PA C E TW EI.Vfc TIIF COMMERCI AL I.EVDFR AND SOl'TII BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1| !hf N-v., K t r,.:j(iven i( (o ^ h(.,d Established 1921 subjects that be could depict on hi- can- wrve Training Uml., npx, W„ in,sdav. K.h 1th C.n- The I radrr is Ihr oflirial nrwspaper jvasse*. |,a-t week the Leader new-paper* . _ _ N. J ■ announced today thal a djdates for the Board of K af sprak Thp S(h„0| ,,udje, w,n jgaertner's latent painting-. They con­ J. R n \n . forim T Fair nlj'01* lll< r,‘,‘nX ' held by World ^ tuplained Mrs Walter Leyh Published every Thursday hy The (loniinrrrjal l.inler Printing Company firm ed tin* fact that the L ake \v e n u e . . - , . . W.u II and Korean Naval Veter- IM nr#iiil«.ni sanilarv inspector, has Iwen convicted 4lls w prnweni a t 251 Rid^c Road. Lyndhurst, N. J. I eh phone CEncva 8*8700-8701 jmafl j,, unf 0f j|,r fitte-«l arti-t* painting t * i • t I Announcement wa* made of Unlay. f o r III. Ml ...... I I of rv ^ ((> lh„ Nlvn| VrtJth* founder. Day luncheon to E ditor JOHN SAVINO It i* interesting t«» observe tlie artist’s tori mil and misconduct ill office. erans etiukl n«.t enlist in th»* Na ^ Mfrve0 Per \ ear Ten Out* Per Copy much so the Army Corps of Engineers has contract. ehange will |M>rmit Nervous Disorder $ I ^ NDIII R>1. Y J . I ERR I \RY I, 1962 been debating methods of arresting the .... * - • ..many ex-Navy and ex-Coast H c a d a r h e t intrusion of the waters. I lie case revives memories of the all r .u a n l }s>rs<«n.-l to j-»in th,- Na hill forgotten investigation initiated bvival Ail Res«*rve now and retain B ackaches No such problem bothered \rti-l form er Stale S enator W alter IL Jones of ,h<‘,r fwrnvr rating*. "*K«rdless Good Bye, Hoboken! W eingaertner. What fascinated him wa* f their date ot discharge N euritis Bergen into llu* rcfu-c colleclion racket. . . . . r i i i r .1 ii I u l. riv er w ashed away tin* earth B ursitis For how main generation* ha- the W hat the future hold- for the llobo- * The inve-tigation never got off ihe Aviation and Administrative bil­ . . , n **t Hie roots of the tree- lhat once had lets nil* available in many of the Digestive Disorders Erie-Lackawanua terniinal in Hoboken ken area nobody now know-. However. . ground because the fund- were never S<]u.idron.s of the L akehurst N aval . . - .. i ..l tweii safely imbedded on ihe hank. Ihe been a** familiar to South Bergcnilc* a* the llohoken -itii.ituni m ...... i n d e e d . 3 made available. Air Reserve Training Unit. Non | w x i ii ii i « i tangle ot roots were left bare. Ihe sun h o m e / When the Holland American line. Ing- . T But anvbodv familiar with the refuse Aviation pers«mnel may change Dr. L. Ackerman . .. , , , wlutene<| them, their ratings to an Aviation Rat­ Chiropractor u e - i -I i i i i operator in llohokcn moves out situation in knows that it ing Thc hig. grimy structure. u 11-11< < «— 11• I- . . 1 1 . , ... . i c. ...i Many passed the root- hv without a 244 Ridge Road tin-vear and when ihe Ing terminal Imal- | • -mell- not only in the summer but ail Full details are available from ly losing the fight agaiu-t the damp rav­ . » . | ,| , ,ri second thought. For the arti-t lltev pre- Rutherford. N . J. Iv i- abandoned, along with the terry i i. > .. ...» vear round. I nougli fact* have been the Information and Ri‘cruiting age*. of the.11 inl-on on vs 11 i«Ti it fro n ted , i t t f» rented a reinarkahlc cli.JIeiigc. Dancing Department, Naval Air Reserve House ('alls Made -v-teni. there I-not going to be much lelt. w .. . . f. elicited by the abortive probes thal have and filled with the odor- of hi--iug -team Koot*. \\ eingaertner called one. after Training Unit. Lakehurst, N. J.. By Appointment oaly been held in Kearny. North Arlington. l)ht>no OLdfield 7 4411, extension and boiling diesel oil. no* i- expiring Like the Jcr-ev Citv waterfront the |M. I transferred it to canvas. Phone. G E neva » 14*4 East Rutherford and Fair Lawn to show v% illingl y and in a fen yearn vs 111 he hilt Ilohoken -horeline offer-an opportunity And. indeed, the root- did seem lo thal corruption was not restricted to a a m em ory. lor cnoruioii- redevelopment. No doubt re-enddc human being*, dancing, few place- hut seemed to he routine in Plan- of the Pori of New ^ ork Auth­ the Port \nthoritv will turn itf* planners Another of Vtcingaert iter's paintings i- u great majority of the casf*. ority lo acquire Hudson X Manhattan loo-c and give Holmken some advice on a similar scene set in thc Hackcn-ack In New York investigations showed Railroad have put the liual signature on what to do about it- losers. New Jer-ey meadows. And still -^inother is a family that bigtime racketeers had moved into the terminar- order of doom. ssill be interested because what affects I portrait pet in the familiar scene- of the industry and controlled it. Since T h e plan is f o r thr P \ to huild a Hoboken affect- the entire -tale. Branch Brook Park and Secred Heart For one North Jer-ey i- an integral part of the huge tran-fer facility in the llarri-ou i i r .i • . Cathedral, Newark. Itul econom ic- a*idc. loss ol llu* pictur- metropolitaji area crime picture there m e a d o w * where ihe Newark-Morri- Erie . . n | „i: All are trememloiislv exciting example- of e-inie llolmken terminal will lie a *au . , » i- no reason to doubt that fact* Unearthed Lackawanna I r a n i - vs all m eet vs ith H ud , , | | | n ^ ° * aM artii-1 » pcrsonalitv and inventive- thing lor many railroad hull-. II wa- ' J in New > ork pertain in North Jersey. ►on & M anhattan. P, rilger* Hill change the most there lhat many became first enamoured IM W hen Robert Mey ner was governor llu* off t h e r e . ol the railroads. One great childhood single agency that could have done the tor Erie-Lackawanna passenger* on investigating job. the Law Enforcement important the Boonton and Rutherford line- an­ thrill many -till recall wa* the moment of How To Make Votes arrival in llohokcn when steam still pro-1 CounciL vs a- lu|iiidated. other point is planned in tin- Secaucus pelled tin* engines. President Kennedy i* on record a- dis- t.oxcrnor Hughe- and his new attor­ steps in meadow -. There a eonneetion vs ilh llinl- ,, i i r i. .• approving ihe New-YWk contract which ney general. Xrlliur Sills, could no worse son & Manhattan will he made. I here wa- a kind ol exultation among , , ...... , |provides electrical eltnployee- with a 2”»- than rc-cstahli-he the LEC and a-k for his life Hy this time ihe last of the ferries ‘he children a- they passed down tlie week, lhat does not mean that the an immediate investigation of the refuse will have run. Transportation into ihe platform toward the terminal, listening contract will Ih* abrogated. It doesn't collection racket. rity then will he hy Hudson i\ Manhattan lo the final,this-mg breaths of the engine*, . , , . . . . , | i i .1 .1 c even m ean that the electrical worker- will Tiny feet learning to - and by buses. ind then walking Ikeside them as the lire- , . , , . , ... c i .i . . i %rnl l,l<*lr •‘pleeu upoii'Kcnnedv the next walk need freedom as well The lug terminal will then have out­ were banked and the hnal thrii-l- of ■ . , 1 . time around. Warning as perfect fit. That's why lived its magnificent iisefulue-*. lor •team were peruutled to escape in warm- vv i . . . Buster Brown Baby , , , . . . i.i l .i hat it means i- I'resideiit keiinedv faded and decaying a- it is today the llio l- t loud- dial penetrated the clothing1 , , I lie Hoard of Education elections w ill Shoes are made of was seen hy a nationwide television andi-* terminal wa* a warm and comfortable of th< pa-sengers. lie held in another week. The Leader lias softest, pliable leathers. gently reproving the electricians. oasis on the way into the city and on thc conscientiously srftipht to publish what­ Your Busier h ry yu * ' Yea. the earth turns, the world changes, Many independent voters will approve shoe man measure* every way out. ever the candidates had to sa>. Wc lK»pe and liAe today wa- not what il was yester- Kennedy s stand and admire him for it. part of your baby’s foot Ever since Holland Tunnel wa- com­ >ou have heen reading them, \inklliat day. Ivrit who can say it is better? Where Only the political wise will understand with the Buster Brown pleted the terminal began lo slide down­ win have made up your mind to c/rtain- in Hmtmmmsm wilt «im /im i lii«- m artini*/lh«l k*-u/i«Jy, ,J|k« j«jJ »uer«-»»JuJ 6-Point Fitting Plan. hill. Ruses and private car- began to Iv mixed -o wondroii-ly in the Hoboken ter- eiaijs^ Iiiii once again carried tin* clectri- compete too effectively. W lien Lincoln iniiial bar. the dried herring and beer eal wire- on both -boulder-. Ih and hi* $5 50 - *6 99 1 unnel and then Ceorgc Wa-hingtou available al Duke's or the superlative .administration will continue to pal on Big Bank Now Bridge were opened the llohokcn ter­ roa-l beef and -learner clanis at the Clam the head the labor leaders who go! the minal knew the end was near. Announcement National Community Broth House? 25-hour week in spite of Kennedy's ad- In the Kearny meadows a huge postal Bank is to increase il* capital slock In , • w .i l n monition that we must be prepared to center is being erected. Much of the -ort- Long ago the posh Meyer s Rathskeller ^ ... , 1 ' . some $6fHI.(KN> is further proof that the .. i v . .1 sacrifice. Meanwhile, the image of Ken- in c n o vs done iu llohokcn will be t r a i l s - dt-appeared. !>ow to go are those tine 1 , . .. . institution lias grown in leaps and ... .1...... L... I It.. disapproving what some of Ins hounds. Total resources at thc end of ihe ferred to thal point, ll will remove an­ t h a t m t w i I tlie in.lrurlilile m ale principal -iipporlrr- in llu- xjii,| other activity from tin* terminal. roiiiim il.'r* over tlie years! year were $121.3 5 6 ,4 1 0 . BUSTER BROWN W aterfront Legislation have never had it so good. The casiial- : noil has. in many instances, as -1 a , , j o havc h«y*n eliminated largely. There are LETTER BOX I Mired the success of particular! r M * Alfred Somma of 500 jpiojects through publication of ^ores^ Ave. entertained five of Naturalizer Shoe Store Assemblyman Carmine F. Savino Jr. more permanent jobs that pay morei Editor: 'ihe plans and arrangements for *ier c°-workers at FDU. at a At the Pike * 86,"> Kearny Ave. of Lyiidhurst, the Republican minority money than ever before. The waterfront Please accept, on behalf of the U.e specific activity: Pizza luncheon on Wednesday Known For (rood Fitting leader, ha* established some kind of pre­ worker who today is not a dock walloper Officers and Members of Bar- A special thanks is also of-' linger Walker Post No 139. The tired for the detailed publica- cedent hy submitting with As-emhlvman hut a skilled technician is recognizcd for Anierican Legion, our heartfelt! t*on of the material submitted Elmer Mathew* of Newark, thc Demo­ what lit* i- and paid accordingly. thanks and appreciation for the1*.! the Legion Parade column cratic majority leader, a waterfront hill many services rendered this or- by our Publicity Chairman, \nolher result: the International ganization and its Publicity We sincerely hope that your PAUL’S Hobby & Sport Shop containing provi*iou* a-ked by tin* In­ Longshoreman'* Association, ihe chief Chairman, Alvin Ralph. P C - support and cooperation will state W aterfront Commission. d u rin g th e y e a r 1961 j c o n tin u e to m a n ife s t its e lf in opponent of the commission, actually is The cooperation and assist- years ahead, Assemblyman Savino i- acting on the the biggest beneficiary. It now has a ance of your staff has always By order ol Comdr James FALL & WINTER SPORTING GOODS style of m oral and political sense. check-off system that has produced more been graciously extended in sup. Ferriero Sincerely yours, Get Ready For 1962 union revenues than they knew existed. port of the various activities and It was iwo Republican governor*, VI- projects of the Post and its sev­ Walter R Steever Pre-Season Sales \- a result of the elimination of sweet­ fred E. Driscoll and I hoiiia- E. Dewey, eral committees Your roopera- A d ju ta n t heart contracts waterfront workers today who planned and directed the creation of have received tremendous gains under the Waterfront Commission. The Demo­ BOATMAN the 11 \ . Benefits now go to the workers crat* were led struggling and complain­ in-tead of itianagement and a few crook­ ing into its creation. When Bob Mey ner Boating Supplies ed union leaders. And waterfront work­ became governor he was strongly opposed er-. with their hourly pay and many peri­ Marine Hardware to the commission. Hi- appointee a- com­ pheral benefits such as medical aid and missioner. Chief Justice W eintrauh, was Paint* - Rope retirement provisions, are among the |»cst apposed to the commis-ion. Otuboards paid industrial workers in the world. Later the two Democrat* were to be­ These are accomplishments of which come the commission's warmest support­ the hi—late commission can readily take er**. Ihe attack on the commission has GOLFER much credit. And they are accomplish­ keen led by Democrat*. ment- lor which the Republican party Clubs - Bags Assemblyman Savino acted to put the can well lake credit. Carts - Balls picture in its right perspective: that the I«i kcoft the credit where credit is due Republicans created the commission and Gloves, etc. was Assembly man Savino's motivation. still are actively iu hack of it. a s i* most of the electorate of New Jersey. And why not? Look at the record. Because of the new Where Money Goes SKIES stability on the waterfront ihe Port of Metal & Wood Rods - Reek New York Authority and the city of New The Health, Education and Welfare Lines - Nets York has been encouraged to spend more Department luis approved a $232,01 1 Pants Loures grant for Bergen Pines Hospital in Para- millions on revitalisation and expansion Fresh & SoU W ater of the port than has been accomplished m il s . The sum. however, is just a bit more Poles Bindings Parkars anywhere else in the world. than one third of the $662,890 project Equipment The result: more commerce for the undertaken by the county to alter a three- port, more jobs for the workers. The fast story building and making room for 78 rising competition from St. Lawrence bed- for the chronically ill. D PS Hobby and Seaway and other ports such as Phila­ I he Bergen County tax budget, reflect­ P A U L U S delphia. . Savannah and other ing ihe growth of the county, grows and Sport Shop places made sui'h -pending mandatory if grows. But by far thc largest capital sums New Y'ork were to maintain its competi­ go into providing sufficient hospital and ^306 UNION AVE. GE 8-0192 RUTHERFORD tive position. p vk and recreation facilities necessary Ai* .. _! , wj .rfron: w iVLr^ TTour«: Monday T hru Saturday 9 . 9 . .. lol die bd: Jv*01UU3 population.




F O R R E N T TRAVEL Mercury Comet Will Take On New Style LYS^DMUnST — a lacy a rtiimt. TRAVIL klRvirc The Mercuiy Comet line uiil i Directory For Service Requirements C . i l 'a t '. X" '••“ "■V, r— tic*...*, V.rV"X!S*miw! c a n o s s 47»«. « s reservation and tours p Ay take on new slyle and at us nm I>« t « tk«- Thomas M ueller of the APT Lr-dhuriL T hree ‘*U1 Installment plan available. this Spring with the addition of . \ ; available n»w $econdVo.r !, ^ ” %dT"AVBL ,U«AU Sl,entr< office in Newark. There and hot <*ater supplied. N ear buaea w e h .e a r a aim Lyndhurat .1 luxury station wagon model will also be a Him on "The Adutt. preferred w c I tMt. ««| c w J S ^ H i l i " n Rear Comet Villager. . d of -Narcotics". Anyone Beauty Salon Floor Coverings THRCE rooma and attic, heat Autnor.tad Qrayhaund Agency Lincoln-Mt'it ury Division has tone b v l to attend this meeting TV Service '"d hot «*»l*f. Oaa and electric ____ announced that production of v,.lf . •V 111 I «• w elco m e. MADAME IOLA BEAUTY A opiied»i>ed Call aftar S g.m0 .m OC0 1 sS ..■U»'N*»S or Pleaaure Raaerva• . , 4j f, ^ ft ij» t F ^Jhii "paradnaj'^ touch, oaii the Cornet V illager will l*vin y S iL lN D tH i/IN Q SALON COMPLETE SERVICE late in February Styling of thr Final plans will be made for ALL M AKgS nt er na t ion*| Pr.»# W inner CARPET T H R i e room and Bath, Haat. the rummage sale to be held For T i n 11 n| A BUtthing Color and Slack and WHiti hot wat ar and electric S u p p lie d added Comet model will feature , Tape Recorders. n*co-d Players $S5. business roupl# prof or rod Call MALE AND FEMALE wood-grained side and tailgate i h« hiuary H. 1) and 10 at 49 CUSTOM Stereo and Mi.Pi Seta. Co P I B M A N I N T l HAIM CUTTING LINOLEUM ot 317 Livingston Avo., Lyndhurat Horn* and Auto Radio* or OS |.«014. 1 t paneling and mouldings Noams Ave. Kearny On Ce fro m 9 to 9. ment. bath and garage, heat and of local jobs Ijriyht d-K -U-U-UTL-TI n n n n r r ______-t 1 Tiles hot water twopi'Od J u it dacoratod j v.agon field the style and lux and on Saturday from 9 to 6. kih’r Me» derti»i Call WC I M U aftar ury motoring 'extra which *30 2 1 * P n n eds of this sale will be Carpenters many owners desire regardless LYNDHURST FLOOR ROOMS, hoat and hot water i • k foi ih** l>encftt Of Deborah Hos- TV RENTALS of the size or price range of Day Woo# Month supplied Business coupla profarrod DEE OF KEARNY ridow p .i.d .it Browns Mills COVERING Call w e 3 .’•41 tf A. Turiello & Son Call A n/tim e their vehicle." Ben D Mills, • u Id i n • CD Sl'DOL SM RIDGE RD Division genersl manager and D. tions of items for the Compete Remodeling K’ork WANTED TO RENT As an oj tioti foi ,td Je I ! FRISTIK & DEGERDON a Ford Company vice president, ill \k ‘ appreciated. Pei- G E 8 - 0 2 4 1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY i ry. th e V illa g e r »-«/i Jj^ o i d e Alterations and Re/tain I « t . 1141 GARAGI wanted vicinity Oeral said in announcing the new vMlling to give donations /•# Ridge Hd , N Arlington rtino, Road, iSorth Arlington. Call m o d el. with bucket-type fi m A ttire - hormrn (ian(ei •*' M12 M 232 Belleville Pike ^ • H iU c aall ll Mrs Alvin Zoobrls at W Y 1-4369 v i t h e n te r onsolt Porches - Additions Finish* The Villager is the second w v > - 8«:•28 o r M rs M. F e ld m a n Music Instruction ART WANTEO • Ctoan, quiet WYman I'MMl mid-model-year addition to the and i'l>rripatd,ly styled reai seals B a se m e n ts - Aluminum Siding oupl* with baby and high achooi WY 8-2197 or Mrs. Patrick eT'slOpeti till 7 P.M. M onday*!1962 **«reury line annuone^ «<.n--ri-ow-pleat«). all-vmyl up- • nd Roofing • A lu m inu m C m STATEWIDE TV rrr, It„r hoK,..r> aoc at WE 9-2752. lunation WlnduMs and Doors only Raaaonibla rant. Ploaao call 1 ——| tor a pre-Spnns debut. The Piano - Organ and Radio Repair Servire w v s m « 1 1 1 Forest Aj* I ' nd hurst MALC ! Meteor S-33, bucke seat version The Villager !;kr < ‘her C om et ACCT budget dog » ooo O f the new-sized Mercury entry, 'Station watuns «il! h., a a 8 -3 6 6 ? r o a 9 a l b WYman 8-2885 ACCT coot degr-e to S*.00u 'was introduced this month a.s a lOS'^-inch v\heciba-c ami will Accordion CONTROLLER aome public S7.S00 Dr. I. Dansky 1 Kearny Ave. Kearny ACCT coat analyat Enjoy your lessons with • A • V CRIB companion to the bucket seat, he 191 s inches in ..vcia’l lennth Shor mg H o n e st St Dependable Service #»LAR PEN ACCT dog no e«p. *■ .'OO Comet S-22. I • 20 inches shorter than Uw- Ml.CHAIM ACT general degree______$•.000 Optometrist VICTOR A ll U ork G u a ra n tK d Win Mil to famliieo direct from ACCTQ clerk oome e»p. The Com et Villager will be a b,K Men uiy Monterey Nation Sagging walla, floors, parti* •actory at wholooalo pricea Cnba AST BKKRRS full and panola, adjustable apnngo. 1'AVROLL CLCRKS }2j four -door station wagon in the “ a 1|,n n'«< m i d overhanging r o o f s . pr.cea Play Reno. |7 SS. SSH S». Ml-| TECHNICAL w n to ra elec. Id, ooo Oppoille Town Hall Theory Included Night Calls Chaira, |10 SS. Retail Showroom j LIBRARIAN tech. $7.?ooi m o d el a re s im u la te d m ah o g a n y Engines for the Villager in­ J a r k r d 11 to proper level. M o n .. W e d p r i.. 2 p.m. to * p m” PERSONNEL deg 2 yra e.p U 000 fl_H ' ""'IT’j ■ • — •''I clude a 144-cubic-irn h six cvl- Composer and Arranger for the s o t . , $ so a m t o a p.m. For direc- jBM t a b Sr tramed conaoie $ito M moulded railings are -1 I mlerpinning of masonry Century - Schuberth and Our Specialty Vi m * * * " l a $ . t a b operator daya or mghta $$o simulated grained oak inder or ;.n optional I7(i-t ubi< - 405 KEARNY AVE. 7171. Paul . on Co., McLean Bivd TECHNICIAN dtal $7,>00l . ir, h SI) Heritage Music Co. ol > Iiiuler. botff'nf whu h walls,, al-o general contract- Used TV Bought & Sold th* 1

