ABOUT THE MAP This map was produced and designed by the Capital District Transportation Committee to encourage trail use in the Capital Region. Input was provided by members of CDTC's Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force. Basemap data was derived from the New York State ALIS GIS files. Every effort was made to ensure accurate and up to date information. CDTC will attempt to ammend any inaccuracies as well as add any future trails as funding allows for future versions. The Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC), e g is the designated MPO (Metropolitan Planning a r 6 e Organization) for the Albany-Schenectady-Troy 2 h v metropolitan area. o g C r p In order to qualify for federal tranpsortation funding, u a every metropolitan are in the United States with a b M s f population greater than 50,000 must have an MPO. r o k c s e a i l l s e The CDTC is responsible for ensuring that any t k a o r F o e transportation projects utilizing federal funds are c A H i n P n the product of a continuous, comprehensive, and i s l cooperative planning process. w o r o o e t H n Please direct any comments, questions, and map B e requests to: n h o p t f e t a r S G s 4 e l i 2 l CDTC M l 0 3 3 i 1 k n Capital District Transportation Committee n u e a t One Park Place s s t w R s a Albany, NY 12205 a E s o N t E e s (518) 458-2161 o Y A t www.cdtcmpo.org P u t r T i L i
[email protected] a o v e P r s E e N k s s l s l e a R a a S U F k L y c N e l o S l 0 O a n 2 V n a d Spring 2006 Second Edition h N C n m o T a E k 7 S 2 c e 4 l e 9 i R l d e t