NO. PAGE I. Minutes taken on board the Kmt at the Attack of Budge Budge Fort at Tana and at Calcutta Onne MSS., O. V., 32,#. 1-6. I 2. Extracts from the Log of the Kmt, 16 October, 1756, to 5 January, 1751 3 Admiralty Cap/aillS' Journals, Vol. 502- J. Extracts from the Log of the Cu""'erland, 27 March and 24 April, 1757 6 Ad",iralty Captains' Journals, Vol. 4.154- 4- Remarks from on board the Tyger 6 (a) The taking of Budge Budge Orme MSS., O. V., 8, p. 55. 6 (6) The taking of Calcutta - Orme MSS., O. v., 8,p. 56. 1 (e) The taking of Chandemagore - Orme MSS.. O. v., 8, p. 6J. 8 S. Extracts from the Log of the Tyger, 30 December, 1156, to 25 March, 1751 - -. Admiralty Cap/aillS' Journals, Vol. 994- 10 6. Extracts from the Log of the Sa/islNry, 4-6' February, 1151 - 13 . Admiralty Captains' Journals, Vol. 4.332- 1. Remarks from on board the Bridgwater - 13 (a) The taking of Hugli - 13 (6)" At Bandel - - 14 (e) The attacking of the Nabob's Army in Camp - IS Orme MSS., O. v., 8,#. 59-62. 8. Extracts from the Log of the Bridgwaler,2S December,17S6, t023 June, 1157 - - Adm';ralty Cap/aillS' Journals, Vol. 3.194- 16 9- Extracts from the Log·ofthe TAunOer, 16 and 11 January, 1151 - 18 Admiralty Captains' Journals, Vol. 4.368. 10 Extracts from the Log of the Kinglisller, 10-25 January, 1157 -- 18 Admiralty Masierr Logs, Vol. 912. II. Extracts from the Log of the Delaware, 21 July, 1156, to 30 January, 1151 - I.O., Logs of Company's SAps, 322, C I 'CONTENTS

MO. PAGS 12. Extracts from the Log of the Marlborougk, 19 January to 18 February, 1757 - 1.0., Logs ofCompanys Sltips, 602,/. 24 13. Extracts from the Log of the Walpol,-, 13 December, 1756, to 24 February, 1757 1.0., Logs 0/ Companys Sltips, 293, /. 26 14. Extracts from the Log of the Edgeote, 16 December, 1756, to 29 May, 1757 - I. 0., Logs of Company s Sltips, 599, C. 26' 15. Extracts from the .Log of the Portjield, 28 and 29 May, 1757 26 1.0., Logs of Companys Sltips, 609, D. 16. Extracts from the Log of the Ckesterjield, 29 May, 1757 - 26 1.0., Logs o/Companys Sltips, 507, D. 17 News from Bengal relating to the taking of Chandernagore, 23 March, 1757 - . Urme MSS., O.v., 32,PP. 9-16. 27 18. Journal of the Expedition to Bengal, 13 October, 1756, to 18 February, 1757, by one of Colonel Clive's family 30 Orme MSS., India, VII., p. 1832 j Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 35,917. 19. Journal of Sir (then Captain) Eyre Coote - 39 Orme MSS., India, VII.,p. 1650. 20. Journal of the Proceedings Qf the Troops under Colonel Clive on the Expedition to Bengal : 58 Orm-e MSS., O. Vo, 20; India, 1V.,j. 789 j O.v., 4,P. lIS. 21. Colonel Clive's Military Journal, 2-25 March, 1757 - 62 Fort St. Geo, .'lei. C(lm. Con., 1757,P' 292 i Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 35,917. - 22. JOl\rnal of Military Prpceedings on the Expedition to 65 . Orllll MSS., O.v., 20,j. 35.



A.-EXTRAt::TS FROM ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. 23. The London Ckronic/e, 2-4 June, i757 Brillsk Museum. 69 24. Ditto, ditto. 4-7 June, ~757 Britisk Museum. 69 25. Ditto, ditto. 7-9 Jpne, 1757. Letter from India containing account of the affair in Bengal, with list of killed and thpse whQ died in tb, Black floll: - Bri/isk Museum. 70 26. The Public Advertiser, 7 June, J757 Britisk Museum. 74 27. Ditto, ditto. 8 June, 1757 On'tisk Museum. 74 28. The London Ckrollic/e, 9-11 June, 1757. List of persons who sutTered in the defence of Calcutta and Fort William Britisk Museum. 75 29 Lloyd's Evening Post, 14-16 June, 1757. l-ist of Vessels lost and laken by the Moors On'lisk Mllieum. 77 CONTENTS iii

NO. PAGE 30. The London Chronicle, 16-18 June, 1757. Letter from M. Durand te M. de la Motte, 2 Jilly, 1756 British Museum. 77 31• The London Chronicle, 28-30 June, 1757 Britisll, Museum. 81 32. Read's Weekly Journal or British GazeNeer, '18 June, 1757 Brit. Mus. 81 33. Lloyd's EveningPost,22 July, i757 Britisn Museum. 82 34. The Publz'o Advertiser, :12 July, 1757 British Museum. 82 35. Ditto, ditto. 23 July, 1757 - , Bn'tish Museum. 83 \ 36; The London Chronicle, 23'26 July, 1757 'British Museum. 83 37. Ditto, ditto. 28-30 July, 1757 - British Museum. 85 38. Ditto, ditto. 2-4 August, 1757 - British Museum. 88 39. Ditto, ditto. 6-9 August, 1757 - British Museum. 90 40. Ditto, ditto. 13-16 August, 1757 British Museum. 92 41. Lloyd's Evening Post, 29-31 August, 1757 British Museum. 93 42. Ditto, ditto. 19-21 September,' 1757 British Museum. 93 43. The London' Chronicle, 13-15 .october" 1757 British Museum. '94 44. Read's WeeklyJournal, 29 October, 1757 Briush Museum. 95 45. The London Chronicle, 21-23 February, 1758 - Bn'ttsh Museum. 96 46. Ditto, ditto. 14-16 March, 1758 British Museum, 96 47. The Public Advertiser, I April, 1758 Bn'usn Museum. 97. 48. The Universal Magazine, June, '1757 Bn'tzsh Museum. 97

B,.,.....S(::Ol'CH MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS. 49. Sco(s Magazine, Vol. XIX., May, 1757 Bn'tish Museum. 101 50. The Caledonian Mercury, 9 June, 1757 • Bn'tish Museum. 107 51. The Edinburgh Evening Courant, 9 June, 1757 Bn'ttsA. Museum. 107 52. The Caledonian Mercury, I I June, 1757 Brit,sh Museum. 107 53. Scots' .Ilagazine, June, July, and' October, 1751 Bn'lzsh Museum. 107 54. The Edinburgh Evening Courant,' p June, 1757 British Museum. 107 55. Ditto, ditto. 14 June, 17.57 !Jriush Museum. 108 56. Ditto, ditto, 24 September, 1157 British Museum. 114 57. Ditto, ditto, 6 October, 1757 • /1rt't#k Museum. 115 58. Th~ Caledonian Mercury, 13 October, 1757 British Museum. II6 59. The Edinburgh Evening Courant, 27 October, 1757 Bn't,sh Museum. II6


60. Gazette d' Utrecht, 2 Juin, 1757 - 1.0., C(Jr. /Item., 1157. II6 61. Memoir sent; 16 October, 1757, for publication in tht; Gaaettes of , Amsterdam and Utrecht Archives, Affaires Etrangeres, Pans. II7 62. Le Courrier d' Avignon, 27 May, 1757 Bibliotheq,ee Nationa/(!, Pans, 119 , 63, Recueil des Gazettes de France, 18 June, 1757, and Mercure de France, July, 1757 - BibliotMque A'att:onal~, Pans, II9 64. Le Courn'er d'Avignon, 24 June, 17~7 Bibll"tJlheque National~, Paris. 120 ;v CONTENTS

PAGE 65· Recue,1 des Gazettes de France, 25 June, 1757 Bib. Nal., Paris. 120 66. I.e Courrier d' Avignon, 1 July, 1757 BilJliotlthlue Nationale, Pans. 121 67· Ditto, ditto. 12 August, 1757 - Bibliotlttfjue Nationale, Pans. 121 68. Recueil des Gazettes de France, 5.November, 1757 Bib. Nat., Pans. 122 69· I.e Courrier d'Avignon, 8 November, 1757 Bib. Nal., Pans. 122 70. Recueil des Gazettes de France, 26 November, 1757 Bib. Nal., Paris. 122 71. Ditto, ditto. 4 March, 1758 BibliothCfjue Nationale, Pans. 12J 72. Ditto, ditto. II March, 1758 Bibliotktfjue Nalionale, Pans. 124 73· Ditto, ditto. 24 June, 1758 BibliothCfjue l\'ationale, Pans. 12S



74. Account of the Loss of Calcutta by Robert Orme, Madras, 27 October, 1756 - Onne MSS., O. v., 19, p. 6S. 126 75. Holwell's Genuine Narrative ofthe Black Hole - 131 Ho/well, India Tracts, p. 381. , 76. The Troubles in Bengal Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 29, 209, Vol. I., f. 33. 154 76a. Memoir by M. Jean Law - 160 Bib. Nat., Paris, MSS., 9,363 ; Bn'l. Mus. Add. MSS., 20, 914. 77. Revolutions in Bengal - Bn'!. Mus. Add. M~~·S., 20, 914. 215 78. Voltaire, , Fragments Historiques sur l'Inde,' Article XII • 241 79. Letter from M. Renault at Chandernagore to M. Ie Marquis Dupleix, 4 September, 1757 - Bzoliotkefjue Na#onale, Pans. 242 80. Ditto, ditto. 30 September, 1757 Bzo!iotk;f/ue Nationale, Pans. 252 81. Letter from M. Fournier at Chandernagore to M.le Marquis Dupleix, 3 November, 1757 - Bib!iothCfjue Na#onale, MSS., Paris. 254 82. Account of what happened in Bengal from [7 October, 1756, to 22 January, 1758 - BibliothCfjue Nationale, Pans, MS., 9,363. 256 83. Letter apparently written by M. Law concerning the Affairs of Bengal, 9 February, 1758 BibliothCfjue Nationale, Paris. 263 84. Letter from M. Renault to the Superior Council at Pondicherry, 26 October, [758 Bt'bliothCfjue Nationale, Paris 265 85~ First Report from the Committee appointed to inquire into (he Nature, etc., ofthe , 26 May, 1772: (a) Evidence of Mr. Manningham (b) " Mr. Becher . (c) " Mr. John Cooke - 290 (d) " Mr. Becher - · 30 3 (e) " Mr. F. Sykes • 306 (f) " Sir George Pocock - • 30'/ CONTENTS

NO. PAGB (g) Evidence of Lord Clive - - 30 7 (h) " Mr. John Walsh - 318 ('J " Captain Brereton - 318 (j) " Mr. John Cooke - 320 (k) " Sir Eyre Coote - 32 1 (I) " Lord Clive - - 32 3



86. Letter from Mr. C. F. Noble .to the Select' Committee at Fort St. George, 22 September, 1756 - 326 Fort St. George Sel. Com. Con., 24 September, 1756. 87. Letter from Mr. Watts to Colonel Clive, 28 January, 1757 - 329 OrmeMSS., O.v., 19,P. 1I3. 88. Letter from Colonel Clive and Officers to Mr. Watts - - 331 Orme MSS., O.v., 19,P• .f23. 89. Letter from Mr. Watts at Calcutta to the Court of Directors, 30 January, 1757 LO., Bengal Letters Recd.• p. 377. 331 90. Letter from Mr. Becher to the Council at Fort Willi~, 22 March, 1757 '1.0., Bengal Letters Recd.,p. 459· 337 91• Letter from Mr. Pearkes to the Court of Directors, 28 March, 1757 - 341 , 1.0., Bengal Letters Recd.,p. 469. 92. Letter from Mr. Scrafton to Mr. Walsh, 9 April, 1757 342 . Orme MSS., India, IX.,p. 2321. 93. Letter from M. Lebeaume to the Council at Fort William, 18 April, 1757 Fort Wm. Public Con., 21 Apn"/,1757. 344 94. Letter from Mr. Scrafton. at to Colonel Clive, 28 April, . 1757 Orme MSS., India, IX.,p. 2332• 344 95. Petition of Hubbo to the Council at Fort William 346 Fort William Public Consultations, 27 June, 1757. 96. Letter from Mr. Holwell at London to the Court of Directors, 22 July 347 LO., Misc. Leiters Reed., Vol. XL.~· Holwell, India Tracts,p. 343. 97. Ditto, ditto. 10 August, 1757 - - 348 . LO., Misc. Letters Reed., Vol. XL.; Holwell, India Tracts, p. 343. 98• Letter from Colonel Clive at Calcutta to his Father, 19 August, 1757 360 . Clive Correspondenc'l, Walcot, Vol. X. 99· Letter from Colonel Clive to Mr. Belchier, 21 August, 1757 - - 361 Clive Correspondence, Walcot, Vol. X. too. Letter from Lieutenant R. H:ayter on board the Salisbury to Admiral Pocock, 21 August, 1757 -Admiralty Records, 1.L., 161. 362 1Ii CONTENTS

NO. fAGB 101. Letter from Colonel Clive at Calcutta to John Payne, Esq., 24 August, 1757 I.O., Correspondence Memoranda, 1757. 363 102. Remonstrance of the Commissioners on the Losses of the Black Inhabitants of Calcutta Fort Wm. Pub. Con., 17 April, 1757. 363 103. Letter from Petrus Arratoon to the Court of Directors, 25 January, .1759 - If - - - 1.0., Home Series, Misc., 65. 364 104. Letter from Mr. Holwell to the Council at Fort William, 5 November, 1759 Fort Wm. Pub. Con., 8 N01Iember, 1759. 367



105. Phirmaund for Bengal, Behar, and Orissa - 375 Orme MSS., India, VII.,p. 1719 j Broome's Omgal Army, App. C.,. 1.0., Home Senes, Misc., 69. 106. Cypher used by Messrs. Watts and Scrafton at Murs)1idabad - 377 Orme MSS., India, XIII.,p. 3717. 107. The Family of Siraj-uddaula - - 378 108. Let.ter from C~ptain Grant, 13 July, 1756 Indian Antiquary. 379 109. Causes of the Loss of Calcutta, by David Rannie, August, 1756 - 383 Orme MSS., O.v., 19,P. 147 j Onne MSS., India, IV.,p. 863. 110. Queries from Mr. R. Orme to Mr. Cooke on the Siege of Calcutta, June, 1756, and Mr. Cooke's Answers, January, 1762 - 39~ Orme MSS., India, lV"p. 826. III. Mr. Cooke concerning the Nabob's Hircarrak - 393 Orme MSS., India, IV.,p. 824. 112. Account of Sums given by to the Company's Servants from 1757 to 1766 - Par. Sel. Com. Rep.,p. 311 • 395 113. Mr. Watts' Flight from Muxadavad, June, 1757 - 396 Orm!! MSS., India, Xv., p. 4138. I 14. Whether Cliye was asleep at the - ~03 Orme MSS., 0.V.,20,p. 55. I I 5. Extracts from Mayor's Court Proceedings (a) Complaint of Anna Baptista, 15 April, 1757 • 405 (b) Answer of Jane Derrickson, 6 May, 1757 • 406 (c) Complaint of John Cornelius, 6 May, 1757 • 407 II 6. Extracts from Mayor's Court Proceedings (d) Complaint of Edward Savage, 20 May, 1757 (e) Captain Nicholson's Reply,.22 July, 1757 II7. Account of Military at Bengal, 29 February, 1756 1.0., Correspondence Memor.anda 1756. CONTENTS vii

NO. PAGE II8. Dutch Officials in Bengal ' State Archives, The Hague. 408 II 9. East India Company's Servants in Bengal, 1756 ' 4Il . 1.0., List of Covenanted Servants, Bengal, Vol. I. 120. 'Ditto, ditto. 29 January, 1757 ' 413 . 1.0., List of Covenanted Servants, Bengal, Vol. I. 121. List of Inhabitants who bore Arms at the Siege of Calcutta, 1 Jllly, .1756 " OnneMSS., India, 1V.,P.95·1; O.v., 19,P. 61. 415 122. List of Vessels at Calcutta when attacked . " 416 Onne MSS., India, 1V.,p. 948. 123. Account, of Ammunition in Fort William when taken by the Moors - 417 Orme MSS., O. v., 19, p. 169. 124. Establishment of the French Company in Bengal, 23 January, 1756 - 418 Arehz'ves Colonz'ales, Pari's. 125. List of the Garrison of Fort d'Orleans at Chandemagore, 1757 420 Onne MSS., Indz'a, XIII.,p. 3660.


Plan of the Factory of Cossimbazar in June, 1756 - P·32 9


Page I, note I, I'efers to ships' logs. and not to military journals. Page 18, line 10, for Captain James Rowe read Captain Richard Toby. Page 42, line 19. fol' Captain Waller read Captain Weller. Page 51. line 28, fol' Captain Archibale read Captain Archibald .. Page 57, note I, for June 3 read June 5. Page 77, line 9. for Wbatnore read Wbatmore. Page 154, line 31, for on he contrary read on the contrary. Page 167, line 31, for particular read private. Page 169. line 38, for Howell read Holwell. Page 189. line 39, jor au I'ead an. Page 205. line 38, after cast down i,!sert and.' Page 242, line 24, for vapours read vapour. Page 249, line I, for please I'eadpleased. Page 364. line 38, for on the May read on May. Page 414. line'II, for Dustick read Dusticks. Page 417. line 6, for Coquilare read Coquilane. , LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOL. III.

FACING PAGB I. River Hugli-Hoogly Point to Calcutta (after Rennell) 3 II. River Hugli-Calcutta to Niaserai (after Renne/I) 42 III. Cossimbazar River-Plassey to Murshidabad (after Rmnell) 65 IV. Cossimbazar. . From Tidfinthaler's ' Description de l'lnde' - 160 V. Chandemagore. From Tie.lfenthaler's' Descnption de lInde' - 265 VI. FaCtory of Cossimbazar. From the Orm; MSS., India Office - 329 INDEX AND GLOSSARY.l

Aaz-ul-mulk, Muyid-uddaula, Adt't"llhfn(ship, NO.2), Captain Picker­ Nawazish Ali KhAn BahAdur, ing, III., 77 King's Diwln, II., 222 (II) Afghlns, the, I., xxi, xxix; II., 2390 Abdally (Ahnlad Shih AbdAli or Shih 281, 282, 306, 326, J42; III., 61 Dumni), an Afghln from HerAt. Africa, I II., 3go Innded India in 1748. 1757, and Afshlr tribe, I., xxv again in 1758, when he crushed the Aga Baba or Bauboo, illegitimate son Marathas at Plnipat, II., 2J9o 286, of Sarfarl.z KhlD, adopted by his Jo8, JOCJo J85 mother, Ne6ssa Bigam (' Seir Muta. Abdul Caussim Meer (Abdul Klsim), qherin,' ii., 109), I., xlv, 124; 11.,66 11.,330 Agadeep. Sn Agradwip Abraham, Bernard, sergeant of the Aga Manuel Satoor, an Armenian Militia, died in the Black Hole, I., merchant, I .. xxi; III., ISO xciv, 191; III., 153 Agency, the. Set Agents for the Com­ Abuab mumnua (A., abrv4/) 1lIe•.".4IIIi), pany'l Affairs a cess levied on the inhabitants of a Agents for the CompanY'1 Mairs, title village to defray the Upenses of the assumed by the Council of Fort Zamindir on his occasional visits, William after their retreat to Fulta, III., 376 I., cxi, aii, cdy, 186, 202, 2030 299- Adam, I., lxiii -Noti6cation by, J., ai, aii, gil Adams, Mr., officer of the DelG_n. Agra, n., J42 III., 23; served as midshipman on Agradwip, I., aciii; IL, 409 the Ke,II, 111.,29 Ahmld KhlD AbdllL Set Abda1ly Adams and Edwards, Messrs., I., 172 Ahmad Shlw AbdalL SN Abdally Adjutant. Set Lieutenant Talbot Ahmad Shlw Shahan Shaw. S" Adlercron. John. Colonel of the 39th Abdally Regiment, I., cxx. axii, axiii, Aillery, Richard, lurvived the Blaclt J02 (II); II., 202; III.. 8g Hole, I., xciii, 44 Admiralty, Lords Commissioners of Albert, Monsieur, a Frenchman. J., the, 11.,284 19o; ilL, 76, 106 Adverlilln (ship, No. I), Captain Alex­ Aleppo. II.. 80; III., 92 ander Campbell, III., 77 Alexander of Macedon. III., 156

, 'The CbrIsIlaa DameS 01II1&II7 01 the Europeans lie lIot 10 be (guild III tbe SeIectioII. TbeJ hue beeII obtallled from other _ See my • Lbc 01 EuropsDIlild others III the Ellaliab Factories III Beoplat the ti_ 0I1be ~ 01 CaJcutla III tbe Year 1756'; Cakutla, 191& 412 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 423

AIianagar. See Alinagar recOncile him to Ghasita Begam, I., Fort,.near Garden Reach and ::ux..-Death "On the 10 April, 1756, opposite ;Muckwa Tanna, I., CXlI:ld ; L, 16, JO, etc., 118 (9 April).-Last II., 197; IlL, 33. 340 35 dying speech; II., 16, 17, I:zg. 162; Alinagar, the n&IQe given by Si.-aj. IlL; 336, 3520 355--Treatment oIthe uddaula to Calcutta, L, xciii, cii, British, L, xxx-xxxiii, 199; IL, 8, clxxxii, 33. 54; U., 214; IlL,35, 148 IS, 16; ill., ~60, 161.-Is succeeded Alivirdi Khan, originally named Mirza by Siraj-uddaula, L, xxx, I (10 April), Muhammad Ali, son of a Turkman u8 (9 April).-His wife, L, xcii, 20; named Mirza Muhammad, took the IlL, 151: name of Alivirdi Khan, Mababat Allenagur. See Alinagar • Jaug, L, xxv-xxx, xxxiii, xlii, xliv, i Alsop, seafaring man, L, xciv; ill., xlvi-xlviii, Iii, liv, xciii, xcv, clxxx, i 72, lOS clxxxi, clxxxiii, ccv, I, 16, JO, 530 67, ' Alsop, George, butcher, I., 44. 80, 11'4 71, 7S, 96. 9'). u8, II9. 120, 162, 173. 174. I Alvedei Kam. See Alivirdi Khan 178, 19'). 2II, 214, 21S, 22g, 24J, 248, : Alves or Elves, wiIlliim, seafaring 2so. J03; IL, 2, S, 8, 15-17, 52, 57, 61,! man, L, 41, 190 . 62, 64, 6s, I:zg. 143. 146, 147, 162, 163; -; Amabeg. See Omar Beg IlL, 6g, 70. 77, 81, 9'). 102, 108, 119. Amanat Khan, II., 55 100-164, 216, 217, 222, :z66, 284, 2850 • Amboe or Ambooab (Amboa in Sarkar 28g, 2gr>, 326. 327, 331, 336, 3520 355, 1 Satgaon, Hugli), II., no 356,357.-Parentage,L,xxv.-Enters I Ambour (Ambiir), Battle o~ 23 July, Shuja Khan's service, L, xxv.-Ap- 'I 1749. III., 161 pointed Governor of Patna, L, xxvi. Ameirabad, IlL, 376 -Superstitious fondness for Siraj- , Amina Begam, youngest daughter of uddaula, L, xxvi, xxviii.-Treacher- i Alivirdi Khan, wife of Zain-uddin ous intrigue with Delhi, L, xxvi.-: Ahmad, and mother of Siraj-ud­ Rebels against and kills Sarfariiz' daula, murdered by order of Miran, Khan, L xxvi-Distaste for useless I June, I~ I., xxvii, xlv.-Kindness· bloodshed, L, xxvii-Takes advan-! to Europeans, L, xxvii, lxi, xcii, 20; tage of Siraj-uddaula's bloodthirsti- I II., 3; ill., 15t.-Dissuades Siraj­ ness, L, c:cvii (n).-ChivaIrous be- I uddaula from attacking the British, ha,.. iour to women, I., xxvii, xCV.- II I., 2Il.-Engaged in trade, L, xcii; Character and great abilities, L, IL, 63. 64 xxvii, xxx; IlL, loo.-Favours the I Amir Chand, correct name of Omi- Seths aud Omichund, L, xJii.-Wars chand with the Mara\has, I., xxvii-Agrees Amir-ulla, Shaikh, Governor of Hugli, to pay tribute to Delhi, L, xxvii.~ I L, CXCV; IL, 37S, 377, 404-406, 408 Jealousy of Delhi, L, xxxi; ill., 100. ! Ammony Gimge (Aruaniganj). The -Spoils his grandson, L, xxviii.-: 'Seir Mutaqherin' mentions this as Foresees the sucCess of the Euro-: south ofMurshidabad (ii, 14),hence peans, prophetic warnings, L, xxviii, I possibly the Armenian quarter, II., xxxi-xxxiii, clxii; IL, 17,61,64, 65; i 416, 420 IlL, 160, 161. - Alleged advice to I Amyat. Margaret (Ilk Holme), III., 76, Siraj-uddaula, L, Iii, lin, 211. - 'I IC17 Adopts Siraj-uddaula as his heir, L, Amyat, Peter, killed near Cossimbazar xxix, 67, 1I8, I1g.-Secures his acces-I in 1763 in the troubles with Mir sion, L; xxx; IlL, 164--Strives to ~ L. xciv cxi, 57-59; 6g, 73, BENGAL IN 1756-57

104, 172, 203, 2190 222, 237, 254; II., Affair!l,' Appendix I., xxi, xxxii, liv, 211; III., 28, 76, I06.-House of. lxviii, lxx, lxxxi, lxxxvi, xci, civ, This was on the river bank, next to cxi, 88, III, 130, 131, 138, 1520 1540 the Company's house. See Simson's ISS, 166, 167, 171, 208, 230, 255, 273; Report appended to Letter to Court, II., 16, 28, 163, 182, 192; III., 263.­ dated 26 February, 1756 Merchants, III., Iso.-Women, I., Anaroody Cawn. See Anwar-uddin Ixxvi,l44 Khan Armoury, the, in Fort William, III., Anaverdi Cawn. See Anwar.uddin 134 Khan Armstrong, Andrew, Captain, 111.,47, Ancram, Lord, III., B9 53 Andrews, James, I., 44 Arndt, John, survived the Black Hole, Angel, John, corporal, survived the I., xciii, 44' Black Hole, I., xciii, 44; III., 359 Arrack. See Arak Angria, a Maratha pirate, chief of Artillery or Train, Captain of. See Gheria (Vijaiadrug), I., xxxi; II., 16, Lawrence Witherington 65, 66; III., 120 Artillerymen with the Naw'!-b, Eng. Anjengo (in Madras), II., 313 lish, II., 240, 250.-French, I., lxxii, An" (snow), Captain Winsor What­ lxxxiii, cxxxvii, 140, 142, 26S ; 11.,63' more, I., lxxxiv, 161 Arykishnoo Salmer, III., 364 Anti-Renaultions, III., 27 Arzbegi (A.), an officer who under the Anwar-uddin Khan" Nawab of Arcot, Mogul Government was appointed 1744·1749, killed at Ambur, II., 71, to receive and present petitions, I., I 74, 75, 76; III., 161 Arzdasht (P.I, a written permission Aomnah (query Amanl, plural of Arzi(A.I, a petitiou,address, memorial, Amin), a superior native court official respectful statement or representa­ or Amin, a confidential agent or tion, whether oral or written trustee, a native revenue official Asad-uzzaman Muhammad, Raja of Applications to Dutch and French, Birbhum. Apparently the same a8 I., 133, 295, 296 Asad Zamll.n Khll.n; but he, accord­ Arak (A.), spirit, juice, essence, ing to Hunter (' Bengal,' iv., 313), did country liquor not succeed his father, Badi-uz. Arasdasht or Arasdass. See Arzdasht zaman, until 1760, II., 418 Archbishop of Canterbury, II., 243 AslI.mi (A.), a cultivator, tenant, renter, Arcot, II., 65.-Nawab of, II., 75, 76, non'proprietary cultivator, al80 a 275 dependent, debtor, culprit, criminal, Arisbegi. See Arzbegi defendant in a suit. Armenault, Robert Hendrik, I., IS, 26, Asephad Doula (Asaf-uddaula), II., 74 27, 31, 32, 34, 38, 305; II., 101, Jl3, Asia, I., 34 128, 285 Asmult Khll.n (query Azim-ulla Kbll.n), Armenians, the. In 1688 the Armenians 1.,2 made a treaty with the_East India Assam, III., 263 Company through Coja Petrus Ka­ Assamy. See Asiml lendar (Kalanl4r'1, giVing them equal Aston, John, pilot, IlL, 416.-Mra. rights with Europeans in the Com. Mary, wife of John Aston, III., 76, pany'. dominions (Bengal and AgJ'/I 10'[ Guetleer, voL i., part 3. p. 14). See AtA-ulla Khan,lon.in-law to HlI.jl also Bolts' 'Considerations on Indian Ahmad (' Seir Mutaqherin,' i., 327) INDEX AND ,GLOSSARY 4:25

Atkinson, di!!d in the Black Hole, I., Baijnath, agent of the Seths,. I., xciv, 191; III., 154 clxxxii, 32; II., 318 Atkinson, attorney, III., 76, 106 Bailey, corporal, L, xlv; II., 66 Audh. See Oudh 'Baillie, Rev. Dr. Hugh, I., c, 50.­ Augadeep. See Agradwip Killed in the Black Hole, I., 43 Aukema, Daniel, I., 304; III., 410 --Captain Hugh, son of Dr. Baillie, Aumee Beg. See Omar Beg I., xciv, 41; III., 76, 106 Aumenollah. See Amir-ulla --Captain Robert (of the Welcome), Aurang (P.), a place where any article son of Dr. Baillie, III., 21 of trade is manufactured and col. Baillie, William, son of Dr. Baillie, lected for wholesale disposal or . I., lxxix,lxxxi, !xxxviii, 12, 13, 14. 18, export. During the Company's com· ' 43, 50, 62, 102, 1090 Il3, lIS, 153, 155, merce it was used of the factories I!)O, 246; II., 50, 141; III., 71, 104, for piece-goods 135, 136, 13S, 140, 153.-Killed in the Austin, captain of the Neptune (snow), fighting, III., 71, 104 I., 190; III., 75, 106 Bajra. (H.), a large boat used for Avenue, the, I.,1xxvi travelling, round bottomed and Azimabad, native name of Patna without a keel Azim.ushshan, Nawab of Bengal, I., Baker, Henrietta, I., ci xxiv Bakhshi (P.), a paymaster-Paymaster of the Army. Under the Mogul Government often one with the Baagbazar (Bagh Bazar)" a district in Commander.in-Chief . the north of Calcutta, at the north­ Balaroy(Bii.laji Baji Rao), Peshwa of western apex of which stood Baag. the Marathas, 17400175S, 11.,378 bazar or Perrin's Redoubt, probably Balasore, I., xxxv, lIlv, cxi, 57, [04. 120, named after Perrin's Bagh or 130, 162, 112, 201, 238, 24!)' 2go, 297, - Garden. See Perrin's, I., xxxiv.­ 2990 304; II., 4. 13, 14. 27, 40, 59, 78, Redoubt, I., 186; III., 37 92, 136, 267, 314; III., 6, 76.-English Bacheracht, J., II., 101, no, lI3', I2S, Factory, I., lxviii, xciv; III., 76, 285 " I06.-French' Factory, I., clxxiv.­ Bli.dsh5.h (P.), a king or sovereign. River, I., xcv.-Road, I., cxxvii; See Great Mogul II., 92, 166, 188, 194, .195, 253. 282, Badshiih Kuli Khan (soldier of the 3IO.-Health resort for British at Emperor), or Fazl Kuli Khan, Calcutta, I., xlv, 120; IL, 136 younger brother' of Siraj.uddaula, Baldiabari, L, cvii (n) died 1755, I., II!), 249 Baldrick, Robert Halsey, Company's Bagh (P.), a garden, orchard, planta. supercargo, I., 41, II2, 130, 153, 18!), tion 254, 261; III., 75, 106 Bagley, Miss, III., 76, 107 Baldwin, Robert, Captain of the Finne, Bahar or Behar, one of the three I., xciv; III., 76, 106 provinces forming the kingdom of Ballard, George, killed in the Black " Bengal, I., xxi, xxiii, xxvi, xxxiii, Hole, I., xciv, 43, 1090 190; III., xxxv, cx1viii, 2I!), 304; II., 83, 85, 153 86.-Unrnly Zamindars of, II., 360 Bamagar. See Barnagore Bahauder Aly Cawn (Bahadur Ali Bamboo ladders, used by the natives Khan), I., clxxxiii, cc; II, son·in. in storming Fort William, I., lxxxix, law to Mohan Ul, 363, 427 160 BENGAL IN 1756-57

