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A faunivorous early sphenacodontian with a diastema

Frederik Spindler


Our knowledge on early sphenacodontian and edaphosaurid , the group that includes the origin of the mammalian lineage, largely arose from the Pennsylva- nian Garnett locality in Kansas. A preliminary revision of the former “Haptodus” garnet- tensis found a greater diversity in the assigned material. The most striking deviation from the documented osteology is seen in a specimen comprising a lacrimal and asso- ciated . The diagnosis of this new form, Kenomagnathus scottae gen. et sp. nov., comprises a tall and shortened facial region, only two precanine teeth, and a dis- tinct diastema. This is the oldest known diastema in synapsid , and the first reported from a faunivorous member that lacks a precanine step, aside from Tetracer- atops. This unique precanine morphology occurred independently from similar struc- tures in Sphenacodontoidea. As for the edaphosaurid Gordodon, a specialized function in food processing is assumed for the diastema.

Frederik Spindler. Dinosaurier Museum Altmühltal, Dinopark 1, 85095 Denkendorf, . [email protected]

Keywords: ; dentition; ; new ; new .

Submission: 14 August 2019. Acceptance: 14 January 2020.

INTRODUCTION success (Spindler et al., 2018, 2019b). The recent discovery of a large diastema in Gordodon (Lucas In the late , synapsids were the et al., 2018) exhibits a highly specialized autapo- dominant and evolved a great spectrum morphy within the Edaphosauridae that provides of , starting in the . an insight into previously hidden morphological During the last years, new descriptions included diversity of this herbivorous lineage. Traditionally, unexpected morphologies that dramatically the only long and straight diastema in an early increase the understanding of synapsid ecological synapsid was known from ,


Spindler, Frederik. 2020. A faunivorous early sphenacodontian synapsid with a diastema. Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(1):a01. https://doi.org/10.26879/1023 palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/2905-early-sphenacodontian-diastema

Copyright: January 2020 Society of . This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 SPINDLER: EARLY SPHENACODONTIAN DIASTEMA apparently a , and emphatically sus- taller facial blades of the lacrimal and maxilla, less pected to be the oldest . Since a number postcanine and precanine teeth, the convex preca- of possesses a diastema, this was nine margin, presence of diastema, and shorter counted as a potentially -like trait. How- contribution of maxilla to naris. The diagnosis of ever, the oldest known diastema was discovered in Sphenacodontia based on node apomorphies is a faunivorous or omnivorous haptodontine-grade subject to an ongoing debate (Spindler, 2019), sphenacodontian (Spindler, 2015) from the Penn- however, the assignment of ROM 43608 to sylvanian fauna of Garnett, Kansas, a synapsid- Sphenacodontia is confirmed by the presence of rich paralic lagerstaette (Reisz et al., 1982). stout marginal teeth, a convex ventral margin of the Although only two cranial elements are preserved, maxilla, and tall lacrimal and maxillary dorsal lobe. it shows a unique combination of shape, ROM 43608 is excluded from Sphenacodontoidea architecture, and the rare diastema. The new form due to the narial contribution of the lacrimal. is herein presented in an updated description, Kenomagnathus scottae sp. nov. along with a discussion of the significance of dias- temata throughout the early evolution of synapsids. zoobank.org/9E68AFF8-8581-4020-81A3-2C8FFB50BFF4 Terminological note: As the presence of Etymology. To honor Diane Scott, preparator at canines and their relative position close to the the Reisz lab, Mississauga, University of Toronto, growth center of the maxilla can be traced through- who greatly helped with teaching and specimen out synapsid evolution, this is herein tentatively handling, and also inspired this study. treated as from forms to mam- . ROM 43608, disarticulated but associ- mals. Therefore, no straight distinction between ated maxilla and lacrimal (Figures 1, 2). The speci- caniniforms and canines is attended. Identification men was originally labelled as Haptodus of canines in early synapsids is more related to garnettensis (Laurin, 1993, figure 5 A). Additional increased size than to morphology. From a func- preparation of the precanine margin after the re- tional perspective, less pronounced teeth of the evaluation as a distinct taxon was carried out by D. canine positions, referred to as caniniforms, do not Scott in 2013. work like true canines. This makes the terms more Holotype locality. Putnam Township, Garnett, vague, but also underlines their genetically stable Kansas, USA (Reisz et al., 1982). position in the maxillary tooth row. Stratigraphic horizon and age. Carbonaceous, calcareous mudstone in the Rock Lake Shale Institutional abbreviation Member of the Stanton Formation (Lansing Group), ROM = Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada Missourian, Upper (late Carbonifer- ous). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Description SYNAPSIDA Osborn, 1903 The toothed margin of the maxilla is robust HAPTODONTIFORMES Spindler, Werneburg, and more strongly convex than in “Haptodus” gar- Schneider, Luthardt, Annacker, and Rößler, 2018 nettensis, with a palatine sutural surface that SPHENACODONTIA Romer and Price, 1940 appears to reach further anterior than in ROM (sensu Reisz, Berman, and Scott, 1992) 43606 (Spindler, 2015, figure 4.13). The canines Kenomagnathus gen. nov. are placed more anteriorly, resulting from the short- zoobank.org/3E2CC10B-2857-4481-90E4-BFA923ABB611 ness of the maxilla compared to other early Hapt- Type and only known species. Kenomagnathus odontiformes. There is a modest medial scottae, sp. nov. supracanine buttress and one even weaker in the Etymology. Combining κένωμα and γνάθος, in posterior region. The anterior end of the maxilla is Greek ’gap‘ and ‘jaw’, in regard to the maxillary clearly indicated by the sutural facet to overlap the diastema. premaxilla. The antero-dorsal margin of the dorsal Differential diagnosis. Early synapsid with a max- blade is steeply inclined. Therefore, the nostril illary diastema followed by two precanines, two architecture would not be the same as in “Hapto- large canines, and at least 14 postcanines; canines dus” garnettensis. and anterior postcanines tall, nearly straight, with Regarding the tooth curvature and striation, moderate bulb and stout tip bearing striations; pre- Kenomagnathus does not differ significantly from canine margin lacking a concave step; tall lacrimal. “Haptodus” garnettensis, although the bulb-like Distinct from “Haptodus” garnettensis on basis of thickening near the tips looks rather pronounced, producing a blunter appearance. In contrast, tooth