PIST $T Bloomfieldaioomf }!! rre included in the price of the •' » Oil Ranter Efficiency w w a r e mr lUnm for i VXtSfaZ&T ~ • ■p.T f AT tir nee# Decorators Our Specialty At THOR17EO RAMBI.KR WOMEN toi p-.rt time o> full SWiTCHbuAhU o p e rs . to . 0 two dollars each There will be (v 1 221 Prospect Ave.. No Arlington time helo M 4 y earn SI to $s per P*RT TIME bktb k k p r s $i 7$ hr p le n ty to e a t a n d l o r 1 i,-*-. - \ AMBASSADOR A METRO hour Call fter 10 a rr w E *. on*n r . D E A L E R Open Tuea. til 7 P everyone Although mosT^.f our , s-*t. $ ;ao to 12 rarta. Sales A Service W O M A N fo r ~ ^ T .i'5 Orient Way "W Ebster 9-9416 ' ’:cke,,si »re ,old- ** »«« iX,-:.- Painrinq 94» PONTIAC J ,r MT Mt 4 h o u r s o n c e a w* « i RI Till RKiiPit have someone in charge of ad- FORD 4 dr sedan jgj 2«r9 *•0 PLYMOUTH 2 d r a e d a n ) Employment Ageney missions at the door in the O O O O C C o n v e r tib le 1.0S5 CHECK ROOM attendant evenings event someone should decide t« De curating. Ceiling and st w.aon 13,5 and weekends Apply m person to attend the last minute. Oui de Furniture DODGC 4 door hardtop Copper Hoed Restaurant. Lyndhurst * CCT JR Floor Tile In-italled. Wall, 21 ADORESSOGRAPH $2$; corat,ons committee assures us CAOILLAC 2 dr. H T. IMS 1$ 5 7 ------CHIEF Sngr , FEE PO. $15,000 that St \falentiiK> himself will papering. Carpentry. (Fre I»j/ MtHcUHV 4 or H T, *95 COUNTERGIRL wanted part time | ^L E RK - Assist Supt 1*4$ CHEVROLET 4 dr Reupholstering Call W E 9 9708 t f E X P E D I T E R or T rn ee $1$3 ^ fla,lered on that evening We Estimate Call WE 9-2988. 1$S5 R A M B L E R s t a t i o n w a g o n 405 ^ » » - - — — INVTY Control Clerk w?5 are certain that a good time w ill t( Many more to chooao from HEI.r WANTED MALE Clerk Trnee Slip Covers F ro m $200 —______. m m m - SALCS Relocate. FEE PO iso*5 Dante contests. Aieo. we balance front wheel*. 1700 * hich will l>e judged l>\ several Auto and body work. Complete mo­ * * VA Y* ANT* ° .,#r m»r - ; CL E R IC°AL R ecg " 1$-60 Plumbing tor jobs. Cars made ready for In- s“«/»/t«i|iN V o*TB rA ^V .«,~,,o o.*p” „“? °( our honored guest- and th, Drapes spection We epecialis* in Hydra- Lyndhurst News Service. OC * 012$ I Al,TftAUTo” Mar'hSRk' j door pri?e will be among >onit matic unite. WANTin r., ------7— BULLDOZER Save $*0C on executive driven eta ™ »n * o u r D C I s e L $ 00 of the highlight's of the e , n tian wagons nour. 0»il, for oor,«. »ork n ,, »»CH. $3 00 n All Work Done On vern no phone calls Park Real PACKING A Shim days $2 00 in^ “ Do-It-Yourself” Bar anH Grill. 201 Park Ave , POWER Brake Ooei "« {] W Oui peimanent headquarter*. ELM AUTO SALES Lyndhuret. N J t»! WELOCR P/T ° O ur Premises By 23 Kearny Ave., Kearny, N. J. V3.00 v hich at present is being re- in bedding store. North Arlington MACHINISTS Helper LABOR Rotate $2 uo conditioned (or our purposes. Plumbing Heating W Y m a n S-7J 1 1 Vicinity orofarred. Call Wl 4-7577 f e m a l e 11 79 will be situated on Valley Brook Master Upholsterers Or a f t e r 9 p m T E 3 167* N o F r o ACCT Clerk M VOLKSWAGON, black seda day evening or Sat day calls. 2 8 $75 Ave We hope to hold our first *• Call WC 3-3623 2 1 A DOR ESSOGR A PH Oper Electrical Supplies A S»ST Bkkpr P* l r ™ meeting there within the next FULL TIME day delivery boy for BOOKK EEPER WY 1-6185-6 B l’SIN ESS SCHOOL pharm acy Call QC S-102* 2-1 $2 2$ two months stsss.Ty?,:, ,1«70 ° ar next formal meeting will; Sinks, Bath Tubs, Toilet*, TRAIN for a good SALESMAN or Saleslady NORTH ARLINGTON poaitlon at bedding store. North A CLERK Lite type •m b, held Monday evening Keb FREEZlN Batin*. Gat Range.. A Elec­ secretary, typist, clerical worker, o r vicinity preferred f a n w /'TV. tt ‘ P ,G U R E ~Clerk comptometer operator at low coat or after 9 p J* 5th at 621 New Jersey' Ave 575 RIDGE ROAD trical Supplies - Paints, Oilt and In the shorteet poeelble tlma Say event u , Everyone interested in knowing :< "UTntW P-OW D SC C R E T A RIA L ng or Salure.y till^ M » | DICTA "^ON e VrnM F r e d d i e a n d SCHOOL — 2 Franklin Place, Ruth­ Y arnixhet erford. Phone WC $-7147. DISHMACHINE 0»r.l.., 12 noon Ti"" no typ. ’S more aboul oor organization is j to 4 ,n>.. Monday ,o Fr.d.y, Apply FACTOBV ni.H . t i 70 invited to attend S e *4 ^ rfw a s nobody s fool! in person. Coppei Electricians Pipct Cut & Threaded H..a R,.Uar.M I h Y v IIV c h " T r ' A " ’' $ 1 4 5 ------______BUSINESS SERVICE Lyndhurat |1 15 SUPERIOR COURT OF" No one could convinct turn he T o O r d e r ______U SS“lT»" Typ. OH Full Hnuw ro w e r! C«I1 $70 NEW JERSEY CAR OWNER HAPPY needed a new boder - not with SAWS — TOOLS S C H O O L _____US ____ DRIVER - Lyn«.j°5£,*^ dtrk-Typ. *75 CHANCERY DIVISION for A Free Fjtimat. on A *urat route, i hour 40 d a y . ;: b c°' : Bu> Machines *70 81RGIN COUNTY a little life left in the old one East Rutherford $4 per day Idoal foe retired m a n or $65 DOCKET NO C 3OS* 59 WITH SMASHED DOOR N e w t iO V o lt-3 W i r e S e rv ic e LAWN MOWERS part time worker No eaperience ^ ite-twAi nrsr »*,\n.i\r T a t a r . Ls*t yesr h? saved resl money by I lien it liippencd His old Recaaaary Call Mr Richardson. WE SHiM-r ‘ •*° w t ; a i T i t r j > K i insuring with State Farm And now Supply Company • 12SS e tlZ-,WT Pr««»«rs - -- t'ONTKK mInn knin n ..a r,|;R . turner du'd during a storm — ------"fCCPT.ONlST-Type $60 THJ t'K I l*A I'UN'K and FRAN that his claim's been paid ao fast MACHINIST and Aasemblora. full PAYROLL A v Drw • '»«-Clerk H<>.ids wore blocked. «o we 234-236 Paterson Ave. 860 Tw 0>VTKK- h-r h u n h A iu i. and fairly he knows ^tate Farm A. Chasar & Son DEL SKIDMORE or part time Call at 595 Now Vork iHfoeidaata Civil A. iimi - c.rdei »asagooplained how it heats faat. is and floor tile metalled, wallpapar- M | | eiport Instruction on all typos FEE: One week’s salary on!*'"'"''delivered. I have l.»\ t. ,'• GEneva 8-4505 nc> Call OC S-4201. tf • lt> of liki'ketiHMi'k. on ordered one Now he’s always F O R R E N T MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1962 Farm “Fam ily IriMir.n • Man "We d o all typce of F urniture R rfinisliing and •t tw-y o'clodk in thn afternoon talking about his American REAL ESTATE TM H I I SIVC IIP PMTCCTI9M II Si I ITAII LACKAWAN.A HOUSE KMlern Hiantbird Time and l.^in* Standard boiler—about tU* electrical work” A ntique R estoration. RONALD PIPER k n o w n ,ia So |H De>laf|rM A \ **nn« fAM J LOW IATLSI 2S2 Rids* RoaS. Lyndhurat. N. J. For Sale Or Rent am.irt buy he made. He^ r» | . . 'n *l»0 T< wnoliip uf I.vndhursl W C $ it$ 4 l>od> « i. ol Call or see us now Phone. W Y 8-3397 Wo Peaorve a Fine Selection of FOR SALE OR RENT— Cement hmpM yment Atcncy Co u n *r o t s ™ CF.\F. SIEDLECKI VAL. C. COLOMBO Modern Furnished Rooma for bloak building 24*40. show win t ' w i - — V . _ j iNfs Jereov n whil*-. (I re'a fit il I aome life in ti foil* Electrical Contractor an* Viaitlng Gueeta and garage door opening Good 29 Ridge Hd., No. Arlington L y n d h u r s t vour old boiler or furnace. ______iMMvMMintS light m anufacturing. Maiq thor. Residential - Industrial Wiring Including Air Conditioning ~r] IT 8-7900 I iJffira TZ W Ebster 9-2512 owghfara. Call GE 8 5013 tf aoulhweeterijr aide ».f Fifth Ave 128 Arlington Blvd. V C R Y R C A SO N A B L E R A T t S Open Kridar Ull 7 P.M. Refrigerator ideal location for all tranaeertatien nti*' wjlh th»* n«Mitlt<-aat*«rlv *4d« North Arlington, N. J. NLRSKRV SCHOOL •’f I'« L«T i id ,\\enii.. -r,d run­ l.AHHY OUEMU HER PlVC ROOMS, aecond floor. The Woman’s Guild ning from theni'e <11 Alnng H< M U HI AT INC CSU M itt WYman 1-5579 Service h«at. Call aftar S s-m. WC 9 898 L C B R E T O N “iiuthwoalerly aide of Fifth Ave Eas* Rutherford crtiftad period. ChikJre’n two ^ ^ si'r! EpiSCOpal Church will Btie. Sou Hi <=• B a .i io.. f ^ t t.. NCW luRurioua 3 room apart­ _»fslf meet at the church on Tuesday the •outh*-ast«>iiy corner of th«* W Ebster 3 2292 1 3 ? ^ day A all day sessions. Tranaporta Myles Electric ment. built m oven and range, gae, evening, when plans will be an­ premlaea hert>in rl«>a.rlhed. th.*n . M L - 1 ON ALL MAKES hot w ater '.nd heat supplied *130 tlan. Telephone NOrth 7-6S11, 2S6 (3> S o u th 4 6 J W « * 3 7 ^ LICENSED Alao !'<• roam efficiency a p a rt­ Nutiey Avenue, Nutiey. N J. tf nounced for their dessert card theme (31 North <;• Went und o>ligal,on ment. $100. Call W C 9-7115. 2 1$ parallel with Fifth Av.rjue »K STATE FARM LOLLIPOP NURSERY - Children party to be held on Thursday ,Power and Light Installations f 'V t t< -.a p o l i a In th ait id M u lk - th* careful driver’s ared for all day. ages 2' , yra: and A Motor Repairs SCVtN rooma. haat and hot ws afternoon. Feb: 15 with Mrs e.iatcrljr Mde „ t IMafWld Av««u« (and careful buyafa) »»r. near R.^ge Rd . *128, A dults P .hot lunchee. individual rare No and thince t4» Northeaaterlv fc>3-S imgton Available March 1at. 2 S W40 2 15 p..»e»t ..r pi*,.- of beginning Hems OMce SieoatiniU^ IHiaoe P 6 0 1 A W Y I - 1676 "t?T,9* T° a p p l i c a m t i T ltKTNt; known and d«ali;i)uted ROW RCNT North Arlington PETS The Under PuMieatkma do no* • " s 'i. 47 m* allown und la.'l I———— — 268 Park Avrnue LuRury apartment; 6 spacious ______I InitlV " mv**pt ” r p t nhelp e ip wanted ;,d- iV>«n mi ;i i-^rluln mnp intllietl _ . rooms three bedrooms science T ™ ™™ m " ' ' •*r>is0 iiiml« fTotn emitlcyors rovornl BELLOS CHICHUAHUA AKC Rrg s^red. 3 »»F thr KedermJ W aa.-liour Ijiw If Hap <*f I..v ndhurNt park. I'roo-1TnMB W here SATISFACTION kitchen, built-ms. convenient loca­ onths nld male. Call after S p ni | »her o^^r l«>M« fhnn l»«nl minimum ertv ,.f \V .1 B u rk e . Rutherford, N. J. tion. Heat A hot water eupplted. Nk IioImhi Lyndhurat. x IS Gt ARANTEED 11SS WV S 3666 2 1 'C 9 - « * 0 t lf**Sit**Ntia X ^ ji tee n her 3. l»«l. file* I on SoveititM-r . — . "Pjnyee* rncasod m lutrratetr or 1 2 lijl Electric Service tlie ile r e n < ounty Vtrrfc a i »ffi«d ahtive. bath haat oupphed Adults only. TYPINO done at hom«, will | „ J** than Said an I.* v|iM|| iiw lude tl.e riifht. Alterallun« and Repair* ,Cdll PL $ 7*94 , 2-1 . — . E .p . r i .n r .d , X S jjf to? *S V » I r t M LTl'or'lJ til I**, inierewi, and «*t»Ui of Auutiat rnullne, mentioned in the Order or Service Television •* ROOMS, heat and hat water till* <'auar Uaitfther We Specialize In Supplied. Business couple preferred. STSrEiVTTS! HS '5 nanlar t:,e heredua- 253 M ain Si.. Ilaelien.aek CuFWl $-411$ 1.1 l.r In my homo Will . .. . . -m.lru. Ilm. »il«l. ,1 ,nif)>urteuMni ea to the 100 Ainp. Service lieluuKlnk or in Wli> - D la ii in m l 2 -5,140 JOHN S FOUR ROOMS, heat and hot wat«> . . rtalnin* and gaa aupplied Convenient ta L l j *'“ sr.JSSJ'Kr w,iu.‘"2^5The Sheriff raaervM lh« ikclit te Typewriters . Adding Maihine, r n . . . » "" I* •••••Mp y ’vinaeit w y i>U r.nw»8i tiuln.J Wrtii until .r^** r: • Call Anytime For 1 N Y. Adults prefarrad. Call W l I WANTED TO Bt Y a d j o u r n thi** s a le f n in i tU n e to time Radio TV Service SITS. *.» * r,*» Istt. If you are uAei < <1 Dapllealon - Mieekwrilera .FREE ESTIMATE Irnn b y < u v o n >4 * ni|.lo>era. or If -y o u a n p ro v id e d !•> L*w H e a l i n g GE 8-9120 ATTCNTION Paper 5 c e n ts p a r Iimvo mu«h(ii>ii<< i-uiHirmliiK thla law UAItTIN .1 KhUtllKU I A l l M akes .*lVe\* & I’sed PRlVATC 2 raemaro o m a a n d ^ k a t h Ifar lead, sat- S h o r t ff I rent. All utilities ^Mfcer M M & r d<‘The v . JOIIN BONANNO es ftuppiieflKaii a n d ra g a . ■■K.rlmnnln f nfnt TJnmrtjlh™-. o. Vfll'o , , S I ’,K u j m 1 340 Ri,l«e Ruail 31$ Chase Ave ussnjrfcrsar1 Easy Paym ent Sales NO 7-0919 JW Chase Avenue, l.yndhurst . L y n d h u r ^ P o r Ol K e , o y M et AI '7 Stover avenue. wm fsi fedpt ii Ruikliiif. Pa4ervi Ion 11 It. *3 r.b l is., 8 4609. Rent $4$. h Kearny WV I 0432. U Msusre. Koaarfc, N. ; Fee: $ « , n I lEelile,! Iti^iiiirn) M i ilh u n l . C E 8 -7 6 0 0 r \ r . r t t \ THT fOMMTtfCTAI. LF/ADFB AND SOtTTff BEROFN RFVTFIT nrnw oxY , rrm hrAHY r, res Th«* Board <>l Education u W oertx Backs now spending more than a mil be assured that their money is discharge was discussed he led the Dawn O’Day sale now go­ lion dollars a year more than being used moat effectively and the attack on the board and ing on for the benefit of the Sister Edna they did 20 years ago and th«* as economically as potribte, (I) Anally was ejected from the A u x ilia ry . •nd that the importance of the m e e tin g . Plans were made tor th e in i­ Genrye Wo.rU, left ru.rd on °f •>" r—position entrusted to him uiis fariu Tree riir inim speech n aiat wnmnschool mm- meet tiation of new members on the thr Umihur.l H,*h School *"*" .of.u? Mor* »"? than the importance he may at- in«s will be reatored when I'm evening of April 23th. and for footbsll lean. of 1932, and now man»» .U **'"« d'vr,1*d tribu(*~to himself. tinted." Carrig said. the next County meeting to be a lesdmtleadmg lownshiotownship plumbingulumb.ns 'c„ n“n ,e* “«• school system. Lyndhurst is the In conclusion, let us remem. ______i cntrck tor, today came out with held on the 13th of February only community in the State ber as voters, that we have the; Au_;|; L J,... st th? local Legion Home ith n strong endorsement for the w where a 6 room school. Colum­ primary responsibility of Insur- , Y ®a * the Auxiliary as hoetesi. i ivtion of Mrs. Edna Christ to bus. has a full time none teach­ in* that the man elected as a Cliffside Pr. Woman Hostesses for the social hour th? Board of Education. trustee meets the necessary re­ ing principal at $7,500 per year to follow the business meeting George and Edna know each quirements we desire Let us Mrs George Tonkin of Cliff- otf#t very well Thfv ar» “n°and withW,W* * a ,UUfull timeUme clerkc,*rK An- were Mmes Grover Heinsdorff. j other1 school1 with only 7 cl take ten minutes out on Febru­ side Park. Americanism Chair­ I rot her and sister J M Cipolla and Arthur Feit/- ._ jnrw i'ooms also has a non-teaching ary 13th and visit the polls You man for the Bergen County H e re ih G e o rg e 's ingor. 1 principal at $7,500 per year and will see my name in ballot po­ Ladies Auxiliary of the Ameri­ m erit: i . - . - - sition 4 Please consider turning can Legion, was guest speaker, Because I have b~n .1 r^ . i - ! * k “ » V U** **"** the lever placed along side of at the meeting qfi the Barringer' OurAds Bring Results dent ol Lyndhurst for the past it. Thank you WalVer Post Auxiliary at the 40 y. ,,M have heen art.v-1 '* f°r ,H* Sincererly yours. Legion Home in Park avenue in the varioti* atuletic. ■-c ; ^ i,7 h J k,nd °' “ Anthony Scardino, Jr. on Wednesday evening h a rita b le . you'H ;*nrt so ria ! n r -1 , f . . , ir I am elected I will see that She urged the local women to 1962 and 38 tr.itus il **u 1 T* *vr,. con**u te d j instruct their Juniors in the of tonne l%2 is the m y wiit '-ii « > and paid taxe* one principal runs both of these small schools or teaching prin­ Carrig Says ways of the Auxiliary, and also h e n foi th*- p a st 15 v e a rs. 1 Calendar year, hut cipals he put in charge to keep their o* n membership wish t», rniiourcc to my feM? in the high school there are Re-Hire Zak strong and patriotic so that they 38 means that we are citm ns th*.t I heartily endorse too many people on the pay may be successful in their en tl.e Candida1 y ot Mrs Cht»rle« Martin Carng, independent We Intend To roll who never see the inside of d e a v o rs . W (Edna) Christ for the Board candidate for the Board of Ed­ Sell more and Service MORE a class-room One of the great < f Education ucation. today outlined his pro­ Mrs Tonkin compared the problems confronting public ed lr ft to right. I tyifield. Robert Kudnirki. Brent Rudnick. B. Puxio, M Regan L rommenring our 38th “Those of you who know g ram . American creed of Government ucation is the top heavy cost of M Gtardelli. It Serra. I vndhurst l anes entertains more than 60 children at the ter- Eona or myself, are aware Carrig declared- of the people, by the people and yetfr as Chevrolet Dealer* thiit we are sister and brother administration. School board. ®f » ' “ "»•» B o « U „ f |,,f which nsn f.r li consecutive weeks The boy, and «lrt, “I "I -land stand for two thin*,things. Re­Re- for the people and the privil in the metropolitan area. hvve created too many non ” *>£<• «<"* »"* .soda popi prior t. the awards lo lop winner. In Ihe t a n . appointment of Ed Zak foot- ond therefore expect me to be eges we have in comparison In celebration and satis­ teaching jobs This top heavy 1 M'dhurst Lanes donate! 32 trophies. The Proprietor. Mr. A. A. G r a n ite , feel, lhat there Is tall coach Defeat the current with the people who are living or. her side for this reason faction a'one Since she is my sister, 1 administration is a terrible don "° b',|1*,r detrrent of juvenile delinquency than the organisation of ,ports on a competitive I budget at the polls so that the under Communism in the US­ ger lo education because its "»*'*• The _ne« leagues were al*. started lor the coming season and all p a r e n t , are invited to new Board of 1Education can know her better than any one SR We should appreciate New Chevrolet Passenger cost is becoming too much for watrfc lhr fun ,h*1 thr youngsters correct the mistakes of the C ars else and there is no one have every Saturday morning. what w-e have,” she said. the taxpayers to carry | ■* ------J Lyndhurat more qualified to present board Mrs John Ryan, president, New Chevrolet Trucks serve both you and me as a thiir«r^r^L.u^ !yer"W,M ,a<' S C A R D I N O ">ur5" wh,ch h,v* b*tn in CJt ,orlif> their m f.eid, Carrig'•■‘"R •■'mu.said that mat implicit in was in charge uiof wit-the business uusincs Used Passenger Cars and r .ember of the Lyndhurst their greatest tax increase in M’ W istence for years and yet never;ot their choice under their own the two issues is the story ot!n,eeting. Mrs Thomas Pickerel T ru c k s I Vflil hi i rcl .>.1 . . : Ii nraean.A /l •se.mi.e,./! ..U n H board of- Education. ^ ' 7 h 'hl* 1Th' HSchooi S T A T E M E N T i,pphfd ,n OUr W'huo1 •»—». imtteliv.. and under faculty Lyndhurst s education It presented proposed changes THAN EVER BEFORE “Mrs Christ has served “jlSTbu!’ rrUSt ”*• m,rodur*d- supervision m the even, ,hey “The firing of Ed Zak v/as in the by-laws and these were Try IT* . Your Neighbor Has Lyndhurst with conscience, sin­ also be deep increases ih the Citi/ens of Lyndhurst, The demands that indintric* *°“w Hlw to aak questiong. Al- one of the most reprehensible accepted. » LAIRD - JOHNSON, INC. cerity. honesty, intelligence and ir.unicipal cost this year which In my s,at<-ni»nt of last week are making today are bccomincl '■“‘“th lh« program was * giant acts in .* the history m e n isio of ry Lynd o i L.vnu-A n n o u on uc es ivm eu n in t c inw asr iu m w a asd e n of-v ia a e 315 Ol Park Are., Rutherford today it is no dignity for many years in the •ilongalons with the new revaluation!re„.i.,..i™ 1 1 brought ’’ -r- outV my qualifications...... ^as stringent ^ V ”as J-™those wof collages. ,.I forward tnd»v .. „„ hurst education." Carrig said Ia »»lc to be held by the W E bster 9-SM t re a so n s ^ «... .i longer««« in effect. The abolition of past and having no personal, will see individual tax bills in-lond somc lh" "'■‘sons Prr ° ur a>!'' of technology requires!^"' .w.s wa “Jt .. raisesl a i ^ ireal«ui questionijuesuon as to the'tne Junior i**i*inaiyAuxiliary on Saturday,aaiuraay. • a.m . te 9 p.m. Wed. Tti C se lfis h or political ambitions of rreasing from $75 00 to *200 00 ,amm« ,u m>' ' and de- individuals who at least have a pr°*r*m .W,SL ,wo giant • ability of our present board to I February 10. at Feldman Clean- Saturday TU s mu—u .u.. « ..'sire to hetome a member of the basic background in a particu - 1 backwards, because our her own. she desires to serve The shock of this ne&s w ill a «,.r determine right from wrong. ers *n Stuyvesant avenue Chevrolet in all ita branches Board of Education This week !&r field A child's perspective c^‘tdren lost something which, us again She knows Lyndhurst. reach local residents m few That leads to the second pro. I Announcement was made of Ik to vou ''hould be extended in hi»h 'v*tbout a doubt, w iu* p e o p le , its n e ed s, I ts p r o b ­ w eek s I would like tn talk to you should be extended in high' v/'*h©ut a doubt, was a great position. If the board could err lem s a n d

