Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (22-28 April 2010) Thursday, 29 April 2010 00:00

Israeli Occupation Forces Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

• Two Palestinian civilians were killed in the in a new extra-judicial assassination.

• 20 Palestinian civilians, including three children, 4 women, 3 international human rights defenders and 2 cameramen, were wounded in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

• Israeli forces continued to fire at Palestinian farmers and workers in border areas of the Gaza Strip, and continued to harass Palestinian fishermen at sea.

• Israeli forces continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.

• Israeli forces conducted 27 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and 4 in the Gaza Strip.

• Israeli forces arrested 45 civilians, including 14 children, 2 women, 2 cameramen including an Israeli cameraman, 5 Israeli solidarity activists and 2 Palestinian activists, in the West Bank.

• Israeli forces continued to harass members of the popular committees against the Annexation Wall and to threaten them with arrest.

• Israeli forces have continued measures aiming at creating a Jewish majority in occupied east

• Israel has continued to impose a total siege on the OPT and to isolate the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

• Israel has continued its settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

• Families in "al-Musafer" area, south of , were delivered notices ordering them to leave the area.

• 70 dunums cultivated with grapes in Beit Ummar village were sunk with sewage water.

• 20 olive trees were uprooted in Deir Estia in Salfit.


Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law continued in the OPT during the reporting period (22 – 28 April 2010):

Shooting: During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian in the West Bank, and wounded 20 civilians, including 17 civilians in the West Bank and 3 civilians in the Gaza Strip. The wounded included 3 children, 4 women, 3 international human rights defenders and 2 cameramen.

In the West Bank, on 26 April 2010, in a crime – which constitutes an extrajudicial execution – Israeli forces killed Ali Isma'el Swaiti, 45, in Beit 'Awwa in the West Bank district of Hebron, claiming that he had been wanted for several years. Swaiti was killed after the house he was in was demolished; five other were wounded, including a child and a young woman. The Israeli spokesperson said that Swaiti had been wanted by the Israeli Security Service for eight years, as he was held responsible for carrying out a number of shooting attacks against Israeli targets near Hebron

Israeli forces also used excessive force against peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders against the construction of the Annexation Wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. Twelve protesters, including an Israeli and an Italian solidarity activists, 2 children and one woman, were wounded as a result of the use of excessive force. Also a number of protesters suffered suffocation from gas inhalation or suffered bruises because they were beaten by Israeli forces. Ms. Luisa Morgantini, the former Vice-President of the European Parliament, was one of the protesters who fainted.

In the Gaza Strip, on 24 April 2010, three civilians, including two women, one of them an international solidarity activist, were wounded and an old man was shocked when Israeli soldiers who were in their military jeep inside the border strip with Israel, east of Central Gaza, fired bullets at a peaceful demonstration organized by the Popular Committee against the Wall as the participants approached the border strip east of al-Maghazi refugee camp.

On 25 April 2010, Israeli forces positioned in watchtowers near Beit Hanoun "Erez" crossing fired at a number of Palestinian workers who were collecting stones and iron bars from the debris of the industrial zone, southwest of Beit Hanoun crossing. Israeli forces fired sporadically for 30 minutes, forcing the workers to flee the area in. No casualties were reported.

On 28 April 2010, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian boy in the east of el-Shaja'eya neighborhood, in the eastern Gaza City. This boy was a participant in a peaceful demonstration organized in condemnation of the security belt along the border line in the east of the city. When the demonstration reached Nahal 'Oz crossing, a 150 meters from the borders, some participants stoned the Israeli troops stationed at the borders, as a result, they opened fire towards the participants. The said boy was wounded by a bullet to the right thigh, and was pronounced dead a few hours later.

Incursions: During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 27 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. Israeli forces arrested 45 Palestinian civilians, including two women and 14 children, one of whom is 13 years old.

Israeli forces also arrested 5 persons, including a cameraman from al-Hayat al-Jadida newspaper, an Israeli cameraman and three international solidarity activists, in the weekly peaceful demonstration organized in Bal'ein village. The arrested were transported to an Israeli interrogation center in "Na'leh" settlement, west of Ramallah. They were release on Saturday morning, 24 April 2010. Israeli forces also arrested 3 participants in a vigil organized by "Youth Against Settlements" in protest against the continued closure of al-Shuhada street in the center of Hebron. The arrested are Issa 'Amr, 30, a member of Youth Against Settlements and two Israeli professors, Amiel Vardi and Jonathan Pollack.

On 25 April 2010, 6 persons, including a child, from Selwan town in the southern old town of Jerusalem, were arrested while they were protesting against a demonstration organized by the settlers to claim the demolishment of 216 houses belonging to the Palestinians in the said town. Thus, during the reporting period, the number of the arrested persons reached 45, including 6 non-Palestinians.

PCHR notes that through its observation of human rights violations committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, it is clear that Israeli forces are intentionally mistreating Palestinian civilians and terrorizing them while raiding their houses. Palestinian property and houses are also being intentionally damaged or destroyed.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces conducted 4 limited incursions as follows:

On 22 April 2010, Israeli forces moved approximately 500 meters into the east of 'Abasan village, east of Khan Younis. Israeli forces bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands. At approximately 13:00 on the same day, Israeli forces moved to the south along the border strip and bulldozed agricultural lands in Khza'a village. Israeli forces then withdrew.

On 25 April 2010, Israeli forces moved approximately 300 meters into the east of al-Qarara village, east of Khan Younis. They bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands in the area before withdrawing.

Also on 25 April 2010, Israeli forces moved into al-Farahin neighborhood in 'Abasan village, east of Khan Younis. Israeli occupation forces bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands. Israeli forces moved to the south along the border strip and bulldozed agricultural lands in Khza'a village, before withdrawing.

On 27 April 2010, Israeli ground forces, including 30 soldiers, moved approximately 200 meters into the north of the industrial zone, which is to the west of Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing, in the northwest of Beit Hanoun town, in the northern Gaza Strip. The Israeli troops fired at a group of Palestinian workers who were collecting stones and iron bars from the debris in the area to force them to flee the area.

