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1 --.-& y Report of the f I Special Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution | 1 to the Parliament of Canada I I I -r v





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Chairman: Thomas H. Lefebvre, M.P. — Pontiac-Gatineau-Labelle

Robert A. Corbett, M.P. — Fundy-Royal Gary M.Gurbin, M.P. —Bruce-Grey A. AllteterMacBaln.M.P. —Niagara Falls 5 : : Gary F. McCauley, M.P. —Moncton Arthur Portelance, M.P. — Gamelin Mark W. Rose, M.P. — Mission-Port Moody

Clerk of the Special Committee

J. M. Robert Normand

Research Staff

Project Manager: Dean N. Clay

Peter T.Aiward Judith E.Beange John R. DeGrace Brenda J. Dyack James F. Follwell John E.S. Graham Lynne C. Myers

First Session of the Thirty-second Parliament, 1980-1981 The Special Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution has the honour to present its


In relation to its Order of Reference of Friday, May 23, 1980, your Committee has examined the following: That a Special Committee of the House of Commons, to be composed of seven Members to be named at a later date, be appointed to act as a Parliamentary Task Force on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution to explore and report upon utilization of alternative energy sources such as "gasohol", liquified coal, solar energy, methanol, wind and tidal power, biomass, and propane for heating oil and vehicles, with special attention paid to the feasibility, the impact on balance of payments and overall economic desirability; That the Committee have all of the powers given to Standing Committees by section (8) of Standing Order 65; That the Committee have the power to retain the services of expert, professional, technical and clerical staff as may be deemed necessary; That the Committee, its sub-committees and Members of the Committee have the power, when the Committee deems it necessary, to adjourn or travel from place to place inside and outside Canada and that, when deemed necessary, the required staff accompa- ny the Committee, sub-committees or Members of the Committee, as the case may be; That the provisions of sections (4) and (9) of Standing Order 65 be suspended, unless otherwise agreed to by the said Committee, in application to the said Committee; and That, notwithstanding the usual practices of this House, if the House is not sitting when an interim or final report of the Committee is completed, the Committee may make tne said report public before it is laid before the House, but that, in any case the Committee shall report to the House finally no later than December 19.1980.

NOTE: This mandate was extended by the House of Commons first to 31 March 1981 and then to 15 May 1981, at the request of the Committee.


Over the last year this Special Committee has!'called upon the assistance of a'large number of people. We extend our thanks in general here and note that various appendices to the Report name those who supported or : contributed to the Committee's work. We first thank the individuals and organizations across Canada who came forward as witnesses or who provided information and opinions to us. The Committee members and the staff have relied heavily upon these thoughtful contributions. .-, '•• The Governments of all ten Provinces and of the Yukon and North- west Territories responded to our invitation for meetings. Not only did we benefit ; from the regional views thereby expressed but we also appreciated the fact that "; Government representatives accommodated themselves to the Committee's tight schedule. Many agencies and facilities welcomed the Committee in its travels in Canada and abroad. We found such visits to be of great value to the study and the hospitality which we were accorded was a welcome tonic during a tiring schedule. We asked for the time of many busy people and it was freely given. The Department of External Affairs gave yeoman service in setting up complex international travel itineraries under pressing time constraints. Many people in the Department contributed to the success of this aspect of the Committee's operation, both in Ottawa and in the countries visited. We are also grateful to the Departments of National Defence and Transport for providing government aircraft for parts of the Committee's travel, some of which could not have been otherwise accomplished. We thank the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament for providing an unprecedented level of professional research assistance to a Parlia- mentary Committee, and the Information and Reference Branch for supplying reference material. Other services of the House of Commons, which are often taken for granted, should be formally acknowledged. These include the Committee Reporting Service, the Printing Operations Branch, and Simultaneous interpreta- tion. In holding public hearings in Ottawa and across Canada and in appending technical documents to our Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, we have placed a heavy burden on these services and we hive been well pleased with the results. To those who performed the secretarial tasks for the Committee we extend our gratitude for persevering in sometimes trying and hectic circumstances. Lastly we thank our families who tolerated with patience and good humour the excessive demands that the Committee work made upon our time. We regret that this time cannot be recaptured now that the Report is finished.


Preface 1

Organization of the Study 3

Afterthoughts 5

1. Introduction 7

2. Energy and Power 13

3. Canada's Energy System Today 19 CANADA'S ENERGY USE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT 23 CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES AND RESERVES 27 1. The Resource/Reserve Spectrum 27 2. Hydrocarbon Resources 27 3. Hydraulic Resources 35 4. Uranium Resources 36 ENERGY FLOWS IN CANADA 37 1. Energy Supply, Demand and Trade 37 2. The Conventional Energy Mix 38 3. Energy Lifelines 39 4. Regional Considerations 44 5. Alternative Energy Use in Canada Today 46 AN EVOLUTION IN ENERGY OUTLOOK 47 THE PROBLEM WITH OIL 51

4. Canada's Energy System Tomorrow 55 GUIDING THE DEVELOPMENT 57 1. Conservation and Energy Efficiency 57 2. Renewable and Inexhaustible Sources of Energy 58 3. Environmental Concerns 59 4. Diversity in Energy Supply 62 5. Regional Considerations 63 6. Strategic Concerns 66 7. Social Concerns 68 ELECTRICITY AND HYDROGEN IN CANADA'S ENERGY FUTURE 73 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION FUELS 77 BUILDING A HYDROGEN AND ELECTRIC ECONOMY 79

xi 5. Energy and the Economy si INTRODUCTION 83 ENERGY PRICING 85 1. Energy Pricing in the Past 85 2. Future Energy Prices and Their Implications 88 THE ECONOMICS OF ENERGY SUPPLY, DEMAND AND CONSERVATION 91 1. Conservation Defined 91 2. What Factors Affect Conservation? 91 3. Conservation Objectives, Decisions and Policies 92 4. Pricing Criteria for Alternative Energy and Oil Substitutes 93 5. Demand, Conservation and Prices 94 6. Delays in Adopting Alternatives 95 ENERGY AND GROWTH 97 1. Energy Consumption and the Gross Domestic Product 97 2. Energy Consumption by Producers 100 3. The Role of New Energy Sources and Technological Change 100 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, ENERGY TRADE AND INVESTMENT 103 ENERGY AND EMPLOYMENT 107 INCENTIVES 109

6. Alternative Energy Sources, Currencies and Technologies 113



BtOMASSENERGV 123 1. Alcohol Fuels 125 2. Biogas 130 3. Wood 132 4. Peat 135

COAL TECHNOLOGIES 139 1. Combustion Technologies 139 2. Conversion Technologies 142


ELECTRICAL GENERATION 151 1. Combined-cycle Generation 151 2. Low-head and Small-scale Hydro-electric Generation 155 FUEL CELLS 157 1. Fuel Cell Technology 157 2. Advantages and Difficulties in Using Fuel Cells 158 3. International and Canadian Development 159

FUSION ENERGY 161 1. The Nature of Fusion Energy 161 2. Advantages and Difficulties in Using Fusion Energy 166 3. International and Canadian Development 167

xii GEOTHERMAL ENERGY 171 1. The Nature of Geothermal Energy 171 2. Advantages and Difficulties in Using Geothermal Energy 172 3. International and Canadian Development 175 HEAT PUMPS 179 1. Heat Pump Technology 179 2. Advantages and Difficulties in Using Heat Pumps 180 3. International and Canadian Development 181 HYDROGEN 183 1. The Nature of Hydrogen 183 2. Producing Hydrogen 184 3. Storing Hydrogen 185 4. Transporting Hydrogen 187 5. A Hydrogen-based Energy System for Canada 187 NONCONVENTIONAL PROPULSION 191 1. Propane 192 2. Compressed Natural Gas 192 3. Synthetic Gasoline 193 4. Alcohols 194 5. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 195 6. Hydrogen 198 OCEAN ENERGY 201 1. Tidal Energy 201 2. Wave Energy 207 3. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) 207 SOLAR ENERGY 211 1. The Nature of Solar Energy 211 2. Solar Space and Water Heating Systems 212 3. Solar-thermal Power Systems 217 4. Photovoltaics 217 5. Solar Energy: An Appropriate Technology 219 WIND ENERGY 221 1. The Nature of Wind Energy 221 2. Advantages and Difficulties in Using Wind Energy 222 3. International and Canadian Development 222

7. Recommendations 225

8. Selected Bibliography 235

9. Appendices 243



Chairing the Special Committee of the House of Commons on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution has been an exciting and appealing challenge. The experience of working closely for many months with a small and dedicated group of Members of Parliament, supported by a competent profession- al staff, was particularly satisfying. Our mandate was one of the most complex and technical ever given a Committee of the House and it demanded months of intense study by the Members before they could state, their conclusions cand recommendations. - -; ; 77 : :„ . - Our work we hope demonstrates that a group of Parliamentarians with various backgrounds, representing three political parties and possessing different degrees of knowledge about energy, is able to prepare a report which is comprehensive, credible and understandable to the Canadian public. _ During the public hearings held in Ottawa and in each Province and Territory, Committee members had an opportunity to hear testimony from private citizens, interested groups, professional people, officials from corporations large and small, and government representatives. Furthermore, officials in a number of foreign countries welcomed our inquiries and opened their doors to us. We could not have completed our study without the cooperation and time freely given by all these people and we sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the Commit- tee's learning process. We hope that this Report justifies the efforts they made on our behalf. The Committee had to cope with an avalanche of material and it has been an immense task to weigh the opinions and to consider the information contained in these documents. Similarly, we found it difficult to present our findings concisely. This Report reviews the present energy system in Canada and, by means of its recommendations, suggests ways that alternative sources of energy and conservation should be promoted. We hope that our conclusions will convince Canadians that, while our country does not yet face a true energy crisis, there is an urgent need to find appropriate substitutes for oil and to move Canada's energy system towards one based upon sustainable energy sources.

Canada has the resources to be a leader in the global energy transition. In this century we have the opportunity not only to secure our own energy future, but also to export new energy technologies we develop along the way. We appreciate that this transformation of our energy system will not be easily achieved, and our recommendations reflect the magnitude of the effort required. We are however optimistic that with a concerted effort, and an enthusiastic and sustained commitment, the task can be accomplished.

Thomas H. Lefebvre, M.P. Chairman ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY

The Committee was established on 23 May 1980 and we recognized at the beginning of the investigation that our order of reference required some interpretation. We decided that alternative energy would refer to those energy sources, energy technologies and fuels (energy currencies or carriers) not presently exploited in Canada to any significant degree. Coal liquefaction, for example, is a commercial enterprise in South Africa but it is not a technology developed in this country and thus represented a legitimate area for study. Initially the following subjects were selected for consideration: biomass, coal conversion, co-generation, district heating, fluidized bed combustion, fuel cells, fusion energy, geother- mal energy, heat pumps, hydrogen, nonconventionally-powered vehicles, ocean, solar and wind energy. This list underwent some modification as the study progressed and the subjects were accorded varying degrees of importance. The order of reference made no mention of Canada's conventional energy sources: crude oil, natural gas, coal, hydro-electricity and nuclear-electricity. Neither did it mention the subject of energy conservation. It soon became apparent, however, that one cannot study the potential contribution of alternative energy to Canada's energy system without considering the manner in which the conventional mix will evolve. Similarly, one cannot discuss the evolution of a complex energy system without referring to the impact of conservation. In other words, although we were not directed to look beyond the area of alternative energy, we had no choice but to touch upon many elements of Canada's energy affairs. The Committee was therefore presented with an immense task and, notwithstanding the extension of its reporting deadline from 19 December 1980 to 15 May 1981, time has been the overwhelming constraint on its operation. In approaching this task the Committee called upon the services of the Library of Parliament. Eight Research Officers from the Research Branch of the Library, trained in the fields of science and economics, assisted in the Committee's investigation. Six of these people worked with the Committee from the beginning to the end of its mandate. On 25 June 1980, the Committee opened its first round of public hearings in Ottawa. Concerned with exploring the range of the mandate, these hearings laid the groundwork for more detailed investigation. This phase of the Committee's operation carried through to the end of July and included 16 public sessions. In advertisements carried in mid-July in most daily newspapers and in a number of weeklies across Canada, the Committee next invited public submissions relating to its mandate. Some 150 individuals and organizations corresponded with the Committee in response to this advertising, the majority submitting briefs of varying length and complexity. Following the analysis of these submissions in late August, the Committee held public hearings across Canada in the month of September. The domestic travel allowed us to hear representative presentations drawn from the public response to our advertising, to meet with government officials in every Province and in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, and to see facilities of interest in various parts of the country. The Committee visited the cities of Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Victoria, Vancouver, Edmcnton, Regina, Winnipeg, Yellowknifa, Whitehorse. Hay River, St. John's, Halifax, Charlottetown and Fredericton. In October the Committee turned its attention to the international scene. Dividing into subcommittees, members and staff visited the United States, Brazil, France, West Ger- many, Italy, Ireland, Sweden and Iceland. Meeting with government officials and representa- tives of the private sector and visiting selected energy facilities, we learned much about the alternative energy programs in those countries. Having acquired some perspective on development., abroad, it was time to add depth to the inquiry and a final round of 28 public hearings was held in Ottawa. Those hearings pursued more detailed aspects of alternative energy and were completed on 11 December 1980. Thereafter the Committee began preparing its Report to Parliament. During its study the Committee exercised its authority to retain the services of experts. Assistance on specific issues was provided by Middleton Associates of Toronto, by the Economic Council of Canada and by Professor John Holdren of t'.ie University of California at Berkeley. To help convey its ideas and findings to the public, the Committee hired the graphics firm Les Illustrateurs of Hull, Quebec and Rockland, Ontario. And, under the aegis of the Library of Parliament, the Committee engaged Professor Benoit Jean, of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique in Varennes, Quebec, to provide peer review for the final Report. The reader will note that the order of reference directed the Committee to report upon the "utilization of alternative energy sources". We recognize the point of view which stresses dealing with the demand side of the energy equation rather than the supply side. While we agree that the management of energy demand is of at least comparable importance in Canada, our Report necessarily treats only the subject of alternative energy supply in detail. We further recognize that our investigation has not exhausted all avenues of approach even in the restricted domain of alternative energy. Rather we have laid the subject out in broad terms, leaving many signposts along the way whtre we think more detailed work is desirable (or essential). In so doing, the Report outlines the Committee's view of the appropriate evolution of Canada's energy system. Our final comment here is a technical one. Energy statistics can be baffling both because of terminology (not always consistently used) and because Canada has recently instituted a new system of measurement (SI or the International System of Units). In the spirit oi "going metric", we have emphasized the r,c.v system in this Report while putting considerable effort into showing the equivalence between English and SI units. The problem of terminology in the energy field is less easily handled. We have selected those definitions which seemed most appropriate for our purposes and have tried to be consistent in their application. Terms and concepts are defined as they arise, and units and conversion factors are gathered into Appendix A for ease of reference. Monetary values are understood to be in current Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified. AFTERTHOUGHTS

In a number of ways the operation of the Special Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution has represented a departure from normal Committee operation. This is also true for the other five Task Forces established at the same time but, to our knowledge, no Canadian Parliamentary Committee has ever before been given such a technically demand-: ing subject for investigation. This led to an unprecedented commitment of professional support to a Committee by the Library of Parliament. In another departure, the research staff was allowed to participate regularly in questioning during public hearings and during visits to other countries. Upon occasion, the staff also was given the opportunity to represent the Committee when Members themselves were unavailable. Given the technical nature of the mandate, the rapport these new developments engendered between Commit- tee members and staff allowed for a broad and detailed exploration of energy issues. As elected representatives, Parliamentarians are entrusted with managing the public's affairs. This has never been an easy task, but recently it has become even more difficult as society is faced with increasingly complex and technical issues, not the least of which is how to deal with energy matters. Thus if Members of Parliament are to handle their legislative responsibilities effectively, especially with regard to technical matters, some new approach to help cope with this complexity must be considered. We have found that the vehicle of a "Special Committee" has been an effective means of developing the expertise of Members in new fields. And to the extent that this style of committee operation allows Members to educate themselves in specialized areas, it also serves to expand Parliament's body of knowledge. This is because a Special Committee allows a small group of Members to study a subject in more detail than has typically been possible under the Standing Committee system. We found that a committee membership of seven was almost ideal for our purposes. • - Beyond the fact that seven Members of Parliament have been given a unique opportunity to develop their thinking on the subject of alternative energy, our Parliamentary system benefits in another way. The knowledge garnered by the Committee's research staff also remains at the service of Parliament since that staff was drawn from the precincts of the Hill. This facilitates the transmission of new information to other Members. We regard the establishment and operation of the Special Committees as an important test by the Government in strengthening the Committee system. We believe that our experience with a small specialized committee points the way to dealing with many of the complex issues facing Parliament today and promises to provide Members with more resources for and confidence in approaching such matters. We recommend that the Government consider building upon the experience of these Task Forces with a view to incorporating some features of their operation into the regular Committee system.


n fifty years Canada's energy system will be radically In reviewing energy prospects, we cannot consider I different. We foresee a system based upon electrici- Canada in isolation from developments in other parts of ty and hydrogen as the major energy carriers or curren- the world. Global population now exceeds four billion cies, with only minimal and selected' use of hydrocar- and is expected to surpass six billion by the year 2000. bons (crude oil, natural gas and coal) as fuels. Electric It has been observed that anyone with a present life power will be generated in several ways, with the hydro- expectancy of 50 years may live to see a world inhabit- gen produced primarily through the electrolysis of water. ed by 10 billion people. Sustaining those numbers and Drawing upon the sun's radiation and to a lesser extent improving the human condition beyond the abysmal upon the Earth's heat flow, our society will be able to state characterizing substantial regions of the world satisfy much of its need for the low-grade thermal today will require a much expanded use of energy in energy used in space and water heating and for industri- developing countries. al heat. Energy conservation (with conservation referring to both frugal and more efficient use) is a fundamentally Our reasons for believing that Canada's energy important strategy which should carry forward far into system should be directed away from hydrocarbons in the future. In fact, the Committee considers that the long term are two-fold: first to counter the otherwise restraining growth in energy demand will offer the best formidable environmental problems we see arising in the return in managing Canada's energy affairs throughout next century, especially if coal becomes a principal the remainder of this century at least. Many of the new element in our energy supply; and second to preserve technologies which we consider in this Report promise crude oil, natural gas and coal for such non-energy uses significant energy-conserving benefits. In the longer run, as the production of petrochemicals. conservation becomes built in to our system and increasing efficiencies in energy use become more dif- ficult and costly to achieve. At some point energy supply The Committee is troubled by past failures to antici- reasserts itself as the foremost concern in an expanding pate many of the environmental consequences of system. exploiting various forms of energy. We wish to see this Turning to other energy options, Canada should impact considered much more carefully in the future. exploit biomass (carbon-containing material of plant and Our lack of enthusiasm for coal as a principal supplier of animal origin not including fossil fuels) as rapidly as is energy in the next century, for example, arises directly feasible, subject to certain reservations. Forest or cel- from such environmental concern. We recognize of lulosic biomass will assume an important position in course that no new energy source or technology is Canada's changing energy system, especially in the completely environmentally benign but some can be provision of transportation fuels. Thereafter, although preferred over others, and environmental impact should biomass will continue to be a substanti . provider of be one of the prime considerations in setting priorities. energy, we foresee its relative importance declining for environmental reasons and because of increasing pres- We realize that Canada does not have the sure on the Earth's land base to feed the world's bur- resources to pursue all avenues of alternative energy geoning population. Thus the Committee views biomass investigation, and that results can be diluted by attempt- energy as playing its most significant role over the next ing too much. But given the uncenainties inherent in any few decades course of action, the Committee wishes to see Canada's Geothermal energy, the natural heat of the Earth, is energy options kept as broad as possible. Priorities in a more enigmatic player in the energy game. In this the alternative energy field will have to be assigned on century geothermal energy will have little impact on the best estimates of today, and there are few energy Canada's energy affairs. In the next century, the poten- sources and technologies which we would want to see tial of this energy form hinges on the success of new totally ignored in this country. approaches to its exploitation, something which is dif- ficult to gauge today. Our conjecture is that geothermal is therefore our conclusion that Canada's energy system energy will be a substantial contributor to Canada's will be a mix of hard anri soft technologies combined energy system in the twenty-first century. with a blend of centralized and decentralized sources as far as we can see into the future. Wind energy will be a modest contributor in Cana- da's future energy mix. In according it this secondary There will nevertheless be a fundamental recasting importance domestically, we nonetheless see a substan- of our national energy system, the foundation for which tial opportunity for Canada to develop an exportable will be laid over the next two or three decades. During wind energy technology. Unless seized upon quickly this transitional phase, natural gas, coal, hydro-electrici- though, this opportunity will be lost since other nations ty and nuclear-electricity will be exploited on a larger are developing this technology as well. scale than today, both because of projects presently Beyond saying that electricity should not be gener- under construction and because Canada must empha- ated through the combustion of fossil fuels, the Commit- size some of these sources in progressively reducing its tee is not able to state what methods will be used to dependence upon petroleum. The increased importance produce the bulk of Canada's electric power in the next of natural gas and coal will be transient, however, and century. Obviously Canada will continue to develop its the significance of these commodities will in turn dimin- hydraulic resources but, equally cloarly, hydro-electricity ish in the next century as alternative forms of energy are can satisfy only a part of future needs. Solar radiation brought into wider use. will be exploited for electric power production but we Society can tolerate the increased use of some see that use coming in specialized applications or set- energy commodities over a limited period of time even if tings. (The principal contribution of solar power will it is not prepared to exploit certain energy forms indefi- probably be in the supply of low-grade domestic, com- nitely. Canada can, for example, promote a technology mercial and industrial heat.) Nuclear power, by means of such as fluidized bed combustion to reduce the environ- the fission process or perhaps ultimately through the mental repercussions or burning coal. But the Commit- fusion reaction, is capable of providing electricity on an tee is not prepared to recommend that coal be the indefinitely large scale. Exploiting nuclear energy, how- central element of a Canadian energy system fifty years ever, is one of the more contentious political issues of from now. As already indicated, we believe that the today and whether or not Canada utilizes this source in environmental price would become larger than society a major way in the twenty-first century is a question should be asked to pay. For parallel reasons we do not which goes well beyond that of the adequacy of supply. recommend the completely unrestricted use of biomass Recent discussions on energy matters in the indus- as a source of energy in the future. We have concluded trialized nations have frequently been concerned with that the environmental implications of such exploitation the relative merits of two policy paths. The hard energy are not adequately understood. path is described as a high-energy, nuclear, centralized It is one thing to say that Canada has a broad range and electricity-dependent route; the soft energy path is of energy opportunities and that we should get on with presented as a lower-energy, nuclear-free, decentralized the job of pursuing them. It is quite another matter to and less electrified route. The Committee regrets this ascertain whether or not this country actually has the structuring of the debate into one characterized by only means and the will to capitalize upon these opportuni- two choices — a "soft" or a "hard" energy alternative. ties. Canada has not demonstrated that it possesses the It is misleading to the public to suggest that there is only research and development capability to accomplish a one obviously correct path for Canada's complex basic restructuring of its energy system. Canadians have energy system to follow, or to suggest that our energy not yet indicated that they are willing to pay the cost of future must be selected on an either/or basis. We do pursuing new energy options to commercialization, and not debate the fact that the world's energy requirements Canada's resources of professional and skilled manpow- must ultimately be met from sustainable sources. What er are not so extensive that one can be complacent is debatable are which sources will be exploited and to about our ability to get the job done. In short, the what extent, the length of time the restructuring of our Committee considers that Canada is not adequately energy system will require, and the route by which that prepared to accomplish what Canadians are now begin- restructuring will be achieved. These are highly com- ning to agree should be done. plicated matters and their resolution will only be made more difficult by pursuing the debate in simplistic terms. We do not lay the blame for this unreadiness at the Canada's energy choices will in part be governed by feet of Canada's scientists and engineers — indeed, the opportunity and in some cases by necessity. We must Committee was frequently impressed with what is being keep in mind too that Canada has a huge investment in accomplished with meagre resources. We do fault the its existing energy system, an investment from which the management and sometimes erratic support of R&D in country will have to obtain as much return as possible. It this country. The energy initiatives put forward in this


Report add up to a major effort in restructuring our Canada, we recommend that a Canadian Hydrogen national energy system — we do not think it can be Commission be es ablished, also reporting to the pro- accomplished given the way energy R&D is pursued in posed Minister of State. Canada today. Canada's unimpressive record in com- Canada is not in an energy crisis. The Committee mercializing the fruits of research is another cause for does, however, feel a strong sense of urgency about concern. Simply calling for more funds for alternative : changing energy policy for a number of reasons, not the energy development will not be sufficient.. :_.: * least of which is Canada's vulnerability to external de-, : The Committee has therefore concluded that a new velopments in the petroleum sector (a vulnerability approach to managing development in the alternative which could lead to an "oil crisis"). We further feel a energy sector is required. We recommend that a Ministry sense of urgency because Canada is being left behind in of State for Alternative Energy and Conservation be the alternative energy field even though it has a lot to established under the Ministry of Energy, Mines and offer and in some new technologies holds a temporary Resources. We further recommend that the new alterna- advantage. Canada must respond to the alternative tive energy corporation, Canertech, report to the pro- energy challenge more quickly or be placed in the posed Minister of State when it becomes an independ- paradoxical position of having a wealth of energy poten- ent Crown corporation. ; To promote the broad tial but a shortage of energy options because of a failure development of hydrogen as an energy currency in to capitalize upon that potential.


Energy and Power

an does not understand what energy is despite the fact that it is intrinsic to every part of his environ- The Equivalence of Energy and Mass ment. We learn in school that energy represents the A profound extension to the law of conserva- ability to do work, that literally nothing can be accom- tion of energy was provided by Albert Einstein plished without the expenditure of energy and that who showed theoretically that there is an equiva- energy exists in a variety of forms which can be charac- lence between energy and mass. This equivalence terized by mathematical formulae. We discover that it was embodied in his famous equation: energy can be described as gravitational potential energy, elas- equals mass multiplied by the square of the veloci- 2 tic energy, radiant energy, heat energy and so forth, but ty of light (E = me ). Einstein's equation is normal- we cannot state what energy actually is. ly applied in circumstances which are far beyond man's everyday range of experience and only While this state of affairs may seem disconcerting, it becomes relevant, for example, in examining the does not represent any difficulty in what we are consid- subject of nuclear energy. ering here. The United States could not have put a man on the moon if accomplishing that feat had meant We recognize that life on Earth is sustained understanding the force of gravity. What was required by the output of an immense fusion reactor — the was a mathematical expression describing the action of sun. Solar radiation dominates all other forms of gravity so that the proper flightpath of the Apollo space- energy delivered into the Earth's surface environ- craft could be computed. Since Isaac Newton had ment and that energy is the product of hydrogen obliged NASA by formulating his law of gravitation nuclei fusing within the sun's core, in a process nearly three centuries earlier, that lack of understanding which converts mass into energy. was not a barrier to success.

So it is with our study. We need only to understand ...not only is energy continuously transformed from the behaviour of energy in its various manifestations. one form to another in processes occurring on the Man has learned, for example, that energy is conserved; earth, but these transformations occur irreversibly it is neither created nor destroyed in being transformed from a form of higher availability to one of lower from one type to another. Thus, while we speak loosely availability. During the process the energy, while not destroyed, is progressively degraded in terms of its of "consuming" energy, we really mean that we are potential usefulness, and finally ends up as heat at the exploiting it for some purpose. An important result of lowest environmental temperature. From this state this law of nature — the law of energy conservation — there is nowhere else for the energy to go except by is that one unit of measurement can therefore be used low-temperature, long-wavelength thermal radiation to quantify all forms of energy. In the SI (Système into the still colder regions of outer space. (Hubbert, 1974, p. 8) International) scheme of measurement being adopted in Canada that unit is the joule. The reader is referred to Expressing the idea another way, there is no such thing Appendix A of this Report for a discussion of units and as a perpetual motion machine because there are conversion factors. energy losses in any process. Another fundamental energy relationship concerns In many situations we are interested in measuring the direction which energy transformations take. Exploit- how fast energy is being or can be delivered, for exam- ing energy invariably results in changing it to a less ple at a power station. Power refers to the rate at which useful form. (This idea of the "usefulness" of various energy is being dissipated or converted. Since all types forms of energy is dealt with in a branch of physics of energy are measurable in joules, it follows that the known as thermodynamics — a subject which we need rates of all types of energy transformations are measur- only touch upon here.) Although the concept is subtle, it able in a common unit and the SI unit of power is the has been well expressed by the American scientist M.K. watt. One watt is defined as the delivery of one joule of Hubbert. energy per second. A 500 megawatt electrical generat-

15 ing station is one which is capable of delivering 500 million watts of electrical power. Measuring Energy and Power Since the joule and the watt are small measures of In the science of mechanics, energy was energy and power, we will be working with multiples of originally defined in terms of work, which is the these units. Five prefixes in the SI scheme cover most of product of a force acting through a distance. In SI the quantities used in this Report, as shown in the notation, the unit of energy is the joule and is following examples. defined as a force of 1 newton acting through a distance of 1 metre, or SI PREFIX SYMBOL VALUE EXAMPLE kilo k 103 (thousand) kilovolls (kV) 1 joule = 1 newton-metre. 6 Other forms of energy such as heat were mega M 10 (million) megatonnes (Mt) giga G 109 (billion) gigawatthours originally considered to be independent quantities (GWh) and thus independent units of measurement were tera T 1012 (trillion) terawatts (TW) defined to quantify them. Now that we know that peta P 1015 (quadrillion) petajoules (PJ) the various forms of energy are equivalent, how- ever, we can use conversion factors to go from If the reader will keep in mind these five multipliers, then one type of measurement to another. Before the he will understand references to an electrical transmis- SI scheme was adopted, the energy content of sion line in kilovolts, to Canada's annual coal production such commodities as crude oil, petroleum prod- in megatonnes, to Quebec's sale of electrical energy to ucts, natural gas and coal was normally expressed the United States in gigawatthours, to world electrical in British thermal units (Btu) while quantities of generating capacity in terawatts, and to Canadian electrical energy were described in kilowatthours energy demand in petajoules. (kWh). The appropriate energy conversion factors Let us now consider the Earth's natural energy are budget or the manner in which energy flows through our 1 Btu = 1,054 joules = 1.054 kilojoules, and planet's surface environment. Since we are looking at 1 kWh = 3,600,000 joules = 3.6 megajoutes. rates of energy flow, we are concerned with measuring power. And, because the amounts of power involved are Power is a measure of how fast energy is very large, the unit which we will employ is the terawatt being or can be delivered. Thus power equals 12 energy divided by time. The SI unit of power is the (10 watts or trillions of watts). watt, which is defined as Energy inputs to our environment come from three 1 watt ~ ] i°ule • sources: (1) solar radiation intercepted by the Earth; 1 second (2) tidal energy derived from the combined gravitational When work is being done at the rate of 1 fields of the moon and sun; and (3) geothermal (or joule per second, the power involved is 1 watt. terrestrial) energy reaching the Earth's surface from its Since all types of energy are measurable in joules, hot interior. Energy losses from the Earth can be con- the rates of all types of energy transformations are sidered in one of two categories. First, approximately measurable in watts. In the past, power was typi- 30% of the incoming solar radiation is directly reflected cally expressed in Btu per hour, watts or horse- by the atmosphere into space as short-wave radiation. power, so we require the power conversions Second, the remaining solar energy, together with the .1 Btu per hour = 0.293 watt, and geothermal and tidal energy, undergoes a sequence of 1 horsepower = 746 watts. irreversible degradations in our environment, reaching an end stage as heat at the lowest local temperature. In When power is generated at a constant rate, this state it is radiated from the Earth into space as the amount of energy produced in a given time is long-wave thermal radiation. energy = power x time. Figure 2-1 is a generalized representation of the In other words, 1 joule = 1 watt-second. To take a energy flow through the Earth's surface environment. As familiar example, we pay our electricity bills on the can be seen from the illustration, solar radiation domi- basis of the number of kilowatthours of electrical nates this flow, being estimated at a power of 174,000 x energy we have used over the billing period. To 1012 watts. The terrestrial energy flow is more than three calculate the energy represented by one kilowatt- hour, we multiply power by time, or orders of magnitude smaller at an estimated power of 32 x 10'2 watts. Even smaller is the input of tidal energy at 1 kWh = 1,000 watts x 3,600 seconds (in one 3 x 10'2 watts. In other words, the relative power inputs hour) in units of terrawatts are: = 3,600,000 watt-seconds solar radiation 174,000 = 3.6 mega joules. geothermal power 32 tidal power 3




Source: After Hubbert. 1974. p. 11.

By a huge margin, the largest source of energy available Turning from nature to the flow of energy in an to the Earth is sunshine. industrial society such as Canada's, we find it necessary The obvious question then is how does this natural to consider energy at several stages of use. Energy flow compare with society's energy needs? Accepting commodities at the point of production are referred to the estimate that the annual global demand for primary as primary energy. Crude oil, raw natural gas, coal, energy now exceeds 300 exajoules (300 x 10™ joules), hydro-electricity and nuclear-electricity are the familiar we can roughly calculate that man is today converting primary energy commodities in Canada. Hydro-electrici- energy for his own use at an average rate of nearly ty and nuclear-electricity are used directly by consum- 10 x 10" watts, or 10 terawatts. Clearly the world is not ers, as is most of Canada's natural gas production. running out of energy in any absolute sense. What is in Some primary energy is converted into other forms question is the continuing availability of inexpensive, before being consumed. Petroleum products, electricity easily accessible energy in forms that society finds envi- derived from the combustion of coal, oil or gas, and ronmentally acceptable and convenient to use. coke produced from coal are examples of primary energy conversions. Man has the following options to derive the energy required to sustain his society. He can intercept the Energy delivered to the point of use is typically energy continuously and inexhaustibly flowing through referred to as secondary energy or end-use energy. his natural environment as outlined in Figure 2-1; he can Since energy is invariably consumed in conversions and continue to draw upon the finite amount of energy transmission or transportation, the secondary energy stored in fossil fuels; or he can convert mass into energy supply in a region or country is necessarily smaller than via the processes of nuclear fission and, potentially, the primary energy supply (apart from energy imports, nuclear fusion. exports and changes in stocks).

17 Some workers carry the accounting a step further hydro-electric station, the energy contained in the falling to the level of tertiary energy, the energy which actually water may be converted into electricity with an efficien- performs useful work at the point of application. For cy in excess of 90%. How then should a country value example, electricity consumed in a home is utilized in electrical energy — by its true energy content (3,600 part to provide lighting. The efficiency of a light bulb in kilojoules to the kilowatthour), or by the quantity of converting electricity into radiant energy (light) is nor- thermal energy required to generate it at a thermal-elec- mally less than 5%. Thus the secondary energy deliv- tric station (approximately 10,500 kilojoules to the kilo- ered to the light bulb results in a conversion to useful watthour)? If one adopts the higher energy value for all work, or tertiary energy, of only a few per cent. In a electrical generation including hydro, as is EMR's contrasting illustration, electricity used in home heating custom, then one calculates that hydro-electricity sup- is almost 100% efficient in the conversion of electrical plies nearly 25% of Canada's primary energy. Using the to thermal energy; in this application the secondary and true energy value for electricity, one finds that hydro- tertiary energy values are nearly equal. electricity only represents about 11 % of primary energy production. If one wants to account for the actual work accom- We have chosen in this Report to value hydro-elec- plished in our society from the beginning to the end of tricity by its true energy content. Thus our values for the energy system, then it is necessary to consider Canada's total energy consumption will be lower than energy consumption at the tertiary level. In this Report, EMR's figures and hydro-electricity will be accorded a however, we will only be taking energy demand to the smaller share of Canada's primary energy mix. We have level of secondary energy, or the point of end use. decided to use true energy values, based usually on A complication arises in the accounting process for Statistics Canada data, because we consider them to electrical energy. At a modern, thermal-electric generat- provide a clearer picture of our national energy system. ing station, approximately three units of heat are Such differences in the reporting of energy statistics required to manufacture one unit of electricity (that is, point out the need for care in using data from a variety the efficiency of energy conversion is 35% or less). At a of sources.


Canada's Energy

An industrialized nation requires energy in various forms — gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, pipeline quality gas and electricity to name some of the most obvious ones. It also requires thermal energy over a broad range of temperatures, whether for taking a bath, operating a smelter or generating electricity. Given this spectrum of requirements or demands for "end-use energy", energy systems in the developed world have become quite complicated, especially since World War II. The complex web of energy sources, conversion devices, transmission systems, energy carriers or fuels, and energy-consuming devices or installations may be collectively referred to as the national energy system. Cana- da's energy system reaches into the most remote communities in the land and in the post-war period became such an integral part of our lives that we normally thought little about it. But the 1970s were not normal times and we have been forced to reassess the manner in which our society uses energy. That reassessment has led to two basic conclusions: the rate of growth in the demand for energy in Canada must be decreased, and our energy system must ultimately be shifted from one dominated by fossil fuels to one which runs on sustainable sources of energy. While it is easy to state that these changes must take place, it is quite another matter to determine the route by which this will be accomplished. This Report gives our vision of Canada's energy path to the future. To see where that path leads, we begin with where the system stands today.

21 Canada's Energy Use in a Global Context

/Canadians have been called the world's worst and people must travel in this country dictate that our v^ energy gluttons. While this is not true in a strict transportation sector will also be a major consumer of sense, there being several countries which consume energy. energy even more voraciously than we do on a per It could be argued though that many of the factors capita basis, Canada is so close to the top that this contributing to greater energy use in Canada also prevail distinction is not particularly comforting. Figure 3-1 in other countries, geographical extent excluded. This presents the per capita consumption of commercial brings us to one of the most important factors governing energy in selected countries, based upon United Nations Canada's energy consumption — the past availability of data. plentiful, cheap, domestic energy supplies. Canada is one of the richer countries in the world in terms of If Canada's energy use is measured in terms of resources and over the years this comparative advan- energy consumption per dollar of economic output tage has been an underlying factor in our social and (Gross Domestic Product), as is illustrated in Figure 5-5 industrial development. Consumers, for example, had in the chapter Energy and the Economy, the internation- little incentive to insulate homes thoroughly because al comparison is equally distressing. Most other industri- buying more fuel oil was less expensive in the short run. alized nations typically require only 60 to 80% as much In industry the cost of energy was low relative to other energy to generate each dollar of Gross Domestic Prod- costs such as labour and capital and its efficient use uct. How did Canada come to be in such an unfavour- was not an overriding factor in making decisions on able position and what are the implications of this processing or manufacturing options. It is largely situation? because of this ready availability of inexpensive energy There are numerous factors which contribute to that Canadian energy demand has evolved to the state high energy/GDP ratios. For instance, the more energy- shown in Figure 3-1. intensive industries there are forming a country's eco- The dramatic price increases for oil on world mar- nomic base, the higher the ratio of energy to GDP will kets in 1973-74 drove home the realization that our own be. In Canada we have many industries which fall into reserves of conventional and inexpensive oil were being this category, including aluminum smelting, iron and rapidly depleted. Consequently the magnitude of Cana- steel production, cement manufacturing, petrochemical da's energy demand and the heavy dependence of our production and resource extraction, among others. system upon petroleum became sources of concern. In Indeed, the energy extraction industries themselves are the future Canada will clearly have to use energy more substantial energy consumers. efficiently in the manufacturing sector if it is to maintain In addition to the industrial makeup of the Canadian a competitive position in world markets. When choosing economy, our cold climate and the resultant space energy alternatives to replace oil, therefore, we must be heating load raises energy consumption still higher. The mindful of the cost of the substitutes so as not to worsen large distances over which goods must be transported our competitive position.


UNIT: Hognim m ol tqulvikint ptr cipiu

(5) Commercial energy refers to energy which enters into trade. Data on non-commercial energy use are scarce and imprecise. Source: After United Nations, 1980. THE ENERGY SYSTEM TODAY

In a more general sense, the industrialized world Figure 3-3: WORLD PRODUCTION OF PRIMARY must also be concerned with its need for energy relative ENERGY, 1950-1977 to the developing world. Figure 3-2 shows very clearly that the gap in per capita energy demand between these two parts of global society has widened over the last two decades. At the same time, oil has risen to a dominant position in satisfying world requirements for energy (Figure 3-3). Industrialized nations, with their Billion metric tons diversified energy systems, have better prospects for oil of coarequivalent Oil substitution than do developing countries which, as a group, depend even more heavily upon petroleum. It is apparent from this perspective that a much better bal- ance must be achieved in the global use of energy, both regionally and by energy source. ; T ' The degree to which the distribution of energy consumption varies across the world's population is clearly indicated in Figure 3-4. The total demand for primary energy worldwide in 1975 was estimated at 8.2 terawatts, summed over the year (that is, 8.2 TW-years). The rate of energy consumption in a world then populat- ed by almost four billion people therefore averaged out


Developed Nations Energy 6000 (kilograms) 1950 1960 1970 Source: Sivard, 1979. p. 7. MP (1976$) 4000 to about 2.1 kilowatts per person. As one can see from Figure 3-4, however, the top 5% of the world's popula- tion consumed energy at an average rate of more than 10 kilowatts per person, while the bottom 50% dis- played an average rate of energy consumption of less than a kilowatt per capita. 2000 The world's population is presently estimated to be growing at a rate of very nearly 2% per year, sufficient to double it in 35 years. Even allowing for some slacken- Developing Nations ing in the rate of growth, man's numbers appear almost 'certain to be about 50% larger in the year 2000 than they are today. And most of that expansion will occur in regions amongst the lowest in par capita energy use today. Thus the concern with conserving energy in the 1960 1965 1970 1975 developed world is not shared by the majority of the world's people. Just to maintain the present per capita Note: Per capita demand for energy is measured use of energy over the coming 20 years will require in kilograms of coal equivalent per person. increasing the global supply of energy by more than Source: Sivard. 1979, p. 11. 50%. There is no conceivable way in which the conser-

25 vation of energy in industrialized society can approach Figure 3-5: THE GROWTH IN WORLD POPULA- the requirement for new energy supplies in the develop- TION AND ENERGY DEMAND, 1900- ing world just to offset population growth. Consequently, 1977 for most of mankind, the dominant issue in energy affairs is increasing the supply of energy at an affordable cost. To close this brief review of the world energy scene, Energy in billion metric tons we compare twentieth century rates of growth in popula- tion and energy demand (Figure 3-5). Since 1950 the o1 coal equivalent world has witnessed an extraordinary phenomenon: Population in billions while observers were expressing alarm over man's bur- geoning numbers in the post-war period, the demand for energy was escalating at a rate approaching four times that of the population. This is indeed a remarkable (but transient) period in man's tenure of this planet.


1900 1920 1940 1960 Source: Sivard, 1979. p. 6.

20 40 60 80 100


Source: Sassin. 1980. p. 120.

26 Conventional Energy Resources and Reserves

1. THE RESOURCE/RESERVE SPECTRUM producing fields belonging to the "reserves" quadrant. Other gas resources are either known and uneconomic, To understand what is meant by energy availability or undiscovered, whether economic or not. in Canada requires an appreciation of the terms reserves and resources. Consider the following quote The missing dimension in the diagram is that of from the 1926 Book of Popular Science which reflected a time. As time progresses, the positions of all deposits widely held view of the time: plotted on the graph tend to move towards the "extrac- tion and processing" arrow: subeconomic resources ...it is apparent that the supply of petroleum will soon become economic; undiscovered resources are dis- be exhausted, and even now gasoline is becoming covered and eventually become economic. Neverthe- expensive. New and advanced methods of production may add to our supply somewhat, but unless new oil less, the path taken by a specific deposit over time may fields are discovered, the end of this commodity is not be a tortuous one. What factors cause resources to far off. We must look elsewhere for fuel for automo- become reserves or, conversely, cause former reserves biles. Distillates from vegetable products can be made to become subeconomic? The principal reasons are that will work well in gas engines and the hope of the future appears to lie in this direction. (The Book of shifting consumption patterns, the release or formation Popular Science, Grolier. N.Y.. 1926. p. 570) of stockpiles, and changing government policies — all three factors tend to be interrelated. The authors further predicted that the automobile It is important to bear in mind two constraints upon was destined to play a diminishing role in American life, the reserve and resource estimates presented here. with the horse returning to a well-deserved position of First, reserve estimates apply only to present economic prominence. The statement contains elements of fact as conditions. Second, supply and demand projections, true in 1981 as they were in 1926, but the erroneous while useful, are highly speculative beyond the short conclusion was based on a misinterpretation (or igno- term. A third consideration relates to physical limitations rance) of the distinction between reserves in the ground upon the rate of delivery of a resource — the fact that a and ultimately recoverable resources. reserve is present in large quantity by no means guaran- Any estimate of a country's natural energy tees that it is or will be producible at a rate sufficient to resources — be they petroleum, forests, or wind meet demand. The creation of a new oil sands plant, for energy — must specify cost criteria and a time frame for example, can easily require a decade from conception exploitation unless we are speaking of an ultimate of the project to the first production of synthetic crude "resource base", a concept which has little application oil, and limitations on capital and manpower availability in any practical sense. It is apparent, then, that mean- could force a slower rate of development than might ingful long-term forecasts of resource availability cannot otherwise be desired. Even a producing deposit is sub- be made because the course of technological advance, ject to rate-related constraints — crude oil is extractable politics and economic policy is unpredictable. from a reservoir at a rate determined by the viscosity of the oil, the characteristics of the reservoir rocks and well Figure 3-6 provides a framework within which any spacing. natural resource can be categorized. Although its useful- ness is biased towards "nonrenewables" such as 2. HYDROCARBON RESOURCES petroleum, natural gas, coal and uranium, one can see how the spectrum of potential hydro-electric generation Hydrocarbons are organic compounds consisting of sites or biomass energy production schemes, to give carbon and hydrogen, and these compounds may exist two examples, could be assigned places on an adapta- as gases, liquids or solids. Crude oil, natural gas and tion of the diagram. Looking at natural gas for instance, coal are essentially mixtures of hydrocarbons of varying it is apparent that all such deposits can be assigned to degrees of complexity and containing varying amounts one or another quadrant of the figure, with currently- of impurities such as sulphur.


Known resources that are not now economic'

RESERVES Known resourcss thst are currently economic - nujstfy-


Source: After Cranstone. Mclntosh and Azis. 1978, p. 2.

A. LIQUID HYDROCARBONS conventional crude peaked in 1969 at 1.665 million cubic metres (about 10.5 billion barrels) and have since For the purpose of this discussion the term liquid been in decline. hydrocarbons includes conventional crude oil, synthetic Canada's proven reserves of conventional crude oil crude oil and natural gas liquids. Table 3-1 is a compila- are strongly concentrated in the Province of Alberta. If tion of recent estimates of Canadian reserves and these reserves could be produced and delivered to resources of liquid hydrocarbons. Figure 3-7 shows the markets at a rate equal to domestic demand, they would evolution in Canada's reserves position since 1955 for be sufficient to meet all of Canada's petroleum needs for conventional liquid hydrocarbons (that is, including con- about eleven years at the current rate of consumption ventional crude and natural gas liquids). Our reserves of (about 300,000 cubic metres per day). In fact, this could

28. THE ENERGY SYSTEM TODAY never actually take place as there are physical limita- close to four times the level of reserves and are, once tions which 'dictate a maximum rate of production and again, strongly concentrated in Western and Arctic there is no crude oil delivery system in Atlantic Canada. Canada, notwithstanding recent discoveries on the Other conventional oil resources are estimated to be Grand Banks of Newfoundland.

Canada's largest hydrocarbon resource is found in the heavy oils and tar sands of Western Canada (mostly HYDROCARBON Table 3-1: CANADIAN LIQUID Alberta) — a resource sufficient, theoretically, to meet RESERVES AND RESOURCES our requirements at current rates of consumption for close to 400 years, depending upon how much can be recovered. It is plain, then, that this country need not run Volume short of conventional or synthetic oil for a very long time (millions of cubic if political barriers can be overcome and if Canada is metres)"" prepared to develop resources and pay the costs — economic, social and environmental — of that develop- Conventional Proved Reserves ment. The Committee is of the opinion, however, that of Crude Oil and Natural Gas these costs are untenable and therefore proposes alter- Liquids natives which are described in this Report. British Columbia 32 Alberta 1,101 Massive development of the oil sands, sufficient to Saskatchewan 119 sustain a petroleum-oriented energy system in Canada Manitoba 6 for decades to come, would entail very high costs Eastern Canada 1 indeed. In 1980 dollars, the estimated cost of the next Mainland Territories 29 tar sands plant has passed $10 billion and the impact on Alberta's economy of establishing a series of such TOTAL 1,288 plants in rapid succession could be devastating. Short- Unconventional Recoverable ages in skilled and professional people together with Upgraded Oil Resources1»1 restrictions in the supply of specialized equipment and Lloydminister (heavy oil) 127-365 materials would make it very difficult to construct several Cold Lake in situ (oil sands) 2,384-4,767 plants simultaneously. These facilities also require water Athabaska Mining (oil in large volumes (which becomes contaminated with sands) 4,291 bitumen and cannot be returned directly to the Athabas- Athabaska in situ (oil ca River), and release significant quantities of sulphur sands) 6.356-22,247 dioxide to the atmosphere in processing the high-sul- phur bitumen. Some observers have concluded that the TOTAL 13,158-31,670 optimal rate of tar sands development would see one new plant coming into operation every four years. Thus Conventional Oil Resources''» the Committee views Canada's oil sands as being an Western Canada 1,589 essential but by no means dominant contributor to Mackenzie-Beaufort 1,096 domestic energy supplies in coming decades. Eastern Arctic 604 Eastern Canada (including Despite the extensive resources listed in Table 3-1, offshore areas) 826 it is a matter of record that Canada is not self-sufficient Mainland Territories 79 in petroleum. Problems relating to oil prices, capital TOTAL 4,194 availability and technological innovation as well as politi- cal decisions and lagging exploration successes have contributed to a decline in production in recent years (» 1 cubic metre = 6.29 barrels. and, as indicated in Figure 3-8, this trend is likely to <•» Range in estimates results from uncertainty regarding continue for some time to come. The lower, shaded area the recovery factor attainable using in situ recovery in the illustration indicates future crude oil producibility technology. from known reserves (in 1978) of conventional oil and of (c| Includes remaining reserves, discovered resources and undiscovered potential at the 50% probability synthetic oil from the two operating tar sands plants. level (1976 estimate). Actual production is not likely to drop into this region because these reserves are sure to be augmented and Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980b; and Canadian Petroleum because present conditions suggest that we will contin- Association, 1980. ue to extract crude oil at a rate near Canada's maximum productive capacity.






o CO 800 R



Note: The break in the curve between 1962 and 1963 reflects a change in methodology of estimating reserves by the CPA.

Source: After Canadian Petroleum Association. 1980.

The 1978 National Energy Board demand forecasts since 1963. Gross additions to reserves in any year for petroleum products have also been illustrated in minus crude oil production in that year equal net addi- Figure 3-8. The Board is updating its 1978 forecasts of tions to reserves. Since 1969, net additions to reserves oil supply and demand but those results were not avail- have been negative — that is, Canada's reserves of able at the time of preparation of this Report. Forecasts conventional crude oil have fallen throughout the period. prepared since 1978 by EMR suggest that future This decline was sharpest in 1973-1974 when reserves Canadian demand will fall below the 1978 NEB base fell at the rate of about 0.5 billion barrels per year. With case, and that domestic supply will actually lie between rising oil prices, however, drilling was encouraged and the NEB base and high forecasts. If the EMR projections more producing wells were brought in. Drilling activity prove nearer the mark, then Canada's petroleum short- reached its highest level ever in Canada in 1980 and fall over the 1980s will be less than that suggested in the gross reserve additions very nearly offset domestic pro- 1978 NEB report. duction. Nonetheless, the Western Canada Sedimentary The role that price plays in influencing reserves is Basin is a mature oil-producing region and Canada must reflected in Figure 3-9, which illustrates Canada's suc- look to its frontier regions or to the oil sands for major cess in adding to its reserves of conventional crude oil production increases in the future.


Frequently Used Terms in the Petroleum Industry The petroleum industry uses a specialized TAR SANDS—Sands impregnated with a heavy vocabulary and we have drawn together here crude oil, tar-like in consistency, that is too some of the more commonly used terms. These viscous to permit recovery by natural flowage definitions are not always consistent from source into wells. to source and in some instances have changed HEAVY OIL DEPOSITS—Oil deposits transitional with time. in character between the heavier tar sand type FOSSIL FUEL—Combustible geologic deposits of of bitumen deposit and conventional crude oil. carbon in organic form and of biological origin. The crude is highly viscous and either does not These deposits include crude oil, natural gas, oil flow or flows at very low rates under normal shales, oil sands and coal. conditions. PETROLEUM—Often defined as naturally-occur- Tar sands and heavy oil deposits are usually joint- ring liquid hydrocarbons. Sometimes the defini- ly referred to as OIL SANDS, a terminology which tion is extended to include refined products in we follow. the liquid state; occasionally it is used to further NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS (NGL)—A product encompass natural gas, bitumen and kerogen intermediate between natural gas and crude oil, (a solid hydrocarbon found in oil shale). and which constitutes a family of hydrocarbons (CONVENTIONAL) CRUDE OIL—A mixture extracted as liquids during the production of mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons natural gas. NGL includes ethane, propane, recoverable at a well from an underground butanes or pentanes plus, or a combination reservoir, and which is liquid at the conditions thereof. under which its volume is measured or estimated. LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES (LPG)—A sub- group of the natural gas liquids, consisting prin- SYNTHETIC CRUDE OIL—A mixture mainly of cipally of a mixture of propane and butanes, pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that is which are gaseous at atmospheric pressure but derived from crude bitumen and which is liquid liquid at slightly higher pressures. These are at the conditions under which its volume is familiar as "bottled gas". measured or estimated. The output from the Athabasca oil sands comprises synthetic crude The commodities mentioned thus far — oil production in Canada today. crude oil, synthetic crude oil, condensate, pen- tanes plus, propane, butanes and ethane — com- CONDENSATE—A mixture mainly of pentanes prise the LIQUID HYDROCARBONS. and heavier hydrocarbons recoverable at a well from an underground reservoir, and which is ASSOCIATED GAS—Gas in a free state in a gaseous in its virgin reservoir state but is liquid reservoir and found in association with crude oil, at the conditions under which its volume is under initial reservoir conditions. measured or estimated. Condensate is often NON-ASSOCIATED GAS—Gas in a free state in understood to be included in "crude oil" and we a reservoir but not found in association with follow that usage in this Report. crude oil, under initial reservoir conditions. PENTANES PLUS—A mixture mainly of pen- tanes and heavier hydrocarbons which is SOLUTION GAS—Gas that is dissolved in crude obtained from the processing of raw gas, con- oil under reservoir conditions and which evolves densate or crude oil. as a result of pressure and temperature changes. As used in this Report, the term OIL includes conventional and synthetic crude, condensate and RA.W GAS—Natural gas in its natural state, exist- pentanes plus. If we wish to exclude synthetic ing in a field or as produced from a field and crude from this grouping, we denote the remaining prior to processing. three as CONVENTIONAL OIL. MARKETABLE NATURAL GAS—Raw gas from CRUDE BITUMEN—A naturally-occurring mix- which certain compounds have been removed ture, mainly of hydrocarbons heavier than pen- or partially removed by processing. Marketable tane, that in its natural highly-viscous state is gas is often referred to as "pipeline gas" or not recoverable at a commercial rate through a "sales gas", and is primarily composed of well. methane.



78 79 80 SI 82 83 84 85 87 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 YEAR

The lower, shaded area of the graph represents reasonably assured future production from known conventional reserves and from the two operating plants in the tar sands. The upper supply curves are producibility forecasts based on optimistic, base case and pessimistic assumptions for future additions to conventional reserves and to nonconventional production capacity. Similarly, the demand curves represent high, low and base case projections. Source: After Canada, National Energy Board, 1978.

B. NATURAL GAS in mind that Canada will continue to export gas; that new domestic markets will be established in Quebec and As shown in Table 3-2, Canada's natural gas the Maritime Provinces; and that new reserves will be reserves and resources are extensive. Figure 3-10, which discovered. Nevertheless, it is apparent that in the con- displays Canada's reserves of marketable natural gas text of Canadian energy demand, the national resource since 1955, indicates an almost continual expansion in base for natural gas is substantial indeed. our reserves position. As is the case with crude oil, the Canada is in a position to make a major substitution resource is strongly concentrated in Western Canada, of natural gas for crude oil in meeting its domestic particularly in the Province of Alberta. If all known energy requirements and in backing imported crude out natural gas reserves in Canada could be produced and of the Eastern Canadian market. Extending the distribu- delivered to the Canadian market at a rate sufficient to tion system for natural gas into Eastern Quebec and the meet domestic requirements, the supply would last for Maritimes in Eastern Canada a* id onto Vancouver Island some fifty years at current rates of consumption (about in Western Canada are matters of high priority. Only 45 billion cubic metres per year), and additional after sufficient reserves have been set aside to supply a resources could add about 180 years to this total. Of truly national distribution system should gas be alloca- course, such numbers must be used cautiously, bearing ted to the export market.






-500 -J (00 igM

Source: After Canadian Petroleum Association, 1980.


100- -2800

90- -2600 -2400 80- -2200 MARKETABLE NATURAL GAS —2000 23 -1800 s 3 60- IL -1600 | «50- -1400 £ S -1200 | ^40- -1000 =j 30- -800 20- -600 -400 10- -200

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 7 YEAR-END Note: The break in the curve between 1963 and 1964 reflects a change in methodology of estimating reserves by the CPA.

Source: After Canadian Petroleum Association, 1980.

33 Canada is fortunate to possess abundant coal Table 3-2: CANADIAN NATURAL GAS resources of all ranks except for anthracite. Economical- RESERVES AND RESOURCES ly significant deposits occur in every province except Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and Quebec, and are heavily concentrated in Alberta and British Volume Columbia. Table 3-3 shows the most recent estimate of (billions of total coal resources in Canada. cubic metres)""

Known Natural Gas Reserves British Columbia 187.0 Table 3-3: ESTIMATES OF COAL RESOURCES Alberta 1,640.2 AND RESERVES IN CANADA, 1978 Saskatchewan 22.7 Eastern Canada 8.5 Unit: Millions of metric tons. Mackenzie Delta-Beaufort Sea .... 260.6 Mainland Territories 8.5

TOTAL 2.127.5 Resources of Immediate Natural Gas Resources'1» Interest*" (1977 Mineable Resources of Western Canada 2,748 (t Eastern Canada Mainland and Coal Rank Coal) " Future Interest Offshore 1,235 Mackenzie Delta-Beaufort Sea .... 1,700 lignitic 17,209 (3,207) 27,586 Eastern Arctic 1,445 sub- Mainland Territories 275 bituminous 132,000 (7,328) 198,000 bituminous 98,787 (5,556) TOTAL 7,403

(a> Includes mineable coal. b| 1 cubic metre = 35.3 cubic feet. < Mineable coal is that part of the measured and lbl Includes remaining reserves, discovered resources indicated resources of immediate interest within a and undiscovered potential at the 50% probability coal deposit that can be considered for mining using level (1976 estimate). current technology, and applying broad economic judgement only to the mining method. «=> Not determined. Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980b. Source: After Bielenstein etal, 1979, p. 15, 23.

C. COAL These resources include those of "immediate inter- Coals are solid hydrocarbons which have formed est" and discovered resources of "future interest". That through the action of heat and pressure on buried portion of the coal resource which can be considered vegetative material over geological time. They are classi- "mineable" — that is, the coal reserve in Canada — is fied by rank which is determined by the degree of shown in the table in brackets. Not all of this "mineable alteration of the original organic material. The four coal" can be recovered, however. Generally, only about classes of coal, in decreasing order of rank, are anthra- 65-85% of the coal is actually recovered in underground cite, bituminous, subbituminous and lignite. In general, mining operations, with somewhat more being recover- decreasing rank is characterized by lower carbon con- able in strip-mining situations. Canadian coal resources tent, lower heat value and increasing softness. are sufficient to meet domestic Canadian demand for Coal quality refers to those characteristics which centuries, even allowing for reasonable increases in affect the potential use of a coal. Quality is determined production. primarily by the nature and amount of organic material, noncombustible (mineral) material and moisture. These In 1979 Canada had thirteen principal operators characteristics govern the use to which the coal can be producing coal from 21 coal mines. Between them they put, whether for power generation, metallurgical coke or produced an estimated 33.2 million tonnes of coal, chemical feedstock. mostly bituminous grades. Table 3-4 shows that coal

34 THE ENERGY SYSTEM TODAY production in Canada has more than doubled since 1970, with the level of coal exports increasing to roughly Table 3-5: INSTALLED ELECTRICAL GENERAT- match imports (thermal and metallurgical coal has tradi- ING CAPACITY IN CANADA, 1920- tionally been imported into Ontario from the Eastern 1979 United States). Unit: Electrical megawatts. Conven- tional Table 3-4: COAL PRODUCTION, IMPORTS. Year Thermal Nuclear Hydro Total EXPORTS AND CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. 1968-1978 1920 300 — 1,700 2.000 1930 400 — 4,300 4,700 Unit: Millions of metric tons. 1940..... 500 — 6,200 6,700 1950 900 — 8,900 9.800 1955 2.100 — 12.600 14.700 1960 4.392 — 18,657 23,049 Domestic 1965 7.557 20 21.771 29,348 Production Imports Exports Consumption 1970 14.287 240 28.298 42,825 1975 21,404 2.666 37,282 61,352 1968 10.0 15.5 1.3 24.8 1979..... 27.216 5.866 43.990 77,072 1969 9.7 15.7 1.2 24.0 1970 15.1 17.1 4.0 26.8 1971 16.7 16.5 7.0 25.6 Source: Canada. Department of Energy, «lines and 1972 18.8 17.5 7.7 25.8 Resources, 1980a, p. 70. 1973 20.5 14.8 10.9 24.9 1974 21.3 12.4 10.8 24.8 1975 25.3 15.3 11.7 26.1 Table 3-6: CANADA'S HYDRO-ELECTRIC 1976 25.5 14.6 11.8 28.2 POWER POTENTIAL IN 1980 1977 28.7 15.4 12.4 30.9 1978 30.5 14.1 14.0 31.7 Unit: Electrical megawatts. Undeveloped Power Potential Source: After Aylesworth and Weyland, 1980, p. 2. Remain- Economi- Remain- ing cally Actual ing Techni- & Techni- Operation Theore- cally cally 3. HYDRAULIC RESOURCES and under tical Develop- Develop- Construe- Hydro able able Installed hydro-electric generating capacity in tion Potential Potential Potential Canada has increased dramatically as the 20th century has progressed, although the proportion of total gener- Nfld. & Lab.. 6,535 7.000 6,272 • 4.776 ating capacity represented by hydraulic sources has P.E.I — N.S 360 160 100 50 dropped steadily from a high of over 90% in the 1940s N.B 900 620 556 460 and 50s to a low of 57% in 1979. Canada's installed Que 25.750 42,160 30.750 18,838 generating capacity by type since 1920 is given in Table Ont 7.138 7,770 6.152 2,072 3-5. Although hydro-electric generating capacity is fore- Man 4.796 7,023 4.945 4,945 cast to increase by more than 15,000 MW by 1991, it Sask 567 2.395 1.71-1 1.161 Alta 718 18.800 11,440 4,357 nevertheless will remain at about the same proportion of B.C. 12,134 29,400 25.827 17.575 the total electrical energy mix in the early 1990s. Yukon 68 11.000 10.440 5,043 N.W.T. 47 14,900 6.000 4.163 Canada is blessed with abundant hydro resources by comparison with almost any other country. Neverthe- CANADA 59.013 141.228 104,193 63,440 less, the great majority of undeveloped generating sites are uneconomic at present; many of these are small or Notes: (a| Projects in the planning stage are included in low-head. The question of how many of these sites remaining undeveloped potential. eventually become economically exploitable and at what |b| Remaining economically and technically rate they are developed depends upon a number of developable potentials are installable capaci- imponderables, among which are technological ty in megawatts. c) advances in hydraulic power generation, the changing ' Pumped storage and tida! power are not economics of electricity in the national energy mix, and included. technical and political changes relating to nuclear fis- sion. A further constraint lies in the environmental Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines impact of extensive hydro development. The impact of and Resources, 1980c.

35 the construction of many new hydro schemes upon of Canada's mineable uranium resources. Discoveries inland fisheries, recreational and other land use and since 1979 have added significantly to these totals and local climate will require careful study in the years to rising prices will result in the conversion of more uranium come. resources to reserves. Rgure 3-11 shows that Canada's uranium production capability far exceeds forecast Current estimates suggest that a further 104,000 domestic requirements, explaining our major export megawatts of hydraulic power is technically feasible to position in this energy commodity. develop, more than double the capacity exploited today. Of this amount, perhaps 63,000 megawatts is economi- cally developable. The present distribution of existing Figure 3-11: PROJECTED CANADIAN URANIUM and potential hydro-electric power development in PRODUCTION CAPABILITY COM- Canada is summarized in Table 3-6. It is apparent that PARED WITH ESTIMATED the ultimate potential of this energy source is quite ANNUAL URANIUM REQUIRE- limited by comparison to many other energy forms, and MENTS that Canada's hydraulic resources will have been largely 16000, exploited by the middle of the 21st century.


Canada has extensive uranium resources. Uranium mining is underway in Ontario and Saskatchewan, and significant additional deposits are known in these Prov- inces and in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec, British Columbia and the Northwest and Yukon Territo- ries. Table 3-7 gives the most recent published estimate


Unit: Thousands of metric tons of ele- mental uranium.

Uranium Contained in Mineable Ore»'

Mineable at Meas- Indi- 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 Uranium Prices of ured cated Inferred Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Up to $130/kg of 1980g, p. 13. Uranium"» 73 157 238 $130 to $200/kg of Uranium0» 4 25 90 TOTAL 77 182 328

"' The uranium recoverable from the ore will be some- what less because of milling losses. «" The dollar figures refer to the market price of a quantity of uranium concentrate containing 1 kilo- gram of elemental uranium.

Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980g, p. S.

36 Energy Flows in Canada

1. ENERGY SUPPLY, DEMAND AND TRADE decline was a reduction in crude oil output as Canada pursued a policy of phasing out the export of light crudes. Most recently, an upturn in Western Canadian Canada's energy system has undergone rapid conventional crude production (which is transitory) has expansion since World War II and in the process we helped to boost Canada's production of primary energy. have progressed from being a net importer to a net exporter of energy. The production of primary energy Canada became a net exporter of energy in the increased rapidly until 1973, a year in which we sold to latter 1960s and today exports of energy in the form of the United States the equivalent of over 60% of our natural gas and electricity exceed imports of energy in petroleum production, 40% of our marketable natural the form of oil and coal. This trade position has been gas output, and 6.4% of our net electrical generation. In very much to Canada's advantage as Figure 3-12 indi- fact, Canada exported more than one-third of its total cates. Canada has shown a net income from its energy energy production to the United States in 1973 and was trade in every year since the late 1960s and in 1979 that a larger supplier of oil to the U.S. than was the Middle income amounted to nearly $4 billion. With imports of East. Thereafter, the production of primary energy in crude oil expected to grow until at least the mid-1980s, Canada fell until 1977. The principal cause of this however, one can anticipate that this surplus will shrink.


4000 Total Net Exports




—2000' 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Source. After Canada, Department of Energy. Mines and Resources, 1980e. p. 8.


340 LIQUID HYDROCARBON PRODUCTION 2— -320 -300 280 -260

1.5- -240 2 APPARENT CONSUMPTION -220 Ü OF CRUDE OIL AND PRODUCTS CO -200 je -180 = SU -160 | m -140 o ë CO -120 § CO -100 I -80 -60 0.5- -40 -20 0 55 56 57 53 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 YEAR Source: After Canadian Petroleum Association, 1980.

