Energy Balance 2017 Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Energy Balance 2017 A n A naly sis of the E ner gy Sector P erformance Sri Lanka Energy Balance 2017 An Analysis of Energy Sector Performance Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority 1st Floor, Block 5, BMICH, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Energy Balance 2017 Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority 1st Floor, Block 5, BMICH Bauddalokha Mawatha Colombo 07 Sri Lanka Copyright © by Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority ISSN: ISSN 2386-172X All rights reserved. First Printed in Sri Lanka 1976 Energy systems are seen as slow moving systems with high inertia. Hence it is an accepted practice to forecast for long periods, quantities looked at semi-decadal intervals. In the years gone by, energy was taken as simple deterministic systems with little or no room for stochastic behavior. With the first oil crisis, which occurred in 1970’s, all these changed and the once peaceful minds of energy planners started to reverberate with probabilistic events and outcomes. That painful transition from abundant fossil fuel and unhindered nuclear era to a supply constrained chaos was somehow weathered by the energy industry. The energy transition, which is shattering the very foundations of the industry many have its origin traced to climate change catastrophe. However, we are yet to fathom this global trend and are essentially clueless on where it will take the mankind on its completion. Yet, we struggle to make out the bigger picture by piecing together little bits of it, imagining the little bits will foretell the ultimate big picture, just like a tiny element of a fractal image.
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