Dhananjayarao Gadgil Librar IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 1111111111111 GIPE-PUNE-000345 INDIAN RECORDS SERIES BENGAL IN 1756-1757 A SELECTION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAPERS DEALING WITH THE. AFFAIRS OF THE • BRITISH IN BENGAL DURING THE REIGN OF SIRAj-UDDAULA EDITED WITH NOTES AND AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION BY S .. C. HILL LATE OFFICER IN CHARGE hI' THE RECORDS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AUTHOR OF • MAJOR-GENERAL CLAUD MARTIN' • THREE FRENCHMEN IN BENGAL' VOL. III PUBLISHED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET 190 5 V 2-/ L ; ~. 2 b2 . L5 ~S', ~ ~4~- CONTENTS OF VOL. II l. APPENDIX I. SHIPS' LOGS AND MILITARY JOURNALS. NO. PAGE I. Minutes taken on board the Kmt at the Attack of Budge Budge Fort at Tana and at Calcutta Onne MSS., O. V., 32,#. 1-6. I 2. Extracts from the Log of the Kmt, 16 October, 1756, to 5 January, 1751 3 Admiralty Cap/aillS' Journals, Vol. 502- J. Extracts from the Log of the Cu""'erland, 27 March and 24 April, 1757 6 Ad",iralty Captains' Journals, Vol. 4.154- 4- Remarks from on board the Tyger 6 (a) The taking of Budge Budge Orme MSS., O. V., 8, p. 55. 6 (6) The taking of Calcutta - Orme MSS., O. v., 8,p. 56. 1 (e) The taking of Chandemagore - Orme MSS.. O. v., 8, p. 6J. 8 S. Extracts from the Log of the Tyger, 30 December, 1156, to 25 March, 1751 - -. Admiralty Cap/aillS' Journals, Vol. 994- 10 6. Extracts from the Log of the Sa/islNry, 4-6' February, 1151 - 13 . Admiralty Captains' Journals, Vol. 4.332- 1. Remarks from on board the Bridgwater - 13 (a) The taking of Hugli - 13 (6)" At Bandel - - 14 (e) The attacking of the Nabob's Army in Camp - IS Orme MSS., O. v., 8,#. 59-62. 8. Extracts from the Log of the Bridgwaler,2S December,17S6, t023 June, 1157 - - Adm';ralty Cap/aillS' Journals, Vol. 3.194- 16 9- Extracts from the Log·ofthe TAunOer, 16 and 11 January, 1151 - 18 Admiralty Captains' Journals, Vol. 4.368. 10 Extracts from the Log of the Kinglisller, 10-25 January, 1157 -- 18 Admiralty Masierr Logs, Vol. 912. II. Extracts from the Log of the Delaware, 21 July, 1156, to 30 January, 1151 - I.O., Logs of Company's SAps, 322, C I 'CONTENTS MO. PAGS 12. Extracts from the Log of the Marlborougk, 19 January to 18 February, 1757 - 1.0., Logs ofCompanys Sltips, 602,/. 24 13. Extracts from the Log of the Walpol,-, 13 December, 1756, to 24 February, 1757 1.0., Logs 0/ Companys Sltips, 293, /. 26 14. Extracts from the Log of the Edgeote, 16 December, 1756, to 29 May, 1757 - I. 0., Logs of Company s Sltips, 599, C. 26' 15. Extracts from the .Log of the Portjield, 28 and 29 May, 1757 26 1.0., Logs of Companys Sltips, 609, D. 16. Extracts from the Log of the Ckesterjield, 29 May, 1757 - 26 1.0., Logs o/Companys Sltips, 507, D. 17 News from Bengal relating to the taking of Chandernagore, 23 March, 1757 - . Urme MSS., O.v., 32,PP. 9-16. 27 18. Journal of the Expedition to Bengal, 13 October, 1756, to 18 February, 1757, by one of Colonel Clive's family 30 Orme MSS., India, VII., p. 1832 j Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 35,917. 