FIGURE 1. ROM 43608, holotype of Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov. bar equals 2 cm.

shafts are more slender in Kenomagnathus. There As the type of Kenomagnathus is the only are two large canines or caniniforms and the bases Garnett specimen exposing the medial surface of of two broken precanines. Anterior to that, another the lacrimal, no detailed comparison is possible. In indistinct shallow socket may reflect an additional, the anterior region, the outlet of the lacrimal duct is smaller tooth position, probably overgrown ontoge- visible. From an ontogenetic point of view, the type netically. Starting at this position and further ante- of Kenomagnathus does not appear to be a very rior, a thinned ventral edge instead of a broad tooth young juvenile. The lacrimal duct exposes its ante- margin indicates the presence of a diastema that rior outlet on the medial surface, whereas the juve- covers the length of about three regular tooth posi- niles of Palaeohatteria show a laterally exposed tions (Figure 3). As the labial side of the diastema duct due to very incomplete (Currie, area was embedded in the host rock until the ven- 1979; Spindler, 2016). tral margin was freed carefully, there is neither The anterior expansion of the lacrimal would damage nor hidden substance that would contribute to the narial rim with a tall area, resulting debate this narrow edge. No precanine step inter- in a compact outline of the snout. Both the maxilla rupts the convexity of the ventral edge. There are and lacrimal strongly resemble “Haptodus” garnet- 11 postcanine teeth preserved, with the gaps to tensis in general morphology but imply a taller skull account for 14. In the posterior area, not much of (Figure 4). This is interpreted as reflecting a gen- the maxilla is missing, thus the postcanine number eral condition of the skull, probably an adaption to equals that of “Haptodus” garnettensis, while the a specialized diet or feeding behavior. Altogether, maxilla extends less far posteriorly. the short facial region, large orbits, and a maxillary


FIGURE 2. Interpretative drawing of ROM 43608, holotype of Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov., medial aspect of lacrimal and maxilla. Scale bar equals 2 cm.

diastema result also in a superficial resemblance The new genus Kenomagnathus possesses with Tetraceratops. the oldest known diastema of all amniotes. To a limited extend, it closes a morphological gap DISCUSSION between early Haptodontiformes and derived forms, such as Tetraceratops and certain The distinctness of Kenomagnathus from all Sphenacodontoidea. Considering the unique com- other Garnett synapsids of similar size (Kissel and bination of the admittedly few observed characters, Reisz, 2004; pers. obs. including unpublished Kenomagnathus demonstrates that tooth row material) is confirmed by different proportions and zonation occurred on various convergent trajecto- dentition patterns, instead of representing a case ries within pelycosaur-grade synapsids. of ontogenetic decline of precanine tooth replace- The evolution of a functional diastema contrib- ment (Eberth, 1985). Ianthodon lacks the bulbous utes to tooth row zonation, a general mosaic pat- tooth type of other Garnett taxa illustrated in Figure tern in the evolution of synapsid’s dentition. 4, but shares the lack of a weakly developed pre- Therefore, a closer discussion of heterodonty pro- canine step with Kenomagnathus.


