I hereby give notice that a meeting of Horizons Regional Council will be held on:

Date: Tuesday, 28 May 2013 Time: 10.00am Venue: Tararua Room Horizons Regional Council 11-15 Victoria Avenue Palmerston North




Chair Cr EB Gordon Deputy Chair Cr PW Rieger, QSO JP Councillors Cr JJ Barrow Cr LR Burnell, QSM Cr VJF Chettleburgh, QSM ED Cr GL Cox Cr MC Guy Cr GM McKellar Cr MW Plowman Cr CI Sheldon Cr RG Walker, JP Cr JJ White

Michael McCartney Chief Executive

Contact Telephone: 0508 800 800 Email: [email protected] Postal Address: Private Bag 11025, Palmerston North 4442

Full Agendas are available on Horizons Regional Council website www.horizons.govt.nz

Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy unless and until adopted. Items in the agenda may be subject to amendment or withdrawal at the meeting.

for further information regarding this agenda, please contact: Julie Kennedy, 06 9522 800

CONTACTS 24 hr Freephone : [email protected] www.horizons.govt.nz 0508 800 800

SERVICE Kairanga Marton Taumarunui Woodville CENTRES Cnr Rongotea & Hammond Street 34 Maata Street Cnr Vogel (SH2) & Tay Kairanga-Bunnythorpe Rds, Sts Palmerston North

REGIONAL Palmerston North Wanganui HOUSES 11-15 Victoria Avenue 181 Guyton Street

DEPOTS Levin 11 Bruce Road Torere Road Ohotu

POSTAL Horizons Regional Council, Private Bag 11025, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442 ADDRESS FAX 06 9522 929

Regional Council 28 May 2013





4 SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS 5  Report of Environment Committee – 15 May 2013  Nutrient Management and the Proposed One Plan (Public Excluded) (Items to be distributed separately)



7 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Regional Council meeting, 30 April 2013 7


9 MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 9.1 Proposed One Plan Update Report No: 13-98 27 Annex A - High Court Process Milestones as at 17 May 2013 30 9.2 Affixing of the Common Seal Report No: 13-97 31 9.3 Workshop Attendance - 23 April 2013 to 21 May 2013 Report No: 13-101 33 Annex A - Workshop Attendance 34

10 COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1 Report of Passenger Transport Committee - 7 May 2013 37 10.2 Report of Strategy & Policy Committee - 14 May 2013 43

11 COUNCILLOR REPORTS 11.1 Chairman’s Report 11.2 Members’ Reports and Questions

12 PART TWO – PUBLIC EXCLUDED SECTION 12.1 Procedural motion to exclude the public 49 PX1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 30 April 2013 51 PX2 Treaty Settlement Process for the Whanganui River Report No: PX13-99 57 Annex A - Copy of Draft Letter 60

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PX3 Council to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain, and define the extent of the release. PX4 Members’ Questions

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2 APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE At the close of the Agenda no apologies had been received.

3 PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS Notification to speak is required by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz or by phoning 0508 800 800.

4 SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Committee/Council to consider any further items relating to items following below which do not appear on the Order Paper of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded. Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended), and the Chairperson must advise: (i) The reason why the item was not on the Order Paper, and (ii) The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.

5 MEMBER’S CONFLICT OF INTEREST Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any conflicts of interest they might have in respect of the items on this Agenda.

6 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS The requirements around requesting permission to present a petition or deputation are on Council’s website www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\.

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Minutes of the twenty-eighth meeting of the eighth triennium of Horizons Regional Council held at 10.00am on Tuesday 30 April 2013, in the Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.

PRESENT Crs EB Gordon (Chairman), JJ Barrow, LR Burnell (from 10.58am), QSM, VJF Chettleburgh QSM ED, GL Cox, MC Guy, GM McKellar, MW Plowman (to 4.15pm), PW Rieger QSO, CI Sheldon, RG Walker JP and JJ White. IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive Mr MJ McCartney Group Manager Corporate and Governance Mr C Grant Committee Secretary Mrs JA Kennedy ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting: Dr N Peet (Group Manager Strategy and Regulation), Mr C Mitchell (Group Manager Environmental Management), Mr A Cook (Group Manager Operations), Mr B Gilliland (Policy Monitoring Officer), Ms A Russell (Manager Compliance), Mr T Collé (Chief Financial Officer), Mr P Hindrup (Senior Consents Planner), Mrs C Rowe (Media and Communications Manager), Ms C O’Neill (Communications Officer), Mr B Puketapu (Chairman Whanganui River Maori Trust Board), Mr J Ferguson (Legal Counsel, Whanganui River Maori Trust Board), Mr D Groom, and Ms J Williams (Office of the Treaty Settlement staff), Mr B Judd, Mr and Mrs Paton, interested members of the public, and a member of the press.

WELCOME The Chairman welcomed the members of the public to the meeting.

APOLOGIES 13-465 Moved White/Chettleburgh That an apology for lateness be received from Cr Burnell. CARRIED

PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS There were no requests for public speaking rights. SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS The Chairman referred to the Supplementary Agenda which had been distributed to Members.

EXPLORATORY OIL AND GAS DRILLING PETITION Report No 13-81 This report provided Members with a copy of a petition submitted by Hayley Graham regarding the resource consents for exploratory oil and gas drilling and associated activities. Cr Barrow spoke about his visit to the oil site in Dannevirke with Hayley Graham and said he was particularly impressed with the level of monitoring and safety procedures outlined to them by a TAG Oil representative. Members acknowledged the petition attached to the item and commented on the lack of detail provided.

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Cr White noted the recent announcement by the government who were looking to open up more areas for oil exploration. She suggested that Hayley Graham be kept informed of instances where there could be an application for a consent that would be more appropriate for her to submit to. 13-466 Moved Barrow/White It is recommended that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 13-81 and Annexes. CARRIED

MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest declared. PETITIONS / DEPUTATIONS There were no petitions/deputations.

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 13-467 Moved White/McKellar That the minutes of the Extraordinary Regional Council meeting held on 27 March 2013 as circulated, be confirmed as a correct record. CARRIED Cr Barrow asked whether the Environment Court had acknowledged receipt of Council’s position on the ruling by the Environment Court not to reopen its hearing into the One Plan. Dr Peet (Group Manager Strategy and Regulation) responded that Mr Maassen (lawyer) had been requested to seek confirmation. Cr Guy referred to Page 100 of the agenda where the matter was reported on in the Strategy and Policy Committee minutes of 9 April 2013.

PALMERSTON NORTH SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CONSENT REVIEW UPDATE Report No 13-72 This report marked the progress made on the review of consent conditions as a consequence of the findings of the Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) /Horizons joint monitoring programme of the effects of wastewater discharge on aquatic life in the Manawatu River. Dr Peet introduced the item which presented the proposed consent conditions to deal with the potential in-stream effects of discharge into the River. He noted that new conditions around phosphorous and nitrogen levels were yet to be included to the proposed conditions as a result of ongoing monitoring. Mr Hindrup (Senior Consents Planner) and Dr Peet provided clarification to Members’ questions around aspects of the consent conditions. 13-468 Moved Chettleburgh/Rieger It is recommended that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 13-72 and Annexes. CARRIED

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CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT The Chief Executive (CE) referred to the upcoming Draft Long Term Plan submissions and said 22 submissions had been received so far. The submissions period would close on Monday 6 May. He highlighted key issues in his report and responded to questions on points raised. The CE acknowledged the efforts of Cr Murray Guy (Chair, Catchment Operations Committee) and Mr Allan Cook (Group Manager Operations) in regard to the busy schedule of Annual Scheme Liaison Committee meetings. The CE referred to the attached agenda for the Regional Sector Group meeting on Friday 3 May so Members could see the business to be discussed. Members asked if the proposal from Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to form a unitary authority replacing the region’s four territorial authorities and regional council would be discussed at the meeting and if so, what would Horizons’ position on the matter be. The Chairman said this could be discussed later in the meeting under Members’ questions. The Chairman advised of a suggested workshop date of 1.00pm on Tuesday 7 May to consider the State of the Environment report. Cr White advised she was scheduled to attend a He Tini Awa Trust meeting and site visit on that date. 13-469 Moved Gordon/Plowman That the Chief Executive’s report be received. CARRIED

PROPOSED ONE PLAN UPDATE Report No 13-73 This report updated Members on progress on the resolution of appeals to the Proposed One Plan currently in the Environment Court and High Court. The last update was provided to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 12 March 2013 (Report No. 13-46). Dr Peet introduced the item and drew Members attention to the recommended actions in recommendations (b) and (c) and the financial impact highlighted in paragraph 3. Mr Gilliland (Policy Monitoring Officer) reported on a meeting held with Ministry for Primary Industries to help develop a brief for Landcare Research to undertake further economic research. Cr Burnell arrived at 10.58am. Concern was expressed around reports of unrest and uncertainty in the public arena about the possible economic impacts of the proposed One Plan to the rural community. The Chairman advised this would be discussed at the Councillors One Plan workshop scheduled for the following day. Mr Gilliland and Dr Peet responded to Members’ questions around the proposed economic impact research, and current cost estimates. 13-470 Moved McKellar/Chettleburgh It is recommended that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 13-73 and Annex; b. notes that a further item on the High Court proceedings and MWRC’s approach will be presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting on 14 May 2013; and c. notes that legal submissions being made on behalf of MWRC will be presented to the Council meeting on 28 May 2013 for consideration before filing with the Court. CARRIED