Banchots, an obscene term of abuse Barnard, Thomas, I., 41 Bandel, a Portuguese Settlem~nt to Barnes, purser of the Kerzt, wounded the north of Hugli, I., 'xxxiv, cxl; at Chandernagore, III., II5 III., 14, 17, 36.-Church (said to be Barnet, William, seafaring man and the oldest Christian church in joiner, died in the Black Hole, I., Bengal), I.; xcvii.-;-Convent, III., 43 xciv; III., 72, 105 Bandermalanka (Bandannurlanka), in Barratuma Reach, in the Hugli River, Madras, I., 212; II., 308 . III., II BangIa (Beng.), probably from Banga Barrington, Lord, II., 243 (Bengal), a thatched cottage such as Bassora or Bussora, I., xcix·; II., 59, is usually occupied by Eu~opeans in 80, 166, 200, 295; III., n6, 216 the provinces or military canton- Bastiaanse, Michael, member of the ments. Anglice, bungalow. • Dutch Council at Hugli, I., IS, 27, Bankabazar or Bankibizar, the Emden 31, 32, 34, 38; II., 101, IIO, II3, 128, Company or Prussian Settlement on 285 the Hugli, north of Calcutta, I., lxv, Batavia, II., 18, 82, 284 lxxiii, 117, 143; II., 17, 22; III., 17. Batson, Stanlake, I.,. lviii-Ix, 9, 10, 46, -Gallant defence by the Pmssian 68, 101, 132, 133, 173, 'lSI, 252, 253; Governor, I., xxx, xxxvi , II., II, 13, 128, 129; III., 72, 105 Banya (H.), a Hindu trader, shop­ Batta (Bhata), (H.), difference or rate keeper, or money-changer. In of exchange. In revenue matters it Bengal commonly applied to the applies to the amount to be added native cashier or man of business or deducted from any paymen~ in the service of Europeans. according to the currency in which Banyan. See Banya it is paid, as'· compared with a Baptista, Anna, III., 405 fixed standard coin; Amongst mili· Barabazar, a quarter of Calcutta, I., tary men it applies to any extra xlii payment made for special reasons­ Barabulla Sands, in the mouth of the e.g., service out of a soldier's proper HugH River, called by the Dutch country or district J annegat, I., 56; III., 20 Batteries at Calcutta, I., 137 Baraset or Barasut (Barasat), I., xlix, Baug. See Bagh !xxiii; 142, 257; II., 6. - Drake's Baugeman, Anthony Julius, a Dutch· country house at, I., xlix man, III., 409 Barclay; Mrs. Mary, wife of Captain Baulkissen (Rai Bal.kishan, agent to Alexander, IlL, 76, 107 Alivirdi, • Seir Mutaqherin,' i., 426), Barkandaz (P.), a matchlock man, Gumashta of Omichanrl, II., 63 but commonly applied to a native Bausset, Monsieur, I., clii of Hindustan armed with a sword Bay, the, the usual term for Bengal, and shield, who acts as a doorkeeper, 1.,72 watchman, guard, or escort Bayer, Sergeant John (query John Barker, Captain Robert, I., cxxxvi; Boirs) II., 189, 227: III., 33 Bayley, Captain of the Welcome (query Barnagore, Barnagur, Barnagul, Barn. Robert Baillie), III., 2( agut, Baranagore (Baran agar); for· Bazar (P.), a market or street of merly a Dutch Factory, I., cxxxviii, shops cxxxix, 117, 257; II., 68, 98. 10CJ, 176, Beale, T. W., author of the' Oriental 240. 281; III., 5, IS8 Biographical Dictionary' (Calcutta, INDEX AND GLOSSARY

188.t:). Revised and enlarged by H. G. ,of ,Rev. Gervas, died at Fulta, I., Keene, London, 1894 xciv; II!., 76, 107 Beanto, Rev. Padre, a P'?rtuguese Bellamy, Dorothy', daughter of Rev. priest, III., 416 Gervas, married Captain William Beard, Mrs. Elizabeth, III., 76, 107 Lampert at Fulta, III., 76, 107 Beaumont, Anselm, free merchant, '--, Lieutenant lohn, son of Rev; Ger· made a factor by the Company in vas, died in the Black Hole, I., lxx, reward for his -services during the xciv, 43, 191, 255; II!., 72, lOS, 143, 153 troubles, I., 153, 190; II., 189; III., --Thomas, shot himself before the 75, 106 , siege, I., xciv, 43; III., 71; 105 Becher, Richard, I., lxvii, xciv, cxir, Benares; II., 342; III., 252.-Nawab of, cxviii, cxxvii, cmi, cxcvii, ccix, 36, 1.,220 37, 70, g6, 104, 173, 219, 222, 225, 233, Bendal,'Joseph, seafaring man, I., 191 ; 237,254. 290; 11.,83,92,95, 105, 122, II!., 72,' 105 135.139, 143, 163, 172, 188, 189, 193, Bengal, passim. - Description of, I., 195, 233, 234, 250, 276, 297; III., 20, 32, xxi.-Trade, III., 82, 216, 390.­ 75, lOS, 287'29°, 303-306.~Mrs. Char· . History under Muhammadan rule, lot (nee Golightly), wife of Richard 'I., xxii.-History under Hindu rule, Becher, III., 75, 105. - Charlott..,' !., Xxii.-The Nawab's foreigners, daughter of Richard and Charlot,' I., XJ!:i.-Leading men foreigners, dies,at Fulta, !., xciv I., xxi.-Insignificance (If native Bega (Bighii.), '(H.), about one· third of Bengalis, I.; xxii.-5irii.j-uddaula's an acre contempt for Bengalis, I., lxiii, 178. Begam (Turk.), Princess (Yule, 'and -European Settlements in, I., xxiii, ,Burnell). M. Raymond(·SeirMuta. xxxiv, xliii.~Zamindii.rs,I., c1xxxvi. qherin,' ii.; 216 n) says Bignmis -Bengal proper, I., xxi applied to all daughters of Saids or Bengalis, I., xxvii.-Character accord· descendants ofMuhammad, Kkiinum, ing to early English writers, I., xxii. to those of the Moguls, and Bibi to -Insignificance under Muham· those of the Hindustanis madan rule; I., xxii.-Kindness to Begum. See Begam their British employers in distress, Begum of Motijhil. See Ghasita I., xci, xciii, xciv" 194; III., 148 Begam Berdal (query Joseph Bendal), III., 416 Behar. See Bahii.r Bernagore. See Barnagore Belcher, W., I., cxlvi; II., 214, 242; ,Besbesja. See Budge·Budge III., 25, 60 Best, Marmaduke, member of Council, Belches. See Belcher Vizagapatam, !., 195 Belchier, William, ofL/?mbard Street, --' Thomas, Captain of the 1.ively II., 243; III., 403 (ketch), wounded at Tanna, I., 256.­ Beldii.r (P.), a digger or delver; one Dies at Fulta, I., xciv; III., 21, 76, 106 who works with a bel, a pickaxe, or Betel, the leaf of the pipe" betel, spade; a pioneer, sapper, or miner chewed with dried areca·nut (which Beldeah. See Beldii.r is thence improperly called betel. Bellamy, Rev. Gervas, died in the nut), Ckunam, etc. 'The word is Black Hole, I., xciv, cxxxvii; 43. 85, Malayal. Fan is the term commonly 109, 1I4, lIS; 156, 190; II., 190; III., used by modern Anglo-Indians (Yule 71, 105, 143, 153 and Burnell). (For detailed descrip· -- Mrs. Dorothy (nee P,omfret); wife tion see' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 451 n, 428 BENGAL IN 1756·57

241.)-Used as It token of safe con. Black Hole, the, I., lxxxvi.xciv, xcvi, duct, I., lviii, 100 xcvii, ci, cxxx'iii, 43, 47, 50, 62, 66, 88. Beteri. See Bhitariya. 89. 103, loS, lIS. 160, 168, 186, 190. Betsy (schooner), II., 235, 306, 30S 191, 194, 200. 230, 232, 264. 304; II., Beyenat. See Baijnath I, 27, 58, 70, 71, 78. 86, 124, 182, 274. ,Bhagulpur, I., clxxviii; III., 207, 209 350. 462. 463; III., 70, 71, 74. 79. 87, Bhagwangola, I., ccvi; II., 56 103, 105, loS. IIO, 130, 13[' ISS, 170, Bhitariya (H.), a domestic, male or 225, 242.-Dutch references, 1.,304; female;' a member 'of the household II., 78.-French references, I., 50, Bholanath Chunner, author of • The 230; 11 .• 58. 274.-HolweU's account, Travels of a Hindu' (London, 18~) III., 135·144.-Law's account, III., Bigam. See Begam 170, 17[.-Prussian account, 1.,66 Bigenaut (see Baijnath), an agent of Black Town, the, I •• xxxiv, liv, lxvii. the Seths ' lxxi, lxx\i, 79, 139, 258, 294 . See Bahar Blagg, Lieutenant Thomas. I., lxx, Bildar. See Beldar lxxvii,.lxxviii. lxxx, lxxxi, lxxxix, Billers, William, I., 41, 107, 172, 190; xciv, 43, 79. 109. III. 145. ISO, 151. III., 412, 414 168, 186. 191. 257.26[; II., 34, 36• 37; Bimlillatam, in Madras, one of the III•• 72, 104. 153. -Killed in the figh t· Company's Factories, I., 195 ing. I., 168; III., 72, 104. 153.-Died Bing. See Byng in the Black Hole, I •• 43. [09. 191.­ Birbhum, Raja of. See. Assaduzama, Mrs. Mary. I., ci I., cxcvii Blaney, Thomas. joiner or glass Bisdom, Adrian, Director of the Dutch grinder, III., 76. 106 Settlement at HugH or Chinsurah, Bla%e (fireship), I., cxxvi; II., 89. 194; I., lviii, lxv, lxxi, lxxii, ciii, cvi, cxi, IIr..31 cxxviii, cxl, cliv, clxxii, IS, 18, 27,31, Bleau. Jacob, carpenter !Lnd sergeant 32, J4, 38, 48, 56, 103, II7, 129, 3oS ; of Militia, died in the Black Hole. 11.,52,72,81, 100,101,106,108,109, IIO, I., xciv, 191; III., 153 1I2, 128, 179, 190, 199, 276, 285, 318; Bloomer, Lieutenant, III.• 8 III•• 147, 235, 236.-Kindness to Bliicher, I.t xxxv British refugees, I., cix.-Welcomes Boddam, Thomas, I., xciv, cxi, cxvi, the British on their return, I., 57'59. 73, 104. 172, 198, 219. 222. 254. cxxvii; II., 78.-:-Refuses to supply 299; II., 13, [4. 168, 298; III., 76• the Admiral with pilots, I., cxxviii. 106 -Protests against the violence of Bodle, John, a foreigner. probably the British, I., cxl; II.,loS.-Shelters Dutch, III., 416 the Moors and their goods, I., cxl; Boerabeek, II., 4[3 II., 199.-Expels the French from' Bogar, Lieutenant, III.• 21 Chinsurah, I., clxxii; IIL,235, 236.­ Bogbuzar. See Baagbazar Clive's opinion of, II., 3~ Boils, sufferings from. after the Black

Bishop, Lieutenant Richard, I., lxx, Hole, I.t xci, [94; III., [46 lxxiv, lxxviii, xciv, 43. 86, 109. ISO, Boirs, John, sergeant, survived the 156, 191, 256, 259; III., 72, 104. 153. Black Hole, I., xciii, 44 -Killed in the Black Hole, 1.,43, 153. Bolderick. See Baldrick -Killed in the fighting, III., 72, 104 Bombay, I., xcix. cxxiii, cliv, clxiv. Blackford, Peter, free merchant, III., 134. [62, 2[9, 222, 239. 285, 288, 297. • 416 302; II., I, 14. 59, 66. 89, 9[, II4. 135, INDEX A.ND GLOSSA.RY

lSI, 170, 1940 200, 204. 205, 235, 241, Bridges, Captain Timothy, lki11ed at 253, 312.-President of, I., 239.­ Chitpur, I., cxlvi; II., 214, 242; III., Troops from, II., 132, 170, 174. 310; 2,4. 25, 60 III., 47.-Select Committee, II., Bridgewater, H'.M.S., I., cxx, cxxvi, 167 cxxviii, cxxxix, clxviii, cxcv, 198, Bombay (frigate), L, lxxxiv, 161; It, 238; II., 89, 9B. 990 131, 167, 175, 1!!8, 13 1940 196, 199, 201.203, 253; III., 13, Bonbisnapore Raja, II., 68 16,35 Bonela or Bonella (ketch or snow), I., Bristow, john, surgeon at Balasore, cxxvi, 233; II., 89; III., 405 I., xcv; II., 14 . Book of God, II., 230 Britain, I., I, clvi, clxxvi, ccxi Borneo. See Purneah, III., 85 British, the, passim.-Superior, posi­ Bougbougee. See Budge Budge tion in Bengal, I., xxiv, Iii, liii.­ Bound Ditch, the, used of the Maratha Differences with the Native Govern. Ditch ment, I., xxiv, xxxii, xxxvi.-Ex­ Boufchier, c., member of Council pelled from HUgli, I., xxxvi;-Ob­ Fort St. George, I., 197 tain a farman from , Bourchier, Richard, Governor of I., xxiv, xxv.-Abuse of daslaks, I., Bombay, I., cxxiii, 30', 302; II., 97, xxxii, xxxiii, Iv; III.; 3840-Willing. 170, 2OO• ..,-House in Calcutta, II., 36 ness to fight the Nawab, xxxiii, Bourdett. See Burdett lxiv, lxxii.-Dutch think them un­ Bower(s), Mrs. Mary '(see Buckle's ruly, I., liv.-Ostentatious habits, • Bengal Artillery,' p. 6 n), I., xcvii; I., liii. lxiii.-Reasons for military III·,76,107 weakness in 1756, I., 'xl; II., 134, Bowler, Sergean~ III., 330 137.-0ffeud Siraj-uddaula before Braces, the, sands in the nlouth of the his accession, I., xxix, xlv, liii; III.; Hugli River, II., 195; III., 32 16z, 349.-Fortify Calcutta without Bradyll, Thomas, Governor of Calcutta, permission, I., xlvi, liv, 124. 2140- 2Ojanuary, 17390 III., 387 ' Receive Krishna Das, I., xlv.­ Brahmaputra River, I., xxi Supposed to favour Ghasita Begam, Brahmin, the (query Rung Loll, g.v.), I., xlv, xlvii.-Ordered to dismantle II., 229, 254. 418 ' their fortifications, I., xlviii.-Lose Brahmins, III., 242 Cossimbazar, I., lvi-lxii.- Think Brahmin's foot, oath by, II., 232 the Nawab will be (lisheartened by Bread and Cheese Bungalow, the. The resistance, I., xxii, !xxviii; II., 31, site of this is fixed by Captain 154.-The women make cartridges, B&Iker.s report appended to Fort I., lXllti, 139.-The WQmen brought William Public P~eedings, 2 May, into the Fort, I., lxxv.-Ladies cap. 1757 (not included in the selection), tured by the Moors, I., lxxxiv.­ which gives it as the limit of Cal· Loss of life in the siege, I., xciv.­ cutta to the east of Lady Russell's Loss to the Company by the capture house. This places it close to the of Calcutta, I., XC\', xcix, 2940-Pri. Baitakhana tree, I., cxhi; II., 254 vate losses, I., xcv.; II., 210.-Be­ Brereton, Lieutenant, of the Tyger. ha,iour of. during the siege, I., xcv, . For his gallantry at Chandernagore xcvi.-Sufferings of the women, I., see • Ives' journal,' p. 129, I., clxx; xcvi, xcvii.-Nawab's reasons for III., 3,8-320 leaving them in peace at Fultai I., Brice, Stephen, III., 23 cii, ciii. - Sufferings at Fulta, r., 43°' BENGAL IN 1756-57

cix, cx; II., 58; 89; III., 190 32, 82, wards married , 87, 94.-Superior endurance of the III., 76-106 women, I., cx (,,).-Reinforced from Buckle's 'Memoir of the Services of Madras, I., cxiii, exvi.-Think only the Bengal Artillery,! i., xcvii of revenge and compensation, I., Budge Budge (Baj-baj), I., lxxxiv, cxv, ex, cxxxiii, cxxxvi.-Recapture Cal­ cxvii, cxviii; cxxviii-cxxxi, cxxxvii, cutta, I., cxxxii.-Impatience with 51, 53. 136, 161, 169, 181, 183, I~; Clive, I., cxxxiii.-Sack .Hugli, I., II., 43, 48, 67, 72 -74, 91, 97, II4, 124, exxxix, cxt. - Proposals for peace 188, 1900 195, 196; III., I, 4, 6, 7, 10, with Nawab, I., cxlii.-Treaty of 39, 83, 156, 179.-Battle of, I., cxxix, 9 February, I., cxlviii.~Increasing cxxx, cxxxvi; II., 97, 196; III., 33. demands upon Nawab, I., clviii.­ 40, 89· - Capture of the Fort, I., Negotiations for neutrality with the cxxx, cxxxi; III., 41, 92 French, I., cli - clxi. - Reinforced Budgerow. See Bajr1 from Bombay, I., clxiv. - British Bugros, M., a Frenchman, left by M. party at Murshidabad, I., "c1xi, clxv. Law at Cossimbazar, III., 206, 207 -Capture Chandernagore, I., c1xx. Buisson, De la Vigne. See De la Vigue ~ Renew the quarrel" with the Buisson Nawab, I., clxxvi." - Masters of Bukshi or Buxey. See Bakhshi Bengal, I., ccxi.-Want of modera­ Bulramgurry (Balramgarht), British tion, I, ccxi.-Evil effect upon the sub-factory near Balasore, I., xciv, national reputation, I., ccxi, ccxii 219, 248, 299; II., 14, 192.-Declared British sailors, courage of, I., cxli the seat of the Presidency, I., cxvi, Brohier, John, Captain, engineer, II., 248 235,236,297,466 Bunder Abbas or COmbroon, on the Brooke, Jonathan, Lieutenant, II., 267 Persian Gulf, III., II7 Broome, Arthur, Captain, author of Bundo Singh Hazary, a native officer, the • History of the Rise and Pro­ III., 146, 147, Iso, 151 gress of the Bengal Army' (Calcutta, Bungalow. See Bangl1 1850 ) Bungalow, the. See Bread and Cheese Brown, seafaring man, III., 416 Bungalow Bruce, court servant, I., xciv; III., Bungwan Golla. See Bhagwlngola 416 Burdett, John, survived the Black Brussells Ga?!ette, an anti - British Hole, I., xci, 43, 61, 103, 109, lIS, 168, paper (see Charles Lamb's • Death~ 173, 191, 264; II.," 52; III., 72, loti, bed 'j, III., 107 II I, 146, 154 Bruyes, Pieter, a Dutch merchant, III., Burdwan, Raja of. See Tilak Chand 409 Burgan, John, survived the Black Buchanan, Andrew, Captain, III., 47, Hole, I., xciii 62 Burkandaz. See Barkandlz Buchanan, John, of Craigie vern, Cap­ Burnet, probably misprint for Burdett, tain, died in the Black Hole, I., !xx, 1.,61 lxxvii, lxxviii, xciv, 43, 62, 81, 82, Burrows, Mr., I .. 130, 164, 255 1090 137, ISO, 153, 191, 255, 259"261; Burton, William, butcher, I., 190; III., II., 26, 27, 36, 37, 50, 151, 190, 191; 106 III., 71, 103, 136, 140. 153 Burton, seafaring nlan and sDlith, died -- Mrs. Mary, niece of Colonel Scot, in the Black Hole, I., xciv; III., wife of Captain Buchanan, after- 72,76, 105 , INDEX AND GLOSSARY 43!

Burying·ground, the, nowSt, John's ....,.Narratives by Cooke, III., 392, 393. , Churchyard, II., 31, 32 ' -Drake, I., 1I8; II., 134.-Grant, I.; Bussaw, Captain of L'Indien, III., 70, 73, 89; III., 379.-Grey, I., 106.­ loS Holwell, I .• 109. 185; II., I ; III•• 131. Bussora. See Bassora -Law. 111.. 160.-Le Conte, I., 24: Bussy, Monsieur, I., xli, c1vii, clxi, _Lindsay. I •• 163.-Mills. I .. 40. 194: clxiv, clxxxiii, cxci, cxciii, ,cxcv; II., -Orme. 11I •• 126.-Rannie, 111 •• 383. 88, 91, 133, 178, 186, 205, 240,256,264, -Tooke. I.. 248.-Voltaire. III.• 241. 275, 306, 3oS, 314, 339, 341, 368,379, - Evidence before Parliamentary 386, 387, 3900 ,392; III., 29, 187, 196, Select Committee. III.. 283. - Un· 239,253 signed, III:. 154. 215, '256.-Loss of Buxerry, equivalent in meaning to men during. I., xciv. 2oS; III., 225. Barkandaz (Yllle and Burnell), from - Vessels list of, at time of siege, Baksar , on the , .in Bahar III., 77, 416. - Wildness of the (Irvine, 'Mogul AJ"my,' p. 168) country near Calcutta, I., cxxxviii Buxey. See Bakbsbi Calcutta Gazette,. I., xcvi Buzbudgea. See Budge Budge Calcutta Hospital; III., 6 , Byng, Robert, nephew of Admiral Calcutt.s (sloop), I" lxxxiv, xcvii, liil; Byng, I., xciv, 43, 109,191; II1., 72, III·,77 . 105, 153 Caley, seafaring man, III., 416 Byng, Admiral, II., 105 Calicut. in Madras, III., '16 (n), II9, 121 Calker. See Caulker Call, Mr., engineer, II., 466 Cachari. See Kacbahri Callender, Captain, I., 228 Cresar, III., 343 Camels, I., cc, 135 Caffree. See Kalil' Campbell, Alexander, made a eunuch Caillaud or Caillot, Monsieur, member by the Moors (Hickey's Gazette, 1780; of the French Council at Chander· Buckle, p. 6 (n), I., xcvii (n) nagore, II., 120, 293, 298, 302; III., Campbell; Alexander, Captain of the 261 Adventure, III., 76, 77, 106 Cajan houses, possibly houses or sbops Campbell, Collin, Captain of the For. for selling cajan or dal (Yule and tune, I., lxx, 187, 190 Burnell), I., 257 Campbell, Dugald, Captain, I., cxxxi, Calcutta (passim), damaged by the 202, 228; II., 190, 197,' 242; III., 20, Moors, I., cxxxv, 54; II., 182, 305, 24. 34 376. III,', 91. -Description, 1., Campbell, Robert, Captain, III., 53 xxxviii.xl.-Fortilications, I., xxxix, Candahar, I., cvi lxvi.lxviii, 74. lIO, 129, 154; II., 24-: C:lpe of Good Hope, III., 361 30, 170, 176, 189, 204, 205, 227.­ Cape Kerry, III., 26 Garrison, I., lxx; II., 29, 151,31I Carce (query John Carse), 1.,43 --inhabitants of: Gaiety and hospi. Carey, Peter, seafaring man, I., xciv. tality, 1., cxxxv; III., 91.-List of, -Killed in the fighting, III., 72, who bore arms in the siege, III., 104--Died in tbe Black Hole, I., 415.-:-List of, saved, 1.,43,172, 189; 191 III., 72, 105, II3.-List, of, killed, , --Mrs., Mary, wife of Peter, survived I., xciv, 43, 109, 189; II!., 153.-Pro· the Black Hole, I" xciii; III., 143, test by late, I., cxii, 66 154; sent to the Nawab's harem, I., - siege of, I., lxiii.lxxxiii, lxXxvi·xc. xcvi; III., 146, 171 . 432 BENGAL IN 1756-57

Carey, Miss, III:, 76, 107 massacre, 1763, I., lx, [73, 251,253; --Robert, died in the Black Hole, II., 13; III., 72, lOS, 150 I., xciv, 191: III., I4J, 154 Chambon, Monsieur, French super. Carnatic, II., 205, 305; III., 161 cargo, I., 52; II., 291 Carr,. Robert, I., 41 Champion, Alexander, Captain of the Carse, John, killed in the fighting, Chance (sloop), I., lxx, [90: III., 76, III., 72.-Died in the Black Hole, 106 I., xciv, 43, 109, 190: III., 153 Chance (sloop), Captain Alexander Carstairs, Peter, Ensign, survived the Champion, I., lxx, 256 Black Hole. killed in 1763 in the Chandernagore, passim. - Attacking troubles with Mir Kiisim, I., bel: (n), force under Clive, strength of, I., lxxvii, xciii (n), xcvi, So, III, 148, clxiv; II., 3Io.-Capitulation, II., 189, 191, '258; II., 27, 340 242, 263; 292, 300'303; III., 235, 236, 248.250, III., 540 75, 106 26I.-Capture due to Clive orWatson, Carter, Edwin, Captain of the Cllesler­ II., 303.-Council and Director, I., field, I., cxxii 48. 182; III.; 27, 236, 237.-Descrip. eartier, John, Governor of Fort tion, I., xxxvii, clxvi: II., 340.­ William, I76c)-I772, I., 70, 173; III., Deserters, I •• clxvi; II., 291; III., 75, 105 :zoo, 268. - Destruction, I., clxxiv; Cartwright, seafaring man, died in the II., 306, 3090 331, 340; III., 264-­ Black Hole, I., xciv, 191; 111.,72, Garrison, I., clxvi; II., 7, 307; III., 105. 153- - William, court serjeant, 50, 61, 259, 268, 272, 420.~Ladie8 of, 111.,416 II., 291, 30l; III., 272.-Plunder, I., Carumnassa Riv~r (Karam nasa), west· clxxi, clxxiv; III., 28, 260.-Siege, ern boundary of the kingdom of I., clxv.clxxiii; II., 291: III., 260.­ Bengal, II., 355, 360; III., 218 Hospital, L, xciv Carvalho, Alexander, I., 190; III., Changdack (not identified), II., 409 75, 106 ' Changez (Chingiz) Khan,. Gengis, Carvalho, two Misses, III., 76, 107 Jengis. or Zingis, born u540 Em. Cassels, Lieutenant, I., cxci; II., 394- peror of Tartary 1206" died 1227, 395,397 III., 98 Caste: how it saved the industries of Chapman, Mrs.• III., 76, 107 Bengal, I., xxii, xxiii Chappa or Chhappa (Tel Kaml, a Catary (H.. !tatar, a dagger). For stamp, seal, or impression description see • Seir Mutaqherin,' Charimabad. See Karimabad ii., 35 (n) Charlton, Francis, I., 41, 107, 172, 190; Catholic priest.q, I., lxxii; II., 190 III., 740 75, 106, III Catholics, I., lxxii, cxxxvii, 298 Charnagore. See Chandernagore Caugee. See Kazi Charter of the Company. See Coll1- Caulker. William, died in the Black pany Hole, I., xciv, 43, 191: III., 72, lOS, Chaudri, orChoultry, orChowry, a word 1540 416 peculiar to Southern India; a hall, Cawn. See Kahan shed, resting-place for travellers; Cayetoque. a gun, from Persian word place for the transaction of business gaidig, I., 51, 52 (Yule and Burnell) Caytano, III., 416 Chauk, some article of export, III., Chabuk (P.), a whip 390 Chambers, John, killed in the Patna Chauk (H.l. a square, an open place INDEX .AND GLOSSARY 433

in a city where the market is held '2']00 - Treaty of 9 February, I. and .the chief police-office. is. com­ . cxlviii; IL,. 215 monly stationed. Chittagong. L. 79 Chauki (B.), a police or .customs Chobdar (P.), an attendant carrying a station . short staff or mace Chauth (literally, .• the fourth part~), a Chop. See Chappa tax extorted by the Maratha.'!, _I., Chota Nabob. Usual titleoCNawwsh xxvii Muhammad Khan, I., xxix Chawbuck. See Chabuk Choterbardar. SeeChhattra-dar Chawbuck-swar (P., chtiJnd-sawa,). a Chouk or Chowk. See Chauk groom or jockey . Chowkey. See Chanki Chawnd (Chand), the watchmaker, II., Christians, I., 51, 140, :zo8, 274. 293; 64 II., 274--In .Nawah's service, I., 140. Chesterjie/d (ship), Captain Edwin ~42.143 Carter, L, xcviii, cxxii; IL, 193; Christoffelsz, Jan Frederik. a Dutch ilL, 26, 10'] man, III., 409. Chhattra-dar (B.), an umbrella bearer Chuna (H. -or. Tam.), lime Chicacole ,(Sikiiokol), in the Ceutral Chunacolly, 11., 428 Provinces, IL, 314- Chunar, L, xcvii Chichapore (query Chitpur or Icha­ Chunepo.re, near Murshiclabad, IL,254 pur), III., 58 Chupra (Chapra),.IIL, 214 Child, Charles, schoolmaster, III., 76, Church. of St. Anne, the first Pro­ 106 ~estanj:church in Calcutta, I., xxxix. --Mrs. Christiana, wife of Charles, lx:xviii, lxxxvii, cxxxv, 83. S6, 88, 90. III., 76, 10'] 92, 10']. 108, 139> Iso, 155, 156, 159>~85. --J"rancis, I., 41 26,1;,11•• 31 Chilka Lake, a shallow inland sea on Chuta Begum. See Ghasita Bega,m the coast of Orissa Chuta Nabob. See Nawiizish. Mu- Chiua, III., 216 .hammad Khan, L, 162, 249 Chmapatam, native name for Madras, Clark, John, Lieutenant of the Kelll, II., 750 125, 275 . II., 10']; III., 7, 8, 2g, 51 Chiucera. .See Chiusurah Clark and Russell, Messrs., I .• 172 ChiDsurah,. the chief Dutch Settle­ Clayton, Captain David, .died In..the ment in Bengal, I., xxiv, xxxv­ Black Hole, L, lxi.x, lxx,.lxxvii, XXlI:vii, lxv" CV. cvi, cxv, CIVi, lxxviii, 430 79> 80, 82. 8s, S6, 101), 137. cxxxix, c1xi, 20, 21,42. 116, 117, 171. 145. 146, 149> 150, 156, 164, 16s, 191, 181,182, 293; 11.. - 87, 100, 106, 116, 2550 257 - 260 ; II., 26, 34-36; III., 74. 118, 120, lCJ9, 2290 :z8o, 291, 298. 300 ; 108, 153.""'Mrs. Lucy, III•• 76, 10'], III., 130 17, 36.-Garrison of, L, Clelliug, Barnard, survived the Black ][][)[\'j, l 60, I mand the expedition to Bengal. I., 93-95. 114. 182, 1830 228, 229> 246, 257, cxxii. cxxiii.-Importance of the VOL. III. 78 434 BENGAL IN 1756-57

expedition, 1., cxxiv.-Hopes to be I., cxlix.-Treaty of 9 February, I., able to attack Chandernagore, I., cxlviii. - Private promises of the cxxv.-Arrives at Fulta, cxxvii.­ Nawab, I., cxlviii, cxlix.-Restores Threatening letter to Nawab, cxxix. Omichand to liberty, and gives him -Attack of fever, I., cxxix; II., 73. employment, I., elix.-Satisfactioll -Difficulty of acting with naval with his success, I., el.-Gives reins officers, L, cxxix, cxxxii, cxcvii; II., to his ambition, I., el; II., 243.­ 76, 97; III., 54. 309, 362.-Skirmish Proposes to the Nawab to attack the at Budge Budge, I., cxxix, cxxx.­ French, I., cxlix.-Negotiationswith Capture of the Fort, I., cxxx, cxxxi. the French, I., cli-elxi.-Protests - Hesitation in expressing any against the Admiral's vacillation, I., opinion on military affairs, I., cxxx. elxi.-Reasons for war with the -Moments of depression before French, II., 271, 272.-Promises to fighting, I., cxxx, cxxxviii, clxiv; assist the Nawab against Delhi, t., II., 279. - Quarrel with j\dmiral clxiii.-Marches on Chandernagore, Watson, I., cxxxii; 11.,96,215,303; I., clxiii.-Nawab's permission to III., 41, 42, 309.-Difficulties with attack the French, I., elxiii.-Ne­ Watson, L, cxxxiii; II., 133.-Diffi­ gotiations with Renault, I., clxv; culties with Council and Select II., 165, 277, 284. 286.-Reasons for Committee, I., cxxxili, cxlix, clxxxiv, not pressing the attack, I., elxvii.­ cxcvii, cciii; II., 96, 121, 170.172, 176, Chandernagore capitulates, I., elxix. 207, 233, 244, 429. - Opinion of -Auother difference with the Ad­ Bisdom, II., 369. - Of Drake, I., miral, I., clxx; 1I.,303.-Treatment cxxxiv; II., 186, 208, 209.~f Hol­ of the garrison and French officials, well, I., cxxxili, cxxxiv; 11.,132, 186. I., clxxii-clxxi v; II., 324. 326. 327. 328. -Of Nawab, II., 368.-Of Renault, 329.-Hangs soldiers and sepoys for II., 361.-Of real cause of loss of Fort plundering, I., clxxi.-Reinforced William, II., 24S.-Dislike of the by troops from the Cumberland, I., Bepgal civilians, I., cxxxiii; II., 96- clxxiv. - pemands surrender of 9B--Plan for defence of Calcutta, I., French property from the Nawab, cxxxvi.-Fortifies a position at Chit­ I., clxxvi.-Intrigues for the over­ pur, I., cxxxviii.-Co-operation of throw of the Nawab. I .• clxxvi.­ the Admiral, I., cxxxix.-Reinforced Good intentions towards' Omi­ by troops on the Marlborough, I., chand, II., 377.-Gradual change cxxxviii.-Dislikes French media­ of feeling towards Omichand, I., tion. I., cxlii; II., 175.-First skirmish clxxxvii. - Reasons for deceiving at Chitpur, I., cxliv. - Sends mes­ him, I., elxxxvii-clxxxix.-Clive still sengers to Nawab, I., cxlv.-Their a young man, I., elxxxviii.-The equivocal treatment and return, I., Maratha letter, I.~ cxc.-Skilfully cxlv.-Forced to immediate action, used to deceive the N awab. I •• cxc.­ I., cxlv; III., 310.-Battle of Chitpur, Treaty with Mir Jafar• .I.. cxci.­ I., cxlvi.-Sarcastic letter to Nawab, Arrangements for private awards to I., cxlvii; II., 213.-Losses by cap­ Select Committee. Army and Navy. ture of Calcutta, I., cxxxiii (n), 227; I •• ccix.-Declare. war against the II., 210. -Loss by wreck of the Nawab, I., cxcV; II.. 405 - 407.­ Doddington, I., 227.-Private applica­ Marches towards Murshidabad. I .. tions for restitution, I., cxlix; II., cxcvi. - Cowardly behaviour of 323, 343.-Presents from the Nawab, Council, I .. cxcvii.-Indecision, I .• INDEX ANl).GLOSSARY 435

cxcvi. cxcvii, 404.-The Council of Cockylane (Coquelin), Captain of the War. I .• cxcvii; III.• 53. 54. 316, 321, Eli1taiJeth (schooner), a Frenchman, 323: 4Q4.-Reasons for over-riding its died at Fults, I., xciv; III., 76, 106. decision. I.. cxcviii. - Plassey, I .• -Mrs. Ann, III., 76,107 cxcil!:, cc.-Fought on the anni­ Coffree. See Kafir versary of the King's accession, I., Coja. See also Khwaja cxcix.-Clive asleep during the Coja H)lddee (Khwaja Hadi Khan), battle. 403.-Behaviour of Major ,deputy bakhshi ('Seir Mutaqherin,' Killpatrick. I •• cc; III .• 4Q4.-Enters ii., 91), succeeds Mir Jafar as Com­ Murshidabad, I., cci.-Enthrones mander - in - Chief. - Wounded at Mir Jafar. I .• ccii.-Settles business Plassey, I., cxciii, cxcix; II.; '397, with the Seths. I .• ccix.'-Congratu­ 424. 426 lated by the two Admirals and Coja Petrus, brother ot. Gregory or Council. L. cciii.-Drake's imperti. Gurgin Khan (Mir ~asim's general). nence· and servility, I .• cciii.-Clive's he died in 1782, I., cxv, cxvii, cxliii, opinion on the receipt of presents cxliv, clix, clxxxiii, clxxxvii, cxcii ; by officers and officials. III., 313. II., 133, 208, 213, 214. 2290 237, 238, 3140-The Company without right 363, 382, 386, 401, 412, 424; III., 364 to judge its servants, I.. ccxi.­ Coja Solomon, I., 283 Clive's hasty temper (see Lebeaume). Coja Wajid (Khwaja Wajid), known I .• cxcviii; III.• 344--His kindness amongst the natives as Fakhr-ut­ of heart. II.• 281, 302. 329. 359. 377. tujar, an Amlenian merchant resi­ 396.-Fortune gained by the Revolu­ dent at Hugli and Chandemagore, tion, III.. 314 (n). 360.-Generosity I., xxi, xxxviii, xli, lUi, lxiii, lxxii, to his relatives. III., 360.-Foolish . lxxiii, civ, cxi, cxvii, cxxxix, cliv, French story about Clive. IiI., 264-­ clix, clxi, clxili, 3-5, 20, 26. 27. 28, 30. Journals in Bengal. III•• 62-68.­ 31, 33, 57, 62, 70,104. 105, n6-II8, 126, Evidence before the Parliamentary 134-136, 140, 143, .146, 254. 286, 304, Select Committee. III., 307-318. 323- 305; II., 15, 22, 53, 54. 63, 64, 87, III, 325 127, 130, 145, 149, 161, 16!), 175, 176, Clive's sisters, III., 360 178, 185, 228, 229, 362, 368, 375, 379, Clive. Mrs. Margaret, I., 227; II., 210, 386, 392; IlL, 187,19O.-Nawab's 259; III., 96 agent with the Europeans, I., xli.­ Clive, George, III., 28 Appealed to by the British t;.o soothe Clock Tower. at Chandemagore, III., the N awab, I., lxiv, lxix, 126.­ 273 Suspected of inciting the Nawab Clodd; Thomas, III., 22 against the British, I., xli, lxxii, 140. Clonfert, Bishop of; I., 227 - His intercession songht by the . Coales, Captain John, I., 259 refugees at Fults, I., cxv, 70.­ Coast, the, ordinary term for the Friend of the French, I., xli, clxi, Coromandel or Madras Coast clxiv.-Garden at HugH, I., xli; Coatsworth, John, Captain of the III., 36.-His house and effects at SPeedwell, died at Fults, III., 22 Hugli plundered, I., xli.-Becomes Cobbe, Rev. Richard, I., cxxxvii; II., afraid of the British, I., xli.­ 190 Attempts to intervene between the Cobirage. See Kabiraj British and the Nawab through.the Cochin Chins, IlL, 263 French, I., cx1i, cxlii.-Correspond. Cocker. See Caulker ence of the Nawab betrayed by 78-2 BENGAL IN 1756·oq

