Natural Heritage Program List of Rare Animal Species of North Carolina 2016 Revised 4 April 2017

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Natural Heritage Program List of Rare Animal Species of North Carolina 2016 Revised 4 April 2017 Natural Heritage Program List of Rare Animal Species of North Carolina 2016 revised 4 April 2017 Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi) photo by Jeff Beane Compiled by Judith Ratcliffe, Zoologist John Finnegan, Conservation Information Manager Suzanne Mason, Conservation Information Manager North Carolina Natural Heritage Program N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Raleigh, NC 27699-1651 C ur Alleghany rit Ashe Northampton Gates C uc Surry am k Stokes P d Rockingham Caswell Person Vance Warren a e P s n Hertford e qu Chowan r Granville q ot ui a Mountains Watauga Halifax m nk an Wilkes Yadkin s Mitchell Avery Forsyth Orange Guilford Franklin Bertie Alamance Durham Nash Yancey Alexander Madison Caldwell Davie Edgecombe Washington Tyrrell Iredell Martin Dare Burke Davidson Wake McDowell Randolph Chatham Wilson Buncombe Catawba Rowan Beaufort Haywood Pitt Swain Hyde Lee Lincoln Greene Rutherford Johnston Graham Henderson Jackson Cabarrus Montgomery Harnett Cleveland Wayne Polk Gaston Stanly Cherokee Macon Transylvania Lenoir Mecklenburg Moore Clay Pamlico Hoke Union d Cumberland Jones Anson on Sampson hm Duplin ic Craven Piedmont R nd tla Onslow Carteret co S Robeson Bladen Pender Sandhills Columbus New Hanover Tidewater Coastal Plain Brunswick THE COUNTIES AND PHYSIOGRAPHIC PROVINCES OF NORTH CAROLINA Natural Heritage Program List of Rare Animal Species of North Carolina 2016 Compiled by Judith Ratcliffe, Zoologist John Finnegan, Conservation Information Manager Suzanne Mason, Conservation Information Manager North Carolina Natural Heritage Program N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Raleigh, NC 27699-1651 This list is dynamic and is revised frequently as new data become available. New species are added to the list, and others are dropped from the list as appropriate. The list is published periodically, generally every two years. Further information may be obtained by contacting the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, 1651 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-1651 and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, 1701 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-1701. Additional information on rare species, as well as a digital version of this list, can be obtained from the Natural Heritage Program’s website at TABLE OF CONTENTS NORTH CAROLINA RARE ANIMAL LIST ................................................................................... 1 EXPLANATION OF STATUS AND RANK CODES FOR ANIMALS .......................................... 2 Mammals .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Birds .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Reptiles ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Amphibians ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Freshwater Fishes .............................................................................................................................. 30 Mollusks: Freshwater Bivalves ......................................................................................................... 38 Mollusks: Freshwater and Terrestrial Gastropods ............................................................................ 43 Arachnids .......................................................................................................................................... 52 Crustaceans ....................................................................................................................................... 54 Insects: Mayflies ............................................................................................................................... 57 Insects: Stoneflies ............................................................................................................................. 59 Insects: Caddisflies ........................................................................................................................... 60 Insects: Dragonflies and Damselflies ................................................................................................ 62 Insects: Butterflies ............................................................................................................................ 66 Insects: Moths ................................................................................................................................... 71 Insects: Grasshoppers and Katydids ................................................................................................. 81 Insects: Beetles.................................................................................................................................. 84 Insects: True Bugs ............................................................................................................................. 85 NORTH CAROLINA ANIMAL WATCH LIST ............................................................................. 87 Mammals .......................................................................................................................................... 89 Birds .................................................................................................................................................. 91 Reptiles ............................................................................................................................................. 95 Amphibians ....................................................................................................................................... 97 Freshwater Fishes .............................................................................................................................. 99 Mollusks: Freshwater Bivalves ....................................................................................................... 102 Mollusks: Freshwater and Terrestrial Gastropods .......................................................................... 103 Arachnids ........................................................................................................................................ 106 Crustaceans ..................................................................................................................................... 107 Insects: Mayflies ............................................................................................................................. 110 Insects: Stoneflies ........................................................................................................................... 112 Insects: Caddisflies ......................................................................................................................... 114 Insects: Dragonflies and Damselflies .............................................................................................. 120 Insects: Flies.................................................................................................................................... 123 Insects: Butterflies .......................................................................................................................... 124 Insects: Moths ................................................................................................................................. 126 Insects: Grasshoppers and Katydids ............................................................................................... 138 Insects: Beetles................................................................................................................................ 141 Insects: Bees.................................................................................................................................... 143 ENDEMIC ANIMALS IN NORTH CAROLINA .......................................................................... 145 EXTIRPATED ANIMALS IN NORTH CAROLINA ................................................................... 149 POTENTIAL NEW TO NORTH CAROLINA ANIMALS ........................................................... 151 SIGNIFICANT 2016 REVISIONS TO THE ANIMAL LIST ....................................................... 157 INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES................................................................................................. 159 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Biologists who graciously provided review of species statuses and ranks in this 2016 version, listed alphabetically, are John Alderman, Tyler Black, Alvin Braswell, Ed Corey, Mary Frazer, Jeff Hall, Harry LeGrand, Brena Jones, Gabriela Hogue, Chris Kelly, Sarah McRae, Fritz Rohde, T.R. Russ, Curtis Smalling, Bryn Tracy, David Webster, and Lori Williams. Many staff members of the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) were involved in the preparation and creation of this 2016 document. Dr. Harry LeGrand, former NCNHP Vertebrate Zoologist, developed the foundation of the Rare Animal List during his tenure with our program - his efforts are carried forward with greatest appreciation. Jame Amoroso entered numerous animal records into the database over the past two years and Linda Rudd made substantial revisions to the introduction and helped to compile this final document. Misty Buchanan, our Director, provided

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