Selected American English Phonemes," by Eugene J. Briee and Colonel
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DOCUMENT RESOME ED 192 616 FL 011 869 AUTHOR Fisiak, Jacek, Ed. TITLE Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, Volume Eleven. The Polish-English Contrastive Project, INSTITUTION Adam Mickiewicz Univ. in Poznan (Poland). PUP CATS BO NOTE 147p. AVAILABLE FROM Center for Applied Linguistics, 3520 ProspectSt., NW, Washington, DC 20007 ($5_00) EDES PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Contrastive Linguistics: English; Finnish:Negative Forms (Language) :Nouns: Phonemes; Phonology: *Polish: Pragmatics; Syntax; Thai: Transformational Generative Grammar; verbs ABSTRACT This volume contains ten articles anda book review. Josef Vachek talks about "Vilem Mathesiusas Forerunner of Contrastive Linguistic Studies." In "ContrastiveGenerative Grammar and the Psycholinguistic Fallacy," AndrewChesterman discusses methods for accounting for simplification inforeign language learning. Michael Post compares "English 'the -the'Constructions and Their Polish Equivalents," saying that despite differentsurface structures, they have identical semantic structnres.A contrastive analysis of "The Generic Noun Phrase in English andPolish" is done by Janina-Smolska and Jan Rusiecki. OssiIhalainen's "Some Remarks on Word Order and Definiteness in Finnish and English"discusses passive syntax. Also included are: "Similarities and Differencesbetween Notional Passive Sentences in English and Polish,"by ireneusz Bobrowski: "Non-Typical Cases of PluralNouns in English and Polish," by Barbara Dancygier: "Lexical Cohesion in TextAnalysis," by Aleksander Szwedek: "At Investigation of Thai Interferencein Selected American English Phonemes," by Eugene J. Brieeand Colonel Slnuan Chiachanpong: and "Some Remarks about thePragmatics of Negation in Polish and English," by Maria Kavinska. Thereview is "Phonology and Resonants: Some Remarkson Biedrzycki,s *Fonologica Angielskieh i polskich rezonantowp," by Edmund Gusshaan.(PJB) ******* *** ** **** **** * ** *** * **** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best tha can be made * from the original document. ************* **************** *** ************* *** ******* THE POLISH- ENGLISH CONTRASTIVE PROJECT PAPERS AND STUDIES IN CONTRASTIVE LING UIST voLT,71-E ELEVEN Editor: Jacek Fisiak A %siutant to the editor: Maria Ingham Advisory Loard Chairman: Nils Erik Enkvist (Abo) Vice-Chairman: A. Hood Roberts (Arlington) Members W. D. Bald (Aachen) Wolfgang Kfihlwein (Trier) Rolf Berndt (Rostock) Gerhard Nickel (Stuttgart) BroderCars-tensen(Paderborn) Ivan Poldauf (Praha) S. Pit Corder (Edinburgh) Michael Sharwood Smith (Utrecht) DumitruChitoran(Bucharest) Edward Stankiewicz (New Haven) Laszlo Ders6 (Budapest) Roland Sussex (Melbourne) Robert di Petro (Washington) Kari Sajaveara (Yviiskyla) F. K. Engels (Leuven) Jan Svartvik (Lund) Rudolph Filipovi6 (Zagreb) Werner Winter (Kiel) Lewis Mukattash (krnman) "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS V S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. OLICED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG,* ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFF IC.AL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES EDUCAT'ON POS.TION OR POLICY INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC).' POZNAN 1980 ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIAMRSITY, POZNAN' CENTER FOR APPLIED LINGUISTICS, AIILINGTON', VIRGINIA 9 TORT NCO. l'SiCXII Iiims-flinrivii Flub Irrtegratioral linguistics as a immix far contrastive studies Rotolo 311trtint (L'ilpnlingcli): A function contractive analysis if attribirl#rc vijecitre e Lityft -lint f Ind 11, in French anti rf,pee ii-ely Ewa, Lull-11(4;a(Purminit): On proper "irrt,Ttrnrier answer .11111 ( \Varsity,* .Latent Iti n.l iryrti (Trine); l'oiurils a semantic in nf English -111 and may Jame1. Pankluirst (L-trovilt): Closer to a tltcrrry of tensefat e analysie Proof reading: 13.ZEJ Pmnizax Technical layout: MCP AZ LY0s0W0X1 WYDA ifICTWO NAUXOWE USIWEESYTETU IX. ADAM MICETEWICZA. W FOZNANIII aklad 1200+100 oFr. 0.37F. Papier druk. sac. kl. PI. 80 g- x1C0 au- OddAnc do skiatlAnin 20 IX 1070 r. Druk ukodczuro w kwletrda 1080 r_ Emu. nr mins 1,8/882 CeliaLi60. DRUKAENLA, ONTWEESYTETU UI. ADAMA htICKIEWiczA W FOZNANT11 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAPERS AND STUDIES Josef Vachek (Praha):17 Vern Mathesius as forerunner ofcontras studies 5 Andrew Chesterman (Helsinki): Contrastivegenerative a and the psycho- linguistic fallacy MIchal Post (Wroclaw): English the-the 17 constructions and their Polish equivalents 25 Janina Sinelska and Jan Rusieeki (Warszawa):The generic noun phrase in English and Polish 39 Oasi rhalainen (Jyvaskylst): Some remarkson word order and definiteness in Finnish and English Ireneusz Bobrowski (Lublin): Similaritiesand diffrrencc between notional passive sentences in English and Polish . Barbara De.ncygier (Warszawa): Non-typicalcases of plural nouns in English and 76 Aleksander Szwedek (Bydgoszcz): Lexical cohesion in text analysis 95 Eugene J. Brien, (Los Angeles) and ColonelSimian Chiachanpong (Bangkok): An investigation of Thai interference in selected American English phonemes 191 Maria Kiewiliska (Pozilarl): Some remarksabout the pragmatics of negation in Polish, and English . ..... ... ..... .. .. 