores hope biology department at Bowhng Green State ash Colter's budget for tree for equal success Phoro by Brad Lutdberg tnmmmg, cleanng stonn Anecdotal results from Umverslty "They are lIke Brian Colter, wearing a tie made of wood sUces, shoWllan emerald ash borer damage, remOVIngdead mdlVIdual commUnItIes small glass shards on a to JOfIeph Allemon, a member of the Gro88e Pointe Men's Garden Club. Allemon trees and replantmg IS foreshadowed a senes of mIcroscopiC scale, full of has belonged to the club since 1954. $124,000 coordmated Michigan State holes and perforatIOns." reahstIc role for bIOlOgIcal posal " OrganIc fanners often MichIgan's 13-eounty quar- "ThIS would take up my Umverslty studIes confirm- control IS mtegrated pest Ongomg field research antme on the transporta- whole budget every year Ing the borer-kIllIng efficacy spray crops WIth dIatom solutIOns management Natural and wmd tunnel tests at tIOnof ash wood, however, forever," Colter saId of pesticIdes containIng the predators would become MSU reveal borers as capa- most researchers blame RemOVIngash would cost chemIcal Imldaclopnd "DIatoms are completely mert and not pOIsonous," Just one weapon III an over- ble thers who don't mmd WIdespread borer mlgrstlOn about $300 per tree for an InjectIons have proved to all antI-borer arsenal. freeloadmg on WInd cur- on careless shIpment of overall hit of $360,000 Lowe S31d "Insects crawl- be an affordable tactIC for mfected firewood Other than expenment- mg over them get theIr cutI. "That's all It WIllever be," rents, whIch may account saVIng manageable num- cles severed by these sharp Hopkm saId "We'll have to for theIr conquenng the mg With annual IDJections bers of landscape ash But little bIts of glass and dry Contammated nursery on select trees at one of hIS use It plus tree removal, 2,500-foot-Wlde DetrOIt the problem reaches over- out" pestICIdes and whatever River to Canada stock has been sent Illegally community's lakeSIde parks, whelmIng magnItude m the HopkIn SaId the most optIOns we have at our dls, Despite southeast as far away as Maryland

Garden Center The annual meeting and luncheon of the Groue Pointe Garden Center Inc. was held on Jan. 16. The guest speaker was Richard Tuttle of Saguaro Nursery and Gardens. His program was ~Ornamen- tal Grasses." New officers were elected. They are, from left: Sarah Flynn, trea. surer; Marie Mainwaring, assistant treasurer; Adrieune Gregory, recording secretary; Janet Hagen, president; Carol Sauter, corre- sponding secretary; and Betsy Maitland, second vice president-pro- grams. Not shown Is Mary Northcutt, first vice president-programs,

MACK7cAFE LAMIA & LAMIA CROW"HER Breakfast and Lunch SpeCIals SALON AND DAY SPA Across from Pomte Plaza. Open Carries The Largest CARPIT&Ruos Tues - Sun, Closed Mon 19218 selectwn of retazl prodw:ts .. FEBRUARY CARPET & Mack Ave, Grosse Pomte Farms. mcludmg A veda, Modern Elzxlr, ORIENTAL RUG SALE (313)882-4475. Paul Mttchell, Tlgt, Repechage Skm Super savmgs! 300/tr60% OFF Michigan and Michigan State Care, M'Lls Nutntwnal Supplement, Grosse Pomte's best selectIOn of Trucco Make-up and I Colonalz Bath fans ... New arrIvals at THE carpetmg and the finest hand NOTRE DAME PHARMACY and Body Products As always on knotted and machme loomed rugs, NICe selectIOn of MIchIgan and Mondays reCleve2W OFF retazl .at mcludmg new rugs amvmg daIly 19653 Mack Ave, Grosse Pomte at 17670 Mack at Umverslty, MIchIgan State merchandIse to Woods,313.884-171O Grosse Pomte City (313)884-2991 choose from which would make great gIfts for fnends or to BREADSMITH' yourself Fun Items that are HAND au,., "'AlTH I AlII I ... decoratIve and useful for example: Are you watchmg your carbs? Grosse Pointe cobalt flute champagne glasses, Breadsmlth offers a varIety of mouse pads, scales, waste paper reduced carb breads Multlgram, Foot & Ankle Center baskets, glasses, door chimes, key Wheat, or Ralsm Cmnamon, hand Lanny S Foster, DPM, FACFAS rIngs, etc . many new added made, hearth baked from scratch Items .at 16926 Kercheval In' dally 'It'S the best tastmg low carb FOOT CARE for all ages Tired of putting on the-Village (313)885-2154 bread out there' ,I can stIll eat mcludmg dtabetlC foot rare, sports makeup everyday??? great bread and stay on my du>t medlCme and foot sUf'{{ery. Now Gro'l\e PomJe lntrqcjgrmq] Wow, only 48 net grams of carb?' If CU'ceptlng new patlents PartlClpatlng ASSOCiatesmVlle'l you to explore the carbs ar£' not a concern, March ISthe WIth m(Jst In.~urance~ lncludm{? adl'anla!!es of PERMANENT tIme to enJoy our famous Insh Soda MedlCare and Blue Cross On staff at MAKEUP' Eyebrow replacement and enhan('ement, eyelmer, eyela~h Bread and Hot Cross Buns Its St John HospItal Diplomat'! enhancement, full IIp color AI'1o To advertise always a g-ood Idea to call ahead and Amencan Board of PodUltnc Sur/?cry po~t mastectomy pigment reS('rve your favontes 19487 Mack at 1,9230 Mack Avenue, Grosse re'ltoratlOn Call now for a FREE in this column call Ave 313-417-0648 Pomte Farms, (8J 3)884-8900 CONSULTATION, 313.881 6309 (313) 343-5582 Sectioll B Iii'li I,*, .. ""l • " ••••• ~l"~"ili,,~~ __ * State strikes back at emerald ash borer

By Brad LIndberg killed 300,000 ash trees 10 States and Canada, from Staff Wnter southeast MIchIgan smce Texas to central Umted States sCIentIsta amvmg 10 western Wayne Saskatchewan and Nova have Jomed Canadian allies County an estImated SIX Scotia to FIonda It's a In declanng a scorched years ago hardy speCIes 80metlffies earth defense agamst An addItIOnal 200.000 overplanted In the urban 1Ovad1Ogemerald ash bor- trees have succumbed 10 landscape as a shady ers Ontano, accordmg to the replacement for elms lost to The pohcy, aktn to the CanadIan Food InspectiOn Dutch elm dlBease controversial Vietnam War Agency EconOmIcally, ash has tactIc of destroy1Og a fnend- Experts guess the bugs tough stock used for tool ly Vlllage to save it from mfiltrated North Amenca handles, baseball bats, enemy takeover, mandates among packIng matenal hockey sticks and furmture cuttmg down all ash trees cradhng manufacturIng Wmged seeds nounsh many WIthm a half-mIle stnp sur- parts shipped from their bud spec1es. roundIng borer 1OfestatlOns native Southeast Asia Bnan Colter, Grosse at a half dozen outstate Borers kill ash trees by Pomte Park CItyforester, Mlclngan SItes burroWing through trunks doesn't lament that almost "We start cuttIng ill and lImbs, choking the flow every untreated ash 10 hIS Sagmaw County next of water and nutnenta CItyIS infested. week," saId Sara Lmsmeler- "They're some of the Wurfel, spokeswoman for The campaign worst trees m my urban for- the MIchigan Department Dan Wyant, Michigan est," Colter srod "It's a hard ofAgncu1ture agnculture dIrector, autho- wood, but very strroght- CanadIan OffiCIalStook rIZed the state counterat- grroned and therefore prone steps last week to keep ash tack In a Feb 9 resolutIon: to broken branches Elm tree-kl1lmg borers from "Tree removal offers the Isn't as hard, but due to spread10g outalde south- optImum level of control of mtertwmmg gram, 18 west Ontano emerald ash borer With the stronger." Crews started remoVlng least Impact on the enVlTOn- Wyant's resolutIOn doesn't ash trees from a half-mIle ment" order cuttmg down trees on Wide swath along the out- ScIentists have VIrtually the 625-square-ml1e mfesta- skirts of Windsor, Ontano wntten off untreated ash tIOn area encompass1Og The hne stretches from trees WIthm southeast metropolItan DetroIt Lake St Clror ill the north MichIgan's 13-county core Not yet, anyway. down to Lake Ene. mfestatIon zone, where the "As we get further down CanadIan offiCIalswant borer ISmost dense the road, that may come ash trees removed from the It's hoped that ehmmat- mto play," Lmsmeler-Wurfel 200-square.mIle comdor by mg ash around smaller, s81d "That's open to more March 31, before dormant less-estabhshed outbreaks analys18 when more data borer larvae roust for WIllcheck the borer's comes 1o. We're workIng as spnng feedIng of ash wood regIOnal spread by WIpmg qUIckly as we can, but as Sacnfic10g thousands of out Its pnme source of food, slow as we need to make local ash trees could save shelter and breedIng habi- sure we're makIng the best the entIre speCIes tat deCISionsbased on the best Emerald ash borers have "We'll nail them on the mformatIon and SCIence." outside (of the state) first, Researchers trymg to then take care of those 13 map borer expanSIOn have Photo by Brad Lutdbe'll logged dsta from more than Members of the Graue countIes," LmsmeIer- Wurfel Pointe Men'. Guden s81d 300,000 ash trees exanuned Club Usten to BriaD The state's 700 mllhon at 50,900 Sites spread Colter, Groue Pointe ash trees are at stake I atn0lli ~o;ftOd'ilcres, MIllIons more nsk dymg according to Lmsmeier- Park city forester. Wurfel explain tbe emerald ash throughout North Amenca borer problem. Ash grows naturally In large sectIons of the Umted See BORER, page 8B February 26, 2004 28 Grosse POinte News

the Perry Hotel m Harbor partner in Greenwood sale8 manager With Blll Paris- Spnngs Dental of Denver Snethkamp Chrysler Jeep, The bnde wore a strapless The newlyweds traveled her famIly's busmess white satm A-hne gown WIth to Costa RIca They hve 10 Blerkle IS general manag- D'Hondt a wrapped bodIce. She car- Denver. er of DIversified Data, lus Micah Mane Pans, ned a bouquet ofwlute roses Steve and Chnstme f8IDlly'sbU8mess. daughter of James and and calla hhes tied WIth Spangler of St Clmr Shores Frances Pans of Boyne City light blue nbbons Rolka- have announced the engage- and James Snyder and Jake The mmd of honor was ment of their daughter, .. Pans of Temecula, Cahf., Amy Bravata of Clucago . Juha Spangler, to Rick .. mamed Dr Enc Gerard Bndesmmds were Andrea Andris Gehlert, son of Ken and .. D'Hondt, son of Raymond Gerhng and Meghann Michael and Cynthia Barb Gehlert of Grosse .. Pomte Farms .. and Geraldine D'Hondt of Gerhng, both of Boyne City, Rolka of Grosse POlDte .... Grosse Pomte Woods, on Molly Lalley of Chicago; the Farms have announced the An August weddmg IS Aug 30, 2003, at Holy bnde's Sister, Nlchole Pans engagement of theIr daugh- planned Childhood of Jesus in of Denver, and Katie ter, Jennifer Leigh Rolka, to Spangler ISa dental assis- Harbor Spnngs D'Hondt of Grosse Pomte Stephen Matthew Andns, tant with a ped1atnc firm Shores. son of Thomas and Derose Gehlert is a temtory man- Bishop Bernard ager With Cadlliac Coffee Harnngton offiCiated at the Andns of Grosse P010te The flower g'lI'1was Kelly Park and Janet Vereecken of Co Dr. aDd 1lIni, Eric 2 p.m. ceremony, which was RonqUlst of Petoskey. Shelby 'lbwnslup Gerard D'Hondt followed by a receptlon at Attendants wore tea- length Ice blue dresses and An August weddmg is carried bouquets of wlute planned. calla lilies Rolka earned a Bachelor The best man was Andrew i~.q'.4:::tT ...~J;;.., of Arts degree 10 finance Bond of New York City. Herb Society Next month's meeting will from Michigan State be at the home of Mrs. Groomsmen were Charles University. She is a student The Grosse Pomte urut of Charles Guy, co-hosted by E Stumb III of Sao Paulo, .. the Herb 8ocJ.etyof Amenca at the University of Mrs R Stewart Flemmg Brazll; Ryan Messacar of MichIgan-Dearborn, pursu- wlll meet at 7 pm. on Grosse POinte Park; Peter ing an elementary education Wednesday, March 10, at The program, "CIrCle of Messacar of Chicago; and certrlicate. the Children's Home of the Seasons," will be proVId- Kevm Messacar of Grosse DetrOit, 900 Cook, Grosse ed by Jane Kohring. POinte Farms. Andns earned a Bachelor of Science degree In anthro- Babies Pomte Woods, m the first Ushers and greeters were floor Conference Room pology from MIclugan State Michael and Danny D'Hondt AAUW Umversity and will begin Victoria Glenore Herbal Bonsm WIllbe pre- of Grosse POinte Shores and veterinary school in the fall Kyle and Scott RonqUlSt of sented by Jim Kelly of The Grosse Po1Ote branch Roth Petoskey. Amencan BODSmm Royal of the Amencan AssOC1atlon Jll80n and Heather Roth of University Women will The ring bearer was Blake of Grosse Pointe Woods are Oak CaLI(586) 773-6682 for Rick Geblert aDd more mformation hold Its annual meetIng at 9 Messacar of Grosse POinte the parents of a daughter, a m. Saturday, March 13, at Park. Jalia SJI8DCIer Victoria Glenore Roth, born Lochmoor Club The mother of the bnde Jan. 3, 2004. Inventors' wore a long strapless dress Breakfast will be followed and Jacket. Maternal grandparents Association by a meetIng and a guest The groom's mother wore Snethkamp- are Neal and Mary Bauer of speaker, Mary Stephenson a long seafoam green cluffon Grosse Pointe Farms. The Inventors' AsSOCIation dress and a beaded jacket. Bierkle of Metropohtan Detroit ISan Stephenson IS a fonner Paternal grandparents aSSOCiatIOn that assIsts The bagpiper at the curator of the Detroit church was Keith DaVIS Sally of are Frank and Bonnie Both mventors of all levels Grosse Pointe Woods and Institute of Arts and cur- Readers were the groom's of GroBse POlDte Woods. rently an art lDStructor at Mark Snethkamp of Great-grandparents are The group meets on the sisters, Rosemary Messacar the Grosse Pomte War and Maureen RonqUlst Harrison 'lbwnship have Glenore Bauer of St Clmr third Thursday of each Memonal She will d1scuss announced the engagement Shores and Erma Buckman month, from September The bride graduated from women and art. MIclugan State Umverslty. of their daughter, Jennifer of Harper Woods through May, at 7 p m in Grosse POinte AAUW Snethkamp, to Jason Room 312 of Grosse Pomte She IS a marketmg manager president IS Diana Kryszak WIth Micromedex of Denver Bierkle, son of Arlene North High School, 707 of Grosse Pomte Woods Blerkle of St Clmr Shores Verruer The groom graduated and Alfred Bierkle, also of from the Umverslty of Stepben llIattbew Andda St Clalr Shores. A May wed- The first meeting IS free GPAA Michigan and U of M Dental aDd Jemdfer Le.IP ding is planned. New members are always School He IS a dentlSt and Rolka Snethkamp is assIStant welcome The Grosse Pomte Artasts AsSOCiation will present a Call (586) 776-3658 for free lecture at 7 30 p m more Information. Monday, March I, at the Art . Or~ Point~ N~ws ~ fl Center, 1005 Maryland 10 Grosse Pomte Park. Windmill Pointe & _tbNlitCnOH ••• Stewart McMl1hn will dis- Garden Club cuss Detroit sculpture and The Wmdml1l Pomte lustory Garden Club met on Feb 4 The communIty IS lDVlted .ee, at the home of Mrs Bnan Ample parlong is aVallable Juergens for lunch proVIded 10 the city muniCipal lot by Mrs George Costalos. across the street. The program on floral deSign was presented by For more mformatlon, call (313) 821-1848 .ee.• MaryWhlte . ••••••••••••••••••ZUCCARO ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~~BANQUETS & CATERING "A Tradition of Hospitality" " OFF PREMISE CATERI\G .-\\AILAHLE for 50 penple or more, NEWLY REMODELED • Full Service Banquet Facility .. Over 30 years experience " .. Accomodations from 100.800 guests (586) 949-4110 46601 N. Gratiot (North of Hall Road) ...... Chesterfield, MI

