^To. 64.

m ASSEMBLY, . Mill * February 2,1865.





To the'Son. GEORGE G. HOSKIISTS, Speaker of the Assembly :

jSir—Chapter 51 of the Laws of 1864 requires that " An animal report shall be made by the Chief of this Bureau as soori after the meeting of the Legislature as the condition of materials will permit.'/ In compliance with this requirement I submit herewith my second annual report. * . I have the honor to be, with great respect, , ' * Your obedient servant, LOCKWOOt) L. DOTY; 0 Chief of Bureau.



STATE OF NEW YORK: BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS, ? ALBANY, February 2nd, 1865. ) The objects of this Bureau are declared by law to be: I. To collect and preserve in permanent form the name of every person who has volunteered or been mustered, or who may here• after volunteer or be mustered, into the service of the General Gov• ernment from this State, since April 15, 1861, and the personal history of such person while in such service, so far as the same can be ascertained. II. A record of the services of the several regiments, including an account of their organization and subsequent history • and, III. An account of the aid afforded by the several towns, cities and counties of the State. The work thus imposed has *been prosecuted throughout the past year with no little success. The manner of accomplishing the above objects is submitted below. * .

BIOGRAPHIES AND PERSONAL RECORDS. As required by the act, the names, of all officers and men who have entered the service from this State, are being collected for preservation in * alphabetical order. The books for this purpose are so arranged as to give the name, regiment, company, rank, when and where mustered, and for what time, ta descriptive list, place of residence, occupation, and a brief account of services, with with such other facts as are of most interest, as well as a reference to the personal history, outline sketch, newspaper notice, letters or other fuller record on file in the Bureau. To procure the requisite information for this purpose, and for the more complete biography, muster-rolls and company and regi• mental records are used; the individual himself, if living, is 4 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

addressed, or if dead, or absent in the service, his friends are being applied to; pastors of churches, principals of academies, officers of fire .companies and of hospitals; and ladies and gentle• men in each town, who were believed to feel an interest in the matter, so far as their names could be obtained, have been solici• ted to aid in securing records of those entering the service from , their societies or localities. Many thousand personal records are already deposited in the archives of the Bureau*! while of other blanks and requests^ long since sent, as well as those daily going out, a large number are yet unanswered, though a share, at least, will in due time be returned. The work grows in interest as well as in extent; for the noble . constancy of those who are upholding the good name of our State, gives to their lives an interest as dear as anything that clusters about the closest personal friendship. And it certainly is not claiming too much to say, that no war in any age or in any country has produced higher instances of patriotism, or purer self-sacrifice or personal heroism than the collections of this Bureau already afibrd. By them every portion of our military history is enriched and exalted.

SERVICES OF REGIMENTS, COMPANIES AND BATTERIES. Record books containing printed forms for obtaining a complete account of the services of regiments, companies, and batteries, are in use in the JBureau. They comprehend a series of inquiries covering the authority, when and-to whom granted, as well as the time, place and circumstances attending the formation; a specific account of each company, where and by whom raised ; a record of bounties, and other aid, received from the State, from counties, cities, towns and individuals ; the time when recruiting begun and when completed; the inspection, term of enlistment, account of flags, departure from the State, assignment to duty, movements, specific details of battles, skirmishes, and other services, casualties, sanitary history, and facts connected with termination of service. The inquiries contemplate a statement so full, as to enable every march to be traced upon a map, and so complete as to afford a satisfactory knowledge of the services of the organization, should everything in memory or tradition pass away. The regulations of the War Department do not permit access to the army for the purpose of collecting information from regiments now in the field. There, with the records at hand, and the assist• ance of officers, who from memory could readily connect and CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 5

explain detached items, a narrative of each regiment, in the high• est degree trustworthy and reliable, could have been easily obtained. This privilege denied, the Bureau has been restricted to such sources of information as were accessible. These were not inconsiderable. They consist mainly of the records of our State Military Departments, books of returned companies and regiments, personal recollections of officers and men, diaries and journals, letters from the army, to the Bureau, to personal friends, or to the public through the newspaper press. In addition to these are the connected narratives, in manuscript, prepared for the Bureau by officers of about sixty re.gimei.its ; some of which, in exactness of detail, are admirable compendiums, alike creditable to those who prepared them and the regiments to whose services they relate. Similar accounts are promised from nearly every organization. A few of the regiments, whose terms have expired, have deposit• ed all their books and papers with the Bureau. An effort is making to procure the same from all such as have returned. Newspaper cuttings, to the extent of several thousand pages, have been arranged into regimental scrap-books. Several of the regiments., formed since the Bureau was organized, are keeping a systematic record of events. This, if carried out to the end, will prove a precious source of history. There is no regiment, company, or battery, from which we have not a partial record, while of many we have an account so full as to give the main features of its more important services from original materials.

AID AFFORDED BY TOWNS, CITIES AND COUNTIES. Books for collecting and preserving a detailed account of the aid afforded by towns, cities and counties, have been in use by the Bureau during the past year. The information is systematically sought from official and other sources, and embraces as well what has been done by taxation and loans as by individual liberality and effort, by fairs, churches, schools, academies and other organ• ized means ; also the influence of the war upon pauperism and crime, and upon banking and general business interests. Two-fifths of the towns and counties of the State were visited during the past year for statistics, by agents of the Bureau. From these our account is quite complete down to a period varying from , July 1st to December 31st, 1864, but the largely enhanced cost of travel prevented a visit to every town, and we were, therefore, 6 SECOND ANNUAL ftEFORT OF ME

obliged to rely upon correspondence to accomplish the rest. Thl$ mode has been only measurably successful. In many instances, supervisors, to whom our blanks were sent, have responded, but in a majority of cases no returns have as yet been made. Gov, Seymour was so good as to address the following letter to such supervisors as were not visited :

u It is important, therefore, that supervisors, who are not called upon personally, should supply the information asked for in the blanks sent out to them from the Bureau, and forward it to Col. DOTY as promptly as possible. " Public spirited citizens are invited to assist the supervisors in the work of making up a complete report of the aid afforded by their towns in men and means since the commencement of the war, and also to interest themselves in furnishing the Bureau ^ with biographies, or materials for biographies, of officers and ^ soldiers. The work justly claims the attention of all." The experience of eighteen months clearly proves, that so long as it is not made the duty of these and other officials to furnish the information'sought by this Bureau it will • not be done. Other and more pressing claims will engage their attention. But if made their duty, a record could soon be prepared that would be of in• calculable value and convenience for official and historical uses hereafter as well as now* . I venture, therefore, to ask that a suitable change in this respect be; made in the law.

THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK. New York, with its usual liberality, some months ago established

" The New York County Bureau of Military Statistics/7 an organi• zation auxiliary to this Bureau. Its objects are to collect the per- , sona! records of those entering the war from that city ; a systematic account of the services of the regiments, Volunteer and Militia, raised or belonging there, together with a complete account of the great part which that metropolis has taken in the present war, both as respects the aid afforded by the individual citizen, and the municipality. The gentleman appointed to superintend its opera• tions possesses every quality to accomplish the purpose of this wise and generous undertaking.

CASUALTIES OF THE SERVICE* The compilations of the Bureau embrace the number killed in" battle, died of wounds, of accidents, or of sickness, number clis- CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STAxfsTTCS. 7 missed and discharged, resigned, transferred, deserted, prisoners, unaccounted for and returned. Sickness and exposure lead to the discharge of many who, under home care, are restored to health ; while not a few of those dis• qualified by wounds for' military service are able to return to former pursuits. From a partial summary, it appears that of those in active field service, not to exceed six per cent, are killed in battle. This pro• portion, it is believed, is much below the popular estimate of the losses in action.

, FLAGS AND TROPHIES. The Trustees of the Capitol have provided a small fire-proof repository in rear of the building occupied by the Bureau, for flags and trophies. This is already insufficient, however, for the rapidly growing War Museum. Should no other provision be made, a few hundred dollars would furnish a suitable addition for a display of the flags. But I shall better perform my duty by inviting every member of the Legislature to visit the rooms, for these war-worn standards can best make their own appeal. Other countries provide munificently for the keeping of the State jewels, which gold will restore if lost. But these flags, the jewels of our State, if lost, are gone forever. Gold can not buy back the deeds that have immortalized them, nor restore the lives of those of their defenders, " whose dust is mingled with the urns and sepul• chres of mortality.77 Their tattered folds have survived the flame of battle ; they have witnessed deeds of noblest heroism; the blood of the bravest of the brave has stained them ; and, precious though they now are, and much as wTe love the old flag to-day, time will add to their value, for time alone will more fully reveal the mysterious influence of that flag, its mighty agency in linking the people's hearts, and thus spanning the dark chasm of secession.

MATERIALS FOR HISTORY. While the leading objects of the Bureau, are kept promi• nently in view, nothing is rejected that has~ a bearing upon the wrar. Newspapers, diaries, tracts, pamphlets, placards, songs, pictorial sketches, indeed all matter, printed or written, is held to be well worthy of preservation. The brilliant pages of Macauiay are proofs of the value of these as sources of history. Official persons and gazettes take general cognizance of affairs, or if special, then restricted to the particular instance, or class, or condition. To 8 * SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OP THE

newspapers then, and to the other sources mentioned, must we look for ampler materials. If ever important to save these, it is doubly so now, not only because the events of each hour are so momentous, but specially because of the clanger of their all but total destruc• tion. The high price, and the growing scarcity of paper stock, daily increase the demand for printed matter and to such an extent, that the paper-mill, by its inordinate consumption of valuable materials, is, rendering the province of the historian exceedingly arduous. * NEWSPAPERS. Sixty-five newspapers are regularly received through the mail at the ofiice. Of these ten are dailies. Of the whole number, forty-eight are donations. The files of the Cooper Union, with some exceptions, are purchased. They, embrace about seventy different papers, of which thirty-six: are dailies. The files of the Young Men's Associa• tion of Albany are also purchased. They number fifty, of which thirty-seven are dailies. The exchanges of the two leading journals of Albany, as well as other newspaper files, are regularly received at old paper rates. The regular receipts of newspapers by the Bureau, from the several sources, except exchanges, are as follows \ Dailies . 83 Weeklies . 114

. ' . 197

The proprietors of the Rochester Evening Express have con• tributed a complete file (of which four volumes are bound), of that valuable paper1 for four years, qommencing with January, 1861. Complete files of several of the leading weeklies have likewise been donated. These are particularly acknowledged elsewhere.

GENERAL ORDERS. Pains have been taken to obtain the General Orders of all the Commanders of Military Departments, the orders and circulars of the War Department and of its several Bureaux. A good mea• sure of success encourages the hope that the effort will be successful. The value of such a collection is obvious.

DIARIES AND JOURNALS. Several manuscript diaries kept by officers and soldiers, during CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 9 their service, haye been placed in the Bureau, while others have been loaned, that copies might be made. It is very desirable that the collection of these be largely increased, for it would not be easy to place too high a value upon this interesting class of records, both as a means of perfecting individual, regimental, and company histories, and for general historical purposes.

RECRUITING PLACARDS, HAND-BILLS AND POSTERS. These, as well as others of a patriotic character, are collected with care, and will be duly arranged for future reference. They are sought' for in every direction, and-will be. thankfully acknowl• edged to any who may favor the Bureau with copies.

PAMPHLETS AND SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS are carefully preserved. They embrace biographies, sermons, speeches, essays, opinions and arguments on the many topics con• nected with the war. Music AND SONGS. * Patriotic inusic and songs are being collected and arranged.

PHOTOGRAPHS AND ENGRAVINGS, A valuable gallery of Portraits is being formed. In addition to this, a large number of photographic views, engravings and pencil-sketches of war subjects have been donated, and the collec• tion is being constantly enriched. OTHER STATES. The publications by Congress, and messages of the Governors of the States not in rebellion, as well as the reports of their staff officers, the military reports of legislative bodies, in a word, all official publications, relating to the war, are sought for. The Library of the Bureau already contains a valuable collection of these useful official papers.

SUPERVISORS' REPORTS. The annual volumes published by order of the board of super• visors of the several counties, containing the journal of their pro• ceedings, are being collected and bound. The design is to make the series of these, for each year, quite perfect.

COMMON COUNCILS. The printed records of proceedings of common councils are also preserved. They afford an official account of the action of those bodies, in respect to bounties, support of soldiers' families, and matters connected with the war. 10 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE


Interesting reports of aid furnished to soldiers7 families, and to army hospitals, as well as the personal records of those who have volunteered from their respective churches, have been received from pastors. Could every pastor feel the importance of making a similar report, it is certain that the few hours labor it requires would never be regretted. • >*

* FIREMEN. Reports prepared by. officers of fire engine companies, giving the military record of members, have, to a considerable extent, been furnished. An account embracing the services of all of this patri• otic class is much desired.

NUMBER OF MEN FURNISHED BY THE STATE. The returns to this Bureau from towns, cities, and counties, when revised by the official record, will afford a more accurate account of the number of men furnished by this State than has yet been given to the public. But as these returns are still incomplete, no figures are now given.

EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS. The inquiries" of the Bureau addressed to the officers of colleges and academies, relate mainly to the numbers that have entered the service therefrom, and the immediate effect of the war upon those institutions. No little interest has been manifested by those offi• cers in supplying this information.

CRIMES. The abstract of convictions for criminal offences presents the following comparisons: For the four years preceding the war 3,947

For the four years of the war. Lm. 2,916 The difference occurs mainly in the higher crimes. For instance, burglary, prior to 1861 .-.^ 886; since, 501 grand larceny, " 1,054 954 robbery, " 81 " 66 rape, " 50 " 49 forgery, ' « 379 " 320 manslaughter, " ... 140 " 137 The statistics of the Bureau show the like general results. When completed the latter will exhibit the offences specially growing out of the war, as well as other facts of interest. • > - CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 11

PAUPERISM. Reports of correspondents show that pauperism has decreased since the war commenced, and at the same time they present other interesting facts connected with this subject.

GENERAL BUSINESS INTEREST'S. The following extract from a valuable return of a correspondent contains the substance of reports to the Bureau respecting business interests: "Laborers have diminished in the country, and their wages have increased. Since the commencement of the war, more old debts have been paid than usual, and less money has been loaned on bond and mortgage, while many liens on land have been canceled.77 The farmer is prepared for " hard times,77 'should they come, and if the farmer is free from debt, all others must feel the good effects of his emancipation from financial thraldom.

BOUNTIES. From returns made to the Bureau by counties, cities and towns, and from the books of the Comptroller, the following statement has been compiled. Returns are still wanting from the county of Monroe, and from the cities of Albany, Auburn, Buffalo, El- mira, Hudson, Syracuse and Utica.

Bounty paid by 59 counties: In 1861. $123,000 00 1862 1,846,306 42 1863 ... 6,274,233 16 1864 _ 34,455,538 59 _ • $42,699,078 17 By 771 towns:* In 1861 _ $97,635 00

. 1862 h_._. 1,965,186 92

1863mm: 3,058,002 54 1864, 19,887,504 80 ^ _ _ 25,008,329 26 By six cities :f In 1861 $206,457 57 1862. -..J 764,815 00 1863 201,507 00 1864 2,014,361 70 _ 3,187,141 27

Carried forward..: ,_ 70,894,548 70

* There are 940 towns in the State.

f Brooklyn, New York, Poughkeepsie, Rochester, Schenectady, Troy. 12 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Brought forward...... $70,894,548 By the State : In 1862 $3,438,475 00 1863 _ 2,211,802 54 1864 ... 3,531,095 90 9,181,373 44

Aggregate ...... \ $80,075,922 14


Bounty paid in 1861. fc . $427,092 57 1862 .. 8,014,783 34 1863 11,745,545 24 1864..„ . 59,888,500 99

COMMUTATION. In connection with the foregoing statement, it is proper to add that under the draft of 1863, about four and a quarter millions of dollars was paid in this State for commutations. The returns to this Bureau are not sufficiently-complete to fully determine what proportion of this sum is already included in the reports of city officers and of supervisors, though the fact will be ascertained in due time.

FAIRS IN 1864. Of the great fairs held in 1864, in aid of the United States Sanitary and the Christian Commissions, we have received returns from the following: ' . Oross receipts. Net receipts. Albany, including Troy and Sche• nectady $114,000 00 $82,000 00 Buffalo 29,777 78 25,776 70 Brooklyn.. 423,523 20 402,943 74 New York 1,351,275 94 1,183,506 23 Poughkeepsie... 18,640 87 16,282 72- Syracuse...... 5,325 00 3,896 00 Utica ;., „. 2,813 59 2,813 59 Yonkers 16,666 22 14,153 51

$1,962,022 60 $1,731,372 49

ADDITIONAL VOLUNTARY AID. The returns from 440 towns, mainly of the rural districts, re• presenting a population of 871,000, reporting wholly or in part give the following results: . - CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 13

Amount raised by individual subscriptions to pro• mote enlistments $816,638 03 Commutation subscribed to aid drafted men in 1863 125,879 00 Aid furnished by churches, schools or individuals * to families'of volunteers 107,098 27 Aid from churches, schools and academies to sol• diers in hospital or service 7,232 81 Aid sent to hospital by associated effort, or by in• dividuals.. . 340,289 96

$1,397,138 07


The inquiries of the Bureau embrace an account of whatever has been raised by taxes or loans, by voluntary effort or other•

wise, for the relief of soldiers7 families, and for sanitary objects or other purposes, but the returns of these are not sufficiently com• plete to include in this report. An idea of the extent of this aid maybe gained from the follow• ing figures. There was raisecl by tax alone, for the relief of • sol•

diers7 families, by the cities of Buffalo, Eochester, Poughkeepsie, Syracuse and Brooklyn, an aggregate of no less than $1,186,503- 42. This is independent of all other elasses embraced in this re• port. It should be borne in mind, that the heads given in this report do not cover all the items of expenditure for purposes connected with the war. Statistics already received, although partial, indi• cate other classes of details for which money has been raised, voluntarily or by tax, and spent for objects incident to the rebel• lion; and there are yet others of which no record has been pre• served, although it will be practicable to obtain an account of the latter which will approximate correctness. So far as possible the several classes of disbursements referred to will be carefully col• lected and the result published hereafter.


Assessors of Internal Eevenue have furnished the annexed statement for the year ending with June, 1864. Eeports have not been obtained from the 9th, 10th, 12th, 18th, 21st and 29th districts. It will be remembered that the revenue for the year ending in June next, will be largely enhanced by the special tax of five per cent: 14 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

I. Licenses a . . $2,023,251 06 II. "Manufactures and slaughtered animals. 9,475,263 99 III. Distilled spirits, ale and lager beer 5,946,771 56 IV. Tobacco, cigars and snuff._ _. 1,744,806 82 V. Income . • .... 5,808,473 36 VI. Carriages, ,

- $30,881,938 99 Twentieth district not classified •„ 321,418 30

Aggregate of 26 districts $31,103,357 29

CONDITION OF MATERIALS. The collections of the Bureau are arranged in such manner as to be readily available for official and historical purposes. While, the war continues the materials must be incomplete at bestV It is impossible, therefore, to publish either the biographies of all who have entered the service, the history of every regiment, or a com• plete record of the aid afforded by towns, cities, or counties. Should it be the desire of the Legislature, however, a given num• ber of personal records might b.e printed each year, as well as outline histories of certain of the regiments,, and the efforts of towns, cities and counties, by years.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Are, eminently due to Governor Seymour for his uniform and ready aid in carrying out the objects of the Bureau. Governor Morgan, too, who created the Bureau, has constantly befriended it in a manner to redound to its highest advantage. The Honora• ble Erastus Corning has also been its invaluable friend. Others have rendered efficient aid. I have elsewhere acknowledged the favors of several of the rail• road companies of the State, as well as of the steamboat companies on the Hudson, and of the American Express Company.

-« CLERKS OF THE BUREAU. To the ability and zeal of these gentlemen is the enterprise mainly indebted for its measure of success; and it affords me no little satisfaction to thus publicly thank them for their untiring labors and the large degree of interest they have uniformly mani• fested in the objects of the Bureau. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 15

APPENDIX. The appendix embraces the following papers: I. Names of those who have furnished personal records. II. Memoranda about regimental records. III. Reports of counties. IV. Bounty reports. V. Flags in the custody of the Bureau. VI. .Acknowledgments of donations. and^ other, favors. VIL Names of clerks. CONCLUSION. It need not here be said that the vast scale on which the "war'is conducted is drawing largely upon the personal services of the sons of New York, as well as upon the valuations of our imperial State. But attention cannot be too often drawn to the extent of voluntary aid. Of this no official record is made, except what will be found in this Bureau. Millions have been given for the care of the sick and wounded in the field, to the families of volun• teers, and to other objects growing out of the war, and the end is not yet. Nor is the golden stream lessened; nay, it is rather increased. Our returns show that pauperism has diminished, crime decreased, our resources unimpaired, and that our educational interests are still flourishing. If carefully collected statistics present this hope• ful aspect, after four years of war, surely we need not now despair when, under Providence, the gigantic strength of the rebellion is surely giving way before the power of our armies. The ability of our people to conduct a long war, and yet successfully to prose• cute the vast enterprises of peace, is truly marvelous, and this generation well deserves that no fact should be lost which goes to illustrate the spirit,'the patriotism, the liberality, and, most of all, the heroism of this period. I therefore bespeak your continued favor for this Bureau, to the end that, jso far as this State is con• cerned,, there shall be placed before the future legislator and his• torian every thing connected with the origin, progress and results of the Great Eebellion. LOCKWOOD L. DOTY, • ^ " Chief of Bureau.


[Assem. No. 64.] •I I.


Ladies and gentlemen, so far as their names could be obtained, who it was believed would feel an interest in preserving the mili• tary record of those entering the service from their localities, have been furnished with blanks to that end. The following list gives the names of such as have already con• tributed personal records of soldiers, and the -number by each respectively: Name. Town. > County. No. Antes, Everitt Cicero . Onondaga... 5 Barnett, Mary J Webster.. Monroe 4 Barns, J. S...... North Evans Erie.. . 25 Bennett, J. Hunt's Hollow Livingston 6 Bingham, A. W Van Buren Onondaga 5 Button, L. M Alexander . _ .. Genesee 4 Bogardus, HP Syracuse Onondaga 2 Blood, Mrs. Esther..... Italy Hill _ Yates . 5 Bassett, A Eushville Yates 2 Brown, Miss C Cayuta Schuyler.... 4 Cushing, Henry M Cazenovia Madison. 5 Chaffee, David Marcellus Onondaga 5 Dudley, Hiram Castile Wyoming 5 Davenport, B. S . Lockport Niagara , 5 : ..... De Euyter Madison 5 Denniston, Robert .. Blooming Grove .. Orange 5 Dewey, Ralph. Ofct.o Cattaraugus.. 2 Emmons, E.N. Brewerton Onondaga 5 Holmes, Daniel . Brockport Monroe 15 Holtpn, Charles C Brighton... ,.. Monroe 5 Hobbie, John % Cazenovia Madison ..... 8 House, William Barrington Yates. 5 Henclershott, Mrs. H.^.. Groveland . Livingston... 3 Hare, William W...... Georgetown .. Madison . 5 Jerrells, Harvey. Perrinton Monroe 5 Johnston, Charles S Lodi . ... Seneca 5 Ketchem, A. FHamlin Seneca . 5 20 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Kinney, William Barrington. ... Yates 5 Lambert, I. L.„. 6 Loveland, J. D Chittenango Madison 5 Lamb, Amelia E Manlius , Onondaga ... 1 Lemon, Mrs. James Nunda Livingston .. 1 Losee, John H Otto ...... Cattaraugus.. 2 Loomis, Silas C Cazenovia Madison .... 3 Macomber, I). O Whitestown Oneida. 3 jitcLeod, Hiram.... Phelps , Ontario 4 Merrick, Rev. S. D Webster ,. Monroe..... 2 Nourse, J; Harvey Chittenango Falls.. Madison . 5 Nason, John Sempronius Cayuga . . 5

Niles, James L. Otisco v Onondaga 19 Palmer, Aaron .Brockport...... Monroe . 25 Powell, Shotwell Naples Ontario..... 5 Powell, Thomas J Naples Ontario 5 Pomeroy, Miss MaryT.. Otisco Onondaga... 5 Pooler, Charles F . Deansville. Oneida 5

Pickard, D. L ( Camillas Onondaga 1 Pooler, Charles F Deansville Oneida 6 Page, Joel F . _ _ Geddes Onondaga 4 Peckham, Mrs. Joseph Georgetown .. Madison 3 Reeves, Elisha Lodi Centre... Seneca 5 Raymond, Walter II.. Elba Genesee 10 Roberts, William R. Phelps Ontario 1 Reed, E. D Cassville...... Oneida.. ... 18 Smith, Hon. Jason .. Tyre Seneca .12 Smith, Louis E „• ... Venice Cayuga .. 4

Smith, Harvey. . Tully , Onondaga.v. 6 Smith, R. L Lysander Onondaga 5 Shippy, Mrs. C. (her sons) Otto „ Cattaraugus.. 5 Smith, A. R Churchville Monroe .. 3 ... Sweden ... . Monroe ..... 4 Smith, S. P.... Nelson Madison .... 1 Tompkins, Rev. J...., M^arcelius . Onondaga 16.

Tillotson, E. B„ % Cazenovia, Madison 5 Van Aken, Henry Port Ewen _ Ulster ... „ 2 Ward, J. C Frankfort ... Herkimer ... 7 Wright, George W Pembroke Genesee 5

Williams, Enoch...... r. Coomer .Niagara . 5 Wells, B.R...... North Chili Monroe..... 68 Williams, Oscar. Cazenovia Madison 5 Westcott, J. M. Dundee Yates 7 ; Wilkin, Miss R. A Starkey Yates 2 Wright, C. C... Hubbardsville Madison 4 ; Wells, B. R North Chili " Monroe ..... 8 White, Jerome B Cayuta .. ._ Schuyler .... 4 \ Wilson, Leonard. Otto Cattaraugus . _ 2 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 21

MEMORANDUMS—RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF REGI• MENTS, COMPANIES AND BATTERIES, FROM' ORIGI• NAL SOURCES. The following memorandums, enumerating the original papers furnished to the Bureau by officers and others, give the sources of the present state of information about the services of regiments, com• panies and batteries. Original papers only are embraced in the list. In addition to these the returns from towns, cities and counties give further valuable J statistical and other facts about the organi• zations raised in the respective localities. It is proper to add that the order books and other records of the State military departments are used in making up the official records of regiments, companies and batteries so far as the State has official relation with them. Newspaper cuttings in regard to each organization are preserved . and are being arranged in regimental and company scrap books, and w^ill be suitably indexed. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. February 1st, 1865. First Regiment—History. By Col. J. Fred. Pierson. Second. Third. Fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1862.' By Major Kruger, commanding. Fifth—Movements and engagements. By Col. H. Duryea. Statement of leading facts of its. history. By Col. Cleve• land Winslow. Sixth—General services of regiment, including full account of its organization and incidental history, as weU as of every movement. By Col. Wm. Wilson. * Sketch of the services of the regiment from its muster to .the expiration of its term. By Lt. Col. Michael Cassidy. Seventh, .Eighth—Brief statement of the services of the regiment to Janu• ary, 1863, with return of casualties. By Felix, Prince Salm.Salm, Colonel commanding. Ninth—Annual return of casualties for the year 186^. Outline account of its organization; how brigaded, &c.; transfers; list of battles, with its positions therein. By Col. R. C. Hawkins. 22 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Tenth—Its general services, including full account of organi• zation and incidental history, a§ well as of every move• ment. By Chaplain. Detailed history of the regiment. By W. B. Matchett, Chaplain. Eleventh—Statement concerning the death of Col. Ellsworth. By Lieut, Frank ET Brownell, U. S. A. Package of papers relative to raising the regiment. Fur• nished by Geo. F. Nesbitt. Statement of , Treasurer of the Executive Committee, showing the amount of funds received and paid out by him per order of committee. Twelfth-—General services, including a brief account of its organ• ization and incidental history, as well as of battles and marches. By Major Barnum. Thirteenth—History of regiment. By Col. E. G. Marshall. Report of the sick and wounded for nine months ending June 30*- 1862. By David Little, Surgeon. Report of the sick and wounded for nine months ending March 31, 1863. By David Little, Surgeon. Fourteenth—Brief statement of leading facts to December 27th, 1862. By T. M. Da vies, Lieut, Col. commanding. Brief outline, December, 1864. By Colonel James McQuade. Fifteenth—Brief statement-of leading facts to December 18, 1862. By James A. Magruder, Major commanding. Detailed account of organization and services.. Detailed account of organization and services of each of the companies. Sixteenth—Brief report of' casualties, dated March 16, 1863. By Lieut. Col. Palmer. Detailed account of organization and services, from information furnished by Col. Joel J. Seaver* Descriptive book (copy). Seventeenth—Its general services, including account of organiza- H tion and incidental history. By Colonel H. S. Lansing. Eighteenth—History. Printed in first annual report of Chief of Bureau of Military Statistics—21 pages. Ma• terials furnished by Col. Myers and others. Nineteenth—Brief history. By Theodore Dimon, Surgeon. Its general services^ including full account of the organization and incidental history, as well as of every movement. By Col. Solomon Giles. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 23

Twentieth—Concise statement of principal events, &'c, to Decem• ber 26, 1863. By Col. Von Vegesack. Its general services, including a full account of its organization and subsequent history to expiration of its term. By Baron Ernst Von Vegesack, Col. commanding. Twenty-first—Brief report of operations to December 22, 1862. By Col. W. F. Rogers. 1 Sanitary account. By O. C. Gibbs, late Surgeon. * "Chronicles," being a detailed record of the regi• ment, now being printed in numbers under the editorial charge of J. H. Mills, a disabled soldier of the regiment.

Twenty-second—Outline of formation and movements. Twenty-third—Annual return of casualties for the year 1862. By Colonel Hoffman. Outline sketch giving organization ; how brigaded and general engagements; skirmishes and marches. By H. C. Hoffman, Colonel. Twenty fourth—"Camp Fires." By Pound Sterling. Printed, p. 196. Twenty-fifth—List of'killed and wounded in action in regiment; also time and place of action, for the year 1862. Report of marches and actions in which it partici• pated, from entering service, to December 31, 1862. Signed by Sheparcl Gleason, Major, and forwarded by C. A. Johnson, Colonel command- . ing brigade. Twenty-sixth—Record of its organization ; assignment to duty ; general services ; marches ; battles ; and sani- . tary history. By Dan'l W. Bristol, late chaplain. Sanitary condition, and medical report. By Dr.W. B. Coventry, Surgeon of .regiment. Twenty-seventh. Twenty-eighth—Brief historical statement, with date of events from time of muster into service to December 23, 1862. By E. W. Cook, Lieut. Colonel, commanding. Annual report of casualties for 1862. By E. F. Brown, Colonel. Sketch of company "I." Twenty-ninth—.History of regiment, covering its organization, movements, the actions in which it has partici• pated and the services it has performed. By John Gitterman, Colonel. 24 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Annual return'of casualties for 1862. By L. Hart- man, Lieut. Col. commanding. History of regiment, covering its organization, movements and the actions in which it has par• ticipated and services it has performed. By A. Von Schluembach, Lieut. Col. commanding. Thirtieth—Brief sketch, January 12th, 1863. By M. II. Chrysler, Lieut, Colonel. Thirty-first— Concise statement of its military history to December, 1862. By Leopold C. Newman, Colonel. Casualties for .1862. By W. L. Watkins, Adjutant. Thirty-second—Statement of its organization, and services to Dec, 24, 1862. By Francis E. Pinto, Colonel. Annual return of casualties for 1862. By Colonel Pinto.! Thirty-third—Casualties! for 1862. By Major Platner. Printed history. By David W. Judd, pp. 425. Thirty-fourth—Historical statement covering the organization, departure to field, assignment to duty, general services, casualties, number on muster rolls at quarterly intervals, and date at muster out. By Byron Lafiin, Colonel. ' • . Brief sketch of services to December 26, 1862. By * . James A. Suiter, Colonel. Thirty-fifth-—Sketch of its movements and services. By N. B. Lord, Colonel. Detailed account of its organization, movements, and services up to.* By N. B. Lord, Colonel. Annual return of casualties, for 1862. By Lieut, Col. Todd. Detailed account of the organization, and services of Co. B, 35th N. Y. V. By Wm. N. Angle. Detailed account of the organization and services of ,' Co. E," 35th N. Y. V. By Capt. John A. Haddock. Thirty-sixth—Detailed account of its organization, departure from State, general services, marches, battles, number on muster rolls at quarterly intervals. By Wm. H. Brown, Colonel. History of i regiment to December 1862. By Elisha J. Faxon, Major commanding. Re turn of casualties for 1862. By James J. Walsh, Lieut. Col. commanding. > Sketch of Co. B, 36th regiment, N. Y. V. By E. M. Ruttenher- Thirty-seventh—Leading facts in its history to December 19th. 1862. By S. B. Hayman, Colonel CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS 25

Thirty-eighth—Report oi battle of Bull Run (1st). By Addison Farnsworth, Lieut. Col. commanding. Consecutive account of organization, movements and services of regiment. By Edward II. Kel• logg, Serg't Co. B. Condensed history of regiment, with complete roster. By Col. James C. Strong. Return of regiment, August 18-61. Annual return of casualties for 1862. Thirty-ninth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. By Charles Schwerr, Lieutenant Colonel commanding. List of engagements in which the regiment partici• pated. Return of regiment for December, 1862. Fortieth—Sketch to January 22, 1864. By Col. T. W. Egan. History of original colors. History of regiment by E. J. Riley, late Colonel. Forty-first—Annual return of casualties for 1862. By Lieut. Col. Holmstedt, commanding. Forty-second—Annual return of casualties for 1862. By Captain Lynch, commanding. Forty-third. Forty-fourth—Detailed account, embracing organization, route, assignment to duty, details of officers, general services, battles and casualties to July 30, 1863. By Col. James C. Rice. Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outline sketch, December, 1864. By Col. Freeman Conner. Forty-fifth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Brief sketch of regiment to December, 1862. By Col. Van Amsberg. x Forty-sixth. Forty-seventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outline of services to December, 1862. By Col. James L. Fraser. Forty-eighth. Forty-ninth—Outline of services to December, 1862. By D. D. Bidwell, colonel. Annual return of casualties for 1862. Fiftieth—Sketch of Regiment to January, 1863. By Edwin Y. Lansing, adjutant. Brief sketch to December, 1863. By Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Pettes. Outline. By Col. Charles B. Stuart, 26 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Fifty-first—-Brief sketch to December 20, 1862. By Robert B. Potter, colonel. Memorial of Col. Legendre, dated November 2, 1863, containing some account of .services of regiment. Return, dated November 2, 1863. By Col. Legendre, Fifty-second—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Notes of regiment. By Major Karples, July 20, 1864. Fifty-third. Fifty fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Return for month of December, 1862. Sketch of the regiment from its formation to Dec, 31,18 62. By Captain Charles Wahle, commanding. Fifty fifth—Annual return for 1862. Fifty-sixth. Fifty-seventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862, * Report of the operations of the regiment during the year 11862. By Col. Samuel K. Zook. Fifty-eighth—Report tojDecember 31, 1862, of the more important services. By Col. Krzyzanowski. Fifty-ninth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Official report of operations of regiment on May 3 and 4, 1863. History of regimental colors, and, incidentally, some account of services of regiment. By Lieut, Col. Ii. P. Rugg. Sixtieth—Account of services in battle of Gettysburgh; also re• port of circumstances attending the capture of two rebel colors by the regiment at Gettysburgh. By Colonel Goddard.' Detailed account of the organization and services of com• pany " I," December 3, 1864. By Jesse H. Jones. • Printed history. By Richard Eddy, chaplain, pp. 360. Sixty'first—-Return of casualties, *vith a compendium of services from its organization to January 1, 1863. B/Nel• son A. Miles, colonel. Papers connected with the organization of regiment, Sixty-second—Report of casualties in battle of Fredericksburgh, on May 3, 1863, and succeeding days. By Lieut. Col. Hamilton. Sixty-third—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Notes on services of the regiment, July 25, 1864. By Captain! Michael O'Sullivan. Sixty-fourth—Brief statement relating to organization, marches and battles.; By Col. E. C. Brooks. Report by Col. D. G Bingham, of operations by regi- jnent from April 27, to May 6, 1863. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 27

Sixty-fifth—A concise historical record from the date of organiza• tion, June 11, 1861, to January 1, 1863, compiled from regimental books and other reliable sources. . By an officer of the regiment. Sixty-sixth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Sixty-seventh—Brief sketch of services to December 23, 1862. By Nelson Cross, colonel. Account of organization, marches and battles, Feb. 1865. ByColonel Nelson Cross. Sixty-eighth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Historical sketch in reply to. circular of Adjutant General, to December, 1862. Material for history of the regiment to May, 1863. By GotthilfDe.B. O'lvernois, colonel commanding. Sixty-ninth—Tabular report,. March 17th, 1863. Outline of organization, marches, and services, to May 7, 1863. Seventieth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Sketch of services of regiment to December 31, 1862. By J. Egbert Farnham, Colonel commanding. Seventy-first—Outline, By Geo. B. Hall, Colonel. Seventy-second—Sketch of its organization, marches, and battles. By Nelson Taylor, Colonel. Seventy-third—Memoranda. By Lieut. Col. Burns. Seventy fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Seventy fifth. Seventy-sixth—Annual return of casualties for 18 6 2. Outline of services to December 1862. By W. P. Wainwright, Colonel. Seventy-seventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outline of services to December 1862. By W. B. French, Lieut, Col. commanding. Memoranda of organization and services. By Colonel French.. Seventy-eighth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Seventy-ninth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Return for month of February, 1863. Eightieth—Annual report of the movements, service and discipline of the •» Ulster Guard," (20th N.Y. S. M.,) for 1862, By Theodore B. Gates, Colonel commanding. Movements and services of regiment to December 31, 1863. By Colonel Gates. Eighty-first—Detailed account of organization, marches, battles, and casualties. By Colonel Jacob J. De Forest, 28' SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Eighty-second—Detailed account of services to December 26, 1862. Account of part taken in battles of Fredericksburg. Eighty-third—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Diary of movements, and brief account of services. Eighty-fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Extract from the regimental journal to January 1863. By E. B. Fowler, Colonel. Eighty-fifth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outlines of organization, marches and battles,' By Lieut. S. C. Aldrich, Adjutant. Eighty-sixth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. ' Brief sketch of services to December 25, 1862. By B. P. Bailey, Colonel. Eighty-seventh—Summary of its services to December 1862. By R. A. Bachia, Lieut. Col. commanding. Eighty-eighth—Annual return of the casualties for 1862. Eighty-ninth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Sketch of company G. Ninetieth. Ninety-first—Detailed account of its organization, movements and services, to July 1864. " Outlinie. By Major Charles G. Clark. Ninety-second—Annual return of casualties for 1862. List of casualties in battle of Fair Oaks. Detailed account of its organization and earlier movements. By. Jonah Sanford, first Colonel. Ninety-third—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Record for 1862. By John S. Crocker, Colonel. Record of company A. By Capt. O. L. Colvin. Ninety-fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1^62. Ninety-fifth. Ninety-sixth—Concise statement of organization and services to December, 18*62. 'ByGerardL. McKenzie, Lieut. Colonel. Like statement to December, 1863. By G. L. McKenzie, Lieut. Colonel. Ninety-seventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Marches of regiment. By Major JSForthrop. Planted sketch of organization and services, in history of Duryea's "Brigade." By F. B. Hough. Ninety-eighth. Ninety-ninth—-Returns for month of February 1863. Annual return of casualties for 1863. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 29

Onehundredth—Brief account of organization, presentation of flags, departure from State, battles in which engaged. By Colonel C. M. Otis.

One hundred and First. One hundred and Second—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Detailed sketch to Dec. 1862. By J. C. Lane, Colonel. Record of battles fought by the regi• ment, Jan. 5, 1865. By J. C. Lane, Colonel. Outline. By Colonel Thomas B. Van Bur en.

One hundred and Third—Outline of its services in 1862. By B. . Ringold, Major commanding.

One hundred and Fourth—Annual return of casualties.for 1862. List of killed and wounded at Manasas, Aug. 30, 1862. History of regiment to May, 1864. By Major Henry V. Colt. Printed sketch in "History of Duryea's Brigade." By P. B. Hough. One hundred and Fifth—Animal return of casualties for 1862. Outline of services in 1862. By John W. Shedd, Colonel. Returii for February, 1863. Outline. By Col. James M. Fuller. Printed sketch in " History of Duryea's Brigade." By F. B. Hough. One hundred and Sixth-—Annual report of casualties for 1862. Organization and early history. By Col. Schuyler F. Judd. History of the first year of its service. By Col. Edward C. James. One hundred and Seventh: One hundred and Eighth—Outline. By Col. O. H. Palmer. One hundred and Ninth—Outline. By Col. B. F. Tracy. One hundred and Tenth. One hundred and Eleventh. One hundred and Twelfth—History^ of Co. B, to Nov. 9, 1863. By Capt. W. H. Chadclock.

§. History of Co. I, to Dec. 1863. By Capt. Chas. H. Oley. One hundred and Thirteenth. 33 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

One hundred and Fourteenth—-History, of regiment down to arrival at Ship Island. By Capt. E. P. Pellet. One hundred and Fifteenth—Outline. By Lieut. Col. George S. Batcheller. One hundred and Sixteenth—Annual return of casualties in-1862. One hundred and Seventeenth. One hundred and Eighteenth. One hundred and Nineteenth—Annual return of casualties . for 1862. • . , Returns for December, 1862. One hundred and Twentieth. One hundred and Twenty-first—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Detailed account of organization and earlier services, July 28, 1863. By C. A. Moore, late Captain, Co. C. Account of organization and early, services. By One hundred and Twenty-second. One hundred and Twenty-third—Report of casualties in engage• ment of May 1st and 3d, 1863.

One hundred and Twenty-fourth—Outline. By E. M. Euttenber.

One hundred and Twenty-fifth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. One hundred and Twenty-sixth. One hundred and -Twenty-seventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862. One hundred and Twenty-eighth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Lists of, deaths and discharges in 1862. Printed list of officers and privates Sept. 20," 1862. A resume of the services of the regiment from Sept. 4, 1862, to Jan. 1, 1864, with a list^f losses. By James Smith, Colonel. One hundred and Twenty-ninth. CHI^EF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS* 31

One hundred and Thirtieth—Annual return of casualties for 1863. By Alfred Gibbs, Colonel. One hundred and Thirty-first. One hundred and Thirty-second. One hundred and Thirty-third. One hundred and Thirty-fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outline history. By George E. Danforth, Colonel. One hundred and Thirty-fifth. One hundred and Thirty-sixth—Annual return of casualties for • 18 Gfc. - History of regiment down to Feb. 20th, 1863. By Col. Jas. Wood, Jr., commanding. One hundred and Thirty-seventh. One hundred and Thirty-eighth. One hundred and Thirty-ninth. One hundred and Fortieth—Return of regiment for 1862. One hundred and Forty-first—Outline history of the regiment. By Capt. E. G. Baldwin. " One hundred and Forty-second—Annual return of casualties for 1862. One hundred and Forty-third—-Annual return of casualties for * 1862. One hundred and Forty fourth—Sketch of its organization and services. By Capt, P. Whit- tlesy Smith. One hundred and Forty-fifth. One hundred and Forty-sixth—Annual return of casualties for 1863. Returns for February and March, 1863. One hundred and Forty-seventh.

One hundred and Forty-eighth—-Annual return of casualties for . * . 1862.

One hundred, and Forty-ninth. v One hundred and Fiftieth. One hundred and Fifty first. One hundred and Fifty-second,. 32 SECOND AENUAL REPORT OF THE

One hundred and Fifty One hundred and Fiftyfourth—-Annual return of casualties for 1862. ' Return of regiment for month of December, 1862. Official report, of the part taken by it in the battle of Chancel- lorville. Official reports of the part taken by it in the battles of Gettys• burg, Lookout Valley and Chat• tanooga. Of the part taken by *it in the various movements of the army of Georgia, from May 4th to Sept. 2d, 1864. One hundred and Fifty fifth. One hundred and Fifty-sixth—Brief history of Co. A. By E. Van Wagener One hundred and Fifty-seventh.—Outline. By Hon. J ohn I. Foote. One hundred and Fifty-eighth. One hundred and Fifty-ninth—Detailed account of its organiza• tion, movements, battle and sani• tary history. By. Wm. Y. Pro• vost, Assistant Surgeon. List of killed, wounded and miss• ing in the battle of Irish Bend. List of killed,, wounded* and miss• ing in the battle before Port Hudson. • One hundred and sixtieth. One hundred and Sixty-first—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Brief sketch of the regiment. By Captain Dumas, January 23, 1861. One hundred and Sixty-second.—Brief. By Lieut. John D. Babcock. One hundred and Sixty-third. One hundred and Sixty fourth. One hundred and Sixty-fifth. One hundred and Sixty-sixth. One hundred and Sixty-seventh. One hundred and Sixty-eighth—Detailed account of its organiza• tion, movements, battles and sanitary history. By Wm. R. Brown, colonel, August 4, 1864. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 33

One hundred and Sixty-ninth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outline of its organization, services and marches. By W. E. Kissel- burgh, adjutant.

One hundred and Seventieth. One hundred and Seventy-first. One hundred and Seventy-second. One hundred and Seventy-third—Brief sketch of organization, move• ments and battles,. By L. M. Birge, chaplain. Sanitary history of regiment. By N- W. Leighton, surgeon. * One hundred and Seventy-fourth—-Detailed account of its organiza• tion, movements, services and battles. From diary in man• uscript, kept by Lieut. James Wood, Company F. One hundred and Seventy fifth.

One hundred and Seventy-sixth—Outline history. By C. C. Nott, colonel commanding. One hundred and Seventy-seventh. One hundred and Seventy-eighth. One hundred and Seventy-ninth—Brief sketch of organization. From Lieut. G. H. Holden. One hundred and Eightieth. One hundred and Eighty-first. One hundred and Eighty-second. One hundred and Eighty-third. One hundred and Eighty-fourth. One hundred and Eighty-fifth—-Brief sketch of its organization, movements and services. By Lieut. H. W. Clark.

Co. G, of the *llst reg-: Penn. volunteers—(Col. Baker's regiment)— This company was raised in New York by Capt. Barrell. Outline of services to Sept., 1862. By Assistant Surgeon Marshall. [Assem. No. 64.] 3 34 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

VOLUNTEER ENGINEERS. N. Y. Vol. Engineer Corps—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Concise statement of the duties per• formed by the corps from their organization to December, 1862. By Edward W. Serrell, Colonel and Chief Engineer, 10th Army Corps.

VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. First Regiment—Return for the month of February, 1863. Second. Third—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Record of the prominent facts connected with its organiza• tion and services. By Ferris Jacobs^ Jr., late colonel. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh—An account of the cavalry expedition to Richmond, Va. By Lieut. Col. Henry E. Davis, commanding. Eighth. Ninth. • ! Tenth—Morning report for April 12, 1863. An outline of the history of company E, for the first year of its enlist• ment. By Norris Morey, late captain. Eleventh. Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth.

Sixteenth. 1 Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. . Twentieth. Twenty-first. Twenty-second. $ VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. First Regiment—Return for month of April, 1863. Second—Return of casualties for 1862. Outline to October, 1864. By Major George Hogg, commanding. Return for March, 1863." CHIEP OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 35

Third—Outline for the year 1862. By A. A. General Davis. Fourth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. ; Outline to December 12, 1862. By H. H. Hall, Lieut. Col. commanding. Fifth—Annual return for the year 1862. Memoranda1, December, 1862. By Capt, H. L. Emmons. Fifth Reg't Third Battalion—Return for March, 1863. Detailed account of organization and servi• ces. Sixth. Seventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Surgeon's report for year ending August 19, 1863. By James E. Pomfret, surgeon. Exhibit of diseases for same period. By Surg. Pomfret. Eighth—Annual return of casualties for 1862.