BEDROOM FURNITURE ALUMINUM STORM W ttUOHB Big Discounts at Over 50 To Select From MELRAY’S 3 Track - Tilt A t T he P ike — Arlington. N. J. We Kearny Federal OerOwe Wiwlews Aluminum Storm Viola Brothers, Inc SCREEN - ROOMS Windows & Screens JALOUSIE PORCH nrVIDRNDfl PAJP AND 180 WASHINGTON AVENUE. NUTLEY, N. J, « KRI»tTKI* W fAUTKItl. Phone N O rth 7-7000 ENCLOSURES 'fs VESTIBULES • AOCorNTH INBtffUBD COMPLETE LINE OF r p t o

a n t u i p a t k h i*rvif>K*ns BUILDING MATERIALS RTARTINO JAN. 1. IMS Member of State of New Jersey P m ANN I'M ON YOUR HAYlNtW Insulation WOOL and BOARD Dept, of Banking and Insurance, License No. 5049 SHEET ROCK — ROCK LATH Member Chamber of Commerce The CAJest Tintncud Institution In Tow n — Since 1114 i e btmaics omnuT mm . urn mm mm Kearny Federal Savings mt MHM ASMCMklWee Flintkote Asphalt Roof Shingles DAM LIJM E INC. Agriculture Liae • Driveway Stoae 32t Bsdtvab Tampfe • (al ( k m * * SO • WY 1-ttSl NOSTM MOMCI0H Off KI Imitation Tile Board Ask For Frank Mottola, Sales Manager CHARTERED ond SUPERVISED by lhr UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OPIN DAILY ’TIL « 30 — SATURDAY TO « Tm RSn\Y. FEBRUARY 1. 1062 THF COMMERCIAL I.F.ADFR AM) SOI TTT BFRGEN RFVlFW PACE NTNE

| easy pickings and with a 40-15 The Bos ' z r l Local Youngsters On CYO All-Star Team margin went on a thirteen point Paaaalc <7t) r t 4 14 eigned! i spree to assume a 53 to 15 ma- 'W hite, f ...... Hooks and Jabs Basketball Team Is Walloped By Passaic jorlty Leon Abo end**d trie Turok. f ...... 2 6 Jmr* r uin [BnlMun, old Jes* Willard. Jor But «»n m gigantic heavyweight drought with a dnve-in and Sullivan, f 3 9 ^,,,,r "f *hf greatest minutes of tini k«\ Homer Smith and Charley 1 scale Ihe suddm lum of event* Boh Coughlin, 13. ion of Po­ Brown caged a foul just before Cook, f ...... 0 0 0 t :hi mo years and two da) «1 tenaation And this rapid rise can Jack wa* |mjsiied back into the oughlin of 178 Sanford avenue, hurst in arrears 53 to 18 as the Czesak. c 0 0 0 Mr) I>, ntpnr> KO d Carpentier— credited to the great Jimmy ring by several newspapermen nd T h o m a s D iM ag g io . 13. son third period finished Maggio, g 1 0 2 't'nnuui Mauler became ac • !)e Forest who trained Firpo Hut \nd it is doubtful if Dempaey •f Mr and Mrs Tony DiMaggto Trailing 71-24 late in the 4th Brooks, go ...... 7 12 26 bve ag.itn when he beet clever is *r Mid earlier. Firpo waa too umler his own power, wrnild htiv >f 363 Copeland avenue, both conto. Lyndhurst crashed thru Goetz, g 3 0 6 T* mnn f.tbhnna. th*- light hravy- bull bended to take cagey tram leen able to get back into the *f Lyndhurst. have been chosen with four points as Brown drove Owens, g 4 2 10 v eight Under the hot sun and er a advice and It played & big ring, to b**at the ten (•Mint N< o represent Sacred Heart. in and moments later added two' Totals 26 26 7H w '*• n the fight extras came imii 1 part in his failure to become j could say for certain just Lyndhurst. Grammar School in fouls Passaic then doaed out l.vndhurst <2fti Ci F T Jhiil Fourth ot July Th*- hampmn of th** world De Forest I »*»*» was doing wonder* with the big' «*y <«>• b:ick into jhc ring S am cP J^^^H jamboree to he held | points to hand Lyndhurst one Brown, f 7 17 Strut t«, fight fins Dempw> ha.ii Mill But ait h reward. Firpo fired* say ** " i,H barely nine. Fup<> unday at Bergen Catholic H. S of its worse defeats in the his- Tamaro. f . 0 2 ’ 1 fifteen round* against :» i*rn Tlie cause—Jim object■ *d contends to his dying da\ it wu*- r O ra d e lL tory of the school at fifty points. Rpselli. f 0 ‘Wilful r.ibhon« Two years »f in »h o Firpo cut his agreed upon sixti-*n. However, the count was The Jamboree will feature ^ to 28 Car io, c 0 »'~tivil> hall made Jack rust> pay in half And so the wild officially announced that it reach he outstanding players in the Brook* had a field day against Ranu. g 1 J.. k a* a great disappoint men' oil trained for Ihe Dempsey fight *d seven Deni|**t.-> survived tin- Junior Boys Leagues and also the weak Golden Bear* finish- Abo. g 0 the outstanding players in the l\">.me figured Jack to knock without the smart veteran train- remaining seconds - of - thi*.. hectic - ■ _ ing with 26 points with White Tuone. g 0 "**» Tom Thi- sm all St l*»ul •» to help him for th at all im - r”uiwi H inging on in a daze a n d (grammar school leagues. The adding fourteen Brown was the < .impanello. g 0 gr. .it lint Dempaey ean thank atrtani fight as it turnip out »* •»** remembering how he Grammar school game Kill be-; lone shining light for Lynd- SanVingelo, g 2 ^ •* lucky Mar* .that I tie fighi later I«* Jwck into the ring Bit ween K»n at <00 pm. and the Junior h u r s t with seventeen Totals 8 12 28 * nt fifteen rounds lie needed 1 rounds. Ja ck thought thi* fight wa? I a l 8 ,5 P m ° v r r ‘ -®00 Lyndhurst's junior - varsity Score by Periods that conditioning workout bad (>n,v KirP°'» l»ck of ring craft, over, that he had been Kod by <’YO members are competing in went down to Us seventh dc Passaic 14-16 23-25— 78 t> Had he w.m quickly like e\ h'" ,ndec,»,on ,n ,h«’ *Moea in Bergen County feat in eleven outings in the Lyndhurst 2 -7 -9-10— 28 le-eied. hi would have lout the h‘" cvuk-nt inability to landshoit. gy hair seeimd to to l.»ok like, this year with County Champ Boll (OCGHLIN TOM Dl MAt.C.lO preliminary contest a* Paasan Officials Conditioning hi* ho badly needed ,n“ppy b,u*" |o lh*‘ terrible caveman But after th. , ,onsh»P* scheduled for March captured a 43 to 26 decision Poison At Devlin the following S eptem ber at w hich f‘n,>‘h4,r» I>*;mps.*y in tlie,W ,Id «^gy of f.ghtm g was ove. »>• a t O u r L a d y of M o u n t V tr- John White's fifteen points was — ------... -- .. i |b| situation eltanged as round i K*n, Garfield. Lyndhurst Walloped 78-28 By high for the Indians while his life coming up. Ami all the ing the ignominy of d« >at and two began Firpo had worn him ®°*> ,s ■ Sophomore at Seton ' Richie Semega tallied twelve for BdCfc YOUT T 6 2 111 entile he did under that .tion loss of his crown All of thin f)e|*Hf »»ut going so many Hall Prep He has played a hit Passaic High School Cagers L y n d h u rs t Forest had tried to cram into time* and I>empsey was anxious Part in leading his team to first tana Min. perhaps saved his title .. , ,, _ foi him this time Muttering a 1 ,rpU" skul1 Th*‘ 'A ,)U> cautious to . nd it all quM kl; round winners in their division Last Friday tiijtlil tin* hlalit*licana M-urricd t o the lit is a team player with out ».,> ilim n (A(*r ll«- s.Kith Anu-ri A,ul s" KlrI - '|l . t m v th.' wildman might lull rccoril liook* lo if it ever happened before. On that tanding qualities of goixl c«n Ham* of thi- i*ani|Nis on the readntl himiwlf for the battle . . . , .. himmum a nii.iiii g a in Firpo went itown a v|x»rtsmanship and fair play exerting (loach Hichie Tarrant brought his improving hori/on. that >ear of 1923. loom with the Manassai Mauler, the fight of th»- century Having as *a,n ul’ '*;,s a hi mi t t«. uncoik e«i thi hca\yweight menace from Torn is an 8th Grader at l’a«»aic 111irh School cagers into town and walloped a dis­ At gent ma. Firpo The wild bull his "trainer" an inept, rich South his right hut Jac k beat him •* I’oosevolt School in Lyndhurst organized l.\ndhur-t High School team hy a 78 to 28 In Case of American friend who worked for thi- punch The second round las*. He is 5 5" and plays Guard or. of the Pampas H ore. nothing for Firpo. I^ivelle was «*d ju<»t •<»nds his team He was selected t>> A bull hcadi-d Hull and Demp generous hut useless friend. ,, , represent hi? team for hi* fine In ’wo earlier contects this give Passaic a 14 to 2 quarter s-> can alsi» thank his lucky *MJt from Firpo s viewpoint was 1H amous u^t routv s t is defensive play in leading his -< M.Min Passaic downed the Gold- lead . • l;> ar.s AS lo 37 in the Passaic White opened the second quar utars that he was tmll h.-aded |M*rfect traim*r, not charging 1,1 always rememl»»*reil when team to their first round 5 win* Y, rs t onterencce Jamlxiree ter with his jump specialty and "h>’ Jimm> Di- Forest. Demp- }* «i*nf But what a price th* str«>ll down fistic memory I 0 loss record. *e> n former trainer. was ir *1 Id taill paid for his stingim*ss- '______ini im a regular season game Jim Brown, up from the jay- Illness charge of Firpo who was a 1923 by dropping De Fori*sf • .i..i*n <1 the Golden Bears 60 vees. turned a rebound into two t. points to make the score 16-4 Miisation Had Firpo liMem-d to, C"..i h Harold "Hui k" Brown * Brow n's three foul conversions IV f I,. ,,r,)b»bl> ..H ild lh‘ n "*• •“« n«!h'- fr'P Mrs. Jchn Occhipinti Married Blue anjl Gold playing under and a basket from underneath tv.V.' h « .„ ,h. m-L " m h" 11 '»» <*"• » «» »P< Saturday To West New York Man mach 'handicaps throughout the by Vic Tamaro made it 22 to 9 mpsey IHl-firjn •. on with players injured, but Passaic reeled off four goals ltemendousl> (i rfu l k..; hid ' ivmi».-> in-ritpu ;>w, it «.< to lw a tit anic fistic clash bi- Miss Joann (>to a ir a row to make it 30 to 9 at could have been t world beater* twiin the cunning Manassa Man- Harrington A\e ' Lyndhurst., and a full .skirt with a sh<. -f! s h o rt-h a n d e d O n th e in te rm is sio n but Fiqio was just a |Hish (Hineh-1 i". i f * e game the hard play- Midway through the third er IN- forest trieil killer ami the caveman throw daughter of Mrs Matthew < >< - tr.,in Her fingertip veil fe bark from Buenos Aires’ Th«-> ‘'hipinti. in Italy and the late>hom a crown of seedpearls and .ng Ci rge Kckhardt Convert him into a shock pun* h« r Quarter Passaic continued its That wnatmna' *^r Occhipinti. became the stals. She carried white ■.ted u th the flu and joined like Ihe great l>i*mpsi-> Short began r.Hind RENT leetnfy ing round which in 1900 hr“1#* of John Benus of 333 W ro>es J«-e Pi.rro and Mickey Spino on ; ^•»lting sieep -p ro d iu ers ' instead ka* chosen as th most thrilling 13th St New York City, son of . . ^u‘ -‘deline* : Firpo still only stuck to round- KIN KKSIDK om im e lW There never was W,N John B<,nus of Czec hoslo- ,,er rT,atror* ot nonor wore j. IKja> 5 game started dull as : swings Capable .»( hurling a vakia and the late Mr Benus, 8rw*n taffeta in streetlength teyms missed frequent : an opponent thi aigh sj»ace— as he krvickdown md drag out fight AI TO SUPPLY n a* barbary coast saloi.n to on Saturday with a matching ro e ,n the earlv going with : |l»d. to Dempaey m the fight to her headpiece She carried , >au,s Jim WhUe droppinK in : om piire with it in less tiwin four com e The ceremony was perfotmed k roses The bridesmaid minute Is .'or a 2-0 lead which : 87b Ki%er*id(a A\entit* '■'»“•"> w. »«.'>.••» «•» h"T" »■"' Drmp a, ,, am Th.- » ,s g.ven lion.s The flower girl was attim t !e\ Bnx)ks and almost four min- : «n unknown filihter Slow, aw k *•> *~n to on.- knee, woujy-r ln marriage by her brother, hke the matron of honor and ;it. passed before the first field ; wanl and rlum.>. but bli|. Mrun* Mu' infuriated Jark kn.« ked the j„hn Ck-chipintl. of Lvndhut-t ,,rned a basket of yellow ({ranch of i;« al came via a steal by Brooks,: •ad dangerous He di»p,»si-d uf terribly dangerous Firpo down * reception was held at the mums t »r a 5-0 lead Brooks was fouled 1 Tom Maxti-d. McCann Jack M'v»*n But Firpo wouldn't Roval Hawaiian Palms. Lvnd , I.odi Tire Kxchange on the play to make it 6-0. : Hehnan twice. Jim Trac>. Jack *•*> '1,mn (W>’ 30 seconds re hurst 1I The couple are spending tw Ribea Surgical McAuliffe. Jim Hubbard. Bill'ma'^ «n n.uml one. an.l thi-i \iIS jutta Bt.tic of Newark weeks at Miami. Fla., makirg Pa.ssan waited little time after : I>emj»si*y picked by all bttxin^ matron of honor Mrs Jer- the trip by jet They will I'v e that as BriKiVs scored on a fast • I lotnplele | expi rts to dis(xr.e of Fu jhi in r\ Siboletto of Jersey City, was ;.t 263 Harrington Ave Mr- ;e.ik and White added a jump : Machine Shop Service j'g time, .i crude unschooled set- bridesmaid Ida Ippolito of f.cnus is with the RCA in Har- -h o t to i-'.aKe it 10-0 W ith 3 30 j DRUGS, MEDICAL and Sl'ROICAI. IV rrU H up Jack once again g«»t hi* ch.n Lyndhurst was junior brides- *ison. Her husband is with Sit- left in the period Ly ndhurst : Pick Ip * Delivery in the way of Firpo* wild swing maid and Rtnlen/a San Georgie mm Industries. Inc. of N Y C iiroke the ice as Carmine Tirone • BF.1.I.F.YIM.E PIKF., COR. F.I.M ST WY 1-4180 ing rights. The monater s blow ^ as' ring bearer He i« a professional soccer play- t.i .eti on a jump >hot White *- Tel : W \: «>->663 - \ The bride wore a gown of r on the American-Czechoslo- t a m e back with a jumper and : pnugtit Dempaey high tm* silk organza and French lace vakia tc-am. P.n*ok' drove ii; for a basket to |-head a half punch, half push with .... ------.. _ _ . - elK>rmous pow er behind it. And___ it «hr»ve«f Datnpary through the n>fn-s clear out of thi* ting He la mil'll on his backside, on the typewriter ol a reporter The im­ W allpaper Inventory mense crowd already on it’s lei*t FALL SPECIAL Clearance Sale Glamour Kit Oil Permanent Wave SAVE ON FINE SAW ON,2 for I S WE Haircut Shampoo WALLPAPER IN STOCK WALLPAPER BUY 1 ROLL, Creme Rinse GET SECOND ONE FREE Set NF.W I 2 SANITAS & WALLTEX for every THOUSANDS OF N EW 1962 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Only Hootn. firing Room MeaMirVmenl*! PATTERNS AVAILABLE NOW

