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Let It Go (Frozen) Name(s): ______(RR) Retrieval and Recording Date: ______

1.) What three similes are used in the song?




2.) What does she believe she always has to be?


3.) What does she not care about?


4.) What verb is used to describe the storm?


5.) What makes everything seem small?


6.) What three things does she say it is time to do?


7.) Which line uses two examples of alliteration?


8.) What never bothered her anyway?


9.) Who does she say ‘has gone’ by the end of the song?


Extension – Come up with your own retrieval and recording (RR) questions.

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Let It Go (Frozen) Name(s): ______(CC) Context Clues Date: ______1.) What do you think the word isolation means? a.) to be left without food and water b.) to be left in a detention c.) to be left alone d.) to be left in the cold

What key word(s) in the text helped you answer this question?


2.) What do you think the word flurries means? a.) a type of sugary ice-cream b.) flying higher and higher c.) someone hurrying or being quick d.) a swirling mass moved by a sudden gust of wind

What key word(s) in the text helped you answer this question?


3.) What do you think the word conceal means? a.) hide b.) show c.) shout d.) run

What key word(s) in the text helped you answer this question?


4.) What do you think the word fractals means? a.) broken snowflakes b.) fractions of numbers c.) a type of crystal formed through extreme pressure d.) a never-ending mathematical pattern often seen in nature

What key word(s) helped you answer this question?


Extension – Write a sentence of your own for each word Page 39 of 67

Let It Go (Frozen) Name(s): ______(INF) Inference Date: ______

1.) What does ‘Not a footprint to be seen’ suggest about the mountain?



2.) Explain what ‘A kingdom of isolation’ and it looks like I’m the queen’ suggests about how she feels?



3.) How does distance make everything seem small? What is she referring to?



4.) What could ‘the storm’ be a metaphor for?




5.) What does line ‘The past is the past!’ suggest about what she thinks now?




6.) Explain what you think the phrase ‘Let it go’ means and why.




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Let It Go (Frozen) Name(s): ______Assessment Date: ______

1.) What word(s) best describes what the song is about? Code (1) Answer (1) RR CC INF S a.) being afraid to use your powers b.) not being afraid to use your powers c.) having powers is fun d.) not having any powers is upsetting

2.) Find and copy the line which suggests she has lost control of her behaviour. Code (1) Answer (1) RR CC INF S


3.) Although she is fine with showing off her powers, which line suggests she does Code (1) Answer (2) still cares what people think of her? Explain your answer. RR CC INF S


4.) What does she think is funny? RR CC INF S Code (1) Answer (1)


5.) Circle the antonym for ‘spiralling’. Code (1) Answer (1) RR CC INF S a.) reversing b.) going anti-clockwise c.) going up d.) continually decreasing

6.) What do you think the word limits means? RR CC INF S Code (1) Answer (1) a.) a point which cannot be passed b.) the middle of something c.) the beginning d.) another word for powers

7.) What does the line ‘Let the storm rage on’ suggest about what Code (1) Answer (1) she will do next? RR CC INF S




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Let It Go (Frozen) Answers

Retrieval and Recording

1. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside / one thought crystalizes like an icy blast / I’ll rise the break of dawn 2. a good girl 3. what they are going to say 4. rage 5. some distance 6. see what she can do, test the limits and break through 7. My soul is spiralling in frozen fractals all around 8. the cold 9. the perfect girl

Context Clues

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. d

Inference (answers may vary)

1. It suggests that nobody has been there for a long time.

2. The kingdom of isolation suggests her entire life or world is now alone. The fact that she sees herself as the ‘queen’ of this kingdom tells us that must feel more alone or the most alone compared to all other people.

3. She is referring to her problems and she means that having distance from them makes them appear less important because she has time to think and see that she is actually okay.

4. It means she doesn’t care what people thinks and that anger and emotion will continue inside her.

5. She is ready to move on and think of the future. She is leaving her past behind her and not worrying about what has happened, only what lies ahead.

6. Answers may vary.


1. S - b 2. INF – Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I’ve tried 3. INF – ‘You won’t see me cry’ tells us she will be crying but doesn’t want anyone to see. 4. RR - how some distance makes everything seem small 5. CC - d 6. CC- a 7. RR – use her powers

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