Arbiter, April 20 Students of Boise State University
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Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-20-1993 Arbiter, April 20 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. l ril!!! Library finally ready to break ground,p. 4 • Women's studies at BSU? p.7 ,SPB prepare~ for spring festival , Boise State University 0 Tuesday. Aprll20. 1993 • Volume 2. ISsue 29 • Free -page 10 III I , r II Sholfy'fdlls 56 votes short in re-election attempt Ion Wroten News Writer Weeks of slogans and promises ended April IS' 'when CJ Martin and Brent rule of order in the ASBSU Hunter were elected ASBSU Senate elections. The closest president and vice president race was in the College of for 1993-94. Education, with only six votes "My reaction was, 'Forget splitting the two candidates. the victory party, let's move Jodie White-Farnsworth won in and get to work,''' said with 101 votes over Lindsey VicePresident-elect Hunter. Troxel's 95. ~artin echoed Hunter's The only blowout took sentiments .... ' .... '., place in the College of Arts , .IIIhave,ageneral~nseQf""'all<i.Sciences ..,,~evin~·~M. relief that this mover. As tiineKnight won 'by an' overJ' , has gone o~, I have gotten a whelming 235 votes over ' growing appreciation for the Nancy Gray. , responsibility that we've Other winners in the sen- inherited," said President- ate elections were Michael elect Martin. Buscher in the College of The two won a close elec- Social Sciences and Public tion over former President Affairs, Clint R. Bolinder in Todd Sholty and Darryl the College of Business,John Wright, who lost by only 56 E. Fangman in the College of votes. Health Science, Erik Holinda ,There were a total of 1,862 in the College of Technology votes cast. Martin and Hunter and write-in candidate Darrin received 654, Sholty and Gleiser will represent the Wright received 598, Lewis Graduate College. , and Alidjani received 316and The close races, along with Sanchez and Brandt received 225. • Election continued Election Board Vice Chair Teresa Cole, left, and member Susan ,Close races were also the on page 5 Nuxoll tabblate vote returns Thursday evening. It'sffici I:,Full-timefees t l~percentin'93-94 sch r .1<.' Neilly Cordingley percent. All fee increases-except <;hntbination' "non-instructional ,Assistant News Editor -lor summer's, which-will go into . ~.",. '.' r . "effect in 1994-wilLgo into effect '''They felt that was a more 'Wmyou be attending BSU n~~t fornext fall. .. straightforward way to do it," said Ja1l1,1£you're a full-time resident BSU recommended thematrlcu- Bill Hargrove, public affairs o,fficer ~tudent,yoii'U be paying lation fee be hiked to $381;50,a $33' of the SBE.' , ..•.. "'$7~thatis, if you get your health :,increase, and that the facilities fee ISU was handed a 7.28 percent . insurance ~und., , .'. ' be raised to $202,a $29 increase. increase, bringing full-time resident . ·.