The 48th Annual Synod

The Lutheran Conference Centre Co-hosted by Jabavu, Pimville, Southrand and Zola Circuits

THEME Before you knew God. The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children

23 to 26 May 2018


1 ORDER OF OPENING ...... 13




5 ORDERS ...... 44

6 LAY MINISTRIES ...... 48


8 CLERGY MATTERS ...... 51




12 FINANCE ...... 69

13 CIRCUIT BOUNDARIES (L&D Appendix 5: 6.1 – 6.5) ...... 70


15 DISTRICT TRUST PROPERTIES (L&D Appendix 5: 6.27 – 39) ...... 84

16 ELECTIONS (L&D Appendix 5: 7 page 191) ...... 86

17 GENERAL & ORDER OF CLOSING (L&D Appendix 5: 9) ...... 88


ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE MINISTERIAL CONVOCATION WEDNESDAY, 23 MAY 2018 08:00 Light Breakfast and Registration 09:00 Opening Devotions Bishop Gary Rivas Calling of the Roll and Answering Discipline Questions Is there any objection to any Minister or Probationer? 1. Is there any objection to their moral and religious character? 09:30 2. Do you believe and teach sound Christian District Secretary doctrine as held by the Methodist Church? 3. Do you duly observe and enforce our discipline? 4. Have they competent abilities for our work? We may start off by explaining what the need for and function of the Convocation

Extract from Conference 2017 resolution 2.6 CONTINUING MINISTERIAL FORMATION As directed by 2015 Conference in Yearbook 2016, Resolution 2.42: Page 105, Conference endorses Continuing Ministerial Formation program and directs EMMU to facilitate implementation. 1. All ordained presbyters in active ministry shall participate in mandatory Continuing Ministerial formation. Each presbyter is required to do at least 100 hours of learning/ study a year (about 12 days) in the areas of choice. 2. Accountability groups consisting of the Superintendent, a Society Steward and 2 Lay persons, are to be established for each minister. For Conversation on the Clergy Vocation 10:00 Superintendents the group will consist of the Bishop, a Circuit Steward and virtues of the Ordained and 2 Lay persons.

The task of the accountability group will be: • To carry out a Review of Ministry process (L&D 4.79.1) (HR Unit to provide a standard review format) The aim of the review is to help a minister identify her/his strengths, passion, gifts and how these contribute to the wellbeing of the circuit/ society / community or the church at large as well as areas of weakness in which s/he needs development/ empowerment. This process will assist ministers in choosing areas of study to focus on each year. • To provide mentorship and supervision by meeting with the minister bi-annually to discuss progress. • To give a mentorship report on the minister at the Presbyter Convocation. 10:30 Tea Break Engaging together on matters of Clergy Care Reports on Continuing Ministerial Discussing the implementation of Review of Ministry as per 11:00 conference resolution? Formation How as a District we will achieve this? Any other business pertaining to the Ministry 12:00 Ordinands’ Oral Examination Bishop Gary Rivas and the DSS 13:00 LUNCH 14:00 LGBTIQ+ Conversation Engagement with the Doctrinal/ MCSA Communication Strategy Document Ethical/ Theological/ Contemporary Current Public Issues – Land Issues Affecting the Church Ministry in the public or political space (including our response the North West) 15:30 TEA BREAK 16:00 Closing service of the Renewal of Ordination vows and Presbyters’ undertakings (Book of Order, 12th Edition, 4.17.1 – 4.17.7) 17:00 Benediction Bishop Gary Rivas ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE DISTRICT SYNOD


15:00 Registration Jabavu Circuit

17:00 Supper Lutheran Centre

Synod Opening Service with Holy Communion Jabavu Methodist Church 18:30 Including the recognition of Long Service Bishop Gary Rivas


07:00 Breakfast Lutheran Centre MORNING WORSHIP 08:00 Preacher: Rev Peter M. Witbooi including Ministerial Candidate Testimonies CONSTITUTING SYNOD Circuit Superintendent Welcome and announcements Circuit Steward Calling of the Roll Report on the accountability of Ministers from the 09:30 District Secretary Convocation

Report on the Deaconate Resolution of the Hours of Session APPOINTMENT OF SYNOD COMMITTEES See Section 2.0 9:55 PRESENTATION OF SYNOD DOCUMENTS All reports are taken as read. Mission reports: Circuit Reports; District Mission Groups and Committee Reports; Women’s Association; Women’s Auxiliary; Women’s Manyano; Young Women’s Manyano; Young Men’s Guild Men’s League; Music Association; Local Preachers Association; Local Preachers Department; Ecumenical Affairs; Youth Unit Report Resolutions and documents referred to Synod: The Wellness Policy Boundaries Conversation MCSA Crisis Communication Plan

10:00 Bishop’s Address to Synod 10:30 Tea Break 11:00 CONNEXIONAL EDUCATION TASK TEAM Prof Stephen Hendricks 11:20 EMMU - Candidates Rev Siviwe Waqu 11:40 DISTRICT LAY LEADER’S REPORT Mrs. Thuli Nkomonde 12:10 DISTRICT SECRETARY REPORT Report from the Convocation to Synod Rev Vusi Vilakati District and Connexional Matters Tsietsi Mashinini Community Centre Albert Street School

12:30 Election of District Secretary see Duties per the L&D in Section 1.3.3 – Page 20 12:30 CONVERSATION ON THE WORK OF GOD District Vice Chairperson Reflections on what we have heard including the Rev Faith Whitby Bishop’s Address and Lay Leader’s Address 13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 WE RECEIVE NOTICES OF MOTION 14:30 MISSION AND GROWTH Mission Report Rev Sikawu Makubalo Appointment of Mission Secretary Statistical Report Miss Yolisa Mfaise District Trust Property Report Mr. Ricky Ngwenya Highlights from Organisations Organisation and formation leaders 15:30 Tea Break

16:00 DISCUSSING MATTERS REFFERED TO SYNOD Connexional boundaries Conversation Supper 18:30 Ordinand Witness Services as organized by Hosting Circuits


Breakfast 08:00 WORSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY Rev Peter M. Witbooi

09:00 EMMU BUSINESS District Supervisor of Studies

10:00 LAY MINISTRIES REPORTS School of Vocation Rev Lea Marumo Lay Training/Local Preachers Department Rev Moagi Sekhejane 10:30 Tea

11:00 District Communication Unit Rev Willem van der Walt

11:30 DISTRICT FINANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Financial Statements Christmas, Mission & Extension and Ministerial Student Fund Budget 2019 Finance Resolutions Appointment of District Treasurer 13:00 Lunch 14:00 CONVERSATION ON THE WORK OF GOD One and Undivided Wellness Policy Document Crisis Communication Plan

15:30 Tea 16:00 Election of District Committees Appointment of reps to Conference Reading of Stations SERVICE OF RECOGNITION, REMEMBRANCE AND HEALING 17:00 (honoring superannuating ministers) 18:00 Supper

SATURDAY 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Youth Unit YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S HOUR Including highlights from the Youth Unit 09h00 Greetings and Highlights from Organisations Vice Chairperson Report from Fellowship Task Team 09:30 SYNOD RESOLUTIONS Rev Lea Marumo and Resolutions Committee 10:30 Tea 11:00 SYNOD RESOLUTIONS CLOSING CEREMONIES Resolution on the Work of God 12:00 12 Rules of a Helper Thanksgiving Synod Rises Confirmation of Synod Minutes

13h00 Lunch and Departure

SUNDAY District Bishop to preach in one of the Host- 09:00 Synod Sunday Circuits Synod Sunday will be celebrated at a circuit level and all ministers and delegates are expected to focus on the Synod Theme. The Synod Resolution on the work of God should be disseminated and shared in all Methodist societies within the District.


Dear Synod delegate,

Welcome to Synod 2018. A very big thank you to the Jabavu, Zola, Pimville and South Rand Circuits for hosting us. You may wonder why it is that we have broken away from just one Circuit hosting Synod? This year we actively worked on what it means to be One and Undivided. The fact more than one Circuit is hosting Synod is a symbol of our Unity. Our Mothers are working together, across Circuit Boundaries. The Amadodana are joining hands, as are the Youth and other organizations and Associations, to make sure that Synod 2018 is a resounding success.

This is one of the manifestation of the Priestly prayer that Jesus prays found in John 17. ‘May they be One’. I would like to thank the Organizations, Circuits, Societies and Individuals that have made to being a One and Undivided Church.

Jeremiah 1:4-8 Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.”

The Theme for Synod 2018 is, ‘Before you knew God. The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children’. As per the Presiding Bishop’s vision, we continue to hold the theme of young people before us. For the sake of our church, communities, countries and continent, we have to see the same thing that God saw when He said through Paul’s letter to Timothy.

1 Timothy 4:12

“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

We find God setting before young people a very clear mandate to be leaders in our communities. There is a clarion call to young people to be the ones who set an example in their speech, their behavior, their faith and their purity. The season has come where the Church has to take this very seriously and give young people the opportunity to be all that they can be.

It is my prayer that we will use this time together wisely, to dream of all the possibilities, to seek Gods will for the church and then to ultimately leave resolved to implement all we resolved to do, that will build His Kingdom here on earth.

Grace, Peace and Love Bishop Gary Rivas LETTER FROM HOSTING CIRCUITS

The Methodist Church of Southern Africa CENTRAL DISTRICT 0900 Soweto Methodist Ministers Forum

Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Greetings are indeed the gateway of our welcome to this, our 48th annual Synod of the Central District.

We have by God’s grace gone full circle from last year’s Synod in Matlosana Circuit to this unique one, hosted by the South Rand, Zola, Jabavu and Pimville Circuits.

It is a great pleasure to welcome all of you to this historical location of Soweto in which the 4 Circuits hosting this year’s Synod are situated.

Soweto’s history in the annals of our liberation struggle is imbibed in the hearts of the majority of South Africans, without this location our liberation would not be sufficient. We give thanks to God for the participation of Soweto in the liberation history of from the brutal regime of apartheid. We therefore take pride as residents of Soweto to host this historic 48th Synod of the Central District in Soweto.

Enjoy your stay during this Synod and become part of us and be influenced by the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood that will prevail during Synod. Yours faithfully Soweto Superintendents

God Bless

RULES OF DEBATE (L & D APPENDIX 4) Much of the business in the courts of the Church is conducted in the form of Conversation. Therefore, the Rules of Debate should be applied only when necessary, and then in such a way as not to impair the spirit of the meeting. The following Rules of Debate, while primarily of application to Conference, may be applied to all formal Church meetings.

1. Any Member wishing to address Conference shall rise and been violated. The Member who was addressing Conference shall address the Presiding Bishop, and shall not proceed until called be seated until the Presiding Bishop has decided the Point of on. Order.

2. All speeches shall be directed to the Presiding Bishop. 16. At any time between speeches, a Member may propose closure of the debate. This shall be put to Conference without 3. No Member shall remain standing during a discussion except debate and if it is carried by a majority of two-thirds the Presiding the Member recognised by the Presiding Bishop. Bishop shall allow the Member to speak who has the right of reply 4. No Member shall speak more than once on the same matter and shall then immediately put the motion to Conference. without the leave of Conference, except that the Proposer: of a 17. At any point between speeches, a Member may propose that resolution has the right to speak last in reply to the debate. The ‘the motion be not put’. If this is carried by Conference, with or Seconder: of a motion may either speak in support when without debate, the motion or amendment before Conference seconding or reserve the right to speak later. The Proposer: and cannot be put and Conference proceeds to the next item of Seconder: of an amendment have no right of reply. business.

5. The Presiding Bishop shall rule out of order any Member who 18. The Presiding Bishop may decide when to close the debate, violates the rules of debate or the regulations of Conference. and unless Conference decides otherwise the vote shall then be 6. Where the formal business is not conducted by answer to taken. At the close of the debate (and after the Proposer: has had Questions, it proceeds by way of proposing or moving a the right of reply) the motion or the motion as amended shall be resolution which is then seconded, debated and voted upon. Only read to Conference and the vote taken. No one should thereafter one motion shall be before Conference at a time. speak on the motion.

7. No major matter may be brought before a Church meeting 19. Voting may be by voice, show of hands, or ballot. If, after a unless due notice has been given to the Members by including it vote by voice, the Presiding Bishop declares the result and no one in the notice of the meeting. In Synod or Conference notice of challenges the decision then the result becomes final. motion shall be given at the commencement of the meeting or, if 20. Members may abstain from voting but should do so only for the meeting agrees, one day’s notice shall be required. Notice is good reason and not simply to avoid the duty to make a decision. not required for matters introduced by any Department or Committee when dealing with its business. Where there are 21. Reports submitted to Conference may be adopted if several notices of motion dealing with the same subject, Synod or Conference approves them, or received if Conference wishes to Conference may draw them together in a single motion which include them in its records without approving or rejecting them, seeks to capture the spirit of all the notices of motion. or merely noted when no further action is taken.

8. No proposal shall be considered which is in conflict with an 22. The Proposer: of a resolution or, where it is amended, the existing regulation or previous decision unless the existing Proposer: of an amendment, should reduce the resolution to regulation or previous decision is first considered and amended writing and submit it to the Secretary. or rescinded. 23. Conference may appoint Committees to deal with matters 9. Once a resolution has been moved and seconded it shall not be brought before it. Conference should decide the members of the withdrawn without the consent of Conference. Committee, its convener, powers of co-option if any, terms of reference and power to act. Committees shall report as required 10. The report of a Committee is received without motion but its by Conference. adoption shall be moved and seconded. 24. When an election is made, except where otherwise provided, 11. During the debate, any Member may move an amendment to each nominee should be nominated and seconded before the the motion. The amendment should not simply be a negative of next nomination is taken. Before voting takes place the Presiding the motion. When an amendment has been proposed and Bishop should announce the position to be filled, the names of seconded, debate on the substantive motion ceases in favour of the persons nominated and the number of votes each Member debate on the amended motion. The Presiding Bishop should has (when more than one position has to be filled from the same ensure that Conference understands the entire motion, as list of nominations). After the vote the Presiding Bishop shall amended, before debate on the amended motion begins. announce the result.

12. The Presiding Bishop should not allow more than one 25. Unless otherwise specified, a quorum for any meeting is one amendment to be before Conference at a time. more than half the Members. Decisions taken at a meeting when 13. If the amended motion is not agreed to by Conference, debate no quorum is present could be set aside if challenged in a court resumes on the original motion. If the amended motion is agreed of law. to by Conference it becomes the substantive motion and may be 26. Conference may resolve ‘to meet in Committee’ whereupon further amended. If there is no further amendment or debate the only members of Conference may be present. Conference shall amended motion, which is now the substantive motion, is voted resume after adoption of the motion that ‘Conference now on (again). resumes, and the acts and decisions of Conference in committee 14. A Member may ask a question at the conclusion of any be the acts and decisions of Conference’. speech, thereby interrupting the proceedings.

15. A Member may interrupt the proceedings at any time by raising a Point of Order, which means that the Member believes that the rules of debate or the regulations of Conference have 1 ORDER OF OPENING

WORSHIP Synod Opening Service was led by the District Bishop Rev Gary Rivas and was held at the Jabavu Methodist Church in Soweto.

CALLING OF THE ROLL The Synod Secretary gave report on the accountability of Ministers or Deacons with respect to the Questions as per L&D (12th Edition) Appendix 5, para 5.4.1-4 page 188: 1. Is there any objection to their moral and religious character? 2. Do you believe and preach sound Christian doctrine as held by the Methodist Church? 3. Do you duly observe and enforce our discipline? 4. Have they competent abilities for our work?

Ministers and Deacons

SYNOD MINISTERIAL OFFICIALS Surname Name PF Number Circuit Category; Ordained, Present (P) Superintendent, Dispensation (D) Deacon Absent (A) Rivas Gary 1863 900 Bishop Whitby Faith 1071 908 Vice Chairperson Vilakati Vusi 1901 903 Secretary

Ministers Roll Call Surname Name PF Number Circuit Category; Present (P) Ordained, Dispensation (D) Superintendent, Absent (A) Deacon Alexander Kim 0805 909 Ordained Baker James 1005 903 Superintendent Bauser Phillip 0025 909 Supernumerary Booi Nqaba 1292 904 Superintendent Bosch Louis 1111 908 Supernumerary Calcott Rupert 0215 910 Supernumerary Cele Zinhle 0189 928 Ordained Cele Nosipho 1064 929 Probationer Chupologo Lawrence 1382 922 Ordained Cira Thembeka 1091 902 Probationer Cragg Donald 0064 903 Supernumerary Denner Marjorie 0082 910 Supernumerary Didiza Philasande 1923 912 Ordained Dintlhe Thandeka 0224 909 Ordained Ditlhake Mompati 0728 921 Superintendent Diutlwileng Morapedi 1466 929 Superintendent Du Bazane Katy 0781 904 Ordained Eloff Paul 1134 909 Supernumerary Enslin Loinel 0098 906 Supernumerary Gaanakgomo Meshack 0110 925 Supernumerary Gaanakgomo Othniel 0111 929 Supernumerary Gamede Mandla 0771 1421 Ordained Grassow Peter 0129 910 Ordained Harrison Christopher 0642 903 Supernumerary

Harrison Russell 0146 903 Supernumerary Hart Jonathan 0856 915 Supernumerary Holloway Linda 0954 922 Ordained Jordaan Dalene 1709 910 Ordained Keet Raymond 1169 908 Ordained Koekoe Phezile 1930 910 Ordained Kuhn Charles 0736 917 Superintendent Lee Seoung-Hwon 917 Ordained (Korea) Legwale Vuyelwa 1449 1404 Chaplaincy Lekeka Tshabedi 1617 910 Ordained Likhi Leburu 0485 913 Superintendent Losaba Musi 1618 1403 Mission Unit Luthuli Nsizwana 1768 1421 Ordained Mabaso Nomsa 0779 901 Supernumerary Mabaso Londeka 1971 903 Ordained Mabinyane Siphiwe 1336 909 Ordained Mabuza Wesley 0235 902 Supernumerary Madadasane Sipho 0895 920 Superintendent Madibo Makgore 0693 922 Superintendent Madlala Phumizile 138 906 Ordained Majoe Morailane 1436 922 Ordained Makgalane Sonamzi 1001 929 Probationer Makhubo Dabambe 1176 926 Ordained Makubalo Khawulezile 0144 903 Ordained Maphanga Nomsa 1447 915 Supernumerary Mapoma Lizo 0945 911 Ordained Marumo Lea 1096 910 Ordained Marumo Festus 0161 910 Ordained Mathithi Zwelinzima 1853 911 Superintendent Matsane Molefi 1834 1404 Chaplaincy Matsaneng Stephen 0558 1404 Chaplaincy Mazibuko Eric 0166 911 Supernumerary Mbambo Zwelithini 1892 906 Ordained Mbewu Nombulelo 1289 906 Probationer Mcinga Thabiso 1240 900 Probationer Mdolo Thokozile 1999 1421 Chaplaincy Medupe Bethuel 0789 922 Supernumerary Mehana Vukile 1983 1401 HR Director Mere Odirile Edward 1670 917 Superintendent Mhlomi Nzuzo 1210 906 Ordained Mkhwanazi Fanie 0320 925 Superintendent Mlombi Mawuzole 844 908 Ordained Mngomezulu Thembi 1374 911 Probationer Moephuli John 1815 906 Superintendent Mokobori Rabagolo 1082 925 Ordained Molo Mzwandile W 1774 902 Ordained Moloabi Isaac 0335 903 Supernumerary Moloi Mgcini Elisha 0855 902 Ordained Molokwane Cloupas 1268 1415 Ordained Monnapula Tshireletso 1486 905 Probationer


Morgan Charmaine 0950 1401 General Secretary Moses Monwabisi 1822 915 Ordained Mosia Peter 0557 909 Ordained Mtimkulu Kgomotso 1777 906 Supernumerary Mtshaulana Thembelani 1302 926 Probationer Mtshiza Zola 1723 913 Ordained Ncombo Ndumiso 1156 901 Superintendent Nelson Dick 0661 920 Supernumerary Ngonyama Vuyo 1916 908 Superintendent Ngwenya Phinda 1860 1404 Chaplaincy Nkomo Daniel 0663 905 Superintendent Nkosi Noloyiso 1303 910 Probationer Nomqolo Nomsa 1073 912 Superintendent Nyembe Mxolisi 652 906 Ordained Openshaw Michael 0401 909 Supernumerary Perry Charles 0416 909 Supernumerary Phokontsi Kalamore 1781 920 Supernumerary Phukuntsi Kokolo 1784 914 Superintendent Prins Simon 1056 913 Ordained Prinsloo Nick 1899 1415 Ordained Qamba Ndileka 0643 903 Ordained Ramatlo Slangvel 756 906 Ordained Rampa Shibblette 0443 921 Ordained Reyneke Lilian 0323 922 Ordained Rivas Gary 1863 900 Bishop Rivas Jacqui 1138 910 Superintendent Rose David B 1057 914 Probationer Samdaan Jennifer 0733 905 Ordained Sanqela Similo 0803 910 Ordained Scholtz John 0465 903 Supernumerary Sebogodi Goitsemang 0827 920 Supernumerary Seeri Rampai 0590 910 Ordained Seitshiro Mmatu 1237 911 Probationer Sekhejane Moagi 1389 909 Superintendent Senti Mohau 1325 922 Ordained Serwalo Philip 0761 910 Ordained Seymour Richard 0866 909 Ordained Sibeko Madika 0807 905 Ordained Sibi Tshidiso 0625 915 Superintendent Sibiya Sukumile 1100 901 Supernumerary Siwa Ziphozihle 0868 1401 Presiding Bishop Smith Quentin 0709 910 Supernumerary Socatsha Xabiso 0644 901 Ordained Somfiyana Dolly 1908 1426 Ordained Songca Lunga 1414 910 Ordained Songo Vusi 0259 917 Ordained Stemela Mbuyiselo 1133 1419 Ordained Tafane Pumzile 1454 920 Ordained Tau John 0511 929 Supernumerary Tawana Refilwe 1454 903 Ordained