Restrictions on Movement: Israeli forces have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied .

Gaza Strip

Israel had continuously closed all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for more than two and a half years. The illegal Israeli- imposed closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

• On Friday, 01 January 2010, Israeli forces decided to close Nahal Ouz crossing permanently, and to only allow the entry of fuels through Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, southeast of Rafah, claiming security reasons.

• 1.5 million people are being denied their basic rights, including freedom of movement, and their rights to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

• The main concern of the population of the Gaza Strip is to obtain their basic needs of food, medicines, water and electricity supplies.

• Israel has continued to prevent the entry of raw construction materials into the Gaza Strip for more than two and a half years.

• Israel has not allowed fuel supplies into the Gaza Strip, excluding limited amounts of cooking gas and energy fuel for Gaza Power Plant, since 10 December 2008.

• The Rafah International Crossing Point has been opened for a few days for a number of patients who received medical treatment abroad and needed to return home to the Gaza Strip.

• Israel had continued to close Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing to Palestinian civilians wishing to travel to the West Bank and Israeli for medical treatment, trade or social visits.

• Israel has imposed additional access restrictions on international diplomats, journalists and humanitarian workers seeking to enter the Gaza Strip. They have prevented representatives of several international humanitarian organizations from entering the Gaza Strip.

• Living conditions amongst the Palestinian civilian population have seriously deteriorated; levels of poverty and unemployment are among the highest in the world.

• At least 800 Gazan prisoners in Israeli jails have been denied family visitation rights for more than two and a half years.

• Israeli forces have continued to attack Palestinian fishermen along the coast of the Gaza Strip.

The West Bank

Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip continue to be denied access to Jerusalem.

• Israeli forces have established checkpoints in and around Jerusalem, severely restricting Palestinian access to the city. Civilians are frequently prevented from praying at al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

• There are approximately 630 permanent roadblocks, and manned and unmanned checkpoints across the West Bank. In addition, there are some 60 - 80 ‘flying’ or temporary checkpoints erected across the West Bank by Israeli forces every week.

• When complete, the illegal Annexation Wall will stretch for 724 kilometers around the West Bank, further isolating the entire population. 350 kilometers of the Wall have already been constructed. Approximately 99% of the Wall has been constructed inside the West Bank itself, further confiscating Palestinian land.

• At least 65% of the main roads that lead to 18 Palestinian communities in the West Bank are closed or fully controlled by Israeli forces (47 out of 72 roads).

• There are around 500 kilometers of restricted roads across the West Bank. In addition, approximately one third of the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, is inaccessible to Palestinians without a permit issued by Israeli forces. These permits are extremely difficult to obtain.

• Israeli forces continue to harass, and assault demonstrators who hold peaceful protests against the construction of the Annexation Wall.

• Palestinian civilians continue to be harassed by Israeli forces in Jerusalem, and across the West Bank, including being regularly stopped and searched in the streets by Israeli forces.

• During the reporting period, Israeli troop stationed at military checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 8 Palestinian civilians, including a child and a woman.

Measures Aimed at Creating a Jewish Majority in Jerusalem:

• On 22 April 2010, Israeli forces forced the family of Ali Ibtahim Salah to evacuate his house in Beit Safafa village, in the south Jerusalem to give it the Israeli settlers. Israeli policemen informed Salah of the importance of the execution of the decision issued by the Israeli Supreme Court on 15 December 2010. The decision stated evacuating the house within 120 days. The 50-member family of Salah have lived in the 200-meter² house since 1967. The settler named Herkovch claimed that he had bought the said house from the heirs of the original owner of the house in 1991.

• In the same context, the Israeli municipality notified Hussein 'Ezzat el-Keswani that his house located in Beit Hanina village, near Tal'at Hazma, in the north of Jerusalem, is to be demolished. The house is 400 m² and includes two buildings; there are five rooms in each one. The El-Keswani family built the first building in 2006 and the second one in 2008. They repeatedly tried to obtain a building license, but were denied.

• At approximately 10:00, on Sunday morning, 25 April 2010, about 50 settlers headed by Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben Gaer organized a provocative demonstration claiming the demolition of 216 houses belonging to Palestinian families in Selwan village, in the south of the old town in Jerusalem. The demonstration was under the protection of more than 200 Israeli policemen, who were heavily armed and supported with a helicopter, hot air balloon, and observation cameras installed at all passages. The Israeli policemen were stationed at hills and on top of houses surrounding the Bab el-Maghareba, el-Rahma cemetery, Wadi el-Helwa and R'as el-Bostan. They stood along Wadi el-Helwa road at both sides and established many checkpoints at the entrance of Selwan village and the surrounding neighborhood. The demonstration, under the protection of Israeli forces, moved from Wadi el-Helwa raising the Israeli flag and repeating shouts against the Arabs. Dozens of Palestinians faced the Israeli demonstration, where the Israeli troops fired at them sound bombs, bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets. Tens of them suffered suffocation from gas inhalation or suffered bruises because they were beaten by Israeli forces. The Israeli troops continued attacking the Palestinians until late night. They detained 6 men from Selwan village. They are as follows: 1. Mosa el-'Abbasi, 25. 2. Nafez Zaitoun, 23. 3. Montaser Badran, 19. 4. Sohaib el-Rajabi, 17.

El-Rajabi was released on Monday, 26 April 2010, while the others are still under detention until preparing this report.

Forcing Salah's family to evacuate its home

• On Thursday, 22 April 2010, Israeli forces forced the family of Ali Ibrahim Salah to evacuate his home located in the eastern of Beit Safafa village, in the south of Jerusalem, so that it could be occupied by settlers. Israeli policemen informed Salah of the decision taken by the Israeli Supreme Court on 15 December ordering the evacuation of the house within 120 days. The Israeli Court decided that the house belonged to a group of settlers headed by Hrkovic from Kiryat Arba, in the southeast of Hebron. Policemen threatened that they would expel the family to if they refused to evacuate the house. The family consisting of the father, his wife and other three families of their sons was forced to evacuate the house in fear for paying expensive fines.