VOLUNTEER BATTERIES. First Battery—Annual return of casualties for 1862. List of its battles to February, 1863. By Captain Cowan. Second—Outline for 1862. By Thomas Blume, first lieutenant. Third—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh.—-Outline. By Capt. Peter C. Regan. Eighth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Ninth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Outline for 1862. By E. Schubert, captain. * Tenth—Annual return of casualties for 1862. .' ' Eleventh—Annual return of casualties for 1862. Detailed statement, Aug. 31,1862. By Chas. W. Heald. ^ Map of marches of battery. By Lieut. G. K P. Gale. Twelfth. Thirteenth—Brief outline. By Lieut. James C. Carlisle. Fourteenth. Fifteenth—Part taken by battery at Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, ,1863. By Patrick Hart, captain. Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. 36 SEC ONI) ANNUAL;REPORT d#: THE

MILITIA. Efforts have not been wanting to procure a record of the servi• ces of such of these organizations as have served as minute men, but thus far without much success, although a multitude of promises have been made. Sixth RegH Militia—Account of its services in 1861. By Colonel J. C. Pinckney. Fourteenth RegH Militia—Outline of its organization and services. By Col. E. B. Fowler, and Ms honor A. M. Wood, late colonel. Twentieth Reg't Militia—(See 80th volunteers.) Seventy'-first Reft Militia, Co. I—Statement of services in 1861 and 1862. By Lieut. Wm. H. Hawkin*s. Seventy-fourth RegH Militia—Brief memoranda. By Col. Watson A. Fox. • CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 37


REPORTS OF COUNTIES. Reports have been received from the following counties: Allegany ...... By D. D. Gardiner, county treasurer. Clinton :. Wm. P. Mooers, county treasurer.

Herkimer _... _..m*. :„ Floyd C. Shepard, county treasurer. Lewis...... F. B. Hough. Livingstone . Chauncey Metealf, county treasurer. Montgomery . .... John C. Smith, county treasurer. Niagara ... John J. B. Spooner. Ontario ...... „... _ .. Gideon Granger. Orange ...... Geo. W. Millspaugh and others.

; Queens. t,.. r.. Lewis W. Angevine, county treasurer. Saratoga ----- Henry A. Maim, county treasurer. Seneca ...... Reuben D. Hurlbert, county treasurer. Schuyler ... Jacob Fitzgerald, county treasurer. Yates James Burns, county treasurer. Orange is given at length, first, for the purpose of showing the manner in which that county has met the demands upon it; and, second, to show that with proper labor, a report can be fur• nished by every county; for it may be safely asserted that facilities equal to those afforded Mr. Ruttenber are everywhere open. The same hand that prepared the county report has also fur• nished a town report from every town in Orange county. Of this series the annexed return from the town of Newburgh, will show the value of Mr. Ruttenber's labors in this direction, while proving the practicability of completing the records of localities in the manner contemplated by the Bureau.

ORANGE COUNTY. To Col. L. L. DOTY, Chief of Bureau of Military Statistics: The people of the county of Orange, without distinction of party, have been prompt in complying with every requisition made upon them by the government. The following table embraces the num• ber of volunteers and militia sent to the field prior to July, 1862, and also the volunteers since that, period. The returns prior to July, 1862, are:not complete. The number given is less than the credit to which the several towns are entitled. The returns for the subsequent periods are from official sources, and are believed to be correct. 38 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

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The following regiments and companies have been organized and recruited in the county, viz. 3d regiment, Cp. B., infantry, 1861... . 77 men. 18th regiment, Co. D., infantry, 1861 ) 151 44 18th regiment, Co. H., infantry, 1861 ) 36th regiment, Co. B., infantry, 1861 ...... Ill " 56th regiment, Co. A., infantry, 1861 ^

56th regiment, Co. B., infantry, 1861 I ^ ik 56th regiment, Co. D., infantry, 1861 f' 56th regiment, Co. E., infantry, 1861 J 63d regiment, Co. —, infantry, 1864 70th regiment, Co. F., infantry, 1861... 90 " 98th regiment, Co. I., infantry, 1864.... 124th regiment, infantry, 1862 1,047 <' 124th regiment, infantry, 1864 one comp. 168th regiment, infantry, 1862 335 men. 176th regiment, infantry, 1862 ..... 1 .. 272 " 1st regiment, Co. D., mounted rifles, 1861 51 " 2d regiment, Co. B., cavalry, 1861 15th regiment, Co. I., cavalry, 1864 140 " 15th regiment, Co. M., artillery, 1864 ...... 82 " 7th regiment, artillery.. . . 70 " 7th independent battery, 1861 To militia, (19th and 71st,) 517 " A large number of volunteers have been furnished to other organizations, and also to the regular army and to the navy.

Moneys raised by Subscription. The amount of money raised by subscription to promote volun• teering, for the relief of the families of volunteers, and for sani• tary and other purposes, has been as follows : Newburgh, 1861, for militia,... $12,385 00 Newburgh, 1862, for bounties, .... 17,521 00 Newburgh, 1863-4, for sanitary, 12,387 31 Blooming-grove, 1862, bounties, . 2,743 00 Blooming-grove, 1863-4, for sanitary,.. .. . 1,550 66 Chester, 1862, for bounties,. ^. 1,800 50 Chester, 1861-4, for sanitary, 800 00 Cornwall, 1862-4, for bounties, &c, ..... 2,075 00 Crawford, 1862-4, for bounties,.... 1,005 00 Deerpark, for bounties, &c, 1861-62 4,380 00 Goshen, 1862, for bounties, 4,028 00 Goshen, 1861-4, for sanitary,. _ 7,000. 00 Hamptonburgh, 1862, for bounties, 600 00 Greenville, No report Minisink, 1862-4, for bounties, &c...... 1,153 00 Monroe, 1862, for bounties,...... 1,500 00 40 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OP TEE

Montgomery, 1862, for bounties, $3,281 45 Montgomery, 1861-4, for sanitary, ...... 3,331 08

Mount Hope, 1862-4?i for bounties, &c,,...... 913 00 New Windsor, 1862, for bounties, ...... 4,620 00 Wallkill, 1861, for volunteering, ...... -. 1,540 00 Wallkill, 1862, for bounties, &e., . . 2,647 00. Wallkill, 1861-4, for sanitary, ...... 4,090 01 « Warwick, 18 61-4, sanitary, &c., - 3,100 00 Wawayanda, 1861-4, for sanitary, .._ .. 840 00 Highland, new town, - - ~ - Southfield, new town,; ...... —

Total,...... '-.... $95,291 01 Subscriptions have been raised in nearly all of the towns for purposes other than those namedf but no record has been pre• served of the amounts.

Moneys raised by Bonds. The amount for which bonds have been issued by the county for the payment of bounties, is $421,000. Of this sum $35,700 has been assessed upon towns having a surplus on the calls prior to July, 1864, and who received a county bounty for the volunteers composing such surplus at the rate of $300 for each volunteer. The amounts raised by tax and by the issue of bonds by the several towns, have been as follows : Newburgh, 1863, • $21,250 00 Newburgh, 1864, -- 154,850 00 Blooming-grove, 1864, 28,649 00 Chester, 1864...... 15,350 00 Cornwall, 1864, - 69,200 00 Crawford, 1864...... 26,629 26 Goshen, 1864...... - 39,650 00 Greenville, 1864, estimated, 21,500 00 Minisink,'1864,....!.: 22,500 00 Monroe, 1864...... 26,580 50 Montgomery, 1862, 3,000 00 Montgomery,* 1864, 54,250 00 Mount Hope, 1864, 35,475 00 New Windsor, 1864, spring,. 6,150 00 New Windsor, 1864, fall, 18,300 00 Wallkill, 1862...... - 4,000 00 Wallkill, 1864,... 91,100 00 Warwick, 1862, 2,000 00 Warwick, 1863-4, 73,352 00 Wawayanda, 1864,.. 26,800 00 Deerpark, 1864, 145,050 00 Highland, 1864, ...... 16,721 72 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 41

Southfield, 1864,.; .... $23,843 62 Hamptonburgh, 1864, 21,000 00

Total, $947,201 10 County bonds, _. 421,000 00 Subscriptions, 95,291 01

$1,463,492 11

This expenditure has been made by a population of 63,812, (census of I860,) on a valuation (1864) of $28,769,403. For the purpose of comparison, I may state that the town and county bonds of Westchester county amount to the sum of $1,981,688.22, on a population of 99,497, and a valuation of $43,767,924.

Town, County and State Taxes. In this connection the following statement of town, county and state taxes, and of income and internal revenue taxes, is not with- out interest: Town, County and State Taxes.

1861 1862 1863 1.864 TOWNS. Total tax. Total tax. Total tax. For town bonds. For county bond; Total tax.

Blooming $7,923 83 $8,607 44 $9,647 28 $10,500 00 $3,643 18 $23,896 Chester 5,995 04 6,454 83 8,548 85 6,222 26 4,395 56 18,456 Cornwall , 6,465 38 7,565 33 * 7,034 93 20,071-01 2,845 80 32,693 Crawford 5,380 33 6,540 98 6,008 27 8,521 25 2,277 76 16,816 Deerpark. .... 10,310 71 11,371 46 10,902 37 14,108 00 3,978 85 30,061 Goshen. 14,276 25 14,063 33 14,515 90 9,993 43 8,545 70 34,145 Greenville 2,861 86 3,113 07 3,106 92 4,000 10 1,200 70 8,471 Hamptonburgh 5,297 59 5,420. 27 5,286 65 10,100 00 2,189 43 17,899 Highland 797 85 1,056 41 4,947 Monroe 7,857*34 'ioJ244*i6 9,181*33 2,880 76 1,574 57 8,884 Montgomery... 10,678 89 12,432 60 12,757 43 7,750 00 7,284 61 27,969 Mount Hope... 4,068 26 3,985 66 3,963 65 11,034 68 1,647 47 17,296 Minisink 3,570 44 4,127 82 3,944 00 1,234 24 1,562 26 6,872. Newburgh. 45,671 68 47,570 10 51,551 73 25,214 09 113,064 NewW: " 8,093 19 8,776 81 8,403 12 '*2,951 39 4,646 68 16,715 Southfield 2,677 42 1,204 84' 7.533 Warwick 12,101*20 * 13,"330* 88 '15,928 56 11,960 00 6,523 20 34,730 Wallkill 16,182 16 18,647 84 24,376 12 2,880 00 7,427 30 32,446 Wawayarida...... 5,454 31 5,870 44 5,639 04 785 00 3,431 09 10,086

Total. $172,188 46 $188,122 74 $200,796 15 $128,467 39 $90,649 50 $462,989 97 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 48

Income and Internal Revenue Taxes to January 1st, 1865. Income tax , . $98,576 91 Special income tax .. i 88,514 52 Other internal revenue taxes 521,839 48

Total ...... $708,930 91

Recapitulation of Taxes and other Moneys raised for War Purposes. State tax, 1861 $36,787 89 1862 52,209 42 1863 44,737 96 ' 1864.. 56,459 95 Internal revenue taxes...... 708,930 91 County and town bounty tax 231,363 45 Relief of soldiers'families 4,005 65 Commissions,

Totalpaid ... $1,338,440 69 Obligations unpaid 1,136,837 65

Total to December 31, 1864.. $2,475,278 34

Expenses for support of the Poor. While the demands upon private charity have been greatly increased for the relief of the families of those upon whom the burthen of the war has been especially laid by service in the field, the public expenses for the support of the poor have not kept pace with the enhanced prices for provisions and the increase in popu• lation. The following are the official figures for the support of the poor in tile town of Newburgh:

YEAR. alm s hous e an d fo r temporar y relief . porar y relief . porar y relief . alm s house . house . b y th e war . war—families . Tota l expense s fo r Expense s o f tem • Increas e cause d b y No . grante d tem • Increas e cause d No . o f inmate s i n Expense s o f alm

84 , 9 $4,851 99 ' 61 11 $517 52 $5,369 51 1862 93 3-7 13 6,494 95 91 14 611 92 7,106 87 98 6-7 15 6,925 55 83 23 641 23 7,566 78

The County expenses, for the same purpose, have been as fol• lows, viz: SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF TEE

TOWNS. 1861 1862 1864

Blooming Grove $157 52 $185 15 $322 34 $63 85 Chester ...... 450 04 491 40 542 79 90 30 Cornwall 705 90 539 61 685 55 197 33 Crawford , 198 39 160 49 136 27 78 39 Deerpark 1,724 91 1,487 67 1,219 16 137 18 Goshen 1,554 58 1,459 89 1,191 62 121 50 Greenville.. 77 33 108 87 '77 28 21 00 Hamptonburgh. 131 05 200 91 109 00 Highland. Monroe ""912*90 "'951*80 "'869*74 215 29 Montgomery 879 14 945 33 769 13 209 07 Mount Hope...... 574 36 516 88 521 72 126 66 Minisink - 210 77 211 86 144 39 91 39 New Windsor ... 199 65 •242 45 152 40 79 95 Southfield 6 50 Warwick . '"868*64 "'857*92 "'851*49 405 06 Wallkill...... 1,890 98' 1,801 86 1,949 89 537 44 Wawayanda ....: 348 97 409 15 544 12 197 64

Total.. $10,885 13 $10,571 24 $10,086 89 $2,576 35 Expenses of alms house. 12,165 29 8,580 86 7,771 98 7,495 18

Total , $23 050 42 $1.9,152 10 '$17,858 87 $10,071 53

No. granted temporary relief . 2,217 1,6 1,387 326 No..of inmates of alms house. 239 402 289 124-

Total , 2,456 2,094 "450

Including the expenses of the poor system of Newburgh, the fol• lowing are the totals, viz: 1861. 1862. 1863. County poor. $23,050 42 $19,152 10 $17,858 87 Town of Newburgh 5,369 51 7,106 87 7,566 78

$28,419 93 $26,258 97 $25,425*65

During the winter of 1863-4, a considerable amount was ex• pended in each town for the relief of families of volunteers, under the special act of the Legislature. The amounts are not reported, except as town charges. % Orange County Criminal Statistics. The apparently necessary conflicts of opinion and of prejudice, attending a war of the character pf that in which we are engaged, have been so tempered and restrained by the better judgment of the people, that there has been but one public outbreak in opposi• tion to the laws. In the case referred to, a colored man, already sentenced to confinement for criminal offence, but granted certain out-door privileges in view of the immediately approaching termi• nation of the period for which he had been sentenced, enticed an emigrant woman to a secluded place, and there effected, as was charged, the crimes of robbery and of rape. These crimes ap- CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 45

pealed with peculiar force "to those whose nationality had been outraged in the person of one of their kindred, and, in the frenzy of the hour, led them to effect a forcible entrance of the public jail and to cause the death of the offender. The excitements of the conscription, which led to the great out• break in New York, were not sensibly felt. Elections have, in most cases, been conducted more in accordance with the dignity and the privileges of a people entrusted with the responsibilties of self government. Convictions for criminal offences have not materially increased. The following statistics are from official sources:

- Offence. 1861. 1862. 1863. *1864. Assault with dangerous weapon_.. .. 1 and battery. 7 -19 29 25 with intent to ravish . .... 1 11 with intent to kill... . > 2 1 . - with intent to injure * 1 Bigamy . _ v ... —. 1 Burglary . . 9 .. 3 1 Contempt of court. 1 Disorderly person .. - 2 1 1 Exhibiting obscene books - 1 Forgery .... „. 3 .. 1 Grand larceny .... •-. -.... 5 1 1 Illegal voting. 1 Intoxication...... „ 3 53 27 6 Keeping disorderly house. 2 1 1 Malicious mischief. 1 1 1 Murder _ 1 ~- 1 Manslaughter 1 Petit larceny .„ 6 16 21 21 Rape 2 .. 1 Riot i 1 Threatening to kill 2 Using indecent language"!j . 1 Violations of excise law 13 .. 3 5 Vagrancy.. 27 39 2

Total..... 59 126 128 65

Business Interests. The agricultural, mechanical and commercial interests of the people of the county have been greatly prospered. New sources

* 1864 incomplete.


of mineral wealth have been opened, and new avenues of commerce established. In common with other sections of the State, there has been a scarcity of labor in some branches of industry, but this scarcity has not been so great as to seriously interfere with the cultivation of the soil or with the prosecution of mechanical enter• prises. The following statement exhibits the increase in the banking capital of the county:

Banks. I860. 1864. Bank of Newburgh . .. • $300,000 $800,000 200,000 350,000 300,000 300,000 125,000 125,000 110,000 110,000 105,660 110,000 130,000 130,000 Middletown Bank .. 125,000 125,000 Wallkill Bank...,. 175,000 175,000 First National Bank of Warwick .. . --«>.»_.« 50,000 First National Bank of Middletown.. - 100,000

Total $1,570,660 $2,375,000


The people of Orange county have no occasion to conceal the history which they have made. The heroic field of Minisink, and the glowing history of West Point, were theirs in the past. The noble contributions which they have made, in the baptism of blood which the nation is now receiving, will be an additional crown of honor in the future. The banners borne by their sons have shared the triumphs of every principal battle-field of the army of the Potomac—the soil of States, kindred to them by revolutionary memories, is now more sacred, as containing the ashes of the thou• sand jewels that they have sacrificed. Trusting that through your Bureau the people of the county will contribute to preserve even the most minute details of the part which they have taken in this great conflict, ( I am, yours, &c, E. M. EUTTENBEE. NEWBURGH, January 1, 1865.

NOTE.—I beg to acknowledge information furnished by Captain James N. Pronk, Provost Marshal of 11th district, and by Charles CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 47

B. Halstead, Esq., his deputy; Hon. John G. Wilkin, collector of internal revenue; George W. Millspaugh, Esq., clerk of the board

of supervisors; YWm. L. F. Warren, Esq., president, &c, New• burgh; Odell S. Hathaway, Esq., late supervisor, Newburgh; Hon. Robert Denniston, Blooming Grove; J. D. Walsh, Esq., New Wind• sor; Wm. C. Miller, Esq., superintendent,


VOLUNTEERS FURNISHED FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF THE REBELLION. Information in regard to the number of men furnished by the town of Newburgh, at the outbreak of the war and prior to the July and August calls for volunteers in 1862, is necessarily iniper- fect, as no record was kept of the enlistments during that period, nor, in many cases, of the regiments or companies in which enlist• ments were made. The principal number of volunteers, however, were in the 3d, the 36th, and the 56th regiment, the 7th Indepen• dent battery, and the 71st and 19th militia. An analysis of the muster-rolls of these regiments supplies the following facts, viz : 1. Company B, 3d Regiment JST. Y 8. V;—This company was recruited in Newburgh, in March and April, 1861—was accepted April 15, reported at Albany April 22, and mustered into the service of the United States, May 14, for two years. It had 77 men—officers, non-commissioned officers and privates—all of whom, with the exception of three, may be claimed as from Newburgh, Its muster-roll is appended.

2. Company B7 36th Regiment iV Y S. V.-—This company was recruited in Newburgh in May and June, and was mustered into the service of the United States, June 17, 1861, for two years. Its first muster-roll contained the names of 77 men—officers, non-com• missioned officers and privates—but by subsequent recruits was increased to 111, of which number 82 resided in Newburgh, of whom 67 were recruited in 1861. A full roll of its members is appended. 3. Company I, list Regiment, JST. Y. S. M.— This company was recruited in Newburgh, principally from company L,, 19th militia. It was attached to the 71st regiment, June 28, 1861, for three months service, and was in the first battle of Bull Run, where the first of Orange county's heroes, Samuel O. Bond, one of its mem. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

bers, was killed. It also accompanied the 71st regiment for three months service in June, 1862. Its muster-roll, for both periods is appended. 4. Fifty-sixth Regiment N. Y8. V.—Companies A and B of this regiment, were recruited in Newburgh; and also parts of companies C, D, E and G. The regiment was recruited between the 1st of July and the 28th of October, 1861, for three months service. So far as can be ascertained, by inquiry of officers, 139 volunteers were furnished to this regiment. A list of the names is attached. ' 5. Seventh Independent Battery N. Y 8.V.—This battery was principally recruited in the towns of Newburgh, New Windsor and Cornwall. Fifty-four of its original members were credited to Newburgh on re-enlistment in the winter of 1863-64. 6. Companies D, F, F, land I, 19th Regiment N. Y. 8. 31— These were uniformed militia companies of the village of Newburgh, with the exception of Company I, which was recruited for the service. They went out for three months, with the regiment, June 4, 1862, with a total of 357 men. The muster-rolls of the com• panies, are appended. 7. Miscellaneous Enlistments.—-It is impossible to give the exact number or the names of men recruited for regiments and organiza• tions prior to July 1862, not embraced in the foregoing statement. As far as ascertained, there were 111 volunteers of this class, whose names, and the regiments to which they were attached, are appended. 8. Enlistments in the Navy.—The names of fifty volunteers in the navy, for whom the town has not been credited, are appended. Under the calls of July and August 1862, the quota of the town was 470. The number furnished was 501, viz :

To 124th regiment three years.. . _ 217 To 168th regiment nine months . 166 To 166th regiment nine months . 41 To 3d regiment three years v. 22 To 36th regiment three years 13 To 2d cavalry three years 11 To miscellaneous organizations 31

Total. 501

% The quota of the town under the call of July 1863, (draft, Oct. 7, 1863,) was 443—which number, with an addition of 50 percent. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 49

(total, 552) was drawn, of whom 90 commuted, entered the service personally, or furnished substitutes. The total of quotas under the merged calls of July and October 1863, and of February, March and July, 1864, was 756. Total number furnished (including 90 credited by draft, as already stated), 827-—71 of whom1 were not credited to the town. The enlistments during this period were: Colored 65 26th cavalry. 1 5th artillery . . . * 10 2d vet. cavalry 1 6th artillery. 2 56th infantry.. 85 7th artillery I .. 30 63d infantry 20 5th. artillery ...... 1 98th infantry... . 51 15th artillery...... 9 124th infantry 6 16th artillery.. 11 128th infantry 4 7th battery...... 92 Eainey7s volunteers . 28 1st engineers 4 Navy. 64 Mounted rifles.. —...... 2 Miscellaneous 28 15th cavalry 50 16th cavalry 1 Total ... 827 18th cavalry. 6 Totals of men furnished : \ 1861-2 .. 922 1862 501 1863-4 827

Total .... 2250

ROLL OF VOLUNTEERS. Names of Volunteers and Militia from Newburgh in 1861 and 1862, prior to July :

COMPANY B., 3D REGIMENT. Andrews, Thomas. Decker, Louis W., corporal. Abbott, William D., corporal. Elliott, James. Bingham, Samuel, sergeant. Fullerton, Stephen, captain. Beedle, James H. do Fisher, Alanson. Balfe, William C. Ferguson, George. Boyd, Duncan W. Ferris, John. Conklin, Perry. Fraunce, Abm., Jr. Cameron, Alexander. , Foley, John W. Carmichael, Paul. Fraunce, Isaac. B>aniels, William A. Gillis, Daniel. Drake, Benjamin C. Gordon, Robert. Dewitt, George D. Garrison, John D. Dunn, John. Hanna, David. Devaney, George.. Hayes, Garret. [Assem. No. 64.] 4 50 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Harrington, Theodore. Pike, George. Jones, Erwin A., lieutenant. Ritchie, John. Jones, Walter D. , Ryan, Michael. Kimball, George H. Randall, James W. • ~Keimedy, James. Sneed, Joseph A. Leonard, Marcus, musician. Stevenson, John W. Lawson, William S. Sneed, John A. Mills, Coe. White. Sproll, John W. McCann, John-J. Strachan, James W. R. Miller, Andrew. Sammis, George R. Manny, Eleazer. Spaulding, William D. McElrath, Thomas, y Stone, James. Mann, Alexander, lieutenant. Simms, Isaac. Mabee, Jeremiah, sergeant. Theal, Joseph D. Masterson, James. < Taylor, Charles E. Millspaugh, Charles C. Vandewater, Francis R. McGrady, Felix. : Valentine, John H. Martin, Thomas.. Waugh, Frederick. McKune, Theodore. Wallace, John M. Millifcen, David. Wallace, Hugh. Moshier, John. Willis Howard J. Mapes, Henry C. Woodruff, David. Nixon, John Wiseman, Joseph. Pierce, Theodore. Wilson, John. Prince, John E.

COMPANY B, 36TH REGIMENT. ^Anderson, John. . Davenport, Jesse. Ackley, Hezekiah. Dotzert, Wm. Beard, Patrick. *Birdsall, Archibald. Buckley, Joseph. Decker, Alfred. Benson, James M. Dougherty, John G. Bailey, Wm. H. Drake, David E. Blair, George F. Drake, Benjamin. Bakewell, Sidney V* DeGraw, John. Brady, John. i #Earle, George. *Birdsall, John M. Eaton, William, sergeant. ^Benjamin, Wm. H. *Flood, John. Byrnes, John J. Farron,. John. *Barr, James C. ^Ferguson, Peter. Carrol, Barney. #Fowler, George W. Corkey, Newton. *Fitzpatrick, James. Conley, Owen. Feltman, John H. Cosgrove, James. Goldwin, James. Carst, Joseph. Gilcrist, Alex., Jr. Cornish, Noble Mi , Gurven, James. *Coleman, Henry. Gardner, Thomas. Cunningham, John G. Grove, James. Donohue, T., lieutenant. Gallagher, Hugh. * Recruits, 1862. - CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY SNATISTICS.

Hamilton, Robt. J. Mosely, Henry. Henrv, Alexander. Noonan, James. •Halfeck, John D. Nichols, James. Hartford, Wm. H., corporal. Newport, Thomas. Hays, Alexander. O'Farroll, Francis. Jackson, Israel. D. * O'Brien, Thomas. Jackson, Andrew. *0wens, Peter. Joy, William.. Paisley, William. Kenny, Timothy, sergeant. Potts, Joseph B. Lamb, Frederick. Quick, William. Lockwood, David C, sergeant. Ryder, James. Loumy, John, musician. Ryder, Franklin B. Lumney, Patrick. Reed, Chauncey A., corporal. Laughlin, John. Ross, William. Lewis; John N., lieutenant. Raney, James A., captain. Lewis, Chas. E., sergeant. Sager, Edvvin B. Ledwith, John. Sager, Morris. Merwin, David S., corporal. Schroeder, Wm. J. McMillan, Archibald.. Sheenan, Thomas. #McCready, Thomas. Sterling, James. McCleary, John. Scott, Charles. McCann, Chas. Smith, Oliver. McCabe, William. Shurter, Wm. H. McDowell, John H. Sarvis, Daniel. Martin, David. Seaman, Wm. H. Mann, John. *Smith, John T. Murphy, John. Turner, Frederick W. McGrath, Michael. Twiggs, Eugene L. McCormick, Robert, musician. Terwilliger, Jacob H. Milliken, Harvey, corporal; *Wilson, Charles W. Many, Mortimer. Watts, Chas. S. Murphy, Stephen, corporal. Whallon, Michael. Millspaugh, Jona. M.,.corporal. Young, Selden, sergeant. Martin, John D. R.

COMPANY I, 71ST MILITIA, 1861. Ellis, Van Horne A., captain. Bond, Samuel O., private. Chamberlain, B. F., 1st lieut. Briggs, Vespasian, private. Hawkins, Geo. W., 2d lieutenant. Brown, Bartley, private. Garrison, Wm. H., 1st sergeant. Carmichael William J., privat( McMeekin, John, 2d sergeant. Cummings, William, private. Hanman, James D., 3d sergeant. Crasser, Charles L., private. Decker, Charles, corporal. Connell, John, private Van Zile, Marshal M., corporal. Corby, Frank, private. Travis, Henry F., corporal. Delevirne, John, private; Riley, Thomas, corporal. De Witt, David W., private. Aches on, Robert, private. Dowdell, Henry G., private. Baird, Charles K., private. Fisher, James W., private.

* Recruits, 1862. 52 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF . THE

Fletcher, Harmon P., private. Moore, George, private. Forsyth, John W., private. Morton, George C, private. Foster, John W., private. McDonald, William, private. Grier, James A., private. McDougal, Andrew D., private. Grineir, Max, private. McSkimmin, Samuel, private. Gowdy, James, private. McVettie, William, private. Hall, Edwin, J., private. Phillips, William N., private. Hastings, James, private. Eobison, Thomas, private. Hines, Eicharcl M., private. Smith, William W., private. Hines, Francis, private. Sterling, George, private. Kennedy, Henry, private. Taggert, James O, private. Knapp, William H., private. Terwilliger, Jasper G, private. Lawson, Sylvester B;,; private. Webber, Charles D. G., private. Luther, George, private. Wilkinson, James H., private. Mould, J. W. E., private. Wilsoii, Samuel C, private. Millar, John, private. Whittenbecker, A., private. Montgomery, James B., private. Wood, Charles B., private.

COMPANY I, 71ST MILITIA, 1862. Ellis, Van Horne A., captain. Hastings, James, private. Garrison, William H., 1st lieut. Horton, George W., private. Taggert, James C, 2d lieut. Hulse, Lewis H., private. Forsyth, John W., 1st sergeant; Hume, Henry G, private.

Travis, Henry F., 2d sergeant. JelFery, Johnr private, \ McMeekin, John, 3d sergeant. Keiter, Augustus, private. Montgomery, Jas. B., 4th sergt. Kidd, Oscar T., private. Eiley, Thomas, 5th sergeant. Kehoe, Edward J., private. Acheson, Eobert, corporal. Marsh, Edwin J., private. Hall, Edmund J., corporal. Mastih, Peter F., private. Verplank, William M., corporal. Mead, Thad.., private. Miller, William E., drummer. Milliken, John JSL, private. Eobinson, George F., drummer. Mink, John, private. • AndersoUj Edward D., private. Myers, Alfred E., private. Ball, Sherwood, private. McClusky, Joseph W., private. Briggs, Joseph, private. McLaughlin, Dennis, private. Carter, James A., private. McNeal, John, private. Clark, George S., private. McSherry, Thomas J., private. Dowling, Eoe C, private. McSkimmin, Samuel, private. Fee, John W., private. McCotter, Eobert, private. Fleming, James, private. Parker, Joseph A., private. Foster, John W., private. Pidgeon, Eobert E., private. Fraunce, Abraham, private. Phaleon, John, private. Galvin, Dennis, private. Potter, John, private. Girling, William B., private. Eobinson, Thomas, private. Gregory, Lewis/E., private. Eodman, WilliamC, private. Gunn, Charles A., private. Sanxey, Frederick D., private. Hammond, William D., private. Shaw, Andrew K. C, private. Hanna, David, private: Sherdan, James, private. Hawley, Thomas, private. Shurfeldt, Eugene, private. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS.

Simpson, "William H.,> private. Wheeler, Seth, private. Tuttle, Abraham, private. *

. ' • 56TH REGIMENT, 186.1. Charles Shelling . Chaplain. Eli H. Evans Adjutant. John C. Gerard Quartermaster.

COMPANY A. Marvel, Thos. S., Jr., captain. Halstead, Isaac, private. Franklin, DanT R., lieutenant. Scott, Mason, private. Pope, Thomas B., lieutenant. Tompkins, Stewart, private. Atwood, Thos., ord. sergeant. Scofield, David, private. Hathway, Hiram F., corporal. Wescott, Almeron, private. Gillespie, Chas. E., corporal. Odell, George, private.. Fields, John, corporal. Phillips, Wm. N., private. Hastie, John, corporal. Rosa, James H., private. Westcott, Volney, corporal. Donnelly, Byron, private. Miller, Harmon B., musician. Sutliff, John, private. Kirby, George, wagoner. Cash, Samuel, private. Barr, James, C, private. > Jamison, John, private. Cor win, Daniel, private. Cor win, David C., private. Carroll, Thomas, private. DeGroat, Samuel,, private. Clark, Francis W., private. Dolan, John G.,' private. Clugston, Hugh, private. Lent, Henry, private. Davis, Clarence, private. Toey, Michael, private. Gairison, John, private, Williamson, Samuel, private. Gidney, Wm., private. Wilso% David, private. Gould, James, private. Wilson, John, private.

COMPANY B. Thayer, Chas. P., captain. Brewer, Henry J., private. Vanderburgh, E., lieutenant. Crosby, John, private. Reenter, Alp ho nso, 1st sergeant. Daniels, James, private, Norman, Chas., 1st sergeant. Fagens, Thomas, private. Kinslear, George, sergeant. Ferkel, Jacob, private. Sterling, George, corporal, Foos, Richard, private. Strickland, Jere., corporal. Gorden, Daniel, private. Flannigan, Edward, corporal. Gorden, David, private. Walsh, Wm., corporal. Gorden, Wm., private. Boyd, James, corporal. Grogen, Daniel,.private, Lomas, Edward, corporal. Gray, Patrick, private. Hamilton, Wm., drummer. Grady, John, private. \ Aldridge, Wm., private. Hargrave, Thomas, private. Barry, Cornelius, private. Havermeyer, Jbhn, private. Baker, Charles, private. Jennings, Charles, private. Bennett, William, private. Kane, Eugene, private. Booth, David, private. Lockwood, John, private. Bogardus, Fred., private. Litze, Henry, private. 54 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT QF THE

Mahle, Wm., private. Prestler, George W., private. Matthews, George, private. Eodgers, John, private. Matthews, James, private. Rosenburgh, Jacob, private. Millspaugh, Virgil, private. Rosencrantz,'Martin, private. Morris, John C., private. Rhodes, Thaddeus, private. Martin, Thomas, private. Seaton, Mark, private. Miller, John, private. Silvex-burgh, Levi, private. McMannus, John, private. Smith, William, private. McCabe, John, private, i Smith, George, private. McDowell, Wm., private. Stickle, John C., private. Newman, Wm., private. Terwilliger, Harrison, private. Pelt on, Eligob, private. Tuthill, John P., private. Pepper, Wm., private. Waddle, Robert, private. Pierce, Samuel, private. Wyantz, Charles, private.

Purely, David, private. ;, White, William, private.

COMPANY C. Connelly, Henry M., lieutenant. Quigley, James. Boyd, James H. COMPANY D. Beckett, Isaac, lieutenant. Sizer, Joseph. Connell, John. COMPANY E. Williams, Wm. J., captain. Keeler, William. Hines, Richard M., lieutenant. Metealf, John, Sackett, Henry M. C, sergeant. Smith, Oscar. Dolan, William. r Schwartz, Wm. i)ay, William. Tyler, Manning. Fraunce, Abraham. Thayer, S. Hines, Francis.

COMPANY F. ' Milton, James H. F., lieutenant.

COMPANY G. Nixon, Edward. Eaton, Edward* Murray, James.

COMPANY I. Goldsmith, Chas,. D.



Original Master Roll, November, 1861.

Date of enlist• Place of enlist• Age. Residence. NAME. ment. ment.

Regan, Peter C, Captain 37 1861, July 24 Buttermilk Fallss Cornwall. Sheibner, Eugene, 1st Lieut.... Nov. 15 Washington.... Regular army. Bennet, John S., 1st Lieut ..... 26 Aug. 15 B. Falls Cornwall. Kniffen, Abram, 2d Lieut...... 35 July 26 do do Lee, William H., 2d Lieut 31 Aug. 20 Newburgh Newburgh. Mclntyre, Martin V.j 0. Serg. . 24' N Sept. 26 N. Windsor.... N. Windsor. Kelly, Edward, sergeant'.. ... 25 Oct. 1 Brooklyn. Armstrong, Bernard 18 Aug. 16 Saugerties. Armstrong, Andrew 38 Oct. 12 Newburgh Newburgh. Anthony, Wilber T. 22 Oct. 26 Pittsfield. Brown, Nathaniel B...... 32 Aug. 16 Camp V. W.... Poughkeepsie .- Baker, Charles. 21 Sep*. 16 Searsburgh.%... Crawford. * Birch, William H...... • 18 Sept. 20 Poughkeepsie .. Poughkeepsie. Birkensj Williams ...... 21 Sept. 27 Newburgh. Bowne, Morgan L 18 Oct. 9 Camp V. W.... Cornwall. 23arne»s, Smith F 19 Oct. 6 do Newburgh. Brundage, Ezekiel 39 Oct. 9 do .... Cornwall. Bush, Charles ... 20 Sept. 12 do Fishkill. Bush, Caleb.... 18 Oct. 2S do .... do Bailey, Charles H 18 Oct. 28 do Newburgh. Bailey, Walter M. .'„• ...... 21 Oct. 24 do do Bowen, George L...... 26 Oct. 21 do New Windsor. Burras, John H...... 29 Oct. 28 do Fishkill. Bogardus, Frederick , 19 Oct. 15 do Newburgh. Bates, Joshua...... 21 Sept. 23 Saugerties ..... Saugerties. Burns, Edward. , 30 Noy. 26 Washington.... Washington. Crawford, Moses L. 21 Aug. 16 Camp V. W.... Newburgh. Coger, John W. , 20 Sept. 13 do Poughkeepsie, Canfield, John M...... 21 Sept. 13 Ellenville Ellenville. Cox, Michael. , 26- July 28 But. Falls. .... Cornwall.' Caltin, David S.: 40 Sept. 1 Ellenville.. Ellenville. Cyphers, Henry 22 Oct. • 4 Camp V. W .... Cornwall. Coddington, John B. 22 ^Oct. 9 do Kingston. Coddingfcon, Hiram 26 Oct. 9 do do Crawford, William...... 19 Oct. 1 do Newburgh. Cassin, John. ... 35 Oct. 18 do Monroe. Carroll, James 20 Oct. IS do Middletown. Cleary, Felix 31 Oct. 18 do .... Newburgh. Colyer, Benj. S. 21 Oct. 18 do do Cannon, Patrick 44 Sept. 5 do Newburgh. Dye, Cornelius B 30 Sept. 21 do Davies, Robert. 33 Oct. 9 Camp V. W.... Cornwall. Drake, Benj. C 30 Nov. 5 do Newburgh, France, Henry S. 21 Sept. 25 do do Fiannigan, James 23 Aug. 16 Saugerties. Felt, John W 18 Aug. 31 Newburgh. Fairbanks, Charles 44 Oct. 28 do do Farrell, Patrick 24 Sept. 26 Saugerties. Fremole, Solomon .22 , Oct. 28 Camp V. W.... Newburgh. Griffith, David 26 Oct. •1 Middletown.... Middletown. Goodsell, Anthony , 30 Oct. 7 But. Falls Cornwall. Green, J ohn. 33 Oct. 28 Camp V. W....' Newburgh.

Gillespie, William H jt.... 18 Nov. 26 do Hall, Alanson , 36 Sept. 30 CampV. W.... Fishkill. Hall, Garwood. ,'. 21 Oct. 26 Ashford. Harmon, Franklin D. 25 Oct. 26 do do Howard, James E 29 Aug. 16 Camp V. W.... Poughkeepsie. Hunter, John 19 Sept. 27 do New York. Hunter, David 0 19 Oct. 17 do do Harden, Patrick ...... 44, Oct. 7 do Newburgh. Hicks, Matthew 18- Oct. 9 do Cornwall. Hasbrouck, Hiram 27 Sept. 13 do • .... Ellenville, Kline, Henry 21 Sept. 16 do Newburgh. Kniffen, Charles. 18 Oct. 6 do do Knapp, Alonzo. 18 Oct. 15 do do 56 * SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

1th Independent Battery Muster R(M^-Continued.

Bate of enlist• Place ©f enlist• Age. Residence. NAME. ment. ment.

Kiselbrack, Mihard. ...•• 18 1861 Oct. 17 Camp V. W.... Maiden. Keaney, Edward 25 Sept. 1 do Cornwall. Lock wood, Absalom. .... 18 Sept. 23 Tarry town...... Saugerties. Legg, Nelson..,. 38 Sept. 25 do Little, David. 28 Nor. 26 Newburgh. Lindsay, Joseph 24 Sept.. 4 Camp V. W.... $0 Low, Andrew . 43 Sept. 25 Saugerties. .... Saugerties. McPhelmy, Amos 25 Oct. 1 Middletown..... Middletown. McKune, Charles F , • 26 Sept. 1 Newburgh. .... Newburgh. McGuire, Hugh . 34 Sept. 9 Camp WW.... Cornwall. McDonald, John 33 Aug. 16 do Newburgh. MoKissock, David 30 Sept. 14 do do Merriett, George W 25 Sept. 9 Garrison's L'd'g Phillrpstow v M.ack, Jesse. 20 Aug. 16 Camp WW.... Newburgh. Moore, John. ....1...... 1

Smith, Abram A %21 Sept. 26 do N. Windsor. Smith, Charles. ^23 Oct.^ 28 do Cornwall. Sloan, Bernard 21 Oct. 28 do Newburgh. Scott, Ira. 18 Oct. 9 do .... do Talmadge, Wm. T 28 Sept. 16 do Crawford. Tacey, James ...... , 21 Sept. 27 do do Tittis, Watson 18 Oct. 14 do Newburgh. Terry, Harrison 27 Oct. 10 do .... do Wilcox, Abraham 31 Oct. 3 do .... Port Jervis. Williams, Lewis W 19 Aug. 16 do Montgomery. Waters, Wm. A 21 Sept. 26- Saugerties Saugerties. Wallin, Edward 19 Sept. 14 Poughkeepsie .. Poughkeepsie. Wilson, Robert 18 Sept. 26 Camp V. W... N. Windsor. Walsh, James 25 Aug. 16 Haverstraw.... Montgomery. Van Stienburgh, Charles . * 21 Oct. 4 Saugerties. .... Saugerties. Van Stienburgh, Bartley. 21 Oct. 4 do do Harvell, Charles S...... 1862 Jan. 1 Cornwall. Proudfoot, John...... Jan. 1 Newburgh...... Newburgh. Rhinehart, ...... Jan. 1 Kingston.

Nineteenth Regiment, N Y. S. M. CONTINENTAL GUARD, COMPANY D. Jenkinson, Isaac, captain. Col well, Clark B., 2d sergeant. Marvin, Wm. B., 1st lieutenant. Chase, James T., 3d sergeant. Boorock, Jno. W., 2d lieutenant. Wilson, Samuel C., 4th sergeant. Ferguson, Archibald, 1st sergt. Lynch, Richard, corporal. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 57

Lindsey, James B., corporal. Hancock, Robert S., private. Pentreath, John, corporal. Hunter, Alpheus S., private. Clark, John W., corporal. Hunt, Robert, private. Shaw, Organ, drummer. Ireland, Alfred, private. Depuy, Thomas G., lifer. Ireland, James, private. Brown, John H., private. ' Jones, Michael, private. Baugh, Alphonzo M., private. Laubeuheimer, Adam, private.

Bishop,. Alonzo, private. Lee, James, private% Benedict, Augustus A., private. McCauley, Robert, private. Bohen, Robert H., private. McCann, Henry, private. Campbell, Hugh, private. Milliken, Francis B., private. Conldin, John V., private. Medina, Julius, private. Cullum, John, private. .Mason, Joseph L., private. Covert, George J., private. Owens, Richard, private. Connelly, Joseph, private. Pollard, Bartlett G., private. Dennis, Albert, private. Phillips, Henry M., private. Dotzert, William, private. Strang, Sylvanus, private. Doyle, Felix, private. Sparks, James, private. Dietzgroth, George A., private. Sierine, Joseph H., private. Edwards, Andrew, private. Terwilliger, William, private. Ellison, Alexander, private* Town-send, Henry, private. Embler, Hiram, private. Townsend, Nathan, private. Egleston, James IT., private. Vanderwerker, Edward, private. Fulliger, William, private. Van Gorden, Wm. P., private. Gardiner, Clwles.W., private. Wilson, David F., private. Gardiner, Frederick P., private. Wilkins, Geo. G., private. Hartig, Frederick, private., Wood, Lewis T., private. Hines, Joseph, private. Ward, James, private. Hewitt, Thomas, private. Wilbert, Lewie, private.

I OWELL CORPS, COMPANY E. Waits, John S., captain. Bishop, Cassius M. G, private. Roos, Evert J., 1st lieutenant. Calyer, Abram M., private. Oakley, Wm. G, 2d lieutenant. Carpenter, Nathaniel H., private. Hines, Richard M., 1st sergeant. Coleman, George W., private. Ford, Terrance P., sergeant. Connolly, Michael, private. Havens, Gardiner Th, sergeant. Clyne, Asa D., private. Jagger, John W., sergeant. Colden, William, private. Coleman/ James H., corporal. Daniels, Joshua, private. Gardiner, Walter S., corporal. Drenner, Edward, private. Gordon, Robert D., corporal. Depuy, John M., private. Clark, J. Dewitt, corporal. Dore, Henry, private. Low, George S., sergeant. . Fay, James W., private. VanHagen, Charles, drummer. Ferguson, Reuben, private. Arnott, Charles H., private. Green, William, private. Arnott, A. Wellington, private.. Green, Thomas, private. Anderson, William W., private. Germain, Gilbert, private. Barrett, Daniel J., private. Genung, Lester, private. . Brock, Elias W. private. Garrison, Dewitt, private. Bradenbergh, Jacob, private. Harris, David, private. '58 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT 0E? THE

Hill, John, private. Southwick, William C, private. Laforge, James, private. Scott, William A., private. Lamb, George H., private. Smith, Benj. F., private. Levitt, Charles E., private. Ticehurst, David, private. ' Latour, R. James, private. Ticehunt, William, private. McCreery, John, private. Terwilliger, Angus H., private. Muir, Samuel A., private. Terwilliger, Abram. S.private. Mosher, Elijah, private. Tuthill, Abram, private. Mosher, William A., private. Yance, Smith, private. • • Maholand, James, private. Vancef John W., private. Mitchell, William, private. Vredenbergh, Odell B., private. Simmons, Joshua, private. Weller, James T., private. Shaw, Andrew K. G, private. Walsh, Patrick, private. Smith, Charles, private. Wood, Abram, private. Sherwood, Warren, private. Wilson, Til den, private. Strachan, William G., private.

JSIEWBURGH GUARDS, COMPANY F. Toohey, John H,, captain. Earls, George, private. Day, Patrick, 1st lieutenant. Parley, Peter, private." , O'Connors, Michael J., 2d lieut. Finally, William, private. McLeary, George, 1st sergeant. Green, John', private. Power, Michael, 2cl sergeant. Hayes, Michael, private. Fitzpatrick, John, 3d sergeant. Higgs, George, private. Brennan, Patrick, 4th sergeant. Hyries, John, privlte. Dunphy, Patrick, 1st corporal. McLean, John T., private, McHugh, Thomas, 2d corporal. McLean, John Jr., private. Kain, John, 3d corporal. McAnulty, Bernardvp)rivate. O'Neil, Daniel S., 4th corporal. McDonald, James, private. Furgerson, William, drummer. Mansfield, William L., private. Hamilton, William, drummer. Mooney, Patrick, private. Barnes, J ohn, private. Murphrey, Owen, private. Bradley, Bernard, private. Martin, William, private. Clarke, John, private. Miller, Henry, private. Corcoran, Thomas, private. Penny, Jesse, private. Cahill, Jeremiah, private. Ryan,.'Sr., Patrick, private. Cullens, Hezekiah, private. Ryan, Jr., Patrick, private. Cunningham, John, private, • Russell, Martin, private. Cameron, David, private. Sweetman, John P. ^private. Doran, Daniel, private. Stenson, William, private. Dwyre, Thomas, private. , Tole, Francis M,, private. Donelly, Michael jr., private, Tole, Thomas, private. Doriahue, Michael, private. * Turner, Frederick, private. Dunn, James, private. / Thompson, Hugh, private. •

COMPANY I. Rennison, James G, captain. Mooney,, John, sergeant. Rathbun, Frank R., 1st lieut. Dickey, William D., sergeant. Daughaday, John H. 2d lieut. Haight, Robert M., sergeant. Smith, Ira H., 1st sergeant. Masten, John K., sergeant. i CHIEF OF" THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 59

Raymond, Charles A. corporal. Harding, John, private. Van Norsdall, James, corporal. Jamison, David, private. Conkling, Luther, corporal. Kirk, David H. private. Van Voorhis, John A., corporal. Lockwood, James H., private, Anderson, James C, private. Lounsbury, Thojnas, private. Anderson, James, private. Morgan, Joseph, private. Booth, George, private. Murphy, Michael, private. Brett, Wesley, private. McGowan, Michael, private. Brundage, William A., private. Myers, James W., private. Barrow, Thomas, private. Morris, Jesse, private, t Barrett, Charles, private. Mackey, Harrison G., private/ Cragg, Charles, private. Nicholas, James, private. Conkling, Charles W., private. Stead, Mathias, private. Conkling, Samuel E., private. Smith, Qeorge W., private. Dermady, John, private. Smith, Philip, private. Dermady, Timothy, private., Thurston, Isaac, private. Diamond, Cornelius, private. Tilston, Robert, private. Farley, Thomas, private. Wood, Charles H., private, Fowler, James R., private. Ward, Moses, private. Green, Francis R. M., private. Wordin, John, private. Gracey, John, private. Williams, James, private. Gracey, James, private. Wyms, James, private. Gould, John B., private.