Thabalaka Solani 0515 913 Supernumerary Thekiso Mantima 0374 902 Ordained Thibedi Kaizer 1392 906 Ordained Thompson Bill 0521 910 Supernumerary Thulo Serame Samuel 0673 902 Ordained Tlhakanye Itumeleng 1731 917 Supernumerary Tlholoe Kagiso 1175 925 Ordained Tsawu Zonwabele 0353 917 Ordained Tshikita Moeketsi 1831 928 Superintendent Tsosane Moeketsi 0873 902 Ordained Van Breda Tony 0874 926 Supernumerary Van Den Heever Pierre 1610 926 Ordained van der Walt Willem 0588 915 Ordained Verrier Janet 1871 905 Ordained Verryn Paul 0541 910 Supernumerary Vilakati Vusi 1901 903 Ordained Waqu Siviwe 1394 902 Superintendent Wessels John 1601 903 Ordained Whitby Faith 1071 902 Ordained Williams Nigel 411 906 ordained Witbooi Peter 0560 903 Ordained Zatu Getty 0315 928 Ordained Zitha Shirley 1136 901 Probationer


Category; Probationer, Present (P) Surname Name PF Number Circuit Ordained, Superintendent, Dispensation (D) Deacon, Supernumerary Absent (A) Dickson Gerald 7739 913 Deacon Gwabeni Mphumelelo 7800 912 Supernumerary Mchunu Smanga 7765 910 Probationer Mngxali Talente 7749 928 Deacon Slater Patricia 7790 909 Supernumerary Sejanamane Thabo 7812 917 Probationer

Circuit Representatives to Synod (See L&D 6.4 page 64) One Circuit Steward per Circuit and three Representatives of each Circuit. One additional Representative of each Circuit with between 1000 and 2000 Full Members, or with 3 or 4 Ministers or Probationers (excluding Supernumerary Ministers.) One further Representative of each Circuit with more than 2000 Full Members or with 5 or more Ministers or Probationer Ministers (excluding supernumeraries)

Circuit Surname First name Title Status at Synod (Circuit Stew/ Rep) 901 Central Nene Rosslyn Mrs. CS 901 Central Ntsepe Buntu Mr. Rep. 1 901 Central Mkebe Babalwa Ms Rep. 2 901 Central Qoza Zizipho Ms Rep. 3 901 Central Mnukwa Thumeka Mrs. Rep. 4 901 Central Qushu Anele Mr. Rep. 5 902 Alexandra/Jhb Cele Ntuthuko Mr. CS 902 Alexandra/Jhb Ntolosi Bomi Mr. Rep. 1


902 Alexandra/Jhb More Olive Ms Rep. 2 902 Alexandra/Jhb Yende Yende Mr. Rep. 3 902 Alexandra/Jhb Katshane Vathiswa Ms Rep. 4 903 Jhb North Mmapule Phahla Ms CS 903 Jhb North Gallo Chiara Ms Rep. 1 903 Jhb North Herbert Monadira Mr. Rep. 2 903 Jhb North Jane Codrington Mrs. Rep. 3 903 Jhb North Wayne Tippett Mr. Rep. 4 903 Jhb North Kgori Mokoro Mr. Rep. 5 904 Jhb West Rhoda Alexandra Ms CS 904 Jhb West Burrel Johanna Ms Rep. 1 904 Jhb West Gillian Ricardo Mr. Rep. 2 906 South Rand Khulu Nonhlanhla Ms CS 906 South Rand Matle Aubrey Mr. Rep. 1 906 South Rand Bixa Solomon Mr. Rep. 2 906 South Rand Mogonediwa Glenda Ms Rep. 3 906 South Rand Makoe Boitumelo Ms Rep. 4 908 Jhb East Smith Fred Mr. CS 908 Jhb East Moloto Nombedesho Shai Mrs. Rep. 908 Jhb East Mgubonde Sibongile Mrs. Rep. 1 908 Jhb East Khuzwayo Cecilia Ms Rep. 2 908 Jhb East Mgatiwa Vido Mr. Rep. 3 908 Jhb East Steyn Roxanne Ms Rep. 4 909 Roodepoort Anthony Fleetwood Mr. CS 909 Roodepoort Fleetwood Devan Mr. Rep. 1 909 Roodepoort Pool Zeena Ms Rep. 2 909 Roodepoort Setuki Mampho Ms Rep. 3 910 Fourways Kedama Phumzile Mrs. CS 910 Fourways Mchuno Smanga Mr. Deacon 910 Fourways Dakada Mandla Mr. Rep. 1 910 Fourways Dhliwayo Monana Ms Rep. 2 910 Fourways Nyakatha Oscar Mr. Rep. 3 910 Fourways Bambathi Thembisa Ms Rep. 4 910 Fourways Maureen Merrifield Mrs. Rep. 5 911 Zola Klaas Clifford Mr. CS 911 Zola Tshabalala Nomfundiso Ms Rep. 1 912 Orlando Masinga Thandeka Ms CS 912 Orlando Gwabeni Richard Mr. Rep. 1 912 Orlando Njontina Joseph Mr. Rep. 2 912 Orlando Mthembu Maggie Ms Rep. 3 912 Orlanddo Cutshwa John Mr. Rep. 4 912 Orlando Msibi Lindokuhle Mr. Rep .5 913 RandWest Qaba Itumeleng Mr. CS 913 RandWest Ntlamele Norah Ms Rep. 1 913 RandWest Salomane Kelebogile Ms Rep. 2 913 RandWest Mayekiso Lubabalo Mr. Rep. 3


913 RandWest Sibambo Thomas Mr. Rep. 4 913 RandWest Thejane Steven Me Rep. 5 914 Golden West Madelisa Siyabulela Mr. CS 914 Golden West Marumole Babotseng Mrs. Rep. 1 914 Golden West Chochwe Tshidiso Mr. Rep. 2 914 Golden West Ntsasa Nokukhanya Ms Rep. 3 914 Golden West Moalusi Elliot Mr. Rep. 4 914 Golden West Manzi Sekgametso Rep 5 915 Mogale MacDonald David Mr. CS 915 Mogale Mabilo Pumla Mrs. Rep. 1 915 Mogale Sibiki Nomthandazi Ms Rep. 2 915 Mogale Sehularo Thapelo Mr. Rep. 3 915 Mogale Mothibe Moses Mr. Rep. 4 917 Kopano Makgale Thomas Mr. CS 917 Kopano Mosidi Frank Mr. Rep. 1 917 Kopano Motlogelwa Tumi Motlogelwa Mr. Rep. 2 917 Kopano Motswatse Mrs. Rep. 3 917 Kopano Rapoo Masabata Mrs. Rep. 4 917 Kopano Sebolai Rinah Mrs. Rep 5 920 Lichtenburg Tsime Tebogo Mr CS 920 Lichtenburg Moshoette Monnaesi Ms Rep. 1 920 Lichtenburg Mosete Reitumetse Ms Rep. 2 920 Lichtenburg Mazwi Lebogang Mr Rep. 3 920 Lichtenburg Mohohlo Tshepoeng Mrs Rep. 4 920 Lichtenburg Molubi Granny Ms Rep. 5 921 Khunwana Konco Thomas Mr. CS 921 Khunwana Verby Catherine Ms Rep. 1 921 Khunwana Kerileng Christina Mr. Rep. 2 921 Khunwana Shoai August Mr. Rep. 3 921 Khunwana Mtshengu Mookgo Mr. Rep. 4 922 Matlosana Philda Molusi Ms CS 922 Matlosana Lolwana Nomvula Ms Rep. 1 922 Matlosana Mosai Goitsemang Mrs. Rep. 2 922 Matlosana Mahapela Mohase Mr. Rep. 3 922 Matlosana Foster Sibongile Ms Rep. 4 925 Kgatelopele Olifant Lebogang Mr. CS 925 Kgatelopele Makgatho Zacharia Mr. Rep. 1 925 Kgatelopele Seleka Ntswaki Ms Rep. 2 925 Kgatelopele Ogane Ogane Mr. Rep. 3 925 Kgatelopele Maboe Connie Mrs. Rep. 4 925 Kgatelopele Motsibisi Poloko Mr. Rep. 5 926 Vryburg Thipe Matshidiso Mrs. CS 926 Vryburg Gaseemelwe Lerato Ms Rep. 1 926 Vryburg Ngixi Mthetheleli Mr. Rep. 2 926 Vryburg Mojahi Tumisang Mr. Rep. 3 926 Vryburg Mosesana Winnie Mrs. Rep. 4 928 Jabavu Tsele Tebogo Mr. CS 928 Jabavu Mota Ntombikayise Ms Rep. 1 928 Jabavu Zulu Millicent Ms Rep. 2 18

928 Jabavu Oliephant Motlhagomang Ms Rep. 3 928 Jabavu Makhongoana Mosa Ms Rep. 4 928 Jabavu Mbuli Jabu Mr. Rep 5 929 Pimville Mkhonzeni Fumba Mr. CS 929 Pimville Makhetha Pontsho Mrs. Rep. 1 929 Pimville Maseko Thulani Mr. Rep. 2 929 Pimville Tyatyeka Mfuneko Ms Rep. 3 929 Pimville Mataboge Nomthandazo Ms Rep. 4 930 Tsietsi Mashinini

Reresentatives of Organisations, Committees or District/ Connexional Officials: (See L&D 6.4 page 64) Surname First name Title Office held Nkomonde Thuli Mrs District Lay Leader (Conference 2016 Amendment) Moloi Elisha Rev. DDC Convener (L&D 6.4.9) Howell Terry Rev District Treasurer (L&D 6.4.10) Mfaise Yolisa Ms District Statistical Secretary ( L&D 6.4.11) Ngwenya Ricky Mr DTP Secretary (L&D 6.4.20) Modiegi Mwelase Mrs One DTP Committee member (L&D 6.4.20) One Representative of each Mission Group appointed by

Synod(6.4.3): The following District Organisations which exceed 400 in number send two Representatives, normally the President and Secretary, or Authorised Alternatives. Organisations with a membership below send one Representative, normally the President, or Authorised Alternative.* (L&D 6.4.15) NB: If the President of an Organisation is a Minister and present in the Synod, an alternate for their seat as Organisational President may NOT be appointed. If the Minister/President is in the house, they are also always there as President of the Organisation. Jaftha Saul Mr Men’s League President Hare Dudley Mr Men’s League Secretary Tsosane Moeketsi Rev Local Preachers’ Association (President) Keketso Letlatsa Mr Local Preachers’ Association (Secretary) Jacobs Maureen Mrs Women’s Association Borman Collette Mrs Women’s Association John Theresa Mrs Women’s Auxiliary (President) Heaton Gill Mrs Women’s Auxiliary 2 (Secretary) Sibi Seipati Mrs Women’s Manyano (President) Moloto Nombhedesho Mrs Women’s Manyano Bolane Nomawethu Ms Young Women’s Manyano (Secretary) Nkomo Thobeka Dr Young Women’s Manyano (President) Tshikita Moeketsi Rev Young Men’s Guild (President) Sigwili Thozamile Mr Young Men’s Guild (Secretary) Uzondelelo Uzondelelo* One Local Preacher from the District Mission Group (L&D

6.4.16) Monyane Tladi Mr President District Music Association (L&D 6.4.21) 2 Diratsagae Rabs Mr District Music Association Treasurer Masiza Akhona Brother Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 1 (L&D 6.4.17) Segopolo Kealeboga Sister Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 2 Mdaniso Aviwe Brother Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 3 Moshoma Buhle Sister Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 4 Madibo Lebogang Brother Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 5 Cynthia Matshogo (EV) Ms Order of Evangelism (L&D 6.4.18) 1


Eugenia Ngwenya (BW) Ms Order of Evangelism (L&D 6.4.18) 2 Any Christian Connexion Resource Centre Manager (if a

Methodist) L&D 6.4.19) The General President of the Men’s League, Local Preachers’ Association, Women’s Association, Women’s Auxiliary, Women’s Manyano, Young Women’s Manyano, Young Men’s Guild where they reside in the District AND the registered membership of the Organisation in the Connexion exceeds 2000 (L&D 6.4.14): Motingoe Itumeleng Mr Music Association General President Any other Ministerial or Lay Connexional Official (L&D 6.4.13) Siwa Ziphozihle Bishop Presiding Bishop Morgan Charmaine Rev Ministerial General Treasurer/General Secretary Mehana Vukile Rev Dr Diretor Human Resources District Treasurers of Connexional Funds (L&D 6.4.12): Any official of the World Methodist body residing in the District (L&D 6.4.22) One Probationer Minister elected by the Probationer Ministers at Seminary (6.4.2)

CONSTITUTION OF THE SYNOD The roll of the synod having been taken, the Bishop declared the Synod duly and properly constituted.

Welcome by The Host Circuit The District was welcomed by the Jabuvu Circuit Superintendent and Circuit Steward on behalf of the Four Soweto Circuits co-hosted the Synod.

Resolution of The Hours of Session The superintendent of the Jabavu Circuit moved the hours of session and the Synod affirmed


The Duties of the District Secretary as per the Laws and Discipline


6.17 The District Secretary shall be appointed by Synod after nomination from the floor. The District Secretary holds office for 3 years from the 1st January and may be re-elected. The District Secretary may be a lay-person or a Minister.

6.18 The duties of the District Secretary are inter alia:

6.18.1 to support and facilitate the administrative work of the District;

6.18.2 to keep proper records of all proceedings of Synod;

6.18.3 to prepare one unbound copy of the records for immediate forwarding to the General Secretary, and three bound copies for signature by the Bishop, the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary. One bound copy to be forwarded to the Methodist Connexional Office;

6.18.4 to forward all documents, reports, resolutions and schedules as required;

6.18.5 persons appointed by Synod to any office, Group or Committee shall be advised accordingly by the District Secretary;

6.18.6 to discharge such other duties as the Bishop or Synod may require.

6.19 The District Secretary is ex-officio a member of all District committees.

6.20 Synod may appoint an Assistant Secretary.


PRESENTATION OF PAPERS AND REPORTS (L&D Appendix 5: 1.9-1.13) All reports and documents before synod as contained in this Blue book were presented and accepted as working documents for synod.

District Lay Leader’s Report Introduction Thank you for the opportunity to present my report for the period under review. Preamble May be noted for consideration that the seasonal nature of my responsibility as the District Lay Leader has resulted in the inability to fully implement all planned activities in such an Office, due to time and financial constraints.

Report on planned Regional Workshops and District Events 17 June 2017 – Rand West Region: consist of the following Circuits: Roodepoort, Mogale, Rand West and Golden West. Hosted by Mogale Circuit. Th respective Circuits were in attendance. The workshop preceded by the commemoration of the June 16 Soweto uprising, where we had a Guest Speaker – Mr. Dichaba Mashinini (younger brother to Tsietsi Mashinini) who reminded us of the importance of commemorating this day. We covered the following topics: • Church Structure – by Mr. Mabutho Sithole • Stewardship – by Mrs. Thuli Nkomonde • Trust Properties mandate and Management – Mr. Ricky Ngwenya The workshop was well attended, and we applauded the Rand West Region Leadership and interaction was demonstrated, understanding of the topics that were tabled. 26th July 2017 – District Bishop and Lay Leader hosted a Business Breakfast Session with the Methodists Business people. This was historical engagement between the parties. It was interesting to observe the bottom line “gurus” emerged in a missional conversation. The Business Leaders proposed that such event to be staged annually for proper and planned engagements. 05 August 2017 – Town Region and Soweto Region: consist of the following Circuits: Fourways, JHB North, JHB West, JHB East, Central Mission, Jabavu, Orlando, Pimville, Southrand and Zola. Hosted by JHB West - Fourways, JHB East, Central Mission, Jabavu, Pimville Circuits were not in attendance. Attendance was not impressive however the content was quality and those present gained a lot. Topics that we covered and engaged on were: • Statistics – by Ms Yoliswa Mfaise • Finance & Property Management – Rev Dr Vukile Mehana • Servant Leadership – Mr Xhanti Mhlubulwana

26 August 2017 – District Fundraising Gala Dinner The initiative was aimed at raising funds to implement Lay Leaders capacitation program for the District.

GALA DINNER TICKETS ALLOCATION - 26 AUGUST 2017 Women's Manyano Circuit Circuit Name Circuit Tickets Paid Tickets Paid YMG Tickets Paid Central 901 Mission 30-10330 3 000.00 10031-10040 Not Paid 10041-10050 Not Paid 902 Alex / Jhb 31-10331 3 000.00 10230-10239 3 000.00 10241-10250 Not Paid 903 Jhb North 32-10332 3 000.00 10389-10398 1 500.00 10251-10260 900.00 904 Jhb West 33-10333 3 000.00 906 South Rand 34-10334 3 000.00 Not Paid 10291-102100 3 000.00 10358-10367 Not Paid 908 Jhb East 35-10335 3 000.00 909 Roodepoort 36-10336 3 000.00 Not Paid 10311-10320 Not Paid 1031-10310 Not Paid 910 Fourways 37-10337 6 000.00 M2011 / M20011 2 100.00- 900.00 M20036- 911 Zola - 20019 Not Paid M20045 3 000.00 912 Orlando 39-10339 3 000.00 Not Paid 10268-10277 3 000.00 10278-10287 Not Paid 1 500.00 Not Paid 913 Rand West 40-10340 1500 10379-10388 10211-10220 914 Golden West 41-10341 3 000.00 915 Mogale 42-10342 3 000.00 1001-10010 3 000.00 917 Kopano 43-10343 3 000.00 Not Paid 21

920 Lichtenburg 44-10344 3 000.00 921 Khunwana 45-10345 3 000.00

2 000.00 922 Matlosana 46-10346 Not Paid 1 000.00 Kgatelopele 925 Mission 47-10347 3 000.00 Not Paid 926 Vryburg 3 000.00

900.00 Not Paid 2 3 000.00 3 000.00 928 Jabavu 48-10348 100.00 10021-10030 Not Paid 10321-103100 Not Paid 3 000.00 3 000.00 929 Pimville 49-10349 3 000.00 Not Paid 10011-10020 Not Paid 10051-10062 Not Paid District Organiz ations YMG M10378 3 000.00 Not Paid Women's Manyano M10338 3 000.00 YWM M20056-M20065 3 000.00 Youth Unit M10351 3 000.00 Women's Association M20066 - 20075 3 000.00 LPA 10350 3 000.00

Women's 2 300.00 Not Paid Fellowship M20046-M20055 700.00 BMC 10376 8 000.00

Tickets & Donations - Received Amount Actual Expenditure R115 700.00 R151 523.00 Projected amount was R200 000.00, therefore shortfall was R84 300.00

In terms of program and other arrangements the event was successful. It is worth noting though that the targeted amount was not realized yet the capacitation program has to continue. It is for that reason that the District Lay Leader proposes to Synod that Circuits be assessed in order to successfully implement the Training and Development program for Laity. This is motivated by the 2018 budget of R18 000.00 allocated to the District Lay Leader’s office for Laity training which is clearly inadequate.

The highlights of the Gala Dinner were: Acquisition of fiery Guest Speaker from our own member of the Methodist family Prof. Gordon Zide under the “Theme” Leadership with Conscience – his emphasis was on Ethical Leadership especially in the current Country trajectory. Honoring of our Mothers of Faith who have made selfless contributions in the Life of the Church/ Community.

