Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly



VOLUMES 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268 and 269

By Authority: GARRY L. DUFFIELD. Government Printer

60200-1 6000-i1987 '13


Pages Committees...... viii Index to Parliamentary Debates -- Index to Standard References ...... (1) Index to Subjects...... (16) Index to Questions and Speeches...... (174) Legislatre of ...... iv Members of the Legislative Assembly ...... vi Members of the Legislative Council...... v Ministry...... iv Officers of Parliament ...... viii Papers tabled during the Session - Legislative Assembly...... 8360 Legislative Council...... 8356 Public Bills of the Session...... xi] Public Statutes of the Session...... x Report of Debates...... I iv



BURKE MINISTRY (RECONS7TIThD) From 16 March 1987 Premier, Treasurer Minister for Public Sector Hon BRIAN THOMAS BURKE, JP, MLA Management;, Women's Interests Deputy Premier- Minister for Industry and Hon MALCOLM JOHN BRYCE, BA, JP, M2LA Technology; Defence Liaison; Commnunications; Parliamentary and Electoral Reform Attorney General; Minister for Budget Hon JOSEPH MAX BERINSON, LL B, QC, MIC Management; Corrective Services; Leader of the Governm ent in the Legislative Council. Minister for Community Services; The Family;, Hon ELSIE KAY I4ALLAHAN, BSW, 3P, MLC Youth;. The Aged; Minister assisting the Minister for Women's Interests; Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Minister for Local Government; Regional Hon JEFFREY PRILLIP CARR, BA, IF, MLA Development Minister for Education;, Planning; Intergovern- Hon ROBERT JOHN PEARCE, B A, DipEd, 3?, mental Relations; Leader of the House in the MIA Legislative Assembly Minister for Conservation and Land Management, Hon BARRY JAMES HODGE. MLA Environment Minister for Minerals and Energy; Economic Hun DAVID CHARLES PARKER, BA, JP, MLA Development; The Arts Minister for Agriculture; The South West; Fisheries Hon 1ULIAN FLETCHER GRILL, LL B, JP, MLA Minister for Housing; Lands Hon KEITH JAMES WILSON, MLA Minister for Works and Services; Labour, Hon PETER M'CALLUTM DOWDING, LL B, Productivity and Employment; Minister assisting the MI-A Treasurer Minister assisting the Minister for Pubtic Sector Management Minister for Health; Consumer Affairs; Minister Hon IAN FREDERICK TAYLOR, B Econ (Hons), assisting the Minister for Economic Development JP, MLA Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gamning Hon PAMELA ANNE BEGGS, JP, MIA Minister for Transport; Small Business Hon GA VAN JOHN TROY, B Bus, AFAIM, 117, MI-A Minister for Water Resources: The North West; Hon ERNEST FRANCIS BRIDGE, MLA Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Police and Emergency Services; Hon GORDON LESLIE HILL, IP, MIA Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Minister for Sport and Recreation Hon GRAHAM JOHN EDWARDS, NRC Parliamentary Secretary of dhe Cabinet: John Bell Read, Esqu~ire, 3P, NR-A MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL THIRTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT .. Second Session


Chairman of Committees: Hon DAVID JOHN WORDSWORTH

Deputy Chatirmen of Committees: Hon John Williams, BA, JP; Hon Robert Hetherington, BA; Hon Garry Kelly, B App Sci (Physics); and Hon Mark Nevill, 8 Sc (Hens), JP

Member Province Term Party

Bell, Hon Colin John ...... Lower West ...... 1983-1989 Lib. Berinson, Hon Joseph M=x LL B, QC...... North Central Metropolitan 1986-1992 ALP Brown,. Hon James McMullan ...... South East ...... 1986-1992 ALP Butler, lHon Thomas George...... North East Metropolitan. . 1986- 1992 ALP Caldwell, Hon John Norman...... South...... 1986-1992 NPA 'Chaulton, Hoo Eric James...... Central...... 1984-1989 NPA flaps, Hon Desmond Keith...... South Metropolitan.. 1983-1989 ALP Edwards, Hon Graham John ...... North Metropolitan.. 1983-1989 ALP 2Evans, Hon George Maxtwell, MBE, FCA .. Metropolitan ...... 1986- 1992 Lib. Ferry: Hon Victor Jasper. DFC ...... South West ...... 1983- 1989 Lib. Gayfer, Hon Harry Walter...... Central...... 1986-1992 NPA Griffiths, Hon Olive Edward...... South Central Metropolitan 1983- 1989 Lib. Halden, Hon Stanley John, BA, IP ...... North Metropolitan.. 1986-1992 ALP Haflahan. Hon Elsie Kay, BSW, IF...... South Past Metropolitan . 1983- 1989 ALP Helm, Hon Thomas Richard ...... North ...... 19865-1992 ALP Hetherington, Hon Robert, BA ...... South East Metropolitan.. 1986-1992 ALP 'House, Mon Barry John. B Ecan ...... South West ...... 1987-1989 Lib,. Jones, H-on Beryl Lillian ...... Lower West ...... 1986-t992 ALP Kelly, Hon Carry Kenneth, B App 5ci (Physics) South Metropolitan.. 1986-1992 ALP Lewis, Hon Alexander Ashley, IF...... Lower Central ...... 1986-1992 Lib. Lockyer, Hon Philip Harry...... Lower North ...... 1986-1992 Lit Masters. Hon Gordon Edgar ...... West...... 1986-1992 Lib. McAleer, Hon Margar...... Upper West ...... 1986-1992 Lib. McKenzie, Hon Pied Evan ...... North East Metropolitan.. 1983-1989 ALP McNeil, Hon Thomas ...... Upper West ...... 1983-1989 NPA Moore, Hon Norman Frederick, BA, Dip Ed.. Lower North ...... 19834 989 Libt Nev11, Hon Mark Warniedar, B Sc (Hows), PI. South East ...... 1983- 1989 ALP Oliver, Hon Oscar Neil Blackbune, ED.. West ...... 1983- 1989 Lib. Pendal, Hon Phillip George ...... South Central Metropolitan 1986- 1992 Lib. Piaritadosi, Hont Samuel Mathew...... North Central Metropolitan 1983-1989 ALP Stephens, Hon Thomas Gregory, BA, P .. North...... 1983- 1989 ALP Stretch, Hon William Noel...... Lower Central...... 1983-1989 Lib. Wen Hon Douglas William...... South West ...... 1986-1992 ALP Williams, Hon Richard John Lloyd, BA, JP.. Metropolitan ...... 1983-1989 Lib. Wordsworth, Hon David John ...... South ...... 1983-1989 Lib.

,Electedat a by-clection on 17 November 1994 in succession to Hon William Gordon Atkinson (deceased 4 August 1984). 3 4 Elected at a by-election on 24 October 1987 in sutceajon to Hon Victor, Jasper Ferry (resigned 2 IJuly 1987). MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY



Citainrnan of Committees and Deputy Speaker: Mr GRAHAM JOHN BURKETT, JP'


Member Constituency Parry

'Alexander, Ian Christopher, BA WHoos). MA, M Phil, Ph D ...... Penh ...... ALP Barnett, Hon Michael, ...... Rockingham...... ALP Beggs, Hon Pamela Anne, if...... Whitford ...... ALP Bertram, Ronald Edward, AASA ...... Balcarta ...... ALP Blaikie, Barry Roy ...... Vasse ...... Ub. Bradshaw, John Le.slie, MUPS, 11 ...... Murray-Wellingon b. Bridge, Hon Ernest Francis, JP...... Kimberley ...... ALP Bryce. Hon Malcolm John. BA, JP...... Ascot ...... ALP Buchanan, Pamela Anm, if...... ...... ALP Burke, Hon BrimnThomas,JIP...... Balga ...... ALP 'urke, Terence Joseph, if...... ...... ALP Burkett, Graham John, IP...... Scarborough...... ALP Carr,HMonlJeffty Phillip,BAJP ...... Geraldron ...... ALP Cash, Samuel George Ernest. B Bus, AdIS, JP ...... Mt Lawley...... Ub. Clarko. James George, AE, BA. Dip Ed, MACE, 3D...... Kairinyup ...... Ub. Court, Richard Fairfax, B Corn...... Nedlands...... Lib. Cowan, Hendy John...... Merredin...... NPA Crane, Albert Victor ...... --Moore ...... L b. 3Donovan, Francis Anthony, BSW (Dis) ...... Morley-Swan ...... ALP Dowding, Hon Peter M'Ca~lum. LL.B ...... Maylands ...... ALP Evans, Hon Hywel David. BA ...... Warrn...... ALP .Gallop, Geoffiley Ian, B Econ, MA. M Phil, D Phil...... Victoria Park...... ALP Grayden, Hon William Leonard ...... South Perth ...... Lb. '(li, Robert William, MI, TMA...... Darting Range ...... LUb. Grill, Hon Julian Fletcher, U. B, JP...... Esperace-Dundas..ALP Hassell, William Ralph Boucher, LLB, MA ...... Cortesloe ...... Lib. Henderson, Yvonne Daphne, BA, Dip Ed, JP ...... Gosnells ...... ALP Hill, Hon Gordon Leslie,J3D ...... Helena ...... ALP Hodge, Hon Barry James ...... Melville ...... ALP House, Montague Grant...... Katanning-Roe...... NPA Jones. Thomas Henry, 3D...... Collie...... ALP 'Laurance, Ian James, BA ...... ...... LUb. Lawrence, Carmen Mary, B Psych, Ph D ...... Subiaco ...... ALP Lewis, Kennon Richard ...... East Melville...... [Lib. Lightfoot, Phillip Ross...... Murchison-Eyre ...... Lib. Vt,


Member Constituency Party

MacKinnon, Barry John, B Econ, PASA...... Murdoch ...... *Lib. 7Marlborough, Norman Richard...... Cockburn ...... ALP aMaslen. Dudley John...... Gascoyme ...... Lib. Mensaros, Hon Andrew...... Floreat ...... Lib. 'Nalder, Camnbell Crawford ...... Narrogin ...... NPA Parker, Hon David Charles, BA, JP ...... rtmantle ...... ALP Pearce, Hon Robert John, BA, Dip Ed,!?...... Annadale ...... ALP ReadJohn Bell,P ...... Mandurabh...... ALP Rushton, Hon Edgar Cyril ...... Dale...... Libt. Schell. Morton William...... Mt Marshall ...... NPA Smith, David Lawrence, LL B, if...... Mitchell.------ALP Smith, Philip John, B Ed ...... Bunbury ...... ALP '"Spriggs, George Clarence Charles, JP...... Darling Range ...... ib. Stephens, Matthew Ernest ...... Stirling ...... W Taylor, Hon Ian Frederick, B Ecoc (Moos)...... Kalgoorlie ...... ALPk Thomas, William Ian, BA ...... Welshpool ...... ALP Thompson, Hon Iana David, IP ...... Kalamnunda ...... rib. "Tonkin, Hon Arthur Raymond, BA, Dip Ed, JP...... Morley-Swan ...... A.6LP Trenorden, Maxwell Wayne...... Avon ...... FIA Troy, Hon Gavan John, B Bus, AFAI, JP...... Mundaring ...... ALP Tub by, Reginald John, JP...... -Greenough ...... r ib. Watkins, Jacqueline Patricia. JP...... J.oondalup ...... ALP Watson, Judytfi. Cent Nsg Ed, B Sc. (Hoes), Ph D, JP ...... Canning...... ALP Watt, Lton Harold, JP...... Albany. q...... ib. ' 2Wiese, Robert Laurence...... Narogin...... q - ...NA Williams, Rex Geoffrey, AFAIh4, if...... Clontarf ...... r.ib. Wilson, Hon Keith James...... Nollaniara ...... L11

IElected at a by-election on~9 May 1987,in succession t Mr Terry Burke (reuigned 18 March 1987). 'Resinte 18 March 1987. Eted a a by~election on 9 May 1987 in succession to NOA.T . Tonkin (retignied 18 Marchk 1987. 'Eleted at a by-clection on 7 June 1986 in sucession to Hon R. Davies (resigned 16 April 1986). 5 Elecad alaoby-electiou. ot 24 October 1987 in,auccn to,Mr GCC. Spriggs (mitaed 3 September 1987). 1987. 'Reignc3 September 4 April 1986). 'lceata by-election on 7 June 1986 in suceession to Mr C.M. Hughes (deceased lElecred at a by-lctfion on 24 October 3987 in succession to Mrt ISJ.Laurance (resignmed3 Septemnber 1987). 'Deceased 14 March 1987. t 0 esne4 3 September 1987. 1Resigned t8 March 1987. 'Elected at a by-electionotn 9 May 1987 in succession to Mr C.C. NaIer (deaaseod 14 March 1987). viii



Standing Orders - The presidena. the Chairman of Committees. Rons Sohn Williams, Hon Robert Hethringtoni. Han Garry Kelly, Hon Mark Nevill. and Hon J.N. Caldwsell.

Library .- The President, Hon P.O. Pendai. and Hon Tom Helm,

Hoare - The President, Hon H. W. Gayfer. lNon John Williams. Hon Robert Hetherinigton. and Hon B.L. Jones.

Printing -TI. President, Han CJ. Bell1.and Hon &.M. Pianradosi.

Government Agencies - Han Garty Kelly. lHon NP. Moore, Hon Cl BelL Hon Mark Nes'iU. Hort El. Charlton. and Hon B1. Jones.

Delegated Legislation -- on Robert H-etherington. Hon H.W. Gayfer. Hon Margaret McAleer. and Hon TonmHelm.


Standing Orders - T'he Spoaker. theClsairmasn of Committees. iM Henderson, Mr Watt, sad Mr Stephens.

Library -- The Speaker, Mr P.J. Smith. and Mr Tubby.

Roast -- The Speaker, Mn Watkins, Mr Burkett, Mr Stephens, and Mr Williams,

Printing - The Speaker. Mrss Buchanan, and Mr Rushton,

Public Accownits and Expenditure Review .. MetDL Smith. Dr Lawrence, Dr Watson, Mt Crane. and Mir Schell.

Delegated Legislation -- Dr Alexander. Mr Donovan, Mr Oreig. and Mr Wiese.



Clerk of the Council. anid Clerk of rte Parliaments...... LB.Massjuei. ACES. LL.1).Jur, JP Deputy Clerk ...... Ml. CantwellI. BA Usher of threBlack Rod...... L Alliiut Clerk of Papers ...... MiJ. Hstoe. ACIS Clerk of Records ...... IMPeacock


Clerk oftho Assembly...... B.L. Okely.JIP Deputy Clerk...... LOGC. FarrellL IP Clerk Assistant...... P.. McHugh Sergeant-ar-Anns...... 1J.0. Mandy. BA Clerk of Papers...... A. Liveris Assistant Clerks of Papers...... J.M. Andmtts. BA ...... 0D.Robinson BA


Chief Hansard Reporter ...... ,N-J. Burrell Deputy Chief~ansard Reporter ...... C.R. Hlall, LSW Sabedliors ...... May ...... Ml. Oraftonl


Executive OfficeriHouse Controller...... V. Pacecca, AFCLA. IP Catering Officer ...... R. Simns,Dip HCM Finance and Personnel Offieer ...... KG. Fosier. Dip Pub Adtn Assistant Finance and Personnel Officer ...... DA. Conroy. A.ASA


Partizannry Librarian...... "*"...... tRA. Mernbrey. BA, ALAA, ARIIT Deputy Parliamnentasry Librarian...... K). Hair. B Juris. LI. B. Dip Lib u







Introduced but not passed.


A Bill for an Act to amend certain Acts in consequence of the e nactment of the HeritagePlaces (Western Australia) Act 1987.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Pearce (Minister for Planning) on 24 November. Second reading moved on 26 November. Bill still on Notice Paper.


A Bill for an Act to amend the Offenders Probationand Parole Act 1963, the Prisons Act 1981, The Criminal Code, the Offenders Probation and Parole Amendment Act 1983, and the Parole Orders (Transfer) Act 1984. and for related purposes.

Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon (Minister for Community Services) on 28 October. Second reading moved on 29 October. Order discharged on 24 November. A new Bill of the same name was introduced on the same day.


A Bill for an Act to amend the Police Act 1892 and the Child Welfare Act 1947.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Laurance (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) on 28 April. Defeated on the second reading on 14 October. ACTS AMENDMENT (PREVENTION OF ACCESS TO RECORDS) BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Registration of Births, Deaths and MarriagesAct 1961 and the Road Traffic Act 1974. Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon G. E. Masters (Leader of the Opposition) on 24 September. Second reading moved on 13 October. Bill still1 on Notice Paper.


A Bill for an Act to amend the Offenders Probationand ParoleAct 1963, the Bail Act 1982 and The CriminalCode to provide for greater protection both for the victims of crime and for the community at large.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Mensaros on 8 April. Defeated on the second reading on 29 October.


A Bill for an Act to amend the University of Western Australia Act 1911, the Murdoch University Act 1973, the Curtin University of Technology Act 1966, the Western Australian College of Advanced Education Act 1984 and the Colleges Act 1978. xiii

Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon N.F. Moore on 14 October. Second reading moved on 20 October. Bill still on Notice Paper. ACTS AMENDMENT (TAXI-CARS) BILL.

A Bill for an Act to amend the Taxi-Car Control Act 1985 and the Police Act 1892.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Laurance (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) on 28 April. Defeated on the second reading on 28 October.


A Bill for an Act to amend the Child Welfare Act 1947.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Mensaros on 16 September. Defeated on the second reading on 21 October. CITY OF PERTH PARKING FACILITIES AMENDMENT BILL.

A Bil for an Act to amend the City of Perth Parking FacilitiesAct 1956.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Troy (Minister for Transport) on 27 May. Second reading moved on 28 May. Order discharged on 16 September.


A Bill for an Act to amend The Criminal Code.

Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon Robert H-etherington on 28 May. Defeated on the second reading on 18 June.


A Bill for an Act to amend the ElectoralAct 1907.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Laurance (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) on 28 April. Still on the Notice Paper.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AMENDMENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Equal Opportunity Act 1984.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Cowan (Leader of the National Party) on 22 October. Second reading moved on 28 October. Still on the Notice Paper.


A Bill for an Act to amend the FisheriesAct 1905.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Grayden on 1 April. Second reading moved on 20 May. Still on the Notice Paper.


A Bill for an Act to amend the Fremantle Port Authority Act 1902. x3.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Tray (Minister for Transport) on 20 May. Hill passed through all stages in the Legislative Assembly. Received in the Legislative Council on 25 November. Defeated an the second reading on 3 December.


A Bill for an Act to encourage and provide for die conservation of places having a cultural heritage significance in the State, to establish the Heritage Council of Western Australia, and for related purposes.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Penrce (Minister far Planning) on 24 November. Second reading moved on 26 November. Bill still on Notice Paper.


A B ill for an Act to amend the Honey Pool Act 1978. Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon CT.Bell on 18 June. Second reading moved on 23 June. Still on the Notice Paper. HOSPITALS AMENDMENT BILL.

A Bill for an Act to amend the HospitalsAct 1927.

Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon H.W. Gayfer on 1 April. Passed through all stages in the Legislative Council. Received in the Legislative Assembly on 16 June. Still on the Notice Paper.


A B ill for an Act to amend the IndustrialRelations Act 1979. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Thompson on 10 September. Still on the Notice Paper. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AMENDMENT BILL (No 3).

A Bill for an Act to amend the IndustrialRelations Act 1979.

Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon T.G. Butler on 14 October. Second reading moved the same day. Defeated on the second reading on 18 November.


A Bill for an Act to amend the IndustrialRelations Act 1979.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Court (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) on 9 September. Still on the Notice Paper.


A B ill for an Act to amend the Land Act 1933. xv

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Wilson (Minister for Lands) on 18 June. Second reading moved the same day. Order discharged on 16 September. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT BILL (No 2). A Bill for an Act to amend the Local Government Act 1960 and to consequentially amend the Valuation of Land Act 1978 and for connected purposes. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Canr (Minister for Local Government) on 17 November. Passed through all stages in the Legislative Assembly. Received in the Legislative Council on 8 December, and the second reading moved the same day. Still on the Notice Paper. MACHINERY SAFETY AMENDMENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Machinery Safety Act 1974. Introduced in the Legislative Council by Hon 11W. Gayfer on 1 April. Second reading moved 7 April. Still on the Notice Paper. MAIN ROADS AMENDMENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Main Roads Act 1930. Restored to the Notice Paper of the Legislative Council on 2 April, at the request of the Legislative Assembly. Passed through all further stages in the Legislative Council, and returned with amendments to the Legislative Assembly on 20 May. On 17 June the Legislative Assembly resolved not to agree to the Council's amendments. On 18 June the Council insisted on its amendments. On 22 October, in a miniisterial statement, Mr Grill (Minister for Agricultur) outlined the reasons for the Assembly's not agreeing to the Council's amendments, and the Bill was laid aside. MEMERS OF PARLIAMENT (FINANCIAL INTRESTS) BILL. A Bill for an Act to require disclosure of certain rmnancial interests by Members of Parliament, to establish a register of interests so disclosed, and for connected purposes.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Brian Burke (Premier) 00 31 March. Still on the Notice Paper. METROPOLITAN WATER AUTHORITY AMENDMIENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Metropolitan Water Authority Act 1982. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mir Mensaros on 1 April. Second reading moved 20 May. Still on the Notice Paper- PASTORAL [NDUSTRY (MANAGEMENT OF CERTAIN LAND) BILL. A Bill for an Act to declare Crown ownership of certain land used for pastoral purposes, to make provision for the vesting of that land and in respect of livestock and chattels on the land, to incorporate the Pastoral Board for the purposes of this Act, and for connected purposes. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Wilson (Minister for Lands) on 2 June, Still on the Notice Paper.

PETROLEUM RETAILERS RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES AMENDMENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Petroleum Retailers Rights and LiabilitiesAct 1982. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Stephens on 3 June. Second reading moved on 10 June. Still on the Notice Paper. POLICE AMENDMENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Police Act 1892.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Cash on 14 October. Second reading moved on 21 October. Defeated on the second reading on 28 October. PROMPT PAYMENT OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS BILL.

A Bill for an Act relating to the Payment of Commercial Accounts Payable by the Government.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mf Lewis on 28 April. Second reading moved 20 May. The Acting Speaker (Mrs Henderson) ordered that the Bill be removed to the bottom of the Notice Paper awaiting a message from the Governor recomnmending appropriations for the purposes of the Bill. Bill still on the Notice Paper. ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT (RANDOM BREATH TESTS) BILL.

A Bill for an Act to amend section 66 of the Road Traffic Act 1974. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Gordon Hill (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) on 1 December. Passed through all stages in the Legislative Assembly. Received in the Legislative Council on 2 December. Second reading ruled out of order under Standing Order No 187.


A Bill for an Act to amend section 89 of the Road Traffic Act 1974. Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Mensaros on 16 September. Defeated on the second reading on 28 October. ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BILL. A Bill for an Act to amend the Road Traffic Act 1974,

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Cowan (Leader of the National Party) on 27 May. Defeated on the second reading on 14 October.


A Bill for an Act relating to the Sale of Valuable Government Property. .iv"

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Stephens on 1 April. Defeated on the Second Reading on 23 September.


A Bill for an Act to provide for the seizure of property connected with the commission of an offence.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Mensaros on 20 May. Defeated on the second reading on 28 October.


A Bill for an Act to amend dhe Small Claims Tribunals Act 1974.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Mensaros on 20 May. Defeated on the second reading on 28 October.


A Bill for an Act to amend section 23 of the Wildlife Conservauion Act 1950.

Introduced in the Legislative Assembly by Mr Grayden on 1 April. Defeated on the second reading on 10 June. INDEX TO PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES


ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS -- See "Education -- Tertiary -- WA College of Advanced Education".

ACCIDENTS.- See "Traffic".


ADOPTIONS- See "Community Services".


AIDS - See "Health".

AIR POLLUTION. See "Health".

AIRPORTS- See 'Transport- Air".

"ALBANY TOMORROW" - See "Regional Development".

ALCOHOL .. See "Health".

AMBULANCES .. See "Emergency Services ".

ANIMALS, DOMESTIC - See "Animals".


APPRENTICES -- See 'Employment and Training"

ARGYLE DIAMOND PROJECT-- See "Minerals -- Diamonds'.

ARTESIAN BORES -- See 'Water Resources -- Underground".

ASBESTOS -- See 'Minerals".

AUSTRALIAN HERITAGE COMMISSION - See "Environment -- National Estate'.

AUSTRALIA POST -- See "Commnunicatdons".

BAIL--. See "Courts".

BANKS -- See "Financial Institutions".

BEAZLEY REPORT- See "Education'.

BEEF -- See "Abattoirs".

BEEKEEPERS~- See 'Apiary".


BEER -- See "Liquor".

BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS - See "Australian Bicentennial Celebrations".

BICYCLES- See "Sport and Recreation -- Cycles".

BINGO .. See "Gambling".

BIRDS- See "Wildlife".

BLASTIN1G .- See "Explosives".

BLOOD BANKS -- See "Emergency Services".


BOAT RAMPS -- See "Poris and Hlarbours".

BOATS -- See 'Transport".

BORES -- See "Water Resources -- Unsderground'.

BRIDGES.- See "Roads".

BROTHELS .- See "Crime -- Prostitution".

BUILDING BLOCKS .. See "Rousing -- Land".

BUILDING AUTHORITY- See "Building ManagenwentAurhory"

BUIL DING SOCITIfES .. See "Financial Institutions".

"BUNBURY 2000' .. See "Regional Development".

BUNBURY INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION- See "Education -- Tertiary -- WA College of Advanced Education".

BUNGLE BUNGLE -- See "ourism".

CABINET -- See "Ministers of the Crown".



CANNING COLLEGE..- See "Education -- Colleges".


CAPITAL WORKS BUDGET -- See "State Finance -- General Loan and Capital Works Fund".

CARAVAN PARKS -- See 'Tourism'.

CASHEWS See "Horticulture"


CENSORSHIEP - See "Pornography"/.

CENSURE MOIONS -- See "Motions".


CHARGES, GOVERNMENT- See "Taxesand Charges".

CHURCHLANDS COLLEGE - See "Education -- Tertiary -- WA College of Advanced Education".

CLAREMONT COLLEGE -- See "Education-- Tertiary -- WA College ofAdvanced Education",



COLLEGES, PRIVATE -- See "Education -- Non-Government Schools".

COLLEGES, SENIOR -- See "Education -- Colleges".

COLLEGES. TECHNICAL -- See "Education -- Technical and FurtherEducation"

COLLIE SCHOOL OF MINES -- See "Education -- Tertiary-- Curtin University of Technology".

COMPLIMENTARY REMARKS -- See "Close of Session".

COMPUTERS -- See 'Technology".



CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND -- See "State Finance -- Budge:".


COUNTRY HIGH SCHOOLS HOSTELS. See "Education-- Hostels".

C?! -- See "Prices -- Consumer Price Index" C C ~~UNDEX TO STANDARD REFERENCES] F (5)5

CREDIT UNIONS -- See "FinancialInstitutions".

CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -- See "Educaion -- Tertiary".

DECENTRALISATION - See "Regional Development".

DEPUTY LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION - See 'Members of Parliament".

DEPUTY PREMIER - See 'Ministers of the Crown".


DINGOES - See "Wildiffe.


DISTINGUISHED VISITORS -- See 'Legislative Assembly". "Legislative Council".

DONKEYS .. See "Agrilculture -- Vermin".

DREDGING See "Porns and Harbours

DRINK DRIVING See "Motor Vehicles.-- Drivers'.

DRIVERS .. See "Motor Vehicles".

EGGS -- See "Poultry".

ELECTORATE OFFICES See 'Members of Parliament -- Offices".


EMERGENCY RELIEF.-- See "Cominunity Services".

EXI CORPORATION - See 'WA &im Corporation".

EXPORTS -- See 'Trade".


FERRIES, PASSENGER.-- See "Transport".

FERTILISERS . See "Agricuture'.

RID See 'Taxes and Charges -- Financial Institudions Duly".

FILMS -- See "Arts".

FINANCE BROKERS. See "FinancialInstitutions'.


FIREARMS- See "Police",

FLORA - See 'Wildlife'.

FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE- See "Emergency Service".

FOOTBALL POOLS..- See "Gambling".

FOOTPATHS- See 'Traffic -- Pedestrians'.

FRAUD- See "Crime'.

FRUIT FLY -- See "Horticulfture".

FUEL TAX -- See 'Taxes and Charges".


GOATS, DAIRY -- See "Dairying".

GOATS, FERAL-.. See "Agriculture -- Vermin".



GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - See "Government Publicatiorns -- State Printing Division". G G ~(INDEXTO STANDARD REFERENCES]I1 (7(7)

GOVERNMENT VEHICLES -- see "Motor vehicles".

GROUNDWATER -- See 'Water Resources -- Underground.

HANDICAPPED PERSONS -- See "Health -- Disabled Persons".

HEDLAND COLLEGE -- See "Education -- Colleges".

HERBICIDES .. See "Agriculture".

HERITAGE -- See "Environment".

HETHERINGTON REPORT -- See "Education -- Tertiary- Tertiary InstitutionsGovernance Committee".

HIGH SCHOOLS HOSTELS- See 'Education -- Hostels".

HIRE-PURCHASE ACT--. See "Consumer Affairs'.

HONEY--. See "Apiary.

HOSPICE -- See "Healh


HOUSE COMIMITTEE -- See "Committeesfor the Session'.

IMPORTS -- See 'Trade".

INCOME TAX -- See 'Taxes and Charges".

INSTANT LOTTERIES- See "Gambling -- Lotteries".


See "Education -- Terniary - WA College ofAdvanced Edton -- Bunbwy".

IRRIGATION -- See 'Water Resources".

JETIES .. See "Ports and Harbou's".

JOONDALUP COLLEGE See "Education -- Tertiary - WA College ofAdvanced Education". (8) J [INDEX TO STANDARD REFERENCES] M

300 NDALUF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION -- See 'Regional Development".

KALGOORLIE COLLEGE -- See "Education -- Colleges".

KARRATHA COLLEGE -- See "Education -- Colleges".

KELLY REPORT -- See "Shopping -- Trading Hours -- Inquiry -- Report".

KINDERGARTENS - See "Education -- Pre -primary".

LAND RIGHTS.- See "Aboriginal Affairs".

LANDS AND SURVEYS DEPARTMENT - See "Land -- Land Admnistration Department".

LAND TAX .. See 'Tares and Charges



LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION -- See "Members of Parliament",

LEAVE OF ABSENCE . See "Members of Parliament",


LIBRARY COMMITTEE -- See "Committees for the Session"

MARIJUANA - See "Health -- Drugs",

MARINAS .. See "Ports and Harbours"

MARRIAGES -- See "Community Services".

McGAW REPORT -- See "Education".

MEDIDANK -- See "Health -- Insurance'.


See "Health -- Insurance". M M ~(INDEXTO STANDARD REFERENCES]P P (9

METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT TRUST -- See 'Transport-- Transpenth".

MOTELS -- See 'Tourism".

MOTORCYCLES - See "Motor Vehicles".

MOUNT LAWLEY COLLEGE -- See "Education -- Tertiary -- WA College of Advanced Education".

MURDOCH UNIVERSITY -- See "Education -- Tertiary".



NEDLANDS COLLEGE -- See "Education -- Tertiary -- WA College of Advanced Education".



NOXIOUS WEEDS -- See "Agriculture".

OBSCENITY - See "Pornography".

ORD RIVER SCHEME -- See "Regional Development'.

PARKING - See 'Traffic".

PARLIAMENTARY OFFICES - See "Members of Parliament -- Offices".

PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY OF THE CABINET See "Ministers of lte Crown -- Cabinet".

PAYROLL TAX -- See 'Taxes and Charges".

PRINTING COMMITTEE -- See "Commintees for the Session



PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -- See 'Works -- Budlding Management Authority".

QUARRIES -- See "Minerals".

QUEEN ELIZABETH fl MEDICAL CENTRE See "Health -- Hospitals".

RABBITS--. See "Agriculture -- Vermin".

RADIO -- See "Communicadons".

RAFFLES -- See 'Gambling"

REFERENDUMS -- See "Electoral".

RESCUE SERVICES.- See "Emergency Services",

RESEARCH STATIONS -- See "Agriculture",

RESERVE FORCES -- See "Defence".

RESERVES - See "Land".

RESERVOIRS -- See 'Water Resources'.

ROCK LOBSTER -- See "Fisher"ies -- Craxftsh


RUBBISH DISPOSAL . See 'Waste Disposal".




SACRED SITES -- See 'Aboriginal Affairs".


SALIN"I1Y, S0IL~ -- See "Soil".

SALINFITY, WATER SUPPLIES -- See "Water Resources",

SATELLITES -- See "Communications".

SAWMILLS .. See "Forestrs".

SCHOOL BUSES -- See 'Transport-- Buses".

SCHOOL CROSSINGS -- See 'Trafi -- Pedestrian Crossings"


SCHOOL NURSES -- See "Health -- Nfurses".

SCHOOLS, DISTRICT HIGH - See "Education --High Schools".

SCHOOLS, PRIVATE -- See "Education -- Non-Governmentf Schools".

SECONDARY SCHOOLS -- See "Education -- High Schools".


See "Education -- Colleges".

SEPTIC SYSTEMS See "Sewerage".


SHANNON RIVER BASIN - See "Land -- National Parks".

SHIPBUILDING -- See "Industrial Development".

SHIPPING .- See 'Transport".

SIR CHARLES GAIRDNER HOSPITAL -- See "Health -- Hospitals -Queen Elizabeth MIMedicalCentre".

SKILLS WEST - See "Employment and Training".

SLIPWAYS -- See "Ports and Harbours". (12) S (12)[NDEX S TO STANDARD REFERENCES]S

SMALL CLAIMS TRIBUNALS -- See "Consumer Affairs".

SOCCER POOLS - See "Gambling".



SPEECH THERAPY - See "Health -- Speech Pathologists".

SPORTS-CULTURE LOTTERIES - See "Gambling -- Lotteriles -- Instant".

ST JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION -- See "Emergency Sen'ices -- Ambulances".

STATE BATTERIES- See "Minerals".

STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE -- See "Emergency Services"


STATESHIPS .. See 'Transport -- Shipping".

STATIONS. PASTORAL -- See "Pastoral Industry -- Leases".


STWPENDIARY MAGISTRATES -- See "Courts -- Magistrates".

SUGAR INDUSTRY -- See "Agriculture".

SUPER DROME -- See "Sport and Recreation".

SURF LIFESAVING -- See "Emergency Senices".


SWAN VALLEY POUICY -- See "Regional Development".


SYSTEM 6 -- See "Environment".

TAB -- See "Gambling"%

TABLED PAPERS -- See "PapersTabled".

TAFE -- See "Education -- Technical and FurtherEducation".

TAXIS .. See "Transport".

TELECOM - See "Communications".

TELEPHONES .. See "Communications".

TELEVISION -- See "Communications".

TELEX.. See "Communications".

TIMBER -- See "Forests".

TOBACCO-- See "Health".

TOBACCO FRANCHISE TAX - See 'Taxes and Charges".


TRADE TRAINING -- See "Employment and Training --'Apprentices".


TRADING HOURS - See "Shopping".


TROTTING -- See "Racing and Trotting".

TUART COLLEGE.. See "Education -- Colleges".

UNEMPLOYMENT-. See "Unemployment and Training". (14) U [INDEX TO STANDARD REFERENCES] W


UNLEADED PETROL -- See "Energy -- Petrol".

URBAN LANDS COUNCIL - See "Land -- Landbank".

URGENCY MOTIONS -- See "Motions".


See "Land -. Valuations".

VANDALISM - See "Crimne".

VEGETABLES -- See 'Wonliculnire".

VERMIN -- See "Agriculture".



VIDEO TAPES -- See "Communicadions".

VIOLENCE .. See 'Crime",

VOLUNTARY RESCUE SERVICES - See 'Emergency Services'.


WAT -- See "Education -- Tertiary -- Curtin University of Technology".


WA TREASURY CORPORATION -- See "State Finance -- Treasury".


WATER POLLUTION - See "Environent".


WEEDICIDES -- See "Agriculture".

WEEDS .- See "A griculi'ure -- Noxious Weeds".

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARThS- See "Education -- Tertiary -- WA College of Advanced Education".




WESTERN AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY See "Education -- Tertiary -- Curtin University of Technology",





WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL OF MINES -- See "Education -- Tertiary -- Curtin University of Technology".

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CENTRE - See "Sport and Recreation -- Superdronie".


WHARVES -- See "Portsand Harbours".

WOODCHIPPING -- See 'Forests".


X-RAYS -- See "Health".

YACHTING -- See "Sport and Recreation",


Explanation or Abbreviations .. Ir., 2r., 3r.: First, Second, Third Reading of a Bill; Corn.: Committee of the Whole House; Intro.: Introduction of a Bill: Recont,: Recommittal of a Bill.

ABAn-OIRS-.. See also "Stock". Assembly --- Export Markets 146. Pesticide Residues 4433. Constrction Licences 7930. Lambs - Charges 5186. Lamb Marketing Referendum 2679. Producers 2386. Licences 7930. Meat (see also "Agriculture-- Pesticides') -- Antibiotics Residue 862. Chemical Residues 1595, 4433. WA Meat Commission -- Board Members 4431, 4450, 4593. Chairman 5185. WA Meat Marketing Corporation 5190. Midland -- Land Sale - Select Committee -- Evidence 248. Report -- Notice of Motion -- Order Discharged 2801. Saleyard -- Land --Buffer Zone 1284. Lease 520. 752, 1284, 3830. Slaughter Levy -- Collections 7930. Council Gascoyne -- Lamb Brand 6382. Midland -- Equipment Sale 15 I5. Land Sale -- Issues -- Motion 5042, 7072; Amendment to Motion 7075: Points of Order 7075, 7076; Motion, as Amended 7077. Settlement,4971. Redevelopment 1515. Saieyard - Select Committee -- Witnesses -- Offences 3052, 52M, Withdrawal of Remark 5222. WA Meat Marketing Corporation 802 1. ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS -- Assembly -- Aboriginal Advancement Council -- Funds -- Misappropriation 8334. Handing Over 8334. Investigation 8334. Problems -- Action 5311. Takeover 8334. Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority- Annual Report -- Tabling 6468. Expenditure 4755, 4768. Mt Barnett Station -- Purchase 594. Outstanding Debts 4434. Aboriginal Communities Development Programme - Commonwealth Contributions 4425. Coordinator 4426. Details 1220. Expenditure 4427, 4428. (18) (18)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Aboriginal-Comumunity Relationships - Mining Industry Response 8093. Aboriginal Corporations -- Home Purchases 3828. Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee 3678. Aboriginal Lands Trust -- Barrel Well -- Vesting 2688. Members -- Appointment 6472. Mining Royalties - Receipts 6472. Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Reserve Excisions 4768. Aboriginat Legal Service - Offices 4430. Police Assassination 237. Aboriginal Media Association - Objectives 8334. Aboriginal Medical Services- Accounts -- Auditing 8333. Aboriginal Sites Department -. Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3849. Abstudy Programme -- Grants 4432. Administration -- Petition 8030. AIDS -- Government Action 983. Alcohol Abuse Campaign 139. Briclclill Campsite - Roe Highway Extensions 1104. Bungle Bungle National Park -- Control 5312, 5313. Colonel Gaddafi -- Support 893. CAdvisers -- Corruption 225 1. Pastoral Leases -- Management 4911. Compact -- Consultations 7529. Content 7524. Matter of Public Importance 7590. Party Support 7933. Prime Minister's Proposal 3920. Responses 7525: Point of Order 7525. Support 7521, 8092. Cullacahardee Village - Police - Stonting 6982. Department -- Aboriginal Advancement Council -- Takeover 8334. Development -- Conference -- Grievanice 1183: Point of Order 1183; Standing Orders Suspension 1183. Dispossession -- Compensation 7931, 7936. Education -- Enclaves 1246. Emanuel Pastoral Leases -- WA Eximn Corporation 245. Energy Rebates 132. Geopelco Exploration -- Member's Allegations 4896. Health Problems -- Action 3571. Housing -- Honieswest Dwellings -- Stale Energy Commission Rebates 1104. Repairs 1593. 28 Preston Way, Balga 881. Kava 517, 2525. Kulila Association 7338. 7339. Land Rights -- Legislation-- Federal Government Actions 984. Victorian Government Attitude 384. Land -- Government Cormmitment 1438. Original Ownership 7932. 7933. Tenure 4598. Local Government Involvement 4770. Manribank Family Centre -- Departmental [nvolvement 5311. Medina Aboriginal Cultural Centre -- Support 879. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs -- Advisers 6484. National Aborigial Day of Communication 4433. National Employment Strategy -- Grants 443 1. Nindila 7514, 75 15. Northam High School -- Worker 7180. Pastoral Leases -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1725. Control 2248. Excisions 983, 1135, 2138. Purchases 1414. Perth Community -- Misuse of Funds 4592. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (19)(9

ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Police Officer -- Threats 698 1. Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Remote Area Programme Grants 4432. Reserves -- Mineral Exploration 6469-6471. Mining Projects 6471. No 1475 -- Granting 1984. Rudail River National Park -- Exclusive Use 5313. Mineral Exploration 6134. Scientific Expedition -- Kimberley -- Disruption 3271. Sites -- Protection 4769, 4770 Statutory Authorities -- Membership 4770. Substance Abuse -- Expenditure 242. Treaty -- Difference 7526. Wankatja Tribe 7339. Western Deserts Land Council 5313. Wooia Aboriginal Corporation 4769. Council -- Aboriginal Lands Trust -- Beagle Bay Land 654. Aboriginal Sites Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 393 1. Gordon Downs -- Adjournment Debate 920. Kimberley Mining -- Adjournment Debate 920. Mission Lands -- Bottnill. Mr Gus 3618. Unemployment 3969. ACCESS TO RECORDS PREVENTION BILL -- See "Acts Amendment (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill'. ACCORD NOMINEES PTY LTD.- Councild Cheques -- Brush, Mr Len 300. ACTS AMENDMENT AND REPEAL (GAMING) BILL - Assemrbly -- nor.; IJr. 40M. 2r. 4217.5781. Camn. 5782. Report 5888. 3r. 5888. Returned 6124. Assent 7086. Council -- Receipt; It. 5838. 2r. 5838, 5984. Corn. 5985. Report 5985. 3r. 5985. Assent 6823. ACTS AMENDMENT (ARTS REPRESENTATION) BILL Assembly -- Intro.; IJr. 4829. 2r. 4977, 5909. Corn. 5909. Report 59 10. 3r. 5910. Returned 6124. Assent 7086. Council -- Receipt; It. 5841. 2r. 5841, 6020. Corn. 6025. Report 6025. 3r. 6025. Assent 6823. ACTS AMENDMENT (BUILDING SOCIETIES AND CREDIT UNIONS) BILL - Assembly -- Receipt; Zr. 5562. .2r. 5622, 7129. Corn. 7146. Report 7154. 3r. 7154. Council's Message 7638. Question 5305. (20) (20)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ACTS AMENDMENT (BUILDING SOCIETIES AND CREDIT UNIONS) DILL (continued)- Council -- Intwo., Ir. 4297. 2r. 4297, 4798, 4958. Corn. 4967, 5058, 5087. Report 5214. 3r. 5348. Returned 7186. Assembly's Amendments 753 1. Questions -- Responses 468 1. Second Reading -- Continuation 4.682. Working Party 4680,4681. Points of Order 4680. ACTS AMENDMENT (CASINO CONTROL) BILL -- Assembly - As to Standing Orders Suspension 3720. intro.; Ir. 3721. Standing Orders Suspension 3767. Point of Order 3767. 2r. 3768. Corn. 3789. Report 3793. 3r. 3793. Returned 3907. Assent 4377. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 3833. 2r. 3833. Point of Order 3835. Corn. 3846. Report 3847. 3r. 3847. Assent 4287. ACTS AMENDMENT (CHILD CARE SERVICES) BILL - Assembly -- Receipt; Ir. 6t24. 2r. 6193. 7602. Corn. 7607. Report 7607. 3r. 7607. Assent 832 1. Council-- tntro.; tr. 5353. As to 2r. 5353. 2r. 5353, 5597, 5860. Corn. 5869. Report 5878. 3r. 5878. Returned 7563. Assent 8257. ACTS AMENDMENT (CORRECTIVE SERVICES) BILL - Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 2443. 2r. 2443, 3726. Corn. 3727. Report 3727. 3r. 3727. Returned 4150. Assent 4377, Council - Receipt; Ir. 3832. 2r. 3832,4061. Corn. 4062. Report 4062. 3r. 4062. Assent 4287. ACTS AMENDMENT (ELECTORAL REFORM) BILL Assembly -- Restoration to Notice Paper - Motion 76. Council's Message 482. Returned 247 1. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (21)

ACTS AMENDMENT (ELECTORAL REFORM) DILL (continued)-- Assembly (continued) - Council's Amendments 2847. Questions 4747. 5203. Council -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message 61,171l. Adjournment of Debate 62. Standing Orders Suspension 1137. As to Second Reading 1139. 2r. 1139. Corn. 1267, 1293. 1471, 1483, 1604.,1615, 1622, 2016. Points of Order 1299, 1320. 1336, 1471, 1477, 1490, 1608, 1623, 2018, 2032, 2044, 2049, 2056, 2063, Deputy Chairman's Ruling 2044. Reinstatement of ClauseS8-- Motion 1460. Points of Order 1462, 1470. President's Ruling 1461. Amendment to Motion 1465. Points of Order 1467, 1469. Standing Orders Suspension 1470. Sessional Orders Suspension 1483. Report 2157. 3r- 2256. Amendment to Motion 2263. Point of Order 2280. As to Recoin. 2256. Assembly's Message 2767. Assent 3581. Adjournment Debates - Amendments - Consideration 1268. Debating Schedule 446. Distribution 1164. Circulated Paper 650. Personal Explanation 1141. ACTS AMENDMENT (FINANCIAL PROVISIONS OF REGULATORY BODIES) BILL. Assembly -- Intro.: I r. 4829. 2r. 4975, 5801, 5907. Corn. 5909. Report 5909. 3r. 5909. Returned 6280. Assent 7086. Council -- Receipt: lr. 5841. 2r. 5841, 6039. Corn. 6040. Report 6040. 3r. 6040. Assent 6823. ACTS AMENDMENT (GRAIN MARKTICfNG) BILL- Assembly - Intro.; I r. 4829. 2r. 4975, 5801. 5892. Corn. 5896. Point of Order 5905. Report 5907. 3r. 5907. Returned 6779. Council's Amendments 7668. Council - Receipt; It. 5839. 2r. 5839, 6368, 6496. Corn. 6503, 6566. Point of Order 6512. Report 6573. 3r. 6573. Assembly's Message 7705. (22) (22)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ACTS AMENDMENT (HERITAGE COUNCIL) BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 6396 2r. 6754. ACTS AMENDMENT (IMPRISONMENT AND PAROLE) BILL- Assembly -- Receipt; It. 6610. 2r. 6737, 7762. Corn. 7765. Report 7770. 3r. 7770. Counci's Message 8316. Countcil - Intro.; It. 5214- 2r. 5348, 5824. Order Discharged 6346. Intro.: It. 6347. 2r. 6347. 6365. Corn. 6368. Report 6368. 3r. 6368. Returned 7735. Assembly's Amendments 8009. ACTS AMENDMENT (LAND ADMINISTRATION) BILL. Assembly -- Intro.; I r. 4829. 2r. 4977, 6218. Point of Order 6228. Corn. 6238, 6244. Point of Order 627 1. Withdrawal of Remark 6263. Report 6280. 3r. 6280. Returned 7788. Council's Amendments 7788. Questions 5818. 5966. Counrcil..- Receipt; Ir. 6365. 2r. 6525. 7535. Corn. 7547, 7550. 7572. Report 7724. 3r. 7725. Assembly's Message 7998. ACTS ANIENDMENT(LEGAL PRACTITONERS, COSTS AND TAXAT1IO BILL- Assembly.-- Receipt; I r. 4889. 2r. 4889, 5782. Corn. 5792. Report 5795. 3r. 5795. Assent 7445. Council -- Intro.: I r. 3W4. 2r. 3057, 3604. Corn. 3954, 4464. Report 4604. 3r. 478 1. Returned 5747. Assent 7705. ACTS AMENDMENT (MEAT INDUSTRY) BILL- Assembly- Intro.: I r. 4090. 2r. 4216, 5020. Corn. 502 1. Report 5400. 3r. 5401. Returned 6609. Council's Amendment 7668. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 5347. 2r. 5347, 5852, 6351. Corn- 6352. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (3(23)

ACTS AMENDMENT (MEAT INDUSTRY) BILL (continued) -- Council (continued) -- Report 6365. 3r. 6365. Assembly's Message 7705. ACTS AMENDMENT (OCCUJPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE) BILL- Assembly - Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Jr. 1169. 2r. 1169,2195. Corn. 2196. Report 2196. 3r. 2196. Returned 3220. Council's Amendment 3220. Assent 34 10. Council -- Receipt; I r. 2287, 2r, 2287, 2794. Corn. 3003. Report 3006. 3r. 3006. Assembly's Message 3167. Assent 3581. ACTS AMENDMENT (PARLIAMENTARY SUPER ANNUATION) BILL - Assembly -- Intro.; IJr. 7087. 2t. 7099,7427. Corn. 7433. Report 7438. 3r. 7438. Returned 7788. Asse nt 832t1. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 7383. 2r. 7383, 7563. Corn. 7564. Report 7564. 3r. 7564, Assent 8257. ACTS AMENDMENT (POLICE AND CHILD WELFARE) BILL - Assembly -- Intro.: IJr. 666. 2r. 1539,4530. subs. farmattedDefeaed 4559. Point of Order 4532. Speaker's Ruling 4532. ACTS AMENDMENT (PORT AUTHORITIES) DILL - Assembly - Intro.: Ir. 5620. 2r. 5764. 7100. Corn. 711[0. Report 7113. 3r. 71 13. Returned 7284. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 7068. 2r. 7068. 7218. Corn. 7224. Report 7226. 31. 7226. Assent 8257. ACTS AMENDMENT (PREVENTION OF ACCESS TO RECORDS) DILL Council -- Intro.; ILr 4169. 2r. 4303. Question 8252. ACTS AMENDMENT (PROTECTION OF THE COMMUNITY) BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.; ILr 452. 2r. 1551, 4148. (24) (24)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ACTS AMENDMENT (PUBLIC SERVICE) DILL -- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 6059. 2r. 6239, 7625. Corn. 7636. Report 7638. 3r. 7638. Returned 8315. Council -- Receipt; I r. 772 1. 2r. 7721. 8002. Corn. 8009. Report 8009. 3r. 8009. ACTS AMENDMENT (RETAIL TRADING HOURS) BELL- Assembly . Intro.; Ir. 1534. 2r. 1660, 646 1. Cognate Debate 6428. Corn. 6462. Report 64-62. 3r. 6462. Returned 7284. Council -- Receipt: It. 6725. 2r. 6825. 7072. Corn. 7072. Report 7072. 3r. 7072. ACTS AMENDMENT (STUDENT GUILDS AND ASSOCIATIONS) BILL- Council - Intro.; It. 4462. 2r. 4604. ACTS AMENDMENT (TAXI-CARS) BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 666. 2r. 1545, 1547, 5287. Defeated 5294. Points of Order 155 1. As to2r. 3203. House to Divide 3205. ACTS AMENDMENT (TOTALISATOR AGENCY BOARD BETrTNG) DILL Assembly -- Intro.; 1r. 5620. 2r. 5798, 7640. Corn. 7648. Report 7654. 3r. 7654. Returned 83 19. Council's Amendmnents 8320. Council..- Receipt; I r. 7576. 2r. 7576,.7968. Point of Order 7970. Corn. 7980. Report 7996. 3r. 7996. ACTS AMENDMENT (WATER AUTHORITY RATES AND CHARGES) BILL- Assembly .- Standing Orders Suspension 1166.. Intro.; It. 1173. 2r. 1537, 2311. Corn. 2327. Points of Order 2342, 2345, 2346. Remarks during Division 2346. Report 2349. 3r. 2349. Returned 2883. Council's Amendments 2883. Assent 3237. Council -- Receipt; 1r'. 2404. [INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ]25 (25)

ACTS AMENDMENT (WATER AUTHORITY RATES AND CHARGES) BELL (continued) - Council (continued) - 2r, 2566, 2723. Corn. 2726. Report 2727. 3r. 2727. Assembly's Message 2767. Assent 3 t4 1, ADDRESS [N REPLY TO GOVERNOR'S SPEECH - Assembly -- Days Debated -- First Day 15. Formally Seconded 19. Second Day 76. Points of Order 80. Withdrawal ofT Remark 89. Amendment to Motion 90. Points of Order 101, 102,109, 116. Withdrawal of Rem arks 93, 101, 109, 112. 117. Third Day 181t. Points of Order 19 1. Amendment to Motion 201. Points of Order 201, 208, 216. Fourth Day 313. Amendment to Motion 327. Points of Order 332, 335, 340, 341, 342, 343. Withdrawal of Remark 334. Fifth Day 452, 482. Amendments to Motion 457, 486. Point of Order 457. Sixth Daj 550. Amendment to Motion 554. Point of Order 572. Seventh Day 666. Amendments to Motion 676, 7 12. Points of Order 677. Presentation to Governor -- Acknowledgment 1860. Speakers on Motion - Blaikie, Mr 200. M. Armendment to Motion 201. Bradshaw, Mr 355. Buchanan, Mrs 491. Cash, Mr 482. M. Amendment to Motion 486. Ctailco, Mr 452. M. Amendment to Motion 457. Cowlt, Mr 196. Cowan, Mr 313. Crane, Mr 511. Gallop. Dr I1. Henderson, Mrs 317. House, Mr 498. Jones, Mr Tom 667. Laurance, Mr 186. Lawrence, Dr 192. Lewis, Mr 550. M. Amendment to Motion 554. Marlborough, Mr 503. Formally Seconded 19. Mensaros, Mr 322. M. Amendment to Motion 327. MacKinnon, Mr 76. M. Amendment to Motion 90. Read, Mr 494. Rushton, Mr 708. M. Amendment to Motion 712. Schell, Mr 506. Smith, Mr D.L 725. Smith, Mr P.J. 578. Stephens, Mr. 699. Thomas, Mir 181. Tienorden, Mr 355. (26) (26)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ADDRESS IN REPLY TO GOVERNOR'S SPEECH (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Speakerson Motion (continued)- Tubby, Mr 58 1. Watson, Dr 352. Watt, Mr 67l1. M. Amendment to Motion 676. Williams, Mr 704. Speakers on Amendments to Motion- Beggs, Mrs 489. Btaikie, Mr 201, 477, 572. Bryce, Mr 343. Burke, MirfBrim 102.,220, 471, 689. Cash, Mr 113,338,676. Clarko, Mr 335. Cowrt, Mr 223, 474, 486, 554, 694. Cowan, Mr 217,468. Mr Peter 95, 348. Dowding.Glop, Dr 558. Hassell. Mr 106, 465, 575. Henderson, Mns 570, 686. House, Mr 567. Laurance, Mr 93, 214, 561,715. Lewis, Mr2I11.55S4, 682, 712. Lightfoot, Mr 98, 205. Mensaros, Mr 722. MacKinnon, Mr 90. 327, 457, 692. Parker, Mr 115, 208. Pearce. Mr 108. 330. 460. Rushton, Mr 346, 480,712. Smith, Mr P.1. 696. Stephens, Mr. 697. Taylor, Mr 679. Thomas, Mr 564. Trenorden, Mr 718. Watt, Mr 676. Wilson, Mr 719g. Council - Days Debated -- First Day 9. Formally Seconded 10. Second Day 36. Third Day 163. Fourth Day 271. Point of Order 272. FiftDay401.President's Ruling 272. Sixth Day 606. Seventh Day 754. Eighth Day 899. Ninth Day 1005, 1016. Poin of Order 1016. Tenth Day 1137. Presentation to Governor - Acknowledgment 2154. Motion 1137. Speakers on Motion -- Dell, Hon C.J. 899. flerinson, Hon 3.M. 1137. Caldwell, Hon I.N. 416. Charlton, Hon 2.3. 401. Evans, Hon Max 278. Ferry. Hon V.1. 606. Gayfer, Hon M.W. 163. Halden, Hon John 5 1. Helm, Hon Tom 27 1. Jones, Hon B.L. 754. Kelly. Hon Garry 9. Lewis, Hon A.A. 1005. Lockyer, Hon P.H. 758. Masters, Hon G.E. 36. McKenzie, Hon Fred 418. Formally Seconded 10. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (27)(7

ADDRESS IN REPLY TO GOVERNOR'S SPEECH (continued) - Council (continued) - Speakers on Motion (continued) -- Moore, Hon N.F. 1017. Nevill, Hon Mark 437. Oliver, Hon Neil 903. Pendal, Hon P.O. 619. Stephens, Hon. Tom 432. Stretch, 1-on W.N. 406. Wean, Ron Doug 428. Williams, Hon John 613. ADJOURNMENT DEBATES -- Council -- Aboriginal Affairs - Gordon Downs -- Treatment 920. Kimberley Mining 920. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Amendments -- Consideration 1268. Debating Schedule 446. Distribution 1164. Circulated Paper 650. Agriculture -- US Agricultural Attache's Comments 3966. Australian Labor Party -- Branch Stacking Allegations 3612, 3614. Withdrawal of Remark 3613. Buswell Family Reunion 65. By-election -- Gascoyne 5237. Defence -- Coastal Surveillance 7399. Education -- Schools -- Safety 81t66. Student Guilds -- Newspaper Article 4666. Emnploynment and Training -- Unemployment -- South West 2297, 2594. Financtal Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society 7227. Gascoyne By-election 5237. George Chapman Ply Ltd - Employees 3524. Hospital -- 4969. Industrial Relations -- Dole Payments 5106. Kickett Family 3614. Legislative Council -- Chamber Etiquette 175. Programme 6189. Sittings of the House 1267. 3186. 3188, 7735, 8250. Staff -- Appreciation 1653. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking 3294; Point of Order 3295. Hetherington, Hon Robert -- Bereavement 175. Members of Parliament - Government Members -- Hon Neil Oliver's Comments 5238; Point of Order 5239. Mfickelberg B ratrs -- Retral 11 64. Mining -- Kimberley 920, 92 1. Ministers of the Crown -- Leader of the House -- Legislative Assembly Seat 825 1. Minister for Education 6886. Parliamentary Paries- Leaks 921. Parliamentary Privileges Act -- Breaches 5357. Parliament House -- Congestion 175. Fire Alarm 5747. Staff -- Retirement 3183, 3187. Pastoral Industry -- Caretakers 919, 920. Police -- Firearms Control 7735. Prisoner - Catherine ffirnte 1268; Point of Order 1268. Sex Shops -- Proliferation 7226. Shannon River Basin -- Member's Comments 5107. Sittings of the House 3186, 3 1S. Transport -- Bunbury-Penb Railway -- Renaming 3033. Vietnam Veterans -- Sydney Parade 4336. Wildlife -- Ernu farm -- Chick Auction 3611. Youth Organisation -- Ocean Ridge 3709; Extension of Time 3710. (28) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ADJOURNMENTS OF THE HOUSE -- Assembly -- Ordinary 1219, 5806. Special 19, 585, 967. 2945, 3240, 4263. 4565, 5418, 8086, 8325. Council -- Ordinary 65, 175, 446, 650. 919, 1164, 1267, 1653, 2297, 2594, 3033. 3183, 3294, 3524, 3611, 3708, 3966, 4336, 4666, 4969, 5106, 5237, 5357, 5747, 6189, 6886, 7226, 7399, 7735, 8166, 8251, 8296. Special 446, 919, 1653, 2795, 3033, 3131, 3183, 3293, 4204, 4496, 5357, 6728, 1226, 7735, 80 15, 8166. 8219, 8250, 8292, 8296. ADVANTEERING-CIVIL ENGINEERS -- Assembly -- Water Authority Contract 1224. AGE OF CONSENT- Council -- Lowering 3976. AGED PERSONS. Assembly--. Motor Vehicle Drivers' Licences 1592, 3255. Pensioners - Benefits 524. Housing Rent Increases 1253. Motor Vehicle Licence Fees 516. St John of God Hospital, Bunbuxy 5810. Water Authority Charges 2244. Retirement Villages -- Purchases -- Inquiry 139. Services -- Budget Allocation 44l10. War Widows -- Drivers' Licences -- Concessions 4752. Council -- Hiliandale Units, Roleystone - Applications 1656. Pensioners' Concessions -- Motor Vehicles 3135. AGENT GENERAL, LONDON- Assembly -- Residence 591, 882. AGRICULTURE- Assembly- Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Association -- Pesticide Use 4444. Agriculture Protection Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3628. Codlin Moth Outbreaks 5692. Functional Review Committee 4911, 5581,.7520.,7685. Independence 5205. Chemicals -- Environmental Impact 593. Department - Caprice Artharitis-encephaLitis Accreditation Scheme 1574. Funding -- WA Development Corporation 518. Midland Saleyard -- Building Construction 517. Pastoral Board Inspectors 2696. Staff 6136. WA Exim Corporation 145, 232, 1236. Equipment Industry -- Assistance 1575. Farmers -- Avenge Annual Income 233. Flat Taaion System -- Effect 890. Government Assistance 5568. Inquiry -- Completion 3478. Interest Rates 1436. Legal Aid I1101. Mandurab Estuary -- Changes 1872. Quarantine - Chemical Residues 3813. Tree Plantationts 146. Water Carting -- Fuel Franchise Levy 23 1. Fanns -- Chemicals -- Tariffs 400. Closures-- Mandurah 592. Debts 23 1. Government Dams 1239. Homesteads -- Water Supplies 1725. Inflation-- Estimates 4284. Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Use 4590. Overload Permits 5428. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (9(29)

AGRICULTURE (continued) - Assembly (continued ) - Farms (continued) -- Salt Encroachment 4894. Water Rates 4909. Fertilisers - Deliveries 1134. Price Increase 7347. Superphosphate Price 6291. Implements -- Towing Regulations 441t9. Machinery -- Overwidth -- Road Use 1976. Purchases 4449, Transport -- Licences 1419. Pesticides -- Advice 4440. Animal Products -- Residues 5957. Beef Contamination 3664,4433. Budget Allocation 4153. Farmers -- Returns 3559, Legal Responsibility 4443, 4444. Livestock -- Increases 3664. Misuse -- Environmental Damage -- Speaker's Ruling 383 1. Organochloiinc 5574. Products 3665. Quarantine 5186. Residues -- Advisory Committee 3827. Returns -- Disposal 3665. State Energy Commission Use 4428,4441, 4442, 4752, 5430,5574, 6144, Warnings 475 1. Primary Industry Departmnent -- Pesticide Residue Testing 793 0. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation - Annual Financial Statements -- Extension of Time 3391. Annual Report -- Extension of Time 339 1. Assistance -- Distributions 2947. Farm Water Supply Loans 23 1. Household Support Grant 2253. INWATS Telephone Number 970. Loans 7172. Rehabilitation Grants. 234. Rural Adjustment Schemes -- Interest Race Subsidies 257. Rural Sector -- Hardship -- Plans 1285. Interest Rates -- Reductions 148. Ryegrass Toxicity 7922, 7925. Soil Conservation -- Funding 3668. Tree-planting Scheme -- Impact 503 1. Weeds -- Declarations 1863. Council -- Aerial Spraying Act -- Manjimup Shire 5749. Agricultural Societies -- Assistance 1038. Agriculture Protection Board -- Amalgamation -- Department of Agriculture 575 1. Boyup Brook Officer 5749. Department -- Resource Management Division 296. Education -- Disbandment 8220. Select Committee -- Appointment - Motion 2415; Amendment to Motion 2415. Extension of Time 6496. Motion 896,2408; Amendment to Motion 2410; Motion, as Amended 2410. Special Report 4461. Farms -- Water Loan Fund 5882. Fertilisess - Collection Points 2066. Pesticides -- Properties Quarantined 7229. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 2066, 2067. Rylingion Park Farm -- Sheep Purchases 6729. Salinity -- Select Committee -- Motion 5981, 8147; Amendments to Motion 8147; Motion, as Amended 81[47; Appointment of Select Committee 8147. US Agricultural Attache -- Comments -- Adjournment Debate 3966. (30) (INDEX TO SUBJrECTS]

ALEXANDER, MRt RON -- Council -- Government Employment 4342. ALFA ELECTRONIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT.- Assembly - Maintenance Contract 812. ALLEN, MR CHARLES- Assembly -- Alleged Conversations -- Premier 2393. ALUMINA REFINERIES -- Assembly -- Agreement Acts -- Amendment 394. Alcoa of Australia Lid 735. ALUMINA REFINERY AGREEMENTS (ALCOA) AMENDMENT BILL. Assembly - Intro.; It. 6063. 2r. 6063, 6615. Corn. 6622. Report 6623. 3r. 6623. Returned 6937. Assent 832 1. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 6548. As to 2r. 6548. 2r. 6548, 6725. Corn. 6727. Report 6727. 3r. 6727. Assent 7939. Plan -- Tabling 6573. ALUMINIUM SMELTER -- Assembly -- Committee - WA Development Corporation 372. Establishment 738, 888. Western Continental Corporation Ltd -- Withdrawal 1246. AMERICA'S CUP - Assembly - Banner Poles -- Cost 148. Benefits -- Industry 1126. Charter Vessel -- Tenders 232. Computer Terminals -- Use 1127. Festival of Sport -- Losses -- Underwriting 7671. Fremantle Challenge -- Committee 3711. Police Officers -- Relocation 595. Queensland Rail Cars -- Return 377. Tank Testing Facilities -- Feasibility Study 153. Visitors 250. Council -- Budget Allocation 3625, 434 1. ANGLO AMERICAN PACIFIC LTD- Assembly -- Gold Recovery -- Joint Venture 6127. Tailings Dumps -- Leases 6287. ANIMALS--. See also "Dog Amendment Bill". Assembly -- Cruelty -- Penalties - Amendment 234. Dogs - Attacks -- Criminal Injuries Compensation 140. Pit Bull Terriers 3676, 3812. Veterinary Preparations -- Registrar 6129, 6285. Veterinary Surgeons - Blood Samples 4043. Vivisection -- Abolition - Petition 176. Council - Rabbits- Commercial Farming 3034. ANZAC DAY -- Assembly- Act-- Amendment 1 122. Public Holiday 605, 1720. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (31)(1

APL&LRV-- Assembly -- Honey Pool -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Council -- Honey Pool- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND) BILL -- Assembly -- Intro,; Jr. 3391. 2r. 3532, 3856, 3988, 4007, 4090, 4221, 42 38, 4348, 4377. Points of Order 3532, 3879, 4095, 4391. Withdrawal of Remarks 4224, 4385, 4389, 4392. Message -- Appropriations 3856, Corn. 7783. 7793, 8055. Points of Order 7788, 7802, 7906. Divsions -- Aboriginal Affairs Plannmng Authority 7897. Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee 7911. Academy of Performing Arts 7857, Agriculture 7870. Agriculture Protection Board 7873. Arts 7867. Authority for Itellectually Handicapped Persons 791 1. Building Management Authority 7883. Bush Fires Board 8077. Community Services 7845. Computing and Inform ation Technology 7823. Conservation and Land Management 7859. Consumer Affairs 808 1. Corporate Affairs 783 1. Corrective Services 78.44. Country High School Hostels Authority 7858. Crown Law 7830. Deputy Premnier's Office 78 18. Directorate of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment 7817. Education 7852. Electoral 7829. Employment and Training 7885. Environmental Protection Authority 7863. Equal Opportunity Commissi on 78R17. Executive Council 7807. Fisheries 7878. Government Employees' Housing Authority 7879. Governor's Establishment 7807. Great Southern Development Authority 7850. Health 7888. Hedland College 7858. industrial Relations Commission 7888. Kalgoorlie College 7858. Karratha. College 7858. Keep Austaa Beautiful Council 7846. Kings Park Board 7863. Land Administration 7883. Law Reform Commission 7831L. Legal Aid Commission 783 1. Library Board of Western Australia 7869. Local Government 7845. London Agency 7808. Marine and Harbours 8061. Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Transport Trust 8066. Mines 7863. Miscellaneous Services 783 1. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission 8077. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare 7888. Office of Government Accommodation 7884. Office of Industrial Relations 7888. Office of Racing and Gaming 8060. Office of the Auditor General 7817. Parliament 7783, 7793. Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations 7795. Peuib Theatre Trust 7868. Police 8076. (32) (32)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND) BILL (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Corn. (continued) -- Divisions (continued) -- Premier and Cabinet 7795. Public Service Board 7809. Public Trust Office 7 831. Regional Development and the North West 7846. Registrar General's Office 783 L. Resources Development 7865. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation of Western Australia 7873. Rural Mousing Authority 7883. Secondary Education Authority 7857. Services 7884. Small Business Development Corporation 8073. South West Development Authority 7874. Sport and Recreation 8079. State Planning Comm ission 7 858. Taxation 7843. Technology and Industry Development Authority 7824. Tokyo Agency 7807. Tourism Commission 8055. Transport 8062. Treasury 7810. Valuer General's Office 7844. Water Authonity of Western Australia 7897. Waterways Commission 7863. Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Authority 79 12. 808 1. Western Australian Art Gallery 7868. Western Australian Coastal Shipping Commission 8071. Western Australian Government Railways Commission 8068. Western Australian Heritage Committee 7859. Western Australian Meat Commission 7874. Western Australian Museum 7870. Western Australian Post Secondary Education Commission 7857. Western Australian Treasury Corporation 78 17. Zoological Gardens Board 7863. Report 8086. 3r. 8086. Retrned 8315. Budget Papers -- Ministerial Statement 3555. Budget Speech -- Filming 353 1. Council -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 3499, 3933, 4069, 4189, 4470, 4785, 5216, 5232, 5335. 5357. 5440, 7727, 8150. Points of Order 3499, 5233. Withdrawal of Remark 3942. Receipt; lr. 8014. 2r. 8015, 8130. Corn. 8142. Report 8142. 3r. 8142. APPROPRIATION (GENERAL LOAN AND CAPITAL WORKS FUND) BILL - Assembly -- Intro., Ir. 339 1. 2r. 3551, 4683, 803 1. Message -- Appropriations 3856. Cam. 8043. Point of Order 8054. Divisions -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authotcy 8053. Advances to Independent Schools 8053. Advances to Sundry Bodies 8053. Agriculture 8043. Arts 8043. Building Management Authority 8053. Colleges -- Hedland College 8049. Kaigoorlie College 8049. Western Australian College of Advanced Education 8049. Community Services 8043. Computing and Intonmation Technology 8043. Corrective Services 8043. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS])33 (33)

APPROPRIATION (GENERAL LOAN AND CAPITAL WORKS FUND) BILL (continued)- Assembly (continued) - Corn. (continued) -- Divisions (continued) -- Crown Law 8043. Education -- Primary and Secondary Education Buildings 8043. Technical Education Buildings 8045. Fisheries 8046. Health 8046. Land Administration 8046. Loan Floatation Expenses 8053. Local Government 8046. Marine and Hlarbours 8046. Mbies 8047. Office of Government Accommodation 8048. Office of Racing and Gaining 8048. Police 8048. Premier and Cabinet 8048. Regional Development and the North West 8048. Resources Development 8048. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 8053. Services 8048. Sport and Recreation 8049. State Kousing Commission 8049. Technology and Industry Development Authority 8053. Treasury 809. Western Australian Government Railways Commission 8053. Western Australian Museum 8053. Report 8054. 3r. 8054. Returned 83 15. Council -- Receipt, Irn 8000. 2r. 8000. 8099. Coin. 8108. Report 8108. 3r. 8108. ARCHITECTS ACT Assembly -- Amendment 4049. ARGENT[NE ANTS -. Assembly - Pesticide Use 4429, Properties Sprayed 5186. ARTS REPRESENTATION BILL .. See Acts Amendment (Arts Representatiorn Bitt'. ARTS -- Assembly -- Amateur Groups -- Grants 1228. Films -- Budget 1871. Gold Industry -- B roadcom 364, 1861. Production Companies -- Strategy 887. Librasies -- Multilingual Books -Macedonian 8344. Paintings- Parliament House -- Originals 7161. Performing Arts Board -- Funding 6289. Perth Entertainment Centre 128, 381, 382. WA Museum -- Trustees 3678. WA Opera Company -- Funding 6289. Woodcraft -- South West Development Authority 2395. Council - Arisnews 5881I, 6191. Art Gallery -- Advisory Service 5359. Boards -- Members 1039. Death Defying T'heatre (New South Wales) 8025. Department 1272, 1273,7082. Entertainment Centre -- Bunbury -- Establishment 925. Festival of Perth -- Inquiry 1272. Glass Artist -- Workshops 6890. Grants and Loan Assistance t273. Groups -- Equipment Grants 789. libraries -- Blind Persons -- Special Services 4342. (34) (34)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ARTS (continued) -- Council (continued) - Museums 925, 1274. Paintings -- Government InstxumentaLiries 300. Performing Arts Worksbop - Establishment 306. Perth Entertainment Centre 1270, 5892. Prism Gallery 6890. Symphony Orchestra -- Funding 1037. Theatres -- Use 1342. WA Opera Company -- Government Assistance 6889. ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND INC - Council -- Funding 4678, ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION BILL- Assembly - Receipt; IJr. 4004, 2r. 4004, 5006. Corn. 5246,53397. Report 5400. 3r. 5400. Assent 5760. Questions 3483. Council -- lntro.; Ir. 2154. 2r. 2288, 3274, 3604. Corn. 3694. Report 3708. 3r. 3708. Returned 5347. Assent 5592. AUDIT-- Assembly -- Aboriginal Medical Service -Qualifications 8333. Auditor General -- Report -- Superannuation Board 156. Emmaus Women's Refuge - Report 7672. Swan Building Society 3823, 4424, 445 1. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4424. Council -- Auditor General's Reports -- Consolidation 3975. Education Department -- Internal Audit Branch 298. Emmaus Women's Refuge 4346, 6730, 6892, 708 1. AUSTRALIA CARD - Assembly -- Banking Legislation 4163. Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 3734, 3893. Withdrawal of Remark 3742. Building Societies - Compliance 4044. Computer Matching 4044,4153. Cooperation -- Policy 4039. Credit Unions -- Compliance 3922. Government Employees 3487,4038,4270. Government Instrumentalities 3487, 4044, 4160. Introduction 4161, 4163. 4448. Legal Advice -- Motion 4119. Ministerial Responsibility 4164. Opposition -- Government Support 3575. March 4052. Premier 3681, 3683: Point of Order 3684. Production -- Compulsory 4040. Rally -- Premier's Absence 4166. Small Business -- Compliance 4045. Support -- Policy 4039, 4040. Council -- Adoptions Information 4088, 4089. Confidentiality -- Assurances 3300. Introduction -- Complementary Legislation 3299. Statutes- Amendment 3718, 4210. Support - Labor Party Members 4087. Minister for Community Services 4086,4087. Minister for Sport and Recreation 4087. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (35)35

AUSTRALIA DAY.-- Assembly -- Celebration 1982. 2693. "AUSTRAIA 11 - Assembly -- Relocation -- Negotiations 148. Western Australian Base 1863. AUSTRALIA POST -- Council -- Motor Vehicle Licences -- Payments 4668. AUSTRALIAN BICENTENNIAL AUTHORITY - Assembly -- Western Australian Council 4437,4753. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION -- Council -- Educational Programmes 3140. AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL ON SMOKING AND HEALTH. Council -- Funding 4678. AUSTRALIAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION -- Assembly -- AIDS Publicity Material 24. AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY -- Assembly -- Conservation and Environment Committee -- National Parks - Mining 5206. Division -- Random Breath-Testing 7688. Education Policy 4268. Council -- Australia Card -- Support 4087. Branch Stacking Allegations -- Adjournment Debate 3612.,3614. Withdrawal of Remark 3613. Caucus Meeting 8252. Pnivatisation -- Support -- Motion 3508. AUSTRALIAN LAND AND CATTLE CO LTD - Assembly -- Pastoral Leases 1287, 1289, 1725. AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION -- Assemblv -- High Court Challenge 4414. AUSTRALIAN TOVUST COMMISSION -- Assembly -- Representations 147. AUSTRALIAN UNDERWATER FEDERATION - Assembly -- Training 6130. BALL AND SON PTY LTD -- Assembly - Rezoning 992. BANKRUPTCIES -- Assembly -- Increases 1121,1229. BARRACK MINES LTD- Assembly -- Silicon Refinery -- Government Assistance 6130. BARRY, MR RON -- Assemibly -- Brush, Mr Len -- Resignation Letter 159. BATEM AN. MR JEFF -- Assembly -- Writs 997. BEGGS, MR BRUCE -- Council -- Lands and Forest Commission -- Chairmanship 4671. BELL GROUP -- Assembly -- State Government Insurance Commission Purchase - Loan Agreement 5972. BERNIES HAMBURGER BAR -- See also "Planning". "WA Development Corpration". Assembly -- Development Proposals 6670. Escarpment -- Bunting 7346. (36) (36)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

BERNIES HAMBURGER BAR (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Excision -- Petitions 6193. 6580. Point of Order 6580. Land Sale 5967. [case Negotiations 5590; Point of Order 5591. Planning 257. Redevelopment 394,6285. Retention -- Petition 5496. Water Main Relocation 6670. Council - Excision-.- Petition 753 1. BETING CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL (No 2)- Assembly -- Intro.: Irn 4829. 2r. 4983, 5943, Corn. 5948. Report 5948. 3r. 5948. Returned 6280. Assent 7087. Council -- Receipt: tr. 5983. 2r. 5983, 6159. Corn. 6162. Report 6162. 3r. 6162. Assent 6823. BETTING CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL. Assemblv -- tntro.: Ir. 76. 2r. 312,965. Corn. 967. Report 967. 3r. 967. Returned 1377. Assent 1782. Council -- Receipt; 1r. 1004. 2r. 1004, 1161, 1259. Corn. 1260. Report 1260. 3r. 1260. Assent 1990. BHP GOLD MINES LTD. Assembly -- Stamp Duty 1103, 112 1. BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS - Assembly -- Arrangements 6142. Australian Bicentennial Authority .. Western Australian Council 4437, 4753. Prisoners -- Amnesty 6485. Council..- Street Parties -- Legality 588 1. BILLS OF SALE AMENDMENT BILL Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 5244. 2r. 5394, 6764. Cognate Debate 6756. Corn. 6764. Report 6765. 3r. 6165. Returned 1602. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt: r. 6855. 2r. 6855, 7573. Cognate Debate 7353. Corn. 7368. Report 7391. 3r. 7391. Assent 8257. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (37)(7

BILLS OF SALE -- Countcil -- Regisrations -- Revenue 2299. BILLS .- Assembly -- Introduced by Private Members -- Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill (Mr Laurance, Deputy Leader of the Opposition) 666. Acts Amendment (Protection of the Community) Bill (Mr Mensaros) 452. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cam) Bill (Mr Laurance, Deputy Leader of the Opposition) 666. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (Mr Mensaros) 3720. Electoral Amendment Bill (Mr Laurance, Deputy Leader of the Opposition) 666. Equal Opportunity Amendment Bill (Mr Cowan, Leader of the National Party) 4975. Fisheries Amendment Hill (Mr Grayden) 76. Industrial Relations Amendment Bitt (No 2) (Nfr Thompson) 3532. tndustrial Relations Amendment Bill (My Court, Deputy Leader of the Opposition) 3391. Metropolitan Water Authority Amendment Bill (Mr Mensaros) 76. Petroleum Retailers Rights and Liabilities Amendment Bill (Mr Stephens) 1794. Police Amendment Hill (Mr Cash) 4503. Prompt Payment of Government Accounts Bill (Mr Lewis) 666. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 3) (Mr Mensaros) 3720. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (Mr Mensaros) 3720. Sale of Valuable Government Property Bill (Mr Stephens) 76. Seizut of Connected Propery Bill (Mr Mensaros) 1173. Small Claims Tribunals Amendment Bill (Mr Mensaros) 1173. Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill (Mr Grayden) 76. Lapsed -- Restoration to Notice Paper - Motion 76. Council's Message 230. Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Preface -- Alteration 6660. Standing Ordens Suspension 1166,4213,4287, 5372. Council -- Committee Stage -- Advisers -- Practice 144 1. Introduced by Private Members -- Acts Amendment (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill (Hon G.E. Masters. Leader of the Opposition) 4169. Acts Amendment (Student Guilds and Associations) Bill (Hon NI'. Moore) 4462. Criminal Code Amendment Bill (Hon Robert Hetherington) 1599. Honey Pool Amendment Hill (Hon C.J. Bell) 2699. Hospitals Amendment Bill (Hon H.W. Gayfer) 36. Indusna Relations Amendment Bill (No 3) (Hon TOG. Butler) 4461. Machinery Safety Amendment Bill (Hon H.W. Gayfer) 36. Standing Orders Suspension 4287. As to Rescission 3832, 4060. Point of Order 3832. Rescission -- Motion 4169. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL BILL 1986- Assembly .- Question -- Assent 986. BIOTECHNOLOGY- Assembly - - Industries Involved 5960. Council -- Seminar 1990. BIRCH, MR CLIVE - Assembly -- Real Estate Agent - Activities -- Grievance 5647. BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES -- Assembly -- Details -- Federal Government 7739. Information - Supply 5027, 7741. National Register -- Discussions 6649. Information Supplied 6651. Registration System 4452. Council -- Details - Federal Government 7739. Information Supply 7741. National Register 7739. (38) (38)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

BIRTHS. DEATHS AND MARRIAGES (continued) -- Council (continued) -- Records -- Access 8252. Updating 7739. Registration -- National System 4452. BLOOD DONATION (LIMITATION OF LIABILITY) AMENDMENT BELL- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 3391. 2r. 3552. 4516. Corn. 4517. Report 4517. 3r. 4517. Returned 4892. Council -- Receipt: I r. 4495. 2r. 4495,.4781. Corn. 4782. Report 4782. 3r. 4782. Assent 543 1. BOATING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF WA INC - Assembly.- Government Assistance 5957, 5970. BOATS .. Council. Moorings -- Swan River 244!. Private -- Registration Fees 3134. BOLD PARK- Assem bly Extension -- Petition 8029. BOND-CONNELL PARTNERSHIP. Assembly-- Funding -- Superannuation Board 6648. BOnTRILL, MR GUS- Council Aboriginal Affairs -- Mission Lands-- Report 3618. BOWOLER, PROFESSOR S.- Assembly..- WA Museum - Trustee 3678. BOXING CONTROL BILL -- Assembly-- Restoration to Notice Paper 76. Message -- Appropriations 791. 2r. 962. Corn. 963. Report 963. 3r. 963. Returned 1219. Assent 1782. Council - Receipt; Ir. 1001. 2r. 1002, 1158. Corn. 1158. Report 1158. 3r. 1158. Assent 1990. BRADFORD KENDALL- Assembly -- Hyperchrozne Technology 4278. BREAD AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 3391. 2r. 3721, 5626. Corn. 5639, 5768. Report 5888. 3r. 5888. Returned 6977. Council's Amendments 7670. Question 1876. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (39)(9

BREAD AMENDMENT BILL (continued) -- Council -- Receipt: It. 5836. 2r. 5836, 6554. Corn. 6557.6876. Report 6878. 3r. 6878. Assembly's Message 7705. BREAD. Assembly - Bread Act 5027. Deliveries 2962. Council - Country Prices 3619. BREDEMEYER, MIS ELIZABETH- Assembly -- Equal Opportunity Appointment 372. BRETHREN - See "Ptvnroutlr Brethren". BREWTECH .. See also "Planning-- Old Swan Brewery". Assembly - Old Swan Brewery - Redevelopment 385. BRICK WORKS . Assembly.. Midland -- -- Proposal 3921. Orainge Grove -- Rubbish Tip -- Grievance 34lIS. Prestige -- Envirornnenral Aspects 392:, 4165. Flood Plain -- Use 4771. Environmental Protection Authority Studies 4675. Council- Prestige -- Environmental Protection Authority Studies 4675. Fluoride Emissions 5486. Hazelmere Herbs -- Fluoride Emissions 4826. Inversion Heights 5485. Planning Commission Studies 4673. Public Environmental Report 4677. Swan Shire - Fluoride Emissions 4674, 4676, 5486. BROADCONI .. Assembly -- Gold Industry Film 364. Council -- National Football League -- Directors 3716. BROCKLEY INVESTMENTS LTD .. See also "Superannuation -- Board'. Assembly- Superanntuation Board 366, 367, 3359. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Investments 4456. BROOKS. MR AND MRS E. - Assembly -- Land Resumption 1582, 1866. BROWN, MIS SANDRA. Assembly -- Education Department - Director of Curriculum 375. Council -- Functional Review Committee - Task Forte Report 450. BRUSH, MRS BRENDA- Assembly -- Government Employment 3809. BRUSH, MR LEN--. See also 'Martin, Mr Rob". "Superannuaeion-- Board". Assembly -- Appointment - Funds Corporation Australia 151. Breach of Fiduciary Duty 21. Charges -- Opposition Pressure 257. Caim -- Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust 155,386,536. Letter- Leader of the Opposition 368. Premier's Action 397. (40) [INDEX TO SUJBJECTS]

BRUSH, MR LEN (continued) -- Assembly (continued) -- Resignation - Latter 155, 159, 395. Points of Order 160. Withdrawal of Remark 160. Premier's Role 386. Superannuation Board --Appointment -- Expiry 372. Writs 242. Speaker's Ruling 71; Points of Order 72. Council -- Cheques -- Receipt 300. BUCKLAND HILL- Assembly -- Action Group -- Appeal 5809. Subdivision -- WA Development Corporation 6656. 8336. BUILDING INDUSTRY - Assembly -- Builders' Registration Act -- Review 523, 1227. 3819. Builders Registration Board -- Canadian Conference 7518. Code of Conduct -- Efficacy 892. Draft Building Code -- Health Regulations 3368. Federal Housing Package -- Effect 254. Wet Weather Work.-- Provisions 1113. Council -- Builders Registration Board -- Stantding Committee ont Government Agencies- Report 3690. Bulding Unions Superanonuation Scheme.-- Effect 4674. Painters Registration Board - Standing Committee on Government Agencies- Report 3690. BUILDING MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY -- Assembly -- Budget Allocation -- Administration Expenses 4901. Day Labour Employees 1113, 2244, 4904. Employees -- Contract 3247. Employment -- Juniors 1112. Expenditure 4582. Operations Division - Running Costs 1119. Outstanding Debts 4436. Parliament House Accommodation -- Penalty Rates 1244. Wet Weather Work 1113. Council -- Boyup Brook District High School-- Maintenance 6888. Storm Surge Barrier -- Bunbwy 306. Work Force -- Restructuring 4210. BUILDING SOCIETIES AND CREDIT UNIONS AMENDMENT BELL- See 'Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill". BUNBURY AND DISTRICTS POWER BOAT CLUB (INC) - Assembly -- Premises -- Petition 6893. BUNBURY PORT AUTHORITY AMENDMIENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.: I r. 339 1. 2r. 3554, 4519. Corn. 4520. Report 4520. 3r. 4520. Returned 5296. Assent 5523. Council -- Receipt; I r. 4496. 2r. 4496, 5214. Corn. 5215. Report 52 15. 3r. 5215. Assent 543 1. BUNBURY TROTTING CLUB -- Assembly -- Two-up Gambling 5584. "BURKE'S SHAMBHLES: PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA" - Assembly -- Accuracy 3269: Withdrawal of Remark 3269. [INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ (41)41

BURKE, MR TERRY - Assembly -- Attendance -- Australia-Japan Symposium 1237. Government Appointments 887, 994. Government Facilities -- Use 145. Involvement -- Brush Affai 537. Motor Vehicle -- Supply 1783. 3494. Travel - Government Expense 3494. WA Business Migration Investment Trust 6288. BUSH FIRES AMENDMENT DILL -- Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 76. 2r. 180,955. Point of Order 956. Corn. 961. Report 962. 3r. 962. Returned 1754. Assent 2 117. Council -- Receipt;, Jr. 1001. 2r. 1001. 1453. 1632. Corn. 1634. Report 1635. 3r. 1635. Assent 1990. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOM EN'S GROUP - Assembly -- Breakfast 56%6. 6467. BUSINESS FRANCHISE (TOBACCO) AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Motion 76. Council's Messages 230, 3237. Returned 1186. Council's Amendments 2817. Assent 3410. Council -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message 63. 2r. 763. Corn. 768, 915. Report 1026. 3r. 1137. Assembly's Messages 2764, 297 1. Assent 358 1. BUSINESSES -- Assembly -- Australian Securities Commission -- Kfigb Court Challenge 4414. Business Names -- Registration 4585. Business Reference Centre 364, 863. Companies and Securities Advisory Committee 239, 1228, 3811. Companies and Securities Cooperative Scheme -- Receipts 2385. Computer Company -- Closure 1439. Corporate Affairs Department (see also "Financiallnstitutons") -- Fee Collections 1785. Investigations -- Swan Building Society 3826. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 428 1. Family Companies -- Workers' Compensation -- Grievance 1177. Limited Partnerships -- Legislation 1227. National Companies and Securities Scheme 1283. 1585. Rural - Drought Assistance 7934. Small Business -- Australia Card -- Compliance 4045. Bankruptcies 1229, 1573. Duty-flee Industry -- Mini-Budget Effect 1862. Rural - Assistance 133, 867. Discussions 992. Inquiry 161. 249. Report 131. 867. (42) (42)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

3BUSINESSES (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Small Business (continued) -- Smnall Business Development Corporation -- Act -- Review 3670. Business Migration Programme 149. Expenditure 4755. Loan Guarantees 3911. Outstanding Debts 4435. Rural Assistance 867. Taxation Relief 6489. Council -- Companies and Securities Legislation -- Commonwealth Control -Ministerial Statement 7349. 8147. Companies -- Government Assistance 5360.7411, Corporate Affairs Commissioner 3530. 5756-5758. National Companies and Securities Cooperative System -Abolition 927. 104 1. Rural - Decline - Motion 260. BUSWELL FAMILY REUNION. Council -- Adjournment Debate 65. DUTTROSE, MIS ITA - Assembly -- Curtin University Student Guild Newspaper 1241. CABLE SANDS (WA) PTY LTD. Assembly -- Mineral Sands Deposits 980. CAMERON INQUIRY -- Assembly - Road Funding 7156. CASINO CONTROL BILL*-- See "Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill". CASTLEDEN. MR DILL -- Assembiv -- Medical Consultancy Contract 2955. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 2444: Amendment to Motion 2452. Points of Order 2452, 2454, 2456. Speaker's Ruling 2455. Remarks During Division 2455. Tabling of Documents 2462. CATF CORPORATION LTD. Assembly -- Superannuation Board- Factory Purchase 371, WA Exim Corporation -- Advances 245. 1119, 1865. Council -- Receiver-mianager's Report 8294. CAFFALINI, MIS HELEN - Assembly -- Ruxton, Mr Bruce -- Comments 1983. CEMETERIES- Assembly -- Crematorium -- Albany -- Petition 3274. Fremantle -- Administration -- Grievance 5639. Karrakatta- Plaques -- Purchase 3490. Metropolitan -- New Sites 525. Pinnaroo, Valley Memorial Park -- Annual Report- Extension or Time 4348. Council - Pinnaro Valley Memorial Park -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. CENSORSIP OF FILMS AMENDMENT BILL-- Assembly -- Intro.; lr. 75. 2r, 177. 1062. Corn. 1063. Report 1063. 3r. 1063. Returned 1754. Council's Amendment 2646. Assent 3237. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (43)(3

CENSORSHIP OF FILMS AMENDMENT BILL (continued) - COMMci-- Receipt; Ir. 1016. 2r. 1016, 1261, 1651. Corn. 1651. Report 1652. 3r. 1653. Assembly's Message 2590. Asternt3141. CHAMBERLAIN INQUIRY- Council -- Cabinet Investigation 6889. CHARITABLE ORGANISATIONS - Assembly -- Charitable Institutions -- Electricity Tariffs 6478. Community Television Bingo 5183. Father Brian's Christmas Appeal 4590, 5190. Losses -- Local Government 6994. Couincil- Incorporated -- Lotteries Commission Grants 4826. Liquidity -- Government Assistance 434 1. Select Committee -- Establishment - Motion 32, 289; Amendment to Motion 291, 630; Amendment on the Amendment 630; Point of Order 630: Motion, as Amended 636. Leave to Sit 7351. Membership 636, 763. Quorum 636. Special Report 4603. CHATTEL SECURITIES BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 5244. 2r. 5393, 6756. Message -- Appropriations 5397. Cognate Debate 6756. Corn. 6762. Report 6764. 3r. 6764. Returned 7602. Assent 832 1. Question 6126. Council -- Receipt: Ir. 6855. 2r. 6856, 7353. Cognate Debate 7353. Corn. 7358, 7373. Report 738 1. 3r. 738 1. Assent 8257. CHEMICALS .. Assembly- Agricultural -- DDT 1787, 7538. Environmental Impact 593. Farm -. Tariffs 400. Pesticides -- Residues -- Testing 7930. Power Poles 4752. Wamnngs 475 1. Residue Testing 4045. Amamonria-urea Plant 392. Chior-alkali Plant -- Studies 738. Cyanide Transportation 3685,4042. Fluoride 4053, 4165. Fluorocarbons -- Banning 7690. Government Chemical Laboratories 123, 2247, 2684. Organochlorines 7673. Ozone Layer--. Danger 6671. Pesticides -- Power Poles 3670. Petrochemicals 882, 187 1. Pharmaceutical Manufacture .- Graylands Hospital 3559. Phenols 7673. Polychlorinated Bi beny~s - (44) (44)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CHEMICALS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (continued) -- Incinerator -- Alternative Sites 6676, 6991, 7677. Capacity 596. Construction Schedule 597. Environmental Report 4456. Environmental Submissions 592. Grievance 4117; Point ofrOrder 4117.. Mineral Tenement 539. Mobile -- Motion 1851. Monitoring Bores 7673. North West 589. Opposition 2252. Other State's Waste 982. Siting 2954, Stocks 392 1. Storage Sites -- Monitoring 75 18. SCM Chemicals Ltd 532, 1597. Sodium Cyanide -- Imports 982. Plant 592. 1436. Transport 592, 4417, 5027. Use 592. Titanium Dioxide Plant -- Chloride Process 5309. CHILD CARE SERVICES AMENDMENT BILL .. See "Acts Amendment (Child Care Senices) Bill". CHILD WELFARE AMENDMENT BILL (No 2) - Assembly - Receipt; Itr. 5800. 2r. 5800, 7607. Corn. 7770. Point of Order 7779. As to Report 7780. Report 7780, 3r. 7780. Council's Message 8316. Council -- Intro.: Ir. 5214. 2r. 5352, 5469. Corn. 5479. Report 5612. 3r. 5712. Returned 7735. Assembly's Amendments 8010. 8142. CHILD WELFARE AMENDMENT BILL -- See also "Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill'. Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 3720. 2r. 4559.4848. Detbated 4862. CILEAN AMBASSADOR- Assembly -- Reception - Government Representation 5037. CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS ON THE LORD JESUS -- See "Plymowhb Brethren" CHRISTMAS ANTI-CREDIT CAM PAIGN -- Council -- Department for Community Services -- Support 7737. CHRISTMAS ISLAND- Assembly -- Vessels -- Delays 7683. CITIZENS' ADVICE BUREAUS -- Assembly Budget Allocation 2138. Financial Assistance 1577. CITIZENS -- Assembly -- Information - Confidentiality 4040,4570. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS])45 (45)

CITY OF PERTH PARKING FACILITIES AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.: I r. 1534. 2r. 1663. Order Discharged 3724. CLOSE OF SESSION -- Assembly -- 8321. Council -- Complimentary Remarks 8296. CLOSING DAYS OF SESSION.. Assembly -- Furst Part -- Standing Orders Suspension 2082. Second Part -- Standing Orders Suspension 6056. Council -- First Part-- Standing Orders Suspension 2699. Second Part -- Sessional Orders- Suspension 5981. Standing Ordens- Suspension 598 1. COCKBURN CEMENT LTD- Assembly -- Gas Purchase Contracts 734. COCKBURN PLEASURE BOAT STORAGE- Assembly -- Land Lease 8346. COLDALE CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD -- Assembly -- Redundancy-Severance Pay Claim 4776. COMMISSIONERS FOR DECLARATIONS - Assembly -- Appointmnents -- Conditions 4049. Convictions 1102. COMMITTEES FOR THE SESSION -- Assembly -- Appointment 76. Council Personnel 230. House Committee -- Membership 7412. Joint House Committee -- Temporary Offices 1421. Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation- Appointment 7624. Council's Resolutions; 1754, 2457, 3728. Point of Order 246 1. Motion to Concur, with Amendments 2461. Council's Further Message 2944. Members 6280. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Government Utility Charges -- Inquiry -- motion 1826; Withdrawal of Remark 1829. Reports -- Tabling 803 1. Smnall Claims Tribunal -- Recommendations 124. State Government Insurance Commission -- Inquiry -- Motion 2186. WA Exin Crporati--nquiry 252. Council -- Appointment 29. Assembly Personnel 61. Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Appointment - Assembly's Messages 2427, 2767, 3708. Motion 30, 636; Amendment to Motion 642, 1636; Points of Order 1640, 1649. Assembly Personnel 7563. Members -- Appointment 6147. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Stare Government Insurance Commission Review -- Terms of Reference - Assembly's Message 2282. Motion to Concur 2430. Standing Committee on Government Agencies Reports -- Accounts - Payment 6998. Agencies - Review 7350. Builders' Registration Board 3690. Coal Industry 3039. Committee Operations 754, 7963. (46) (46)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

COMMITTEES FOR THE SESSION (continued) -- Council (continued) - Standing Committee on Government Agencies Reports (continued) -- Government Instrumentalities 6823. Land Resumptions 3039. COMMNICTION .. Painters' Registration Board 3690.

Assembly -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation -- Livestock Report 1119, 1124. Lee Report -- Undertakings -- Prime Minister 5808. Partyline -- Banning 149. Police- Repeater Stations 3803. Radio- Livestock Reporting Service 1119, 1124. Mobile Networks -- UHF Band 557 1. Racing Broadcasts -- Cessation 1792. Remote Areas -- Government Policy 976. Shared Sites 6465. Station 6PR -- Purchase 4915, 5308. 5965. Satellites- Aussat -- Second Generation 6465. Telecom - Charges 1589, 7172. Staff Reduction -- Great Southern 5702. Subdivisions -- Cabling 4910. Trade Practices -- Competing Companies 3377. Telephones -- Charges- Approval 809 1. Cabling- Subdivisions 978. 1100. Directory -- Macedonian Language 1418. Installations -- Monopolies 1245. INWATS Number -- Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 970. Police Systems 23 1. Public Servants -- Surveillance 6996. Technology and Industry Development Authority -- Monitoring 7923. Television -- "Behind the News" 2520, 2952. Channel 10-- Facilities 7517. Remote Areas 976, 4058. Satellite Receivers -- Schools 1789. Videos -- "R"-rated -- Distribution 885. Council -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation -- Educational Programmes 3140. Lee Report -- Implementation 5879. Radio -- Marine Licence Fees 7228. Rottnesr Island RangerS8172. Station 6PR -- Government Purchase 5108. Television--. Channel 10- Transmitting Tower 8303. Football -- Country Areas 3716, 3719. Victorian Football League 4343. West Coast Eagles 305. 2171, 2172, 2173, 2799, 5615, 6576. Sheffield Shield Cricket Matches 5755. Sporting Telecasts -- Exclusive Rights 37 18. COMMUNITY LUNCHEONS- Assembly -- Cost 6657, 6658. COMMUNITY PROTECTION BILL - See "ActsAmendment (Protection of te Community) Bill". COMMUNITY SERVICES -- Assembly - - Charitable Institutions -- Electricity Tariffs 6478. Children -- Adoptions - Birth Certificates 1586. Foster Placements 1867, 2947. Processing 2139. Staff Employed 389. Statistics 137. Child Abuse Task Force-- Report 7161. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (7(47)

COMMUNITY SERVICES (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Children (continued) - Child-care -- Centres - Capacity 388. Jennifer Lockwood 8343. Leeming 526,4043. Princess Margaret Hospital 4908, 5419, 7676. Certificates -- Course -- Alterations 5191. Employment Opportunities 5192. Maternity Units 5192. National Cwniculumn 3251. Regulations - Consultative Committee 3917, 5307. Day Care 1867, 3250. Grandfather Clause 5193. Motbercrafi Nurses 5808. Review 2957. Traineeships 268 1. Child Prostitution -- Television Report 214 1. Children's Cowrt-- Case Increase 2386. Fremantle -- Facilities 1865. Custody Cases -- Funding 746. Guardianship Legislation 3915. Mothercraft Nurses 5192-5 194, 5306. Safety House Association -- Support 1868. Surrogate Motherhood - Legislation 864. Community Welfare Review - Recommendations 6807. Complaints -- Complainant's Identity - Grievance 1176, Question 154. Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3977. Custody -- Youth 595. Fraudulent Claims 4414. Gnowangerup Property Purchases 250. Magistrate's Sentence 68 10. Marriage Certificates -- Recognition 125. Ministerial Action 3808. Offices -- Location 4574. Youth -- Release 595. Domestic Violence Task Force 2152. 3246. 3914. Emergency Relief -- Guidelines 2385. Emmaus Women's Refuge -- Audit -- Report 7672. Energy Rebates 332, 8339. Family Law Act Amendments -- O'Connor Report 2139. GROW -- Funding Reduction 2687. Home and Community Care Propramme 590.6806. Meals-on-Wheels, Cockburn 2678, 2959. Motherrah Training -- Investigation 7684. Ngal-A Mothercnf Home and Training Centre- Budget Allocation 4434. Family Residential Unit 5307. Grant -- Projct Manager 5193. Motbercrafl Nurses Registration 5192. Motbercrafl Training 3801, 5306. Restructuring 5307, 7684. Review 535.979,5307. Parent Help Centre -- Mt Lawley - Establishment 880. Refuges - Homes Purchased 872. Villa Maria Homes 1102, 3241. Welfare - Local Government Role -- Grievance 1180. Review -- Recommendations 6807. Women's Refuges - Emmaus - Audit - Report 7672. Grants 3483. Homes Purchased 872.

60290-3 (48) 48)(INDEX TO SUBJrECTS]

COMMUNITY SERVICES (continued) - Council -- Agencies - Surpluses 3973, 4340. Children -- Adoptions - Age Ineligibility 5617,5618, 5884. Australia Card -- Inform ation 4088, 4089. Child's Well-being 3036. Contact -- Negative Register 655. Foster-parents 2170. Placements 1345. Child Abuse -- Complaints 5616, Child-care -- Day Care Centres -- Bunbury Regional Hospital t270. Mandurab 3034. Private 3036, 3038. Provision 3036. Subsidies 3975. Regulations - Availability 7588. Enforcement 7589. Review Consultative Committee -- Establishment 4587. Services - Provision 928. Children at Risk 2169, 2172. Children's Court -- Construction 3623. Effect on Witnesses 5755, 5756. Mi&niimum Age 3623. Removal from Home 655. Sexual Activity -- Petition 3499. Community Grants Assistance Scheme.-- Applicants 4205. Commnunity Resource Centre -- Applecross Anglican Church 5483. Complaints -- Complainants' Identity 1657. Department -- Advisory Staff 4827. Christmas Anti-credit Campaign 7737. Community Youth Support Scheme -- Involvement 217 1. Motor Vehicle Sales 653. Quit Campaign -- Funding 2800. Emergency Relief Scheme 8295. Hillston 1041. Hostels 657. Integrated Furniture Scheme 8294., 8295. Juveniles - Girls Leaving Home 5489, 5490. Justice -- Ministerial Statement 7963. Offenders -- Accommodation 1041. Meals-on-Wheels. Cockburn 27%6. NgaI.-A Motheit-raft Home and Training Centre - Changes 5618. Minister's Comments 5241. Staff Cutbacks 56t8. Women's Refuges -- Allegations 3298. Audit 3298. Emmaus -- Auditor's Report 4346, 6730, 6892. 7081. Fraud Squad Inquiries 6730. Funds -- Distribution 67 31. Grants 3974, Misuse 4343. Inquiry 4344, 4345. Investigation 4087, 4088, 7407. Staff Payments 673 1. Surplus 3973, 3974, Investigation 3975. Number 3299. Report 3298. Staff 3298, 3717. [INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ)49 (49)

CON NELL, MR LAURIE. Assembly- Business Relationship -- Goldberg, Mr Yasse 1124. Equity -- State Government Insurance Commission 5956. Superannuation Board-- Advice 5569. CONNER, MR DENNIS -- Assembly -- Promotions 516,518. CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT.. Assembly Conservation Reserves -- Areas 1239. Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3849. Avon Descent -- Involvement 3372. Big Brook Dan -- Beautification 1434. District Officer 4569, 4763. Fire Control 4444. Forest Resources Division -- Budget 3258. Geographic Information Computer System 6130, 7164. Government Vehicles -- Private Plates 1114. Gravel -- Quarres -- Grievance 5642. Shire Councils 4589. Gnimwade Establishment -- Petition 3303. Houses - Dwellingup 530. Ligbmning-caused Fies -- Control 252 1. Offices -- Location 68 10. Publications 1239. Road-making Materials 3255, 3256. Staff 7927, 8087. Council -- Act- Amendment 294, 297, 661, 5615. Department -- Accounts Section 294. Administration Complex 294. Annual Report -- Extension of Time 393 1. Bush Fires Board -- Amalgamation 297. Educational Material 296. Flying Squad 295. Forest Production Unit 295. Gravel Deposits 302. Grirawade -- Costs 3527. Gupyree Plant 6383. Motor Vehicles -- Maintenance 297. Officers -- Whale Sightings 2169. Projpen'es-- Assessrent 295.