Coja Wlijid to the British, I., xli, Company's losses, I., 293 clxxix; II., 125, 264. 313, 314, 355, Company's servants, gallantry of 364, 365, 369, 370.-Law's estimate of young, I., lxviii. 131 his character, .I., c1xiv; III., 190.­ Company's treasure, I., 102, 112, 151, Leaves Murshidabad in terror before 186, 246, 247, 262, 292; II., 41, 42, Plassey, I., clxxx 136,.141 Coka. See Xokli ' Compounds, I., xxxvi Cole, Christopher, free merchant, III.• Conlas, Dacco, III.• 76, loG 416 ' Constantinople, I., xcix; III., 69, 107 Coles, Peter. carpenter, III., 76, loG Consultation room wrecked' 'by a Colell:or Coates. Thomas,died in the cannon ball, I., lxxxi, 262 Black Hole, I •• xciv, 43, 109. .lI5. ConSUltations,: Dutch Council at 130. '153, 190, 191, 254, 259. 263; II.• Hugli, I., 25, 37.-Dacca Council, I., 32; IlI~, 71, lOS, 136• 139, '153 34, 36.-Fort St. Geol'ge Council, I., -- Mrs. Frances, wife of Thomas. I., 96. 195. - Fort St.' George Select lxxix, 245; III., 76. loG Committee. I., 99. 204. 222, 223.­ Collet, Matthew, I., lviii, lix, lxv. lxvii. Fort William Council, II., 82, 395.­ lxxi, cv, cxi, cxiii, cxx. cxci, cxciii, Fort William Select Committee, II., cxcvi, ccvii. 9, 10, 46, 48, 57, 59, 61, 87. 88, 370, 383, 421.-Fulta Council, 64, 68, 70, 95, ~" 101, loG, 129, 132, I., 200, 201, 202, 247.-FuIta Secret 170, 195, 203, 219, 222,' 237, 238, 251- Committee, I., 204 253; II., II, 129, 135. 144, 145, 189, Cooke, John (junior), survived the 408, 4II; III.• 72. lOS, ISO Black Hole, I., 1, 'lxxxiv, xcii, xciii, Collier. Lieutenant. of the Salisbury, cxix, 43, 62 (?), 99, 109, lIS, 168, 172, 111·,7 191; II., 86, 192; III., 75, loG, 136, Collings, Michael; Captam, seafaring 144, 145, 154, 290"303, 320, 321.­ man, drowned whilst escaping from (Senior), III., 328. - Mrs. Sophia Fort William, I., xciv, 44; III., 72, . (nee Jacob), wife. of John Cooke 105 (junior), III., 76, loG Collins, Lieutenant, III., 15 Cooke, Thomas, I.. 62.-Mrs. Sophia Colsaunie (not identified), II., 417 (nee Corseley Mason) Colville, Lieutenant, of the Tygel', Cooks, want of, during the seige, I., I., clxviii; III., 8 152 Committee of Fortifications, II., 24 Cooly. See Kuli Company's banyan. I., lxxix, 151 Coosebaug. See Khush Bligh, II., Company's books' and papers, I., 444 lxxix, lxxx, 102, Il2, 151, 186, 247, Coote, Captain Eyre, I.; cxxx.cxxxii, 262. 292; II., 41,42, (36, 140. 190,191, cxl, cxliv, c1xx, cxciv, cxcvi, cxcviii, 340.-Doubts as to whether they cxcix, cciv; II., 96, 97, 197, 198, 202, were lost, I., lxxix, 292, 340 418 ; III., 3'5, 14, 33, 36, 39'58, 84, Company's charter, I., cxv(, c1viii. 247, 32I·323.-At Budge Budge, I., cxxx, 268; II., 192, 226.-Copy preserved cxxxi.·-At Calcutta, I., cxxxii.­ by Mayor's Court attorney. II.• 192 Commands land force at Hugli, I .• Company's house, I., lxxviii, lxxxi, ,exl.-Takes Cutwa, I., cxcvi.­ lxxxiii, cxxxv, 83'90, 92, 107, 1I3, Journal, III., 39'58 It4, ISO, lSI, 153, ISS, 156, 158, 159, Coquelin. See Cockylane 165, 169, 185. 261, 263, 291; II., 31, Corge, probably from the word 32,37 koYi, meaning a score INDEX AND GLOSSARY

Coriemabad (Karimabad), quarter. in cxlvii·cxlix; II., 218, 222.-Regard- the north of Murshidabad where , ing neutrality with French, II., 252. the Dutch Mint was situated, III., -Before Plassey, 1.,_ cxcvii, cxcviii; ISO 11." 419; III., 53-55, 159, 316, 321, 323. Corneille, Captain]ohn, III., 53, 65 -Clive's remarks upon, III., 316, Cornelius, John, Captain ofthe Dragon 323 (sloop), III., 407 Country Government, method of deal-· --Maria, wife of John, killed at the ing with refractory. Europeans, I., taking of Calcutta, I., xciv, cxcvii ; xxxvi;. III., 219.~Reasons for em·· III., 407 ploying Hindus, I.,xxi, en , eastern coast of Country people, hatred of the Nawab, the Madras Presidency I., Iv; III., 78 Cos or Coss. See KO$ Courrier d'Ayignon, 10, xcviii Cosall, ,Philip, survived the Black Court, Richard,. survived the Black Hole, 1.,44 Hole (drowned in the Hugli, 7 May, Cossenauth. See Klisinath 1758), I., xci, 43, 61, 103, 109, 1I6, Cossid. SeeKasid 130, 153,168, 173, 191, 254. 259, Cossim Ali Cawn.' See' KliSim Ali 264; II., 52.; III., 72,. lOS, 137. 146, Khan, I., i;. II., 60, 6r 154 Cossim Hussain Cawn. See Kasim Court House, or Court of the Mayor of Husain Khan, II., 431. Calcutta. Its records are now in Cossimbazar (passim) the , I., !xx, 40, --English Factory. C9uncU of War 107,. lIo-lI2, 114, 129. 137, ISO; 164, regarding, I., lvii, 127; II.,JI.-Des. . 255; IL, 31, 32, 35; 36, 45 cription, I., 73. 74-...,.Defensjbility, I., Courtin, Monsieur, Chiefof,the French lvii, lxi, 73. 74; III., 329,33o.-5iege. Factory at Dacca, I., xxxviii, xcv, I.,lvi-lxii, 175, 176; III., 166, 219-224.­ 34. 56, 69, 95, 231; IlI,,'262. Destroyed by the French"I., cxciv; COlJrt of Directors, I.., lxvii,: xcviii-ci, II., 461 •.,-English Chief. See Mr. cxviii: cxxxiv,ccxi,ccxii, 96. n8, Watts 134. 225, 238, 240. 266, 274. 278; II.. --French Factory (Saidabad), I., lvi, 95, 128, 135, 136, 146, 160, 162, 245 lx, 61, lIS. 207, 253; II., 441.-Chief Covenanted Servants, III., 41I. - of. See Jean Law Gallantry of younger, I., 131 -- Dutch Chief. See M. Vernet Coverley, William, jailer,· I.,. xciv' --Dutch Factory. See Calcapur, I., Ill.,. 76,. 106 lvi, lix, lIS, 253 Covid or cmit (Port.), covado, a· cubit --River, I., clxxvi, cxciv or ell Cossimbazar Island Cow Cross, bridge over the Maratha Cossimbazar River Ditch on the Dumdum road, I., ·Costelly, Martin, Captain of the lxxv, 163, 257 London (sloop), III., 76,106 Cowen, James, III., 24 Cotta.. See.Kothi Cowgauchee or Cowgotchy, I.,. cxliv­ Councils of War, regarding Cossim­ clxviii; II., 133. 184; III., 8 bazar,II.,.u.-During siege of Fort Cozens, Francis, a seafaring man, III., William, I.,. lxvi, .btu, . lxxxvi, 84- 76,106 90,128,.150, lSI, 235, 244'246, m.­ Cramer; Surgeon Lucas, III., 410 On board the Kent, III., 31, 32.-At Crane Gat or Ghat, the principal land­ Madras, I., 235. - After, Chitpur, ing-place of Fort William, II., 46 438 BENGAL IN 1756·57

Crawford, D. G., Lieutenant-Colonel Bengal.' p. 89). From this quotation I.M.S., I., xcvi (n) it is evident that the English current Crombon, Samuel, member of the rupee was not a coin at all Dutch Council at Hugli, I., 15, 27, Curzon of Kedlestone, Lord. I., xci (n). 31,32,34. 38; II., 101, IIo, II3, 128, 285 xeiv (n) Crore. See Kror Cutcarrab. See KII.t.kirayll. Cross-roads of the Bungalow, II., 254 Cutcherry. See Kachahrl Crow-feet, I., 147 Cutcherry. the. the cOllrt of the Cruttenden, Edward Holden, dismissed Zamindll.r of Calcutta. I .• 266, 267. the Company's service 28 August, 274, 275, 281 1755, restored after the siege, I., Cutlee Mosque. II., 416 lxvii, lxxxiii, lxxxvii, cxxxv, 41, 83, Cuttack (Katak). I .• clxxxi; II.• 314; 85, 87,88, 90, 107, II4. ISO, 154-6, 159t III., 206.-Nawab or Faujdar of. !65, 190, 263; II., 31; III., 75. 106. See Rajll.ram and Mirzll. Sali. 11.,90. -Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Edward 207; III.• 210 Holden, III., 76. 107 Cutwa (Katwa). I., cxcvi. cxcvii; II.• Cudmore, Lieutenant John. in com­ 289. 369, 412. 414; III.. 52. 159.­ mand of the military at Dacca, I .• Fort, I .• cxcvi; III.• 53 70, 88, 173; III., 53. 75, 105 Cutwally Chubbuthaw (Kotwll.li Culfew. See Culpee, III.• 94 Chabutarah). the Kotwll.l's office. Culna (Kalna). III., 51. 65 police. station, or prison Culpee (Kli.lpil. I., cxiii. cxxvii, cliii, cxcii; II., loS. 175. 256; III .• 3. 19 Dacca (Dhaka). I., xxiv. xxxv. xxxviii. Cumberland, Duke of. IlL. 307 xliv, xlv. lxiv, lxviii. xciv, cvii. Ctmzberland. H.M.S•• I •• cxxiii. cxxvi­ cxxxvii, clxii, clxxi. clxxx. 2. 34. 35. cxxviii, c1xiv, c1xix. 238; II.• 89t 95. 53. 55. 104. II9. 120. 124. 173. 174. 98, 169. 170 , 174. 175. 194, 195. 198, 208. 219. 232, 250. 278. 290. 297. 29B. 200, 204. 205, 219. 241. 257. 272 ••80. 304; II., 3, 4. 27,66, 78. III. 135. 139. 282, 3oS. 310; III., 6, 31, 51, 247. 158. 175. 178. 191. 225; III .• 171.­ 271 Council. I., xxxvi. 104. 136; II.. 1.35. Curella, III .• 149 143. - Expedition. II.. 175. 178.­ Current rupees. 'The sicca rupee' English Factory. I .• xcv. 35, 39, 57. (i.e .• the rupee bearing the Emperor's 69. 88. II6. 13o.-French Factory, I .• stamp) 'varies in value in the pro­ xcv, 104. 173. 304.-Ladies, I., xcv; portion of II6 to III. The natives III., 171.-Nawab. See Dasarath take the II6 as their unit of account, Kbli.n being the suca rupee during the Dacl4 (pinnace) first vear of circulation. The Dacres, Philip. III., 415 Engli;h, to avoid fractional D'um­ Dadley. See Dodalay bers, take the decimal 100. by rela­ Dadney (P., diidni), an advance made tion to which they calculate and to a craftsman, a weaver. or the estimate all their coins. Thus, like, by one who trades in the goods tH parts of the sicca rupee consti­ produced tutes that money ofaccount to which Dalhousie Square, I., 129 (n) the English have given the name of Dallabar, Ensign, II., 263 current ,""pee' (Verelst'lJ 'View of Dalrymple, Stair, died in the Black the Rise. Progress, and Present Hole, I., xciv, 43, 109, 191; III., 72, State of the English Government in 105, 153 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 439

Damius, Jan Hendrik Hagba, a Dutch- By Admiral Watson against the man, III., 409 N awab, II., 86.-By Clive against the Danae, a French ship, I., cliii; II., 59 Nawab, II., 405-407 Dana Shah or Shah Dana, I., ccvi Delabar, Sieur, a French supercargo, Dandy (H., diindi), a boatman or rower 111.,276 Danes, the, I., xxxiv, civ, clxxii, 3, 5, De la Puye. See Renault de la Fuye, 68, 273, 306, 307; II., 17, 23, 79, 80, III.,276 ' 258, 298; III., 161, 163.-Settlement Delamotte, John, Master of ~he Kent in Bengal, III., 163. - Friendship (Ives' Journal, p. 127), I., clxix with the French, II., 258, 298; III., De la Vigne Buisson, Captain of the 163 French East Indiaman Saint Con­ Darbar (P.), the Royal Court; an test, I., cliii, clxviii; II., 180, 328; andience, assembly, or levee; the III., 228, 261.-Junior, III., 261 members ofthe Court Delaware (Company's ship), Captain Darogha (P., Diirogha), the head of a Thomas Winter,!., liv, cxiii, cxiv, police, customs, or excise station cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxviii, 75,96, 124, 171, Dasarath Khan (query Jasarat Khan), IBg, 192, 193 (n), 197, 214, 297; II., 7, Nawab of Dacca, I., xxxviii, xcv, 34- 8, 10, 92, 189. 201, 206, 243, 266, 295 ; 37, 53, 231; II., 158, 331 III., 19.-Log of, III., 19-24 Dastak (P.), passport or permit, a De Leyrit, Monsieur, Governor of document authorizing the free Pondicherry, I., c1v.· clvi, 177, 227, transport of certain goods an~ their 230, 232; II., 91, 368; In., 243, 244, exemption from Customs duties in 246, 253, 270.-Prevents the French favour of English traders in Bengal from allying themselves Daud Khan, brother of Mir Jafar Ali with the Nawab, I., clv; III., 246, and Faujdar of Rajmahal, III., 210, 270 213.-Delays the Nawab's letters to Delhi, I., xxi, xxvi, xlvi, xlvii, cvi, . Ramnarain and Law, III., 210.­ cxvi, clxxv, clxxvii, 124 (n), 199> 218, Arrests the N awab after Plassey, I., 220,236, 241, 243; II., 215, 223, 264, ccvi 279, 281, 286, 3og; III., 99, 183, 218.­ Daudpore (Daudpur), I., cci; II., 385, Emperor of, I., xxi, xxiv, xxvi, 4og; III., 68 xxvii, xlvi,lv, cv, cxli, cxlviii, clxi.­ Davidson, volunteer, II., 242 Court of, III., 98, 99 Davies, Joseph, IlL, 22.-Paul, III., 23 Delphic oracl~, II., 431 Davis, William. See !.etters' to.-. De Montorcin, Monsieur, letter to, I., Miss, II., 182 173 Dayal Chand, I., xlii Denham, the (ship), I., xcix Dayramboss (Dayarlim Basu), III., 364 Denmark, King of, a Danish ship, I., Dean, Richard,'pilot, III., 416 . 30 7 Deccan (Southern India), II., 305 Deptford, III., 85 Dechaulaye, Monsieur, a Frenchman Derrickson, Jane, III., 405 - 406.­ in the Prussiau service, II., 181 Joseph, killed in the siege of Cal­ Declaration of war: Between France cutta, III., 407 and Britain, I., 301, 302; II., 59, 9[, De Ryder, a Dutch ship, I., cxxxix; 103, 114,' 200, 2740 284, 312; III., 8, II., 82, log, 292 24,47, 62, 157, 177, 268.-Between De Sylva, Elizabeth, I., xcvii Council and the Nawab, II., 83, 88, De Terraneau, Cresar, a French Lieu­ 100, 101, 119, 167, 189; III., 18, 180.- tenant who deserted to the English, 440 BENGAL IN 1756·5'1

I., clxvili; II., 287; III., 260.-Story Dompierre, Sieur, III., 276 of~ See 'Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., Donkergat, Dutch for the Black Hole, 225 (n) 1·,304 Dewan. See Diwli.n Don Quixote, I., 170 Dhamki (H.), reprimand, reproof, iu­ Dooly (H., dutil, a litter or swing timidation cot Dhecca. See Dacca Dost Mahmut Cawn (Dost Muhammad Dickson, Alexander, Captain of the Khan), distinguished himself against Prince Edward, suivived the Black the Marathas (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., Hole, I., xcii, xciii, 44, .lIS, 191, 194; 13), severely wounded at Chitpur II., SO; III., 77, IS4--Peter, Captain (ilJid., ii., 222), II., 55. lIe, 326 (later) of the Pka!nix Douglas, Charles, Ensign, I., lxx, lxxx, Didar Ally (Didar Ali), 11.,314 lxxxiii, JI2, 130, 189, 2540 263; II., Diler Jang Bahadur (' The Courageous 28, 34; III., 75, 106 in Battle '), native title given to Downey, seafaring man, III., 416 , Admiral Watson ('Seir Mutaqherin,' Dragon (sloop), Captain Cornelius, ii., 225) lII., 417 Diligence (ship), Captain John Mills, Drake (ship), III., 283 I., lxxix, lxxxiv, xcvii, lSI, 161, 244, Drake; Nathan, died in the Black 245; II., 411; III., 123 Hole, I., lxxvii, xciv, 43. 109. 190, Dilly. See Delhi 261; II., 37; III., 72, lOS, 153 Diu Muhammad, I., cvii Drake, Roger (junior), nephew of Directors, Court of. See Court of Roger Drake (senior), one of the Directors Directors, I., 229; II., 186; and Ditts, Mr., letter to the Duke of New­ Governor of Fort William. 1752.1758. castle, II., 455 -Weakness of hia character and Diwli.n (P.), a Minister or chief officer position, I., xl, 62, 63, 276, 277, 297. of State; a revenue or financial -Foolish management of the case' officer; the manager of a Zamindar of Krishna Das, I., xlvi, xlvii; II., Dixon, Captain. See Dickson, Alex- 6; III., 368.-Suspecten of receiving ander . bribes from him, I., xlvii, 207, 279; Dockhead, the, I., lxxxii, lxxxiii, xci, II., 6; III., 368.-Complimentary 1140 lIS, 158, 159; III., 146, 147 letter to Nawab. I .. xlviii.-Impolitic Dodd, John, died in the Black Hole, treatment of Narayan DiI.a, I., xlix. I., lxxiv (n), xciv, 43, 109, 191, 261; 1, 121; II., ,.-Suspicioua of Om i­ II., 37; III., 72, 105, 153 chand, I., xlix. 121.-Rash reply to Doddaley or Dodatay (ship), Captain the N awab and alleged rudeness to Andrew Young, I., lxx (n),lxxiv hi. messengers. I., I, 95; II., 8, 147; lxxix, lxXxi, lxxxii, lxxxiv, 37, 60, 86, III., 394--Leaves COlsimbazar to its 92, 94, 135, 151, 1S4, ISS, 158, 161, 167, fate, I., lvii.-Pretencea of fighting. 201, 244-247, 256; II., 1,3, J9, 40, 44, I .. lxiv, lxxii.-Aska the intercession 46, 152, 157, 187 of Coja Wajid, I .. lxiv.-Preparea to Doddington (ship), wreck of, I., ci, 227; defend Calcutta, I., lxv.-Writes to II., 189; III., 75, 119 the French and Dutch for assistance, Dogan, William, Captain, I., 221; II., I.; lxv.-Writea to Madras for assist­ 236 ance, I.. lxviii, 133. - Ridiculous Doidge, Henry, secretary to Admiral argument with Mr. Bisdom, I., lxvi. Watson, III., :z8 -Holda a Council of War, I., lxvii.- INDEX AND GLOSSARY 44(

Supersedes the military officers. L. Drake•. Roger (senior), I., cxxxiv. 229; lxviii. .lxix•. - Parades his garrison II.,. 243.~Mrs., I;, 229 • . and nominates officers•. I.. lxviii. ....,... Drake. Mrs. Mary. first wife of Roger Calls in the up-country Factories. I.. Drake; junior, 1" 277 (n). - Mrs, lxviii.-Tries to negotiate with the Martha. second wife of Roger Nawab. I .• lxix.--'-Sends a party to Drake; junior. and sister :of" his Hugli to frighten the natives. I .• first wife Mary. I.. lxxix. 245; 277; lxix.-Thinks the Nawab will retire II., 48; III •• 76. 106.-Mrs. Henri­ if resisted, I .• lxxii. lxxviii.-Arrests etta (nee Baker). third wife of Roger Omichand and Krishna Das., I., Drake. junior. I .• ·ci . lxxiii. """ Tries to win over the Duan.· See Diwan Nawab's Christian soldiers, I .• lxxii. .Dubordieu. John. surgeon's mate. Ill.. --'-Sends an expedition against 21 Tanna. I .• lxxiv.-Mismanages· ,the Due de Berry (French ship). II., 341 defence of the town.!.. lxxv-Ixxxii. Dumbleton, William; Notary Public -Shows no want of courage in the and Registrar of the Mayor's Court, early part of the siege. 1.,:155; III•• diedin·theBlack Hole, I., xciv, 43, 389,~uits .the fort in a 'panic. sO. '101), 130, 191,.254; III., 140.153 I:. lxxxii.-Is firtid on as he is . Dumcow. See Dnamki rowed to the. ships. I .• lxxlili.· 50. Dumdum, I., lxxiii, 142; II;, 237. 238. 158 •. ;;!63.-Makes no real effort to -Bridge, 11;, 176," 219; Ill.. 39.­ rescue the garrison. I.; lxxxiii.,-­ House, III., 37.-Plain,. I;, 257; III., Succeeds in reaching Fulta with the' 8, 157.-Road,I., lxxY,'cxliv, 258 fleet. I ••. 1xxxiv. Ixxxv. ...,....Is,sus­ Dunclm, Mrs. Sophia; :widow of Major pended by the members !Jf C!Juncil Holland and wife of Captain . Peter in Fort William but acknowledged. Duncan, III., 76, 101 by those at Fulta. I.. lxxxvi.­ Dundas, George,Captain ofthe Dragon Lenient treatmen.t 'by the directors, (sloop); II., .242 I., c. «i.-Is attacked by Dr. Hugh Dunmahomet . (query Din Muham­ Baillie.I., c• ..-Hill sufferings and life . mad),' II.,,69· at Fulta. I .. cix-cxix.~Takes up his .Dupleix, Marquis,.I., 177:-Threat tore­ dwelling. in. the Fort William, I., duceCalcutta to a fishingvillage, III., cxi; III., 20.-N egotiations with the 384.~Madame, I., 206, 212; II., 121 Nawab's officers,!., cxi.-Sends Durand, Monsieur, French offiCial 'at Manningham to Madras. 1_, cxii.-'­ Chandernagore, III., 77, 107 Persuades Holwell to join the Secret ·Durbar, the· (Darbar).~Corruption Of, Committee, I., cxiii-cxiv.-Calls for III.,' 189' .-.., English party at, III., animadversions on . his conduct, I .•. 191_-French party at, III., 189 cxvii• .,....Propitiates Watson and Durja Ramdat, III., 364 Clive. I.;. cxxxiv; II.. 97. 105. 132. Dusseraut Khan. See Dasarath'Khan 133.-Intrigues with .the natives. n .. Dussmatun - ud ,Cawn. See Dost. 208 •. 2

18; IlL, 263. - Their neutrality, East India Company, Dutch. See 1., 14. - Refuse assi!;tance to the Dutch East India Company Nawab, British, or French, lxiii, -- English, I., xxii, lxi, lxvi, c, ccx­ lxv; II., 318, 320, 326, 328, 347, 348, ccxii, 18, 21, 54, 55, 57, 61, 65, 71, 73, 358, 369.-Treacherous suggestion 95, 97, 98, 103, 106, lI3, 120, 126, 134, of Dutch Agent, 1., 21.-Surrender 140, IS I, 170, 17 I, ISo, 192, 193, 196, English prisoners to Nawab, 1., 197, 199, 220, 223-225, 232, 234, 237- lxxxiii, 42. - Settlement at Fulta, 241, 266, 274, 282, 297; II., 54, 56, 70, 1., lxxxiv, lxxxv.-Assist the British 83-86, 93, 96, 103, lIO, lI9, 130, 132, at Fulta, I., lxxxv, cix; III., 20.­ 133, 173, 200, 217, 247, 252, 271, 272.­ Kindness to British refugees at Military in Bengal, III., 4oS.-Civil HugH, 1., cix. -Dutch Fiscal at establishment in Bengal, III., 41 1,413 Fulta, 1., cxiv.-Forced to contri­ -- French. See French East India bute by the Nawab, 1., ciii, civ.­ Company Refuse to lend pilots to the British, East Indian Chronologist, 1., xciii (n) I., cxxviii, cxxxix. -Shelter the East Indies, the, 11., 84 Moors, 1., cxl; 11., 81, 99, 101, 106, Echapore, II., 314 roS, 175, 199.-Suspected of assisting Edgcote (ship), 1., xcviii, xcix; IlL, the Governor of Hugli with guns, 26,69, 107 1., cxxxix.-Violence of the British Edgerton, Captain-Lieutenant, IIl.,62 sailors, 1., cxli.-Send their women Edwards, Mrs. Henrietta, II1., 76, I07 on board, I., cxli; 11., 102, lI8.­ Egypt, IlL, 342 The Admiral refuses their media­ Ekstone, Mr., Second at the Dutch tion, 1., cxlii. - Expel the French Factory in Cossimbazar, IlL, ISO refugees from Chinsurah, 1., c1xxii ;­ Elibas (Allahabad), 11., 392, 443 IlL, 235.-Try to take advantage of Elizabeth (ship), Captain Cockylane, the Nawab's defeat, 1., clxxix (n).­ II1., 417 Position at M_urshidabad, II., 257 Ellet, Lieutenant. See Elliot Dutch Director. See Mr. Bisdom Elliot, John, Lieutenant, in command Dutch East India Company, 1., 17, 55, at Cossimbazar, shot himself to 56, 63; II., loS, lIO escape -insult, L, lviii-lx, 16, 74, 176, Dutch Gardens, 1., 20; II., lI8 251, 253, 304; III., 72, 105, 166, 224· Dutch Mint, the, 1., xcii, 19, 29 -William, son of Lieutenant John Dutch Octagon at Chandernagore, 11., Elliot, 1., 251 lI8 Ellis, William, wounded in the skir­ Dutch pilots, II., 82, 98, 109, lI6, lI8, 199 mish of Chitpore, killed in the Dutch sergeant betrays the back troubles with Mir Kasim in 1763, gate of Fort William, III., ISS. See 1., lxx (n), cxlvi, 41, 107, 172, 190, Hedleburgh 261; II., 37, 214, 242, 322 ; II!., 75, Dutch soldiers in British employ, 1., r06.-Wounded at Chitpur, !., cxlvi; lxxxviii-xc, 42, 62, 102, 108, 187, 190; II., 214, 242, 322 II., 42; III., ISS Elves or Elvis, William. See Alves Dyer, John, Lieutenant, 11., 263 Emdeners, Ostend Company, I.,xxxvi., civ.; II., 79 Eade, the (Ar., id.), a Muhammadan Emperor, the. See Grand Mogul festival celebrating the conclusion Engineers, want of, in Calcutta,!., of the Fast of Ramazan, 11., 416, 417 lxvi.-Want of, in Chandernagore, -East Court (ship), IlL, 373 IlL, 268 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 443

England, King of. See Gre'at Britain 62, 83, 85, 86, 92, I02, 107, 109, lI3, , 1., liv, lx, lxi, xcix, cxii, lIS, 150, 153, ISS, 156, 165, 185, 190, cxiii, cxxi, cxxii, cxlix, ccx, 299; 259, 263; II., 31, 37; IIr., 71, 105, II., 81, 83, 91, 151, ISS, 231, 247, 266 qo.-Died in the Black Hole, 1., 43, English. See British I09.-Died after being brought out English East India Company. See of the Black Hole,!., xciii, 50 East India Company English envoy at the Darbar, 11., 226 Fackeer. See Fakir --ladies, 1., lI2, 183, 229, 244. 246 Fackeer Mahomet (Fakir Muham- -- native ladies on the English mad), II., 52, 68 ships, IlL, 80 Factories, r., xxxv-xxxvi -- sailors, II., 81, lI2, 394. 395; III., Factory House, r., 89, 170, 185 92 Fakhr-uttujjar· (A.), the chief or pro- -- soldiers, 1., 190; II., lI2, 265, 266, vost ofthe merchants; a title granted 338,395 by the Muhammadan Government English, Charles, 1., 172 to any eminent banker or merchant. English, Dr. See Dr. Inglis Here refers to Coja Wajid, 1., xli Erdman, Lieutenant. See Herdman, Fakir (A.), a religious mendicant 1., 221; III., 21 Fame (sloop), Captain Robert Bald­ Etlack. See I tlak win, I., lxxxiv, 161, 337 Eunuchs, II., 61; IlL, 196 Fanam, a small coin used in Southern Europe, 1., ciii, civ, cxxi, cxxxvii, India (Yule and Burnell) cxlix, c1xxvi, 22, 96, 138, 17r, 177, Farmaish (P.), goods ordered for use at 184, 202, 205, 214, 222, 234, 268, 273, the Court, the value being allowed 293,296, 297,300, 307; II., 26, 58, 80, for on the accounts 88, 91, 100, 1I3, 185, 189, 235 Farman (P.), a mandate, order, com­ Europe ships, 1., 145, J71 mand, patent, charter European concert in Bengal,!., r84 Farman of Farrukh - siyar, granted European constabulary in Nawab's January IO, 1717, 1., xxxii, liv, Iv. service, 1., 55; IlL, 9O.-Envoys at cxvii, I02, I06, 218, 236, 241; II., IS, the Durbar, II., 258 67, 83, 84. 122; IlL, 375. - A copy Europeans: The three nations, 1., sealed by the Kazi of Hugli, II!., xxiii, xxxiv-xliii.-Native opinion of 365 their forts, I., xxiv.-Early quarrels Farrnkh-siyar, born in r683, Emperor with the Country Government, 1., of Delhi 1713-1719,1., xxiv, xxxii xxxvi, lii, liv.-Ostentation taken as Fath Chand, nephew of Manik Chand a proof of wealth, 1., xxxV.-Their Seth, 1., xxv, 32, 55 honses, 1., xxxv.-Their interference Faujdar (P.), an officer in charge in Sonthern India, 1., lii.-Alivirdi's of a body of troops, and exercising opinion of, 1., xxviii, xxxi.-Siraj­ criminal jurisdiction.-Of Hugli, 1., uddaula's opinion of, 1., cii, ciii.­ 51.-0f Rajmahal. See Dand Khan Treatment by the Nawabs, 1., xxiv, Faujdari (P.), the district or office ofa cvi, cviii Faujdlir, or cesses levied for the Eylbracht, Hendrik, Dutch official, support of a Faujdlir IIL,409 Favorite, La, a French ship, !., 307 Eyles, Mr., II., 62 Fazl-Knli-Khan or Ikram-uddaula, Eyre, Edward, 1., lxvii, lxxviii, lxxxvii, younger brother of Siraj-uddaula, xciii, xciv. cxxxv, 12, 13, 14, 18, 43, 50, died 1755, I., xxix 444 BENGAL IN 1756-57