Namely: Tina de Rijke – from Bishop’s Office Mrs. Elizabeth Mamavuka Mafaesa – from Mogale Circuit Mrs. Lindi Myeza – from Jabavu Circuit Mrs. Ennie Mamogapi Sekati - from Kgatelopele Circuit Mrs. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela – from JHB North Circuit

The vote of Thanks for the recipients was done by Ms Zodwa Zwane a PA to the late Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela who further emphasized Mama’s appreciation of the kind gesture together with those she was honored with. She indicated that it was the late Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela first honor by the MCSA. The event unleashed talent – Daliwonga High School band

I join the Organizing Team that I led in appreciation of the support by the members of the Methodist family in the District – Sithi kuni Nangomso

27th January 2018 - The District Circuit Stewards Consultation was held at Jabavu Circuit Consultation highlights:


Attendance was impressive, only Central Mission, Fourways, and Pimville that was not in attendance • The first formal interaction of Circuit Stewards in the District • Direct communication lines were established between the Circuit Stewards, which augurs well for the future • Circuit Steward requested to have more time in the future , in order to engage on their duties and responsibilities as detailed in L&D (Book of Order) • The relevance of the content was highly inspirational – led by Rev Sva Waqu • Roles and Responsibilities of Circuit Steward • Capacitation on “tools of the trade” for efficient management of the tasks • Stationing procedures and processes 03 February 2018 – Far East - Laity Training (Society Stewards, Stats Secretary, Society Trust properties) - Hosted by Fourways Circuit Attendance – 901 = 2 /// 902 = 23 /// 903 = 0 /// 904=1 /// 906=3 /// 908 =1 /// 909=7 /// 910=12 /// 911=4 /// 912=15 /// 913=8 /// 915=5 /// 928=4 /// 929=0

The following topics were covered: • Trust Properties and Management – by Mr. Ricky Ngwenya • Conflict Management – by Rev Nomsa Nomqolo • Disciplinary and Harassment – by Rev Jacqui Rivas • Statistics – Ms Yoliswa Mfaise

Future plans • 16th June 2018 - District Youth Day & Career Guidance • 23 June 2018 - Far West – Laity Training – Boikhutso • 11 August 2018 - Women Re-Connection event – In pursuit of Unity • 20 October 2018 – Far East - Laity Training – Lombardy East • 24 November 2018 - Annual Circuit Stewards Consultation –– hosted by CMM • Church Leadership & Methodist Business Leaders – conversation continues ….. • Ongoing discussion on joint District Bursary with Head of Organizations still continues…. Central District Talent Search program (unveil, unpack and unleash) • The Youth by their very nature are energetic people and this program seeks to re-direct that energy and gear it towards positive outputs. It is envisaging that it will unveil raw talent polish and unleash it to the public eye, resulting in the production of future transformational Leaders.

Observations It is critical that Circuit Stewards fully understand that they are elected not appointed. Therefore, they are accountable to the Circuit Quarterly meeting not to any individual in the Circuit albeit how popular or influential. I would like to encourage all the elected lay leaders in their different responsibilities to read thoroughly in order to understand their area of operation (eg. Laws & Discipline / Book of Order).

Activities or Events that had my presence: • Connexional Women’s Manyano Triennial – East London • Connexional Local Preachers Triennial – Lichtenburg • District New Minister’s Orientation and Induction • Connexional various Bishop’s Induction • Connexion Mission Resource Fund Workshop / Laity involvement – Facilitator – Emseni • District YMG Annual Convention • District Women’s Manyano Convention • District Youth Synod • District Music Association Convention • District Local Preacher’s Convention • District Young Women’s Manyano Convention

Highlights – Hosting of the Connexional Lay Leader’s Consultation. The Consultation was very successful. Lay Leaders visited the Apartheid Museum for reflection and on Sunday we joined Alex/JHB (Bethesda Mission) for Sunday Worship service.



Your co-operation as members of the Central District has been phenomenal, amid some challenges, one is still inspired to continue the labor of Love in the vineyard. Kea le boga – I Thank You!

NOTICES OF MOTION Table of Resolutions and Notices of Motion

No OR 1 From Fourways Circuit Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Payment and repayment of the Cost of Ministerial Training by ministerial students and recently ordained Ministers

Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 2 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 3 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 4 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 5 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 6 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..



Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 7 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote

No OR 8 From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation Proposer:………….………………………………………..


Title: Synod Decision: Synod For: Against: Neutral: Vote


Assistant Secretary Miss Kgomotso Sebabi

Letter Writer/s Rev Odirile Mere

Precentors Revs. Getty Zatu, Charles Kuhn, Londeka Mabaso, Moeketsi Tshikita

Reporter Dimension Rev Willem Van der Walt

Social Media Mr Akhona Sebolai

Listening Committee Revs. Mantima Thekiso, Janet Verrier, Mompati Ditlhake

Resolutions Committee Revs. Lea Marumo, Thandeka Dintle, Koloko Phukuntsi

Scrutineers Rev. Phillip Serwalo & Ordinands

Time Keeper Rev Lawrence Chupologo

IT & PA Rev Phezile Koekoe, Rev Morapedi Diutlwileng and Gracepoint Team

Memorial Service District Vice Chairperson, Rev Faith Whitby

EMMU Committees As proposed by EMMU Committee


3 MISSION AND GROWTH (L&D Appendix 5: 1 page 186)


Spirituality 17 Circuits engage their bible study groups with various materials and themes that provide bases of their learning and engaging with the Gospel. Some Circuits run retreats, Alpha and other courses as well as the continued participation in Emmaus walks. Circuits organising combined services to foster unity. Members encouraged to “Do Good and Do No Harm” at all times.

Challenge we need to overcome: is that of producing relevant, home grown discipling material. Not all members of the congregation attend the Bible Study sessions.

Education and Christian Formation Several Circuits have preschools. JHB/Alex Circuit in partnership with St Stithians have started a primary school. Various partnerships exist between schools and congregations offering support, sanitary towels, and educational tools. Some Circuits run courses on spirituality, discipleship and Christian formation. Challenge we need to overcome: Engagement with the law and the registration processes and developing relevant material for Christian Formation.

Human Empowerment and Economic Development There are continuing projects such as computer literacy; registration of PBOs with the intention to create employment opportunities, Circuits providing scholars with uniforms and educational support, skills projects such as sewing, craft making, candle making, vegetable gardens. Some societies also assist the unemployed to find jobs. Circuits are partnering with other Challenge we need to overcome: is that of lack of resources.

Evangelism and Church Growth Circuits and organizations lead revivals. Circuits make use of Bible Women and Evangelists to lead evangelical ventures as well as Lay witness missions. Some societies use the idea of flash mobs. Challenges we need to overcome: Circuit boundaries in respect of church planting and vanguard mission. Strategies of evangelistic outreach to youth and children as well as closed suburban communities. Circuits are engaged in various efforts to alleviate poverty and restore dignity of God’s people from underprivileged backgrounds and homelessness. These efforts include blanket drives in winter, feeding schemes and soup kitchens, support in education such as providing uniforms, lay counselling, prison ministries, support to welfare institutions/homes, wellness and HIV/AIDS support groups and drop in centres. Challenge we need to overcome: is that of limited human power and lack of financial resources.

Justice and Service Feeding Schemes Circuits promote Gender sensitivity One of the Circuits facilitate Identity Documentation application for community members. Circuits and organizations are building houses for the poor. Challenge: Lack of commitment from those who should be giving service to the community


These are being highlights of the District Executive for the year under review.

One and undivided District The District has embraced the theme of becoming a ‘one and undivided church’ as its primary focus for 2018. We have committed ourselves through a variety of activities to working towards healing and discovering our common heritage. Every structure of the district has been mandated to make this focus a central future of their activities, whether meetings, retreats, consultations or conventions. Key to this work is addressing the issues of Racism, Sexism, Tribalism and other related matters that continue to shape the discourse of our District, communities and country. The ultimate goal is to become a church and


District that brings together people of every culture, every generation, every tribe and every tongue to make them one in Jesus Christ.

Related to the same focus is the need to work toward a unity of purpose and work. This includes intentionally working toward an inclusive approach in our leadership and the way we share our human and financial resources within the district. To model this aim, the 2018 District Synod will be co-hosted by four Circuits within the Soweto region. Our unity as District should also be characterised by our actions in every aspect of the District.

Finance and Accountability While the District is generally in a healthy financial position, a number of Circuits continue to fail timeously to honour their assessments to the District and the Connexion. This creates a number of financial challenges for the District and in some cases, negatively affects the remuneration of Ministers stipends.

The distruct expresses it gratitude to Mrs. Carin Cronje for her amazing service as District Treasurer. Her clarity of thought, dedication to equipping treasurers and commitment to institutional competence will remain the hallmarks of her witness and excellent service to the District.

A number of issues that have a strong bearing on the finances of the District remain unresolved: • There are still circuits that pay their assessment late and some are in arrears for more than a year. • The challenges relating to the ministry to refugees need to be addressed • The conversations about the future of Tsietsi Mashinini Community Centre and the related debts need to be addressed. • The relationship between the District and the issues relating to the Albert School need to be addressed. All these issues will have a bearing on the financial stewardship and stability of the District.

Organizations and Formations District oorganizations are a vital expression of our ministry and mission. Their conventions, consultations, and annual meetings are an important place for reviewing and strengthening their work.

A Focus on Youth and Children The District recognizes the need to strengthen its work relating to the role and ministry of and to youth and children. The Youth Unit has been helpful in challenging the District to increase its involvement and investment in this regard. This is in line with the Conference mandate to celebrate and grow the Ministry of Young people and Children.

What recommendations do we make and what mandate do we give to the District Executive for the Extension of the work in the District? (Appendix 5: 1.6)

The mission of the Central District of the MCSA is to be a transforming discipleship movement that is dedicated to: • being a ‘One and Undivided Church’. we are committed to breaking all barriers of race, gender, class and ethnicity at every level of the district. • empowering both our clergy and laity through leadership training and deepening the spirituality of every member. • making children and youth a central focus of our ministry and activity at every level of the district. • growing our financial stewardship and mission to the rural areas of the District • other areas of focus include: a district committed to prayer; prayerful life and resuscitating Anti-Bias workshops and becoming a youth friendly church.

What is the report of District Mission Groups? This synod sits amid recent loss of struggle icons. Amongst those fallen is one of our own Mama Nomzamo Madikizela-Mandela. She is revered and renowned as one who was a fearless freedom fighter who brought her superlative courage during the darkest hour of oppression. Mama was not devoid of fault but many would like to remember her as a generous and courageous fighter. These are character traits which we ought to possess as a church in mission.

Within the theological arena, James H Cone has joined the Church Triumphant. Drawing from the deep well of his theological gifted articulations, Cone’s view is that the Scripture, both Old and New Testament) is the story of God’s liberation of the weak in relation to our contemporary situation. He also contends that “Christian theology is language about the crucified and risen Christ who grants freedom to all who are falsely condemned in an oppressive society” (James H Cone - Speaking the Truth: Ecumenism, Liberation & Black Theology. 1986: 6). 27

Cone posits this challenge, which I hope we will take to heart as we consider our missional impetus, “If God is the God of the poor who is liberating them from bondage, how can we speak correctly about this God unless our language arises out of the community where God’s presence is found? If Christian theology is language about the crucified and risen One, the One who has elected all for freedom, what else can it be than the language of those who are fighting for freedom?” (James H Cone - Speaking the Truth: Ecumenism, Liberation & Black Theology. 1986:9).

Then, as we consider our missional engagements from Synod 2017 – 2018 we need to have these questions in our mind • Have we been generous • Have we been courageous • Has our language arisen out of the community of the poor and oppressed seeking liberation, where God’s presence is found • Has our theology been centered around the One who was crucified and arose for the freedom of all

These questions are in tune with our Wesleyan slogan “Go always, not only to those who want you, but also to those that want you most.” Of these questions, in the light of this year’s theme I add: • Have we been one, united in mission and ministry, so that the world may believe – Jesus prayed saying “that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you sent me…. That they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you sent me (John 17:21-23).

Considering all I offer a reflection of the District Mission as follows.

Areas of activity – These are highlights • Circuits and societies continue to feed the hungry through soup kitchens and other forms of feeding programs. • There is also assistance to those less fortunate with clothing, blanket drives and health care. • The area of health, HIV/AIDS support groups is still prevalent in circuits within the Soweto region in particular. This ministry needs support with prayers, health care products & training. • The season of Lent seems to be the favored time for teaching. Over and above the normal Bible Study groups during this season there are special lessons given. • Early Childhood Development centres such as preschools & drop in centres is still another vital ministry within the district. This is another area of ministry that needs to be supported with resources, training, material and especially finances.

Challenges – These are obstacles we need to overcome • Resourcing mission. Finding a way to optimally utilize our resources for mission. This to include people, money, time and talents. • Comprehensive district mission plan that is measured, actioned and accounted for • Clear understanding of what it means to be a Missional Church • Our expression of what it means to be ONE so that the world may believe

Prevailing Contextual Mission Opportunities – these are areas where we can make a difference • The intensifying levels of poverty and unemployment • Homelessness and the plight of refugees • Ethical and accountable leadership • Unskilled and inadequately educated youth • The impact of patriarchy in social relations and leadership • Violence

Women’s Fellowship Report

Establishment The Women’s Fellowship was established in September 2015. This group has been existing in Central District’s circuits for many years approximately 20 years in Pimville under different names such as Women’s Forum, Bomme Ba Lerato, Women’s Fellowship, etc. All these groups shared the same theme, that of caring and very mission orientated.

Participating Circuits include Pimville, Jabavu, South Rand, Alex Joburg, Matlosana, Zola, Roodepoort, Golden West, Kopano, Lichtenburg, Fourways, Vryburg, Alex/Joburg, Rand West, Central Mission and Mogale.

Mission Focus • Youth support at all ages – ECD, Sunday school, and Wesley Guild • Emergency/crisis situations


Collaborations • President is part of Inter-district task team • Collaborating with Limpopo, HISWA, NFL, KNB, Natal Coastal District • Open to partnering with organisations outside the MCSA in addressing issues affecting our communities

The group was launched on the 4th November 2017 and endorsed by Bishop G. Rivas. The total number of the group currently stands at 564. Currently Women’s fellowship has been doing mission work in the circuits and planning has taken place to do mission work at the district level as well. That work will be reported in the coming year.

District Executive

No. Portfolio Name Circuit 1 President Busi Nkosi Pimville 2 Vice President Johanna Motladile Kopano 3 Secretary Khosi Masina Zola 4 Assistant secretary Maggie Rakumakoe Matlosana 5 Treasurer Thelma Lomkwane Jabavu 6 Spirituality imperative Nonkosi Mgijimi Jabavu 7 Justice and service imperative Regina Leeuw Lichtenburg 8 Education imperative Anita Riet South Rand 9 Economic empowerment and Ntombi Tshandu Rand West development 10 Evangelism and Church Growth Khumisho Mmolawa Matlosana 11 Additional Member Lydia Kgatle Matlosana

Report Compiled by: Mrs Khosi Masina



Evangelism Rev P Koekoe Evangelism is at the heart of Christian faith, the Church is founded upon Great Commission and Great Commandment, Christian faith its nature and being, is relational faith not solitary religion. Christian faith, exist to call people to discipleship and grow people in discipleship, and that happen through evangelism, that is by seeking and winning non-Christians back to Christ, planting new churches in areas, where there are no churches, redefining models of doing the church in the 21st century. This can happen through, person to person evangelism, open air evangelism, house to house evangelism, tent ministry, street revivals and any other forms of evangelism. Methodism from its inception, has been Evangelical Movement, it’s in our DNA, Evangelism, John Wesley declared that God raised Methodist people to spread scriptural holiness and renewal of the land, that is the conviction that has kept Methodism for centuries, that has been the anchor of Methodism, Evangelism and Methodism are inseparable.

Some parts of our District are strategically situated at the heartbeat of our country, where many people come to seek for opportunities, for their holistic development, this puts us at the advantage of growing our church, both missional and spiritually. Some parts of our District, many people are relocating especially in Rural setups, Mining communities, due to unemployment and scarcity of opportunities, they relocate to inner city, and Township around inner city, Mining companies are closing down, people relocate to places where they can find opportunities. New housing development areas are growing in most parts of the district, and in those areas, there is no Methodist witness, we need to plant churches in those areas in some suburban communities, Methodism is dying because of the new socio-economic demographics, churches cannot be closed down when there are people around those communities , we need to find ways of redefying Suburban ministry, we have Tertiary education institutions, we need to redefine our ministry in those areas so that our Methodist witness can grow. We have plans to make an analysis within the District about all areas, with New housing Development , where there is no Methodist witness, together with Order of Evangelism, circuits who are in those geographical areas, to plan Mission Outreaches, in order to plant new churches, in those areas, also support mission and ministry of those new church plants, therefore monetary resources and support from Presbyters, Diaconal Order, Order of Evangelism, Mission Organisations within the district will be helpful in doing this work. Church planting and church growth, in areas where Methodist witness is not present in the district is our primary focus for this Mission group this year. 29

Justice Rev M Majoe The issue of Thokoza Statement in the YMG gatherings, even in the church to challenge all men to be in solidarity with women and children. In trying to address the role of men in supporting women and children who are abused.

The 4/14 for addressing children of 4 to 14 years in our church. From the 4 to 14 April, we were entertaining children and parents in the church. Because we've realized they're neglected.


See District financial statements in Chapter 12

What is the report on the Mission and Extension Fund (App 5: 6.20)

What is the report on any Pula Fund disbursements?



Rector of St Stithians College – Report to the 2018 Synod of the Central District of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa

I am pleased to highlight several matters for the attention of the annual Synod, with reference to the time period since the 2017 Synod.

Church representatives in the governance structures of the College The Presiding Bishop is an ex officio member of the College Council, and his designated representative is Rev Prof Stephen Hendricks. The District Bishop is also an ex officio Council member. Rev Charmaine Morgan and Bishop Gary Rivas are Trustees of the St Stithians College Endowment Fund Trust.

Rev Paul Verryn and Alun Frost have both been long-serving members of the Council, as Church representatives, and have decided to move on from this role. It is with heartfelt appreciation that we thank these two stalwarts for their contributions to St Stithians.

The College appreciates the willingness of Bishop Gary Rivas to preach in our Chapel, confirm our confirmands, attend events, in addition to attending Council and Church Committee meetings. At a personal level, I record my gratitude to Bishop Rivas for our personal interactions.

The Rector and Executive Head as a spiritual leader in the school I am privileged to attend the chapel services of the Junior Preparatory, the Boys’ Preparatory, the Girls’ Preparatory, the Girls’ College and the Boys’ College – with the responsibility to lead the service in each of these schools once a term. In my communications within the St Stithians community, I emphasise and engage with the Christian and Methodist character of St Stithians. I meet and pray fortnightly with the Superintendent Chaplain, and termly with the chaplains as a team.

Methodist Ethos and living out our Statement on Spirituality The chaplains and the College Executive Committee (Heads of Schools and Campus Departments) undertake to keep the Statement on Spirituality alive in the life of St Stithians. Our responsibility is to express and live out our Methodist ethos. Aside from the presence of our beautiful chapel and outdoor chapel, we are considering other ways of visually reinforcing the Methodist ethos of St Stithians. The chaplains and certain staff teach religious education classes. Each school gathers at least once a week for a Chapel Service. There is one Sunday Family Service per term. A group of parents meet on Wednesday mornings to pray for, and with, the College and its community.


The strategic intent of the College is: ‘Inspiring Excellence. Making a World of Difference’. This intent is applied to the Christian and Methodist character of St Stithians, as articulated in our Statement on Spirituality. The Honour Code which is at the core of the College’s values framework is: Honour God, Honour Others, Honour Self.

Stationing of chaplains I express appreciation to our chaplains for the roles they play in the life of St Stithians. During 2017, the College took a decision to increase the number of chaplains from three to four, with effect from January 2018. We were pleased to welcome Rev Madika Sibeko as our new chaplain in January 2018. The rationale is to increase the ability of our chaplains to minister effectively and with impact within one school community, rather than be stretched across more than one school, managing different timetables and priorities in each school. This ministry includes being involved in a leadership role in each school’s community engagement programmes.

Rev Dan Nkomo, our Superintendent Chaplain, ministers in the Boys’ College. I wish to thank Dan for his counsel and support in our relationship between Rector and Superintendent. Rev Jenni Samdaan ministers in the Girls’ College. Rev Janet Verrier ministers in the Junior Prep and the Girls’ Prep. Rev Madika (Dix) Sibeko ministers in the Boys’ Prep.

In a pioneering initiative, the College worked in partnership with the District to station Rev Gift Monnapula as a probationer minister in a chaplaincy role, from January 2018. Being a school chaplain is a distinctive ministry and we are keen to provide opportunities for ministers who are interested in school chaplaincy to experience the nature of the ministry prior to a formal appointment, so creating a potential pool of future chaplains. Ideally, it is our recommendation that the seminary curriculum include a module on chaplaincy.

Methodist Schools Organization The Heads of School of St Stithians, Penryn, Kearsney and Kingswood met with our chaplains, and with the District Bishop (in his role as the Bishop linking with church schools nationally) prior to the SAHISA conference in Cape Town in September 2017. This was a worthwhile meeting and continued to create a community of belonging amongst these Methodist schools.

