RHS the Garden Index 2010 Volume 135, Parts 1-12

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RHS the Garden Index 2010 Volume 135, Parts 1-12 MayMay 2010 2010 II £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk August 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk November 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.ukJune 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk COLUBEWITCHEDMBINES BY COMBINE COLUMBINES HARDYIDEAS FOR ORCHIDS ROSES FOR IN CONTAINERS THE GARDEN THE UK’S LEADING GARDENING CHARITY WWW.RHS.ORG.UK IRIS THROUGH THE YEAR JANUARY 2010 £4.25 STEMS FOR WINTER COLOUR THE UK’S LEADING GARDENING CHARITY WWW.RHS.ORG.UK ENJOYING SNOWDROPS September 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk October 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk FEBRUARY 2010 £4.25 VEGETABLES FOR SMALL SPACES BEAUTY OF SUMMER BELLS THE UK’S LEADING GARDENING CHARITY CHOICE LATe–SEASON BULBS WWW.RHS.ORG.UK BUILDING BIODIVERSITY APRIL 2010 £4.25 AURICULAS: HARLEQUINS OF SPRING A YEAR IN ROSES CHERRIES OLD AND NEW INDEX 2010 CELEBRATING LATE SEASON SPLENDOUR SUNFLOWERVOLUMES 135 PARTs 1–12 CROCUS FOR AUTUMN NEW-LOOK DAHLIAS BE CREATIVE WITH TREES ANDFOSTERING SHRUBS A FUTURE FOR FRUIT Index 2010 Abelia – apples MayMay 2010 2010 II £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk June 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk THE UK’S LEADING THE UK’S LEADING THE UK’S LEADING THE UK’S LEADING GARDENING CHARITY GARDENING CHARITY GARDENING CHARITY GARDENING CHARITY WWW.RHS.ORG.UK IRIS THROUGH THE YEAR WWW.RHS.ORG.UK ENJOYING SNOWDROPS WWW.RHS.ORG.UK PERENNIALS FOR SPRING WWW.RHS.ORG.UK BUILDING BIODIVERSITY COLUBEWITCHEDMBINES BY COMBINE COLUMBINES A YEAR IN ROSES JANUARY 2010 £4.25 STEMS FOR WINTER COLOUR FEBRUARY 2010 £4.25 VEGETABLES FOR SMALL SPACES MARCH 2010 £4.25 PLANTING IDEAS FROM WISLEY APRIL 2010 £4.25 AURICULAS: HARLEQUINS OF SPRING IDEASHARDY FOR ORCHIDS ROSES FOR IN CONTAINERS THE GARDEN CHERRIES OLD AND NEW January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 pp1–70 pp71–142 pp143–218 pp219–292 pp293–376 pp377–444 Numbers in italics denote ‘Variegatum’ 537 Aegopodium podagraria 432, Anderson, Gillian, and a picture or illustration ‘Millie Houghton’ 534, 432 Graham Burgess: their AWARD OF GARDEN MERIT 537 aerating lawns 357 garden at Ninesprings (AGM) PLANT PROFILES Where a plant has a Selling ‘Nabob’ 534 aerial gardening in north House, Hants 416–419, 417 Name (also known as a trade ochsenii 534 London 836–839 Anderson, Valerie: award of Abies lasiocarpa Geranium Rozanne designation) it is typeset in a ‘Orange Bell’ 535, 536 Afton Park House, Isle of Associate of Honour 520 var. arizonica (‘Gerwat’) 512, 512 different font to distinguish ‘Patrick Synge’ 535, 537 Wight: its mixed plantings, Anderton, Stephen, on: ‘Compacta’ 856, 856 Gladiolus x colvillii ‘The it from the cultivar name pictum 534 by Oliver Mathews 558–561 garden lighting at West Green Agapanthus ‘Loch Hope’ Bride’ 292, 292 (shown in ‘Single Quotes’), ‘Thompsonii’ 536, Agapanthus: House, Hants 550–551 584, 584 Hamamelis x intermedia which by law must be 537 ‘Loch Hope’ 584, 584 Anemanthele lessoniana 560, bean (runner) ‘Pallida’ 70, 70 shown on plant labelling pitcairnense 224, 224 ‘Margaret’ 728, 728 824 ‘Celebration’ 584, 584 Hebe ‘Midsummer ‘Sophia Jackson’ 534 ‘Purple Delight’ 552, 552 Anemone: beetroot ‘Boltardy’ 292, Beauty’ 