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WANGANUI DISTRICT COUNCIL - UPDATE ON ODOUR ISSUE Report No 13-74 This report provided Members with an update on the odour problems associated with the Wanganui Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and this Council’s approach. It updated a previous agenda item on the matter from March 2013. Dr Peet introduced the item and updated Members on recent developments since the report was written. The Enforcement Order applied for from the Environment Court had since been granted and both Wanganui District Council (WDC) and Horizons Regional Council were working towards fulfilling the terms of that Order which involved a short-term mitigation, detailed in Annex A. Dr Peet said the next stage was to look at the long-term options for WDC to fix the problem. Dr Peet provided an update on a WDC meeting he attended where Council resolved to undertake further development on an option that would look at upgrading and changing the existing plant. WDC would report on each stage of development to the Environment Court and Horizons Regional Council. WDC would be seeking guidance and assistance from Horizons Regional Council for each stage of the development. There was discussion and clarification sought around the monitoring and responsibilities of trade waste and discussion around the affordability of the development and possible funding sources to help with the upgrade of the wastewater plant. Ultimately recommendation (b) was included. 13-471 Moved Gordon/Walker It is recommended that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 13-74 and Annex;

b. agrees to support Wanganui District Council in any endeavour to seek Government Funding to help with the upgrade of the Waste Water Plant. CARRIED

TREATY SETTLEMENT PROCESS WITH WHANGANUI RIVER IWI Report No 13-71 This item provided Members with an update on progress on the Treaty Settlement process with Whanganui River iwi. The Chief Executive welcomed and introduced Mr Puketapu, Mr Ferguson, Mr D Groom and Ms J Williams. Mr Puketapu reaffirmed the importance of the negotiations and said he and his colleagues were here today to provide an update on progress. Mr Ferguson spoke about the approach taken to the river negotiations and outlined the challenges, key elements and technical detail of the approach. Ms Williams spoke of the timeframes and further engagement involved around finalising the deed of settlement for presentation to Cabinet in early June 2013. She commented on the collaborative approach taken and the focus on relationships during negotiations. During questions there was some discussion about how to keep the wider Whanganui public informed about the settlement. Mr Ferguson said that as documents become public they would be highlighted more in the public domain. Other discussion included the level of involvement of Te Ati Hau Trust in the settlement and the affordability of any potential costs that may be presented in the settlement process. Ms Williams responded that all financial elements of the settlement package would be provided to Cabinet who would make a final decision. Other discussion included the role of the Whanganui River Maori Trust Board once the settlement process was completed, and questions asked about the emphasis of the settlement. Mr Puketapu explained how the disestablishment process would transpire for the wind-up of the Trust Board. Mr Puketapu said the primary focus of the settlement was that the River was treated as being a voice in its own right and therefore had rights with respect to its health and well-being. He said caring for the health and well-being of the River would naturally flow to caring for the health and well-being of people in the communities.

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The Chief Executive signalled that an expression of Council views and comment would be prepared in support of the deed of settlement which was scheduled to be presented to Cabinet in early June 2013. Mr Puketapu welcomed the opportunity for an expression of interest from Council. 13-472 Moved White/Plowman It is recommended that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 13-71. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 12.26pm The meeting reconvened at 1.10pm.

PRESENTATION: OSPRI (Operation Solutions for Primary Industries) The Chairman welcomed Mr Jeff Grant, Chairman OSPRI New Zealand and Mr William McCook, Chief Executive TBfree New Zealand.

Mr Grant said OSPRI New Zealand would be operational from 1 July 2013. Mr Grant briefly outlined the Corporate structure of OSPRI New Zealand. He noted that TBfree New Zealand (previously known as the Animal Health Board) and the National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) Limited would become subsidiaries of OSPRI NZ. Mr McCook provided a powerpoint outlining the Mission Statement, Strategic Priorities, Corporate Structure, Council Stakeholders, and the OSPRI New Zealand Directors. Mr Grant and Mr McCook responded to Members’ questions about the operations of OSPRI New Zealand.

The Chairman thanked Mr Grant and Mr McCook for their presentation.

AFFIXING OF THE COMMON SEAL Report No 13-75 This paper reported on documents to which Horizons Regional Council’s Common Seal had been affixed. 13-473 Moved Rieger/Sheldon That the Council: a. acknowledges the affixing of the Common Seal to the below mentioned documents. CARRIED

WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE - 21 FEBRUARY 2013 TO 22 APRIL 2013 Report No 13-76 This item noted the Workshop Attendance from 21 February 2013 to 22 April 2013. 13-474 Moved Rieger/Sheldon It is recommended that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 13-76 and Annex. CARRIED

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ENDORSEMENT AND ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS An error was noted on page 95 of the Audit, Risk and Investment Committee minutes. The words: Report No. PX13-52 had been omitted. REPORT OF AUDIT, RISK AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE - 26 MARCH 2013 13-475 Moved Rieger/Cox That the Council endorses and adopts the resolutions and recommendations of the Audit, Risk and Investment Committee meeting held on 26 March 2013, with the addition of Report No. PX13-52 to Page 95, Paragraph 2, Recommendation. CARRIED

REPORT OF STRATEGY AND POLICY COMMITTEE - 9 APRIL 2013 Cr McKellar believed his question in regard to the nitrogen limits under the One Plan as they applied to irrigated properties and the effect that it would have on the Acceleration Fund Project, should have been included in the minute on the Catalyst Group-Irrigation Acceleration Fund Project. Cr Guy referred to the text contained in the last sentence, second to last paragraph, “Members asked questions of clarification around some of the key project steps”, and believed this encompassed the discussion. 13-476 Moved Guy/White That the Council endorses and adopts the resolutions and recommendations of the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting held on 9 April 2013. Against: Cr McKellar CARRIED

Cr McKellar proposed a further recommendation, seconded by Cr Plowman. Members provided their views for, or otherwise, to the proposed recommendation. Not all Members agreed with the proposed recommendation and raised concerns around the appropriateness of making changes to the minutes. It was suggested that if a Member feels they have asked a question of sufficient importance that was not recorded, then they raise the matter under Members’ questions and provide a written account of the question to the Committee Secretary.

13-477 Moved McKellar/Plowman include the following text to the Strategy and Policy Committee minutes of 9 April 2013: “that the nitrogen limits under the One Plan were discussed as they apply to irrigated properties and the effect that it would have on the Acceleration Fund Project”. CARRIED


13-478 Moved Guy/Burnell That the Council endorses and adopts the resolutions and recommendations of the Catchment Operations Committee meeting held on 10 April 2013. CARRIED

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Matters Arising In response to a query relating to Report No. 13-65, Boundary Drain and Pump Improvements, Cr Guy clarified the process for changes made to the policy of a drainage scheme or a flood protection scheme. The Group Manager Operations (GMO) clarified that pumps and buildings were insured against earthquake, fire, and theft. Drainage channels in flood protection schemes were not insured. In response to a query relating to COP 13-117, the GMO advised that the Chief Executive of the Wanganui District Council had indicated that the Wanganui Kowahi Park Investigations report would be presented to the next Infrastructure and Policy Committee meeting. The GMO said he had offered his services to participate at that meeting.

PROCEDURAL MOTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC 13-479 Moved Gordon/Barrow THAT the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 and section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: CARRIED

General subject of each matter Reason for passing this Ground(s) under section 48(1) to be considered resolution for the passing of this resolution

PX1 Manawatu-Wanganui s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Regional Council information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of Holdings Limited - enable the local authority to the meeting would be likely to Draft Statement of Intent carry out, without prejudice or result in the disclosure of 2013-14 to 2015-16 disadvantage, commercial information for which good activities. reason for withholding exists To enable the Council to under section 7. undertake free and frank discussion around the funding and rating impacts prior to public release of the Company Statement of Intent.

PX2 Regional Software s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Holdings Limited - Draft information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of Statement of Intent 2013- enable the local authority to the meeting would be likely to 14 carry out, without prejudice or result in the disclosure of disadvantage, commercial information for which good activities. reason for withholding exists To enable the Council to under section 7. undertake free and frank discussion around the funding and rating impacts prior to public release of the Company Statement of Intent.

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PX3 Confirmation of Public s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Excluded Meeting held on information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of 27 March 2013 protect the privacy of natural the meeting would be likely to persons, including that of a result in the disclosure of deceased person. information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX4 Report of Public Excluded s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Audit, Risk and information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of Investment Committee - protect the privacy of natural the meeting would be likely to 26 March 2013 persons, including that of a result in the disclosure of deceased person. information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX5 Report of Public Excluded s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Strategy and Policy information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of Committee - 9 April 2013 protect the privacy of natural the meeting would be likely to persons, including that of a result in the disclosure of deceased person. information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX6 Report of Public Excluded s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Catchment Operations information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of Committee Meeting - 10 protect the privacy of natural the meeting would be likely to April 2013 persons, including that of a result in the disclosure of deceased person. information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX7 Council / Committee to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain and define the extent of the release PX8 Members’ Questions

The meeting adjourned to the Public Excluded part of the meeting at 2.11pm and resumed at 3.46pm.