The 50-member family of Salah have lived in the 200-meter² house since 1967. The settler named Herkovch claimed that he had bought the house from the heirs of the original owner of the house in 1991. Israeli forces aim at occupying the house of Salah as it is included an Israeli settlement scheme to build Givat Hamtos settlement on Beit Jala and Beit Safafa. Salah's family have been engaged in a longstanding struggle against the settlers, who occupied the house in the 90s with the help of IO Israeli forces F. In addition, the family was attacked by settlers on 20 October 2010 and their cattle consisting of 120 sheep was confiscated last year.

Israeli forces threaten el-Keswani family for the second time

• The Israeli municipality in Jerusalem informed Hussein 'Ezzat el-Keswani that his house, located in Beit Hanina, near Tal'at Hezma, in the northern Jerusalem, is to be demolished. The house is 400 m² and include two buildings; there are five rooms in each one. El-Keswani family built the first building in 2006 and the second one in 2008. They repeatedly tried to obtain a building license, but it was in vain. During the reporting period, the family received a demolition notice issued on 12 April 2010 claiming that the house was built without building license. It should be noted that el-Keswani house was destroyed twice a few years ago.

Settlement Activities: Israel has continued its settlement activities in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

On Thursday morning, 22 April 2010, Israeli forces delivered notices to 6 Palestinian families in the al-Musafer area in the south of Yatta village, southern Hebron, notifying them that their houses would be destroyed and requiring them to leave their property under the pretext that their houses were not licensed by the Israeli "civil administration". The houses are tents and plastic huts which were provided to the civilians in the area by Joint Council for Services, the Palestinian Hydrology Group and the Italian Voluntary Group. They are located in "Sha'ab al-Butum" and "Ma'in" areas which are surrounded by "Iva Hal", "Metza Ya'er, and "Sosya" settlements from the east and the southeast.

On 22 April 2010, Israeli settlers who run a sewage water collection plant belonging to "Gush Etzion", north of Hebron, pumped sewage water onto dozens of dunums of agricultural land belonging to Palestinian civilians from Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. Approximately 70 dunums cultivated with grapes were destroyed. In addition, between 250 and 300 meters of walls constructed to protect farms were destroyed.

It should be noted that the settlers running the mentioned plant normally pump sewage water to the Mediterranean Sea through water networks and treat a part of this water to irrigate plants in Israeli settlements in the area.

On 23 April 2010, a group of settlers uprooted 20 olive trees from Wadi Qana area in the west of Deir Estia village, northwest of Salfit. The trees were planted in a peace of land belonging to Qasem Naser Mansour in Kafat al-'Amoud area.

Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (22 – 28 April 2010)

1. Incursions into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 22 April 2010

• At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into city and Jenin refugee camp. They fired into the air and raided and searched many houses. They arrested Ghassan Ahmed Jamal Tahayna, 26, from al-Marah neighborhood, east of Jenin. They withdrew at approximately 05:00.

• At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Muthalath al-Shuhada village, south of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses. They arrested Mohammed Jihad Mohammed Wishahi, 22.

• Also at approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Qabatia village, southeast of Jenin. They fired into the air and raided and searched many houses. They arrested two Palestinian civilians: Majed Faisal Mohammed Nazzal, 21, and Jihad Abdullah Suleiman Nazzal, 23.

• Also at approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Taqou' village, southeast of Bethlehem. Israeli soldiers who had tracker dongs raided and searched many houses and arrested 6 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, two of them are brothers:

1. Amin Ahmed Hajajleh, 17; 2. Louay Ahmed Hmeida, 18; 3. Musa'b Suleiman Sabbah, 22; 4. Izz Sabbah, 16; 5. Mohammed Salim Sabbah, 17; and 6. Ahmed Salim Sabbah, 13.

• At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Deir Ghazal village, northeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses. They arrested Abdul Qader Adnan Abdul Qader Jalamneh, 23.

• Also at approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Jalboun village, northeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses and arrested Walid Ibrahim Said Abu al-Rub, 23.

• Also at approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Ya'bud village, southwest of Jenin. They fired into the air and raided and searched many houses. They arrested Nidal Jamal Sharif Abu Baker, 25.

• In the early morning, Israeli forces supported with many military vehicles raided "el-Menya" village in the east of Bethlehem. They broke into the house of Basem Abdul Majeed 'Awwad Kawazba, 38, and arrested his two sons; Jihad, 15, and Nadeem, 15. they were taken to Kfar Etzion detention center, in the southwest of the city.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 2:40, the Israeli troops broke into the house of Kawazba, where they forced him to wake his sons up. The Israeli officer was shocked to see that the two sons were young. He checked their names in their father's ID. The Israeli officer informed the father of the arrest warrant against his sons claiming that they stoned Israeli forces. Then he ordered the Israeli soldiers to put them in the military vehicle; however, their father insisted on accompanying them. Thus, he was handcuffed, blindfolded and taken with his sons, who were also blindfolded. The father said: In the middle of the main street leading to Kfar Etzion, the military vehicles stopped, and then I was dropped at the intersection of Taqou'-el-Baq'a, in the southeast of Bethlehem. I was forced to go back home after an intelligence service's officer told me that my sons are detained and that I can see them in the morning in Kfar Etzion. At approximately 8:00 I headed to the said detention center, after waiting for an hour, I was able to see them; however, they were interrogated previously. An Israeli officer told me that my sons were detained as they are charged of throwing stones. Thus, they would be transferred to Ofer detention center, in the west of Ramallah, and their trial would be held on 25 April 2010. In fact, they were really transferred to Ofer at 13:00. At approximately 15:30,they were brought to trial, where the judge decided to extend their detention until preparing an indictment against them. On Monday, 26 April 2010, the two sons were brought before the court and their indictment were presented stating that they stoned IOF in the area they live in. The military prosecution requested the judge to sentence Jihad to imprisonment for four months and a half and a fine amounting to 2000 NIS; Nadim was sentenced to imprisonment for three months and a half and a fine amounting to 1000 NIS. However, their lawyers rejected the military prosecution's request and called for postponement of the trial, which was appointed on Thursday, 29 April 2010.