718, 718 ‘Souvenir de Bonn’ 535, ‘Raspberry Summer apennina 403 292 Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early 537 Plum’ 625 x lipsiensis 186 Buddleja davidii Flowerer’ 512, 512 x suntense 534 Agave: nemorosa 186 ‘Dartmoor’ 584, 584 Ilex aquifolium ‘Silver vitifolium 534, 536 use in green roofs 838 pavonina 404 Callicarpa bodinieri Queen’ 856, 856 ‘White King’ 535, 536 americana 743 trifolia 340 var. giraldii ‘Profusion’ Iris ‘Stepping Out’ 444, A ‘Songlines’ 743 786, 786 444 Acacia baileyana parryi Anemonella thalictroides 162 796, 796 Ageratum petiolatum 628 ‘Betty Blake’ 350, 350 Camellia sasanqua Jasminum nudiflorum Abelia: Acanthus ‘Morning’s Candle’ AGM (see Award of Garden Anogramma ascensionis 591, ‘Hugh Evans’ 786, 786 142, 142 floribunda 495–496, 628 Merit) 591 Clematis: Kniphofia rooperi 652, 496–497 Acca sellowiana 468, 473 Akebia quinata fruit 643, 643 Anomatheca laxa 99 alpina ‘Pamela 652 x grandiflora 469, 473 Acer: Akeroyd, Simon, on: ants: Jackman’ 218, 218 lettuce ‘Little Gem’ 444, Abeliophyllum distichum in garden design 748 RHS Seed Distribution by Andrew Halstead 241 cirrhosa ‘Wisley 444 pruning 283 circinatum ‘Burgundy Scheme 760–761 common black (Lasius Cream’ 856, 856 Magnolia ‘Susan’ 292, 292 Abies: Jewel’ 728, 728 spring lawn care 355–358 niger) 241 ‘Frances Rivis’ 218, 218 Malus ‘John Downie’ lasiocarpa var. arizonica griseum 77, 77 Akers, James: award of common red (Myrmica ‘Markham’s Pink’ 218, 376, 376 ‘Compacta’ 856, 856 japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ Harlow Carr Medal 520 rubra) 241 218 Miscanthus sinensis recurvata 258–259 777, 777 Alcea rosea ‘Mars Magic’ pavement (Tetramorium Colchicum speciosum var. condensatus Abutilon: negundo: (Spotlight Series) 155, 155 caespitum) 241 ‘Album’ 652, 652 ‘Cosmopolitan’ 652, 652 by Tim Miles 534–537 var. violaceum 110, 111 alder (see Alnus) slavemaker (Formica Cornus kousa Narcissus ‘February cultivation 537 ‘Winter Lightning’ aliens, invasive aquatic 502, sanguinea) 241 var. chinensis 718, 718 Gold’ 142, 142 growing outdoors 537 16, 20, 21 502 wood (Formica rufa) 241 Crocus chrysanthus pear ‘Williams’ Bon growth types 536–537 palmatum: allium leaf-mining fly 642 Anthemis tinctoria pruning ‘Zwanenburg Bronze’ Chrétien’ 718, 718 in containers 536 var. dissectum: Allium: 361 70, 70 Salvia officinalis planting combinations ‘Seiryu-’ 750 beesianum 547, 547 apetalous flowers 110–111 Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Purpurascens’ 512, 512 537 ‘Gibbons’ 491, 491 porrum (see leek) Aphalara itadori: its use in 786, 786 Sarcococca hookeriana under glass 537 ‘Shishio Improved’ 163 sativum (see garlic) controlling Japanese Daphne bholua var. digyna 70, 70 ‘Apricot Belle’ 536, 536 ‘White Tigress’ 835, 835 allotments, shortage of, by knotweed 299, 299, 360, ‘Jacqueline Postill’ 142, Viburnum plicatum ‘Ashford Red’ 536 Achillea millefolium Linden Groves 311 360 142 f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’ ‘Canary Bird’ 534, 535, ‘Pomegranate’ 556, 556 readers’ response 457, 665 aphids: Euphorbia characias 444, 444 537 Acis autumnalis 547, 547 Alnus National Plant by Ursula Buchan 310 ‘Portuguese Velvet’ Wisteria floribunda ‘Cannington Carol’ 535 Aconitum: Collection 660 control, organic 359 376, 376 ‘Multijuga’ 376, 376 ‘Cannington Peter’ 536, austroyunnanense 635 Aloe: apples: 537 x cammarum aristata 743 cultivation in small ‘Cerise Queen’ 536 ‘Grandiflorum