Fire Regimes - Research 297. Headquarters -- Narrogin 304. Load Resource Inventory System 296. Natural Resources- Joint Standing Committee- Establishment 295. Regional Officers -- Visits 660. CONSTITUTION AMEN4DMENT ILL- Assembly -- Intro.; fir. 3391. 2r. 3552, 4407. Coin. 4408. Report 4408. 3r. 4408. Returned 4892. council--_ Receipt; Itr 4463. 2r. 4463, 4782. Coin. 4785. Report 4785. 3r. 4785. Assent 543 1. CONSUMER AFFAIRS- Assembly -- Australian Consumers Association - Food Irradiation 3916. Board Game - "Grass 3562. (50) (50)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CONSUMER AFFAIRS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - - rtcin10 Cosmetics Industry - rtcin10 Fxeswon Firvawk Tyres 6484. Health Clubs (see "Health -- Health Clubs".) Indebtedness -- Western Australia 5197. Misleading Conduct -- Legislation 5580. Price Watch 153, 243. Second-hand Dealers' Licences .. Market Stalls 528. Small Claims Tribunal -- Act -- Amendment 1582. Alterations 124. Appeals -- Representation 3264. Grievances 4594. Judicial Privilege 4903. Judicial Status 4593. Members of Parliament -- Approach 2138. Restructuring 1438. Select Committee Recommendations 374, 377, 3561. Toy-nasties -- Policy 3562. Council -- Price Watch -- Extension 303. COPEMAN, MR CHARLES -- Assembly - Indusrial Relations Activities 2397; Point of Order 2397. Statement -- Action 2958. CORPORATE AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT- Assembly Fee Collections 1185. CORRECTIVE SERVICES BILL -- See 'A cts Amendment (CorrectiveServices) Bill'. CORRECTIVE SERVICES- See "Prisons" COURTIS. MR - Council -- Dismissal 6574. COURTS .. Assembly -- Clerk of the Court - Newman -- Relocation 8346. Coroners - Location 4577. Defendants-- Cost Recovery 4154. Evidence -- Taking on Commission t1785. Family Court -- Powers - Enlargement 8348. Restraining Orders 2948. 2949. Jurors -- Female -- Taxis 1784. Sentences -- Appeals -- Police 1109. Supreeals- Smal Claims Tribunal 3264. Orderly- Behaviour 5563. Council -- Children's Court 3263. Clerks of Courts - Appointment -- Justices of the Peace 7140. Bench -- Exceptional Circumstances 7740. Damages - Access to Money 4669. Local Courts -- Mullewa -- Closure 7083, 7233. Regionalisation Programme 7083. Small Disputes Division - Jurisdiction 7234. Superior Court Judges -- Country Domicile 7083. CREATIVE ARTS AND THERAPY ASSOCIATION -- Assembly -- Speaker's Guests 664. CREDIT .. Acsmby---Rule of 78, p.7 5 15 . Council- Dangers - Government Action 7741. CREDIT UNIONS AMENDMENT BILL- See "Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill". [INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ]51 (51)

CRIME -- Assembly - Assault - Blind Person -- Offenders 4762. 7171. Librarian 3814. Sentences -- Weymouth, David 4576. Bank Hold-ups -- Statistics 2949. Capital Punishment -- Reinstitution -- Petitions 14, 330 1. Charges -- WA AIDS Council -- PamphWets 986.,1102. Convictions -- Cormmissioners of Declarations 1102. Crime Wave - Matter of Public Importance 1728. Criminal Injuries Compensation -- Dog Atacks 140. Criminal Records -- Expunging 7168. Motor Vehicle Licensing Section 6298. Dangerous Driving Offence - Sentence 68 10. Gross Indecency 887, 974, Group Libel Legislation 8347. Incest -- Videotapes -- Petition 1519. Increase -- Matter of Public Importance 3977; Amendment to Motion 3984. Indecently Dealing -- Charges 1223, 1415S. Juveniles 4267, 4279. Levels -- Minister's Comments 3373. Murder Charge -- Albany 2678. National Crime Authority -- Perth Office -- Reopening 380. National Crime Prevention Authority -- Representation 648 1. Northam -- Letter 595. Prostitution -- Females -- Part-time 1109. Raze -- Increase 3373. Repetition -- Kunuuna Youth 595. Reports --Statistics 1416. Riot -- Rlone Athena Sports Centne 2521. Securities Industries Code -- Attacks 8350. Sentences -- Review 735, Sexual Assaults -- AIDS Victims 739. Shoplifting- Increase 243. South West -- Increase 4601;. Withdrawal of Remark 4601. Statistics 134,6478. Stealing -- Juveniles 4762. 597 1. Traffic Offences -- R ecords -- Motor Vehicle Licences 648 1. Unlawful Use of Motor Vehicles 4042. Vandalism 866.,1108. Council -- Break-ins 1343, 2299. Criminal Records -- Greyhound Racing Applications 7738. Fates -- Non-payment -- Imprisonment 3716. Forensic Investigations -- Standardisazion 6889. Juveniles 3622.,7963,80-27. Sexual Assault -- Defendants -- Names Oppression 2170. Laws -- Review 5615. Review 1515, 1516. Vandalism 1344,5886. CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT DILL (No 2) - Assembly- Receipt Ir. 7288. 2r. 7288, 7757. Corn. 7758. Report 7762. 3r. 7762. Assent 832 1. council -- latro.; It. 6308. 2r. 6308, 6863. Corn. 6866. Report 6867. 3r. 6867. Retunedll715. Assent 8257. (52) (52)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT BILL- Council -- Intro.: If. 3599. 2r. 1599, 1997, 2293, 2398.,2701. Defeated 2713. Personal Explanation 2713. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION IEXTRA-TERRITORIAL OFFENCES) BILL - Assembly- Receipt: It. 4529. 2r. 4529, 5540. Corn. 5542. Report 5542. 3r. 5542. Assent 6610. Council Intro.: IZr.369 1. 2r. 3931. 4463. Corn. 4464. Report 4464. 3r. 4464. Returned 5736. Assent 6308. CUOMO. MR MARK -- Assembly - Minister for Transport- Position 1425. DAIRYING .. Assembly -- Dairy Industry Authority -- Members 1116. Industry -- Hfigh Value Production 157 1. Milk -- Bottles -- Availability 1573. Distribution Changes 2950. Price Increase 1106. Vendors -- Legislation 6664. DANGEROUS GOODS -- Assembly -- Regulations - Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Effect 1283. Traffic Accidents -- Great Eastern Hfighway 2679. DEAN. MRt JAMES- Assembly - Adlot -- Legality 588. DECISION4 MAKERS LUNCHEONS- Assembly - Guest Speakers 2956. DECLARATIONS AND ATTESTATIONS AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly--. Receipt Ir. 1059. 2r. 1175,1794. Corn. 1798. Report 1798. 3r. 1798. Assent 2470. Council .- Leave to Introduce 9. Intro.: I r.9. 2r. 64. 629. Corn. 787. Report 915. As to 3r. 915. 3r. 915. Returned 2012. Assent 2398. DECORUM OF THE CHAMBER- Assembly - See pp. 347. 358. 457. 465, 482, 491. 371, 675, 709. 720. 855. 857, 858. 995, 1354, 1522. 1523, 2252, 2922. 3346, 3438. 3444, 3470. 4836, 4864, 5138, 5164. 5246, 5370, 5650. 6615, 6746,.7418,.7592, 7905. Council- See pp. 403, 434, 757, 2011. 2018, 2063. 2065, 2237, 2219, 2411, 2412, 2576, 2596. 4299, 4318. 4931, 5056, 5103. 5223, 5224, 5322, 5346, 5357, 5465. 5721, 6331. 6500. 7000, 7004.,7940, 7944, 8100, 8115, 8156, 8180. 8200. 8202. 8235. 8252. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (53)53

DEFENCE-- Msembjft -- Low-flying -- Reports 404 1. Coastal Surveillance -- Contract -- Amarin Aviation 1718. North West 532. Communications Station -- Ceraldion 1978. Contracts -- Industry Participation 5583. Local Participation 1129. Value 5960. Western Australian Participation -- Assistance 1713. Frigates -- Cotnstruction Contract -- Submissions 1230. Contract 1290. XMAS Stirling -- Opposition Policy 2961. Navy -- North West Harbour 8090. Relocation -- Question 1248: Point of Order 1248. ParlBas-- South West 7337. Handing Over Ceremony 1130. Projects -- Quality Standards 975. Submarines -- Construction Contract 888, 1229, 1 874. Contract -- Loss 113. Survey Vessels -- Contracts 1246, United States Personnel -- Expenditure 2244. Fremantle Visits 2516. 25 17. United States Ships -- Fremanttle Visits 2516.2517. Vietnam Veterans -- Welcome-home Parade 3556. Counil -- Coastal Surveillance -. Criticism -- Adjournment Debate 7399. Military Exercise -- Parliament House 6823. DEPUTY CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES -- Assembly - Appointment 30S. Counild -- Appointment 29. As to Appointment 29. DEPUTY PARLIA.MENTARY COMMISSIONER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATIONS - Assembly -- Oath of Office 3628. DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (HON ROBERT HIETKERINGTON) - Counci -- Deliberative Vote -- Point of Order 6998. DISCRIMINATION -- Assembly - Sexist Language -- Schools -- Policy 2248. DISSENT FROM SPEAKER'S RULING -- Assembly -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 836; Points of Order 840, 842, 850. 851. DIVISIONS .. Assembly -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact -- Matter of Public Importance 7601. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bil -- Council's Amendments 2882. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill - Corn. 5904. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- Corn. 6261, 6266,6273,6275. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill - 2r. 21%6. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) sill - Corn. 7437. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare Bill) -- 2r. 4559. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill - 2r. 7109. (54) (54)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

DIVISIONS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Acts Amendment (Taxi-car) Bill - 2r. 5293. As to 2r. 3205. House to Divide 3205. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill -- Corn. 2346. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendments to Motion 120, 224. 351, 481.,491, 578, 699, 725. Associations Incorporation Bill -- Corn. 5255. Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 3905. Legal Advice -- Motion 4143. Bread Amendment Bill -- Corn. 5778. 5780. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill- Council's Amendments 2822. Castledeti, Mr Bill -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management .. Surgery -- Matter of Public Importance -- Censure Motion -- Amendment to Motion 2455. 2456: Motion, as Amended 2456. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) - As to Report 7780. 3r. 7782. Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4862. Committees for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Government Utility Charges -- Inquiry -- Motion 1851. Crime -- Crime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1738. Increase - Matter of Public Importance -- Amendments to Motion 3987; Motion, as Amended 3988. Dog Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1093. Education -- Policies -- Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 7l98. School Cleaning -- Matter of Public Importance 2185. Environent -- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment - Matter of Public Importance 4515. Financial Institutions -- TeachersCredit Society Ltd -Select Committee Inquiry - Amendment to Motion 3476. House to Divide 3472. Motion, as Amended 3477. Forests -- State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication - Motion -- Adjournment of Debate 1739. Amendments to Motion 2133. 2136. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6413. Corn. 6423-6426. 3r. 6427. Gotd Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6106. Corn. 6111, 6112, 61 14. 3r. 6124. Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- Corn. 2380. Government Guarantees - Details -- Mailer of Public Importance 5371. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information -- Matter of Public Importance - Amendment to Motion 3640,3641; Motion, as Amended 3642. Health -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Matter of Public Importance -- Censure Motion -- Amendment to Motion 2455, 2456: Motion. as Amended 2456. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Amendment to Motion 1558; Motion 1569. Industrial Dispute -- North West Shelf Gas Project -- Matters of Public Importance - Amendments to Motion 3315, 3316. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Dealings -- Matter of Public Importance 6055. Liquor Amendment Bill - Corn. 2812,.2815. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (55)(5

DIVISIONS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) - Corn. 7290, 7291, 7301. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2497. 2507, 2514. Council's Amendments 3234. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry -- Motion 5689. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendments 2664. Medical Practitioners -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Matter of Public importance -- Censure Motion -- Amendment to Motion 2455, 2456; Motion, as Amended 2456. Members of Parliament -- Member for East Melville -- As to Standing Orders Suspension -- Motion 6736. House to Divide 6736. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations- Personal Explanations - Standing Orders Suspension- Motion 2082. House to Divide 208 1. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Matter of Public Lmportance - Censure Motion -- Amendment to Motion 2455,2456; Motion, as Amended 2456. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment BiDll Corn. 7128- Occupational Health, Safety and Wel fare Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1760, 1764, 1772, 1777, 1905, 1928, 1936, 194t, 1946, 1952, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1966-1968, 1974. 3r. 2195. Council's Amendments 3218. Parliament -- Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action- Amendment to Motion -- House to Divide 6394. Motion, as Amended -- House to Divide 6395. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role - Censure Motion 1358. House to Divide 1357. Police Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5280. Police Commissioner -- Confidence -- Motion 7427; Amendment to Motion 7426. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - Corn. 6641L. 3r%6642. Residential Tenancies aml -- 2r. 6977. Corn. 7478, 7480, 7488, 7489. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 6450. Corn. 6455. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - 2L. 6920. Corn. 6930. 3r. 7 100. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 3)- 2r. 5287. Road Traffic Amendment aml (No 2)- Corn. 3652. Road Traffic Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4565, Rotliwells Lid -- Government Action -- Amendment to Motion 5174; Motion 5 177. Rottnest Wsand Authority aml - Corn. 5942. Sale of Government Property (Parliamentary Approval) Bill - 2r. 4148. Seizure of Connected Property Dill- 2r. 530t. Sheep lice Eradication Fund Bill - Corn. 2916, 2918, 2919. Small Claims Tribunals Amendment Bill- 2r. 5300. Speaker of the Le~gislative Assembly - Conduct -- Suspension of Member 1521. (56) (56)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

DIVISIONS (continued) --- Assembly (continued) Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (continued) - Censure Motion 1534. House to Divide 1533. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation- Censure Motion 1358. House to Divide 1357. Stamp, Amendment Bill - Corn. 2616. Standing Order No 164 -- Amendment-- Motion 1367. Superannuation - Board -- Mishandling -- Standing Orders Suspension- House to Divide 75. Motion 75. Superannu ation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry - Sub itadice - Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 852; Motion 2198. Taxi-drivers -- Assaults-- Prevention -- Matter of Public Importance 3203. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill -- Corn. 5932. Transport - Air -South Africa -- Matterof Public Importance 4838. Trustee Companies Dill -- Corn. 7662. Video Tar Classification and Control Bill - Corn 2103, 2107,2108,2111. Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill - 2r. 2206. Council Abattoirs -- Midland -- Land Sale -- Issues-- Motion - Amendment to Motion 7077; Motion as Amended 7077. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message -- Adjournment of Debate 62. Motion 175. 2r. 1t57. Corn. 1328, 1335, 1483, 1495, 1514, 1627, 1632, 2024, 2032, 2033, 2043, 2032, 2053.,2058.,2059, 2065. Reinstatement of ClauseS., p. 1470. As to Recoin. 2263. 3r. 2280. Amendment to Motion 2269. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- Cornt. 6507, 6515, 6573. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- Corn. 7553, 7554, 7561-7563, 7573. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- Corn. 6361. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill- Corn. 3006. Acts Amendment (Toialisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7986. Agricultural Education-- Setect Committee - Motion, as Amended 2415. Dread Amendment Bill -- Corn. 6559. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill - Corn. 785, 917. Casting Vote 5227. Caritable Organisatiorts -- Select Committee -- Establishment -- Amendment on Amendment to Motion 635; Motion, as Amended 636. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 5482. Committees for the Session -- Standin g Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Amendment to Motion 1641. Criminal Code Amendment Bill- 2r. 2713. Dog Amendment Bill - Coin. 2539. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment BiW - Corn. 4637,4661; As to Recommittal 4925. Financial Institutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 5106. t INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (57)57

DIVISIONS (continued) -- Council (continued) - Forests -- State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication - Assembly's Resolution -- Motion - Adjournment of Debate 3002. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7202. Government Instrumentalities -- Privalisation -- Motion 6885. Hospitals Amendment Bill-- 3r. 2168. Industrial Relations Amendment BlI (No 3) -- 2r. 6033. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repea Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper 61. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 3068, 3075, 3078. Assembly's Message -- Assembly's Further Amendments 3182. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Restontion to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message -- Adjournment of Debate 64. Corn. 913, 914. Assembly's Message 2720,2723. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bil -- Corn. 2160. Assembly's Message 4626. Occupational Health, Safety and Welisie Amendment Bill - Corn. 2758. 2759, 2780, 2783, 2785, 2786. Assembly's Message 3166. Reserves and Land Revesonent Bill (No 2) - Corn. 7583,.7585. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6977. Corn. 8210,8237, 8241, 8249, 8259.,8262,.8274. 8281, 8284, 8289. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 7044. Corn. 7052,7061. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 6008,6010,6016. Rotuiest bsland Authority Bill - Corn. 6345. Saleyards -- Midland -- Select Committee -- Witnesses- Offences -- Motion 5227. Standing Order No 187 -- Amendment -- Motion 7006. Video Tap~es Classification and Control Bill -- Corn. 3157, 3288, 3585, 3588. 3595. As to Report 3596. DM DRAINAGE AND CONSTRUCTION CO -- Assembly -- Tunnelling Equipment 598. DOG AMENDMENT BILL.- Assembly -- Intro.; lr. 75. 2r. 308, 1063, 1071. Corn. 1084. Point of Order 1095. Report 1096. Recoin. 1890. Further Report 1901, 2085. 3r. 2085. Returned 2845. Assent 3237. Petitions 664. 2600. Question 1123. Council -- Receipt; Jr. 2014. 2t,. 2014,2432. Point of Order 2015. Corn. 2531. Report 2539. 3r. 2699. Assent 3141. Question 4088. DOLAN, THE LATE HON JERRY - Council-- Condolence Motion 6. (58) (58)[INDEX TO SUBJ-ECTS]

DOOR TO DOOR TRADING AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Intro.; If. 5620. 2r. 5763,6796. Corn. 6796. Report 6796. 3r. 6797. Reuned 7284. Assent 832 1. Countcil -- Receipt; I r. 6854. 2r. 6855, 7203. Corn. 7204. Report 7204. 3r. 7204. Assent 8257. DOOR TO DOOR TRADING BILL- Assembly -- 2r. 178, 947. Corn. 950. Report 955. 3r. 955. Returned 1546. Assent 2117. Council..- Receipt; Ir. 1000. 2r. 1000, 1441. Corn. 1451. Report 1453. 3r. 1453. Assent 1990. DRAINAGE- Assembly - Busselton -. Inquiry - Report 3820. Districts 534. Mounts Bay Road Project -- Tunnelling Equipment 598. Tarffs -- Review 172 1. Counrcil -- Camarvon -- Budget Allocation 4207. EASTERN EUROPE. Assembly -- Potential Target 7677. EASTMAI1C PTY LTD- Assembly - Eastor, Mr Brian-- Connection 5813, 5976. EASTMET LTD- Assembly- Superannuation Board -- Shares 5578. EASTON, MR BRIAN- Assembly -- Eashnaxc Pty Ltd -- Connection 5815, 5976. Member's Comment -- Complaints 6140. Passports -- Confiscation 5977. Resignation 6485. WA Exim Corporation -- Association 245. Lake Argyle Resort Hotel 243. Problems 241. ECONOMY ..

Economic Planning Committee - Members 1872. Economic Planning Council -. Establishment 244. Think Tank--. Members 149. EDGELL DIRDSEYE PTY LTD - Assembly..- Government Funding 1112. Manjimup, Cannery Purchase -- Buy-back Agreement 295 1. EDUCATION -. Assembly - Aboriginal Enclaves 1246. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (59)(9

EDUCATION (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Agricultural -- Section -- Disbandment 3576. Superintendence 994. Awards Night 12 1. Better Schools -- Guidance Counselling -- Downgrading 4165. Policy -- Criticisms -- Teachers Union 3671. Religious Studies 6666. Report -- Functional Review Committee 1105, 1233. Rumnours 604. Sex Education 6666. Union Discussions 1286. Classrooms -- Transportable -- Ceiling Fans 886. Department - Appointees -- Confidence 6994. Consultancy Fees -- WA Exim Corporation 596. Director of Curriculum 375. Director of Operations 8350. Female Staff 2152. Fraudulent Claims 4268. Regional Staff -- Motor Vehicles 888. Sporting Goods Supplies 6990. WA Exim Corporation 143. Distance Education -- Enrolments - Metropolitan Area 1105. District Superintendents -- Public Service Board Administrative Instructions 5 194. Downs Syndrome Association 7677. English as a Second Language 389. 3677. Fire Brigade -- Cutback 5567. Guidance Officers -- Murray-Wellington Electorate 6138. Handicapped Children -- Satellite Scheme 880. Health Education - Contraception 1867. K- 10 Syllabus 11 10, 2952. Hfigh Schools -- Bridgetown -- Budget Allocation 4422. Bunbury _-Student Entry 4908. Busselton -- Capital Works 986. Computers 1097. Distnci High Schools -- Phasing Out 250. Driving Tuition 4418. Gymnasiums -- Community Use 4766. Hostel - South Hedland -- Grievance 4526. Kulin District -- Dam Catchmient Area 4269. Leeming 3563.4156. Lynwood -- Computing Equipment 7923. Margaret River - Capital Works 986. Morawa - Films 12 1. Mt Magnet District -- Upgrading -- Petition 4498. Mukinbudin District -Mixed-mode Facilities -- Grievance 5262. Murdoch Electorate -- Computers 4756. Nazembeen -- Renovation Program me 6672. Nonthamn -- Aboriginal Worker 7180. Northampton District -- Upgrading 6808. Northcliffe District 1586, 1786. Pinijarra -- Land Allocation 4047. Technology -- Establishment 6491. Warwick -- Oval Repairs 3672,3685. Wyalkatctwm District -- Water Supply 886. Languages -- Macedonian 1232. Learning Centre Link -- Submission 1867. Ministry (see "Departmenh# above.) Minor Works -- Allocation 2957. Music -- Bunch 749, 987. Programmes 987, 1112, 5311. Non-Government Schools -- Computers - Assistance 3679. Divisional Responsibility 137. Prendiville Catholic College -- Buses 2242. (60) (60)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

EDUCATION (continued) - Assembly (continued) North West Metropolitan Regional Centre - Minor Wafts 3484. Point Peron Camp School - Takeover 127. Policies -- Australian Labor Party 4268. Condemnation -- Matter of Public importance 1087. Union Secretary 4268. Pre-primary -- Buckland Hill -- Contamination 5694. Greenwood Inrellectually Handicapped School -- Placements 1981. Maida Vale -- Placements 5568. Subiaco City 7519. West Lynwood -- Upgrading 3489. Pre-school--. Four-Year-Olds 738. Primary Schools -- Armadale 251. 2243, 3811. Bibra Lake -- Construction 1240. Buses 131. Byford -- Assembly Area 251, 5572. Canning Vale -- Future 2954. 4585. Land Purchase 4153. Relocation -- Grievance 18 11. Question 886. Transfers 1117. Clerical Assistance - Regulations 3489. Coolbinia -- Accommodation Problems 6288. Covered Area 6136. Temporary Accommodation 6137. Coveted Assembly Areas -- Criteria 6291. Dalkeith -- Athletics Carnival 995; Point of Order 995. Dianella - Enrolment 97l. East Leeming - Construction 1115. Forest Crescent - Construction 1240. Harvey - Improvements 3258. Jandakror -- Ownership 3678. Karrgullen -- Demountable Classrooms 25 1. Leeman 3368.,3680. Leeming Area -- Sites 3679. Margaret River - Accomimodation 6134. Murdoch Electorate -- Enrolnients 1240. Newmn-- Covered Activity Area 876. Oakford 378, 5572. Pingrup -- WaterTanks 132. Pinjarna-- Carpeting 980. Roleystone -- Reconstruction 232. Support Units 8344. Tambrey -- Construction 4280. Waroona - Construction 1583, 1866. Land Reswrnption 1582, 1866. Resiting - Petition 3192. West Busselton -- Works 3259. West Lynwood 524, 3490. Winthrop - Construction 525. Vokine 236. Priority Country Areas Programme - Funding 3557. Programmes -- Protection of Children-- Petition 7236. Public Education Endowment Trust -- Expenditure4579. Outstanding Debts 4438. Regional Resource Centre - East Northam -- Reallocation 1423. Schools -- Activities -- Integration -- Petition 71. Cleaners - aeeaning Contractors 1232, 1572, 8353. Matter of Public Importance 2174. Pilot Studies 1232. 1573, 1783. Privatisation 3926. [INDEX TO SUBJECTSI 61

EDUCATION (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Schools (continued) - Cleaners (continued) -- Workers' Compensation 1233. Work Practices 2242, 490 1. Computers - Advice 1245. Purchases 1979. Recommnendations 5023. Consultation -- Parents 540. Councils -- Role 49 10. Electronic Alam Systems 122. Grants -- ALlocation 126. Integration of Activities 602. Libraies -- Book Destruction 7929. Public Awareness Programme - Parliamentary Staff 3563. Remote Areas -- Satelite Dishes 4058. Sites -- Fremantle Road, Gosnells 1117. Langford 1120. Yale Road, Thornlie 1120. Smoking Regulations 3815. Student Choice 4908. Television -- Satellite Receivers 1789. Terms -- 1988,p. 6297. 1989, p. 6810. Uniforms -- Policy 2249. Youth Groups -- Youths 4417. Sexist Language -- Policy 2248. S/ii-- Production 1425. Soccer Ctinics -- Penth Cougars 6663. Special Schools -- Canon Street 255. Castlereagh 523, 1118. Iris Litis School - Motor Vehicle All1owance 988. Kim Beazicy -- Aide 1101, 3558, 3800. Sir David Brand School -- Aide 3480. Car Park 4590. Standards -- Safeguards 1784. Students -- Additional Assistance Scheme -- Applications 1123. Austudy -- Petition 71. Censorship -- Petitions 70, 71. Early Childhood Studies 268 1. Safety House Scheme 240, 2390, 2522. Secondary Allowance - Govenrnent Payment 237. Work Experience -- Health Department 2681. Swimming Classes -- In-Term. 73 1. Teachers -- BroomehilU -- Accommodation 4910. Disciplinary Action 3925. Duties Other Than Teaching Time 252. Electoral Candidates -- Leave 3369. Government Employees Housing Authority -- Cleaning 873. Graduations 131. Kee Ch'ng -- Retention 874. Private Vehicles -- Payments 988. Promotions -- Evaluation 7181. Salary Scale -- Degrees 367 1. Teachers Promotion Review and Advisory Board 4902. York -- Part-time Work 736. Technical and Further Education -- Carine College -- Electrical Trades Course 6663. Claremont School of Art 3482. Fee Increases -- Petition 70. Ffrmantle College Librarian 3814. Functional Review Committee - Report 4158. 5194, 6133, 6988, 75 17. Review 3814. (62) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

EDUCATION (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Technical and Further Education (continued)- Funding Curs 1245. Lecturers -- Full-time 387. Meal Allowances 3813. Part-rime 387. Salary Structure 134. Mr Lawley - Apprentice Hairdressers 235,521. Narrogin 1988. Nurse Training 198 1. Perth College -- Principal 4158. Printing Trade Facilities 2247. Rental 2388. Pre-appwenticeship Courses 7173. Printing Trades -- Relocation 2958. Smoking Policy 4157. Southern Regional College - Degree Courses 4757. Student Activities Coordinators 4593, 5422. Teachers' Handbook 4158. Trade Lecturers -- Transfers 2685. Transfer 6145. Television Programme-.- "Behind the News" 2520, 2952. Tertiary - Administration Fees 249, 337 1. Colleges of Advanced Education- Aggregates 743. Curtin University of Technology - Funding 2150. Scholarships--. Southern African Students 4917, 5196. Student Guild Newspaper 1241. Graduate Teachers 131. Institutions .- Technology Park 2518. Kuala Lumpur University Campus 1873. Murdoch University -- Guild of Srudents 4265. Institute of Science and Technology Policy Research 5579. Research and Development Park 1872. Solar Energy Research Institute 25 1. Sporling Goods Stores 11l20. Staff -- Superannuation 3558. Students - Fee-paying 250. WA Exim Corporation 732. Tertiary Entrance Examination.-- Aggregates 743. Marks Required 389. University of WA-.. Bold Park Land- Exchange .- Grievance 813. Question 75 1. WA College of Advanced Education - Burtury Institute of Advanced Education 975. Claremont Campus 1590, 2242, 268 1. Nedlands Camnpus 1590, 2242. Unit Curriculum -- Pilot Programmes 1286. WA Exim Corporation -- Services Division 145. Council -- Act -- Amendment 926. Agricultural -- Colleges -- Minor Works - Allocations 3527. Education Section - Disbandment 8220. Select Committee -- Motion 896. Special Report 4461. Australian Broadcasting Corporation Programmes.-Reduction 3140. Basic Learning in Primary Schools Programme 6379. Better Schools-- Disadvantaged Schools -- Funding 3971. Programme -- Functional Review Committee Report 450. Report - Appropriate Unit of Change 2798. Changes -- Location 3137. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (63)(3

EDUCATION (continued) -- Council (continued) - College -- Hedland College -- Advertising 575 1. Departnent -- Advertisements -- Cost 297. Appointments -- Panel 7232. Director of Operations 8220. Graduates -- Employment 2797. Internal Audit Branch -- Reconmmendations 298. Staff -- Early Retirement 7230, 7231. Retirement Packages 7230. Distance Education Centre -- Preach Language 6887. High Schools -- Agricultural -- Fees Increase 1342. Balls 305. Boyup Brook Disrrict -- Library Resource Centre 6888. Primary Section 5484,5485. Renovation Programmne 6887. Secondary Section 5485. Carnarvon - Budget Allocation 3973. Distrit -- Distance Education Centre Resources 5484. Eastern Hills -- Tirnetablimg 6192, 6386. Exinouth -- Budget Allocation 3973. Governor Stirling -- Drinking Fountains 1656. Mt Magnet District -- Consolidation 497 1. Newton Moore 6381. Pernberton District - Construction 5880. Pinjarma -- Land Allocation 4827. Swan View -- District Allocation 4972. Unit Curriculum -- Consequences 6384. Wagin District -- Reticulation 4679, York District -- Extensions 658. Hostels - Hardie House - Closure 8027. Lake Grace - Establishment 230 1. Junior Spot - Policy 217 1. "Man: A Course of Study" - Use 1272. Ministry (see "Department" above.) Non-Government Schools -- Bus Hire Charges 3526. Cannel School Board 926. Parents and Citizens Associations -- Belmont- Crossing 5885. Policies -- Urgency Motion 7939. Pre-Primary -- Students -- School Buses 926. Primary Schools -- Canning Vale -- Closure -- Petition 1991. Questions 4972,6380, 7408, 8221, 8224. Relocation 4088. Clifton Park -- Budget Allocation 4088. Darlington -- Class Sizes 7228. East Greenwood -- Building Programme 397 1. Mundaring -- Relocation 6888. Principals -- Applications 2797. Rossmoyne -- Couuts 3138. Waroona - Future Use 1344. Wiluna - Budget Allocation 3972. Yokine --Land 926. Principals -- Power of Veto 3137. Regional Education Office -- Narrogin 304. Regulations - Amendment - Motion 4292. Corporal Punishment 303 5, 313 9. School Councils -- Legislation 4972. School of the Air - Centralisation 8223. Kimberley - Extensions 1274. schools--_ Classrooms -- Transportable 298. Cleaning Contractors 3190. (64) (64)INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

EDUCATION (continued) -- Council (continued) Schools (continued) - Computers -- Funding 723 1. Olivetti 8224. Covered Assembly Areas 5879. Districts -- Rearrangement 4676. Drug Problem 8220. Safely -- Adjournment Debate 8166. South East Province 1037. Sports Specialists 2173. Vandali sm -- Cost 1344. Social Educational Materials Project 1272. Special School -- Carson Street -- Break-ins 5883. Closure 656. 1273, 4973. Future 5883. Land Resumption 656. Property Caveat 5884, Toilet Facilities 655, 1040. Valuation 654. Students -- Living-away-from-home Allowance -- Applications 1654. Visually Handicapped -- Provision 4208. System - Femninisation. 2302. Teachers -- Graduates 2300. Leave without Pay 4972,6383. Technical and Furthr Education -- Balga College -- Automotive Section 8225. Counselling Service - Report 298. Functional Review Committee - Recommendations 6191. Report 3034, 3139. Funding Cuts 127 1. Lecturers -- Salary Reduction 305. Narrogin -. Centre 304. Perth College -- Secretarial Studies Course 8026. Site Leasing 297. Tertiary -- Curtini University of Technology -- Funding 2301. Students -- Ne-paying 299. Students Guilds -- Newspaper Article -- Adjournment Debate 4666. Western Australian College of Advanced Education - Annual Report 5821. Clarmont Campus 8221. Unit Curriculum -- Staffing Formula 4826. Values Clarification Programmnes 1271. WA Education News -- Publication 450. EL CABALLO) BLANCO - Assembly -- Superannuation Board -- Investment 367. ELECTORAL (PROCEDURES) AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Receipt; I r. 5177. 2r. 5177. 6067. 6195. Withdrawal of Remark 6068. Corn. 6203. Point of Order 6205. Report 621L4. 3r. 6214. Point of Order 62 14. Assent 7445. Council _ Intro.; I r. 4060. Zr. 4200, 4305. Corn. 4627,4645,479t. Report 492 1. Points of Order 4922. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (5(65)

ELECTORAL (PROCEDURES) AMENDMENT DILL (conned) - Council (continued) - As to Recoin. 4922. Point of Order 4923. 3r. 5058. Returned 6179. Assest 7105. ELECTORAL ACT (COMMENCEMENT OF AMENDMENTS) DILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1045. Intro.; Ir. 1045. 2r. 1045, 1059. Corn. 1061. Report 1061. 3r. 1061. Returned 1071. Assent 1281. Council -- Standing Orders Suspension 1012. Receipt; Ir. 1012. 2r. 1012. Corn. 1013. Report 10 13. 3r. 1013. Assent 1254. ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILL- See also "Acts Amendment (Electoral Refonn) Bill". Assembly- Intro.: Ir. 666. ELECTORAL DISTRIBUTION (ROTrNEST ISLAND) AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 5620. 2r. 5764, 5795. Point of Order 3795. Standing Order No 178--. Suspension 5795. Point of Order 3795. Corn. 3796. Report 3796. 3r. 5796. Returned 6124. Assent 7086. Council -- Receipt; 1r. 5835. 2r. 5835.6026. Corn. 6027. Report 6029. 3r. 6029. Point of Order 6029. Assent 6823. ELECTORAL DISTRIBUTION AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 4213. Intro.: I r. 4213. 2r. 4236, 5002. Corn. 5005. Report 5005. 3.. 5005. Returned 5296. Council-- Receipt; Ir. 4957. 2r. 4957, 5228. Corn. 5231. Report 5232. 3r. 5232. ELECTORAL REFORM DELL- See "Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill". ELECTORAL-- Assembly -- Blackmail--. Member's Claims 4774: Point of Order 4776. By-elections .- Anangernents 3385. Government's Actions -- Grievance 5269. Party Support 1131; Points of Order 1132, 1133. (66) (INDEX TO SUBJrECTS]

ELECTORAL. (continued) .. Assembly (continued) - Candidates - Police Officers 5810, 5959. Teachers -- Leave 3369. Chief Electoral Officer -- Report on Performance Indicators - Extension of Time 3849. Distribution Commissioner - Appoinment 6494. Districts -- Enrolments 5969. Ceealdiate - Reinstatement to Employment 2519, 2524. Liberal Party -- Candidate - Advertisement 2692. Success 1722. Multiple Voting -- Checks 864. Computer Scanner 158 1. One-Vote-One-Value - Commitment 2391; Point of Order 2392. Redistribution-- Planning 4761. Plans 1122. Rolls -- Freezing 5969. Rolls - Cockburn City Council -- Survey 2959. Cornputter Print-out-.- Cockburn Meals-on-Wheels 2678. Vote-riggingProcedures 338 1; Point of Order 3382. Counrcil -- Chief Electoral Officer -- Performance Indicators Report -- Extension of Time 393 1. Districts -- Proposals--. Publication 5880. Gascoyne By-election-- Adjournment Debate 5237. Rolls - Computer Print-out -- Cockburn Meals on Wheels 2796. EMERGENCY SERVICES- Assembly -- Ambulances -- Medical Kits 7685. Officers -- Paramedic Tools 405 1. Paramedic Tools 4570. Sealed Medical Kit 7675. St John -- Budget Allocation 5568. Motor Vehicle Accidents -- Responsibilities 4591. State Emergency Service - Officers -- Authority 529. Rescue Operations -- Role 237, 527. Role 1584. St John Ambulance Association -- Kalgoorlie 529. Port Hedland 529. Counircil -- Fre mantle Surf alu 8023. EMPWOYMENT AND TRAINING - Assembly -. Apprentices -- Apprenticeships -- Government Departments 143 1. Assessment Procedures 1242. Final Industry Examinations 884. Hairdressers 235, 527, 2680, 2685. On-the-job Examinations 1868. Plumbers -- Water Authority 388. State Energy Commission 4912. Statistics 133. Tailors 987. Training Facility -- Carine 2522. Avon Job Link -- Closure 6483. Bunbury Employment Profile 4902. Department .. Apprenticeship Officers 1870. Technical and Further Education Division- Transfer 6145. Employment -- Clannar Iron Ore Project 3377. Juniors - Building Management Authority 1112. Oncosts 4161. Plymouth Brethren 1247. Schemes -- Narrogira -- Petition 7590. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (67)(7

EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Employment (continued) - Statistics 7932. Westrail -- Age Limit 295 1. JobW*n Centres 5810, 6133. Northern Suburbs Youth Option Project 4586. Productivity Policy Unit 6665. Restrictive Work Practices -- Conference - Details It114. Traineeships .- Theoretical Education 268 1. Training Programmes -- Administration Cost 4432. Tripartite Interim Council 6665. Unemployment- Homeswest Mortgage Loans 247. Statistics 5818. Technology Initiatives 1574. Youth Employment Services Officer .. Rockingham 5700. Council -- Community Youth Support Scheme -- Departmental involvement 2171. Employment--. Plymouth Brethren 1044. Office of Redeployment and Retraining -- Staff Assignments 294. Uinemployment -- - dormn South West --AjunetDebate 2594. Statistics - South West -- Adjournment Debate 2297. ENERGY- Assembly -- Briquettes - Manufacturing Plant 393. Commuercial Accounts -- Fixed Charges 973. Electricity--. Charges -- Golf Clubs 2953. Connections 248, 6670. Country Towns -- Privarisadion 3923. Electrical Contractors -- Licences -- Fee Reduction 2394. Random Testing 2689. Statutory Boards 2689. Water Authority Employees 5029. Electrical Work -- New Residences 998. Electrical Workers .. Board -- Members 2690. Safety Report 1722. Golf Clubs 2953. Mounts Bay Sailing Club -- Payments 6482. Powedines - Strengthening Process 133. Power Poles -- Cost Ill7. Deterioration 4767. Major Transmission Lines 5430. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme 1584, 1585. Pesticides - Banned -- USA 4752. Livestock Contamination 6144. Organochlorine 5574. Use 3670, 4428, 4441, 44-42. Power Stations -- Collie 238, 73 1. Equipment Manning Levels t 112. Faulty Equipment 2246. Meekattarra 124. Thermal 8340. Production- Cost 4893. Substations - Icondinin 887. Yilgamo 1108. Tariffs -- Institutions 6478. Underground Supplies 8340. Wave Power Generator, Esperance 1122. Fuel- Buk-- Distribution -- Review 7314. Regulation 6488. Westraill Monopoly 6487. (68) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ENERGY (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Fuel (continued) - Distributors -- Interstate -- Transport Charges 6487. Franchise Levy -- Water Carting 23 1. Shell Agent, Esperance 6487. Gas- Consumption -- Geraldton 392. Dampier-Wagenip Pipeline 8341. Fremantle Gas and Coke Co Ltd--. Business Relationship 1124. Charges -- Increases 239. Purchase 151, 1236, 1589. Reticulation System 1589. SEC Board Meetings 1124. Tariff Increases 1426. Fremantle -- Reticulation System 5809. Liquefied Petroleum Gas -- Government Vehicles 1103. North West Shelf - Condensate 734. Contract 393. Gas Project .. Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 3303; Amendment to Motion 33 10. Project 2254. Pipelines .. Bennett Brook 4769. Construction Personnel 1125. Dainpier-Pertli 4445. Dongara-Pet 1870. Monitoring System 8346. Nort West Shelf - Operational Capacity 2389. Staff Reduction 393. Purchase Contracts -- Financial Arrangements 734. Purchaser -- Woodada 5571. Reticulation System -- Fremantle 4763. Take-or-pay-- Liability 2143. Woodada - Contract Cancellationo2143. Hydrocarbons - Reserves 135. Non-domestic Customers-- Refundable Deposits 1684. Oil -- Exploration -- Offshore 5570. Harbour Spills - Arrangements 3805. Rebates -- Aborigines -- Homeswest Homes I [04. Commonweath Contribution 8339. Welfare Receivers 132. Solar- Solar Energy Research Act - Repeal 3915. Solar Energy Research Institute -- Abolition 885. Assets 2956. Funds 2244. Murdoch University Transfer 251. Review Committee 1424. State Energy Commission -- Act -Amendments 141, 521. Advertising -- Agent 5694. Budget 1870. 5694. Cost 1787. Expenditue 44l11. Annual Report - Availability 4444. Gains and Losses 735. Tabling 6809. Apprentice Intake 4912. Award 1113. Board Meetings I 124. Budget 1980. Chief Manager. Personnel Resources 5034. Coal Purchases 2144. Commercial Accounts 973. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS])69 (69)

ENERGY (continued) -- Assembly (continued) State Energy Commission (continued) -- Communications System -- Dispute 2389. Compulsory Payments 8095. Construction Work -- Private Cotmctom 734. Debts-- Rearrangement 4445. Reduction -- Advice 5569. Energy-using tIdustries -- Encouragement 735. Executive Positions -- Advertising 6679. Expenditure 4753. Federal Powers 8340. Foreign Exchange Transactions 2143, 23899. Fraudulent Claims 4270. Housing -- Funding 1105. Inebtedness 2144. Interest -- Reduction 8340. Investments - Information 3673. McKee, Dr John -- Appointment 155. Motor Vehicles -- Party Stickers 2143, 2389. Offshore Loans 394, 8339. Outstanding Debts 4438. Overseas Borrowings 151. Percentage Load Growth 44-46. Promissory Notes 244. Shop Stewards' Agreement 883. Simpson, Mr Keith -- Investment 3572. Statutory Contributions 8339, 834 1. Superannuation Provision 394. Union Negotiations 4751, 7170, 8345. Work Practices 475 1. Tariffs -- Increases 238, 882. Unleaded Petrol -- Grievance 34 10. Coucil -. mlectncit,' -- Charges- Revenue 3t35. Deposit -- Transfer 8024. Gas -- Carnarvon Gas Lateral -- Budget Allocation 3972. Charges--Revenue 3135. Pipeline -- Gascoyne Jtznction-Camnarvon 2304. Petrol -- Kojonup -- Price 662, 788. ENVIRONMENT -- Asuemrbly -- Agricultural Chemicals 593. Bold Park -- Land Exchange - Grievance 813. Question 75 1. Breakdown -- Petition 6579. Buckiand Hill 4445, 6127. Careniup Swamp -- Study 648 1. Channel 10 Facilities 7517. Clay Quarry -- Upper Swan 5030. Conservation -- Areas -- Increase 1570. Strategies - Documents 997. Coogee Coastal Area Study 3810, 5698, Cossack - Task Force 2677. Dampier Archipelago -- Resort 3923. Environmental Protection Authority -- Cyanide Transport -- Overruling 417. Darling Scarp Mining 3252. Establishment -- Liberal Government 4912. Environmental Review and Management Programme -- Hedges Gold 6292. "reis _Disrugdoo -- Conting5ency Plans 983.

Harvey Estuary- inlet -- Algae Problem 5579. Review 5195. Hazardous Wastes - Disposal 4906. (70) (70)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

ENVIRONMENT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Heritage -- Legislation -- Action 3808. Introduction 4904. Responsibility 4049. World Heritage Listing 1238, 391t9, 3920. Houtman Abrolhos 538. inet Management Authorities -- Restructuring 980, Lake Ponresidale -- Midge Control 3231L. Mandurab -- Estuary -- Tree Plantations 146. Farm Closures 592. Mibdges -- Control 3809. Minninup, Beach -- Mineral Sand Mining 5314. Murray Delta -- Study 6129. National Estate - Listings 135. North Lake 257. Old Swan Brewery - Demolition -- Petiions 15, 70,451, 665, 1520, 1728. Development Proposals 6985. Redevelopment -- Matter of Public Importance 4503. Petitons 451, 544. Report 385. Ozone Layer 6671. Peel Inlet -- Dredging 4756. Peel Inlet-Haivey Estuary -- Environmental Review and Management Program me 3492. Penguin Island -- Lease Conditions 4589. Pollution -- Control Units 593. KwinanalIndustrial Area 383. Polychiorinated Bipbenyls 592,4456. Prestige Brickworks 3921. 4165. Report -- SCM Chemicals Lid 532. Review -- Chittleborough. R.G., and Keating. E.M.. 4895. Rudall River - Review 382 1. SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd 1597, 1788. Shannon River Basin Report 4598. Sodium Cyanide Plant 592.,3436. The Anchorage Development -- Public Environmental Report 530. Titanium Dioxide Plant 5309,5695. Waterways -- Management Authorities 535. Westeck Development 6290. WoodcbippIng Proposals -- Environmental Studies 2679. Yunderup Canals -- Entrance 4588. Council- Cossack - Termite Eradication Programnme 1039. Governor Stirling's House - Ruins 449. National Trust -- Funding 7407. Ozone Layer -- Damage 4339,4340. Pollution Tax -- Introduction 8223. Prestige Brickworks 4673.4675, 4677. Shannon River 1 sin -- Member's Comments 5107. Stockyards -- Regulations 659. Waste Water Treatment Plants - Regulations 659. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 4975. 2r. 5294. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY- Assembly -- Commission -- Consultant 869. Dalkeith Primary School -- Athletics Carnival 995. Employee Dismissal -- Union Membership 3249. Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Directorate -- Jurisdiction- Ombudsman 6286. Council-- Application for Exemption -- Minister for Education 298. Education Regulations - Corporal Punishment 3139. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (71)71

EQUITY FINANCE LTD) - Assembly -- Synthetic Gem Manufactut 1580, ESTATE AGENTS..- council -- Regulatory Body 4086. EVANS, CR. ROD -- Assembly -- Comments -- Electoral Rolls 5978. EVENTSCORP .. Assembly -- Government Payments 6286. Reimbursement -- WA Development Corporation 767 1. EVERS, MR TOM Assembly -- Overseas Trip 1134, 3577. EVIDENCE AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Receipt; It. 2117. Zr. 3724, 5534. Corn. 5538. Report 5539. 3r. 5540. Assent 7445. Council -- Intro.; Ir. 1337. 2r. 1254, 1991. Corn. 1992. Report 1992. 3r. 1992. Returned 5716. Assent 7705. EXLEY, DR MALCOLM. Assembly -- Letter- Reply 17231. EXPLOSIVES - Assembly -- -- Rslg144 EXPORTS -- Assembly -- Coal -- Collie Stockpile 2695. India 996. Iron Ore -- Japan 1125. EXPO 88 .. Assembly.-- Participation 6812. FABIAN SOCIETY - Council -- Speech -- Privatisation 6384. FACTORIES AND SHOPS AMENDMENT DILL. Assembly -- 1ftro.; Ir. 5182. 2r. 5245, 5948. Corn. 5950. Report 5950. 3r. 5950. Returned 6280. Assent 7087. Council -- Receipt; Jr. 5985. 2r. 5985, 6137. Corn. 6181. Report 6388. 3L.6189. Assent 6823. FACTORS WA PTY LTD -- Assembly -. Jayand Operation -- Sale 5306. Losses -- Swan Building Society 4596. Receiver - Directions 4893. (72) (72)INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

FAIN TRADING BELL -- Assembly - Into.; Ist 5377. 2r. 5517, 6797. Corn. 6803. Report 6805. 3r. 6805. Returned 7639. Council's Amendments 7639. Council -- Receipt; It. 6857. 2r. 6857, 739 1. Corn. 7398. Report 7399. 3rt 73". Assembly's Message 7572. FAIN TRADING LEGISLATION - Assembly -- Religious Organisations; -- Exemption 6479. FAMILIES.. Assembly -- Health Needs -- Promotion 5191. Wajisica Family Support Services 8337. Council -- "Famnily" -- Definition 67,68. Family Support Services Programme 1272. FAMILY COURT AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly - Receipt and Jr. 1377. 2r. 1538,.2648. Corn. 2659. Report 2659. 3r. 2659. Assent 3237. Council. Intro.; ir. 754. 2r. 909. 1257. Corn. 1258. Report 1293. 3r. 1293. Returned 2590. Assent 314 1. FAMILY LAW ACT -- Assembly -- Amendments -- O'Connor Report 2139. FAMLY LAW PRACTITONERS ASSOCIATION -- Assembly -- Resmaining Orders 2948, 2949. FARRELL, MR DARCY -- Assembly - Police Public Relations 8345. FEDERAL BUDGET Assembly - Government Attitude 3687. FINANCE BROKERS -- Assembly -- Supervisory Board -- Annual Report 6656.7164. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION AND AUDIT ACT -- Assembly -- Reporting Procedures -- Ministeuial Statement 4213, 4236. Report Tabling -- Extension of Time 3303,.3391, 3532, 3628, 3 849, 3977, 4348, 5898. Council -- Portfolio Responsibility 74 10. Report Tabling -- Extension of Time 3273,.3581. 3931,4287, 4461, 582 1. Point of Order 3274. FINANCIAL IN4SITUTIONS DUTY AMENDMENT BELL*-- Assembly -- Intro.; IF. 2443. 2r. 2444, 2903. Corn. 2904. Report 2904. 3r. 2904. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (73)*3

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DUTY AMENDMENT DILL (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Returnid 3237. Assent 34 10. Council - Recit Jr. 2793. 2.29,3030. Corn. 303 1. Report 303 1. 3r. 3031. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS- See also "Brush, Mr Len". "Rothwells Ltd". Assembly -- Banks -- Australia Card -- Legislation 4163. Credit Suisse Firs: Boston - Advice 4446. Gold Bank.-- Chairman 6660. IJBJ Australia Bank -- Old Perth Technical College Site 734. Mitsui Trust and Bank Co 736, 737. Reserve Bank -- Rothwells Ltd 5199. Rural and Industries Bank (see also "Teachers Credit Society" below)- Comments -- Leader of the Opposition 4914. Deputy Premier 8349. Nugget Coins 2690. Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion 3423. Points of Order 3435, 3445. Withdrawal of Remarks 3425, 3435. Amendment to Motion 3449. Points of Order 3449, 3453, 3463, 3465, 3469, House to Divide 3472, 3476. Motion, as Amended 3477. Teachers Credit Society - Administrator 4046. Concern 3575. Liabilities 3685. Management 4046. Purchase 4046. Takeover 4046. Building Societies (see also "Swan Butiding Soceiry" below) - Australia Card -- Compliance 4044. Home Building Society 4577,5305. Interest Rate Assistance 2247. Levies 7681. Reports 3825. Terminating -- Low Interest Loans 989. Credit Unions (see also 'Teachers Credit Society" below) - Australia Card -- Compliance 3922. Levies 7680. Ministerial Responsibility 4749. Government Investments 5306. Interest Rates - Decline 1130. Farmers 1436. Manufacturng Investment 152. Mini-Budget Effect 15%6; Speaker's Ruling 1596. Relief -- Public Servants 1283. 1426. Rural Sector -- Reduction 148. Subsidies -- Rural Adjustment Schemes 257. Parliamentary Attacks - Offence 8350. Registra of Cooperative and Financial Institutions -- Advisory Board 5 184. Ministerial Responsibility 3820. Superannuation Board- Surplus Funds 145. Swan Building Society- Audit - Registrar 3825, 4424, 4451, 4901, 5185. Corporate Affairs Department Investigation 3826. Factors WA Pty Ltd -- Sale 5306. Financial Condition 3821. Government Guarantee - Documentation 5424. Investigations -- Corporate Affairs Department 368 1. (74) (74)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FINANCIAL INSTrIUTIONS (continued) - Assembly (concinued) - Swan Building Society (continued) -- Losses -- Crystallisation 6463. Factors WA 4596. Police Investigations 3823. 4047,4279. Reports 4424. S010 Involvement 3823. Teachers Credit Society (see also "Ruraland Industries Bank' above Accounts -- Confidential Information 3497. Administration -- Third Party 7686. Advances 8330. Assets -- Valuation 7513. Attorney General -- Awareness 4423. Audited Accounts -- Tabling 3657. Audits 3657, 4424,5185. Bank Concern 3575. Concern- Advice 4566. Debtors- List 415 1. Depositors- Information 3674, Documents- Tabling 3659. Entrepreneurial Activities 6477. Financial Commitment 4450. Funds Injected 4748. Future 71t78. Government Guarantee - Credit Rating 5568. Documentation 5424. Housing Loan -- Heine, Ms Ann-Marie 5580. Interest Rates 5030. Investigation -- Corporate Affairs -- Commission 4576. Deparment 42 81. Stiedt Committee 4282. Investments -- Brockley Investments Ltd 4152, 4456, 5187. Information 3673. Letters -- Rural and Industries Bank 3673. Liabilities -- Commitment 3685. Losses -- Laurie Potter Group 5572. Offset 6476, 6477. Reports 3687. Management Contract 4423, 5305. Minister for Housing -- Action 3495, 3660, 4155. Awareness 4450. Minsterial Authority 3386. 3387. Point of Order 3387. Monitoring 4412. Political Influence 3495. Problems -- Treasurer's Awareness 3383. Progress Report 445 1. Reports 4424. Reserve Bank Advice 4573. Rural and Industnies Bank -- Advance 7690. Fees 5184. Liabilities 4045. Setect.Committee Inquiry -- Motion 3423. Points of Order 3435, 3445. Withdrawal of Remarks 3425, 3435. Amendment to Motion 3449. Points of Order 3449, 3453, 3463,.3465,3469. House to Divide 3472, 3476. Motion, as Amended 3477. Short-term Investments 5184. Simpson. Mr Keith -- Premier's Knowledge 3570. (INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ (75)

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Teachers Credit Society (continued) -- Staff -- Changes 7177. Rebrenebment 7174, 7176. Subsidiay -- R &lIBank 4412. Treasurer -- Advice 4280,4423. Awareness 4423. Involvement 3659. council -- Baks-- "Merchant Bank" -- Use 6890. Reserve Bank -- Rotliweils Ltd 5110. Rural and Industries Bank -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- indemnity 3623. Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 4169, 5 101. Swan Building Society -- Travel Bookings 4669. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Accounts -- Confidentiality 3529. Attorney General -- Concerns 3619. Corporate Affairs Department -- Investigation 3623. Government Action -- As to Notice of Motion 543 1. Motion 543 1. Investigation -- Corporate Affairs Department 5 111. Ruraland Industries Bank-- Indemnity 3623. Rote 3976. Staff Redundancies -- Adjournment Debate 7227. Takeover -- Attorney Genera]l's Role 3528, 3529. Travel Bookings 4669. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS OF REGULATORY BODIES DILL -- See "Acts Amendment (Financial provisions of regulatory bodies) Bil"P. FIRES -- Assembly -- Brigades -- Education Activities -- Funding 5567. Rescue Operations -- Role 237. Road Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme 236, 527. 742. Volunteers -- Emergency Rescue Role 1419. Control -- Conservation and Land Management Officers 4444. Extinguishers - Services -- Charges 1120. Fire Brigades Board -- Report Tabling -- Extension of Tinme 3532. Fire Fighting Trailers -- Third Party Insurance -- Role 236. Hazards -- Motor Vehicles -- Catalytic Converters 3913. Lightning-caused 252 1. Risks - Combustible Material -- Reserves 3567. Services - Commonwealth Contribution 4420. Funding Reform 6295. Stations -- Busselton -- Land 6484. Perth -- Catering Service 2950. Council -- Alarm -- Parliament House -- Adjournment Debate 5747. Statement by the President 5821. Brigades -- Accident Rescue Role 657. Western Australian Volunteer Fire Brigades Association 299. Bush Fires Board -- Amalgamation - Conservation and Land. Management Department 297. FIREARMS ACT- Assembly- Amendment 3242. FIREARMS AMENDMENT BILL -- Assemrbly -- Intro.; Ir. 2308. Zr- 2308, 3316. Coin. 3320. Report 3320. (76) (76)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FIREARMS AMENDMENT DILL (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - 3r. 3320. Returned 3856, Assent:6610. Council . Receipt Ir. 3283. 2r. 3283, 3601, 3693. Corn. 3694. Report 3694. 3r. 3694. Assent 6303. FISHERIES ADJUSTMENT SCHEMES BILL - Assembly -- Intro.; Br. 3720. 2r. 3854. 4997. Message -- Appropriations 3856. Corn. 5000. Report 5000. 3r. 5000. Returned 54 18. Assent 5523. Council -- Recipt; It. 4955. 2r. 4955. 5329. Corn. 5332. Report 5333. 3r. 5333. Assent 543 1. FISHERIES-.- Abalone -- Poachers- Surveillance 5319. Prosecution -- Action 4425. Regulations 3243. Commercial -- Nomnalup Inlet 5692. Crayfish- Economic Market Factors 7164. Investigation 5963. Pool17924. Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 434&- Masron-- Aquiculture Ucences 6937. Banning 5699. Exports 6987. 6988. Inspectis6 4 4 . Rock Lobster -- Boaw Licences -- Purchases 234. Rshennan -- Offences 542 1. Pot Entitlements -- Petition 14. Seasonal Catch 5420. Shak - Geographe Bay -- Petition 14. Council -- Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4461. Masron -- Marketing Legislation 5359. FISHERIES AMENDMENT DILL (No 2) - Assembly -- Intr.; Br. 5620. Zr. 5889. 7113. 7237. 7304. Coin. 7307. Report 7307. 3r. 7307. Retumnd 7788. Assent 8321. Council- Receipt; Br. 7370. 2r. 7370, 7564. Corn. 7570. Report 757 1. 3r. 7571. Assent 827. [INDEX TO SUJECTS] (77)77

FISHERIES AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.; IJr. 76. 2r. 1192, 2207. FLATMAN FAMILY -- Assembly -- Homosexual Bathhouse -- Owership 599. FLORICULTURE -- Assembly- Report -- Action 7919. Council -- Chrysanthemums -- White Rust 2305. FORESTS -- Assembly -- Armallaria luaeobubalina -- Effects 3242. Question 768 1. Hamel Nursery -- Future 1,582.6810. Petition 3301. Tenders 6659. Hawke Block -- Tourism Potential 6664. Karli Dieback 3367, 762 1. Lang Scientific Study Management Priority Area 3248. Logging -- Federal Government Action 385. National Estate - Federal Government Actions 590. Phytophibora cinnamomi 7681. Prescribed Burning 8087. Preservation -- Petition 5887. Production Costs 3246. NilpMill 5807.5960. Resources -- Committee of Inquiry 3818. Inventory 1717. Royalties - Efficient Costs 1588. Sandalwood -- Export Committee -- Meeting 985. Members 5968. Royalties 985. Silviculture -- Techniques 1588. Sleepers - Price 1587. Softwood -- Plantings _ Reductions 992. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motions 5496, 5497, 6934, 6935. Revocation of Dedication -- Motions 1738, 2120. Point of Order 2133. Adjournment of Debate 1739. Amendments to Motion 2126, 2133. Assembly's Resolutions -- Council's Concurrnce 5148, 7285. Timber - Charcoal -- Silicon Plant 1718. Draft Timber Strategy 1715. Industry -- Employees 5566. Log Prices 3257. Mills -- Dwellingup 3251. Private Property 983. Woodchipping - Denmark -- Petition 929. Federal Government Inquiry 983. licence -- Obligations 3371. MacLean Sawmills Pty Ltd - Environmental Studies 2679. South Coast - Proposal 386. council - Afforestation -- Private - Submnission 66. Central Forest Region Dra Management Plan -- Tenure Change 3617. Commnittee. of inquiry -- Results 293. Hardwood -- Logg- Control 1275. Hawke Block -- Royalties 5750. Hazard Reduction Burning 575 1. (78) (78)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FORESTS (continued) -- Council (continued) - Lands and Forest Commission - Chairman -- Replacement 467 1. Private -- Taxation Benefits 294. Softwood -- Share-farm Agreements 1275. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolutions 685 1; Motions to Concur 7186, 7189. Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution- Adjournment of Debate 3002. Motions 2156, 2957. Motion to Concur 4925. Tabling of Document 4932. Withdrawal of Remark 493 1. As to Amendment to Motion 4933. President's Ruling 4934. Witdawal of Remark 4934. Timber - Tendering -- Social Impact 8224. FORMULAS TECHNOLOGY AUSTRALIA PTY LTD -- Assembly--. Government Investment 2140. FORREST -- Assembly -- Dr Martyn -- Perth City Council -- Corrption Allegations- Report 5428. FORRESTDALE PROGRESS ASSOCIATION - Assembly -- Westfield Sewerage Treatment Plant 2520. FRANCIS, MR CHARLES, QC - Assembly -- Minister for Agriculture -- Staff Member -- Perury 3268. FRANCIS, MR VICTOR -- Assembly -- Homosexual Bathhouse -- Manager 603. FREECORNS-METRO-BICTON TRANSACTIONS CASE- Assembly -- Companies Code Amendments 4037. FREMANTLE PORT AUTHORITY AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.: Ir. t1173. 2r. 1534, 6398. Message -- Appropriations 1539. Coin. 6413. 642 1. Report 6427. 3r. 6427. Council's Message 7285. Council-- Receipt; tr. 6520. 2r. 6520. 6867, 7191. Defeated 7203. FREMANTLE STEAM LAUNDRY PTY LTD -- Assembly -- The Anchorage Development 530. F'UNDSCORP - See 'Fun&r Corporation Australia" below. FUNDS CORPORATION AUSTRALIA -- Assembly -- Brush. Mr Len--Chief Excutive l5it. Cash Surpluses -- Returns 6289. Chief Executive -- AppLications 6980. Establishment 151. Governent Investments 6491, 6813. Lotteries Commission -- Fund Management 7165. Money Management 7935. Profits 6239. Returns 7156. GALE, MR KEITH - Assembly - Cant Corporation Ltd - Involvement 246. Government Employment 246.1236. 1718. Strategies 25. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (79)79

GALE, MR KEITH (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - WA Exim Corporation -- Involvement 533. Problem 241. Role 882. GAMBLING - Assembly -- *"Big Deal" Electronic Machines -- Installation 7337. Casinos -- Burswoai Island -- Inquiry 4595. Police Investigation 4454. New South Wales-- Genting International 4594. Lotteries - Commission - Assessment 4155. Distributions 3616. Money Management 7935. Professional Fund Managers 7165. Secretary 1241, 3488. Short-term Investments 6666. mateur Arts Groups 1228. Changes 865. Distributions 1976, 3798,4051, 4155.,4269, 4421. Revenue 3567. Private -- Legality 588. 1243. Timespool -- Legality 1870. Social- Clubs 993. Totalisator Agency Board -- Bunbury Trotting - Off-cours Belting 5585. Radio Station 6PR - Purchase 4915. Two-up -- Bunibury Trotting Club 5584. Council - Casinos - ButswoedlIsland 5617, 56 18. New South Wales -- Investigation 5617. Lotteries - Commission - Subsidies - Incorporated Bodies 4826. Instant -- Administrative Costs 790. Distributions -- Availability 5886,6191. Grants and Loan Assistance for the Arts 1273. Payments to Sporting Bodies 790, 8027, 8028, 8253. 8254. Sporting Equipment Giants 4211, 4212. [otto -- Machine Permits 8303. Totalisator Agency Board -- Agencies - Closing Time 1343. Boyup Brook -- Continuation -- Petition 606. GAMING COMMISSION BILL--. See also "Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gaming) Bill". Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.: Ir. 1173. 2r. 1377, 3397. Message -- Appropriations 1339. Com. 3401. Report 3406. 3653. 3r. 3654. Returned 4263. Assent 4377. Council--. Receipt; Ir. 3598. 2r. 3598, 4062. Corn. 4186. Report 4188. 3r. 4188. Assent 4287.

60200-4 (80) [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

GANGEMI. MR PETER - Assembly -- Premier -- Approacb 6662. GEORGE CHAPMAN PTY LTD -- Council -- Employees -- Adjournment Debate 3524. GILL, DR JIM -- Assembly -- Government Employment 130. Seconding -- Wesbra 382. GOLD BANKING CORPORATION BILL -- AssemblY -- Intro.: Ir. 5244. 2r. 5378, 6077. Point of Order 6086. Withdlrawal of Remark 6085. Message -- Appropriations 5523. Corn. 6107. Report 6123. 3r. 6123. Returned 6937. Council's Amendments 7154, Assent 8321. Question 5974. Council -- Receipt; Irn 6179. 2r. 6179. 6694. Corn. 6713. As to Report 6723. Report 6723. 3r. 6723. Assembly's Message 7203. Assent 8257. GOLDBERG. MR VOSSE -- Assembly -- Business Relationship -- Connelt, Mr Laurie 1124. Financial Dealings 5429. Indebtedness 5423. GOLDCORP AUSTRAUA. Assembly -- ribn -- Commissioning 364. Gold Recovery -- Venture 6127. Tailings Dumps -- Leases 6287. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS -- Assembly -- Prompt Payment 1437. GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING - Assembly -- Allocation 1869. CounryNewspapers - Policy 249. Expeditre 4545420. South Wes fern Times -- Members of Parliament 6282. GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS -- Assembly -- 3 10 Hay Street -- Refurbishment 1230. Austnik, Bunbury -- Employees 2146. Occupancy 1570. Rental 1102, 3676. Avon House -- Future 5036. Claremont Mental Hospital Complex -- Maintenance 3363. 3364, 3673. Residential I-and Sale 3360, 3361, 3478. Harrison House. Northam -- Demolition 4766,5189. Harrow House - Sale 4593. Heathcote Hospital -- Rezoning 7921. National Safety Council -- Disposal 4264. Office of Government Accommodation -- Exp)enditure 4579. Outstanding Debts 4438, Requirements 144. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (1(81)

GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Old Treasry Building -- Redevelopment -- Terms 6648. Tobacco Smoking -- Banning -- Petition 4828. Council -- AustmnaA. Bunbury -- Ownership 3035. Rental 3037. Heaxhcote Hospital -- Land Grant 7737. Old Perth Technical College -- Sale 2301, 3034. Use 926. Perth Technical College Sire -- Lease 3969. Sit-- Rockingham 2300. GOVERNMENT BUSINESS -- Assembly -- Precedence -- Tuesdays and Thursdays 76. Wednesdays 2185. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS -- Assembly -- Fwnitu'v -- Alteration 3491. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES- Assembly~- Administrative Cuts 378. Alternative Working Arrangements 366. Annual Leave Loading -- Policy 3560. Austnaik, Bunbury, -- Location 2146. Australia Card -- Dismissal 4270. Refusal 3487. Budget Allocation -- Salaries and Wages 5024. Conditions of Employment -- Contract -- Conditions 5581. Motor Vehicles 888. Other Employment 4413. Departmentms -- Ministers of the Crown 1426-1431, t578, 1714, 1862. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly 1423. Flexitime -- Review 974. Full-time - Statistics 380. Identification 4414. Land Administration -- Action - Validation 5818. Motor Vehicles -. Entitlement 24 1. Perry, Dr Russell 4421. Public Sector -- Computing Facilities -- lncase 3797. Superantnuation Scheme -- Compulsory Membership 3558. Public Servants - Appointments- Opposition Attacks 6820. Shareholdings -- Bans 239. Statutory Authority Boards 6813, 7162. Telephone Surveillance 6996. Public Service -- -Got 77

Databanks -- Information Leakages 3556. Freeze - Cessation 2521. Objectives 2684. Political Appointees 1235. Reclassifications -- Freeze 2247. Smoking Regulations 1420. Staff Avce -- Lifting 1234. Transfers -- Interest Rate Relief 1283, 1426. Public Service Board -- Bredemeyer, Ms Elizabeth 372. Budget Allocations -. Information Services 4411. Other Staffing Costs 44 10. Services and Contracts 6281. Easton, Mr Brian -- Resignation 6485. (82) (82)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Reductions -- Claims 4595; Withdnrwal of Remark 4396. Premier's Commitment 3822. Retirees -. Contract Employment 2523. Salaries- Accounting 3678. Second Tie, Wage Increase -- Video 4905. Senior Positions -- Merit-Based Selection Procedures 5809. Staffing Levels -- Full-time Equivalent 3264. Statistics 129.,378,.5573. Superannuation Deductions- Remits 374. Teachers Union 4567, 7519. Travel 586, 877. Vincent, Mr Philip 5573. Council -- Alexander, Mr Ron 4342. Select Committee Evidence- Perjury 3191. Transfers.-- Furniture Removals 3137. West Coa Eagles Players 4343. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES' HOUSING AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 4090. 2r. 4237. 5401. Corn. 5404. Report 5404. 3r. 5404. Returned 568. Assent 6280. Council--_ Receipt; Ir. 5355. 2r. 5355, 5592. Corn. 5593. Report 5593. 3t. 5593. Assent 6147. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SUPERANNUATION BILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.: Ir. 1172. 2r. 1368, 2372. Message -- Appropriations 1339. Cognate Debate 2349. Corn. 2373. Report 2383. 3r. 2383. Returned 2845. Council's Amndments 2846. Assent 3237. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 2405. 2r. 2405, 2539. Corn. 2556. As to Report and 3r. 2562. Report 2699. 3r. 2699. Assembly's Message 2767. Assent 3 41. GOVERNMENT GUARANTEES- Assembly -- Credit Rating 5316, 5568. Details - Matter of Public Importance 536 1. Loan Council Restrictions 5317. 5568. Rothwells Ltd 6650. Treasury Advice 5199. Coauncil -- Consultation 7408. Rotbwefls Ltd 5613, 5614. GOVERNMENT HOUSING- See -Housing". (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (83)(3

GOVERNMENT INSTRUMENTALITIES- Assembly -- Advertising- Budget 1870, 1978,.2139. Expenditure 4052, 4748. Annual Reports- Tabling 7137. Apprenticeships -- Offers 143 1. Australia Card -- Cost 4044,4160. Use 3487. Boards -- Nominations 380. Borrowings 5374. Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry 1826; Withdrawal of Remark 1829. Computers -- Bureau Services 4264. Confidential Information -- Matter of Public Importance - Motion 3628. Amendment to Motion 3639. Points of Order 3640, 364 1. Deposits -- Rothwells Ltd 5569. Informazion Files--. Private Citizens 1576. 3659. Investments -- Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 7926. Overseas Borrowings 152. Payments -- WA Development Corporation 6132. Returns -- FundsCorp, 7156. Stock Market Crash -- Effect 5203. Taxes and Charges -- Payroll Tax 3260. WA Exirn Corporation 368-37 1, 517. Council--. Kickett. Mrs Marion -- Employment 299. Marine and Harbours Department 306. Paintings -- Policy 300. Payroll Tax-- Collections 3132. Privatisation -- Motion 3508, 688 1. Standing Committee on Government Agencies -- Reports 6823, 6998, 7963. GOVERNMENT LAND- Council -- Marshalling Yards -- Bunbury -- Sale 8223. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS -- Assembly -- Headway Magazine 125. Slate Printing Division -- Functional Review Commuittee Report 1245. Income 4900. Plant Sales 4449. Private Contracts 4900. Staffing Level 4900. GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Inr.: Ir. 1173. 2r. 1278, 1798. Corn. 1803. Report 1804. 3r. 1804. Returned 2676. Assent 3237. Counil -- Receipt; Ir. 2013. 2r. 2013, 2416, 2563. Corn. 2563. Report 2563. 3r. 2564. Assent 3 141. GOVERNMENT STORES -- Assembly -- Fluorescent Lamps-- Purchases 1116. GOVERNMENT TRAVEL- Assembly -- Bookings -- Holiday WA Centrs -- Value 586, 4160. Expenditure - Comparisons 970. (84) (84)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

GOVERNMENT TRAVEL (continued) - Council -- Bookings--. Holiday WA Centres 656. GOVERNOR OF MALACCA -- Council -- Distinguished Visitor 6307. GOVERNOR OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA- Assembly -- Opening Speech - Distribution of Copies 15. Council - Car Tyres 319D. Opening Speech- Delivery 1. GRAIN-.Distribution of Copies 9. Assembly -- Freight -- Agreement 4566. Contracts -- Anomalies 4284. Differentials 4566. Rates 4566, 53 18. Industry -- Economic Conditions 6984. Lupins -- Price Paid 6986. Sales -- Losses -- Industrial Disputes 3482. Transport -- Overload Tolerance 3265. Wheat - Damaged 2386. Forecasts 348 1. Council -- Freight Rates - Broomehill-Albany 5359. Grain Pool -- Bitter Lupins 6190. Lupins -- Complaints 5749. Parliamentary Grain Industry Delegation - Report -- Statement by Hon J.M. Brown 582 1. GRAINFEEDS LTD - Council -- Railway Land -- Purchase 6190. GRAIN MARKETING AMENDMENT BILL.. See 'Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill'. GREAT SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DILL - Assembly -- Intro.; It. 75. 2r. 176, 792, 929. Withdrawal of Remark 939. Message: Appropriations 303. Corn. 942. Report 947. 3r. 947. Returned 1186. Assent 2470. Council -- Receipt; I r. 91 1. 2r. 91 1., 1026. Corn. 1034. Report t036. 3r. 1036. Assent 2398. GRIEVANCES -- Assembly- Aboriginal Affairs - Development - Conference 1183. Point olOrder 1183. Suspension of Standing Orders 1183. By-elections -- Government's Actions 5269. Cemeteries- Fremantle - Admninistration 5639. Chemicals- Polychlorinated Biphenyls 4117. Community Services - Complaints -- Complainant's Identity 1176. Education - Canning Vale Primary School - Relocation 1811. High School Hostel -- South Hedland 4526. Mukinbudin District High School -- Mixed-mode Facilities 5262. Energy -- Unleaded Petrol 3410. Environment -- Bold Park -- Land Exchange 813. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (5(85)

GRIEVANCES (continued)- Assembly (continued) Health -- Hospitals -- Children -- Welfare 815. Medical Practitioners -- Fees 5266. Tobacco Smoking -- Cigarette Sales -- Children 5645. Sale--. Moom 342 1. Valuations .. Remote Areas 18 19. Lo~cal Government .. Welfare Services 1180. Minerals - Quarries -- Gravel -- Extraction 5642. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Racist Posters 4114. Planning -- Subdivisions 811. Police - Staffing - Warwick 4522. Real Estate Agents - Activities 5647. Roads-.- Mitchell Freeway -- Facilities Access 3415. Sex Change -- Legal Status 526l. Shopping -- Centres -- Rentals 809. Sport and Recreation - Football -- Subiaco Oval 182 1. Technology -- Computers 4111. Traffic -- Perth Electorate 1816. Transport -- Railways -- Bunbuzy Bridge 4524. Waste Disposal -- Orange Grove 3418. Wildlife .. Western Swamp Turtle 4520. Workers' Comipensattion -- Family Companies 1 177. GRIM WADE TOWNSHIP -- COunci .- Closure 5754. HAIRDRESSERS - Assembly -- Act -- Amendments 2686. Apprentices -- Registrations 2683. Training 2680. Classifications -- Amalgamation 2686. Registation -- Act--. Amendment 1586. Board -- Abolition 2685. Appointments 1586. Chairman and Deputy Chairman 3249. Futre 4586. Government Representatives 2686. Members -- Appointments 2685. Roberts, Mr M. 3249. Roberts, Mrs Norma Mary 3249. Review 2685. Staff 2685. Procedures 883. Council- Registration Board -- Chairman and Deputy Chairman 3136. HANSARD . Assembly -- Daily Production -- Questions 3273,3335. Statement by the Speaker 1794. HARDING, MR ALAN- Assembly -- Retirement 2944. HARGADON, MR GEORGE - Assembly -- Retirement 3238. IIAZELMERE HERBS- Council-- Fluoride Emissions 4826. Funding 4974. HEALTH-- Assembly..- Act-- Amendment -- Dra Building Code 3368. (86) (86)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HEALTH (continued) -- Assembly (continued) -- AIDS -- Aboriginal Persons 983. Awareness Campaign -- Adverrising 5587. Homosexual Bathhouse -- Closure 535. Manager 603. Operation 395. Ownership 599. Infants 268 1. Ministerial Statement 224. Mosquito Transmission -- Research 234. Patients - Hospitals 2520. Prevention -- Television Programme 2952. Prisoners 4567, 4592. Publicity Material 24. Seminar 121. Sexual Assault 739. WA AIDS Council -- Journal Artile 865. Legislative Assembly Staff False Claim 664. Lifeguard Pamphlets 871. Members 244. Pamphlets 986, 1102, 1106. Western Australian Cases 7676. Alcohol - Aborigines -- Campaign 139. Alcohol and Drug Authority -- Director 2244- Consumption -- Public Places 2950. Motor Vehicle Accidents 6285. Antibiotics -- Livestock 1572. Audiometric Testing -- Mobile Unit 73 1. AustralianCouncil for Health. Physical Education and Recreation 12 1. Authorities -- Databanks -- Information 3797. Bends Cases 735. Clubs -- Laurie Potter -- Action Group 4587. Life Memberships 3927.4772. 5033. Losses 5572. Oversupply 4587. Turnover -- Downturn 4587. Voluntary Code 4771. Consumers -- Phone-in 3559. Contraception -- School Syllabus 1867. Dental -- Clinic Assistants -- Award 4583. Dental Adt - Amendment 526. Dentists .. Incorporation 389. Hygienists -- Registration 1432. Orthodontist -- Bunbury Dental Clinic 3367. Deparment -- Computers 6138. Headway Magazine 125. Health Inspection and Occupational Health Branch 4899. Publications -- Macedonian Language 123 1. Records -- Computerisation 5705. Students- Work Experience 268 1. Women's Health Policy Unit 589. Dietitians -- Referrals 156. Disabled Persns -- Association for the Blind - Lotteries Commission Assistants 3676. Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons -- Child Registrations 1221. Blind Person -- Assault 4762, 717 1. Booklet -- Compilation 4043. Deaf People .. Meeting - Minister for Education 6302. Handicapped Children- Irrabeeria Centre 252 1. Satellite Education Scheme 880. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (87)(7

HEALTH (continued)--. Assembly (continued) - Disabled persons (continued) -- Intellectually Handicapped Children -- After-school Care Facilities 524, 1118. Greenwood Pire-school 1981. Motorised Wheel Chains 589, 5583. Pynion Training Centre -- Alternative Facilities 5309. Rocky Bay Village - Speaker's Gallery 4347. WA Blind Institute-- Furniture Contract 3491. Wheelchairs -- Taxis 7923. Downs Syndrome Association -- Education Assistance 7677. Drugs -- Codeine -- Abuse 3573. Detoxification Unit 535, 741, 864. Generic Drugs -- Hospital Patients 1982. Heroin - Dependants 742. Juvenile Use 5207. Recreational Use 746. Hot Line 6296. Ioynt Venture 7935. Marijuana -- 'Grass Board Game 3562. Methdone Programme 74 1. Operation NOAH 6296. Possession -- On-te-Spot Fines 141, 52 1. Quo Vadis Ding and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Rehabilitation Programmes -- Budget Allocation 4.422. Research -- Funding 4.430. Telephone Hot Line 161. Education -- K- 10 Syllabus -- Celibacy I t10. Federal Liberal Party Policy 2251. Food Standards Regulations - Recommendations 5699. Foodstufifs -- Chemical Residues 3812. Imports -- Testing 3664. Ionizing Radiation 141, 242. PVC Wrapping -- Hazard 3667. Radiation -- Report 3916. Haemophiliacs - Listing 6129. Treatmient Centre 5817. Government Chemical Laboratories 123. Head-injured Persons - Care 3493. Head Injured Society of WA (Inc.)- Future Operations 972. Melville Rehabilitation Centre -- Purchase 740. Rehabilitation -- Centre -- Land Offer 122 1. Responsibility 6131, 6132. Hospice -- Additional Facilities 139. Hospitals .. 'A-class- Bed Costs 5419. 'C"-class- Rossmoyne -- Petition 7086. Acute Services -- Discssion Document 4584. Albany Regional -- Alterations 1225. Bed Capacity 3665. Image Intensifier 1981, 5700. Nursing Establishment 2951. 3562. Armadale-KeLmscot District Memorial -- Capital Works 3675. Permanent Care Unit 130.3252. Avro, -- Planning Application 4449. Bed Occupancy Avenages 2688. Bentley--. Psychogeriatric Patients 7162. Bicton -- Sale 590. Children--Welfare -- Grievance 815. Cleaning- Contract 1875. Computers 2956. (88) (88)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

HEALTH (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Hospitals (continued) - Country -- Downgrading 6660 Day Surgery -- Professioal Standards Advisory Committee 1222. Ear Nose and Throat Patients -- Beds Allocated 868. Elective Surgery - Categories 1417. Commonwealth Funding 7 169. Waiting Lists -- Questions 128, 864, 3368, 6482. 6659, Urgency Motion 1046. Fremantle -- Downgrading -- Petition 308, 666, Psychiatric Patients 1222. Upgrading -- Petition 666. Geraldton Regional - Image Intensifier 5700. Younger, Mr Ross 1230. Guowangerup -- Director of Nursing 531. Government Decision 885. Inquiry 3670,4434. Report Publication 4048. Running Costs 1572. Graylands -- Kiosk 2689,3257. Heathcoze - Closure 534, 972,.979. In-patients 590. Valuations 1223. Information Management Systems 1227. King Edward Memorial -- Food Quality 3369. Laundry and Linen Service Privatisation 3924, 4409. Mandurab -- Planning 3257. Margaret River - Allocation 4265. Construction 1291, 3257. Rebuilding 8343. Redevelopment 3682. Replacement -- Petition 4347. Upgrading -- Petition 5495. White Ant infestation 7687. Medical Practitioners -- Model Contract 6669. Mumiay District -- Radiology Equipment 2246. Northamn -- Equipment Removal 7926. Osborne Park and Waareroo -- Medical Superintendent 3241. Pharmaceutical Manufacture 3559. Planning Report -- Recommtendations 739. Discussion Document 239. Princess Margaret -- Child Care Centre 4908, 5025. 5419, 7676. Private -- Contract Arrangements 4594. Psychiatric Services -- Integration 1223. Replacement 980. Public -- Status 535. Records -- Centralisation 5968. Computerisatioo 6655. Rockingham - Capital Works 7165. Royal Perth - Doctor Resignations 3675. Ear Nose and Throat Ward 528. Industrial Dispute 396. Point of Order 397. Parking Facilities 38 1. Surgeon Resignations 128. Welfare Officer Appointment 741. Running Costs 3359. St John of God, Bunbry 5567,5810.6659. Swan District -- Downgrading 752. Staff Levels -- Petition 191. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (89)(9

HEALTH (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - IMmunisation Programmes 2529. In Vitro Fertilisation -- Public Patients 379. Kamnien Committee -- Report 3380. Kava -- Aboriginal Communities 2525. Education Programme 4429,4430. Importation S517, 3259. Magnetic Resonance Imager - Installation 1981. Purchase 1220. Mandurah Community Health Centre -- Value 4050. medical -- Centre -- Mt Lawley -- Rezoning 742. Practitioners - Castleden, Mr Bill -- Consultancy Contract 2955. Matter of Public Importance 2445. Country Hospitals - Model Contract 6669. Fees -- Grievance 5266. Question 7679. Northam -- Surgeon 7926. Specialists -- Charges 4903. Tom Price 6811. Research -- Allocations 2516. Melville Rehabilitation Centre -- Purchase 740. Mental -- GROW- Grants 3484. Patient -- Indecent Assault 7345, 7527. Psychiatric -- Hostels - Subsidies 534. Working Party Report 5309. Services -- Inquiry 12 88. Psychiatrists - Regional Areas 124. Minister for Conservation and!Land Management -- Surgery -- Matter of Public Importance - Censure Motion 2444. Amendment to Motion 2452. Points of Order 2452, 2454, 2456. Speaker's Ruling 2455. Remarks During Division 2455. Tabling of Documents 2462. Motor Neuron Disease -- Research 7678. Noise -- Abatement -- Police Role 745. Meelcatharra Power Station 124. Nurses -- Accommodation -- Country Areas 4037. College Row School, Bunbury 3657. Community-based -- Pay Rise 589. Concerned Nurses Group -- Federation Election 979, 3257. Kimberley 979. 1982. 4266. Motbercraft -- Accreditation 3803. Funding 3802. Registration 5192. Shortage 3802. Training 3 799, 380 1. Nurses Board -- Qualifications 5191. Nursing Homes 8336. Pullman Inquury -- Recommendations 3359. Registered Nurses- Training 6474. School of Nursing- Investigation 7182. Training -- Technical and Further Education 198 1. Occupational Therapists --Castlereagh School 523. Osteopaths - Registration 1233. Patients -- "Contsunmers" 7679. Travel Assistance Scheme -- Escorts 3824, 4047. Handicapped Children 2387. Kilometrage Rate 1233. (90) [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HEALTH (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Patients (continued) -- Travel Assistance Scheme (continued) -- Refunds 2246. Relatives 5703. Podiatrists -- Referrals 156. Policies-- Federal Opposition 1987. Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Incinerator -- Opposition 2252. Prescriptions -- Tranquillisers; 739. Regionalisation Policy 740. 3806. s - Regulations 2387, obaco Smoking -- Advertisement 1435. Banning .. Government Offices--. Petition 4828. Cigarette Sales -- Children -- Grievance 5645. Dangers - Petition 4499; Speaker's Ruling 4499. Deaths -- Estimated Forecast of Fatalities 4047. Heart Disease 4160. Rare 3360. Statistics 3669. Young People 3791. Public Service -- Regulations 1420. "Quit"Campaign - Perth Wildcats Sponsorship 6661. Schools -- Regulation 3815. Technical and Further Education Staff -- Policy 4357. Women -- Developments 5315. Counlcil-- AIDS - AIDS Council -- Funding 653, 654. Support 67, 68. Notification 7738. Sexual Pares -- Infaoation -- Petition 4603. Testing 660. Air Pollution Control Council - Guidelines 5486. Condoms -- Advertising -- Buses 7407. Department -- Quit Campaign -- Funding 2800. Disabled Persons -- Association for the Blind - Funding 3624, 3625. 4678. Subsidy Withdrawal 4342. Blind Persons -- Library Services 4342. Handicapped Children -- Respite Care 5754. Intellectually Handicapped Minor- Sexual Offences 3968. Uip-reading Classes 7233. Mentally Handicapped Offenders -- Security Institutions 5753. Pyrtoa Centre Closure 5614. Taxis 4670. DusAngel's Trumpet Plant 927. National Drug Offensive -- Allocations 301. Operation NOAH -- Schools 8220. Family Planning Association -- Funding 653. Fluoride Emissions -- Guidelines 5486. Hospitals -- Bentley Lodge -- Rote Change 7083. Bunbury Regional -- Child Care Day Centre 1270. Expenditure 302. Redevelopment Programme 662. Margaret River - Member's Comments -- Adjournment Debate 4969. Temporary Accommodation 8025. Wagin -- Bed Capacity 6729. Warren Distrct-Construction 5749. Medical Practitioners - AID)S -- Notification 7738. Merredin - Petition 9. mental-- CROW -- Budget Allocation 5483. Psychiatric Patients - Homelessness 1165. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (91)

HEALTH (continued) -- Council (continued) - Natural Family Planning Association -- Funding 653. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare -- Voluntary Workers 4670. Terminally III Children -- Holiday Home 3138.

ToaccoSokinCuni on Smoking and Health -- Funding 4678.

"Quit" Campaign -- Funding 2800. HEALTH AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.; I r. 409. 2r. 4214, 5542. Corn. 5556. Report 5562. 3r. 3362. Returned 6280. Assent 7087. Council -- Receipt; Jr. 5716. 2r. 5716, 6162. Coin. 6176. Report 6179. 3r, 6179. Assent 6880. HEINE, MS ANN-MARIE -- Assembly -- Chief Manager, Personnel Resources- Stare Energy Comm-ission 5034. Housing Loan -- Concessionai 5580. HERITAGE PLACES (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.; I r. 6396. Zr. 6750. Question -- Debate 7181. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN -- Assembly -- Photograph -- Parliamentary Dinng Room 7519. HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITIES -- Council - Legislation -- Opposition -- Petitions 19902154, 2398, 253 1. HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS - Assembly -- Bathhouse -- AIDS 599, 603. Closure 393, 533. Council "Family" -- Definition 67, 68. HONEY POOL AMENDMENT BILL - Council -- Intro.: J r. 2699. 2r. 3029. HORTICULTURE - Assembly -- Grape Growing -- Select Committee Recommendations 3264, 3265. Metropolitan Markets -- Canning Vale -- Door H-ardware 6468. Site -- Sale 384. Potatoes -- Crops 2962. Cyst Nematode 518S, 3816. Vegetables -- Manjimup 6136. Council -- Metropolitan Markets -- City Site -- Sale 3620. New Complex -- Completion 2303. Potato Marketing Authority -- Minister's Instructions 2066. HOSPITALS AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly- Receipt; I. 2471. Council-- Intro.; Ir. 36. 2r. 292, 216 1. Corn. 2168. Report 2168. 3r. 2168. (92) (92)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HOUSING LOAN GUARANTEE AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 5244. 2r. 5384, 5950. Message -- Appropriations 5397. Corn. 5955. Report 5955. 3r. 5955. Returrid'6937. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 5986. 2r. 5986. 6552, 6727. Corn. 6728. Report 6728. 3r, 6728. Assent 7939. HOUSING -- See also 'Aboflginal'Affairs. Assembly -- 430 Light Street, Dianetla -- Purchase 527. Accommodation Units -- Warren Electorate 6648. Boddington -- Building Programe 6990. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Dwellingup 530. Construction Programme -- 1986-87, pp. 4412, 4577, 6129. Defence Home Loans Scheme -- Discontinuance 4164. Electrical Work Inspections 998. Emergency Applications 4159. Exmouth 6292. Federal Package 254. Government Employees -- Northam 3242. 3243. Government Employees Housing Audhority -- Cleaning 745, 873. Expenditure 4580. Outstanding Debts 4437. Port Kedland 529. 3491. Komeswest -- Carpeting -- Underlay 98 1. Eviction Notices 1870. Expenditure 458 1. Fraudulent Claims 4270. Government Policy 557 1. Hazelmere 3480. Inventory -- Augusta 3670. Land Planing and Develojnenr Section 979. Loans -- Waiting List 4437 Mortgage Loans -- Unemployed Persons 247. Outstanding Debts 4.436. Parliamentary Liaison Officers 744. Prestige Brickworks Site -- Submission 3663. Repayments -- Assistance 12 1. Staff -- Borrowing Conditions 154. Housing Loan Guarantee Act 5701, 5702. Industrial and Commercial Employees Housing Authority - Expenditure 4580. Outstanding Debts 4437. Loans -- 198687, pp. 4578, 4897.,4898. Maintenance -- Balga 1432. Multiple Units -- Water Meters 862. North West -- Average Price 6293. Package - Effect 245. Pilbana -- Rental 5703. Pinjanua -- Applications -- Waiting List 153. Police -- Northam 7926, 8328. Private -- Homeswest Purchases 744. Privatisation 3928. 4409. Purchases -- Discount 4597. Refuiges 872. Relocations 2246. Rental - 28 Preston Way, Balga 88 1. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (93)(3

HOUSING (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Rental (continued) -- Albany -- Applicants 383. Applications-- Waiting List 3365. Assistance 4159. Exmrouth -- Oftens to Sell 5574. Kauratha. 2697. Maintenance 3365. North West 5814. Penisioners -- Increases 1253. Purchase -- Applicants 4897. Criteria 5308. income Tests 4898. Tenancies 3366. 3660-3662. 'Time Reached" Date 3364. Turnaround Time 154. Residential -- Residential Planning Review Task Force 2683. Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Details 986. Draft 1287. Introduction 874, 875, 1982, 2523, 3914, 5207. Provisions If111, 1224. Rental Accommodation Shortage 5202. "Time Reached" Date 3364- Units -- Water Meters 142. Rockinghiam -- Construction Programme 7338. Rooming Houses -- Letting 2690. 269 1. Rural Housing Authority -- Expenditure 4581. Outstanding Debts 4437. Shortage -- Motion Rejection 996. State Energy Commission -- Funding 1105. Subsidies -- Applicants -- Means Testing 427 1. Tenants -- Water Consumption Payments 14 1. Units -- Albany -- Completions 383. Water Meters 73 1. Whiteman Park - Subdivisions 4419. Council -- Construction Programme -- Lower North Province 397 1. Government Employees Housing Authority -- Laverton 4211. Homeswest -- Lower North Province 397 1. Sale 638 1. Land -- Wundowie 1656. Rental - Waiting List -- Denham 2305. Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Support -- Petition 358 1. Sales -- Minimum Occupancy Period 1038. Wandazia Flats -- Children 3132. HOWARD BUTLER AND ASSOCIATES PTY LTD -- Assembly -- Driver Training Facility 968. HR YNKIW MR RAMON - Assembly .. Employment -- Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment 987. HUMAN TISSUE AND TRANSPLANT AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Intro.: IL. 76. 2r. 179, 1061. Corn. 1061. Report 1061. 3r. 1061. Returned 1219. Assent 1782. Council -. Receipt Ir.1013. 2r. 1013, 1163. Corn. 1164. Report 1164. (94) (94)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HUMAN TISSUE AND TRANSPLANT AMENDMENT BILL (continued) - Council (continued) - 3r. 1164. Assent 1990. IC AUSTRALIA OPERATIONS PTY LTD- Assembly -- Ceramics Project 889. IDENTITY CARD- Assembly -- Senate Standing Comnmittee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs -- Submission 8342, IMPRISONMENT AND PAROLE AMENDMENT DILL- See 'Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill". INCORPORATION OF MATERIAL. Council -- President's Comments 3113. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT -- Assembly -- America's Cup - Benefit 1126. Canning Vale -- Dust Nuisance 5958. Ceramnics Project -- Status 889. Computer Aided Design 974. Defence-related Industries 1126. Department -- Advertising Budget 1870. Energy-using Industries -- Encouragement 735. Esperance Enterprise Development Agency 5028. Fashion Industry -- Assistance 1128. Fremantle -- Residential Area -- Opposition 5312. Heavy Engineering -- Government Assistance 3243. Industrial Supply Office - Establishment 1580. Investments -- Interest Rates -- Efifedt 152. Jakarta Exposition -- Participation 7336. National Industry Extension Service .. Development 862. Non-bousing Construction 1871. Objectives 5582. Paper Pulp Mills -- Establishment 1245. Professional Development Land -- Kwinana 7163. Quality Control 978, 1574. Rolls Royce -- New Facility 977. Shrip Lifting Facility -- Establishment 149. Silicon Plant 5032. 6130. 8090. Space Industry .. Western Australian Work 1978. Synthetic Gems -- Government Assistance 1580. Titanium Dioxide Plant -- Environmental Recommendation 5695. Zirconia Plant- Agreement 1715. Council -- Charcoal Plant- Pinjarra 3140. Pilbara Steelworks--. Natural Gas 2303. INDUSTRIAL REFERRAL AND DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES INC- Assembly -- Police Stress -- Consultant 3805. Services 1422,4448. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AMENDMENT BILL (No 2) Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 3532. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AMENDMENT BILL (No 3)- Council -- Intr.; It. 4461. 2r. 4462, 4606, 6029. Defeated 6034. Questions 4682, 5488. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AMENDMENT BILL (No 4)- Assembly -- Intro.; It. 5620. 2r. 5797, 7742. Point of Order 775 1. Coin. 7753. Report 7757. 3r. 7737. Returned 83 15. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 7998. 2r. 7999, 8153. ( INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (5(95)

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AMENDMENT B[LL (No 4) (continued) - Council (continued) - Corn. 8157, Report 8 166. 3r, 816. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly .. Intro.; Jr. 339L. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS- See also "Unions". Assembly - Awards -- Annual Leave Loadinig 8352, Building Industry - Wet Weather Work 1113. Plymouth Brethren -- Exemptions 1247. Review 5570. State Energy Commission 1113. Commissioners -- Superannuation Scheme 6985. Commonwealth Legislation -_ Complementary State Legislation 1121. Condemnation -- Motion 1200, 1559. Point of Order 1205. Amnendmreot to Motion 1217, 1553. Copeman. Mr Charles -- Activities 2397; Point of Order 2397. Disputes -- Argyle Diamond Mines Pry Ltd 5206. Bus Drivers - Transport 525. Fremnantle Port -- Time Lost 392. Stoppages 1881, 2149,2677. Statistics 3679. Industrial Actions 7919g. Political 7920. Grain Termintals 3482. North West Shelf Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 3303. Amendment to Motion 3310. Ports - Details 7672. Royal Perth Hospital 396; Point of Order 397. Stop-work Meetings -- "Approved" 391. Time Lost 245. Employment Protection Legislation -- Introduction 125. Office -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Policies -- Liberal Party -- Effect 3270. Redundancy-Severance Pay Claim 4776. Second Tier Wage Increase -- Video 4905. Strikes -- Legislation 599. Working Days Lost -- Calculations 743. council--_ Consultation -- Importance 5489. Dole Payments -- Adjournment Debate 5106. Office -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. Tripartite Council -- Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 3)4682. IN4DUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY -- Assembly -- Department -- Restructuring 975. Portfolio -- Review 968. INFLA77ON - Assembly- Farm -- Estimates 4284. Rate- Projected 1726. Western Austraa 1438. INNES-BROWN, MR MALCOLM -- Assembly -- Prison Security -- Dogs 3251. INSPECTORS -- Council -- Entering Premises Without Warrants 244 1. INSURANCE -- Assembly -- Companies -- Shareholding Investments - Ruling 6816. Insurance Council of Australia Ltd - Fire Services Funding 6295. (96) (96)INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

INSURANCE (contnued) --- Assembly (continued) International Insurance Exchange 6652, 6653, 8343. Life Insurance Policies -- Building Societies 4056. Motor Vehicle Insumace Trust -- Claim -- Brush, Mr Len 155, 386, 536. State Government Insurance Commission -- Actuarial Services 8333. Assets 7513. Audited Accounts 2695. Bell Group -- Loan Agreement 5972. Borrowings- Treasurer's Approval 6139. Cabinet Meeting -- Purpose 6299. Conflicting Statements 6301. Connell, Mr Laurie -- Equity 5956, Estimated Liability 6657. Expenditure 4752. Funding Arrangements 7340. Government Funding 6490. Investment Portfolio 6813. Investments 6476. Loans 6141, 6667, Outstanding Debts 4574. Property -- Acquisition 6475, 6476, Assets 6488. Investments 6675. Management -- WA Development Corporation 6667. Manager 5976. Portfolio 6667. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference -- Motion 2186. Purchases -- Policy 7678. Treasurer 6658. Valuations 6658, 6677. Shares -- Dealings -- Matter of Public lImportance 6845. Dividends 6485. Market L.osses 5815. Purchases 6475, 6655. Statutory Requirements. 6476, 6674, 6813. Swan Building Society -- Involvement 3823. Treasurer -- Directions 6486. Information 6680. Water Payments -- Arrears 835S. State Government Insurance Corporation - Property Portfolio 6818. Third-party -- Motor Vehicles -- Petition 3192. Council -- Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust -- Awards 656. State Government Insurance Commission -- Annual Report 7410, 7411.L Borrowings 6042, 7409. Competitive Advantage 307, 662. Discussions 7409. Government Guarantee 6042, 7409. Losses 7410. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Terms of Reference- Assembly's Message 2282; Motion to Concur 2430. Road Service 5752, 6889. Share Purchases 6041, 6042. Shortfall -- Government Responsibility 6043. INVENTIONS - Assembly -- Intellectual Property Rights - Policy 5584. INVESTMENT - Assembly -- Western Australian 869, 870. IRON ORE (CHANNAR JOINT VENTURE) AGREEMENT DIELL -- Assembly -- Intro.; It. 5373. 2r. 5373, 5498. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (7(97)

MRON ORE (CHANNAR JOINT VENTURE) AGREEMENT BILL (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Message -- Appropriations 5397. Cognate Debate 5498. Corn. 5512. Report 55 12, 3r. 55 12. Returned 5648. Assent 6280. Council -- Receipt. Ir.5459. 2r. 5459, 5607. Points of Order 5463. Corn. 5612. Report 5612. 3r. 5612. Assent 6147. IRON ORE (CLEVELAND.CLIFFS) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT BILL Assembly .. Intro.; It. 5244. 2r. 5395.6581. Corn. 6591. Report 6593. 3r. 6593. Returned 6937. Assent 832 1. Council -- Receipt; Itr. 6522. 2r. 6522, 6826. Corn. 6840. Report 6840. 3r. 6840. Assent 7939. IRON ORE (HAMERSLEV RANGE) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT DILL (No 2). Assembly -- Intro.; Ir.5377. 2r. 5377. 5513. Cognate Debate 5498. Corn. 5513. Report 5513. 3r. 5514. Returned 5562. Assent 6280. Council -. Receipt; Ir.5464. Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension 5464. 2r. 5464. Corn. 5465. Report 5465. 3t, 5465. Assent 6147. IRON ORE (KAMERSLEV RANGE) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Intro.: Jr. 1794. 2r. 1885, 2659. Cognate Debate 2659. Corn. 2662. Report 2662, 3r. 2662. Returned 3237. Assent 3410. Council -- Receipt; It.259. 2r. 2590, 2968. Corn. 2970. Report 2970. 3r. 2970. IRON ORE (MOUNT BRUCE) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 1794. 2r. 1888, 2663. Cognate Debate 2659. (98) [INDEX TO SUIBJECTS]

IRON ORE (MOUNT BRUCE) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT BILL (continued)- Assembly (continued) - Corn. 2663. Report 2663. 3r, 2663, Returned 3237. Assent 3410. Council -- Receipt Ir. 2593. 2r53. 2970. Corn. 297 1. Report 2971. 3r. 297 1. JANSEN, MR -- Assembly -. Allegations-- Albany Town Council 3262. JESUS PEOPLE INC -- Assembly -- Tranquilliser Prescriptions -- Claim 739. 3M,! FLEET MANAGEMENT-W.D. SCOTT REPORT -- Assembly -- Recommendations -- Implementation 1420. JOHN CONNELL & ASSOCIATES -- Assembly -- Railway Electrification Report 1415. "JOHN CURTIN. Assembly Charter - Cost 232. Passengers -- Survey Requirements 149. Risk 596. VIP Passengers 243. Use -- Labour Day Weekend 379. JOINT PRINTING COMMITTEE -- Assembly -- Budget Allocation -- Increase 44 10. JONES, MR CARRY -- See also "Brush. Mr Len". "Mardn.Mr Rob"' "Superannuation -- Board". Assembly -- Payments - Superannuation Board 25 8, 1709. JUDGES' SALARIES AND PENSIONS AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Receipt; IZr.5562. 2r. 5621, 6396. Points of Order 63%6. Corn. 6397. Report 6397. 3r. 6397. Assent 7445. council -- Intro.; 1r. 492 1. Zr. 5057, 5468. Corn. 5469. Report 5469. 3L. 5469. Retuned 6365. Assent 7705. JURISDICTION OF COURTS (CROSS. VESTING) DILL - Assembly -- Receipt; Itr. 4150. Zr. 4219, 5411. Corn. 553 1. Report 5534. 3r. 5534. Assent 661. Questions 5025.,5026. Council -- Intro.; It. 3532. Zr. 3691, 4060. Corn. 4061. (INDEX TO SUBJ7ECTS] (99)(9

JURISDICTION OF COURTS (CROSS-VESTING) BILL (continued) - Council (continued) - Report 4061. 3r. 406 1. Returned 5468. Assent 6308. JUSTICES ACT - Assembly - Section 172 -- Inquiry 2948. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE- Assembly -- Clerks of Courts 7740. Council -- Appointments - Moratorium 2170. Practice - Restriction 5110. Relocation -- Resignation 5111. KALGOORUIE-BOULDER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- Assembly -- Vandalism 1108. KELLY, MS MAUREEN - Counscil -- Report -- Tabling 3526. KICKErF FAMILY -- Council -- Adjournment Debate 3614. KICKEr'r, MRS MARION- Couincil -- .Government Employment 299. KINGS PARK- Assembly - Bemnies Hamburger Bar -- Excision- Petitions 6193. 6580; Point of Order 6580. KIRKWOOD, MR BRUCE -- Assembly - Comments -- Aluminium Smelter Establishment 888. KWINANA PROGRESS ASSOCIATION - Assembly -- Land Title-- Kwinan Picture Gardens 159 1 LAING, DR NIGEL -- Assembly -- Motor Neurotic Disease - Research 7678. LAND ADMINISTRATION BILL .. See "Acts Amendment (Lan~dAdministration) Bill". LAND AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 2942. 2r. 2942. Questions .. Withdrawal 3486. Order Discharged 3724. LAND .. Assembly -- Bold Park -- Extension -- Petition 8029. Sale 1788. Bucldwd Hill -- Development -- WA Development Corporation 6656, 8336. Sale 385. Commissioner of Titles--. Appointment 137. Condiitional Purchase -- Money Owing 2691. Crown -- Leases -- Sporting Organisations 58 11. Legislation 1868. Review 4584. Treatment 2523. Development Committee 978. Industral Lands Development Authority -- Purchases -- Albany 1116. Institutional Uses -- Consultative Committee 879, 1106. Kimberley Land Council 2696. Land Administration Department -- Functional Review Committee Report 38 10. Land Tax -- Exemptions -- Horse Breeders 1420. Leased Propetty 3809. (100) 100)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

LAND (continued) Assembly (continued) - Landhank -- Expenditure 4582. Ministerial Responsibility 978. Outstanding Debts 4436. Lease -- Kununurna Progress Association 32451. Lot 363 Doepel Street, North Fremantle 528. National Parks -- Bungle Bungle -- Aboriginal Control 5312, 5313. D'Entrecasteaux -- Extension 980, 982. Land Purchase 7927. Entrance Fees 383. 534. Exploration .- Petition 3849. -- Extension 740. Road Upgrading 132,982. Water Supplies 2680. Frank Harm -- Extension 5812, 6133. Proclamation 6134. Road 6145. Mineral Exploration -- Prohibition -- Petitions 3192,3193. Question 4895. Mineral Surveys 3920. Mining -- Bailey Report 4757, 4167. Exploration 8352. Governmnent Policy 5205, 5206. "Package" 6134. Video 8337. National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority- Members 242. Ningaloo Marine Park -- Advisory Committee 1238, 159 1. Deputy Leader of the Opposition's Comments 747; Points of Order 747. Milyeuing Facilities 1590. Scientific Facility 1590. Private Sector Operators 992. Proposals -- Implementation -- Petition 3192. Rudall River- Aboriginal Use 5313. Access 4777. Boundaries 4767. Mineral Exploration 3256. 6134. Mining Exploration 4778. Purchases -- Albany 3818. Releases -- Availability 2687. Buck! and Hill -- Environmental Report 6127. Fitzroy Crossing 240. (luilderton 2687. Tourism Projects 2684. Reserves -- Elleker-Nomalup Railway Reserve 5024. Barrel Well - Aboriginal Lands Trust 2688. Classification--. Notification 2688. Combustible Material - Are Risk 3567, 3669. Excision -- Bernies -- Petitions 2801. Kings Part- Board 384, 385. Lane-Poole- Conservation and Recreation Zones 3246. Draft Timber Strategy 1717. Mining "Package" 6134. No 1475- Aboriginal Group 1984. Nol1720--Plans 5811. No 16400- Mining Application 2953. Quarrying 3242. No 27598 -- Vesting 5698. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (101)

LAND (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Reserves (continued) -- No 28949, p. 1235. No 37304 .. South Mandurah Bowling Club 3255. No C31874 - Zoning 2682. Protection -- Petition 14. Whiteman Part - Development 7682. Sales -- Claremont Menial Hospital Complex 3360. 3361. 3478. Guilderton 2686. Moona -- Grievance 3421. Salt Encroachment -- Losses 4749. Surveyor General ~-Appointment 137. Title - Kwinanta Picture Gardens 159 1. Valuations -- Claremont and Peppermint Grove 5188. Remote Areas -- Grievance 18 19. Unimproved Value 2139. Councl-- Basswood Hotel Site - Status 1343. Crown Giants -- Revenue 3132. Land Resource Inventory System 296. Lands and Forest Commission -- Chairman 4671. Leases -- Quannup 659. Manning -- Ownership 3190. National Parks -- Burnting Off 661. Frank Harm -- Gazttad 6041. Geike Gorge 2442. Information Centres -- Volunteers 296, 661. John Forrest - Entry Fee -- Petition 28. Ningaloo Marine Park -- Budgjet Allocation 3973. Shannon -- Costs 5750. Member's Comments -- Adjournmrent Debate 5107. Statement by Leader of the Opposition 4920. Shannon -- Visitors 293. Yanchep -- Visitors 2798. 3138. old Rockingham Golf Course 2797, 3034. Reserves- Bold Parkt-- Yellow Flowered Menzies Banksia 3189. No 7723 -- Size 293. Old Rockingham Golf Course 2302. Quarantine - Dieback 297. Resumption -- Carson Street Special School 656. Sales -- Location 66l1. Transfer - Midland Saieyard -- Availability 319 1. LAPHAM, THE LATE MR S.E., MLA -- Assembly -- Condolence Motion 83 10. LAW REFORM COMMISSION -- Assembly -- Investigations 73 1. Council -- Reports -- Ministerial Statement 5041. LEAHY, MR KEVIN - Assembly -- Electoral Candidate 4774. LEGAL AID -- Assembly -- Assistance 1100, 1101. Council--. Applications -- Mickelberg Brothers 1165. LEGAL PRACTITIONERIS, COSTS AND TAXATION BILL - See "ActsAmendment (LegalPractitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill". LEGAL PRACTITIONERS- Assembly -- Act -- Repeal 4037. Costs Committee -- Running Costs 6648. Law Society 141, 521, 3483. Third Party Cheques -- Losses 5564. (102) 102)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY -- See also "Parliament". Assembly -- Chamber - -Guests 664, 4347. 4828. Photographs 5514. Television Cameras 1928, 2099. Visitors -- Welcome 1045. 6304, 7742. Daily Documents 3335. Distinguished Visitors - Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 3392. Former Clerk of the House of Commons 3301. Gupta, Hon Indrajit 4213. Staff -- Harding, Mr Alan -- Retirement 2944. McHugh, Mr Peter 3301. Council -- 1988 Sittings 689 1. Members -- Criticism -- Statements -- By the Leader of the Opposition 8174. By the Minister for Sport and Recreation 8175. By the President 8173. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL -- See also "Parliament". Council -- 1988 Sittings 6891. Chamber - Etiquette -- Adjournment Debate 175. President's Gallery -- Use 144 1. Television Cameras 1990, 2154. Distinguished Visitors 6307. Sittings of the House - Adjournment Debate 1267. Staff -- Appreciation -- Adjournment Debate 1633. LEGISLATIVE REVIEW AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPEAL BILL- Assembly -- Receipt; Itr. 2944. 2r. 3238,.3728, 3731. Coin. 3734. Report 3734. 3r. 3850. Assent 4377. Council -- Restoration to Notice Paper 33, 59. 2r. 2768. Corn. 2769. Report 2772. 3r. 2772. Returned 3932. Assent 4287. LEGISLATIVE REVIEW AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Council- Meetings 449. LENDICK, MR ZELKO -- Assembly -- Employment 1433. Interstate Travel 1433. Minister for Transport -- Position 1425. Railway Electrification - Role 1433. Tender Assssments -- Hillarys Boal Harbour 1432. LES COOKE INSTRUMENTS PTY LTD -- Assembly'-- Heavy Haulage Weighing 2243. LIBERAL PARTY -- Assembly -- Candidate - Federal Election - Advertisement 2692. Dissension 8354. Federal Election--. Success 1722. Federal - Health Policy 225 1. Taxation Proposals 2250. Motion 2208. Industrial Relations Policies - Effect 3270. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](13 (103)

LIBERAL. PARTY (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Management Meeting 4285. Parliamentary -- Deputy Leader-- Court, Mr 3303. Privatisation 3929. Policies -- Governmnent's Stealing 6654, 6655. Council -- Branch Stacking -- Adjourument Debate 3294; Point of Order 3295. Members -- Dealings - Confidentiality 3529, 3530. LIFE MINISTRIES -- Assembly -- Sex Shops -- Concern 6989. LIQUOR AMENDMENT DILL -- Assembly -- Intro.:. Ir. 1534. 2r. 1658. 2665. Corn. 2803. Repont 2817. 3r. 3817. Returned 3237. Assent 3410. Council -- Receipt: IF. 2763. 2r, 2763.2974. Corn. 2984. Report 2987. 3r. 2987. LIQUOR -- Assembly -- Act -- Amendment 4422, 4586. Drinking Age -- Reduction -- Petition 1658. Hotels -- Sanduingham Hotel -- Redevelopment 6127. Shaftesbury Hotel -- Residents 15 1. Legislation -- Drafting 3913. Licences - Burswood Hotel Complex -- New Owners 1228. Matins Hotel -- Car Parts 6287. Premiums 4155, 4569. Licensed Clubs -- Sunday Closing Time 3567. Trading Hors Consultation 3250; Point of Order 1251. Extension -- Petition 1046. Council -- Outlets -- Superdrome 2172. Taverns -- John Forres National Past -- Petition 28. LISDALE PTY LTD -- Assembly - Land Sale - Grievance 342 1. LISLE-WILLIAMS, DR MICHAEL -- Assembly -- Cornuliancy 6297. LLOYD, MR TONY - Assembly - Assistant Under Treasurer -- Appointmernt 973. Conflict of Interest 969.7678. Government Appointments 7521. Rothwells Ltd 5204, 5566.,7343, 7925.