The meeting adjourned at 3.47pm. The meeting reconvened at 4.02pm.

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CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman referred to a meeting he attended in Wellington on 16 April which was not listed in his report. At that meeting he met with the Member of Parliament for Wairarapa Mr John Hayes , the Member of Parliament for Rangitikei Mr Ian McKelvie, and a farmer and a businessman from Tararua to discuss aspects of the proposed One Plan. 13-480 Moved Rieger/Burnell That the Chairman’s report be received. CARRIED

MEMBER’S REPORTS AND QUESTIONS Cr White attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops, she apologised for missing the Catchment Operations Committee meeting, and commented on the site visit to the Totara Road Waste Water Treatment Plant, and the field trip to Tararua to view water management sites. Cr Walker attended some of the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. He raised concerns about the danger of power poles containing protruding rusty steel reinforcing rods, and an ongoing concern about cars causing damage to the flood protection stopbanks in the vicinity of the Wanganui Sailing Club. He distributed photographs depicting some of the damage to the flood protection stopbanks. The Chairman clarified that the power poles were the responsibility of the Wanganui District Council. Horizons’ did however undertake normal repairs and maintenance of the stopbanks. The Chairman suggested that Cr Walker could submit to the Draft Annual Plan for funding to be allocated to attend to the removal of the power poles if he so wished. Cr Guy commented there had been an opportunity to raise the matter at a recent annual scheme meeting of the Lower Whanganui River Scheme, and/or the matter could be raised with the Wanganui District Council. Cr Sheldon attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. She listened to a speech from Mr Nathan Guy MP at the Tui Brewery in Mangatainoka, and enjoyed listening to Cr White talking about women in politics at the National Council of Women meeting in Palmerston North. Cr Rieger attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. Cr Plowman attended the Extraordinary Council Meeting and several annual scheme ratepayer meetings. Cr McKellar attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. He spoke of his attendance at the Mangaone Catchment Care Project meeting.

Cr Plowman left the meeting at 4.15pm

Cr McKellar attended a meeting of the Rangitikei Field Horsetail Control Group, and he attended several annual scheme ratepayer meetings. He spoke of an issue raised at the Pohangina-Oroua Scheme meeting in regard to the flow rate reading of the River. The Group Manager Operations said he had arranged for a Hydrologist to meet with individuals to discuss the situation. Cr Guy attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. He spoke of a meeting with representatives from the Te Ati Hau Trust, and spoke of his attendance at 20 annual scheme ratepayer meetings and noted several issues that were raised. Cr Guy asked for more information about the nutrient management plans, including an analysis of the trends and the likely impacts on the individual and on our Region. The Chief Executive responded that information and an opportunity for discussion would be provided at the Councillor Workshop to be held on 1 May 2013. Cr Guy asked for a discussion period on the proposed Hawke’s Bay Regional Council enlargement of their region.

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Cr Cox attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. He attended the Lower Whanganui River Scheme annual meeting, and spoke of issues discussed at his attendance at a meeting for recreational boat users in Wanganui. He thanked Dr N Peet (Group Manager Strategy and Regulation) for his help in regard to a consent issue. He spoke of his struggle to set up a meeting with parties in regard to responsibilities for repair to the river bar at the approach to the Wanganui River. Cr Cox attended the -Mangawhero Scheme meeting and attended a site visit to the Palmerston North City Council Wastewater Treatment Plant. Cr Cox referred to pages 95 and 96 of the agenda. He believed that the figure displayed on those pages for the total cost of ownership of the Green RIG was not correct. Mr Grant (Group Manager Corporate and Governance) said that following discussions earlier that morning it was acknowledged that a further paragraph could have been added to explain the amalgamation of the figures of the Rates Revenue in paragraph 6.6 and the Total cost of Ownership figure in paragraph 6.9. Cr Guy believed that the benefits of the Green RIG to the Community should be highlighted in conjunction with the cost. Cr Chettleburgh attended the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. He attended a tour of the Hawke’s Bay to view the effects of the recent drought, he chaired the road safety funding applications, he attended the site visit to the Palmerston North City Council Wastewater Treatment Plant, and spoke of his attendance at a water display held at Te Manawa. Cr Burnell attended most of the usual Horizons’ meetings and workshops. He attended the site visit to the Woodville Water Supply and attended the site visit the Palmerston North City Council Wastewater Treatment Plant. Cr Burnell asked whether the Environment Court had acknowledged receipt of Council’s position on the ruling by the Environment Court not to reopen its hearing into the One Plan. He said he was disturbed to hear the Judge’s view that Horizons Regional Council held a neutral position. Dr Peet (Group Manager Strategy and Regulation) referred Cr Burnell to the response under Matters Arising on Page 100 of the agenda. Cr Barrow attended the Tararua site visit to view wastewater treatment plants. He spoke of a meeting with the Tararua Economic Impact Group where concerns were expressed regarding the impacts of the implementation of the One Plan. He attended a meeting at the Woodville Community Transport Trust, and he attended the Tararua Farmer of the Year competition. He listened to a speech from Mr Nathan Guy MP at the Tui Brewery in Mangatainoka. Cr Barrow referred to the concerns expressed in a letter from the Tararua District Council to Horizons Regional Council regarding the impacts of the proposed One Plan and their strong support for the regional council to undertake further economic analysis. Cr Barrow believed the letter should have been tabled for Council to discuss. The Chairman said he would ensure that Councillors received a copy of the letter. Cr White asked for some information to be provided at an Environment Committee meeting in relation to which areas of our Region were in drought mode. Members discussed and asked questions of clarification in regard to the Hawke’s Bay Council proposed plans to form a unitary authority to replace the region’s four territorial authorities and regional council The Chief Executive said there was not much information available in relation to the proposal and that the matter would be discussed at the Regional Sector Group (RSG) meeting to be held on Friday 3 May 2013. The CE said it would be noted at the RSG that one of the principal requirements or approaches for regional councils was the preservation of catchment management. The meeting closed at 4.58pm.


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Regional Council CHAIRMAN’S REPORT TO COUNCIL 28 May 2013 Tuesday, 30 April 2013

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT APRIL 2013 Bruce Gordon – Chairman Bruce Gordon - Chairman

Meeting Attendance

3 April  Councillors’ Workshop 4 April  Minister Civil Defence & Emergency Management Forum  Met with Minister Nathan Guy and Tararua Federated Farmers 5 April  Manawatu Freshwater Clean-up Fund - Governance Group meeting 8 April  Road Safety Funding Group meeting 9 April  Strategy and Policy Committee 10 April  Catchment Operations Committee 11 April  Regional Advisory Group - FAR meeting 12 April  Regional Chiefs meeting hosted by Manawatu District Council 15 April  Whangaehu-Mangawhero Scheme Ratepayers’ meeting 22 April  Rangitikei River Scheme Ratepayers’ meeting  Turakina River Scheme Ratepayers’ meeting  Tuteanui River Scheme Ratepayers’ meeting 23 April  Councillors’ Workshop 24 April  Matarawa Scheme Ratepayers’ meeting 26 April  Whanganui River Enhancement Trust meeting 29 April  Annual Plan presentation to Wanganui District Council 30 April  Council Meeting  Audit, Risk & Investment Committee Financial Briefing

Upcoming meetings scheduled

1 May  Councillors’ Workshop  City Reach Working Party meeting 3 May  Regional Sector Group 7 May  Passenger Transport Committee 8 May  BEFA field trip to the property of regional winner, Curwen and Marija Hare 14 May  Strategy and Policy Committee 15 May  Environment Committee 20/21/22 May  Strategy and Policy Committee - Draft Annual Plan Submissions’ Hearing TBC

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CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT APRIL 2013 Michael McCartney – Chief Executive


1. Attached at Annex A is a more detailed round up of the main organisational activities.

Planning and Policy

2. The Draft Annual Plan has been released for public submissions. Interest is moderate at the time of writing this report (19 April) with a total of 14 submissions received. Early interest through submissions appears to be around the biodiversity activity which, given the media interest, is not surprising.

3. The One Plan process continues its legal journey through the various legal steps. The remaining outstanding process matter is the appeals before the High Court. Notice has been received that an application has been made by Federated Farmers to add more appeal points to their case. Essentially these additional matters relate to a challenge to the question of “Scope” as exercised by the Environment Court.

4. As far as we know the timing for the hearing of the High Court Appeals remains set for July/August, however, there is no certainty that the hearings will take place within that window.

Manawatu River Leaders’ Accord

5. Recently a formal meeting of the Governance Group was held. The purpose of this meeting was to provide an update of the Action Plan progress as it relates to the Government funding project. The representatives of Ministry for the Environment (MfE) were very pleased with the progress. A copy of the full agenda of that meeting is available in the Councillors lounge.