.Fenwick, Captain Thomas, I., xxxix authority of menlbers of Bengal (n), II., 151 Council, I., cxxi.-Hand over the Ferguson, Mr.,. III., 85 expedition to the Select Committee, Feringhees (Per., farangi), a Frank I., cxxii or European (Yule and Burnell), I., Fort St. George, Select Committee 79,273 appointed from home, I .. exx; II., Ferraro, Francis, seaman, III., 21 121-123, 132, 166-168, 170, 172. 204, Fettusjent. See Fath Chand, the 205.-Confirm Clive in command. founder of the Seth family I., exxiii.-Generous behaviour to Fidecombe, W. See Tidecombe, I., Bengal, ,I" exxiv-cxxv.-Ad\"ice to 44; III., 72, 104 make terms with the Nawab, I" Fife, Andrew, Midshipman of the cxxiv.-To raise a native faction, I., Delaware, III., ~I exxiv.-To attack the French in Finely, niece of Mr., I., 52 Bengal, I •• cxxiv Finley, Richard, Captain of the Sally, Fort St. George (sloop). 111 .• 417 (n) II., 92, 95, 236.-Mrs., III., 76, 107 Fortune (ketch), Captain Campbell, I., Firman, See Farman lxx. 161, 256 Fischer, Christian, Captain, I., cxeviii ; Fort William, a country ship, I., cxi, III., 53, 321 cxiv. 248 (n); II., 187; III., 3 Fletcher, Dr., apparently a free mer­ Fort William (old), I.. xxiii, xxxix, chant lxiv-lxvi • .lxxvi, xcvi-xcix. cii, exxxii. Fleurin, Monsieur, Second in the cxxxv, cxxxviii, cxlv. cxlvi, c1iii, French Factory at Dacca, I., 35, 36 34-36,. 45, 48• 61. 68, 70, 73, 95, 96, Flodell, mistake for Pleydell 102, 109, II7, 187, 195, 203.219, 254, Foins Island, III., 26 265; II., 21, 78, 83-87, 89. 92• 93, 96, Foreigu Department, origin of, I., cxix 204, 132, 143, 155, 162. 163, 166. 177, Fort d'Orleans, I., xxiii, xxxvii. xxxviii, 187, 188, 192, 195, 204, 214, 235. 247; xl; II .• 290, 314; III., 50, 232,,267.­ III •• 4, 12, 35, 123, 154.-Description, Fortifications. I., xxxvii, xxxviii. I., xxxviii. xxxix. - Fortifications, elxvi; III.. 267.-Garrison. I.. xl, I., xxxix, lxvi;. II., 25; III., 126.387. elxvi.-Siege, I., elxvi-elxx. - Des­ -Garrison, I., xxxix, xl, lxvii·; II., truction, I., elxxiv 25.-Siege, I., lxxv-lxxxii, lxxxvi-xc. Fort Gustavus, I .. xxiv, xxxvi, xxxvii, -Ammunition in, when surren­ 27, 31. 32; II., 82. 315 dered, III•• ·417.-Reason of its 108s, Fort St. David. I., cxxi. 239; II., 98. Clive's opinion, I., e (n) 210.267 Fort William (present), I., lxx,xiii (n) Fort St. George, I., xl, lxiv, exii. 48, Fort William Council. I.. lxi, lxvi, 239, 285; II., I, 14, 24, 43. B9. 91. 92, lxviii. lxxi, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxvi. exv, 143,166, 188. 190. 204, 237. 267 cxvi" cxx-cxxiii, CXXV'o cciii, 65,' 96, --Governor. See Mr. Pigot 99. 122, 124, 133. 180. 181. 192. 203. --Council. I .• lxiv. xcvii, exii, 105. 118. 2B4o 28,.. II., IJ9--Refuse to send 218.-Informedoftroublesin Bengal. reinforcements to Cossimbazar, I., I., lxiv. exx.-Send reinforcements lvii, 127; II .• II; III., 292, 334.­ under Killpatrick, I., cxiii.-Hear Negotiations with Nawab, I., lxiii, of loss of Calcutta, I.. exx.-Prepare lxiv, lxix.-Write to Madras for an expedition with the Admiral. I •• assistance. I.. lxiv-lxvi. - Send a exxi. - Opposition of Colonel Ad­ party to Sukhsagar, I., lxix.-Flight lercron. I., exxi. -.Acknowledge _ and suspension of some of the INDEX AND GLOSSARY 445

members. I;. lxxxvi. - Joined by clxxxvii. 'cXci-cxciii'.':"'~sk for per­ officials from the out Factories.!.. sonal rewards, I •• ccix cxi.-Call themselves,Agents for the Forth. William. surgeon at Cossim- Company's affairs. I.. cxi.-Send , bazar, I .• xlv, xlvi. 'ill. liii. lyiii.lix. llhnningham arid Lebeaume to xcii, cviii. cxv, cxviii, -cliv. II, '"100, . 'Madras. I .• cxii.--Appoint a Secret 101.216. 251. 252; II.. 10. 54. 61. 67. Committee. I.. cxiv. - Take over 70 • 87. 88 Fort William from the Admiral. I •• Fossee. the. I •• 255. 257 cxxxii. cxxxvi.-Resent Clive's in­ Fournier. M.. Second in French dependent powers, I.,CXXXlll, Council at' Chandernagore. I.. cHi. cxxxvi.-Deelare war against the eliiii. 206;' II.. 120. 121. 276. 293. 'Nawab. I •• cxxxvi.-Eritrustnego­ 2CJ8. 302; III.. 254-256. 271 tiations' to Clive and Watson.!.. Fowler. Francis. Captain of the Wal­ cxill(n).-Demand Clive's surrender pole. 1 .• cxxii; III.• 26. 91 of his independent powers, I .• cxlix. Fox. Right Hon., Henry. I •• cxx (n); -Protest to Fort Saint George and II•• 243 the Court' of Directors. I.. cxlilt.­ , France. I .• xxiii. 1. liv. cxxi. elvi. 59. Worry Clive about the negotiations, 124. 206, 221. 225. 234. 240. 299; II .• 1 .• clxxxiv 7. 25. 91, 190,205. 233, 25o.-King of. Fort William prison. I.,. lxxvi 'II.• LOS Fort William Secret Committee, I., Franckedongy. French settlement or lCJ8.-Appolnted at Fulta, I., cxiv.­ quarter. used of Chandernagore Negotiate with the leading natives, (' Seir Mutaqheriil,' ii., 163 n). See I.,'cxv.-Replaced by the Select Chandemagore. II;. 2~5 'Committee. I .• cxviii Frankland., William. I .• xli. lxvii-lxix. Fort William Select Committee. I., lxxiv. lxxviii, lxxx. lxxxi. cxii. cxiii. cxviii. cxix. cxlVili, coo, clxxiii. cxvii, 14. 18. 25. 41. 58.61. 66. 73. 76. Clxxx. dxxxi, ,clxxxviii, clxxxix, 77. 84. 86. 87. '90. 92. 102, 107. II2. cciii, ccxi, 225. 233, 235-237; II.• '121" 130. '135. 144. 151: 152. 154. 158. 165. 176, 188. 207. 232, 238, 240; 251, 252. 167. 172. 189. 202. 219,222. 244. 24), 257.265,272,283, 295-297.421,445.­ 255. 261. 271. 283. 291. 292; II .• 6. 28. First members. I .• cxviii.-Joined 38• 40. 41, 44. 136• 138• 149. 193; III.• by Clive, I., cxviii.--Wish to break 75. 105 the Treaty of 9 February, I.. cxlix.-­ Fraser. John. Captain. II.• ,190. 242. Dissuaded by Clive and the military 263; III.• 37.59 . officers. I .• cxlix.-Hear of the war French. the (passim): Military posi­ with France; I., cliv.-Ask Watson tion in Bengal. I •• xxxvii; III .• 418. to negotiate a neutrality with the 419.-Friendship and credit with the French, I:. cliv.~Negotiations for natives. I.. xxxiii. xxxviii. - In­ a neutrality. I., cliv-c1vi, clx-clxiii. debtedness to the Seths. I .• xxxviii. --Propose to attack Chandernagore, elx; II" 438.-Fortify Chanderna­ L. ,c1vi.-Send Watts as envoy to gore without permission. I" xlvi.­ Murshidabad. I., clvii-clix.-Deter­ Accuse the British to the N awab. mine on a Revolution, I.. clxxxv.­ I.. xlvi. 265.--Assistance asked by Deterniine to deceive Omichand, both Nawab and the British. I .• I.. clxxxvii.-:-Equivocal behaviour lxiii. lxv. II6. 295; I~I.. 293.--8us­ to Clive. I., clxxxiv, cxcvii.-Con­ pected of assisting the Nawab. I .. elude a' treaty with ,Mir Jafar, I., lxv. civ. cxxxvii. clio cliv.; II .• 17.- BENGAL IN 1756-57

In· the Nawab's service. I •• lxxii. French. Mrs. Mary. wife of Thomas. lxxxvii.-Kindness to British fugi. III .• 76. 107 tives. I.. cv. cxxxvii. 59; 111 •• 226.­ French. Thomas. III•• 415 Their ships forced to assist the Frenghistan. I .. ciii fugitives. I .• lxxxv.-Bullied by the Frere. seafaring man. died in t)1e Nawab. I •• cill. civ.-Asked by the Black Hole. I.. xciv; III.. 72. Nawab to mediate. I .• cxli.-News 105 of war with England. I •• cxlix (n). Freze. III.• 416 cHi. cliv.-Their position in refer· Fringhys. See Feriughees ence to the British: they seek for Fromaset. M .• inhabitant of Chander· a neutrality. I .• cli.-Extraordinary nagore. II.. 291 remissness of the French ·at Pondi· Fullerton. William. Company's sur· cherry. J •• clvi.-Attempt to mediate geon at Calcutta. sole survivor of between the British and the Nawab. Mir Kisim's prisoners in 1763. I .• I.. elv; II.• 178. 185; III .• 18I.-The xcvi. 41. 153. 172. 190; III.. 76. Nawab seeks their alliance after 106 Chitpur. I.. elvi. - Grants them Fulta. I •• lxxi. lxxxiv. xcii. xciv. xcv. many privileges. I .... elvi. elvii.­ xcvii. xcviii. cii. cHi. cix-cxix. cxx, Suspected alliance with the Nawab. cxxvii. cxxxiii. cxxxv. 25. 37. 55. 58. I.. elvii; II.. II7. 185. 186. 252• 255. 60. ~. 104. 105. 117. 161. 162. 192.194. 258. 273. 274. 30I.-Renew negotia. 203.205. 208. 223. 231. 237. 238. 243. tions with the British. I.. elvii.­°1.304.306; French party at Court. I.. clxiv; II.. 14.40. 73. ~. 93. 104. 120. 124. 134. II .• 229. 239; III.. I~.I9I.-Mani. 154.156. 187.190. 192. 195. 204; III.• festo. I.. clxi; III.. 258.-Siege of 19. 156. I71.-Hospital ship. II •• 187. Chandernagore. I.. clxvi-elxx.-Be· -Fulta Road. III•• 3 trayed by Nandkumiir. I .• clxvii.­ --Secret Committee. I .• lxxi. cxiv. Quarrel about the terms of the cxv. cxix. elix ; II.. 187 Capitulation. I •• clxxii.clxxiii; II .. Futtock. See Phiitak 324. 326-329. J40.-Council sent Futtuah Chund (Fath Chand). I .. 32. prisoners to Calcutta. I.. clxxiii.­ 55; 111·.349 Released when no longer dangerous. I .. clxxiii Gange or Gunge (Ganj). a mart or French Canadians. I •• I~ (n) market. II.• 237 French Director. See Renault Ganges. the. Captain William ] ames. French East India Company. I •• captllred L'l"dien on her passage xxxviii. eli. clxxiv. 57. 63; II •• 7.­ from Bombay to Calcutta (/ves' Establishment in Bengal. III•• 418 Journal. p. II8 n) ,French Factory at Balasore. III .• 6 Ganges. River. I •• xxi. xxxiv. xxxv. French Gardens. the. I .. xciv. cxcv. xxxviii. lxv. ex. cxvi. elxii. elxxvi. 194 38. 39. 56. 180. 208. 209. 210. 214; II .• French in Southern India. the. II •• 103. 105. 114. 305. 306; III •• 161 II5. 120. 121. 168. 179. 180. 181. 206. French ladies. II .• 291• 302. 348 223. 231. 249. 2SO.2b8. 273. 274. 286. French pilots. III .. 259 295.-Bridge of boats. I .• 209 French prize. II .. 267. See L'lndien Ganjiim. II.• 386 French ship at Budge Budge. I •• cxxxi; Garden Houses. I •• xxxv III.. 2. 4. 179 Garden Reach. I •• XXXV (n) • INDEX AND GLOSSARY 447

Gatliff. John. survived the Black Hole. Gheriah (in Bengal). Battle of. I •• I.. xciii. 44 xxvii Gaulivahs. a mistake for Gautwalas Ghulam Husain Khan. author of the (Ghatwal). a ferryman or keeper of a 'Seir Mutaqherin.' translated by the mountain pass. II •• 216 French renegade Raymond (Haji Gaupp. George Frederick. Captain of Mustapha). Newedition. 4 volumes. the Swiss Company. I •• cxlvi. cxcix. Calcutta. 1903. Relative of Siriij­ 228; II.. 214. 242; III.. 33. 53. 32 I uddaula. his maternal grandfather Gaut. See Ghat being a cousin of Alivirdi (' Seir Gayree. See Gheria. III •• 333 Mutaqherin,' i., 346). I .• xxviii. xcvii. Gazettes de France. xcviii cvi. cxi. I. II. 57. 70. 98. II7; II.• Gazood Cawn. See Ghazi-uddin Khan 161 Geuim. See Ghanim Ghulam Shah. I •• cvii Geuoa. the Banks of. I.. 63; III .• 340 Ghyretty, or the French Gardens, Gentiles. See Gentoo. I.. 51. 208 south of Chan demagore Gentoo (Port., Gentio). a gentile or Gibbons. William. Adjutant. II•• 263 heathen (Yule and Burnell); a Hindu Gingis Khan. See Changez Khiin as distinguished from a Muham­ Gloire, La, a Freuch ship, I .• 307 madan Gaol. the. See Jail Germany. I .• xxiii Gobindpur. I •• lxxxi. lxxxiii. 194. 246. Ghanim (Ar.). a robber. plunderer 247.257•. 292.296; II .• 13; III .• 7. II Ghasita Begam. eldest daughter of Goddard. Mr•• II.• 37 Alivirdi Khan. wife of N awazish Godoiphin (ship), II .• 28 Muhammad Khan - her proper Godowu (Beng.• gudam). magazine. name was Mihrunnissa Begam (' Seir storeroom. warehouse Mutaqherin,' ii•• 109). I •• xxix, xxx. Godwin. Captain of the Train, died at xliv. xlv~ xlvii. clxxxiii (n). 95. II9. Fulta. I .• 221; III.. 20. 21 122-124. 162. 163. 174. 175. 179. 206. Golab Chand. I •• xlii; II .• 2-5.7. Golam Shaw (Ghulii.m Shah), I., 2; 56. 65. 66. 143. 158; III •• 163. 217-219 II., 53, 60, 69 Gha~ (H.). a landing-place. mountain Golaub Foul or Gulab·ki-phill, rose­ pass .flower Ghatbarry. a tax upon boats cQllected Golaum Ali Cawn (Ghulam Ali Khan), at the Ghats or Chaukis (Bolt's Arzbegi, I., I; II., 61 • Considerations on Indian Affairs,' Golaum Hassein Cawn. See Ghulam 1772) Husain Khan Ghazipur. III •• 214 Golconda, II., 308, 392 ; III., 29, 253 Ghazi-uddin Khan. Amir.ul-umara Golgaut Nulla (see 1iunter's • Sta­ (original name Shahii.b· uddin). tistical Account of Benga!,' iii., 299, Wazir of the Emperors Ahmad Shah under Gholghatl, I., 136 . and Alamgir II•• I •• xlvii. xlviii. cv. Golgotha, apparently a French version cvi. cxcvii; II •• 353. 400. 418. 420. of Calcutta, I., 227 ; III., II6, II7 443; III.• 218 Gomasta. See Guma.shta Gheria (Vijaia-driig), seaport and fqrt Gombroon, I., xcix.-French Agent at, on the Bombay Cbast captured by I., xcix Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive Goodagurry (Godagiri), II., 432 in February, 1756, I., xxxi; II., 7, Gooding, Mrs. Ann, I., xciv; III., 76, III., III . 107 BENGAL ·IN 1756-57

Gorabardar (H., GaUl'a). a Hindu caste Grant. Thomas. pilot. I .• cxxvii; III •• in Orissa. the members of which are 32 , employed as palki-bearers Gravensarul (Dutch ship). II .• 82 Gosain (Sansk.• gosv4mi). a religious Gray. Mrs. Elizabeth. wife of Dr. ,mendicant George Gray. III•• 76, 106 Goslin or Gostlin. Francis. died in --George (senior). Company's sur­ the Black Hole. I .• xciv. 190 jIll•• geon. I.. xcvi. 44, 172; III.. 76. 72. 105. 153 106 Gospel. the. II.• 231 --George (junior). son of Dr. Gray. Gougonta. See Golgotha escaped after the capture of the Gould. Mrs. Anne. III.• 76. 107 Fort. I .• xciii. 44. 105, 172. 194; III., Government or Governor's House. I •• 72, 105 lxxxix. cii. cxxxv. 5 I Great Bazar. I .• lxxvi. 257 Governor. the. See Roger Drake. Great Britain. I .• 280.-King of. I .• 14. junior 16. 18. 56. 200. 221. 242; II •• 83 Governor Poors or Pool. See Govind­ Gregory. Robert. I .• cix. cxv pore Greyhounds. III .• 399 Govindpore. See Gobindpur Griffin. Commodore. I .• xxxii; IlL, Govindram Metre ,(Govind Ram 259 Mitra). I •• xxii. lxxi. 140. 257. 258; Griffiths. Griffy, joiner. III •• 22 II•• 208. 254 Griffiths. Mr•• I .. 85. lIO. lIl. 130; II •• Grab (Ar.• gkuriib). a galley (Yule 3I.-Mrs.• III.• 76. 107 and Burnell) Grub or Grubb. William. died in the Graham. David. Captain. master­ Black Hole. I.. xciv. 43. 109. '190: attendant; died at Fulta.I.• lxxxvii. III.. 72. i05.153 xciv. 263; III•• 75. 106 Gruff goods (Dutch. groll, coarse Gr.zmjJUs (sloop). I .• cxiv Gumashta (P.). agent. steward. factor; Grand or Great Mogul (this term an officer employed by Zamindars to was first applied to the Emperor of collect rents. by bankers to receive . Delhi by the Portuguese). I .. Iii,71. money, and by merchants to carry 124. ;[74. 183. 1~, 197. 199. 215. 219. on their business in other places 220. 225. :;129. 239. 241. 242. 250. 274. Gunpowder Plot. III•• 23 279. 281; II.• 9. '14.16. 18. 20. 53. 56. Guns. I •• lxii. lxx. lxxxvii. cxxxvii. 82. 70. 78. 83-85. 125. 127. 130. 224. 225. lI4. 149. 259. 294; II •• 32 239. 242• 270. 282. 305. 309. 464; III.• Guy. James. carpenter and seafaring 29. 81. 97. 111. II2, 122.-His Court, man. I •• xciv. 43. J91; III •• 72. 104. III.• ~. 99 ' 154--Killed in the fighting. I .. 43. Grand Monarque. III .• 27 191; III .• 154.-Died in the Black Grant. Alexander. Captain and Ad­ Hole. III.. 72. 105 jutant-General. 1.. lvii. 1xvii-Ixix~ Guzerbans (Guzsr-blln). In Vol. Ill .• lxxviii, lxxxii, xcvi, cxii, cxiv, clx, P.46, the meaning is given as a • col­ clxxx. cxcix. 41, 61, 81. 59. 102. 107. lector oftolls at ferries,' which BUg­ II2.· 129. 130. 13i, 144. 153. 158. 173. gests that the word comes from 159. 200. 201. 255. 262.' 292; II .. 26. guzar(P.). a ferry 28. 30. 45. 366• 367. 369; III•• 53. 75. Gyri&. See Gheria 105 Grant. Archibald. Captain. :.III.. 51, Habib Beg, I •• cvi 53.58 Habitans. I., 139 (n) INDEX AND GLOSSARY 449

Hackety (probably of Portuguese " Hays. Francis. Lieutenant. died in the origin). a bullock-can (Yule and Black Hole.!., xciv. 43, 109, 191 ; Burnell) III.. 72. 105. 153 Hague. Thomas. Captain of the Prince Hayter. "R.• Lieutenant of the King­ ,George. I..lxx.lxxxiii. 113. 187 ; III.• 77 fisher, 1.. xcvii; II .• 202; III•• 140 54 Haibat J ang (P.•• Terrible in War '). a Hazari Mal. brother-in-law of Omi­ title of Siraj-uddaula chand. 1.. xliv. lxxiii, 142. 258 Haidarabad. II .• 205 Hedleburgh. Sergeant of the Train. a Haji Ahmad. elder brother of Alivirdi. :putchman who betrayed the back 1.. xxv. Il9.-Enters Shuja Khan's gate of the Fort to the Nawab and service. I •• xxv.-Early connection entered his service. I.. lxxxviii. 185; with the Seths. I.. xxvi.-Death. I.. III.. ISS xxix Helmstead. John. 1..190 , ,Haji Mahdi. II .• 62 Henders9n. Thomas. escaped after the Hakim Beg. I .• 'lvi-lix. clxi. 1-3. 5 (n). capture ofthe Fort, I.. 44 6, 10. 125. 215, 250, 252; II .• 54 Heneriko. a fiddler. tIl., 416 Halabass (Ilahabas). See Elibas. II•• Herdman. See Erdman 443 Hey, Rawling. Third Lieutenant of the Harding. Miss. III.. 75": 105 Kent. I.. clxix; II.. 312; III.. 5. 10. Hardwicke (ship). Captain John Samp­ lIS son Heyderabad. See Haidarabad Hardwicke. Lord Chancellor. II.• 24J Hickey'S Bengal Gazette, I., xcvii Haris Chaudhari. Diwan of Hakim Hijili. I., elxix Beg. I .• 1.2 Hillier. died in the "Black Hole, I .• Harkara (P.). a ~essenger." courier. xciv; III.• 72, 105 emiSsary. spy Hilmbrat. a fiddler. III.. 416 Harris, Abraham, boatswain's mate. Himalayas. I.. xxi III.• 21 I Hindostan. King of. See Grand Harrod. Aylmer, died in the Black Mogul Hole. I., xciv. 190; III.. 72. 105. 153" Hindu Rajas or Zamindars. I .• xxiii Hasan Kuli Khan. Minister of Hindu sepoys. I., cxxvii ' Nawazish Muhammad. murdered." Hindu temples destroyed by Murshid " I •• xxix. ccviii. 123; II .• 16. 52 Kuli. I .• xxv Hastings. Henry, Ensigu. died in the Hindus: Influence under Muham­ Black Hole. I .• xciv. 191; III.• 153. madan rule, I.. XJci.-Chief Hindus -Marquis of, I.. xci. - Warren. in Bengal were foreigners. I .• xxi.­ Governor of Bengal in 1772 and Revival of Hindu feeling in the Governor-General 1774-1775. I .• lx. eighteenth century. I.. XXlll.­ cxv. cxvi. 169. 173, 219. 220; II•• 13; Hindus disgusted with Muham­ III., 72. 105. 150 madan rule. I.. xxiii. Iii; 'III .. 328.­ Hatmen. the. I., Xxviii Commercial intercourse with the Havildar (P.. Hawiiladar). a native British merchants. I .• xxiii.-Hindus military officer. ne~t below a " look to the British as saviours. I. siibahdar xxiii. Iii. liii Hawke (sloop) Hira Jhil. I •• ccii Hay. William. killed in the troubles Hircara. See Harkara with Mir Kasim in 1763. I.. 172; III.• Hirwood. escaped after capture of the 76• 106 Fort. I.. 44 VOL. III. 450 BENGA.L IN 1756·57

Hislop. Captain. I.. cxxiii escape. I .• xc. - His experience in Hodgee Mindi. S« Haji Mahdi the Black Hole. I .• xc; III .• 131.-ls Hodges. William. artist. I .. cix accused of concealing treasure. I.. Hodjee Hamid. See Haji Ahmad xci.-Taken prisoner to Murshida­ Holdernesse. Lord. II .• 194 hI) bad. I.. xci.-Released at the inter­ HoU. the. a Hindu festival in honour cession of the .. Nawab·s ladies. I.. of Krishna, properly ten days before xcii.-Arrives at Fulta. I .. xcii. cxiii. the full moon in the month of -Protests against Drake's resump­ PhaIgun (February-March) tion of authority. I •. cxiii.-Joins the Holland, Mrs. Mary. wife of Captain Agency. I.. cxiv.-Joins the Secret William Holla"d. III .. 76. 107. Committee. I .• exiv.-Visit to Bul­ -- Mrs. Sophia. widow of Major ramguny. I.. cxvi. - Appointed Holland and wife of Captain Peter member of the Select Committee. Duncan. III .. 76. 107 I.. cxviii. - Suspected of intrigue Hollanders. I •. 29 by Clive. I.. exxxiii. - Clive's bad Holme(s). Thomas. seafaring man or opinion of. I.. cxxxiv; II.. 186.­ free merchant. married Lady Goes to England on the Syrell. II .• Russell. I .. lxxx. 130. 152. 154. 158. '72. 248; III .• 24.-Arri,·es in Eng­ IScJ. 245. 254. :z61 land. III.. 83.-Accused of wanting Holmes. III.. 75. 106 to flee with Drake. I .• 168.-Accused Holwell. John Zephaniah. I.. xxii. of being bribed to shelter Krishna xxxv. xl. xli. xlvi. liv. lxi. lxiii. lxv. Das. III•• 368.-Injury to hi. eyes. l'tVii. lxix. lxx. lxxviii. lxxix. lxxxi. II•• I.-His monument to his fellow­ lxxxiv, lxxAvi-xcii. civ, ex. cxxvii. sufferers. I •• xci (II) cxxxiii. diii. 12. 13. 14. 18. 24. 39. 41. Hoog. Simon de. a Dutch Lieutenant. 43.47. So. 61. 65. 66. 76. 82. 85. 88. fI9, II•• 101. 110. 113. 128. 285; 111 •• 410 91. 93. 102. 103. 107. 1(19.116. 121. 122. Hookah (Ar.. "u,ua"). the Indian 128. 130. 13S. 137. 142. 146. 148. 14C). pipe (Yule and Burnell), 152-155. 159. 160. 164, 166. 168. 169. Hookem Beg. See Hakim Beg 173. IScJ. 191. 198. 201-204. 219. 222. Hooreman. Arent. member of the 238. 246. 247. 254. 262-264, :z66..:z68. Dutch Council at Hugli. I .. IS. 27. 275. 285; II .• I-52. 92. 95. 122. 128. 31. 32. 34. 38 ; III •• 409 146-163. '72• Hospital. the. I .. 85; II .• 32 ,82. 186. 188. '93. 233. 234. 248• 464; Hossein Ally Beg Cawn. S« Golam III .. 32. 72. 73. 97. lOS. Ill. 131• 154. AliCawn 169-171. - Zamindar of Calcutta. I •• Hossein Cooly Cawn (Hasan Rull xli.-His great influence. I .• xli. So. Khan) 85.93. 2M; III •• 97.-Advises Drake Howitt. Samuel. killed in the Patna to dismiss Krishna Das. I •• xlvi.­ Massacre. 1763.111 .• 415 Concurs in the expUlsion of Nici­ Hubbo. Syrang. petition to Council. yan Das. I .• xlix.-Ad,i!le8 arrest or" I .. cxxix; Ill .• 346 Krishna Das. I.. lxxiii. - Succeeds Hugli. Fort. I •• xxxiv. xli. exxm. exl; Drake in defence of Calcutta, I .• II., 88. Ifn.' '09. 116. 201-203. 258.­ lxxvi. - Concludes a verbal truce. Faujdar. I .• xxxiv. cxvili. cxxxix. during which the Fort is surprised. dill. dxill. exev. 51. 170.305 I .• }xxxvii.-Surrenders to a native _ See also Sand Kumar.-Hospital. officer. I .• lxxxviii.-Interviewl with I.. XC (II). - Portuguese Fort. I .• the Nawab. I .. lxxxix.-Refuses to xxxvi. - Khl 0(. I.. exvii.-River. lNpEX AND GLOSSARY 45 1