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|.> tulhurxl i d u n k e ti i n 4 m a rk Navy Cagers Storm To 35*29 Victory CYO Juniors Continue On Unbeaten Path th e H a w k s \ m r s T M K \ T A seco n d h a ll l>.n rn g e Roc Basketball League Leadership Is Up The Slicred Heart's Grammar thc opposition. 19 to 4.Giangerusit, g 5 to V nrl < i)^piK<«Uon */ Jolin Ban^h^. fea%ured their School cngers continued to find Paul Tit” Gaevionc led tlie Kw ‘onirllo. 7 . iM f i lm i f.-r p f " 2 I*,! :€ BKx-h l» I 30 win over Ihe liutians ( oudi t or I McDonalif* i\«v> eager* atoned for if i '^n * “J1 • M ^ ^"9 the Divi**f>n Divhrion "C” “C** of Ihethe Berucn Berccn Iwo loml I tc»i team in *conng with 15 KM. 9 4 1. i.«i .«.m A****- UamdvtMM w o re a h e a d 19< game in which Guidetti. 9 t i Man onU !«.. of the i„ .hr Rfrm tfcii Mi.lp -1 B.AH■ [»— ■ ,„d ^ J. T >«S?"5Vt2» > 4 ' inMti Ol AHKk 1- the half but turtted the Sacred Heart players hit (iulrland. g 0 «derd. into a rout with a 2 1 - 1 1 (•all league l»\ li.UMhri” loach I rank M iwuer * St. John - vantage at ihe midway point 'Saturday. Sacred Heart coached he scorn ------coached! he scoring column Marciano, g a V|rt>r Qi arter and a 27-4 fourths |*< q u i n t e t a ,!’> to 29 setback. The action look place laaf I oounatf was strictly a by Anthony Zanconato, first In the first half game Sacred tod. Four Bansh a« the winners buiit up a division champkms, took Heart defeated the East Ruthci - 1 T o ta ls l?» 44 m IM. ..f» ih.- Tnroday night at ihe High School G y m in the ninth .^TiVspTead in the final M.»|» loub'e figuic* with Roselli! their third straight second half j ford Parochial School 36 to 7 St. Joseoh (U> 1. T Ki • »•• ut o< ilic I'vllar with e n c o u n te r a n d th e lea g u e sta n d - A bat • sto4>d o ut for th e w in - alph *'Vuono and *Lembo with * continued its rampage in thei Albanesr. c 4 tori.*s over ;iie Angels, who i ing* find both Navy and St. ner* with twelve points while ten apiec* second half as they outscored 1 NevilTe. r 4 T o ta ls t H , . occupy the basement dwell Jc*hn\s with 8-1 records with Larry Sparta with thirteen and Coach Albert Hynes* Seton The Indians were in front five fames remaining Bohhy I>embo with ten starred Hall aggregation continue*! ibt the .vuy as they handed Na\y walloped Army 44 to 23 for St John's winning boil as they took the Booster Club Quintet Loses Dog Fight Developing In Junior AngcU a 52 to *0 reversal ■ Rowe scoring nineteen M.i it' eighth victim. 69 to 21 Seton Coach Jim Scotti’s Army quin- Bradley Against the Irish, whl I Kill Leajtuc <.|HittMirc(| l.v the D ejiartm ent of Park- and Icy 36 to 24 Other Kamci saw t scctalj 12 15 tG F T for lop ImnoT'*. |.a-l wc« k% action left ihe Hr!*t di\i**ion over ’he Angels it took a t. inn Fordham five 42 to 28 and front thc remained of the way Notre Dame outscored them 6 sition w hose line-ups tie lof-j Toac.ino. 1 14 0 2 a cor cr.»iun by Gaceione u n of the ci"hl team league i Iom-Iv knitted a- hut one ^aine (IVffefre Dame edged Armv 24 to thev outscored its foes 1S-4 I® ♦ *n th e 44 Ui 28 contest Uou 'ed w th firm er collcaiate starsiKubinetti. ( 1 2 4 with just iivt^seconds Irft t 12 >n the third period and 11-7 m Pollar* with 16. Dennis Eng- the Boosters Hal week dropped, Franihinj. f 4 0 8 M 'jiaralc* llie lir-l fikir team - settle ihe difierence Thr .V In the Navv St. John's crucial ihe last six minute sta nttt. B*t> wi(H Wt«*n and Doug Glee- » 9" to fci tilt to the Luciano'st Tomiro. c 3 3 <) Xhe Mi * 1 ut uit J.r Kivs gels ivertaim* a J0-5 firo <>. lilt the Middies took a 10-9 Allan 's seventeen points ex- son w-ith 11 shined for the win- o t Lodi and lost 80 to "81 lotPeizolla. g a 0 10 in the 13-16 age brat ket. P1;’>s Th. Hawks, starting fast out »od deficit to g*. ahead I * 1 quarter lead and were in front celled for the winners while ««r*- Jim Pignatello scored 13 the Ciusader Sport Centre of Kirch.icr B 5 2 1 » e»ei> S .U " d.iy afterniM>n iini! (a e \e n i n g ..t th e 11’Kh n U) 33 victory The Hawks K’ds led 27-2-* at end of thi. , M a ria n o , g 0 0 0 S th o o l gy n. under the -upcr- turned th» 1 .0 8 quartei *t*<«d quarters but Ihe Rams cau-h* came ...... back in the third period the Armv - v j ,__ A#ainst. Bradley, Seton Hall Co:ich Cnarlie Marre's cagers l-nd w llh a 10-5 advantage went St. John s handled Prinictoqi hrol“? » 0 6 opening period. (1C took un ,h<. Luciano's a l thc ,*f. Fiank D Kui-gur.. ntf, , 1 .> advantage and al UP JT,d G.iccione's rhant^ Th ahead t3 22 as the fourth quar- with little difficulty in running to assum e a 2-110 lead at tht? Boy s Club court last Mon- T otals 36 9 Hoiuet*- m.tde tne l'ig Hjougli the Band’.ecs fou»lhi throw broke 32-32 deadlo- k ler got underway It was Navy up a 69 to 21 majority The St : intermission The second half;d„y jBd (cn victims to a tr« Scor • By Periods adv into oi ihe »-4'k thu> |>nck with ‘* 4 an d 9 -l» m a rg in s G a c f*io»ie «lsi» t«K*k h ig h scm L u c ia n o ’s 23 21 22—91) wer • the >nly team able - 1 w« played on almost equal mCndous third period outpu' in th*- Iin .d tw o quarters th e honoi* with twenty p. jiertns with thc winners edging bv lh(! homc After fal B o o ster* 19 24 24—81 '.Mil thfll two ItMglU- I'lH’OllIlt lally ieli short. Joe Roselli Carioll taliiini fifteen in j Ihe Braves S-4 in thc third per- |[ng behind Ii to 1» in the cr* Tin y Kntn ked off ih< cai:ed •. a« lty )>oints aiul Jin mu »a*isv leapuc le.idmg tliants :>»> t.* 4ti i6 d , »nd hdth team* tied at 10-1 ftrst quartet the Lyndhurs. ,'a lin k% Iini thirteen to carry! Hawk's Corner and U indcil it'.e Ham*: a '1 ti» Recf •at. n Junior T.e*ig | UI in th e fourth canto. Gleeson quintet h e ld a 24-J1 edge in CYO Juniors the ot!eii'i\e burden t<>i the 4-* 'i tli ii k The Cijunts m.r:i ream Standings By W alter ‘ Hawk’’ Rowe ) with 1,1 and English with 12 car- the second period to clo se the wimeis M.kc Man'oi.e tai-| tairex l iluir slight edge h> r« W \, PC r I tied Ihe scoring load for thc gap to 44 to 4J at the inter Win Again lied «Mghtvi n lor the Hawks UTH LlTTl.t. LF.AGI C SEASON COMING I F d e a lin g the DeeC'.v't-N a t<> G ia n ts w in n e rs. Ted Shoehridge had 11 mission The tiifht struggle 'M S a c re d Heart's CYO Junior 24 reve’isaJ while the latte: The lk v c u h -s prevented the D e Ge- - WiUv ti»e start of February and the lime ftir the major l^ht* ^,r Bradley. broke m t h e third se ssio n a s basketball team continued along prevented the Hawksfr«>n Hawk t> fro tn tv n.' the Giants. H a w k < Icagwfcrs lo begin their trek to the training camps the subject Prtncetori. defending champ- the Lodi team ran ofl a 33-14 the unbeaten path in the "D" inK the Giants for fit st place by for fir e on Saturday f.l il.iid.-i < of has^wll l*ccoines imp. whipping the ,f ) H;^>,.ii^-s Ba-vetxiM will begin planning thLs month for thc thntcenth! ^ T*c*rd llP P°rd‘ to foi.rth quarter The CYO Junior Basketball League Hawks stood in contention I. fei in e st; ugrlc t 34 |Indians saa.v>n v to 33 It ap;i the DeeGee> w< nIII 11 “Hot SSfcovc la v e ' .session* got underway two weeks ago when a joint aftef a slow 4-0 first the winners 24-22 in thc final Ridge, Coach Joe Tita’s Juniors Othv*' game saw the Banshee.; ha\ tin t i e a> a« An,;,Is 2 6 meeting took place between the Little League's executive com- P*r,od- wcnl ahead 15 to 8 at period hut were unable to ov- made it cighf in a row with tramole ihr Indian; 67 to 3*> the k a 9-4 ciuarter m ar La.'t A'eek-' Re lilt mittef and Commissioner Peter F Curcio 1 halftime Witji Johnny Gash.ercomo thc huge third period a 45 to 34 victory over Assump- and the Indians whip the Ang­ yin i. n the court j th e Giants. 37. l>ceGet > 24 Like the past twelve years thc Little League Baseball pro- | the way the Princeton ( deficit jtion In winning the first half els 52 to 40 with the .latte, ie.‘t ncriod in front 19 to 6 Haw k s .16. B; n~hec* 33 g ra m w ill 1** a part of the recreational activities sponsored by \ ca**r* ^ from all angles an veteran Johnny title Sacred Heart subdued the* also dropping a ck.^c 33 to 32 The H iw k iallit (I •■ith 14 6 Ram-. 33. Angefe>2 the Department of Parks and PubJu Property w hich is headed I Jjjj J*m* 21 to „m, unr Q, nis r«.tter ni*ht« Woo; Giants 40 ted by a voluntary conmulice of tow n.-p.^e t* *> ^ Gash set ,i.,^ TL . In the Raider -Giants gan 10 j Celia eleven Indi ms 52. A. gels 4(» First on the agenda will be a...... reorganization...... meeting...... of Ih?U ‘h « w tc t/io n Individual scoring 'VW the- H iiders u ed a .strong *et IM.I gh for Dheld _ Miffh SehoC'l gym the Crusaders I Sacred Heart ahead 34 to 19 In featured t- i toe R; ide 12*9 m argin in the "third *fldar" v/rac*tcd UP lf* seventh win in the last canto Assumption held vVitto ff> ov 'iitci'n points 1": be adopted The first activity will l*e the staging of the annual B RAKES the Giant - v .< h.ih t t. Little league Dinner in which the players, coaches, managers ter and «-7 in the final period IV*0 by heading allia to 11 majority and executive committee members will I* guests. This a/Tiir Ronnie Looao with 13 points! the Jaay, ln-|down^ * the Boost ) _ Rowe with sixteen points and te ihe loss the Giant »nd Shoehridgebrldgft withwffh 13 set tit* *® *"'» *L, Tto &^ tl«adylp»nCTC with fourteen co-*Urc«d. lo p t h e Iraaur Hfand was originally scheduled for December 10th but was postponed were in front 14 at thel‘°r Sacred Heart Ed Schaffert ,, — - lu-aJiow players in the Midget Football League to be guests that l>oce for the winners J o e C an mgs as they knocked off thc trella featured for * quarter. 4 » -lM the Wlf amljtalUpd tw.velvo points for the e held on Wednesday! ^ ! points led ill tiic v.ay as they held • . 1 ' Armv Ihra.i The wtnneiK held a 29-23 mar The Box-Scorc: 21st. starting at 6 30 p penod majorities ol 10 11-., W ith Bonded F o r d F e b ru ary ,n the El**Club ai Park andl “ "c»r' 'mo; gin in the last .stantt S a c fe d Heart (45) G Tontine Avenues ■ T and l?.-f> «n thc frist. second C *lev. Notre Dame before succumbing( Ted giesltn son of former ‘ RaB»ettlKuMnet f 2 gislraiion of candidates and returning players will lak e,^ .^ ^ jls .°PP°n;; Lyndhjrsi High School n.ach; l^mbo. f 1 5 and fourth qiiurters The De. “Raybestos" 95 Pl> m . 0 n ^*c v '. held 9-3 margin in thc p e r w h e e l u Xrr ; Baturday, March 3 and Saturday. March 10 The regiHt v *°,n* *^ead 11 to 6 at Hog *r Breslm. and former ! Rowe c 8 r a tio n w il 0 >6 third ;c»ion Mark Dox le’ vill be conducted at the Town Hall on these dates starting' . r. 5”° °ut *n member of tl.e powerful Holy < Da nese e 7 Heavy Duty All olh;*r Ih S cai A 9 00 am. A^boy, when registering, will have a copy of his! '7 '» >» •» th* h‘1( The.Crc, •ean.,. featured for thlit o^Min ^ 14 ihirte*»n p<.;nts were outstand 1 ® 2 mg for the winners $5.95 birth certificate with him, and will be issued an assignment JJVl f co^ eb?ck ,n the Crus>iders w ith twenty one T affr. r Linings 1 1 3 A stnnv; tnud penotl pau1 none higher number and a parent consent form The assignment number IS: >>cr,od *>y reducing Army s points. Ad five starting play- Caeaeie r 2 to be pinned to the boy's outer garment at the try-outs and the ° .a P°*nt at 20-19 and crs in the winning line-up hi. 0 4 off for the K iider m its ;M 4 — 45 \ ic»or> om i the II. nr- Th parent consent form to be filled out and returned to the Play* * 5 2 margin in thc last for double figure*. Pezzolla Totals 21 3 45 two teams 'Kittled to 11-11 and Agent at the ihitial try-out 1 ^ pU) ?*! ^ clos* V1C’ with nineteen and Marre with AssuniDtioi All Prices 5n*. Lining & Labor G F T 14-14 deadlocks in the opening Try-outs will be held for American League candidates on t‘8natc^° ^ Notre Dame fourteen »tood out for Lyrul Hillskenr 3 1 7 perioj. I.u’ tie Raiders found Saturday. March 31 ut 9 p.m. and on Monday. April 2. Wednes- «'1.» ?”»> W , Pe,er hurst> Schaffert’ 5 2 12 the ramie wi.h a 16 4 difler day April 4 at 4 30 p m. and on Saturday. April 7 at 9 a m The V° tallied eleven for the Thc Boostersplay their home Jahn e 3 1 7 encc in the third Th. C] 19 'National League hopefuls will report at I p.m. on Saturday. ny . # league games every Thursday I Valiet c BRAuES ADJUSTED 3 0 6 Rams*'lied dcsparatejy to pul JfM lO 31; at 4:30 on Tuesday. April 3 and Thursday. April 5 .... U1. . _ evening at the High School I PmpmU » Re re j tion Midget League 0 0 0 it out in the last canto with with the fourth and final try-out scheduled for Saturday. April xlTUI **! KUe a n !? 0**.iUm * llh gamc timc at;Plret, g Team Standings 8:00 p.m . 1 0 3 * 16 t > 10 advantage Borgn i r \ P-nt All try-out sessions will be at the original Little ------tallied twenty three ar.d Di Ofuirantsed Whih - U - V/ait ■Ag\ie Park on Riverside Avenue Boys at the time of registra W L l*ct. Booster Club Basketball N av y ...... 889 The Box Scores: T o ta ls 15 4 34 Maggi . nineteen for the Haid- A#ill be notified as to what league they will trv out- i Score By PeriodN: crs uhdi F.ay Rekuc had ninc- O elco Providing the necessary four try-outs get inwwr^hScheduled John’s Crussders (89) G F T Sacred Heart 11 13 10 11— I 5 teen ancl ’’aul Gaccione ei»;i Year H e a v y D u ly the American League Auction will be- hcid a't the ElKs Club fol-|No,re Damr Ohlmuller, f 7 2 D u ffy , t 10 A s s u m p tio n 4 10 5 13— 34 ^een f-.r th* Hams practice of April 7 with thc approximate tun? set for 6 2 J a c k s o n .C JP, • m TTie National League Auction i* slated for 2 p.m. also at *,n 4 3 or i 5 the Elk • Club on April 7 Bradley B re slin , « 9 3 C!?c:!(S S c h w s m b , ^ 8 Also ybedulcd f«»r thc month of April, at a date to be an * r,noclon 3 Installed free 1 C o in , g 4 0 I t 25,000 miles 9 is the Buffet Dinncr-Dance for the adult workers in the • • « • Little League program. This affair, annually held at th«* Am eri- j . . Tuck A Buck A Day Away” Reg. $12 95 , cati IxiiKMi Hall, is entirely paid for by tf,c participants ‘ v T o ta ls 38 13 89 J Boosters (61) Folk.'wing the au. tion the te a m s will p r a c tir . fo r th e se aso n {JaVy ‘Vl ’ J o h n 5 29 GF T T o scnno, f \ T h e Opening D ay parade, ceremonies and exhibitions i . r ’Tiy 23 1 0 2 i Kirchncr. 1 Will be held on Sunday May G The regular season of games ~ ™ H o \\ ^olre Dame ; 3 0 6 a a tlliS Will Ijegin oil Monday. May 7 Seton Hall 36 Bradley 24 Franchina. i 1 0 » February • • . , St. John's 69 Princeton 21 1 Tamaro, c 3 2 8 lOCAl. KKiLElS IN tiOLDEN PINS Princeton 62 Fordham 13 I Zanron to, c 1 0 2 Bradley 42 Fordham 28 M a rre . g 4 6 14 is The Golden Pins Tournament, to crown Ihe individual bowl- Notre Dame 24 Army 22 P. Mariano, g 3 0 6 Tire Sale U .JpC-champion of Bergen County began last week-end at Fcibel’s - ' rz ,c • Per folia, g 9 I 19 in Tcanei-k Of the 945 lota! entries. 506 look lo the '’r*.inor» Tb M. M ariana, g 0 2 I I|pes last week end. witU the remaining 439 slated to ^tiow their J* d the T o ta ls wares this coming week-end Among the mass action to date a ,.ftrf iL m L' o ! 26 -> 01 Biggest & Best total 22 bowlers from town, resident or league member, HavC|jj$^!||l^ ,,,,,i*r'ruuirv **•m, . ****:’. ''aon «i» ^ c<,rc I e rio d taltcn part. «»f 11** mihw-rlbrr nnlfOff C r u s a d e r s 22 27 23— a t In Ih^tr «|»lii*. «Wnan«2e When the smoke < I ars about ni id night this Sunday the B oo ite r s 14 16 23— 61 BASIC 4«*» ••ith. w ii hlii i«lx tu'Milliii fr«iit Buys Around * q u a lify in g ro u n d s w ill b e co m p le te d a n d th e to p 90 Kc*occrs w’d l •'*»•" 4y * j jn on to the first round competition Of the 506 contestants to W'Wtatii T. IrtV'.nt, f > | Luciano's (99) Ci F t, W SIiijXm'iI ,\a.v i Ruckalew, f 11 7 . finish their three game series a total of GO have scored kvrte* Bvndtmrni, S v* l«r."«*v 291 Of thc 60. four are from Lyndhurst. Atlori*«> Larkin, f 6 1 13 RULE I’iela. Jim Seccafteo. who hails from Jersey City but is eligible. Ik-rt t 9 0 n F R E E Wheel Alignment C h e c k ,f\ R E E • Ki|ih«-rft>r4 Avwitir. G ib o e y . c Pold*n Pins l>eca,use of Bergen County competition, UtlMltmrM, S r« Jt>rw> 2 1 5 Kraehnfel.v. e 0 0 0 I I>on I delay. Conic in and have yw»r rnti lathed m thc highest series with a 692 Seceafk-o, bowled to th # T utM Jan. 1*. js. I. s. l i for FINANCIAL W agenti. n m i | fffUntt Lyndhurst Major League, where* last year he aver^ . IMS . ^ 1 0 2 I r h e i k e d our Ream Vianaliner—84tfe Jf-prr. uh D u 1 a^^d JJ05 for the* J»»sepfi R Polito Agency. Seccafico turned in r*e*r sn.7« . vie:, g 9 1 19 I Srrdce. - .il WET > 247-236-209 * mghest *of Ihe bowlers, actually local residents, was Augie GROWTH especially at I who turned in a 624 on 199-135-1*) Hay Rocdclbronn. an TERMS 10 sun rou ON III TIRfS IND SfRVICi onpoaiae in one of the local leagues last season^ finished with a It's New! It's Beautiful! * ", '•' ®J?,°P.2M-2L>-205. Rounding out the higb sending foursome was service you can trust . . savitrgs you can ehiint on l^ndhurst’s Bobby Powell with a 613 on 179-228-206 The new Kearny Eaglet Banquet Hall at Just missing the charm ed “GOO" circle was Gene M organ w h o BONUS r. . Save by Feb. 10th Anticipated h a d a 199. After hitting a 237 middle game Morgan slumped lo a 166 Midland Avenue, Kearny N. J. Annual Dividend . M vrl ^ttrtJnn s 171 w h ic h p ro b a b ly m ak e s h im a doubtful qualifier. Several TIME tarn From Feb. Is»l E ffectiv e rl oth er local bowlers had one bad game which spells elint*\ation. F ortner Golden Pins champ. Jim Lago started with games of Now booking rental* for all occasions. Ac­ J a n u a r y 1, 1962 2|0 and 213 and then slipped to a 167 to finish at 590. Jason Liritra had good games of 203 and 219 but his 168 opener brought commodating for discriminating buffets and hk set to 590 Bob Horvath had 203 and 204 games sandwiched GENERAL TIRE aAourtd a 184 for a 591 total the same number recorded by Eddie dinners exclusively by LYN-DEIL Caterers. o l N e w J t r t c y Gfriffoul who closed with 208 and 213 after a below average 170 SOUTH BERGEN SAVINGS K i in Ihj initial game The youthful Bob Danitfs got off to a poor N oi affair too small or too large. 17 & Cnkm Av*.. K m Km;: rlrrd I’koae Wf J STIW' s ta rt w ith a * J 6 1 and finished with a 514 o n gam es of 203 aivA tU ^ and Loan Association -Other “Lyndhurst” bowlers competing but not up among m VAUflY M-VBl • WOOO-MDOa, l i 4 Open Thru Friday 8 a.rn. 6 p.r^, ti* leaders included Pete Cimino. Bob Sauer. Frank Lembo. Tony For information call: O p e n Monday Evenings 7.00 to 8:30 P.M. W Ebster 9-3400 \ TtM ridcy ‘tfl 9 p .r.. i. Andy M astandrea. Richie Paluzzi. Joe Horan. Bill Mathi- Hcl-nie • WY 8-3795 or t rank . GK 8-6512 Ray Kearney. Bobby Dohmeyer. D anny F brcacci and “Where You Save Does Make A Difference!” C loii Satw d^y! ot I p.m . l - 4 3 I l f t U f t J THURSDAY. KKHHI ARY I. I

