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VOL. 37 | NO.233 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Lt Governor addresses Valedictory session of International Symposium on Three LeT militants killed in “Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh: Development Dynamics and Future Trajectories” encounter J-K's Baramulla 5C@9D53?E>DBI5=5B79>71CD8561CD5CD7B?G9>753?>?=I!"PC45F5DG1C 89>45B54D8B?E781BD969391<21BB95BC#    7B?GD85>F9B?>=5>D1<CEC D19>129<9DI1>4C?391<9>31>D ?F5B>?B C9?> G5B53?=@<5D5?:*9>81D?41I144B5CC54 9>7 )579?>1< 1C@9B1D9?>C D85 F1<5493D?BI C5CC9?> ?6 G5B5>57<53D541>4133E=E >D5B>1D9?>1<*I=@?C9E=?> <1D9?>?67B?GD881@@5>541D M!1==E "1C8=9B 1>4 D85 81>4C ?6 1 65G 85 #141;8 5F5D 14454 *@51;9>7?>D85DB1>C I>1=93C 1>4 EDEB5 6?B=1D9?> D1;9>7 @<135 9> +B1:53D?B95CN +85 DG? 41I !" D85 #D ?F5B>?B ?2 7CI=@?C9E=G1C?B71>   @?<935?669391<C194 5C194D85C51B38 C5BF54D81DD859=@<5=5>D1 /', % / 2% 9J542I*G1=9-9F5;1>1>41 ?@5B1D9?> DEB>54 9>D? 1> 5>3?E>D5B D9?> 6B1=5G?B; 21C54 ?> 51B +E5C41I 1C D85 =9<9D1>DC EDB5=21CCI?6 * *@554 669395>3I +8B55 #1C8;1B 5 +1921 =9<9D1>DC >491 *5?E< )5@E2<93 ?6 ?@5>5469B51DD85C53EB9DI6?B35C@?C9 6653D9F5>5CC 1>4 5<9F5BI G5B5;9<<549>1>5>3?E>D5BG9D8C53E D9?>C +8B55ED855H "?B519>3?<<12?B1D9?>G9D8 81C 85<@54 9> 3B51D9>7 1 B9DI 6?B35C 9> 1B1=E<<1 49CDB93D ?6 381>75?669B9>7G9D8C53EB9DI6?B35C >491> ?E>39< ?6 ED1>4@B?C@5B9DI =?BD1< ?B71>93 3?=@?C9D5 ?F5B>?B 5C@9D5D853?E> B?14=1@D?13895F5CECD19> !1==E1>4"1C8=9B?>+E5C41ID1; D85?669391<C194 )5<1D9?>C >CD9DED5 ?6 1CD D85 #D ?F5B>?B ?2C5BF54 >491>3EC5?6 DBI 5=5B79>7 1C D85 61CD5CD 12<57B?GD8 >=I?F5B1B38 9>7D85>E=25B?6ED85 +85C<19>D5BB?B9CDCG5B5945>D96954 1>4 .5CD *DE495C /?>C59 D81D!"PC45F5D1>4 3?85C9?>D81DG5C55D?41I9C 7B?G9>7 53?>?=I 45F57@?<9395C6?B>5G!1==E F1<<5I9>D85@1CD 8?EBCD?69F5@? 1C 19C1< 1I1J )1=55J 8=14 ,>9F5BC9DI >491 7B?GD8 =?45< B5F?96931>DDB92ED9>7D? =5>D1<C@5541>4C@B5149> "1C8=9B@B9?B9D95C1B53<51B <935C194 *53EB9DI6?B35C<1E>38541 1>1952?D8B5C945>DC?6*8?@91>1>4 ?E>41D9?> 1>4 !1==E 1B?E>4  'C '5135 5AE9D12<5 ?@@?BDE>9DI 1>4 !"G5B589>45B54D8B?E78 49CDB92ED54 7B?GD8 =?45< 3?B4?> 1>4 C51B38 ?@5B1D9?> 1D 8E<1=$ECD161*859;81B5C945>D?6 "1C8=9B *DE4I 'B?7B5CC 'B?C@5B9DI 1>4 CDB5>7D85>9>79>D57B1D5413 1BD969391<21BB95BC +85D8B55 25DD5B851 *?@?B5 1B51 <1D5 ?> +5;9@EB1 9> "E@G1B1 49CDB93D 85 5>DB5 *81B9>7!1==E1>4 '5?@<5 9BCD 3?E>D12<5 1>4 DB1>C@1B5>D 49=5>C9?>C?6CECD19>12<545 I?ED8@?@E<1D9?> $?>41I>978D6?<79>6?B=1D9?> C194 +85?669391<C194D85DB9?G1C "1C8=9BPC :?EB>5I D?G1B4C !"9C1>5H1=@<5?69= 7?F5B>1>35 C194 D85 #D F5D 53?>?=93 $$1-3$/,-/-,. %$ 12?EDD85@B5C5>35?6=9<9D1>DCD85B51 $$&/$$$-,. %$

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D85 ,% 9> 1>4D85B978DC?6=9>?B9 $$-.$'12 1'-,-,. %$ Glimpses of Future 2 Obituary JAMMU wednesdAy AUgUst 25, 2021 CHOUBARSI OBITUARY OBITUARY OBITUARY With profound grief and sorrow,we With profound grief and sor - Four years have passed With profound grief and sor - regret to inform the saddemise of row, we inform the sad de - row, we inform the sad and - since you left for journey to - Smt. Kishni Raina (Pyari) W/o Sh. mise of our beloved Sh. sudden demise of my heaven. We feel your ab - Avtar Krishan Raina, D/o Late Sh. beloved mother Smt. Rani sence every where every S.N. Dulloo, original resident of Kani Bharat Bhushan Sathoo S/o Koul W/o Late Sh. Jagar moment.Choubarsi of our Kadal, Srinagar left for heavenly Lt. Sh. Madhusudan Sathoo Nath Koul resident of abode on 17/08/2021 ather resi - R/o H. No 953, Lane No. 14, beloved Late Sh Kedar Nath Sh Kedar Nath dence 1/11,Vikas Nagar, Sarwal, Smy Kishni Sh. Bharat Palhallan Pattan, Tehsil Smt. Rani Koul Oberoi S/o Late Sh Mela Subash Nagar, Jammu who Pattan, Distt. Baramulla atp - Oberoi Jammu Tenth Day Kriya will be per - Raina Bhushan Sathoo Ram will be performed at our formed at Muthi Ghat on 26/08/21 at left for heavenly abode on resent Nanak Vihar, Lower residence H.No. 481 Jullaka 8:30 AM, near Directorate of School 18/08/2021 Wednesday ear - Muthi, Jammu left for her - Education, Jammu. ly morning 1:50 AM. Tenth heavenly abode on 19-8- Mohalla, Jammu IN GRIEF: on25/8/2021(Wednesday) at Day will be performed on 2021.Tenth Day will be per - Sh. Avtar Krishan Raina (Husband) formed at Dreamcity, Muthi, 26th of August, 2021 Muthi 12 Noon. (Sisters-in-law and Brothers-in-law) nearShamshan Ghat on 28- GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. KaushalyaKoul W/o Late Sh. P.N. Koul Camp Ghat at 9.00 AM. 08-2021 at 8.00 am. Son & Daughter-in-Law Smt. Purnima Koul and Shri K. L. Koul GRIEF STRICKEN:- Daughter- in- law and Son: GRIEF STRICKEN Sh Mohit Oberoi & Smt Mukti Oberoi Smt. Nirmala Raina and Sh. M. L. Raina Pushpanjali - Wife Daughter & Son-in-law Daughter & Son-in-Law Smt. Sushma Koul and Sh. P.N.Koul Achint Sathoo - Son Smt. Meena Koul& Sh. Ravi Jee Raina Sh Gulshan Nishchal &Smt Divya Nishchal Smt. Sonali Koul and Sh. Narinder Koul Udipta Sathoo - Daughter Sh. Manohar Nath Bhat - Son-in-law Smt Chanchla Devi - Sister-in-Law Smt. Niharika Raina and Sh. Amit Raina Smt Ranjana Ji & Sh Satish Sathu - Smt. MakhniKoul- Daughter-in-law Daughter and Son-in-law: Sh Ram Nath Oberoi & Smt Tripta Oberoi - Sister-in-Law & Brother Smt. & Sh. Ashok Koul- Son & Daughter-in-law Smt. Urmila Sadh and Sh.Susheel Sadh Smt. Rekha Ji Koul- Daughter-in-law Brother & Sister-in-Law Smt. Sunita Koul W/o Late Sh. VeerjiKoul Smt Pinky Sathu & Sh Rajender Sathu - Radhika, Madhav, Lovish&Daivik- Grand Children Smt. Vijay Koul-Daughter-in-law Smt. Sunita Trisal and Sh. Vinod Trisal Sister-in-Law & Brother Smt. & Sh. Bittu Ji - Son & Daughter-in-law Contact No: 9796018699, 9858208117 Smt. Anita Bhan and Sh. B S Bhan Smt Vijay Talashi - Sister Smt. Jyoti Bhat and Sh. Satish Bhat Smt. & Sh. Shadi Lal - Son & Daughter-in-law Smt. Nidhi Raina and Sh. Avinash Raina Smt Vitty & Sumit - Sister & Brother-in-Law Grand Children:-Vishal, Varsha & Aryan Grand Children: Mandakini, Dheeraj, Mallika, Cont : 7889766462, 9796626398 Contact No: Meena Koul- 7889401523, Ravi Pamposh, Anisha, Varnika, Mona, Ashutosh, Vaibhav, Jee Raina - 7006659908, 8713056905 CHOUBARSI Akanksha, Ankit, Krrish, Saee, Posh, Nysa, Inaya, Manohar Nath Bhat – 8825034368 Four years have passed Ryan. since you left us on10th Deeply Missed by Samasth Parviar of: BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS Raina, Koul, Trisal, Bhan, Bhat, Warikoo, Dulloo, Aug 2017 for heavenly Bakshi, Dhar, Sher, Moza, Taku With profound grief and sor - OBITUARY abode. Yoursweet memo - row, we inform the sad - With profound grief we inti - ries are always with us and demise of our beloved S. mate theuntimely demise of soare your blessings. Sh Shiv OBITUARY Parvinder Singh Dutta (Rtd. Sarla Raina (Guddi) W/o AE) S/o S. Gunwant Singh Choubarsi of my son Lt Sh Bhushan With profound grief and sorrow, Kakaji Raina, R/o Udaiwalla, Dutta R/o Sanat Nagar, Shiv Bhushan Rattan Paul Rattan Paul we informthe sad and untimely S. Parvinder who left to attain mokshapad - vi in Pune on 18/08/21 at A- (Post Master) S/o Smt demise of ourbeloved father Sh Srinagar at present H.No. 35, Singh Dutta Jawahar Lal Kendhari S/o Late Sector 12, Nanak Nagar, 404,Revell Orchid, Porwal Sarla Raina Vimla Devi & Lt Sh Kashmir Jammu, who expired on Road, Lohegaon, Pune- Chand Rattan Paul will be Shamboo Nath Kendhari R/o (Guddi) Batapora, Shopian today on 22/08/2021. Programme. 411047.10th Day Kriya will performed at our residence 19.8.2021 (Thursday).Tenth Arambh Sri Akhand Path be performed at Alandi Ghat, Sh Jawahar Lal Pune on 26/08/21. Village Tolla (near ITI) Govt Day will be performed on Sahib at our residenceon Kendhari GRIEF STRICKEN:- Degree College Road 28.08.2021 (Saturday) at Muthi 27/08/2021 at 9 AM (Friday). Ghat at 8:30 AM All kith & kin Basholi from 12.30PM to Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib 9419241659, 8080214203 1.00 PM Wednesday 25th GRIEF STRICKEN : on 29/08/2021(Sunday) at Aug 2021. Mrs and Mr Sunil Kendhari our residence at 9 am Kirtan Mrs and Mr Rakesh Kendhari & Antim Ardas at Gurudwara DEEply MISSED by Sister and Brother-in-law SmtVimla Devi (Mother) Mrs and Mr O N Bhat Bala PritamTrikuta Nagar, KRIYA/UTHALA SmtKanta Sharma (Wife) Mrs and Mr R L Pandita Jammu from 10 AM to 12:00 With profound grief & sorrow, Mr Pranav Rattan Paul (Son) PM followed by Guru Ka we regret to inform thesad Miss Prakriti (Daughter) Langar. demise of our beloved moth - GRIEF STRICKEN And All Nears & Dears er Smt. Shama Bakshi W/o 10TH DAY S. Gunwant Singh Dutta Father Late Sh. Suresh Bakshi R/o Mob. 9622339929, 9419845621, 9419159401 WITH PROFOUND GRIEF & Rajinder KourWife Purkhu Camp, Behind SORROW, I INFORM THE Smt. Shama Bhupreet Singh and Abhijit SinghSons Jamwal College, Jammu. SAD DEMISE OF MY WIFE Bakshi S. Hazoor Singh Sodhi -FatherinLaw Kriya will be performed on 25 SMT PUSHPA DEVI R/O 10TH DAY/KRIYA Sister and BrotherinLaw August at our residence12 GAUTAM VIHAR LOWER WITH PROFOUND GRIEF & Harvinder Kour& S. Gurcharan Singh Bali PM. Uthalawill be performed BARNAI WARD NO. 67, SORROW, WE REGRET TO SMT PUSHPA Jatinder Kour& Manjeet Singh Khurana on 25 August at our resi - JAMMU ON 16/8/2021 INFORM THAT OUR DEVI BrotherinLaw denceat 3 PM to 4 PM. (MONDAY). TENTH DAY BELOVED MR ANKUSH Dr. Gurdeep Singh Sodhi &InderjeetKour GRIEF STRICKEN: WILL BE OBSERVED ON RAKWAL S/O SH OM RAJ R.S.Sodhi (LIC) & Manjeet Kour Sons & Daughter-in-law 25/08/2021(WEDNESDAY) RAKWAL R/O TONDWAH Mob : 9419104543, 9906901967 Smt. NeenaBakshi & Sh. Ankush Bakshi MR ANKUSH AT NAKUL PALACE NEAR BOYS HIGHER SEC - Smt. Madhu Bakshi &Sh Rahul Bakshi RAKWAL AKHNOOR ROAD BARNAI. ONDARY SCHOOL DODA. Daughter & Son-in-law PRAYER ASSEMBLY WILL 10TH DAY WILL BE PER - Smt. Pallavi Bali & Sh. Rajeev Bali (Sham Ji) TAKE PLACE BETWEEN 10TH DAY KRIYA FORMED ON WEDNESDAY Grand Children: Janya, Manya, Krishna, 11.30 AM TO 12.30PM. IT With profound grief and sor - 25/08/2021 AT DODA RESI - Aarav, Gudiya WILL BEFOLLOWED BY row the Tent h Day of our DENCE. beloved mother Karamyogni GURU JI KA LANGAR. GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. Shobawati (Kamla GRIEF STRICKEN OM RAJ RAKWAL & BALA DEVI PARENTS Jigri) Wife of Late Shri SAIN DASS HUSBAND 9906372749, 9906247808 Damodar lal Tickoo of CHOUBARSI VIDYA DEVI Kullar Pahalgham, Smt. Shobawati CHOUBARSI of my son Lt. SONS & DAUGHTERINLAWS Anantnag Kashmir at pres - (Kamla Jigri) Sh. Shiv Bhushan Rattan DAVINDER DIGRA & RASHMEE ent Lane no 19, Block 101, Paul, S/o Smt. VimlaDevi & FIFTH DAY MOHINDER DIGRA & POOJA Flat no 02, Jagti Colony, Lt. Sh. Kashmir Chand WITH PROFOUND GRIEF SONS IN LAW & DAUGHTERS Nagrota Jammu who ex - Rattan Paul (Post Master) AND SORROW, WEIN - PRITHVI RAJ & KUNTI DEVI pired on 16th of August will be performed at our resi - Shiv Bhushan FORM THE SAD DEMISE TARSEM KUMAR & VEENA DEVI 2021. Tenth Day Kriya will dence, Village Tolla (Near Rattan Paul OF OUR BELOVED SMT. SUMIT & SHIVANI be performed at Muthi Ghat ITI) Govt. Degree College KAMLA GUPTA (GUDDI) ALL MEMBERS OF DIGRA FAMILY near Directorate of School Road Basholi from 12:30 PM W/O VIJAY MAHAJAN M: 9906900831 Education on Wednesday SMT. KAMLA to 1:00 PM, on Wednesday, (PATHANKOT) WHO EX - 25th of August 2021 at 9:00 GUPTA am 25th August 2021. PIRED ON 22/8/2021(SUN - GRIEF STRICKEN DEEply MISSED by: DAY). FIFTH DAY WILL BE BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS Smt. & Sh. Dr. C.L Tickoo - Smt. Vimla Devi (Mother) PERFORMED ON 25/8/2021 With profound grief and sor - Son & Daughter-in-law Smt. Kanta Sharma (Wife) (WEDNESDAY) AT DEVI row, we inform thesad de - Smt. & Sh. Ravi Ji Tickoo -do- Mr. Pranav Rattanpaul(Son) DWARA MANDIR R.S.PURA mise of our beloved mother Smt. & Sh. Rajender Tickoo. -do- Miss. Prakriti (Daughter) FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 11:00 Sdn. Balwant Kour W/o Lt. Smt. & Sh. Tej Krishan Tickoo. -do- And all nears and dears A.M. Sd. Dalip Singh R/o Bhatpora Smt. Sharika W/o Lt B.L Raina - Daughter Mb: 9622339929, 9419845621 GRIEF STRICKEN Rafiabad Baramulla at pres - Samast Tickoo Parivar Kullar, Pahalgham Late Sh.SubashChander Gupta &Smt.Suman Sdn. Balwant Contact No’s. 9149882078, 9906229184, ent H.No.187-A, Gandhi Late Sh.Kailash Gupta &Smt.Veena Devi Kour 7006411062, 8482901082, 9682341744 Nagar, Jammu, who expired Late Sh.Kamal Kumar &Smt.Shashi Gupta RASAM PAGRI on19-08-2021 Programme. Sh.Yash Pal Gupta &Smt.Urmil Gupta With profound grief and sor - Arambh Sri Akhand Path row, we inform the sad - Sh.Indhir Gupta (Babu) Sahib at our residenceon 23- KRIYA/UTHALA demise of our beloved Sh. VAID FAMILY R.S.Pura 08-2021 at 9 AM (Monday). With profound grief and sor - Charan Dass Gupta (Retd. Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib row, we inform the sad - Teacher) S/o Late Sh Fazalu on 25-08-2021(Wednesday) demise of our beloved father Shah R/o Mandli Tehsil 13TH DAY at our residence. Kirtan & Sh. Rakesh Kumar S/oLate Billawer who peacefully de - Sh. Charan parted for his heavenly Sh. Tilak Raj R/o H.No. 82, Dass Gupta With profound giref& sorrow, Antim Ardas at Gurudwara abode on 12.08.2021. we inform thesad demise of Sahib zada Baba Fateh Pacci Dhaki Gali, Jain Bazar, Sh. Rakesh Rasam Pagari will be per - Smt Shakuntala Kumari, Singh Ji Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, who left for heavenly Kumar formed on Age(68) W/o Sh Darshan Lal, Jammu from 10 AM to 11.30 abode on 15 Aug, 2021. 27.08.2021(Friday) at 12 pm left for heavenly abode on 18 AM followed by Guru Ka KRIYA will be performed on at our residence Mandli. August, 2021.The 13th Day Langar. 27 August (Friday) at our res - GRIEF STRICKEN will be performed on 30 Aug Smt GRIEF STRICKEN idence at 12.00 PM.UTHALA Smt Pushpa Devi -Wife 2021 Satsang 10 AM to 11 Shakuntala Daughters-in-law & Sons will be performed on 27 Daughters-in-Law and Sons Am at our residence Kumari Sdn. Baljeet Kour & Sd. Harjeet Singh August (Friday) atBrahman Shashi Prabha & Parveen Gupta Gangyal. Sdn. Parvinder Kour & Sd. Jagmeet Singh Sabha, Parade from 4.00 PM Ranjana and Rajesh Gupta (Master) IN GRIEF Daughters & Sons-in-law to 5:00 PM. Surekha and Dr Varinder Gupta Rohni Gupta and Vikas Gupta GRIEF STRICKEN Sh Darshan Lal - Husband Sdn. Satnam Kour & Sd. D.S Mehta Daughters and Sons-in-Law Sons & Daughters-in-Law Sdn. Gurnam Kour & Sd. D.S. Bali Smt. Santosh Kumari - Wife Swarna Gupta and M R Jandial Rakesh Kumar & Preeti Kumari Sdn. Harmeet Kour & Sd. Bahader Singh Ashish Dogra and Adheesh Dogra - Sons Tripta Gupta and Surinder Gupta Vikas Kumar & Isha Kumari Sdn. Agya Kour- Sister-in-law Dogra Family Grand Children: Neha, Rocky, Pallu,Palak, Kapil Kumari & Rakesh Kumar - Sdn. Tejpal Kour & Sd. Harbhajan Singh Contact No:- 7006134281,7006973797 Damini, Paru, Jaanu, Sidhu, Divu, Amy, Eva, Daughter & Son-in-Law (Retd. SE) - Brother-in-law Please Follow the Covid Protocol for your and Era and Aryn. Mob : 9971128636, 9419124242, 8492012242 Mob.No: 9419135776 our safety 9419129944, 9419291223,9469200284 LOCAL     3 "%%-/&+0- -+,  Kuldeep Raj Gupta bats for strengthening the 2nd J&K BJP pays tributes to Arun Jaitley line of defense by involving local youth as SPOs on his 2nd Death Anniversary   

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of Health department Juhi Manhas Pathania, Vice Chairperson ddC Udhampur today said that ' the last man in the last row' should be the cherished target and the very essence and Asks officers to deliver services with least waiting period edifice of a real Panchayati Raj. she was chairing ‘Block diwas’ proceedings in block Khoon of district Udhampur. SRINAGAR, AUGUST 24: pecially the Rt-PCR tests ments made by the depart - after the working of these Midwifery training (An - covid hospitals house she called for a greater initiative on part of the officers and ambulance services. ment. It was revealed in the health care institutions. Mt) schools, 05 AnM around 118 ICU beds, as the as well as civil society of the area to ensure that benefits of the Addl Chief the Addl Cs enquired meeting that J&K has 3-tier the meeting was further in - schools, 06 gnM schools meeting was informed. It government schemes and policies reach to the last man in secretary, Health & from each officer about medical delivery system in formed that 33.34 lakh functional in the valley.He was further made out that the last row. she said that it is not worth talking of bigger Medical education, Vivek their role and responsibility place based on primary, OPd admissions, 1.03 lakh was also apprised that J&K at the beginning of the epi - targets, facts and figures and achievements until the pub - Bhardwaj today took stock and their mode of work. He secondary and tertiary care IPd admissions, 0.07 lakh is the first to have skill & demic the installed capacity lic welfare schemes are not visible on the ground level. of the working and per - asked them to identify the health institutions. It was surgeries, 11.25 lakh lab simulation Center estab - of oxygen was 900 LPM “And last man in the last row gets a feel of it as virtually he formance of the directorate problems faced by each of said that there are 1744 tests and 0.14 lakh deliver - lished at dhobiwan here. which has till been in - is also part and parcel of the process of development,” she of Health services, them so that these are re - health institutions here in ies were done by the depart - Regarding the operation of creased to 21450 LPM by said. she further said block is a grassroots level unit of de - Kashmir here. solved forthwith. valley including 8 district ment. It was also apprised ambulance services it was the current dispensation. velopment and efforts should be taken to make schemes, the meeting was at - He enjoined upon them hospitals, 46 sub district that among specialized said that the department is Besides it was revealed that policies and programmes of the government successful at tended by director Health that their work is of utmost Hospitals, 216 PHCs and services 10 hospitals were running 33 ALs, 31 BLs on more than 56 lakh covid block level. she called for greater synergy and state of art services, Kashmir, significance and cannot be 1184 sub-centres with a to - provided with dialysis facil - 108 emergency number, tests were performed in - approach in firstly making aware the people about bene - Mushtaq Ahmad Rather; taken casually for a mo - tal bed strength of 4564 in ity having more than 13000 136 ambulances on 102 cluding about 1343005 Rt- fits of govt schemes and secondly facilitation and finally dg Planning, H&Me; ment. He offered the offi - the division. It was further sessions conducted till emergency number and 08 PCR tests. execution and due propagation of those schemes. she also satveer Kour; Joint cers his support and assis - given out that there are date. the addiction treat - critical care ambulances About the covid vacci - called for immediate clearance of landslides on dhema to director Headquarter, tance in all their endeav - 6721 staff members man - ment facilities has been in - are already in service here. nation, it was said that Bilaspur and sundla to Laa/garh samna Banj roads. she deputy directors, Assistant ours taken towards ning these health institu - troduced in 5 districts and giving details about the 38.92 lakh doses were ad - asked for qualitative and time bound execution of work on directors and other officers strengthening the systems tions including 1675 blood storage facilities at all covid care facilities it was ministered till date. the de - all road projects. she underscored the need for immediate of the department. of the department. Medical Officers, 407 con - the district hospitals and said that 10 dedicated covid partment is currently tak - start of work on the newly sanctioned building of degree Bhardwaj urged the of - On the occasion the sultants, 14 sr Consultants, blood component separa - hospitals, 8 dedicated covid ing all the measures and College Majalta. she said that degree College in Majalta is ficers to work for reducing director made an introduc - 311 dental surgeons and tion unit at 5 health institu - health centres and 2106 readying itself for the ex - an epitome of the struggles and endeavours of the people the waiting time of all the tory power point presenta - 6721 paramedics.In addi - tions. the Addl Cs was also covid care centres having pected 3rd wave of this dis - of Majalta. she further harped on various developmental tests and other services of - tion regarding the working, tion to it there is the nHM informed that there are 04 nearly 1285, 720 and 8424 ease, as was made out in the initiatives like ‘Har ghar Jal, Har ghar Bijli, sabko Muft fered by the department es - performance and achieve - staff in position also to look Ancillary nursing beds respectively. these meeting. Ilaaz’ and many more path breaking developmental . DC B’Pora reviews progress of works Advisor Farooq Khan spends a day with under District Capex Budget differently-abled children at Ganderbal 3316 works targeted for completion this year under DCB Hands over cheque of Rs 49,45000, distributes motorized BANDIPORA, AUGUST 24: have been completed so far under dif - the development plan of the current wheelchair, appliances among beneficiaries ferent schemes and Rs 16.61 Cr have year, dr Owais said the government GANDERBAL, AUGUST 24: the deputy Commissioner (dC) been spent so far out of the released has taken up the water supply issue as Bandipora, dr Owais Ahmad today budget of Rs 70.81 Cr. a priority area and under water In a unique initiative, reviewed the progress of works pro - the dC sought details from the security Plan water supply shall be Advisor to Lieutenant posed under district Capex Budget heads of departments including provided to each HouseHold with 51 governor, Farooq Khan, to - (dCB) 2021-22. Rural development department, percent budget being invested in the day spent a day with the dif - the meeting discussed detailed Health, JKPdCL, R&B, Jal shakti and sector . He said 45000 HHs shall be ferently-abled children proposals under the district Capex other sectors about the approved provided 100% FHtC (Functional during his visit to she Hope Plan, 2021-22 including physical sta - works, tendering status and status of tap Connections) under JJM. society for women tus of projects targeted for comple - estimations besides progress of ongo - He said for the first time 30 entrepreneurs (sHsFwe) tion in the current fiscal and took a ing projects/works. Filtration Plants and 60 service at wayil, ganderbal. comprehensive review on the while reviewing the progress on reservoirs are being added to the sys - Advisor interacted with progress of developmental projects framing of estimations, the Joint tem. “All 114 schemes of JJM have the differently-abled per - undertaken by various departments. director Planning informed the been put to tenders and the massive & sons and enquired about It was given out that Rs 529 meetings that 1147 estimates are to be ambitious single year target has been the facilities being extend - Crores have been earmarked for the framed for ddC works, BdC works set for 21-22” he added. ed to them in the center. He financial year 2021-22 with major and PRI works out of which 473 esti - dr Owais said that 21 percent of said the Ut government is thrust on Jal Jeevan Mission (51%), mates have been received for further the budget is being spent on connec - akin to the problems faced PMgsy (21%), Rural development action. He said besides that 35 esti - tivity of remote areas. He said owing by the people with special department (8%), education & mates have also been framed under to its topography the district poses needs and assured them Health (8%) etc. capex works. speaking on the occa - challenges in road maintenance and every possible support to - the dC informed that 3316 works sion, the dC said that district admin - upkeep and the administration is wards ensuring them best “enhancing Accessibility of forty different kinds of ail - cluding their skill develop - have been targeted for completion for istration is committed to ensure that working on two fronts- identifying possible services. persons with disabilities”. ments in reduced time and ment and livelihood. the the financial year 2021-22 which in - all development projects/works are and projecting new roads, Bye-passes On the occasion, He also handed over pros - is one of the only four such event was attended by cludes 114 water supply schemes, 24 completed within a set timeline. He and charging existing schemes to the Advisor handed over a thetic aid and fitment to equipments available in the Additional district PMgsy works, 23 Urban stressed on the concerned officers/of - fullest. cheque of Rs 49,45000, needy children. Advisor valley. He was also in - development development works, 13 works of ficials to take all possible measures to Joint director Planning Imitiyaz provided by Labour depart - said that Ut administration formed that major benefit Commissioner ganderbal, education, 07 Hospitals, 13 Roads, accelerate the pace of the ongoing Ahmad, Assistant Commissioner ment, as a Lower education is committed for uplifting of drape Forming is the low Pir Muzafar Ahmad, 09 Irrigation schemes and 1875 works for their time-bound comple - development Ab Rashid dass and assistance to 713 benefici - such persons so that they cost tooling and fixtures. director general, women MgnRegA works. tion and directed for regular monitor - other senior officers of all the depart - aries for Constructions are able to cope up with the Meanwhile, Advisor took and Child development, Officers informed that 629 works