Wheelchair Athletes Wanted!! Males and females of all ages needed for this competitive coed league

Purpose and Goal: The primary purpose of this league is to provide sports opportunities for athletes who cannot participate in regular athletics due to a physical disability, however no one will be turned down if they desire to play.

Qualifications: Athletes need to have a physical impairment that excludes them from competing on a typical sports team. Athletes do not need to use a wheelchair in every day life. The wheelchair is the just a tool used that allows them to play a competitive , like the athletes who compete in bicycle races and use the bicycle as their tool. Manual and power chairs are allowed. There is a cognitive requirement that the athlete can understand enough of the game to actively participate on the team.

Teams: Forsyth County Firebirds and Fulton County Titans are currently playing. Only 6 athletes needed to form a team in your area. Additional teams will form as needed.

Fall Season: Wheelchair Winter: Wheelchair Spring: Wheelchair Coming Soon: Power Soccer

Games: Are played indoors in a basketball court on Saturdays @ 4:30 p.m. Locations will alternate between team home courts.

Practices: Teams will practice one day per week prior to Saturday games.

Registration Fee: $40.00 per person, per season. (Financial aid available upon request.)

Referees and coaches needed!!!

Contact & Registration

Email Sherri at [email protected] Please put “No Limits Sports” on the subject line or call us at (770) 337-9870