LOAN BILL -- Superannuation Board -- Appointment 367, 372. Assembly -- Intro.; IF. 5182. 2r. 5244, 5523, 8054. Message -- Appropriations 5296. Corn. 8055. Report 8055. 3r. 8055. Returnied 8315. Council -- Receipt; I r. 8001. 2r. 8001. 8108. (104) (04)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

LOAN BELL (continued) -- Council (continued) - Corn. 8 129. Report 8130. 3r, 8 130. LOCAL COURTS AMENDMENT BILL (NO 2) - Assembly -- lato.:. Ir. 5244, 2r. 5392, 6744. Corn. 6750. Report 6750. 3r. 6750. Returned 7284. Assent 832 1. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 6724. Zr, 6724, 7184. Corn. 7184. Report 7184. 31. 7184. Assent 8257. Questions -- Small Disputes Division 7234. LOCAL COURTS AMENDMENT DILL Assembly -- Receipt; It. 1219. 2r. 1280.,1883. Corn. 1885. Report 1885. 3r. 1885. Assent 2470. Council -- Intro.; Ir. 754. 2r. 910.,1157. Corn. 1157. Report 1157. 3r. 1157. Returned 2014. Assent 2398. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT BILL (No 2) Assembly -- Intro.: ir. 5888. 2r. 6066, 7244. Points of Order 7253. 7274. Message -- Appropriations 6124. Corn. 7290. Report 7304. 3r. 7304. Council -- Receipt; f r. 7368. Zr. 7368. 7705. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1173. Zr. 1371,.2472. Corn. 2492. Report 2515. 3r. -2515. Returned 3223. Council's Amendments 322 1. Council's Message 3238. Assent 3410. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 2564. 2a. 2564. 3044, 3059. Corn. 3063. Report 3087. 3r. 3087. Assembly's Message -- Assembly's Further Amendments 3173. Assent 3581. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](05 (105)

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - See also "Planning". Assembly -- Aboriginal Persons - Involvement 4770. Accounting Procedures -- Time Span 125. Act -- Adult Franchise -- Amendmnents 3372. Pecuniary Interest Provisions -- Review 5813. Albany Town Council -- Allegationis -- Letter 3261. Jansen, Mr 3262. Letter 2959. Valuations 1287. Armadale City Council -- Westfield Sewerage Treatment Plant 2520. Boundaries -- Alterations 122. Commission 996. Canning City Council -- Inquiry 240. Landscaping Business 126. Reserve No 27598, p. 5698. Carnarvon Shire Council -- Alcohol -- Public Consumption 2950. Cockbumn City Council -- Midge Control 3809. Robb Jetty Railway Line -- Closure 1118. Survey 2959. Councillors -- Pecuniary Interests 5586. Country Shire Councils Association - Fuel Taxes 6293. Road Funding 8329. State Planning Commission -- Membership 1432. Dardanup Shire Council -- Silicon Smelter 5032. Department -- Engineer, Bicycle Management Team 2145. Derby Shire Council -- Airport -- Takeover 7159. Domnestic Waste Disposal -- Non-returniable Glass 154. Duck Shooting -- Licences 6291. East Pilbr Shire Council -- Capricorn Community Centre -- Funding 2952. Electoral Rolls -- Councillor's Comment 5978. Exmouth Shire Council -- Ningaloc Marine Park Facilities 1590. Fire Risks - Reserves -- Combustible Material 3567. Fraudulent Claims 4271. Fremantle City Council -- Inustrial Development -- Residential Area 5312. Gosnelis City Council -- Inquiry 240. Grants--Allocation 2142. Gravel -- Department of Conservation and Land Management 4589. Harvey Shire Council -- SCM Chemicals Ltd -- Relocation 1878. Losses -- Rotliwells Ltd 6994. Melville City Council -- Dual-Use Path -- Leeming 4584. Footpaths -- Leeming 4156. Sout Sneet-- Widening 524. 1115. 3678. 4755, 7166. Mukinbudin Shime Council -- Conservation and Land Management Department -- District Officer 4763. Mundarig Shire Council -- Slectors 3672. Murray Shire Council - Yunderup Canals -- Dredging 6463, 808 8. Nedlands City Council - Swanbourne Rubbish Tip -- Land Contract 3361, 3362. Servetus Street -- Traffic Volume 237, 522. Northampton Shire Council -- Barrel Well - Vesting 2688. Pecuniary Interests Inquiry -- Members 7174. Perth City Council -- Allegations -- Delay 5585. Nature 5588. Apology 5588. Heroins Hamburger Bar -- Redevelopment 384,6670. Bunswood Bridge - Completion 4759. Chilean Ambassador- Reception 5037. Corruption -- Allegations- Figures 5812. (106) (106)[INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Perth City Council (continued) -- Corruption (continued) -- Allegations (continued) -- Questions 4053, 4054, 4057. Royal Commission Inquiry - Motion 5649. Inquiry 4602. Ministerial Statement 5493, 5514. Mtier's Attitude 5706. Report 5204. 5428, Lord Mayor -- Premier's Meeting 4055. Ministers' Views 5707. Old Swan Brewery Development 4058. Parking Policy 5965. Planning Powers - Alteration 5249. Statements -- Distortion 5585. Rangers -- Private Citizens -- Deputisation 4419. Rates -- Agricultural -- Grain Production 53 10. Reserves -- Classifcation -- Changes 2688. Road Grants Scheme -- Dollar-for- Dollar Requirement 1108. Roeboumne Shire Council -- President -- No-Confidence Motion 3253. RothweUs Ltd -- Investments 5423. Losses 6994. Sex Shops -- Siting 4265. Subiaco City Council -- Avro Hospital - Planning 44.49. Superannuation Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Wanneroo City Council -- Recreation Centres -- Closure 2390. Water Resources 520, 5563. Welfare Services .- Grievance 1180. West Pilbara. Shire Council -- Revaluations 2953. Wiluna Shire Council -- Councillors -- Aborigines 5035. Division -- Petition 4498. Question 3372. Yilgaxn Shire Council -- Polychiorinated Biphenyls; Incinerator 6676. Council -- Annadale City Council.-- Roleystone Sporting Facilities 708 1. Broome Shire Council -- Beagle Bay Land 654. Carnarvon Shire Council -- Sporting Facilities 5l11. Councils -- Road Grants- Notification 361L6. Disadvantaged Shires -- Survey 3970. Duck Shooting Licences 5754. Gravel Leases 659. Maintenance Grants 663. Melville City Council -- Rossmoyrr Primary School -- Courts 3138. South Street -- Widening 8223. Perth City Council -- Carson Street Special School -- Toilet Facilities 655. World Swimming Championships -- Scoreboard 5491. Rates -- Sporting Organisations 53 1. Rating -- United States Government Properties 2303. Road Surveys -- Charges 658. Roeboumne Shire Council - Boundauies -- Redistribution 8293. Councillor -- Member's Influence 3137. Shark Bay Shire Council -- Minister for Sport and Recreation -- Undertaking 6577. Superannuation Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. Swan Shire Council -- Road Closures 6575. Swimming Pool Subsidies 11, 303. 244 1. Wagin Shire Council -- High School -- Reticulation 4679. Wanneroo, City Council -- Ocean Ridge -- Youth Club -- Adjournment Debate 3709; Extension of rime 37 10. Wanneroo Social Planning Youth and Community Services Association -- Funding 6383. Grants 6383. Youth Organisations -- Funding 4679. Warona Shire Council -- School Site 1344. Wiluna Shire -- Splitting 2305. (INDEX TO SUBJElCTS](17 (107)

LAOCKE ESTATE -- Assembly -- Erosion Control Programme 6806. LOMBARDO'S FISHING BOAT HARBOUR - Assemtbly -- Government Finance 887. MACEDONIAN UNITED SOCIETY -- Assembly -- Land Amalgamation 6486. MACHINERY SAFETY AMENDMENT ILL- Council -- Intro.; Lr. 36. 2r. 291. MacLEAN SAWMILLS PTY LTD -- Assembly -- Wooddiipping 983. 2679. MAIDEN SPEECHES -- Assembly -- Alexander, Dr 1694. Donovan. Mr 1702. Greig, Mr 5525. Masten, Mr 5529. Winse, Mr 1698. Couil -- House. Hon Barry 5440. MAIN ROADS AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Restoration to Notice Paper - Motion 76. Council's Message 230. Returned 1186. Council's Amendments 2646, 2663. Council's Message 2882. Council's Amendments -- Ministerial Statement 4985. Bill Laid Aside 4986. Council -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message 64, 175. Adjournment of Debate 64. 2r. 441,.627. Corn. 912. Report 1026. 3r. 1137. Assembly's Message 2701. 2713. Assembly's Fwtber Message -- Bill Laid Aside 4954. MANSFIELD, MR - Assembly -- National Parks -- Mining 5206. MANT, MR JOHN- Assembly- Previous Employment 7170. MARG EliS, MR GEORGE -- Assembly .. Melville Rehabilitation Centre -- Purchase 740. MARKETING OF EGGS AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 75. 2r. 310. 1056. Corn. 1058. Report 1058. 3r. 1059. Reuned 2471. Council's Amendments 3727. Council's Message 5948, 6931. Council's Further Messages 7602,7639. Conference Manager's Report 7619. Council -- Receipt; I. 1014. 2r. 1014. 1602. Corn. 2157. Report 2293. 3r. 2400. Assembly's Message 3708, 4617. Point of Order 4625. (108) (08)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MARKETING OF EGGS AMENDMENT BILL (continued) -- Council (continued) - Committee of Reasons 5216, 5824. Assembly's Request for Conference 6880. As to Consideration in Committee 6880. Assembly's Request for Conference 7383. Assembly's Further Messages 7547, 7563. Conference Managers' Report 7550. MARKS, MR JACK - Assembly -- Minister for Minerals and Energy -- Office 1980. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES -- Assembly -- Recognition 125. MARTIN, MR ROD -- See also "Brush. Mr Len", "Superannuation -- Board". Assembly -- * Questions -- Sub Judice -- Speaker's Ruling 664. Superannuation Board -- Association 20. Contracts 368. Payments 258, 366. MASON. GAVIN PATRICK -- Council -- Goldmining 4672. MATTlERS OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE -- See also Motions". Assembly -- Crime --Increase 3977. Crime Wave 1728. Education -- School Cleaning 21t74. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment 4503. Government Guarantees -- Details 536 1. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information 3628. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure Motion 2444. Industrial Dispute -- North West Shelf Gas Project 3303: Amendment to Motion 33 10. State Government Insurance Commission -- Sh=n Dealings 6045. Taxi-drivers- -Assaults -- Prevention 3193. Transport -- Air -- South Africa 4829. McDONNELL DOUGLAS- Assembly- Offset Commitment 1580. McGOVERN, MR -- Assembly -- Prosecution -- Abalone Fishing 4425. McFl/ER. MR KEN -- Assembly -- Government Appointment 146. Pastoral Board -- Chairman 594. McKEE, DR JOHN -- Assembly -- Appointment - State Energy Commission 155. McLEAN BROTHERS AND RIGG -- Assembly -- Investments -- WA Development Corporation 8348. MEAT INDUSTRY AMENDMENT BILL -- See "Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill". MEDIA MO0NITORING UNIT -- Assembly -- Transcript Service 7163. MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (FINANCIAL INTERESTS) DILL - Assembly -- Leave to Introduce 15. Intro.: Ir. 15. MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT - Assembly -- Community Luncheons -- Invitations 6658- Correspondtence -- Policy 3568. Darts, Hon D.K. -- Facilities 863. Deputy Leader of the Opposition -- Comments - Ningalco Marine Park 747. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (109)19

MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West 128 1. Point of Order 1282. Question 1285. Ministers of the Crown 7689. Federal Member for Kalgoorlie -- Polychiorinated Biphenyls Incinerator 2252, 2954. Government Cars -- Provision 150. Helm, Hon Tom -- Kirnberley Mining - Comments 1879. lmprtst Account -- Operation 3479. Leader of the Opposition -- Government Charges Increases 1983. Misleading Parliament 398. "Political Notes" -- Law and Order Issues 1724; Point of Order 1724. Rural and Industries Bank -- Comments 4914. Superannuation Board 368. Tree-planting Scheme 5031. Leave of Absence -- Member for Collie 2600,4829. Member for Dale 3720. Member for Karrinyup 1534. Member for Welsbpool 2600. Member for Bunbury -- Advertisement 6282. Member for Clontarf -- Trading Hours -- Extension 4453. Member for Coutesloe -- Electoral Blackmnail -- Clairns 4774. Member for Cottesloe -- Sittings of the House -- Comments 6817. Member for Dale -- Comments -- Railway Electrification 894. Member for East Melville -- As to Personal Explanation 6732. Points of Order 6732. As to Standing Orders Suspension 6733. As to Withdrawal of Remark 6734. House to Divide 6736. Member for Mitchell -- Advertisement 6282. Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West -- Personal Explanation 1281; Point of Order 1282 Question 1285. Member for Mt Lawley -- Commissioner of Police -- Actions 7175. Annual Report -- Comments 3925. Premier 395. Superdrome -- Bus Route 6493. Member for Murchison-Eyre -- Allegations -- Racing Industry 8097. Attack -- Minister for Agriculture 215 1. Comments -- Truthfulness 600. Easton. Mr Brian -- Comments 6140. Member for Nedlands -- Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party 3303. Member for Penh - Comments -- Minister for Local Governent 5704. Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 4053, 4054, 4057. Distorted Statements 5585. Member [or Pilbasa -- Electorate Office 525. Member for Rockingham -- Taxis - Use 1979. Travelling Allowance 1979. Member for Stiling -- Albany Town Council -- Allegations 3261, 3262. Ministers of the Crown -- Correspondence Policy 3568. Offices - Family Employment 1123. Maintenance Contract 872. Opostioncks - Public Servants 6820. cost--_ Motion 4863; Point of Order 4864. Amnendmnent to Motion 4884. Better Schools Report - Rutnuours 604. (110) (110)[INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ

MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Opposition (continued) -- Brush, Mir Lieo 256, 368. Federal - Defence Policy 2961. Health Policies 1987. Ideas-- Govemnment's Stealing 5589. Law and Order Plan 1436. Media Monitoring Unit -- Transcript Service 7163. Police -- Criticism 7523. Promises -- Costing 1122. Public Servants -- Appointments 6820. Question Handling -- Ministerial Statement 1069. Overseas Travel 4272. Party Directives -- Parliamentary Privilege 739. Salary Increases 6991, 7340; Point of Order 7342; Withdrawal of Remarks 7342. Stationery Allowance -- Overdrawing 1982. Suspension - Member for Kaiaunda 152 1. Swearing-in of Members 1045. 5243, 5260. Weann Hon Doug -- Advertisement 6282. Woolab Aboriginal Corporation -- Employment 4769. Council -- Ferry, Hon V.J. -- Retirement -- Statement 1613. Hetherngton, Hon Robert -- Bereavement -- Adjournment Debate 175. Leave of Absence -- Bell, Hon CiJ. 5592. Caldwell, Hon 3.N. 5592. Hetherington. Hon Robert 5592- Lockyer. Hon P.H. 4603. Moore, Hon N.F. 543 1. Piantadosi. Hon S.M. 5592. McAleer, Hon Margaret -- Personal Explanation -- Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2713. Member for Pilbara -- Influence -- Shire Councillor 3137. Members of the Legislative Assembly - Criticism -- Statement by Hon G.E. Masters (Leader of the Opposition) 8174. Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 8175. Statement by President 8173. Oliver, Hon Neil -- Comments - Adjournment Debate 5238; Point of Order 5239. Parliamentary Grain Industry Detegation Report -- Statement by Hon 3.M. Brown 5821. Pendal, Hon PGC. -- Dress 8253. Stretch, Hon W.N. -- Shannon River Basin -- Comments 5107. Swearing-in 5322. Wenn. Hon Doug -- Margaret River Hospital -- Comments 4969. Wordsworth, Hon D.3. -- Acts Anmendmnent (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Adjournment Debate 650. MEN'S CONFRAThRNrr Y (INC) -- Assembly -- Supreme Court Orderly 5563. METROPOLITAN MARKET AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 1794. Zr. 1883. 2845. Corn. 2845. Report 2845. 3r. 2845. Returned 3237. Assent 3410. Council-- Receipt; I r. 2766. 2r. 2766, 3032. Corn. 3032. Report 3032. 3r. 3032. METROPOLITAN MARKETS -- Council -- City Site 3620. METROPOLITAN WATER AUTHORITY AMENDMENT DILL Assembly -- Intro.: IF. 76. 2r. H190. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (111)11

MICKE. 3.M. AND KV. -- Assembly -- Land Sale - Grievance 3421. MINERALS AND ENERGY RESEARCH BILL- Assembly - Intro.: I r. 5620. 2r, 5620, 5762, 6647. Cora. 6647. Report 6647. 3r. 6647. Returned 6937. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt. Jr. 6565. 2r. 6566, 6861. Cognate Debate 6861. Corn. 6862. Report 6862. 3r. 6863. Assent 7939. NflNERALS-- Assembly -- Bauxite -- Leases -- Reductions 394. Coatl Exports 996,2695. Stare Energy Comiso Parments 2144. Stockpile 143, 245, 2144, 6482, 8338. WA Coal lndustry Council 3 82, 393, 990, 1125. CRA Exploration Pty Ltd -- Environmental Review 3821. Rudali River National Park 4767. Diamonds -- Argyle - Strike 5206. Coloured -- Souvenir Rating 866, 874. Exploration -- CRA Exploration Pty Ltd 3256. Federal Government Control 5570. National Parks -- Petition 3849. Prohibition -- National Parks -- Petition 3192, 3193. Rudall River National Park 4778, 6134. Gold - Bradley Report -- Recommendations 4413. Broken Hill Proprietary Gold Mines Ltd -- Investments 1865. Buckland Hill 4897. Darling Scarp 3252. Nugget Coins -- Sale 2690. Recovery -- Joint Venture 6127. Theft -- Investigation 6670, 6985. Unlawful Remnoval 4440. Gravel -- Conservation and Land Management Department 4589. Gravel Pit - Petition 45 1. Gypsum -- Road Transport 6295. Industry -- Aboriginal-Commuiry Relationships 8093. Iron Ore- Baiter Scheme 8338. Capital Investment 147. Channar -- Development 737. Employment 3377. Consultative Committee - Cost 394. Exports - Japan 390, 1125. Japanese Market 153, 736. Japanese Negotiations 136. Koolyazrtbmig - Reopening 4450. Matketing - BlHP Decision 136. Marker Share 1237. Mt Channar - Agreement 3267. Redundancies -- MtiTom Price 68 11. - Production 2146. Romanian Joint Venture 137. 60M005 (112) (112)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MINERALS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Iron Ore (continued) -- Sales -- Price Reduction 391. Soviet Union 6126.,8338. Mineral Sands -- Darling Scarp 3252. D'Entrecasteaux National Park 980. Deposits -- South Coast 982. Minninup 5314. Road Cartage -- Opposition 990. Mimes Department -- Audiomnetric Testing 731. Geophysics Section 3914. 405 1. Mining Equipment Industry -- Government Assistance 3244. Mining Registrar -- Coolgardie 1115. Cue 875, 4433. Mining -- Companies -- Taxes and Charges 1103. Kimberley -- Adjournment Debate 920. 921. Comments -- Hon Tom Helm 1879. National Parks -- Bailey Report 4757, 4767. Exploration 8352. Government Policy 5205, 5206. Package 6134. Video 8337. Reserves -- Package 6134. Prospecting Leases -- Unlawful Mining -- Expenses 7675. Quarries -- Canler Quarries Pry Ltd -- Road Train Licence 6483. Clay -- Upper Swan 5030. Gravel Extraction -- Grievance 5642. Gypsum -- Yelbeni 4592. Western Quarries Ply Ltd 11 17, 5962. Royalties -- Bradley Report -- Cost 3564. Outstanding 525, 3918. Slate Batteries -- Operations 4750. Surveys -- National Parks 3920. Tailings Dumps .. Leases 6287. Tenements -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls Incinerator 539. Unlawful Removal 4440. Uranium -- Exploration -- Policy 4913. Exports 5570. Mine Sites 525. Western Australian Mining and Petroleum Research Institute -- Review Committee- Recommendations 1424, 1425. Council -- Coal Stockpile -- Tonnage 467 1. CRA Exploration Ply Ltd -- Kintyre Project 304. Gold - Mason, Gavin Patrick 4672. Gravel Leases -- Abolition 659. Iron Ore -- Fadt Finding Tour3137. Mining -- Kimberley -. Adjournm Debate 920, 92 1. Quarries -- Blue-Metal .- Nippeuing 3528. Slate Batteries -- Subsidies 7410. MINES REGULATION AMENDMENT BELL- Asse mbly -- Intro.; Ir. 3720. 2r. 3850, 4842. Corn. 4983. Report 4984. 3r. 4984. Returned 5648. Assent 6610. Council -- Receipt; Irn 4950. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (113)

MINES REGULATION AMENDMENT DILL (continued) - Council (continued) - Zr. 4950, 5602. Corn. 5603. Report 5603. 3r. 5603. Assent 6308. MINING AMENDMENT DILL -- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro., Jr. 1168. 2r. 1168, 1665. Corn. 1669. Report 1669. 3r. 1669. Returned 2117. Assent 3237. Council-- ReceiptL Zr. 162 1. 2r. 1622, 1992. Corn. 1995. Report 1997. 3r. 1997. Assent 3141. MINISTERS OF THE CROWN - Assembly -- Administrative Arrangements - Involvement 4269. Allegations -- Personal Explanation 2071. Standing Orders Suspension 2072. Motion 2073. Points of Order 2075. 2078. Withdrawal of Remarks 2078-2080. Attendance -- Question Time 445 1. Attorney General -- Teachers Credit Society LtAd-- Problems -- Awareness 4423. Attorneys General -- Standing Committee -- "X"-rated Videos 8337. Australia Card -- Portfolio Responsibility 4164. Cabinet -- Cocktail Party B-unbury 5696. Functional Review Committee - Agriculture Protection Board 7520, 7685. Animal Breeding Research Institute 7520, 7685. Better Schools Report 1105, 1233. Inquiries 4911. Land Administration Department 3810. Pastoral Board 7520.7685. Privatisation 3922. Recommendations 558 1. State Printing Divison 1245. Technical and Further Education 3814, 4158, 6133, 6988, 7517. Sex Shops -- Control 5341. State Government Insurance Offce - Meeting 6299. Canbenra Trip -- Purpose 5709. Staf Members-- Involvement 6128. Correspondence - Policy -- Members of Parliament 3568. Deputy Premier -- Retirement - Statement 8305.,8309. Rural and Industries Bank -- Position 8349. Electorate Visits 7689. Entertainment -- Expenditure 736. Government Employees -- Positions 1426-1431, 1578, 1714, 1862. Heritage Legislation- Responsibility 4049. Land Administration- Actions - Validation 5818. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs -- Advisers 6484. Minister for Agriculture -- Office 1231. Premnier's Attitude 2151. Staff Member - Perjury 3268. Staffing 2951. Minister for Community Services - Aircraft Charter -- Cost 5807,5808. (114) (114)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MINISTERS OF THE CROWN (continued) -- Assembly (continued) -- Minister for Community Services (continued)- Department -- Action 3808. Luncheon -- Fascine Lodge 5807. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Matter of Public Importance- Censure Motion 2444. Amiendmient to Motion 2432. Points of Order 2452. 2454, 2456. Speaker's Ruling 2455. Remarks During Division 2455. Tabling of Documents 2462. Minister for Economic Development -- Canberra Visit--Cost 7512. Gale. Mr Keith- Strtegies 25. Rothwells Ltd -- Deposits 6143. WA Exim Corporation -- Board Minutes 732. Leases 2524. Minister for Education -- Appointees- Confidence 6994. Comments -- Teachers Union 254. Meeting - Deaf People 6302. Writs 997. Minister for Health -- Air Charter -- Cost 5697. Minister for Housing -- Swan Building Society -- Reports 4424. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Action 3495. 3660, 4155. Awareness 4.450. Minister for Industry and Technology -- Portfolio Review 968. Minister for tntergovernmental Relations -- Premiers' Conference -- Assistance 150. Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment -- Allegations -- Persona] Explanation 207 1. Copeman. Mr Charles -- Statement 2958. Europea Tour --Cost 392. Hrynkiw, Mr Ramon -- Employment 987. Job Applicant -- Confidentiality 3801. Minister for Lanids -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd -- Letter 1790. Landbank - Responsibility 978. Minister for Local Government -- Comments -- Member for Perth 5704. Overseas Conference 3666. Perth City Council -- Minister's Views 5707. Minister for Minerals and Energy -- Allegations -- Personal Explanation 207 1. Copemnan, Mr Chartes -- Statement 2958. Efficiency 2396. Honeymoon -- Public Funds 3569. Meetings -- Fremantle Gas & Coke Co Ltd - Puchase 1124. Mining Unions Association- Communications 1098, 1980. Secretary 734. National Parks -- Mining 8352. Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Luncheon - Bunbury 6125. Minister for Planning -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 5706. Minister for Police and Emergency Services- Aircraft tncident 2520. Cocktail Party -- Fascine Lodge 6125. Crime Levels-- Comments 3373. Letter 3374-3376. Luncheon -- Bunbury 6125. Police Force -- Morale 88 1. Minister for Public Sector Management-- Databanks -- Access 4038. Minister for The South West -- Electorate Visits -- Personal Explanation 128 1; Point of Order 1282. Question 1285. Minister for Transport -- Cuomo, Mr Mark - Position 1425. Inaccurate Information 2692. Legal Action 5565. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (115)

MINISTERS OF THE CROWN (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Minister for Transport (continued) -- Lendich. Mr Zelko -- Position 1425. Meeting - Road Transport Association 6675. Overseas Trip -- Benefits 5956. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers -- Overtime 4574. Premier .. Alleged Conversations 2393. Attitude -- Minister for Agriculture 2151. Australia Card -- Rally 4166. Statement 3681. Support 3683. Brush, Mr Len - Action 397. Resignation 155, 386. Business Breakfast. Bunbury 3488, 5697. Canberra Trip -- Purpose 6808. Cormultancy.-- WAXC Chairman 1230. Government Employees -- Reduction 3822. Interstate Travel -- Funding 2530. Intimidation 8349. Labor Party Premiers' Conference 2528. Lord Mayor of Perth -- Meeting 4055. Member for Mt Lawley -- Comments 395. Overseas Trip -- Purpose 144. Photograph -- Withers, Dr Ken 971. Police Union -- Comments 2149. Retirement -- Date 5819. Statement 8308, 8309. Return to State 8354. Simpson, Mfr Keith -- Credit Society Transactions 3570. Use -- John Curtin 379. WA Exirn Corporation -- Product Marketing 73 1. Western Australian Soccer Federation -- Patron 6662. Prime Minister -- Aboriginal Compact 3920. Lee Report- Undertaking 5808. Questions: on Notice- Redirection 1723, 1866. Responsibility -- Credit Unions Act 4749. Senator Richardson -- National Park Mining 8337. Teachers Credit Society Lid -- Authority 3386, 3387; Point of Order 3387. Travel - Bookings 586. Costs 3669. Expenses-- Disclosure 4918. Tabling 379. Overseas - Request for Details 4272-4277, 4415, 4416, 4893, 4898. Support Staff 380. Policy Change 750. Staff--. Approval 877. Treasurer -- Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill .. Responsibility 5305. Brush, Mr Len-- Advice 21. Registrar of Cooperative and Financial Institutions- Responsibility 3820. State Government Insurance Commission- Borrowings 6139. Directions 6486. Iformation 6680. Property Purchase 6658. Superannuation Board -- Investments 155. 386, 1570. Minutes 1126. Teachers Credit Society Lid -- Advice 4280,4423. Awareness 3383, 4423. Reports 4424. Views -- Perth City Council 5707. (116) (16)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MINISTERS OF THE CROWN (continued) -- Council- Absence from Chamber 8228. Attorney General -- Appointmnent as Queen's Counsel -- Statements 7530. Overriding Authority 1044. Role -- Definition 3529. State Government Insurance Corporation - Competitive Advantage 307. Teachers Credit Society Ltd - Concerns 3619. Role 3528. 3529. Cabinet -- Conservation and Land Management Act .. Amendment 297. Functional Review Committee - Consultation 305. Task Force Report 450. Technical and Further Education 3034, 3139. Country Visits - Notification 6574. Deputy Premier -- Retirement 8252. Federal Treasurer - Gifts 3138. Leader of the House -- Legislative Assembly Seat -- Adjournment Debate 825 1. Questions 6891. 8304, 8255. Presence -- Question Time 8252. Minister for Aborigmnal Affairs -- Kickent. Mrs Marion -- Employment 299. Minister for Budget Management -- Financial Administration and Audit Act 7410. Portfolio Responsibilities 5112. Rothweljs Lid -- Consultation 5109. State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Purchases 604 1. Mlinister for Community Services -- Australia Card -- Support 4086. 4087. Luncheon -- Carnarvon 5242. Ngal-A Mothereraft Home and Training Centre -- Comments 5241. Portfolio Responsibility -- R-illston 1041. Question Time -- Presence 6576. Minister for Economic Development -- Speech -- Privatisation 6384. Minister for Education -- Comments -- Adjourrnent Debate 6886. Eastern H-ills High School -- Timetabling 6192. Equal Opportunity Act -- Exemption 298. Reforms -- Condemnation -- Motion 6682. Minister for Spot and Recreation -- Australia Card -- Support 4087. Undertaking 6577. Ministerial Arrangements -- Ministeria Statement 8. Parole Board -- Decisions -- Interference 362 1. Premier -- Business Migration Investment Trust Prospectus- Letter 42 10. Retirement 8252. Treasurer -- Brush, Mr Len -- Cheques Received 300. Superannuation Board -- Investments 300, 2069. MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES -- Council -- Staff Exchange 660. MITCHELL, MR DILL -- Council -- Greyhound Racing Industy -- Inquiry 4677. M40BI TOW PrY LTD -- Assembly -- Tow Truck Regulations 1420. MORLI[NG REPORT -- Council -- Cabinet tnvestigation 6839. MOTIONS- See also "Matters of Public (Importance", Assembly -- Austraia Card -- Bill -- Opposition 3734, 3893. Legal Advice 4119. (INDEX TO SUBIJECTS](17 (117)

MOTIONS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Chemicals -- Polycliorinated Biphenyls -- Mobile Incinerator 185 1. Condolence -- The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MILA 12. The Late Mr S.E. Laphamn, MIA 83 10. Financial Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society Lid -- Select Committee inquiry 3423. Forests -- State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication 5496, 5497,6934, 6935. Revocation of Dedication 1738,2120. Government Utilities - Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Commnittee - Inquiry 1826. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation 1200, 1559. Disputes -- North West Shelf Gas Project 3303. Members of Parliament--Opposition -- Promises -- Cost 4863. Ministers of the Crown- Allegations 2073. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role - Censure 1348. Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry 5649. Police Commissioner -- Confidence 7413, Rotbwells Lid -- Government Action 5 117, 5148, 5154. Sessional Orders -- Adoption -- Standing Orders Suspension 1277. Suspension 1707. Sewerage -- Investigation -- Select Committee 3905. Speaker of the Leg~islative Assembly-- Conduct -- Notice of Motion 1520; Standing Orders Suspension 1520; Point of Order 1520. Suspension of Member 1520. Censure Motion 1522. Point of Order 1530. House to Divide 1533. Standing Order No 164 -- Amendment 1358; 1360. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry-- Terms of Reference 2186. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry 819, 2198. Taxecs and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2208. Urgency- Health -- Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Waiting Lists 1046. council -- Abattoirs- Midland -- Land Sale -- Issues 5042, 7072. Agriculture -- Education -- Select Committee 896, 2408. Salinity -- Select Committee 5981, 8147. Bills -- Standing Orders Suspension -- Rescission 4169. Businesses -- Rural--. Decline 260. Charitable Organisations - Select Committee -- Establishment 32, 289. Condolence .. The Late Hon Jetry Dolan 6. The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, NSA 26. The Late Sir Billy Macbie Snedden 315 1. Education Regulations -- Amendment 4292. Financial Institutions -- Investigation- Select Committee 4169, 5 101. Teachers Credit Society - Governent Action 543 1. Forests -- State Forests - Revocation of Dedication - Assembly's Resolution - Motion to Concur 2156, 2987,4925. Government Instrumentalities -- Privatisation 3508, 688 1. Minister for Education -- Reforms -- Condemnation 6682. Resumption of Debate -- Motion 4288. Sessional Orders Suspension 1483, 1621. Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation-- Appoinment 636. Standing Order No 187 .. Amendment 6999. State Government Insurance Commission - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Terms of Reference -- Motion to Concaur with Assembly's Message 2430. Stock -- Saleyards -- Midland -- Select Committee -- Witnesses.- Offences 3039, 3052,5219. Urgency . Education -- Policies 7939. Stamp Amendment Bill 314 1. (118) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MOTOR VEHICLE (THIRD PRn INSURANCE) AMENDMENT HILL. Assembly -- Intr., Itr. 5620. 2r. 5620, 5759.7116. Cow. 7124. Report 7129. 3r. 7129. Returned 7917. Assent 8321. cotocil -- Receipt It. 7070. 2r. 7070, 7715. Corn. 7720. Report 772 1. 3r. 772i. Assent 8257. MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS INSTRUCTORS AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.: Ir. 1534. 2r. 1662. 3654. Corn. 3654. Report 3654. 3r. 3654. Returned 4263. Assent 4377. council -- Receipt: It. 3600. 2r. 3600. 4188. Corn. 4189. Report 4189. 3r. 4189. Assent 4287. MOTOR VEHICLES. Assembly -- Accidents -- Alcohol-related 628i- Baby Safely Capsules -- Hirng 381. Central Register 127. 244. Commercial -- Imports -- Europe 8338. Driven - Education Centre - Establishment 869. Licences - Aged Persons 1592. 3255. Card System 524. Collections 4766. Concessional Rates 4578,.4752. Credit Card -- Type 1976.4043. Use 1583. Date of birth 7516, 7685, 7739. Non-payment of Traffic Fines 5025. Photographs 7517. Validity 388. Random Breath Testing -- Introduction 893, 993. Training Facility -- Private Operation 968. Examiners -- Bunbury 742. Farm -- Licences 1417. Overload Permits 5428. Fire -- Fire Fighting Trailers -- Third Party Insurance 236. Hazards -- Cataltic Converters 3668, 3913. Government -- 6QE- 174 -. Allocation 517. 6WA Pirfix 147. ALP Members 150. Education Deparment Regional Staff 888. Government Employees -- Conditions of Employment 888. Liquefied Petroleum Gas -- Conversion 1103. Officers-. Entitlements 241. Plates -- Private - Alloc afon 746. Department of Conservation and Land Management Officers 1114. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (119)

MOTOR VEHICLES (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Government (continued) - Private Use - Policy 4264. Trailer -- Allocation 3564. Hlim Purchase Register -- Legislation 3561. Licences - Concessions .- War Widows 2527. Derails - Australian Taxation Office 885. Farm -- Reversion 2683. Inspection Officer -- Esperancee 3250. Licensing Section -- Criminal Records 6298. Numbering - Traffic Records 648 1. Plates -. Disposal 5422. Personal 238. Plate No 7H0-35 1, p. 527. Rebates- Pensioners 516. Stickers -- Identification 5197. Wirndscmen Stickers 6295. Ministers of the Crown -- Drivers -- Overtime 4579. Motor cycles--. Defensive Riding Course - National Safety Council 4760, 5026. Farm Use 4590. High Horsepower.-- Banning 4764. Running lights .- Proposal 4907. Motorised Wheelchairs 589, 5583. Overtengili-- Escorts 1585. Purking - Perth Central Business District 521. Perth City Council Policy 5965. Perth Railway Station 6282. Planning 878. Parliament--. Opening Day-.. Tow Truck 2145. Private -- Police Use .- Compensation 3804, 4040. Registry -- Fraud 244. Repossession -- Legislation 2527. Sales -- Statistics 364. Second-hand -- Brokers -- Operations 53 10. Standards -- Regulations -- Cost 2687. Steering Wheel Locks -- Compulsory 4456. Third-party Insurance -- Petition 3192. Towing -- Mobijack -- Introduction 2949. Tow Trucks -- Regulations 1420. Trucks - Safety Places 3825. Tyres -- Firestone Firehawk 6484. Retreads -- Accidents 3803. Uriradworthy -- Work Orders 235. Volume 833 1. Council -- Charges -- Concessions -- Pensioners 3135. Dealers -- Licences -- Forms 659. Drivers' Licences -. Checks - Information 3189. Date of Birth 7407. 7739. Government--. Community Services Department -- Sale 653. Conservation and Land Management Departmnt 2917. Disposal 2070. Second-hand -- Putrchaisers 3526. licences - Australia Post -- Collections 4668. Motor Cycles -- Mopeds -- Legislative Change 7738. licensing Requirements 6192. Registration -- Taxes and Charges 4973. Road Service -- State Government Insurance Commission 6889. Stamp Duty -- Collections 3132. Steering Wheel Locks-.- Compulsory 3970. Stock -. Trilers .. Overweight Permits 5484. Trucks - Legal Heights 5494. (120) 120)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MULTICULTURAL AND ETHNIC AFFAIRS - Assembly -- Affirmative Action Programmes 744. Business Migration -- Business Migran -- WA Exim Corporation 4899. Business Migration Investment Trust- Applications 147. Burke, Mr Terry 6288. Business Migration Programme - Films 2390. Immigrants -- Investments 4448. 4899. Initiatives 3243. Small Business Development Corporation -- Role 149. South Africans 1872. WA Eximi Corporation 1871, 1872, 2248, 4899. Commission -- Government Publications -- Liaison 1418. Service Delivery 247. Immigrants- Business Migration Programme -- Initiatives 3243. South African -- Applications 348 L. Immigration -- Language Services -- Budget Initiatives 3924. Language Service Policy Office-- Establishment 1422. Policies -- Submission 6286. Macedonian, Books 8344. Macedonian, United Society - Concern 2954. Land Amalgamation 6486. Rezoning Application 3266. Racist Posters -- Grievance 4114. "Right to Equality of Outcome" 390. NALDER. THE LATE MR C.C.. MLA -- Assembly -- Condolence Motion 12. Council -. Condolence Motion 26. NARKLE. GARY MICHAEL -- Assembly -- Conviction 7673. Offence -- Wrongful Conviction 7159. NATIONAL COMPANIES AND SECURITIES COOPERATIVE SYSTEM- Council -- Abolition 921. NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL - Assembly -- Budget Allocation 4758. Cycle Riding Courses 4760. Motor Cycles -- Defensive Driving Course 5026. Council -- Fute Operations 3139. NATURAL DISASTERS- Assembly .- Cyclones - Emergency Services -- Authority 529. Relief 159. Drought -- Assistance- Available 4443. Rural Businesses 7934. Consultative Commnittee Meetings 4442. Declarations 4163. Council -- Storm Surge Barrier -- Bunbury 306, 449, 789. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES- Assembly -- Use -- Statement by Speaker 7235. NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION- Assembly -- Government Agreement 3245. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (121)

NORSK HYDRO - Assembly - Ammonia-urea Plait 392. NOXOUS PLANTS - Council -- Angel's Trumpet -- Drug Compounds 927. NUDE BEACH Council- Fremantle 7082, 8023. O'SULLIVAN, MR MICHAEL -- Assembly -- Gnownngerup Hospital Inquiry -- Cost 4434. Report 3670. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE AMENDMENT BELL (No 2).. Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 4213. Intro.; It. 4237, 2r. 4237, 5005. Corn. 5006. Report 5006. 3r. 5006. Retrned 5296. Assent 5523. Council - Receipt; I r, 4958. 2r. 4958, 5227. Corn. 5228. Report 5228. 3r. 5228. Assent 543 1. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE AMENDMENT DILL - See also "Act's Amendment (OccupationalHealth, Safety and Welfare) Bill". Assembly - Intro.; Itr. 452. 2r. 544, 1380, 1669, 1740. Wicdsawa of Remiark 1392. Corn. 1746, 1 755, 1902, 1928. Points of Order 1918, 1919. 1936, 1947, 1955, 1967. 1972, 1973. Withdrawal of Remark 1914. Report 2 188. 3r. 2188. Returned 3205. Council's Amendments 3206. Points of Order 3218, 3219. Council's Message 3238. Assent 3410. Question 1283. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 2283. 2r. 2283, 2567. Corn. 2728, 2772. Points of Order 2737, 2749, 2784. Withdrawal of Remark 2779. Report 2790. 3r. 2790. Assembly's Message 3159. Points of Order 31t65, 3166. Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3167. Objection to Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3167. President's Ruling 3171. Point of Order 3 172. Assent 358 1. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE Assembly - Sun Exposure - Study 247. Council-- Voluntary Workers 4670. OCEAN FREEWAY PTY LTD - Assembly -- Government Assistance 53 1. (122) 122)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

OFFCE OF REGULATORY REVIEW.-- Assembly -- Continuation 1111. OLD ROCINGHAM BOWLING GREEN -- Council -- Lease 3753. ORBITAL ENGINE CO PTY LTD- Assembly--. Engine Plant-- Establishment 7513. ORDERSOFTHE DAY-- Assembly .. Order of the Day No I -- Postponement 3628. Point of Order 3628. Deputy Speaker's Ruling 3628. OSBORNE PARK BALCArrA BUSINESS ASSOCIATION -- Assembly -- Payment -- Northern Suburbs Youth Option Project 4586. OVERSEAS RELATIONS OFFICE - Assembly .. Details 6665. PACIEXPO, -- Assembly - Government - Contribution 4050. Support 382, 2954, 3247. PACRIM SECRETARIAT -- Assembly- Western Australian Development Corporation- Funding 737. PAPERS TABLED - Assembly -- See pp. 8360-8363. Council - See pp. 8356-8359. PARKER, MR JIM- council -- Comments -- Adjounrnent Debate 3966. PARLIAMENT--. See also "Commiureesfor rite Session". Assembly -- Disturbance -- Criminal Offence 7170. Opening Day -- Motor Vehicles -- Tow Truck 2145. Parliament House -- Dining Room -- Photographs 7519. Paintings -- Originals 716 1. Premier's Gallery -- Statement by Speaker 6732. Robert Juniper Tapestry -- Valuation 597 1. Staff -- False Claim 664; Personal Explanation 791. Public Awareness Programme - Schools 3563. Retirement -- Mr George Hargadon 3238. Temporary Accommodation -- Construction 1244. Decision 1421. Speaker's Role -- Censure Motion 1348. Points of Order 1356, 1357. House to Divide 1357. Notice of Motion 1348. Standing Orders Suspension 1348. Statement by the Speaker 1519. Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations -- Government Instrumentalities - Jurisdiction 6286. Parliamentary Library - Closure 482. Parliamentary Privilege -- Criticism of Speaker -- Statement 6578. Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action -- Motion 6387. Point of Order 6397. Amendment to Motion 6394. House to Divide 6394. Motion, as Amended 6395. House to Divide 6395. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (123)13

PARLUAMENT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Members of' Parliament -- Party Directives 739. Questions without Notice -- Statement by Speaker 6299. Council -- Parliament House -- Congestion - Adjournment Debate 175. re Am~ -- Adjournment Debate 5747. Report 582 1. Military Exercise 6823. President's Corridor -- Use 2983. Staff -- Retirement - Mr George Kargadon -- Adjournment Debate 3183, 3187. Parliamentary Grain Industry Delegation -- Report 5821. Parliamentary Library - Closure 419. Parliamentary Precinct -- Freeway -- Covering 7737. Parliamnentary Privileges Act -- Breaches -- Adjournment Debate 5357. Parliamentary Superannuation Fund -- Appointment of Trustee 3832. Parties -- Leaks -- Adjournment Debate 921. Prorogation 6892. PAROLE AMENDMENT BILL .. See "Acts Amendment (Imprisonimen:and Parole)Bill". Council -. Parole Board -- Advisory Role 3621. Butterly, Archie -- Decision 3619-362 1. Decisions -- Ministerial Interference 362 1. PASTORAL INDUSTRY (MANAGEMENT OF CERTAIN LAND) BILL. Assembly -- Intro.; ir. 1738. PASTORAL INDUSTRY -- See also "Stock". Assembly -- Pastora] Board -- Chairman -- Conditions of Employment 984. Functional Review Committee - Inquiry 4911, 7520. Recommendations 558 1. Report 7685. Inspectors -- Transfer 2696. Pastoral Leases -- Aboriginal Communities 4911. Aboriginal Groups -- Excisions 983, 1135. Map3241. Names 2248. Purchases 1414. Aboriginal Organisations 1875, 1979. Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd -- Aboriginal Land 1725. Control 1721. Disease Eradication 11t24. Management 1122,2145. Minister's Letter 1790. Resumptions 1287, 1591, 1725, 2152. Tabling of Documents 1289. WA Exim, Corporation -- Control 1791. BTEC Programme -- Compliance 1874. Non-Compliance 2388. Emanuel -- Aboriginial Groups 245. WA Exim Corporation 98 1. Excisions -- Aboriginal Groups 1135. Meda-- Sale 1791, 3270. Mt Barnett -- Purchase 594,984. Reappraisal -- Tabling "91. Statistics 1874. Tenure -- Improvement -- Legislation 594 984. WA Exim Corporation- Minister's. Visits 2524. Working Conditions -- Youths 2525. (124) (124)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PASTORAL INDUSTRY (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Pastoralists and Graziers Association 516. South Australian Legislation -- Discussions 984. WA Exim Corporation 733, 981, 2524. Council -- Caretakers -- Adjournment Debate 919.920. Herd Improvement Services -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4461. Pastoral Leases -- Kimberley -- Tuberculosis Eradication Programme 2796. Resumptions 2070. Tenure -- Legislation 2304. PAY-ROLL TAX AMENDMENT DILL Assemrbl-- Intr.; Ir. 5620. 2r. 5796, 6794. Corn. 6795. Report 6795. 3r. 6795. Returned 7284. Assent 8321. Cotuncil -- Receipt; Ir. 6853. 2r. 6853, 7217. Corn. 7217. Report 7217. 3r. 7218. Assent 8257. PAY-ROLL TAX ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- tons.; I r. 5620. 2r. 5760, 6789. Cognate Debate 6789. Corn. 6794. Report 6794. 3r. 6794. Returned 7284. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 6852. 2r. 6852, 7216. Corn. 7217. Report 7217. 3r. 7217. Assent 8257. PERPETUAL TRUSTEES WA LTD -- Assembly - Intimidation- Premier 8349. Investments- Goverrnent instrurnernaliries 7926. FERRY, DR RUSSELL- Assembly -- Emnployment 4421. PERSONAL EXPLANATIONS. Assembly -- By Mr Bradshaw (Member for Murnay-Wellington) -- parliament House -- Staff -- False Claims 791. By Mr Lajjrance (Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Member for Gascoyne) -- Withdrawal of Remark 2136. By Mr D.L. Smith (Member for Mitchell) -- Electorate Visits - Minister for The South West 1281; Pointof Order 1282. Councdl- By Hon A.A. Lewis -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill-. 2r. 1147. By Hon Margaret McAleer -- Criminal Code Amendment Binl 2713. PERTH OBSERVATORY- Assembly -- Closure -- Decision 2523. Funding 442 1. Retention -- Petition 2801. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (125)

PETITONS -- Assembly -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Administration 8030. Animals -- Vivisection -- Abolition 176. Bemnies Hamburger Bar -- Excision 6580. Retention 5496. Bunbwry and Districts Power Boat Club (Inc) -- Premises 6893. Capital Punishment-- Reinstitution 14, 330 1. Computers -- Personal Information 2443. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Grim wade Establishment 3303. Crime -- Capital Punishment -- Reintroduction 14, 330 1. Incest -- Videotapes 1519. Dog Amendment Bill -- Objections 664, 2600. Education-- High School- Mt Magnet District 4498. Programmes -- Protection of Children 7236. Schools -- Activities -- Integration 71L Students -- Austudy 71. Censorship 70. 7 1. Technical and Further Education -- Fee Increases 70. Waroona Primary School -- Resiting 3192. Environment -- Breakdown 6579. Old Swan Brewery - Demolition t5, 70,451, 665, 1520,1728. Redevelopment 544. Fisheries -- Rock Lobster -- Pot Entitlements 14, Shark -- (}eographe Bay 14. Forests -- Hamel Nursery 3301. Preservation 5887. Woodehipping -- Denumark 929. Great Eastern Highway - Right-hand Turn Lanes 2443. Health -- Hospitals- *C'"-Class -- Rossmoynec 7086. Fremantle -- 308, 666. Margaret River - Replacement 4347. Upgrading 5495. Swan District -- Staff Levels 791. Tobacco Smoking -- Banning -- Government Offices 4828. Dangers 4499. Land- National Parks -- Mineral Exploration -- Prohibition 3192, 3193. Mining and Exploration 3849. Proposals- lImplementation 3192. Reserves -- Bold Park -- Extension 8029. Excision -- Bemnies 2801. Protection 14. Liquor - Drinking Age -- Reduction 1658. Trading Hours 1046. Local Government .- Wiluina Shire Council -- Division 4498. Minerals - Gravel Pit 45 1. Motor Vehicles -- Third-party Insurance 3192. Pedestrian Crossings -- Victoria Park 8313. Perth Observatory -- Retention 280 1. Planning -- Development -- Wamnbro Dunes 308. Police Stations -- Cieraldton -- Staffing -- 176. Innaioo -- Staff Reduction 8030. Prisons - Prisoners -- Halfway House 45 1. (126) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PETITIONS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Railways - Australind -- Warooaia Stop 5243. Crossings -- Walkaway 1794. Roads - Great Eastern Highway - Right-hand Turn Lanies 2443. Hepburn Avenue -- Dual Carriageway 3849. Jeanes-Karrmnyup Roads 6578. Mitchell Freeway -- Overpass 6578. Pedestrian Crossings -- Victoria Park 8313. Traffic Lights -- Alma and Fitzgerald Streets .. Installation 4348. Sex Shops -- Control 6580,6893, 7086, 7235, 7412, 7590,7742,8029,8314. Location 5243. Traffic Lights - Alma an! Fitzgerald Streets - lInallation 4348. Transport -- Buses -- Services - Additional Fares 6193. Maylands 5619. Surfboards 8314. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill .. Amendments 3302, 3390, 3531. 3977. 40347, 4498, 4683.4828,.5361, 5495, 5619, 5887,.7412. Water Resources -- Bencubbin 666. Wildlife -- Sea Lions -- Capture 665. Gazetal 665. Youthforce, Nmuogi -- Closure 7590. Council -- Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Excision 753 1. Children -- Sexual Activity 3499. Crematorium-- Albany 3274. Education- Primary School -- Canning Vale--. Closure 1991. Gambling- Totalisator Agency Board -- Aoyup Brook -- Continuation 606. Health -- AIDS .. Sexual Partners - Information 4603. Medical Practitioners -- Merredin 9. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation - Opposition 1990, 2154, 2398, 253 1. Housing--. Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Support 358 1. Land -- John Forrest National Park -- Entry Fee 28. PETRO CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD -- Assembly -- Petrochemical Plant -- Location 187 1. Principals 1980. PETROLEUM AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 5620. 2r. 5762, 6741. Corn. 6744. 3r. 6744. Returned 6977. Assent 832 1. Council -- Receipt; I r. 6723. 2r. 6723, 6878. Corn. 6880. Report 6880. 3r. 6880. Assent 7939. PETROLEUM RETAILERS RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Inro; Ir. 1794. Zr. 2196. PIGMENT FACTORY (AUSTRtALIND) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Intr.: Ir. 2308. 2r. 2643, 2885. Message - Appropriations 2646. Coa902. Report 2902. 3r. 2902. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](2) (127)

FIGMENT FACTORY (AUSTRALIND) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT BILL (continued) - Assembiv (continued) - Returned 3237. Assent 34 10. council _ Receipt; Jr. 2791. 2r. 2791. 2964. Corn. 2%67. Report 2967. 3r. 2967. PLANNING . See also "Local Government". Assembly -- Approvals -- Statistics 1105. Benies Hamnburger Bar -- Redevelopment 257, 384, 586, Brewiech Brewery -- Sewerage Disposal 3565. Canal Developments -- DawesyiLle 11 18, 6809,7160. Warnhro 3487, 3493, 5584. Developments -- Mandurah. -- Proposals 2954. Port Kennedy -- Government Involvement 3260. Interim Management Committee 3492. Wamnbro Dunes -- Petition 308. Westeck. 6290. High-rise Development -- Policy 4765, 6480. Scarborough -- Control 6989. Land Use Register -- Agricultural Industries 3265. Legislation -- Draft -- Introduction 1868. Review 1115, 391[4. Metropolitan Region Scheme -- Review 3263. Mosman Park-North Fremantle -- Study Group 5964. Old Brewery Site - Development 138. 4058. Environmental Aspects 6985. Redevelopment 835 1. Rezoning - 14 Alvan Street, Mt Lawley 742. Ball and Son Pty Ltd 992. Heathcote Hospital Site 7921. Macedonuan United Society 3266. Old Brewery Site 6477T Sandringham Hotel Site -- Redevelopment 6127. Secret Harbour Development -- Progress 742. Service Stations -- Traffic Lights -- Corners 1422. State Planning Commission -- Expenditure 4579. Membership-- Country Representation 4050. Increase 1432. Outstanding Debts 4438. Strata Tidles Act -- Amendments 141. Duplex Provisions 2390. Review 523. Strata Tidles Commissioner -- Report 5698. Subdivisions -- Buckland Hill -- Environmental Aspects 4-145. Grievance 811. Kununurra 4422. Telecom Cables 978, t 100, 4910, 5026. Whiteman Park 4419. Tearoomns-- Mosman Patk-- Jetty 134, 520, 871, 968, 998, 1252, 1862, 3258, 3556. Urban Corridor -- Whiteman Pak 7682. Zoning -- Heathcote Hospital Site 6474. Lot 684 High Road, Willenon. 126. Wbiteman Pak 3806. (128) (128)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS)I

PLANNING (continued) - Council -- Development -- Bunbury .. Submissions 5108. David Jones Site 7587, L.egislation -- Review I1115. Stare Planning Commission -- Members -- Travelling Expenses 5483. Prestige Bricwodcs - Studies 4673. PLUMBING . Assembly - Illegal ant Substandtard -- Penalties 1225, 1242. Risks 1225. Inspecuions- Water Authority 1225. PLYMO0UTH BRETHREN - Assembly -- Industrial Awards - Exemptions 1247. POCOCK, MRS BRENDA-- Assembly -- Motor Vehicle Allowance 988. POLICE AMENDMENT 3ELL Assembly -- Intro.. Ir. 4503. 2r. 4888, 5272. Defeated 5280. POLICE AND CHILD WELFARE DILL - See "Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Hill". POLICE . See also "Emergency Services". "Health -- Drugs". Assembly -- Aboriginal Mdvancement Council -- Investigation 8334. Accident Inquiry Section - Vehicles 7680. Aides -- Powers of Arrest 5576. Report 5576. Role 5576. Arrests -- Minor Offences 717 1. Bateman -- Noaliruba Centre 2139. Blue Light Discos -- Equipment Purchases 3800. Insurance 3801. Breathalyser Units -- Mobile 2243. Casino - Investigation 4454. College -- Establishmnent 1864. Comision -- Member's Comments 7175. Annual Report -- Comments 3925. Confidence -- Standing Orders Suspension 7413: Motion 7413; Amendment to Motion 7419; Point of Order 7422. Prostitution -- Control 6293. Communications -- Repeater Stations 3803. Complaints -- Statistics 1415. Counselling Services 1416. Criminal Investigation Branch -- Overtime Worked 1416. Department -- Heavy Haulage Section -- Transfer 527, 878. Driving Tuition -- High Schools 4418. Family Court Restraining Orders -- Service 2948. Federal - Kulila Association -- Investigation 7338. Filing, Detective Constable Paul -- Electoral Candidacy 2519. Federal Election -- Reinstatement 2524. Firearms - Act -- Amendment 3242. Licences 4048. Offences 8348. Force -- Corruption lnvesdigati6n 4055. Morale -- Minister's Claim 881. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS])19 (129)

POLICE (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Force (continued) -- Privatisation 39-28. Union Meeting 880. Gold Theft -- Investigations 4440, 6670, 6985. Headlight Testing Service 542. Heavy Haulage Section -- Activities 866. Housing -- Northarn 7926, 8328. [nternal Investigations Branch -- Confidence 4055. Kalgoorlie Lockup -- Security 7679. Kimberley Echo -- Comments 8347. Licensing Clerk -- Kambalda -- Hours Worked 5807. Liquor and Gaming Squad - Review 6298. Motor Vehicles -- Compensation 3804,4040. Damage 1720. Neighbourhood Watcb Scheme -- Budget Allocation 7928. Power Poles 1584.,1585. Noise Abatement -- Role 745. Northamn Region 7528,7927. Officers -- Advanced Training 1719. America's Cup Duty 595. Assassination -- Aborigial Frustration 237. Assaults - Strategy 2146. Authority -- Disasters 529. Clerical Duties 186. Country -- Operational Allowance 3804. Election Candidates 5810. 5959. Kwinana Area 1587. Opposition Criticism 7523. Pay Structures -- Alteration 6295. Reports -- Preparation 1718. Statistics 238. Stress -- Consultants 3805. Threats -- Aboriginal Person 6981. Transfers -- Curtin House 38 1. Wives -- Injuries 1583. Perth Lockup -- Upgrading 1720. Plan-clothes -- Identification 3263. Police and Citizens Youth Clubs -- Civ ilianisation 7679. Practices -- Draft Code 6300. Promotional Assessment Courses 969, 1106. Public Relations -- Farrell, Mr Darcy 8345. Radar Guns -- Faults 2946. Field Repairs 2679. Random Breath Testing -- Attitude 993. Labor Party Divisions 7688. Mobile Unit 252 1. Recruits -- Height Regulaion 5578. Training Courses 2683. Regional Policing -- Policy 7922. Resources- Shortage 1594, 1595. Sentences -- Appeals 1109. Special Response Group -- Country Areas 4916. Staffing -- Minister's Letter 3375, 3376. Waztgara Industria Estate 127. Warwick -- Grievance 4522. Stations -- Bluobury Region -- Staffing 1592. Civilian Clerks 7691. Country -- Cash Float 4041, Gardening 380. Geraldton - Stafing -- Petition 176. (130) (130)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

POLICE (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Stations (continued) - Ifflaloo -- Manning 3254. Staff Reduction -- Petition 8030. Keflerberrin - Clerk 5 197. Lockridge -- Staffing 1098. Pinjarra -- Manpower Reduction 4049. Scarborough -- Manning 3254, Wiluna -Staffiog 2387. Yartoop -- Closure 3794. Stoning -- Aboriginal Pehsons 6982. Sulperannuation Board- Employees 20, 300. Swan Building Society -- Investigations 3823, 4047, 4279% Telephone Systems -- Review 23 1. Traffic Branch -- Air-conditioning 1418. Union -- Premier's Comments 2149. Water Police -- Alternative Site 528. Headquarters 2252, 3259. Lot 363, Doepel Street, North Fremantle 528. Council -- Deputy Commissioner -- Appointment 3974, 3975, 4209. Firearms - Control -- Adjournment Debate 7735. Fraud Squad -- Emnmaus Women's Refuge 6730, 7407. Officers -- Boyup Brook - Housing 5749. Summuonses -- issue 7587. 7588, 7740. Superannuation Board -- Employees 300. Traffic -- Officer -- Boyup Brook - Removal 4497. Patrolmen -- Sirens -- Use 5750. POLITCAL PARTIES -- Assembly -- Aboriginal Compact -- Support 7933. POLLUTION OF WATERS BY OIL AND NOX1OUS SUBSTANCES BILL - Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. L113 2r. 1173, 2117. Cognate Debate 2117. Corn. 2120. Report 2120. 3r, 2120. Returned 247 1. Assent 34 10. Council -- Receipt; Er. 2155. 2r. 2155, 2401. Cognate Debate 2398. Corn. 2402. Report 2403. 3T. 2404. PORNOGRAPHY -- See also "Censorship of Films Amendment Bill". Assembly -- Literature - Birnie Home 1422. Council-- ?Qoih*Authority -- Membership 1344. Videotapes -- Imports -- AustrAian Capital Territory 2306. PORTS AND HARBOURS -- Assembly -- Beat Hartouus - Curtis Bay, Dunsborougb 5693, 6125. Hiliarys -- Fuelling Facility 1434. Pinnacles 123. Tenders -- Assessments 1432. Facilities 4904. Public Tender 887. 1119. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) (131)

PORTS AND HARBOURS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Boat Harbours (continued) -- Hiliarys (continued) -- Underwater Tourist Attraction 379. Lombardo's 887. Pt Picquet -- Development 1246. Casual Ship Painters and Dockers Pool -- Emp~loyment 1227. Commercial Marine Industry, Fremantle [792. 1793. 1876. Consrvancy Dues 6807. Dredging -- Peel Inlet 4756. Yundenip Canals 4588, 6463, 8088, 8335. Floating Dock 1245, 596!1. Fremantle -- Barge Harbour 4037, 8087. Commercial Operators -- Facility 3268. Containers Handl~ed 8328. Disputes 1881. Employees-- Stand-by 1113. Fremantle Port Authority -- Industrial Actions 7919. Political Strikes 7920. Unloading Levy 8355. Industrial Disputes 392, 3679. Loading Costs 157 1. Private Cargo Terminal 7924. Stoppages 1861, 2149, 2677. Trade Competition 792 1. Vessel Bertting-- Crew Required 1571. World Comparisons 7920. Industrial Disputes - Details 7672. Jetties - Busselton -- Expenditure 1247. Repairs 5567. Fremantle -- Lease~hold 587. Mosman Park Tearocoms -- Lease 968. Licence 871, 1252, 3258. Tankers -- Esperance 7168. The Anchorage Development 1874. Marinte and Harbours Department - Staff on Secondment 3565. The Anchorage Development 1786. Oil Spills Emergency Procedures 3805. Port Authorities- Privatisafion 989. The Anchorage -Facilities -- Relocation 1877. Waterfront Committee - Meetings 3378. Council - Boat Harbour - Carnarvon - Budget Allocation 3972. Fishing Boat Harbour -- Dredging 638 1. Small Boat Harbour - Boat Pens 6382. Fremantle -- Casual Ship Painters and Dockers 802 1. Fremantle Port Authority -- Nude Beach 7082. 8023. Jetty - Busselton -- Government Grant 6574. Marine and Harbours Department-- Storm Surge Barrier -- Bunbury 306. Port Operations Task Force -- Members 822 1. PREMIER AND CABINET, DEPARTMENT OF THE- Assembly -- Breakfast--. Bunbury 5697. Budget Allocation -- Ceremonial and Hospitality 4410. Purchase of Plant, Equipment, etc. 44 10. Services and Contracts 628 1. Employment -- Lendich, Mr Zelko 1433. Personnel Informiation Management System Establishment Report 3260. Public Opinion Polling 3557. Staffing -- Increase 142 1. Sundowner-.- Bunbury 628 1. Countcil -- Personnel Information Management System Establishment Report 3133. (132) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PRESIDENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL -- Council -- Corridor- Use 2983. PRESIDING OmFIsERS Assembly -- Conference -- Programme - Statement by Speaker 1347. Wife's Attendance--. Questions 1347. PREVENTION OF ACCESS TO RECORDS BILL--. See "Acts Amendment (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill". PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1172. 2r. 1172, 2465.,2471. Point of Order 2470. Corn. 2472. Report 2472. 3r. 2472. Returned 3237. Council -- Receipt; I r. 2429. 2r. 2429, 3040. Corn. 3043. Report 3044. 3r. 3044. Assent 358 1. PRICES- Assembly -- Consumer Price Index -- Government Charges -- Effect 994. Increases 1985. September Quarter 520 1. Price Check-- Expenditure 1439. Prime Monitoring Unit 6812. PRISONS .. Assembly -- Canning Vale - Electronic Surveillance Equipment -- Fault 1097. Observation Towers -- Armed Officers 3253. Support -- Casuarina Prison 1421. Work Release Centre 122. Casuarina -- Earthiworks -- Structural Damage 3253. Name 1587. Plans--. Completion 1097. Prelimninary Works 1098. Site -- Rezoning 2395. Prisoners - Accommodation on Release 5029. AIDS -. Treatment 4592. Birnie, David 1587,4764. Daily Average Population 4411. Federal Offences -- Remand Period 5967. Hallway House - Petition 45 1. Homosexual Attacks -- Protection 4053. Income Tax Returns 24 1. Kalgoorlie -- Transport to Perth 6990. Minimumn Security -- Amnesty 6485. Offences Committed in Custody 6298. Payments 4764. Remand - Waiting Period 6982. Remission Rate -- Comparison 2678. Strict Security Life Imprisonment 3488. United States Citizens - Exchange 6486. "Prisons and Criminal Justice" -- Report 1110.,1223. Privatisation 7337. Security Patrols .. Dogs 3253. Council -- Legislation -- Amendments - Introduction 5241. Prisoners - Appeals -- Assistance 3299. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](13 (133)

PRISONS (continued) -- Council (continued) - Prisoners (continued) -- Bimnie, Catherine -- Newspaper Report - Adjournment Debate 1268; Point of Order 1268. Buttedly, Archie -- Parole Board Decision 3619-3621. Imprisonment Rate -- Reduction -- Ministerial Statement 5209. Mail - Censorship 1273. Mickelberg Brothers - Appeal-- Ministerial Statement 6186. Legal Aid 1165. Pardon Refusal -- Ministerial Statement 1136. Retrial -- Adjournment Debate 1164. Mickelberg. Peter -- Appeal 69, 3299. Murderers -- Release 3034.,3035. Witbrahamn, Amianda -- Pregnancy 8294. Prison Officers 11,- 3620. PRIVATISATION Assembly -- Electricity Supplies -- Country Towns 3923. Functional Review Committee Recommendation 39272. Hospital Laundry and Linen Service 3924. 4409. Job Loss 4409. Parliamentary Liberal Party 3929. Deputy Speaker's Ruling 3929. Police Force 392-8. Policy -- Disadvantage -- Country People 4568. Preparation 532. Pont Authorities 989. Prisons 7337. Public Housing 3928,4409. School Cleaners 3926. Taxation Loss 3829. Council -- Examples -- Minister's Speech 6384. Potential 497 1. PRIVILEGE BILLS- Assembly -- See "Members of Parliament (Financial Interests) Bill". Council -- See "Declaratdons and Arlestadions Amendment Bill". PROMPT PAYMENT OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS HILL- Assembly -- Itro.; I r. 666. 2r. 1195. Point of Order 1196. Acting Speaker's Ruling 1200. PROPERTY.- Assembly -- Foreign Ownership 5564. PROSTITUTION - Assembly -- Containment Policy 6294. Control -- Report 6293. Legalisation - Legislation 5198. Standards 4895. WA Development Corporation - Role 5198. Victorian Legislation 6294. PROTECTION OF THE COMMUNITY BILL - See "Acts Amendment (Protection of the Community) Bill". PUBLIC AND BANK aOL [DAYS AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- [nto.; I r. 4683. 2r. 4839, 5521. Corn. 5523. Report 5523. 3r. 5523. Returned 5948. Assent 6610. (134) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PUBLIC AND BANK HOLIDAYS AMENDMENT BILL (continued) - Council -- Receipt; Ir. 5466 2r. 5466, 5848. Corn. 5830. Report 585 1. 3r. 5851. Assent 6308. PUBLIC MEETING, EXMIOUTH -- Assembly -- Beverages- Cost 5697. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE- Council -- Futre Organisation -- Ministerial Statement 6307. Public Trustee -- Unclaimed Moneys - Prescribed Amount 2299. PYRAMID SELLING. Assembly -- Golden Aeroplane Game 7679. QUADRANT ENERGY DEVELOPMENT LTD -- Assembly -- Director - McKee, Or John 155. QUESTIONS .. Assembly -- On Notice -- Answers -- Receipt 3579. Written 4575. Opposition Handling - Ministerial Statement 1069. Redirection -- Review 4747. To Ministers 1723, 1866, 4269. Without Notice -- Ministers of the Crown -- Attendance 4451. Operation 992. Point of Order 3568. Privilege .. Statement by Speakcer 6299. Question Time -- Conduct 3495. Council--. On Notice -- Answers -- Availability 217 1. Delays 1517. Not Received 8304. Daily Publication 5042. Inclusion - Supplementary Notice Paper 6496. Without Notice -- Direction -- Inappropriate 4344. Statement by President 478 1. Leader of the House -- Presence 8252. Minister for Community Services-- Presence 6576. RACING AND TROTING -- Assembly -- Clubs -- Funding -- Racecourse Development Trust 1424. Racing Industry -- Allegations -- Member for Murchison-Eyn 8097. Relayed Broadcasts -- Cessation 1792. Trotting -- Buobmry Trotting Club-- Two-up Gambling 5584. Bunbury Trotting - Off-course Betting 5585. Council -- Greyhound Racing -- Licence Applications 7738. Owners-- Registrations 6190. Pinjanra Race Meeting -- Rescheduling 450. Radio Station 6PR - Government Purchase 5108. RATES AND CHARGES AMENDMENT BILL -- See 'Acts Amendmnent (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill". REAL ESTATE AGENTS -- Assembly--- Government Gazette 38 1.

Council -- Regulatory Body 4086. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS)(15 (135)

RECORDS (PREVENTION OF ACCESS) DILL. See 'Acts Amyendmnent (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill-. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT- Assembly -- ..Albany Tomonrow" - Achievements 3817. Railway Yards -- Relocation 3262. "Bunbwry 2000" - Achievements 3817. Success 2957. Gerldion - Committees -- Expenditure 3816. Great Southern Development Authority -- Progress 7937 Research Officers 7937. Great Southern ,Telecom Staff Reduction 5702. Joondalup Development Corporation -- Expenditure 4581t. Outstanding Debts 4436, Lecuwin-Naturaliste Regional Plan -- Commencement 6135. Preparation 6470. Scheme -- Regeneration Project 146. South West Development Authority - Announcements -- Political Content 128 8. Budget Allocation -- Administration 4749, 5699. 7169. Cocktail Party -- Bunbury 5959. Expendiiture 4578, 4754. 5305. Outstanding Debts 4437. Overseas Visits 1861. Premises -- Rental 5696. South West -- Woodcraft 2395. Swan Valley - Fluoride Levels 4585. Policy 2394. Council - Coordinator -- Narrogi 304. South West Development Authority -- Annual Report 6729, 7588, 8021, 8225. Grisnwade Township -- Potential 5883. Travel Costs 8293. REGISTRAR GENERAL'S OFFICE -- Assembly -- Databaks -- Access 3798. REGULATIONS. Assembly - Cost Benefit Analysis 148. Office of Regulatory Review -- Continuation 373, 1111. REILLY. MRS JACIU -- Council- Child Day Cuse Centre -- Mandurah 3034. RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS - Assembly -- Fair Trading Legislation -- Exemption 6479. RESERVES AND LAND REVESTMEN4T BILL (No 2) -- Assembly -- lntro.; Ir. 5244. 2r. 5385. 6624. Corn. 6628. Points of Order 6629,6633. Report 664 1, 3F. 6641. Returned 7917. Council's Amendments 83 15. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 6560. Zr. 6560, 7577. Coin 7577. Report 7586. 3r. 7586. RESERVES AND LAND REVESTMENT BILL. Assembly -- Intr.; fr. 1534. 2r, 1660, 3406. (136) (136)INDEX TO SUJBJECTS]

RESERVES AND LAND REVESTMENT DILL (continued) - Assembly (continued) Corn. 3409. Report 3409. 3r, 3409. Returned 4004. Assent 4377. Council -- Receipt: I . 352 1. 2r. 3521t, 3833. 3933. Corn. 3933. Report 3933. Jr. 3933. Assent 4287. RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES BJLL - Assembly -- Intro.: I r. 52-44. 2r. 5390. 6937. Message -- Appropriations 5397. Corn. 7438, 7445. Report 7511. 3r. 7511. Returned 8317. Council's Amendments 8317. Council -- Recit IJr. 7996. 2r. 7996. 8175. Palms of Order 8181, 8396. Corn. 8199. 822 8. 8257. Point of Order 8242. Report 8291. Recoin. 8291. 3r. 8291. RETAIL TRADERS ASSOCIATION. Assembly -- Shoplifting -- Video 243. RETAIL TRADING HOURS BILL -- See also "Acts Anmendmnent (Retail Trading Hours) Bill". Assembly -- Standling Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.: Ir. 1173. 2r. 1376,6428. Cognate Debate 6428. Corn. 6450. Report 646!. 3r. 6461. Returned 7285. Council's Amendments 7285. Questions.-- Represenitations 1876. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 6725. 2r. 6823, 7006. Point of Order 7043. Corn. 70-45. Report 7067. 3r. 7067. Assembly's Message 7368. RILEY, MR ROBERT - Assemblyv-- Comments -- Gaddafi Link 893. RITMAR PTY LTD -- Assembly -- Superannuation Board -- Purchase 373. RIVERS -- Assembly -- Avon River Management Committee 1792. Canning -- Management -- Review 594. Helena -- Brickworks Proposal 392 1. Swan -- Foreshore Developments 2249. Management -- Review of Legislation 594. Swan Management Authority 1792. 4572. The Anchorage - Restriction 1873. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](17 (137)

RIVERS (continued) -- Council -- Gascoyne Bridge 6381. Swan--. Boat Moorings 2441. Management Strategy -- Guidelines 5752. Statutory Bodies 6575. ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT (RANDOM BREATH TESTS) DILL- Assembly - Standing Orders Suspension 6894. Into.: ir. 6894. 2r. 6894. Speaker's Ruling 6898. Corn. 6920. Point of Order 692 1. Report 693 1. 3r. 7099. COMMci-- Receipt; Ir. 7068. As to 2r. 7068. President's Ruling 7068. ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BILL (No 2)- Assembly -- Intro.; Jr. 1534. 2r. 1707, 3320. 3335. Corn. 3643. Report 3653. 3r. 3653. Returned 6280. Council's Amendments 7611, 7619. Council's Message 8316. Cosuncil- Receipt, I r. 3596. 2r. 3596, 5719. Point of Order 3598. Corn. 5987. Point of Order 6008. Report 6019. Recoin. 6019. Further Report 6019. 3r. 6020. Assembly's Messages 7563.7725. Question 6192. ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BILL (NO 3) - Assembly -- Intro; Jr. 3720. 2r. 4144, 5280. Defeated 5287. ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Intr.; Ir. 1534. 2r. 1823, 4561. Defeated 4565. ROADS-.. Assembly.-- Albany Highway -- Tender -- Completion 2519. Australian Bicentennial Road Development Programmre - Bunbury Buses 8332. Government Attitude 876. Bridges -- Balcatia Road 1107. Burswood - Commencement 7314. Completion 4759. Cost 833 1. Busseil Highway -- Widening 875. Narrows - Duplication 866. Shelley - Lf.S3917. wL,. ig 3916. Brookton Highway - Alignment 6290. Brockton Highiway-Canning Road. Karragullen - Junction 7160. Upgrading 8342. (138) 138)(INDEX TO SUBJ-ECTS]

ROADS (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Bufffincb-Warralakin -- Upgrading 875. Bypass -- Northamn 1579. 4573. Cascades-Lake King -- Alignment 5588. Construction 4760. Frank HamnNational Park 5 812, 613 3, 61k45. Condition -- Comments 8326. Construction -- 1 0-year Period 833 1. Funds Shortfall 5979. Remote Areas 8332. Coril Bay Road -- Traffic Counts 876. 2689. Emergency Assistance Scheme 236. Eyre Highway -- Trucks -- Speed Limit 1434. Farrington Road -- Speed Limit 526. 3916. Fitzgerald River National Park 132. 982. Forrest Road -- Realignment 526. Funding -- Arterial Roads 1223. Claims 8329. Commonwealth Contributions 62 82. Distfbution -- Report 7156. Mini-Budget 876. 1253. Click Road. Coolbinia 4590. Grants 1108. Great Eastern Highway- Dangerous Goods -- Accidents 2679. Right-hand Turn Lanes -- Peti tion 2413. Hepburn Avenue -- Dual Carriageway -- Petition 3849. Jeanes-Kanfinyup Roads -- Petition 6578. Karel Avenue -- Extension 972. Kwinana Freeway -- Contra-flow Lane 387, 8090. Extension 3910. Southern Extension 365. Length 8332. Lighting -- Waterford Estate 7-4. Line Marking -- Passing on Left 1419. Main Roads Department -- Budget Allocation -- Urban Transport Projects 427 1. Commissioner -- Applications 4575. Qualifications 5024. Contracts -- Retention Money 5183. Gill. Mr Jim 130. Payments -- Kimberley Land Council 2696. Maintenance 8330, 8331. Mayor-Rockingham Roads -- Sealing 127. Mitchell Freeway -- Construction -- Contractual Problems 3667. Facilities Access -- Grnevance 34 15. Footbridge Construction 4568. Overpass -- Petition 6578. Rock Throwing 372. Mr Newman-Port Hedland -- Construction 991. Sealing 875. Nanga Brook Road -- Sealing 877. Northern Perimeter Highway -- Planning 107. Pi ngelly-Wandering -- Cyanide Transport 4042. Railway Road, Sh~enton Park -- Crosswalk 4762. Repairs -- Keep Left Rule 741. Riseley Street -- Overtaking Traffic 872. Road Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme -- Clause 47 -- Operation 868. Fire Services Role 236, 742. Road-making Material -- Provision 3255. 3256. Roadside Clearing -- Lancelin-Perth Road 7181. 7520. Roe H-ighway -- Extensions 1104, 5190, Salisbury Road -- Reopening 596. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS])19 (139)

ROADS (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Servetus Street -- Construction 388. Traffic Volume 237,5322. South Street -- Widening 524, 1115,.3678, 4755, 5583. 7166. Southern Cross-Wyalkatchem -- Sealing 4266. Stirling Highway -- Speed Limits 878. Street Lighting -- Failure 8089. Transport -- Gypsumt 6295. Underwood Avenue -- Residentiial Development 5195. Council -- Armadale-Ravensthorpe Road .- Traffic Counts 657. Bridges -- Burswood Island -- Construcion 6887. 2304, 6381. Bypass -- Nortbam - Route Finalisation 299. Canning Highway -- Access 4339. Challenger Parade-West Coast Highway -- Warning Signs 8024. Closures -- Swan Shire 6575. Construction -- Gravel Deposits 302. Coral Bay Road -- Sealing 6887. Eastern Corridor Roads Study - Publication 8303. Eyre Highway -- Upgrading 467 1. Funding -- Cameron Report 7411. Hartley Road -- alosure 5885. Main Roads Department -- Employees -- Narrogin 658, 8303. Mitchell Freeway -- Covering -- Parliamentary Precinct 7737. Monkey Mia- Sealing 2304. Mowan Road- Sealing 788. Mt Newman- -- Sealing 927. North West Coastal Highway -- Roadhouse -- Compensation 2798. Old Coast Road - Dawesville -- Dual Carriageway 3189. Shepperion Road -- Median Strip 7232. South Street -- Widening 8223. Survey Charges 658,1656. Tonikin Highway -- Road Trains 2303. ROBERTS. MR MI. Assembly .. Hairdressers' Registration Board 3249. ROBERTS. MRS NORMA MARY - Assembly -- Hairdressers' Registration Board 3249. ROLLS ROYCE .. Assembly - - Australian Facility 977. ROTH WELLS LTD .- See also "Financialinstitutions". Assembly .- Board -- Government Representative 5204,5566. Deposits -- Minister's Role 6143. Government Action -- Motions 5117, 5148. 5154. Extension of Time-- Suspension of Standing Orders 5128. Point of Order 5139. Advice -- As to Notice of Motion 5154. Anmendnment to Motion 5162. Points of Order 5l63. 5168. 5172. Editorial Comment 5320. Federal Government - Endorsement 5314. Spot5198. Standing OdesSuspension 5114. Government Guarantee - Credit Rating 5568. Formialities 6650. Newspaper Comments 5566. Reserve Bank Advice 5199. Government Insnumentalidies - Deposits 5569. Government Liability 6980. Indebtedness -- Western Continental Corporation Ltd 5423. (140) (40)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ROTH WELLS LTD (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Liquidity 569-2. Lloyd. MIT Tony -- Managig Director 7343. Loan Quality 5569. Local Govenment -- Investments 5423. Losses 6994. Market Response 5199. Shareholders -- Meeting 5692, Superannuation Board 628 1. Treasury Officer -- Involvement 5570. Council -- Government Action -- Budget Effect 5109. Consultation 5109. Payment 5110. Provision 5109. Government Guarantee - Comparison 5112. Conditions 5613. Details 5110. Reserve Bank Advice 5110. Security 5614, Treasury Adie 51l0. Investment -- Superannuation Board 511k , Questions -- Responses 5489. Trading -- Continuation 5613. ROTTNEST ISLAND AUTHORITY BILL - Assembly -- Intro. ; I . 4829. 2r. 4981, 5910, 5934. Message -- Appropuiations 5148. Corn. 5940. Report 6065. 3r, 6065. Returned 6462. 6933. Council's Amendment 6933. Assent 832 1. Council -- Receipt: Ir. 603 7. 2r, 6037. 63 [0, Corn. 6336. Report 6346. 3r. 6346. Assembly's Message 688 1. Assent 7939. ROiTNEST ISLAND -- Assembly - Boat Moorings -- Confiscation 161. Council -- rd- Capital Works 7229. Members 1039. Boat Moorings -- Ownership 655. Businesses -- Tenders 1039. Cottages -- Naming 4086. Renovations 36 18. Land Reserve 2598. Ranger -- Radio Call Sign 81. Tenders 3189. Yacht Club - Land 1655. ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB Or WA -- Assembly Old Swan Brewery - Redevelopmenr- Opposition 6477,6480. RULINGS -- Assembly -- By the Acting Speaker (Mrs Henderson) -- Prompt Payment Of Government Accounts Bill Zr. 1200. By the Deputy Speaker -- Puivatisation -- Parliamentary Liberal Party 3929. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (141)

RULINGS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - By the Speaker -- Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfame) Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 4532. Brush, MrLen -- Writs 71; Points of Orderl72. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates - Mini-Budget Effect 1596. Pesticide Misuse - Environmental Damnage 383 1. Petition -- Health - Tobacco Smolking - Dangers 4499. Superannuation - Board- Employee -- Police Interview 20. Questions -- Sub Judice 664. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 835. Council -- By the Deputy Chairman (Hon John Williams) -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Corn.-- Point of Order 2044. By the President - Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech 272. State Forests - Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- As to Amendment to Motion 4934. - RURAL INITIATIVE CENTRE - Council -- Functions 8023. RUSSLE, MR ED Assembly - Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Details 986. RUXTON, MR BRUCE- Assembly -- Views--. Support 1983. SALAND PTY LTD -- Assembly -- Water Police Headquarters -- Contribution 3259. SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; 1r. 1172. 2r. 1280. 1804. Message -- Appropriations 1539. Corn. 1809. Report 1811. 3r. 1811. Returned 247 1. Assent 3237. Council .. Receipt; Ir. 2014. 2r. 2014, 2400. Corn. 2400. Report 2400. 3r. 2400. Assent 3141. SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES TRIBUNAL - Assembly -- Membership -- Appointments 874, 970. Vacancies 874. SALE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (PARLIAMENTARY APPROVAL) DILL- Assembly -- Intro.: It. 76. 2r. 1825. 4145. Defeated 4148. SAXICH ORBITAL ENGINE - Assembly -- Manufacture 7336. SAVILLE, MR GEORGE- Assembly -- Comments--. Cyclone Relief 159. (142) (142)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SCIENTIFIC EXPEDTON. Assembly -- Kimberley -- Disruption 3271. SCM CHEMICALS LTD -- Assembly -- Chloride Process 1597. Discussions 1788. Relocation- Kementon 1878, SCOTT, MRS WINIFRED - Assembly . Superannuation Award.- Vacancy 889. SCUDA OWVING FEDERATION OF WA - Assembly -- Taisk Force -- Inclusion 8344. Training 6130. SECOND-HAND DEALERS ACT -- Assembly -- Review 526. SEIZURE OF CONNECTED PROPERTY DILL - Assembly - Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.. Ir. 1173. 2r. 1823.5301. Defeated 5304. SELECT COMM ITTEES -- Assembly -- Appointed -- Sewerage Investigation 3907. In Camera Evidence -- Destruction 597. Investigation -- Teachers Credit Society Lcd 4282. Council - Agicultural Education -- Extension of Time 6496. Appointed -- Agricultural Education -- Motion 2415: Amendment to Motion 2415. Agriculture -- Salinity 8147. Charitable Organisations -- Appointment 636. Establishment 630. Evidence -- Perjury 3191. SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS - Assembly -- National Idenrification System 6466. Submission 6812, 8342. SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF -- Assemby-- Annual Report- Extension of Time 4348. Council -- Annual Report -Extension of Time 4287. SERVICES..- Assembly -- Federal Government - Inefficiency 1243. SESSIONAL ORDERS. Assembly -- Adoption - Standing Orders Suspension 1277. Motion 1277. Suspension - Motion 1707. Council -- Adoption 29. Committee - Leave to Sit 4644.5086. Questions without Notice 8254. 8255. Suspension - Motion 1483, 162 1. SEWERAGE . Assembly -- Augusta -- Commencement 1243. Brewtech Brewery -- Plans 3565. Investigationo-- Select Committee -- Motion 3905. Margaret River - Plans 1243. Projects - Asset Investment Programme 7162. Tariffs -- Review 172 1. Treatment Plant -- Westfield 2520. 3248. Water Miser -- Use 158 1. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](1) .(143)

SEWERAGE (continued)-- Councd -- Carnarvon -- Budget Allocation 4207. Concessions- Value 3133. SEX CHANGE--. Assembly -- Legal Status -- Grievance 5261. SEX SHOPS -- Assembly -- Control - Cabinet Consideration 834 1. Petitions 6580, 6893. 7086, 7235, 7412, 7590. 7742, 8029. $314, Location -- Petition 5243. Proliferation- Adjournment Debate 7226. Concern 6989. Siting 4265. Cotuncil - SHARES.. angford -- Location 3719. Assembly - Share Market -- State Government Insurance Comamission- Losses 581t5. Council -- Loss -- Budget Effect 7408. SHEA, DR SYD .. Assembly -- Shanmon River Basin -- Report 4598. SHEEP UICE ERADICATION FUND BILL -- Assembly -- Standing Ordens Suspension 1166. Intro.; It. 1169. 2r. 1278, 2904. Message -- Appropriations 1539. Corn. 2914. Report 2919. 3r. 2920. Returned 3236. Council's Amendlments 3236. Assent 3410. Council -- Receipt; If- 2794. 2r. 2794, 3087. Corn. 3093. Report 3094. 3r. 3094. Assembly's Message 3183. SHERVINGTON, MR VINCE - Assembly -- Overseas Travel 4898. SHOPPING--. Assembly -- Cents -- Rentals--. Grievance 809. Late Night Trading--. Easter Thursday 542. Markets -- Dealess' Liceaces 379. Shoplifting -- Increase 243. Sporting Goods Stores -- Tertiary Institutions 1120. Trading Hours - - Christmas Week 4899. Fremantle 5037. Goveranent's Intention 4453. Legislation - Representations 1876. Retail -- Proposals 6304. Toufisra -- Influence 743. Council -- Ceram -- Woodvale -- Re zoning 4973. SILICON (PIC-rON) AGREEMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intr., It. 6059. 2r. 6059, 6593,6610. Points of Order 6598, 6603. Withdrawal of Rem ark 6602. 602006 (144) 144)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SILICON (I'ICTON) AGREEMENT DILL (continued)- Assembly (continued) - Corn. 6612. Report 6615. 3r. 66 15. Returned 7284. Assent 83221. Council -- Receipt; I r. 6529. 2r. 6529, 6840, 7184. Corn. 7186. Report 7186. 3r. 7186. Assent 8257. SIMPSON, MR KEITH Assembly -- Investments -- State Energy Commission 3512. Teachers Credit Society Lid -- Account -- Confidential Information 3495. Transactions -- Premuier's Knowledge 3570. SITINGS OF THE HOUSE- Assembly -- Comments -- Member for Cottesloe 6817- Days and Hours 76. Extended after Midnight -- Thursday, 4 June (1.35 am Friday) 1975. Tuesday, 9 June (12.34 am Wednesday) 2137. Tuesday, 16 June (12.58 am Wednesday) 2515. Wednesday. 17 June (1.29 am Thursday) 2676. Thursday, 18 June (6.32 amn Friday) 2945. Wednesday, 16 September (12.1t8 am Thursday) 3793. Tuesday. 17 November (t2.05 am Wednesday) 5955. Wednesday, 18 November (12.36 am Thursday) 6124. Thursday, 19 November (12.28 amn Friday) 6280. Tuesday. 24 November (12.22 am Wednesday) 6462. Tuesday. I December (1.02 am Wednesday) 6977. Thursday. 3 December (12.41 am Friday) 7335. Tuesday. 8 December (3.02 am Wednesday) 75 11. Wednesday December(1.l15 am Thursday) 7670. Thursday, 10 December (9.50 am Friday) 7917. Thursday, 21 May 1987, p. 1219. Council - Adjournment Debates 1267, 3186, 3188. Extended after Midnight Wednesday, 27 May (3.56 am Thursday) 1514. Tuesday, 9 June (3.40 amn Wednesday) 2065. Wednesday, 17 June (12.40 am Thursday) 2597. Thursday, I8 June (4.00 am Friday) 2795. Tuesday, 23 June (12.23 am Wednesday) 3033. Wednesday. 24 June (2.11 am Thursday) 313 1. Tuesday, 20 October (2.01 am Wednesday) 4666. Tuesday, 27 October (12.12 amn Wednesday) 5107. Tuesday, 24 November (1.35 am Wednesday) 6377. Wednesday. 25 November (1.06 amThunsday) 6573. Wednesday 2 December (2.01 amn Thursday) 7078. Wednesday, 9 December (1.07 amn Thursday) 7586. Tuesday, 15 December (12.19 an Wednesday) 8015. Extension -- Adjournment Debate 8250. Friday, 27 November 1987, p. 6386. SMALL BUSINESS GUARANTEES AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Inro.; I r. 339 1. 2r. 3553, 4989. Point of Order 499t1. Message -- Appropriations 3856. Corn. 4997. Report 4997. 3w-.4997. Returned 5418. Assent 5523. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](45 (145)

SMALL BUSINESS GUARANTEES AMENDMENT BILL (continued) - Council -- Receipt; I r. 4954. 2r. 4954. 5322. Corn. 5328. Report 5328. 3r. 5329. Assent 543 1. SMALL CLAIMS TRIBUNALS AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1173. 2r. 1542, 5296. Defeated 5301. SNEDDEN, THE LATE SIR BILLY MACKIE council -- Condolence Motion 315 1. SOIL FERTILITY RESEARCH AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 3720. 2r. 3853. 4984. Corn. 4985. Report 4985. 3r. 4985. Returned 54 18. Assent 5523. Council~- Receipt; It. 4953. 2r. 4953, 5333. Corn. 5335. Report 5335. 3r. 5335. Assent 543 1. SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH AMENDMENT DILL- Assembly -- Intro.. 1r. 5620. 2r. 5761, 6642. Cognate Debate 6642. Corn. 6647. Report 6647. 3r. 6647. Returned 6937. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt: Is. 6564. 2r. 6564, 6861. Cognate Debate 6861. Corn. 6861. Report 6861. 3r. 6862. Assent 7939. SONARTEC LTD - Assembly.-- Investments-- Superannuation Board 597. SOUTH AFRICA - Assembly. South Africans -- Business Migration Scheme 1872. Inizigrants 3481. Tourists I50. Council-- Sporting Comnpetitions 434,4345. SOUTH WE"T AVICULTURAL SOCIEY, Council -- Tourim Commission Assistance 1341. SOUT7HERN DISTRICTS THOROUGHBRED ASSOCIATION Assembly -- Loan 5565, 5963. SPEAKER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Assembly- Actions -- Debete 8350. (146) 146)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SPEAKER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (continued)- Assembly (continued) - Conduct -- Notice of Motion 1520. Standing Orders Suspension 1520. Point of Order 152 1. Motion io Suspend Standing Orders Resumed 1522. Censure Motion 1522. Point of Order 1530. House to Divide 1533. Cook Islands Visit -- Wife 1249. Questions Struck Out 1347. Government Employees -- Positions 1423. Overseas Travel 4272. Parliament -- Disturbance -- Offence 7170. Parliament House -- Premier's Gallery 6732. Temporary Accommodation -- Notice of Motion 1348. Standing Orders Suspension 1348. Censure Motion 1348. House to Divide 1357. Points of Order 1356. 1357. Parliamentary Privilege -- Criticism of Speaker 6578. Press Statements 6387. SPEAKER'S GALLERY - Assem~bly -- Guests -- Children's International Summer Villages Scheme 3211. SPORT AND RECREATION- See also "America's Cup". Assembly Activities -- Select Committee Report -- Recommendations 4766. Avon Descent -- Conservation and Land Management Department- involvement 3372. Basketball -- Perth Wildcats -- Sponsorship 666 1. Bowling - South Mandurab Bowling Club -- Land 3255. Bunbury and Districts Power Boat Club (Inc) -- Petition 6893. Camnps-'* Noalimba -- Government's Proposal 25 1. Land Sale 1977. 39 10. WA Development Corporation 6132. Vasse -- Tenancy 3820. Woodman Point -- Car Park Use 128. Road Sealing 127. Cycles - Accidents -- Children 1867. Bikeplan -- Bunbury 589. Cycleways -- Collisions 864. Cycling Facilities -- Budget Allocation 4420. Helmets -- Legislation 1881. Subsidies 44-45, 7513. Riding Courses -- National Safety Council 4760. Department -- Grants 7928. Holiday Hot Line 1116. Land Lease -- Woodman Point 8346. Lockridge Meeting 1414. Point Peron Camp School 127. Diving -- Bends 735. Task Force 7674, 8344. Training 6130. Equipment Grants 4428. Football -- Subiaco Oval--. Grievance 182 1. Grants -- Allocations 8336. Indoor Soccer.- Perth Cougars -- Sponsorship 6661-6663, 6806. International Events -- Funding 733. let Skis -- Safety 138. Mounts Bay Sailing Club -- Electricity Bills -- Payment 6302. 6482. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](17 (147)


Land Leases 5811. Local Government Rates 53 1. Recreation Centres -- Wanneroo City Council -- Closure 2390. Rowing Regatta -- Lanikinism 256. Sailig - Mounts Bay Sailing Club - Electricity Charges 6302. Superdrome -- Advertising -- Cost 6287. Bus Route - Member's Comments 6493. Construction Cost 537. Funding 1244. Management 1244. Opening - Flags 6494. Operating Budget 53 1. Special Buses 6981. Swimming -- Classes -- [n-term 73 1. Lanes-- Allocation 6283. Pool -- Revenue 172 1. Council-- Bowling - Old Rockingham Bowling Green - Lease 5753. Shark Bay Club -- Building Programme 6576. Camp - Noalimba - Decision 789. Fees 789. Future Use 789. Manager 66.,67. Occuancy Rate 68, 69. Tincrase 68. Competitions -- South Africa 4344,.4345. Cricket -- Sheffield Shield Matches - Direct Telecasts 5755. Cycles- Bike pIan -- Bunbury 925. Depamn -- Instant Lottery Distributions 1654, 5886, 6191. Development Officers -- Funding 1042. Equipment -- Instant Lottery Grants 42111 4212. Facilities -- Carnarvon Shire 5111. Dangerous -- Action 217 1. Roleystone 708 1. Football -- National Football League -- Directors 3716. Telecasts -- Country Areas 2170-2172, 371[6, 3719. Victorian Football League-- Television 4343. West Coast Eagles -- Gaines-- Computation of Dates 6576. Telecasts 305, 2799, 5615, 6576, Players -- Government Employment 4343. Western Australian Football League - Attendances2l73. Competition 3037. Sandover Medal Presentation 3622. Support 3037. Greyhound Racing -- Inquiry 4677. Owners -- Registrations 6190. Junior Sport - Report 1516. 1517. Schools -- Policy 2171. Schools -- Sports Specialists 2173. Signposting -- Albany 653. Soccer - WA Soccer Federation -- Affiliated Bodies 3190. Sporting Teams -- Management 524 1. Sports Funding - 8253-8255. Supeidrome - Effect2I172. Extensions 3626. Liquor Outlets 2172. (148) 148)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SPORT AND RECREATION (continued) -- Council (continued) - Superdrome (continued) -- Opening - Finance 6385. Invitations 6385. Sports Centre Trust -- Funding 8027, 8028. Management 1042. Operating Deficit 1042. Swimming Lanes -- Exclusion 6043. Swimming- --

Beatty Park Pool -- Enclosure 3037. Wasm-up Pool 1043, 5492. Local Government Subsidies I1L.303, 2441. World Championships -- Beatty Park Score Board 5491. Benefits 1043. Date 5491. Expenditure 1043. Infoumnation -- Supply 5492. Problems 3974. Venues 1043. 5491. Telecasts -- Exclusive Rights 3718. WA Sports Centre Trust -- Management 1042. Operating Deficit 1042. STAMP AMENDMENT BILL -- Assemnbly- Standing Ordens Suspension 1883. Intr.; Ir. 1883. 2r. 2308. 2600. Point of Order 2600. Corn. 2613. Report 2620. 3r. 2620. Returned 3237. Council Receipt: I r. 2759. 2r. 2759, 3006. Corn. 302 1. Report 3023. 3r. 3023. Urgency Motion 3141. Assent 3581. STAMP.AMENDMENT BILL (No 2)- Assembly -- Intro.: I r. 6058. 2r. 6058. 6795. Corn. 6796. Report 6796. 3r. 6796. Returned 7445. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt: I r. 6853. 2r. 6853, 7351t. Corn. 7353. Report 7353. 3r. 7353. Assent 8257. STANDING ORDERS -- See also "Committees for the Session". Assembly.-- No 164-- Amendment - Adjournment of Debate 1360. Approval by Governor 1728. Motion 1358. Notice of Motion 1046. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (149)19

STANDING ORDERS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Suspension - Aboriginal Development Conference - Grievance 1183. Bills 1166,5372. Closing Days of Session- First Pant 2082. Commissioner of Police- Confidence 7413. ElectoralfDistribution Bill 4213. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)4213. Rothwells tAd.- Government Action -- Motion 5114; Extension of Time 5128. Sessional Order -- Adoption 1277. Stamp Amendment Bill 1883. Superannuation Board-- Mishandling 72. Council -- Bills - As to Rescission 4060. Rescission -- Motion 4169. No 187 -- Amendment -- Motion 6999; Points of Order 7001, 7002; Withdrawal of Remark 7004. Suspension - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill 1137. Bills 4287. Closing Days of Session -- First Pant 2699. Electoral Act (Commencement of Amendments) Bill 1012. STAPLETON, MR BERNIE- Assembly -- Technology and Industry Development Authority- Senior Director 404$. STATE ENERGY COMMISSION AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly .- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1167. 2r. 1167, 2822. Corn. 2844. Report 2844. 3r. 2844. Returned 3237. Assent 3410. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 2765. 2r. 2765, 303 1. Corn. 3032. Report 3032. 3r. 3032. STATE ENGINEERING WORKS- Assembly -- Assets..- Technology and Industry Development Authority 3379. Equipment Sales 3379, 3380. Expernditure 4583. Financial Affairs 3484. Land Sale - WA Development Corporation 3378. Management Services - WA Development Corporation 3379. Outstanding Debts 4436. Privatisation -- Employment 415 1. Sale -- Announcement 3573. STATE FINANCE- See also -WA Development Corporation". Assembly.-- Borrowings -- Agreement 1244. Budget--. Adjustments -- Financial Crisis 3318. Allocations..- Bridgetown High School 4422. Building Management Authority 4901. Cycle Riders Helmets 4445. Cycling facility 4420. Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation 4422. Margaret River Hospital 4265. National Safety Council 4758. Neighbourhood Watch Programme 7928. Ngal-A Motbeycraft Home and Training Centre 4434. Revenue Source 5574. (150) 150)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

STATE FINANCE (continued) -- Assembly (continued) -- Budget (continued)- Allocations (continued)- South West Development Authority 5699. 7169. St John Ambulance 5568. Urban Public Transport Projects 4271. Education- School Grants 126. Estimates- Advertising 4052. Forecast 20. North West Metropolitan Regional Education Centre 3484. Commonwealth Funding -- Losses 1783. Debt Servicing -- Expenditure 6285. Interest Earnings- Government Bonds 4156. Loan Council -- Government Guarantee -- Restrictions 5317,5568. Shaort-term Investmenis -- Interest Earnings 124 1. Treasury -- Assistant Under Treasurer -- Appointment 973. Lloyd. Mr Tony 973. Budget Allocation -- Management Services 4411, 4566. Contributions -- WA Mint 591. Department-- Interest Earnings 6666. Governmrrent Guarantees-- Advice 5199. Officers -- Karratha Visit 135. Northern Trip 591I. Rothwells Ltd -- Negotiations 5570. Superannuation Board Trust Account 969. WA Treasury Corporation -- Borrowings 5574. Credit Worthiness 7344. Council Budget -- Allocations-- America's Cup 434 1. Association for the Blind Inc 4678. Australian Council on Smoking and Health 4678. Carnarvon 4207. Carnarvon Boat Harbour 3972. Carnarvon Gas Lateral 3972. Camarvon Senior High School 3973. Clifton Parkc Primary School 4088. East Greenwood Primary School 397 1. Exmouth High School 3973. National Trust 7407. Ningaloo Marine Park 3973. School Computers 723 1. Wiluna Primary School 3972. Rothwells Ltd -- Effect 5109. Salaries. Wages, and Allowances 3133. Share Loss -- Effect 7408. Revenue -- Crown Grants 3132. Treastury - Rothwells Ltd -Advice 5110. State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Purchase 6041, 6042. STATE PRINTING DIVISION - Assembly -- Income 4900. Plant Sales 4449. Private Contracts 49M0 Staffing Level 4900. Telephone Directory Contract 4449. STATE PSYCHIATRISTS ASSOCIATION - Assembly -- Menial Health Services -- Inquiry 1288. STATEMENTS--. Assembly -- By the Leader of the National Party tMr Cowan) -- Retirement of Premier and Deputy Premier 8310. By the Leader of the Opposition (Mr MacKinnon) -- Retirement of Premier and Deputy Premier 8309. [INDEX TO SUBJECTSI (151)11