Pets Name SYLVESTER i ~ ~5~~ March 17 2004 Celebrate 1. J;r Type 01 Pet Black Csl • "%, Included will be Memorial P.,. Favonte ~~~ chased around ST. PATRICK'S 0 ., in remembrance of the ,~ .~ Shower your lavonta 1eplecJ\auns , Iou of your pet, '10.00. pet. Owners Kim& Scott Mackey ~ wrtl1 seasonal flowln and fesWe ll'fls from VM8IlO Aower Shop ~.'~ar------,'~.II I Send photo and SI0 00 to Grolse Poinlt NM & ~ CorftClfOn I" Enter our contest at < I 96Ktrl:hMI~ I !of • chance to win '1: I Please Pnnt Grosse l'oInle farms Mlchogan 48136 I ST. PATRICK'S DAY I Pets NarTIl! AIlrnlJon 1(1'1\ Mackey IJlspiay AdvertlSlng I CARNATIONS AND ROSES 0)1 I r------I Coupon ... "Ii' I Type of Pel ------N;/e----- I : 85 011 : '{,I filVOflltMMty ------I Ia I• YmlTpurch ... o(I,SOO I ~ ~I lJIespan !for Me!noflaj pages If decMfd) • e•• ~ "lr mort" ill rl1hrf VIVlano tV~'$ I Owners I I - Ilnv..N"ihC1plocillIon I Phone,,_____ Iy'MANO ;:;,:'::"':.:::-_ ...... "I VISil Z fxp Dare I 4. jjJ, .. f1~~~t~ Me.,.______~~M=~~G=,.1 .~I I~.

• 'IJ ell SlgnalUIt"Thk d 1 1 h d I.t ~~ an you, .. an p ease return no ater t an AprIl 2n I 2004 February 26, 2004 Grosse- Pointe New! Entertainment Hiking with the Girl Scouts By Debbie Farmer throughout the world Special Wnter some kmd of secret msect Everywhere you go Familv Daze By Debbfe I'lU'mer emergency system was these days someone or broadcastmg, "Alert! other 18recommendIng Alert! Hikers WIth gorp! that you stop Iymg on the All units report immedi- sofa watclnng trashy day- ately to the west parkmg tune talk shows and start lotI Repeat All urnts gettmg out mto nature. report immedJately!~ "Drop that bag of clups,~ I must stop nght here they say "Get on your luk. and say that when It mg boots and mcrease comes to bees, there are that heart rate You'll feel two types of people on this so much healthier ~ planet: The ones who TIns, I must say, 18not react calmly, gently wend- a good Idea Take, for Important thmg about mg their way through the example, the other day gomg Inking, beSides swarm Without getting when I volunteered to go choosmg color-coordmated stung And there are the WorJdag OD • paper dragon at the GroNe Pointe Artists Aaaociation are, from on a luke WIth my daugh. shoes, 18 stocking the ones who yell, ter's Girl Scout troop To backpack with supphes. "Aaaahbbbbh,~ while left: IAbeDe Gooeen, Saaan MacDonald. Carol LaChalsa, Channalne Kaptur. CbarleDe ODea1. catherine GuInn and Bunny Homan. most people, this 8eems They must be ready for wavmg their arms around hke a sane and reasonable any emergency situation Bwattmg the aJr wildly. thmg to want to do What that might happen on the Bet you can't guess could be wrong with traJ1like, say, suddenly which kind I am. JPaper Works,' is March 3-27 spending some quality coming upon a cute pre- That said, we rmple- tune m the California sun- teen boy mented Emergency Bee The Grosse Pointe ArtIsts GPAA Art Center, 1005 Bonnette, the creator of the shme WIth your child? OK, maybe tlus IS Plan Number One' Run. AsSOCIation will present a Maryland In Grosse Pomte mternatIonal collaborative What hadn't occurred to stretclung things a bit, Eventually we ended up Juned member exh1bltlon, Park. Gallery hours are art project titled, "Endura me was that I'd be spend. but all I'll say is that tired but bee-Iess, at the "Paper Works,~ focusmg on Wednesdays through World Spiral. A portion of mg the day outdoors along among the bottled water start of a nice, wide path the creative use of paper by Saturdays from 1 to 5 p m the spIral Will be on display WIth a dozen or so other and first BId kits, we had that snaked along the the artlst. The opewng reception will at the Art Center dunng the preteen gJI'ls - all afthct- three bottles of nBlI pohsh reservOIr deBlgnated m The exhib1tlon will run be at 6.30 p m Saturday, "Paper Works~ exhibition. ed, in varymg degrees, by (red, pmk, and ghttery), the outdoor pamphlet as from Wednesday, March 3 to March 6. For more mfonnatlOn, call what I call: The Attitude. two nail chppers, several "A Begmner's Tnul,~ Saturday, March 27, at the The Juror 1S Joan (313) 821-1848. And not only that, I got tubes of lip gloss (cherry) which we all know 18 real- the feelmg my daughter and haJr scrunchies m ly outdoor Jingo for "The didn't even want me to go. every color. Fire Road." GPT holds scholarship auditions She beglU1mterrogating I figured Jf a WJ1dani- But that's OK. We were Grosse Pointe Theatre berslup meeting. apphcants must prepare one me at breakfast Our con. mal attacked us on the still able to see the natlve will hold Its 2004 scholar- Applicants must fulfill one dramatic perfonnance and versatlon went somethmg traJ1. the girls could hold fohage and some WJ1daw. ship auditions begmning at of the followmg: one comedic perfonnance hke it down and give It a pedi- mals (OK, cows) and plen- 10 a.m. Saturday, March 20, Techmcal applicants must Her: You do realize that cure while I ran for help. ty of flat places that at the Fnes Audltonum. • Attend a high school 10 Grosse Pomte or prepare a resume of the It'll be freezmg out there, When we amved at the would make, according to Apphcants must be Ingh techmcal areas they have • Live In Grosse Pomte or nght? And you know how de81gnated hiking spot, the girls, a wce spot for a school students enrolled in a worked m and brmg m docu- you hate the cold. the firstthmgwe did WBS Starbucks or a mall. • Have appeared on stage drama or musIc program at or worked backstage on a mentation, design and port- Me: But It's sunny and break out the supphes to And, you know, by the their school and must have Grosse Pointe Theatre pro- foho to support their expen- 70 degrees make "gorp .• trme 1 got home I did feel been accepted mto a sum- ductIOn or ence Her (very brightly): For those who don't a lot healthier, That is, mer drama or music pro- ApphcatlOns are avaJlable And there will be snakes. know what "gorp~18, It'S except for the bee sting on gram or be a sewor accepted • Have a parent who IS a at 315 Fisher m the City of Lots of snakes. outdoor lmgo for "food my nght hand and the mto a college-level drama or GPT member as of Sept 30, Grosse Pomte For more Me: But It's not snake that mstantly attracts lots bhBters on both feet musIc curnculum 2003 mfonnatlOn, call (313) 881- season .. of bees ~ Sometimes It's a funny Apphcants must be able to For the auditIOn, acting 4004 Her: And you're not Ob, all nght. It's really thmg how nature works. appear in Grosse Pomte gomg to wear the floppy a type of trail nux made of Debbie Famler IS a Theatre's May 10 workshop flowered sun hat, right? Cheenos, chocolate clnps, humonst and a mother to perfonn one of the1r read- RIGHT? peanuts and whatever holdmg down the fort In mgs or songs for the mem- A WISerperson would else the girls could find to CallfomUJ, and the author have taken It as some sort brmg However, by the of "Don't Put L~pstJck on "The arts Ignite the mmd of lunt to stay home I'm looks of it, the bees had the Cat" She can be They glVll you the posslb,1 rty not that Wise been wBltmg for this day re~hed by at famIly- to dream and hOpel • Any preteen girl WJ11 for a long, long tune. dazeOoosl87leWS- Annur_ tell you that the most In fact, I suspected that feat~res co~ ~tnullllDance Theatre of 10069 DIXIE HWY, Do you remember? FAIR HAVEN In the 1940s, clnldren What 18 the name of the Pomte's past The answer I were enthUSiastic about store and where was it wUl be pnnted the follow. Harlem shoppmg for new shoes at located? lTl{/ week -CLASSICAUY AM~RICAH" N this store because they Each week we wul try to would get a chance to see provoke reachrs WIth a Last week's answer: 4 DAYS ONLY! an X-my of their feet questIon about Grosse Best & Co. m the Village. March 4-7 AT THE DETROIT OPERA HOUSE TICKETS START AT JUST $25

THURSDAY MARCH 4 730 PM ~ FRIDAY MARCH 5 800 PM TeleVISion SATURDAY MARCH 6 200PM for" the Whole SATURDAY MARCH 6 800 PM CommunlCY SUNDAY MARCH 7 200 PM SUNDAY MARCH 7 700 PM SPECIAL FAMILY SHOWI March 1 through March 8 SATURDAY MARCH 6, 200 PM AU SEATS JUST $201 8l3ll!lm The S.O.c. Show The Sene. Show ~ VJtaHty Plus Dr Raymond Hilu - Daiberes 2l32...&Dl PoIntes of Horticultut'e ll!lOO.Am WOO's In the Kl1chen1 Who's in the Kltdl....l Doug Cordier - Enchiladas ~ 1bIr¥"doaElheWlrMemodll ~ Muslal1 Siory TImeJamIlorft '"*v ~dp.dJeBrMrmg!W 11:'\0am OUtof the Bob Rabaut, MICke'> McKenZIe, lli2!lIzm Economk Club of DetroIt '>am Shermetaro< Emmanuel X Garza - lilllLmD WakrCOlor Worl