The trends in Canada's domestic supply and in the energy mix — the relative contributions that have demand of oil and gas are displayed in Figures 3-13 and been made by each primary energy form. That evolution 3-14. The first illustration shows liquid hydrocarbon pro- is depicted in Figure 3-15 which shows the contributors duction (crude oil and gas liquids) plotted against Cana- to Canada's primary er&rgy supply since 1871. da's apparent consumption of crude oil and products. In First fuel wood and then coal dominated our energy the early 1970s we were net exporters of oil, with sales system. Crude oil and natural gas have risen in tandem to the United States peaking in 1973. After a modest since World War II to displace coal, with oil established upturn in production in 1979, domestic oil output slipped as our most important energy commodity over the last in 1980 and Canada faces a widening gap between quarter-century. supply and demand as the 1980s progress. In a time span of (ess than two decades, during the In contrast, Figure 3-14 shows how Canada's 1940s and 1950s, oil's share in Canada's energy mix output of natural gas has outpaced domestic demand, expanded from approximately 20% to more than 50%. sustaining our substantial sales of gas in the U.S. That share was subsequently maintained for 15 years market. This excess productive capacity in natural gas but now has begun to contract. We expect oil to contin- has been the principal factor behind Canada's positive ue to lose ground to the other major components of trade balance in energy commodities throughout the Figure 3-15, namely natural gas, primary electricity and 1970s. coal. While Figure 3-15 suggests that substantial 2. THE CONVENTIONAL ENERGY MIX changes can be brought about in an energy system As well as appreciating the growth in Canada's rather quickly, that interpretation is not entirely correct. energy system, it is also important to follow the evolution Oil penetrated Canada's energy mix at a time when our




•200 7- A 180 MARKETED GAS PRODUCTION -160 i-5- A "140 A "120 A •100

i 3" "80 SUES -60 2- A JWL GAS -40


55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 YEAH

Source: After Canadian Petroleum Association, 1980.

energy system was much smaller and less complex. the electrical grid to a region may represent both a Today, the inertia to change is far greater because the problem in conventional energy supply and an opportu- system is large and entrenched. Oil also found ready nity for the penetration of alternative energy forms. acceptance because it possessed obvious advantages Hydro-electricity and nuclear-electricity together over other energy forms. Now we are being forced to satisfy about 13% of Canada's primary energy require- consider some options which are not as appealing. One ments. Hydro and nuclear generating stations com- can safely predict that it will prove much more difficult to prised 65% of Canada's installed electrical generating get off oil than it was to get on it. capacity at the end of 1979, with the remaining capacity made up of coal-, oil- and gas-fired stations. The use of 3. ENERGY UFEL.NES electricity is spread over all sectors of the economy and most populated regions of the country. Such widespread Energy moves across Canada in an extensive use has been made possible by the construction of a system of pipelines and transmission lines, supplement- complex transmission system. : ed in places by truck, rail, water and air transport. These energy distribution systems are so fundamental to the Over 90% of the electricity used in Canada is economy and so important to the well-being of Canadi- generated and distributed by provincially-owned public ans that they may be thought of as energy "lifelines". utilities. In many locations interprovincial transmission We tend to appreciate their significance, however, only lines have been built to service areas of adjacent prov- when they are disrupted. None of these systems is truly inces and to spread the benefits of reliability inherent in nationwide in extent, and lack of service by pipelines or larger electrical systems. In all there are twenty-two



Crude Oil and Gas Liquids

'Wafer Power'

1 70 1880 1890 1900 1950 T960 OTÖ Ï980

Source: After Steward, 1978.

separate provincial interconnections in excess of 100 due to be finished by October 1984. A single 500 kV AC kV, with two more proposed or under construction. line between the Fraser Valley in B.C. and Calgary is the Canada's main transmission lines are illustrated in Figure other major transmission line under construction today. 3-16. Canada has an oil pipeline system for moving In addition to the interprovincial links, there are domestically-produced oil to refining centres from British more than 100 transmission lines between Canada and Columbia to Quebec, and for bringing imported oil into the United States, which provide over 8,000 megawatts Montreal via the United States. Neither Vancouver Island in power transfer capability. About one-half of the inter- nor any of the country east of Montreal is connected to national transfer lines connect Ontario to utilities in New this distribution network. Figure 3-17 shows existing and York and Michigan. The remainder of the lines link New proposed pipelines. Brunswick with Maine, Quebec with New York and Ver- The Trans Mountain Pipeline consists of 1,156 km mont, Manitoba with North Dakota and Minnesota, and of pipeline between Edmonton and Vancouver, with British Columbia with Washington. Several new high connections to the Westridge Marine Terminal (in Van- voltage lines (from Ontario to New York and from couver) and to the American border where it joins Manitoba to the North-Central States) are in the plan- pipelines serving four refineries in Washington State. ning, licensing or construction stages. These new lines This pipeline system has a pumping capacity of 410 will add a further 3,240 megawatts of transfer capability. thousand barrels per day (65,180 nrVd) and a storage capacity of 4.35 million barrels (692,000 m3). At the present time, the largest addition being made to Canada's electrical network is the extensive The major cross-Canada pipeline delivering western system for transmitting power from the James Bay oil to eastern refineries and consumers is the Interprovin- Project to southern markets. This system involves five cial Pipe Line. This system runs 3,700 km across the parallel 735 kilovolt AC lines, the first of which was Canadian prairies, through the United States south of completed in September 1979. The remaining lines are Lakes Huron and Michigan to Sarnia, Toronto and Mon-


s Existing Construction Ü3 Under400kV — 400kV and over



Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980a. LEGEND









Source: Canada, National Energy Board, 1980. treat, with a lateral line to Buffalo. It has a capacity to The Arctic Pilot Project seeks permission to deliver pump 1,528 thousand barrels/day (243,000 nvVd) and Arctic gas to southern markets in liquified form, and the for the last few years has been running at or near Polar Gas Project is designed to bring both Mackenzie capacity. The storage capacity of this large pipeline Delta and Arctic gas to sourthern markets via pipeline. system is about 16.25 million barrels (2.6 million m3). The recent gas find off Sable Island could be connected to the mainland by pipeline, but no proposal for such a The third pipeline system serving Canadian refiner- line has yet been made. This must await better definition ies is the Portland-Montreal Pipe Line. This 380 km of the gas reserves available. pipeline has a design capacity of 550 thousand barrels/ day (87,440 m3/d) but since mid-1976 has been operat- Existing and proposed natural gas distribution sys- ing very much below this level since Montreal began tems are illustrated in Figure 3-18. Proposed distribution receiving roughly 300 thousand barrels/day (47,700 systems include those presently in the regulatory m3/d) from Western Canada through the Interprovincial approval process. extension. A system of gas pipelines delivers Western Canadi- 4. REGIONAL CONSIDERATIONS an gas to markets across the country from Vancouver to Quebec, but the Maritime Provinces and Vancouver Island have yet to be connected to this distribution Not yet revealed in our discussion are the regional system. The Westcoast Transmission Company serves energy imbalances which exist in this country. Figure British Columbia and western U.S. markets with gas 3-19 brings this situation into focus, displaying the pro- from British Columbia, Alberta, the Yukon and North- duction of primary energy in Canada by region against west Territories. This system delivered a total of 146 the net energy demand within that region, for the year billion cubic feet (4.13 billion cubic metres) to British 1978. Saskatchewan, for example, had a primary Columbia markets in 1979. In addition the system is energy production that year of 517 petajoules and a net licensed to export 869 million cubic feet per day (24.59 energy demand of 306 petajoules. Even allowing for million cubic metres) to the United States. conversion losses, Saskatchewan produced from within its own borders substantially more energy than it In Alberta, the Alberta Gas Trunk Line operates a required for its needs (although not necessarily in the total of 10,836 kilometres of pipeline to collect gas from appropriate form). Consequently Saskatchwan was a the many small wells scattered throughout the Province. region of Canada with surplus energy which could be This system feeds into the large-diameter system oper- sold in other parts of the country and abroad. ated by TransCanada PipeLines Limited. TransCanada's pipeline extends from Alberta to Quebec with lateral Now consider all the regions of Canada represented lines stretching to the international border at Emerson, in Figure 3-19. Only in the western part of the country— Manitoba; Sault Ste. Marie, Samia and Niagara Falls, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan—does pri- Ontario; and Philipsburg, Quebec. The total system mary energy production exceed net energy demand. comprises 9,344 km of pipeline and transports an aver- Alberta dominates as an energy supplier; Ontario and age of 85 million cubic metres of natural gas daily to Quebec as energy consumers. Thus the prevailing flow almost two million Canadian customers. of energy in Canada's system is from west to east. Based upon 1978 data, Alberta alone produced 71 % of Recently a license was granted to extend the Trans- Canada's energy while consuming only 12%. In con- Canada system beyond Montreal to Quebec City. In the trast, Ontario accounted for less than 4% of Canada's National Energy Program the Federal Government primary energy production but 37% of its net energy announced its intention to ensure that the system is demand. It is not difficult to understand why the two extended still further to serve the Maritime Provinces by Provinces have had opposing views on energy pricing. 1983. The extension will be designed to allow for gas Neither is it hard to understand why different regions of flow in either direction so that it can be delivered from the country view opportunities in the alternative energy the Maritirnes should commercial discoveries be made field in such varying ways. off the East Coast. In the future, new pipelines will be required to Moreover, this regional energy imbalance is greater connect frontier and offshore gas to markets. To accom- than that indicated in the statistics of primary energy modate this need several proposals have been put production alone — Western Canada contains two before the National Energy Board. The "Dempster Lat- energy resources, in addition to conventional crude oil eral" would be used to transport Mackenzie Delta gas to and natural gas, which are presently being exploited at Canadian markets in conjunction with the larger Alaska only a fraction of their potential, namely coal and the oil Highway Natural Gas Pipeline System, which has sands. This region, cf Canada will continue to dominate already been given Canadian approval to carry U.S. gas the supply side of the domestic energy scene for many to American markets. years to come.





Notes: <•• Data for Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island are aggregated as Atlantic Canada for reasons of confidentiality in industry reporting. Energy statistics for the Yukon and Northwest Territories are also aggregated. Otherwise the regional breakdown is by province. "» Primary energy production refers to the energy extracted from a given region of Canada. We refer here to the production of crude oil (both conventional and synthetic), natural gas, natural gas liquids, coal, hydro-electricity and nuclear-electricity. Net energy consumption refers to energy actually consumed in a given region of Canada.

Source: After Canada, Statistics Canada, 1980.

The simple statement that Canada still satisfies some of the strongest interest in alternative energy and about half of its energy requirements with liquid hydro- oil substitution. carbons (crude oil and natural gas liquids) also hides When one further considers that Canada's national some startling regional variations. These variations are distribution systems for crude oil and natural gas do not highlighted in Table 3-8 which gives the degree to which yet extend into the Maritimes, concern regarding the the regions of the country depend upon the various region's vulnerability to events abroad in the oil sector is forms of conventional energy. Looking at Atlantic and quite understandable. With the potential to exploit alter- Northern Canada's overwhelming dependence upon oil, native energy forms also varying substantially from it is not surprising that these regions of Canada show region to region, it is clear that an alternative energy


Crude Oil. Products Coal and Coal and LPG Natural Gas Electricity131 Products Atlantic Canada 81.1% 0.0% 15.0% 3.9% Quebec 68.1 6.1 24.4 1.4 Ontario 50.6 27.4 14.6 7.5 Manitoba 50.3 29.7 18.1 1.9 Saskatchewan 50.5 38.6 10.3 0.6 Alberta 40.5 50.8 8.3 0.3 British Columbia 55.0 23.7 20.6 0.6 Yukon & NWT. . .. 84.3 1.8 13.9 0.0 CANADA 56.5% 23.1% 16.8% 3.6%lb'

(3> Includes hydro-electricity, nuclear-electricity and electricity generated from burning fossil fuels (with coal accounting for roughly two-thirds of non-nuclear thermal-electric generation in Canada). "» This low value for coal's contribution at the level of net domestic consumption reflects the fact that about two-thirds of Canada's coal requirement is for thermal-electric generation. Source: Canada, Statistics Canada, 1980.

strategy will have to be more highly tailored to various ally-owned woodlots and, as no commercial transaction parts of the country than has been our conventional takes place in obtaining this fuel, it is difficult to collect energy policy. It also follows that the needs of such accurate statistics on the use of wood for home heating. areas as Atlantic and Northern Canada have a more The firewood that is sold commercially does not give a pressing claim on our attention. good indication of the contribution wood does make because much of it is burned in fireplaces for aesthetic 5. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY USE IN CANADA TODAY reasons, contributing little to home heating. An EMR estimate of the total use of biomass in Canada in 1980, There are only two renewable energy sources in use taking note of the difficulties outlined above, was 3.5%, in Canada today in sufficient quantity to appear in and the Department believes that biomass could con- national energy use statistics. The first is hydro-electrici- tribute as much as 10% of Canada's primary energy ty, which accounts for a little more than 10% of Cana- supply by the turn of the century. da's primary energy needs. We have not dealt with conventional hydro-electricity in any detail since it is There is a third form of renewable energy which is already in widespread use today and therefore lies being used more by luck than by design in this country, beyond our terms of reference. It is mentioned here, and that is passive solar heating. South-facing windows however, to remind the reader that Canadians already collect solar radiation and the energy trapped in this derive a significant part of their energy supply from this fashion contributes to a building's daytime heat require- renewable source. The second form of renewable ments. Anyone sitting near a large, south-facing window energy which is widely used today is biomass. The direct on a clear winter day will be familiar with this phenome- combustion of wood wastes such as bark and sawdust non. Of course, at night the same window is responsible for process heat and steam in the forest industry for a certain amount of heat loss. In terms of net accounts for over 3% of Canada's primary energy con- contribution however, it is estimated that 1.5% of Cana- sumption. It has been suggested that this figure could da's primary energy consumption in 1980 was in the double over the next few years simply by making form of passive solar heat. As is the case with domestic increased use of waste wood within the forest products use of wood this is only a rough estimate, there being no industry. simple way of obtaining precise data. It is estimated that there are now approximately In total then, renewable energy sources supplied 100,000 wood stoves being purchased and installed something more than 15% of Canada's primary energy annually in Canada, although the total number of wood needs in 1980, if one includes hydro-electricity. The stoves is not known with any accuracy. Many consum- contrib'Jtion from biomass and solar alone totalled per- ers heat their homes with wood cut from small, individu- haps 5%.

46 An Evolution in Energy Outlook

he 1973 EMR Report, An Energy Policy for Canada. difficulties, the Government began to look seriously at T noted that energy policies were "complex, diverse the need to reduce the rate at which our demand for and incapable of simple formulation." These policies energy was growing. At the same time, policies were have also been highly changeable, making a brief detail- being sought to reduce our dependence on imported oil ing of their history difficult. Nonetheless such a descrip- by switching to other energy forms available domestical- tion is presented here, in an attempt to put the Commit- ly in significant quantities. The expression "energy self- tee's study into an historical context. reliance" was introduced by the Government in 1976 to indicate its approach to improving the nation's energy Generally speaking, energy policy is formulated to situation. The notion that low-cost energy was essential meet a number of broad national aspirations. These for Canadians to maintain their standard of living was objectives, as perceived in 1973 before the OPEC price replaced by the realization that although we have many increases, were related totally to energy supply con- energy supply options, none of them will supply cheap siderations and can be stated as follows: ensuring ade- energy. quate supplies of energy at competitive prices; safe- guarding national security; encouraging energy resource The 1976 report also outlined a number of policies development; exporting surplus energy supplies under designed to meet the stated objectives. These measures terms that benefit the nation; acquiring energy supplies included moving domestic oil prices towards internation- from abroad when they are more economic than domes- al levels; reducing the rate of growth in energy demand tic sources; and, in general, aligning energy policy to less than 3.5% annually through energy conservation objectives with other national goals such as Canadian programs; increasing exploration and development in control of its energy industries and protection of the frontier areas of Canada (with Petro-Canada subse- environment. quently to aid in this task); promoting interfuel substitu- The 1973 review was optimistic and the general tion to reduce the share of our energy needs satisfied by philosophy behind it maintained that energy use and oil; building new gas and oil pipelines; and increasing economic growth were closely linked — the fact that research and development in the energy sector. From Canada's demand for energy would consequently con- our point of view, this latter point :3 particularly impor- tinue to increase was accepted as an inescapable tant because it marked the first time that funding for consequence of our continued prosperity. Furthermore, conservation and renewable energy research and de- the potential of the oil sands and frontier oil and gas velopment received special mention. The subject of indicated we could indeed have abundant, reasonably- funding for energy research and development is impor- priced energy to maintain a high rate of economic tant since it is through such funding that implementation growth. of the options chosen in a policy statement are made In 1976 the report An Energy Strategy for Canada possible. showed a marked change in EMR's philosophy. This The Canadian effort in energy research, develop- report was written during what was described as an ment and demonstration (RD&D) at the federal level energy crisis and is thus imbued with a pessimism which which should have helped to achieve some of the above was not evident in 1973. Our proven reserves of oil and objectives was unimpressive throughout the 1970s, and low-cost gas had begun to decline while demand con- there was no significant increase in real annual expendi- tinued to increase. Our exports of oil were declining but tures despite the rising concern over energy supplies imports were increasing and Canada was faced with which had developed from 1974 to the end of the rising import compensation payments. Drilling results in 1970s. Figure 3-20 shows the evolution of Federal Gov- Canada's frontier regions were disappointing and ernment energy RD& D budgets from 1974 to 1979, in extracting oil from the tar sands was proving to be more current and constant dollars. Provincial government ex- expensive than previously anticipated. In light of such penditures are not included in Figure 3-20.

47 Figure 3-20: EVOLUTION OF FEDERAL GOVERN- An Evolving Federal View of Energy Strategy MENT ENERGY RD&D BUDGETS IN in Canada CURRENT AND 1974 DOLLARS

Foreword, An Energy Policy for Canada - Phase 1, 1973 240 The attainment of many of our national goals is dependent on our continued access to low-cost sup- f zoo plies of energy: the growth in our standards of living, Current prices - - as individuals and as nations; the improvement in the ^160 1974 prices quality of life, in the choices available to us. 1 At the international level we have heard expressions — — ——_ of concern about the availability and cost of energy in the future. In Canada we have had the good fortune to be endowed with substantial supplies of all five main Canadia n D o sources of energy: coal, oil and gas, hydro power and uranium. But with our climate, and with the transporta- 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 tion demands imposed on us by our vast land-area, Source: After International Energy Agency, 1980b, p. 114. our demand for energy is also substantial.

Foreword, An Energy Strategy for Canada: Policies for In 1979 the total Federal expenditure on energy Sett-Reliance, 1976 RD&D amounted to slightly more than $162 million, broken down in general terms as follows (IEA, 1980b): While our proved reserves of oil and low-cost gas continue to decline. Canadian demands for these Conventional Nuclear $103.6 million (63.8%) energy forms continue to increase. The growing gap between our energy demands and our ability to supply Fossil Fuels 16.5 million (10.2%) them from domestic reserves suggest that we could New Energy Sources 21.7 million (13.4%) become increasingly dependent on the rest of the Energy Conservation 12.5 million ( 7.7%) world, and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Nuclear Fusion 2.9 million ( 1.8%) Countries in particular, for our future oil supplies. This prospect carries with it economic and political risks Supporting Technologies.... 5.1 million ( 3.1%) which the Government of Canada views with concern. TOTAL $162.3 million We have, within Canada, the people, the equip- This amountej to only 15.5% of total Federal ment, the expertise and the potential energy resources to reduce substantially our dependence on imported expenditure on RD&D and represented a decline of oil. We can do this by reducing the rate at which our 4.5% from 1978 in real terms. Clearly a re-examination energy requirements grow in t1^ future, by substituting of funding for energy RD& D in this country is in order. those energy forms which are in relatively abundant We will not be able to exercise our various energy supply in Canada for those that are not, by accelerat- ing the search required to find new oil and natural options if sufficient support for their development is not gas — to convert the potential of our undiscovered forthcoming. energy resources to proved reserves from which our needs can be supplied. All of these options will be The 1980 National Energy Program is the most expensive, but all must be pursued... recent statement of the Federal Government's view of Canada's energy situation. Perhaps one of the most The National Energy Program 1980, p. 9 significant aspects of this statement is an increased emphasis on reducing our energy demand as well as ...Canada's energy problem is not only manage- increasing the use of alternative energy sources. able, but its solution can draw from many options. The 1980 program states that our commitment to Canada has the diversified energy resource base developing nuclear technologies will continue but the to support a relatively quick and clean shift away overall emphasis on energy RD&D will shift towards from world oil. Canada also has the time to make finding alternatives to gasoline, increasing the efficiency the transition to an economy that is more efficient of energy use and developing new energy sources. It is in its use of energy, and more dependent upon in the context of such a shift in emphasis that this Com- renewable energy sources. mittee was established and it is in this atmosphere that our report will be considered.


The following illustration (Figure 3-21) is included to the totals. Funding for RD&D in these areas is beginning show the relative emphasis which has been placed in to expand and the Committee urges increased and recent years on renewable energy technologies and sustained support so that recommendations contained conservation. Again provincial funding is excluded from in this Report may be acted upon.



1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 (Est.) Source: After International Energy Agency, 1980b, p. 113.

49 The Problem With Oil

il is not merely an economic commodity. O It is a source of enormous political leverage in Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting the hands of the major oil producing nations. Any Countries (OAPEC) realistic assessment of the cost of oil must include On 9 January 1968, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait not only the price in dollars and cents, but also the and Libya concluded an agreement in Beirut price in terms of political, military and other conces- founding OAPEC, with membership restricted to sions which producing countries can extract as a Arab countries in which oil represented the main condition for supplying oil. Virtually all the OPEC source of national income. Algeria, Abu Dhabi, producers, particularly those in the Middle East, have used their oil at one time or another to pursue Dubai, Bahrain and Qatar joined in 1970 and Iraq noneconomic objectives. Oil has been used to influ- in 1972. In late 1971, the Beirut agreement was ence the foreign policies of consuming countries, modified to allow membership of any Arab nation the most significant example being the Arab boy- in which petroleum represented an "important" cott during the 1973 Arab-Israeli dispute. Oil has source of national income. Syria then joined in been used to induce the United States, France, 1972 and Egypt in 1973, although Dubai withdrew Germany, Italy, Japan, and Brazil to trade from OAPEC in late 1972. OAPEC precipitated advanced weapons systems and technologies the oil embargo of late 1973, leading to the first which have military applications, to the Middle East. explosion in world price. In April 1979, Egypt was Oil has been used to obtain other economic concessions including assistance in building refiner- suspended from OAPEC membership but, for ies, petrochemical plants or other industries which consistency in statistical reporting, Egypt's oil pro- otherwise would not have been granted.... (U.S. duction is still often included in the OAPEC total. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural OAPEC's crude oil output in 1980 was approxi- Resources, 1980, page 29.) mately 19.6 million barrels/day, about 33% of world production.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) The world petroleum market is susceptible to Prior to the formation of OPEC in 1960, con- manipulation for a variety of reasons. OPEC controls trol of the world petroleum business lay primarily almost 70% of global conventional crude oil reserves in the hands of the major oil companies and price and one member alone, Saudi Arabia, holds approxi- changes were arranged through a distributors' mately 27% of the total. This small group of nations cartel. With the aim of preventing oil price reduc- also possesses the greatest capacity to expand produc- tions and improving their negotiating position, a tion in the short term. With OPEC accounting for a little number of oil-producing countries held discus- less than half of the world's oil output while holding more sions concerning a united pricing and production than two-thirds of its reserves, it is apparent that other policy, culminating in the formation of OPEC on oil-producing countries are compelled, at least in relative 10 September 1960, in Baghdad. The founding terms, to overproduce their oil resources. The oil pro- five countries were Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, ducers in the Middle East could, on average, sustain Iraq and Venezuela. Today the membership of current levels of output for nearly half a century; the OPEC stands at thirteen: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United States and Canada have little more than a Iran, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates (whose oil- decade of oil left at the current rate of production with producing members include Abu Dhabi, Dubai their present proved reserves. In a world in which oil is and Sharjah), Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, the dominant energy commodity, now accounting for Gabon, Ecuador. Venezuela and Indonesia. about 45% of primary energy consumption, this is a OPEC's estimated crude oil production in 1980 degree of resource concentration holding profound was 26.8 million barrels/day, or 45% of world implications. crude liftings of 59.7 million barrels/day. Oil is an essential component of the energy system in every industrialized nation and fuels all conventional

51 military machines. Over half of the oil involved in interna- ability of the oil companies to act as a buffer between tional trade passes through the Strait of Hormuz at the consuming and producing countries — notably to re- entrance to the Gulf of Arabia, at a rate of about 18 route supplies in the event of emergencies — is conse- million barrels per day. In a typical 24-hour period, 70 to quently being lost. 80 ships use the Strait, including the world's largest OPEC also is seeking to extend its control through supertankers. Roughly 90% of Japan's total oil require- diversification into downstream petroleum activities such ments are shipped via this narrow passage, as are 60% as refining and shipping. Such diversification allows of Western 's oil imports and about 30% of U.S. OPEC to earn more revenue for each barrel of oil imports. The invasion of Afghanistan brought Soviet produced (thereby diminishing the need to expand pro- military forces to within 550 kilometres of the Strait, duction), and allows producers to extend their influence adding to the anxieties of the oil-importing nations. in the marketing process. Some European refiners have even agreed to process crude while allowing the produc- In a number of other ways, OPEC is moving to ing country to retain title to the oil throughout the strengthen its ability to control the world petroleum refining process. This also grants the producing country market. During the 1970s, host governments national- more power to control the destination of its petroleum ized most of OPEC's oil fields, relegating the petroleum exports. companies to the role of operator. The oil-producing countries are also moving more towards direct sales via This concentration of power in the hands of OPEC government-to-government transactions. Prior to the has paralleled the decline of the United States in world 1973 embargo, more than 75% of the oil extracted by oil affairs. At the end of World War II, the U.S. was not OPEC was marketed by the major oil companies; by only the world's largest producer, but its output exceed- 1979, the figure had dropped to less than 50%. The ed that of all other countries combined. As recently as




~^>EUROre (including U.S.S.R.)




1«40 1945 1950 1KB 1K0 1985 1J70 1J75 Source: DeGolyer and MacNaughton, 1980, p. 4: i.-td Auldridge, 1980, p. 78-79.


1963, the United States still accounted for more than While other parts of the world, most notably the half of all the crude oil that had ever been produced. North Sea and Mexico, have risen in prominence as Today the United States is the world's third largest oil-producing regions, OPEC will continue to be the producer, with the Soviet Union standing first and Saudi dominant influence in the petroleum market for many Arabia second. The decline of American influence in years to come^ Reducing dependence on foreign international petroleum affairs is indicated in petroleum should thus be an overriding concern of na- Figure 3-22, which outlines world oil output by region tional policy in the countries of the Western World. This since 1930. With U.S. crude output having peaked in situation also drives home the consequences of allowing 1970, American influence on the world petroleum scene one nonrenewable energy commodity to dominate an has declined rapidly over the past decade. energy system. -.-.-. . , - '


Guiding the Development

e have seen what Canada's energy system looks only improve Canada's energy position in the short term W like today but how should it be structured but which also are compatible with the long-term evolu- tomorrow? Certainly, the tact that we presently depend tion we are trying to promote in this complex system. so heavily on hydrocarbons for primary energy means We have not deluded ourselves into thinking that that if we get off this energy source by substituting our conclusions and recommendations represent the alternatives, the energy mix of tomorrow will have to be final word in energy policy. For this reason we have tried radically different. But how will it be different? What to develop a strategy which will be flexible enough to should the guiding principles be in developing a new adapt to changing or unforeseen circumstances, even energy system and what emphasis should be placed on though this may delay the attainment of the objectives the options available to us? listed above. We know that conditions can change very rapidly — economic shifts such as changes in the The Committee believes there are a number of relative prices of petroleum and its alternatives can principles which should be embodied in Canadian occur at any time; the introduction of new technologies energy policy. or new energy sources might dictate a revision of long- (1) We should make every effort to reduce energy term goals; and political developments at the domestic demand by practicing conservation. or international level could make the achievement of (2) In the long term, energy should be derived primarily long-term objectives effectively impossible. from renewable and/or inexhaustible sources of energy. 1. CONSERVATION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY (3) The production of the primary energy we require should be achieved with as Me environmental dis- From an early moment in the Committee's exist- ruption as possible. ence it became apparent that encouraging energy con- (A) We must achieve greater diversity in Canada's servation would have to be a major recommendation of energy mix. this Report. Witness after witness extolled the impor- (5) We must recognize regional differences in energy tance of conservation practices by pointing out that resources and in energy requirements. conservation is the easiest and least expensive means of (6) We must address strategic concerns in formulating reducing the energy supply-demand gap. This, then, is a energy policy. major goal of our alternative energy policy, because by (7) We must adequately consider the social implications simply reducing energy demand, we moderate energy of bringing about major changes in Canada's energy supply constraints. system. The Committee realizes that conservation has been In proposing energy policy for the "foreseeable promoted by a variety of groups and governments over future", the Committee divided the future into the short the past decade and that this is not a new recommenda- term (1980-1990), medium term (1990-2000) and long tion. Nonetheless, we wish to add our voice to those term (beyond the year 2000). While energy development already advocating conservation and, in so doing, hope over the next 20 years is easier to predict than in the to make the message clearer and stronger. We want to long term, and thus tended to claim our attention, it is help promote a sense of urgency that will motivate all clear that some of the recommendations we are making Canadians to continue and expand their conservation may require a half-century or more to be fully achieved. efforts in all sectors of the economy. Although the fundamental reshaping of Canada's energy Conservation practices should not bring about a system will not be accomplished in this century, the reduction in our standard of living. The Committee does process of reshaping should be well underway by the not see Canadians doing "less with less" but rather dawn of the 21st century. The Committee has been "more with less" or, at least, more with greater efficien- faced therefore with making recommendations that not cy. For example, new television sets now consume much

57 less energy during operation than did earlier models but energy resources but, since we spend more energy per the quality of the picture hasn't diminished — it has dollar of GNP generated than other countries, we have a actually improved. This is due to technological innova- tremendous "conservation resource" which can be tion and serves to illustrate the philosophy the Commit- exploited as well. Therefore, by setting out to build tee wishes to advocate — do more with less. We believe energy efficiency into all aspects of every Canadian that achievements of this type must be realized in all our activity, whether it be industrial, commercial or social, private, commercial and industrial activities. we can save a very significant amount of energy. And by so reducing energy demand, we can bring our country A conservation problem can be tackled in a variety that much closer to the goal of energy self-sufficiency in of ways. Consider, for example, the objective of reduc- all energy forms. ing the amount of heating fuel used to heat a home. One can turn down the heat or insulate the home. Of course, The Committee believes, then, that energy efficien- there is a limit to the amount of energy which can be cy must be built into all our endeavours starting now. We saved by turning down the thermostat because discom- recognize that the conservation resource which can be fort would soon prevent anyone from allowing the tem- tapped will diminish as time progresses and we weed perature to fall too far. But the second option of retrofit- out inefficiency but this does not mean conservation will ting a home to make sure heat is not being lost because become less important. It simply means it will become of poor construction can generate savings with no an integral part of the system and will make a contin- attendant discomfort. Ideally, one should insulate and uous contribution towards keeping our energy demand turn down the thermostat, thus encouraging maximum down. The real energy crunch will probably occur during energy savings. the next one to two decades. We are fortunate that the conservation resource is exploitable now, when we very This brings us to the second part of the title of this much need it. It would be foolish to deny its importance sub-section — energy efficiency. When most of the and its potential. homes and industries, indeed nearly all of Canada's infrastructure, were being designed and built, energy efficiency was not a major factor taken into consider- 2. RENEWABLE AND INEXHAUSTIBLE SOURCES ation. It made little sense to heavily insulate houses OF ENERGY when the cost of that insulation took years to recover, fuel costs being so low. Similarly, it made no economic Canada must place new emphasis on deriving its sense to invest a large amount in building an energy-effi- energy requirements from sustainable sources of energy. cient industrial complex when energy was cheap; the We must ultimately shift our dependence away from cost of building in that efficiency might never be nonrenewable fossil fuels for the simple reason that their regained in terms of the amount of money saved by supplies are finite. As stated in Canada's Energy System spending less on energy. Thus, because energy was so Today, it is true that these supplies will not be exhausted cheap, energy inefficiency was actually built into our for some time to come, and that depletion will occur economy. more quickly for some forms than others, but the final Now the tide has turned. Few see us ever again result is inevitable. Society cannot go on indefinitely living in an age of inexpensive and plentiful energy. The exploiting fossil hydrocarbons for energy. This Report Committee does not wholeheartedly share this pessimis- considers some of the reasons why it is advantageous to tic view, but we do realize that energy will become an begin the transition to sustainable energy forms sooner increasingly valuable and expensive commodity for rather than later. some decades to come. This is not to suggest that Renewable energy sources are those which are Canadians can look forward only to a steadily diminish- naturally replenished with or without human intervention. ing standard of living or to a continuous reduction in The winds and tides are examples of sources of energy their quality of life. It does mean though that we have which will be available in limited supply in perpetuity been forced to recognize that from now on, energy without human management, whereas biomass is renew- efficiency is perhaps the first and foremost factor which able as an energy resource only if properly managed. must be taken into consideration in building the Canada Inexhaustible energy supplies are those such as solar or of tomorrow. We have been forced to take literally the fusion which offer the promise of providing all the energy old saying, "Waste not, want not!" mankind is ever likely to require if they can be adequate- Taking a positive look at the Canadian energy situa- ly and safely harnessed. tion, we see this energy inefficiency as a unique energy Moving Canada's energy system to phase out non- opportunity — the energy we waste every day is an renewables and to incorporate renewables and inex- energy resource which can be readily tapped. In other haustibles will not be a simple task nor one which is words, not only are we endowed with a considerable achieved overnight. It will take commitment, a lot of hard array of conventional and nonconventional natural work and money and, perhaps most important, time.


Certainly, if we hope to remould our economy with a liquid hydrocarbons but also bringing about significant" minimum of disruption to the quality of life we have ecological damage during the mining process. Strip come to expect, we must get on with it as soon as mining, acid mine wastes, particulate release during possible. This means there will be an extended transi- transportation and burning, erosion and occupational tional period, several decades in duration, when neither health hazards such as black lung disease all contribute the system we know today nor the one we envisage for to making coal the least environmentally acceptable the future will be in place. In this interim, we will have to type of fossil fuel. continue and even augment the use of certain hydrocar- bons while developing alternative energy sources and Two of today's most disturbing environmental prob- technologies to the point of commercialization. This is lems are acid rain and the accumulation of carbon seen as necessary to "buy time", but the ultimate goal dioxide in the atmosphere, and both of these phenome- of our alternative energy policy is to phase out the use of na result primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. fossil hydrocarbons as sources of energy. Thus environmental concern has been a major factor in causing the Committee to believe that a new energy The transition period will be a challenging time but system in Canada should be one which is not based one which offers unique opportunities for Canada. All principally upon the combustion of hydrocarbons. nations will at some stage have to face the reality of getting away from using nonrenewable energy resources and if we develop the alternative technologies which will A. ACID RAIN eventually be required by the rest of the world, our export opportunities will be unprecedented. Specific Acid rain was once thought to be a problem of only efforts which should be begun immediately are offered in local magnitude, such as the acidification of lakes in the form of recommendations throughout this Report but close proximity to mineral smelting operations. However, they are concentrated primarily in the chapter on Alter- it has now been shown that acid rain is a widespread, native Energy Sources, Currencies and Technologies. even global, problem whose ecological effects may become most significant.

3. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Acid rain is not new. In 1852, residents of Swansea, Wales complained about the effects "corrosive rain" The exploitation of energy cannot be accomplished caused by the local coal industry was having on their without having some effect upon the environment, but cattle and the vegetation of the region. It is, however, a different energy options affect the environment in differ- growing problem with Europe, Scandinavia, Japan and ing ways and degrees. Some forms of energy develop- North America all beginning to recognize its detrimental ment are more ecologically benign than others and the ecological, social and health effects. In 1979, the prelim- Committee wishes to emphasize that its investigation inary report of the joint Canada-U.S. group studying the has been pursued taking environmental concerns into Long Range Transportation of Air Pollutants (LRTAP) consideration at all times. It would not make sense to "identified acidic precipitation as the problem of great- formulate an energy policy which would solve energy est common concern at the present time." problems but create serious environmental ones. Many of our seemingly most intractable environ- The reason acid rain has made headlines only inthe mental problems arise out of our overwhelming depend- last few years is that scientists have just recently ence upon hydrocarbons as sources of energy. This is managed to accumulate enough data to begin to because both the fossil fuels themselves and their com- appreciate the geographical extent and the severity of bustion products are pollutants when released into the the problem. Acid rain is not immediately or obviously biosphere. damaging and, for this reason, it can be termed an Natural gas is the cleanest of the hydrocarbon fuels. insidious pollutant; ecological consequences only Being a gas, it is easily dispersed when released to the become apparent after enough acid has accumulated, atmosphere and, depending upon the completeness of over a considerable length of time, to bring about an combustion, produces predominantly carbon dioxide observable effect. Many environmentally-concerned upon burning. Oil in its various forms is more polluting, people believe that by the time damage becomes bla- being a complex, biologically toxic substance to begin tantly obvious, too much acid will have accumulated for with and releasing a variety of materials upon combus- ameliorative action to be taken at reasonable cost to tion, including hydrocarbons, particulates, carbon prevent rapid environmental deterioration. monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2). nitrogen oxides (NO,), sulphur dioxide (S02) and heavy metals. Coal is More is known about the effects of acid rain on yet again more polluting, producing a significantly great- some sectors of the environment than on others. For er quantity of the same types of pollutants derived from instance, a good deal is known about the effects of

59 B. THE CARBON DIOXIDE QUESTION FoimattonofAcldRaln As more and more people discover that acid rain is Acid rain is formed when rainwater is con- not a new phenomenon, they begin to wonder why they taminated by acid. Pure water is a neutral com- haven't heard of it before now. There are a number of pound and. as such, is neither acidic nor alkaline. reasons for this but the dominant one is that in our However, even natural unpolluted rain is not pure society little effective long-range planning is done and water; it is really a dilute solution of carbonic most environmental problems are ignored until they are acid — an acid which forms when atmospheric perceived as having reached serious proportions. This is carbon dioxide dissolves into water vapour in the precisely what the Committee hopes to avoid by plan- air. ning an energy future which will not produce difficult Many compounds can become incorporated ecological "surprises" that will have to be dealt with in in rain drops and some of them, such as soil an ad hoc fashion at some future date. particles, can make rainwater more basic or alka- line. Other compounds such as sulphur dioxide Thus, enter the "Carbon Dioxide Question". The and nitrous oxides — two of the combustion term "question" as opposed to "problem" is used here products of fossil fuels — can dissolve in rainwa- because the repercussions of the well-documented and ter and make it more acidic than normal. steady increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere are, at present, contentious. Although all the intricacies of the various But in the opinion of the Committee, this is no reason chemical reactions which take place in the atmos- they should be ignored. On the contrary, this is even phere during the formation of acid precipitation greater reason to investigate the phenomenon thorough- are not completely understood at the present ly and to plan an energy future which does not alter time, the end result is that the oxides of sulphur historical environmental balances, so that a potential and nitrogen are converted to sulphuric and nitric problem of truly global proportions will not have to be acids respectively. These are strong acids which grappled with 20 to 50 years from now. Certainly, a dissociate almost completely in water and have long-term perspective is called for in the case of the the ability to lower the acidity of rainwater signifi- carbon dioxide question. cantly. In fact, the most acidic precipitation yet recorded fell in Scotland in 1974. It was roughly as Much of the public has not yet heard about the acidic as vinegar or dilute acetic acid and over carbon dioxide pollution phenomenon. But measure- one thousand times as acidic as natural rain. ment of the concentration of C02 in the atmosphere made at a variety of locations, and over a time span dating back to 1958, have clearly and unambiguously acidification of aquatic ecosystems (environments) but demonstrated that the concentration of CO2 in the much less is known about its effects on terrestrial or atmosphere is rising at a rate of about one part per land ecosystems such as forests or agricultural crops. million (1 ppm is 1 milligram in 1 kilogram) per year (Figure 4-1). To put this figure into perspective, the The direct effects of acid rain on human health have concentration increased 13.8 ppm in the 15 years be- yet to be fully described. There is concern that the tween 1962 and 1977 — an increase from 316.2 to sulphur dioxide from which acid rain primarily derives 330.0 ppm or over 4%. Since 1850 and the beginning can affect the health of people afflicted with respiratory of the Industrial Revolution, the increase has been from problems. Acidic water passing through metallic pipes around 290 to 330 ppm, or approximately 14%. If the can increase copper and lead concentrations in drinking trend of the last 20 years continues or accelerates, the water and even some natural spring waters from areas CO2 concentration could well reach 400 ppm by the which have been exposed to heavy acid rainfall have year 2000 — a concentration which could begin to shown elevated levels of lead, copper, aluminum, mer- change the Earth's climate, perhaps irreversibly. cury and cadmium. All these metals can affect human health but the extent of the effects and their associated Historically, there is evidence that the atmospheric health costs have yet to be quantified. concentration of carbon dioxide has remained approxi- mately constant for past ages because a balance exist- Acidic precipitation can also deleteriously affect ed between (1) the amount of CO2 being turned into human artifacts. It can greatly accelerate erosion pro- solid organic compounds annually through photosynthe- cesses, causing buildings, roads, paint, sculptures and sis and the amount being released annually through so forth to be aesthetically and functionally damaged both plant and animal respiration; and (2) the amount of with prolonged exposure. The cost of these damages to CO2 dissolving into or escaping from the oceans. How- the urban environment are estimated to exceed $5 ever, it should be emphasized that this balance was billion annually in North America alone. achieved with a small but steady net loss of carbon from THE ENERGY SYSTEM TOMORROW

Figure 4-1: THE CONCENTRATION OF CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE EARTH'S ATMOS- The PHERE The atmosphere is composed of molecules we are all familiar with (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and so forth), but not every- one is aware that these molecules have the ability to absorb energy of certain wavelengths. Most atmospheric gases, including carbon dioxide, are transparent to the relatively short wavelengths of incoming solar radiation; thus much of the incom- ing energy passes through the atmosphere to be absorbed or reflected by the Earth's surface. At longer wavelengths — the wavelengths at which

the Earth reradiates — CO2 and water vapour are the two main energy-absorbing molecular species in the atmosphere. -314 When these molecules absorb energy, they 312 cause general atmospheric warming, a phenome- 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 non commonly called the "greenhouse effect" Source: After Kellogg, 1978, p. 15. Reprinted by permis- because it is roughly analogous to the warming of sion Of THE BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIEN- a glassed enclosure. A greenhouse is transparent TISTS. Copyright © 1978 by the Educational to incoming solar radiation but it impedes heat Foundation for Nuclear Science. Chicago, III. loss (in this case by preventing convection) and consequently warms up. If the atmosphere warms because of increased energy absorption due to this dynamic cycle over millions and millions of years. elevated concentrations of CO2, the surface tem- The CO2 which was removed from circulation and stored perature of the Earth will also rise by means of underground in the remains of once-living organisms is heat transfer. now termed fossil fuel. Thus, when we burn fossil fuels we release carbon which was taken up from the atmos- phere by living plants and stored millions of years ago. When we cut down trees we aggravate the problem The oceans contain a tremendous amount of further because (1) this reduces total photosynthetic carbon and they have traditionally been called a sink for

activity; (2) the trees release CO2 when they are burned or absorber of CO2, but it is now becoming apparent or decompose; and (3) their removal bares the soil's that the seas may not be the answer to reducing or even surface and allows the humus content of the soil to controlling the steadily increasing concentration of

decompose, releasing even more CO2 to the atmos- atmospheric carbon dioxide. (In 1980. the combustion phere. of fossil fuels was expected to release the equivalent of Measurements have shown that the annual harvest- 5.57 billion tonnes of CO2 (Munn et a/, 1980) and ing of forest biomass releases approximately the same deforestation probably released an equivalent amount.) There seems to be little dispute that the world's oceanic amount of C02 as does the combustion of fossil fuels. This means that no great global dependence upon reservoirs could absorb all the CO2 man is ever likely to biomass for energy can be tolerated and that for the generate, even if he burns the Earth's entire fossil fuel biomass which is used there must be a policy of com- resources. The question is one of time. plete replacement. Unfortunately, this seems to be an Various research techniques have indicated that the unlikely prospect because even without a large-scale rate of turnover of the ocean's thermally stratified waters commitment to biomass energy the size of the Earth's is very slow. The warm surface waters (some 100 to 200 forests is rapidly diminishing. meters deep) mix with colder deep waters with an It is perhaps difficult for many to think of carbon exchange time in the order of a thousand years or so. dioxide as a pollutant because it is a natural and essen- Thus if the surface waters of the oceans did become tial component of our atmosphere. But it is not the gas saturated with carbon dioxide, the removal of elevated itself which is the problem; it is its atmospheric concen- levels of atmospheric CO2 could take an amount of time tration which is potentially environmentally disruptive. in the order of several human lifetimes. This is because there is an intimate relationship between What will the effects of this carbon dioxide accumu- the amount of CO2 in the air and the Earth's temperature lation be? Scientists indicate that if the air's concentra-

and climate. tion of CO2 were to double, this would have the potential

61 to raise the Earth's mean temperature by a few degrees lean years during adaptation. This is not a cheery pros- Celsius. Few seem concerned about this possibility pect for a world which already has too many hungry because they perceive such a change to be relatively people. minor. Indeed, it is difficult for Canadians, who common- It is obvious that many questions about the relation- ly experience temperature changes of from 10 to 20 ship between carbon dioxide and climate remain degrees Celsius within a matter of hours or days, to be unresolved. As the words of a 1977 National Academy convinced that a one to three degree change in the of Sciences Report caution however: global mean temperature over a period of 20 to 70 years Unfortunately, it will take a millenium for the effects of could be of any major significance. But such a modifica- a century of use of fossil fuels to dissipate. If the tion could be most significant indeed. Increases in tem- decision is postponed until the impact of man-made perature would vary with latitude and although the climate changes has been felt, then, for all practical increase at the equator might be insignificant for a two purposes, the die will already have been cast. to three degree mean global rise, temperatures near the The Committee believes that steps should be taken poles might increase by as much as 10-C. Thus it has now to begin to take this country away from the use of been suggested that the melting of the polar ice caps fossil fuels as energy sources so that progress can be could be triggered by a mean global temperature rise of made forthwith in establishing an energy mix which will only one to three degrees Celsius. In fact, from the peak not contribute to carbon dioxide accumulation in the of the last glacial period (20,000 to 16,000 years ago) to atmosphere. In doing this we will also benefit from the peak of the warm interglacial period we are present- curbing acid rain and reducing urban pollution resulting ly living in, the mean temperature of the ocean rose only from the use of gasoline and diesel fuel in the transpor- 2°C and the mean global temperature rose only 5°C. tation sector.

There are many arguments to counter the idea CO2 We recognize that Canada's contribution to the will radically alter climate but on one point there is global output of CO2 is small but a start at reducing

universal agreement. CO2 accumulation in our atmos- carbon dioxide emissions has to be made somewhere. phere does pose a potential environmental or climatic Canada has a wealth of alternative energy sources threat. available for development and is thus admirably suited for demonstrating to the rest of the world that an Few predictions call for carbon dioxide to have economy can be run on energy sources other than significant climatic effects before the year 2000 but it hydrocarbons. should be noted that there are no currently-known fea- sible methods to bring about a significant reduction in the

amount of carbon dioxide already released should C02 4. DIVERSITY IN ENERGY SUPPLY accumulation prove to be a real problem with an unac- People often make the misrepresentatie statement ceptable environmental impact. This is most disturbing that we are in an oil crisis. We are not — at least at the because the lead time for substituting alternate energy moment. But since so much of our energy is derived sources for fossil fuels is measured in decades; the cost from petroleum and since we cannot meet demand with of the transition is essentially incalculable; and each domestic supply, we are in a precarious position. This alternative should 'itself be examined for potential unac- realization has hopefully taught us that overdependence ceptable environmental impacts. on any one finite source of supply is shortsighted and Scientists do not know exactly what a warmer foolhardy. Certainly the Committee has concluded that climatic regime would be like. Most agree that it would one important characteristic which should be aimed for be wetter in general but some areas, such as the interior in a new energy policy is a greater diversity in energy of North America, might become much drier. This could supply. have extremely serious consequences in Canada if our At present, Canada's energy future is not certain. grain-producing lands became too dry to support For instance we do not know to what extent the political agriculture. In addition, shifting of the growing region and economic climate in years ahead will permit the north as temperatures moderate would not compensate development of our oil sands resources or of our for this loss as the northern soils are too infertile to nuclear-electric potential. Nor do we know the speed support intensive agriculture. In any event, changing the with which the technology of some of the alternatives length of the growing season and altering traditional discussed in this Report will be commercialized. Similar- precipitation patterns would almost certainly disrupt ly, we do not know when fusion technology will be established agricultural practices. Man might eventually demonstrated as technically and economically feasible. harvest even more food with a warmer and wetter cli- Reducing these kinds of uncertainties is important if mate but the confusion which would ensue following adequate and appropriate investment in energy is to be major changes could bring about a long sequence of


Achieving a more diverse and flexible energy • Ease of retrofit design and construction should fore- system will not be without its attendant problems and see the need to make fundamental changes to energy costs — diversification will require large investments of systems. capital for the research, development and commerciali- Canada must lay the scientific and policy ground- zation of the alternatives. For example, equipment and work to engender a more diverse supply and utilization buildings which permit the use of a range of fuels and of energy for the future to exploit the potential of its which lend themselves to flexible uses likely will have resources, to improve energy security and to gain higher initial costs than more specialized fuel- and use- experience in energy management. The Committee specific equipment and buildings. therefore believes that short- and medium-term energy Diversity should not, however, be regarded as a strategy should avoid an overwhelming dependence on desirable objective in itself. We must avoid spreading a few energy forms or technologies and emphasize our research and development efforts too thinly in an instead the development of diverse energy alternatives. effort to develop a myriad of energy technologies some of which may not be practical or economic. Nor should we sacrifice the economics inherent in centralized plants 5. REGIONAL CONSIDERATIONS and large-scale energy transmission systems when these can serve large populations and industrial activity at the From a domestic point of view an alternative energy least cost. policy can and must take this country's vast regional Perhaps the greatest difficulty encountered in con- differences in energy resources and energy demand into structing a more diverse energy system will be social prime consideration. No one source, technology or cur- adjustment problems. Adjustments in employment will rency is equally applicable to all parts of Canada and it be necessary as industries which produce inefficient or would be foolish to once again paint Canada one energy inflexible energy-consuming products are eliminated by colour. Just as a nation benefits from taking advantage economic and political pressures. Income effects and of its best opportunities in trade with other countries, so life-style changes are likely. can each region of Canada benefit by developing alter- native energy sources and technologies which exploit its We feel, however, that the costs of a more diversi- particular advantages. fied energy system will be small compared to the ben- We are not advocating that each region strive tor efits. Environmental quality will be enhanced. Self-suffic- total energy independence, since such independence iency will permit greater economic stability. Less may be neither feasible nor a wise use of capital uncertainty will encourage growth. The moderated influ- resources. We do believe, however, that a better bal- ence of monolithic energy supply corporations may ance than exists today in the domestic supply of energy permit greater economic freedom for all of us. Further- from region to region is a goal well worth striving for in more, the flexibility of a diverse energy system will promoting economic well-being across the country. facilitate adjustments to sudden changes in world energy supply and price and promote more rapid adjust- The alternative sources of energy which may figure ment in the domestic energy mix. Conservation wi!! serve in Canada's future are well suited to a new, regionally as a motivating force in seeking paths to diversification diversified energy policy in that several of them are but supply constraints will also encourage us to diversify found across the country. In addition, they are not our energy mix. limited in the strict sense of the word — wind, solar, geothermal and biomass energy all being characterized Diversification of our energy system may be pro- as immense energy resources. They may also be moted by following a variety of paths simultaneously. described as diffuse however, so a limiting factor is the These include the following: availability of technologies to exploit these resources • Substitutabinty. equipment design and the use of fuels economically — technologies which will allow us to which lend themselves to substitutability to reflect collect, concentrate and/or convert these resources to changes in prices and supply will be important. meet our energy requirements. • Flexible design: building construction and equipment The following maps depict the availability of some design should allow for changes in seasonal applica- of the renewable energy sources across Canada and tions and for changes in life-styles, and should be each is accompanied by brief notes explaining the sig- adaptable to improved technology. nificant features of the resource. • Multi-component systems: will be necessary to take advantage of changes in the availability of energy A. SOLAR ENERGY sources. For example, it may be desirable to have two or even three sources of heat in a house provided this Figure 4-2 shows the mean daily solar radiation is economically feasible. incident upon a horizontal surface in Canada. The units


Source: Canada. Oepartment of Energy. Mines and Resources, 1980d.

on the map are "Langleys", a Langley being equivalent that of space heating demand. This should not, how- to 11.6 watthours/nWday. One can see that across the ever, be taken as an indication that solar energy will most heavily populated parts of Canada the solar radia- have a negligible role to play in a new energy mix. It tion over the year averages about 300 Langleys per day. simply means that in Canada we will have to use solar This means that one square metre of horizontal solar energy in those applications which are best matched to collector would receive about 3.5-4.0 kilowatthours of the availability of the resource. radiant energy per day in this region. (This can be Examples of such optimized applications are swim- compared to one litre of heating fuel which delivers ming pool heaters, specialized industries such as can- about 10 kWh of energy.) Of course, only a portion of ning, and greenhouses where crops can be started early this energy will be captured by collectors as they vary to lengthen the growing season. The careful design of greatly in their collection efficiency. collectors, efficient seasonal storage systems, and pas- sive solar structures, all taking the Canadian climate into Canada compares favourably with most countries account, will be necessary if increased and widespread of the world in terms of average solar radiation received, use of solar energy is to be encouraged. but this average value is less important than the season- al distribution of solar energy. We receive the majority of B. WIND ENERGY our solar energy during the long, sunny, summer days and considerably less during short winter days. Thus, The map showing wind energy densities in Canada unfortunately, the peak in energy supply is opposite to (Figure 4-3) indicates the areas with the best wind



Source: Chappell. 1980. p. 2A.-20.

regimes. They are Atlantic Canada. Northern Ontario for resource quality or for the ability to harvest the and Quebec, and the southern Prairies. No readings for biomass and get it to market. In this respect biomass British Columbia are included since the topographic potential is similar to that of solar — it represents an variation in that Province makes it impossible to accu- immense and diffuse resource which awaits additional rately indicate general trends. This should not be taken technological answers if it is to be widely exploited. as an indication that British Columbia has no wind It should be reiterated that unlike solar and wind energy resource though. In fact, coastal B.C. is seen as energy, the exploitation of biomass potential requires one of the areas of greatest wind energy potential. careful management of the resource. The sun will always Moreover, in mountainous parts of B.C. there are many shine and the wind will always blow regardless of how sites where winds are funnelled in a way which makes we try to exploit them, but when an area is harvested for them ideally suited for power generation. the biomass it supports today, it must be properly managed to ensure that the resource will be renewed. C. BIOMASS D. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Figure 4-4 presents an estimate of the number of tonnes of biomass which are produced per hectare per The map presented for geothermal energy (Figure year in Canada. This is a very generalized illustration 4-5) differs from the previous three in that it does not and, while it indicates productivity, it in no way accounts attempt to quantify the size of the resource. It outlines



Tonnes per hectare per year


Source: Love and Overend, 1978, p. 8.

the areas of greatest potential for deriving geothermal national basis. Although general guidelines and financ- energy instead. Since geothermal energy is defined sim- ing must largely originate at the federal level, increased ply as the natural heat of the Earth, a map such as this cooperation between all levels of government in energy- only indicates areas where the useful energy which can related matters is imperative. We must not allow domes- be recovered is thought to be great enough to offset the tic quarrelling to lead Canada into unnecessarily costly recovery effort. As outlined in the Geothermal Energy and Balkanized energy options. section, the two regions of greatest potential are the area of geologically recrnt volcanism in British Columbia and the Yukon, and the Western Canada Sedimentary 6. STRATEGIC CONCERNS Basin underlying the Prairie Provinces. Canada, whose people represent but one-half of Whatever the local resources available, rising 1 % of all mankind, appears to the rest of the world as a energy costs across Canada and incentives that encour- thinly-populated nation which is affluent and largely age the development of new sources of energy will self-sufficient in natural resources. This nation does not contribute to energy supply and demand developments. flourish in splendid isolation however. On the contrary, it An unbiased approach will recognize regional differ- & dependent for a large percentage of its GNP on ences and allow each area to use funding to develop foreign trade, trade which is mainly conducted with the what they perceive to be their best options. Incentives United States, Western Europe and Japan. Canada's for alternative energy development should not, however, economic well-being is, therefore, tied to the prosperity discriminate against the various options available on a and security of these three regions. The problem is that THE ENERGY SYSTEM TOMORROW


250 MILES i ... i J

Source: After Souther. 1975, p. 263; and Jessop, 1976, p. 5.

for the next quarter-century these three trading partners, ever, that the Cold Lake and Alsands Projects will be along with Canada itself, will continue to require oil operational and adding to nonconventional oil supplies which is supplied in the main from an extremely unstable in 1987 (the completion of both projects is now in region of the world — the Persian Gulf. question), and petroleum industry forecasts do not in general share the optimism of EMR's supply/demand At the present time Canada is obliged to import a scenarios. The Committee looks forward to the new net amount of roughly 300,000 barrels/day of crude oil. National Energy Board projections which are expected According to the supply and demand figures projected to become available soon after the tabling of this by the National Energy Board in its 1978 report, net Report. crude imports would rise to about 760,000 b/d in 1985 and to 900,000 b/d by 1995, in its base case estimate. In 1980, almost 63% of Canada's imported crude In a subsequent forecast and responding to world price oil was purchased from Saudi Arabia and 25% came increases to mid-year 1979, the Department of Energy, from Venezuela. Iraq and Kuwait each supplied approxi- Mines and Resources projected that the crude shortfall mately 3.5% of our import needs and Mexico has begun under then-current policy would grow to 640,000 b/d in to deliver small quantities of crude oil to Canada. Thus 1985 and thereafter decline to 335,000 b/d by 1995 more than two-thirds of Canada's imports are shipped (Canada, EMR, 1979b). The National Energy Program, from the Persian Gulf via the Cape of Good Hope in which makes an unprecedented commitment to modify- vessels not of Canadian registry. ing demand, foresees net imports of 260,000 barrels/ Defences against interruptions in this supply of day in 1985 and oil self-sufficiency attained by 1990 crude oil are limited and weak. Under the International (Canada, EMR, 1980e). This projection assumes, how- Energy Agreement (signed by Canada, Belgium, Den-

67 mark, West Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxem- oil through energy conservation, development of alterna- bourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom tive energy sources and energy research and develop- and the United States at Brussels in September 1974), ment" (IEA, 1980b). The IEA coordinates specific Canada agreed to a plan for stockpiling oil and reducing projects on alternative energy sources and technologies, consumption in the event of sudden shortages. Basical- and in 1979 Canada was directly involved in over 20 ly, each nation was to accumulate an emergency oil such studies, including R&D in energy conservation, coal reserve sufficient to maintain consumption within its technologies, solar power, wind power, biomass energy, borders for 90 days, without net oil imports. Canada has nuclear fusion and hydrogen. technically been able to meet this requirement (through Considering the wealth at Canada's disposal and existing tankage and pipeline fill) without establishing a the professed commitment of Canadian Governments to stockpile because the Agreement applied to the country overall energy self-sufficiency, the actual contribution of as a whole and not merely to the Atlantic Provinces, this country to the international effort has been disap- which rely on imported oil for virtually all their petroleum pointing. In 1979. Federal Government expenditures on needs and where a prolonged interruption in supply RD&D amounted to $163 million, a decline of 4.5% from would have a profound impact. As the necessity of 1978 in real terms and an increase of only 3% from shipping oil from Western Canada to the East Coast via 1974. In 1979, Canada was among the highest in per the Panama Canal during the 1973 Arab oil embargo capita energy consumption in the IEA but (at the Federal demonstrated, the Maritimes are extremely vulnerable to Government level) ranked third last in the ratio of energy oil shortages. This is a matter of grave concern to RD&D expenditures to total primary energy demand. Easterners. Canada ranked eleventh in terms of per capita expendi- tures on energy RD&D, and conventional nuclear R&D The National Energy Program, tabled in the House accounted for over 60% of the total expenditure. of Commons on 28 October 1980, addressed this prob- Energy conservation RD&D expenditures amounted to lem by stating that it is a matter of national priority that $12.5 million, or 7.7% of the total, and new energy a natural gas pipeline be extended beyond Quebec City source RD&D accounted for $21.7 million, or only through New Brunswick to Nova Scotia to displace 13.3% of the total (IEA, 1980b, p. 14, 19, 109). In imported oil used in space heating and in certain indus- 1978, provincial government expenditures on energy- trial processes. It was anticipated by the National related RD&D amounted to $99.9 million in total, or Energy Board that a natural gas pipeline extension to 63% of the Federal expenditure for the same year. the Maritimes could be in place and operating by late Table 4-1 sets forth the Canadian position relative to 1983 and that it, coupled with an extension of the other IEA member countries. Clearly, Canada has a long pipeline system in British Columbia to Vancouver Island, way to go to match the efforts being exerted by most could displace some 44 million barrels of crude oil other members. Even with provincial expenditures taken annually by 1990 (Canada, EMR, 1980f). But 1984 into account, Cane da's effort, while more respectable, is seems more likely as a completion date for the Mari- not impressive. times extension because delays have been encountered in routing the pipeline. RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION In Ms own best interest and in the interest of furthering the objectives of the IEA, Canada The Committee supports the Government of should accelerate the rate of increase in its Canada in proceeding immediately with the alternative energy RD&D expenditures. construction of a natural gas pipeline to the Maritimes. This should be an energy project of first priority in the effort to diversify our energy 7. SOCIAL CONCERNS system and to reduce Eastern Quebec's and the Maritime Provinces' overwhelming depend- The lives and livelihoods of all people are unavoid- ence on foreign crude oil. ably affected by energy concerns. Canadians in particu- lar are especially affected because they use energy In the realm of alternative energy, Canada partici- intensively for a number of reasons. The extremes of pates in RD&D through its membership in the Interna- temperature experienced annually in this country are tional tnergy Agency (IEA). The IEA has operated since one factor and the broad geographical extent of our 1974 within the framework of the Organization for Eco- land and the fact that it is sparsely populated are others. nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and has Nevertheless, no matter where one lives, basic human as one of its basic aims, "co-operation among IEA Par- requirements for food and shelter can only be met ticipating Countries to reduce excessive dependence on through the expenditure of energy. This is not to say.



IEA Total Government Primary Gross IEA Energy Energy Domestic Government GDP RD&D Demand Product Energy per TPE Budgets (TPE) (GDP) RD&D Capita per (US$ (mtoe)(l> (US$ Population per capita (US$ capita millions) (1978 billions) (millions) (US$ thousands) (toe) Country (est.)"» figures) (est.) (est.)'»' (est.)"> (est.) (est.)

Australia n.a. 69.0 120.5 14.434 n.a. 8.3 4.78 Austria 31.9 24.9 68.9 7.506 4.25 9.2 3.32 Belgium") 97.7 46.1 111.5 9.860 9.90 11.3 4.68 Canada'* 139.2 203.4 222.8 23.691 5.88 9.4 8.58 Denmark'" 31.0 19.3 65.6 5.120 6.05 12.8 3.76 Germany"» 1048.0 270.2 755.8 61.337 17.09 12.3 4.41 Greece 4.1 14.6 37.5 9.444 0.43 4.0 1.56 Ireland»» 4.7 8.2 14.9 3.256 1.44 4.6 2.52 Italy"» 213.2 139.5 318.6 56.888 3.75 5.6 2.45 Japan 919.3 357.0 1021.6 115.880 7.93' 8.8 3.08 Netherlands"» 111.7 64.2 151.8 14.030 7.89 10.8 4.58 New Zealand 8.5 10.5 21.1 3.160 2.69 6.7 3.32 Norway 39.5 21.3 45.3 4.074 9.70 11.1 5.23 Spain 79.3 70.2 197.4 37.554 2.11 5.3 1.87 Sweden 108.5 51.0 103.3 8.296 13.08 12.5 6.14 Switzerland 52.6 23.8 94.1 6.318 8.33 14.9 3.77 U.K.'"1» 389.2 212.2 391.2 55.783 6.98 7.0 3.80 U.S 3783.4 1842.1 2 349.0 220.415 17.16 10.7 8.36

W Exchange rates used are annual averagestrcm the tMFJHtemaSbfia/f/nancia/Siaostics- C» FromOECD Main Economic Indicators. March 198a WTheexperKWuresotllwECMembercoumriesdonotindudelheircorilribulionslolheECpfogFamme. «V With respect to nationalized Industries, the United Kingdom figures include only the expenditures on energy RD6D financed by government funds. Other expenditures by nationalized industries on energy ROD were £125.8 mmon in 1979. (•> Excludes Provincial Government fiO&D budgets. •" mioB " mBBon tonnss of 03 GQUivslsnt. Source: International Energy Agency, 1980b, p. 18.

however, that consumption of more and more energy In recent years a new concept has been introduced automatically improves the quality of life. It must be into the energy debate. This philosophy attempts to deal remembered that in exploiting energy resources in an with energy by concentrating on demand and in so irrational fashion we can deleteriously affect other doing divides energy options into two basically different parameters, such as the environment, and actually approaches, called "soft" and "hard" energy paths. worsen the quality of life. Thus governments, in formulat- Soft energy paths are seen as those which restrain ing energy policy, must seriously consider the social demand and enable a society to be based totally or effects energy policies will produce. primarily on renewable forms of energy and decentral- ized sources of supply. A major commitment to conser- A good energy policy should strive to ensure that vation is thus an integral part of the soft energy option plentiful, affordable energy is available so that the since demand must not rise beyond a level which renew- necessities of life can be guaranteed for all. It should at able energy sources can handle. All other approaches to least endeavour to ensure maintenance of present energy policy which deal primarily with energy supply, standards of living and it should offer the hope of an and which presuppose large centralized facilities, are even more prosperous future. It must not create unem- called hard energy paths. ployment; on the contrary, it should generate jobs and bring people to a greater awareness of how energy The Committee feels that such an arbitrary division affects and, in many ways, controls their lives. of energy policy options is unnecessary. In fact, it can

69 confuse the issue by making the general public feel that which generate this kind of feedback about the conse- we are in an either/or situation — one must choose one quences of our daily energy decisions are required to route or the other in a mutually exclusive fashion. We help us adjust to using energy more wisely. believe that Canada is going to need a range of options extending from small, decentralized renewable energy Thus, implicit in the energy Mure envisioned by the sources to large, centralized sources of supply to meet Committee is the understanding that Canadians will find demand. We further believe that conservation should be it necessary to modify their habits in ways which allow a cornerstone of any energy policy, regardless of wheth- them to consume less energy. Fortunately this type of er that policy is described by some as soft or hard. No change already seems to be taking place to some matter what our future sources of supply will be, in the extent. Thousands are switching to smaller cars, people short run conservation is the first priority in addressing are turning down thermostats, homes are being better the energy problems we face. built, and there is a return to living in the core of cities. This trend will undoubtedly continue and broaden in the In terms of renewable energy sources, we do not future and, as present values change, smallness and yet know enough about each of them to be able to energy efficiency will become the new status symbols. conclude definitively how much energy each will be able to supply. For example, it is difficult to assess what This trend bodes well for the future because it social ramifications a headlong plunge into large-scale means citizens are changing habits in a direction which use of biorrass energy would have and therefore we is characterized by decreased energy consumption and cannot accurately assess how much energy this alterna- heightened environmental awareness. Social develop- tive source could realistically provide. Similarly, there are ments of this kind are encouraging because they are stil' a number of questions about what the effects of amongst the prime goals the Committee wishes to laige-scale solar energy use would be — what are the foster. Conservation practices and the decentralized material, energy and space requirements for a large production of energy inherent in an expanded exploita- rnmber of solar installations — so we do not know how tion of renewables should allow Canadians to further much energy solar will ultimately supply. develop a "hands-on" feeling for their energy consump- We believe that before any government can decide tion. on the individual roles alternative energy sources and As the rate of growth in per capita energy con- technologies can play, a great deal of research and sumption in this country declines and the use of alterna- deveicoment must still be done to answer questions tive energy sources increases, the rate at which large such as those described above. This Committee believes power-generating establishments have to be construct- that more RO&D in alternative energy sources and tech- ed will diminish. Those large establishments which are nologies should be proceeded with immediately — not required, however, will keep the generation of some because we advocate either a soft or a hard energy energy localized and the benefits to be gained from such future, but rather because we see an urgent necessity installations, particularly the ability to more easily control for gaining greater insight into the options Canada emissions from a centralized source, will help provide a should develop in the future. cleaner environment. In other words, a mixture of what Undoubtedly, one great step towards making this have been describe 1 as soft and hard energy options, country more energy responsible will be to make every- coupled with accelerated programs of public informa- one conscious of the amount of energy he or she tion, should permit people to become more intimately consumes, how this energy was exploited and what the involved with and aware of how they use energy: In our actual economic, social and environmental costs of its opinion, this should lead to a better quality of life. use are. And, since the Committee feels conservation is one of the most important aspects of an alternative We realize that the transition from a fossil fuel to a energy policy, it is essential that the public become renewables-based economy will impose its hardships on much more energy-aware. This can be done by increas- energy consumers. Although most Canadians will ben- ing efforts to educate people about how and how not to efit from increases in secure energy supplies, a greater use energy, and by giving people a "hands-on" feeling diversity in energy supply sources, new growth in energy for energy — which can be illustrated by the following supply and related industries and improved economy- example. In apartment buildings which have a flat rate wide energy efficiency, some Canadians may find for tenants' electrical consumption there is no incentive increases in energy prices difficult to contend with. to turn off lights and electrical appliances when they are Nevertheless, it should be remembered that even today not in use. However, when individual metering is installed we all pay the cost of subsidizing energy use. The in multi-unit buildings, overall electrical consumption indirect nature of these costs often deludes us into drops because individuals can see the benefits of con- thinking that they do not exist and that they never will servation reflected in lower electricity bills. Innovations have to be paid, so no wonder the prospect of paying

70 THE ENERGY SYSTEM TOMORROW extra for each barrel of oil is distasteful. But the Commit- This concern has both domestic and international tee recognizes that price increases will take place and implications: that higher energy costs are inevitable. • Further pressure on land prices, which have already In Canada today, oil prices are not based upon the undergone large increases in recent years (especially cost of production alone but are regulated at a level in the rural-urban interface), would be undesirable. below the international price. Energy consumers are • Shifts in production between food crops and fuel thus protected both from high world prices and from crops in response to rapidly changing input costs, sudden changes in those prices. Since the pricing of demand and profitability could destabilize agricultural other energy commodities is linked, either directly or prices and incomes. This would be undesirable from indirectly, to that of oil, Canada's energy system as a the point of view of producers and consumers who whole is governed by politically-determined oil pricing have been working toward greater stability in the food decisions. As the international price increases and as system. the domestic price rises towards it, as intended in present policy, the prices of other energy forms will also • People who suggest that land should be reserved for increase. agricultural purposes point out that there are already large segments of the human family which are under- Along with the direct effect of higher energy prices or malnourished. They feel it is morally indefensible for on budgets, there will be inflationary impacts as these man to utilize valuable agricultural land to grow crops prices work themselves through the entire economy, to produce energy which will be consumed by a raising the cost of living for all Canadians. Those relatively small, and already well-fed, segment of the Canadians who cannot adjust to the reduction in their population. Despite the maturation of the "Green disposable income that will come about because of Revolution" in some parts of the developing world, higher energy costs will have to be protected. The foodstuffs produced in Canada provide an important shotgun approach to subsidizing lower-income Canadi- source of supplementary food in certain world mar- ans through regulated oil prices is considered unwise by kets. Our food production relieves pressure on grain some, though, not only because this promotes the con- markets and contributes to a moderation in what sumption of oil, which is perverse under present circum- otherwise might be prohibitively high prices in time of stances, but because it gives all oil consumers a subsi- grain shortages. Cellulosic feedstocks such as hybrid dized ride. The point is made that higher energy prices poplar seem far more attractive than agricultural food- are not the only cause of poverty and it is unreasonable stuffs as energy crops because they can be grown on to expect energy price regulation to improve or signifi- non-food-producing land and will thus not necessarily cantly worsen this perennial social problem. Other tools be in direct competition with food crops for prime soil. than price regulation exist for redistributing income. This would have to be carefully monitored though as In the transition to more expensive energy, those energy crops that were profitable on rough or margin- who are recognized as having difficulty coping with al land (Classes 4 to 7 of the Canada Land Inventory, increased prices should be aided directly through the Agricultural Land Classification System) could be existing system of income supplements. This subsidiza- even more profitable on higher quality land, which tion should receive a high priority. In addition, there are might be nearer energy markets and already served other benefits associated with providing income supple- by transportation systems. Legislation might be ments for those hit hardest by higher costs — for one, required to prevent energy feedstock crops from dis- by having more income to spend, those who are subsi- placing agricultural crops. dized can invest in energy efficiency rather than in more • The disparity between the "have" and "have-not" energy consumption. nations may be exacerbated if there is a global shift The promotion of some forms of alternative energy towards using biofuels. Underdeveloped countries will have a pronounced and universal social effect if that may try to produce such fuels domestically, thus policy brings about increases in food prices — the possibly taking food commodities out of production so-called "food versus fuel" controversy. Any future and hence out of international trade. Furthermore, if energy program which utilizes agricultural or food they try to cultivate energy crops for exportation in a biomass for the production of alternative energy, if it is desperate attempt to gain hard currency, this could to replace a significant proportion of the petroleum lead to an increase in the already unacceptable rates currently being used, will necessarily require a large of global deforestation and desertification (the amount of land and other resources normally needed in spreading of deserts). agriculture and silviculture. This is a primary social con- At the present time, there is much argument cern in a world where food production is already insuffi- amongst scientists and energy analysts over whether cient, for a variety of reasons, to meet global demand. there is a net energy gain in producing energy products

71 such as ethanol from crops. In brief, approximately the energy products from food crops on a broad scale will same amount of energy is required to grow the crops almost certainly lead to increased prices for agricultural and convert them to ethanol as is contained in the products and to world shortages of food. It will probably ethanol itself. But surely this is begging the question; if never do a great deal to mitigate the oil crisis the world one has a great deal of difficulty in determining whether is caught up in now, and it will almost certainly exacer- a process produces any net energy at all, it is obviously bate the food crisis the world is sure to experience in a not an alternative which holds much promise for solving not-too-distant tomorrow. Energy can be derived from a energy problems. There is, however, no question about variety of sources and can be distributed and consumed the net energy balance involved in the "fuel" people in the form of a variety of energy currencies. The ques- use; food is essential for survival. tion thus arises: Why use the food resource, which is essential for one purpose — namely providing suste- These arguments are countered by those who say nance for the human race — for a purpose such as the protein content of food crops is not consumed or providing energy, when there are alternatives for the damaged during fermentation and that developing new latter? One aim of proper resource management should and marginal lands for energy crop production may always be to fit the resource to the end-use required. actually increase the world's net amount of disposable This basic principle may be violated in turning food protein. Furthermore, they state that this is more to the crops into energy crops. point since the world is starved of protein, not carbohy- drate. The argument sounds convincing — at first — but further thought raises some serious doubts. This On the other hand, energy from cellulosic biomass, scenario would probably not, in fact, ever come about particularly wood, is an attractive alternative energy because the protein-containing dry distiller's grains pro- opportunity in Canada and seems well-suited to making duced during fermentation will almost certainly be used a significant contribution to energy supplies. This is why for animal feed in the developed countries producing in Alternative Energy Sources, Currencies and Technolo- ethanol. In fact, it is unlikely the protein would ever gies the Committee recommends that Canada develop reach those peoples who desperately require it, at least methanol from cellulosic biomass rather than ethanol not as long as the developed world continues to demand from food crops, for use as a fuel in the transportation a large quantity of animal protein in its diet. sector. (The promise of producing ethanol from cellulose It appears that regardless of how attractive the is also attractive but this process requires further R&D at biomass energy route appears to some, producing the present time.)