• At approximately 09:00, Israeli forces moved approximately 500 meters into the east of 'Abasan village, east of Khan Younis. Israeli forces bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands for four hours and fired indiscriminately. At approximately 13:00, Israeli forces moved to the south along the border strip and bulldozed agricultural lands for two hours in Khza'a village. Israeli forces then withdrew inside the border strip.

Friday, 23 April 2010

• At approximately 00:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They fired many tear gas canisters and sound bombs and raided and searched many houses in the north and center of the village. They arrested 5 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, from the village:

1. Ahmed Khalil Abed Abu Hashem, 42, who is the secretary of the Popular Committee against the Wall in the village; 2. Khaled Khalil Abdul Fattah Sabarna, 24; 3. Yousef Fathi Khader Sabarna; 20; 4. Hatem Ahmed Rashid Sabarna, 17; and 5. Yousef Mohammed Yousef 'Awad, 17.

Mohammed 'Ayad 'Awad, an activist in the "Palestinian Solidarity Project" in the village, stated to the PCHR fieldworker that Israeli soldiers use sound bombs and tear gas canisters to terrorize civilians in their houses. He said that they smashed windows of houses belonging to the persons who were arrested, including the house of Hatem Ahmed Sabarna. In the afternoon of Sunday, 25 April 2010, four of the arrested civilians were released. Yousef Fathi Khader Sabarna remained under detention.

• At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ramzi Hassan al-Tamimi, 33. Before withdrawing, they arrested al-Tamimi.

• At approximately 3:00, Israeli forces moved into 'Anin village, west of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses. They withdrew later and no arrests were reported.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

• At approximately 2:00, Israeli forces, supported by approximately 12 military vehicles and approximately 100 foot soldiers, moved into 'Azzoun village, east of Qalqilia. They raided and searched many houses and arrested 5 children from the village:

1. Said Farouq Said Abu Haneyeh, 17; 2. Said Zeyad Abu Haneyeh, 17; 3. Sa'ad Ahmed Mohammed Masha'al, 17; 4. Yehya 'Ali Abdul Hafez 'Odwan, 17; and 5. Ahmed Abdul Rahman Mahmoud Salama, 17.

• At approximately 11:30, Israeli soldiers who were in their military jeeps in a military site inside the border strip with Israel, east of Central Gaza, fired bullets at participants in a peaceful demonstration organized by the Popular Committee against the Wall as the participants approached the border strip in the east of al-Maghazi refugee camp. As a result, three people, including two women, one of them is an international solidarity activists, were wounded while an old man was shocked. The wounded were transferred to al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah for medical treatment.

The wounded are:

1. Bianica Zamit, 28, a solidarity activist from Malta and a member of the International Soliderity Movement, who was wounded by a bullet in the left thigh; 2. Hend Mohammed Ahmed al-Aqra'a, 23, from al-Zawayda village, who was wounded by a bullet in the abdomen; 3. Nedal Fayez al-Naqleh, 18, who was wounded by a bullet in the right thigh. 4. Suleiman Salem al-Bheiri, 70, who was shocked.

Hend al-Aqra', who was wounded in the incident, stated to the PCHR fieldworker that she participated with dozens of civilians in the peaceful demonstration that walked to the border strip with Israel in the east of al-Maghazi refugee camp. Participants were carrying slogans and flags and there were not any armed actions in the demonstration. The demonstrators became approximately 200 meters far from the border strip. Some of them walked closer to the border to raise the Palestinian flag but the Israeli soldiers who were in their military jeeps fired heavily at the peaceful demonstration. She said she was wounded and transferred by a civilian car to an ambulance and then to al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. It was found out that she was wounded by a bullet in the abdomen.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

• At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched many houses and delivered Jihad Khaled Deireyeh requiring him to appear before the Israeli intelligence in "Gush Etzion" settlement, south of Bethlehem.

• At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into 'Ajjah village, south of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• Also at approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into 'Anza village, south of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into al-Zababda village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• Also at approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Sannour village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• Also at approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into Mithlon village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 06:00, Israeli forces moved into Dora village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Salama, near the intersection of al-Tabaqa area. Israeli forces held the residents of the house in one room inside the house and transformed the house into a military barracks.

• At approximately 09:30, Israeli forces moved approximately 300 meters into the east of al-Qarara village, east of Khan Younis. For 3 hours, Israeli forces bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands in the area. They fired indiscriminately and withdrew later inside the border strip.

• At approximately 011:00, Israeli forces moved into the east of al-Farahin neighborhood in Abasan village, east of Khan Younis. They bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands in the area for approximately 2.5 hours. Then they moved to the south along the border strip and bulldozed and leveled agricultural lands in Khza'a village for four hours. They indiscriminately bombarded the area before their withdrawal inside the border strip.

• Also at approximately 11:00, Israeli forces positioned in watchtowers near Beit Hanoun "Erez" crossing fired at a group of Palestinian workers who were collecting stones and iron bars from the debris in the industrial zone, southwest of Beit Hanoun crossing. They sporadically fired for 30 minutes forcing the Palestinian workers to flee the area in fear for their lives. No casualties were reported in this incident.

• At approximately 22:30, Israeli forces, supported by a number of military vehicles, police forces and foot soldiers, moved into Baroqin village, west of Salfit. They raided and searched many houses. The foot soldiers stopped a number of Palestinian civilians who were in the main street and beat Helmi Rabah Helmi Samara, 19, they then handcuffed him and led him to an unknown area.