Strategy 2025 – Developing a Community Engagement Curriculum This is one of six focus themes of our strategic planning framework. The Rector has continued discussion in the Church Committee of Council about how Methodist Church venues and projects could enable the St Stithians schools to promote a coherent and purposeful programme of community engagement. We are particularly keen to develop school-based partnerships or relations with youth organizations. We seek to educate our students to be citizens who are active, engage and informed; and we seek as a College to be a corporate citizen. Our status as a church school is integral to this identity. The Rector’s Report to the Term 1 meeting of the St Stithians Council includes an annual report of the many and varied community engagement activities of the seven schools of the College.

Matric Results 2017 The 2017 Matriculation results are published on the College’s website. Our top students ranked amongst the best in the country. As a College which purposefully enrols a certain number of students with barriers to learning, we celebrate the results of all our students who achieved their personal bests.

When the results of the Boys’ College and the Girls’ College are combined, our 257 candidates achieved a 100% Matric Pass Rate, a 97% Bachelor Degree Pass Rate, and a total of 611 subject distinctions (80% or more).

A total of 256 Grade 12 students from public schools attended one or more session of the 30 weekends of the Saturday School of the Thandulwazi Academy of St Stithians College during 2017. We were able to obtain the Matric results of 140 of these students: the pass rate of this cohort was 97.1%, the Bachelor Pass rate was 73.6% and the number of subject distinctions obtained was 39. The Thandulwazi Saturday School continues to add real value to students from a large number of public schools attending classes in English, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Accounting.

Thandulwazi Academy and Teacher Development In addition to the Saturday School (which offers classes from Grades 9-12), the Thandulwazi Academy runs a Teacher Development Programme, delivering workshops for 1 200 ECD and primary school teachers in greater , and 400 primary school teachers in Limpopo.

The Thandulwazi Academy recruits 42 teacher interns who work in the schools of St Stithians while studying towards formal qualification as teachers. Through this partnership, a significant contribution is made to educating the next generation of passionate and excellent teachers.

Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST) conference in the , 20-22 April 2018


I was invited by MIST to attend their annual conference this year, as one of a number of international delegates who are Heads of Methodist Schools. Through attending the conference, I was able to create new Methodist educational networks and to tell the delegates about the intent, purpose and strategic future of St Stithians as a transforming and proudly South African school.

Dr T A Nuttall Rector | St Stithians College


Children’s Homes (L&D Appendix 5: 6.9.1)

Homes for the Aged (L&D Appendix 5: 6.9.2)

The two Homes in the District are Garden Village and Jordan House (Arbor Village, others??)

Other (L&D Appendix 5: 6.9.4) (Schools, including Day Care Centres.

WHAT ARE THE RETURNS OF MEMBERSHIP FROM THE CIRCUITS? (as of December past) (L&D Appendix 5: 1.3)

2016 2017 Active ordained Ministers (excluding Supernumeraries, 79 82 Secondments, Chaplains) Probationers 11 13 Total Ministers 90 95 Active Ordained Deacons 2 5 Probationer Deacons 1 2 Total Deacons 5 6 Active Bible Women 21 24 Active Evangelists 28 33 Total Ordained and Commissioned 49 57 Full Local Preachers 1 132 1 115 Local Preachers on Trial & on Note 305 278 Total Local Preachers 1 437 1 393 Number of Lay Pastors, Youth Workers (employed) 17 Number of Sunday School Teachers (Children’s Practitioners) 336 Number of Societies in the Circuit 233 246 Number of Preaching Places 211 55 Total Preaching Places & Societies 244 301 Societies that have closed this year 0 2 New Societies this year 2 0

Full Members total 48 357 50 470 On trial members (Those in Confirmation Classes) 1 597 1 796 Junior Members (Those in Sunday School, Youth Groups, cradle 7 272 9 197 Roll) Total of the above 57 244 61 463 Wider community/adherents (Those who are not members, 3 198 8 429 but for one reason or another associates with the Society or Circuit) Total members and adherents 60 440 69 892 Baptisms (+)(youth & Adult) 1 946 41 Growth by Confirmation (+) (youth & Adult) 1 575 1 000 Growth by conversion (+) (First time believers) 622 500


Growth by transfers in (+) (People from any other Circuit or 254 297 another Christian denomination) Loss by transfers out (-)(People going to any other Circuit or -371 394 another Christian denomination) Loss by death (-) -607 560 Loss by ceased to meet (-) -675 1 071

WORSHIP Total number of services on a Sunday 334 344 Total weekday services per week (e.g. a midweek prayer 113 120 service or Healing Serving that takes place regularly) How many Sunday Schools (or Children’s Churches) are active 198 195 in the Society/Circuit Youth services per week (services or gatherings on a Sunday 104 100 specially for youth after Sunday School age) Average weekly attendance (of all of the above)

EVANGELISM Societies with open air services 32 30 Societies with Visitation Evangelism teams 85 83 Societies that Train members in personal Evangelism 45 20 Number of lay people who are trained in Evangelism 62 55 Malihambe or other specialist events during the past year 64

TEACHING AND TRAINING Small group Ministries including Class Meetings, or Fellowship 1 406 Groups & cell groups Teaching & Bible studies 182 200 Sunday School Teachers training classes 63 70 Local Preachers Training classes 63 60 Counselling training courses 26 30 Youth leadership training courses 22 32 Evangelism training courses 12 10 Other training courses 36 26 New Members orientation courses 108 100 Confirmation classes 179 200

PASTORAL CARE Societies with Lay home visitation teams 114 100 Societies with Lay hospital visitation teams 98 95 Societies with Lay marriage counsellors 23 21 Societies with Lay grief counsellors 36 30 Are you keeping accurate membership records? 17 10 How many Societies have computerised membership records? 69 How many Societies using the “My Methodist” programme for membership records? HEALING MINISTRIES How many monthly healing services 68 57 How many prayer groups 107 115 How many Support groups 46

COMMUNITY MINISTRIES How many Pre-school centres run by the church 25 26 How many After-school centres run by the church 6 6 How many Primary schools are run by the church 16 17 How many primary schools (total) are situated in your area? How many Primary schools are supported or visited by the church? How many High Schools are run by the church? 15 15 33

How many high schools (total) are situated in your area? How many High Schools are supported or visited by the church Aged-care day centres run by societies 13 13 Methodist Homes for the aged 24 23 How many Homes for the aged are visited or supported by the 24 23 churches Community centres run by Societies 7 6 Hospices run by Societies 5 6 Ministry to informal settlements in the Circuit 31 31 Ministries to prisoners in the Circuit 21 22 HIV/Aids ministries in the Circuit 30 29

8 9 Please list any other Methodist Institutions operating in your Circuit (even if not accountable to the Circuit) and any other Ministries run by the Circuit that the District and Connexion should be aware of.


Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 901 Albert Cnr Albert & Kruis Street, Marshalltown, JHB 171 901 Braamfontein Methodist House, Rissik Street, Braamfontein 288 901 Central 79 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg 2 314 901 Crown Mines Crown Mines 59 901 Selby Selby Municipal Compound 91 901 Ophirton 21 Kimberly Street, Ophirton 27 Total members in Circuit 2950 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 902 Alexandra 2nd Avenue, Alexandra 1800 902 Aldersgate 1 Summer Way, Glenhazel 258 902 Bethesda 42 Saint John’s Road, Berea 1070 902 Calvary 109 Harry Galuan, Halfway Gardens, 1685 1570 902 Ivory Park 49 Boshoff Rd, President Park 1200 902 Lombardy East 81 Baron Road, Lombardy East 484 Total members in Circuit 6384 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 903 St Francis-in-the-Forest Box 1215 Houghton 2041 261 St John’s United Box 65366 Benmore 2010 176 Trinity Box 44967 Linden 2104 1723 Parktown North Box 106 Parklands 2121 232 Randburg Box 4028 Randburg 2125 855 Melrose c/o Box 1215 Houghton 2041 100 Zone 7 Meadowlands Box 1042 Southdale 2135 361 Zone 3 Meadowlands Box 1042 Southdale 2135 278 Meadwest (Zone 9) Box 1042 Southdale 2135 198 Mofolo North Box 1042 Southdale 30


Total members in Circuit 4214 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 904 Bosmont 146 904 Brixton 13 904 Coronationville 115 904 Commemorationville 151 904 Newville 25 904 Mayfair 33 904 Melville 69 904 Riverlea 157 Total members in Circuit 709 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 0906 Zone2 Diepkloof 2968 Diepkloof Zone 2 472 0906 Zone4 Diepkloof PO Box 82590 Southdale 2135 620 0906 Mondeor PO Box 172 Mondeor 2110 640 0906 Ennerdale PO Box 142 Ennerdale 1826 433 0906 Imvana PO Box 74008 Turfontein 2135 300 0906 Eldorado Park PO Box 142 Ennerdale 1826 250 0906 Robertsham PO Box 74008 Turfontein 120 Total members in Circuit 2835 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 908 Bedfordview Cnr VanBuuren&DE Wet street, Bedfordview 412 908 Kensington 90 Roberts Ave, Kensington 2101 132 908 Malvern 14 Hereford st Johannesburg 40 908 Spesbona 138 Total members in Circuit 722 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members Weltevredenpark 0909 Cnr JG Strydom & Amarant Street, Weltevredenpark 503 Methodist 0909 Wilropark Methodist 43 Kosmos Avenue , Wilropark 210 0909 Horison Methodist 52 Cutten Street, Horison 147 0909 Florida Methodist 53 Madeline Street, Florida 350 0909 Discovery Methodist 2 Simmer Street, Discovery 375 0909 Davidsonville Methodist 1 Minnaar Street, Davidsobville 100 0909 St Marks Methodist Cnr Rail & Valerie Street, Maraisburg 79 0909 Dobsonville Methodist Cnr Rail & Valerie Street, Maraisburg 819 Total members in Circuit 2583 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 910 Bryanston Methodist 115 Grosvenor Rd, Bryanston, Sandton 3 403 Church 910 Cosmo City Methodist Central African Republic Rd, Cosmo City 400 Church 910 Diepsloot Methodist Church Plot 136 W. Nicol Drive, Diepsloot West , Ex4 465


910 Gracepoint Methodist 125 Duncan Road, Glenferness 920 Church 910 Northrand Methodist 174 Blandford Road, Northriding 383 Church 910 St Paul’s Methodist Church Pierre Rd Honeydew 451 910 Ridgeway Methodist Church 61 Wessell Road , Rivonia 220 Total members in Circuit 6022 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 911 Zola 636 Maseko & Nxumalo St Zola 492 911 Moletsane 645 Moliwa St, Moletsane 572 911 Naledi 541 Mosimane & Mojalefa Street 346 911 Protea City 14471 Protea Glen 197 911 Emdeni 3080/5461 Bhekizulu Street 238 911 Nector 508-510 Wattle Ave – Dobsonville 161 911 New Protea TholiMfundo Primary School 110 911 Naledi Ext 2 Rebone Primary School 146 Total members in Circuit 2238 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 912 Orlando West 8270 Moema Street, Orlando West 360 912 Orlando East 6452 Mooki Street, Orlando East 498 912 Orlando North 12845 Neku Street, Orlando West 2 238 912 Baragwanath Ditawana Primary, Orlando East 99 912 Noorgesig 64 Mooder Street, Noordgesig 72 912 Pennyville 1112 Zebra Road, Pennyville 25 Total members in Circuit 1292 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 913 Bekkersdal 2615 Michelle Avenue, Bekkersdal 302 913 Westonaria 23 Neptune Street, Westonaria 52 913 Teokomsrus 1494 Ornage River, Teokomrus 44 913 Mohlakeng 2772 Kepadisa Street, Mohlakeng 440 913 Simunye 2615 Michell Avenue 147 913 Randfontein Main Reed Street, Randfontein 205 Total members in Circuit 1190 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 914 Carltonville 52 Bornite Street 80 914 Trinity 52 Bornite Street 110 914 Kokosi 196 Bensshiburi Street 78 914 Wedela 2899 Sompane Street 97 914 Khutsong 148 914 Bethel 35 914 Welverdiendd 12 914 Blybank 38 914 East Driefontein 50 914 West Deep 15 36

914 Elandsrand Holfontein 20 Total members in Circuit 692 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 0915 Kagiso 2701 Senzangakhona Street, Kagiso 2 979 0915 Munsieville 284 0915 Lewisham 268 0915 Ext.12 245 0915 Tarlton 121 0915 Mathope 112 0915 Molote 113 0915 Magalies 189 0915 Doornhoek 126 0915 Hartebeest 132 0915 Princess 198 0915 Princess Village 206 0915 Krugersdorp 1 Rissik Street, Krugersdorp 178 0915 Noordheuwel 29 Dippenaar Road, NoordHeuwel 189 Total members in Circuit 3340 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 917 Potchefstroom 6 Fleischack str Potchefstroom 540 917 Ikageng Raditsadeng Str Ikageng 789 917 Promosa 1-6 John Noble Str Promosa 247 917 Sarafina 7611 Merafe Str Saarafina 150 917 Holy Mission 11650 Winnie Madikazela Str Ext 7 Ikageng 97 917 Tshing 448 Naoka str Tshing 150 Total members in Circuit 1973 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 920 Biesiesvlei 45 920 Bodibe 342 920 Boikhutso 300 920 Coligny 163 920 Gelukspan 24 920 Grasfontein 42 920 Itsoseng 843 920 Lombaardslagte 103 920 Naaupoort 148 920 Nooitgedaght 19 920 Makouspan 53 920 Sannieshof 185 920 Sehuba 39 920 Welverdiend 142 920 Springbokpan 57 920 Suiwerfontein 24 920 Shiela 79


920 Verdwaal 26 Total members in Circuit 2645 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 921 John Wesley P. O. Box 220, Delarayville 200 921 Orefemetse 198

921 Setlagole 90 921 Dikgatlong 87 921 Madobogo-pan 72 921 Tlhakajeng 70 921 Bethel 38 921 kraaipan 48 921 Diretsane 56 921 Ganalaagte 50 Total members in Circuit 910 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 0922 Klerksdorp 173 Chris Hani 491 0922 Khuma 2237 Mosala 462 0922 Alabama 295 Nelson 300 0922 Tigane 396 Tigane 488 0922 Orkney 2875 Chauzer 154 0922 Kanana 1463 Mbevane 707 0922 Jouberton 9238 23rd 1222 Total members in Circuit 3829 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 0925 Tswelelang Wolmaransstad 358 0925 Boemhof Bloemhof 185 0925 Ipelegeng Swatze Reineke 267 0925 Ottosdal Ottosdal 206 0925 Makwassie Wolmaransstad 257 0925 Leeudorinstad Leeudoringstad 278 0925 Christiana Christiana 234 0925 Amalia Swartze Reineke 82 0925 Boskuil Wolmaransstad 62 0925 Ext.10 Wolmaransstad 58 Total members in Circuit 1987 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 0926 Amadula Ranch Amadula Ranch Village 30 0926 Beuden Beuden & Kubuge Village 15 0926 Bothithong Bothithong Village 60 0926 Cassel Cassel Village 70 0926 Colridge Colridge Township 199 0926 Colston Colston Village 26 0926 Deurward Deurward Village 25


0926 Dipudi Dipudi Village 63 0926 Dithakong Dithakong Village 60 0926 Dithakwaneng Dithakwaneng Village 85 0926 Ditshipeng & Montsheng Ditshipeng Village 112 0926 Dryharts Dryharts Village 112 0926 Eckron Eckron Village 52 0926 Ganyesa Ganyesa Village 178 0926 Glen-Red Glen-Red Village 116 0926 Heiningvlei Heiningvlei Village 31 0926 Huhudi Huhudi Township 261 0926 Kagiso Kagiso Village 36 0926 Kgokgojane Kgokgojane Village 56 0926 Kraaipan Kraaipan Village 42 0926 Kubuge Kubuge Village 25 0926 Kudunkgwane Kudunkgwane Village 38 0926 Madibogo Station Madibogo Station Village 45 0926 Madibogo-Pan Madibogo-Pan Village 39 0926 Maganeng Maganeng Village 105 0926 Maheng Maheng Village 39 0926 Moorland Moorland Village 24 0926 Morokweng Morokweng Village 122 0926 Ntswanahatshe Ntswanahatshe Village 109 0926 Pouval Pouval Village 45 0926 Stella Stella Village 46 0926 Tlakgameng Tlakgameng Village 111 0926 Tlapeng Tlapeng Village 64 0926 Tseoge Tseoge Village 35 Total members in Circuit 2476 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 928 Jabavu 2630 Gala Street White city Jabavu 972 928 Moroka 2107 Vundla Drive Rockville 696

928 Zondi 651 Shumeyeli Street Dube Village 456 928 Dube 1243 Seeiso Street Mofolo North 396 928 Ikhwezi 1 Mdingi Street Mofolo North 180 928 Jabulani 527 Emangwenane Street Jabulani 84 928 Molapo 715 Masiane Street Molapo 60 928 Nancefield 735 Mofolo South 38 Total members in Circuit 2882 Circuit Society name Society address Number of Full Number Members 929 Protea North 1239 Mthembu Street, Protea North, 1818 350 929 Senaoane 1646 Cnr Mthwalume & Inchanga street, Senanoane 225 1818 929 Mapetla 564 Moloto Street, Mapetla 1818 346 929 Dlamini 894 Long Street, Dlamini 1818 80 929 Midway 2202 Mohaswane street, Tshiawelo 1818 175 39

929 Thembelihle Stand 1835, Thembelihle, Lenasia, 1827 40 929 Noluthando Libra Primary School, Ext 8 Lenasia 1827 40 929 Pimville 2273 Motlhatsoa Street, Zone 2, Pimville, 1809 670 929 Kliptown Kliptown Community Hall, 49 Station Road, Kliptown 53 929 Devland Erf 1077 along Golden Highway, Ext 27, Devland 57

929 Protea South Protea South Primary School, 2010 Colman and Quarry 64 street, Protea South 1818 929 Bushkoppies 45 929 Lehae 55 Total members in Circuit 2200




Introduction We are grateful to God for the life of Children and Youth in the District, the formational education, fellowship and mission work that continues to happen around the District. Many of our Circuits and our dynamic regional structures reach out to their communities to offer loving service in the midst of the scarcity of financial resources. The greatest resource that God grants to the Church is the power of the Holy Spirit that ignites passion for mission in many of our members, Societies and Circuits.

The vibrant spirit of young people has set our legacy that comes through Christ and it continues to move communities and individuals towards a realisation of a Christ that transforms lives. May God bless your efforts, your commitment and the amount of time you spend in the life of this youth ministry?

Pulse of the District It is in high spirits and joy that we are looking forward to THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY in the Central District; The Home for Children, Youth and all people of God. 2018 promises to be a year of Great thing in the Central District especially after the declaration of the Presiding Bishop at Conference 2017: “2018 THE YEAR FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH” We therefore extend this invitation and call to all people called Methodist in this our Central District to live this moment of Joy with us as we embrace the vision of the Church. Our work with Children and Youth continues to be centered around the 3 pillars – Spirituality, education and Economic development. With these 3 pillars the executive is on its last lap of the 3-year leadership journey to see the unit profoundly accomplishing the MYU’s objectives for the year going forth and thus setting a dynamic movement in which the MYU should journey. As alluded in our theme we give thanks to God the almighty for keeping us going in Creating a Legacy.

Administartion and Statistics The District statistics are not reflected on this report, noting that most of our Circuits have not completed their statistics reports for Youth Synod. The reporting around this area has been untidy as some entities are not accounted for yet we are aware of the existence and it evident that there has been fudging of some numbers and the incomplete statistical returns, the accuracy of these statistics is uncertain. This measure is a negative reflection on our holistic administrative muscle and is not producing positive fruits to the amount of work invested in our communication lines through Formal circulars, social media and other creative means by the secretariat desk put in place to promote a healthy communication line between circuits and the district.

However, we continue to comment those circuits that continue to respond positively to our set administration strategies. The call for flexible, people-centered and willing to learn and competent individuals in this office is not to be taken for granted. This role is of high importance to the life of ALL Youth in the church; with the hope of improving the current situation both in the local churches and circuits. In some circuits these instant remedial actions have yielded gains while in others, more long-term work still needs to be done.

Programmes And District Event Circuits have been highly responsive to the district’s call to all events, and many of our events have been held and spread out well throughout the District, noting the common and regular financial in-accountability (Registrations & payments) by certain circuits. The administration to circuits seems to be flowing smoothly, however there is still an outcry from our Children’s ministry entities and Circuit level. There has not been sufficient care given to this tender entity by our Circuit administrators and as a result limits the visibility of this entity in most of our District events were attendance is required.

The discipline of young people in events has improved immensely judging by the participation and engagements in our events. We do note the challenges of alcohol abuse and the idling attitude displayed mainly by leaders during our programs and event proceedings – these challenges are receiving our attention and will be handled with high diligence.