72 Electricity and Hydrogen in Canada's Energy Future

here are two energy currencies which can be • Seventh, the facts that a hydrogen-electric energy T derived from all the alternative energy sources system would be less polluting than our present which we have considered. They are electricity and system, that this mix would create employment across hydrogen. We see these two currencies dominating the whole country and that such a system would Canada's energy mix in the long term because they generate technological and economic spinoffs through satisfy our criteria for determining the direction a new the export of new Canadian technology abroad are energy policy should take. excellent social benefits. • Consideration number one was that conservation The flexibility of a 'hydrogen-electric system is should be encouraged. This should be done no matter indicated diagramatically in Figure 4-6, which indicates what the energy mix and simply means that energy various possibilities for hydrogen production and use in should be used judiciously and efficiently. an industrial society. • The second principle stated that energy should be For a considerable time to come, oil will continue to derived from renewable and/or inexhaustible energy play an important role in our energy mix since we sources. Wind, geothermal, hydro, tidal, biomass, already have the infrastructure for its production, distri- solar and nuclear energv " satisfy these criteria. bution and use in place and because it is the source of a (Living organisms and biomin.etic systems — systems broad range of convenient fuels. Although Canada is which mimic the chemical reactions of living lacking large reserves of light crude oil, our nation does organisms — may also be developed which can have oil sands in abundance. Thus one way we will evolve hydrogen.) continue to meet our unavoidable requirements for petroleum products is through converting our heavy • Third, all of the energy sources named (with the crudes into light oils by adding hydrogen. (The addition exception of nuclear, the environmental hazards of of hydrogen increases the hydrogen/carbon ratio of which have not yet been determined to our satisfac- heavy oils, changing them into light oils.) Today the tion) are relatively environmentally benign, as are the hydrogen required for this process is typically obtained

currencies produced (hydrogen and electricity) and as by stripping it from the methane (CH4) molecule, the are the "combustion" products of these currencies main constituent of natural gas. But this practice is (water and low-quality heat). clearly wasteful of hydrocarbon resources and we • Fourth, the variety of sources, diversity of production believe that hydrogen produced by electrolysis (splitting methods, options for storage and transportation, and of water into hydrogen and oxygen by means of an spectrum of end uses possible for these energy cur- electrical current) should be used in the future to rencies allow development of a system which will upgrade heavy oils. In this connection we have an indeed be very flexible. (Another consideration worth abundance of sites for both small- and large-scale noting in this connection is that electricity and hydro- hydro-electric developments in Canada and even remote gen are interconvertible using electrolysis or fuel cells, sites now considered uneconomic could be harnessed to further increasing the flexibility of this energy system.) generate electricity which could in turn be used to produce hydrogen. • Fifth, the resources required to produce hydrogen and We have observed the increasing requirement for electricity are plentiful in Canada, giving us the poten- energy in Canada's energy supply industries — our tial to become completely energy self-sufficient, there- nation requires progressively more energy to extend by eliminating strategic concerns. conventional energy supplies. This suggests that • Sixth, the flexibility of this system coupled with the Canada needs to be more innovative in approaching the wide variety of potential energy sources throughout supply problem. For example, Canadian utilities will the country ensure that Canada can achieve regional build more thermal-electric generating stations end diversity in energy supply and demand management. these stations, bound by the laws of thermodynamics.


will produce little more than one unit of electricity for develop a hydrogen infrastructure which will allow us to each three units of heat input. Locating one or more use this energy currency increasingly as we move off powerplants over oil sands deposits that can only be hydrocarbons. Nonetheless, the reader should bear in exploited with in situ recovery techniques would offer the mind that this discussion does not address the liquid following advantages: the rejected thermal energy from fuels problem of the 1980s; it is an approach for the the powerpfant could be utilized in heating the oil sand medium term and longer. Elsewhere in the Report we underground to allow heavy oil production, and the examine Canada's difficulties in the coming decade. electric power could be employed to electrolyze water Electrolytic hydrogen can also be coupled with the for hydrogenating the heavy oil produced. By connect- production of alcoho! fuels from biomass as Canada ing the powerplant/oil sands facility to the regional shifts from an oil-based system — by "spiking" synthe- electric grid and to the gas distribution system, energy sis gas produced from biomass or peat with pure hydro- balances for the operation could be maintained with gen it is possible to significantly increase the yield of surplus electricity used elsewhere and surplus hydrogen methanol from a given amount of biomass (see the blended with the regular gas supply. sections on Biomass and Hydrogen). Connecting the production of electrolytic hydrogen As shown in Figure 4-6, hydrogen produced from a from remote hydro-electric sites or from on-site thermal- number of non-fossil fuel sources can also be used to electric stations to Canada's fossil fuel resources extend our reserves of natural gas. Up to 20% hydrogen accomplishes several goals: our supplies of oil are can be added to natural gas without requiring any extended to allow time for the transition to newer energy changes in pumping facilities and furnaces, boilers or sources to occur smoothly; in augmenting our domestic appliances that now burn natural gas. The fact that the supply of light crude we improve our strategic position Federal Government intends to extend the natural gas vis-a-vis oil imports; we conserve natural gas for direct distribution system through Quebec to the Maritime use as an energy source; we acquire experience in Provinces means that supplies of natural gas across the generating, transporting and using hydrogen; and we country could be augmented by hydrogen. Such a gas



o a

blending scheme would also contribute towards building Province cf Ontario, where nuclear energy already pro- up our hydrogen-producing capability to parallel a vides one-third of the electricity, a hydrogen system will decline in the use of hydrocarbons. Eventually the equip- include a larg nuclear input. Other parts of the nation ment now carrying and burning natural gas could be may find the development of more remote hydraulic converted to utilize pure hydrogen. For environmental sites to be the best way to proceed. The great advan- reasons, we recommend that the switch to hydrogen tage offered by an electricity-hydrogen system is that it occur as quickly as feasible as use of this energy can accommodate a range of supply options and currency would help alleviate the buildup of COj. in the regional approaches without the need to change the atmosphere and help reduce acid rain. Hydrocarbons distribution and end-use infrastructure. will be used for decades to come but in diminishing amounts as fuels so that supplies should be sufficient to So far the only method of hydrogen production meet petrochemical and other non-energy demands for which has been discussed is electrolysis. The Committee the indefinite future. feels that given the fact that our present and future alternative energy supply options can all be used to Canada's hydraulic resources and solar, wind, tidal, produce electricity, and hence hydrogen, electrolysis geoihermal and nuclear energy all fit into a hydrogen/ should and will eventually be the production method of electricity-based energy system. They do not all fit in in choice in this country. It is also possible to split water the same fashion though. Solar and geothermal energy, and produce hydrogen by the direct application of heat, which in this country hold their greatest promise for but only when nuclear fusion reactors with their charac- providing space and process heat, will conserve elec- teristic high temperatures become available will society tricity for such applications as hydrogen production. be able to achieve this reaction — this option is a very Conservation and good energy management will accom- long-term one. Nuclear fission reactors and concentrat- plish the same end. Wind turbines provide high-quality ed solar energy may provide temperatures in the range energy but will be limited to regional use in Canada, as required for thermochemical hydrogen production, and will any exploitation of tidal energy. At least in the photochemical reactions (chemical reactions induced by

75 sunlight) may also offer some potential for hydrogen nected with an evolving hydrogen energy system will be production. One method which is used in Canada today in the gradual replacement of natural gas and natural to produce hydrogen is the steam reformation or partial gas-hydrogen blends by pure hydrogen, delivered by oxidation of crude oil. The latter method is not part of pipeline. Hydrogen can replace natural gas in many this Committee's view of our future hydrogen energy industrial applications as a boiler fuel, for hydrogenation system, however, as it is not compatible with the goal of processes, for the production of fertilizers and so on. In moving away from the use of hydrocarbons as future the home, hydrogen can be used to fuel appliances and energy sources. for providing heat. This useful element can also be employed in the production of a number of synthetic Hydrogen can be stored in several ways and is fuels, as already noted, and methanol from biomass versatile in its end uses. It can be kept as a super-cold feedstock. liquid or under high pressure as a gas. Both of these forms of hydrogen can then be transported by truck to Another attribute which makes hydrogen an attrac- their point of end use. When larger quantities are tive fuel is the fact that it is clean-burning. The only involved, it can also be stored in underground cavities. product of the combustion of pure hydrogen in air is For portable applications where weight is not a problem, water vapour. In large cities where air pollution caused hydrogen can be stored in chemical combination as a by petroleum-fueled ground transportation is a major metal hydride or liquid hydride. The details of these problem, hydrogen offers a handy solution. Hydrogen in storage methods are presented in the Hydrogen section the form of a metal hydride or a liquid hydride such as of this Report. methanol can be stored on a bus or a commuter train. When propulsion is required the hydrogen is evolved If hydrogen is to replace oil it must be applicable to from the hydride and combined with air in a fuel cell to the same sectors of our energy economy. In this respect produce electricity which in turn runs an electric motor. hydrogen appears to be an excellent fuel option. As (Conventional gasoline engines can also be adapted to depicted in Figure 4-6, liquid hydrogen can be used as burn hydrogen.) In cities, large fuel cells which will run an aircraft fuel. This application will require some modifi- on hydrogen and air can be installed to allow electrical cation to current aircraft but the high energy-to-weight generation near the point of consumption without the air ratio of liquid hydrogen makes it an attractive option. pollution problems usually attendant with utilities gene- Work is already underway to demonstrate this technolo- rating electricity from fossil fuels (see section on Fuel gy and it may become one of the early applications for Cells). hydrogen, along with the fossil fuel resource extension already noted. Liquid hydrogen is also adaptable to ship The speed with which an energy system based on propulsion and holds promise for use in ground hydrogen and electricity evolves will depend on a transportation. number of factors, not the least of which will be the political commitment to make it happen. Given the As a metal hydride, hydrogen can be stored for use versatility of this energy source and the lack of environ- in buses and probably in trains as well. In fact, a number mental pollution engendered in its end use, the Commit- of hydrogen-powered buses are already operating in the tee strongly recommends that Canadian energy policy- United States and West Germany. Hydrogen gas stored makers adopt this energy system as their long-term in high-pressure containers is already used in industrial objective and begin now to move Canada in that applications, but the real changes in energy use con- direction.

76 Future Transportation Fuels

e have considered what a hydrogen-electric 4-7). They will be smaller and more fuel-efficient but W energy system would look like in a very general their numbers will have to decline if we are to achieve way. But what about the specific case of the transporta- the goal of getting off oil as an energy source. Some tion sector? Transportation accounts for about 50 per vehicles running on propane and compressed natural cent of the petroleum we use and it has been stated on gas (CNG) are on the road today and we see their numerous occasions that the energy problem in Canada numbers increasing substantially. Most use of these derives in large part from our need for portable transpor- alternative fuels will probably be made in fleets as there tation fuels. This question and specific options are dealt are problems in fuel distribution and with the driving with in some detail in the Biomass, Hydrogen and Non- range in such vehicles. Propane use may dwindle conventional Propulsion sections but. in summary, the towards the year 2000 as supplies of this fuel are limited Committee sees a variety of transport fuels coming on and we therefore see its application in a transitional over the next two decades to carry us to the time when strategy only. CNG vehicles could be used well past the hydrogen and electricity will dominate. year 2000 if the decision to do so is made by virtue of Gasoline-powered internal combustion engines will the fact Canada is rich in natural gas supplies. However, continue to power a substantial but diminishing propor- we do not advocate the very long-term use of this tion of vehicles up to the year 2000 and beyond (Rgure hydrocarbon in the transportation sector.


Compressed Natural Gas Today (GN6) Propane^

77 Competitive electric cars may become available as Fuel alcohols (ethanol used primarily in gasoline early as 1985 but we do not see electric vehicles con- blends and methanol primarily used straight) may have a tributing significantly to Canadian transportation before significant impact on the transportation sector. 1990 to 1995. After this time electric vehicles should Methanol cars and the fuel they require could be made become increasingly common as we enter the electric- available as early as 1985 and if a major commitment is hydrogen age. We would also urge that careful consider- made to go with methanol, this alcohol could become a ation be given to electrifying elements of Canada's rail very important player in the transition to the hydrogen transport system. and electric future we have described. Since methanol can be derived from renewable energy sources such as biomass and since methanol is Hydrogen-powered vehicles may take somewhat essentially a liquid hydride (hydrogen carrier), it could longer to come on-stream as a great deal of work must continue to play an important role in road transport for still be done to make hydrogen vehicles a competitive the indefinite future. (It is also interesting to note that

alternative. We do, however, see them having some methanol can be synthesized from CO2 and hydrogen. slight impact as early as 1990 (perhaps in the form of Thus this currency fits in well to a hydrogen economy

modified internal combustion engines burning hydrogen) and provides a means of converting waste C02 into a with broad penetration, possibly in the form of fuel-cell- utilizable energy commodity. This process would not, powered cars, occurring only around the turn of the however, reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in century. the atmosphere.)

78 Building a Hydrogen and Electric Economy

aken together, the recommendations contained in new Ministry be divided into four sections T this Report constitute a fundamental reshaping of responsible for Conservation, Solar Energy, Canada's energy system. Although our proposals span Methanol, and Other Alternatives. much of the field of alternative energy, there are four The fourth area of concentration, dealing with areas in which we believe primary emphasis should be hydrogen, we believe should be coordinated by a new laid. lead agency entitled Hydrogen Canada, as described in First, an intensified effort in energy conservation is the Hydrogen section of the chapter on Alternative required without delay, especially as this is the fastest Energy Sources, Currencies and Technologies. This and least expensive approach to minimizing Canada's agency should have prime responsibility for fostering the petroleum shortfall in the 1980s. Second, solar energy is development of a hydrogen-based energy system in this a large and promising resource and we are recommend- country and should report directly to the proposed ing expanded activity in most aspects of solar research, Minister of State, as is recommended in the Hydrogen development, demonstration and commercialization. In section of our Report. the next century, solar energy will be an important element in Canada's energy mix, particularly in the The Committee also believes that the proposed provision of lower-quality heat. Third, methanol should Ministry should oversee most aspects of renewable become a major player in Canada's energy future energy and conservation developments in Canada. This because of its attractiveness in the transportation includes the efforts to commercialize new energy forms sector. It can extend, and preferably substitute for, and technologies. gasoline—a desirable goal in itself—while at the same time opening up the use of Canada's biomass resources. Fourth, we see hydrogen and electricity in RECOMMENDATION tandem (the two being interconvertible via electrolysis The Committee recommends that the new alter- and fuel cells) becoming the dominant energy currencies native energy corporation, Canertech, report to in this country in the long term. the proposed Minister of State for Alternative Energy and Conservation at the time that it If our recommendations are to be acted upon, we becomes an independent Crown corporation. consider it essential that some vehicle be created to coordinate and promote the various activities to be undertaken. We have decided that the first three areas By gathering together much of the responsibility for of emphasis named above should become the responsi- promoting alternative energy and conservation into one bility of a new Ministry of State. Ministry, the Committee expects that more consistent and effective development of these elements of Cana- da's energy system will result. We consider this restruc- RECOMMENDATION turing necessary because of the inconsistent and inade- The Committee recommends that a Ministry of quate manner in which alternative energy RD&D has State for Alternative Energy and Conservation been supported in the past and because insufficient be created under the Ministry of Energy, Mines emphasis has been placed upon commercializing the and Resources. We further recommend that this results of Canadian energy research.



conomic considerations underlie nearly all major whole the production and supply of alternatives to fossil E decisions made by governments and fuels may make sense (that is, the social costs of the individuals — economics to a very large extent deter- alternatives may be lower than the social costs of fossil mines how we assess communal and personal priorities. fuels), these alternatives will only find acceptance in the A definitive study of the relationship between all energy marketplace if the price at which they are available is sources and the economy requires an analysis well competitive with fossil fuel prices. This problem tran- beyond the scope of our mandate, but we would like to scends the peculiar characteristics of each new energy declare at the outset that a clearer understanding of this form and emphasizes instead the total role of energy in matter is essential in this country. We found the state of the economy. economic analysis in the alternative energy field in par- ticular to be lacking in many respects, with existing work Today, most alternatives to conventional energy often being inconclusive and contradictory. More study sources are still being developed. Their economic viabili- is clearly necessary. ty remains to be demonstrated: proponents produce favourable cost estimates for various alternatives and skeptics emphasize their inadequacies. Indeed, as alter- RECOMMENDATION natives have yet to carve a significant niche in the The Committee recommends that the Depart- marketplace, one may conclude that they are demon- ment of Energy, Mines and Resources initiate a strably not competitive. But this conclusion would be comprehensive study of energy and the econo- too simplistic. For one thing, conventional energy in my to clarify this important relationship in the Canada is priced below world levels, making many of Canadian context and to provide guidance in the alternatives discussed in this Report less competi- formulating energy policy and more general tive. However, Canada's energy situation is constantly economic policy. changing: prices have risen over the past decade and what is noncompetitive at today's prices may well be Having said this, the Committee did receive input on competitive at tomorrow's prices. And, with the right the effects which the introduction of alternative energy incentives and successful research, technological break- may have on Canada's economy. This input, and other throughs may render certain options much more attrac- information which was available, contributed to the de- tive than they appear today. velopment of the ideas presented here. This chapter The problem is that prior to commercialization it is deals with the complicated issue of energy supply and hard to tell the sure bets from the dead losses. Given the demand in an economic context and brings together a complexity and fluidity of the economy, feasibility stud- range of ideas which we have not seen collectively ies will not always give the right answers. To illustrate, discussed elsewhere. an analysis may conclude that producing methanol from With Canada's plentiful natural resources, highly hybrid poplar plantations on marginal farmland is educated and skilled labour force and extensive capital economically feasible at today's prices. The activity of base, one might conclude that Canadians should never producing the feedstock may, however, force up the have to worry about shortages of anything. At any given value of the land and consequently the cost of produc- time though, only certain combinations of goods and ing methanol. Furthermore, if the cash value of energy services can be produced with available resources and crops were perceived to be greater than that of conven- existing technologies. tional agricultural crops, farmers might convert prime What lies at the root of all economic purchasing and land to energy production, leading to increased food production decisions is price — the allocative mech- prices and indirectly making methanol appear less anism in our economy. For this reason, energy pricing is attractive. Put another way. economic factors change the central issue in energy supply and demand. and most would agree that hindsight leaves something Although from the perspective of the economy as a to be desired as an approach to economic planning.

83 In order to appreciate the role that alternatives and it influences growth, the balance of international pay- conservation will play in Canada's energy future, it is ments and employment. The last section provides the important to understand the general function of energy philosophical underpinnings for economically wise alter- in the economy. Therefore this chapter is devoted to a native energy incentives, discussion of how energy fits into the economy and how

64 Energy Pricing

lthough the price of energy is not the only factor By 1973, Canadian oil prices were again similar to A affecting alternative energy supply and demand, U.S. prices and continued to rise in response to OPEC pricing considerations are crucial to understanding the price adjustments until, on 4 September 1973, the Na- economic problems associated with introduoing alterna- tional Energy Board recommended a freeze to protect tive energy forms and technologies. In this section we Canadians from the inflationary impact of rising review the recent history of energy pricing in Canada petroleum costs. In the fourth quarter of 1973 the world and consider the implications of a range of future prices. petroleum market began to change rapidly. OPEC price increases during, and in the aftermath of, the Arab-Isra- eli war of that October were such that by January of 1. ENERGY PRICING IN THE PAST 1974 the world price of oil had climbed to $US 11.65.

In today's complicated world the price of energy is To cushion Canada's economy from this shock, the determined by factors which go far beyond simple con- Federal Government agreed to compensate oil importers siderations of supply and demand. In addition to the for the difference between a pegged domestic price and signals of the marketplace, policies and programs of the imported oil price, through an import compensation foreign countries as well as those of the Canadian program. On 1 April 1974, a federal-provincial agree- Federal and Provincial Governments determine the price ment established a single domestic price of $6.50 per of energy in this country. Since 1973, the overwhelming barrel. A new Federal oil export charge, equal to the external factor has been the Organization of Petroleum difference between the world and domestic prices, was Exporting Countries (OPEC) which, through supply re- imposed on Canada's oil exports. Periodic increases in strictions and price setting, has increased the cost of oil wellhead price occurred after 1974 and. on 1 January twenty-fold on the world market within ten years. 1978, the Canadian wellhead price stood at $11.75. A In the 1940s, prior to the widespread development new arrangement was reached in February 1978 be- of petroleum resources in the Canadian West, the United tween the Alberta and Federal Governments which States was this country's main supplier of oil. This oil established increases of $2.00 per barrel each year. was priced on a "Gulf Plus" basis — the price of oil at That agreement terminated in July of 1980 with the the Gulf of Mexico plus the cost of transportation to Federal Government allowing a further $2.00 per barrel Canadian markets. During the 1950s, the price of oil in increase on 1 August 1980. The National Energy Pro- Canada was determined in the Chicago-Sarnia interface gram 1980 of 28 October 1980 provided for a 1 January market, which meant that Western Canadian oil flowing 1981 wellhead price increase of $1.00 per barrel, bring- to the Central Canadian market had to compete with the ing it to $17.75. A further $1.00 increase on 1 July will American supply on a Chicago price basis. result in a 1981 average domestic price of $18.25 per barrel. Restructuring of the Canadian petroleum market occurred in the early sixties. The Borden Commission on Canadian and world petroleum prices since 1970 Energy (1958-59) recommended an east-west split in oil are shown in current dollars in Figure 5-1. By the end of markets to foster development of Canada's petroleum 1980, Canada was paying almost $Can 40 per barrel to industry. The National Oil Policy legislation of 1961 import crude oil. In real or constant (1973) dollars, the created the "Ottawa Valley Line" with markets west of world price of crude oil has increased five-fold since the line supplied by domestic producers and east of the 1973 (Figure 5-2). In contrast, the Canadian wellhead line supplied by imports. This meant that during the price in real terms has not quite tripled over the same 1960s Eastern Canada was able to take advantage of period. The increasing gap between the real import and low world prices ($US 1.80 f.o.b. per barrel for Saudi domestic prices demonstrates that Canada has not kept Arabian light crude throughout the decade) while the pace with increases in world price over the 1973 to 1980 western market, including Ontario, paid a domestic price period. Thus the economic incentive (in the form of which was on average 25

85 8



1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 YEAR YEAR

Note: The imported price is the average annual (quarterly in 1980) cost of foreign crude oil landed at Montreal. The domestic price is the average annual (quarterly in 1980) cost of Alberta crude oil delivered to Toronto.

Source: After Canadian Enerdata, 1980. ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY energy alternatives is increasing more rapidly in other Figure 5-3: THE PRICE OF REGULAR LEADED industrialized nations where price inci eases have been MOTOR GASOLINE IN CANADA keeping up with those in the international market. If SINCE 1949 economic incentives continue to favour conventional 1.40 fuels and energy services, this will work to slow down the introduction of energy alternatives in the Canadian 1.20- energy system. The strategy laid out in The National Energy Program 1980 indicates, however, that govern- ment policy is now somewhat less concerned with pro- | 100- tecting oil consumers and more with establishing Cana- C3 da's petroleum self-sufficiency. I -80 The real price of gasoline (in constant 1971 Ui S - CONSTANT (1971) DOLLAR PRICE dollars) — which is a composite of wellhead price, § .60 transportation charges, refining and marketing costs, in and federal and provincial taxes — declined in the 10 postwar period until 1973, then stayed relatively stable S .40 until the late 1970s, and is now increasing (Figure 5-3). CURREM"DOLLAR PRICE We pay about the same price for gasoline today as in •5 1955, in constant dollar terms. Anyone now driving a .20 more efficient car about the same number of miles as then may actually be spending a smaller share of his 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 income on gasoline. Despite the fact that Canada's reserves of natural Sourcer Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and gas increased in the 1970s, in contrast to oil, the price Resources, 1979b. p. 9; and personal com- munication. EMR, 1981. of gas has been increasing in step with that of oil. This has been the result of a policy decision in recent years to keep the price of natural gas at about 80% that of oil on an energy equivalent basis, as is indicated in Table 5-1. The price of electricity in Canada has been rising in Table 5-1: COMPARISON OF CRUDE OIL AND recent years as a result of higher rates of inflation and NATURAL GAS PRICES — ANNUAL the dramatic rise in the cost of petroleum used for AVERAGE thermal-electric generation. The increased cost of bor- rowing funds for utility construction has also been of Eastern Gas Price particular significance. Canada as a Prior to 1972, electricity prices were relatively Gas Percentage stable in Canada (1.1 $1 per Mcf = $5.80 per barrel. as to cover accounting costs of operation. A pricing Source: Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and system has also been proposed whereby customers are Resources. 1980e. p. 32. charged less during those hours of the day in which

87 demand is low and more at times when demand is high prices, one must assess such pricing determinants as (such as late afternoon). Such a system (similar to Bell domestic energy policy, demand and supply trends, Canada's rate structure) would encourage a more even world economic conditions and political developments. use of generating capacity and reduce the requirement While a broad margin of error may be attached to any for generating equipment to meet peak power demands. forecast of world prices, it is necessary to make some Reconsideration of electricity pricing practices is likely to estimation because of the impact that future prices will occur in all Canadian markets as the introduction of have on all Canadians. alternative energy forms alters the demand for electricity In the course of its work, the Committee initiated for home, commercial and industrial use. economic analyses using three crude oil world price The historical trends in energy pricing described schedules. These analyses, performed by the Economic here cannot be expected to continue, given the changes Council of Canada, covered the decade of the 1980s. that have taken place in the international oil market, the The highest world price schedule considered was based anticipated scarcity of petroleum and the intensifying on a 7% annual increase in real terms to 1990. The concern over the environmental implications of increas- minimum price schedule thought likely to characterize ing energy use. the present decade was a 1 to 1.5% annual real increase. The third pricing scenario, simulating the type of international price shock which occurred in 1973-74 2. FUTURE ENERGY PRICES AND THEIR IMPLICA- and again in 1979-80, incorporated a $15 per barrel real TIONS price increase in 1986 (superimposed on a 1 to 1.5% Future energy prices will be important in Canada's annual real increase during the 1980s). Pricing energy system because these prices and their rates of schedules similar to those used in the analyses are change will influence which alternative energy forms can included in Table 5-2. The Committee believes that the be commercialized and the timing of their introduction. upper and lower price scenarios represent an envelope Also, energy prices will directly influence the quantities likely to encompass future world oil prices. of energy consumed and the proportion of incomes On the other hand, the future domestic price of oil is available for non-energy consumption and investment. known with more certainty because The National Energy There are limits to the size of the energy expenditure Program 1980 has set out a schedule of price increases which we can afford and still maintain our standard of to 1990. These prices are also included in Table 5-2. living, our commitment to social programs and our The wellhead price of a conventional Alberta crude (38° industrial momentum. Having some idea of future energy API gravity) will increase in current dollar terms by prices, and thus some notion of the proportion of per- almost 300% from 1980 to 1990. This may seem like a sonal and national income which will be devoted to large increase but, allowing for inflation, it is expected to energy in decades to come, is important if we are to roughly represent a 65% real increase in price over the plan for our economic future and make appropriate decade. The reader should keep in mind too that these decisions today. scheduled prices are not immutable; domestic or inter- While this Report cannot give any precise timetable national circumstances change and the domestic pricing for the introduction of alternative energy forms, we can program may have to adapt to new conditions. state that the rate of increase in energy prices — particularly oil prices — will influence the rate of de- The National Energy Program 1980 establishes a velopment and commercialization of alternative energy. pricing regime for natural gas which improves its com- High rates of increase in real oil prices during the next petitive position relative to oil over the coming three decade will certainly accelerate the process of incor- years. This pricing policy will encourage a shift to gas porating alternative energy sources and technologies from oil, both reducing Canada's requirement for foreign into our energy system. crude and addressing Western Canada's excess natural gas productive capacity. As part of this program, the Ideally we would like to know in advance what Federal Government will set city-gate prices for natural future trends in energy prices will be in order to estimate gas at the same level in Toronto, Montreal, Quebec and their impact on the economy and to assess the urgency Halifax to promote the extension of the gas distribution of developing alternatives. Furthermore, the way in system into Eastern Quebec and the Maritimes. The which we go about encouraging conservation will future pricing of natural gas is summarized in Table 5-3. depend on the extent to which higher prices help us reduce the growth in demand for energy. But one Prices for electricity are expected to increase at a cannot know the future and therefore we must examine rate which will be about 1.2% more than th'., rate of the various effects which a number of possible future increase in the Consumer Price Index (personal com- energy price trends might have on the energy sector and munication, Department of Energy, Mines and on the whole economy. In order to project future energy Resources, 1981).


Table 5-2: PROJECTED DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL OIL PRICES, 1981-1990 Unit: Current Canadian dollars per barrel. Conven- World World Oil Sands tional Price Price World Reference Tertiary Wellhead Blended 1.5% 7% Price Price Oil Price Price Price Real Real Shock (a) to (c.d>

e 1981 38.00 30.00 18.25 23.30 42.70"» 42.70< > 42.70"" 1982 41.85 33.05 20.25 27.80 47.39 49.74 47.39 1983 45.80 36.15 22.25 32.30 51.91 57.22 51.91 1984 49.85 39.35 26.13 36.18 56.91 65.87 56.91 1985 54.10 42.70 30.63 40.68 62.29 75.72 62.29 1986 58.55 46.20 37.00 47.05 68.04 86.88 93.04 1987 63.20 49.90 44.00 54.05 74.12 99.42 101.35 1988 68.30 53.90 51.00 61.05 80.69 113.71 110.34 1989 73.75 58.20 58.00 68.05 87.79 129.97 120.05 1990 79.65 62.85 65.00 75.05 95.52 148.55 130.61

(al Canada, Department of Energy. Mines and Resources, 1980e, p. 26. The oil sands and tertiary prices become effective in January of each year; the conventional wellhead price is averaged for the year in question. The oil sands reference price is subject to the limit of international price. "" Canada, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980e, p. 30. The blended price is averaged over the year in question. The Petroleum Compensation Charge of $10.05 is assumed to continue after 1983. Imports are projected to fall to zero in 1390. The blended price will not be allowed to exceed 85% of the international price or the average price of crude oil in the United States, whichever is lower. 'c) Real price increases are in addition to the expected annual rate of increase in the U.S. Wholesale Price Index for 1981-1990, as estimated by the Wharton School in the United States. For example, if the U.S. Wholesale Price Index rises by 10%, the world price increases by 11.5% in the 1.5% real case, and by 17% in the 7% real case. This U.S. price indicator is used because the international price of oil is based on the American dollar. wl The world price is calculated to undergo a 1.5% annual real increase in 1982-1990, and a $15 (constant 1980 dollars) shock is added in 1986. (el $42.70 is the current, weighted average world price of crude oil delivered in Canada (personal communication, EMR, 1981).

Employing future energy pricing schedules similar to thetic oil from the tar sands and possible frontier sup- those presented here, the Economic Council estimated plies. This is an appropriate approach since, in the short their effects on the Canadian economy for the Commit- term, the domestic price of oil will continue to be the tee. As expected, it was found that the more self-suffi- reference point for pricing energy in our economy. cient Canada is in petroleum by 1990, the lower the rate Energy alternatives will not make a significant change in of inflation; the smaller the Federal deficit; the smaller this state of affairs in the 1980s. the current account deficit; the greater the value of the dollar; and the greater both employment and the growth Alternatives will enter the market and become com- in aggregate output. To the extent that Canada remains petitive at prices which are about equal to those of dependent upon foreign supplies of crude oil, we are conventional energy sources for the same energy ser- prone to inflation arising from increases in the world oil vices. Nevertheless, we may be willing to pay more for price. By folding the total cost of imports into the alternative energy because we believe there will be blended price by 1983, the domestic price of oil will rise future economic gains and because of less tangible more than expected if Canada's imports remain large advantages such as security of supply. It is possible to and if the international price undergoes major increases. roughly estimate when a given alternative may be com- Clearly, the health of the Canadian economy is improved petitive with conventional fuels and technologies, by eliminating our reliance on oil imports. depending on the rate of change of conventional energy The Economic Council's analysis was based upon prices. Although such estimates are highly sensitive to the price and supply of conventional oil and gas, syn- the quality of data and the nature of underlying assump-

89 petitive with gasoline by 1985 if higher rates of increase Table 5-3: COMPARISON OF FUTURE CRUDE in domestic oil prices were allowed, but not until the OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRICES early 1990s if oil price increases were small. Com- UNDER THE NATIONAL ENERGY pressed natural gas and propane were found to be PROGRAM competitive as motor fuels today, regardless of gasoline price increases. The main barriers facing these two fuels Gas Price are market readiness in the short term and supply Eastern as a limitations in the longer term. Canada Percentage 3 As a substitute for oil in electrical generation, coal Date Gas Price of Oil' » combustion using fluidized bed technology was con- ($/Mcf) (%) sidered to be economical with either high or low oil price increases. Wind turbines, on the other hand, may not be 1980 2 42 80 economical until 1990 if the rise in the domestic price of oil is small. Under the National Energy Prograrr Among those energy sources analyzed for substitu- 1981 2.98 71 tion in residential and industrial heating applications, 1982 3 39 68 solar water heating appears to be the most sensitive to 1983 3.84 67 conventional energy prices. At low rates of conventional energy price increase, solar heating of water may not be <•> $1 per Mcf = $5.80 per barrel. economic without incentives until after 1995. The same can be said for heat pumps competing in areas serviced Source: Canada, Department ot Energy. Mines and by natural gas (although as a substitute for other fuels, Resources, 1980e, p. 32. heat pumps are economically preferable now or in the near future). Wood waste as a fuel is preferable, where applicable, through the present decade and beyond, tions about prices and costs, they can provide some regardless of conventional fuel prices. insight into the timing of development in Canada's Co-generating systems are largely competitive now, energy system. although higher rates of increase in oil prices could Cost comparisons among conventional energy make oil-fired systems uneconomical towards the end of forms and alternative options, done by Middleton the decade. Associates for the Committee, used estimates of equip- It is accepted by most energy analysts that the real ment efficiencies, system lifetimes, capital and operating price of energy will continue to increase for a consider- costs, and similar parameters to arrive at such esti- able time to come. As conventional energy costs esca- mates. Three conventional energy price scenarios (simi- late, the alternatives will become increasingly competi- lar to those used by the Economic Council in its work for tive and technological breakthroughs may be expected the Committee), comprising elements of world and to lower the real cost of some of them. By reducing our domestic price forecasts, were used in the analysis. energy requirements, we may also be able to moderate Middleton Associates found in the transportation the rate of increase in the total cost of energy services sector, for example, that methanol could become com- even in the face of rising prices.

90 The Economics of Energy Supply, Demand and Conservation

e have already stressed that, notwithstanding on resource use, or even non-use. Certainly, the way in W Canada's present self-sufficiency in energy in an which Canadians view conservation will influence how aggregate sense, this country faces a growing shortfall Canada formulates a method for determining the best in the commodity that matters most — oil. Minimizing schedule of resource use in the future. Through a greater our petroleum imports in the 1980s would be reason understanding of the market and institutional forces enough to institute a vigorous program of energy con- which influence conservation practice, we will be better servation in view of the economic and strategic prob- able to assess the appropriateness of incentives and lems involved in such dependence. But conservation regulatory measures, "carrots and sticks", for pays other dividends as well. We already know a consid- encouraging enlightened energy use. erable amount about energy-c<~-iserving technologies, Conservation may be thought of as reducing the which reduces the "trial and error" aspect of new initia- consumption of a resource in the near future so as to tives. Restraining demand will in many situations be less have more of it available in the more distant future. costly than extending supply. Conservation technologies Conservation has also been defined as the can often be more rapidly deployed than supply tech- ...careful use of renewable and non-renewable nologies. And energy conservation reduces some of the resources to ensure their greatest long-term benefit to indirect costs of energy use such as environmental con- society... (Crane, 19B0, p. 67) tamination. Conservation does not mean non-use, nor "wise" use, Conserved energy represents a special class of nor does it necessarily mean use at a constant rate. It is alternative energy, not dependent on bringing forth new not synonymous with maximum sustained use nor max- supplies. Conservation saves consumer dollars and capi- imum cumulative use. Conservation economics consid- tal, and contributes to an improved balance of pay- ers both demand and supply, and producers may (and ments through reduced expenditures on foreign oil. Con- frequently do) practice conservation as well as consum- servation programs will likely create employment and ers. Deciding whether conservation or its opposite, income through expansion of that part of industry which depletion, is appropriate in a given situation is not supplies conservation goods and services. Other impor- always easy. tant and extensive benefits will derive from a conserva- tion-oriented economy as well, not the least of which is the reward of long-term energy self-sufficiency. An Economist's Definition of Conservation and The consequences of conservation decisions and Depletion policies are complex and numerous but a successful Conservation is defined in a strictly economic program of conservation would moderate the rate of sense as the redistribution of use rates of growth in energy demand and lessen the pressure to resources towards the future. Thus conservation find alternatives to present means of supplying energy. always implies a comparison of two or more time Conservation programs and energy supply programs distributions of use rates; that is, the supply and require long-term planning, but through providing time, consumption of energy per unit of time over a conservation increases the range of energy alternatives number of units of time. The opposite of conserva- which may be evaluated and pursued. In other words, tion is depletion — the redistribution of use rates conservation can increase Canada's supply options if toward the present. we seize the opportunity.

1. CONSERVATION DEFINED 2. WHAT FACTORS AFFECT CONSERVATION? Conservation has many connotations. To some it Many institutional and economic forces affect con- may imply a backwoods life style. To others the term servation. Among the most powerful influences are may be associated with the imposition of strict controls habits. Does one drive at moderate or at excessive

91 speeds? Does one wear a sweater in a chilly room or the near future because these benefits usually have the turn up the thermostat instead? Altering, redirecting or greatest certainty. When deciding which type of heating replacing certain culturally-based practices and tradi- system to install, an individual will buy equipment with tions will facilitate the adoption of conservation prac- the greatest probability for generating savings in the first tices. While economic conditions may force us to con- few years of operation. People are naturally reluctant to server changing our-life-styles to ~ cope * with; hew make such investments ii they are uncertain about the economic realities will make the transition less painful. savings they will bring. Reducing uncertainty therefore Higher gasoline prices may encourage many of us to promotes better conservation decisions. buy smaller, lighter cars; however, if we learn to like The',imposition of"faxes, and subsidies will affect small cars,.we will not resent having had to make the conservation decisions depending upon when they are change. We may even be happier for having contributed introduced and how long they last. Taxation generally to the conservation effort. increases price and reduces profitability, thus resource There are numerous other economic forces which consumers and producers shift use rates to those time affect conservation, including interest rates, uncertainty, intervals when the impact of a tax is smallest. Converse- taxation, subsidies and prices. ly, use rates are shifted to intervals in which subsidy Interest rates directly affect conservation decisions benefits are greatest. In general, greater energy con- "and are of particular practical significance in the analysis sumption will take place in periods with less uncertainty : of resource use over time. Interest rates are employed in - about profitability and supply, less taxation, greater resource use planning for making net benefits (benefits subsidies and lower prices. =~ minus costs) received in different time intervals compa- rable in the present. Those net benefits which accrue in 3. CONSERVATION OBJECTIVES, DECISIONS AND the distant future are held to be less valuable than those POLICIES which we enjoy today, therefore we tend to discount them the most. The factor by which we discount future Toward what objectives are conservation efforts benefits depends on the real interest rate (adjusted for directed? On what basis can decisions be made regard- inflation). A high rate of discount implies that current net ing the appropriate level of conservation? How can benefits of resource extraction, for example, are far conservation objectives be achieved? more valuable than future ones; therefore, depletion When an individual makes a conservation decision, takes precedence over conservation and presen* use his objective is to maintain or increase his long-term rates increase. Hence, when real interest rates increase, standard of living. When a business makes a conserva- the present value of future net benefits decreases and tion decision, it is interested in reducing costs and/or depletion takes place. Conversely, a decrease in interest increasing profits. Individuals and businesses are more rates tends towards conservation by making benefits likely to make good conservation decisions if they con- relatively more valuable in the future. sider all of the costs and benefits arising from a pro- posed conservation measure. Once the relevant costs and benefits are estimated, it is a relatively simple matter to determine the present value of the proposed Interest Rates and Conservation project by applying the market discount factor (that is, How might a change in interest rates effcst oil the discount factor relating to the rate of return which is conservation? The present value of a $100 annual likely to prevail over the life of the project). saving resulting from an investment in energy-sav- ing equipment (let's say from the installation of a new heating system), over ten years of operation Discounting and Present Value of the equipment is $502 after being discounted at a 15% interest rate. At a 12% interest rate, Fifty-seven dollars placed in a savings deposit however, the saving is discounted somewhat less today with a 12% rate of interest will earn in five such that the ten-year saving has a present worth years approximately $43 (compounded annually), of $566. Thus, at a 12% rate of interest, there is such that the savings deposit will be worth $100. relatively more incentive to install energy-saving Thus the present value of $100 five years hence, equipment. If the new heating system is more discounted at a 12% rate of interest, is about efficient and uses less fuel, then a decrease in $57. interest rates acts to conserve energy.

If the present value of future benefits exceeds the The effects of uncertainty work similarly. People put present value of future costs plus the initial investment, greater emphasis on benefits they expect to receive in then the proposal is economically desirable. Such a

92 ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY cost-benefit analysis is as applicable to small projects the deterioration of our economy and way of life. Con- (insulating a house) as it is to large projects (building a serving exhaustible sources of energy for the future is methanol plant). thus a form of insurance against unforeseen problems Since individuals and firms do not need to consider and events. It does not remove the need for effective, external or social costs, their task when making such affordable alternatives. decisions is fairly straightforward. However, the desired state of conservation in the economy, while conceptually well-defined, is difficult, if not impossible, to determine in 4. PRICING CRITERIA FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY the real world — public conservation efforts involve AND OIL SUBSTITUTES costs and benefits which may not be readily assessed in The prices of the major conventional energy dollar terms. For example, what is the ultimate value of a resources in Canada — oil, gas, coal and primary nation's energy self-sufficiency, or of the enjoyment electricity — are regulated and therefore largely deter- received from an extra day's vacation bought with the mined by government policy. We present the argument money saved in driving a more efficient automobile? elsewhere in this Report that the true cost to Canadians Appropriate levels of public investment in conserva- of conventional energy is implicitly the world price and tion can in theory be determined by evaluating social net that we pay the difference in taxes, foregone oil revenue, benefits but, in practice, this will be difficult. Although in and net income and production losses. principle the conservation objective is to increase total Determining the true cost of conventional energy in social net benefits, in practice we cannot know with Canada is, as with all energy matters, complex. How certainty whether this is being achieved. There are can one then expect to determine the price of alterna- nonetheless some practical guiding principles in for- tive energy, which for the most part will be supplied by mulating resource use policies. For renewable resources technologies not yet in place and fo< which structured these include measures to prevent wastage, environ- markets are only beginning to emerge? Fortunately, mental damage and irreversible declines in resource flow there are some methods by which the price of substi- rates. For nonrenewable resources, conservation objec- tutes can be estimated. As a general rule, we may tives include rational rates of use and the discovery and expect that energy alternatives will enter the system a* development of efficient energy technologies and prices which approximate those of conventional forms alternatives. for given uses. The relevant value of each new unit of By influencing economic forces, governments may energy, however, is its replacement cost. What will the indirectly change the schedule of resource use rates prices of alternative energy forms be in the long run? In over time to induce conservation. Direct intervention by a purely competitive market we would expect the price the state may be necessary to achieve certain conserva- of a good to be based on its long-run cost of produc- tion goals. Direct tools include education in and regula- tion. In practice, in real world energy markets beset by tion of use. Public education can be particularly effective market imperfections, by economic power concentra- in reforming habit patterns to make them conducive to tions and by government intervention, energy prices will energy conservation. Regulation of conventional energy only crudely reflect changes in the long-run cost per use can also encourage conservation, minimum unit. performance standards for automobiles being one example. Since time and future prices are factors in determin- As individuals we will often make conservation deci- ing the role of alternative energy forms and the appropri- sions based on our incomes. One individual may choose ate pricing of conventional forms, alternative energy to spend part of a week's wages on gasoline for a sources cannot be properly assessed by considering weekend jaunt while another person may receive more only present circumstances. The pricing of energy over satisfaction from spending the money to improve the time should be related to the long-term value of the insulation in his home. As a society we will make conser- resource. Views of what the best pricing schedule is will vation decisions based on the disposition of national vary considerably depending upon the perspective of income, relative to energy and all other goods and the person or group making the decision. services. Consider the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Conservation decisions are predicated on our con- Countries, an influential body in oil supply and pricing on cern for the long-term viability of our economy and the a world scale, ft is advantageous for the OPEC nations welfare of future generations. Conservation of exhaust- to act in concert and price their oil in order to get the ible energy resourced will assure us of continuing sup- most return from their total resource. They manipulate plies for years to come. Having conventional sources of supply in order to influence demand and price. By energy in the year 2010 may be important if being restricting supply the OPEC countries achieve two eco- without sufficient alternatives at that time would mean nomic objectives (not to mention a few political ones):

93 they raise current prices, and they make more oil avail- able in future years when the value of the oil may be The Relationship Between Demand and Price higher still. Canada must balance the goal of pricing Economists frequently measure the change in energy to get the most benefit from our natural energy the quantity demanded of a good resulting from a assets with the goal of preserving the welfare of Canadi- change in the price of that good. This measure — ans as a whole. the price-elasticity of demand — is usually We have said that the pricing of conventional expressed as the percentage change in the quan- energy will iniiuence the timing and the cost competitive- tity demanded for a one per cent change in price, ness of alternative energy sources. From the point of assuming no change in the tastes or incomes of view of Canadians, the price of alternative energy the group of consumers whose demand character- sources should be such that the value of the benefits istics are being studied. Such studies have deter- less costs derived from the use of these enprgy mined that in recent years for each 1 % increase resources are as large as possible. Benefits will include in gasoline prices, consumption decreases by employment and income gains, an improved trade bal- 0.18-0.45% (Friedenberg and Nixon, 1980, p. ance and other less tangible benefits such as security of 32). supply and environmental quality. Costs will include Put in more familiar terms, a demand price those incurred in shifting to alternative energy sources elasticity of -0.18 to —0.45 means that an and technologies, especially if they are adopted before increase in price from 25

94 ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY about 1.3% tor every 1 % increase in price. Perhaps this which can nevertheless be overcome by appropriate is because industries and commercial transportation incentive programs. Conversion grants, for example, companies which are in pursuit of profits are quicker to have the effect of decreasing the cost of the services adopt more efficient technologies or to change produc- offered by a new system. Two examples of such grants tion or management practices. They may also have at offered by_ the Federal Government are: (1) grants to their disposal a monitoring system allowing them to assist homeowners and businesses for conversion from determine consumption and hence the conservation oil to gas, electricity, renewable and other energy investment required to offset increased fuel prices. sources, up to 50% of conversion costs to a maximum Once again it must be emphasized that the esti- of $800; and (2) grants to commercial fleet owners of up mates of the reaction of the commercial consumer to to $400 per vehicle to convert to propane. price are limited to a certain range of prices and quanti- To further illustrate the impact of the above con- ties during the past decade. Furthermore, the sensitivity straints, let us once again look at the example of replac- to price is likely to increase for some energy applications ing an outdated heating system. Canadians change over the very long run. In the short run, price increases ; residences frequently and many of us are tenants. We may have a small impact if individuals cannot substitute are therefore reluctant to make investments in insulation more efficient technologies. and more efficient heating systems because our costs may not be fully recovered. If the third constraint applies, then both owner and tenant are acting rational- 6. DELAYS IN ADOPTING ALTERNATIVES ly. The owner may not, though, have full knowledge of A number of energy alternatives and conservation heating system alternatives or may not be correctly measures appear to be economically viable today. It assessing the benefits of a new system. In this regard, takes time, however, for a given technology to be put the dissemination of information about alternatives and into place, for a new design to become widely accepted about methods for correctly assessing costs and ben- or for a practice to become widely adopted. There are efits over time through the application of "life cycle" basic economic reasons for this. Some are obvious; costing analyses will be effective in overcoming delays in others are more difficult to explain. the adoption of alternative technologies. Take the example of a house with an old oil fur- nace. More efficient neating systems are now on the market, including more efficient oil furnaces themselves. Life Cycie Cost Analysis Why then do many homes continue to be neated with Life cycle cost is the total of all relevant costs old furnaces In the face of higher heating costs? Such associated with an activity or project during the relatively expensive items tend to stay in service long time it is analyzed, including all costs of owner- after their replacement seems advisable. The reasons for ship, operation and maintenance. The life cycle is this relate to the economics of fixed assets. the period of time between the starting point and • Markets for such assets may be imperfect. Informa- cutoff date of analysis over which the costs and tion may be inadequate and an individual may not benefits of a certain alternative are incurred. If life know about cheaper alternatives. cycle benefits exceed life cycle costs, then the project is economically desirable. • Decision-makers may not correctly assess the ben- efits of replacing an old inefficient system because the costs and benefits which accrue over time are ignored. In any event, delays must be anticipated and taken into account when analyzing the probable impact of • The old system may continue to deliver service worth energy-related policies. Failure to do so may lead to more than iis salvage or trade-in value, while the frustration with the pace of adoption of new technolo- normal requirements of the system do not warrant the gies and energy conservation measures, and hence capital outlay for a new system. unwarranted condemnation of good policies. Firm action The first two points can be addressed by appropri- and consistent policies will help assure rapid progress in ate policies. The last point is an economic fact of life the adoption of conservation practices and new energy- which is characteristic of all fixed assets, the effects of efficient technologies.

95 Energy and Growth

t is well accepted that the continued availability of I energy is crucial for the improvement and even the Factors of Production maintenance of our standard of living. However, Factors of production, or inputs, are the pro- because it is also true that the amount of energy that we ductive resources which are used to create goods need to perform tasks is to some extent variable, both and services. The inputs can be used in a variety demand and supply considerations of all our energy of combinations according to technical con- resources deserve attention. The purpose of this section straints and relative input costs. is to investigate the relationship between the production Land as a factor of production includes not and consumption of energy and economic growth. only the land itself but water, natural resources and soil quality. Some have argued that energy should be included as a separate factor of produc- 1. ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND THE GROSS tion in order to emphasize its importance. DOMESTIC PRODUCT Capital includes the physical amount (or Productivity has increased in Canada, generating stock) of factories, transportation systems, build- more goods and improving services, because the use of ings, machinery and equipment. Further invest- capital has expanded as has the use of non-human ments in capital increase the stock of capital. energy sources. Economic growth has been possible Labour is the physical capacity of workers because more plentiful and better resources of all kinds which includes their human capital or skills and have been made available. With fixed resources and no their knowledge. Managerial ability can be includ- technological change, there would have been little scope ed in the measurement of knowledge and skill. for increasing output. But more skilled labour, better organized production processes, cheap and plentiful energy, specialization of tasks and more efficient ma- fuels over time are shown for the United States in Figure chinery all have contributed to growth. Textiles, for 5-4. This illustration shows that the use of fuel wood in instance, no longer come from a labour-intensive cot- the nineteenth century was supplanted by the increased tage industry but instead are produced in automated use of coal. Coal's contribution to satisfying U.S. energy textile factories which are capable of a much greater needs peaked just after the turn of the century and its output for each worker employed. decline was offset in turn by the rising importance of As the industrial structure changed over time, the crude oil and natural gas. demand for energy grew. The limited energy services It is a simple matter ro document the changing provided by wind, water, wood, animals and humans pattern of energy sources used and the increasing were no longer sufficient. The "new" energy sources domestic output which has contributed to improved answered changing demands for more reliable, plentiful standards of living. However, the relationship between and manageable sources of power and they, in turn, energy consumption and economic growth is not a provided the ability to expand output. The process has simple one to uncover. From Table 5-4 it is clear that been self-reinforcing, with output growth demanding growth in output has occurred along with increased energy and energy enabling growth. energy use. While few would say that this relationship is Historically, economic growth has required more entirely fixed, many question whether growth can con- energy services from different types of sources. The tinue in an economy where a cheap and abundant response to changing demand has been an evolving source of energy is not available. We are thus approach- pattern or mix of energy sources which in turn has been ing a turning point, similar to ones experienced in the influenced by resource availability and by technological past, when a transition will have to be made from one progress. These factors have affected the amount of dominant fuel to another. The difficulty of this transition energy used in production and the quantities and kinds and the length of time it will take depend on many of output generated. Consumption patterns for different factors, some of which are outlined in this section.






1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 19 0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980

Note: The break in the curves in 1955 reflects the slight discrepancies between the two sets of data used to prepare the illustration. Source: After Rosenberg, 1980, p. 60: and DeGolyer and MacNaughton, 1980, p. 104.

Table 5-4: CANADIAN OIL CONSUMPTION AND REAL GNP, 1972-1979 Gross Domestic and Gross National Product Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure Domestic of the value of production of goods and services in Consumption of Refined Real Gross the economy. GDP includes all returns on invest- Petroleum National ment within Canada's borders and therefore Products Product includes the returns on foreign investment here. (Thousand cubic (millions of Year metres/day) 1971 dollars) Gross National Product (GNP) is similar to GDP but it excludes the returns on investments in 1972 253.1 100,248 Canada which are received by foreigners and 1973 262.8 107.812 includes the value of goods and services produced 1974 269.8 111,678 by all Canadians whether resident or non-resi- 1975 266.3 113.005 dent. 1976 272.5 119.116 1977 277.6 121,949 1978 284.5 126,127 1979 300.9 129,658 Other countries without indigenous oil resources faced the changing oil situation much earlier than Average Annual Growth Rate 2.5% 3.7% Canada. Their major way of dealing with more expensive energy was to alter the way they used it. It would seem Source: Friedenberg and Nixon, 1980. p. 7. that they were able to adjust successfully because the

98 ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY amount of energy consumed in relation to the value of intensity of the overall economy can be high in compari- national output generated has been maintained (Figure son with other economies even though energy efficiency 5-5). while the rate of economic growth was kept at a may be high as well. This will be the case where there level at least as great as in Canada and in some cases are many industries which require large amounts of much higher (Figure 5-6). In fact, in the 1977-1979 energy to produce a given dollar value of output (alumi- period, every other country surveyed in Figure 5-5 num smelting being an example). Energy-intensive enjoyed improved economic growth while Canada, even industries may use technologies which are efficient in with cheap oil, continued to suffer from a decline in the their use of energy but the process itself may simply growth of real GDP. It appears, therefore, that since require large amounts of energy. For instance, existing other economies can perform healthily on less energy, technologies dictate that some 35 megajoules of energy there must be opportunities in Canada for less energy- per kilogram of product must be used to produce fertiliz- intensive methods of production. er while 200 MJ/kg is necessary in the production of paint (Slesser, 1978). Other factors also affect levels of energy consump- Figure 5-5: INDEX OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION tion. Colder and more sparsely populated countries use PER CONSTANT DOLLAR OF GROSS more energy for heating and transportation purposes. DOMESTIC PRODUCT IN SELECTED Since resource endowments differ amongst countries, COUNTRIES, 1970-1976, NORMALIZED TO A VALUE OF 100 FOR CANADA different industrial patterns develop. Canada, with its particular array of natural resources, has developed mineral extraction, smelting and pulp and paper indus- tries which require large amounts of energy. Most impor- tantly though, Canada has a varied and plentiful indige- nous supply of energy which has led to more modest energy prices than those characteristic of countries which do not enjoy the same resource abundance. Aga-'sgate energy/output ratios do, however, have value for indicating the broad performance of Canadian production against that of other countries and they provide clues about where energy-saving opportunities exist. When these ratios are calculated for individual industries, the results are even more useful. An analysis of energy/output ratios for specific industries and sec- tors in Canada shows that the greatest opportunities for reduced energy use are in the petroleum, crude steel and pulp and paper industries and in the transportation and residential sectors (Slagorsky, 1979). In the trans- portation sector — where Canadians consume twice as much energy per capita as do the Japanese and Europeans — the most significant potential savings lie in road transport. Although the differences in energy con- sumption per dwelling among countries are not as sig- nificant, savings are also possible in the Canadian resi- 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 dential sector. Comparisons among nations indicate, therefore, Source: After Slagorsky, 1979, p. 4. that the energy consumed per unit of output is not necessarily a fixed relationship. This result is an exten- The energy intensities of the economies of Figure sion of the idea that energy use and output growth have 5-5 are reflected in the level of energy use per dollar of varied historically according to changes in the economic Gross Domestic Product while trends in the ratio reflect and physical environment. Energy use will evolve in both a changing energy intensity and possible efficiency Canada and experience in other industrialized countries gains. Canada does use more energy per dollar of GDP is evidence that this change need not be economically than the other countries shown but it is not appropriate destructive. to draw too many conclusions from the comparisons of The primary incentive to lower the rate of growth in aggregate energy use among countries simply because energy demand in many countries results from their lack this broad measure hides important differences. Energy of plentiful indigenous energy supplies at a time when oil

99 Figure 5-6: AVERAGE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE pered by using less energy (particularly oil) today, then CHANGE IN REAL GROSS DOMESTIC we should be aware of this since we will have to decide PRODUCT, CANADA AND MAJOR whether we were willing to accept smaller real incomes. OECD COUNTRIES, 1967-1979 If we are not willing to lower our income expectations, then investment in alternative sources of energy is -12 urgently needed. Since the resolution of this uncertainty is imperative, thé relationship between energy consump- - tion and economic growth in Canada should be thor- oughly investigated.

2. ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY PRODUCERS 1974-1976 mm 1077 107 The existing stock of capital in our economy is the result of investment decisions made in circumstances which were quite different from those prevailing today. In the past, as labour became a relatively more expensive input than energy, producers bought energy-intensive rather than labour-intensive machinery and equipment. Unfortunately, Canada is now locked, in the short term at least, into an economy which dictates a high rate of : energy use. Nevertheless, producers do have some lati- tude to reduce energy consumption by varying the way they use factors of production. As examples, labour can be substituted for energy in certain circumstances and. where feasible, cheaper fuels can be substituted for oil. In the longer run, energy demand changes because the total amount, or stock, of energy-using capital changes. When investment decisions are made, pro- ducers take into account the expected relative prices and security of energy supplies and they attempt to substitute more energy-efficient capital and labour for energy if changing relative prices and energy security warrant these substitutions. However, the state of tech- g £ - = £ •- i nological advancement limits how much capital can be substituted for energy and energy efficiency is only a £ i- S priority in producers' decisions to the extent that relative prices indicate that it should be. i g I Burdens of higher energy costs are greatest when Source: After Economie Council of Canada, 1980. p. 8. substitution possibilities are restricted and energy's share of production costs is high. The result is reduced output, higher costs and inflationary pressure. Far too prices are rising. In Canada, the relative advantages of little work has been done though to identify in any detail energy abundance and low price have sheltered us from the probable long-run impact of higher energy prices in international developments and lessened the incentive to Canada's industrial output. Studies should be done to conserve energy. On an aggregate basis, Canada is first indicate how Canada's industrial mix will change as using its cheap and abundant resources relatively more energy becomes increasingly expensive and, secondly, intensively than other resources such as capital and to offer ways of dealing with the change. labour. Canadians can certainly use less energy in pro- duction in the short run but production costs will rise if 3. THE ROLE OF NEW ENERGY SOURCES AND more labour and capital must be employed instead. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE The degree of total energy savings possible in this If future economic growth were to diminish to a country is unclear. It seems that growth can occur with condition of recession as a result of decreased energy less energy usage — a truly desirable condition — but use, then the energy strategy would be obvious — the relationship between growth and energy consump- energy supply would have to be increased. Even with tion has not been clearly uncovered. If, in fact, the rigorous energy conservation, we can anticipate a time long-term growth potential of the economy will be ham- when energy demand management will no longer bal-

100 ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY ance the supply-demand equation. Given the long-run Canada's most pressing needs are for better infor- physical limitations of conventional energy supply, the mation on feedbacks in the economy which involve development of renewable energy sources is therefore energy; better market signals to reflect the changing essential and inevitable. Time is the variable. costs of alternatives; and incentives which encourage Existing technology determines the manner in which technological change bearing on energy demand and production takes place. It also places limitations on the supply. Easing the substitution of other inputs for energy growth of the economy. As energy scarcity intensifies, and reducing the share'ofenergy in total production changes in technology are unavoidable. The potential costs^are endeavours* which could benefit significantly success of these changes and their contribution to over- from new innovations. coming an energy shortfall is unknown.

101 Balance of Payments, Energy Trade And Investment

he Canadian economy is frequently under pressure other goods and services (the deficit in "invisible Tdue to the volume of our imports, and rising oil prices exports" such as foreign travel is notable). More recent- have meant even larger payments abroad. A major ly, the decline in the value of the Canadian dollar has benefit of developing alternative energy forms in Canada helped make Canadian goods more competitive on shouid be a long-term amelioration in balance of pay- world markets, and this coupled with a moderation in ments problems. the growth of imports, generated an impressive mer- As a trading nation, Canada earns roughly 35% of chandise trade surplus in 1980. its income from exporting goods and services. Canada has an energy-intensive economy and although we are a Figure 5-7: CANADA'S MERCHANDISE TRADE net exporter of energy overall (principally by virtue of BALANCE natural gas sales in U.S. markets), we are a net importer of crude oil at a rate of about 300,000 barrels per day. The annual cost of these net imports now exceeds $4 billion, having approximately doubled in 1980 from the previous year. The rate at which oil is imported seems certain to increase at least through the mid-1980s. Canadians purchase large quantities of foreign- made goods such as automobiles, electronic equipment, food, clothing and so on. We sell a combination of food, manufactured goods, semi-processed goods and raw materials. A substantial share of the export revenue needed to finance our imports throughout the 1970s has been provided by energy. Prospects appear good that exports of electricity will continue to grow and exports of natural gas, surplus to forecast domestic needs, will continue into the 1990s under existing contracts. Exports of alternative energy technologies offer yet 1976 1977 1978 ' 1979 ' 1980 another possibility for the future. Source: Bank of Nova Scotia, 1980, p. 2. Balance of payments surpluses and deficits are more than obscure accounting entries. International transactions affect every aspect of our economy and the Canada has been one of the largest borrowers on lives of all Canadians. Properly managed, our trade and international money markets. Our debt service payments foreign investment capital inflows can be advantageous to foreigners have more than doubled since the 1950s. in terms of increasing incomes and maintaining employ- Large borrowings in foreign capital markets by provin- ment. Energy development is a critical part of the bal- cial crown corporations for investment purposes in the ance of payments equation because it is capital inten- 1970s contributed to a significant increase in debt ser- sive in nature and because, traditionally, it has required vice payment outflows (which come under the current large amounts of foreign investment. account). Canada's current account deficit, as a proportion of The deficit on interest and dividend payments to GNP, was amongst the highest in the Western World in foreigners has continued to grow (Figure 5-8). Thus the the late 1970s — despite the fact that our merchandise strengthening in Canada's trade balance is not neces- trade balance was positive and rising during that decade sarily indicative of a medium-term trend towards overall (Figures 5-7 and 5-8). The sale of energy has therefore surpluses, especially in light of our medium-term energy made an important contribution in offsetting deficits in needs and the rising cost of foreign petroleum. Foreign

103 capital inflows to finance the development of energy Figure 5-8: CANADA'S EXTERNAL ACCOUNT supplies in the 80s and 90s will be advantageous in BALANCES terms of the overail balance of payments.