6. Currently we are seeking applications for the Community Grant under the Accord. Applications closed on 28 March.

Lake Horowhenua Accord

7. Horizons have commenced a pest fish monitoring programme on 16 April. This is an important step in the information gathering process that will support the actions to help clean up the Lake. On 16 April and again on 19 April formal events took place at the Lake to recognise this work.

Catchment Operations

8. The main item of business for the Operations Group and the Catchment Operations Chair has been the Annual Scheme Liaison meetings. Attendance at these meetings has been modest, more than likely reflecting the general satisfaction with the year’s activities as well as the absence of any major flood events.

9. The viewing platform adjacent to the Manawatu River near Fitzherbert Bridge has been completed. The intention is to soften the concrete structure with appropriate art work.

10. Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) are in discussions with landowners near Buick Crescent regarding the walkway upgrading. This work will not impact on our recent flood protection work in the area.

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Regional Networking

11. During the past month the Executive Team has met with executives of both the PNCC and Wanganui District Council. These meetings are a useful opportunity to discuss key operational matters of interest to both Councils.

12. On 16 April I attended the MfE Stakeholder Function in my capacity as Convener of the Regional Chief Executive Officers (RCEO). The event was an acknowledgement by Ministers of the work the various sector groups had undertaken with the Ministry over the past year.


13. MW LASS Ltd held its annual strategy session recently where we undertook a stock take of the progress with the Company thus far and looked ahead to the challenges for the future. One of the outcomes of the session was the acceptance of the need to more formally report the work of the Board to the respective shareholder councils. To that end we intend preparing a regular newsletter (post each company meeting) that will highlight key projects and project progress.

14. The key projects on the books of MW LASS currently include – information services, rates and insurance.

National Issues

15. Staff have been extremely busy responding to national policy discussion documents, namely the Resource Management Act and Water reform initiatives. Government has provided very short timeframes for the lodgment of submissions.

16. During the past month meetings were held with both the RCEO and Chief Executive Environment Forum. I have annexed copies of the agenda for both these meetings for your information (Annex B).

17. On 3 May the Regional Sector Group will meet in Wellington. A copy of the agenda for that meeting appears as Annex C to this report also.

18. Members may recall a past presentation on LAWNZ – a water quality website developed by the regional sector. I am pleased to say that in addition to the support from the Tindal Foundation, Cawthron Institute and Massey University – that the Ministry for the Environment has become a funding partner to the project.

19. The revised and modernised site will be formally released in September coinciding with World River Week.

Attachments Annex A Council Update. Annex B RCEO and CEEF meeting agendas Annex C RSG Agenda

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Regional Council 28 May 2013

COUNCIL UPDATE For the period 25th March to 19th April 2013


Ruapehu Environmental Management 1. Land group presenting at Te Uranga B2 Incorporation – Finalist Field Day – Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Maori Excellence in Farming Award on 23rd April. Regional Services & Information CDEM & RURAL FIRE 2. Rural Fire season status for the district now lowered from Prohibited (no fires at all) to Restricted (permits required). 3. NRFA carried out rural fire audit – awaiting results. 4. Recent CDEM Coordinating Executive Group meeting was hosted by RuaDC at Ohakune. 5. EM activities will begin to ramp up now that the fire danger is slowly lowering. TRANSPORT 6. Staff are continuing to work with the community and potential operators to re-establish a transport service in Taumarunui. Strategy and Regulation 7. A One Plan presentation was given to the National Park Community Board on 17 April.

Wanganui Regional Services & Information CDEM 8. Mgr EMO attended Whanganui Navigation & Water Safety Group meeting. A need was identified for further water safety signage on various areas along the lower reaches of the river. 9. Carried out recon of Upokongaro & Mosquito Point for water safety signage requirements as a follow up to a Councillor enquiry – Strat & Pol meeting following Coastguard presentation. Currently looking at options. TRANSPORT 10. A public transport promotion is underway in Wanganui, mainly targeting school students. A competition to design a new GoCard is running at present, and will be supported by general and targeted advertising. The major prize for the competition has been sponsored by the local bus company. Competition entries close on Monday 27 May. The District Council will be involved in helping to judge the competition. 11. The Road Safety Coordinator assisted at Plunket Car Restraint Checks, Wanganui, 9th April, 2013. 12. Keys to Safe Driving, (a course for older drivers) ran in Wanganui, 16th April, 2013. 13. There will be a Motor cycle Training Day in Wanganui during May 2013. 14. Tamati Paul Presentations to Kaitoke Prison & Wanganui City College, June 2013. 15. Wanganui Girls College Learners Licence Workshop, June 2013. Operations 16. Tenders close for the groyne upgrades at South Spit on Friday 26 April 2013. Work is expected to commence shortly after this date with completion planned before the end of June.

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Regional Council 28 May 2013

17. The Lower Whanganui Scheme AGM was held in Wanganui on 5 April 2013. Operations staff summarised the river work completed this year and updated the meeting on scheme expenditure. 18. The Whangaehu-Mangawhero Scheme AGM was held at Wanganui on 15 April 2013. Operations staff summarised the river work completed this year and updated the meeting on scheme expenditure. Strategy and Regulation 19. On 22 March an application was made to the Environment Court seeking an enforcement order against Wanganui District Council for the objectionable odour emanating from the wastewater treatment plant. On 5 April 2013 the Environment Court provided a Minute to both WDC and Council. This Minute advised the parties the Court was minded to grant the Order, however, it had to wait for the interested party time period under section 274 of the RMA to lapse. This time period lapsed on 17 April 2013. Both parties are working towards the timeframes specified in the Order.

Manawatu Environmental Management 20. Staff attended the Oroua Catchment Care group meeting in Feilding on 25 March. Topics included the Mangaone west, Haynes creek and Tuna – Eel Pataki (at Afco) community projects. 21. Freshwater and Science Manager presented to the Manawatu District Council Marae consultative committee around water allocation and water quality management including the Manawatu Freshwater Clean-up Fund. Regional Services & Information CDEM & RURAL FIRE 22. EM Officer (EMO) conducted MDC Emergency Management & Hazardous Substances Technical Liaison Committee. Mgr EMO attended. 23. EMO has continued to liaise with the drought committee, positive work being made towards the establishment of an EM Rural Advisory Group (EMRAG). 24. EMO working on relocation of radio repeater equipment to service the EOC, this will provide for wider coverage and result in a more robust system than is current. 25. EMO currently working on Community Response Plans for the coastal communities. 26. Rural Fire Season status lowered to Open Season except for the coastal margin which remains at Restricted (permits required). TRANSPORT 27. Valda Patton, Total Mobility Coordinator, will again be at the Manawatu Garden Festival with A1 Wheelchairs, providing mobility scooters for those who need them at the Festival. Operations 28. The Annual General Meeting of the Lower Kiwitea Stream Scheme was held on 10 April. Attendance was average for this scheme but the two vacancies on the Liaison Committee were successfully filled. 29. Contract works are continuing on both the Linton Main Drain stopbank upgrade and the Moutoa Floodway stopbank buttressing. Recent wet weather has slowed the progress on both of these projects. 30. An Audit of the Pohangina/Oroua Scheme is currently being carried out and a draft will be presented at the AGM for consultation. Tararua Environmental Management 31. Field tour for Councillors of Tararua District to view Woodville water treatment, Dannevirke water supply and Dannevirke waste water plant on 3rd April. Regional Services & Information CDEM 32. Mgr EMO attended Emergency Management & Hazardous Substances Technical Liaison Committee.

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Regional Council 28 May 2013

TRANSPORT 33. “Just Another Saturday Night” public presentation on the consequences of drink driving will be held at Dannevirke High School – May 2013. 34. Plunket & Police child restraint checks have been held in Dannevirke during April 2013 and Horowhenua May 2013. 35. 2 x presentations about road safety to Dannevirke service clubs – April & May 2013. Operations 36. Three productive scheme AGM’s were held on 11 April and two more are programmed for 19 April. 37. An Audit of the Akitio Scheme has been completed with a positive conclusion regarding the scheme’s management. The Liaison Committee have been asked to give feedback over the coming weeks. Staff to follow up. 38. Landowner complaints about adverse effects from the KiwiRail rock lining completed a year ago at Ngawapurua has been investigated by an independent engineer on behalf of Horizons. The document identifies several deficiencies in both the works and the methodology and recommends some remedial actions. The Compliance team are currently considering this document. Strategy and Regulation 39. Monitoring of TAG Oil operation and compliance has commenced.

Palmerston North City Regional Services & Information CDEM 40. Mgr EMO attended Emergency Management & Hazardous Substances Technical Liaison Committee. TRANSPORT 41. A Great Mates Drive Sober booze goggle activity was run at QEC each day over a month (during the end of February and beginning of March). The activity was also run recently at a Local government HR conference hosted by Palmerston North. 42. The Road Safety Coordinator is working with PNCC and the disability sector reviewing safety issues at crossings for elderly and disabled pedestrians. 43. The Road Safety Coordinator is working with Police to deliver OP TO-ED (a traffic offence education day) as a diversionary education scheme for traffic offenders where their offence may have resulted in a crash. 44. The Palmerston North Bus Service has carried 7% more urban bus passengers for the year to date than in 2011-12. However Massey passengers have decreased by 5%. Operations 45. Consultation and works on the .02% AEP flood upgrade on 22 Buick Crescent properties is continuing. Works on seven of the 22 properties have been completed and work on a further three is progressing while consultation and options are being considered for a further three. 46. Works are progressing well on the flood upgrade project on the Turitea Stream at the AgResearch Science Centre. There are various components to this project, single timber walls, double timber walls (planter box) concrete walls and conventional earth banks. Recent wet weather has delayed the completion of the earthworks component. Strategy and Regulation 47. Proposed conditions for the PNCC WWTP review have been developed.