I.. lvi. cxxvi. cxxviii. elill. clxiv. Indian character. I .• cciv; III .• 189 em; II.• 85. 87 Indian Princes. • wondrousness' of. Humbert• .lan Pieter de. a Dutchman. II., 79.~Education of. I.. xxviii 111·.409 Indies. the. I .• civ Hunt. Captain. 1.. xciv. 43. 191; III.• Indostan. I.. cv. 199; II.• 83 72• 105. 154·-Mrs.• III .• 76. 107 IngeUie or Ingerlee (Hijili). I.. 1090 Bunter (schooner), Captain Magnus Il6; II.• 89; III.• 9 Nicholson I .• lxxxii. 159; 11.;157 Inglis. William. Company's surgeon Hurris Chowdree. See Haris Chaud­ at Calcutta. died at Fulta. I •• xciv. hari xcvi. 44 Husain Ali (son of Hakim Beg). I .• Inhabitants of Calcutt~ Protest. I .• lviii, lix. 5. 10 66 Husain-uddin. brother of Hasan Kuli Ironside. Mr.• III.• 361 Khan, murdered, I.. xxix Islanus. the. or Isle de France (i.e.• Husbulhookum (A.. HaslJ-ul-kukml. Mauritius). I.. clvi, 204. 227; II., lit.• according to command. a docu­ 205.303 ment issued agreeable to royal com­ Ithaca. II., 329 mand by the Wazir or other high Itlak (A.). a fee exacted from a de­ officer of Government fendant as wages for a peon stationed Huyghens. Dutch Director. II.• III over him as soon as a complaint is Huzzeromull. See Hazari Mal preferred Hylierd. See Hillier. I.. 43 !vert seafaring man. III .• 416 Hyndman. Thomas. died at Fulta. I •• Ives. Edward. surgeon of the Kent, xciv: 36, 37. 70. 96, 173; II••. 192; author of' A Voyage from England III:. 75 •. 94. 105 to India in the Year 1754.' etc.. London, 1773. I.. cxxxi. cxxxviii; IkIam-uddaula ('The Honour of the 11 •• 279 (n) Empire '). younger brother of Sira} uddaula. and father of. Murad­ Jack's Hole. SeeJlIl;lnegat. I •• 56 uddaula. He married a daughter Jackson. Mr•• 111 •• 393 of ~ta.-ulla Khan and Rabiah Jacobs. Abraham. I., cxv, clix. 41.­ Begam. niece of Alivirdi (. Seir Mrs.• III .. 76. 107 Mutaqherin.' ii.• 17). He was also J afar Ali Khan. See Mir J afar Ali called Badshah Kuli Khan (. Seir Khan Mutaqherin.· i., 345). q.v. Jafar Khan. See Murshid Kuli Khan. Immens. Andreas Franciscus. a Dutch­ 1..3.4; 11 •• 381 man, III.• 409 J~eir Cawn. SeeJafar Khan 'India. a Complete History ofthe War Jagaup.ath Pagoda. I •• xlv. 1I9. 162. in.' from 1749 to the taking ofPondi" 249; .II .. 3. 4. 136 cherry in 1761 (London. 1761) Jagannath Singh. Omichand's Jama­ India, 1., xxiii, xxxvi, lii. xc, ex, cciv. dar. I.. lxxiii. lxxvi. 142, 146; II.• 71. 139 (n). 163, 233. 266. 271; II .• 22; III .• 363.-Bold defence of his 130. master's house. I .• lxxiii. 142; 11 .• 22. India. Paradise of, I .• xxi. hiii (n); -Introduces the Nawab'sarmyinto 111.. 160 Calcutta. I .• lxxvi. 146 India. Southern. Europeans in, I .• Jagat Seth (H.• 'The Merchant of the xxxi. xxxiii. Iii. cxxi. clxiv World 'I. title originally of Fath Indiaman. 11 .• 253 Chand. used of his grandsons Mah· 79-2 45 2 BENGAL IN 1756·57

tab Rai and Swarilp Chand. Mahtab Jemindar. See Zamindli.r Rai was killed by Mir Kasim in Jenks. John. died in the Black Hole. 1763 (. Seir Mutaqherin,' ii•• 493. I .• xciv. 43. 62. 109. 115. 190; II .• 158; 504). r.. xxv. xxxviii. xlii. cxv. 32. III .. 72. 105. 135. 140, 153 141; II.• 53. 54. 62. 1<>4. i30. 160. 175. Jennings. seafaring man. died in the 176. 249. 276-278• 294. 320• 343. 344. Black Hole. I .• xciv; III.. 72. 105 349. 362• 368. 402• 431. 437. 441; III•• Jennings. William, Captain. III .• 54. ·173. 175. 181 32 1 Jagdea. r .. xxxv. lXviii. xciv. cxi; II.• Jentoo. Set Gentoo 130, 172, 201, 208. 290; 111.. 76. Jesuits' church at Chandernagore. 106 II .. !I8.-House at Chandernagore, Jaggernaut Singh. See· Jaganna.th II .. 118 Singh Jewke.~, See Jenks Jaggipore (Jangipur). on the Bhil.gi­ Joam. a foreigner. III .• 416 rathi above Murshidabad. near its Jobard. Monsieur. a French officer. junction with the Ganges. II.• 377 III •• 206. 213 (n) J aggree. coarse brown sugar made Jobbins. Miss. III .• 76. 107 from the juice of the !thajur or wild John. a fiddler. III .• 416 date (Yule and Burnell) John. Jacob. II •• 62 Jaghire (P.• jiigir). an assignment of Johnson. a farrier. III.. 416.-5eafaring the revenues of a tract or district of man. I .. xciv; III .. 416 land. with the powers necessary for --The Begam. I .• lxi collection -- Rev. Mr.• married Mrs. Watts, I .• Jahli.ngirnagar (Dacca). I.. xliv (n) lxi Jail. the. I .• lxxvii.40. 79. So. 82. 107. Johnston. James. escaped lifter the 110. III. 114. 147-149. 164. 189. 191. capture of Fort William. I .. 44 258; II .• 30. 32-35 -- Sir James. of Westerhall. III •• Jains. the. I .. xxv (n) 90 , Jalangi Town. II •• 63. 40S -- John. SO}!. of Sir James. I .• 70. Jamadiir (P.). a native military officer 173; II .. 418; III .• 75. 105 or commander. chief of the peons.­ -- Patrick. died in the Black Hole. A kindhearted. III .• 137 son of Sir James. I .. xciv. 43. 109. James. William. Captain of H.M.S. 190; III .• 72. 105. 153 Protector. and afterwards of the Jones. Benjamin. III.. 21 Ganges and the Revenge. II.. 283; Jones. Evan. Captain of the Syr",. III.. 70. loS. 157 • was mate of the Doddington when Jannegat. I .• 37. 56.-Called by the . she was wrecked. II.. 189; III.. 24. English Barabulla Sand. III.. 20 83 Janniko. a fiddler. I .• xciv Jones. Jasper Leigh. Captain of the Jarden. Monsieur. II.; 281 Artillery: his vain protest to Jebb. John. died in the Black Hole. Council regarding the defences of I •• xciv. 43. 109. 190; III•• 72. 105. Calcutta. I .. lxvi. 74. 295; II .• 25 153 Jones. John. I .. xciii Jedda. III .• 216 J oniano. See Torriano Jellinghee River and Town. See Jubbo, half-brother of Coja Wijid. Jalangi II.• III Jemidar. See Jamadiir and Zamindar. Jugdea or Jugdia. SeeJagdea which two words are often confused JuggerDaut. See Jagannli.th INDEX AND GLOSSARY 453

Juggut Seat. SeeJagat Seth Keene, William, Lieutenant, in com­ Jullongee River. See Jalangi mand of the military at Balasore, I .• Jummadar. See Jamadar xciv. 88. 89.172. 200; III.. 76. 106 Jumna River, I., 220 Keir. Archibald. surgeon of the Dela· Jungaraul, III., 335 ware, Secretary to the Council at Jungipore. SeeJangipur Fulta. and afterwards in the army. Jungles (P., jangal), a for~st or 11 •• 54. 263 thicket Kella. See Kila Jusseraut Khan. See Dasarath KhiD Kelladar. See Kiladar Kelsall, Henry, I., xxxv, liv K~biraj (Beng.), a physician Kelsall's Garden in Chitpur, I., xxxv, Kachahn (H.). court, office. hall for lxiv, 8, 117, 132, 216; III., 294.­ "public business Octagon, I., lv, lix, cxlvi, 8, 13, 133, Kadm Hassan Khan (Khidim Husain 251; II., 10, 60, 253 Khin), a milit8.ry officer (' Seir Muta· Kensington, III., 115 qherin,' i., 449). II .• 289 Kent, H.M.S., I., cxviii, cxix, cxxvi, Kifir (Ar.). an infidel; used in Indi.a cxxvii, cxxxii, cxxxvii, clxvili·clxxi, of the pagan negroes (Yule and 238, 299; II., 87, B9. 1900 194-197, 253, Burnell) 300, 3Il, 312 ; III., 1.6, 29 Klhan (H., Beng.), a measure ofvaIue Kerr, Charles, Ensign, II., 242; III., equal to sixteen panas of kauri 33,89 shells. or to 1.280 kauns Kerwood, Thomas, escaped a~er cap· Kalli. Sieur de. III., 276 ture ofthe Fort, III., 72, 105 Kimgar Khin, 1.. lxxxviii (n) Kesser Singh. See Kirza Singh Karamnisa River. western boundary Key, Third Lieutenant of the Kent, of Bengal 111.,29 Karimabad. a quarter in the north· Keyser Singh. See Kirza Singh, chief west of Murshidabad where the officer of Clive's sepoys D\ltch Mint was situated Khorassan, I., xxv, cvi Kisid (A.). a courier. a running foot­ Khudidid KhiD Litii. See Yar Lutf man. messenger. orpostman.-Their Khin swiftness. I .• lxiv. 126 Khulna, I., cxciii. Kisim Ali Khin. I •• lvi. 8 Khush Bagh. burial-place of Alivirdi Kisinith, one of the Company's ban- and Siri;·uddaula. I .• xxx. ccviii yans; 1 .• 58 " Khwija (P.), a rich or respectable Kaw (H.). a dagger person, a gentleman or opulent mer­ Katkiriya (H.), customs paid on hired chant, used commonly of Armenian boats merchants (vulg., Coja) • Katra. tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan at, Kiaia of Bassora, III., 117 I., xxv Kila (A.), II fort, III., 151 Kauri (H.). a small shell, the Cyprtza Kiladar (P.), commander or governor moneta. used as coin in "Bengal ofa fort Four kauns = one 'ganda " twenty Killpatrick, James, Major, I., ex, cxiii­ garuias=one pan cxv, cxvii~ cxx, cxxiii, cxxvii-cx.xx~ Kizi. Kaji. or Qazee IA.). a Muham­ cxxxili, cxxxiv, cxxxix, cxlix, clxxv, madanjudge cxcv, cxcix, cc, ccix,99, 189,193, 197, Kedgeree. at the mouth of the Ganges. 19B, 204, 219, 222, 237, 238, 297, 300 ; I.. cxviii; II .• 135, 201 II., 43, 77, 92, 94. 100, 105, 107, 109, 454 BENGAL IN 1756-57

II2, 126, ISS, 160, 165, 170, 172, 177, Knox, Ranfurlie. Captain, I., lxxxviii 191, 193, 19B, 202-204, 223, 235, 249, (n) 291, 3040 309; III., 14, 19, 32, 53, 404- Knox, Mrs., supposed survivor of the -Correct spelling of name, II., Black Hole, I., xcvi 165 (n) KokA (H.), a foster-brother. a nurse's Kiln, the, a deep passage between the child Braces in the entrance to t.he Hugli, Koning, Martinus, I., 30; III., 409 III., 32 Kooti. See Kothi King, Captain, I., 'cxxxix; II., I¢, Koran (KurlLn), I., xxviii, xxx, ccv; 199, 250; III., 14. 35, 40, 84 III., 251 King, Mr., II., 243 Koritzer, Fredrik, a Dutchman. III., King, the. See Grand Mogul' 41o. King's accession, 23 June, III., 17 Kos (H.), a measure of distance, King's birthday, 10 November, Ill., generally tnken a8 about two 23 miles Kingnla, Jeremias van, a Dutchman, Kothl (H.), a spacious house, ware­ III., 409 house, factory Kingrjisller, H.M.S., I., cxvi, cxxvii, Kotwa. See Cutwa cxxix, cxxxix, clxviii, 238, 299; II., Krishna Db, DiwAn of Hakim Beg. 131, 167, ISS, IB9, 195, I¢, 202, 203, 1.• 2 309; III., 18, 22 Krishna DlLs, son of RAj Ballabh. I., Kinloch, James, murdered in the xliv-xlvii, xlix, I, lv, lxxiii, xci. 53. Straits of Malacca, III., SS 62, 67. 95, lOS. III}. 120. 142, 160, 162, Kirk, Lieutenant, III., 15 ' 163, 249, 250. 254. 278-280, 285; II .• Kirza (Keshar) Singh, commander of 5-7,62, 136-139,143,144, 146, 157·161; Clive's sepoys, I., cxlvi; II., 214; III., 348'35°, 368.-His Hight to Cal· III., 21}. 33 cutta suppose!\ to be a trap for the Kishnugar. See Krishnagar British, I., xliv, lxxiii, 279. 280. 285. Kisore (Kishwar) Khln, 1.,8; II., 60,61 -His wife, I., xlv Kisore (Kesar) Singh, a hark Ira or spy, Krishnagar, I., lxix, 136, 137 II., 317 Kror (H.), ten millions Kissenchund (KrishnaChanura), Raja, Kull (H.), daily hire or wages; a II., 375, 392 day.labourer, probably' of Tamil Kissendas. See Krishna Db origin Kissendas Seat. See Krishna Db Kuni Chowdry. See Haris Chsudh~.ri Kitmutgar (P., kllidmalg4r), a table servant Labeal1me. See Lebeaume Knapton, William, died in the Black La Bonne. See Lebeaume Hole, I., lxxvii (n), xciv, 43, 101}. 190; Laboratory, the. I .. cxxxv, 138, 139. II., 37; III., 153 161 Knox, John (senior), Company's sur­ Lack (Laksha), one hundred thousand geon at Calcutta, I., xcvi, 44; III., Ladies (English), captured by the 76, 106 Moors, I .. lxxxiv, xcvii. ex. 52. 183; Knox, MI9.. Elizabeth, wife of John III .. 80 Knox, senior, III., 76, 106 La Favorite, a French ship. II .. 59 Knox, John (junior, of Patna). surgeon La fon or La Font, 1Il0·ise. III., 410 and supercargo, I., xciii, 44. 194; La G/Qirt. a French ship. I .• 232 III., 72, 105 Lahore. III .• 218 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 455'

Laing. Captain. a seafaring man. I •• III.• l00-215.-Cultivates the friend­ xciv. 41. 190; III.• 76. 106 ship of Sira.j-uddaula. I., xxxviii. Lakes. the.' See Saltwater Lakes cxliv; III .• 163.-Opinion on Sirlj­ Laksha Bigh. the ganlen of a hun­ uddaula. III.• 1M. 163.-Reasons of dred thousand trees. the native ,quarrel between Nawab and the name of Plassey Grove•. I.. oxcix; British. III.. 162. I63.-Opinion re­ 11 •• 35 1 'garding defenSibilityofCossimbazar. UJa, I .• cvi I.,lxi; III •• 166.-Kibdness to British Ul Bagh. See The Park. II.• 32. 36, prisoners. I.. lx.-Opinion on the 37 proper defence of Calcutta. I •• lxviii. Lally. r .. cli. clxxiv 178; III.. 168.-0pinion regarding , Lally. Memoirs of.' I .• 214 the neutrality in Bengal. I.. clli; Lange. See Captain Laing III•• 178.-Advice to Renault. I •• clii. Laporterie. l\1onsieur. Fourth in -Forms a French party at Court, t .• Council at Chandemagore. I .• cxlli. clxiv.-Tries to secure the Seths. I.. clivi II .. clxiv.-Loses his temper.at a fatal Lapwing. the (ship). I .• cxxvi; II •• Sg. moment. I •• clxii.-Efforts to Save 166 Chandemagore. I.. clxiv, clxv.­ (P., lashkar). properly lashkari, Collects the remnants of the French one attached to or following a las"­ forces. I •• cIxxi.-His struggle with karol' army. a tent-pitcher. inferior Watts in the Darbar. I. clxxvii. artilleryman. a native sailor. I .• 159 clxxviii.-Is expelled from l\1urshi­ Lascell's house. I .• 259; II .• 32. 36 dabad. I •• clxxviii.-Farewell to the Latham. Thomas. Captain of the Nawab. I.. clxxviii.-l\1arches to Tyger. I •• cxxxii. clxviii; II., 311; Patna; I •• clxxviii.-Is recalled. but III •• 2. 3. 8, 90 12. 30g fears treachery. I •• clxxviii. chxix.­ Latour. Jacques. Dutch Chief at Patna. Is delayed by l\1il' Daud. I .• cIxxix.­ III·.4og • Reaches Rajmahal too late to save Latty. See Yar Lu.tf Ali Khan Siraj-uddaula. I.. ccvii. - Cynical Launay. Sieur de. Ensign in the remarks on his failure. I •• ccvii ; III•• Chandernagore garrison. III.• 276 213.-Escapes the British pursuit. I .• Law. Jacques Franc;ois. Comte de cc\ii Tancarville. younger son of William Law. John. I.. lxxvii. xciv. 43. 62. log. Law. bom 2OJanuary. 1724. 11 •• 341 115.190.261; II .• 37. 158; 111 .• 72. 105 Law, Jean. Baron de Lauriston. 136, 140, 153 eldest son of William Law (brother Lawrence, Stringer. Colonel. I.. W. of John Law. the financier). born 197, 225. 233. 237, 241; II .• 210 13 November, 1719, Chief of the Lazirus, l\1rs., III., 406 French Factory at Cossimbazar. I.. Leach or Leech, Thomas, Company's xxi. xxiii, xxxviii. ,xli, xlviii, ti. Iii, smith and parish clerk, died in the liii. lxii. lxviii. xcv. ciii. cxxiv. cxlvii. Black Hole, r .. lxxxix. xciv, 43; III .• elv. elvii. clxv. clxxi. clxxxii. cxcii.i. 72. 105. 135. I54--Generous loyalty cxcv, cxcvii. cxcviii, cell, cciv. ccvi. to Holwell, I.. lxxxix. xc; III •• 135 ccvii. 21.61. 124 (n). 133. 176. 179. 229; Leadenhall Street. II .• 154 II.. II6. 117. 205, 212. 257.289.301.314. Lebeaume. l\1elchior. Lieutenant, I .• 3r7. 334. 335. 343-344. 354. 360• 376• lxvi, lxx, lxxvii. lxxix, cxii. cxiii, 392. 402; III.. 149. ISO. rOO-215. 2Ig- cxxi. cxxii. clxiv; cxcviii. 40. 72• 79. 223. 236-241. 261. 262.-His memoir. So. 107. III, 147, 148.151.154. 178. J91, 456 BENGAL IN 1756-57

212. 213. 258. 259. 298; II•• 30, 34. 48. Letters from-continued: 227, 263; 111 •• 37.53. 75, 1(J6.-Reasons To Mr. Richard Clive. I., 227; for leaving the French service. I., II.. 209. 242. 335; III.. 360.-To 79. 147. 298·-Assists Messrs. Simp­ Coja Wajid. II.. 125.-To Mr. son and O'Hara to draw up a plan Collet, II •• 354--To Court of of defence, II., 227.-Gallantry dur­ Directors. II .• - 246.-To Roger ing the siege, I .. 79. &>. 147. 151. 178. Drake (se,!ior), I.. 229.-To -Sent to Madras. I .• cxii.-Cashiered French Council at Chanderna· by Clive. I., cxcviii; III., 344.-Votes gore, II.. 277. 281. 326.-To at the Council of War before Plassey, Ghazi.uddin Khan. II., 463.­ 111 •• 53.321 To Lord Hardwicke, II .. 247.­ Le Bon'. See Lebeaume To Jafar Ali Khan. II .. 415, 417. LeConte. Narcy. Frenchman. I .• clxiii. 420.421. 423. 426.-To Major Kill· 19. 24; II .• 276. 328 patrick. II .. 73.-ToM.Jean Law. Lee. Corporal of Marines on the Tyger, II .• 445.-To Mr. Mabbot. I .. 228; deserts to the French (See Ives' II., 186, 337.-To Mallikchaud. Journal. p. 131) II .. 56. 75.-To Mohan Lat II., Leech. See Leach 352.-To Nandkumar, II .. '275. Lemmon or Lemming, Robert, sea- 286.-To Nawab. II., 71. 76. 183, faring man, III .. 416 208. 213. 236, 246. 274. 287. 288, Le Siecle (French ship), II., 341 290. 304. 318. 320. 332. 348. 355. Le Silhouet. I .• lxxxv 371, 376. 3&>. 390. 394. 405·-To Letters from: Omichand. II.. 219.-To Mr. Agents for the ;Honourable Com­ Orrue. II., 279, 464--To Mr. pany's affairs to Honourable Payne. II •• 243; III., 363.-To Company's servants, I.. 98' Mr. Pig-ot. II •• 95, 132. 281. 302. Ammin Manjey to Select Com­ -To Rai Durlabh, II.. 288.-To mittee Fort William. II .• 55 Ranjit Rai., II., 219. - To M. Amir-ulla to Clive. II .• 405. 407 Renault. II .• 284. 324.-To Secret" Barthelmy, M., to De Moras, I., Committee. London. I.. 232 ; II .• 243 204. 237.337.456. 465.-To Select Batson. See Watts. Collet. and Committee. Fort St. George. II .• Batson ~. 174. 214. 266. 306. 439·-To Bausset, M •• to Dupleix, I.. 229 Select Committee. Fort William. Becher to Council Fort William, II .• 123. 208, 271, 327. 359. 367. II .• 157; III., 337 387. 412• 414. 417. 419. 427. 429. Bisdom to Nawab. I., 29.-To 431. 437. 439. 444--To Select Admiral Watson. II .• 72. 78,88, Committee. Fort William. and 98.99, 179.-To Captain Speke. the two Admirals, II .• 444.-To II .• III the Seths. II., 124. 224--To Chandemagore (query) M.le Conte Admiral Watson. II .• 123. 218. to (query) M. Courtin; I .. 48 2&>. 285. 287. 327. 361 • 395. 403. Clive to Colonel Adlercron. II., 436, 445.-To Mr. Watts. II .• 245. 184. 265.-To Alamgir Sani, II .• 265. 354. 366• 372• 377, 378• 379. 461.-To Sheikh Amir-ulla. II .• 388. 396. 398. 399. 404- /:See 404, 407.-To Mr. Be1chier. IlL, Watson. Pocock. etc.) . 361.-To Birbhum Raja. II .• 418. Clive, Killpatrick, etc., to Select -To Mr. Bisdom. II .• 326.329.- Committee, Fort William, II., 222 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 457

Letters from-continued: Letters from-continrlCd: Clive, Killpatrick, Coote, etc., to Dutch Council at HugH to As­ Mr. Watts, III., 331 sembly ofSeventeeri in Holland, Clive, Watts, and Manningham to II .• 78. So, 314. -To Council, Secret Committee, London, II., Fort William. I. 14. 18. - To 455 Supreme Council. Batavia. I .• Coja Petms. See Petrus Arratoon 53. 302; II .• 347.-To Dutch Coja Wajjd to Clive, II., lId.­ Council at Cossimbazar, I., 33; To French Council, Chander­ .II., 102, 284, 287, 320, 390, 4oS, nagore, II., 127 414.-To Captain Smith and Collet (see Watts, Collet. etc)., Major Killpatrick, II., 101.-To to Clive. II.• 387.-To Council, Watson, II., loS, II2, 128' Fort William, 1.,9.; II.. II, 128. Fort St. George Council to Clive, -To Mr. Orme. III.. 396 I., 233.-To Watson, I., 199 Commissioners on the IQsses of Fort St. George Select Committee the Black Inhabitants to to Clive, II., 256.-To Select Council, Fort William, III.. , 363 Committee, Fort William, I., Cooke, John, to the Honourable 237, 302; II., 232.-To Watson, Company's Servants, I" 9B.-To 1.,301 Mr. Orme, III., 393.-To Mr. Fort William Council to Mr. Pearkes, III., 341 Bisdom, I., 25. - To Court of Coote, Captain Eyre, to Clive, II., Directors, II., 186, 321:-To 418 Dutch Council, Hugli, I., 12, 16. Dacc!!, (Council) to Council, Fort -To Fort St. George Council, , St. George, I., 95.-To Court of I., 12, 13 Directors, I., 67.-To Mr. Drake, . Fort William Select Committee to 11.,331 French Council, Chanderna­ Dechaulaye, M., to Madame De­ . gore, II., 276.-To Clive, II., chaulaye, II., 185. - To M. 121.-To Select Committee, Fort Merlet, II., 179 St. George, II., 92, 297.-To De Leyrit, M., to Council, Fort Nawab (Declaration of War), St. George, I., 232 II., 83; proposals for peace, Directors, Court of, to Clive, III., II., 126~-To Secret Committee, 315.-To Council, Fort William, London, II., 92, 166, 248, 295, 11.,464 445.-To Watson, II., 83, lOS.=-­ Ditts, Mr., to Duke of Newcastle, To Watts, II., 225 11·,455 Fort William Select Committee Drake, Roger (junior), to Clive, and the two Admirals to Clive, II., 375, 392, 418, 432.-To Coun- . 11.,432 cil, Fort St. George, I., 99.-To Forth, Mr., surgeon, to Council at. Council, Fort 'William, II., 134. Fulta, II., 52.-To Drake, II., -To I:!olwell, I., 204.-To late 59. - To Secret Committee at inhabitants of C~lcutta, II., 134. Fulta, .p., 67~-To Holwell, 111., -To Nawab, II., 8, 147 357 Dutch Council at Cossimbazar to Fournier, M., to Dupleix, I., 204; Dutch Council at Hugli, I., 6, 7, II., 120; IlL, 254 IO; II., 257, 276, 289, 410,413,426, French Council at Chandernagore 433.-To M. La Tour, I., 16, 59 to Captains of Company's ships 458 BENGAL IN 1';:56-57

Letters from-contitlued: Letters from-continued: at Balasore, I., IS, 3S.-To De la Le Conte. M., to M. Courtin, I., Bretesche, I., IS, 22, 39.-To 19,24,48 Directors French East India Lindsay, Mr.• to Orme, I., 163 Company, II., Il3, 298.-To l\Unikchand to Clive, II., 74. 75 Superior Council, Isle de France, Manningham (see Clive, Watts, ,II., 57, 75.-To Council, Masuli- etc.) to Council, Fort St_ George, patam, I., I, 39, 213 1.,212 Fulta Council to Coja Wajid, etc., Masse)" Mrs., to Mr. Davis, 11., I., 59.-To Court of Directors, 181 ' I., 214--To Fort St. George Mathura Lal to Babll Sahib, II., Council, I., 71, 197, 219, 237.­ 365 To Messrs. Watts and Collet, I., Mirza Salih to Coja WAjid, II., 57,70 402 Fulta Secret Committee to Coun­ Naltdkumar to Clive, 1I.,415.-To cil, Fort St. George, I., 198 N awab, II., 364 Hayter, Lieutenant, to Admiral Nawab to Abdulla, II., 370.-To Pocock, III., 362 Bisdom, I., 26.-To M. Bussy, Holwell ,to Bombay Council, I., II.,264. 313, 314.-To Clive, II., 100·-To Court of Directors, II., IS4, 208, 209, 222, 223, 229, 270, I; III., 347, 348.-To Mr. Da"is, 280, 286, 295. 304, 316, 329, 334, IlL, 133.-To Fort St. George 359, 360, 377, 3S5, 3S9> 391• 394, Council, I., 109, IS5.-To Fort 4Il.-To Coja WAjid, I .• 3. 4, 5; William Council, III., 367.-To II .• 15.-To Drake, II .• S.-To F1.tlta Council, I., 244- - To Fort St. George Council. I.. 39. Manikchand, II., 49.-To Rai 196.-To M. Law. II.• 3~.-To Durlabh, II., So Nandkumir. II .• 355.-To lU.­ Hubhoo, Syrang, to Council, 'Fort jArAm Singh. II .• 314.-To M. William, III., 346 Renault. I .• r¢; .II.. IS5.-To I"1habitants of Calcutta (protest) Admiral Watson. II.• 130. 203. to Mr. Drake, I., 66 220. 230. 242. 279. 409.-To Mr. Isle de France to Directors of the Watts. II .• 335 Frencb East India Company, I., Noble. Mr•• to Select Committee. 227 Fort St. George. III .• 326 Jafar Ali Khan to Clive. II., 414. O'Hara. Mr.. to Council. Fort 417, 420, 423, 424. 428, 429·-To William. II .• 227 Omar Beg, II., 416, 424 Omicband to Clive. II.. 174--To Killpatrick. Major (see Clive, Coja Petrus Arratoon, II .• 404 Smith, Watson), to Court of Orme. 'Mr., to Clive. II.• 259.-To Directors, II., 164--To Council, Mr. Cooke. III.. 392 Fort St. George, I., 192 Pearkes. Mr.• to Court of Directors. King, Captain, to Admiral Wat­ 111..341 son, II., 201 Petrus Arratoon to Court of Direc­ Law, M. Jean, to M. Bugros, II., tors. III .• 364 376.-To Coja Wajid, II., 402.­ Pigot, Mr., to Nawab. I •• 241 To John Knox, II., 212, Pocock. Admiral. See Watson, ~beaume, Captain, to' Council, Pocock, etc. Fort William, 111., 344 Ranjit Rai to Clh-e. II., 213 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 459

Letters from-continued: Letters from-contiuued: Renault, M., to De Leyrit, II., 298. Watson, Pocock, Clive, and Kill­ -To Dupleix, I., 206; III., 242, patrick to Select Committee, 252. - To Superior Council, Fort William, II., 309 Pondicherry, III., 265 Watts, Mr. (see Clive, Watts, etc.), Ribault, M., to Messrs. Carelson to Clive, II., 76, 228, 294, 316, and Habick, II., 223 322, 337, 344. 353, 362, 366; 369, Ross, M.,to M. Vernet, II., 290 374. 377, 379, 380, 382, 386, 390, Rung Loll Bramin to Select Com­ 391, 392, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, mittee, Fort William, II., IIO 401, 403. 404; III., 329. - To Schwendler, M., to Cornelius Court of Directors, III., 331.­ Schwendler, II., 224- To Drake, II., 4. 5, 136; III., Scrafton, Mr., to Clive, II., 325, . 355. - To Fort William Select 357, 365, 393, 396 ; III., 344--To Committee; II., 232, 255, 277.­ Walsh, II., 342,349,351; 111.,342 To Mr. Walsh, II., 254. 329.­ Seths, the, to Clive, II., 1.04- To Mr. Watts, senior, II., 467 Smith, Captain, and Major Kill~ Watts and Collet to Council, Fort patrick to Dutch Council at St. George, I., 45, 56, 58, II8.­ Hugli, II., 100 To Council, Fulta, I., 60, 97.­ Speke, Captain, to Mr. Bisdom, To ~ourt of Directors, I., 99, II6 II., 106 Watts, Collet; and Batson to Sykes, Mr., to Council, Fort Council, Fort William, I., I, 2, William, I., 9. 61.-Declarations 5,8 . by, I., 162; II., 408 Watts and Walsh to Clive, 11.,430, Tooke, Mr., to Council at Fulta, 43 1 1.,248 Young, John, to Mr. Drake, I., 62 Vernet, M. See Dutch Council at Letters unsigned: Cossimbazar Description of Plassey, II., 433.­ Vizagapatam Council to Council, Taking of Chandernagore, III., Fort St. George, I., 195 27. - Letter supposed to be Walsh (see Watts and Walsh) to from M. Law (possibly Jean Orme, III., 403 Law's younger brother), III., Warrick, Captain, to Admiral 263. - To. M. Demontorcin, Watson, II., 253 1.,173 Watson, Admiral, to Mr. Bisdom, Letters to: II., 54, 56, 87, 99, 102, 131.-To Abdulla from Nawab Mr. Cleveland, II., 194. 250, 30CJ, Adlercron, Colonel, from Clive 331, 453. -Declaration of War Alamgir Sani from Clive . against N awab, II., 86. - To Amir-ulla from Clive Clive, II., 77, 127. 130, 131, Assemhly of Seventeen in Holland 2II, 215, 273, 394--To Fort St. fJ:Om Dutch Council at Hugn George Council, I., 206. - To BaM Sahib from Mathura. Mal Fort St. George Select Com­ Balasore, French Captains at, mittee, II., 218, 282.-To Fort from French Council at Chan- William Select Committee, II., dernagore 101, 103, 104, 268, 283. - To Batavia, Dutch Supreme Council Nawab, II., 70, 173, 210, 212;221, at, from Dutch Council at Hugli 231, 263, 273, 344 Belchier, Mr., from Clive BENGAL IN 1756-57

Letters to-contint~ed : Letters to-contin'ued: Birbhiim Raja from Clive Drake, Roger, seniqr, from Clive. Bisdom, Mr., from Clive, Fort Dacca Coullcil. Forth, Inhabi­ William Council, Speke, Watson tants of Calcutta. Nawab. Watts. Bombay Council from Holwell Young Bugros, M., from Law Dupleix. M., from Bausset. Four· Bussy, M., from Nawab nier, Renault Carelson, M., from Ribault Dutch Council at Batavia from Cleveland, Mr., from Watson Dutch Council at Hugli Clive, Richard, from Clive Dutch Council at Cossimbazar Clive, Robert, from Amir-ulla, from Dutch Council at Hugli Coja Wlijid, Collet, Coote, Dutch Council at Hugli from Drake, Fort St. George Council Dutch Council at Cossimbazar. and Select Committee, Fort Fort William Council. Smith William Select Committee, and Killpatrick J afar Ali Khin, Minikchand, Fort St. George Council from Nandkumir, Nawab, Omichand, Dacca Council. De Leyrit, Orme, Ranjit Rlii, Scrafton, Drake, Fort William Council. Seths, Watson, Watts, Watts Fulta Council. Fulta Secret and Walsh Committee, Holwell. Kill· Coja Petrus ~atoon from Omi· patrick, Manningham. Nawab. chand Council (Vizagapatam), Watts Coja Wijid from Clive, Fulta and Collet Council, Law, Mirza Slilih, Fort St. George Select Committee Nawab from Clive, Fort William Select Collet. Mr.. from Clive, Fulta Committee, Noble, Rung Loll. Council Watson Company's Servants from the Fort William Council from Mr. Agents for the Honourable Becher, Collet, Commissioners. Company's Affairs, Cooke etc., Court of Directors, Drake, Cooke. Mr.• from Orme Holwell, Hubboo Syrang, Le­ Court of Directors from Clive, beaume, O'Hara, Sykes Dacca Council, Fort William Fort William Select Committee Council. Fulta Council, HoI· from Ammin Manjey. Clive, well, Killpatrick. Pearkes, Killpatrick, . Coote, Fort St. Petrus Arratoon. Watts, Watts / George Select Committee, Wat· and Collet . son, Watts Courtin from M. Le Conte, Chan· French Council at ChBndernagore dernagore from Clive, Coja Wlijid. Fort Da\-;s, Mr., from Holwell, Mrs.­ William Select Committee Massey French East India Company, Dechalauye, Madame, from M. Directors of, from French Dechalauye Council at Chandernagore, Isle De la Bretecshe, M .• from French de France Council at Chandernagore Fulta. Council at, from Forth, De Leyrit, M., from Renault Holwell, Tooke, Watts and Directors, Court of. See Court of Collet, Watts,· Collet and Directors Batson INDEX A.ND GLOSSA.RY