ing of works. while deliberating on ments were present in the meeting. workers and motorized challenges of day to day life stock of activities being car - Mir tariq Ali, director wheelchair. He said that the by providing durable, so - ried out by Hope disability general social welfare Ut government has taken phisticated and modern Centres. He appreciated the Kashmir, Bashir Ahmad several measures for wel - standard aids to specially Center for doing a noble job dar, executive director ADDC Anantnag chairs DAC meet fare of differently abled abled persons thus reduc - towards welfare of differ - Rehabilitation Centre, persons including financial ing the effects of disabilities ently abled persons. He as - Irshad Ahmad, secretary Approves annual action plan of NYK Anantnag for 2021-22 assistance in the shape of and at the same time en - sured that government will social welfare Board, pension, free education, hancing their economic po - extend every possible sup - Bureeda, Osd to Advisor, ANANTNAG, AUGUST 24: grammes are in vogue in as the nyK is directly asso - with the PHe department free medical treatment. tential. earlier, Advisor in - port to them to continue Ashrif Hakak and a number the district. ciated with the youths, and Anantnag. Later, Advisor distrib - augurated newly installed with this upright work. He of dignitaries from admin - the Additional district the AddC Anantnag can prove a milestone in Feedback and sugges - uted aids and appliances Laser therapy Unit and stressed on providing bet - istration, police and benefi - development directed the deputy this regard, said the AddC. tions were also taken from among several specially- drape Moulding Unit at ter facilities to the children ciaries of she Hope society Commissioner (AddC) director to ensure the in - All the allied depart - the members for best re - abled children during an Hope disability Centre. with special abilities and including those who re - Anantnag, Bashir Ahmad volvement of all coordinat - ments were instructed to sults to come in this regard. event organized by sHs - Advisor was informed that called for focusing the ceived the donated equip - wani today chaired a meet - ing agencies and concerned coordinate with the said Meanwhile, the meet - Fwe under the theme the unit can treat about needs of such persons in - ment. ing of the district Advisory departments for successful department for the imple - ing was informed that there Committee (dAC) on execution of various pro - mentation and awareness are at present 440 youth youth Programmes during grammes at the district and of the centrally sponsored clubs in the district and a which he approved the an - block level. schemes. total of 34 nehru yuva “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahatsov” Navin reviews nual action plan of nehru He suggested involving while underlining the Volunteers (nyVs) in posi - implementation of yuva Kendra (nyK) the ItI department in importance of career guid - tion. Revenue Department organises Anantnag for the year holding various pro - ance and counselling pro - general Manager, “Support to Sheep, 2021-2022. grammes related to orien - grammes to be organized at district Industries Center awareness programme on DILRMP during the meeting, tation of the youth and the a larger level, AddC in - Anantnag (dIC), Chief Goat farmers in the deputy director nyK Handloom and structed the deputy Medical officer Anantnag, KATHUA AUGUST 24: Records Modernization completion of digitisa - Anantnag, Khalil Ahmad Handicrafts for organizing director to hold such pro - district social welfare Programme (dILRMP) tion of Revenue Records, disasters, natural Mir apprised the AddC events related to educating grammes in collaboration Officer Anantnag, district department of and swAMItVA pro - swAMItVA programme and members of the com - calamities” youth in basic vocations. with the employment & youth service & sports Revenue today organised gramme were explained will be launched to pro - mittee about various youth being the power Counseling department Officer Anantnag, national an awareness pro - to the participants. In his vide an integrated prop - JAMMU, AUGUST 24: month-wise proposed pro - battery of the society must Anantnag. youth Volunteers, youth gramme on digital India address, deputy erty validation solution grammes during the finan - be channelized for the good He also stressed for or - Leaders and other mem - Land Records Commissioner, Rahul for rural India. He said Principal secretary, Animal, cial year 2021-2022. cause and be kept away ganizing the training of bers of the advisory com - Modernization yadav said that the main the demarcation of Rural sheep Husbandry and Fisheries the meeting was in - from the drug menace and youth on Jal Jagran mittee were present during Programme (dILRMP) aim of dILRMP is to ush - Abadi areas would be department, navin Kumar formed that various pro - other social malpractices, Abhiyan in collaboration the meeting. as part of the special se - er in a system of updated done using drone Choudhary, today chaired a ries of activities being land records, automated surveying technology. meeting with senior officers to held under the aegis of and automatic mutation, He added that the system review implementation of “support to sheep/goat farmers MC B’pora launches mega anti- ‘Azadi Ka Amrut integration between the would provide the in case of disasters and natural Mahotsav’ India @ 75. records, inter-connectiv - ‘record of rights’ to vil - calamities” in Jammu and deputy ity between revenue and lage household owners Kashmir. the meeting was at - Commissioner, Rahul registration, to replace possessing houses in in - polythene drive tended by director, Planning, yadav presided over the the present deeds regis - habited rural areas in vil - Animal/sheep Husbandry and BANDIPORA, AUGUST 24: this campaign and said the joint efforts will yield results function. Registrar, tration and presumptive lages which, in turn, Fisheries, girdhari Lal sharma; and will help us to protect the environment. Khan said the suresh Kumar sharma; title system with that of would enable them to use the Additional district development Commissioner director sheep Husbandry polythene is the major agent of pollution of our water bod - Assistant Commissioner conclusive titling with ti - their property as a finan - (AddC) Bandipora, Afsar Ali Khan on tuesday kick start - ies and has destroyed the majority of irrigation khuls and department, Krishan Lal Revenue, sandeep tle guarantee. He said cial asset for taking loans ed a mega anti-polythene drive in the town launched by streams. He said the frequent floods and water logging in sharma while director Finance, seonitra; Assistant that digitisation of land and other financial bene - Municipal Council Bandipora (MCB) in a bid to put a blan - towns and villages is because of the presence of polythene Animal/sheep & Fisheries development records will make it fits from the Bank. ket ban on single-use plastic. in every water body that chokes the free flow of water. department; director, sheep Commissioner, (P) tamper proof, discourage It is pertinent to An awareness camp in this regard was organised by President MCB said that the campaign would be extensive Husbandry Kashmir; technical sohan Lal; Chief litigation and facilitate mention here that a simi - MCB at nishat Park and was attended by councilors, and sustainable having a focus not only on Reduce, Reuse, Officer of AHd and other con - Planning Officer, Uttam traders, Anganwari workers, Asha workers and school Recycle but also to Remove Polythene from day to day rou - easy availability of rev - lar awareness pro - cerned officers participated on - singh; tehsildar Kathua, children. President MCB Khursheed Ahmad, Chief tine. He said during the campaign they will sensitize the enue (land related) cer - gramme was organised line from srinagar. threadbare tehsildar Headquarter, executive Officer MCB, Medical Officer dH Bandipora, people about the ill effects of the polythene and will moti - tificates like mutation, by the Revenue discussions were held on various Revenue officers and of - tehsildar Bandipora, deputy Chief Medical Officer vate them to refuse taking or stocking it and also to report Jamabandi and also offer department to create issues regarding status of live - ficials were present on Bandipora and other senior officers were also present on i.e. provide information to the concerned authorities on online services to the awareness regarding stock in the Ut. the meeting was the occasion. speaking on the occasion, the AddC appre - finding a person selling, stocking or carrying a polythene the occasion. general public. earlier, national generic informed about steps being tak - ciated the efforts of MCB to eradicate the menace of poly - bag. during the aware - Resource Person from document Registration en up for protecting the domestic thene use. He said that polythene and other single use He said no one shall sell goods or commodities in poly - ness programme, the Ramtech (dILRMP), system (ngdRs) on 19th animals besides welfare of farm - plastics are extremely harmful to the environment and thene or prohibited plastic bags. no one shall stock or features and benefits of Jammu dr Kesari Rana of July 2021 to educate ers of Jammu and Kashmir public health. He sought the cooperation of civil society in hoard prohibited polythene or single-use plastics. digital India Land informed that with the stakeholders. through different centrally .     5     $''/ 1 ( -2 /!/-.   Director AP&FWD Kashmir visits various areas of Bla, B’pora, Gbl     7<@8AF8G ;4I84?E847L588AG4>8AHC IHE4!4A78E54? BE<8AG87 4CCEB46; 87 G;8 94E@8EF GB 9BEG;887G;86BA68EA87B99< FBJFBAG;8CE>:EE66@7!2?E2$@56= :89*49@@=:2DAFC'2C=29) * 'FC2 I4??8L DE )D   )D   % )D   % )D   6@7$6>36C '2C6?E286 )6D:56?46 &44FA2E:@? 6D:8?2E:@? 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Printed, published and owned by Prem nath sharma, Printed at glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief editor Prem nath sharma, Associate editor : Rajiv sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RnI nO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU wednesdAy AUgUst 25, 2021 Odisha reports 625 new COVID-19 MP: Acquaintance beats Hand grenades made by private up man for not inviting firm delivered to Army PRESS TRUST Of INDIA present on the occasion. eeL cases, 67 fresh fatalities him to his marriage Nagpur, Aug 24 had signed a contract with the Ministry of defence (Mod) on PRESS TRUST Of INDIA PRESS TRUST Of INDIA economic explosives Ltd October 1, 2020, to supply 10 Bhubaneswar, Aug 24 Bhind, Aug 24 (eeL), a nagpur-based private lakh modern hand grenades company, on tuesday handed Odisha's COVId-19 tally rose to for use by the Army and the A newly-married man has complained to over the first batch of one lakh 10,02,323 on tuesday as 625 more Indian Air Force (IAF), the re - police that he was beaten up by an acquaintance indigenously manufactured people, including 80 children, test - lease said. for not inviting the latter to his wedding in modern hand grenades to the ed positive for the infection, while 67 the deliveries would be Madhya Pradesh's Bhind district, an official Indian Army in the presence of fresh fatalities pushed the state's spread over two years from the said on tuesday.the incident took place in defence Minister Rajnath coronavirus death toll to 7,493, a bulk production clearance Chandupura village under dehat police station singh. the consignment of health official said. Odisha has been (BPC) which was accorded to area on sunday night and the police registered multi-mode hand grenades as witnessing a decline in fresh cases eeL in March 2021, it an FIR against the accused, narendra handed over to the Army at a for six consecutive days. the state said."these new grenades will Kushwaha, on Monday, he said.the 22-year- function here, a defence re - reported 761 infections on Monday, replace grenade no 36 of old victim in his police complaint alleged that lease said. this is the first in - 853 on sunday, 911 on saturday, world war I vintage design, Kushwaha beat him up as he was miffed at not stance of ammunition being 986 on Friday and 1,041 on which had been continuing in being invited to the former's marriage, dehat manufactured by the private thursday. As many as 366 new cases service till date. the MMHgs police station's head constable Radheshyam industry in India, the release were reported in quarantine cen - have a distinctive design giving sharma said.the victim had told the accused said. eeL, a wholly-owned tres, while the remaining 259 infec - flexibility of employment in that since the marriage was solemnised during subsidiary company of solar tions were detected