STATEMENTS (continued) -- Assembly (continued) By the Speaker -- Daily Hansard - Production 1794. Legislative Assembly -- Chamber -- Television Cameras 1928. Newspaper Articles -- Use 1235. Parliament - Parliament House -- Premier's Gallery 6732. Temporary Accommodation 1519. Parliamentary Privilege -- Criticism of Speaker 6578. Presiding Officers' Conference 1347. Questions without Notice -- Privilege 6299. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry - Sub Judice 819. Superannuation Board -- Sub Judice -- Procedures 3642. Ministerial -- By the Deputy Premier (Mr Bryce) -- Retirement 8305. By the inister for Health -- AIDS 224. By the Minister for Local Government -- Penth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 5493. 5514. By the Premier (Mr Brin Burke) -- Retirement 8308. Questions -- On Notice -- Opposition Handling 1069. Leader of the House -- Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Budget Papers 3555. Council -- By Hont J.M. Brown -- Members of Parliament -- Parliamentary Grain Industry -- Delegation- Report 582 1. By Hon D.K. Dans -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7530. By Hon V.J. Ferry -- Retirement 1613. By Hon Tom McNeil -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7530. By the Leader of the Opposition (Hon G.E. Masters) -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7530. Land -- National Park -- Shannon 4920. Members of Parliament -- Members of the Legislative Assembly- Criticism 8174. By the President- Attorney General-- Appointment as Queer's Counsel 7530. Members of Parliament -- Members of the Legislative Assembly- Criticism 8173. Questions without Notice -- Direction 478 1. Statements -- Ministerial- Timing 5214. Superannuation -- Board -Questions 2255. Mfinisterial -- By the Attorney General (Hon i.M. Befinson) -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 753 1. Businesses -- Companies and Securities Legislation -- Commonwealth Control 7349, 8147. Law Reform Reports 504 1. Mickelberg Brothers 1136, 6186. Public Trust Office -- Future Organisation 6307. By the Leader of the House (Hon J.M. Berinson)- Ministerial Arrangements 8. By the Minister for Community Services (Hon Kay Hallahan) -- Community Services-- Juvenile Justice 7963. By the Minister for Corrective Services (Hon i.M. Berinson) -- Prisons -- Imprisonment Rate -- Reduction 5209. By the Minister for Sport and Recreation (Hon Grahamr Edwards)-- Members of Parliament- Members of the Legislative Assembly- Criticism 8175. STATUTORY AUTHORITIES-

Ase B-- s -- Public Servants - Fees 7162. Remuneration 6813. STATUTORY DECLARATIONS - Assembly -- Unattested - Action 1785. STOCK (BRANDS AND MOVEMENT) AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly .. Intro.; Ir. 75. 2r. 311, 963. Corn.; Report; 3r. 964. Returned 1219. Assent 1782. (152) (INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

STOCK (BRANDS AND MOVEMENT) AMENDMENT BILL (continued)- Council -- Receipt; Ir. 100. 2r. 1003. 1159. Corn. 1160. Report 1160. 3r. 1160. Assest 1990. STOCK--. See also "Abattoiru". "Pastoral industry". "WA Livestock Holdings Pry Ltd". Assembly -- Animal Breeding Research Institute- Advisory Board- Functional Review Committee 4911. 5581.,7520, 7685. Cattle - Auctions -- Kimberley 596. Feedlots -- Experiments 146. Contamination -- Pesticides -- Argentine Ant Treatment 4429. Crates -- Heights -- Regulation 4571. Peed -- Damaged Wheat 2386. Goats -- Caprine Arthritis-encephalitis Accreditation Scheme 1574. Herd Improvement Service -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Morse Breeders -- Land Tax Exemption 1420. Lice infestation- Notification 5703. Livestock Market Report Service -- Cost 214 1. Funding 11 19. Sale 3819. Subsidy 1124. Pastoralists and Graziers Association - WA Exim Corporation - Liaison 516. Pigs-- Pig Industry Compensation Fund -- Administration 868, 1107. Quarantine - Kununurra 5966. Rabbits -- Fanning-- Intensive 7165. Saleyards -- Midland -- Building Construction 517. Land -- Buffer Zone 1284. Lease 233, 520.,752. Lease-back 1284. Lease Finalisation 3830. Sheep -- Footrot 3255. Lupinosis 2147. Points of Order 214S, 2149. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund -- Levy Options 7925. Transport-- Volumetic Loading 991. Council - Cattle -- lohnes Disease--. Vaccine 448. Purchases -- WA Meat Marketing Corporation 802 1. Compensation -- Payments 4668. Herd Improvement Service -- Purpose 8022. Pig Industry Compensation Fund -- Collections 1037. Saleyanis -- Midland -- Land Transfers 3191. Select Committee -- Witnesses -- Offences -- Motion 3039, 3052. 5219. Point of Order 5226. Withdrawal of Remark 5222. Sheep- Shearing Championships -- Western Australian Team 662. STOCK MARKET- Assembly -- Crash- Government Instrumentalities -- Effect 5203. STOCKBROKERS - Council -- Investments -- Resources Industry 306. STOCKYARDS- Council- Environmental Regulatins 659. STUDENT GUILDS AND ASSOCIATIONS BILL- See 'Acs Amendment (Student Guilds and Assocaflons) Bill". "SUNDAY IMES" - Assembly -- Times Pool - Legality 588. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (153)13

SUJPERANNUATION AND FAMILY BENEFITS AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. 1ntro.; Ir. 1172. 2r. 1368, 2350. Message -- Appropriations 1539. Cognate Debate 2349. Corn. 2372. Report 2372. 3r. 2372. Returned 2676. Assent 3237. Council -- Receipt; I r. 2404. 2r. 2404, 2562. Corn. 2563. Report 2563. 3r. 2563. Assent 3 14 1. SUJPERANNUTIfON. Assembly -- Board- Anchorage Development- Payments'258. Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3273, 3303. Audited Accounts -- Tabling 4050. Auditor General's Report 156. Chairmn-- Appointment - Expiry 372. Conflict of Interest 969. Decisions 157. Uloyd, Mr Tony 367. Connell, Mr Laurie -- Advice 5569. Contracts -- Martin, Mr Rob 368. Deposits -- Brockley Investments Ltd 1437, 1721, 3359, 3364. Developments -- The Anchorage 1715, 1873. 1874. Employee - Police Interview 20. Point of Order 20. Speaker's Ruling 20. Factory Purchase -- Cant Corporation Ltd 371. Funding -- Bond-Connell Partnership 6648. Inquiry -- Union Comments 1712. Investments - Approval 155. 1711. Authorisation 1711. Authouised Trustee Investments 5968. Brockley Investments Ltd 366, 367, 1712. El Cabailo Blanco 367. Global Approvals 1570. Hotel Developments 1711. International Fisheries 1712, 1875, 3657. Legality 542. Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 7926. Port Kennedy Development 1713. Repayments 6672. The Anchorage 366, 368, 530, 746, 1709, 1711, 1786. 1877, 214 1, 5 186. Point of order 746. Treasurer's Approval 3 86, 1570. Western Reefs Pry Lad 367, 597. Land Purchases -- David Jones Site 1713. Kewdale 1712. Members 367, 734. Minutes -- Treasurer 1126. Mishandling -- Standing Orders Suspension 72. Motor Vehicles 972. Payments -- Jones, Mr Garry 1709. Martin, Mir Rob 366. Purchase -- Riunar Pty Ltd 373. Questions -- Response 1289. Sub Judice -- Speaker's Ruling 664. SB Investment Trust -- Financial St atements 792 1. (154) 154)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SUPERANNUATION (continured) -- Assembly (continued) - Board (continued) - Shareholdings - Eastmet Ltd 5578. Market Value 5578. Rotliwells Ltd 6281. Sub Judice -- ProcelJures 3642. Surplus Funds -- Lending 145. Trust Account -- Interest 969. Vacancy--. Filling 889. Government Employees Superannuation Fund -- Pamrrphlet 4051. Local Government Superannuation Board - Annual Report - Extension of Time 4348. Old Scheme -- Actuarial Cost 2242. Expense Rate 2516. Increments 4908. Withdrawals 8349. Pauliamentary Superannuation Fund -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3303. Appointment of Trustee 452. Matching Contribution 8330. Salary Deductions -- Remits 374. Schemes .- Magistrates 6985. State Energy Commission -- Provision 394. State Scheme -- Plans 123. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration INuiry - Sub Judice 791. Point of Order 79 1. Statement by Speaker 819. Motion 819, 853.2198. Points of Order 828, 832, 834, 853. Withdrawal of Remarks 824. 833. Speaker's Ruling 835. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 836. Points of Order 840, 842, 850, 85!1. University Staff -- Compulsory Membership 3558. Council -- -

Annual Report -- Tabling 2299. Employees-- Police Interviews 300. Financial Statements -- Tabling 2797. Investments - Global Approvals 2067. Issues -- Examination 2069. Payments -- lows, Mr Garry 2067. Questions - Answers 2306. Point of Order 2169. President's Statement 2255, 2306. Rothwells Ltd 5ill. 'The Anchorage 2067, 2068, 2069. Treasurer's Approval 300, 2069. Building Unions Superannuation Scheme -- Effect 4674. Contributors -- Retirements 1655. Fund -- Government Contribution 2173. 2306. Local Govenmnt Superannuation Board -- Annual Report - Extension of Time 4287. Parliamentary Superannuation Fund -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3273; Point of Order 3274. Appointment of Trustee 3832. SUPPLY BILL . Standing Orders Suspension I1166. Intro.; Ir. 1171. 2r. 1171, 1688, 2921. Points of Order 2927, 2928, 2931, 2932. Withdrawal of Rem arks 2929, 2930. Message -- Appropriations 128 1. Corn. 2942. Report 294 1. 3r. 2 94 1. Returned 3237. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (155)15

SUPPLY BILL (continued) -- Council -- Receipt; Ir. 2967. 2r. 2967, 3094. Point of Order 3114. Corn. 3130. Report 3130. 3r. 3130. Assent 3581. SWAN PORTLAND CEMENT LTD- Assem~bly -- Gas Purchase Contracts 734. SWAN WOOL SCOURING (WA). Assembly -- "Trhe Anchorage" Development 530. SWISS OFFICE MACHINERY CO- Assembly.-- Maintenance Contract 872. TAIMAC INDUSTRIES- Assembly -- Financial Assistance 6673. Government Assistance 6657. TAMBO, MR OLIVER- Assembly-. Visit -- Support 150. TAXES AND CHARGES. Assembly -- Australia's Status 870. Australian Taxation Office -- Motor Vehicle Licence Details 885. Business -- Relief 6489. Electrical Contractors' Licences -- Fee Reduction 2394. Evasion -- Revenue Loss 4413. Exemptions -- Western Quarries Pty Ltd 6980. Westrail Joint Ventures 6493. Federal Liberal Party Proposals 2250. Motion 2208. Point of Order 2250. Rlat Taxation System -- Rural Effect 890. Points of Order 893. Fringe Benefits Tax -- Amounts Paid 135. Fuel Levy -- Estimated Income 6983. Revenue 1863. Westrail Payments 6667. Fuel Tax.-- Concern 6293. Revenue 457 1. Gold Tax -- Review 3929. Income Tax -- Flat Rate 22. Point of Order 23. Returns -- Prisoners 24 1. Increases -- Consumer Price Index 1985. Point of Order 1986. Statement by Leader of the Opposition 1983. Land Tax -- Assessments -- Distribution 4909, 5196. Collections 2522. Exemptions -- Noise Breeders 1420. Leased Property 3809. Payroll Tax -- Collections 1226. Government Instrumenalities 3260. Privatisation -- Losses 3829. Revenue Incrase 1129. Sales Tax -- Blue Light Discos--. Equipment 3800. Exemption -Western Quarries Pty Ltd 6493.,6494. Lubricants 666. Stamnp Duty -- Assessments -- Delays 1583. BHfPGold Mines(Ad -- Wiving 11[21. (156) 156)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TAXES AND CHARGES (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Stamp Duty (continued) - Concessions -- Mining Companies 1103. Office Delays 8089. Retrospective Legislation 3266. Tobacco Franchise Tax -- Evasion -- Smoko Cub 138. Total West -- Payments 6668. Transport Industry -- Interstate 7156. Council--. Fringe Benefits Tax - Motor Vehicle Registration 4973. Fuel Franchise Levy -Revenue 3134. Increases -- Assurance 1344. Pay-roll Tax -- Avoiders -- Investigationt8l72. Government Instrumentalities 3132. Pollution -- Introduction 8223. Private Afforestalion 294. Stamp Duty -- Assessments -- Delays 7084. Office Delays 7084. Revenue- Motor Vehicles 3132. Windfall- Revenues I1D42. TAXI-CAR CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.; Itr. 4683. 2r. 4842,.5404. Corn. 5406. Report 5406. 3r. 5406. Returned 5648. Council - Receipt; It. 5356. 2r. 5356. 5593. Corn. 5595. Report 5597. 3r. 5597. Assent 6147. TAXI-CARS AMENDMENT BILL - Ste "Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Is. 1173. 2r. 1373, 2620. Corn. 2639. Report 2643. 3r. 2643. Returned 3237. Assent 3410. Council - Receipt; Ir. 2590. 2r. 2699, 3023. Corn. 3029. Report 3029. 3r. 3029. Biotechnology -- Chair - Murdoch University 3245. Industres Involved 5960. Computers - Advice 1245. America's Cup - Use 1127. Australia Card -- Land Line Matching 4044. Bunbury Institute of Advanced Education 975. Bureau Services 4264. Capacity -- Increase 4154. Cornputter-Aided Design 974. Confidentiality .- Grievance 4111. Conservation and Land Management Department 6130. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](17 (157)

TECHNOLOGY (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Computers (continued) -- Databanks .. Access 3797, 3798. Employee Security 4039. Health Authorities 3797. Information - Leakage 4038. Purchase 4039. Sale 4039. Registrar General's Office 3798. Health Department -- IBM 6138. Records 5705. H-igh Schools -- Murdoch Electorate 4756. Supply 1097. Home Installations 4153. Hospitals . Information Management Systems 1227, 1589. Records 6655. Lynwood High School 7923. Multiple Voting-- Scanners 1581. Non-Government Schools -- Assistance 3679. Organisations -- Merger 6463. Personal [nformation -- Petition 2443. Public Sector -- Establishment 3795. Growth Rate 3797. Introduction 3795. Proportion 415 . Study 4750. Schools -- Recommendations 5023. Departments -- Staff -- Redeployment 1873. Development- Objectives 5582. Electronics Industry .. Associations 3245. Government Assistance t576. High Schools- Establishmnent 6491. 4278. rchromie -- Memorandum of Agreement IndustrialHx Technology Centre -- Purpose 3244. Industries -- Skills Upgrading 1099. Industry and Technology Department -- Permanent Head 588. Information Technology - Employment 3794. Exhibition -- Local Participation 6464. Industry Participation 5958. Strategy 415 1. Institute of Science and Technology Policy Research -- Establishment 5579. Manager Education 3246. Pak-- Developments 2518. Tertiary Institutions' Involvements 2538. Portfolio--. Initiatives -- Unemployed People 1574. Research and Development Park -- Murdoch University 1872. Software Industry -- Development 5582. Technology and Industry Development Authority -- Administrative Positions 3807. Annual Report 1875. Directors -- Appointments 4041. Indonesian Market -- Identification 6464. Permanent Head 588. Senior Director 4048. Staff 1873. State Engineering Works Assets 3379. Telephone Monitoring 7923. Technology Development Fund -- Assistance 1873. Technology Park - Rental -. Income 2953. Countcil -- Biotechnology -- Seminar 1990. (158) 158)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TECHNOLOGY (continued) Council (continued) Computers -- Schools -- Funding 723 1. Olivetti 8224. Tourism Commission 7233. TENNANT, MR BRIAN. Council -- Senua] Assaults -- Defendants 2170. THE RURAL AND INDUSTRIES BANK 0OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA BILL - Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 4499. Intro.; I r. 4500. 2r. 4500, 5912. Message -- Appropriations 4503. Corn. 5926. Report 6065. 3r. 6065. Returned 6779. Assent 7445. Council- Receipt: I . 6034. 2r. 6034, 6533. Corn. 6545. Report 6547. 3r. 6547. Assent 7705. THIELE, MR E.-* Assembly -- Associations Incorporation Bill -- Amendments 3483. THORNTON, MR MARK. Assembly -- Police Interview 5884. TOKYO OFFICE- Assembly -- Opening 1720. TOTALISATOR REGULATION AMENDMENT BILL - Assembly -- Intro.; I r. 76. 2r. 311, 964. Corn. 965. Report 965. 3r. 965. Returned 1219. Assent 1782. Council -- Receipt; I r. 1003. 2r. 1003, 1160. Corn. 1161. Report 1161. 3r. 1161. Assent 1990. TOURISM .. Assembly -- Accommodation -- Shannon River Basin 5566. Air Charters -- Advice 6986. Australian Airlines -- Sale -- Effect 152. Australian Tourist Commission..- Representations 147. Camiping Grounds -- Tent City Development-- Woodman Point 869. Caravan Parks - Woodman Point Coastal Park -- Feasibility Study 865. Regulations - Alterations 5704. Commission -- Advertising Budget 539. Chairman - Private Interests 147. Development -. Future 743. Western Australian Development Corporation 738, 1233. Western Australian Initiatives 533. Hawkesbury River Cruises -- Westrail Promotion 348 t. Holiday Units - (luilderton -- Land Release 1864. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (159)19

TOURISM (continued) -- A4ssembly (continued) - Hotel Complex -- Jurien Boat Harbour 4569. Interstate Charters 6479. Mandurali Waterfront -- WA Development Corporation 738. Passengers -- Inbound -- Tax 4059, 4155. Potential -- Hawke Forest Block 6664. Projects - lnvestment 743. Land Release Procedures 2684. WA Development Corporation 6979. Railways -- Rolling Stock 159 1, Resort Hotel Development -- Lake Argyle -- WA Exini Corporation 245, 391, 732. 1125. Resorts - Dampier Archipelago 3923. Tent City -- Woodman Point -- Clearing 1977. Tourists -- South Africa 150. Trading Hours -- Effects 743. Underwater Atraction -- Hillarys Boat Harbour 379. Visitors -- America's Cup 250. WA Development Corporation -- Involvement 243. WA Tourism Commission -- Jurisdiction -- Ombudsman 6286. Council -- Bridgetown-Greenbusbes Tourist Bureau 6888. Brochures -- Funding 1342. Bureaus -- Goods Sold 4668. Grants 1341. Caravan Parks -- Mt Magnet 2303. Commission -- Computer System 7233. Fre mantle Office Closure 4672. Developments -- Concession 6574. Keadworks Charges -- Deferred Payments 654. Gnimwade Township 5883. Holiday WA Centres -- Government Travel Bookings 656. Kimberley Tourism Association -- Beagle Bay Land 654. Motels -- Walkabout Chain -- Superaninuation Board Purchase 5483. Regional Booklet -- Complaints 6888. Regional Tourism Research Monitor -- Role 8227. Travel Bookings -- Swan Building Society 4669. Teachers Credit Society 4669. TOYS - Assembly -- Unsuitability 7680. TRADE .- Assembly -- Business Mission -- Zhejiang Province, China 144. Competition -- Fremantle Port 792-1. Deficit -- Details 7336. Forecasts 7512. Eastern Europe -- Potential Targets 7677. Exports -- Beef 146. Gas Condensate -- North West Shelf 734. Iron Ore -- Japan 390. 736, 1125. Japan -- Departmental Involvement 6466. Marron 6987, 6988. Papua New Guinea 8328. Problems 7922. Seminar - WA Development Corporation 145. Silica Sands 587. Uranium 5570. mprsKava -- Banning 3259. Sale 517. Sodium Cyanide 982. Transport Equipment -- Eastern Europe 6664,6981, Mission -- Papua New Guinea 6478, 8346. j160) 160)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS)

TRADE (continued) - Council -- Video Tapes -- Australian Capital Territory 2306. TRADESMEN -- Assembly -- Country Towns -- Shortage 7173. TRAFFC -- Assembly - Accidents -- Alcohol-related 6285. Buses 4908. Emergency Services -_ Responsibility 4591. Farrington-North Lake Roads 240. Fatalities -- Road Trains 3666. Statistics 238. Railway Road, Shenton Paut 4420. Retreaded Tyres 3803. Code -- Amendment -- Motorised Wheelchairs 3667, 5583. Counts -- Coral Bay Road 876. Fines -- Collections 8089. Hazards -- Archer Street-Great Eastern Highway 123. Keep Left Rule -- Introduction 740, 74 1. Lights -- Alma and Fitzgerald Streets -- Installation -- Petition 4348. Beaufort- Walcott Streets -- Modifications 4765. Benningfield Road-South Street -- Pedestran Control 1241L Centenary Avenue-Leach Highway -- Installation 886, 1115. Ranford-Warton Roads -- Installation 239. Service Station Corners 1422. Stock-Yangebup Roads Intersection 7166. Offences -- Penalties 4767. Parking - Fines -- Imprisonment 4905. Woodmnan Point 128. Pedestrian Crossings -- Victoria Park -- Petition 8313. Pedestrians -- Cycleways -- Collisions 864. Dual-use Path -- Leeming 4584. Footpath -- Leeming 4156. Perth Electorate -- Grievance 1816. Signs -- "Stop" -- Campaign 522. Effect 522. Observance 522. Speed Limits -- Farrington Road 526. Traffic Management Authority -- Status 740. Council -- Albany Highway-McMillan. Street -- Keep Left Sign 4669. Counts -- Canning Highway, Comno 8224. Lights - bpperton-Teddington Roads 4669, Pedestrian Crossings -- Great Eastern Kighway 4678. Hartley Road 5885. Perth Zoo 2598. TRANSPORT CO-ORDINATION AMENDMENT BILL (No 2) Assembly -- Intro.; Ir. 5620. 2r. 5767, 6773, 6779. Point of Order 6782. Corn. 6787. Report 6789. 3r. 6789. Returned 7284. Assent 8321. Council -- Receipt; Jr. 6850. 2r. 6850. 7204. Corn. 7211. Report 7216. 3r. 7216. Assent 8257. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](11 (161)

TRANSPORT CO.ORDINAflON AMENDMENT BIL- Assembly -- Lntvo.: IJr. 4683. 2r, 4840, 7308. Withdrawal of'Remark 7327. Corn. 7328. Report 7335. 3r. 7335. Returned7917. Council's Amendment 7917. Council -- Receipt; 1r. 738 1. 2r. 7381, 7693. Corn. 7700. Report 7704. 3r. 7704. Assembly's Message 7998. TRANSPORT .. Assembly Air -- Aerospace Projects -- Contracts 1099. Airports - Albany -- Runway Load Capacity I Ii. Derby -- Closure 7158. Condition 7158. Opening 3247. Service Curtailment 7159. Takeover 7159. Perth -- Bus Services 7514. Perth International Airport -- Sale 1579. Perth International Terminal -- Overcrowding 5 33. Airstrips -- Whiteman Park 3807. Albany and Esperance -- Alternative Operators 1287, 1582. Anselt Group -- Sky-west Airlines Pty Ltd 4907. Australia-Japan -- Qantas Services 532. Australian Airlines -- Booking Fees 156. Sale 152. Charters - Advice 6986. Gascoyne Electorate 4600. 5184. Minister for Community Services 5807, 5808. Minister for Economic Development 7512. Minister for Health 5697. Tourists 6479. Treasury Officers 135. Incident -- Minister for Police and Emergency Services 2520, Perth-Tokyo 532. Skywest Airlines Pry Ltd -- Takeover 4567, 4907, South Africa -- Matter of' Public Importance 4829. Authorities -- Fraudulent Claims 5023. Bulk Fuel -- Regulations 6488. Buses -- Accidents 4908, Additional Fares -- Petition 6193. AIDS Advertising 5587. Bull Creek-Booragoon Service 142. Bunbury -- Allocation 8332. City Transit - Subsidy 3675, 4434. Bus Staton -- Land Exchange 5 189. Sale 3827. 3829. Charter - Licences 7929. Children's Concessions -- Policy 459 1. Contra-flow Lane -- Time Gained 387. Trial Period 1238. (162) (62)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TRANSPORT (continued) -- Assemnbly (continued) - Buses (continued) -- Fremantle-Min-abooka -- Discontinuance 123&. Maylands 5619. Mosman Park-PeMt -- Discontinuance 1234. Mundazing-Parkezville 143. Operations -- Merredin Electorate 877, Perth Airports 75 14. Re-routing -- Diana Crescent, Loctridge 972. School -- Alinjarra-Ballajura-Noranda 5518. Canning Vale 7166, 7167. Early Deliveries 1231. Forest Crescent 8329. Oernldton 7516. Inqiry 6680. Prendiville Catholic College 2242. Pie-primary Students 13 1. Private Vehticles 8352. Report 132. Services - Connolly 241. Warnting Devices 1424. Superdrome 6493. 698 1. Surfboards -- Petition 8314. Tourist -- Bus Stops 768 1. Transfer Stations - Kwinana 1587. Two Rocks-Yanchep -- Weekend Service 142. Westatn -- Booking Delays 8326. Tenders 1240. Yangebup Service 142. Charges -- Fuel Distributors -- Interstate 6487. Cyanide 3685, 4042. Department - Mailed Article 4591. Staff 586. Emergency Assistance Scheme -- Variation 527. Equipment -- Imports -- Eastern Europe 6664. 6981. Esperance -- Alternative Operators 1287, 15 82. Fares -- Concessions -- Review 523. Fennies -- MV Perthi -- Lease Agreement 989, 5959. Restoration 3493. Regulations 5577. Fertilisers - Deliveries 1134. Grain -- Overload Tolerance 3265. Heavy Haulage Weighing -- Private Firm 2243. Inbound Flights 7525. Jandakot Airport -- Formation Circuit Training 6304. Livestock Problems Commnittee 4568. Monorail -- Examination 5956. Passengers -- Landing Charge 40519. Railways 1222. Statistics 1222. Pilot Boat - Princess Royal -- Sale 1865. Rail -- Deregulation 6669. Railways - Australind -- Waroona Stop -- Petition 5243. Bonnie Rock-Ewrakin -- Closure 2697. Bunbuiy Bridge -- Grievance 4524. Buobury-Perth -- New Name 2392. ClsrsStop 1226. - ousueris Railways 159 1. Crossings -- Walkaway - Petition 1794. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS)(1) (163)

TRANSPORT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Railways (continued)- Electrification - Consultants' Report 1415. Contracts 6287. Expenditure 1103. flicks Committee 1104. Lendich, Mr Zeiko 1433. Members Comments 894. Passenger Services-- Flow Chart 1103. Tenders 1579, 2519. Fares -- Concessions 3918. Fremantle-Perth - Operating Returns 1976. Marshailling Yards -- Albany 3262. Geraldion 3263. Prospector - Meckering Slop 4576. Railcars -- Queensland Government 377. Robb Jetty - Closure 1118. Sleepers 1587. Stations -- Perth 6282. Transit-type Operations 1592. Walkaway .- Train Speeds 7168. West Leederville Station -- Children Entering 4907. Roads- Interstate -- Legislation970. Registration fees 698 1. Taxation Burden 7156. Licence -- Carner Quarries Pty Ltd 6483. Permit -- Weight System 4570. Road Trains -- Interdepartmental Committee 6808. Road Transport Association -- Meeting--. Minister for Transport 6675. Shipping -- Barge Service -- Broome-Koolan Island 8355. Roll-on Roll-off -- Project Evaluation 246. Ships (Capital Grants) Bill -- Effect 1578. Siateships -- Charters 6297. Christmas Island 7683. Cocos Islands Service 5422, 7683. Container Crane 7682. Costs 4759. Crewing Costs 7924. Crew Numbers 7167. Expenditure 4754. Financial Position 1252. Gangway Watchmen 7682. General Manager -- Information 8087. Losses 7918. Maintenance 767 1. North West Services 6294. Outstanding Debts 4435. Papua New Guinea 5421, 6983, 8327, 8328. Roll-on Roll-off Service 135. Singapore Accommodation 7167. South East Asian Operations 4052,4266. Sodium Cyanide - Proposals 592. Transport 5027. System - Benefits -- Ministers Trip 5956. Taxis - Delays -- Eastern Suburbs 3663. Drivers - Security Devices 2526. Fare Evasion -- Legislation 2694. Point of Order 2695. Taxi-drivers.--Assaults -- Prevention -- Matter of Public Importance 3193. Wheelchairs 7923. (164) 164)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TRANSPORT (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Total West -- Taxes and Charges 6668. Trading Figures 5965. Transperth -- Employees -- Previous Service 7160. Expenditure 4754. Fares -- Increases 1987. Name Change 373. Outstaniding Debts 4435. Passenger Liaison Committee -- Loctuidge 97 1. Revenue Source 8343. Strike .. Drivers' Transport 525. Yangebup 3917. Trucks -- Warning Signs -- Regulations 3373. Trust Fund -- Payments 7157. Wesumil -- Advertising Budget. 1870. Amalgamation 7518. Bulk Fuel Monopoly 6487. Corporate identity 8329. Employees -- Location 1978. Narrogin 1228. Employment -- Age Limit 2951. Expenditure 4894. Fuel Tax Payments 6667. Giii. Dr Jim - Seconding 130, 382. -iawkeshury River Cruises -- Promotion 3481. Joint Ventures -- Tax Exemption Status 6494. Jolimont Land -- Sale 3910. Lubricants -- Sales Tax 6668. Outstanding Debts 4435. Road Operations -- Sale 4905. Safety Glasses -- Purchases 2949. Sale 5963,6137. Staff -- Motor Vehicles 5 188. Council - Air- Airports - Local Government Control 2304. Perth-Tokyo -- Port Fledland Airport 789. Buses- Bicentennial Terminal -- Interstate Coaches 1040. Bunbury -- Subsidisation 1274. Condoms -- Advertising 7407. luire Charges -- Non-Goverrnent Schools 3526. Lathlain- Victoria. Park 6890. Midland- Greyhound Australia Pry Ltd 1040, 1276. Schools - Committee 8223. Pre-Primary Students 926. Transperth -- New Livery -- Effect 3968. Franchise -- Quindanaing 3970. Passenger Tax 788. Railways - Bonnie Rock-Bunakin 657. Boyup, Brook-Donnybrook -- Closure 5880. Bunbury-Perth -- Renaming 3033. Commuters 4341. Indian-Pacific-- Passengers 8025. Land -- Purchase 6190. Release 6191. Mukinbudin-Wyalkatchem 657. Sleepers - Purchases 293. Stations -- Moona 7230. Wooden 660. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS])15 G 665)

TRANSPORT (continued) -- Council (continued) - Taxis - Control Board -- Monitoring 127 1. Disabled Persons 4670. Licences - Metropolitan Area 127 1. Westral-- Blue-metal Quarry -- Nippering 3528. Staff-- Remuneration 303. TRAVEL AGENTS ACT. Assembly -- Anomalies 601. TRAVENOL [NFOKEALTH SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA - Assembly -- Cornputer Information Systems 1589. TREASURER'S ADVANCE AUTHORIZATION DILL Assembly - Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1172. 2r, 1172. 2941. Message -- Appropriations 128 1. Corn. 2942. Report 2942. 3r. 2942. Returned 3237. Council -- Receipt. It. 2968. 2r. 2968, 3130. Corn. 313 1. Report 313 1. 3r. 3131. Assent 358 1. TRUSTEE COMPANIES BILL. Assembly -- Receipt; Ar. 6419. 2r. 6419, 7655. Points of Order 7656,7659. Corn. 7661. Report 7668. 3r. 7668. Council -- Intro.; It. 2154. 2r. 2291, 4468. Point of Order 4469. Personal Explanation 4470. Corn. 5825. Report. 5987. 3r. 5987. Returned 7705. TRUSTEES AMENDMENT DILL. Assembly -- Receipt; Ir. 6416. 2r. 6416, 6765. Point of Order 6418. Cornt. 6769. Report 6773. 3r. 6773. Assent 832 1. Council - Intro.; Ir. 430 1. 2r. 4301, 6147. Corn. 6152. Report 6159. 3r. 6159. Returned 6725. Assent 7939. TRUSTEES.-- Assembly -- Authorised Investments. Status 6133. Council -- Joint Venture Development -- David Jones Site 7587. (166) 166)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

UNIONS--. Assembly -- Civil Service Association -- Functional Review Committee Report 6988. Non-members -- Exclusion 558 1. Hospital Service and Miscellaneous Workers Union -- Dispute 396. Joint Unions Advisory Council -- Shop Stewards' Agreement 883. Liquor and Allied Industries Union -- Resignation Fees 885. May Day Rally-- Banners -- Government Grant 1419. Membership -- Employee Dismissals 2960,3249. Minimum Age 885. Mining Unions Association -- Communications -- Facsimile 1098.,1980. Secretary -- Role 734. Officias -- Overseas Trips 1134,1I577. Police Union -- Assaults 2146. Heavy Haulage Section 527. Morale -- Meetings 880. Premier's Comments 2149. Professional Transport Drivers Association _-Mobijack 2949. Psychiatric Nurses Association -- Graylands Hospital -- Kiosk 2689. Royal Australian Nursing Federation -- Elections -- Disciplinary Action 3257. Letter 979. State Energy Commission -- Construction Work 734. Negotiations 7170, 8345. Teachers Union -- Better Schools Programme -- Criticisms 367!1. Discussions 1286. Functional Review Committee Report 6988. Government Employment 7519. Officers 254. Secretary -- Education Policy 4268. Warwick High School -- Oval 3672. Writs 997. Council - Australian Workers Union -- Pastoral Industry -- Caretakers -- Adjournment Debate 919. Budlding Unions -- Superannuation Scheme - Effect 4674. Civil Service Association -- Functional Review Committee- Consultation 305. USHER. MRt FRANK -- Council -- Education Department -- Position 8220. VALUATION OF LAND AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Receipt: Ir. 2117. 2r. 2515, 2902. Corn. 2903. Report 2903. 3r. 2903. Assent 3237. Council -- Intro.: It. 1137. 2r. 1255. 1635. Corn. 1991- Report 1991. 3r. 1991. Returned 2790. Assent 3141. VEANAVITE .. Assembly -- Approval -- Veterinary Prepatration Registratr 6129. VIDEO TAPES CLASSIFICATION AND CONTROL BILL -- Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; It. 1166. 2r. 1166, 2085. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS](17 (167)

VIDEO TAPES CLASSIFICATION AND CONTROL BILL (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - Cam. 2099. Report 2117. 3r. 2117. Returned 3907. Council's Amendments 5000. Assent 6610. Amendment - Petitions 3302, 3390. 3531. 3977, 4347, 4498, 4683. 4828, 5361, 5495, 5619, 5887, 7412. Council -- Receipt; I r. 2280. 2r. 2280. 2419. Corn. 3153. 3283. 3582. As to Report 3595. Report 3693. 3r. 3833. Assembly's Message 4957. Assent 6308. VIDEOS--. Assembly.-- "R"-rated -- Distribution 885. 'X"-rted - Discussion 8337. Coni'X-rated -- Banning 7082. 7587. VIETNAM VETERANS. Council - Sydney Parade -- Adjournment Debate 4336. VINCENT, MR PHILIP- Assembly .. Government Employment 5573. WA BUSINESS MIGRATION INVESTMENT TRUST- council -- Prospectus -- Premier's Letter 4210. WA CHIP AND PULP CO PrY LTD -- Assembly -. Woodchipping Proposals 983. WA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION -- See also "State Finance -- Treasury". Assembly.-- Agribusiness Ventures 6654. Agriculture Department - Funding 518. Aluminium Smelter -- Committee 372. Asia -- Culture Gap 6979. Asia-Pacific Region - Operations 6652. Assets -- Public Offer 145. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Redevelopment 6285. Board -- Appointments 59l. 1124. Buckland Hill -- Development -- Profit 8336. Sale 385. Subdivision 6656. Cable Beach Club, Broome 6652. Cash -- Assets Handling 2140. Surpluses-- Rate of Return 6468. Chairman . Consultaricy -- Premierj519, 872. Services - Payment 1230. Full-time Position 1713. Claremont School of Art -- Building Use 3482. Consultancies--. Cost 37 1. Durectots'Fees6652. Expenses -- Eve ntsCorp 767 1. Export Semiar 145. Fund Mainagemnent .. Lotteries Commission 7165. Funding -- Pacrim Secretariat 137. Funds Corporation Australia -- Establishment 15 1. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 368-37 1, 517. Interest Earnings 6666. (168) (168)[INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (continued) -- Assembly (continued) - International Insurance Exchange -- Establishment 8343. Investments -- McLean Brothers and Rigg 8348. Resource Projects 5 18. Involvement -- Tourism 243, 1233. Land-holding -- Peel Inlet 665 1. Land Sale - State Engineering Works 3378. Loans-- Wesfi Pine Pty Ltd 588, Management Services - State Engineering Works 3379. Metropolitan Market Site -- Sale 384. Mt Barniett Station -- Purchase 594. Old Brewery Development -- Advice 6289. Old Perth Technical College Sire - Discussions 734. Outstanding Debts 4439. Pacrim Secretariat -- Staff 737. Payments 6132, 6649. Profit Opportunities 6979. Property Management -- State Government Insurance Commission 5976, 6474, 6667. Shaftesbury Hotel -- Residents 15 1. Softwood Plantations -- Privatisation 6651. Staff 6653, 6654. Tailings Treatment -- Rights and Royalties 6650. Tourism -- Development 738. Mandurab Waterfront 738. Projects 6979. Treasury Funds -- Interest 6288. Underwater Tourist Atraction - IHillarys. Boar Harbour 379. Wansica -- Redevelopment 8337. WA EVENTS FOUNDATION -- Assembly -- Government Payments 6286. WA EXIM CORPORATION -- Assembly -- Aboriginal Land -- Commitment 1438. Accommodation- Relocation 596. Accountability 882. Advances -- Cart Corporation Ltd 1865. Security 13 19. Agreement - Mitsui 1422. Agricultural Advice 145. Aguiculrure Department Undertakings 232. Austrlian Land and Cattle Co Ltd Leases -- Control 1721. 1791. Management 2145. Autonomy 58317. Beef Markets 146. Board -- Accountability t791. Appointments 59 1. Meetings 732, 1981. Members 733, 3569. Business Migrants -- Business M4igration Investment Trust -. Applications 147. Business Migration Programme -- Film 2390. investments 4448, 4399. Participation 1871. 2248. South Africans 1872. Cattle -- Auctions 596. Feedlots -- Experiments 146. Con~sultancies -- Cost 243. Fees 596. Consultants -- Agriculture Department 1236. Debts -- Cart Corporation Ltd 245. Easton. Mr Brian 245. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS](69 (169)

WA EXIM CORPORATION (continued) - Assembly (continued) - Education -- Education Department -- Consuiltation 143. Education Services Division -- Applications 145, Emanuel Pastoral Leases - Aborigines 245. Accounts 98 1. Employees 246. Expenditure 4753. Farm Machinery -- Purchasers 4449. Financial Problems - Personnel 24 1. Funds -- WA Overseas Projects Authority 733. Gale, Mr Keith 25. 533. 882. Government Insmjumentalifies -- Dealings 368-371, 517. tndependent Inquiry 252. tnvestrments -- Companies 391. Liaison- Pastoralists and Graziers Association 5 16. Losses -- Recovery 391. Mitsui Agreement 137, 1422,4763. Mt Barnett Station -- Purchase 594. Ord River Regeneration Project 146. Outstanding Debts 4438. Pastoral -- ActiVities 733. Ltases; -- Minister's Visit 2524. Products -- Marketing 73 1. Relocation 148. Resort Hotel -- Lake Argyle 391, 732. 1125, 3577, 3796. Returns -- Filing 732. Strategies - Gale, Mr Keith 25. Subsidiaries 246. Tertiary Students -- Overseas 732. Trading Activities -- Losses 241. Council -- Assets and Liabilities -- Transfer 1345. Government Investment 1165. Payment 1345. Questions -- Answers 2173, 2306. Shares -- Transfer 1344. Subsidiaries -- Assets Transfer 1042. WA EXIM INTERNATIONAL LTD -- Assembly -- Operations 1235. WA GOVERNMENT HOLDINGS LTD -- Assembly -- Annual General Meeting 733. WA HERBARIUM -- Assembly -- TrAnsfer 7928, 8088. WA MINT--. Assembly -- Australian Nuggets -- Promotion -- Connor, Mr DennisS516. Contribution -- State Treasury 591. Investment 4747. New Premises - Construction 1783. Officer -- Conditions of Employment 1098. Operations -- Upgrading 377. Reorganisation -- Staff Displacements 591. WA OVERSEAS PROJECTS AUTHORITY -- Council -- Assets and Liabilities -- Transfer 1654. WAGES AND SALARIES - Assembly- National Wage Increase 157. WANNEROO SOCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION ([NC)- Assembly -- Government Assistance 6467. WANNEROG SOCIA6L PLANNING YOUTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ASSOCIATION - Council -- Funding 6385. Grants 6383. (170) (170)[INDEX TO SUBJECTSJ

WARMAN FNTERNATIONAL -- Assembly -- Hyperchrome Technology 4278. WAR WIDOWS- Assembly -- Motor Vehicle Licences -- Concessions 2527. WASTE DISPOSAL - Assembly -- Drink Containers -- Local Government Attitude 154. Gosnells Site -- Domestic Bores 7519. Hazardous Wastes -- Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 6474. Disposal Sites 5577. Environmental Protection Authority Survey 4906. Health Department Policies 4906. Management Policies 44 18. Monitoring Bores 7673. Quantities 6473. Rural Areas 6473. Rubbish Tip -- Orange Gmove -- Grnevarnce 3418. Sires -- Pesticide Testing 6473. Coiuncil -- Effluent Disposal -- Envirocycle 4673. 4674. Liquid -- Expressions of interest 300. Orange Grove -- Complaints 5190. WASTE WATER TREATMENT rLANTS - Council - Environmental Regulations 659. WATER AUTHORITY AMENDMENT BILL- See also "Acts Amnendmzent (Waler Authorftv Rates and Chargqes) Bhil". Assembly -- Intro.. lIn 2307. Zr. 2308. 3391. 3392. Corn. 3395. 3643. Report 3850. 3r. 3850. Returned 4150. Assent 4377. Council -- Receipt: lr- 3932. 2r. 3932. 4067, Corn. 4069. Report 4069. 3r. 4069. Assent 4287. WATER AUTHORITY RATES AND CHARGES AMENDMENT DILL- See "Acts Amendment (lVater Authorirv Rates and Charges) Bill". WATER RESOURCES -- Assembly -- Agaton Scheme -- Capacity 873. Bencubbin -- Complaints 873. Petition 666. Business Consumers -- Charges 886. Capel -- Problems 6483. Comprehensive Scheme -- Extensions 364. Consumption -- Homeswest Tenants 141, 142. Meters -- Residential Units 731L. Corporate Plan -- City of Belmont 7169. Country -- Reticulated Services 3919, 4265. Dams -- Big Brook -- Beautification 1434. -- Submissions 3255. Emergency -- Water Transportation 3566. Farm Locations 1239. Harris River -- Alternative Site 7161. Construction 365. Funding 377.,1877. Site 1588. Status 5979. (INDEX TO SUBJECTS] (171)11

WATER RESOURCES (continued) - Assembly (contined) - Damns (continued) - Kulin Distict High School 4269. Neeves -- Cleaning 5I8. Denmark - Plans 4602. Problem 1877. Upgrading 4162. Desalination Plants -- Testing 4159, 4412. Extension -- Pingaring 752 1. Farms -- Caning 8335. Homesteads 1725. Great Southern -- Adequacy 3680. Hopetoun -- Establishment 5695. Fitzgerald River National Patc 2680. Irrigation -- Revenue 533. Mains--_ Bemnies Hamburger Bar 6670. Extensions -- Contributory System 5587. Meters -- Multiple Housing Units 862. Payment for Use -- Introduction 2245. Pinganing -- Extension 7173. Pipelines- Nyabing and Pingrup 6467. Rainwater Tank -- Dulyalbin -Emptying 3912. Rates -- Farm Land 4909. Restrictions -- Introduction 5697. Rock Catchment Tanks -- Shortage 5815. Rural - Maintenance - Local Government Responsibility 5563. Shortages -- Shirms 520. Tariffs-- Review 1721. Treatment Plant -- Binniugup 8335. Underground -- Availability 3799. Gosnells Waste Disposal Site 1519. Water Table -- information 2689, 2691. Lowering 862. Water Authority- Administrative Regions 4418S. Advertising -- Expenditure 4154. Arrears .. State Government Insurance Commission 8355. Assets -- Management 3927. Beeayup Depot- Manning 2946. Board Members- Appointments 2956. Bridgetown Office--. Closure 122 1. Concessional Charges -- Revenue Lost 2244. Electrical Contractors 5029. Employees-- Workers' Compensation 2955. Expenditure 4894, 5196. Internal Funds and Balances 3918, 4157. Non-rateable Land 2244. Outstanding Debts 4434. Plumbers- Apprentice 388. Plumbing - Inspections 1225,4267. Inspectors 3494. Penalties 4267. Substandard 4268. Ratepayers 2245. Revenue Soturce 5574. Safety Glasses--. Purchases 2683. Tenders -- Advanteering .. Civil Engineers 1224. Local Preference 987. Testing and Inspection Procedures 883, t242. Water Miser.- Use 1581. Wyaikatchemn District High Scbool 886. Council -- Cartrarvon -- Budget Allocation 4207. Concessions -- Value 3133. (172) 172)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WATER RESOURCES (continued) -- Council (continued) - Dams -- Hamvs River -- Construction 299, 5753. Design 3969. Funding 4.48. Kukerin -- Deepening 653. Wellington -- Capacity 6378. Irrigation -- Camnaivon -- Budget Allocation 4207. Rainwater Tanks -- Concessions 448. Ratepayers -- Statistics 3134. Rural Areas -- Commonwealth Discussions 1656. Sprinklers -- Lee Oval, Lthlain 6379. Underground -- Licences - Celorup 448, Wells -- Safety Aspects 656. Water Authority - Narrogin -- Staffing 657. Storm Surge Barrier -- Bunbury 449. WATERFRONT WORKERS (COMPENSATION FOR ASBESTOS RELATED DISEASES) AMENDMENT BILL* Assembly - Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.: Jr. 1170. 2r. 1170, 2462. Corn. 2462. Report 2462. 3r 2462. Returned 2882. Assent 3237. Council -- Receipt: fir, 2428. 2r. 2428, 2728. Corn. 2728. Report 272&. 3r. 2728. Assent 3141. WATSON'S FOODS (WA) -- Council-- Takeover -- Employees -- Adjourrnent Debate 3524. WATSON. MR COLIN M. -- Assembly -- Asbestos-related Disease -- Legal Action 5565. Case -- Delays 6137. WEBB, PROFESSOR MARTIN. Assembly -- Narrows Bridge -- Duplication 866. WELLS, MR BOB - Assembly -- Overseas Trip 1134, 1577. WESFARNIERS-CSBP- Assem bly -- Ammonia-urea Plant 392. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MARINE AMENDMENT BILL Assembly -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1174. 2r. 1174, 2120. Cogitate Debate 2117. Corn. 2120. Report 2 120. 3r. 2120. Returned 247 1. Assent 3237. Council -- Receipt; Ir. 2156. 2f. 2156. 2401. Cognate Debate 2398. [INDEX TO SUBJECTS])13 (173)

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MARINE AMENDMENT DILL (continued) -- Council (continued) - Corn. 2404. Report 2404. 3r. 2404. Assent 314 1. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL AMENDMENT BILL. Assembly -- Intro.; ILr.4090, 2Z.4218,5406, Corn. 5410. Report 5517. 3r. 5517. Returned 5948. Assent 6610. Council - Receipt; I r. 5466. 2r. 5466, 5603, 5842. Corn. 5846. Report 5848. 3r. 5848. Assent 6308. WESTERN CONTINENTAL CORPORATION LTD -- Assembly -- Aluminium Smelter -- Withdrawals 1246. Government Assistance 5316. Indebtedness 5243. Council -- Government Assistance 5360. WESTERN QUARRIES VTY LTD Assembly -- Tax Exemptions 6493, 6494.6980. WESTERN REEFS PlY LTD -- Assembly -- Superannuation Board -- Investments 367, 599. WESTINTECH INNOVATION CORPORATION LTD -- Assembly -- Goverfnent Assistance 2517. WHJTE. MRS MARGARET -- Assembly -- Train Speeds -- Walkaway 7168. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AMENDMENT DILL - Assembly -- Intro.; I r. 76. 2r. 1186,2199. Defeated 2199. WILDLWFE. Assembly- Duck Shooting- Banning 5695. Controls 5580. Liceoces 5962, 6291. Emu Farming -- Breeding Stock 3485. Licences 3658, 4902. Research 6669. Kangaroos -- Culling -- Tags Allocated 520. Survey 1596. 'Woodvale 1597. Protection Officers -- Stationing 4278. Rabbit Parning -- Myxomatosis 3658. Sea Lions -- Petitions 665. Western Swamp Turtle -- Grievance 4520. Wildflowers -- Picking Licences 7927. Yellow-flowered Menzies Banksia -- Status 3247. Council -- Big Swamp Bird Park -- inancial Assistance 134 1. Cockatoos -- Culling 1654. Dibblers -- Populations 3135. (174) 174)(INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WTLDLIFE (continued) - Council (continued) - Dingoes -- Population 2799. Duck Shooting Licences 5754. Emuo Fasm -- Breeding Stock 3625. Chick Auction -- Adjournment Debate 3611. Flora -- Ranksia 1274. Yellow-flowered Mcnzies Baoksia -- Status 3189. Kangaroo Management Committee 659. Kimberley Project 2302, Owingup Swamp 661. Owringup Swamp 293. Purple Crowned Wren 2442. Red Kangaroos -- Statistics 6382. Subterranean Orchid 244 1. Tarmmars -- Goonac Forest 5615, 5885. Whales -- Sightings 2169. WILLS AMENDMENT BILL -- Assembly -- Receipt: fr. 3655. 2r. 3655, 4517. Corn. 4519. Report 4519. 3r. 4519. Assent 66 t0, Council -- Intro.: Ir. 1137. 2r. 1256, 3281, 35-23. Corn 3524. Report 3524. 3r. 3524. Assent 6308. WILSON, SAYER, CORIE PTY LTD - Assembly -- Coogee Coastal Area Study 38 10. WITHDRAWAL OF REMARK -- AssemblY - - Personal Explanation 2136. WITHERS, DR KEN -- Assemblyv -- Photograph -- Premier 97 1. WOMEN'S INTERESTS -- Assembly -- Health Care 5315. Women's Advisory Council - Breakfast 5696. Women's Electoral Lobby -- Financial Arrangements 4764. 'Women's Health and Well Being" 5193. Women's Health Policy Unit -- Establishmrent 589. Council - Book - Wiry Work 0iA You"j Women 1270, WORKERS' CONIPENSAflON AND ASSISTANCE AMENDMENT BILL- Assembly -- Intro.: lIt. 2307. 2r. 2307. 2462. Corn. 2465. Report 2465. 3r. 2465. Returned 2882. Assent 3237. Council -- Receipt: Jr. 2428. 'r. '428,'728. Corn. 2728. Report 2728. 3r. 2728. Assent 3141., [INDEX TO SUBJECTS) (175)15

WORKERS' COMPENSAflON - Assembly -- Employers' Responsibilities 57 11. Family Companies -- Grievance 1177. School Cleaners 1233. Water Authority -- Employees 2955. Woikers' Compensation and Assistance Adt -- Amendments 588. 1117. council -- Premiums - Razes Committee 1655. YOUNG ER, MR ROSS -- Assembly -- YOUTH.. Death -- Geraidroc Hospital 1230. Ausembly -- Groups -- School Facilities 4417. Youth Employment Services Officer -- Rockingham 5700. Youthforce -- Narrogin -- Closure -- Petition 7590. Council -- Groups -- Drop-in Centres -- Funding 2598. Organisations - Ocean Ridge -- Adjournment Debate 3709: Extension of Time 37 10. Wanneroo -- Funding 4679. Perth Inner City Youth Service -- Consultant 2598. Funding 307. 788. Homeless Youth -- Street Workers 2442. Performance 307. Termination 307. Services - Inventory 2599. Wannemoo Activities - Funding 6383, Youthforce -- Narrogin -- Funding 8026, 8293. ZOOLO)GICAL GARDENS- Council -- Perth -- Pedestrian Crossing 2598.




Explanation of Abbreviations -- Ir., 2r., 3r.: First, Second, Third Reading of a Dill; Corn.: Committee or the Whole House; Intro.: Introduction of a Bill; Recoin. Recommittal of a Dill.

ACTING SPEAKER - See "Deputy Chirmnan of Committnees in the Legislative Assembly".

ALEXANDER, DR I.C., BA (Hens), MA, M Phil, Ph D (Perth) -- Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill -- Cor.- Point of Order 2345, Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Zr. 3879. Witdrawal of Remark 4224. Topics Discussed - Planning - Local Government Act 3881. 3887. Perth City Council -- Mankipulation by Vested Interests- Boans Site 3883. City Planning Scheme 3885. Mertin Hotel Site 3882. Palace Hotel Site 3881. Pecuniary Interests 388 1. Planning Guidelines -- Breaches 3885. Bernies Hamnburger Bar -- Excision -- Prevention -- Petition 6193. Communications -- Telephone Charges 8091. Forests -- Stare Forests - Revocation of Dedication -- Motion -- Point of Cider 2123. Gaming Commission Bil-- Zr. 3398. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- Questions - Opposition 5974. Goldberg, Mr Yosse 5249. Grievance -- Traffic -- Perth Electorate 1816. Health -- Tobacco Smoking -- Dangers -- Petition 4499. Kings Park -- Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Excision -- Petition 6193. Land -- National Parks -- Mineral Exploration -- Prohibition -- Petition 3193. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry - Motion 567 1. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 7271. Point of Order 7262. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2504. Maiden Speech 1694. Members of Parliament -- Member for Gontarf 4453. Member for Mt Lawley 6493. Opposition - Police - Criticism 7523. Minerals - Exploration -- Prohibition -- National Parks -- Petition 3193. Motions -- Local Government -- Perth City Council - Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry 5671. State Forests - Revocation of Dedication - Point of Order 2123. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Bill -- Corn.-- Point of Order 1972. Petitions -- Bemnies Hamburger Bar -- Excision -- Prevention 6193. Health - Tobacco Smoking - Dangeus 499. National Parks -- Mineral Exploration -- Prohibition 3193. (178) A [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Petitions (continued)- Sex Shops -- Control 7590. Traffic Lights -- Alma and Fitzgerald Snreers- Installation 4348. Police -- Opposition Criticism 7523. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 2470. Prices -- Consumer Price Index 1985. Residential Tenancies Bill - 2r. 6961. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7590. Shopping -- Trading Hours 4453, 5037. Sport and Recreation -- Superdrome 6493. Supply Bill -- 2r. 1694. Topics Discussed -- Local Government -- City of Perth -- Central Perth Planning Commission 1696. East Perth Land Use Committee 1696. Housing 1696. Northbridge 1697. Planning and Development 1695. Perth Electorate -- Population Characteristics 1695. Taxes and Charges -- Increases 1985. Traffic -- Lights - Alma and Fitzgerald Streets - Installation -- Petition 4348. Perth Electorate - Grievance 1816. Transport -- Buses -- Superdrome 6493. Taxi Drivers-- Security Devices 2-526.

ATTORNEY GENERAL -- See "Serinson.RHon JM., LLB".

BARNETT,. Hon M., JP (Roecinghuam) -- See "Speaker of the Legislative Assembly".

BEGGS, HON. P.A.. JP, MINISTER FOR TOURISM, AND MINISTER FOR RACING AND GAMING (Whitford) -- Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gamning) Bill - Intro.: I r. 4090. 2r. 4217,53782. Corn. 5782. 3r. 5888. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- Intro.: I r. 372 1. 2r. 3768, 3786. Corn. 3791. 3r. 3793. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill -- Intro.: It. 5620. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Intro.: I r. 5620. 2r. 5798, 7647. Corn. 7649-7654. 3r. 7654. Council's Amendments 8320. Address-rn-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendment to Motion 489. Topic Discussed -- Tourism - Local Tourist Atractions 489. America's Cup -- Visitors 250. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. -- Divisions- Office of Racing and Comning 8060. 8061. Tourism Commission 8057. B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (179)

Australia H1- Western Australian Base 1863. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Intro.; tr. 4829. 2r, 4983, 5948, 3r. 5948. Betting Control Amendment B ill -- Innr.; Ir. 76. Zr. 312, 966. 3t. 967. Communications -- Radio -- Racing Broadcasts -- Cessation 1792. Station 6PR 5966. 5308. Dean, Mr James -- Adlot -- Legality 588. Declarations and Attestationis Amendment Bi-- 11. 1039. Defence - United States Personnel -- Expenditure 22"4. FundsCorp - Fund Management -- Lotteries Commission 7165. Gambling -- "Big Deal" Electronic Machines -- Installation 7337. Lotteries - Commission -- Assessment 4 155. Distributions 3676. Professional Fund Managers 7165. Secretary 3488. Sbort-tern Investments 6666. Instant -- Distributions 3798. Revenue 3567. Timespool -- Legalty 1870. Social -- Clubs 993. Totalisator Agency Board -- B unbury Trotting -- Off-course Betting 3585. Two-up -- Bunbury Trotting Club 5584. Gaining Commission Bill -- Iium; Ir. 1173. 2r. 5377, 3400. Corn. 3401-3405. 3r. 3654. Government instrumentalities - Dealings -- Government Corporations 370. Government Travel -- Bookings -- Holiday WA Centres 586, 4160. Health -- Disabled Persons -- Association for the Blind - Lotteries Commission Assistants 3676. liquor Amendment Bill -- Intro.; It. 1534. 2r. 1658. 2673. Corn. 2801, 2810-2817. 3r. 2817. liquor - Act -- Amendment 4422,4586. Legislation -- Drafting 3913. Licences - Burswood Hotel Complex -- New Owners 1228. Marina Hotel -- Car Park 6287. Premiums 4155, 4569. Licensed Clubs -- Sunday Closing rime 3567. Trading Hours 125. laes - Commission -- Secretay -- Appointment 124 1. Private - Legality 588. 1243. Members of Parliament -- Member for Murchison-Byre -- Allegations -- Racing Industry 8097. Ministers of the Crown - Government Employees -- Positions 1714. Overseas Travel 4417. Petition - Video Tapes Cassification and Control Bill - Amendment 3390. Racing and Trotting -- Bunbury Trotting - Club -- Two-up Gambling 5584 Off-course Betting 5586. Clubs - Funding -- Racecourse Development Trust 1424. Racing Indus try -- Allegations -- Member for Murchison-Eyre 8097. Relayed Broadcasts 1792. Southern Districts Thoroughbred Association - Loan 5565. 5963. (180) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) B

Rottnest Island Authority Bill - Intro.; I r. 4829. 2r. 4981, 5938. Corn. 5941, 5942. Council's Amendment 6933. Rottnest [sland -- Moorings 161. Shopping -- Trading Hours 743. South Africa - Tourists 150. Southern Districts Thorough'bred Association 5565,5963. Sport and Recretion -- Indoor Soccer 6662. Sunday Times -- Times Pool -- Legality 588. Totajisator Regulation Amendment Bill -- Intro.; I r. 76. 2r. 311, 964. Corn. 965. 3r. 965. Tourism- Air Charters -- Advice 6986. Commission 147. Development 533. 743. Inbound Passengers -- Landing Charge 4059. Interstate Charters 6479. Passengers -- Inbound Tax 4155. Projects .- Investment 743. Tourists -- South Africa I50. Trading Hours 743. Visitors -- America's Cup 250. WA Development Corporation - Involvement 243. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No.2) - Intro.: I r. 5620. Transport -- Air - Australia-Japan -- Qantas Services 532. Charter - Tourists 6479, 6986. Passengers -- Landing Charge 4059. Perth International Termninal -- Overcrowding 533. Pert-Tokyo 532. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment -- Petition 3390. WA Development Corporation - Fund Management -- Lotteries Commission 7165. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 370. Involvement -- Tourism 243. WA Exim Corporation -- Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 370.

BELL, HON Cl. (Lower West). Abattoiss - Midland -- Land Sale -- Issues -- Amendment to Motion -. Point of Order 7076. WA Meat Marketinig Corporation 802 1. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Corn. 1313, 1483. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill - 2r. 6375. Corn. 6511. 6515-6519. 6566, 6570. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- Corn. 6352-63.54. 6363. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety arid Welfase) Bill - Corn. 3004. Acts Amendment (Waler Authority Rates and Charges) Bill- 2r. 2725. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 899. Topics Discussed - Dairy Industry 899. Education 902. Government Front Bench 899. Mandurab District 902. Midln Salcyard 901. Potato Chip Industry. Manjimup 90l1. RAFCO 90 1. B a ~[INDEXTO QUEST-IONS & SPEECHES]8 B (181)(1)

Agriculture -- Education -- Select Committee - Appointment of Select Committee 2415. Extension of Time 6496. Motion 896. Motion, as Amended 2414. Special Report 4461. Pesticides 7229. Animals--. Rabbits 3034. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 4788. Topic Discussed - Pesticide Residues 4788. Businesses -- Rural - Decline - Motion 260. Committee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation - Appointment - Amendment to Motion 1637, 1644, 1647. Community Services - Children 3034. Education -- Agriculturre -- Select Committee (see "Agriculture -- Education" above.) Gambling -- Instant Lotteries 790, 1654. Homosexual Activities.-- Legislation -- Opposition -- Petition 2154. Honey Pool Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 2699. 2r. 3029. Industrial Development 3140. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) -- Corn. 8159-8164. Local Government--. Roeboume Shire Council 3137. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1602. Corn. 2157-2159. Assembly's Message 4617-4620, 4626. Assembly's Request for Conference 7389. Member for Pilbar 3137. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3032. Motions--. Abattoin - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues -- Amendment to Motion- Point of Order 7076. Agriculture -- Businesses- Rural -- Decline 260. Education - Motion, as Amended 2414. Select Committee 896. Petition -- Homosexual Activities -- Legislation - Opposition 2154. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill. 2r. 3040. Reilly, Mrs Jacki 3034. Roads -- Old Coast Road, Dawesviile 3189. Rottnest Island Authority Bill - Corn. 6343. Rural Initiative Centre 8023. Select Committee -- Agricultural Education - Appointed -- Motion 2415. Extension of Time 6496. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 3087. Corn. 3093. Sport and Recitation Department 1654. Stock (Brands and Movement) Amendment Bill- 2r. 1159. Stock 8021. 8022.

BERINSON, HON J.M., LL 3, QC, ATTORNEY GENERAL, MINISTER FOR BUDGET MANAGEMENT, MINISTER FOR CORRECTIVE SERVICES, AND LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (North) Accord Nominees Ply Ltd 300. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill- Intr.: I.r. 4297. 2r. 4297, 4961. Corn. 4967,4968, 5064-5085, 5087-5101. 3r. 5348. Assembly's Amendments 7533, 7535. Questions 4680-4682. (182) Bi IINDEX TU QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Acts Amendment (Corctive Services) Bill -- 2r. 406 1. 3r. 4062. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) BiDl -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message 61, 174. Standing Orders Suspension 1137.,1138, 1470. As to Second Reading 1139. 2r. 1151. Corn. 1267. 1296-1340, 1471-1513, 1604-1611. 1615-1620. 1622-1630,2017-2061. Points of Order 1608. 2032, 204.4, 2049, 2057. Reinstatement of Clause 8 -- Motion 1460. Amendment to Motion 1465. Sesional Orders Suspension 1483. 3r. 2256. 2279. Amendment to Motion 2265. As to Recoin. 2258. Adjournment Debate 446. Acts Amendment (Financial Provisions of Regulatory Bodies) Bill - Ir. 5841. 2r. 5841. 6040. Corn. 6040. 3r. 6040. Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill -- 2r. 5348. Order Discharged 6346. Intro.: Jr. 6347. 2r. 6347. 3r. 6368. Assembly's Amendments 8010. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill 2r. 3057. 3608. Corn. 3954-3966, 4465-4467. 3r. 4781. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill- I r. 2287. 2r. 2287. 2794. Corn. 3004. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill- Jr. 7383. 2r. 7383. 3r. 7564. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill -- I r. 772 1. 2r. 7721. 8007. Corn. 8009. 3r. 8009. Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Hours) Bill - fr. 6725. 2r. 6825. 3r. 7072. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech- Motion 1137. Topic Discussed- Referral of Members' Comments 1137. Presentation to Governor 11 37. Adjournment Debates - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill--. Amendments 446. Legislative Council- Programme 6189. Sittings of the House 3188. Adjournments of the House - Ordinary 65. 175, 446. 650. 919. 1164, 1267, 1653, 2297. 2594. 3033, 3183, 3294, 3524, 3611. 3708, 3966, 4336, 4666,.4969. 5106, 5237, 5357. 5747, 6189, 6886, 7226, 7735, 8166, 8251. 8296. Special 446, 919, 1653. 2795. 3033, 3183, 3293, 5357, 7226, 7735, 8015. 8166, 8219. 8250, 8292.,8296. Age of Consent -- Lowering 3976. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill -- I r. 6548. As to 2t. 6548. 2r. 6548. Plan - Tabling 6573. 3r. 6727. America's Cup.-- Budget Allocation 3625,4241. B [ENDEX TO QUEST-IONS & SPEECHES] B (183)

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 3499. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 3503. Budget Overview and Summary 3507. Capital Works and Housing 3502. Education 3504. Employment and Training 3502. Expenditure 3501. Health Services 3505. Industrial Development 3503. Law and Order 3505. Other Activities -. Community Spotting Facilities 3506. Criminal Injuries 3507. Junior Sport 3506. Price Check 3506. Public Estate 3506. Safety Helmet Acquisition 3506. Timber Industry 3506, WADC 3506. Public Sector Management and Accountability 3507. Regional Development 3503. Revenue 3500. Social Development and Community Services 3504. Tourism 3503. 1r. 8014. 2r. 8015. 814 1. Topics Discussed -- Budget Debate 8141. Supply 8015. Taxes and Charges 8 142. 3r. 8142. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - I r. 8000. 2r. 8000, 81t06. Topics Discussed - Capita] Works Programme 8000. Commonwealth Funding 8 LOS. Department of Mines, Cue 8106, Education 8106. Functional Review Committee 8106. Government Office Buildings 81016. 3r. 8108. Arts -- Artsnewsr-- Publication 5881, 6191. Art Gallery Advisory Service 3359. Boards -- Members 1039. Death Defying Theatre (New South Wales) 8025. Department 1272. 1273, 7082. Entertainment Centre, Bunbury 92. Festival of Perth 1272. Glass Artist Workshops 6890. Grants and Loan Assistance 1273. Libraries -- Blind Persons 4342. Museums 925, 1274. Paintings -- Government Instrumentalities 300. Performing Arts Workshop 306. Perth Entertainment Centre 1270, 5882. Prism Gallery 6890. Symphony Orchestra 1037. Theatres -- Use 1342. WA Opera Company 6889. Associations Incorporation Bill -- Intro.: I r. 2154. 2r. 2288. 3604, Corn. 3694-3708. 3r. 3708. Auditor G3eneral's Reports 3975. Australia Card 3299, 3300,.3718.42 10. Bills of Sale 2299. Bills - Standing Orders Suspension -- As to Rescission 4060. 4287. Births, Deaths, and Marriages 7739, 774 1. (184) B (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Dread Amendment Bill -- IAr.5836. 2r. 5836, 6557. Corn. 6559,6560. 6876.,6877. 3r. 6878. Brush, Mr Len 300. Building Management Authority 306, 42 10. Building Unions Superannuation Scheme 4674. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bil-- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message 63. 2r. 767. Corn. 768-774, 778-787, 916-919. 3r. 1137. Assembly's Message 2922. Businesses -- Companies and Securities Legslation -- Commonwealth Control -Ministerial Statement 7349. Companies - Government Assistance 5360. 7411. Corporate Affairs -- Commissioner 3530,5756. 5757. 5758. Department 5l11. National Companies and Securities Cooperative System 927, 104 1. Cant Corporation 8294. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1651. Corn. 1652. 3r. 1653. Chamberlain Inquiry 6889. Charitable Organisations - Liquidity - Government Assistance 434 1. Select Committee -- Establishment - Motion 32; Amendment to Motion 630; Amendment on the Amendment 632; Membership 636. Close of Session -- Comnplimentary Remarks 8296. Closing Days of Session -- First Pan--. Standing Orders Suspension 2699. Second Part . Sessional Orders Suspension - Hills 5981. Standing Orders Suspension--. Bills 5981. Committees for the Session - Appointment 29. Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation- Appointment - Motion 30; Amendment to Motion 643, 1637- 165 1. Assembly's Message -- Consideration 2767. Members' Appointment 6147. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -. State Government Insurance Commission -- Terms of Reference- Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430, 2432. Communications 2799, 5879, 7228, 8303. Community Services 928, 2796, 5483. Constitution Amendment Bill -- I r. 4463. 2r. 4463, 4784. 3r. 4785. Corporate Affairs Commissioners 3530. Courtis. Mr 6374. courts -- Clerks of Courts 7740. Damages 4669. Local Courts 7083, 7233, 7234. Superior Courts 7083. Crime -- Fines -- Non-payment 3716. Forensic Investigations 6889. Sexual Assault Laws 15 15,.1516. 2170, 3615. Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Intro.; Jr. 6308. 2r. 6308. Corn. 6866. 3r. 6867. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2399. B [WNDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (185)

Criminal Investigation (Extra-Tenitorial Offences) Bill - Intro.; It. 3691. 2r. 393 1. 3r. 4464. Declanatons and Attestations Amnendment Bill - Leave to Introduce 9. Intro.; IT.9. 2r. 64,629. Corn. 787. As to 3r. 915. 3r. 915. Deputy Chairnen of Committees - Appointment 29. As to Appointment 29. Dolan. The Late Hon Jerry -- Condolence Motion 6. Education -- Carson Street Special School 1040. Electoral Distribuuion (Routnest Island) Amendment Bill - Jr. 5835. 2r, 5835. Corn. 6028. 3r. 6029. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill -- Ir. 4957. 2r, 4957, 523 1. Corn. 5231, 5232. 3r, 5232. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Intro.; tr. 4060. 2r. 4333. Corn. 4627-4643, 4645-4666,4791-4798. Report 492 t. As to Recommittal 4923. 3r. 5058. Electoral 2796, 4774, 5880. Employment and Training 294, 1044. Energy -- Electricity 3135, 8024. Gas 2304. 2305, 3135. 3972. Environment 7407, 8223. Evidence Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Irn 1137. 2r. t254. 3r, 1992. Fabian Society Speech 6384. Factonies and Shops Amndment Bill -- 2Z.6188. 3t. 6189. Family Coui Amendment Bill. -- Intro.; Jr. 754. 2r. 909. Corn. 1258. 3r. 1293. Financial Administration and Audit Act 7410. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill -- 2r. 303t1. 3r. 303 1. Financial Institutions -- Banks 3623, 5110, 6890. Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 5 102. Swan Building Society -- Travel Bookings 4669. Teacbers Credit Society Ltd -- Accounts -- Confidentiality 3529. Attorney General 3619. Corporate Affairs Department 3623. 51iL Rural and Induistries Bank 3623, 3976. Takeover -- Attorney General's Role 3528, 3529. Travel Bookings 4669. Gambling 5616, 5617. (186) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ B

Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6110. Corn. 6713-6723. As to Report 6723. 3r. 6723. Government Buildings 3034, 3035. 3037, 3969. Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- I.r. 2405. 2r. 2405, 2551. Corn. 2557-2562. As to Report and 3r. 2562. 3r. 2699. Government Employees 3137, 3191. Government Guarantees 7408. Government lInstrumenitalities -- Paintings 300. Payroll Tax Collections 3332. Privatisation -- Motion 688 1. Governor 3190. Hairdressers Registration Board 3136. Hazeirnere Herbs 4974. Health -- MIDS Council 67, 68. Australian Council on Smoking and Health 4678. Disabled Persons -- Association for the Blind Inc 3624, 3625.4342.4678. Taxis 4670. Mental -- GROW 5483. Industrial Development 2305, 3140. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) -- It. 7998. 2r. 7999, 8157. Corn. 8158-8166. 3r. 8166. Inspectors- Entering Premises without Warrants 2441. Insurance - Motor Vehicle Insunrnc Trust 656. Stare Government Insurance Commission - Annual Report 7410, 7411. Borrowings 6042, 7409. Discussions 7409. Government Guarantee 6042, 7409. Losses 7410. Public Accounts arnd Expenditure Review Committee -- Term of Reference- Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. 2432. Road Service 5752, 6889. Shame Purchase 6041, 6042. Shortfall 6043. State Government Insurance Corporation - Competitive Advantage 307, 662. Iron Ore (Cbannmr Joint Venture) Agreement Bill - Ir. 5459. 2r. 5459, 5611. 3r. 5612. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Clifft) Agreement Amendment Bill -- Jr. 6522. 2r. 6522. 3r. 6840. Iron Ore (Harnersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) - Jr. 5464. Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension 5464. 2r. 5464. 3r. 5465. Iron Ore (Haniersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - Jr. 2590. 2r. 2590. 3r. 2970. Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Amendment BiDl - ir. 2593. 2r. 2593. 3r. 2971. Jones, Mr Garry 2067. B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (187)

Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amnment Bill - Intro.; Ir. 492 1. 2r. 5057. 3r. 5469. Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 3582. Zr. 3691-3693. 3r. 4061. Justices of the Peace 2170, 5 110. 5111, 7740. Land 3034, 3132, 319 1. Law Reform Commi~ssion Reports -- Ministerial Statement 504 1. Legal Aid Application -- ickelbeig Brothers 1165. Legislative Assembly - 1988 Sittings 6891. Legislative Council -- 1988 Sittings 6891. Legislative Programme -- Adjournment Debate 6189. Sittings of the House - Adjournment Debate 3L89. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeat Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper 33. 60. 2r, 2769. Corn. 2770, 2771. 3r, 2772. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Meetings 449, Liberal Party Members 3529. 3530. Loan Bill -- I r. 8001.- 2r, 8001,8129. Topics Discussed- Borrowing Authority 8001. Housing -- Public 8001. Loan Council 8001, Corn. 8129. 3r. 8 130. Local Courts Amendment Bil (No 2) - 3r. 7184. Question 7234. Local Courts Amendment Bill - Intro.; It. 754. 2r. 910. Corn. 1157. 3r. 1157. Local Government 11,303,663, 2441. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Request for Conference -- As to Consideration in Committee 6880. Members of Parliament -- Electorates -- Ministerial Visits 6574. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill - 3r. 3032. Minerals and Energy Research Bill -- Ir. 6565. 2r. 6566. 6861. Corn. 6862. 3r. 6863. Minerals 304, 3137,.4671, 7410. Mines Regulation Amendment Bill -- Ir. 4950. 2r. 4950. 3r. 5603. Ministers of the Crown -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel- Statements 753 1. Government Insurance Corporation -- Competitive Advantage 307. Overriding Authority 1044. Role -- Definition 3529. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3528, 3529, 3619. Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee 305. Country Visits 6574. Federal Treasturer 3138. Leader of the House -- Legislative Assembly Seat 6891, 8255, 8304. Minister for Budget Management -- Financial Administration and Audit Act 74 10. Government Guarantees 7408. Portfolio Responsibilities 5112. RothweLls Ltd 5109. State Government Insurance Commission 6041. (188) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Ministers of the Crown (continued) -- Minister (or Community Services 6576. Minister for Economic Development 6384. Ministerial Arrngements -- Ministerial Statement 8. Parole Board Decisions 3621. Premier42l0. Treasurer300, 2069. MorLing Report 6889. Motions -- Charitable Organisations -- Select Committee - Establishment 32; Amendment to Motion 29 1; Amendment on the Amendment 630; Membership 636. Condolence -- Te Late Hon Jerry Dolan 6. "Me Late Mr C.C. Naider, MLA 26. The Late Sir Billy Macbie Soedden 3152. Financial Institutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee 5102. Governent Instrumentalities -- Privatisation 688 1. Resumption of Debate 4290. Sessional Orders Suspension 1483. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Acmounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Terms of Reference 2430-2432. Stock -- Midland Salcyards -- Select Committee -- Witnesses - Offences 5219; Point of Order 5226. Urgency-- Stamp Amendment Bill 3148. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill - 2r. 7718. Corn. 7720. 3r. 7721. Motor Vehicles- Drivers' Licences 7739. Fringe Benefits Tax. 4973. Governent 2070. Road Service -- State Governent Insurance Commission 6889. Stamip Duty Collections 3132. Nalder, The Late Mr C.C., MLA -- Condolence Motion 26. Natural Disasters 306. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) - Ir. 4958. 2r. 4958, 5228. 3r. 5228. Occupational Health. Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Ir. 2283. 2r. 2283, 2589. Corn. 2730-2759, 2772-2790. Point of Order 2784. 3r. 2790. Assembly's Message 3160-3165. Points of Order 3t65, 3166. Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3167. Objection to Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3167, 31t68. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare 4670. Parliament 6892, 7737. Parole Board -- Advisory Role 3621. Butterly, Archie -- Decision 3619-3621. Decisions -- Ministerial Interference 3621. Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill -- 3t. 7218. Pay-roil Tax. Assessment Amendment Bill -- 3r. 7217. Personal Explanation -- Trustee Companies Bill 4470. Pigment Factory (Australind) Agreement Amendment Bill- 3r. 2967. Planning 7587. Plymouth Brethren 1044. Police -- Deputy Commissiomr 3974, 3975, 4209. Summonses 7587, 7588. 7740. Superannuation Board Employees 300. Thomnon. Mr Mark 5884. Pornography -- Censorship 1344. Ports and Haxtows 306. 6574. B B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]BB (19(189)

Premier and Cabinet Department 3133. Prisons - Imisonment Rate -- Reduction -- Ministerial Statement 5209. Legislation - Amendments 5241, Officers 11, 3620. Prisoners - Appeals -- Assistance 3299. B utterly. Archie -- Parole Board Decision 3619-362 1. Mail - Censorship 1273. Mickelberg Broters - Legal Aid 1165. Ministerial Statement 6186. Pardon Refusal -- Ministerial Statement 1136. Mickelberg, Peter -- Appeal 69. 3299. Murderers -- Release 3034, 3035. Wilbraham, Amanda -- Pregnancy 8294. Privatisation -- Motion 681. Questions 4971, 6384, Privilege Bill - Declarations and Attestations. Amendment Bill19. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill -- I r. 5466. 2r. 5466. Corn. 5851. 3r. 5851. Public Trust Office -- Futurc Organisation -- Ministerial Statement 6307. Public Trustee 2299. Questions -- On Notice 151t7, 217 1. Without Notice 6576. Racing and Trotting 450. Regional Development 7588. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- Ir. 6725, 6823. 2r. 7042. Corn. 7045-7067. 3L. 7067. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - It. 7068. Roads 7411, 7737, Rotliweils Lid -- Government Action 5109, 5110. Guarantee 5110, 5112, 5613. 5614. Investment - Superannuation Board 5 111. Questions 5489. Trading 5613. Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill - See 'The Rural and Indust~ries Bank of Western Australia Bil'. Salaries and Allowances Amnendment Bill -- 1r. 2014. 2r. 2014. 3r. 2400. Select Committees 32, 3191. Sessional Orders -- Adoption 29. Committee - Leave to Sit 4644, 5086. Suspension -- Closing Days of Session -- Second Part 5931. Iron Ote (linmesley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) 5464. Motions 1483, 1621. Shares -- Loss 7408. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 7184. Corn. 7186. 3r. 7186. Sittings of the House - Adjournment Debate 3 188. Friday, 27 November 6386. Snedden, The Late Sir Billy Mackie - Condolence Motion 3152, Solar Energy Research Amendment Bill - It., 6564, 2r. 6564. 6861. 3r. 6862. (190) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Sport and Recreation 11, 303. 2441, 2799. Stamp Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 7352. 3r. 7353. Stamp Amendment Bill - Ir. 2759. 2r. 2759. 3016. Corn. 3022. 3r. 3023. Urgency Motion 3148. Standing Orders--. No 187--. Amendment -- Motion 6999; Withdrawal of Remark 7004. Suspension - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- 2r. 1137, 1138. Corn. 1470. Bills 4287. As to Rescission 4060. Closing Days of Session- First Pant 2699. Second Part 598 1. Iron Ore (Hamersicy Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) 5464. Stare Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- 3r. 3032. State Finance -- Budget -- Allocations -- America's Cup 3625. 434 1. Association for the Blind Inc 4678. Australian Council on Smoking and Health 4678. Camarvon Gas Lateral 3972. National Trust 7407. Rothwells Lid -- Effect 52109. Salaries, Wages, and Allowances 3133. Share Loss - Effect 7408. Revenue -- Crown Grunts 3132. Treasury- Rorhwells Ltd 5110. State Government insurance Commission -- Competitive Advantage 662. Loans 7409. Public Accounts andf Expenditure Review Committee -Terms of Reference .- Motion to Concu with Assembly's Message 2430-2432. Share Purchase 6041, 6042. Statements- Attorney General -. Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7531. By Hon V.1. Ferry 1613. Ministerial -- By the Attorney General -- Businesses -- Companies and Securities Legislation -- Commonwealth Control 7349. Law Reform Commission Reports 5041. Mickelbeig Brothers 1136,6186. Public Trust Office 6307. By the Leader of the House -- Ministerial Arrangements 8. By the Minister for Corrective Services -- Prisons-- Imprisonment Rate -- Reduction 5209. Stock- Midland Saleyards--. Land Transfers 3191. Select Committee-- Witnesses -- Offences - Motion 5219; Point of Order 5226. Stockbrokers 306. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill - Ir. 2404. 2r. 2404. 3r. 2563. Superannuation - Board--. Ainnual Report 2299. Employees 301). PWinnialj Statements 2797. Fund 2173, 2306. B B ~(INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (191)11

Superannuation (continued) -- Board (continued) - Investments - Global Approvals 2067. Rodiwells Lid S1l1. The Anchorage 2067-2069. Treasurer's Approval 300, 2069. Issues 2069. Payments -- Jones, Mr Garry 2067. Questions 2306. Building Unions Superannuation Scheme 4674. Contributors 1655. Supply BiDl -- I r. 2967, 2r. 2967. Topics Discussed -- Commonwealth Gmats 2967,2968. Consolidated Revenue Fund 2967. Funding Arrangements 2967. Public Sector 2967. Taxes and Charges -- Fuinge Benefits Tax - Motor Vehicle Registration 4973. Increases -- Assurance 1344. Payroll TaxJ3I32, 8172. Pollution Tax 8223. Stamp Duty 1042, 3132, 7084. Technology Development Amendment Bill - It. 2590. 2r. 2699, 3028. 3r. 3029. Tennant, Mr Brian 2170. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Baill- Ir. 6034. 2r. 6034, 6544. Corn. 6546. 3r. 6547. Thornton, Mr Mark 5884. Tourism 4669,5483. Treasurer's Advance Authorization Bill - Ir.2968. 2r. 2968. Trustee Companies Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 2154. 2r. 2291, 4468. Corn. 5828-5834. Personal Explanation 4470. Trustees Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Itr. 4301. 2r. 4301, 6151I. Corn. 6154-6159. 3r. 61[59. Trustees - David Jones Site 7587. Unions 305, 4674. Valuation of Land Amendment Bill -- Intro.; It. 1137. 2r. 1255. Corn. 199 1. 3r. 199 1. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill - Jr. 2280. 2r. 2280, 2427. Corn. 3153-3 159, 3283-3293, 3582-3594. As to Report 3595. Videos 7082, 7587. WA Business Migranion Investment Trust Prospectus 4210. WA Exijn Corporation -- Assets and liabilities 1345. Government Investment 1165. Payment 1345. Questions 2173.2306. Shares 1344. Subsidiaries 1042. (192) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

WA Overseas Projects Authority 1654. Waterfront Workers (Compensation for Asbestos Related Diseases) Amendment Bill - Ir. 2428. 2r. 2428. 3r. 2728. Western Continental Corporation Ltd 5360. Wildlife 2302. Wills Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Er. 1137. 2r. 1256, 3523. 3r. 3524. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Amendment Bill - fr. 2428. 2r. 2428. 3r. 2728. Worters'Compensation Premiums 1655. Youthforce, Narrogin 8026. 8293.

BERTRAM, MR R.E., AASA (Dalcatta) - Anzac Day -- Holiday Arrangements 605. Education -- School Terms 6297, 68 10. Government Buildings -- Tobacco Smoking -- Banning -- Petition 4828. Health -- Tobacco Smoking - Advertisement 1435. Banning -- Government Offices -- Petition 4828. Deaths 3360, 3669, 3797, 4047, 4160. Lapham. The Late Mr S.E.. MLA -- Condolence Motion 8312. Petitions -- Government Buildings -- Tobacco Smoking -- Banning 4828. Sex Shops -- Control 7236. Videotapes Classification and Control Bil -- Amendment 5361. Prompt Payment of Government Accounts Bill - 2r. -- Point of Order 11 96. Sex Shops -- Controli-- Petition 7236. Videotapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment-- Petition 536 1.

DLATIE, MR D.R. (Vasse) -- Abattoirs -- Meat Commission 443 1. Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Advancement Council -- Investigation -- Funds -- Misappropriation 8334. Problems 5311. Takeover 8334. Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority -- Annual Repont -- Tabling 6468. Expenditure 4768. Mt Barnett Station -- Purchase 594. Aboriginal Lands Trust -- Members -- Appointment 6472. Mining Royalties - Receipts 6472. Reserve Excisions 4768. Aboriginal Legal Service -- Offices 4430. Aboriginal Media Association - Objectives 8334. Aboriginal Medical Services -- Accounts 8333. Abstudy Programme 4432. Administration -- Petition 8030. AIDS -- Government Action 983. Bungle Bungle National Park 5312, 5313. Communities Development Programme 1220,4425-442 8. Compact - Consultations 7529. Matter of Public Importance 7590. Party Support 7933. Prime Minister's Proposal 3920. Responses 7525: Point of Order 7525. State Support 752 1. B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (193)

Aboriginal Affairs (continued) -- Department -- Aboriginal Advancement Council -- Takeover 8334. Development -Conference .- Grievance 1183. Dispossession- Compensation 7931. Education -- Enclaves 1246. Geo Peko Exploration - Member's Allegations 4896. Kava- Imports 517. LUnd- Original Ownership 7932. Rights 384, 984. Local Government -- Involvement 4770. Marribank Family Centre 5311. National Aboriginal Day of Communication 4433. National Employment Strategy 443 1. Pastoral Leases -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1725. Excisons 983, 1135. 2138. Purchases 1414. Remote Area Programme 4432. Reserves -- Mineral Exploration 6469-647 1. Mining Projects 6472. Rudatl River National Park 5313. 6134. Scientific Expedition- Kimberley 327 1. Sires 4769, 4770. Statutory Authorities- Membership 4770. Substance Abuse -- Expenditure 242. Support -- Colonel Gaddafi 893. Western Deserts Land Council -- Rudall River National Park 5313. Woolaii Aboriginal Corporation 4769. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- 2r. 6218. Corn. 6248-6275. Questions 5818,5966. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill - 2r. 23 18. Camn. 2330, 2337, 2340, 2345. 3r. 2349. Council's Amendments 2884. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 200. Amendments to Motion 201. 477, 572. Point of Order 20 1. Topics Discussed -- Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 572. Planning - Swan Brewery Site -- Redevelopment 477. WA Development Corporation - Bernies Hamburger Bar 200. Aged Persons -- Drivers' Licences 1592, 3255. Agriculture -- Chemicals -- Environmental Impact 593. Department -- Pastoral Board Inspectors 26%6. Farms -- Closures -- Mandurab 592. Pesticides -- Stare Energy Commission Polls 4428. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4375, 4377. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Advancement Council 4378. Electricity -- Power Lines 4375. Corn. -- Divisions -- Aborigina Affairs Planning Authority 7897. Agriculture 787 1. Conservation and Land Management 7860. Government Employees' Housing Authority 7879. Governor's Establishment 7807. Land Administration 7883. London Agency 7808. Miscellaneous Services 7833, 7834, 7838-7 840. Services 7885. Water Authority of Western Australia 7897. (194) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Appropriation (General Loan andl Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 47 10. Topics Discussed -- Drainage -- Busseton4711. Education-- Busselton Senior High School 4712. Electoral -- South West Province By-election 47 10. Environment -- Ludlow National Park 47 10. Health -- Margaret River Hospital 4713. Margaret River Aizsnp,4711I. Traffic -- Busselton 4711. WA Meat Commission 4712. Argentine Ants -- Pesticide Use 4429. Audit -- Aboriginal Medical Service 8333. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Lease -- Negotiations 5590. Redevelopment 384, 586. Retention -- Petition 5496. Brickworks .. Midland -- Helena River -- ProposalJ392l1. Prestige 3921, 477 1. Chemicals -- Agricultural -- Environmental Impact 593. Fluorocarbons -- Banning 7690. Polychionnated Biphenyls -- Disposal 4771. Incinerator 592.,982. Stocks 3921. Sodium Cyanide - Imports 982. Plant 592, 1436. Transport 592. Use 592. Community Services - Department - Offices .. Location 4574. Villa Maria Homes 1102,3241. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Road-Maing Materials 3255, 3256. Courts - Coronets- Location 4577. Crime -- Sentences- Review 735. Dissent frorn Speaker's Ruling - Superannuation -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act - Adminisaution .. Inquiry .. Sub Judice -- Motion 848. Drainage- f.lusselton 3820. Education-- Aboriginal Enclaves 1246. High Schools- Busselton 986. Margaret River 986. Primary Schools -- Margaret River 6134. West Busselton 3259. Employment and Training - Training Programmes -- Administration Cost 4432. Energy -- Electricity Poles 4428, 4767. Gas Pipeline -- Bennett Brook 4769. Environment -- Agricultural Chemicals 593. Conservation Strategies 997. "Greenies" -- Disruption -- Contingency Plans 983. Heritage -- World Heritage Listing 3919, 3920. Mandurah -- Farm Closures 592. Minninup Beach -- Mineral Sand Mining 5314. Old Swan Brewery - Redevelopment 385. Pollution Corol Units 593. Polychilorinated Biphenyls 592. Prestige Brickworks 392 1. Rudall River 3821. Sodium Cyanide Plant 592. 1436. View - Chittleborough. R.G, and Keating. E.M. 4767, 4895. Financial Mini-BudgetsEfet 56 Interest Rates-.Mn-ugtEfc156 Rural and Industries Bank -- Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 3449. Teachers Credit Society Ltd - Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion - Points of Order 3449. B [IN4DEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (195)

Fire Station -- Bussetton 6484. Fisheries -- Abalone 4425. Shark -- Geoigniphe Bay - Petition 14. Foests -- Armillarda Iwresbubatina -- Effects 3242. Logging -- Federal Government Action 385. Pulp Mill -- Assessment 5807. Sandalwood 985. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Motion 1739, 2120. Adjowninient of Debate 1739. Amendnments to Motion 2130, 2335. limber -. Private Property 983. Wooddhipping 386, 983. Government Buildings -- Austnark -- Bunbwy 1102, 1570. Government Employees -- Land Administration 5818, 5966. Government Railways Amendment Sill -- 2r. 1798. Cern. 1803. Great Southern Development Authority Bill - 2r. 935. Withdrawal of Remark 939. Grievances--. Aboriginal Affairs -- Development -- Conference 1183. Health Amendment Bill-- 2r. 555 1. Corn. 5558. Health -- AIDS -- Aboriginal Persons 983. Bends Cases 735. Drugs--. Research 4430. Foodstuffs -- lonising Radiation 242. Hospital -- Margaret River.-- Construction t291, 3257. Rebuilding 8343. Replacement -- Petition 4347. Upgrading -- Petition 5495. Kava 517. 3259,4429. 4430. Heritage Places (Western Australia) Bill--. Question - Debate 718 1. Horticulture -- Metropolitan Markets Site 384. Industrial Development -- Premanrtle Residential Area 5312. Kwinana Progress Association -- Land Tidle -- Kwinana Picture Gardens 1591. Land -- Buckland Hill 385. Crown - Leaises 5811. Lease .. Kunuinurra Progress Association 324 1. Locke Estate 6806. National Parts -- Bungle Bungle -- Aboriginal Control 5312, 5313. D'Entircasteaux 982. Frank Hann 6134. Mineral Exploration 4895. Mineral Surveys 3920. Mining -- Bailey Report 4767. "Package" 6134. National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority -- Members 242. Rudall River - Aboriginal Use 5313. Boundaries 4767. Reseves Mineral Exploration 3256.,6134. Excision -- Bernies -- Petition 280 1. Kings Park Board 3a4,385. Mining -- "Package" 6134. Nol1720-- Plans 5811. No 37304 -- South Mandurat Bowling alub 3255. Tide - Kwinana Picture Gardens 1591. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2)- Zr. 7272. point of Order 7257. (196) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Local Government -- Aboriginal Persons - Involvement 4770. Fremantle City Council -- Industrial Development -- Residential flea 5312. Perth City Council -- Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Redevelopment 384. Locke Estate - Erosion Control Program 6806. McGovern, Mr -- Prosecution -- Abalone Fishing 4425. Mclver, Mr Ken -- Pastoral Board -- Chairman 594. Macinan Sawmills Pty Ltd -- Woodclipping Proposals 983. Matter of Public Importance -- Aboriginal Affairs 7590. Members of Parliament -- Helm. Hon. Tom -- Kimberley Mining -- Comments 1879. Woolab Aboriginal Corporation -- Employment 4769. Minerals - CR4 Exploration Ltd - Environmental Review 3821. Rudall River National Park 3256, 4767. Exploration -- Rudall River National Park 6134. Gold - Buckland Hill 4897. Mineral Sands 982,5314. Mining -- Kimberley -- Comments -- Hon. Tom Helm 1879. National Parks 4767, 6134. Reserves 6134. Surveys 3920. Ministers of the Crown -- Land Administration -- Actions - Validation 5818, 5966. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs -- Advisers 6484. Minister for Lands -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd - Letter 1790. Prime Minister- Aboriginal "Compact' 3920. Motions -- State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication 1740. 2120; Amendments to Motion 2130, 2135. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers' Licences - Aged Persons 1592. 3255. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Corn. -- Withdrawal of Remark 1914. Council's Amendments -- Points of Order 3218, 3219. Pastoral Industry -- Leases -- Aboriginal Groups 983, 1414, 324 1. Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd -- Aboriginal Land 1725. Control 172 1. Minister's Letter 1790. Resumptionts 1287, 1591. 1725.,2152. Tabling of Documents 1289. WA Exist Corporation -- Control 1791. Excisions 1135. Mt Barnett 594,984. Tenure Improvement 594, 984. Pastoral Board -- Chairman -- Conditions of Employment 984. Inspectors--Transfer 2696. South Australian Legislation -- Discussions 984. petitions -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Administration 8030. Berries Hamburger Bar -- Retention 5496. Fisheries-- Shark--. Geographe Bay 14. Health -- Hospital - Margaret River 4347, 5495. Land -- Reserves - Excision -- Bemnies 2801. Pigment Factory (Austiaind) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2896. Planning -- Brewtech - Old Swan Brewery 385. Police -- Aboriginal Advancement Council 8334. Stations -- Bunbwy Region 1592. Political Parties -- Aboriginal Compact 7933. Ports arnd Harbours -- Boat Harbiours - Curtis Bay, Dunsbowouglb 5693. 6125. Pt Picquet 1246. Jetty - Busseltoo -- Expenditure 1247. B (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (197)

Regional Development -- Leeuwin-Naturaliste Regional Plan 6135.6470. South West Development Authority -- Overseas Visits 1861. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 6624. Con,. 6629-6639. 3r. 6641. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill -- 2r. 3406. 3r. 3409. Riley, Mr Robert -Comments -- Gaddafi Link 893. Rivers - Canning -- Management Review 594. Helena-- Brickworks Proposal 392 1. Swan-.. Management Review 594. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - 2r. 6915. Road Traffic Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4563. Roads -- Road-matins Material 3255. 3256. Scientific Expedition -- Kimberley 327 1. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 29 11. Com- 2916-2918. Spoit and Recreation -- Bowling - South Mandurah Bowling Club 3255. Camps - Vasse 3820. Diving -- Bends 735. Equipment Grants 4428. Organisations - Land Leases 5811. Stock -- Contamination -- Pesticides -- Argentine Ant Treatment 4429. Sheep- Foorrot 3255. Superantnuation- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration- Inquiry -Sub Judice - Motion -- Point of Order -- Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 848. Supply Bill -. 2r. 2937. Topics Discussed -- Bernies Hamburger Bar 2938. Crime -- South West 2937. Duosborough Shire Council 2938. Pastoral Leases .- Emanuel and ALCCO 2939. Exim Corporation 294 1. Police 2937. Tourism -- Railways 1591. Trade -- Imports -- Kava 517, 3259. Sodium Cyanide 982. TrAnsport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Withdrawal of Remark 7327. Transport -- Railways - Closures -- Tourist Railways 1591. Trasit-typ Operations 1592. Sodium Cyanide 592. WA Chip and Nilp Co Pty Ltd -- Woodchipping Proposals 983. WA Development Corporation - Buckland Hil385. Metropolitan Market Site 384. Mt Barnett Station 594. WA Exim Corporati.on -- ALCCo Properties 1791. Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd Leases 172 1. Mt Barmnt Station 594. Water Resources -- Capel 6483. Ellen Brook Damn 3255. Water Authority -- Bridgetown Office 122 1. (198) B (198) B[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]B B

BRADSHAW, MR J.L., MP'S, JP' (Murray-Wellington)- Abattoirs - Meat 862, 4433. Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill- 2r. 7605. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- 2r. 5020. Acts Amendment (Toltisator Agency Board Betting) Bll - 2r. 7646. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 359. Topics Discussed -- Aged Persons -- Home and Community Care Programne 363. Chemicals -- SCM Chemicals Plant 359. Conservation and Land Management -- Hamel Nursery 361. Emergency Services-- Voluntry Fire Brigades 359. Health -- AIDS Programme 363. Melville Rehabilitation Centre 363. Aged Persons 5810. Agriculture -- Farmers -- Quarantine -- Chemical Residues 3813. Pesticides -- Beef 3664, 4433. Budget Allocation 4153. Farmers -- Returns 3559. Livestock 3664. Products 3665. Returns 3665. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6618S. Animals -- Pit Bull Terriers 3812. Appropnriton (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4363. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture -- Beef Industry 4363. Association for the Blind of WA 4364. 'Bunbwry 2000', p. 4368. Education -- Technical and Further 4368. Health -- Elective Surgery 4365. Hospitals -- Bunbury 4367. Fremantle 4368. Medicare 4366. Mental Health 4365. Mothercraft Nurses 4365. Industrial Development 4368,4369. Tourism -- South West 4368. Water Resources -- Harris River Darn 4367. Wellington Damn 4367. Corn. Divisions -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority 7910. Community Services 7845. Conservation and Land Management 7859, 7863. Health 7888, 7896. 7897. Local Government 7845. Miscellaneous Services 7833.,7837. 7842. South West Development Authority 7874. Tourism Commission 8057. Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Authority 7912, 8081. Western Australian Government Railways Commission 8068. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- Corn -- Divisions -- Health 8046. Marine and Harbours 8047. Australia Day Celebration 1982. Bemnies Hamburger Bar 5967. B B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]BB (19(199)

Blood Donation (Limitation of Liability) Amndnment Bill -- 2r. 4516. Bread Amendment Bill - 2r. 5635. Corn. 5771. Brooks, Mr and Mrs E. 1582, 1866. Building Industry -- Draft Budlding Code -- Health Regulations 3368. Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd 980. CALM -- Department -- Gravel Quarries -- Grievance 5642. Motions -- State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication 6934, 6935. Chemicals-- Pesticides -- Powerpoles 3670. Pharmaceuticals -- Manufacture 3559. Polychlorinated Biphenyls Incinerator 589. Titanium Dioxide Plant 5309. Community Luncheons -- Costs 6657. Community Services - Child Care-- Centre -- Princess Margaret Hospital 4908, 7676. Custody Cases 746. Home and Community Care Programme 590, 6806. Mothercnaft Training -- Investigation 7684. Ngal-A Mothereraft Home and Training Centre -- Budget Allocation 4434. Restructuring 7684. Review 535, 979. Regulations -- Mothercraft Nurses 5808. Conservation and Land Management Department.-- Forest Resources Division 325$. Gravel 4589. Gnimwade Establishment -- Petition 3303. Dairying Industry 1106. 157 1. Dog Amendment Bill..- Corn. 1090, 1092. Drainage -- Districts 534. Education -- Guidance Officers -- Murray-Wellington Electorate 6138. High Schools -- Bunbury 4908. Pinjarra 4047. Pre-primary -- Greenwood Intellectually Handicapped School 198 1. Primary Schools -- Harvey 3258. Leeman 3368, 3680. Pinjarra 980. Warooca - Construction 1583, 1866. Land Resumption 1582, 1866. Resiting - Petition 3192. Schools -- Student Choice 4908. Technical and Further Education -- Nurse Training 198 1. Tertiary -- Western Australian College of Advanced Education 268 1. Emergency Services.-- St John Ambulance 5568. Energy -- Electricity 2953, 3670. Environment -- Environmental Review and Management Programme 6292. Harvey Inlet-Peel Estuary 5195. Inlet Management Authorities 980. Murray Delta 61t29. Penguin Island 4589. SCM. Chemicals Pty Ltd 1597. Titanium Dioxide Plant 5309,5695. Waterways 535. Yunderup Canals 4588. Exley, Dr Malcolm 1721. Fisheries -- Marron 5699. Forests -- Armaflafla luteobubalht 7681. Hamiel Nursery - Future 1582, 68 10. (200) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Forests (continued) - liamel Nursery (continued) -- Petition 3301. Tenders 6659. Karri 3367,7681, Logging -- National Estate 590, Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motions 6934.,6935. Phymoplitora cinnamomi 768 1. Revocation of Dedication -- Motion 2125: Amendment to Motion 2134. Timber - Log Prices 3257. Francis, Mr Victor 603. Government Buildings -- Ausunait. Bunbury 3676. Grievance -- Minerals -- Quarries -- Gravel Extraction 5642. Head Injured Society of WA (Inc.) 740. Health Amendment Bill -- Zr. 5542. Health--. Act -- Amendment -- Draft Building Code 3368. AIDS - Homosexual Bathhouse 395, 603. Ministerial Statement 229. Patients -- Hospitals 2520. Alcohol and Drug Authority -- Director 2244. Audiometric Testing 73 1. Consumers -- Phone-in 3559. Dentists 589, 3367, Department 589, 6138. Disabled Persons -- Handicapped Children -- Irrabeena Centre 252 1. Intellectually Handicapped Children -- Greenwood Pre-school 198 1. Motorised Wheelchairs 589. Drugs -- Detoxification Uit 535,.741, 864, Generic Drugs -- Hospital Patients 1982. Methadone Programme 74 1. Food Standards Regulations 5699. Foodstuffs 3664, 38t2. Haemophiliacs 5817, 6129. Head Injured Society of WA 122 1. Hospitals -- Albany Regional 1981. 5700. Mimadale-Kelmscott District Memorial 3675. Bentley -- Psychogeriatric Patients 7162. Bicton 590. Country 6660. Day Surgery -- Professional Standards Advisory Committee 1222. Elective Surgery -- Commonwealth Funding?7169. Waiting Lists 864. 3368.6482,6659. Urgency Motion 1046. F'remantle -- Psychiatric Patients 1222. Geraldton Regional 5700. Gnowangerup 531. 3670.4048. 4-134. Graylands 2689, 3257. Heathcote 534, 590, 979, t223. King Edward Memorial 3369. Mandurab 3257. Margaret River 4265. 7687. Murray District 2246. Osborne Part and Wanneroo -- Medical Superintendent 324t. Phannaceutical Manufacture 3559. Planning Report -- Recommendations 739. Princess Margaret 4908, 5025. 7676. Psychiatric Services 980, 12231 Public 535. Royal Perth 741, 3675. Running Costs 3359. St John of God, Bunbury 5567, 5810,6659, In Vitro Fenilisation 379. Magnetic Resonance Imager 1220, 1981. Medical Research -- Allocations 2516. Melville Rehabilitationi Centre 740. a B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (201)21

Healh (continued) -- Mental -- Psychiatric Hostels 534, 5309. Psychiatric Services -- Inquiry 1288. Milnister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 244. Nurses -- College Row School, Bunbuiy 3657. Community-based 589. Concerned Nurses Group 979. Kimberley 979, 1982. Pullman Inquiry 3359. Registered Nurses -- Training 6474. School of Nursing 7182. Training -- Technical and Further Education 198 1. Patients -- Travel Assistance Scheme 2246, 2387. Prescriptions 739. Regionalisation Policy 740. Homosexual Persons - Bathhouse 395, 6031 Hospital Laundry and Linen Service 392&4 Human Tissue and Transplant Amendment Bill -- 2r. 106 1. Industrial Development -- Titanium Dioxide Plant 5695. Insurance -- T'hird-party -- Motor Vehicles -- Petition 3192. Jesus People Inc -- Tranquilliser Prscriptions 739. Land -- National Patk -- D'Entrecasteaux 980. Entrance Fees 534. Frank Hann 6145. Mining -- Government Policy 5205. Reserve No 16400 - Mining Application 2953. Local Government -- Gravel Quarries -- Department of Conservation and Land Management 4589. Grievance 5642. Murray Shire Council - Yunderup Canals 6463. Margeits, Mr George 740. Matter of Public Importance -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure 24.46. Minerals - Gravel 4589. Mineral Sands 980. Mitts Department -- Audiometric Testing 73 1. Mining -- Application -- Kwolymn 2953. National Parks 5205. Quarries -- Gravel -- Exranction -- Grievance 5642. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Censurre - - Matter of Public Importance 2446. Motions -- State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication 6934, 6935. Revocation of Dedication 2125; Amendment to Motion 2134. Urgency -- Health -- Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Waiting Lists 1046. Motor Vehicles -- Motorised Wheelchairs 589. Third-patty Insurance -- Petition 31t92. National Safety Council 4758. O'Sullivan, Mr Michael 3670,4434. Parliament House Staff -- False Clims-- Personal Explanation 791. Personal Explanation -- Parliament House Staff -- False Claims 791. Pesticides -- Leemian Primary School 3368, 3680. Petitions -- Conservation and Land Management Department - Grimwade Establishment 3303. Education -- Waroona Primary School -- Resiting 3192. Forests - Hamnel Nursery 3301. Motor Vehicles - Third-patty -- Insurance 3192. Railways - Atastralind- Wamoona Stop 5243. Pigment Factory (Ausiralind) Agreement Amendment Bill 2r. 2894. Police Stations 3794. 4049. (202) B (202)[INDEX B TO QUESTONS & SPEECH-ES) B

Ports and Harbours_ Busselton Jetty 5567. Dredging -- Yunderup Canal 4588. 6463, 8088. 8335. Prisoners - Homosexual Attacks 4153. Pivatisation -- Hospital Laundry and Linen Service 3924. Railways - Australind -- Waroona Stop -- Petition 5243. Regional Development -- South West Development Authority 5699,7169. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - Corn. 6640. Point of Order 6633. Roads -- Cascades-Lake King 6145. Roadside Clearing -- Lancelin-Pertb 7181, 7520. SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd 1597. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r, 6598. Corn. 6613, 6614. Sport and Recreation -- Cycles 589. 864. Golf Clubs 2953. State Finance -- Budget Allocations - Margaret River Hospital 4265. National Safety Council 4758. Ngal-A Mothercrafi Home and Training Centre 4434. South West Development Authority 5699. 7169. St John Ambulance 5568. State Psychiatrists Association 1288. Statement -- Ministerial -- Health - AIDS 229. Taxes and Charges -- Payroll Tax 1226. Technology -- Computers 6138. Traffic -- Pedestrians -- Cycleways 86. Transport -- Bunbury 1226, 3675, 4434. Unions -- Psychiatric Nurses Association 2689. Royal Australian Nursing Federation 979, 3257. Water Resources -- Corporate Plan -- City of Belmont 7169. Harris River Dam Site 1588. Irrigation 533. Treatment Plant -- Binningup 8335. Wildlife--_ Duck Shooting 5695. Kangaroos 520, t597. Women's Health Policy Unit 589. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Act -- Amendment 588.