Rutherford Players Present Thomas Dunn With | sh o w in g improvement; B r o th e r were conducted by Past Presi­ Pilinsky and his Orchestra for * KINGS- l/YNII * 1 Otto Bayer is coming along dent ^Alfred Fndelkofer. Presi­ ?ell Tel. 25 Years the generous donation on ’rtiura- "Many Moons" Feb. 9 and 10 v.ell. Brother Willfam Uhder- dent Charles Hench and C h a p ­ dav. J a n 2ft to th e K k ld ie s social and political news hill has returned lo w o rk a n d lain Martin Wolbei*g At the Fund HBrother Walter Keeley is n o w a t conclusion Taps were played by home after a *tay at th e h o s p i­ | At the lust regular meeting of,mg* George GrafTam a«k»-d per- Buglers Wiley Pendleton and M rs J o h n Adams of Fern tal w ith several operations 'and the K'ngs-Lynd Social and Poll-1 mimion. because of«the preiaure Ray Jankowski of the Barrin­ Ave and Mrs Arthur L ava o f plastic surgery lical Club the new slate of of- of* work and the desire to ob* ger WalVer Drum and Bugle Second Ave . with Mrs Roliert Yearly Memorial Services I | fliers was installed by install-1 turn his* Musters Degree, to with- Corps assisted by Past Com­ J u rg e n s and Mrs Kenneth w e re held for Brothers Louis I ing officer Kobert Coane Thefdraw from the election This mander Edward Quirt. Corp Di-! W a lk e r o f Rutherford were D e K a n v . Thomas Watson and r.ieeting was a most lively one wax accepted The Committee lector and Joseph Cipolla As-' lu n ch eo n guests tin Thursday of George R Penman who passed !and the new officers seem to !*• has also called a spfHial meet* sistant Director Mrs William Pollock at her away this p a s t year Services | off to a running start ng for th»* purpos.* of endors- Thanks a lot to Brother John nome in West Paterson. ! One of thi- lug items on the. .ng candidate It was iccom- J agenda was the discussion of the j.endfd and approved that | Political Committee in i^gatd Mai io peter R 1 //0 t»e c d d e d to | to the up-coming Boa id of Kdu- ’he previous endorsement of 1 U ation Flection It was requested l!ol>c; t Coane BRIGHTEN your life.. tand aproved by the membership rhis and Thai that Robert Coane and Geo\ge Thanks again to our trust- j G i afTa m be e n d o rs e d fo r th re e worth\ piz/a man for the re­ with g o o d k i t c h e n lighting! , vear terms The committee was freshment after meeting, I also empowered to make of­ hould we make th*« an elected ficial notification of this and .ffice" (let well wishes are «l*o to make plans for the elec » o rd e r f«>1 Anne Coane and [ tion Tort’nr, W akh, l*»th in the hos­ Political Committee pital. nothing serious we hope Dunn. 749 4th St\ C h a irm a n J«k* I) and his rom- F e b jn th sh o u ld he , ft 1 \ rHih n t »i.l mark a ouarter I ; mittee have l>een meeting often c« nturv of M'ivuf with New and arguing Ion** on the merit >1 «*n for a Valentine Pariv, see ''ie \ I *,e: I Telephone Co. and outlook regarding Feb 13 Mike Gay/ik if you can spare Si r d a y After our first round of meet time to serve on the committee An installer 111 the H a c k e n - « k plant department. Dunn is e->,|„.. ,,f jersey City Coun- Salute Is Scheduled Friday H G M< Cully Chapter I , ...... t p ...... < %. For Lyndhurst Light Brigade lie pr >ident of Kings-Lynd Patricia Lyman, who plays a ’he N J Theatie League by Lyndhurst will he saluted at people live withm their bound* I P..lit I C lu b H e I* ••ding part as h im t > Lemuel the Nutley Players !*he Friday ni^ht meeting of the rie- Too often the blind resi- f y the former Flor- in the Rutherlord Pla\er ' pre ‘ les lii^gs who f^nginallx Light Brigade, the first of sev- uents have no knowledge ■.f the have a son and sfntat ion nf Many Moom' a Ironi Wilmington. Dela tral communities to In- recog officials and seivice group in j g h te r s * ill I Irell Hie.. • 1 i- * I*- and i . . graduate o. nved tleir t t/mn.unities. it was point- n Fr id ay an d Saturday, I'm t"'i *'rm ersiu. plays the At the meeting at St Tho- ed out I e l .1 11 and F.l. arl • the Kmu in Many ma*4 Episcopal Churiln parish Walter Monona, who Mill Masonic News in .,1 p nt andiMo« While.,, Princeton he I all. quests ut the hl, presiclen, ..( " ' e Inlmie" will Ik- Assembly Majority ,hr „tKani/al,„n «.ated that the Pre li-nt C’harlt s Hench of I' • her t«>rd H * S»h«Nil and -t„ I,-It ons4trcd hy th e R u th e r- as,. ... S,.. h well-known per Mayor John (' Garde. I’ete, F v,.a, jm( furth,., •I- n allto »ir-t»-r th e last •• •'•*’ i i' of the <■’ 1 hi' d op I• < • I Ju ri -I ( 1 h4T of C om r ' ' ' ’ J'»sh lvtgan and t urcio. Boatd of Education pres- the t • i-c if the New n . 'I ,v ,t - •»!,., Wed '•i» * • !.»)■*• money for corn- V /k»*i aItl Charles en ulent and presents of servue j,.r<(.v l)hn(| The Light Hi igade •'•** K*-tage work :n , lubs. the meri hant associations. U;!! u . h,„t to 1ht. New j..r^ v cn -< eini> man’- of ♦he older p.,- , , ,irri'< ’ ' 1,1 ,n‘ • pe rformance two Woman s Club departments , llIinf || llf Blind orgam/at.r.ns • • • i-r present ’ha* '’'e meet- 1 T l V p., . . ,, -A t ,»*. . 1,-1 nt.l ■rt ...... "dinu the bngade and a repie- IR Aprj| he pointed out The 1 « 1 i.\ '•••!.. i 1 Lt-t year at The sentative from the ther Past president and L y n d h u rst he held in I.vnd- •ded 1* !• .da-da SuutISwLdlwim-i ' 1 ’ '‘1 ^ 11 Soldici jmt Industr ial League h\jr't n Martin V’*< Iwrg of- hen Charles pjayert Mrs J.ihn Hamnia. (minder of , ., fere d te opening prayer .• lh .- ; u 1 I.laey the larges: ,ht. „I|(ilni/al„m. „ speilk „„ The other ofl.eer. Of the u . ht T h e Membership , , Nit >1 Gerald Jr. of J e rs e v C'tt., | In K.ts n,j he obtained from , .. ,, , <*no ( he-t(*r Dorsch. Lvnd- A CTPTIFIFD "ES!DENTI»l ,, nlind in Hutavia N Y and 4 wa- received and placed with Do yourself a favor! Light up your kitch­ I'. - - . • n\ m*-n.b«i ij the Rutherford r,,. burs*. « wrresponding secretary LlQt-T NG CONSULTANT C A N io . , ,i r. ci k « v a> apple-biossom queen of # t the ommittee for investigation en — the right w ay — and give yourself a » •«*v fi • .j j, Cbamber of r * „ /• . . . , . , M en d w r s nf th e Fi<*ard o f T iu s t- B SERV'CE N HELPING 1 ' ie ..1 t ■ : >• t 1 .ft. <• , , t»enessee County while in school ; r 1 to l»e re p o rte d on at th e f- S e a a,| • , S' ( nm • • • • 11 «■ c»eneial admission is , r'i tllf‘ P nl Cosentind, Fast next mee’irsi of February 14th whole new wonderful world in which to VOU P AN BCfTC Q v o ^ rE F ­ ‘ he 1 v , 11 t '1 J - .md & » for children Call Rutherford. Mr> Marge Garson. Brother Harold Wooster pre- FECTIVE L GHT NG IN VOUR Mr II Si hate II (WE 3-3067). Hussell Keiestes. presiaent of Belltviile. .,nd Charles Hass- work. W ith good kitchen lighting every p ro 1 >nal • nted a large set of plans for HOME CALL YOU* L O C A L t M M VI ilertt iWK 'b0782‘ ,h** 1*lons Club. Walter Steever. lund. Brooklyn. N Y .•ltd * ■ >t< - w ork area is carefully'lighted to m ake all PUBLIC SFRVCf OFFCP, A- toi ii M : . .,js4j p re s id e n t of th e K iw a n is C lu b ___ . ______'he enlargement of the premises pla.M-1 I cm a ,r A m i tt»> v :• h a thorough explanation of your chores easier. Y our kitchen will look M .111 ■ 1 :;^ h ? ,r;7ou;^ :;:,p::;? r Edith jenning$ i i intended improvements It i« m ore attractive and m odern, too! Light H'luud Put h. kvn with the wiiB p a c k 96 is ged that anv member who i resent Stan Kozma. vue^pres R eview s N ew Boolf N u ti P la »ft i\ have other suugestions to your sink, range area and counter space. • r ^ P^ttr , AWARD w in n e r (U nt of the Stuyvesant Avenue >ear■. «•»».« s present them at future meet­ PUBLIC SERVICE j Merchants' Association and Fdith Je mingv director A dd a general ceiling lighting fixture for prudu tK ris • lilt C u b Pat ings that all plans may be W tnU a n d A u ^ t r Mimic- Sh.- u ' "i c 7 Si>cri>tilJ<,hn Long, president, of the‘*f-^«* Lvndhur st Publi, Lib- ELECTRIC AND ■Sr. ^T , T Heart School on f-riday »vtn iRwtt* Mwrhiftt. wf»T nr,eml>ers on the sick list are fun, less tiring. _ _ _ _ k received an aw ardI pnrtment of the Woman s Club meeting «*f " h Wo an s C lu b banrvi im tneir success in tht will be Mrs John Soz/io, its °* Lyndhur-t <>n Wc at la” n -ndiet ship round-up j president, and the Junior Wo- ,h‘‘ h»»;ne of Mi ll .r i v K icm Tims s put on a skit T hein’*,n s (-’lub w ill have Mrs Stan- <>f 22ft T o n tin e r,.,e Knuhts of Yore with the en- Golemewski, as its dele-, The women p:--.nt folded OTTO S - HOME OF FINE FURNITURE . OTTO S - HOME OF FIm 7 tue p. ck in costume I gate * 600 dreamt- ar.d -eweci 12S A uioiincement was made of The Light Brigade, who has1 during th*- i..\ Those pn^ent a propo>«*d pine wowl derb\ memliers from Ruther- were M «- L* r ». .» Stewart. • > ».«• held b\ the pack in the ‘*ord- East Rutherford. Belle- Domini, c. ., p., .: Wr»m-. near future ville. Kearny. Newark. Hack- William .I V iv: .e. \,m May I» *a> lea i red that there are vn ftaik- Haledon and Brooklyn, -r . Alfred W C .r Hei »*eM I.(NIK SMOOTH! Now Yon Im.v . waiting to Un-ome mem a'‘ weM as Lyndhurst. will con- F Ros/el. .L-eph /.. .■• Aithui Can Have f \WANTED U-rs the p.ick and they can Unue. ,h<* ProRram of saluting W ei-mann R.of h Sant, !li \V IIAIK REMOVED. not ii«* eniolled Iwause’ ther ,owns during the coming years. C Janes and • • . a - ’ M m es .'.re not enough den mothers lfflinK at times Communi* William Mu: ..nd William, ln«»jf»tl» . Sl»f» • Perm jntnll^ It is hoped that the mother of t,e>i are rtot awake. that blind Wirt , t y tt»» f.*n«*ticn«t -om • *voy in the pack w ill y Radiamatir I lectrolysia anted to bfcome a den mo­ by ( iin .1 of ther -o that th advantages of Aesta Heaulr Salon beirv: a c no nay be given to f <1 e<# In T djy to ' m o re 1 *o y s jf CONSULTATION The Rev Loin Mennitt was Cut Yourself <»i ri.i - I lectrolv-is present Mrs Paul Giordan I 1 3 0 8 as m charge of refreshme !{ whu h w ere set ved after the I'usimss ar.d program a Slice FINAL CLEARANCE- ON ALL FURNITURE 1 BETTER DRIVEWAYS « r SflVISSS FROM 40% to 60% NOW! Asphalt Blacktop PARKING LOTS, CURBS & CEMENT WORK CUSTOM MADE Proper Planning. Correct Inundation and All Material. 40% TO 50% OFF Plus 1.11m lent and Trained Men, Kciult In a Perfect Drive. Ml Tin TO MAKE THEM BETTER THAN THE WITH BEST AND DIFFERENT FROM T ilt REST SLIPCOVERS CEMENT MIXERS FDR HIRE reupholsjer 3 PlfCES NOrth 7-8977 - 8842 EXTRA VIOLA CONTRACTING CO. ( § @ m § M V S NOW AND SAVE SOFA & $1 We Give Ycur Furn'ure a NEW Look! CHAIRS Draperies Bedspreads Save By Feb. 10th, Earn from Feb. 1st 9 9 W e d o ‘>'■"9 fr.™ O.r "W AVIRLY COI.LICTION" Heailv Made ;„9U U uf.lut^.ca'-oU .crcd The practical way to financial jrrowtli i- • ALL SLIPCOVERS CUT & PINNED ON Choovc from o WIDE CHOICE of tobnc,. stump; . . . am| earning full dividend* on YOUR FURNITURE ZIPPERED • CUSHIONS . OVERLOCKED y o u r money. At Moiling Springs, you'll find FITTID ARM PIECES . Fit (I lop M-rUce*. safety and convenience. Make SERVING THIS AREA SINCE 1934 FACTORY OUTLET, INC 1962 your year for financial j-nmtli . . . act today . . . open or add to your account. H2.J Passaic Vvcnue. F.a«l N< w.irk. N I


© 5 SLIPCOVERS ’Y - l - 6 1 8 5 reupholsterins In Rutherford In Lyndhurat (Main t'lllrai 585 RIDGE RD. i Ahun'inic t>m<«> NO. ARLINGTON S3 P a rk A venue 015 Ridi'e Road MWhere You Save Does Make a DifferenceT oTTo Slipcovers Tr Fabrics by Yard Is HOME OF N N I FURNITURE — O T T O 'S • 1


»#• The Voice O f Stuyvesant Avenue Merchants

Weddinu,% & Birthday Cakes PLUMBING SUPPLIES VEb.ter 9-1076-7 Prescriptions • Itabj Needs REID PLUMBING & HEATING JERRY'S BAKE SHOP • C iM m H In Stuyv vnt Avrnue Lyndhurat, N. J. The Bogle Aqency Inc. e S undries Rath Knom Afcnmrte. 242 Stuyvesant Avrhut REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE Modern Bath Roqmj . Gas Burner* - Hydronlc Heating C otnplrtr l.ine of Sickroom Hupplie Powder Room. . Oil Burner* - Base Board Radiator* GE 84684 "Service All-If ay i* — FREE DELIVERY — Kitchen Remodeling - Electric Radiator* 2M STVYVESANT AVENUE Receaa or Free Standing Radiator* 900 Stuyvesant Avr. I.yndlmr»t, N. J. 0/*n all day Sunday, Closed VondayM GEneva 8-1026 plumbing Supplier and Future* lor Hal* South Bergen's Leading Jeweler KODAK Dealer ANGELO’S PIZZERIA SALE-SALE-SALE Fast S. POLLINA. JEWELER / Authorized COLOR Service 22.*> Stuyvesant Avenue Lyiuiliurst, N. 1. Eat Here or Take Out Mens Shoes Hamilton - Gruen - Bulova Watrbea f SAME DAY FILM DEVELOPING Spaghetti - Ravioli - Lasagne - Veal A Peppers Jewel* By Trifari an03 on SAN CARLO RESTAURANT | FACILITIES FOR BANQUETS EDNA MAE SHOPPE AND PARTIES LADIM' AND CHILDREN’S STUYVESANT AVE. Featuring Sizzling Steaks

300 Copeland Ave. (cor of Stuyvesant) WE 9-9083 VISIT OC* NEW MODERN STORE MISS SWANK — LUXITB - BARBIZON F O R T U N A BARGAINS GALORE! Official Girl Scout* Headquarters A U I Btayvsaent Avrnue G E neva S-7710 SPINA'S FLORIST Thursday - Friday - Saturday Freth Cut Flower* Potted PUmlt It's a Pleasure to February 1st 2nd and 3rd Funeral D eufn Our S/M-rialty

wear clothes cleaned at 221 Stuyve.anl Avenue GEneva 8-1234 FELDMAN CLEANERS RELIGIOUS GIFTS FOR Al l. OCCASIONS

Plant and Main Store at 2(H) Stuyvesant Avenue

Footsteps Support The Merchants r n k FINE SHOES CHILDREN TEEN-AGERS HOYS Designed to Reep On This Page S A o e i Little Feet Normal

SM Valley Brook M en & W om en W E 9-5300 Ave., Bogle Bid*. N. PALAZZO Doctors Prescriptions Filled LYNDHURST SPORTS SHOP STUYVESANT LAUNDRY Complete Line Of Driving Thru Lyndhurst? 219 Stuyvesant Avrnue Lyndhurat DRIVE IN AND SAVE2 0 % Watch For Our Children! GE 8-8903 Rental Tools For WE BUY & SELL USED BOATS & OUTBOARD CASH 4 CARRY Hour .Scruir* on Requeit Keep Your Eyes On The Road At All Times m otors—we buy & sell used guns The Handy-Man 163 Stuyvraant Ave. GE. 8-0879 HARRY'S HARDWARE , 230 Stuyveaant Avenue. GE 8-9870 LEA S SPECIALTY SHOP WILLIAMS’ DEPT. STORE S A V E . . . a HOUSE OP 1MI ITEMS • ACCESSORIES • JEWELRY with a Largest SelecUoM ot low cost Cards - Decorations - Toys • SPOBT8WEAB • LIN G ERIE A U TO LOAN B M i l i s a w i f And Wrappings In Town Drive Carefully EXCLUSIVE AGENCY POE NOBCEOSS CARDS n n i i i OB S-SM1 COMMUNITY LAY AWAY PLANS WELCOME



Movies Are Greater Than Ever - - - See One T h i s W e e k e n d Where To Go — What To Do — What To See In South Bergen