PARMENTER RIFLEMEN, Co. L. Alsdorf, Egbert, captain. Fisher, Augustus, private* Smiley, James, 1st lieutenant. Fisher, James S., private. Brown, Wm. G, 2d lieutenant. Fletcher, H. P., private. Kerrigan, Robert, 1st sergeant. Fowler, D. S., private, • Johnston, John F., sergeant. Greiner, Max, private, Simpson, Thos. J., sergeant. Gibb, Eleazer, private. Tuttle, William, sergeant. Johnston, Thomas, private, Carmichael, Wm. J., corporal. Kimbark, John T., private. Sarvis, Wm., Jr., corporaL King, Wm. H., private. Moore,. George, corporal. Lowers, Andrew, private. Brewer, Chas. H., corporaL Lawrence, Thomas, private* Scott, Homer, drummer. McConnell, James, private. Little, Edward, drummer. McGovern, Wm., private. Barclay, Wm., private. McCollum, George, private. Blacklaw, J ames, private. Mickle, William, private. Barton, Isaac, private. McLaughlin, J. E., private. Birdsall, John N., private. Malone, John, private. Brown, Bartley, private. Pine, Fayette, private. Conklin, Geo. S., private.» Shay, T. F., private. Dickey, Joseph M., private. Schofield, George W., private, Dill, Henry, private. Sarvis, J. H., private. Doremus, Solomon, private. Sneed, Henry, C., private. Dyckman, George, private. Terw^liger, A. B., private. Douglas, Andrew, private. Tuthill,, Daniel, private. Egan, James, private. Wilson, John, private. 60 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OP THE

Vanzile, Marshal M., private. Welch, James, private. Wisner, G. F., private. Wright, Charles, private. Weber, Rudolph, private. Ward, Ostrander, private.

FIELD AND STAFF. William Brown . Colonel. George Waller.. Qr-Master. James Low ..... Lt .Colonel. Wm. M.Hathaway Adjutant. David Jagger . Major. Noi>com'ed, .&c..- Ten,


Date. Regiment.

Aug. 28, 1861. Jacob R. Depuy Corporal. 48th regiment, Aug. 28. Cornelius Coutant do do Aug. 14 John Osborne Private . do Aug. 29 William Vance do . do Sept. 5 Hezekiah Dingee...... do . do Sept. 5...... Martin Van A ken. do . . do Aug. 5 Alonzo Hilleker do . do Aug. 12 Rufus Gardner do . do Aug. 12 Savillion Gardner ...... do . do Thomas Rj. Depuy Corporal 44th do Robert Campbell. Private . Artillery. March, 1862 ... Byron Donnely do . 3d regiment. William Mills . do . 5th cavalry. 1861 Samuel V. Taylor...... do . 18th regiment. George W. Shurdan...... do . 97th do May 21 Hugh M. Hays . do . 82d. do Henry Clay Cunningham.. do . Marine Artillery. William Cunningham do . 5th regiment! Peter Cunningham do . 15th do John J. Davy do . 2d cavalry. Oct. 24, 1861... Frederick Freeman do . 1st mounted rifies. Oct. 24 Peter Flagler. do . do Oct. 27 John Green do . Oct. 18 Henry Smith. do « i do Oct. 28 John Smith do do Oct. 18.... Stead man Tathan ...... do . do Oct. 28 Jarvis Wood. do . do Oct. 22 Henry McCollins do . do Oct. 25.... James Van Duzer .. do . do Nov. 13 .... Wm. Cummings Sergeant 7th-2d cavalry, Nov. 11 Valentine Dobbs...... do do Nov. 5 John A. Reeve Corporal. do Nov. 3.. Reuben R. Bloomer do do Nov. 8 Henry Scott do do Sept. 1 John McDowell do do Aug. 25 Manly A. Sprague.., Private . do Aug. 24.... . Charles Callender do . do Aug. 19 Henry Frost do . do Aug, 10... Henry Brewer. .• do . do Aug. 10 William Brewer...... do . do Aug. 19 Nathaniel Dyer. , do . do Aug. 19 George Dobbs do do Jan. 2, 1862.... Francis Eastman do . do Aug. 16, 1861.... John Egelston , do . do Aug. 12, 1861..., William Emsley do . do Aug. 15, 1861.... Charles W. Goodsell do do Aug. 10,1861....* James Henderson do ., do Dec. 31,1861.... Francis Luther do .. do Aug. 19, 1861.... Ferdinand Zyloph do ., do Aug. 10, 1861 John Millar...... do ., do Aug. 12, 1861... David McCutcheon...... do do Aug. 12, 1861.... Robert Maxwell do ., do Sept. 1,1861.... Ira Bush do ., do Aug. 15,1861..., Alfred H. Wiley...... do ., do CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 61

Miscellaneous Enlistments—Continued.

Bate. Regiment.

Bee. 13, 1861.... Aaron Abrams Private...... 1 7th-2d cavalry, Dec. 14, 1861.... Levi Pyres do do Dec. 13, 1861 James Pinckney do do Dec. 26, 1861.... Wm. Seymour...... do do Nov. 14, 1861.... Philip H. Ilennersey do ...... do Nov. 14, 1861.. George Bradley. do do Nov. 25, 1861.. James Duffy do do Nov. 22, 1861.. William McMunn ...... do do Bee. 2, 1861.. David W. Ostrander do do Nov. 27. 1861.. Stephen Rockfellow...... do do Nov. 27, 1861.. Peter Rudden do _ do Aug. 29, 1861.. James N. Decker 1st Lieutenant. do 1861 William T. Sprole Ord. Sergeant . 7th militia. 1861 Sprole Captain •U.S. army. 1861. .... Henry Clay Hasbrouck... Lieutenant. ... do 1861 Horatio Blake Reed do do Nov; 3, 1861. Wm. Poster Dodge do 66th regiment, Aug. 8, 1861. John P. Dodge (dead) ... Captain...... clo Aug. 18, 1862.... Joseph M. Leeper ...... do 140th do 1861.. Alanson Randal Lieutenant. .... U. S. army. May. 4, 1861.... Benoni H. French '. . Private 9th regiment. Sept. 8, 1861 Ervvin G. Fowler Lieutenant.... 5th do May, 1861 Adam Homeny Private 20th do April 27. James B. Hughes Ord. Sergeant. 11th clo March 1. Wm. L. Allen, Jr Private 1st U. S. cavalry. Oct., 1861 Sylvester B. Lawson..... Lieutenant. . Berdan's S. shooters. 1861/ .... B. F. Chamberlain do 1st Va. cavalry. 1861 David E. Fowler :.. Com. Sub 3d division, staff. 1861 Jacob Schmalz Private ...... 1st engineers. 1861 Alvy G. Cortwright do ...... do 1861. .... Wilson Bruyn Lieutenant. ... do 1861. .... Oliver T. Smith , Private do 1861 James Lynch do 5th cavalry, 1861 .Francis Wocjjd , do do 1861. .... Geo. W. Harris do ... do 1861 Patrick H. Day do do 1861 Abm. B. Wiggins Lieutenant. 2d or Black Horse car. 1861 George D. Astley , Private do do 1861. .... Horton Van Nosdall do do . do 1861 Ernest A. Astley d6 , do do 1861 Joseph Connaliy do do do 1861. .... George Henderson , do do do 1861 John Hanford ; do :.. do do 1861 Wm. H. King ;..*.. do do do 1861. .... James Rysdyk do do do 1861. .... James Van Nosdall do do do May 3, 1S61.... Henry Stumpf Captain 20th Infantry. ' May 3, 1861.. John Stumpf Private do Aug. 17, 1861.... Frederick E. Withers Lieutenant 1st engineers. Aug, 10, 1861.... Joseph McCloy. ,. Private 51st infantry. 1861 Hugh Mackinson do 5th infantry. * April 20, 1861 George C. Wetherhead.... do 1st fire zouaves. 1861 David Jones , .. do Cavalry. 1,861.... Stephens. do 44^ regiment. May, 1861. James C. Strachan Band 9th infantry. May, 1861 John R. Moss do clo May, 1861...... Martin Conoway do do

ENLISTMENTS IN THE NAVY NOT GIVEN ELSEWHERE. Name. Vessel. Date. John Dunn. . _._ _ Gunboat .... 1863 Robert Whitehill ... Cannemaugh 1883 C. Gillespie .... Lenapee 62 SECOND ANNUAL REEOET OP THE

Name. . Vessel. ' Date- William H. Eitchie...... Nereus ..... 1864 Frank Monson Florida

Francis Mmnick V.VJ.... — - l&m0nt " -' - - J^t Alonzo Booth"."" !..-"-- Nereus

Charles Kello^r.. ... M=...... ^

Charles J. Mapes. Iroquois.. _ Albert W. Mapes . Susquehanna ..... 1864 George W. Hawkins. Western flotilla 1862 Charles W. Kronk'.. Nereus.1864 David Havens. .. Nereus.. 1864 John J. Tremper...... Nereus...... 1864 William B. Loomas Nereus...... ; 1864

Isaiah Cameron ;. Nereus...... 1864 John Jennings '. Nereus...... 1864 Curtis Stanton , Onondaga ...... 1864

David Darrach % Gallatee IS63 Joseph Nickerson ...... Pantheon T. Oscar Kidd .... Gertrude...... 1863 William H. Bullis...... Philadelphia ...... 1861 James H. Edmunston Minnesota ...... 18 61 Michael Ryan I 1863 William Spier...... Daffodill,.. 1863 Lewis H.Hulse.... 1863 Nathaniel Du Bois 1 Chippewa ... 1862 Joseph Blacklaw. , 18-64 James Tole ..J..... Resolute 1861 Israel Halstead.. Keokuk Wm. Gregory... ' 1862 J*hn-Connolly.... . 1863 John A. Baker... San Jacinto 1863 Jesse Penny . North Carolina... 1863 William H. Garrison...... Vanderbilt 1864 Robert C. Cunningham Cumberland 1861 Charles S. Watts. Western flotilla .. 1862 Gerald War drop..... Western flotilla . 1864 William Wardrop.,... Black Hawk .... 1863 Charles Moshier James MeMillen...... • ... Kittateny.. George Wether head. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 63


Ackert, Adam ..: - 168 SJJ Ackerman, David.. 121 15 Abrahams, Abraham - - jx Alexander, Stephen... . . - -. 168 25 Allen, Cornelius S. - 121 25 Allwoocl, Joseph S ...... - - - 121 25 Ammerman, Wm. ._ 121 25 Anderson, James H., Lieut .... 168 50 Anderson, Charles H, .. *168 50 Anderson, George L..... « 168 50 Anderson, John. - ~ 36 50 Anderson, Edward D _ - - 3 50 Barr, James C - ---- 168 ^0 Bailey, Charles , 168 50 Baugh, Alphonzo M 168 50 Baxter, Whitmore..... 121 25 Barrett, James S 121 25 Baird, Rensselaer D 121 25 Barnhart, Ira.. 121 25 *Bailey, Henry A 121 25 Barterbury, Wm 168 25 *Branis, David j 168 25 Beeraft, Michael W...... 168 No bounty. Beardsley, Truman H - - 168 $25 *Beams, David 168 50 Barrett, Samuel Harris cavalry. 50 Bell, Benjamin 168 50 Benjamin, William H 36 25 Bellows, Abraham. 124 15 Brownlee, Joseph 124 25 Burton, Alanson H .. 124 25 Burr, Charles 166 No bounty. Barclay, William ~. - 168 $25 Birdsall, John M.. ' 36 50 Birdsley, Smith 124 No bounty. Blair, Samuel H. 5 $2.0 Blair, John H ... 121 25 Boyd, D. W... * 121 No bounty. Boyd, Wm...... 3 $25 Bovell, James 121 25 *Bocline, Cortland..... 121 25

Brown, Wm. R., Colonel ...... T. 168 No bounty. Bo wen, Benjamin 121 $25 04 SECOND ANNUAL KEPOUT OP THE

Name of Amt. of reg't. bounty. 168 $&o 50 B rower, Charles.... 166 168 50 Brown, Bartley ... 168 50 25 Brooks, John H 121 121 25 Brock, Harvey 121 25 Brown, John H . 121 25 Brown, George 25 Brooks, Spencer .... 121 25 Briggs, George ...... 121 50 Brady, John.... 168 168 50 Brundage, W. A 168 50 Buchanan, Charles J. 50 *Burnes, Felix 168 25 *Burnes, John 168 Benjamin, John T — Harris eav. No bt'y. Benjamin, Samuel C . do do Buchanan, J ohn , do do do Barr, James P . 81 do Berriger, John — 150 do Beattie, Justus.... k. 168 168 do 168 do • Benjamin, Dewitt .. 36 do do Bicknell, Alexander. Met. guard. Cassady, J ohn 168 do $50 Cassady, Henry 168 50 Campbell, Hugh 168 50 Carey, Edward 168 121 25 ^Cameron, Jacob... 121 25 121 25 25 Campbell, William . 121 168 No bounty. Carlin, Bernard $50 Chase, James T 168 ' 25 Chalmers, Samuel _. 121 Chandler, George H 121 No bounty. Chatfield, Jacob B. 121 $25 50 Clyde, David 168 25 Cleary, Patrick ... 168 25 Clark, Leander, Cap 121 25 Clark, Charles C *. 121. 25 Clearwater, Nichola 121 Clelland, Samuel.. 166 50 Conkling, George.. 168 50 ^Connelly, Joseph. 168 50 Cornish, Wm. J 168 25 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS.

Name of Amt. of reg't. bounty. $25 Corwin, Dewitt - - 166 25 Crismeyer, Henry 166 50 Connelly, Michael J ... 166 25 Cooper, J ames . i 124 ' 25 Connelly, J ames . ------3 25 Collins/Charles -« 5 25 Collins, Michael .. 124 25 Cannon. Henry M...... - - - 124 25 Cole, Joshua V ~ - -— 124 25 *Collins, James E... 124 50 Coe, Theodore 168 25 *Conklin, Peter 168 25 *Crawford, Alexander . 124 25 *Crawford, Alexander B... 124 25 Crawley, Matthew .— - - 124 25 Curren, Giles - - 124 Currie, Joseph • 168 50 Cunan, Patrick - - - - - 124 25 Cole, JohnN.... 124 25 Cosgrove, John S — —- . - 3 25 Clyn, Scott 124 No bounty. Cornish, William 8 do Cornish, Noble - 8 do Carman, Augustus — - 124 do Collins, William 124 ' do Carman, Daniel — • 124 do Connell, James 8 do Carst, Joseph - - - - 26 do Clark, Terrence - - 124 do Coutant, Roswell S . . 156 do Curn, Joseph .... 48 do Cronk, James S 168 do Cur tin, Robert • 168 do Davis, James — - - - — 168 do •Darby, Timothy - 168 $25 Daniels, J ames E - • 125 25 Decker, Andrew - 168 50 Decker, Moses 168 50 Decker, Morrison 168 50 Decker, Charles 168 50 Drennan, Edward 166 50 Drake, Nicholas C 124 25 Dickey, Wm. D 168 50 Dickey, JosephM...... 168 25 Dillon, Henry — 168 25 Dinge, John H 124 25 [Assem. No. 64.] • • • 5" 66 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Name of Amt. of reg't. bounty.

Doyle, John . ~~. 168 _ • $50 Doyle, Michael . .1 ...... 168 No bounty Dotzert, William 36 $50 Douglass, Andrew ... . - - * 3 50 Doremus, Solomon 3 50 Dodge, Samuel - i24 |5 Dougherty, Wm. L 124 , - 5 Dailey, Timothy...... 168 No bounty. Duffy, John . i24 Daughaday, John H. Lieut. 168 do Earle, George 36 $50 Eager, Amos M ----- I24 2^ Edwards, Aaron G . - 166 50 Edgar, William - I24 No bounty. Ellison, Isaac I24 $2'5 Este, Michael 166 25 Estabrook, SandforclT. I24 ^ Estabrook, Horatio J I24 25 Evans, Isaac 168 50 Farley, Thomas I24 25 Ferguson, A... I68 50 Ferguson, Francis ...... - 168 50 Ferguson, William ... 166 25 Fuller, Stephen D...... 168 50 Fitzpatrick, John...... 166 50 Finegan, James I24 ^5 Flanagan, Daniel ; . 168 50 Flinn, Andrew 124 No bounty. Forbes, Lucas H 168 $50 168 50 Fowler, Daniel S. Fowler, George W .... 36 50 Foley, John W ...... 124 No bounty Foley, Thomas i24 $2f Foley, Robert H I24 25 Fowler, John S I24 No bounty. Fowler, George -. i24 , $2~ Foot, Nelson... i24 \b Fullager, Wm 168 50 Flanagan, James i24 . 2~ Fairchild, Wm. B 168 50 Ferguson, Peter 36 No bounty. Flaize, Valentine, .. I24 do Finney, John, /. I68 Gardiner, Walter S., -« 16.8" $50 *Gale, John S, - ..... 168". 50 Gaines, Hiram, 168 50 Gaines, John H., 168 50 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 67

Name of Am't of reg't. bounty. Gardner, Joseph,... —.. 124 $15 Gordon, John, \\\ f Gallow, Francis B., 124 fa *Genung, Lester, - 168 Girling, William...... 168 50 Gilmer, William, , *• f Gibb, David S., lieutenant,...... 124 2& Griffin; Jesse, 168 50 Green, Silas,...: 168 50 Green, Elias, 168 50 Gray, William, --- 168 50 Griffith, Smith, - 168 25 Green, Thomas, 166 25 Grier, James A., 124 25 Griffin, Geo. E., 124 2a *Gunsoles, Andrew, .. 168 50 Gurling, Edmund,.. , - - 168 50 Goetchius, Newton B., 124 2o Groat L. A., ... ^ 168 50 Grugar Edward""."."..... 124 No bounty Gunn, Charles A., 168 No bounty Gery.John, 168 $50 Gallow, Chas. W., - - - 124 No bounty Gerow, Charles, Harris cav. do Gidney, Solomon, 21st N. J. do Gardner, William,.. 48 do Gregory, Lewis E., 71 do Gunn, Chas. A., (2d), 168 do Gallatian, Clark, 124 do Harris, Hezekiah, * 124 25 Hamilton, William, - 166 25 Hall, George, 168 50 Hanna, James,— ----- 166 25 Hanson, Christian, 166 50 Hagan, John, .. 124 25 Hanna, George, - *3 25 Hallock, JohnD., 36 25 Haggerty, James, - 124 25 Hamill, John, 124 . 25 Hamilton, William, 124 50 Hanna, Joseph,. 124 25 Halstead, Daniel,... 124 25 Hamilton, Anson, 124 25 Hagan,- Michael, 124 25 Hanegan, Michael, 166 No bounty Hathaway, Wm. M., adjutant, 168. No bounty Henry, William, ..... 168 25 63 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Name of Am?t 'of reg't. bounty. Hepper, David,. 124' $25 166 50 166 25 Hidon, Henry, 124 25 Higgs, Cornelius,—... 166 50 Hobb, John, 166 50 *HoUancl, John, 124 25 Holley, George, 124 15 *Hoffrnan, Henry, * 124 25 Homan, Wm. A., 124 25 *Hunt, Benj. M., .... 168 50 Hartwell, Jeremiah,.. 124 15 Hunt, Eobert G, 124 15 *Hubbard, Nathan, .. 168 50 Hyatt, Abraham, 124 25 Hulse, Lewis H., Hawk.' Z. No b'ty Hanna, David, 3 do Hawley, Abraham, .. 124 do Jamison, David S., 166 25 Jackson, Leonard L., 124 25 Jackson', Nathaniel, .. 124 25 168 . 25 124 25 Jones, James, • 124 15 Johnston, Jos. H., .. 124 25 124 25 Harris cav. No b'ty Jennings, Daniel, — . 124 do Jennings, D. G, 124 do Kane, Patrick, 124 25 Kelley, Albert, 168 50 Ketchum, James M., _ 124 25 Kimball, Harvey, 124 25 King, George G., 124 25 King, William,. 124 25 *Kidd, David L.,...^ 124 25 Klyne, Chas. S., 124 No bounty Knowles, John, . 168 50 Knapp, John H., 124 25 Kimball, Eliphalet B., 3 50 Kane, Edgar A.,... .. 156 No bounty Kirwin, William, ... 168 do Larue, John T., . 124 25 Lancaster, Benjamin, 'i 124 25 50 Lawrence, Thomas, .v 168 Leighton, Jacob M., . 168 50 *Lewis, Henry G...... 168 50 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 69

Name of Am't of reg't. bounty. Ueper, Samuel, - 168 J<> Lee, Francis, . ... 124 f *Lewis, Thomas - 12* H> •Lewis, John, - 124 25

5 Little, Edward W., -- T1 ? Low, James, lieut. col., 168 No bounty Lockwood, James EL, .... - 166 50 Loughridge, Daniel, 124 25 *Losey, Henry, --- 124 25 Loziei, Charles, *Low, Daniel, Jr., lieutenant, - - - 168 50 Lynn, James, - ]f f> Lawson, Joseph, . 165 No bounty Little, John J., - - - Hams cav. do Lutes, Charles, 124 do Lewis, Houls, - - - Hawk Z. do McAuley, John, — 1 3 50 McAuley, Andrew, •-• 3 50 McAllister, John H., 124 25 McBride, Thomas, 124 25 *McBride, John, -- 168 fO McCleary, George, _ 168 50 McCleary, Eobert,.., 168 50 McCollum, James, 124 15 McCoy, James ,. !24 25 McCleary, Robert 3 25

McCartney, Robert r 124 25 McDermot, John.... 168 50 McElroy, John ~ - - 168 50 *McElheny, David 168 50 *McGregor, James 124 2o McGowen, William ... 3 25 McGaw, John !24 25 McKelvey, Matthew 124 50 McLane, William 166 25 McLaughlin, John E...... 168 25 McVey, Charles 168 25 McQuoid, Samuel 124 2i> Mabee, George W -- 168- 50 Marvin, George C, lieutenant. 168 50 Morehouse, Isaac N -- 168 50 Mattern, John 168 50 Marvel, Benjamin 168 . 50 Maxstead, William 168 50 Malees,JohnH 168 50 Madden, John • 168 25 Martin, Isaac M., lieutenant. 124 25 70 • SECOND ANNUAL RKPOET OF fHE

Name of Am't of reg't. bounty, McCready, Tbomas...^ 36 $25 Malcom, Samuel ...... 163 25 Marvin, Henry... - .. _. . 124 15 Manning, Matthew .. 124 ^

0 Meeds, Cephas — * '" • * T . f Meyers, JoEn .... --- I24 No bounty. Major, Hugh J24 f *Meyer, William .... 1 ^ Mehan, John B...... ~ .124 . 25 Milispaugh, James ...... -. 168 No bounty. Mitchell, William ...... 168 ^ 50 Mittee, Benjamin...... 168 No bounty. Mitchell, Oliver B. 168 25 Miller, Henry - - 166 50 McCroskey, Theodore 166 50 •Milligan/ William . 124 25 Milispaugh, Andrew P . 1 I24 25 Milispaugh, Jeduthan. I24 25

24 25 *Millspaugh, Stephen ...... v I , Milliken, Wm. H.. I24 25 Miller, Lewis P. . I24 25 Milson, Thomas ..I...... 124 No bounty. *Milliken, Francis B. _...... 168 50 Moore, William 124 No bounty. *Mould, Martin J . ... I24 25 Moores, James B. 1.1 I24 25 Montgomery, James ...... I24 25 Montfort, B. V. K., assistant surgeon 124 No bounty.

Murphy, William r...... 168 50 Meyers, William...... --,-...---^... 168 50 Meyers, Benjamin — . • . . - - - 168 50 Mink, John - -^.- 124 No bounty. McGong, William...... 3 do Milispaugh, Adam - - - 124 do McKinney, Isaac D. ... . 124 do Monk, Edward I ...... 71 do Murphy, Stephen ...... 168 do McVeigh, Charles...... 124 do Nickerson, Alexander...... 168 50 Nichmaller, Henry ...... 168 25 Nicol, James .... 124 No bounty. Oakley, J. K. E., lieutenant.. ... i 168- 50 Odell, Morvalden ...... - 124 25 O'Brien, Michael...... - - 168 50 Ostrander, John 124 25 O'Bourk, James ... . 166 50 O'Neil, Patrick 124 25 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 71

Name of Ain't of reg't. bounty. ^ T • j 166 $50 Owen, Jbevi o - - . „g - 25

Owen, Charles - , - 36 5Q

Owen, Peter. - 15 Owen, Allen „ O'Brien, Patrick .... — \f No ho™%

Partington, James --- „ gQ

Penny, Jesse - 25 Pine, Daniel - ~ ' Pierson, Newton B Vl Polsten, Wm. A , - - }J° ™ Porter, Thomas lbi} ™

P<5wles,Wm.H Hamscav. 50 Point, Joseph.. , Polhamus, John L )f f Post, Ellis.... 124 X> *Potter, Samuel 124 X>

•Potter, Robert...., ]fA f

2 Purdy, David S - \ \ . AT ,f Pendergrass, Wm.,... - - Sickles b„g. No b'y Quick, Nelson -•- 16i ™ Quinn, Peter J. -,- \f f Quinn, William - lb° ™ Raymond, Charles - 6 ^ Ramsdell, Henry P., lieutenant ^ -to Rennison, John C, captain 1°« ™ Relyea, Martin W. ... .- ^h- 50 Redner, David Rhodes, George W ...... 168 2o Rhineneld, Francis H - ljt In *Richards, David... \f °0

&U ••Eose, Charles- \fA ,T , , Rose,Robert..-....- - }g N° bounty

Rodman, Thomas - Jf* fr Robinson, John -- ]f " Rollins, Richard... 124 /o *Roat, Gilbert D. W. 124 2D Ryan, John -- - ]f ™ Ryan, Patrick -- lit ^ u + Rennison, William — 168 No bounty.

24 Rose, Peter ----- tt l. Robinson, John Hams cav. do Savage, George . .- -- 166 50 Sage?, Matthias 124 No bounty Sanders, William - - iff ld. Sarvis, JohnH 124 f Scott, Homer R ..... -168 50 Scott, James R lb8 ^ 72 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Name of Am't of reg't bounty. Scott, George D. - - 124 $15 Searing George ... - 124 l Seaman, Sylvester 168 50 Shelby, James . ' 168 50 Shelly, Christopher . 168 50 Shall, Frederick 124 50 Shield, Francis,. 124 .25 Sherman, Samuel L., .. 124 25 Shaw, H. W.,. - 168 50 Simpson, JohnH.,...... - 168 * . 50 Simpson, Cornelius, senior, 168 50 Simpson, Cornelius,! junior,... 168 50 Simpson, Cornelius, ..... 166 50 Smalley, John, ...... 168 50 Smith, John W. F.,...... 168 25 Smith, William W.,i - -- 124 25 Smith, Daniel, , 124 ' 25 Smith, TheodoreS...... 124 25 Snyder, Alfred,.... . —- * 124 No Bounty Snyder, Harvey H.,.. 124 25 Snyder, James,.... - , 168 50 Springer, John L., 168 50 Springstead, Charles E., -. 168 50 Spencer, George G, quartermaster, 168 No bounty Spier, John G* ~ . 168- 25 Stanton, Daniel B., 168 No bounty Stephens, George B.,'. - 168 50 Stenson, William,. 168 50 Stalter, Charles W., 166 25 Storms, David, 124 25 Stephens, George H., -. - - 124 25 Stansbrough, John B., lieutenant, 124 25 Stewart, Charles, lieutenant, 124 25 Stanton, John H 124 25 Sutherland, William, 124 25 *Swimm, John W.,. 124 25 Sullivan, John...... - 124 25 Schultz, Suffern,...; 119 No bounty Smith, Phineas, 156 do Stevens, John J...... - .. 41 do Stephenson, Jeremiah,. 168 do Taylor, John, 166 do Taylor, JohnW...... 124 25 Terwiliger, Bushrod,..... 168 50 Terwiliger, James,. — 168 50 •Terwiliger, George B., 168 50 Terry, Christopher B., ... 168 25 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 73

Name of Am't of reg't bounty. 50 Terwiliger, William, 3 25 Terry, David,.. 124 25 Terwiliger, Whitmore,... . 124 50 •Thornton, Job, 168 168 No bounty Thiehner, James T.,...— 25- Tinny, John, 168 25 Tinny, Hector, 124 50 Theal, William L., 3 168 50 •Thonipkms, John,. - 168 25 Townsend, WiHiam H.,-_. 168 25 Thompson, Hugh, 124 . 25 Thompson, Alexander,.... 124 25 Thompson, John, —. 50 Tompkins, William A., 3 . 50 •Tole, John,.... 168 15 Topping, Hugh, 124 25 Travis, Henry F., captain,. 124 25 •Traver, Richard, 124 Turner, Isaac, .... . 124 50 25 Turner, De Witt C., 168 Turner, Frederick, 36 50 25 Turner, Henry E 124 Turner, Eeuben Jr—. 124 No bounty. Tucker, George M...... 124 25 25 Turner, James...... 124 25 Turner, Eeuben Senr 124 Terwilliger, John E.. Harris cav. No btV. do Terwilliger, Charles 124 Tysoe, William 124 do Taylor, Moses. 19th N. J., do Terwilliger, Thomas 156 do Terhune, Lewis Not known do Terwilliger, Peter...... 156 do Underhill, John 168 50 Van Tassell, Theo. E..... 124 25 Van Keuren, Charles 168 50 Vanderburgh, Martin.... 168 50 Van Keuren, Edward. 168 50 Van Zile, Marshall...... 168 50 VanHagen, Charles A... 166 50 Vallet, Alexander M 124 25 •Vanderline, Abraham L. 124 25 VanZile, John C . 124 25 Vance, Eli - - 124 No bounty. Vredenburgh, Samuel.... 124 25 •Wadsworth,' John 168 50 Wallace, William.. 124 25 74 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Name of Am't of reg't. bounty. Weatman, James P.. 124 25 Waller, George, Major .. - 168 No bounty. Warforcl, JohnH ... 124 do Walsh, Samuel H. 168 50 Warren, William G ----- 124 25 Ward, Harvey C - - - - 124 25 Wevgant, William E 124 25 White, William J - 168 50 White, John 168 ' 50 Whittenberger, Augustus, Lieutenant...... 124 25 White, Daniel S. 124 25 White, Samuel A * 124 No bounty. White, JohnH.. 124 do _ Whan, William 124 $25 Wilson, Samuel C... 168 50 •Williams, John 168 50 Williams, James H 166 50 Wise, Joseph — - 168 50 Wilson, David F 168 50 •Williams, John H..... 168 25 Wilson, James - - 166 ^ 50 Wilson, John -- 3 50 Wilken, David...... 124 25 Wilson, Eobert ~ 124 25 Wood, Spra^ue E... 166 25 Wood, Lewis F ..... 166 50 Wood, John C 124 No bounty. Wood, John A 166 50 •Wright, Charles E 168 25 Weygant, Harvey 168 50 Weygant, Charles H. Captain—Colonel ..... 124 25 Weygant, Wilson 124 25 Weygant, George 124 25 Wright, Frederick E - 84 No bounty. Wiggins, Benjamin ' ...Harris cav. do Wilson, William 36 do Wood, James 168 do Wood, Isaac Jr., Colonel .... 166 do •Young, Thomas B___„ 168 50 Recapitulation. Total No. of names represented on the bounty roll and on the report of the Senatorial committee 551 Total No. credited to the town by the Senatorial com• mittee .. 501 Total No. credited to other towns. — ... 50 ."• 551

* Names marked with asterisk (*) not credited to the town. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 75

Total No. to whom bounties were paid by the town

committee . . ~ r .... 434 Of which number the town was credited for ..... 384 And other towns 50 ~— 434

Total No. credited to the town by the Senatorial Com• mittee . 501 Of which number the town bounty was paid to 384 Total number to whom the town bounty was not paid. 117 501

STATISTICS OF DRAFI AND VOLUNTEERING UNDER CALLS PRIOR TO JULY, 1864. Names of Persons who commuted, entered the service personally, or furnished Substitutes under the Draft of 1863.

NAMES OF PERSONS WHO COMMUTED. Charles Ferguson. George Bennett. James Collins. Miller Relyea. Abram S. Brown. v Thomas P. Chapman. Richard A. Southwick. James F. Knapp. George Thompkins. John Schoonmaker. J ames" Parker. Stephen UnderhilL James McVey. John Harris. Charles Sarvis. Simon H. Cromwell. Daniel Berrian. Charles Seymour. David R. Sutton. Plobart Chetwood. Isaac Wood. * Owen Murphy. Daniel Tice. Charles Bush. Samuel E. Shute. Wm. Edmundson. David Rorapaugh. Nathaniel Barnes. James W. Waugh. Abram Deyo. Wm. H. McCullough. Edgar C. Barnes. William A. Coutant. Theodore Merritt. F. S. Mawle. George Greene. Wm. H. McKinnie. John Stilzer. George King-. John Watts. Nathan S. Smith. James Ronk. Ezekiel Albertson. Smith Ely. Charles Brooks. Morris R. Fleming. Plector S. Coleman. J ohn Louis Coffin. JohnJager. Stephen King. Chas. F. Chapman. Howard Corwin. Henry Terry. Alexander McCann. Eugene Brown. Wm. L. Finley. Robert B. Waugh. James E. Horton. Jonas Williams. James W. Purdy. 76 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

George W. Pine. James Parker. John C. Gardiner. James H. Sarvis. William Martin. Theodore Westlake. Amos Rose. John Delancy. Benjamin Woodward. Clement Waring. Abram S. Redfield. Daniel H. Merritt. 73 Simon Boyd. • * PERSONS WHO ENTERED SERVICE. David Watkins. Egbert Titus. 3 Jonas Percy. PERSONS WHO FURNISHED SUBSTITUTES. Names of Principals. Names of Substitutes. Henry J. Griffin. Thomas Daily. Ebenezer G. Robinson. Joseph Vorn. James T. Weller. Michael Whalon. George Moore. John Mercine. Samuel Stanton. Peter Palmer. Wm. W. Snider. George Decker. Wm. E. Bartlett. Barney McCrese. Charles Moss. James Hurley. Thomas P. Townsend. . John H. McDowell.

Alfred A. Ronk. t Joseph Lancaster. Wm. O. Mailler. * John Hallahaii. Wm. J. Dickson. Henry Brooks. Robert Rogers. David Hubler. Wm. Quaid. John Connel. 14 Total—Quota and 50 per cent... . 652 Number drawn ..... 652 Held to service 90 Discharged...,,. 562 652

^ Whole number enrolled * 2201

Names of Volunteers during 1863 and 1864, not credited to the Town. 7TH N. Y. ARTILLERY. Bond, Holton. Leonard, Marcus. Campbell, Wm, . Martin, Thomas. Coulon, Patrick. Plunket, Thomas. Carr, Bernard. Richardson, Fred. A. Corkeley, John P. Russell, Wm. De Groat, John. Thompson, Michael. Fisher, Alanson. Taylor, Samuel V. Hopkins, Wm. H. Walsh, James. Hughes, Joseph. Wilson, Henry M. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 77*

COLORED REGIMENTS. Banks, Charles. Mathers, Brown, Washington. Mangin, Robert. DuBois, Etiram. Roberts, Harvey. DuBois, James. Richardson, James. Dalson, William. Secor, John. Gordon, John. Steep, Thomas. Gordon, Aaron. Simons, Ephraim. Johnson, Augustus. Watson, Cornelius. Levine, Jacob.

18TH N. Y. CAVALRY. Alclrich, Edward L. Morton, E. M. Cornell, John. Messenger, George. DeGraw, Thomas. Murphy, John. 41. Names of re-enlisted Volunteers in the 1th Independent Battery, credited to the town of Newburgh, under call of October 11th, 1863, who received County Bounty of $300, and also a Town Bounty of $75, except in the latter case, where designated by a star (•). Armstrong, Andrew. Meltz, Adam. , Bice, Addise. Mapes, John F. •Babcock, Norman C. McGuire, Owen. Bailey, Walter M. O'Brien, Daniel. Barnes, Smith F. Parliaman, James. Berkins, William. Pugh, James. Crawford Moses L. •Potter, Samuel. Cavanaugh, Wilson. Probus, Ezekiel. Chappell, Ira. Reynolds, Horace. Cooper, Joseph. Roberts, Abram. Davis, Nelson. Simmons, Joseph A. Donnelly, Thomas. Stevens, Warren. Fairbanks, Charles L. Smith, Alfred. Fenton, Robert. Smith, Abraham A. Fremole, Solomon. Smith, George W. Floursch, John. Tacey, James.J Green, John. Trip, Norman D. Gillespie, William H. •Travis, Benjamin H. Hunter, David O. Trairs, Robert. Hamilton, Isaac. Tyndall, Alfred. Hadley, Thomas J. Van Steinburgh, Charles. Kriselbrach, Minard. •Van Corris, Thomas La. Knowles, Benjamin E. Wilson, Robert. Kelly, James, Widden, John. Lindsay, Joseph. White, Francis W. •Merritt, George W. Wallin Edward. Mack, Jesse. Wires, William H. Mote, John S. Williams, Lewis W. 78 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Watson, Titus. Eeceived no town bounty, 5 Eeceived county bounty,_ _ _. 57 Eeceived town bounty, .. 52 Number credited, 57 Names of re-enlisted Volunteers in 56th Regiment N Y. V., cre• dited to town of Newburgh, under call of March \Uh, 1864, who received County Bounty of $300. Co. Co. Boyd, James H., C. Matthews, George, _. B. Barry, Cornelius, B. Matthews, James,.... B. Cox, Charles...... A. Nixon, Edward, G. Corwin, Daniel W., .. A. Newman, William H.,...„. B. Connell, John,...... D. Purdy, David, B. Doland, John G...... A. Smith, William...... B. De Groat, Samuel A. Secor, Daniel, A.

Dolan, William 4.. E. Swartz, Eichard L, „.. E. Easton, Edmund A...... G. St, George, Thomas,...,.. C. Evans, James O...... G. Seaton, Mark, .. B. Flannagan, Edward,. B. Sterling, George,.... A. Gillespie, Charles E., A. Sutliff, John, A. Gordon, David, .. B. Tompkins, Stewart,...... A. Halsteael, Isaac, A. Turner, J ohn S., D. Kane, Eugene, ... .B. Williamson, Samuel.. A. Lent, Henry, .... A. Waddell, Eobert, B. Lomas, Joseph, B. Waltz, Joseph,.. .,.. E. Litts, Henry, B. " — Murray, James, G. 3 7 Morris, John C.,.._ B. Names of Volunteers tender calls from Oct. 17, 1863 to July, 1864 Reg't or battery. Am't town bounty.

Andrews, Thomas,.r...... 7th battery, $75 Armstrong, William, 15th cavalry, 75 Allen, Henry S., 7th battery, 75 Ayres, John W., - .... 5th artillery, 75 Atcheson, Eobert, 15th cavalry, 75 Anderson James H., captain,'. 98th infantry, v . Aids, Levi, , 15th cavalry, Allen, Henry S.,...... „. 20th colored, ...... Bohen, Charles, ...... 98th infantry, .. 75 Barr, Charles, ... 98th infantry,...... 75 Baker, James H., ; 7th battery,.. 75 Burns, John, ...... 15th cavalry, ... 75 Bowen, Geo. L.,. 7th battery, 75 Brown, Peter, ... Colored...... 75 Baughan, Charles, ;„ ... 15th cavalry, ...._. 75 Bailey, Eobert G, ...... 16th artillery,.. 75 Brown, Wm. EE., .. . . . Colored, ...... 75

Burns, John,, _ ^...m:. 7th artillery, 75 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS.

Reg't or battery.

Bums, Edward, - —- 15th ca™lry,

Best, Charles...... ----- l^ff7' Blake, Charles E. G-,— ----- 98 th infantry, Burnes, John,.... ------llf^f?'' Benton, James, 6liw? 7' Bogardus, Frederick, .. - - - 7th battery, BrSickerhoff, Boardman E., ...... 98th infantry, Booth, Samnel H., -, 15thcavalry, Bogardus, Frederick,...... - - J^th U.b. Brlnnan, Martin, ....: - 124th infantry,.... Ball, SheFwood, - -- 7thartillery,.... Brooks, William, - ™h artillery,... Bowles William J., - - 26th U. b., ..... Buchanan, Leonard,. - - - - 63 d infantry, ... Burkenshire, Matthew, 15th cavalry, ... Brooks, William, 03d infantry, ... Carpenter, Wilbur ...... - - - 7th battery, Carlin, Bernard, .....„..- 98th infantry, Chranger, John, - 63cliiifantry, Cassedy, Henry, 98th infantry, Coyle, James, 15th cavalry, Celle, James R Ifth cavalry, Cox, William,...... ---.-- 9?th infantry, Colwell, Clark B., .98th infantry,... Cronk, James, 2d veteran cavalry, Conway, John,' 6od infantry, Crosby, James J., - 9Sth mfentry, ...... Conway, John, -, 43d miantry, Cook, Joel...... ----- 43d infoutay,. Clark, George, - 15th cavalry, ...... Coombs, Henry M 98th infantry, ...... Cullins, James,, - 98th infantry, Cunningham, Thomas, 7th battery, Cunningham, Chas. H., ...... 7th battery, Clelland, Sainuel, - - 7th battery, Copeland, Jackson, Colored, Corwin, De Witt C., 5 6th infantry ... Corey, Henry P., - - - 124th,infantry,... Condict, William C., 15th cavalry,.... Chambers, John,...... 98th infantry,... Conklin, Eobert, re-enlisted, - - Couser, James W., - - 7th artillery, Connell, Peter, ----- 1.5thcavalry, Cromie, John, . - 63d infantry, Conklin, George W., 63dinfantry, Carnes, John, -. 56th infantry,... Cannon, Henry M., 16th cavalry, ... 80 * SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Reg't or battery. Am't town bounty. De Groat, Richard J., 26th U. S. colored,.. $75 Be Groat, James, — Colored, 75 Be Witt, James H., . - 26th U. S. colored,.. 75 Deyo, Charles H., 26th U, S. colored,.. 75 Beyo, Alexander,...... 26th U. S. colored,.. 75 Becker, William EL, 7th battery,...... #75 Boyle, Michael, 7th artillery, 75 Duffy, John, 5thartillery,.' . 75 Dawson, Thomas,. 15th cavalry, .. 75

Downie, John, 63d infantry,.. % 75 Dalenthy, John, 98th infantry,.. 75 Donelly, William,. 98th infantry, 75 Dernan, Michael T., 63d infantry, Depuy, Abel R...... 63dinfantry,......

Dudley, Jonathan, re-enlisted, A Dickey, William D., captain, 15th artillery, Diamond, George, Colored, Dalson, James, „ Colored, ...... Donovan, Charles, 15th cavalry, ...... Dillon, Henry, 63dinfantry,...... * Davidson, Maxwell, . 15th cavalry, Edmonston, William F 7th battery 75 Evans, JohnO 7th artillery...... 75 Ellison, William Jr. 7th artillery Elmer, William 1st engineers Ferguson, William P. 7th battery 75 Farrell, David 15th cavalry. 75 Friece, John D. . 20th colored... 75 Fuller, Stephen D.. . 63d infantry...... 75 Fogerty, John 7th battery 75 Ferguson, George 7th battery 75 Fowler, William C...... 15th cavalry 75 Fitzpatrick, Thomas* 7th battery...... 75 Forn, John... 98th infantry 75 Fowler, Charles B...... ,. 3d infantry...... 75 Faulkner, Lawrence C 63d infantry 75 Fitzgerald, Daniel... 15th cavalry ... 75 Fraunce, Abraham 98th infantry ...... 75 Ferguson, Daniel 15th cavalry 75 Ford, Theodore S 7th battery. . . . 75 Freeman, Augustus .._. colored Fowler, Daniel W. colored Fitzpatrick, Thomas...... 7th artillery / Greahl, Charles .. 63d infantry 75 Grady, John. 98thinfantry. 75 Gidney, Charles 63d infantry 75 Garrison, John D 7th battery 75 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 81

Reg't or battery. Am't town bounty. Gillespie, Jacob L - --- 5th artillery $75 Griffith, Smith — 7th artillery <5 Green, Francis R. M.. If* cavalry < 5 Golden, John B...... 15th artillery 75 Gough, Christopher - - - 15th cavalry 75 Garder, John .... — - 5th cavalry...... - Hanmore, Howard B — - - 7th battery., 75 Hewitt, Thomas..... ----- 15th cavalry...... 75 Hrir, Samuel.98thin&ntry. 75 Halstead, StephenH.... 7th battery. .. 75

Haley, Samuel - — 11 Hall, Harris - fthmfantry 75 Henry, Philip -.... - 5 thartillery. 75 Hallock, Edward A.- 15th cavalry 75 Henry, Joseph Y...... — 143d infantry To Hart, Jacob - color ed ...... 7& Hamilton, William ------loth cavalry.. 7o Harrisan, Michael ..... — - 63d infantry.. Halt, "Silas - - - 7th battery. - Higgs, George W .. - - 98th infantry Hunter, Titus - Colored Henry, Alexander 7th battery Hennesy, Patrick .. .\. 15th cavalry Hays, Hugh M. (re-enlisted) . 82d infantry Hughes, William 15th artillery...... Ireland, WilliamC. 15th cavalry. 75 Johnson, George ' Colored - - <» Jackson, William. Cokired--

Knapp, William H 98th mfantry; 75 King, Bernard - 15th cavalry...... 75 Kirkpatriek, Joseph.'. 15th cavalry...... 75 Kins, Patrick 15th cavalry 75 Knight, William 26th U. b> /.o Keane, Frederick W... - 98thinfantry 75 Kehoe,-John...... -- 63d infantry...... 75 King,- William H...... - 63d infantry 75 Kinkade, John 15th artillery 75 Kilday, Patrick. - - 63d infantry [Assem. No. 64.] 6 82 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Reg't or battery. Am't town bounty. King, Theodore W..... -. . -. -' Colored ...... Keeler, Robert B. .... 15th artillery Krismyre, Conrad . 1st engineers.... „. Luyster, John P 7th artillery ...... $75 Lockwoocl, William M "3d infantry:.... _. 75 Leeper, Samuel...... —— 98thmfentry...... <5 Lamb, Frederick .... — — 63d infantry...... Low, Francis .... - .-- — Colored, 75

Lamoreux, Charles H r - . - 15th cavalry...... 75 Lewis, Morgan... -V.-. Colored Launchback, John,.... 124th infantry,......

Lyons, Charles H., lieutenant...... 15thcavalry,...... -• _: Lowden, George,...... -- 7^ battery.. 75 McCormack, Francis, 98th infantry,...... 7D McPeck, Henry,.. 7th battery,...... 75 McNamara, Patrick,. 7thbattery,. . .7& Marsh; Edwin J. F.,.; ----- 15th cavalry,...... 1J> McCohnel, Robert...... 98th infantry, <£• Munks, James, ... - - 15thcavalry,., 75 McDonald, Patrick J.,j . — - 15thcavalry, . 75 Mooney, William,...... -.— 15thcavalry, 7d McGowan, Edward,._....— — 2d cavalry, .. -..... tj> Manny, Daniel, \ -- -- 7thbattery,.., .... ^ Mathews, Hugh,.. 98th mfantry,...... 75 Matthews, Henry,...... - - - Colored, McConnell, William, ----- 15thcavalry, V> Marvin, Edwin...... 98th mfantry, /5 McGovern, Thomas 16th artillery...... 75 McDaniels, Daniel .... - 98th infantry, . 1J> McGibbon, George, 56th mfantry,...... 15 Miller, Joseph,..'...... - — 143d mfentry,...... 75 McFadden, Robert, ...... - - 98th infantry, V> McCall, William._.._.;.... — — 15th cavalry, ...... 75 Martin, John H., 56th infantry, 75 McCue, James...... 98th infantry,...... 75 McClennan, Kenneth, 124th infantry, 75 McCann, Henry,...... - - 98th infantry,...... 75 Mead, Patrick J., ...... 98th infantry,...... 75 Medina, Julius A., ...... 98th mfantry,...... 75 McGrath, George, ...... •—-—;" •„% Mackinson, Hugh,...; 98th mfantry, 75 McKnight, Alexander,:. 63d infantry, 7i) CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY ^STATISTICS.