...-- - - February 26, 2004 68 Entertainment Grosse POllde News Sea vegetables help land-based plants grow When I was growmg up, I learned products may be used for and effiCIent absorption of our older neighbor, who put SCientists have found a larger agncultural endeav- the seaweed If avooiable, m a backyard-sized veg- vanety of sources 10 sea- ors use a backpack.type etable garden each year, weed that help plants Down to Earth My Gardens AlIve catalog sprayer rather than a hose used fish as his fertlhzer thnve Included are growth has vanous forms of sea- end to get the fine rntst Mr Marco grew the biggest stimulants, Vltamms, related products, mcludtng Cover the underSide of zucchml I've ever seen. chelatmg agents, trace nun- a product called Deep Seas leaves as well as the tops. Gardeners worldWIde erals, enzymes and ammo AlIVe One woman cl8lO1s And, clean your sprayer to have shared plant Infonna- aCIds Seaweeds contam her clay sOilloves It Fmd aVOIdbwldup tlon and the plants them- small quantities of potaSSi- them onhne at selves for decades And, for um, O1trogen/lnd phospho- What's going on? www.GardensAllve com The best time to spray centunes, people who gar- rus Another source of sea. Spray m early mornmg or dened near the ocean found "Perhaps the most Impor- • March 5 to 13 IS Memonal. Get some land- weed fertIlIzer ISPeaceful evenmg as plants take a that uSing seaweed on theIr tant ment of seaweed IS Its AgrIculture and Natural scape Ideas for spnng and Valley Farm Supply nap dunng mIdday and plants helped them flounsh content of aSSimilable Resources Week at summer (www.groworgamccom) won't take m the nutnents The use ofmanne life con- organic matenals, In partIC- MIchIgan State Their products are made from the spray If you see tmues to be useful for gar- ular the growth hormones," UnIversity Take advan- • VISit Porter's Orchtds from Cahfonua bull kelp. eVIdence of disease, be sure deners accordmg to Robert Parnes tage of programs m horti- In Grand Ledge and to spray In the mornmg so Packed WIth nutntlOnal m hiS book "Orgarnc & culture, crop and SOIlSCI- MeIjer Gardens by bus on Use of seaweed on your the leaves WIlldry and and healmg properties, sea Inorganic Fertilizers " ences or envlTonmental Fnday, March 5, WIth the plants reduce the spread of the vegetables are rapIdly mov- University studies show educatIon Call Sandi DetrOIt Garden Center Seaweed extracts are mfectlOn 109 from Asian cultures, that seaweed has produced Bauer at (517) 353-3175, Tour the orchId green- most helpful when a rntcro FolIar sprays are where for centunes they wonderful gardenmg ext 217, for details house, gam bps on grow- nutnent defiCIency IS pre- absorbed WIthm one to 24 have been regarded as food results such as more flow- mg and repotttng orchIds. sent, but dtfficult to diag- hours But be watchful of for longs and gods, mto the ers on each gerarnum plant, • The Home and Garden The pnce IS $79 for mem- nose. These defiCIenCIescan ram Respray If Mother natural foods and even sweeter grapes and a Expo 2004 ISscheduled for bers; $95 for nonmembers be caused by soIl WIth poor Nature gIVesus a shower. gounnet cUlsme markets of healthter cuCUDlberWIth 40 Saturday, March 13, from structure, whIch drams Use of a spreader-stIcker, the Western world percent higher YIeld and 10 a m to 4 P m. at the Call (313) 259.6363 to eSpeCIallynon-petroleum regIster poorly, IS cold or has a pH Last year I attended a the cukes suffenng less Grosse Pomte War too hIgh or too low Thts IS based products such as soy workshop on "Sea softening and rotttng when a "seaweed tonic" can or saffiower oils or liqwd Vegetables" As someone Also studied, WIth help most soap, WIllhelp the spray who has used "seaweed" for mcreased YIelds, were pota- trace elements prepared from dned adhere to the plant's leaves Professor MIke Gwry of Ascophyllum rwdosum Apply seaweed meal to culinary purposes, I was toes, sweet corn, peppers, soli or drench the plant's It's too bad we don't live Interested to hear the ses- tomatoes, apples, strawber- the NatIOnal UOlverslty of meal closer to the ocean as we Ireland Galway explams A seaweed product made leaves If apphed directly to sion leader share mfonna- nes, okra and oranges leaves, the plant absorbs It could have our own sea' bon about how to use It on Other dOCUDlentedposlbves that most of the IIqwd from thIs IS called Maxicrop weed collectmg partIes Be extracts used m horticul- and It has been used for 40 and It'S passed on to the my plants From a handout were an unprovement m plant's CIrCUlatorysystem darmg and try thIs orgarnc and other mfonnatlOn ture are made of manne years Maxtcrop ISoften frost tolerance, a boost m and then dlstnbuted mIXture on your plants thts gleaned from Internet seed germinatIOn, and a brown algae The professor sold as a concentrated dry year. Let me know how It saId that these extracts are powder that IS 1II1XedWIth throughout Its bssues sources, here's some of what supenor abIlity to absorb Read the mstructions works My e-ma1l address water and apphed as a was incorrect m the Feb 12 spray It's also ava1lable as carefully and use only what is reqUIred More IS not bet- edttion See the correct one a IIqwd concentrate whIclt below Focaccia is easy to make, may cost more, but IS much ter In fact, you may do easier to 1II1X. more damage to the plant If dIreCtlOns are not followed Kathleen Peabody 18 a full of flavor, color Maxtcrop IS produced by Master Gardemr who hues comparnes m the United Studies have shown that Thankful that I had no calls for pre-made puff sheet. usmg too much of thIS good (and gardens) m Grosse States and exported around POInte Woods E-mail her at theme to work around thIS pastry m place of focaccla Usmg a rollmg pm and the world It IS most often thmg can actually sbmt week, I scanned the pages It's a real trme saver your hands, stretch the plant growth kmaslankapeabody@sbc- used for gardens and global. mi. of Itahan Cookmg and sheets of thawed pastry glasshouse crops, wh1le There is eVidence that a LlVlng magazme and Quick Broccoli- (SIde by SIde, WIdth-WIse) other fonns of seaweed fine mtst allows more rapId found thIS fun recIpe for Fontina Focaccia to fit the balong sheet. qUIck broccolI-fontma Brush the dough WIth the focacCla 2 tablespoons butter egg yolk Spnnkle with 1 lb. broccoli. cut into the Parmesan cheese Brain research unveils life of the mind florets Arrange the broccoh and A LA ANNIE. Salt and pepper to the tomatoes, cut SIde up, (NAPS!) - Advances 10 For example, mfants and actIons, observed Cary R By Anme Rouleau-&lIerlff taste over the dough &lidtop neurosCIence app. the behav- toddlers who are cuddled by Savage, PhD, dtrector, cog- 117-oz. box frozen 'lDth thafOftlllIna.c¥eee Ioral SClences .~!l-J~ 19}1lAg: ,l/o~J,1)~ devtllop r!lffer- m4v~ nlluroscleA~ group, puff pastry (2 sheets), Place m the oven and I what people have always ently m emobon, memory, Massachusetts Genelllli thawed bake at 400 degrees for 20 beheved about the develop- and trust than those who HospItal 1 egg yolk. beaten to 25 mmutes, until the ment of the broon and how It are raIsed In less nurtunng "The specIfics of how 'the 1/4 cup grated pastry ISgolden and the contnbutes to who we are- enVironments Both nature Bram' and what we know as Parmesan cheese cheese has melted. and how we treat mental Ill- and nurture have a powerful 'the Mind' work together 112cup halved cherry ness say In funcbon may not be entIrely mapped tomatoes Use a pIzza cutter to cut At birth, a chIld's bram IS "Our understanding of the out yet, but It IS clear they 6 oz. FontiDa cheese, the focacClamto squares a work m progress. The 101- developmg human IS very do There wIll be momentous thinly sliced or shred- for servmg. tIal framework WIth the different today from how we cbmcal applicatIons of the ded ThiS super-Simple take capacIty for JOY,happmess, have conceptualIzed Its understandmg of thIS lmk," on pIZZaboasts a nutty shyness, and fear is laId growth and development m saId CynthIa M Watson, FocacCla IS traditionally Preheat oven to 400 flavor from the fontma down In development, deter- the past," saId Bennett I MD, who IS a pnvate famtly a flat, round Italian bread degrees Melt the butter and a colorful presenta- mtned by "nature" or the Bertenthal, PhD, professor medical practttlOner as well dnzzled WIth olive 011 and in a large skIllet over bon from the broccolI and genetIc bluepnnts from the of psychology and computa. as Chmcal Preceptor, UCLA spnnkled WIth salt The medtum heat and add the tomatoes parents tIonal neuroscIence at the Department of Famtly thought of malong the broccoli Season WIth salt EI\Joy qUIck broccolI- From there, the structure Umverslty of ChIcago MedICIne bread has always seemed and pepper and saute for fontma focacClastraIght of the bram IS shaped by "BIOlOgIcal determInants She agreed about the use. hke too much work WIth (just) 4 nun utes Remove from the oven or at room nurture and early expen- mfluence and shape th~ fulness of diagnostIc tools to all that nsmg, and knead- from pan and set asl de to temperature ence Expenence can human, but the enViron- "gwde us to early mterven- 109 and soon cool LIghtly grease an 11- This focaccta IS perfect enhance or reduce the men- ment also comes mto play tlon and treatment and per- The follOWIngrecipe by-6-mch nmmed bakmg fora party tal and emobonal capaClbes It's not eIther nature or nur. haps even prevenbon of cer- 10 the framework tUrE It IS a complex mterac- tam dtsease In the future. tIon of both" Now by the bme we know The findings to date are what the person has, the sac offers two activities "extremely humbling," saId bram has often detenorated SeTVIces for Older awareness Bertenthal. "We are begm- to such an extent that there CItIzens wIll present a talk On Wednesday, r.farch 3, nlng to see Just how extraor- IS httle to be done As a pn- by Officer Ray Johnson of at 11 30 am, SOC WIll pre- dmanly comphcated the mary care doctor, who IS 1be O..... 1d Theater the Wayne County Shenff's sent a demonstratIon on braIn IS and how hard It WIll groWIng old WIth her par- Department at 11 15 a m how to make a craft decora- be to truly understand how ents, I am encouraged by the CALENDAR GIRLS Monday, March 1, at the tIon to hang on a door The to Intervene and Improve commg developments 10 Frday Feb 27 7"00 PM Tuesday Mar 2 7"00 PM NeIghborhood Club cost IS $1 the qualIty of lIfe," he saId approachmg certam debili- Johnson WIll talk about Just as the stnng, wood- tatIng diseases" Saturday Feb 28 4 PM & 7 PM TImday, Mar 4 7"00 PM Internet cnmes and safety, For more mfoooatlOn Wind, and brass sectIOns The Pfizer Journal pre- Su1day Feb 29 4PM &6~PM software puacy, Identity about either of these events, functIOn separately WIthin sents facts, opmlOns and theft, chat room safety, V1ruS call Susan Kopfat (313) 882- the orchestra, and also commentary from thought IHE I.&'.I1'1S ACTIVITY Q.ENTE.H Rated .fIG13 protectIon and Web SIte 2254 share In the final melody, leaders on Issues concernIng the braIn functIOns as both a health and the future of modular system With cer- medIcal care It helps read- taIn regIons of the braIn ers gaIn a deeper under- responSible for certam func- standIng of Issues related to tions and an mterconnected eXIsting medIcal treatments, network WIth shared mter- tomorrow's therapIes and tJehaVior and enVIronmental Issues that Influence our THE PERFECT INTIMATE SElTING health and well-tJemg Compliments of The publicatIon IS avaIl. able at the Web SIte thepfiz- r - - THE ST.CLAIR INN- - I eTJournal com I 50(')1 OFF ONE I Bse plans talk SOlJl'HF[ELJ) PAVIIJON Bon Secours Cottage I -/0 OVERNIGHT STAY I Health Semces IS sponsor- I M .. PrNMtt Coaport Upon n.eck In • K'qmw tIIMN I Ing a commumty lecture on _Not ~tkI V.~_I."Uz:..a »-.LOr ~ AnL-~ Offer_ EmETION ANITQ~ the latest techmques for JOin US In the R,v" Loung~ro"] FritI4y6- S4turdAy FEBRUARY 27. 28 & 29 knee and hIp replacement and JOint reVISIonsurgery, a The Voo-Doo Doctors procedure to correct loose or FrJdA)' & ~arurdAY. <) OOrm J OOam worn out artIfiCIal JOInts Bol>Gormac ar rhc plano Mam Dmlng Room The speaker, Dr Paul Telehowskl, lq an orthopedIC (i '10-9 '!Gpm Fn & 'lar F,/19 • Sit 10.6 • Sun 12-5 phYQlClan affilIated WIth EARLY BIRD MENU BSCHS Mondsy Thru Thunday - 4:00PM. 8:00PM The talk WIllbe from 7 to 8 30 p m Thursday, March V.I.P. CLUB BOOK 11, In Connelly Audltonum 10Dinner Coupons. 10 Lunch Coupons at Bon Secours HospItal, 150% OFF OVERNIGHT STAY • $SO.OOINCLUSIVE 468 CadIeux For more mforrnatlOn, call (586) 779- 500 N. RIV"'Iuu. St. am, MI. 810-329-2222 7900 February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News Faces & nlaces 36 ALNEGC sponsors 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' "Girls Just Want to Have WIllhold Its Sneak-A-Peek The evening WIllbegm at a nonprofit orgamzatlOn, Fun Night," an evemng of Weekend event for Its 2004 6 30 p m WIth a SIlent auc- WIllhold an Adopt-A.Thon entertamment, shoppmg, DeSigners' Show House on tion. A live auctIon begInS on Wednesday, March 3, In food and a rame, ISspon- Saturday and Sunday, Feb at 9 p m Mary BufallnI wIll conjunctIOn WIth Its sored by the Assistance 28 and 29 The house IS at be the auctIOneer telethon 2004 The Adopt-A- League to the Northeast 114 Lothrop In Grosse The event also Includes Thon WIll be held at all Gwde.nce Center The Pomte Farms dancmg to The Rehcs and three shelters from 10 a m ladies' night out WIllbe on "TIus IS a great opportu- entertainment by fortune to 7 pm, and hundreds of Fnday, March 5, from 6 to mty for people to come by tellers The MystICS pets WIllbe awalt10g new, 10 p m at Assumption and take a look at spaces SpecIal auction Items lOVInghomes Adopters WIll Greek Cultural Center, before they are transformed Include autographed sports also receIve a free gIft. of 21800 Marter In St CI9.11' mto rooms that take form memorablha, tnps, partIes dog or cat food from Pet Shores and functlonahty to a new and Items handmade by SupplIes Plus and Purma Parking IS free T1ckets level of artIstry," said RIchard students PetCare ate $30 at the door, $25 m Kathleen Moro Nesi, A raffie WIllend the The MIchIgan Humane advance Guests must be 21 preSIdent of the JLD evenIng WIth $15,000 10 SocIety's adoptlOn fees pnzes or older T1ckets are aVall- The 2004 DeSIgners' Include stenltzatlOn, vaCCI- able lit Assumption Center Show House ISa 67-year-old The OlympICspmt WIll natIOns and a medIcal and the League Shop, 72 10,5OO-square foot Regency- contInue at the Rlchardfest check-up and behaVIOr " Kercheval, on the Hill style home Wlth 15 rooms, 9 KIds CarnlVll1 whIch WIll assessment Dog adoptJ.ons take place from 10 a m to 4 t The evening will Include bedrooms, 6 full batba, 3 also mclude a heartworm r shoppmg for clothmg, Jewel- half-baths and 7 fireplaces pm, Saturday, March 27 test and a 20 percent dIs- Co-prelidents of the Assistance League to the ry, housew~, TIus year's blenmal RIchard Will be transformed count for tram10g classes Northeast Guidance Center, Helen Boyer, at the left, .itetns, accessones and, fundrmser WIllsupport chll- into an OlymPICarena WIth through the Mlclugan and Denise Cera. admire a Ladles Tag Heuer 2000 dren's health and welfare somethmg for everyone to _''ifomen's health and beauty Humane SOC1etyPet sta1nleu bracelet watch donated by Edmund T. Abee lservices causes In Detroit participate m EducatIOn Center Jewelen for the rafDe at "Gtrla Just Want to Have Champagne Wlllbe free The commwnty ISwel- Shelters are located at Fun Night, M on Friday, March 5. at Assumption from 6 to 7 pm., a selection Sneak-A. Peek Weekend IS come 7401 Chrysler Dnve (313) Greek Cultural Center in St. Clair Shores. ofhors d'oeuvres, desserts the only chance the general 872-3400,3600 W Auburn Proceeds from the evening wU1 benefit the NEGC's and coffees wIll be avml- publIc Wlll have to see the PewabicJGleaners Road (248) 852-7420 and mental health and other community-based pro- able Vendors wdl proVlde home before Its May 1 event: PewablC Pottery 37255 Marquette (734) 721- grams. Tickets are $25 in advance; $30 at the door. WIllhold a fundraISeI' for Items for l'aflle drawmgs unvellmg. Saturday hours 7300 Call (313) 245-7012 or visit for more The AsSistance League IS are 10 a m to 4 p.m , Gleaners Foodbank from 5 information. a nonprofit organizatIon Sunday hours are noon to 4 to 7 p m Fnday, Feb 27 at - Margl.e ReinS Smlth that supports the Northeast P m. The cost IS $5 a per- Pewablc's headquarters, Gwdance Center and Its son, chIldren 12 and under 10125 E Jefferson m mental health programs are admitted free No DetroIt. One hundred per- NEGC serves hlgh-nsk chIl- strollers ParkIng IS avml- cent of the profits WIllbe dren and adults on DetroIt's able only on Kercheval donated to Gleaners- EastsIde, tn the five Grosse For more InformatIon call Guests will begm by Pomtes and Harper Woods. the JLD at (313) 881-0040 choosmg and purchasmg a Chmrman of "Gll'ls Just or VlSltwww ceramIc bowl from Want to Have Fun NIght" IS Pewablc's gallery Soup and Karen Cassetta of the CIty Richard auction: shoppmg wdl be aVaIlable of Grosse POinte. RIchard Elementary School For more InformatIOn, call For more mformatJ.on, Wlllhold Its gala auctIOn, (313) 822-0954 or ~o to call (313) 245-7012 "Celebrating the OlympiC wwwpewablccom Games," on Fnday, Feb 27, Sneak-a-Peek: The at the Grosse Pomte War Adopt a pet: The JUnIor League of DetrOIt Memonal MIchIgan Humane Society, Whom do you most admire? Admire verb, look up to, esteem, respect, value, pnze, regard highly, thmk much of, perceIve WIth attention, dIrect one's gaze toward '" W1J(,> 1$ th~p All.Y.llJ1.~" meallow four weeks for The Gros~e Pomte Artists Watercolor Charmame Instructor, WIllmeet from 10 els make people weak body of water When antIdl- dehvery AsSOCIationWIllofTerthe fol- Kaptur, GPAA Instructor, a m to 3 pm March 27 and lOWIngclasses WIll meet from 9 30 a m to 28 Cost IS $80 plus a $20 • Pamtmg ExploratIons 1230 pm March 23.May 4 matenals fee Concerts At The Comer Damel Keller, CCS faculty Co~t IS $80 For more mformatlOn, call Instructor WIll meet from 6 • Jewelry Makmg Conme (313) 821-1848 The GPAA appeanng at Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church to 9 p m March 2.30 The Buydens, GPAA mstructor, headquarters are at 1005 19950 Mack Avenue, (,ro~~e POlnte Wood" MI cost IS $175 WIll meet from 1 30 to 330 Maryland 10 Grosse Pomte Bebe's Grille • BegInmng Watercolor pm March 17, 24 and 31 Park Gallery hours are 1R4~1 Mack (at Moran) Presents Charmame Kaptur, GPAA Co~t 1~ $60 plus matenal~ Wednesdays through Instructor, WIll meet from • Bookmakmg Work~hop Saturdays, 1-5 p m SPirits 0- Fine Dining Julie Jordan, (Plano Faculty, Judltard School) 9 30 a m to 12 30 p m Susan Macdonald, GPAA A mholt .. p" ••• rui '- ".K' T1N: mri.~ ("\ Tht \1. \ l'hC'R mJrl < Margaret Rees, (~oprano, Gro~~cPOinte Woods)