Circuits demonstrate attentiveness in assimilating down the thinking and the set challenges from the programs rendered in our events. This has been evident with programs such as: Siyaphakama event, the celebration of Education achievements, empowerment and recognition of female leadership and participation in our circuits and many others

Education and Christian Transformation The district has profoundly surveyed and officially launched an education bursary and other education drives together with economic development strategies.


Bursary fund The Central District bursary fund applications were officially opened for 2018 and there are 10 bursaries of R10 000.00 each to be awarded to 10 individuals and the application forms are available on the bursary website: www.cdyubf.co.za. The funding criterion is detailed on the website.

Recruitment Hub A new recruitment hub (site) is under construction. All interested young people will have an opportunity to register themselves on our database for job opportunities and networking. Our aim in proactive recruitment site is to broaden and deepen the pool so that we can find recruits who are both excellent and diverse.

Small Businesses and Cooperatives One of our youth members from the far West (Lichtenburg) has received equipment to support her business from one of our donors that continue to come present youth development opportunities in our District gatherings (Desktop, 2 x Notebook Laptops, Modem, Ink and stationary)

Mission Work Our 1st mission drive “DRESS A LEARNER” undertook on the 3rd February 2018 at the District uMhlahlandlela event in Pimville where we dispersed winter school uniforms and shoes and other educational resources to the needy children.

Wesley Guild In the year 2018 the entire Youth Unit joins its hands with the Wesley Guild entity as it celebrates a decade of its Spiritual and Mission Consultation event. There will be a series of build-up events to celebrate this milestone giving thanks to God and appreciation of those who came before leading to these 10 years. The 10th Annual Consultation will be on the 20 – 23 September 2018 at Jabavu Circuit.

Young Adult Movement This movement continues to embrace MYU mission imperatives under our governing statement that: we exist to advocate for the involvement of the young people in the church by providing resources as well as creating learning opportunities for holistic development and growth. There is a widespread of these Young Adult groups formulating in various circuits in the entire district.

Youth Groups & Pastors We have had our 1st successful Youth Pastors’ breakfast with the Bishop and Youth Unit executive at Trinity Methodist Church. Conversations were around the direction, structure, support or inclusion for youth pastors and youth workers to live out their calling in youth ministry. Youth pastors will be accounting to Youth Synod in the year 2018 as

METHSSOC MethSsoc continues to form positively in the District. We are looking forward to a large pull of membership in the institutions in the Gauteng and North West region, UJ & Wits and the newly the formulation structure in the North West region.

YOUTH SYNOD REPORT (L&D Appendix 5: 1.8.1) Our annual Synod was held on the 14 April 2018 at Ikageng Methodist Church [Kopano Circuit] with 292 delegates and officials. The sitting was officially opened and chaired by the District Vice Chairperson Rev Faith Whitby under the theme “Together, giving thanks to God for grace provided” and her message was focused on thanksgiving. In exploring the theme, she sought to ask if our lives are that of thanksgiving; giving thanks for our diversity and unity.

District Youth Unit leadership elections for 2019-2021 MYU Coordinator – Rev P. Koekoe MYU District Secretary – Bro A. Masiza MY Recording Secretary – Sis D. Kerileng MYU Treasurer – Bro A. Mocumi Children Ministry Rep – Sis M. Mokhele MethSsoc Rep – Bro A. Gomomo Wesley Guild Rep – Bro B. Khumalo YAM Rep – Bro M. Mpela Youth Groups Rep – Bro D. Fleetwood

Commissions as per Youth Synod agenda • Obedience 81 - Rev T. Mcinga • The relationship between politics and faith religion in South Africa - Dr. Rev W. Mabuza • Decolonising the Central District - Mr. L. Madibo


• Redefining the MCSA youth and Children Ministry and MYU polity - Rev M. Sekhejane Mission Work Led by Rev P. Koekoe the young people of the Central District shared their gifts of love (food parcels and blankets worth R5000) to Ikhaya labantwana, an orphanage home identified by the hosting circuit which adopts orphans from birth to early adulthood.

Financial report and budget See attached Annexures A(i); A(ii); A(iii)

Resolutions See attached annexure B

Conclusion We have come thus far and we rejoice in the Grace and Provision of God for a District that is becoming more and more interesting in its dynamic growth. As we draw towards the end of the rope of our leadership tenure, we are grateful to the office of the Bishop for the endless support, Circuit Superintendents and circuit management teams together with parents for joining hands with us in Creating a legacy.

The dawn has come and as its light shines upon our district may we outlive the words of John Wesley: “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”


Work with Children In October 2017 we had 5th Children’s Ministry Come together held in the Matlosana Circuit at Klerksdorp. This event in the year 2017 was envisioned to be a family day for all Children and families in the Central District but not limited to. We had an amazing turn out of over a 1000 Children and adults who took part in Sport, recreational games, Arts and craft, fashion show parades under the theme “Spring and Nature”. We thank all the Circuits and parents for encouraging children to take part in this event and we continue to encourage all circuits and parents to be part of us. We have rolled out our screening program as of the month of February beginning with conversation from the MCO Child desk.

Children’s Ministry Curriculum and Syllabus In our 2018 Youth Synod we have explored the various available and recommended syllabuses as a way of developing a solid educational base for this ministry.

Rev Mxolisi Nyembe Akhona Masiza District Coordinator District Secretary






See report from the Connexional Warden of the Order of Deacons in Appendix B-1

Surname Name PF Number Remuneration through MCO? (Yes/No). 5.1.1 ACTIVE DEACONS

Mabe Mmatsela Welhemina 7732 Pt Ni Ns Mngxali Talente 7749 F Ni Ns Dickson Gerald 7739 F Ni Ns Mchunu Smanga 7765 F It St Gwabeni Mphumelelo R 7800 F It St Sejanamane Thabo 7812 Pt Ni Ns 5.1.2 DEACONS WHO ARE APPLYING TO SUPERANNUATE


Gwabeni Mpumelelo, R 7800 Pat Slater 7742 5.1.4 DEACONS WHO HAVE DIED SINCE THE LAST SYNOD



See the report from the District Order of Evangelism in Appendix B - 2


PF Number Circuit MCO? Paid Through

Surname Name Date of Birth Postal address

Sibisi Mary 901 No Ramoitheki Norah 901 No Tom Gena 901 No 2073 Kunene Drive, Waterfall Country Estate, Tshayingwe Asanda 902 No Midrand, 1686 44

Zabeko Lucy 902 No 973 Mmabatho Street, Ivory Park, Ext 2 Molathudi Florence 903 No  1215 Houghton 2041 Moyo Nombali 903 No  4028 Randburg 2125 Molotsi Mantikane 906 16/12/1945 No 3628B Phemlo Street, Diepkloof Zone 3, 1864 Bandla Gladys 906 98/11/1953 No  172, Mondeor, 2110 Madladlamba Virginia 910 Phele Matlakala 911 4036 Mokalane Street, Naledi Bula Mavis 911 1154 Ndimande Street, Zola Simelane Setsana 912 16/05/1940 2548 Msimang Street, Orlando East Tingwe Daphne 913 Ndzeku KJ 914 Fiti NB 914 Masekwana I 917 926 Motshidi Street, Ikageng Motloung Rosina 920  1825 Lichtenburg 2740 Mabuya Eugenia 928 26/05/1951  1076 Ext 2, Naledi, Soweto, 1862 Mkhabela Lulama 2538 929 Yes  196 Pimville 1809 Rikhotso Doris 2536 929 Yes  196 Pimville 1809 BIBLE WOMEN WHO HAVE RETIRED



Number BIRTH

Lolwane Supelelo 922  Box 34, Klerksdorp Mosekwana I 917 Makgongwana Shirley 908 Smith Nomathemba 903  44967 Linden 2104 BIBLE WOMEN WHO HAVE DIED SINCE LAST SYNOD

Surname Name PF




Sthibe Mosadiwamarope 926 Gladys BIBLE WOMEN WHO ARE ON TRIAL Co



Number OF issio BIRTH ning


e Mahumapelo Elizabeth 911 15600 Alabama str, Ext 16, Protea Glen


Has the question on Discipline been satisfactorily answered in the Local Preachers’ Meeting by all Evangelists? (L&D Appendix 5: 3.2.1 page 188)








MCO? Surname qu* PAID abov


Monama Caroline 901 Dauwa Mziwethemba 901 Marambana Mirram 901 Ngozi Jacob 902 Mthatyana 902 Maguma Nombuyiselo 902 Macingwane Sabelo 902 Jwaxa Vuyani 902 Matlhawe Petros 903 Boah Estelle 904 Vilander Kelvin 906 Mbonjwa Michael 906 Nonjiko Joyce 906 Maruping Martha 909 Mokiri Pulane 910 Mashinini Bendie 910 Ncapai Vincent 910 Sigenu Roselina 910 Qhina Joice 910 Mooka Margaret 910 Malindi Nobangoma 912 Ngcongo Theresa 912 Walaza Zanemvula 913 Menyatso Andries 914 Tshangane Mxolisi 914 Dikeledi Lucas 915 Jeme Samuel 915 Motlogeloa Panana Simon 917 Molamu Sarah 920 Motshogo Cynthia 920 Dimpe Gustav 921 Motswana Monnapula 925 Sekweleo 926 Ditlhobolo 926 Kopeledi 926 Baloleleki 926 Sawa Thamsanqa 928 Nong Mary 929 Ndzondo Isaac 929 EVANGELISTS WHO HAVE RETIRED (App 5: 3.2.2)

Surname Name PF DATE OF


Number BIRTH

Majenge Samuel 915 Bilankulu Dumazile 910 Maruping Martha 909 Sibisi James 908 EVANGELISTS WHO HAVE DIED SINCE LAST SYNOD (App 5: 3.2.3)


Surname Name PF






Number BIRTH Whom do we recommend as Candidates on Probation for the Order? (App 5: 3.2.4)



Number BIRTH

Dada Phelile 906 Box 1079, Eldorado Park 1813






Coetzee Marco 917 Ruddlig Steve 915 Neethling Ethne 910 No Visser Lyn 910 No Mguga Hazel 910 No Khumalo Siphiwe 910 No Da Foscesca Liana 910 No Lepele Hloni 910 No January Stanford 910 No Bheya Bonie 910 No Fleetwood Devan 909 Levenson Penny 908 266 Bedfordview 2007 Steyn Roxanne 908 266 Bedfordview 2007 Steyn Charles 908 266 Bedfordview 2007


Position held held Position CIRCUIT Surname Name


What is the report on the state of Local Preaching in the District? (LPD) Appendix 5: 4.1

See the Local Preachers Department Report in Appendix B- 3

What is the report of the Local Preachers’ Association in the District?

6.2.1 Has any Local Preacher in the District died? (App 5: 4.2) Surname Name Date Of Death Circuit Ngozi Jacob Hospital 902 Sikonya Daniel 2017-07-01 906


Mthethwa Rose 2017-08-15 906 Taunyane Rooi December 2017 917 Thotobolo Silas December 2017 917 Motumi Popo December 2017 917 Mtshemla Gaven October 2017 911 Khomari Steven 922 Leepile David 25 May 2017 922 Ntsuku Daniel 922 Mzingayi Petrus 16 December 2017 922 Kubedi Peter 31 December 2017 922 Mokone 920 Rampou 920 Tembe Magilela 16-September 914 Thabane Peter 27 September2017 925 Maine Benjamin 20 September 2017 925 Kgosietsile S.M August 921 Lobelo S.E February 921 Mgema Elias Mbuti 12 September 2017 912 Matandabuzo Bukeka 4 November 2017 910 Magubane Pherry July 909 Monageng Job August 2017 915 Bolani Edwin 05 November 2017 915 Ntlemeza Benjamin 10 November 2017 915 Radebe Pogiso 929 Msibi Ntando John 17 November 2017 911 Mahlathi B 911 Nkomo Meshack 911 Mtshemla Zola 911

6.2.2 Does any Local Preacher qualify for a Long Service Certificate? (25 YEARS/ 40 YEARS)

SURNAME NAME TITLE CIRCUIT Year of Acceptance onto Full Plan

White Mr Fred C White 909 1966 Campbel John 909 1967 Njokweni D 909 1971 William Ellick 909 1974 Hensman David 909 1980 Myhill David 909 1981 Buitendag Pieter 909 1981 Woolley Diane 909 1986 Sebolai Isaac Mr 917 1968 Mafilika John Mr 928 1978 Magane Leticia Mrs 928 1978 Nkonyane Prentice 928 1978




See attached schedule provided by EMMU in Appendix C - 1


See attached schedule provided by EMMU

Special Synod Recommendations/ Resolutions

See attached schedule provided by EMMU

Appointment of Candidates’ Tutor for The Ensuing Year

See attached District Committee in Section 11.7


See attached schedule provided by EMMU


See attached schedule provided by EMMU





The finances of the Unit are held in the general District Account.

Whom do we Appoint District Supervisor of Studies and Internship Convener for the ensuing year? (App 5: 2.5) See L&D 4.22 for qualifications of DSS

See District EMMU Committee in section 11.7

What is the report of the Seminary, if part of the District? (App 5: 2.6)


8 CLERGY MATTERS (L&D Appendix 5: 5 page 188)


How can we care for our Ministers and their families? (App 5: 5.1)

How can we free our Ministers to exercise their calling to preach, teach and provide spiritual guidance? (App 5: 5.2)


Ministers Who Have Resigned (L&D 4.89-92) Surname Name PF Postal Address Date of resignation

Ministers Applying For Secondment (L&D 4.90) New Applications (for up to 5 years – L&D 4.101) Surname Name PF Secondment to: Commence- ment date Prinsloo Nick 1899 Application for Continuation of appointment – (for up to 5 years – L&D 4.98) Surname Name PF Secondment to: Commence- ment date of this term

Ministers Applying For Study Leave (L&D 4.116-120) Surname Name PF Qualification Institution

Ministers Applying For Chaplaincy (L&D 15.5) Surname Name PF Institution


Ministers on Leave Of Absence Residing in the District (L&D 4.13-15) Surname Name PF Postal Address Date of commencement of leave of absence Prinsloo Nick 1899 January 2015 Stemela Mbuyiselo 1133 January 2018

Register of Non-Itinerant Ministers (L&D 4.133) Surname Name PF Circuit Part Time/Full Time Stipendiary/Non-Stipendiary Thibedi Kaizer 1392 906 Ordained

Ministers Applying For Change of Category (L&D 4.141) Surname Name PF Circuit Current Category Category being applied PT/FT for: PT/FT Sti/Non-Sti Sti/Non-Sti

Ministers without Appointment Surname Name PF Postal Address Date since which without appointment Molokwane Cloupas 1268 January 2018

Ministers under Suspension Surname Name PF Suspended since

Ministers Applying For Reinstatement (L&D 4.122-123)

Surname Name Pre- Postal Address Pastoral Synod vious Commission vote PF Recommendation


Ministers Applying For Recognition In MCSA From Another Denomination L&D 4.52-56)

Ministers Applying To Become Supernumerary (L&D 4.83/ Appendix 5: 6.12)

Surname Name PF Date of proposed Superannuation Num-ber Mehana Vukile C 1184 December 2018 Witbooi Peter 0560 December 2018 Thibedi Kaizer 1392 December 2018


Seconded Ministers


Postnet Suite # 360 Private Bag X 21 Bryanston 2021 NPO No: 153 - 381 PBO No: 930 050 581


Greetings to the Central District Synod Delegates and Visitors.

The scourge of substance abuse continues to ravage our communities, families and particularly our youth, the more so as it goes hand in hand with poverty, crime, reduced productivity, unemployment, dysfunctional family life, escalation of chronic diseases and premature death.

The Church and NGO’s need to address the problem of substance abuse in partnership with Business and Funding Institutions without regard to issues of economic class, race, colour, gender and the professional status of an individual. Substance abuse is a cause of great concern, given the fight to restore South Africa to its rightful place in the world.

We are so grateful that our Funders finally came to party, with some form of funding, thus we are able to function in a pleasing manner.

To tackle the issue of Alcohol and Drug abuse, with the Youth, Qiniso Trust offers counselling services and referrals where there is a need for detoxification and other special remedial services. The use of Addiction 101 programme has been beneficial to our clients, as they acquire more knowledge and are taken care of by professionals and volunteer counsellors. Two schools in Thabo Mbeki Informal Settlement, in Lanseria, are being serviced weekly.

Weekends are moments of sports, to keep the youth occupied and healthy.

I regularly take Preaching appointments within our Johannesburg North Circuit.

In closing, let me take this opportunity to wish the Synod a very successful and fruitful one, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Rev G Mandla Gamede Chief Executive Officer 04th May 2018


REV NSIZWANA LUTHULI’S REPORT TO SYNOD Department of Higher Education TVET College: Central Johannesburg College

Introduction “Mbonge uJehova mphwfumulo wam. Jehova wam umkhulu kakhulu wembethe udumo nobukhosi” Psalm 104 This is my opening preamble as I continue to minister in an environment challenged by among others, drugs and alcohol abuse, political strife, human trafficking crime and corruption. In spite of this gloomy picture, God continues to show us His mercy. The following programmes continue to shape our ministry and spirituality: Bible Studies and Biblical Research, Christian Counselling, Revivals, Cross Cultural Ministry, Healthy Lifestyle and Praise and Worship

Achievements The above forms part of our annual programme for 2018. Bible Studies programmes and scheduled for Wednesdays where we tackle themes like same sex relations, free education, corruption, crime, drugs and alcohol abuse among others. Key questions include: `What is God saying about about these challenges'. Christian Counselling is a` One on One 'session where students are afforded an opportunity to open up to each other on their challenges in the journey (being a religious student). Key questions incude: `How is it witht your soul?'. The programme then wraps up with corporate prayer. Our ministry has now been extended to ` Healthy Lifestyle ' a ministry that focuses on our heathly living habits in an environment that demands more energy thinking. This ministry has been well received by most students including those of different faith formations (Muslim Rastafarian) The ministry focuses health tips, eating habits, training (aerobics, running. etc) I am glad to announce that the 21st. of March 2018 successful aerobics marathon was held with the local hilbrow clinic who were responsible for Bp check ups. The event was well attended with students demanding more. Revival services put more emphasis on evangelism. The revival service which occured on the 15th of April was a great success. Our visitors from. TUT, VUT, WITS and UK sensed some form of fulfilment thanks to the organisers. The Cross-Cultural ministry is extended to students who are French and Portuguese speaking. It's pleasing to realise that an estimate of 20 students have. Joined our ministry and hopefully more would surface. Currently Plans are afoot to organise a religious dialogue Faith Formations. How I pray that this becomes a fulfilling exercise for religious people, God grant us the strength! Challenges In spite of these achievements our ministry continues to experience challenges. The following are stark realities of challenges facing us: poor attendance, theological conflict, drugs and alcohol abuse the campus and political strife. The aforementioned have a potential of discounting our level of spirituality but the Lord being our helper we shall overcome.

In Christ I remain Rev NL Luthuli




I am joyfully bringing greetings from the Department of Correctional Services National Head Office - Spiritual Care Directorate to the Central District 2018 Synod. The purpose of this brief report is to share with the church the wonderful work that God continues to perform in this perplexing yet exciting environment through His grace, love and mercy. I thank God that thus far He has been with me as I try to directly and indirectly touch the lives of those incarcerated in our Correctional Centres nationally. Financial year 2017/2018 has been a very challenging time but with God on my side I have managed to achieve positively on all my key responsibility areas. Highlights for the year 2017/2018 are as follows: 1. Monitoring and Evaluation of Spiritual Care Services and Programmes was conducted in all the regions and feedback reports were forwarded to regions for the implementation of corrective measures. This is to ensure that the Directorate remains relevant to the needs of the offenders.

2. Moral Regeneration Round Table Dialogues were held in the Limpopo Mpumalanga and North West region. Heartlines organisation is also part of the dialogues and they were very successful. This is the Spiritual Care initiative in trying to assist in character building.

3. Stakeholders Liaison Management. For this financial year we have tried to formalise our relations with different faiths and other role players through memorandum of understanding. We have targeted mostly churches that have chaplains in the department but not limited to that. A few consultative meetings have been held and some of the MOU’s are in process. The MCSA memorandum of understanding is still with our legal department hoping that it will be signed this year.

4. Regional Chaplains quarterly workshops have been held in all the regions and they were very empowering and informative. This assists in touching base with chaplains in correctional centres and ensuring that they are well equipped. 5. Management of Spiritual Care data. Regional statistics is compiled monthly and reports are generated. This assist in monitoring the number of offenders that participates in Spiritual Care services and programmes

On a personal note: Spiritually I am well and still attached at the Roodepoort Circuit though I normally worship at Randburg Methodist Church where my family has decided to worship because of the distance. I am involved in various ways, assisting with Sunday services and other activities like running retreats in both circuits. Once more I would like to thank the MCSA for offering me an opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in another context of rehabilitating those who are incarcerated. It brings joy and fulfilment to me to be part of rehabilitation processes for those who are discriminated by the society. I still continue to invite the bigger church to be part of this exciting ministry.