Monday, 26 April 2010

• In the early morning, in a crime – which constitutes an extrajudicial execution – Israeli forces killed Ali Isma'el Swaiti, 45, in Beit 'Awwa in the West Bank district of Hebron, claiming that he had been wanted for several years. Swaiti was killed after demolishing a house while he was inside, where other five Palestinians were wounded, including a child and a young woman. The Isareli spokesperson said that Swaiti had been wanted by the Israeli Security Service for eight years, as he was held responsible for carrying out a number of shooting attacks against Israeli targets near Hebron, including opening fire near the Ethna-Tarqumiya intersection on 26 April 2004, i.e. exactly six years prior to yesterday's killing of Swaiti. The said attack resulted in the death of an Israeli soldier and the injury of two others.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR and eyewitness testimony, Israeli occupation forces entered Beit 'Awwa town in the far south of Hebron at approximately 3:00 on Monday 26 April 2010, supported by military armored vehicles, a bulldozer and a Caterpillar digging vehicle. Israeli forces surrounded the house in which Ali Swaiti was located, using sound bombs. The home belongs to Mahmoud Abdul Aziz Swaiti and is located in Khellet el-Foulah, in the north of the town. During the operation, Israeli soldiers broke into numerous other houses in the area and turned them into observation points and firing posts. After some minutes, Israeli occupation forces evacuated at gunpoint the family living in the targeted one-storey house as well as a family living in another two-storey house, which belongs to the family of Ahmed Abdul Aziz Swaiti. The two families were detained outdoors for some time before they were taken to an adjacent house belonging to Abdul Jalil Swaiti. They were detained there with other families, all of whom were interrogated regarding the whereabouts of the targeted person.

At approximately 5:40, an Israeli bulldozer began to destroy the fences surrounding the targeted house. It progressed towards the house and started to demolish it, but it retreated as it was fired at from inside the house. Israeli forces stationed in the neighboring houses opened fire at the house for 15 minutes from all sides before an explosion took place inside the house. Residents of the area reported that the explosion resulted from the shelling of the house.

At approximately 6:00, the Caterpillar vehicle began to drive into and destroy the fences of the targeted house. After that, a digging vehicle continued demolishing the house, and then retreated to allow the renewed advance of the bulldozer and the search for the body of Swaiti.

At approximately 7:00, the bulldozer lifted the body of Swaiti out of the rubble and dropped it onto a road close to the demolished house before moving it another 10 m away. At approximately 7:30, an Israeli soldier fired at least two shots at the body of Swaiti from a distance of three meters. At approximately 8:00, Israeli occupation forces left the homes in which they had taken position.

In the meantime, Palestinian civilians had left their homes and many of them hurried towards the area of the attack. They carried Swaiti's body to take it indoors. However, some people clashed with Israeli forces as they withdrew. Israeli occupation forces fired at those people using rubber-coated metal bullets, wounding five Palestinians including a boy and a young woman. The wounded are as follows:

1. Mohammed Mahmoud Masalmah, 23, wounded by a bullet to the head; 2. Baha' Mohammed 'Akimi el-'Amareen, 20, wounded by two bullets to the legs; 3. Hussein Yusuf Swaiti, 18, wounded by a bullet to the leg; 4. Hammam Isma'el Masalmah, 17, wounded by two bullets to the legs; and 5. Asma' Murshed Swaiti, 19, wounded by a bullet to the right shoulder.

Before their withdrawal, Israeli forces detained three civilian Palestinians: 1. Maysoon Abdul Jalil el-Rjoob, 33, the wife of the detainee whose house was targeted. 2. His brother, Ahmed Abdul Aziz Swaiti, 40. 3. His oldest son, Abdul Aziz, 19.

At approximately 24:00, Israeli forces stationed at a military jeep and site inside the border strip, in the east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, fire at dozens of participants in a peaceful demonstration organized by the Popular Campaign Against the Security Belt in the east of 'Abasan town. The participants were holding the Palestinian flag and posters condemning the security belt; when they were few meters away from the from the said border strip, the Israeli troops fired indiscriminately at them so as to be dispersed. The demonstration was dispersed without injuries.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

• At approximately 1:00, Israeli forces supported with military vehicles moved into el-'Obaideya area in the east of Bethlehem. They moved in the streets and broke into many houses, where they searched them. Before their withdrawal, Israeli forces delivered Shadi Mohammed Kayed Khalifa, 25, a notice to go to the Israeli Intelligence Service office in "Etzion", in the southern Bethlehem.

• At approximately 11:45, Israeli ground forces, including 30 soldiers, moved approximately 200 meters into the north of the industrial zone, which is in the west of Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing, in the northwest of Beit Hanoun town, in the northern Gaza Strip. The Israeli troops fired at a group of Palestinian workers who were collecting stones and iron bars from the debris in the area to force them to flee the area in fear for their lives. At approximately 13:00, the Israeli forces withdrew and no casualties were reported in this incident.

• In the afternoon, Israeli forces supported with military vehicles broke into the house of Ra'ed Abdul Qader Hassan el- Shheitat located at the intersection of el-Tabaqa village, in the west of Dora city, in the southwest of Hebron. Israeli forces turned the house into a military position.

The Municipal sources stated that Israeli forces broke into the two-storey house of el-Shheitat and used it as an observation point and firing post. After the 20 persons living in the house were detained in one room, IOF broke into the house and held a checkpoint at the same intersection.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

• At approximately 1:00, Israeli forces moved into Deir el-'Asal el-Foqa village, in the far southwest of Hebron. They started surrounding the house of Kamel Mohammed Hussein Shawamrah at 30 meters away from the Annexation Wall in the village. They also arrested the house owner, Halima Abed Rabu Mohammed Shawamrah, 60. According to the testimony of her husband, after Israeli forces broke into the house, they asked about his wife, Halima, and his son, Nader, 20, who were not at home at that moment. Before their withdrawal, Israeli forces detained his wife. It should be noted that Halima suffer from many diseases and injuries, including blood pressure and a fracture in the right leg.

• At approximately 2:00, Israeli forces moved into Qabatia village, southeast of Jenin. In the morning, they withdrew and there were no casualties.

• Also at approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Sannour village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al-Zababda village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched many houses, but no arrests were reported.

