Autonomous Agents and the Concept of Concepts Autonomous Agents and the Concept of Concepts Paul Davidsson Doctoral dissertation submitted in partial ful®llment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Computer Science. Department of Computer Science, Lund University First edition c 1996 by Paul Davidsson Department of Computer Science Lund University Box 118 S±221 00 Lund Sweden
[email protected] ISBN 91±628±2035±4 CODEN LUTEDX/(TECS±1006)/1±221/(1996) PrintedinSwedenbyKFSiLundAB Preface Although this thesis is written in the form of a monograph, some of the results presented have already been published in various articles and reports. These are listed below and will in the text be referenced using the associated Roman numerals as follows: I. E. Astor, P. Davidsson, B. Ekdahl, and R. Gustavsson. ªAnticipatory Planningº, In Advance Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Planning, 1991. II. P. Davidsson, ªConcept Acquisition by Autonomous Agents: Cognitive Model- ing versus the Engineering Approachº, Lund University Cognitive Studies 12, ISSN 1101±8453, Lund University, Sweden, 1992. III. P. Davidsson, ªA Framework for Organization and Representation of Concept Knowledge in Autonomous Agentsº, In Scandinavian Conference of Arti®cial Intelligence ± 93, pages 183±192, IOS Press, 1993. IV. P. Davidsson, ªToward a General Solution to the Symbol Grounding Problem: Combining Machine Learning and Computer Visionº, In AAAI Fall Symposium Series, Machine Learning in Computer Vision, pages 157±161, 1993. V. P. Davidsson, E. Astor, and B. Ekdahl, ªA Framework for Autonomous Agents Based on the Concept of Anticipatory Systemsº, In Cybernetics and Systems '94, pages 1427±1434, World Scienti®c, 1994.