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'15"0 State strikes back at NAtfD ~ I .Oday~~~..: emerald ash borer ~~ wins Metro tourney 313-343-5577 -18 -Ie __J News serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods • MliliN-iDDN • State Rep Ed Gaffney, R-Grosse Ewald family POinte Farms, supports the death penalty In convictions of first-degree murder of law enforcement officers Page 2A donates • The Grosse POinte Woods Cily Council followed through on Its own recommendation to place a referendum on rts Aug 3 pnmary ballot to free up In $1 million four Class C liquor licenses held escrow Page 3A • Llk:eblack: and white movies, the black:and white police car IS a classIc, and It has retumed to Grosse POinte to library WOods Page 7A • CHD received a Irttlerelief when rt New Park branch support for the new lIlltIa- petitioned the Grosse POinte Woods tIves to unprove the lIbrary City Council for a reduction of a water to be named the system IS growmg bill rt received In September 2002 for Carolyn and Ted "The value of thIS sub- $20,955 Page 7A stantIal donatIOn should be • Tougher laws lead to a 50 percent Ewald Library celebrated,~ Rands SaId drop In drunk:en dnvlng arrests dunng Photo by Brad L1ndberg By Carrie Cunningham "ThIS IS the most ambItIous 2003 In Grosse POinte Shores, accord- Staff Wnter fundraIslOg campaIgn 10 our Ingto the Village'syear-end public safe- Officers mourn fallen comrades hIStory, and It IS the nurtur- ty wrap-up Page 3A The Grosse Pomte PublIc mg of relatIOnshIps through- • Retlnng Grosse POinte Shores PSO John Jabnel of Grosse Pointe Shores secures the flag outside Library FoundatIOn out the years that WIllmake Public Safety Director Gary Mitchell's riI1age headquarters to half staff In moW'lliog for two Detroit pollce announced a major gIft of $1 the dIfference for genera- send-off took:on aspects of a celebnty officers gunned d01lnlJut week during a traffic stop. See page 2A. mIllIon from long tIme tIons to come ~ roast, Withhimself dishing out the best Grosse POInte Farms reSI- one-liners Page 16A dent Carolyn Ewald Kratzet was delIghted to • Stephen Polonl, a 17-year veteran Just another brick in the wall Kratzet at a meetIng of the make a contnbutIon to the qualIty of lIfe In Grosse of the Grosse POinte Shores pUblic Grosse Pomte PublIc People clriven up the waD by the stone sculpture at Kercheval LIbrary Board on Monday, Pomte safety department, IS named director and. St. Clair can view moclffied desJgn. during a special setlaion Feb 23 Page 16A of the City of Gro88e Pointe COUDell scheduled for Monday. March "My farmly and 1 are Just • Grosse POinte South's hock:ey 8. at 7:30 p,m. CoUDCUman C. John Stevens said three miDfature "ThIS IS a proud moment thnlled to be gJ.VIng back to team got an outstanding performance models wU1 be on band to Indicate how the sculpture can be put for the Grosse Pomte Pubhc thls wonderful area that has from goalie Marl<Gngnon last week as In concert with publlc sentiment, "As a general observation, there LIbrary, and we couldn't be gIven us all so much," the Blue DeVilSbeat Warren De La is very positive response to do something different,. Stevens happIer," said John Bruce, Kratzet s81d "1 am hopeful Salle 4-1 to clinch a tie for first place In saJd, The waD la actually a series of rock and cement block. that PreSIdent of the lIbrary that thIS gIft allows the ,II" Ea"l DIVISionof the MIchIganMetro create enclaves where park benches present pedestrians the board of trustees "It IS very Grosse POInte Library to High School Hockey League Page 1C. prospect of respite In the heart of the busy VW.,e sbopplDg disH heartenmg to know that contInue ennchIng the hves trict. The clusteT was constructed two yean ago as the main com. mdiVlduals In our town gen- of all m our communIty ~ ponent of Krellsbach Place, a beautUlcatioD project funded pri- UInely care about the future The Park branch hbrary vately by donations to the City of Grolle Pointe Foundation. of the Grosse POInte LIbrary system" WIll be named the Carolyn Stevens, eager to modify the waIl, anticipates residents working and Ted Ewald lIbrary, together toward a new design of more human scale. MJ think It'. Bruce s81d going to work out fiDe,. he saJd. The Grosse Pomte Pubhc Thursday, Feb. 26 Library System has been m Dr Ralph Williams, a professor of The Ewald faInlly has a the process of expandIng Its long hiStory of benefiCIal English language and literature at the faCIlItIes throughout the University of Michigan, Willspeak on contnbutlons to the Grosse commumty, WIth the com- Pomte communIty The SIte "Dante and the Arts' In the Grosse pletIOn of the new Park where the Park branch IS POinte South High School library Branch scheduled for late now located at Lakepomte The lectures are free to members of 2004, and CIty counCil and Jefferson was preVIOUs- the Fnends of the Grosse POinte Public approval m October 2003 of ly where the Ewald Library Non-members may purchase the Site for the new Woods tickets for $10 Pnor reglstraliCn ISrec- Chevrolet car dealershIp Branch WIth the planned