during contact A total of 9.86 lakh people have notification issued by the BMC said both defensive (fragmenta - the coronavirus-induced restrictions, only fam - Industries India Ltd, com - tracing, he said, adding that the sin - recovered from the disease so far, that the decision was taken in view tion) and offensive (stun) ily members were present during the ceremony, menced deliveries of modern gle-day positivity rate stood at 1.16 including 1,072 on Monday. the of the prevailing pandemic situa - modes."they have highly accu - the official said quoting the hand grenades to the armed per cent. Khurda district, under state has thus far tested over 1.75 tion. "A person producing the hard rate delay time, very high relia - complainant.However, this angered forces last month. the first which Bhubaneswar falls, registered crore samples for COVId-19, in - copy or a soft copy (of the fully vacci - bility in usage and are safe for Kushwaha, who allegedly thrashed and abused consignment of 1 lakh MMHg the highest number of new cases at cluding 53,527 on Monday, he said, nated certificate) will be enough for carriage. these modern the victim on sunday, he said.since the accused had been tested satisfactorily 214, followed by Cuttack (56) and adding that the cumulative positivi - allowing him/her inside the institu - grenades were designed by was not invited to the marriage, he demanded for quality by users and deliv - Balasore (50). Cuttack recorded the ty rate stood at 5.69 per cent. Odisha tions," it said. terminal Ballistics Research Rs 500 from the victim to buy liquor, the official ered, the release said. singh highest number of fresh fatalities at has so far inoculated over 2.07 crore the BMC enforcement team will Laboratory of dRdO," the re - said.the complainant gave Rs 100 to the ac - was handed over a scale replica 20, followed by Jagastinghpur (14) people, of whom 48.96 lakh have re - conduct frequent checks to ensure lease said.eeL had taken the cused, but he continued to thrash him while of MMHg by chairman of eeL and dhenkanal (eight). Fifty-three ceived both doses. Meanwhile, a day strict adherence to the COVId technology from dRdO in asking for more money, he said.Later, the vic - s n nuwal to mark the first de - coronavirus patients have died due after the Odisha government guidelines. Any institution found vi - 2016. extensive trials of the tim somehow managed to escape from the spot livery of ammunition from the to comorbidities so far. Odisha now opened the doors of the shree olating these provisions will not be grenades were successfully un - to save his life, the official said.the man re - private sector to the armed has 8,443 active cases. Khurda re - Jagannath temple in Puri for devo - allowed to function, the notification dertaken by the Indian Army ceived injuries in his eyes and other body parts, forces, it said. Chief of Army mains in the red zone with 3,268 ac - tees, the Bhubaneswar Municipal said. while many temples reopened and dgQA (directorate he said.An FIR was registered against the ab - staff general MM naravane, tive cases, while Cuttack is in the yel - Corporation (BMC) on tuesday on tuesday, the famed shree general Of Quality Assurance) sconding accused under relevant sections of the Chairman of dRdO dr g low zone with 1,084 infections. the made the production of fully vacci - Lingaraj temple and IsKCOn in 2017-18 in plains, deserts Indian Penal Code and efforts were on to trace satheesh Reddy and Infantry remaining 28 districts fall under the nated certificates mandatory for en - temple will open their doors for the and high altitude over summer him, he said. dg Lt gen AK samantra were green zone, the official said. tering shrines in the state capital. A devotees on september 1. and winter, the release said. Rane should resign, says Sena MP Leopard spotted in NIA submits charge sheet in Nimtitata blast case human settlement PRESS TRUST Of INDIA PRESS TRUST Of INDIA prayer of the investigating judicial custody, have was used in the attempt on , Aug 24 in Greater Noida Kolkata, Aug 24 agency for carrying out been charged under sec - the life of Hossain. further probe into the ex - tions 307 (attempt to mur - Hossain, then a minister shiv sena MP PRESS TRUST Of INDIA the national plosion that occurred at der), 326 (voluntarily of state for labour in west Noida, Aug 24 Vinayak Raut on Investigation Agency nimtita railway station in causing grievous hurt by Bengal, was injured along tuesday demanded (nIA) on tuesday submit - Murshidabad district on dangerous weapons or with 20 others when the Residents of greater noida were that BJP leader ted charge sheet against February 17. the final means, including explo - Ied exploded as he en - thrown into a tizzy after a leopard narayan Rane should two accused persons in the charge sheet was filed be - sive substance) and 120B tered nimtita station was spotted in the area as the forest "show some respect for nimtita blast case in fore the court against ac - (criminal conspiracy) of compound to board a train department launched a search along the Constitution" and which an attempt was cused sahidul Islam and IPC and sections of the to Kolkata on the night of with local police for the feline that step down as Union made on the life of former Abu samad within the UAPA and the explosive February 17. the nIA had remained untraceable on tuesday, minister after being ar - west Bengal minister statutory period of 180 substances Act. the nIA taken over investigation in officials said. the leopard was spot - rested. Rane was ar - Jakir Hossain. special days, nIA counsel submitted before the the case from the west ted on Monday night near rested on tuesday af - nIA court judge Jiban shyamal ghosh said. the court that an improvised Bengal CId in the first sadullapur in greater noida (west), ternoon over his re - Constitution. what he uncontrolled. Rane Kumar sadhu allowed a two accused, who are in explosive device (Ied) week of March. also known as noida extension, af - mark that he would said was despicable was making controver - ter which officials from the local have slapped and chief minister sial comments chiefly ecotech 3 police station reached the Maharashtra Chief Uddhav thackeray has because of it, he said. spot while the forest department Minister Uddhav ignored him, but he Meanwhile, advocate Contn. from Page 6 ...... was also alerted, they said. "A search thackeray for what he will have to face action Aniket nikam, Rane's operation was carried out but the claimed as the latter's for the words he ut - lawyer, told a news leopard could not be found. the for - ignorance of the year of tered. Raut also channel that IPC sec - ues ...... est department team was joined by Images iss India's independence. claimed that the sup - tions invoked against the local police in the search," trained taliban militia. ceptions of the American soldier will require a lot more speaking to reporters port for Rane's Jan him carry a maximum divisional Forest O fficer P K Authoritarian countries like China or Pakistan have than just Hollywood productions, Congressional bravado here, Raut said, If Ashirwad yatra during punishment of seven shrivastava sai d. no leopard pug their own suppressive and repressive formulas to hide or flag-waving ceremonies — hard questions will follow there is any shame left which he made the years and he should marks were found either in the area," their failures and myth-make their Military’s prowess by and daily images of the turbaned taliban mocking its in Rane, he should statement had been or - not have been arrested the officer said, adding that the simply denying the truth. while the 1962 Indo-China war might will impact the institution of the Us Military, psy - submit resignation. He chestrated. "But that without issuing a sum - search was continued till about 3 am is a reality, but so was inglorious fate of the Chinese chologically and permanently. America’s longest war should show some re - support went to his mons and recording but did not fetch any substantial re - Military in 1967 (nathu La and Cho La clashes) just as it (Afghanistan) and its second longest war (Vietnam), as al - spect for the head and he became his statement. sult. did not own up to its losses in galwan Valley recently, till so its unsettled status in the Middle eastern theatre, will almost a year later! the sino-Vietnamese war (1979) that be in sharp contrast to the glories of the “greatest led to a spectacular performance from the numerically generation” of world war II, or the soon thereafter and materially inferior Vietnamese forces is brushed Korean war. the hollowness of george Bush’s texan Sulking Minister Anand Singh assumes charge aside in the Chinese narrative. In Pakistan, despite the re - drawl at the joint session of the Us Congress 20 years ago, PRESS TRUST Of INDIA allotted and begin work, and that my singh not willing to give any direct peated disgrace of the 1965 Indo-Pak war, even worse fate before sending the American troops to Afghanistan, “the Bengaluru, Aug 24 appeals will be considered and nec - response said, the appeal that he in 1971 and the more recent Kargil war, the bloated and course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is cer - essary action will be taken," singh had made to the Chief Minister in over-entitled Pakistani Military remains beyond ques - tain”, will haunt and traumatise the American soldier and isgruntled Karnataka Minister said. speaking to reporters ahead of the past, he has repeated the same tioning. Murmurs of sub-optimal performance aside, no national conscience immeasurably. the entire edifice of Anand singh on tuesday said he has taking charge as the Minister at once again today and that the the one can openly doubt the Pakistani Military as it controls the Us Military from its intelligence assessment, firepow - assumed charge as Minister for Vidhana soudha, the seat of state CM and party president have as - all the essential levers of governance and perception man - er, planning, cutting-edge technology to the ‘gI Joe’ im - environment, ecology and secretariat and legislature here, he sured to consider it and take neces - agement. In 2021, the post-Afghanistan optics and per - agery will be shattered beyond immediate repair. tourism, following assurance from said that he has got similar direc - sary action. "I have told whom I have the Chief Minister and state BJP tions from the CM. On the assurance to, as to what my appeal is," he said. And they all ...... President to look into his "appeal". that my appeals will be considered In what was seen as a sign of postur - singh has been sulking ever since and soon a solution will be found to ing, singh, earlier this month had wing religious organisations. Ironically, what emerged in tion was not based on any apprehension of a mishap (he Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai my issues, abiding by the directions shut his MLA office at Hospet and the judgement of the supreme Court in 2019 was the solu - was some how convinced that the structure will never come allocated him the environment, from the party and the Chief on August 11 had hinted about his tion that Kalyan singh had been working on and attempt - down in the manner it finally did) but with regard to the ecology and tourism portfolios on Minister, I have come to take charge resignation. However, he subse - ing to convince various parties to come around to! unnecessary distractions that such events created. He was August 7 and had not taken charge as the Minister," he added. ingh, quently deferred his plans to resign However, what happened on the 6th of december, 1992, opposed to the congregation in July as well but, fortunate - as the Minister. He wants a 'better' earlier in the day met BJP state following a huddle with Bommai, shocked him as well. those who believe that Kalyan singh ly, no untoward incident happened then.the other argu - portfolio. "I have brought to the no - President nalin Kumar Kateel at the Revenue Minister R Ashoka and was the man behind this demolition overlook the fact that ment often raised is, why didn’t he allow the central forces tice of the party state president my party office here and Bommai. shorapur MLA Raju gouda. He had he had an absolute majority in the assembly. why would he that were stationed nearby to handle the situation? It is a appeals and discussed with him a Asked whether change in portfolio also met state BJP strong man and want to bring his own government down in case the Masjid fact that Kalyan singh didn’t permit the central forces to few things. He asked me to first take was his only demand and whether former CM B s yediyurappa in this gets demolished? He would have surely known the conse - take over or seek their assistance, but