Horowhenua Environmental Management 48. Freshwater and Science Manager presented to the Lake Horowhenua Domain Board meeting 8th April.

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Regional Council 28 May 2013

49. Permissions were obtained from the Horowhenua Lake Trustees and Lake Domain Board for additional monitoring work around Lake Horowhenua including fish monitoring. Additional permissions were obtained from the Department of Conservation and Wellington Fish and Game in relation to the fish monitoring work. 50. Lake Horowhenua action (pest fish survey) was initiated on the 16th April with a formal blessing at the Lake (8 am) involving representatives from the Lake Horowhenua Trustees, Lake Domain Board, Horowhenua District Council, Department of Conservation and Horizons. Regional Services & Information CDEM & Rural Fire 51. EM Officer (EMO) conducted Emergency Management & Hazardous Substances Technical Liaison Committee held. Mgr EMO attended. 52. EMO planned and ran Council exercise to test new EMIS EOC operating system. Good turnout and result achieved. 53. EMO currently working on Community Response Plans for the coastal communities. 54. EMO working with Neighbourhood Support regarding the junior neighbourhood support programme in schools. Good results to date. 55. EMO assisted Council in development of Horowhenua Disability Strategy & Action Plan. 56. Rural Fire Season status lowered to Open Season except for the coastal margin which remains at Restricted (permits required). Transport 57. The Road Safety Coordinator will assist with Plunket & Police child restraint checks to be held in Horowhenua during May 2013 58. The Road Safety Coordinator assisted with Mobility Scooter training in Levin during April 2013. 59. The Levin to Palmerston North Bus service has been re-tendered and the results will be released by end April.

Rangitikei Regional Services & Information 60. Rural Fire Season status lowered to Open Season except for the 3 km coastal margin and north of Vinegar Hill which remains at Restricted (permits required). TRANSPORT 61. A Mobility Scooter Education Day will be run in Marton during May. 62. The Taihape to Palmerston North and Wanganui bus carried a average of 20 passengers each trip during March. Operations 63. Work is complete on upgrading nearly 1 km of the Rangitikei River stop banking at . The work was completed by Stringfellows Contractors on time and within budget. 64. Public access to the Rangitikei River at Kakariki is being improved through a collaborative venture between HRC Operations and Council. Strategy and Regulation 65. HRC attended Rangitikei District Council’s Draft Annual Plan Submissions Hearing to present its submission on 18th April. 66. District Plan Review. HRC are working with Rangitikei District Council on a project around better water use.

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Regional Council 28 May 2013


67. Councillors’ workshop held on 27 March on the One Plan. 68. Extraordinary Council meeting held on 27 March to adopt the Draft Annual Plan (DAP) for consultation. 69. Submission period is open for the DAP and will close on Monday 6 May at 5.00 pm. 70. Councillors’ workshop held on 3 April on Freshwater Reform submission, and a site visit to Woodville and Dannevirke water quality sites together with the Mayor and CE of TDC. 71. Councillors’ workshop scheduled for 23 April on the One Plan. 72. Council meeting scheduled for 30 April. 73. Several enquiries have been received from potential candidates for the local body elections in October 2013.

Number of FTEs 74. The total number of FTEs is: 212.


Environmental Management 75. Meeting held on 11th April with YMCA regarding Camp Rangi Woods/Totara Reserve arrangements going forward. 76. Manawatu Freshwater Clean-up Fund Governance Group meeting held 5th April. 77. The Freshwater and Science Manager participated in the National [water quality] Objectives Framework reference group as a part of the Ministry for Environments work programme around freshwater reforms on the 27th of March and 10th of April. 78. Meeting held with Rangitāne to discuss art/cultural aspects of the gorge project. 79. Two important science reports (SEDNET SLUI and Niwa’s Suspended Sediment Analysis) were formally released on the 10th April. 80. Meeting with Massey University Environmental Economic Unit to discuss the River Accord outcomes was held 12th April. 81. Nature Central telephone conference to discuss mutual projects was held 12th April. 82. Round two of the community grants opened for the Manawatu Freshwater Clean-up Funding on 15 April. Applications are to be in by 28 May 2013. 83. Met with contracted nurseries on the 18th April to discuss poplar supply. 84. Pest fish outcomes (Lake Horowhenua) reported on 19th April at HRC Depot in Levin. 85. Meeting Ati Hau Corporation on 17th April to discuss SLUI and implementation/forestry. Strategy and Regulation 86. Annual Plan consultation with constituent Territorial Authorities for 2013 is underway. Prior to the close of the submission period, a copy of the draft submission prepared for each Territorial Authority will be emailed to ward members for comment and feedback, along with the date for the hearing of submissions. 87. Preparing for Proposed One Plan high Court process, including assistance to HortNZ with supplying material for its evidence bundle.

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Regional Council 28 May 2013


Events and Activities Environmental Management 88. BFEC Field Day will be held 8th May (Gurwen & Marija Hare Waituna West). 89. He Tini Awa meeting to be held 7th May. Strategy and Regulation 90. A meeting with the Tararua Economic Impact Group will be held on 6th May in Dannevirke to discuss the One Plan. 91. Saturday 18 May from 10am, public launch of State of Environment report at Te Manawa. 92. Thursday 23 May 6.30pm (TBC), Science Café at Te Manawa - presentation/talk by scientists involved in drawing together SoE report. 93. Saturday 25 May 9am - 1pm (TBC), SoE stall at Whanganui River Traders' Market.

Page 25

4.1. 4. 3.3. 3.2. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. PROPOSED ONE May28 2013 RegionalCouncil Plan One Proposed 5.1. 5.

publicallyavailable Environment oncethe Court signs support to time staff by incurred be will remainder The expenditure. this of 70% approximately be will fees Legal $80,000. exceed not will 2013 June 30 to cost additional the that forecast the participate and both 2013 from directions Manawatu to that direction Court High the respond to responding on focus a be will there months two next the In to costs legal with Envi along the provisions, exceed will redraft to costs work directed Court Environment construction undertaking incurred was this Plan of bulk The One $317,000. that update last the $30 in reported was It FINANCIAL IMPACT a. isrecommendedIt that Council: RECOMMENDATION was update last The Court. High and Court Environment provided the Council to meetingon 30 April 2013 the in currently Plan One Proposedappeals of the to resolution onthe updateprogress Members on isto report This PURPOSE 2013. August31on 2012and furtherdeci Plan OneProposed the to appeals on decisioninterim an EnvironmentreleasedCourt The BACKGROUND decisions. app issue the Courts the as interest community hearing to responding is role Courts Council’sRegional Wanganui the by set is appeals resolving of process The COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT financialyear as a consequence of the High Court Hearing. Thesecosts include: update, last the in foreshadowed As

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- 73). -

No Decision Required No Decision

as Manawatu eals.


13 Page Page s and s - 98 - 14 27


Item 9.1 Item 9.1 7.6. 7.5. 7.4. 7.3. 7.2. 7.1. 7. 6.4. 6.3. 6.2. 6.1. 6. 5.3. 5.2. May28 2013 RegionalCouncil Update Plan One Proposed 8.2. 8.1. 8.

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Page Page s.


Item 9.1 Annex A Item 9.1 May28 2013 RegionalCouncil Update Plan One Proposed

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S &Committee P Meeting Council Committee Environment S &Committee P Meeting Council Meetings and Workshops MWRC Meeting Council

Page Page 30

Craig Grant 6.1. 6. 5.1. 5. 4.1. 4. 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. AFFIXINGTHE COMM OF May28 2013 Regional Seal the Common of Affixing this report. for attachments are no There ANNEXES GROUP MANAGERCORPOR

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Decision Required Required Decision Report No.

13 Page Page - 97 31

Item 9.2

A ANNEXES GROUP MANAGERCORPOR Craig Grant 3.1. 3. 2. 1.1. 1. ATTENDANCE WORKSHOP May28 2013 RegionalCouncil Workshop

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23 April 2013 to 21 April 2013 23




May 2013 May IL 2013 TO 21 IL 2013 endance from

ReportNo. 13

Information Only Information Report No. 23April 2013 to21

MAY 2013 - 101



No Decision Required No Decision

May 2013.