What Is Meant by the Terms Balance of Pay- ments and Balance of Trade? The balance of payments is a summary of all the transactions between Canadians and residents of the rest of the world over a given period of time. The balance of payments is divided into two accounts. The current account records the flow of goods and services between Canada and the rest of the world: merchandise imports and exports and non-merchandise transactions such as travel and tourist spending, payments and receipts for business services, interest and dividend payments, 1976 1977 ' 1978 ' 1979 ' 1980 and research and development. Source: Bank ot Nova Scotia, 1980. p. 2. The capital account consists of long- and short-term capital flows between Canada and other countries. These flows include direct and to Gross National Product) or 22% of gross capital portfolio investments, short-term investments such formation. This is high relative to the resource boom of as commercial paper, bank term deposits and the 1950s, but capital spending in this sector has not certificates of deposit for terms of one year or taxed the economy or financial markets since gross less, Canadian foreign aid and export credit capital formation in the economy other than for energy financing, and other movement of funds. Canada has been weak in the late 1970s. usually imports more capital than it exports. Since payments must balance at zero, the balancing An energy investment boom may change the pic- item consists of a reduction in Canada's foreign- ture markedly. Energy investment in the 1990s could exchange reserves or. if Canada has a surplus on reach 9 % of GNP and current dollar energy spending in its current and capital accounts, an increase in its 1990-2000 may increase by more than 40 times over foreign-exchange reserves. the 1970 level. Historical and projected energy sector spending levels in current dollars are listed as follows The balance of trade is the difference be- (Waddington, 1979): tween the dollar or money value of a country's exports and imports of merchandise or of goods and services. If a country exports more than it Billion Dollars/Year imports, it has a trade surplus; if it imports more 1970 3.0 than it exports, it has a trade deficit. The balance 1979 11.7 of trade plays an important role in determining a country's overall balance of payments. Annual Average (Source: After Crane, 1980. p. 17) 1980-85 21.7 1986-90 46.5 1991-95 76.7 1995-2000 131.0 Recent balance of payments studies which have concentrated on direct conventional energy investment foresee enormous capital requirements for energy de- Total cumulative capital requirements for energy velopment in the short and medium term. Indeed, wheth- investment for the period 1979-2000 are forecast at er or not alternative energy developments supplant cer- $1.4 trillion. Such seemingly awesome capital require- tain conventional energy projects, future capital ments, if realized, will certainly place burdens on domes- requirements will be massive. Energy investment may tic capit'.l markets, and will necessitate vast foreign very well be the dominant component of fixed capital capital inflows if the historical percentage of foreign investment over the next several decades. capital invesïment is maintained. Capital spending in the energy sector in 1979 was One forecast suggests that capital markets will pro- 4.5% of Gross National Expenditure (numerically equal vide about 54% ($750 billion) of required energy invest-

104 ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY ment dollars and the remainder will be raised internally, Canada will not be alone in tapping the world's from operating profits. A significant proportion of this savings for energy development. Demand for capital capital will come from foreign source's and thus will flow throughout the world, in what may turn out to be two through Canada's foreign exchange markets and affect decades of unprecedented energy development, will our balance of payments. Assuming the historical pro- contribute to the cost of money (debt servicing). Fortu- portion of domestic to foreign capital, estimates indicate nately for Canadians, capital seeks out safe invest- that domestic capital markets will be asked to provide ments. A well-planned program of energy resource and about $400 billion and foreign sources $350 billion. technological development together with a broad pro- Capital inflows to finance investment from foreign gram of conservation is likely to create an investment sources may account for nearly 79% of the projected climate in Canada which will be attractive to both current account deficit in 1979-1990; however, the fore- domestic and foreign capital markets. Policies to reverse cast current account deterioration in the 1990-2000 recent postponements in energy projects such as Esso period may be such that inflows will cover only 67 % of Cold Lake will thus become increasingly necessary if an the deficit. Thus, a problem may arise in the latter adequate conventional/alternative energy system is to period — keeping interest rates moderate while at the be developed. same time encouraging an adequate level of capital What benefits might one anticipate in Canada's inflow. balance of payments as a result of alternative energy development? Beyond their direct impact on the bal- ance of trade, energy imports and exports have indirect effects on international payments through their influence Capital Markets and Capital Investment on employment, investment, the exchange rate and the The capital market refers to the various mar- money supply. Export revenues or import savings from kets in which governments and corporations raise some alternative energy forms may only affect the bal- long-term capital. The sources of such capital ance of payments in the short run; others will have include pension plans, insurance companies, trust permanent impacts. companies and individual investors. The agents through which these savers act include investment • Alternate energy forms which replace imported oil will dealers, stockbrokers, bond traders, underwriters, reduce by a corresponding dollar amount payments trust companies and banks, while the principal made to foreign oil producers. Compensation pay- institutions include the bond market and various ments to oil importers will be proportionately stock exchanges. decreased. Taken in isolation this will have the effect of relieving pressure on the national debt, building Capital investment is the amount of spending confidence in the Canadian economy, improving capi- in the economy each year to replace worn-out and tal inflows and strengthening the Canadian dollar. obsolete production facilities and to increase the productive capacity of the economy. Public capi- » If complete energy self-sufficiency resulting from con- tal investment consists of spending on new gov- servation and alternative energy development allows a ernment buildings, highways, schools, hospitals, general improvement in the economy, more capital and the like. Private capital investment consists of resources will be available for investment in large and spending by private and crown corporations on small energy projects and for other purposes. new factories, mines, machines and equipment, • Development of alternative energy technologies can housing, offices, hotels, refineries, power plants, generate export goods and services, and result in railways, and so forth. increased exports and investment capital inflows. The (Source: After Crane, 1980, p. 46) Third World may be a particularly important market for Canadian energy technologies suited to decentral- ized energy systems. • Development of alternative energy technologies at In the absence of effective conservation and practi- home will reduce the need to import them. Faiiure to cal alternative energy forms, Canada could very well be move ahead aggressively in developing alternative placed in the position of being forced to sell a portion of energy technologies will result in falling behind the rest conventional energy supplies to pay for the development of the industrialized world in the energy technology of our oil and gas resources. Some level of export, market. particularly of gas, is likely to be both necessary and economically wise; however greater benefits may be • A strong Canadian economy which is energy self-suffi- realized from the sale of alternative energy technologies cient may allow more economic independence and than from a higher rate of depletion of our conventional enable this country to pursue policies to reduce its energy reserves. dependence on foreign capital.

105 • Alternative energy technologies may not have the cy in all energy forms will help insulate the Canadian political or strategic problems associated with the trade balance from the effects of high world oil prices. In export of nuclear technology. the absence of the development of major conventional and alternative energy projects, our trade balance could Canada has the potential to achieve energy self-suf- be much less favourable and much more volatile. ficiency almost êcross the board in the next decade. Estimates indicate that complete energy self-suffic- This could occur through rapid development of frontier : iency would strengthen the Canadian dollar in the long oil resources, the tar sands, alternative energy forms and run. Nëvertheless7 as with the trade account balance, by aggressively pursuing conservation. Studies under- the economic activity which would be associated with a taken by the Committee indicate that a range of benefits drive toward self-sufficiency in the early part of tiie will be derived from achieving petroleum self-sufficiency decade could weaken the dollar. Unfortunately, this may in particular. They may, however, require ten or more be part of the cost of achieving self-sufficiency in years to become fully realized in the economy. energy. This might not be the case, however, if Canada In assessing the balance of payments effects of a received large capital inflows to support energy develop- policy of energy self-sufficiency, it is important to distin- ment. Self-sufficiency would also protect this country guish between long-run and short-run consequences. from world oil price shocks. A strengthened dollar would The more self-sufficient in energy Canada is, the more mean reduced import costs towards the end of the likely it is that the current account balance will bë decade, although too strong a dollar would dampen stronger towards the end of the decade although during export sales. -i.-_^ -_i--— —_- ; —.jr_h;: —--_ the interim period, spending on foreign goods out of ~-- The overall implication of energy self-sufficiency is income derived from energy investment could weaken difficult to discern with clarity. At the very least, how- the current account balance. {Income from direct and ever, this brief discussion has demonstrated the com- indirect employment associated with developing conven- plexity of the international sector of our economy with tional and alternate energy resources will be spent by respect to energy. Failure to curb our costly petroleum workers on imported as well as domestic goods and imports will certainly result in highly undesirable energy services.) Furthermore, the achievement of self-sufficien- trade and current account deficits in the near future.

106 Energy And Employment

hanges in the intensity of commercial and industrial instance, people will insulate homes if this is cheaper C energy use together with shifts in energy consump- over time than spending more on space heating. Sub- tion patterns have implications for employment in stituting insulation for energy stimulates the insulation Canada. While some have advocated the development industry and bolsters its associated employment. There of alternative energy sources and the promotion of is evidence to support the view that the positive effects conservation for the express purpose of creating of energy-saving options on labour more than offset employment, others regard the employment effects of labour losses in the replaced energy supply industries. energy policy as secondary. The Committee believes This is not to say though that disruptions within the total that a more thorough understanding of the relationship labour market will not occur. between energy and employment is essential and this In the auto industry we are witnessing sales reduc- section discusses some of the issues involved. tions, production cut-backs and employee lay-offs Full employment is an important target in developed occurring at least partially in response to changes in the economies. Conflicts arise, however, because full demand for energy. The main cause of the demand employment is only one of many societal goals: control- change in Canada though is probably attributable to ling inflation, promoting industrial development and rising costs for automobiles themselves and to changes equitable distribution of income among people and in consumer tastes, because the real price of domestic regions, and achieving energy self-sufficiency are exam- gasoline has remained relatively stable over the last ples of others. Unfortunately, the simultaneous attain- decade. Regardless of whether the reduction in demand ment of these objectives continues to elude both gov- for the typical, large North American automobile is in ernments and the natural workings of the economy. response to the rising cost of fuel, to the cost of the car Our economy depends upon plentiful energy. With itself or to preference changes, adjustment is hindered energy being a vital input to production, changes in its by the inflexibility of the automobile production process. use, supply, price and type influence market reactions Such rigidities lead inevitably to employment losses. and, therefore, the employment of labour. Beyond this, It is possible to substitute labour for energy in government policy and altered consumer tastes con- transportation by walking and bicycling, or it is possible cerning energy use can also affect employment. These to produce vehicles very labour-intensively (as is done in interactions are discussed here. Rolls Royce production), but these solutions are costly Increased economic activity generally has the effect in time, convenience and dollars. of increasing the demand for labour. Increasing energy On the other hand, if energy prices continue prices tend, however, to have a depressing effect on increasing, the energy supply industries will be stimulat- labour activity because as the costs of production rise, ed and employment in that sector will expand. More oil output cutbacks generally follow. Nevertheless, even in and gas wells will be drilled, additional tar sands plants the short run, labour is often substituted for energy when will be considered and the development of alternatives the price of the latter rises. This may well result in a net to conventional oil will be encouraged. positive effect on overall employment even if output Decentralized energy options lead to regionally dis- levels fall. In the longer run, if industries can substitute persed benefits in employment. For some areas the net other inputs for more expensive energy, output levels, employment benefits are clearly positive because an and consequently employment, may not necessarily fall. industry develops where no activity existed before. This If, on the other hand, the longer-run effect of higher improves local economic conditions and stimulates local energy prices is reduced economic growth, then growth. The overall effect, when total Canadian employ- employment may decline simply because aggregate pro- ment effects are weighed, is not so clear however. ductive capacity is reduced. Regional employment gains must be measured against At the level of the consumer, other goods will be real income losses if the decentralized industry provides substituted for energy as its cost increases. For energy which costs more than energy obtained from a

107 centralized source. Employment gains in one region, or Tax incentives which promote activity in the in one market sector, will be matched to some extent by petroleum industry are really an indirect subsidy which losses elsewhere. enhances employment. Similarly, incentives for the de- velopment of alternative energy sources and technolo- The encouragement of the conventional energy gies can stimulate employment. Price setting can have sector also has a local employment impact when a large the same effect — regulatüns^.vhich "naintain high project is undertaken in an area which does not already energy prices (such as those put into effect in the 1960s have the population or the infrastructure to support for the Western Canadian oil industry) encouraged development. While it is true that the local economy growth and stimulated employment. On the other hand, temporarily benefits from the growth and income gener- enforcing low energy prices can depress activity and ation resulting from the project, severe and costly dis- therefore employment in the energy sector. ruptions can also occur. The costs of sudden and specif- ic labour force demands can spread across the country Government employment policy has a role to play in as the need fi • -'nose workers skilled in particular trades improving labour market flexibility. The better-prepared rises and wages are pushed up — demands in one area the labour force is to respond to higher energy prices, affect the labour force balance and employment costs in increased alternative energy supplies and energy-effi- other regions. There are also labour skill implications cient technologies, the better-off all Canadians will be. It because the demand may exceed the supply of specific is thus incumbent on government and industry to identi- kinds of labour. fy future skiJI requirements, to encourage and undertake necessary training procedures, to aid in making labour Labour is not perfectly mobile across Canada and more mobile and to attempt to reduce occupational not all workers have the skills which are in demand. barriers. This applies to the conventional energy sector, These two problems contribute to the disruptions and the evolving alternative energy supply industries, the costs associated with large, centralized energy projects. industrial sector which will be providing more energy- After the "boom" in local growth associated with the saving technologies and, indeed, all industry. In any construction period, there is the danger of a "bust" event, coping with employment effects, not aiming at when the specialized workforce moves on. The demand creating Jobs, should be the major employment concern strains associated with the bunching of large projects in formulating energy strategy. can also exacerbate inflation. As the attitudes and goals of society change, con- The appeal of decentralized energy supply is sumers will alter the types of services they demand. With obvious — the labour market costs associated with energy efficiency and energy self-sufficiency gaining large projects disappear. The benefits of the economies prominence at a time in Canada's economic develop- of scale which accrue to large projects are lost with ment when concern about quality of life is becoming decentralized development, however. more and more important, the kinds of goods and Well-planned, large projects can be economically services which are demanded will change to reflect stimulating during recessions. The tar sands plants these goals. These changes will be followed by the planned for the late 1980s can be expected to coun- alterations in production made to meet consumer teract any recessionary tendencies existing then, and desires. As this latter development progresses, employ- the benefits of improved economic activity will undoubt- ment patterns will also be affected. Industries likely to edly spill over to the labour market. expand will be those whose products complement alter- ing tastes. Energy policy affects employment by changing the pattern of market activities. If nonconventional energy Canada's economic structure is undergoing modifi- supply is encouraged, employment gains are promoted cation which extends well beyond the energy sector. in these new industries but moderated in conventional Employment patterns, labour participation rates and the energy supply industries. The net employment effect of whole industrial structure are changing as the economy such a policy is consequently unclear. The effects of and society in general evolve. The high-technology revo- energy conservation policies are similarly complex. lution, for instance, is likely to make our industrial sector Research done on the employment effects of conserva- less energy intensive than it is now. The growing empha- tion policies indicates that initially there are greater sis on the service sector will also reduce energy intensity employment gains in conservation industries than there without a reduction in labour intensity. Job sharing, the are employment losses in energy supply industries. The substitution of communication for transportation, and net gain, however, may be in lower-wage jobs. There is similar innovations will lead to energy/output relations some doubt that long-run growth can continue with a which are based on very different circumstances than strict energy conservation policy. those prevailing today.

108 Incentives

conomic conditions in a market economy may not The Canadian Economic System E be conducive to an adequate or time/y develop- ment of alternative energy forms and systems. The role A mixed economy is an economic system like of government in creating appropriate incentives for Canada's where both the government and the alternative energy research, development and commer- private sector have important roles to play Both cialization is discussed in the following pages. The prob- private and public corporations exist and the gov- lems with and the effectiveness of subsidies aimed at ernment intervenes through the use of laws, regu- producers and consumers of energy and at potential lations and other methods which modify the work- consumers of conservation technology are dealt with in ings of the market in favour of protecting the the context of market and implicit (social) energy prices. public interest The recommendations in this Report are based on the realization that while the present energy situation is undergoing change it is not in a state of crisis. It is there would be little need for government incentives to certainly not imperative to map out our future under promote energy efficiency or the commercialization of "war-time" conditions. Canada does have diverse alternative energy sources and technologies — correct energy options and although we must take action now. market signals would lead to resource allocations which we do have the opportunity to consider the cost implica- maximize society's well-being. This would be true tions of our choices. Since incentives cost money, we because producers and consumers would make deci- must take the time to consider the cost implications of sions which take into account the total social implica- our best options' There are unique circumstances where tions of their actions. For example, car drivers would specific government involvement is appropriate and in perhaps make different decisions about the amount of this section we set out some of these special features driving they do if they were to bear the cost of the and indicate the kind of government response that we environmental pollution they cause by driving their cars, think they require. the ultimate cost of rscycling their cars, and if they had In mixed economies the public sector plays the role to account for the increase in market power that OPEC of influencing market decisions for the promotion of gains to raise future prices when more and more import- social well-being. The maze of taxes and subsidies ed oil is demanded today. Individuals do not consider all which influences energy consumption and production of these costs simply because everybody in society decisions in Canada today is clear enough indication shares them: those who impose the burdens do not pay that government intervention is not only complex but the full cost personally If we could add up all these extensive as well. Since the market mechanisms in our costs we would arrive at the price for energy which economy still produce less than perfect results in many accounts for all the costs to society of oil production cases, one could advocate stepped-up intervention in and consumption (the socially optimal energy price). just about every market. Nonetheless, there are those The energy market does not account for all costs who also argue convincingly that the government should and this inadequacy has not been overlooked by the leave the market to itself because they have complete public sector. In fact, there is a complex and detailed faith in the "competence of markets and the incompe- incentive and regulatory framework already set up in the tence of administrators." Unfortunately, extreme atti- energy market. The list of available government tools tudes of this sort are rarely helpful in the resolution of which can. and do. influence energy production and problems. Striking a balance between these two views is consumption decisions is a long one. It includes grants; probably the best approach in the formulation of an subsidies; income tax credits: income tax deductions; alternative energy policy. low-cost loans: guaranteed loans; taxes on fuel; price If the economy functioned perfectly in fhe use of ali ceilings; price deregulation; and protective tariffs, fo resources (natural resources, capital and labour), then name only a few. Programs and incentives already over-

109 lap, real costs are often hidden and the effectiveness of all the measures is unclear. To further complicate the Subsidies picture, a new consumer incentive program for switching Subsidies are indirect or direct payments usu- off oil has recently been announced. The fact that this ally made by governments to reduce the cost of program is only partially described adds to the purchases to consumers or the cost of production confusion. to producers. Consumers receive an indirect sub- sidy on pil cdnsumptiórirwhën they pay less than the import cost of oil. the direct subsidy on oil The Socially Optimal Energy Price imports is financed by all Canadians through gen- Canadian consumers do not pay the true cost eral tax revenues, by oil producers through the oil (the total cost) of oil. The true cost is higher than export tax and by oil consumers through the the price in Canada for a variety of reasons. (1) Petroleum Compensation Charge. Oil producers The relatively low price of oil discourages produc- also finance (through foregone earnings) an indi- tion and encourages consumption. Ideally, there- rect subsidy ön domestic oil consumed in Canada fore, if it is best from a soc;a/ perspective to.; because they receive less for their oil than they discourage consumption and encourage produc- could receive on the world market. The indirect tion, then a higher oil price would be "better" than subsidy facing consumers is therefore also an indirect tax (negative subsidy) on oil production a lower price. We recognize, of course, that politi- : cal and institutional realities also introduce impor- because revenue is indirectly transferred from pro- tant limiting factors into oil pricing arrangements. ducers to consumers. Alternative energy produc- (2) By increasing our oil dependency today, and tion is inhibited because consumption of its output therefore our imports, we give OPEC more power is not subsidized to the same extent. in the future to raise the world price of oil that we will eventually have to pay. This is one part of the real cost of consuming more today. (3) Acid rain, alternative is competitive with the socially optimal the production of carbon dioxide and the numer- energy price (or the international price) it should be ous emissions which result from burning fossil commercialized. But what is the incentive to innovate or fuels impose environmental costs. commercialize in Canada when energy services can be Theoretically, by adding up all of these vari- conveniently derived from oil at a subsidized price of ous factors, what is called a socially optimal about $20 per barrel? Although the current commitment energy price can be determined. The accounting is to higher domestic prices, if we want more alternatives task itself is in reality impossible to perform. It is to come on-stream quickly, it is evident that government clear though that if oil is substituted for by alterna- incentives will be necessary. tives that do not embody the real costs associated with oil consumption, then the value of the substi- In a country where the domestic price of oil is still tution is at least equal to the cost which is avoid- subsidized, the best incentive government can provide ed. For the United States, the Department of to alternative energy sources is one which subsidizes Energy has estimated that the socially optimal each new unit „of alternative energy which replaces oil. price for oil in the U.S., when only some cost The subsidy should, ideally, be equal to the difference factors are accounted for, is about S3 per barrel between the regulated oil price and the socially optimal above the world price; while in Energy Future it is oil price. This constitutes an output subsidy. estimated that the socially optimal price was be- When the use of alternatives is foregone, imports tween $35 and $85 in 1979 even when some are consumed instead, markets remain undeveloped, social and political costs were excluded (Sto- gains in achieving domestic security of energy supply baugh and Yergin, 1979). are foregone, and continuing pollution from oil consump- tion results. In the case of conservation there is good argument for rewarding the saving of a barrel of oil The task of finding the appropriate mix of incentives because that barrel need not be imported at the world and regulations is indeed a difficult one. Even wore price and national security potentially threatened. elusive is the philosophy concerning whether the market With an output subsidy, new, more expensive should be interfered with and why. This philosophy must energy sources would likely be developed because pro- be clear, so that the purpose of programs is consistent ducers would effectively receive a price competitive with and clear. that of oil, and as domestic oil prices increased the Barriers to alternative energy commercialization output subsidy could decrease. Consumers would not obviously exist. Most agree, however, that when an need to receive energy incentives directly but simply

110 ENERGY AND THE ECONOMY could make their decisions based on market prices. Government-supported demonstration projects are Unlike tax credits, loan guarantees and loans at the a good choice when the project necessary to identify government's borrowing rate, direct output subsidies are technical and cost aspects must be of commercial scale much more visible. Such incentives, therefore, are more and when no private firm is willing to undertake it alone desirable because they do not mask the real cost of because the information gained will be free to others. It incentives to society. is important that the relevant technology be well in hand before government becomes involved since a failure will provide a major disincentive to further market develop- ments. In cases where the private sector is involved in Output Subsidy — A Technical Definition joint demonstration projects, competitive bidding for A per unit subsidy on alternative energy project involvement would encourage efficiency through output which is equal to the difference between minimized costs. The commercialization process would d the domestic price of oil (P ), and the import cost be facilitated and bottlenecks in implementation would (P*) (or, ideally, the socially optimal price), less be minimized with private sector involvement and there- 1 any oil input Subsidy (S ), theoretically will induce fore it should be encouraged. the same amount of alternative energy supply as would occur without the oil consumption subsidy. Governments should not, however, get involved in When the cost of production Ms subsidized,-the development which would have taken place without it as price of the alternatives could be set competitively this would constitute a waste of government funds. If the with that of oiL barriers to development are related to legislative or institutional problems (such as lack of "rights to light" or Output subsidy/unit = P*-Pa-S'. inadequate building codes), then the solutions involve The output subsidy must be based on a removal of these barriers, not subsidization of the pro- replacement value for oil in actual usage. The duction or consumption of the alternative technology. In subsidy must further be net of any subsidies the same way, if lack of information or m.arket ignorance already received. is the commercialization barrier, subsidization is inef- ficient but education and instruction programs are appropriate. Ideally, the best incentives would not discriminate Efforts should be made to reduce the amount of amongst energy supply technologies and hence the uncertainty regarding future government policy because investor would be afforded the opportunity of choosing the more uncertain future events are made, the more the most promising alternative. It is best to treat all risky are investments. Policies regarding market inter- sources equally because restricting the range of options vention and energy prices must be as clear as possible if prejudices the market and excludes innovation. Forcing appropriate responses are expected of investors w'ho a narrow view of opportunities would not be in our best depend on their impression of the probabilities of future long-term interests. Rather than managing commerciali- events when making investment decisions today. zation of new technologies, the provision of output sub- Commercialization incentives, regulations and insti- sidies promotes commercialization directly. The Com- tutions should be sensitive to changing circumstances mittee, however., has identified some options which are and be altered accordingly. A variety of factors contrib- better than others in terms of attaining long-run energy ute to the changing appropriateness of the energy mix. goals. For this reason, and because funds are inevitably As energy prices change, the economic viability of alter- limited, the choice of those options which should qualify natives also changes. As technological change takes for output incentives should be managed to a certain place the economics again improve. degree. In the event that output subsidies are provided and It is necessary to improve the consistency of the the private sector is still not willing to invest in certain calculations of the oil-saving value of conservation and options, then a very strong argument must be made energy efficiency gains if subsidies are to be applied in before tax dollars are invested. Private investors will the most efficient way. This is where government RD & D commit their funds only when they believe they will yield has a definite role to play. Energy audit requirements a positive return. The rule for public investments should and standards will also be necessary if the energy saving be no different, although "returns" in the public sector opportunities of retrofit and efficiency measures are to do not have to be measured in commercial terms alone. be accurately quantified. Those options which are clearly good from a social Input subsidies are those which cover the cost of perspective but which are not favourable ones from the installing particular technologies of specific dimensions. point of view of the private sector would require further They therefore dictate the design and operating choices incentives. available to energy producers and consumers and

111 exclude choices which may be better. In an evolving depends on external markets, there should be domestic market, too much uncertainty exists to enable any one development which answers the need for providing policy to determine the best opportunities at all times. If export opportunities in the future. Canadian technology the government adopts only input subsidies we run the and energy supplies will be important earners of foreign risk of locking ourselves into overly costly alternatives. exchange if they are sold in other countries. Incentives Subsidies which are related only to cost tend to encour- to promote alternatives which may not necessarily be age preliminary funding requests which underestimate broadly applicable in Canada, such as wind technology, eventual needs. Also, when specific emphasis is on a may be beneficial if they make important contributions limited set of options, attention is detracted from other to energy supply elsewhere. Intercountry cooperation in technologies and sources, innovators in the excluded ongoing energy projects in fusion and coal technologies, technologies are implicitly punished for their foresight in for instance, may also be of eventual importance for the same way that newly instituted incentives tend to Canada's balance of payments and should therefore be reward only the laggards who wait for public funding. encouraged.

There is a valuable role to be played by government Since the energy policies of other countries can lead agencies which bridge the transition from R & D influence Canadian circumstances, there will be certain through demonstration to commercialization. Such situations in which the protection of Canadian industries bodies would have the mandate of identifying private is appropriate. The incentives available to the American sector applications and providing information. They solar industry, for example, have led to that industry could also ensure that R & D does not take place in a having an advantage over its Canadian counterpart. For vacuum away from the economy. This role could poten- this reason, protective trade barriers to the importation tially spill over to involving the private sector more of American solar equipment were instituted to protect actively in R & D activities. Although it is appropriate to the young Canadian solar industry. Tariffs and other invest in as many options as possible at the R & D level in trade barriers do not go to the root of the competition order to provide a "safety net", it would be the job of problem: they force Canadian consumers to pay more the lead agencies to identify the smaller set of options for Canadian equipment: they delay oil substitution; and which are most promising to render them ready for they cause Canadian solar equipment to remain non- commercialization. competitive internationally. Output subsidization, on the other hand, is efficient because it encourages the same The lead agencies would ideally work on a regional production as would be the case without a regulated basis so that developments could be matched to region- domestic price. It is a temporary subsidy which is al needs and opportunities. But there is a need to avoid intended to diminish as domestic oil prices climb to replication of the work being done by various depart- higher levels. With such a program trade protection is ments of the Federal Government, other levels of gov- less necessary; consumers are given more choice; pro- ernment and the private sector. It is not always neces- ducers are forced to compete, thus encouraging innova- sary to create a new agency but it is necessary to tion and a more viable industry; the danger of tariff identify the coordinating role of one group so that it has retaliation is reduced; and oil import substitution is a well-defined responsibility to ensure that efforts and accelerated. money are not wasted. Pressure on government to encourage alternative To act as a lead agency for the alternatives will be energy supply is growing but the efforts usually required up to the newly-formed government agency Canertech. to prove government is actually acting for society's In its role as an entrepreneurial organization, Canertech welfare involve higher government expenditures and will bridge the gap between RD & D and established specific new programs. If subsidization of alternative industry. It intends to take an equity position in the energy and technology is inevitable then we must try to companies assisted to generate a cash flow and to get as much as possible for the money spent. It is become self-sustaining. Canadians who must pay taxes to pay the bills and it is the government's responsibility therefore to spend the Canada should continue to develop its alternative money wisely. Taxpayers are obliged to support what- energy supply policy in view of changes in the rest of the ever the government decides to subsidize. Unlike energy world. Changing energy supply patterns are global consumers who can avoid higher costs by restricting events which contribute to changing future needs and their consumption, taxpayers have no choice. If dependencies everywhere. Since domestic industry resources are wasted all Canadians lose.



he Committee realized early in its study that the For the purposes of this Report, the word currency T complex subject of energy would have to be has been adopted to characterize those commodities broken down to make it manageable. For instance, the which are neither energy sources nor energy technolo- sun is clearly a source of energy but is coal liquefaction? gies. They are intermediaries between the source from No, the latter is a technology which transforms a con- which energy is derived and the point where energy is ventional energy source, coal, ]nto a commodity such as consumed. Energy currencies are often known as fuels, methanol which has the potential to play an important but the term fuel normally refers" to combustible ma- role in a new Canadian energy mix._This technology can terials and therefore does not aptly describe electricity. be further qualified as alternative because if has not Ah energy currency is thus a medium of. energy previously been exploited commercially in this country. It exchange which can be spent in return for work. We see is not a new technology since coal liquefaction facilities a variety of alternative energy sources, currencies and have existed since before the Second World War. It technologies being exploited in concert to produce a does, however, represent a new and alternative option technically, economically, environmentally and socially for Canada. acceptable energy mix for Canada in the future. These Other subjects for discussion could not be termed alternatives are briefly described in succeeding parts of either alternative sources or alternative technologies, this section in order to acquaint the reader with the hydrogen and electricity being examples. We have not range of possibilities considered by the Committee and viewed hydrogen as a source of energy since energy to provide basic information about some energy pos- must be used to produce it and to concentrate it. sibilities which may not be familiar. Each subsection Hydrogen does, however, store energy and can be describes the nature of the source, currency or tech- exploited as a fuel to perform useful work. If, for exam- nology, lists some of the advantages or difficulties which ple, energy were produced in a tidal installation and not may accompany its exploitation, discusses development immediately consumed, it could be stored in the form of activities on the national and international scene, and hydrogen (through electrolysis which uses electricity to suggests where Canada should go from here concerning break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen). The each option. hydrogen could then be transported in liquefied or com- pressed form or moved by pipeline. Thus one can think We do not claim to have exhausted all the possibili- of hydrogen as an energy currency which can be ties for study. Indeed, such a task would be unending "spent" at any time to provide useful work. Electricity because technology is continually evolving and it is also acts as a medium of energy exchange or an energy difficult to predict where research will lead. We therefore currency, in that it can be generated in one location and view the Committee's work as one step in a continuing perform useful work elsev,here. process of evaluating Canada's energy opportunities.


strategy and we agree wholeheartedly with this conclu- Initially, progress in conservation may be slow sion. It is, in fact, this conviction which has led us to give because the market for energy and energy technologies conservation a prominent position in our Report, even is ineffective at signalling appropriate levels of invest- though it was not specifically mentioned in our terms ot ment in conservation — people do not have a feeling for reference. the real costs of foregoing conservation measures. It is one thing to recognize and accept that conser- Homeowners, for example, may react negatively to the vation is of uppermost importance but it is quite another initial price of insulating their homes and fail to take into to suggest what specific steps should be taken to ensure account the real savings such an investment could gen- that we exploit this resource. To undertake to do this in erate over a period of years. Programs are needed to the context of this Committee's already complex report prompt people to make the correct energy decisions. on alternative energy would, we feel, greatly understate For instance, Hydro-Quebec has recently introduced an the importance which this subject carries. Because con- innovative program to promote home insulation. It is servation is not a concern of the Federal Government designed to make the initial capital cost — a barrier in alone, it deserves and requires a detailed study which many cases — disappear. Under its terms, a home- looks at this subject at all levels of jurisdiction. owner obtains a loan from Hydro-Quebec to insulate his home and repays the loan over five years by paying the difference between pre- and post-insulation heating bills. RECOMMENDATION The customer is not faced with a large capital outlay and for five years simply continues to pay his heating bill as The Committee recommends that a detailed he would have otherwise without the added insulation. study into all aspects of energy conservation, in Thereafter, his billing drops to the new level reflecting his all sectors of the economy, be undertaken energy saving. We see no evident reason why a similar immediately. program could not be extended by the Federal Govern- ment to small businesses and industries with limited There have been many studies dealing wKh individu- capital resources. al conservation technologies and studies of industrial, residential or commercial energy conservation. This Unfortunately, there is not a well-organized conser- wealth of information needs to be pulled together and vation lobby in Canada and, as advertising is over- the study we propose could well carry out this function. whelmingly directed towards convincing people to buy The study should be aimed at the needs of policymakers and consume most products, this message is reflected and should offer recommendations on specific policies in our attitude towards energy. Thus leadership in pro- and standards which could be implemented. Regional moting the conservation ethic must come from Govern- variations in the supply and demand for energy must ments, which have only recently begun funding and also be accounted for as no single policy will be suitable encouraging energy conservation efforts. The Federal for all regions of the country nor for all sectors of the initiative has begun well and the Committee recognizes economy. The study should also differentiate in some that Canada's public education program in energy con- detail between capital and operational costs so that a servation has been widely applauded. Despite this, there clear picture of the payback from conservation initiatives remains room for improvement and greater public and is obtained. governmental commitment to conservation is imperative. With these concepts in mind we now consider some of While we have not undertaken a detailed examina- the conservation suggestions which the Committee tion of conservation, we have been exposed to a wide received from various sources. variety of concepts, proposals and opinions on this subject. We therefore present the following observations Electricity will contribute a larger share of end-use and comments as examples of the information we have energy in Canada in the future, and this energy currency received and the opinions we have formed, knowing full should be wisely managed and spent. Two measures well that we have only touched briefly upon the subject. which would help ensure that this is accomplished are listed here. To take complete advantage of the conservation resource, two approaches must be taken: wastefulness • The current practice of charging less for higher levels must be discouraged and the efficiency of all our ener- of electrical use should be discontinued. gy-consuming activities must be improved. The first • Utilities should consider rate structures which encour- approach needs no explanation; the second requires us age the use of off-peak electricity. to begin thinking of our daily activities in terms of the amount of energy they consume. In short, we must build The transportation sector is one of the largest con- energy efficiency into products, processes and life- sumers of energy in our economy and Canadian drivers styles. We have to develop a sense of energy soem as reluctant as ever to abandon the convenience responsibility. of private automobiles. This is not surprising as our

118 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES cities, towns and villages are built around personal tial for energy savings here as well. In this sector, transportation. A large potential exists, however, for however, the message of conservation should be energy economizing in moving goods and people. accompanied by information concerning the concept of Automobiles are becoming lighter, engines are becom- passive solar design. ing more efficient in their use of fuel, auto bodies are being made with improved aerodynamic efficiency, tires RECOMMENDATION with less rolling resistance are being developed — these Ail levels of government should cooperate in are some of the design approaches already generating ensuring that architects, builders and contrac- energy savings and much more can be accomplished tors learn and practice energy-efficient design ah. ,g these lines. More innovative changes, such as and construction. In particular, these people incorporating flywheels into vehicles, may produce simi- should be made aware of the energy-saving lar benefits in the future. Energy savings can also be benefits which result from the passive use of realized through improved management of vehicular solar energy. flows, as the following examples suggest. • Although existing speed limits are acceptable and Passive solar design incorporates a number of ener- practical for this country, they must be enforced so gy-saving features such as insulated night shutters, that vehicles are driven at speeds which make effi- double or triple glazing, removal of most north- and cient use of fuels. west-facing windows, the use of windbreaks and/or earth berms (embankments) to the north and west of • Stop signs should be replaced by yield signs wherever buildings, or building into the south face of a hill. safety permits to reduce energy-wasting stops and starts. Similarly, whenever possible, traffic lights Other measures to reduce heat loss, which apply to should switch to flashing amber, instead of continuing both ordinary and passive solar buildings, include through a full amber, red, green cycle when traffic adding extra insulation and improving airtightness. It has volume does not warrant it. been demonstrated in Canada that these two measures, plus using a larger area than usual of south-facing There are significant savings to be realized by windows, make it possible to construct houses in which manufacturing industries as well. This sector was built energy consumption is reduced by 80 to 90% com- predominantly in an era of low-priced energy and, as a pared with similar houses built to existing standards. The result, it was often inefficient in its use of energy. In Committee had the opportunity to visit the most well- response to a call by the Federal Government in 1974 known of these energy-efficient homes, Saskatchewan for an aggressive and voluntary program to cut energy Conservation House, during the course of its cross- demand, the industrial sector established 15 conserva- country hearings. tion task forces. Each task force represented one seg- ment of the industrial sector (pulp and paper, chemicals, Demonstrating that these levels of energy saving food and beverage, industrial minerals and so on) and are possible was an important first step, but what each set its own goals. Industries responded very people really want to know is, "Can it be done cost- favourably since conservation quickly paid off for them effectively?" Unfortunately there is not yet a great deal and results have been encouraging. Some sectors met of data on the costs and benefits of energy-efficient their 1980 targets ahead of schedule and are formulat- passive solar design due to the limited number of pas- ing new goals for even greater savings. Although this is sive solar homes and the minimal amount of monitoring only a start and a sustained effort will be necessary, the which has been done on those which are in place. Committee is encouraged by the early success of these Nonetheless, there seems to be sufficient information voluntary activities. We would like to see this initiative available to make at least preliminary estimates. continue to ensure that: A recent study done tor the Department of Energy, • Industrial processes are redesigned, changed or Mines and Resources (Gough, 1980) performed such an retrofitted when and wherever feasible to reduce the analysis. It concluded that in new construction the most amount of energy they consume. cost-effective strategies, in order of priority, were to (1) relocate as much as possible the normal window area of • Industries place added emphasis on maintaining ma- a house on the south wall; (2) increase the insulation in chinery at levels of maximum energy efficiency and buildings by about 50% beyond the 1978 NRC stand- replace "extravagant" energy users with new and ards; and (3) either further increase thermal specifica- energy-efficient equipment. tions or further increase the south-wall window area • Every effort is made to utilize what is now considered beyond redistribution. waste heat generated in industrial processes. The conclusions of this study agree with testimony Since a large amount of Canada's energy is used in heard by the Committee. Energy-efficient housing can heating and lighting buildings, there is significant poten- use standard building materials and techniques, so the

119 technology is available now. Furthermore, it appears a $6 million measure to promote energy-efficient hous- that substantial energy savings can be achieved within a ing through workshops, training programs, and the reasonable payback period for the added investment. If design and construction of 1,000 energy-conserving all of these conclusions are correct — and we have no homes across Canada. If this program were extended to reason to believe that they are not — then why is such social housing, it would provide the added benefit of housing not being constructed on a much broader scale shielding those in need of such homes from increasing in Canada today? Several Committee witnesses energy costs. described barriers to the construction of energy-efficient ~ The NEP initiative provides a chance to gain much- housing and certain factors were identified time and time needed practical experience in the operation of passive again. The proposed energy conservation study will solar heating systems. Such systems are by no means perhaps identify other obstacles which are not now simple and there is a complex relationship between apparent. energy collection, storage and "conservation in these Economics play a very large role in determining the buildings. Unless these elements are properly balanced, adoption of energy-conserving construction _ practices a passive solar house can be a very uncomfortable and the inclusion of passive solar features. The initial place to live in. capital investment can be justified bysavingsin energy costs over time; however, the consumer faces the prob- Another barrier to the widespread use of energy lem that the return on his investment may not be real- conservation measures and passive solar systems is the ized for as fnuclf as 10 or 15 years. Certainly the current lack of suitable building standards. In October 1980 the high rates of interest for loans and mortgages deter ten~provincial Energy Ministers called on-the Federal many would-be "conservers" from making such an Government for improvements in the National Building investment. Moreover, the uncertainty of future energy Code (NBC) to ensure that energy conservation features prices clouds the issue of the length of the payback were included. This call for action followed the publica- period. tion of a set of building standards known as Measures A person's eligibility for a mortgage is based on a for Energy Conservation in New Buildings (1978). As with calculation of the proportion of his or her monthly salary the NBC however, adoption of these measures by the available to make payments. With an energy-efficient provinces is voluntary and, as of the end of 1980, not house and the resultant lower energy costs, a person one province had adopted the new standards. The would have more money available each month — per- Division of Building Research at the National Research haps enough to covar the increased mortgage charges Council carried out a study to determine why none of occasioned bv adding the cost of tne conservation the measures has been adopted and the major reason measures to the mortgage. This suggests that the was found to be the lack of inspectors qualified to method of calculating mortgage limits shouid be oversee the new measures. The cost involved in retrain- changed to take energy saving into account. This would ing building inspectors would have to be borne by the seem to be a particularly appropriate measure for the provinces and this illustrates the type of jurisdictional Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to problem facing the Federal Government in its attempts consider when funding non-profit housing. to promote energy conservation through the building code.

CONCLUSION Several witnesses suggested to the Committee that the Federal Government ought to develop a new build- Federally-financed housing provides an excel- ing code based on energy performance standards. They lent opportunity for the Government to demon- believe that such standards are an important signal to strate the benefits of conservation and passive the construction industry and to consumers that conser- solar design. vation is an important priority with the Government. The Division of Building Research (DBR) is in fact developing guidelines for energy budgets in four types of buildings: RECOMMENDATION office buildings, shopping centres and retail stores, apartment buildings, and schools. DBR hopes to publish The Committee urges that Federally-financed these guidelines in 1983 as a first step towards a housing incorporate energy-conserving and passive solar design in order to demonstrate its comprehensive set of building energy performance benefits. standards. As the standards develop, DBR is also assessing how compliance with the guidelines can be assured as this is seen as one of the main problem In this regard, the Committee welcomes the areas. All levels of government will have to work to- announcement in the 1980 National Energy Program of gether if progress is to be made.


RECOMMENDATION Figure 6-1: A SIMPLE AIR-TO-AIR HEAT EX- Energy performance standards for buildings CHANGER should be incorporated in the National Building Code so that conservation and innovative INDOORS i OUTDOORS design and construction are promoted. WARMED COOLED FRESH AIR EXHAUST AIR RECOMMENDATION TO ROOM TO OUTSIDE Standard tests for the energy performance of buildings should be established by the Federal Government so that energy-efficiency ratings PAI can be assigned. MAOEOF TREATED PAPI The Committee has concluded that performance standards are preferable to prescriptive standards since they do not stifle innovation and thus allow architects and builders freedom of choice in developing energy- efficient housing. Nonetheless, prescriptive examples must still be provided to assist the building trades in adapting to the new standards. The Committee recog- COLD FRESH AIR nizes that building performance is more difficult to WARM FROM OUTSIDE assess, but feels that the extra effort is worthwhile. We EXHAUST AIR FROM ROOM also recognize that in developing a performance code, regional standards will be required to take account of As warm and cold air pass each other in separate climatic variations across Canada. The proposed de- and alternating layers of the heat exchanger, heat velopment of such standards for the Canadian Arctic is transferred from the outgoing stale air to the (Canada. EMR, 1980e) is an appropriate beginning to incoming fresh air. This ensures air exchange but this process. recovers most of the heat which would normally Another interesting suggestion put before the Com- escape with the vented air. mittee recommended conducting a voluntary perform- Source: After Hand, 1980, p. 77. ance test on new housing. A 24-hour airtightness test, similar to a mandatory test done on all new homes in Sweden, would provide a fuel economy rating which RECOMMENDATION consumers could use as a basis for comparing homes. That is to say, like the miles per gallon ratings on cars, The Committee recommends that the Federal such a system would not provide a guaranteed fuel Government establish a standard procedure for consumption figure but rather a means of comparison. testing the airtightness of buildings. The Com- Once homebuyers are made aware of the potential mittee further recommends that, once estab- energy savings which can be realized in energy-efficient lished, the test be applied to Federal buildings housing, it is felt that they will begin to demand this sort and to all new homes financed through the of home in the marketplace. As a first step, the Federal Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Government should subject its own buildings and those which it helps finance to such tests. Private contractors Further energy savings in buildings can be achieved should then be encouraged to assign an energy by reducing lighting levels (provided that the lighting is performance rating to their buildings as well. not already serving to handle part of the heating require- ment of the structure). Airtightness does conserve energy but it may also lead to the accumulation of unacceptable levels of indoor pollutants and to exces:- humidity if proper pre- RECOMMENDATION cautions are not taken. This problem can be overcome Lighting regimes in business and homes should by providing adequate and controlled ventilation in the be designed to ensure that electric energy is otherwise airtight building. By passing incoming cold air not wasted. and outgoing warm air through an air-to-air heat exchanger (Figure 6-1), proper ventilation can be achieved without losing excessive amounts of heat to In a greater departure from typical building design, the outdoors. A number of air-to-air heat exchangers are one witness advocated underground construction as a on the market at prices ranging from $100 to $500, and means of lowering the energy requirement for space plans are also available for inexpensive do-it-yourself heating and cooling. This saving can be realized units. because temperature fluctuations within the soil or

121 bedrock are much smaller than in the air. For example, While the groundwater regime and other subsurface an estimafed 10% of all cold storage in the United conditions will prevent underground construction from States is underground in Kansas City. In Scandinavia being practiced in some locales, this approach should more than 200 underground units are now in operation be receiving more serious consideration in Canada. for storing petroleum products. Experience here has shown that the construction and operating costs of such facilities are 30 to 50% less than for surface storage RECOMMENDATION and that the energy required to keep the oil warmed to Underground construction should be encou- 50 to 70°C (to avoid coagulation and other problems raged in appropriate circumstances as an ener- with product quality) is reduced by 60 to 80% (Jansson gy-conserving building technology. ef al. 1980). Cold storage and frozen storage facilities similarly demonstrate impressive energy savings when located underground. As we noted at the beginning of this section, we The Swedes are also considering transporting hot have done little more than give examples of some ener- water up to 120 km from a nuclear power station to gy-conserving suggestions made to the Committee. serve district heating systems in Stockholm and Upp- Nevertheless, the breadth of these suggestions has rein- sala. The water would be moved through unlined rock forced our conclusion that the conservation resource is tunnels because heat conduction in rocks is so low that rich indeed and worthy of much more attention than it the loss of thermal energy would be minimal. has thus far received.



Steam Direct Electricity ~;- - combustion Space and water heating

Cooking : C Process heat (e.g. crop drying) AiiUown Space and water heating gasification Electricity Cooking L Stationary engines Pyrotyslsor Regional fuel gas pipeline «MASS Mobile engines gasification . *> Methanol Stationary engines Gas turbines : synthesis Space and water heating Hydrolysis and ] Cooking Process heat fermentation I Steam to ethanol J r Electricity \ Space and water heating Anaerobic J Process heat I Steam Stationary engines l~ Mobile engines

Remove CO2 Natural gas pipeline

Source: United States. Office of Technology Assessment, 1980a, p. 24.

There are a number of advantages which accrue There are, however, a number of difficulties from exploiting biomass as a source of energy. associated with using biomass for energy production on • It is an abundant resource. a large scale. • It is available in many different forms and can be • The harvesting of vast amounts of biomass could adapted to a variety of uses. radically modify natural ecosystems and irreversibly • Biomass is continuously renewable provided adequate damage them or, even worse, completely displace resource management practices are carried out. them. (This impact could be reduced with proper resource management; however, if very large amounts • Its combustion can not only provide energy but it can of energy were to be derived from biomass. the also help reduce the waste disposal and/or pollution amount of growing space required would be corre- problems associated with the forest, pulp and paper, spondingly extensive.) and food processing industries, and with the municipal and agricultural sectors. • There is a great deal of controversy over whether large tracts of land should be used for food or energy • The combustion of recently living organic matter does production. not significantly alter the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as does the combustion of • The resource is often remote in location. fossil fuels. (This presumes proper management of the • It typically has a low energy density (contains a low biomass resource.) amount of energy per unit weight). • Biomass is a widely dispersed resource which can • It is often difficult to ship and store because of its wide often be well matched to regional requirements and variety of forms, which means that much of this small decentralized sites for energy production. resource is not economically exploitable with prevail- ing energy costs. • Biomass can replace high-sulphur-content fossil fuels and, in so doing, can reduce sulphur dioxide emis- • Biomass usually has a high moisture content, meaning sions, one of the prime causes of acid rain. it must be dried before burning because energy con-


tent is inversely proportional to water content and A. ETHANOL combustion efficiency increases with fuel dryness. Ethanol (C2H5OH) is produced almost exclusively by If biomass is burned in numerous, small, widely-dis- fermentation and all such processes consist of. four persed combustion units, it is" difficult to control or basic steps:_(1) the feedstock is processed and/or contain emissions., treated to produce a sugar solution; (2) yeasts or^bac- Biomass has a relatively high ash content. teria convert the sugar to ethanol and carbon dioxide; (3) distillation is used to remove the ethanol from the The incomplete combustion of biomass, such as fermentation solution, yielding ah ethanol/water solution occurs in most wood stoves and,fireplaces, releases which is at best 95.6% ethanol at normal pressures; and polycyclic organic matter (including benzo [a] pyrene (4) any remaining water is removed to produce "dry" or and several other known or suspected cancer-produc- anhydrous ethanol. This latter itep is usually accom- ing agents) to the atmosphere. plished by a second distillation in the presence of another chemical.

1. ALCOHOL FUELS Distillation There are two types of alcohol which have recently Distillation is a physical process which con- received attention as possible transportation fuels. sists in this application of heating an ethanol- These alcohols are methanol, characterized by the water solution and passing the resultant vapour chemical formula CH3OH, and ethanol, CrH5OH. rough a cooling column in which the vapour Although the former is usually associated with the feed- . ^ndenses and revapourizes numerous times — a stock wood (methanol has long been referred to as process that concentrates the ethanol and wood alcohol), it can also be synthesized from other removes the water. biomass feedstocks, as well as from natural gas and coal. Ethanol can similarly be derived from wood but the Because the boiling points of ethanol and process has not yet reached the commercial stage and water are very close, however, a certain amount of nearly all ethanol is produced from the fermentation of water is entrained with the ethanol as it vapourizes sugar- or starch-containing biomass. and condenses; thus the ethanol cannot be made more pure than 95.6% by this process alone. Alcohols have long been considered attractive as liquid fuels. Henry Ford originally designed the Model T to run on alcohol and later modified the design to The main distinctions among fermentation pro- accommodate alcohol, gasohol or gasoline when cesses utilizing different feedstocks arise primarily out of petroleum-derived fuels became cheap and plentiful. differences in the pretreatment steps to which the feed- Alcohols are well suited for use as fuels because they stock is subjected. Sugar-containing crops such as sug- are completely biodegradable, are easily portable, have arcane, sweet sorghum, sugar beets and sugar mangels a relatively high Btu content per unit weight (Table 6-1), yield sugar directly upon processing, but the sugar must burn cleaner than petroleum-derived fuels, and have a be concentrated or treated in some other fashion for higher octane rating than pure gasoline with no additives storage to prevent it from being broken down by bac- (octane number is a measure of a fuel's resistance to teria. Starch-containing feedstocks such as corn and self-ignition). The combustion products of ethanol are other grains need to be broken down (hydrolyzed) with discussed in the section on Nonconventional Propulsion. enzymes (biological catalysts) or acids to reduce or convert the: starch to sugar. Similarly, cellulosic (woody or cellulose-containing) feedstocks such as crop resi- dues, grasses, wood and municipal wastepaper require Table 6-1: ENERGY CONTENT OF METHANOL, extensive hydrolysis (either acidic or enzymatic) to ETHANOL AND GASOLINE reduce their more inert, long-chain, cellulose molecules to sugar subunits. No commercial cellulose-to-ethanol installations exist at the present time but pilot plants Btu/lb MJ/kg have been established in Brazil using eucalyptus wood. Small-scale experiments are being carried out in Canada Methanol . . 8,570 20 as well. Ethanol . 11.500 27 Ethünol can of course be produced from starch and Gasoline 13,900 44 sugar feedstocks with commercially available technolo- gy. Starch feedstocks are primarily grain crops such as Source: After Mathers, 1980, p. XXII-11. corn, wheat and oats, but also include various root plants such as potatoes. The sugar feedstocks are


Sugar crop

Residues (for fuel)

Press cake Oil Separated sugar solution

Concentrate Storage to syrup } "^

Ferment. Dilute

- Distill Evaporate to 95% ethanol

Distill to dry ethanol

Source: United States, Office of Technology Assessment 1980b, p. 160. I

plants such as sugarcane, sweet sorghum, sugar beets, Storage mangels and Jerusalem artichokes. The two processes for producing ethanol from starch and sugar feedstocks Source: United States, Office of Technology Assessment. are shown schematically in Figures 6-3 and 6-4. 1980b. p. 160. The attractiveness of ethanol derives from the fact that it can be used directly as a portable liquid transpor- tation fuel or it can be mixed with gasoline to produce Wood gasohol. In either case, it reduces demand for gasoline. Wood is composed primarily of cellulose, Mohawk Oil is the first company in Canada to hemicellulose and lignin. Cellulose can be broken produce gasoline-ethanol fuels. This company will be down to sugar and then fermented to alcohol. using ethanol, manufactured from damaged or surplus Hemicellulose, on the other hand, is composed of agricultural crops at the rate of approximately two mil- 5-carbon sugar (pentose) subunits and is more lion gallons per year (roughly 155 barrels per day) in a difficult to convert to ethanol. Researchers at the revamped distillery, to produce gasohol for sale in retail NRC have, however, made good progress in de- outlets in Manitoba. veloping organisms capable of pentose fermenta- tion. Lignin binds the woody material together, The proposal to make ethanol from cellulose is very makes the cellulose difficult to hydrolyze and is appealing as it would allow exploitation of Canada's itself not fermentable to alcohol. substantial cellulosic biomass resource, including wood wastes, spruce-budworm and fire-damaged wood, for feedstock. This resource is much larger than that repre- A new process has been developed in Canada sented by our starch and sugar crops and our food whereby cellulosic material is steam exploded to open processing wastes combined, and its exploitation would the wood structure and make the cellulose accessible avoid using food crops for energy production. Unfortu- for hydrolysis. This technique, together with the develop- nately, there are problems in breaking down cellulose to ment of new hydrolytic enzymes, new genetically-engi- sugars which can be fermented to ethanol. neered fermenting organisms and new ways of separat-


ing and utilizing the lignin by-product of the process, damaged crops or biomass grown on marginal land. To promises to make the production of ethanol from cel- date, experience with the on-farm production of alcohol lulosic feedstocks much more attractive in the future. If in the United States has shown that this can be an - biotechnological research produces new organisms expensive and frustrating venture. Nevertheless, some which can improve the efficiency of the overall process, farmers feel such production could be profitable and ethanol from biomass may become a much more attrac- provide a measure of energy self-sufficiency on the farm. tive alternative energy option in the future. There is no single recommended method for ethanoi distillation and each operation must consider the availa- bility of conventional fuels for the distillation process as CONCLUSION well as the kind of ethanol feedstock available. For Canada could become a world leader in cel- example, the amount of ethanol which can be derived lulose-to-ethanol technology by encouraging from different crops varies widely (Table 6-2). Further- the research, development and demonstration more, farmers must take into account the capital invest- of novel processes already being developed in ment required for stills and the use to which the alcohol this country. and by-products of distillation will be put.

RECOMMENDATION Table 6-2: POTENTIAL ALCOHOL YIELD The Committee recommends that the Federal FROM SELECTED STARCH- AND - Government, through Canertech, encourage the SUGAR-CONTAINING CROPS research, development and commercialization of cellulose-to-ethanol technology. Yieldlal Crop (litres/tonne) The controversy over whether or not ethanol pro- duction from agricultural crops results in a net energy Corn 430 gain remains to be resolved. If there is a net energy gain, Winter wheat 410 it is certainly small. Similarly, the controversy over Barley 390 whether agricultural crops should be used for food or for Rye 390 fuel rages on.' Many observers now agree, however, that Spring wheat 380 two competing end uses for the same product will Mixed grains (West) 350 inevitably lead to increased food prices and perhaps, in Buckwheat 350 some instances, to food shortages in the future. Peas, beans 350 Mixed grains (East) 330 CONCLUSION Oats 270 Potatoes 110 The Committee believes that fuel ethanol Jerusalem artichokes 87-100«" should be produced from spoiled and/or sur- Fodder beets 70-77"» plus crops and from crops grown on marginal Sugar beets 70 land. Only in special circumstances should Field roots 30 prime agricultural land or crops be exploited.

CONCLUSION (a) Yield assumes a maximum theoretical conversion to alcohol of 95%. The efficiency on farms would more The Committee believes that exploitable likely be 50 to 85%. ethanol feedstock resources (not counting cel- "" Preliminary values. lulose) cannot provide enough ethanol to Source: Canada, Department of Agriculture, 1980, p. 4; power the whole transportation sector. and personal communication. Department of Agriculture, 1981. RECOMMENDATION

Ethanol should be used as a gasoline extender The on-farm distillation of ethanol can give a meas- only and not as a substitute transportation fuel ure of independence from conventional fuels because in pure form, except perhaps on farms. gasoline engines can burn gasohol containing between 10 and 20% etfianol without modification and apparent- Individuals and members of farm co-operatives may ly without causing damage. Kits are being developed to wish to proceed with alcohol production using surplus or allow gasoline and diesel engines to burn mixtures of

127 gasoline (or diesel), alcohol and water, and engines RECOMMENDATION which run on pure alcohol have been developed The Committee does not endorse pure ethanol although they are not commercially available in Canada. from starch or sugar feedstocks as a major alternative liquid transportation fuel for Canada. The economic risk of farm-scale alcohol production It does, however, recommend that fuel ethanol is not well defined. Farmers may find this activity w;i .h- be permitted for personal use or for the produc- while if they are good handymen => ,n can build a still tion of gasohol. rather than buy a commercial set-Lip, i hey may also not count their own labour in overall costs. In any event there will be some capital outlay and interest to be paid B. METHANOL on the capital. In addition, the farmer must consider the : loss in revenue from not selling that portion of a crop Methanol (CH3OH) can be synthesized from a varie- which is used as ethanol feedstock, plus the costs of ty of sources including biomass, natural gas and coal. In depreciation, operation, energy inputs, - chemicals, the cases of biomass and coal, the raw feedstock must enzymes, insurance, licensing and bonding. (Feeding the first be gasified before synthesis. - mash or residue from ethanol production to livestock In the production of methanol from wood biomass, could help offset some of these expenses.) three basic steps are involved: gasification of the. wood, cleanup and modification of the gas produced.iand CONCLUSION liquefaction of the gas. Generally, gasification occurs when the wood is heated in an atmosphere deficient in Evidence suggests that on-farm alcohol produc- oxygen. This prevents complete combustion of the tion can be a risky business. Some knowledge wood and produces a gas containing principally hydro- of chemistry, engineering, microbiology and gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocar- plumbing is required and careful economic bons. These gaseous compounds are not produced in planning must be carried out before any such concentrations ideal for the synthesis of methanol; operation is attempted. therefore, their relative proportions are altered to obtain a hydrogen to carbon ratio which will provide good One way in which Canada is attempting to make it yields of methanol. In the final step, methanol is pro- easier for interested and enterprising individuals or duced by subjecting the modified synthesis gas to from groups to begin alcohol fuel production is to ease regu- 50 to 150 atmospheres of pressure at 230 to 270°C in lations set out in the Excise Act. Under existing legisla- the presence of a catalyst. A flow diagram for methanol tion, alcohol must be collected in a "locked receiver" synthesis is given in Figure 6-5. which can only be opened by a customs and excise Initially, a methanol industry could be fueled by inspector. The alcohol must also be rendered undrink- unusued mill wastes, forest residues, and other recover- able (denatured) by adding a prescribed chemical if the able biomass not currently utilized. In the long-term, alcohol produced is to be free of excise duty. Further- however, significant potential exists for tree farming more, a distiller's license ($250 per year) is required as (energy plantations) to provide the cellulose required to well as a surety bond of $200,000 which costs $500 per feed methanol plants. These plantations would allow year. These restrictions inhibit would-be distillers from abandoned farms and marginal lands to provide high making alcohol fuel. yields of forest biomass with rotation times of from two to five years. CONCLUSION Since the quantities of cellulosic feedstocks are so much greater than those of sugar or starch crops, it The Committee welcomes the Government would seem there is greater potential for alcohol produc- action to amend the Excise Act, making it tion via the methanol route than via the ethanol route easier for interested people to begin distilling (although production of both alcohols can be alcohol fuel. encouraged). The provision of cellulosic feedstocks for methanol production requires less energy than does raising agricultural starch or sugar crops. In other words, RECOMMENDATION the chances of achieving net energy gains from The Committee recommends that the Govern- methanol may be greater than from ethanol. Fewer ment ensure, in its amendments to the Excise land-use arguments should arise in producing feedstock Act, that production of ethanol in excess of for a methanol industry than for an ethanol industry as individual requirements may be sold to retail trees can be grown on land which ranges widely in suppliers of alcohol fuel or gasohol. quality and topography. Indeed, there is unlikely to be


Figure 6-5: PROCESS DIAGRAM FOR METHANOL costs competitive with gasoline at present world prices SYNTHESIS for oil.

Wood or This technology would allow Canada to use natural gas in the short term to produce some liquid transporta- plant herbage tion fuel. It would also allow us to exploit biomass for methanol production faster and on a larger scale than by any other route. Methanol could be produced via this hybrid technology within two years, whereas developing a pure biomass-to-methanol technology would require Recycle tars an estimated seven years before commercial production and oils could begin. Not only would yields be high using this hybrid approach, but experimentation with biomass gasification (the last untried step in methanol-from- biomass technology) would allow Canada to develop an expertise which could later be applied in methanol plants based completely on biomass as a carbon source Shift gas composition and using pure hydrogen to spike the synthesis gas. This would give Canada a lead in the research, development and commercialization of-methanol production^ from biomass and, when perfected, the expertise and tech- Pressurize with nology could be profitably exported. catalyst Crude Storage methanol CONCLUSION Distill The Committee concludes there is a great potential for developing a methanol-from- biomass industry in Canada and that this coun- try could become a world leader in methanol Storage technology.

RECOMMENDATION Methanol The Committee recommends that the construc- Source: United States. Office of Technology Assessment, tion of a hybrid natural gas/biomass methanol 1980a, p. 95. plant be encouraged to demonstrate this tech- nology of methanol production as soon as severe competition between crops for energy and crops possible. for food if methanol is produced, thus resolving the "food versus fuel" controversy to some extent. RECOMMENDATION Witnesses before the Committee described a unique Canadian opportunity for development of a Since hybrid natural gas/biomass methanol methanol industry, incorporating a combined natural plants are a transitional step in establishing a gas/biomass primary feedstock. Since the carbon/ fuel methanol industry, the Committee further hydrogen ratio in biomass is higher than ideal for recommends that such plants be converted methanol synthesis, significant gains in yield can be when feasible to operation using biomass alone made by spiking the synthesis gas with hydrogen. or biomass spiked with electrolytic hydrogen. Canada has abundant supplies of natural gas which is a

hydrogen carrier, as CH4 has a high hydrogen to carbon ratio. Therefore combining natural gas with the biomass ft has been suggested to the Committee that one of synthesis gas is essentially spiking it with hydrogen and the major stumbling blocks to the introduction of high yields of methanol can thereby be achieved. High methanol as an alternative fuel is the fact that Canadian yields translate into reduced production costs and mean consumers presently have to pay world-level prices for that the methanol industry can produce methanol at this commodity as a petrochemical feedstock.

129 RECOMMENDATION lulose less susceptible to attack. Treatments such as hydrolysis can improve the susceptibility to attack but In the short term, Canada should allow fuel efficiencies of conversion to biogas are not expected to methanol to be sold at prices lower than gaso- exceed 40 to 50 %. It may therefore make better sense line in order to make it attractive as an alterna- to burn cellulosic feedstocks directly to release energy tive transportation fuel. rather than try to gasify them.

The best feedstock for biogas production is wet 2. BIOGAS biomass such as animal manures, some aquatic plants, sewage sludges, or food-processing wastes from Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion of cheesemaking or potato, tomato or fruit processing. The biomass. In this process various types of bacteria digestion process must be monitored frequently degrade organic material in the absence of air to pro- because changes in temperature, feedstocks or toxin duce a gaseous mixture composed predominantly of concentrations can generate an increase in the quantity methane (CH4 or natural gas) and carbon dioxide in of certain acids which can in turn inhibit the methane- varying proportions. The organisms which cause the producing bacteria. breakdown may already be present in the feedstock or may be added to it as an inoculum (a small volume of a During digestion a bacterial population evolves bacterial culture). which is particularly adapted to the operating conditions of the reactor. For this reason, feedstock composition The energy value of biogas derives almost com- and operating conditions should be kept as constant as pletely from its methane content which may range from possible to ensure the process operates with maximum 50 to 70% of the evolved gas. The carbon dioxide can efficiency and produces optimal yields. Biogas produc- be removed if the biogas is to be mixed with natural gas tion usually begins within a day of charging the digester in pipelines but this involves treating the gas with a but, without proper management, stabilization of the complex and expensive technology. Other gases such fermenting population may take months. as ammonia may also be produced in varying propor- tions during the digestion process, but the main con- In addition to producing gas, anaerobic biodiges- taminant is usually hydrogen sulphide (H2S). This com- tion generates other materials which are useful — the pound can cause corrosion in engines using biogas fuel effluent from a digester may contain bacteria, lignocel- and it may cause irritation and nausea in people lulosic (containing lignin and cellulose) material, undi- exposed to it. H2S can be removed with simple, inexpen- gested feedstock and nutrients. Since most pathogenic sive technology. (disease-causing) bacteria are destroyed during the pro- Digestion usually takes place at temperatures rang- cess, wastes can be rendered less hazardous and the ing from 35 to 65°C. depending upon the feedstock effluent or sludge used as a soil fertilizer or, under some used and upon which kinds of bacteria one wishes to circumstances, as a water fertilizer to enhance aquatic favour for growth. The digestion process is well suited plant growth. Dewatered digester wastes also hold the for treating wastes which are found in, or can be con- promise of providing animal feed, a possibility under verted to, a wet slurry. Thus, in addition to producing a active investigation. Certainly, the economics of biogas valuable energy commodity, anaerobic digestion can production from animal manure and other feedstocks reduce the toxicity of waste materials, and hence their would be improved if digester wastes could be used for pollution hazards, and can reduce the odour problems feed. usually associated with animal wastes. Despite the reduction in pathogenicity, the major Digestion is carried out by a mixed assortment of potential problem associated with biogas production bacteria not all of which have been identified. The concerns treatment of waste waters which may contain breakdown processes are complicated and the bio- heavy metals, pesticides and high levels of nutrients. chemistry of degradation is not completely understood; This, however, is only a design and operational problem however, degradation generally takes place in three as the technology exists for treating such waters to steps. First, decomposition of (arge organic molecules render them environmentally harmless. yields smaller molecules such as sugars and amino There are many designs for anaerobic digesters and acids. Second, these smaller compounds are converted these reactors are found in many forms and sizes around to organic acids, and third, the organic acids are trans- the world. They range from primitive structures to tech- formed into the gas methane. nologically-advanced units and R&D in this technology is Cellulosic materials digest slowly, particularly those advancing so rapidly that any list of digesters quickly with a high lignin (complex cementing substance found becomes outdated. However several basic reactor types in wood) content because this material makes the cel- are described in the following paragraphs.


The single-tank plug flow system is a simple adap- the raw organic matter. In this design the feedstock tation of the digester type which has long been used in slurry is fed upwards through a vertical column packed Asia (Figure 6-6). The feedstock is loaded through the with small stones, plastic balls, ceramic chips or other inlet, digested material is removed from the outlet and inert materials. The bacteria attach to this column ma- biogas is taken from the (op of the fermentation tank terial and degrade the organic matter as it flows past _. where it collects. them. The design allows large quantities of slurry to pass~ through the digester while maintaining a high concentra- Multitank batch systems consist of a series of tanks tion of bacteria on the support material. This system is which are sealed after being charged with feedstock. best suited to dilute municipal sewage as thicker feed- When the digestion process is complete the biogas is stocks rapidly clog the column. drawn off and the effluent is emptied. Such systems are well adapted to operations which produce feedstock in batches rather than steadily. CONCLUSION A single-tank complete mix system consists of a A wide variety of digesters has been described fermentation tank which is heated and mixed several in the literature and a number are available from times daily. This system may be coupled with a second manufacturers. This type of system can help unmixed, unheated storage tank to-form a two-stage farmers attain'energy self-sufficiency on their digester in which additional degradation takes place and farms, and for operators of large feedlots and solid wastes are allowed to precipitate.rThe second tank stockyards it offers the added bonus of reduc- allows yields of biogas to be improved. This type of ing pollution problems by treating hazardous reactor is used primarily for sewage treatment. wastes. There are other advantages to be gained from anaerobic digestion, including the Experiments are now being carried out with multi- production of fertilizer and, possibly, animal phase digester systems in which successive tanks are feed. regulated to optimize the various steps in the fermenta- tion process. These are complex systems which must be carefully managed and are presently being studied utiliz- ing sewage sludge as the primary feedstock. They may RECOMMENDATION be adaptable to other feedstocks as well and theoreti- cally could achieve high overall efficiencies in biogas The Committee recommends that the technolo- generation. gy of anaerobic digestion should be actively pursued in Canada and that additional biogas Another variation in reactor design utilizes different reactors should be installed to demonstrate types of "beds" to act as a material support for the their effectiveness in the Canadian environ- bacterial populations which bring about the digestion of ment.

Figure 6-6: CHINESE DESIGN OF A BIOGAS DIGESTER Gas vent pipe Outlet Gas outlet pipe Cover plate Ground level Loading chamber Sludge Over-flow chamber


Source: United States, Office of Technology Assessment, 1980b, p. 185.

131 3. WOOD Table 6-3: CONVENTIONAL FUELS REPLACED Wood has been used as a fuel in this country since PER ANNUM BY "FIRE" PROJECTS it was first inhabited. In fact, the burning of fuel wood is APPROVED TO 22 JUNE 1980 probably as old as civilization and continues to a greater or lesser extent throughout the world today. Wood is Per Cent of certainly Canada's most abundant biomass resource. It Type of Fuel Replaced Total is available in most parts of the country either as waste Oil 70.0 material produced by the forest products industry or as Natural Gas 23.4 standing, living biomass. In the future, with proper man- Coal 3.8 agement of Canada's existing forests (which has not Electricity 2.7 traditionally been the case) and with the development of Propane and Butane 0.1 energy plantations on marginal or abandoned farmland, this country's biomass resource could significantly 100.0la> increase in size.