BRIDGE, HON EF. JP. MINISTER FOR WATER RESOURCES. MINISTER FOR THE NORTH WEST, AND MINISTER FOR ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS (Kimberley) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Aborigina Advancement Council 5311. 8335. Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority -- Annual Report -- Tabling 6-469. Expenditure 4755. 4768. Outstanding Debts 4434. Aboriginal Communities Development Programme 1220. Aboriginal-Community Relationships - Mining Industry Response 8093. Aboriginal Corporations -- Home Purchases 3828. Aboriginal Lands Trust -- Barrel Well 2688. Members 6472. Mining Royalties 6472. Reserve Excisions 4768. Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Aboriginal Legal Service 4430. Aboriginal Media Association 8334. Abstudy Programme 4432. Bungle Bungle National Park 5313. Communities - Advisers -- Corruption 2251. Development Programme .1426&4428. Pastoral Leases -- Management 4911. B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ B (203)

Aboriginal Affairs (continued)- Compact - Consultations 7529. Party Support 7934. Prime Minister's Proposal 3920. State Support 7522. Department -- Aboriginal Advancement Council 8335. Development- Conference -- Grievance 1185. Dispossession- Compensation 7931, 7936. Geo Peko Exploration - Member's Allegations 4896. Kulila Association 7338, 7339. L-and 4598. 7933. Marribank Family Centre 5311. Medina Aboriginal Cultural Centre 879. National Aboriginal Day of Communication 4433. Ninaa75 14, 75 IS. Pastoral Leases 1135, 1415, 1726, 2138. Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Remote Area Programme -- Grants 4432. Reserves 6469-6472. Rudall River National Park 5313. Scientific Expedition -- Kinmberley 3271. Sites 4769, 4770, Statutory Authorities 4770. Support -- Colonel Gaddafi 893. Treaty 7326. Wanfltja Tnibe 7339. 7340. Western Deserts Land Council 5313. Wiluna Shim Council 5035. Woolab Aboriginal Corporation 4769. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill -- 2r. 4549. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1173. 2r. 1537, 2322. Corn. 2328-2349. 3r. 2349. Council's Amendments 2883. Advanteering-Civi] Engineers 1224. Aged Persons -- Pensioners .. Water Authority Charges 2244. Agriculture -- Farms 1239, 1725,4910. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. -- Divisions -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority 7904, 7909, 7911. Water Authority of Western Australia 7897. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Water Main Relocation 6670. DM Drainage and Consruction Co 598. Drainage 534, 598, 1721. Employment and Training -- Apprentices -- Plumbers 388. Energy -- Gas Pipeline -- Bennetts Brook 4770. Environment -- Waterways 535. Forrestdale Progress Association-.- Westfield Sewage Treatment Plant 2520. Governmrent Employees -- Departments -- Ministers of the Crown 1430. Government Instrumentalities 371, 2139. Grievance -- Aboriginal Affairs Development -- Conference 1185. Health 3239, 7339. Housing 14 1,731, 3243. Land -- National Parks -- Bungle Bungle 5313. Rudall River 4777, 5313. Reserve .- Barrel Well 2688. Local Government .. Armadale City Council 2520. Northampton Shin Council 2688. Water Resources 5563. Wiluna Shire Council 3035. Minerals Industry -- Aboriginal-Community Relationships 8093. (204) B (204)NDEX B TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]B B

Ministers of the Crown -- Government Employees 1430. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs 6484. Overseas Travel 4893. Puime Minister 3920. Pastoral Industry Leases -- Aborigines 1414, 1979,3241,4911, Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1726. Excisions -- Aboriginal Groups 1135. Planning -- Brewrech Brewery -- Sewage Disposal 3566. Plumbing 1225, 1242. Police -- Federal -- Kulila Association -- Investigation 733 8. Political Parties -- Aboriginal Compact 7934. Riley, Mr Roben -- Comments -- Claddafi Link 893. Scientific Expedition -- Kimberley 3271. Sewerage -- Augusta 1243. Brewiech Brewery 3666, Margaret River 1243. Projects 7163. Tariffs 1721. Sewage Treatment Plant, Westfield 2520. Waler Miser 158 1. State Finance -- Budget Allocations 5574. Tirade -- Imports -- Kava 3259. Transport -- Deity Airport 3248. Vincent. Mr Phillip 5573. WA Development Corporation 37 1. WA Exim Corporation 37 1. Water Authority Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 2307. 2r. 2308, 3394, Corn. 3395, 3396, 3643. 3r. 3850. Water Resources -- Agaton Scheme 873. Bencubbin 874. Business Consumers 886. Cape] 6483, Comprehensive Scheme 364. Consumption 141. 73 1. Corporate Plan -- City of Belmont 7169. Country -- Reticulated Services 3919, 4265. Danms- Ellen Brook 3255. Emergency 3566. Fanrn Locations 1239. Harris River -- Alternative Site 71t62. Construction 365. Funding 377, 1877. Site 1588. Status 5979. Neeves 518. Denmark 1878, 4162.4602. Desalination Plants -- Testing 4159. Extension -- Pingaring 7521. Farms t725, 8335. 1-opetoun 5695. Irrigation 533. Mains 5587, 6670. Payment for Use 2245. Pingaring 7173. Pipelines -- Nyabing and Piagnup 6468-6472. Rainwater Tank, Dulyalbin 3912. Rates -- Farm Land 4910. Restrictions 5697. Rock Cazebment Tanks 5815. Rural -- Maintenance 5563. Tariffs 1721. B[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]B B (25(205)

Water Resources (continued) - Treatment Plant, Buringunp 8336, Underground -- Availability 3799. Water Table 862, 2689, 269 1. Water Authority -- Administrative Regions 4-418. Advertising Expenditure 4154. Apprentice Plumbers 38. Assets Management 3927. Beenyup Depot 2946. Board Members 2956. Bridgetownt Office 122 1, Concessional. Charges 2244. Employees -- Workers' Compensation 2955. Expenditure 4894, 5196. Internal Funds and Balances 3918,4t57. Non-rateable Land 2245. Outstanding Debts 4435. Plumbing 1225, 3494, 4267, 4268. Ratepayers 2245. Revenue Source 5574. Safet Glasses 2683, 2684. Tenders 987, 1224. Testing and Inspection Procedures 883, 1242. Water Miser -Use 158 1. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill -- Intro.; tr. 4090. 2r, 4218. 5409. Coin. 5430. 3r. 5517. Workers'Compensation -- Water Authority Employees 2955.

BROWN, HON JtM. (South East) -- Adjournment Debate - United States Agricultural Attache -- Comments 3966, Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 4785. Topics Discussed -- Local Government Grants Commission 4786. Select Committee System 4785. Share Market 4786. Water Supplies 4788. Businesses -- Rural - Decline - Motion 264. Committee for the Session -- Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Appointment- Amendment to Motion 1638. Financial Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society -- Government Action -- As to Notice of Motion 543 1. Motion 543 1. Grain -- Parliamentary Grain Industry Delegation Report 582 1. Health -- Medical Practitioner-- Menedin -- Petition 9. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 3071t. Motions -- Businesses -- Rural -- Decline 264. Condolence -- The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MLA 28. Financial Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society -- Government Action 543 1. Milder. The Late Mr C.C.. MLA -- Condolence Motion 28. Petition -- Health -- Medical Practitioner - Merredin 9. Road Traffic Amendment Bil (No 2) -- 2r. 5727. Sport and Recreation Facilities 217 1. Statement -- By Hon J.M. Brown -- Members of Parliament -- Parliamentary Grain Industry Delegation Report 5821. United States Agricultural Attache - Adjournment Debate 3966. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill - 2t. 5843. (206) a (206) B[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]B B

BRYCE, HON Mt. BA. [P. DEPUTY PREMIER, MINISTER FOR INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, MINISTER FOR DEFENCE LIAISONMINISTER FOR COMMUNCATIONS, AND MINISTER FOR PARLIA.MENTARY AND ELECTORAL REFORM (Ascot) - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill. -- Council's Amendments 2858-2860, 2874, 2876.,288 1. Questions 4747,5203. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendment to Motion 343. Topic Discussed - Westminster System 343. Adjournment of the House -- Special 8086. Agriculture 1575. America's Cup 153. 1126, 1127. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. -- Divisions -- Computing and Inform acion Technology 7823. Deputy Premier's Office 7820-78 23. Electoral 7829. 7830. Technology and Industry Development Authority 7827, 7829. 3r. 8086. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- Corn.-- Division -- Advances co Sundry Bodies 8053. 3r. 8054. Arts -- Films 887. Australia Card 404-. Bankinxptcies 1121. Bicentennial Celebrations 6142. Business Reference Centre 364, 863. City of Perth Parking Facilities Amendment Bill - 2r. 1663. Communications -- Partyline 149. Radio 5571. 6465. Remote Areas 976. Satellites -- Aussam 6465. Telecom 3377. Telephones -- Cabling 1100. Charges 809 1. Installations 1245. Technology and Industry Development Authority 7923. Television -- Remote Areas 976. Community Services 2678. 2959. Defence -- Aircraft 4041. Coastal Surveillance 532, 1718. Communications Station -- (Jeraldton 1978. Contracts 1129.,1713, 5583.,59,61. Floating Dry Dock 961. Frigates 1230, 1290. HMAS Stirling 296 1. Naval. Base -- North West 8090. Navy 1248; Point of Order 1248. Patrol Boats 1130.7337. Projects -- Quality Standards 975. Submarines8S8, 1133.,1229, 1874. Survey Vessels 1246. United States Ships -- Fremantle visits 2516, 2517. Edgell. Bixdseye Ply Lid -- Manjisnup Cannery Purchase 295 1. Education -- Canning Vale Primiary School 4153. Computers 1245. Tertiary 975, 1872, 2518. 5579. Electoral Adt (Commencement of Amendments) Bil -- Intro.;Ir. 1045. 2r. 1045, 1060. 3r. 1061. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5004. 3r. 5005. B B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]BB (27(207)

Electoral Distribution (Rormest Island) Amendment Bill- Intro.; It. 5620. 3r. 5796. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Ir. 5177. 2r. 5177, 6197. Withdrawal of Remark 6069. Corn. 6206-6212. Point of Order 6205. 3r. 6214. Point of Order 6214. Electoral -- By-elections 3385. Districts -- Enrolments 5969. Electoral Distribution Commissioner 6494. Multiple Voting 86. 158 1. Ocr-Vote-One-Value 2391. Redistribution 1122. 4761, 5969. Rolls 2678, 2959. Employment and Training 1574. Equity Finance Ltd 1580. Financial Institutions 152, 8349. Floriculture 7919. Forests -- Pulp Mill 5960. Formulab Technology Australia Pry Ltd 2140. Government Employees 1578. Government Instrumentalities 368, 1576, 1870, 4264. Hargadoc., Mr George 3238,.3239. Human Tissue and Transplant Amendment Bill - 2r. 1061. 3r. 1061. ICI Australia Operations Pry Lid 889. Industrial Develoment -- America s Cup 1126. Canning Vale -- Dust Nuisance 5959. Ceramics Project 889. Computer Aided Design 974. Concrete -- Sales 1872. Defence-relaced Industries 1126. Department -- Advertising Budget 1870. Fashion Industry 1128. Heavy Engineering 3243. Industrial Supply Office 1580. Investments .. Interest Rates 152. Jakarta Exposition -- Participation 7336. National Industry Extension Service 862. Objectives 5582. Paper Pulp Mills 1245. Quality Control 978,1574. Rolls Royce 977. Ship Lifting Facility 149. Space Industry -- Western Australian Work 1978. Synthetic Gems 1580. Zirconia Plant 1115. Industry and Technology 588,968,975. Insurance 6301. Inventions -- Intellectual Property Rights 5584. Investment - Western Australian 869, 870. L~and -- Industrial Lands Development Authority [116. Lapham, The Late Mr S.E., MLA -- Condolence Motion 8310. Loan Bill -- 3r. 8055. Local Government -- Cockburn City Council 2959. McDonnell Douglas 1580. Members of Parliament .. Federal Opposition -- Defence Policy 2961. Minerals 866, 3244. Ministers of the Crown- Deputy Premier 8305, 8349. Government Employees -- Positions 1578. Minister for Industry and Technology 968. Overseas Travel 4273. Motion -- Condolence - The Late Mr S.E. Laphani, MLA 83 10. 6OOO-8 (208) B3 [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Motor Vehicle (Thtird Party Insurance) Amendment Bil -- Intro.. Ir. 5620. 2r. 5759. Motor Vehicles 364. Multicultural and Ethinic Affairs -- Business Migration Programme 3243. Nippon Telegrap and Telephone Corporation 3245. Orbital EngOneCo Pry LI.A7513, Parliament House -- Staff -- Retirement -- Mr George Hargadon 3238, 3239. Pay-roil Tax Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Jr. 5620, 2r. 5796. Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment BiDl-- Intro.; 1r. 5620. Zr. 5760. Planning -- Subdivisions I1100. 5026. Porns and Harbours -- Floating Dry Dock 1245. 5961, Questions On Notice -- Redirection 4269. Regulations - Cost Benefit Analysis 148. Rolls Royce Assembly 977. Sanich Orbital Engine 7336. Stapleton. Mr Bernie 4048. State Engineering Works 3379. Statement -- Ministerial -- By the Deputy Premier -- Retirement 8305. Supply BiUll 2r. - Points of Order 2931, 2932. Technology Development Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1373, 2634. Corn. 2640-2-643. 3r. 2643. Technology -- Biotechnology 3245, 5960. Computers -- Advice 1245. America's Cup 1127. Australia Card 4044. Bunbury Institute of Advanced Education 975. Bureau Services 4264. Capacity 4154. Computer-Aided Design 974. Home Installations 4153. Multiple Voting 1581. Organisations. -- Merger 6-263. Public Sector 3795, 4151, 475 1. Departments- Staff -- Redeployment 1873. Development -- Objectives 5582. Electronics Industry 1576, 3245. Industrial Technology Centre 3244. Industries -- Skills Upgrading 1099. Information Technology 3794. 4151, 5958, 6464. Institute of Science and Technology Policy Research 5579. Manager Education 3246. Portfolio Initiatives -- Unemployed People 1574. Research and Development Park -- Murdoch University 1872.

Technology and Industry Development Authority - Administrative Positions 3807. Directors 4041t,4048. Indonesian Market 6464. Staff 1873. State Engineering Works Assets 3379. Telephone Monitoring 7923. Technology Development Authority -- Annual Repon 1875. Technology Development Fund 1873. Technology Park 251t8, 2953. Trade 6466, 7336,7512. 7922. Transport 1099. WA Development Corporation 368. WA Exim Corporation 368. Westintech Innovation Corporation Ltd 2517. B B[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHIES) B (209)29

BUCHANAN, MRS P.A., JP (Pilbara) - Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal-Community Relationships - Mining Industry Response 8093. Health 357 1. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill -- As to Zr. - House to Divde 3205. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 49 1. Topic Discussed -- Price Check Scheme 49 1. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Biil -- 2r. 4032. Topics Discussed -- Australia Card 4035. Induscrial Dispute - Bumiup 41032. Karratha Chamber of Commerce 4032. Senator Vallentine 4035. Associations Incorporation Bill -- 2r. 5019. Australia Card -- Bil - Opposition -- Motion 3743. Brush, Mr Len 536. Education -- High School Hostel -- South Hedland -- Grievance 4526. Tambrey Primary School 4280. Employment and Training -- Unemployment Statistics 5818. Energy -- Gas -- North West Shelf -- GMs Project -- Matter of Public Inmportance -- Amendment to Motion 3311. Environment -- Dampier Archipelago 3923. Financial Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion -- House to Divide 3476. Grievance -- Education -- High School Hostel -- South Hedland 4526. Health -- Aborigines 357 1. Women 5315. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Motion 1559. Disputes -- North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Matters of Public Importance- Amendment to Motion 3311. Policies -- Liberal Party 3270. Insurance -- Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust -- Claim -- Brush, Mr Len 536. Land-- National Patks Mineral Exploration -- Prohibition- Petition 3192. Propoals -- Implementation -- Petition 3192. RudalRiver 4777. Reserves -- Protection - Petition 14. liberal Party -- Federal - Taxation Proposal -- Motion 2215. Industrial Relations Policies 3270. Members of Parliament -- Leave of Absence -- Member for Collie 2600,4829. Member for Welshpool. 2600. Member for Mt Lawley 7175. Minerals - Exploration -- Prohibition -- National Parks -- Petition 3192. Industry--Aboriginal-Community Relationships 8093. Iron Ore -- Mt Channagr Agreement 3267. Ministers of teCon-- - os oDvd 01 Allegations -- Motion--HuetDide281 Travel - Policy Change 750. Motions -- Australia Card -- Bill - Opposition 3743. Industrial Relations - Disputes - North West Shelf -- GMs Project -- Amendment to Motion 3311. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Parry Proposal 2215. Natural Disasters -- Cyclone Relief 159. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1395. Parliament -- Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech - Speaker's Action - Amendment to Motion -- House to Divide 6394. (210) B (210) B[INDEXTO QUESTI[ONS & SPEECHES]B B

Petitions -- National Parks -- Mineral Exploration -- Prohibition 3192. Proposals -- Imiplementation 3192. Sex Shops -- Control 7590. Police -- Commissioner 7175. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6966. Saville, Mr George 159. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7590. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal - Motion 2215. Tourism -- Dampier Archipelago 3923. Transport -- Shipping 1252. Taxis 2694. Women's Interests 5315.

BURKE, HON BRIAN, JP. PREMIER, TREASURER, MINISTER FOR PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT. AND MINISTER FOR WOMEN'S INTERESTS (Balga) - Abattoirs - Beef 146. Aboriginal Affairs -- Communities -- Carver 2525. Compact -- Sport 8092. Land Rights - Legislation 984. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill -- 2r. 7140. Corn. 7146-7153. 3r. 7154. Question 5305. Acts Amendment (Financial Provisions of Regulatory Bodies) Bill - intro.: Ir. 4829. 2r. 4975, 5908. 3r. 5909. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 7087. 2r. 743 1. Corn. 7434-7437. 3r. 7438. Addxess-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion -- Withdrawal of Remark 89. Amendments to Motion 102.,220,471,689. Withdrawal of Remark 93. Points of Order [02, 335, 340-342, 677. Topics Discussed -- Brush, Mr Len -- Loan Allegations 102. Planning -- Swan Brewery Site Redevelopmentr47l1. Price Watch Scheme 689. WA Development Corporation -- Bernies Hamburger Bar 222. WA Exim Corporation LI-d -- Business Migration Programme 223. Lodgment of Returns 220. Agent General -- London -- Accommodation 882. Residence 591. Agriculture-- Agriculture Protection Board -- Functional Review Committee -- Inquiry 4911, 7520. Recommendations 5581. Report 7685. Department -- WA Exifm Corporation 145. Farmers -- Flat Taxation System 890. Rural Sector -- Interest Rates 148. Alfa Electronic Office Equipment 872. Allen, Mr Charles 2393. B B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (211)21

America's Cup - Charter Vessel 232. Festival of Sport .. Losses 7671. Freinantle Challenge Committee 371. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 3332, 4405. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 3540. Budget Overview 3533, 3549, 4406. Capital Works 3539. Education 3544. Employment 3538. Families 3543. Health 3545. Housing 3539. Industry 3541. Police 3546. Regional Development 3540. Taxes and Charges 3536,4405. Transport 3537. Welfare 3544. Corn.- Divisions - Directorate of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment 7817, 7818. Equal OJprrturniwy Commission 7817. Governor s Establishment 7807. London Agency 7808, 7809. Office of the Auditor General 7817. Parliament 7785, 7794, 7795. Premier and Cabinet 7798-7807. Public Service Board 7809, 7810. Tokyo Agency 7807, 7808. Treasury 7812-7817. Western Australian Treasury Corporation 7817. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2r. 3551, 804 1. Topics Discussed - Building Management Authority 8042. Estimates of Expenditure 3551, 8041. Housing..- Loan Programme 8042. Loan Budget 8041. R & I Bank 8042. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 8042. Corn. Divisions -- Advances to Sundry Bodies 8053. Community Services 8043. Education.-Primary and Secondary Buildings 8045. Health 8046. Marine and Harbours 8047. Office of Government Accommodation 8048. Police 8048. State Housing Commission 8050. Arts -- Films -Gold Industry 364, 1861. Penth Entertainment Centre 128, 381. Audit -- Auditor General -- Report -- Superannuation Board 156. State Government Insurance Commission 2695. Swan Building Society 4424. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4424. Australia Card -- Building Societies - Compliance 4044. Cooperation - Policy 4039. Government Employees 3487, 4038, 4270. Government Instrumentalities 3487, 4044. Introducion 4161, 4163, 4448. Opposition--. March 4052. Premier 3681, 3683. Production -- Compulsory 4040. Rally -- Premier's Absence 4166. Support -- Policy 4039, 4040. Australia Day -- Celebration .- Long Weekend 1982. (212) B (212) B[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) B

Australia!!1-- Relocation 148. Australian Labor Party 150, 2528, 7688. Barrack Mines Lid - Silicon Refinery 6130. BarryMr Ron 159. Bell Group -- State Government Insurance Commission Purchase -- Loan Agreement 5972. Bemnies Hamburger Bar 586. 6285. Bills - Preface -- Alteration 6660. Births, Deaths and Marriages - Information 5027. National Register 6649. Register -- Information Supplied 665 1. Registration 4452. Bond-Conrcll Partnership -- Funding -- Superannuation Board 6648. Bredemeyer, Ms Elizabeth - Equal Opportunity Appointment 372. Broadcom -- Gold Industry Film 364, 1861. Brockley Investments Ltd -- Superannuation Board 366. 367. 3359. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Investments 4456. Brush, Mr Len -- Appointment - Funds Corporation Australia 15 1. Breach of Fiduciary Duty 21. Claim -- Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust 155. 386, 536. Letter -- Leader of the Opposition 368. Premier's Action 397. Resignation - Letter 055, 159, 396; Point of Order 160. Premier's Role 386. Superannuation Board -- Appointment 372. Writs -- Speaker's Ruling - Point of Order 72. Brush, Mrs Brenda -- Government Employment 3809. Buckland Hill Subdivision -- WA Development Corporation 6656. Burke, MrTenry - Attendance-- Australia-Japan Symposium 1237. Goverrnent Appointments 887, 994. Government Facilities -- Use 145. Involvement.-- Brush Affair 537. Motor Vehicle 1783,.3494. Travel 3494. WA Business Migration Investment Trust 6288. Business and Professional Women's Club -- Breakfasts 5696, 6467. Businesses -- Corporate Affairs Department--. Investigation - Teachers Credit Society Ltd 428 1, National Companies and Securities Scheme -- Federal Control 1283. Taxation Relief 6489. By-elections;-- Government's Actions -- Grievance 5271. Catl Corporation Ltd 37 1. Charitable Organisations - Father Brian's Christmas Appeal 4590, 5190. Losses -- Local Government 6994. Chilean Ambassador -- Reception 5037. Citizens -- Information -- Confidentiality 4040, 4570. Close of Session - Complimentary Remarks 8321. Committee for the Session -- Joint Printing Committee 44 10. Communications -- Lee Report 5808. Radio - Livestock Reporting Service It119. Station 6PR -- Purchase 4915. Telecom-- Charges - Increase 1589. Telephones -- Public Servants -- Surveillance 6996. Community Luncheons -- Cost 6657, 6658. Community Services - Domestic Violence Task Force 2152, 3246. Conner, Mr Dennis -- Promotions; 516, 518S. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Government Vehicles- Private Plates 1114. Consumer Affairs - Price Check 153. Corporate Affairs Department -- Swan Building Society Investigation 3826. Courts .-Supreme Court -- Orderly -- Behaviour 5563. Crime - Crime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1736. Increase -- Mailer of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 3986. National Crime Authority -- Perth Office 380. Securities Industries Code 8350. B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (213)

Decision Makers Luncheons 2956. Decorum of the Chamber 482. Defence -- Vietnam Veterans -- Welcome Home Parade 3556. Department of the Premier and Cabinet -- Budget Allocation 4410. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -Administration- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion -- Point of Order 850. Eastmarc Pty Lid -- Easton, Mr Brian 5815, 5976. Easunet Ltd -- Superannuation Board -- Shares 5578. Easton, Mr Brian-- Eastjnarc Ply Ltd -- Connection 5815,.5976. Passports -- Confiscation 5977. Resignation 6485. Edgeli Birdseye Piy Ltd -- Government Funding 1112. Education -- Students -- Safety House Scheme 240, 2390, 2522. Technical and Further Education -- Claremont School of Art 3482. WA Exim Corporation -- Services Division 145. El Caballo Blanco - Superannuation Board -- Investment 367. Electoral -- Blackmail -- Members' Claims 4774. By-elections- Government Actions -- Grievance 5269. Party Support 113 1. Federal Election -- liberal Party -- Candidate - Advertisement 2692. Success 1722. Vote-rigging Procedures 3381. Employment and Training -- Employment -- On-costs 416 1. Statistics 7932. Northern Suburbs Youth Option Project 4586. Unemployment -- Statistics 5818. Energy -- Electricity -- Electrical Contractors' Licences 2394. Gas -- North West Shelf 2254. State Energy Commission -- Compulsory Payments 8095. Environment -- Harvey-Peel Inlets -- Algae Problem 5579. Heritage -- Legislation 3808, 4049. Old Brewery -- Redevelopment 6289. Equal Opportuity -- Bredemeyer, Ms E. 372. Commission -- Consultant 869. Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Directorate 6286. Events Corporation 6286. 767 1. Expo 88 -- Participation 6812. Factors WA Pry Ltd -- Jayand Operation -- Sale 5306. Receiver - Directions 4893. Family-.- Wanslea Famifly Support Services 8337. Federal Budget - Government Attitude 3687. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 2443. Financial Institutions -- Attack- Offence 8350. Banks- Gold Bank -- Chairman 6660. [BJ Australia Bank -- Old Perth Technical College Site 734. Mitsui Trust and Bank Co 136, 737. Rural and Industries Bank (see also 'Teachens Credt Society Lwd" befo-wJ - Comments -- Leader of the Opposition 4914. Deputy Premier 8349. Liabilities -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3685, 4045. Nugget Coins 2690. Select Committee Inquiry- Motion -- Points of Order 3445. Withdrwal of Remarks 3435. Amendment to Motion 3467. Points of Order 3450, 3454. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4046. Teachers; Credit Society Ltd -- Concern 3575. (214) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS& SPEECHES] B

Financial institutions (continued) -- Building Societies -- Australia Card 4044. Interest Rate Assistance 2247. Levies 7681. credit Unions .. Levies 7680. Ministerial Responsibility 4749. Government Investments 5306. Home Building Society - Losses 4577, 5305. Interest Rates--. Relief -- Public Servanits 142-6. Rural Sector 148. Parliamentary Anacks -- Offence 8350. Registrar of Cooperative and Financial Institutions- Advisory Board 5184. Ministerial Responsibility 3820. Superannuation Board- Surplus Funds 145. Swan Building Society. Audit -- Registaw of Building Societies 4424, 5185. Corporate Affairs Department Investigation 3826. Factors WA Pry Lid-- Sale 5306. Government Guarantee 5424. Investigations -- Corporate Affairs Department 368 1. Losses 4577, 5305, 6463. Reports 4424. SGlO Involvement 3823. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Accounts - Confidential Information 3497. Administration -- Third Party 1686. Advances 8330. Assets -- Valuation 7513. Audit -- Registrar of Building Societies 3657. 4424, 5185. Audited Accounts -- Tabling 3657. Bank Concern 3575.4566. Debtors -- Listr4ISl. Documents -- Tabling 3659. Financial Commitment 4450. Funds Injected 4748. Future 7178. Government Guarantee 5424. 5568. Housing Loan -- Heine. Ms Ann-Manie 5580. Interest Rates 5030. Investigation -- Corporate Affairs Department 4281, 4576. Investments - Brockley Investments Ltd 4152, 4456, 5187. Liabilities 3685. Losses -- 3687. 5572. Management Contract 4423. 5305. Ministerial Authority 3387. Monitoring 4412. Political Influence 3495. Problems -- Treasurer's Awareness 3380, 3383. Progress Report 445 1. Reports 4424. Reserve Bank Advice 4573. Rural and Industries Bank 4045, 5184, 7690. Subsidiary - Rural and Industries Bank 4412. Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion -- Points of Order 3445. Withdrawal of Remarks 3435. Amendment to Motion 3467. Points of Order 3454. Short-term Investments 5184. Simpson, Mr Keith--. Premier's Knowledge 3570. Staff -- Retrenchments 7176. Treasurer - Advice 4280,4423. Involvement 3659. Forests- Woodchipping -- Federal Government Inquiry 983. B B[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (215)25

Funds Corporation Australia -- Bnhsh, Mr Len 15 1. Cash Surpluses 6289. Chief Executive 6980. Establishment IS51. Government Investments 6491, 6813. Lotteries Commission 7935. Profits 6289. Returns 7156. Gale, Mr Keith 533, I7l8. Gambling -- Casino - Police Investigation 4454. Lotteries Commission 7935. Totalisator Agency Board -- Radio Station 6PR 4915. Gangemi. Mr Peter 6663. Gold Banking Corporation Bill 2r. 5378, 6103. Corn. 6107-61 18. 3r. 6123. Council's Amendments 7155. Question 5974. Goldberg, Mfr Yosse 5429. GoldCorp Australia -- Film 364. Government Advertising..- Allocation 1869, Country Newspapers 249. Expenditure 4454, 5420. South Western Times 6282. Government Buildings - Austmaic. Bunbtary 2146. Claremont Mental Hospital Complex 3360. 3363. Old Perth Technical College Site 734. Old Treauy Building 6648. 310 Hay Street 1230. Government Emloyees -- Administrative Cuts 378. Alternative Working Arrangements 366. Annual Leave Loading 3560. Austmark, Bunbwy 2146. Australia Card 3487,4038,4270. Budget Allocation -. Salaries and Wages 5024. Conditions of Employment 4413. Contract Conditions 5581. Departments -- Mintisters of the Crown 1426. Flexitime Review 974. Full-time 380. Gale. Mr Keith 1718. Identification 4414. Motor Vehicles Entitlement 24 1. Public Sector Superannuation Scheme 3558. Public Servants - ]Interest Rate Relief 3426. Shareholdings 239. Statutory Authority Boards 6813, 7162. Telephonte Surveillance 6996. Public Service - Board- Bredemeyer, Ms Elizabeth 372. Budget Allocations . Information Services 4411L Other Staffing Costs 4410. Services and Contracts 6281. Easton, Mr Brian 6485. Databanks 3556. Freeze 2521, 2684. Political Appointees 1235. Reclassifications Freeze 2247. Smoking Regulations 1420. Staff Freeze 1234. Transfers 1426. (216) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Government Employees (continued) -- Reduction -- Premier's Commitment 3822. Retirees -- Contract Employment 25231 Salaries- Accounting 3678. Senior Positions -- Merit-Based Selection Procedures 5809. Staffing Levels -- Full-Time Equivalent 3264. Staistics 129, 378, 5573, Superannuation Deductions 374, Teachers Union 4567,7519. Travel - Autherisadion 877. Government Guarantees - Creit Rating Effect 5316, 5568. Loan Council Restrictions 5317, 5568. Treasury Advice 5199. Government Instrumentalities -- Advertising Expenditure 4748, 4052. Annua Reports -- Tabling 7157. Australia Card 3487, 4044, Boards -- Nominations 380. Borrowings 5574. Confidential information -- Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 3631: Amtendment to Motion -- Point of Order 3640. Dealings -- Government Corporations 368. Information Files -- Private Citizens 3659. Investments -- Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 7926. Overseas Borrowings 152. Payroll Tax 3260. Returns -- FundsCorp 7156. Stock Market Crash 5203. Government Travel -- Expenditure Comparisons 970. Grievances -- By-elections -- Goverrnent's Actions 527 1. Health -- Clubs -- Laurie Potter Group 4772, 5572. Disabled Persons Booklet 4043. Drugs -- Carver -- Aboriginal Communities 2525. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2449; Amendment to Motion 2452; Points of Order 2454, 2456; Tabling of Documents 2462. Tobacco Smoking -- Public Service -- Regulations 1420. Heine. Ms Ann-Marie -- Housing Loan 5580. Housing -- Homeswest -- Governm ent Policy 5571. Identity Card -- Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs -- Submission 8342. Industrial Development -- Silicon Refinery -- Government Assistance 6130. Industrial Relations Commissioners -- Superannuation Scheme 6985. Inflation. Rate 1438, 1726. Insurance -- Companies -- Share Holding Investments 6816. International Insurance Exchange 6652,6653, 8343. Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust -- Claim -- Brush, Mr Len 155, 386, 536. State Government Insurance Commission - Actuarial Services 8333. Assets 7513. Audited Accounts 2695. Bell Group- Loan Agreement 5972. Borrowings- Treasurer's Approval 6139. Estimated Liability 6657. Expenditure 4752. Funding Arrangements 7340. Government Funding 6490. Investment Portfolio 6813. Investments 647&. Loans 6t1, 6667. Outstanding Debts 4574. Property -- Acquisition 6475, 6476. Assets 6488. Investments 6675. Management -- WA Development Corporation 6667. Manager 5976. Portfolio 6818. B (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (217)

Insurance (continued) -- State Government Insurance Commission (continued) -- Property (continued) - Purchase -- Policy 7678. Treasur6658. Valuations 6658,6677. Share -- Dealings -. Matter of Public Importance 6048. Dividends 6485. Market Losses 58 15. Purchases 6475, 6655. Statutory Requirements 6476, 6674, 6813. Swan Building Society -- Involvement 3823. Treasurer's - Directions 6486. Information 6680. Water Payments -- Arrears 8355. State Government Insurance Corporation 6667, 6674, 6818. MWFleet Management -- W.D. Scott Report 1420. John Curtin -- Charter - Cost 232. Passengers -- Risk 596. Use -- Labour Day Weekend 379. VIP Passengers 243. Jones, Mr Ganry -- Payments 258, 1709. Land -- Buckland Hill 385, 8336. National Parks -- Frank Hann 5812. Sales -- Claremont Mental Hospital Complex 3360. Leahy. Mr Kevin 4774. Lendich, Mr Zelko 1433. Liberal Party-- Dissension 8354. Federal - Section - Candidate - Advertisement 2692. Success 1722. Tax Proposals 2250. Policies -- Government's Stealing 6654. Liquor - Shaftesbury Hotel -- Residents 15 1. Lloyd, Mr Tony - Appointment 367, 7925. Assistant Under Treasurer .- Appointment 973. Conflict of Interest 969, 7678. Government Appointments 752 1. Rotbwells Ltd -- Managing Director 7343. Superannuation Board -- Appointment 372. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8054. Topic Discussed - Acknowledgment -- Members' Contributions 8054. Local Governent - Losses -- Rothwells Ltd 6994. Nedlands City Council 3359, 3362. Perth City Council .- Chilean Ambassador -- Reception 5037. Corruption Allegations 4053, 4057. Lord Mayor -- Premier's Meeting 4055. Ministers' Views 5707. Old Swan Brewery Development 4058. Royal Commission Inquiry - Corruption -- Motion 5666. Rothwells Ltd .. Investments 5423. Lombardo's Fishing Boat Harbour -- Government Finance 887. Lotteries Commission - Money Management 7935. Mania, Mr Rob (See "Superannuaition.. Roard".) Matters of Public Importance - Crime -- Wave 1736. Increase -- Anmendmuent to Motion 3986. Government Instrumentalities - Confidential Information 363 1. Insurance - State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Dealings 6048. (218) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Manews of Public Imrportanc (continued) - Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Censuire 2449%Amendment to Motion 2452; Points of Order 2454, 2456; Tabling of Documients 2462. Mclver, Mr Ken -- Government Appointment 146. McLean Brothers and Rigg -- Investments -- WA Development Corporation 8348. McLean Sawmills Pry Lzd - Woodchipping Proposals 983. Media Monitoring Unit -- Transcript Service 7163. Medical Practitioners -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management - Surgery - Censsure - Mauter of Public Importance 2449; Amendment to Motion 2452; Points of Order 2454, 2456; Tabling of Documents 2462. Members of Partiament (Financial Interests) Bill -- Leave to Introduce I5. [ntro.; I r. 15. Members of Parliament -- Community Luncheons -- Invitations 6658. Dams, Hon. D.K. -- Facilities 863. Electorates -- Ministers of the Crown-- Visits 769., Government Car -- Provision 150. Imprest Account -- Operation 3479. Leader of the Opposition -- Government Charges Increases 1983. Letter -- Superannuation Board 368. Misleading Parliament 398. "Political Notes" -- Point of Order 1724. Rural and Industries Bank -- Comments 4914. Member for Bunbury -- Advertisement 6282. Member for Cottesloe - Electoral Blackmail -- Claims 4774. Sittings of the House - Comments 6817. Member for East Melville -- As to Personal Explanation- Point of Order 6732. Member for Karrinyup 539. Member for Mitchell -- Advertisement 6282. Member for Mt Lawley -- Comments -- Premier 395, Member for Murchison-Byre -- Attack -- Minister for Agriculture 215 1. Comments -- Truthfulness 600. Member for Perth - Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 4053, 4057. Member for Pilbara .. Electorate Office 525. Offices -- Family Employment 1123. Maintenance Contract 872. opposition -- Ideas -- Government's Stealing 5589. Media Monitoring Unit -- Transcript Service 7163. Promises -- Costing 1122. Questions On Notice 1069,1070. Salazy Increases 6991, 7340; Withdrawal of Remark 7342. Wena, Hon Doug -- Advertisement 6282. Men's Confiraternity (Inc.) - Supreme Court Orderly 5563. Minerals - Gold - Bradley Report -- Recommendations 4413, Film 365, 1861. Nugget Coins -- Sale 2690. Iron Ore -- Mt Channar 3267. State Batteries -- Operations 4750. Ministers of the Crown - Administrative Arrangements -- Involvement 4269. Allegations- Motion 2074; Points of Order 2075, 2078. Attendance- Question Time 445 1. Cabinet - Cocktail Party -- Bunbuzy 5696. Functional Review Committee 4911, 5581. Sex Shops -- ControlS8341. Correspondence -- Policy - Members of Parliament 3568. Deputy Premier- Rural and Indusuies Bank -- Position 8349. Electorate Visits 769- B B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]B B (29(219)

Ministers of the Crown (continued) -- Entertainment -- Expenditure 736. Government Employees -- Positions 1426. Heritage Legislation 4049. Mvinister for Agriculture 1231, 215 1. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 24-49; Amendment to Motion 2452; Points of Order 2454, 2456: Tabling of Documents 2462. Minister for Economic Development 7512. Minister for Housing - Teachers Credit Society Lid 3660. Minister for Local Government -- Overseas Conference 3666. Minister for Public Sector Management -- Databanks 4038. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers -- Overtime 4574, Overseas Travel 380, 4272, 489&. Premier- Alleged Conversations 2393. Attitude -- Minister for Agriculture 2151. Australia Card 3681, 3683, 4166. Brusb, Mr Len 155, 386. 395, 397. Business Breakfast, Bunbury 3488. Canberra Trip -- Purpose 6808. Consultancy -- WADC Chairman 519,1230. Government Employees -- Reduction 3822. Interstate Travel 2530. Intimtidation 8349. Lord Mayor of Perth -- Meeting 4055. Member for Mt Lawley -- Comments 395. Overseas Trip -- Purpose 144. Photograph -- Withers, Dr Ken 97 1. Retirement 5819, 8308. Return to State 8354. Simpson. Mr Keith -- Credit Society Transactions 3570. Use -- John Curtin 379. Western Australian Soccer Federation -- Patron 6662. Labor Party Premiers -- Conference 2528. Prime Minister -- Lee Report 5808. Questions on Notice -- Redirection 1723, 1866. Staff -- Travel -. Approval 877. Travel - Costs 3669. Expenses -- 379,4918. Policy Change 750. Treasurer -- Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill -- Responsibility 5305. Brush, Mr Len -- Advice 2 1. Registrar of Cooperative and Financial lInstitutions -- Responsibility 3820. State Government Insurance Commission 6139, 6486. 6658, 6680. Superannuation Board 155, 386, 1126, 1570. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Advice 4280. Awareness 3383, 4423. Reports 4424. Views -- Perth City Council 5707. Motions -- Financial Institutions -- Teacbers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry - Amrendmnent to Motion 3467. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Enur 5666. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations 2074. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Matter of Public Importance -- Censure 2449. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role 1354. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action 5142. Motor Vehicle (Third Pasty Insurance) Amendment Bil -- 2r. 7120. Corn. 7125-7128. 3r. 7129. (220) B (220) B(INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B

Motor Vehicles -- Government -- 6QE-174 -- Allocation 517. '6WA" Prefix 147. ALP Members 150. Officers -- Entitlements 241. Private Plates -- Allocation 746. Departnent of Conservation and Land Management Officers 11 14. Use -- Policy 4264. Private -- Steering Wheel Locks -- Compulsory 4456. Trailer -- Allocation 3564. Superannuation Board 972. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Business Migration Investment Trust 147, 6288. Immigrants -- South African 348 1. Immigration Policies 6286. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Bill -- Corn. 1912. Withdrawal of Remark 1914. Office of Regulatory Review -- Continuation 11I11. Orders of the Day -- Order of the Day No 1 -- Point of Order 3628. Osborne Park Balcatta Business Association -- Payment -- Northern Suburbs Youth Option Project 4586. Paciexpo - Government Support 382. Pacrini Secretariat -- Western Australian Development Corporation -- Funding 737. Parliament -- Distwbance -- Criminal Offence 7170. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role -- Censure Motion 1354; Point of Order 1356. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action - Amendment to Motion 6394, Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations -- Government Instrumentalities - Juwisdiction 6286. Pastoral Industry -- Leases 984, 2525. Pastoral Board -- Functional Review Committee - inquiry 4911, 7520. Recommendations 5581. Report 7685. Pay-roll Tax Amendmemt Bill -- Cognate Debate 6789. 3r. 6795. Pay-roil Tax Assessment Amendment Bill - 2r. 6793. Cognate Debate 6789. Corn. 6794. 3r. 6794. Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd -- Investments 7926. Intimidation -- Premier 8349. Perry, Dr Russell -- Employment 4421. Planning - Hernies. Hamburger Bar 586. Canal Developments -- Dawesville Cut 1118. Developments -- Port Kennedy 3260. Old Swan Brewery 4058. Tearooms -- Mosman Park 998. Police -- Casino - Investigation 4454. Random Breath Testing 2521. 768&- Superannulation. Board 20. Porns and Harbours -- Boat Harbour -- Hillarys 379, 887. Jetty - Bussehton -- Repairs 5567. Premier and Cabinet, Department of the - Breakfast -- Bunibury 5697. Budget Allocations 4410, 628 1. Employment -- Lendich, Mr Zelko 1433. B B ~[DEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] B (221)21

Premier and Cabinet, Depatmeat of the (continued) -- Personnel Information Management System Establishment Report 3260. Staffing -- Increase 1421. Sundowner -- Bunbury 628 1. Public Opinion Polling 3557. Prices- Consumer Price Index -- Government Charges 994, 1985. September Quarter 520 1. Privatisation -- Hospital Laundry and Linen Service -- Sale 4409. Job Loss 4409. Policy 532, 4568. Public Housing -- Sale 4409. Taxation Loss 3829. Property -- Foreign Ownership 5564. Prostitution -- Legalisation 4895, 5198. Public Meeting, Exmnouth -- Beverages -- Cost 5697. Questions -- On Notice -- Answers -- Written 4575. Redirection --Review 4747. Opposition Handling -- Ministerial Statement 1069, 1070. Redirection to Ministers 1723, 1866. Without Notice -- Ministers of the Crown -- Attendance 445 1. Point of Order 3568. Regional Development -- Ord River Scheme 146. South West Development Authority 4578. Swan Valley Policy 2394. Ritmar Pty Ltd -- Superannuation Board -- Purchase 373. River Swan . Management Authority -- Replacement 4572. The Anchorage -- Restriction 3873. Road -- Cascades-Lake King 5812. Rothwells Ltd - Government Action -- Standing Orders Suspension 5114. Motion 5142. Extension of Time -- Suspension of Standing Orders 5128. Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 5173. Editorial Comment 5320. Federal Government Endorsement 5314. Government Guarantee 5566, 5568, 6650. Government Liability 6980. Lloyd, Mr Tony -- Managing Director 7343. Local Authorities -- Investments 5423. Losses -- Local Government 6994. Shareholders -- Superannuationt Board 6281. Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill -- See *T1w Rival arid Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill". Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill - 2r. 1280, 1805. Corn. 1809, 1810. 3r. 1811.- Salaries and Allowances Tribunal -- Membership- Appointments 874, 970. Vacancies 874. Scott, Mrs Winifired -- Superannuation Award -- Vacancy 889. Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs -- Submission 6812, 8342. National Identification System 6466. Share Market -- State Government Insurance Conmmission -- Losses 5815. Shervington, Mr Vince -- Overseas Travel 4898. S=sn Mr Keith 3495, 3570. Sitigo the House - Comments -- Member for Cottesloe 6817. Sonre Ltd 597. South Africa - South Africans -- Immigrants 348 1. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Actions 8350. Conduct -- Censure Motion 1528. (222) B (222) BINDEXTO QUEST-IONS & SPEECHES]B B

Speaker of the Legilative Assembly (continued)- Cook Islands Visit -- Wi6fe 1249. Parliament -- Disturbance 7170. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Censure Motion 1354; Points of Order 1356. Spr Saker's Rulings Mr Len Brush - Writs -- Point of Order 72. Cycles -- Helmets 4445, 7513. Indoor Soccer -- Perth Cougars -- Sponsorship 6662. Inrernational Events -- Funding 733. Superdrome -- Opening -- Flags 6494. Stamp Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 6796. 3r. 6796. Standing Order Suspension -- Rothwells Lid -- Governmnent ActioL 5114. State Engineering Works - Privatisation -- Employment 4 15 1. Sae Borrowings -- Agreement 1244. Budget - Adjustments -- Financial Crisis 53 18. Allocations -- Cycle Riders' Helmets 4445. Estimates -- Advertising 4052. Forecast 20. Commonwealth Funding -- Losses 1783. Debt Servicing 6285. Interest Earnings -- Government Bonds 4156. Loan Council -- Government Guarantees 5317, 5568. Short-term Investments 1241. Treasury -- Assistant Uinder Treasurer 973. Budget Allocation 4411, 4566. Contributions -- WA Mint 59 1. Departmnrt 6666,6659. Government Guarantees - Advice 5199. Officers. 135, 591. Superannuation Board Trust Account 969. WA Treasury Corporation 5574, 7344. Statements -- Ministerial -- By the Premier -- Retirement 8308. Questions On Notice -- Opposition Handling 1069, 1070. Statutory Authorities -- Boards -- Public Servants -- Fees 7162. Remuneration 6813. Stock Makt -- Crash -- Government Insrumentalities - Effect 5203. Stock - Animal Breeding Research Institute -- Advisory Board -- Functional Review Committee - Inquiries 4911, 7520. Recommendations 5581. Report 7685. Cattle 146,596. Livestock Reporting Service -- Funding 1119. Superannuation - Board- Audited Accounts -- Tabling 4050. Auditor General's Report 156. Chairman -- Appointment - Expiry 372. Confict of Interest 969. Decisions 157. lloyd, Mr Tony 367. Contracts -- Martin, Mr Rob 368. Deposits -- Brockley Investments Ltd 1437, 1721t, 3359. Developments-fixe Anchorage 258, 1715, 1873. Employee - Police Interview -- Point of Order 20. Factory Purchase -- Can Corporation Ltd 37 1. Funding -- Bond-Connell Partnership 6648. Inquiry -- Union Comments 1712. Investments - Approval 155, 1711. Authorisation, 1711. Authorised Trustee Investments 5968. B [INDEX TO QUEST7ONS & SPEECHESJ B (223)

Superannuation (continued) - Bawd (continued) - Investments (continued) - Brockley Investments Ltd 366,367, 1712. El Caballo Blanco 367. Global Approvals 1570. Hotel Developments 1711. International Fisheries 1712, 1875, 3657. Legality 542. Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 7926. Port Kennedy Development 1713. Repayments 6672. The Anchorage 258, 366, 368, 1709, 1711, 1786, 5186. Treasurer's Approval 386, 1570. Western Reefs Ltd 367, 597. Land Purchases -- David Jones Site 1713. Kewdale 1712. Members -- Appoinuneass 367, 734. Minutes -- Treasurer It126. Motor Vehicles 972. Payments -- Jones, Mr Carry 1709. Martin, Mr Rob 366. Purchase- Riunar Pxy Ltd 373. Question -- Response 1289. SB Investment Trust 792 1. Shareholding -- Easiniet Ltd 5578. Market Value 5578. Rothwells Ltd 628 1. Surplus Funds 145. Trust Account 969. Vacancy 889. Government Employees Superannuation Fund -- Pamphlet 405 1. Old Scheme -- Actuarial Cost 2242. Expense Rate 2516. Increments 4908. Withdrawals 8349. Parliamentary Superannuation Fund -- Matching Contribution 8330. Salary Deductions 374. Schemes -- Magistrates 6985. State Scheme -- Plans 123. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice - Motion 855. Withdrawal of' Remark 824. Points of Order 828, 832, 834. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Point of Order 850. Supply Bill - Intro.; I r. 1171. Zr. 1171, 2941. Points of Order 2927, 2929. Topics Discussed -- 1986-87 Budget 1171. 1987-88 Global Borrowings Programme -- Reduction 117 1. Commonwealth Grants Commission -- Review of State Relatividies 117 1. General Revenue Grants -- Removal of Guarantee by Commonwealth Government 1171. Mining Revenues -- Expected Decline It171. Premiers' Conference 1172. Public Sector Outlays and Government Borrowings -- Need for Restraint 1171. 3 r. 2941. Swiss Office Machinery Co -- Maintenance Contract 872. Tairnac Industries -- Financial Assistance 6673. Government Assistance 6657. Tarnbo, Mr Oliver -- Visit - Support 150. Taxes and Charges- Australia's Status 870. Business - Relief 6489. (224) B [INDEX TO QLUEST[ONS & SPEECHESJ C

Taxes and Charges (coninued) -- Consumer Price Index 994. Electrical Conractors' Licences 2394. Evasion -- Revenue Loss 4413, Federal Liberal Party Proposals 2250. Flat Taxation System -- Rural Effect 890, Fringe Benefits Tax 135. Income Tax -- Flat Rate 22; Point of Order 23. Increases -- Consumer Price Index 1985. Statement by Leader of the Opposition 1983. Land Tax 2522,4909. Payroll Tax 1226, 3260. Privatisation -- Losses 3829. Revenue Increase 1129. Stamp Duty -- Assessments -- Delays 1583. Retrospective Legislation 3266. Tobacco Franchise Tax -- Evasion -- Snioko Club 138. Technology -- Computers -- Databanks -- Employee Security 4039. Information 4038, 4039. The Anchorage -- Superannuation Board -- Investments 366, 368. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bil -- Intro.; Ir. 4500. 2r. 4500, 5920. Corn. 5926-5934. Tokyo Office -- Opening 1720. Tourism -- Commission -- Advertising Budget 539. Development -- Western Australian Development Corporation 730. Mandurab Waterfront -- WA Development Corporation 738. Projects -- WA Development Corporation 6979. Underwater Attraction -- Hillazys Boat Harbour 379. WA Tourism Commission -- Jurisdiction-- Ombudsman 6286. Trade -- Business Mission -- Zhejiang Province, China 144. Exports 145. 146. Transport Co-ordimanion Anmendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. -- Point of Order 6782. Transport -- Air Chastens 135, 5184. Railways.-- Bunbury-Pertli -- New Name 2392. Treasurer's Advance Authorization Bill - Intro.; tr. 1172. 2r. 1172, 2942. Topics Discussed - Monetary Limit increases 1172. Operation 1172. Previous Accounting Arrangements 1172. Treasurer's Advance Account -- Formalisation By Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985, p. 1172. 3r. 2942. Unions 1712, 7519. WA Chip and Pulp Co Ply Ltd -- Woodchipping Proposals 983. WA Development Corporation - Agribusiness Ventures 6654. Asia 6652,6979. Assets -- Public Offer 145. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Redevelopment 6285. Board -- Appointments 591. Buckland Hill Development 385, 6656, 8336. Cable Beach Club, Broome 6652. Cash Assets Handlings 2140. Cash Surpluses 6468. Chairman --Consultancy -- Services - Payment 1230 Premier 5 19. Consultant 872. Full-time Position 1713. H B ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]B B (25(225)

WA Development Corporation (continued) -- Carmont School of Ant-- Building Use 3482. Consultancies -- Cost 371. Directors -- Fees 6652. Expenses -- EventsCorp 7671. Export Seminar 145. Funding -- Pacxim Secretariat 737. Funds Corporation Australia 15 1. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 368. Interest Earnings 6666. International Insurance Exchange 8343. Investments -- McLean Brothers and Rigg 8348. Resource Projects 518. Land Holding -- PeellInlet 665Sl. Loans -- Wesfi Pine Pty Lid 588. Old Brewery Development 6289. Old Perth Technical College Site 734. Outstanding Debts 4439. Pacrin, Secretariat -- Staff 737. Payments -- Total 6649. Profit Opportunities 6979. Property -- Management -- State Government Insurance Commission 6474, 6667. Manager- State Government Insurance Commission 5976. Shaftesbury Hotel- Residents 151. Softwood Plantations -- Privatisation 665 1. Staff 6653, 6654. Tailings Treatment 6650. Tourism 738.6979. Treasury Funds -- Interest 6288. Underwater Tourist Attraction - Hillaiys Boat Harbour 379. Wansten -- Redevelopment 8337. WA Events Foundation -- Governument Payments 6286. WA Exim Corporation- Accommodation -- Relocation 596. Agricultural Advice 145. Autonomy 5817. Beef Markets 146. Board -- Accountability 1791. Appointments 593. Members--. Direction 3569. Business Migration Investment Trust -- Applications 147. Cattle 146, 596. Consultancies -- Cost 243. Education Services Division 145. Export Seminar 145. Gae, Mr Keith 533. Government Instrumentalities - Dealings 368. Mitsui Agreement 137. Ord River.- Regeneration Project 146. Relocation 148. WA Goverrnent Holdings Ltd -- Annual General Meeting 733. WA Mint - Australian Nuggets -- Promotion -- Conner, Mr Dennis 516. Contribution -- State Treasury 591. Investment 4747. New Premises 1783. Officer -- Conditions of Employment 1098. Operations -- Upgrading 377. Reorganisation -- Staff Displacements 59 1. Wanneroo Social Plnnng Association (Inc) .. Goverrnent Assistance 6467. Water Authority -- Arrears -- State Government Insurance Commission 8355. Wesfi Pine Pty Ltd 588. Western Continental Ltd -- Government Assistance 5316. Western Reefs Ltd - Superannuation Board -- Investment 367, 597. Withers, Dr Ken-- Photograph - Premier 97 1. Women's Interests -- Women's Advisory Council - Breakfast 5696. Women's Electoral Lobby - Financial Arragements 4764. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Act -- Amendment 588. Thejiang Province 144. (226) B [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

BURKETT, MR 04., JP (Scarborough) . See also "Chatirman of Committees in the Legistative Assembly and Deputy Speaker". Agriculture -- Farmers- Hlat Taxation System 890. Animals -- Vivisection- Abolition -- Petition 176. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4102. Topic Discussed - Police Force 4102. Cold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 6086. Withdrawal of Remark 6085. Local Goverrnent Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2512. Motion -- Police Commissioner- Confidence -- Amendment to Motion 7422. Petitions- Animals -- Vivisection- Abolition 176. Police Station -- lenaloo -- Staff Reduction 8030. Sex Shops -- Control 7412. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment 3531. Police -- Commissioner--. Confidence -- Amendment to Motion 7422. Station -- ljmaloo -- Staff Reduction--. Petition 8030. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitionl7412. Standing Ordlers Committee -- Report -- Tabling 658 1. Taxes and Charges -- Flat Taxation System 890. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment -- Petition 353 1.

BUJTLER, HON TOG. (North East Metropolitan) .. Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues -- Amendment to Motion 7075. Adjournment Debates - Australian Labor Party -- Branch Stacking Allegations 3612. Industrial Relations -- Dole Payments 5106. Liberal Party--. Branch Stacking 3294. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 4478. Topics Discussed -- Australia Card 4482. Industrial Relations -- Overseas Mission 4479. Legislative Council 4485. Tourism--. Swan Valley 4478. Australian Labor Party -- Branch Stacking Allegations -- Adjourniment Debate 3612. Dolan, The Late Hon Jerry--. Condolence Motion 8. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 3) -- Lntro.: Ir. 4461. 2r. 4462, 6030. Questions 4682. 5488, 5489. Industrial Relations -- Consultation 5488, 5489. Dole Payments -- Adjournmrent Debate 5 106. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking -- Adjournment Debate 3294. Motions -- Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues 7075. Condolence -- The Late Hon Jerry Dolan 8. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2744, 2755, 2757, 2775. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3110. Topics Discussed -- Complimentary Remarks 3110. Racing -- Brosnan, Nir David 3110. Youth Organisation -- Ocean Ridge - Adjournment Debate -- Extension of Time 3710.

CALDWELL, HEON IJN. (South) -- Acts Amendment (Aits Representation) Bill - 2r. 6022. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill - 2r. 7540. Corn. 7552-7561, 7572, 7573. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (227)

Ads Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - Corn. 4466. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill - Corn. 6358. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill -- 2r. 2724. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speecb - Motion 416. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 416. Industrial Development 417. Mining 417. Ports and Harbours 417. Water Resources 416. Adjournment Debate - Prisons-.- Prisoner -- Birnie, Catherine .- Newspaper Report 1268. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 8140. Topic Discussed - Agiculture 8140. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Workcs Fund) Bill -- 2r. 8 104. To ic Discussed -Expenditure 8104. Bemnies Hamburger a-- Excision -- Petition 753 1. Bread Amendment Bill - 2r. 6555. Corn. 6557, 6558. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)- Assembly's Amendment 8144. Committee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation- Appointment - Amendment to Motion 1636 ,1638. Communications 7228. Dog Amendment Hill- Corn. 2534. Firearms Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3602. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2)- Corn. 7570. Gaming Commission Bill -- 2r. 4065. Great Southern Development Authority Bill - 2r. 1028. Hospitals Amendment Bill - 2r. 2165. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4)- 2r. 8157. Corn. 8157, 8163. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8122. Topic Discussed - Agriculture 8122. Local Government Amendment Bill - Corn. 3084. Madetig of Eggs Amendment Bill - 2r. 1603. Corn. 2158. Minerals and Energy Research Bill - 2r. 6861. Mining Amendment Bil -- 2r. 1994. Corn. 1996. Petition -- Hernies Hamburger Bar--. Excision 753 1. Prisoner - Birnie, Catherine 1268. Reserves and Land Reveshnent Bill (No 2) - Corn. 7581. Reserves and Land Revesiment Bill - 2r. 3833. Solar Energy Research Amendment Bill - T2r. 6861. Video r2Classification and Control Bill - Corn. 3153-3159, 3287-3292, 3582-3595. (228) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

CARRt, HON. J.P., BA, JP, INWISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, AND MINISTER FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Geraldion)--. Aboriginal Affairs -- Local Government 4770. Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill - Ir. 6610. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill - As to 2r. 3205. Adjournment of the House -- Special 3240. Animals 234, 3812. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn.-- Divisions - Great Southern Development Authority 785 1. Local Government 7846. Regional Development and the North West 7848, 7850. Western Australian Alcohol and Ding Authority 808 1. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill - 2r. 5394. Cemeteries -- Fremantle -- Administration -- Grievance 5640. Kamnakatia 3490. Metropolitan -- New Sites 525. Chattel Securities Bill.-- 2r. 5393. Communicatons--.Telecom - Staff Reduction 5702. Community Servies - Complaints -- Complainant's Identity -- Grievance 1177. Declarations and Attestauions Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1175. Dog Amendment Bill -- [nto.; Ir. 73. 2r. 308, 1080. Corn. 1086-1096. Point of Order 1095. Recoin. 1890-1901. 3r. 2085. Question 1123. Dogs -- Pit Bull Terriers 3676. Evans, Cr. Rod 5978. Forrest, Dr Martyn -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations - Report 5428. Governiment Employees -- Departments -- Ministers of the Crowni 1427. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 369. Great Southern Developmen Authority Bill - Inrm.; Ir. 73. 2r. 176, 938. Corn. 943-947. 3r. 947. Grievances - Cemeteries -- Fremantle 3640. Community Services - Complaints -- Complainant's Identity 1117. Land -- Valuations -Remote Areas 1820. Local Government-..Welfare Services 1181. Industrial Development - Fremantle 5312. Land -- Purchases - Albany 3818. Valuations -- Remote Areas -- Grievance 1820. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Intro.; Ir. 5888. 2r. 5392, 6066.,7276. Corn. 7283, 7290-7304. 3.. 7304. Local Governiment Amendment Bill -- Intr.: Ir. 1113. 2r. 1371. 2487. Corn. 2493-2514. 3r. 2515. Council's Amendments 3221, 3223-3225. 3234, 3236. Local Government - Aboriginal Persons 4770. Accounting Procedures 123. Act 3372,5813. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (229)

Local Goverrnent (continued) -- Albany Town Council 1287, 2959, 326 1. Boundaries 122, 996. Canning City Council 126,240. Councillors- Pecuniary Interests 5586. Department -- Engineer, Bicycle Management Team 2145. Electoral Roll 5978. Fraudulent Claims 4271. Fremantle City Council 5312. Gosnells City Council 240. Grants 2142. Melville City Council 41t56. Pecuniary Interests Inquiry 7174. Perth City Council - Allegations 5585, 5588. Apology 5588. Corruption Allegations -- Figures 5812. Inquiry 4602. Mnisterial Statement 5493. Report 5204. Royal Commission Inquiry - Motion 5684. Statements -- Distortion 5585. Rangers -- Private Citizens 4419. Rates 531, 5310. Road Grants Scheme 1108. Roebourne Shire Council 3253. Welfare Services --Grievance 118 1. Wiluna Shire Council 3372. Members of Parliament -- Member for Perth 5585. Member for Stirling 3261. inerals and Energy Research Bill -- 2r. 5762. Ministers of the Crown -- Government Employees 1427. Overseas Travel 4273. Motion -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry 5684. Petroleum Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5762. Planning -- Zoning -- Lot 684 High Road, Wilierton 126. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 1172. 2r. 1172, 2471. 3r. 2472. Regional Development -- "Albany Tomorrow", pp. 3262,3817. 'Bunbury 2000' - Achievements 3817. Geraldton 3816. Great Southern Development Authority 7936, 7937. Great Southern 5702. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 5390. Road Grants -- Dollar-for-Dollar Requirement 1108. Rottnest Island Authority Bill - 3r. 6065. Solar Energy Research Amendment Bim - 2r. 5761. Sport and Recreation 53 1, 188 1. Statement -- Ministerial -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 5493. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill -- 3r. 6065. Traffic -- Pedestrians 4156, 4584. Transport -- Railways -- Albany 3262. Geraldton 3263. WA Development Corporation - Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 369. WA Exim Corporation -- Goverinment Instrumentalities -- Dealings 369. (230) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

CASH, MR S.G.E, B Bus, ACIS, JP (Mt Lawley)- Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Lands Trust -- Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Aboriginal Legal Service - Police Assassination 237. Cullacabardee Village 6982. Development -- Conference -- Grievance -- Suspension of Stancling Orders 1184. Housing -- 28 Preston Way, Balga 881. Kulila Association 7338. 7339. Medina Aboriginal Cultural Centre 879. Nindala 7514, 7515. Perth Community -- Misuse of Funds 4592. Police Officer -- Threats 698 1. Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill - 2r. 7762. Corn. 7765-7769. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill - 2r. 4532. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill -- 2r. 7100. Corn. 7110-7113. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cams) Ball -- 2r. 5290. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill- Corn. -- Point of Order 2342. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 482. Amendments to Motion 113, 338,486,676. Point of Order 340. Topics Discussed -- Bnush, Mr Len -- Loan Allegations 113. Gambling 485. Health -- ACRAH 485. Local Government -- City of Stirling 482. North West 486. Price Watch Scheme 676. Tourism 486. WA Jewry Inc 482. Westminster System 338. Soviet Jews 483. Sport and Recreation -- Mt Lawley Football Club 485. Agriculture -- Farms -- Motorcycles 4590. Fertilisers 6291. Implemients -- Towing Regulations 4419. Machinery -- Overwidth 1976. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4382. Withdrawal of Remark 4392. Topics Discussed -- Education -- Coolbinia Primary School 4383. Kim Beazley School 4384. Mt Lawley Primary School 4382. Sir David Brand School 4383. Corn. -- Divisions -- Aboriginal Attairs Planning Authority 7908. Agriculture 7873. Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons 7911. Conservation and Land Management 7863. Corporate Affairs 783 1. Cornctive Services 7844, 7845. Crown Law 7830. Deputy Premier's Office 7822. Directorate of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment 7818. Education 7856, 7857. Employment and Training 7888. Fisheries 7879. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ C (231)

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) 8111 (continued) -- Corn. (continued) - Divisions (continued) -- Government Employees' Housing Authority 78 83. Local Government 7845. Marine and Harbours 8061. 8062. Metropolitan (Pernh) Passenger Transport Trust 8066, 8068 Mines 786. Miscellaneous Services 7832-7842. Police 80176. Premier and Cabinet 7801, 7804. Public Service Board 7809. Regional Development and!the North West 7850. Resources Development 7867. South West Development Authority 7877. Sport and Recreation 8079, 8080. Taxation 7843. Technology and Industry Development Authority 7829. Transport 8062. 8065. Western Australian Alcohol and Ding Authority 7912. Western Ausuralan An Gallery 7868. Western Australian Coastal Shipping Commission 8071, 8072. Western Australian Government Railways Commission 8068. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4728. Topics Discussed -- Edith Hart Education Centre 4729. Health -- Alcohol-related Problems 4730. National Safety Council 4728. Corn.-- Point of Order 8054. Divisions -- Community Services 8043. Marine and Harbours 8046. office of Government Accommodation 8048. Police 8048. Primary and Secondary Education Buildings 8043. Sport and Recreation 8049. 3r. 8054. Architects Act - Amendment 4049. Arts -- Libraries 8344. Australia Card Bili - Opposition - Motion 3749. Australian Underwater Federation 6130. Bicentennial Celebrations - Prisoners -- Amnesty 6485. Bills - Standing Orders Suspension 5373. Births, Deathis and Marriages -- Information 5027. Building Management Authority 4904. Bunbury Port Authority Amendment Bill - 2r. 4519. Bush Fires Amendment Bill- 2r. 955. Corn. 961. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendments 2821. Capitl- Punishment -- Reinstitution -- Petition 330 1. Charitable Organisations 4590,51L83. 5190. Chemicals -- DDT -- Storage Sites 75 18. Government Chemical Laboratories 123. 2247, 2684. Organtochlorines 7673. Phenols 7673. Potycblorinated. Biphenyls 7518,7673, 7677. Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4848. Christmas Island -- Vessels Delays 7683. Cockiburn Pleasure Boat Storage 8346. Communications - Police -- Repeater Stations 3803. Telephone 231, 14 18. (232) C (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Community Services - Children -- Adoptions 1867. 2139.,2947. Child Care -- Certificate Course 3251, 5191, 5192. Jennifer Lockwood Child Care Centre 8343. Maternity Units 5192. Regulations 5193, 5307. Services - Mothercraft Nurses 5194. Traineeships 268 1. Cbildze's Court 1865. 2386. Day Care Regulations 1867, 3250. Mothercrafi Course -- Ngal- A Mothercrafl Home and Training Centre 5306. MothercrafiNurwss5l93, 5194. Meals-on- Wheels; -- Cockburn 2678. Ngal-A Mothercmaft Home and Training Centre -- Family Residential Unit 5307. Grant -- Project Manager 5193. Motheruraft Nurses Registration 5 192. Mothercrafi Training 3801, 5194, 5306. Services 5307. Structural Changes 5307. Parent Help Centre -- Mt Lawley 880. Consumer Affairs - Second-band Dealers 528. courts -- Clerk of the Court - Newman 8346. Family Cowrt 2948, 2949, 8348. Jurors -- Female 1784. Sentences -- Appeals 1109. Crime -- Bank Holdups 2949. Capital Punishment -- Reinstitution -- Petition 3301. Cnime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1728. Criminal Records 6298. 7168. Group Libel Legislation 8347. Increase -- Matter of Public Importance 3977. Juveniles 4267. Levels -- Minister's Comments 3373. Prostitution 1109. Rate 3373. Reports -- Statistics 1416. Riot -- Floreat Athena Sports Centre 252 1. South West.-- Increase -- Withdrawal of Remark 4601. Statistics 134, 6478. UnlawfulI Use Of Motor Vehicles 4042. Dairying -- Milk Vendors 6664. Dissent fromn Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -Administration- Inquiry - Sub Judice -- Motion 846. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1063, 107 1. Corn. 1084-1096. Recoin. 1890-1900. Easiniet Ltd. 5578. Easton. Mr Brian 5815. Education -- Awads Night 121. Handicapped Children 880. Health Education - Contraception 1867. High Schools -- Gymnasiums -- Community Use 4766. Morawa - Flms 12 1. Language -- Macedonian 1232. Learning Centre Link 1867. Non-Government School -_ Prindiville Catholic College 2242. Point Peron Camp School 127. Pre-Primary - Subiaco City 7519. Primnary Schools -- Coolbinia 6L36, 6137.6288. Dianeila 97 1. Support Units 8344. Yokine 236. C C[EX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]CC (23(233)

Education (continued) - Schools -- Electronic Alarm Systems 122. Youth Gmoups 4417. Soccer Clinics - Perth Cougars 6663. Special School - Sir David Brand School 3480, 4590. Students - Censorship -- Petition 70. Early Childhood Studies 2681. Work Experience - Health Department 268 1. Technical and Furthr Education - Cauine College 6663. Lecturers -- Salary Structure 134. Mt Lawley 235, 527. Trade Lecturers 2685. Electoral -- Candidates - Police Officers -- Reinstatement 58 10. Rolls- Computer Print-out 2679. Emergency Servces -- Motor Vehicle Accidents 4591. State Emergency Service -- Officers -- Authority 529. Rescue Operations -- Role 237, 527, 1584. St John Ambulance Association 529. Employment and Training -- Apprentice Hairdressers 235, 527, 2685. Traineeships 268 1. Youth Employment Services Officer -- Rockingliar 5700. Energy -- Electricity -- Power Poles -- Neighbourhood. Watch Scheme 1584, 1585. Power Station -- Meekatbasra 124. Fuel -- Bulk 6487,6488. Distributors -- Interstate 6487. Shell Agent, Esperance 6487. Oil -- Harbour Spills 3805. Stare Energy Commission 5694. Environment - Hazardous Wastes 4906. Old Swan Brewery - Demolition -- Petition 1728. Fair Trading Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 5373. Families -- Health Needs 519 1. Family Law Practitioners Association 2948. Financial Institutions - Building Societies -- Interest Rawe Assistance 2247. Swan Building Society -- Police Investigations 3823,4047,4279. Firearms Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3316. Fires -- Fire Brigades -- Rescue Operations 237. Road Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme 236, 527, 742. Fire Fighting Trailers 236. Fire Services 4420,6295. Fire Station -- Perth 2950. Flatman Family -- Homosexual Bathhouse 599. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2L- 6395. Corn. 6413-6416. 6421-6423. Gambling -- "Dig Deal" Electronic Machines 7337. Lotteries - Instant Lottery 865, 1976,442K1. Gangemi, Mr Peter 6662- Gold Bankin6 gorpora'on Bill - Corn. 6122. Government - Second Tier Wage Increase: - Video 4905. Government Buildings - National Safety Council 4264. Government Employees - Public Service 2247, 2521, 2684. Grain - Wheat 2386. (234) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Hairdresers - Act -- Amendments 2686. Apprentices 2685. Classifications 2686. Registration Board 2685, 2686, 3249. Health -- AIODS - Homosexual Bathhouse 535, 599. Infants 2681. Pzisoners - Treatment 4592. Seminar 12 1. WA AIDS Council 865,.1106. Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 121. Contraeption -- School Syllabus 1867. Department 1231, 2681. Disabled Persons 880, 5309. Drugs -- Heroin 742, 746. Hotbne 6296. Operation NOAH 6296. Quo Vadis Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 7339. Education- K- 10 Syllabus -- Celibacy kIlO1. Hospitals - "A"-class 5419. Ear Nose and Throat Patients 868. Elective Surgery? 128. Royal Perth 128. 528. Noise -- Meekatharra Power Station 124. Nurses -- Mothercraft 3799, 3801-3803. Nurses Bord 5191. Spas 2387, 3806. Tobacco Smoking -- "Quit" Campaign -- Perth Wildcats Sponsorship 6661. Homosexual Persons - Bathhouse 535, 599. Housing -- 430 Uight Street, Dianella -- Purchase 527. Rental - 28 Preston Way, Balga 88 1. Residential Planning Review Task Force 2683. Whiteman Park - Subdivisions 4419. Howard Rudler and Associates Pry Ltd 968. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Motion 156 1. Disputes -- Ports 7672, 791t9. Second Tier Wage Increase -- Video 4905. ines-Brown, Mr Malcolm 3253. Insurance -- Insurance Council of Austalia Ltd - Recommendation - Fire Services PFunding 6295. State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Market Losses 5815. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 5373. 2r. 5501. Iron Ore (Hameasley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No.2) - Standing Orders Suspension 5373. Justices Act -- Section 172 -- Inquiry 2948. Land -- institutional Uses 879, 11L06. Lot 363 Doepel Street, North Fremantle 528. Releases 2684, 2687. Resrves -- No C3 1874 - Zoning 2682. Sales -- Guilderton. 2686. Whiteman Park 7682. Liquor - Offences 3674. Uisle- Williams, Dr Michael 6297. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 7298, 7303. Local Government Amendment Bill - 2r. 2476. Corn. 2493-2514. Council's Amendments 3223, 3229,3235. C C ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) C (235)25

Local Government -- Country Shire Councils Association 6293, 8329. Derby Shire Council -- Airport 7159. Perth City Council -- Burswood Bridge - Completion 4759. Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission inquiry - Motion 5677. Rangers -- Private Citizens 4419. Roeboumne Shire Council -- President -- No-Confidence Motion 3253. Macedonian United Society 6486. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Bill Laid Aside 4986. Matters of Public Importance -- Crime -- Increase 3977. Crime Wave 1728. Taxi-drivers - Assaults -- Prevention 31%6. Members of Parliament -- Opposition - Promises -- Cost -- Motion 4580: Amendment to Motion 4884. mnras - Diamonds 866. Gypsum 4592, 6295. Ministers of the Crown -- Minister for Labour. Productivity and Employment -- Job Applicant -- Confidentiality 3801. Minister for Police and Emergency Services 881, 3373-33 76. Minister for Transport -- Legal Action 5565. premier -- Photograph -- Withers, Dr Ken 97 1. Police Union -- Comments 2149. Western Australian Soccer Federation -- Patron 6662. Motions -- Australia Card -- Bill - Opposition 3749. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission inquiry 5677. Members of Parliament -- Opposition - Promises -- Cost 4880; Amendment t0 Motion 4884. Police Commissioner -- Confdenoe 7416; Amendment to Motion 7419 Point of Order 7422. Motor Vehicle Drivers Instructors Amendment Bill - 2r. 3654. Motor Vehicles -- Central Register 127. Drivers - Education Centre - Establishment 869. Licences - Collections 4766. Credit Cards 1583, 1976. Date of Birth 7516, 7685. Farm -- Reversion 2683. Non-payment of Traffic Fines 5025. Training Facility -- Private Operation 968. Examiners -- Bunbury 742. Farm -- Licences 1417,2683. Fire Fighting Trailers 236. Licences - Inspection Officer -- Esperance 3250. Licensing Section 6298. Plates -- Disposal 5422. Windscreen Stickers 6295. Motor Cycles -- Defensive Riding Course 5026. Farm Use 4590. Running Lights 4907. Private -- Police Use 3804. Steering Whteel Locks 4456. Towing -- Mobjak 2949. Tyres -- Retreads 3803. Unroadwonthy 235. Volume 8331. Multiofitwal and Ethnic Affairs - Commission -- Government Publications 1418. Macedonian Books 8344. Macedonia United Society 3266. Nadde, Gary Michael 7159. 7673. National Safety Council 4760, 5026. (236) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Natural Disasters -- Cyclones 529. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Zr. 1409. Corn. 1751-1780, 1906. 1919, 1931-1960, 1973, 1974. Points of Order 1Q47, 1973. Withdrawal of Remark 1914. 3r. 2191. Petitions -- Capital Punishment 3301. Education -- Students -- Censorship 70. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Demolition 1728. Sex Shops -- Control 6893. 7590. Planning -- Rezoning - 14 Alvan Stret, Mt Lawley 742. Macedonian Uniting Society 3266. Old Brewery Site 6477, Whiteman Park 3806, 4419, 7682. Police Amendment Bill -- Intro.; I r. 4503. 2r. 4888, 5277. Police- Accident Inquiry Section 7680. Aides 5576. Blue Light Discos 3800. 380 1. Breathalyser Units 2243. Comisonien -- Motion 7416; Amendment to Motion 7419; Point of Order 7422. Prostitution -- Control 6293. Communications -- Repeater Stations 3803. Counselling Services 1416. Crimina Investigation Branch 1416. Department -- Heavy Haulage Section 527, 878. Family Court Restraining Orders 2948. Federal - Kulila Association - Investigation 7338. Firearms 3242, 8348. Force 880. 881. 3928. Internal Investigations Branch 4055. Kimberley Echo -- Comments 8347. Licensing Clerk- Kambalda 5807. Liquor and Gaming Squad 6298. Lockups 1720, 7679. Motor Vehicles 1720. 3804. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme 1584. 1585. Officers -- Assassination -- Aboriginal Frustration 237. Authority -- Disasters 529. Country 3804. Election Candidates 5810, 5959. Pay Structures 6295. Threats - Aborignal Person 6981. Wives -- injuries 1583. Police and Citizens Youth Clubs 7679. Promotional Assessment Courses 969, 1106. Random Breath-testing 252 1. Recruits 2683, 5578. Regional Policing Pohicy 7922. Resources 1595. Sentences -- Appeals 1109. Staffing 127, 3375, 3376. Stations -- Country 3804. lnnaloo 3254. Kellerberrin 5197. Lockridge 1098. Scarboroug 3254. Wiluna 2387. Stoning -- Aboriginal Person 6982. Swan Budlding Society -- Investigations 3823, 4047, 4279. Telephone Systems -- Review 23 1. Traffic Branch -- Air-conditioning 1418. water Police 528. C C ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]C C (27(237)

Ports and Harbours - Boat Harbour -- 1lillarys 123, 4904. Conservancy Dues 6807. Fremantle 7919, 7924, 8328. Industria Disputes 7672. Jetties - Frmande 587. Oil Spills Emergency Procedures 3805. Prisons - Canning Vale 122, 1097, 3253. Casuarinta 1097, 1098, 3253. Prisoners - AIDS 4567,4592. Bimnie, David t587,4764. Federal Offences 596T Ntinimum Secrity 6485. Offences Committed in Custody 6298. Payments 4764, Privatisation 7337. Remand -- Waiting Period 6982. Remission Rate 2678. United States Citizens 6486. "Prisons and Criminal Justice" -- Report 1110, 1223. Security Patrols -- Dogs 3253. Pirivatisation 3928, 7337. Prostitution 6293, 6294. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 3320. Corn. 3643-3653. Council's Amendments 7615.,7620-7623. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 3) - 2r. 5282. Road Traffic Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4562. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - 2r. 6895. Corn. 692 1-6927. Roads -- Australian Bicentennial Road Development Programme 8332. Burswood Bridge 4759, 833 1. Cascades-Lake King 4760. Conlition -- Comments 8326. Construction 8331. 8332. Emergency Assistance Scheme 236. Funding Claims 8329. Glick Road, Coolbinia 4590. Kwinana Freeway 365, 8090. Length 8332. Main Roads Department Commissioner 5024. Maintenance 8330. 833 1. Mayor-Rockingbam Roads 127. Mitcheli Freeway 372,4568. Railway Road, Sheron Park 4762. Road Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme 742,8968. Transport -- Gysum 6295. Roberts, Mrs Norma Mary 3249. Scuba Diving Federation of WA 6130, 8344. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitions 6893, 7590. Share Market -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Losses 5815. Shopping Markets -- Dealers' Licences 379. Sport and Recreation -- Activities -- Select Committee Report - Recommendations 4766. Basketball -- Perth Wildcats 6661. Camp - Woodman Point 127, 128. Cycles 1867, 4760. Cycling Facilities -- Budget Allocation 4420. Department -- Land Lease -- Woodman Point 8346, Lockridge Meeting 1414. Point Peron Camp School 127. Indoor Soccer -- Perth Cougars 6661-6663, 6806. Scuba Diving 7674, 8344. Superdrome -- Special Buses 6981. Underwater Diving 6130. (238) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Stamp Duty Office 8089. Standing Orders Suspension -- Bills 5373. State Finance -- Budget Allocation - Cycling Facility 4420. Stock 2386,4571. Superannuation -- Board 1709, 5578. Old Scheme 4908. State Scheme 123. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice- Motion -- Point of Order -- Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 846. Taxes and Charges -- Exemptions -- Wescrail Joint Ventures 6493. Fuel Levy 6667,6983. Fuel Taxes 4571, 6293. Sales Tax -- Blue Light Discos -- Equipment 3800. Lubricants 6668. Stamp Duty 1583, 8089, Total West 6668. Transport Industry -- interstate 7156. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5404. Tourism -- Camping Ground -- Tent City Development -- Woodman Point 869 Caravan Partk- Woodmnan Point Coastal Park 865. Holiday Units- Guilderton 1864. Projects -- Land Release Procedures 2684. Tent City- Woodlman Point 1977. Trade 6664,8328. Traffic -- Accidents - Buses 4908. Emergency Services 4591. Fatalities -- Road Trains 3666. Railway Road, Shenton Pak 4420. Retreaded Tyres 3803. Hazards -- Archer Street-Great Eastern Highway 123. Lights -- Beauforn-Walcott Streets 4765. Offences 4767. Pakng 128, 4905. Transport -- Air -- Airstrips -- Whiteman Park 3807. Ansett Group -- Skywest Airlines Pry Lid 4907. Derby Airport 715 8. 7159. Skywest Airlines Puy Ltd -- Takeover 4907. Bulk Fuel 6488. Bue -Accidents 4908. Bunbury 8332. Children's Concessions 459 1. Re-routing -- Diana Crescent, Loctuidge 972. School -- Alinjarra-Ballajura-Noranda 5578. Forest Crescent 8329. Prindiville Catholic College 2242. Superdrome 698 1. Tourist -- Bus Stops 768 1 Charges -- Fuel Distributors 6487. Department -- Malted Article 4591. Emergency Assistance Scheme 527. Equipment -- Imports 6664, 698 1. Ferries 5577. Livestock 4568. Railways - Deregulation 6669. Electrification 2519. Walkaway -- Train Speeds 7168. West Leedervifle Station 4907. Roads -- Interstate 6981, 7156. Permit -- Weight System 4570. Road Trains 6808. C (INDEX TO QUEST1IONS & SPEECHES] C (239)

Transport (continued) - Shipping- Barge Service - Broorne-Koolan Island 8355. Stateships -- Christmas Island 7683. Cocos Islands 5422, 7683. Container Crane 7682. Costs 4759. Crew Numbers 7167. Crewing Costs 7924. Gangway Watchmen 7682. General Manager 8087. Losses 79 18. Maintenance 7671. North West Services 6294. Papua New Guinea 542126983, 8327. 8328. Singapore Accommodation 7167. South East Asian Operations 4052, 4266. Taxi-drivers- Assaults -- Prevention -- Matter of Public Importance 3196. Total West -- Taxes and Charges 6668. Transpertli 971, 7160. Trucks - Warning Signs 3373. Trust Fund -- Payments 7157. Westrai -- Bulk Fuel Monopoly 6487. Fuel Tax Payments 6667. Joint Ventures 6494. Jolimont Land Sale 3910. Lubricants -- Sales Tax 6668. Road Operations 4905. Safety Glasses 2949. Sale -- Discussions 6131. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 6173, 6779. Corn. 6787-6788. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7308. Corn. 7328-7334. Trustee Companies Bill -- 2r. 7655. Point of Order 7656. Corn. 7661-7668. Unions -- Police Union 527, 880, 2149. Professional Transport Drivers Assocation - Mobijack 2949. Wanneroo Social Planning Assocition (Inc) 6467. Waste Disposal -- Gosnells Site 7519. Hazardous Wastes - Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 6474. Disposal Sites 5577. Environmental Protection Authority Survey 4906. Health Department Policies 4906. Management Policies 4418. Monitoring Bores 7673. Quantities 6473. Rural Areas 6473. Sites-- Pesticide Testing 6473. Water Resources; -- Underground 7519. Water Authority -- Safety Glasses 2683. Watson. Mr Colin M. 5565,6137. White, Mrs Margaret 7168. Withers. Dr Ken 971. "Women's Health and Well Beinz' 5193. Youth - Groups 4417. Youth Employment Services Officer -- Rockinghm 5700.


CHAIRMAN OF COMMrrr1EES IN4 THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND DEPUTY SPEAKER (MR Gj. BUR KETT,.JP) (Scarborough) -- See also "Burkers, Mr G-1. JP". Aboriginal Development Conference -- Grievance 1183; Point of Order 1183; Suspension of Standing Orders 1184. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- 2r. - - Point of Order 6229. Corn. 6271. Withdrawal of Remna 6263. Point of Order 627 1. Acts Amendment (Taxi.Cars) BiDl -- 2r. - Points of Order 155 1. Acts Amendment (Toralisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7654. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 109. 341-343. Withdrawal of Remark 109. Agriculture -- Agriculture Protection Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3628. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation -- Annual Financial Statements - Extension of Time 3391. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. -- Points of Order 3880. Corn. -- Points of Order 7788, 7906. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Lease -- Negotiations -- Point of Order 5591. Bills - Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Burke's Shambles -- Accuracy -- Withdrawal of Remark 3269. Committee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Council's Resolution -- Point of Order 246 1. Copeman, Mr Charles -- Industrial Relations Activities -- Point of Order 2397. Decorum of the Chamber 347, 358, 709. 720. 1961,.5138. 5246, 5370, 6615, 6631. 6803, 7628, 7905. Defence -- Navy -- Relocation -- Point of Order 1248. Deputy Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations -- Oath of Office 3628. Electoral -- By-elections -- Party Support -- Points of Order 1132, 1133. One-Vote-One-Value -- Commitment -- Point of Order 2391. Financial Administration and Audit Act -- Report Tabling.-- Extension of Time 3391, 3628. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 3463, 3465. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information -- Matter of Public Importance 3628. Government Utility Charges -- Motion 1832. Point of Order 1829. Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Urgency Motion 1046. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) - 2r. -- Point of Order 775 1. liquor - Trading Hours -- Consultation - Point of Order 1250. Matter of Public Importance -- Governent Instrumentalities - Confidential Information 3628. Members of Parliament -- Member for Mitchell -- Personal Explanation -- Point of Order 1282. Swearing In 1045. Motion -- Urgency -- Hospitals -- Elective Surgery 1046. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. - Withdrawal of Remark 1392. Corn. -- Points of Order 1948, 1955, 1967, 1972, 1973. Order of the Day No 1 -- Point of Order 3628. Privatisation -- Parliamenary Liberal Party -- Deputy Speaker's Ruling 3929. Reserves and Land Revestnient Bill (No 2) - Corn. - - Points of Order 6629, 6633. Residential Te nancies Bill -- Corn. 7460, 7464. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- Corn. -- Point of Order 692 1. C C ~(INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]ICC (241)(21

Rothwells; Ltd -- Government Action -- Motion -- Point of Order 5139. Ruling - By the Deputy Speaker -- Privatisation -- Parliamentary Liberal Party 3929. Sessional Order - Adoption -- Standing Orders Suspension 1277; Motion 1278. Speaker's Gallery -- Guests -- Children's International Summner Villages Scheme 3211. Standing Orders Suspension -- Aboriginal Development Conference - Grievance 1184, Bills 1166. Sessional Order -- Adoption 1277.

CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND DEPUTY PRESIDENT (HON DJ. WORDSWORTH) - See also "Wordnwonkh, Hon D." Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill -- Corn. 509, 5091, Acts Amendment (Electoral Re form) Bill - Standing Orders Suspension 1139. As to 2r. 1139. 2r. 1156, 1157. Con. 2056, 2057. Points of Order 2056, 2057. Progress 1267. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill- Con. 3963. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Con. 7980. 7986, 7993, 7994. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion -- Point of Order 1017. Adjournment of the House -- Ordinary - Point of Order 1268. Charitable Organisations -- Select Committee - Establishment -- Amendment to Motion - Amendment on the Amendment 630, 63 1;Points of Order 630,63 1. Committees for the Session - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Government Utility Charges- Inquiry - Motion -- Withdrawal of Remark 1829. Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Appointment - Motion 642. Amendment to Motion 642, 1640-1642, 1644. Points of Order 1640, 1649. Decorum of the Chamber 6007. 8180. Dog Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2535.2539. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) -- Corn. 8157. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Message 4618, 4624, 4626. Point of Order 4625. Motions -- Charitable Organisations -- Select Committee -- Establishment -- Amendnment to Motion - Amendment on the Amendment 630,63 1; Points of Order 630,63 1. Government Utilities - Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Inquiry -- Withdrawal of Remark 1829. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2739, 2740, 2750, 2751, 2758, 2759, 2780, 2782-2787, 2790. Points of Order 1948, 1955, 1967, 1972, 1973, 2737, 2749. Withdrawal of Remark 2779. Questions Without Notice - Repetition 1044; Point of Order 1268. Reserves and Land Revestrnent Dill (No 2) - Corn. 7583, 7585. Points of Order 6629,6633. Residential Tenancies Bill - Corn. 8259, 8262, 8273, 8274, 8281, 8294, 8289. Retail Trading Hours Bill - Corn. 7055,7058, 7063, 7066. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 5990,6004,6007-601 1. Point of Order 6008. Standing Orders Suspension -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill 1139. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Corn. 3157, 3288, 3289, 3585, 3588, 3595 (242) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

CHARLTON, HON EJ. (Central) .. Abattoirs - Midland Land Sale -- Issues -- Motion 7074. Amendment to Motion 7075. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill- 2r. 4958. Corn. 507 1-5073. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill - 2r. 384 1. Acts Amendment (Chid Care Services) Bill -- 2r. 5860. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- 2r. 1148. Corn. 1295-1337, 1477-1512, 1605-1612, 1619, 1625. 1631, 2020-2064. Points of Order 2032, 2056. Reinstatement of Clause 8 -- Amendment to Motion 1468. Point of Order 1469. As to Recoin. 2262. 3r. 2274. Adjournment Debates 650, 1268. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill - 2r. 637 1. Corn. 6503-65 12, 6518, 6519, 6566-6572. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- 2r. 5856. Corn. 6353-6365. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill- Corn. 3006. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill -- 2r. 7222. Corn. 7224. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7991-7994. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion 401. Topics Discussed -- Health 404. Industrial Development 401. fRt-rated Videos 405. Taxation 402. Transport 405. Youth 403. Adjournment Debates - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Amendments -- Consideration 1268. Circulated Paper 650. Kickett Family--. Contribution 3614. Parliament .. Parliamentary Parties -- Leaks 922. Staff -- Retirement 3184. Sex Shops -- Proliferation 7226. Sittings of the House - Extension 8250. Alexander Mr, Ron 4342. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 4078. Topics Discussed -- Agricultural Chemicals 408 1. Australian Bicentennial Celebrations 4078, 4079. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 4079, 4080. Transport 408 1. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill - Corn. 772-786, 915-917. Businesses- Rural - Decline - Motion 269. Censorship- Videotapes 2306. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5474. Corn. 5480, 548 1. Assembly's Amendment 8013. Committee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation - Appointment - Amendment to Motion 648, 1637-1644; Assembly's Message -- Consideration 2768. Community Services - Ngal-A Motbercraft Home and Training Centre 5618. Crime -- Juveniles 8027. C C ~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (243)23

Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2000. Door to Door Trading Amendment Bill - 2r- 7203. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill 2r. 5230. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill 2r. 4311. Corn. 4629-4643, 4649-4666. 4792. Report -- Point of Order 4922. As to Recoin. 4924. Financial Institutions Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 5 101. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill -- Zr. 533 1. Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- Motion 2994. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication- Motion to Concur 7187. Fremantle Port Authority Amnendment Bill -- 2r. 6872. Gambling 5616, 5617. Gold Baniking Corporazion Bill -- 2r. 6706. Corn. 6714-6717. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5593. Government Employees 4342, 4343. Health 67, 68. Human Tissue and Transplant Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1163. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Cliff) Agreement Amendment Biul- 2r. 6840. Kicketi Family -- Adjournment Debate 3614. Legislative Programme 7735, Liquor Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2979. Local Governmen Amendment Bill -- Corn 3070.,3074, 3084. Assembly's Further Amendments 3l75, 318 1. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Corn. 914. Assembly's Message 2715, 2716. Members of Parliament -- Pendal, Hon P.O. -- Dress 8253. Wordsworth. Hon. D.J -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Adjournment Debate 650. Motions -- Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues 7074. Businesses -- Rural -- Decline 269. Financial Institutions Investigation -- Select Committee 5 101. Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution 7187. Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution 2994. Urgency -- Stamp Amendment Bill 3148. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2732. Assembly's Message 3163. Parliament -- Parliamentary Parties -- Leaks -- Adjournment Debate 922. Staff -- Retirement -- Adjournment Debate 3184. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Zir. 8183. Corn. 8202-8218, 8228-8249, 8258-8291. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 7043. Corn. 7049-7055.7060,7067. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) - Corn. 6001, 6007. Sex Shops -- Proliferation - Adjournment Debate 7226. (244) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Sheep lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 3088. Corn. 3093. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6842. Sittings of the House - Extension - Adjournment Debate 8250. Soil Fertility Resarh Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5334. Sport and Recreation 3037, 3622.,4343. Scamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 3015. Urgency Motion 3148. Standing Order No 187- Amendment - Motion 7005. Trade -- Imports 2306. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 7207. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7695. Corn. 7701-7704. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- 2r. 2425. Corn. 3584. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill- 2r. 5606. Corn. 5847.

CLARKO, MR J.G., AE, BA, Dip Ed, MACE, JP (Karrinyup) -- Acts Amendment Casino Control Bill -- 2r. 3769. Corn. 379 1. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 452. Amendment to Motion 335,457. Points of Order 335, 572. Topics Discussed.-- Planning -- Swan Brewery Site Redevelopment 452. Westminster System 335. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill.-- 2r. 4221. Withdrawal of Remarks 4224, 4385. Topics Discussed -- Local Government - Act 4229. Association 4228. Councillors 4223. Minister for Planning. and Education 422 1. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2r. 4695 Topics Discussed - Edwards, Mr Kevin 4696. Fletcher, Mr Brian 4696. Laurie Potter's Health Club 4695. Ball and Son Pty Ltd 992. Bateman, MrlJeff'997. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling - Superannuation - Superannuation and Family Benefits Act - Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 844. Points of Order 842, 843. Education - Agricultural 3576. Better Schools Policy 1105, 3671. Deparment -- Director of Operations 8350. Distance Education -- Enrolmeots 1105. High Schools - Warwick 3672, 3685. Kim Beazley Special School 1101, 3558,3800. Music B ranch 149. Policies -- Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 7087. Schools Cleaners 3926. C C(~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]CC (25(245)

Education (continued) -- Teachers -- Promotions 7 181. Salary Scale 367 1. Technical and Further Education -- Transfer 6145. Employment and Training -- Department - Technical and Further Education Division -- Transfer 6145. Energy -- Electricity -- Mounts Bay Sailing Club 6482. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment - Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 4503. F~inancial Institutions -- Rural and Industries Bank -- Select Committee Inquiry - Motion - Point of Order 3446. Forrest, Dr Mantyn 5428. Government Publications -- Headway Magazine 125. Grievance -- Transport -- Railways -- Bunbury Bridge 4524. Health -- Clubs -- Laurie Potter Group 4772. Department -- Headway Magazine 125. Disabled Persons -- Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons -- Child Registrations 1221. Hospital -- Royal Perth 381. John Curtin -- Use -- Labour Day Weekend 379. Laphani, The Late Mr SiB., MLA -- Condolence Motion 8311. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2t. 7244. Corn. 7281, 7291-7302. Local Government -- Accounting Procedures 125. Act -- Pecuniary Interest Provisions 5813. Boundaries 122. Canning City Council -- Landscaping Business 126. Councillors -- Pecuniary Interests 5586. Mundarung Shire Council 3672. Perth City Council -- Allegations 5585, 5588. Apology 5588. Corruption Allegations -- Figures 5812. Inquiry 4057, 4602. Ministerial Statement 5514. Minister's Attitude 5706. Repozt,5204, 5428. Royal Commission Inquiry -Motion 5649, 5687. Town Planning Committee Members 4054. Planning Powers 5429. Statements -- Distortion 5585. Sex Shops -- Siting 4265. Matters of Public Importance -- Education -- Policies -- Condeenation 7087. Environment- Old Swan Brewery 4503. Member ofParliamient- Menmber for Perthb-- Comments -- Minister for Local Government 5704. Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 4054. 4057. Distorted Statements 5585. Ministers of the Crown -- Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee -- Better Schools Report 1105. Minister for Education - Comments -- Teachers Union 254. Writs 997. Miister for Local Government - Comments - Member for Perth 5704. Minister for Planning - Perth City Council - Corruption Allegations 5706. Premier - Use - John Curtin 379. Motions -- Condolence -- The Late Mr S.E. Lapham, MIA 83 11. Old Swan Brewery - Redevelopment 4503. Local Government - Perth City Council -- Corruption Alegations - Royal Commission Inquiry 5649, 5687. Motor Vehicles- Baby Safety Capsules 381. Petitions -- Roads- leanes-Karimyp Roads - Aged Persons Crossing 6578. Sex Shops - Control 8314. (246) C (246) C[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) C

Planning -- Old Brewery Sute 835 1. Rezoning - Ball and Son Pty Ltd 992. Zonings -- Lot 684 High Road, WiUctton 126. Police -- Office~s--Transfers 38L Ports and Harbours -- Boat Harbour -- Kiliarys 379. Puivatisation -- School Cleaners 3926. Real Estate Agents - Listing -- Government Gazette 38 1. Roads -- Ieanes-Kanrinyup Roads -- Aged Persons Crossing - Petition 6578. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. 6905. Corn. 6927. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 8314. Sitiog 4265. Sport and Recreation -- Mounts Bay Sailing Club 6482. Statements - Ministerial - By the Minister for Local Government (Mr Carr) -- Local Government - Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 5514. Superannuation -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration --Inquiry -- Sub Judice - Motion -- Point of Order 835. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 844. Points of Order 842. Tourism -- Underwater Attraction -- 1-ifarys Boat Harbour 379. Transport -- Railways -- Buribury Bridge -- Grievance 4524. Union -- Teachers Union -- Better Schools Policy 367 1. Officers 254. Warwick Hi1gh School 3672. Writs 997. WA Development Corporation -- Underwater Tourist Attraction -- Hiliarys Boat Harbour 379.