Page Page - 101


Item 9.3 Annex A Item 9.3 1 May13 May23 13 May28 2013 Regional Workshop Date

Attendance Attendance



23 April 2013 to 21 April 2013 23 Plan One Plan One HORIZONSREGIONAL COUNCIL

23 April23 2013 to 21 WORKSHOPATTENDANCE Details

May 2013 May

May2013 Cr J Cr White CSheldonCr PRiegerCr GCrMcKellar MCr Guy EBCr Gordon GCrCox VChettleburghCr L Cr BarrowJ Cr Present: Cr J Cr White BCr Walker MCr Plowman Apology: CSheldonCr PRiegerCr GCr MCr Guy EBCr Gordon GCrCox VChettleburghCr L BurnellCr BarrowJ Cr Present: BCr Walker MCr Plowman Apology:

Burnell McKellar Councillor AttendanceCouncillor

Page Page


May14 13 7 May13 May28 2013 RegionalCouncil Workshop Date

Attendance Attendance


23 April 2013 to 21 April 2013 23 State ofState theEnvironment Report “Dannevirke Resolution” Discussionon:


May 2013 May

Cr EBCr Gordon GCrCox VChettleburghCr L BurnellCr BarrowJ Cr Present: J Cr White BCr Walker M Cr MCr Guy L BurnellCr BarrowJ Cr Apology: CSheldonCr PRiegerCr GCrMcKellar EBCr Gordon GCrCox VChettleburghCr Present: Cr J Cr White BCr Walker CSheldonCr PRiegerCr MCr Plowman GCrMcKellar MCr Guy

Plowman Councillor AttendanceCouncillor

Page Page


Annex A Item 9.3

PT 13 Malley Mr date, completion would needto within keep theurban design policies ofthe District Plan. the on Members from necessary to a gain resource consent forthe alterations andhe furthernoted thatthe development comment to diff the explained response City) North (Palmerston In 2013. winter Inter the terminal.meantimeIn the was it that the expected interim facilitywould fully be operational by mid of location delayed had which factors of the number a on commented He Highflyers. about speak to Wilson Cr Cr invited Chair The PT 13 APOLOGIES TheChairman welcomed ALSOPRESENT ATTENDANCEIN PRESENT VictoriaAvenue, Palmerston North at Report May28 2013 RegionalCouncil There wereno requests forpublic speaking rights. PUBLIC SPEAKINGRIGHTS

10.00am Wilson announced the location of an interim facility would be situated in Main Street, next to next Street, Main in situated be would facility interim an of location the announced Wilson - -

74 73 of the


eleventh usa 7 a 2013 May 7 Tuesday That the Committee accepts the information provided on the interim terminal for terminal interim the on provided information the accepts Committee the That Moved CARRIED anThat apology be accepted Crfrom Anderson (WanganuiDistrict Council). Moved CARRIED regionalservices.bus

ohe (omnctos dio) mmes f h pbi, n a and public, the memberof Press. the of members Advisor), (Communications Koehler Teo C Cr Council), City North (Palmerston Malley R Mr Planner), (Transport Curry K Mrs thevarious times At during CommitteeSecretary Services andInformation GroupManager Regional Manager TransportServices Councillors Council) District (Horowhenua 10.07am) (from Duffy B Mayor Cox, GL ED Sheldon, CI QSM Chettleburgh VJF Crs meeting of eighth the triennium of Passenger the TransportCommittee

everyone to the meeting.

. , B , Wilson

in ,

iculty of specifying an exact date. He said it would be would it said He date. exact an specifying of iculty - the the Sherrell (Palmerston North City Council), Ms A A Ms Council), City North (Palmerston Sherrell

meeting: (PalmerstonNorth CityCouncil). Chettlebu Wilson/Sheldon aau Ro, oios einl oni, 11 Council, Regional Horizons Room, Tararua

MrsJAKennedy MrShirley G MsARedgrave PRieger rgh/Sheldon Car, B odn e officio), (ex Gordon EB (Chair),

plans for a permanent bus permanent a for plans

- einl u service. bus regional

Page Page

held - 15 37

Item 10.1 Item 10.1 Accordingly, Cr Wilson proposed a new recommendation in place of (b). In support of the the of support In the of (b). 8.7 paragraph report, of in contained place wording the in to referred recommendation Wilson Cr recommendation new proposed a proposed Wilson Cr Accordingly, North Palmerston review”. to the in goals and No. strategies Council City North Palmerston Ma 7 on meeting its at review theservices bus of scope the considers it when Committee, Transport Passenger Council Regional Horizons 2013 May 1 on held North Palmerston the at resolvedwas which resolution following the on Wilson Cr from comment invited Chair The 2014. and 2013 during Council Regional Horizons by conducted be to services, bus North Palmerston of review the for scope the agreed item This No.Report 13 PALMERSTONNORTH BUSSERVICES REVIEW PT 13 CONFIRMATIONOF MINUTES There wereno conflicts interest of declared. MEMBERS’CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Council’s City PT 1 North Palmerston for timeline the in withdrawn. delay a to due speedconsideration the of limitsSupplementary proposal,the had noted been agenda item the on that advised Chair The informat the pass would he said Chair The Transport Team for their consideration. promotions. bus of series Wanganui thepromotion for the of part as travel free of dayone students offer to proposala of consideration Chair The SUPPLEMENTARYITEMS May28 2013 Regional public for presented be would models funding and options various said She time. that at arrangem Redgrave funding discuss to Ms scope the within opportunity was funded. there stressed Services) Transportbe (Manager could options the how and costs potential included which review, the paragraph 6setting out theproposed sco to referred and report the of contents the through Members guided Planner) (Transport Curry Mrs anydiscussion on funding.

13 3 - -

- 75 76 “detail on fares will not be included in the review”. review”. the in included be not will fares on “detail 77, Palmerston North Bus Services Review had been circulated as a Supplementary Item Supplementary a as circulated been had Review Services Bus North Palmerston 77,

ents but that detail of fares to be paid by the variousset classes wouldpaid that be the passenger be detail to but by not ents fares of Council

tabled an email from Cr A Anderson (Wanganui District Council) which sought sought which Council) District (Wanganui Anderson A Cr from email an tabled

- 77

CARRIED which wasreceived. on Council the by adopted correct2013as a February19 record,and notes recommendationsthat the were confirms ThatCommittee: the Moved CARRIED Item proposal the had beendelayed. Supplementary the consideratio Council’s of City North Palmerston for timeline the that reason the withdrawal the to for Bylaw” Limits Speed of review Council City North Palmerston to “Submission agrees Committee the That Moved

“RESOLVED that the Council instructs Councillor Bruce Wilson to urge the urge to Wilson Bruce Councillor instructs Council the that “RESOLVED iy onilr fr osdrto a ter etn o 1 a 2013. May 1 on meeting their at consideration for Councillors City

the minutes of the Passenger Transport Committee meeting held on held meeting Committee Transport Passenger the of minutes the

pe ofpe the review.Shespoke about different the stages of

y 2013, to include Fare Levels and Structures and the and Structures and Levels Fare include to 2013, y

Duffy/Wilson Duffy/Chettleburgh 6 eray 03 ecp fr eouin PT13 resolution for except 2013, February 26

He believed that sentence eliminated sentence that believed He

City Council (PNCC) meeting(PNCC) Council City r isn ad Report said Wilson Cr o ot the onto ion Page Page n of n - 69 38

PT 13 note and increase, fare had been recent fuelprice decreases. last the since price contract the in increase growth 1% than less 2013 the for recommended was increase nil a why reasons the outlined several by made was im Comment the Region. on the questions Members for Members’ policy to recovery box responded fare Redgrave the Ms of aspects about years. financial three past the over p services which 7.7 strong paragraph the in table for the reasons to the noted Redgrave Ms referredand Plan, TransportPublic Regional the in target current the years. on based recovery, revenue financial Reg three the past of the all for across performed recovery 7.5 revenue paragraph the in table how the indicated to referred which She which rate. revenue, recovery fare revenue of amount Horizons the the from into service translated the of cost overall Planner). the to (Transport related fares Wallace the how Mr of absence the in Ms report the presented Services) Transport reviewedreport This No.Report 13 2013REVIEW OFFARES CONTRACTEDON BUSSERVICES PT 13 TheChair PT 13 TheChair putthen proposed the new(b)recommendation Crfrom behalfonof Wilson PNCC. PT 13 views. TheChair separated out the recommendations. their consideration. into provided taken be would fares proposed of details containing andsubmissions any that and Wilson Cr acro structures fare review, transport public from regional the during motion proposed the Ms discussed fully Members submission,and therefore believedconcerns the raisedby PNCC had been adeq May28 2013 RegionalCouncil

egae n M Sily Gop aae Rgoa Srie ad nomto) oe that noted Information) and Services Regional Manager (Group Shirley Mr and Redgrave Redgrave commented on the background to the report and said the focus was on looking a looking on was focus the said and report the to background the on commented Redgrave - - - - 78 77 80 79

then putthen original the recommendation (b)as per the agenda.

