Yesvision™ User Manual

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Yesvision™ User Manual YesVision™ User Manual Version 2.7 For YTV Series AOI Systems Copyright© 2003-2007 All rights reserved YESTech Inc. 1317 Calle Avanzado, San Clemente, CA 92673 Tel: (949) 361 2714 Fax: (949) 361 2724 Website: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by means of electronics, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of YESTech Inc. Table of Content 1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Automated Optical Inspection............................................................................ 1 1.2 YESTech AOI Systems....................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 System Block Diagram for YTV-F1........................................................... 3 1.2.2 System Block Diagram for YTV-B3 .......................................................... 4 1.3 YESTech Automated X-ray Inspection System ................................................. 5 1.3.1 System Block Diagram for YTX-6000....................................................... 6 1.4 System Software................................................................................................. 7 2 YTV-F1 Unpacking and Installation .......................................................................... 8 2.1 Unpack ................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Remove Shipping Bracket .................................................................................. 8 2.3 Connect the Machine.......................................................................................... 8 2.4 Power On............................................................................................................ 8 2.5 Verify Calibration............................................................................................... 9 3 YTV-B3 Unpacking and Installation........................................................................ 10 3.1 Unpack .............................................................................................................. 10 3.2 Install Computer and LCD Monitor.................................................................. 10 3.3 Connect the Machine........................................................................................ 10 3.4 Power On.......................................................................................................... 11 3.5 Verify Calibration............................................................................................. 11 4 YTX-6000 Unpacking and Installation..................................................................... 12 4.1 Unpack .............................................................................................................. 12 4.2 Remove Shipping Bracket ................................................................................ 12 4.3 Install the LCD Monitor.................................................................................... 12 4.4 Install the X-ray Tube ....................................................................................... 13 4.5 Connect the Machine........................................................................................ 13 4.6 Power On.......................................................................................................... 13 4.7 Verify Calibration............................................................................................. 14 5 User Interface Basics ................................................................................................ 15 5.1 Login................................................................................................................. 15 5.2 Video View....................................................................................................... 16 5.3 Map View.......................................................................................................... 18 5.4 List View........................................................................................................... 18 5.5 Main Menu........................................................................................................ 19 5.6 Tool Bar............................................................................................................ 20 5.7 Status View....................................................................................................... 22 6 Inspection and Defect Review Step by Step............................................................. 23 6.1 Step1: Load the Recipe ..................................................................................... 23 6.2 Step2: Run the Inspection ................................................................................. 23 6.3 Step3: Review the Defect.................................................................................. 27 6.4 Step4: Preview and Print out defect Report...................................................... 29 6.5 User Practice..................................................................................................... 30 7 Recipe Creation Step by Step ................................................................................... 31 7.1 Step1: Prepare CAD data.................................................................................. 31 7.2 Step2: Define New Board Parameters .............................................................. 34 7.3 Step3: Import CAD data ................................................................................... 35 7.4 Step4: Fine-Tune the Inspection Parameters .................................................... 38 7.5 User Practice..................................................................................................... 38 7.6 SmartCAD......................................................................................................... 39 8 Train Part without CAD data .................................................................................... 41 8.1 Auto Repeat Mode and Quick Marking Check................................................. 43 9 SMEMA Conveyor Setup......................................................................................... 45 10 AOI Inspection Methodology ............................................................................... 48 10.1 Preprocessing .................................................................................................... 48 10.2 Mark Inspection................................................................................................ 49 10.3 Lead Bank Inspection ....................................................................................... 56 10.3.1 Detecting Lifted Lead Tip......................................................................... 59 10.4 Solder Inspection.............................................................................................. 62 10.5 Color Banded Resistor Inspection .................................................................... 65 10.6 Through Hole Solder Inspection....................................................................... 71 10.6.1 Solder Blob Analysis................................................................................ 73 10.6.2 PTH Solder Analysis................................................................................. 73 10.7 OCR .................................................................................................................. 74 10.8 Inspection with Side Angle Camera ................................................................. 77 10.9 Fusion Lighting................................................................................................. 81 10.9.1 Introduction............................................................................................... 81 10.9.2 Setting Light Presets ................................................................................. 81 10.9.3 Color Filter................................................................................................ 83 10.9.4 Creating Recipe Using RGB Light ........................................................... 83 11 X-Ray Inspection Methodology (for BGA Device).............................................. 84 11.1 Preprocessing .................................................................................................... 84 11.2 Lead Bank Inspection ....................................................................................... 85 11.3 Solder Inspection.............................................................................................. 88 11.4 Steps to Create a New BGA Package ............................................................... 89 12 Part List and Part Libraries ................................................................................... 91 12.1 Part List............................................................................................................. 91 12.2 Selected Part List .............................................................................................. 91 12.3 Part Number Library......................................................................................... 92 12.4 Central Library.................................................................................................
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