• According to investigations of PCHR, at approximately 24:00, a peaceful demonstration organized in el-Shaja'eya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City, moving towards the eastern strip, and condemning the security belt along the border line in the east of the city. When the demonstration of 100 persons, including 4 international solidarity activists, reached Nahal 'Oz crossing, at 150 meters away from the borders, some participants stoned the Israeli troops stationed at the borders, as a result, they opened fire towards the participants. The said boy was wounded by a bullet to the right thigh. He was taken to el-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, however, his death was announced at 16:15 due to his wounds.

2. Use of Excessive Force against Peaceful Demonstrations

Israeli forces have continued to construct the Annexation Wall and inside West Bank territory. During the reporting period, Israeli forces used force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest of the construction of the Wall and settlement activities.

• On Friday, 23 April 2010, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in protest of the construction of the Annexation Wall in Bil'ein village, west of Ramallah. The demonstration included Luisa Morgantini, the former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Marc Otte, the EU's Special Representative to the Middle East peace process, Thierry Vallat, an EU observer, and more than 20 other Arab and international diplomats. Following the Fifth International Conference of Bil'ein Popular Resistance, the demonstrators walked in the streets of the village challenging the Israeli decision stating that the said village is a closed area on Fridays for six coming months; in addition to condemning the Annexation Wall. Then they moved towards the Wall and attempted to access annexed lands behind it. Immediately, Israeli troops fired rubber- coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, seven demonstrators, including an Israeli activist, an Italian activist, two cameramen and a woman, sustained injuries. Many others suffered from tear gas inhalation, including Morgantini and some of them sustained bruises. The Israeli troops detained five participants, including the cameraman in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, an Israeli cameraman and three other activists. They were taken to investigation center in the settlement of "Ni'liya" in the west of Ramallah. They were released on Saturday, 24 April 2010.

The detainees are as follows: 1. Moheeb Mohammed el-Barghouthi, 46. 2. The American activist, Arc, 26. 3. The Israeli activist, Tal Shapira, 26. 4. The Israeli activist, Ghal Luo Gasi, 27. 5. The Israeli cameraman, Uri Goff.

The wounded are as follows: 1. Emad Rezqa, 43, from Jaffa, wounded by a tear gas in his head. 2. The Italian activist, Simone, 30, wounded by a bullet to the right hand. 3. Najah Hassan Abu Rahma,48, wounded by a tear gas in her back. 4. the Israeli activist, Dur, 27, wounded by a bullet to the left leg. 5. Haytham Kamal el-Khateeb, 35, wounded by a bullet to the right leg. He works as a cameraman for the popular committee in Bil'ein. 6. 'Abbas Abdul Wahab el-Momani, 34, wounded by a bullet to the right leg. He works as a cameraman for the AFD. 7. Majd el-Blaj, 22, wounded by a bullet to the right leg.

• Also following the Friday Prayer, on 23 April 2010, dozens of Palestinian civilians, international and human rights defenders and number of PLC members representing Islamic movements organized a peaceful demonstration in Ne'lin village, west of Ramallah, in protest of the construction of the Annexation Wall. They clashed with Israeli troops positioned near the Wall. Israeli troops fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at demonstrators. Dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation, others sustained bruises and four civilians were wounded, including a child.

The wounded are as follows: 1. Khamis Abdullah 'Amera, 22, wounded by a bullet to the left leg. 2. Mohammed Hatem Nafi', 17, wounded by a bullet to the left hand. 3. Sa'eed Ibrahim Mostafa 'Amera, 19, wounded by a bullet to the right thigh. 4. Ra'ed Khalil 'Amera, 30, wounded by a bullet to the back.

• Also following the Friday Prayer on 23 April 2010, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders organized a peaceful demonstration in Nabil Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah. When the demonstrators attempted to reach land seized by Israeli settlers near "Halmish" settlement, Israeli troops fired rubber- coated metal bullets, sound bombs, tear gas canisters and (Skunk Gas) at them. As a result, Mohammed Mahmoud, 16, was wounded by a bullet to the head; dozens of demonstrators suffered also from tear gas inhalation, and other sustained bruises.

• At approximately 16:00, on Saturday, 24 April 2010, "Youth Against Settlements" gathering organized a peaceful demonstration in Hebron, due to the continued closure of el-Shohada' Street in the center of the city. The demonstration included number of Israeli and international supporters and ended up with a sit-in at the entrance of settlement of "Beit Romano" established on the rubble of Osama Ben Monqeth School in the north of the old town. During the sit-in, groups of settlers from the said settlement intentionally hampered the activities of the sit-in and the weekly round organized after every Saturday. These groups attempted to breakthrough the sit-in area under the protection of Israeli forces. The demonstrators foiled it before the Israeli troops attacked them and detained four demonstrators.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 17:10, the Israeli troops stationed in the area attacked the participants in the sit-in in an attempt to disperse the demonstrators by force. In the meanwhile, Israeli forces detained three participants, including the human right activist, Issa Isma'el 'Amr, 30, who is an activist in the "Youth Against Settlements", and two Israeli activists, Professor Amiel Vardi and Jonathan Pollack. The three detainees were taken to the Israeli police station before the settlement of Kiryat Arba in the southeast of the city. After few hours, the two Israeli activists were released, but 'Amr was kept in detention, where he was charged of attacking an Israeli soldier. It should be noted that 'Amr did not show any violent behavior in the demonstration according to eyewitnesses and photographs taken. At night of the same day, 'Amr was transferred to Ofer Israeli prison in the west of Ramallah.

3. Continued Closure of the OPT

Israel has continued to impose a tightened closure on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israel has continuously closed all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for over two and a half years. The illegal Israeli- imposed siege of Gaza, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip .

• On Friday, 01 January 2010, Israeli forces decided to close Nahal Ouz crossing permanently, and to allow the entry of fuels through Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, southeast of Rafah, claiming security reasons.