“…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25: 40)

Grace and peace Vuyelwa Legwale


SYNOD REPORT OF REV MATSANE M A Chaplain Department of Correctional Services: DCS LOCATION: JABAVU CIRCUIT DATE: 23RD TO 26TH MAY 2018 Grace and mercy upon all members of this synod, from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Bishop and members of the synod, let me take this opportunity to table the report about the chaplaincy work in the Department of Correctional Services, within Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Region, based in Rooigrond Management Area, in mafikeng North West Province. The Rooigrond MA is made up of five (5) Correctional Centres and four (4) Community Corrections offices, stretching from Vryburg, Zeerust, Lichtenburg and Mafikeng. We have a Remind Detainees facility with a lock up of 181 youth incarceration of 345 and the whole total lock up of the Area of 1900, as I was compiling this report. My Key Responsibility Areas [KRA’S] are as follows: (1) Ensure the implementation of and compliance with Departmental legislation, policies and procedures. (2) Managing the implementation of Spiritual Care services to all offenders including Special categories. (3) Management of financial resources. (4) Ensure stake holder involvement in the delivery of Spiritual Care needs based programmes and services. (5) Enhance impact of Spiritual Care programmes. (6) Ensure empowerment and equipment of all Spiritual Care personnel including personnel at Community Correction offices. (7) Ensure implementation of Spiritual Care Programmes and services. (8) Deliver/ render Spiritual Care services to staff members.

I am facilitating the following programmes to both offenders and officials: Chatsec, Heartlines, Anger Management, Pre- Release, FFF [ Family Firm Foundation], Self Image, Restorative Justice, Victim Empowerment Program [VEP], Victim Offender Mediation [VOM] & Victim Offender Dialogue [VOD] NB: Within the perimeters of the Central District we have the following Correctional Centres, with the following offender statistics: (1) Wolmaransstad/ Christiana > 21 offenders (2) Klerksdorp > 83 offenders (3) Potchefstroom > 94 offenders (4) Krugersdorp > 161 offenders (5) Leeukop > 109 offenders (6) Johannesburg / Suncity > 244 offenders

Lichtenburg> 41 offenders

NB: Total numbers of Methodist offenders are: 753 NB: These are Methodist offenders incarcerated without being pastorally ministered to by us. The call is that we humbly request circuits/ societies to avail ministers, deacons and preachers to participate in prison ministry. To the MCSA, this is my thirteenth (14th) year in this ministry, thank you for allowing me to serve God in this vineyard, as a chaplain in this department.

Submitted by: MATSANE M A (REV)


SYNOD REPORT ON UNIVERSITY CHAPLAINCY – REV THABISO MCINGA Chaplaincy in the universities (UJ and Wits) aims to: - Foster a community of fellowship, worship, service, and justice at universities for healing of all nations. - Provide pastoral care and Christian Education to university students through a ministry creates an avenue of discipleship and transformation. - Facilitate or participate in current affairs debates to infuse a sound theological and Christian ethos to the affairs. - Cultivate student leadership by offering support, guidance, and vision to the ministry.

The area of focus thus far has been classified according to some pillars, viz Spirituality, Evangelism and Church growth and Education and Christian Formation.

Spirituality Through small groups and one-on-one meetings, students are guided to grow in their faith. As a chaplain, I make time to be present at varsities at least twice during the week and do offer communion once a month on each. Students and the community. We still manage to hold joint services with sister churches on the last Sunday of the month on Campus and are currently planning the semester closing and exam prayer service.

Evangelism and Church Growth Efforts in various activities are continuously on building ecumenical partnership with other student Christian bodies on campuses in order to construct new and to reignite existing spaces.

Education and Christian Formation Every year in July, we make time to celebrate graduates from within our student bodies as a way of celebrating and encouraging people in their academic efforts and making education fashionable. Methodist Student societies from the UJ and Wits both meet for fellowships and Bible studies on Friday 16h00 and 18h00 respectively. It is at these sessions that we execute youth programs that build the mind and intellect of students. Retreats also supplement opportunities at empowering leaders as well. We have utilised opportunities that were availed in being part of part of the institution’s public lectures and seminars that capacitate the identity and holistic being of students.

Challenges We still continuously encounter students who barely make ends meet and thus the challenge has been resourcing sustainable projects to meet with this economic need. Various bodies such as neighbouring local churches, campus leadership, communities, etc still need to come to the party and join hands in this endeavour.

Conclusion Much work has been done, yet much is still needed, to create dynamic settings for students to engage in experiential learning, contemplation, recreation, and social interaction. With growing issues at universities, the MCSA through university chaplaincy provides spiritual support to students who are going through a difficult transition in life.

Complied by Rev Thabiso Mcinga University Chaplain 2018



Introduction Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen. “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1Thess 5:18. Let me take this opportunity of thanking the MCSA for the secondment ministry at the SANDF. It is the responsibility of the Chaplain to support the members at the operational area by conducting the following: Ministry by word, Pastoral care and Ministry by presence and to liaise with the family members of the deploying troops and liaise with the home unit chaplain of the members. It is also the responsibility of the Chaplain in the mission area to conduct the smooth running of all the activities professionally.

The report covers all the Chaplain’s Services activities from the year 2018 as per tabulated:

Status of the Chaplain The Chaplain is regular and based at 17 Maintenance Unit working with Officer Commanding Lt Col S.M.Thakamakgooa.

Chaplain’s Activities 2018 1. S A Army Chaplain’s Conference 2. Chaplain General Symposium 3. S.A. Support Formation Work Session 4. CHATSEC (Combating HIV/AIDS through 07th – 11th Kimberley 5. Internal Deployment (RSA Borders)

Highlights of the Ministry

The ministry within 17 Maintenance Unit started with the Thanksgiving Service on the 26th January 2018 at Eerste Vesting. I also enjoyed an opportunity to be in the shoes of young people who are experiencing challenges of life. Also utilising the skills acquired from the church and the SANDF

I would like to thank Rev Charles Kuhn who extended welcome on behalf of the circuit back home. My appreciation is also extended to my colleagues meanwhile I was deployed looking after my family.

Yours in Service Rev AS.Matsaneng (SANDF Chaplain)

School Chaplains

See St Stithians Report in Section 3.8






Women’s Association (L&D Appendix 5: 1.9, 12) See Appendix D - 1

Women’s Auxiliary (L&D Appendix 5:1.9, 12) See Appendix D - 2

Women’s Manyano (L&D Appendix 5:1.9, 12) See Appendix D - 3

Young Women’s Manyano (L&D Appendix 5:1.9, 12) See Appendix D - 4


Men’s League (L&D Appendix 5:1.10, 12) See Appendix D - 5

9.2.2 Young Men’s Guild (L&D Appendix 5:1.9, 12) See Appendix D – 6


Local Preacher’s Association - See Appendix D-8


Christian Connexion Resource Centre or Methodist Publishing House (L&D Appendix 5:1.9)

COMMUNICATION UNIT (L&D Appendix 5: 5.4.7 page 289)



See Section 11




Document Item/Matter CQM Synod Comment Number Responses Vote 1 Wellness Policy See Appendix A - 1 2 MCSA Crisis Communication Document See Appendix A -2 3 Connexional Boundaries Documents See Appendix A - 3


NOTE: All amendments to the Laws and Discipline are contained in the Yearbook 2018 Chapter 4.

Annual Presbyters Convocation Conference resolves to implement as from 2018, the mandatory gathering of annual Presbyters Convocations in Districts and directs EMMU in conjunction with Human Resources Unit & Revisions Committee to develop a standardized procedure. (For the full motivation see EMMU Report)

The Convocation is to be attended by all Probationer and Ordained Presbyters (active and Supernumeraries). This is to offer a safe platform for open, loving but rigorous engagement of clergy with each other and with ministerial issues. The agenda shall include: 1. Conversation on the vocation of clergy (strengthening understanding of the call as well as the order of presbyters). 2. Engagement with contemporary theological/ doctrinal/ ethical issues as referred to the Convocation. 3. Accounting in terms of the provisions in 5.4 Order of Business for Synods – (BOOK OF ORDER page 189) This takes place at the Convocation. (Remembering that any Member of the MCSA may raise objections to any Minister in terms of L&D Ed 12 Revised, para 11.3.) Discipline questions are to be dealt with at Convocation and not at Synod. A report is to be given to Synod. 4. Oral Examination of the Ordinands. - (2.7.2 Order of Business for Synods.) This allows for an in-depth theological questioning and debate- not humiliation. A report be given from the Convocation to Synod. 5. Presbyters’ Undertaking ( Book Of Order 4.17) All Presbyters shall make a renewal of Ordination vows and repeat annually at the Convocation, the undertakings made at Candidature and Ordination as per L&D 4.17.

Continuing Ministerial Formation As directed by 2015 Conference in Yearbook 2016, Resolution 2.42: Page 105, Conference endorses Continuing Ministerial Formation program and directs EMMU to facilitate implementation.

1. All ordained presbyters in active ministry shall participate in mandatory Continuing Ministerial formation. Each presbyter is required to do at least 100 hours of learning/ study a year (about 12 days) in the areas of choice. 2. Accountability groups consisting of the Superintendent, a Society Steward and 2 Lay persons, be established for each minister. For Superintendents the group will consist of the Bishop, a Circuit Steward and 2 Lay persons. The task of the accountability group will be: • To carry out a Review of Ministry process (L&D 4.79.1) (HR Unit to provide a standard review format) The aim of the review is to help a minister identify her/his strengths, passion, gifts and how these contribute to the wellbeing of the circuit/ society / community or the church at large as well as areas of weakness in which s/he needs development/ empowerment. This process will assist ministers in choosing areas of study to focus on each year. • To provide mentorship and supervision by meeting with the minister bi-annually to discuss progress. 60

• To give a mentorship report on the minister at the Presbyter Convocation. 3. EMMU in consultation with DEWCOM to identify and propose preferred institutions and programmes for Continuing Ministerial Formation and report to Conference 2018. 4. The Finance Unit in consultation with EMMU and the Mission Unit to identify financial resources and /or propose the way of funding CMF and report to Conference 2018.

MCSA Social Media Policy (As in Yearbook Communications Chapter – Appendix) The Social Media Policy of the MCSA is based upon the Methodist Rule of Life which all Methodists adhere to: - that of ‘doing no harm, avoiding evil of every kind, especially that which is more generally practiced’. - that of ‘doing good by being merciful after one’s own power, doing good of every possible sort to the bodies of people as well as to their souls and, as far as possible, to all’. - that of ‘attending upon all the ordinances of God’.

Principles The keys to success in social media are being honest about who you are, being thoughtful before you post, and respecting the purpose of the community where you are posting.

Be transparent. Be honest about your identity.

Be accurate. Make sure that you have all the facts before you post. It’s better to verify information with a source first than to have to post a correction or retraction later. Cite and link to your sources whenever possible; after all, that’s how you build community.

If you make an error, correct it quickly and visibly. This will earn you respect in the online community.

Be respectful. You are more likely to achieve your goals or sway others to your beliefs if you are constructive and respectful while discussing a bad experience or disagreeing with a concept or person.

Be a valued member. If you join a social network like a Facebook group or comment on someone’s blog, make sure you are contributing valuable insights. Self-promoting behaviour is viewed negatively and can lead to you being banned from Web sites or groups.

Think before you post. There’s no such thing as a “private” social media site. Search engines can turn up posts years after the publication date. Comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival systems save information even if you delete a post. If you feel angry or passionate about a subject, it’s wise to delay posting until you are calm and clear-headed.

Maintain confidentiality. Do not post confidential or proprietary information about the MCSA, Ministers or any other leaders or lay persons. Use good ethical judgment. If you discuss a situation involving individuals on a social media site, be sure that they cannot be identified. As a guideline, don’t post anything that you would not present at a conference or say to the persons face.

If you are a Minister, employee, a member, or post on behalf of the MCSA Be transparent. If you participate in or maintain a social media site on behalf of the Church, clearly state your role and goals. Discuss with your supervisor when you are empowered to respond directly to users and when you may need approval.

Be respectful. As a member of the MCSA, you must remember the Church’s commitment to respect for the dignity of others and to the civil and thoughtful discussion of opposing ideas. Some online communities can be volatile, tempting users to behave in ways they otherwise wouldn’t. Your reputation, and the Church’s, is best served when you remain above the fray.

Be thoughtful. If you have any questions about whether it is appropriate to write about certain kinds of material in your role as a communications officer ask your supervisor before you post.

Be aware of liability. You are legally liable for what you post on your own site and on the sites of others. Individual bloggers have been held liable for commentary deemed to be proprietary, copyrighted, defamatory, libellous or obscene (as defined by the courts). Employers are increasingly conducting Web searches on job candidates before extending offers. Be sure that what you post today will not come back to haunt you. In the same way, anyone who claims any association to the MCSA as a lay member or clergy should be careful what they do or day on social media platforms. If any such communication is deemed offensive and or libelous or brings the church’s name into disrepute they will be disciplined in accordance with our Book of Order.


Don’t use the MCSA logo or make endorsements. Do not use the MCSA logo, or any organizational logo or any other MCSA related marks or images on your personal online sites.

Do not use the MCSA’s name to promote or endorse any product, cause or political party or candidate.

Protect your identity. While you want to be honest about yourself, don’t provide personal information that scam artists or identity thieves could use against you. Don’t list your home address or telephone number or your work telephone or e-mail address. It is a good idea to create a separate e-mail address that is used only with their social media site.

Follow a code of ethics. There are numerous codes of ethics for bloggers and other active participants in social media, all of which will help you participate responsibly in online communities.

Monitor comments. Most people who maintain social media sites welcome comments—it builds credibility and community. However, you can set your site so that you can review and approve comments before they appear. This allows you to respond in a timely way to comments. It also allows you to delete spam comments and to block any individuals who repeatedly post offensive or frivolous comments. Remember the human. The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings. Use your network connections to express yourself freely, explore strange new worlds, and boldly go where you've never gone before. But remember the Prime Directive of Netiquette: Those are real people out there.

Would you say it to the person's face? When you communicate through cyberspace -- via email or on discussion groups -- your words are written. And chances are they're stored somewhere where you have no control over them. In other words, there's a good chance they can come back to haunt you.

Another reason not to be offensive online Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life. In real life, most people are fairly law-abiding, either by disposition or because we're afraid of getting caught. In cyberspace, the chances of getting caught sometimes seem slim. And, perhaps because people sometimes forget that there's a human being on the other side of the computer, some people think that a lower standard of ethics or personal behaviour is acceptable in cyberspace.

The confusion may be understandable, but these people are mistaken. Standards of behaviour may be different in some areas of cyberspace, but they are not lower than in real life. Be ethical In all online dealings, remember the Methodist Rule of Life!

Methodist Connexional Gifts Policy

1. Preamble WHEREAS The Methodist Connexional office encourages all Societies, Circuits and Organisations to care for Ministers and their families; and

WHEREAS the is a needs to ensure that all organizational resources are accounted for in an accordance with principle of effective financial management; and

THEREFORE The Methodist Church of Southern Africa 2015 Conference has resolved to formulate a Gift Giving and Acceptance Guideline that will assist the Districts, Circuits, Societies, Organisations and Units in giving gifts that will be given according to ability, circumstance and affordable amounts noting the viability and status of financial resources for each District, Circuit, Society, Organisation and Unit.

2. Purpose To provide guidelines on the types of gifts that may be given at any official occasion/event within any MCSA structure; allow officials to engage and explore Districts, Circuits, Societies, Organisations and Unit financial positions prior to the giving of gifts; and to ensure that there is financial accountability, governance and reporting in respect of gifts given and accepted in line with the guidelines in the Book of order and tax implications.

3. Definitions


Unless the context clearly indicates to the contrary, the following words bare the meaning ascribed thereto below:

• MCO – The Methodist Connexional Office. • MCSA – The Methodist Church of Southern Africa • Gifts – Monetary gifts; honoraria; Tangible personal property such as art, furniture, livestock, jewellery, equipment, electronics, boats, clothes, and any other personal property item etc • Units – refers to the Finance Unit, EMMU, Mission Unit, Communications Unit and HR Unit. • Organisations – all Organisations as defined in the Laws & Disciplines.

4. Scope This guideline applies to all Clergy, evangelists, bible women, deacons, lay persons and any other person deemed to be a recipient as a result of services rendered within any MCSA organ (District, Circuit, Society, Organization and Unit).

5. Recommendations / guidelines • Where a Circuit or Society is in arrears with assessments due to the District or the Connexion, no monetary gifts may be given or gifts purchased until arrears have been settled. • In an instance where a circuit is in arrears, farewell and welcoming functions may only be hosted in consultation with the district bishop and district treasurer. • All gifts must be Gifts given from MCSA accounts must be budgeted for and declared in all 4D, 4S and 4C schedules as per book of order. • All monetary gifts collected must be banked immediately in accordance with the MCSA’s policy on effective financial management and recorded correctly prior to being paid out by cheque or EFT to the recipient. This is to ensure that an accurate statement of receipts is kept and accounted for. • Where gifts are intangible, a gift register must be kept. The recipient is responsible for ensuring that gifts are adequately insured. This gift register is to be kept for audit purposes. • Recipients of gifts are to ensure that all gifts received are declared to the Connexional Office in order to ensure compliance with tax legislation.

6. Conclusion This guideline is to be reviewed from time to time in full consultation with MCSA structures, and shall be adhered to at times. Amendments to this guideline shall be submitted to Synods for noting.

SYNOD RESOLUTIONS Synod Resolutions Referred to the District and Its Circuits Synod Resolutions Referred to Units Synod Resolutions Referred to Connexional Executive (L&D Appendix 5: 1.15) Synod Resolutions Referred to Conference Other



DISTRICT EXECUTIVE (L&D 6.7, 8. Appendix 5: 1.7) The District executive of the Central District will be constituted of the following members and representatives:

Bishop Vice-Chairperson Secretary of Synod Statistical Secretary District Rep to CE All Superintendent Ministers 2 Circuit Stewards from each Circuit 2 Reps from each: Women’s Organisation, YMG and Local Preachers 2 Youth reps 1 Rep Mission/Call Group District Treasurer and All Circuit Treasurers Convenor of Disciplinary Committee District Sunday School Superintendent District Supervisor of Studies All who hold Connexional Positions

Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office Rivas Gary Bishop  1408, Lonehill, 2062 011 702 4601 2016-2020

Whitby Faith Rev  28223, Kensington, 2101 011 618 3839 2017-2019

Vilakati Vusi Rev 38 Willowvale Road, Blairgowrie, 5230 011 442 8859 2013-2018

Mfaise Yolisa Ms 402 Royal Place, 85 Eloff Street, Johannesburg 082 709 9142 2018-2020

Nkomonde Thuli Mrs  P. Bag X200, Bryanston, 2021 082 802 5320 2017-2019

Cronje Carin Mrs  130858, Bryanston, 2121 011 706 9101 2013-2018

To also include the Youth Unit Coordinator, The Mission Unit Secretary and the District Supervisor of Studies


Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office

Rivas Gary Bishop  1408, Lonehill, 2062 011 702 4601 2016-2020

Whitby Faith Rev  28223, Kensington, 2101 011 618 3839 2017-2019

Vilakati Vusi Rev 38 Willowvale Road, Blairgowrie, 5230 011 442 8859 2013-2018

Mfaise Yolisa Ms 402 Royal Place, 85 Eloff Street, Johannesburg 082 709 9142 2018-2020

Nkomonde Thuli Mrs  P. Bag X200, Bryanston, 2021 082 802 5320 2017-2019

Cronje Carin Mrs  130858, Bryanston, 2121 011 706 9101 2013-2018

To also include the Youth Unit Coordinator, The Mission Unit Secretary and the District Supervisor of Studies


DISTRICT FINANCE COMMITTEE (L&D 6.25) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office Rivas Gary Bishop 2016-2020

Nkomonde Thuli Mrs 2017-2019

Whitby Faith Rev 2017-2019

Vilakati Vusi Rev 2013-2018

Mfaise Yolisa Ms 2018-2020

Cronje Carin Mrs 2013-2018

Howell Terry Rev

Makubalo Sikawu Rev Mission Secretary 2017

Diratsagae Rabs Mr Music Association 2017

Motlhabane Patience Local Preachers Association 2017

Momeka Zwelinjami Mr Young Men’s Guild 2017

Mbuyisa Charity Mrs Women’s Manyano 2017

Babi Noluvuyo Ms Young Women’s Manyano 2017

Mbambo Zwelithini Rev 2017

Dotwana Zandile Mr [email protected] 0834074264 2017

Klaas Clifford Mr 2017

Fisher Gerard Mr 2017

Fumba Mkhonzeni Mr [email protected] 0835257713 2017

DISTRICT FINANCIAL AREARS TASK TEAM Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term Telephone- of office Cronje Carin Mrs

DISTRICT TRUST PROPERTIES SECRETARY (L&D Appendix 5:6.37) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term Telephone- of office Ngwenya Ricky Mr

DISTRICT TRUST PROPERTIES COMMITTEE (L&D 10.16 – 2017 amendment, Appendix 6.39) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office Rivas Gary Bishop 2016-2020

Nkomonde Thuli Mrs 2017-2019

Whitby Faith Rev 2017-2019

Vilakati Vusi Rev 2013-2018

Mfaise Yolisa Ms 2018 -2020

Ngwenya Ricky Mr Secretary 2016-2017

Malgas Stella Ms 2016-2017


Mwelase Modiegi Ms 2016-2017

Mekgwe Monky Ms 2016-2017

Tladi David Mr 2016-2017

Makubire Tshepo Mr 2016-2017

Johnston* H Mr 2016-2017

Fandam* Ron Mr 2016-2017

Davies* R Mr 2016-2017

Summerton* Vic Mr 2016-2017

Gumede* Sol Mr 2016-2017

Makhene* Maswabi Mr 2016-2017

DISTRICT STATIONING COMMITTEE (L&D Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office Rivas Gary Bishop 2016-2020

Whitby Faith Rev 2017-2019

Vilakati Vusi Rev 2016-2018

Mfaise Yolisa Ms 2018-2020

Nkomonde Thuli Ms 2017-2019

All Circuits to send a Circuit Steward and/or Superintendent as representative including EMMU and Secretaries or Orders

DISTRICT EMMU COMMITTEE (L&D 8.6.15) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office Waqu Sva Rev District Supervisor of Studies 2017-2019

Mabinyane Phindile Rev Internship Convenor 2018

Sekhejane Moagi Rev Secretary of the Local Preacher Department 2018

Marumo Lea Rev District Tutor and School of Vocation 2018

Nomqolo Nomsa Rev Order of Evangelism 2018

Nyembe Mxolisi Rev Youth Unit 2016-2018

Koekoe Phezile Rev 2019-2021

DISTRICT LOCAL PREACHERS’ COMMITTEE (L&D 12.2) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office

DISTRICT MISSION COMMITTEE (L&D 8.9.2) Surname Name Title Portfolo e-mail Address Term of Telephone office

Makubalo Kawulezile Rev Secretary 2018-2022

Rev HIV/AIDS Madlala Phumzile [email protected] 073 439 0210 2018 convenor


Thekiso Mantima Rev Child Care [email protected] 073 401 9110 2018

Majoe Morailane Rev Justice [email protected] 082 067 5110 2018

Moephuli John Rev Education [email protected] 076 992 6658 2018

Choabi Gosiame Mr Ecumenism [email protected] 083 722 4291 2018

Rev Evangelism & Koekoe Phezile [email protected] 078 295 4396 2018 Growth

Gabriel Emmanuel Rev Heritage [email protected] 082 856 8499 2018

Rev Communication Van de Walt Willem [email protected] 082 990 1841 2018 Unit

Whitby Faith Rev Clergy Care [email protected] 082 736 1382 2018 Nkomo Thoko Dr.