Freeholders esirmsnt-d that the and County Police Department. At The Lincoln Theatre At The S-3 Drive-In 1961 tax rate would be slightly UOU.QOU for architectural and Gil Gotham Turns The higher than ift 19S0, but the service* and for down determination by th*1 Board of payments in anticipation ol ex- Taxation actually showed a dc pans ion of Bergen Pines County crease in the rate and gave Bei- Hospital. Vocational School and t gen flic honor of havmg the lo* j . I annex, Spotlight on Your Stars est tax rate of any County in Nev Jcrs* v Assuming lhat the t.. Iv>'* srrviee. This in- rate Mill be close I* tb«- Fre flu,,,s retirement payments on holders estimate, he sa.d rh*i l"r Pa*f ,’aPtul im‘ Special To The leader ly the public is the biggest vie-1 the ow ner of a home a rui- l’rov,nHn,s. such as, tddition to NEW YORK - There is little tim. r»>nt m .irket of $23,000 would Im he Ndministmtivc Building- doubt Ihe funniest man on TVj But the formula is the thing! paying 71 cents ji ni >nth morr Ci>ur*hous(-.I.iil. and the- Voca­ t«.day isn’t one of the comics' Hikens has it. In Bilko he set .n 1962 for CiMiflT\ govfinm ^m tional School, and lor expansion v.-hose face is known to millions 'his conniving sergeant in ai^ | services. of the ( .untv park system. H e ii a man whose face isn't'Army post Crooked though he; i T la * iUTHH m l U t b»‘ rtu .v < l by known at all. He is Nat Hiken was Ernie wan likeable. It made ’taxation in * h« ■ new budget i« Mrs. Jack Dempsey of Page creator of the show "Car 54 - Phil Silvers ax a great comic I $16,114.91.1 as ri>m p.ired T<» $|1. • venue had as guests on Wed- Where Are You?" i»nd Hikens a million. It is still I 'W7 last yeai r.esday evening at her home, It so happens that Hikens is running. And the residuals pour1, Mmes F.inest Bond, Emil Cala- Mai'ir irx-n .iv . in the 1*162 bud­ the funniest man on TV be- Into Hikens' pockets Lria. Arne Hendela. Anthony get are. wolfare, J702.326 TTi s cause his original blockbuster When Bilko ran dry Hiken* Kemps. Robert Messing, Fred­ m< ludes (Operating costs of Ber "Sergeant bilko" is still run- fetched about for a new idea ^ erick Pokk John Scypinski and g« n I’incs C'ounty* H ospital. B< r- ninf, (The old formula was a can guy Norman Thompson. 1 n F’iiics Shelter. CiHinty Hom e We don't know how much in an Army camp: He trans-j ihe Aged Ci*unty Welfare, money Nat Hikens has today fcrred it to a Bronx police prs-! • .ire ..f Couni> resid«-.its inState It is oui guess that "“if Uncle < inct Instead of the con man he A r*nunh hit on Hroaduay as a musical by Rodgers and • in^tiiutions «inU.jwing voluntary or so, Nat Hikens is the man dumb but liekable cops — Joe Is backgrounded against the colorful streets of San Francisco's jhospitaK. I-inglewood. Hackcn- to produce it j Ross and Fred Wynne famed Chinatown The magnificent cast is headed by, from left | sack. Valley < Ridgewood!, Holy T h e re i* fortune in those Joe Ross was in the Bilko ser- * to right. Jack Soo, Nancy Kwan, Miyoshi t meek I and James Name and llasbrouck Heights scnals—when th»*v click jies. Hikens lifted him, character Shigeta Also starring in the Ross Hunter color production, in Lester Velie. the crime buster and all. to his new showr. association with Joseph Fields, are Juanita Hall and Benson See the above scene from "Hey le ts Twiat", mm showing at I ..'.i.Ti, ’n,1>r< Thls who presently is associate edi-| Successful? Fong, now playing through Tuesday at The Lincoln Theatre, The Houle J Drive-In Theatre. 1,1 include- openil,.,, ol ihe court,. * »r of Readers Digest, should It has been beating the brains A rlington. _ I ProM*cut<»r * and S h e riffs offices, ba a millionaire shortly Not I cut of the Ed Sullivan show leney of Orange; Robert T Baa-,estimate and thaJ because of his crime busting.1 Folks have turned to the dumb Board ar* B* m.iid Turtrltaub f.n il rate ter of Union and Douglas Mor-.will not be known until sometime bj* becauv? he wrote a book CoM in droves They like them of EnglewoCxJ. CommissKiner of Syme Elected gan of East Orange. in May when the County Board Not a best seller It was better than --the chimpanzees the N. J.^ Qrippitd Childrens' hardly read nt all It was called Sullivan squires <#n his Sunday of Taxation detein\irf-\ the trial Committi*e. and Dominick Mar- By Credit Union Now Thru Tuesday “Labor US A " It included night outings equah/ed assessed corn. Wood Ridg«v ol In (glorious Color many of the stories Velie un-1 ------John Syme of 4»3 Harding HEARING FOR all propciiiroard of th efcls*ex Division F e d ­ Savings President E xtra bw n e ra l Credit Union T h e election SET FEB. 7 n'' ’I TV | Springs 23 Years "MAJESTIC ISLANDS" Five directors and all the of- lo° k place a t th e annuul s h a re - I A public hearing will b^ h -i i fuS T * £ "I Gri'*",d » I-"- fleers of South Bergen Savings holder meeting of the credit Wednesday February 7 on ih,. Saturday Mattase: — Avenua, Rutherford, tomor- and Loan Association were re- j union on Jan 18 at the Swiss )96j Coimlj. budge, whj^h ^ JOIRNEY TO THE U k * . u r . J n n ° * rOW m ‘ r k ' hls « rd anniversary elected at the institution s an- Y«ll'l Tavern, Irvington. Ln ,,tlmitK) incr,,aso ln .. . All New Technicolor Show CENTER OF THE EARTH" nual meeting Heading the Mate, Sym(, w rv - „ ^ |Co«n.y .ax rate of about 3>, cents FLO W ER DR1 M SONG" P lus With Nancy Kwan "THE COMEDY RACES’* terms was Will.a ,/JI vj1' ^ president of the board will re- 1,1 assessed valuation Plus Selected Short Subjects Loads of Prizes baum rresid.nt 7\h ■ i titi * ta*n that chair for the coming P f ^e^rin* wdl be held at the Smuch ivcould be :don. ‘r to y’h- revive (lrM nllry ,nd ssjtrs-s hj|ih !choot, baum. preside nt of the institu- year he waJ elected for a ,w0 Administrative BuUding, Hacken- to the Winners Saturday Matinee Only R„f J I has bet'n 8 resident of the Bor- d i . j . , , year term He is also president;'3 • a* ^ no . n , , . “INVASION OF THE « 1 Glenn Ford * Bette Davis H w Z . r v " *V , , UU«h fnr »«• «0 years were D P Sarnmarco. execu- p, tru.. " w , F° i f i ^•neehold«*r Director Anthony SAl'CER MEN" ?u' He received hi. bachelor of aci- live vice president. Joseph P ...» rTn , er* 008 f jPePe emphasised that the pro. TERROR YEAR 5000” "POCKETFUL Batman & Robin - Cartoons OF MIRACLES" Cre.nw.?, d'«r'* «««» from Brunet,,, flrst vice president. 1‘nd “ m« h" ^ ttd »* rate is only P an n. A .! J Th , ,°r; ,he University ot Pennivlvama. Ernest Dechert, second vice ,h‘rd year in ,hi" 0-fc* I u Hifi i , ag' ' V Hr 15 • °< World War president; Michael J Manuth, The Essex credit union is • T - . 2 S T h 'rme I f *rrV 1 m w,lich hp wi,h treasurer. Frederick A Zott, made up of employees of the I .T /' “ Arm>' Ordinance Corp. Lain Untouchables all o v e r Holman * president of Georg, secretary, Herbert C Hermann Public Service Electric and Gas | u . , . B Holman and Co., Inc and a and Kathleen Fisher, assistant Co in the Essex distribution | secretaries and Robeit A O -1 dept Established only eight! Italian Am™ r i V“* »< Holman Ware- Neill as assistant treasurer. j months ago it already has 550 I j'*!1*" and h°‘™" »oid.n* c ...NOW HEAR THIS... The a». daector. r^l»U d,^ ! L ^ asaats of nearly | *° n - w ~ T . , . . ! a member of the Rutherford Ilong records of serMce to South u,itK , "7 To get around that the Tar- Chamber of Commerce, the Bergen Savings and the area it 0(j{, 00 v f . near 1 «et series revolves about a cru- Rutherford Lions Club and is I serves Nussbaum and Dechert ^ sading newspaperman His a Ma.«,n and a Shriner I were re-named to the Board, to- t ) . ur e to the )>oard were W’ Raymond i name? Tony Mar,no He formerly served as pres,.1gether with F R Edwards, Well, a sponsor became inter- dent o f the New Jersey Merch- Arthur M Sauer and Oscar Flatt of Kearny. Kenneth Mul- e'ted Channel 7. probably the andise Warehousemen's Associ- ^ Schwidetzkv least responsible of all the TV at ion and is a member of the oyr G rearesr stations, bought the show ; American Institute of Manage- RIVIERA . Velie stands to make a clear "’•n t He was named a member PI DELTA presents half million to start Residuals of Boiling Springs Savings’ Sundiiv DANCES Roller Skating will keep him in pocket money ^<>ard of Directors in February N i g l u for a long time. j 1930 Open 7:30pm VFW - at~ F rid a y , IIIKENS HAS A FORM I'LA , . . . . 522 38th St. TO In "Target The Corruptors," 0 Connell Elected M A L L U n io n C ity Saturday 11 pm Channel 7 is following the trial By Heights Hospital bet. Hudson Blvd. & NTER set by "Tho Untouckables” It Bergenhne Avenue. M atinee 2 - 5 p.m. is a solid formula The good Former Bergen County 'Sheriff SATURDAY, SUNDAY guys after the bad Sadism Sex Mort L. O'Connell, of Oradt‘11. The Epics Orch. Beginners Rink Retribution The crook always has becrt re-elected president of Special RATES to Groups gets it in the end Unfortunate- 1 the Board of Governors of Ha»- D A N C IN G A D M IS S IO N 99c 701 W ASHINGTON AVE. jbrouck Heights Hospital. 8 to 12:30 Ample Parking B elleville PI. 9 3636 Th<‘ following officers also have FOXTROT - WALTZ been re-elected: Jua^ph P. Bru n»*tti, C arlstad t, vice-president; c i e a r a n s e JITTERBUG Mic’hael J. Maguth. Carlstadt. CHA-CHA - MAMB0 treasurer, ;ind Dr Harris K Co­ han, HasbixHK-k Heights, secre­ TANGO - MERENGUE tary. MEN’S BOY’S and WOMEN’S PEABODY • RHUMBA Alfred W Kiefer, Hasbrouck f V l E i ^ Heights, and ftamier Wood Ridge PACIIANGA Mayor Clarence Mat hex haw been renamed to three year DORIS OPDYKE terms on the B oard Herman Automatic Rapps. Brooklyn developer and C L O T H I N G WY 1 MS# VST I MH feoM or. has been elected to the Board. Other members of the Delivery We’U keep your fuel tank filled, figured on the "Degree Day" system SPORTSW EAR BUY the BEST and SAVE You'll have no more worries.

Ton Ton 2 4 H r. O il B urner Service Nut or Stove $22.00 Buckwhcct $17.50 selling Oil — we also Service OU Burners. FURNISHINGS Hare, also, we believe In doing the job right. W e render Pea Coal $19.00 Stoker Rice $16.50 service around the clock (Sundays and holidays Includ­ ed). Our trucks arrive at your home equipped to service GUARANTEED SATISFACTION hundreds of makes and models of oil burners. No it1 at fabulous reductions ..up to 4 0 % MORRIS DEMEL C om plete Service C ontracts from our regular stock of famous makers![ Eat. 1(11 These contracts cover Repairs and Replacements as wall as Annual Cleaning . • . all at one low, low price. 615 ESSEX ST. HU 3-2132 HARRISON

r e have all t h e knotvn brands of L i q u o r s , If ines KELLER and b e e r s . H e s e r v e hot lunches. L a d i e s Invited. INOINEERtNG CO. Member of CCP Charge Plan, snd our own r convenient Charge Plans. Fuel Oil — Oil Burners — Heating f / m a m n a i t > Double ftarroVt Tavern H Nik Araaoa, M m M r4fot Soup and all kinds el Cali Cuts, Sandwichaa Lyndhurst, Nw> Jersey plus all kind* of Beverage*, Coffee and Cake. MSr h 4 Miaday emi FHfcr I* I JOB DOMOWOLSK1. Prop. u n WEbster 9-9881 WEbster 9-0060 k M2 LEWANDOWSKI STREET. LYNDHUHST, N. i. Distributors—General Motors Delm Heal - r\or. fo!h 1 t n r c o m m e r c ia l , l e a d e r a n d s o ir m b e r g e n r e v t e * THimSDAT, FFBRITARY 1. 1962

M rs. R Skyta. Reporter • D on­ ttJil elements of proper care of ROSARY SOCIETY j na IkigJk. First Graders the teeth and a pamphlet for th e Leigon Parade Girl Scout News T R O O P 2— We went on our p a ren ts/ VALENTINE RAtTY [ nil oping trip and had loads of To Get Teethers Dr. Hellet said that to date, ap- S o c iety IMPORTANT NOTICE - All Gawley Reporter Ltlenne Bay |lun Eleven Seiuot Scouts and ( proxinujJ^y 1W) schools in all The Rosary of Sacred Barringer Walker Post was tall for Penoaeh Post 464 at An estimated b.tfJU chlkiivn in Heart Church w ill h o ld a V alen­ B ro a me* .ind Girl Scout* arc’lixK ' tw o traders went on the trip. ^lanYtof Ueigen have n will if, t i\. t -.(lii ■ nsl kin lor thetr drat grades, nreee ai the County meeting last week professional ranks with Cleve- 8atunlay. February 3rd. i»e sitatmg the hiring of special cler­ meeting in Sacred Heart School the horseshoe...... The...... girls...... in the'deader liisff K. U a|w , R e kits trum the Bergen County Den ir. Lodi Department Command-1 land in 1936 tween thi nours of V 00 a m a n d , 0|0rcunrd were Barbara Paa^jpqrtftt - Catflftinc Ennis ical assistance by the Dental So this evening. ' Ial Society .is a part of tie .m- cr Murray Woolman making his| • . • • • 12 00 noon to receive cookie in ciety to fill the (k‘nuind. The kits I urg! Shirley Langston. Marga- TROOP 1—1W girls who look nual Observance of National Chil­ Members are asked to wear first official visit to Bcrgenl Service Officer Ralph Lecoque’ formation Sale starts a* soon wtU be available through Dental ict Meeker. I^oretta Trhir and part in the fpgfjhg t—fcti— dren's Dental Health Week. F eb ­ thetr wedding dresses. If pos­ County < ailed Lyndhurst dele-Lcvlses that a double benefit as V°u leave tht Scout Hou^c ■ i/ller Jane Szymialowicz We:\**re Sharlene Harbcok, Rose Health Week on request. gates Feit/inKer. Renan H aru-'v y dllll, in th, American Le-1 ruary 4-10. sible. and at least to bring them Nik the dimes lor the Juliette mary Carrig Jean Genchi. Pam In udditkw to requests for the Ran. Hanson. While and In non Life Insurance plan ha* T R O O P 12— W«- h e ld f l y u p > , fund Leader* - Mrs C M iles wit!i caller Ruth Atwell. The kits are distributed by the kits, school offk*ials and nurses for display, even if Utey can ­ lo the rostrum Last year n coun- b,en announced by the Insur- cereu.onie* for Diane Doert Davis .ind Mrs W .Juste* Re- We did badge work. Those on Dental Society without charge, on of many schtxils are requesting not Wear them. ty Comm.tmiei C.eoriie SU-'ura ,pc,, committee For Legion- Gill Scouts who came lo uel l>oitir Barh.ira Paschburi; the Puppetatr Budge and Dab­ request by the school, to stimu­ othi'r dental health ma|ertal of. extolled Post 139s various ac- nnrc.s insured under th. annual c o m e Iici into Troop 5 wet- Members will first meet in bler Badge made a stage which late interest in dental health, and tivitles in 19*1 and then pre-j rHel , $12 benefits ean now be i Lemise and Glori t THO<)P*1 Patrol 4 had <>j>en fell'd in th«* letters ami catalogues the Church at 8 o’clock for reci­ th e y will use when they give to help establish proper habits .»f sented two enormous tiophiei hlked lip a d„ub|e ran|,e o! Buhblo We a:so had a few new .ng \\ 11ti Violet Status as tiler, sent out by the Dental Society. rtie ir p uppet sh o w T he girls denial care. tation of the Rosary Mrs Fred­ emblematic of best work in vet- u^, to $« 000 for only $2« a year itlend who arc going t i Ki.nnc Voli and Constance Cllar-^ working on th e P la y e r badge Dr, BeUet said erick Blum is president. eran* rehabilitation and child join • >ui it i>«>p Loader—Mis* J ii.- coloruuards. and I'arol The Society initiated its pnv v.elfare two of the most im H o n 'o , sen io r .tide A rle n e Mtx>t Caimcni us flag bearer Girls l4|ked about what play thay gram by sending letters to school pottant phases ot the National National Commander Bacon is house Reporter—lanne Hart uallv wot king on drawing and ‘ give for the troop At the prmcipals and nurses throuKhou! Legion piogtam ^ hcduled to appear before the THOOI* 21 We oj**ned ou painting worked on the service infeting we said tlie the county, advising them of the Veterans Affairs Committee on'moe^nR with the Ciirl Scyu. Mojeit the blind Second.G,ri Leader - MMs availability uf the toothbrush kits, Tiesday, February 27 when he prayer We voted for new pat- Class girls worked on the second ’ ^ McDonnel^ Reporters - El- ami inviting their cooperation in The county adjutant lead a will present the American Le- »ol leaders and assistants A lass rank We played the game ^cn Dell and Brenda Fuscarino. the observance of Dental Health Utter Iron Karl Wolle. l>epart W eek. ary Says ; Ur. Melvin B..|let ol Paliaaden l< C ru i« » ./I i Park, chairman ul the Sociatv'l IS Sponsored I Council on Denial Health, in Ken- |*ost 139 for their monthly Ladies Auxiliary of thelt ral charge of the ('ountywiik' ob- M arch 2 Mrs /. Lawson Rporter—He Greco, Mrs J Mi’Crea. and St Bai i inger-Walker Post of the ^rvarx-e program. ik'.sci ilM-d the paities and the Christmas party g i r n G ot m an for 25 patients in Lyndhurst Aide l»wayne Nolan Reporter j American Legion wish to an- of school officials as TROOP 22—The Foxes* - Carla McCrca. jnounce that the telephone sale’ “‘•vcrwhelming", and expresst'd were in cnaige c»f the color - 18 Students TROOP 3—Wc are stvil work- new going on by the Dawniappreciation for the interest of Bob Miner dropped in lho,» jm - • . guard with Kristine Meyer a.i ing on the Ihings for the hospi- O'Day Products Company, will I'**h°ol officials and nurse* in the o th e r night First time we have IR V^VSTIVQl caller Colorguards were Mi tal. We talked about Juliette benefit the Auxiliary Although Denial Society project. seen him si nee his recent tti-j chcl.* Ventura, Ruth Ann Mit- <$bess pood to h"«r you arr biick | I'ighteen sudent« from Lynd <*hell. Barbarr Henning and Low, ColOTilUsrd* y r ts $ Matje,calls are not bemg^made by Each kit contains, in acklition on the job. Bob. jhurst• High iaSchool m w i will’join m ill jUMi ap-(Linda i.iiiu d ( Polocki u iw m V* We e Q1Sdiscuss^ C U Sr 1 Tronlone. , . .. . Janice , Cltapplm.; _, auxiliary , meml>ers the Auxili- to the ------toothbrush,—. a dental • • • • • irroximately 850 students from,Juliette Low We played “Pass "lar*,>’n ant* Sparta ary will receive a percentage of health pamphlet suitable for*firstj' Ed Chankalian bacV in circu-|?5 New Jersey high schools on the Fax’*. Leaders—Mrs c , Leaders - Mrs D. Brown and the profits grade pupils, setting forth essen- £ lation following his recent F lori , February 10 in presenting the Colie and Mrs J Caterbone Re dazation. He was an interested Mth Annual Operatic Festival j porter—Debra Nelson spectator at the County iSrtilW |Qt *hc East Orange High School1 TROOP 19—We discussed the H e said those IUlian sausages} *> mnasium at 8:15 pm. The, February 18 affair We received ?re pretty good. | event is sponsored by the N J an invitation from Troop 5 to • . • • • | Music Educators Association visit them on February 8 butJ With “snow time” in the off-f'^»rml*h Committee on th a t is the day we w ill dutri-' ing. house chairman Joe Cipolla j ®Per* m Music Education, bute the Board of Education budgets We worked on various is asking the co-operation off Th* Operatic Festival will badges Wc were too silly dur , rrembers of the post and augili-l combine the talents of 750 voice ing goodmgnt circle so Mrs Sta ary in parking their ca rs o n (chorus. 100 piece orchestra. 10 ^ n .o e tin c nights. He suggests that soloists and dance ensembles Jj* * ' ’’ ^ y o u p u ll your car close enough a - ’J w,ck,LM ^ r Bu?kois^. t i , to the one ahead of y o u so th a t c e r t i 2ed version of the opera another space might be avail* “La Travjatg" by Guuepp. Ver ,Jenni^r GnuTv i **blc A lso please do not park di Quest conductors (or the TROOP ,j_ We ^ our| directly in front of the entrance ------c YZ m /' h meetinii wi.h the flag^remony. SAIE walk. Leave room for late ar- Cranrord High School, chorus | We . :^ ^ about the Girl rivals to gel out of a car and conductor, and Edw ardI Nappi- Scouts 50tb anniversary Ida walk in without climbing over! »«*>. Orange High School Or-|Lyn Mostardo was accepted into G o ld Seal a snow-bank ichestra conductor Bonaldo Giai-, the troop We played 'Telc- Evaporated Milk 8 u;r »1 2-lk^pkfl ...... °tU of ,he Metropolitan Opera j phone" and 'Rivers, Banks I Pancake Flour 1 1 2 5 Commander James Ferriero' c°mp»n>' WiH be heard as guest Trees" We had the goodnight lad a group of Lyndhurst dele-150 1 circle and song ‘ Day is Done'*. gates to the county sponsored The public is cordially invited Leader - Mrs J Martinet! Re­ Tuaa Fish “itTwJr 2 ’z 6 9 « Syrup Country Kitchen ^ 02 ‘ar 3 3 C 2 4 - o z | a r 5 9 . ^ Americanism Conference at the 110 ^car I*10 Festival Concert porter - Mary Jo Martinell. j — Cliffside Park Legion Home, last If "d ■»"» tickets will be avail- TROOP 11—Phtlornina Pom Monday evening. Barringer-[able at the door. Judy By j one, Susan Nor > Campbell's Soup 8 “r *1 Walker Post received a com-| Lyndhurst High School stu- ’>«•*• and Pauline Jones were Hunt's Tomatoes'»^4 ,1;r 6 9 < i endation for the excellence of;dents participating in the festi ln ,hc opt-ninR We practiced! its post level Americanism pro- val arc under the (firection of ,or ^bruary 18th Leaders -I f n itlllllD ll Soups Chicken Noocfle, E 104-oz Ki»m | Don Covert, and include Gale J’*'" K Lindsay and Mrs J fhickcn Rice, Veg Beef cans m JF ® Toilet Tissue 4 - 6 9 ...... I Buff. Bernadette Buraszeski. Fnr"* ReP°rter Lynne Bayliss Tony Kiefer was visits at Jacquilme Cucci, Caroline TROOP 10—Nancy Safar con- hi» bonie in Paramus, recently.|Garmhausen, Ellen Hannanan ducted the meetins We had our Del Monte 4 o r ^ Twijr *»ys lie in fceluit pretty,Judith Ha.t, Beverly Holmes 'dance night Barbara Boiio end- Hunt's 'cr 9 si 4 “.: »1 Pineapple Juice 6 | K «ri»nd sends his regards to-Gail Keenan. Helen Liss Ft»n-Ied lhe meeting with "Taps' and ( rie n, d . s ...In l l.yodliural y o d h u n t am,m-S«ys he/efo SmithT 4 , t Red Heart Dog Food 6 1;:: 7 9 . Martha Sparta. Ix>alha Shirges Nescafe Instant 10-oz ‘end Karen Van Hiper. Ideal Instant S f -2S H a\e you made your reserva-j Coffee 20c Off Label |ar 10-oz |ar 13 non for the Pig Hoast Saturday PC OUTPUT PI Parkay Margarine 3 Z 7 9 . February 24th' John Geary still, v^i-irviDO has some tables available but' Output 49« HoM ‘ 5 5 c Cottage Hams ‘ 69c 01I.1 l> a^ I GET ; ROUND Top Sirloin Roast u ‘ 8 9 = Sausage Meat ‘ 49c La ><□!»• I, and Eye Round Roast So«.U»» ‘ 9 9 c Sliced Bologna lonc«lf*r S>ond ‘ 59c ROAST Ducklings ‘ 49c Flank Steaks ‘ 89c BOLOGNA • PLAIN LOAF Lancaster Brand Jum bo Shrim p PICKLE X PIMENTO LOAF Boneless Bottom OLIVE • LUNCHEON MEAT ■ 6 9 5 Ib box 6-oz TO^ ROUND ROAST * 7*. S 3 .S9 7 9 * p i s 3 0 FRUITS t VIGETABLES NOW AT ACME! SOLID RIPE •U MASTERS WHAT, WHEN Mk Aiuii i|ialc(l ILLUSTRATE! EUTM I TOMATOES WHERE, HOW ^ 2 clar9* a rto n s 9 0 c ^ T is no course in journalism . . . South Bergen Awfou or S av in g s provides the answers . . . the reasons for Bose Pears saving your money, on a regular basis, at our Soct*eo« 2 IS Mot How m 29c 99e office . . . fu ll div id en d s . . . top earnings , . . Rhubarb insured safety? All yours! Place the savings of Rwuot U S N o I i „ P A your entire family w here they earn the most for Baking Potatoes 10 49c DAIRY SPECIALS! I you! FROZEN FOODS! Swiss Cheese "‘**'£7' 3 X ’1.00 I Wool »»gulor ar CrUk|« Ci»l Cream Cheese KfO* Wtl'ppod 2 X 39c I SAVE WITH SAFETY! French Fries 8 li'. *1.00 Cream Cheese JSKL 2 X 49c * Saving!, insured by a pernianent Mool Slieod , agency of ihr U. S. (Government LET YOUR FINGERS Strawberries 6 X 'l|ff t BAKERY SPECIALS! ^ DO THE WALKING Downyfieko Rely on th# handy Yellow Waffles Blueberry Pie ^ 5fc j 2 ^ 2 5 c Free! 0 S&H Green Stamps SAVE BY FEB. I0tb - EARN FROM FEi. I*t Pages to direct you to the Orange Chiffon Cake 59c \ right man to repair practical­ lo odditiM *0 your regular / I ly anything — TV, furniture, Beef Steaks 49* wHfc pwrtKoto of ooy •olwaw mf appliances, autos, clocks or Victor White Broad 2 25c || SOUTH BERGEN SAVINGS what have-you. Just read F u n k 4k W a « n a ll the ads. learn the facts, put I your finger on the answer Encyclopodia and Loan Association — in the handy Yellow Pages D on't Forget To Take A dvantage of A cm e's ii *s# VALLKY BLVD. • WOOD RIDGE. N. J. Beautiful "O ld R ed M ill" D ipnerw are O ffer Open Monday Evening* 7:00 t(j 8:30 P.M. W Ebster 9-MOO . W_F.ll w. th# rt.k, „