• 1.5 million people are being denied their basic rights, including freedom of movement, and their rights to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

• The main concern of the population of the Gaza Strip is to obtain their basic needs of food, medicines, water and electricity supplies.

• Israel has continued to prevent the entry of raw construction materials into the Gaza Strip for more than two and a half years.

• Israel has not allowed fuel supplies into the Gaza Strip, excluding limited amounts of cooking gas and energy fuel for Gaza Power Plant, since 10 December 2008.

• The Rafah International Crossing Point has been opened for a few days for a number of patients who received medical treatment abroad and needed to return home to the Gaza Strip.

• Israel had continued to close Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing to Palestinian civilians wishing to travel to the West Bank and Israeli for medical treatment, trade or social visits.

• Israel has imposed additional restrictions on access of international diplomats, journalists and humanitarian workers to the Gaza Strip. They have prevented representatives of several international humanitarian organizations from entering the Gaza Strip.

• Living conditions of the Palestinian civilian population have seriously deteriorated; levels of poverty and unemployment have mounted sharply.

• At least 800 Gazan prisoners in Israeli jails have been deprived of family visitation for more than two and a half years.

• IOF have continued to attack Palestinian fishermen along the coast of the Gaza Strip.

Movement at Border Crossings during the Reporting Period: Movement at Rafah International Crossing Point 21 – 27 April 2010 Date Details 40 Palestinians, including 20 members of a delegation from human rights 21 April 2010 organizations and 16 members of a delegation from the UNRWA, were allowed to travel to Egypt and 123 others were allowed into the Gaza Strip. Two Palestinians were allowed to travel to Egypt and 161 others were allowed into 22 April 2010 the Gaza Strip. 23 April 2010 Closed. 24 April 2010 One Palestinian was allowed into the Gaza Strip. Movemen 25 April 2010 One Palestinian was allowed to travel to Egypt. t at Karm 26 April 2010 Closed. Abu 27 April 2010 Three Palestinians were allowed into the Gaza Strip. Salem (Kerem Shalom) Crossing 21 – 27 April 2010

Amount Date Category Tons Liters Foodstuffs 802 Agricultural materials 352 Various goods 451 21 April 2010 Cooking gas 195,710 Industrial fuel 367,400 Benzene 1995 Humanitarian aids 269 Foodstuffs 671 Agricultural materials 597 Various goods 410 22 April 2010 Cooking gas 196,210 Industrial fuel 455,377 Humanitarian aids 243 Foodstuffs 793 Agricultural materials 320 Various goods 316 25 April 2010 Cooking gas 195 Industrial fuel 478.000 Humanitarian aids 89 Foodstuffs 297 Agricultural materials 283 Various goods 538 Cooking gas 199 26 April 2010 Industrial fuel 94000 Industrial fuel (UNRWA) 294000 Benzene (UNRWA) 45000 Humanitarian aids 191

Al-Mentar (Karni) Crossing: Israel partially opened the crossing on Wednesday, 21 April 2010, and allowed the entry of 975 tons of wheat and 2,379 tons of fodders. It was also opened on Thursday, 22 April 2010, and allowed the entry of 633 tons of wheat and 1,716 tons of fodders. On Monday, 26 April 2010, IOF allowed the entry of 546 tons of wheat and 1,872 tons of fodders.

Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing: Israel has continued to close Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for the movement of Palestinian civilians. Israeli forces have allowed only diplomats, a number of international journalists, employees of international agencies and a limited number of patients who suffer from serious diseases to pass through the crossing. They have continued to prevent Palestinian civilians from visiting their relatives who are detained in Israeli jails. The small number of patients permitted to pass through the crossing is only able to do so under severe restrictions that include prolonged checking.

Movement at Beit Hanoun (Erez) Crossing 21 – 27 April 2010 Arabs Date Patients Companions from Diplomats International International Travelers Traders Israel Journalists Workers abroad 21 April 2010 52 52 26 10 2 44 2 4 22 April 2010 32 31 8 9 2 47 5 3 23 April 2010 1 4 9 Nil 1 10 5 Nil 24 April 2010 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 25 April 2010 45 43 17 Nil 2 27 2 6 26 April 2010 54 51 11 7 Nil 22 Nil 6 27 April 2010 37 37 2 7 6 35 Nil 8

During the reporting period, at approximately 9:00, on Sunday, 25 April 2010, Israeli forces detained 'A'ed Rafeeq Abdul Jawad Zeyada, 26, from Beit Lahya Project in the northern Gaza Strip after he was summoned by the Israeli Intelligence Service at Beit Hanoun crossing. Zeyada was heading to Israel for medical treatment as he was wounded. On Saturday evening, 24 April 2010, Zeyada received a phone call from the medical coordination office of the Ministry of Health asking him to go to Beit Hanoun crossing on Sunday morning, 25 April 2010, to have an interview with Israeli forces. After he went there, he never came back home. At approximately 20:00 of the same day, Zeyada's father received a phone call from IOF informing him that his son was detained in el-Majdal (Ashkelon) prison in Israel.

"For more details, see the reports and press releases published by PCHR on the state of the Gaza Strip's crossings at www.pchrgaza.org."

The West Bank

Israel has imposed a tightened siege on the West Bank. During the reporting period, IOF imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

• Jerusalem: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from the city. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been denied access to the city. Israeli forces have established many checkpoints around and inside the city. Restrictions of the movement of Palestinian civilians often escalate on Fridays, preventing Muslim Palestinians from praying at al-Aqsa Mosque.

• Ramallah: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of the Palestinian civilians in Ramallah. Israeli troops positioned at the Jaba' and Qalandya checkpoints, southeast of Ramallah, have imposed additional restrictions on movement and conducted prolonged checks on Palestinian civilians. During the reporting period, Israeli forces erected a number of temporary checkpoints, and stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles.

