The Black Range, 05-04-1883
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-4-1883 The lB ack Range, 05-04-1883 Black Range Print Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Black Range Print Co.. "The lB ack Range, 05-04-1883." (1883). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Black Range, 1882-1897 (Socorro County) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'ft-- JLJ f DEVOTED TO THE MINING INTERESTS OF THE BLACK RANGE COUNTRY. VOL. II. CHLORIDE, SOCORRO COUNTY, N. M., FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1883. NO. 4. MEW TO MEN TO PATRONIZE. FATKONIZK. y NEWS AND COMMENTS. BLACK RANGE MINES. mainder is being brought down as rap-Idl- rocks, is no way detrimental to the cy C.W. Fox, D. H.Wcngkk, as possible. As soon as the ore and valne of the property. toa. can Socorro. Oral Ileavy rains are doing much damage An Unprejudiced Opinion Con- be all brought will be Tbe mineral currents which deposited HERLOW'S HOTEL, to railroads and. farms in North Caro freighted to Engle and a shipment of the ore, have invaribably left well de- Fox & Wenger, . cerning Some of them lina and Georgia. several car loads inado.-whlc- h it is an- fined traces of their passages, and the Counselors-at-Law- , ticipated will run $300 to the ton. slightest In working Attorneys and A late frost has greatly damaged the About two miles west of Chloride, up care the mine will peach Near the Silver Monument Is the always permit following NOTARIES PUBLIC, buds of the north and the tobacco the gulch of the same name.are the Wail the; of these Santa Fe, N. M. plants of Black Knight, a lode of similar charac- indications, and invariably lead ex- Otncrat, Fiuancial, Collecting, Mining and Keal the south. Street Jigs, l and 3 properties. Tbe Agents. teristics, opened by a seventy foot shaft. ploration work to the iiext succeeding batata There will be a total eclipse of tbe vein on which these locations are made, This property shows from six to twenty chamber of ore. This being the case Principal OQlce, Branch Office, sun next Sunday, but it can not be no has a northwest course, with a slight inches of ore, also of quite high grade. the entire wealth of the property can SOCORRO.N.M. GRAFTON.N.M, ticed on this side of the earth. dip to the southward. The vein mat- Headquarters for Mining Men. The Black Knight is owned by Mr. J. be disclosed aud worked, is lo- out with as The wife of General McKenzie died ter quartz, and the vein itself is II. " Careful attention Riven to Mining and all Magner. much certainty as the ore chimneys of at her home in Santa Fe on 27th ult. cated between trachyte on the south- other cases In the Federal and Territorial the Several miles south of Chloride is the fissure veins? The cost of extraction age wad sixty-eigh- t west aud porphyry on the east. - Both Courts, and Abstracts furnished upon short Her years. Pye lode, sec- This well-know- Hotel the first discovered m this is also lessened In this character of ore notice. has recently been properties are idle at present' enlarged, refurnished and fitted up to meet The striking cowboys on the panhan- tion, and readily traced four or five deposits, and taken on the whole The Wall Street No. 1 belongs to the the first-clas- s dle C. the demands of tbe times, and is of Texas have burned the ranges of miles, The veiu ranges in width from ore is fully as desirable as fissure veins. BURT D. MASON, E. In every Ivanhoe company, and has a record, so particular. Gunter & Monson and Sanborn. one to twenty feet. It Is located at the The ore of the Cuchillo Negro begins Mining nien front every part of the conn-tr- y the reporter was informed of a produc U. S. few contact of the limestone with por- at the very Deputy Mineral Surveyor, from the City of Mexico to Fort Benson, A turns of the impression screws tion of eighteen or tweuty tons of ore. the surface, and continues Montana, can be found at on the press of the Lake Valley Herald phyry, and on Its line mauy promising downward the entire distance of the Surreys for Patent and Ranch Work this house. which netted about per ton! It is would make paper and Kings- prospects have been opened. Among workings showing specialty. that the developed by a tunnel 130 feet in lengUiJ seemingly Btronger ton Tribune the locations made are the Tidal AVave, and better P. F. HERLOW, Propr. readable. ana several minor surjx opening. nearest the surface of tha j Midnight King Nos. 1 aud 2, Way