Letters to-amlinuea .- Letters to-conlinued .- Fulta Secret Committee from Secret ComtI}.ittee. London. from Forth' 'Clive, Watts, Mauningham, Ghizi-uddin Khan from Clive Fort WilHam Select Com­ Habick. M .• from Ribault mittee Hardwicke. Lord. from Clive Seths, the, from Clive Holwell. Mr•• from Drake. Forth , Smith, Captain, from Dutch Inhabitants of Calcutta from Council at HugH Drake Speke, Captain, from Mr. Bisdom' Isle de France. Superior Council. Vemet, M .. (see Dutch Council at from French Council at Chan­ Cossimbazar), from Ross demagore Walsh, Mr., from Scrafton, Watts Jafar Ali Khan from Clive Watson, Admiral, from Mr. Bis· Killpatrick. Major, from Clive. dom. Clive, Dutch Cou~cil at Dutch Council at Hugli Hugli, Fort St. George Council Knox. John. from Law and Select Committee, Fort La Tour. M .• from Dutch Council William Select Committee, at Cossimbazar King, Nawab, Warrick Law. Jean M .• from Clive. Nawii.b Watts. Mr., from Clive, Kill­ Mabbot. Mr.• from Clive patrick, Coote, Fort William Manikchand from Clive. Holwell Select Committee, FultaCouncil, Masulipatam Council from French Nawab Council at Chandemagore Watts, Mrs., senior. from Watts Merlet, M •• from M. Dechaluaye Le Verrier. Monsieur. French Chief at Mohan Lal from Clive Surat. II .. 59; III•• 244. 268 Moras, M., from M. Barthelmy Lewis. Thomas.' Captain of the Nandkumar from Clive, Nawab SwalloW. I .. lxxxiii. lxxxvii. 440 263 ; N awab from Clive, Drake, Fort III., 76. 106 William Select Committee, Hol­ Lewis the Fourteenth. III•• 356 well, Nandkumar, Pigot,'Watson Leycester. Edward. III .• 415 Newcastle, Duke of, from Mr. -- Ralph. I .• 41. 107.172.190; III;. Ditts 75. 106 Omar Beg fromJafar Ali Khan Limerick. I .. xcix; III .• 101 Omichand from Clive L'Intlien. a French ship. I.. 307; III .• Orme, Mr., from Clive, Collet, 70. 108. In 270 Cooke, Lindsay, Walsh Lin, Captain. See Lynn Payne, Mr., from Clive Lindsay, William. died at Fulta. I.. Petrus Arratoon from Omichand lxxx. xciv. 153. 171. 172. 190, 246. Pigot, Mr., from Clive, Hayter 247; II.• 192; III .• 75. 106 Pocock, Admiral, from Clive Ling or Lyng. William, musician. I •• Pondicherry, Superior Council at, 41. 190; III., 76. 106 from Renault Lisbon. 1.• 308 Rii.i Durlabh from Clive Lister, James, Under-Secretary to Rajarii.m Singh from Nawab Admiral Watson. III., lIS Ranjit Rii.i from Clive Lively (grab), Captain Thomas Best. Renault. M., from Clive, Nawab I •• 1xx (n). lxxiv. lxxxiv. exi, 135. Schwendler, Com., from Schwett- 16[. 256; II .• 50. 187 dler Loll Bag. See UJ Bagh BENGAL IN 1756-57

Loll coggedge (/iiI kaghaz. or the red MacGwire. Mrs. Lucy. wife of Mr. paper). I .• clxxxix; III .• 318 William MacGwire. Company's ser­ London. I., xxxv, xcviii. xcix. cit ex; vant. at this time at home. III.. 76. 11·.59 106 London Chronicle. I .• xcviii Machulca. See Muchalka London (sloop). I .• lxxxiv. 161 Mackensie. seafaring man. III.. 416 London (Company's ship). III .• 373 Macket. William. brother - in -law of London. the Secret Committee at. I .• Captain Speke. I.. Ixvii. lxxxii. 301; II.. 91. 150. 233. 235. 23i. Ixxxiii. cxiii. 12, 14. 18. 25. 41, 58. 59, 266 61, 73.76.87. 93. 102.105. 107. II2. 130• Lord. Lodowick. Captain. seafaring 137. 153. 158. 172. 189. I~. 202. 219. man, I.. 190; III.. 76. 106. - Mrs•• 222. 237. 254. 263; II .• 28. 38.39. 193; III.. 76. 107 III.• 28. 75. 105 Luckeconder (Lakshmi Kundii). II .. -- Mrs. Ann. I .. lxxxii (n). 105; III .• 375.378 76. 106 Luckipore (Lakhipur). I .• xxxv. xciv. MacLaughlin. Archibald. pilot. III •• 39. 57. 104. u6. 203. 208. 219. 297; 416 II.• 13. 27. 225 Macleod, Alexander. Captain of the Lucknapore (Lucknow). II.• 239 lIIarlhorough, III .. 24 Lucky day of the Ramazan. 18 June, MacManus. Richard. III.. 19 Friday (see Ramazan). 1.• 145 Macpberson. Daniel. a foreigner. I .• L' Union, a French ship. I .• 213 xciv; III .• 416 Lushington, Henry. survived the Macpherson. James. Company's Black Hole. killed in the troubles cooper. died at Fulta. I .• xciv; III .• with Mir Kasim in 1763. I .• lxxxi~, 76. 106 xcii. xciii. 43. 109. 115. 168. ·I~. 172. Macpherson. JaJl)es. seafaring man. 191; III .. 74. 75. 106. III. 141. 144. 154. killed in the fighting. I.. !xxvii (n). 316• 317.-Forged Admiral Watson's xciv. 261; II .. 37; III.. 72. 104 signature to the false treaty with Madei,'a (Rhip). I.. 171. Mir Jafar. I .. clxxxiv; III.. 316. 317. Maderia wine. I .• 171 318 MadrBR. or Fort Saint George. or tbe Lutf-unnisa Begam. wife of Siraj-ud­ Coast (i.e•• of Coromandel). passi,,, daula (. Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 94. Madras Sepoys. II .• 176 281). murdered by order of Miran. Magazine. the. I .• lxxvi 1760. I.. ccv. ccvi. ccviii.-Fidelity Magazines: Scots IIfagazine. III.. 101. to the memory of Siraj-uddaula. I •• -The Univenalllfagazine. III .• 97 cviii Maggott. See Macket Lutwidge. Lieutenant, of the Salisbury, Mahabat J al\g (. Distinguished in mortally wounded at Chitpur. I~ .. Battle '). one of A1ivirdi's titles. I •• 30 202.203. 219. 254; 111 .. 14. 15.95 Mahmedi Beg. See Muhammad Beg Lyng. See Ling Mahomed Ali. Nawab of Arcot. II.• Lynn. Captain, III .. 47. 61. 63 65.90 Lyon. seafaring man. died in the -Black Mahmnd Kuli Khan. II .. 392 Hole. I .. civ; III .• 72. lOS Mabmud Nawlz, II .• 418 Mahtib RAi (see J agat Seth). II .. 257 Mabbol. William. member. and at one Maidapur. Company'l country seat time Chairman. of the Court of near Cossimbazar. I •• cxcili; II., 97. Directors. II.• 209 and n. 243 409. 429. 441; III .• 68 INDEX AND GLOSSARY

Malabar Coast. II .• 180. 267; III •• 216. 255, 261, 2690 270, 271, 275, 283, 29[- 270 293, 297, 298; 11.,.3-7, 24. 28, 38, !to, Malacca. Straits of. III•• 88 41, 43, 440 136, 137, 1440 1490 ISS, 160, Malda. I •• clxxxix. 271; II •• 465; III •• 325 429; 111·,75, 105,283-287 Malda Creek. III•• 352 MansUr Ali Khan or Safdar Jang, Maldives, III•• 216 Nawab of Oudh 1739- 1754. and Malleson. Colonel. I •• clxviii Wazir to the Emperor 1748 - 1752, Mamood Sadack (Muhammad Sadik). succeeded by his son ShujA-uddaula III•• 364 in 1754. I., xxvii, xlvi, 229; III., 252 Mamooda (ship). II .• 267 Mansiir-ganj, the Nawab's palace at :Man (H.). forty seers. or about eighty Murshidabad (' Seir Mutaqherin,' pounds . ii., 223), I., cci Manaripa. II •• 2119 Mansiir-ul-mulk (' Conqueror of the Mandipur. Sa Maidapur World '), one ofSiraj-uddaula's titles Manifesto. See Declaration of War. Manteeque (query Span., ma"tica, -French and Port., ,nalltriya), butter or sugar :Manik Chand. ex-Diwi.n of the Raja Mapletoft, Robert, Rev., second chap­ of Burdwan ('Seir Mutaqherin.' ii.• lain at Fort William, died at Fulta, 91). I_.lxxi. lxxxviii. cxvii. ~-ili­ I., lxx, lxxx, lxxxiii, xciv, cxii, cxxx. cxxxix. clviii. clix. coo. cOOv. cxxxvii, 41, 76, 107, 112, 130, 138, 158, clxxx. clxxxii. cxcix. 57. 70. 117. 146. 18g, 254. 263; II., 28, 39, [go; III., 170. 194. 301; II., 16. 49. S4. 67. 76. 75. 106. 97. gS. ISO. 160, 185. 229.326.333.343. --Mrs. Sarah, I., lxxiv; III, 106 344.350, 367.378.391. 410, 426. 430; , commenced in 1743 111 ... 13. 140 33, 340 52, 142. 151,1790- (e. R. Wilson), I., xxxi, xxxiv, xxxv, Governor of Calcutta, I.. cli. ciii. liv, lxvi, lxxv, l",,'Vi., cxxxviii, cxlvi; cxvi. cxviii. - Negotiates with the 11., 238, 251.-Letter, I., cxc, cxciii ; British at Fulta. I •• cxi. cxv. cxvi. 11., 378, 386, 388, 3119 cxxviii.-Nearly killed at Budge Marathas, I., xxvii, xxx, xxxi, xxxv, Budge, I., cxxx..-His report to the clxxxi, cxc, cxcvii, 174. 215, 218, 220, Nawab, I., cxxxvii; .111., 179-­ 299; II., 8, 65, go, 1490 207, 230, 231, Wounded at Plassey, 11., 426 317, 418; III., 119 :Mli.nik Chand, founder of the Seth Margas, Solomon, ex-Company's ser­ family, I., xxv vant . and free merchant, died at Mli.nik Chand, brother of Vaishnava Fulta, I., lxxxi. xciv, 148, 19o, 245, Das Seth, I., xlii 247; III., 75, 106.~Mrs. Elizabeth, :Manilla, III., 390 III., 76, 107.----Gaut (Ghit), II., 73 Manillois, I., 177 Marine, the, I., lxxiv, 144; II., 41.­ Manjhee (H., mani"i), the steersman Yard, the, IlL, 299 ofa boat Market Drayton, I., clxxxviii Manningham, Charles, I., xli, xlv, ilIarllxwrnlg" (Company's ship), I., xlvi, xlix, l:tvii-lxix, lxxiv, lxxviii­ cxxili, cxxvi-cxxviii, cxxxvili, cxxxix, lxxxi, cxii, cxviii, cxxii, cxxiii, 140 25, . 233, 236, 238, 241; II., 8g, 92, 95. gS. 41, 53-61, 66, 71-73. 76, 77, 84. 86, 87, 166.175. 194. 19B. 200,266; 111.,24031 go, 92, 102, 107, 112, 120-122, 130, 135, Marriot. Midshipman of the Kmt. III •• 1440 151, 152, IS4. 158, 1M, 163, 165, 29. lIS 167, 1690 172, 180, 186, 18g, 192, 195, Marriott, Randolph. I.. Ix, 173; II .• 197, 202, 213. 218, 223-225, 244-246, 13; III•• 72. 105 BENGAL IN 1756·57

Martin. William. Captain. r .• clxvili; Military nlortality at Fulta. I.. cxiii, 11 .• 328; III.. 7. 8. 318 cxxvii. 300. III .• 94' Maskelyne. Captain. I.. 228; II .• 267; -- returns. See Returns III .• 60 Military journals: Clive's, III., 62.­ Masnad (Ar.). the cushion used by Clive's. one of Clive's family. III.• princes in India in place of a throne 30.-Coote's. III.• 39, - Unsigned. (Yule and Burnell) III., 58, 65 Massey. Mrs. Ann. II .• 183 Militia. I .• 76. 130. 131 Masulipatam. I.. 301; II.• 205 Miller. John. Sergeant of the Train. I .. Matel Sieur. French Company's ser· 187 vant at Chandernagore Mills. John. Captain of the Diligence. Mathura Mal. nephew. of Narayan I .• xcii. xciii. clix. 44. lIS. 191. 194; Singh, I .• c1xxx. c1xxxv. cxcv; II., III .• 72. 105. 144. 154 228 Minchin. George. Captain·Command. Matross (Germ.). a sailor. an inferior ant. dismissed by Court of Directors soldier or artilleryman (Yule and 27 July. 1757. 1.. xl. lxv. lxix. lxx. Burnell) lxxiv. lxxvii.lxxxii.lxxxvi. xcvi. c. ci. Maund. See Man 41. 60 (n). 61, 77. 78. 81. 87.89. 93, 102, Maunsell. Thomas.!', 235.241; III.. 28 107. II2. 128. 129. 144. 148. ISO. 153. Mauritius or Isle de France 158. 173. 178, ISo. 185. 189. 201. 243. Mausim (Ar.). season. any regular 255. 259. 260. 262; II .• 26,28. 37'39. wind blowing at a fixed time in the 5!!; III .• 75, 105 year, monsoon Minorca. II .• 105 (n) Mayapur. I .• cxxix Mint in Calcutta, II.. 126. 127. 214. Mayor's Court. founded by charter in 225, 239. 359.-In Murshidabad, I.. 1727 (C. R. Wilson). I.. xcvii. 273. xxiv 274 Miran, son of Mir J afar Ali Khan. I •• Mayor's Court. House. See Court· evii. cci. c;evii; II .• 53. 431• 439. 444 ; House III.. 213. - Puts Siraj.uddaula to Mayor's Court Proceedings. III.. 405 death. I., ccvii Meadows. seafaring man, died in the Mir Bakr. son·in·law of Murshid Kuli Black Hole. I.. xciv; III •• 72. 105. 154 Khan, Governor of Orissa (. Seir -- John. survived the Black Hole. Mutaqherin.' i" 348). II., 355 I.. xcii. xciii. 191 Mir Daiid, brother of Mir J afar --Thomas. writer of the Company's and Faujdar of Rajmahal (. Seir Marine Yard. survived the Black Mutaqherin.' ii.. 2~9). 1., c1xxix, Hole. I.. xcii. xciii. 44 -ecvi Meecrum.II·.378 Mir J afar Ali Khan, brother·in·law of Meer Seer Jondy. query Mirzii..iraj- Alivirdi Khan, I •• xxix. xxx. xlvii. uddin xcvii. cvii, cxxxvi. coo. c1xv. c1xxix. Mermaid (sloop). I.. 197; III.• 6 c1xxxiii. elxxxiv. elxxxvi. c1xxxix. Mestees. See Mustees cxc, cxcv-cxcvii, ccv/'ccvii, ccix-ccxi, Metre. See Govind Ram Mitra 264; II., 53. IIO. 217, 232, 362. 363. Mexico. n .. 97 367, 373, 375. 379, 382• 383. 386'389. Miapore or Myapore, III•• 3, 7, 16 392'394. 396• 399. 400. 401. 403. 408. Middleton. Samuel. I.. 172 4[0, 4II, 413; III., i24. 159, 174, 191, Midnapur. II.. 313; III.. ::zo6.-Raja of. 2i00215. 239.241, 250, 251. 261.-Char· See Rajaram acter, 1., xxx; III•• 210, 2II.-Cap· INDEX AND GLOSSARY

tures Banki -blizar, I., xxx_ - Gal­ Mirza-iraj-uddin Khan, father ofLutf.. lantry in the Maratha wars, I.. xxx. unnisa Begam, and father-in-law of -Bakhshi, I., xx.'I:.-Swears to sup­ Siraj-uddaula (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., port Siraj-uddaula, I., xxx.-Attends 20), II., 54, 60 , ·him at Calcutta, I., 264. -Alleged Mirza Mahdi or Mehdi, younger disloyalty in the war with Shaukat brother of SirliJ-uddaula, I., cxliv, Jang. I., cvii.-Friendship with the cixxx; II., 184; III .. 301 Seths, I., cvii. - Insulted by Siraj­ Mirza Muhammad, father of Alivirdi uddaula, I., clxxxiv.-Proposed by and husband of a relative of Shuja the Seths as a candidate for the Khan (' Seir Mutaqherin,' i., 298), I., throne, t, c1xxxiii.-Makes a treaty xxv with the British, I., cxci, cxcii; II., Mirza Muhammad. SeeSiraj-uddaula, 373, 374, 382-385.-Resists Siraj­ I., xxvi uddaula's attempts to arrest him, Mirza Omar Beg. See Omar Beg I., cxciii.-Pretended reconciliation, Mirzapore, 11., 412; 111., 65 I., cxciii; III., 2II, 239.-Equivocal Mirza Reza, II., III behaviour at Plassey, I., cxcix, cci. Mirza Sallah; Sallee, or Salih, ~Is made N awab by Clive, I., ccii. Governor of Orissa, I., 220; II., 402 -Captures Siraj.uddaula, I.. ccvi. Mirza Shlih Abbas Beg, a Madras ccvii.-Generosity to the British, I., sepoy officer. III., 52 ccix-ccxii; III., 57, 395 Mogul (Mughal), used in India of all Mir Kasim Ali Khan, son-in-law of foreign Muhammadans except the Mir Jafar('Seir Mutaqherln,'ii., 239, Pathans ; the Moguls are dis· 374), I., cxc . tinguished by the title Beg, the Mtr Macha Halla, II., 186 Pathans by that of Khan (Yule and Mir Madan, servant of Hasan-uddin Burnell), I., xxi Khan at Dacca, appointed to com­ Mogul. See Grand or Great Mogul mandSiraj-uddaula's military house­ Mohabut Jung. See Mahabat Jang hold on his accession (' Seir Muta­ Mohan Lal, Diwan of Sirlij-uddaula's qherin,' ii., r86), supposed to be a household, and appointed Chief Hindu convert, I., xlvii, xci, cxcv, Diwan on his accession ('Seir Muta­ cxcix, cc, cci. ccv; II., 52, 289, 394- qherin,'ii., 187), killed by RaiDurlabh 398,407,424, 426; III., 145, ISO, 197, (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 240), I., xlvii, 198 clxiv. c1xxxiv, cxcv. cxcix. cc; II., MirNazar Ali, a lover of Ghasita 53, 256, 352, 363, 373. 378, 391, 410, Begam (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 186), 413, 428; III., 152, 163, .190. - Ap. expelled from Bengal by Siraj­ pointed Prime Minister py Sirlij­ uddaula, I., xlvii, II9; 123, 124 (n), uddaula, I., xlvii.-Law's estimate 249; III., 217, 218 of, I .. clxiv.-Letter from Clive, II., Mir Rasan Ali, II., 289 352.-His illness at a critical mo­ Mirza Ellis (Ilylis). See Mirza.iraj­ ment. I.,c1xiv. clxv.-Fatal recovery, uddin Khan I., c1xv.-Causes Siraj-uddaula to Mirza Emam Bux (Imam Bakhsh), quarrel with Mir Jafar. I., c1xxxiv .. 11 .• 66 -Courage at Plasst:y, I., cc (n) Mirza Hakim Beg. See Hakim Beg, Mohur. See Muhur 111., 166 Moidapore. See Maidapur Mirza Hasan Ali, son of Hakim Beg, Moka, III., 2r6 11.,60 Molitore. Captain, III., 54, 62, 321 VOL. III. 80 BENGAL IN 1756-57

Monick Chund. See Manik Chand ment under penalty to observe Monkowrah. II., 61. 415, 428 the conditions specified. sometimes Monserally Cawn. See Mansur Ali used loosely for a deed or grant, Khan 'II.• 14 Monsoon. See Mausim.-Tbe Little, Muckwa Tana. See Tanna used of the cold weather months in Muhammad. the Prophet. I.. 176 Lally's 'Memoirs,'. p. 96, I., 214 Muhammadan calendar. I .. lxxv andn Muhammadans: Decay of power in Montague, III., 416 India. I.. xxii. xxiii.-Bad educa. Montro. III.. 416 tion of Muhammadan nobles. 1.. Montrong. I.. xciv; III .• 416 xxviii Moonshi. See Munshi Muhammad Beg murders Siraj· Moor or Moorman. a Muhammadan 'lddaula (. Seir Mutaqherin.' ii.• Moor colours. I., 179 242). I., ccvli Moor Government. See Country Muhur (p.). a gold coin valued in Government account at sixteen rupees Moor ships. I., lxxv, lxxxvii, III. 136. Muir. George Grainger. Captain. I •• 185, 255, 301; II., 201 SS. 89. 172. 200; II .• 263; III .• 53. 76. Moors, ordinary appellation at that 106 time for Muhammadans in India, I., Muksadabad. the old name of Murshi· xxxii.-Civility towards women, I., dabad. I •• xxiv Ix. xcv. 183 Mullah (A .• mullli). a Muhammadan Moors object to fight at night and lawyer or learned man; a school­ during the middle of the day, I.. master or priest Ixxxviii (n) Munshi (A.). a writer. secretary. inter· Moota GhilI. See Muti Jhil preter. teacher Mootenbeg, a Madras sepoy officer, Munsuram (Mansa Ram). 11 •• 360. 371 1I1.,53 Murad 13agh. I.. ccii Moracin, Monsieur, one of Bussy's Murad.uddaula. son of Faz! Kuli Khan officers, I., 21~ or Ikram·uddaula and nephew of Morada Dowlet. See Murad-uddaula Siraj.uddaula. I .• xxix. xlv. 67, 249 Morain, seafaring man, III., 416 Murcha River. II•. 342 Moran, Patrick, survived the Black Murphy. James. 321 Hole, afterwards in the army, I., Murray, Mr.• I., 171 xcii. xciii. 44. 191, 194; III.. 154 Murshidabad. passim.-Size and popu· Morattoes. See Marathas lation. I .. ccii Moraud 13agh (Murad.ba.gh), II., 437 Murshid Kuli Khan. I •• xxiv. xxv. Iv. Morgan, Second Lieutenant of the cIxxvi; II.. 15.-A Brahman con· Tyger. III., 7, 8, 14. 15 vert. I.. xxiv.-Appointed Diwan, Morris. Francis. pilot, a Dutchman. and fixes his headquarters at MaksQ· I., lxxxiii. 42, loS . dabad. I .• xxiv.-Renames Muksa· Moses, Mr., I., 16g dabad. I .• xxiv.-Extorts money' Mossman, James, Major, II., lSI, 152 from the British. I .• xxiv.-Refuses Moti JhiL See Muti Jhil to give effect to Farrukhsiyar's Mouchet, Monsieur. engineer at Farman. I •• xxiv.-Revenue reforma. Chandernagore I .• xxiv.-Treatment of Hindus. I •• Moulder, coachman, III., 416 xxiv, xxv.-Patronage of the Seths. Muchulka (Muchalka), an engage- I .. xxv.-Death. I.. xxv INDEX AND GLOSSARY

Musnud. See Masnad Nand Kumar. a Brahman born about Mustafa. Khan. one of Alivirdi's 1720 in. Birbhum. Made Diwan or generals. I •• xxxi. xxxii Deputy-Faujdii.r of Hugli in 1756. Mustees or Mestis (Port.. mestifo). hanged for forgery in 1775. I.. clix. a half-caste (Yule and Burnell). I.. c1xiii. c1xiv. clxvii, clxxv. c1xxvii. 177 clxxxv. cxcv; II .• 52. 67. 81. 1I5. Muster (Port•• mos/ra). a sample 1I8. ISo.· 228. 229. 2So. 294. 295. 305. Muster 'Rolls. II .• 151 317. 319. 331• 334. 343· 358• 363-365. Muthra Mul (Mathura Mal). Narayan • 386; III.• 259 Singh's nephew. II.. 228. 363. 364. Nanna (Nana or Nanha), the title 365.-Discloses the plot between borne by Balii.ji Rao Peshwa (Beale) Mir Jafar and the British. II.• 403 Narayan Dii.s or Singh, brother to Miiti Jhil. the Pearl Lake or tank•. to Rajii.ram, I., xlix, li, 100, 120, 121, the south of Murshidabad. I.. xlvii. 122; II., 6, 7, 22, 62, 137, 144, 146, 119. 123. 249; II .• 2. 6. 65; III .• 152. 159, 228, 378; III., 332, 338, 349, 3501 21 7 35 1 Mutilation of the dead at Chitpur. Narramg, one of the Nawab's Minis- III .• 25 ters, II., 35 I Mutsuddies (A.. mutasaddi). a writer Narran Sing, one of the Company's or clerk head peons, I., 257 Muxadavad. See Muksailabad Nasheroutaula (Nu~ratulla) Khan, II., Muysner. Laurens. a Dutchman. III .• 52 410 Native feeling towards the Nawab, 1., Muzaffar Jang. ally of the French. xci, xciii; II., 69; IlL, 78 who made him Siibahdii.r ~f the Native officers' kindness, I., xciii, 194. Deccan after the Battle of Ambur -Revenge, I., xc, 115, 186 (23 July. 1749). killed in 1757. III.. Naubat (A.), instruments of music or 161 a band of musicians Myers, John. Sergeant of the Train,!.. Naue Singh Hazari. See Naba Singh 187 Hazari My Raja (Maharaja). II .• 350. 353. 367 Nauwl Hazarie (Naval Hazari), II., 289 • Mystery oflniquity,' 1.. lxxix. 23. 38. Naval accounts. See Ships' Logs 49. 63. 179. 208; II .• 21 Nawab (A.), a viceroy or governor of a province under the Mogul Govern­ Naarstigkeit. a Dutch ship. II •• 82 ment. It is properly the plural of Naba Krishna Raja.!.. xxii. cxi. cxlv Naib, but used honorifically in the Naba Singh Hazii.ri. I .. cxcix; 11.,426 singular Nabobgunj. See Nawabganj N awab, the. See Sirii.j-uddaula Nadir Shiih. invaded India in 1739, Nawab's younger brother. See Mirza and looted Delhi; he died in 1747. Mahdi 11 .• 325 . Nawabganj, near Calcutta,!.. cxliv, N ac1iya. 1.. 127; II •• 397 cxlv; II., 213. -In Pumeah, I., Naib (A.). a deputy. representative, cvii (n) lieutenant. viceroy. sub- or deputy­ Nawazish Muhammad Khan, eldest collector son of Haji Ahmad and husband of Najarani nazaranah (P.). an extor­ Ghasita Begam, eldest daughter of tionate tax. a forced contribution Alivirdi, known as the Chota Nancy (grab.). II .• 187 N awab and as Shahamat J ang, died 80-2 BENGAL IN 1756-57

in 1755, 1., xxix, xliv, 67, II9, 174, Niaserai. See Nyasarai 175, 206, 249 j II., 2, 3, 16, 62, 65 j Nicholas or Nicolas. Francis. Mon· III., 163, 216, 217.-Said to have sieur. See Ives' Journal. pp. 135. been poisoned,!., 174, 175.-Widow 136. member of Council at Chander. of. See Ghasita Begam nagore. I.. clxiii j II., 120. 212. 276, N azir Ali Khan, superintendent of the 293,298 j III .• 261. 271 . Hall of Audience to Alivirdi (' Seir Nicholson. Magnus, Captain of the Mutaqherin,' ii., 436), favourite of Hunter (schooner). I.. lxxxii. 159. Ghasita Begam, 1., xlvii JII., 2 jill., 190 j II .. 157 21 7,218 Nicholson. died at Fulta, I., xciv; III.• Nazir Delal or Nasir Muhammad 76. 106 Dalal,!., 5 j II., 317 jIll., 202, 203 Nimo Gosseyng (Gusain). III .. 328 Nazir lung, III., 161 Nixon, William. free merchant and Nazzur Ally Cawn. See Nazar Ali Mr. Manningham's writer. I.. lxxvii, Neaps, the, II., 252 81. ISO. 153. 190, 298; III., 75, Neelruoney (Nilmani) 106 Neptune (snow), Captain Austin, I., Noble. Charles F .• I., xxiii. xlii lxxiv, lxxxiv, xcvii, 161, 169, 256, N ollet. See lohn Elliot 290, 296 jIll., 77 Noort. Bernardus ten. a Dutchman. Nerlyor Nelly (Malayal. nell. rice in 111 .• 410 the husk (Yule and Burnell) Norwood (sloop). I.. 197 Neutrality between Europeans in Nose. a false. of clay. II!. 325 Bengal, I., cli-clxi, 215; II .. 88,91, Nover. Sergeant. sentenced to death 103. 1140 168, 175, 176, 178, 200, 206. for plundering. but pardoned by 240,249,251. 25 2 , 255, 259, 264, 268, Clive (letter to Adlercron. 29 March. 271, 272. 2740 275. 2~, 298.306.310. 1757. not included). III., 28 315 j II!., II7-II9, 122, 173, 178-182, Nowarris. Md. Cawn. See Nawazish 186-1~, 227-231, 245-247, 255. 264. Noxes. Two. Doctor. See Knox 269 Nuddea. See Nadiya Newajis Muhammad Khan. See Nulla (H.. nata). a watercourse, Nawazish channel. or gully Newspapers: Nuzzerany. See Nlijarani English: L01Uion Chronicle, 111., Nya Serai. I.. cxliii; 11.. IIO. 175. 373; 69,70,75, 77, 81. 83. 85. 88,90.92• III.• 65 94. ~.-Ll(}yd's Evening Post. III., 77,82,93.-PublicAdvertiser, III., 74. 82,83. 97.-Read's Weekly Oakes. Edward, killed in the Patna Jonrnal or British Gazetteer. III .• Massacre 81,95 O'Hara, Charles, factor and assistant Scotch: Caledonian Mercury, III.• engineer. I., lxvi.lxviii, 41. 87. 107. 107. 116.-Edinburgh Evening II 2, 128, 130, 153, 158, 172, 189. 255. Courant, III.. 107, loS. II4-II6 263 j II., ISO, 154, 227.228 jIlL, 75, Continental: Courrier d' Avignon. 106 IlL. IIC)-122.-Gazette d'Am­ Omar Beg. an officer of Mir 1afar, I .• sterdam, III.. II7. - Gazette lvi, xcvii. clxxxvii, cxciii. cci, 2,9, 10. d'Utrecht, IlL. .II 6, II7.­ 125. 127, 183 (n), 250 j II.• 59, 69. 382, Recueil des Gazettes de France. 3¢-401 jIll.• 2II, 239 III .• Il9. 120. 122· 125 Omar Khan. See Omar Beg INDEX AND GLOSSARr 469 Omichand, I., xxi, lxix, lx.'tii-lxxiv, and propose Mir Jafar, I.. clxxxv, lxxxi. lxxxviii, cxx;x:v, c1xiv. c1xxvii, clxxxvi.-Pretends to accept the clxxxi, clxxxv. cxcv. ccx. 85. II4, new arrangements, I., clxxxvi.-Is 1I7. 120, 121, 135, 141-146. 154, 160, himself tricked by the false treaty, 185. 194.257.258; 11.,6. 21. 22,- 31. 32. I., - c1xxxvii-clxxxix.-Disappointed 49. 53, 63, 64, 137. 145. 148-150, J59. retires to MaIda, I., c1xxxix.-Death, 160. 209. 219. 223, 228, 229, 231, 232, I.. c1xxxix.-Description of the 240• 278, 280. 294, 317. 323. 330, 242, English, n., 232.-House at Cal­ 243, 349; 350, 351,353, 357, 358,362, cutta, I., lxxxiii.-His garden ali 365, 366, 373, 377, 379-383, 386-390; Calcutta, I., lxxv, xci, cxlv, cxlvi, 393,396,400, 401,430,432,465; III., 145; III., 146.-Opinion of the 146, 302, 306,311,318, 325.-Race and Hindus, II., 377 religion, I., xli-xliii.-Favourite of Omraw (Umrao), Omichand's khid- Alivirdi, I., xlii.-His craft, I., xlii; matiar, Ill., 363 II., 63.-Agentofthe British in their Opium trade, II., 63 annual investment, I., xlii.-Alleged Orange Tree (sloop), 111., 21 bad treatment by the British, I., xlii. Orissa or Orixa, one of the three -Vindictive temper, I., xlii; 111., provinces constituting the kingdom 146, 401.-Rivalry with the Seths, of Bengal, I., xxi, xxvii. xxxiii, xlv, I., xlii, 141.-Motives for inciting cii. cxlviii, 219, 304; 11.,83,85,86,313 Siraj-uddaula . against the British, Orixa (ship), Captain William Roberts, I., xlii, xliii, lxix; II., 21, 64, I., 302; II., 267, 280 148.-Suspected by Drake, I., xlix, Orme, Robert, member of Council at 121.-Introduces Narayan Diis to Fort St. George, author of 'A Calcutta, I., xlix.-Is imprisoned by History of the Military Transactions Drake, I., lxxii-lxxiv.-Sends his in Indostan ' (London), I., xxx, xxxiii, servants to lead Siraj-uddaula into xxxviii, xxxix, lxx, lxxxii, clxiv, Calcutta, I., xliii, lxxvi; III., 363.­ clxxxix, celli, 197, 223, 224, 226, 227, Refuses to intercede With the N awab, 237, 241; II., 133 I., lxxxi.-"-'Is honoured by the Orr, Willes, incorrectly reported to. Nawab, I., xci.-His vengeance on have died in the Black Hole, 1.,107, Messrs. Holwell, Burdett, Court, 172, 190; III., 72, 105 and Walcot, I., xci.-Tricks the' Osborne, died at Fulta, I., xciv royal ladies, I., xcii (n). - Helps Osborne, Michael, Captain, a seafaring British refugees, I., xciv, c1ix.­ man, died in the Black Hole, I., xciv, Communicates with the British at 19 I ; III .• 72, 105. 154 Fulta, 1., cxv, cxvii.-The British Ostend Company, I., xxx seize his goods on suspicion of Oudh (Audh), I., xlvi; II., 239.­ treason, I., clix.-Taken into favour Nawab of, I., xlvii (n) by Clive, I., clix. ~ Accompanies Overbeek, Daniel, a Dutchman, 111., Watts to Murshidabad, I., clix, clxv. ,409 -Bribes Nandkumar, I., c1ix.­ Owd. See Oudh Tricks the Nawab into allowing the British to attack Chandernagore, Paccard. See Piccard I.. c1xi-c1xiii.-Tricks and disgraces Pachowterah Daroghah (H.), the col­ Ranjit Rai, I., clxxxii, clxxxvi.­ lector of a duty of 5 per cent. (Pan­ ProposesYar LutfKhan for Nawab, chotara or Pachotara) on the value I., c1xxxiii.-The Seths outwit him of goods in transit. See Hakim Beg 470 BENGAL IN 1756-57