March 24-May 5 Cost IS flu k 1lo1lrn~r t1,1hrn ~~ "'fk\ m~ rH~h, I.h-I $100 Jazz Forum plans concerts t=k In ReCital • Advanced Watercolor "-010. tll n concerts thiS spnng at Gro~~e Pomte Umtanan ~~ J n II hI' ~ n lJ '11 Land~cape Carol LaChlUsa, ()O, ... ,."kt"'~I;'nt""tvrlA., At 3:00 pm GPAA mstructor, WIll meet The first IS on Wednesday, Church 17150 Maumee from 10 a m to 3 pm, March 3 Larry Nozer.Peter Concert~ are $10 m I Kkcr, .wadablc dl door March 15, 16 and 17 Cost IS Soave Ensemble WIth Tad advance, $12 at the door FREf Of.~~ERT WITH f/IrfRfF Progrdm wllllnduJc work, hi Ikcthoven (Icmpc" Sonall). $110 Week, Peter Dommguez, The sene~ of three are $25 wrth lhu ocI Wed S.llhru Match 6th ExperJ men tal and Kenmth "SpIder" RIce Call (3131961-1714 313-885-3141 ( hopln ('ichcrw 111R t1 II IOlnor), Ravel ('>onallnc) 48 Churches February 26, 2004 Grosse POinte News I The Pastor's Corner The choice of hope Misery addicts can find By the Rev. Fred Harms St Paul Lutheran Church This week m Chnstlan churches around the happiness, end self-sabotage \\ orld, the season of Lent begIns It begIns WIth Anne Katherme, a psy- leads to crushmg gnef Ash Wednesday semces, as we are reminded of puppeteer behmd a curtalD~ chotherapIst and certified Therefore, If I aVOidhappI- the recovery process our mortality and our need for God's saVlng so even the most talented mental health counselor m ness, I'll protect mvself from Kathenne created redemptIOn the Seattle area, ISWIllingto therapISts often tnlSS It In Avonlea, a nonprofit recov- gnef their chents. The observance of Lent contmues for 40 days bet that every family has at WhIle dJlTerent people ery center In WashIngton, and culminates m Holy Week, with the focus on least one member about Recovery represents JOY and also founded Misery might substitute other and seremty for most the PassIOn and ResurrectIOn of Jesus Chnst whom someone has saId, "1 words for happy or gnef, Addicts Anonymous, the don't know why he or she addicts who expenence it first Twelve Step mutual. Lent IS a time of preparatIOn This season of the Kathenne says the Internal But for alcoholics, drug church year reminded the early church of Jesus' 40 keeps domg that" lOgiCIS the same People try help group for misery She ISJust as certam that addiCts and compulSIve addiCts days of self-demal and prayer m the wilderness. to protect themselves shoppers who also suffer New adult converts to Chnstlamty practIced most therapists have at agamst feelmg bad by not Smce thIS is a newly from a larger addictIon to defined problem, and her penance, personal asceticism, and prayer At the least one "hard-to-help feeling too good chent" - someone who filsery, recovery Itself can be book IS the first to address end of this Lenten observance the newly Instructed She offers as an example a tngger to relapse needs group therapy but the expenence of someone misery addIctIOn, Kathenne catechumens would be baptized and confirmed. keeps "forgetting" to Sign up "In some cases, the mere smd that It may be difficult This traditIOnally would take place In the who remembers feehng spe- possibilIty that thmgs mIght for It, for example, or some- CIal when people sang for lIllsery addiCts to find Saturday evening VIgIl of Easter one who deCides to go off hIS go well or that good feehngs support or informatIOn m "Happy BIrthday" to her might anse IS enough to Thday, Lent remams a time for us to examine or her medICatIOns even ~Then my father slapped me their areas If tlus IS the though they're workIng well tngger behaVIOr that bnngs case, she encourages them our hves, prepanng for Holy Week and Easter out of the chair, and I nearly back the filsery," Kathenne From my youth, I always remember thIS season as Kathenne, the author of died from shame So If I can to attend other open Twelve "When Misery IS Company" wrote Step meet- a self-denYing, somewhat dJ'eary and somber pen- aVOidbemg honored, I'll pro- She smd she started to see od and several other ground tect myself from shame" lOgS such as Overeaters brealung books of popular pOSitive results when she Anonymous or Alcohohcs Let me suggest that rather than focusmg on Accordmg to Katherine, began to treat her chents' psychology, calls such self- misery addiCts are adchcted Anonymous They can also morbid sm catalOgIng, we look to the hope that sabotagmg chents "misery self-sabotagIng behaVIOr as contact Misery AddIcts thiS season u;,hers mto hfe If we practice self- to aVOIdance, self-sabotage an addiction to filsery and addicts" For people who are and a system of sumval Anonymous at POBox demal, let It be purposeful. If you decide to gIve addicted to misery, hapPI- gave them a process that 1732, CoupeVllle, WA 98239, somethmg up, gIve the amount you save to some that results ID loss of JOY, Incorporates the Twelve ness Itself IS threatemng mtlmacy and potential She call (360) 710-5362, or go to chanty or person In need Hope becomes even These are people for whom Steps and integrates other wwwfilseryaddlcts org said thiS IS more complicat- essential components of more meanmgful when It IS shared Alfred Lord Tennyson's gen- ed than other addIctIOns Kathenne's book IS pub- erally accepted adage of recovery such as community, lished by Hazelden; call The days are gettmg longer Spring IS commg, "With alcohohsm, for abstmence and mutual sup- 1850 - "'T1s better to have example, you get abstment (800) 328-9000 or VlSlt WIth Its buddmg trees and plants Soon flowers loved and lost, than never to port www hazelden orglbookstore Will be pushmg through the Earth to proVlde their first and then change your "The recovery process have loved at all," ISJust not hfestyle," she said for more mformation speCial beauty for our world These are all impor- true gives a new, dIfferent and "With misery addIcts, the tant SignS to us of the cycles ofhfe and the impor- Their lOgiC, Kathenne healtluer system to substI- ThIS column offers mfor. tance of holdmg on to hope hfestyle IS the problem" tute for the old one," she explams In her new book, Thmgs get even more nuztu:m needed to help pre- The dally news m our world often emphaSIzes goes like thiS Somethmg wrote However, because the vent and address substance comphcated because filsery tools that make recovery the ills that afflIct humamty We can easily get dIS- good happened to me (I was addIctIon IS often masked by abuse problems It is provu:l- couraged and depressed happy), then thiS homble work often seem threaten- ed by Hazelden, a 1UJnpro!it anCillary addIctIOns such as ing, she suggests that rms- However, there IS much that IS posItive. In our thmg followed or came from agency based In Center City, alcohohsm, workahohsm, ery addicts may need to first commumtles, Significant numbers of people are the same place or person Mmn, that offers a wide exceSSIve caretakmg or work With a trusted thera- mvolved m tryIng to contnbute to a bnghter, safer that made me happy I was overeating Kathenne sllld range of mformatlon and nearly crushed by my gnef pISt, and from that sohd treatment serolCes on addIC- world The HabItat for Humamty bUllds, the misery addiction operates foundatIon add SPl!Claltools CROP hunger walks and the mISSion projects of ThIs means that happmess behmd the scenes "like a tion For more resources, call and skills that promote pos- Hazelden at (800) 257.7800 each congregation are the more obVlous examples ItIve actIOn and growth She or check Its Web site at of thiS type of compassIOnate concern BSC offers free diabetes lecture underscored the rmportance www hazelden org Direct of chOOSInga therapIst who Take time m your dally devotIons of prayer and Almost 200,000 MIchigan Cottage Diabetes Resource your inqUIries to knows about addIction and Bible reading to reflect on what ISJOyful and pOSI- adults have diabetes and Center, WIll dISCUSSthe nsk mduda@hazelden org tive m your hfe Rather than abstracting the nega- don't even know It Research factors and early warnmg tive, choose hope Share JOYWIth those around you, shows that proper dIet and SignS of diabetes Walk through the New and be a bearer of hope rather than despalT. exerCIse can slgmficantly Accordmg to BrzezlckI, Remember, GQd has gIven us the gIft of hope and delay and may even prevent "Many people may already wants our hves to be hved abundantly WIth JOY the onset of dIabetes m mdI- be suffenng from one of the Testament at First English Vlduals at nsk But because most common and over- First English Ev. become a gigantic map and the dIsease 15 often undlag- looked dIseases to strike Lutheran Church WIll spon- partICIpants wI begm 10 nosed, those WIth symptoms mIllIons of AmencanB 'sor an event for the entire Bethlehem, travel to the Next LTAclass is March 1 may be unaware of rmpor- Insulm reSistance IS the famIly by Lutheran Bible area of the Jordan RIver, tant hfestyle chOIces that chief charactenstIc of adult MImstnes from 2 to 8:30 then follow Paul on lus filS- The Lay TheolOgical dren who have speCial can have a Significant onset diabetes It can take p m. Sunday, Feb 29, at the slOnary Journeys Academy wIll present "Gifts needs Moffat 18 program Impact on theIr health years to become severe But church, 800 VernIer In It's a chance to gllln vast of God" by Deborah Moffat dIrector for the Foundation Bon Secours Cottage WIll ITyou pay attentIOn to some and Jeff Montgomery at 7 offer a free Health Talk lec- of ItS early warnmg SIgnS, Grosse PolOte Woods. amounts of Bible knowledge for ExceptIOnal ChIldren A semmar, "Walkmg whJ!e haVlDg fun The day p m Monday, March 1, at and Montgomery IS execu- ture, "Are You at Risk for you stand a good chance of Grosse Pomte Umted Diabetes?" from 1 to 2 pm, aVOldmgdiabetes" Through the New WIllend WIth a dInner tIve director of the 'Ihangle Testament," IS a creative The cost to partiCIpate IS Church, 240 Chalfonte m FoundatIon Fnday, March 19, m the Bon The program IS free, but Grosse Pomte Farms Brae Center Classroom, seatmg IS hmlted Call method for leammg about $20 for adults, $15 for stu- stones m the New dents. $50 for a f8ffil1y A panel diSCUSSIOnWill The cost IS $5 For more 22300 Bon Brae, St Clair Commumty Health Testament of the Bible usmg • explore questIons of how to mformatlOn, call (313) 884- Shores PromotIOn at (586) 779.7900 hand motIOns, group reVlew Th register or for more care for and nurture chIl- 3075 ViVlan Brzezlckl, coordI- for more mformatlOn or to and catchy phrases mformatlOn, call Sharon nator of the Bon Secours preregister The sanctuary Will HaSSig at (586) 296-9737

Grosse Pointe Flrsl EngfJsh Ev. Lutheran ChUrch Unltanan Church VernIer Rd 31 Weunday '>chonl ~_ ~ _ 9 30a.m ConlemporaryServ,ce II 00 a.m Trad'lJonal ServIce 17150 MAUMEE 881-0420 Rev John Corrado Minister GROSSE .' 9 30 a m Sunday School Eastside POI NTE 1\ Christ the King Saint Dr Waller A SchmJd~ Paslor Community Rev Sanon L Beebe Assoc:Jale Pao:;[OT Lutheran Church UNITED runbrose RobeI1 FOSler Mu , .. Coorom.t"" MdCk "I Lochmoor Church CHURCH ~I*--'Parih R84-'i()90 W ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL A C(/nnx rOn/mum" of Mom ('ulwrf'~ AmUATED WIlli THE UCC AND ABC I~I s \J/ CHURCH k I~&.. 1(l4~J:m WN"hlp WOT\h,p ~erv,ce 240CHAlFONT£ ATLOTHRQp ~ 20475 Sunnmgdale Park C'hurch com 10-00 A M FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday Masses Ilr 15 a.m Church School Rand. ~ lIoeller Pa,tor • To Know/I,m a,,,J Y'ak~ H"" Klfott.n" (CRIB ROOM AVAILABL£) at 8:30 & 11:15 a.m. 1000 A M CHURCH SCHOOl.. 1O-:lO a m Choral Euchanst T,moth. \ Hol,.erland, ~'''' Pa,'or (Nursery Av" l.ble I NurseIy AV8Il8bIo ~ GRACE UNITED $1 Ambrose Roman CaItJoIIC C/1

... ~ ~~J ~-; - , .

