Razi Qudrat Book – Final V1 – Unequivocal

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Razi Qudrat Book – Final V1 – Unequivocal An Unequivocal Clarification Exposing Anti Ahmadiyya The Messiah Has Come By Raziullah Noman 2019 Publication Disclaimer: This book has been published under the author’s personal capacity. Please note that this publication does not represent the official views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at, and is a personal publication. All of the mistakes, errors, or incorrect references, are the responsibility of the author, and the author alone. This book has been dedicated to the profound blessings of Khilafat. CONTENTS FRONT MATTER CONTENTS ....................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER ONE About the Book ................................................ 1 CHAPTER TWO A Short Note ..................................................... 2 CHAPTER THREE The Emergence of the True Islam, Ahmadiyyat .......................................................................................... 4 Animosity Towards the Muslims? ............................................. 12 He Declared Jihad to be Invalid? ............................................... 12 CHAPTER FOUR The Principles of Ahmadiyya and Our Beliefs .................................................................................................. 18 Ahmadis Deny that Muhammad bin Abdillah is the Seal of Prophets? ....................................................................................... 18 Ahmadis Deny that Jesusas was Born Without a Father? ....... 20 Ahmadis Deny that Jesusas was raised to the Heavens? ........ 21 Ahmadis Deny the Miracles of the Prophets? ......................... 25 Ahmadis Claim that Jihad has Been Abrogated? ..................... 26 Ahmadis Claim that Ghulam Ahmad is the Awaited Mahdi? ......................................................................................................... 26 They Have Animosity and Enmity Towards the Muslims? ... 26 CHAPTER FIVE Previous False Claimants to Prophethood . 27 Miracles .......................................................................................... 31 Miracles of Hazrat Ahmadas ....................................................... 38 CHAPTER SIX “Erroneous”, “Malicious” Claims of the Promised Messiah? ........................................................................... 53 He Claimed to be a Prophet and the Awaited Messiah ......... 53 He Claimed to be the Reason His Village was Protected from Plague ............................................................................................. 54 He Claimed That He was Impregnated with Jesus? ............... 56 He Claimed That He is Maryam Bint Imran ........................... 66 He Claimed That He was the Son of Allah? ............................ 68 He Claimed That He is Allah? .................................................... 69 He Claimed That He is the Intermediary Between Allah and the Creation? ................................................................................. 74 Dream that He is God? ............................................................... 74 He Claimed That Numerous Qur'anic Verses were Sent Down to Him ................................................................................ 79 Do Ahmadi Muslims Mock the Companions? ........................ 86 Resembling the Jews .................................................................... 87 Lies Against Allah? ....................................................................... 91 You are to Me as My son ........................................................ 92 He Claimed that His Homeland of Qadian is Greater than Mecca and Medina? ...................................................................... 98 He Claimed that His Hajj is Performed in His Homeland of Qadian .......................................................................................... 103 CHAPTER SEVEN Glorification and Praise of England? ... 104 CHAPTER EIGHT Hazrat Muhammadsa, the Final Prophet? ............................................................................................................ 111 Context of Khataman Nabiyyin ............................................... 111 True Meaning of Khatam ......................................................... 119 Possible Meanings of Khataman Nabiyyin ............................ 121 Khatam and Khatim .................................................................. 124 How does the Qur'an Interpret Khataman Nabiyyin? ......... 131 The Coming of Messengers ................................................. 132 A Blessing for this Ummah .................................................. 135 The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi .......................... 140 The Promised Testifier ......................................................... 142 The Covenant of the Prophets ............................................ 143 A Bright Lamp ....................................................................... 144 The Law of Allah ................................................................... 145 Prophets and Punishment .................................................... 147 A Prophet for the Revival of Islam .................................... 148 Durood Sharif ........................................................................ 151 How Did the Prophet Muhammadsa Understand Khataman Nabiyyin? ..................................................................................... 152 Latter Day Messiah Called a Prophet Four Times ........... 152 No Prophet Between Me and Him ..................................... 153 A Prophet, A Messenger, and A Khalifa ........................... 153 Had Ibrahim Lived... ............................................................. 155 Seal of Prophets from Before the Time of Adam ............ 155 Hazrat Alira Called the Seal of Saints .................................. 156 Hazrat Abbasra Called the Seal of Saints ............................ 156 My Mosque is the Last of the Mosques ............................. 157 How Did the Companions Understand Khataman Nabiyyin? ....................................................................................................... 159 The Mother of the Believers and Two Consensuses ....... 159 Incident of Hazrat Alira ......................................................... 164 How Did the Scholars Understand Khataman Nabiyyin? ... 165 How Have the Arabs Used the Title Khatam? ...................... 171 Excuse: Hazrat Isaas was an Old Prophet ............................... 172 Difference in Nabi and Rasul ................................................... 181 Misquoted Ahadith..................................................................... 183 “I am That Brick” .................................................................. 184 Prophets Are Sealed by Me .................................................. 185 Al Aqib .................................................................................... 186 CHAPTER NINE The Ruling on the 'Qadiani' Ahmadiyya Sect?................................................................................................... 189 What is the True Definition of a Muslim? ............................. 189 CHAPTER TEN Resolution from the Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy of Mecca ................................................................ 193 Literal Fulfilment of A Prophecy - The Real Fatwa ............. 194 TRANSLATOR'S APPENDIX ................................................... 195 APPENDIX ONE - BELIEFS OF KUFR ............................... 196 Additional Beliefs of Kufr from the Ahmadiyya Sect? ........ 197 Describes Allah with Imperfection? ........................................ 197 Allah Prays, Fasts, Wakes Up And Sleeps? ............................ 197 Allah Makes Mistakes? ............................................................... 208 He Claimed that Allah Was British? ........................................ 210 He Claimed that a Hindu Deity was a Prophet? ................... 211 He Claimed that He is Better than the Prophet Adamas ...... 217 He Claimed that He is Better than the Prophet Nuhas ......... 217 He Claimed that He is Better than the Prophet Isaas............ 218 APPENDIX TWO - FAILED PROPHECIES? ...................... 222 The Plague Ravages His Village and Home Despite His Claims of Protection .................................................................. 222 Hazrat Ahmadas Lost a Debate Against a Christian? ............ 226 Unfulfilled Prophecy after Marriage Rejection? .................... 232 Words on Both Prophecies: Atham and Ahmad Baig ......... 238 APPENDIX THREE- THE NOBLE DEATH OF HAZRAT AHMADAS ....................................................................................... 240 Maulana Sanaullah of Amritsar ................................................ 271 LOVE FOR THE PROPHET MUHAMMADSA - WHO ARE YOU MOCKING? ........................................................................ 278 AN UNEQUIVOCAL CLARIFCATION EXPOSING ANTI AHMADIYYA ABOUT THE AUTHOR My name is Raziullah Noman and I am an Ahmadi Muslim. There is nothing I want to say about myself other than that I am a follower of The Seal of the Prophets, Hazrat Muhammadsa and his Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. In this section, I will introduce Hazrat Ahmadas Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas was born in 1835 in Qadian, India. From his early life, he dedicated himself to prayer and the study of the Holy Quran and other scriptures. He was deeply pained to observe the plight of Islam, which was being attacked from all directions. In
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