19. Journal of Sir (then Captain) Eyre Coote - 39 Orme MSS., India, VII.,p. 1650. 20. Journal of the Proceedings Qf the Troops under Colonel Clive on the Expedition to Bengal : 58 Orm-e MSS., O. Vo, 20; India, 1V.,j. 789 j O.v., 4,P. lIS. 21. Colonel Clive's Military Journal, 2-25 March, 1757 - 62 Fort St. Geo, .'lei. C(lm. Con., 1757,P' 292 i Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 35,917. - 22. JOl\rnal of Military Prpceedings on the Expedition to Murshidabad 65 . Orllll MSS., O.v., 20,j. 35. APPENDIX II. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. A.-EXTRAt::TS FROM ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. 23. The London Ckronic/e, 2-4 June, i757 Brillsk Museum. 69 24. Ditto, ditto. 4-7 June, ~757 Britisk Museum. 69 25. Ditto, ditto. 7-9 Jpne, 1757. Letter from India containing account of the affair in Bengal, with list of killed and thpse whQ died in tb, Black floll: - Bri/isk Museum. 70 26. The Public Advertiser, 7 June, J757 Britisk Museum. 74 27. Ditto, ditto. 8 June, 1757 On'tisk Museum. 74 28. The London Ckrollic/e, 9-11 June, 1757. List of persons who sutTered in the defence of Calcutta and Fort William Britisk Museum. 75 29 Lloyd's Evening Post, 14-16 June, 1757. l-ist of Vessels lost and laken by the Moors On'lisk Mllieum. 77 CONTENTS iii NO. PAGE 30. The London Chronicle, 16-18 June, 1757. Letter from M. Durand te M. de la Motte, 2 Jilly, 1756 British Museum. 77 31• The London Chronicle, 28-30 June, 1757 Britisll, Museum. 81 32. Read's Weekly Journal or British GazeNeer, '18 June, 1757 Brit. Mus. 81 33. Lloyd's EveningPost,22 July, i757 Britisn Museum. 82 34. The Publz'o Advertiser, :12 July, 1757 British Museum. 82 35. Ditto, ditto. 23 July, 1757 - , Bn'tish Museum. 83 \ 36; The London Chronicle, 23'26 July, 1757 'British Museum. 83 37. Ditto, ditto. 28-30 July, 1757 - British Museum. 85 38. Ditto, ditto. 2-4 August, 1757 - British Museum. 88 39. Ditto, ditto. 6-9 August, 1757 - British Museum. 90 40. Ditto, ditto. 13-16 August, 1757 British Museum. 92 41. Lloyd's Evening Post, 29-31 August, 1757 British Museum. 93 42. Ditto, ditto. 19-21 September,' 1757 British Museum. 93 43. The London' Chronicle, 13-15 .october" 1757 British Museum. '94 44. Read's WeeklyJournal, 29 October, 1757 Briush Museum. 95 45. The London Chronicle, 21-23 February, 1758 - Bn'ttsh Museum. 96 46. Ditto, ditto. 14-16 March, 1758 British Museum, 96 47. The Public Advertiser, I April, 1758 Bn'usn Museum. 97. 48. The Universal Magazine, June, '1757 Bn'tzsh Museum. 97 B,.,.....S(::Ol'CH MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS. 49. Sco(s Magazine, Vol. XIX., May, 1757 Bn'tish Museum. 101 50. The Caledonian Mercury, 9 June, 1757 • Bn'tish Museum. 107 51. The Edinburgh Evening Courant, 9 June, 1757 Bn'ttsA. Museum. 107 52. The Caledonian Mercury, I I June, 1757 Brit,sh Museum. 107 53. Scots' .Ilagazine, June, July, and' October, 1751 Bn'lzsh Museum. 107 54. The Edinburgh Evening Courant,' p June, 1757 British Museum. 107 55. Ditto, ditto. 14 June, 17.57 !Jriush Museum. 