COURT. MR R.F., B. Corn, DEPUTY LEADER OF THE OPPOSITON (Nedlands) - Abattoims 146,4450.4593, 5185. Aboriginal Affairs 110O4, 1438, 2248, 2696. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill - 2r. 7134. Corn. 7148, 7350. Question -- Itroduction 5305. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- 2r. 3785. Cam. 3789-91. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill - 2r. 4546. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill - 2r. 7106. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill -- 2r. 7629. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 196, Amendments to Motion 223,474,486.,554, 694. Topics Discussed -- Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 554. Perth Technical College 197. Planning - Swan Brewery Site Redevelopment 474. Price Watch Scbeme 694. State Finance -- Mismanagement 1%6. State Superannuation Board 196. Tourism 486. WA Development Corporation 198. WA Exim Corporation 199,224. Agriculture -- Depatment 145, 232, 518. Farmers 146,233, 1872, 5568. Interest Rates -- Rural Sector 148. Machinery 4449. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6615. Corn. 6623. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (247)

AMuminium Smelters 372, 738, 888, 1246. America's Cup- Banner Poles 148. Charter Vessel 232. Festival of Sport 7671. Fremantle Challenge 371. Tank Testing Facilities 153. Anzac Day -- Act--. Amendment 1122. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 3998, 4007. Topics Discussed -- Co irte Affairs Deparment 4003. Defence 3999. Economy 3998. Education 4007. Federal Budget 3998. Financial Institutions 4000. Police Force 4002. State Finance 3998. Swan Building Society 4003. Taxes and Charges 4008. Teachers Credit Society 4000. Technology 4007. Corn. -- Divisions -- Academy of Performing Arts 7857. Agriculture 7870. Computing and Information Technology 7823. Deputy Premier's Office 7820. Education 7855, 7857. Employment and Training 7885. Governor's Establishment 7807. Health 7896. Library Board of Western Australia 7869. London Agency 7808. Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Transport Trust 8066. Mines 7864, 7865. Miscellaneous Services 784[1 Office of the Auditor General 7817. Parliament 7795. Premier and Cabinet 1799. Regional Development and the North West 7846. Resources Development 7865. Services 7884. State Planning Commission 7858. Technology and Industry Development Authority 7824. Tourism Commission 8053. Treasury 7811. Western Australian Government Railways Cormmission 8069. Western Australian Meat Commission 7874. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill- 2r. 4737. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs 4738. Environment 4737. Minerals -- Offshore Exploration Permits 4742. Uranium 4737. Ats 364, 887, 1871. Audit -- Swan Building Society 3825, 4451, 4901, 5185. Australia If 148, 1863. Australia Card 4164. Banhu ptcies 1121, 1229. BHP Gold Mines Ltd 1103,1121, 1865. Broadcom, -- Gold Industry Film 364. Brush, Mr Len 15 1. Building Management Authority - Parliament House Accommodation 1244. Burke, MrTenry 145,994,6288. Businesses -- Business Reference Centre 364, 863. Corporate Affairs Department -- Investigation - Teachers Credit Society Ltd 428 1. Small Business 149, 992, 1229. (248) C (248)(IDtX C TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]C C

Chemicals - Chlor-alkali Plant 738. Petrochemical Plant 1871. Polychlorinated Biphenyls; -- Incinerator -- Mineral Tenement 539. Mobile -- Motion 1853. Opposition 2252. Siting 2954. Closing Days of Session -- Second Pan -- Standing Orders Suspension 6056. Commnittee for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- WA Exim Corporation 252. Comnmunications -- Partyline -- Banning 149. Radio 4915, 5308, 557 1. Telecom 1589, 3377, Telephones 1245. ConneDl, Mr Laure 5569. 5956. Conner, Mr Dennis 516,518. Consumer Affairs - Price Check 153. Crime -- Securities Industries Code 8350. Defence -- Coastal Surveillance Contract 532, 17 18. Communications Station, Geraldion 1978. Frigates -- Contract 1230, 1290. Patrol Boats 1130. Projects -- Quality Standards 975. Submarines 888, 1133, 1229, 1874. Survey Vessels 1246. Vietnam Veterans 3556. Economy 149, 1872. Education -- Department 143,596, 6990. Schools -- Cleaning -- Matter of Public Importance 218 1. Computers 1245, 1979. Technical and Further Education 1245, 2247, 2388, 2958. Tertiary 1590, 1812, 1873.2242. WA Exdm Corporation -- Services Division 145. Electoral -- Blackmail -- Member's Claims - Point of Order 4776. Employment and Training 3377. Energy -- Electricity 1122, 3923. Gas 151, 1589, 5571. Oi 5570. Rebates - Aborigines -- Homeswest Homes 1104. State Energy Commission -- Chief Manager, Personnel Resources 5034. Deba Reduction 5569. Executive Positions 6679. Housing 1105. Overseas Borrowings 15 1. Simpson, Mr Keith 3572. Enviroantent 146. Factors WA Pty Ltd 4893, 5306. Fnacial Institutions -- Attack -- Offence 8350. Banks - Mitsui Trust and Bank Co 736, 737. Reserve Bank 5199. Rural and Industries Bank (see also 'Teachers Credit Society Lzd" belorw) - Deputy Premier 8349. Select Committee Inquiry - Modion 3423; Amendment to Motion - Points of Order 3449, 3453, Teachers Credit Society LtAd3685, 4045, 4046, Building Societies - Reports 3825. Government Investments 5306. Home Building Society 4577, 5305. Interest Rates 148, 152. Parliamentary Attacks 8350. Registra of Cooperative and Fnancial Institutions -- Ministerial Responsibility 3820. Registrar -- Advisory Board 5 184. C C ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (249)29

Financial Institutions (continued) - Superannuation Board 145. Swan Building Society -- Audit 3825,4451,4901,51IM. Factors WA Pty Ltd 5306. Government Guarantee 5424. Investigations -- Corporate Affairs Department 3681. Losses 6463. Teachers Credit Society Ltd - Administration 7686. Audit 5185. Concern -- Advice 4566. Financial Commitment 4450. Government Guarantee 5424, 5568. Investigation -- Corporate Affairs Commission 4281, 4576. Investments 5184, 5187. Liabilities 3685. Losses -- Laurie Potter Gmoup 5572. Minister for Housing 3495, 4155, 4450. Ministerial Authority 3386, 3387; Point of Order 3387. Rural and Industnies Bank 4045. 5184. Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion 3423; Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 3449. 3453. Forests 992, 1718. FundsCorp -- Cash Surpluses 6289. Chief Executive 6980. Funds Corporation Australia 15 1. Government Investments 6491, 6813. Lotteries Commission 7935. Profits 6289. Returns 7156. Gate, Mir Keith 25, 533, 17 18. Gambling 4594, 4595,4915, 7935. Gold Banking Corporation Bill - 2r. 6098, Corn. 61 14-6117. GoldCorp Australia 364. Government Buildings 144, 4593. Government Guarantees - Credit Rating 5316, 5568. Details - Matter of Public Importance 5361. Loan Council Restrictions 5317, 5568. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information -- Matter of Public Importance 3635. Deposits -- Rothwells Ltd 5569. Overseas Borrowings 152. Returns -- FundsCorp 7156. Government Publications 1245,4449,4900. Grain 3481, 3482. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. 805, Corn. 944, 945. Grievance -- Technology - Computers 4111. Health -- Clubs -- Laurie Potter Group 5572. Department 4899. Hospitals 1875, 4449. Polychlorinated Biphenyls 2252. Housing 1105. 5571. Industrial Development -- Concrete 1872. Investments 152. Non-bousing Construction 1871. Paper Pulp Mill 1245. Professional Development Land -- Kwinana 7163. Ship Lifting Facility 149. Space Industry -- Western Australian Work 1978. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 3391. (250) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Industrial Relations -- Awaits 5510. Commonwealth Legislation -- Complementary State Legislation 1121. Condemnation - Motion 1205. Disputes 3482. Industry and Technology 588, 975. Insurance -- International Insurance Exchange 6652, 6653. Passenger Vessel John Curtin 149. 232, 243, 596. Stale Government Insurance Commission -- Actuarial Services 8333. Connell, Mr Laurie 5956. Funding Arrangements 7340. Investment Portfolio 6813. Property Manager 5976. Purchases.-- Policy 7678. Share Dealings - Matter of Public Importance 605 1. [ron Ore (Cleveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 658 1. Corn. 659t, 6592. Kirkwood, Mr Bruce 888. Land -- National Parks -- Mining 8352. Ningaloo Marine Parkt-- Advisory Committee 1591. Deputy Leader of the Opposition's Comments- Point of Order 748. Milyering Facilities 1590. Scientific Facility 1590. Private Sector Operators 992. Rudall River.- Mining Exploration 4778. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Tax~ation Proposal -- Motion 2233. Liquor Amendm ent Bill -- Corn. 2806, 2816. Liquor 151.1228. Uloyd, Mr Tony 7343, 7678. Local Government 1878, 4055, 4449. Lotteries Commission 7935. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Council's Message 6933. Matters of Public Importance -- Education -- School Cleaning 218 1. Government Guarantees - Details 5361. Governient Instrumentalities .. Confidential Information 3635. Insurance -- Stale Government Insurance Commission -- Share Dealings 605 L. Transport -Air -- South Africa 4829. Mclver, Mr Ken 146. McLean Brothers and Rigg 8348. Members of Parliament -- Darts. Hon. D.K. 863. Federal Member for Kalgoorlie 2252, 2954. Government Cars 150. Opposition -- Cost -- Motion 4870. Salary Increases-- Point of Order 7342; Withdrawal of Remark 7342. Minerals and Energy Research Bill - 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6642. Minerals - Exploration 4778, 5570. Gold 1865. lIron Owe-- Capital Investment 147. Chuarmar 737, 3377. Japanese Market 153,736. Koolyanobbing 4450. Romanian Joint Venture 737. Tenements -- Polychlorinated Biplrnyls Incinerator 539. Uranium 4913, 5570. Mines Regulation Amendment Bill - 2r. 4842. Corn. 4984. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS &SPEECHES] C (251)

Ministers of the Crown -- Austr-alia Card -- Portfolio Responsibility 4164. Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee -- State Printing Division 1245. Deputy Premier 8349. Minister for Economic Development 25, 2524, 6143. Minister for Housing 3495, 3660, 4155, 4450. Minister for Intergovemnmental Relations 150. Minister for Minerals and Energy 2396,8352. Premier 144, 4055, 8349. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3386, 3387; Point of Order 3386. Treasurer 3820, 5305. Motions -- Chemicals -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Incinerator 1853. Financial Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry 3423. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation 1205. Members of Parliament -Opposition -- Promises-- Cost 4870. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action 6387. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action 53148. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2233. Motor Vehicles 147, 150, 364. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Immigration -- Business Migration -- Investment Trust 147, 6288. Programme .- Films 2390. Immigrants -- Investments 4448, 4899. Small Business Development Corporation 149. WA Exim Corporation 1871, 1872, 2248. South Africans 348 1. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1391. Coin. 1751-1780, 1903-1907, 1946-1958,1974. Point of Order 1947. Counicil's Amendments 3212,3217. PacRimt Secretariat 737. Parliament -- Disturbance 7170. Parliament House 1244. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech--. Speaker's Action -- Motion 6387. Pastoral Industry -- Leases -- Aboriginal Organisation~s 1875, 3979, 2248. Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1122. 1287. 2145. ETEC Programme 1874, 2388. Meda 1791, 3270. Statistics 1874. WA Bxim Corporation 2524. Perpetual Trustees -- Intimidation -- Premier 8349. Petitions -- Cornputers -- Personal Information 2443. Sex Shops- Control 7086, 7590, 8314. Petro Chemical Industries Ltd 1871. Petroleum Amendment Bill -- 2r. 674 1. Ports and Harbours 1245. 1792, 3378. 7168. Privatisation 532, 3923. Regional Development -- Ord River Scheme 146. Regulations - Cost Benefit Analysis 148. Ritinar Pry Ltd 373. River Swan -- The Anchorage 1873. Roads -- Main Roads Department - Payments -- Kimberley Land Council 2696. Rothwells Ltd -- Deposits 6143. Government -- Action -- Motion 5148: Amendment to Motion 5163. Guarantee 5199, 5568. Instrumentalities 5569. Liquidity 5692. Lloyd, Mr Tony 7343. Loan Quality 5569. Shareholders 5692, 6281. Treasury Officer 5570. SCM Chemicals Ltd 1878. (252) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitions 7086, 7590, 8314. Shopping -- Trading Hours 4899. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6593. Point of Order 6604. Corn. 6614. Simpson, Mr Keith 3572. Solar Energy Research Amendment Bill - 2r. 6642. South Africa 150, 1872, 348 1. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly 7170, 8350. Standing Orders Suspension -- Closing Days of Session- Second Part 6056. Stapleton, Mr Bernie 4048. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill - 2r. 2829. State Engineering Works 3378-3380. State Finance 1244, 5317, 5568, 5570. State Priming Division 4449. Stock 146, 596. Superannuation- Board- Cormell, Mr Laurie 5569. Developments -- The Anchorage 1873, 3874. Purchase -- Ritmar Pry Ltd 373. SB [nvestmnt Toast 792 1. Shareholding .- Rotbwells Ltd 6281. Surplus Funds 145. Old Fund 8349. Tambo, Mr Oliver 150. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal -- Motion 2233. Gold Tax 3929. Stamp Duty 1103, 1121. Technology Development Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2620. Corn. 2639-2642. Technology - Computers -- Advice 1245. Confidentiality -- Grievance 4111. Information Systems 1589. Personal Information -- Petition 2443. Schools 5023. Department~s-- Staff 1873. Research and Development Park 1872. Technology and Industry Development Authority 975, 1873, 1875, 3379, 4041, 4048. Technology Development Fund 1873. Technology Patk 2953. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Dill - 2r. 5915. Corn. 5933. Tourism -- Austraa Airlines 152. Commission 147. Development 533, 738. Mandurah Waterfront 738. Tourists -- South Africa 150. WA Development Corporation 243. 6979. Trade 144-146,736,5570. Transport Co-ordinationt Amnendrmenh Bill -- 2r. 7321. Transport -- Air - Aerospace Projects 1099. Australia-Japan 532. Australian Airlines 152. Charters - Gascoyne Electorate 5184. Derby Airport 3247. Perth International Termina 533. Perth-Tokyo 533. South Africa - Matter of Public Importance 4829. Railways 1976, 3481, 4576. Travenol Inlohealth Systems Australia 1589. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (253)

WA Development Corporation - Agribusiness Ventures 6654. Agriculture Deparment 5 18. Alurminium Smelter 312. Asia -- Culture Gap 6979. Asia-Pacific Region 6652. Assets -- Public Offer 145. Cable Beach Club, Broome 6652. Cash Assets Handling 2140. Consultancies 37 1. Directors 6652. Export Seminar 145. Funding -- Pacftim Secr~etaniat 737. Funds Corporation Australia 15 1. International Insurance Exchange 6652, 6653. Investments 518, 8348. Land Sale - State Engineering Works 3378. Loans -- Wesfi Pine Ply Ltd 588. Management Services - State Engineering Works 3379. Old Brewery Development 6289. Profit Opportunities 6979. Property Management -- State Government Insurance Commission 5976, 6474. Shaftesbury Hotel 151. Softwood Plantations -- Privatisation 665 1. Staff 6653, 6654. Tourism 243,738,6979. Treasury Funds -- Interest 6288. WA Exin, Corporation -- Aboriginal Land 1438. Accommodation -- Relocation 596. Advance -- Catt Corporation Ltd 1865. Agricultural Advice 145. Agriculture Department Undertakings 232. Australian Land and Catde Co Ltd Leases 2145. Beef Markets 146. Business Migration Investment Trust 147. Business Migration Prograrme Film 2390. Immigrants -- Investment 4448, 4899. Participation 1871, 2248. South Africans 1872. Cattle 146,596. Consultancies 243, 596. Education - Depamnent 143. Services Division 145. Farm Machinery 44-49. Gale, Mr Keith 533. Independent Inquiry 252. Ord River Regeneration Project 146. Pastoralisms and Gradiers Association - Uaison 516. Pastoral Leases 2524. Relocation 148. Strategies 25. WA Mint - Australian Nuggets 516. Water Resources 2691. Western Continental Corporation Ltd 1246.

COWAN, MRt HJ., LEADER OF THE NATIONAL PARTY (Merredin) - Abattoirs 7930. Aboriginal Affaits -- Aboriginal Corporations -- Home Purchases 3828. Communities -- Pastoral Leases 4911. Compact -- Matter of Public Importance 1597. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Council's Amendments 2862. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill - 2r. 5803. Cort. 5896&5904. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill -- Council' Amendments 3220. (254) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill -- 2r. 4545. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill -- 2r. 5290. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 313. Amendments to Motion 217. 468. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Lawlessness 314. Agriculture -- Department 315. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 315. Transport 315. Businesses -- Small Business -- Rural 317. Education Depatmntm 314.

Public Servants - Reduction 313. Public Service 313. Tenure of Employment 314. Government Instrmentalities 313. Planning -- Swan Brewery Site Redevelopment 468. Police force 3 14. Regional Development 313, 316. WA Exim Corporauion Izd -- Marketing Expertise 217. Water Authority 313, 316. Aged Persons -- Travel Concessions 4567. Agriculture -- Agriculture Protection Board -- Functional Review Committee -- Inquiry 4911, 7520. Report 7685. Recommendations 558 1. Farmers -- Interest Rates 1436. Farms - Motor Vehicles -- Overload Permits 5428. Water Rates 4909. Fertilisers 1134, 7347. Pesticides 4441, 5186, 5430. Primary Industry Department -- Pesticide Residue Testing 7930. Rural Adjustment Schemes - Interest Rate Subsidies 257. Ryegrass Toxicity 7922, 7925. Ambulance Officers -- Paramedic Tools 4570. America's Cup -- Visitors 250. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 3989. Topics Discussed - Agriculture -- Departmnt 3992. Commonwealth Funding 3989. Energy -- Fuel Franchise Levy 3989. Government -- Employees 3989. Revenue 3989. RAFCOR 3993. Transport 3991. Water Resources 3994. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4742. Topics Discussed -- Housing Allocations 4742. Porns and Harbours 4744. Roads 4744. Rural Adjustmnt and Finanice Corporation 4743. Water Resources 4745. Westrail 4744. Argentine Ants 5186. Australia Card- Bill -- Opposition - Motion 3746. Computer Matching--. Cost 4044,4153. 4039. CopeatoGoenetEmployees 4038, 4270, 3487. Government Instrumentalities 3487. Pouto--Compusory 4040. C C[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]C C (25(255)

Australian Family Association -- AIDS -- Publicity Material 24. Australian Labor Party's Education Policy 4268. Bernies Hamburger Bar 6670. Businesses -- Australian Securities Commission 4414. Small Business --Rural 161, 249. Chemicals -- Ozone Layer -- Danger 667 1. Pesticide Residues 7930. Polychiorinated Biphenyls -- Incinerator -- Alternative Site 6991. Motion 1853. Citizens -- Information -- Confidentiality 4040,4570. Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8324. Committees for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Government Utility Charges -- Inquiry -- Motion 1847. Communications -- Radio Station 6PR 5965. Telecom 4910, Community Servces Department 864, 2687, 4414. Consumer Affairs - Small. Claimi~ Tribunal -- Act -- Amendment 1582. Appeals -- Representation 3264. Grievances 4594. Judicial Privilege 4903. Judicial Status 4593. Members of Parliament -- Approach 2138. Restructuring 1438. Select Committee Report -- Action 377. Crime -- Gross Indecency 887, 974. Indecently Dealing 1223, 14 15. National Crime Authority 380, Sexual Assaults -- AIDS Victims 739. Defence -- Low-flying Aircraft 404 1. Discrimination -- Sexist Language -- Schools 2248. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -Administration- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 848. Dog Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1092, 1093. Education -- Better Schools Report 1233. Department -- Fraudulent Claims 4268. Hfigh Schools- -- ~ Ot20 Kuhin District 4269 Narembeen 6672. Northcliffe District 1586. Iris Litis Special School 988. Policy 4268,4268. Pre-School -- Four-Year-OLds 738. Schools-- Libraries 7929. Uniformis 2248, Sexist Language 2248. Teachers -- Electoral Candidates 3369. Teachers Promotion Review and Advisory Board 4902. Duties Other Than Teaching Time 252. Private Vehicles 988. Tertiary -- Administration Fees 249, 337 1. Murdoch University 251. Students 250. Electoral Distribution (Rottnest Island) Amendment Bill -- 2r. - - Point of Order 5795. Standing Order No 178 -- Suspension -- Point of Order 5795. Electoral Candidates -- Teachers 3369. (256) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Emergency Services -- Ambulances - Medical Kits 7685. Officers 405 1. Sealed Medical Kit 7675. Energy -- Electricity -- Poles -- Pesticide Use 4441, 4442, 5430. Substations 887, 1108. Gas -- North West Shell -- Gas Project -- Mallen of Public Importance -- Amendment to * Motion 3314. Solar Energy Research Institute -- Murdoch University Transfer 23 1. State Energy Commission -- Fraudulent Claims 4270. Environment -- 01d Swan Brewery Development - Proposals 6985. Redevelopment -- Matter of Public Importance 4513. Ozone Layer 667 1. Equal Opportunity Amendment BiW -- Intro.; lr.4975. 2r. 5294. Financial Inttuin -- MnseilRsosblt 79 Credit Unions--MnseilRsosbit479 Interest Rates 257, 1436. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3659, 4151, 55 80. Brigades -- Volunteer 1419. Risks - Combustible Material 3567. Gold Banking Corporation Bill - 2r. 6091. Corn. 6108, 611t3. Government Advertising -- Country Newspapers 249. Government Employees -- Annual Leave Loading 3560. Australia Card 3487, 4270. Conditions of Employment 4413. Contracts 3581. Departments 1423, 1426-1431, 1578. Full-time 380. Identification 4414. Public Service -- Databanks 3556. Senior Positions -- Merit-Based Selection Procedures 5809. Staffing Levels 3264. Teachers Union 4567, 7519. Travel 877. Government Instrumentalities -- Advertising 4052,4748. Australia Card -- Use 3487. Boards 380. Confidential information -- Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 3637. Inormation Fles -- Private Citizens L576,3659. Government Travel 586, 970. Grain -- Freight -- Agreement 4566. Contracts 4284. Determinations 53(8. Differentials 4566. Rates 4566. Transport -- Overload Tolerance 3265. Grievances -- Moona Land Sale 3421. Hargadon, Mr George -- Retirement 3239. Health--_ AIDS 24,739. Authorities -- Databanks. 3797. Patients -- Isolated Patients' Travel and Assistance Scheme 1233. Heine. Ms Ann-Marie -- Concessional Housing Loan 5580. Horticulture - Grape Growing - Select Committee Recommendations 3 264, 3265. Housing -- Homeswest -- Fraudulent Clairns 4270. Subsidy Applicants -- Means Testing 4271. industrial Relations Amendmnent Bill (No 4) -- 2r. 7748. Corn. 775. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (257)

Industrial Relations -- Commidssioners -- Superannuation Scheme 6985. Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Motion 1215:. Amendment to Motion 1217. Disputes -- North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance - Amendment to Motion 3314. Insurance -- State Government insurance Commission- Share Dealings -- Matte of Public Importance 6053. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 5507. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amndment Bill -- 2r. 6584. Iron Ore (Hamersicy Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. -- Cognate Debate 5507. Iron Ore (Ftamersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2662. Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 2662. Land Amendment Bill -- Questions -- Withdrawal 3486. Land -- Conditional Purchase -- Money Owing 2691. Reserves -- Combustible Material -- Fire Risk 3567. 3669. No 16400 -- Quarrying 3242. Sales -- Moora -- Grievance 342 1. Lapham, The Late Mr S.F., MLfA -- Condolence Motion 8312. Les Cooke Instruments Pty Ltd 2243. Liquor Amendment Bill -- Coin. 2801, 2814. Lisdale Pry Ltd -- Land Sale -. Grievance 3421. Local Courts Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6745. Local Government -- Act -- Adult Franchise -- Amendments 3372. Fire Risks - Reserves 3567. Fraudulent Claims 427 1. Perth City Council -- Bemnies. Hamburger Bar 6670. Water Resources 5563. Wituna, Shire Council 3372. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Bill Laid Aside 4988. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Council's Message 6933. Matters of Public Importance -- Aboriginal Mffairs -- Compact 7597. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment 4513. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information 3637. insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission- Shag Dealings 6053. Members of Parliament -- Electorates -- Ministers of the Crown -- Visits 7689. Overseas Travel 4272. Party Directives -- Parliamentary Privilege 739. Micke, B.M. and K.V. -- Land Sale - Grievance 342 1. Minerals and Energy Research Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6644. Minerals - Gold - Bradley Report 4413. Theft -- Investigation 6670.6985. Unlawful Removal 4440. Prospecting Leases -- Unlawful Mining 7675. Mining Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1667. Ministers of the Crown -- Administrative Arrangements -- Involvement 4269. Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee - Agriculture Protection Board 7520, 7685. Animal Breeding Research Institute 7520, 7685. Better Schools Report 1233. inquiries 4911. (258) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Ministers of the Crown (continued) -- Cabinet (continued) -- Functional Review Committee (continued) -- Pastoral Board 7520,7685. Recommendations 5581. Deputy Premier -- Retirement -- Statement 83 10. Electorate Visits 7689. Government Employees -- Positions 1426-1431, 1578, 1714, 1862. Minister for Public Sector Management -- Databanks -- Access 4038. Overseas Travel 380, 4272,4273, 4274,4275,4276,4277, 4415, 4416, 4893. Premier - Retirement -- Statement 8310O. Staff -- Travel -- Approval 877. Travel Expenses -- Tabling 379. Motions -- Australia Card -- Bill - Opposition 374. Chemnicals -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Mobile Incinerator 1853. Condolence -- Lapbam, The Late Mr S.B.. MLA 8312. Nalder, The Late Mr CC., MLA 12. Government Utilities - Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Inquiry 1847. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation 1215; Amendmntto Motion 1217. Disputes -- North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Amendment to Motion 3314. Police Commissioner -- Confidence -- Amendment to Motion 7419. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action 5 154. Motor Vehicles -- Farm, 5428. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Immigration Policies -- Submission 6286. Nalder, The Late Mr C.C., MILA -- Condolence Motion 12. Natural Disasters -- Dmoughts 4163. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5006. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - 2r. 1397. Corn. 1752, 1756-1781, 1916, 1929-1975. Points of Order 1936, 1937. 3r. 2192. Council's Amendments 3208, 3210, 3215, 3220. Parliament -- Parliament House -- Staff -- Retirement -- Mr George Hargadon 3239. Parliamentary Privilege -- Members of Parliament- Party Directives 739. Pastoral Industry -- Leases -- Abotiginal Communities 41911. Pastoral Board -- Functional Review Committee -- Inqwzy 4911, 7520. Recommendations 5581. Report 7685. Pay-roil Tax Assessment Amendment Bill -- Corn. 6794. Petroleum Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6742. Pigment Factory (Ausnralind) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2899. Planniang -- Commission -- Membership 1432. Old Swan Brewery 6985. Subdivisions -- Telecom Cables 4910, 5026. Pocock, Mrs Brenda -- Motor Vehicle Allowance 988. Police -- Commissioner -- Confidence -- Amendment to Motion 7419. Gold Theft -- Investigations 4440,6670, 6985. Special Response Group -- Country Areas 4916. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- 2r. 21 19. Questions - On Notice 4269,4575. Without Notice -- Point of Order 3568. C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C (259)

Registrar General's Office-- Databanks -- Access 3798. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - Cotuncil's Amendments 8315. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6912. Corn. 7440, 7442, 7445-7466, 7472-7477, 7493-7495, 7498-7506. Council's Amendments 8319. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. 6902. Corn. 6923. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Council's Amendments 7617, 7619. Road Traffic Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1823, 4564. Roads- Bridge -- Balcatta Road 11 07. Main Roads Department -- Conunissioners -- Applications 4575. Budget Allocation -- Urban Transport Projects 427 1. Northern Perimeter Highway -- Planning 1107. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action -- Standing Orders Suspension 5115. Motion 5154. Amendment to Motion 5167. Rotinest Island Authority Bill - 2r. 5936. Corn. 5941. Solar Energy Research Amendment Bill - 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6644. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Government Employees -- Positions 1423. Overseas Travel 4272. Sport and Recreation -- Camp -- Noalimba -- Government's Proposal 25 1. Standing Orders Suspensi.on -- No 178 -- Electoral Distribution (Rottnest Island) Amendment Bill - Points of Order 5795. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action 5115S. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2836. State Energy Commission -- Advertising 4411. State Finance - Budget -- Allocations -- Urban Public Transport Projects 427 1. Estimates--. Advertising 4052. Statement -- Retirement of Premier and Deputy Premier 83 10. Stock -. Animal Breeding Research Institute 4911, 5581, 7520, 7685. Midland Saleyards-- Lease 520, 752. Pig Industry Compensation Fund 868,1107. Sheep Lim Eradication Fund 7925. Superannuation -- Government Employees Superannuation Fund 405 1. Schemes - Magistrates 6985. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice- Motion -- Point of Order -- Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 848. Taxes and Charges -- Evasion 4413. Technology Development Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2632. Corn. 264 1. Technology .. Computers - Australia Card -- Land Line Matching 4044. Databanks - Access 3797, 3798. Employee Security 4039. Health Authorities 3797. Information 4038, 4039. Registrar General's Office 3798. Home Installations 4153. Tourism -- Visitors -- America's Cup 250. Transport -- Authorities -- Fraudulent aims 4567, 5023. Buses-- Operations - Menredin Electorate 877. (260) C [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] C

Transport (continued)-- Fertilisers 1134. Grain -- Overload Tolerance 3265. Heavy Haulage Weighing -- Private Firm 2243. Metropolitan Transport Trust 4561. Road -- Interstate -- Legislation 970. Small Claims Tribunal 3264. Westrail 4566, 4567. 5188. Unions -- Civil Service Association -- Non-members 558 1. Teachers Union 4268,4567, 751t9. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill - Council's Amnendmnents 5001. WA Exim Corporation -- Autonomy 5817. Board 1791, 3569. Water Resources- Dams -- Emergency .. Water Transportation 3566. Extension--. Pingaring 752 1. Harris River 377. Kulin District High School 4269. Mains -- Berries Hamburger Bar 6670. Pingaring 7173. Rural - Maintenance 5563. Rates -- Farm Land 4909. Shortages -- Shims 520. Water Authority -- Advertising Expenditure 4154. Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 2119. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill - 2r. 5408. Women's Electoral Lobby - Financial Arrangements 4764.

CRANE, MR ASV. (Moore) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Kava Distribution 2525. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- 2r. 3782. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- 2r. 5801. Corn. 5897-5900, 5903, 5905. point of Order 5903. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill- Corn. 6250. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - 2r. 5790. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill - 2r. 4547. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 511. Topics Discussed - Agriculture 511. America's Cup - Aurratia 11514. Education -- School Buses 513. Emergency Services -- Lancelin Sea Rescue Unit 511. Energy -- FuelI512. Goventment Iantumentalities 511. Industrial Relations -- Strikes 513. Tourism 514. Trade 513. Water Resources 512. Agriculture 234, 3827. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4236,4238. Topics Discussed - Bertrm, Captain 4244. Braille Society 4240. Defence - Aircraft 4240. C C ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]C C (21(261)

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Dill (continued) - 2r. (continued)- Topics Discussed (continued) -- Government Vehicles 424 1. Health -- Smoking 4234. Legal Practitioners 4242. Members of Parliament -- Member for Perth 4244. Vallentine, Senator 4243. Waste Disposal -- Mindarie 4240. Water Resources -- B indi Bindi 4238S. Wanneroo, 4239. Corn. -- Divisions -- Education 7853. Fisheries 7878. Appropriation (General LoDan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4720. To conmy- Consumer Ciedit 4720. Money Supply 472 1. Natural Resources 4722. Australia Card--. Bill -Opposition-.- Motion 3899. Biological Control Bill 1986 -- Question -- Assent 986. Bread Amendment Bill - 2r. 5632. Corn. 5776. Bread -- Act -- Breaches 5027. Delivery 2962. Committee for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Motion 2187. Community Luncheons 6658. Crime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1733. Dog Amendment Bill- 2r. 1077. Corn. 1092, 1093. Recoin. 1891. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill -- 2r. 4999. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7113. 3r. 7308. Fisheries -- Crayfish -- Boat licenices 234. Economic Market Factors 7164. Fisherman-.- Offences 542 1. investigation 5963. Pool 7924. Pot Entitlements - Petition l4. Seasonal Catch 5420. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6102. Health 234, 2525, 5207. Housing--. Homeswest -- Loans -- Waiting List 4439. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry .- Terms of Reference - Motion 2187. Land -- Reserves - Protection-.- Petition 14. Liquor Amendment Bill -- Corn. 281 1-2815. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7258. Matketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1056. Matter of Public Importance -- Crime Wave 1733. Members of Parliament -- Imprest Account .- Operation 3479. Community Luncheons -- Invitations 6658. Ministers of the Crown.- Minister for Agriculture 123 1, 295 1. Motor Vehicles--. Drivens -- Overtime 4574. (262) C (262) C[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]D D

Motions - Australia Card -- Bdi - Opposition 3899. Police Commissioner-- Confidence -- Amendment to Motion 7426. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Reviw Committee Inquiiy -- Terms of Reference 2187. Pesticides 3827. Petition -- Fisheries -- Rock Lobster- Pot Entitlements 14. Police Commissioner -- Confidence -- Motion - Amendment to Motion 7426. Prisoners - Kalgoorlie 6990. Property -- Foreign Ownership 5564. Reserves and Land Revesunent Bill (No 2) - 2r. 6628. Corn. 6629. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. 6911. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 3347. Corn. 3647,3651. Rochwells Ltd -- Government Action -- Amendment to Motion 5164. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6604, Sport and Recreation -- Superdrome 6494. State Government Insurance Commission Review -- Terms of Reference -- Motion 2187. Stock (Braids and Movement) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 963. Tourism -- Hotel Comptex -- Juuien Boat Harbour 4569. Toys 7680. Water Resources -- Underground -- Water Table Information 2689.

DANS, HON D.K. (South Metropotitan) - Adjournment Debates - Members of Parliament -- Government Members -- Hon Neil Oliver's Comments 5238. Parliament House Staff- Retirement 31t84. Criminal Code Amendment Bill - 2r. 2008. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r, 6874. Minister of the Crown -- Attorney General - Appointment as Queen's Counsel -- Statement 7530. Motion -- Stock -- Saleyards -- Midland -- Select Committee -- Witnesses -- Offences -- Withdrawal of Remark 5223. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement- Adjournment Debate 3184. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r,7029, Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) - Corn. 5995. Roitnest Island Authority Bill - 2r. 633 1. Stock -- Saleyards -- Midland - Select Committee -- Witnesses -- Offences -- Motion -- Withdrawal of Remark 5223.

DEPUJTY CHAIRMAN OP COMM]ritFES. IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND ACTING SPEAKER (MRS Y.D. HENDERSON, BA, Dip Ed, iP) (Gosnells) - See also "Henderson, Mrs Y.D., RA, Dip Ed, JP". Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 3767. Point of Order 3767. Evidence Amendment Bill -- Corn. 5539. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Bill -- Corn.-- Withdrawal of Remark 1914. Prompt Payment of Government Accounts Bil -- 2r. -- Point of Order 1 1%. Acting Speaker's Ruling 1200. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Coin. 7449, 7450, 7486. Rothwells. Ltd -- Government Action -- Amendment to Motion - Point of Ortder 516S. Ruling - Prompt Payment of Government Accounts Bill 1200. D [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ D (263)

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND ACTING SPEAKER (DR C.M. LAWRENCE, B Psych, Ph 0) (Subiaco) - See also "Lawrence. Dr CM-t B Psych. Ph D". Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Council's Amendments 2859. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill - Corn. 2337. Points of Order 2342, 2345, 2346. Remarks during Division 2346. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. -- Withdrawal of Remark 4224. Corn. - - Points of Order 7795, 7802. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill- Corn. - - Point of Order 8054. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)- Cori. -- Point of Order 7779. As to Report 7780. Dog Amendment Bill -- Corn. -- Point of Order 1095. Electoral Blackmail -- Point of Order 4776. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Withdrawal of Remark 6069. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- Corn. 6423. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - Corn. 1902, 1932, 1933, 1936. Points of Order 1918, 1919, 1937. Council's Amendments 3220. Points of Order 3218, 3219. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 7438, 7441. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. -- Points of Order 6598,6603, 6604. Withdrawal of Remark 6602.

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THlE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY AND ACTING SPEAKER (MR W.L THOMAS, BA) (Welshpool) See also "Thomas. , W.I., BA". Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- Corn. -- Point of Order 5905. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speechi - Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 572. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill Corn.- Division -- Western Australian Government Railways Commission 8070. Boxing Control Bill -- Corn. 963. Bread Amendment Bill- Corn. 5778. Bush Pies Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 956. Dog Amendment Bill -- Coin. 1088. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill - Corn. -- Point of Order 6205. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- Corn. 6114. (264) D (264) D[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]D D

Industrial Relations Legislation -- Motion - Point of Order 1205. Local Goverrnent Amendment Bil (No 2) -- 2r. -- Point of Order 7274. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill - Council's Message 6933. Residential Tenancies Bill- Corn. 7495, 7496. Trustee Companies Bill - Corn. 7666.


DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND DEPUTY PRESIDENT, HON ROBERT HETHERINGTON, BA (South East Metropolitan) - See also 'Hetheringteon, Hon Robert, BA " Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Amendments -- Distribution -- Adjournment Debate 1164. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill - Corn. 6507, 6567. Point of Order 65 12. Adjouronent Debate - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Amendments -- Distribution 1164. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill-- Corn. 785. Decorum of the Chamber 2576. Governent Instrumentalities -- Privatisation -- Motion 6885. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Corn. 914. Assembly's Message 2714-2717, 2720. Markting of Eggs Amendment Bill.-- Assembly's Request for Conference -- As to Consideration in Committee 6880.

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND DEPUTY PRESIDENT, HON CARRY KELLY, B App Sci (Physics) (South Metropolitan)- See also "Kelly. Hon Garry. B App Sci (Physics)"- Main Roads Amendment Bill -. Assembly's Message 2722. 2723. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- Corn. 2403. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 8210.

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND DEPUTY PRESIDENT, HON MARK NEVILL, B Sc (Horn), JP (South East)- See also 'Nefill,Han Mark, B Sc (Horn). JP". Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 548 1. Electoral Distribution (Ituest Island) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6027. 3r. 6029. Point of Order 6029.

DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND DEPUTY PRESIDENT, HON JOHN WILLIAMS, BA, JP (Metropolitan) - See also 'Willians, Hon John. BA. JP. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill -- Corn. 4967, 4968, 5064, 5065, 5069, 5070, 5072, 5073, 5080, 5081, 5101. D D[IUNDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]D D (265)(25

Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Corn. 1307, 1320, 1328, 1335. 1338, 1339, 1473. 1477, 1479, 1483, 1489. 1495, 1496, 1501, 1502, 10$8, 1514, 1608, 1609, 1612, 1616, 1617, 1623, 1627, 1631, 2018, 2022, 2024, 2032, 2033, 2031, 2043, 2044,2052.2053,2058,2059,2061,2065. Points of Order 1299, 1320. 1336, 1411, 1477. 1490, 1608, 1623, 2018, 2032, 2044, 2049. Ruling by the Deputy Chairman 2044. Progress 1267. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- Corn. 7548, 7549, 7553, 7554. 7558, 7561-7563, 7573, 7574. Acts Amndment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill -- Corn. 3006. Acts Amendment (Totlisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. -- Point of Order 7970. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Consideration of Tabled Paper - Withdrawal of Remark 3942. Bills - Printing 5101. Chattel Securities Bill Corn. 7363. Decorum of the Chamber 434, 1027, 1302, 2018, 2063, 2065, 5053. 5056, 5740, 6331, 6717, 7969. 7973. 8114,8115, 8200, 8202, 8235. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill - Corn. 4633,4634,4636,4638,4661,4792.4795. Forests -- Revocation of Dedication - Assembly's Resolution -- Motion 2995. Gold Banking Corporation Bill - As to Report 6723. Legislative Council Chamber -- Committee Debates 6723. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8 110. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 3068. 3075, 3078. Assembly's Further Amendmnents 3173, 3182. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2161. Motion -- Forests - Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution 2995. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - Assembly's Message 3162, 3166. Points of Order 3165-3167. Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3167. Objection to Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3168. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 8228, 8229, 8232, 8235, 8237, 8241, 8242, 8249. Point of Order 8242. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 7043. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Assembly's Message 7725. Rotinest Wsand Authority Bill - Corn. 6336. 6344. Rulings - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Corn. -- Point of Order 2044. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - Corn.-- Point of Order 3167.

DONOVAN, MR F.A., BSW (Dis) (Morley-Swan)- Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 3888, 3988. Topic Discussed - Social Policy 3888,3988. Appropniation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2r. 4732. Topics Discussed -- Oruaves. Mr Arthur 4733. Transpeith 4733. Vietnam Veterans - Sydney Reunion 4732. Chemicals -- Fluoride 4053. (266) D (266)rIDEX D TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]D D

Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4855. Environment 4053,4912. Evans, Cr Rod -- Comments -- Electoral Rolls 5978. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Investigation -- Select Committee 4282. Grievance -- Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Racist Posters 4114. Heath 1987, 3573. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Taxation Proposal -- Motion 2225. Uquor Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2807. Local Government -- Electoral Roll -- Councllor's Comment 5978. Maiden Speech 1702. Members of Pariament -- Opposition - Federal -- Health Policies 1987. Motion -- Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2225. Multicultural and Etic Affairs -- Racist Posters -- Grievance 411t4. Petitions -- Sex Shops -- Control 6894, 7590, 7742. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment 3390. Select Committee -- Investigation -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4282. Sewerage -- Effluent Disposal Select Committee -- Report -- Extension of Time 6756. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitions 6894, 7590. 7742. Supply Bill -- 2r. 1702. Topics Discussed -- Electorate of Morley-Swan 1702. Personal Background 1705. Social Policy 1705. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal - Motion 2225. Video Tapes Classifi cation and Control Bill -- Amendment -- Petition 3390.


DEPUTY LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION -- See 'Court, Mr RJ. B Corn". "Laurance, Mr 1J. BAt

DEPIJTY PREMIER -- See "Bryce,IHan M4, BA, JP".

DEPUTY PRESIDENT See "Chairman of Comm ittees in tile Legislative Council" and "Deputy Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council",

DEPUTY SPEAKER -- See "Chairmanof Committees in the Legislative Assembly".

DOWDING, HON PETER, LL B, MINISTER FOR WORKS AND SERVICES, MINISTER FOR LABOUR, PRODUCTIVITY AND EMPLOYMENT, MINISTER ASSISTING THE TREASURER, AND MINISTER ASSISTING THE MINISTER FOR PUBUIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT (Maylands) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact -- Matter of Public Importance 75 94. National Employment Strategy 443 1. Acts Amendment (Corrective Services) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 2443, 2r. 2443, 3727. 3r. 3727. D D ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]D D (267)(2)

Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill -- 2r. 6737, 7765. Corn. 7765-7770. 3r. 7770. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitiors, Costs and Taxation) Bil - It. 4889. 2r. 4889, 5791. Coin. 5793, 5794. 3r. 5795. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill - Intro.; IF. 1169. 2r. 1169. 2195. 3r. 2196. Council's Amendment 3220. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill - 2r. 6239. 7634. Corn. 7636-7638. 3r. 7638. Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Hours) Bill Intr.; Ir. 1534. 2r. 1660. Cognate Debate 6447. Corn. 6450-6461. 3r. 6462. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendments to Motion 95. 348. Point of Order 101. Withdrawal of Remark 101. Topics Discussed - Brsh, Mr Len -- Loan Allegations 95. Westminster System 348. Agriculture -- Farmers -- Legal Aid 1101. Animals - Dog Attacks 140. Anzac Day -- Act -- Amendment 1122. Holiday Arrangements 605. Public Holiday -- Meeting 1720. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. -- Points of Order 3880,4391. Architects Act - Amendment 4049. Arts -- Woodcraft 2395. Associations Incorporation Bill - It. 40014. 2r. 4004, 5020. Corn. 5249-5260, 5397-5400. 3r. 5400. Questions -- Amendments 3483. Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 3893. Withdrawal of Remark 3742. Computer Matching 4153. Government Instrumentalities--. Cost 4160. Legal Advice -- Motion 4132. Opposition -. Government Support 3575. Australia Day Holiday 2693. Australian Bicentennial Celebrations--. Prisoners -- Amnesty 645. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill - Incro.: Ir. 5244. Bradford Kendall .. Hypercfroine Technology 4278. Bread Amendment Bill - 2r. 3721, 5637. Corn. 5778-5781. 3r. 5888. Council's Amendments 7670. Questions -- Representations 1876. Bread -- Act -- Breaches 5027. Deliveries 2962. (268) D (INDEX TO QUEST-IONS & SPEECHES] D

Brooks, Mr and Mrs E. 1582, 1866. Building Industry - Builders'lRegistration Act 523. Code of Conduct 892. Wet Weather Work 11 13. Building Management Authority - Budget Allocation 4901. Day Labour Employees 1113, 2244, 4904. Employees 2955. 3247. Employment 1112. 3247. Expenditure 4582. Operations Division It119. Outstanding Debts 4436. Parliament House Accommodation 1244. Wet Weather Work 11 13. Workers' Compensation 2955. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill - Council's Amendments 2818-2822. Businesses -- Australian Securities Commission 4414. Business Names Registration 4585. Companies and Securities Advisory Committee 239, 1228, 381 1. Companies and Securities Cooperative Scheme 2385. Corporate Affairs Department 1785. Limited Partnerships 1227. National Companies Scheme 1585. Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee -- Privatisation 3922. Chattel Securities Bill -- Intro.: Jr. 5244. Citizens' Advice Bureaus 1577, 2138. Coldale Constructions; Ply Ltd 4776. Commissioners for Declarations 1102, 4049. Community Services - Children - Adoptions - Birth Certificates 1586. Child Care Traineeships 268 1. Surrogate Motherhood Legislation 86. Family Law Act -- Amendments -- O'Connor Report 2139. GROW -- Funding 2687. Ngal-A Mothervrnht Home and Training Centre 5306. Villa Maria Homes 1102. Women's Refuges 3483. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Geographic Inform~ation Computer System 6130, 7164. Consumer Affairs - Small Claims Tribunal 2138, 3264. Copeman, Mr Charles 2397. Courts - Clerk of the Court -- Newman 8346. Defendants -- Cost Recovery 4154. Evidence -- Taking on Commission 1785. Family Court -- Powers -- Enlargement 8348. Restraining Orders 2948. 2949. Jurors -- Female 1784. Supreme Court 3264, 5563. Crime -- Assault - Sentences - Weymouth,. David 4576. Charges -- WA AIDS Council -- Pamphlets 986. Convictions- Commissioners of Declarations 1102. Crime Wave--Matter of Public Importance 1730. Criminal Injuries Compensation -- Dog Attacks 140. Criminal Records -- Expunging 7168. Cross Indecency 974. Indecently Dealing 1223. Murder Charge - Albany 2678. National Crime Prevention Authority 6481. Sentences -- Review 735. Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Ir. 7288. 2r. 7288. 7758. Coin. 7758-7762, 3. 7762. D [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] D (269)

Dangerou Goods Regulations - Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Effect 1283. Declarations and Attestations Amendment Bill- 2r. 1798. 3r. 1798. Door to Door Trading Bill - 2r. 178. Drainage-.- Busseltoti 3820. Easton. Mr Brian 6140. Education -- High School -- Pinjarm40l47. Primary School -- Warvona 1582, 1866. School Cleaning - Matter of Public lImportance 2183. Technical and Further Education -- Functional Review Committee 4158, 5194. Mt Lawley - Apprentice Hairdressers 235. Perth College -- Printing Trade 2247, 2958. Rental 2388. Employment and Training -- Apprentices -- Assessment Procedures 1242. Final Industry Examinations 884. Government Departments 1431. Hairdressers 235. 2685. On-the-job Examinations 1868. Statistics 133. Tailors 987. Avon Joblink 6483. Bunbury Employment Profile 4902. Department -- Apprenticeship Officers 1870. Employment -- Joblink Centres 5810,.6133. Juniors -- Building Management Authority 11 12. Plymouth Brethren 1247. Productivity Policy Unit 6665. Restrictive Work Practices 1114. Tradesmen - Country Towns 7173. Traineeships 2681. Training Programmes 4432. Tripartite Interim Council 6665. Youth Employmnent Servces Officer -- Rockingham 5700. Energy -- Gas -- North West Shelf Gas Project -- Mauter of Public Imiportance -- Motion 3307; Amendment to Motion 33 10. Environment -- Yunderup, Canals 4588. Equal Opportunity -- Employee:Dismissal -- Union Membership 3Z49. Factories and Shops Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 5182. 2r. 5245. 3r. 5950. Family Cowlt Amendment Bill Ir. 1377. 2r. 1538, 2658. 3r. 2659. Family Law -- Act - Amendments 2139. Practitioners Association 2948. Financial Administration and Audit Act- Reporting Procedures - Ministerial Statement 4213. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill - 2r. 2444. Financial Institutions - Teachers Credit Society Ltd - Attorney Geea-- Awareness 4423. Select Comite Inquiry - Amendment to Motion 3449; Points of Order 3463, 3465. Staff 7174, 7177. Freecorns-Metro-Bicton Transactions Case 4037. Government Buildings .. Harrison House - Demolition 5189. Office of Government Accommodation - Expenditure 4579. Outstandfing Debts 4438. Requirements 144. Government Contracts - Furniture 3491. (270) D (270) D[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES])

Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- 2r. 1368,2368. Cognate Debate 2349. Corn. 2373-2383. 3r. 2383. Council's Amendments 2846. Government Employees -- Conditions of Employment 888. Departmeots -- Ministers of the Crown 1429. 1578. Public Servants - Appointments 6820. Reductions 4595. Government Instrumentalities -- Apprenticeships 143 1. Australia Card 4160. Dealings -- Government Corporations 369,370. Payments -- WA Development Corporation 6132. Government Publications -- State Printing Division 1245,4449,4900. Government Stores -- Fluorescent Lamps 1116. Government -- Second Tier Wage Increase 4905. Grievances -- Sex Change -- Legal Status 5262. Workers' Compensation -- Family Companies 1178. Hairdressers - Apprentices 235. 2685. Clasifications -- Amalgamation 2686. Registration Act -- Amendment 1586, 2686. Registration Board -- Abolition 2685. Appointments 1586. Chairman and Deputy Chairman 3249. Future 4586. Government Representatives 2686. Members 2685, 3249. Review 2685. Staff 2685. Registration Procedures 883. Health -- AIDS 986, Disabled Persons 3491. Drungs -- On-the-spot ines 141. Kamnien Committee 3380. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- Intro.; IT.5244. Hzynkiw, Mr Ramnon -- Employment -- Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment 987. Human Tissue anod Transplant Amendment Bill -- 2r. 179. Industrial Development -- Esperance Enterprise Development Agency 5028. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4>-- Intro.; Ir. 5620. 2r. 7752. Coin. 7754-7757. 1r. 7757. Industrial Relations -- Awads-- Annual Leave Loading 8352. Building Industry 1113. Plymouth Brethren 1247. Review 5570. Commonwealth Legislation -- Complementary State Legislation 112 1. Condemnation -- Motion 1208; Amendment to Motion 1553. Copemnan, Mr Charles 2397. Disputes -- Argyle Diamond Mines Ply Ltd 5206. Fremantle Pont 392. North West Shelf Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 3307; Amendment to Motion 33 10. Stop-work Meetings -- "Approved" 391. Time Lost 245. Employment Protection Legislation-- Introduction 125. Poticies -- Liberal Party 3270. D [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] D (271)

Industrial Relations (continued) -- Redundancy -- Severance Pay Claim 4776. Second Tier Wage Increase 4905. Strikes -- Legislation 599. Working Days Lost 743. lanes-Browni, Mr Malcolm 3253. Jansen, Mr -- Al~legtons -- Albany Town Councl 3262. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amendment Dill - 2r. 5621, 6397. Points of Order 6396. 3r. 6397. Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Bill - It. 4150. 2r. 4219, 5417. Questions 5025,5026. Justices Act -- Section 172 Inquiry 2948. Land - Reserves- a.Cassificaion 2688. Valuations 2139, 5 188. Law Reform Commission -- Investigations 73 1. Legal Aid Assistance 1100, 110 1. Legal Practitioners -- Adt-- RepeatI4037. Costs Committee 6648. Law Society .. Associations Incorporation Bill -- Amendments 3483. State Energy Commission Act 141. Third Party Cheques 5564. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill - 2r. 3238. 3733. Liberal Party - Industrial Relations Policies 3270. Policies -- Government's Stealing 6655. Local Cowrts Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Intro.; Ir. 5244. Local Courts Amendment Bill - 2r. 1280, 1885. Corn. 1885. Report 1885. 3r. 1885. Local Government - Albany Town Council 3262. Reserves -- alassiflcaion 2688. West Pilbara Shire Council 2953. Matters of Public Importance -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact 7594. Crime Wave 1730. Education -- School Cleaning 2183. Industrial Dispute - North West Shelf Gas Project 3307. Members of Parliament - Member for alontadf -- Trading Hours; 453. Member for Murchison-Eyre -- Easton. Mr Brian 6140. Member for Stirlin. -Albany Town Council 3262. Opposition--. Public Servants - Appointments 6820. Small alaimns Tribunal 2138. Minerals - Diamonds 874,5206. Prospecting Leases 7675. Ministers of the Crown - . fRmr 09 Allegations - Motion .WddalofRmr279 Attorney General -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4423. Attorneys General - Standing Committee -- "XC-rated Videos 8337. Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee -- State Printing Division 1245. Tedlanical and Further Education 4158. Government Employees 1429, 1578. Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment - European Tour 392. Haynkiw. Mr Ramon 987. Job Applicant--. Confidentiality 3801. Personal Explanation 2071. Overseas Travel 4277, 4415. 60200-10 (272) D [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] D

Motions - Australia Card- Bill -- Opposition 3893. Legal Advice 4132. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry- Amendment to Motion 3449; Points of Order 3463, 3465. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation 1208. Disputes -- North West Shelf Gas Project 3301: Amendment to Motion 3310. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers' Licenices 5025. Government -- Government Employees 888. Natde, Gary Michael 7159, 7673. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5006. 3r. 5006. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 452. 2r. 544, 1687, 1740. Withdrawal of Remark 1392. Corn. 1749-1781, 1903-1975. Points of Order 1918, 1919. 1936, 1937, 1947, 1967, 1972, 1973. 3r. 2188, 2193. Council's Amendments 3207-3219. Question [283. Occupational Health. Safety and Welfare -- Sun Exp osure 247. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation 1244. Perth Observatory 2523, 442 1. Personal Explanation -- Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment- Allegations 207 1. Petitions -- Sex Shops -- Control 7590. Transport- Buses--. Services .- Maylands 5619. Plymouth Brethren - Industrial Awards 1247. Police -- Family Court Restraining Orders 2948, 2949. Ports and Harbours -- Boat Harbours -- Hillarys 4904. Pt Picquet 1246. Dredging- Yunderup Canal 4588. Fremantle - Employees -- Stand-by 11 13. Industrial Disputes - Time Lost 392. Jetty - Busselton 1247. Marine and Harbours Department -- Staff 3565. Prisons - Canning Vale - Electronic Surveillance Equipment I1D97. Observation Towers 3253. Support -- Casuarina Prison 142 1. Work Release Centre 122. Casuarina -- Eartbworks 3253. Name 1587. Plans 1097. Preliminary Works 1098. Prisoners - AIDS 4567. Birnie, David 1587,4764. Daily Average Poplation 4 4 11. Federal Offences 5967. Homosexual Attacks 4153. Income Tax Returns 241. Minimum Security 6485. Offences Committed in Custody 6298. Payments 4764. Privatisation 7337. Remand--. Waiting Period 6982. Remission Rate 2678. Strict Security life Imprisonment 3488. United Stares Citizens 6486. "Prisons and Criminal Justice" -- Report 1223. Security Patrols -- Dogs 3253. D D[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] D (273)23

Privatisation -- Functional Review Committee Recommendauion 3922. Prisons 7337. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill -- Ian.; IL. 4683. 2r. 4839, 5522. 3r. 5523. Regional Development -- South West 2395. Registrar General's Office -- Databanks 3798. Reserves and Land Reveshinent Bill (No 2) - Into.; It. 5244, Residential Tenancies Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 5244. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 1376. Cognate Debate 6447. Corn. 6450-6461. 3r. 6461. Council's Amendments 7286,7287. Question 1876. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - Corn. -- Point of Order 692 1. Roberts, Mr M. 3249. Roberts, Mrs Norma Mary 3249. Rothwelts Ltd -- Government Action -- Amendment to Motion 5 168; Point of Order 51t68. Services - Federal Government 1243. Sex Change -- Legal Status -- Grievance 5262. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petituons 7590. Shopping -- Late Night Trading -- Easter Thursday 542. Trading Hours - Extensions 4453, 4899, 5037. Legislation 1876. Retail 6304. Sport and Recitation -- Cycteways 56. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 2611. Point of Order 2600. Corn. 2614-2619. 3r. 2620. Stamp Duty Office -- Delays 8089. State Energy Commission Act -- Amendments 141. State Engineering Works - Equipment Sales 3379, 3380. Expenditure 4583. Financial Affairs 3484. Land Sale - WA Development Corporation 3378. Management Services - WA Development Corporation 3379. Outstanding Debts 4436. Sale 3573. State Finance -- Budget Allocations - Building Management Authority 4901. Statutory Declarations 1785. Stock -- Horses 1420. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill 2r. 1368. 2368. Cognate Debate 2349. Corn. 2372. 3r. 2372. Taxes and Charges - Income Tax Returns -- Prisoners 24 1. Land Tax -- Assessments 4909, 51%6. Exemptions 1420. Techolog -- Leased Property 3809. Computers -- Conservation and Land Management Department 6130. Databanks 3798. Hyperchrome - Memorandum of Agreement 4278. Thiele, Mr ERP.-- Associations Incorporation Bill -- Amendments 3483, Tradesmen - Country Towns 7173. (274) D [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] E

Traffic -- Fnes 8089. Offences 4767. Parking Fines 4903. Pedestrians -- Cycleways 864. Transport -- Bus Services - Maylands - Petition 5619. Taxis 1784. Trustee Companies Bill -- Ir. 6419. 2r. 6419,7660. Point of Order 7659. Corn. 7661-7668. 3r. 7668. Trustees Amendment Bill - Ir. 6416. 2r. 6416. 6769. Corn. 6769-6773. 3r. 6773. Trustees - Authorised Investments 6133. Unions -- Civil Service Association 558 1. Liquor and Allied Industries Union 885. May Day Rally -- Bannmers -- Government Grant 1419. Membership .. Employee -- Dismissal 2960, 3249. Minimum Age 885. Videos -- 'X"-ntedS8337. WA Development Corporation - Government Inistrumientalities 369, 370, 6132. Land Sale 3378. Management Services 3379. WA Exim Corporation -- Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 369, 370. Wages and Salaries -- National Wage Increase 157. Warman Inteenational 4278. Waterfront Workers (Compensation for Asbestos Related Diseases) Amendment Bill Intro.: Ir. 1170. 2r. 1170,2462. 3r. 2462. Weymouthi, Mr David 4576. Wills Amendment Bill -- Ir. 3655. 2r. 3655. 3r. 4519. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Amendment Bilm- Intra.: Ir. 2307. 2r. 2307, 2464. 3. 2465. Workers' Compensation -- Building Management Authority Employees 2955. Employers' Responsibilities 5711. Family Companies -Grievance 1178. Warman International -- Hyperchnvme Technology 4278. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Ad-- Amendments 1117. Youth -- Youth Employment Services Officer -- Rockingham 5700.

EDWARDS, HON GRAHAM, MINISTER FOR SPORT AND RECREATION AND PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY OF THE CABINET (North Metropolitan). Abattoirs - Gascoyne 6382. Midland 1515. 4971. WA Meat Marketing Corporation 802 1. Aboriginal Lands Trust 654. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- Ir. 3833. 2r. 3833, 3845. Corn. 3846. 3r. 3847. E E ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]E E (275)(25

Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- Ir. 5839. Zr. 5839,6502. Corn. 6505-6507,6512-6519, 6566-6571. 3r. 6373. Acts Amendment (Ment Industry) Bil -- Ir. 5347. 2r. 5347, 635 1. Corn. 6353-6365. 3r. 6365. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - It. 7576. 2r. 7576, 7978. Corn. 7981-7995. 3r. 7996. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill -- IJr. 2404. Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gaming) Bill - J r. 5838. 2r. 5838, 5985. kr 5985. Adjournment Debate - Vietnam Veterans -- Sydney Parade 4336. Adjournment of the House -- Special 4204. Aged Persons 3135. Agriculture -- Aerial Spraying Act 5749. Agricultural Societies 1038. Agriculture Protection Board 5749, 575 1. Farms -- Water Loan Fund 5882. Fertiiser Collection Points 2066. Pesticides 7229. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 2066, 2067. Rytington Park Farm 6729. Salinity - Select Committee -- Amendments to Motion 8 147; Appointment of Select Committee 8147. Alexander, Mr Ron 4342. Animals -- Rabbits 3034. Arts Groups 789. Australia Car 4087. Austraian Bicentennial Celebrations 588 1. Australia Post 4668. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- fir. 5983. 2r. 5983,6162. 3r. 6162. Betting Control Amendment Bill - Jr. 1004. 2r. 1004, 1259. Corn. 1260. 3r. 1260,5881. Bills - Standing Orders Suspension -- Rescission- Motion 4169. Boxing Control Bill -- Ir. 1001. 2r. 1002, 1158. 3r. 1158. Broadcomn - National Football League 3716. Bunhury Port Authority Amendment Bill -- Ir. 4496. 2r. 4496, 5215. 3r. 5215. Bush Fires Amendment Bill - tr 1001. 2r. 1001, 1632. Corn. 1635. 3r. 1635. Chritable Organisauions 4826. Communications -- Radio 5108,8172. Television -- Football -- Country Areas 3716,.3719, 5615, 6576. Sheffield Shield Cricket Machs 5755. (276) E [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] E

Communications (continued) -- Television (continued) - Sporting Telecasts 3718. Victorian Football League 4343. West Coast Eagles 305,6576. Community Services - Emmaus Women's Refuge 7407. Crime - Break-ins 1343, 2299. Criminal Records 7738. Dog Amendment Bill - Ir. 2014. 2r. 2014. Point of Order 2015. Corn. 2531-2538. 3r. 2699. Education -- Junior Sport 217 1. Non-Government Schools 3526. Parents and Citizens Association -- Belmont 5885. Rossmoyne Primary School 3138. Schools -- Sports Specialist 2173. Wagin District Hfigh School 4679. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4200. Emergency Services -- Fremantle Surf Club 8023. Energy -- Petrol 788. Environment--. Ozone Layer 4339. Factories and Shops Amendment Bill - Ir. 5985. 2r. 5985. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill- Ir. 2793. 2r. 2793. Firearms Amendment Bill -- Ir. 3283. 2r. 3283, 3693. 3r. 3694. Fire Brigades 657. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill - I r. 4955. Zr. 4955. 5332. Corn. 5332, 5333. 3r. 5333. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Ir. 7370. 2r. 7370, 7568. Cam. 7571. 3r. 7571. Fisheries -- Marron 5359. Floriculture -- Chrysanthemums 2305. Gambling -- Instant Lotteries- Administrative Costs 790. Distributions 790, k654,5886, 6191, 8027, 8028, 8253-8255. Sporting Equipment Grants 4211, 4212. Lotteries Commission 4826. Lotto 8303. Tot alisator Agency Board Agencies 1343. Gamning Commission Bill -- It. 3598. 2r. 3598, 4067. Corn. 4186-4188. 3r. 4188. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- Ir. 6179. 2r. 6179. Government Employees 4342, 4343. Government Land -- Marshalling Yards- Bunbury 8223. Government Railways Amendment Bill - Ir. 2013. 2r. 2013. 2563. 3r. 2564. E flN EX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] E (277)

Government Travel -- Holiday WA Centres 656. Grain -- Freight Rates - Broomehifl-Albany 5359. Lupins -- Complaints 5749. Pool -- Bitter Lupins 6190. OrainfeedsLtd 6190. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- It. 911. 2r. 911, 1033. Corn. 1034-1036. 3r. 1036. Health -- Disabled Persons 4670. Horticulture -- Metropolitan Markets 2303, 3620. Potato Marketing Authority -- Minister's Instructions 2066. Land -- Burswood Hotel Site 1343. Rottnest Island Yacht Cub 1655. Yanchep National Park 3138. Liquor Amendment Bill -- Ir. 2763. 2r. 2763, 2983. Corn. 2985-2987. 3r. 2917. Liquor Outlets - Superdiome 2172. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2)- I r. 7368. 2r. 7368. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Ir. 2564. Zr. 2564, 3062. Corn. 3063-3087. 3r, 3087. Assembly's Further Amendlments 3173-3183. Local Government -- Airports 2304. Broome Shire Council 654. Carnarvon Shire Council 5111. Councils -- Road Grants 3616. Disadvantaged Shires 39170. Fremantle City Council 7082, 8023. Manjimup Shin Council 5749. Melville City Council 3138, 8223. Perth City Council 549 1. Rating -- United States Government Properties 2303. Roebourne Shire Council 3 137, 8293. Shark Bay Shire Council 6577. Swan Shire Council 6575. Wagin Shire Council 4679. Wiluna. Shire 2305. Lotteries Commission Subsidies 4826. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assemebty's Message 64. 2r. 628. Corn. 913-915. 3t. 1137. Assembly's Message 2714-22. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill - Ir. 1014. 2r. 1014, 1603, Corn. 2157-2160. 3r. 2400. Assembly's Message 4,617,4625. Point of Order 4625. Committee of Reasons 5216,5824. Assembly's Request for Conference 7383, 7390. Conference Managers' Report 7550. Mason, Gavin Patrick 4672. Members of Parliament 3137. 8175. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill -- I r. 2766. 2r. 2766. (278) E [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] E

Minerals 3528, 4672. Ministers of the Crown -- Minister for Agriculture 2066. Minister for Spoil and Recreation 4087, 6577. Mitcheil Mr Bill 4677. Motions - Agriculture - Salinity - Select Committee 8147. Bills - Standing Orders Suspension - Rescission 4169. Motor Vehicle Drivers Instrcbors Amendment Dill - Ir. 3600. 2r. 3600.,4189. 3r. 4189. Motor Vehicles -- Charges -- Concessions 3135. Drivers' Licences 3189. 4668. 7407. Mopeds6192,7738. Steering Wheel Locks 3970. Stock - Trailers 5484. Trucks 5484. National Safety Council 3139. Natural Disasters - Storm Surge Bafrier-- Bunbury 789. Nude Beach -- Fremantle 7082, 8023. Old Rockingham Bowling Green 5753. Pastoral Industry Leases -- Kimberley 2796. Pigment Factory (Australind) Agreement Amendment Bill- I r. 2791. 2r. 2791. Planning Developments -- Bunbury 5108. Police -- Boyup Brook 4497, 5749. Fraud Squad -- Emmaus Women's Refuge 7407. Traffic Patrolmen - Use of Sirens 5750. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- Ir. 2155. 2r. 2155, 2402. Cognate Debate 2398. Corn. 2403. 3r. 2404. Ports and Harbours -- Camarvon 3972, 6381, 6382. Fremanitle 7082, 8021, 8023. Port Operations Taskfomce 8221. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill- 2r. 3043. Corn. 3044. 3r. 3044. Racing anrdTrotting 5108, 7738. Regional Development -- Coordinator .. Narrogin 304. South West Development Authority 5883. 6729, 8021, 8225, 8293. Reserves and Land Revestmenr Bill (No 2) - Ir. 6560. 2r. 6560. Reserves and Land Revesunent Bill - It. 3521. 2r. 3521, 3933. 3r. 3933. Rivers - Gascoyne 6381. Swan 2441. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) - Ir. 3596. 2r. 3596, 5744. Corn. 5987-6019. Point of Order 6008. Recoin. 6019.. 3r. 6020. Assembly's Message 7725.7727. Question 6192. E B[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]EE (279)(29

Roads - Anmadale-Raveosthorpe Road 657. Bridges - Buxswood Island 6887. (3ascoyne River 2304, 6381. Bypass - Northamn 299. Canning Highway 4339. Challenger Parade-West Coast Hlighway 8024. Closures - Swan Shire 6575. Coral Bay Road 6887. Eastern Corridor Roads Study 8303. Eye Highway Upgrading 4671. Gramts 3616. Hardey Road 5885. Main Roads Department -- Nanrogin 658. 8303. Monkey Mia. 2304. Mowan Road 738. Mt Newman-Turner River 927. Old Coast Road - Dawesvife 3189. Roadhouse -- North West Coastal Highway 2798. Sheppertoc Road 7232. South Street 8223. Tonkin Highway 2303. Rotuest Island Authority Bill - It. 6037. 2r. 6037, 6334. Corn. 6337-6346. 3r. 6346. Rotmesa Island -- Hoard Members 1039. Boat Moaorings 655. Businesses 1039. Cottages 3618.4086. Land Reserve 2598. Ranger 8172. Tenders 3189. Yacht Club 1655. Rural Initiative Centre 8023. Select Committee -- Agriculture- Salinity- Amendments to Motion 8 147; Appointment 1147. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- it. 2794. 2r. 2794, 3092. Corn: 3093. 3r. 3094. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - It. 4954. 2r. 4954. 5328. 3r. 5329. Soil Fertility Research Amendment Bill - Ir. 4953. 2r. 4953, 5335. 3t.5335. South Africa 4344, 4345. South West Avicultural Society 1341. Sport and Recreation - Bowling - Shark Bay Club 6576. Competitions -- South Africa 43",.4345. Cricket - Sheffield Shield Matches 5755. Cycles-Bike pIan- Bunw 925. Department - ItatLottery Distributions 1654, 5886, 619 1. Development Officers 1042. Equipment - Instant Lottery Grams 4211, 4212. Facilities 2171, 5 111. Football - National Football League 3716. Telecasts - Country Area 2170-2172, 3716,3719. Victorian Football League 4343. WA Football League 2173, 3037. 3622. West Coast Eagles 305, 4343, 5615, 6576. Greyhound Racing 4,677, 6190, 7738. JuniorSport 1516,1517,2171. (280) E (280)flDEX B TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]E E

Sport and Recreation (continued) -- Noalimba Camp 66-69, 789. Schools -- Sports Specialists 2173. Signposting -- Albany 653. Soccer -- WA Soccer Federation 3190. Sporting Teams -- Management 5241. Sports Funding 8253-8254. Superdrome -- Effect 2172. Extensions 3626. Liquor Outlets 2172. Management 1042. Opening 6385. Operating Deficit 1042. Sports Centre Trust 8027, 8028. Swimming Larnes 6043. Swimming -- Beatty Park Pool 3037. Warm-up Pool 1043. World Championships 1043, 3974, 5491,.5492. Telecasts -- Exclusive Rights 3718. Standing Orders Suspension -- Bills -- Rescission -- Motion 4169. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- ILY2765. 2r. 2765. State Finance 3972. Statement by the Minister for Sport and Recreation -- Members of the Legislative Assembly- Criticism 8175. Stock (Brands and Movement) Amendment Bill- Ir. 1003. 2r. 1003, 1160. 3r. 1160. Smock -- Cattle 448, 802. Compensation Payments 4668. Herd Improvement Service 8022. Pig Cormpensauion Fund 1037. Sheep Shearing Championships 662. Trucks and Trailers 5484. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3125. Topics Discussed -- Ferry, Hon V.1. 3125. Harding. Mr Alan 3125. Taxes and Charges - Fuel Franchise Levy 3134. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5595. Corn- 5595-55917. 3r. 5597. Technology -- Computers 7233. TotaLisator Regulation Amendment Bill -- Ir. 1003. Zr. [003, 1161. 3r. 1161. Tourism -- Bridgetown-Greenbtrshes Tourist Bureau 6888, Brochures 1342. Bureaus 1341, 4668. Comnmission 4672, 7233. Developments 654, 6574. Holiday WA Centres 656. Kimberley Tourism Association 654. Regional Booklet 6888. Regional Tourism Research Monitor 8227. Traffic - Albany Highway-McMillan Street 4669. Counts -- Canning Highway, Como 8224. Lights - Slrppeton-Teddington Roads 4669. Pedestrian Crossings 2598, 4678, 5885. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- ir, 7381. 2r. 7 381, 7699. E E ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]E E (2)(281)

Transport Co-ordination Amendment BiW (continued) -- Corn. 7700-7704. 3r. 7704. Transport -- Air 789,2304. Boas 2441, 3134, Buses -- Bicentennial Terminal 1040. Bunbury -- Subsidisation 1274. Hire Charges -- Non-Government Schools 3526. Laiblain- Victoria Patk 6890. Midland -- Greyhound Australia Ply Ltd 1040, 1276. Franchise -- Quindanning 3970. Passengers -- Tax 788. Railways - Bonnie Rock-Burakin 657. Boyup Brook-Donnybrook Closure 5880. Commuters -- Penbh-Toodyay 434 1. Indian-Pacific8025. Land Release 6191. Mukinbudin-Wyalkatcbern 657. Sleepers 293, 660 Station - Moona 7230 Taxis 1271,4670. Transpenth 3968. Westrail 303. 3528. Vieinam Veterans -- Sydney Parade -- Adjournment Debate 4336. Water Resources -- Underground Wells 656. Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill -- Ir. 2156. 2r. 2156,2402. Cognate Debate 2398. 3r, 2404. Wildlife -- Big Swamp Bird Pak 134 1. Cockatoos 1654. Emnu Farmi Stock 3625. Zoological Gardens -- Perth - Pedestrian Crossing 2598.

EVANS, HION. M.D., BA (Warren) -- Agriculture 5692, 6136. Conservation and Land Management Department 1434, 2521. Environment -- Breakdown -- Petition 6579. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 1130. Fires -- Lighmzing-caused. 252 1. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 724 1. Fisheries -- Marron 6144. Forests -- State Forests .- Revocation of Dedication -- Amendment to Motion 2132. Timber Industry -- Employees 5566. Horticulture -- Vegetables 6136. Housing -- Warren Electorate 6648. Land -- National Paks-- Exploration - Petition 3849. Mining -- Petition 3849. Mineral Exploration -- National Parks - Petition 3849. Motions -- Condolence -- The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MLA 12. State Forests - Revocation of Dedication -- Amendment to Motion 2132. Nalder, The Late Mr CC, MLA -- Condolence Motion 12. Petitions -- Environment -- Breakdown 6579. Land - National Patks -- Mining and Exploration 3849. Sex Shops -- Control 7590. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- Corn. 2917. Tourism -- Accommodation -- Shannon River Basin 5566. Water Resources -- Dams 1434, 1877. (282) E [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] E

EVANS, BON MAX, MBE, FCA (Mefiropolitan) .. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill -- 2r, 4798. Corn.4968, 5058-5101. Assembly's Amendments 7534. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 2031. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - 2r. 3604. Corn. 3954-3966. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 278. Topics Discussed -- Auditor General's Report 285. Bosch, Mr Henry 279. Brush, Mr Len 287. Cant Corporation Ltd 284. Gate, Mr Keith 294. Government Railways Commission 288. Public Sector Accountability 278. State Superannuation Board 282. WA EXIM Corporation Ltd 28 1. WA Government Holdings Ltd 280. Aged Persons 3135. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 3944. Topics Discussed -- Budget 3944. Swan Building Society 3948. Taxes and Charges -- Fuel Tax 395 1. Land Tax 3945, 3949. Payroll Tax 3945, 3949. 3950. Stamp Duty 3945, 3950. State Energy Commission 395 1. Teachers Credit Society 3947. 3948. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill-- 2r. 8099. Topics Discussed -- Fire Brigades Board 8099. Sport -- Superdrome 8102. State Finance 8099. Associations Incorporation Bill -- 2r. 3274. Corn. 3694-3708. Auditor General's Reports 3975. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7353. Bills of Sale 2299. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill -- Corn. 769. 770, 772. Businesses- Companies and Securities Legislation -- Commonwealth Control - Ministerial Statement 8147. Corporate Affairs Commissioner 3530, 5756,5757. Cat Copoaton 8294. Chattel Securities Bill -- 2r. 7353. Corn. 7366. Dog Amendment Bill - 2r. 2437. Energy - Electricity ad Gas Charges 3135. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3030. Finacial Institutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 4169, 5104. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3623, 3976, Gambling - Instant Lotteries 8027, 8028. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6694. Corn. 6713-6723- E (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] E (283)

Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- 2r. 2539. Coin. 2557-2562. Government Instrumentalities 3132. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation - Opposition - Petition 2398. Housing 3132. Insurance 74 10. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6836. Land 3132, 3189. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 3070.,3077,3083-3087. Local Government -- Perth City Council 5491. Minerals - State Batteries 74 10. Motions -- Financial istitutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee 4169, 5104. Urgency -- Stamp Amendment Bill 3141. Motor Vehicles 3132, 3135. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2732-2735. Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7217. Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7216. Petition -- Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation -- Opposition 2398. Premier and Cabinet, Department of the 3133. Public Trustee 2299. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 8186. Corn. 8201-8209, 8257, 8270.8271. 8287-8290. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 7038. Rothwells Ltd 5111. Rural and industries Bank of Western Australia Bill -- See 'The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill." Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2400. Sewerage Concessions 3133. Sport and Recitation -- Development Officers 1042. Superdrome 1042.2172,3626. 8027. 8028. Swimming -- Heatty Park Pool 3037. World Championships 1043,3974,5491, 5492. WA Sports Centre Trust 1042. Scamp Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 7351. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 3006. Corn. 3D21, 3023, Urgency Motion 3141. State Finance 3132, 3133. Statement -- Ministerial -- By the Attorney General -- Businesses -- Companies and Securities Legislation -- Commonwealth Control 8147. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2562. Superannuation Board 2299, 2797.5111. Taxes and Charges 3132, 3134,7084. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill - 2r. 6538. Transport -- Private Boats 3134. Trustee Companies Bill -- Corn. 5825-5833. Trustees Amemilmnent Bill -- 2 L. 6148. Corn. 6153-6156. Valuation of Land Amendment Bill -- 2r, 1633. Corn. 1991. WA Exim Corporation -- Assets and Liabilities 1345. Government Investment 1165. (284) E fINDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] F

WA Exizn Corporation (continued) -- Payment 1345. Questions 2173, 2306. Shares 1344. Subsidiaries 1042. WA Overseas Pro~cas Authority 1654. Water Resources 133,3134. Wildlife -- RFora-- Yellow-flowered Menzies Bankaja 3189. Wills Amendment Bill - 2r. 328 1.

FERRY, HON VI., DFC (South West)..- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1138. Reinstatement of ClauseS8--Amendment to Motion 1468. 3r. 2275. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill-- 2r, 2724. Corn. 2727, Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 606. Topics Discussed -- Anizac Day 611 Boating -- Safe Anchorage 613. Bridge -- Koombana 613. Conservation and Land Management Department 60. Education -- Bunbury Institute of Advanced Education 610. Primary Schools -- Covered Areas 611. Employment and Training -- Unemployment 608. Entertainment Centre 613. Health -- Hospitals 608. Public Health Centre 609. Jetty - Bussetton 612. Local Government 607. Natural Disasters -- Storm Surge Barrier 6 10. Planning __ High-rise Developments 612. South West 607. Price Check 609. Road Building Materials 611. Small Claims Tribunal 612. South West Development Authority 607. Sport and Recitation - Noairba 612. Timbeir Imports 611. Woodebipping 612. Adjournment Debates - Parliament House Staff -- Retirements 3185. Railway - Bunbury-Perth 3033. Unemployment - South West 2297, 2596. Arts - Entertainment Centre -- Bunbury 925. Groups -- Equipment Gran 789. Regional Museum -- Bunbury 925. Buiding Management Authority - Storm Surge Barrier-- Bunhury 306. Committee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation- Appointmtent - Motion 636. Amendment to Motion 642. 1636-165 1. Assembly's Message -- Consideration 2767. Community Services - Child Day Care Centres 1270, 3036. 3038. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Gravel Deposits 302. Consumer Affairs - Price Check 303. Dog Amendment Binl-- Corn. 2536. Education - Schools - South West Province 1037. Employment and Training - Unemployment - South West -- Adjournment Debates 2297,25%. Great Southern Development Authority Binl - 2r. 1029. Corn. 1034, 1035. F [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] G (285)

Health -- Bunbury Regional Hospital 302,.662, 1270. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill -- Corn. 2770,2771. 3r. 2772. Legilative Review and Advisory Committee -- Meetings 449. Member of Parliament -- Hoe VJ. Ferry- Retirement -- Statement 1613. Natural Disasters -- Storm Surge Barrier- Bunbury 306, 449, 789. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement -- Adjournment Debate 3185. Pigment Factory (Ausuralind) Agreement Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2964. Corn. 2967. Ports and Harbours -- Marine and Harbours Department -- Storm Surge Barrier - Sunbury 306. Prison Officers- Reduction 11. Road Construction -- Gravel Deposits 302. South West Avicultural Society 134 1. Sport and Recreaaion -- Bikeplan 925. Standing Orders Suspension -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) BiLl 1138. Statement by Hon VJ. Petty 1613. Supply mUI -- 21.3094. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 3097. Bunbury Courthouse 3095. Education 3094. Energy -- State Energy Commission 3099. Forests 3097. Health 3094. 3100. Horticulture 3098. Housing 3 100, Industrial Development 3096, 3098. Land -- Endowment 3095. Mine rals 3097. Police Stations 3096. Ports and Harbours 3094, 3097. Regional Development 3094, 3098, 3099. Resignation from Parliament 3101. Roads 3099. Swimming Pools 3100. Tourism 309g. Transport -- Railways 3 100. Water Resources -- Gracetown 3 100. Zoologicail Gardens -- Rural 3099. Transport--Railways- Bunbury-Perth -- Renaming -- Adjournment Debate 3033. Water Resources -- Underground -- Licences - Gelorp 448. Water Authority -- Storm Surge Barrier -- B unbury 449. Wildlife -- Big Swamp Bird Patk 1341.

GALLOP, DR Ci., B Econ, MA, Mi Phil, D Phil (Victoria Park)- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact -- Matter of Public Importance 7609. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 15. Amendment to Motion 558. Topics Discussed - rwnancial Institutions - Interest Rates 558. Public Service 16. Taxes and Charges -- Revenue 16. WA Development Corporation - Assets Register 18. Agriculture 1575,4284. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 3995. Topic Discussed - Employment and Training 3995. Crime -- Increase -- Muter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 3984. Deftoe Contracts 1713. Easton, Mr Brian 6140. Education -- Carson Street Special School 255. Electoral -- By-elections -- Party Support 113 1. One-vowe-one-value -- Commitment 239 1. Employment and Trainig -- Unemployed People - Technology Initiatives 1574. Fnancial istitutions -Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3495, 4451,.7177. (286) G [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] G

Government Instrumentalities -- Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 7926. Industrial Development - Heavy Enginerig 3243. National Industry Extension Service 862. Quality Assurance-Quality Control Programme 1574. Industrial Relations -- Strikes 599. Inflation --PFarm 4284. Liberal Party -- Federal - Taxation Proposal - Motion 2235. Parliamentary -- Privatisalion 3929. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. -- Point of Order 7274. Matters of Public Importance -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact 7609. Crime -- Increase -- Amendment to Motion 3984. Members of Parliament -- Member for Murchison-Hyre 6140. Opposition -- Promises -- Cost - Motion 4863. Minerals - Mining Equipment Industry - Governmtent Assistance 3244. Motion -- Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2235. Multicultura and Ethnic Affairs - Business Migration Programme 3243. Nippon Telegrapb and Telephone Corporation 3245. Occurpational Health, Safety and Welfare Bill -- Corn. -- Point of Order 1955. Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 7926. Petitions -- Pedestrian Crossings -- Victoria Part 8313. Sex Shops -- Control 7086. Police- Practices--. Draft Code 6300. Prices--Consumer Price Index -- September Quarter 5201. Puivatisation -- Parliamentary Liberal Party 3929. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7086. Shopping 542, 6304. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. .. Withdrawal of Remark 6W0. State Finance -- WA Treasury Corporation 7344. Stock -- Sheep -- Lupinosis -- Point of Order 2149. Superannuation Board Investments - Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd 1926. Taimac: Industries -- Fanancial Assistance 6673, Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal -- Motion 2235. Income Tax -- Hlat Rate 22. Technology - Biotechnology Chair -- Murdoch University 3245. Electronics Indlustry 1576,3245. Industrial Technology Centre 3244. Manager Education 3246. Portfolio .- Unemployed People 1574. Traffic -- Pedestrian Crossings -- Victoria Park -- Petition 8313.

GAYhEP, HON H.W. (Central) -- Acts Amendment (Arts Representation) Bill - 3r.6025. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill- Corn. 5063, 5066, 5073. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill - 2r. 3837. Point of Order 3835. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Restoration to Notice Paper - Assembly's Message 173. Standing Orders Suspension 1137. Corn. 1337. 1340, 1472-1495, 1609, 1616. Poinisof Order 1471, 2018. Reinsatement of Clause 8 - Motion 1464. Point of Order 1462. Amendment to Motion 1465. 3r. 2263. Amendment to Motion 2263. G [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] G (287)

Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- Corn. 6505, 6506,6513, 6514. Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill - 2r. 6365. Acts Amendment (Land Admini stration) Bill - 2r. 7545. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill - 2r. 2794. Corn. 3003, 3005. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill -- 2r. 7564. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill -- 2r. 8005. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7986-7993. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 163. Topics Discussed -- Agricultural Industry 164. Congratulatory Remarks 163. Electricity -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls 166. financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 164. Fuel -- Petrol Prices 169. Governor's Speech 163. Hotels - Strippers 163. Regionalisation 170. Water Resources 168. Adjournment Debates - Legislative Council -- Programme 6189. Mickelberg Brothers - Retrial 1164. Agriculture - Agriculture Protection Board 575 1. Education -- Select Committee -- Motion 2409. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill - As to 2r. 6548. 2r. 6726. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Consideration of Tabled Paper 5445. Topics Discussed -- Australian Bicentennial Celebration 5449. Communications -- Telecom 5458. Constitution 5448. Energy -- State Energy Commission Poles 5458. Government Advertising 5456. Health -- Margaret River Hospital 5445. Local Government 5446, 5448. Premiers' Conference 5447. Prices -- Consumer Price Index 5446. Public Service 5447. Taxes and Charges 5447-5450. Transport 5459-5451.- Water Resources 5452. Associations Incorporation Bill - 2r. 3279. Australia Post -- Motor Vehicle Licences 4668. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6161. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill - Corn. 774 Assembly's Message 2973. Businesses - Companies -- Government Assistance 7411. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill - 2r. 1263. Charitable Organisationis - Select Committee - Establishment -- Amendment to Motion 630, Amendment on the Amendment 630. alose of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8297. Committee for the Session .. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Terms of Reference - Motion to Concur wit Assembly's Message 2430. Dog Amendment Bill - 2r. 2434. Corn. 2533-2536. Dolan, The Late Hon Jerry -- Condolence Motion 7. (288) G [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] G

Door to Door Trading Bill -- 2r. 1444. Education -- Agricultural Colleges 3527. York District High School 658. Electoral Act (Commencement of Amendments) Bill - Zr. 1013. Electoral Distribution (Rotwnest Island) Amendment Bill - Zr. 6027. Evidence Amendment Bill - 2r, 1991. Factories and Shops Amendment Bill - 2r. 6188. FairTrading Bill -- Zr. 7394. Family Court Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1257. Financial Institutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 5 104. Fire Brigades - Western Australian Volunteer Fire Brigades Association 299. Forests - Stae Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution - Motion to Concur 4925. Tabling of Document 4932. Withdrawal of Remarks 4931, 4935. As to Amendment to Motion 4933. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- Corn. 672 1. Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- 2r. 2547. Corn. 2558,2559. Government Instrumnentalities -- Privatisation, -- Motion 6882. Government Railways Amendment Bilk -- 2r. 2417. Health Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6165. Corn. 6177. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation - Opposition - Petition 2154. Horticulture -- Metropolitan Markets City Site 3620. Hospitals Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 36. 2r. 292,2167. 3r. 2168. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6553. Housing -- Wundowie 1656. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 3)- 2r. 4615. Insurance - State Government Insurance Commission - Discussions 7409. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -Terms of Rekrence- Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. iron Ore (Hamnersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2970. Legislative Council -- Legislative Programme -- Adjournment Debate 6189. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill-- Restoration to Notice Paper 59. Liquor Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2977. Loan Bill -- Zr. 8115. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture-- Rabbits 8118. Parliament House -- Joint House Committee SI 15. Roads -- Funding 8116. Local Courts Amendment Bill -- Cam. 1157. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) - Zr. 7707. Local Government Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3049. Corn. 3063-3083. Local Government - Councils - Road Grants 3616. Duck Shooting Licences 5754. G ci ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] Gc (289)29

Local Government (continued) -- Road Surveys 658. Swimming Pool Subsidies 11, 303, 244 1. Machinery Safety Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 36. 2r. 291L. Main Roads Amendment Bill - 2r. 621. Assembly's Message 2714-2722. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Message 4620,4625. As to Consideration in Committee 6880. Assembly's Request for Conferience 7385. Motions . Agriculture -- Education ~-Select Committee 2409. Charitable Organisations -- Select Committee -- Establishment - Amendment to Motion 630; Amendment on the Amendment 630. Condolence -- The Late Hon Jerry Dolan 7. The Late Mr C.C. Naider. MLA 26. Financial Institutions - Investigation -- Select Committee 5104. Governmrent Instrumentalities -- Privahisation 6882. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Terms of Reference -- Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. Stale Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution 4925. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill - 2r. 7718. Motor Vehicles -- Licences - Australia Post Collections 4668. Steering Wheel Locks 3970. Nalder, The Late Mr C.C., MIA -- Condolence Motion 26. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - 2r. 2577. Corn. 2740-2758, 2772-2790. Petition-- Homosexual Activities-- Legalisation -- Opposition 2154. Petroleum Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6879. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- 2r. 2401. Corn. 2403. Ports and Harbours .. Port Operations Taskrforce 8221. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3041. Corn. 3043. Prisoners - Mickelberg Brothers -- Retrial -- Adjournment Debate 1164. Puivatisation -- Governmenrt Instrumentalities- Motion 6882. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill - 2r. 5849. Questions On Notice -- Answers 1517. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 7577. Corn. 7579-7586. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5724. Point of Order 3598. Corn. 5996-6014. 3r. 6020. Roads -- Armadale-Ravensthorpe Road 657. Bypass -- Northam 299. Grants 3616. Main Roads Department 658. Survey Charges 658, 1656. Rottnest Island Authority Bill - 2r. 6322. Coin. 6344. Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill, The - See 'The Rural and Industies Bank of Western Australia Bill." Shares--. Loss--. Budget Effect 7408. Sitting of the House - F'riday, 27 November 1987, p. 6 386 . (290) G (290) 0(INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]

Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - 2r. 5326. Sport and Recitation - Swimming Pool Subsidies 1t, 303,2441. Stamp Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 7352. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2L. 3014. Standing Orders Suspension - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill 1137. State Finance-- Budget - Share Loss 7408. State Governiment Insurance Commission - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Terms of Reference -- Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. Stock (Brands and Movement) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1159. Stock -- Compensation Payments 4668. Pig Compensation Fund 1037. supply Bil -- 2r, 3102. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 3106. Complimentary Remarks - Ferry. Hon U..3102. Harding, Mr Mlan 3108. Local Government Grants Commission 3102. Motor Vehicles -- Farm Machinery 3107. Pots and Harbours 3105. State Finance -- Budget 3102. Taxes and Charges 3104. Transport - Railways 3103. Technology Development Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3026. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia, Bill - 2r. 6542. Corn. 6547. Transport - Railways 657. Transperth 3968. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Coin. 3292. As to Report 3595,3596. Water Resources - Harris River Dam 299. Rural Areas 1656. Water Authority -- Narrogin 657. Western Australia Marine Amendment Bill -- 2L. 2401. Corn. 2404. Wildlife -- Duck Sbooting Licences 5754. Workers' Cornrsatbon and Assistance Amendment BilW

GRAYDEN, HON. W.L, (South Perth) -- Aboriginal Aff airs -- Alcohol Abuse 139. Wankaija Tribe 7339. Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Hours) Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6439. Aged Persons -- Retirement Villages 139. Animals -Dogs -Attacks 140. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4258. Topic Disarased - Deparment of Conservation and Land Management - Flora and Fauna -- Endangered Species 4258. Boxing Control Bill - 2r. 962. Consumer Affairs - Cosmetics Industry 140. G 0 ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]0 G (21(291)

Criminal Injuries Compensation -- Dog Attacks 140. Environment - Clay Quarry 5030. Old Swan Brewery - Redevelopmntm- Petition 544. Fisheries -- Abalone--. Regulations 3263. Marron 6987, 6988. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes;Bill - 2r. 4997. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2)- Intro; fr. 76. 2r. 7ll5, 7237. 3r. 7307. Fisheries Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1192. Grievances -- Land Valuations 1819. Shopping Centzes 809. Wildlife 4520. Health -- Alcohol -- Aborigines 139. Foodstuffs -- Ionizing Radiation 141. Hospice -- Additional Facilities 139. Land--. Valuations -- Remote Areas -- Grievance 1819. Lapham. The Late Mr S.., MLA .. Condolence Motion 8312. Minerals - Quarries 5030. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations - Motion 2080. Motion --Condolence--The Late Mr S.E. Laphant MLA 8312. Petitions -- Environment- Old Swan Brewery .. Redevelopment 544. Sex Shops -- Control 7086. Planning .--Old Swan Brewery 138. Retail Trading Hours Bill-- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6439. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7086. Shopping Centres -- Rentals -- Grievance 809. Sport and Recreation -- Jet Skis 138. Trade -- Exports - Matron 6987, 6988. Wildlife- Protection Officers 4278. Western Swamp Tunice -- Grievance 4520. Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 76. Zr. 11L86. Defeated 2200.

GREIG, MR R.W, FM, TMA (Darling Range)- Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill- Corn. -- Divisions -- Employment and Training 7886-7888. Health 7896. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission 8078. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation of Western Australia 7874. Communications--. Television--. Channel 10, p. 7517. Education -- Technical and Further Education -- Functional Review Comimittee Report 7517. Health -- Drugs 7935. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) -- 2r. 7748. Corn. 7755. Loan Bill - 2r. 5525. Topics Discussed - Community Services - Social Welfare Reform 5527. Complimentary Remarks 5525. Darting Range Electorate 5526. Education, Employment and Training 5529. Electoral Reform 5526. (292) G CINDEX TO QUESTONS & SPEECHES] G

Loan Bill (continued) -- 2r. (continued) -- Topics Discussed (continued) -- Industrial Relations 5528. Law and Order 5527. Personal Political Philosophy 5527. Private Enterprise - Government Policy 5527. Maiden Speech 5525. Ministers of cte Crown - Cabinet - Functional Review Committee -- Technical and Further Education 7517, Motor Vehicle (Third Pay Insurance) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7116. Corn. 7124-7127. Petition -- Sex Shops - Control 8029. Residential Tenancies Bill*-- Corn. 7472. Sex Shops - Control -- Petition 8029.

GRIFF[THS HON CLIVE (South Central Metropolitan) -- See "Presidentof/the Leg islative Council",

GRILL, HON J.F., LL B, JP, MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE, MINISTER FOR THE SOUTH WEST, AND MINI[STER FOR FISHERIES (Esperance-Dundas) Abattoirs - Construction 7930. Lambs 2386,2679. 5186. Meat -- Residues 862, 1595. WA Meat Commission 4431, 4450.4593, 5185. WA Meat Marketing Corporation 5190. Slaughter Levy 793 1. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- 2r. 4975. 5895. Corn. 5897. 5901, 5906. 3r. 5907. Council's Amendments 7669. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 4090. 2r. 42t6,5021. Corn. 5021. Council's Amendment 7668. Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Association 4444. Agriculture -- Agricultcure Protection Board 5205. Codlin Moth Outbreaks 5692. Depautmient -- Caprine Arthritis-encephalitis Accreditation Scheme 1574. Funding 518. Midland Saleyard 517. Staff 6136. WA Exim Corporation -- Undertakings 232. Farmers -- Avenage Annual Income 233. Government Assistance 5569. Inquiry -- Completion 3479. Inerest Rates 1437. Quarantine - Chemical Residues 3813. Water Canting -- Fuel Franchise Levy 232. Farms -- Chemicals 400. Debts 23 1. Inflation 4284. Salt Encroachment 4895. Feililisers 6292, 7347. Pesticides - Advice 4440. Animal Products 5958. G 0 ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]0 G (293)(23

Pesticides (continued) - Beef 3664. Budget Allocation 4153. Legal Responsibility 4443, 4444. Livestock -- Increases 3664. Quarantine 5187. Residues 3827. Returns -- Disposal 3665. State Errrgy Commission Use 4578. Warnings 475 1. Primary Industry Department -- Pesticide Residue Testing 7930. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation - Assistance -- Distributions 2947. Fam Water Supply Loans 23 1. Household Support Grant 2253. Loans 7172. Rehabilitation Grants 23854. Rural Adjustment Schemes 257. Rural Sector Hardship 1285. Ryegrass Toxicity 7922. 7925. Soil Conservation 3668. Tree-planting Scheme 5032. Weeds -- Declarations 1863. Animals 4043, 6129. 6286. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. -- Point of Order 3880. Coin. -- Divisions -- Agriculture 7872. 7873. Fisheries 7879. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation of Western Australia 7874. South West Development Authotity 7877. Argentine Ants 4429, 5186. Biological Control Bill 1986 -- Question -- Assent 986. Burke's Shambles 3269; Witdramwal of Remark 3269. Chemicals 400, 4045,.7930. Commfunications 970, 1124. Dairyig -- Daisy Industry Authority Members 1 116. Industry -- High Value Production 1571. Milk 1106, 1573,2950,6664, Decorum of the Chamber 2368. Energy -- Electricity Poles 4442, 4578. Fuel Franchise Levy 232. Environment - Conservation Areas - Increase 1570. Peel Inlet 4756. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates -- Decline 1130. Parmners 1437. Subsidies -- Rural Adjustment Schemes 257. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill - 2r. 5000. 3r. 5000. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2) Intro.; Ir. 5620. 2r. 5889, 7304. 3r. 7307, 7308. Fisheries Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2207. Fisheries -- Abalone 520, 3264, 4425. Commnercial -- Nomalup Inlet 5693. Marron -- Aquiculture Licences 6987. Bainning 5699. Exports 6987. 6988. InspectionsM644. Value 6988. (294) G [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] G

Fisheries (continued) -- Rock Lobster - Boat Licences -- Purchases 234. Economic Market Factors 7164. Fishoerman - Offences 5421. Investigation 5963. Pool 7924. Seasonal Catch 5420. Forest Resources - Committee of Inquiry 3818. Francis, Mr Charles, QC -- Minister fr Agriculture - Staff Member-- Perjury 3268. Government Buildings -- Austmark, Bunbury 1102, 1571, 3676. Government Instrumentalities -. Dealings 5 17. Grain -- Industry 6984.

L 7 ss86 -- Industrial Disputes 3482. Wheat 2386, 3481. Health- Antibiotics - Livestock 1572. Foodstuffs -- Chemical Residues 3812. Horticulture .. Grape Growing -- Select Committee Recommendations 3265. Metropolitan Markets 6468. Potatoes $19, 2962, 3816. Vegetables -- Manjimup 6136. Housing Construction Programme -- Katanning-Roe 4412. Industrial Relations -- Disputes -- Grain Terminals 3482. Inflation-.- Farm 4284. Land -- Salt Encroachment 4749. Main Roads Amendment Bill - Council's Amendmrents .. Ministerial Statement 4985. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill- Intro.; It. 75. 2r. 3t0, 1058. 3r. 1059. Council's Message 693 1. Assembly's Request (or Conference 6933. Council's Further Message 7602. Conference Managers' Report 7619. McGovernL Mr -- Prosecution -- Abalone Fishing 4425. Members of Parliament -- Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West 1285. Leader of the Opposition -- Tree-planting Scheme 5032. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2845. 3r. 2845. Ministers of the Crown- Government Employees 1862. Minister for Agriculture -- Staff 2592, 3268. Minister for The South West -- Electorate Visits 1285. Overseas Travel 4416. Natural Disasters -- Drought 4164,4442,4443. Pastoral Industry U.Lases -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1122, 1124. BTEC Programme 1874, 2389. Emanuel -- WA Exim Corporation 981. Planning Developments - Manlurab 2954. Ports and Harbours -- Boat Harbour -- Curtis Bay. Dunsborough 5693. Dredgig - Peel Inlet 4756. Fremntle 1571, 1572. Region-al Development - "Bunibury 2000' - Success 2958. South West Development Authority -- Announcements -- Political Content 1288. Budget Allocation 4750, 5700, 7169. Cocktail Party -- Bunibury 5960. Expenditure 4754, 5305. Outstanding Debts 4437. Overseas Visits 1861. Premises - Rental 5696. Gi [NDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (295)

Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill - 2r. 1278, 2914. Corn. 2915-2919. 3r. 2920,2921. Council's Amendments 3236. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - 2r. 4995. Point of Order 4991. 3r. 4997. Soil Fertility Research Amendment Bill. 2r. 4983. 3r. 4985. Stare Finance .- Budget Allocation - South West Development Authority 4750, 5700, 7169. Stock - Contamination -- Pesticides 4429. Feed -- Damaged Wheat 2386. Goats 1574. Lice Infestation 5703. Livestock Market Report Service 1124.2141,3819. Pastoralists and Graziers Association - WA Exirn Corporation - Liaison 516. Pig Industry Compensation Fund 868, 1107. Quarantine, - Kunununa 5966. Rabbit Farm-ing 7163. Salcyards -- Midland -- Building Construction 517. Land -- Buffer Zone 1284. Lease 233, 520, 732. 1284, 3830. Sheep 2147, 3255, 7925. Stock (Brands and Movement) Amendment Bill- Intr.; lr. 75. 2r. 311, 964. 3r. 964. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4842. Trade -- Exports - Marron 6987, 6988. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4840. Transport S-unbury City Transit 3675. Veanavite -- Approval - Veterinary Preparation Registrar 6129. WA Development Corporation - Agriculture Department 232, 518. Goverrnent Instmentalities 517. WA Exits Corporation -- Emanuel Pastoral Leases - Accounts 98 1. Government Instrumentalities 517. Liaison -- Pastoralists and Graziers Association 316. WA Herbarium - Transfer 7928. Water Resources -- Desalination Plants 4412. Great Southern 3680. Shortages - Shirms 320. Wildlife - Emu Fanning 3658, 6669. Kangaroo Culling 520. Rabbit Farming 3658.

HALDEN, HON JOHN, BA, JP (North Metropolitan) - Acts Amendment (Art Representation) Bill - 2r. 6023. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 5S1. Topics Discussed - Building Industry 52. Congratulatory Remarks 31. Opposition Members of Parliament - Perfoninance 51. Adjournment Debate - Youth Organisation - Ocean Ridge 3709. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 5474. Community Services - Adoption Placements 1343. (296) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2001. Education Policies -- Urgency Motion 7950. Local Government - Wanneroo City Council - Ocean Ridge Youth Club -- Adjournment Debate 3709. Motion -- Urgency -- Education Policies 7950. Youth Club - Ocean Ridge -- Adjournment Debate 3709.

HALLAJIAN, HON KAY, SSW, JF. MINISTER FOR COMMUNIT Y SERVICES. MINISTER FOR THE FAMILY, MINISTER FOR YOUTH, MINISTER FOR THE AGED, MINISTER ASSISTING THE MINISTER FOR WOMEN'S INTERESTS. AND DEPUTY LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (South East Metropolitan) - Abartoirs - Midland 1515. Aboriginal Affairs 3618, 3969. Acts Amendment (Arts Representation) Bill - Zr. 5841. 2r. 5841,6025. 31r. 6025. Acts Amendment (Child Came Services) Bill - Inro.; Ir. 5353. As to 2r. 5353. Zr. 5353, 5866. Corn. 5870-5878. 3r. 5878. Acts Amendment (Corrective Services) Bill - J r. 3832. 2r. 3832. Acts Amendment (Imprisonment and Parole) Bill - Intro.; J r. 5214. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- Ir, 6365. 2r. 6525, 7546. Corn. 7547-7562, 7573-7575. 3r. 7725. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - Intro.: t r. 3040. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill - 3r. 3006. Acts Amendment (Pont Authorities) Bill - IZr.7068. 2r. 7068. 7223. 3r. 7226. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill- 2r. 2566, 2725. Corn. 2726, 2727. 3r. 2727. Adjournment Debate - Shannon River Basin 5107. Adjournments of the House -- Ordinary 7399. Special 3131, 4496. 6728. Aged Persons -- Hillandale Units, Roleystone 1656. Agriculture -- Agnicuiturai Education -- Disbandment 8220. Select Committee -- Motion, as Amended 2410. Department 296. Audit- Education Department 298. Emmaus Women's Refuge 4346, 6730,6892, 7081. Australia Card 4086-4089. Beggs, Mr Bruce 4671. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill -- Ir. 6855. 2r. 6855. 7356. 3r. 7391. Bills - Standing Orders Suspension -- As to Rescission 3832: Point of Order 3832. H H ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]HH (297)(27

Blood Donation (Liitation of Liability) Amendment Dill - It,4495. 2r. 4495, 4782. 3r. 4782. Bottil, Mr Gus 3618. Bread -- Country Prices 3619. Brickworks -- Prestige -- Environmental Protection Authority Studies 1515, 4675. Fluoride Emissions 4826, 5486. Hazelniere Herbs 4826. [nversion Heights 5485. Planning Comnmission Studies 4673. Public Environmental Report 4677. Swan Shire - Fluoride Emissions 4674, 4676, 5486. Brown. Ms S.450, Building Management Authority - Boyup Brook District High School 6888. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill - I r. 1016. 2r. 1016. Censorship -- Videotapes 2306. Chattel Securities Bill -- Ir. 6855- 2r. 6856,7356. Corn. 7359-7367,7374-7380. 3r. 7381. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)- Intro.; Ir. 5214. 2r. 5352, 5476. Corn. 5480. 548 1. 3r. 5712,5715. Assembly's Amendment 8012, 8014, 8143-8145. Christmas Anti-credit Campaign 7737. Communications 3140. Community Services - Agencies 3973. Children -- Adoptions - Age Ineligibility 5617, 5618. 5884. Australia Card 4088,4089. Contact 655. Child's Well-being 3036. Foster-parents 2170. Placements 1345. Child Abuse 5616. Child Care Regulations Review Consultative Commrittee 4587. Child Day Case Centres -- Bunbury Regional Hospital 1270. Mandurab 3034. Private 3036, 3038. Provision 928. 3036. Regulations 7588. 7589. Subsidies 3975. Children at Risk 2169, 2172. Children's Court 3623, 5755, 5756. Removal from Home 655. Community Grants Assistance Scheme 4205. Complaint -- Complainant's Identity 1657. Department 653,2171, 2800. 4827, 7737. Emergency Relief Scheme 8295. Hillston 1041. Hostels 657. Integrated Furniture Scheme 8294. 8295. Juveniles - Justice -- Ministerial Statement 7963. Questions 1041, 5489, 5490. NgaI-A Mothercrai Home and Training Centre 5241, 5618. Welfare Agencies 4340. (298) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]H

Community Services (continued) -- Women's Refuges - Allegations 3298. Audit 3298. Emimaus Women's Refuge -- Auditor's Report 4346, 6730, 6892, 7081. Fraud Squad Inquiries 6730. Funds 3974, 4343. 673 1. Inquiry 4344, 4345. Investigation 4087, 4088. Staff Payments 673 1. Surplus 3973, 3974. Investigation 3975. Number 3299. Report 3298. Staff 3298, 3717. Conservation and Land Management -- Act -- Amendment 294, 297.661. 5615. Dlepartment -- Accounts Section 294. Administration Complex 294. Bush Fires Board -- Amalgamation 297. Educational Material 296. Flying Squad 295. Forest Production Unit 295. Gravel Deposits 302. Grimwade 3527. Gupyiee Plant 6383. Motor Vehicles 297. Officers-- Whale Sightings 2169. Properties 295. Resource Management Division 296. Staff Exchange 295, 660, 1165. Fire Regimes 297. Headquarters. Narrogin 304. Land Resource Inventory System 296. Natural Resources -- Joint Standing Committee 295. Regional Office's 660. Consumer Affairs 303. Credit 7737, 7741. Crime 1344, 3622, 5886, 8027. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2702. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2440. Door to Door Trading Amendment Bill- Ir. 6854. 2r. 6855, 7203. 3r. 7204. Door to Door Trading Bill -- Ir. 1000. 2r. 1000, 1449. Corn. 1451, 1452. 3r. 1453. Drainage -- Camnarvon 4207. Education -- Act 926. Agricultural Colleges 3521. Agricultural Education Section 8220. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 3140. Basic Learning in Primary Schools Programme 6319. Better Schools Programme 450, 2798, 397 1. Changes 3137. Corporal Punishment Regulations 3035, 3139. Departmnent -- Advertisements 297. Appointments 7232. Director of Operations 8220. Graduates 2797. Internal Audit Branch 298. Staff 7230, 723t1. H II ~[NDEXTO QUESTEONS & SPEECHIESI H (299)29

Education (continued) - Distance Education Centre 6887. High Schools -- Agricultural 1342. Balls 305. Boyup Brook District 5484. 5485, 6887. 6888. Carnarvon 3973. District 5484. Eastern Hills 6192, 6386. Exmnouth 3973. Governor Stirling 1656. Mt Magnet District 497 1, Newton Moore 6381. Pemberton District 5880. Pinjarm 4827. Swan View 4972. Unit Curriculum 6384. York District 658. Hostels 2301, 8027. "Man: A Course of Study" 1272. Ministry (See "Department" above.) Moo-Government School -- Cannel School 926. Policies -- Urgency Motion 7958. Pre-primrnay Students 926. Primary Schools -- Cnnng Vale Closure 4972, 6380. 7408, 8221, 8224. Petition 1991. Relocation 4088. Clifton Part 4088. Darlington 7228. East Greenwood 3971. Mundaring 6888, Principals 2797. Waroona 1344. Wiluna 3972. Yokine 926. Principals 3137. Regional Education Office, Narbogin 304. Schools -- Classrooms -- Transportable 298. Cleaning Contractors 3190. Computers 7231.,8224. Councils 4972. Covered Assembly Areas 5879. Districts 4676. Ding Problem 8220. Schools of the Air 1274, 8223. South East Province 1037. Varnaism 1344. Social Educational Materials Project 1272. Special School -- Carson Street -- Break-ins 5883. Closure 656, 1273, 4973. Future 5883. Land Resumption 656. Property Caveat 5884. Toilet Facilities 655. Valuation 654. Students 1654, 4208. System - Ferninisation 2302. Teachers 2300. 4972,6383. Technical and Further Education -- Balga College 8225. Counselling Service Report 298. Functional Review Committee Report 3034, 3139, 6191. Funding Cuts 127 1. Liecnuers 305. Nanrogin Centre 304. Perth College 297, 8026. (300) H- [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ

Education (continued) -- Tertiary -- Curtin University of Technology 2301. Students 299. WA College of Advanced Education, Claremont 8221. Unit Curriculum 4826. Values Clarification Programmes 1211. WA Education News 450. Electoral Act (Commencement of Anendnents) Bill - Standing Orders Suspension 1012. Ir. 1012. 2r. 1012. 3r. 1013. Employment and Training 2171. 3969. Energy -- Petrol -- Kojonup 662. Environment -- Cossack 1039. Governor Stirling's House 449. Ozone Layer. 4340. Prestige Brickworks; 1515, 4675. 4677. Shannon River Basin -- Member's Comments -- Adjournment Debate 5107. Stockyard Regulations 659. Waste Water Treatment Plant Regulations 659. Equal Opportunity Legislation 298. 3139. Estate Agents 4086. Fair Trading Bill -- If. 6857. 2r, 6857, 7397. Cam. 7398. 7399. 3r. 7399. Family 67, 68. 1272. Fires -- Bush Firs Board 297. Western Australian Volunteer Fire Brigades Association 299. Forests -- Affcnestation 294,.660. Central Forest Region Draft Management Plan 3617. Committee of Inquiry 293. Hardwood 1275. H-awke Block 5750. Hazard Reduction Burning 5751. Lands and Forest Commission 467 1. Private -- Taxation Benefits 294. Softwood 1275. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motions to Concur 7186-7189. Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution- Motion to Concur 2156. 4948. Tabling of Document 4932. Withdrawal of Remark 493 1. Timber - Tendering 8224. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- Ir. 6520. 2r. 6520.,7199. Government Buildings 926, 2300, 2301, 7737. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bil -- I r. 5355. 2r. 5355, 5593. 3r. 5593. Government Instrumentaities -- Kicket.Mrs Marion 299. Gnimwade Township 5754. Hazelmere Herbs 4826. Health Amendment Bill -- I r. 5716. 2r. 5716. 6174. Corn. 6176-6179. 3r. 6179. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (301)

Health -- AIDS 653. 654, 660, 7738. Air Pollution Control Council 5486. Condoms -- Advertising 7407. Departmient 2800. Disabled Persons - Handicapped Children 5754. IneltallHandicappfed Minor 3968. Mentally Handicapped Offenders 5753. Pyrton Centre 5614. Drugs 301,927.,8220. Family Planning Association 653. Fluoride Emissions 5486. Hospitals- Bentley Lodge 7083. Bunbury Regional 302, 662, 1270. Margaret River 8025. Wagin 6729. Warren District 5749. Medical Practitioners 7738. Mental -- Psychiatric Patients 1165. Natural Family Planning Association 653. Terminally Ill Children 3138. Tobacco Smoking 2800. Homosexual .. Activities.-- Legalisation -- Opposition -- Nattion 2398. Persons .. "Family" -- Definition 67, 68. Hospitals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2165. 3r. 2168. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- It. 5986. 2r. 5986, 6727. 3r. 6728. Housing -- Construction Programme -- Lower North Province 3971. Government Employees' Housing Authority, Lavexton 4211. Homeswest 3971, 638 1. Land -- Wundowie 1656. Rental - Denham 2305. Sales 1038. Wandana Flats 3132. Human Tissue and Transplant Amendment Bill- It. 1013. 2r. 1013, 1163. 3r. 1164. Kelly, Ms Maureen 3526. Kicketi, Mrs Marion 299. Land- Land Resource Inventory System 296. Leases -- Quannup 659. Manning 3190. National Parks -- Burning Off 661. Frank Manno 604 1. Geike Gorge 2442. Inform ation Centres 296, 661. Ningaloo Marine Park 3973. Sbannon 293.5750. Statement by Leader of the Opposition 492l1. Yanchep 2798. Old Rockringham Golf Course 2797. Reserves 293, 297, 2302. Resumptions -- Carson Stret Special School 656. Sales 661. Local Cowlts Amendment Bill (No 2) - Ir. 6724, 2r. 6724, (302) H (302) H[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) H

Local Government - Ann adale City Council 708 1. Duck Shooting Licences 5754. Gravel Leases 659. Perth City Council 655. Road Surveys 658. Waroona Shire Council 1344. Member of Parliament -- Stretch, Hon W.N. -- Shannon River Basin- Comments 5107. Minerals 659. Mining Amendment Bill -- Ir. 1621. 2r. 1622. 1994. Corn. 1995-1997. 3r. 1997. Ministers of the Crown -- Cabinet 297, 450, 3034, 31i39. Deputy Premier 8252. Leaderof the House 8252. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs 299. Minister for Community Services -- Australia Card 4086, 4087. Luncheon -- Carnarvon 5242. Ngal-A Modiercraft Home Training Centre 5241. Portfolio Responsibility 1041. Minister for Education 298. 6192. Premier 8252. Ministry of National Resources 660. Motions -- Agricultural Education -- Select Committee - Motion, as Amended 2410. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assemnbly's Resolution 4948. Urgency .- Education.- Policies 7958. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill - I r. 7070. 2r. 7070. Motor Vehicle Dealers' Licences 659. Motor Vehicles 297. 653, 3526. Natural Disasters -- Storma Surge Barrier, Bunbury 449. Noxious Plants 927. Parliamientary Superannuation Fund 3832. Pastoral Industry 2070. 2304. Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill -- Ir. 6853. 2f. 6853. Pay-coll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill -- I r. 6852. 2r. 6852. Petitions -- Education -- Primary School -- Canning Vale -- Closure 1991. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation -- Opposition 2398. Petroleum Amendment Bill -- Ir. 6723. 2r. 6723. 6880. 3r. 6880. Planning Commission 4673,.5483. Police 6730. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill- I r. 2429. 2,. 2429. Questions -- On Notice 8304. Without Notice 8252. Real Estate Agents 4086. Reilly, Mrs Jacki 3034. Reserves and Land Revestrneni Bill (No 2) - 2f. 7577. Coin. 7577-7585. 3r. 7586. H H ~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]HH (3)(303)

Residential Tenancies Bill -- Ir. 7996. 2r. 7996, 8197. Corn. 8199-8218, 8228-8249, 8257-829 1. Point of OrderS8242. Recoin. 8291. 3r. 829 1. River - Swan 5752,6575. Roads 302, 658, 1656. Rottnest Island Board -- Capital Works 7229. Sewerage 3133,4207. Sex Shop -- Langford 3719. Shopping Centre, Woodvale 4973. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- Ir. 6529, 2fr. 6529. Sport and Recreation Facilities -- Roleystone 708 1. Stamp Amendment Bill (No!2) - Ir. 6853. 2r. 6853. Standing Orders Suspension - Electoral Act (Commencemnent of Amendments) Bill 1012. State Finance -- Budget Allocations - Carnarvon Water Resources 3973.4207. Clifton Paik Primary School 4088. East Greenwood Primary School 397 1. Exmouth High School 3973. Ningaloo Marine Park 3973. School Computers 723 1. Wiluna Primary School 3972. Statements -- By the Leader of the Opposition -- Land -- National Park- Shannon 492 1. Ministerial -- By the Minister for Community Services -- Community Services -- Juvenile Justice 7963. Stockyards 659. Superannuation 3832, 4674. supply Bill -- 2r. 3128. Topic Discussed - Complimentary Remarks 3129. 3r. 3130. Taxes and Charges 294. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- I r. 5356. 2r. 5356. Technology 7231, 8224. Tourism 2303. Trade -- Imports 2306. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2)- Ir. 6850. 2r. 6850, 721t0. Corn. 7212-7216. 3r. 7216. Transport 926, 7498, 8223. Teasurer's Advance Authorization Bill-- 3r. 3131. Trustee Companies Bill -- 3r. 5987. Union -- Building Unions Superannuation Scheme 4674. Usher, Mr Frank 8220. Video Tar Classification and Control Bill - Videotapes 2306. Wanneroo Activities - Funding 4679, 6383. Wanneroo Social Planning Youth and Commrunity Services Association 6383, 6385. Waste Disposal 300.,4673, 4674. Waste Water Treatment Plants 659. Water Authority Amendment Bill -- Ir. 3932. 2r. 3932, 4068. 3r. 4069. eame-u (304) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Water Resources - Carnarvon 4207. Concessions 3133. Dams -- Harrs River 299,.448,.3969, 5753. IKukerin 653. Wellington 6378. Irrigation -- Camarvon 4207. Rainwater Tanks 448. Ratepayers -- Statistics 3134. Rural Areas -- Commonwealth Discussions 1656. Sprinklers -- Lee Oval, Lathlain 6379. Underground -- Licences -- Gelonip 448. Water Authority 449. 657. Western Australian Waler Resources Council Amendment Bill- It. 5466. 2r. 5466, 5844. Corn. 5848- 3r. 5848. Wildlife -- Dibblers 3135. Dingoes 2799. Duck Shooting 5754. Florm 1274, 3189. Kangaroo Management Committee 659. Kimberley Project 2302. OwingupSwanip66l. Owringup Swamp 293. Purple Crowned Wren 2442. Red Kangaroos 6382. Subterranean Orchid 244 1. Tanimars -- Goonac Forest 5615, 5885. Whales 2169. Women's Interests -- Why Work withI Young Women 1270. Youth -- Groups 2598,4679. Perth Inner City Youth Service -- Consultant 2598. Funding 307, 788. Homeless Youth -- Street Workers 2442. Performance 307. Termination 307. Services -- Inventory 2599.