··OnApri115 ,i.n,I~al,\o;f~lls, the: The Board combined .the matric- fees to $693. The U of I's fees were . State ik>cirdof Ed,ucationapj>roved ulatiolljfacilities and student activi- raised' 10.03 percent to $713, and' : ' $62instudenHee increases for fY ties fees and approved a $62 lump Lewis-Oark State's fees were hiked 1994,' " . " sum, bringingnCf'tfall's fees up to . 5.77 percent to'$660. None ofthese . Refund or no refund, start saving·$740. This isa 9.14 percent Increase, figures reflect the cost of student for the$858billc:lu~ by the August . not including the $37 increase in insurance plans. , J9 fee payment deadline. The bot- the refundable health insurance, Not only doBSU students pay .tom7li~e expense for a BSUeduca:' which was approved prior to the higher fees than at any other state , tionlVill goup 13 peramt; ,..' April 15meeting. , : .' . college or university in Idaho, they .;'. BSU;U ofI,ISUandLeWis.:.etark The'Boardalso:lumped together have also fundedIriore 'facilities StateCollegeilskedthe Board to ••'the matriCUlation,facilities 'aridstu- .in~se full-timeresidentunder- .deJ:ltactivities fees,ofthe Uofl, ISU., • Fees continued gIa,duate'fees,:byai\'average of 8.13 "and 'Lewis-CIark State, calling. the on pageS' , senate approves statewide bodv ~ \\«l! ff'11gl1UUJn We ~ 'BElU1"$ ItanmnJJHtt~\Wlnr1Il?? ~nt.1 ~~~ ca ~ fly l'b1W 5italte wntb am estiiJTaftlNlm_ <tii\till- iiJms muJT4bmd1, sm_ wamem andl UJimw~1ly ~ ttWml em qftiDfum\ JI1ltedl ami! miUijmm; Iimne- ~mI~~ Sim'~~~~ Jmesiin BbsniiJ), tftettitre iii; ~JFIIlItt GmdUa11e exam <ilJe ttl> mclIlllie Ihrll:nmllmt Q{f • ~ttmy~~~, fPlreP belling offemed l!rer: are~ ttl\) ~ tee ~ ~ll. lFttm~~~ ~ 'IWlilll!l Imelln> ~ ll1hmr ~ 'llPre~ttfu; W ~ca ~ ~ttIll1iiIm'tae~~ ~ ~Ily aJ~ ~ m:l!e. '\IJ'iic It'':3ml ame ~ ttD> ~ JPftP ~nw~VIly ~~_ <ImWlI:m:t> deIlBdI iiro ~ ~ ~wk~~til\'e~ sept.?n~er~ ~$ ~ d 5piB S'd'.Ml l\1e W'~ lllihe to <Cimlhmmm~ ~.e~ ...B'5llP...ll.U.~ of 'lIVmJ~~wlbe~ ~~.o ~,~ State f&nJm Slamn.l1lll $JPllOll. <lW3 ~ ~Ull~;~~~~ l\tmch fa,~~ WDm!l-:drolP' Cl!hfus ~ lMi:y 11-12 ~ ~~~lle~\b)~ Sqpt1. 1lIl-OtIt.:P.. .. ~ \l.m?llbf Sp1Ul mM tfi\'e ~ ~ fur srGmrs on campUS ~~$amdl0t!L9t f~ k,.~Ul ~ ire to , 1me ~ i$ ~ 0lIll tlihe E5Ul1 ' ~ ca ~ ~ ~ tiThe Stiate Siimre aJIIl:!imtt~, ~ Ihme I!£ll!!lllU$ ~ ~ 1Iml ~ lfl!;> ~d~ IDllIXdledl <ml tfumrcriiW<DmttaIsiin tfue JFlldijrre e:amlJi, etllmm5 'IWlll ~ llln\ !J • ~ W'elUl, $}pli1lm !'aid he ~<a1f1iJmdlmn. 1m 1ftutt~1!JPiir- ~Iif.wIl(lJjf~amJl! DiiPt~ I!l!ll ~ ~ iij, '~ IDmlk tfte~" willllh2a:tt :tllitlit!~i5IilDllJillPLtlJlAl:fu lfi!re~. w~ senate 7J pum. ~, ~ ~, ~ Jji'l!m>- "~(lJjfemdlll~iB;~ ~~~ <d11iiIm • nigJillt I!lD> $£ff'e ~ ~ <t41m ~ _ rlffirDFlI "'1Tlr$jj!mlt ca ~ (I!(f wnmtg the MillmtttffmIr~·1hmImiin:lHlD'fue. ~i5t:etafij\led W<IlWp ~ ~ miidl.flL ' '~ mlm1k tilie ~:" aI ~ l1lIe fiinlt dhs. JIm! ~l!II!l"tfiim:m!; a:::ruB 1~ ~ ll1hW.$ rin &e to Our \T{om[d] e8dlimJbIDng tmr tmefimn bn:n t5Ie EW <tal' '1I1lliS &:esa:me ~ Jliive ~ ~ ~ ~~.wl~"" Sjpa!f! san He tmtfte~~~, wffiIlbehildl ~dElilrl!n~ ~ t'fuift ~~ p:W -v.