108 56. Ditto, ditto, 24 September, 1157 British Museum. 114 57. Ditto, ditto, 6 October, 1757 • /1rt't#k Museum. 115 58. Th~ Caledonian Mercury, 13 October, 1757 British Museum. II6 59. The Edinburgh Evening Courant, 27 October, 1757 Bn't,sh Museum. II6 C.-TRANSLATIONS FROM CONTINENTAL PAPERS. 60. Gazette d' Utrecht, 2 Juin, 1757 - 1.0., C(Jr. /Item., 1157. II6 61. Memoir sent; 16 October, 1757, for publication in tht; Gaaettes of , Amsterdam and Utrecht Archives, Affaires Etrangeres, Pans. II7 62. Le Courrier d' Avignon, 27 May, 1757 Bibliotheq,ee Nationa/(!, Pans, 119 , 63, Recueil des Gazettes de France, 18 June, 1757, and Mercure de France, July, 1757 - BibliotMque A'att:onal~, Pans, II9 64. Le Courn'er d'Avignon, 24 June, 17~7 Bibll"tJlheque National~, Paris. 120 ;v CONTENTS PAGE 65· Recue,1 des Gazettes de France, 25 June, 1757 Bib. Nal., Paris. 120 66. I.e Courrier d' Avignon, 1 July, 1757 BilJliotlthlue Nationale, Pans. 121 67· Ditto, ditto. 12 August, 1757 - Bibliotlttfjue Nationale, Pans. 121 68. Recueil des Gazettes de France, 5.November, 1757 Bib. Nat., Pans. 122 69· I.e Courrier d'Avignon, 8 November, 1757 Bib. Nal., Pans. 122 70. Recueil des Gazettes de France, 26 November, 1757 Bib. Nal., Paris. 122 71. Ditto, ditto. 4 March, 1758 BibliothCfjue Nationale, Pans. 12J 72. Ditto, ditto. II March, 1758 Bibliotktfjue Nalionale, Pans. 124 73· Ditto, ditto. 24 June, 1758 BibliothCfjue l\'ationale, Pans. 12S APPENDIX III. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS OF THE REVOLUTION. 74. Account of the Loss of Calcutta by Robert Orme, Madras, 27 October, 1756 - Onne MSS., O. v., 19, p. 6S. 126 75. Holwell's Genuine Narrative ofthe Black Hole - 131 Ho/well, India Tracts, p. 381. , 76. The Troubles in Bengal Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 29, 209, Vol. I., f. 33. 154 76a. Memoir by M. Jean Law - 160 Bib. Nat., Paris, MSS., 9,363 ; Bn'l. Mus. Add. MSS., 20, 914. 77. Revolutions in Bengal - Bn'!. Mus. Add. M~~·S., 20, 914. 215 78. Voltaire, , Fragments Historiques sur l'Inde,' Article XII • 241 79. Letter from M. Renault at Chandernagore to M. Ie Marquis Dupleix, 4 September, 1757 - Bzoliotkefjue Na#onale, Pans. 242 80. Ditto, ditto. 30 September, 1757 Bzo!iotk;f/ue Nationale, Pans. 252 81. Letter from M. Fournier at Chandernagore to M.le Marquis Dupleix, 3 November, 1757 - Bib!iothCfjue Na#onale, MSS., Paris. 254 82. Account of what happened in Bengal from [7 October, 1756, to 22 January, 1758 - BibliothCfjue Nationale, Pans, MS., 9,363. 256 83. Letter apparently written by M. Law concerning the Affairs of Bengal, 9 February, 1758 BibliothCfjue Nationale, Paris. 263 84. Letter from M. Renault to the Superior Council at Pondicherry, 26 October, [758 Bt'bliothCfjue Nationale, Paris 265 85~ First Report from the Committee appointed to inquire into (he Nature, etc., ofthe East India Company, 26 May, 1772: (a) Evidence of Mr. Manningham (b) " Mr. Becher . (c) " Mr. John Cooke - 290 (d) " Mr. Becher - · 30 3 (e) " Mr. F. Sykes • 306 (f) " Sir George Pocock - • 30'/ CONTENTS NO.
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