PA C E TW EI.Vfc TIIF COMMERCI AL I.EVDFR AND SOl'TII BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1<K.2 7----------------- The Local Scene V .rk joling hnve ...•l.i.-vr.l. Kill rr- Ru|es Are Changed mum !«»!. P0r Navy, Coast Guard nr^i.y tvrnm* lh» *-hool Commercial Xen^cr For many year* Lyndhurst arli-l Hans I'usl fool work in jm r»H.nli.ll purt .if I when pUn* were made for their a S u t h e s o i t h B r n r .E N r e v i e w ill,. ...I ....liii,.. Oiplsm K.-M Duffy, f'cimmanil poun<iers Day program to tie W eingaertner ha- looked homeward for th. art ol iMiliH... L ()f|jrrr (>| !hf N-v., K t r,.:j(iven i( (o ^ h(.,d Established 1921 subjects that be could depict on hi- can- wrve Training Uml. ljik..hu.si, npx, W„ in,sdav. K.h 1th C.n- The Commrrri.il I radrr is Ihr oflirial nrwspaper jvasse*. |,a-t week the Leader new-paper* . _ _ N. J ■ announced today thal a djdates for the Board of K<lu- , were privileged to show some of W eiti- ( h * nK'' lh,,,..Uon have mv.ted lo LYNDHURST HOME OF CHAMPIONS AnOTner Lesson I Buorau of Naval,n Penwnm-Ih> af sprak Thp S(h„0| ,,udje, w,n jgaertner's latent painting-. They con­ Vli.li.il.-.- J. R n \n . forim T Fair l.aw nlj'01* lll< r,‘,‘nX ' held by World ^ tuplained Mrs Walter Leyh Published every Thursday hy The (loniinrrrjal l.inler Printing Company firm ed tin* fact that the L ake \v e n u e . - , . W.u II and Korean Naval Veter- IM nr#iiil«.ni sanilarv inspector, has Iwen convicted 4lls w prnweni a t 251 Rid^c Road. Lyndhurst, N. J. I eh phone CEncva 8*8700-8701 jmafl j,, unf 0f j|,r fitte-«l arti-t* painting t * i • t I Announcement wa* made of Unlay. f o r III. Ml .......... I I of rv ^ ((> lh„ Nlvn| VrtJth* founder. Day luncheon to E ditor JOHN SAVINO It i* interesting t«» observe tlie artist’s tori mil and misconduct ill office. erans etiukl n«.t enlist in th»* Na ^ Mfrve<S •' Mana in Ihe charge- -tcnm icd from an investi-jval Air Reserve at the same rat- Tea neck on Feb 27th. Business Mgr. Ernest J. Dahinelt -kills and investiveness al work. Along giition lliat ill.li« at,.,| B rn n li.i.l taU,.n "i* 'hey Ik-W al ihe lime of their Second-Cla** postage paid at Rutherford, N. J the Passaic River the earth h«|iik has . t 'd iaeh aiu e. unless they «*nlisien Chiropractic effectively treats -tom- oio| moneyuionev irom11 out a lI airview returciu -e wnhm MX m„nlhs <ltur ,h«u dis | been eroded steadil) by tin* tide- — so the fnUowtef condition*: colfeiiion firm lhat had the Fair Lawn charge. Subscription $2.:>0 Per \ ear Ten Out* Per Copy much so the Army Corps of Engineers has contract. ehange will |M>rmit Nervous Disorder $ I ^ NDIII R>1. Y J . I ERR I \RY I, 1962 been debating methods of arresting the .... * - • ..many ex-Navy and ex-Coast H c a d a r h e t intrusion of the waters. I lie case revives memories of the all r .u a n l }s>rs<«n.-l to j-»in th,- Na hill forgotten investigation initiated bvival Ail Res«*rve now and retain B ackaches No such problem bothered \rti-l form er Stale S enator W alter IL Jones of ,h<‘,r fwrnvr rating*. "*K«rdless Good Bye, Hoboken! W eingaertner. What fascinated him wa* f their date ot discharge N euritis Bergen into llu* rcfu-c colleclion racket. r i i i r .1 ii I u l. riv er w ashed away tin* earth B ursitis For how main generation* ha- the W hat the future hold- for the llobo- * The inve-tigation never got off ihe Aviation and Administrative bil­ . , n **t Hie roots of the tree- lhat once had lets nil* available in many of the Digestive Disorders Erie-Lackawanua terniinal in Hoboken ken area nobody now know-. However. ground because the fund- were never S<]u.idron.s of the L akehurst N aval . - .. i ..l tweii safely imbedded on ihe hank. Ihe been a** familiar to South Bergcnilc* a* the llohoken -itii.ituni m ....... i n d e e d . 3 made available. Air Reserve Training Unit. Non | w x i ii ii i « i tangle ot roots were left bare. Ihe sun h o m e / When the Holland American line. Ing- . T But anvbodv familiar with the refuse Aviation pers«mnel may change Dr. L. Ackerman . .. , , , wlutene<| them, their ratings to an Aviation Rat­ Chiropractor u e - i -I i i i i operator in llohokcn moves out situation in New Jersey knows that it ing Thc hig. grimy structure. u 11-11< < «— 11• I- . 