Reg't. or battery.

Murphy, John, 63d infantry,._. McGinnis, David,...... 7th battery— Mangm, Charles,.J ..... Colored, , Mangin, Eobert, Colored, .. Morati, George,... Colored, McBride, James,...... ^ .. 15th artillery,.. Mack, James D. 5th cavalry,.. _ MeFarrel, Joseph,.. . 1st engineers, * Mackney, Abram,. 5 6 th infantry,. _ Miller, Frederick. A.,.. .. . 15th cavalry,.. „ McAvoy, James, 63d infantry,... McConnell, James, 15th cavalry, • _.. Murphy James, ..1 98th infantry,.. McKee, David J., ... 1st engineers,. Monagan, P. E... 15thcavalry, McLaughlin, J ohn E.,. - 15 th cavalry, McCleary, John,. 1 98th infantry,.. Morgan, Charles,•. ... 15th cavalry, McAnany, James,...... 98th infantry,.. Manny, William, 63d infantry, Murphy, Charles, ^ 98th infantry,. „ Newman, George,.. 98th infantry,.. Osbum, J ames, ... 15th cavalry, Owens, George W.,... ^. 7thbattery, ... Oakley, J, K. E., lieut 98th infantry...

? 0 Connell, Morris, w 15th cavalry, OTrey William, x 15th cavalry,... Osterhout, Jonas, 15th cavalry,... O'Brien, William,. 98th infantry,.. Powers, Edward,-. .... 98th infantry,.. Pashe, Charles, 7th battery,... Philips, Jerome, S.,. 98th infantry, Pratt, George E.,*. 63d infantry,. Parcel], Patrick, 15th cavalry,. Parker, John P., 15th cavalry,. Phillips, John J., 15thcavalry,. Peck, Francis A., 15th artillery, Potts, Joseph B., 63d infantry,... Porter, Edward, ...... 15th cavalry, _. Parker, James P., j 1st engineers, Patterson, Edward A.,. ._ 1st artillery,. Patterson, William,...... 5th artillery, .Quinn, Michael, .._ 1st engineers, Eoctman, William 0., 98th infantry.. Ey an, John,.. _ 1st engineers, Seed, Albert, 15th cavalry,.. Eousine, Eichard, ...... 15thcavalry,.. 84 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Reg't or battery. Am't town bounty* Evan, James...... ------J5thcavalry,' $75 Eennisoli, James G, captain ,. lo&cavalry,. 75 Robertson, Robert,._ 98th infantry,.... -, . 75

Richardson, Peter, - - ^°wd> : -"" Eelyea, James...... - Ifth artillery,...... 75 Rogers, Peter,,; — 63c infantiy,75 Eofe, John, - -- — 98th infantry...... 75 Eumsey, Moses...... 7th artillery,....-.. 75 Russell, William B., - --- 7th artillery, .. Eobinson, Alfred S., Colored . .... Riley, George, 98th infantry...... -- Eitchie, John, lieutenant, , 15th artillery, Ryan, George, ...... 15th artillery,...... - - Eodgers, Joseph, 1st engineers, Storms, James H., ----- 7th artillery,.....- -- Sheridan, Michael, —• 98th infantry, to Stanfield, Eobert, loth cavalry,...... 75 Stead, Joseph...... 15thcavalry,...... i* Sherman, Ephraim C, - - - 15th cavalry, 75 Selke, Cornelius,. 15thcavalry,.. Sailor, Isaac, Colored 75 Sheldon, William H.,* 98th infantry, 75 Smith, William, - - - 15th cavalry,. Stewart, John, — . -.. .15thcavalry, (<> Scott, John -. 5th artillery, 75 Smith, Daniel, - - 7thbattery, 75 Shepherd, Patrick V.,...... 15thcavalry,...... 75 Sutton, Andrew J.,. ' 15 th cavalry,...... 70 Snvder, William H.,... 63dinfantry, 75 Scnultz, John, - - 98th infantry,...... 75 Swift, Elijah, - - - 98th infantry, 75 Shurdan, William,... 98th infantry, . 7» Strachan, James'H. E., 8thbattery, 75 Sailor, Samuel,.. - - Colored, Simpson, William H., 7th battery, <•> Sinsabaugh, Charles H., 5th artillery,...... 75 Stewart, John, Colored, ...... <* Schlitt, John, - 15th artillery,. 75 Serot, Philip, 98th infantry, 75 Sybolt, Arcibaid, .- --- 9th artillery, iS> Sneed, Joseph A., lieutenant,-..... 98th infantry,

Schoonmaker, Simeon,,.L Colored, Schoonmaker, Edward, Colored, — Simmons, Alonzo,.. Colored, Stewart. George W., Colored, - --

•Town drafts to two persons of this Dame were paid, but it does not appear that there were two -volunteers. . CHIEF OP THE BUREAU OP MILITARY STATISTICS. 85

Reg;t or battery. Am't town bounty. Sneed, Henry G,. - ---- *f J <*7*^ Sweet Charles, !J artdlery, Smith James, J?f cavalry,... Sailor, William B., ----- ^ored, ...... -•- Sanxay, Frederick D., Jth batter,, Scott, James W., lieutenant, 63d mfantry Sherwood, James I., !«h »^ry,. .... - Smith, James, .- *fh artillery Scott, John,.... 1st engineers - e Smith, Joseph,.. i!? XT"" Smith John Jth artillery, Townsend, William,.. ---- 98th infantry, $7o Townsley, Charles H., ' JJJ artillery,....,- 7o Topping" Hugh,.. - - - »fT- f Thompson, Hugh, »8 h infaiitry, 7o Terwiliger, Charles J., junior 98th infantry, 75 Talmadge, William F.,._... — 1st engineers, — Thiel, Isaac' L., 98th infantry, Terwiliger, Jacob, -- Jj Taylor Charles W., ------Jth artillery, Van Keuren, Albert G, 98th infantry, 75 Van Norwick, Isaac N.,., 15th artillery, 75 Van Keuren, Charles W., 98th infantry, To VanDonk, Samuel, ^ f 7 "75 Vredenburgh, Theodore 98th mfantry, 75 Vredenbur|h, Willett, 98th infantry, 75 Van Keuren," Wm., Iff rifles - - - Vought, Jas.H...... marfallery, WisLan, Jos. S - 98th infantry...... '5 Wood, George, - ^nfantey, 75 West, Henry; ^ h artillery,. 75 Westleigh,Chas.R, 98th infantry, <5 Wilson, Wm...... 63dinfantry, «o

White, Robert,. r...... jSthcava lry, 7o Wright, James,.'...., 63d infantry,...... - 7a Wastibum, Thomas, Ifth artillery, /5 Walsh, Dennis, ------98th infantry, 75 Waibel, Jacob, - ,lt ?nJ'75 Wright, Henry E.,... ----- Ifth artillery,

Reg't or battery Am?t town bounty. Wainwright, Wm.,.. _. 7th artillery,.. Williams, JohnH..... 15th cavalry,.. . Warring, James,...... 15th artillery,...... Williams, Ezra, _ _ _. 1 - 124th infantry, .. .. Wright, James,.. A... Colored, ...... Weymer, Joel B., ... _ 15th cavalry, „. .. Woolfender, Thomas,...... 98th infantry, ... Ward, John E., 98.3th infantry,.„...... Young, Selden,...... 1 ... 63d infantry, 1 .. $75 Recapitulation, Enlistments in summer of 1863, ...... 41 Enlistments under calls of 1863, '64, 353 Credit by draft, 1863...... 90 Re-enlistments in the field, . ... .— • 94

Total, 578 Whole number credited, .. ... 507

Not credited, 71

Total of quotas under all calls to July, 1864, 1 484 Total of credits under all calls to July, 1864,. 507

Surplus allowed oil calls of July, 23

During this period the town furnished ninety-four volunteers over the number requjired, viz. : 578, less quota 484 ; or, if all credits by commutation, under the draft of 1863, be rejected, viz., 73, a surplus of 21 remains. .


NAMES. Regiment. Term.


Albvood, Thomas E.. 56th 1 year . Himself . $100 $550 Alsdorf, Johannes. .. 56th do .... W. H. Brundagi 100 550 Baugh, Alphonzo M. 98th do Himself 100 . 550 Bell, William J. 15th .cavalry, do .. do 100 550 Barton, John C Rainey do do 100 550 Brady, Hugh do do do 100 550 Berry, James...... do do ...... 100 550 Blair, George. do do .. do ...... 100 550 Bush, Alex. P...... do .. .. do .. J. Clearwater.. 100 550 Beaton, Wm. A. do ...v. do .. I. Jenkinson... 100 550 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 87

Volunteers under the call of July 18, 1864—Continued.

d += ^ NAMES. Regiment. Term. Hand-money to— £ "S z« 3 % If o a-*2 .

Volunteers under the call of July 18, 1864—Continued.

NAMES. Regiment. Term. Hand-money to- g-ta- s a a^

Merritt, Charles F 56th 1 year Peter F. Masten $50 $300 Masten, Daniel.. 56th...... do . Thomas Bingham .., 50 300 Mitchell, P. Nicoll 56th do . L. A. Strachan. 100 550 McMann, Hugh Navy do . Wm. Wardrop , 100 550 McConnell, Hugh. , 56th do . Thomas Bingham 100 550 Masten, Peter F , 56th. do . I. Jenkinson 100 550 Mann, George. , 183d do .. Himself 100 550 Moshier, Harvey 13th artillery do . "dp 100 550 McCauley, Thomas Rainey , do . J. H. Rainey 100 550 Machin, Edward do ...... do . Thomas Bingham. .. 100 550 Masten, Hezekiah C. ... 128th...... do . Himself 100 550 Masten, Selah F...... 56th , do . do 100 550 Morris, John 159th , do . do 10.0 550 Maleese, John II 56th i , do . do 100 550 Myers, Geo. W 56 th , do .' do 100 . 550 Myers, John Rainey do . John McMannus 100 550 Martin, Thomas do do . I. Jenkinson. 100 55.0 Mack, Patrick do -. do . Himself 100 Des. Nevill, Dennis ...... 56 th. do . Horton Tidd 100 550 Odell, Charles 56th. , do . Himself 100 550 Palmer, Edward E 6th artillery. do . I. Jenkinson. 100 550 Potter, Charles H ]28th .... do . Himself 100 550 Penfield, James H...... 56th. do . Wm. H. Brundage,. 100 550 Pearsall, William. Rainey do . I. Jenkinson... 100 550 Parmalee, Charles W ... 16th artillery, do . Thomas Bingham 100 550 Phillips, Henry H 56th.:...... do . I. Jenkinson 100 550 Piatt, Leander.. 56th do . Lewis W. Purdy 100 - 550 Quinn, Patrick 20th do . Ed. Butler 100 550 Ray wood, Thomas 2d cavalry .., do . I. M. Martin...... 100 550 R!eeves, George Rainey do . Himself.. ... 100 550 Roach, Stephen C Navy...... do . William Wardrop. .. 100 550 Roosa, John H . 16th artillery. do . Thomas Bingham .... 50 300 Riley, James. 2d cavalry ... do .. Himself.. 100 Des. Semmon, Michael. Rainey ...... do ., do 100 550 Strachan, Wm. G 6th artillery. do ., do •Ioo 550 Smith, Jonas M Bainey ..... do .. J. Clearwater...... 100 550 Sperling, Edward B. 28th bat. ... do ., J. H. Sperling 100 550 Schmidt, Henry 56th do Himself «100 550 Studley, Daniel. .. Rainey •do do 100 550 Sperling, Jas. H 16 th si g. corps. do .. I. M. Martin 100 550 Sharot, Philip M Navy , do .. W. B. Marvin 100 550 St. John, Isaiah 56th , do Thomas Bingham.... 100 550 Sweeney, Dennis 3d.. do .. Wm. Wardrop 100 550 Smith, Oscar C Navy do .. I. N. Osborn.^...... 100 550 Senior, James do .. I. Jenkinson...... 100 Not cr. Saunders, Benj Rainey do .. Himself 100 Des. Smith, Charles...... U. S. coPd.. do ... I. M. Martin. 100 do Terwilliger, Augustus H. Rainey ..... do .. Himself 100 . do Trail, George do do .. Harvey Rainey...... 100 do Tefft, Charles H. ... 5th artillery. do .. William Hillard 100 do Turner, Charles F'. 56th. do . .. I. Jenkinson , 100 do Terwilliger, James...., 16th artillery. do .. Thomas Bingham..... 50 300 Tallman, James \ Deserter. .. do .... Ab\ Van Orden , 100 Not cr. Toot, Frank...... 5th artillery do .. •I. Jenkinson 100 Des. Thompson, Leander 56th...... do .. Himself. 100 do Vradenburgh, James. 56th. .! do .. I. Mi Martin...... 100 550 Van Vliet, Edward 56th...... do ... C. W. Van Vliet 100 550 Van Orden, Robert ...... 183d..; , do .. Ab. Van Orden. 100 550 Valentine, Samuel 16th artillery. do .. ThomasBingham 50 300 Wells, Wm. H.... 2d Mt.; rifles.. do .. William Campbell. ... 100 550 Walter, David ...... , 56th do .. Himself 100 550 Wallace, Joseph. 56th...... do ... do 100 550 Whigham, John R...... 28th bat. .. do .. J. H. Sperling;...... 100 550 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 89

Volunteers under the call of July 18, 1864—Continued.

NAMES. Regiment. Term. Hand-money to—

"Williams, L,evi M 7th bat ..... 1 year. I. M. Martin. ... $100 Ward, Ostrander . 56th do . Charles Ward.... 100 Ward, Sylvester.. 56th . ... do . Himself 100 Ward, Charles ... 56th do . Ostrander Ward.. 100 Wilson, Emanuel. Navy do James W. Wilson 100 Wulfe, Frank. ... 5th artillery do . I. Jenkinson..... 100

Names of Principals and Substitutes under call of July 18, 1864, Period of Service and Bounty paid Principals.

Army or Term of Names of Principals. Names of Substitutes. Navy. service.

Allen, George S...... James Olliveiler Navy. 3 years ... Allison, John Charles Freir Army. do ... Adams, Elijah. Corns. Stringham .... Navy.. 1 year Alsdorf, Egbert John Brown...... Army , 3 years ... Brown, Wm. R Benedict Showberger . do . do ... Brown, Daniel G Michael Murphy do . do ... Bradley, Ambrose John Williams do . do ... Bazzoni, James C ...... John Barber do . do Birdsall, Thomas W. .. John Smith. Navy.. 4 years ... Beveridge, Jas. B..... Corns. Milispaugh.... .Army . 3 years ... Belknap, Moses C Bernard McCall do . do Blizzard, Bloomer William Dergen.. do » do Berry, William H James Malone do . do Brewster, Eugene A... Lawrence Carroll do . do ... Bodine, John...... Richard B. Woodruff. Navy., do ... Banks, Fred. W Patrick Gannon Army . do ... Belknap, William C. .. William Lord...... '.. do . do ... Chambers, William.... Jonathan T. Roach. .. Navy.. 1 year Coleman, Dewitt C... William Wordsworth. Army . 3 year3 ... Clarendon, M. E Henry Mack Navy.. 1 year Clark, George H James Cochran do .. do .... Clarkson, David M.... Thomas McGee do .. 3 years ... Cauldwell, Alex Patrick H. Barncary. do ... 3 year Corwin, Samuel W .... Henry Bake,r do .. 3 years ... Chapman, Isaac C..... James H. Haywood .. do .. do ... Cassedy, Ambrose S. Levi J. Owen Army.. do ... Clapp, George M , Adelbert Bochler do ,. do ... Deyo, Emmett Charles Kupper...... do .. do ... Dickey, James , John Francis Navy.. do ... Dickey, James N...... , John Qillan do .. do Edwards, Thomas...... G. P. Williamson .... Army . do ... Fenton, John B. J Michael Morrissey.... Navy.. do ...

Fowler, George W.s August. Brockmeyer.. Armv . do ... Farrington, Thos. J. ... William Space do" . do ... Farrington, John M. ... Charles Miller; ...... do . do ... Farrington, Ezra Herman Wagner .do . do- Fowler, Henry D John Thompson Navy.. do Gait, John'.* Patrick Newcome •.... do .. •do George, George John Frederiekson. .. do .. do Hardenburgh, J. C. S.. William E. Waite.... do .. 1 year ...... Hasbrouck,Wm. H. ... Andrew Monson Co .. 3 years Haight,sHenry M. Theron B. Boyd , do .. 1 year Hasbrouck, Eli, jr...... Charles McDonald. • do .. 3 years Hanmore, Benjamin. ... William Milispaugh... Army . do Hayt, Nathaniel B Peter, Hays , .do . do .... Hunter, Ezra J. George Baker do . do .... Johnes, Goldsmith D ... Thomas Cox Navy.. do .... 90 - SECOND ANNUAL REPORT QETIfE

Names of Principals and Substitutes—Continued,

Army or Term of Bounty Names of Principals. Names of Substitutes. . Navy. service. paid.

Jansen, William L.... David Valentine Army , 3 years . Kennedy, John B John Darling . Navy.', do . Krismeyer, Meadoray. James H. Lewis...... Army do . Leonard, Chauncey M. Herman Brown ...... Navy., do . Little, John W.. Michael McWetherson.. do .. do Lawrence, David T.. Samuel Siemmon do ., do •. Lawson, William C .... Patrick Lynch do .. 1 year. . Leslie, Geo. M Gilbert Coutant do .. do .. Morris, William G Henry Gruntig...... Army . 3 years . McGregor, Wm Peter Dalton do . 1 year.. Mapes, Wm. E.. . Joseph C. Gilbert.*...., Navy.. do .. Moffat, Bruce Henry Wilson Army . 3 years . McDonald, William J.. Patrick Williams Navy.. do ., MeCutcheon, Hugh John Ryan do 1 year .. Milispaugh, Henry E.. Michael O'Donnell. .... do .. 3 years . Milispaugh, Ered. L.,. James- McGinnis.^. do .. do . Mills, Samuel 0 Joseph Barry Army . do . Mapes, Charles Frank Salisbury do, . do .,

McCord, James William Finlayson.v Navy.. 1 year.., Miller, Samuel W;.... Charles M. Winslow.... Army . 3 years .. Miller, James'W., jr .. Maurice Puffer Navy.. do .. Miller, John...... , Matthew Fanning...... do .. do Nieoll, John ... William Baker...... Army . do .. Oliver, Geo. W Frank Jones. Navy.. do . Peck, Thomas M Chris. McLaughlin..... • do .. 1 year . .'. Parmelee, Wm. S John Parker i Army . 3 years ..

Purdy,%Thomas W George Wilson Navy.. do .. Presler, William A...., Joseph Enickler Army do Peck, Jonathan C. Patrick MeKenna Navy.. 1 year. .. Perry, James Henriek Kaiser ...... Army . 3 years,.. Quackenbush, Tunis S. . John Myler...... Navy.. do Ross, Samuel J , George A. Teller.. Army . do .. Ramsdell, Henry P John Riley Navy.. do .. • Ramsdell, James A. P., Alex. Wilson do do Ramsdell, Thomas P..., Martin Johnson do .. do .. Root, Charles. Geo. Woodruff...... Army . do .. Ruttenber, E. M Jacob Fcoik.. • do . do .. Riley, George E Allen L. Riley Navy.. 1 year. .. Straw, L. S. ..' Ambrose Higgins , do .. 3 years .. Seymour, James H John H. O'Neal Army . do .. Smith,.Lewis M Ben. Colgan. Navy.. 2 years .. Scott, David A.. James Kelly...... Army . 3 years .. Smith, Charles.. Bernard Fay. do . do Sears, John M Frank Keizer do . do .. Skidmore, E James Kelley Navy.. do .. Sutton, Charles G William Bonner. Army . do .. Thomas, Jona. W Edward Cassidy Navy.., do .. Townsend, George W... William Kirnegan...... do do Townsend, James A.... John McGuire...... do .., do .. Taylor, James W...... Miner Loomis do ... do Ward, Peter. Philip Warishaffer do ... do .. Wiltsie, G. Fred Thomas Quinn. do ... do .. Wilson, Arthur Albert Moore Army ., do .. Walsh, Robert. William Wallace Navy,.. do .. Whigham, David P John Kelly Army ., do .. Weed, Jona. N. John Casey Navy... do Warring, James K William Tinan Army ., do .., Wardrop, Gerald H Henry Langhan Navy... do ... Wiggins, L. Y...... William Hurley...... Army ., do ... Weller, Alanson Y Joseph Meckler do .. do Young, James H ...... James Kelly. Navy... do ... Young, Robert. John Gillin do ... do ... Young, Josiah S...... , John Fox do ... 2 years ... CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 91

R eeapitulation. Quota under call of July, 1861 272 Credit by surplus 23 do volunteers. 139 do substitutes 110 • 272


Names. Regiment. Remarks.

Alsdorf, Egbert.. Captain 19th militia.. 3 months service. Atwood, Thomas Lieutenant 56th vols Resigned. Anderson, James H. . / d° 19th militia., Captain 98th regiment. Brown, William. R... Colonel ..., do Colonel 168th regiment. Brown, William C.... Lieutenant. do 3 months service. Beeket, Isaac ...... do 56th vols. Still in servi6e. Conner, Michael J.:. do 19th militia., 3 months service. Connelly, Henry M.. . do 56th vols Resigned—now in service. Clark, Leander, Captain..., 124th vols.... Resigned. Day, Patrick Lieutenant, 19th militia., 3 months service. Dickey, Wm. D do 168th vols..:. Captain 15th artillery. Daughaday, J. H.... do 19th militia.. 3 months service. . Donoghue, Timothy .. do' 36th vols.:... Promoted captain. Dickey, Jos. M do 15th artillery. In service. Dodge, Wm. F...... Adjutant... 66th vols Resigned April 13, 1864. Dodge, John P...... Captain.. do Died of wounds, December 11, 1862. Evans, Eli H Adjutant... 56th vols Resigned. Fullerton, S. W., Jr. Captain.... 3d vols Died in service. Franklin, Daniel R... Lieutenant. 56th vols Resigned after muster. Finnegan, James., Captain.. • • 124th vols Killed in battle. Garrison, Wm. H .,... Lieutenant. 71st militia .. 6 months service. Gerard, John C ' Quarterm'r. 56th vols. Resigned—now in service. Gibbs, David S... i Lieutenant. 124th vols Resigned. Hathaway, Wm. M... Adjutant.., 19th & 168th . 1 year's service. Hawkins, Geo. W Lieutenant. 71st militia .. 3 months service. Hozier, Wm; H...... , Surgeon.... 174th vols.... Resigned, Hines, Richard M Lieutenant. 56th vols do Hines, Francis Captain.... do ' In service. Jagger, David , Major 19th militia.. 3 months service. Jenkinson, Isaac. Captain.... 19th & 168th . 1 year's service. Jones, Erwi'h A Lieutenant, 3d vols Promoted captain—in service. Keeler^ Robert B do ] 5th artillery. In service. Lyons, Charles H do •15th cavalry . do Leeper, Joseph M Captain 140th vols.... Resigned. Lee, Wm. H Lieutenant. 7th bat - do Lewis, JohnN... do • 36th regt Served 2 years. Lewis, Charles E.. do do Promoted captain—served 2 years. Low, James Lt. Colonel, 19th & 168th . Resigned. Marvin, Wm. B Lieutenant. 19th militia.. 3 months service. Metcalf, John do 56th vols., Still in service. Mann, Alex...... do 3d regt Promoted captain-^-in service. Mabe e, Jeremiah D .... do do In service. Merwin, David S'. do, 36th regt Promoted captain—now in service.1 Marvel, Thomas, Jr... Captain... 56th vols. Resigned. Montfort, R. V. K.... Ass't Surg. 124th vols.... Still in service. Martin, Isaac M...... Lieutenant clo Resigned. Oaklev, Wm. C do 19th militia.. 3 months service. Oakley, J. K. R •. do 168th vols.... Now lieutenant 98th volunteers. Pope, Thomas B do 56th vols. Resigned. Rennison, James C.... Captain 19th & 168th. Captain 15th cavalry. Roos, Evert J ...... Lieutenant 19th militia.. 3 months service. Reed, Horatio Blake .. do U. S.A Colonel 22d cavalry. Randall, Alanson do do Colonel 2d cavalry. Reeve, James H...... do 3d vols. . 2 years service. Raney, James A Captain 36th vols:*... Promoted major—resigned. Ramsdell, Henry P.. Lieutenant 124th vols Promoted captain—resigned. Ritchie, John ... do 15th artillery. "Served 2 years in 3d volunteers. * SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Names of Officers from Newburgh—Continued.

NAMES. Rank. Regiment. Remarks.

Reeve, Selali V Captain.... 63d vols.. ... Resigned.

Smiley, James.. .. * v. Lieutenant. 19th militia. 3 months service. • Shelling, Charles Chaplain... 56th vols.... Resigned, Stansboro, John B .... Lieutenant. 124th vols... do Stewart, Charles do do Now a prisoner. Sneed, Jos. A do 98th vols..... In service. Stumpf, Henry Captain..., 20th infantry Touhey, John H...,».. do 19th militia . 3 months service. Thayer, Charles E.... do 56th vols Resigned—in service. Travis, Henry E do 124th vols... Served 6 months in militia. Vanderburgh, E Lieutenant. 56th .vols Resigned—re-enlisted. Withers, Fred. C. 1st Lieut... 1st engineers Resigned. Williams, Wm. J Captain.... 56th vols.... Killed in battle. Whittenbeecher, A.. .', Lieutenant. 124th vols... Dismissed. Weygant, Chas. H .... Captain.... do Promoted colonel. Wailer, ,George Quarternrr. 19th militia, 3 months service, Watts, John S Captain...'. do do

Completeness is not claimed, nor accuracy in remarks.

Names of Volunteers from Newburgh, who have been hilled or who have died in the service. (Incomplete.)

NAME. Regiment. Date and Cause of Death.

Allen, Cornelius S 124th. Killed at Gettysburg; July 2, 1863.

Ackerman, Daniel v 124th Died of wounds, June 4, 1864. Bond, Samuel 0. . 71st militia . Killed at First Bull Run. Baughan, Robert , 3dN. J..... Bailed at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. Bartley, Jacob 19th militia. Accidentally shot, 1862. Buckley, Joseph 36th Died of wounds, July 4, 1862. Brownlee, Joseph , 124th Killed in Wilderness, May 12, 1864. Brown, George... 124th Killed in Wilderness, May 12, 1864. Collins, William i 1st Fire Z... Killed at First Bull Run. Corby, Frank 71st militia ., Died in Washington, July 25, 1861. Campbell, William 124th Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Cooper, James 124th Killed at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. Cropsey, Dewitt Sailor^...... Died of fever, February 23, 1863. Cunningham, Robert Sailor Lost on Bainbridge, August 21, 1863. Camp, Alexander , 168th Died of fever, August 5, 1863. Chambers, John 124th Died in hospital, April 25, 1863. Collins, James , 124th Died in hospital, June, 1863. Decker, James N,, Lieut, 7th cavalry .. Killed, April 18, 1862. Depuy, Jacob R ... 48th Killed on Morris Island, July 18, 1863. Dodge, Samuel .-, 1.24th Killed at Chancellorville. Dodge, John P., Capt.... 66th Killed, December 11, 1862. Ellison, Isaac. 124th... Died of fever. Ecord, Herman ,36th-73d..... Killed, July 30, 1864. Estabrook, Sandford T... 124th Died of wounds, August 12, 1864. Edgar, William.' 124th Killed, May 15, 1864. Eullerton, S. W., Capt.., 3d Died of fever, September 12, 1861. Foley, John W. 124th...... Died of wounds, February 18, 1863. Foley, Thomas...... 124th Killed at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. Finnegan, Jas. Capt 124th Killed before Petersburgh, October 27, 1864. Fox, Thomas. ,. .. 133d..-. Died of fever, June 22, 1863. Griggs, James 5th. Killed at Big Bethel, June 10, 1861. Gaines, J ohn Henry 168th Died of disease, August 29, 1863. * Gaines, Hiram 168th.. Died of fever, August 31, 1863. Gilbert, James 56th .... Died of dysentery, September 4, 1§63. Goble, Morris G 168th...... Died of congestion lungs, March 19, 1863. Hopper, David...... T.. 124th.. Died in Washington, October, 1863. Hilliker, Alonzo .. 4'8th...... Killed at Fort Wagner, June, 1863. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 93

Names of Volunteers from Newburgh, hilled—Continued.

NAME. Regiment. Date and Cause of Death.

Hamilton, William., .... 124th. --Died of wounds, June 16, 1863. Hoffman, William H . 156th. Died of diarrhoea at New Orleans. Hyatt, Abraham., 124th. Died in hospital. Jackson, Andrew...... 36th.. Died of wounds, July 1, 1862. Joy, William 63d... Killed in Wilderness, April 12, 1864. Kimball, Eliphalet B.... 3d.... Died of diarrhoea, November 20, 1863. King, George G 124th.. Killed, September 10, 1864. Lawson, Joseph 65th. , Died of consumption, March 7, 1863. Laforge, J ames 19th militia. Died of fever, August 9, 1862. Leibshner, Charles 48th ., Killed in assault on Fort Wagner. Little, Edward W 15th cavalry. Died of diarrhoea, December 7, 1864. Martin, David 36th Died of fever, November 15, 1861. Mackinson, Hugh 5th-98th.... Died of wounds, 1864. Moore, William. 124th Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Munn, James. 90th Died of fever, July 15, 1863. Miller, Herman B ...... 56 th Died of fever, January 28, 1862. MeVey, Charles. 124th Died of fever, December 13, 1863. Milispaugh, James ...... I68th , Died of fever, July 31, 1863. McKune, Theodore J 3d Died, February 5, 1865, out of service. Moores, James B 124th...... Died of wounds, July 8, 1863. Mahie, William 56th , Killed at Fair Oaks, 1862. McCabe, John 56th Killed at Fair Oaks, 1862. Noonan, James . • 36th... Died, March, 1863. Partington, James 124th.. Died of wounds,. July 8, 1863. Potts, Joseph B...... « 36th-98th... Died of wounds, 1&64. Pinckney. James Killed in Shenandoah Valley, 1864. Phillips, W. N 56th , Died in Washington, 1861. Ross, William • 36th , Killed at Turkey Bend, July 1, 1862. Redner, David • • 168th Died in Nelson hospital. Sackett, Henry M. 56th , Killed at Fair Oaks, 1862. Sprole, William T. • 7th militia. , Died of fever, 1861. Stephens, George Henry. 124th Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Taylor, John W 124th Died of fever, June 25, 1863. Walsh, William. 56th Killed at. Fair Oaks, 1862. Wright, Fred. S 84th Died M wounds, July 27, 1863. Wightman, Joseph P .... 124th ...... Died of wounds, May 24, 1863. Wallace, William 124th Killed at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. White, John H .... 124th Died of fever, December 15, 1862. Weygant, Wilson 124th.....;. Died of fever, October 18, 1862. Warren, Peter H., Lieut , 3d coi'd Died of fever, September 17, 1863. Whan, William- 124th Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Warren, William G 124th Died of fever, February 38, 3863. Wygant, George C 124th Killed at Chancellorville, May 3, 1863. Williams, Wm. J., Capt. . 56th Killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Ward, William... 14th U. S... Killed before Richmond, 1862. Watson, Cornelius...... 54th Mass... Killed at Fort Wagner. Young, Selden 36th-63d.... Killed in Wilderness, 1864.


STATEMENT SHOWING NONETS RAISED BY SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE PAY• MENT OF BOUNTIES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN 1861 AND 1862. Two public subscriptions have been raised for equipments, bounties,

Subscription list M spring 0/1861, for the purpose of furnishing equipments to the IWi Regiment M T. $. M. Bank of Newburgh,.. . $500 D. M. Clarkson,...... $100 Highland Bank, 500 S. E. Van Duzer,. 250 Quassaick Bank,. _. 500 John.Forsyth,. 50 E. A. Forsyth, 250 Wm. Eoe, .... 100 H. Eamsdell & Co., .... 500 Lewis Jennings & Co.,. 50 John S. Hurcl,. _ I.._. 50 Henry Eobinson, m 300 W. J. Eoe, .... 100 A. P. Johnes, ..... 50 Wm. C. Hasbrouck,.. _ 50 Harvey Weed, ...... 100 Wm. Fullerton, 100 W. L. Smith, 50 W. A. M. Culbert,..,... 50 L. D. Lockwood, ..... 50 W. L. Findley,.... _.. 170 Geo. W.'Kerr, ...... 50. H. T. McCoun; ...... 50 D. B. St. John,. . 50 D. Moore & Co.,. . . 200 O. S. Hathaway,... „. 50 Henry Wyckoff, ...... 100 B. Carpenter & Co.,.. 200 E. E. Johnes, ... 100 J. H. Graham, . . 100 John D. Van Buren, . 100 E. A. Southwick, 50 Jno. J. Monell .... 50 Samuel Williams, 50 Daniel Eogers, L 100 Jonas Williams, 25 H.Blake, ...J.. 50 Eli. Hasbrouck & Co., 50 E. A. Brewster, j. 50 Geo. Gordon, ...... 200 Wm. Wyckoff, 50 Chas. Downing, ..... • 25 S. W. Fullerton, . 50 T. P. Shelton,....., 250' J. D. Walsh . 50 G. A. Elliot...... 50 George Clark,...... 100 F. Deming, ..... 100 Enoch Carter,. 50 Wm. E. Warren, 50. Benj. H. Mace,... 100 W;H. Priest,... 10 C. H. Havemeyer, ..... 100 Dr. Stransbrough, ... 5 Thos. George 50 D., 50 Johnson & Falls, .. 100 100 Alfred Post, 50 O. S. Hathaway,. 50 C. F. V. Eeeve, ... 50 M. C. Belknap,..., 50 $7,385- Isaac S. Fowler,... 50 of J. W. Thomas, ...... 50 5,000 Barclay & Dickey, 50 H. Ball,.. 50 $12,385 Eufus E. Skeel, ... 100 W. S. Vail,..!.... 100

Subscription list of August 186$, for the purpose of paying bounties, tender the call for 600,000 men. H. Eamsdell $500 Harvey Weed $500 H. Eamsdell & Co.^.._ 50Q T. B. Shelton ...... 500 •S. E. Van Duzer 500 John Wf Brown500 David Moore & Co.,._ 500 Eufus E. Skeel...... 500 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 95

Henry Eobinson...... $500. Ward & Leonard $50 25 Edward E. Johnes...... 500 James C. Clark 50 Eobert A. Forsyth.500 G. .& A. Lendrum 50 George Gordon.... j. • 500 S. Hayt...,.--... 50 J, W. Thomas...... 500 J. H. H. Chapman 50 ijenry Ball 500 Charles Reeve . . - 25 Lewis Jennings. . 500 Hugh McCutcheon. 25 • B. Carpenter^ Co.,.... 500 Jona N. Weed 25' James Bigle'r.. .— 500 W. E. & J. C. Peck 50' W. S. Vail 250 Daniel Smith ...... 50 X P. Johnes...... 250 John Lawson 50 George A. Elliott 100 T. Bartlett & Son.. 50 Henry Wyckoff...... 100 W. A. M. Culbert 25 WilW Fullerton 100 Thomas M. Peck .. 50 William C. Hasbrouck., 100 I. N. Lockwood _.r 25 James W. Taylor 100 George Lawson 25 D. G. Leonard1 100 James J. Whited 50 E. A. Brewster...... 100 Charles Alden 20 John Forsvth i 200 Theo. Merritt. .... 50 Odell S. Hathaway .... 100 T. H.. Skidmore & Son.. 50 J. H. Burton.... 100 John H. H. Sanxay 100 John Van Arsdall .. 100 J. W. Miller .... 100 William E. Warren,.. 100 Mrs. J. A. Tyler 100 William O. Mailler . _,.. 300 James S. Brown 100 Johnson & Falls . . 1.00 John J. Monell... 100 E. Farrington & Bro.,.. 100 John Blizzard 100 M. D. C. Crawford 50 John Flanagan . • 25 S. E. Semites. .... 50 D. A. Scott 50 Belknap & McCann 50 Mrs. Jas. Adams & Co., 500 W. E.& C. L. Brown .. 25 Daniel Rogers 100^ Benjamin H. Mace . 50 William'Roe 100 Edward Haigh...... 5 B. B. Odell 100 Ri chard A. South wick.. 50 F. Gouldy. 100 Thomas' C. Ring. 50 George Clark 100 I. E. Carpenter fc 50 James T. Lawson. 100 Alfred Post ...... 50 A. K. Chandler 100 Charles Smith.._ 50 Henry Walsh 100 W. B. Jarvis..... 25 W. H. Edwards 100 Eobert Phillips ! 50 W. A. Bullis. 100 John Cottam...; _ 100 Clifford Milispaugh ... , 50 Lewib D. Lockwood 50 E. Carter & Co'.,..- .... • 50 Frederick Demming 150 Robert Sterling - 50 Eli Hasbrouck J. 100 Henry Ross.'.. 15 I. Wood, Jr., (not paid.). 100 N. B. Beede ... 50 S. W. Fullerton. 100 C. H. Hasbrouck & Co. 50 T. R. TMott...... 100 Thomas Jessup.....- 50 Caleb Merritt... 50 George W. Kerr 50 L. J. Bazzorii 50 Root & Shaver... SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

D. & C. S. Lockwood.. $50 L. ,W. Edwards & Co.,.. $25 C. Benjamin Fennily— 50 • Thomas Moore.... 25 Charles Downing...— 50 Benjamin Hanmore 25 Eobert Walsh ...... 50 JohnWestervelt.. 25 Horatio Blake ... 50. L. W. Edwards 20 F. Gerard. _ ... 25 Keeve &F"ay...... 10 William Crist 20 M. Doyle • 25 Maria A. Sharps.. . 20 Noble & Edwards...... ,25 Eoyce & Delavan 10 James Strachan 25 F. Scott.. 10 Jackson Oakley 20 M. E. Clarendon ...... 15 David Miller.... 25 George Underhill 25 S.& J.McClung ...... 25 D. N. Bradley , 25 Hobart Chetwood 25 Isaac C. Chapman 25 G. M. Leslie...... 25 L. H. Stansbrough ... 25 J. J. Eyan 11 Lawson & DuBois ..... 50 Henry Lowery 11 Joseph Casterline 25 Henry Miller.... $7 50 Barclay & Dickey..... 50 John Doyle ..... 1 50 EliasPeck.... 25 9 Embler & Brown...... 50 Michael Delany. T William Hilton 50 W. McGifFert 6 Little & Kelly . 25 John McBride 6 J. W. McCullough..... 10 Eobert Mc Dowell...... 6 D. D. Leon . 10 Henry Brook ..... 5 D. Lawson 10 G.W.Coleman. 5 J.H.Atkinson, (not pd.) 10 Jacob Jackson _ 3 E. Bullis, (not paid.)... 10 Patrick Delany.. . 2 H. O. Van Duzer... 25 John Delany 2 George Brown 50 Michael Dean 1 Alexander Caldwell 25 Samuel Clelland 1 J. Williams.. _ . 25 Thomas Kimball 25 J ames White hill 25 Powell & Smith. . 20 , John Bo dine 20 Nathan Brewer...... 10 W. E. Eaton - $ J. Horton 10 Eobert Whitehill...... 5 DuBois & Squires .. 25 George Bennett 3 George Cornwell, ($50, Hugh Whitehill 1 paid $10) 40 J. C. FarrelL. ' 1 Bank of Newburgh .... 200 John Acheson. 1 J. Beveridge &• Co., _ 62 N. Tusten 3 P. V. B. Fowler...... 100 Jackson Higgs .. 1 Alexander Young A 25 James Wilson 1 Cash 10 J. A. Harrington . 2 William Cosman ...... 25 Cash ...... 3 C. W. Holmes ...... 5 Carroll Dunham .... 25 Hiram Holmes 5 M. D. Mapes 25 William Ferguson . 5 James E. Dickson 25 James O. Conklin...... 5 E. Mapes & Son.- 25 W.* D.Barnes 3 Mrs. S. J. Shelly 5 Daniel Merritt 10 CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 97

Thomas'T. Westlake... $1 Less unpaid . $120 Samuel Halsey 5 Less deficiency bet C. W. Lockwood. .. 3 list and Treas.,. 25 James Culley.... 1 —— $145 Name not legible.. 10 ===== Cash 20 Eeal total 17,521

Paid bounties , fc 16,443 Total .$17,666 Balance . .. 1,078

By vote of subscribers balance paid to the Soldiers' Aid Society for relief of families of volunteers.

Statement showing the amount of money raised by the sale of town bonds for the payment of bounties, and the manner of its appro- priation. First. At a meeting of the electors of the town, held Dec. 24, 1863, it was resolved that $15,000 be raised by the sale of bonds for the purpose of paying a bounty of $75 a to each of the num• ber of 200 men who shall hereafter volunteer and be mustered into the service of the United States," and credited to the quota of Newburgh. Second. At a meeting of the electors of the town, held Jan. 21, 1864, the additional sum of $6,000 was authorized; and, Third. At a meeting held Feb. 20, 1864, the sum of $250 was voted for interest on the $15,000 raised Dec. 24, 1863. Bonds were issued Feb. 26, 1864, for the sums thus voted, and were taken as follows : Bank of Newburgh, $5,000 Highland Bank, .... , 5,000 Quassaick Bank, . 5,000 O. S. Hathaway, 4,750 H. McCutcheon, . 1,500

Total,. $21,250

Fourth. At a meeting of the electors of the town, held July 22, 1864, it was voted that $75,000 be raised by the sale of bonds for the payment of bounties to volunteers under the call for 500,000 men, and that the board of town officers have full power to fix the amount of such bounties. On the 23d day of July, the town board fixed the bounty at $300 for three years men, and $50 hand money to the person bringing the recruit. [Assem. No. 64.] 7 98 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

At a public sale of bonds, July 27, $25,000 were disposed of at a premium of $142.50. At a meeting of the town board, Aug. 11, it was voted that a bounty of $550 be paid for one year men ; $650 for two years men; $750 for three years men, and $100 hand money to the person bringing the recruit. At a meeting of the town board, Aug. 16th, it was voted that a bounty of $550 be paid for one, two or three years men, and $100 hand money. At a meeting of the town board, Aug. 25th, the resolution of . Aug. 16th was rescinded. Fifth. At a meeting of the electors of the town, held Aug. 25, 1864, it was ordered that $110,000 be issued in bonds, and that principals furnishing substitutes be entitled to the bounty and hand money allowed to volunteers under the resolution of the town board of Aug. 11, 1864. Bonds were sold at public and at private sale, and on the 1st of September the town board voted to issue bonds to principals fur• nishing substitutes for! the amounts to which they were entitled. The amount expended, as per report of board, was $154,850.

Public relief of the families of Volunteers, under the act of the Legislature of 1863. It may not be inappropriate to state that under the act of the Legislature authorizing special appropriations for the relief of the families of volunteers, the authorities of the town of Newburgh expended, in the winter of 1863-4, the sum of $1,075.50. The number of families applying for relief ^vas seventy-two, of whom the application of fifty-nine was granted. The cost of making examinations was $355. Total expenditures, $1,430.50.

Report of the Soldiers' Aid Society, from July SI, 1861, to July 31, 1864. Cash expenditures for hospital stores to July 31, 1863 -..„• . $1,807 70 Contributions of materials and garments, (estimated), 300 00 Contributions of lemons, fruits, jellies, &c, (esti• mated) „ 500-00

$2,607 70 Aid to soldiers'families from January CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 99

1, to July 31, 1863, from subscrip• tions for that purpose $617 35 Aid to soldiers7 families during same . period, from bounty subscription list...... J 1,078 00 _ $1,695 35

$4,303 05 Receipts to hospital fund from July 31, 1863, to July 31, 1864 2,423 29 Payments during same time'. ...$1,885 29 Receipts for aid of soldiers families to July 31, 1864, 620 97 Payments ... $390 02

Total to July 31", '64...... $7,347 31 Contributions to Christian Commission, 1864 . 5,040 00

Total ...... $12,387 31

Number of families relieved 129 Number of children relieved,... 356 Recapitulation of Moneys raised. Bonds of 1864...... $21,250 00 Bonds of 1864.. 154,850 00 Subscriptions for bounties, &c, ._. . 28,828 00 Subscriptions for sanitary and family aid 12,387 31 Relief of families by Town Board 1,430 50

Total, $218,745 81 Several valuable contributions were made to the Sanitary Fair in New York, in the spring of 1864, of which no record has been preserved. Prominent among the articles, however, were two elegant paintings by Charles W. Tice, Esq., which were contributed by the Fire Department; and a very beautiful model of Washing• ton's head-quarters (for exhibition), by John Little, Esq. The patronage of this fair from Newburgh was quite heavy. Several very valuable historical relics were contributed to it (for exhibi• tion) from Washington's head-quarters. Regretting my inability to present a more complete report, and trusting that the citizens of the town will give to the collection of its military statistics the assistance which their historic value demands, I am, yours, &c., E. M. RUTTENBER NEWBURGH, December 24, 1864. IOO SECOND ANSITAL EEPOM OF THE


The following list gives the names of Supervisors or othersr who have furnished reports of their respective towns to this Bureau to February 1st, 1865.

County. Town. Name of Supervisor.