119 REVIEWS Edmund Gussrrauin (Lublin); Phonology andresonants. Some remarks on Bied- rzycki's Fonologia angielskich i polekich rezonwitew ... ... 12T VILE31 MATI1ESIUS AS FORERUNNER OF CONTRASTIVE LEATGUISTIC ST-UMW Van Mathesius (1882-1945) has been fairly w...11 knoc L ido circles of linguists, both in his own country and abroad,as the founrle the F vague, Lg "srtic group and as the first presidentof the''Yraa stic Chcle (from its foundation in 1926 until his death).Less kriewnthas been hlkcontrK bution to modern linguistic thinking, with theexcep tion oflome of papers, mainly those which examined some quantitative uepeb of pho- nological problems. Especially his programmatic talkon the, po of the phenomena of language, going back toas early as 1911 when one of the sittings of the Royal Czech Society of &ie.-bees, virtually unknown outside his country because itwas published o (Mathesius 1911, its translation into world languageswas to appear' half.. a century later: into English in 1964, into Russian in 19(17y_ In the said talk Mathesi7ls c,reoitically stressed, four_years before the publication of F. de Saussure's COWS (1915), the necessity of studyinglanguage synchronistically, and pointed out the importance of syn.cluOnie-orieillationin any language system. As Mathesius demonstrated, it is exactly the fact -Of this oscillation which is able to contributeto the solution ofitome problems of general linguistics, e.g. the problem of the independenceof the word within the sentence, the question of whether individualparts of speech can claim, their specific degrees of stress, etc. Answersto such problema-werejurmulatecl by Mathesius in terms of tendencies obtakung in thisor that paFtia-ular lan- guage: such tendencies do not operate absolutely and coustan4,1kke physical laws but nevertheless become nianifestedvery clearlY and their eittStenes can be demonstrated by statistical methods. In thisway, Illitheaini was one of the first scholars to perceive that synchrony isnot identical1i static rigidity- 6 vachek but that, even if viewed synchronically, language "in a state of flux ". But there is another branch of modern linguistic -research whichcan claim to have had Mathesius as its forerunner, if not initiator, and that is the lvarich now termed contrastive linguistics. Mathesius himself, of course, used so giewhat different terminology_ The method he calledone of analytical comparison, and the result obtained by it he termed "linguistic chara.cteroloAy"(It should be added that Mathesius' Czech and Slovak followers usuallynote the method itself as 'confrontational', because in their view theterm 'contrastive' nppears to put excessive emphasis on the differences of the compared languageaye_ tens, while the term used by themselves implies an analysis taking intocan- sideration. both the differences and the correspondences of the said systems). Al though Mathesius had been always, from thevery beginning of his scho- larly career, deeply interested in the synchronistic analysis of the phenomena of language, his activity in thearea now termed contrastive linguistics was to become his main preoccupation only in the mid nineteen-twenties, when he had completed the fourth decade of his life. Ifone surveys the bibliographical list of Mathesius writings until 1922,one will find in it an imposing number if detailed and delicate analyses of Modern English grammaticalphenomena, mainly syntactic, but hardly any specimen ofa truly contrastive analysis, systematically confronting English with Czech or any other language. During the said period, Mathesius was alsovery active in the field of the history of English literature, as is eloquently demonstrated,among other things, by two volumes of his (unfinished) History of English Literature (Mathesius1910 1915). As a matter of fact, one can say that Mathesiuswas brought to his systematically contrastive research by what was his personal misfortune but what in the end proved to be something, like blessing in disguise. What happened was that, some time in 1924, Mathesiuswas suddenly afflicted by virtual loss of sight: a severe disease of the retina made him unable to read for the rest of his lifetime, and he had to depend on the help of his student assistants or of the members of his family. This severe blow, which would have completely disabled