GROSSE POINTE WOODS FIf8t OfferIng GROSSE POINTE WOODS Gorgeous This bncI< !loogalow oHeJghout WTIh Iltand new eatpe1Ing thIS SIlirt level l1.IpIex home p!0'Ildes 811 open IIoor plan FOtnIBI dinJng iMng and famIII room secUjed poItlt W1It1 paJlOed basement Prrvate Island 10 Ihe Ea'iem honzon Frelllhiers glide Throe bedroom bungalow Wllh updated Jutchell eat I/MlQe This IS a Il'eat buy and a ~ IInIy FII1lSIled extra dee!l basemenl yanl Ihroogh IIll! nearby cllaMel T1us QOlgeous home IS ~ washer and dr)'ti IIlCiJded DOling room ILGP80ANI) 313-186-5040 $159,000 ~ a MIl bat exOlClSe aIea and tul ba!Il fold1 (LGP96NOX) 31).886.5040 $514,900 ,n a spedaetJlar seltlng mol. lami'; room nallra! fi!tIpIaoe Newer roo! guUels (LGP34LAK) 31).886.5040 $2 680,000 (LGP70TllO) 31~ $499,000 and"~ siding tocaled two billd

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GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS MaintaIned Well marnraned ltYee beaoom bod< bungaJow WII!1 """"" rool cemem. 'IlI1)'I WVIdIows furnace central OK and guners Nalural lireplace hardwood Iloors and I n,shed basemenl Wlt~ ... , ba, Srove refrlgetalor .. ashe< and ltyer Vlduded (LGP20KEN) 313-886-5040

$177,900 ,'~.~A' " ~ .. 4' .... '- ;;>-

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:'t.., -,.l< ..4 -- hC' :0:='\. Blue Devils first in gymnastics league Fnday the Thirteenth did. dual meet record, beat around competItIon n't bnng Grosse Pomte Fraser, Grosse Pomte IndIa Wtlson was 10th all- South's gymnastIcs team Holder was also league around and earned fourth North, Edsel Ford and champIOn 10 floor exerCIse any bad luck Trenton 10 the league meet place on floor WIth an 8 7 In fact, It was quite the WIth a score of 9 05. Holder JackIe MadIson had an "1 was so proud of the was thud on vault (83), and contrary entire team," saId coach excellent beam routme that The Blue DeVlls won thell' fifth on both uneven bare earned her a SIxth-place Kelly Darbngton "The way (7 8) and balance beam (8 7) first Great Lakes they stepped up to the chal- score of 8 6 Knstm Zens Conference meet champi- Loveley was thIrd on had a 7 7 on vault lenge even after 10s1Ogone beam (8 85), fourth on vault onslup m 25 yeare WIth a of our team competitors was "TIlIs WIn was defimtely a team score of 132 1 pomts (825) and seventh on both team effort," SaId team cap- really awesome. floor (8 55) and bars (7 75) A week earlier, South lost "TheIr hard work this sea- tain Loveley "Everyone had Its first dual meet to Fraser LIZ DaVIsson had some worked so hard to get to tlus son paId off, and It was a outstandmg performances The Blue DeVlls were also mce way to end the season" pomt. We really deserved it " WIthout one of their top per- as she was fifth all-around South wtll compete m the South was led by fresh- She was thIrd on floor (8 75), formers, Regan WedenoJa, man Lmdsay Holder and state regional at Rochester who was unable to compete fourth on beam (875) and Adams on March 6 seDlar Mebssa Loveley, who nmth on bars (7 6) because of a broken hand. placed first and second, South, wluch had an 8-1 respectIvely, in the all- Popov leads HW to tournament title

By Bob St. John the finals by pummeling Sports Wn1er Rochester HIlls Lutheran Harper Woods' boys bas- Northwest 74-43 In a senufi- ketball team didn't play Its nal game best m last weekend's Metro Mosely had 18 pomts and Conference 'Iburnament nme aSSists, whIle Popov champlOnslup game, but it had 17 pomts, and freshman beat Bloomfield Hills Dexter Jackson had a Cranbrook Kmgswood 70- career-hIgh 14 pomts 54 The Harper Woods bas- "We weren't at 01ll' best, ketball team Improved to 16- and 1 have to give 2 overall Cranbrook a lot of credIt Com109 up for the because It came to play PIoneers IS a home game on tomght,~ head coach Loren Tuesday, March 2, agam~t RIstovskI SaId. "Our guys DetrOit Martm Luther KIng. need a wake-up call because RlstovskI and lus squad they have not been sharp play Its first Class C dIstnct the past few games. Maybe game at 7 p.m on Tuesday, Pholos by Kerry Pytel thiS team needs to lose a March 9, agaInst Memplus Groue PoiDte South's Melissa Loveley perl'orms game, and come back to at Lutheran Northwest her rout1De on the balance beam duriDg the receDt realIty" Great Lakes CoDference II1DUUUIttcameet. The PlOneers have won 14 Volleyball games 10 a row, and they are perfect m 2004 The Harper Woods guls Goali~ sp_~~klesfor "I don't want the guys to volleyball team had lIttle thmk they're the best trouble disposmg of Vlslting because if they thmk like H4!ntramck last w~, WIll- South against Pilots that, someone will beat rung 15-7, 15-12 them when It matters the "The gtrls went out and By Chuck Klonke Porter came down the left most, m the state tourna- played hard, despIte not Sports EdItor ment" RIstovskI SaId wmg, took a pass from Joey playmg a match 10 a week," Often when a team turns Parke and beat PIlots goabe The VlsItmg Cranes gave head coach Laura Bock s81d In a solid effort from top to Daniel Venet Pat LaRIVlere the PIoneers all they could "Everyone was able to playa bottom on Its roster It'S also asSiSted handle, and then some, as SIgnIficant amount, and Grosse PoiDte North's Kelly Polett. perl'onqa on tough to pIck the No 1 star South made It 2-0 at 11'32 they were tIed 13-13 after everyone contnbuted " the uneven ban at the conference meet. 10 a hockey game on another mfty passmg the first quarter, and the The PIoneers ellJoyed a That wasn't the case last play Bnan Gathff sent the home squad held a 29-28 successful even10g on theIr Saturday mght when Grosse puck to NIck Andrew, who halftIme advantage serves as they earned SIX Pomte South beat De La fed a centenng pass to Jumor guard James Slago aces m game one and SIX ULS beats Trojans Salle 4-1 In a MIchIgan Anthony DeLaura, who beat hIt two of the bIggest bas- aces m game two Metro HIgh School Hockey Venet on a hIgh shot from kets of the game, nal!1Og OffenSIvely, JUnIor Jade League game The VlCtory the slot back-to-back three-pomters Kmg had five kIlls and four in triple overtime assured South of at least a "We dId a mce Job of pass- that helped the Pioneers seTVlce pomts, whlle Jumor tie In the league's East mg the puck on both of those take a 47-40 lead late 10 the Sally SmOlinski had two DIVlslOn thIrd quarter By Chuck Klonke goals and Anthony knows kIlls and four seTVlcepo1Ots ment, ULS dropped a one- Sports Edrtor "If It was Hockey NIght m how to fimsh," Bopp SaId RIstovskl's squad finally Other standouts were pomt decISIon to Lutheran After losmg a paIr of close Canada, Mark (goalte Mark "He went to the net Wlthout played like conference semors Becky Nanm and Northwest 10 a game that games m the Metro Gngnon) would have been the puck That's someth1Og champIOns In the fourth Angela Wlerszewskt, and had a controversIal endmg selected the first star In the we've been tryIng to get quarter, usmg a 9-0 nm to Juniors Mana Mahon, Conference tournament last because of clock malfunc- game," saId Blue DeVIls them to do" lead 57-42 Wlth 544 left Natalie Barranca, Ann week, Umverslty LIggett tIOns coach Bob Bopp De La Salle carned the The Cranes cut the defiCIt Mane Solomon and Bndget School's basketball players The Kmghts beat Gngnon made 25 saves, play dunng the early lDln- to 59-50 WIth 3'27 left, but Wagner seemed deternuned not to ClarencevI11e dunng the let It happen agam mcludmg several outstand- utes of the second penod, the PIoneers were able to lut The PIoneers never traIled regular season but the Ing stops when the game several free throws down "They deCided they and that's where Gngnon m the first game but found Trojans are a young team was stili m doubt claIm weren't gomg to lose," coach came up bIggest 10 goal for the stretch to the tour- themselves down 8-5 In the that has been Improvmg all nament tItle Dean Rlstovskl saId after The toughest mIght have the Blue DeVIls second game before rallYIng year. come early 10 the second South made It 3-0 at 535 R1stovskl's team has dom- to score 10 of the next 14 the Kmghts beat ClarenceVllle led by 10 Clarenceville 87-79 In a penod Wlth South leadmg 2- of the second penod Gatliff mated the Metro Conference pomts to sweep the Cosmos pomts early m the thIrd o One of the Blue DeVIls dunng the past three years, m two games game that took three over- quarter, but ULS fought Its won a faceoff In the P110ts' tImes defensemen fell and three end and beat the goalie WIth gomg 32-1 WIth three "We're gammg confidence way back PIlots were converging on a qUick shot straIght regular season as we head mto the confer- "We had mtenslty, energy, "We changed defenses, got the South goal, but Gngnon "That goal was huge champIOnshIps and two ence tournament," Bock enthUSIasm and leadership, a couple of stops and got which we dIdn't have when kIcked away the shot by TIm because a 3-0 lead IS a lot tournament croWDS saId "I thmk we can com- some easy baskets m the Damelak WI' dIfferent than 2-D," Bopp The PIOneers' only loss pete Wlth any team m our lost to (Lutheran) East transItIOn," RlstovskI said h, t\\;,) last week" Gngnon also made a key saId "When It'S 2-0, the next came to Umverslty LIggett conference If WI' plav lip to With the score tIed and a r 'riler In the tourna- save on a shorthanded goal IS bIg, no matter who School In last year's tourna- our potent18\ " mmute remammg In regula- breakaway attempt by De scores It ~ ment semifinals tIOn,the Kmghts worked the La Salle In the first penod RobbIe Barrett got South's "We have had a lot of suc- ball around for the final shot that would have tIed the cess In the Metro dunng the but mISsed game final goal on a power play at 12 24 Andrew sent the puck past few seasons," RIStovskl ULS fell behInd by five "He came up bIg for toward the net and Barrett said "Wmnmg 32 of 33 con- pomts In the first overtime, them," said P110tscoach Dan redIrected It Into the goal ference games ISa darn good but battled back to send the Barry, who had coached at "Our power play was Just record, but now It'S time for game mto a second extra Umver~lty Liggett School average, but It has been us to think about the state penod The KnIghts had the for several years before tak- really good lately: Bopp said playoffs, and we need to last shot m the second over- mg over at De La Salle after focus more because thIS time, but once agam It last seaqon of the De La Salle game "Our penalty klllmg was team has the potentIal to go mlssed the mark "We had some good once agaIn very good The far Into the playoffs" In the thIrd overtIme, chance~ At tImes we out- players are a very confident JUnIor Justin Popov ULS didn't leave anythmg to played them but (GngnonJ bunch now scored 28 pomts and chance The Kmghts Jumped wasn't I;lVlngus anythmg" "After beatmg DIVIDe grabbed nme rebounds to ahead early and mamtamed Mlcha!'l Barkuq finally (,hlld, thIS was really a bIg lead the Pioneers, while theIr lead WIth free throws beat Gl1gnon at 4 35 of the game as far as wlnmng the semor Bruce Mosely had 17 down the stretch pomts third penod After a South dlVlqlOnwa~ concerned We Rlstovskl had only eIght turnover, but hy that tIme went mto the gAme knoWlng SenIOr Gilbert Walker players available for the the BluE' Devils had a 4-0 scored only four pomts, but game, and each of them lead thAt De LA Salle hsd a very strong team, and plavmg at played solid defense, collect- made a contnbutlOn South, whIch wa~ commg thClr l1nk It was gomg t.obe Ing II rebounds and block- It was the second tnple- ofTan emotIOnal 2-1 VIctory a hard game to Wln Ing five shots overtIme game of the season over DIVIneChlld a couple of "We al"lo had three very JUl110r Jerome Douglas for ULS, ....hlch loqt one at dAVSearher, didn't have a good semors not dreqslng for was held WIthout a POint, Lutheran Northwest m letdown agamqt De La Salle thIS game iSean O'Bnen, but he grabbed 10 rebounds January The Blue DeVlls scored at Mark Diebel and Paul Siago fimshed With II MaurIce Taylor led the the 33-second mark of the pomts, and semor Rodney Photo hv Ci Neal way Wlth a tnple-double _ first penod when Tom Batts had eight Harper Wood. MaJor Becky Nelli, right, ,eU ODe of ber leVerai blocb ID tbe Pioaeen' leaaae win over 32 pomts, 10 rebounds and See SOUTH, page 3C The PIoneers advanced to Hamtramck. See ULS, page 3C 2C s orts February 26, 2004 Grosse POinte News Trinity to face Richard in Catholic League semifinals