Albany Bethlehem ...... William Kimmey. 3 Coeymans Peter Keefer. Allegany Allen William Wilson. Bums M. D. Dimick. Centreville Jonathan Couch. Eushforcl A. Washburn. Willing... Daniel P. Witter. Wirt ...... _ Alanson Kenyon. Ward D. S. Lamphear. Broome ... Maine J. Ransom. Windsor ...... W. W. Dickson. Cattaraugus . Freedom Daniel Lammie. Humphrey...... " Parker Smith. Leon E, C. Durfee. Lyndon W. Goulds Mansfield James* M. Smith* New Albion John Kinnieutt. Otto William E. Hunt. Randolph Samuel Scudder. Salamanca .... E. C. Topliif. Yorkshire * J. H. Wright. Cayuga ...... Aurelius .... Lockwood Hunt. Brutus...... James T. Hamilton. Ledyard ...... Sanford Gifford. Locke...... John E. Cropsey. Mentz . _ William Hay den. Jr. Montezuma . William Bell. Moravia . John. L. Parker. Niles JL. D. Sayles. Owasco ...... Henry G. Tompkins. Scipio ...... John Knox. Sempronius ..... James Douglas. Sennett , Thomas Ogden. Spitingport J. V. Shank. Summer Hill... _ A. E. Hathaway. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS, 101

Town. Name of Supervisor-. Cayuga Venice David Aiken. Victory ... Daniel L. Halsey* Chautauqua.. Carroll ./„...... C. L. Norton. Pomfret ...... Henry B. Benjamin, Chemung _. No reports...... Chenango .. Columbus ... E. D. Hay ward. North Norwich Nelson O. Wood, Preston 1... „ . Joseph A, CovilL .Smith ville- ...... Dudley Breed. Clinton„ „ _.,. „ Altona .. William Graham. Ausable ... J. IM M. Taylor, Beekmantown L, D. Larkin, Black Brook H. W. Stetson. Champlain. _ Thomas H, Slingsby. Chazy William AtwoodL Clinton .„ Patrick Ryan, Dannemora Andrew Williams, Ellenburgh William Cressy. Mooers Amasa B, Wood. Peru R. Mc P. Day. Plattsburgh.. William Reed. Saranac D. H. Parsons. Schuyler Falls... L. B. Weaver. Columbia. Austerlitz ...... Edwin J. Ford. Greenport;.... Richard Becker. Cortland . Cincinnatus Monroe E. Smith. Cortlandville S. E. Welch. Cuyler .*_. . Silas Blanchard. Freetown William Montanye. Harford . Samuel W> Nelson. Homer George W. Phillips. Marathon P. Mallory. . Preble...... M. Van Hoesen. Scott .. Cyrus S. Kellogg. Solon David J. Brownell. Tayler . Oramel F. Forbes. Truxton Solomon Goddard. Willett Benjamin S. Coe. Delaware. Stamford ...... J. S. McNaught. Duchess . No reports in 1864. Erie..... Alden Herman A. Wehde,

Aurora. Dorr Spooner. x Cheektowaga E. Selden Ely. Hamburgh .... Allen K. Dart, West Seneca. feichard Caldwell. Essex ~ Newcomb ... . C. B. Lincoln. Wilmington ..... Henry C. Avery. 102 , SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OE THE

County. . ?own. Waaeof Snperrbmr. * ranklm ...... Bangor ...... George Plumb. Bellmont...... James Bellows. Burke .-. v ... Orson "Seaman. Malone., . William Anclrus. 1 Fulton None...... Genesee Alabama ...... Chauncey Williams. Alexander Van S. Hawkins. Batavia ...... Prof. N. F. Wright, Bergen.. Samuel Church. Bethany. Eobert S. Fargo. Byron _ James'T. Boynton. Darien Calvin Topliff. . • • Elba----- William a Raymond* Leroy _ Abial Robertson; Oafcfield P. V. Ingalsbe. Pavilion John Lauderdale, Pembroke ... John W. Brown. , " Stafford...... Israel M. Peck. Greene.. No reports. Hamilton Arietta.. Daniel Eta des. Herkimer .. Danube ...... John Smith. Frankfort. R. Etheridge. German Flats James M. Dygert. Herkimer . Alexander M.^Gray/ Litchfield ...... p. Rewey. Little Falls .. Z. C. Priest. Manheim Morgan Bidleman. Ohio _ E. H. Wood. Stark, Alexander Smith. Wilmurt ...... J. E. S. Wilkinson. Jefferson ...... Alexandria .. Andrew Cornwall. Antwerp _ John H. Conklin. Rodman.. H.H.Taylor. Kings : None..... • Lewis — Croghan . Nicholas Gaudell.

T . . Diana, William R. Docfee. Livingston..... Avon... Russell Beckwith. Caledonia David Walker. * Conesus R. F. McMillan. £elleseo- Walter E. Lauderdale. Groveland ...... Richard Johnson. Leicester William B. Wooster. Lima Shepard P. Morgan. Livonia _ Bradrier j. Blake. Mount Morris Abraham North Dansville.. S.D.Faulkner. Kunda E. O. Dickinson. ' Ossian. i^ao Hampton. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU QF MILITARY STATISTICS.

nty T(wn T— \ ^ « Name of .Supervisor. Livingston..... Portage ...... Joel C. Bennett. Sparta ...... D. D, McNair. Springwater ..... Thomas M. Fowler. West Sparta..... L. B. Field.

TI, V ' York...... Gporge W. Root. Madison...... Brookiield C. Whitford. De Ruyter..., J. W. Merchant, Eaton A.M.PIolmes. Fenner... O. B. Hamblin. Georgetown..... Alfred A. Brown. Hamilton Nathan Brownell. Lebanon E.M.Lamb. • Lenox..... J.A.Bennett. Madison .. John W. Lippitt. Nelson.... S. Perry Smith. Smithfield.. James Barnett. Stockbridge . Jonathan M. Wilson. ^ Sullivan...... D. D. Walrath. Monroe ... Brighton Lorenzo D. Elv Chili..... William P. Hill. Clarkson ...... Elias Garrison. ' Gates .... ._. _ James Chappell. Greece ...... Nelson Lewis. Henrietta ...... A.A.Stearns. Hamlin Martin Webster. Ironclequoit A. C. Hobbie. Mendon...... F. H. Holden. Ogden..... „ Edward Co veil. Parma ...... J ohn E. Patterson. Penfielcl James Harris. Perrinton...... A. C. Hill. Pittsford EiDhraim Goss. Elga- M. J. Mallock. Rush ...... Thomas J. Jeffords. * Sweden . .... Samuel H. Davis. ^ , Webster C. S. Wright. Montgomery.... Amsterdam C. P. Wine^ar. Canajoharie ...... Lewis Clark. Florida ... Gen. Elias A. Brown. Minden James H. Congdon. palatme Joshua Veclder.

AT v- , St. Johnsville-.... P. F. Nellis. New York..... None. ... Niagara •...... Cambria. /.^ I]" Thomas Scovell. Hartland ...... Linus Spalding, Jr. Lewiston Moses Barsto. Lockport ...... 'Richard B. Hoacr. Niagara ...... William S. Watson. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Town. Name of Supervisor. Pendleton A. H, Pickard. Porter E. S. Holden. Royalton . R. T. Pearson. Somerset George M. Swain. Wilsoai ..... D.* A. Jeffrey. Annsville... Benjamin F. Seeor. Floyd P. A. Hale. Kirkland .. J. E. Elliott. Marshall. ... Lorenzo Rouse. Whitestown . Rev. John Harvey. Camillus .. E. fe. Harmon. Cicero .... B. F. Sweet. Clay Levi Freeman; De Witt..- L. Van Valkenburgh. Geddes .. W. H. H. Gere. La Fayette ,.. B. L. Coleman. Lysander ... Payne Bigelow. Manlius ..... . Marcellus F.A.Lyman. Onondaga George Raynor. Otisco Luke Wells. Levi Wells. v Salina .. . Sampson Jaqueth. Skaneateles C. W. Allis. Spafford Orin Eddy. Tully J. C. Williams. VanBuren W. S. White. Canadice ..... A. W. Austin. Canandaigiia..... Dr. Cook. East Bloomfield.. Myron Adams. Farmington.. Thomas W. Bradbury. Hopewell Walter Marks. Manchester .. William H. C. Redfield. Naples..... E. S. Sevally. . Phelps Nathan Oaks. Richmond Evelyn Pierce. South Bristol James Parmely. Victor Col. G. W. Torrance, West Bloomfield.. Myron S. Hall. Blooming Grove.. RobertDenniston. Chester James B. Stevens. Goshen ..... J. C. Wallace. Mount Hope C. S. Woodward.

Newburgh A. E. M. Ruttenber. Wallkill ...... D. Kerr Bull. Wawayanda . John H. Reeve. Clarendon N. E. Darrow. Kendall ...... N. S. Bennett. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. i County. Town. Name of Supervisor. Orleans ...... Murray Roland Farnsworth. Oswego . Constantia JV P. Brown, Hannibal Rensselaer Matteson. Orwell . Alexander Potter. Parish ... James Davids. Redfiekl Daniel Dimick. Otsego....—... Hartwick. E. Swartwout. Roseboom ...... Charles Eldred. Putnam South East Charles W. Budcl. Carmel Lewis H. Gregoiy. Queens Jamaica Martin I. Duryea. Newtown ... Joseph Rice. Oyster Bay George S. Downing. Rensselaer Brunswick William McChesney. Greenbush. Martin Miller. North Greenbush. P. M. De Freist. Richmond. None.. Rockland.. . None.. St, Lawrence... Edwards Henrv Rushton.

Fowler A .... E. W. Abbott.. Lisbon A. A. Martin. Parishville Allen Whipple. ' Russell Julius M. Palmer. Stockholm. Ira Hale. Saratoga .« Ballston . George G. Scott. Stillwater Henry W. Arnold. Schenectady ... Duane'sburgh Samuel Wingate. Schoharie . Carlisle ...... Adam Hilsinger. Midclleburgh ..... Nicholas Beekman. Richmondville S. M. Van Alstyne. Schuyler .. Catharine Abraham. Lawrence. Cayuta Samuel S. Brown. Dix*... Anson N. Ackley. Montour .. A. G. Campbell. Reading .... Lewis Roberts. Tyrone Lewis A. Knox. Seneca Covert J. R. Wheeler. Fayette William W. Stacy. Junius Josiah Rogers. Lodi Samuel S. Gulick. Ovid James Ferguson. Romulus W. D. Giddings. Seneca Falls.Hiram Burt. Tyre Robert L. Stevenson. Varick Alfred Hunt. Waterloo S. R. Wells. Steuben ... Canisteo. W. H. Mead. Erwin _...... William C. Bronson. 106 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

County. Town. Name of Supervisor. Steuben. Greenwood John Davis. Jasper A. F.' Woodbury. Prattsburgh Hon. G. Denniston. Thurston.. .. John S. De Pew. Urbana Benjamin Myrtle. Tuscarora . William Wombough. West Union Alvin C. Barney. Woodhull ... J. K. Strock. Suffolk. Brookhaven Nathaniel Miller. Huntington J. A. Woodhull. Ri verhead ... John C. Davis. Shelter Island S. B. Nicoll. Smithtown Joel L. G. Smith. Southold _.. T. H. Overton. Sullivan.. Lumberland ...... James D. Decker. Tioga Berkshire.... J.W.Leonard. Richford ...... JohnH. Deming. Tompkins Dry den .... I J. W. D wight. Newfield John L. Puff. Ulysses . Lyman Congdon. Ulster ... None Warren .. Caldwell F. B. Hubbell. Chester I R. P. Fuller. Queensbury.. Hon. Jerome Lapham. Warrensburgh ... Thomas Cunningham. • Washington Dresden.. Israel Woodcock. Easton ^JohnJ. Wetzel. Fort Edward. James L. Reynolds. Granville William H. Allen. Hampton ..... S. P. Miller. Hebron Nathaniel Reynolds.

Kingsbury. O. Richards. f

Wayne.*.... None m Westchester Bedford ...... James Wood. Cortland Coffin S. Brown. Harrison Edward Willetts. - Morrisania William Cauldwell. New Castle ".. F. M. Carpenter.

Attica .r J ames H. Loomis. Bennington John B. Folsom. Castile William R. Fitch. China CO. Shepard. Covington.. Duncan Cameron. Eagle" . Walter Shay. . Gainesville William Bristol. Genesee Falls.... Joseph Ingham. Java Dr. Lucius Peck. Middlebury Monroe Weed. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 107

County. '"Town. Name of Supervisor. Wyoming Orangeville Alfred S. Wilcox. Perry...... Dennis R. Taylor. Pike ^ H. M. Jackson. Sheldon...... O. D. Tozier. Warsaw R. Gould. Weathersfield .... William Wolcott. Yates , Barrington Asa P. Fish. Benton Caleb Hazen. Italy Alden D. Fox, Jerusalem D. B. Tuthill. Middlesex . Thomas Underwood. Milo John C. Shultz. Potter Henry Torrey. Starkey H. G. Wolcott. Torrey George W. Gardner.


J3 O is xn ^.S S3 CO


^5 ^—•

O W W 1 §.2

o 2 © A « a ^ 2 2 3 a a « ® g 3 O 12 ^ <1

$989 50 ' Albany. 2 $2,690 00 2,554 51 Allegany .... 16 26,044 90 $560 00 $63 00 1,609 00 Broome 3 575 00 50 00 1,645 50 Cattaraugus. 20 63,098 60 $2,038 00 1,350 75 173 00 Cayuga 19 18,249.19 3,000 00 11,132 50 172 69 15,640 90 Chautauqua. 11 51,471 93 71 00 1,574 Op 489 00 8,635 85 1,968 45 Chemung.... 2 10 00 120 00 1,977 71 Chenango.... 6 9,896 08 41 25 1,500 00 Clinton 14 10,040 32 9,600 00 1,050-00 Columbia 3 4,238 00 200 00 16,121 00 Cortland .... 13 6,165 50 4,100 00 1,367 43 35 00 1,000 00 Delaware.... 1 8,265 00 1,354 75 Duchess 2 86 00 2,792 31 Erie 7 4,680 00 2,600 00 218 02 5 Essex 7 2,575 00 130 00 4,455 32 Eranklin .... 7 9,377 00 *Fulton ... Genesee 13 33,224 08 2,600 00 2,496 55 800 00 13,608 76 Greene 3 2.330 00 380 00 Hamilton 2 165 00 16 00 Herkimer.... 11 4,425 31 6,300 00 1,236 76 136 00' 7,721 19 Jefferson ...'. 6,481 75 900 00 6,519 38 *Kings Lewis 4 5,371 35 200 00 500 00 500 00 Livingston... 17 22,306 95 2,100 00 350 Q0 326 50 18,688 84 ^Madison 14 17,180 76 9,800 00 5,823 31 34 48 15,301 41 Monroe 18 24,168 00 6,505 00 4,922 00 889 72 11,919 15 Montgomery. 6 9,751 89 2,000 00 1,020 00 300 00 786 00 New York. .. Niagara. ,... 10 36,957 24 3,400 00 1,325 00 270 00 6,782 49 r* ^3 ~S ^-<] >ZJ ©;>-"CJ a- co Ci a> o as c+- *ri ZT. %T <-. cn-m M I-J M y M

1-3 B o B S s. §• P- ® 3 g • £T ^ * H M.La - g t3 P "

Number of towns reporting, wholly or in part.

Amount raised by individual ^- oi Q o< subscription to promote •

Amount raised by individual ~q OS —J bO ^ . © »—1 " W tn O O O cn Cn commutation, in 1863.

Aid furnished by churches, CO oo to CO rf^ >—1 i—' to I—' OCjiCC -

Aid from churches, schools, cOCnO or academies, to soldiers to CO © in hospital or in service.

Aid sent to hospitals, to San• tOW to Cn CO Oi I—i itary Commission, by as• HCDOi^O'COOOcD|^MMcDM©Mlh5M^ co M M to H'coto^rto^rto sociated effort or by. indi• cooo©oo©ooeo-i^©cow>-oo©cn© »— © © h-' CO © tO ~T OS ZO -

The annexed Schedule embraces returns from fifty-nine counties (leaving Monroe still to report), from six of W the thirteen cities, and from 771 towns (leaving 169tow-ns yet to report). There is rea>son to believe that a few of the >—i

town returns are incorrect. These will be corrected, while all the returns will be carefully revised by the town and O county records, to the end that the statements of bounty moneys filed in this Bureau may be accurate.

An effort is making to obtain the returns from the remaining towns and cities. If successful, a supplemental fed report will be made to the Senate covering the aggregates of bounties paid in the State, by years. W


Assessed Populat'n, valuation, 3 TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. 1860. 1864. is

$100 $6,200 00 $6,200 00 $780,233 3,065 TJl

7,600 00 1,293,335 3,116 > $7,600 00 T-3

100 5,908 00 $100 $5,000 00 10,908 00 550,774 2,025 6,820 81 6,820 81 1,447,914 3,304 $57 CI S 50 \ 36,364 50 ~ 36,364 50 2,408,605 24,449

$48,472^50 $14,420 81 $5,000 00 $67,893 31 O Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—Allegany County.

Assessed Populat'n TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. . Total. valuation, 1860. 1864.

Alfred. $300 $5,700 00 $570 $18,f60 00 $24,460 00 $329,832 Allen.. $25 $370 89 300 360 46 13,575 00 14,306 35 219,031 Alma . $50 $400 00 50' 600 00 ' 300 480 00 650 9,700 00 • 11,080 00 - 92,445 ( 300-) Almond. 50 1,200 00 300 1,800 00 -J 600 V 3"8,900 00 41,900 00 446,787 (800) Amity.,.. 50 950 00 800 ' 27,700 00 28,650 00 401,521 Andover.. 60 650 00 300 7,500 00 1,000 32,000 00 40,150 00 285,190 Angelica.. 25 1,683 65 300 8,700 00 • 500 14,000 00 24,383 65 418,900 Belfast ... 25 1,200 00 300 7,500 00 800 21,600 00 30,300 00 334,721 Birdsall .. 300 2,700 00 800 4,300 00 7,000 00 130,436 Bolivar ... • 7,800 00 7,800 00 164,806 Burns .... 50 800 00 100 2,700 00 300 7,800 00 29,700 00 41,000 00 247,617 Caneadea . 75 2,250 00 300 11,100 00 800 30,400 00 43,750 00 310,700 \ 300 ( Centreville 50 1,150 00 [ 800 < 21,700 00 22,850 00 276,180 Clarksville. 15 375 00 250 5,050 00 650 ' 7,800 00 13,225 00 153,648 Cuba 587,616 J 3001 Friendship , 25 1,100 00 300 6,600 00 \ 700 \ 28,000 00 35,700 00 410,305 Genesee ... 300 5,000 00 300 5,000 00 10,000 00 159,498 Granger ... 'so* 1,400 00 300 7,200 00 425 5,950 00 14,550 t)0 219,912 Grove 25 o>5 00 300 3,300 00 . 3,975 00 200,143 5 375) Hume .....'.. 50 3,000 00 300 9,300 ,00 • I 625 J 18,500 00 30,800 00. 437,337 Independence . 5Q 300 00 300 8,400 00 650 17,550 00 26,250 00 261,887 U00> New Hudson . }600 S 11,900 00 11,900 00 246,674 Rushford .... 25 1,300 00 300 5,400 00 500 ' 17,600 00 24,300 00 414,931 Scio 200 00 300 00 4,800 00 23,796 34 29,096 34 .345,935 $ 300 ) Ward 25 250 00 { 600 $ 16,000 00 16,250 00 245,508 Wellsville. 40 3,270 00 300 3,6 00 600 36,930 00 43,800 00 330,877 ' • 4 50 West Almond , $I 30 0I J 6,250 00 400 9,200 00 15,450 00 188,421 935 Willing .. 50 621 00 19,338 00 19,959 00 126,650 1'3328 ; 300 I Wirt , 50 1,540 00 300 5,400 00 I 650 I 20,985 00 27,925 00 265,899 1>390

$1,400 00 $26,110 54 121,315 46 $511,984 34 $660,810 34

Broome County. Barker , $100 $800 00 $323 $6,137 00 $600 $12,000 00 $18,937 00 $290,991 1,090 J 200 I Binghamton. (250 V 51,850 00 51,850 00 2,622,995 9,919 Chenango ... 2,780. 55 12,219 00 15,999 55 368,810 1,841 . Colesville ... 600 29,400 00 29,400 00 544,061 3,250 Conklin 600 00 600 00 149,368 1,146 *Kirkwood.. 372,652 1,389 Lisle . 323 9,924 51 600 7,800 00 17,724 51 384,690 1,791 Maine 40 2,000 00 600 ' 13,455 32 15,455 32 - 324,430 1,609 *Nanticoke . 116,396 797 Port Crane. , 50 250 00 -323 5,814 00 600 10,400 00 16,464 00 207,034 1,345 5 400 1 Sandford. I 600 $ 24,400 00 24,400 00 493,814 3,061 Triangle . 323 7,752 00 200 - 3,600 00 11,352 00 383,238 1,693 Union ... 25 2,500 00 .500 22,000 00 24,500 00 ,568.445 Vestal.., "50' 648* 00 610 20,300 00 21,948 00 352,339 2,211 Windsor . 35,000 00 35,000 00 621,133 2,672

$3,550 00 $36,056 $243,024 -32 $282,630 38

Cattaraugus County. 200 I Allegany ... $37* $1,500 00 350 S 17,140 00 $18,640 00 $410,167 2,129 Ashford 291 20,950 00 20,950 00 263,777. 1,975 Carrolton $50 375 00 415 82 14,554 00 14,979 00 158,898 779 Cold Spring.. 200 3,200 00 3,200 00 173,522 667 Connewango 100 3,000 00 300 $3,125 00 600 12,687 00 18,812 00 229,701 1,359 Dayton 100 2,165 00 300 , 5,000 00 500 16,000 00 23,165 00 266,306 1,294 42) 205 ) East Otto... $10 60 100 $ 1,700 00 326 $ • 10,560 00 12,320 00 272,698 1,300 Ellicottville. 50 1,600 00 • 300 9,233 59 300 12,000 00 22,833 59 372,764 -1,881 Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—Cattaraugus County—Continued.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. . 1862. Rate. 1863. R£te. 1864. Total. valuation. 1860. 1864.

•Farmersville . $305,091 JFranklinville.. $548 00 $300 $14,165 00 $14,713 00' 371,747 {$30 j C831> 'Freedom. 50 < 620 00 I 300 S 33,800 00 34,420 00 282,225 < 300 I Great Valley. \ 400 S 16,000 00 16,000 00 275,573 Hinsdale..... $25 $500 00 100 2,500 00 $300 $5,500 00 213 50 6,400 00 14,900 00 292,245 •Humphrey.. 150,733 Ischua 1,100-00 "3,000* 00* 6,900 00 10,900 00 153,025 I 250 ] Leon 100 1,000 00 1 400 < 8,000 00 9,000 00 204,088 .•Little Valley. 230,827 i 300 j Lyndon.... > 525 \ 9,575 00 9,575 00 185,836 Maehias ... 50 1,200 00 300 3,900 00 '300 9,800 00 14,900 00 266,285 •Mansfield . 221,872 [ 250 \ Napoli 1,323 00 I 760 < 18,560 00 19,883 00 210,323 . New Albion... 25 500 00 300 700 00 ' 400 ' ' 15,200 00 22,900 00 273,925 Olean. 450 34,800 00 34,800 00 297,858 Otto 140 3,820 00 725 21,450 00 25,270 00 198,133 •Perrysburgh , 302,169 •Persia...... 197,809 •Portville 229,585 $.200 I Randolph. 50 2,300 00 I 250 $ .10,765 00 13,065 00 322,528 51001 Salamanca... 100 2,200 00 6,500 00 8,700 00 427,314 500 J South Valley. I 11,441 00 11,441 00 142,695 200 $ 285 ) Yorkshire.... 50 1,250 00 28,160 00 29,410 00 246,607 ) 600 S $610 00 $28,601 00 $36,958 59 $358,607 00 $424,776 59

k Cayuga County. K^Aurelms. • $2,000 00 $20,200 00 $22,200 00 » Brutus.*. 400 16,721 49 16,721 49 $787,306 2,598 400 18,000 00 18,000 00 672,416 2,350 B Conquest 20 500 00 14,500 00 15,000 00 624,718 1,892 • Fleming ,, 50. 550 00 7,058 56 7,608 56 546,297 1,231 h^Genoa .... 45 3,200 00 11,800 00 15,000 00 1,138,215 2,429 olra 20 1,380 00 18,000 00 19,380 00 634,515 2,238 g^Ledyard . 60 3,150 00 4,272 50 7,422 50 1,234,173 2,219 " Locke 50 361 22 $2,585 86 6,827 15 9,774 23 •JMentz 17,600 00 17,600 00 695,000 2,232 Montezuma , 14,000 00 14,000 00 421,829 1,439

Moravia ...... I si 1,930 00 18,500 00 20,430 00 588,488 1,917 Niles ....*> 50 950 00 •23,500 00 24,450 00 673,815 2,013 Gwasco 50 1,100 00 11,600 00 12,700 00 550,175 1,351 *Seipio ...... Sempronius .. 50 550 00 50 300 00 500 10,500 00 11,350 00 308,081 1,262 Sennett...... 300 00 3 to 8 150 00 400 14,800 00 15,250 00 f Spring-port.. OoSterling ..... * 400 22,400 00 22,400 00 423,959 3,008 Summer Hill. $50 00 2,011 92 8,885 03 10,946 95 253,334 1,194 Throop ...... 82 2,150 00 494 12,850 00 15,000 00 472,575 1,348 * Venice Victory — *400' 14,400 00 14,000 00 557,720 2,077

$50 00 $15,971 22 $7,197 78 ,414 73 $309,633 73

Chautauqua County. Arkwright. $200 00 $2,400 00 $4,000 00 $18,000 00 $24,600 00 $262,313 1,103 Busti 32,452 14 32,452 14 478,818 2,011 Carroll $40. 1,000 00 $60 . 2,725 00 $300 6,00.0 00 $593 19,0.00 00 28,725 00 260,069. 1,525 Charlotte .. 100 4,735 00 300 5,925 00 394 1.8,906 00 29,566 00 394,906 1,711 $ 50 i Chautauqua.. $ 200 ' 5,775 00 10,000 00 800 44,386 00 60,161 00 862,412 2,837 Cherry Creek. 3,866 00 4,494 00 10,350 00 18,710 00 264,944 1,359 Clymer ...... 50 2,195 00 100 5,100 00 700 24,475 00 31,770 00 238,970 1,330 S 300 ) 4,600 00 13,359 00 114,815 00 132,774 00 1,110,225 5,616 Dunkirk . I 800 5 Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—Chautauqua County—Continued.

Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. Rate. Total. valuation, 1862. 1863. Rate. 1864. 1860. 1864.

Ellery $29,697 04 $29,697 04 $524,198 Ellicott...... $5,000 00 100 $10,000 00 $300 $33,300 00 $600 103,467 87 151,767 87 1,240,660 Ellington 71 5,139 00 528 32,760 00 37,899 00 370,991 French Creek 3,285 00 3,000 00 12,600 00 18,885 00 193,552 (Jerry 70 2,900 00 287 5.^462 00 482 13,500 00 21,862 00 278,501 Hanover 72 8,190 58 480 69,150 00 77,340 58 1,128,867 Harmony 300 8,000 00 20,000 00 46,000 00 74,000 00 916,891 Kiantone $66 800 00 100 1,700 00 200 3,200 00 5,630 00 11,330 00 212,220 [ 50 ; Miria . f 200 4,700 00 300 4,200 00 12,870 00 21,770 00 222,516 > 100 Poland.... 25 475 00 200 ' 4,900 00 300 4,920 00 700 19,553 00 29,848 00 274,429 Pomfret .. 100 9,017 11 300 16,882 63 465 49,781 00 75,680 74 1,209,752 Portland. . 113 4,308 51 387 29,079 82 33,388 33 531,605 Ripley. ... 50 2,250 00 300 6,300 00 388 14,000 00 22,550 00 707,975 Sheridan;. 100 2,100 00 255 6,625 00 648 26,547 00 35,272 00 652,744 Sherman.. 61 2,700 00 300 6,000 00 654 15,700 00 24,400 00 354,775 Stockton. . 558 00 4,176 84 7,755 03 46,340 58 28,830 45 475,333 Villenova. 64 2,706 60 310 5,890 00 300 33,800 00 41,396 60 334,146 Westfield . 42,246 40 42,246 40 1,299,704

$12,633 00 $106,820 13 $163,362 17 $854,106 85 $1,136,922 15

Chemung County. S $300 \ Baldwin . \ 700 S $24,024 46 $24,024 46 $123,486 $ 300 ) Big Plats . $11,100 oo I 700 $ 41,662 98 52,762 98 598,59.1 Catlin 6,000 00 600 28,953 00 34,953 00 Chemung . Elmira ... Erin 25 2,708 00 34,707 36 37,415*36 206,885 JL

S $300 \ Horseheads , $25 $2,150 00 300 $3,600 00 \ 500 < $29,600 00 $35,350 00 673,144 2,277 *Southport., Van Etten.... *25 450 00 *300* 8,100 00 7.53 19,600 00 28,150 00 152,096 1,508 Veteran 800 00 10,800 00 38,700 00 50,300 00 444,961 2,171

$3,400 00 $48,308 00 $245,247 -80 $296,955 80

Chenango County.

$500 \ Afton.. ... 1,000 s $33,000 00 $33,000 00 " 1,770 Bainbridge. 903 15 28,907 06 28,907 06 1,588 * Columbus . Coventry... $50 $1,550 00 $323 $6,800 00 *i/666 31,700.00 40,050 00 German.... 550 00 17,419 00 17,969 00 781 Greene "'650 80,220 00 80,220 00 Guilford ... "^ooo'oo' 11,160 00 52,900 00 67,060 00 650 \ Lineklaen..., 310 4,030 00 • 1,200 \ 33,195 00 37,225 00 1,094 ' 323 ( Macdonough . 50 2,000 00 1,000 < 31,932 00 33,932 00 - 1,483 400 ( -New Berlin ..... 300 10,000 00 1,000 < 47,625 00 57,625 00 2,617 *North Norwich. Norwich 50 2,500 00 323* '20,026*00' 835 34,250 00 56,776 00 4,356 *Otselie ... .. Oxford...... 61,583 00 61,583 00 3,290 Pharsalia ...... 777 35,883 00 , 35,883 00 1,261 \ 1001 Pitcher. .. 100 1,700 00 29,933 00 31,633 00 1,276 Plymouth. 800 00 11,000 $ 38,331 00 39,131 00 1,668 Preston... *ioo" lj400 do 618 23,476 00 24,876 00 ; 100 i 323 I Sherburne > 150 4,218,65; '1,000 s 70,905 00 75,123 65 2,701 < 310 Smithville . J 750 \ 31,550 00 31,550 00 •Smyrna...

$12,950 00 $56,784 65 $682,809 06 $752,543 71 Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—Clifito?i County.

Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1851. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1863. Rate. 1860. 1864,

Altpna $200 00 $200 ' $3,400 00 $600 $13,800 00 $17,400 00 $ 300 ) Ausable $10 405 00 150 2,850 00 I 500 $ 16,715 00 19,970 00 $516,095 3,227 Beekuiantown . 150 5,920 00 6O0 ' 20,020 00 25,940 00 S ^\ o Black Brook . 25 00 200 5,850 00 } 500 \ 17,617 39 23,542 39 140,863 3,452 o ?5. * Cham plain.. Chazy ...... 25 " '" '250 00 "350* 12^250 00* "12,500 00 Clinton ...... ' 25 00 300 4,800 00 600 13,800 00 18,625 00 101,320 1,924 Dannemora .. 25 22'3 76 150 900 00 150' 2,150 00. 3,273 76 1,332,232 1,271 ta• Ellenburgh... 2.5 1,075 00 200 5,800 00 600 16,800 00 23,675 00 304,029 2,348 ct Mooers ...... $1,000 00 1,900 00 4,800 00 30,575 00 38,275 00 234,989 3,926 Peru 350 11,700 00 420 10,100 00 21,800 00 594,637 k *Plattsburgh 5 300 \ u 15,785 00 Saranac.. 25 335 00 1500 $ 15,450 00 215,736 3,644 O: S 300 ( Schuyler's Palls. 150 2,700 00 I 525 $ 11,450 00 14450 00 243,704 1,976 H3 6 $1,000 00 $4,153 76 $61,305 00 $168,477 39 •$234,936 15 *k H: Columbia County. m Ancram... $4,000 00 $300 $14,982 00 $18,982 00 Austerlitz. $9,262 00 2,738 00 707 31 20,500 00 32,500 00 $427,100 1,889 Canaan ... 8,812 00 11,187 00 19,999 00 ;$75I I 300 J Chatham • 150 < 16,000 00 1,135 00 > 325 51,174 00 68,309 00 *Claverack Clermont ..... 1,150*00* *5,000 00* ''i3J7u'50' "\k\ 92*1* 50* 416,632 968- *Copake .. Gallatin ...... 100 4,386*55* $20 "'667*9*9' 600 "17*603 32 '* 22^657'86 Germantown . Ghent ...... 150 11,200 00 960 00 750 40,000 00 52,160 00 Greenport. 100 2,800 00 10 300 00 784 30,700 00 33,800 00 Hillsdale ... 100 8,285 00 750 45,000 00 53,285 00 Kinderhook. 50 2,000 00 *300' 10,200 00 750 64,500 00 76,700 00 1,682,940 4,331 U00* Livingston 125 6,000 00 25 500 00 150 S 27,100 00 33,600 00 749,565 2,014 New Lebanon , 250 12,300 00 300 6,800 0.0 200 ; 26,800 00 45,900 00 396,534 2,187 o •Stockport W 2,366 Stuyvesant .. 6,632 00 38,743 35 45,375 35 728,222 RH

*Taghkahick. RJJ

$82,195 55 $38,932 99 $402,061 17 $523,189 71 ' *3 Cortland County. w *Cihcinnatus. m U60 \ ($700 ) <3 Cortlandville. 1100 J $10,978 84 $27,600 00 I 100 $ $80,025 00 $118,603 84 \ 325 \ " Cuyler 50 2,200 00 \ 500 \ 12,000 00 14,200 00 $332,687 1,658 % $25i 5 300 \ O Freetown . j 50 < 1,750 00 \ 1^000 s 17,900 00 19,650 00 171,381 981 t Harford . ; 50 I < 500 I RH Homer.. 183$ 6,948 87 300 15,000 00 68,675 00 90,623 87 1,171,198 4,356 RH Lapeer ... 955 00 I i3ioo $ 955 00 144,935 803. Marathon . "i, 953* 05* 38,953 76 40,906 81 275,282 1,502 & \ 300 \ Preble .... 50 1,700 00 300 3,900 00 I 1,000 ( 30,600 00 36,200 00 292,049 1,274 ui I 300 I Scott 1,200 00 15,300" 00 16,500 00 190,128 1,211 25 I 1,000$ .1-3 Solon .... 50 1,450 00 300 2,700 00 14,400 00 18,550 00 i Taylor., Truxton , 50 2,200 00 225 13/087 00 15,287 00 476,911 1,914 Virgil , 50 1,987 67 300 12,760 00 1,025 46,475 00 61,222 67 286,418 2,223 O W.illet.., 100 1,700 00 300 3,900 00 1,025 22,550 00 28,150 00 158,458 983

$33,070 38 $67,813 05 $359,965 76 1 $460,849 19

] No bounties paid. Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—Delaware County. GO; Assessed Populate., TOWNB. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation. 1864. iaoo.

Andei $50 $3,300 00 $300 $9,000 00 $800 $40,000 00 $52,300 00 $459,253 2,990 S 350 ) J3ovina ...... 150 4,800 00 \ 800 S 27,100 00 31,900 00 284.415 1,242 Colchester ... a 50 2,050 00 400 10,400 00 12,450 00 369,193 2,480 o Davenport 50 2,650 00 250 50,000 00 52,650 00 471,636 2,362

Delhi 81,000 004 81,000 00 777,858 2,900 Franklin..... 50 6,000 00 350 20,000 00 800 50,000 OCT 76,000 00 844,455 3,308 $ 300 ) Hamden ..... 50 2,450 00 350 4,900 00 [850 V 44,660 00 52,000 00 366,243 1^851 Hancock...., 25 2,525 00 300 14,700 00 900 53,100 00 . 70,325 00 521,517 2,862 Harpersfield., 50 1,100 00 350 4,550 00 800 24,900 00 30,550 00. 375,335 1,468 350 > Eortright... 50 1,600 00 300 4,500 00 1,050 S 32,550 00 38,650 00 478,182 2,023 < 300 ) 5 600 i Masonville. 50 1,750 00 \ 625 J 15,850 00 } 800 $ 22,150 00 39,750 00 266,140 1,684 Meredith. .. 50 1,600 00 735 34,500 00 36,100 00 353,538 1,630 5 300 ) Middle town. 1,515 00 I 800 $ 59,000 00 60,515 60 439.416 3,201 Roxbury 50 2,075 00 800, 44,356 00 46,431 00 737,020 2,558 O < 375 ) Sidney. *50 1,500 00 J 708 S 40,000 00 41,500 00 386,331 1,916 |f I 350 I Stamford . 50 2,500 00 I 800 $ 39,550 00 42,050 00 481,001 1,661 & Tompkins. 300 12,000 00 600 25,800 00 37,800 00 Walton ... 2,100 00 50,S50 0Q 52,950 00 599,833 2,740

9,515 00 $85,500 00 $729,906 0Q $854,921 00

Duchess County. *Amenia.. Beekman . $103 $4,433 56 $700 $14,995 21 $19,428 77 $782,445 1,371 Clinton ... 200 12,000 00 623 29,904 00 41,904 00 1,923,287 1,922 Dover 7,200 00 10 250 00 700 35,700 00 43,150 00 1,209,526 East Fish kill. 1,350 00 61,150 00 62,500 00 1,340,000

Fishkill | 150 | 16,200 00 820 160,000 00 176,200 00 4,416,568 Hyde Park.. 150 12,735 30 687 48,105 00 60,840 30 1,793,270 *La Grange.. •Milan ..... I 100 i ; 300> Northeast. »,170 i 7,461 00 I 800 $ 42,900 00 50,361 00 951,076 *Pawling . ; aoo \ Pine Plains Mo j 4,000 00 i 600 < 22,000 00 26,000 00 762,852 Pleasant Valley , 12,^00 00 26,621 16 38,921 16 1,176,074 Poughkeepsie ... 122 45 8,572 00 648 64 48,000 00 56,572 00 2", 326,551 Red Hook...... , 750 66,100 00 66,100 00 2,375,852 Rhinebeck ...... '*300 12,250 00 724 52,852 00 65,102 00 2,193,975 Stanford 11,000 00 2,500 00 39,056 39 52,556 39 1,373,925

Union Vale .. $175 00 1,713 41 23,143 68 25,032 09 593,861 * Washington.

$175 00 $111,215 27 $2,750 00 $670,527 44 $784,667 71

Erie County* Alden , •$400 $800 00 $800 00 $603 891 Amherst., $125 $14,500 00 $20 $400 00 14,900 00 1,146,156 Aurora 100 1,800 00 1,800 00 516,313 Boston 100 5,200 00 5,200 00 , 291,933 Brandt 2,525 00 2,525 00 ,*Chictawauga. Clarence ...... 3,200 00 500 00 550 00 4,250 00 912,810 *Colden...... S 200 I Collins I 50$ 5,600 00 5,600 00 fConcord East Hamburgh . 200 6,270 00 6,270 00 133,791 Eden $50 $1,000 00 100 6,000 00 7,000 00 *Elma *Evans .

f No bounties paid. Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—Erie County—Continued.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1881. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation. 1864. 1860.

Grand Island. $1,300 00 $150 U0 $1,450 00 $248,825 .•Hamburgh... Holland...... 875 00 "875*00* *'242,'416* ^Lancaster. Marina ...... $50 1,219 00 1,219 00 279,645 •Newstead North Collins. 5,150 00 5,150 00 '380,996 Sardinia 1,203 00 2,30o"oo" $1,413 88 4,916 88 •Tonawaiida , f Wales \ 50: West Seneca. > 100 < 1,100 00 1,100 00 698,623

$1,000 $48,453 00 $10,839 00 $2,763 88 $63,055 88

Essex County. (Chesterfield... $25 $600 00 $1,050 00 $800 $39,700 00 $41,950 00 $407,329

Grown Point .. 50 ,r 2,850 00 500 21,000 00 600 21,600 00 45,450 00 45'7,788 Elizabethtown. 150 3,750 00 3,750 00 196,840 -100 1,700 00 450 7,650 00 670 21,000 00 30,350 00 , 413,987 ( 300} Jay . 50 306 00 4 500 V- .34,400 00 14,706 00 258,018 (800 ) Keene ...... 50 300 1,853 00 500 3,300 00 5,203 00 43,322 Lewis ...... 25 1,200J30 350 9,400 00 625 . 22,525 00 33,125 00 156,036 Minerva 284A3 4,000 00 12,200 00 16,484 1.3 110,362 Moriah 350 29,000 00 600 49,950 00 78,950 00 1,108,429 Neweomb 50 250 00 500 1,500 00 700 2,100 00 3,850 00 126,590 North Elba . 4,300 00 4,300 00 44,738 S 300 ) North Hudson. 300 1,800 00 \ 800 $ 4,200 00 6,000 00 62,062 St. Armand... 375 1,500 00 1,000 5,000 00 6,500 00 31^894 5 300 I Schroon .... 500 2,000 00 } 800 $ 17,800 00 19,800 00 149,087 2,550 5 300 > Ticonderosra. 650 00 50 1,800 00 500 18,500 00 I 500 ) 26,800 00 47,750 00 460,572 2,271 I 600 I Westport .... < m 960 00 300 6,300 00 \ 700 5 18,400 00 25,660 00 436,437 1,981 Willsborough 500 7,000 00 640 • 14,725 00 21,725 00 298,508 1,519 Wilmington.., 900 00 900 00 .46,363 861

$1,300 00 9,644 13 $113,759 00 $281,750 00 6,453 13

Franklin County. Bangor $3,000 00 $3,600 00 $21,300 00 $27,900 00 $435,703 2.520 Bellmont , $50 1,000 00 $300 I 4,600 00 $600 12,350 00 . 17,950 00 . 152,413 1,376- S 300 \ Bombay . } 620 $ 20,560 00 20,560 00 226,758 2,440 $ 300 / Brandon . 60 840 00 300 2,700 00 } 600 J 6,900 00 10,440 00 234.401 794 Brighton. 560 2,800 00 2,800 00 39,954 208 $ 300 > Burke ...... 60 2,040 00 I 600 J 29,100 00 31,140 .00 302,953 2,240 Chateaugay. 1,500 00 11,420*66' 12,920 00 431,534 3,183 Constable. 50 1,800 00 "*7J500 00* 9,300 00 172,326 1,680 ( 300 •> Dickinson. 50 310 6,200 00 I 600 ] 19,500 00 26,700 00 230,572 1,917 1,000 00 ; 300; Duane ...... 1 400 < 700 00 700 00 34,329 279 Ft. Covington. 10 ' 300 6,000 00 600 22,569 00 28,789 00 418,578 2,757 "'220*66* 300 I Franklin < 600 j 8,753 85 8,753 85 Harrietstown. 375 2,625 00 900 6,600 00 9,225 00 60,535 340 \ 300 j Malone .., 50 5,000 00 300 14,700 00 I 600 j 49,200 00 68,900 00 1,596,118 6,565 Moira... 75 150 00 320 6,469 65 600 14,575 00 21,194 65 345,226 1,798 Westville . 300 6,313 00 600 4,200 00 10,513-00 184,530 1,635

$16,550 00 $65,327 65 $225,907 85 $307,785 50 =H4 | No bounties paid. to to Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—-Fulton County. to

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1860. 1864.

$50 $40 00 $700 $11,300 00 $11,340 00 $59,909 1,062 100 4,000 00 $300 $4,200 00 795 27,000 00 35,200 00 333,945 2,534 17,250 00 17,250 00. 57,064 629 64,500 00 64,500 00 302,818 2,202 110 21,000 00 333 56,285 00 865 174,000 00 251,285 00 1,891,574 8,811 S 300 \ 100 4,000 00 121 38 3,520 00 ^ 725 5 31,525 00 39,045 00 .330,908 2,367 S 501 \100 S 2,200 00 794 28,590 00 30,790 00 155,440 1,937 75,000 00 75,000 00 405,784 2,363 Perth 100 2,200 00 50 250 00 1,000 20,320 00 22,770 00 299,217 1,0'85 75 150 00 750 18,000 00 18,150 00 94,557 1,172

$33,590 00 $64,255 00 $467,485 00 $565,330 00

Gem see County.

$31 $1,053 00 $77 $231 00 $460 $24,840 00 $27,024 00 $841,386 2,061

50 4,400 00 300 27,400 00 31.800 00 3,516,833 5,876 80 2,241 73 108 4,677 31 6,919 04 50 950 00 400 16,400 00 17.350 00 529,324 1,897 - 300 12,100 00 12,100 00 963,492 1,864 $ 600 ) \ \ 1,500 \ 27,500 00 27,500 00 830,559 2,143

150 Elba . 25 475 00 50 2,050 00 S 1 18,550 00 21,075 00 786,158 2,040 4,300 00 I 400 $ 40,200 00 44,500 00 2,169,949 - 4,247 2,648 00 400 21,200 00 23,848 00 495,897 1,597 309 12,351 00 12.351 00 750,556 1,723 400 24,000 00 24,000 00 852,151 2,855 Stafford. 50 3,772 09_ 300 15,600 00 19,372 09

$12,567 73 . $10,453 09 $244,818 31 $267,839 13

Greene County. Ashland $600 00 $600 $2,700 00 ,300 00 f $124,135 1,212 f Athens f Cairo •j-Catskill. Coxsackie $25 1,100 00 1,100 00 970,505 3,661. Durham ... 62 50 5,000 00 5,000 00 444,515 2,558 Greenville. 50 1,225 00 100 2,336 64 3,561 64 •fllalcott...... •Hunter •Jewett tLexington fNew Baltimore. •Prattsville •Windham

$7,925 00 $5,036 64 $12,961 64

Hamilton County. S $300 \ Arietta. ) 800 \ $3,000 00 $3,000 00 $70,163 98 300 Benson . 1,000 < 5,700 00 5,700 00 46,033 380 *Hope., ( $300 ) ( 650 \ Indian Lake .. I 400 $ $1,800 00 } 850 ] 1,500 00 3,300 00 Lake Pleasant. $50 $450 00 600 3,000 00 3,450 00 99,255 356 Long Lake 144 00 256 "776"66" 1,025 4,100 00 5,014 00 Morehouse 300 1,200 00 1,200 00 40,667 228 Wells

00 $2,570 00 $18,500 00 $21,664 00

t No bounties paid. Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—Herkimer County.

Assessed TOWNS. Rato. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. • 1864/ Total. valuation, Populat'n, 1864. 1860.

X $25 \ } 100 $ $3,901 93 $11,772 58 $702 $20,368.58 $36,043 09 300 11,709 53 $391 8,000 81 382. 10,734 79 30,445 13 Fairfield...... 300 5,100 00 325 #,100 00 550 15,050 00 29,250 00

100 4,800 00 300 13,484 00 1,000 59,525 00 77,809 00 Litchfield 138 5,540 00 346 7,622 12 603 15,085 00 28,247 12 300 43,095 76 500 50,000 00 93,095 76 300 9,000 00 29,582 00 38,582 00 ' * no >'. C 300 ) S 300 I $500 00 300 9,300 00 [350 $ 8,700 00 I 725 \ 12,900 00 31,400 00 200 "2,645 46 5O0 3,450 50 15,575 00 21,670 96 m 11,974 00 11,974 00 800 00 1,800 00 427 18 22,525 00 25,125 00 100 2,100 00 300 10,800 00 700 18,900 00 31,800 00 61 20 3,180 59 32146 ~ 8,358 00 482 06 20,728 82 32,267 41

Warren. 200 7,200-00 500 14,000 00 470 32,473 00 . 53,673 00 62 00 325 1,950 00 628 2,514 00 4,526 00 Winfield 350 00 8,550 00 500 7,675 00 26,522 00 43,097 00

$1,650 00 $74,889 51 $148,008 77 $364,457 19 $589,005 47

Jeffe rson County $50 $1,700 00 $50 $5,400 00 $300 $9,300 00 $16,400 00 $995,700 3,496 S 60 I <100> I loo S $3,432 00 I 300 S 6,532 00 9,964 00 370,493 3,808 9,500 00 9,500 00 633,035 3,313 24 19 3,000 00 300 17,700 00 20,700 00 719,143 3,966 100 00 6,600 00 300 9,000 00 300 5,500 00 21,100 00 499>788 3,585 •Clayton... Ellisburgh . 2.000 00 8,200 00 10,200 00 7,800 00 28,200 00 1,337,991 Henderson . 3,055 93 16,825 00 19,880 93 482,163 Hounsfield . 50 * 5*, IOO 06' 5,100 Q0 522,127 ; 301 Le Ray./.. ioo s 4,400 00 300 4,850 00 9,250 00 740,028 ,1,000 ) Lorraine . 1,950 00 50 2,700 00 300 3,600 00 '1,200 y 27,675 00 35,925 00 250,069 Lyme.... 100 8,200 00 325, 16,058-15 1,000 50,6Q0 00 74,858 15 428,346 ; 2o \ Orleans ...... V. ! ioo j 5,570 00 300 21,900 00 27,470 00 Pamelia ...... ' 100 4,3.46 42 300 4,000 00 300 11.950 00 20,296 42 601,876 Philadelphia . 25 1,130 66 300 300 6,300 00 7,430 66 418,437 5 300 1 Rodman .... 50 2,800 00 300 3,900 00 I 325 X 3} 800 00 10,500 00 558,994' •Rutland ... Theresa 100 2,500 00 "56* "" *850 60" 300 8,400 00 "iil750 06' '403,516* • Watertown. •Wilna Worth "56' 950 00 300 4,200 00 5,150 00 ,71,785

$5,65.0 .0.0. $55,327 08 $64,516 08 $207,982 00 $333,475 16

Kings County. tllatbush..... f Flatlands Grave send $1,260 00 $1,260 00 $753,942 New Lots ..... 20 1,600 00 $300 $3,000 00 $8,600 00 13,200 00 1,661 970 •New Utrecht.

