Lyme Park, Cheshire
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Lyme Park, Cheshire Detailed Survey of Aspects of the Historical Landscape Development Volume 2: Appendices Oxford Archaeology North December 2006 The National Trust Issue No: 2005-6/551 OA North Job No: L9696 NGR: SJ 965 824 Document Title: LYME PARK CHESHIRE Document Type: Detailed Survey of Aspects of the Historical Landscape Development Volume 2: Appendices Client Name: The National Trust Issue Number: 2005-6/551 OA Job Number: L9696 National Grid Reference: SJ 965 824 Checked by: Jamie Quartermaine Signed……………………. Position: Senior Project Manager Date: December 2006 Approved by: Alan Lupton Signed……………………. Position: Operations Manager Date: December 2006 Document File Location X:\Jamie\PROJECTS\9696lymerehash\REPORT\FINAL Oxford Archaeology North © Oxford Archaeological Unit Ltd (2006) Storey Institute Janus House Meeting House Lane Osney Mead Lancaster Oxford LA1 1TF OX2 0EA t: (0044) 01524 848666 t: (0044) 01865 263800 f: (0044) 01524 848606 f: (0044) 01865 793496 w: e: [email protected] Oxford Archaeological Unit Limited is a Registered Charity No: 285627 Disclaimer: This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Oxford Archaeology being obtained. Oxford Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person/party using or relying on the document for such other purposes agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm their agreement to indemnify Oxford Archaeology for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Oxford Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person/party by whom it was commissioned. Lyme Park Detail Survey: Volume 2, Appendices 1 CONTENTS VOLUME 2 - APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 ....................................................................................................................2 Project Brief APPENDIX 2 ....................................................................................................................3 Project Design APPENDIX 3 ....................................................................................................................16 Matrix wall sector grouping APPENDIX 4 ....................................................................................................................18 Boundary Survey Summary Gazetteer APPENDIX 5 ....................................................................................................................44 Chronology of the Legh Family and Lyme Park APPENDIX 6 ....................................................................................................................64 Lyme Hall Records, Stockport Central Library (SCL) APPENDIX 7.....................................................................................................................82 Lyme Hall Records, Greater Manchester County Record Office APPENDIX 8 ....................................................................................................................94 Legh of Lyme Records, John Rylands Library, University of Manchester (JRL) APPENDIX 9 ...................................................................................................................108 Chester Records Office, Account Books and Catalogues APPENDIX 10 ..................................................................................................................116 Information held by the National Trust at Lyme Park For the use of The National Trust © OA North and The Landscape Practice December 2006 Lyme Park Detail Survey: Volume 2, Appendices 2 APPENDIX 1 PROJECT BRIEF For the use of The National Trust © OA North and The Landscape Practice December 2006 Lyme Park Detail Survey: Volume 2, Appendices 3 APPENDIX 2 PROJECT DESIGN Lancaster University Archaeological Unit Revised January 1996 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF LYME PARK CHESHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROJECT DESIGN Proposals The following project design is offered in response to a request from The National Trust for an archaeological survey of Lyme Park. The proposed project involves the documentary and identification survey to locate and evaluate the archaeological and historical features within the park and also a detailed survey of selected elements. The purpose of the survey is to enhance the existing archaeological record and allow appropriate management strategies to be enacted. For the use of The National Trust © OA North and The Landscape Practice December 2006 Lyme Park Detail Survey: Volume 2, Appendices 4 1. INTRODUCTION Lyme has been the home of the Legh family for the last 600 years. Although the Mansion is c1520 in origin it has been substantially added to particularly by Giacomo Leoni and Lewis Wyatt in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is set within extensive gardens and includes an Orangery built by Wyatt. Although the mansion is well documented, relatively little archaeological work has been undertaken to evaluate the park as a whole. A restoration plan survey has been undertaken Elizabeth Banks Associates and a boundary survey has been undertaken by Mr J Coulthard. The proposed survey programme is intended to augment the earlier surveys and would significantly increase the knowledge of the historical content and significance of the landscape. The aim of the recording programme is to enhance the management and the presentation of the archaeological resource. The total area of the park estate is about 5.34 sq km, and it is proposed that the full extent of the park is subject to a non-intensive survey, including land that is not under National Trust ownership. OA North has considerable experience of the documentary, landscape and building surveys, having undertaken a great number of small and large scale projects during the past 15 years. OA North employs a qualified surveyor (Jamie Quartermaine BA DipSurv MIFA) who has over 12 years experience of surveying buildings and landscapes, having worked closely with the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England and the Lake District National Park Authority on a number of projects. Recent similar projects include the Rufford New Hall landscape survey (Lancashire) and Rufford Old Hall building survey (for the National Trust), the identification survey of the Haweswater Estate (Cumbria), the Vale Royal Hall landscape and building survey (Cheshire), the Bolton Castle (North Yorks) building survey and the Risley vernacular building survey (Cheshire). OA North has the professional expertise and resource to undertake the project detailed below to a high level of quality and efficiency. OA North and all its members of staff operate subject to the Institute of Field Archaeologists (IFA) Code of Conduct. The following project design sets out the objectives of the project, provides a methods statement demonstrating how these can be met and defines the resource implications of the methods statement. 2. OBJECTIVES The primary purpose of the project is to inform future management decisions with regard to conservation matters relating to the archaeological content of the park land. The aims of the project are set out in the brief written by Jeremy Milln of the National Trust and are as follows: 2.1 Non-intensive Survey This provides for a documentary study and research into the landscape history of the Park to follow on from that already outlined within the Banks survey. In addition a Level 1 identification field survey (Appendix 1) is required to examine the extent of the park, to be undertaken in conjunction with the results of the desk top study. Resultant from this assessment survey, recommendations are required to identify areas requiring further work and to suggest appropriate methodologies. The proposed archaeological programme would provide an archaeological survey of the Lyme park, set within a broader landscape context. It is important that the individual sites are not simply viewed as isolated points on a map, but that an attempt is made to indicate their group value and their importance to the historical fabric of landscape character areas within the park. 2.2 Detailed Surveys The brief requires additional detail surveys to address particular management needs or areas of educational interest. It is understood that the topographic survey work will be undertaken by Survey Systems Ltd and therefore the proposed archaeological programme will utilise the raw survey data in DXF format as a base for the archaeological survey. Detailed surveys are required of the following: 2.2.1 Boundary markers For the use of The National Trust © OA North and The Landscape Practice December 2006 Lyme Park Detail Survey: Volume 2, Appendices 5 This detail survey is intended to follow on from one completed by Mr J Coulthard and will require the photographic recording of the wall types and an interpretative evaluation of the chronological development of the walls based on archaeological, stylistic and historic map evidence. 2.2.2 Roads and avenues Detailed topographic surveys are required of the Lime avenue, the Patte d'oire, the Green drive, the Hawthorn drive, the Cage drive, the Main drive and the Macclesfield drive and will be undertaken by Survey Systems Ltd. The survey of Macclesfield drive would be undertaken by OA North to a format consistent with that generated