Packer, Mrs., III., 76, 106 vince, of which several go to form a Paddau, IlL, 218 ckakla or zila Paddy (Malay, padi), rice in the husk, Paria sloops (query' country sloops 'I, whether growing or cut III., 392 Padre (Port.), a missionary or clergy­ Paris, 1., xcviii, xcix man Paris, news .from, I., xcviii; III., 6g, padshah. See Badshah and Grand 107 Mogul Park, the, now known as Dallrousie :Page, Edward, died in the Black Square, I., lxviii, lxxvii, 114, 129, Hole, not a brother of Stephen 255; II., 32, 37 \ Page, I., xciv, 43, 109, 190; III., 72, Parker, William, seafaring man, 1., 105, 153 lxxvii, xciv, 191,261; 11.,37; 111.,72, Page, Stephen, died in the Black Hole, IQ4, 139, 154.-Killed in the fighting, 1., xciv, 43, 109, 190, 191; III., 72, 111., 72, 104.-Died in the Black 105, 153 Hole, I., 191; III., 139, 154.-Mrs. Paikar (H.),. a dealer, shopkeeper, Utritia, wife or widow of James agent, broker, hawker, pedlar Parker, 111.,76, 107 Pakka (H.), ripe, matured, solid; Parliament, Act of, I., 223, 224 applied to houses built of brick and Parliamentary Select Committee. I., mortar clxxxvii, cxcviii, ccxi; IlL, 283 Palankeen or Palanquin (Sans., paly­ Parrs. See Prahar anka), a bed, a box litter for travel- Parshaw. See Paschoud ling in· - Parsons, pilot, III •• 416 Palk, Robert, a member ofthe Council Parwana (P.), an order, precept, com­ at Fort st. George, I., 237, 241 manil, warrant, license, writ Palki (H.), a palankeen Paschoud, John Francis, Captain-I.ieu­ Palmer, Charles, Captain, III., 53 tenant, III., 54, 60, 321 Palmyras Point, I., cxxvii; II., 89, 95, Patcha. See Badshah 195; III., 31 Patchy Couly Cawn. See Badshah Pan (I) (H.), a sum of eighty Kuli Khan kaUri shells, equal to twenty Pathans, used in India especially of gandas. Sixteen pans make one people of Afghan descent (Yule and kakan Burnell). There are four classes of Plln (2), the aromatic leaf of the piper Muhammadansinlnclia: (I)Pathans, betel, or a leaf of it rolled round of Afghan descent; (2) Mughals, of a few small pieces of areca· nut, with Tnrki descent; (3) Shaikhs, of Arab ·a little caustic lime (ckunam), a few descent; and (4) Sayyids, the de­ heads of spice, and sometimes a scendants of the Prophet, III., 271 little catecku for the purpose of Patna, I., xxvi, xxxv, cvii, c1xii, c1xiii, being chewed. It is presented to clxxviii, clxxix, ccvi, 19, 29, 100, 174, guests and visitors, and when sent 220; II.• 63, 82, 226, 227, 242; 264, to anyone is a pledge of friendship 27tJ, 275, 279, 280, 281, 286, 342; III., or safe·conduct 125, 209, 210, 212, 213 Pansi (Beng.), a boat for passengers Patta, on the East Coast of Africa, Ill., or goods having a tilted roof of bam· 22 boo, mats, or thatch over the aft Pattamar (Konkani, palkmar'J, a foot­ portion runner or courier, or a swift ,'essel Pargana (P.), a district, tract, or pro- Patterson. George, III., 20 INDEX AND GLOSSARY

Paunsway. See Pansi " Peru, II., 97 Pavillon, Bastion duo II., 300 Perwana. See Parwana Payne, John, member of the Court or" Pescash. See Peshkash Directors. II., 243 Peshkash (P.), tax, tribute, fine, or Peace' of 9 February. I., cxlviii; II., quit-rent 21S-217. - Reasons fot concluding, Pharaoh, I., xxviii II., 222. 244 Pharsalia, III., 342 Pearce, Mrs., I., Ito Phatak (H.), a gate or barrier Pearkes. Paul Richard. I., xxxv: xlix, Phillips, Master ofthe Tyger, III., 28 lxvii. lxxxil. lxxxiii. lxxxvi. lxxxvii, Phirmaund. SeeFarman cxiii. cxiv. 12-14. 41. 44. 6S, 102. 107. Phirmaush. Se.e Farmaish II3,1 121, 172. 198, 200, 219, 222. 263, Pluenix, the (I), I., xcix 237; II .• 38. 13S. 144. 193. 263; III., Pluenix, the (2), I., xciv 7S. 10s.-Garden. II., 76 Phous(lar. See Faujdar Pegu, III., 216 Phousdary. See Faujdari Blkam (ship), III., 371 Phulbari, 111., 202 Pengal's Point, III., 4 Piccard, John Francis, I., lxx, lxxv, Peninsula, the, I., cxxxviii lxxviii, lxxxi, xciv, 40, 43, 78, 79, 8S, Pennatz, pilot, III., 416 86, 107, 109, III, II2, 138, 145, lSI, Peon (Port.), a footman or foot-soldier ISS, IS6, 163, 186, 191, 256, 261, 263; (Yule and Burnell) II., 31; 111., 72, 104, IS3 Perceval, Williani, member of Council, Pickering, John, Captain of the Ad­ Fort Saint Geo~ge, I., 197, 237, 241 venture, killed in the fighting, I .. Perreau, Samue1, FirstlLieutenant of xciv, 42, 191; III., 77 the Kent, II., 312; III" 10, IS, 29, Picques, Monsieur, member" of the lIS Fre~ch Council at Chandernagore, Perrin's Garden. This belonged to II., 293, 298, 302; III.; 260 the Company until 1752, when it Pigot, George, Governor of Fort Saint was sold to Mr. Holwell. He sold George, I., lill, cv, cxx-cxxii, cxxxix, it to Colonel Scot, who erected clvii, 48, 63, lOS. 134, 19S-197, 199, powder mills. These were sold to 237, 238, 241; H., 71, 160, 188, 236. the Company in 1756 by Colonel 257, 2S9. 279 Scot's executor, Captain Buchanan, Pikar or Pykar. See Paikar I., xxxviii, xxxix, liv, lix, cxxxix. Pikeparrah, III., 33 See Perrin's Redoubt " Piniot, 111., 416 Perrin's Redoubt (see Bagh Bazar), Pirka Jaga (Pir-ki-jagah) (H.), the I., lxvi, lxvii, lxx, lxxv, lxxvi, place of the Saint, the name given lxxviii, 8, 10, 13, 40, 42, 76, 8S, 106- by the Muhammadans to the site of loS, III, 124, 132, 138, 140, 144, 146, PllI-ssey 151, 158, 163, 186, 188, 216, 217, 222, Pischcash. See Peshkash 25 I, 522,256, 261, 283, 290; II., 10,22, Placis Grove. See Laksha Bagh 31, 32, ISO; ilL, 17, 7"2, 128 Plaistead, Bartholomew, ex- master Persia, I., xxv; II., III attendant, I., lxi.'C, 274 Persia, Gulf of, I., xcix; II., 92 Plassey, I., lxii, cxiii, cxlvi, clxiv. Persian cat, II., 63.-Horse, I., cxlvi; clxxvi, clxxxv, cxci. cxciii - cxcv, II., 248; ilL, IS, 38, S9, 183.­ cxcviii-cc, cciv; II., 289, 38S, 401, Language, I., 57, 58.-Writer, I., 8S 429, 457, 467;" III, 55, 66-68, IS9. 209, Persians, I., xxi 212. 240, 251, 261. 262.-Battle of, 472 BENGAL IN 1756-57

433-436, 440.441, 457-458; III., 66-68, I.. 140; III., 76. I06.-Soldiers. I., 159, 212, 240.241 102. 129, 135. 19O.-'Vomen. L, lxxvi, Plassey Grove, I., cxcix~eci lxxxi. 87. 91. 144. 1540 157; II.• 142, Plassey House, 1_, cc 190 • Play-House, the, I., 86, 148, 164; II., Powder mills. II .• 151. 190. 191 35 Power. John. II .• 343. 350 Pleydell or Playdell, Charles Stafford, Powney. William. Captain. seafaring I., 172; III., 76, 106 man. I .. 197. 237. 241 Plummer, John, III., 21 Prah~r (Beng.). a period of six hours. Plymouth, I., xcix The relays of kiisids were able to Pocock, George, Admiral, I., cxxi, cover the distance between Mur­ exxvi. elxix, clxx, cciii, 239; II., 175, shidabad and Calcutta. which was 178. 200, 201. "205, 253, 256, 290, 300, (Orme, ' India.' xiii .• p. 3665) 50 kos, 309"312 ; III., 5, 9, 12, 28, 307 or 100 miles. and a five days' march, Point de Galle, III., 31 in five hours. or 30 prakars Points, the, I., 287 Pramjeebone Cobirage (Prau Jiban Pollock. Philip, supercargo, brother Kabiraj), I •• 2So, 281 of Mrs. Massey, II., 182 Pretty. Captain, of the Bombay Pompey. III., J42 (frigate). III .• 20 Pondicherry, I., elii. elv - elvii, elxvi, Prince Edward (ship), II •• 77; III. 77 22, 57, 72. 143, 178, 307; II .• 18, So. Prince George (Captain Thomas 87. 117,ISo. 205.234,257,268,269,275, Hague). I., lxx. lxxiv. lxxxiii. 296, 302; III., 167, 168.-Superior lxxxvii, lxxxviii. 25. 42. loS. 113. Council of, I., clii, clv. 307; II .• 260, 135. 158, 159. 167. 185, 187, 256. 263. 274; III .• 227 292 ; II .• 44, 46• 49 Ponsway. See Pansi PrinCf Henry (Company's ship). III., Poona, III., 74, III 373.374 Poonea. See Punya Prince Henry of Prussia. a Prussian Pooner. See Poona ship. I .• 214. 307; II .• 79, ISo (n); Porcarrah. II., 416 III .. 21 Porter. Joseph, seafaring man. died in Pritchard. Ensign, II .• 263 the Black Hole. I., xciv. 43. 191; Private Committee. the. I.. 279. 284. III.. 72, lOS, 154 286 -- Mrs. Ann, wife of Joseph, III., Prize money, I .• 222, 235 I III •• 124 76, 107 Proonean. the. See Nawab ofPurneah Porte Royale. I., clxxi, clxxii Protector, the, Captain James. II., Portjield. the, Captain Benjamin God­ 266; III., 70. loS, II9 frey, I .• xcviii; III., 26, 69. 107 Protecior, the (Company's cruiser), Portuguese, I •• xxxiv. liv, lxviii. lxx. Captain England. I .• cxviii. cxxvi­ lxxiv. lxxxi. lxxxiv. lxxxvi.lxxxix. cxxvii; 11.,.89, 166. 170. 266; III., 23 civ. cxi. cxxxvii. 47. 59. ']6. So. 88. Protest of the late hIhabitants of Cal­ II7. 130. 131• 137. 140. 143. 147. 152, cutta. I .• 66 155. 161. 166-168. 171, 273. 274, 306 ; Prussians, the, I., II7, 273; II., 17, 23. II., 28, 79. So, 152:-In the Nawab's -Company, I., xxx1.-i.-Factory, I., service, I., lxxii, lxxxvii.-Church 62; II., 285.-Gardens, II., 307; III., at Bandel. III •• 14--Church at Cal­ 63, 64--Octagon, I., xxxiv, 63; II., cutta. I .• cxxxvii.-Convent, III. 43. 285 -Fort at HugH. !., xxxYi.-Priests. Ptolemy, III., 342 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 473 PUblicity of State matters in Bengal, Afghan who had distinguished him­ III., 184, 251 self against the Marathas (' Seir Pucca. See Pakka Mutaqherin,' i., 387), 1., clxxxiii; Pudda (Padma) River, 1., 301 II., IIO, 363 Pullen, Daddy, III., 93 Rai Durlabh, son of Raja Janaki Ram, Pnnds. See Pan (I) chief Minister of Alivirdi (' Seir Pungah (query P., panja), a repre­ Mutaqherin,' i., 406), I., xlviii, liv(n), sentation of the hand of Ali carried lti, lviii, lix;, civ, cxi, cxv, clix, c1xi, in the Mohurmm procession, II., 56 c1xiv, c1xxv, clxxxiii, cxcv, cxcix, Punya (H., Beng.), the day on cc, cci, ccix, ccx, I, 6-9, 28, 57, 70, which the revenue or rent for the 105, II7, 131, 132, 175, 176, 216, 305; ensuing year is fixed, or the day on 11., 9, 10, II, 17, So, Go, 61, 128, 208, which the first instalment is paid, 21 7, 276, 271, 289, 358, 363, 365, 369, II., 294, 355 381, 387, 388, 394, 396, 397, 400, 401, Purbud (Parbat) Singh, II., 267 430, 431, 438, 451; III., 124, 163, I9D' Purgunnah. See Pargana' 191, 197, 199. 2II, 212, 239, 240.­ Purneah, 1.,. xxix, xlvii, .Ii, cvi, cvii, Agrees to support Siraj-uddaula, I., cxvi, ciiii, 6; II., 52, 55.-Nawab of. xxx.-Seizes Cossimbazar Fort by See Shaukat J ang treachery, I., lviii, 46.-Commands Purnell, Thomas, Captain, seafaring in the siege of Calcutta, I., c1xiv; man, died the day after the Black II., So. - Shares· in the defeat of Hole, I., xciii, xciv, 191; III., 72, Chitpur, 1." c1xiv. - Is afraid to 104,154 assist the French at Chandernagore, Putham, John, Company's attorney, I., c1xiv.-Joins in the conspiracy III., 75, 106.-Mrs., III.,;76, 107 against Siraj-uddaula, 1., clxxxiii.­ Putney (H., Beng., patlani), goods Intrigue with Omichand, I., c1xxxvi, commissioned or manufactured to cxci, cxcii.-Makes his ,own terms order with the British, 1., ccx. - Stands Pye, William, Captain, killed at Chit­ neuter in the fighting at Plassey, pur, l., cxlvi; II., 214, 242; III., 25, I., cci 33,40, Go . Rai Govind Rai, II., 378 Pyfinch, Herbert,' a writer, 1., 190; Rainbow, Mrs. Mary, III., 76, 107 II 1., 76, loG Rains, the, 1., Ii, lvii, lxi, cv, cxxi, Pyrrhus, I.!., 431 cxxii, clx, cxcvii. 127, 139, 219, 285 ; Pytans. See Pathans, II., 296 II., 58, 229, 230, 256, 388 Rairayan (P.) rai-i-rayan, title of the Quarter forbidden to the Moors, I., Hindu financial Minister and trea­ Ixxvi,!258.-Not expc;,cted from the surer of the Nawab of Bengal, Comp­ Moors, 1., 154 troller and Superintendent of the Revenue Office ('Seir Mutaqherin,' , Rabiah Begam, sister (query sister-in­ ii., 85) (see Umed Rai), I., 7, n, 305 law or cousin) of Ghasita Begam Raitt, Thomas, Ald~rman, II.; 189; (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 186) III., 88 Rada Bullub. See Raj Ballabh Raiyat (A.), a subject, cultivator, Rada Kissen Mullick (Radha' Krishna farmer, peasant Malik), 1., cxxviii; II., 74 Raja (H.), king, prince, petty chief. Ragepout•. See The title is assumed by many Rahim . Cawn (Rahim Khan), an Zamindars 474 BENCAL IN 1756.57

Raja Bullub. See Raj Ballabh 174, 209, 210, 213, 214.-Saves Siraj. Raja Doolub Ram. See Rai Durlabh uddaula in the Pllrl1eah campaign, Rajamaul. &e Rajmahal I., ccvii Rajaram, Faujdar of Midnapore and Ram Santos, 111., 364 chief of the Nawab's spies or In­ Ranaghat, 1., II6 telligence Department, I., xlvi, xl(x, Randag, Lambert, a Dutchman, III., lxxii, 100, 120, 14I; II., 6, 22, 137, 410 149, 314, 355, 378 Ranjit Rai, agent of the Seths, 1., Rajaram's brother. SeeN arayan Singh cxlvii, cxlviii, elxv, elxxxi, elxxxvi ; Raj BaUabh, a Bengali of Dacca (' Seir II., 221, 223, 224, 238, 240, 249, 278, Mutaqherin,' ii., 253), originally in 330, 342, 355, 362, 379, 381, 382, 400, charge of the fleet of boats main­ 431; II1. , 193, 205, 208.-Negotiates tained at Dacca to check the river treaty of the 9 February, I., cxlvii. pirates, then diwan of Nawazish - Carries presents to Clive and Muhammad Khan, I., xliv, 7, 67, Watson, I., cxlix.-Impertinence to Il9, 120-123, 141, 142, 162, 163, 1740 Law, III., 193.-Tricks the Nawab 175, 179, 249-251, 278, 279; II., 2-7, of money, which he pretends is 20, 22, 136-139, 146, 158; ilL, 163, necessary to bribe the Rritish 223 leaders, I., cxlix. - Tricked by Rajmahal, I., xlviii, I, lvi, elxxviii, Omichand, I., elxxxii.-Temporarily ccvi, ccvii, 3, 6, 100, 124, 125, 1340 thrown over by the Seths, I., 215, 250, 278, 301; II., 8, 17, 55, 163, clxxxvi.-Reappearance, II., 431 364; IlL, 209, 212,' 213, 218, 219, 241. Rannie, David, Captain, I., lxxiv, -Faujdar of. See Daud Khan cxxxv, clx, 83, 85, II40 152-190, 256; Rajput or Rajaput (H.), a general II., 111; III., 75, 106, 383. term for tl~e races in tht: North and -- Mrs. Elizabeth, III., 76. 106 North-West of India, who claim de· Rasan Ali. See Mir Rasan Ali scent from the ancient dynasties of Ras Bihari, I., cvi the Sun and Moon. In Bengal Ravelin, the, I., 130, 255 itself they reside chiefly in Bahar, Raymond, Monsieur, or· Haji Mus. I., 46, 100; 11.,330 tapha, first translator of the 'Seir Ramaji-Pundit (Ramaji Pant Bhanu), Mutaqherin,' I., elxxxix, ccx deputy auditor or accountant of Read, John Baker, III., 72, 105 Balaji Rao, II., 314 Red Sea, ilL, 390 Ramazan (A.), the ninth Muham­ Register (Registrar) of Dusticks, I., 282 madan month, a period of fasting. Reid, seafaring man, died in the Black The nineteenth, twenty-first, twenty­ Hole, I .. xciv; III., 72, 105 second, and especially the twenty- Remonstrance to the Governor (see . seventh days are particUlarly. aus­ Protest), I., 172 picious, I., lxxv, 33, 145 Renault, Pierre, Director ofthe French Ram Box Hazarra, (Ram Bakhsh in Bengal, I., xxxvii, xxxviii, liii, Hazari), II., 55 lxv, lxxiii, xcv, ciii .. cv, cxxiv, cxlH, Ramnarain, son of Rang Lal, suc­ cxliii, cli-c1vii, c1xv-clxxiii, c1xxvii, ceeded Janaki Ram as Naib of I, IS, 21, 22, 39, 47, 49, 52, 59, 106, Patna (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., II7), 143, 177, 195, 196, 212, 230-232; II" drowned in the Ganges by Mir 59,68. 69, 110, 116, 120, 175, 185, 264, Kasim in 1763 (' Seir Mutaqherin,' 265, 284, 291, 302, 314, 324, 326-329, ii., 93), I., cvii, elxxix; II., 335; ilL, 333,361; III., 158, 178, 181, 183-188, INDEX AND GLOSSARY 475

227, 228, 235, 23t>.-Credit with the Ridge, Edward, attorney. 1.,41, 190; natives, I., xxxviii .....:...Fortifies Chan­ 111 .• 76. 106 dernagore, 1., xlvi, eliii.-Refuses to Rietvelt, Cornelis, Dutchman, III., 409 assist the British or the Nawab, I., Rinna, the (query Orixa), II., 2So lxv.-Is compelled to pay ransom to Riot or iyot. See Raiyat the Nawab, 1., cill, eiv.-Clears the Rive, Lieutenant, III., IS environs of the Fort, I., eliv.­ Robbins, Benjamin, Engi~eer-General Notifies the return of the British to and Commander - in - Chief of the th.e Nawab, I., exviii; II.,68, 117.­ Artillery, died 1752, I., 295 Offers to mediate between the British Roberts, Robert, III., 22.-William, and the Nawab, 1., exli, elv.-At­ Captain of the Orixa, q.v. tempts negotiations for a neutrality, Robertson, Mrs. James, IlL, 76, 107 I., eli - elv. - Helplessness in the Rogeram. . See Rajaram absence of all assistance from Pondi· Rohim Cawn. See Rahim Khan cherry, I., elvi.-Vain appeal to the Roman Catholics, I., 298; II., 190 Nawab, 1., elxi.-Gallant defence of Roney, Christopher, ilL, 23 Chandernagore, I., elxvi-elxx.-Dis­ Roop, Johu, survived the Black Hole, putes about the Capitulation, I., I., xciii clxxii, c1xxiii.-Imprisoned at Cal-, Rope Walk, now Mission Row, I., 129, cutta, I., elxxiii.-Clive's unfavour­ 259,260 able opinion of, II., 361 Ross, Johannes Matthias, Second Renault de la Fuye, an inhabitant of Book-keeper in the Dutch Mint, Chandernagore, IlL, 276 111.,410 Renault. junior, III., 253, 269 Ross, Johannes Matthias, ,a Dutch­ Renaultions, IlL, 27 man, 11.,290 and n .. III., 150.-Mrs. Renbault, Mrs., III., 76, 107 Johanna, widow of l\Ir. Janles Ross, Restitution to private sufferers by the III., 76, 107 capture of Calcutta, I., cxlviii, clviii; Rotherhithe. ilL, 85 II., 222, 223 Rotoo SOJdar (Ratii Sarkar) Returns of troops and civil establish­ Rowe, James, Captain, III .. 18 ments, 1.,228; II., 73, 241,2630 412, Royal Duke. the, I., 302 413, 425; IlL, 408, 41 I, 413, 415, Roy Doolub. See Rai Durlabh 420 Roy Goviud Roy. See Rai Govind Rai Reveley, Roger, died in the Black Royrayan. See Rairayan Hole, I., xciv, 43, 62, 109, lIS, 190; RlIby, the, a French ship, II., 59 II., 158; III., 72, 105, 135, 136, 140, Rumbold. Thomas, Lieutenant, I., 153 cxlvi; II .• 205, 214, 242; III., 53.­ Revenge, the, Captain William James, Mrs., III., 62 1.,302; II., 267, 283 Rung Loll (Rang Lal). a Brahmin spy. Ribault, H., II., 223 I., exliii Ribaut, Pieter Johan, Dutchman, Runjeet Roy. See Ranjit Rai III., 409 Russell. See Messrs. Clark and Riccards, Mrs. Sarah, ilL, 76, 107 Russell Richmond (snow), Captain Saunders, Russell, Lady Ann. widow of Sir IlL, 417 Francis Russell and wife of Thomas Rider, WillilPll, killed in the fighting Holmes, merchant, I., So, 258; II., with the Dutch in 1759, I., 41, 107, 45; III., 76, 106 13 I, 190; II., 242, 263; III .• 75, 106 Russell, surgeon, III., 397 476 BENGAL IN 1756·57

Sabash of Bengal, III., 118. See or Carnatic 1757.1762, I., 236, 241, Siihah 243; II., 71,75, 76, 90, 205; III., 161, Sabut Jang or Jung (Sabit Jang, 'the 167 firm in war'), a title commonly given Salami (A.), a complimentary present to Colonel Clive; later he was called Salisbury, the, H.M.S., I., cxviii, Saif.jang ('the sword oftbe S1?ate in cxxvi.cxxix, cxx;xii, cxlvi, c1xviii, war ') (' Seir Mutaqherin). II., 264- clxix, 238; II., 89, 131, 188, 194, 196, • 417 197, 21}2, 21 I, 219, 252-254, 290, 300, Sagar. island at the mouth of the. 311,379; III., 12, 31 Hugli River, III., 291 Sally, the, Captain Finley, II., 92, 235, Sahid Hamud Khan. SeeSaidAhmad 306,308 Khan Salt Lakes, the, to the east of Cal. Sahiikar (H.), a banker, dealer in cutta, I., ix;xvi. cxdi; III•• 25 money, a merchant Sampson, John, Captain of the Hard· Sald (Sayyid), a lord or chief, a desig. wicke, III., 19. 21 nation assumed by all Muham­ Sampson. Lieutenant, I., 221 madans claiming descent from the Sanad (A.), a grant, diploma, charter, Prophet patent Saidabad, originally an Armenian Sanders or Saunders, Robert. seafaring Settlement founded in 1665 under a man, III., 416 farman of Aurangzeb, the site of Santipur, Company's gum1i.shta at, the French Factory at Cossimbazar, III., 148.-Zamindar of, IlL, 147 r., xxxviii, cci, I¢ Sarada Charan Mitra. I .• xlii Said Ahmad Khan (Sayyid), second Sardar (P.), a chief, headman. com· son of Haji Ahmad, and Governor mander of Purneah, died in 1755, I., xxix, or Alii.-uddaula, son xxx~ 67, 250 of Shuja.uddaula or Shuja.uddin, Saint Anne, Church of, consecrated Nawab of Bengal, defeated and 5 June, 1709 (Hyde, 'Parish of Ben­ killed by Alivirdi at Gheriah, gal,' p. 21). See Church of Saint 29 April, 1740, I., xxvi, xxvii, xlv, Anne cxxxvii, clxxx, 124; II., 55, 66, 331 ; Saint Conlest, French Company's ship, III., 210, 216.-Succeeds Shujl .Captain De la Vigne Buisson, I., Khan, I., xxvi.-His debauchery, I., xxxviii, cliii, clxviii, 213, 307; III., xxvi.-Insults the Seths, I., xxvi.­ 228,253 Is deceived by Haji Ahmad, r., xxvi. Saint George, the. Holwell always -Falls gallantly in the Battle of writes Saint for Prince George, I., Gheriah, I., xxvii lxxxvii (n); III., 77 Sarkar (P.), Government, State, Saint Helena, III., 361 supreme authority Saint Jacques, Marquis, I., lxv, lxxiii, Sarkari (P.), adjectival form of Sarklr cli,79, 142, 143, 160, 2¢; III.,82 Saropa (P.), a complete dres9 ,pf Saint Leger, Monsieur, a Frenchman, honour II., 181 Sarra! (A.), a money - changer, Saint Martin, Captain, a French banker officer, II., 361 Saugers. See Sagar Sakti Ram, I., 55 Saukar. See Sahiikar Salabut Ju.ng (Salabat Jang), son of Saukat J ang. See Shaukat J ang Nuam-ul.mulk, ruler of the Deccan Saunders (see Sanders), III., 76, 106 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 477

Savage. Edward, mate of the Hunter the Maratha letter, I., cxc.-Gets (schooner), I:' 44 Omichand away to Calcutta, I., cxci, Schevichaven. Jacob Larwoot van, cxcii.-Opinion of MI;. Watts, II., Fiscal of Chinsurah and member of "343,35 1,358 Council at Chinsurah, I., cxiv. IS, Scurvy, I.. cxxvii; 111.,31,32 27,31,32• 34. 38; II.• 101, 107. lIO. Seahorse (sloop), I., 19B; 111.,20 II2. lI3. 128 Seale, Miss, III., 76, 107 Schultz, Andries Jurgen, a Dutchman, Searle, Mrs. Elizabeth, III., 76, 107 111·.410 Seat. See Seth Schwendler. M., II.• 224 ...... :..M. Cor­ Seat Amendjendie. This is probably nelius. 11., 224 Seth Amir Chand or Omichand, Scot or Scott, Caroline Frederick, 1·,32 Colonel. chief engine~. if not the Seats' Gaut, II., 73 earliest, one of the earliest to pro­ Secret Committee. See Fort William, pose the conquest of Bengal (letter Fulta, London to Orme. Orme MSS., O.V., xii, pp.. Seerpaw. See Saropa 135-158), I., xxiii, lxvi, lxvii. lxx. cix, Select Committee. See Fort Saint 74. 132• 138, 295; II., 24. 150, 151, George, Fort William 153, 190 Senior, Ascanius William, I., 41, 107, Scot or Scott, William, Ensign. nephew "172, 190; 111.,75, 106 of Colonel Scot. died in the Black Sepoy. See Sipahi.-Bravery, I., cxli; Hole. I., liv. lxx (n). xciv, 43, 62, III., 89, 91.-Devotion to caste, I., 109. 191• 259; III., 72, 900 105, 136. cxxvii (n); 111.,32 139. 153 Seraglio, I., xxx Scots Magazine. III., 101 Serampore, I., xxxiv, clxxii; 11.,291 Scott. Alexander, pilot, III., 19 Seree Babboo. See Siva BaM Scrafton. Luke (junior). merchant and Seth (H.), a merchant, banker, trader third of Dacca, author of • Reflec­ Seth, Mahtab Rai, I., xxv tions on the Government of Indo­ Seth, SWariip Chand, I., xxv stan,' (London, 1770). I., xxii, Seths, the, the cousins Mahtab Rli.i xciii, cll, clviii, clxxx, clxxxii, and Swarup Chand, who were grand­ clxxxiii, clxxxv, cxci, cciv, 34, 36, sons of Fath Chand (' Seir Mutaq­ 37, 70, 96, 173; II., 210, 218, 237, herin," ii, 457), I., xxi, xxiii, XXy, 249, 336, 343, 358, -;388, 389, 3900 393, xxvi, xxxviii, civ, cxv, cxvi, cx1i, 396 ; III., 38, 44, 75, 105.-Arranges clxv, clxxix, cxc, CXCY, ccix, 32; II., surrender of the British at Dacca 126,223,257; III., 175. 185, 186, 191- through the French, I., 34.-One of 194, 197, 208, 210, 227.-0rigin of Clive's messengers to the Nawab, the family, I., xxv.-Friendship I., cDv.-Ordered by Clive to co­ with Haji Ahmad, I., xxvi.-Obtain operate with Watts, I., clxxxiv.­ the Patna farman for Alivirdi, I., Intrigue with Yar Lutf Khan, I., xxvi.-Insulted by Sarfariiz Khan, I., clxxxiv. clxxxv.-Represents Omi­ xxvi..-Trick him into dismissing chand's claims to Clive, I., clxxxvi. Haji Ahmad, I., xxvi.-Support ~ole proposer of punishment on Siraj-uddaula's succession, I., xxiii, the persons responsible for the xxx.-Rivalry of Omichand, I., xlii, Black Hole, II., 350.-Expelled from 141.-Insulted by Sira}uddaula, 1., Murshidabad by the Nawab, II., cvii.-Appealed to by the British at 352, 3740 377.-Goes np again with Fulta, I., cxi. clix.-Open negotia- BENGAL IN 1756·57

tions with Clive, I., cxli.-Negotiate killed, L, cvii.-His death revenges the treaty of 9 February, L, cxlvii itself and overthrows the native -Connection with the French, 1., Government, I., cviii xxxviii, clxxxi-Appealed to by Shaw Amet Jung (Shahamat Jang), a Law, I., xlxv.-Ordered to supply title borne by Nawazish Muhammad La,w with money, L, clxxix.-Come Khan (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 23S), , over to the British side, I., clxxxi­ and later oy Miran, II., 2, 3, 62, 65 Double dealing with the Nawab, r., Shekelton, Francis, IlL, 20 clxxxi. clxxxii.-Forced to sacrifice Shewen, William, III., 415. their agent, I., clxxxii.-Pretend to Ships' Logs and Naval Accounts: fall in with Omichand's proposals, H.M.S. Bridgewater, III., 13, 16.­ I., clxxxi.-Bring forward Mir J afar, H.E.I.e.S. Chesterfield, 111.. 26.­ I., clxxxv. - Exclude Omichand H.M.S. Cumberland, 111., 6.-. from the treaty, L, clxxxvi.-Warn H.E.I.e.S. Delaware, III., 19.­ Clive of his intended assassination, H.E.I.C.S. Edgcote, III., 26.­ L, cci.~Become financial rulers of H.M.S. Kent, IlL, I, 3.-H.M.S. the State, I., xxv, ccix, ccx Kingsjisner, III., IS. - H.E.I.C.S. Seva Babu. See Siva Babii Marlborough, III., 240-H.E.I.C.S. Sevenrooke (query Severndroog), III., Portjield, III., 26. - H.M.S. Salis­ In bury, III., 12. - H.M.S. Thunder, Shah bana, a fakir who caused the ilL, IS.-H.M.S. Tyger, III., 6, 10. arrest of Siraj-uddaula after Plassey -H.E.I.C.S. Walpote, IlL, 26 (' Seir Mutaqherin,' ii., 239). See Shocut or Shokut J ung. See Shaukat Dana Shah Jang Sh.ah Hasau, his clay nose, II., 325 Shoreditch, Mr., Midshipman of the Shah Khanam, half·sister of Alivirdi Kent, wounded at Plassey (Ives' and wife of Mir Jafai ('Seir Muta­ Journal. 152 n) qherin,' ii .• 241) Shroff. See Sarraf Shaikh Bodul, II1., 149, 151, 152 Shuja..uddaula, Nawab of Oudh, often Shamsinghee, a kind of gun, probably confused in the records with Siraj­ after some man called Syam Singh uddaula and with the Wazir Ghazi­ Shaukat J ang, son of Sayyid Ahmad, uddin, I., xlvi, xlvii, 1240 174, 175; L, xxix, xlvii, xlviii, li, cii, cvi·cviii, 11.,392; 111.,2140 21S cxvii, 62, 67, 219, 220, 250, 27S. 279. Shuja Khan, I., xxv-xxvii.-Succeeds 301; II., 2, S, 17, IS, 52, 53, 55, 56.68, Murshid Kuli Khan, I., xxv.­ ~, 90, 161, 163, 207; III., 163, 164, Favours Haji Ahmad and Alivirdi, 168, 1740 21S, 219. - Succeeds to 1., xxv.-Makes Alivirdi Governor government of Purneah, I., xxix.­ ofPatna, I., xxvi.-His good govern­ Popularity at Murshidabad, I., xxix. ment, I., xxvi.~Death, I., xxvi -Opinion of Ghulam Husain,!., Sicca or Sikka (P.), a coining die, a xxxiii.-lUval of Siraj-uddaula, I., stamped coin, especially the silver xxix, xlv, xlvii.-Pretended recon­ money of the Kings of Delhi ciliation, L, li.-Obtains a Jarman Sicklagullyor Sacry.gully (' Seir Mu­ for Bengal from Delhi, I., cvi.­ taqherin,' i., 347), II., 5S His boasting, I., cvi.-Treats the Sieur Contest, the. See Saint Con­ Nawab's messengers roughly, I., test cvi.-Impudent message to Sirilj­ Silhouette, the, a French ship, I., 39, uddaula, I., cvii. - Defeated and 52 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 479