it does not automati - charge of the portfolios I have been he has got assurances in this regard, regard. quences of the demolition. In his repeated interactions cally imply that he did not allow the central forces to come with the central leadership, he was arguing against the con - in because he wanted the demolition to take place. gregation of karsevaks at the site. this became evident on Moreover, a similar event had taken place in July and then the 6th of december in his telephonic conversation with the dust had settled down peacefully.Kalyan singh be - HC asks govt, CAg to respond Bhairon singh shekhawat, the then Chief Minister of lieved that, as in July, the karsevaks would go back after Rajasthan. I was present when this conversation took performing pooja and that no harm would come to the place. Kalyan singh was livid. He reiterated that he was Masjid. However, on this occasion he was wrong. the to plea for audit of dJB accounts against such a congregation, but he was over-ruled and no structure came down and, with it, brought down his gov - one listened to him. His reservation about such a congrega - ernment. PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Advocate gaurangKanth, New Delhi, Aug 24 representing CAg, sub - mitted that after 2015 no Afghanistan ...... the delhi High Court record was served so cur - the world?” he asked. “the taliban or the collapse of the about the country’ recent history and why it made local tuesday sought response rently no auditing is going. soviet empire? some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation people profoundly mistrustful of ‘helpful’ foreigners.even of the delhi government the plea said since the au - of Central europe and the end of the cold war?” In reality, now Americans don’t realise how closely they have recapit - and delhi Jal Board on a thorities have failed to the soviet Union was heading for collapse anyway, but the ulated the soviet experience in the country. the ending plea seeking direction to perform the functions laid ‘stirred-up Moslems’ turned out to be a fairly large prob - that is now unfolding was foreordained from the start, al - Comptroller and Auditor down under the law, the lem. the taliban took power in Kabul in 1996 after a long though it has taken twice as long to arrive because the general to audit the ac - petitioner was approach - all-against-all war between the various Islamist groups, United states is much richer than Russia. nevertheless, counts of dJB whose fi - ing the court with the peti - and ruled most of the country badly and brutally for five the aftermath will also be the same.the various factions of nancial audit has allegedly tion. It is mandatory to years. then an Arab Islamist called Osama bin Laden the taliban will split, mostly on ethnic lines, and another not been carried out for maintain financial ac - abused the hospitality of the taliban leader Mullah Omar civil war of uncertain length will follow. the rule of the win - last six years. A bench of counts and conduct an an - by launching the 9/11 attacks against the United states in ners will be as cruel and arbitrary as it was last time. And Chief Justice d n Patel nual audit of the accounts, 2001.that led to another twenty years of war: the taliban the rest of the world will rapidly lose interest, because and Justice Jyoti singh is - statement of the profit and clearly stated that the copy in order to ascertain effec - against another set of foreigners who understood little Afghanistan won’t pose a serious threat to anywhere else. sued notice to the delhi loss with proper the bal - of balance sheet for the tive functioning of the government, dJB and ance sheets from 2015 on - year 2015-16 and onward state and local bodies. CAg on the petition and wards as prescribed under is under preparation. Maintaining financial ac - Numbers listed the matter for fur - the law and to direct CAg senior Advocate sanjoy counts and conducting an ...... ther hearing on October 4. to conduct audit of the ghose, appearing for dJB, annual audit of the ac - cons and allow hidden social and political agendas of the sentation needs to be in balance. If a caste census is to be the petition by delhi BJP board. the petition, contended that the plea counts, help to secure ac - states and political formations to surface. the public dis - conduc ted at all, it will open an altogether different Pandora’s leader Harish Khurana, through advocate has been filed by an office- countability, transparen - course can lead to a federal discussion between the Centre box. Had the previous governments not shied away from sought direction to dJB to samridhi Arora, said that bearer of the rival party cy of the state and local and the states on the modalities involved and the inter- delimitation after every census, the change in the Lok maintain proper accounts in response to the RtIs of with political motives and bodies functioning to - state inequalities that need to be resolved. It is not just sabha’s composition would have been gradual and non- and other relevant records May 11, May 24 and July submitted that the audit - wards the general public, about the number of seats. there is greater political and controversial. the next time it is taken up, it will abruptly and prepare an annual 22 this year, it has been ing was going on. the plea said. social awareness among the communities and their repre - change the balance of power but there is no other option. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU,wednesdAy, AUgUst 25, 2021 Afghan airlift records best day yet: 20,000-plus flown out washington, Aug 24 thus far, and going forward, tion operations beyond August ing a toll on aircrews. it does require constant coordi - 31. that's the date Biden has set they're tired, Lyons said of the Us military on tuesday nation and deconfliction with for completing the withdrawal the crews. pulled off its biggest day of evac - the taliban, Kirby said. what of troops. On a positive note, Lyons uation flights from Afghanistan we've seen is, this deconfliction California democrat Rep. said that in addition to the wide - since the operation began. But has worked well in terms of al - Adam schiff, chairman of the ly reported case of an Afghan deadly violence that has blocked lowing access and flow as well as House intelligence committee, woman giving birth aboard a many desperate evacuees from reducing the overall size of the told reporters after a committee U.s. evacuation aircraft, two entering Kabul's airport persist - crowds just outside the airport. briefing Monday on the other babies have been born in ed, and the taliban signaled with access to the airport Afghanistan withdrawal that it similar circumstances. He did they might soon seek to shut still difficult Monday, the U.s. was hard for me to imagine not provide details. down the airlifts. military went beyond the wrapping up the airlifts by the the Pentagon said it has Amid the tense operation to perimeter to carry out another end of the month. He also said it added a fourth U.s. military get people out of the country, helicopter retrieval of was clear there had been "any base, in new Jersey, to three CIA director william Burns se - Americans. U.s. officials said a number of warnings to the ad - others in Virginia, texas and cretly swooped into Kabul on military helicopter picked up 16 ministration of a very rapid wisconsin that are prepared to Monday to meet with the American citizens Monday and takeover by the taliban. temporarily house arriving taliban's top political leader, a brought them to the airfield for After more than a week of Afghans. Maj. gen. Hank U.s. official told the Associated evacuation. this was at least the evacuations plagued by major williams, the Joint staff deputy Press. second such rescue mission be - obstacles, including taliban director for regional operations, About 21,600 people were yond the airport; Kirby said that forces and crushing crowds that told reporters there are now flown safely out of taliban-held last thursday, three Army heli - are making approaching the air - about 1,200 Afghans at those Afghanistan in the 24-hour pe - copters picked up 169 port difficult and dangerous, military bases. the four bases riod that ended early tuesday, Americans near a hotel just be - the number of people flown out combined are capable of hous - scramble to evacuate left many eigners and Afghan allies possi - American presence would pro - the white House said. that yond the airport gate and flew met and exceeded U.s. projec - ing up to 25,000 evacuees, arrivals carrying only a bookbag ble. voke a reaction. compares with about 16,000 the them onto the airfield. tions for the first time. Kirby said. or purse, or a plastic shopping Lawmakers, veterans or - Monday's warning signaled previous day. President Joe Biden's na - Army gen. stephen Lyons, Afghan evacuees continued bag of belongings. some arrived ganizations and refugee advo - the taliban could insist on shut - thirty-seven U.s. military tional security adviser, Jake head of U.s. transportation to arrive at dulles International for their new lives entirely emp - cates in the U.s. also are urging ting down the airlifts out of the flights 32 C-17s and 5 C-130s sullivan, said at the white Command, which manages the Airport outside of washington. ty-handed. Biden to keep up the U.s. mili - Kabul airport in just over a carried about 12,700 evacuees. House on Monday that talks military aircraft that are execut - exhaustion clouded the faces of Biden said sunday he would tary's evacuation out of the week. Lawmakers, refugee An additional 8,900 people flew with the taliban were continu - ing the Kabul airlift, told a many of the adults. A journalist not rule out extending the evac - Kabul airport as long as it takes groups, veterans' organizations out aboard 57 flights by U.s. al - ing as the administration looks Pentagon news conference that asked one man how it felt to be uation beyond Aug. 31. British to airlift not just Americans, but and U.s. allies have said ending lies. for additional ways to safely more than 200 planes are in - in the U.s. we are safe, the man Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Afghan allies and other Afghans the evacuation then could Pentagon chief spokesman move more Americans and oth - volved, including aerial refuel - answered. who will meet with Biden virtu - most at risk from the taliban. strand countless Afghans and John Kirby said Monday the ers into the Kabul airport by an ing planes, and that arriving An older woman sank with ally on tuesday in a g-7 leaders' But taliban spokesman foreigners still hoping for flights faster pace of evacuation was end-of-August deadline. planes are spending less than an relief into an offered wheel - summit on the chaotic with - suhail shaheen, in an interview out. since Aug. 14, the Us has partly due to coordination with He said ultimately it will be hour on the tarmac at Kabul be - chair, and a little girl carried by drawal, is expected to press with sky news, said that Aug. 31 evacuated and facilitated the taliban commanders on getting Biden's decision alone whether fore loading and taking off. He an older boy shaded her eyes to Biden for an extension to get out is a red line the Us must not evacuation of more than 58,000 evacuees into the airport. to continue military-led evacua - said the nonstop mission is tak - look curiously around. the the maximum number of for - cross and that extending the people. BRICS NSAs to hold in-depth exchanges on global, regional security landscape: China