'*r*l*re You Save Does Make A Difference" 256-60 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst, N .J. riH Rsim. m iR tutv i. i«x.2 T11E COMMKHCIAI I.E\DER AM) Sol'TII B F .R G K N REVIEW PAGE THRFE

Rotemary Baracca't keen awareness of school proh i Engagement Of Mijj I tune McCutcheon's Dorothy Sydell's fa p ita l stock of the hank, from and Treasurer, Standard Coat­ .S enior V ice -P resid e n t; H enry P. Engagement Disclosed lems and have xcored with audi­ |3,031.2.V) 00 (divided int« 242. ing Co; Malcolm B Lowe. B ecto n , Vic*-President; Jo*. L Mowery Is Revealed Engagement Announced Plans Ara Announced ence*. 500 share* of $12.50 par value Chairman of the Board. Lowe Muscarelle. Vice-President and Mr* Lillian Daniels, the third each) as at present, to $.1637.- Paper Co. Adolf W Meyer, E d w in Sargent, Vw-Preaiden' n-oman in the race. is counting >00 00 ( d iv id e d in to 291,000 ^resident, A W Meyer Co.. Established in IMS, N»H0t> J *n the work she has done among shares of $12 a0 par*.( value Inc.; Jos L* Muscarelle. Butld- C o m m u n ity Bank is the la f g e s t he community youth to help ach) was unanimously passed ng Const ruction. Richard W National Bank in B ergen C o u n ty ter She has long been active in National Community Bank Poor. Vice-President. Standard w ith 10 trffices in nine growing . •he business and civic work and Stockholders of record as of Hleachery and Pr inting Co . Inc ; communities throughout the has urged her election so that Jate of adoption of the resolu­ Harry J H Ruhle, President. County They are located in he can give the township the tion will be entitled to sub­ Whittier Ruhle Millwork Com Rutherford. Ridgefield. Garfield, I enefit of her experience scribe for the 48. .'>00 new >any Edwin Sargent. Chairman East Rutherford, East Paterson. Joseph Quarataro, defeated in shares to be authorized at the •I the Board. Sargent Building■ North Arlington. Carlstadt. Wal- •he last commission election, is ifcte of o h e s h a re ft>r each five Specialties. Inc . Arthur R i lington and two in Lyndhurst. now running for the school ihares held at the subscription Sherw«M»d. E x e c u tiv e V ic e -P re s i-' >xn*rd. price of $35 00 per shate As­ lent. Schwarz Bio Research, i Martin Carrig. who has been signable .subscription rights will Inc . Arthur R Smith. Rutner ' •M anning a well-timed cam- be issued and expire if not ex- lord. N J . William L Staehle j SHOP LOCALLY • «iiun, this week opened up with _*ii ised on or before the ex- P re sid e n t. i m for Zak and against the 1 nation of twenty-one 1 21 > On Wednesday afternoon. > adget Votes for me. I’ll move days from the date of mailing January 24. at the organization! o re-appoint Zak and scrutin- William L Staehle. president I reeling of the Board >f Dir­ iz« the budget from top to bot- of National Community Bank ectors held at the Rut lerford ' Mi. and ‘Mrs Hamid Me reported to the stockholders on ■office of National Coin nurutv C u lt heon tot M a y flo w e r G a r ­ tht progress of the bank He Sank, the following ortcers den <. Great Notch, announce V £ Mary Ann Sheridan pointed out that the bank's were elected tt. serve for .962 M. und Mis Ha'll Burn, ml Mr ind Mrs Warffli Mnwcrt ,lwlr ii*»(h>' Mr and Mrs,. Louis Sydell ot 'i Shower Guest total resources of $121,356.- Fairleigh S DlcklnsonTVChair- »l 2t8 Travers place. Lyndhunt. uf i m Post n n w announce '-r- Ju',e Aldt-n, t° Pvt Arvene Lyndhurst. formerly of Kearny, 410.11 were markedly increased man of the Board. William L announce ihe onKaKfn„-ni of th,. riKuRfinrnt of tljeir dauah- R,,'h*rd “jn ®» Mr« announce the engagement of Mary Ann Sheridan, over the previous years figures Staehle. President ;• Malcolm IV •ger of 214 Lake Ave . Iheir dauiiliter,- Rosemary. In ter. Patricia. to Julius SincJe. M,|,im Yea«er of 214 Laki their daughter. Dorothy, to Jo­ daughter of Mr and M rs J H of $112,681.415 59 Deposits L< we. Chairman Executive •Lvndhurst. and the late Mr Robert Eric Blomquist. son of am nf Mr and Mrs Herman Sheridan, of 195 N ew ark P o m p - soared to a new all-time high, Committee. Gardner C Klein. Yea,;t*r seph Kelly, sod of Mr: and Mrs Mr. and M s Frank Rlnmquis. | Siniile .>1 MO Prospei t pla.i-, |ton Turnpike, Wayne, formerly from $104,852,741 84 in Dei em ­ Executive Vice-President; Gor­ }v>r:n( Lyndhurst. was guest of hon- ber of 1960. to 113.166.948 33. an don J Campbell. Senior Vice- mad it i n>cktail party on Both attended Kearny High Form j I announcement » ; lioth arc graduates of Lynd- t»i at a surprise bridal shower, 8 per cent increase for the year Piesident; Richard Wagner Satu>day at the Me Cutcheon School. Mr Kelly is employed mad* «t a puif> for the fun hurM High S<»| Miss Mowc tfi\en on Saturday at the home Staehle also indicated that ihes »n Saturday afternoo hom ■ at General Magnaplate. Belle­ i > is with the Secretary-Treas- •>t her grandmother. Mrs Anth­ the bank’s IBM automation arui at a party fyr fi icnd' i M Me Cutcheon is a grad ville. and Miss Sydell at the urrr'v office of thc New Jersey ony Trczza. of 4f9 Orient Way bookkeeping and check-handl­ the evening T h e re ua»e >f the Passaic Valley High Woburn Chemical Corp. Harri­ Rutherford. There were 40 ing system located in a de­ guests Ihe parties were held n,.r fV ’ , .... 7 ' School and is with the State,State. son. ... the H..I IC».. home • « w veteran of the Krf( „ In.sUronrv Company d, gu ests. humidified area of the Stuy­ Gary W. Johnson, D. V. M. vesant and park Avenue office, Mus flat.icca is « graduate of !- " *,!h Wa>n- Pvt Yeager is a grad- Denice Stawicki I I Hostesses at the shower were Lyndhurst Hiyh School and i ‘ m M Pa''J" uate of Lvndhurst High School her forthcoming bridal attend w as progressing, and by June" of this year, additional bookkeep­ Ami with the New Jer-e\Jer e\ Hell Tel-Tel date has l>ecn et f«»i the and is serving in the I'mtedI’mted Denice Stawicki. daughter of iints. Mrs David Gilmore of ing and record analysts loads eohoneephone Ct.nm.mvCompany min New.nk u‘* the equipment for Her liantc is .* gi aduate of Nu' tatio.utl at Camp Le Jeune of Third Ave., celebrated her of honor, the Mi^os F.dith and greater speed and efficiency. Anthony Palminteri, D. V. M. ley lli^ h Sv-h *»| an d is a sen 30th Anniversary Norm Carolina 11th birthday on Saturdav with Mildred Sheridan, bridesmaids 1 ;*nd Miss Rosanna Meola of Elected tti serve as meml>ers Mji at Moult lair St..*« College For John Ruggiers a party at her home: ? No vlate has In-et! s«-t f• >t thi Bl«»omfield. cousin of the bride, ol the Board of Directors for Mrs. Bianculli Is Her guests were Mane Ro­ Announce I licir Woci.ilion \- w ed d in g junior bridcsntaid the ensuing year were William mano, Constance Calioto. Gail L. Bates. Rutherford; Henry F “ fZn::: Guest At Shower Soura. Susan Weiss Carolee Miss Sheridan will be^rne O h tier* Ami < l|>er;itor> < n W edaes«tay e\»«*niriK at N am - ' J**,,*'*s* B ia n c u lli Mrs Howard Hav Co.; Gordon J Campbell. Sen­ Hasbrouck Heights Veterinary Clinic business and off-st The , K„evts were Mr and e| llf Whlt(. Meadow at the < lassmates in the fifth grade at ior Vice-President; Fairleigh S 3 General Busn M B e rn a rd }■ puv <«f Bl home of drs Holtert Andei-, Columbus School. Cheryl Con- Dickinson. President. Bet ton. Mr anti M r^ M a rtin J National Stock 438 Boulevard Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. ed tn thiv classifV ..n ,s ' con of ? j 3 Chave Ave on Fn- ( annqaof Rutherford, and Linda Dickinson and Company; Wil- southern portion ..? Hut.. 1{. John Rimtii r Jr , Mi« d a y ►'K W agner of Bloomfield Iw.m F Gallagher. Attorney-at- e.l I;u^KM-r, Mr and Mrs To Be Increased i*nd th e in te rsis t on .»f K i' ts cere Mr«= Warren There was further celebration law; William Hessmer, Presi­ - Per piunano. Daniel Bel Ci i>-■ land Avenue .»ud iiivt i -«lirA Anderson ot North Arlington; on Sunday when her grand­ At the Annual Stockholders dent. Amsco Wire Products; A Office Ilnur* T e l e p h o n e I Mis> Rosemary Chiarello. Hue. the southeastern section of Mrs RoU.i Hartung ol New mothers. Mrs. Philip Sutton of meeting held at 4 00 pm at the Theodore Holmes, President. Kivei'side Avenue ,i;ul Ifuther ‘ndhur't Their children’s Castle. Del Miss Betty Me Jersey City ahd Mrs. Anthonv Rutherford Office of National Ridgefield Coal & Supply Co ; Its \p|M iintinent ATIa- 84)290 ers.»iy yift was a money fhrd Avervi- at it - m tet>« < tion Creidy. M < Frank Wiz^a and Stawicki of Hoboken. Mrs Cornmumtv Bank, on Tuesday. Gardner C * Klein. Executive With Park and Stuyvesunt Ave- ' M rs M .u k Me Callum. of J;.mes O Mara and Miss Etta January 23rd, the resolution Vice-President; Benjamin La- hue*. The charaiii r»f ihese Mr -1 form er. Ke.ij nv; Miss A n r K e lly o l Hughes of Jersey City * re provided for increasing the bcv. President. Union Ink Co. areas i$ buxines*: and th plan Mis* I.ucv Vefah/ann, T h e y N cw ar q u ests. ptopo*«*p continuance of these y-••!.■ married at Sacred Heart V*es. K C C h u rc h M r a n d M is Kug- A n d . alhe MLS«es B e rn a d in e i In addition t«* the alww ar« a« »i*e tontmuing the «e|ebra; Schulte, M ain Da les so and Mai Mrs. Olkewski ar. areii-m the meadow lands at t'«»" with .t tup to Florida They ilyn md Diane Muhleisen. and Ihe iBierse.•tMKtlon t of the proposed a.e aconipanusl hy ,he,r llJo^ ‘ Sch“*lx- *?*'!*' (Continued from Page 1) U cu te 1?17 rel

1957 DODGE ImmiR SKI*AN lllua * I l ia , k \ iit«iM-rttl< Tran*..iklimliiii, U.idtu llfa l.'!, Whit# W«|| Tir«*» 1957 PLYMOUTH Al; l» Tt *i• H.I.I-I : $695

1956 MERCURY * PASSENGER STATION WAG- ON Automatic Trimmitnon. Pow#r Hraitti, Radio and Meat- • r B i n a . $795 1955 BUICK SPECIAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Au tomptic T ranimimon. Radio and Heater, Whit# Walla Pow #r Steering. 2 Tone Gray and Whit#. Good Family Car $495

1955 DODGE CUSTOM ROVAL LANCER 4 DOOR IIO A N . Automatic T rammltnon, Power Steering. Power Soat. Rad.o and H**t»r. 2- T one Whit# with Red Top A Real Nit# Oar. $495 1955 FORD CUSTOM 2 • DOOR SEDAN. Standard Tranimimon with Overdrive Power Steering. V-S. Radio and Heater Beige and Brown. Real Sharp car. Low Mileage. Well kept $495

1954 CHRYSLER D irec tio n . The highly trained talents of men WINDSOR 4-OOOR S E D A N . Automatic Tranamieeion, P o w ­ dedicated to effectively guide you in matters of trusts or er *tecring. Radio and H e a t # r . An extension phone helps you Blue and White. $295 estates . . . are yours for the asking. You need no special take busy days in stride talent, no great fortune to protect the future of those BENNER you love — dial WEbster 9-4000 for an appointment . . . o n l \ Fcodins baby, pit-paring meals, cleaning house and wluit-liave-you—who nrfds an extension phone more SALES today! Ask for the than Mom? It helps h e r (almost) be in two places NATIONAL More thu N years al Trust Department. at once. So low in cost, too - just '>(K a month. A n d t 24C H AC K EN SA C K ST. COMMUNITY pretty extensions in color cost so little extra. H o w Corner of I nion A**. I 9 0 c about one 1 0 ease vour busy days? Just call the EAST RUTHERFORD i r-4.* B A N K Mrmbtr GEneva >4648 0 m o n t h ’Ick-phonc Busmen Ollicc. .N’LW JLRiLV BLLL RUTHERFORD • RIDGEFIELD • G A R FIELD • EAST PATERSON • E A ST RUTHERFORD O n — T t i • » M . W U IN G T O N • N0 9 TH A R LIN G TO N • ‘JTADT • LYNDHURST • LYNDHURST E x re p ' r •!. • T U t P M . (Stuyvesant Ave.) (Widtje Rrt) L i i s r . . PACE TWO THE C M M n O A L LEADER ANI) SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY. FEBRUARY I. 1962 Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday And Holy Days

dvdr; 8:00 p.m Church Choir. ST. THOMAS' Saturday - »:00 am. C o n fir­ EPISCOPAL IHUM H mation C lan 1 - 10:15 Class II. Stuyvrsaat and Forrat * arr Baptized C harrh Offlrr: (harvh SrhMi SACRCD HF ART R. C. Buildin-. Forrst Avrnur C H I’RCH Phonr: GF.arva I SM Rldfr Rd. A Nra Jrrsrv Avr. Thr Rrv Thomas M. Patter Ms»r Hrrnard Moarr, Pastor R rrto r M.ssrs C M. 7:1#. t« . It M Phonr WEhatrr » «IJ4 11 »«. U:00 In rh u rrl Daily Morning and Fvrnln* S W in school Pratrr at I a* A.M. and 7:»# P.M. rrsprrlivrly, rxirpt Prl MOI’NT CARMEI. CHAPEL daya. ('•ffUnd Avrnur, Lyndhurst p lu ip b in f & heatinij < HOIRS: Fvrrv Thursday - Jr. I Sunday Mas**-.: I nt. s oo. I t 3« C hoir. HAS p.m. . Sr. Chair. Lyndhurat, N. J. ft:M p.m. ■IT MICHAELS K C } P.P. • Every Sunday at 7 WE 9-7115 C H I'R C H Jr. V P f • Fvrry Saturday at f . Rrv Ladialaus J WiU-vrwski *:W p.m. P astor ftldffa IIikmI ao

