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FRIDAY, 23 JUNE, 1911:

INVESTITURE OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF with the Ensigns of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.

At the Court at Windsor Castle, Saturday, Earl Carrington, the Earl of Crewe, the June 10, 1911. Marquess of , the Earl of Dur- ham., the _• Earl:, of Selborne, and the Earl of A Chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Minto, attended by the undermentioned Garter having been summoned for this day, Officers of the Order, in their mantles, chains the following Knights Companions, in their and'badges, viz.:—The Bishop of Winchester, mantles and collars, assembled in the Waterloo Prelate; the Bishop of Oxford, Chancellor; Chamber at 11.45 a.m., viz.:—The Marquess the Dean of Windsor, Register; Sir Alfred of , the Duke of Norfolk, the Scott ScotfrGatty, Knight, C.V.O., Garter , the Earl Cadogan, Principal King of Arms; Admiral Sir Henry the Duke of Abercorn, the Earl of Rosebery, Frederick Stephenson, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., the Marquess of Breadalbane, the Duke Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod; and of Buccleuch, the Earl of Elgin, the Duke» Colonel Sir Douglas Frederick Rawdon of Northumberland, the Duke of Portland, Dawson, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., Secretary. the Earl Roberts, the Duke of Bedford, The Knights Companions and the Officers the Duke of Marlborough, the Duke of of the Order were marshalled by the Officers of Wellington, the Duke of Richmond, the Arms as follows: — Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod. The Secretary. The Register. The Prelate. The Chancellor. The Knights Companions: The Duke of Norfolk. The . The Earl Cadogan.' The Marquess of Londonderry. The Earl of Rosebery. The Duke.of-Abercoru.