1 1 . , ... i c. ...i Many passed the root- hv without a 244 Ridge Road tin-vear and when ihe Ing terminal Imal- | • -mell- not only in the summer but ail Full details are available from ly losing the fight agaiu-t the damp rav­ . » . | ,| , ,ri second thought. For the arti-t lltev pre- Rutherford. N . J. Iv i- abandoned, along with the terry i i. > .. ...» vear round. I nougli fact* have been the Information and Ri‘cruiting age*. of the.11 inl-on on vs 11 i«Ti it fro n ted , i t t f» rented a reinarkahlc cli.JIeiigc. Dancing Department, Naval Air Reserve House ('alls Made -v-teni. there I-not going to be much lelt. w .. f. elicited by the abortive probes thal have and filled with the odor- of hi--iug -team Koot*. \\ eingaertner called one. after Training Unit. Lakehurst, N. J.. By Appointment oaly been held in Kearny. North Arlington. l)ht>no OLdfield 7 4411, extension and boiling diesel oil. no* i- expiring Like the Jcr-ev Citv waterfront the |M. I transferred it to canvas. Phone. G E neva » 14*4 East Rutherford and Fair Lawn to show v% illingl y and in a fen yearn vs 111 he hilt Ilohoken -horeline offer-an opportunity And. indeed, the root- did seem lo thal corruption was not restricted to a a m em ory. lor cnoruioii- redevelopment. No doubt re-enddc human being*, dancing, few place- hut seemed to he routine in Plan- of the Pori of New ^ ork Auth­ the Port \nthoritv will turn itf* planners Another of Vtcingaert iter's paintings i- u great majority of the casf*. ority lo acquire Hudson X Manhattan loo-c and give Holmken some advice on a similar scene set in thc Hackcn-ack In New York investigations showed Railroad have put the liual signature on what to do about it- losers. New Jer-ey meadows. And still -^inother is a family that bigtime racketeers had moved into the terminar- order of doom. ssill be interested because what affects I portrait pet in the familiar scene- of the industry and controlled it. Since T h e plan is f o r thr P \ to huild a Hoboken affect- the entire -tale. Branch Brook Park and Secred Heart For one North Jer-ey i- an integral part of the huge tran-fer facility in the llarri-ou i i r .i • . Cathedral, Newark. Itul econom ic- a*idc. loss ol llu* pictur- metropolitaji area crime picture there m e a d o w * where ihe Newark-Morri- Erie . n | „i: All are trememloiislv exciting example- of e-inie llolmken terminal will lie a *au . , » i- no reason to doubt that fact* Unearthed Lackawanna I r a n i - vs all m eet vs ith H ud , , | | | n ^ ° * aM artii-1 » pcrsonalitv and inventive- thing lor many railroad hull-. II wa- ' J in New > ork pertain in North Jersey. ►on & M anhattan. P, rilger* Hill change the most there lhat many became first enamoured IM W hen Robert Mey ner was governor llu* off t h e r e . ol the railroads. One great childhood single agency that could have done the tor Erie-Lackawanna passenger* on investigating job. the Law Enforcement important the Boonton and Rutherford line- an­ thrill many -till recall wa* the moment of How To Make Votes arrival in llohokcn when steam still pro-1 CounciL vs a- lu|iiidated. other point is planned in tin- Secaucus pelled tin* engines. President Kennedy i* on record a- dis- t.oxcrnor Hughe- and his new attor­ steps in meadow -. There a eonneetion vs ilh llinl- ,, i i r i. .• approving ihe New-YWk contract which ney general. Xrlliur Sills, could no worse son & Manhattan will he made. I here wa- a kind ol exultation among , , . ... , |provides electrical eltnployee- with a 2”»- than rc-cstahli-he the LEC and a-k for his life Hy this time ihe last of the ferries ‘he children a- they passed down tlie week, lhat does not mean that the an immediate investigation of the refuse will have run. Transportation into ihe platform toward the terminal, listening contract will Ih* abrogated. It doesn't collection racket. rity then will he hy Hudson i\ Manhattan lo the final,this-mg breaths of the engine*, . , , . , | i i .1 .1 c even m ean that the electrical worker- will Tiny feet learning to - and by buses. ind then walking Ikeside them as the lire- , .
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