- 78

CARRIED b. Moved LOST b. Moved a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved CARRIED b. a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved

otne f aig ml iceet i te ae rglry M Redgrave Ms regularly. fares the in increments small having of portance CARRIED fare levels on the Region’s contracted bus services. Ms Redgrave (ManagerRedgraveMs services.bus contracted Region’s the levelson fare allHorizons contracted bus services for2013 at remain fares that review, fare the of result a as agrees, receives information the contained in approves the scope of the PalmerstonNorth bus services review. CityNorth Council strategies andgoals. Palmerstonthe and Structures, and Levels Fare the to relating matters the 7.1 paragraphs in shown matters the of scope the That receives information the contained in

oie te arng fr l o Hrzn cnrce bus contracted Horizons of all for patronage the rovided Gordon/Sheldon Wilson/Duffy Chettleburgh Chettleburgh/Sheldon Palmerston North bus services review include the the include review services bus North Palmerston

ReportNo. 13 7.6 of Report No. 13 No. Report of 7.6

/Duffy ReportNo. 13

ss the Region would be discussed be would Region the ss


14. os otatd evcs had services contracted ions

- 14 year which included a included which year 14 - 78; - 77


- uatelycovered. 77, together with together 77, current levels on levels current

d there d Page Page



Item 10.1 Item 10.1 PT 13 CONFIRMATIONOF PT 13 be could agenda the of part excluded considered publicand discussed the in public domain. the in contained items the that advised Chair The ChairaskedCr to direct hisWilson queryto the Transport afterTeam the meeting. travelled the route to raised a query Cr inFeilding regard the on Wilson MEMBERS PT 13 service Connection Capital the keeping of operatingand provided obligation suggestions to generatepotential revenue forthe service. social the discussed Members services. th of operation the over take to agreed had Taxis Black and Gold that announce to pleased was Redgrave Ms services. continued the of the use and of, spoke aware them make to students school She secondary at specifically targeted promotion closed. be would it not determine servicesto bus or Ashhurst the on monitoring whether on call final a making before years two another for service (TransportConnection Capital the operate th to Wallace commitment to a announcedattached Mrwhich release press of KiwiRail the absence Redgrave to referred the Ms Redgrave Ms in Planner). report activities. the transport presented passenger Services) several Transport on (Manager Committee the updated report This No.Report 13 PASSENGERTRANSPORT UPDATE May28 2013 Regional

- - - 83 82 81

Council ’


- 79

CARRIED partof the agenda becan consideredand discussed in thepublic domain: excluded public the incontained information the that agrees Committee the That Moved CARRIED a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Move CARRIED recommendatio the 26 that notes and record, Passenger t That Moved

February   receives information the contained in PREVIOUSLY   d e omte cnim te previously the confirms Committee he

HorizonsBusiness. Ame Act Management Transport Land Publicexcluded minutes 19 of February 2013. Fxo t Fxo Bah u srie s el s h Ttl Mobility Total the as well as service bus Beach Foxton to Foxton e

TransportCommittee meetingheld onFebruary19 2013, as a correct



Chettleburgh/Sheldon Wilson/Sheldon Chettleburgh/Sheldon

the decline in patronage, and the the Wanganui and patronage, declinein the ReportNo. 13 s ee dpe b Cucl on Council by adopted were ns ndment Bill update and impact on impact and update Bill ndment

ulc xldd iue o the of minutes excluded public

- Bunnythorpe - 79

andAnnex. e item at Annex A Annex at item e


Page Page


Confirmed Themeeting closed at PT 13 service. Members commented positively the on improved qualityvehicles of be to provided. Marton services, the for size and bus quality vehicle increased the on commented North and Coachlines, Madge was Palmerston to Marton tenderer successful the and said Curry Mrs legislation. current North the of requirements the under working Palmerston to Levin for process tender come not would Billlikely was the it As that tender. for out go could contract the before Plan, Transport Public Regional the currentoperators andthe Agency Newreview Zealandwould Transport whichthe allow for of time c FeildingPublic the to extensionRegional an adopted, new been had Plan Transporta until into entered be could services transport public for contracts new 13 no No. Report in P proposed approach variation revised that the Transport of a Ministry the from for received been had need confirmation said and the item this introduced including procedures, contracting bus Feilding the Horizons’ for timeline on effect its andAmendment Management Transport Bill Land the on update an with Members provided report This No.Report HORIZONSBUSINESS LANDTRANSPORT MANAGEMENT ACTAMENDMENT BILLUPDATE AND IMPACT ON May28 2013 RegionalCouncil

assenger Transport Committee meeting did not comply with the intent of the new legislation. As legislation. new the of intent the with comply not did meeting Committee Transport assenger ______- 84 CHIEF EXECUTIVE


- 80

CARRIED a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved

receives information the contained in 11.24am

to Palmerston North bus service tender. Mrs Curry (Transport Planner) (Transport Curry Mrs tender. service bus North Palmerston to

no fet ni Jl 21, oios a al t poed ih the with proceed to able was Horizons 2013, July until effect into

Chettleburgh/Sheldon ______- 3 rsne a te 9 eray 2013 February 19 the at presented 23 ReportNo. 13 CHAIRMAN

ontract had been negotiated with negotiated been had ontract

- 80


Page Page


Item 10.1

CONFIRMATIONOF MINUTES There wereno conflicts interest of declared. MEMBERS’CONFLICTS OF INTEREST entitled and 2013 May 8 dated Commission Reportto No. 13 Government Local relatingMembers to the distributed wasreorganisation’ government local BayHawke’s to ‘Responses from release media A SUPPLEMENTARYITEMS There were PUBLIC SPEAKINGRIGHTS There wereapologies.no APOLOGIES TheChairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. ALSOPRESENT ATTENDANCEIN PRESENT Victoria15 Avenue, Palmerston North at held Report 28 RegionalCouncil Irrigation the for Council District Rangitikei to further support After of letter AccelerationFund project. Council. a District writing that held Rangitikeibe before to workshop of the afternoon, after until Mayorwait would Chairman the Deputy that agreed was and it discussion, Mayor and Group Catalyst The bypresentation the to relating minutes the to wordingadditional the on commented Members the in published be to resolved were publicagen minutes Excluded Public when that made was Comment


of the the of 10.00am

da,it was notusual to include aMember’s requestleave for of absence. no requests forpublic speaking rights.


- on 83 (

- Tuesday 14 May 14 Tuesday second LocalGovernment Reorganisation r S ri (oprt Ifrain aae) M K Kelly K Mr Manager), Information (Corporate Craig (ManagementAccountant), Mr Shannon T (member of public). S Regional Mrs Manager (Group ( Chakraborty M Mr Policy/Consents), Munneke(Manager Mr Shirley Analyst), (Policy Tucker P G Ms Information), & Services Mr (Group Operations), Cook A Manager Mr Management), Environmental Manager & (Group Strategy Manager (Group Peet N Dr thevarious times At during meeting: CommitteeSecretary Corporateand Governance GroupManager McKellar, ChiefExecutive GM Guy, MC Cox, JJ GL ED, MW QSM Chettleburgh VJF EBCrs Gordon (Chairman), Barrow,JJ LRBurnell



meeting of the eighth triennium of the Strategy and PolicyStrategyCommittee and the of eighthtrienniumthe of meeting


. 2013

W igr S, CI QSO, Rieger PW

, in ,

the the

Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11 Council, Regional Horizons Room, Tararua

MsKBooth MrCGrant MrMJ McCartney –



euain, r Mitchell C Mr Regulation),

Research Associate), Research ” RG Walker Walker RG .

QSM( from 10.04 from

JP am and ) Page Page ,

43 -

Item 10.2 Item 10.2 ht e a b ivtd o ak o oni, n avs hm f h rcn rcmimn o the of recommitment recent the of him advise and Council, to talk regionalsector group to a catchmentbasis. to invited be may he HBRC, that of Chair the to note River, Manawatu the letter of management the a on proposal HBRC’s on clarification write for him asking would he said Chairman the discussion, further Following SP13 public formal a for ability the and issued, process. been had proposal draft a once process reorganisation the outlined consider might LGC the that co than expressed rather wasincrementally proposals Concern future. the in look could Membersprovidedwaypersonalthe viewpoints government local change might their of andhowit the to prior Horizons with this discussed not had propos HBRC of Chair the clear. disappointed not was were catchment They River Manawatu the of management about proposal (HBRC) Council referred Members a pollbeing demanded on the proposal. final and Report the of contents the explained likelihoodof the Membersdiscussed She documentation. and annexed the maps Membersto referred Report. the to speak to Analyst) (Policy Tucker as He background reorganisation. government the local Bay Hawke’s outlined for proposals to whichresponses the and (LGC) Commission Government Local the from Release Media Peet Dr local regarding proposals various the about Members government reorganisationin theHawke’s Bay region. inform to was report the of purpose The No.Report 13 LOCAL GOVERNM Monday on held indicatedthey may not be availablethe whole for eveningsession. be to Hearing Submissions Plan Annual 20 Draft the to referred Chairman The SP13 May28 2013 RegionalCouncil consultation onthe proposal. to response in comments forendorsement sought and Region, the implicationsfor its proposedand permits the about Members informed report This No.Report 13 METALLICMINERALS EXPLORATION THEIN HORIZONS REGION

a ad se wih ebr wr nt be o ted n h eeig To Members Two evening. the in attend to able not were Members which asked and May - - 167 albeing submitted tothe LGC. 166

Gop aae Srtg ad euain itoue te eot n dsrbtd the distributed and Report the introduced Regulation) and Strategy Manager (Group

- - 83 84

CARRIED a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved CARRIED 2013 and recommended as 1 page of bottom the 9 confirms That Moved