HASSELL, MON W.R.L., LL B, MA (Cottesioe) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Dispossession -- Compensation 7936. Emanuel Pastoral Leases - WA Exim Corporation 245. Treaty 7526. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- As to Standing Orders Suspension 3720. 2r. 3772. Corn. 3792. Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill - 2r. 7602. 3r. 7607. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill- 2r. 4555. Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Hours) Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6435. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendments to Motion 106, 465, 575. Point of Order 34 1. Withdrawal of Remark 109. Topics Discussed -- -- 06 Brush, Mr Len--LwAlgtos16 Financial Institutions - Interest Rates 575. Planning -- Swant Brewery Site Redevelopment 465. H H(INDEX TO QUES-iONS & SPEECHES]HH (305)(35

Agent General, London 591. 882. Agriculture 1236, 4894. Alumina Re fineries 394, 735. Anglo American Pacific Ltd 6127, 6287. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Billt- 2r. 4104. Topics Discussed -- Australia Card 4104. Parliament House 4105. Police Force 4106. Premier 4109. Corn.-- Points of Order 7788, 7906. Divisions -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority 7900. Deputy Premier's Office 7818. Education 7852, Heath 7891. Premier and Cabinet 7795, 7799. Appropriation (General Loan and Capita] Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4733. Topics Discussed -- Community Services - Adoptions 4734. Vietnam Veterans - Sydney Reunion 4734. Arts -- Films -- Gold Industry -- Broadcomn 186 1. Paintings -- Parliament House 7161. Performing Arts Board 6289. WA Opera Company 6289. Audit -- Emmaus Women's Refuge -- Report 7672. Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 3761. Introduction 4161, 4448. Legal Advice -- Motion 4119, 4142. Australian Labor Party -- Conservation and Environment Committee -- National Parks -- Mining 5206. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Excision -- Petition 6580; Point of Order 6580. Redevelopment -- WA Development Corporation 6285. Bills -- Pre face -- Alteration 6660. Births, Deaths and Marriages -- National Register 6649, 665 1. Brown, Ms Sandra -- Education Department -- Director of Curriculum 375. Buckland Hill -- Action Group -- Appeal 5809. Subdivision -- WA Development Corporation 6656. Budie, Mr Terry -- Attendance -- Ausuralia-lapan Symposium 1237. Businesses -- Corporate Affairs Department -- Fee Collections 1785. National Companies Scheme -- Recommendations 1585. Catt Corporation Ltd - WA Exim Corporation - Debts 245. Chemicals -- Ammonia-urea Plant 392. Petrochemical Industry 882. Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Incinerator -- Grievance -- Point of Order 4117. Questions 596. 597. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 7607. Corn. 7772-7779. 3r. 7780. Council's Message 8316. Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4852. Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8324. Cockbumn Cement Ltd -- Gas Purchase Coatracts 734. Commnittee for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Government Utility Charges-- Inquiry-Motion 1848. Communications 1124,7172. Community Services - Adoptions 137, 389. Charitable Institutions -- Electricity Tariffs 6478. Child Prostitution -- Television Report 2141. (306) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Community Services (continued) -- Deparment 3808, 68 10. Emergency Relief -- Guidelines 2385. Emmaus Women's Refuge -- Audit Report 7672. Energy Rebates 8339. Review -- Recommendations 6807. Women's Refuges -- Grants 3483. Connell, Mr Laurie -- Business Relationship -- Goldberg, Mr Yosse 1124. Crime -- Assault - Blind Person - Offenders 4762, 717 1. Dangerous Driving Offence -- Sentence 68 10. National Crime Prevention Authority -- Representation 6481. Sentences -- Weymouth, David 4576. Stealing -- Juveniles 4762, 597 1. Traffic Offecs -- Records -- Motor Vehicle Licences 6481. Crimnal Code Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7757. Dairying -- Milk Bottles 1573. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -Administration - Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 836. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1072. Recoin. 1896.,1900. Question 1123. Eastern Europe -- Potential Targets 7677. Easmon. Mr Srian 245. Economic Planning Council 244. Education - Department -- Director of Curriculumn 375. Down's Syndrome Association 7677. English as a Second Language 389. Non-Government Schools 137. Policies-- Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 7090. Pre-primary -- Auckland Hill -- Contamination 5694. Primary School-.- Dalkeith -- Athletics Carnival -- Point of Order 995. SluM -- Production 1425. Students -- Additional Assistance Scheme -- Applications 1123. Technical and Further Education -- Claremont School of Art 3482. Tertiary 389. 732. 743. Electoral - Redistribution 1122, 476 1. Employment and Training 6665. Energy - Briquettes 393. Electricity -- Power Stations-- Thermal 8340. Production -- Cost 4893. Tariffs -- Institutions 6478. Underground Supplies 8340. Gas - Consumption -- Geraldton 392. Fremantle Gas and Coke Co Ltd -- Business Relationship I1t24. Purchase 1236. SEC Board Meetings 1124. North West Shelf 393, 734. Pipelines.- Construction Personnel 1125. Danpier-Perib 4445. Danripier-Wagenip 8341. Monitoring System 8346. North West Shelf 2389. Staff Reduction 393. Purchase Contracts -- Financial Arrangements 734. Reticulation System -- Fremantle 4763. 5809. Take-or-pay -- Liability 2143. Woodada - Contract Cancetlation 2143. Hydrocarbons - Reserves 135. Rebates -- Commonwealth Contribution 8339. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (307)

Energy (continued) -- State Energy Commission - Annual Report 735, 4444, 6809. Board 1124. Budget 1980. Coal Purchases 2144. Communications System 2389. Compulsory Payments 8095. Construction Work -- Private Contractors 734. Debts -- Rearrangement 4445. Energy-Using Industries 735. Federal Powers 8340. Foreign Exchange Transactions 2143, 2389. Indebtedness 2144. Interest Reduction 8340. Motor Vehicles -- Party Suickers 2143, 2389. Offshore Loans 394, 8339. Percentage Load Growth 4446. Promissory Notes 244. Shop Stewards' Agreement 883. Statutory Contributiorns 8339, 8341. Superannuation Provision 394. Union Negotiations 4751, 7170, 8345. Work Practices 475 1. Tariffs increases 882. Unleaded Petrol -- Grievance 34 10. Environment -- Buckland Hill Land 4445, 6127. Careniup Swamp 648 1. Heritage 1238.,3808. National Estate - Listings 135. Old Swan Brewery - Demolition -- Petitions 15, 70. Redevelopment -- Matter of Public Importance 4505. The Anchorage Developmemt -- Public Environmental Report 530. Equal Opportunity 869, 3249. Fair Tradig Legislation 6479. Family -- Wanslea Family Support Services 8337. Farrell. MrDarcy 8345. Finance Brokens-- Supervisory Board -- Annual Report 6656. Financial. Institutions -- Banks -- Credit Suisse First Boston - Advice 4446. LBS Australia Bank- Old Perth Technical College Site 734. Teachers Credit Society Ltd - Advances 8330. Investigation -- Select Committee -- Point of Order 4284. Losses 3687. Rural and Industries Bank -- Advance 7690. Select Committee Inquiry - Motion 3434; Withdrawal of Remark 3435; Point of Order 3445. Fisheries -- Abalone Poachers 519. Floriculture -- Report 7919. Forests -- Hawke Block 6664. Pormulab Technology Australia Pty Ltd 2140. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6405. Fremantle Steam Laundry Pty Ltd 530. Gale, Mr Keith -- Cant Corporation Ltd - Involvement 245. Government Employment 246, 1236. WA Exim. Corporation -- Role 882. Gold Barddnn Coration Bill -- Withdrawal of Remark 6085. Corn. 6109, 6122. Goldberg, Mr Yosse 1124,5423. GoldCorp 6127,6287. Government Buildings 1230, 6648. (308) H (308)NDEX 14 TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H-

Government Employees -- Public Service - Canberra Trip -- Involvement 6128S. Political Appointees 1235. Staff Freeze -- Lifting 1234. Superannuation Deductions -- Remits 374. Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- Corn. 2380. 3r, 2383, Government lnstrttmentaities -- Annual Reports -- Tabling 7157. Confidential Information -- Mauer of Public Importance -- Amendment to Mobion 3640. Grievances -- Chemicals -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Point of Order 4117. Energy -- Unleaded Petrol. 34 10, Health -- AIDS -- WA AIDS Council 244, 87 1. Western Australian Cases 7676. Disabled Persons -- Blind Person -- Assault 4762. 7171. Down's Syndrome Association -- Education Assistance 7677. Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Categories 1417. Geraldion -- Younger, Mr Ross 1230. Private -- Contract Arrangements 4594. Records 5968, 6655. Medical Practitioners -- Castleden, Mr Bill -- Consultancy Contract 2955. Tom Price 681It. Mental Health Patient -- Indecent Assault 7345. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2444. Nurses -- Nursing Homes 8336. Her Majesty the Queen -- Photograph -- Parliamentary Dining Room 7519. Identity Card -- Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs -- Submission 8342. Industrial Development -- Energy-using Industries -- Encouragemntt 735. Jakarta Exposition -- Participation 7336. Silicon Plant - Location 8090. Industrial Referral and Diagnostic Services Inc 1422, 3805. 4448. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Motion 1565. Amendment to Motion 1556. Disputes -- Fremantle Port 392. 18S 1. 2677. 7920. Stop-work Meetings -- "Approved" 391. Time Lost 245.743. Industry and Technology Portfolio 968. Inflation Rate -- Western Australia 1438. Insurance--. International Insurance Exchange 8343. State Government Insurance Commission 6301L, 6485. Investment -- Western Australian 869. 870. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement BiUl -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 5498. Iron Ore (Namers ley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. -- Cognate Debate 5498. Land -- Buckland Kil Development 6656,8336. Commissioner of Titles 137. National Parks -- Mining 5206. 8337. Release -- Buckland Kill -- Environmental Report 6127. Reserve No 28948, p. 1235. Salt Encroacthment 4749. Surveyor General 137. Valuations -- Claremont and Peppermint Grove 5188. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Taxation Proposal -- Motion 2239. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H- (309)

Life Ministries - Sex Shops -- Concern 6989. Liquor 3913. 6127. Uoyd. Mr Tony 969, 7521. 7925. Local Government Grants 2142. Mansfield, Mr 5206. Marks. MWJack 1980. Matters of Public Importance -- Education Policies -- Condemnation 7090. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery Redevelopment 4505. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information 3640. Minister for Economic Development -- Canberra Visit -- Cost 7512. Medical Practitioners -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure - Matter of Purblic Importance 2444. Members of Parliament -- Member for Mitchell -- Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West -- Personal Explanation -- Point of Order 1282. Member for Murchison-Eyre -- Attack - Minister for Agriculture 2151. Offices -- Family Employment 1123. Opposition Promises -- Costing 1122. Minerals - Bauxite Leases 394. Coal -- State Energy Commission Payments 2144. Stockpile 245, 2144, 6482, WA Coal Industry Council 8338.393, 1125. Gold Recovery -- Joint Venture 6127. Iron Ore -- Barter Scheme 8338. Consultative Committee - Cost 394. Exports - Japan 390, 1125. Japanese Negotiations 136. Marketing -- BHiP Decision 136. Market Share 1237. Redundancies -- Mt Tom Price 68 11. Sales -- Price Reduction 39 1, Soviet Union 6126, 8338. Mining -- National Parks 5206.8337. Tailings Dumps -- Leases 6287. Ministers of the Crown -- Attorneys General -- Standing Committee -- 'X-rated Videos 8337. Cabinet -- Sex Shops -- Control 8341. Canberra Trip 5709, 6128. Minister for Agriculture -- Premier's Attitude 2151. Minister for Community Services 3808. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2444; Amendment to Motion - Points of Order 2452, 2454. Minister for Economic Development 732,7512. Minister for Industry and Technology 968. Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment 392. Minister for Minerals and Energy -- Meetings - Fremantle Gas & Coke Co Ltd - Purcbase 1 124. Mining Unions Association -- Communications 1098, 1980. Secretary, Mining Unions Association 734. Minister for The South West -- Electorate Visits -- Personal Explanation -- Point of Order 1282. Premier -- Attitude -- Minister for Agriculture 2151. Canberra Trip -- Purpose 6808. Consultancy -- WA.DC Chairman 1230. Retirement Date 5819. WA Exini Corporation -- Product Marketing 73 1. Senator Richardson -- National Park Mining 8337. Travel Expenses 4918. Treasurer 1126. Motions -- Australia Card- Bill -- Opposition 3761. Legal Advice 411L9,4142. Ftnancial Institutions -- Teachers Credit Society Lid -- Select Committee Inquiry 3434. (310) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Motions (continued) -- Government Utilities - CTharges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Inquiry 1848. Rotliwells Lid -- Government Action 5158. Taxes and Charges -- Federal liberal Party Proposal 2239. Motor Vehicles 993.,648 1, 8338. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Affirmative Action Programmes 744. Commission-- Service Delivery 247. Language Service Policy Office -- Establishment 1422. 'Right to Equality of Outcome" 390. Noosk Hydru -- Ammonia-urea Plant 392. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1683. Corn. 1746-1781, 1902-1975. Withdrawal of Remark 1914. Points of Order 1918, 1919. 3r. 2188. Council's Amendments 3210, 3216. Occupational Health. Safety and Welfare .- Sun Exposure Study 247. Orbital Engine Co Pty Ltd 7513. Overseas Relations Office 6665. Parliament House -- Dining Room -- Photographs 7519. Paintings.-- Originalsl7161. Robert Juniper Tapestry -- Valuation 597 1. Pastoral Industry -- Leases -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd -- Disease Eradication 112-4. Emanuel -- Aboriginal Groups 245. WA Exim Corporation 733. Personal Explanation .. Member for Mitchell -- Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West - Point of Order t282. Petitions -- Bemies Hamburger Bar -- Excision 6580. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Demolition 15. 70. Sex Shops -- Control 6580, 8029. Petro Chemical Industries Ltd 1980. Planning- Can~al Development--. Dawesville Cut 6809, 7160. High-rise Development -- Policy 4765. 6480. Scarborough -- Control 6989. Mosman Park-North Fremantle -- Study Group 596-4. Old Swan Brewery Redevelopment -. Opposition 6480. Sandringham Hotel Site Redevelopment 6127. Secret Harbour Development 142. Service Stations -- Traffic Lights 1422. Subdivisions -- Buckland Hill -. Environmental Aspects 4445. Tearooms-- Mosman Park -- Jetty Licence 134,520, 871, 998,1252, 1862,3258,3556. Police -- Arrests 717 1. College 1864. Officers -- Advanced Training 1719. Clerical Duties 1864. Reports-- Preparation 1718. Stres-- Consultants 3805. Public Relations 8345. Random Breath-testing 993. Water Police Headquarters; 3259. Pornography -- Literature -- Birnie Home 1422. Ports and Haftours - Fremantle - Barge Harbour 4037. 8087. Industrial Disputes 392,1881. Stoppages 1861.,2677. Trade Competition 7921. World Comparisons 792-0. Fremantle Port Authority -- Political Strikes 792-0. Unloading Levy 8355- Jetty - Mosinan Park Tearooms -- Licence 87 1,1252. 3258. H H ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]H H (311)(31

Premier and Cabinet Department 142 1. Prostitution -. Legalisation - Legislation 5198. Standards 4895. WA Development Corporation - Role 5198. Questions On Notice 4747. Religious Organisations; -- Fair Trading Legislation 6479. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6967. Corn. 7439-7506. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6435. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - 2r. 6898. Corn. 6923, 692-8. Roads 388. 8089. Rotfiwells Ltd -- Government Action -- Editorial Comment 5320. Motion 5158. Point of Order 5139. Amendment to Motion 5162. Standing Orders Suspension 5116. Governmentm Guarantee 5566, 6650. Goverrnment Liability 6980. Indebtedness -- Western Continental Corporation Ltd 5423. Royal Automobile Club of WA-- Old Swan Brewery Redevelopment 6480. Saiand Pry Ltd -- Water Police Headquarters 3259. Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs 6466, 6812, 8342. Sex Shops -- Control -- Cabinet Consideration 834 1. Petitions 6580, 8029. Proliferation 6989. Shopping -- Trading Hours 743. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Conduct -- Censure Motion 1522. Notice of Motion 1520. Cook Wsands Visit-- Wife 1249. Sport and Recreation -- Cycle Helmets 4445. International Events -- Funding 733. Superdrome 6283, 6287. Standing Orders Suspension -- Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action 5116. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2833. State Finance -- Budget Allocationis-- Cycle Riders' Helmets 4445. Superannuation Board Trust Account 969. Treasury 135, 591. Stock -- Livestock Report -- Subsidy 1124. Quarantine -- Kunmurra 5966. Sheep- Lupinosis -- Point of Order 2149. Superannuation - Board- Chairman - Conflict of Interest 969. Developments -- The Anchorage 530, 1709, 1711, 1715. Investments - Authorisation 1711. Authouised Trustee Investments 5968. Hotel Developments 1711. Legality 542. The Anchorage 1709, 1711. Land Purchases -- David Jones Site 1713. Members 734. Minutes-- Treasurer 1126. Question -- Response 1289. Trust Account -- Interest 969. Old Scheme -- Actuarial Cost 2242. Salary Deductions -- Remits 374. Stale Energy Commission -- Provision 394. (312) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub ludice,- Motion -- Points of Order 834, 853; Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 836. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill -- 2r, 2360. Supply Bill -- 2r, 2924. Points of Order 2928, 2929. Topics Discussed -- Castleden, Mr 2925. Fremantle Hospital 2924. Hospital Waiting Lists 2925. Medicare 2925. Minister for Health 2926. Swan Portland Cement Ltd 734. Swan Wool Scouring (WA) --The Anchorage Development 530. Taxes and Charges -- Australia's Status 870. Federal Liberal Party Proposal -- Motion 2239. Flat Taxation System -- Rural Effect -- Point of Order 891. Fringe Benefits Tax 135. Technology 3807, 6655. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill - Corn 5929. Tourism -- Air Charters -- Advice 6986. Development 743, 1233. Interstate Charters 6479. Potential -- Kawke Forest Block 6664. Projects -- Investment 743. Resort Hotel Development -- Lake Argyle 245, 391. 732, 1125. Trading Hours -- Effects 743. Trade -- Competition -- Fremantle Port 7921. Deficit 7336.,7512. Exports - Gas Condensate 734. Iron Ore 390, 1125. Japan 6466. Problems 7922. Mission -- Papua New Guinea 6478, 0.346, Traffic Lights -- Service Station Corners 1422. Transport . Air - Albany-Esperauce -- Alternative Operators 1287, 15 82. Charter - Gascoyne Electorate 4600. Minister for Economic Development 7512. Tourists 6479,6986. Treasury Officers 135. Buses -- Bus Station 3827, 3829, 5189. Fremantle-Mirrabooka 1234. Mosman Park-Perth 1234. Railway Electrification 6287. Shipping 135, 2465. Trustees - Authorised. Investments 6133. Unions -- Joint Unions Advisory Council 883. May Day Rally Banners 1419. Membership -- Employee's Dismissal 2960, 3249. Mining Umions Association 734, 1098, 1980, State Energy Commission 734, 7170, 8345. Videos -- 'X"-rated 8337. WA Development Corporation - Bemnies Hamburger Bar 6285. Board 591. 1124. Buckland Hill Development 6656, 8336. Chairman 5 19, 872, 1230. 17 13. Claremont School of Art 3482. International Insurance Exchange 8343. Involvement -- Tourism 1233. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H- (313)

WA Development Corporation (continued) -- Old Perth Technical College Site 734. Payments 6649. Wansica 8337. WA Exim Corporation -- Accountability 882. Board S91, 732. 733. 198 1. Consultants -- Agriculture Department 1236. Debts -- Can Corporation Ltd 245. Easton, Mr Brian 245. Emanuel Pastoral Leases 245. Employees 246. Funds -- WA Overseas Projects Authority 733. Gale, Mr Keith 882. Investments 391. Losses -- Recovery 391. Mitsui Agreement 137, 1422.4763. Pastoral Activities 733. Products -- Marketing 73 1. Resort Hotel Development, Lake Argyle 391, 732, 1125. 3577, 3796. Returns -- Filing 732. Subsidiaries 246. Tertiary Students 732. WA Exirn International Ltd 1235. WA Government Holdings Ltd 733. WA Mini -- Contribution -- State Treasury 591. Investment 4747. New Premises L783. Officer -- Conditions of Employment 1098. Operations 377. Reorgankisation 59 1. Water Resources -- Rainxwater Tank -- Dulyalbin 3912. Wesfannens-CSBP - Ammortia-urca Plant 392. Western Continental Corporation Ltd -- Indebtedness 5243. Weymouth, David 4576. Younger. Mr Ross 1230.

HELM. HON TOM (North) - Aboriginal Affairs -- Kim berley ining -- Adjournment Debate 920. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 271. Topics Discussed -- Abattoirs - Mudginberri 273. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) BiDl 272. Brush, Mr and Mrs Len 274. Government Expenditure 274. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill 272. Plumbers and Gas Fitters Union 277. Price Watch 273. Taxation 275. Adjournment Debates - Aboriginal Affaiirs -- Kimberley Mining 920. Minerals - Mining -- Kimberley 920. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 41082. Topics Discussed - Australian Bicentennial Clebrations 4083, 8084. Trade Union Movement 4082. Community Services -- Children -- Sexual Activity - Petition 3499. Criminal Code Amendment Bill - 2r. 2005. Door to Door Trading Bill - 2r. 1446. ion Ore (Cleveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6826. Minerals - Mining -- Kimberley -- Adjournment Debate 920. (314) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ H

Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2581. Corn. 2743, 2751, 2752,.2778,2781. Petition -- Community Services -- Children -- Sexual Activity 3499.

HENDERSON, MRS Y.D., BA, Dip Ed, JP (Gosnells) - See also "Deputy Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Assembly and Acing Speaker". Abattoirs - Meat 1595. Aboriginai Affairs -- Wiluna Shire Council 5035. Acts Amendment (Polce and Child Welfare) Bill -- 2r. 4558. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 317. Amendments to Motion 570.686. Topics Discussed -- Aged Persons -- Retirement Villages 317. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 570. Price Watch Scheme 686. America's Cup 1126, 1127. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4090. Topics Discussed -- Health -- Medical Treatment 4091. Technology -- Medical 4090. Australia Card Bill - Opposition - Motion 3755. Birch, Clive -- Real Estate Agent -- Activities -- Grievance 5647. Brickyard -- Orange Grove Rubbish Tip -- Grievance 3418. Communications -- Remote Areas 976. Copemnan. Mr Charles 2397. Defence Contracts 1129. Education .- Dalkeith Primary School 995. Schools -- Integration of Activities 602. Tertiary 975, 2518. Electoral Blacmail -- Member's Claims 4774. Employment and Training -- Employment Statistics 7932. Energy -- Electricity Charges -- Mounts Bay Sailing Club 6302. Equal Opportunity -- Dalkeith Primary School 995. Family Court Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2654. Grievances -- Brickcyard -- Orange Grove Rubbish Tip 3418. Local Government -- Welfare Services 1180. Planning -- Subdivisions 811. Real Estate Agent -Activities 5647. Sex Change -- Legal Status 5261. Health -- Immunisation Programmes 2529. ICI Australia Operations Ply Ltd -- Ceramics Project 889. Industrial Develorent -- America s Cup -- Benefit 1126. Ceramics Projct 889. Computer Aided Design 974. Defence-related Industries 1126. Fashion industry 1128. Quality Control 978. RoUs Royce 977. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation--Condemnation- Motion 1211. Copeman, Mr Charles -- Activities 2397. Leahy, My Kevin 4774. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Taxation Proposals -- Motion 2208. Question 2250. Liquor - Trading Hours Extension -- Petition 1046. Local Government - Welfare Services - Grievance 1180S. Wiluna Shire Council 5035. H I-I ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (315)35

Members of Parliament -- Member for Cottesloe 4774. Opposition-- Law and Order Plan 1436. Salary Increases 7340. Motions -- Australia Card Bill - Opposition 3755. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation 1211. Police Commissioner -- Confidence 7415. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2208. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill 2r. 1400. Corn. t923-1925, Petitions -- Liquor -- Trading Hours 1046. Sex Shops -- Control 7086, 7236. Planning -- Subdivisions -- Grievance 811. Police Commissioner -- Confidence -- Motion 74 L5. Real Estate Agent - Activities -- Grievance 5647. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Zr. 6947. Rolls-Royce of Australia Ltd 977. Sex Change -- Legal Status -- Grievance 5261. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitions 7086. 7236. Sport arnd Recreation -- Mounts Bay Sailing Club 6302. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposals -- Motion 2208. Question 2250. Technology -- Computers -- America's Cup 1127. Bunbury Institute of Advanced Education 975. Computer-Aided Design 974. Industries -- Skills Upgrading 1099. Park 25 1IS. Wages and Salaries -- National Wage Increase 157. Waste Disposal -- Orange Grove Rubbish Tip -- Grievance 3418. Westintech Innovation Corporation Lid 2517.

HETHERU'IGTON, HON ROBERT, BA (South East Metropolitan) -- See also 'Deputy C/hairman of Committees in the Legislative Council and Deputy President". Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill -- 2r. 5862. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Coin. 1302. 1336. 1474.,2047. Reinstatement of ClauseS8-- Amendment to Motion 1468. Adjournment Debates -- Legislative Council Staff -- Appreciation 1653. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement 3185. Agricultural Education -- Appointment of Select Committee -- Amendment to Motion 2415. Censorship of Films Amendment BiW -- 2r. 1264. Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8300. Corrmittee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -Appointment - Amendment to Motion 1642-1t647. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 1599. 2r. 1599 2703. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Coin. 4638, 4654, 4655. Housing -- Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Support -- Petition 358 1. Legislative Council Staff -- Appreciation -- Adjournment Debate 1653. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8 123. Topics Discussed -- commonwealth Parliamentary Association 8124. Parliament -- Committee on Delegated Legislation 8123. Trade -- Zimbabwe 8 124. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement -- Adjournment Debate 3185. Petition -- Housing - Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Support 3581. (316) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Supply Biu -- 2r. 3128. Topics Discussed -- Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hon V.J. 3128. Raiding, Mr Alan 3t128. Economy 3128. Electoral -- Federal Elections 3128. Political Pantics 3128. Treasurer, Federal -- Gift 3128.

HILL, HON GORDON, JP, MINISTER FOR POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES. AND MINISTER FOR MULTICULTURAL AND ETHNIC AFFAIRS (Helena) Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginial Advancement Council 8334. Aboriginal Legal Service - Police Assassination 237. Cullacabardee Village - Police -- Stoning 6982. Perth Community -- Misuse or Funds 4592. Police Officer -- Threats 6981. Aged Persons - Drivers' Licence Tests 1592. Motor Vehicle Drivers' Licences 3255. Motor Vehicle Licence Fee 516. War Widows -- Drivers' Licences 4752. Agriculture -- Farms -- Motorcycles 4590, Implements -- Towing -- Regulations 4419. Machinery 1419, 1976. America's Cup - Police Officers -- Relocation 595. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Coin. -- Division -- Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission 8079. Arts -- Libraries -- Multilingual Books 8344. BrsMr Len -- Charges 257. Bush Fires Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 76. 2r, 180, 959. Point of Order 956. Coin. 961, 962. 3r. 962. Cattalini, Ms Helen 1983. Communications -- Police -- Repeater Stations 3803. Telephone 231, 14 18. Consumer Affairs - Second-hand Dealers 528. Courts -- Coroners 4577. Sentences 1109. Crime -- Assault -- Blind Person 4762, 7171. Bank Holdups 2949. Charges -- WA AIDS Council 1102. Criminal Records -- Motor Vehicle Licensing Section 6298. Gross Indecency -- Containment Policy 887. Group Libel - Legislation 8347. Increase -- Matter of Public Importance 398 1; Amendment to Motion 3984. Indecently Dealing -- Charges 1415. Juveniles 4267,4279. Levels 3373. Nonhbam 595. Prostitution 1109. Raze -- Increase 3373. Repetition -- Kununurna Youth 595. Reports 1416. Riot -- Florear Athena Sports Centre 2521. South West -- Increase 4601; Withdrawal of Remark 4601. Statistics 134,6478. Traffic Offences -- Records 648 1. Unlawfr Use of Motor Vehicles 4042. Vandalism -- Boulder-lKalgoorlie 1108. H H ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]HH (37(317)

Education~- Fire Brigade -- Cutback 5567. Schools -- Activities -- Integration -- Petition 7 1. Electoral -- Candidates - Police Officers -- Reinstatement 58 10. Federal Election -- Candidate - Reintstatement to Employment 2519.2524. Emergency Services -- Motor Vehicle Accidents- Responsibilities 459 1. State Emergency Service - Officers -- Authority 529. Rescue Operations -- Role 237, 527. Role 1584. Energy -- Electricity Power Poles -- Neighbourhood Watch Scheme 1585. Equal Opportunity -- School Activities -- Petition 7 1. Fartell, Mr Darcy 8345. Financial Institution -- Swan Building Society -- Police Investigation 3823, 4047. 4279. Firearms Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 2308. 2r. 2308, 3319. 3r. 3320. F~ires -- Fire Brigades -- Education Activities 5567. Rescue Operations -- Role 237. Road Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme 742. Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme 527. Volunteer- Emergency Rescue Role 1419. Fire Extinguishers -- Services 1120. Fire Fighating Trailers -- Third Party Insurance 236. Fire Hazards- Motor Vehicles -- Catalytic Converters 3913. Fire Services- Commonwealth Contribution 4420. Funding Reform 6295. Fin Stations -- Bussekton 6484. Perth- Catering Service 2950. Flatynan Family 599. Government Buildings -- National Safety Council 4264. Government Employees -- Departments -- Ministers of the Crown 1430. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings -- Government Corporations 37 1. Grain -- Transport -- Overload Tolerance 3265. Grievances _- Multicultural and Ethniic Affairs -- Racist Posters 4115. Police -- Staffing -- Warwick 4522. Health -- AIDS - Homosexual Bathihouse 535, 599. WA AIDS Council 865, 1102, 1106. Alcohol -- Consumption -- Public Places 2950. Disabled Persons -- Blind Person -- Assault 4762, 717 1. Motorised Wheelchairs 5 89. 5583. Drugs -- Hotline 6296. Operation NOAH 6296. Possession -- On-the-Spot Fines 521. Motor Vehicle Accidents -- Alcohol-related 6285. Noise Abatement -- Police Role 745. Prescriptions -- Tranquullisers 739. Homosexual Persons' Bathhouse 535, 599. Housing -- Northam 3243, 1926. Industrial Referral and Diagnostic Services Inc. -- Police Stress 3805. Services 1422, 4448. Insurance Council of Australia Ltd - Recommendation 6295. Jesus People Inc. -- Traniquilliser Prescriptions 739. Kaigoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce -- Vandalism 1108. Land-- Lot 363 Doepel Street, North Fremantle 528. Reserves -- Coinbustible Material 3669. Les Cooke Instrments Pty Ltd 2243. Liquor Offences 3674. (318) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Lisle-Williams, Dr Michael 6297. Local Government -- Camnarvon Shine Council--. Alcohol 2930. Matters of Public Importance -- Crime--. Increase 3981; Amendment to Motion 3984. Tai-drivers -- Assaults -- Prevention 3201. Members of Parliament . Leader of the Opposition-- "Political Notes" - Law and Order Issues 1724. Member for Mt Lawley -- Comments -- Comnmissioner of Police 7175. Commissioner of Police -- Annual Report 3925. Opposition -- Brush, Mr Len- Charges 237. Law and Order Plan 1436. Police -- Criticism 7523. Minerals - Gold Thbeft .- Investigation 6985. Unlawful Removal 4440. Ministers of the Crown .- Government Employees -- Positions 1430. Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs- Luncheon 6125. Minister for Police and Emergency Services- Aircraft Incident 2520. Cocktail Party 6125. Crime Levels 3373. Letter 3374-3376. Luncheon 6125. Police Force--. Morale 88 1. Overseas Travel 4275. Premier -- Police Union.-- Comments 2149. Mobi Tow .. Tow Truck Regulations 1420. Motor Vehicle Drivers Instructors Amendment Bill - Intro.; 1r. 1534. 2r. 1662, 3654. 3r. 3654. Motor Vehicles -- Accidents -- Alcohol-related 6285. Baby Safety Capsules -- Hiring 38 1. Central Register 127. Drivers - Licences - Aged Persons 1592. 3255. Card System 524. Collections 4766. Concessional Rates 4578, 4752. Credit Card-type 1976, 4043. Credit Card Use 1583. Date of Birth 7516, 7685. Photographs 7517. Validity 388. Random Breath-testing 893, 993. Examiners -- Bunbuzy 742. Farm - Licences 1417. Fire Fighting Trailers 236. FireHazards-- Catalytic Converters 3668, 3913. licences - Concessions 2527. Details 885. Farm -- Reversion 2683. Inspection Officer -- Esperance 3250. Licensing Section -- Criminal Records 6298. Numbering - Traffic Records 6481. Personal Plates 238. Plates - Disposal 5422. No. 7H0-35 1, p.527. Rebates--. Pensioners 516. Stickers 5197. Wridscreen Stickers 6295. H H[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]HH (39(319)

Motor Vehicles (continued) -- Motor Cycles -- Defensive Riding Course 5026. Farm Use 4590. High Horsepower -- Banning 4764. Running Lights -- Proposal 4907. Overlengtb -- Escorts 1585. Police, Use 3804,4040. Standards -- Regulations -- Cost 2687. Towing 1420,2949. Trucks -- Safety Plates 3825. Tyres -- Retreads -- Accidents 3803. Unroadworthy -- Work Orders 235. Multicultural and Etic Affairs - Affirmative Action Programmes 744. Commission 1418. Immigration Policies -- Submission 6286. Language Service Policy Office 1422. Language Services 3924. Macedonian Books 8344. Macedonian United Society - Concern 2954. Racist Posters -- Grievance 4115. "Right to Equality of Outcomne" 390. Service Delivery 247. National Safety Council -- Budget Allocation 4758. Cycle Riding Courses 4760. Motor Cycles -- Defensive Driving Course 5026. Natural Disasters -- Cyclones -- Emergency Services 529. Petition -- Schools -- Activities -- Integration 71. Police Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5272. Police -- Aboriginal Advancement Council 8334. Accident Inquiry Section -- Vehicles 7680. Aides 5576. Arrests -- Minor Offences 717 1. Bateman -- Noalimba Centre 2139. Blue Light Discos 3800, 3801. Breathalyser Units -- Mobile 2243. College -- Establishment 1864. Commissioner -- Actions -- Member's Comments 7175. Annual Report -- Comments 3925. Prostitution -- Control 6293. Communications -- Repeater Stations 3803. Complaints -- Statistics 1415. Counselling Services 1417. Criminal Investigation Branch 1416. Department 527. 878. Filing, Detective Constable Paul -- Electoral Candidacy 2519, 2524. Firearms 3242, 4048, 8348. Force -- Corruption -- Investigation 4055. Morale 880, 88 1. Privatisation 3928. Gold Theft 4440,6985. Headlight Testing Service 542. Housing -- Nonhiam. 7926. Internal Investigations Branch -- Confidence 4055. Kimberley Echo- Comments 8347. Licensing Clerk- Kambalda 5807. Liquor and Gaming Squad 6298. Kalgoorlie 7679. Perth 1720. Motor Vehicles -- Compensation 3804, 4040. Damage 1720. Neighbourhood. Watch Programme 158517928. (320) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Noise Abatement -- Role 745. Northam Region 7528,7927. Officers -- Advanced Training 1719. America's Cup-Duty 595. Assassination -- Aboriginal Frustration 237. Assaults - Strategy 2146. Authority -- Disasters 529. Clerical Duties 1864. Country -- Operational Allowance 3804. Election Candidates 5310, 5959. Kwinana2 Area 1587. Pay Structures 6295. Reports -- Preparation 1718. Statistics 238. stress 3805. Threats - Aboriginal Person 698 1. Transfers -- Curtin House 38 1, Wives --Itnjuries 1583. Opposition Criticism 7523. Plain-clothes -- Identification 3263. Police and Citizens Youth Clubs 7679. Practices - Draft Code 6300, Promotional Assessment Courses 969. 1106. Public Relations -- Mr Darcy Farreil 8345. Radar Guns 2679, 2946. Random Breath-testing -- Attitude 993. Recruits 2683, 5578. Regional Policing -- Policy 7922. Resources- Short age 1594, 1595. Sentences -- Appeals 1 109. Special Response Group --.Country Areas 4916. Staffing - Minister's Letter 3375. 3376. Wangara Industrial Estate 127. Warwick -- Grievance 4522. Stations -- Bunbury Region 1592. Civilian Clerks 7691. Country 3804, 4041. [nnaloo 3254. Ketlerbemn 5197. Lockuidge 1098. Pinjana 4049. Scarborough 3254. Wiluna 2387. Yartoop 3794. Stoning -- Aboriginal Person 6982. Swan Building Society 3823, 4047,4279. Telephone Systems -- Review 23 1. Traffic Branch 1418. Water Police 528, 2252. 3259. Pornography -- Literature -- Bimnie Horne 1422. Prisoner - Kalgoorlie 6990. Privatisationi -- Police Force 3928. Prostitution 5198, 6293, 6294. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill- intro.; Ir. 6894. 2r. 6894,.6917. Corn. 6922-6930. 3r. 7099. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2)- Intro.; it. 1534. 2r. 1707, 3352. Corn. 3644, 3649, 3653. 3r. 3653. Council's Amendments 7613, 7617, 7621-7624. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 3) -- 2r. 5280. Road Traffic Amendment Bill -- 2r. 456 1. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (321)

Roads -- Line Marking -- Passing on Left 1419. Mitchell Freeway 372. Repairs -- Keep Left Rule 741. Road Transport Emergency Assistance Scheme 742, 868. Ruxton, Mr Bruce - Views 1983. Saland Pry Ltd -- Water Police Headquarters 3259. Shopping -- Markets -- Dealers' Licences 379. Sport and Recitation- Cycles 256, 1867, 4760. State Finance-.- Budget Allocations - National Safety Council 4758. Neighbourhood Watch Programme 7928. Supply Billn 2r. - Withdrawal of Remark 292-9. Taxes and Charges -- Australian Taxation Office -- Motor Vehicle Licence Details 885. Sales Tax -- Blue Light Discos -- Equipment 3800. Traffic -- Accidents- Fatalities -- Road Trains 238, 3666. Railway Road, Shenton Park 4420. Responsibility 4591. Retreaded Tyres 3803. Code -- Amendment -- Motorised Wheelchairs 3667, 5583. Keep Left Rule 740, 741. Signs 522. Traffic Management Authority -- Status 740. Tranasport -- Emergency Assistance Scheme 527. Eyre -- Incident -- Minister for Police and Emergency Services 2520. Grain -- Overload Tolerance 3265. Heavy Haulage Weighing 2243. Taxis -- Fare Evasion -- Legislation 2694; Point of Order 2694. Taxi-drivers -- Assaults -- Prevention -- Matter of Public Importance 320 1. Trucks - Warning Signs -- Regulations 3373. Union -- Police Union -- Assaults 2146. Heavy Haulage Section 527. Morale -- Meetings 880. Premier's Comments 2149. WA Development Corporation - Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 371. WA Eslin Corporation -- Government Instrumenalities -- Dealings 37 1. War Widows -- Motor Vehicle Licences -- Concessions 2527.

HODGE, HON B.J.. MINISTER FOR CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT, AND MINISTER FOR ENVIRONMENT (Melville) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Bungle Bungle National Park 5312. Rudall River National Park 5313, 6134. Agriculture -- Chemicals -- Environmental Impact 593. Farmers -- Farms -- Nlandurab 592. Mandurab Estuary 1872. Tree Plantations 146. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. -- Division -- Conservation and Land Management 7861. 7863. Bernies Hamburger Bar 7346. Brewtech -- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment 385. Brickworks .. Midland -- Helena River -- Proposal 3921. Prestige 392 1, 4165,4711. Buckland Hill Action Group -- Appeal 5809. Cable Sands (WA) Pry Ltd 980. Castleden, Mr Bill 2447. (322) H fINDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Chemicals-- Agricultural .. Environmental Impact 593. Fluoride 4053, 4165. Fluorocarbons -- Banning 7690. Ozone Layer 667 1. Polychlorinated Hiphenyls -- Disposal 4771. Incinerator - Alternative Sites 6676. Capacity 596. Environmental Report 4456. Environmental Submissions 592. Grievance 41t18. Other Stales' Waste 982. Stocks 3921L SCM Chemicals Ltd -- Environment al Report 532. Sodium Cyanide - Imports 982. Plant - Approval 1436. Environmental Report 592. Transportation 592, 5027. Use 592. Titanium Dioxide Plant -- Chloride Process 5309. Communications -- Television -- Channel 10, p. 7517. Conservation and Land Management - Conservation Reserves 1239. Department -- Avon Descent -- involvement 3372. Big Brook Damt 1434. District Officer 4569,4763. Fire Control 4444. Gravel -- Quarries -- Grievance 5643. Shire Councils 4589. Houses -- Dwellingup 530. Lightning-caused Fires 252 t. Offices -- Location 6810. Road-making Materials 3255. 3256. Staff -- Prescribed Burning 8087. Wildflower Licences 7927. Energy -- Electricity 6302, 6482. Oil -- Harbour Spills 3805. Environmecnt -- Agricultural Chemicals 593. Buckland Kill 4445, 6127. Carenwap Swamp -- Study 6481. Channel 10 Facilities 7517. Clay Quarry -- Upper Swan 5030. Conservation Strategies -- Documents 997. Damnpier Archipelago -- Resort 3923. Environmental Protection Authority 3252, 4912. Environmental Review and Management Programme -- Hedges Gold 6292. "Greenies" -- Disruption -- Contingency Plans 983. Guildfordl -- Fluoride Damage 4053. Harvey Wnet-Peel Estuary 5195. Hsaarous Wastes 4906. Heritage -- World Heritage Listinig 1238, 3919, 3920. Houtman Abroltos 538. hilet Management Authorities 980. Lake Forrestdale -- Midge Control 3251. Mandurah -- Estuary -Tree Plantations 146. Farm Closures 592. Midges -- Control 3809. Minninup Beach -- Mineral Sand Mining 5314. Murray Delta -- Study 6129. National Estate - Listings 135. H H[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (323)33

Envixoment (continued) -- North Lake 257. Old Swant Brewery - Redevelopment 385. Ozone Layer 6671. Peel Inlet-Harvey Estuary 3492. Penguin Island -- Lease Conditions 4589. Pollution .. Control Units 593. Kwinana Industrial Area 383. Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Incinerator -- 4119, 4456, 6676. Submissions 592. prestige Brickworks 3921, 4165. Report -- SCM Chemicals Ltd 532. Review -- Chittleborougb, R.G. and Keating, E.M. 4895. Rudall River 3821. Shannon River Basin--. Report 4598. Sodium Cyanide Plant 592. 1436. The Anchorage Development 530. Titanium Dioxide Plant 5309. Westeck Development 6290. Woodchipping Proposals -- Environmental Studies 2679. Fires 2521. 3567. 444 4. Forests -- Armillafla hiteobubalina 3242, 7681. Hiamel Nursery 1582. 6659, 6810. Hawke Block -- Tourismo Potential 6664. Karri -- Dieback 3367, 768 1. Lang Scientific Study Management Priority Area 3248. Logging -- Federal Government Action 385. 590. Phytoplrrhora cinnamonri 7681- Prescribed Burning 8087. Production Costs 3246. Pulp Mill-- Assessment 5807. Resources Inventory 1717. Royalties 1588. Sandalwood 985. 5968. Silviculture 1588. Softwood Plantings 992. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motions 6935, 6936. Revocation of Dedication -- Motions 1738, 2136; Amendments to Motion 2126, 2135. Timber - Charcoal -- Silicon Plant 1718. Draft Timber Strategy 1715, 1717. Industry -- Employees 5566. Log Prices 3257. Mills -- Dwellingup 3251. Private Property 983. Woodcbipping - licence -- Obligations 3371. MacLean Sawmills Ply Ltd 386, 2679. South Coast .- Proposal 386. Fremantle Steam Laundry Pry Ltd - The Anchorage Development 530. Govenrment Employees--. Departments -- Ministers of the Crown 1428. Government Instrumentalities - Dealings - Government Corporations 369. Grievances .. Chemicals -- Polychlorioated Biphenyls 4118. Minerals - Quarries -- Gravel -- Extraction 5643. Wildlife--. Western Swamp Turtle 4521. Health - Minister (or Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2447. Housing -- Conservation and Land Management Department- Dwellingup 530.

National Parks - Bungle Bungle 5312. D'Entxecasreaux. 980, 982, 7927. Entrance Fees 383, 534. Fitzgerald River 132, 982, 2680. (324) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Land (continued) -- National Parks (continued) -- Frank Hann 6133, 6134, 6146. Mineral Surveys 3920. Mining -- Bailey Report 4761. "Package" 6134. National Patk and Nature Conservation Authority -- Members 242. Ningaloo Marine Park -- Advisory Committee 1238, 1591. Deputy Leader of the Opposition's Comments 747. Milycring Facilities 1590. Scientific Facility 2590. Private Sector Operators 992. Rudall River - Aboriginal Use 5313. Bounadaries 4767. Mineral Exploration 3256. 6134. Release .. Hucklarid Hill -- Environmental Report 6127. Reserves -- Combustible Material -- Fire Risk 3567. Kings Putk Board 384, 385. Lzine-Poole 17l7, 3246. Mining "Package" 6134. No 16400, p.2953, 3242. Local Government -- Cockburn City Council -- Midge Control 3809. Domestic Waste Disposal 154. Duck Shooting Licences 6291. Exmnouth, Shime Council -- Ningaloo Marine Park Facilities 1590. Fire Risks - Reserves 3567. Gravel - Department of Conservation and Land Management 4589. Quarries -- Grievance 5643. Mukinbudin Shimv Council - Conservation and Land Management Department .- District Officer 4569, 4763. Perth City Council -- Bernues Hamburger Bar 384. Vilgarn Shire Council -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls tncnerator 6676. Matter of Public Importance -- Minister of the Crown -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure 2447. Member of Parliament -- Deputy Leader of the Opposition -- Comments -- Ningaloo, Marine Park 747. Minerals - CRA Exploration Pty Ltd -- Ru~da[] River National Park 3256,3821, 4767. Exploration -- CRA Exploration Ply Ltd 3256. RudaJ River National Park 6134. Gold - Buckland Hill 4897. Darling Scarp 3252. Gravel -- Conservation and Land Management Department 4589. Mineral Sands -- Darling Scarp 3252. D'Entmcasteaux National Park 980,982. Deposits -- South Coast 980, 982. Mirminup 5314. Mining -- Application -- Kwolyin 2953. National Parks -- Bailey Report 4767. Reserves -- Package 6134. Quarries -- Clay -- Upper Swan 5030. Gravel -- Extraction -- Grievance 5643. Surveys -- National Parks 39270. Ministers of the Crown -- Government Employees 1428. Minister for Conservation and Land Management - Surgery -- Matter of Public Importance - Censure 2447. Overseas Travel 4274. Motions .. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication 6935, 6936. Revocation of Dedication 1738, 2136; Amendments to Motion 2126, 2135. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) H (325)

Pastoral Industry -- Leases 1591. Petition -- Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill- Amendment 4498. Planning -. Bemnies Hamburger Bar 384. Cana Developments -- Wambro 3487,3493, 5584. Dawesville 6809, 7160. Development- Westeck 6290. Subdivisions- Buckland Hill 4445. Ports and Harbours -- Boat Harbour- Hillasys 123. Oil Spills Emergency Procedures 3805. Regional Development -- Swan Valley 4585. Rivers - Avon -- Management Authority 1792. Canning .. Management Review 594. Helena -- Brickworks Proposal 3921. Swan 594, 1192, 2249. Roads -- Cascades-Lake King 6133, 6145. Fitzgerald River National Park 132, 982. Road-making Material 3255, 3256. Roadside Clearing -- Lanelin-Perth Road 7181,7520. Shea, Dr Syd -- Shannon River Basin--. Report 4598. Sport and Recreation -. Avon Descent 3312. Mounts Bay Sailing Club 6302. 6482. Superannuation Board Investments -- The Anchorage 530. Swan Wool Scouring (WA) -- The Anchorage Development 530. Tourism -- Accommodation -- Shannon River Basin 5566. Potential -- Hawke Forest Block 6664. Resorts - Dampier Archipelago 3923. Trade -- Imports--. Sodium Cyanide 982. Transport -- Sodium Cyanide 592. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amndment -- Petition 4498. WA Development Corporation - Government Instrumentalities .- Dealings 369. WA Exim Corporation -- Governiment Instrumentalities -- Dealings 369. WA Herbarium - Trantsfer 8088. Waste Disposal -- Drink Containers 154. Hazardous Wastes 530, 4418,4906. Water Resources -- Big Brook Dam 1434. Hopetoun - Fitzgerald River National Park 2680. Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2199. Wildlife -. Duck Shooting 5580, 5695.5962. 6291. Emu Fanning 3485, 4902. Kanigaroos 1596, 1597. Protection Officers 4278. Western Swamp Tunic -- Grievance 4521. Wildflowers -- Picking Licences 7927. Yellow-flowered Menzies Banksia 3247.

HOUSE, HON BARRY, B Econ (South West) .. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Consideration of Tabled Paper 5440. Topics Discussed -- Busseltoo Jetty 5442. Communications 5445. Crime 5444. Education 5441, 5443. Employment 5443. Margaret River Hospital 5444. Members of Parliament .- Hon V.1. Ferry 5440. Hon G.C. MacKinnon 5440. (326) H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill (continued) -- Consideration of Tabled Paper (continued) -- Topics Discussed (continued). National Patk 5442. Regional Development 5442. South West Provinice 5440. State Energy Commission Poles 5444. Tourism 5441. Transport -- Austrtind 54.43. Youth 5441. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6159. Communications 5879. Education -- High School--. Newton Moore 638 1. Policies-- Urgency Motion 7953. Energy -. Electricity 8024. Health- Margaret River Hospital 8025. Maiden Speech 5440. Minister for Education-- Reforms -- Condemnation-- Motion 6691. Motions -- Ministers of the Crown -- Minister for Education-- Reforms- Condemnation 6691. Urgency -- Education -- Policies 7953. Ponts and Harbours -- Busselton Jetty 6574. Retail Trading Hours Bill - 2r. 7037. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6845.

HOUSE, MR M.G., JP (Katanning-Roel - Aboriginal Affairs - Energy Rebates 132. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- 2r. 3778. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - 2r. 5789. Coin. 5794. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill -- 2r. 7104. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill - 2r. 2317. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion 498. Amendment to Motion 567. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture -- Wool Prices 501. Education 500. inancial Institutions 567. Land - Fitzgerald River National Part 499. Transport 500, 502. Water Resources -- Great Southern Region 499. Worker's Compensation and Assistance Amendment Bill 503. Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Association -- Pesticide Use 4444. Agriculture--. Farmers 231, 1101. Farmis 231,400. Pesticides 4440, 4443, 4444, 475L1. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 231, 2941, 7172. Animals -- Veterinary Preparations 6129, 6285. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4025. Topics Discussed - Agriculture -- Chemicals 4021. Association for the Blind 4028. Drought 4025. Health -- Smoking 4025. Local Government Grants Commission 4029. Small Businesses -- Rural 4028. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6758. H [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] H (327)

Bush Fires Amndment Bill -- 2r. 958. Corn. 961. 962. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill -- Council's Amnendmnts 2820. Businesses -- Rural - Drought Assistance 7934. Small Business -- Rural 131, 133. 867, 7934. Small Business Development Corportion 867. Chattel Securities Bill -- 2r. 6758. Chemicals 400,4045. Communications 1789, 4058, 5702.5808. Community Services 132, 250. Crime -- Increase -- Matter of Public Importance 398 1. Dog Amendment Bill - 2r. 1074. Corn. 1095. Point of Order 1095. Recoin. 1894, 1895, t898. Education -- Better Schools Programme 6666. Schools -- Primary 131, 132. Remote Areas 4058. School Councils 4910. Television -- Satellite Receivers 1789. Standards -- Safeguards 1784. Students _- Austudy -- Petition 71. Censorship -- Petition 71. Teachers 131.4910. Tertiary -- Graduate Teachers 13 1. Employment and Training -- Apprentices 133. Energy 132, 133, 231, 7514. Environment -- Heritage Legislation 4904. Factories and Shops Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5950. Family Court Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2654. Fire Hazards -- Motor Vehicles 3913. Gambling -- Lotteries -- Instant -- Distributions 3798.4051,4155,4269. Revenue 3567. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. 933. Grievance -- Workers' Compensafion - Family Companies 1177. Hospitals Amendment Bill -- 1r. 247 1. Housing 981, 4412, 6129. Human Tissue and Transplant Amendment Bill - 2r. 1061. Land -- National Parks - Fitzgerald River 132, 740,982, 2680. Frank Harnn 5812, 6133. Legal Aid 1100, 1101. Liquor 3567, 4155,4569. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7250. Local Government Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2479. Corn. 2493-2514. Council's Amendments 3222-3235. Local Courts Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1884. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendments 2664. Manters of Public Importance -- Crime -- Increase 3981. Education -- Policies -- Condemnation 7096. (328) H (328) 1-1[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]J i

Minerals - Mines Department 3914, 405 1. Ministers of dhe Crown -- Prime Minister -- Lee Report -- Undertaking 5808. Motor Vehicles 2527, 3668, 3913. Natural Disasters 4442, 4443, 7934. Pastoral Industry -- Emanuel Leases 981. Petitions -- Education -- Students -- Austudy 7 1. Censorship 71L Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment 3977. Police Stations -- Cash Float 4041. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendlment Bill- 2r. 2466. Regional Development -- Great Southern 5702. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 3333. 3335. Corn. 364.4, 3647, 3653. Roads -- Cascades-Lake King 5588. 5812, 6133. Construction Funds 5979. Fitzgerald River National Park 132. 982. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 2906. Corn. 2914-2919. Sport and Recreation -- Cycles 1881. Slate Finance -- Debt Servicing 6285. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill - 2r. 5919. Corn. 5932. Transport -- Buses -- Charter 7929. School 131, 132,1424,6680. Westrail 8326. Veanavite -- Approval 6129. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill .-- Amendment- Petition 3977. WA Exim Corporation -- Emanuel Pastoral Leases 98 1. Water Resources -- Comprehensive Scheme 364. Farms -- Carting 8335. Great Southern 3680. Hopetoun 2680, 5695. Neeves Dam 518. Pipelines -- Nyabing and Pingrup 6467. Wildlife -- Kangaroos 1596. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Amendment Bill - 2r. 2463. Workers' Compensation -- Family Companies -- Grievance 1177.

JONES, HON B.L. (Lower West) Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Corn.-- Point of Order 2063. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 754. Topics Discussed -- Congratulatory Remarks 754. Government Appointments 754. Health -- ADDS 755. Housing -- Emergency Accommodation 757. Parliamentary Debates 754. Police -- Random Breath Testing 755. Women's Refuges 757. Youth 756. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper - Withdrawal of Remark 3492. Charitable Collections Select Committee -- Leave to Sit 735 1. Special Report 4603. I I ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHIES] K (329)39

Dog Amendment Bill - Corn. 2531. Education -- Pinjarn High School 4827. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Message -- Assembly's Further Amendments 3180. Raring and Trotting -- Pinjarra Race Meeting 450. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 5999.

JONES, MR TOM, JP (Collie) -- Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 666. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Police Aides 669. Energy 666. lndustrial Relations. Collie 666. Opposition Members 667. Transport -- Railways 669. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r, 7240. Transport -- Railway Electrification -- Member's Comments 894. Water Resources -- H-arris River Darn 5979.

KELLY, HON CARRY. B App Sci (Physics) (South Metropolitan) -- See also "Deputy Chairman of Committees in (he Legislative Council and Deputy President". Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 1494. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speecb - Motion 9. Topics Discussed -- Condolences 9. Congratulatory Remak 9. Electoral Reform 9. Health -- A.IDS 10. Head Injuries 10. Housing -- Tenancy Law Reform 10. Adjournment Debates - Firearms Control 7735. Bimnie, Catherine -- Newspaper Report 1268. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 3951, 4069. Topics Discussed -- Budget Topics 3951. 3952. Police -- Fueanns 3953. 3954,4069-4074. Taxes and Charges 3952. Committee for die Session -- Joint.Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation - Appointment - Amendment to Motion 648, 1638: Point of Order 1640. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2011. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Corn. 4658. Forests -- Revocation of Dedication - Assembly's Resolution -- Motion 2996. Fremantle Port Authority' Amendment Sill -- 2r. 6870, Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. lilt. Local Governent Amendmnent Bill -- Corn. 3077. Assembly's Message- Assembly's FurtherAnmendmentts 3181. Main Roads Amendment Bill - Assembly's Message 2717. Motion-- Forests - Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution 2996. Police -- Firearms Control -- Adjournment Debate 7735. Prisoner - Bimnie, Catherine -- Newspae Report 1268. Sport and Recreation -- Western Aus=-rn Football League 2173. (330) K [INDEX TO QUESTONS & SPEECH-ES) L

Supply Bill -- 2r. 3108. Topics Discussed -- Complimentary Remarks - Harding. Mr-Alan 3108. Energy -- 0il13108.

LAIJRANCE, MR Li., HA. DEPUTY LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION (Gascoyne) - Aboriginal Affairs 225 1. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Council's Amendments 2872. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bil - Intro.: Itr. 666. 2r. 1539. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill- Intro.; It. 666. 2r. 1545, 1547. As to 2r. 3203. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill- Corn. 2344-2346. Address-in- Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 186. Point of Order 192. Amendments to Motion 93, 214, 561, 715. Points of Order 216, 342, 343. Topics Discussed -- Brush, Mr Len 93, 186, 190. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 56 1. Housing -- Rental 715. Sports Specialists -- Liquidation 187. WA Exini Corporation Ltd -- Investments 214. Agriculture -- Government Dams 1239. Brush, Mr Len 257, 397. Building Industry Code of Conduct 892. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill -. Council1's Amendments 2820. Businesses -- Computer Company 1439. Castleden, Mr Bill 2452. Chemicals -- SCM Chemicals Ltd -- Environmental Report 532. Closing Days of Session -- First Pat- Standing Orders Suspension 2083. Copeman, Mr Charles 2958. Crime -- Vandalism 866. Dangerous Goods -- Regulations 1283. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 849; Point of Order 850. Education -- Newman Prim ary School 876. Electoral Amendment Bigl -- Intro.: Jr. 666. Energy -- Electricity -- Electrical Contractors 2689. Electrical Workers 1722, 2690. Power Stations 238, 2246 Fuel Facility -- lHillarys Boat Harbour 1436. Gas 239, 1426,1870. Tariffs 238. Environment 532. 1570. Financial Institutions 989, 1283, 1426. Government Business - Precedence 2185. Government Employees 17-83, 1426. Health -- Alcohot -- Consumption 2950. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery- Censure - Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 2452. Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2659. Land -- National Park -- Ningaloo Marine Park 1238. 1590. 1591. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Taxation Proposal -- Motion 2222. L (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L (331)

Local Government -- Carnarvon Shire Council -- Alcohol -- Public Consumrption 2950. East Pilbara Shixe Council -- Capricorn Commiunity Centre 2952. Eximouth Shire Council -- Ningaloo Marine Park Facilities 1590. Wanneroo City Assembly -- Recreation Centres 2390. West Pilbara Shire Council -- Revaluations 2953. Main Roads Amendmnent Bill -- Council's Amendments 2646,2663. Matters of Public Importance -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery 2452. Taxi-drivers -- Assaults -- Prevention 3193. Medical Practitioners -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure - Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 2452. Members of Parliament -- Opposition - Brush, Mr Len - Charges 257. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill - 2r. 2845. Minerals - Coal 143, 990, 996. 1ron Ore -- Robe River 2146. Mineral Sands -- Road Cartage 990. Mining Registrar -- Cue 875. Mining Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1665. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations -- Motion 2076; Withdrawal of Remarks 2078-2080. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure - Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 2452. Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment -- Copeman. Mr Charles - Statement 2958. Minister for Minerals and Energy -- Copemnan, Mr Charles - Statement 2958. Minister for Transport 2692. Mobi Tow -- Tow Truck Regulations 1420. Motions -- Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2222. Motor Vehicles -- Tow Trucks 1420. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Question -- Dangerous Goods Regulations 1283. Ocean Freeway Pty Ltd 53 1. Pastoral Industry -- Leases 991. Personal Explanation -- Withdrawal of Remark 2t36. Pigment Factory (Australid) Agr'eement Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2885. Police -- Heavy Haulage Division 866. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- 2r. 2117. Ports and Harbours 989, 1434, 3268. Roads -- Bicentennial Road Development Programme 876. Bridges 866, 875. Bulifincb-Warralakin 875. Bypass -- Northamn 1579. Coral Bay Road 876, 2689. Eyre Highway 1434. Funding Cuts 876. Newman-Port Hedland 875, 991. Roe Highway 1104. Salisbury Road 596. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- Council's Amendments 3237. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Conduct -- Standing Orders Suspension 1520. Sport and Recreation -- Wanneroo City Council Recreation Centres: 2390. Standing Orders -- No164 -- Amendment -- MotionI1361. Suspension - Closing Days of Session -- First Part 2083. Superannuation Board -- Mishandling 73. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2822. Stock -- Transport 99 1. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2365. (332) L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L

Superannuation- Board - Chairan -- Decisions 157. Mishandling -- Standing Orders Suspension 73. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry _- Sub Judice- Motion -- Point of Order -- Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 849: Point of Order 850. Supply Bill-- 2r. 292 1. Topics Discussed -- Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill 2921. Minister for Police and Emergency Services 2922. Minister for Tranrsport 2921. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal -- Motion 2222. Tokyo Office 1720. Trade -- Exports 587, 996. Traffic Counts -- Coral Bay Road 876. Transport -- Air -- Perth International Airport 1579. Buses -- Contra-flow Lane -- Trial Period 1238. Services - Bullcreek-Booragoon 142. Connolly 241. Mundaring-Parkerville 143. Two Rocks-Yanchep -- Weekend 142. Yangebup 142. Ferry -- Perth - Lcase Agreement 989. Railway - Bunbury-Penti 2392. Shipping - Ships (Capital Grants) Bill 1578. Taxis --Taxi-driven -- Assaults -- Prevention -- Matter ofPublic lmporiance3l93. Water Resources-- Dams 1239. Webb, Professor Martin 866. Withdrawal of Remark - Personal Explanation 2136.

LAWRENCE, DR C.M., B Psych. Ph D (Subiaco) .. See also "Deptrv Chairman of Committees in rhe Legislative Assembly and Acting Speaker". Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion 192. Topic Discussed -- Conservation 192. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4009. Topic Discussed-.- Children -- Sexual Abuse Task Force 4009. Communications 6465. Defence -- Contracts 5583. 5960. Floating Dry Dock 5961. Education -- Policies -- Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 7094. Programmes -- Protection of Children -- Petition 7236. Tertiary -- Murdoch University 5579. Forests -- Preservation -- Petition 5887. Pulp Mill 5960. Woodchipping -- Denmark -- Petition 929. Government Employees 3795, 3797. 4595. Government Intstrumentalities -- Computers 4264.

ealth~1 -- Hospias - Children -- Welfare 815. Sport and Recreation -- Football -- Subiaco Oval -- Grievance 182 1. Health -- Federal lLiberal Party Policy 2251. Hospitals -- Children--. Welfare-- Grievance 815. Mental Health Patient -- Indecent Assault 7527. Industrial Development -- Objectives 5582. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) -- 2r. -- Point of Order 775 1. Insurance -- State Government insurance Commission -- Statutory Requirements 6813. Inventionts-- Intellectual Property Rights 5584. L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L (333)

Land -- Ningaloo Marine Pait 747. Reserve -- Bold Padr -- Extension -- Petition 8029. Liberal Party - Federal -- Health Policy 225 1. Taxation Proposal - Motion 2221. liquor Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2805, 2806, 2816. Matter of Public Importance -- Education Policies -- Condemnation 7094. Members of Parliament -- Deputy Leader of the Opposition 747. Leader of the Opposition -- Misleading Parliament 398. Minister of the Crown -- Minister for Transport -- Meeting - Road Transport Association 6675. Motions -- Police Commissioner -- Confidence 7413. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Lberal Party Proposal 2227. Petitions -- Education Programnmes -- Protection of Children 7236. Forests -- Preservation 5887. Woodchipping -- Denmark 929. Land .- Reserve - Bold Park -- Extension 8029. Mitchell Freeway Overpass 6578. Sex Shops -- Control 7236, 8314. Wildlife -- Sea Lions 665. Police Commissioner -- Confidence -- Motion 7413. Pants and Harbours -Floating Dry Dock 5961. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2)-- 2r. 3330. Road -- Mitchell Freeway -- Facilities Access - Grievance 3415. Overpass - Petition 6578. Rothwells Ltd 5199. Sarich Orbital Engine 7336. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitionsl7236, 8314. Sport and Recreation -- Football -- Subiaco Oval -- Grievance 1821. Superannuation Board -- Investments -- The Anchorage 1786. Taxes and Charges -- Federal liberal Party Proposal-- Motion 2227. Technology -- Biotechnology -- Industries Involved 5960. Computers -- Bureau Services 4264. Capacity 4154. Information Technology 3794. Organisations -- Merger 6463. Public Sector 3795, 3797, 4151,4750. Development -- Objectives 5582. Information Technology - Exhibition 6464. Industry Participation 5958. Strategy 415 1. Institute of Science and Technology Policy Research -- Establishment 5579. Software Industry 5582. Technology and Industry Development Authority 6464. Transport--. Road Transport Association 6675. Trustee Companies Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 7656. Wildlife -- Sea Lions -- Petition 665.




LEADER OF THE OFPOSmON - See 'MacKinnon, Hon 8J.8 Econ. FASA"

LIEWI1S. HON A.. JP (Lower Central) -- Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill-- Question -- Point of Order 4680. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 1296-1301, 1471. 1474. 1612, 1623. 2029, 2033. 2039-2043, 2063, 2064. Points of Order 1299, 2033. Reinstatement of Clause 8 -- Amendment to Motion 1469. As to Recoin. 2260. 3r. -- Amendment to Motion 2267. Adjournment Debate 651. Personal Explanation 1147. Sessional Orders Suspension 1483. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- 2r. 6499. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- 2r, 7535. Corn. 7547-7562. 7572-7575. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 1005. Topics Discussed -- Business Franchises 1005. Education l1l1. Energy 1006. Environment 1009. Fires 2005. Government Departments 1006, 1007. Menzies, The Late Sir Robert 1006. Ministers of the Crown 1011. Taxes and Charges 1007. Transport 1006. Water Authority Staff 1006. Adjournment Debates - Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) B ill -- Circulated Paper 65 1. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking -- Point of Order 3295. Mining -- Kimberley 921L Minister of the Crown -- Leader of die House -- Legislative Assembly Seat 8251L. Parliamentary Parties -- Leaks 92 1. Pastoral Industries - Caretakers 92 1. Agriculture -- Aerial Spraying Act 5749. Agriculture Protection Board 5749. Department 296. Education -- Select Committee -- Motion, as Amended 2412. Rylington Park Farnm 6729. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Consideration of Tabled Paper 4486. Topics Discussed -- Business 4486. Education 4489. Fires 449t1. National Parks 4489. United States 4493. Water Supplies 4489% Beggs, Mr Bruce 4671. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill - 2r. 7355. Building Management Authority 6888. Bush Fires Amendmern Bili -- 2r. t457. Corn. 1634. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bifl -- Corn. 771, 772. 785, 786. L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L (335)

Charitable Orgarnisations - Select Committee - Establishment - Motion 289 Amendment to Motion 291. Amendment on the Amendment 632. Point of Order 630. Chattel Securities BVil-- 2r. 7355. Corn. 7358-7366, 7374-7380, Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8301. Community Services 8294. 8295. Conservation and Land Management -- Act -- Amendment 294, 297, 661,.5615. Deparment -- Accounts Section 294. Administration Complex 294. Bush Fires Board 297. Educational Material 2%. Flying Squad 295. Forest Production Unit 295. Motor Vehicles 297. Properties 295. Staff Exchange 295, 660. 1165. Fire Regimes 297. Headquarters 304. Land Resource Inventory System 296. Natural Resources -- Joint Standing Committee 295. Regional Officers 660. Constitution Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4784. Door to Door Trading Bill -- Corn. 1452. Education -- Distance Education Centre 681. High Schools -- Boyup Brook District 5484, 5485, 6887, 6880, District 5484. Pemberton District 5880. Wagin District 4679. Regional Education Office -- Narrogin 304. Schools -- Covered Assembly Areas 5879. Technical and Furter Education -- Narrogin 304. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment BVi -- 2r. 43 18. Corn. 4627-4636, 4645-4648. Electoral Districts 5880. Employment and Training -- Office of Redeployment and Retraining 294. Environment 659,8223. Fair Trading Bill -- 2r. 7395. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society -- Government Action -- Motion 5436. Fires -- Bush Fires Board 297. Fisheries -- Marron 5359. Forests -- Afforestation -- Private 660. Commnittee of Inquiry 293. Hawke Block 5750. Hazard Reduction Burning 575 1. Lands and Forest Commission Chairman 467 1. Private 294. Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- Motion 2987. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motions to Concur 7187, 7191. Timber Tendering 8224. Gambling -- Totalisator Agency Board -- Boyrip Brook -- Continuation - Petition 606. Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- 2r. 2550. Corn. 2556-2558. Government Land 8223. Grain 5359, 5749, 6190. Health -- AIDS Testing 660. Disabled Persons -- Association for the Blind 3624.,3625. Hospital -- Warren District 5749. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation - Opposition - Petitions 199, 2398. 60200-12 (336) L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ

hron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- Zr. 5610. Points of Order 5463. tron Ote (Hametaley Range) Amendment BUil (No 2) -- 2r. 5465. Johnt Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Appointmntt - Amendment to Motion 649. Land -- Land Resource Inventory System 296. Leases 659. National Parks 293, 296, 66t, 5750. Reserves 293, 297. Sales 661. Legislative Review and Advisoty Committee Repeal Bill - Restoration to Notice Paper 60. Uiberal Party -- Branch Stacking -- Adjoumint Debate -- Point of Order 3295. Local Government -- Gravel Leases 659. Manjimup Shire Council 5749. Wagin Shire Council 4679. Marketing of Eggs Amendiment Bill -- Assembly's Message 4624. Members of Parliament -- Electorate Visits 6574. Wordsworth, Hon D.J. -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bilil- Adjournment Debate 651. Minerals - Blue Metal 2528. Coal 467 1. CRA Exploration Pty Ltd 304. Gravel Leases 659. Mining-- Kimberley -- Adjournment Debate 921. Ministers of the Crown -- Cabinet -- Conservation and Land Management Act -- Amendment 297. Country Visits 65 74. Leader of the House __Legislative Assembly Seat -- Adjournment Debate 8251. Parole Board Decisions 3621. Ministry of Natural Resources 660. Motions -- Agriculture -- Education -- Select Committee -- Motion, as Amended 2412. Charitable Organisations -- Select Committee -- Establishment 289: Amendment to Motion 291. Condolence -- The Late Mr C.C. Naider, NLA 27. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society 5436. Sessional Orders Suspension 1483. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- Motion to Concur 2987. Nalder, The Late Mr C.C., ML.A -- Condolence Modion 27. Minister of the Crown -- Leader of the House -- Legislative Assembly Seat -- Adjournment Debate 8251. Motor Vehicles 297,.659, 5484. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2587. Coin. 2730-2749, 2779, 2780. Withdrawal of Remark 2779. Occupational Health. Safety and Welfare -- Voluntary Workers 4670. Parliamentary Parties - Leaks- Adjournment Debate 92 1. Parole Board 3621. Pastoral Industry -- Caretakers- Adjournment Debate 921. Personal Explanation -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill 1147. Petitions -- Gambling -- Totalisator Agency Board -- Boyup Brook -- Continuation 606. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation - Opposition 1990, 2398. Planning Commission Members 5483. Plc--Officers -- Boyup Brook 5749. Summonses 7587, 7588,7740. Traffic Officer -- Boyup Brook 4497. Traffic Patrolmen -- Sirens 5750. Prisoner - Butterly, Archie 3621. Question On Notice 8304. L I..[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L (337)37

Regional Development -- Coordinator -- Nanrogin 304. South West Development Authority -- Annual Report 6729, 7588. 8021, 8225. Travel Costs 8293. Reserves and Land Revesunent Bill (No 2) - Zr. 1571. Corn. 7578. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill - 2r. 3833. Residential Tenancies Bill - .Corn. 8286. Retail Trading Hors Bill- 2r. 7020. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 6009, 6012-60 15. Point of Order 6008. Roads 4671, 8303. Select Committee -- Charitable Organisations -- Establishment -- Motion 289; Amendment to Motion 291.

Committee - Leave to Sit 4644. Suspension - Motions 1433, 1621. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6843. Standing Order No 187 -- Amendment -- Motion - Points of Order 7002. Stock Trucks and Trailers 5484. Stockyards 659. Supply Bill-- 2r, 3109. Topic Discussed - Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hon Vi. 3109. Harding, Mr Alan 3109. Taxes and Charges 294, 8172, 8223. Transport -- Railways - Boyup Brook-Donnybrook Closure 5 880. Sleepers 293, 660. Westrail Staff 303. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Corn. 3591. Waste water Treatment Plants 659. Water Resources 448,653. Wildlife 293, 659. 661, 5615, 5885. Youthforce, Narrogi 8026, 8293.

LEWIS, MR ICR. (East MelvilWe) - Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Consideration of Select Committee Report - Notice of Motion -- Order Discharged 2801. Select Committee -- Evidence 248. Aboriginal Affairs -- Housing Repairs 1593. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill - 2r. 6223. Point of Order 6228. Corn. 6238-6279. Point of Order 6271. Withdrawal of Remark 6263. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 550. Amendment to Motion 211,1554,682, 712. Withdrawal of Remark 117. Topics Discussed -- Business - small Business 550. Financial Institutions - Interest Rates 552. Housing -- Rental 712. Price Watch Scheme 682. WA Exim Corporation Ltd -- investments 213. Aged Persons -- War Widows -- Drivens' Licences 4752. Agricultur -- Department - Midland Saleyard 517, Animals -- Cruelty 234 (338) L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4094. Topics Discussed - Australia Card -- Opposition 4094. Housing - Homeswest 4095. Kanriha 4 100. Taxes and Charges 4097. Corn. -- Division-- Small Business Development Corporation 8073-8076. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Workcs Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4715. Topics Discussed -- Capital Works Programme 4717. Education -- Booragoon Primary School 4715. Housing -- Budget Allocation 4719. Homeswest 4719. Corn. -- Division- State Housing Commission 8049, 8052. Bread Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5628. Corn. 5770. 5714, 5775. Brickworks -- Prestige -- Environmental Approval 4165. Building Induscr -- Builders' Registration Act 3819. Builders Registration Board 75 18. Burke's Shambles -- Accuracy 3269. Businesses- Small Business -- Small Business Development Corporation 3364, 3670, 3911. Cemeteries- Fremantle -- Administration -- Grievance 5639. Chemicals-- Fluoride -- Prestige Brickworks 4165. Committee for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Builders' Registration Act Review 3819. Communications -Telephones - Cabling- Subdivisions 978. 1100. Public Servants -- Surveillance 699%. Technology and Industry Development Authority- Monitoring 7923. Community Services - Complaints 154. 1176. Crime -- Incest--.Videotapes -- Petition 1519. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1076. Corn. 1086. 1087, 1094. Door to Door Trading Bill- Corn. 95 1. Education -- School Cleaners - Contractors 8353. Matter of Public Importance 2174. Pilot Studies 1232, 1573. 1783. Workers' Compensation 1233. Tertiary -- Sporting Goods Stores 1120. Employment and Training- Employment -- Plymouth Brethren 1247. Unemployed Persons -- Homeswest Mortgage Loans 247. Energy -- Electricity 248. 998. Gas- North West Shelf Project 2254. Environment - Cossack 2677. Old Swan Brewery -- Demolition.- Petitions 15,451. 665. 1520. Prestige Brickworks 4165. Financial Institutions -- Swan Building Society 382 1. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Bank Concern 3575. * Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion -- Points of Order 3445. 3446. Withdrawal of Remarks 3425. Amendment to Motion 3473. Points ofTOrder 3453-3455. Francis, Mr Charles. QC -- Minister for Agriculture -- Staff Member -- Perjury 3268. L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L (339)

Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6399. Corn. 6414, 6422-6426, 3r. 6427. Government Accounts 1437. Government Employees -- Public Servants -- Telephone Surveillance 6996. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5401. Government Instrumientaliies -- Stock Market Crash -- Effect 5203. Grievances -- Cemeteries -- Fremantle -- Administration 5639. Community, Services - Complaints -- Complainant's Identity 1176. Housing -- Construction Programme 1986-87, p. 45 77 . Electrical Work -- Inspections 998. Emergency -- Applications 4159. Exrnouth 6292. Government Employees Housing Authority -- Part Medland 529. Homeswest -- Hazelmere 3480. Inventory -- Augusta 3670. Land Planning and Development Section 979. Mortgage Loans - Unemployed Persons 247. Prestige Brickworks Site 3663. Repayments 1121. Staff 15S4. Housing Loan Guarantee Act -- Indemnities 5702. Interest Rates 5701. Uabilities 5701. 5702. Maximum Guarantee 5701. Loans -- 1986-87, p. 4578. Income Tests 4897, 4898. Maintenance -- Balga 1432. North West 6293. Pinjarra 153. Privatisation 3928. Relocations 2246. Rental - Applications -- Waiting List 3365. Assistance 4159. Exrnouth -- Offers to Sell 5574. Karratha 2697. Maintenance 3365. North West 5814. Purchase 4997,489a, 5308. Tenancies 3366. 3660-3662. 'Time Reached" Date 3364. Turnaround Time 154. Residential -- 'Tame Reached" Date 3364. Shortage -- Motion Rejection 996. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5950. Industrial Relations - Awards -- Plymouth Brethren 1247. Disputes -- Fremantle Port 3679. Land -- Development -- Committee 978. Landbank 978. National Parks -- Ningaloo Marine Park - Deputy Leader of the Opposition's Comments - Points of Order 747, 748. Valuations 2139. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill - 2r. 3732. Local Governmenct Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2u.7252. Corn. 7294. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Zr. 2484. Corn. 2494-2498. 2503. Council's Amendments 3224, 3230. Local Government -- Domestic Waste Disposal 154. (340) L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L

Matters of Public Importance - Education -- School Cleaning 2174. Transport- Air -- South Afica 4838. Members of Parliament -- Member for East Melville--. As to Personal Explanation 6732. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2845. Ministers of the Crown - Minister for Agriculture .. Staff Member 3268. Minister for Lands--. Landbank 978. Motions - Condolence -- The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MILA 13. Financial Institutions - Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Comnmittee Inquiry- Amendment to Motion 3473. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action 6389. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers' Licences 2527, 4578. 4752. Nalder. 'The Late Mr C.C., MLA -- Condolence Motion 13. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3677. Parliament -- Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation 1421. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action -- Motion 6389. Petitions -- Crime -- Incest -- Videotapes 15 19. Environment -- Old Swani Brewery 15, 451. 665, 1520. Sex Shops .. Control 7236. Location 5243. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment -- Petition 3390,4347. Planning -- Metropolitan Region Scheme 3263. Subdivisions -- Telephone Cabling 978, 1100. Plymouth Brethren - Industrial Awards 1247. Police -- Plai-clothes 3263. Porns and Harbours -- Fremantle -- Industrial Disputes - Statistics 3679. Prisons - Casuauina 2395. Privatisation -- Public Rousing 3928.. Prompt Payment of Government Accounts Bill - Intro; I r. 666. 2r. 1195. Point of Order 1196. Reserves arnd Land Revestinent Bill (No 2) - 2r. 6626. Corn. 6633-6636. Residential Tenancies Bill -- I 2r. 6953. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 3343. Roads -- Main Roads Department 5183. Select Committees -- In Camera Evidence 597. Sex Shops -- Control .- Petition 7236. Location -- Petition 5243. Shopping -- Sporting Goods Stores -- Tertiary Institutions 1120. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill- 2r. -- Point of Order 6598. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - 2r. 4989. Sport and Recreation -- Rowing Regatta - Larrikinism 256. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 2607. Stock -- Saleyazd -- Midland 233, 517. 1284, 3830. Supply Bill -- 2r. 2927. Points of Order 2927, 2932. Withdrawal of Remarks 2929.2930. Topic Discussed - Midan Abattoirs -- Select Committee Report 2927. Burke's Shambles 2930. Taxes and Charges -- Flat Taxation System .- Rural Effect -- Point of Order 891. Technology -- Technology and Industry Development Authority 7923. Transport -- Air -- South Africa -- Matter of Public Importance 4838. L L[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ) L (341)31

Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- 2r. 2095. Corn. 2107-2110. Amendment - Petitions 3390,4347. War Widows -- Motor Vehicle Lkcences 2527. Waste Disposal -- Drink Containers 154. Workers' Compensation -- School Cleaners 1233.

LIGHTFOOT, MR P.R. (Murchison-Eyre) - Aboriginal Affairs -- Cornpact 8092. Acts Amendment (Arts Representation) Bill - 2r. 5909. Corn. 5909. Acts Amendment (Land Admninistration) Bill -- 2r. 6229. Acts Amendment (Tot alisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7640. Corn. 7648-7654. Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gaining) Bill - 2r. 5781. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion -- Points of Order 80. Withdrawal of Rem ark 89. Amendments to Motion 98, 205. - Points of Order 102, 109, 116, 208. Withdrawal of Remarks 93, 101, 112. Topics Discussed -- Brush, Mr Len -- Loan Allegations 98. WA Exim Corporation Ltd -- Lodgmnent of Returns 205. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill - 2r. 6619. Corn. 6622. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Zr. 4369. Topic Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs 4369,4374. Corn.-- Division -- Western Austalian Government Railways Commission 8069. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4705. Topics Discussed -- Minerals -- Gold 4705. South Africa 4707. Stock Market 4705. Barry, Mr Ron -- Brush, Mr Len -- Resignation Letter 159. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Zir. 5943. Betting Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 965. Bond-Comrli Partnership- Funding -- Superannuation Board 6648. Bradley Investments Ltd- Superannuation Board 1437, 1721, 3359, 4152, 6672. Brush, Mr Len -- Resignation Letter 159; Points of Order 160; Withdrawal of Remark 160. Brush, Mrs Brenda 3809. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendment 2646. Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- Zr. 4858. Chilean Ambassador -- Reception 5037. Crime -- Vandalism -- Boulder-lKalgoodtie 1108. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act - Administration Inqulay - Sub Judice. -- Motion 836. Easton. Mr Brian 5977, 6485. Education -- Departri'ent. -- Female Staff 2152. Distict Superintendents 5194. Mt Magnet District Hi1gh School - Upgrading - Petition 4498. Factors WA -- Losses -- Swan Building Society 4596. (342) L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ L

Financial Institutions - Gold Bank -- (Cbairman 6660. Rural and Industries Bank -- Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion -- Point of Order 3435; Amendment to Motion 3462. Swan Building Society -- Losses 4596. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- I Brockley Investnents Ltd 4152. Funds Injected 4748. Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion -- Point of Order 3435; Amendment to Motion 3462. Gamning Commission Bill -- 2r. 3397. Corn. 3401.,3404. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6087. Corn. 611t6-6120. Government Employees -- Public Service Board - Easton, Mr Brian 6485. Health -- Alcohol -- Motor Vehicle Accidents 6285. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 5502. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6585. Iron Ore (Hamersicy Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. - Cognate Debate 5502. Jones, Mr Garry 258. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amendment Bill - 2r, -- Points of Order 6397. Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce -- Vandalism 1108. Liquor Amendment Bill - 2r. 2669. Cam. 2803. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Chilean Ambassador 5036. Wiluna Shire Council -- Division -- Petition 4498. Maitn Mr Rob 20. 258. Matter of Public Importance -- Air Transport -- South Africa 483 1. Media Nipnitoring Unit 7163. Members of Parliament -- Member for East Meliv ile -- As to Personal Explanation -- Point of Order 6733. Opposition -- Media Monitoring Unit 7163. Minerals and Energy Research Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6644. Minerals - Coal Exports 2695. Mining Registrars 4433. Ministers of the Crown -- Overseas Travel 4898. Motor Vehicles -- Accidents 6285. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - 2r. - Withdrawal of Remark 1392. Petitions' - Education -- High Schools -- Mt Magnet District 4498. Local Government -- Wiluna Shire Council -- Division 4498. Police Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5276. Police -- Superannuation Board Employees 20. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2467. Shervingtori. Mr Vince 4898. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6605, Coin. 6612,6613. Solar Egrergy Research Amendmeut Bill - Zr. -- Cognate Debate 6644. Stock __Sheep -- Lupinosis -- Point of Order 2148. L (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] L (343)

Superannuation Board- Anchorage Development 258. Deposits -- Brockley Investments Ltd 1437, 1721, 3359. Employee -- Police Interview 20. Funding -- Bond-Cornell. Partnership 6648. Investments 6672. Land Purchases -- Kewdale 1712. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration Inquiry -- Sub Judice - Motion 831, 853. Withdrawal of Remark 833. Dissent frorn Speaker's Ruling 836. Point of Order 840. Technology Development Amendment Bill - 2r. 2629. Corn. 2642. Totalisator Regulation Amendment Bill - 2r. 964. Corn. 965. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r7 .Point of Order 6782. Transport -- Air -- South Africa -- Matter of Plublic Importance -- Motion 483 1. Video Tapes Classification andi Control Bill - 2r. 2085. Corn. 2101-2109. Council's Amendments 5001.

LOCKYER, HON P.H. (Lower North)- Abatwoirs - Gascoyne 6382. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Coin. 1605, 1630. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7978. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 758. Topics Discuissed - Congratulatory Remarks 758. Education- Condoms 759. Gambling- Horseracing Industry 762. Liquor Industry 759. Police -- Random Breath Testing 758. Wildlife -- Kangaroos 761. Adjourment Debates - Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society - Staff Redundancies 7227. Pastoral Industry - Caretakers 919. Youth Organisations -- Ocean Ridge 3713. Agricultural Education -- Select Committee - Motion 2409: Amendment to Motion 2410. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 5232. Topic Discussed - Electoral -- Gascoyne By-election 5232. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 8104. Topic Discussed - Mines Department - Cue 8104. Betting Control Amendment Bill- 2r. 1161. Corn. 126G. Boxing Control Bill -- 2r. 1158. Communications 2172, 2799, 3719, 5755. Community Services Department 217 1. Cowrts -- Clerks of Courts 7740. Criminal Code Amendment Bill- 2r. 2398. Drainage 4207. Education 3972. 3973. Employment and Training 2171. Energy -- Gas 2304, 3972. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society -- Staff Redundancies -. Adjournment Debate 7227, (344) L [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill- 2r. 5331. Fisheries Amendment Bil (No 2) -- 2r. 7567. Homosexual Activities--. Legalisation - Opposition - Petition 2398. Horticulture -- Metropolitan Markets 2303. Housing 2305, 3971.,638 1. Industrial Development -- Pilbara Steelworks 2305. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Ciffs) Agreement Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6834. Justices ofulhe Peace 2170,51105111, 7740. Land -- Ningalco Marine Park -- Budget Allocation 3973. Legal Aid Applications -- Mickelberg Brothers 1165. Local Governiment Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7705. Local Govenurnent -- Carnarvon Shire Council 51ll, 6577. Rating -- United States Government Properties 2303. Wanneroo City Council -- Ocean Ridge Youth Club -- Adjournment Debate 3713. Wiluna Shire 2305. Minerals and Energy Research Bill -- 2r. 6861. Minister for Sport and Recreation 6577. Motion -- Agriculture -- Education -- Select Committee 2409; Amendment to Motion 2410. Pastoral Industry - Caretakers -- Adjournment Debate 919. Leases 2304. Petition -- Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation -- Opposition 2398. Ports and Harbours -- Boat Harbour, Carnarvon 3972, 6381, 6382. Prisoners 1165, 3299. Reserves and Land Revestrnent Bill (No 2) - Corn. 7580. River Gascoyne 638 1. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5733. Corn. 5987. Roads - Bridge -- Gascoyne River 2304, 6381 Coral Bay Road 6887. Monkey Mia 2304. North West Coastal Highway -- Roadhouse 2798. Tonkin Highway -- Road Trains 2303. Sewerage -- Carniarvon 4207. Solar Energy Research Amendment Bill -- 2r. 686 1. Sport and Recreation - Howling - Shark Bay Club 6576. Cricket -- Direct Telecasts 5755. Facilities--. Carnarvon Shire Slit. Football Telecasts 2172, 2799, 3719. State Finance -- Budget Allocations 3972, 3973, 4207. Totalisator Regulation Amendment Bill - 2r. 1160. Tourism 2303.,6574. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 7208. Transport -- Airports 2304. Union -- Australian Workers Union -- Pastoral Industry -- Caretakers -- Adjournment Debate 919. Water Resources -- Camnarvon 4207. Wildlife - Red Kangaroos 6382. Youth Organisation .. Ocean Ridge -- Adjournment Debate 3713.