FIGURE 3. ROM 43608, holotype of Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov., close-up of anterior maxilla in medial aspect, from latero-ventral (above) and lateral (below). Scale bars equal 2 cm. vides a useful framework, with diastemata inter- strongly differing tooth types, heterodonty is virtu- preted not as the absence, but an extreme of the ally ubiquitous among non-mammaliform therap- modification of dentition. Among extant verte- sids (Sidor and Hopson, 1998). The presence of brates, heterodonty is a common trait of , caniniform teeth or regions is found in Diadecto- as also observed in various other (Mel- morpha, , rarely in (Berman strom and Irmis, 2019) and reversed in e.g. ceta- et al., 2010; Clark and Carroll, 1973; Tsuji, 2006), ceans. Mammalian heterodonty including well and pelycosaur-grade early Synapsida. Double defined , canines, premolars and molars is canines are typical of various early amniotes, deeply nested within stem mammals, but with only reduced to a single canine per maxilla in Varanopi- initial and gradual origins among pelycosaur-grade dae and Therapsida (Spindler et al., 2018; Liu et representatives (Reisz et al., 2009). Although lack- al., 2009). Furthermore, there is variation in tooth ing postcanine zonation and only rarely exhibiting size due to the position in the mouth and tooth


initial diastema in overlap true diastema

Ianthodon schultzei (Garnett fauna)

Kenomagnathus scottae (Garnett fauna)

Tetraceratops initial diastema insignis in overlap true diastema

„Haptodus“ garnettensis (Garnett fauna)

Gordodon kraineri

initial diastema diastema in overlap involves

Ianthasaurus hardestiorum (Garnett fauna)

FIGURE 4. Skull reconstructions of chosen early synapsids with initial or functional diastemata. “Haptodus” garnetten- sis (immature size) is combined from best-known specimens, resulting from digital reconstructions. In comparison, Kenomagnathus scottae, gen. et sp. nov., has a deeper orbit and hypothetically deeper jaw. Own data, except for Gordodon (Lucas et al., 2018). Scale bar equals 5 cm. replacement (LeBlanc et al., 2017). Altogether, Varanopidae) or herbivorous adaptation (hetero- there is a gradual spectrum that hampers to dont in terms of variation in tooth types, but isodont unequivocally distinguish heterodonty from isod- = homodont when referring to only minor variation onty. Initial heterodonty (caniniform region, within a certain set of teeth; found in derived Case- enlarged first premaxillary teeth) seems to repre- idae, derived Edaphosauridae, and various therap- sent a plesiomorphic condition for Synapsida or sids). Zonation within the postcanine region occurs possibly Amniota as a whole, with the acquisition of exceptionally (Eothyrididae, initially in Varanodonti- isodonty being associated with insectivory (early nae; possibly in , discussed by Spin-