00 $3,000 00 8,600 00 $14,460 00

Lewis County. a Croghaii ... $50 $100 00 $200 $2,400 00 $500 $13,500 00 $16,000 00 $125,000 2,035 GO

Denmark ..... $40 $2,300 00 50 4;000 00 325 4,800 00 500 10,000 00 21,100 00 665,000 2,559 Diana 175 00 100 2,500 00 2,675 00 5'5,000 1,483 $ 300 ) 500 13,886 07 13,8 07 80,000 1,733 •j- No bounties paid. at* Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—Lewis County—Continued. INS

TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, Populat'n, 1864. 1860.

*Harrisburgh .. ,150 I -High Market. . > 700 J $7,590 00 $7,590 00 *Lewis...... Leyden $100 $3,000 00 $200 $10,200 00 400 13,530 00 26,730 00 $485,000 Lowville 50 2,500 00 200 3,000 00 300 9,6l5 13# 15,115 13 760,000 *Martinsburgh , Montague.. 50 200 00 4,750 00 4,950 00 New Bremen ... 50 2,100 00 200 4,200 00 500 12,500 00 18,800 00 Osceola ...... 50 750 00 270 60 4,600 00 5,350 00 43,000 Pinckriey 200 3,870 00 500 15,000 00 18,870 00 170,000 Turin 50 2,850 00 200 3,400 00 300 7,050 00 13,300 00 385,000 *Wa$son...... West Turin 200 6,600 00 500 11,500 00 18,100 00

$2,300 00 $15,300 00 $38,845 00 $126,021 20 , $182,466, 20

Livingston County*.

Avon..... $100 $7,250 00 $300 $14,421 00 $1,000 $61,100 00 $82,771 00 Caledonia. 900 00 900 00 $1,199,605 2,014 Conesus... 42 86 1,860 00 6,900 00 8,760 00 485,873 - 1,443 Geneseo .. 100 9,200 00 300 14,400 00 879 31 50,996 00 74,596 00 1,673,518 3,002 5 300 i Groveiand , 50 2,400 00 300 5,400 00 $ 800 $ 25,150 00 32,950-00

Leicester , 4,400 00' 300 7,800 00 949 42,720 00 54,920 00 Lima I 100 \ 6,725 00 59,560 00 66,285 00 1,068,854 2,782 83 5 300 ) Livonia I 125 \ 8,275 00 315 14,210 00 ) 900 5 41,020 00 63,505 00 1,015,307 2,593 Mount Morris . 100 9,000 00 300 14,000 00 69,900 00 92,900 00 North Dansville , 300 19,200 00 800 72,400 00 91,600 00 838,051 3,738 .Nunda...... 50 2,250 00 300 9,000 00 11,250 00 598,587 2,849 Ossian , $30 $300 00 50 1,450 00 307 6,000 00 7/750 00 336,884 1,269 Portage...... 93 2,775 00 3,300 00 6,075 00 Sparta 57 2,225 00 300 8,100 00 1,000 32,000 00 42,325 00 461,749 1,248 S 900 \ Springwater., 2,290 00 300 14,151 00 \ 1,000 s 60,815 00 77,256 00 559,960 2,399 West Sparta . IS! 1,750 00 1,750 00 443,720 1,501 8,584 00 8,584 00 1,214,862 2,743 York 50 $300 00 $70,434 00 $120,982 00 $532,461 00 $724,477 00,

Madison County.

Brookfield. $250 $8,450 00 $300 $23,000 00 $31,450 00 $731,199 3,729 Oazenovia. 500 34,000 00 34,000 00 1,363,273. 4,343 ( 300 \ De Ruyter., \ 800 \ 15,100 00 15,100 00 310,816 1,817 Eaton 200 10,000 00 300 13,385 00 23,385 00 887,120 3,871 *Eenner .... Georgetown . $500 00 1,600 00 6,300 00 8,400 00 Hamilton $150 $7,591 30 29,000 00 . 36,591 30 C425 ) 5 50? Lebanon. 1,^00 00 \ 500 ( 12,023 00 13,723 00 518,295 1,678 \ 300 \ ( 700) Lenox ... \ 900 y 81,600 00 81,600 00 2,212,630 8,024 (MOO) ( 300) Madison . 325 10,000 00 \ 400 ^ 23,500 00 33,500 00 671,678 2,457 (500 ) Nelson...,. 200 4,000 00 400 6,400 00 10,400 00 439,991 1,797 Smithfield , 800 4,000 00 4,000 00 410,293 1,509 \ 10 > 300 Stockbridge. 5,000 00 300 8,900 00 000 21,206 00 35,106 00 576,676 2,068 250 \ Sullivan .... I 500 61,400 00 61,400 00 2,088,612 5,233

$500 00 $40,750 00 $16,491 30 $330,914 00 $388,655 30 1 =- • Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—--Continued.—Monroe County.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total.. valuation, 1860. 1864.

$600 $42,000 00 $42,000 00 $963,867 3,138 Chili 25,495 00 25,495 00 500 24,500 00 24,500 00 26,475 02 26,475 02 600 49,200 00 49,200 00 1,175,000 4,147

$51 $3,496 00 j 500 S 23,800 00 27,296 00 1,035,032 2,249, 600 32,400 00 32,400 00 666,513 2,460 486 62 2S,224 00 28,224 00 627,577 3,547 600 34,700 00 34,700 00 1,010,432 2,936 25 1,552 66 600 40,000 00 • 41,552 00 966,716 2,712 ( 500 I lit! 1,485 00 I 600 $ 36,900 00 38,385 00 811,360 2,904 2,999 98 500 31,500 00 34,499 9,8 769,442 3,21Q .46. 600 41,400 00 41,400 00 . 852,804 3,015

27 ' 700 00 600 24,300 00 25,000 00 851,437 2,177 $1,650 00 80-0 00 9,772 23 12.222 23 792,747 1,613 V 600 56,400 00 56,400 00 1,282,209. 4,045 24,000 00 24,000 00 550,316 2,650

$1,650 00 $11,032 98 . $551,066 25 $563,749 23

Montgomery County. $100 3,000 00 $100 $6,250 00 $1,520 00 $700 $95,783 80 $106,553 80 S 600 I 11,400 00 13,962 00 \ 1,000 $ 57,845 9,3 83,207 93 $940,288 4,134 50 4,500 00 $310 8,500 00 1,000 42,000 00 55,000 00 451,536 1,837 25 8,564 00 50 10,000 00 350 14,500 00 1,000 73,930 00 106,994 00 950,225 2,991 3,000 00 1,750 00. 4,400 00 91,118 00 100,268 00 1,0.00 00 200 15,400 00 200 14,400 00. 700 95,000 00 125,800 00 1,030,594 4,412 Mohawk 125 6,213 46 570 92,430 00 98,643 46 2,605 ( |Palatine 73 3,050 00 204 8,568 00 250 9,750 00 74.5 49,850 00 71,218 00 987,811 h^Root 100 6,358 44 310 12,915 00 ljOOO 54,940 00 74,213 44 735,144 2,622 aSt. Johnsvillo. *25* ' "850*00* 75 7,300 00 250 8,100 00 830 66,000 00 .82,250 00 544,102 1,688 w O $19,464 00 $77,739 90 $88,047 00 $718,897 73 $904,148 63 3 "25 o Niagara County. c:*Cambria . ; $100 J -Hartlaud ... ) 300 \ $8,500 00 $8,500 00 *Lewiston.. *Lockport.. *Newfane .. *Niagara... *Pendleton. *Porter....

Royalton.... $23 $943 00 \ 300 \ 4,500 00 5,443 00 $1,239,925 4,793 ^£>*Soinerset. • . •Wheatfield. "Wilson 500 2,800* 00 *2*i00'00 810,011* *3,*372

$943 00 $15,800 00 $16,743 00

Oneida County. Annsville ... $1,000 $29,197 05 $29,197 05 $250,160 2,837 Augusta,.... $1,050 00 33,600 00 34,650 00 Ava ...... 889 00 ""700' 18,355 91 19,244 91 "'.97,' 690* *i,'260 Roonville ... Bridgewater. 100 3,100 00 550 11,000 00 14,100 00 "2*35,730" 'i'261 Camden..... 300 12,900 00 12,900 00 *Deerfield.. . Florence. ... 21,233 00 21,233 00 137,940 2,802 Floyd 7,472 00 7,472 00

\ 425 i Kirkland. 50 3,600 00 \ 625 ( 29,400 00 33,000 00 598,665 4,185 i 25, i 600 \ Lee • 100 1 750 00 '1,000 \ 31,600 00 32,350 0Q 270,041 2,796 • Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—-Oneida County—Continued. CO o Assessed TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation,, Popula t"n, 1864. 1860.

$2,850 00 $23,063 56 $25,913 56 $100 2,500 00 $785 24,328 00 26,828 00 $348,660 2,134 *Nevr Hartford { 300 I $1,500 00 1,700 00 $3,351 00 I 600 $ 29,050 00 35,601 00 526,688 3,762 50 1,950 00 500 17,458 00 19,408 00 216,685 2,670 ic augerfield ...... • * 29,204 00 29,204 00 331,072 2,343 J 50 ) ( 600 ) } ioo s 4,527 64 ^ 700 5 35,216 33 39,744 02 600 31,000 00 31,000 00 442,320 2,908

16,600 00 16,600 00 500 19,500 00 19.500 00 277,965 2,497 20,819 00 20,819 00 ( 300} i 400 r 32,000 00 32,000 00 753,650. 4,367 (500 ) $1,500 00 $22,916 64 $3,351 00 $472,996 90 $500,764 54

On ondaga Count y- ( $90 \ 1 \ 50 S $1,000 00 \ 150 \ as.inn nn ! sp..ion on $1,130,284 2,940 1 { 20 \ Clay $100 $1,000 00 $50 $1,200 00 1,375 00 3,575 00 987,051 3,583 800 00 3,504 00 4,304 00 1,027,4.94 3,043 500 00 500 14,000 00 14,500 00 1,321,094 4,509 2>600 00 • 2,600 00 747,563 2,305 I

Geddes .... 50 $1,700 00 1,700 00 911,743 f,528 La Fayette, 50 3,100 00 390 00 150 3,000 00 6,490 00 747,291 2,537 f Lysander . Manlius . ,. 1,819 00 3,000 00 4,819 00 Marcellus.. 100 700 00 270 00 6,000 00 6,700 00 789,636 2,908 Onondaga.. 1,400 00 3,000 00 4,400 00 1 915,073 5,113 Otisco ..... 50 600 00 50 400 00 100 600 00 600 00 2,200 00 409,234 1,848 S 50 , Pompey ( 100 < 3,750 00 3,750 00 1 ,239,981 3,93.1 Salina 100 1,300 00 75 2,350 00 3,650 00 726,618 2,400 Skaneateles. 59 2,150 00 252 64 21,332 00 3,482 00 1 ,439 963 4,335 Spafford 30 1,630 00 '300' 3,30000* 26 87^ 2,150 00 7,130 00 506,878 1,814 fTully...... fVan Buren.

$1,600 00 $16,8S0 00 $11,509 00 $65,411 00 $#f,400 00

Ontario County. 5 $50 i Bristol , 1100 \ $2,150 00 $2,150 00 $566,409 1,657 *Canadice . ,.. • Canandaigua 100 13,000 00 $800 $10,000 00 23,000 00- East Bloomfield . 100 6,300 00 50 900 00 7,200 00 914,896 2,163 i 50; Farmington .. »100 < 1,524 47 1,524 47 950,336 1,858 Gorham ' 100' 3,200 00 100 5,600 00 8,800 00 1,082,396 2,537 Hopewell .... 144 3,500 00 1,200 00 4,700 00 872,282 1,970 Manchester .. 30 3,000 00 $50 $700 00 50 2,000 00 5,700 00 Naples...... 54 1,404 00 50 600 00 2,004 00 376,190 2,067 Phelps. 40 5,000 00 50 1,850 00 6,850 00 1,822,458 5,586 f Richmond .. Seneca 100 13,560 00 13,560 00 South Bristol. 333 08 900 00 1,233 08 Victor 100 3,700 00 50 850 00 4,550 00 957,599 2,404 ; 30: $ 100 I West Bloomfield. I'100 ' 3,286 00 I 300 $ 8,000 00 11,286 00 607,635 1,646

$59,624 47 $1,033 08 $31,900 00 $92,557 55 OP f No bounties paid. Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—*Orange County.

Assessed TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. . 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. • valuation, Populat'n, 1864. 1860.

$28,649 00 $28,649 00 $1,361,190 2,248 15,350 00 15,350 00 1,064,300 1,849 69,200 00 69,200 00 1,063,275 4,800 26,629 26 26,629 26 851,035 2,003 Deer park ...... $900 145,550 00 145,550 00 1,486,610 5,186 39,650 00 39,650 00 .1,995,645 3,480 21,500 00 21,500 00 448,630 1,198 ...» • * 21,000 00 21,000 00 S18,027 1,295 16,721 72 16,721 72 22,500 *)0 22,500 00 580,701 1,266 26,580 50 26,580 50 588,280 8,975 $3,000 00 54,250 00 57,250 00 1,799,808 3,973 35,475 00 35,475 00 615,538 1,575 $75 $21,250 00 50 154,850 00 176,100 00 8,209.605 15,196 24,450 OO 24,450 00 1,240,700 2,452 Wallkill 4,000 00 91,100 00 - 95.100 00 2,775,055 6,603 2,000 00 73,352 00 75,352 00 2,205,231 * 4,628 26,800 00 W,800 00 817,907 2,085 850 23,843 62 23,843 62

$9,000 00 $21,250 00 $917,451 10 $947,701 10

Orle ans County.

$500 $50,000 00 $50,000 00 $2,891,551 7,228 $28 $756 00 13,800 00 14,556 00 $5 $28 00 25 1,100 00 500 17,620 00 18,748 00 663,264 1,831 585 24,810 ,00 24,810 00 25 1,575 00 504 21,850 90 23,425 90 714.033 1,920 $75 $1,125 00 485 26,765 00 27,890 00 864,078 2,162 585 40,365 00 40,365 00 903,848 3,320 Yates. 323 33 12,286 65 12,286 65 747,007 2,105

$28 "00. $3,431 00 $1,125 00 $207,497 55 $212,081 55

Otsego County,

Burlington. $50 $1,150 00 $756 63! $37,075 00 ! $38,225 00 i . $933,855- 1,818 ; 300 \ i so j 2,365 Butternuts. ... 5*146 63 i 1,000 \ 51,713 00 56,859 63 633,976 noo < 2,552 Cherry Valley 850 65,246 47 65,246 47 682,669 902 Decatur ...... 670 11,400 «4)0 11,400- 00 171,660 50) S 500 I Edmeston. loo V 5,750 00 $500 $2,500 00 > 800 i 34,700 00 42,950 00 476,800 1,804. 200 } 1,570 Exeter ... sa .1,500 00 500 ll,ft00'00 32,000 00 44,500 00 339,385 Hartwick . 100 4,100 00 325 5,525 00 1,200 56,400 00 66,025 00 502,735 2,496 40 \ { 300) 1,936 Laurens. $10 $110 00 100 \ 2,364 00 | 100 | 1,300 00 400 V- 30,360 00 34,134 00 155,869 ( 600 V { 300 ) Maryland.... \ 600 J 22,900 00 32,900.00 446,825 2,228. •Middle-field , > 20 > 300 j Milford . » 100 s 2,000 00 500 18,500 00» 1,250 | 66,239 00 86,739 00 Morris. . " 79 28i 5,550 00 317 9,200 00 63,860 00 78,610 00 246,871 2,210 500 \ New Lisbon. [ 200 J 4,250 00 u ,100 \ 42,400 00 46,650 00 300 j 399,098 2,158 Oneonta m 2,879 00 ' 1,000 < 45,010 00 47,889 00 i 325 j 423,252 1,957 Otego 40 3,108 50 l i 11,00 0 < 56,000 00 59,108 50 S 325 ) 146,000 00 1,413,177 4,303 Otsego. 8,383 34 I 1,025 J 137,616 66 26,392 39 2.98,245 1,480 Pittsfield .. 500 2,600 00 600 8,540 00 1,000 15,252 00 Plaimleld.. 118 3,800 00 404 6,476 16 609 29,240 61 " 39,516 77 I. J 50) j 300 i 1,648 Richfield... \ 200 j 5,950 00 > 500 « 11,250 00 i 15,450 00 32,650 00 491,885 1,876 Roseboom.. 150 5,600 00 695 35.800 00 41,400 00 311,097 2-, 390 Springfield. 172 13,400 00 690 60,100 00 73,500 00 719,667 Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.— Otsego County—Continued.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1864. - lb60.

Unadilla.. $56,132 00 $56,132 00 Westford.. $650 00 857 30,000 00 30,650 00 $305,097 1,382 Worcester. 1,820 00 27,995 00 29,815 00 414,725 2,154

$110 00 $75,751 47 $78,541 16 1,032,889 74 $1,187,292 37

Oswego County. Albion...... $11,340 91 ! $11,340 91 $325,231 2,348 Amboy $6,300 00 $175 5,496 37 j 11,763 37 191,031 1,402 •Boylston... Constantia .. $25 $1,500 00 300 19,200 00 20.700 00 322,529 3,413 Granby ...... 25 800 00 120 24 10,100 00 10,900 00 657,571- ,4,057 Hannibal ... 10 750 00 750 00 620,705 3,246 Hastings.... 300 22,800 00 22,S00 00 462,199 3,345 •Mexico .... New Haven , 50 950 00 30 2,529 00 3,479 00 2,073 Orwell 300 7,800 00 7,800 00 221,335 1,435

Palermo . 756 00 1,800^00 2,556 00 Parish ... 300 <' 9,600*00 9,600 00 .256,044 2,027 \ 150 I Redfield } 300 $ 3.500 00 3,500 00 210,658 1,087 Richland 800 800 00 300 •23',751 52 24,551 52 669,724 4,128 Sandy Creek .. 23 853 00 300 7,800 00 . 8,653 00 476,379 2,431 Schroeppel $10 00 "25* "i^56b 66* 50 3,300 00 108 9.000 00 14.600 00 502,756 4,011 •Scriba ...... •Volney West Monroo . 20 500 00 300 6,723 00 7.223 00 170,244 1,418 Williamstown , 47- 1,400 00 3,100 00 4,500 00

$800 00 $8,206 00 $10,453 00 $145,290 80 $164,749 80

k Putnam County.

Cn-rmel $7,800 00 $41,800 00 $49,600 00 $1,037,150 Kent .. $100 4,800 00 $537 24,165 00 28,965 00 341,390 Patterson 119 5,500 00 308 $8,640 00 720 20,160 00 34,300 00 680,204 Phi Hips town ... 12,000 00 12,000 00 340,995 Putnam Valley. 863 00* 24,800 00 •25,663 00 962,000 Southeast 1.00 7,587 67 300 11,661 50 436 23,108 00 42,357 17 1,036,449

$50,687 67 $21,164 50 $134,033 00 $205,885 17

Queens Comity. •Flushing Hempstead $75 $25,200 00 S25,20a 00 Jamaica 75 17,600 00 17,600 00 •Newtown North Hempstead , 75 11,614 00 11,614 00 $2,447,450 Oyster Bay. 75 23,500 00 23,500. 00 3,817,900

$77,914 00 $77,914 00

Rensselaer County.

•Berlin Brunswick . $55 $5,948 00 $100 $3,400 00 $850 $44,1.61 00 $53,509 00 $1,055,625 ( 500 to ) Fast, Greenbush . 200 4,200 00 i 1,000 $ 26,500 00 30,700 00 826,435 •Grafton. .. Greenbush . 850 67,635 40 .67,635 40 Hoosick , 5,240 40 250 12,450 35 927 85,306 63 102,997 38 1,606,147 \ 100 I Lansingburgh . 50 5,681 00 I 300 S 65.745 00 61,426 16 Nassau 50 4,500 00 300 45,500 00 50,000 00 ; soo i North Greenbush. i1,000 s 39,600 00 39,600 00 Petersburgh 28,261 00 28,261 00 236,617 •Pittstown , •Poestenkill.. Sandlake 1,450 00 26,400 00 27,850 00 Abstract of Reports from. Supervisors.—Rensselaer County—Continued. CO

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1864. 1860.

$1,762 91 $100 $3,135 00 $1,000 $44,402 21 $49,300 12 $1,057,366 2,929

2,800 00 22,000 00 24,800 00

$17,151 31 $33,416 51 $485,511 24 $536,079 06

Richmond County. fCastleton ... •Middletown. •Northfield •Southfteld. •Westfield...

Rockland County. Clarkstown.. $50 $1,200 00 $10,255 00 $539 $70,125 00 • $81,580 00 •$1,413,20 0 3,874 Haverstraw . 60 4,460 00 431 90,570 64 95,030 64 Orange town . 324 **48,'766'66 800 . 72,000 00 120,700 00 2,276,506 7,060 j 300 to) Eamapo 100 5,300 00 300 14,090 00 > 650 ) 76,835 00 .96,225 00 1,327,303 3,435

$10,960 00 $73,045 00 $309,530 64 $393,535 64

Saratoga County.

Ballston . I $300 $300 CO $706 $52,250 00 $52,550 00 $685,240 2,234 Charlton. $15 $705 00 300 11,700 00 770 22,125 00 34,530 00 { 600 ) Clifton Park , 5,214 25 300 12,155 5f }8oo$ 45,829 67 63,199 49 1,169,129 2,804 Corinth. 100 1,600 00 300 3,300 00 920 21,200 00 26,100 00 133,796 1,558 5 300 i Day • 244 00 25 450 00 ' 1 750 $ 14,944 00 15,638 00 39,241 •Edinburgh. $ 325 j 10 | 25 Gal way 25 < $200 00 S 1 3,500 OO 300 ,000 00 I 1,000 < 40,228 00 49,928 00 587,475 2,427 ( 125.$ j 300 j Greenfield. 5,490 00 J 800 < 56,825 00 62,315 00 416,843 2,970 •Hadley. .

Halfmoon...... 315 11,100 00 53,100 00 •64,200 00 Malta ... 6,75777 34,973 66 41,731 43 510,621 1,240 Milton 8,562 00 306 27,275 00 835 77,665 00 113,502 00 1,036,689 5,254 Moreau...... lOtf .3,425 00 300 11,700 00 800 36,600 00 51,725 00 283,460 2,210 Northumberland. 6,450 00 5,370 00 21,571 00 33,391 00 394,666 1,666 $ 350 ( Providence. 50 600 00 300 3,900 00 ^ 750 $ 13,800 00 18,300 00 •Saratoga.. I 300 ) Saratoga Springs 100 16,410 31 9,614 89 1,000 s 154,431 59 180,456 79 S 700 ) Stillwater...... 54 5,525 25 300 21,930 28 ] 325 J 51,312 00 78,767 53

Waterford • \ 300 \ 77,700 00 77,700.00 1,023,365 3,260 "Wilton..!., 100 2,500 00 300 3,600 00 775 20,000 00 26,100 00

$200 00 $60,225 81 $135,153 51 $794,554 92 $990,134 24

Schenectady County. •Duanesburgh. $100 ; i $300 ) Glenville 160 < ,500 00 $300 $15,244 00 830 \ $55,475 00 0,219 00 $1,594,515 3,192 •Niskayuna... $ 600 \ Princetown . 100 2,300 00 300 3,400 00 \ 1,000 \ 18,900 00 24,600 00 291,190 •Rotterdam.

$11,800 00 $18,644 00 $74,375 00 $104,819 00

f No bounties paid. Abstract of Reports from Supervisors—Continued.—Schoharie County.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1860. 1864.

Blenheim . $900 $21,600 00 $21,600 00 $173,930 *Broome., j 325 j Carlisle.... $50 $1,100 00 ) 885 I 52,935 00 54,035 00 434,634 •Cobleskill. I 300 j Conesville.. 1,300 00 i 800 \ 34,524 00 35,824 00 219,825 Esperance , * 655 ' 41,280 00 41,280 00 289,154 Fulton 50 4,700 00 537 30,-500 00 35,200 00 353,341 *Gilboa J efferson...... 25 476 23 573 38,400 00 38,876 23 296,092 Middleburgh . . 50 3,200 00 600 46,000 00 -49,200 00 564,881 Richinondville 50 1,196 61 950 50,640 31 51,836 92 334.280 Schoharie 874 63,800 00 63,800 00 711,581 Seward 57,460 00 57,460 00 Sharon , 108 1,628 75 $22,950 00 1,002 67,200 00 91,778 75 585,935 Summit...... 50 • 1,450 00 650 30,950 00 32,400 00 .209,013 Wright , **80* *4,*4()6'66' 575 32,850 00 37,250 00 393,819

$18,0.01 59 $24,400 00 $568,139 31 $610,540 90

Schuyler County.

; 25] Catharine. ' 100 < $1,257 00 $300 $5,400 00 $200 $6,200 00 $12,857 00 $297,030 Cayuta ... 10' 220 00 300 3,900 00 200 3,000 00 7,120 00 66,230 *Dix $ 200 \ Hector... 150 9,010 00 300 21,300 00 \ 300 \ 28,560 00 58,870 00 1,580,772 ] 200 \ Montour. 100 750 00 300 7,800 00 i 300 5,000 00 13,550 00 611,281 •Orange • Reading , 50 2,207 80 1,500 00 n,885 00 21,572 80 514,164 Tyrone .. 200 10,800 00 10,800 00 433,581 ____! $13,444 80 $39,900 00 $71,425 00 $124,769 80

Seneca County. Covert;.. $iii $4,012 00 $300 .$9,300 00 $815 $22,S20 00 $36,132 00 Fayette. 5,000 00 20,671 13 25,671 13 1,748,219 5 300 > 900 00 300 6,600 00 30,000 00 37,500 00 766,717 Junius 100 \ 1,000 s Lodi 100 4.527 83 300 6,600 00 300 29.500 00 40,627 83 Ovid 300 4,000 00 300 7,400 00 265 10,600 00 22.000 00 1,053,316 Romulus 100 4,950 00 300 8,900 00 1,065 • 25,560 00 •39,410 00 947,069 Seneca Falls . 100 12,000 00 300 27,000 00 1,000 15,900 00 54,900 00 1,566,202 Tyre... 100 1,600 00 300 6,000 00 300 6,200 00 13,800 00 533,275 < 300 I Varidk.... 100 4,100 00 300 7,200 00 \ 1,065 \ 42,340 00 53,640 00 788,275 Waterloo 100 10,000 00 300 13,800 00 772 56,360 00 80,160 00 1,251,041

$51,039 83 2,800 00 $259,951 13 $403,840 96

St. Lawrence Ccunty. S lOto ) Brasher.... i 50$ $913 00 $400 $16,400 00 300 j $7,900 00 $25,213 00 |413,523 3,377 Canton .... 50 4,600 00 300 18,000 00 300 14,700 00 37,300 00 1,474,567 6,379 Colton 50 650 00 400 1,600 00 2,250 00 367,783 1,400 Be Kalb ... .300 6,600 00 387 12,400 00 19,000 00 539,8S6 3,182 De Peyster. 119 $390 00 50 600 00 300 3,300. 00 400 2,800 00 7,090 00 347,441. 1,249 Edwards. 300 4,128 92 4,128 92 191,072 1,287 Fine...... 50 107 00 300 1,284 00 1,391 00 54,630 519 Fowler 366 00 8,500 00 8,8S6 00 281,370 1,808 $ 300 \ Governeur.. 50 1,750 00 \ 600 \ 28,200 00 29,950 00 S 200 Hammond . 50 1,400 00 M75 8,850 00 10,250 00 414,623 1,968 Hermon ... 5'0 800 00 300 5,400 00 * 300 4,500 00 10,700 00 231,874 1,690 S 200 \ Hopkinton. 10 465 00 300 6,420 00 ) 300 \ 8,200 00 15,085 00 502,700 1,990 Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—St. Lawrence County—Continued. o Assessed Populat'n, *TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rata. 1864. Total. valuation, 1864. I860,

Lawrence. $300 $10,200 00 $300 $2,700 00 $12,900 00 2,S28 5 700 > Lisbon.... $50 $3,000 00 400 22,800 00 I 900 S 6,900 00 32,700 00 906,689 5,640 UOj \ 200 I Louisville.. ) 50 < 946 00 310 8,004 20 \ 300 \ 8,800 00 17,750 20 357,848 2,310 Macomb . .. 900 00 900 00 195,202 1,816 Madrid 50 500 00 300 5,600 00 6,100 00 522,845 1,978 Massena... 50 2,350 00 300. 9,000 00 300 3,900 00 15,250 00 423,115 2,925 Morristown. 200 2,750 00 2,750 00 411,782 2,284 $ 300 \ Norfolk ... 300 3,600 00 \ 400 <. 7,800 00 11,400 00 333,333 2,329 . *Oswegatchie. P^a-rishville. .. 300 5,100 00 300 '5,700 00 10,800 00 375,120 2,296 Pierrepont ... 50 1,400 00 300 5,135 00 300 1,500 00 8,035 "00 297,851 2,267 *Pitcairn Potsdam , *50 6,859 89* 300 28,379 00 300 21,600 00 56,838 89 817,175 6,737 Rossie ...... 50 700 00 300 6,800 00 7,500 00 210,370 1,609 Russell ...... *50* 2,500 00 100 3,200 00 5,700 00 281,390 2,380 Stockholm $460 00 1,000 00 9,954 00 9,931 00 21,345 00 * 666,563 4,074 Wadding ton . 'so* 1,150 00 33 10,592 00 326 12,714 00 24,456 00 567,076 2,768

$850*00 $30,883 89 $175,657 20 $198,257 92 $405,649 01

Steuben County. •Addison Avoca ... $300 $8,400 00 . $550 $33,850 00 $42,250 00 $407,745 1,885 Bath 518 106,950 00 106,950 00 Bradford. $25 $650 00 300 9,000 00 550 13,750 00 23,400 00 244,527 * Cameron. Campbell . 10 630 00 300 6,900 00 16,750 00 24,280 00 { 200 ) Canisteo. 300 10,500 00 *S50$ 4050 00 56,550 00 337,474 2,337 Caton 300 6,300 00 758 32,100 00 38,400 00 250,851 Cohoeton... 50 3,500 00 385 53,100 00 56,600 00 •Corning.. •Dansville , ( 300 I Erwin I 500 J 27,000 00 27,000 00 622,676 •Fremont.... Greenwood... 28,700 00 28.700 00 238,947 Hartsville.... 3,900 16,250 00 20,150 00 189,619 •Hornby Hornellsville. *6J6o6- 136,200 00 142,200 00 ( 300 ) Howard $25 $625 00 50 1,600 00 300 •9,600 1 550 S 35,150 00 46,975 00 ( 300 ) Jasper.. 430 00 1 1,000 $ 32,900 00 33,330 00 347,413 Lindley. till 389 10,475 00 10,475 00 332,362 S 300 ) Prattsburgh. \ 550 ] 60,950 00 60,950 00 203,542 $ 800 to I Pultney 50 1,700 00 300 6.600 \ 950 $ 26,750 00 35,050 00 423,439 Rathbone.... 40 1,000 00 300 9,000 508 14,250 00 '24,250 00 Thurston 20,750 00 20,750 00 '187,' 694 Troupsburgh . 6,471 51,829 23 58,301 20 i 300 j Tuscarora... 300 5,400 i 800 < 12,800 50 18,200 50 307,796 •Urbana .... •Wayland,.. Wayne 50 650 00 30 6,300 00 786 19,650 00 26,600 00 264,893 West Union. 25 360' 00 300 4,500 00 687 22,700 00 27,560 00 146,276 Wheeler .... 17 812 00 300 6,600 00 23,260 00 30,672 00 392,366 Woodhull... 350 20,193 00 20,193 00 376,346

$625 00 $7,832 00 $108,971 97 2,357 73 $979,786 70

Suffolk County.

Brookhaven. .. | 150 < $29,000 00 $300 $104,310 00 $133,310 00 $2,388,200 36,547 91 879,252 East Hampton , ioo' 7,000 00 347 29,547 91 Huntington 26,744 25 $331 $50,243 66 525 86,030 00 163,017 25 1,918,250 Islip ioo 9,400 00 59,000 00 68,400 00 1,157,417 River Head..., 13,100 00 510 59,334 00 72,434 00 736,000 125 Abstract of ^Reports from Supervisors.—Suffolk County—Continued.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1864. 1860.

$102 $1,435 00 $51.4 $6,693 00 $8,128 00 $123,315 506 100 8,000 00 500 33,000 00 41,000 00 676,075 2,130 5 375 > $27,500 00 $300 $40,000 00 } 500 S 65,000 00 132,500 00 100 17,600 00 400 92,670 00 110,270 00 1,531,500 5,833

$27,500 00 $112,279 25 $90,243 00 $535,584 91 $765,697 16

Sulh van County

$700 $17,000 00 $17,000 00 850 54,050 00 54,050 00 $286,118 3,174

600 19,800 00 19,800 OO 352,600 3,333 750 9,000 00 9,000 00 81,500 911 700 15,400 00 15,400 00 114,817 1,728

23,000 00 23,000 00 347,000 3,016 < 250 I $15 $60 00 I 800 $ 15,956 00 16,016 00 216,456 970

25,700 00 25,700 00 14,500 00 14,500 00 22,800 00 22,800 00 1,000 13,000 00 13,000 00 104,300 in

$60 00 $230,206 00 $230,266 00 Tioga County. Barton . $500 $13,123 00 $13,123 00 $760,550 4,234 Berkshire $50 $1,200 00 25 300 CO $360 $4,000 00 5,500 00 140,805 1.151 •Candor <* •Newark Valley. Nichols . . "366' 1,800 00 1,800 0,0 342,085 1,932 Owego $8,000 00 4,000 00 12,000 00 2,283,087 8,935 Richford . 3,000 00 3,000 00 133,370 1,404 Spencer "391* 7,822 00 7,822 00 228,431 1,881 Tioga "oOo'oO* 500 00 20,000 00 21,000 00 573,750 3,202

$8,000 00 $5,700 00 $13,923 00 $36,622 00 $64,245 00

Tompkins County. ($10 Caroline . [ 100 $4,040 00 $4,040 00 Danby. 25 1,875 00 1,875 00 $435,016 2,261 900 ) S 60 I Dryden 13,407 00 1,000 J $21,100 00 34,507 00 1,143,826 4,962 Enfield ( 100 s 700 00 800 2,200 00 2,900 00 •Groton •Ithaca..... •Lansing.. •Newfield ... Ulysses $2,540 00 SIT 8,000 00 6,000 00 16,540 00 771,239 3,339 $2,540 00 $28,022 00 129,300 00 $59,862 00

Ulster County.

Denning. $50 00 $500 $7,500 00 $7,550 00 $49, 724 1,073 50 1,475 00 $50 $4,400 00 500 57,500 00 63,375 00 931, 125 4,734 Gardiner $1,700 00 2,000 00 3,700 00 566 453 2,096 Hardenburgh . 300 1,500 00 800 6,400 00 7,900 00 034 505

Hurley 650 00 $ 330 > 37,910 00 38,560 00 426 426 2,364 f Kingston., I 500 $' •j- No bounties paid. Abstract of Reports from Supervisors.—Ulster County—-Continued.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. • 1864. Total. valuation. 1860. 1864.

$50 $1,370- 00 $1,370 00 100 3,900 00 3,900 00 $464,955 2,776 S 601 I ioo > 3,100 00 3,100 00 690,540 2,023 —'- |ioo| 2,800 00 • 2,800 00 414,767 1,918 1,200 60 1,200 00 731,191 4,539 50 630 00 630 00 489,085 2,826

$4,500 00 4,500 00 168,731 2,430 m 3,500 00 3,500 00 $25 650 00 650 00 335,360 1,858

$1,700 00 $20,675 00 $5,900, 00 $114,460 00 . $142,735 00

War re ri County.

$50 $50 ao., $300 $4,500 00 $644 $21,900 00 $26,450 00 $106,640 1,2S9 \ 250 I 53 106 00 \ 350 \ 3,900 00 1,000 18,000 00 22,006 00 { 400 I 800 00 J 800 \ 48,039' 22 48,839 22 212,614 2,411 • 8,29^ 56 8,293 56 56,462 708 S 600'j [.800 J 28,645 62 28,645 62 *89,822 1,542 50 1,200 00 300 11,000 00 28,802 00 41,002 00 197,787 2,188 225 00 130 71 16,185 00 16,540 71

• 50 100 ( 300 ) S \ S 1 1,542,540 7,146 r 1Queensbury ... 8,292 00 I 300 $ 8, 804 02 i 800 S- 116,360 09 133,456 11 Stony Creek ., QC Thurman 50 500 00 300 000 00 800 '20.000 00 25,500 00 76,655 1,084 Q W arrensburgh. 50 900 00 300 5, 000 00 800 21,700 00 27,600 00 162,294 , 1,704 S $11,273 00 $39 134 73 $•327/925 49 $378,333 22 tz! p Washington County. O.

$350 I Argyle $1,600 00 000 \ $77,300 '00 $78,900 00 ' $1,210,785 3,139 Cambridge. $92 1,476 00 $500 $1,000 00 615 54,980 00 57,450 00 1,062,252 ' 2,419 Dresden . .. 477 11,450 00 11,450 00 85,859 779 Easton 7,418 00 29,550*00* 49,900 00 86,863 00 1,642,940 3,083 $ 350 ) Fort Ann 4,900 00 500 16,500 00 \ 900 \ 47,350 00 68,750 00 716,588 3,127 25 I 5 350 I Fort Edward . • 100 < 5,300 00 500 27,500 00 I 1,000 $ 57,750 00 90,550 00 958,270 3,544 I 350 I O Granville .. 100 4,355 65 500 11,500 00 I 1,200 \ * 73,357 97 89,213 62 1,021,713 « 3,474 -Greenwich . 1,900 00 325 25,500 00 695 • 60,694 82 88,094 82 1,763,932 3,941 S 350? Hampton ., 1,150 $ 26,206 00' 26,206 00 265,142 876 Hartford.. 100 800 00 46,270 00 47,070 00 845,712 2,046 Hebron 5,000 00 2.200 00 53,600 00 60,800 00 961,320 2,543 Jackson . . 150 00 12,172 10 27,200 00 39,522 10 Kingsbury. 602 85,500 00 85,500 00 1,014,360 3,471 , 100 >350 > Putnam . ! 500 3,100 00 > 600 S 8,350 00 11,450 00 181,557 754 i 25 i ' 300 I Snlem • 100 1 1,575 00 500 14,000 00 ,000 $ 53,220 00 68,795 00 1,160,911 3,181 White Creek, ' 200 ' 2,752 24 500 13,500 00 510 32,4/42 00 48,694 24 Whitehall . .. $2,500 00 50 8,000 00 300 18,700 00 750 57,000 00 86,200 00 1,661,993 4,862

$2,500 00 $45,220 89 $175,222 10 $822,570 79 $1,045,513 78

\ No bounties paid. OX Abstract of Reports from Supervisors— Continued.-— Wayne County. OS

\ Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS. Bate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 1864. 1860.

^ Arcadia. • $500 $23,500 00 $23,500 00 . $1,673,654 5,319 Butler. . 271 •. 11,950 00 11,950 00 645,241 2,338 \ $2, (100 j ^ralen...... • 10S0I $2,200 00 \ 600 38,000 00 40.200 00 1,910,008 5,346 Huron..... 600 21,600 00 21,600 00 Lyons ..... 400 35,452 00 35,452 00 Macodon. .. -300 14,100 00 14,100 00 1,286,473 2,523 Marion .... 500 4,000 00 4,000 00 600,199 2,033 f Ontario. * Palmyra ... 100 -6,1.00 00 300 3,300 00 9,400 00 1,541,928 4,232 Rose ...... 500 12,500 00 12,500 00 596,770 2,119 •Savannah.. Sodus. 42,000 00 42,000 00 fWalworth. ' 31 Williamson 100 4,600 00 300 8,100 00 12,700 00 602,337 2,681 Wolcott., 37,550 00 37,550 00 636,552 3,063

$12,900 00 $252,052 00 $264,952 00

Westchester County, S $300 Bedford $100 $12,500 00 \ 375 $20,000 oo $62,000 00 $94,500 00 $1,597,113 3,639 Cortland , 17,000 00 250 84,851 15 101,851 15 3,464,200 10, 074 •East Chester. |100? 300 , ( 700 \ Greenburgh. \ 300 \ 20,000 00 400 « 40,000 00 ^ 800 J 126,162 03 186,162 03 . 5,101,772 8,929 Harrison.... 5,0CO 00 320 ' 9,900 00 482 28,300 00 43,200 00 931,770 * 1,413 ( 300 ) Lewisborough . 200 8^600 00 \ '600 \ 25,725 00 34,325 00 986,699 1,885 ( 600 { Mamaroneck ., . 77 3,188 55 i 350 $ - 21,349 00 24,537 55 i.• ...... {106 \ Morrisania 50 6,131 65 \ 320$ 92,905 68 99,037 33 • 2,142,930 9,245 Mount Pleasant . 83 12,000 00 261 18,070 00 676 66,311 00 98,381 00 2,069,608 4,517 S351) I New Castle ... 100 4,568 08' 14,840 00 19,408 08_ 830,922 4. 1,817 I 650 J 300 I New Rochelle. 350 J 3,000 00 I 325 \ 58,500 00 61,500 00 1,805,577 3jl59 I 700 I 100 North Castle .. 75 4,105 00 300 7,320 00 S I 26,396 00 37,820 00 803,865 ^ 2,487 [350 $ U00 \ North Salem . 4,700 00 19,600 00 24,300 00 125 13,300 00 27,30.0 00 . 725 60,300 00 100,900* 00 Ossining* IIS! 300 325 10,400 00 4,200 00 34,500 00 • 49,100 00 664,048 1,026 Pelham. 300 647 150 1,500 00 9,000 00 15,000 00 25,500 00 Poundridge . • 300 750 14,500 00 103,000 00 117,500 00 •x. Bye...... 300 760 1,490 00 7,400 00 10,800 00 474,195 648 Scarsdale 117 - 2,000 00 300 372 •298 5 300 } 24,130 00 1,628,146 2,012 Sbmers . - 100 .4,000 00 300 8,323 00 I 500 j 11,807 00 \ 300 I Westchester \ 400 J 11,500 00 325 18,850 00 650 51,910 00 82,260 00 •West Farms.. •White Plains. , 100 I J250 * Yonkers . . i 150 < 35.000 00 300 100,000 00 1-500 $ 60,000 00 195,000 00 6,144,800 11,848 Yorktown. ' 65 4,644 44 264 4,000 00 ' 405 49,100 00 67,744 44

$178,437 72 $287,853 00 1,021,955 86 $1,488,246 58

Wyoming Comity. Attica...... $300 • $12,000 00 $400 $18,400 00 $30,400 00 $687,895 2,547 Bennington > $25 $1,000 00 425 14,025 00 400 26,500 00 41,625 00 437,506 2,615 •Castile.. China. 300 7,800 00 400 20,000 00 27.800 00 420,566 2,037 Covington "i,* 085* 00*' 300 9,884 00 146 . 4,225 00 15,194 00 474,054 1,286 •Eagle...... Gainesville...... 300 9,800 00 200 8,100 00 17,900 00 505,313 1,732 Genesee Falls 700 90 123 1,723 00 691 6,169 00 8^92 90 200,278 1,020 $ 300 I ,Java . 300 9,300 00 $ 500 S 22,100 00 31,400 00 467,050 2,358 f No bounty paid by tax on these towns; paid by individual subscription. Abstract of Reports'from Supervisors.— Wyoming CounContinued.

Assessed Populat'n, TOWNS, * Rate. In 1861. Rate. 1862. Rate. 1863. . Rate. 1864. Total. valuation, 'I860. 1864.

$16,900 00 $16,900 00 S $100 \ I 250 $ $1,150 00 50Q 14,000 00 15,150 Q0 $338,120 1,419 100 4,300 00 $300 $9,eoo 00 309 17,918 00 31,818 00 983,039 '2,452 Pike..., 25 750 00 800 8,400 00 500 17,200 00 26,350 00 411,455 1,824 50 1,150 00 409 17,590 00 340 20,800 00 89,540 00 416,931 2,794 Warsaw ...... • . 500 48,500 00 48,500 00 995,076 2,958 Wethersfield ijiio'ei" 4,657 50 6,068 19 351,872 1,583

$10,135,90 $101,532 69 $245,469 50 $357,138 08

Yat es County,

fMilo h . • $450 $23,950 00 $32,950 00 |l,028,131 2,542 $1,000 00 I 150 \ 1,550 00 . 2,550 00 637,965 1,364 $1,000 00 $24,500 00 $.25,500 00

f No bounties paid, RECAPITULATION.—Abstract from (he Reports of the Supervisors of the foregoing Towns (111 in numb-r), showing the amrunt of mousy paid by them for Bounties in the years 1861, 1862, 18.63 and 1864.

COUNTIES* Number of towns. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. Toiais. ft?

Albaav 5 towns $48,472.50 $14,420 $5,000 00 $67,893 31 O Allegany.... 28 -do .... $1,400 00 26,110 54 121.315 511,984 34 660,810. 34 Broom e ..... 13 do 3,55,0 00 36,056 243,024 32' 282,630 38 Cattaraugus. 24 do ,. 610 00 28,601 00 36,958 358,607 00 424.776 59 W Cayuga. 20 clo 50 00 15,971 22 7,197- 286,414 73 309,633 73 Chautauqua. 26 do complete. 12,633 00 100,N20 13 163,362 854.1.06 85. 1,136,922 15 -Chemung. ... 7 do 3,400 00 48,308 245,247 HO 296,955 80 Chenango ... 17 do 12,950 00 56,784 682,809 06 752,543 71 Clinton 12 do 1,000 00 4,153 76 61,305 168,477 39 234,936 15 Columbia ... 13 do 82,195 55 38,932 402,061 17 623,189 71 3 Cortland 14 do 33,070 38 67,813 35-9,965 76 460,849 19 Delaware ... 18 do ...... 39*515 00 85,500 729.906 00 854,921 00 Duchess . .. 14 do 175 00 111,215 27 2,750 670,527 44 784,667 71 Erie 17 do 1,000 00 4S,.453 00 10,839 2,763 88 •63,055 88 Essex....-.. 18 do complete.. 1,300 00 9,644 13 113,759 281,750 00 406,453 13 Franklin .., 16 do clo .. 16,550 00 65,327 225.907 85 307,785 50 K-3 Fulton. 10 do do .. 33,590 00 64.255 •467.485 00 665,330 00 > Genesee 12 do 12,567 73 . 10,453 244,818 31 267.'839 1.3 Greene...... 5 do 7,925 00 5.036 12,961 64 Hamilton ... 6 do 594 00 2.570 18,500 00 21,664 00 % Herkimer ... 16 do 1,650 00 • 74,889 51 148,008 364,457 19 589,005 47 W 333,475 16 > Jefferson.... 17 do 5,650 00 55,327 08 64,516 207,982 00 ....! 14,460 00 H5 Kings...... 3 do 2,860 00 3,000 S,600 00 m 182,466 20 Lewis 13 do 2,300 00 15,300 00 38,845 126,021 20 H 120,082 724,177 00 Livingston . . 17 do complete. 300 00 70,434 00 532,481 00 rH 388,655 30 Madison .... 13 clo 500 00 40,750 00 16,491 330,914. 00 Cl 563.749 23 Monroe ..... 17 do 1,650 00 11,032 98 651,066 25 904,148 63 Montgomery. 10 clo complete. 19,464 00 77,739 90 88,047 00 718,897 73 New York... Niagara.. 3 towns 943 00 15,800 00 16,743 00 Oneida-...... 20 do 1,500 00 22,916 64 3,351, 00 472',996 90 500,764 54 Onondaga 19 do complete.. 1/ffOQ 00 16,880 00 11,509 00 65,411 00 95,400 00 (SO Recapitulation—-Continued.