At the present time biomass supplies about 3.5% (al So far the equivalent of 2.5 million barrels of oil of Canada's energy requirements (somewhat more than per annum has been replaced. that contributed by nuclear fission), most of which is Source: Canada. Department of Energy. Mines and derived from pur-forests. Its main use is for the produc- Resources, 1980f. p. 12. tion of process heat and steam and, to a lesser extent, electricity. Virtually all of it is utilized by the forest industries. fuels production from biomass, to name some of the The $104 million Forest Industry Renewable Energy most important. As of early 1980, the Government had (FIRE) program was designed to replace fossil fuels used funded some 46 projects worth around $3.7 million. in the forest industry by unutilized combustible biomass residues. Its goal is to save the equivalent of 23 million barrels of oil per year by 1985. FIRE provides financial CONCLUSION incentives to the forest industry for the installation of The Committee concludes that the ENFOR and proven biomass energy equipment and the companies FIRE programs have been largely successful involved receive progress payments of up to 20 % of the and applauds the recent announcement in the eligible costs of approved projects. The program was National Energy Program of a near tripling of initiated in 1978 and to date some 45 applications for the budget for FIRE. assistance have been approved at a total commitment of $21 million. The type and distribution of fuels replaced through the FIRE program are shown in Table Some say the amount of energy derived from 6-3. biomass (primarily wood) could be trebled by the year 2000, an optimistic view which is shared by the Commit- Most FIRE funds have gone to pulp and paper mills tee. The main problems to be overcome are those rather than to the wood industry as the former generally inherent in the resource itself: the size of the capital have a higher energy consumption per unit of product investment required to allow exploitation of the output than the latter. Energy consumption for pulp and resource, and the lack of a well-developed commercial paper manufacture amounts to about 20 % of the value and industrial infrastructure geared to the harvesting, added compared to less than 5% for wood products. distribution and utilization of biomass in its many forms. Pulp mills require larger, more expensive and more Many of the disadvantages involved in exploiting all complex energy systems, and it is easier to promote the forms of biomass, such as its low energy density, its program among 150 pulp mills than among the approxi- variety in form and the attendant difficulties in its trans- mately 8,000 wood operations. portation, can be mitigated to a large extent by upgrad- The Federal Government has also provided $30 ing. This can be achieved by such means as pulveriza- million for the period 1978 to 1984 through the Energy tion, drying and densification, or chemical conversion. In from the Forest (ENFOR) program to help fund research fact, a variety and combination of steps can transform projects and demonstrations of innovative techniques in the organic matter of biomass into standard commodity biomass resource production and conversion. ENFOR is fuels which are both convenient and economic to ship, administered by the Canadian Forest Service of Environ- store and burn. ment Canada and evaluates proposals for biomass plan- There are many ways wood can be used to provide tations, wood combustion and gasification, and liquid energy (Figure 6-7). It can be burned directly to provide

132 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES heat, process steam and, via co-generation, electricity Wood tissue is comprised primarily of cellulose, as well. It can be gasified to provide a fuel gas to replace hemicellulose, lignin and water in varying concentra- oil and natural gas. It can be converted to methanol via tions. Biomass typically has a low mass energy density synthesis after gasification, or to ethanol via fermenta- (MED) or low amount of energy which can be delivered tion. Finally, by means of slow heating under pressure, it per unit of mass. Similarly, biomass has a low volume can be converted to oil.. energy density (VED). This is unfortunate as fuels with a~ high MED (or VED) are preferable to those with a low A. TDIRECT COMBUSTION OF-WOOD-AND-DENSI- MED (or VED) because the former type is more efficient FIED BIOMASS FUEL (DBF) to store, ship and burn. Thus the large resources of wood in areas far from population centres or resource Wood can be burned directly for residential use or utilization locations are not economically exploitable for industrial purposes but certain conditions have to be unless they are upgraded or converted to fuels which met to maintain a positive net energy balance in exploit- have a high MED (or VED) before shipping. Theprime ing this resource. The energy contained in wood justifies energy commodities which can be derived from wood its cutting, handling and transportation for up to 40 to and wood waste are densified wood and, as described 60 miles depending on the region; however, further elsewhere, the alcohols methanol and ethanol. An processing or transportation means that more energy increase in MED and VED is most desirable because may be sgent in delivering the fuel to the user than is combustion efficiency increases with increasing energy provided during combustion. It does not make good density and low moisture content; the efficiency of boiler energy sense to "spend "more energy in providing a fuel heat exchange is a function of the quantity of gas than-is'contained "in-"the "fuel itself (although such use produced frorrfsTgiven volume or mass of wood and the may be justified in the short term if the wood substitutes water content of the fuel. for oil). The use of unprocessed wood should remain local then and, fortunately, the wide dispersion of the Mass energy density and volume energy density wood resource very often allows this condition to be values for raw wood and densified wood are shown in met.


i£>Space heating COflibtlSfiOfl rj>Hot water

Combustion |> Steam GGo£>Electricity inbofler

> Steam Combustion

inbofcr >Hot water Mroknm WUUU yssificstion •WURKlDn j .Heat

r>Wethanol Pyiolyilsor synthesis

oxygen-Mum >Pyrolysis oil > Regional gas pipeline

• N ' ^ Hydrolysis EHunol synthesta Ethanol N, rO

Source: United States, Office of Technology Assessment. 1980a, p. 64.

133 Table 6-4. These data show that the densification of content. Because compacted fuels have a low moisture wood converts this resource into a substance which is content, they biodegrade slowly and can be stored for superior to the raw feedstock in terms of fuel value per long periods but only if kept dry. Biomass pellets make a unit of volume. Figure 6-8 shows the typical energy satisfactory fuel for fixed-grate boilers, either supple- content of biomass versus moisture content. menting or replacing coal. While DBF does not share two advantages of coal — concentrated sources of supply and an estab- Table 6-4: ENERGY DENSITIES OF"WOOD BY" lished industrial infrastructure — neither does it share- MASS AND VOLUME many of its liabilities, such as sulphur emissions, environ- mental disruption by strip-mining and black lung disease Water Heat of Combustion'31 in coal workers. Although any economic analysis of DBF Con- Density Volume (VED) versus coal is highly site- and time-sensitive, it appears tent (gams/ Mass (MED) (kilojoules/ Fuel (%) cm3) (kilojoules/gram) cm3) that DBF may have an economic advantage in regions Wood 10 0.6 18.6 11.2 with abundant biomass but no coal. DBF may also be Densified preferable to coal for industrial or utility processes where Wood 10 1.0 18.6 18.6 sulphur abatement is required.

"I Values shown are representative of a range for each fuel. • The technology for burning DBF in supplement to or in replacement of coal is well developed. Suspension Source: After Reed and Bryant. 1978. p. B-2. and spreader stoker coal-firing systems,can:burn,DBF with little or no modification. «Boilers-specifically designed to burn wood — fluidizëd bed combustors. small firetube boilers, bark burning boilers, and vortex combustors — will also burn DBF and are commercially Figure 6-8: SENSITIVITY OF ENERGY CONTENT TO available today in a wide range of capacities. MOISTURE CONTENT IN WOOD It is neither practical nor economical to substitute DBF in existing gas and oil boilers. DBF is, however, an attractive feedstock for low- to medium-Btu gasification. The product gas can be used to produce process heat -18.6 Kilojoules/gram (16 MBtu/Ton) and to fuel existing gas and oil installations with only at 10% moisture minor engineering modifications. Because gasifiers per- form best on a uniform, dense and clean feedstock. DBF may be preferable to coal or green biomass. Other potential uses of DBF include fueling residen- tial, commercial or industrial central heating systems; fueling airtight wood stoves; firing external combustion engines; fueling fireplaces and outdoor grills; and pro- ducing pyrolysis oil and high-density charcoal. In sum- mary, the process of densifying biomass holds the pro- 40 60 % Moisture in Biomass mise of providing a dry, uniform, easily stored and conveniently shipped fuel from the wide variety of resi- Source: After Reed and Bryant. 1978, p. B-5. dues produced by forest, agriculture and food process- ing industries. The first patent for densification was issued in 1880 and described a process in which sawdust or other CONCLUSION wood residues were heated to 150° F and compacted to the "density of bituminous coal" with a steam hammer. The Committee feels that there are definite Since then a number of patents have been issued for advantages to be gained from increased exploi- similar processes but, in general, five forms of biomass tation of Canada's wood resources and that densification are now practiced commercially: pelleting, one of the ways of making wood a more attrac- cubing, extrusion, briquetting and rolling-compressing. tive and versatile fuel is by densification.

Depending on the feedstock and the degree of compaction, densifred biomass may have a water-repel- RECOMMENDATION lent skin. However, exposure to water should be avoided As the technology for biomass densification is during storage, particularly if the DBF has a high paper available now and is being used in some loca-


tions, the Committee recommends that de- immediately. Such a study should be completed velopment of the wood densification industry before expanded use of firewood is recom- should be encouraged in Canada. This means mended for urban centres. that increased emphasis in R&O should be placed on improving combustion technologies for densified biomass fuels and on developing RECOMMENDATION end uses and markets for the densified biomass Fire safety regulations should be reviewed and product. strengthened so that the installation and use of wood stoves and fireplaces does not lead to a Some environmentalists are expressing concern tragic increase in the incidence of fires in about the growing popularity of residential, as opposed homes using fuel wood. to industrial, wood burning. Carbon monoxide, particu- late matter and polycyclic organic matter (POM) are all B. GASIFICATION emitted from wood stoves and fireplaces, and a draft paper prepared by Battelle for the Environmental Pro- When wood is exposed to heat it first begins to lose tection Agency in the United States concerning industri- moisture then decomposes (pyrolyzes) into a variety of al and commercial wood combustion, stated that compounds depending upon temperature, the rate of heating and the presence or absence of oxygen. The ...low-temperature wood-burning units tend to pro- wood itself does not burn, rather it is the products of duce more undesirable atmospheric emissions than do pyrolysis which do. In the presence of ample supplies of the larger units which operate at higher temperatures and with greater turbulence... it may be that the small oxygen, these products combust completely to form residential wood-burning units are capable of produc- predominantly carbon dioxide (CO2), water and ash. In ing larger quantities of POM emissions than the com- the absence of oxygen, the main gaseous pyrolysis mercial/industrial-size wood-burning boilers... (Bu- products are carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H ) and diansky, 1980, p. 770) 2 some CO2, collectively known as synthesis gas. Thus there is a danger that increased residential use Gasification of wood under pyrolytic conditions is a of firewood may have detrimental effects on the environ- highly useful process because it converts a bulky and ment. The POM emitted by wood stoves and fireplaces difficult to handle raw material into a flexible fuel. The contains benzo [a] pyrene and other known or suspect- synthesis gas produced can be piped easily; it can be ed carcinogens and may represent a significant health used to fire fossil-fueled systems; or it can be combust- hazard and cancer risk in certain locations. ed to generate electricity. In addition, the chemical Wood is now recognized as a serious source of air composition of this gas can be adjusted by adding pollution. Vail. Colorado, and many communities in hydrogen to give the proper ratio of carbon to hydrogen New Hampshire and Vermont (particularly in valleys to allow efficient synthesis of methanol. susceptible to paniculate haze) have already been forced into coming to grips with the smoke and haze resulting from the residential wood-stove boom. (Budiansky. 1980. p. 769) RECOMMENDATION The Committee believes that the technology of CONCLUSION biomass gasification should be funded on a priority basis in biomass R&D. It has the poten- The Committee sees increased use of firewood tial of allowing greater use of wood (and other for home heating as a means of substituting a biomass feedstocks) to fire systems which tra- renewable energy source for oil and as a good ditionally have used fossil fuels. It is perhaps way of making people aware of how they use the last part of the technology of methanol energy in their lives. This may help Canadians synthesis from biomass which must be develop a personal feeling for the importance improved upon to assure commercialization of of conservation. Nonetheless, the Committee is this alcohol fuel option. concerned about the increased use of firewood in homes, particularly in urban areas. 4. PEAT RECOMMENDATION A. THE NATURE OF PEAT The Committee recommends that a study of how the increasing combustion of wood in Peat is partially decomposed organic matter which urban areas will affect air quality should begin is made up principally of decayed Sphagnum moss,

135 although a minor component may be contributed by thickness but becomes darker and denser with depth other aquatic plants, grasses or sedges. It is formed very until the black colour and putty-like consistency of slowly by the decay of this dead vegetation under mature peat is encountered. anaerobic (oxygen deficient) conditions. All Canada's At all its different stages in development, peat con- peat bogs have developed since the last glacial epoch, tains a very high proportion of water, usually averaging some 10,000 years ago. around 95% by weight. This means that, perhaps sur- Peat bogs differ from other types of wetlands in that prisingly, there is less solid matter in peat than there is in they are nourished almost entirely from rainwater. Their milk. This high water content has always been the main surface is a continuous carpet of Sphagnum moss which barrier to the extensive exploitation of pea! as an energy supports a layer of grass and shrubs and, occasionally, source. trees. In Canada peat bogs may be as large as tens of Because peat occurs on the Earth's surface and kilometres across but are generally much smaller. extends only to relatively shallow depths, its removal is A peat bog is made up of a number of layers. The unlikely to cause environmental problems as severe as top level is living bog vegetation. The second consists of those associated with strip-mining. However, great care very young peat „which is characterized by a'loose open should be exercised during and after peat excavation to structure that clearly shows the form of the dead vegeta- ensüre Jthat harvested bogs do not turn into muddy tion from which it is derived. The third layer is of varying wastelands. Fortunately, peatjias been: mined for years in other countries and there is a"wealtrfbf experience in reclaiming bogs. In fact, with proper management, dep- Development of a Peat Bog for Energy leted bogs can be used for agricultural land or for Production energy plantations (Figure 6-9). It is essential then that Peatlands have to be developed before they peat harvesting only be permitted with the assurance of can produce utilizable peat and a great deal of proper reclamation after excavation. preparation, usually taking several years, is required before production can proceed. First, the Harvested peat can be marketed in three different bog must be surveyed to determine how much forms. Sod peat is made by a large cutting machine peat there is, what its quality is, how it can best be which dredges peat from all depths of the bog, mixes it drained and how access routes to the resource and forms it into sods. They are therefore all of similar can be set up by rail and road. quality and can compete in the marketplace with other industrial fuels. Milled peat is scraped from the surface The second step is drainage. Since peat is of the bog in the form of a coarse powder. After drying approximately 95% water, it cannot support this material can be either burned in power stations or heavy machinery and removal of as much mois- processed into briquettes. Briquettes are small tightly- ture as possible is essential. A network of drain- packed blocks of milled peat, the quality of which is age ditches is dug to begin the process of dewa- carefully monitored because the briquetting process can tering and, as the bog consolidates, these drains tolerate only small variations in density, moisture and are deepened to facilitate further water removal. ash content. About one-fifth of the energy in the peat is This stage normally takes five to seven years to used to produce the briquettes and this product is used complete and reduces the bog's moisture content primarily for home heating. to approximately 90%. This may seem a trivial improvement but, in fact, it is very significant as it represents removing more than half the water B. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOP- contained in the peat. At 95 % water content the MENT ratio is 1 part solid to 19 parts water; at 90% the ratio is 1 part solid to only 9 parts water. World peat resources over 50 cm thick are estimat- ed to total some 145 billion tonnes dry weight, having an After draining the bog is levelled. This is done energy equivalent to about 63.5 billion tonnes of oil. to facilitate drying of the peat and to allow Much of this total is located in the U.S.S.R. but large mechanical handling to take place with maximum quantities are found in other countries as well, with efficiency. Canada ranking second in terms of resource size (Table The final step involves establishing a network 6-5). of light railways over the surface of the bog for the handling and transportation of the peat. All these Finland has a number of power stations which utilize steps plus the fact that only a few inches of peat peat to produce electricity, and steam and hot water for are harvested annually mean that a bog may be district heating. The Finns expect to derive from 5 to commercially exploited for several decades. 10% of their total energy requirements from peat in the future.




and supplies about 6% of Canada's electrical power.) In Table 6-5: WORLD PEAT RESOURCES addition, perhaps 4.5 million tonnes of peat are pro- duced annually for home heating. Billions of Tonnes at Ireland presently operates seven peat-fired electri- 40% Moisture cal generating stations. These installations consume Country Content approximately 56 % of Ireland's harvested peat (about 5 million tonnes annually) and produce about one-third of U.S.S.R.™ 147.4 the country's thermally-generated electricity. If peat Canada"" 22.7 were not used as an energy source, the cost of supply- Finland 16.3 ing that electricity with imported oil would be some £60 United States 12.7 million. Moreover, exports of peat (predominantly hor- Sweden 8.2 ticultural peat) currently pump £70 million a year into the Poland 5.4 Irish economy. West Germany 5.4 Ireland 4.5 Irish research is currently directed towards studying the conversion of depleted bogs into energy plantations and experiments with fast-growing hybrid clones of ••' Investigated resources; probable resources are about several tree species are being actively pursued. The 200 billion tonnes. most promising species so far examined are willows, vi Now regarded as underestimated. poplars and alders. It is estimated that the energy Source: "Peat Facts", 1977. output per unit area from a biomass plantation will only be some 1/7th or 1/8th of that derived from milled peat production. In the U.S.S.R. it is estimated that an electrical generating capacity in excess of 6,000 MW is peat-fired. Peatlands cover approximately 12% of Canada's (By comparison, Churchill Falls generates 5.225 MW land surface, an area 12 times that of the Island of

137 Newfoundland. Much of the resource is located in inac- CONCLUSION cessible northern areas but significant deposits occur in As peat deposits often occur in less developed the Atlantic Provinces and in southern Quebec and regions of Canada and since peat production is Ontario. Attempts to inventory the peat resource have a labour-intensive activity, development of been made in a number of parts of Canada, particularly ~ Canada's peat resources could provide employ- in New Brunswick and Newfoundland, but a full charac- ment as well as produce energy. terization of the Canadian resource has yet to be done. The use of peat for energy production is attractive, particularly in areas that are" deficient in other energy resources, but at the present time Canadian peat is recovered exclusively for horticultural purposes. RECOMMENDATION Recently there has been increasing interest shown in fuel peat by Canadians and one study on the feasibil- Canada's extensive peat deposits represent a ity of peat-fired power generation concluded that peat significant alternative energy opportunity, but was economic compared with oil-fired Oi coal-fired sta- our resource base has been only partially •'ons of the same size in New Brunswick. Hydro-Quebec outlined. An accurate assessment of its quanti- has studied the feasibility-of peat-fired-power stations ty, quality and location should be completed. and has been considering peat gasification as a means of replacing diesel generation on Anticosti Island. New- foundland is developing a peat bog to assess the feasi- One option for peat use which may be particularly bility and cost of harvesting and transporting fuel peat attractive from the point of view of helping Canada on the Island. Peat burning tests will be conducted at develop methanol as a portable liquid power fuel would the Grand Falls pulp and paper mill of Price (Newfound- be to develop an expertise in methanol production from land) Limited. The Province is also interested in the peat-derived synthesis gas. potential for displacing diesel-electric generation with small peat-fired generating units in isolated communi- ties. Perhaps one reason peat development has been slow in Canada derives from the fact that very little peat RECOMMENDATION expertise exists in this country. This is in contrast to The Committee recommends that peat R&D many European nations where much peat R&D and the encompass the development of an efficient teaching of peat-related studies at the university level technology for the gasification of peat. This takes place. The technology of harvesting and utilizing would allow Canada to broaden its resource peat is well developed elsewhere although it is strange to base for the production of the alternative liquid Canada. transportation fuel methanol.

138 ES-"~;.*~'f.'r^~ '•' * j-;;.-.—.-jr~^-;..---O- .-_, . -. state, the bed shows many of the characteristics of a In the United States research into FBC is at an liquid, hence the term fluidized. Fuel is added to and advanced stage and the Johnston Boiler Co. of Ferrys- burned within, the fluidized bed, and a significant fraction ville, Michigan is already licensed to sell boilers incor- of the combustion heat is extracted by heat transfer porating this technology. A recently commissioned 12.6 surfaces in direct contact with the bed. :^ kilogram/second (100,000 Ib/hr) FBC steam generator Hot gases from combustion may be used to drive at Georgetown University, Washington,- D.C.y was gas turbines for electrical power generation. The com- designed and manufactured by Foster Wheeler Energy bustion chamber itself may be kept at atmospheric Corporation. This unit has been burning high sulphur pressure (Atmospheric Fluidized Bed — AFB) or pressu- coal in a densely populated area since mid-1979 and rized (Pressurized Fluidized Bed — PFB). The latter has met strict pollution emissions regulations. option is technically more complex but it reduces the The United States Department of Energy is spon- size of the combustion chamber and hence capital soring research into both atmospheric and pressurized costs. Tests have suggested that PFB units allow greater fluidized bed boilers. Unde' this program, a 20 MW AFB sulphur removal than AFB systems. Finally, the use of a pilot plant has been operated by Monangahela Power gas turbine in a combined gas-steam system is more Co. at Rivesville, West Virginia since 1976. The project is efficient with a PFB. aimed at developing an environmentally acceptable pro- FBC offers a number of distinct advantages over cess for burning high-sulphur coals. Five other contracts conventional boiler technology. have been let by DOE to design, buildand test FBC boilers or heaters using AFB combustors. In PFB • Sulphur dioxide (SO ) emissions can be reduced at 2 research, the Department is sponsoring the Curtiss- lower cost than with any available alternative by Wright Corp. in designing, constructing, operating and adding limestone to the bed. evaluating a 13 MW coal-fired pilot plant. In Fiscal Year • Nitrogen oxides (NOJ emissions are reduced because (FY) 1980 Federal funding of FBC research amounted to of the lower combustion temperatures characteristic over $50 million and in FY 1981 funding is to exceed of FBC units. $68 million. • Coal and other fuels burn more rapidly in a fluidized In West Germany, a full-scale demonstration of FBC bed and heat transfer to the boiler tubes is more rapid technology is underway at the Flingern power station at and uniform than in conventional boilers. Dusseldorf. The 35 MW installation was designed, built • The positioning and closely-spaced arrangement of and commissioned by companies of the Deutsche Bab- the boiler tubes makes fluidized bed units more cock Group. Planning began in early 1978 and trial compact. operations began in late 1979. • FBC boilers can burn almost any size or type of coal As part of the activities of the International Energy and a wide variety of other fuels such as wcod chips, Agency, the United Kingdom, United States and West combustible garbage, municipal sludge, agricultural Germany are cooperating in the construction of a PFB wastes, oil shale and petroleum fractions as well. combustor in Grimethorpe, Yorkshire, England. The facility was started in fiscal year 1977 and was to be • Capital costs are competitive with conventional solid completed in FY 1980. fuel boilers. The principles of FBC technology are well estab- The People's Republic of China is perhaps the most lished, and its advantages and problems are fairly well advanced country in terms of the practical application of understood. Pressurized fluidized bed boilers for electri- FBC. Research began in the early 1960s and the first cal power generation are in the advanced pilot plant FBC boiler was put into service in Mourning in 1969. In stage, and there seems to be no doubt that they will 1980 there were more than 2,000 FBC boilers operating prove to be technically feasible. In North America, FBC in China, with capacities ranging up to 50 tonnes/hour. is used today in commercially available atmospheric They are used for district heating, industrial applications pressure boilers, dryers and incinerators. and power generation, and burn a wide variety of fuels including such low-grade energy sources as shale fines, In Britain, interest in FBC was sporadic until 1974 coal washery wastes, stone-like coal and lignite. when, following a major study of the national coal indus- try, the government authorized the National Coal Board Simple fluidized bed combustors have been avail- to implement a "Plan for Coal" that will increase annual able commercially in Canada for close to 15 years. The output to 136 million tonnes with the aim of displacing Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (through oil and gas in the national energy mix. Renewed impetus CANMET, the Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy was thus given to the development of FBC and by 1980 Technology) supports a demonstration program intend- several demonstration/prototype boilers using FBC ed to promote FBC technology at an increasing scale in were in daily use at industrial sites. commercial applications specifically suited to exploit its

140 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES advantages; and to reduce risk to a level at which suitable industrial location. For electrical power genera- private sector funding can be rationalized. tion, an FBC boiler perhaps ten times the size of an industrial boiler would be needed. The obvious place for Special objectives of the EMR demonstration pro- such a utility-sized boiler would be in the Atlantic region; gram are to: provide the industrial market with an alter- with its local supply of high-sulphur coal and its depend- native to oil and natural gas; provide a means of burning ence upon foreign oil. Under the Oil Substitution Agree- high sulphur coal with control of SO2 emissions; provide ment between the Governments of Canada and Nova a technology for utilizing low-grade fuels which have a Scotia, the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources combination of high moisture, high ash, and low reactivi- has sponsored studies into the best location for a 150 ty; and provide more efficient coal-to-electricity cycles MW unit, with completion targeted for 1988. (Friedrich, 1980a,: p. 8). The main elements of this program are summarized in Table 6-6. Western Canadian coal must be washed and dried before it is exported. In the past the drying process has As indicated in Table 6-6, two fluidized bed boilers used natural gas heating. However, Alberta Government are being installed at a Canadian Forces Base heating regulations now require new coaï dryers to be coal-fired. plant at Summerside, P/ince Edward island. These boil- With FBC, this could be accomplished using the coal ers will use 5 % sulphur coal from Cape Breton Island. rejects from washing, not high quality coal. This means Construction will begin in 1981 with thejirst unit to be that some 6.4 million tonnes (7 million tons) of washing commissioned in 1982. In industrial applications an FBC rejects produced in Alberta and British Columbia every boiler an order of magnitude larger than the one planned year, which presently represent a waste disposal prob- for Summerside would be needed. The Department of lem, could be utilized to fire a FBC drying unit. EMR has Energy, Mines and Resources has offered financial and a contract with coal suppliers in Alberta to siudy the technical support for the construction of such a boiler by design and economic feasibility of a FBC drying facility a team of designers, manufacturers and users at a using these coal rejects.


Completion Unit Project Status Date Size

1. HEATING PLANT Design 1981 20 Tonnes (CFB Summerside) 1st Unit 1982 Steam/Hour Coal & Wood 2nd Unit 1985 2. INDUSTRIAL STEAM PLANT Site Proposal 1981 (Est) 100 Tonnes Coal & Possibly Wood Steam /Hour 3. THERMAL POWER PLANT Site Study 1981 (Nova Scotia Power Design 1984 (Est) 150 MW(e) Commission) Coal Demo 1988 (Est) 4 COAL DRYER (Luscar Ltd.) Study 1981 Coal Washery Rejects Demo 1983 5. PFBC COMBINED-CYCLE Thermal Power Plant Design 1983 70 MW(e) (B.C. Hydro) Coal Demo 1988 (Est) 6. R&D PROGRAMS Continuing Pilot and bench-scale In-house and Contract experiments and mechanistic studies of combustion, emis- sions and metallurgy

Source: Lee et a/. 1980, p. 63.

141 Manpower and funding for the above activities are gram has been in formal existence since 1977 when a being allocated through CANMET. For FY 1980-81, 7.75 demonstration program was begun at Chatham, New person-years have been allotted and funding for R & D Brunswick with the New Brunswick Electric Power Com- and Demonstration projects amounts to $218,000 in" mission. A project is also underway to demonstrate the direct expenditures and $1,255,000 in contracts. Under use of coal-oil mixtures in blast furnaces. CANMET's the National Energy Program, Federal Government ex-~ research and development is carried out in cooperation penditures on new coal technologies are projected to with a number of other agencies, including the Canadian amount to "$50 million over the period 1980-83, with Electrical Association, the International Energy Agency, the provision of a further $100 million in 1984-85" Nova Scotia Technical College, the Ontario Research (Kelly, 1981, p. 76). The bulk of the funding is assigned Foundation and the Saskatchewan Research Council. to the demonstration of FBC in thermal-electric power The total value of contracts issued by CANMET under generation in Nova Scotia. the program to the end of fiscal year 1980-1981 amounts to approximately $1,099,000, and planned ex- penditures under contract for FY 1981-82 are $400,000. CONCLUSION A novel advance in COM technology has been - Fluidized bed combustion technology offers the made by Scotia Liquicoal Ltd. of Halifax, Nova Scotia. best approach to minimizing emissions of sul- The company is producing COM at bench scale using a phur and nitrogen oxides from coal-fired boilers sphericaragglörneration pröcéssdeveloped by the NRC and for allowing the efficient combustion of a and under license to Scotia Liquicoal. Water forms up to wide variety of low-grade fuels. 20% of the mixture and stabilization is achieved by ultrasonic agitation. The product is more stable, less viscous and more easily burned than conventional RECOMMENDATION COMs. The company has committed over $1.1 million to The Federal Government should undertake a bring this process to the point of commercial exploita- thorough analysis of the opportunities and ben- tion by late 1981. efits of fluidized bed combustion in the Canadi- an context, and of the funding levels necessary to exploit the technology to maximum advan- Spherical Agglomeration in COMs tage. Topics which should be addressed in the Spherical agglomeration is a means of sepa- analysis include the choice between various rating ground coal from water and solid impurities. FBC technologies from economic and environ- Water and oil are added to the input coal and mental standpoints, the use of fuels other than vigorously mixed; oil coats the coal particles, coal, and the nature of regional opportunities. which then adhere to one another forming sphe- rules which can be separated from the impurities B. COAL-OIL MIXTURES (COMS) and most of the water by screening. The rapidly escalating cost of petroleum has sparked renewed interest by governments and utilities in The benefits of pursuing COK technology in the burning slurries of coal in oil (coal-oil mixtures or COMs) Atlantic Region today are obvious. Such a strategy is of in oil-fired thermal-electric generating stations. This can less interest in Central and Western Canada where be accomplished with only minor modifications to power generating alternatives allow oil-fired stations to see stations, whereas conversion to coal firing only requires limited duty. extensive alterations. A recent study by Montreal Engi- neering Company on behalf of the Canadian Electrical Association showed that 5.25 million barrels of oil per RECOMMENDATION year (14,400 barrels per day) could be saved by con- verting 11 oil-fired utility boilers in the Maritime Prov- Canadian RD&D in coal-oil mixture technology inces to 50% COM (Montreal Engineering Company, should be accelerated where feasible. A heavy 1979). The use of coal-oil mixtures is also worth consid- emphasis should be placed on the rapid deploy- ering in other applications in which oil alone is common- ment of this technology in the Maritime ly used as boiler fuel, including industrial and commer- Provinces. cial plants, district heating complexes, and ocean-going ships. 2. CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES The Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Coal contains more highly complex organic mole- through the CANMET Energy Research Program, active- cules and has a higher carbon/hydrogen ratio than ly supports COM research in Canada. The COM pro- petroleum. In coal conversion, therefore, the goals are


two-fold — to break down the complex molecular struc- Figure 6-10: TYPICAL LIQUID YIELDS AND ture and to lower the carbon/hydrogen ratio. The former THERMAL EFFICIENCIES IN COAL objective is accomplished by the application of extreme LIQUEFACTION PROCESSES "heat; the latter is achieved "ier by removing carbon from the coal or by adding h/un •< TI to it. Coal conver- LIQUID YIELD sion can produce either gaseous or liquid fuels. .- Coal gasification is an established technology which HYDROLIQUEFACTION has been applied at various time; in •-'any countries. PYROLYSIS Progress has been made recently in developing tech- niques for economically gasifying coal in situ for delivery SYNTHESIS to surface pipelines. Since Canada's coal resources are 0.1 0.2 0.3,0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 concentrated in Western Canada where extensive i i im3/t| i i i reserves of natural gas are also found, it will not make 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 economic sense to pursue coal gasification in this bbl/ton country.

CONCLUSION For at least the remainder of this century, Cana- THERMAL EFFICIENCY da's resources of natural gas obviate the need HYDROLIQUEFACTION to pursue coal gasification as an energy alternative. PYROLYSIS

The large-scale derivation of liquid fuels from coal in SYNTHESIS Canada is another matter, however, and one worthy of serious consideration as a medium-term energy strate- 20 40 60 80 100 gy. Coal liquefaction by synthesis after gasification has been proven technically feasible, most recently at the SASOL I and SASOL II Complexes in South Africa. Various other hydroliquefaction processes are at the pilot plant stage of development. In general, the techni- Note: Thermal efficiency is the percentage of energy cal feasibility of coal liquefaction is well established. stored in the coal input which is recovered in There are three main processes by which coal liquefac- the liquid products. tion can be achieved — hydroliquefaction, pyrolysis and synthesis — but no single technological route for the Source: Taylor, 1979. p. 14. process has emerged as being clearly superior. Hydroliquefaction takes place in a slurry under con- In the pyrolysis process, liquefaction is achieved by ditions of high temperature and pressure and in the concentrating carbon in the input coal residue rather presence of a catalyst. Hydrogen is added directly to the than by adding hydrogen. This is accomplished through mixture or "donated" by a hydrogen-rich solvent to destructive distillation; that is, the coal is heated in the yield a liquid product which can then be distilled to absence of air until chemical breakdown occurs. A produce a variety of fuels. The choice of catalyst deter- carbon-rich coke or char is left behind and hydrogen- mines to some extent the liquid produced; high gasoline rich tars, oils and gases are released which are suitable yields, for example, are possible using zinc chloride. for upgrading to fuels. The process is used now in the Whatever the catalyst, the process has a major draw- production of metallurgical coke and the resultant tars back, however, as impurities and the large, heavy mole- and oils used as petrochemical feedstocks. Not all coke cules in the coal itself quickly contaminate the catalysts, is suitable for metallurgical use, however, and the resi- which are both difficult to regenerate and expensive to due from pyrolysis (at least half the feed coal) has no replace. As shown in Figure 6-10, the process yields present industrial application. The liquid yield is lowest between 0.35 and 0.65 cubic metres of liquids per tonne of the three coal liquefaction processes, between 0.1 of coal (2-4 barrels/ton) with thermal efficiencies in the and 0.28 nrVtonne (0.5-1.7 barrels/ton), but the ther- range of 60-75%. It is apparent that if the technological mal efficiency is intermediate between hydroliquefaction problems in hydroliquefaction can be solved, the pro- and synthesis at about 50-60% (Figure 6-10). cess is the best of those available in terms of both liquid In synthesis technology the coal is first gasified and yield and thermal efficiency. the produced gases are then synthesized into liquids.

143 The process was pioneered in Germany before World plant of optimum size — considered to be one produc- a War II and is that used at the only commercial coal ing about 16,000 m /d, or 100,000 barrels/day, of conversion plant in the world, the SASOL (South African liquid products — would consume roughly 30,000 Coal, Oil and Gas Co.) complex in South Africa. Coal is tonnes/day of coal. This would require a major boost in reacted at high temperature and pressure with steam Canadian production and a consequent increase in the and oxygen to yield a mixture of gases, principally rate at which land would be strip-mined. Strip-mining for

carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). In order to coal results in better worker health and safety, a higher produce liquids, the chemical bonds which were broken percentage of coal recovery and lower production costs to produce the gas must now be partially reassembled, than is the case with underground operations. Neverthe- making the process inherently inefficient. Synthesis does less, problems of land reclamation and acid mine drain- have the advantage, though, that it can use a wide age would have to be faced if the decision were made to variety of coals and produces high quality liquids, includ- proceed with coal liquefaction on a large scale. ing methanol if desired. This coal conversion route yields South Africa is the only country in the world operat- between 0.18 and 0.36 cubic metres of liquid per tonne ing commercial coal liquefaction plants. The SASOL I (1-2 barrels/ton) but has the lowest thermal efficiency complex delivered its first coal liquids in 1951 and (35 to 45 %) of the three options. presently produces about 8% of the country's gasoline Liquid fuels are usable in a much greater range of at a cost of around $2 per gallon. A second plant, applications than solid fuels and herein lies the reason SASOL II, was opened in 1980, and SASOL III is for considering coal liquefaction. As an approach to oil planned to begin production in 1983. The three plants substitution, coal liquefaction might be considered par- together will consume 28.8 million tonnes of coal annu- ticularly attractive in Canada because of the large coal ally and will meet at least half of South Africa's resource base. Nevertheless, when one considers this petroleum needs. The project is reported to be marginal- approach in terms of its economics, which conversion ly profitable in the South African context, partly because route to pursue and the product range, the question of of the low cost of labour in that country, but it seems whether and how to proceed with a major project doubtful whether a similar operation could be profitable becomes extremely complex. in Canada without much higher petroleum prices. Liquid fuels from Canadian coals are not now com- In the United States intensive research into coal petitive with those derived from crude oil or oil sands. liquefaction is being carried out under the auspices of This situation is not likely to change for the simple the Department of Energy, with the objective of estab- reasons that bitumen available from oil sands is closer lishing a synthetic liquid fuels industry. Environmental chemically to the desired end product than is coal, and studies into the impact of coal conversion processes are the extraction process is cheaper than coal mining on proceeding as well, and results indicate that all pro- the same scale. Furthermore, Canada has an enormous cesses include the necessary technology to meet exist- oil sands resource, sufficient to supply domestic needs ing emissions standards. All of the conversion routes for liquid hydrocarbons for several hundred years even appear to be commercially feasible and the choice of at current rates of consumption. which process to go with will depend largely upon the products desired. Department of Energy funding for coal Coal liquids contain more impurities than conven- liquefaction projects amounted to $218 million in FY tional oils but often contain less sulphur, so that refining 1979 and will rise to over $500 million in 1981. Nonethe- them and burning the products might be environmentally less, the U.S. program has encountered considerable less hazardous than is the case with conventional fuels. difficulties in trying to develop more efficient, "second Such a statement cannot be made with confidence, generation" coal conversion technologies. Project costs however, because an assessment of environmental are much higher than originally anticipated and progress impact would require knowledge of the liquefaction pro- has been slower than expected. cess to be used, and the physical and chemical nature of the coal feed for the process. Plans for commercial coal liquefaction plants in West Germany should be finalized by late 1981 accord- The large-scale mining of coal to supply a liquefac- inj to the Federal Ministry for Science and Technology. tion plant could have a profound environmental impact The intention, however, is to establish a world techno- on the area to be mined, especially if strip-mining were logical lead in the field rather than to make extensive use done. By 1975, a total of about 16.000 hectares of liquefaction in Germany, because of the high expense (40,000 acres) of land in Canada were disturbed by of extracting large tonnages of German coal. The con- strip-mining for coal, of which only about 20% was struction of 14 coal-refining pilot plants at a cost of over slated for reclamation. In 1979, Canada produced an $2 billion is under study but it is anticipated that, in estimated 33 million tonnes of coal, or an average of 1990. oil and gas derived from coal will satisfy only 3% approximately 90,400 tonnes/day. A coal liquefaction of the country's needs.


aluminum industry by the solvent refined coal process, Coal Liquefaction Research in the United and other more fundamental studies at various univer- States sities and research establishments. The work has served to expand Canada's technical knowledge base The objectives of the U.S. program are to: (1) and to build Canadian expertise. Experimental facili- demonstrate the technical capability to commer- ties are also under construction for bench-scale cially produce clean liquid and solid fuels from research at CANMET. (Taylor, 1979. p. 30) coal by at least four direct liquefaction processes (SRC-I. SRC-II, H-Coal, EDS) by the late 1980s; Total in-house expenditures on coal liquefaction to (2) develop improved indirect liquefaction pro- the end of FY, 1980-81 under the program are estimated cesses to produce liquid fuels from synthesis gas at $1,065,000 and expenditures of $230,000 are pro- made from coal by the late 1980s; and (3) pro- jected for 1981-82. Total funds contracted out to indus- mote the development of more advanced third- try, public research institutes, consultants and universi- generation coal liquefaction processes which can ties from 1976 tothe end of FY 1980-81 are estimated be demonstrated to be commercially viable in the at $1,418,000 and projected expenditures for 1981-82 1990-2000 time frame (U.S. Department of amount to roughly $600,000. Energy, 1980a. p. 74). The Government of British Columbia is establishing The four processes referred to under item 1 an Office of Coal Research to stimulate Provincial R& D above are ihydrolTquefaction techniques. Solvent in coal liquefaction. In the meantime, B.C. Research Refined Cöar(SRC) "processes I and II are being leads the Province's technical development of coal tested in 6 tonnes/day and 50 tonnes/day (coal) liquefaction under monitoring by B.C Hydro. In June pilot plants that are now in operation. Technical 1980, the Energy Development Afjncy entered into demonstration plants of 6,000 tonnes/day size negotiations to issue a contract for a pre-feasibility (one for each process) are in design stages. study on producing liquid fuels from the Hat Creek coal H-Coal is undergoing current development in a deposit and subsequently awarded the study to Fluor 600 tonnes/day pilot plant which began operation Corporation, the company responsible for the Sasol in FY 1980. Exxon Donor Solvent (EDS) is under- complex in South Africa. This work followed interest going development in a 250 tonnes/day pilot shown in coal liquefaction by Japanese and West plant which also began operation during FY 1980. German firms. A consortium comprising BC Resources As a contribution to research in the derivation of Investment Corporation, Petro-Canada and Westcoast coal liquids by synthesis, design and construction Transmission is also investigating constructing a coal of a small (100 barrels/day) methanol-to-gasoline liquefaction plant in the Province. The Federal Govern- pilot plant based on a Mobil process is ment has encouraged potential investors by indicating underway. that it will permit the export of some of the end products.

In Great Britain, the National Coal Board (NCB) In 1979 the Alberta Research Council, together with recently recommended the construction of two coal the Alberta Department of Energy and Natural liquefaction pilot plants with capacities of 24 tonnes per Resources, established a task force which recommend- day of coal. The $100 million cost of this project will be ed a long-range plan for provincial research into coal shared among the NCB, British Petroleum and the and oil sands. Coal research will include studies in Department of Energy. Its goal is to accomplish nearly liquefaction, underground gasification and fluidized bed 100% conversion of coal into high quality transport technology. Part of the work will be contracted out to fuels, plus some liquid petroleum gas and synthetic the private sector. natural gas.

Canada's commitment to coal liquefaction research CONCLUSION has been limited in manpower and funding compared with American, West German and British efforts. Coal liquefaction is incompatible with the Com- mittee's long-term objective of eliminating hydrocarbon fuels from the Canadian energy The federal government, through CANMET, initiated an ongoing coal conversion contracting-out program mix. Furthermore, Canada's requirements for in 1976 to study various ways to process coals into synthetic liquid fuels in the 1980s and 1990s other energy forms. The liquefaction studies have will be more economically met, with less envi- included assessment of the applicability of various ronmental damage, using resources in the oil processes in Western Canada, bench-scale studies with Nova Scotia coals and Saskatchewan lignites, sands of Western Canada and alternative investigation of electrode coke production for the energy sources.

145 RECOMMENDATION Coal liquefaction should not be adopted as a environmental safeguards — to earn foreign long-term energy option for Canada. In the exchange, to generate skilled employment and shorter term, however, a limited number of coal technological expertise, and to provide a sup- liquefaction projects aimed primarily at export plementary source of synthetic fuel for domes- markets could be accepted — with stringent tic use in an emergency.

146 ihirh giiows residen- North American choioe of providing steam heat from central plants using fossil fuels is the less expensive district heating option for supplying heat alone in small *'"" basic elements in a systems. For larger-scale applications the European ~,.,.-r hot water or stearr^ approach'of using hot water from co-generating systems ivorinn ho^t to the consume 'iSThe preferred option.

^,,M„ ,,^..i a conventional District heating will often be cheaper than individual unit heating because of lower overall capital costs and greater combustion efficiency (even further efficiencies can be achieved with co-generation). Other factors which contribute to the attractiveness of district heating .,., , .eat may be delivered directly from or rcr-loimcH ^.c o ^..nrnrjyjt gf ^eCtriCal • The cost of producing heat decreases as the size of a ,I.UM, nun inw IOI15I ww.nbined Heat and district heating plant increases, offering important ) type oi scheme being termed co-genera- .-economies of scale.

» Low-grade coals or combustible municipal wastes can lerent lines (Table 6-7). be used to fire the boilers (most efficiently in fluidized Table 6-7: COMPARISON OF NORTH AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN APPROACHES TO DISTRICT HEATING North American European Single-purpose system employing a central heating Dual-purpose system employing a CHP (co-generat- plant usually fired with gas or oil to provide heat only ing) plant usually fired with coal to provide heat and electricity ' , - ~ - ~- ~ He^. transfer medium is generally high-pressure Heat transfer medium is generally lower-temperature steam or high-temperature water - water . - - - Serves institutional customers "primarily, at premium Serves institutional and residential customers at com- cost - petitive costs • •'- Handles about 1 to 2 % of space heating requirement Handles from 10 to 40% of space heating require- in North America ment in Europe Source: After Farkas, 1975. p. 2.

bed combustors), thus reducing dependence upon oil • Aboveground district heating networks may be unat- for heating. tractive and prone to vandalism. • Air pollution can be reduced through efficient burner District heating is an established technology in design and maintenance, and the installation of anti- Europe, Scandinavia and the Soviet Union. These pollution devices. For example, sulphur dioxide emis- nations were able to start district heating systems during sions can be largely eliminated in fluidized bed com- the reconstruction after World War II and add to them as bustors using limestone for sulphur absorption. demand grew. • Fuel handling and ash disposal are simplified by com- parison with dispersed heating units. In 1978, according to rough estimates, 600 compa- nies distributed more than 10 [million tonnes of oil • Space in district heated buildings is not required for equivalent] of heat through about 1,000 district heat- furnaces, fuel tanks and so on. ing networks, comprising a total length of almost 9,000 km of mains. Somewhat more than one-half of • Fuel costs may be reduced by bulk purchase and this heat was used in the Federal Republic of Ger- delivery. many: a little less than a third went to Denmark; the • Heat can be derived from energy-efficient co-generat- remainder is divided between France (10%), the Netherlands (3%), Belgium (2%), Italy and the United ing plants. Kingdom (0.2-0.3%).

• Condensation in dwellings is minimized because com- Total capacity, connected to district heating schemes bustion is carried out elsewhere. in the [European Economic] Community, is presently • Domestic fire hazards are reduced because no fuel is of the order of 50,000 MW. The capacity per million inhabitants is. with some 2,000 MW, in Denmark, the stored or burned where the heat is used. highest of the Western World. In the Federal Republic Whether district heating is competitive with unit of Germany connection density reaches about one- fifth of the Danish value. In the remaining Community heating, however, can only be determined by taking countries densities are below 100 MW/million inhabi- political, economic and social constraints into consider- tants. (Davis and Colling, 1979, p. 57) ation: • In planning and administering district heating District heating has gained in importance in Scan- schemes, the involvement of several levels of govern- dinavia since Sweden commissioned the first plants ment could prove to be an impediment to efficient during the 1950s. In 1978, Sweden had 53 built-up development. areas served by district heating systems, 12 of which • The cost of restructuring an area to install district incorporated power generation plants (co-generation). heating is, in general, prohibitively high. District heat- The total installed district heating capacity (1978) was ing is widespread in Europe as a result of postwar about 10,000 thermal megawatts or about 1.25 kW per reconstruction, but in the North American context, capita for the entire population. The Stockholm district large-scale application of this option may be restricted heating system is particularly noteworthy, being one of to new construction. the largest co-generating systems developed in the free


plants producing 810 MW by co-generation and regional Operation of District Heating Systems hot water boilers supplying the remainder. In Denmark, In practically all district heating schemes, district heating is even considered an economically heat is transferred using hot water, although viable option for_ small communities and individual steam has been the medium of choice in North farmhouses. ' •••-•-- •-..-_.-•-..-:-. : America. Water is inexpensive, non-toxic and has In France, district heating accounts for 3% of the a high specific heat, meaning it can store large combined institutional, commercial and residential heat- amounts of thermal energy compared with many ing requirement. In contrast to other European coun- other liquids. Water boils at 100°C at A atmos- tries, French systems generally use superheated water phere pressure (1 bar), but the boiling tempera- for heat transfer (althoughtheuse of. steam is wide- ture rises when the water is pressurized. In modern spread in ). The West Germans are considering a European-style district heating applications, water national district heating grid, anticipating that by the temperatures and pressures rarely exceed 180°C turn of the century technology will permit the transfer of and 10 bars, and temperatures of 130°C are heat over long distances for use up to six hours after typical. Because water expands with heating, the generation. Today, Italy boasts the longest district heat- pressurizing system must be able to accommo- ing line, at 106 km. In Austria. Vienna and Salzburg are date the increased volume. This capacity is nor- serviced by district heating in co-generating systems, mally provided by an expansion tank. and in Prague, Czechoslovakia, district heating is a civic I These pressurized systems must also provide utility with over-1,000 km of mains installed. adequate safeguards against either excess pres- The U.S.S.R. is the world's largest user of district sures or sudden depressurizations. Excess pres- heating, with 50% of the installations and 85% of the sure can be handled by safety valves but a total capacity. The Soviets claim that co-generation sudden pressure drop is a more serious concern. saves them some 36 million tonnes of coal per year — Pressure loss due to accidental ruptures must be more than Canada's annual production. localized by emergency shutoff valves. It is also In the United States, district heating systems using desirable to exclude oxygen from the system to steam satisfied about 1 % of the demand for heat in the reduce corrosion, and soft water should be used 1970s. About half this amount was sold by utilities, and to minimize the formation of scale deposits in the rest was produced at government facilities, college boiler and distribution pipes. campuses and so forth. Parts of downtown New York, Heat in the circulating water is transferred to Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit and other cities are sup- residential or commercial users by heat exchang- plied with steam heat from boilers and from condensing ers such as conventional radiators. Water return- steam turbines. ing to the boiler has been cooled by some District heating is not practiced on a large scale in 40-60°C during circulation. Canada and, with the exception of a pilot hot-water While a flat rate may be charged by a utility system in Charlottetown, all plants distribute steam. to a residential or industrial consumer, this offers Perhaps the oldest system is the one established in little incentive to conserve; consequently most Winnipeg in 1924 where a standby coal-fired electrical consumers are metered for their heat use. Euro- plant was used to generate by-product heat. This pean research has led to the conclusion that system was expanded in the 1950s and again in the metered customers experience average econo- 1960s, and is now operated by the municipally-owned mies of 15-25% compared with flat-rate custom- utility Winnipeg Hydro. In 1964, natural gas became ers. A district heating meter performs much the available in Winnipeg and the plant lost its competitive same function as an electricity meter but it meas- edge in supplying heat. In 1978, the plant serviced 232 ures and records both the temperature and customers in the downtown area. volume of v/ater used. This dual function makes In the early 1970s, the City of Toronto began to metering more expensive and more prone to error. integrate the steam heating systems of the University of Toronto, the Government of Ontario, the local Hospital Steam Corporation and its own Pearl Street plant. The world. It comprises three subsystems with heat sources project was inspired by the need to reduce air pollution ranging from temporary and permanent conventional by the Pearl Street plant, the idea being to phase out boilers to refuse incinerators. this old facility and finance a new one with revenues Nearly 20% of Finland's buildings are serviced by generated from an expanded downtown market. The district heating in 20 large communities. In 1977 the integration is proceeding and planning is underway to district heat demand of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area include a municipal refuse incinerator for heat genera- was 1,920 thermal megawatts, with thermal power tion.

149 Smaller district heating plants operate in downtown hot water rather than steam and, while the cost of the Montreal (Canadian National Railways), Ajax, , heat will be shared equally by tenants, each home will Ottawa (Parliament Hill), Vancouver, Charlottetown, Yel- have its own flow and temperature meters. The City of lowknife and Inuvik. The Inuvik scheme is of particular Ottawa will own and operate the district heating utility, interest because steam is piped aboveground in utilidors and startup is scheduled for late 1981. totalling 8 km in length. Canadian research into district heating was spon- sored by the Office of Energy Conservation, EMR, which CONCLUSION funded a number of consultants' studies in 1976 and District heating will have limited application in 1977. Other studies to assess the feasibility of expand-- Canada as the costs of installing such systems ing district heating facilities or installing new ones have in built-up areas are prohibitively high. This been undertaken in Vancouver, Regina, Sarnia, Mon-„ technology may, however, make economic treal, Halifax, Edmonton, Toronto, London, Charlotte- sense in regions of new construction. town and Summerside. In January 1981 the Governments of Canada, Ontario and the City of Ottawa agreed to undertake a RECOMMENDATION demonstration project for the district heating of 197 The Committee recommends that district heat- homes to be built in LeBreton Flats. The heating plant ing should be considered as an energy-con- will operate initially on natural gas but other fuels may serving technology for new subdivisions, com- be substituted at a later time. Heat will be distributed by munities and industrial parks.


electricity at a site (either in isolation or with backup B. CO-GENERATION from a utility) and which also handles all or part of the A co-generating system produces electricity and heating and cooling loads of the site. While new in heat (and sometimes mechanical energy) in tandem, name, such installations were actually common early in with reclaimed heat from one part of the system being this century in industrialized countries. used as an energy source for the other. Such systems have their greatest potential in an industrial setting Systems which make sequential use of the energy where a significant requirement for electricity is coupled input to perform a series of tasks are often described as with a large and continuous demand for process steam. cascading systems. Such systems put energy to Co-generation can be approached in two ways, progressively (ess demanding uses as it degrades in through topping and bottoming configurations. In a top- quality. For example, the Committee heard a proposal to ping cycle, electricity is generated at the front end of the link a generating station, a heavy water plant and green- system and the exhausted heat is either delivered direct- houses in a cascading, energy-using configuration, each ly as thermal energy to another process (such as a step utilizing heat at progressively lower temperatures. district heating scheme or an industrial process) or Energy cascading is the central element in proposals to recovered for some other form of useful work. In a create energy centres around large thermal-electric bottoming cycle, thermal energy is produced for process generating stations, capitalizing upon the powerplant's use and then recovered for electrical generation at the rejected thermal.- energy.-Regardless of the name back end of the system: The choice between topping applied, however, the goal is:to convert as much of the and bottoming cycles in co-generation depends upon energy of a fuel into useful work as is possible in a given the relative need for electricity and thermal energy in the situation. co-generating scheme.

Fuel Saving by Co-generation to run the facility (67 units of fuel at 30% efficien- cy equals 20 units of electricity; 118 units of fuel A simple example of co-generation illustrates at 85% efficiency equals 100 units of process the value of the approach. Consider an industrial steam). A properly matched, steam turbine development requiring 20 units of electric power co-generating system might handle these same and 100 units of process steam energy. At most energy needs with an overall efficiency of about locations today a utility supplies the electricity and 80%. necessitating a fuel input of 150 units (150 an on-site process boiler makes the steam. units of fuel at 80% efficiency equals 120 units of Assuming an efficiency of 30% in the system electricity and process heat). The co-generation delivering the electricity and an efficiency of 85% system described thus saves 35 units of fuel for a for the boiler system, 185 units of fuel are required fuel-saved ratio of 35/185 or 19%.





Despite the advantages in fuel saving, the percent- age of industrial electricity derived from co-generation Industrial Co-generation in Canada has fallen during the twentieth century. In the United A recent study has estimated that the techni- States, industrial co-generation accounted for one-third cal potential for industrial co-generation in or more of industrial electricity use in 1900; it represents Canada exceeds 4,000 megawatts, distributed by less than 5% today. The explanation is straightforward sector as shown in Table 6-8. : - and is basicallya matter of economics. With relatively low fuel costs, steadily improving conversion efficiencies, increasing powerplant size and the reliability of large, Table 6-8: THE POTENTIAL FOR INDUSTRIAL multi-unit systems, the utilities could offer industrial CO-GENERATION IN CANADA power at lower rates than industry could achieve itself

Co-generation and Process Matching Potential in Electrical Sector Megawatts Figure 6-11: A HYPOTHETICAL CO-GENERAT- ING SYSTEM WITH EXCESS ELEC- Pulp and Paper 1,613 TRICAL GENERATING CAPACITY Food and Beverage 211 Iron and Steel 149 Chemicals 593 Textiles 26 MATCH y HEAT f Refineries 880 Mining 134 Institutional 196 ^SELL ELECTRICITY Manufacturing 224 MATCH / POWER./ REQUIRED AS TOTAL FOR CANADA 4,026 POWER yfii. < PROCESS REQUIREMENTS &/te AUXILIARY FOR HEAT AND POWER BOILER Source: Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1980a. p. 51. && HEAT O 1AJ OE

1 REQUI I 1 HE A Some 1,100 to 1,400 MW of this potential INCREASING HEAT- has already been developed, notably in the pulp and paper industry and in heavy water production, and an additional 1,400 MW is considered economically exploitable (under conditions pre- The illustration above represents a co-genera- vailing at the time of the study in 1977). Com- tion scheme where the ratio of power to heat pared with Canada's total generating capacity of exceeds that required at the site. The sloped line more than 77,000 megawatts, the opportunities to beginning at the origin and rising to the right pursue co-generation now and in the future are represents a co-generating system of increasing modest but not inconsequential. size. Reflecting the power/heat ratio, the slope of Companies such as Dow Chemical and the line is characteristic of the system in question Suncor already operate major co-generation and is a function of the temperature at which heat schemes. The Nova Scotia Power Corporation is required in the process. owns two such systems, both supplying process In this example, if the co-generating system is steam to heavy water plants, and the New Bruns- selected to match the power requirement, then wick Electric Power Commission owns a unit sup- the system does not produce enough heat and an porting a newsprint mill. Most co-generation auxiliary boiler must be installed to make up the schemes in Canada today use natural gas or oil as deficiency. If the system is designed to match the the fuel, a situation which will change with time. heat requirement, on the other hand, more electric Coal, petroleum coke and hog fuel (waste wood in power is generated than required at the site and the forest industry) are other fuels presently being the excess power must then be sold to a utility. used.

153 through co-generation. Industry was also facing rising combat escalating fuel prices. Most of these technolo- costs for utility backup to co-generation schemes, gies would be incorporated in combined-cycle systems increased co-generation costs because of new environ- and thus warrant brief consideration here. mental regulations, and capital costs of co-generation The steam turbine cycle is the most highly devel- plants rising to prohibitive levels. While utilities can justi-~ oped system for power generation, with more than a fy an extended depreciation period for equipment, half-century of work behind it. Pushing development industry looks for a more rapid write-off on co-generat- further will result in much higher capital costs-and ing systems. Combined heat and power production, reduced reliability because of system complexity, sug- despite its fuel savings, simply did not pay. gesting that a practical limit has been approached. Given today's rising fuel prices, one can expect a Efficiencies of 40 to 45% have been achieved with reversal in this trend. Nonetheless, difficulties remain. extremely high boiler pressures (some 300 times atmos- For example, utilities have often charged rather stiff pheric pressure) and temperatures (more than 600°C or rates for backup services while offering low prices for about 1150°F), incorporating two stages of reheating in excess power produced in co-generating systems. This the boiler system. Unfortunately, such extreme condi- is an important point from the perspective of industry tions degrade system reliability and more conservative since only rarely can a co-generation plant precisely (and less efficient) designs usually prevail. meet the site requirements for both electricity and heat. Gas turbines operating in a combined cycle can Such barriers jnay prevent this energy-conserving tech- achieve _ efficiencies - about equal to the best steam nology from re-establishing itself in the industrial sector plants but coupling a gasifier to a ccmbined-cycle tur- at anything more than a modest pace. bine system might stretch the overal! thermal efficiency The barriers to co-generation today are not techni- to nearly 50%. This poses a problem, however, as the cal, although the technology will continue to evolve, and required operating temperature exceeds'the capabilities previously important economic barriers are shrinking as of existing turbines. the price of conventional fuel rises. The prime obstacle Another technology — magnetohydrodynamic to industrial co-generation is now an institutional or (MHO) generation — promises to raise the conversion attitudinal one. efficiency above 50%. MHD produces electrical power directly in a generator without moving parts. Heated combusion gases (at a temperature of some 2600°C or CONCLUSION about 4700°F) are seeded with a metallic compound Co-generation is an energy-conserving tech- and directed at high velocity through a powerful magnet- nology whose importance in the post-war ic field. This generates a current in the partially ionized period has diminished, largely for economic (electrically-conducting) gas which is removed by elec- reasons. Utilities have not been interested in trodes along the inside walls of the MHD generator. promoting co-generation because, until recent- Given the high exhaust temperature of such a system, it ly, there was little reason for them to be will be used as a topping cycle in combined systems. involved in such schemes. Low electrical rates for large users have also discouraged co-gener- Although there are still problems to overcome. MHD ation. technology has advanced to the stage of engineering development in the U.S.S.R. and the United States. Both countries are planning commercial powerplants using coal for fuel. The Soviet Union expects to bring a 250 RECOMMENDATION MW gas-fired topping unit (coupled with a 250 MW The Committee encourages Canadian utilities bottoming unit) into operation in 1985 and coal-fired to look more favourably upon co-generation MHD units will be introduced in the 1990s. The United and to devise means for promoting the broader States is planning a 200 MW coal-fired MHD generator use of this technology, possibly through joint which may be operational by the end of the decade. A ownership of such systems with industrial number of other countries are also showing interest in partners. MHD generation but their programs are well behind those of the U.S.S.R. and the United States.

Other generating cycles are being studied which C. ALTERNATIVE CYCLES FOR PRODUCING ELEC- TRICITY offer efficiencies equal in theory to that of MHD genera- tion and which may prove to be less technically New approaches to converting heat into electric demanding. None of these, however, will see broad power are under investigation as the pressure mounts to commercial application for some time.


CONCLUSION When choosing a site for small-scale hydro develop- ment, a number of considerations must be taken into Individual utilities can best identify the oppor- account. For example, the hydro head determines the tunities for incorporating advanced energy con- water pressure available to drive the turbines and helps version cycles in their systems as the technolo- determine the unit cost of electricity produced. The size gy becomes available. It should be sufficient for of reservoirs, the rate at which they are replenished and the Government of Canada to monitor develop- the cost of their construction also influence the cost of ments in this technical area. the electrical output. The environmental impact of reser- voir flooding must be evaluated before development and 2. LOW-HEAD AND SMALL-SCALE HYDRO-ELEC- efforts made to ensure that construction does not TRIC GENERATION adversely affect water quality and wildlife.- Economics will favour the isolated community where it would cost Through a blend of old and new technologies, low- more to link it to an existing grid than to develop a local, head and small-scale hydro-electric generation offer small-scale hydro site. The Committee visited one such some potential for increasing electrical generating site near Hay River in the Northwest Territories. capacity in Canada. This can be done by renovating or The Federal Government and many provinces have retrofitting existing facilities and by installing modern, expressed interest in low-head and small-scale hydro small-scale equipment at locations where the stream developments and surveys of likely sites have taken flow:and gradient are not adequate for conventional place in thefMaritimes, Quebec, Saskatchewan and (large-scale) hydro-electric development. British" Columbia. Initiatives that have gone beyond the study-and planning stages are currently underway in Current estimates suggest that some 122,000 MW Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Ontario. of conventional hydro-electric capacity is technically and economically developable in Canada and that of Newfoundland signed an agreement with the Feder- this amount approximately 44,000 MW has already al Government in September 1978 to construct a 400 been harnessed. Of the remainder, 15,000 MW is under kW mini-hydro demonstration project near Roddickton, construction, leaving some 63,000 MW for future exploi- a small community about 75 km south of St. Anthony on tation. Most of this undeveloped potential will eventually the Island's Great Northern Peninsula. The project com- be harnessed by conventional large-scale projects. menced operation in the fall of 1980, some six months Nevertheless, there are numerous opportunities for low- ahead of its completion date of 1 March 1981, and an head, small-scale, mini-hydro and micro-hydro projects, appraisal of its practicality and benefits are now under- particularly in remote communities not served by an way. This appraisal will attempt to identify opportunities electrical grid but where an appropriate hydro site could for simplified construction, installation, control, opera- be used to replace diesel-electric generation. tion and maintenance of equipment suitable for small- scale hydro development in isolated communities across Canada. Efforts will also be made to establish standard techniques for simplifying site selection. A design Defining Small Hydro-electric Development manual will be prepared for use by any provincial gov- Generally speaking, an installation with a ernment interested in constructing a similar facility. The capacity below 100 kW is called a micro-hydro $1,200,000 cost of the demonstration (of which the project: one between 100 and 1,000 kW is known Federal Government agreed to pay 90%) emphasizes as a mini-hydro project; and one whose installed the comparatively high cost ($3,000 per kilowatt) of capacity ranges between 1,000 and 15,000 kW is small-scale projects, although their economics will called a small-scale hydro development. improve as the price of oil continues to rise. Hydro head is the difference in height be- In Nova Scotia there are undeveloped hydro sites in tween water levels immediately upstream and the 50,000 to 100,000 kW range where large volumes of downstream of a turbine. water flow with relatively low heads. To date, it has not been feasible either technically or economically to de- velop them. As discussed in the section entitled Tidal In the southern and more populous parts of Energy, a 20 MW demonstration project is under con- Canada, the competition for water resources may limit struction near Annapolis Royal to test a large straight- the small-scale hydro potential. For instance, water flow (Straflo) turbogenerator with potential tidal and demand for irrigation, for recreation and for maintaining low-head river applications. Unlike conventional units, natural stream flows conflicts with storing water for the turbine and generator are integrated, with rotors power generation. In addition, many abandoned reser- attached to the tips of the turbine blades. If the demon- voirs have deteriorated beyond the point where it is stration is successful, low-head waterways across economically feasible to renovate them. Canada may become exploitable for energy.

155 In the Province of Ontario, Ontario Hydro has taken cate whether or not it can compete for sales in interna- a somewhat different approach to small-scale hydro tional markets. power, emphasizing micro and mini "packaged plants". The mini-hydel unit has control and safety features These can be transported to isolated communities and which make it particularly attractive and a number of the design is simple enough that they can be assembled countries have expressed interest in the technology. locally with a minimum of outside help. A Port Colborne Although testing continues, the Port Colborne company company recently introduced two sizes of hydro-electric considers the program far enough advanced to accept systems, known as "tin can powerhouses", which have orders for generating units of up to 750 kilowatt output. been designed to operate with a head of eight metres (25 feet) or less. This represents a considerable advance over conventional equipment which requires a minimum CONCLUSION head of some 16 metres (50 feet) to function efficiently. Continued increases in the prices of fossil fuels The smaller of the two, called the micro-hydel (hydro- are making small-scale and low-head hydro electric) unit, can generate between 15 and 50 kilowatts look increasingly attractive. There are clear of power depending upon the site. It includes a turbine, economic advantages in installing sm3ll-scale a generator, a gear box, a governor and control circuit- units in isolated communities which rely on die- ry. The larger unit, the mini-hydel station, can generate sel-electric generation and which have little between 100 and 1,000 kilowatts. Both units have been likelihood of integration into an electrical net- designed with-ruggedness, reliability, transportability work for a number of years. Since these same and ease of maintenance in mind. conditions prevail in many developing coun- To test the mini-hydel unit, a prototype has been tries, the technology offers considerable export installed by Ontario Hydro on a small dam at Wadsell potential. Falls on the Severn River in southern Ontario. This plant is an ungoverned unit with a maximum capacity of 145 kW. Its output is fed directly into the southern Ontario RECOMMENDATION grid. The use of a siphon penstock to draw water over The Committee recommends that financial the top of the pre-existing dam and direct if onto the assistance be extended to isolated communi- runner of the unit reduced the cost of the installation. ties which rely upon diesel-generated electrici- The Wadsell Falls project will establish the economics of ty to enable them to install small hydro units installing a small-scale powerhouse in a built-up area. It where an appropriate site exists. The Commit- will also help establish the potential of the mini-hydel tee further recommends that this technology be power station for use in isolated communities and indi- vigorously promoted for its export potential.

156 Vv' FUEL CELLS 'S!-' Figure 6-12: COMPARISON OF ENERGY CON- VERSION PROCESSES IN A FUEL The Principle of Fuel Cell Operation CELL AND IN A DIESEL GENERA- The most common fuel cell is the phosphoric TOR acid type and it serves to illustrate the basic operating principle of these devices. It consists of DIESELGENERATOR FUEL CELL two electrodes which sandwich between them a layer of phosphoric acid. The phosphoric acid is called an electrolyte, the word used to describe a non-metallic electric conductor in which current is carried by the movement of ions instead of elec- trons. (There are other types of fuel cells which make use of different electrolytes, but they are 5 to 10 years behind in development.) A hydrogen-rich gas passes over the negative electrode and the positive electrode is exposed to an oxygen-rich gas. The hydrogen gas is split into hydrogen ions (positively-charged hydrogen atoms) and electrons at one electrode with the help of a catalyst, usually a noble element such as CHEMICAL ENERGY platinum. The hydrogen ions pass through the electrolyte towards the oxygen and the electrons flow through an external circuit towards the oxygen where they chemically react to form water. The movement of the electrons through the exter- nal circuit creates a direct or DC electrical current ELECTRICtTY (Figure 6-13). This process of converting chemical energy into electricity is termed an electrochemi- Source: Crowe. 1973. p. 3. cal reaction. The level of current depends upon the rate of water. Fuel cells of the direct type utilize pure H and O 2 2 the water-forming reaction and upon the surface which have been produced independently whereas cells area of the electrodes where the reactions take of the indirect typj are combined with a hydrogen- place. To increase voltage to utifeable levels, generating unit which can produce hydrogen from a individual cells are assembled into stacks and by wide variety of fuels. connecting stacks in series or parallel, the amount of power which can be generated is further 2. ADVANTAGES AND DIFFICULTIES IN USING increased. FUEL CELLS Figure 6-13: SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION In addition to the high efficiency and hence energy- OF A FUEL CELL conserving character of fuel cells there are other fea- tures which make them attractive as well. Being very FUEL (HYDROGEN RICH GAS) clean in operation, they represent an environmentally appealing means of generating power and can be used in urban settings with little worry about emissions. In fact, the only emissions from fuel cell operation other than air and water are from the operation of the fuel processor which is used to generate hydrogen.

Another attractive characteristic of fuel cells is that they are modular in form and can be assembled in one location and then shipped to the place of installation CATHODE with no costly on-site building required. This feature also means that they can be added to or subtracted from HAN, AIR(0,) existing installations as power requirements change. Used in urban settings for electrical generation, fuel cells Source: After Ficketl. 1978. p. 72. reduce the costs of acquiring land and building transmis- sion lines and can consequently conserve energy by

158 SOURCES. CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES eliminating the losses which are inherent in electrical base like biomass. Figure 6-14 schematically represents transmission. Finally, having no moving parts, fuel cells a fuel cell electrical generating system employing are virtually noiseless in operation making them attrac- biomass (including peat) as a feedstock. tive for use in the transportation sector, particularly in urban areas. "---• = Figure 6-14: A FUEL CELL ELECTRICAL GENE- ~ Despite these advantages, however, the cost of this RATING SYSTEM EMPLOYING technology must be further reduced to make it competi- " BIOMASS AS A FEEDSTOCK tive. The development of less expensive electrodes with a longer operating life is a major factor in reducing fuel cell costs. Emissions associated with fuel processing are SOLAR ENERGY PHOTOSYNTHESIS unlikely to cause environmental concern because sul- phur removal equipment must be a subsystem of any fuel processor supplying hydrogen to a cell. Precautions would of course always have to be taken with the A various acidic or alkaline electrolytes which can be used BIOMASS 7BANSP0R- I i^ STORAGE in fuel cells. ---; HARVEST H TATON I w? AT PLANT CO, - Fossil fuels (in particular natural gas, light petroleum fractions or liquefied petroleum gases) are very adapt-

able for use with fuel cells, but they must all be convert- : ed into a hydrogen-rich gas to feed the cell. This could limit the use of fuel cells which operate on fossil fuels because the processing equipment required for utility- sized installations would be costly. Synthetic fuels such as hydrogen, methanol or synthesis gas would be par- j fflRECT CURRENT/ HEAT ticularly attractive for smaller-scale fuel cell applications. TRANSFORMER <^IZ ALTERNATWG EXCHANGERS One attractive option for fuel cells used in vehicles CURRENT is to run them on methanol, which the Committee recommends developing in Canada as an alternative V liquid transportation fuel. Methanol can be converted to I ELECTRICITY hydrogen easily and storing H in this form overcomes HOT WATER 2 CONSUMER CONSUMER some of the problems encountered in designing on-vehi- cle, hydrogen-carrying systems. Source: Lindström el al, 1979, p. 1178.

3. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT CONCLUSION Numerous programs are established in the United The Committee recognizes that the high effi- States to study fuel cell design, operation and applica- ciency of fuel cells makes them attractive as an tion but research seems aimed primarily at developing a energy-conserving technology and that they technology which can be used for utility-size electrical hold the potential for allowing an increased use power production. Some experiments for motor vehicle of Canada's biomass and peat resources. and space research application are being done as well, but these are limited. Sweden has no natural gas or oil so its interest is RECOMMENDATION directed primarily at developing fuel cells which can The Committee recommends that research on utilize hydrogen derived from biomass or peat feed- fuel cells be funded as part of a commitment to stocks. The Swedes believe that fuel cells offer an developing a hydrogen economy for Canada. In attractive alternative energy technology in their country particular, the development of fuel cells for the because the high reactivity of biomass in pyrolysis/ transportation sector should be given high pri- gasification processes (see section on Biomass) permits ority as their use promises to substitute for easy generation of a hydrogen-rich gas which can run transportation fuels, to reduce vehicle exhaust the cells. Moreover, the modular character of fuel cells emissions and to develop a market for makes them adaptable to a widely-dispersed resource hydrogen.


At extremely high temperatures, atoms are com- however, special requirements of temperature, density pletely ionized and the resulting mixture of bare nuclei and confinement time must be met. Thus to create a and free electrons is termed a plasma. Most of the "miniature star" in the laboratory, scientists must estab- known universe, with minor exceptions like the Earth lish a unique environment. and other planets, is a plasma. For such a conglomera- tion of charged particles to sustain a fusion reaction, Conditions for a Sustained Fusion Reaction Atoms and Isotopes and Other Such Things • The fusion fuel-must be heated and maintained - at a temperature near its ignition point — the Atoms are made up of three fundamental temperature at which the reaction will proceed particles. Positively charged protons and without further heat input. ' uncharged neutrons comprise the atom's nucleus;_ which is orbited by negatively charged electrons. • The plasma must be confined for a sufficient Virtually all of the atom's mass is concentrated in time to ensure that the energy (heat) from the reacting fuel is greater than or equal to the the nucleus. -_.•"." energy supplied to heat and confine the plasma. Atoms in their normal state possess equal numbers of protons and electrons and are there- • The plasma must have a sufficient density to fore electrically neutral. When suitably excited, ensure that the ions are close enough for the however, an atom can lose or gain electrons, reaction to occur. (The density is defined as the thereby acquiring a net electrical charge. Charged number of ions per unit volume of plasma:) _The atoms are called ions and radiation which is cap- minimum product of time and density to achieve able of stripping electrons from atoms is termed the fusion condition can be expressed as a ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is not good for threshold requirement, called the Lawson Prod- one's constitution (nor for one's descendents). uct after its formulator, physicist J.D. Lawson. The number of protons in the nucleus deter- mines the atomic species. An atom containing one proton is hydrogen. An atom with 8 protons invari- The fusion reaction for which the required condi- ably is oxygen, and one with 92 protons is urani- tions can most readily be met is that of two hydrogen um. Electrons determine the atom's chemical isotopes, deuterium (D) and tritium (T), combining to character. form helium. Other possible reactions require even Although the number of protons in an ele- higher plasma temperatures than D-T fusion. Material ment is fixed, the number of neutrons is not. To confinement of the fusion plasma is, of course, out of take a simple example, hydrogen can exist in the question — the reactor wall would be instantly three forms with either zero, one or two neutrons vapourized by contact with the plasma and, at the same in the nucleus. The first two variants, or isotopes, time, chilling of the fusion fuel would stop the reaction. are called protium and deuterium. Tritium, the There are nevertheless three known physical mech- third variant, is unstable and reverts to helium over anisms for containing a high-temperature plasma: gravi- a number of years. tational confinement, inertial confinement and magnetic There exist in nature some elements that confinement. spontaneously decay, or disintegrate, into lighter Gravitational confinement works marvelously well in ones, accompanied by a release of energy. Such the sun, so well in fact that a more difficult fusion elements are said to be radioactive. Man has reaction takes place at lower temperatures than face added to naturally-occurring radioactivity in deto- man in achieving D-T fusion. Since the Earth's gravita- nating nuclear devices and in operating fission tional field is trifling by cornoarison, however, this is not reactors. Whether naturally occurring or man- a relevant research approach. made, radioactive elements decay at a fixed rate In inertial confinement, the temperature and density characteristic of the element in question. The half- of a plasma fuel droplet are raised so rapidly that a life is the time during which one-half of a quantity significant fraction of the fuel reacts before it has time to of a given radioactive substance will spontaneous- disperse. The heating is achieved with laser or particle ly disintegrate, forming new atomic species. For beams dumping huge amounts of energy into the drop- example, given four units of tritium whose half-life let in billionths of a second. is 12.3 years, two units of tritium (plus decay products) will remain after 12.3 years and one unit Magnetic confinement takes advamage of the fact after 24.6 years. that the plasma consists of charged particles. Magnetic fields are employed to constrain or reflect the particles


Fusion Reactor Configurations — Closed Magnetic Confinement







Source: After The Princeton University Plasma Laboratory: An Overview. 1979, p. 8.

The fusion reactor configuration with the is generated by smaller coils along the periphery longest history of development is the Tokamak, of the torus. named after a device with which the Russians did Various means can be used to add energy to some pioneering research on plasma stability. The the plasma. In the Princeton TFTR (Tokamak Tokamak involves closed magnetic confinement of Fusion Test Reactor) pictured above, high-energy, a plasma in a torus (doughnut-shaped chamber) neutral-particle beams will carry energy into the maintained at a high vacuum. Three different mag- plasma and provide the extra heat required to netic fields, or sets of fields, act to confine the reach ignition temperature. To give an idea of plasma within the torus or vacuum vessel. The scale, the torus or vacuum chamber for TFTR will toroidal magnetic field is the basic confining field, be 1.7 metres in diameter and almost 8 metres and the poloidal field forces the plasma toward across. TFTR is designed to achieve scientific the middle of the torus. To maintain plasma equi- breakeven and is scheduled to be operational in librium and stability, a third set of magnetic fields 1982.

163 Fusion Reactor Configurations — Open Magnetic Confinement





Source: After Selected Articles on Magnetic Fusion Energy from Energy & Technology Review, 1979, p. 13.

The other major category of magnetic con- into a circle in a hybrid design joining open and finement devices is the "open" configuration closed configurations in magnetic confinement). (which does not close in on itself like a Tokamak). In essence, open machines are cylindrical plasma A large tandem mirror, MFTF (Mirror Fusion containers with a solenoid?.! magnetic field around Test Facility), is under construction at Lawrence the cylinder and confining fields at the ends of the Livermore Laboratory in California. As schemati- cylinder to reduce plasma losses. The end fields cally illustrated above, energy will be added to the act as "magnetic mirrors" n reflect charged parti- plasma by neutral beam injection at the end cells. cles. At the present time, three magnetic mirror To give an appreciation of scale, the cylindrical concepts are being studied: the tandem mirror fusion chamber in the MFTF is 18 metres long. (shown above), the field-reversed mirror and the Operation of the machine is expected by late bumpy torus (which links a series of simple mirrors 1981.


Fusion Reactor Configurations — Inertial Confinement



Source: After "Laser Fusion", 1977, p. 13.

Apart from magnetic confinement, the other The device illustrated in Figure 6-17 is the approach to containing a high-temperature Shiva laser fusion facility at Lawrence Livermore plasma on the Earth is by means of inertial con- Laboratory. In this installation, 20 neodymium finement. This latter technique seeks to intensely glass lasers deliver energy to a fuel pellet inside heat a tiny pellet of fusion fuel so rapidly that the the target chamber. Success with the Shiva fuel burns as a plasma before it can disperse. system has been such that the facility is being Extreme heating of the surface of fhe fuel pellet doubled to include a second laser bay. The causes it to implode; the high plasma density expanded system, called Shiva Nova, is expected thereby achieved allows the fusion reaction to be to demonstrate scientific breakeven. The Shiva established for a very small fraction of a second. laser operates at a power level of 20 to 30 tera- The problem is to deliver a huge pulse of energy to watts; Shiva Nova will produce 190 to 285 TW of a tiny target in less than a billionth of a second. power and the expanded facility will approximate- Two approaches to achieving these conditions ly cover the area of a football field. involve heating with high-power lasers or with highly-energetic particle beams.

165 in attempting to confine the plasma long enough for a • Fusion offers the possibility of providing a virtually fusion reaction to take place. limitless supply of energy based upon a fuel available Both magnetic confinement and inertial confine- to all countries. It is one of the very few energy ment are being vigorously pursued in a variety of reactor sources with the potential to broadly handle man's configurations, with spending on magnetic confinement energy requirements in his long-term occupation of having dominated the field to the present time. Each of the planet. the three conditions (temperature, density and confine- • Proper design of fusion reactors should reduce the ment time of the plasma) for controlled fusion has been generation of radioactive by-products to levels far separately achieved and the research drive now centres below those of fission reactors. The fusion on bringing all three conditions together in one fusion by-products would also have shorter half-lives than device. fission by-products. Scientific breakeven — the point at which as much • Fusion activation products are nonvolatile whereas a energy is released by the fusion reaction as is put into substantial fraction of fission activation products are the plasma to heat it — is expected to be achieved volatile. Controlling radioactivity in the event of an before 1985 in fusion machines under construction at accident should therefore be easier in a fusion the present time. That achievement, however, will still reactor. only have demonstrated the scientific principle. Requir- • The fusion reaction does not generate chemical com- ing solution thereafter are the engineering problems bustion products and in that sense represents a involved in deriving a commercial fusion device. Engi- benign energy technology. neering breakeven — defined as the stage at which total energy out of the fusion system equals or exceeds total • Materials used and by-products generated in a com- energy into the system — is expected by many research mercial fusion reactor would not lend themselves to workers to be reached by 1990. The consensus is that a the production of nuclear weapons. demonstration commercial fusion reactor can be operat- • The development of fusion power systems, by virtue ing by early in the twenty-first century. of their complexity and highly demanding engineering The three possible applications of fusion energy design, will promote technological advances with which receive the most attention in research today are application in other industrial sectors. the production of electricity, of fissile fuels in fusion-fis- • Although Canada is only marginally involved in fusion sion hybrid reactors, and of process heat. In the first research today, there are areas of the technology application, the energetic fusion products generate heat where this country could benefit from making a larger upon absorption in the reactor wall, with the thermal contribution to the international effort. energy then used to produce steam and drive conven- tional turDcgenerators. In the second application, the While the potential benefits of commercial fusion fusion neutrons convert fertile materials such as thorium energy are indeed great, there is also no other alterna- into fission reactor fuel. Thirdly, waste heat from electri- tive energy source facing as many difficulties in its cal generation in a fusion facility could be exploited, as exploitation. is the case with other powerplants, for industrial process • The technology to exploit fusion energy on a broad heat, for district heating or for greenhouse agriculture or commercial basis is not yet in place and many experts hydroponics. A number of other applications have been believe that 20 years or more will be required to reach proposed, such as the use of fusion energy in one of that goal. This is a time span beyond the planning several ways to produce hydrogen. horizon of most organizations and a conventional cost/benefit analysis therefore cannot be made. It is difficult for industry in particular to commit funds on a 2. ADVANTAGES AND DIFFICULTIES IN USING large scale to such research when the return is so FUSION ENERGY tentative.

The potential benefits of fusion energy are per- • The cost of commercializing fusion energy will be ceived by some governments to be so great that more tremendous. More than two billion dollars was spent than $2 billion is now being spent annually on R&D in the worldwide last year on fusion research and one expert United States, Europe, the Soviet Union and Japan. has ventured the guess that required,fusion RD&D While the promise of almost unlimited energy from the might ultimately cost some $50 billion. Progress there- fusion process is alluring, this energy source is the fur- fore depends on heavy financial commitments by thest from commercialization of any we have considered governments. and by a large margin it will be the most expensive to • It has yet to be determined whether chronic exposure develop. to the powerful electromagnetic fields characteristic of


fusion reactors constitutes a health hazard for results and information. Joint projects also are common: workers. Japan is planning to invest $250 million in an American project, and the U.S. is investing $50 million in a West The large-scale use of lithium for tritium breeding in German program. Estimates of funding in 1980 for the what is expected to be the first commercial fusion major foreign fusion programs are indicated in Table process poses a hazard since lithium is chemically 6-9. . very active. Tritium management is a sizable challenge since this radioactive isotope of hydrogen is as mobile in the Table 6-9: THE INTERNATIONAL FUSION R&D environment as common hydrogen. PROGRAM IN 1980 Extremely demanding vacuum requirements in the reaction chamber must be met, the reactor structure Estimated Major must last under intense bombardment from highly Fusion Magnetic R&D Confinement Estimated energetic neutrons, and materials must resist large Budget Facilities Under Completion stresses imposed by powerful magnets and steep Country (millions) Construction Date temperature gradients. Despite this hostile operating environment, the various elements of a fusion power U.S.A. $ 600 Tokamak Fusion 1981-82 system must function with high reliability for long Test Reactor periods of time. Such engineering problems form a (TFTR) at Princeton major barrier to the successful commercialization of U.S.S.R. $1,000 T-15 Experimental 1984 fusion power systems. reactor • Fusion reactors could require appreciable quantities European $ 500 Joint European 1983 Torus (JET) of scarce materials; for example, helium used as a Community (EURATOM coolant; beryllium incorporated in the "blanket" sur- Japan $ 400 JT-60 1984 rounding the fusion chamber; and niobium (columbi- um) utilized in superconducting magnets. The high Source: Personal communication, National Research operating temperatures of the reactor also favour the Council, 1981. use of materials such as vanadium and molybdenum. Canada is fortunate though in possessing consider- able resources of some of these elements. These amounts indicate the active pursuit of fusion R&D in the technologically developed nations. When • Because of its expense and complexity, the commer- compared to fission budgets, the U.S. and Japan spend cialization of fusion energy will be achieved in the the equivalent of more than 25 % of their fission budgets industrialized world. Other nations wishing to adopt on fusion, the European Community about 10% and this technology will have to purchase it, making some Great Britain 11%. Other nations including Australia, countries technically dependent on others. South Africa, Spain, Brazil and Argentina are also • Some observers are concerned that in the rush to becoming involved in fusion R&D. harness fusion energy, the best fusion system will not Four projects in the construction phase today are necessarily be the one commercially deployed. expected to establish the scientific feasibility of the • Although the prospect today is that fusion energy magnetic confinement approach to fusion power: TFTR systems will be much more environmentally appealing in the United States, JET in Europe. T-15 in the Soviet than fission systems, the public may nevertheless Union and JT-60 in Japan. These experimental transfer its apprehension over "nuclear power" from machines should provide conclusive information on how one process to the other. to achieve ignition in a D-T plasma. This generation of magnetic confinement machines must then be followed by one or more experimental reactors dedicated to 3. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOP- establishing the technological feasibility of fusion power MENT and then by demonstration reactors to assess the eco- Any one country would find the cost of developing a nomic practicality of fusion. fusion energy system high, and fusion research has In 1978, the International Atomic Energy Agency progressed with international cooperation which has en- proposed an international project to tackle the next abled the sharing of technological breakthroughs. The phase of technological feasibility. The result was the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Internation- INTOR (International Tokamak Reactor) Workshop, with al Fusion Research Council are two of the bodies which the parties to the Workshop being the European Com- coordinate fusion research and which share research munity (through Euratom), the United States, the USSR

167 and Japan. The Workshop established the specifications Canada, permitting access to international work and of such a fusion device and recommended that it be allowing Canadian industrial participation in the develop- constructed and put into operation by the late 1980s or ment of commercial fusion power systems. The spend- early 1990s. INTOR was to require 200 electrical MW of ing program outlined includes funding by both the Fed- power to operate and was to produce a total fusion eral and Quebec Governments for the new Tokamak power of about 620 thermal megawatts. Controlled facility at Varennes. plasma burn was to extend for at least 100 seconds. For a while there was speculation that INTOR might The Federal Government did not support fusion be built in Canada but the Soviet invasion of Afghanis- R&D at the recommended level of $4.2 million in fiscal tan appears to have killed the project. The United States year. .1980-81. Although the NRC Laser Fusion Group has been reexamining its own program in the light of this did receive $1.2 million, only $1.3 million was forthcom- development to see how it should best proceed to the ing for the National Fusion Program, of which $1.0 mil- technological feasibility stage. lion represented the initial Federal contribution towards Canada spent $19 million on fusion R&D in 1979- constructing the Varennes Tokamak. Consequently only 80. This sum comprised $0.3 million from the Federal $300,000 was available in the National Fusion Program Government for the 1979-80 National Fusion Program last year to support project definition studies, to pro- and $0.9 million for the in-house Laser Fusion Group at mote work in the particularly important area of materials NRC, augmented by $0.7 million from Provincial Govern- research, and to^support Canadian scientists in getting ments and utilities. International groups involved wiihlhe hands-on experience with fusion machines abroad. This development of fusion energy do not consider this level level of funding is well below the investment being made of support to be a serious contribution to the interna- collectively by several provinces, principally through tional fusion research effort. their electrical utilities.

Table 6-10: RECOMMENutiJ EXPENDITURES ON A CANADIAN NATIONAL FUSION PROGRAM All values are given in millions of 1979 Canadian dollars.

FISCAL YEAR 79/80 80/81 81/82 82/83 83/84 84/85 85/86 86/87 87/88

Federal Funds for National Fusion Program 0.3 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 NRC In-house Laser Fusion Group 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Federal Funds 1.2 4.2 7.5 11.0 14.0 17.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 Other Sources of Funds for National Fusion Program'3» 0.7 1.8 6.5 12.0 14.0 8.0 3.0 3.0 3J) Total Funding 1.9 6.0 14.0 23.0 28.0 25.0 17.0 17.0 17.0

Includes provincial governments, utilities and foreign sources. Source: Canada, National Research Council, 1980, p. 10.

The National Research Council has proposed a The NRC has suggested that our fusion research budget for a Canadian National Fusion Program which it effort would best entail a three-pronged approach considers to be just sufficient for Canada to attain because of unique Canadian resources. First, Canada

international recognition as making a significant effort >n enjoys international recognition for its gas (CO2) laser fusion research. Details of this funding are presented in research which is relevant to the inertial confinement Table 6-10. The recommended program is intended to approach to fusion systems. Second, with the Varennes develop scientific and technological expertise in Tokamak, Canada will be in a position to contribute to

168 SOURCES. CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES the magnetic confinement program. (Studies leading to nonetheless anticipate that substantial benefits commercial cycles of operation and to the coupling of a would flow from participation in the internation- fusion facility to an electrical grid are planned for this al program to commercialize this energy form. facility.) Third, Canada should specialize in one or two Those benefits will not accrue to Canada at the carefully selected engineering technologies associated present level of support of fusion R&D in this with fusion power systems. In this latter respect, particu- country.-'""" lar interest should be paid to the management of tritium which will be required as a fuel for the first-generation commercial fusion plants. Ontario Hydro already has extensive practical experience in this area. RECOMMENDATION The Committee recommends that the program of expenditures proposed by the NRC Advisory Committee on Fusion-Related Research be CONCLUSION adopted by the Federal Government. For the Evidence put before the Committee strongly five-year period from fiscal year 1980-81 to suggests that fusion will be harnessed in com- 1984-85, this represents an expenditure of mercial power systems early in the twenty-first approximately $54 million (in constant 1979 century. Although the Committee cannot identi- dollars). An independent review should be car- fy a time at which the Canadian energy system ried out in the third year of the program and would require the input of fusion energy, we after five years to determine its effectiveness, -


exception being the immense lava outpourings that have The Earth's average rate of heat loss over 1,000 created the Hawaiian Islands. It is not surprising there- square metres is roughly equivalent to that amount ot fore that much of the emphasis on developing geother- energy required to light a 60 watt bulb. Given this low mal resources has been concentrated in these higher- rate of delivery of heat at the Earth's surface, man energy zones of the Earth's crust, in such countries as searches for regions of the crust where thermal energy Italy, Iceland, the (western) United States, Mexico, exists in anomalously high concentrations. Utilizing geo- _Japan, the Philippines and New Zealand. The principal thermal energy thus becomes a two-component prob- exception to this correlation has been the exploitation" lem. Where can the highest temperatures be found at by several European nations of hot groundwater con- the shallowest depths? And, can useful energy be tained in deep sedimentary basins. extracted at a viable rate from a given geothermal "deposit"?

Geothermal Gradient and Heat Flow Five approaches to utilizing geothermal resources " The term geothermal gradient refers to the have been identified: (1) producing geothermal-electrici- rate at which temperature increases with depth in ty; (2) using lower-grade heat for space heating and the Earth. Averaged over the planet, the geother- similar applications not requiring the conversion of ther- mal gradient is roughly 25° to 30°C per kilometre mal energy to another form; (3) producing fresh water; (approximately 15°F per thousand feet). For this (4) extracting minerals from geothermal brines; and (5) reason deep mines are hotter than shallow mines recovering methane from geopressiired deposits. The and require more elaborate ventilation systems. first two of these „applications are the subject of de- Similarly, drilling operations become more difficult velopment tests in Canada. with depth as the equipment has to withstand progressively higher temperatures. 2. ADVANTAGES AND DIFFICULTIES IN USING Heat flow refers to the quantity of heat cross- GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ing a unit area of the Earth's surface per unit of time — the mean thermal flux over the Earth's Many advantages accrue to the use of geothermal continental regions is about 62 milliwatts per energy, even considering the limited range of deposits square metre. being exploited today. • Land disturbance is less than for most other energy alternatives and restoration is comparatively easy. Plate Tectonics • Geothermal development does not require large quan- Plate tectonics is the name for a theory which tities of materials and energy, and the entire operation considers the outer layer of the Earth to be divid- is localized. ed into a dozen or more large plates "floating" on • With a moderate degree of effort, the environmental a viscous underlayer. These plates, which may impact of geothermal development should be minor. comprise both continental and oceanic rocks, move in response to poorly understood internal • Geothermal energy is available continuously and can forces, at rates of several to ten or more cen- provide base-load power, giving it an inherent advan- timetres per year. tage over such intermittent sources as solar, wind and tidal energy. Plates may move laterally past each other along boundaries termed transform faults (as • Low-temperature heat from geothermal deposits is along the San Andreas Fault system in California), directly usable in such applications as space heating or override one another at subduction zones (as and crop production, providing an efficient match appears to be occurring at the deep-ocean tren- between energy source and end use. ches in the Western Pacific and beneath the • As potentially exploitable deposits occur in more Himalayas in Asia). Ocean ridges in this scheme diverse geological environments than does petroleum, are zones along which new crustal material is for example, geothermal energy may afford certain created, with plates moving outwards from these countries economic and political benefits. axes of seafloor spreading to be reabsorbed within the Earth along the subduction zones. • The technology for geothermal development is not as Figure 6-18 displays the major crustal plates. sophisticated as that required for energy sources such as nuclear fission, thus it may be a more appropriate Earthquakes can in most cases be regarded option for many developing countries. as the result of interactions at or near plate boundaries. • Geothermal powerplants are limited in size and are easier to incorporate into small electric power systems






Subduction zone Ridge axis Transform fault Volcano EARTH, Second Edition, by Frank Press and Raymond Siever. W.H. Freeman and Company. Copyright © 1978. Source: From Classifying Geothermal Resources world and these reservoirs may contain huge No generally accepted classification of geo- volumes of water warmed simply by the normal thermal resources has yet emerged. To review increasing of temperature with depth. As water Canada's geothermal potential we have adopted temperatures are characteristically less than the following categorization: 100°C, these geothermal deposits are often referred to as warm-water fields. In contrast to the HYDROTHERMAL DEPOSITS fluids in convecting systems, the water in deep Convecting Systems sedimentary reservoirs is typically slowly circulat- ing or virtually static. Warm-water fields have been dry-steam systems utilized in Hungary and the Soviet Union for many hot-water systems years, principally for space heating and in Sedimentary R^arvoirs agriculture. Geopressured Deposits Geopressured systems, or reservoirs of abnormally high pressure, are also a form of sedi- HOT, DRY ROCK DEPOSITS mentary deposit. Their characteristics and poten- tial for exploitation are sufficiently different, how- MAGMA SYSTEMS ever, to warrant separate consideration. The Hydrothermal deposits are any underground presence of natural gas in certain of these depos- system of hot water and/or steam contained in its increases the incentive to develop them. fractured or porous rocks. In convecting systems, Hot, dry rock deposits are the second major heat if. transferred by the circulation of water or category of geothermal resource. In some areas of steam rather than by thermal conduction through the world rock masses of elevated temperature solid rock (conduction being a very much slower are found at shallow depths and there are two process of heat transfer). Convection can occur in explanations for such rocks being hotter than highly permeable or fissured rocks, with heated normal. Geologically recent intrusions of molten fluids rising in part of the system and denser material into the Earth's crust may have taken cooler fluids descending elsewhere. Hydrothermal place with these intrusions raising the temperature convecting systems can in turn be subdivided into of surrounding crustal rocks. Or the rock mass dry-steam and hot-water systems. may contain above-average concentrations of Dry-steam deposits produce superheated radioactive elements. If the rocks described con- steam with little or no associated liquid and, while tain little or no water, the system is said to be dry rare, represent the best opportunity for the pro- and exploitation of the energy is made difficult duction of electricity since steam can be piped because a heat transport medium is lacking. If a directly into a turbine. The Geysers field in north- practical method of extracting the thermal energy ern California is a dry-steam reservoir with the is developed, the potential of this resource will be greatest geothermal-electric potential of any very large. deposit yet discovered. Much more commonly, convecting systems Magma systems are emplacements of molten are controlled by circulating hot water. Those rock in the Earth's crust, ranging in temperature containing water above 150°C are candidates for from about 600° to 1,500°C (roughly 1,100° to electric power production, with cooler deposits 2,700°F). The energy contained in such systems is being better suited for space and process heating. immense but the problems in extracting it are Examples of hot-water systems being exploited formidable, and exploitation of magmatic heat is for electric generation are Wairakei in New Zea- still hypothetical. land and Cerro Prieto in Mexico. An example of a Present commercial developments exploit lower-temperature system being tapped is that either convecting systems or sedimentary reser- underlying Reykjavik in Iceland where geothermal voirs. Geopressured deposits and hot, dry rock water is used for space heating. deposits are expected to be utilized commercially Sedimentary sequences thousands of metres before the end of the century, but magma systems thick have accumulated in many regions of the do not hold any near-term prospect for use.

than are central generating stations where economies power conversion systems in the one to ten megawatt of scale dictate larger units. Even smaller geothermal- range) are being considered for operation at geother- electric generating devices (portable, self-contained mal wellheads.


Many of the difficulties involved in using geothermal • Geothermal power provides no siting options, unlike energy are technical or economic in nature. The environ- more conventional energy technologies, because the mental impact is generally local and may be controlled plant must be near the reservoir. This means geother- with proper planning. Impediments to geothermal mal development may result in land-use conflicts in resource usage are listed below. areas which also have recreational value or scenic appeal. _• Drilling for geothermal resources is more difficult than - drilling for petroleum because of the higher tempera- • Geothermal development for electric power produc- _ tures encountered, accelerated wear on equipment, tion is a. costly endeavour with existing technology. increased danger of blowouts, and more frequent loss While electricity derived from dry-stëam deposits is of drilling fluids. economically attractive today, power produced from • The lack of Knowledge about the production charac- the much more commonly occurring hot-water sys- teristics and longevity of geothermal reservoirs makes tems is often not competitive. the economic analysis of geothermal exploitation, • Legal and institutional problems can impede develop- difficult. ment of this resource, as has occurred in the United • Land subsidence from the withdrawal of subsurface States. fluids can be a significant problem. (This phenomenon is well known in petroleum production and, in sensitive 3. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOP- areas, water is reinjected to replace the oil produced, MENT thus preventing most of the subsidence.) In New Zealand's Wairakei field, where geothermal water is Many nations are investigating the potential of geo- discharged into a river rather than reinjected, max- thermal energy, both for electrical and non-electrical imum subsidence has exceeded 3.7 metres (12 feet) applications, but this source is only exploited on a minor and an area of more than 65 square kilometres (25 scale today (Tables 6-11 and 6-12). The U.S.S.R. makes square miles) has been affected. the greatest non-electrical use of the Earth's heat while almost half of the world's geothermal-electric capacity • Geothermal development produces high noise levels lies in California. The contribution of geothermal locally, especially in dry-steam fields. resources to the world energy picture will remain small in this century, although in certain regions it promises to • Water pollution can occur in any phase of develop- become quite significant. ment, as toxic or highly saline geothermal fluids are capable of contaminating surface waters or the groundwater supply. Table 6-11: INSTALLED GEOTHERMAL- • Geothermal fluids typically contain gaseous sub- ELECTRIC CAPACITY IN 1980 stances which can cause serious local air pollution Unit: Electrical megawatts. problems and the requirement for advanced emission control systems can make exploitation of a geother- mal deposit substantially more expensive. INSTALLED • Low system efficiencies (in the conversion of thermal CAPACITY energy to electrical energy) result in geothermal pow- erplants emitting large quantities of waste heat per United States 1,000 unit of electric power generated. A typical generating Mexico 153 unit in The Geysers, for example, requires roughly 785 Japan 218 megawatts of thermal energy to produce 110 electri- Italy 455 cal megawatts, a conversion efficiency of about 14%. Iceland , 64 El Salvador 60 • Pressurized hot water can dissolve surprisingly large New Zealand 203 quantities of material which may cause rapid scaling Philippines 58 in or severe corrosion of the plumbing in geothermal U.S.S.R 5 facilities. Thus maintenance and ultimate project costs Republic of China 3 are raised. WORLD TOTAL 2,219 • The exploitation of geothermal energy must take place locally as the cost of transporting steam or hot water rapidly exceeds the value of their recoverable Source: Stock, 1981. energy.

175 mid-1980s. Declining pressure in the Wairakei field has Table 6-12: NON-ELECTRICAL USE OF GEO- forced a drop in generating output to about 145 MW at THERMAL ENERGY IN 1979 the present time and although this reduced rate of

Unit: Thermal megawatts. steam use has tended to stabilize power production, it apparently still exceeds the rate of reservoir recharge. An output of 100 MW is thought to be indefinitely RESIDENTIAL IVGRICUL- sustainable. Approximately 8% of New Zealand's elec- & COMMERCIAL TURAL INDUSTRIAL COUNTRY trical energy is derived from geothermal sources.

United States 75 5 5 France is developing warm-water fields in sedimen- Italy 50 5 20 tary basins and some 12,000 dwellings in the Paris New Zealand 50 10 150 Japan 10 30 5 Basin are heated geothermally with more in the planning Iceland 680 40 50 stage. Unlike most geothermai schemes, this develop- U.S.S.R 120 5,100 — Hungary 300 370 — ment has taken place in a region of average thermal France 20 — gradient. France projects that 2% of its housing stock Republic of China — 100 — may be so heated by the turn of the century. Source: Stock, 1981. Extensive warm-water fields have heated parts of Budapest since the 1930s and the Hungarian Govern- ment is developing an extensive geothermal system for the entire city of Szeged. A longer-term goal is space The United States looks to a rapid expansion of its heating of an additional 100,000 to 200.000 units. geothermal-electric capacity in The Geysers field in the Warm water is also used in agricultural applications and 1980s, after having encountered difficulties in the past Hungary today exploits more than 1,100 thermal mega- decade. As of October 1980, there were 928 electrical watts of geothermal energy overall. megawatts of installed capacity in this field, embodied in 15 generating units and representing an investment of The Soviet Union is the world's largest user of approximately $2 billion. The Geysers already supplies geothermal energy for non-electrical purposes, the prin- about one-half of San Francisco's electricity and ulti- cipal application being in agriculture. Geothermal space mate generating capacity may exceed 4,000 mega- heating has been employed in the U.S.S.R. since 1947. watts. The Geysers represents the lowest cost new In 1975, 28 geothermal fields were reported to be generating capacity in California today and supplies supplying heat to housing and to farming in several about 2% of the State's electricity. Development of regions of the Soviet Union. geothermal deposits for both electric power production Interest in Canada's geothermal resources is a and for heat is proceeding in many western states and recent phenomenon and the role that this energy source the 1980s will see rapidly growing use of this energy will play here is not yet clear. The Earth Physics Branch resource. of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources is Iceland uses geothermal resources for space heat- the lead agency for geothermal research. A Geothermal ing, serving most of the population. Japan makes limited Studies Group has been in existence since 1962, but use of geothermal energy for electrical power genera- only recently has funding for this group increased tion, for space heating, at recreational spas, and in significantly. agriculture and industry. Oil price increases have led Research is directed towards defining the areas of Japan to pursue an aggressive program of geothermal geothermal potential in Canada, but a comprehensive exploration aimed at establishing a major geothermal- publication outlining these resources across the country electric capacity by early in the next century. is still some time away. The Federal Government's The largest geothermal development in Latin Ameri- approach is to identify the most promising areas and ca is the 150 megawatts of generating capacity at Cerro then to involve the relevant provincial government or Prieto in Mexico, expected to reach 400 MW in 1982. El utility in the development stage. Salvador's 60 MW station accounted for nearly one-third Investigation of Canada's geothermal potential is of that country's electric generation in 1977. If numerous presently concentrating on two regions: a broad thermal other Latin American projects now in the feasibility anomaly extending through the southern Yukon and stage reach fruition, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, west-central British Columbia, and the Western Canada Argentina and Chile will also have geothermal-electric Sedimentary Basin. Eastern Canada appears less pro- stations operating within ten years. mising although there is a possibility that deposits of In New Zealand there is 192 megawatts of commer- relatively low-temperature water may be found in asso- cial geothermal-electric capacity installed in the Waira- ciation with rocks containing radioactive minerals. kei field, with another 150 MW capacity in the nearby The westernmost part of the country is a segment Broadlands field expected to be operational by the of the geologically active spine of North and South 176 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES

America. While this zone is characterized by earthquake The other region of Canada being studied is the activity, current (or geologically recent) volcanism, hot Western Canada Sedimentary Basin underlying most of springs and zones of high heat flow, there is a lack of Alberta and parts of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, the associated features (mud pots, alteration zones, Manitoba, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. The boiling water) commonly found near producing geother- first attempt to tap the Basin's thermal potential began mal fields. The geothermal potential of this region of when the Energy Research Unit of the University of Canada has been described as follows: Regina approached EMR concerning the possibility of geothermally heating a new building. The Federal Gov- ...The possibility of finding a dry steam field such as ernment is assisting in this venture by paying for test Larderello or The Geysers in Canada seems extremely remote. Such fields are invariably associated with well drilling, in line with its objective of defining areas of surface leakage of steam or boiling water. Even the exploitable geothermal potential. The heating system smallest surface expression of such thermal activity envisioned requires two boreholes, one to pump water could not have gone unnoticed in the Canadian Cor- to the surface and the other for its return. Results from dillera where, for twenty years, an aggressive mineral exploration industry has used helicopters to scout the the initial drilling were promising and the work continues. landscape... The Federal contribution to the Regina project was $17,700 in 1980-81 and is expected to be $250,000 in It seems realistic to hope for the discovery of at least one hot water field (such as Wairakei) capable of FY 1981-82. supplying enough flash steam to generate electricity... To better define Canada's geothermal potential, a The most promising areas of search are broadly defined by the four belts of Quaternary volcanoes that modest program of resource appraisal is underway, extend across British Columbia and southwestern costing $592,000 in the 1980-81 fiscal year. Thus Fed- Yukon... (Souther, 1975. p. 266) eral expenditures in the geothermal sector in FY 1980- 81 totalled slightly more than $1 million, including Studies of recent volcanism have led to the choice shared-cost projects. of the Meager Mountain area north of Vancouver for the Federal Government's first demonstration of a geother- mal reservoir of volcanic origin. For the past five years CONCLUSION the Government has been working on this project in The Federal Government's approach to geo- cooperation with B.C. Hydro. The investigation first con- thermal exploitation — identifying and defining centrated on identifying the best site for deep drilling, the resource while involving appropriate parties since the reservoir is not always found directly under the in its commercialization — is sound. surface manifestation of the geothermal resource. If the drilling program establishes a deposit with appropriate characteristics, B.C. Hydro will assume commercial de- CONCLUSION velopment and may have a pilot geothermal-electric Geothermal energy will not add significantly to plant operating by the mid-1980s. Federal funding of the Canada's energy supply in this century. In the Meager Mountain project came to $420,000 in FY 1980- long run, however, this resource has the poten- 81 and is set at $325,000 in 1981-82. tial to contribute in an important way. largely in No other area in the Canadian Cordillera has been non-electrical applications, if economic extrac- studied as thoroughly as has Meager Mountain for its tion methods are developed. geothermal potential, but there are further sites of inter- est. Geothermal resources suitable for generating elec- tricity may be discovered in other volcanic belts of RECOMMENDATION British Columbia and the Yukon. The Mt. Edziza area in The Committee recommends that Federal ex- northern British Columbia looks especially promising. penditures on geothermal energy be sufficiently However, due to its remoteness, lack of a sizeable local large to accomplish at least the following: to market for the electricity and the costs involved in define the size of the geothermal resource in investigating this resource, it is unlikely that Mt. Edziza Canada; to promote development of this energy will get a high priority. This geothermal field is in Mount form, especially for space heating; and to Edziza Provincial Park which could lead to conflicts in determine the feasibility of extracting thermal land use. energy from hot, dry rocks.



Heat pump efficiency is expressed by the coeffi- cient of performance (COP) — the ratio of the energy delivered at the high-temperature unit to the energy supplied to the compressor. If the heat pump is being 5tf>c Supply air used to heat a home and the outside temperature is about 0°C, a COP of between 2 and 4 is common. This -15fCAit means that for every unit of electrical energy delivered to the compressor, between 2 and 4 units of heat energy 20°C Return air are made available inside the home. High COPs are feasible with large machines pumping through small temperature differences. Such efficiencies demonstrate the major advantage in pursuing heat pump technology. Evaporator-2D°C —* '— Compressi» Condenser The efficiency of a heat pump declines with lower OUraOOBIMT MOORIMT exterior temperatures, however. At a "balance point" of Source: Leslie. 1977. p. 78. about 0°C (exterior) a heat pump is just equal to meet- ing the heating needs of the building it serves, and below that temperature heat delivered by the pump must be absorbs heat, its latent heat of vaporization, from the supplemented by some other source. It is clear then that surrounding air which is in turn cooled somewhat by the in northern latitudes the extreme cold of winter makes process. A compressor circulates the gas back to the the application of air-source heat pumps of limited building where it is condensed and changes state back value. Figure 6-20 shows one estimate of the approxi- to a liquid, giving up its latent heat of vaporization and mate practical northern limit of conventional air-source warming the interior air. heat pump use in Canada. Undoubtedly future advances in technology will push the "northern limit" line further north, and the illustrated limit does not apply to ground- The Latent Heat of VapourizaUon and water-source heat pumps or to unconventional The latent heat of vapourization is the amount applications. Nevertheless, almost one-third of Canada's of energy required for a substance to change its state from a liquid to a gas. This quantity of Figure 6-20: NORTHERN LIMIT OF AIR-SOURCE energy is much greater than that required simply HEAT PUMP APPLICATION IN to raise or lower the temperature of the liquid. For CANADA example, to raise the temperature of one gram of water through one Celsius degree, one calorie of heat is required. To vapourize a gram of water at the boiling point, 540 calories are required.

This type of heat pump cycle (termed a vapour compression cycle) is by far the most common in use today. Other cycles involve the compression and expan- sion of air or the chemical absorption of heat and are in limited use or under development, but neither is com- petitive with the vapour compression cycle at present. A novel and very promising combination of a simple heat pump using water as the working fluid, with an active solar heating system using hygroscopic salts for heat storage, is discussed in the section on Solar Energy. Virtually all heat pumps used today are powered by electric compressors. Alternatively, a heat engine, run- ning on natura! gas or oil, for example, can be employed to power the compressor for a heat pump, in which case the waste heat from combustion can be used to help warm the building. Source: Sandori, 1978, p. 51.

180 SOURCES. CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES population lives in the "preferred zone", indicating that In the United Kingdom only about 500 heat pumps even at present the technology should be of great are installed at present, chiefly because of the lack of interest to Canadians. suitable equipment. The Electricity Council is monitoring Heat pumps are being used increasingly for industri- air-source heat pumps in commercial buildings and is al processes such as wood-drying, and the Committee developing high-temperature heat pumps for industrial anticipates that this technology will be applied more use. A number of organizations are investigating gas- widely. The application of heat pumps is particularly fired units. advantageous where temperature differentials must be Residential heat pumps were introduced to France maintained within buildings. For example, heat pumps in 1970 but their mass production has not yet begun can be used to freeze the ice in skating arenas, deliver- and the spread of the technology has been slow as a ing the extracted heat to warm the surrounding stands. consequence. By the beginning of 1977, 3,100 units had Similarly, heat pumps may be used in community cen- been installed, of which 2,800 were in collective dwell- tres to warm the water of indoor swimming pools, ings. A further 150 heat pumps were in service in office extracting heat from the air in the building or from an buildings. 350 in stores and 200 in small businesses. An adjacent skating rink. Such energy balancing probably important industrial application of heat pumps in France represents one of the best short-term applications of is wood-drying with over 1,000 installations in operation. heat pump technology. The wood to be dried is placed in a chamber which is dehumidified using the cold coils of a heat pump and air RECOMMENDATION which is warmed on the hot coils is returned to the dryer. The Committee recommends that heat pump Heat pumps are the subject of active research and use in suitable community recreation com- development in Australia, Austria. Belgium, Denmark, plexes be encouraged and that all three levels Eire, Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zea- of government investigate the potential for land, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and West Germany. financial assistance in this regard. Industrial applications are widespread in Europe and include drying bricks, ceramics and noodles, evaporat- While heat pumps are attractive because of their ing milk and other foods, and concentrating sugar solu- energy conserving characteristics, their capital and tions and alcoholic beverages. A special application, maintenance costs are presently greater than those of other systems. Moreover, since alternative fuel costs and used only in Europe to date, is in electroplating where availabilities vary across Canada, it is necessary to separate hot and cold baths are required for the various evaluate the economics of heat pump systems from site steps of cleaning, acid treatment, preparation, plating to site. For example, a study by Cane (1980) suggested and washing. Heat pumps provide an ideal means of that gas furnaces are more economical than heat pumps maintaining the necessary temperature differences. for new installation and retrofit in locations where natural In the United States the first large-scale heat pump gas is available. Similarly, economic analyses done by application was in the Los Angeles offices of Southern other workers (Kernan and Brady, 1977; Heap, 1979; California Edison Company in 1930-31 and by 1940 Strieker, 1980) confirm that generalizations on the there were 15 commercial installations around the coun- applicability of heat pumps are difficul: to make. Where try. The first experiments with ground-source heat the homeowner attaches a high value to air conditioning, pumps were made around 1950 and in the early 1960s however, the analyses suggest that heat pump systems domestic heat pumps gained an appreciable market in are economic in all major Canadian cities. the United States. Unfortunately they went out of favour because of poor reliability. For the same reason, the 3. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOP- U.S. Armed Forces banned the use of heat pumps in MENT military housing in 1964, a ban which remained in effect until 1975. As reliability was improved, sales picked up Progress in heat pump research and development is again in the early 1970s with reversible units gaining monitored by international organizations concerned with favour among consumers. The Department of Energy is energy supplies, including the World Energy Conference, developing a new natural gas-powered heat pump which the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Scientific could be on the market in the early 1980s. This kind of and Technical Research Committee of the European unit promises to exceed by about 50% the total heat Economic Community. The International Council for energy delivered by a conventional heat pump for the Building Research Studies and Documentation publishes same energy input. reviews of current research in heat pump technology applied to buildings, and the International Institute of The international market for heat pumps is expand- Refrigeration includes work on a wide range of heat ing. For instance, the total U.S. supply of packaged pump applications in its publications. units for space heating and cooling was expected to be

181 600,000 in 1980. 1979 Canadian demand reached Canadian Electrical Association which will be inviting 5,000 units and in Germany an estimated 15.000 to proposals from Canadian manufacturers to produce the 18,000 units were purchased in 1980 (Strieker, 1980). Ontario Hydro-designed pump. The relative sizes of these markets reflect the differing states of technological innovation as well as the market- CONCLUSION specific needs in each area. North American applica- The increasing use of heat pumps in Canada is tions are primarily residential and commercial, whereas compatible with the goals of substituting for oil the Europeans are more advanced in industrial and conserving energy. The decision to apply applications. heat pump technology, however, is highly case-specific.

Heat pumps are used at several Canadian kilns for RECOMMENDATION drying hardwoods (softwoods are dried at much higher Governmental and industrial RftD in Canada temperatures and suitable heat pumps are not yet avail- should continue to refine heat pump technolo- able). R&O in Canada is not extensive, but Ontario gy. Emphasis should be placed upon penetrat- Hydro is carrying out research aimed at lowering the bal- ing commercial, residential and industrial mar- ance point of heat pumps so as to make this technology kets and upon seeking the most effective useful at colder temperatures and in more northern lati- marrying of heat pumps with other energy tudes. Much of this program is being sponsored by the technologies.


2. PRODUCING HYDROGEN ment in this area would enhance the opportunities for increased use of hydrogen fuel in our economy. As the world's supplies of fossil fuels decline, there will necessarily be a shift towards sustainable energy Today, the electrolytic process generates less than sources. These sources can be harnessed to produce 1% of Canada's hydrogen supply. Hydrogen is pro- electricity via photovoltaic cells, wind conversion sys- duced primarily by steam reformation or partial oxida- tems, tidal power plants or geothermal-electric generat- tion of hydrocarbons. The process involves heating a ing facilities. Add to this Canada's abundance of sites mixture of water and natural gas or crude oil to release

for small and large hydro-electric developments, plentiful H2 and is known as the "water-gas reaction". Currently, supply of uranium and mature nuclear technology and 76% of Canada's hydrogen comes from natural gas and one can foresee a future in which electricity plays an is used principally in the synthesis of ammonia for fertil- increasingly important role. Some of the energy needs izers. Twenty-three per cent of our hydrogen is pro- currently met by hydrocarbons can be satisfied by elec- duced from liquid petroleum and is both generated and tricity; however, electrical energy is neither as easily used internally by the petroleum industry in the refining stored nor as efficiently transported over long distances process. In the future, the output of hydrogen from these as are fossil fuels. By using electricity and the process of methods of production is unlikely to increase as the electrolysis to produce hydrogen, these difficulties can domestic supply of both oil and natural gas declines. be largely overcome. Thus H2 can facilitate a shift from a fossil fuel-based energy system to one based on electri- There are several additional methods of producing cal energy. hydrogen which are the subject of research in other countries. For example, it is possible to split water into hydrogen and oxygen by the direct application of heat. Electrolysis This thermal decomposition can only be achieved at temperatures of 2,500°C to 4,000°C. Such high temper- Electrolysis is a process in which a direct atures will be available in the future if fusion reactors are electrical current is passed through a solution of developed but the direct thermal decomposition of water and a catalyst causing the water to decom- water on a commercial scale is, in practice, impossible pose into its elemental components, hydrogen today. and oxygen. This reaction can be represented as follows: Although the direct thermal decomposition of water may not be feasible, it is possible to achieve this end H2O(liquid) + energy input -«• H2(gas) + 'AO^gas). through a series of chemical reactions. A reaction The efficiency of the electrolysis process can be sequence can be devised in which hydrogen and oxygen expressed as the ratio of are produced, at lower temperatures than those required for direct thermal decomposition, by applying heat to heating value of H? output. specific chemicals. Only water is consumed and all other electrical energy input chemical products are recycled. Thermochemical cycles have been under investigation in many parts of the world for a number of years and a bench scale system involv- Commercial electrolysis plants are in use today, ing a sulphur cycle has been demonstrated in Europe. primarily to generate hydrogen for ammonia production. In British Columbia, Cominco Limited operates one of Canada, the United States, the European Economic the largest commercial electrolyzer plants in the world. Community and seven other countries have joined to- This plant consumes 90 megawatts of power and pro- gether, under the auspices of the International Energy duces about 36 tons of hydrogen per day for synthesis Agency, to share in research on thermochemical hydro- into ammonia. The range of efficiency in the electrolysis gen production. Canada's main effort, however, should process in such plants is typically 57% to 72%. remain with the electrolytic production of hydrogen, It may be possible to reach efficiencies of 85% or, given our abundant supply of electric power. if operated in an endothermic (heat absorbing) mode There are still other methods of producing hydrogen using heat from the surroundings, efficiencies in excess which show a great deal of promise. Most current and of 100% may be achieved in the electrolysis cycle. This proposed methods of utilizing solar energy are based on should not be confused, however, with the efficiency of the conversion of sunlight to heat, to be used directly for the entire process which includes that part of the cycle space or water heating, or to electricity via silicon solar in which the electricity itself is produced, it is this factor cells. However, additional steps are necessary if energy which limits the overall efficiency and raises the cost of storage is required. The photochemical conversion of producing hydrogen by electrolysis. Improving efficiency solar energy is an attractive option because it offers the in the production and use of electricity from whatever potential of directly converting and storing solar energy source is clearly a fruitful area for research. An improve- as a chemical fuel (hydrogen).


tered during development. Dr. Calvin has stated that he Thermochemlcal Hydrogen Production doesn't see any fundamental scientific difficulties with In Europe, the Joint Research Centre of the his approach. Communities (JRC) began investigating thermo- chemical hydrogen production in 1970. The most suitable cycles are being identified and scientists Photochemical Hydrogen Production in Solu- are assessing their chemistry, environmental tion impact and production costs. By a process of As in electrolysis, water is the raw material for elimination, the choice in Europe has been nar- photochemical hydrogen production. In the pres- rowed to three sulphur cycles. Of these three, the ence of sunlight, atoms of a catalyst such as two most promising cycles are hybrids; that is, rhodium are excited causing them to release they each include an electrochemical stage (other negatively-charged electrons which react with stages are thermochemical). One of these cycles positively-charged hydrogen ions in solution to "Mark 13" (detailed below) has been operated at produce hydrogen gas. In theory, as much as the laboratory stage, producing hydrogen at a 20% of the energy in sunlight could be converted rate of 100 litres an hour. (The arrows pointing in into hydrogen by this process. Since rhodium opposite directions indicate that the reactions are (which is a rare earth element) is both scarce and reversible.) It is believed that this is the world's expensive, some research is aimed at finding alter- first demonstration of a complete thermochemical nate catalysts, tungsten and molybdenum being water-splitting cycle. The process takes place at two possibilities. temperatures in the range of 500" to 650°C.

1) SO2 + Brz + 2H2O^ 2HBr + Much more research must be done to establish whether or not a workable photochemical fuel-genera- 2) 2HBr^* H2 + Br2 (the electrochemical step) tion system with its inherent advantages can be devel- 4 ^ H20 + SO2 + oped. This question will probably be answered within the This development puts the reaction within the next decade. bounds of the operational temperature of conven- tional nuclear reactors, operating in the range of 540°C to 700°C. Solar power towers are also 3. STORING HYDROGEN expected to deliver high temperatures which could Hydrogen, like natural gas, can be liquefied and be used in a thermochemical reaction. All other stored at very cold temperatures (cryogenic storage). thermochemical cycles investigated have required Liquid hydrogen is stored in vacuum-insulated flasks at operating temperatures beyond this level. about -250°C but this is not likely to be the favoured storage option when hydrogen comes into wider use. The cost of the insulated containers is one concern, but The most promising photochemical reaction is the the most important limiting factor is the energy required production of hydrogen and oxygen by the visible-light to liquefy hydrogen in the first place — 25 to 30% of its photolysis (splitting) of water. This can be done by living heating value. organisms or in biomimetic systems (systems which, although inspired by the mechanisms of natural photo- A more conventional method for storing small quan- synthesis, are entirely artificial). Some of these methods tities of hydrogen is as a gas in high-pressure cylinders. retain a part of the living photosynthetic system (for This method of storage is both expensive and bulky example isolated chloroplasts), others use solutions of since a large quantity of low-carbon steel is needed to appropriate chemicals and still others constitute what contain a relatively small amount of hydrogen. The han- are termed photoelectrochemical cells. The first dling of hydrogen presents some technical difficulties approach seems least promising because chloroplasts which have to be taken into account. Embrittlement of have a very short life span outside a living cell. metal can be a problem in all hydrogen systems, but especially at very high pressures. Hydrogen molecules One of a number of approaches being taken inter- are the smallest of all molecules and can diffuse into nationally is that of Dr. Melvin Calvin who won the Nobel spaces between atoms in metals. This makes the metal prize in 1961 for his mapping of the photosynthesis of brittle and can result in surface cracking which weakens carbohydrates. He has developed an artificial chloro- the pipe or storage vessel. Furthermore, its small plast which is less complex than a natural one but which molecular size allows hydrogen gas to leak more easily functions in much the same way (Figure 6-21). Although than other gases from systems under pressure. the system is far from being perfected and there will Nonetheless, these technical difficulties can be over- undoubtedly be difficult mechanical problems encoun- come by careful design.



UNSTABLE OXYGEN ATOM An electron in that molecule is excited.

9"~16 The hydrogen is held in the That electron o cnloropfast by a catalyst, while lumps to the Q the first eight steps are repeated- hydrogen ion. drawing the second hydrogen ion forming H. into !he ehloroplast The electron jumps Hydrogen escapes as a across the chloroptast gas to be used as fuel. to another molecule. Oxygen is released far use by ihe chemical ndusiry.


That molecule draws A second photon of light an electron trom hiis the second synthetic water. The resulting 6 chlorophyll molecule. hydrogen ton moves C across me chloro-

now lacks an electron.


Source: After Weintraub. 1981, p. 37.

Since storage as a liquid or as a compressed gas is for use in moving vehicles or where a combination of only suitable for comparatively small quantities of hydro- compactness and large hydrogen-holding capacity is gen, under-round storage may represent the best required. There are alternative storage methods which approach foi inexpensively containing large quantities of show considerable promise for application in these spe- the gas. This seems technically feasible as natural gas cial situations. ^ has for many years been injected into depleted oil or gas Most metals will, on contacting gaseous hydrogen, reservoirs and stored until required. Any such reservoir form a compound known as a metal hydride. Metal would have to be judged on its individual characteristics. hydrides are attractive because they can bind a large Aquifers can be used in a similar manner by displacing quantity of hydrogen. For instance, it is possible to get water with injected hydrogen. In England, Imperial more hydrogen into a given volume in the form of a Chemical Industries Limited is storing 95% pure hydro- metal hydride than into the same volume as a liquid. The gen in solution-mined caverns in a salt deposit. metal is normally prepared in the form of small particles The main disadvantage of underground storage is to provide as much surface area as possible with which that it is limited to locations with suitable geology. This is the hydrogen can react. As one might expect though,

not a serious problem, however, since H2 can be trans- there is a difficulty with this approach too and the major ported by economical means to the point of use. concern here is the weight of the system. Cryogenic storage and pressurized storage are The most promising hydride examined to date is a appropriate for the present industrial uses of hydrogen, ternary hydride (that is, two metals plus hydrogen), the and underground facilities allow safe storage of large two metals being iron and titanium. This system has a quantities of H2. But neither of these methods is suitable relatively low cost, a low dissociation pressure and a


Administration and the private company involved in the Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydrides liquid-hydrogen rocket engine program have successful- The reaction of a metal with hydrogen can be ly operated very short high-pressure pipelines for both expressed as follows: liquid and gaseous hydrogen. These high pressures and the use of liquid hydrogen pipelines are unlikely to be M (metal) + H MH (metal hydride). 2i? 2 implemented for the large-scale movement of hydrogen This is a reversible reaction. If the ambient fuel, but this experience has shown what can be pressure is above a certain level (equilibrium pres- achieved. sure), the reaction proceeds to the right producing Of greater interest are the commercial or "mer- a hydride. Below this equilibrium pressure, the chant" hydrogen pipelines operating in several coun- hydride will dissociate into hydrogen gas and the tries, which demonstrate the feasibility of pipeline trans- metal. mission of hydrogen gas. In the United States, Air Products and Chemicals Incorporated of Houston, moderate controlling temperature. Its disadvantages are Texas operates a 96-kilometre (60-mile) underground its weight and its sensitivity to contaminants (ultrapure pipeline. This system has worked so weil that plans are hydrogen must be used). An iron-titanium hydride is underway to construct a further 104 kilometres (65 already being used in several prototype vehicles in the miles) of pipeline to serve additional customers in the United States and in Germany. area. The high storage density and the inherent safety of Perhaps the most impressive hydrogen pipeline hydride systems (they release hydrogen only slowly system is that belonging to the Chemische Werke Huls ! upon rupture) have made them an attractive subject for AG in the Ruhr Valley of West Germany. Tt»s 210 research. In instances where mobility, compactness and km-long underground pipeline network handles 95% weight are not factors, such as in the on-site storage of pure hydrogen at a pressure of 1.5 megapascals (210 hydrogen from off-peak power, metal hydride storage pounds per square inch). There are four separate injec- compares favourably with other methods. It seems likely tion points and nine different users. No significant prob- that such storage will gain in importance as hydrogen lems have been encountered during the 40 years that fuel becomes more widely used. this pipeline has been in operation. In applications where mobility and weight are The cost of hydrogen compared with current important, such as in automobiles, liquid hydride storage petroleum prices precludes its use as a fuel today. This may hold the answer. A liquid hydride is any liquid means no large-scale hydrogen pipeline is likely to be compound which contains hydrogen as a major element. built soon. On the other hand, present natural gas

Water (H2O) is of course the most abundant liquid pipelines and, more importantly, natural gas end uses hydride, but gasoline, propane and methanol are exam- are compatible with adding up to 20% H2 to the gas. ples of liquid hydrides as well. In addition to these Thus in the long term, as natural gas becomes less natural hydrogen carriers it is possible to create a variety abundant and the supply of hydrogen gas increases, of synthetic liquid hydrides. Such compounds could pipelines could be modified to carry H2. The major provide an answer to the problems of storing and carry- alteration required would be the installation of larger

ing H2 in a form suitable for use in mobile applications. compressors. The heating value of H2 is only one-third Methanol from biomass, for example, could well become that of natural gas for an equal volume. Larger compres- an important hydrogen carrier in this country as we sors are therefore required to move three times the increase our production of this alcohol. volume of hydrogen in order to maintain the same rate of energy delivery (if the system is converted to carrying

4. TRANSPORTING HYDPuSEN H2 alone). Most commonly hydrogen is transported over long distances in the form of a liquid. This is done in double- 5. A HYDROGEN-BASED ENERGY SYSTEM FOR walled, evacuated, insulated containers mounted on CANADA trailer trucks, rail cars or barges. Small quantities of Switching Canada's energy system from one based hydrogen are moved as compressed gas in thick steel primarily on nonrenewable hydrocarbons to one based cylinders. Both of these methods will continue to be on a wide variety of sustainable energy sources with used in the future for small volumes but, in a "hydrogen hydrogen as the major currency will be neither quick nor

economy", H2 will most likely move to market via inexpensive, but it is nonetheless desirable. pipeline. There is already a considerable amount of experi- CONCLUSION ence in the transmission of hydrogen by pipeline. In the The Committee believes that Canada should United States, the National Aeronautics and Space develop a hydrogen-based energy system.

187 RECOMMENDATION the remote siting of nuclear power stations, with a hydrogen pipeline link to markets, could help allay The Committee recommends that an energy public concern over the location of such stations near system based upon hydrogen and electricity as population centres. the principal energy currencies be adopted by Hydrogen produced by electrolysis has distinct the Government of Canada as a long-term advantages over liquid fuel options because it can be policy objective. produced from most energy sources through the medium of electricity. Therefore, Canada could begin There are numerous reasons for concluding that a now to develop the infrastructure for a hydrogen-based hydrogen-based energy system makes sense for energy system knowing that no matter which long-term Canada. The large reserves of bitumen and heavy oil in energy option ultimately proves to be our major source Alberta and Saskatchewan will necessarily form part of of supply, the hydrogen infrastructure would remain the our energy supply for many years to come. These same. reserves require the addition of hydrogen for upgrading to usable oils. Today hydrogen used for this purpose CONCLUSION comes from natural gas and conventional crude oil, but in the future the hydrogen could be produced by elec- The Committee believes that hydrogen is the trolysis. The first step towards a hydrogen-based energy best fuel for a non-carbon-based energy system might therefore be made in extending Canada's system. supplies of hydrocarbon fuels. Although this appears to be an expensive approach, it would allow hydrogen RECOMMENDATION production capability to parallel rather than track the The Committee believes that hydrogen will be development of end uses for hydrogen in our economy. an important element of Canada's future energy A further benefit of this approach could be a smooth system and recommends that we begin now to transition out of the petroleum era. develop the technology and infrastructure for In the Biomass section the Committee recommends hydrogen production, distribution and use. construction of a methanol plant using biomass and natural gas as feedstocks. The natural gas is added to The speeo with which a hydrogen energy system is the synthesis gas produced from biomass to increase introduced will probably depend more upon political and the hydrogen to carbon ratio and thereby raise methanol environmental concerns than upon economics or the yields. Electrolytic hydrogen could eventually replace depletion of hydrocarbon resources. Canada, neverthe- natural gas as the hydrogen source in this type of less, is in a unique position to become a v/orld leader in facility. electrolytic hydrogen production technology. We already In still another application, electrolytic hydrogen have an abundant supply of electricity from non-fossil could be produced using off-peak electricity, increasing fuel sources and we have the potential for producing the efficiency and reducing the cost of utility operation. electricity from a number of renewable sources. We are The hydrogen so produced could subsequently feed a also fortunate in that the world's leading manufacturer of fuel cell to produce electricity for peaking requirements, electrolysis equipment is a Canadian company. It thus much as pumped storage is utilized today. However this appears that with this lead Canada should be in a conversion from electricity to hydrogen and back to position to develop a complete hydrogen system. The electricity is only about 35% efficient and the energy missing element is end uses for the increased hydrogen lost in first producing the electricity has also to be production. Suggestions have been made to the Com- accounted for. Thus it would make more sense to mix mittee that the development of a low-cost fuel cell for the hydrogen with natural gas and deliver it by pipeline use in ground transportation would complete the to consumers or to ship it directly to industrial users. system. In addition to helping replace oil in the transpor- Canada has potential sites for large hydro-electric tation sector, this system would provide excellent oppor- generating stations which have not been developed due tunity for the export of technology to other countries. to their distance from markets. If electricity produced in these remote areas were used to electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen, these two gases could be piped RECOMMENDATION to distant consumption points. It was estimated by The Committee agrees that the early demon- witnesses before the Committee that for distances over stration of a hydrogen-based urban transporta- 500 km it would be cheaper to go this "hydrogen route" tion system is required in Canada and recom- than to transmit the power by high-voltage transmission mends that research into this use of hydrogen lines, provided that the hydrogen were not to be recon- be supported with the aim of rapid commerciali- verted 'io electricity. If nuclear energy were to be used, zation.


While we already know a certain amount about the tem, the investment required would be in the order of production, storage, transportation and use of hydro- hundreds of millions of dollars over the next five years. gen, much research remains to be done before hydro- gen plays a major role in our energy system. Many other countries have acknowledged the potential benefits of a CONCLUSION hydrogen-based energy system and are working to over- The Committee believes that Canada has a come the remaining problems surrounding its economic unique opportunity to become the world leader production and use. in hydrogen technologies if we follow an ambi- tious route to the early establishment of a hydrogen-based system. CONCLUSION Canada has a momentary advantage, possess- It is important to note that the Committee is not ing all of the essential elements for developing simply recommending the introduction of another supply an electrolytic hydrogen system. What is miss- option — we are talking about the development of an ing is a commitment to taking full advantage of entire energy system. Technologies for the production,

our position. storage and transportation of H2 must be refined and costs reduced; the infrastructure necessary for the wide- This is made clear by the fact that the current Fed- spread distribution and use of H2 needs to be put in eral RD& D program for hydrogen is funded to the level place; and end-use technologies require basic RD&D. of only $1 million per year - a sum which must cover all The Committee believes that Canada has an opportunity RD & D on the production, storage and use of hydrogen. to act decisively and quickly to establish this country as a world leader in hydrogen energy technologies. Canada currently spends billions of dollars on large energy CONCLUSION supply projects. The next tar sands plant is expected to cost about $10 billion and the Darlington nuclear gene- Federal funding of hydrogen RD&D is totally rating station will probably exceed $7 billion in construc- inadequate to allow Canada to gain, or maintain tion costs. Each of these large projects offers only one for long, a position of world leadership in any energy commodity — one supply option. A hydrogen- area of hydrogen technology. based system can involve a wide variety of energy sources and an equally wide variety of non-polluting end Having decided that a hydrogen-based energy uses. Certainly such a system is worth funding at the system should be implemented in Canada, the Commit- same order of magnitude as conventional energy supply tee sought the opinion of experts in the field of hydrogen projects. energy as to what steps would be necessary to achieve this long-term objective. The response indicates that such a system will only evolve in this country if there is a RECOMMENDATION strong politica; will to make it happen. Without a firm The Committee recommends that the Federal commitment on the part of the Federal Government, it Government be prepared to spend up to $1 will be many years before hydrogen makes a significant billion over the next five years to foster the contribution to our energy system. Once a commitment broad development of a hydrogen-baaed to such a course of action was made, the rate of energy system and to establish Canada as a development would depend to a great extent upon the world leader in hydrogen technology. amount of money dedicated to the effort. In order to attract and keep top research scientists well versed in the fields of hydrogen production, storage, transporta- The task of developing appropriate hydrogen tion and use, a major, long-term financial commitment is energy technologies will be an enormous one. The Com- a necessity. mittee believes that such development will require the If Canada decides to pursue a purely RD & D pro- guidance of a mission-oriented agency — an agency gram over the next five years, with no provision for com- charged with orchestrating the research, development, mercialization, funding in the tens of millions of dollars demonstration and commercialization of hydrogen would be required. This would ensure that steady, if energy systems. No such agency is currently in place. slow, progress was made in hydrogen RD&D but it would not enable us to begin developing a hydrogen- based energy system. If, on the other hand, Canada RECOMMENDATION chooses to pursue the rapid development and commer- The Committee recommends that a Commis- cialization of a complete hydrogen-based energy sys- sion, to be known as Hydrogen Canada, be

189 established to act as the lead agency for hydro- Yeari Millions of Dollars gen RDAD and commercialization In Canada. This Commission should report to the proposed Organizational Planning and Minister of State for Alternative Energy and Management 2 Conservation. RD & D Planning 2-4 Physical Plant Planning 2 Possible Land Acquisition _2j4 RECOMMENDATION Total 8-12 The Committee recommends that the proposed Minister of State for Alternative Energy and Year 2 Conservation begin a review of the progress and accomplishments of Hydrogen Canada Facility Engineering and Design .... 7 after eighteen months, with the review to be H2 System and Synergy Analysis.. 1 completed within six months. A further review Land Acquisition (and some should be conducted after the fourth year of the RD & D initiatives) 40-60 program, with subsequent reviews to follow at Total 48-68 five-year intervals. Year 3

RECOMMENDATION Physical Plant (to complete by year end) 30-60

The Committee recommends that the results of H2 System and Synergy Analysis, the periodic reviews of Hydrogen Canada's . Demonstration of some retrofit, progress be tabled in Parliament within three small user and generation tech- months of their completion and that, in the nologies and establishment of

event that Parliament Is not sitting at the time, Hz superior RD & D plans 120-170 the Minister be permitted to make them public. Total 150-230

Hydrogen Canada: The First Five Years Year 4 YearS

In the course of its deliberations the Commit- H2 System and Synergy Analysis.... 10 15 tee sought advice from experts in the field of Hz Generation 60 60 hydrogen energy RD&D in Canada. Having decid- Hz Distribution 30 40 ed that an ambitious program, including demon- Fossil Resource/Reserve Exten- stration and commercialization as well as research sion 30 25 and development, was right for Canada, the Com- Biomass Resource/Reserve mittee asked Dr. David Scott, Head of Mechanical Extension 20 30 Engineering at the University of Toronto to sug- Small User H2 Technologies 30 30 gest, as a guide, the funding levels that he felt Retrofit H2 Technologies 40 40 would be required to move Canada quickly into a "Clean H2" Fuel Cell Technology.... 30 60 clear position of world leadership in hydrogen- Hybrid Drives (regeneration and based energy technologies. The following five-year storage batteries) 15 25

budget was submitted to the Committee by Or. On-board Hz Storage 10 55 Scott and reviewed by Dr. J.B. Taylor of the LH2 Aircraft Technology 10 13 National Research Council of Canada. Dr. Taylor Other H2 Superior Technologies 20 30 concurred in Dr. Scott's assessment of the effort required to reach the stated objective. Total 305 423 Years 1 to 3 would be taken up primarily in establishing a lead agency for Canadian hydrogen This schedule of funding is an indication of energy RD&D and commercialization. Some the financial requirement to put Canada into the research could be contracted out during the time lead in developing hydrogen technologies. It is that Hydrogen Canada's facilities were being provided as a guide to policymakers. As with any planned and constructed. In subsequent years, program of this magnitude a periodic review of the when RD& D was fully underway, higher levels of progress and direction of research and develop- funding would be required. ment will be required.