dler et al., 2019a). The condition ancestral to Probably, the formation of non-mammalian therap- therapsids retains a rather unspecialized zonation sid diastemata is linked to multiple factors, includ- in the context of early synapsids, as reported in ing the length of upper canines and feeding style, Palaeohatteriidae or “Haptodus” garnettensis (not which could affect the lower canines regarding monophyletic with the type species H. baylei, Spin- their range and interaction with the upper jaw. In dler, 2015). There is a morphological gap between any case, sphenacodontoid diastema are less their tooth-bearing precanine region and the the- comparable to those in Kenomagnathus, rapsid dentition, in which a lack of precanine maxil- Gordodon, or Tetraceratops. lary teeth is frequently associated with a The incomplete formation of the diastema in considerable diastema. The latter is hardly indica- Kenomagnathus with two remaining precanines tive for a further step towards “mammalness”, as it suggests a still ongoing trend, assumably reflecting follows no obvious trend among non-mammalian a stage that other diastema-bearing forms have therapsids and is rarely found in early representa- gone through, regardless of the actual phyloge- tives (King, 1988; Sigogneau-Russell, 1989; Sidor netic branch. Likely, the expansion of diastemata and Hopson, 1998, figure 1). started at the premaxillary-maxillary overlap, which The recently discovered diastema and spe- probably worked as an exaptation for the subse- cialized dentition in the edaphosaurid Gordodon is quent enlargement of lower caniniforms. This is tentatively interpreted as reflecting fructivorous suggested by the anatomical constraints in “Hapto- habits (Lucas et al., 2018). Final clarification of its dus” garnettensis, Ianthodon, and the early edaph- functional is probably impossible, since den- osaurid Ianthasaurus, where a tiny gap interrupts ticle pavement in the palate of edaphosaurids and the otherwise continuing marginal tooth row around other early amniotes has a certain but unknown the area where the maxilla overlaps the premaxilla role in food processing, likely corresponding to a labially (Figure 4). This initial diastema is not an modified tongue. Although dramatically increasing effect of tooth loss, but a minimal gap resulting the morphological diversity of known pelycosaur- from the stabilizing oblique facets where the der- grade synapsids, Gordodon does not directly con- mal meet; the absence of tooth sockets tribute to the evolution of dental zonation in the could result from thin bone and possibly its local mammalian lineage beyond demonstrating a con- growth. Larger, functional diastemata evolved inde- siderable plasticity in the jaw architecture. The pendently in Gordodon, Kenomagnathus, Tetracer- occurrence of a dentary diastema is unique among atops, , and Therapsida, but early synapsids. probably originated from a common anatomical, Functional morphology of sphenacodontian non-adaptive condition like in “Haptodus” garnet- diastemata is apparently related to increased size tensis. of the lower caniniforms, which in contrast to upper The evolutionary implications of Tetraceratops canines or caniniforms are usually weakly devel- were recently re-evaluated (Spindler, 2020), con- oped, except in certain (Stereor- firming its pelycosaur-grade status and, thus, con- hachis) and Sphenacodontia (Sphenacodon, tradicting the widely known hypothesis of , therapsids) (Spindler, 2019, figure 5). representing the oldest therapsid (Amson and Lau- Lower canines are strengthened in Sphenacodonti- rin, 2011). The clear diastema in Tetraceratops is dae, in which they stand opposite to a maxillary not associated with a distinct precanine step, but diastema, which results from a pronounced preca- prominent lower canines and reduced precanine nine step (concave margin) and the reduction of dentition. The highly autapomorphic anatomy of precanine tooth numbers. It remains unclear which this genus might imply a functional morphology aspect in the sphenacodontid configuration (loss of that is very different from the spectrum of other teeth, precanine step, diastema) worked as the early synapsids. In Tetraceratops, the diastema trigger in selection. That means, for example, that does not stand opposite to the lower canines, but the diastema of some sphenacodontids might be a follows posteriorly. Moreover, the extraordinarily side effect from the precanine step when regular shallow dentary tip implies that the enlarged first precanine teeth could not be grown any longer on premaxillary teeth were still exposed when the the steeper margin (e.g., ontogenetically). Accom- mouth was closed. Although the pronounced dias- modation of the lower canines takes place more tema in Kenomagnathus implies any specialized lingually, not in the same parasagittal plane as the use for food processing, comparisons to other diastema margin. This is also the case in therap- early synapsida with this trait cover a wide spec- sids, where no pronounced precanine step exists. trum of possibilities.


A revised cladistic analysis is currently being sion, the formerly overlooked uniqueness of the prepared. Preliminary results for Kenomagnathus fragmentary specimen described herein contrib- (Spindler, 2015) suggest a low position within Hapt- utes to the increasing understanding of early syn- odontiformes, but this tree portion is poorly apsid diversity, further supporting their early role as resolved. This results from the fragmentary nature the dominant amniotes during the late Paleozoic of many Garnett specimens that hamper morpho- (Kissel and Reisz, 2004). logical overlap and recognition of potentially con- specific material, but also from the ecology of this ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS assemblage. Various Haptodus-like taxa differ only I wish to express thankfulness for technical slightly, mainly restricted to their dentition and skull support and helpful discussions, appreciating D. proportions. Within this contemporaneous trophical Scott and R.R. Reisz (University of Toronto, Missis- nicheing of Garnett Haptodontiformes, Kenomag- sauga), J.W. Schneider and P.M. Sander (Techni- nathus might have performed a durophagous habit, cal University Bergakademie Freiberg, and suggested by its taller antorbital region. It is con- Steinmann Institut, Bonn, respectively; DFG SCHN ceivable that the diastema was covered with rigid 408/20-1), as well as M. Ferstl (trainee at the tissue in life and worked as an abutment for a author’s affiliation). The manuscript’s quality bene- cracking tooth (hypothetically enlarged lower fits from the kind contribution of two anonymous canine). As potential prey, the paralic Garnett reviewers. assemblage yielded crustaceans and bivalves (Moore et al., 1936; Reisz et al., 1982). In conclu-


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