easy baskets " "I challenged them to pick By Michael Shelton The Lancers also went 11. StaffWnter It up, and they hved up to 16 from the free throw hne the challenge, they got a lot Harper Woods Trinity's In the second half, compared basketball team will face of the wrty work,~ Banks to 0-4 In the first. S81d "We have to come out IUvel"Vlew Gabnel IUchard 'Ihmty was led by Ronald today, Feb 26, at 6 p.m. at and play very hard, play Hlldreath WIth 13 POInts defense and rebolInd; those Schoolcraft College for a and 10 rebolInds Lance shot at the Cathohc League are the keys to W1I1Illng." Caldwell also had 11 POInts The Lancers came out EastlWest finals and five rebounds for 'Ihmty ISthe No 2 seed In with an early 6-0 lead In the 1hmty. first quarter, but the Lakers the East whUe IUchard has "Lance stepped up bIg the top seed In the West The came back by hIttIng 7 of 8 tIme He's a JUIDor, hard- free throws In the first half. Lancers defeated RIchard In worker, and a football play- their last meetIng 57-49 The Lakers (5.13) had a er. He has that aggressIOn two POInt lead at one point back on Dec. 23 that 1 lIke," Banks S8J.d.~I The Lancers advanced In the second quarter. But hke those types of hard 1hnity managed to gam a WIth a 54-43 WIn over workers I don't look for Waterford Our Lady of the 27-23 halftInle lead after sconng, I look for rebound- QUInton WashIngton con- Lakes In the quarterfinals Ing and defense, and when verted a lay-up on a Laker Squirt champs on Saturday to Improve he scores that's an extra.' theIr record to 11-4 turnover Antonio HInton also had The Lancers then caught The Groue PolDte lIocItey Association Sabra beat the Bullfrop 3-1 to win "We had a good start, but SIXrebounds for 'Ihmty the SquIrt Dtriafon champloaahlp at the GPHA Saowbal! TOumameDt. The we played In spurts, so we'll a break when Lakers for- Banks told hIs troops at ward Kyle Nussbaum fouled Sabres did an of their lICOrm, iD the thlrd period. David Like had two goals, get back to practIce and see halftime to finIsh where llAlatecl by Cameron BaDew and KeviD Cassidy, and Andrew Addy tallied an If we can do It for four quar- out In the thIrd quarter. they started and play WIth Kyle SelahowskI had 12 lnstuance goal. Tommy McShane &cored the Bullfrogs' goal iD the second ters,~ S8J.dEd Banks, TrinIty aggressIon period. uaJated by Kirk Dettloff. In front are Kerin Barrett, left. and Tyler head coach "Our defense pomts to lead the Lakers. Mogk. In the second row from left. are Andrew Addy, David Like and Danny was very hard, that's what 1 PreDcb. In the third row, from left. are J. Elsey. Krlaru Vlkas, Cameron take out of thIs game." BaIIew, A.J. Walworth. Kev1DCauldy, Lucu FunIt and Steven SChneider. In Tnnlty forced 14 Laker HW grapplers win back, from left, are coacbes Paul Ballew, Jim Like and Gary NegenclaDk. Not turnovers In the second half pictured are Hayley Altshuler and Gerard Smith. and had an 11 poInt lead In the fourth quarter team district crown "We played full court man to man; we felt theIr guards Jurczak wins whIle Holy Redeemer beat weren't tough dnbblIng. Lutheran East Shooting fails the Blue Devils WIse," Banks S81d "We fig- gold medal Later In the week, the ured we'd put some pressure Pioneers and Eagles had on them, make some By Sob Sl John five grapplers advance to By Chuck Klonke the Falcons built a 16-poInt turnovers and convert some Sports Wnter the regionals. Sports Editor Petrouleas S81d "We wanted to get a cou- halftIme lead, and they fin- Petrouleas was pleased Harper Woods contInued It's been S8J.dthat basket- Ished at Just under 50 per- Its success on the mats last ple of more kIds through, ball teams that live by the WIth the way several of his but at least we have four cent. South, meanwhl1e, players perfonned comIng week, beatIng DetroIt Holy jump shot often we by the shot only 32 percent North trio Redeemer 60-12 m a gOIng to reglOnals,' SchIhl jump shot off the bench. s81d "We competed well," "Zac HaClas was solid off DiVIsion IV team wresthng Grosse POInte South Petrouleas s81d. "Our record dIstrict championshIp Monaghan (119.pound knows the feehng. the bench," Petrouleas said. in regional class), Sparks (130 pounds) certmnly [sn't because of a "He was our leadmg match. "Because of our lack of an lack of effort • and DiGiovanm (171 rebounder WIth nme from Three Grosse POInte "Our guys wrestled well, inside game, we've had to The last tIme South pounds) each placed second, hiS guard poSItIOn, he had North wrestlers placed thIrd and now we're on to the rely on our outsIde shoot. played Ford, the Falcons regionals,~ Harper Woods whUe Kennedy (112 pounds) mg; Blue DeVIls coach eIght POInts and a couple of m last weekend's DIVIsion 1 was thIrd for the Pioneers. used their mSlde game to assists IndiVIdual dIstnct tourna- head coach Adam Schlhl George Petrouleas S81dafter beat the Blue DeVIls. ThIs The Eagles' semor captmn "Enc Berschback was also ment at ChIppewa Valley saId. "ThIs team really has South's 68-54 loss to Utica tIme It was Ford's penmeter a chance to get to the quar- Chris Jurczak won the 112- Ford U. very sohd off the bench We High School, and the tno shootIng terfinals because we only polInd class, gIVIng hIm one had a couple of players who WIll compete In Saturday's "When you have to do "It's not lIke we didn't play have to beat one team " of the top seeds In the mw- that, you develop a lot of weren't dressed, so Will regIOnal, also hosted by the VIdual regional tournament. defense," Petrouleas saId DIckson got some playmg BIg Reds The team regIonal was ~.' "We had a hand nght- ___ held Wednesday, Feb 24, at The Harper Woods , When the shots aren't tllne- -He--w6!'ked-b llJ'd-ani - RylUl Stephena at iI.71 their face on most of those scored five POInts." Blissfield wrestI~ tllam ~proved to falling, It's tough to WIn, shots they made. ~ poundll, Scott Gawel at 189 23;~7 'overall, Luther4Jl Andy Wolkmg led South and Spencer Channel at 215 The PIoneers earned a eSpec:!ally ag81nst a team It was Just the OPPOSIte semIfinal WIn thanks to East ended Its season 3-13 that is on the money like the WIth 12 pomts and Kyle each finIshed thIrd In the overall WIth South's chances. Bruen scored 11 wstnct. BlIssfield, which won Its Falcons were last week "We had a rmmmum of COmIng up for Jurczak, The Blue DeVIls' next two Another North hopeful, regIonal, but used an IneligI- Ford shot 65 percent from five fast breaks where we Monaghan, Sparks, games are at home - on MIke KurdzIel, saw hIs sea. ble wrestler and had to for- the field In the first half as didn't fimsh properly," feIt its spot DIGlOvanm and Keunedy is Fnday agmnst Port Huron son end because of a knee Lutheran Westland and a DIVISIon IV mdiVldual Northern and on 'fuesday InJury regIonal tournament on agamst L'Anse Creuse Kurdztel, who has been MemphIS competed In the only semifinal match Saturday, Feb. 28, at Cily of Michigan wresthng WIth torn cartIlage Blissfield. ~rllSSe Jllint.e, The champs were paced In h1Jlknee SInce December, by Bobby Monaghan, KeVIn The top four m each PUBLIC NOTICE had to default at 112 weIght class advance to the pounds KurdZIel fimshed Sparks, Marcus Renwick. 2004 REAL PROPERTY Eagles Adam DIGIovanni, Jeremy state finals on Fnday and WIth a 35-4 record He will Saturday, March 12 and 13. ASSESSMENT ROLL Myers, Ken McBnde, Jeff have surgery and hopes to "We're In a very tough be ready for his semor sea- 0TJada, Jake Bertges, KeIth spikers Neal, Alex KIdd, Antome regIonal, but I thInk we can THE 2004 REAL PROPERTYASSESSMENTROLL WIllbe son at North next WInter. get a couple of guys through [n the team dlstncts, Kennedy, Pat Grace, Jeff complete and available for public mspectIonat our MUniCIpal Bertges, D J. Anthony and to the finals," SchIhl said Office, 17147MaumeeAvenue struggle North beat Grosse POInte "The upperclassmen have South 60-21, but lost to Jlbnl Showers. In the senufinals, Harper expenence at thIS level, MARCH I, 2004throughMARCH19,2004 By Bob Sl John RoseVIlle 71-12 In the ws- whIch IS a bIg asset In thIs tnct champIonshIp match. Woods blasted Rochester (SaturdaysandSundaysexcluded) Sports Wnter HIlls Lutheran Northwest, tournament" Dunngthe Hour.;of8 30 am to 500 p m Lutheran East's gIrls vol. leyball team struggled last The estImated Sta[e-Equahzal1Onfactor for 2004 IS 10000 week, losmg 1-15, 2-15 to ResIdentialand 10000 CommercIalThe TaxableValuemcrease nval Macomb Lutheran Pioneers second in Metro ISlimIted to 23% unlessthepropertywas transferredm 2003 North "We're too inconsIstent All complamtsWIllbe conSIderedby the BOARD OF RFVIFW nght now," head coach Reay WhIChWIllconvene on Monday,March 22, 2004 and Tuesday, Conference wrestling meet March23,2004 Zoellner said "The gIrls are Improving, but what I'm By Bob Sl John ment three days later, lookmg for IS the gIrls to before," head coach Laura Sports Wnter Lutheran Westland won Karen A. Johnson play WIth more confidence, Bock said "It was nice to G P N 02/26/2004& 03/04/2004 For a second year In a row, WIth 232 pomts, followed by Assessor and I don't see that all of the the Harper Woods wrestling see the girls get back on the tIme" Harper Woods WIth 178 Wlnnmg track" team fimshed second to Jake Bertges (145 The host Eagles had trou- Semor Angela Lutheran Westland In the pounds), Monaghan (119 ble fimshmg theIr plays, WierszewskI had 11 seTVlce Metro Conference stand- pounds) and Alex KIdd (135 ~iUage of ~rosse Jointt ~~Orts which allOwed the Mustangs pomts and three aces to lead mgs. pounds) won gold medals, to earn POints off unforced "We didn't wrestle very the PIOneers, while NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF errors whtle Antome Kennedy (112 Smolmskl and Mahon each well, and It cost us a shot at pounds), Adam DIGlovanm ORDINANCE NOS. 232 AND 233 "We weren't In eIther had SIXkills the title," head coach Adam (I7l pounds) and Jeremy game, but our gIrls dId play Schlhl saId KIng and semor Khara NotIceISherebygIVenthatat lis regularmeetmgon Fcbruary Myers (275 pounds) earned Fox ChIpped In WIth three better the week before," DespIte the setbacks, 17,2004 [heGrossePomteShoresVillageCounCilpa~sednew SIlver medals blocks apIece Zoellner said Schlhl dId become a father OrdmanceNos 232 and 233 Theseordmanceswereorderedto The Eagles beat for the first tIme when h[s Two mghts later, the takeeffectuponthe publicationof a SynOpSISof the ordmanec~ Hamtramck m three games JeffBertges (125 pounds), PIoneers lost 10-15, 15-9, 10- WIfe,Jenmfer, gave bIrth on KeIth Neal (140 pounds), m a newspaper CIrculated m [he Village of Gros~e Pomtc and lost to Rochester Hills 15 to Macomb Lutheran 'fuesday, Feb 10, to 8- Ken McBnde (152 pounds) North Shores Lutheran Northwe~t In pound, 3-ounce CecIlIa three games and Kevm Sparks 030 "It was the most exc[tmg Frances Schlhl, who was pounds) captured bronze "We had a shot to get two match we have played thIS OrdmanceNo 232 amends <;cctlon~40-3 and 40-23I(c) of born at 11 50 a m medals, and Pat Grace (103 wms," Zoellner saId "It was season,~ Bock said ~Both the Village'scodcofordmance~ pertammg[0 zonmg,to define The PIoneers began the pounds) took home a fourth. a good week for us, and It week by losmg 56-18 to teams played very well, and the term "garagedoor opening" to prOVIdethat garage dOON place medal for the unfortunately we had to was 'lOmethmg pOlllttve to Lutheran Westland tn a bat- for more than 3 vehIcles may be penmncd only upon a van- PIoneers come up on the lOSing end burld on for our upcoming tle of conference unbeatens ance. 10 proVIde5tandardsforcon~ldera[lonof such a vaTlance conference tournament" I'm proud of the gIrls for "We came out flat but stIli The Harper Woods request.and to repealmcon~l~tcntordmanceprovl~lon, The Lutheran East volley- playmg so well against a lost some close matches," wrestling team fimshed Its pretty good team ~ hall team earned the No 7 Schlhl Bald ~It's dlsappomt- regular season 5.1 m the Smohnskl led the team OrdmaneeNo 231 amend~'>eellon40-62(a)(1) of Villagc~ seP