-ooJd comes ~o/SaUSe iin~w.iilThlfjfre]_~ Tiol~(!l'I'!'5mr~~~ rl'Qt fie ~g.. hI:creating a Wfu1tiizm ~li$ 'UY,{l:d c£a::1liiwlilliies" 1Iimn,. al'n BSUlJ" $ DnwisWt'll of ~ttI\)~fn:fuvmation. ~]Q1Ur "'W~ Jl:l!OOlac:iimg Cam:{l;i,.,fGig 1llIlliirlh ~ ~ ttHre d ~n2!~ tre'»' ~ Il2tnam$,. iin <ll mulliHnediin ~ 'The WIIJWd oot affect ~$amdIlltml~AJP1!i1ln. <n'1f fatlIll fu:le m J.T&h!) at 1~ ttrtiiml ~,~, R.J:ro.wm ~ ~mg ~ each school '''ill:1le JBmlk lim' ~ willi! ftegiiIm ~e4~ ~ I I, I I I Tuesday, April 20, 1993 Arbiter 3 BUYITfSE ..L ITIMEIT IT! DATE IT! THE ARBITER CLASSIFIED AND PERSONAL i ry rul s SECTION IS AVAILABLE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS AT lOW COST. PERSONALS AND MESSAGES ARE FREE! fe's sh n SEND YOUR ClASSIFIEDS AND PERSONALS Ion Wroten TO THE ARBITER, 1910 UNIVERSITY DRIVE, tion is the use of the $750 bills which they are asked to News Writer "outside of the club or orga- . review. 83725; OR CAll US AT 345-8204 nization by individual mem- "I would hope that all . The ASBSU Judiciary bers for their own personal bills (in the future) wiJI be declared the Senate's appro- use." < considered in the same way priation of $750 for a . < The decision drew strong our bill was," said Squires. wheelchair unconstitutional reaction from all parties This was countered by r------------~--------- last week. involved in the bill. Justice Shannon Asbury, I ~. BOISE'S BEST On April 1, the ASBSU "I think the judicial deci- who argued the .judiclary : BEACHWEAR Senate approved Senate Bill sion more than adequately can't make decisions unless #38, appropriating $750 to should show, for all of those they're asked to. FEATURING the Associated Students of parties interested,' why the "We Can't make a decision Light Technology for the biU was- invalid to begin on something unless an . ~!11I\1EILL purpose of contributing to a with," said Jones. opinion is requested," said fund set up to buy a new. Sen. Brian Griffiths" the Asbury. SIDEOUT SPORT wheelchair for John Ben, a sponsor of the bill, said the Sen. Sean Lee Brandt said former BSU student ruling was inconsistent with the decision was reactionary. CLUB On April 8, as the result of past rulings, or lack of rul- He said the judiciary's poli- .SPORlWEAR J a request for review by c;rtO\"n~ SPORT . ings on bills. -This sentiment cy of waiting until things are .U ~ 'i!I (gJ SANDALS ASBSU Sen, Terry Jones; the was echoed by Jerry Squires, brought to it is "like saying ASBSU Judiciary ruled tile. the president of the . when my daughter gets 1/2 PRICE SKATE RENTAL WITH THIS AD bill unconstitutional. The Associated Students of Light raped, then 1'1) do sorne-. NOW A YEAR ROUND STOREr judiciary ruled theexpendi- Thchnology. Other bills this thing about it. It's all bull- 214 S 15th, corner of 15th and Front ture was a violation of year have ..drawn com- shit," said Brandt. .383~0073•. expires 5/4/93 ASBSU Senate Code 22-530 plaints, but were not taken Despite the ruling, Squires outlawing ASBSU cash gifts . to the judiciary for an opin- said the organization will -----.-- -:- ----------'------ or awards.