reSided The H T. Ewald ommended but not reqUIred Call (313) new faCIlItIes, the system 343-2074, ext 204 FoundatIon awards college WIll Increase to 60,500 scholarshIps to southeast square feet, mOVIngGrosse MIchigan hIgh school Saturday, Feb. 28 Pomte toward meetmg the semors, and the family was The Macomb Area Conference Red 85,000 square-foot-target, one of the founders of the DIVISionboys sWimming and diVing the national standard for Campbell Ewald advertIsmg championships Willbe held today at hbrary systems, by allOWIng agency noon at the Grosse POinte North High one and a half square feet School pool Grosse POinteSouth ISthe for every commumty reSI- "1beheve It ISan honor for defending conference meet champIon, dent the Grosse Pomte PublIc Library to have a lIbrary and the Blue DeVilSalso won thiS sea- Grosse Pomte LIbrary son's dual meet title WItha 4-0 reccrd named after a famIly that FoundatIOn Director ha~ a wonderful mfluence,~ WIllIam Rands mdlcated the Monday, March 1 Bruce ~ald The Grosse POinte Woods City CounCilmeets at the Woods Cityhall at 730pm The Grosse POinte Board of Education meets In the Wlck:lngLibrary at Grosse POinte South High School at 8pm Ob,tuanes 6A Opinion 8A Schools 13-15A Harper Woods 17A 8uslness 18A Autos ... 19A Health 58 Entertainment 6-78 ClaSSifIed ads 6e February 26, 2004 Grosse Pointe News NATIONWIDE WALKIE. TALKIE! I i60c • i730 me LOR ~ SC.... n after mal/-m rebate rebate )l.:89;g( Regular Price ~ Regular Price !~OO Anytime Minutes Special Discount for JifLIMITED Direct Connect , '" .~N1IMI1'ED Nights and Weekends OM, FORDand Chrysler Employees UNLIMITED Nationwide Minimum Service ectConnect Agreement Required 1" r'" ~ """~ ~ > • .~ , I • Sprint pcsl ADD NIGHTS starting at 7:00 p.m. Nokia 3588 The FamilyTime Plan Two or more lines share: Color Screen 800 WHENEVER Minutes. ~ Regular Price UNLIMITED Nights & Weekend Minutes After Instant UNLIMITED Mobile-to-Mobile Mins. FREE Rebate After mail-in Sanyo 8100 rebate Camera Phone! Get 2 lines for JUSt $35 each 600 $99 * with Vision WHENEVER Minutes. Plan UNLIMITED Nights & Weekend Minutes ~ Regular Price FREE Your ~~:: After Instant Rebate i~, ..... 1,000 Daytime minutes $4500 free nights & weekends $39~~ Nokia 3595 After mail-in rebate 2 Years ServIce ~ Regular Price Verizon Agreement ~ 3000 ReqUIred. -$150.00 Instant Credit Neighborhood SamsungA310 I, WHENEVER Minutes. £'9g.~$99.99 Your ~~=~ 2A February 26, 2004 News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlilles 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week wmg IS expected to begm m place for meetmgs, held • State officIals agree to thiS summer WIth a WInter m Wlckmg Llbrary at South help Grosse Pomte Farms 1980 completIOn date High School battle Dutch elm dISease • A charge of $4 IS estab- Camera eqUIpment WIll The state's $50,000 pledge lished for a mmor home cost the dlstnct $60,000 to comes a few weeks after repaIr program bemg orga. $80,000, accordmg to Farms officials request nIzed by Semors Onward for Supenntendent Ed Shme funds to help save the com- Change, or sac mumty's elm trees Program dIrectors Mary 5 years ago this week Aley and Diane Heavner "WhIle the sum does not • Sparkey Herbert's ends appear to be slgmficant, It IS also announce the creatIon of a sac telephone hotlme Its 20-year reIgn as a popu- m recogmtiOn of the rmpor- lar restaurant on Kercheval tance of contmuIng the bat- • ThIs month's meetmg of In Grosse Pomte Par ... tle agamst thIs disease," the Grosse Pomte Park CIty Owner Darrell FInken CItes says Harry Furton, Farms council IS rescheduled to declInmg busmess take place at the Pierce cIty clerk "We love our commumty MIddle School auchtonum • A complete boggmg and conslder our customers down of Grosse Pomte's The SWlteh IS made to to be part of our fanuly," CIvIl Defense program IS accommodate growmg Fmken says attendance by reSidents, m threatened unless full coop- Palmer Heenan, Park part because of controversy eratIon can be obtained from mayor, says, "ThIs IS a great all mUDlClpahtles of tlsmg federal Commumty dlsappomtment I enjoyed The tenseness of the SItu- Development Block Grants gomg there " Many reSIdents oppose atIOn IS revealed m a letter • Dr Earl Mindel!, author acceptIng block grants due sent to all five Pomtes by of the all-time best-sellmg Defense Coordmator George to the prospect of latent fed- eral stnngs attached to the book on nutntlOn, "Earl Elworthy It's no secret the Mmdell's Vitamm Bible," is letter ISaImed at the Shores Department of Housmg and Urhan Development mterVIewed by Jeanie and Woods, both of wluch McNe\1 and LIZ AIken, co- have been loath to partICI- New convenience for car parkers producers of "PosItIvely The City of Groue Pointe has made it easy for motorists to obtain nick- pate m a Jomt program 10 years ago this week POSItIve!" cable TV show • Cook Road m Grosse • Two alumm of Vernier els for parliDg meten by instaWDg a chaage-maklDg machine on the front The program IS filmed at the of the Sanden atore on Kercheval in the Village.
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