Similia or Simily, district in the north­ Treachery to Ghasita Begam, I., east of Calcutta Town, taken on xlvii; III., 217, 218. - Bribes the perpetual lease by the Company in Wazir with her money, I., xlvii,,175. f754, I., lxxv, 145 -Appoints new officers and ruins Simms, footman, HI., 416 the old ones, I., xlvii, 174.-Orders Simpson or Simson, Collen, Lieu­ the European nations to dismantle tenant, engineer, died in the Black their fortifications, I., xlviii; III., 'Hole, I., lxvi, xciv, 43, 109, 128, 153,' 165. - Promises ,the British his 191, 255; II., 227; III., 71, 90, 105, favour, I., xlviii, 120, 278; III., 290. 140, 153 -Refuses their presents, I., xlviii, Sincanny, mjstake for Sarkari 4, 278. - First expedition against Sinfray, Monsieur, Secretary to the Purneah, I., xlviii.-Reconciliation French Council at Chandernagore, with Shaukat J ang, I., li.-Receives I., cxlii, cliv, clxxviii, cxciii-cxcv, cc, an equi;vocal reply from Drake, cciv, ccvi, 19; II., 114, 376, 402,426 ; I., I.-Hears of their il1~treatment III., 203, 207, 209, 210, 212, 240,251, of his messenger, I., li.-His out­ 261, 262.-Commands the French at burst of anger, I., I; II.. 15.-And Plassey, I., cc.; III., 240 'of their insults to himself, I., li.­ Sintoura (query Chinsurah), II., II 1 Returns to Cossimbazar, I., Ii, lvi; Sipahi (P.), a soldier III., 221. '-Treacherously obtains Sirij - nddaula (' lamp of the State 'I, possession of the Fort, I., lix.-Sup­ I;, 119 passim. - Origin of his posed reasons for his attack on the family, I., xxv.-His proper name, Europeans, I., Iii-lv, 1-4, 8; II., 9, I., xxvi.-Auspicious birth, I., xxvi. 15-23,60,62,64, 65, 67, 157-163·-His -Evil education, I., xxviii.-Rebels pretexts justified by facts, I., liii-iv. against Alhirdi, I., xxviii.-Spoiled -Personal animosity to Drake, I., by his grandfather, I., x~viii.­ li.-His foolish violence, I., 16; III., Licentious and shameless behaviour, 162. - His conceit, I.; 178. - Dis­ I., xxviii.-His grandfather's fore­ respect for the Emperor, I., liv, Iv. bo~ings, I., xxviii.-Swel!rs on 'the -His mother tries to prevent the Koran not to drink, I., xxviii­ war, I., lxi (n), 2O.-Natives delight Adopted as heir, I., xxix.-Murders in the prospect of his overthrow, I., Hasan Kuli Khan, I., xxix, xxx.­ lv.-Rapid march on Calcutta, I., Death of his uncles, I., xxix.-Ghu­ lxiii.-Negotiations with the French lam Husain's opinion of him and and Dutch, I., lxiii, lxx, 5,7, 15,33; Shaukat Jang, I., xxxiii.-Calls Raj III., 167.-Contempt for Bengalis, Ballabh to account, I., xliv, xlv.­ I., lxiii, 178.-Repulsed at Perrin's Suspects the British of intriguing Redoubt, I., lxxv.-Enters Calcutta with Ghasita Begam, I.,xlv.-Hates from the east, I., lxxvi.-Captures them for their independence, I., Fort William, I., lxxxix.-His re­ xlv, liii; II., 62; III., 162-5, 219, sponsibility for the Black Hole, I., 220.-Accuses them to Alivirdi of xc, 115, 186.-Disappointed in re­ preparing to resist Government, I., gard to the plunder, I., xci.-Re­ xlvi; II., 7, 65, 66. - Unexpected names the town Alinagar, I., 'cii.­ peaceful succession to his grand­ Reasons for appointing Manik father, I., xxix, xlvi, I, 75; II., 57 ; Chand Governor, I., cii. - Leaves III., 163. 349.-Prompt overthrow the British unmolested at Fulta, I., of the Begam's party, I., xlvii, 303.- cii, ciii.-His contempt for Euro- BENG~L IN 1756-57 peans, r., eiii.-Bullies the French 279·-Afraid to assist the latter, I., and Dutch Settlements. I., cill, civ, elxvii.-Congratulates Clive on the II, 26-30, 33, 303, 306; III., 175, 225, capture of Chandernagore, I., c1xxv; 266. - Gives up his grandfather's II., 295.-His terror of the· British, supposed policy in regard to Euro­ I., elxxv; II., 3I5.-Renews his in. peans, 1., ev.-Sets free Watts and trigues with the French, 1., cIxxvi ; Collet,!., ev.-Brags of his victory, II., 317,322,325,332, 359, 3~, 370.­ 1., ev.-Disgusts his subjects by his Blocks the river passages to Mur. violence and greed, I., evi.-Hears shidabad, I., elxxvi; II., 342, 351.­ of Shaukat Jang's intrigues,!., Resists British demands for surren. evi.-His messengers insulted by der of French property, I., elxxvi, Shaukat J ang, 1., evi-evii.-Violence elxxvii.-Treacherous suggestion in to the Seths, 1., evii. - Saved by reference to Renault, I., cIxxvii.­ Ramnarain's approach from his dis. Expels Law from Murshidabad, but contented .officers, 1., evii.-Defeats continues his intrigues, I., cIxxviii. and kills Shaukat J ang, 1.. evii.­ -Fails to fulfil the Treaty, I., Receives hisjarmiin from Delhi, 1., cIxxxii; II., 32I.-Fears an attack eviii. exvi. - Believes himself the in his own capital, I., clxxix.­ darling of Fortune,!', eviii.-Counts Brings Sarfaraz Khan's family from­ his treasures,!., eviii.-Insults the Dacca, I., clxxx.-Gives the Dutch Europeans, I., rovii, eviii; III., a lesson,!., elxxix (,,).-Vacillating I75.-Orders Manik Chand to. settle behaviour to the British at Court. the affairs of the British, I., exvi.­ I., clxxx; II., 342,349,350, 351, 362, Pays no attention to letters from 362, 368.-Supposed treachery of his Watson and Clive, I., exxix. - Is younger brother, I., elxxx; II., 357. roused by the sack of Hugli, I., exli. -Visits the Cossimbazar Fort, I., -Pretended negotiations with the elxxix, clxxx.-Is decei ved by the French and Dutch,!', exli.exliii, III., Marathl\ letter, I., exe, exei.-Re· I84--And with Clive, I., exliii.-His peatedly tricked by Omichand, I., folly in advancing on Calcutta, I., elxxxvi, exei.-Quarrels with. Mir exliv.-Nearly captured at Chitpur, Jafa~ I., elxxxiv, exeiii. - Tries 1., ex1vi.-Reported to have rallied vainly to arrest him, I., exciii.-Is his troops and compelled Clive to reconciled, but deprives him of his retreat, III., 246.-Terrified by the post, I., exciii.-Hears of Watts's daringoftheBritishandtheintrigues flight,!., exeiii.-Summons Law, I., of his officers, I., exlvii. - Agrees exeiii.-Marches to Plassey, I., exciii. to a disgraceful peace, I., exlvii. -Dismayed by omens, I., eciv.-Is -Private promises to the British defeated, and one of the first to leaders,!., cxlix, clx; II., 220, 222; flee, I., ce, eci.-EscapeA from Mur· III., 22CJ.-Refuses to allow the shidabad, I., eev.-Detected by a British to attack the French, I., cxlix. former victim, I., eev.-Murdered -Intrigues with and promises to the by order of his cousin Miran, I., French, I., cIvi, cIvii. - Supposed ccvii; II., 443, 4440 468; III., 58, treaty, I., cIvii; III., 258.-Asks the 2I3.-His wife's loyalty, I., eeviii.­ assistance of the British against the His character, I., xxvii, xxviii, liii, Emperor,!., elxii.-Is tricked by lvi, lxiii, exlvii; II.,~, 255, 325, 349, Omichand into allowing an attack 351; Ill., 162, 171, 18J, 24I.-His on the French, I.! elxii.elxiii; II., cruelty, I., eevii (n), 28, 123; III., INDEX AND f;LOSSARY

24I. - Supposed insane, I.. xxviii, Smyth, Peter. See Smith ccviii; III., 195.-Corruption of his Soo Babu. See Siva Babii Court, I., elx, elxxvii,' elxxx; III., Soobah. See Siibah 189--Circumstances of his death, Sooksoor. See Sukhsagar I., ccvii; III., 24I.-Family of, III., Sootapurdars (H., sontebardiir), a mace 378.-Letters. See under Letters to or sta£l: bearer and from Nawab Sooty (Siiti), I., c1xxvi, ccvi; III., Sircar, Sircarry. See Sarkar, Sarkari 209 Sirdar. See Sardar Sophy, the Sirman's Garden. See Surman's Gar­ Sonja-ul-molk, Nawab.. See Shuja den Khan' Sirpao. See Saropa Soujret Cawn. See Sarfaraz Khan Site Mahmud Cawn. See Said Mah­ Sowah Raja (Sahii,Raja), III., 326 miid Khan Sowcar. See Sahiikar Sittarah, III., 326 SPeedwell, the (I), I., lxxxiv, cxi, 161 ; Siva Babii, agent of Coja Wajid, I., II., 13, 187 lxiv. lxix, lxxiv, rr6.rr8, 134, 135; SPeedwell, the (2), I., 162 II., 228, 374, 378, 380 Speke, Henry, Captain of the Kent, Sizes (A., saiS), groom or horsekeeper brother-in·law of Mr. Macket, I., Slaves, I., 144 cxxxii, cxl, clxviii, clxx; II., 102, Sleeman, Colonel, I., lxi loS, 175, 199; 215, 312; III., 7, 8, 10, Smith, Charles,related to Mr. Mackett, Il5 killed in the fighting, I., lxxvii, -- William, son of Captain Henry, xciv, 40, 107, 260; 11.,37, 38; III., I., c1xx; III., ro, 29, IrS 72 . Springs, the, II., 195 Smith, Culling, Company's servant, I., Staden, Dominicus van, Ensign in the. 41; 111.,72 Dutch service, III., 4IO Smith, Henry, Captain of the 'Bridge­ Staten, van, Captain, I., cix water, I., cxx,cxxxix; " 99, II 100, States-General, the, II., 57, loS 107, II2, 199: 200, 203; III., 7, 36, 84 Staunton, Second Lientenant of the Smith, John, Captain, pilot, I., cxxvii; Kent, II" 3(2; III., Il5 - III., 76, 106 Stephenson or Stevenson, Francis, --Mrs, Maria, wife of Captain John, Captain, seafaring man, I., xciv, ' III., 76, 107 191; Ill., 72, 104, 140, 154--Killed in Smith, John, member of Council, Fort the fighting, III., 72, 104.-Died in St. George, I., 197 the Black Hole, I., 191; III., 140, Smith, John, Assistant Secretary's 154 office, III., 415 Stewart, Charles, author of' A History Smith, J. L., member of Council, of Bengal' (London, 1813), I., xlvii ,Vizagapatam, I., 195 Stibber, volunteer. II., 242 Smith, Peter, Captain - Lieutenant, Stiegenhaus, Christoffel, Dutchman, killed in the fighting,)., lxviii, lxx, 111·,410 . lxxiii, lxxviii, xciv, 42, 83, loS, 130, .Stopfurd, Henry, carpenter, died in 138, 142, ISO, 185, 19I, 255, 258, 259, the Black Hole, I., xciv, 43 263; 11.,36, 37, ISO; III., 7'2 -- William, butcher, died in the Smith, William, .killed in' thE!' Patna Black Hole, I., xciv, 43 Massacre, 1763, III., 415 Strahan," a sailor, captures the Fort Smyth, Harry, I., 172 at Budge Budge, I., cxxxi, VOL. III. 8r BENGAL IN 1756-57

Street, John, died in the Black Hole, Sweedland. See Zttydland I., xciv., 43, 109, 190; 111.,72, 105, 153 Swenkels, Jan Hendrik, Captain­ Strousenberg, John, I., 190 Lieutenant in the Dutch service, Styche, I., clxxx (n); III., 361 I., 15, 27, 31, 32, 34. 38; III., 410 Siibah (A.), a proVince, government, Swiss troops, under Captain Gaupp, , or ruler of the same III., II Siibahd1ir (P.), governor of a province, Sydabad. See Saidabad viceroy, also a military officer of the Sykes, Francis, I., lx, xcii, cxci. cxciii, rank of captain cxcvi, ccvii, 162, 173, 251, 253;, II., Siibahd1iri (P.), the government or 13. 408, 4II; III., 72. 105, 306. 307 province of a subahdar Sylva, Elizabeth de, died at Bandel. Sucajunk. See Shaukat J ang I .• xcvii Success (galley), I., lxxxiv, cxiii, 45, Syrang (Pers., sarhang), a native boat­ 161; II., 13, 187, 256, 266; II!., 19, swain or commander of a small 22 native vessel; sar.sarnang, a head Sucdeb Molick (Sukh Deo Malik), III., boatman 363 S)lren, the, Captain Evan Jones, I., Suffech Cawn. See Sarfaraz Khan cxiii, 162, 195; II., 91, 92, 132, 189, Suffrage Cawn. See Sarfataz Khan 237, 248, 249. 266; III., 21, 24. 83,91 Sujait Dowla. See Shuja-uddaula Sukh·sagar, I., lxix, 136 Taillefert, Louis, fornler Director of Summers, Henry, seafaring man, the Dutch in Bengal, 111.,408 afterwards in the army, and killed Taksim (A.), contributions raised in the Patml. Massacre, 1763, I., 41, amongst villagers 'for village ex­ 190; III., 76, 106 penses. Used in the text (11.,225) Sumner, William Brightwell, I., for rents lxx (n), lxxx, lxxxiii, 41, 70, 107, 1I2, Talbot, Robert, Lieutenant, died after 130, 152, 154, IS8, 172, 189, 254, 259, being released from the Black Hole, 261 ; II., 28; III., 75, 105 I., lxviii, xciii, xciv, 42, 130, 191; Sundarbans, the heavily wooded and II., 142; III., 7Z. 105. unhealthy district at the mouth of Taldanga Garden (near Chander- the Ganges, I., xliv; III., 291 nagore), II., 364 Sunnud. See Sanad Tamasha (A.), a spectacle or show ' Siirat, I., cHi-cliv, 289; II., 59, 50, 87, Tamerlane, I., cv III; III., 177, 216, 268 Tam-tam (of uncertain origin), a small Surman; Mr. John, sent as ambassador 'native drum, such as that used by to Delhi, I."xxiv criers (Yule and Burnell) Surman, carpenter, died at Fulta, I., Tana or Tauau Fort. See Tanna xciv; III., 416 Tank, the Great, I., lxxvii, 81; II., 32, Surman's Garden, southern limit of 33, 36. - The Little, I., lxxvii; II., old Calcutta. In Upjohn's map of 33.-Square, now Dalhousie Square, Calcutta, dated 1794. is marked 1.,129 (n) , Surman's or Kidderpore Bridge, Tanks in Bengal, I., cxcix (n) I., xxxiv, xxxviii, xxxix. lxvi, lxxxi, Tanksal (H., tanksiil), a mint, III., 152 lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxix, xciii; 11.,29, Tanna or Mackwa Tanna, a fort on 77; III., 126-128 ' , the right bank of the Ganges below Swallow, the, Captain Thomas Lewis Calcutta, I., lvi, lxiv, lxxiv, !xxxiv, Swariip Chand. See The Seths cxviii, cxxviii, cxxix, cxxxi, cxxxii, INDEX AND GLOSSARY

cxxxvi, I, 5 I, 52, 56, II I, II7. 135, such soldiers, and did so in 1746, 161, 169, III I. 183, 188, 198. 256, 290, II., 16 296 ; II., 30, 43, 67,72. 73, 74, 77. 91, Tillotson's sermons, III., 147 114, 120, 153, I1l8, 195, 197; IlL, 2, Tilly or Tilley, seafaring man, died in 4, 7, I I, 34, 84, 156, 179 the Black Hole, I., xciv; III., 72, Tanneh or Tanner. See Tanna 105 Tantesaul (query Tanksal), 111.,65 Timur (Atnir Timiir), 1336-1405, cap­ Tarrackpore, II., 416 tured Delhi 1398, II., 230 Tart, pilot, III., 416 Toby, Richard, Captain of the King- Taylor, John, Company's surgeon at fisher, I., cxxxix, clxviii"; IlL, 7 Calcutta, I., xcvi, 44; II!., 76, I06 Todd, Job,n, carpenter, IlL, 416 Tay Singh, II., 387 Toldangy Garden. See Taldanga Tedcomb. See Tidecombe Tom·tom. See Tam-tam Telicherry, English Settlement on the Tooke, William, mortally wounded Malab~ Coast in the attack on Chandernagore, 1., Telinga. See Tilanga lvii (n), lxxiii, lxxvii (n), lxxxiv (n). Terrible, the {privateer), sufferings of 4I, 85," 107, 172, I9O, 248, 249, 26I ;" II., the crew when captured, a parallel ,37,285,322; IlL, 63, 75, I06 to the Black Hole. III., 93 Toole or Tole, John, pilot, III., 416 Thanadar (H.), an officer in charge of Top or Tope (Tamil, toppu), a grove or a tkana (military or police station) orchard. "Corresponds to Hindu· employed with a small irregular stani bagh (Yule and Burnell) , force under the Fauldar Topas"(Topaz), of doubtful origin, half­ Thessendel (query Krishna Das), I., caste Portuguese soldiers, especially 2,3 gunnerS thomas, Peter, soldier, survived the Tomano, Richard, died in the Black Black Hole, I., xciii, 44 " Hole, I., xciv. 43, 109, 190; III.,72, Thompson, Christopher, III., 95 I05, I53 - Robert, Midshipman on the Tyger, Toumar zoiam (Heng., tomar ghu­ III., 96 lam) = your servant Thoresby, Ralph, killed at Perrin's Tournac, Mrs., III., 76, I06 Redoubt, I., lxxv, xciv, 40, I07, III, Train, the (Artillery Company), I., lxix, 145, 257; IlL, 72, I04 I II·II2, I47; 11.,29 " Thunder (bomb), the, Captain War· Tranquebar, 1., 307 ; II., 80 wick, I.. cxxxix ; II., 202; IlL, 5, 18 Treasury Banyan, I., IS I Tidecombe, William, seafaring man, Treaties: ' I., xciv, 44; IlL, 72, I04--Killed in Proposals to Nawab, I., cx1ii, the fighting, III., 72, I04.-Died at cxliii; II., "I26.-Council, Fort Fulta, I., 44 William, and Nawab, I., cxlviii, Tiger, the (see Tyger), I., 238 clvi; II., 2I5, 2I7; III., 45·­ Tilak Chand, Raja of Burdwan, I., cii, Council. Fort William, and cxci. 136,280, 281 ; II., 386 French, II., 259.-Capitulation of Tilanga (H.), a native of Tilangana, the Chandernagore, II., 292.-Pro­ modern Carnatic, whence came the posals to Mir Jafar, II., 373·­ first native soldiers, who were dressed Council, Fort William. and Mir and disciplined in European fashion. Jafar, "I., cxci, cxcii; II., 383; The' East Indian Chronologist' says III., 56.-Farman of Farrukh­ the French were the first to employ - siyar, III., 375 8I-2 BENGAL IN 1756-57

Trenchard, a soldier, 11.,395 Verrier. See Le Verrier Tribeni, I., cxvii, clxi; II., 121; III., Vizagapatam, English Factory on the 254 east coast, I., lxviii, cxiii, cxxii, Tribenikhali, I., 6 cxxiii, 72, 133, 212 214, 298; II., 14. Triton, the, II., 235, 313 133, T75, 178, 200. 205,206.234,256,267 Tsinck, Menso, Member of the Dutch Vizir. See Wazir Council at Hugli, I., 15, 26, 27,3 I. 32, Voorbur/r, the, a Dutch ship, I., 37, 53, 38; II., 101, 110, 113,' 128, 285 56; II .. 79 Tuball, fiddler, ilL, 416 Vosmar, the, a Dutch ship, I., 53 Tucksum. See Taksim Vossmer. See Vassmer Turkey in Asia, III., 116 Vouga. Ensign. I., 221 Turner, William, afterwards in the army, killed in the troubles with Waggoner, Rudolph, Captain, III .• 53 Mir Kiisim in 1763, II., 285 Wakil (A.). an agent, ambassador, Turnpenny, the, III., 417 attorney Twiss, Mr., II., 36 Walcot or Walcott, Edward, Ensign, Tyger, H.M.S., Captain Latham, I., survived the Black Hole, died at cxviii, cxxvi, cxxvii, cxxx, cxxxii,. Fulta, I., lxx (n), lxxvii. xci. xcii, clxviii.clxxi; II., 89, 188, 194- 197, xciv. xcvi. 43, 61. 88, 103, 116, 146, 253,290, 300, 3II, 312,331; IlL,> 6, 10 173. 189, 191, 221, 258, 264; II., 27, 50,52; III .• 21. 72. lOS, 144, 146, 154 Ulysses, II., 329 Waller, Samuel. factor and fifth at Umed Rai (see Rairayan), killed by Dacca, I., 36. 37. 70, 96. 173; III.. 75. Mir Kiisim in 1763' 105 Underwood, Canham, 111., 19 Walmsley. T., Captain, seafaring man, I., 190; 111.,75, 106 Vacqueel. See Wakil Walpole, the (Company's ship), Captain Vaishnava Diis Seth, I., xlii Francis> Fowler, I., cxviii, cxxii, Valicourt or Vallicourt,James. died in cxxvi, cxxvii, 241; II., 89, 92. 166, the Black Hole, I., xciv, >43, 153, 188, 194, 195,266, 268, 281; III., 26 190; III., 72, 105, 153 Walsh, John, a relative through his Van Schevichaven, Dutch Fiscal, I., mother of Miss l\laskelyne. wife of cxiv Lord Clive, I., cxxii, cxxiii, cxlv, Va>n der Sleyden Simonsz, Jacob, a ccx, 235, 241; II., 210,218, 237,249, Dutchman. III., 409 280, 336; III., 38, 44. 318 Van Staten, Captain, I., cix Walters, Hendrick, pilot, dismissed Vassmer, Francis, died at Fulta, I., for running the PrussilOn ship Prince xciv, 41, 107, 172, 190; II., 192, 193; Henry aground, 1.,214 III., 75, 106 Warren, the, III., 373 Venice, the banks of, I., 63; III., J40 Warwick, Mrs., a Dacca lady, II., 418; Verandahs (of uncertain derivation), a' III., 75, 105 covered passage or gallery round a Warwick, Thomas, Captain of the house, III., 295 Thunder (bomb), I., cxxxix, cxlvi; Verelst, Harry, Governor of Bengal II., 198,251,253; IlL, 13, 15,38,139, 1767-1769, III .• 76, 106 146.-Commands the sailors at Vernet, George Lodewyk, Dutch Chief Chitpur, I., cxlvi.-Sent home with at Cossimbazar, I.. Ix ; 11 .• 358; III., news of the treaty of 9 February, 150.-Miss. II., 291 • Ives' joumal, p . .' 18 (n) IfVDEX AND GLOSSARY

Watson, Charles, Admiral, I., cxvi, of Omichanc1, r., .clxxxviii.-Assists cxviii, cxx, cxxi, cxxvi-cxxxiv, cxl, Clive in the Murshidabad expedi­ cxlix, cliii, 72, '97, 134, 197, 198, 222, tion, 1.. cxev.-Doubts his chances 233·23S, 238-240, 299, 302; II., passim; of success, I., celli; II., 39S.-Con­ III., 2-13, 22, 23, 61, 740 112, lIS, 123, gratulates him on his success at IS6.-Asked for assistance to retake Plassey, I., cciii.-Dies of fever, III., Calcutta, I., cxxi.-Long voyage to 97 Bengal, I., cxxvi - cxxvii. - Arrives' Watts, William, the Honourable, at Fult~ 1., cxxvii.-Warns the passim.-Agent of the Company at French and Dutch not to assist the Cossimbazar, T., xli.-Want of pre­ Nawab, I., cxxvii.-Applies to the science, I~, xli. - Inconsiderate Dutch for assistance, I., cxxviii.­ patronage of Ra.j Ballabh, I., xlv.­ Threatening letter to the Nawab, 1., Hears of design to pillage Calcutta, cxxix-cxxxii. - Ad.vances to Budge I., xlvi, 127.-Warns Drake to dismiss Bud.ge and Calcutta, I.. cxxix.­ Krishna Das, I., xlvi; II., 4. S; IlL, Quarrel with Clive, I., cxxxii.­ 332.-Explains Council's treatment Makes over Fort William to the of Narayan Das to the Darbiir. I., 1. Council. 1.. cL'Cxii. - Manifesto -His Factory surrounded by the against the Nawab, I., cxxxvi.­ Nawab's troops, I., lvi.-Is allowed Sends expedition to Hugli, r.; to take in provisions by Omm- Beg, cxxxix.-Correspondence with the 1., lvi.-Vain attempts to com­ Dutch,!', cxl, ·cxli.-Declines Dutch municate with Calcutta, I., lvii.­ mediation with the Nawab, I., cxlii; Difficulties of his position,!.. lvii­ II., 130.-Sends sailors to assist lviii.-Is persuaded by Rai Durl9,bh Clive at Chitpur, 1., cxlvi.­ to visit the Nawab, I .• 1viii.-Is Threatens the Nawab. I., cxlvii; treacherously made prisoner,!., lix. III., 183.-Dissatisfied with results -Responsjbility for the effects of of the fight, I., exlvii.-Asks Clive the loss of the Fort, I., lxi.-Law's to call a Council of War, 1., exlvii.­ opinion.!., 1xi,lxii.-Taken prisoner Signs the treaty with the N awab, to Calcutta, I., lix.-Vain attempts 1., exlviii.-Negotiations ,with the to accommodate matters, 1., lxxi.­ French, I., c1iv-clxi.-Reasons for Allowed to go down, to Chander­ a neutrality, II., 2S2.-Receives news nagore. I., ev. - Correspondence, of the war with France, I., c1iv.­ with Council at Fulta, I., exi.~ His vacillation, I., clxi.-Opinion of Joins the Council at Fulta. I., exiii; the Nawab, II., 269.-Threatens to and the Secret' Committee. I., exiv ; fulfil Alivirdi's prophecy, I., clxii.­ and Select Committee, I.. cxviii.­ Receives orders from the Admiralty, The Nawab's opinion of him, .I., I., elxiii.-Receives permission from elvii. - After Chitpur appointed the Nawab to attack the French. I., British envoy at Murshidabad, I., clxiii. - Takes Chandernagore, 1., c1vii.-Takes Omichand with him, clxix.-Hispersonal courage,. 1.. I., c1ix.-'-His instrtlctions from c1xx; III., IIS.-Leniency to the' Council,!.. elviii.-Wins over Nand­ garrison, 1., clxid - c1xxiii. - Carre­ kumar, 1., c1ix.~Bribes Rajara.m spondencewith the N awab, clxxvi.­ and other Court officials, I., elix; Last letter to Nawab, II.,. 344.­ n .. 323.-=-Beats Law in diplomacy, Gives it up as hopeless, I., elxxvi.­ I., c1x-clxiii.-Puts pressure on the Refuses to share in the deception Nawab, I., c1xxvi.-Obtains Law's BENGAL IN 1756-57

expulsion from Murshidabad, I., West, Temple, Admiral, II., 105 (n) c1xxviii.-Threatened by the Nawab, Weston, Eleanor, I., xciv (n) I., clxxix. - Overtures from the Whaley, Daniel, butcher, I., 41, Seths, I., clxxxi.-Begins to sl1spect 190 Omichand, I., c1xxxv.-Treaty with Whatmore or Whatmough, Winsor, Mir Jafar. I., cxci, cxcii.-His firm­ Captain of the A"" (snow), I., 41, ness apparently mistrusted by Clive, 190; III., 76, 106, 177 II.. 367, 374. 398.-:-The danger of his Whitby, I., xciv; III., 72, 104 position,' I.. cxci.-Escapes from Whitehaven, III., 95 Murshidabad, I., cxciii.-Letter to White Town, the, I., xxxiv, 294; Ill., his father, II., 467.-Memoir. Two 127 editions of this book, entitled White women and children carried off' • Memoirs of the Revolution in by the Nawab, I., 243 Bengal. A.D. 1757. • • • Collected Whitherburn. See Henry Wedder· from Original Letters and Papers burn IlOW in the Possession of William Wilde, Arend Jacob de, a Dutchman, Watts, Esq.' (London, 1764, 1766) 111·,409 Watts, Mrs. Francis, known later as Wilkinson, Robert, killed in the fight. the Begam Johnson, wife of William ing, I., lxxvii, xciv, 40, 107,260; II., Watts, I., Iviii-lxi,6, 133, 176, 183 (n), 37,38 207; III., 72, 105, 222-224--Supposed Williamson, George, III., 88 to have influenced Watts in the sur­ Wilson, George, seafaring man, died render of Cossimbazar, I., lviii, 6; in the Black Hole, I., xciv; III., 72, III., 222. - Her after-life, I., lx, 105 lxi Wilson, H. H., author of a • Glossary Watts, Hugh, I., be, 251; II., 13; III., of Judicial and Revenue Terms' 72, 105 (London. 1855) Wazir (A.), the principal Minister in a Wilson, Nathaniel, Company's surgeon Muhammadan sovereignty at Dacca, died at Fulta, I., xciv, 70; Wazir of the Great llognl. See III.,·75, 105 Ghazi-uddin Khan Winter, Thomas, Captain of the Dela­ Wedderburn, Charles, Ensign, died in ware, I., cxiii, 193; III., 19 the Black Hole, I., xciv, 43, 109. 191; Witherington, John, Captain, sea­ III., 72, 105, 153 faring man, I., 44; III., 75, 106, --Henry, Captain, seafaring man, I., 153 lxx, lxxx, lxxxiii, lxxxjx, 41, 51, 85, Witherington, Lawrence, Captain of II2, 130, 152, I~, IB9, 245, 2540 261 ; the Train, died in the Black Hole, II., 28, 35; III., 75, 106 I., lxix, lxxxi, lxxxviii, xciv, 43, 61, --Mrs. Alice, wife of Captain Henry, 77,78, 81, 840 91, 151, 153, 157, 166, I., lxxix; III., 76, 106 ' 188, 191, 246, 262, 291; II., 26,27,46 Welcome (ship), Captain Robert Baillie, 111.,71, 105 III., 21 Wittal, Domingo, III., 21 Weller, Nicholas, Captain in the 39th Wood, John, I., xcvii, 190, 280, 281, Regiment, I., cxxx; 11.,242; III., 33, 285; III.,75, 106.-Mrs. Ann, wife of 37, 40, 43, 59 Lieutenant John, I., xcvii Wellington, Lord, I., cxxxviii 'Voolley, Mrs., III., 76, 107 Wells, William, Lieutenant, I., lxvi; Wys, Jan Albert de, a Dutchman, Ill., II., ISO 410 . INDEX AND GLOSSARY Yar Lutf Khan or Khudadad Khan of the Magistrate and Collector of Uti, I., clxv, clxxxi, clxxxiii, Calcutta. His jurisdiction was clxxxiv, clxxxvi; cxcix, 7; II., 323, limited almost entirely to the 343,349,353,357,362, 366, 400; III., natives. 'The Zamindar acts in 'a 191,210 double capacity, distinct and inde­ York, Richard, butcher, III., 22.-En· pendent of each other, ... the one sign, gallantry at Chitpur, I., cxlvi as Superintendent and Collector of Young, Lieutenant, I., clxxiv your revenues, the other as the Young, Andrew, Captain ofthe Dodaly; Judge of the Court of Cutcherry, a I., lxxxii, lxxxiii, 94, 190; II., 41,45, tribunal constituted for the hearing, 155· trying, and determining all matters -- Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Captain and things, both civil and criminal, A~drew, III., 76, 107 wherein the natives only, subjects Young, John, agent of the Emden of the Mogul, are concerned' (HoI· Company, I., lxi, cli, 66, 173 (n), 1!)4, well, 'India Tracts,' p. 1'77) . 277; II., 179, 181, 185 Zamindar of Calcutta (see J. Z. Hol­ Yule and Burnell, compilers of 'Hob­ well), I., xli, 266.269, 281 ; II!., 97 son-Jobson: a Glossary of Anglo­ Zemindar. See Zamindar Indian Colloquial Words and Zubdatoot Toojah (Zubdat.uttujjar, Phrases, etc.' (London, 1886 and 'the select of merchants '), an 1903) honorfic appellation used of both Mr. Watts (II., 295) and M. Renault Zain-uddin Ahmad (Haibat Jang), (II., 264) youngest nephew and s~n-in-law of Zunder Mahomed Cawn. See Zaino Alivirdi, and later Nawab of Patna, uddin Ahmad father of Siraj-uddaula, I., xxvi, Zuydland, LU:cas Jurriansz, master xxix, II9 attendant of the Dutch at Hugli, 1., Zamindar, a landowner, or rather the IS, 27, 3 I, 32, 34, 38; II., 78; III., collector of revenues, also tpe title 410