COUNTIES. Number of towns. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. Totals.

Ontario . 13 towns $59,624 47 $1,033 08 $31,900 00 Orange.. 19 do complete. 9,000 00 21,250 00 917,451 10 Orleans . 8 do ...r $28 00 3,431 00 1,125 00 207,497 55 Oswego . 16 do 800 00 8,206 00 10,453 00 145,290 80 23 do 110 00 75,751 47 78,541 16 1,032,889 74 Putnam 6 do complete. . 50,6S7 67 21,164 50 134,033 00 Queens...... 4 do 77,914 00 Rensselaer . .. 11 do 17,151 31 33,416 51 485,511 24 fRichmond... Rockland .. 4 towns, complete. 10,960 00 73,045 00 309,530 64 Saratoga 17 do 200 00 60,225 81 135,153 51 794,554 92 Schenectady.. 2 do 11,800 00 18,644 00 74,375 00 Schoharie 13 do 18,001 59 24.400 00 568,139 31 Schuyler 6 do ...... •13,444 80' 39,900 00 71,425 00 Seneca. 10 do complete, 51,089 83 92,800 00 259,951 13 St. Lawrence. 27 do v 850 00 30,883 89 175,657 20 198,257 92 Steuben. 24 do 625 00 7.832 00 108,971 97 862,357 73 Suffolk 9 do complete. 27,500 00 112,279 -25 90,243 00 535,584 91 Sullivan 11 do 60 00 230,206 00 Tioga...... 7 do 8,000 00 5.700 00 13,923 00 36,622 00- Tompkins .... 5 do 2,540 00 28,022 00 29,300 00 Ulster 14 do ...... 1,700 00 20,675 0Q ooToo' 114,460 00 Warren ...... 10 do 11,273 00 39,134 73 327,925 49 Washington ..« 17 do complete. 2,500 00 45,. 220 89 175,222 10 822,570 79 Wayne. 12 do 12,900 00 252,052 00 Westchester.« 21 do ,. « 178,437 72 287,853 00 1,021,955 86 • Wyoming 14 do 10,135 90 1015532 69 245,469 50 Yates 2 do 1,000 00 24,50t? 00

771 towns. #97,635 00 $l,965jl.S6 92 $3,058,001 54 j $19,887,775 80


COUNTIES. Rate. Paid in 1861. Rate. Paid in 1862. Rate Paid in 1863. Rate. Paid in 1864. Total paid. w fed1—4 *d \ $300 \ o Albany , $50 $179,170 21 $300 $640,109 63 \ 900 < $1,844,273 37 12,663,553 21 *5 Allegany . 26,823 27 338,660 30 365,483 57 Broome. 300 146,700 00 300 242,300 00 389,000 00 W Cattaraugus. 270,230 27 270,230 27 fel• ( 300 1 ts* j 600 I 4,800 00 \ 650 [ 990,250 00 1,031,550 00 Cayuga 100 | 36,500 00 100 I { 700) \Chautauqua « f Chemung ... o Chenango.... 50 60,001 09 300 159,331 91 219,333 00 ( 300 ) 3 Clinton . 25 7,400 00 200 57,275 00 1400 y 210,875 00 275,550 00 ( 500 ) Columbia . 50 64,283 95 325 60,000.00 325 275,419 49 399,703 44 i 300 I Cortland... 300 133,500 00 '1,000 s 392,455 00 525,955 00 j-Delaware . s Duchess ... $50 $80,000 00 300 250,000 00 300 95,000 00 425,000 00 Erie 50 201,000 00 100 500,000 00 600 1,150.000 00 1,851,000 00 Essex. 396 40 380,702 62 380,702 62 Franklin... 300 96,600 00 96,600 00 m Fulton...... 48 28,000 00 300 93,900 00 121,900 00 ; 250 < Genesee 50 36,700 00 323 120,156 00 I 400 < 336,6S3 01 493,539 01 ; 850 \ Greene . .. > 350 < 883,350 00 883,350 00 o Hamilton. 3,456 00 13,500 00 16,956 00 Herkimer. 50 56,000 00 300 245^900 00 301,900 00 Jefferson.. 1,094,000 00 1,094,000 00 Kings .... 60 385,274 95 'soo* 291,000 00 '300 2,423,020 00 3,099,294 95 Abstract of Reports from Treasurers—Continued.

Paid in 1863. Rate. Paid in 1864. j Total paid. COUNTIES. Rate. Paid in 1861. Rate. Paid in 1862. Rate.

S $100 \ \ 500 j $298,670 00 $298,670 00 Lewis 300 } $50 i 899,235 00 1,100,649 00 1 $300 $121,485 00 1,000 < Livingston. . — 25 $7.9,929 00 CO tMadison ...... o •Monroe 195,549 44 o "26*660" 6b "366 '"175^549 44 7,355,917 20 . a Montgomery 1,455,340 57 300 5,900,576 63 300 981,471 00 Hew York 125,000 00 816,321 00 50 "-40,150 00 300 Niagara ...... ( 300} > 1,232,392 07 399,750 52 1 400 V- . 673,159 84 50 159,481 71 300 * Oneida... (500 ) 2,208,675 00 7,650 00 2,103,625 00 50 97,400 00 50 Onondaga ( 300 ? 1,076,550 00 1,229,895 00 30,000 00 300 123,345 00 Ontario .'. 20 I 1,000 J 411,900 00 411,900 00 to Orange... J315 j O 205,500 00 375,500 00 75 20,000 00 300 150,000 00 Orleans . 600 717,000 00 1,516,800 00 50 126,600 00 300 673,200 00 Oswego O •(Otsego •j-Putnam ...... 5.15 40 847,310 17 1,139.487 17 25 41,657 00 '315' 250,520 00 Queens..*. 1,400,000 00 1,400,000 00 'W Rensselaer "$350 ) 740,050 00 300 93,500 00 \ 800 $ Richmond $100 $35,000 00 100 20,000 00 591,550 00 •j-Rockland '"366 V •853,007 00 50 50,000 00 ! 1,200 J Saratoga 803,0«7 00 29,150 00 Schnectady 50 29,150 00 fSchoharie. 190,200 00 190,200 00 Schuyler 308,060 00 387,660 00 'lO,'666 00 69,600 00 Seneca. '700) '806,200.00 800 y 806,200 00 St. Lawrence. L900 ) fSteuben. f Suffolk.. Sullivan . 300 47,400 00 350 210,000 00 257,400 00 J300 J Tioga.... 8,000 > 700 S 308,400 00 316,400 00 300 Tompkins ... 300 18,796 00 i (300 375,745 20 394,541 20 w 300 2,400 00 ' 800 2,002,1,^0 79 2,008,880 79 Ulster ...... 4,350 00 W Warren. 50 15,000 00 15,000 00 Washington. • 50 70,405. 23 70,405 23 ( 500) o Wayne 100 45,950 00 300 2 600 V- 824,400 00 870,350 00 |70o y Westchester . 562,000 00 562,000 00 •w 5*3007' Wyoming 300 35,000 00 I 400 $ 327,347 00 362,347 00 \ 300 > a Yates. 20 11,080 00 300 118,800 00 > 950 < 354,100 00 483,980 00 w $123,000 00 $1,846,306 42 $6,274,233 16 $34,455,538 59 $42,699,078 17 o * No report received from this county. \ No bounties pa id by county.

S-T >-3



• i1 • • i. CITIES. Rate. Paid in 1861. Rate. Paid in 1862. Rate. Paid in 1863. | Rate. Paid in 1864. Total paid. !

$206,300^00 $100 $239,600 00 $300 $615,0QO 00 $1,060,900 00

.- 486,475 00 6,000 -00 492,475 00 $300 50,697 00 700 235,000 00 285,6-97 00 S 500 ) 300 66,200 00 } 600 $ 545,800 00 612,000 00 - 100 12,100 00 300 .41,380 00 1,000 173,880 00 227,360 00

S 50I $ 300 ) 157 57 60 •26,640 00 \100) 37,230 00 i ?oo i 444,681 70 508,709^27

$206,457 57 $764,815 00 $201,507 00 $2,014,361 70 $3,187,1.41 27

f The city of Oswego has not paid any bounties, except by private subscription and volunteer relief to soldiers' families. * ifa report received. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 155



First Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags and two guidons. (A.)—Regimental banner, silk, much worn. Presented to regi• ment by-the city of New York. * (B.)—National flag of regiment, siik. (C.)—Two guidons. Fifth Regiment -Vol. Infantry-—^!.'wo flags. (A.)—National flag, silk ; streamers attached are embroidered . , as follows: "Fidele a 1'on trance," on the red. Pre• sented to regiment, The staff is half cut in two by a shot. (B.)—National flag, silk ; inscription upon a silver plate on the staff—" Presented by the City of New York, 1863." Sixth Regiment Vol. Infantry. (A.)—National flag, silk, with the following inscriptions : " Santa Rosa, Fort Pickens, Nov. 22 and 23, and; Jan. 1; Pen- sacola, Irish Bend, Vermillion." On the staff is a silvered plate with the following engraving : "Pre• sentee! to the 6th regiment, Col. Wilson's Zouaves, by several ladies of New. York city, June. 1861. (B.)—Banner. Presented by the city of New York, bearing upon each side the city arms,-inscribed with the fol- *' - * # lowing words : " Fort Pickens, Nov. 22 and 23, Jan, 1 ; Santa Rosa, Pensacola, Irish Bend and Vermillion. ' (C.)—-Two guidons. Presented to regiment by T, C. Burns.

Tenth Regiment Vol: Infantry. • (A.)—National'flag, silk. It was the first American flag raised over the Custom House at Norfolk, Va., after its re-

# covery by Union troops, and was borne"in the seven days before Richmond, 2d Bull Run, Antietam and Fredericksburgh. At the latter place it was shot from

the hands of the bearer. .Several of1 the guard'were. . killed under it. 156 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF f EM

(B.)—Regimental banner, with staff and spear-head—the latter struck by a shot. This flag was captured by a Georgia, regiment in the second battle at Bull Run (August, was ta ken to Milledgeville, where it was displayed in the capitol as a trophy. It was recap• tured by Gen. Slocum's column of Gen. Sherman's army, on the march from Atlanta to Savannah. Col. Rodgers, of Gen. Slocum's staff, removed the flag from the capitol, and transmitted it to the Bureau of Mili• tary Statistics through'. Maj. Gen. Daniel Butterfield.

Tivelfth Regiment- Vol. Infantry—National flag, silk, faded,, much worn. Presented to the regiment by the ladies of Syracuse, May 2, 1861, upon their departure for the field, and placed in the State archives aftey their return, upon their expiration of service. The 12th was in the following battles : Blackburn's Ford,, siege of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Gaines' Hill, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run and Fredericks- burgh.

Thirteenth Regiment Vol. I?ifantry.-T—Three flags, two the na• tional colors and one an embroidered banner, have been returned by the 13th regiment to the custody of the State for preservation.

(A.)—The-regimental banner, silk, rich, was presented by the ladies of Rochester, embroidered with United States

arms ; motto/'4 God and our.country," in gold letters.

(B.)—The new national flag was carried in the first battle of Bull Run only. The holes in-the Union were made upon that occasion.

(C.)—The old national flag was carried habitually on the march and in action.

It participated in the first battle of Bull Run, siege of York- town, battles of Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Turkey Bend, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam (in reserve), Shepardstown and Fredericksburgh.

Fourteentli Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, national, bunt• ing. The 14th regiment received this banner from the hand of Governor Morgan, on its departure for the field, and on the expi• ration of its term of enlistment, it was returned to Gov. Seymour CHIEF. OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY' STATISTICS. 157

soiled and tattered, but not dishonored. It was in the siege of Yorktown and battles of Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville,

Gaines7 Hill, Malvern Hill and Fredericksburgh.

. Sixteenth Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags. These flags were presented by Mrs. Joseph Howland, of Fishkill, N. Y.

(A.)—The banner in June, 1861. (Bl)—The national flag, at Camp Franklin, near Alexandria, in . March, 1862, when Colonel Howland assumed com•

mandof the regiment.1' These flags have been borne in eighteen battles, skirmishes and reconnoisane'es, the principal of which were. West Point, Va.,

Gaines7 Mill, and the six following days of lighting and marching ;

Crampton Gap, Antietam, 1st and 2d Fredericksburgh. At Gaines7 . Mill the color bearers were three times shot down, and every one of the color guard was either killed or wounded, except one. The staff of the regimental flag was struck by a. ball, while in the hands of the color bearer, and the ferule indented so that it could not be moved on the staff. At Crampton Gap, corporal Charles H. Conant was instantly killed by a minnie ball through the head while holding one of the flags, and corporal Robert Watson, of the color guard, was shot through the leg. In this action the regiment, in charging upon the enemy, captured a rebel battle-flag from an Alabama regiment. Upon the expiration of its term of two years, the 16th regiment returned with its colors, which were- presented to his excellency, the Governor, to be deposited in the Bureau of Military Statistics,

the pledge given by the regiment to the donor, to u stand by, de•

fend and preserve them,77 having been faithfully and honorably re• deemed. • •

Seventeenth Regiment Vol. Infantry—Three flags. One na• tional flag and two banners have been returned by this regiment.

(A.)—The national flag, much worn, was presented to the regi• ment by eight lady friends of Col. Lansing. . (B.)—The blue silk banner by the city of New York. This regiment, sometimes known as the "Westchester Chas•

seurs,77 was organized in New York, and participated in the siege of Yorktown, and battles of Hanover Court House (where it cap• tured the first cannon taken from the enemy by the army of the 158 SECOND . ANNUAL REPORT; OF THE

Potomac), Groveton (where it lost 13 officers and 250 men, killed and wounded), Antietam, Fredericksburgh and Chancellorsville.

Eighteenth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, national, silk. Was presented to the 18th regiment, Col. Wm. A. Jackson, by his lady friends of Albany, June 1, 1861, shortly before departure for the field. It bears the inscription, "Rally around them." It was engaged in the battles of first Bull Run, West Point, Gaines' Mill; Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, Crampton Pass, Antietam; 1st and 2d Fredericksburgh and Chancellorsville- Upon the expiration of the term of enlistment, this regiment re• turned home, and the colors were placed in the custody of the State. ' . -

Twenty second Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, national silk. There are forty-six bullet holes in the flag. On the staff is a break where it was struck by a shot; strengthened by a tin band.

Twenty-fourth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, national flag, silk. Inscribed upon one side is "Falmouth, Rappahannock Sta• tion, Warrenton Springs, Gainesville, Groveton, 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburgh, Rappahannock Cross• ing, Chancellorsville," and upon the other : " 24th Regiment, Iron Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps."

Twenty-fifth Regiment [Vol. Infantry—National flag, silk, no staff; the flag is "much worn iind torn ; it was borne with honor in the following actions : Siege of Yorktown, New Market, Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Chickahominy. Malvern Hill, Groveton, Antietam; Shepardstown, Fredericksburgh, and Chancellorsville. •

Twenty-sixth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One. flag, national, bunt• ing.—-This flag was transmitted to the State archives, with the fol• lowing letter : . "To Gen. J. T. SPEAGUE, Adjutant General, N. Y. : Sir : I have the honor to return to the custody of the State of New York, the colors carried. by this regiment since June, '1861.* They have been borne through every battle of Eastern Virginia, and under their folds have Mien five good and true men. ' * . # We return them to the State from which we received them, well knowing they will be cherished as mementoes of the living and CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 159

the dead. They*bear the marks of bullets, and of the blood of those who defended them, and, as such, will always be regarded with respect and veneration by those .who are left to mourn the loss of their comrades on the field of battle. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, *R. H. RICHARDSON, . Colonel Commanding 26th JV Y. Vol.

. Twenty-seventh Regiment Vol. Infantry—two flags. (A.)—National, silk. The 27th regiment received this flag, May 22d, 1861, from company G, and this company the same day received it from' Mrs. Philip Church, of Bel- videre. It was borne in the battles of 1st Bull Run,

Mechaiiicsville, West Point, Gaines7 Mill, Goldsbo-' rough's Farm, Chickahominy, White Oak Creek, Mal• vern Hill, Crampton Pass, Antietam, and the 1st and

2d battles of Fredericksburgh. The bearer at Gaines7

Mill was severely wrounded. The flag has been many times struck by the enemy's shot, and the larger holes were made by fragments of shell. A star in the case appended to the lance; was literally shot out of the flag while the regiment was storming the Heights of Fredericksburgh, in May, 1863. It was contributed to the Bureau of Military Statistics by A. L. Van Ness, of Dansville, N. Y., who was the color bearer in that assault. (B.)—National, silk. Flag presented to. Company H, May 16, 1861, by the ladies of Mount Morris ; returned by the company to the* donors, May 21, 1863, and by the lat• ter presented to the Bureau of Military Statistics, Jan. . 9, 1864.

Twenty-eighth Regiment Vol. Infantry—Guidon. At the bat• tle of Chancellorsville, John Otto Swan, of Medina, aged 15 years, (enlisted as a drummer, and then acted as a marker,) dis• played great activity and energy. A soldier of company E was shot dead, when the boy took this flag from its staff, put it in his pocket, adjusted upon himself the accoutrements^ of the dead soldier, and fought gallantly in the ranks, until with 65 men and 3 officers he was taken prisoner. Concealing the flag under the 160 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

lining of his coat, he kept it with him when taken to Richmond, and managed to bring it away unobserved when exchanged and sent home. ' . ^ The flag is deposited by the lad's father, as an honorable memo• rial of the services of | a patriotic son. The other flags of the regiment were lost in the service.

Twenty-ninth Regiment Vol. Infantry—Three flags and two guidons. " (A.)—National flag, silk, new. (B.)—National flag, silk, much worm Presented by the city of New York/ (C.)—Banner, silk, bearing the following inscription : "Pre• sented by the city of New York," and bearing on both sides the city arms. (D.)—Pair of markers or guidons, belonging to the 29th Regi• ment, and presented to them by the city of New York.

Thirtieth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One national flag, bunting. This regiment participated in the battles of Falmouth, Rappahan• nock Crossing, Gainesville, Groveton, 2d Bull Run, South Moun• tain, Antietam and Fredericksburgh.. At the/ last battle of Bull Run, these colors fell, during the engagement, in the hands of ten different soldiers shot dead on the field. Thirty-six balls passed through the stars and stripes, and the staff was shot into splinters. Fourteen out.of the seventeen line officers fell upon the field; among them was'Col. Edward Frisby, of Albany.

Thirty-second Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—The national flag, silk, was presented to, the 32d regiment, June 28th, 1861, by the Jady of the Hon. William Laimbier, Jr., of . (B.)—Banner, silk, by the city of New York, in the fall of 1861; bears the coat of arms of the city. This regi- . ment was engaged in the first battle of Bull Run, West Point, Gaines' Mill, White 0.ak Swamp, Charles •City Cross Roads, 2d Bull Run, Crampton Pass, Antie• tam, Freclericksburgh and Chancellorsville.

Thirty-fourth Regiment Vol. Infantry-—One flag* national, bunt• ing. This regiment was engaged in the siege of Yorktown and in the battles og West Point, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, PeaclrOrchard Station,"Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, Glenclale, Malvern CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 161

Hill, South Mountain, Antietam, Ashby's. Gap, and Fredericks- burgh. Thirty-fifth Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags. Banner, silk, richly embroidered with the State arms and motto, and the follow• ing inscription : "Jefferson Co. 35th Regiment N. Y. S. V., " The Union, The Constitution, and The Enforcement of the Laws." National flag, silk, worn.

Thirty-seventh Regiment Vol. Infantry—Six flags.

Upon the expiration of its two years7 term, it placed in the cus• tody of the Bureau six flags, including two guidons and two desig• nation flags, together with all its papers and records. (A.)—-The national flag, bunting, shows the greatest amount of service, was received by the regiment when it arrived in Washington in July, 1861.. In camp or in bivouack, it was always before the regimental headquarters, and it was borne in the following battles : 1st Bull Run (in reserve), Williamsburgh, Fair Oaks, Glendale, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run,, Chantilly, Fredericksburgh and Chancellorsvilley It was also with the regiment in the siege of Yorktown, and in several skirmishes on the Occoquan, in front of Yorktown, Richmond, &c. (B.)—Green banner, silk, rich; was presented by the city of New York, in February, 1862, and was with the regi• ment in front of Fredericksburgh, and in the battle of Chancellorsville. It is inscribed with the names of

"Williamsburgh," " Fair Oaks/7 "Fredericksburgh,77 " Glendale,"" Malvern Hill." (C.)—New national flag, silk, companion to the green banner,

replaces on the original staff one that wTas lost at Chan• cellorsville. The flag was removed by Lloyd, the bearer, and wrapped around his body, as it was liable to be torn in passing through the tangled brush through which he was obliged to creep. This brave and intel• ligent soldier was killed, and his body was buried without suspecting that the flag was wrapped around his person under his coat. Repeated efforts were made to find his grave, but without success. (D.)—Two designation flags.

Thirty-eighth Regiment Vol. Infantry—Three flags. Thisoregiment, known as the. " Second Scott Life Guard,77 was [Assem.No. 64.] 11 162' " SECOND, ANNUAL' REPORT OF THE

engaged in the siege of Yorktown and the battles of Williams- burgh, Fair Oaks, The Orchard, .Glendale, Charles City Cross T^oads, Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburgh, Chan• cellorsville, and Gettysburg. (A.)—Regimental banner of the 38th Regiment N. Y. Vol., silk. Presented by the city of New York and bearing the, city arms. (B.)—National flag, bunting, worn. (C.)—Designation, flag of headquarters of 1st regiment, 2d brig• ade, 1st division, 3d corps, used by the 38th regiment.

Fortieth Regiment Vol. Infantry—'One flag, national, silk, dark, ragged, with the woifd " Mozart" inscribed. This flag was pre• sented to the regiment at Yonkers, July 3, 1861, by Hon. Fer• nando Wood, mayor pf New York, in behalf of the Union Defense Committee of the city of New York. The flag has been through the siege of Yorktowln, and the battles of Williamsburgh, Fair Oaks, Robinson's Field, Glendale, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Hay market, 2d Bull Run and Chantilly, besides minor engage• ments. A detailed list of the color-bearers and guard accompanied the flag when returned to the custody of the State. Of these 17 are honorably mentioned, of whom 5 were killed in battle, 6 bounded, 2 died of disease contracted in service, and 5 were pro• moted for gallantry on the |ield.

Forty-third Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, national, bunt• ing.

Forty fourth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, national, silk, faded, ragged. The followed inscription is engraved on the plate attached to the staff: Presented by Mrs. Erastus Corning, Albany, October 21, 1861; returned to the donor January, 1863, in ex• change for a new flag, and by her depositediin the Bureau.

Forty-sixth Regiment Vol. Infantry-—Three flags. (A.)—National, silk, bears the following inscription on the staff*: "Presented to the 46th Regiment N. Y. S. V. Viele's * Brigade, [by Mrs. E. L. Viele, of the Union Defense Committer, New York, through their commander, Col. Rudolph;Rosa, Oct. 1.2, 186.1."' (B.)—Regimental banner, silk, with the arms of the city of New York painted upon each side. » I (Q).—National, silk, much worn, The streamers bear the fol- CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 163

lowing inscriptions: '"Antietam, Md,; Fredericks• burgh,. Va. ; East Tennessee, 2d Bull Eun, Chantilly, Va.; South Mountain, Md. ; , S, C. ; Pu• laski, Ga.; James Island, S. C." Fifty-seventji Regiment Vol. Infantry—Owe Hag, national, silk, faded, half gone, shell and bullet holes. Fifty-ninth Reg't 'Vol. Infantry—Four flags and two guidons. (A.)-—The regimental banner of the regiment, was presented by ex-mayor Kingsland of New York, on behalf of citizens of that city- . (B.)—National, silk, tattered. Presented by the city of New York. (C.)—National, silk, worn. Presented by the city of New York. (D.)—National flag, silk, Tumch worn. . (E.)—Two guidons. Presented by the city of New York. The regiment has been engaged in the following battles : Mal• vern Hill, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, first Fredericks• burgh, May res7 Heights, Thoroughfare Gap, Gettysburg, Bristow Station and Mine Run. The loss at Antietam was very severe. Out of twenty-one' offi• cers and three hundred and sixty men, which went into the fight, thirteen officers and two hundred and thirty men were killed, wounded or taken prisoners. Seven of the eight color guard were either killed or wounded, and the remaining one received and brought off .the colors of a'Pennsylvania regiment. The top of the staff of one of the National flags was shattered" by a shell bursting over it at the battle of Fredericksburgh, Dec. 13, 1862. Sixtieth Regiment Vol. Infantry—-Two flags. (A.)—Banner, silk, rich. Inscribed, JEHOVAH-NISSI (the Lord my banner ; see Exodus xvii, 15, 16). (B.)—National, silk, faded, worn.

Sixty-first Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—National, silk, tattered. Was presented by the city of New York, and was used as a parade flag until the Peninsular campaign. It was laid aside until the spring of 1863, when it was again used through the season as a regimental flag. It was carried through' the,battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Auburn, Bristow Station and Mine Run. 164 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

At Gettysburg the color bearer and two of the guard were severely wounded. The loss here was one officer killed and five wounded, and sixty-eight en• listed men killed and wounded. This flag is sent to the State archives for preservation, by Colonel Nelson A. Miles. ; (B.)—National flagj silk, union all gone and three-fourths of stripes gone.

Sixty-fourth Regiment VoI Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—National, bunting, worn. At Gettysburg, on the 2d of July, 1863; this flag was carried by Chauncey McKoon, of company B, who was severely wounded in the * thigh. It was then taken by Edmund Stone, company D, who was killed. It was then raised by sergeant Blackmore, who carried it through the remainder of the battle, and brought it off safe. (B.)—Banner, silk, two-thirds gone.

Seventy-first Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. National, silk, much worn. Inscribed, "Jackson Regiment, N. Y. Vols."

Seventy-fifth Regiment Vol Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—Regimental banner, much worn. Received from the ladies of Auburn, embroidered upon both sides with the Sjfcate military arms and motto. (B.)—National, silk, three-quarters gone.

Seventy-sixth Reginipnt Vol. Infantry—One flag. National, silk, tattered. This flag was presented to the regiment on the steps of the Capitol, in Albany, upon its departure for the field, by Mrs. Campbell, of! York Mills, Oneida county, with public ceremonies, and was carried until December. 1865. It received fifteen musket balls and one twelve pound shot through it in ac• tion. The color bearer, sergeant Champ, was killed at South Mountain. At Gettysburg the cplor bearer was wounded just as

the regiment was falling back,1 and came near being captured, but was rescued by private John Stephens, of company H, who left the ranks under the fire of the enemy, and recovered the flag in safety. He was promoted to a sergeant for his gallantry on that occasion.

Seventy-seventh Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag and one guidon. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 165

(A.)—Banner, silk, rich. This flag was presented, November 29, 1861, by citizens of Saratoga county, resident in New York city. It has been carried in the battle of Lee's Mills, the siege of Yorktown, -battles of Me- chanicsville, Golden's Farm, Garnet's Hill, White Oak Swamp, Crampton Pass, Antietam, Fredericksburgh, Mayres' Heights and Gettysburg. The bearers were sergeant Isaac Bemis, and afterwards corporal Michael McWilliams. In the charge up Mayres' Heights, one of the color guard- was killed, and the flag was torn into shreds by a shell. The design, painted upon each side, is the State motto and military arms, at the side is represented the surrender of Burgoyne in 1777, upon which occa- " sion the American Stars and Stripes are said to have been first displayed. - (B.)—The guide colors (one of which is attached) were pre- ' sented,at the same time and place, have been used during the same period. That on the right of the line was crimson, and that on the left, blue.

Eightieth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. National, silk, much worn. Nine color bearers fell under this flag at the second battle of Bull Run. The regiment lost 35 killed and 232 wounded in the campaign of 1862, while fighting under these colors.

Eighty-first Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags, (A.)—This flag was used as the storm flag of the regiment. It was flying from the colonel's tent at Seven Pines, when the regiment was driven away from that point, on - May 31, 1862. It was left behind, but being remem• bered, was returned for and recovered. The colonel's tent took fire at North-west Landing, Va., March, 1864, and burned the flag somewhat. (B.)—National flag, silk ; borne-by the regiment from Jan. 1st, 1864, to Jan. 1st. 1865. The staff was broken in four ' parts by shot and shell, one of "which (a minnie. ball) struck between the hands of the color sergeant, Evan Michaels, and passed through his body, inflicting a

N mortal wound. The Eagle, surmounting the staff, was carried away by a shot and not recovered. The flag shows thirty-six bullet holes, and in its field are two 168 SECOND ANNUAL 'REPORT OF THE

holes made by cannon shot It was borne in the fol• lowing battles: Violet Station, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, P^etersburgh, Fort Harrison or Chapin's Farm, Fair Oaks, 2cl, and in several skirmishes. It is re• placed in the regiment by a flag awarded by the major general commanding the department, for gallant ser• vices at the battle of Fort Harrison (Chapin's Farm), where the ^regiment captured a redoubt with a battery of artillery, a large-number of prisoners, and. two-bat• tle flags,

Eighty-sixth Jlegiment Vol. Infantry.—National flag, bunting.

This flag was presented to company Br by the ladies of Addison, Steuben county, N. Y., and was regarded as the property of that company until the battle of Chancellorsville, when its captain, William N. Angle, was killed while gallantly leading the company in a charge on the enemy. It was then adopted by the regiment. It was always used as the battle flag of the regiment until the campaign of 1864, and was in the following battles: Bull Run (2d), Manassas Gap, Fredericksburgh, Chancellorsville, Beverly Ford, Gettysburg, Wapping Heights, Auburn/ Kelly's Ford, Orange Grove and Mine Run. Four color sergeants were lost rp

battle wrhile carrying this flag. The lower red, white, and part of •second red stripe is gone, and also ends of stripes, and the flag has about twenty bullet holes in it, ' x

Ninety-first Regiment Vol. Infantry-—One flag. Presented to the regiment by Mrs, J. W. Hareourt, of Albany, on the departure of the regiment for the flekk The regiment was engaged at Irish Bend, Vermillion Bayou, and the three battles before Port Hudson, of May 25th and 27th, and June 14th, 1863. In one of the latter the flag was torn in two, and one portion was brought into a hospital by one of the color guard, who was wounded. The part that remained on the lance, after a lapse df several months^ was re-united.

Ninety-second Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, embroidered wTith the name of the regiment and the words "Excelsior Rifle Blue."

Ninety fifth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag, National silk, silver band on staff. Bears this inscription : "95th Regiment N. Y. S. V. Presented by the city of New York," j CHIEF OF THE BUREAU. OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 187

Ninety-seventh Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. Presented to the regiment by the ladies of Boonville, and has been carried in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, Tho• roughfare Gap, second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, An• tietam, Fredericksburgh, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.

Ninety-eighth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. National, sil§, worn ; bearing the name of the regiment in gilt letters.

One Hundred and First Reigment Vol. Infantry—One flag. National flag, silk, much faded and worn. The regiment participated in the battles of Seven Pines, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Chickahominy Swamp, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross-roads, Malvern Hill, Groveton, Bull Run (2d), Chantilly and Fredericksburgh.

One Hundred and Second Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. National flag, silk, inscribed with the words : " Cedar Mountain, The Rappahannock, White Sulphur Springs, Antietam."

One Hundred and Fourth Regiment Vol. Infantry— One flag. Banner, silk, rich, embroidered shield. The words " Wads worth Guard, 10.4th Regiment, N. Y. S. V." Was presented to the 104th Regiment (Wadsworth Guard), by Mrs. General James S. Wads- worth, in April, 1862, and was carried through the campaign of 1862, under Pope and McClellan ; and in 1868, on the march into •Maryland and Pennsylvania. One of the bearers was severely wounded at South Mountain, and another at Antietam. At Gettysburg, seven of the sergeants and color guard were killed or wounded in, sustaining them, and the corporal who took the national flag being in danger, of cap• ture, tore the flag from the staff and stamped it into the ground to conceal it from the enemy's notice. This flag was barely saved by great vigilance.

One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment Vol. Infantry (7th Ar• tillery) —One flag. Banner, silk, rich, with name of regiment and the United States arms and motto painted on each side.

One, Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment Vol. Infantry—-Two flags. (A.)—National flag, silk ; no staff; much tattered ; three-fifths gone ; lower third of union wanting ; lower half and , end of stripes gone. (B.)—Regimental banner ; no staff; rent in center ; torn from 168 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

side to side, across end farthest from staff, at a dis• tance of seven' or eight inches from the end; eagle and shield in center, with national motto in scroll be• neath, and ^thirty-four stars in field above. It bears the inscription " 115th N. Y. Vol. Regiment Infantry" in scroll. These flags were presented to the regiment by the citizen^ of Fonda, N. Y. At Harper's Ferry (September, 14, 1862,) they were with the regiment, but were concealed by a lady who carried them under her garments, and returned them to the regiment after its parole. Subsequently they were in the following engagements : Olustee, Fla. ; Chester Heights. Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, Pe- tersburgh Mine, Deep Bottom, and Fort Fisher. One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. Banner, silk ; much worn ; name of regiment painted on.

One Hundred and Thfrtieth^Regimeht Vol. Infantry—One flag. Regimental banner, silk, painted with United States arms and motto. On the 11th day of August, 1863, this regiment was changed to the 19th JST. Y. Cavalry, and since September 10th, 1863, it has been known as the First Regiment of Dragoons, New York State Volunteers. These colors were borne by the regiment only during its services as an infantry organization.

One Hundred arid Forty-third Regiment Vol. Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—Regimental banner, silk, embroidered on both sides with the state motto and military arms, and the words "Sullivan County" ; and also the words, "Presented by the citizens of Sul• livan County, Oct. 1862." (B.)—National flag, silk; worn. Inscribed as follows : " Nanse- moncl, May 30, 1863 ;" " Look Out Valley, October 28 and 29, 1863 ;" « Chattenooga, November 23, 24 and 25, 1863 ;" "Relief of Knoxville, November 29 and December 16, 1863." The belt attached was'used by the color bearer.

One Hundred and Forty-sixth Regiment Vol. Infantry—One flag. Regimental banner, silk, with arms of United States paint• ed ; without staff.

OneHundred and Forty-eighth Regiment Vol Infantry.—Regi• mental banner, silk ; outside end of flao- rawed and fringe gone : ; O OO O O 7 staff broken near spear head and strengthened with splints ; eagle CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 169

with national motto in scroll ; stars in field over the eagle. In• scribed, '"148th N. Y. Vol. Regiment Infantry" in scroll beneath.

One Hundred and fifty-first Regiment Vol.Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—Banner, with United States arms and motto painted upon each side. (B.)—National, silk, four-fifths, gone.

One Hundred and sixty-eighth Regiment Vol.Infanty—One flag. (A.)—Regimental banner, with the United States arms and motto.

One Hundred and seventy-seventh Regiment Vol.Infantry—Two flags. (A.)—Regimental banner, silk, much worn. (B.)—The national flag, silk, part wanting ; was received by the regiment while stationed at Bonnet Carre, La., from Mrs. Merrihew, the wife of an officer of the regiment.

Flag of the • : -Regiment. This was brought from the battle field of Fair Oaks, by the color bearer, who was wounded. He found his way to the hospital at Savage's Station, 'and conceal• ed the flag under his clothing. It escaped the notice of his cap• tors, and was finally brought off by a surgeon who was allowed to return home without being searched.

Flag of the Tenth Regiment. U. 8. Infantry: This regiment was raised in New York and New Jersey, for the Mexican war, and commanded by Col. Robert E. Temple, subsequently adjutant general of the state of New York. This flag was presented by ladies of Albany to the regiment.

CAVALRY. Cavalry Standard—-Regiment unknown ; gilt stars, torn across from the staff through the body of the eagle to the outer fringe.

Fifth JV. Y. S. V. Cavalry—Guidon, silk. This guidon was presented to the regiment by the city of New York, in January, 1864, and was carried in the following engagements ; Battles of the Wilderness, Po River, Bowling Green, Hanover Court House, Ashland, Wilson's Raid, Ream'sx Station, Winchester, Fisher's Hill (back road), Cedar Creek, Nov. 12, (back road,) and Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. Inscription: "N. Y; S. V. 5th Cavalry." 170 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT•OF THE

Twenty-fourth Cavalry (dismounted)—Battle flag ; all gone but the fringe, and a few tetters hanging from the staff. It was car• ried through the battles, of the Wilderness, Chancellorsville, '' Spottsylvania C. H., Fredericksburgh, Cold Harbor, Petersburgh, June 17 and 18, and July 39 ; Yellow Tavern, Aug. 19 ; Weldon • Railroad, Poplar Grove Church, Boynton Plank Road, and in every general engagement of Gen. Grant's Army, since it crossed the Rapidan. ARTILLERY. Second ArtilleTy-—Three flags; (A.)—National colors, silk, much worn. (B.)—Banner, yellow silk ; design, camion crossed in center; much worn. (C.)—National colors, silk, small; the letters "N. Y. S. V." embroidered thereon in silk. '

Third Artillery (formerly Nineteenth Infantry)—One flag, na• tional, silk, inscribed as "follows : " Lovettsville, Aug. 18, 1861; Fort Macon, April 26, 1862 ; Washington, N. G, Sept, 6, 1862 ; Rawles' Mills,.Nov. 2, 1862 ; South West Creek, Dec. 13, 1862 ; Kinston, Dec. 14, 1862;; Whitehall, Dec. 16, 1862; Goldsboro, Dec. 17, 1862 ; Newbern, March 14, 1863 ; Washington, April, 1863." : ' ' ' Third Artillery, Co. M., HowelVs Battery—-National colors, silk, bearing name of battery in black letters. Seventh Independent Battery—National ^flag, silk, no staff. Bears the following in gold letters : "X Legion, Seventh Battery, N. Y* S. V." Cannon crossed in each corner. Eleventh Independent Battery—Two flags. \ (A.)—rBauner of yellow silk, with portrait of Gen. Havelock, painted ; no staff. (B.)—-National flag, bunting, much worn. Second Company JST. Y. Sharpshooters—Banner, silk; bears the inscription : "New York Sharp Shooters." Regiment unknown.—National colors, silk, small, supposed to be a battery flag ; torn in upper part of field, one-third wanting ; end of flag quite ragged ; brass spear head. Regiment unknown—National colors, silk, small, supposed to be a battery flag ; torn in upper half of field, two-fifths wanting ; end of flag quite tattered ; brass spear head. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 171

Boat flag, unknown.—Corner opposite the union torn away and* end somewhat fringed.


(A.)-^-(i Stars and bars," cotton and woolen. (B.)—" Stars and bars," cotton, nine stars, with initials of States. The blue field extends across the whole base of the flag. (C.)—"Southern Cross," bunting, eleven stars. These 'three flags were captured by Mix's Cavalry (3d N. Y. Cav.) The one last named is mentioned in the following special order (No. 128, Headquarters Department of North Carolina), dated

April 2.8, 1863 : # * • * " The battle flag of the 7th Confederate (Claiborne) cavalry, which was captured by companies A and E of the 3d N. Y. cavalry, near Little Washington, on the 18th inst., in a gallant and successful charge against superior num• bers of the foe, is presented to the regiment as a distinguished mark of the favor and appreciation in which Col. Mix's command is had. By command of Major General Foster. SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, A. A. G.

(D.)-^-" Stars and bars," cotton, and much faded. Captured from a band of guerillas at Tullahoma, Tenn., by the 19th Illi• nois Vols; (E.)—" Southern Cross," cotton, torn and stained with blood. This flag was captured, at Antietam, by Stanislaus Berreaux, of company E, 35th regiment, N. Y. S. Vol. (G.)—Large flag, captured by a party of fifteen union soldiers under R. M. Box, Capt. Co. H, 7th Mo. cavalry, from a company of sixty-one bushwhackers, under Lieut. Col. Wilhite, near Sy- > racuse, Mo., Oct. 5, 1863. The rebel Lieut. Col. wras killed and the flag, being wrapped around his body, became stained with his blood. Twelve of the rebel party were killed and several were wounded. 172' SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

VI...... - •• ACKNOWLEDGMENTS- ' .

The officers of the following companies have granted valuable favors to the agents of this Bureau, in many instances enabling them to visit towns, cities and counties for statistics when, had not this been done, the limited means applicable to traveling ex• penses, would have prevented such visits. This acknowledgment is, therefore, particularly due. Railroads—the New York Central, New York and Erie, Hudson River, Harlem, Albany and Susquehanna, Saratoga and Whitehall, Rensselaer and Saratoga, Troy and Boston, and Western Vermont. The following Hudson river steamboat companies have been equally generous : the People's Line, the proprietors of the Vib- bard and Drew. CLERKS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. These officials have rendered no little assistance in communica• ting with boards of supervisors d,nd in furnishing information to the Bureau. They have also supplied its library, with the annual reports of proceedings of supervisors. ,

LIST OF NEWSPAPERS GRATUITOUSLY FURNISHED TO THE BUREAU AND REGULARLY RECEIVED BY MAIL, FROM THE OFFICE: OF PUBLICATION, JAN. 1, 1865. Allegany Comity. Genesee Valley Free Press, from January, 1864. Wellsville: A. N. Cole. Cattaraugus County. Cattaraugus Freeman, from January 1st, 1864. Ellicottville: Beecher & Sill. " Olean Advertiser, from January, 1864. Olean : James T. Henry. Chautauqua County. Jamestown Journal, from January, 1864. Jamestown: Coleman E. Bishop. Chautauqua County Democrat, from January, 1864. Jamestown: Fletcher & Waite. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 1*3

\ Fredonia Censor, from January, 1864. Fredonia: A. W. Mc- Kinstry. Westfield Republican, from January, 1864. Westfield: M. C. Rice. The Dunkirk Weekly Journal. Dunkirk: George & Morgan.

Chemung County. Elmira Daily Advertiser, from January, 1864. Elmira: Fair- man & Caldwell. Chenango County. Chenango American, from January, 1864. Greene: Denison & Fisher. Clinton County. Plattsburgh Sentinel, from February 14, 1864. Plattsburgh: W. Lansing. \ Columbia County. Hudson Gazette, from January, 1364. Hudson: M. Parker Williams. , •• • . -* Delaware County. The Delaware^Republican. Delhi: Sturtevant & Mcintosh.

Franklin County. The Malone Palladium, from January, 1864. Malone: J. J. & J. K. Seaver. Lewis County. Journal & Republican, from January, 1864. Lowville: Smiley & Hazen. Livingston County. Nunda News, from June 1st, 1864. Nunda: C. K. Sanders. Union & Constitution, from June 1st, 1864. Mount Morris: Hugh Harding. Dansville Herald, from January, 1864. Dansville: George A. Sanders. Dansville Advertiser, from October 1st, 1864. Dansville: A. O. Bunnell. Lima Free Press, from June 1st, 1864. Lima: Francis Jory. Livingston Republican, from January, 1864. Geneseo: James T. Norton. Monroe County. Rochester Evening Express, from Jan. 1861. Rochester: CD. Tracy & Co. 174 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Montgomery County. Mohawk Valley Democrat, from May, 1864, Fonda: Freeman & Van Antwerp. Mohawk Valley Register, from January, 1864. Fort Plain: Webster & Matthewsom. New York City. Army and Navy Journal, from Aug. 29, 1863. New York: W. C. Church. Onondaga County. Syracuse Standard (Daily), from December 28th, 1864. Syra• cuse: Summers & Brotjaer. Ontario County. Ontario Repository & Messenger, from January, 1864. Canan- daigua: J. J. Mattison. Ontario County Times, from January, 186%. Caiiandaigua: N. J. Milliken. Orange^ County. Newburgh Daily Journal, from January, 1864. Newburgh: Cy• rus B. Martin. Newburgh Telegraph, from January, 1864: Newburgh: E. W. Gray, Geo. M. Warren, and I. V. Montanye. * Orleans County. Orleans American, from January, 1864. Albion: Bruner Bro• thers. - , Mockkmd County. City and Country, from January, 1864. Nyack and Pierm6nt: Robert Carpenter. Saratoga Countyu Ballston Journal, from June 20th, 1864. Ballston Spa: H. L. Grose & Sons. Saratogian, from June 16th, 1864. Saratoga Springs: W. M. Potter & B. F. Judson. Schoharie County. Schoharie Union, from January, 1864. Schoharie C* H.: Henry E. Abell. . . Schuyler County. Havana Journal, from January, 1864. Havana: Look & Fay. Watkins Express, from Jan. 1864. Watkins: Levi M. Gano. I Seneca County. ' Seneca County Courier, from January, 1864. Seneca Falls: Isaac Fuller. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 175

Ulster County. ' Kingston Journal, from? January, 1864. Kingston: William H. Romeyn. Warren County. Glen's Falls Messenger, from January, 1864. Glen's Falls,: Norman Cole. Washington County. Salem Press, from January, 1864. Salem: D. B. Cole. Whitehall Chronicle, from June 10th, 1864. Whitehall: II. D.

Morris. x Whitehall Times, from June 10th, 1864. Whitehall: Times' Association. Westchester County. Eastern State Journal. White Plains: Edmund G. Sutherland. The Statesman, from December 9th, 1863. Yonkers: M. F. Rowe. Wyoming County. Attica Atlas, from January, 1864. Attica: Silas Folsom. Western New Yorker, from July 1st, 1864. Warsaw: Dudley & Merrill. Yates County. Yates County Chronicle, from January, 1864. PennYan: S. C. Cleveland.


Col. R. C. BENTLEY, 63d regiment, N. Y. V. : Large knife found in a deserted camp at Manassas Junction.

Col. GEO.S BLISS, JR., New York : An extensive collection of relics, shells and ammunition. It embraces a series of Hotchkiss shell, five pieces ; Whit worth projectile (three shells), one solid shot; Shenkl shell (six specimens); group of fragments from Fort Wagner j shackle for confining prisoners, furnished with ail Eng- glish padlock, captured at Morris Island ; four pairs of handcuffs, captured at Morris Island; group of fragments from Fort John• son, S. C. ; torpedo taken from Charleston harbor ; four specimens of Parrot shell ; specimens of shot ancl shell from Charleston har• bor ; patterns (rebel) for making shot and shell; 15-inch solid 176 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

shot; Brooks' shell (seven); cannister shot, whole and broken (four); three stands of Grape ; one Sawyer shell; section of pine tree, from Newbern, N. G., in which a twelve pound shot is lodged, and other valuable relics. The foregoing collection forms one of the most interesting features of the War Museum.

E. CARTER, Esq., Newburgh : A valuable collection of experi• mental shells and other ammunition, of an interesting character. Armstrong shot, with two bands of lead, for taking the grooves of the gun. This shell has been fired at West Point in an experi• ment. Three experimental shells. Sent to West Point for trial. Two experimental shells, in which the rotation is intended to be gained by a charge of meal powder, which, when ignited, issues forcibly from oblique openings on opposite sides. Weight, 20 and 23 pounds. Experimental shell; intended to receive its ro- ary motion by oblique wings. Weight 11 pounds. Hotchkiss shell, with the base removed. Furnished with a percussion fuze that explodes upon striking. Hotchkiss shot with the lead remo• ved. An early form of rifled projectile that has since been per-^ fectecl in the Parrot shell. Three, rifle projectiles. Fragment of a rifle projectile, fired in an experiment at West Point. A "Napoleon" rifle* shell, from the battle-field of Magenta, in Italy. The rotation of the shell is secured by means of leaden pins that enter the grooves of the gun. Weight, 8 pounds.

ERASTUS CORNING, Jr., Albany: Model of a pontoon bridge made under the supervision of Major Wm. A. Ketchum, by corporal Wm. Hendrickson, and privates Martin dispell, A. H.Miller, Samuel Dodge, and G. Mothersole; bears certificate of Brig. Gen. H. W. Benham.

Lieut. Col. MICHAEL CASSIDY, 6th N. Y. Vol. : Two cartridge boxes with cap pouch and case for armor oil combined, from a rebel camp in Louisiana. Belt with plaice representing American Eagle and thirteen stars, from a rebel camp In Louisiana.

Col. EUSH C. HAWKINS, 9th N.Y. Infantry, New York: One Sa• bre, captured on board blockade runner " Ella Warley" ; one Sword, captured at New Orleans ; one Sabre, earliest U. S. pat• tern, captured at New Orleans ; one 5road-sword, captured at Roanoake Island.

