A Grammar of Czech As a Foreign Language

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A Grammar of Czech As a Foreign Language Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language Introductory information by FACTUM CZ, s.r.o. A GRAMMAR OF CZECH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Karel Tahal 259 pages © FACTUM CZ, s.r.o., 2010 www.factumcz.cz 1 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language systematic description of present day Czech seen from the viewpoint of a foreigner non-traditional arrangement and unconventional way of explaining some topics suitable for non-native speakers who want to gain a global insight into the language system companion for those who are learning Czech in any kind of lesson-by-lesson classes and want to get a compact overview of the language rules SPECIAL APPENDIX Karel Tahal Prostá úvaha o obecné češtině can be found on pages 260 – 296. www.factumcz.cz 2 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language A GRAMMAR OF CZECH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Karel Tahal www.factumcz.cz 3 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language Written by: doc. PhDr. Karel Tahal, CSc. © Factum CZ, s.r.o., 2010 www.factumcz.cz 4 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language C O N T E N T S Preface…………………………………………………………………………………... 7 Spelling and pronuncation 1 The sounds of Czech………………………………………………………... 9 2 Orthography and pronunciation…………………………………………….. 14 Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals in singular nominative 3 Word classes – introductory information…………………………………… 18 4 Gender of nouns…………………………………………………………….. 19 5 Adjective……………………………………………………………………. 23 6 Personal pronoun…………………………………………………………… 25 7 Possessive pronoun……………………………………………………….… 26 8 Demonstrative pronoun…………………………………………………….. 28 9 Summary of the forms of adjectives and pronouns, nominative singular….. 29 10 Cardinal numerals…………………………………………………………... 30 11 Ordinal and multiplicative numerals……………………………………….. 32 Verbs: conjugation, tense, aspect 12 Introductory information about verbs……………………………………… 34 13 Present tense……………………………………………………………….. 35 14 Past tense…………………………………………………………………… 40 15 Future tense………………………………………………………………… 45 16 Aspect ……………………………………………………………………… 47 17 Verbs of motion……………………………………………………………. 54 18 Irregular and modal verbs………………………………………………….. 58 19 Reflexive verbs……………………………………………………………... 61 Declensions of nouns, adjectives, pronouns 20 Introductory information about declensions……………………………….. 64 21 Accusative singular – nouns ……………………………………………….. 65 22 Accusative singular – adjectives, posses. pronouns, demonstr. pronouns…. 67 23 Summary of the forms and functions of accusative………………………… 69 24 Personal pronouns – accusative…………………………………………….. 71 25 Classification of nouns……………………………………………………... 75 26 Plural of nouns – nominative and accusative……………………………….. 77 27 Plural of adjectives, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns………. 85 28 Genitive sg., pl. – forms and functions……………………………………... 87 29 Locative sg., pl. – forms and functions…………………………………….. 98 30 Dative sg., pl. – forms and functions………………………………………. 105 31 Instrumental sg., pl. – forms and functions………………………………… 113 32 Vocative……………………………………………………………………. 118 33 Summarizing survey of declension forms………………………………….. 120 34 Nouns – further declensional groups………………………………………. 129 35 Pluralia tantum……………………………………………………………... 133 36 The list of prepositions ……………………………………………………. 136 37 Basic spatial prepositions and adverbs……………………………………. 137 www.factumcz.cz 5 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language More about adjectives and adverbs 38 Comparison of adjectives…………………………………………………... 141 39 Adverbs formed from adjectives…………………………………………... 145 40 Comparison of adverbs…………………………………………………….. 148 41 Nominal forms of adjectives……………………………………………….. 150 42 The constructions with “rád“………………………………………………. 151 43 Possessive adjectives……………………………………………………….. 154 Further verbal categories 44 Imperative…………………………………………………………………... 158 45 Conditional………………………………………………………………….. 163 46 Conditional conjunction “jestli(že)“……………………………………….. 168 47 “Mít“ as modal verb………………………………………………………… 170 48 Passive voice………………………………………………………………... 173 49 Verbal Noun………………………………………………………………… 179 More about pronouns 50 Reflexive pronoun ………………………………………………………….. 180 51 Reflexive possessive pronoun ……………………………………………… 184 52 Relative pronoun “který“…………………………………………………… 189 53 Verbal adjective…………………………………………………………….. 192 54 Pronominal relative clauses………………………………………………… 194 55 Pronouns “každý – všichni“ ………………………………………………... 197 56 Adjectival indefinite pronouns……………………………………………… 199 57 Negative pronouns and adverbs…………………………………………….. 201 Selected types of clauses not mentioned so far 58 The conjunction “aby“……………………………………………………… 202 59 Object clauses with “aby“, “že“ and infinitive…………………………….. 