MHSlfldOHd 1VN0UN3AN03N0N A number of steps will be required in making a powered vehicles in Canada. First, the propane resource gradual transition to new fuels. is limited. We can make more available in Canada by limiting exports and increasing the amount of propane • Conservation of conventional fuels should be promot- produced by refineries, but the amount we can expect ed by reducing non-essential travel and by keeping to produce from increasingly "dry" gas fields and our engines well-tuned and efficiently running. petroleum resources is finite. Second, being a fossil fuel, • A wide range of new, fuel-efficient vehicles should be propane is a nonrenewable source of energy, and it made available to consumers. doesn't make sense to substitute one diminishing • The refining specifications of existing refineries should resource for another, except as a short-term measure to be altered to allow more gasoline and diesel fuel to be aid in the transition to sustainable energy sources. Third, extracted from each barrel of crude. the distribution system for propane is not well devel- oped, a factor which should restrict the use of propane • The use of those hydrocarbons which are presently to fleets of vehicles which are used regularly and fueled being under-utilized for transportation purposes, such at a central source. as propane and compressed natural gas, should be encouraged and gasoline supplies should be extended by mixing them with power alcohols. CONCLUSION • Canadians should be weaned from hydrocarbon-con- Propane-powered vehicles can help Canada taining fuels altogether as soon as vehicles which can consume less oil and aid in the transition period run on methanol, hydrogen or electricity become during which more exotic forms of propulsion available and their fuels can be produced in quantity. are developed and hydrocarbons are phased out as transportation fuels. Options for nonconventional propulsion are discussed individually in the following sections. RECOMMENDATION 1. PROPANE Propane use should be encouraged in the short Propane is a hydrocarbon fuel but it can neverthe- and medium terms for vehicle fleets refueled at less play an important role in the transition taking us central locations. from a gasoline-powered transportation sector to one powered by hydrogen and electricity. Propane is a 2. COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS short-chain (C3H8), gaseous hydrocarbon which becomes a liquid under relatively low pressure. It can be Natural gas is composed predominantly of the

stripped from wet natural gas or it can be produced gaseous hydrocarbon methane (CH4). Unlike propane, it from oil in petroleum refineries. (Wet or raw gas is is an abundant resource which could power much of the natural gas containing liquid hydrocarbons. Propane is transportation sector for a number of years to come one of the "natural gas liquids" recovered in processing should the decision be made to encourage its use. It is wet gas.) These two sources produce about 130,000 an efficient, clean-burning fuel which can be used in barrels/day of propane and of this amount approxi- conventional engines if they are suitably modified — a mately one-half is exported. Since propane production change which costs around $1,500, or slightly more exceeds domestic demand, the discontinuation of than the cost of conversion to propane use. exports would leave a significant quantity of this alterna- tive energy currency in Canada to be used as a trans- Natural gas can be used either as a compressed portation fuel. gas (compressed natural gas, or CNG) or as a liquid (liquefied natural gas, or LNG). There are, however, Propane can substitute for gasoline in conventional handling and safety problems associated with LNG engines if modifications are made to the carburetor and which preclude its gaining widespread acceptance as an fuel system and if a propane storage tank is added. alternative transportation fuel. Thus, if expanded use is These changes cost from $1,200 to $1,500 and produce to be made of natural gas for motor fuel, it should be several advantages in addition to substituting for gaso- done by exploiting CNG. line: the combustion efficiency of the engine rises, there- There are limiting factors which may restrict the use by lowering the energy demand of the engine by as of CNG-powered vehicles, however. The cars will require much as 10%; there may be lower maintenance costs large, heavy fuel tanks because of the low energy densi- for propane-fueled engines; and engine life may be ty (low amount of energy per unit volume of gas) of the extended by two to three times. CNG fuel and will have only limited range. In addition, In the Committee's view though there are factors compressor stations will be required at fuel distribution which will ultimately limit the number of propane- centres to fill the storage tanks.


In principle, using natural gas directly as an alterna- New Zealand chose the American Mobil process tive transportation fuel makes better energy sense than (for producing gasoline from fossil fuel-derived converting it to methanol or synthetic gasoline because methanol) over an adaptation of South Africa's version the steps required to "upgrade" it necessarily consume of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, for a variety of reasons. a portion of the energy contained in the raw resource. For a given feed rate of natural gas, the Mobil process However, it may not make better economic sense when has a higher yield of liquid hydrocarbon products than other parameters are taken into consideration. There has either of the two commercial versions of the Fischer- would be significant costs involved in converting large Tropsch process. The high selectivity in product forma- numbers of conventional vehicles to CNG use and in tion which is characteristic of the Mobil process results installing a distribution network for compressed natural in a better overall thermal efficiency (56-58%) than that gas. For these reasons, some have suggested that syn- achieved by the Fischer-Tropsch route (44-53%), thetic gasoline made from natural gas would make although it is less than that achieved for methanol better economic sense as a transportation fuel than synthesis alone (60-64%). Finally, the capital invest- CNG. They point out that existing conventional internal ment required for an MTG process plant is less than that combustion engines could remain in use, and that the required for a Fischer-Tropsch, Sasol-type installation. distribution network for gasoline is already in place. The MTG process produces a gasoline which con- They also remark that it would not be necessary to tains few impurities and has a boiling point range similar invest time, money and energy in designing and building to that of premium gasoline. With suitable additives, new kinds of engines. synthetic gasoline has passed tests for carburetor deter- It is indeed unfortunate that there are no hard gency, emulsion formation, filterability, metal corrosion, economic data to indicate which of the CNG or synthet- and storage stability. Vehicle tests have shown the ic gasoline routes would be preferable. Nevertheless, product to provide performance similar to that derived there are some basic scientific principles upon which a from premium unleaded gasoline. decision can be made. The long-term objective advanced by Committee is to get away from the use of Summary of the Mobil Methanol-to-Gasoline nonrenewable fossil fuels. Thus any development of (MTG) Process CNG-powered vehicles can only be viewed as a short- In the Mobil Methanol-to-Gasoline process, term alternative which can reduce our dependence on methanol is converted to gasoline over a zeolite gasoline and help us through the transition to an elec- catalyst. Methanol is first reversibly dehydrated to tric- and hydrogen-powered transportation sector. dimethylether, then these two oxygenates dehy- drate further to yield light olefins which in turn CONCLUSION react to form heavier olefins. In the last of the The Committee accepts the view that CNG- sequence of reactions, the heavy olefins rearrange powered vehicles represent a short-term option to form paraffins, cycloparaffins and aromatics for helping Canada reduce its dependence on (i.e., synthetic gasoline). gasoline. Natural gas is not, however, seen as a

long-term alternative fuel for the transportation 2CH3OH j? CH3OCH3 + H2O sector since this would not be in keeping with the strategy of reducing Canada's dependence I on fossil fuel as an energy source. light olefins + H2O RECOMMENDATION I The Committee recommends that compressed C5 -f- heavier olefins natural gas be encouraged for use as a fuel in large fleets of vehicles which travel limited dis- I tances and are fueled at central filling stations. paraffins + cycloparaffins + aromatics (synthetic gasoline) 3. SYNTHETIC GASOLINE Due to the peculiar three-dimensional struc- Mobil Oil has developed a method of making syn- ture of the zeolite catalyst used in the process, few thetic gasoline from methanol using natural gas as the hydrocarbons larger than C are produced. This primary feedstock. It has been called the Methanol-to- 10 is an important feature of the MTG process since Gasoline (MTG) synthesis and, recently. New Zealand no distillation or refining of the synthetic gasoline decided to use this process to produce synthetic gaso- is required to remove heavy hydrocarbon com- line from its abundant natural gas resources. This makes pounds. eminent good sense for a country with no petroleum and plenty of methane. It may not make sense for Canada Source: After Lee, W. et al, 1980. with its host of alternative energy resources. 193 With these considerations in mind, some observers recommends that the production of synthetic suggest that the production of synthetic gasoline from gasoline from fossil fuel resources should not Canada's large, and at the present time surplus, natural be viewed as an alternative energy solution of gas resources represents a golden opportunity for major importance for the transportation sector. making large quantities of liquid transportation fuels. However, the Committee has already stated that wean- 4. ALCOHOLS ing Canadians from fossil fuels should be the major objective of an alternative energy strategy and it would Two alcohols have generated worldwide interest as not be consistent with this philosophy for us to recom- alternative liquid transportation fuels or as extenders for mend the production of a hydrocarbon transportation gasoline. They are ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, fuel from a nonrenewable resource. For this reason C2H5OH) and methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, methanol is favoured to help us through the transition to CH3OH). They can both be used pure in specially a hydrogen- and electric-powered future. designed alcohol-burning engines or they can be mixed in varying proportions with gasoline to form gasohol. Some claim that synthetic gasoline makes better The United States markets gasohol as a 9:1 mixture of economic sense than methanol because existing internal gasoline and ethanol (10% ethanol) and Brazil markets combustion engines could remain in use and because a gasohol composed of approximately 20% ethanol. In the distribution network for gasoline is already in place, Canada, Mohawk Oil has refurbished a distillery in neither being the case for methanol. Furthermore, if Manitoba to produce two million gallons of ethanol a large supplies of synthetic gasoline were made available, year for blending with gasoline. it would not be necessary to undergo the undeniably costly endeavour of designing, testing, building and dis- In addition to extending supplies of gasoline (and tributing new methanoMueled automobile engines. While diesel), the use of alcohols as power fuels can provide there are insufficient data to determine which route other benefits as well. Ethanol and methanol can be would be preferable, there are some fundamental con- produced from a variety of feedstocks and they are siderations which can point us in the right direction — biodegradable and water-soluble. This means that spills and that direction is towards methanol, not synthetic of alcohols in the environment are much less damaging gasoline. than spills of gasoline or other petroleum products. Alcohols can be quickly broken down by living organ- First, no matter how efficient the synthesis can be isms and they can be easily diluted to non-toxic concen- made, some energy will be required to convert meths.-cl trations with water. Because alcohols contain no highly to gasoline. Second, the Mobil process involves deliber- volatile fractions, alcohol fires do not start as easily as ately converting a readily biodegradable and water- gasoline fires and, when ignited, they give off much less soluble compound (methanol) into a toxic, less clean- radiant heat and can be extinguished with water. burning, more explosive and non-water-soluble sub- Emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and stance (gasoline). Third, the technology for methanol hydrocarbons from alcohol-powered vehicles may be production is considered to be available "off-the-shelf" reduced compared with gasoline engines but there is still whereas the Mobil synthetic gasoline step is as yet some controversy over the health hazard of aldehyde commercially unproven. Fourth, the MTG step involves a emissions which would be produced by alcohol engines. capital investment approximately 25% larger than that If research indicates aldehyde emissions from uncon- required for methanol synthesis. Fifth, the continued trolled engines do pose a serious health hazard, how- availability of gasoline will hinder the development of ever, oxidation catalysts can be 80 to 90% effective in new types of engines. Sixth, and perhaps most impor- aldehyde removal. Nitrous oxide emissions are signifi- tant, a large commitment to synthetic gasoline produc- cantly reduced in alcohol engines because the fuel is tion from the Mobil process would merely substitute one burned at lower temperatures than in gasoline engines. nonrenewable resource (gas or coal) for another (oil) as (Lower combustion temperatures mean that less of the a source of gasoline. This would completely ignore the air's natural content of nitrogen is converted to NO, concept of basing our energy system on sustainable during combustion.) Alcohols can replace tetraethyl lead energy resources and would worsen the serious environ- as an octane booster in low-quality gasoline, thereby mental problems already developing as a result of the reducing knock, ping and run-on. accelerating use of hydrocarbons as sources of energy. There are some disadvantages in mixing alcohols with gasoline. They must be anhydrous for mixing to be permanent; if water is present, the alcohol and gasoline RECOMMENDATION rapidly separate, much like oil and vinegar separate after Because synthetic gasoline does not reduce shaking — a phenomenon called phase separation. In hydrocarbon usage and because Hs production this regard methanol is considerably less tolerant of is nonconserving in nature, the Committee water than is ethanol. Gasohol evaporates more easily

194 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES than either gasoline or alcohol alone and problems with mends that the Government of Canada urge vapour lock may consequently arise, although this has automobile manufacturers to produce methanol not been the case in the Brazilian experience. There and dual-fuel engines in Canada. Through this may be problems with cold temperature starts in vehi- action and the development of a methanol-fuel- cles using straight alcohols or gasohols (more so with producing industry, Canada could become a methanol than ethanol) but these difficulties have been world leader in methanol production and solved in Brazil by starting engines with gasoline in cold utilization. weather and then switching to alcohol when the engine is sufficiently warm. Further research and development will be required to develop start-up systems which are RECOMMENDATION dependable in the Canadian environment. The Committee recommends that ethanol pro- The use of pure alcohols for fuel would eliminate duced in this country should be used for problems of phase separation which are characteristic extending supplies of gasoline through the pro- of gasoline/alcohol blends. It would also eliminate the duction of gasohol. We do not recommend the problem of making the alcohol anhydrous, as straight use of ethanol-powered cars as a major alterna- alcohol engines can tolerate water (although it lowers tive transportation option. power output). Much concern has been expressed about the fact 5. ELECTRIC AND HYBRID VEHICLES that alcohols do not have the lubricating properties of The era of the electric-powered automobile has petroleum compounds. Nevertheless, experience in been very slow in arriving. About 100,000 electric vehi- Brazil has indicated that accelerated wear of engine cles of myriad design, utilizing numerous different energy parts is not a problem with ethanol-powered vehicles. storage systems, are on the road around the world — a Certain components of conventional automobiles quantity approximately equal to the number of conven- (the fuel tank, fuel pump, numerous plastic parts and so tional cars produced daily. But without being unduly forth) can be more or less susceptible to attack by critical, they could be described collectively as slow, alcohols depending upon their composition. These ob- inefficient and expensive. They certainly hold great pro- stacles have, however, been overcome by materials mise for the future but, to date, there have been severe substitutions in ethyl-alcohol-burning engines such as problems in developing electric vehicles with the those being built in Brazil, and experts in the automotive performance and range people have come to expect industry state that similar problems with methanol can through experience with gasoline-powered cars. More- be similarly solved. In fact, a number of American, over, manufacturers have not yet managed to make European and Japanese auto manufacturers are already electric vehicles economically competitive with cars producing methanol and dual-fuel (alcohols or gasoline) powered by internal combustion engines. engines for testing. Electric vehicles are ideal for urban use because they are quiet, exceptionally clean in terms of operation CONCLUSION and emissions, and can be "re-fueled" simply, if slowly, A great deal of experimentation is being done using existing technology. Electric cars would reduce the worldwide on alcohol engines and on dual-fuel need for petroleum, provided that the electricity they engines which can use either gasoline or used was not generated at oil-fired power stations. alcohols. The ethanol engine has already been The main problem with developing a practical and perfected and is being mass-produced in Brazil. competitive electric vehicle has been the inability to Internationally, a number of automobile manu- produce inexpensive, reliable, lightweight, energy-dense facturers are also producing prototype and durable batteries. A large variety of battery systems methanol and dual-fuel (methanol/gasoline) is presently being tested but none has emerged which engines. These are still being tested but as no completely overcomes all of these difficulties. Analysts market exists for metnanol cars, no manufactur- continue to say a quantum leap in battery technology er is making a commitment to large-scale vehi- must be made before electric vehicles become competi- cle production. On the other hand, no potential tive with conventional cars in the automobile market. methanol fuel producers are yet involved in commercial alcohol production because no Ford has been experimenting with at least four market exists for the fuel. battery systems, including a high-temperature sodium- sulphur battery, but has met with I'lrle success so far. General Motors is committed to a nickel-zinc battery RECOMMENDATION which can store two-and-one-half times as much energy To develop a truly alternative vehicle fuel per pound as the lead-acid batteries which have tradi- option for consumers, the Committee recom- tionally been used in electric cars but admits that range

195 and performance need to be improved. It proposes pany in Toronto is interested in the battery's commercial marketing electric vehicles as early as 1985, however, development and has an arrangement with Lawrence and predicts that sales of electric cars will reach 200,- Livermore for the exchange of R & D information. 000 units by 1990. American Motors is producing a Since the United States is already proceeding with limited number of electric jeeps and Chrysler is not in the an active program to develop the aluminum-air battery electric car game at all. The U.S. company Gulf and for automotive applications, the Toronto company pro- Western Industries recently announced development of poses to investigate other, more specialized uses of a zinc-chlorine battery which it believes will revolutionize such battery systems in remote communities, at isolated the electric vehicle industry and projects sales of 1.3 telecommunications facilities, in navigational aids, in the million units annually by 1990. household, in recreational settings, in mine vehicles, and A particularly interesting approach to battery de- for emergency purposes. This company does not intend velopment was introduced to the Committee during its to develop the aluminum-air battery for an automotive visit to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in application but instead plans to import that technology California. The Laboratory has been named by the U.S. from the United States. Department of Energy as the lead institution in develop- ing an aluminum-air battery. What is most exciting about this as yet unproven technology is the fact that the CONCLUSION battery system promises acceleration, range and refuel- Although the development of the aluminum-air ing times comparable to today's autombiles. Costs are battery is still in its early stages and remains a projected to be equivalent to those of conventional risky venture in a commercial sense, its poten- automobiles when gasoline prices reach the range of $2 tial for application in Canada looks very promis- to $3 per (U.S.) gallon. ing considering our abundant hydro-electric It was suggested to the Committee that a prototype resource and our large aluminum smelting vehicle powered by an aluminum-air battery could be capability. developed by 1987, assuming that the Department of Energy gives the research a fairly high priority. Experts at Lawrence Livermore believe that these vehicles could RECOMMENDATION be available as early as 1985 if a crash development The Committee recommends that the Federal program were authorized. Government closely monitor the development Electricity is produced in aluminum-air power cells of the aluminum-air battery system and that it by reacting aluminum metal with atmospheric oxygen in support commercialization of this power system the presence of an electrolyte. The product of this in Canada. electrochemical reaction is an aluminum compound which can be recycled at an aluminum manufacturing As well as in the United States, research on electric plant. Aluminum battery plates, with their high energy to vehicles is being carried out in the United Kingdom, weight ratio, thus provide a particularly attractive link France, West Germany and Italy, and a large commit- between the source of electricity and the transportation ment to electric vehicle RD & D has been made in Japan. sector (Figure 6-22). As far as air pollution is concerned Interestingly enough, these countries are all relatively with this particular battery technology, emission control small and densely populated and the interest in electric systems would be required only at aluminum production cars may derive as much from environmental concern as plants and at electrical generating stations. it does from worry about petroleum supplies. Aluminum-air batteries are non-rechargeable in the Very little electric vehicle research is yet being done conventional sense, as the battery is replenished in Canada but one company in Montreal has produced mechanically by replacing exhausted plates with new two types of vehicles powered by lead-acid batteries. A ones. Given the batfrr/s high energy density, a vehicle 1978 report on Canadian electric vehicle production may be driven up to several thousand kilometres on one stated that practically all the resources required to de- set of plates but vehicle range is determined by the velop an electric vehicle industry exist in Canada and necessity to add water to the battery, probably every that most of the components for a complete vehicle can 400 to 600 kilometres. When water is added to the be produced by Canadian companies already supplying battery, the waste aluminum compound formed during parts for vehicles under the Canada-U.S. auto pact. operation is removed for recycling. The Committee also learned of Canadian interest in developing such a battery system. The Defence CONCLUSION Research Establishment in Ottawa has investigated the The Committee recognizes that if Canada is aluminum-air battery for military applications. A com- going to direct its efforts towards developing a





Primaiy energy sources Natural gas Hydro Crude oil Solar Uraniurn Coal

A New Approach to Automobile Propulsion The aluminum-air battery provides electrical trihydroxide which can be recycled to produce energy by reacting aluminum metal with atmos- more battery plates. Thus the reusable aluminum pheric oxygen in the presence of an aqueous provides the link between any source of electricity electrolyte. The reaction product is aluminum and the transportation sector.

The Car 5-passenger vehicle weighing 1260 kilograms (2800 Ib) — Travelling a distance of 400 kilometres Propelled by a 63.4 kilowatt (85 horsepower) engine (250 miles} Hs Energy Requirements'»

Aluminum-air battery Internal combustion engine 14 kilograms of aluminum produced with 140-180 kWh of electricity, derived from— 38 litres of gasoline, derived from - • 0.27 barrel of crude oil, • 0.25 barrel of crude oil, • 72 kilograms of coal, or • 90 kilograms of coal, or • 4 grams of uranium oxide. • 180 kilograms of biomass.

The above data suggest that vehicles powered by aluminum-air batteries are not many years away from economic viability, if the RD& D program at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory lives up to its promise.

(t) The numbers quoted are characteristic of the U.S. energy system, and might differ in detail in the Canadian context.

Source: After "The Aluminum-Air Battery for Electric Vehicles: An Update". 1980. p. 3.

197 hydrogen and electric energy future, it must RECOMMENDATION also ensure that there are markets available for The Committee believes that RD&D in this coun- these energy currencies as they come try should concentrate on all-electric vehicles on-stresm. rather than on heat engine/electric hybrids. If hybrid propulsion RD&D Is pursued at all, it RECOMMENDATION should be directed towards developing a fuel cell/electric hybrid. This would aBow Canada to The Committee recommends that Canada do research In two areas of nonconventional become much more actively involved in electric propulsion simultaneously, so that at some vehicle research, development and demonstra- future date each technology could be profitably tion. This effort should be a systems approach exploited on its own. which concentrates not only on propulsion but also on the design and construction of all the components required to produce a completely 6. HYDROGEN Canadian electric vehicle. Hydrogen has a number of characteristics which make it a suitable replacement for gasoline in the trans- One fear expressed by those who favour the de- portation sector. Certainly one advantage is that it can velopment of electric vehicles is that in the headlong be used in modified internal combustion engines and its rush to develop alternatives to gasoline, the electric car introduction should not therefore be limited by the tur- may be bypassed because battery development has nover of conventional automobiles. In other words, while been so slow. For this reason, some feel an intermediate the infrastructure to support a H2-powered transporta- option between the internal combustion and the all-elec- tion system is being put in place, it will be possible to tric vehicle — a hybrid vehicle — represents a promising operate dual-fuel gasoline/hydrogen vehicles, perhaps area for research and development which would contin- smoothing the transition from a gasoline-based to a ue to keep the electric car in the picture. hydrogen-based transportation sector. Hybrid vehicles are powered by combining an elec- There are also environmental reasons why hydrogen tric motor with either a fuel cell or a gas or diesel engine. is a better fuel than gasoline. The combustion of pure In the latter type, the heat engine cuts in during periods hydrogen releases only water and nitrogen oxides, while of high power requirements, such as during acceleration, burning gasoline releases CO, CO , nitrous oxides, and the battery meets the lower demand for power 2 hydrocarbons and, in some vehicles, lead into the which is characteristic of cruising at one speed. In the atmosphere. case of the fuel cell/ battery hybrid vehicle, the opposite would probably hold true — the fuel cell would meet low Perhaps the major problem with hydrogen as a power requirements and the battery would switch in transportation fuel is storage. The section- on Hydrogen when extra power was needed. discusses H2 storage in some detail however, so the following paragraphs describe only those methods Hybrid propulsion systems could appreciably which show particular promise for transportation reduce gasoline consumption by meeting some of the applications. transportation sector's energy demand with electricity. At the present time, however, a vehicle powered in this Liquid hydrogen can be used as a power'fuel but fashion would be significantly more costly than a con- there are particular difficulties involved with storing it. ventional one because it would require two power-gen- First, it must be kept cold and. since it boils at -217°C. eration units and a more sophisticated driver-control and well insulated. Furthermore, since hydrogen has only a power-management system than is presently required. A fraction of the energy value of gasoline by volume, a further disadvantage of hybrid vehicles is that it may be large quantity must be carried on board a vehicle necessary to reduce engine performance expectations making tank size unacceptable if long-range driving is to make the cost of hybrid vehicles competitive. expected. Both West Germany and the United States have built experimental cars fueled by liquid hydrogen and research is continuing to reduce the cost of such CONCLUSION vehicles, to demonstrate their safety, and to extend their range. Hybrid propulsion systems are costly and, by definition, transitional between conventional The storage of hydrogen as a metal hydride has and electric vehicles. Much work must be done also been examined. Although metal hydrides are heavy, to perfect such systems and at least a decade they can be used for storing hydrogen in automotive would be required to introduce hybrid vehicles applications where weight is not a serious consem. For in significant numbers. example, large vehicles such as buses can accommo-

198 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES date the added weight. In West Germany, Daimler-Benz combustible, it can be handled safely and without inci- has demonstrated the feasibility of operating hydrogen- dent, a fact which has been well demonstrated during powered buses and a fleet of 20 such vehicles is cur- the U.S. space program. rently being built for use in Berlin. Similar buses have No definitive studies comparing the safety of jet fuel been tested in several cities in the United States, and and liquid hydrogen have been completed, yet hydrogen Pittsburgh is considering the purchase of a fleet of seems to offer certain advantages. !f a pressurized tank hydrogen-powered buses. (The environmental advan- of hydrogen is ruptured and the gas ignited, the fire tages of burning hydrogen fuel are particularly attractive burns upwards because hydrogen is lighter than air. It in urban areas where exhaust emissions pose a poten- does not spread sideways like a liquid-fuel fire. This tially serious health problem.) characteristic means that if a plane's fuel tanks were Liquid hydrides are also of interest as they avoid the ruptured, say on a forced landing, and the fuel was weight problem of metal hydrides. A liquid hydride is any ignited, a hydrogen-powered plane would not sit in a liquid which contains hydrogen. Gasoline is an example pool of ft • •, ie as would a modern jet. of a liquid hydride but it has a high carbon to hydrogen Saf/1; considerations aside, liquid hydrogen has a ratio. This means that in addition to producing heat further advantage over conventional jet fuel in that it is upon combustion, a large amount of carbon dioxide is very iig.'it in an energy-per-pound basis. LH2 has an generated when gasoline is burned. Liquid hydrides energy cor tent of 52,000 Btu/lb., which is about two which do not contain carbon, and which have a high and a half times that of conventional jet fuel. Conse- proportion of hydrogen relative to a carrier element quently the use of LH2 could lead to considerable energy (such as nitrogen), release primarily water upon com- savings since a conventional aircraft consumes much of bustion. Synthetic liquid hydrides resembling ammonia its energy taking off with and carrying its own heavy fuel. are attractive for tnis reason and are being actively Since initial take-off weights would be lower with hydro- investigated in the United States. gen-powered aircraft, less thrust would be required and A liquid hydride can be carried on board a vehicle they would be quieter than conventional jets. A final

as a hydrogen source, and when H2 is required, it is advantage of hydrogen use would be a reduction in generated in a catalytic cracker (a device which can atmospheric pollution, as water and nitrogen oxides are separate hydrogen from a liquid hydride). A company in the only emission resulting from combustion. California claims to have a test vehicle running on such a These advantages must be weighed against several hydrogen carrier, but the vehicle has not been independ- disadvantages. While hydrogen has a higher energy ently tested. At the present time, these compounds are content per pound, it has a lower energy content by thought of as a means of providing on-board H2 for use volume than jet fuel. In fact, LH2 aircraft would require in internal combustion engines, but they can be used in three to four times the volume of fuel needed in a fuel cells as well. conventional jet. The design of a hydrogen-powered airplane would therefore have to allow space for very CONCLUSION large volumes of fuel and new insulation materials and metals would have to be developed to contain the fuel. Linking a fuel cell with a liquid hydride source of hydrogen, such as methanol, for ground After examining the advantages and disadvantages transportation appears to be a particularly inter- of hydrogen and assessing the future supply prospects esting area for investigation. for oil, the Lockheed Corporation is moving towards commercialization of a liquid-hydrogen-fueled aircraft.

Liquid hydrogen (LH2) holds promise for use as an Lockheed is redesigning the L-1011 TriStar to accom- aviation fuel. Hydrogen was used for its buoyant proper- modate LH2 tanks within the fuselage, and is adapting ties in airships in the 1920s and 1930s but it was never gas turbine engines to burn hydrogen. The corporation employed as a fuel. The history of accidents with these has proposed that the United States, Britain, Germany vehicles still raises serious questions about the safety of and Saudi Arabia build and operate a fleet of liquid hydrogen, and the spectacular explosion of the German hydrogen-powered airfreighters as an experiment. airship Hindenburg in May 1937 is still vivid in the minds Canada will participate in the demonstration phase of of many. However, the hydrogen on the Hindenburg was this program and one of the hydrogen fueling centres not stored in the way a fuel would be stored, and only may be located at Mirabel airport. With an intensive people who jumped from the ship or were burned with research and development program, Lockheed hopes diesel fuel were seriously injured or killed. The burning that this fleet will be operating by 1987. Questions about hydrogen soared upwards because of its lightness and the cost and supply of hydrogen fuel remain, but Lock- probably injured no one. In any event, proponents of heed is convinced that liquid hydrogen is the aviation hydrogen use argue that, although hydrogen is highly fuel of the future.

199 RECOMMENDATION Canada should pursue the use of hydrogen as should form part of the overall RD&D efforts of an alternative aviation fuel and this activity Hydrogen Canada.


five-fold amplification of the tidal range between the Gulf experimental stations at Kislaya Guba in Russia and on of Maine (2 to 3 metres) and the head of the Bay (16 Yueqing Bay in China. metres) makes the Bay of Fundy one of the few sites on Earth where large-scale tidal power generation can be B. ADVANTAGES AND DIFFICULTIES IN EXPLOIT- considered commercial. ING TIDAL ENERGY An important feature of the tides is that regardless The exploitation of tidal energy in Canada is attrac- of how much they vary locally, they occur in an orderly tive because the Bay of Fundy provides some of the fashion and are therefore predictable. This predictability best sites on Earth. But there are other advantages that is a major advantage in exploiting tidal energy because warrant consideration as well. one can forecast with assurance the amount of energy • A tidal development utilizes a readily available ami that will be available next week, next month or next inexhaustible energy source. year. • The resource is accurately predictable. While the Bay of Fundy is one of the most favoured tidal power sites in the world, others which have been • There are no fuel costs and maintenance costs of a studied include Penzhinskaya Guba in the Sea of tidal facility should be low. Okhotsk in the U.S.S.R.; Cook Inlet in Alaska; the • A tidal-electric plant is a clean, non-polluting facility. Severn Estuary in the United Kingdom; San Jose, Argen- tina; Inchon Bay, South Korea; and the Jervis and • The cost of tidal energy should remain relatively stable Sechelt Inlet near Vancouver (Figure 6-23). Three sites throughout the life of the plant. that went beyond the scrutiny and study stage, and • A tidal power plant would place Canada in the fore- which are discussed later, are the commercial tidal front of a technology of interest to a number of power station at La Ranee in Brittany and the small countries. It could also provide an opportunity to


Source: After Clark, 1979, Figure 1.


Tidal Power Schemes The lack of concurrence between the lunar- the other functions as the high basin with genera- oriented tidal rhythm and man's solar-oriented tion on the ebb tide. Capital costs are commensu- life-style poses unique problems for planners bent rate with the hydraulically-linked scheme (Clark, on exploiting tidal energy on a large scale. Many 1979). development schemes have been put forward over the years but most have been either too complex Figure 6-24: TYPES OF TIDAL DEVELOPMENTS or too unattractive economically, or both. The simplest and least expensive scheme is a single- effect tidal operation at the mouth of a single Single Basin Single Effect basin. Here the sluices in a barrier dam are opened on the flood tide to fill the basin. At high tide, the sluices are closed and the ebbing sea gives rise to a head of water between the basin and the sea. Flcv 's then permitted through the SEA turbines which, in turn, generate electricity (Figure 6-24). The single-basin concept with a single- effect mode of operation does not produce contin- uous power. Its period of power generation is dictated by the lunar cycle and maximum energy is often delivered at times of low demand. Single Basin Double Effect A variation on this theme is a turbine that functions both in the basin-to-sea direction and in reverse. This single-basin double-effect operation permits electric generation during both emptying and filling and is the scheme employed at the La SEA Ranee tidal development. It too, however, does not produce continuous power. Engineering works in these single-basin schemes are less complex than for double-basin schemes and less costly. Double Basin Hydraulically Linked Discontinuous energy output from the single- basin scheme can be overcome with hydraulically- linked basins. A coastal configuration favourable to the creation of two storage basins is necessary for this kind of development. The water level is held high in one basin and low in the other, with generating units linking the two. The high basin is filled as the tide comes in through one set of gates and the low basin is emptied as the tide goes out through another set of gates. The scheme's attraction lies in its ability to generate continuous power although the output is less than that from Double Basin Electrically Paired an equivalent single-basin scheme. Since the linked concept requires an interconnecting water- way with a power plant and additional dikes and gate structures to control the level of each basin, capital costs are greatly increased

A paired-basin development also affords flex- ibility in electrical generation. The tie in this case is electrical with a generating plant located in each basin. One basin is operated at a low level with energy being generated on the flood tide, 'while Source: Clark. 1979, Figure 2.

203 develop an industrial capacity not solely oriented One of the experimental stations is the Russian 400 towards tidal power but also towards low-head hydro- kW tidal powerplant which was completed in 1968 at electric development. Kislaya Guba. This small station is located in the Gulf of The main disadvantage of tidal energy is its Ura about 45 km north of Murmansk, near existing dependence on the lunar rather than the solar cycle, transmission lines. The site was selected because a which changes the daily timing of power generation. minimum of civil works was required and it provided an Other difficulties arise from environmental and economic opportunity to study material stresses and construction considerations. techniques in a hostile environment. The tidal amplitude at Kislaya Guba is about 4 metres, which is too small to • Too little is known at the present time about the likely permit justification of the project on economic grounds. effects of a tidal power development on the erosion or It is reported, however, that the plant has performed so deposition of sediments. well that a second 400 kW bulb-type turbine-generator • It is difficult to assess what the ecological impact of a is to be installed in the near future. tidal barrage might be. Altering the tides in the Bay of China operates the 500 kW Jiangxia tidal station on Fundy could, however, reduce biological productivity Yueqing Bay in the East China Sea. Tidal-electric on the intertidal mudflats which are the feeding capacity is presently being doubled at Jiangxia and six grounds for many of the migratory birds which fly 500 kW turbines are ultimately planned for the site. along the east coast of North America. As far as Canada is concerned, most tidal power • The construction of a tidal barrage will modify the studies consider development in the Bay of Fundy, tides themselves and in so doing could lower the although several sites have recently been investigated output potential of the generating facility. along the British Columbia coastline. Dr. W. Rupert • Tidal developments are capital-intensive and there Turnbull of Rothesay, New Brunswick, the inventor of may be difficulties in amassing the large investment the variable pitch propellor, was one of the first men to initially required. appreciate Fundy's potential. In 1919 he proposed a tidal project for the confluence of the tidal estuaries of the Petitcodiac and Memramcook Rivers in Shepody Bay. but it was not until the closing months of the C. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOP- Second World War that the first major study was under- MENT taken. This project investigated a tidal development in France, with its commercial tidal-electric facility at Shepody Bay but along with the studies which followed La Ranee, is one of only three nations operating tidal in the 1950s, the conclusion was the same — tidal power stations today. With an installed capacity of 240 power was uneconomic. MW. the French installation is a single-basin double- In 1966. the Federal Government, New Brunswick effect scheme and consists of a barrage across the and Nova Scotia initiated yet another investigation of estuary of the La Ranee river which opens into the tidal power in the Bay of Fundy. The Atlantic Tidal English Channel near St. Malo. Construction began in Power Programming Board (ATPPB) came to a familiar January 1961 and the powerhouse, barrage and ship conclusion however: tidal power developments, while lock were built within three cofferdams. The powerhouse technically feasible, were not cost competitive with other is fitted with twenty-four 10 MW bulb-type turbogenera- energy sources. The Board also recommended that tors which can act as pumps or turbines in either direc- further investigation only be undertaken when interest tion. In December 1967, the 24th bulb turbine was rates dropped sufficiently to indicate that economic placed in service and the project was completed. development was feasible; or a breakthrough in tech- The decision to build La Ranee was not based on nology indicated the likelihood of designing an economic economic considerations as the cost of oil was so low in facility; or alternative energy sources became exhaust- the early 1960s (generally less than $2 per barrel in ed. world markets) that alternative energy schemes were not Following the ATPPB's report, increases occurred competitive. However, with the increases in oil prices in the costs of conventional energy to the point where over the past decade. La Ranee is now an economically tidal power looked promising. Accordingly, in February competitive generator of electricity in France. In fact, a 1972 the Federal Government, New Brunswick and Commission was established in 1975 to study the possi- Nova Scotia established the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power bility of constructing a much larger, multi-purpose tidal Review Board (TPRB) to go over the findings of the old power scheme (from 6,000 to 15,000 MW) at nearby lies Atlantic Tidal Power Programming Board. In September Chausey. This development would combine electrical 1974 it announced that the economic prospects of tidal generation with harbour facilities, agriculture and tour- power had improved so much that a further detailed ism, but has not been precisely defined or costed. investigation was desirable.


Acting on this recommendation, the three Govern- socio-economic investigations. Three sites, indicated in ments signed an Agreement in December 1975 whereby Figure 6-25, were considered to provide the best pros- a Management Committee was formed to carry out a pects for development. Study Program under the general direction of the Tidal The first phase of the 1977 reassessment ended Pcwer Review Board. The Committee's objective was to with the above conclusions and remains the definitive develop study on tidal power in the Bay of Fundy. Adding its cost ...a firm estimate of the cost of tidal energy on which of $3.4 million to that of earlier studies, one finds that to base a decision to proceed further with detailed some $8 million has been spent investigating Fundy's investigations and engineering design. tides. The original intention was to follow this work with In November 1977, the Bay of Fundy Tidal Power a second phase entitled the "Pre-lnvestment Design Review Board published its findings in a report entitled Program". This did not happen, however, because of Reassessment of Fundy Tidal Power. The report con- cost (estimated at $33 million in 1978 and $50 million cluded that: (1) the construction of a tidal power plant in today) and the failure to establish the Maritime Energy the Bay of Fundy was economically feasible and its Corporation (MEC), under whose auspices the work was output could be integrated into the projected supply to proceed. The three-year $50 million Design Program system for the Maritime Provinces; (2) a tidal plant was intended to provide a detailed assessment of all the would eliminate the need for new fossil-fueled generating environmental, socio-economic and engineering aspects stations in the expansion plans of Maritime utilities; (3) of Fundy tidal development. the building of a plant is conditional upon direct and substantial financial participation by governments and a minimum investment in the range of $3 billion would be CONCLUSION required: and (4) the results warrant proceeding with After some $8 million spent on studies conduct- detailed engineering studies and environmental and ed over a period of 60 yea», the harnessing of


Source: After Canada. Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board, 1977, p. 15.

205 Fundy Tidal Development for commissioning (1995 or later), the Maritimes would be able to absorb an estimated 90% of its The 1977 Reassessment of Fundy Tidal Pover pover output. If, on the other hand, development selected three sites in the Bay of Fundy for detailed tcok place at either Shepody Bay or Cobequid Bay, consideration, from an initial group of 37. Details of an export market would be required for the energy the three sites are given below. surplus to Atlantic Canada's needs. (In this regard, talks held in February 1981 between the Premier of Nova Scotia and the Chairman of the Power Author- ity of the State of New York indicate renewed interest Table 6-13: COMPARATIVE DATA FOR THREE in financing the larger Cobequid Bay development.) TIDAL POWER SITES IN THE BAY OF Finally, environmental concern over possible changes FUNDY in tide levels along the New England seaboard would not be an issue in a Cumberland Basin development. Average There have, however, been substantial changes Annual Installed Output Capital Costs in the assumptions underlying the 1977 study. The Capacity (giga- in Millions of price of imported oil is approaching $40 a barrel; new (mega- watt- Dollars Site Location watts) hours) 1977 1981 energy forms (natural gas and nuclear) will soon enter the Maritime market and provide competition for tidal ShepodyBay(A6)- power; and electrical energy load growth has been Mary's Point to less than anticipated because of high oil costs and a Cape Maringouin 1550 4533 2197 2966 greater energy consciousness. This indicates the Cumberland Basin need for updating the 1977 work. It is thought that a (A8)-Peck's Point to Boss Point 1085 3423 1234 1666 new economic feasibility study would take some six months to complete at a cost of $300,000. Cobequid Bay (B9)- Economy In a related development, work commenced in Point to Cape Tenny 3800 12653 3988 5384 June 1980 on a 20 MW demonstration project in the Annapolis Basin, near the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, I" Inflation is assumed to have increased capital costs by 35% over to be completed in mid-1983. This $46 million the four-year period 1977-1981 (calculated by the authors). project, jointly funded by the Federal Government Source: Canada. Bay of Fundy Tidal Power Review Board. 1977, p. ($25 million) and the Province of Nova Scotia, will 5. test a modified straight-flow (Straflo) turbine currently used in many low-head river projects in Europe. Compactness, sufficient space for a iarge-capacity generator, easy access, effective generator cooling Cumberland Basin is the preferred site for tidal and simplicity are some of its desirable characteris- development for a variety of reasons. It is the small- tics. The Canadian version is twice the size of the est of the three projects and technical problems European turbine and, if it is found to function ade- would be minimized. It is a joint provincial site which quately in a saltwater environment, it may find affords the best opportunity to equalize benefits be- application in future Canadian river and/or tidal tween New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. When ready power systems.

ftmdy's tides remains a massive, untried and proposition, the Committee recommends that ambitious project While tidal power is a renew- an economic feasibility study be initiated with- able, reliable and inflation-free source of out delay to verify the 1977 conclusions of the energy, there are obstacles confronting its de- Tidal Power Review Board, and that funding in velopment. These include the completion of a the order of $300,000 be allocated for this pre-investment design program; the amassing purpose. of capital to finance a project; and a recent decline in the rate of growth of Maritime electri- RECOMMENDATION cal energy demand. If the findings of the economic feasibility study are favourable, the Committee further recom- RECOMMENDATION mends that a three-year pre-investment design To determine whether a tidal power develop- engineering, socio-economic and environmen- ment in the Bay of Pundy remains a viable tal study, as outlined in the 1977 Report, be


undertaken and that funding in the order of $50 ditions. The Cockerell Raft floats on the surface and million be allocated for this purpose. follows the contours of the waves. Electrical energy is generated by the movement of hydraulic motors or pumps which connect a series of these rafts. RECOMMENDATION Sweden is conducting a wave energy research pro- If the findings of the definitive study are favour- gram which should be completed in 1983. Other coun- able, the Committee recommends that tidal tries such as Norway, Finland, West Germany and power development be undertaken in the Bay France are also conducting wave power research. of Fundy. In Japan full-scale generators of British manufac- ture powered by air-driven turbines have been installed 2. WAVE ENERGY in a ship called the Kaimei. This ship has chambers in the hull which are open to the sea and the movement of The prospect of using the energy of waves has waves causes the water level in them to change, forcing probably interested man since he first witnessed the air in and out. This moving air is passed through a series awesome power of breakers crashing against the shore. of rectifying valves to make its flow unidirectional, and it Certainly the effort to design machines to harness this is then forced through a turbine to produce electricity by renewable energy source has gone on for quite some means of a generator. The Kaimei has been registered time. Since 1876, 150 patents for wave power devices as a 1 MW power station and can supply electricity to have been issued in the United States and some 350 the Japanese national grid. This research and demon- patents are registered in the United Kingdom. Recently stration program has been underway for two years there has been a resurgence of interest in developing under the auspices of the IEA with Britain, Japan, Ire- wave power devices as uncertainty about world land, the United States and Canada as active petroleum supplies increases and as concern about the participants. appropriateness of using nonrenewable energy resources develops. Canadian R & D has centred on studying an innova- tive design for a contouring raft ckvice and testing a Waves represent a very large and renewable source wave-absorbing plate but work has been done to assess of energy. The resource is widely distributed throughout the magnitude of the Canadian wave power resource as the world and it has a far greater total energy potential well. These latter studies have indicated that the amount than does tidal power. But there are severe problems to of exploitable wave energy in Canada is small compared overcome before wave energy is widely utilized. with that of the United Kingdom, Norway or South Africa The prime difficulty arises out of trying to marry a and is spread out over a wide area. This suggests that necessarily sophisticated technological device to a very there are only limited possibilities for exploiting the often hostile environment. To assure reliable operation resource in this country. for long periods means, at the present time, a prohibitive capital investment per unit of energy output. Other disadvantages associated with developing CONCLUSION wave power arise out of the geographically widely-dis- The Committee recognizes that wave power persed and intermittent nature of the source. These could only be considered as a minor supple- characteristics pose problems with the collection, trans- ment to conventional power sources in Canada. portation and storage of wave energy and make integra- tion of this new energy source into existing energy RECOMMENDATION systems difficult. The Committee believes that Canada should The United Kingdom is probably pursuing wave keep up to date with international develop- power research more vigorously than any other nation, having decided in 1976 to fund this energy alternative at ments in the field of wave power research and an accelerated rate. The program now in place should should continue to participate in joint R&D ven- allow it to choose the most promising device from the tures. It also recommends, however, that wave wide array being tested and give a grant to build a power research should have no priority status full-scale demonstration generator to supply electricity in Canadian energy research and development to the national grid. programs. Today Britain's two most promising designs are the 3. OCEAN THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION "Salter Duck" and the "Cockerell Raft". The Salter (OTEC) Duck is an oscillating vane device which uses the rolling movement of the waves. It can, apparently, extract aver The Earth's oceans act as giant solar energy recep- 90% of available wave energy under experimental con- tors which absorb much of the sun's radiation arriving at

207 our planet's surface. This energy is stored in the form of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Processes heat. The surface waters warm up first but since warm water is lighter or less dense than cold water it tends to There are two types of OTEC plants which remain on top. This reduces the rate at which ocean have been considered for development. In the waters mix and, as a consequence, the Earth's large open OTEC process, warm surface water is saltwater bodies have become thermally stratified. Very evaporated and the resultant water vapour drives deep waters are universally cold but surface waters, a turbine to generate power. The steam is then particularly in the tropics, can be quite warm by condensed by cold water which is pumped up comparison. from the depths and subsequently returned to the ocean. This is called an open system because It is this difference in temperature between surface seawater drives the plant and no working fluid is and deep waters which is exploited in generating ocean required. The main problems with this design are thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power. With a tem- the size of the turbine required (some 14 metres in perature differential of about 18°C, an OTEC plant can diameter), the removal of dissolved gases from the convert the water's stored thermal energy into mechani- seawater and the corrosive properties of saltwa- cal and, subsequently, electrical energy. ter. The exploitation of temperature gradients in the sea OTEC installations may perhaps more profit- for energy production looks attractive to some tropical ably operate using a closed system. In this pro- nations for a variety of reasons. First, oceanic thermal cess, warm water is used to heat a working fluid gradients offer a virtually limitless energy supply and, such as ammonia, propane or fluorocarbons, second, OTEC plants require no fuel. But there are other which evaporates, drives the turbine and is subse- considerations as well. The energy output of OTEC quently condensed by cold water (Figure 6-26). installations would vary only marginally with seasonal Warm water enters the OTEC plant at location 1, water-temperature differences and the thermal energy is pumped through the heat exchanger at location resource itself is continuously exploitable. OTEC plants 2, and leaves the plant at location 3. The heat do not require any radically new technology, although exchanger-evaporator (2) vapourizes the working existing technology would have to be refined and opti- fluid. This vapour is expanded in a turbine (4); mized before commercial installations are constructed. then it leaves the turbine to enter the condenser OTEC facilities could generate electricity directly or, (5). From there a pump returns the working fluid to alternatively, they could produce a variety of energy- the heat exchanger-evaporator (2). The cold water intensive products such as hydrogen, methanol, enters at location 6 and flows through the heat ammonia, aluminum, chlorine and magnesium. The cir- exchanger-condenser (5), leaving the plant at culation of large quantities of nutrient-rich, cold, deep location 7. The turbine operates the electric gen- water required for energy production could enhance erator (8), providing electric power to the user. biological production in the vicinity of the plant. And, finally, OTEC-derived electricity could help reduce future Figure 6-26: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF A polarizations among nations over energy resources. CLOSED-CYCLE OCEAN THERMAL POWER PLANT On the other hand, there are some difficulties associated with OTEC development which cannot be overlooked. The installations will be very large and very capita! intensive. They could also have detrimental envi- ronmental effects although these have yet to be deter- mined and much study has to be done in this area. The best sites for OTEC development are often located far from centres of power consumption; thus there may be difficulties and losses in the transmission of energy from the production site. The main problem with developing closed-system OTEC power plants arises out of the necessity of exchanging heat from the seawater to a working fluid. With the relatively small temperature differences being exploited in this process, large surface areas for heat exchange are required and large flows of water are necessary in order to extract utilizable quantities of heat. The cost of the heat exchangers very much increases Source: Knight et al, 1977, p. 3. the capital cost of an OTEC installation (they can repre-

208 SOURCES, CURRENCIES AND TECHNOLOGIES sent up to half the total plant investment) and the United States Government OTEC development program exchangers themselves present a continuous problem was funded at $38 million during fiscal 1979. with corrosion and fouling with marine creatures on their As mentioned earlier, OTEC facilities may only be seawater side. seriously considered in regions where temperature differ- There are also serious legal questions which must ences between shallow and deen waters are 18°C or be addressed and resolved at the international level over greater. This prerequisite essentially limits the exploi- who owns oceanic resources before extensive commer- table resource to the tropics as temperature differences cial development of OTEC power takes place. of at least this magnitude are required before plants of acceptable efficiency can be constructed (Figure 6-27). Because of the great potential of the ocean thermal Efficiency is not important in terms of energy cost energy resource, a number of countries are interested in because the warm water required to power a plant is its development. Projects have been considered off the available at no cost. It is important, nevertheless, in coasts of Curacao, the Ivory Coast, Florida, Brazil, Zaire, determining the capital cost and size of a plant required Tahiti and Martinique and nations most actively involved to produce a given amount of power. With the efficiency in R&O include France, Japan and the United States being low (a typical OTEC plant may have an operating Additional interest has been shown by a consortium of efficiency of 4% or less), very large amounts of warm European industrial firms known as EUROCEAN and and cold water must be circulated to extract energy. another industrial consortium is conducting a mini-OTEC Thus the lower the efficiency the greater the size of the experiment in cooperation with the State of Hawaii. The plant and the greater the required capital investment.


| Exploitable temperature difference between the surface and a depth of 1000m. ) Exploitable temperature difference between the surface and a depth of 500m.

"" These zones refer to regions where the temperature differential between surface and deep waters (500 or 1,000 m) is always greater than 18°C.

Source: After Brin, 1979, p. 85.

209 CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION Since the scale and cost of an OTEC plant The Committee believes that research and de- depend upon the temperature differential at a velopment of OTEC energy should not be site, OTEC units will not be economic in funded by the Federal Government at this time. Canadian waters. _---..: ~ ?


edge of the atmosphere ultimately reaches the surface In addition to the passive solar design features of the Earth, either as direct or diffused radiation. In the aimed at maximizing solar collection (increased south- Earth's temperate regions, mid-day solar radiation, on a facing windows) and storage (additions of thermal mass) clear day perpendicular to the sun's rays, typically noted in Rgure 6-28, there is a third integral part to reaches 260 Btu/foot2/hour (823 watts/metre2/ passive solar design which involves energy conservation second). By comparison, a barrel of crude oil contains or the reduction of heat loss. To maximize the contribu- approximately six million Btu, or the equivalent of tion of passive solar gain to a building's heat require- 23,000 hours of sunshine on that one square foot. ments the building must be energy-efficient. Passive Expressed in this way, available solar energy does solar and energy-efficient design are thus inseparable. A not appear very impressive, yet the total amount of detailed account of potentials and problems associated energy involved is immense. To illustrate this point, the with these two concepts is presented in the section on amount of sunlight received in one year by 4,300 square Conservation as an Energy Source. miles of land, which is only 0.15% of the surface area of Information and education are essential elements in the contiguous United States, is roughly equal to that bringing about increased demand for passive solar and country's entire 1970 energy consumption. energy-conserving houses and buildings. Many people are not aware that passive solar and energy-conserving Solar radiation is diffuse and intermittent both sea- designs are already cost-effective in some applications sonally and diurnally. Substantial areas of collectors are at today's energy prices. The economics of this com- therefore needed to make large-scale use of this bined approach to energy saving can only improve as resource and costly backup systems and/or storage the Drice of oil continues to rise. The program of public facilities are required for some applications. Yet in spite information on energy conservation which the Depart- of these disadvantages, solar energy has numerous ment of Energy, Mines and Resources has in place has characteristics which make it attractive as a future been highly successful and has served as a model for energy source. As already noted, the total amount of similar programs in other countries. This effort should be energy available is immense. Solar energy is also inex- expanded making sure that new publications keep haustible, ubiquitous, free and relatively non-polluting in up-to-date with developments in the field. its end use. A wide variety of technologies have been and are CONCLUSION being developed as man attempts to exploit the solar Passive solar space heating coupled with ener- resource to meet his energy needs. For ease of discus- gy-efficient design and construction has a great sion these applications can be divided into three catego- deal of potential to reduce energy demand for ries: space and water heating, solar-thermal power space heating in Canada. Information on pas- generation, and direct conversion to electricity (photo- sive solar design is a natural companion to the voltaics). conservation message which the Government has been carrying to the public.

RECOMMENDATION 2. SOLAR SPACE AND WATER HEATING SYSTEMS The Federal Government should extend its public education program on conservation to A. PASSIVE SYSTEMS include information on passive solar energy and The benefits of passive solar design are only now energy-efficient building practices. being appreciated in this country, but such design offers a great potential for reducing conventional energy con- B. ACTIVE SYSTEMS sumption in Canadian homes and buildings. Active solar systems differ from passive systems in A passive solar space heating system is one in that heat is transferred through the system in a regulat- which the structural and architectural elements (walls, ed way by pumps or fans. In addition, a heat storage floors, windows) of a building are used to collect, store device other than the building mass is used. An active and distribute part of the thermal energy needed to solar heating system is therefore composed of the fol- meet the structure's heating requirements. In a purely lowing components: a solar collector whose function is passive system there are no fans, pumps or other to gather the sun's energy; a circulating loop with mechanical devices needed to distribute the thermal pumps and pipes to carry the heat from the collector to energy as it moves by natural means (conduction, con- the house; a heat storage reservoir of some kind to vection and radiation). Passive solar heating systems assure that the heat can be distributed evenly during the can be divided into three main types: direct gain, indi- day; and a thermostatic control system to distribute the rect gain and isolated gain (Figure 6-28). heat when and where required. Depending on the


Passive Solar Heating (c) Isolated Gain Direct gain is the most commonly used form of passive solar system. It utilizes the sunlight Sunspace entering a building directly through the windows and careful design can maximize the heat gained directly in this way. South-facing windows admit the most solar radiation (in the northern hemis- phere), consequently passive solar buildings are designed with the largest window area facing south. An overhanging roof on this side admits sunlight in the winter when the sun is low in the sky, and blocks out unwanted solar radiation in summer when the sun is high. Since the solar radiation is both collected and stored within the living space, adequate thermal mass (heat storage capacity) must be provided in the interior of the building to minimize temperature fluctuations — heat absorbed during the day is available at night Legend to warm the building. The required thermal mass Radiation Figure 6-28: APPROACHES TO PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING Conduction Convection

Source: After Anderson and Riordan, 1976. p. 14, 121, 234.

can take such forms as concrete floors or walls, masonry biock walls, slate floors, stone fireplaces cr double layers of drywall. Any of these features built into a house will act as a storage unit for the solar system and the distinguishing feature of all of these passive solar components is that they are an integral part of the building itself.

In systems employing indirect gain, a heat absorbing material is placed directly behind the windows in the path of the sunlight. Such a ther- mal storage wall can be made of concrete, stone, b) Indirect Gain:Thermal Storage brick or containers of water, and vents at the top Wall and bottom of the wall allow the convective circu- lation of warm air into the room. The wall absorbs heat during the day and radiates warmth at night.

The third method of using passive solar energy for space heating is through isolated gain. In this system a structure is built onto a house to capture solar energy and the captured heat circu- lates through the living space by convection. The most common example of such a structure is a solar greenhouse, which often uses water drums as the heat storage medium. This method of utiliz- ing passive solar heating is most suitable for retrofit onto existing buildings.

213 system, other elements (such as heat exchanger, expan- Figure 6-29: THE THREE PRINCIPAL TYPES OF sion chamber, draining mechanism) may be required. SOLAR COLLECTORS

The most important of the above elements are the 1 collector and the storage system. These elements are FLAT-PLATE SOLAR COLLECTOR ( > described in the following paragraphs. INSOLATION A solar collector consists of a black-coloured plate (SUNLIGHT) which is heated up when exposed to solar radiation. The heat is extracted from the plate by cooling it with a fluid TRANSPARENT which circulates in a network of tubing bonded to the COVER PLA HOT plate. In order to avoid loss of some of the heat to the WATER a


Moreover, hygroscopic materials can be used indefinite- seem to offer a means of overcoming one of ly without deterioration. When solar radiation is inade- the major impediments to the widespread quate to meet heating requirements, thermal energy can application of active solar heating, namely the be released from the chemical storage system. When mismatch between the availability of and sunlight is freely available, the chemical storage system requirement for solar energy. can be dehydrated or "recharged". RECOMMENDATION Systems using hygroscopic compounds for heat storage are under development in Sweden and Canada, Research should be aimed at reducing the cost and a Swedish experimental system has been in opera- and establishing the reliability and durability of tion since November 1979 meeting all the heating needs thermal storage components in active solar of a five-room house with no backup systems whatso- systems. ever. The hygroscopic salt used is sodium sulphide (NaS2). Eight separate storage tanks of the material are RECOMMENDATION situated in the basement and solar heat is derived from 40 square metres of solar panels on the roof. The The funding level for RD&O in chemical and sodium salt has a very high energy density compared large-scale thermal heat storage must be with conventional heat storage media such as water or increased substantially and steps must be rocks. Eight tons of the dry salt can store and deliver taken to assist in the commercialization of the 8,000 kWh of heat — enough to meet the space and systems developed. water heating needs of a small, well-insulated house even allowing for the storage of up to half the year's There is also considerable opportunity for exporting collected energy for winter use. An attractive and novel such technology once it is established. Canadian solar feature of the Swedish "Tepidus" system is its combina- equipment manufacturers have noted that overseas cus- tion with a ground-source heat pump to minimize the tomers regard the Canadian climate with its wide range requirement for conventional energy in domestic of temperatures as a good test of the ruggedness of heating. solar systems. Thus if our manufacturers can develop a system which is capable of meeting the space heating Canadian research in chemical storage has centred requirements of a Canadian home, they should be in a on the hygroscopic mineral zeolite, a naturally occurring good position to develop export markets as well. Fur- mineral available as a mined product. Artificial zeolites thermore, these storage systems should not be limited are also on the market and are presently used as gas to solar applications. Many other renewable energy adsorbents, drying agents and water softeners. sources are also intermittent in nature and effective Researchers have suggested that a typical solar house storage of the energy which they do provide will increase would need only 1 to 4.6 cubic metres of zeolite to meet their potential for contributing to our energy supply. If a all of its heat storage requirements and that airtight, zeolite storage system also permits economical storage moisture-proof bins of this material might cost as little as of off-peak electricity and aids in waste heat recovery, $0.37 per kilogram by 1982. Unlike the Swedish system then the payoffs from developing such a system will be which uses flat-plate collectors, a zeolite storage system great indeed. requires a higher operating temperature and must be coupled with evacuated-tube or concentrating solar col- Unlike space heating systems using chemical heat lectors. Zeolite storage systems were investigated at storage, solar domestic hot water systems utilize the hot Carleton University and researchers there envisage both water tank (or an auxiliary, pre-heat water tank) for industrial and domestic applications for the system. storage. Domestic hot water heating is a solar technolo- They see the greater potential in domestic settings, gy (along with swimming pool heaters) which is already however, by using heat pumps in combination with competitive in certain parts of Canada, particularly in zeolite-based storage, or by charging the system with the Maritime Provinces where electricity costs are the heat derived from off-peak electric power or from indus- highest in the country. Figure 6-30 shows a solar domes- trial sources. tic water heating system.

Economics represents a major barrier to the wide- spread use of active space-heating systems. The rela- CONCLUSION tively low cost of conventional fuels and the high front- The Committee believes that chemical and end costs of active solar systems are holding back the large-scale thermal heat storage systems development of a solar market in Canada. Furthermore, should have a high priority in solar research and the need for building standards to promote passive solar development in this country. Such systems design is paralleled by the need for durability and relia-

215 bility standards for active systems. However, a careful lishment of a viable Canadian solar industry through a balance is required in which standards must be devel- series of cost-sharing agreements. A national competi- oped to instill consumer confidence in solar equipment tion was held among solar equipment manufacturers, but not to the extent that those standards stifle improve- and ten companies were chosen to participate in ments in design. The National Research Council is shared-cost contracts with the Federal Government to already working with the solar industry on the establish- produce solar heating systems and components and to ment of standards for solar systems and the Committee establish production and marketing capabilities. A total believes that this effort should proceed as quickly as investment of $3.9 million has been made, of which the possible. Federal Government's share has been $3.6 million. The other aspect of fostering the growth of a solar industry is market development and, therefore, the Fed- Figure 6-30: A DOMESTIC SOLAR WATER eral Government set up the PUSH program (Purchase HEATING SYSTEM and Use of Solar Heating). In this program the Govern- ment itself became the initial market for solar heating equipment and is slated to buy $125 million worth of hardware by 1984. The program experienced difficulties COLLECTOR in the federal bureaucracy which led to delays in orders being placed.

Despite the delays, however, projects worth over $10 million had been proposed, designed or were under construction in 1980 and more have been approved for 1981. There are installations in every province, on Post Offices, federal administrative buildings, conference cen- tres, schools, airport buildings, correctional centres and recreational complexes. Also under the auspices of PUSH, the Department of Public Works (which adminis- ters both PASEM and PUSH) has chosen nine buildings to be fitted with complete solar systems by firms which were awarded contracts under PASEM. PUSH funds have been approved for up to $100,000 per project. In another effort to demonstrate the use of solar energy, the installation of solar systems for hot water heating has been approved for 75 federal buildings. All of these systems are to be complete, ready-to-install packages, which are more attractive to the general public than custom-built systems (which are viewed as "experimental" rather than "operational"), and it is hoped that such demonstrations will develop packages suitable and acceptable for widespread domestic use.

These programs appear to be having their desired effect, but the major criticism which has been levelled at the plan is that the Federal Government has been virtu- ally the only customer. With no concurrent market de- velopment in the private sector, the companies which A number of witnesses suggested that the solar have expanded under these initiatives face the prospect market in Canada will not develop until financial incen- of bankruptcy when the program ends in 1984. Clearly tives are offered to consumers, to offset the economic incentives to the consumer would help establish a pri- barriers already noted. To date, incentives have been vate sector demand, but a certain amount of caution aimed primarily at establishing solar equipment manu- should be used in this regard. In the United States, early facturers so that reliable, tested equipment will be avail- incentives led some consumers to buy equipment which able when the market develops. The best known of was not weft-designed or tested. This experience with these programs are PASEM and PUSH. equipment which came onto the market too quickly PASEM (Program of Assistance to Solar Equipment through the pull of increased demand has not been Manufacturers) was set up to encourage the early estab- good for the solar industry's reputation.


RECOMMENDATION as the central receiver system and the distributed collec- tor system. The central receiver system consists of a Consumer incentives for active solar systems large field of sun-tracking mirrors (heliostats) which should be put in place only when standards intercept and redirect incoming solar radiation to a have been developed and warranties can be single large receiver mounted on top of a tower. This offered. configuration is sometimes referred to as a "power A second criticism of PUSH and PASEM is that tower". The redirected radiation i seats a circulating most of the installations have been large. This, of working fluid in the receiver. A number of working fluids course, arises from the nature of the facilities under are being examined including high-pressure water, federal jurisdiction. It does not seem prudent, however, superheated steam, oils, molten salts and liquid metals. to expect the solar industry to begin its development The choice of working fluid depends in part on the with only large, complex commercial systems, as their system's operating temperature. The United States, for failure to operate as designed may well be expected example, intends to develop receivers which will operate given the present stage of development of the industry. at about 925°C (1.700°F) by the early 1980s and at Those involved in industrial development should not find 1,100°C (2.000-F) by 1985. this hard to comprehend, but the public perception of The distributed collector system does not focus the such difficulties may work against the introduction of sunlight on a central receiver but instead converts the domestic solar systems. A demonstration program fea- sunlight to heat at the individual collector module. Each turing domestic solar space heating systems thus should collector module consists of a cylindrical mirror surface be an essential part of any solar strategy. The National which redirects the solar radiation onto the receiver/ Research Council has such a program already in which a absorber unit at the focus of the mirror. In this design, variety of space heating systems are being tested, but the working fluid circulates through the collector where it the results of testing deserve to be better publicized is first heated, then pumped through a pipe network to a than in the past. Additional demonstrations should be boiler or heat exchanger. From this point on, the central undertaken by the Federal Government as solar systems receiver and the distributed collector systems are identi- evolve and the results of these tests need to be widely cal (Figure 6-31). publicized. The 1980 National Energy Program As in conventional power generation technologies, announced such a demonstration for solar domestic hot cooling towers or condensers are used to remove and water heating with 1,000 units to be installed in homes reject waste heat. A thermal storage unit also forms part across Canada. Of course, some thought will have to be of the system to make use of sunlight which is in excess given to the timing of such programs to ensure that both of immediate needs. Various storage media including trained individuals and equipment are available when rocks, oil and salts are being considered. No research required. and development is being done on solar-thermal power systems in Canada. RECOMMENDATION The Committee welcomes the recent CONCLUSION announcement of a large-scale demonstration program for solar domestic hot water heating The Committee believes that Canada should systems and recommends a similar program for not pursue an RD&D program in solar-thermal active solar space heating systems. This pro- power systems since they offer less promise gram should incorporate a range of storage than other solar technologies in this country for systems including zeolite and sodium sulphide. both the short and long term.

Experience gained in the solar water heating 4. PHOTOVOLTAICS demonstration program will obviously be useful in imple- menting this recommendation. A solar, or photovoltaic, cell produces electricity directly when exposed to the sun's rays. It has no 3. SOLAR-THERMAL POWER SYSTEMS moving parts, consumes no fuel, produces no pollution during operation and can be made out of one of the Solar-thermal power systems first convert solar most abundant elements on Earth — silicon. energy into heat and subsequently change the thermal The technology for manufacturing solar cells is energy into mechanical energy by means of a turbine. already well developed. It was established in the early The output from the turbine then generates electricity. 1960s in the U.S. space program for satellites requiring Two technologies currently exist for collecting, con- a source of electrical power which could operate reliably centrating and converting solar energy. They are known for long periods of time. Nevertheless, while the space

217 program provided the impetus for development of solar but they are also much less costly. It may well prove cell technology, it also inadvertently created a major cheaper to use more of these less expensive solar cells barrier to the widespread use of such cells. In the space to produce a given amount of electricity than fewer program the only feature required of this technology was expensive but highly efficient ones. Work is also under- efficiency. Research thus concentrated on delivering the way on extending this thin-film concept to less expen- most watts per cell, regardless of the expense involved. sive materials such as cadmium, cuprous sulphate, and High costs have since been a major impediment to this indium and tin oxide. Other research is being directed at technology penetrating other markets. developing more expensive solar cells (such as gallium


A- CENTRAL RECEIVER SYSTEM ("POWER TOWER") Electrical Transmission Network

Incident Insolation

Incident Insolation Reflected Insolation


Source: After United States, Department of Energy, 1978, p. 5.

The expense evolves from the need to use extreme- arsenide) which have the ability to operate at very high ly pure and perfectly formed silicon crystals. The con- temperatures. Such a cell could be placed at the focal ventional way to make photovoltaic cells is to pull a point of a group of concentrating mirrors, like that atop single, pure crystal of silicon from a melt, slice it into thin a solar power tower (silicon cells would fuse in this wafers with a diamond saw and "dope" it with impurities high-temperature environment). in a high-temperature furnace. This process is very energy intensive and expensive; thus much research is Photovoltaic cells still remain too expensive to com- concentrating on reducing the cost of photovoltaic cells. pete with conventionally-generated electricity in areas Canada is investigating the use of thin films of with an electrical grid. In places far from central generat- inexpensive grades of silicon (such as amorphous sili- ing facilities, however, photovoltaic systems can com- con) formed at low temperatures. These cells are only pete with other energy sources. Important areas for about one-half as efficient as pure silicon crystal cells early application of photovoltaic systems include marine


and air navigational aids (fixed-site hazard/warning The Design and Operation of a Photovoltaic lights, buoys) and environmental monitors and sensors. Cell Thereafter, domestic markets will be developed for tele- When sunlight falls on a silicon crystal, it communications applications, outdoor lighting and the knocks an electron out of its fixed position in the replacement of small diesel/gas generators in remote crystal structure. Negatively charged electrons areas. The development of a sufficiently large market to thus freed to move produce a current, but under make mass production feasible will hopefully reduce the normal circumstances they quickly fall back into cost of solar cells. the positively charged "holes" they have vacated. In an evolving electricity/hydrogen economy, elec- In order to get useful work from a solar cell, tricity generated directly from sunlight may become an electrical barrier must be set up which stops increasingly important in replacing electricity from other the free electrons from simply dropping into the sources. As R&D continues over the next few years the nearest hole. The barrier separates the electrons potential for photovoltaic electricity production in and holes (negative and positive charges) and Canada will become better established. Certainly for drives them in different directions. It is created by environmental reasons it is a preferred method for the adding minute quantities of impurities to the sili- generation of electricity. con, making it a semiconductor. If phosphorus, for If Canadian industry can develop these systems, a example, is added, an excess of electrons over substantial Third World export market exists as photo- holes is created and one has an "n-type" semi- voltaics can be used for running water pumps, for com- conductor in which some electrons remain free to munications facilities and for supplying electricity to move. But, to have an electrical current, a positive small villages. With a view to developing an industry charge is also required; thus an element like boron capable of producing low-cost photovoltaic devices, the is added to another silicon crystal, creating addi- Federal Government is presently funding RD&D at tional holes or a positively charged "p-type" semi- $600,000 under the NRC's solar program, and at conductor. In a solar cell an n-type and a p-type $250,000 for university research through the National semiconductor are joined together and their outer Scientific and Engineering Research Council. A further faces connected by an electrical wire, as illustrat- $200,000 is assigned to applicable laboratory work at ed in below. NRC and $100,000 is earmarked for joint federal/pro- Figure 6-32: SCHEMATIC DRAWING OF A vincial programs. The NRC has proposed a five-year PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL RD&D program, with funding increasing yearly from the Photon of light; present level of just over $1 million, to over $4 million by /* Hectric current 1984-85.