J. DOELL ..: wood from the lining of the rebel steamer Merrimac.

Gen. ABRAM DURYEE : pair of bayonets found at Valley Forge on the site of the winter camp of the army of the revolution. CHIEF OF tHEl BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 177

Col. JACOB. J. DEFOREST, 81st Reg. N. Y. Vol.: Lieut. Colonel's coat, worn by him at the battle of Seven Pines, where he was; shot through the body, the ball entering the breast in the region of the heart, passing out at the back. The coat bears the bullet:; holes and is stiff with blood. Gem. Worth's Mexican saddle-cloth, with silver buttons; bridle- bit worn by Gen. Worth's horse in the Mexican war. Sabre (half j of revolutionary date, dug up in trenches at York- town, Va., in 1862. Sabre bayonet, picked \£p on battle field at Yorktown, Va. Photograph, found at Cold Harbor, June 2, 1864. Lieut. FARLEY, 28th Eeg. N. Y. Vol.: Fragment of a-shell found: near the spot where Col. Donnelly, of the 28th Eeg. N. Y. S. V., was wounded, and supposed to have caused his death. Capt, MORGAN L.* FILKINS, 177th Eeg. N. Y. Vol.: Sabre from Port Hudson, the blade rusted with blood. Inscribed on the blade " Capt. J. F. Portei*, Jr., Company C, 1st Metropolitan Light Cav• alry," (14 N. Y. Cav.) Lieut. G. N. P. GALE, 1.1th Battery: Fuse of a shell fired at Rappahannock Station; fragment of a Quaker gun from Manassas-;? bullet taken from a tree at Manassas; fossil wood found near Fort Ellsworth; petrified wood from Beverly Ford, Va.; part, of a sword hilt found at Bucklin Mills, Va.; army telegraph wire; knife found on the Bull.Run-battle field; minie balls found at Beverly Ford, Va.; six buttons found on the spot used by. the Washington Artillery ; spur from the same place ; clasp of a belt found at Cobble Hill, Va.; tip of bayonet sheath; spike taken, from a fort at Manassas; piece of a rebel black flag found at Fort Beauregard, Centerville; canister shot from the battle field of Gettysburg ; gun lock taken from a musket belonging to the Charleston Greys, at Fredericksburgh, Va.; cane found in sxh abandoned camp at Manassas ; two knives found on Gettysburgi battle field ; dirk ease of tin found on battle field of Bull Run; three cap boxes from the battle field of Bull Run ; model of the winter quarters of G. N. P. Gale, of the 11th 1ST. Y. Independent Battery, camp at winter quarters, near Brandy Station, Va. Capt. GEORGE GIBSON, 23d Reg. Wisconsin Vol.: Explosive ball from Vicksburgh ; alligator's scales from Fort Jackson, La,;; leather valise, rebel, taken in Louisiana. R. P. HERRICK, U. S. N., acting master's mate flag ship Hartford: Key of the armory taken from the rebel ram Tennessee, off Mor [Assem. No. 64.] 12 178 SECONB ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

bile, August 6, 1864 ; sea-biscuit, taken from the Tennessee at the same time. HOTCHKISS & SONS, New York : A series of their patent shell, eight in number, from six-pounder to six hundred pounder; Hotch•

kiss7 canister. ' ' Capt. JOHN A. JUDSON : Mississippi button, exchanged while a prisoner. J. S. KELLOGG: Cavalry sabre, taken at the battle of Chancel• lorsville, from a rebel. GEORGE Ht LAWRENCE, West Troy, the following collection of ammunition : Howitzer shell, 24-pounder; howitzer canister, 24- pounder ; howitzer shot, 24-pounder; howitzer spherical case shot, 24-pounder; howitzer shell, 12-pounder • howitzer canister 12-

pounder ; solid shot, 12-pounder; canister, # 12-pounder ; solid shot, 6-pounder; spherical case shot, 6-pounder ; canister, 6- pounder ; mountain howitzer shell; mountain howitzer canister ; minie cartridges, calibre 69 ; minie cartridges, calibre 58 ; minie cartridges, calibre 54 ; spherical ball cartridges, calibre 69 ; sphe• rical ball cartridges, calibre 54; buck and ball cartridges, calibre 69 ; Sharp's carbine cartridges, linen ; Savage's pistol cartridges; Colt's army pistol cartridges; French minie cartridges; Smith's breech-loading carbine cartridges ; cannon caps ; Borman fuze. Dr. JOHN SWINBURNE, Albany : Bullet, and part of a gun lock, from Savage's Station. . ; Major ISAAC SANDFORD, paymaster U. S. A.: Cartridge-box taken from the side of a dead rebel at Bragg's headquarters, on Mis• sionary Ridge, after the battle of Chattanooga : contains three packages of cartridges, two of which were manufactured in Rich• mond, and one at Atlanta, Ga. Lieut. Col. J. TARBELL, 91st Reg. N. Y. Vol.: Bayberry-bark candle, made by a family near Brashear, La.; a rebel sword from near Brashear, La. AUGUSTUS VIELE & SONS, West Troy : The following collection of ammunition: Mortar shell, 12 inches, weight 213 pounds ; mortar shell, 10 inches, weight 88| pounds ; columbiad;, 8 inches, weight 49| pounds ; shell, 42-pounder, weight 31 \ pounds ; shell, 32-pounder, weight 22J pounds ; shell, 24-pounder, weight 16| pounds ; shell, 18-pounder, weight 13\ pounds; shell, 12-pounder, weight 81 pounds; shell, 6-pounder, weight 4 1-10 pounds; grape shot, 42-pounder, weight 6 1-10 pounds ; grape shot, 42-pounder, weight 4J pounds; grape shot, 32-pounder, weight 3| pounds; CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 179 grape shot, 24-pounder, weight 2 J pounds ; grape shot, 18-pounder, weight 1| pounds ; grape shot> 12-pounder, weight 1 1-10 pounds • stand of grape, 10 inches, each ball weighing 12 pounds. This is the largest size of grape made." Gen. W. T. WILLARD, Troy : Fragment of a shell thrown from Lookout Mountain into the village of Chattanooga, over which it exploded, about 300 yards from the headquarters of Gen. Thomas. This piece fell into a fire where a colored man was cooking his dinner, to his great alarm. Rev. Dr. ZYLER. chaplain 58th regiment, N. Y. V. : Spoon be• longing to a rebel lieutenant-colonel, captured at Chancellorsville. Mr. J. D. GRINNELL, Evans Mills, N. Y. : The several parts of a rebel shoe (wooden soles and cotton uppers), taken from a store at Atlanta, Ga., where they were found in great quantities. The estab• lishment was a large one ; a steam engine was used in cutting the soles. The parts were put together by girls, a large number of whom were employed in the works. The building had been shelled by Gen. Sherman, and was pierced in many places by shot and shell. Also, three round musket balls, three conical musket balls, three minie rifle balls, taken on Lookout Mountain, Tenn., from a position occupied by the rebels ; rebel sword, taken at Kenesaw Mountain, four miles east of Marietta, Ga.—these places were evacuated on the night of July 3, 1863 ; piece of rock, taken from the cave under Lookout Mountain, Tenn., near railroad track, specimen of rock, taken from Georgia mountains, near the silver mines—nearly all the mountains are of this kind of stone ; speci• men of telegraph, wire running from foot to top of Lookout Moun• tain, Tenn. Major THOMAS J. STRONG, 16th N. Y. Artillery : Two solid shot from Yorktown—of revolutionary period. Capt. WM. SMITH, 9th N. Y. Cavalry : Saddle captured at Ber• ry ville, Nov. 1862—received through Benj. Smith, Esq. L. A. H. SEELEY, Albany : Silk Tobacco Pouch, from a rebel physician at New Orleans. CHAS. W. HEALD, 2d N. Y. Artillery: Pair of straps from a, knapsack, found at Williams' Farm, Va. Miss NELLIE C. DAY, Albany : Sample of Greek Fire, used by Genl. Gilmore in the bombardment of ^Charleston. Col. ROBERT L. JOHNSON, Albany : Sword captured on General Burnside's expedition, N. C.j also, one Brooks' solid shot, square head, 100 pounds. 1 180 SECOND.ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Dr. E. S. CARPENTER: Sword captured by Lieut. BruceShat* tuck, of 85th N. Y. V. Lieut. Col, WM.. H. CHESEBOBO : Patent Cap Box. WM. ALDINGTON, Albany : Belt Plate, "C. S." < C. M. PATRICK, Lieut. (22cl N. Y. cavalry)—Spur of rebel Gen• eral Rossiere, captured with his baggage, at Cedar Creek, Va.

PICTURE GALLERY. The following list includes only those articles that were framed when contributed : Col. Alonzo Alden, 169th regiment, N. Y. V. : Photographic likeness, large rosewood frame (oval). Hon. Horatio Ballard :| "Photographic likeness, 12 x 15, massive gilt frame. , . Mrs. Gen. D. D. Bidwell: Photographic likeness of the late Brig. Gen. Bidwell, 6x8, rosewood frame (oval); painted photo• graph of the flag of the 49th regiment, N. Y. V., 6 x 8, rustic black walnut frame. Dr. Zara H. Blake, surgeon 25th Dist. : Photographic likeness, rosewood frame (oval). ^ Capt. George W. Berriman, 81st regiment, N. Y. V. : Photo• graphic likeness, gilt frame (oval). Lieut. Stephen P. Corliss, 11th battery : Large photographic likeness, heavy rosewood frame (oval). Charles A. Du Moulin, late captain 36th and 145th regiments, N. Y. V. : Photographic likeness, heavy gilt frame (oval). Lieut. G. N. P. Gale, 11th N. Y. battery : Photographic like• ness, 6x8, rosewood frame (oval). Gen. Thomas S. Grsy : Photographic likeness of Col. Charles Osborn Gray, 96th regiment JST. Y. V.,. rosewood frame (oval). Capt. Delas Gary, company G, 147th regiment, N. Y. V.: Pho• tographic likeness, gilt frame (oval). ' . ' Captain Arthur Hotchkiss, company K, 154th regiment, N. Y. V.: Pencil sketch of the battle ground at Lookout Mountain, 28th and 29th October, 1863. Hon. William Hotchkiss: Photographic likeness of Captain Arthur Hotchkiss, company K, 154th regiment, N. Y. V., rosewood frame (oval) ; Photographic likeness of Corporal E. H. Hotchkiss, company C, 154th regiment, N. Y. V., rosewood frame (oval). Lieutenant Daniel Hubbard, company A, 24th regiment, N. Y. V.: Photographic likeness, rosewood frame (oval). CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 181

Captain Frank T. Johnson, 162d regiment, N. Y. V. : Photo• graphic likeness, rosewood frame (oval). Lieutenant William N". Lombard, 43cl regiment, N. Y. V.: Pho•

tographic likeness, gilt frame (oval). f Captain William McConihe, 2d regiment, N. Y. V.: Photograph, 9 x 12, framed; Portraits of three brothers, Captain William, Captain John, and Captain Samuel McConihe. David Mattoon, Albany : Photographic likeness of his son, W. V. R. Mattoon, private, company F, 44th regiment, N. Y. V., rosewood frame (oval). Captain James A. McMickin, 43d regiment, N. Y. V.: Photo• graphic likeness, rosewood oval frame. Jacob A. Mead, Commissioner, 25th Dist. : Photographic like• ness, rosewood frame (oval). Mrs. John McAmbley : Photographic likeness of Major Mc- Ambley, 81st regiment, N. Y. V., rosewood frame (oval). Capt. John D. O'Brien, 24th regiment, N. Y. V.: Photographic likeness, rosewood frame (oval). Col. Zadoc Pratt: Steel engraving of the late Col. Geo. W. Pratt, 20th regiment, 1ST. Y. S. militia. Steel engraving of Col. Zadoc Pratt. Gen. J. Meredith Read, Jr., late adjutant general, S. N. Y. : Photographic likeness, 6x8, heavy gilt frame. Capt. William T. Reamer, provost marshal, 25th district: Pho• tographic likeness, rosewood frame (oval). Gen. John T. Sprague, late adjutant general, S. N. Y.: Pho• tographic likeness, full length, 14 x 18, heavy black walnut frame. Henry M. Benedict, Albany: Photograph of Gen. M. Brayman, in oval frame. Colonel J. B. Stonehouse, assistant adjutant general, state of N. Y.: Plaster bust of Governor Seymour. , Surgeon John Spencer, 9th N. Y. V. cavalry: Photographic likeness, heavy gilt frame (oval).

Colonel Jonathan vTarbell, 91st regiment, N. Y. V.: Photograph• ic likeness, gilt frame (oval). General S. Oakley Vanderpoel, late surgeon general, S. N. Y.: Photographic likeness, heavy gilt frame (oval). 182 gECONi)' ANNUAL HEP (HIT OP THE


Abell, R. P. H. (N. Y.)—Memorandum book of arrival and de• parture of regiments and troops at the park barracks, New York, 1861-2. ' Allaben, Orson M. (Senator)—Speech in Senate, April 13th, 1864. Alburtis, E. K.—Pamphlet entitled " Money by Steam." Andrew, Jno. A. (Governor of Massachusetts)—Annual Report of the-Adjutant General of Massachusetts, 1862 ; An• nual Address and accompanying documents; Thanks• giving Proclamation, October 31, 1864 ; Adjutant General's Report, Massachusetts, 1862 (bound);. An• nual Address to the Legislature, January 6„ 1865. Andrews, Geo. H. (Senator)—Speech in Senate, April 13, 1864. Armstrong, William (Secretary of State, Ohio)—Sixteen samples of ballots used in the Ohio elections, November 8, 1861. Banks, N. P., Major General (New Orleans)—General Orders De• partment of the Gulf, series of 1863 No. 62 to 91 in• clusive ; series of 1864, No. 1 to 150 inclusive ; in• dexes to each series ; also two compendiums for 1863. Bache, A. D. (Washington)—Map of Virginia (2 copies) ; military map of S. E. Virginia (2) ; map of Northern Alabama and Georgia (2) ; map of the sea coast of South Caro• lina and Georgia. Bailey, Alex. H. (Senator)—Speech in Senate February 5th, 1864. . Bartlett, J. R. (Secretary of State, Rhode Island)—Act and Instruc• tions for taking the votes of Rhode Island "soldiers ; Four sets of Ballots used in Rhode Island ; Report of Quartermaster-General of Rhode Island for 1864 ; Message to General Assembly, 1864 ; Annual Report of Adjutant-General of Rhode Island, 1863 ; Report of Physical Condition of Rhode Island regiments ; Report of Provost Marshal of Rhode Island. January, 1863 ; View of Slavery in the United States—" Where will it End?" Barbarities of the Rebels, by Perry CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 183

Howard; Mrs. Dailey's report on Disabled Rhode Island Soldiers. Baker, N. B. (Adjutant-General, Iowa)—Report of the Adjutant- General, Iowa (bound). Benedict, Henry M. (Albany)—Files of General Orders of War Department, 1863, complete, and of 1862, to complete former files. Benedict, Col. Lewis—Confederate States Almanac, 1862. Blair, Austin (Governor of Michigan)—Annual Message, 1864. Bliss, Col. Geo. jr. (New York)—Tracing of a Military Map of Vicks- burgli and vicinity; Union League Club Report and Roll of Members ;' Report of Protective Union Claim Association; Catalogue of Arms and Trophies of the Metropolitan Fair; Numerous Documents relating to Metropolitan Fair; Report of Union League Club Committee on Volunteering. Blunt, Orison (New York)—Reports of New York county Volun• teering Committee (bound). Bourne, Wm. Oland (New York)—" Iron Platform " series. Boyle, Gen. John (Adjutant-General, Kentucky)—Report of Adju• tant-General of Kentucky, 1864. Bradford, A. W. (Governor of Maryland)—Message and Docu• ments, January, 1864; Message of January, 1865. Bramlette,-Thomas E. (Governor of Kentucky)—Adjutant-Gen• eral's Report, 1864; Governor's Message, 1863. Brink, W. F. (St. Louis)—Series of Documents issued by the Mississippi Valley Sanitary Fair, 1864. Brough, John (Governor of Ohio)—Inaugural Address, 1864 ; Annual Message, >864 ; Documents accompanying Message ; Executive Documents, Ohio, 1863, parts 1 and 2 (bound) ; Report of the Adjutant-General of Ohio, 1864 ; Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1864. Buckingham, William A. (Governor of Connecticut)—Message of November 3, 1862, November 12, 1863, and May, 1864; Journal of Special Session, January, 1864 ; Report of Quartermaster-General of Connecticut, 1864 ; Procla• mation for Thanksgiving, Connecticut, 1864 ; Report of Paymaster-General of Connecticut, 1864. Burger, Capt. W. L. M. (A. A. G. Dep't of South)—Savannah 184 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF TEE

Republican September 3, November 5, 7, 8, 10, 1864; Charleston Daily Courier October 19, 28, November 8, 1864; Charleston Mercury October 15, 20, 31, November 9, 1864 ; Savannah Daily Morning News November 9, 1864 ; Photographic View of Fort Sum• ter, September 1, 1864 ; Files of General Orders, De• partment of the South—complete. Butcher, John (New York)—Ten numbers of the New York Eve.

Post, 1862, 73, Caldwell, John D. (Cincinnati)—" Benton's Policy of Developing Mineral LandsCatalogue of Autographs, Coins, Medals, etc., donated to the Sanitary Fair at Boston ; Address of Major R. M. Corwine ; Issues and Duties of the Day ; Cincinnati Daily Gazette, October 3, 1864 ; National Banner, October 2, 11, 1864; Free South, October 19, 1864; The Two Platforms (handbill) ; Facts for Men who do their own Thinking ; Condition of the South, by General T. Seymour ; The Spirit of the Chicago Convention ; Speech of Aaron F. Perry, September 20, 1864 ; Speech of Charles D. Drake,

October 1, 1864; Growler7^ Income Tax; Rededes, by A. F. Hassauret; The Assertions of a Secessionist; Address of Henry Stanbury; Inside View of the Re• bellion, by H. Conkling.

Caldwell, Col. A.B. (Syracuse)—Thirtj^-eight numbers of the uCon•

stitutionalist.77 Cannon, William (Governor of Delaware)—Message of January 12, 1864, and January 3, 1865 ; Thanksgiving Procla• mation, 1864. Oaniey; Thomas (Governor of Kansas)-—Annual Message, Janu• ary, 1864. Carter, J. M. (Secretary of State, Maryland)-—New Constitution of Maryland ; Militia Law of Maryland ; also a copy of the Militia Law of 1864, State of Maryland. Cassidy, Lieut. Col. Michael (Albany)—Ten large Photographic Views of Rebel Camps near Pensacola, 1861. Churchill k Dennison—-Series of thirty photographs relating to Army Relief Bazaar, of 4-4 size. Card photograph, group of officers of 44th regiment upon their return in 1864. Card photograph of flag of 44th, with Jas. Simpson, color sergeant. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 185 /> Coney, Samuel (Governor of Maine)—Annual Address, 1864. Cole, D. B. (Salem, N. Y.)—"Salem Press," 1864, beginning January 5. * Colyer, Vincent (N. Y.)—-Report on services of freed people. Connelly, Henry (Governor of New Mexico)—-Message, December 9, 1863. Cornell, Ezra (Senator)—Speech on a ship canal connecting Ca• yuga lake with Lake Ontario. Cook, Horace T. (Auburn)—-Journal of Supervisors of Cayuga Co., 1861 (2), do 1862 (1), do 1863 (2). Curtin, Andrew G. (Governor of Pennsylvania)—Inaugural ad• dress, Jan. 19 ; message, Jan. 7*, 1864. Corson, Cornelius (New York city)—Report of County Volunteer • Committee City and County of New York, 2 bound copies. Curtis, S. R.,^ Major General (Leavenworth, Kansas)—Series of Genera] Orders, 1864, Department of Kansas, Nos. 1 to 65 inclusive. Dale, Richard (Sacramento)—-"Independent City Guard Quick Step," music. Davis, Henry L. (Oswego)—Map and Directory 110th Regiment, Camp Patterson ; General Orders Department of North Carolina, series 1864; Oswego City Directory, 1864. De Forest, Colonel J. J. (Albany)—Military Gazette, bound and unbound ; ^General Orders, Department of the James. Delahanty, Martin-—Proceedings of Common Council of Albany, 1863 (bound). Dickson, Walter (Albany)—Memorial of Sanitary Fair, published by St. Andrew Society. , Dix, General John A. (N. Y.)—General Orders Department of the East, 1863, broken series ; also General Orders issued by him as Major General Department of the East, for 1864. Doty, William H. (Albany)—Printed letter from the Messrs. Stevens, on Harbor Defense, 1841; Report of Quar- master General, 1862 ; National Almanac 1863 (bound); Report of General State Agent, N. Y., 1864; Dr. Swinburne-s Report on Peninsular Campaign; View of Camp Belger, Baltimore, 150th N. Y. volunteers ; N.Y. Army Lists, February to April, 1862 ; Corbett's Map, of the Seat of War, May 1861; View of Camp 186 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Morgan, near Chain Bridge (127th N. Y. V); Military Map, Maryland and Virginia, letter sheet. Drake, Charles D. (St. Louis)—Speech at a convention, Louisville, Feb. 22, 1864; Speech before National Union Associa• tion, October, 1864. Dodge, William Foster (Adjutant 66th N. Y. V)—Executive Docu• ments, 1, 2. 4, South Carolina, 1861. Dunster, Henry (Schenectady)—Seven large colored bills, Stan• ley & Conant's War Show. Dunning, W. (Provost Marshal 9tlr District)—List of drafted men, 9th district, 1863, and list of deserters. Edmonds, Newton (Governor of Dakotah)—Governor's message, March, December, 1862, December, 1863 ; Eeports of Auditor and Adjutant-General, 1863. Enos, B. F. (Rochester)—Proceedings Common, Council, Roches• ter, 1863-4. Evans, John (Governor of Colorado)—Governor's message, 1862, 1864. , Farrell, James A. (Commissary General, N. Y.)—75 copies of his report, 1863.

Ferris, Benjamin (Sandy Hill, N. Y.)—17 numbers A7". JT. Tribune. Ford, T. P., Lieut. (Newburgh)—Series of seventeen handbills relating to the war, including the first issued for vol• unteers in Newburgh. Fletcher & Waite—Chautauqua Democrat, January 1 to March 17, 1863. Frank, Hon. Augustus, M. C. (Washington, D. C.)—Annual Re• port of National Academy of Sciences, for 1863-4.

Farley,t Frederick A./, D. D. (Brooklyn)—History of Brooklyn and Long Island Fair, Feb. 22, 1864 (bound copy). • Gale, G. N. P. (11th N., Y. Battery) — Map showing line of march of battery and substantially of the 3d corps, from August, 1861, to July, 1863. Map of Gettys• burg battle field, showing position of the battery. Gibson, Capt. George, (Wisconsin)—Natchez Daily Courier, June ,10, 1863. \ Gibson, Rev. David, (Marlborough, N. Y.)—Thanksgiving sermon, August 1, 1863; The End of the War; Tract of Ameri• can Temperance Union ; Lecture delivered at Jewett, N. Y., May 1, 1863; Sermon at North Settlement, October 12, 1862. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 187

Gilmore, Joseph A., (Governor t>f N. H.)—Governor's Message, June and August, 1864; Thanksgiving Proclamation,

' •'. ;. October 3, 1863 ; Letters, Dec. 7, 1863, and Novem• ber 21, 1864 ; letter of Capt. Silvey, April 18, 1864 ; letter of Secretary of State, Allen Terry; letter of D. E. Colby, Adjutant General; act to facilitate raising of troops ; act to enable qualified soldiers of N. H. to Yote ; bill to secure the right of suffrage to voters, 1863; bill, militia, December, 1864; Statement of State Treasurer, June, 1864; exhibit of quotas, March . 2, 1864 ; opinions of judges on bounties ; opinions on soldier's voting law; proclamations Nov. 4, '63 ; Feb. 9, March 7, July 27, August 19, and October 13, 1864; circular of Adjutant General, Nov. 22, 1864 ; circular relating to transfer of soldiers to hospital; circular concerning furloughs ; circular concerning militia or• ganizations ; circular of State Treasurer, July, 1862; circular giving information to town officers concerning quotas, &c. ; report of Adj. Gen., May, 1863; report of committees on retrenchment, June, 1864; report of Quartermaster General, 1862; three news• paper extracts. Gleason, Wm. H., (Suffolk county)—Speech in Assembly, March, 1864. Goheen, Charles A., (8th N. Y. cav.)—2 numbers " Good Samari• tan," printed at Winchester, Va., 1843. Goheen, Col. Charles,, (Geueseo)—Twenty-six numbers of New York Daily Tribune. Gray, George Z., (Kinderhook)—History of 128th Regiment, in pamphlet form. Grinnell, J. D., (Evans Mills, Jefferson Co., N. Y.)—Copy of Time table of United States military railroads—Nashville, Decatur and Stevenson line—dated Wednesday, April .' 13, 1864 ; copy of The Daily Intelligencer., publish• ed at Atlanta, Ga., dated September 19, 1863. Also the following paper's and documents from the "Frank• lin Printing House," Atlanta, Ga., viz : Copy of annual report of the Comptroller General of the State of Geor• gia, made to the governor, October 20, 1861 ; copy of the report made by Alex. H. Stephens, of Georgia, from the select committee of fifteen on the " Lecomp- 188 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

ton Constitution," made in Congress, March 10, 1858 ; copy of messages of Governor Brown, of Georgia, on returning bills, etc., at sessions of the legislature of 1857, 1858 and 1859, without his approval; copy of the "Regulations for the Commissariat of the State of Georgia," for 1861; copy of the "Minutes of the Seventh Annual Session of the Cherokee-Georgia Bap• tist Convention," held at Calhoun, Ga., May 17, 18 and 20,1861; copy of notices of Confederate publications ; copy of pamphlet containing the names of persons in 4th brigade of Georgia volunteers in the "School of Instruction" at camp McDonald, 1861 ; a paper con• taining three plates, showing line of fortifications, found at Atlanta, Ga. ; a paper containing form of " bond," "afiidavit" and "sheriff's attachment"; specimen of*

k printing paper found at Atlanta, Ga.; and a $20 Con• federate note. Gourlie, John H., (New York city)—2 copies of Final Report of the treasurer and finance committee of the Metropoli• tan Fair. Hareourt, Col. J. W., (Albany)—Flag of 91st N. Y. V., presented to the regiment by him and returned after three years' service. Harrington, S. M. jr., (Sec. of State, Del.)—Delaware Farmer's Union Almanac, 2 copies. Hartley, Marcellus, (N. Y.)—Philanthropic Results of the War in America, 4 copies. Hasbrouck, John W., (editor Middle-town Press)—Full series of handbills printed by him relating to the, war previous to 1864. Haskell, William H., (Albany)—Copies of tickets used at the Albany army relief bazaar. Heich, J. B., (Cincinnati)—Bulletins of Sanitary Commission, Cin• cinnati, Ohio, for February, March, July, August, Sep• tember, October, November and December, 1863. Henry, C. S., (Newburgh)—Oration on Patriotism and the Slave• holder's Rebellion. Hill, Lieut. E. F., (V. R, O, Albany)'—Series of circulars Adjutant General's office, Washington; circulars and printed let• ters of Provost Marshal General, 1864, (partial series.) Hoffman, Col. H. C, (23d Regiment)—" Camp Fires of the 23d." CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 189

Hough, F. B. (Lowville)—Official copy London Exhibition, 1862. History of Duryee's Brigade. Hurlburt, L. (Westfield)—Supervisor's Reports Chautauqua Co., 1863 (2 copies). Hamilton, Robert (New York city)—One volume of Anglo-African * for 1859, and also copy of the print entitled " Turning the Tables on Overseer." Halleck, Major General—General Orders Nos. 2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 23, 27, 28, 32, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53 and 54, when in com• mand of Department of Missouri, and No. 39 when in command of Department of the Mississippi. Ingoldsby, Milo (Hartford, N. Y.)—Sermon on the death of Cap• tain Norman F. Grier. James, Colonel Edward C. (Ogdensburgh)—Full history of the 106th, N.. Y. V. Johnson, W. J. (Mayor of Augusta, Me.)—Portrait of Governor Coney. Jory, S. F. (Lima)—Series of Lima Free Press, 7 numbers. Judson, David C. (Ogdensburgh)—Journal of Commerce'for 1860- 1-2-3-4 (partial files); 75 numbers of New York Times, to complete files. Judson, Captain J. A. (Adjutant General Department North Caro• lina)—Files of General Orders Department of North Carolina. Juliand, Frederick (Senator)—Speech on Chenango Canal Exten• sion, in Senate, April 14, 1864. Kelly, John T. (Albany)—43 bills relating to the war and to political subjects, posted in Albany, 1863-4. Keese, F. H. (Major 128th regiment)—Resume of Services of 128th Regiment from September 4, 1862, to January 1, 1864. Kirkland, Dr. Jared P. (Cleveland)—Circulars used at the Cleve• land Sanitary Fair, 1864. Larned, D. R.—General Orders Army of Potomac, 1863. Lewis, James T. (Governor of Wisconsin)—Annual Message, 1861-2-3-4 ; Proclamation for Thanksgiving, 1864 (2 copies) ; Proclamation relative to correction of enrol• ment; Quartermaster General's Report, 1862-3 ; Sur• geon General's Report, 1862-3; Adjutant General's Report, 1862-3. Lillie, John (Kingston)^—Thanksgiving Discourse, November, 1863. 190 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Lombard, William N. (Albany) Photograph of a lady found in a knapsack of a rebel officer at Williamsport, Md., July, 1863. Lord, Rev. J. C. (Buffalo)—Sermon, Fast Day, September 26, 1861 ; Sermon on Character of Washington, February 22, 1863 ; Thanksgiving Discourse, November 26, 1863. Madox, Samuel T. (Brooklyn)—Enrolment of 2d Congressional District, 1863 ; Descriptive List of drafted men who failed to report when drafted. Mascraft, Edward—Memorandum-book of Captain Clarkson, of Sappers and. Miners, Port Arkansas ; "When upon the field of glory," a rebel song, with music ; Natchez Courier, September 18, 1863. Massey, Solon (Watertowh)—16 numbers of New York Reformer, 1862-3. Matthews, Captain W. J. (A. D. C.)—General Orders, Department of West Virginia, partial files. Mattison, Rev. L. J. (Watertown)—Minutes of B. R. Baptist Association. Mauran, James C. (Adjutant General of Rhode Island)—Report of Adjutant* General, 1864. Miller, Stephen (Governor of Minnesota)—Inaugural Address, January 13, 1864. Morgan, E. D. (United States Senator)—General McClellan's Re• port ; Report of Commissioners of Agriculture, 1862; Speech of Hon. J. M. Howard in United States Sen• ate, on motion to expel Mr. Davis, of Kentucky; Speech of Hon. J. Sherman on Emancipation as ia compensation for military services of slaves ; Report on Banks, 1863 ; Speech of Hon. Jas. H. Lane, of Kansas, February 16, 1864 ; Report on slavery and freedom, accompanying a bill to repeal the fugitive slave law; Report of Statistical Congress, held at

t, Berlin in 1863 ; Message of President, with reports proper, 1863 ; Commercial Relations, report, 1862 ; Patent Office Report, 1861, volume 1 ; Finance Re• port, 1863 ; Bi-monthly Report on Agriculture, Janu• ary, February, 1864; Report of Captain Fisk's late expedition to Idaho; Speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS 191

March 28,1864; "Congressional Globe," parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and appendix, four volumes bourn cl.

Morse, Horace J.—Eeport of Adjutant General of Connecticut, 1864.

Morton, O. P. (Governor of Indiana)—Circular to People of Indiana ; Speech at Union Convention, February 23, 1864 ; Speeches of Andrew Johnson and others at a Union meeting ; Message to Legislature (English and German), 1863 ;. Address of Union members of the Legislature; Report of Robert Dale Owen on Pur• chase of Arms ; Report of J. P. Siddall, Draft Com• missioner ; Report of Asahel Stone, Commissary General ; Proclamation to the People of Indiana ; Proceedings of officers and soldiers of Indiana regi• ments in the army of the Cumberland ; Report of John C. New, Quartermaster General, Indiana, 1863; Relief for Soldiers' Families, to People of Indiana; Reports of Special Agents, &c, visiting troops; Ap• peal to the People of Indiana; Report of Major Gene• ral Love, of Indiana Legion; Report of Adjutant General of Indiana, 1863; Report of John H. Vajen, Q. M. General.

Mcllvaine; G. H. (Peoria, Illinois), Corresponding Secretary U. S. Christian Commission—Two copies each of the follow• ing publications of the Christian Commission, viz: Collections made at Peoria; Battle Hymns; Acknow• ledgement of receipts at Peoria; Meal Tickets; article * about soldiers' meals; Gratifying Testimony; prospec- tus of commission; Proceedings of Convention at In• dianapolis; Soldier's Letter No. 2 ; circular about stores.

Nesbitt, Geo. F. (New York city)—Outline history, subscription papers, and many other valuable papers connected with the 1st (Ellsworth) Fire Zouaves.

Myers, John T. (Assistant Surgeon 91st, now Surgeon 59th Vols.) —Three rebel hospital blanks taken from Port Hudson, July 18,1863.

Odell, Plon. M. F. (Brooklyn)—Report of Committee on the Con• duct of the War. 192 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

O'Donnell,, John (Lowville)—Speech in Assembly, March, 1864 (two copies). Onderdonk, Henry (Jamaica)—Minutes of Supervisors of Queens County, 1863. O'Rielly, Henry (N. Y,)—" First Organization of Colored Troops in New York;" Brief Memento of Captain Henry Brooks O'Rielly; Origin and Objects of the Slave• holders' Conspiracy; The Great Questions of the Times; The Real Motives of the Rebellion; Pretext of the rebels and their sympathizers refuted by the logic of facts. Parker, Abram X. (Potsdam)—Speech in Assembly, 1864, on ship canal. Parker, Joel (Governor of New Jersey)—Register of N. J. Volun• teers in United States service ; Register of Commis• sioned Officers N. J. Volunteers, July 1 and October 22, 1862, January 1 and July 1, 1863, and January 1 and July 1, 1864; Laws of New Jersey, 1862, 1863 and 1864; Reports of Adjutant General of New Jer• sey, 1862 and 1863; Message of Governor Parker to the Legislature, 1864, on bill before United States House of Representatives on C. & A. Railroad Com• pany and Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad Com• pany; General Laws of New Jersey, with explanations and instructions of Attorney General; Report of Com• mittee on Elections; Annual Report of State Treasurer, 1862; Report of Joint Committee on Treasurer's Ac• counts, 1863; Annual Report of State Directors D. R. and C. & A. Railroad Companies ; Annual Report of the Railroad and Canal Companies, 1862; Annual - Report of the Quartermaster General of New Jersey, 1862, 1863; Opinions of Supreme Court on the Classes of Volunteers entitled to State Bounties; Abstract of Ratables in 'the several counties, 1862; General Orders Adjutant Gerieral of New Jersey, Nos. 3 and 11,1862; Circulars of Adjutant General June 8, July 6, Novem• ber 26 and November 28, 1864; Notice concerning funds given by D. & R. Canal Company and C. & A. Railroad Company to promote enlistments ; Notjce concerning Army and Navy enlistments ; Thanksgiv• ing Proclamation, 1863, 1864; Fast-day Proclamations, CHIEF OFfM SuRMAir'bF klLl^ARY STATISTICS. 193

April,186$,arid ^uly> 1864; Proclamation relating to quotas, June 18, 1863, and October 22, 1863; Pro• clamation reM 1864; Cir• cular relating to Central Fair at Philadelphia; Joint Resolutions of the Legislature, March, 1863; Concur• rent Resolutions, March 25, 1863, and February 23, 1864, New Jersey Legislature; Form of appointment - of recruiting agents; Letter to Township Committee of Alexandria; Appeal to Nine Months Regiments, June 17, 1863; Two copies of the Report of Adjutant General Stockton to the Governor concerning the ap- ! portionment of quotas. Parsons, Captain S. H. H. (Albany)—Enrolment lists Albany and Schoharie counties, 1864, complete. Perkins, Major W. "WY (New York)—Report of the New York Homoeopathic Society (5 copies); Report of the Ame• rican Institute, 1862 (5. copies); Report of the New York State Agricultural Society, 1862 (5 copies); Re• port of the New York State Medical Society, 1863 (3 copies); Report of the Insurance Department, 1863 (5 copies); Report of Regents of University (10 copies); Report of State Engineer on Canals (14 copies). Perkins, D. (City Clerk, Utica)—Printed proceedings of the Com• mon Council from March, 1862, to December, 1864. Perry, Hiram (Albany)—Minutes of the Joint Volunteer Relief Committee of Albany; Volunteer Relief Pay Roll, Al- , bany (2 volumes). . Piepehbrink, F. (Albany)—Engraved view of the Central Sani• tary Fair buildings, Philadelphia, 1864. Piatt, Henry C. (Suffolk county)—Speech in Assembly, Matcli 2, 1864. Ransom, M. H. (Lockport)—Forty-six numbers of the New York Herald 1861-2-3. Ricler, Captain J. (Albany)—Report of the Quartermaster General New York (5 copies). Robertson, General John (Adjutant General, Michigan)—Adjutant General's Report, 1862-3, Michigan, Seymour, fltoratio (Governor of New York)—2 copies of the de• sign of the cemetery [Assem. No. 64.] W 194 SECOND ANNUAL KEPOKT OF THE

Stone, Wm. M., (Governor of Iowa)—Inaugural Address, 1864, and Biennial Message of Governor Kirkwoocl. Sanders, Alvin, (Governor of Nebraska Territory)—Copy of Mes• sage of 1864. Sealy, Capt. Israel R., (A. A. G. Dept. South)—File of General Orders, Department of South, 1863, 1864. Salmon, Michael, (N. Y.)—Reply to memorial, March 7, 1864. Seward, Frederick W., (Washington, D. C.)—Correspondence of 1863, vols. 1 and 2. Spra^ue, John T., (Adj. Gen. S. N. Y.)—1 popy Vol. 1 and 2, of Muster Rolls ; 1 copy Vol. 1,. Adjutant General's Re• port, 1864; 1 copy Vol. 2, Adj. Gen. Report, 1864; 110 copies of Presentation of Trophy Flags, 1864— bound. . Street, Alfred B. (State Librarian)—Manuscript of the Poem de• livered by him at the opening of the Albany Relief Bazaar, Feb. 22, 1864. Stacey, George G., (State Librarian of Maine)—State Documents

of Maine, 4 Vols., 1862, '63, ;64; 2 copies of Thanks• giving Proclamation. Stonehouse, Col. J. B., (Albany)—six copies General Regulations of N. Y. S. Militia; six copies of National Guard Manual; 12 copies Presentation of Flags, 1863 ; Mus- • ter and Descriptive Rolls of volunteers in U. S.Navy, embracing about 28,000 names—submitted to Horatio Seymour, Governor (who designated Col. ^tonehouse to act in his stead), and Col. Fred. Townsend, Acting Pro v. Mar. Genl., as Commissioners to award credits. Six volumes, extra Russia binding, with indexes. Stiles, Henry R., (Brooklyn)—21 numbers of the N. Y. Tribune. Spencer, James S., (Ogdensburgh)—Imperfect files of New York Daily News, New York Tribune, Times and Herald, Ogdensburgh Daily and Weekly Advance, St. Law• rence American, Potsdam Courier & Journal, Ogdens• burgh Sentinel, St. Lawrence Democrat, and Franklin Gazette since 1855. Slifer, Eli, (Secretary of State of Pennsylvania)—Poll Book for November Campaign, envelope, soldier's ballot, laws regulating elections of persons in the military service; poll book, statement and affidavit ; of each of the foregoing CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 195

Smith, James Y., (Governor of Rhode Island)—2 copies Thanks• giving Proclamation, 1864; 2 copies of Proclamation . of November 12, 1864 ; Adjutant General's Report, 1862, 1863 ; Quartermaster General's Report, 1864. Seymour, John F.—10 copies of Report of Soldier's Depot in New York city. . Sanders, George A. (Dansville)—Dansville Weekly Herald, 1863 ; nine numbers of Dansville Daily Herald in 1861; 9 'hand-bills relating to the war. Tripler, Dr. Charles S.—Five autograph transfer maps of the seat of war in Virginia, with the locality of battles marked. Tarbell, J., Lieut. Colonel 91st—Plan of Forts Jackson and St. Philip. ' Ten Broeck, Cornelius. (Albany)—-Series of documents published by Society for Diffusion of Political Knowledge.

Ten Broeck, George P.—Series of seventeen Democratic Cam• paign Documents, mostly in duplicate. Terrell, William H. H. (Indianapolis)—Report of W. H. H. Ter• rell, Financial Secretary ; Report of John H. Vajen, Quartermaster General, Indiana, 1863 ; Report of John C. New, Quartermaster General, Ind., 1863; Proceed• ings of the Indiana Sanitary Convention, March 4, - 1864 ; Emigration to the United States : Indiana as a Home for Emigrants ; Report and Evidence of the Committee on Arbitrary Arrests ; Message of Gov. O. P. Morton to Indiana Legislature, November 20,1861; Militia Law of Indiana, approved May 11, 1861 ; Re• port of Pay Agents, 1863 ; Report of Board of Loan Commissioners, 1863 ; Report of Committee on Fede• ral Relations, 1863; Celebration of Washington's Birth-day, Indianapolis, 1863 ; Report of Hospital Surgeons, Drs. Hutchen & Jameson; Indianapolis Journal (two numbers) ; Circular—Enlistment in old regiments for unexpired terms; Treason in Indiana exposed, oaths, seizure of arms, etc ; Five tracts of „ " Sons of Liberty," with secret oaths, &c. Townseiid, Lt. Col. Fred.—Series of General Orders of War De• partment. Terwilliger, James (Syracuse)—Three Political Handbills, 1864. SECOND ANNUAL REPOJll? OF TH$x

Thomson, C. B. (LeEoy)—Files of the LeEoy Gazette -.far 183?, 1863 and 1864—partially complete. Tracy, C. D. & Co. (Rochester).-— Eight volumes Evening Express, January, 1865 ; bound volume from January 1 to June 30, 1861; bound volume from July 1 to December 31, 1861 ; bound volume from January 1 to June 30, 1862 ; bound yolume from July 1 to December 31, 1862; bound volume from January 1 to June 30, 1863 ; unbound volume from July 1 to December 31, 1863; unbound volume from January 1 to June 30, 1864 ; unbound volume from July 1 to December 31, 1864. Todd, Chas. N. (Albany)—-Six colored prints, one each ; Camp of the 7th Maine volunteers at Murray's Hill, Baltimore ; Siege of Yorktown ; Fort McHenry ; Fortress Mon• roe, etc., etc., in 1861 ; Fort No, 1 ; Fort defences at Baltimore. • Union Congressional Committee (Washington)—Campaign Docu• ments ; Speech of Isaac N., Arnold, of Illinois, March 19, 1864 ; Speech of Daniel Clark, of New Hampshire, March 31, 1864 ; Speech of H. Winter Davis, of Mary• land, April 11, 1864 ; Speech of John D. Defrees, of Washington, August 1, 1864; Speech of Henry C. Deming, of Connecticut, February 27, 1864 ; Speech of J. E. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, February 9, 1864 ; • Speech of James A. Garfield, of Ohio, January 28, 1864; Speech of Daniel W. Gooch, of Massachusetts, May 3, 1864 ; Speech of James Harlan ; Biographical Sketch of Hon. Andrew Johnson; Speech of Wm. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, February 23, 1864 ; Opinions of Abraham Lincoln ; Speech of G. S. Orth, of Indi• ana, April 14, 1864 ; Speech of Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, April 11, 1864 ;| Speech of G. Clay Smith, of Ken• tucky, February 5, 1864; A few Plain Words with Rank and File of the Union Armies, by Wm. Swinton ; Speech of John C. Ten Eyck, of New Jersey, May 6, 1864 ; Speech of R. "M. Thayer, of Pennsylvania, April 20, 1864 ; Speech of Lyman Trumbull, of Illi• nois, January 28, 186% ; Brief History of Cruelties and Atrocities of the Rebellion ; the great surrender to the CHIEF Of fHD BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS. 19-

Ym Valkenburgh, R. (Bath)—Bank Report, 1862 ; Report of General Pope's Campaign, 1862 ; Congressional IJirec- , tory, 1st session, 38th Congress ; Patent Office Report, 1861; Report of Department of Agriculture, 1862; Message and Diplomatic Correspondence, 1862, 1 vol.; Message and Documents, 1862, 1863, part 1, vol. 1; Message and Documents, 1862, 1863, part 2, vol. 1; Message and Documents, 1862, 1863, part 3, vol. 1; Message and Documents, 1862, 1863, part 4, vol. 1; Report of Committee on Conduct of the Fort Pillow Massacre. Van Dyck, H. H. (Albany)—Annual Report of the Superintend• ent of the Banking Department for 1864. Wendell, Mrs. Wm. (Albany)—Files Journal of Commerce, for three years, incomplete. Woodward, C. S.—Proceedings Supervisors Orange Co., 1863. Wetmore, Mark (North Cohocton)—Seven numbers New York Daily Tribune. Willers, D., Jr. (Albany)—Synod of German Reformed Church, 1861, 1862, 1863. Wright, Hon. D. (Albany)—Proceedings of Albany Bar on the death of Colonel Lewis Benedict. Willarcl, Dr. Sylvester D. (Albany)—Returns of Surgeons ap• pointed to examine applicants claiming exemption on account of physical disability under the draft of 1862, from each of the counties of the State, except Che• mung, Columbia, Delaware, Franklin, Fulton, Hamil• ton, part of Kings, Livingston, part of New York, Oraiige, Schenectady, Seneca, Tompkins, Westchester, Wyoming and Yates. Williams, H. C, Captain 61st N. Y. volunteers—Muster and Pay Rolls, Co. H, 2d regiment La. volunteers, dated De• cember 31, 1863. Williams, Samuel (St. Albans, Vt.)—Governor's Messages, April, 1861 (2); October, 1861; October, 1862 (2) ; Octo• ber, 1863; October, 1864: Adjutant General's Re• port, Vt., 1863; Quartermaster General's Reports, 1862-3-4 ; Railroad Commissioner's Report, Vt., 1864 ; Auditor of Accounts, etc., 1862, 1864; Legislative Directory, 1861-2-3-4; Legislative Manual, 1862-3-4; 198 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE

Report of Board of Education, 1862-3-4; Militia Law,' 1862, 1864 ; Registration Report, 1860-1; Fastf and Thanksgiving Proclamations,, 18.64 (2) ; Opinions of Judges relative to soldiers' voting; Journals of Senate and House, 1863 ; Register of Commissioned Officers, 1863; • Statutes affecting Militia and Volun• teers, 1861. Wool, Gen. John E..(Troy, N. Y.)-=-General Orders, from 4 to 28, issued in 1863, when in command of Department of " the East. Yates, Richard (Governor of Illinois)—Adjutant General's Report,

1861', 1862 ;: Message to Legislature, 1863. Young, Brigham (Governor of Utah)-—Journal of Legislature, 1863, 1864. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF MILITARY STATISTICS* 199


CLERKS. The law requires that this " Report shall contain the names of all the emploeys of the Bureau and the sums paid to them re• spectively, but the number of regular clerks shall not at any time exceed four/ * Regular Clerks. Franklin B. Hough, salary $1,500 . E. M. Ruttenber, do i - 1.500' William Hotchkiss, do . .. -1,350 Charles Goheen, do 1,350 In addition to. the above names, George P. TenBroeck has been employed as a temporary clerk for several months at the rate of $75 per month. In collecting statistics of towns and counties, agents were employed. These wTere Col. Wm. H. C. Hosmer, who visited two counties ; Wm. H. Doty, who visited fourteen counties; Frank L. Stetson, who visited one county; Graham K. Anderson, who visited three counties ; and the Rev. Chas. Scott, who visited one county. These gentlemen have been paid at the average rate of three dollars per town and nepessary traveling expenses.