Up, incline One of the sources of amusement The loction of the WaV YVt shows than anywhere else. The ore Highland Chief, Silver Prince, Lost curries copper as and profit at the Tewksbury almshouse a massive cropping forming carbonates, oxides and CHAS. F. WINTERS, c neir and others. The ore is mainly some glance. in Massachusetts, was the tanning of quite a cliff on the tivuJHain'a, side, It also averages twelve SIERRA HOTEL silver bearing, although sometimes con- to fifteen per cent, in lead, and forty human skins for various doctors and which is stated to all run about twenty-fiv- e taining copper, lead and Iron in small ounces of to Assayer and Chemist, students. dollars to the ton in silver. silver the ton. The lead quantities. The predominating char- ores are found occurring mostly ga- 'fhe president has appointed R. D. The Wall Street No. 2 Is owned by in acter of the precious metal is horn sil- lena, although sulphates and carbon- Chloride. N. M. Lake Valley City, N. M. Randolph Keim, of Pennsylvania, as McAulay and and others, aud Is an ex- ver, together witli sulphureU and sul- ates are also found. About fifty tons chief examiner, and W. W. White of tension of the No. 1 lode. A shaft phides of silver. Few of the proper- of ore were on the dump at the mine, W. H. A. Atlanta, Ga. as clerkof the civil service down ninety-Qv- e feet discloses eight to Tritmhor, Geo. Bbebb, ties have any considerable amount of and about seventy tons U. S. Mineral JUop't Bur. Notary Public. commission. twelve inches of quartz carrying silver were stacked work done upon them, yet contain up at company's Fair-vie- as chlorides and sulphides scattered the works near TRUMBOR & BEEBE, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS FOR The AlbuquerqueReview is authority enough exploration work to prove their through the pores and cleavages' of the TRAVELLERS. for the statement that there is no cash value as undoubtful prospects, with Like most experimental enterprises & quartz. Surveyors Real Estate Brokers in the territorial treasury and that as every indication of developing into of this character, the Black On the same vein, on the south side Range a consequence the price of county war- good mines under careful and well di- Mining and Milling company, own- CHLORIDE. N. M. of the gulch, is the Apache, a location rants is declining. rected work. ing the Cuchillo Negro showing a twelve foot vein, consisting mine, have Bes A second cyclone visited Mississippi It is claimed by a number of the resi- been guilty of numerous L. M. BROWN, Table the tha he Market of quartz, carrying copper and silver. erroneous on the 25th of April, doing much dam- dents ot Chloride a mill con- movements, prominent among Affords. The vein is opened by an eighty foot that with which U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, age in Simpson and adjoining counties. centrating works attached, would do was the premature erection of a small e, shaft, and shows a contact between Ten persons were killed at Harrison-vill- well In that camp. The prospectors are smelter for the reduction of copper ores, SOCORRO, N. M. trachyte and porphyry, as already des- and seven at Morton. short of funds with which to carry on and location cribed in the Wall Street lodes. The for the same, Patent Surveys a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. A dispatch from El Paso says that their work, and are anxious to find a being situated at a place Apache is owned by James P. Wain and where it is the quantity of inacliinerypassing market for the of their ores necessary to the ore Cu- into others. sale that haul over the Alfred Mookk. J. M shaw, Mexico from the United States is enor- would net them a better profit than is chillo Negro range, and increasing by tiotHiy Public. Continuing southward in the same mous. Chicago is shipping large quan- realized from shipments to Pueblo or six or eight miles the distance from the MOORE & SHAW, EGGER general direction, tho Adirondack is JOHN tities to Chihuahua and Parral. Denver. Tho cost of hauling ore to railroad to the smelter, when might reached, located near the top of the it ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Engle is great, and added to this amount, as well have been placed nearly a dozen Manufacturer of and Wholesale Some miscreant tore up a rail from mountain. On reaching this property M. $8 to $12 railroad freight, and the cost mile3 nearer a shippiug pont with all SOCORRO.