Beijing, Aug 24 (PTI) portant platform" for the "we hope all five mem - five countries - Brazil, bers will jointly deal with China has said that the Russia, India, China and conventional and non-con - national security Advisors south Africa - to strengthen ventional security chal - (nsAs) of BRICs countries political and security coop - lenges, safeguard our secu - will hold an in-depth ex - eration. rity and development inter - change of views to reach the 11th meeting is a ests, promote world peace broad consensus on the major event leading up to and stability, and foster a global, regional and inter - the BRICs summit to be favourable atmosphere for national security landscape held later this year. India is the summit to be held next during their virtual meeting the current chair of the five- month," he said. to a ques - convened by India on member bloc. tion about what kind of role tuesday. wang said the nsAs of China sees BRICs grouping At the invitation of the five countries will hold can play in the post-taliban India's national security an "in-depth exchange of takeover of Afghanistan, Advisor Ajit doval, yang views to reach broad con - wang said, the current situ - Jiechi, Member of the sensus on the global, re - ation in Afghanistan is Political Bureau of the gional and international se - evolving, driven mainly by Communist Party of China curity landscape and coop - internal factors . "external Central Committee and eration in such fields as factors can play a role, but director of the Office of the health, law enforcement, only through internal ones. Central Commission for counter-terrorism and cy - China hopes that various Foreign Affairs, will attend ber security". multilateral mechanisms the 11th BRICs Meeting of "China attaches high will be sensitive, balanced national security Advisors importance to this meeting. and professional in dealing on August 24 via video link, we look forward to working with the Afghan issue, and Foreign Ministry together with other BRICs play a constructive role, spokesman wang wenbin members for a fruitful with an aim to promote ear - told a media briefing here. meeting with the guidance ly smooth transition of the Asked about China's ex - of leaders of the five coun - Afghan situation and help Afghan refugees living in Indonesia hold posters during a rally outside the building that houses UNHCR repre - pectations of the meeting, tries to further deepen the nation to embark on a wang said the BRICs BRICs strategic mutual path of peace, stability and sentative office in Jakarta, Indonesia. The protesters, mostly members of the Hazara ethnic minority, held the Meeting of national trust and cooperation in po - development at an early rally on Tuesday decrying the Taliban's takeover of their country and calling for resettlement in third countries. security Advisors is an "im - litical security, he said. date," he said. G-7 grapples with Afghanistan, an afterthought not long ago Hochul, NY's 1st female governor, washington, Aug 24 Baradar. A Us official confirmed ethiopia. Afghanistan didn't even leave by the Aug. 31 deadline. the report on condition of feature in the one-and-a-half page white House press secretary vows to end ''distractions'' two months ago, the leaders of anonymity because they were not summary of the document. nAtO Jen Psaki said she expected ques - the world's seven major industri - authorized to speak publicly. had already signed off on the Us tions about the Afghanistan evacu - Albamy (US), Aug 24 tion in the distracted final plans to run for governor alised democracies met at the the lawmakers who head the withdrawal and all that appeared ation timeline to be part the g-7 months of Cuomo's term: herself in 2022. height of summer on england's g-7 nations' foreign affairs com - to be left was the completion of an meeting. Psaki would not predict Kathy Hochul became from sending out COVId- democratic Party Chair southwest coast. It was a happy oc - mittees urged leaders in a letter on orderly withdrawal and hopes for a any announcements from the the first female governor of 19 rental aid too slowly, to Jay Jacobs praised Hochul casion: the first in-person summit tuesday to avoid arbitrary dates peace deal between the Afghan meeting but said the focus would new york at the stroke of failing to mandate masks at as a formidable candidate. of the group of seven nations in for ending military support to the government and taliban. be to evacuate Americans and midnight tuesday, taking schools as COVId-19 hos - Hochul is also expected two years due to the coronavirus evacuation. we call on all Afghan parties to Afghan allies as quickly as possible. control of a state govern - pitalizations surge, to slow- to detail how she'll prevent pandemic and the welcomed ap - Johnson and others, including reduce violence and agree on steps white House aides have said ment desperate to get back walking the legalization of any conflict of interest from pearance of President Joe Biden French President emmanuel that enable the successful imple - they think the meeting could grow to business after months of recreational marijuana her husband's job as gener - and his America is back message Macron, are pushing Biden to ex - mentation of a permanent and contentious, as Us allies have distractions over com - sales to adults. al counsel for Buffalo- on matters ranging from comity to tend his self-imposed August 31 comprehensive ceasefire and to en - looked on with disapproval at the plaints that her predeces - Left-leaning advocates based delaware north COVId-19 to climate change. deadline for the total withdrawal of gage fully with the peace process. tumultuous American drawdown. sor abused his power and and lawmakers want to ex - since 2016. the company the smiles and sunshine seem Us forces in order to ensure the In Afghanistan, a sustainable, in - senior British military officers sexually harassed female tend new york's eviction operates new york casinos, distant as g-7 leaders meet again evacuation of all foreign nationals clusive political settlement is the have expressed anger over the U.s. employees. moratorium beyond Aug. and lobbied state officials tuesday, in virtual format, for cri - as well as Afghans who worked for only way to achieve a just and pullout, saying it exposes the hol - Hochul, a 62-year-old 31. Landlord groups say for the recent passage of sis talks on Afghanistan. the coun - or supported the American-led durable peace that benefits all lowness of the trans-Atlantic spe - democrat from Buffalo, new york must get the mobile sports betting. try's burgeoning refugee crisis, the nAtO operation that vanquished Afghans, the leaders said, without cial relationship a phrase used was expected to deliver re - money out the door instead delaware north also collapse of its government and the taliban in 2001 and has now a hint of urgency. since world war II to stress the marks and be sworn-in of loading tenants and has Usd49 million worth fears of a resurgence in Afghan- accepted defeat. the leaders said they were de - bonds of history, friendship and tuesday in Albany for her landlords with more debt. of concessions contracts based terrorism have left the g-7 the British position is we want termined "to help the people of shared diplomatic interests be - 16-month term. Last week, Hochul said with the state thruway au - allies scrambling and threaten the to stay longer if it is possible to do Afghanistan, including women, tween London and washington. she has vowed to move the state can mandate thority and a state park, unity of the bloc. so," said UK defence secretary Ben young people and minority groups, And the german government is the state past the distrac - masks at schools once she's and runs concessions at British Prime Minister Boris wallace. as they seek to preserve hard-won expressing impatience with the tions marked by the final governor a contrast with Buffalo Bills' Highmark Johnson, the host of the June sum - But he said the 1,000 British rights and freedoms. pace of the evacuation effort. months of Andrew Cuomo, who's said he lacks stadium. the Bills want mit in the english resort of Carbis troops at Kabul's airport would be But as summer swings into fall, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said Cuomo's tenure, who long that authority. And she's taxpayers to help cover a Bay, is reconvening the leaders unable to keep up the operation those hopes have been dashed. the majority of local staff who defied calls for his resigna - called legalization of pot Usd1.4 billion new stadi - amid widespread unhappiness when the much larger American On the eve of the meeting, the worked for his country in tion from a majority of sales long overdue and um. delaware north from America's allies about Biden's contingent leaves. white House said Biden and Afghanistan haven't yet been got - elected new york cheered estimates of spokesperson glen white handling of the Afghanistan with - despite Biden's April an - Johnson had spoken by phone and ten out and called tuesday's g-7 democrats until the threat Usd300 million in eventu - said the company's not in - drawal. Complaints have come nouncement that the Us would discussed the importance of close meeting very important for dis - of impeachment became al annual revenue. volved in talks with state from Britain, France, germany and completely withdraw from coordination with allies and part - cussing international access to the real. Cuomo, 63, delivered officials. others in the g-7, which includes Afghanistan by the 20th anniver - ners in managing the current situa - Kabul airport beyond Aug. 31. Hochul, who said she his resignation letter with - watchdog groups say only one non-nAtO member, sary of the sept. 11, 2001, attacks, tion and forging a common ap - British defense minister wasn't aware of sexual ha - out fanfare Monday, and Hochul's husband should Japan. the nation was almost an after - proach to Afghanistan policy. wallace, who has called the Us rassment allegations and his future plans are un - step down to prevent per - In Afghanistan, meanwhile, as thought when the g-7 met in June. Johnson's office said the two deal with the taliban that set the didn't work closely with clear. Hochul lost reelec - ception of conflict of inter - desperate evacuees continued to be COVId-19, China and climate leaders agreed to continue working deadline a mistake, was downbeat Cuomo, has promised no tion to Congress in 2012 est. white said Brian's been transported out of the country, CIA change dominated the agenda. And together to ensure those who are about the prospects of an extension one will ever call her work - and ran in 2014 as running extremely careful not to director william Burns visited expectations for Biden's impend - eligible to leave are able to, includ - to the evacuation effort. place toxic. mate for Cuomo, who long have any direct interaction Kabul on Monday to meet with ing summit with Russian President ing after the initial phase of the I think it is unlikely, he told sky Hochul has spent the delivered wins with sup - in new york matters. Abdul ghani Baradar, the Vladimir Putin were at the top of evacuation has ended. news. not only because of what the past two weeks meeting port from moderate and Hochul is the state's taliban's top political leader, ac - people's tongues. Biden administration officials taliban has said but if you look at with state and local officials left-leaning new yorkers. 57th governor. she's also cording to a Us official familiar the leaders put Afghanistan as have refused to be pinned down the public statements of President preparing to lead an ad - Hochul says she'll pick the second to take over for a with the matter. number 57 out of 70 points in their about whether an extension is like - Biden I think it is unlikely. It is def - ministration facing a new york City democrat governor who resigned the washington Post first re - final 25-page communique - be - ly or even possible given the initely worth us all trying, and we scathing criticism for inac - as lieutenant governor, and amid scandal: david ported Burns' meeting with hind Ukraine, Belarus and taliban's demand that all Us forces will. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU,wednesdAy, AUgUst 25, 2021 HealthBytes: How to live a long life: Tips and tricks to Most common keep your organs healthy the desire to live longer has sumption can also result in high causes of facial been chronicled in greek myth as blood pressure, a risk factor for well as modern novels and films. heart and kidney disease. However, advances in technolo - Begin engaging in regular allergic reactions gy, medicine, and human health physical activity have enabled people to live longer Physical activity regularly can lives. It's not a magical potion but help lower blood pressure and rather an excellent habit that cholesterol levels, increase mus - helps you live longer. cle strength, improve sleep quali - A person's lifetime may be ty, and help you maintain a impacted to a lesser extent by ge - healthy weight. you don't need to netic variables and to a greater stick to a strict workout regimen; extent by the current lifestyle. simply do something that causes those who lived the longest — in - your heart rate to rise regularly. to their late nineties and beyond Avoid supplements and over- – were less prone to develop age- the-counter medications related autoimmune disorders Over-the-counter medica - such as cardiovascular disease, tions and supplements should be cancer, and diabetes. avoided. Because most drugs are A healthy lifestyle may help broken down in the liver after be - An allergy is a sensitive reaction to something that you age more gracefully and pos - ing metabolized, taking multiple you may have eaten, inhaled, or touched. the body in - sibly add years to your life. medications at once or exceeding terprets the allergy-causing substance or allergen as for - According to studies, there are the recommended dosage can be eign or harmful and then attacks it as a defense mecha - numerous ways to live longer and dangerous. some vitamin supple - nism. An allergic reaction can occur on any body part. better lives while keeping your or - ments and herbal therapies can However, the face is one of the most common sites for al - gans healthy: be harmful to your kidneys if tak - lergic reactions. Here are some common causes. Maintain your body's hydra - en in excess, as they can build up Food allergy: Food allergies may cause the tion levels and cause damage, as well as in - mouth to swell staying hydrated by drinking teract negatively with prescrip - Food allergies are the most common types of aller - four to six glasses of water each tion medications. If you are un - gies and the severity of allergies varies in different cases. day is always a good idea because sure whether a drug is more when you eat an ingredient or type of food that your water aids the kidneys in the harmful than beneficial, speak body perceives as an allergen, your body's defense may elimination of waste materials with your doctor. – were less prone to develop age- as fresh fruit, are easier for your ularly. cause a rash or swelling around your lips. In severe cas - from circulation. toxins can stop using tobacco and drink - related autoimmune disorders body to absorb than artificial sug - Avoid supplements and over- es, anaphylaxis causes the tongue and windpipe to swell build up in your body if you be - ing alcohol such as cardiovascular disease, ars and they do not overload your the-counter medications and such cases require immediate medical attention. come dehydrated, harming your tobacco use causes artery cancer, and diabetes. organs. It is also essential to con - Over-the-counter medica - Hay fever: Hay fever can cause inflammation kidneys and liver. while staying hardening and, in some cases, A healthy lifestyle may help sume enough fiber, which is tions and supplements should be of the eyes hydrated keeps your blood arter - kidney hardening, which reduces you age more gracefully and pos - found in fruits, vegetables, and avoided. Because most drugs are seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, happen ies open and allows blood to flow the amount of blood that can flow sibly add years to your life. whole-grain products. broken down in the liver after be - when the immune system identifies airborne substances freely, dehydration causes your to the kidneys and the heart. It According to studies, there are Avoiding processed carbohy - ing metabolized, taking multiple that may be harmless as dangerous. the triggers for blood to thicken, making it more may also cause high blood pres - numerous ways to live longer and drates, as per some research, es - medications at once or exceeding these vary from season to season. Common symptoms difficult for your organs to sure, which increases the risk of better lives while keeping your or - pecially refined carbohydrates the recommended dosage can be include sneezing, itchy and swollen eyes, runny nose, cleanse themselves. heart and kidney problems. gans healthy: such as those found in bread, dangerous. some vitamin sup - itchy sinuses, ear congestion, etc. In severe cases, it may Consume nutritious foods Furthermore, limiting alcohol Maintain your body's hydra - basmati rice, and pasta, as well plements and herbal therapies also result in allergic conjunctivitis, an oozing inflam - natural sugar sources, such consumption may help to reduce tion levels as in fizzy drinks, bakery goods, can be harmful to your kidneys if mation of the eyes' conjunctiva membranes. as fresh fruit, are easier for your the amount of liver damage. staying hydrated by drinking and high-fat meals will help keep taken in excess, as they can build Animal allergies: Animal or insect allergies body to absorb than artificial sug - Keep your blood sugar levels four to six glasses of water each your body healthy and function - up and cause damage, as well as can trigger rashes and hives ars and they do not overload your under control day is always a good idea because ing correctly. excessive salt con - interact negatively with pre - A common misconception is that pet allergies are organs. It is also essential to con - High blood sugar levels can water aids the kidneys in the sumption can also result in high scription medications. If you are caused by animal's hair or fur. But in reality, they are sume enough fiber, which is lead to heart disease, blood vessel elimination of waste materials blood pressure, a risk factor for unsure whether a drug is more caused by the animal's saliva, skin cells, or dander. found in fruits, vegetables, and damage, and renal disease to from circulation. toxins can heart and kidney disease. harmful than beneficial, speak Uncontrolled sneezing is a common reaction to an ani - whole-grain products. name just a few of the problems. build up in your body if you be - Begin engaging in regular with your doctor. mal allergy. Hives and rashes on the neck and face are al - Avoiding processed carbohy - Follow the steps outlined above come dehydrated, harming your physical activity Opt for a check-up so common symptoms that occur when you are allergic drates, as per some research, es - regularly to monitor and natural - kidneys and liver. while staying Physical activity regularly talk to your doctor about to animals or insects. pecially refined carbohydrates ly reduce your blood sugar levels. hydrated keeps your blood arter - can help lower blood pressure your kidneys if you have a heart Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis can such as those found in bread, bas - A person's lifetime may be ies open and allows blood to flow and cholesterol levels, increase condition; if you have renal dis - cause red rashes mati rice, and pasta, as well as in impacted to a lesser extent by ge - freely, dehydration causes your muscle strength, improve sleep ease, talk to your doctor about If you touch your face after touching something your fizzy drinks, bakery goods, and netic variables and to a greater blood to thicken, making it more quality, and help you maintain a your heart, especially if you have body considers an allergen, you might get a red rash or high-fat meals will help keep your extent by the current lifestyle. difficult for your organs to healthy weight. you don't need diabetes or high blood pressure. hives on your face. this reaction is called contact der - body healthy and functioning those who lived the longest — in - cleanse themselves. to stick to a strict workout regi - An imbalance in one organ can al - matitis. the offending substance can range from poison correctly. excessive salt con - to their late nineties and beyond Consume nutritious foods men; simply do something that ways affect another so it is better ivy, food substance, or a new laundry detergent. since natural sugar sources, such causes your heart rate to rise reg - to regularly get yourself tested. most people touch their faces throughout the day, con - tact dermatitis is usually found near the eyes and mouth. Are you phubbing? Identify and COVID-19 and monsoon HealthBytes: infections: Preventive manage this damaging habit measures for kids and adults Monsoons are that time of the year when we are most Know what do you have friends who give prone to all kinds of infections. However, along with sea - more attention to their phones while sonal ailments like dengue, typhoid, and cholera that we you talk or are you guilty of being need to be wary of, we are now at an added risk of contract - one? Phubbing or phone snubbing is ing COVId-19 as well. Read on for a few ways in which you makes COVID-19 an annoying habit wherein a person can boost immunity and reduce the risk of infections. snubs those around them while Hygiene: Prioritize personal hygiene and cleanliness, scrolling through their phone. while even after pandemic is over pneumonia this behavior is certainly not a crime, wearing a mask, washing hands with soap, maintaining it is capable of damaging your rela - social distancing, etc. need to strictly be adhered to. It is also tionships and your own mental important to sanitize the most frequented areas of the health, too. Here's more. house to reduce the risk of viral and fungal infections. different and Relationships: Phubbing inter - Personal hygiene like washing hands before mealtimes and rupts your ability to engage with every time you come back from outside are habits that those around you should be followed, even after the pandemic. deadly when you're continuously en - diet: ensure that the diet comprises monsoon-friendly grossed in your phone, it interrupts foods Pneumonia is an infection that can cause the small your ability to be present and engage person is phubbed, it shakes their gatherings or even while at the Craving for piping hot samosas while sipping on that air sacs in the lungs to fill with fluid. this lung disease with those around you. A study found sense of belongingness, self-esteem, movies. 3) you need your phone be - evening chai is an emotion rather than a craving. But that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi and has been that texting on the phone while en - and meaningful existence and they side you even during mealtimes. being said, it is extremely important to also have monsoon- observed to be a severe complication of COVId-19, too. gaging in a conversation with some - end up feeling rejected and not im - stop phubbing: It is never too late friendly foods that will boost your immunity and reduce the From symptoms to watch out for to the long-term side one else, made the experience less portant. this can thus lead to depres - to get rid of phubbing risk of seasonal infections. Cruciferous vegetables, healthy effects of the disease, read on to know everything about satisfying for everyone, including the sion and even increase bitter feelings It is never too late to recognize vegetable soups, and immunity-boosting spices should be COVId-19 pneumonia. phubber. Furthermore, another toward the phubber. and change damaging habits and the included in healthy quantities in your diet. Difference: Difference between COVID-19 study concluded that phubbing in signs: three ways to identify if same applies to phubbing as well. Footwear: Choose an ideal footwear for the monsoons pneumonia and regular pneumonia marriages results in strained relation - you are a phubber Begin by making meals a no-phone the water that clogs streets and roads during monsoons while extensive research is being carried out to ana - ships and a higher rate of depression. If you always have your phone in zone and while engaging in mealtime tends to be a brooding place for different bacteria, viruses, lyze more differences between COVId-19 pneumonia Mental health: the person on the hand, chances are that you're a phub - conversations with loved ones. At a and fungi. Hence, limiting the exposure of feet to the water and regular pneumonia, researchers till now have con - receiving end can feel depressed ber. However, these signs will help party or meeting, keep your phone by wearing covered footwear like boots or choosing rubber firmed that: 1) COVId-19 pneumonia is more likely to If you're guilty of phubbing, it is you get clarity on it. 1) you converse away and train your mind to enjoy sandals that can be dried easily is advised. It is also impor - affect both the lungs as opposed to just one in regular important to understand the negative via text and in-person with different and be involved in the present. tant to wash your feet and keep them clean at all times. pneumonia. 2) the Ct scan shows lungs to have a impact this can have on the person individuals at the same time. 2) you Remember, it takes time but it isn't stagnant water: Unclog stagnant water and keep sur - "ground-glass" appearance. 