April 2013 as a correct record, and notes that the that notes and record, correct a as 2013 April o aarp 37 n blee te odn i te ak’ By Regional Bay Hawke’s the in wording the believed and 3.7 paragraph to ENTREORGANISATION receives the . the Committee: the

h mnts f h Srtg ad oiy omte meig ed on held meeting Committee Policy and Strategy the of minutes the

information contained in

nsidering the bigger picture of local government. Dr Peet Dr government. local of picture bigger the nsidering

- Guy/Sheldon Cox/Plowman


oenet edr o mtli exploration metallic for tender government ReportNo. 13

adopted by the Council on Council the by adopted

y include the amendment to amendment the include y

- 83

andAnnexes. 30 April 30 ked Ms ked Page Page


SP13 includescope the of what was beingasked. date, future a compare to important was it that at noting Council to presented and investigated be would learning of areas possible and councils,regional other the to presented being now were results the advised ExecutiveChief The nonat the look to was robust, stage next The more Kelly analysis. more now needed areas property was and procurement the data however Mr current The collected introduced anomalies. the councils answeraround information She to gather that to available important noted was Craig and report. project Mrs the the on questions. to worked also speak had who to Accountant) (Management Manager) Information (Corporate on elaborated Craig and report the introduced Executive Chief The of outcomes level functions service high support and the administrative using Treasury’sBenchmarking Administrative six andSupportServices report framework. for councils to regional other was six with item undertaken this of purpose The No.Report 13 BENCHMARKINGADMINISTRATIVE ANDSUPPORT SERVICES (BASS) SP13 that areas those about knew it what Council asked might restrictexploration. had Horizons to NZPAM from request the the outside priori high the that clarified Associate) (Research Chakraborty Mr D. Annex to relating questions asked and letter draft the of contents the discussed Members Minerals recommendationwas amended includeto this. and Petroleum Zealand New to sent was it when letter draft the with included be should biodiversity, indigenous of value the and AB, Schedule including Agenda, the in annexes edited relevant that suggested Members E Annex and explainedat content. the Therecommendations were letteraskin draft the to attention Members’ drew Peet Dr maps. attached the about report the in comments the on elaborated and area), tender gold (Epithermal B Annex at attached map Memberreferredreport, the introduced Regulation) and Strategy Manager (Group Peet Dr 28 RegionalCouncil and (Gro Mitchell guidelines Mr incentive the (SLUI). Initiative to Use changes Land agreed Sustainable the recently within on process Members prioritisation updated item This No.Report 13 CHANGESTO INCENTIVE GUIDELINE AND PRIORITISATION THEOF SLUI

May2013 - - 169 168 -

financialdata aro Department of Conservation (DoC) estate. Dr Peet explained these were included as included were these explained Peet Dr estate. (DoC) Conservation of Department

- - 85 86

CARRIED b. a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved CARRIED a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved

receives information the contained in metallic requests for explore to permits for offer tender competitive proposed the on comments Council’s the endorses receives information the contained in

und levelsservice. of thatthe edited appendicesadded be to letter. the NPM, s hy rvdd aube nomto. The information. valuable provided they as (NZPAM), ‘apples’ with ‘apples’. It was suggested that future reportsfuture that suggestedwas It ‘apples’. with‘apples’

White/Plowman Rieger/Sheldon

hi dt i dfeet as ad t was it and ways, different in data their ieas s eald t ne E Annex at detailed as minerals ReportNo. 13 ReportNo. 13 g Members g to endorsethe letter. ty bush remnants on the map were map the on remnants bush ty

h bcgon. e se Mrs asked He background. the - - 84 85 ecmrig recently benchmarking



s to the to s Page Page

and up 45

Item 10.2 Item 10.2 thatsuited their growin areas the in planted were varietals that clarified also He poles. of replanting and survivability and had fact poles, of supply future in the for contracts poles, poplar and of cycle production managed year poles, three the poplar of production clarif He disease. the rust of avoidance through affected andquality the improved report not the had to drought spoke GMEM the The that Region. highlighted the across conditions drought recent the of light 2012 the during production pole poplar on Members updated item This No.Report 13 POPLARPOLES PRODUCTION SP13 well his said, he as againstSLUI. with, line in recommendations the against voted Plowman Cr newin priority catchments, WFPs on reports regular and MAF, from funding WFPs, about questions Members’ clarified GMEM The forwant lapsedof a seconder. it discussion, following however recommendations, the to amendment an forward put He their for Council to McK Cr issues any bringing continue to projects. agreed He pre teams. SLUI and quality wa there that clarified GMEM The manual, management system quality a wouldof be better use. as such manual, a whether or endorsed, had Members easy provided Council) had (which plans strategic current the whether around discussion was There incentiveto the guidelines. changes the outlined which 7.3 paragraph to Members referred and report the of contents the on andareas wouldachieved be within c the priority higher to areas priority lowertargetingfrom and support financial the shift would report the r had Members inoutlined changes the that noted he changes,and the Councilthrough to that costs extra no be there said in GMEM The was incentives. around it and (WFP), explained PlansWhole into Farm put and effort the to report related These the workshops. SLUI at questions to Members’ to response spoke [GMEM]) Management Environmental Manager May28 2013 RegionalCouncil SP13 - approval and suggested that he provide, on an annual basis, an update on the joint venture joint the on update an basis, annual an on provide, he that suggested and approval - - 171 170 ellar referred to 7.3(iii) and noted a concern about protection of community infrastructure. community of protection about concern a noted and 7.3(iii) to referred ellar

- 87

CARRIED Against: Cr Plowman b. a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved CARRIED a. ThatCommittee the recommends thatCouncil: Moved

receives information the contained in to relating specifically report incentivesguidelines for prioritylower catchments. this in incentives and guidelines Initiative Use Land Sustainable the to changes the endorses receives information the contained in g requirements.g

- to


read and easy and read

rglr omncto bten em, o eape water example for teams, between communication regular s

urrentHill Country Erosion Fund contract.He elaborated - to - find information about the governance level of what of level governance the about information find Plowman/Guy Guy/White

ReportNo. 13 ReportNo. 13

ied Members’ questions around questions Members’ ied

- - 13 production season production 13 - 87 auain agt and targets saturation 86 .


been approved by approved been qetd that equested - nw views known

Page Page

46 in

Confirmed Themeeting closed at Members’ further questions relatedto housekeeping matters. the trees. Chair The He commentedthat the rateof employment in nurseries had dropped 30% since2005. t rather growers nursery professional Burnell Cr in held be to due Forum, Authorities’ Territorial March2014. Regional the to presentation a make to invited to made be should presentation a andNewZealandEnviroSch the that wasagreed It theinstage future. some at them programme EnviroSchools the about know not did TAs fun McKellar Cr criteria the around such with application.an consistent was it said and agreed GMEM The Fund. non Erosion Country Hill a the to by application application an if asked Plowman Cr MEMBERS 28 RegionalCouncil

______ding for EnviroSchools in their Draft Annual Plans. Comment was made that possibly some possibly that made was Comment Plans. Annual Draft their in EnviroSchools for ding May2013 CHIEF EXECUTIVE

commented on a property receiving 100% rate relief from QEII yet still able to harvest to able still yet QEII from relief rate 100% receiving property a on commented

ugse ta ntv pat ta wr prhsd y oios b otie from obtained be Horizons, by purchased were that plants native that suggested QUESTIONS

ad e a srrsd ht ny oe ertra atoiis Ts hd included had (TAs) authorities territorial some only that surprised was he said



han from prisons, and consequently help private enterprise. private help consequently and prisons, from han

- rft hrtbe Trust, Charitable profit ______


could be included in an an in included be could

ools facilitator befacilitator ools

Page Page 47

Item 10.2

Regional Council 28 May 2013

Public Excluded Section

RECOMMENDATION That the public be excluded from the remainder of the Council meeting as the general subject matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:

General subject of each matter Reason for passing this Ground(s) under section 48(1) to be considered resolution for the passing of this resolution PX1 Confirmation of Public s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the s48(1)(a) Excluded Meeting held on information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of 30 April 2013 enable the local authority to the meeting would be likely to carry out, without prejudice or result in the disclosure of disadvantage, commercial information for which good activities. reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX2 Treaty Settlement s7(2)(c)(i) - the withholding of s48(1)(a) Process for the the information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of Whanganui River protect information which is the meeting would be likely to subject to an obligation of result in the disclosure of confidence or which any person information for which good has been or could be compelled reason for withholding exists to provide under the authority of under section 7. any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information or information from the same source and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied. This item discusses potential arrangements for a settlement between the Crown and Whanganui Iwi. Final arrangements are still under discussion and as such the material in this item is negotiation sensitive. It can only be publically released by either Whanganui iwi or the Crown.

Public Excluded Page 49

Regional Council 28 May 2013

s7(2)(i) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). This item discusses potential arrangements for a settlement between the Crown and Whanganui Iwi. Final arrangements are still under discussion and as such the material in this item is negotiation sensitive. It can only be publically released by either Whanganui iwi or the Crown. PX3 Council / Committee to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain and define the extent of the release PX4 Members’ Questions

Public Excluded Page 50