Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Defined Subhash Mittal Integral Yoga Studio ♦ 919‐926‐9717 ♦
[email protected] 1 Invocation to Sage Patanjali योगेन िचत्तःय पदेन वाचां | मलं शरीरःय च वैद्यके न || योोोऽपाकरोत्त ंं ूवरं मुनीनांं | पतञ्जिलं ूाञ्जिोििलरानतोऽिःम || yogena chittasya padena vAchAM | malaM sharIrasya cha vaidyakena || yo.apAkarottaM pravaraM munInAM | pata~njaliM prA~njalirAnato.asmi || "I respectfully bow down with folded hands and offer my salutations to Sage Patanjali, the highest among the Munis (sages), who has presented the remedies for removing the impurities of the body through his treatise on Ayurveda, of language through his treatise on grammar (Patanjala Mahabhashya) and the impurities of the Chitta (mind field) through his treatise on Yoga (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)." 2 Yoga defined Here now is the expp/position/discipline of Yoga (()1.1) • Here, now (Atha): Authority of teacher, Qualification of student, Auspicious Commencement of subject • ‘Yoga’: derived from root ‘yuj’ meaning either ‘samadhi’ (natural state of the spiritual self) or ‘union’ depending upon context • Five states of the mind: disturbed (scattered), somnol/dlllent/dull, partillially distracte d, one‐poidinted, fully controlled • Disturbed mind = disequilibrium of the three gunas 3 Yoga defined (cont.) Yoga is the control of the modifications (vrittis) of the mind‐field (chitta) (1.2) Mind‐field: cognitive mind + intellect + ego + storage (i(memories, iiimpressions, unfu lfille d didesires ) Modifications (vrittis) caused