Contact CONCLUSION It is essential that the most promising photovol- Load< taic systems developed during the RD&D pro- i?iü C^lrSs^-"-!. ••'-:>.- '6'-' -'"- /-.:•->-'.-•'..•'"; gram be commercialized as early as possible. Only then will Canada be able to capture part of Contact the export market and develop a viable domes- tic industry.

Key: • electrons o holes RECOMMENDATION

Source: After "The Sun on a Semiconductor", 1978, In light of both the domestic and export poten- p. 23. tial for photovoltaic systems, the Committee recommends that Canada's RD&D efforts in When a photovoltaic cell is exposed to sun- photovottaics be accelerated beyond the levels light, the electrons knocked ioose do not fall into currently planned. holes but instead follow the line of least resistance out of the n-type layer and through the external circuit to re-enter the p-type layer. This flow of 5. SOLAR ENERGY: AN APPROPRIATE electrons constitutes an electrical current and the TECHNOLOGY flow continues as long as sunlight falls on the cell. The term "appropriate technology" has come into use in recent years in discussions of technology transfer

219 to Third World countries. Technical devices which are condenses, runs down the inside of the transparent small-scale, comparatively simple to build and maintain, cover and is collected at the edges of the container. In and which can be built and operated by local people many regions of the world such a system can be used to using local materials are described as being "appropri- provide potable water where the local supply is con- ate" for use in the Third World. taminated by high salt concentrations, or by paniculate The Brace Research Institute, an affiliate of McGill matter. The unit is simple to construct and has no University in Montreal, is a world leader in the develop- moving parts, so that there is a minimal requirement for ment and introduction of a number of solar and other maintenance. alternative energy devices which meet the above criteria. Solar cookers and dryers are available which incor- This Committee had the pleasure of visiting the Institute porate the same ideas of simplicity of design and con- during its Canadian travel. struction with functional utility. In many Third World The Brace Institute has spent many years develop- countries, these simple devices allow rural people to ing solar stills, solar domestic hot-water systems, solar cook their food and dry their crops without purchasing dryers and solar cookers. Many of their designs are in any fuel. To these people this represents a significant use throughout the world. Designs are kept as simple as saving. In many parts of Africa, for example, wood feasible and, to the greatest extent possible, the availa- which is the traditional cooking fuel is becoming increas-



Source: After Brace Research Institute, 1979.

bility of local materials is taken into account when ingly hard to come by. Deforestation is an extremely systems are developed. Solar stills provide a good serious problem so any technology which can replace example of such technology. A solar still (Figure 6-33) fuel wood can make a significant contribution to the consists of a shallow flat-bottomed container with a well-being of people who now rely on this energy supply. curved, V-shaped or inclined transparent cover. The Clearly solar energy has a major role to play in such sunlight passes through the cover and heats the salt situations and the Committee would like to see the work water in the container. The water evaporates, leaving of the Brace Research Institute and other similar ths salt behind. When the water vapour hits the cover it endeavours encouraged to the greatest possible extent.


ground cover and topography are dominant in determin- more efficient, extracting more power at a given wind ing these two characteristics but above this level, varia- speed than a HAWT. VAWTs have a simpler configura- tions in the wind are the result of horizontal changes in tion and operate at a higher speed than other wind temperature and pressure. turbines, which makes them well suited to electrical generation (as opposed to providing mechanical energy for pumping water). They also offer the advantage of 2. ADVANTAGES AND DIFFICULTIES IN USING being omnidirectional; that is, they can operate in all WIND ENERGY wind directions and therefore do not require equipment The wind has a number of characteristics which to move them to face the wind as do horizontal axis make it an attractive energy source. Like solar radiation turbines. A further practical advantage of vertical axis it is a free, inexhaustible energy source available every- wind turbines is that their configuration allows most of where. In Canada we are fortunate in that the areas with the machinery which the turbine drives to be located at the highest average annual wind speed happen to coin- ground level. This simplifies repair and maintenance cide with areas in which conventional energy sources procedures. are scarce, such as the Maritimes, Northern Ontario and coastal British Columbia. A windmill delivers high-grade mechanical power which can efficiently be converted Figure 6-34: WIND TURBINE CONFIGURATIONS

into electricity (with no intermediate thermal conversion 747 to scale stage), so even small windmills (5 kilowatts for example) can feed directly into an electrical grid. In areas where capital is scarce and/or energy demand grows slowly, wind power allows supply increments on a smaller scale 400 than is the case with most conventional generating units. The Maritime Provinces are a region where these prop- erties of wind energy systems may prove especially attractive in the near future. 300 On the negative side the diffuse and variable nature of wind contributes to the high capital costs associated with its exploitation — large, expensive conversion sys- 200 £ tems are required to capture a significant amount of I energy. For example, the 3.8 MW wind turbine to be built by NRC and Hydro Quebec will stand taller than 100 the Peace Tower. The variable nature of wind also means that wind systems cannot provide an uninterrupt- ed energy supply. There are means of overcoming this difficulty by using wind energy in systems where it is not the sole source of electricity or by providing storage (a) VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE (b) HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND (NRC. Project Aeolus) TURBINE facilities, but both add significantly to the cost. Wind (Boeing. Washington State) turbines can interfere with electromagnetic signals Source: After Chappell, 1980. 2A:20. (radar, television and microwave communications), and can generate noise and visual (aesthetic) pollution. These characteristics may pose problems in the future, particularly if one is considering widespread use of this Due to its early entry into the field of VAWTs energy source. Canada has a world lead in this technology. Other countries which in the past have concentrated on HAWTs are beginning to realize the advantages of the 3. INTERNATIONAL AND CANADIAN DEVELOP- vertical axis configuration and the United States in par- MENT ticular is putting substantial amounts of money into the Research and development of wind energy tech- development of vertical axis systems. nology in Canada is directed by the National Research Council. The Canadian program concentrates exclusive- ly on the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). while most CONCLUSION other countries have invested in the development of Unless Canada moves quickly into the commer- horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). Rgure 6-34 cialization and marketing of its vertical axis schematically represents these two types of wind tur- system, the early advantage which this country bine. The VAWT is preferred in this country because it is holds will be lost


The current research efforts of the NRC can be Medium-sized turbines (around 50 kW in output) are usefully discussed under three headings: resource also being tested while linked into electrical grids. Four assessment, small to medium size windmills, and large 50 kW units with no storage are already installed and windmills. coupled to major grids, one each in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Newfoundland. These The first area of research involves assessing the systems are the forerunners of larger wind turbines and wind energy resource in Canada. The Atmospheric Envi- are being monitored to determine what problems may ronment Service (AES) of the Department of Environ- arise from feeding the variable wind-generated electricity ment has done much of the work in this area to date, into an electrical grid which has traditionally relied on using archival material to derive a standard set of data steady energy inputs from large facilities. for the purpose of identifying areas vhic.i deserve detailed evr'uation. Ttv NRC has established a set of Concerning large windmills, the NRC and Hydro technical specification» ror wind speed monitoring Quebec in a joint project have constructed a 230 kW equipment to promote the development of standard VAWT on the Magdalen Islands. The machine was first testing procedures. In addition, the NRC is working with erected in 1977 and early tests showed that this version provincial utilities on detailed evaluations of a number of of the VAWT performed as expected. Unfortunately, a promising sites across Canada which were identified in procedural error in the operation of the machine led to the AES study. Canada is also taking part in an interna- its destruction in July 1978. An identical machine was tional evaluation of computer models for wind energy erected on the same site in January 1980 and subse- siting under the auspices of the International Energy quent testing has shown this wind turbine to perform as Agency's Program of Research and Development on expected, reaching full power operation ahead of Wind Energy Conversion Systems. schedule. The original plans called for the operation of the facility to be turned over completely to Hydro The small and medium sized wind turbines which Quebec at the end of 1980 with the installation generat- NRC has examined are being developed with three ing a part of the electricity supply for the Magdalen , distinct applications in mind. The first is special purpose Islands. Hydro Quebec and the NRC agreed, however, applications in which turbines of 1 kW (DC) provide that the instrumentation collecting operational data on-demand power at a remote site. Storage is required should remain in place so that experiments can continue in these applications as the wind system is the sole "while the wind turbine is contributing power to the power source. These units are expensive as they must Islands' grid. meet very rigid demands for reliability and the provision of storage capacity adds to the total cost. Such systems Following the success of the Magdalen Islands are designed primarily to power remote communications experiments, scientists at the NRC proposed the con- networks and navigational aids, where high costs can struction of a megawatt-size VAWT, seeing this as the be justified. Six installations of this type are now next logical step in the wind energy program. Running a being made across Canada. Five of them — in Alberta, vertical axis wind machine of this size would give Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and New- Canada unique operating experience and consolidate its foundland — will supply energy for telecommunications position as a world leader in vertical axis wind turbine networks. The sixth installation will provide cathodic research and development. "Project Aeolus" involves protection for an oil pipeline in Alberta. the design and construction of a VAWT which can generate up to 3.8 megawatts of electricity (enough The second area of application is in small- and electricity to supply the non-heating requirements of medium- sized wind energy systems which can be used 600-700 homes) and which is expected to cost $23 for electrical generation in remote communities. Many million to complete. It is believed that such a system settlements in Canada depend entirely on diesel genera- could operate at sites with average wind speeds of tion for their electricity. The NRC has been working on a approximately 30 mph (48 km/h) and deliver energy wind/diesel hybrid system with the Ontario government which is cost competitive with conventional electricity. and a 10 kW(AC) VAWT has been coupled with a diesel Hydro Quebec has agreed to participate in this program generator at an experimental test site on Toronto Island. on a cost-shared basis with the Federal Government and Two years of operation have demonstrated that signifi- the wind turbine will be erected at a suitable site in cant savings in diesel fuel can be achieved on a site with eastern Quebec with operation expected in 1983. an average wind speed in excess of 13 mph (21 km/h) and at a diesel fuel cost greater than $1.00/gallon. The market for wind turbines in Canada may not Many northern communities satisfy both of these condi- prove to be large, given other options available to us for tions and the NRC, the Ontario Ministry of Energy and the production of electricity. However, in certain regions Ontario Hydro are arranging to finance the installation of of the country such large-scale wind conversion systems a 50 kW VAWT wind/diesel hybrid system in Sudbury, could be very important in replacing fossil fuels currently Ontario. used for electrical generation. In addition to the domes-

223 tic market, a large export market seems likely to develop diversifying their energy supplies. In this con- in both industrialized and Third World countries. nection, wind energy and small-scale hydro are two options meriting close consideration. Such CONCLUSION a program would complement the energy con- servation efforts of northern communities and The Committee agrees that Canada should the off-oil philosophy as outlined in the National pursue the development and commercialization Energy Program. In the case of wind energy, an of megawatt-scale vertical axis wind turbines assistance program Would aid in establishing a and welcomes the recent announcement that wind turbine manufacturing capability in "Project Aeolus" has been approved for Canada by providing an immediate market. funding. In its visit to the Yukon and the Northwest Territo- ries, the Committee was struck :by the vulnerability of RECOMMENDATION northern communities depending solely upon diesel gen- Funding and technical assistance for installing eration for their electricity. We thus recognize the uncer- wind/diesel hybrid systems should be provided tainty which many Canadians feel about the supply and to remote communities, with appropriate wind price of petroleum products in isolated regions of the characteristics, now relying on diesel fuel for country. : "~ : electrical generation. This assistance would not only help such communities reduce their need CONCLUSION for petroleum but would also create an immedi- The Federal Government should quickly insti- ate market for wind turbines and hasten the tute measures to assist remote communities in commercialization of this technology.



I he following recommendations are listed in the order in which they appear in the text, not in order of importance.

The page on which each recommendation appears in the Report is listed so that the reader can easily determine the context in which it is made.

RD&D (1) in its own best interest and in the interest of furthering the objectives of the IEA, Canada should accelerate the rate of increase in its alternative energy RD&D expenditures. (P. 68)

Ministry (2) The Committee recommends that a Ministry of State for Alternative Energy and of Conservation be created under the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources. We State further recommend that this new Ministry be divided into four sections respon- sible for Conservation, Solar Energy, Methanol, and Other Alternatives. (P. 79)

Canertech (3) The Committee recommends that the new alternative energy corporation, Caner- tech, report to the proposed Minister of State for Alternative Energy and Conser- vation at the time that it becomes an independent Crown corporation. (P. 79)

Energy (4) The Committee recommends that the Department of Energy, Mines and Economies Resources initiate a comprehensive study of energy and the economy to clarify this important relationship in the Canadian context and to provide guidance in formulating energy policy and more general economic policy. (P-83)

Conservation (5) The Committee recommends that a detailed study into all aspects of energy conservation, hi all sectors of the economy, be undertaken immediately, (p. 118)

Conservation— (6) All levels of government should cooperate in ensuring that architects, builders Passive Solar and contractors learn and practice energy-efficient design and construction. In particular, these people should be made aware of the energy-saving benefits which result from the passive use of solar energy. (p. 119) (7) The Committee urges that Federally-financed housing incorporate energy-con- serving and passive solar design in order to demonstrate its benefits. (P. 120)

Conservation (8) Energy performance standards for buildings should be incorporated in the Nation- at Building Code so that conservation and innovative design and construction are promoted, (p. 121)

227 Conservation (9) Standard tests for the energy performance of buildings should be established by the Federal Government so that energy-efficiency ratings can be assigned, (p. 121) (10) The Committee recommends that the Federal Government establish a standard procedure for testing the airUghtness of buildings.The Committee further recom- mends that, once established, the test be applied to Federal buildings and to all new homes financed through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. (P. 121) (11) Lighting regimes in businesses and homes should be designed to ensure that electric energy is not wasted. (p. 121) (12) Underground construction should be encouraged in appropriate circumstances as an energy-conserving building technology. (p. 122)

Ethanol (13) The Committee recommends that the Federal Government, through Canertech, encourage the research, development and commercialization of cellufose-to- ethanol technology. (p. 127) (14) Ethanol should be used as a gasoline extender only and not as a substitute transportation fuel in pure form, except perhaps on farms. (P. 127) (15) The Committee recommends that the Government ensure, in its amendments to the Excise Act, that production of ethanol in excess of individual requirements may be sold to retail suppliers of alcohol fuel or gasohol. (P. 128) (16) The Committee does not endorse pure ethanol from starch or sugar feedstocks as a major alternative liquid transportation fuel for Canada. It does, however, recommend that fuel ethanol be permitted for personal use or for the production of gasohol. (P. 128)

Methanol (17) The Committee recommends that the construction of a hybrid natural gas/ biomas8 methanol plant be encouraged to demonstrate this technology of methanol production as soon as possible, (P. 129) (18) Since hybrid natural gas/biomass methanol plants are a transitional step in establishing a fuel methanol industry, the Committee further recommends that such plants be converted when feasible to operation using blomass alone or biomass spiked with electrolytic hydrogen. (P-129) (19) (n the short term, Canada should allow fuel methanol to be sold at prices lower than gasoline in order to make it attractive as an alternative transportation fuel. (P-130)

(20) The Committe commends that the technology of anaerobic digestion should be actively pursued in Canada and that additional biogas reactors should be installed to demonstrate their effectiveness in the Canadian environment. (P. 131)


(21) As the technology for biorans densification is available now and is being used in Densification some locations, the Committee recommends that development of the wood densification Industry should be encouraged in Canada. This means that increased emphasis in R&D should be placed on Improving combustion technolo- gies for densifled blomass fuels and on developing end uses and markets for the densifled biomass product. (P-134)

Wood (22) The Committee recommends that a study of how the increasing combustion of wood in urban areas will affect air quality should begin immediately. Such a study should be completed before expanded use of firewood is recommended for urban centres. (P-135) (23) Fire safety regulations should be reviewed and strengthened so that the installa- tion and use of wood stoves and fireplaces does not lead to a tragic increase in the incidence of fires in homes using fuel wood. (P-135)

Wood— (24) The Committee believes that the technology of biomass gasification should be Methanol funded on a priority basis In biomass RAD. It has the potential of allowing greater use of wood (and other biomass feedstocks) to fire systems which traditionally have used fossil fuels. It is perhaps the tast part of Hie technology of methanol synthesis from biomass which must be improved upon to assure commercializa- tion of this alcohol fuel option. (P. 135)

(25) Canada's extensive peat deposits represent a significant alternative energy opportunity, but our resource base has been only partially outlined. An accurate assessment of its quantity, quality and location should be completed. (p. 138) (26) The Committee recommends that peat RAD encompass the development of an efficient technology for the gasification of peat. This would allow Canada to broaden Its resource base for the production of the alternative liquid transporta- tion fuel methanol. (p. 138)

Fiuidized (27) The Federal Government should undertake a thorough analysis of the opportuni- BedCom- ties and benefits of fiuidized bed combustion in the Canadian context, and of the buetton funding levels necessary to exploit the technology to maximum advantage. Topics which should be addressed In the analysis include the choice between various FBC technologies from economic and environmental standpoints, the use of fuels other than coal, and the nature of regional opportunities. (P 142)

Coal-Oil (28) Canadian RDAD in coal-oil mixture technology should be accelerated where feasible. A heavy emphasis should be placed on the rapid deployment of this technology In the Maritime Provinces. (P. 142)

229 Coal (29) Coal liquefaction should not be adopted as a long-term energy option for Canada. Liquefaction In the shorter term, however, a limited number of coal liquefaction projects aimed primarily at export markets could be accepted — with stringent environmental safeguards — to earn foreign exchange, to generate skilled employment and technological expertise, and to provide a supplementary source of synthetic fuel for domestic use in an emergency. (P-146)

District (30) The Committee recommends that district heating should be considered as an Heating energy-conserving technology for new subdivisions, communities and industrial parks. (P. 150)

Cozener- (31) The Committee encourages Canadian utilities to look more favourably upon atton co-generation and to devise means for promoting the broader use of this tech- nology, possibly through Joint ownership of such systems with industrial partners, (p. 154)

Small- (32) The Committee recommends that financial assistance be extended to isolated Scale communities which rely upon diesel-generated electricity to enable them to install Hydro small hydro units where an appropriate site exists. The Committee further recom- mends that this technology be vigorously promoted for its export potential. (p. 156)

Fuel (33) The Committee recommends that research on fuel cells be funded as part of a Cells— commitment to developing a hydrogen economy for Canada. In particular, the Hydrogen development of fuel cells for the transportation sector should be given high priority as their use promises to substitute for transportation fuels, to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions and to develop a market for hydrogen. (P. 159)

Fusion (34) The Committee recommends that the program of expenditures proposed by the NRC Advisory Committee on Fusion-Related Research be adopted by the Federal Government. For the five-year period from fiscal year 1980-81 to 1984-85, this represents an expenditure of approximately $54 million (in constant 1979 dol- lars). An independent review should be carried out in the third year of the program and after five years to determine its effectiveness. (p. 169)

Geothemal (35) The Committee recommends that Federal expenditures on geothermal energy be Energy sufficiently large to accomplish at least the following: to define the size of the geothermal resource in Canada; to promote development of this energy form, especially for space heating; and to determine the feasibility of extracting thermal energy from hot, dry rocks. (p. 177)

Heat (36) The Committee recommends that heat pump use in suitable community recrea- tion complexes be encouraged and that all three levels of government investigate the potential for financial assistance In this regard. (P-181) (37) Governmental and industrial RAD in Canada should continue to refine heat pump technology. Emphasis should be placed upon penetrating commercial, residential and industrial markets and upon seeking the most effective marrying of heat pumps with other energy technologies. (p. 182)


Hydrogen (38) The Committee recommends that an energy system based upon hydrogen and electricity as the principal energy currencies be adopted by the Government of Canada as a long-term policy objective. (p. 188) (39) The Committee believes that hydrogen will be an important element of Canada's future energy system and recommends that we begin now to develop the technology and infrastructure for hydrogen production, distribution and use. (p. 188) (40) The Committee agrees that the early demonstration of a hydrogen-based urban transportation system is required in Canada and recommends that research into this use of hydrogen be supported with the aim of rapid commercialization. (p. 188) (41) The Committee recommends that the Federal Government be prepared to spend up to $1 billion over the next five years to foster the broad development of a hydrogen-based energy system and to establish Canada as a world leader in hydrogen technology. (p. 189) (42) The Committee recommends that a Commission, to be known as Hydrogen Canada, be established to act as the lead agency for hydrogen RD&D and commercialization in Canada. This Commission should report to the proposed Minister of State for Alternative Energy and Conservation. (P-189) (43) The Committee recommends that the proposed Minister of State for Alternative Energy and Conservation begin a review of the progress and accomplishments of Hydrogen Canada after eighteen months, with the review to be completed within six months. A further review should be conducted after the fourth year of the program, with subsequent reviews to follow at five-year intervals. (P. 190) (44) The Committee recommends that the results of the periodic reviews of Hydrogen Canada's progress be tabled in Parliament within three months of their comple- tion and, In the event that Parliament is not sitting at the time, the Minister be permitted to make them public. (P. 190)

Propane (45) Propane use should be encouraged in the short and medium terms for vehicle fleets refueled at central locations. (P. 192)

Compressed (46) The Committee recommends that compressed natural gas be encouraged for use Natural as a fuel in large fleets of vehicles which travel limited distances and are fueled at central filling stations, (p. 193)

Synthetic (47) Because synthetic gasoline does not reduce hydrocarbon usage and because its Gasoline production Is nonconserving in nature, the Committee recommends that the production of synthetic gasoline from fossil fuel resources should not be viewed as an alternative energy solution of major importance for the transportation sector. (P. 194)

231 Uethanol (48) To develop a truly alternative vehicle fuel option for consumers, the Committee recommends that the Government of Canada urge automobile manufacturers to produce methanol and dual-fuel engines in Canada. Through this action and the development of a methanoMuel-producing Industry, Canada could become a world leader in methanol production and utilization, (p. 195)

Ethanol (49) The Committee recommends that ethanol produced in this country should be used for extending supplies of gasoline through the production of gasohol. We do not recommend the use of ethanol-powered cars as a major alternative transpor- tation option. (P. 196)

Air- (50) The Committee recommends that the Federal Government closely monitor the Aluminium development of the alumlnunrair battery system and that it support commerciali- Battery zation of this power system in Canada. (P. 196)

Electric (51) The Committee recommends that Canada IN »much more actively involved in Vehicle electric vehicle research, development and demonstration. This effort should be a systems approach which concentrates not only on propulsion but also on the design and construction of all the components required to produce a completely Canadian electric vehicle. (P. 198) (52) The Committee believes that RD&D in this country should < itrate on all-elec- tric vehicles rather than on heat engine/electric hybrids. If hybrid propulsion RD&D is pursued at all, it should be directed towards developing a fuel cell/elec- tric hybrid. This would allow Canada to do research in two areas of nonconven- tJonal propulsion simultaneously, so that at some future date each technology could be profitably exploited on its own. (P. 198)

Hydrogen (53) Canada should pursue the use of hydrogen as an alternative aviation fuel and this activity should form part of the overall RD&D efforts of Hydrogen Canada, (p. 200)

Tidal (54) To determine whether a tidal power development in the Bay of Fundy remains a Power viable proposition, the Committee recommends that an economic feasibility study be initiated without delay to verify the 1977 conclusions of the Tidal Power Review Board, and ihat funding In the order of $300,000 be allocated for this purpose. (p. 206) (55) If the findings of the economic feasibility study are favourable, the Committee further recommends that a three-year pro-investment design engineering, socio- economic and environmental study, as outlined in the 1977 Report, be undertak- en and that funding In the order of $50 million be allocated for this purpose. (P. 206) (56) if the findings of the definitive study are favourable, the Committee recommends that tidal power development be undertaken MI the Bay of Fundy. (P. 207)


Ocean (57) The Committee believes that Canada should keep up to date with international Energy developments in the field of wave power research and should continue to participate in joint R&D ventures. It also recommends, however, that wave power research should have no priority status in Canadian energy research and develop- ment programs. (p. 207) (58) The Committee believes that research and development of OTEC energy should not be funded by the Federal Government at this time. (p. 210)

(59) The Federal should extend its public education program on cortser- ration to Include on passive solar energy and energy-efficient build- Conservation (P-212)

Active (60) rtMserch should be aimed at reducing the cost and establishing the reliability and Solar duraMHy of thermal storage components in active solar systems. (p. 215) T (61) The fundng level for RDM in chemical and large-scale thermal heat storage must be Increased substantially and steps must be taken to assist in the commerciali- zation of the systems developed. (p. 215) (62) Consumer incentives for active solar systems should be put in place only when standards have been developed end warranties can be offered. (P. 217) (63) The Committee welcomes the recent announcement of a large-scale demonstra- tion program for solar domestic hot water heating systems and recommends a similar program for active solar space heating systems. This program should incorporate a range of storage systems including zeolite and sodium sulphide. (p.217)

Photovoltaica (64) In light of both the domestic and export potential for photovoltaic systems, the Committee recommends that Canada's ROAD efforts in photovoltaics be accelerated beyond the levels currently planned. (P-219)

Wind (65) Funding and technical assistance for installing wind/diesel hybrid systems should Energy be provided to remote communities, with appropriate wind characteristics, now relying on diesel fuel for electrical generation. This assistance would not only help such communities reduce their need for petroleum but would also create an Immediate market for wind turbines and hasten the commercialization of this technology. (p. 224)

233 Selected Bibliography

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242 Appendices APPENDIX A

Units and Conversion Factors

THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS SI, while based upon the decimal system with its multiples of 10, is not synonymous with the metric A new system of units is being adopted worldwide. system since it excludes many metric units that have This system of measure, the most accurate ever become obsolete and includes a few units, such as the devised, is called the International System of Units and second, which are not metric. SI units are divided into officially abbreviated as SI (for Système International) in three classes: (1) base units, (2) supplementary units all languages. Established by the 11th General Confer- and (3) derived units. The base and supplementary units ence of Weights and Measures in 1960, SI is intended as were adopted by the International Organization of the basis for a global standardization of measurement. Weights and Measures at its 10th (1954) and 11th In January of 1970, the Canadian Government (1960) General Conferences. Derived units are formed introduced its White Paper on Metric Conversion, fol- by algebraic relations between base units, supplemen- lowed by the passage in April 1971 of its Weights and tary units and other derived units. Table A-1 gives the SI Measures Act. Canada's Metric Commission was estab- base and supplementary units; Table A-2 lists common- lished in June of 1971 and a target date of 1 January ly used derived units. 1979 was set for the exclusive use of SI. Although this goal was not fully achieved, Canada nonetheless stood well along the road to SI conversion as the 1980s Table A-2: COMMONLY USED SI DERIVED began. UNITS

Table A-1: SI BASE AND SUPPLEMENTARY Quantity Unit Symbol UNITS Area square metre m2 Quantity Name Symbol Volume cubic metre m3 Density kilogram per BASE UNITS cubic metre kg/m3 Length metre m Energy joule J kilogram kg Power watt W pascal Pa Time second s Pressure metre per second m/s Electric current ampere A Speed, velocity Thermodynamic temperature keivin*" Acceleration metre per second K 2 Amount of substance mole mol squared m/s Luminous intensity candela cd Thermal flux density watt per square metre W/m2 SUPPLEMENTARY UNITS Frequency hertz Hz Plane angle radian rad Solid angle steradian sr The SI package allows for continued use of certain non-SI units. Again we consider only the most frequently occurring examples. The hectare (ha) generally replaces <"> Although the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is the kelvin, the Celsius scale will continue to be most the acre as the measure of land and water areas, with commonly used for temperature measurements. the square metre being the preferred SI unit for other Application of the Kelvin scale is generally restricted measures of area. Although the second is the SI base to scientific work. unit for time, other units such as the hour (h), day (d) Source: Pedde el al. 1978, p. 2. and year (a) will continue to be used. Degrees Celsius (°C) will continue as the common measure of tempera-

245 ture, with Kelvin temperature being generally relegated pressure, about equivalent to a dollar bill lying flat on a to the scientific domain. Unfortunately, three names now surface. In comparison, atmospheric pressure at sea exist to describe the same amount of mass, 1000 level normally falls in the range of 95,000 to 105,000 kilograms — metric ton (t), tonne (t) and megagram (Mg pascals. To avoid the cumbersome expression of large or one million grams). While the megagram is the correct and small quantities, the SI package includes a system SI expression, it is not widely recognized and "tonne" of decimal multiples expressed as word prefixes and seems more likely to prevail in the Canadian literature. added to the unit names. Thus atmospheric pressure For this reason, we have preferred not to express mass becomes 95 to 105 /c/topascals, the generating capacity in megagrams in this Report. at Churchill Falls in Labrador is expressed as 5,225 megawatts and Canada's export of electricity to the SI PREFIXES United States in 1980 is given as 30,180 g/grawatthours Many of the SI units with which we work are small of energy. Table A-3 presents the full list of SI unit measures. The pascal, for example, is a very small prefixes and gives examples of their use.


Prefix and Multiplication Factor Symbo Example and Symbol 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 101B exa E exajoules EJ 1000 000 000 000 000 = 10« peta P petajoules PJ 1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 tera T terawatts TW 1 000 000 000 = 109 g'ga G gigawatthours GWh 1 000 000 = 10s mega M megalitres Ml 1 000 = 103 kilo k kilopascals kPa 100 = 10* hecto h -\ 10 = 10' deca da 0.1 = 10-' deci d I... 0.01 = 1fr* centi c ..1 0.001 = 10-3 milli m ) millimetres mm 0.000001 = 10-e micro M micrograms pg 0.000000001 = 10-9 nano n nanoseconds ns 2 0.000000000001 = 10-' pico P picohertz pHz 0.000000000000001 = tO-15 femto f femtofarads fF 0.000000000000000001 = 10-"> alto a attocoulombs aC

<•> Except (or the nontechnical reference to "centimetre". use of these (our prefixes is avoided in most circumstances. Source: After Pedde et al. 1978, p. 10.

CONVERSION FACTORS 1 square foot = 0.09290 square metre The following conversion factors are either exact or 1 square metre = 10.76 square feet correct to four significant figures. 1 square mite= 640 acres = 2.590 square kilometres Distance = 259.0 hectares 1 foot = 0.3048 metre 1 square kilometre^ 0.3861 square mile 1 metre = 3.281 feet = 100 hectares 1 statute mite= 1.609 kilometres = 247.1 acres = 0.8690 international nautical 1 acre = 0.4047 hectare mile 1 hectare = 2.471 acres 1 international nautical mite= 1.151 statute miles = 1.852 kilometres Volume 1 kilometre= 0.6214 statute miie 1 cubic foot = 0.02832 cubic metre = 0.5399 international nautical mile 1 cubic metre= 35.31 cubic feet


= 6.290 American barrels 5(F-32) = 1000 litres 9 1 American barrel = 42 American gallons = 34.97 Imperial gallons K=C + 273.16 = 0.1590 cubic metre = 159.0 litres 1 American gallon = 3.785 litres Figure A-1: A COMPARISON OF THE FAHRENHEIT, 11mperial gallon = 4.546 litres CELSIUS AND KELVIN TEMPERATURE SCALES

1 long ton= 2240 pounds = 1.12 short tons = 1.016 tonnes 1 short ton= 2000 pounds = 0.8929 long ton = 0.9072 tonne 1 tonne= 2205 pounds = 1.102 short tons = 0.9842 long ton = 1000 kilograms = 1 megagram 1 pound = 0.4536 kilogram 1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds

Energy 1 British thermal unit = 1054 joules 1 kilowatthour= 3412 British thermal units = 3.600,000 joules 1 quad= 1 quadrillion British thermal units = 10<5 British thermal units = 1054 petajoules = 1054 x1015 joules

Source: After Pedde ef al. 1978, p. 4. 1 kilowatt= 3,600.000 joules/hour = 1.341 imperial horsepower Although the Kelvin scale is the one adopted in the 11mperial horsepower = 745.7 watts SI scheme, its use is nonetheless limited to scientific 1 British thermal unit/hour = 0.2931 watt matters and most temperatures are measured in degrees Celsius. Zero on the Kelvin scale (-273.16°C) is TEMPERATURE termed the absolute zero of temperature, with the third law of thermodynamics telling us that no system can be Temperature is that property of systems which taken to a temperature of absolute zero (that is, to a determines if they are in thermodynamic equilibrium, two state characterized by the complete absence of heat). systems being in equilibrium when their temperatures (measured on the same scale) are equal. Temperature can be specified in various arbitrary and empirical ways PETROLEUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY based upon changes in volume, length, electrical resist- The specific gravity of any liquid is the dimension- ance and so forth. Not surprisingly, an interesting variety less ratio of the density of that liquid to the density of of temperature scales has been devised of which three water, measured at a standard temperature of 4°C. If are of concern here — the Fahrenheit, Celsius (centi- the specific gravity of a liquid is less than one, that liquid grade) and Kelvin scales. The correspondence among will float on water; if more than one, it will sink. Crude these three scales is illustrated in Figure A-1, the math- oils have a specific gravity normally falling in the range ematical relationships being: of 0.80 to 0.97, which corresponds to 8.0 to 6.6 barrels per tonne. Taking an approximate world average for the specific gravity of all crude oils produced, one tonne of crude is about equal to 7.3 barrels.

247 In the petroleum industry, however, the specific BETWEEN API gravity of oil is normally expressed in degrees of API Table A-4: THE EQUIVALENCE (American Petroleum Institute) gravity. In this measuring GRAVITY AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY scheme, oil with a low specific gravity has a high API gravity and, other factors being equal, the higher the "API Gravity Specific Gravity Barrels/Tonne API gravity the more valuable the oil. The formula for calculating API gravity is 0 1.076 5.86 141.5 10 1.000 6.30 •API = —131.5 15 0.9659 6.53 specific gravity 60" 20 0.9340 6.75 where the divisor is the specific gravity of a 60°API 26 0.8984 7.02 gravity oil measured at 60°F (15.6°C). The following 30 0.8762 7.19 table shows the equivalence between API gravity and 36 0.8448 7.46 specific gravity. 40 0.8251 7.64 46 0.7972 7.91 50 0.7796 8.09 Most crude oils fall within the range of 25° to 40° 60 0.7389 8.53 API gravity. Canada's conventional crude oil production averages a little higher than 35° API. Lloydminster heavy crude is about 16° and Athabasca bitumen Source: Hunt, 1979. p. 544. roughly 8° to 9° API.


Witnesses and Intervenors at Public Hearings

List of witnesses and intervenors who appeared before WITNESS ISSUE DATE the Special Committee, showing the Issue in which their evidence appears. Mr. I.W. McCaig 29 20/11/80 Chairman Energy Resources WITNESSES AT PUBLIC HEARINGS Sub-Committee 29 20/11/80 WITNESS ISSUE DATE Mr. K.A. McLennan President Agriculture Canada Mr. O. Scudamore 29 20/11/80 Member, Energy Resources Mr. R.D. Hayes 25 12/11 /80 Sub-Committee Energy Engineer Engineering and Statistical Research Institute Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Dr. M. Hammerli 6 16/07/80 Dr. E.J. LeRoux 25 12/11/80 Section Leader, Assistant Deputy Minister Electrochemistry Research Branch General Chemistry Branch Chairman of Interbranch Energy Committee Canadian Energy Development Systems Dr. B. Perkins 25 12/11 /80 International Director Mr. D.A. Henry 28 19/11/80 Regional Development and President Analysis Directorate Regional Development and Canadian Federation of Agriculture International Affairs Branch Dr. L. Emery 27 18/11/80 Member, Energy Committee Mr. P.W. Voisey 25 12/11/80 Mr. G. Flaten 27 18/11/80 Director First Vice-President Engineering and Statistical Research Institute Mr. D. Kirk 27 18/11/80 Executive Secretary Mr. D. Knoerr 27 18/11/80 Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada Executive Member Mr. D. Farlinger 29 20/11 /80 Chairman Canadian National Committee, World Energy Con- Energy Affairs Standing ference Committee Dr. E.P. Cockshutt 24 05/11 /80 Mr. J.L. Greer 29 20/11/80 Member of Executive Com- Past Chairman mittee Energy Affairs Standing Dr. J.S. Foster 24 05/11 /80 Committee Chairman


Canadian Renewable Energy News Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Mr. J. Passmore 9 30/07/80 Mr. B. Cook 31 02/12/80 Features and International Technical Advisor Editor Office of Energy Research and Development Canadian Solar Industries Association Dr. P.J. Dyne 6 16/07/80 Mr. R. Davies 28 19/11/80 Director 31 02/12/80 Chairman Office of Energy Research Mr. A, Gatrill 28 19/11 /80 and Development Executive Director Dr. A. Jessop 26 13/11/80 Mr. J. Ramsden 28 19/11/80 Head, Geothermal Studies Treasurer Group Chemical Institute of Canada The Honourable Marc Dr. W. Schneider 23 04/11 /80 Lalonde 30 25/11/80 Minister Member of the Institute Dr. K. Whitham 1 25/06/80 Coal Association of Canada Assistant Deputy Minister Mr.G.T. Page 27 18/11/80 Conservation and President Non-Petroleum Branch

Co-generation Associates Limited Energy Probe Mr. A. Juchymenko 10 31/07/80 Dr. D. Brooks 22 30/10/80 President Coordinator, Ottawa Office Coreco Incorporated Environment Canada Mr. Daniel Crevier 11 04/09/80 Mr. R.H. Clark 5 15/07/80 President Senior Engineering Advisor Ouomo Import Limited Inland Waters Directorate Mr. S. Verrie 12 05/09/80 Mr.J. Labuda 26 13/11/80 President Chief Fuels and Air Pollution Mr. M.S. Werger 12 05/09/80 Directorate Secretary Environmental Protection Economic Council of Canada Service Mrs. Bobbi Cain 9 30/07/80 Dr. D. McKay 26 13/11/80 Research Economist 26 12/11/80 Climatological Applications Dr. P. Cornell 9 30/07/80 Branch Senior Policy Advisor Atmospheric Environment Service Mr. D. Paproski 9 30/07/80 Director Mr. R.J. Neale 26 13/11 /80 Seventeenth Review Manager, ENFOR Program Canadian Forestry Service Dr. R. Preston 9 30/07/80 Director, Candide Research 26 13/11 /80 Mr. D.L. Robinson 26 13/11/80 Group Senior Scientific Advisor Environmental Conservation Dr. D.W. Slater 26 13/11 /80 Service Chairman Dr. E.F. Roots 26 13/11/80 Electric Vehicle Association of Canada Science Advisor Mr. F. G. Johnson 30 25/11 /80 Mr. J.B. Seaborn 26 13/11/80 President Deputy Minister



F.T. Fisher's Sons Limited Inter-City Gas Corporation Mr. S.T. Fisher 11 04/09/80 Mr. P. Ashton 29 20/11 /80 Friends of the Earth Consultant Mrs. H. Lajambe 10 31/07/80 Mr. H.C. Coppen 29 20/11 /80 Researcher Vice-President Mr. J. Robinson 10 31/07/80 Mr. N.J. Didur 29 20/11/80 Researcher Group Vice-President Mr R. Torrie 10 31/07/80 Researcher Mr. J.A. Khouri 14 09/09/80 GazMótropolitainlnc. President Mr. J. Baladi 11 04/09/80 Lawrenc0 Uvei inure National Laboratories, CaH~ Vice-President fomla, U.S.A. Exploitation and Expansion Dr.J. Emmett 35 02/12/80 Group Associate Director Mr. Pierre Noel 11 04/09/80 Laser Fusion Program Economist Dr. R. Post 35 02/12/80 Mr. R. Noel 11 04/09/80 Deputy Associate Director Vice-President, Marketing Magnetic Fusion Energy Physics Mr. Jean-Francois Villion 11 04/09/80 Director, General Planning Marinetech Laboratories Ltd. Huron Ridge UmHed Mr. G. Jones 14 09/09/80 Mr. N.J. MacGregor 34 09/12/80 President ICG Scotia Gas Limited Mohawk Oil Company Limited Mr. M.G. Meacher 19 24/09/80 Mr. A.E. Meyer 15 10/09/80 Vice-President and General Consultant Manager Morrison Beatty Limited Mr. H. Smith 19 24/09/80 Legal Counsel Mr. W.D. Morrison 13 06/09/80 Principal of Morrison Beatty Imperial Oil Limited Ltd. Mr. W.A. Bain 9 30/07/80 Manager, Energy Studies McKenzie-McCulloch Associates Corporate Planning Mr. I. McKenzie 13 06/09/80 Services Principal Mr. D. J. Cameron 9 30/07/80 National Energy Board Manager, Renewable Energy Mr. E.S. Bell 34 09/12/80 Corporate Planning Director Services Electric Power Branch Institute of Man and Resources Mr.C.G. Edge 34 09/12/80 Chairman Mr. B. Brandon 20 25/09/80 Project Coordinator Mr. A.N. Karas 5 15/07/80 Wood Energy Assistant Director Planning Group Mr. A. Wells 20 25/09/80 Electric Power Branch Executive Director Mr. P.G. Scotchmer 34 09/12/80 Mr. W. Zimmerman 20 25/09/80 Director Research Director Oil Policy Branch


Mr. K.W. Vollman 34 09/12/80 Mr. R.J. Templin 2 02/07/80 Director Energy Resources Laboratory Head Branch Low Speed Aerodynamics

National Research Council of Canada New Brunswick Development Institute Mr. R.M. Aldwinckle 4 09/07/80 Mr. R.E. Tweeddale 21 26/09/80 Program Convenor Chairman, Energy Commit- Solar Energy Project tee Dr. R.C. Biggs 4 09/07/80 Senior Technical Advisor New Brunswick Federation Solar Energy Project of Agriculture Mr. M.S. Chappell 2 02/07/80 Mr.T. Demma 21 26/09/80 Task Coordinator Secretary-Manager Renewable Energy Newfoundland Light and Power Company Dr. E.P. Cockshutt 33 04/12/80 Manager Mr. G.J. Adams 18 23/09/80 Treasurer Energy Research and De- velopment Program Mr. D.C. Hunt, Q.C 18 23/09/80 Mr. W.A. dimming 33 04/12/80 Director Senior Vice-President Mr. A.F. Ryan 18 23/09/80 Dr. L. Kerwin 33 04/12/80 Assistant to the General President Manager Dr. G.M. Lindberg 2 02/07/80 NOVA, an Alberta Corporation Director Mr. J.E. Feick 15 10/09/80 National Aeronautical Es- Vice-President tablishment Dr. G.R. Mogridge 7 22/07/80 Ontario Hydro Research Officer Mr. S. Strieker 29/07/80 Hydraulic and Tidal Power Research Division Dr. J.J. Murray 6 16/07/80 Electrical Department Research Officer Dr. R.P. Overend 3 08/07/80 Prince Edward Island Energy Corporation Program Convenor 33 04/12/80 Mr. C.K. Brown 20 25/09/80 Biomass Energy Executive Director Mr. J. Ploeg 7 22/07/80 Program Convenor Public Works Canada Hydraulic and Tidal Power Dr. F. Snape 24 05/11/80 Dr. B.D. Pratte 7 22/07/80 Director Research Officer Solar Projects Hydraulic and Tidal Power Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Dr. P.A. Redhead 2 02/07/80 Director 33 04/12/80 MissM. Demers 32 03/12/80 Division of Physics Architect Mr. Ross Silversides 3 08/07/80 Mr. R. Elliott 32 03/12/80 Forestry Biomass Specialist Executive Director Dr. J.H. Simpson 4 09/07/80 Mr. J.O. Miller 32 03/12/80 Solar Energy Project Vice-President Dr. J.B. Taylor 6 16/07/80 Program Convenor Saskatoon Environmental Society Conservation and Storage Mr. H. Boerma 16 11/09/80



Scotia Llquicoal Limited Individual Witnesses Mr. J.R. Clore Jr. 19 24/09/80 Mr. Andre Balu 11 04/09/80 Production Manager Montreal, Quebec Mr. R.M. Medjuck, Q.C 19 24/09/80 Mr. D.C. Campbell 13 06/09/80 Chairman Montreal, Quebec Mr. L.E. Poetschke 19 24/09/80 Hon. Jack Davis 14 09/09/80 President M.L.A. North Vancouver- Seymour Shawinigan Engineering Company Ltd. British Columbia Mr. G. S. Farkas 9 30/07/80 Executive Engineer Mr. R. Dumont 16 11/09/80 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Solace Energy Centre Mr V. Enns 14 09/09/80 Dr. K. Hare 34 09/12/80 Vice-President Provost of Trinity College University of Toronto Solar Applications and Research Professor J. Helliwell 14 09/09/80 14 09/09/80 Mr. R.W. Bryenton Department of Economics Professional Engineer University of British Mr. C.P. Mattock 14 09/09/80 Columbia Representative Dr. R.F. Legget 23 04/11/80 Solar Energy Society of Canada Inc. Consultant Professor R. Chant 17 12/09/80 Ottawa, Ontario Treasurer Professor M. Margolick 14 09/09/80 Dr. G. Yuill 17 12/09/80 Department of Economics Vice-Chairman University of British Columbia Town of Oromocto, New Brunswick Mrs. Kay Matuseh 14 09/09/80 Mr N Mills 21 26/09/80 Vancouver, B.C. Superintendant Public Works Professor C.H. Miller 19 24/09/80 Department of Mechanical Mr. W.C. Ripley 21 26/09/80 Engineering Mayor Technical University Transport Canada of Nova Scotia Mr. N.R. Gore.... 36 11/12/80 Dr. Arthur Porter 13 06/09/80 Director Belfountain, Ontario Strategic Studies Branch Professor D. Scott 29 20/11/80 Mr. J.J. Gravel 36 11/12/80 Chairman Director General Department of Mechanical Research and Development Engineering Mr. G.B. Maund 36 11/12/80 University of Toronto Strategic Studies Professor F. Smith 18 23/09/80 Union Gas Department of Chemistry Memorial University of New- Mr. R.S. Adie 12 05/09/80 foundland Manager Contract Sales Professor G.B. Ward 25 12/11/80 Fredericton, New Brunswick Mr. S.T. Bellringer 12 05/09/80 Vice-President Mr. B.E. Werenskiold 13 06/09/80 Regulatory Affairs Mississauga, Ontario

253 INTERVENORS AT PUBLIC HEARINGS INTERVENOR ISSUE DATE INTERVENOR ISSUE DATE The Crossroads Resource Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba Circul-Alre (Eastern) Incorporated, Montreal, Quebec Mr. L. McCall 17 12/09/80 Mr. S.E. Huza 11 04/09/80 Mr. H. Selles 17 12/09/80 Executive Vice-President Trinity Solar Project, Toronto, Ontario Dr. B.C. Pant 11 04/09/80 Vice-President Reverend Patrick Doran 12 05/09/80 Research and Development Consultant National Affairs Ecology Action Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia Reverend Peter Hamel 12 05/09/80 Ms. Susan Holtz 19 24/09/80 Energy Systems Limited, Toronto, Ontario Individual Intervenors Mr. D. Hart 12 05/09/80 Mr. T. DeMone 20 25/09/80 President Prince Edward Island Onakawana Development Limited, Ontario Mr. T. Easter 20 25/09/80 Prince Edward Island Mr. P.Turner 13 06/09/80 Mr. K. Emberley 17 12/09/80 Mr. A. Olaf Wolff 13 06/09/80 Winnipeg. Manitoba Vice-President and General Manager Mr. A. Larochelle 13 06/09/80 Toronto, Ontario South Okanagan Civil Liberties Society, Penticton, British Columbia Mr. H.F. MacDonald 20 25/09/80 Prince Edward Island Mr. Walt Taylor 14 09/09/80 • Vice-President Mr. Dimitri Procos 19 24/09/80 Technical University The Biomass Energy Institute Inc., Winnipeg, of Nova Scotia Manitoba Halifax, Nova Scotia Mr. E.E. Robertson 17 12/09/80 Mr. Bruce Young 14 09/09/80 Executive Director Penticton, B.C.


Witnesses at Informal Committee Hearings

List of witnesses who appeared before the Special Com- WITNESS DATE mittee at informal hearings (not electronically recorded).

WITNESS DATE inertia Group Limited, Toronto, Ontario Mr. J. Lstiburëk 06/09/80 President =. ; Allen-Drerup-White Limited, Toronto, Ontario New Brunswick Electric Power Commission, Freder- Mr. G. Allen...... 06/09/80 icton, New Brunswick ._ -_;._..._ Principal ,-;__-;- ~-y V Mr. KB. Little :.^.:.'.r.r.:.v- 14/11/80 =--""- Ms. E. White 06/09/80 Acting Assistant Treasurer -.. i ._•:... Principal Mr. G.L. Titus 14/11 /80 Board of School Trustees, District No. 26, Frederic- Manager ton, New Brunswick Strategic Development Mr. T. Joordens 14/11 /80 Mr. P.J. Whalen : 14/11/80 Director of Maintenance Director Mr. R. Kilburn 14/11 /80 Research and Development Chairman Property Committee Renewable Energy in Canada, Toronto, Ontario Mr. G. Young 14/11/80 Mr. R. Argue 06/09/80 Member President Property Committee The Hay River and Area Economic Development City of Fredericton, Fredericton, New Brunswick Corporation, Hay River, N.W.T. Mr. R. Danzinger 14/11/80 Mrs. F. Hasey 18/09/80 Director of Planning Executive Manager Conservation Council of New Brunswick, Frederic- ton, New Brunswick Yukon Conservation Society, Whitehorse, Yukon Mr. D. Silk 14/11 /80 Ms. N. MacPherson 19/09/80 President President Enerplan, Toronto, Ontario Individual Witness Mr. G. Ross 06/09/80 Mr. M. Hambridge ; 19/09/80 President Whitehorse, Yukon


Other Written Submissions Received

List of individuals and organizations who submitted Glasstetter, Mr. Rudy, Toronto, Ontario briefs and letters to the Special Committee, but who did Gordon's Feversham Feeds, Feversham, Ontario not appear as witnesses. Grammenos, Mr. Fanis, ECODOMUS Development Lim- ited, Ottawa, Ontario Gurney, Mr. Peter R., Intercontinental Engineering Ltd., Baird, Mr. Hamilton, Moncton, New Brunswick Vancouver, British Columbia Barichello, Mr. C, Windsor, Ontario Gutsfeld. Mr. A., Hamilton, Ontario Batho, Mr. David G., Ottawa, Ontario Brown, Cherry L. The Conserver Society, Dunster, Brit- Hale, Mr. Neville E., Fathom Oceanology Limited, Port ish Columbia Credit, Ontario Bryan, Mr. R.C., Council cf Forest Industries of British Hart, Mr. Norman S., Sydenham, Ontario Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia Hathaway, Mr. Norman B., Dietrich-Hathaway Energy Systems, Toronto, Ontario Campbell, Mr. D.C., Canadian Electrical Association, Montreal, Quebec Jalkotzy, Mr. Christoff, Solartic Energy Conscious Hous- Caron, Mr. Jean Ft., Honeywell Limited, Scarborough, ing Inc., Ottawa, Ontario Ontario Jones, Mr. Trevor, Vancouver, British Columbia Chrysler, Mr. Geoffrey, Caliente Sun Systems, Ottawa, Jones, Mrs. Anne H., The Regional Municipality of Ontario Hamilton-Wentworth, Hamilton, Ontario Cote, Mr. R., Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa, Jones, Mr. R., Realyne Machine and Design, Orangeville, Ontario Ontario Coulter, Mr. Philip E, Scarborough, Ontario Jones, Mr. R.D., The Conserver Society, Dunster, British Columbia D'Amore, Mr. L.J., L.J. D'Amore and Associates Ltd., Montreal, Quebec Kashtan, Mr. William, Communist Party of Canada, Dangerfield, Mr. James, The Hydrogen Organization, Toronto, Ontario Independence, Missouri, U.S.A. Keyes, Mr. Thomas E., Regina, Saskatchewan Daniel. Mr. C. William, Shell Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario Lavoie, Mr. Joseph, Montreal, Quebec Davies, Mrs. Kay, Canadian Institute of Planners, Leadman, Mr. Douglas, Perth, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario Lépine, Mr. Yves, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec Dechow, Mr. Dick R., St. Catherines. Ontario Lewis, Mr. Jay, South Okanagan Environmental Coali- Delisle, Mr. André, Bolé Inc., Quebec, Quebec tion, Penticton, British Columbia DeLong, Mr. E.A., Kanata, Ontario Lewis, Mr. Ray, Langley, British Columbia Desautels, Mr. René C, Lubrimax Inc., Pointe Claire, Quebec MacKinnon. Mr. Charles, Victoria, British Columbia Dionne, Mr. Pierre-Yves, Ste-Foy, Quebec Marlor, Mr. Lloyd, Sol-Term Research Limited, West Vancouver, British Columbia Edell, Mr. Dennis, Hampton Technologies Corp. Ltd., Marshall, Mr. Gary E., OMNIUM Consultants Co., Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Ottawa, Ontario Egglestone, Mr. A.E., Alberta Gas Chemicals Limited, Martin, Mr. Conrad, Wyoming, Ontario Edmonton, Alberta Martin, Professor David, Lakehead University, Thunder Ellenberger, Mr. Roger, ACCESS, Porters Lake, Nova Bay, Ontario Scotia Matas, Mr. David, Winnipeg, Manitoba McClure, Mr. Robert, Hamilton, Ontario Fetter, Mr. Stephen, Sault-Ste-Marie, Ontario McCorquodale, Mr. R.P., Wetcom Engineering Limited, Fischer, Mr. Karl, Chiliiwack, British Columbia Scarborough, Ontario Foster, Mr. David, Energy Pathways - Policy Research McFadden, Mr. David J., LeRoy-Somer Canada Limited, Group, Killaloe, Ontario Mississauga, Ontario


|. McKintey. Mr. B., Athans Chemicals, Ottawa, Ontario Sinclair, Mr. G., Laser Fusion Limited, Concord, Ontario Mehler, Mr. Ted, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Smith, Mr. L.A., Stanfer Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Mon- Michrowski, Dr. Andrew, Planetary Association for Clean treal. Quebec Energy Inc., Ottawa, Ontario Stepp, Mr. Math. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Strang, Mr. D.K., Canadian Resourceccn Ltd., Calgary, Newton, Mr. Ken, Ottawa, Ontario Alberta Noble, Mr. G.. IOTECH Corporation Ltd., Ottawa, Street, Mr. R.J., Mohawk Lubricants Limited, North Van- Ontario couver, British Columbia Northover, Mr. A.C., Newmarket, Ontario Teekman, Mr. Nicholas, Dynamo Genesis Inc., Char- Olivier, Mr. Mario, Bolé Inc., Quebec, Quebec lottetown, Prince Edward Island O"Shaughnessy, Mr. M., Ottawa, Ontario Thomson, Mr. William, Canadian Institute of Planners, Waterloo, Ontario Pallasch, Mrs. Elsie, Stoney Creek, Ontario Thornton, Mr. S., Unionville, Ontario Perley, Mr. Daniel R.. OMNIUM Consultants Co., Tidman, Mr. C. Nepean, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario Turvolgyi. Mr. B.L., DuPont Canada Incorporated, Mon- Pill, Dr. Juri, Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto, treal, Quebec Ontario Vandezande, Mr. Gerald, C.J.L. Foundation, Toronto, Quittenton, Mr. R.C., Quittenton Associates, Saskatoon, Ontario Saskatchewan Vigrass, Dr. Lawrence, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan Schneider, Mr. M.H., University of New Brunswick, Fred- ericton, New Brunswick Shapiro, Dr. M.M., Montreal, Quebec Wilson, Mr. J.E., Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Ontario


Committee Travel

TRAVEL IN CANADA G.K. Lee, Manager, Canadian Combustion Research Laboratory The Committee visited every Province and the B.I. Parsons, Chief, Energy Research Laboratories Yukon and Northwest Territories during the course of its H. Whaley, Coal Combustion study. In each capital city, in addition to holding public hearings, the Committee met with government represen- National Research Council, Montreal Road Lab- oratories, Ottawa tatives.The Committee also visited a number of facilities concerned with alternative energy development. The Committee's visit to the NRC facilities was com- bined with a public hearing and the participants are ALBERTA listed in Appendix B. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources MANITOBA Hon. C. Mervin Leitch. Minister Department of Energy and Mines G.B. Mellon, Deputy Minister, Energy Resources M.A. Chochinov, Director, Energy Management Thomas Ryley, Senior Analyst Branch L.P. Haberman, Director, Conservation and Renew- BRITISH COLUMBIA able Energy Branch British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Paul E. Jarvis. Deputy Minister Joseph Stauder, Geothermal Energy Division Manitoba Energy Council BobWoodtey William McDonald, Secretary Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources NEW BRUNSWICK Robert W. Durie, Assistant Deputy Minister of Petroleum Resources Hon. Richard Hatfield, Premier James Hill Department of Natural Resources Doug Horswill, Director, Policy Development, Energy Resources Branch Robert Watson, Coordinator, Policy Planning Harry Swain, Assistant Deputy Minister of Energy John Williamson, Energy Secretariat Resources Ministry of Finance and Minister Responsible for Ministry of Universities, Science and Communica- Energy Policy tions Hon. Fernand G. Dubê, Minister R.W. Stewart, Deputy Minister New Brunswick Coal Limited

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES L.S. Armstrong, President and General Manager Energy Research Laboratories, Canada Gsztre for New Brunswick Electric Power Commission Mineral and Energy Technology (CAHM£T), Hon. G.W.N. Cockburn, Q.C., Chairman Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa NEWFOUNDLAND E.J. Anthony, Fluidized-bed Combustion Department of Mines and Energy R.W. Braaten, Automotive Fuel and Domestic Heating Hon. Leo D. Barry, Minister Technology Doug Inkster, Director, Hydro-Electric Division T.D. Brown, Manager, Coal Resource and Processing John H. McKillop, Deputy Minister Laboratory Edward Power, Assistant Deputy Minister, Energy F.D. Friedrich, Research Scientist, Canadian Combus- tion Research Laboratory Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro V.A. Haw, Acting Director-General, CANMET Victor Young, Chairman

259 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Ontario Hydro John Parker, Commissioner of the Northwest Territo- J.E. Wilson, Manager, Public Hearings ries Ontario Hydrogen Energy Task Force Department of Renewable Resources Arthur C. Johnson, Chairman Jim Cumming, Chief, Energy Conservation Solartech Limited Peter Hart, Special Assistant on Energy to Minister of Renewable Resources Scott Griffin David Wood, President

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND NOVA SCOTIA Hon. J. Angus MacLean, Premier Department of Mines and Energy Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy Hon. Ronald T. Barkhouse, Minister John French, Director, Energy Management Hon. Barry R. Clark, Minister Vaughn Munroe Carey Ryan, Senior Engineer W.S. Shaw. Deputy Minister QUEBEC Brace Research Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste- Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec ONTARIO T.A. Lawand, Director Ministry of Energy Hydro-Quebec, Magdalen Islands Vertical Axis Wind H.F. Bakker, Renewable Energy Program Turbine Richard Fry, Renewable Energy Program R.M.R. Higgin, Director, Renewable Energy Program Ministère de l'Énergle et des Ressources Syd Johnson, Renewable Energy Program Pierre Baillargeon, Adjoint aux affaires intergouvern- I.B. MacOdrum, Executive Coordinator, Conventional mentales Energy Jean Guérin, Directeur, Direction de ('analyse écono- W.W. Stevenson, Executive Coordinator, Strategic mique et financiare Planning and Analysis Denis L'Homme, Directeur, Direction générale des Bunli Yang, Senior Advisor, Transportation and energies conventionnelles Renewable Energy Gilles Toussingnant, Directeur, Direction de la produc- Ministry of natural Resources, KempMlle tion et de l'approvisionnement Gilles St-Hilaire, Directeur, Direction des programmes P.E. Anslow. Regional Forester, Eastern Region des energies nouvelles B.A. Barkley, Program Forester, Hybrid Poplar Program A.J. Campbell, Nursery Superintendant J. Carrington, Information Officer SASKATCHEWAN D.P. Drysdale, Energy Coordinator for the Ministry Saskatchewan Mineral Resources R.W. Evers, Program Forester, Hybrid Poplar Program B.E. Hollingsworth, Program Technician, Hybrid Fred Heal, Director, Office of Energy Conservation Poplar Program Jim Hutchinson, Assistant Director and Coordinator, R.K. Keane, Program Technician, Hybrid Poplar Energy Research and Development, Policy Planning Program and Research J.R. Oatway, Regional Director, Eastern Region Ron Sully, Director, Policy Planning and Research W.E. Raitanen, Regional Forestry Specialist Menna Weese, Energy Policy Advisor, Policy Planning and Research Ministry of Transportation and Communications K.O. Sharratt, Manager, Transportation Energy Man- agement Program YUKON Ontario Energy Corporation Ministry of Tourism and Economic Development Peter Lamb, Executive Vice-President Hon. Dan Lang, Minister


INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Sondotecnia Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro The Committee divided into subcommittees for the Jamie Rotstein, Directore-Presidente international travel to obtain as broad an input as possi- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ble from the public and private sectors in the countries visited, and to cover a variety of alternative energy Paulo Gomes, Director, Coordenacao dos Programas facilities. de Pos-Graduaco de Enginharia Flavio Grynszpan Carlos Russo BRAZIL Vice-President of the Republic of Brazil FRANCE Antonio Aureliano Chaves de Mendonca, Vice-Presi- Commissariat a I'Energie Solaire, Paris dent and Director of National Energy Program M. Yves Perras COALBRA - Coque e Alcool de Madeira S.A., Sao Paulo L'Agence Pour Les Economies d'Energie, Paris M. Maillard, Economics of Renewable Energy Renzo Dino Sergente Rossa, Technical Director M. Jean Poulit Committee of Mines and Energy, Brasilia La Centrale de Chauffage Urbain de Paris Deputy Génesio de Barros, Chairman M. Triboulet, Plant Manager EMBRAPA (Empresa Brastteira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria), Brasilia La Ranee Tidal Power Station, Dinard Dr. Ademar Brandini M. Julliard, Electricitè de France Dr. Flavio Couto Organization for Economic Cooperation and De- Dr. Porto velopment (OECD), Paris Ford Brazil, Sao Paulo Ambassador Gherson, Canadian Ambassador to the Luc de Serran, Chief Engineer OECD Lyn Fotstead, President Dr. Eric Willis, Director of Research, Development and Robert Gerrity, Vice-President Application of Technologies. International Energy Larry Kazanoushi, Director Agency Wellington Young, General Planning Manager Solar Furnace, Odeillo, Pyrenees Orientates Forum das Americas/Brasttinvest Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) David Dana, Director, Formas das Americas de M. Junqueira, Project Director, Brasilinvest ICELAND Samsao Woiler, Executive Director, Brasilinvest Ministry of Energy and Industry Fundacao de Tecnologla Industrial (Division of Min- istry of Industry and Commerce), Rio de Janeiro Pall Flygenring, Secretary General of Ministry of Energy Alexandre Henriques Hon. Hjorleifur Guttormsson, Minister Nancy lueiroz de Anaijo Ferga Rosenthal National Power Company, Reykjavik Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro Johann Mar Mariusson, Head of Engineering Rolf Brauer State Electric Power Works, Reykjavik Dieter Brodhun Steiner Fridgeirsson, Head of Planning Division Dr. Ivo Kristjan Jonsson, Managing Director Marco Luiz dos Santos lleana Williams, Head, Product Development Division IRELAND Secretaria da Industrie, Comerico, Ciencia e Tec- nologia, Sao Paulo Bord na Mona, Dublin Vincente Chiaverini, Executive Vice-President, Science John Crowe and Technology Council Deny Greena, County Kildare Bob Laird, Senior Administrative Engineer Secretariat of Industrial Technology, Brasilia P. McEvilly, General Works Manager, Head Office Marcos Lima Fernandes, Executive Director of the Dennis O'Rourke, Manager National Executive Alcohol Commission (CENAL) Tom Quinn, Manager, Clonsast Bog Lourival Carmo Lewis Rhatigen, Managing Director

261 Eamon Kinsella Shelton Ehrlich, Program Manager, Fluidized Combus- Tom O'Flaherty, Kinseally Research Centre tion, Coal Combustion Systems Division Walt Esselman, Manager, Strategic Planning Depart- ITALY ment Neville Holt, Coal Gasification Dr. S. Verrie, Duomo Imports Limited, Milan Evan Hughes, Project Manager, Advanced Geother- mal Systems SWEDEN R. Rhodes, Member, Technical Staff, Policy Planning Division Secretariat for International Aftairs Robert Scott, Program Manager, Fusion Power Sys- Carl Ivar Ohman, Director tems Program Lars-Ake Erikson Ron Wolk. Coal Liquids Commission for Energy Research, Stockholm Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Sigfrid Wennerberg Dan Farrell G. Shaff, Power Plant Manager Department of Industry S.E. Winberg, Service Engineer, Foster Wheeler Harold Hagermark Energy Corporation HCoal Plant, Catlettsburg, Kentucky UNITED STATES James K. Farley, U.S. Department of Energy Mr. Harry Home, Canadian Consul General, San Harold H. Stotler, Technical Manager Francisco Lawrence Uvermore National Laboratory, Liver- Congress of the United States, Energy Research mere, California and Production Subcommittee, Washington, D.C. Roger Batzel, Director Congressman Mike McCormack, Chairman John Cooper, Co-principal Investigator, Metal-Air Bat- Staff of the Subcommittee tery Program John Emmett, Associate Director, Laser Fusion Program Congressional Research Servlce,Washington, D.C. Mortimer L Mendelsohn, Biomedical and Environmen- James E Mielke, Analyst in Marine and Earth tal Research Division Sciences Richard Post, Deputy Associate Director, Magnetic J. Glen Moore, Analyst in Energy Technology Fusion Energy Physics Lani Hummel Raleigh, Energy, Aerospace and Trans- Erik Storm, Assistant Associate Director, Laser Fusion portation Section Head Program Migoon Segal, Analyst in Energy Technology Kenneth Street, Associate Director for Energy and Resource Programs Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, C. Worthington Batemah, Under Secretary of Energy D.C. Paul Brown, Director, Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Pro- John Gibbons, Director gram, Office of Transportation Programs, Conser- Lionel Johns, Assistant Director, Energy, Materials vation and Solar Energy and International Security Division Ambassador Halsey G. Handyside, Deputy Assistant Nancy Naismith, Project Director, Energy Program, Secretary for international. Nuclear and Technical Energy, Materials and International Security Division Programs, International Affairs Marvin Ott. Director, Congressional and Institutional James S. Kane, Associate Director for Basic Energy Relations Sciences, Energy Research Richard Rowberg, Energy Program Manager, Energy, Richard Passman, Director, Office of Coal Resource Materials and International Security Division Management, Resource Applications Michael Roberts, Director of Planning and Projects, Pacific Gas and Electric, The Geysers Geomermal Energy Research Electric Development, California Jack Solsberry, Deputy Director, Geothermal Energy Division, Resource Applications Jack Trotter, Public Activities Representative, Geysers Project Joel Weiss, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Assist- ant Secretary for Solar Energy, Conservation and Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Solar Energy Princeton, New Jersey K. Bol, Head, Princeton Demonstration Experiment Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, Cali- fornia (PDX) H.P. Furth, Program Director Ed DeMeo, Solar and Wind Energy M.B. Gottlieb, Director


D.M. Meade, Head. Experimental Division SPM Group Incorporated, Englewood, Colorado R G. Mills, Acting Head, Engineering Program P.J. Reardon, Associate Director f or Technology Konrad Ruckstuhl, Chairman R.A. Rossi, Associate Director. Administration Robert D. Schmidt, President J.A. Schmidt, Head, Applied Physics Division M.L. Shoaf, Assistant Director —-;---.-.- WEST GERMANY T.H. Stix, Associate Director for Academic Affairs His Excellency Klaus Goldschlag.'Canadian Ambassa- W. Stodiek, Head, Princeton Large Torus (PLT) dor to West Germany, Bonn Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico Federal Ministry of Research Technology, Bonn B.E. Bader, In Situ Coal Gasification James F. Banas, Line Focus Technology --._'•- Herr Jacobs, Non-nuclear Energy Research R.H. Braasch, Wind Energy Dr. Marcus, Coal Technology William W. Marshall, Supervisor, Central Receiver Test Wolf J. Schmidt-Küster, Head of Department Facility V -- A. Narath, Vice-President Ruhrkohle Oel und Gaz, Duesseldorf Donald G. Schueler, Photovoltaic? Herman G. Krischke.ProjectManager, Fluidized Bed James H. Scott, Director of Energy Programs Combustion Gerald Yonas, Director of Pulsed Power Programs Josef Langhoff, Director Smith-Bowman Distillery, Reston, Virginia John B. Adams Jr:, Vice-President ~--i^_ STEAG Corporation, Essen and LOnen Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colorado Dr. Reimer Fuchs Dr. Hein, Lünen Coal Gasification Plant Denis Hayes, Director Herr Schuster, Essen, Boltrop Gelsenkirchen District Ken Touryan, Deputy Director arid Head of Research Heating System and Development Analysis and Applications Directorate Charles Berberich, Information Systems Division Roy Bracken, Interi—^onal Division Dean Eaton, Inter..a. jnal Division Murrey Goldberg, International Division James Howe, International Division Henry Kelly. Head