DISTRICT YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COMMITTEE Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office

Rivas Gary Bishop 2016-2020

Koekoe Phezile Rev Co-ordinator 2019-2021 Sebolai Akhona M Mr Secretary 2019-2021 Kerileng Ditlhoriso Sis Ass Secretary 2019-2021 Mocumi Aubrey Bro Treasurer 2019-2021 Mokhele Mmatau Sis Children’s Ministry 2019-2021 Fleetwood Devan Bro Youth Groups 2019-2021 Khumalo Bongani Bro Wesley Guild 2019-2021 Gomomo Andile Bro MethSoc 2019-2021 Mpela M Bro Young Adults Movement 2019-2021

DISTRICT MEDIATION PANEL Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term Telephone- of office James Harry Mr 6 Candlewood Street, Weltevreden Park, harryjames@[email protected] 2017 1709 083 459 4827

Thibedi Kaizer Rev 2017

Madibo Makgore Rev 2017

Brown Lavender Mrs 2017

DISTRICT DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE (L&D 11.8 AS AMENDED by Conference 2017) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office Moloi Mgcini Rev. 2017-2019

Lekeka Tshabedi Rev. 2017-2019

Ncombo Ndumiso Rev. 2017-2019

Sanqela Similo Rev. 2017-2019

Mekgwe Monky Mrs. 2017-2019

Msomi Ivan Mr. 2017-2019

Burrell Johanna Mrs. 2017-2019


Motingoe Itumeleng Mr. 2017-2019

Mhlubulwana Xhanti Mr. 2018

11.13 DISTRICT DISCIPLINARY REGISTRAR AND REGISTRY (As amended Conference 2017, no 11.11) Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term Of Office Telephone-

Registrar 1 Lay 1 Minister

DISTRICT DCOTRINE, ETHICS AND WORSHIP COMMITTEE Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office

SPECIAL DISTRICT MISSION GROUPS Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term of Telephone- office


Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail- Term Telephone- of office


12 FINANCE (L&D Appendix 5: 6.17-25)

What is the audited financial report of the District?

What is the audited financial report of the respective Circuits and Institutions for the past year?

Financial Reports and statements of Organisations. Financial Health Assessment reports of all District Organisations and Orders.

Financial Reports and statements of Units. Financial Health Assessment reports of all District Units.

Financial Reports and statements of Institutions. Financial Health Assessment reports of all Institutions in the District.

What Assessment on the Circuits do we propose for the Units for the ensuing year? (L&D Appendix 5: 1.14)

What Special Collections are reported? (M&E/ Rona, Min Students, etc.)

What bequests to Circuits, Institutions, Organisations or District have been received? (App 5: 6.24)

What are the amounts contributed to the Ministerial Students’ Fund? (App 5: 6.22)

Report from the Methodist Connexional Office/ General Treasurers



13 CIRCUIT BOUNDARIES (L&D Appendix 5: 6.1 – 6.5)

Do we recommend any alteration to the District Boundaries?

Do we authorise and record any alteration to the boundaries of existing Circuits?

Do we authorise the division of any Circuit or the amalgamation of any Circuits?

Do we authorise the change of a Circuit name?

Do we approve and record any new stations?

Do we recommend to the Stationing Committee that appointment of an additional Minister or Probationers in any Circuit?

Comments on progress, challenges, and celebrations of integrating (geographic) circuits:




Supernumerary Ministers Resident in the District (L&D Appendix 5: 6.11) Surname Name PF Postal Address e-mail Telephone No Medupe Bethuel Box 34, Klerksdorp Bethuel/[email protected] 079 351 9098 Gaanakgomo Meshack 619 Donnekas Str, Wolmaranstad. 082710677 Phokontsi Kalamore 837 Morobe Street, Boikhutso Lichtenburg 2740 Nelson Dick P.O Box 337 Sannieshof 2760 Maphanga Nomsa 1447 P O Box 603, Kagiso 2, 1744 [email protected] 011 643 6091 Thabalaka Solani 0515 P.O Box 1808, Randfontein [email protected] 0832460119 Mazibuko Eric 0166 10930 Mokoena street, Dobsonville ext 0780406452 3 Mapoma Lizo 0945 Box 285, Kensington, 2101 [email protected] 0823565417 Smith Quentin 0709 [email protected] 0733253591 Thompson Bill 0521 [email protected] 0836266990 Calcott Rupert 0251 [email protected] 0832925602 Bauser Phillip 0025 5 Hawthorn Str, Discovery, 1709 Perry Charles 0416 PO Box 2330, Wilropark, 1731 Oppenshaw Michael 0401 62 Alexander Street, Florida, 1709 Macfarlane Phenethi 0419 PO Box 1183, Little Falls, 1735 Mthimkhulu Kgomotso 1777 PO Box 154 Diepkloof 1864 [email protected] 0833621618 Enslin Lionel 0098 PO Box 1887 Southdale 2135 [email protected] 0826729362 Morgan Dave 1719 PO Box 1723 Glenvista 2058 [email protected] 0823718412 Mabuza Wesley Scholtz John 0465 Box 48269 Rooseveldt Park 2129 [email protected] 0825822425 Cragg Donald 0064 Box 2651 Pinegowrie 2123 [email protected] 0827533567 Moloabi Isaac 0035 Box 6794 Westgate 1734 [email protected] 0846527458 Harrison Russel 0146 Box 1373 Randburg 2125 [email protected] 0722402462 Harrison Christopher 0642 36 Park Avenue, Bordeaux 2194 [email protected] 0824525244

Supernumerary Minister(S) Who Have Died Since the Last Synod Surname Name PF Name and postal address of the Date of death Obituary No widow/widower if any submitted to MCO? Khomari Motlatsi 0187 X111 Emangweni Jouberton Yes Lewis John 0220 PO Box 537 Wilgehuwell 9 August 2017 yes Hutchinson Brian 0164 Mabunda Simon

Supernumerary Ministers Who Have Married/Remarried Since the Last Synod Surname Name Name of spouse Date of Marriage

Supernumerary Ministers Who Have Moved Since the Last Synod Surname Name Moved to District: New address Tlhakanye Itumeleng 42 Jean Roux, Neserhof



Surviving Spouses Of Deceased Ministers/Supernumeraries Resident In The District:

Surname Name Address Kwadi Nokuthula Ramantsi Toffee Box 14081, Flamwood Walk, 2535 Motsamai Beatrice 7 Henriette st, Grove Avenue, Orkney Leseba Lebogang 14 Adean St, Ellaton Khomari Elizabeth X111 , Emangweni st, Jouberton Losaba Azarine 417 Zone 1 Itsoseng 2744 Ntsoelengoe Maria 413 Zone 1 Itsoseng 2744 Lephadi Catherine 3902 zone 1 Itsoseng 2744 Meiring Joy P O Box 631 Krugersdorp, 1740 Lewis Barbara PO Box 537 Wilgehuwell Palos Dephne Box 67218, Bryanston, 2021 Van der Walt Mary 11 Bluecrane Nest, Bereta Street, Honeydew Mvunyiswa Irene 11 Allen Wells St, Discovery Molatjie Julia Alberton Khumalo Mercy 6244 Zone 4 Diepkloof 1864 Flowaday Dulcie PO Box 1373 Randburg 2123 Hutchinson Dorothy PO Box 1373 Randburg 2123

Surviving Spouse(S) Who Have Died Since The Last Synod

Surname Name Date of death

Surviving Spouse(S) Who Have Remarried Since The Last Synod

Surname Name Note any change of surname

Surviving Spouse(S) Who Have Moved Since The Last Synod (And Where To) Surname Name Moved to District: New address Pelesane Yvonne X1283 Jouberton


Ministers Who Have Died Since The Last Synod (L&D Appendix 5: 6.14) Surname Name PF Name and address of surviving spouse Date of Eulogy death sent to MCO?


Has any Minister married/remarried since the last Synod? (L&D Appendix 5: 6.13)

Surname Name Name of spouse Songo Vusi Charlotte Motshedise

Spouses & Children of Ministers What are the names and dated of birth of Ministers’ children born or legally adopted during the year? (L&D Appendix 5: 6.10 – see 9.72.2)

Minister’s Surname Name Child’s full name M/F Born to/ Date of birth Place of birth Adopted Majoe Morailane Oarabile Motlhodi M Born To 2701/2017 Klerksdorp Chupologo Lawrence Ofentse M Born To 22/09/2017 Klerksdorp Spouses of Ministers Who Have Died Since the Last Synod Minister’s surname Name Spouse’s full name M/F Date of death Place of death Morgan Dave Les F 14/02/2018 Mulberton Children of ministers who have died since the last synod Minister’s surname Name Child’s full name M/F Date of death Place of death

What Ministers are applying to EMMU for recognition of Academic awards, degrees, etc.?

Surname Name Title Degree/ Year Institution Diploma conferred Award Sekhejane Moagi Rev M. A Theo 2017 University of Pretoria

CIRCUIT STEWARDS: Circ Surname Name Title Address Telephone and Term Term of email number office: e.g.1st, …….to ……… 2nd 17 Woodlands Drive, 901 Ntsepe Buntu Mr 0828044367 Hurlingham Manor 901 Qushu Anele Mr 0720385138 901 Nene Rosy Mrs 082 386 1383 901 Mnukwa Thumeka 083 246 6561 15 Villa Roma, Van Heerden 902 Ntolosi Bomi Mr 0828238862 Rd, Halfway Gardens 902 Phulumo Nkoe Mr 0839681571 304 Estori, Hopkins Street, 902 Sibanda Nomsa Mrs 0786261980 Yeoville

Unit 6 Onys Lemonwood 902 Cele Ntuthuko Mr 0833022401 Ecopark estate

2121 Zone 9, Meadowlands 903 Phahla Mmapule Ms 0827231897 1852


26 Holland Road, Blairgowrie 903 Pearson Sue Ms 0828528195 2194

1a Serlia Village, 4 Muller 903 Almy Michael Mr 0834065692 Street, South Buccluch 2066

597A Zone 6 Meadowlands, 903 Mkhatshwa Zanele Ms 0760402877 1852 904 Da Silva Pedro Mr 88213, Newclare, 2212 0835747187 904 Rhoda Alexandra 80 Gazania Street, Riverlea 0823279235 904 Burrel Joana Mrs 88213, Newclare, 2212 0729517158 1545 Ext 3 Mailula Park, 906 Bixa Solomon Mr 0722253515 Hlabisi Street, Boksburg 1475

111 Prins Columbine Ave, 906 Prins Zicci 0828455681 Mondeor, 2091

38 Byvanger Ave. Ext 4 906 Matlhe Aubrey Mr 0718641944 Meredale, 2191 906 Khulu Nonhlanhla Ms 0718996663 21 De Wet Street, 908 Moloto Nombhedesho Ms 0829729993 Befordview, 2007 908 Tsitsa Nosipho 22 Devon Road, Kensington 0720780100 908 Ngubonde Sbongile Mrs c/o 266 Bedfordiew 2007 908 Smith Fred Mr P.O.Box 2654,Bedfordview 0824512042 5 Veerbos Ave 909 Fleetwood Anthony Mr 0826856493 Weltevredenpark, 2711 909 Majova Keith Mr 7608, Westgate, 1734 0824900375 909 Swana Sandile Mr 66 Azalea, Wilropark, 1724 0833903066 909 Phiri Ditlhake Mr 8331 Ext 2, Dobsonville, 1724 0825791443 910 Radebe Tina Mrs 0833032566 910 Kedama Phumzile Mr 0829900040 910 Merrifield Maureen Mrs 0828592364 458 ToulipStr, Dobsonville Ext 911 Kokome Masego Ms 0730132723 9 911 Klaas Clifford Mr 118 Mattie Avenue, Parkmore 0826005688 7976 Protea Glen Ext 11, 911 Zondo Nceba 0731667889 Tshiawelo, 1818

10710 Qolobo str, 911 Tshabalala Nomfundo Ms 0846010237 Dobsonville Ext 3 912 Masinga Thandi 2348 Xuma Street, Dube 0829368752 912 Njotini Joseph Mr 4374 Zone 4 Pimville 0726892448 9956A Mokale Str., Orlando 912 Ngamlana Derick Mr 0726223195 West 913 Nhlapo Dannys 913 Ntamele Norah Ms 0828894224 913 Ngoma Yandiswa Ms 0832768897 913 Qaba Itumeleng Mr 0836027921


914 Marumule Babotseng Ms 0781877641 914 Madelisa Siyabulela Mr 0834749347 914 Zenzile Martha Mrs 0733432886 915 McDonald David Mr 3 Emerald Str, Silverfields 082 900 5417 915 Mothibe Moses Mr 76 Frederick Cooper Drive, 915 Mabilo Pumla Ms 074 366 4321 Kenmare

536 MANAKA STR TSHING 917 Phatedi Mavis Ms 0638920450 2470 917 Lerofolo Paul Mr 18896 Ext 12 Ikageng 2531 0828141732

917 Mosidi Frank Mr BOX 1728 0833916484 POTCHEFSTROOM 2520 917 Kgobe Dan Mr BOX 40094 LESEDI 2531 0836293461 920 Tsime Tebogo Mr 0710522247 920 Moshoette Monnaesi Mrs 0762601818 920 Ramothibe G 0734723246 920 Molubi Granny 0834314828 921 Verby Catherine Mrs 0787215973 921 Kerileng Christina Ms 0780233758 921 Konco T T Mr 220 Delareyville, 2770 0798552877 921 Molefe Michael Mr 0833690808 922 Lolwane Nomvula Mrs X765 Jouberton 0735425051 922 Molusi Philda Ms 2165 Tshepo Street, Kanana 0847017331 922 Fortuin Mervin Mr 10304, Klerksdorp, 2570 0825780495 922 Damoyi Wilbrian 19 Retha Str. Flamwood, 2571 0835981380 925 Makaota Kgosietsile Mr Swarzer Reineke 071 6073443 925 Makgatho Molo Zacharia Mr Bloemhof 083 748 3582 925 Olifant Lebogang Mr Makwassie 0834667976 925 Motlhapi Rebecca Ottosdal 0730067159 Matshidiso 926 Thipe Mrs Vryburg, 8600 0836697058 Daphney 926 Mongale Tumelo Faith Ganyesa 0823460965 926 Itumeleng Kabelo Mr Tlakgameng 0614656583 926 Kgatlampane Neo Dithakong 0785545678 Unit 13 Lake view, John 928 Mota Ntombi Ms Masefield Drive, Mondeor, 073 555 6516 2091

26689 Protea Glen, Ext 31, 928 Xinwa Thamsanqa Mr 0729968003 tshiawelo 1818

22 Merle Str. Heldekruin Ext 928 Tsele Tebogo 084 456 1104 2, 1724 Unit 25, Eagle Breeze 928 Mbuli Jabu complex, Laser 084 551 5040 Park Honeydew,


929 Busakwe Wiseman Mr 196 Pimville 1809 0784561205 929 Motsoeneng Nomonde Mrs 196 Pimville 1809 0833437652 929 Fumba Mkhonzeni Mr 196 Pimville 1809 0835257713 929 Makhetha Pontsho Mr 196 Pimville 1809 0824928478


Circ Surname Name Title Address Telephone and email Term Term of office: number …….to ……… e.g.1st, 2nd 901 Dotwana Zandile Mr 0834074264 902 Gericke Louis Mr 277 Halfway House 1685 0126781714 903 Drake Laurie Mr 44967, Linden, 2104 0824500126 904 Alexander Gerald Mr 88213, Newclare, 2212 0828548861 9 Musgrave Lane, Kibler Park, 906 Francis Cyril Mr 0828507798 2091 Address 22 wellington Road 908 Rees-Bevan Andrew Mr 083 637 5172 Parktown Johannesburg 66 Mimosa Road, 909 Anderssen Grant Mr 0719698834 Randparkridge, 2001 910 MsAllister Ray Mr 0117024600 911 Zwane Trevor Mr 0728364739 Unit 5, Cedarwood, Cornelius 912 Mthembu Maggie Ms Street, Weltevreden Park, 0826328059 1709 3342 Ramaleba Street, 913 Mofokeng Semakaleng Ms 08825387587 Westonaria, 1770 914 Manzi Segametsi Mrs 0823277252 8710 Sejanamane Street, 915 Skosana Busisiwe Ms 082 565 7314 Kagiso 917 Mokgale Thomas Mr Box 820 Potchefstroom, 2520 0828885238 23A Pretoriuse Street 920 Tshepoeng Mohohlo Mrs 083 477 7351 Lichtenburg, 2740 921 Mohapi R Mrs 336 Atamelang, 2732 0735477039 922 Mahlatsi Chrisman Mr 67 Mienie St, Flimedia, 2571 0844860861 925 Seleke Ntswaki Tswelelang 0835228514 Mthetheleli 926 Ngixi Mr Vryburg, 8600 0712620519 Eugene 725 Mahalefela Road, Dube, 928 Mnguni Wandile Mr 0736700973 1800 929 Sebabi Kgomotso Ms 196 Pimville 1809 0725305838

CIRCUIT AUDITORS: Circ Surname Name Title Address Telephone e-mail NC Outsourced Westwood Office Park, 602 0116752405 [email protected] 901 Finance Kudu Street, Allen’s Nek


903 Eric

904 Swart Eileen 17 Arizona Crescent 0729225519 Northcliff Ext 15 906 Davidson Hylton Box 82826, Southdale, 2135 0783987444


908 Dickenson Collin P.O.Box 266 Bedfordview, 2008 909 Andersen Andrea 66 Mimosa St. Randpark 0836011123 [email protected] Ridge KPMG Crescent 85 Empire 011 647 7111 [email protected] 910 KPMG Road, Parktown South Africa 2193