Album’ polyphylla 795, 795 spaces 174 Tim Biddlecombe ‘Calville Blanc d’Hiver’ ‘Cloth of Gold’ 536 395 striatula 741, 743 for chalk 706 698–699 696 ‘Cynthia Pike’ 537 japonicum 833, 833 alpines in winter 57 for containers 776 rootstocks 203 ‘Calville Winter White’ ‘Eric Lilac’ 535, 536 Act on CO2 campaign 147, Amaryllis belladonna 548, 548 for difficult conditions tree, Sir Isaac Newton’s 696 ‘Golden Fleece’ 534 297 Amelanchier alnifolia 706 590 ‘Cameo’ 698 ‘Hinton Seedling’ 537 Actinidia pilosula 633 ‘Obelisk’ 777, 777 for frost pockets 706 trivia 699 ‘Catshead’ 696 ‘Kentish Belle’ 535, 536, adder (Vipera berus) 575, Amsonia tabernaemontana 340 for poor soils 706 ‘Adams’s Pearmain’ 696 ‘Cornish Aromatic’ 696 537 575, 603 Anacamptis: harvesting 640 ‘Alfriston’ 696 ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ megapotamicum 534, 535, adventurous choices of tree, laxiflora 344 in northern Britain 706 ‘Beauty of Kent’ 653 696, 696, 699 536–537 by Roy Lancaster 680–681 papilionacea 346–347, 347 industry, Britain’s, by ‘Braeburn’ 698 ‘Gala’ 698 ‘Big Bell’ 537 readers’ response 797 pyramidalis 345 Matthew Ordidge and ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ 696 ‘Harvey’ 696 2 Index 2010 apples – aubergine September 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk July 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk August 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk October 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk November 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk December 2010 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk CELEBRATING SUNFLOWERS HARLOW CARR EXPLORED BEAUTY OF SUMMER BELLS CROCUS FOR AUTUMN LATE SEASON SPLENDOUR REFLECTIONS OF SUMMER BEST SUMMER-FLOWERING SHRUBS CHOICE LATe–SEASON BULBS NEW-LOOK DAHLIAS FOSTERING A FUTURE FOR FRUIT BE CREATIVE WITH TREES AND SHRUBS STYLISH WINTER PLANTING IDEAS July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 pp445–512 pp513–584 pp585–652 pp653–718 pp719–786 pp787–856 BOOK REVIEWs – bY BOOK AUTHOR BOOK REVIEWs – bY TITLE Armitage, Allan M: Horwood, Catherine: Robinson, MLA, and JF Auricula, The: History, Gardening with Shape, Pocket Guide to Uncommon Climbers Gardening Women 785 McQuire: Pocket Guide Cultivation and Line and Texture, by Rhododendron Species, for Every Garden 651 Jones, Louisa: The to Rhododendron Varieties, by Allan Linden Hawthorne 373 by MLA Robinson and Blacklock, Judith: Garden Visitor’s Species 583 Guest 291 Gardening Women, by JF McQuire 583 Church Flowers 215 Companion 375 Robinson, William: The Blue Heaven: Encounters Catherine Horwood 785 Rock Garden Plant Campbell, Katie: Paradise Kingsbury, Noel: Hybrid: Wild Garden 375 with the Blue Poppy, by Great Gardens of Primer, The, by of Exiles: the Anglo- the history and science Rutenberg, Linda: The Bill Terry 141 America, by Tim Christopher Grey-Wilson American Gardens of of plant breeding 373 English Garden at Night Blueberries, Cranberries Richardson 511 215 Florence 215 Kirkham, Tony, and Mark 511 and Lingonberries for Grow Your Own Garden, RSPB Gardening for Clark, Timothy: Mary Flanagan: Wilson’s Scott, Mary Ann, with Everyone, by Jennifer by Carol Klein 717 Wildlife, by Adrian McMurtrie’s Country China: a Century On 291 Margaret Stevens: Trehane 853 Hybrid: the history and Thomas 855 Garden Flowers 69 Klein, Carol: Grow Your
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