3) Abnormalities detected who is at the receiving end. when a constantly check your phone at social impossible. roundings clean in other lab tests, including liver function tests. Mosquitoes increase the chance of infections during Symptoms: Note the symptoms of COVID-19 monsoons. Clearing the stagnant water around your house pneumonia is a good way to reduce the risk. Applying a mosquito repel - Mild COVId-19 pneumonia and regular pneumonia HealthBytes: Five common anti-inflammatory lent cream and wearing fully covered clothing will also keep have almost the same symptoms and they include chills, these insects away to some extent. In addition to these, it is cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, fatigue, ideal to stay home and step out only for emergencies. And, etc. However, individuals with severe cases of COVId- foods that you should have remember to wear a mask! 19 experience more severe symptoms like trouble Inflammation can be considered as the body's defense mechanism against infection and injury. However, at times, breathing, low oxygen levels, and bluish color of the lips. it can turn into a chronic condition and pave way for weight gain and several other diseases. Including anti-inflamma - In critical cases, COVId-19 pneumonia may also tory foods in your diet is a healthy way to keep inflammation away. Here are a few common anti-inflammatory foods progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome and the effects they can have on your body. (ARds). Grapes: Grapes contain flavonoids that reduce inflammation Risk: Who are more at risk of developing Anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid, present in grapes help in reducing inflammation. grapes also contain resvera - COVID-19 pneumonia? trol, another compound that provides a host of health benefits like lowering cholesterol, protecting the brain cells, etc. Adults above the age of 65 are prone to pneumonia there are several studies that indicate the anti-inflammatory effects of grapes. One such study proves that consuming after COVId-19 infection. In addition, individuals of any grape extracts leads to decreased inflammatory gene markers in individuals. age who have underlying health conditions like asthma, Turmeric: Curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties diabetes, lung diseases, and chronic kidney disease may turmeric is a spice that has been used in medicines since ancient times. A compound called curcumin present in also contract a severe infection from COVId-19 and turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient and reduces inflammation related to arthritis and diabetes. studies pneumonia. Furthermore, patients undergoing treat - prove that a daily intake of turmeric and black pepper helps increase the body's absorption of curcumin. this may sig - ment for severe diseases like cancer and AIds are also at nificantly decrease the inflammatory marker CRP in people with metabolic syndromes. an increased risk of the disease. Olive oil: Extra virgin olive oil significantly reduces the inflammatory markers Impact: What are the long-term effects of extra virgin olive oil is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and brain cancer. A study concluded that consuming this kind of pneumonia? 50ml of this oil every day significantly decreased CRP and several other inflammatory markers in the body. extra virgin Pneumonia that develops after COVId-19 often has olive oil is also a better choice in comparison to the more refined olive oils for its greater anti-inflammatory benefits. long-lasting effects on health. A recent study found that Tomatoes: Tomatoes reduce pro-inflammatory compounds related to cancer 66 out of 70 people, who recovered from pneumonia af - tomato is a nutritional powerhouse and is rich in lycopene, a compound that has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxi - ter the COVId-19 infection, had lung lesions even when dant properties and is linked to reducing inflammatory compounds relating to several types of cancer. studies prove they were discharged from the hospital. this suggests drinking tomato juice every day decreases the inflammatory markers in women with excess weight. to reap the bene - that the individual may experience breathing difficulties fits of tomatoes, cook them with olive oil to increase the absorption of lycopene. Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU wednesdAy AUgUst 25, 2021

Devoleena Bhattacharjee literally Filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar kills her Gopi Bahu avatar as she Inaaya Kemmu kissing brother Jeh Ali Khan on his first Rakhi diagnosed with bladder cancer, dances in a bikini; fans say, 'Koi undergoes surgery Kokila Modi Ko Bulao is the cutest picture you will see on the internet today

Filmmaker and actor Mahesh Manjrekar has undergone a surgery. He was diagnosed with urinary bladder cancer a few days ago and was operated at a Mumbai hospital 10 days ago. According to reports, he is back home and recovering. the filmmaker told Indian express, “I did get operated and I am on the road to recovery.”He recently cele - brated his 63rd birthday at home with salman Khan. Indian Idol 12 winner PawandeepRajan and contestants Arunita Kanjilal, sayli Kamble, shanmukhapriya, nihal tauro, Ashish Kulkarni and nachiket Lele were a part of his birthday celebra - As India celebrated shared, we see Inaaya tioned that they missed saba pap got to click pictures of tions.On the professional front, Manjrekar Raksha Bandhan on sunday, Kemmu sweetly kissing Ali Khan, sara Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan.Meanwhile, last helmed Abhay deol-starrer web series Kareena Kapoor Khan and brother Jeh Ali Khan. It is his Ibrahim Ali Khan. Both the Kareena, saif, Jeh and 1962: the war in the Hills for disney Plus saif Ali Khan's sons taimur first Raksha Bandhan cele - pictures are very adorable taimur have recently re - Hotstar. It was his digital debut. He now has Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan bration and Inaaya showered and will instantly make your turned from Maldives. the Antim coming up which stars salman Khan celebrated the occasion with him with love. soha shared day.Jeh Ali Khan was born in family had taken of the beach and his brother-in-law Aayush sharma.He soha Ali Khan and Kunal the picture with the caption, the month of February this paradise to celebrate saif Ali will also be directing the biopic of Vinayak Kemmu's daughter Inaaya "First rakhi." In another pic - year. saif Ali Khan and Khan's birthday. now, they damodar savarkar. the film was announced naumi Kemmu. soha Ali ture, we see Inaaya tying Kareena Kapoor Khan made are back in the city. Kareena on his 138’s birth anniversary in May. On Khan took to her Instagram rakhi to taimur Ali Khan who sure to keep him away from Kapoor Khan will be next helming the biopic, Manjrekar had said in a account to share the pictures is seated on father saif Ali the media glare for a few seen in Aamir Khan's Laal statement, “I have forever been fascinated by from Raksha Bandhan cele - Khan's lap. she shared this months and didn't even re - singh Chaddha, while saif Ali the life and times of Veer savarkar. I believe brations and our hearts are picture with the caption, veal his name for a long time. Khan has Bhoot Police and he is a man who didn’t get his due in history. melting.In one of the pictures "Bound together " and men - It was only recently that the Adipurush in his kitty.

Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli celebrate Bigg Boss OTT : Urfi Javed opens up about her dark past; Onam in a Yorkshire restaurant says, 'My relatives went so far

tour. Virat took out time from his as to call me a porn star' schedule to celebrate Onam with his wife and daughter. they were at a Kerala restaurant, tharavadu, in tV actress devoleena Bhattacharjee cele - Leeds, yorkshire. Many fans of the brated her birthday yesterday. she rang in the couple posted pictures on social media. weekend at a resort in nashik. dressed in a Anushka was seen in a white maxi bright yellow bikini top with a printed bottom, dress while Virat looks wore a black tee devoleena Bhattacharjee treated fans to her and trousers.Last month, Anushka skimpiest outing ever. As we know, the actress and Virat took some time out to cele - has been working out a bit since the past few brate their baby daughter Vamika's 6 months and the results are showing. devoleena months birthday with a picnic. the ac - Bhattacharjee has dropped all her extra kilos tress shared a few family pictures on and is looking great. the lady is seen doing a bel - Instagram. "Her one smile can change ly dance in the lawn near the swimming pool. our whole world around ! I hope we can Fans have seen the video and have hilarious re - both live up to the love with which you actions. One of them commented, "Arrey koi look at us, little one Happy 6 months to kokilamodi ko bulao gopi kya kr rhi," while an - us three," Anushka captioned the post. other one wrote, "Kya se kyahogaya." Another At the time of Vamika's birth on one even added the background music. the January 11, Virat and Anushka had re - comment read, "gopiiii Vauuuu!! quested the paparazzi not to click the ?dhumtanananana dhere nadhe renadhi nad - pictures of their daughter asking them hum tanananana," while others blamed Bigg to respect their privacy. "As parents, Boss for 'ruining' the girl. the comment read, we have a simple request to make to "yeh log ghar me bi bikini dalkrghumtehai... Big you. we want to protect the privacy of boss se sbbigadkrattehai." we can see that some our child and we need your help and of the reactions are just too funny! It is also stu - support. while we will always ensure pid to assume that people feel that tV actors that you get all the content you need would dress up like onscreen characters in real featuring us, we would request you to life. devoleena Bhattacharjee was last seen as a kindly not take or carry any content wild card contestant in Bigg Boss 14. the actress that has our child. we know that you was supposed to be a part of Bade AccheLagte will understand where we are coming Hain 2 but we guess it did not work out. we are As you might be aware, Anushka with their daughter Vamika. they are from and we thank you for the same," waiting to see her back on screen soon! sharma and Virat Kohli are in england there as the Indian cricket team is on a read the couple's joint statement. Khatron Ke Khiladi 11: Fans are happy that Nikki Tamboli has been eliminated from the show but feel sad for Vishal Aditya Singh so, the latest episode of Khatron paired with Anushka sen and Ke Khiladi 11 concluded a couple of Vishal was paired with nikki. minutes ago and it was filled with the first stunt was to be per - some interesting stunts. tonight's formed by sana and Anushka. It (read 22nd August 2021) episode of was an aerial stunt that the girls Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 was dramatic performed but couldn't com - and full of entertainment. the dope plete. Vishal and nikki per - Bigg Boss Ott has turned out to be a damp squib as between the stunts, the love angle formed the same stunt but nikki far as viewer engagement is concerned. UrfiJaved was between Vishal Aditya singh and after promising that she'd do the the first to get out of the house. In fact, some people sana Makbul, the games that the stunt refused to move an inch. As wanted her back as she was a little entertaining out of contestants play with the crew a result, Vishal got a fear fanda the rest who were just fighting and fighting. the actress (QnA) were like a breather between and was sent to the elimination has had a tough journey in the world of entertainment. the physically and mentally chal - stunt round with nikki. Vishal she revealed how she left her home in Lucknow after her lenging stunts that the contestants was obviously upset that nikki relatives criticized her for being an alleged 'porn perform on the show. In tonight's did not even perform the star'.UrfiJaved told RJ siddharth Kannan, "I was not episode of Khatron Ke Khiladi 11, we stunt.we also saw divyanka even in college, I was in the eleventh standard. It was saw double elimination taking tripathi, shweta tiwari, Rahul tough because I didn't have my family's support. My place. nikki tamboli and Vishal Vaidya, Varun sood and others family blamed me, I was victim-blamed. My relatives Aditya singh made their exit by the calling nikki out for aborting the went so far as to call me a porn star. they wanted to end of the episode. And fans are hav - stunts without even giving it a check my bank account, expecting to find crores." It ing a mixed reaction to the try. And fans share their senti - seems her decision to join the entertainment world was same.Here's a short gist of the latest ments. Fans of Khatron Ke frowned upon by many. UrfiJaved added that her father Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 episode: Khiladi 11 are happy that nikki was physically and mentally abusive, which led to her Rohit shetty changed the pairing of has been eliminated from the breakdown.UrfiJaved further said, "I couldn't remem - the contestants. so, Abhinav shukla show at last. However, a lot of ber my own name, people said such nasty things about was paired with Rahul Vaidya, people are feeling bad for Vishal me. no girl should go through what I went through." the shweta tiwari was paired with as he didn't deserve to be elimi - actress spoke about how she was victim-shamed and not Arjun Bijlani, sana Makbul was nated. allowed to have a voice as she was a woman.     11 LOCAL "%%-/&+0- -+, 

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