• Nablus: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Thursday, 22 April 2010, Israeli troops stationed at Hawara checkpoint, south of Nablus, imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Sunday morning, 25 April 2010, Israeli troops stationed at Za'tara checkpoint, south of Nablus, imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

• Hebron: Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Sunday, 25 April 2010, many military checkpoints were established suddenly at the entrances and intersections of Hebron. Other entrances were completely closed for hours. PCHR's researcher said that IOF had established three checkpoints at the entrances of Doora – al-Tabaqa intersection, al-Rayhiya – al-Fawwar intersection, and Deir Samet town-Beit 'Awwa intersection in the south and southwest of Hebron. A fourth checkpoint was held at Tarqumiya, al- Leiya-Ethna intersection in the northwest of the city. Besides, Israeli forces closed the intersection between the northern entrance of Hebron and Halhoul town, al-Fahes intersection, and the entrance of Bani N'eim town in the south and southeast of Hebron. On Monday, 26 April 2010, Israeli forces closed some areas in Hebron and held three sudden military checkpoints at the intersections of (el-Saheb – el-Tahrir – Nemra – el-Mhawwel) in the south, southwest and east of the city.

Arrests at Military Checkpoints • On Wednesday, 28 April 2010, Israeli troops stationed a checkpoint near the eastern Barta'a village, in the southwest of Jenin, arrested Mohammed Fo'ad Abu 'Abed, 22, from Ya'bed town, in the southwest of the city.

4. Settlement Activities and Attacks by Settlers against Palestinian Civilians and Property

Israel has continued its settlement activities in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

• At noon on Thursday, 22 April 2010, Israeli forces delivered notices to six Palestinian families in the "el-Musafer" area in the south of Yatta town, announcing the demolition of their houses. Israeli forces claimed that these houses were built without obtaining prior permits from the Israeli civil administration.

Head of the Joint Services Council of Yatta, Saber Hussein el-Hareeni, said to PCHR's researcher that the houses targeted of demolition are located in "Sha'b el-Butum" and "Ma'in" areas, which are surrounded by the settlements of " Eva Hal", "Metza Ya'er, and "Sosya" from the eastern and the southeastern sides. These houses include "tents" and plastic "arbors distributed previously by the Joint Council for Services, the Palestinian Hydrology Group and the " Italian Voluntary Group".

These houses belong to the families of: Yusuf Isma'el el-Najjar, Talab Mosa Abdul Fatah el-Najjar, 'Ezzat Gebra'il Abdul Rahman el-Najjar, Mahmoud Mosa el-Najjar, Hatem Mosa Jabareen and Ishaq Mahmoud Ibrahim Jabareen.

• On Thursday, 22 April 2010, some settlers operating a "station for collecting wastewater" used for the settlements of "Gush Etzion" in the far north of Hebron pumped the wastewater to the farms, which belong to tens of Palestinians from Beit Ummar town in the north of Hebron. As a result, approximately 70 dunums of grapes were sunk and damaged.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR and testimony of one of the farmers, 'Oda Ahmed 'Oda Sabarnah, who works as an agricultural engineer, the settlers operating "the station for collecting wastewater" used for the settlements of "Gush Etzion" had intentionally pumped the wastewater to tens of dunums of grape farms located in the northeast of Beit Ummar town. As a result, approximately 70 dunums of grape farms were sunk and damaged. Besides, tens of "stone" fences separating between farms were destroyed. These fences is between 250- 300 meters long.

Sabarnah said that one of the farmers, whose farm was damaged, had called him to inform him of what had happened, due to which, he went with one of his colleagues working in the Ministry of Agriculture to the targeted area in " Shkhid Valley", where he observed tens of dunums sunken with the wastewater. In addition, at approximately 11:00 he saw that two settlers were still pumping the wastewater to the said farms. Sabarna confirmed that grapes in the targeted farms had become unfit for human consumption. It needs human intervention to treat the soil to be arable after two years at least.

Sabarnah added that settlers usually pump part of the wastewater in the said station to the sea, while the other part is treated in t he station to be sued in watering farms in the settlements in that area. He said that the first farm, which was sunken in the wastewater, is two meters away from the station. Most of the farms belong to: Ahmed 'Oda Msallam Sabarnah, Ibrahim 'Oda Msallam Sabarnah, Mahmoud 'Oda Msallam Sabarbah, Mohammed 'Oda Msallam Sabarnah, Ahmed Abdul Qader Mohammed Sabarnah, Shhadah Abdul Fatah Sabarnah, Shehdah Abdul Fatah Sabarnah, Ali Sa'eed Hassan Sabarnah, Mohammed Hussein Mansour Sabarnah, Khalil Saber Mostafa Sabarnah, Mostafa Saber Mostafa Sabarnah, Mohammed Saber Mostafa Sabarnah, and Isma'el Saber Mostafa Sabarnah.

At approximately 10:00, on Friday 23 April 2010, a group of settlers uprooted 20 olive trees in Qana Valley in the west of Deir Estiya town in the northwest of Selfeet. These trees belong to Qasem Naser Mansour and they are located in Kafet el-'Amoud area.

Eyewitnesses said that a group of settlers had polluted the pool of 'Ein el-Basah through throwing bottles inside it. In the meanwhile, four settlers tried to attack the sons of Jihad Khaled Mansour: Fatema, 16, and Waheeb, 14, when they were helping their father in gathering the orange and lemon in the said area. The settlers expelled them; however, the father defended them and throw stones on the settlers until they got out of the area. It should be noted that the two children were not harmed.

Recommendations to the International Community

1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. PCHR believes that the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international community has encouraged Israel to act as if it is above the law and encourages Israel continue to violate international human rights and humanitarian law.

2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPT and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with their legal obligations detailed in Article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

4. PCHR calls for the immediate implementation of the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice, which considers the construction of the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank illegal.

5. PCHR recommends that international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs, participate in the process of exposing those accused of grave breaches of international law and urge their governments to bring the perpetrators to justice.

6. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT.

7. PCHR calls on the international community to recognize the Gaza disengagement plan, which was implemented in September 2005, for what it is - not an end to occupation but a compounding of the occupation and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including the facilitation of family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPT and to demand Israel end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

10. PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the OPT.

11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace process or agreement must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.