205 60 Verb tense in indirect speech……………………………………………….. 208 61 Temporal clauses and temporal prepositions……………………………….. 211 62 Temporal conjunctions……………………………………………………... 214 63 Miscellaneous coordinate conjunctions and connecting expressions………. 217 64 Word order………………………………………………………………….. 219 Word formation – selected topics 65 Female nouns from male nouns…………………………………………….. 222 66 Diminutives…………………………………………………………………. 226 67 Numerals used as nouns…………………………………………………….. 228 68 Motion verbs and prefixes………………………………………………….. 230 69 Prefixes with other verbs…………………………………………………… 241 Appendix Information about “OBECNÁ ČEŠTINA“…………………………………………... 245 Index……………………………………………………………………………………. 254 Appendix B Karel Tahal: Prostá úvaha o obecné češtině……………………… 260 www.factumcz.cz 6 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language PREFACE The principal object in bringing out this GRAMMAR is to give a concise form information on the Czech language system seen from the viewpoint of a non-native speaker, no matter whether his/her interest is just occasional (e.g. general or comparative linguistics) or if (s)he wants to obtain a global insight into the language system simultaneously with attending some kind of step-by-step classes. The explanations are conceived as an integrated complex – enabling a subsequent expansion of the knowledge of the language system and acquisition of practical skills. Some topics are treated somewhat non-traditionally – assuming that the persons concerned have no previous idea about the Czech language, or their knowledge does not go very deep. This is also the reason for unconventional arrangement of chapters – with considerable deviations from standard handbooks of Czech grammar for Czech users. Unlike a native speaker who masters the language subconsciously and any theoretical instruction aims at arranging his/her practical competence systematically in accordance with codified rules, a foreign user enters a terra incognita, not being able to rely on any underlying communicative experience – either in grammar or in vocabulary. That´s why the grammatical surveys in this book are illustrated by a high amount of examples accompanied by English translations. Even the sequence of certain topics and their mutual configuration is rather different from the established tradition. Every endeavour is made to display the language facts from a foreigner´s standpoint. A prospective user may be of any nationality. The explanations and translations are presented in English, and there are made comparisons with English. This is, however, no comparative grammar in the strict sense of seeking agreements and differences in the systems of the two languages. The facts of the Czech language may seem more or less obvious, depending on the user´s native language and his/her experience of other languages. Even some translations could be formulated in better English, but we prefer to use the wording that facilitates easier comprehension of the Czech sentences. The subject matter is divided into short chapters (sometimes differing considerably in length) proceeding from basic information to more detailed explanations. The topics are in principle arranged according to word classes and their respective morphological categories, uniting the forms with their syntactic functions, keeping in mind the fact that even the vocabulary is unknown for the user. Some sections are intentionally simplified (without distorting the facts). Lots of “peripheral“ features (less frequent, problematic …) are only mentioned as marginal remarks or intentionally left out. * www.factumcz.cz 7 Karel Tahal: A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language One of the most salient traits of Czech is the existence of two varieties, called spisovná čeština (= standard Czech) and obecná čeština, the latter not having any codified norm, but being widely used in everyday life. Several decades ago, it was the domain of spoken language in private conversation, but due to the rapid development of electronic means of communication, it has recently penetrated even written messages. Foreign learners of Czech inevitably encounter this variety in everyday life and may often be confused by sometimes substantial differences, especially on the morphological level. The two varieties form component parts of the Czech language as a whole. In our explanations, it is the standard form of present-day language (= spisovná čeština) that is being described, observing the stylistically neutral level. Nevertheless, we consider it necessary for a non-native speaker to become acquainted even with the other variety. For this reason, the final chapter presents basic information about obecná čeština, its relation to the standard language and a summary of the most important differences. * Although an average user of this type of manual is supposed to make “single-shot looks“ at chosen
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