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By Bob St. John Clements had 33 pomts Sports Wnter for Notre Dame, which SIts Hockey Head coach Don Slcko at 5-12 overall could finally SIt back and The Notre Dame hockey semi-relax early last week Commg up for the F1ghtm' team scored tWIce In the as he watched hIS Notre Insh are home games on final two mmutes of the Dame basketball team dIs- Tuesday, March 2, and tlnrd penod, beatmg V1sltJng mantle Walled Lake Thursday, March 4, agamst Utica Eisenhower 4-3 last Northern 63-32 DetrOIt BenedlctlDe and week "It was a good game for us DetroIt East Cathohc as everyone played SIgnIfi- "It was an exCltmg game, cant mmutes," Sicko slUd South and It was great to see our "I'm pleased. WIth our atb- guys battle back to get the tude of the guys, and they're From page IC WIn," head coach KeVIn workmg hard at trying to McKay slUd "The WIn puts make us a competitive Kossak), so It was a great us over the 500 mark (11- team." opportunity for others on 10) as we head down the The host FI~htm' Insh the. team to step up a.u,d play stretch" actual1i tra.led 4"0 betore wen. ' they used a 14-2 run to leaa The game was t!ed -2-2 Earher, South beat DIVIDe after the second pel'Iod, but 14-6. Child 2-1 m a battle for first fell behmd 3-2 early ill the Mighty Mites Sicko's squad led 16-8 place In the dIVISIon. The thIrd stanza after the first quarter but loss dropped the Falcons, With two mmutes left m The Pointe Hockey ANociation Spitfirea went undefeated and bulit a comiortabie nalfbme who have one game remlUn- regulatIOn, Jumor George untied. to win the Mite Division championship at the Snowball Tournament, lead (32-8) after holding lng, two pomts behind the Ambrozy scored to be It 3-3, Team members are Mac Carroll. Robby Coon, Tommy Coon. James Coun- Northern scoreless In the Blue DeV11s. and WIth 27 seconds remam- aman. Aaron Goare. Jeffrey Herron, Brian L'Reureuz. Ryan Liagre. Robby second quarter South opened the sconng mg in the game, semor McCrackin. Jack Monforton. Nick Murray. MiJr.eMurray. Tommy RafaiU and "Our guys played very at 4 42 of the first penod Jason McBnde talhed the Chris Walsh. Toby Monforton is head coach. His ualstants are Rich Coun. good defense, and that WIll Parke won a faceoff and got winner aman and Mark MUI'l'Py. make us competitIve In the the puck to Diebel, who beat "I lIke the mtenslty our state tournament," SlCko the goalie lads play WIth," McKay slUd. said "We sWI need Ul work The Blue DeVIlsmade It 2- "We have some tough games on our offense and our o at 6 10 of the second peri- to end the regular season, North skaters getting ready depth, but tmngs are look- od. Brandon KraJmak shot but tbey WIll prepare us for 109 up for us." the puck from the pomt the reg'1onal opener" The Inah were never South had three players In Next for the Notre Dame for their second season threatened In the second front of the net and Ben By Chuck Kionke hockey team are Its regular cessful n an 8-6 loss to GIlmore (OhIO) half as they won a game by Morawsla finally poked It In Sports Editor season finale on Saturday, North began Its busy week Academy, a prep school Wlth the bIggest margin of the Barrett also aSSIsted Feb 28, aglUnst Warren De Scott Lock was hstenmg season WIth a 2-1 loss to Orchard grade 13 The Falcons had some La Salle at Orchard Lake St Ul an mteTVlew WIth Freshman Chnatlan Hill Lake St Mary "They've played some- good sconng chances In the Mary, and a DIV1slon II MIchIgan State basketball EddIe Tropp's shorthand- had 14 pomts to lead the second penod, but once coach 'Ibm Izzo last week thing hke 70 games thIS reg'1onal first-round game at ed goal gave the Norsemen a year and they've had one Insh, while JunIOr Darryl again Gngnon made some Although Lock coaches 5 pm on Monday, March I, 1-0 lead, but the Eaglets tied game where they gave up Clements had 13, and semor outstandmg saves, includIng agamst host Bloomfield Grosse Pomte North's hock- the game late 10 the second eIght goals and we scored ~lX Seth Quaranta had 12 a paIr of Wlde-ilpen shots by HIlle Cranbrook Kmgswood ey team, he could ImmedI- pomts and 11 rebounds (all penod and scored the Wln- against them," Lock saId DlVlne ChIld The FIghtm' Insh have ately relate to what Izzo was mng goal WIth about 10 min- In the first halO "Those are the only tImes DIVine ChIld finally lost to Cranbrook saYIng about the brutal non- Two mghts later, the host utes left 10 the game they allowed more than scored a power-play goal Klngswood In the reg'1onal conference schedule that the Insh led DetrOIt Loyola 28- "They're a great team, but three goals In a game" WIth 1'64 left 10 the thIrd final the past few seasons, Spartans played thIS year we totally outplayed them," 26 at the half, but lost 65-64 penod Gngnon was "He said, 'we created a Gl1more led 7-3 after two so they are lookmg to end Lock saId "Our defense penods, and Lock had a screened on the shot the drought monster, and now we have played well and our goal- message for hIS team before to hve WIth It, m Lock saId "I That set up another exclt- tender (Jordan ZIelke) the third penod ULS mg fimsh, somethmg that could relate to It We have Wrestling played well, but we ran IOto "I Just told them act like has become common In the the same kind of schedule I From page Ie a hot goahe thIS thIrd penod IS a playoff South-DIVIne Child nvalry Notre Dame WIllsend four put It together Ul get us "TheIr goahe made a great ready for the playoffs game, and try to play our 12 assIsts Jon Wnght had Bopp saId that the last partICIpants Ul thiS week- save when (Shaun) Fulton game," he ~ald "We 25 pomts and 18 rebounds, mmute and a half seemed to end's D1V1slonII mdlV1dual "We're here to WIn cham- got mto the clear He's hot outscored them 3-1 and we and Barre Mackie finished pIonships, not games from take forever WIth the face. regional tournament at nght now He had bIg games had chances t<) score more WIth 20 POints offs, ICIngsand tlmeouts Holly November to March 1 We're against Clarkston and Mona goals TheIr coach saId 'YOU "Those are our 'Three "We fimshed WIth Trey uSing those games to get n Shores after he played us guy~ Just kept coming-In the Amlgos' and If they're on, Shield, Anthony Swan coat, Matt Brodlch (14o-pound ready for the playoffs" North dropped another thIrd penod m we're successful," RIStovskl 'Ibm Porter, Joey Parke and class) earned a gold medal, Lock has done a good Job one-goal game when It lost Peter Baratta ~cored tWIce said of that Now In hIS SIxth sea- Pat La RIV1ere, and they dId whIle Jared ChauV1n (135 at Port Huron Northern 4-3 for North, whIle Fulton "But we had other people a great Job of not lettmg DC pounds) and Steve ChauV1n son at the helm of the The HuskIes got the Win- Dallas, ,Jon Tlbaudo and play key role~, too Adam Norsemen, Lock has guIded score," Bopp saId "Parke (145 pounds) took home SIl- mng goal m the seesaw bat- Juhan Home added a goal Heaney came off the bench ~on three big faceoffs It ver medals In last weekend's North to a paIr of state tle Wlth about three mmutes apIece and got some bIg rebounds was good to hold that lead dlstnct tournament DIVISIonII champIOnshIps remammg and was 3-for.3 from the From a VICtory stand- because that gave us more "There were some stretch- "We made ~ome change~ foul Ime down the stretch confidence The Flghtln' Insh's Sal pomt, the Norsemen contm. es where we outplayed and they worked - Lock ~ald He has really come on at the ued to struggle last week "If you were at the game, ValgOl (119 pounds) placed them, but couldn't score,~ "We'll make 'ome more end of the year Matthew However, when every- you had to be Impressed third to make It out of the Lock saId "We had three changes m practice th" Langston gave us a spark on dlstnct tourney thing IS conSIdered, Lock WIth the effort from the bad breakdown~ on defense week Our defcn~e plaYPd defense, hIt some free South players rt was really was pleased WIth hIS team's and they scored on them It better. our offen,e I~ g-ettmg throws and a couple of bas- perfonnance m theIr three Intense, like a playoff game Earher In the week, Notre wa~ one of thMe games better and our goaltendmg- kets • Dame posted a forfeIt m Its games Our team ha~ been practlC- where both teams were cau- IS better No,,", we hilv(' to "Gary Davls-Headd got "It sounds ~trange to say 109 play In our own zone, DIVISIOn II team dlstnct tlOU~ and didn't want to put all three wgeth('r wh('n some key steals and ~ome that we had a pretty good and the players were work- agamst Warren Woods- make a mIstake" the plRyofT~ start next nice traps on defense mg hard to be where they Tower week when we lost three ,John Dallas, Jimmy week. Andrew Scott gave us some need to be m our end. Athletic director ChriS game~, but we dId," he saId Solomon and Cohn Brown good mmutes " MacDonald saId more than "We played three very The Blul' DeVIls wrap up scored the North gORI~,and North c1o~p, out t hI' rcgu good teams and competed Rlstovskl hopes that there the regular season on half of the team members Fulton had a pall' of a~sl~ts 1ar ~eR~on on Saturday at Wlll be a carryover for the Saturday ai{alnst RIvervIew were Iluffenng from the flu well In all three games The ZIelke played Rnother Mount (,l('men~ ArcnR rest of the season kids worked hard, and Gabnel RIl'hard at CIty and were not able to com- strong game m goal for the agaln~t ~tRte'rnn ked pete played our svstem almost "r love my team when Sports Arl'na South begms Norsemen LIVOnia ('hurchlll The perfectly When we had they're plaYIng together and stat€ tournament play on Upcommg for ValgOl, The good new~ m North'~ Nor~emen hoqt a [llvl'lon I haV1ngfun," he said Monday when the Blue Brooui'>'..l J ~ cULS BophoU>O""r ,Gary rifle everir 1e'ad"'....Wiry." s81T.flle Beck, "We lacked intensIty and Davis-Headd had a scare In Lutheran East head coach focus I think our semor the thIrd quarter alrer he Alyssa Sullivan, a senIor "ThiS time we played a leadership kmd of dlsap- took an elbow to the face at Grosse Pomte South, smarter game. dIdn't tum peared," RIstovslu S81d "It's after gOIng for a rebound. fired a world class score of the ball over as much as last been a long year, we've had He didn't have a senous 570 out of a poSSible 600 to tIme and came out WIth the many games where we've Injury according to WIn the NRA Intematlonal W." played four games ill five RlBtovslu AIr Rifle Sectional held m The Eagles (5-11, 3-8 mghts" "He's one of our tough Jackson on Jan 10 and 11 Metro) were led by Robert hard-nosed defenSIve play- ThIs competition mcluded Carhsle With 17 pomts Beck saId hiS team ers, the future's lookmg good some of the best nfle shoot- Matt Johnston also had 13, focused on Taylor, Wnght for hIm," he said ers In the MIdwest, and the and Andrew Zoellner had 10 and Maekle and forced the Later In the week, scores WIll be combmed WIth for East KnIghts to go to theIr bench Lutheran East lost 38-33 to Groue Pointe South senior Alyssa Sullivan took the scores from the other "Rob's been playmg well "We manned those three Lutheran North m the con- first place in NRA International Air Rifle Sectional sectIOnal matehes through- the last couple weeks I told guys up and played zone solation finals, whIle ULS event. out the nation to determme him he Ileeded to step up, WIth the other two guys so beat Llvoma Clarence Ville the natIOnal champIOn and the other guys ha\ e anytIme they drove, we'd 87-79 lo tnple overtime Alyssa, fresh from Wln- nmg gold m the Michigan REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL JUnIor OlympiCS m December and trammg for For a Water System Feasibility StUdy the NatIOnal JUnIor for several Communities and Agencies OlympICS m March, was at in Southeast Michigan the top of her game for thIS event The course of fire for the RFP.WSF5-01-2004 InternatIOnal AIr Rifle event IS sixty shots m the standmg RFP from Con,ultmg fmm 10 prOVide d fea~lblhly 'ludy for !he pOSItIOn at a distance of 10 development of a "dler 'y,tem (or 'Y'lem~) for partlclpallng meters communllle~ 10 ,0ulhea,1 MIChigan ,er\ 109 a population of The 10 nng on the target approxlmdtely 42~ 000 10 ~M 000 QualIfied flfIm will be IS about the sIze of the pen. mVlted to Pdr1IClpale 10 d QUdlIficallOn Ba~d Selecllon proce" od at the end of thIS sen- 10 ,eleci con,ulllOg o,crvICC'for the pdnlupdllng commUOllle, tence and agencle, Purex will POInt of Conldcl M.lrk Wo)fem"etJer Clly \1anager Clly of Sl Clair Shore, 27600 Jeffer,on Clrclc Drive ')1 Clair Shore, Ml 48081 209l.('86)447 ll12 sponsor Local sailors who competed in the Junior Olympic Orange Bowl Regatta near Mlami are from left, AUTrost, Mallory Brown. Nick Holtan. CarrIe Howe. Curt A "\1andalor)" Prc propo'al meelmg I' 'chedu led for Buhl again Rozelle, JuDe Howe and Andrea Savage. Wedne~ay M.lreh 17 2004.11 1000 a m 10 the Clly or ')1 ClaIr Purex Detergents WIll '>hore, CII) Hall ('"uncI! Chamher, 27600 Jeffer,on Circle return aq the co-primary Dnve (<;f-corncr orf 11 \ll!e Rd and Jeflemm Ave) <;t ClaIr sponsor of the No 24 entry Local sailors compete in ,)hore, Ml fielded bv Dreyer & Rembold Racm~ m the 2004 Propmal, "III tJe "llepled no laler lhan 12 ,0 P m Wedne,ddy Indy Racmg League Junior Olympic regatta March 11 2004 .11 Ihe (II) of ')1 Clair ')hore, CII) Clerk, IndyCar Senea season, team Offllc 27000 Jelfer,on CIrCle Dme <;1 Clair ')horc~ MI offiCials announced Several JUnIor saIlors There were 105 boats m All boats Uqed m Jumor 4RORI 2091 It'q the qlxth con'lecutlve from the BaYVIew, Crescent the 420 class, and more that OlympIC raemg range from sea'lOn that Purex Will back Sari and Groqse POinte yacht 600 boats m the regatta eIght to 14 feet long, and are the team and co-owner/dn- clubq particIpated WIth saIl- RFP palk 1ge' ",II tJe d\allahle \1ondd) \1"rlh I 2004 al lhe one-deSIgn classes WIth the ver RobbIe Buh!, a Grosse 109 teams from around the CllY 01 "I C1.m <;hore, CIIV ,Office 27000 Jerre~on Grosqe POInters Mllllory boats IdentIcal In hull Pomte Farms natIVe, In the world In the .JunIor OlympIC Circle Dm e <;1 ('Idlr "hore, MI 4XOX I 2091 "t a lO'1 of Brown and Curt Rozelle fin- shape, ng configuratIOn and Indy('llr Seneq. one of the Orange Bowl Regatta held Iqhed 17th overall $'000 pcr pdck.lgC Chc, k, .Ire 10 tJe m.llIc pavahle to the City speed longeqt and moqt proqperoua on BI~cayne Bay near of <;, (I.m ,)hore, PIc."c lOnI,lcl (,86) 44, 'ZOO 10 confirm qponqor-tellm relatlOnqhlpq Miami dv"lIahlillv of p.llk"gc, In the hlqtory of the qenes Grosse POInter Carne Aerobics class starts March 1 Buhl WIll drive Il Howe, who hopes to make Th" rcque\l " \lIbnHIIN!b) Da llarll/ChevroletJFl restone the Umted Stateq OlympiC The Fltneqs FIrm WIll Woodq. and on Tuesday and Vlil.WI of (m",c POlnl,' "Ilorc, package for the team tRam that WIll compete In begIn an eIght-week senes Thurlldav evenlOgq from ( 'I) 01 '>1 CI.llr ')llOr" The contmulltlOn of the Athens, Greece, nf>xt qum- of lOW-Impact aerobICS class- 6 45 to 7 45 at the JFK produebve buql neqq rr'lll- ( II) of ( lnlerhne mf>r cOllc-hed the team e~ on Monday. March I Library In Harper Woods ( 'IV 'W.lITcn bonqhlp wlth Purex I. a key The local team ~IHled In WIll be held on Thl' co.t for the clalls IS ')oulh O.lkland COlml} W"ler AUlhonly to Dreyer & Rembold the Club 420 cla~q They are Monday and Wednesday $58 Members may attend Rltcmg's growth planq, team boat.q 4 2 meterq long, and mornmgs from 930 to 1030 any and all classes co-owner DenniS Rembold GPN OZ/O,IZ004 0211212004 & 0212M2004 are saIled WIth a two-person at FIrst Enghsh Lutheran For more mformatlOn, call qilld crew Church In Grosse Pomte (313) 886-7534 Thursday, February 26,2004 Grosse Pointe News Classlfleds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 7C . - - .--.'" ~-- ._-- 304 SITUATIONS WANTED 400 100 HElP WANTED GfNERAl 201 HEl~ WANTED SAlES 41~ OffICf/IUIINfSS GENERAL .NJlOUIS /(OlLf(JIIllS ~06 II WI IAllI ~03 FURNITURE l03 FURNITU~E IQUJPMfNI POWER One Media IS Are You Serious About HOW About Nancy ",q. ~no's Anbque 8< 22509 Fresard St CIBJr 5 piece family room set MATTRESS set- queen FURNJSHED professle- seeking Chent SeMce A Career In Need errands run? • c;oullCtlble Show Shores (off Jefferson. $200 2 beautrlul stnp- size orthopediC Brand nal office surtes In- Representatives to Real Estate? DriVing 10 and from? ~~~ 6th & 7th, Ford between 9 & 10 Mile) ad loveseats, $3001 new In plastiC. With cludlng 5 oHlces of process. select and We are serlOUSabout Tasks or shoppln g match employee can. your success I .2~nnlng Arts Gen- Friday. Saturday. eacl1 (313)885.2933 warranty Sell $145 furniture 4 cubicles done? 313-204-9036, ter. 15801 Mlctllgan _9_a_m_-_5p_m A bed- a queen pillow 586-242.7970 Library With tables! dldale profiles to em- 'Free Pre-licenSing anytime ployment advertise- classes ."(corner Greenfield), 28720 Rockwood (Mar- top mattress set Nev. NICE, comfortable chairs Lateral files ments prOVided by our 'ExclUSive Success WILL polish Silver. brass Detut>om Saturday tint Little Mack), St er uSed, stili In plasllc, apartment size full Bookcase files newspaper chenls 'Systems Tramlng and Copper Grosse' S. Sl,anday 11.4 Clair Shores Antiques With warranty Must sleeper sofa Perfect 1ii1113886-7566 Pomte references Ex- Selected candidates Programs • $4.00. galore lumlture, sell $150 586-242- for guests $135 I I penenced (586)774- should possess strong 'Vanety Of CommiSSion glassware much 7970 (313)886-0481 analytICal skills cou- Plans 1295 more Saturday Sun- pled with the ablhty to JOin The No 1 day 10am.4pm BEAUTIFUL lighted cu- STiCLEY spindle cnb. 4QDUOl;Io DUMOUC:HRU! 30S SITUAIJONI WANHD Announdng think outSide of the Coldwell Banker affiliate HOUSE ClEANING riO cabinet traditional, eX~lent condrtlon, ~ Arv Buymg barley used $1200, box Excellent com. In the Mldwestl OUTHFIEL AIHlUCcI- DUlIIOUCHl!U-E good condItion $500 onde' JeMlry AAA Cnstal Clean WeAre BuyIng (313)8828669 (248)568-0319 ,." An~~u". 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WAITRESS! counter tlons 50's & 60's 1._.X!'i'~ $75 (313)881-2751 sterling silver flatware 300 llTUATIONS WANTED Bonded & Insured person needed Apply (313)884-0721 rtems. fumrture, col- CHILD twin bed. draw- COMPLETE system to and anbques Call 8ABYSlTHRS In person Harvard Free Esllmate lecllbles, antiques. ers book case head- convert fireplace, gas Janl Herb (586)731- Gnll. 16624 Mack ATTENTION: $2000 Off seWIng supplies boam, mattress starter, 4 ceramic 8139 201 HElP WANHD by MICHIGAN LAW Imbal Cleamng HJSTORICAL home $125 (313)642.2058 logs $tOO (586}731- DAY CARE FACILITIES 1A8YSITTER HOMEI office cleaners- sale High end fuml- CHIPPENDALE 11 _4_08_0 _ (In-home & centers) 'to\fVE. 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S com fllmAY Al'l>M1tRDAY necessary Bayne Op Bl)ndcd IMured bcelerlt ('omple'E1~e ftJIRl.L.\RY 27m AI'ID 28J1l ~ tical In The V Ilaqe COLOR Your Ad Classified Advertising ","",once< E, >&3 G""'~;:a~,.,IV<.r 10:l00A.M,. -\lOOP JIlL (313)885 5400 l'OI'ITt CARF ~fRViCF5 (313)882-6900 ext.3 313.882-6900 X 3 23fV1COUU COMPANm" l..4RnrllPIiS ookc~ and n("~ secretary! manager home Meals actiVI- SATIlRDAY. FFBRUARY llHlOA M 40Q0P.M 28,10, of lilbl('"1Ij primlllvf" rtrop- If"af antlQlIr- kitchen labll'" and for Grosse POInte sole tieS Re'erences I 94/ 535 Gn ..... Id. t6th Floor Buhl Bwldmg moTe' f>.t>coral.he lIems jn(Jude tJrc'l"'"'dm~ 'Ot"t of practilloner Insurance 9 Mile (586)777 8602 Th" rlbaloal .. Ie r.. tureJ '1aoJ,ry 0","1 home II M(,,1kln ~fair Wind"'. brown anc1whltf" hl"itoric defense oHlce start - ATTE-NilON - fum"h'ngs Mohogany fumlture Indada 10 mltchlng jron"iton(" china 12 plact" o;.dtlnq"l of WrntWOflh training 61 11 04 as necutm: de!ks &. l;f'tdefllD, tufted leather ate: chans, "1ontdair'" chlnO aY1Hahl(' ""III t>r two rdriq("raton a fooo;haH q;lrnc salary requrremenls St. CLMR S"ORES Home office fumuhH1g1 Indude camel hack sofas, your advertiSing FRI, f1:8 27m (9'00 ..}:00) milrhlC' top o;("wlnq nlMhlnC' coIand pair of wTO'Uqhtimn ca/ke tabl .. end 'lbI.., IIJII!"'. huffeu o""aoJ to POBox 36718 SAT. FEB 281lt (10:00- I :00) IIAU' 0I'f1 out",ldf' I"tlll "I nle .. mmk l-onal ("lrclne f.1rt pll' .. , .. nod Ind rab". "de chlln, "'D~ ch ..... 0718 \\pho\<>t(,lr(1'fll1nltuff' milmmo!h ilmount of kite hf"n 19 IMOrt..t .. noden bonk ...... rdn~a'or, 1hh..,.,..._I0 ..... ,.,...~_ C100(jIC'CO hc-droom (0(''''''' Ooo~c,. ClI.l"~..c.wi1r<" «(ockc. lUlchen rablt' 'u1chrn nnnJ ~'T I'lISS nn~lftlSUu 0I"l'0InU'IrrY TO b'ac k <"n.tmd<,,(j tnrllf" c11<;plilYcorthmf'1 I !Jar~(" 10 rltq ---"--"oery-- I:QUIPMFNT 'oclud .. network .. rvn, phonr syt,em. IIUl' TlIU..t ~ YMll fUll'ITTUIe. 10 and much mor(" IOAOEDJU compu len. I... r p"n 'e ... laT' •hued .olor pn nter, ""'mbers. 1 30" 1'1. I'r\day, • cmCK 0UIl WUISlre !'OR I'tC'IlJRtS '" • htgh '1ual,I}' fax, d,guoJ camera, VIdeo """era and ...... bar1.lJlOMlCboJd ..... coo IIdwHn 10 It II mile between accasonu 2S" TV 6fficC' tuppltet. and More. CAlJ..11t ~ 31:wl85- J" 10 I'lJIl ~ tIl':fMS. u:.."'l::~ Rfr--,I \t Of Ill( "'lION NONINRrfl~ (.IVl.N PORTHICi CiAU S11If.ry I'llJ!IIRltS "OI'IORm "Y 9"1'1 ",ID"Y Of'Lt ~=rrr nelUntateHlet,com 0Ul I'IU'RIl!ltS "V"1t"1IU'. 9 10"" I'II1\Mtom.Y Thursday, February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News Classffleds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 131~exrJ 5C DfADlNS HDMISIOII~ "'- M.l.ogoo FRIO"YS 12 Pill - Ado • MONlJAYS. Pill Open lkMlday gtld MONDAYS. P .... (COt"" HoIodoy -._) _ALl & IANl POI W.I IIAi. ESTAlt fOR RENT TU£SoAy 12 NOON 110 T"""'hoy ...... Co.'!dos Wanlad 700 ~- Gro8oe PomlelHa1per Woods CLWIBe ~ 0!ltIll CLWlACA1lONII 711 Gorageo/Mm, storage F", Rent 721 TUESDAy '2 NOON 701 ApI&IFlatslO