911 Howell Terry 0824692029 [email protected]

912 Howell Terry 0824692029 [email protected]

913 Nt stated

914 Howell Terry 0824692029 [email protected]


917 Howell Terry 0824692029 [email protected]

920 Not Stated

921 Howell

922 De Jaar Henry 53 Warmer Str, Wilkoppies 0789325249

925 Howell Terry 0824692029 [email protected]

928 Sipakola Vuyisile 0117723000 [email protected]

926 Howell Terry 0824692029 [email protected]



14.7 ADMINISTRATIVE & DOMESTIC (NON-PASTORAL) STAFF EMPLOYED IN SOCIETIES/SECTIONS/CIRCUITS Surname Name Circuit Postal Address Position Legal SARS UIF Is the employee a member of If not, please Held Contr Registered? Registered? Pension/Provident Fund? indicate act reasons In Provident Fund Lay Staff plac Pension Fund e? Mjandana Ella 901 10376, Johannesburg, 2000 Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes No Kumwenda Bongani 901 10376, Johannesburg, 2000 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Mlamla Nontle 10376, Johannesburg, 2000 Personal Yes No 901 Yes Yes Yes Assistant Mugambi Sam 901 10376, Johannesburg, 2000 Mission Staff Yes No No No No Shabalala Silindile 901 10376, Johannesburg, 2000 Bookeeper Yes Yes Yes Yes No Gama Vuvu 902 Calvary Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Latsha Arnold 902 Calvary Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Process of Mpala Sibongile 902 Bethesda Secretary Yes Yes Yes No No negotiating Caretaker Process of Kaya Zamikaya 902 Bethesda Yes Yes Yes No No negotiating Michel Carol 903 44967, Linden, 2104 Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes No Parfitt Melanie 903 44967, Linden, 2104 Receptionist Yes Yes Yes Yes No Strauss Linda 903 44967, Linden, 2104 Bookkeeper Yes Yes Yes Yes No Ncube Petty 903 44967, Linden, 2104 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Ncube Nicolas 903 44967, Linden, 2104 Gardener Yes Yes Yes Yes No Joseph Koba 903 44967, Linden, 2104 Domestic Yes Yes Yes Yes No Blake Anne 903 4028, Randburg, 2125 Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Leso Alfred 903 4028, Randburg, 2125 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Mangena Daniel 903 4028, Randburg, 2125 Gardener Yes Yes Yes Yes No Thema Ivy 903 4028, Randburg, 2125 Domestic Yes Yes Yes Yes No Sterley Elizabeth 903 106, Parklands, 2121 Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Ntuli Abednigo 903 106, Parklands, 2121 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Mulenga Peries 903 106, Parklands, 2121 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Masego Peter 903 106, Parklands, 2121 Car-guard Yes Yes Yes Yes No Kruger Debbie 903 1215, Houghton, 2041 Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Roth Grant 903 1215, Houghton, 2041 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Smith Jackie 903 65366,Benmore, 2010 Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Makubela Frans 903 65366, Benmore, 2010 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Mabusela Sam 903 65366, Benmore, 2010 Gardener Yes Yes Yes Yes No Matshiri Paulus 903 65366, Benmore, 2010 Gardener Yes Yes Yes Yes No Goliath Claudia 904 88213, Newclare, 2212 Secretary No No No No No Part-time temp. Margolis Alletta 906 143, Eldorado Park, 1818 Secretary Yes No Yes Yes No Ndlovu Joyce 906 172, Mondeor, 2110 Caretaker Yes No Yes No No Heaton Gill 906 172, Mondeor, 2110 Secretary Yes No Yes No No Sejeso Margret 906 74008, Turffontein, 2140 Secretary Yes No Yes Yes No

Moloi Chere 82313, Southdale, 2135 Caretaker 906 Yes No Yes Yes No Abraham Kincaid-Smith Belle 908 Kensington Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Ngxeke Alice 908 Kensington Cleaner Yes Yes Yes No No Own Choice Zondo Linda 908 Kensington Security Yes Yes Yes No No Own Choice Nordin Erika 908 Bedfordview Secretary Yes Yes Yes No No Own Choice Little Richard 908 Bedfordview Aministrator Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Steyn Roxanne 908 Bedfordview Youth Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Steyn Charles Bedfordview Worship 908 Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Administrator Mangwana Yandiswa 908 Bedfordview Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Makulu Solly 908 Bedfordview Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Madyini Mthetho 908 Bedfordview Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Mokwena Florence 908 Bedfordview Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No N/A Andrew Anjunita 909 21215, Helderkruin, 1733 Secretary Yes Yes Yes No No Ziyane Gladys 909 21215, Helderkruin, 1733 Cleaner Yes Yes Yes No No Suping Karel 909 21215, Helderkruin, 1733 Gardener Yes Yes Yes No No Mamphogoro Solomon 909 49 Florida, 1710 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes No Yes Mncube Ben 909 49 Florida, 1710 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Etchells Colleen 909 49 Florida, 1710 Secretary Yes Yes Yes No Yes Bell Gladys 909 5523, Horizon, 1730 Secretary Yes Yes Yes No No Sibanda Themba 909 5523, Horizon, 1730 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Hudson Charmaine 909 5714, Weltevreden Park, 1715 Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Kegopotsemang Mothusi 909 5714, Weltevreden Park, 1715 Caretaker Yes No Yes Yes No ABSA Pro Fund Dube Thenjiwe 909 5714, Weltevreden Park, 1715 Cleaner No No Yes Yes No ABSA Pro Fund Shipton Peggy 909 6081, Discovery, 1711 Secretary Yes Yes Yes No No Raveli Solly 909 6081, Discovery, 1711 Gardener Yes Yes Yes No No Montshusi Secelia 909 6081, Discovery, 1711 Cleaner Yes No Yes No No Fox Gill 909 5714, Weltevreden Park, 1715 Youth Pastor Yes Yes Yes Yes No Mojatau Charrlotte 1681, Roodepoort, 1725 Secretary 909 No No No No No Motshidisi Discipleship Employee Agrella Mandie 910 Yes Yes Yes Co ordinator decision Employee Atkinson Nadja 910 Small Groups Yes Yes Yes decision Childrens’ Behya Bonnie 910 Yes Yes Pastor Wesley- Employee Blane Lynn 910 Yes Yes Yes Teacher decision Employee De Jager Gerhardus 910 Pastoral Care Yes Yes Yes decision Properties Co- Employee Els Wayne 910 Yes Yes Yes ordinator decision


Wesley Employee Hawkins Michele 910 Yes Yes Yes Teacher decision Employee Hayns Chantel 910 Receptionist Yes Yes Yes decision Finance & Employee Hendry Keith 910 Yes Yes Yes Admin decision Second Employee Heritage David 910 Chance Yes Yes Yes decision Ministry Employee Hlokomfana Julia 910 JSH Assistant Yes Yes Yes decision Employee January Stanford 910 Youth Pastor Yes Yes Yes decision Employee Kapok Happiness 910 JSH Assistant Yes Yes Yes decision Hospitality Employee Kunene Thando 910 Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-ordinator decision Housekeepin Employee Manyako Sina 910 Yes Yes Yes Yes g decision Employee Mashabathakga Ecollette 910 Maintenance Yes Yes Yes Yes decision Employee Mashabela Haward 910 Maintenance Yes Yes Yes Yes decision Print Room Employee Mashinini Shakes 910 Yes Yes Yes Yes Co-ordinator decision Housekeepin Employee Mathebula Tiny 910 Yes Yes Yes Yes g decision Employee Mavuluse Antonio 910 Maintenance Yes Yes Yes Yes Decision Wesley- Employee Mbatha Thoko 910 Teaching Yes Yes Yes Yes Decision Assistant Wesley - Employee Mdladlamba Joyce 910 Housekeepin Yes Yes Yes Yes Decision g Employee Modise Lucas 910 Housekeeper Yes Yes Yes Yes decision Employee Molapisi Momokhele 910 JSH Assistant Yes Yes Yes Decision Social Employee Motlhose Maabo 910 Yes Yes Yes Concerns Decision Employee Moyo William 910 Maintenance Yes Yes Yes Yes Decision


Employee Ncapayi Vincent 910 Driver Yes Yes Yes Decision Housekeepin Employee Ncube Beauty 910 Yes Yes Yes g Decision Wesley- Employee Ntlakani Adelina 910 Teaching Yes Yes Yes Yes Decision Assistant Worship Co- Employee Roodt Carol 910 Yes Yes Yes Ordinator Decision Children’s’ Employee Smith Bernice 910 Yes Yes Yes Pastor Decision JSH Employee Strauss Brendon 910 Coordinator / Yes Yes Yes Decision Driver Care Employee Van Dyk Darlene 910 Yes Yes Yes Administrator Decision Communicati Employee Wetton Kerry 910 Yes Yes Yes ons Decision Assistant Employee Wooler Beverley 910 Yes Yes Yes Accountant Decision Wesley- Employee Wrathall Christine 910 Yes Yes Yes Principal Decision Carpenter / Chizema Wonder 910 Yes Yes 11 No No Creative Gwese Meshack 910 Landscaping Yes Yes 1 No No Jones Jocelyn 910 Receptionist Yes Yes Yes No No Worship Jorden Gregory 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Leader Children’s Kamps Brenda 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Pastor Mahoa Oscar 910 Landscaping Yes Yes Yes No No Makholwa Petros 910 Creative Arts Yes Yes Yes No No Mampina Mamabolo 910 Hospitality Yes Yes Yes No No Rachel Manamela Thabo 910 Security Yes Yes Yes No No Mandiseni Nana 910 Hospitality Yes Yes No No Carpentry / Marozhevhu Obey 910 Yes Yes 1 No No Creative Ops Team Mashabela Sam 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Leader Moagi Jackson 910 Ops Team Yes Yes Yes No No

1 Refers to foreign national


Domestic Modimo Othalia 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Worker Modimola Enipha 910 Hospitality Yes Yes Yes No No Mathiba Support Team Moyo 910 Yes Yes 1 No No Njabulo Member Moyo Notho 910 Safety Officer Yes Yes Yes No No Mokone Mpho 910 Ops Team Yes Yes Yes No No Executive Msimang Benedict 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Pastor Foreign Mudimba Adam 910 Ops Team Yes Yes 1 No No National Foreign Ncube Bright 910 Ops Team Yes Yes 1 No No National Security Team Ndou Calvin 910 Yes Yes Yes No No leader Ndou Frackson 910 Security Yes Yes Yes No No Ngwenya Brighton 910 Security Yes Yes 1 No No Paneng Sisi 910 Ops Teams Yes Yes No No Children’s Church Paneng Veronica 910 Assistant & Yes Yes Yes No No Print Manager Counselling Roodt Caroline 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Administrator Rudolph Anne 910 Receptionist Yes Yes Yes No No Sibanda Douglas 910 Ops Team Yes Yes 1 No No Groups Sibeko Tshwanelo 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Administrator Tjamtjam Minki 910 Hospitality Yes Yes Yes No No Tshuma Louis 910 Security Yes Yes 1 No No Executive Vela Cynthia 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Assistant Groups Co- Wilson Jean 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Ordinator Adams Janique 910 Youth Pastor Yes Yes Yes No No Counselling Moloto Maurissa 910 Yes Yes Yes No No Director Lediga Lesego 910 Media Yes Yes Yes No No

assitant Dhlamini Mafika 910 Missions co- Yes Yes Yes No No

ordinator Soko Victoria 910 Childrens Yes Yes Yes No No Mwala Adrian 910 Intern Yes Yes Yes No No 82

Rivas Rebecca 910 Intern Yes Yes Yes No No Kirk Kyle 910 Av assistant Yes Yes Yes No No Da fonseca Liana 910 Kids pastor Yes Yes Yes No No Kunene Nj 910 Worship Yes Yes Yes No No

assistant Trapani Adrian 910 Production Yes Yes Yes No No Codrington Jane 910 Campus Yes Yes Yes No No

pastor Rivas Daniel 910 Media Yes Yes Yes No No

assitant Fisher Stuart 910 Gen NOW Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Director Bultitude Ian 910 Youth Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Worship Tau Katlego 910 Media Yes Yes Yes Yes No Frederickon Heather Sxs Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes No Nieman Tracy 910 Hospitality Yes Yes Yes Yes No Schulz Justine 910 Miss Yes Yes Yes Yes No Nju Jesophat 910 Hospitality Yes Yes Yes Yes No Desire Petshi 910 Mission Yes Yes Yes Yes No Tyesi Promise 910 Hospitality Yes Yes Yes Yes No Basson Sanet 910 Reception Yes Yes Yes Yes No Herbert Jill 910 Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes No Biklankulu Dumazile 910 Missions Yes Yes Yes Yes No Hendrik Marina 910 Caretaker Yes Yes Yes Yes No Dube Accilia 910 Operations Yes Yes Yes Yes No Shorrt Gliniss 910 Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Neethling Ethne 910 Operations Yes Yes Yes Yes Visser Lyn 910 Operations Yes Yes Yes Yes Sigenu Roselina 910 Operations Yes Yes Yes Yes Mguga Hazel 910 Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Khumalo Siphiwe 910 Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Maphela Lucky 911 Caretaker Ngcobo Nonhlanhla 911 Secretarty Geyser Louw 917 Potchefstroom Admin Pastor Yes Yes Yes No Has his own Maqudulela Lerato Hope 928 Jabavu Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Jabavu General Nhlapo Mesie Martha 928 Yes No No No Worker Zulu Bonginkosi 928 Jabavu Ground Staff Yes Yes Yes Yes Bokako Khotso Selwyn 928 Jabavu Security Yes No No No Faltein Boykie 929 Pimville Admin Yes Yes


14.8 Other

15 DISTRICT TRUST PROPERTIES (L&D Appendix 5: 6.27 – 39)


1. What is the report and what are the suggestions of the Trust Properties Committee as to the condition of Connexional Property in the District?

ASSET MANAGEMENT/REGISTER TRAINING There has been reluctance from Circuits to attend the training. It importance cannot be overemphasized as it will also benefit participants with the requisite skills. The District Finance Advisory Committee (DFAC) will be approached with a suggestion to tap from the District Building Fund (DBF) to fund struggling Circuits in respect of the training. This will ensure that every Circuit has a trained Trust Property member to implement the system.

PROPERTY RATES Attention is drawn to all Circuit Superintendents and Circuit Stewards including Local Trust Properties Stewards to the document “Property & Rates: FICA Doc” sent to all Circuit Superintendents and dealing specifically with property rates in relation to exemptions by Local Municipalities. Circuit Superintendents are advised to contact DTP in the event that such a document doesn’t exist in their Circuits. Circuits are also advised to ensure all Connexional Property is appropriately zoned.

DTP PROCEDURES & L & D (‘The Book of Order) PROVISIONS DTP notes with deep concern that some Circuits continue to choose to ignore the provisions of the L & D (The Book of Order, Chapter 10, “Church Property”) of the MCSA and proceed with building schemes without following guidelines as stipulated. Accordingly, DTP calls on all Circuits in the District to follow the guidelines without fail.

2. What defects are there in title or tenure of Connexional Property in the District? Fewer Circuits have Title Deeds, however, a campaign to encourage Circuits to approach the Deeds Office is of paramount importance, this will happen as the District Laity Imbizo’s organized by the Lay Leader. Furthermore, the newly established Connexional Trust Properties Committee (CTP) will address the matter further.

3. What Connexional Property has been acquired by purchase, grant or donation and what property has been leased during the year? Have forms of transfer recommended by Conference been adopted in each instance? • DTP approved a number of manse leases from various Circuits, including cellphone masts, • Johannesburg North Circuit 0903 leased manse

4. What Connexional property has been sold; mortgaged or let during the year and was the necessary sanction duly obtained? • None

5. What erection, enlargement, renovation, of Connexional Property has been approved during the year? What are the main points of each scheme? 0922 – MATLOSANA CIRCUIT Building of new Church in progress,

6. What schoolrooms, dwelling houses or other buildings have been erected or renovated during the year? None

7. What renewals of permission have been granted during the Year? None

8. Is all Connexional Property adequately insured through the Connexional Office? No, DTP in consultation with Circuit to encourage them to ensure property adequately,

9. Does each Circuit keep and maintain its records of Trust Property? Not adequately, DTP running workshops to conscientize Circuits in this regard,

10. What joint trusts have been established or dissolved during the year and were the regulations of Conference observed in each case?

No report received.

11. Are suitable houses and furniture (furniture allowances) provided for the ministers by the Circuit to which they are appointed? Not adequately, DTP running awareness workshops throughout the District to conscientize Circuits in this regard,

12. Are adequate arrangements made for the housing of caretakers or domestic workers employed by the Circuits? Circuits to give account at the floor of Synod,

13. What is the report on Glebes in this District? None

14. What residences for Supernumerary Ministers are in the District? Refer to Circuits reports

15. What recommendations does the Synod make to Conference in regard to Connexional property? That the newly established Connexional Trust Property Committee (CTP) deals with inconsistencies in the Property Chapter.

16. Whom do we appoint Secretary and members of the District Trust Properties Committee? District Bishop Bishop Gary Rivas Lay Leader Thuli Nkomonde Vice Chairperson of the District Rev Faith Whitby Secretary of Synod Rev Vusi Vilakati Statistical Secretary Yoliswa Mfaise Secretary Ricky Ngwenya Ministerial Representatives Rev Jacqui Rivas; Rev Sva Waqu; Rev T. Mcinga Lay Representatives Modiegi Mwelase, Shai Moloto, Tshepo Makubire; Technical Committee: R Fandam, R Davies; V Summerton, Saul Gumede, Maswabi Makhene

17. Land Claims None


16 ELECTIONS (L&D Appendix 5: 7 page 191)

PRESIDING BISHOP (L&D 5.7) Term of Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone office Siwa Ziphozihle Bishop 2012-2017 Siwa Ziphozihle Bishop 2018-2022

WHAT MINISTER DO WE ELECT BISHOP TO TAKE OFFICE AFTER THE END OF NEXT YEAR? – 5 YEAR TERM (L&D 6.11) Term of Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone office Rivas Gary Rev 2016-2020


Term of Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone office Tlhakanye Itumeleng Rev 2014-2016 Whitby Faith Rev 2017-2019


Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Term of office Vilakati Vusi Rev 2016- 2018


Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Term of office Mfaise Yolisa Ms [email protected] 082709 9142 2017- 2019


Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Term of office 2017 - Nkomonde Thuli Mrs 2019



Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Term of office P.O. Box 130858, [email protected] 083 303 4171 2016- Cronje Carin Ms Bryanston 2021 2018

WHOM DO WE APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES TO CONFERENCE? Ministerial – L&D 5.5.10 Three Ministers from each District. One shall be elected each year and shall serve for three years. (One additional Minister if the District covers more than one country – L&D 5.5.11) Note: 5.5.12 Districts with fewer than 15 000 members shall be classified as ‘small Districts’ and shall be represented by two lay representatives and two ministerial representatives elected by Synod

Term of Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone office Vilakati Vusi Rev 2013-2018 Sekhejane Moagi Rev 2015-2017 Rivas Jacqui Rev 2017-2019

Representatives to Conference (Lay) – L&D 5.5.9 Three Lay people from each District. One shall be elected each year and shall serve for three years. (Two Reps if the District has fewer than 15 000 members- L&D 5.5.12)

Term of Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Office

Mfaise Yolisa Mr [email protected] 082 709 9142 2017-2019

Mhlubulwana Xhanti Mr [email protected] 082 715 0147 2015-2017 m 8 Palm Str, Sebolai Rinah Mrs Miederpark, Potch, [email protected] 084 518 8380 2016-2018 2531

Youth Representatives to Conference (Lay) – L&D 5.5.13 One Lay Youth Representative to be elected by Youth Synod, and shall serve for 2 (two) years.

Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Term of office Sebolai Akhona Mr [email protected] 2016-2017


Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Cronje Carin Mrs P.O Box 130858, [email protected] 0833034171 Bryanston 2021



Surname Name Title Postal Address e-mail Telephone Cronje Carin Mrs P.O Box 130858, [email protected] 0833034171 Bryanston 2021


17 GENERAL & ORDER OF CLOSING (L&D Appendix 5: 9)


FROM TO VENUE YY MM DD YY MM DD 2019 05 15 2019 05 18


Appointed Synod delegates expressed appreciation to everyone that had been involved in the planning and administration of the Synod, the host Circuit and to the District Bishop.

READING OF THE RESOLUTION ON THE WORK OF GOD What is the judgement of Synod on the state of the work of God in this District? -Appendix 5: 1.16) What have we heard, and what shall we do?



What are our resolutions arising for the customary reading of the “Twelve Rules of a Helper? (App 5: 9.1)

Miscellaneous Matters

Closing Prayers and Benediction



We, the undersigned hereby confirm the above as a true and exact record of the business of the Synod.


Gary Rivas Bishop

Thuli Nkomonde District Lay Leader

Faith Whitby

Vice- Chairman Vusi Vilakati

District Secretary Yolisa Mfaise District Statistical Secretary Thus, done and signed at DD MM YY

Soweto May 26, 2018