ACT of the SENATE to REFORM the Imperial Land Claims
AN ACT OF THE SENATE TO REFORM the Imperial land claims Be it enacted by H IS IMPERIAL MAJESTY THE FAITHFUL PAVLOVIAN EMPEROR AND AUTOCRAT OF THE ROMANS AND ALL RUS’, Pius Felix, Magnus et Semper Augustus, Defender of the Faith, Turtle and Elephants, in the Eighth year of His Imperium and in the first year of the consulate of Duchissa Helena Alexandra filia Kirsanova and Dominus Iohannes Gavrijil filius Brienorum Rex, in the year Seven thousand Five hundred and twenty nine after the creation of Adam, by and with the advice of all Senators, and by the authority of the same, as follows: I. Article V of the Basic Law of the Empire of Pavlov is to be amended to: A. Pavlov is located on ------------------------ (Aleksandropol), on ------------------------ (Theodosia), on ------------------------ (Mariupol), on ------------------------ (Posonium), on ------------------------ (Chalcedon) on ------------------------ (Osokorky), on ------------------------ (Moskva), on ------------------------ (Augusta Iupitera) on ------------------------ (Hrejmanna), on ------------------------ (Triconia), on ------------------------ (Trebizond), on ------------------------ (Pompeiopolis), ------------------------ (Seleucia), ------------------------ (Famagusta), ------------------------ (Laranda), on ------------------------ (Daljam), on ------------------------ (Nov Asenovgrad) on ------------------------ (Chersonesus), on ------------------------ (Sušice), on ------------------------ (Olvija), on ------------------------ (Villa Cassa) on
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