------(313)882.5200 556roomNeff,flat,largecentral3 bed-air, laundrypamt, basement& storagewith garage,finished pnvatewood floors,base- sharedclosets use ofIncludesbase- ~ rea~edroomroom WIt~o~ere- 6 Mllel Hoover, 2 & 3 N~\~~:mS~~ sa:: 1019 Maryland- 2 bed- natural fireplace, $5501 montll ment, washer! dryer menV garage $4751 place, stove & refng- bedroom homes Fin- rent, JUstNortll of 111 ..." "". .... '-"""". - (2<8)181 lower, Beaconsfield apartmeOlS, Kerchev- (313)884-6861 CAOIEUXI ~arren 2 to parll: and library, Saros Agency, 313- Available Immediately GROSSE POinte Pari< Dnveway, non. smok- aV East1awn Includes BARGAIN- I be utt ~~~ tove 1m. $9251montll, plus ulll- 884-6861 $6001 month Laun- Waybum 2 bed~ 109 bUilding Clean, heat & water Pnvate ful3 bedr~~eran~ l~ ~~a e~:p~, mes (586)917-9170 1037 Lakepolnte, dry, water meluded lower, appliances, nice, bnghl (313)824. gated parll:lng Seclion the best part of (313)882-4132 ST. Clair Shores water. Grosse POinte Parll: (313}417.3812 carpet, Blr No pets 6881 ~1~k92~~530-5481, Grosse POIOle front, 3 bedroom, 1 SpaCIOUS2 bedroom 852 Beaconsfield Bnght Credit check Lease, ST. Clair Shores, Jeffer- ( ) Woods Appliances, IMMACULATE 2 bedfi. bath, newly decorat- upper, IMng room, at1rectrve 2 bedroom $6501 month, $700 son- 10 1!2 1 bed- air, hardwood floors 2 room bnck ranch, re- ed, $1,000 (586)na- dining room, stove & lower 10 QUiet 4 unrt security (313)864- room, heal, water In. car garage $1,4751 place 1 1!2 car ga_ 6100, (586}344-0490 rafngerator Included, bUilding Freshly re- 4666 elUded $570 1 bedroom flat style month (313)884-2990 ~:'~,~~~~r:on~-ST. CIBlrShores- 3 bed- separate basement decorated, hardwood GROSSE POin1eParll:- (586}757-6309 apartment With base- FOR rent! lease 1976 (313)671-3455 room, 2 112 car ga. storage $700 Shown floors, off. street parll:- Upper spacious 2 TROMBLEY, 3 bed- ment, EastpOinte,first Lrtt1estone Grosse rage Immaculatel by appointment, New lng, laundry, appllan- bedroom, 870 Nottmg- room! den, 1 1/2 month free rent $550 Pomte wOods Sharp SECTION 8 tenants- New everythmg! appll- Clam Investment Co, ces No pets $650. ham Lower, 817 Bea- baths, sun porch, sep- Call for Senior dls- 3 bedroom 1 1/2 10900 Balfour, De- aneas, centJaI air, (313)884-6861 (313)B85-9488 consfield Both refin- arate basement, 2 car counts, (313)350-3147 batll faml~ room trolt. Remodeled bnck fenced yard Immedr- 1088 Beaconsfield $850/ Ished hardwood garage fireplace cen. 13 Mile/ Mack, 2 bed- air 586-81a.: bungalow With new ate $1,100 (586)n5- Beauttfully renovated 878 Neff- ~uPlex deco- floors, appliances, traI Blr: all appll~nces room, attached ga_ 2462deck. latchen, Windows and 3326 2 bedrooms each month ewIy storage available $1050 (313)881- rage, appliances carpet 3 bedrooms, New latchens, baths, rated, new kitchen, $6251 month 1811 Available now $750 GROSSE POinteWOOds basement, 2 car ga. Windows PBlnt $8oo! central SIr, alarm, new (586)212-0759 ------_ (313)885-0031 3 bedroom WI1hfire- rage $875 plus de- 109 10\,1NHOUlfS ' CONDOS fOR R!NT month, I~udes heat ~~~7_~~smolang HARPER Woods- 1 & 2 n:~e ~V~~Ck h~~:: ----____ place newer applian. poSIt Dove by- tIlen 1 bedroom, Vemler! CaIl(313)418-2555 bedroom Newly garage, lenced yard 1ST MONTH FREE ces, garage, washer, call, 586-615.3510 Beaccnsfield, St ClBlr ------1129 Beaconsfield, 1 ------893 St Clair, upper 2 painted Free washer, $5001 month, plus se- 1 BedroomSt CIBlrApartmentsShores 0464'dryer $850 (734)464- ----____SPACIOUS EnglISh Shores,no petsnonsmokrng,$600 bedroom, appliances, bedroom, large krtch- dryer Safe (313)881- cunty (313)884-9060 UpdatedSpaCIOUSUnits bnck, Mack! East OU1- (313)884-9132 $575 InclUdes heat en, hardwood floors, 9313 ------__ with slorageandAJC GROSSE POinte er Dove, 3 bed!"90ms, _ Off- street par1g-slded non-smoklng condo (313)882-5070 sleeps 4- 6 Boat slip ances & utlliMs A Grosse POinte on Mack near Severn ney, trtle company, :5 bedrooms. 2 1(2 baths. lower level recreatJon CI... lfled Advertising available $8001 week- available Immediately Woods ProfeSSional $3901 monlh Call Mfg Rep Vanous room J t(2 car attached garage Slee ps 9 an IDEA that sellsl Iy, $4001 weekend Or rent to own office space available John or Bill, (313)882- sizes Large parking 231.439.5590 (248)408-3170 :" .." (586)362-4041 (313)884-1234 5200 lot (313)881-4929 ~~""'OP- ~ext3 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING,,,,,II F~~1~!9 HO/lIESFOlSA1E .... 906 ArchrtecturalSe""ee 964 Sew.rCle8nlngSeMce974 VCRRep"" ~"':=DA.:s~;r:'2PM -AN«lUfoIaMENT$-----IWiJI------0smJATJONWANJB) ------~AUTOMOTIVE WJ 907 aasemenlWaterproofing958 Pest Control 965 Shutters 975 VaaJum5aIeslSeMOe Opon Sunday gtld MONO"YS' Plot 098 Gr-.go 300 SIIalcns _ ~ 600 Cars 908 Bath Tub ReRnlShlng 957 Plumbing & h~ 966 ~ RomovI! 976 VontJiabOn Serv>ee 968 9n CoI ror.tjqbd~ _l 099 aus_ QwatIun- 301 C1enaII 001 ChryslOf 909 BICYcleRepal'" 958 Propane 969 ~ ..... p.~ ~_._ 98ll ~~~ng ~AL5&:~f(lll 100 ArmounQom8rII$ 302 ConvatescenlCare 602 Fon:l Ma,nlanana> 959 PowerWoshlng ~'",.", ~", .. ~ .... """'" SAlE 101 F'nlyenl 303 08yCare 603 General MotoIlI 911 Bnck'Ellock Work 900 RooIIng SeMce 970 TVJRacllalC8Rad1c 981 WlIldoWWashlng TUl:SDAY.12.!'j9QlL_ 102 Loot & Found 304 Gononol S04 AAI,queiClassiC 912 eUlldlngiRamodellng 962 SIonnsAnd&:r.... 971 T~1nsloI8llon 982 Yfoc>dllumWSeNk:e G&IERAL ~ 103 AtIom6YSIf-e9aI 305 Hoose Cleaning 605 ForountmgO. 306 House S4ttlng 606 Sport Utlhty 914 Carpenlry ~ fQ.- .~_ _ Sl'£CW. saYIaS 307 N1.IrsesAIdes 607 JunketS 915 Carpel CIe.mng ~AYMfNT5 ) 105 Answonng5eMces ~ OffiooCloaI1mg 608 PllrtsTIresAiarms 916 Carpellns1a1l81101l Pnpaymon! g...... 105 Camps 310 ~ lMng 609 RontalsllOllslng 917 ClocI< Rapalr w.:~=~ 1~ ~Serv\ee 312 Garage~ng 8') m ~=Cars ~~~ ~~:y~n,ng .~.!!9~Qecinedadaw$. 109 Enterla.,rMnl MalOiANDISE __ 612 vans 920 Chimney Repair AD STYlES: 110 On"",,, EducatIOn 400 An!Jquesl CoIlectbles S13 WSnted To Buy 921 Geillngs WoIdAcls 12words $1855, 111 HappyAds 401 ApplIances S14 Autolnsu"",,", 922 ComputerRepair CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING addIt>ooa! words 65f; each 112 HosIT81ionng 411 Jewoky 6S6 Motorb!IM 939 GIass-lIlrtomob.... !Jl_!J2Wks __ Q3Wis.-!J41'1ks-CL-..Wks-- I Informabon "'-Iinos can 125 Contributlons 416 Sports ~ pmenl 660 Trarlels 940 Glass-R8Sldanh.1 be~"'~& 127 VIdeoServ1ces 417 Tools I 561 WIlIerSports (3941 Mil"'''' AMOUNTENCLOSfD:!J lit !J. f: I TuesdWAN!m 419 BulldInQ Matel1a1a 943 Landscapef$lG8rt!ene<$ SIGNATURE ~EXP DATE.____ I a:ASSIFYI-lG &~ 420 ResaielConslQnmenl ShopsR9tlAl.S & LOTS FOR SAI.E 944 Gutters WlI.-wthtlngl11"'dasstfy~ ::Pp=~ 421 _ IJ15eo--) 945 Handyman S1865for12wotda.Add/lJOlWwon1s,.6s,IIItCII,PRE-PAYllfNTREOIJIREO each ed under Its sppropnoIe CloricoI ------!l46 Hauling I hoedu>lI 11lo ~ ~ Help ANIMAI.S HOMES fOIl. SALE 947 Healing AAd Coo,ng !he rigIlllo edit or reje<:I ad SOO AnunalS Adept A Pet "See "'" IoIagazrO Soebon -V0UtH0me'!l46 Insulation ~& .~~ 204 Help wanted OooleslIe 5lJ2 _ For Sale !or IIll ClUSIfiod _ Eo"" ilOB 949 Janllooal Services I ...... 21)5 Hell> Wanted L.egaI 503 - Pels For Sale 95lJ Lawn M""'erl I e 'Res;lOMIlllIIIy lor dI8IlIfted 206 Help Wlinle