Pre Finished Panelling Ceiling TUe Mahog. Louvre Doors Mahogany Lumber Mahogany Mouldinga All Types Insulation Decorative Hardwares

See D F o r Horae Improvement Plana Charge Arcounta Invited *• , IV* 1 1 OdUH . r\ a | . r *a.'*M » *- V/lltJ B eh linf of Guttenberg; and A ^ ph Dud*k- and Linda Meyer, Decorators of North Arlington, r iiII l ine of grandchildren Her husband. Riding Music was, will speak on ‘Your Personality ll . . .. ■ 1111 nlll .1 111/ that Innir.P on.l 1^ J l_. .. . ' Mason Malrriala 119 E. CENTRE ST. NITLEY Open Saturdays to 3 p. Our Ads Bring Results Free Delivery

INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE CORP industrial Waste Removal

218 WASHINGTON AVENUE NUTLEY, N. J. Burk Funeral Home NOrth 7-8080 Director* Julin L. Bmk — Paul KonaraLi 52 Ridge Road. Lyndhurtl WEbdter 9-0490 Cold Beer Wine & Liquors (Cor. 5th Ave.) Air Conditioned Free Delivery Complete Catering Service SINCE OUR WORK Mason Work i» one of M?r\icr to all. *e endeavor lo be helpful in W E D D IN G S — B A N Q U E T S Retaining Wall*, Side OCR every way. JAoo m : W Kbatar ) 1531 PARTIES — ETC. Wallt*. Brick Steps,1 469-71 Palisades Avr., Jersey City • OLdfield 9-4578 CONFIDENTLY! Plastering. General H O M E M ADE Burk Service - Since 1896 Repair Work F IL E S „ _ W V / Cole Slaw Baked Beans • u c j A n Potato Salad Macaroni Salad Clam Chowder

This may be news, b u t O VER M TEARS o r SATISFIED CUSTOMERS we keep confidential files. They are maintained NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS LOUIS MION for your convenience and protection. SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS SYMPATHETIC I NDER.STANIMNG TILE CONTRACTOR E very pharmacist keeps a complete record of prescriptions. A file number on a U A L CERAMIC TIL E m edicine container enables us to identify quickly Home M ade Our acrvk-M Tjrtuin that neighborly spirit ol AUTT PRODUCED BV MASTER MECHANICS any prescription, to tell you when it was filled KISZKA and KIELBASY sympathetic uudrrtlauding and careful con­ GEnova 8-5045 and w h o your d o c to r w as SlMwiwa * Otter: M KEARNY ST., LYNDHCRST. N. J sideration for the ueedi of liar family dur- Should any member of your family accidentally swallow some pills Hours Daily: 8 A.M. to 11 P.M l iug tluir most tr>ing hours. from a long-forgotten bottle, Safciu through Jnithfr VDttk tiiis information becomes extremely vital. SUNDAY With it, a physician can determine immediately w h eth er o r not emergency treatment is necessary. 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. *W r/y through another u*ek These confidential files represent 6 od has brought us oh our way. of your community pharmacist. Lei us now a blessing seek, another service iTailing m //is court/ today. GARDEN PKone GEneva 8-7772 Delicatessen John Newton wai a profligate youth, and spent six years as captain of a 418 FU E AVE. (Ctr. Chut) slave ship. After surviving a deadly fever in Africa aiai a perilous ocean 299 STUYVESANT AVE. GE 8-1026 SINCERITY DIGNITY REVERENCE storm, he renounced the slave tra®c. LYNDHURST, I. J. * returned to his mother’s religion, and Reudered In A Homelike Atmosphere became a curate In England. His fa­ mous friendship with poet William Cowpw inspired several beautiful ICONOM ICALh WAY TO W E 9 - 2 9 5 0 hymns including “Safety Through An- WALDO J. IPPOUTO ) : ^ ^ ^ ^ HJnC|NT(R QF FUNERAL HONK Louis Vioia Co 425 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J. 218 WASHINGTON AVE HiJHtt ^ v, GEnova 8-4664 Parking Facilities On Premil»t Hard anil Soft Coai Cinaers > A IR CONDITIONED YEAR BOONO NOrth 7 3t!80 -1 P*!’ * f l r . c ;iU R Minute-ed VAl.LtX BROO : AV” New Jersey and many, many resident* of New York are aroused over the fart New York refuses to raise its lejal drinking a*e limit to 21 years For years the two states have Iwen at odds: It »eer,,s however, that the women of the two states and of America-haye been side step pin* the real way to get actuu^V hy shouldn't the National Parent leaehers Council he ,i:W:n Wh'y ,houldn., ,h. Federation pf Women's Clubs start action Why shouldn't J l m h e r mothers duha of aU kinds get toet ther The liquor lobby, (Eam m crrial i.ts have held sway in New York Hut if the women organi­ zations get together and plan joint action the lobbvista and SOUTH RKRCFN REVIKW would fk*e. 7 Vol. 12 N«. — 30 l.yri *■ I« ( l io n . A hearing is to be held in in March. So that Lvndhurst will know what the plan is all Dr. Vito Ldmberto Mrs Olkowski has made the March tin elem ents of the plan about another arti.le i> nrinted todav on the subject of our fning of Fd Zak. popular high Polito said that township business areas. These articles will continue weekly.) s Named Head Of st htnil football c»*ach, as a prm- Planning Hoard, which ordered Passaic Hospital Staff cipal -me, She has attacked the plan, is ready to provide T h e f ana presently led industrial and residential the quality' of the work of the speakers and other material for o n cd ir business is approxi- use It should l>e noted that ex- HoatH of Kd m at ion t>n the basis the organizations of the com­ '0 a-res However, only, luting business uses in the of th Zak discharge :*(, «,f t m u n ity . od Business - Polito said lond »ng a more important stores and shops w’hich will The progxam was financed by street into a business 'one The serve thr neighborhood residen- Lyndhurst. by the state of New dept‘i o| these stllps •^etieral-' areas w ith dav-to-dsy goods, Jersey and with fedeial funds ly -1(H) fi*t:t T h e n o d c i in method 2 Community Business - ‘This was a non politics I of i!t .signing b u .ii « cer.tcf' in These aieas composed of the sUidy ' Polito ‘-aid “It was done dej-th with adequate o?T sti«y*t Stuyvesant Avenue businesses if the interests of all of us A pi.rkuu; makes th c 't• I of and those ;,t the intersection of dramatic plan h*.« been offered zen.fiL; obsolete hiil'ni fleets Valley Brook AVenue and Ridge I.vndhurst We must study it o( ’up zoning lomh rne(I with Hoad will form the main shop-j and decide whether we want it ovei zoning for Imsimess are pmg districts in Lyndhurst. "There art many interesting i esidenttal use- »>e •me lo- These two areas should be de- erful sup- disclosure* and recommends- ' ed adjacent to b-isiness uses signed as a coinpat t unit con- port fiom t? F n d C lu b , • tions in the Master Plan But I residential and business uses ‘•intent w ith modern design K in g s la n d C, •thers The ve as a community would be Ih < ome mixed in tf)e same strut - Further scatteration of busines- t:. ket is now. 4il; mg the sup- tuie This situation results in a *es in the Township should be .ill seived if we did not study Dr V. A. Lamberto of 422 P',rt of thf C.r* Ie Club. each one carefully. When the I ' m»i business environment for(discouraged. These two areas as Stuyvesant Ave, has been ele< Running •ro iu -ly i^ A n th o n y plan was evolved there was the 'tore or shop and an ex-11"oposed have sufficient area for ted chairman of the Medical dino. > "ini! Ai my veteran. tremely inadequate residential < xfTansion. It is contemplaled never any thought that it should Board of the Passaic General v ^ 1' irc:>e«| t ons’derable lie accepted without question. • nvintnment for the dwellings that the Lincoln School located Hospital Formerly Dr Lam s,iP»>' th ouijhoi.t the town- anil undoubtedly adversely af- a* the intersection of Valley , Actually, the plan merely is a berto was president of Jhe Med f«cts the desirability of the1 Brook Avenue and Ridge Road guide-po.d It shows where we ital staff and director of anes- Already backed by the East municipality as a whole. | will eventually be abandoned may go Hut it does not say we thesmlogy at the hospiUl. T.nd and Italian American Dem- A' previously pointed out a (Continued On Page 3) must go there The Medical Board is rexpon?- lxratlc c;i„hs. be bidding for urvey of where Lyndhurst resi- ( *'It would Im- wonderful if ible for the professional activi- support in other areas Seardino dcnts do their shopping indi- I every organization in Lyndhurat ties of the Medical Staff in the> u, expected to b«* bracketed t>e- «ated that many residents shop —and our school system—pre­ Bomb Scare hospital. fore the campaign is over. pared in the next few weeks to utside of the Township An A x 1 J * C - L ^ ^ l learn more about this plan Our a nalysis of the growth of retailOCVIOOI Mrs Chari* .- Christ, who won Planomg Board and the plan­ • nd service establishments Vanderstarre With Fleet strongly as an independent four A bomb scare emptied Lynd-| ning organization, the Passaic, 8^ows 'he increases have PICT! RF.S IN THF STRtirT. If you want to know how long esxt Iron lasts east your eyes hunt. High School Tuesday af- Vanderstarre. ftre- >ears a«" ar‘d u,st in a k>rach«t upon these storm water sewer coven—ovm Valls-v Citizens Planning Assnel.'b« n W adual and at a slow rate son of a year ls running mdepcod- Still A. part of tnion Township. The other ^ V m J^ntly a^ain. She has strong sup- Lyndhurst. However. In this eaae the nav A v w u ie .i P ° r l U„u>nu th e w o io e n g ro u p t. w ere dK covered bjr Tom A nthony of Cai with the Ts%0 candidates who by their Anthony, whose collet tion of old l.vndhurst I . , , , m , leonaueipnia uroup ot the At- f'u •* li<‘ appearance* have histories of a community in New Jersey, promptly addnd both to his collection. Incidentally 1 [ Police, aided by the FBI. are) |an,|t. Reserve Fleet at the 'tamped themselves as amonc the manhole covers were found by Anthony at Court and Stuyvesant Avenues. Thus, based upon the fact that. workmc on several leads. The( N , B Philadelphia Pa ,he b<’s' qualified foi the lwiar( Lyndhurst has an excessive! voice of the caller ~M ~ ...... — ------1—— ——— ; --- sa id t o ! are Charles Yesalavn h. o ffe rin g Richard Miller amount of land zoned ft>r busi-'have been recognized — and The group guards and main- of the Polish American Citizens Opens Navy Training ness and that the expected in- cuestioning of suspects have be-j tains the “mothballed" ships and Club and Henry Koziol, inde- Township Faces Record Tax Rate Increase ciease in number of retail and,gun ' sniall craft at the base. fContinued > n I ’agP 3> Richard H Miller, son of Mrs service establishments will not ------— ------— As Budget Study By Commissioners Begins Dorothy K Miller o f 551 Third bt appreciable it is proposed in Ave Lyndhurst. began recruit the plan to reduce the amount Lvnrlhuist taxes will take an mum with which he can work, the new budget■ t i ex p et tiaining, Jan 11. at the Naval of area presently devoted to1 i n pa i a I Ie Its I jump in the com- He wants to expand the sum -* for -4 wo week' . th e I.U Tiainin ; Center. Great Lakes, business and to plan for busi-j mg yeaj according to early re recreation, program, add hunts fur r.<< an* o f V e t, Illinois ‘ ness groupings rather thanj I'.oits frt»m the Town Hall more personnel tt» the regular down cxprndituie w here the Ho.utl i»f Cmnmis* staff and to pave some ground The n;ne \v« . basic training strips. dinners aie wicstlmg with the t>n DelafieM Avenue tt> provide ..insists <.f c! i"iixiin instruc- in naval topics including The reduction will affect the i.. v* budget bi.sketball courts That work is t H 'II Honor Court arv etiqucfe. drill physical ‘^ tra l ai>d northern portion of Staitmi: with an increase of to cost about $3,500 vs. swimming and survival. R,d«e Road whuh ,s P">posed $55.0tH) hi the Hoartl «»f hxiuca- The other commissioners are For Troop 81 s h ip b to Ix1 used ft»r medium density tion budget, the commissioners a 1st) lie ing p ressed st aid, ard safety pie- u itio n s and s In lesidence and professional of­ a lso I., c Boy Stout Troop N sp o n d u ty However, a final decision tin st^rini bv the St Mid fices; V a lle y BrfK»k A v e n u e he- Int i t ,i «*s in t o u n ty t u p H oi N Idition. it ion periods Name S*Kiety heltl F a d e . (| tween Stuyvesant Avenue^and v .a id $jo,, Fr Hit haul Fhienl»crg. curab »edj . • in- density residence. Stuyvesant II - te.i .• in p.(ymei)ts k.t the t I nirr- Ii iissi them in Avenue whi; h is proposed for Pa:*s.»ic V al'cv S t'w c r C’t'm m is- School Board President P etered 'fo i nwt Kacle Scout of Oin F Curcio tt»day endorsed Trus Ladv (.ot.,1 Counsel |{ C rating in whicl to medium density residence and tec Mario P Rizzo a candidate Cl.urt h. Newaik tlcUveied the w o rk froi more than 65 H\ nl portions of Riverside Avenue ase of amount available for ^,e schtKil board election sermon Fr Anthony Kasper ol a b le job e r ia ltie s . which are proposed for restrict- ish 'iirplus t«» ease the sis coming February 13 |st Mi \u I s ptesent«*d the Kaglt w eight <-f the t urrent tax A- i a rd t Cuirio said that in the past H ichai tl I l e v e ls , sot. B'Nai Brith Organizational All in all 1) commissioners three years Mr Rizzo has served of Mrs Mary Hesse I s. 722 4fh aie going to Ii 1 it difficult to as a school trustee, his efforts street Richard is a freshman at Meeting Will Be Held Tonight keep .i tax rat increase of 150 had been directed tcrward hav- Lyndhurst High School, has been acti\e in the trcnip as a , unts from n tcrializing, ac- mg schools that are well main- Tlie next org.mizati. ri il mcci ni requested to call Mrs junior leatle: f..i the past two 1 oiiimg t-> st..1 now cuirent taint d and through his con­ md tea <-f the ctiitentk forming Webster 9-0932 to expr years Tin- , 4 he fiist Kagle Mayor John Garde has urged stant inspections, been able to <*Mith Bergen Chapter ..f Him intention t>f attending the Award fm the triaip since its the commission to keep their improve the conditions tA o u r H'rith Women will in- hcM t»n!ctaning tea at her ht»mc. incept ion, and also the first estimate at mmimums But school system. \ rhursday evenmg. l-ehriiar> Is* ------there seems likely big boosts in Fagle presentation under retir- tov.n h> Mis p.'.i> ir.nim. ..i Lincoln PTA Board t< w nship operating costs will re­ His c-cx»perati»»n to the entire! ing Sc outrnastci George Graf- adnunistration. teachers, paifentsI fain after ten years in youth Lyndhurst. tins tea will Im* held 1 . /■* I* j * su lt it the home of Mrs Jules Fried, l o H e a r v ^ a g l ia r d i and fellow board members has w 01 k general'chairman pro tent. <»f Ilu Parks and Playground Com- helped to make the school sys-> Tlie Holy Name Society pre- Hobart Avenue, Rutherford. Frank Gagliardi. Lyndhurst missinntv Petei Curcio. who is tem a more effective one Lynd - 1 sented Richard and Steven Said Mrs Fried, The response: High School guidance director, nisi, presnlent of the Board of hurst today enjoys a better Schael»er of TitK»p },3 with an to our announcement regarding will speak this afternoon at Fducation. has insisted on in- school system because of dedi- Kagle wall plaque in' recogni- ihe formatum of new B'nai j 3:15 at the Lincoln School creases which will raise his bud cated men like Mario Rizzo tion of their great achievement Until Women Chapter in this PT A He will tell about hisj get b tween $15 000 to $20,000 Your vote for him will continue I Steven is the son of Mr and area has been most gratifying | w o rk -1‘tfrcio said that is the mini- to insure that. Mrs. Anthony Schacber. 6f»H We now have thirty three paid| Girls of the fifth and sixth - Kingsland avenue. He attends up members. The women win* grade chorus will sing several Queen of Peace High School in joined tHir group at the last tea selections Mrs. Laura Russell North Arlington. Notice To Senior Citizens .re Mrs. Floyd Matlick of Wood- is director. A recent opinion by the N. J. State Attorney General’s Following the Holy Hour the Ridge; Michael Rifkin. Mrs. AI Girls who will take part are. Office (F o rm a l Opinion. 1961 No. 34) dated December 12, Mothers' Club served refresh- Wein, Mrs. Harry La Book. Mrs. Donna De Nisco, Christine HHil, holts that, for the purposes of the Senior Citizen rrtents in the school cafeteria. George Dlugasch and Mrs. Jtj HuKer, Roseann Manente. Diane F xem ption Law (C. 9. L. 19€1>, a person who Is not a Scoutmaster is Frank Yesali- seph Zatkow, all of Lyndhurst. Niscea, Camille Timpanaro, I nited States ( itixen, but has domiciliary and a resident vich. Mrs. Dort>thy Goldstein and Mrs. Dolores Hawkins. June Kunz, of N. J. fo r three or more years and Is otherwise qualified .Louis Behar of Garfield; Mrs. Jo Anita Giaiino, Nellie Nauta, under the statute, is en titled to- th e tax exem ption provided Mary Mercer. Mary Fenero- ! seph Weisbcrg «#uk! Mrs. Sidnev therein. Stengel Returns RAILROAD Roscnhlum of Ruthc-rford; Mrs wicz, Donna Marie Gutkowski, Therefore, those persons who applied for the Senior From NABAC Seminar Benjamin Kig of llasbrouck Francine Gentile. Sandra Gum- Citizen Fxemption before November 1, 19C1 and were poafa, Patricia De Seglia, Irene - — POSSIBLE H&M EXTENSION refused application because of non-citlseiMhlp, and those John D. Stengel of Sixth Ave. ,,llration at the has returned from a trip to Temporary officers besides Spinolh. Joann Lucariello, Su­ Tax Office, should promptly contact the Tax Office or one Washington. D. C. on Wednes- Mrs. Fried include Mrs. Theodore san Di Falco. N. 4 COMMUTER RAILROADS. of the assessors in-order to properly make application for day, Thursday and Friday he Flaum of llasbrouck Heights, Candidates for the Board of i-. a w t m — .. . —• exemption before the deadline which la February 2*. 19C2. attended a seminar there, xpon- secretary, and Mrs. William Tay Education have been invited to THE MEADOW ROUTE. This map shows the route the Port of New York Authority propones Aholutely, no applications will be accepted after the sored by the NABAC.•AC, the as-;lor of Hackensack, treasurer (speak, to establish to get the commuters to New York. The Lyndhurst-Boonton line trains (ll on the •hove date. sociation for Bank A Audits ud Con- Membership for the newly form Refreshments will be served map would terminate at the circle designated in the Secaucus meadows just east of the a Board of Assessors trol and Operation under the ing women's group will be drawn ensack River bridge crossing at a point over w hich the Penn'\Ivanla Railroad now p a a ttf |l Frank. V. Carbone, Chairman NABAC personnel administra- from the following nine to*ns M m es. B ert T h o m as. D ean Erie Bergen trains (t), leaving the Rutherford station, wouH terminate at the same spot. There James Herwig tion commission. The seminar Rutherford. East Rutherford. P e te r s o n , Bert Perry and Mat- passengers would transfer to Hudson Sc Manhattan trains or buses headed for either downtown Edward A. Newel \*i w as held at the Statler-Hilton Carlxtadt, Lyndhurst. Wood-Ridge., thew B ra n t o f Lyndhurst, were or midtown Manhattan. It is also suggested that Pennsylvania trains night also Ulmp there Frank Pilas H otel, Washington. Mr. S ten- Garfield, llasbrouck Heights, Wal g u ests a t th * h o m e of Mrs. W il- bound for Pennsylvania Station al iith Street Whole plans hinge on Dsted- v«nt«ary tl. Fehrusry 1 - i - 15, 1962 gel was the only representative 11 ngton and Moonachie. Interested 11iam Schrader of North A rlin g - acquisition of H. ft M. by the Port of New York Authority. Ferry system would be discontinue Fern- trS.Tfi from New Jersey, t I Jewish residents ol this area a rc ton on Wednesday e v e n in g .