MacEUNNON, MRt R.J., B Ecori, FASA, LEADER OF THE OPPOSMON, (Murdoch) -- Abaltoirs - Meat 5190. Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee -- Bowdier, Professor S. -- Trustee 3678. Compact -- Content 1324. Mailer of Public Importance 7598. M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M (345)

Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill -- 2r. 7129. Corn. 7146-7153. Acts Amendment (Casino Controt) Bill - 2r. 3771. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Council's Amendments 2867, 2882. Acts Amendment (Financial Provisions of Regulatory Bodies) Bill - 2r. 5907. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill - 2r. 7427. Corn. 7435. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill - 2r. 7625. Corn. 7636-7638. Address-rn-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 76. Points of Order 80. Amendments to Motion 90, 327, 457, 692. Withdrawal of Remark 334. Topics Discussed -- Brush, Mr Len -- Loan Allegations 77. Burke, Mr Terry -- Alleged Illegal Activities 8 1, 89. Planning -- Swan Brewery Site Redevelopmern457. Price Watch Scheme 692. State Superannuation Board -- Chairman 8 1. Westminster System 327. Aged Persons -- Pensioners -- Benefits 524. Agriculture Department - Caprine Arthridis-encephaliuis Accreditation Scheme 1574. Animals -- Veterinary Surgeons -- Blood Samples 4043. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 3856. Points of Order3532, 3533, 4093. Topics Discussed -- Government -- Accountability 3857, 3859, 3860. Advertising 3865. Departments 3858, 3859. Employees -- Staff Cuts 3857. Law and Order 3864. Opposition's 12-Point Plan 3860. Price Check 386. State Finance -- Commonwealth Government Revenue 3857. General Loan and Capital Works Fund -- Cutbacks 3857. Government's Performance 3857. Short-term Money Market Earnings 3859, 3860. Taxes and Charges 3 85 7. 385 8,3860. Corn. Divisions -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority 7907. Agriculture 7873. Arts 7867, 7868. Building Management Authority 7883. Crown Law 7830. Directorate of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment 7817, 7818. Electoral 7829. Equal Opportunity Commission 7817. Fisheries 7879. Government Employees' Housing Authority 7882. Governor's Estabtishment 7807. Library Board of Wesrern Australia 7869. London Agency 7808. Miscellaneous Services 7831-7842. Office of Government Accommodation 78894. Office of Racing and Gaming 8061. Office of te Auditor General 7817. Parliament 7783, 7793. Perth Theatre Trust 7868. Premier and Cabinet 7795, 7799-7803. Public Service Board 7809,78 10. Public Trust Office 783 1. Registra General's Office 7 83 1. (346) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill (continued) -- Corn. (continued) -- Divisions (continued)- Services 7884. South West Development Authority 7876. Taxation 7843, 7844. Tokyo Agency 7807, 7808. Tourism Commission 8057. Treasury 7810, 7816. Valuer General's Office 7844. Western Australian Museum 7870. Western Australian Treasury Corporation 7817. Point of Order 7802. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2r. 4683. Topics Discussed - Agriculture-- On-fanm Water Supplies 4688. Budget Accountability 4684. Building Management Authority 4685. Busselton Jetty 4693. Capital Works Programme 4686. Crime 4692. Electoral -. South West Province By-election 4690. Environment-.. Ludlow Tuarts 4693. H-ealth -- Margaret River Hospital 4694. Interest Rates 4687. R & IBank 4688. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 4686, State Energy Commission 4685. Stock Market 4684. Telecom Australia 4693. Corn.- Divisions -- Advances to Sundry Bodies 8053. Marine and Harbours 8046. AnsA Mueum 678.Primary and Secondary Education Buildings 8044. Audit -- Auditor General -- Report -- Superannuation Board 156. Swan Building Society 4424. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4424. Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 374 1; Withdrawal of Remark 3742. Government Instrumentalities -- Cost 4160. Legal Advice - Motion 4127. Premier -- Statement 3681. Support 3683; Point of Order 3684. Rally -- Premier's Absence 4166. Barrack Mines Ltd - Silicon Refinery -- Governmnent Assistance 6130. Bell Group-.- State Government Insurance Commission Purchase -- Loan Agreement 5972. Bernics Hamburger Bar -- Lease -- Negotiations -- Point of Order 5591. Births, Deaths, and Marriages -- Registration 4452. Bowider, Professor S. - WA Museum -- Trustee 3678. Bredemeyer, Ms Elizabeth - Equal Opportunity Appointment 372. Brockey Investments Ltd -- Superannuation Board -- Investnment 366, 367. Brush, Mr Len -- Breach of Fiduciary Duty 21. Claimn -- Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust 155, 386. Resignation - Letter 155, 396. Premier's Role 386. Superannuation Board -- Appointment -- Expiry 372. Writs -- Speaker's Ruling - Point of Order 72. Building Industry - Builders' Registration Act 523, 1227. Wet Weather Work 11 13. Building Management Authority - Budget Allocation 490!. Day Labour Employees 2244. Day Labour Force -- Classifications 11 13. M M~[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECH-ES] M (347)37

Building Management Authority (continued) -- Employees 2955, 3247. Employment -- Juniors 1112. Operations Division -- Running Costs 1119. Wet Weather Work 1113. Burke, Mr Terry -- Coverment Appointments 887. [nvolvemnt -- Brush Affair 537. Motor Vehicle Supply 1783, 3494. Travel - Government Expense 3494. Business and Professional Women's Club -- Breakfast -- Cost 5696, 6467. Businesses -- Business Names -- Registration 4585. Companies and Securities Advisory Committee - Establishment 239, 1228, 381 L. L-imited Partnerships -- Legislation 1227. Buttrose, Ms ha - Curtin University Student Guild Newspaper 1241. Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee -- Privatisation 3922. Catt Corporation Ltd 371, 1119. Cemeteries -- Karrakatta -- Plaques -- Purchase 3490. Metropolitan -- New Sites 525. Charitable Organisations - Losses - Local Government 6994. Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8323. Committees forthe Session - Joint Printing Committee 4410, Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Government Utility Charges- Inquiry -- Motion 1826,1j55j. Communications -- Radio - Livestock Reporting Service 1119. Videos -- "R"-rated 885. Community Services - Children -- Child Abuse Task Forte -- Report716l1. Child Care Centres -- Leemning 526,4043. Princess Margaret Hospital 5419. Child Care Regulations Review Consultative Committee 2957, 3917. Guardianship -- Legislation 39t5. Safety House Association 1868. Domestic Violence Task Force 3914. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Geographic Information Computer System 6130. 7164. Government Vehicles -- Private Plates 1114. Consumer Affairs - Australian Consumer Association -- Food irradiation 3916. Corporate Affairs Department -- Swan Building Society -- Investigation 3826. Crime -- Crime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1732. Increase -- Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 3985. Cuomo, Mr Mark 1425. Dairying 1116, 2950. Decision Makers Luncheons 2956. Defence -- Navy -- North West Harbour 8090. Relocation -- Point of Order 1243. Patrol Boats -- Base -- South West 7337. United States Personnel 2244, 2517. United States Ships 2516. 2517. Department of the Premier and Cabinet 44 10. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling - Superannuation -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act- Admninistration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 84 1. Dog Amendment Bill -- Objections -- Petition 2600. Dogs -- Pit Bull Terriers 3676. Easton. Mr Brian -- WA Exim Corporation 241. Education -- Classrooms -- Transportable -- Ceiling Fans 886. English as a Second Language 3677. Fire Brigade -- Cutback 5567. Hfigh Schools -- Bridgetown 4422. Computers 1097. (348) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Education (continued) -- High Schools (continued) -- Leeming 3563, 4156. Lynwood -- Computing Equipment 7923. Murdoch Electorate -- Computers 4756. Northcliffe District 1786. Wyalkatchen District 886. Minor Works -- Mlocarions 2957. Music Branch 987. Music Programmes 987, 1112,5311. Non-Government Schools-.- Computers 3679. Pie-primary -- West Lynwood 3489. Primary Schools -- Armadale 3811. Bibra Lake 1240. Canning Vale -- Questions 886, 1117, 2954, 4153. 4585. Relocation -- Grievance 1811. Clerical Assistance 3489. East Leeming Ill S. Forest Crescent 1240. Jandakot Ownership 3678. Leeming Are 3679. Murdoch Electorate -- Enrolmnents 1240. West Lynwood 524, 3490. Winthrop 525. Schools -- Cleaners -- Work Practices 2242, 4901. Cleaning Contracts 1572. Public Awareness Programme - Parliamentary Staff 3563. School Cleaning -- Matter of Public Importance 2176. Sites .. Fremantle Road, Gosnelts 1117. Langford 1120. Yale Road, Thorulie 1120. Special School -- Castlereagh 323, 1118. Students -- Safety House Scheme 240, 2390, 2322. Swimming Classes -- In-Term 73 1 Technical and Further - Fee Increases -- Petition 70. Tertiary -- Curtin University of Technology - Student Guild Newspaper 1241. El Caballo Blanco-- Superannuation Board -- Investment 367. Electoral -- By-elections - Governiment's Actions -- Grievance 5269. Party Support -- Points of Order 1132. 1133. Federal Election -- Candidate - Reinstatement to Employment 2519, 2524. One-Vote-One-Value - Commitment-- Point of Order 2391. Vote-rigging Procedures -- Point of Order 3382. Employment and Training -- Apprentices -- Assessment Procedures 1242. Final Industry Examinations 884. On-the-job Examinations 1868. Tailors 987. Training Facility -- Carine 2322. Bunbury Employment Profile 4902. Department -- Apprenticeship Officers 1870. Employment--. Juniors -- Building Management Authority It112. Northern Suburbs Youth Option Project 4586. Restrictive Work Practices -- Conference 1114. Energy -- Commercial Accounts -- Fixed Charges 973. Electricity -- Electrical Contractors -- Water Authority Employees 3029. Power Stations -- Equripment Manning Levels 1112. Gas -- Liquefied Petroleum Gas -- Government Vehicles 1103. North West Shelf Gas Project - Matter of Public Importance -Amendment to Motion 3312. Solar -- Solar Energy Research Act - Repeal 3915. Solar Energy Research Intitute 885, 2244, 2956. M M[~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]M M (349)(39

State Energy Commission -- Advertisement -- Cost 1737. Advertising Budget 1870. Award 11 13. McKee. Dr Jobn -- Appointment 155. Environment -- Coogee Coastal Area Study 3810. 5698. Harvey-Peel [Mlets 5579. Midges 3309. Old Swan Brewery - Demolition -- Petition 45 1. Peel Inlet-Harvey Estuary 3492,4756. Pollution -- Kwinaia. Industrial Area 383. Equal Opportunity -- Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Directorate -- Jurisdiction- Ombudsman 6286. Events Corporation -- Governiment Payments 6236. EventsCorp -- Reimbursement -- WA Development Corporation 767 1. Evers, Mr Torn-- Overseas Trip 1577. Expo 88 -- Participation 6812. Finance Brokers -- Supervisory Board -- Annual Report 7164. Financial Administration and Audit Act -- Reporting Procedures -- Ministerial Statement 4236. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2903. Financial Institutions -- Banks -- Rural and Industries Bank (see also '7eachers Credit Society'"below) -- Nugget Coins 2690. Select Committee inquiry -- Amendment to Motion 3458; Point of Order 3463. Building Societies -- Levies 768 1. Swan Building Society -- Audit -- Registrar of Building Societies 4424. Corporate Mfairs Department Investigation 3826. Reports 4.424. SGIO Involvement 3823. Credit Unions -- Levies 7680. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Accounts -- Confidential Information 3497. Assets -- Valuation 7513. Attorney Genera) -- Awareness 4423. Audit -- Regstra of Building Societies 4424. Entrepreneuial Activities 6477. Future 7178. [mterest Rates 5030. Lo~sses. 6476,6477. Management Contract 4423, 5305. Monitoring 4412. Problems -- Treasurer's Awareness 3380, 3383. Reports 4.424. Reserve Bank Advice 4573. Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion 3458; Point of Order 3463. Simpson, Mr Keith -- Premier's Knowledge 3570. Staff -- Retrenchments 7174, 7176. Subsidiary -- Rural and Inkdustries Bank 4412. Treasurer 4280, 4423. Fut Brigades -- Education Activities -- Pundting 5567, FundsCorp -- Fund Management 7165. Gale, Mr Keith -- WA Exini Corporation -- Problems 24 1. Gambling -- Casino - Police Investigation 4454. Lotteries Commission -- Assessment 4155. Distributions 3676. Professional Fund Managers 71t65. Secretary 1241, 3488. Short-term Investments 666. Two-up -- Bunbury Trotting Club 5584. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6077. Corn. 6107-6122, 3r. 6123. (350) M (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] Mv

Government Advettising -- Allocation 1869. Expenditure 5420. South Western Times - Members of Parliament 6282. Government Building -- Ausunark, Bunbwry -- Employees 2146. Government Contracts -- Furniture 3491. Government Employees Superannuation Bill - Corn. 2373-2382. Council's Amendments 2846. Government Employees -- Alternative Working Arrangements 366. Austinaik, Bunbury 2146. Budget Allocation -- Salaries and Wages 5024. Flexitime 974. Motor Vehicles- Entitlement 241. Public Service- Board - Bzedemneyer, Ms Elizabeth 372. Budget Allocation 4410, 4411, 628 1. Public Servanits - Shareholdings 239. Smoking Regulations 1420. Retirees -- Contract Employment 2523. Salaries -- Accounting 367$. Government Guarantees -- Treasury Advice 5199. Government Instrumentalities -- Advertising Budget 1870, 1978, 2139. Australia Card--. Cost 4160. Confidential Information -- Matter of Public Importance -- Motion 3629: Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 364I1. Dealings -- Government Corporations 368-37 1,517. Payments- WA Development Corporation 6132. Government Stores -- Fluorescent Lamnps 1116. Government Utility Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -. Motion 1826, 1851. Grievances .- By-elections -- Government's Actions 5269. Education -- Canning Vale Primary School -- Relocation 1811. Hairdressers -- Registration - Act- Anhendmnent 1586. Board 1586, 4586. Procedures 883. Hargadon, Mr George -- Retirement 3239. Health -- Antibiotics - Livestock 1572. Dental -- Clinic Assistants -- Award 4583. Dental Act -- Amendment 526. Hygienists- Registration 1432. Disabled Persons -- Association (or the Blind - Lotteries Commission Assistants 3676. Booklet-.- Compilation 4043. Deaf People -- Meeting - Minister for Education 6302. Intellectually Handicapped Children -- After-school Care Facilities 524, 1118. Motorised Wheel Chairs -- Traffic Code Amendment 5583. WA Blind Institute -- Furniture Contract 3491. Drugs -- Rehabilitation Programmes -- Budget Allocation 4422. Foodstuffs -- Radiation 3916. Head Injured - Patients - Care 3493. Persons -- Rehabilitation--. Reponibilit 6131, 6132. Society of WA (Inc.) - Future Operations 972. Hospitals -- Acute Services -- Discussion Document 4584. Computers - Patient Care System 2956. Gnowangenzp, 885, 1572. Heathcote 972. Information Management Systems 1227. Planning-- Discussion Document 239. Princess Margaret -- Child Care Centre 5419. Rockingham 7165. Swant District -- Staff Levels -- Petition 791. M M[~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]MM (31(351)

Health (continued) -- Niandurab Community Health Centre 4050. Nurses -- Kimberley 4266. Occupational Therapists -- Castlereagb School 523. Tobacco Smoking -- Public Service Regulations 1420. Horticulture -- Metropolitan Markcets 6468 Housing -- Government Emnployees Housing Authority -- Pont Hedland 3491. Homeswest -- Eviction Notices 1870. Residential Tenancy Legislation 1982, 25 23.3914. Rockingham 7338. Industrial Development -- Canning Vale -- Dust Nuisance 5958. Department -- Advertising Budget 1870. Espe rance Enterprise Development Agency 5028. Si licon Smelter 5032, 6130. Industrial Relations -- Awards 1 13, Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Motion 1200, 1568. Point of Order 1205. Amendment to Motion 1555. Disputes -- Bus Drivers 525. North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 3312, Royal Perth Hospital -- Point of Order 397. Inflation Rate -- Projected 1726. Insurance -- Companies -- Share Holding Investments -- Ruling 6816. Motor Vehicle Insurance Tnust -- Claim -- Bmush, Mr Len 15 5, 386. State Government Insurance Commission -- Assets 7513. Bell Group -- Loan Agreement 5972. Borrowings -- Treasurer's Approval 6139. Cabinet Meeting 6299. Governiment Funding 6490, Investments 6476. Loans 6141, 6667. Property -- Acquisitions 6475, 647& Assets 6488. Investments 6675. Management -- WA Development Corporation 6667. Portfolio 6667, 6818S. Purchases -- Treasurer 6658. Valuations 6658. 6677. Shares-- Dealings -- Matter of Public Importance 6045. Purchases 6475, 6655. Statutory Requirements 6476, 6674. Swan Building Society -- Involvement 3823. Treasurr6486,680. ThIS fleet Management-W.D. Scott Report 1420. Joint Printing Committee -- Budget Allocation 4410. Land -- Crown - Legislation 1868. Review 4584. Treatment 2523. Industrial Lands Development Authority -- Purchases -- Albany 1116. Land Administration Department -- Functional Review Committee Report 38 10. National Parks -- Entry Fees 383. Miring -- Bailey Report4757. Releases- Fitzroy Crossing 240. Reserves - Elleker-Nornalup Railway Reserve 5024. No. 27598 -- Vesting 5698. Lendich, Mr Zelko 1425, 1432, 1433. (352) M tOhDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Liberal Party -- Federal - Taxation Proposal -- Motion 2217. Management Meeting 4285. liquor Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2671. Corn. 2812,2813. liquor - Act -- Amendment 4422, 4586. Trading Hours -- Consultation -- Point of Order 1251. Uloyd, Mr Tony - Appointment - Superannuation Board 367. Assistant Under Treasurer 973. Rothwells Ltd -- Board Appointment 5204, 5566. Superannuation Board -- Appointment -- Expiry 372. Loan Bill--_ 2r. 5523. Topics Discussed -- Budgetary Cutbacks 5523. Burke Labor Government 5224, 5225. Government Borrowing Programme -- Increase 5523. McCarrey. Mr Les -- Comments 5524. Local Government -- Canning City Council -- Inquiry 240. Reserve No. 27598, P. 5698. Cockburn City Council It 18. 3809. Department -- Engineer, Bicycle Management Team 2145. Gosneils City Council -- Inquiry 240. Losses -- Rothwetls LtAd 6994, Melville City Council -- Dual-use Path 4584. Footpaths 4156. South Street -- Widening 524, 1115, 3678,4755, 7166. Nubt City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Question 4053. Royal Commission Inquiry - Motion 5659. Old Swan Brewery Development 4058. Rothwells Ltd -- Investments 5423. Lombardo's Fishing Boar Harbour -- Government Finance 887. Martin, Mr Rob -- Superannuation Board 366, 368. Matters of Public Importance -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact 7598. Crime -- Increase -- Amendment to Motion 3985. Wave 1732. Education -- Scbool Cleaning 2176. Governmnent Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information 3629. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Dealings 6045. McKee, Dr John -- Appointment 155. Members of Parliament -- Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West 1285. Member for Bunbwry 6282. Member for East Melville -- As to Personal Explanation -- Point of Order 6732; As to Standing Orders Suspension 6733; As to Withdrawal of Remark 6734, 6735. Member for Mitchell 6282. Member for Perth - Perth City Council -- Corruption -- Allegations 4053. Member for Pilbara 525. Member for Rockingham L979. Wenn, Hoc Doug 6282. Minerals - Coal - WA Coal Industry Council 382. Gold - Nugget Coins 2690. Mining -- National Parks -- Bailey Report 4757. Registrar's Office -- Coolgardie -- Closure 1 115. Quarries -- Western Quarries Pty Ltd 1117. Royalties -- Bradley Report -- Cost 3564. Payments Outstanding 525, 3918. Uranium -- Mine Sites 525. M M ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECH-ES] Mt (353)33

Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations -- Standing Orders Suspension 2072: Motion 2074; Remarks During Division 2081. Attendance- Question Time 4451. Attorney General -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4423. Cabinet -- Cocktail Party -- Bunbury 5696. Functional Review Committee - Land Administration Deparment 38 10. State Government Insurance Office 6299. Deputy Premier -- Retirement -- Statement 8309. Minister for Community Services 5807, 5808. Minister for Education -- Meeting -- Deaf People 6302. Minister for Health -- Air Charter 5697. Minister for Housing - Swan Building Sociery -- Reports 4424. Minister fox Local Government -- Overseas Conference 3666. Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Luncheon - Bunbury 6125. Minister for Police and Emergency Services 6125. Minister for The South West -- Electorate Visits 1285. Minister for Transport 1425. Premier -- Australia Card 3681. 3683. 4166. Brush, Mir Len -- Resignation 155, 386. Business Breakfast, Bunbuny 3488. Retirement -- Statement 8309. Return to State 8354. Simpson, Mr Keith 3570. Travel -- Costs 3669. Treasurer -- Brush, Wr Len -- Advice 21. State Government Insurance Commission- Borrowings 6139. Directions 6486. Information 6680. Property Purchase 6658. Superannuation Board -- Investments 155, 386, 1570. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Advice 4280. Awareness 3383, 4423. Reports 4424. Motions -- Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition 3741. Legal Advice 4127. Condolence -- Nalder, The Late Mr C.C., MILA -- 12. Financial Institution -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry - Amendment to Motion 3458. Government Utilities - Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Inquiry 1826, 1851. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation 1200. Disputes -- North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Amendment to Motion 3312. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inuiry 5659. Censure -- Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role 1353. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Conduct 1525. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action 5136. Sessional Orders -- Adoption -- Standing Orders Suspension 1277. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry 2198. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2217. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bil -- Corn. 7128. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers' Licences -- Card System 524. Credit Card-typ 4043. Photograhs 7517. Government -- Liquified. Petroleum Gas -- Conversion 1103. Officers -- Entitlements 241. Private Plates - Department of Conservation and Land Management Officers 1114. (354) M (354)[INDEX M TO QUESTONS & SPEECHESJ) M

Motor Vehicles (continued) -- Government (continued) - 6QE- 174 -- Allocation 5 17. Toiler -- Allocation 3564, L.icences - Details - Australian Taxation Office 885. Plate No. 7H0-35 1, p. 527. Naider, The Late Mr CC., MIA -- Condolence Motion 12. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - 2r. 1405. Corn.-- Point of Order 1973. Osborne Park Balcatta Business Association -- Payment -- Northern Suburbs Youth Option Project 4586. Paciexpo - Government Contribution 4050. Government Support 38, 2954, 3247. Parliament -- Parliament House -- Staff -- Retirement -- Mr George Kargadon 3239. Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role -- Censure Motion 1353. Staff -- Public Awareness Programme -- Schools 3563. Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations -- Government Instrumentalities - Jurisdiction 6286. Pay-mul Tax Assessment Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6789. Perry. Dr Russell 442 1. Perth Observatory 2523, 442 1. Petitions -- Dog Amendment Bill -- Objections 2600. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Demolition 45 1. Health -- Swan District Hospital -- Staff Levels 791. Sex Shops -- Control 7590, 7742, 8314. Technical and Further Education -- Fee Increases 70. Video Tapes Classification and Control B ill -- Amendment 3977. Planning - Brewtech Brewery -- Sewerage Disposal 3565. Canal Developments -- Dawesville Cut -- Decisions 1 118. Waroboro 3487, 3493, 5584. Developments -- Marrlurali 2954. Pon Kennedy 3260, 3492. Legislation -- Draft -- Introduction 1868. Review 1 115, 3914. Old Swan Brewery - Development 4058. Strata Tides- Act - Commissioner -- Report 5698. Duplex Provisions 2390. Review 523. Subdivisions -Kununurra 4422. Plumbing -- Illegal or Substandard 1242. Police -- Bateman -- Noalijaba Centre 2139. Casino - tnvestigation 4454. Commissioner -- Confidence -- Standing Orders Suspension 7413. Filing, Detective Constable Paul 2519, 2524. Neighbourhood Watch Programme 7928. Officers 1587.2146. Porns and Harbouns -- Boat Harbour -- KHilarys 887, 1119, 1432. Casual Ship Painters and Dockers Pool 1227. Commercial Marine Industry, Fremantle 1793, 1876. Dredging-- Peel Inlet 4756. Fremantle 1113, 1571. Lombardo's 887. Marine and Harbours Department -- Staff -- On Seeondmemt 3565. The Anchorage Development 1786. The Anchorage -- Facilities -- Relocation 187 7. M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ M (355)

Premier and Cabinet Depastrnent of the -- Breakfast -- Bunbwry 5697. Budget Allocations 4410, 6281. Employment -- Lendich. Mr Zelko 1433. Personnel Infornation Management System Establishment Report 3260. Public Opinion Polling 3557. Sundowner -- Bunbury 628 1. Prisons - Canning Vale -- Support -- Casuarina Prison 1421. Casuarina -- Name 1587. Prisoners - Accommodation ont Release 5029. Income Tax~ Returns 24 1. Strict Security ife tmopnsonrnent 3488. Privatisation -- Functional Review Committee Recommendation 3922. Public Meeting, Exmouth -- Beverages -- Cost 5697. Quadrant Energy Development Ltd -- Director - McKee, Dr John 155. Questions -- On Notice -- Opposition Handling -- Ministerial Statement 1070. Without Notice -- Ministers of the Crown -- Attendance 445 1. Racing and Trotting -- Bunbury Trotting Club -- Two-up Gambling 5584. Regional Development -- South West Development Authority -- Announcements -- Political Content 1288. Budget Allocation 4749. Cocktail Party 5959. Premises -- Rental 5696. Swan Valley - Fluoride Levels 4585. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Council's Amendments 8319. River Swan 2249,4572. Roads -- Bridges -- Butswood -- Commencement 751t4. Shelley 3916, 3917, By-pass -- Northarn 4573. Farrington Road 526, 3916. Forrest Road 526. Karel Avenue 972. Kwinana Freeway 3910. Mitchell Freeway 3667. Roe Highway 5190. South Street 524, 1115, 3678, 4755. 5583, 7166. Rothwells Ltd -- Board -- Government Representative 5204, 5566. Government Action -- Advice -- As to Notice of Motion 5154. Amendment to Motion 5172. Points of Order 5168, 5172. Federal Government Endotsement 5198. 5314. Motion 5136. Standing Orders Suspension 5114. L.ocal Authorities -- Investments 5243. Losses -- Local Government 6994. Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill - See 'The Rural and lndstiries Rank of Western Australia Bill'. Salaries and Allowances Amnendmtenit Bill -- 2r. 1804. Coin. 1809. Scott, Mrs Winifred -- Superannuation Award 889. Second-Hand Dealers Act -- Review 526. Services - Federal Government -- Inefficiency 1243. Sessional Orders -- Adoption -- Motion 1277. Sewerage -- Brewtech Brewery 3565. Sex Shops -- Control-- Petitions 7590, 7742, 8314. Simpson, Mr Keith -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3497, 3570. SonaneC Ltd - Investments -- Superannuation Board 597. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Conduct -- Censure Motion 1525: Point of Order 1530. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Censure Motion 1353. Ruling - Mr Len Brush - Writs -- Point of Order 72. (356) M (356) M[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Sport and Recreation-- Camp - Noalimba 1977, 3910, 6132. Cycle Helmnet Subsidies 7513. Department 1116, 7928. Grants 8336. Swimmiing Classes --lIn-term 731. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 2600. Corn. 2613-2619. Stamp Amendment Bill (No 2)1- 2r. 6795. MtninistderssuoftCrw--- Allegations 2072. Police Commissioner -- Confidence 7413. Rozhwelis Ltd -- Government Action 5114. Superannuation Board -- Mishandling 72. State Finance- --

Adjustments -- Financial Crisis 5318S. Allocations -- Bzidgetowo High School 4422. Building Management Authority 4901. Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation 4422. Neighbourhood Watch Programme 7928. Commuonwealth Funding 1783. Short-term Investments 124 1. Treasury -- Assistant Under Treasurer 973. Budget Allocation 4411, 4566. Deparmnt -- Interest Earig 66W. Government Guarantees - Advice 5199. Statements -- By the Leader of the Opposition -- Retirement of Prem ier and Deputy Premier 8309. Ministerial -- By the Minister Assisting the.Treasuxer -- Financial Administration and Audit Act - Repoiting Procedures 4236. By the Premier -- Questions On Notice -- Opposition Handling 1070. Stock -- Goats 1574. Horses -- Breeders -- Land Tax Exemption 1420. Livestock Reporting Service 1119. Rabbits - Fanning 7165. Saleyards - Midland -- Lease 233. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2350. Corn. 2372. Superannuation -- Board -- Audited Accounts -- Tabling 4050. Auditor General's Report 15 6. Chairman 367, 372. Contracts -- Martin, Mr Rob 368. Employee -- Police Interview -- Point of Order 20. Faciory Purchbase -- Cant Corporation Ltd 37 1. Inquiry -- Union Comments 1712. Investments - Approvals 155. 1711. Brockley Investmnernts Ltd 366, 367, 17 12. El Cahallo Blanco 367. Global Approvals 1570. International Fsheries 1712. 1875, 3657. Port Kennedy Development 1713. The Anchorage 366, 3 68, 746, 1711. 1786, 1877, 2141, 5186. Points of Order 746, Treasurer's Approval 386, 1570. Western Reefs Ltd 3 67, 597. Members -- Appointments 367. Mishandling-- Standing Orders Suspension 72. Motor Vehicles 972. Payments -- Martin, Mr Rob 366. Vacancy - Filling 889. M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M (357)

Superannuation (continued) --

Superannuation and Family Benefits Adt-- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice - Motion 819. 2198. Point of Order 79 1. Withdrawal of Remarks 824, 825. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 84 1. Supply BiDl-- 2r. 1688. Topics Discussed -- Federal Elections -- Labor Party Record 169 1. liberal Party Platform 1693. Prime Minister's Promises 1692. Premniers t Conference -- Outcome 1688. Taxes and Charges -- Rate of Increase 1689. Taimac Industries -- Government Assistance 6657. Taxes and Charges -- Australian Taxation Office -- Motor Vehicle Licence Details 885. Federal Liberal Party Proposals -- Motion 2217; Point of Order 2250. Fuel Franchise Levy 1863. IncomTate -- Point of Order 23. Returns -- Prisoners 24 1. Increases- Consumer Price Index - Point of Order 1986. Land Tax- Co~lections 2522. Exemptions -- Horse Breeders 1420. Leased Property 3809. Payroll Tax -- Government Instrumentalities 3260. Revenue Increase 1129. Stamp Duty -- Retrospective Legislation 3266. Teachers Credit Society -- Future 7178. Monitoring 4412. Subsidiary -- Rural and Industries Bank 4412. Technology -- Computers - Conservation and Land Management Department 6130. Non-Government Schools -- Assistance 3679. High Schools 1097, 4756, 7923. Hospitals -- Information Management Systems 1227. Patient Care System 2956. The Anchorage -- Superannuation Board -- Investments 366, 368. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill -- 2r. 5912. Corn. 5926-5934. Tourism -- WA Tourism Commission -- Jurisdiction -- Ombudsman 6286. Traffic -- Accidents -- Farrington-Nonthlake Roads 240. Code -- Amendment -- Motorised Wheelchairs 3667, 5583. lights .- Benningfield Road-South Street 12'41. Centenary Avenue-Leach Highway 886, 1115. Ranford-Warton Roads 239. Stock-Yangebup Roads Intersection 7166. Pedestrians 4156, 45 84. Speed Limits -- Farrington Road 526. Transport -- Air - Charters - Minister for Community Services 5807. 5808. Minister for Health 5697. Perth Airports -- Bus Services 7514. Buses -- Perth Airports 7514. School -- CnnngsVale7166. 7167. Transfer Stations - Kvnnana 1587. Fare Concessions -- Review 523. Ferry -- MV Perth 3493. 5959. (358) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Transport (continued) -- Railways - Electrification 1433, 1579. Fares -- Concessions 3918. Robb Jetty -- Closure 1118. Transperfi -- Fares 1987. Strike -- Drivers' Transport 525. Yangebup 3917. Westrail -- Advertising Budget 1870. Employees 1228, 1978. Employment -- Age Limit 2951. Treasurer's Advance Authorisation Bills -- 2r. 2941. Topic Discussed - Financial Administration and Audit Act 2942. Treasury Department 6666. Unions - liquor and Allied Industries Union- Resignation - Fees 885. Membership -- Minimum Age 885. Officials-.- Overseas Visits 1577. Police Union -- Assaults 2146. Video Tapes Classification and Conto Bill--Amendment--. Petition 3977. WA Development Corporation - Cash Surpluses -- Rate of Return 6468. Expenses -- EventsCorp 7671. Fund Management--. Lotteries Commission 7165. Government Irnstrumentalities -- Dealings 368-371, 517. Interest Earnings 6666. Land Holding -- Peel Inlet 665 1. Payments 6132. Property Management -- State Government Insurance Commission 6667. Tailings Treatment 6650. WA Events Foundation -- Government Payments 6286. WA Exim Corporation--. Advances -- Security 1119. Financial Problems-- Personnel 241. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 368-371, 517. Trading Activities -- Losses 241. Waste Disposal -- Orange Grove 5190. Water Resources -- Business Consumers-- Charges 886. Damn-- Harris River 365. Restrictions 56917. Water Authority -- Electrical Contractors 5029. Employees -- Workers' Compensation 2955. Plumbing Inspectors 3494. Testing and Inspection Procedures 883. 1242. Wya~katchem District High School 886. Wells, MrfBob -OverseasTrip 1577. Western Continental Ltd - Government Assistance 5316. Western Reefs Lid -- Superannuation Board -- Investments 367, 597. Wilson. Sayer, Core Pry Ltd -- Coogee Coastal Area Study 3810. Women's Advisory Council - Breakfast 5696. Workers' Compensation -- Building Management Authority 2955. Water Authority 2955. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Act -- Amendments 1117.

MARLDOROUGH, MR N.t. (Cockburn) -. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 503. Formally Seconded 19. Topic Discussed - Defence -- Australian Naval Fleet Resiting 503. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. -- Withdrawal of Remark 4389. Businesses -- Taxation Relief 6489. Chemical - DDT1 1787. M tINDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] NI (359)

Defence 1248. 2961. Environment - North Lake 237. Equity Finance Ltd 1580. Financial Institutions 4056,4914. Health -- Laurie Potter's Health Clubs 5033. Industrial Developmnent 1580, 1715S. Industrial Relations Disputes -- Fremantle Port 2149. Insurance -- Life Insurance Policies 4056. McDonnell Douglas 1580. Members of Parliament -- Federal Opposition 2961. Leader of the Opposition 1724,4914. Member for Murchison-Eyre 8097. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - 2r. 1669. Petitions -- Transport -- Buses -- Surfboards 8314. Transperth -- Additional Fares 6193. Ports and Harbours -- Fremnantle 2149. Racing and Trotting -- Racing Industry -- Allegations -- Member for Murchison-Hyre 8D97. Taxes and Charges -- Businesses -- Relief 6489. Transport -- Air - Inbound Flights 7323. Buses -- Surfboat&s -- Petition 8314. Transperth Bus Services -- Additional Fares -- Petition 6193.

MIASLEN, MRt 0.3. (Gascoyne) - Loan Bill -- 2r. 5529. Topics Discussed -- Australia's Future 5530. Complimentary Remarks 5529. Gascoyne Electorate 5530. Personal History 5529. Maiden Speech 5529. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6965. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 6785.

MASTERS, HON G.E., LEADER OF THE OPPOSTON IN THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (West)- Abattois - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues -- Motion 3054. Accord Nominees Pty Ltd -Cheques -- Brush, Mr Len 300. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- 2r. 3835. Corn. 384. Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill -- As to 2r. 5353. 2r. 5597. Corn. 5869-5878. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assembly's Message 17 1. 2r. 1139. Corn. 1293-1340, 1475-15 14, 1605-1625, 2016-2062. Points of Order 1320.,1490, 2056, 2057. Progress 1267. Reinstatement of Clause 8, p. 1461. Presidest's Ruling 1461. Standing Orders Suspension 1470. As to Recoin. 2261. 3r. 2269. Point of Order 2280. Acts Amendment (Occupational ealbi, Safety and Welfare) Bill - 2r. 2794. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill - 2r. 7364. (360) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Acts Amendment (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill - fotrm.; I . 4169. 2r. 4303. Question 8252. Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Hours) Bill -- 2r. 7072. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7968. Corn. 7980-7995. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 36. Point of Order 1016. Topics Discussed . Congratulatory Remarks 36. Economy -- Economic Policy 41. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 46. Government Employees 42. Government Expenditure -- Waste Watch 49. Government Performance 36. 44, 47. Housing -- Rentals 51. Industrial Relations 42. Prices -- Price Watch Scheme 48. Taxes and Charges - Taxation System 41. Adjournment Debates - Australian Labor Party-- Branch Stacking Allegations 3614. Defence -- Coastal Surveillance 7401. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement 3184. Parliamentary Pantics-- Leaks 924. Sittings of the House - Continuity 1267. Extension 825 1. Agricultural Education-- Appointment of Select Committee -- Amendment to Motion 2415. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill -- As to 2r. 6548. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 3933. Point of Order 3499. Topics Discussed -- Budget Surplus 3933-3944. Corruption -- Labor Party 3943. Financial Institutions -- Confidentiality of Records 3940. Duty 3939. Land Tax 3938. Payroll Tax 3938, 3940. Pert City Council 3943. Police Force 3938. 3943. Taxes and Charges 3934. Teachers Credit Society 3940. Stamp Duty 3939. State Fuel Levy 3937. Australia Card 4086, 4087. Australian Labor Party -- Branch Stacking Allegations -- Adjourwrient Debate 3614.

Introduced by Private Member - Acts Amendment (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill 4169. Standing Orders Suspension -- As to Rescission 4060. Point of Order 3832. Births, Deaths, and Marriages 7739, 7741, 8252. Bread Amendment Bill -- 2 r. 6554. Corn. 6558-6560, 6877, 6878. Brush, Mr Len -- Cheques 300. Building Management Authority - Work Force 4210. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amnendmet Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper-- Assembly's Message 63. 2r. 763. Corn. 768, 773-784,915-919. Assembly's Message 2972. M M(~INDEX TO QUIESTONS & SPEECHES] NM (361)31

Businesses -- Companies -- Government Assistance 5360. Corporate Affairs 5111, 5758. Charitable Organisations - Liquidity 4341t. Select Committee -- Establishment -- Amendment on the Amendment to Motion 631; Membership 763; Quorum 636. Chid Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 3r. 5714. Close of Session - Complimentary Remarks 8296. Committees for the Session - Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -- Appointment -- Amendment to Motion 647. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Ternms of Reference - Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. Community Services - Child Care Regulations 4587, 7588, 7589. Women's Refuges 3298, 3299, 3717. Crime -- Criminal Records -- Gteyboundl Racing Applications 7738. Declarations and Anestatioas Amendment Bill -- Corn. 787. As to 3r. 915. Defence -- Coastal Surveillance -- Criticism -- Adjournment Debate 7401. Deputy Chairmen of Committees -- As to Appointment 29. Deputy President of the Legisative Council (Hon Robert Hetheriaglon) -- Deliberative Vote - Point of Order 6998. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2439. Corn. 253 1-2534. Dolan, The Late Hon Jerry -- Condolence Motion 7. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4313. Corn. 4639, 4642-4664,4792-4798. As to Recommittal 4923. Factories and Shops Amendment Bill -- 2f. 6187. Financial Administration and Audit Act -- Portfolio Responsibility 7410. Report Tabling -- Extension of Time -- Point of Order 3274. Financial Institutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 5 103. Reserve Bank -- Rothwells Ltd 5110. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Accounts 3529. Attorney General -- Concerns 3619. Corporate Affairs Department -- Investigation 3623. Takeover -- Attorney General's Role 3528, 3529,511ll. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill - 2r. 5329. Coin. 5332, 5333. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 7564. Corn. 7570. Forests -- State Forests - Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- Motion to Concur 4946. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2T. 7191. Gambling -- Lotto 8303. Gaming Commission Bill -- Corn. 4187, 4188. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5592. Government Employees - Furniture Removals - Tenders 3137. Government Guarantees 7408. Hairdresrs. Registration Board 3136. Health Amendment Bill - 2r. 6170. Health -- Blind Persons 4342. Homosexual Activities - Legslation -- Opposition -- Petitions 1990. (362) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6552. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 3)- 2r. 4606. Questions 4682, 5488. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) - 2r. 8153. Corn. 8160-8166. Industrial Relations 4682, 5489. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Annual Report 7411. Bonowings 6042, 7409. Government Guarantee 6042, 7409. Losses 74 10. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Terms of Reference - Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. Share Purchases 6041, 6042. Shortfall -- Government Responsibility 6043. State Government Insurance Corporation -- Competitive Advantage 307, 662. Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5465. Jones, Wi Garry 2067. Labor Party -- Australia Curd 4087. Caucus Meeting 8252. Land -- Shannon National Pak -- Statement 4920. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repea Bill- Restoration to Notice Paper 33. Liberal Party -- Members' Dealings 3529, 3530. Liquor Amendment Bill - 2r. 2974. Corn. 2984-2986. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8108. Topics Discussed -- Ministerial Advisers 8109. Paintings 8109. Parlament House -- Joint House Committee 8109. St aff 8t10. Use 8108. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper -- Assemibly's Message 175. Adjournment of Debate 64. Assembly's Message 27 17-2722. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Message 462 1. Assembly's Request for Conference 7384. Members of Parliament -- Members of the Legislative Assembly -- Criticism -Statement 8174. Minerals- Iron Ore 3137. Ministers of the Crown -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel -Statement 7530. Role 3529. State Government Insurance Corporation 307. Teachers Credit Society Ltd 3528, 3529, 3619. Deputy Premier -- Retirement 8252. Leader of the House 8252, 8255, 8304. Minister for Budget Management -- Financial Administration and Audit Adt 7410. Government Guarantees 1408. Portfolio Responsibilities 5112. Rothwells Ltd 5109. State Government Insurance Commission 6041. Minister for Community Services -- Austialia Card 4086. 4087. Luncheon -- Carnarvon 5242. Premier -- Retirement 8252. Treasurer-- Superannuation Board 300. 2069. M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M (363)

Mitchell, Mr Bill 4677, Motions -- Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues 5054. Charitable Organisations - Select Committee -- Establishment -- Amendment on the Amendment to Motion 63 1; Membership 763; Quorum 636. Condolence -- The Late Hon Jerty Dolan 7. The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MLA 27. The Late Sir Billy Macie Snedden 315 L Financial Institutions -- Investigation -- Select Committee 5103. Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message -- State Government Insurance Commission - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Terms of Reference 2430. State Forests -- Revocation ofDedicti -- Assembly's Resolution 4946. Motor Vehicle Drivers Instructors Amendment Bill - 2r. 4189. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers' Licences 3189, 7407,7739. Mopeds 6192, 7738. Nalder. The Late Mr C.C., MLA -- Condolence Motion 27. National Park -- Shannon - Statement by Leader of the Opposition 4920. National Safety Council 3139. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5227. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2567. Coin. 2728-2757, 2772-2790. Points of Order 2737. 2749. Assembly's Message 3160-3165. Points of Order 3165. 3166. Objection to Deputy Chairman's Ruling 3170. President's Ruling -- Point of Order 3172. Parliament House -- Staff -- Retirement -- Adjournment Debate 3184. Parliamentary Parties -- Leaks -- Adjournment Debate 924. Petitions -- Homosexual Activities -- Legislation -- Opposition 1990. Police -- Superannuation Board 300. Ports and Harbours -- Fremnantle -- Casual Ship Painters and Dockers 8021. Prisouners 3034, 8294. Questions Without Notice 4344, 8252. Racing and Trotting -- Greyhound Racing 7738. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) -- Coin. 7585. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 8249. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 7006. Corn. 7045-7066. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - As to 2r. 7068. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5719. Corn. S987-5995. 6006-6019. Recoin. 6019. Assembly's Message 7725. Questions 6192. Rorbweils Ltd 5109, 5110.5112. Rottnest Island Authority Bill - Corn. 6337-6344. Sessional Orders -- Adoption 29. Committee - Leave to Sit 4644. 5086. Suspension - Motion t62 1. Sittings of the House - Continuity -- Adjournment Debate 1267. Extension- Adjournment Debate 8251. Snedden, The Late Sir Billy Mackie - Condolence Motion 315 1. South Africa - Sporting Competitions 4344, 4345. Sport and Recreation -- Competitions -- South Africa 4344, 4345. Greyhound Racing 4677, 6190, 7738. Noalimba Camp 66,67. SpotigTeams 5241 Supr me 6043, 6385. (364) M UINDEX TO QUEST-IONS & SPEECHES] M

Standing Orders-- No 187 -- Amendmnt -- Motion 7003: Withdrawal of Remark 7004. Suspension - Bills -- As to Rescission 4060. State Finance -- Budget -- Rothwells Ltd 5109. Treasury -- Rothwells Ltd 5110. State Government Insurance Commission 6041, 6042. State Government Insurance Commission -- Competitive Advantage 662. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee -- Terms of Reference -- Motion to Concur with Assembly's Message 2430. Statements -- By Hon G.E. Masters- Land -- National Parks -- Shannon 4920. Members of Parliament -- Members of the Legislative Assembly -- Criticism 8114. Ministers of the Crown -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7530. Superannuation Board -- Employees -- Police Interviews 300. Investments 300. 2067-2069. Issues 2069. Payments -- Jones, Mr Garry 2067. Questions -- Answers 2306. Point of Order 2169. President's Statement 2306. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3111. Point of Order 3114. Topics Discussed - Complimentary Remarks - Ferry. Hon VT1.3116. Harding, Mr Alan 3116. Gambling -- Lotlo Agents 3115. State Finance 3111. Taxes and Charges 3112. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5593. Corn. 5595. 5596. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7693. Corn. 7700-7703. Waterfront Workers (Compensation for Asbestos Related Diseases) Amendment Bill - 2r. 2728. Western Continental Corporation Ltd 5360. Wildlife -- Kimberley Project 2302. Workers' Cornrnation and Assistance Amendment Bill -

McALEER. HON MARGARET (Upper West)- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Restoration to Notice Paper -- Adjournment of Debate 62. Assenmbly's Message 173. Corn. 1478, 1-181, 1508. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) BiDl -- 2r. 6373. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill - 2r. 8002. Corn. 8009. Adjournment Debate - Wildlife -- Emu Farm -- Chick Auction 3611. Age of Consent 3976. Agriculture -- Farms -- Water Loan Fund 5882. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 7727. Topics Discussed -- Government Departments -- Annual Reports 7729. Legislative Council 7728. M tINDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M (365)

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill (continued) - Consideration of Tabled Paper (continued) -- Topics Discussed (continued) .. Local Government Shires -- Muliewa 7730. Tammio 7731. Members of Parliament - Ferry, Hon VJ. 7727. House, Hon Barry 7727. Roads -- Funding 7730. State Finance -- Budget 7728. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill-- 2.80.Topic Discussed - Education -- Monawa District High School and Hlostell 8 104. Arts .. Museums -- Travelling Curator 1274. Bread Amendment Bill -- Corn. 6558. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill - Corn. 773, 786. Criminal Code AmendmentfBll - 2r. 2293. Persona! Explanation 2713. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Corn. 4643. Fuearmns Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3601. Homosexual Activities -- Legislation -- Opposition- Petitions 1990, 253 1. Local Courts 7083, 7233. Local Governmrent Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 7709. Members of Parliament -- Leave of Absence - Lockyer, Hon P.H. 4603. Moore, Hon NPF. 5431. Personal Explanation - Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2713. Petitions -- Homosexual Activities- Le gislation - Opposition 1990, 253 1. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5848. Corn. 5850. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 8237, 8238, 8283. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6850. Transport -- Buses -- School Committee 8223. Midland -- Greyhound Australia Pty Ltd 1040, 1276. Railway Station -- Moors 7230. Wildlife -- Emu Farm -- Breeding Stock 3625. Chick Auction -- Adjournment Debate 3611.

McKENZME HON FRED (North East Metropolitan) . Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues -- Motion 7072. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 1474. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7975. Corn. 7983-7991. Addres-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion,418. Formally Seconded 10. Topics Discussed -- Abattoirs - Midland 419. Ellett, Mr Peter 419. Karrakcatta Cemetery Board 422. Land - Wundowie 420. Railways - Electrification 425. Freight 428. (366) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech (continued) - Motion (continued) -- Topics Discussed (continued) -- Transport -- Heavy Haulage 425. Water Resources -- Sewerage 420. Westrail 424. Adjournment Debates - George Chapman Pty Ltd 3524. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement 3183. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 8150. Topic Discussed -- Health -- Doctors' Qualifications 8150. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6161. Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8299. Criminal Code Amendment Bill - 2r. 2007. Door to Door Trading Bill- 2r. 1445. Education -- Parents and Citizens Associations - Hardley Road School Crossing 5885. Gambling- Totalisator Agency Board Agencies 1343. George Chbapman Pty Ltd -- Employees -- Adjournment Debate 3524. Health-- Drugs 301. Members of Parliamernt -- Leave of Absence -- Bell, Hon C.J. 5592. Caldwell, Hon I.N. 5592. Hetherington. Hon Robert 5592. Piantadosi. Hon S.M. 5592. Motion -- Abattoirs -- Midland -- Land Sale - Issues 7072. Parliament House -- Staff -- Retirement - Adjournment Debate 3183. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5736. Road -- Haidey Road 5885. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3123. Topics Discussed -- Abattoirs - Midland 3123. Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hon VJ. 3124. Harding, Mr Alan 3124. Stock -- Midland Saleyards 3123. Traffic--. Hardey Road School Crossing 5885. Transport--Taxis 1271. Watson's Foods (WA) -- Takeover -- Employees -- Adjournment Debate 3524.

McNEIL, HON TOM (Upper West)--. Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gaming) Bill -- 2r. 5984. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- 2r. 1144. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7972. Corn. 7981-7992. Betting Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1161. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill -- Cognate Debate 7353. 2r. 7354. Boxing Control Bill - 2r. 1158. Broadcom .. National Football League -- Directors 3716. Bush Puts Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1456. Chattel Securities Bill -- 2r. 7354. Commnunication1s-- Radio Station 6PR 5 108. Television -- Eagles Football Games 305, 5615, 6576. Football -- Country Areas 3116 Sporting Telecasts 3718S. Victorian Football League -- Country Areas 4343. M (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ M (367)

Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill Corn. 465 1. Homosexual Activities -- Legislation -- Opposition -- Petition 1990, Junior Sport - Report 1516, 1517. Liquor - Outlets -- Superdrome 2172. Minister of the Crown -- Attorney General - Appointment as Queen's Counsel -- Statement 7530. Petition -- Homosexual Activities -- Legislation - Opposition 199. Racing and Trotting -- Radio Station 6PR -- Government Purchase 5108. Retai Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 7013. Corn. 7048-7061. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5736, Corn. 6004. Sport and Recitation -- Football -- National Football League -- Directors 3716. Telecasts -- Country Areas 2170,2171, 3716. Victorian Football League 4343. West Coast Eagles Games 305, 5615, 6576. Junior Sport 1516, 1517. Superdrome -- Liquor Outlets 2172. Telecasts -- Exclusive Rights 3718. Statement -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7530. Totalisator Regulation Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1160. Transport -- Buses -- Bunbuzy 1274.

MENSAROS, HON A. (Floreat) -- Aboriginal Mffairs Planning Authority 4434, 4755. Acts Amendment (Corrective Services) Bill -- 2r. 3726. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Council's Amendments 2860,2W6, 2865, 2876. Question -- Proclamation 4747. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- Corn. 6257. Acts Amendment (Legal Practiuioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - 2r. 5782. Corn. 5792-5794. Acts Amendment (Protection of the Community) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 452. 2r. 1551,4149. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill - 2Zr.2311. Corn. 2327-2349. Point of Order 2346. Council's Amendments 2883. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 322. Amendment to Motion 327.722. Topics Discussed - Governm ent Employees 323, 325. Government Instrumentalities 323, 325. Housing -- Rental 722. Parliament -- Accountability - Government 323. Questions 324. Westminster System 323, 327. Advanteering-Civil Engineers 1224. Aged Persons 516,2244. Agriculture-- Pesticides 4578, 4752. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 4014. Topics Discussed -- Allocations -- Association for the Blin 4018. City Beach Primary School 4018. Financial Reserves 4015. Government -- Accountability 4014. Members of Parliament 4016. Parliamnent House 4017. 60200-13 (368) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2. 4701 Topics Discussed -- Economy - State's Indebtedness 4702. Government Instrumentalities -- Expenditure: 4701. Parliament - Government's Attitude 4703. Water Resources -- North Dandalup, Darn 4704. Associations Incorporation Bill -- 2r. 5006. Corn. 5246-5260, 5397-5400. Questions -- Amendments 3483. Australia Card-- Banking Legislation 4163. B ill -- Opposition -- Motion 3734, 3903. Government Instrumentalities 4044. ftroduction 4163 Legal Advice -- Motion 4136. Opposition -- Government Support 3575. Support--. Policy 4039. Australian Bi'centennial Atbonty - Western Australian Council 4437, 4753. Boating Industry Association of WA Inc 5957,5970. Brush, Mr Len--. Writs 242. Building Management Authority 4436, 4582. Businesses - Companies and Securities Cooperative Scheme 2385. National Companies and Securities Scheme 1283. Small Business Development Corporation 4435, 4755. Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 3720. 2r. 4559, 4859. Commissioners for Declarations 110O2, 4049. Committees for the Session - Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation- Council's Resolution 2458. Council's Message 3729. Communications -- Television -- 'Behind the News" 2520.2952. Community Services - Child Care Centres 388. Family Law Act -- O'Connor Report 2139. Meals-on-Whteels -- Electoral Rolls 2959. Constitution Amendment Bill- 2r. 4407. Courts - Defendants -- Cost Recovery 4154. Evidence -- Taking on Commission 1785. Supreme Court -- Orderly.- Behaviour 5563. Crime -- Charges -- WA AIDS Council 986, 1102. Convictions -- Commuissioners of Declarations 1102. Criminal Investigations (Extra-trrnitorial Offences) Bill -- 2r. 5540. Dean. Mr James 588. Declarations and Attestations Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1794. Dranag -- DM Drainage and Construction Co 598. Mounts Bay Road Project -- Tunnelling Equipment 598. Tariffs -- Review 112 1. Education -- High Schools -- Driving Tuition 4418. North West Metropolitan Regional Centre 3484. Public Education Endowment Trust 4438. 4579. Students- Secondary Allowance 237. Teacher- Mr Kee Ch'ng 874. Technical and Further Education -- Lecturers 387. Television Programme .. 'Behind the News" 2520. Tertiary -- Curtn University of Technology - Southern African Students 4917, 5196. University of Western Australia -- Bold Park-- Land Exchange-- Grievance 813. Question 75 1. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Zr. 6067. Corn. 6203-6214. 3r. 6216. M lvi ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES)MM (39(369)

Electoral Act (Commencement of Amendments) Bill - 2r. 1059. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5002. Electoral -- Distribution Commissioner 6494. Districts -- Enrolments 5969. Multiple Voting 864, 158 1. Redistribution Rolls 5969. Employment and Training -- Apprentices 388. 2680. Energy -- -Electricity- Poles -- Pesticides 4518, 4752. Power Station-- Comle 73 1. Solar Energy Research Institute 1424. Stare Erergy Commission - Act -- Amendments 141, 521. Expenditure 4753. Investments 3673. Outstanding Debts 4438. Environment -- Bold Park Land Exchange -- Grievance 813. Question 75 1. Heritage Legislation 4049. Evidence Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5534. Corn. 5538. Explosives Depot -- Resiting 1434. Family Cowrt Amendment Bill -- Zr. 2648. Family Law Act 2139. Financial Institutions -- Banks -- Australia Card - Legislation 4163. Rural and Industries Bank (see also 'Teachers Credit SocielyC below) -Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 3469. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Audited Accounts 3657. Depositors 3674. Investments 3673. Letters 3673. Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion - Point of Order 3469. Freecomns - Mecro-Bicton Transactions Case 4037. Gambling 1243, 1870. Goverrnent Buildings -- Claremont Mental Hospital Complex -- Maintenance 3363, 3364, 3673. Residential Land Sale 3360,3361, 3478. Office of Government Accommodation 4438, 4579. Government Employees -- Statutory Authority Boards 6813, 7162, Government Instrumentalities -- Australi Card 4044. Borrowings 5574. Grievance -- Bold Park Land Exchange 813. Hairdressers - Apprentices 2680. Health -- AIDS 986, 1102,2952. Drugs -- On-die-spot Fines 141, 521. Mental - GROW 3484. Housing - Government Employees Housing Authority 4437, 4580. Homeswest 4436,4581. Industrial and Commercial Employees Housing Authority 4437. 4580. Residential Tenancies Legislation - Details 986. Draft 1287. Introduction 874, 875. Provisions 1111, 1224, Residential Units - Water Meters 142. Rooming Houses 2690,2691. Rural Housing Authority 4437, 4581. Tenants - Water Consumption Payments 14 1. Units - Water Meters 731, 862. (370) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Hrynhdw. Mr Ramnon 987. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission 4574, 4752. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill - 3r. 5512. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amendment Bill - 2r. 6396. Point of Order 6396. Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Bill -- 2r. 5411. Corn. 553 1-5533. Questions 5025. 5026. Land -- Bold Park -- Land Exchange-- Grievance 813. Question 75 1. Sale 1788. Landbank -- 4436,4582. Sales-- Claremont Mental Hospital Complex 3360.3361, 3478. Law Reform Commission 73 1. Legal Practitioners -- Act 4037. Costs Committee 6648. Law Society 141, 521, 3483. Third Party Cheques 5564. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill..- 2r. 3728. 3731. 3r. 3850. Liberal Party Policies -- Government's Stealing 6654. 6635. Local Cowrts Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6744. Local Government Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1883. Local Government -- Cockbun City Council 2959. Nedlands City Council 237. 3361, 3362. Lotteries - Private 588. 1243. Members of Parliament -- Ministers of the Crown -- Correspondence Policy 3568. Men's Confraternity (Inc.)--. Supreme Court Orderly 5563. Metropolitan Water Authority Amendment Bill -- Intro.: I r. 76. 2r. 1190. Minerals - Diamonds 874. State Batteries 4750. Western Australian Mining and Petroleum Research Institute 1424, 1425. Ministers of the Crown -- Correspondence -- Members of Parliament 3568. Heritage Legislation 4049. Labor Party Premiers 2528. Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment -- Hrykiw, Mr Ramon -- Employment 987. Minister for Police and Emergency Services -- Aircraft Incident 2520. Premier 2530. Questions on Notice--. Redirection 1723, 1866. Motions -- Australia Card 3734, 3903. 4136. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers' Licences 388. Government -- Private Use 4264, Licences 238, 516. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation- Speaker's Role -- Censure Motion- Point of Order 1356. Planning-- Commission 4438,4579. Strata Titdes Act 141. Plumbing 1225. Police -- Driving Tuition -- High Schools 4418. Officers -- Statistics 238. M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M (371)

Privatisadion - Hospital Linen and Laundry Service 4409. Job Loss 4409. Policy -- Country People 4568. Public Housing 4409. Taxation Loss 3829. Questions on Notice -- Redirection to Ministers 1723,1866. Regional Development -- Joonidalup Development Corporation 4436,458 1. South West Development Authority 4437, 4578, 4754, Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 3) -- Intro.; Jr. 3720. 2r. 4144,5286. Roads - Repairs 74 1. Servetus: Street 237. 522. Underwood Avenue 5195. Russle, Mr Ed -- Residential Tenancy Legislation 986. Salaries and Allowances Tribunal 874, 970. Seizure of Connected Property Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1113. 2r. 1823. 5302. Sewerage -- Augusta 1243. Margaret River 1243, Projects-- Asset Investment Programme 7162. Tariffs 1721. Water Miser 1581. Small Claims Tribunals Amendment Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1173. 2r. 1542,5299. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Censure Motion -- Point of Order 1356. Sport and Recreation -- Superdnome 1244. 172 1. Standing Order No 164 -- Amendment -- Motion 1364. State Engineering Works - Expenditure 4583. Financial Affairs 3484. Outstanding Debts 4436. Privatisation. -- Employment 4151. State Finance -- Budget 34S4, 5574. Interest Earnings -- G~overnment Bonds 4156. Treasury Department 6659. WA Treasury Corporation 5574. Statutory Authorities-- Boards 6813, 7162. Statutory Declarations Unattested 1785. Sunday Times -- Timespool 588. Taxes and Charges -- Land Tax Assessments 4909, 5196. Privatisation 3829. Tobacco Franchise Tax -- Smoko Club 138. Technology -- Computers -- Multiple Voting 158 1. Thiele, Mr E.P. - Associations Incorporation Bill 3483. Traffic -- Accidents 238. Keep LeftfRule 740, 741. Signs -- 522. Traffic Management Authority 740. Traspr - Minister for Police and Emergency Services 2520. Statesbips 4435.,4754. Transpertli 4435, 4754. Westrail 4435, 4894. Trustees Amendmnent Bill - 2r. 6765. Point of Order 641L8. Cam. 6769-6772. (372) M (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Valuation of Land Amndment Bill - 2r. 2902. WA Development Corporation 4439. WA Exim Corporation 4438,4753. Water Authority Amendment Bill - 2r. 3391. 3393. Corn. 3395. 3396, 3643. Water Resonutes - Consumption 141,142.731. Country 3919. 4265. Meters -- Multiple Housing Units 862. Payment for Use 2245. Tariffs--. Review 1721. Underground 862, 3799. Water Authority -- Administrative Regions 4418. Apprentice Plumbers 388. Assets Management 3927. Beenyup Depot 2946. Board Members 2956. Concessional Charges 2244. Expenditure 4894, 5196. Internal Funds and Balances 3918,4157. Non-micable Land 2244. Outstanding Debts 4434. Plumbing Inspections 4267, 1225. Plumbing Standards 4267, 4268. Ratepayers 2245. Revenue Source 5574. Tenders987. 1224. Water Miser--. Use 158 1. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill. 2r. 5406. Wildlife -- Florm -- Yeliow-flowered Menzies Banksia 3247. Wills Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4517.









MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES - See WHallahaan, Hon Kay, 8BApp 3di (Soc Wk), JP."


MINISTER FOR CONSUMER AFFAIRS.-- See "Taylor.Hon if., B Econ (Hoens). JP."




MINISTER FOR EDUCATION See "Pearce.Hon Ri.. BA. Dip Ed. JP."



MINISTER FOR HEALTH -- See 'Taylor, Hon I. B Econ (Horn), JF."





MINISTER FOR LANDS - See 'Wilson, Hon K-f.'





MINISTER FOR PLANNING -- See 'Pearce, Hon RI., BA, Dip Ed, JP."







MINISTER FOR THIEAGED--. See "Hallahan, Ron Kay, B App Sci (Soc Wk). IJP.

MINISTER FOR THE ARTS- See "Parker, Hon D.C., BA.'

MINISTER FOR THE FAMILY -- See "Hallahan, Han Kay. B App Sci (Sac WkJ, IF." M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] PA (375)








MINISTER FOR YOUTH.. See WfiaAhan. Hon Kay. B App Sci (Soc Wk), SPY

MOORE, HON N.F., BA, Dip Ed (Lower North) - Acts Amendiment (Child Cam Services) Bill - Corn. 5874.5876. Acts Amendment (Corrective Services) Bill- 2r. 4061. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) BiUl -- Standing Orders Suspension 1138. Corn. 1304-1333, 1471, 160& 163 1. 2023-2064. Points of Order 1336, 1477, 1608, 1623, 2032, 2033. Reinstatement of Clause 8 -- Amendment to Motion 1467; Point of Order 1467. As to Recoin. 2256. 3r. 2276. Amendment to Motion 2265. Acts Amendment (Student Guilds and Associations) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 4462. 2r. 4604,4611. Addrvss-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 1017. Point of Order 272. Topics Discussed -- Education -- Beazley Report 101I. Better Schools Document 1018. Incentive System 1023. Milnsty 107A. Opposition Policy 1019. Schools -- Councils 1020. Gram 1022. Staff 1021. Unitismion 10-26. (376) M (376)[INDEX M TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES])v M

Adjournment Debates - Education -- Student Guilds -- Newspaper Article 4666. Minister for Education 6886. Agricultural Education -- Disbandment 8220. Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment BiD-- 2r. 6725. America's Cuap -- Budget Allocation 3625,434 1. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 4t89. Topics Discussed -- Budget Topics 4194,4200. Education -- Capital Works Programme 4190-4193. Curriculum 4195-4199. Public Service -- Staff 4194. Regional Development -- Murchison-Eyre 4195. Trade Union Movement 4199,4200. Audit -- Education Department -- Internal Audit Branch 298. Emmaus Women's Refuge 4346, 6730, 6892. 7081. AustrAian Labor Party -- Privatisation -- Support -- Motion 3508. Betting Control Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1260. Bill -- Introduced by Private Member -- Acts Amendment (Student Guilts and Associations) Bill 4462. Brown, Ms Sandra 450. Chattel Securities Bill -- Corn. 7367. Christmas Anti-Credit Campaign 7737. Committee for the Session -- Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation - Appointment- Amendment to Motion 1636-1647. Communications -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation 3140. Community Services - Agencies - Surpluses 3973. Children's Court 3623. Department 2800, 7737. Juvenile Justice -- Ministerial Statement 7968. Meals-on-Wheels 2796. Welfare Agencies 4340. Women's Refuges -- Emmaus - Auditor's Report 4346, 6730, 6892, 708 1. Fraud Squad Inquiries 6730. Funds 3974, 4343, 673 1. Inquiry 4344,4345. Investigation 4087, 4088, 7407. Staff Payments 6731. Surplus 3973, 3974. Investigation 3975. Credit- Dangers - Government Action 7741. Spending 7737. Crime -- Juveniles 3622. Vandalisnm 134-4. Door to Door Trading Amendment Bill -- Zr. 7203. Door to Door Trading Bill -- Zr. 1441. Coni. 1451, 1452. Education -- Act -- Amendment 926. Agricultural Education Section 8220. Australian Broadcasting Corporation Programmes 3140. Better Schools -- Appropriate Unit of Change 2798. Disadvantaged Schools 397 1. Functional Review Committee Report 450. Changes - Location 3137. IA [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M (377)

Education (continued) - Department - Advertisements 297. Appointments 7232. Director of Operations 8220. Graduates 2797. Internal Audit Branch 298. Staff 7230. 723 1. High Schools -- Agricultural 1342. Balls 305. Eastern Hills 6t92, 6386. Mt Magnet District 497 1. Swan View 4972. Unit Curriculum 6384, Hostels - Harlie House 8027. Lake Grace 23031. Junior Sport - Policy 217t. "Man: A Course of Study" - Use 1272. Ministry (see "Department" above.) Non-Government Schools -- Bus Hire Charges 3526. Carmel School Board 926. Policies -- Urgency Motion 7940,7961. Pre-Priniaxy Students -- School Buses 926. Primary Schools- Canning Vale - Closure 4972, 6380.7408, 8221, 8224. Relocation 4088. Clifton Patk 4088, East Greenwood 3971. Principals 2797. Yokine 926. Principals -- Power of Veto 3137. Regulations - Amendment -- Motion 4292. Corporal Punishment 3035, 3139. School Councils -- Legislation 4972. Schools of the Air 1274, 8223. Schools -- Classrooms -- Transportable 298. Computers 7231. 8224. Drug Probtem 8220. Spoils Specialist 2173. Vandalism 1344. Social Educational Materials Project -- Use L272. System - Femnisation 2302. Teachers -- Graduates 2300. Leave without Pay 4972. 6383. Technical and Further Education -- Balga College 8225. Counselling Service 298. Functional Review Committee 3034, 3139. 6191. Funding -- Cuts 127 1. Lecturers -- Salary Reduction 305. Perth College 297, 8026. Tertiary - Curtin University of Technology -- Funding 230 1. Student Guilds -- Newspaper Article - Adjournment Debate 4666. Students -- Fee-pain 299 WA Coliege of Advanced Education - Claremont Campus 822 1. Values Clarification Programmes 1271. WA Educatilon News - Publication 450. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill - Corn. 4629, 4633. 4635. Electoral Rolls -- Computer Print-out 2796. Equal Opportunity -- Application for Exemption 298. Education Regulations -- Corporal Punishment 3139. (378) M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] M

Fabian Society 6384. Gambling -- Instant Lottery 4211,4212. Government Buildings - Old Perth Techinical College 926, 2301, 3034, 3969. Site -- Rockingham 2300. Government Instumrentalities -- Icickett, Mrs Marion 299. Privatisation - Motion 3508.,6882. Health Amendment Bill -- Corn. 6176. Health -- Department -- Quit Campaign 2800. Drugs -- Operation NOAH 8220. Psychiatric Patients 11L65. Tobacco Smoking 2800. Housing -- Laverton 4211. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 3) -- 2r. 46 11. Iron Ore (Cleveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amendment Bill- Zr. 6826. Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2968. Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2970. Kelly, Ms Maureen 3526. Kickett, Mrs Marion 299. Land -- Old Rockinghram Golf Course 2302, 2797, 303-4. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill - Restoration to Notice Paper 35. Corn. 2770-2772. Local Govenrnmenz Amendment Bill -- 2r, 3044. Corn. 3063-3086. Assembly's Further Amendments 3174-3183. Local Government -- Roebourne Shire Council 8293. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2159, 2160. Assembly's Message 4622. Assembly's Request for Conference 7387-7390. Minerals and Energy Research Bill -- Corn. 6862. Mining Amendment Bill - Zr. 1992. Corn. 1995,1996. Ministers of the Crown -- Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee - Consultation 305. Task Force Report 450. Technical and Further Education 3034, 3139. 619 1. Federal Treasurer - Gifts 3138. Leader of the House -- Legislative Assembly Seat 689 1. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs -- Kickent, Mrs Marion -- Employment 299. Minister for Community Services -- Question Time -- Presence 65 76. Minister for Economic Development -- Speech -- Privatisation 6384. Minister for Education -- Comments -- Adjourniment Debate 6886. Eastern Hills High School -- Timetabling 6192, 6386. Equal Opportunity Act -- Exemption 298. Reforms -- Condemnation -- Motion 6682. Motions -- Education Regulations -- Amendment 4292. Fraud Squad -- Emmaus Women's Refuge 6730, 7407. Government Instrumentalities -- Privatisation 3508,6882. Minister for Education- Reforms -- Condemnation 6682. Resumption of Debate- Motion 4288, 4291. Traffic Officer, Boyup Brook 4668, Urgency -- Education -- Policies 7940, 7961. Privatisation - Examples 6384. Government Instrumentalities - Motion 6882. Questions without Notice - Minister for Community Services -- Presence 6576. M [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] N (379)

Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 8175. Corn. 8199-8218, 8228-8249, 8257-8290. Point of Order 8242. 3r. 8291. Retail Trading Hors Bill -- 2r. 7032. Silicon (Picion) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6840. Sport and Recreation -- Equipment Granits 4211, 4212. Schools 2171, 2173. Standing Orders Suspension -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill 1138. State Finance -- Budget Allocations - America's Cup 3625, 434 1. Clifton Pak Primary School 4088. East Greenwood Primary School 3971. School Computers 723 1. Statement -- Ministerial -- By the Minister for Community Services (Hon Kay Hallaban) -- Juvenile Justice 7968. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3125. Topics Discussed- Abattoirs - Midland 3125. Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hon V.J. 3127. Harding, Mr Alanm 3127. Federal Election -- ALP Campaign 3125. Trearer -- Gift 3126. Stock -- Midland Saleyard 3125. Technology -- Computers -- Schools 7231, 8224. Tourist Bureaus 4668. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7204. Corn. 7211-7216. Transport -- Buses 926, 3526. Railways -- Commuters -- Pertl-Toodyay 4341. Trustee Companies Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 4469. Union -- Civil Service Association 305. Usher, Mir Frank 8220. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill - 2r. 2425. Wanneroo Social Planning Youth and Community Services Association 6383, 6385. Youth -- Groups-- Drop-in Cenes 2598. Organisations -- Wanero 4679. Perth Inner City Youth Service 307, 788, 2442, 2598. Services -- Inventory 2599. Wanneroo Activities 6383.

NEVILL, HON MARK. B Sc (Hons). JP (South East) -- See also 'Deputy Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council and Deputy President". Abattoirs - Midland - Equipment Sale 151I5. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 437. Topics Discussed -- Hlorn-- Western Austiraliant 439. Forests 439. Land -- Fitzgerald River National Park 440. WA Conservatorium of Music 437. Wildlife -- Sea iocus 440. Agricultural Education-- Select Committee - Motion, as Amended 2413. Building Industry -- Builders' Registration Board -- Standing Committee on Government Agencies - Report 3690. (380) N (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] 0

Committee for the Session -- Standing Committee on Government Agencies - Reports - Accounts Payment 6998. Government Agencies in Western Australia 6823. Land Resumrptions 3039. Operations754,7963. Review of Agencies 7350. Review of the Builders' and Painters' Regisraion Boas 3690. Dolan, The Late Hon Jerry -- Condolence Motion?7. Fisheries Amendment Bill (No 2) 2r. 7568. Floriculture -- Chrysanthemums 2305. Gaming Commission Bill - 2r. 4066. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. 6708. Corn. 6716. Government Instrumentalities -- Accounts Payment -- Standing Committee on Government Agencies Report 6998. Standing Committee on Government Agencies -- Report - Operations 754. Hospitals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2164. Land -- National Park -- Geike Gorge 2442. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8111. Topics Discussed -- Parliament House - Joint House Committee 8111. Paintings 8l12. Premiers' Gallery 9113. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill - Assembly's Request for Conference 7389. Motions -- Agriculture -Education--. Select Committee -- Motion, as Amended 2413. Condolence -- The Late Hon Jerry Dolan 7. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - Corn. 2729. Standing Order No 187 -- Amendment -- Motion 700S. Wildlife -- Dibblers 3135. Flora-- Banksia 1274. Purple Crowned Wren 2442. Subterranean Orchid 244 1. Whales 2169.

OLIVER, lHON NEIL, ED (West) - Abattoirs - Midland- Land Sale - - Motion 5042. Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 7075. Settlement 4971. Redevelopment -- Public Environment Report 1315. Acts Amendment (Arts Representation) Bill - 2r. 6024. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill- 2r. 4819. Corn. 5063-83. 3r. 5348. Questions-- Responses 4681. Second Reading -- Continuation 4682. Working Party -- Chairman 4680; Points of Order,4680. Meetings 468 1. Report 4681. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) B ill - 2r. 3843. Corn. 3W4. 0 [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] 0 (381)

Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill -- 2r. 5864. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 1301, 1310. 1319, 1339. 1493, 1502, 1512-1514. Acts Amendment (Financial Provisions of Regulatory Bodies) Bill - 2r. 6039. Address-an-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 903. Topics Discussed - Economy 903. Interest Rates 906. Rural Industries 906. Adjournment Debates - Education -- Schools - Safety 8166. Members of Parliament -- Government Members -- Hon Neil Oliver's Comments 5240. Point of Order 5239. Parliament -- Parliamentary Privileges Adt-- Breaches 5357 Vietnam Veterans -- Sydney Parade 4337. Aged Persons -- Hillandale Units, Roleystone 1656. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 8130. Topics Discussed -- Government Instrumentalities -- Privatisation 8134. Papers 8135. Qangos 8134. Slate Finance -- Budget -- Expenditure 8130. Taxs and Charges 8132. Brickworks -- Prestige -- Environmental Protection Authority Studies 4675. Fluoride Emissions; 5486. Hazelmnere Herbs -- Fluoride Emissions 4826. Inversion Heights 5485. Planning Commission Studies 4673. Public Environmental Report 4677. Swant Shire - Fluoride Emissions 4674. 4676, 5486. Building Unions Superannuation Scheme 4674. Businesses -- Corporate Affairs Commissioner 5758. Communications -- Television -- Channel 10, p. 8303. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2435. Corn. 2535, 2537. Education -- Governor Stirling High School 1656. Primary Schools -- Darlington 7228. Mundaring 6888. Schools -- Cleaning 3190. Districts - Rearrangement 4676. Safety-- Adjournmnent Debate 8166. Unit Curriculum 4826. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4330. Corn. 4643, 4634, 4635. Electoral Distribution (Rotmest Island) Amendment Bill - 3r. 6029. Point of Order 6029. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5230. Corn. 523 1. Environment - Prestige Buickworks 1515. 4675, 4677. Government Employees -- Select Committee Evidence -- Perjury 3191. Hazelnere Herbs 4826.,4974. Health Air Pollution Control Council 3486. Disabled Persons -- Association for the BlIn c 4678. Fluoride Emissions 5486. Mental -- GROW 5483. Tobacco Smoking 4678. Hospitals Amendment Bill - 2r. 2162. (382) 0 [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] 0

Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 3) -- 2r. 6029. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 5607. Land Transfers -- Midland Saleyazd 3191. Legislative Assembly - 1988 Sittings 6891. Legislative Council -- 1988 Sittings 6891. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8125. Topics Discussed -- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association 8125. Loan Council 8125. Parliament House 8126. Western Australian Business MigrationuTrhst 8126. Corn. 8129. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Further Amendments 3180. Local Government -- Armadale City Council 708 1. Swan Shire Council 6575. Mason, Mr Gavin Patrick4672. Members of Parliamnent .. Oliver, Hon Neil-- Comments - Adjournment Debate 5240. Point of Order 5239. Minerals - Gold 4672. Minister of the Crown -- Premier - Business Migration Investment Trust Prospectus 42 10. Motions -- Abattoirs -- Midland -- Land Sale .. Issues 5042; Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 7075. Stock -- Saleyard -- Midland -- Select Committee - Witnesses .. Offences 522 1; Withdzrawal of Remark 5222. Urgency -- Stamp Amendment Bill 3147. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5230. Corn. 523 1. Parliament -- Parliamentary Privileges Adt-- Breaches -- Adjournment Debate 5357. Prorogation 6892. Petroleum Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6878. Planning -- Commission -- Prestige Brickworks 4673. Development -- David Jones Site 7587. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- 2r. 240 1. Privatisation -- Potential 497 1. Questions -- On Notice -- Inclusion -- Supplementary Notice Paper 6496. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 8191. Point of Order 8196. Coin. 8239-8246. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 7033. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5739. Corn. 5989, 6011. Roads -- Closures -- Swan Shire 6575. Eastern Corridor Roads Study 8303. Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill, The - See 'The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Auistralia Bill." Select Committees -- Evidence -- Perjury 3191. ShpigCentre - Woodvale 4973. Small usiness Guarantees Amendment Bill - 2r. 5322. Sport and Recreation -- Facilities -- Roleystone 7081. Stamp Amendment Bill- Urgency Motion 3147. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill- 2r. 303 1. State Finance -- Budget Allocations 4678. 0 0[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]P P (3)(383)

Stock -- Midland Sale yard -- Land Transfers 3191. Select Committee -- Witnesses -- Offences -- Notice of Motion 3039: Motion 3052, 5221; Withdrawal of Remark 5222. Superannuation -- Building Unions Superannuation Scheme 4674. Contributors 1655. Fund -- Government Contribution 2173, 2306. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3 118, Topics Discussed -- Abatois- Midland 3118. Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hion V.I. 3122. Harding, Mr Alan 3122. Economy 3122. Federal Elections 312 1. State Finance 3118. Stock -- Midland Saleyart 3118. Technology Development Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3023. The Rurul and Industries Bank of' Western Australia Bill -- 2r. 6533. Corn. 6545-6547. Traffic -- Pedestrian Crossings -- Great Eastern Highway 4678. Trustees - Joint Venture Development -- David Jones Site 7587. Unions -- Building Unions Superannuation Scheme 4674. Vietnam Veteranis -- Sydney Parade -- Adjournment Debate 4337. WA Business Migration Investment Trust 42 10, Waste Disposal -- Envirocycle 4673, 4674. Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill -- 2r. 240 1. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5842.

PARKER, HON D.C., BA, iF. MINISTER FOR MINERALS AND ENERGY. MINISTER FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND MINISTER FOR THE ARTS (Fremantle) Aboriginal Mffairs -- Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee -- Bowdier, Professor S. 3678. Emanuel Pastoral Leases -- WA Exim Corporation 245. Energy Rebates 132. Homeswest Dwellings - State Energy Commission Rebates 1104. Land -- Government Commitment 1438. Acts Amendment (Arts Representation) Bill -- Intro., IJr. 4829. 2r. 4977, 5909. Corn. 5909. 3r. 5910. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- Intro., Ir. 4829. Ats Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- 3r. 5401. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendments to Motion 115. 208. Points of Order 201, 208, 216. Topics Discussed -- Brush, Mr Len -- Loan Allegations 115. WA Development Corporation -- Bemnies Hamburger Bar 209. WA Exim Corporation Ltd -- Lodgment of Return 2 10. Agriculture -- Department 1236. Machinery Purchases 4449. Pesticides -- Electricity Poles 6144. Organoclalotine -- Power Poles 5574. Power Poles 4441, 4442, 5430. State Energy Commission 4428, 4752. Alumina Refineries 394,735. (384) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Bill - Intro.; Zr. 6063. 2r. 6063.6620. Corn. 6622. 3r. 6623. Aluminium Smelter -- Committee - WA Development Corporation 372. Establishment 738, 888. Western Continental Corporation Ltd 1246. Anglo American Pacific Ltd 6127, 6287. Arts-- Amateur Groups 1228. Films -- Budget 1871. Performing Arts Board 6289. Penth Entertainment Centre 382. WA Museum Trustees 3678. WA Opera Company 6289. Australian Bicentennial Authority - Western Australian Council 4437,4753. Australian Labor Party -- Conservation and Environment Committee -- National1 Parts -- Mining 5206. BHP Gold MinesLtd --StamnpDuty 1103,1121. Emls - Standing Orders Suspension 5372. Bowdier, Professor S. 3678. Cant Corporation Ltd - WA Exim Corporation 245, 1119, 1865. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill - Intro.; Itr. 75. 2c. 177.,1063, 3r. 1063. Council's Amendment 2646. Chemicals -- Ammonia-urea Plant -- Mandate 392. Chior-alkali Plant 738. Government Chemical Laboratories 123, 2247,2684. Pesticides -- Power Poles 3670. Petrochemical Industry 882, 187 1. Polychlorirtated Biphenyls 539, 589, 597. Sodium Cyanide - Road Transport 4417. Cockburn Cement L-Ad-- Gas Purchase Contracts 734. Committees [or the Session - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Government Utility Charges -- Inquiry -- Motion 1836. Withdrawal of Remark 1829. WA Exim Corporation -- Inquiry 252. Communications -- -R"-rated Videos 885. Community Services - Charitable Institutions -- Electricity Tariffs 6478. Energy Rebates 132, 8339. Connell, Mr Laurie -- Business Relationship -- Goldberg, Mr Yosse 1124. Superannuation Board -- Advice 5569. Copeman, Mr Charles -- Statement 2958. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -Administration- Inquiry -Sub Judice -- Motion 838. Eastern Europe -- Potential Targets 7677. Easton, Mr Brian 241, 245. Economy - Economic Planning Committee 244, 1872. Think Tank -- Members L49. Education -- Tertiary 251, 732, 4917. Employment and Training 3377, 4912. Energy -- Briquette Manufacturing Plant 393. Commercial Accounts 973. Electricity - Charges -- Golf Clubs 2953. Connections 248,6670. Country Towns -- Privatisation 3923. Electrical -- Contractors 2689. 5029. Work - New Residences 998. Wookard - Members 2690. Safety Report 1722. Powerlines - Strengthening Process 133. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (385)

Energy (continued) -- Electricity (continued) -- Power Poles -- Cost 1584, 1717, 5574. Deterioration 4767. Pesticides 3670, 4428, 4441, 4442, 4752, 5430, 6144. Power Stations .- Collie 238. 73 1. Equipment Manning Levels It112. Faulty Equipment 2246. Meekatharra, 124. Thermal 8340. Production -- Cost 4893. Substations- Kondinin 887. Yilgani 1108. Tariffs -- Institutions 6478. Underground Supplies 8340. Wave Power Generator, Esperance 1122. Gas- Consumption -- Geraldron 392. Damtpier-Wagerup, Pipeline 834 1. Fremantle -- Fremantle Gas and Coke Co Lid- Business Relationship 1124. Charges 239. Purchase 151, 1236,1589. Reticulation System 1589, SEC Board Meetings 1124. Tariffs 1426. Reticulation System 5809. Liquefied Petroleum Gas -- Government Vehicles 1103. North West Shelf - Condensate 734. Contract 393. Gas Project - Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 33 10. Pipelines -- Construction Personnel 1125. Damnpier-Penh 4445. Dongar-Perth 1870. Monitoring System 8346. North West Shelf - Operational Capacity 2389. Staff Reduction 393. Purchase Contracts -- Financial Arrangements 734. Purchaser -- Woodada 557 1. Reticulation System -- Fremantle 4763. Tak-or-pay -- Liability 2143. Woodada - Contract Cancellation 2143. Hydrocarbons - Reserves 135. Non-domestic Customers -- Refundable Deposit 7684. Oil -- Exploration 5570. Rebates 132, 1104, 8339. Solar -- Solar Energy Research Act - Repeal 3915. Solar Energy Research Institute -- Abolition 885. Assets 2956. Funds 2244. Murdoch University Transfer 25!1. Review Committee 1424. State Energy Commission -- Act--. Amendment 52 1. Advertisement Cost 1787. Advertising 1870,4411,5694. Annual Report 735, 44 44.6809. Apprentice Intake 4912. Award 1113. Board Meetings 1124. Budget 1980. Chief Manager, Personnel Resources 5034. Coal Purchases 2144. Communications System -- Dispute 2389. Construction Work - Private Conactors 734. (386) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) P

Energy (continued) -- State Etergy Commission (continued) - Debts 4445, 5569. Energy-using Industries -- Encouragement 735. Executive Positions -- Advertising 6679. Expenditure 4753. F~ederal Powers 8340. Foreign ExchangeTransactions 2143, 2389. Fraudulent Claims 4270. Housing -- Funding 1 105. Indebtedness 2144. Interest -- Reduction 8340. McKee, Dr John 155. Motor Vehicles -- Party Stickers 2143, 2389. Offshore Loans 394, 8339. Outstanding Debts 4438. Overseas Borrowings 15 1. Percentage Load Growth 4446. Promissoty Notes 244. Shop Stewards' Agreement 883. Simpson, Mr Keith -- TInvestrnent 3572. Statutory Conritibuuion 8339, 834 1. Superannuation Provision 394. Union Negotiations 4751, 7170,.8345. Work Practices 475 1. Tariffs -- Increases 238. 882. Environment 1597, 4417,5695. Explosives Depot -- Resiting 1434. Exports - Coal -- India 996. ir Trading Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 5372. Financial Institutions -- Banks -- Credit Suisse First Boston 4446. Reserve Bank 5199. Teachers Credit Society 6476, 6477T Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 3720. Gale, Mr Keith -- Cant Corporation Ltd - Involvement 245. Government Employment 246, 1236. Strategies 25. WA Exim Corporation -- Problems 241, 882. Gambling -- Instant Lotteries 1228, 4155. Goldberg, Mr Yosse 1124, 5423. GoldCorp 6127, 6287. Government Employees 1236. 1428. Government Guarantees - Details -- Matter of Public Importance 5366. Government Instrumentalities 370, 1870, 5569. Government Utility Charges -- Public Accounts and Expendirwe Review Committee -- nquiry- Motion 1836. Withdawal of Remark 1829. Health -- Audiomnetric Testing 73 1. Fremantle Hospital -- Downgrading -- Petitions 308, 666, Noise -- Meekatharra Power Station 124. Heine, Ms Ann-Marie 5032. Housing -- Electrical Work 998. State Energy Commission 1105. Industrial Development - Energy-using Industies -- Encouragement 735. Non-housing Construction 187 1. Silicon Plant 8090. Silicon Smelter 5032. Titaniumn Dioxide Plant 5695. Industrial Relations - Awards 1 13. Disputes -- North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance - Amendment to Motion 3310. Insurance 6053, 6299, 6667. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECH-ES] P (387)

lIron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- Standing Ordern Suspension 5372. Intr.; Ir. 3373. 2r. 3373, 5508. Cognate Debate 3498. 3r. 3312. lIron Ore (Ceveland-Cliffs) Agreement Amendment Bill - Intro.: I r. 3244. 2r. 5393, 6587. Corn. 6392. 3r. 6393. Iron Ore (Hameisley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) - Standing Orders Suspension 3372. Intro.; Ir. 3377. 2r. 5377. Cognate Debate 3498. 3r. 5514. Iron Ore (Hamessley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - Intro.; Ir 1794. 2f. 1883, 2662. Cognate Debate 2659. 3r. 2662. Iron Ore (Mournt Bruce) Agreement Amendment Bill - Intr.: Ir 1794. 2r. 1888. Cognate Debate 2659. 3r. 2663. Kirkwood, Mr Bruce 888. Land .- National Parks -- Mirneral Exploration 4895. Mning 4757, 5205, 5206, 8337, 8352. Rudall River 4778. Legal Practitioners 52 1. Lloyd, Mr Tony 5204, 5566. Local Government 1878. Marks, Mr Jack 1980. Matters of Public Importance -- Government Guarantees - Details 5366. insurance- State Government Insurance Commission .. Share Dealings 6053. Transport. Air -- South Africa 4833. McKee, Or John 155. Members of Parliament .. Helm, Hon. Tom 1879. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill - Intro.: 1. 1794. Minerals and Energy Research Bill -- Intro.: I r. 5620. Cognate Debate 6642. 3r. 6647. Minerals - BHP Gold Mines Ltd 1863. Coal - Exports 996, 2695. State Energy Commission Payments 2144. Stockpile 143, 245, 2144, 6482, 8339. WA Coal Industry Council 382. 393, 990, 1125. Exploration 3256, 4778. 5570. Gdld 1121. 1865. 4440,6127,6670. Ironi Ore - Capital Investment 147. Channar 737, 3377. Consultative Committee 394. Exports -Japan 390, 1125. Japanese Market 136, 153, 736. Koolyanobbing 4450. Marketing-.. iBP Decision 136. Market Share 1237. Redundancies -- Mt Tom Prime 6811. Robe River Production 2146. Romanian Joint Venture 737. Sales 391, 6126,.8338. (388) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Minerals (continued) - Mines Department 3914. 4051. Mining Companies -- Stamp Duty Concessions 1103. Mining Regiistrars - Cue 875, 4433. Office, Coolgardie 1115. Mining-- Kimberley -- Comments - Hon Tom Helm 1879. National Parts 4757, 5205, 5206, 8337. Royalties 525,3564, 3918, Tailings Dumps -- Leases 6287. Tenements 539. Uranium 525, 4913, 5570. Western Australian Mining and Petroleum Research Institute -- Review Committee- Recommendations 1424,1425. Mines Regulation Amendmnent Bill - Intro.; ilr 3720. 2r. 3850,4847. Corn. 4984. 3r, 4984. Mining Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 1168. 2r. 1168, 1667. 3r. 1669. Nhmnstens of the Crown -- Cabinet -- State Government Insurncoe Office -- Meeting 6299. Canberra Trip -- Purpose 5709,6128. Government Employees -- Positions t428. Minister for Economic Development 2524,6143. Minister for Labor, Productivity and Employment -- Copemnan. Mr Charles 2958. Minister for Minerals and Energy -- Copeman, Mr Charles 2958. Efficiency 2396. Honeymoon 3569. Meetings - Fremantle Gas & Coke Co Ltd - Purcbase 1124. Mining Unions Association 1098, 1980, National Parks 8352. Personal Explanation 2071. Secretary, Mining Unions Association 734. Overseas Travel 4275. Richardson, Senator 8337. Motions -- Government Utilities -- Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - Inquiry 1836. Withdrawal of Remark 1829. Industrial Relations -- Disputes - North West Shelf -- Gas Project -- Amendment to Motion 3310. Rozhwells Ltd -- Government Action 5117, 5174. Motor Vehicles -- Government 1103. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Business -- Migrants 4899. Migration Programme 1871, 1872, 2248, 2390, 4448. Nosk Hydro - Ammonia-urea Plant 392. Overseas Relations Office - Details 6665. Pastoral Leases -- Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1791, 2145. Emanuel 245. WA Exim, Corporation 733,2524. Personal Explanation - Minister for Minerals and Energy -- Allegations 207 1. Petitions - Health - Fremantle Hospital - Downgrading 308. Upgrading 666. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment 4828. Petro Chemical Industries Ltd 1871, 1980. Petroleum Amendment Bill - Intr.; IL. 5620. Zr. 6743. 3L. 6744. P p ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]P P (389)(39

Pigment Factory (Australiod) Agreement Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 2308. 2r. 2643, 2900. 3r. 2902. Planning--. Berrues Hamburger Bar 257. Police -- Gold Theft 6670. Neighbou~rhood Watch Scheme 1584. Pfivatisation - Electuicity Supplies 3923. Quadrant Energy Development Ltd -- Director - McKee, Dr John 155. Roads -- Stret Lighting 744, 8089. Rotwells Ltd -- Board 5204, 5566. Deposits 6143. Government Action -- Federal Government Support 5198. Motion 5117. 5174. Amendment to Motion -- Point of Order 5163. Government Instrmentalities 5569. Guarantee 5199. Indebtedness -- Western Continental Corporation Ltd 5423. Liquidity 5692. Loan Quality 5569. Market Response 5199. Shareholdets' Meeting 5692. Treasury Officer 5570. SCM Chemicals Ply Ltd 1597.1788, 1878. Sex Shops 8341. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- Intro.; l r. 6059. 2r. 6059, 6607,6610. Point of Order 6603. Corn. 6612-6614. 3r. 6615. Simpson. Mr Keith -- Investments 3572. Soil Fertility Research Amendment Bill- Intro.; IT. 3720. Solar Energy Research Amendment Bill - Intro.; I r. 5620. Cognate Debate 6642. 2r. 6645. 3r. 6647. South Africa--. South Africans -- Business Migration Scheme 1872. Sport and Recreation -- Golf Clubs -- Electricity Charges 2953. Standing Orders Suspension -- Bills 5372. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Zr. 1167. 2r. 1167, 2837. 3r. 2844. State Energy Commission 4411. State Finance 5570. Superannuation--. Board -- Connteli, Mr Lanre 5569. State Energy Commission 394. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act-- Adminisaini.Inquiry - Sub Judice - Motion -- Points of Order 835, 853. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 838. Swan Portland Cement Ltd 734. Taxes and Charges -- Gold Tax 3929. Stamp Duty 1103, 1121. Technology -- Computers 3797. Tourism -- Developments 1233. Resort Hotel -- Lake Argyle 245, 391. 732, 1125. WA Development Corporation - Involvement 1233. Trade--.Exports - Coal 2695. Gas Condensate 734. (390) P (390)[INDEX P TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]P P

Trade -- Exports (continued) -- Iron Ore -- Japan 390, 736, 1125. South Africa - Maiter of Public Importance 4833. Uranium 5570. Unions -- Joint Unions Advisory Council 883. Mining Unions Association 734, 1098, 1980. State Energy Commission 734, 7170, 8345. Video Tapes Classification and Control Binl - Intro. ; Ir. 1166. 2T. 1166,2097. Cow. 2100-2116. 3r. 21 17. Council's Amnenments 5001. Petition 4828. WA Development Corporation - Aluminium Smelter 372. Board -- Appointment -- Recommendations 1124. Government Instrumrentalities 370. Involvement-- Tourism 1233. WA Exijn Corporation- Aboriginal Land -- Commitment 1438. Accountability 882. Advances--. Catn Corporation Ltd - Security 1865. Security 1119. Agreement - Mitsui 1422. Agriculture Department 1236. Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd -- Leases -- Management 2145. Properties -- Control 1791. Board 732, 733, 198 1. Business- Migrants 4899. Migration Programme - Film 2390. Participation 1871, 2248. South Africans 1872. Consultants -- Agriculture Department 1236. Debts -- Cant Corporation Ltd 245. Easton. Mr Brian 245. Emanuel Pastoral Leases - Aborigines 245. Employees 246. Expenditure 4753. Farm Machinery - Purchasers 4449. Ftnancial Problems -- Personnel 241. Funds -- WA Overseas Projects Authority 733. Gale, Mr Keith -- Role 882. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 370. Independent Inquiry 252. Investments--. Companies 391. Losses -- Recovery 391. Mitsui Agreement 4763. Outstanding Debts 4438. Pastoral -- Activities 733. Leases -- Minister's Visit 2524. Products -- Marketing 73 1. Resort Hotel -- Development 3796. Lake Argyle 391, 732, 1123, 3577. Returns; -- Filing 732. Strategies - Gale, Mr Keith 25. Subsidiaries 246. Tertiary Students - Overseas 732. Trading Activities - Losses 24 1. WA Exim International Ltd - Operations 1235. WA Overseas Projects Authority (see 'WA Exirn Corpora don" above.) Water Resources -- Water Authority -- Electrical Contractors 5029. Wesfarners-CSflP - Ammonia-urea Plant 392. Western Continental Corporation Ltd 1246, 5423. p p(INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] p (391)31

PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY OF THE CABINET - See "Edwards. Hon Graham". "Read. Mr IAf.. IF".

PEARCE, HON R., BA, Dip Ed, JP, MINISTER FOR EDUCATION, MINISTER FOR PLANNING, MINISTER FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS, AND LEADER OF THE HOUSE IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (Armadale) - Aboriginal Affairs -- Development -- Conference -- Grievance -- Point of Order 1183; Suspension of Standing Orders 1183. Education Enclaves £246. Northam High School 7 180. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill IJr. 5562. 2r. 5622. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- As to Standing Orders Suspension 3720, 372 1. Standing Quiers Suspension 3767. Point of Order 3767. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Restoration to Notice Paper 76. Acts Amendment (Heritage Council) Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 6396. 2r. 6754. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill- 2r. 7099. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill -- 2r. 4530. Point of Order 4532. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill -- 2r. 5764. Acts Amendment (Protection of the Community) Bill - 2r, 4148. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill -- Intro.; ir. 6059. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speecb - Motion -- Point of Order 191. Amendments to Motion 108.330,.460. Points of Order 332, 457. Withdrawal of Remarks 109, 112, 117. Topics Discussed -- Brush,WrLeno-- Loan Allegations 108. Planning -- Swan Brewery Site Redevelopment 460. Westminster System 330. Adjournment Debate - Sittings of the House 1219. Adjouruments of the House -- Ordiniary 1219,5806. Special 19.585,.967,2945, 4263.4565,5418, 8325. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bil -- Intro.; Ir. 3391. Budget Papers -- Miniterial Statement 3555. 2r. 4391. Points of Order 3532. Topic Discussed - Education 439 1. Coin. - Divisions- Academy of Performing Arts 7858. Building Management Authority 7883. Corporate Affairs 783 1. Corrective Services 7844, 7845. Crown Law 7830. Education 7854, 7856. 7857. Employment and Training 7887. Miscellaneous; Services 7832-7842. Office of Government Accommodation 7884. Public Trust Office 783 1. Registrar General'sOffice 783 1. Services 7885. State Planning Commission 7859. Taxation 7843, 7844C Valuer General's Office 784-4. (392) P (392) PfNDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- Intro.; It 3391. Australian Labor Party -- Education Policy 4269. Ball and Son Pry td 993. Bateman, Mr Jeff 997. Bernice Hamburger Bar 6670. Bills - Lapsed -- Restoration to Notice Paper 76. Standing Orders Suspension 1166, 5372. Boxing Control Bil -- Restoration to Notice Paper 76. Brown, Ms Sandra -- Education Department 375. Brush. Mr Len -- Writs -- Speaker's Ruling -- Point of Order 72. Burtury Port Authority Amendment Bill -- Zr. 4520. 3r. 4520. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper 76. Buttrose, Ms Ita - Curtin University Student Guild Newspaper 124 1. Child Welfare Amendment Bil -- 2r. 4848. City of Penth Parking Facilities Amendment Bill -- Order Discharged 3724. Closing Days of Session -- Fius: Part -- Standing Orders Suspension 2082, 2084. Second Pant -- Standing Orders Suspension 6056. Committees for the Session - Appointment 76. House Committee -- Membership 7412. Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation - Appointment 7624. Council's Message 3729. 3730. Council's Resolution 2460. Motion to Concur with Amendments 2461. Communications -- Telephones 978. Television -- "Behind the News" 2520. 2952. Remote Areas 4058. Satellite Receivers -- Schools 1790. Community Services - Child Care 3251, 519 1. Motbercrafi Training 7684. Ngal-A Mothercrafi Home and Training Centre 3802. ConneUl, Mr Laurie -- State Govetrnment Insurance Commission 5956. Constitution Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 339 1. 2r. 3552, 4488. 3r.4408, Crime - Assaults 3814. Criminal Investigation (Extra-territorial Offences) Bill -- Ir. 4529. 2r. 4529, 554 1. 3r. 5542. Discrimination 2248. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act - Administration- Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 845. Education - Aboriginal Enclaves 1246. Agricultural 994,3576. Awards Night 12 1. Better Schools Report -- Functional Review Committee 1233. Guidance Counselling -- Downgrading 4165. Policy 1105,3672. Programme - Union Discussions 1286. Religious Studies 6666. Rumours 604. Sex Education 6666. Classrooms- Transportable 886. Department - Appointees -- Confidence 6995. Comultancy Fees -- WA Exim Corporation 596. Director of Curriculum 375. P p ~[NDEXTO QUESTONS & SPEECHES]P p (393)(3)

Education (continued) -- Department (continued) - Diector of Operations 8350. Fraudulent Claims 4268. Regional Staff -- Motor Vehicles 888. Sporting Goods Supplies 6990. WA Ezim Corporation 144. Distance Education 1105. District Superintendents 5195. Down's Syndrome Association 7677. En"is as a Second Language 389, 3677. Guidance Officers 6138. Handicapped Children 880. Health Education 1868. High School Hostel -- South Hedland.- Grievance 4528. High Schools -- Bridgetown 4422. Bunbury 4908. Busselton 986. computers 1097. Distnct High Schools 250. Driving Tuition 4418. Gymnasiums 4766. Kuhna District 4269. teeming 3563,4156. Lynwood 7923. Margaret River 986. Morawa 121. Mukinbudin District High School -- Mixed-mode Facilities- Grievance 5264. Murdoch Electorate 4756. Nazembeen 6672. Nonhamr 7 iso. NothampionDistrict 6808. Northcliffe District 1586, 1786. Technology 6491. Warwic-k3672. 3686. Wyalkatchemn District 886. Language -- Macedonian 1232. Learning Centre Link 1867. Minor Woits Allocations 2957. Music 749, 987, 1112, 5311. Non-Government Schools 137, 3619. North West Metropolitan Regional Centre 3484. Point Peron Camp School 127. Policies -- Australian Labor Party 4269. Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 709 1. Union Secmetary 4268. Pie-primary -- Four-Year-Oids 739. Maida Vale 5568. Subiaco City 7519. West Lynwood 3489. Primary, Schools -- Armadale 251. 2243, 3811. Bibra Lake 1240. Byford 251.,5572. Canning Vale 886. 1117, 1813,2955,4585. Clerical Assistance 3489. Coolbinia,6137, 6288. Covered Assembly Areas 6291. Dalkeith 995. Dianefla 971. East Leemaing. 1115. Forest Crescent 1240. Harvey 3258. Jandakot 3678. Karragullen 25 1. Leeman 3368, 3680. Leaning. 3679. Margaret River 6135. Murdoch Electorate 1241. Newman 876. (394) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Education (continued) -- Primary Schools (continued) - Oakford 378. 5572. Pingrup 132. Pinjarra 980. Roleystorie 252. School Buses 13 1. Support Units 8344. Tambrey 4280. Waroona 1583, 1866. West Busseiton 3259. West Lynwood 525, 3490. Winthrop 526. Yokine Sale 236. Priority Country Amea Programme 3557. Public Education Endowmnent Trust 4438, 4579. Regional Resource Centre -- East Northamn 1423. Schools--. Cleaning.-- Cleaners 1233.,2242, 3926,4901. Contractors 8353. Contracts 1572. Matter of Public Importance 2177. Pilot Studies 1232, 1573, 1783. Computers 1979. Consult1ation -- Parnts 541. Councils 4910. Electronic Alarm Systems 123. Grants 127. Integration of Activities 602. Libraries 79-79. Remote Areas 4058. Sites 1117. 1120. Smoking Regulations 3815. Student Choice 4908. Television 1790. Terms 6297,6810. Unifornns -- Policy 2249. Youth Groups 4417. Sexist Language -- Policy 2248. S/wi -- Production 1425. Soccer Clinics 6663. Special Schools -- Carson Street 256. Castlereagh 1118. Iris Litis School 989. Kim Beazley 1102, 3558. 3800. Sir David Brand School 3481. 4590. Standards -- Safeguards 1784. Students 237. 1123, 2682. Swimming Classes 731. Teachers -- Disciplinary Action 3925. Duties Other than Teaching Time 252. Electoral Candidates 3370, 4903. Graduations 131. Kee Ch'ng, Mr 874. Private Vehicles 988. Promotions 7182. Salary Scale 3671. York -- Part-time Work 736. Technical and Further Education..- Carine College -- Electrical Trades Course 6663. Claremont School of Art 3482. Fremantle College Librarian 3814. Functional Review Comnmittee 3814. 6133. 6988, 7517. Funding Cuts 1245. Lecturers 134.,387, 3813. Mt Lawley 527. Nanrogin 1988. Perth College 2388. 4158. Pre-apprenticeship Coures 7173. Smoking Policy 4158. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (395)

Education (continued) -- Technical and Further Education (continued)- Southern Regional College 4757. Student Activities Coordinators 4593, 5423. Teachers' Elandbook4l58. Trade Lecturers 2685. Transfer 6145. Television Programme -- 'Behind the News" 2520. Tertiary - Administration Fees 249, 337 1. Colleges of Advanced Education 743. Curtin University of Technology 1241, 2150, 4918, 5196. Graduate Teachers 13 1. Kuala Lumpur University Campus 1873. Murdoch University Guild of Students 4265. Staff Superannuation 3558. Students 250. Tertiary Entrance Examination 389, 743. WA College of Advanced Education- Claremont Campus 15 90, 2242, 268 1. Nedlands Campus 1590,2242. Unit Curriculum 1286. Electoral Act (Commencement of Amendments) Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1045. Electoral Candidates -- Teachers -- Leave 3370. Electoral Distribution (Rottuest Island) Amendment Bill - 2r. 5764. Standing Order No 178 -- Suspension 5795. Electoral Distribution Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 4213. Employment and Training 527. 2522, 2680, 6145. Energy -- State Energy Commission 3674. Environment -- Coogee Coastal Area Study 3810.5698. Cossack 2677. Heritage Legislation 4904. Old Swan Brewery - Development Proposals 6985. Redevelopment -- Matter of Public Importance 4508. Equal Opportunity -- Dalkeidi Primary School 995. Evidence Amendment Bill - 2r. 3724, 5537. Corn. 5539. 3r. 5540. Factors WA -- Losses 4597. Fair Trading Bill -- Council's Amendments 7639. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill- 2r. 2904. 3r. 2904. Financial Institutions -- Swan Building Society 4597. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Depositors 3674. Investigation -- Select Committee 4282. Investments 3674. Letters -- Rural and Industries Bank 3673. Select Committee Inquiry -- Motion 3440; Point of Order 3445; Amendment to Motion 3449: Points of Order 3453-345 5. Trcasurer -- Awareness 4.423. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill -- 2r. 3854. Forests -- State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Moizcas 5496,5497. Gambling -- Casinos 4594, 4595. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- Intro.. ir. 5244. Government Buildings 3364, 792 1. Government Business - Precedence - Tuesdays and Thursdays 76. Wednesdays 2185. Government Employees Superannuation Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; fr. 1172. (396) p (396)(INEX P TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]P P

Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5404. 3r. 5404. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information -- Matter of Public Importance 363 8; Amendment to Motion 3639. Dealings -- Government Corporations 369. Payments -- WA Development Corporation 6132. Grievances -- Education Canning Vale Primary School - Relocation 1813. High School Hostels -- South Hedland 45 28. Mukinbudin District High School -- Mixed-mode Facilities 5264. Transport -- Railways -- Bunbury Bridge 4525. Hairdressers -- Apprentices 2680. Health--_ AIDS 121. 2952. Australian Council for H-ealth, Physical Education and Recreation 12 1. Contraception -- School Syllabus 1868. Disabled Persons 880. 6302. 7677. Education -- K- tO Syllabus 1 110. Medical Centre, Mt Lawley 742. Morbercraft MNres 3802, 7684. Tobacco Smoking 3 815, 415 8. Heritage Places (Western Australia) Bill -- Intro.: I r. 6396. 2r. 6750. Question718 1, Horticulture -- Grape Growing -- Select Committee Recommendations 3265. Housing 873. 2683. 4419. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4) -- 2r. 5797. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Connell, Mr Laurie 5956. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amendment Bill -- Ir. 5562. Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Bill -- Corn. 5531-5534. 3r. 5534. Land-- Institutional Uses 879.,1106. Ningaloo Marine Park -- Deputy Leader of the Opposition's Comments - Point of Order 747. Reserves 2682, 7682. Legislative Assembly Chamnber -- Television Cameras 1547. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill -- Ir. 2944. 3r. 3850. LiberaJ Panty Management Meeting 4285. Life Ministries - Sex Shops 6989. Loan Bill -- Intro.: ir. 5182. 2r. 5244. Topics Discussed -- Capital Works Programme 5244. Consolidated Revenue Fund 5245. Financial Administration and Audit Act 5245. Housing -- Public 5244. Local Courts Amendment Bill -- Ir. 1219. Local Government -- Nedlands City Council 237. 336 1. Perth City Council 4054, 5429, 5706. 6670. Sex Shops 4265. Macedonian United Society 6486. Main Roads Amendment Bill -- Restoration to Notice Paper 76. Mant, MrJohnm7l70. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendments 3728. Matters of Public Importance -- Education~- Policies -- Condemnation 7091. School Cleaning 2177. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery Redevelopment 4508. Government Instrumentalities-.- Confidential Information 3638. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (397)

Members of Parliament -- Member for East Melvile - As to Standing Orders Suspension 6733. Member for Perth 4054, 5704. Opposition -- Better Schools Report 604. Metropolitan Market Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1883. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations - Standing Orders Suspension 2072. Motion 2073. Cabinet - Functional Review Committee -- Better Schools Report 1105, 1233. Technical and Further Education 3814, 6133, 6988, 7517. Minister for Education -- Appointees 6995. Comments -- Teachers Union 255. Government Employees 1428. Meeting - Deaf People 6302. Writs 997. Minister for tnitergovernimnenal Relations 150. Minister for Local Government -- Member for Perth - Comments 5704. Minister for Planning - Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations 5706. Minister for Transport -- naccurate Information 2692. Overseas Travel 4274. Motions -- Forests -- State Forests *-Revocation of Dedication 5496, 5497. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action 6393. Sessional Orders -- Adoption - Standing Orders Suspension 1277. Suspension 1707. Sewerage.-- Effluent Disposal -- Select Committee -- Continuation 658 1. Motor Vehicles 878. 888. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Macedonian United Society 3266. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)- Standing Orders Suspension 4213. Intro.; Ir. 4237. 2r. 4237. Order of the Day No I -- Postponement 3628; Point of Outer 3628. Parliament -- Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role -- Standing Orders Suspension 1348; Censure Motion -- House to Divide 1357. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action- Motion 6393. Point of Orter 639 1. Amendment to Motion 6394. Pesticides -- Leeman Primary School 3368. Planning -- Approvals 1105. Bemnies Hamburger Bar 384. Commission 1432.4050,4438,4580. Developments 3492, 6290. High-rise Developments 4765, 6480. 6990. Land Use Register -- Agricultural Iundustries 3265. Legislation 1115. 1868, 3914. Metropolitan Region Scheme 3263. Mosman Park-North Fremantle 5964. Old Brewery Sit 138, 6480, 6985,.835 1. Redevelopment -- Sandringham Hotel Site 6127. Rezoning - 14 Alvan Street. Mt Lawley 742. Ball and Son Pty Ltd 993. Heathrote Hospital Sit 7921. Macedonian United Society 3266. Old Brewery Site 6477. Secret Harbour Development 742. Service Stations 1422. Subdivisions 978,44 19. Urban Corridor -- Whiteman Park 7682. Zoning 3806,6474. Pocock, Mrs Brenda - Motor Vehicle Allowance 989. Police -- Commissioner -- Confidence -- Standing Orders Suspension 7413. Driving Tuition 4418. (398) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill- Cognate Debate 2117. Puivatisationi -- School Cleaners 3926. Prompt Payment of Government Accounts Bill -- 2r. .- Point of Order 1196. Regional Development -- Lecutwin-Naturaliste Regional Plan 6135. 6470. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1173. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 6894. Roads -- Brockton Highway 6290. Glick Road. Coolbinia 4590. Servetus Stinet 237. Underwood Avenue 5195. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action -- Standing Orders Suspension 5114,.5116. Royal Automobile Club of WA -- Old Swan Brewery Redevelopment 6480. Ruling by the Speaker -- Mr Len Brush -- Writs -- Point of Order 72. Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1172. Sale of Government Property (Parliamentary Approval) Bill -- 2r. 4145. Seizure of Connected Property Bill -- 2r. 530 1. Select Committee -- Investigation -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd 4282. Sessional Orders -- Suspension - Motion 1707. Adoption -- Standing Orders Suspension 1277; Motion 1217. Sewerage -- Effluent Disposal -- Select Committee -- Continuation -- Motion 6581. Sex Shops 4265. 6989. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.: Ir. 1169. Sittings of the House - Days and Hours 76. Thursday 21 May 1219. Thursdays 5806. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - 2r. 3553. Soil Fertility Research Bill -- 2r. 3853. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Conduct -- Censure Motion-- House to Divide 1533. Decorum of the Chamber 1522. Standing Orders Suspension 1520. Suspension of Member 1521. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation -- Standing Orders Suspension 1348; Censure Motion -- House to Divide 1356, 1357. Sport and Recreation 127, 731, 6663. Stamp Amendment Bill (No 2) - Intro.; Ir. 6058. 2r. 6058. Stamp Amendment Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1883. Intro.: Ir. 1883. 2r. 2308. Standing Orders Committee -- Report -- Consideration 6931. Standing. Orders Suspension- Bills 5372. Closing Days of Session- First Part 2082. 2084. Second Part 6056. Electoral Distribution Bill 4213. No 164 -- Amendment -- Motion 1358.,1366. Notice of Motion 1046. No 178 -- Electoral Distribution (Rottnest Island) Amendment Bill 5795. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) 4213. Police Commissioner -- Confidence 7413. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (399)

Standing Orders Suspension (continued) -- Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill 6894. Rnthwells Ltd -- Government Action 5114, 5116. Stamp Amendment Bill 1883. Superannuation Board -- Mishandling 74. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill 4499. State Finance - Budget -- Allocations -- Bridgetown High School 4422. Education -- School Grants 127. Northwest Metropolitan Regional Education Centre 3484. Statement -- Ministerial -- Leader of the House -- Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Budget Papers 3555. Stock -- Sheep -- Lupinosis -- Point of Order 2148. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1172. Superannuation - Board -- Mishandling -- Standing Orders Suspension 74. Parliamentry Superannuation Fund -- Appointment of Trustee 452. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice- Motion--. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 845. University Staff -- Compulsory Membership 3558. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- Intro.; I r. 4683. Technology Development Amendment Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 1166. Intro.; Ir. 1173. Technology --. Computers -- High Schools 1097,4756, 7923. Non-Government Schools -- Assistance 3679. Schools -- Recommendations 5023. High Schools -- Establishment 649 1. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill- Standing Orders Suspension 4499. Traffic Lights -- Service Station Corners 1422. Transport Co-rdination Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 5767. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- Intro.; I r. 4683. Council's Amndment 7917. Transport - Air 3807, 4600. Buss-- School -- Canning Vale 7167. Early Deliveries 123 1. Geraldlon 7516. Inquiry 6680. Pre-primary, Students 131. Private Vehicles 8352. Report 132. Warnting Devices 1424. Railways - Bunbury Bridge -- Grievance 4525. Unions - Civil Service Association -- Functional Review Committee Report 6989. Teachers Union -- Better Schools Programme 1286, 3672. Functional Review Committee Report 6989. Officers 254. Secretary .- Education Policy 4268. Warwick High School -- Oval 3672. Writs 997. Valuation of Land Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2515, 2903. 3r. 2903. WA Development Corporation 369, 6132. WA Exim Corporation 144,369,596. Water Resources 886, 4269. Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill -- Cognate Debate 2117. Wilson, Sayer, Core Pty Lid - Coogee Coastal Area Study 3810. Workers' Compensation -- School Cleaners; 1233. Youth Groups-- School Facilities 4417. 5020014 (400) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECH ES] P

PENDAL, HON P.O. (South Central Metropolitan) - Aboniginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Lands Trust 654. Mission Lands 3618. Acts Amendment (Arts Representation) Bdi - 2r. 6020. Acts Amnendme nt (Casino Control) Bill -- 2r. 3839. Acts Amendment (Electoral Re form) Bill -- Corn. 1303. Acts Amendment (Prevention of Access to Records) Bill - Question 8252. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion 619. Topics Discussed -- Education -- Carson Street Special School 625. "Family" -- Definition 622. Health -- Melville Rehabilitation Centre 624. National Park -- John Forrest 626. River System 624. Rotinest Island -- Leases 621. Private Moorings 620. Redevelopment 62 1. Yacht Club 619. Adjourniment Debates - Buswell Family Reuntion 65. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking 3296. Animal Sanctuary -- Establishment 31t38. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 5335. Topics Discussed -- Electoral -- South West Province By-election 5335. Health -- Abortion 5336, 5346, Police -- Deputy Commissioner 5344. Premier 534-4. Tourism -- America's Cup 5340. Government Priority 5339. Japanese Tourists 5335. Qantas Airways Ltd 5341. Western Australian Tourism Commission 5339. Arts -- Arnews Publication 5881. 619 1. Art Gallery Advisory Service 5359. Boards -- Members 1039. Death Defying Theatre (New South Wales) 8025. Department 1272. 1273,7082. Festival of Perth Inquiry 1272. Glass Artist 6890. Grants and Loan Assistance 1273. Paintings -- Government Instrumentalities 300. Performing Arts Workshop 306. Perth Entertainment Centre 1270, 5882. Prism Gallery 6890. Symphony Orchestra 1037. Theatres 1342. WA Opera Company 6889. Australia Card -- Adoptions Information 4088. 4089. Confidentiality 3300. Introduction -- Complementary Legislation 32-99. Statutes -- Amendment 3718. 42 10. Australian Bicentennial Celebrations -- Street Parties 5881. Austraan Labor Party -- Adjournment Debate -- Withdrawal of Remark 3613. Births, Deaths, and Marriages Records 8252. Boctil, Mr Gus 3618.- Businesses -- National Companies and Securities Cooperative System 927, 1041. Buswell Family Reunion -- Adjournment Debate 65. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1261. Corn. 1651, 1652. Chamberlain Inquiry -- Cabinet Investigation 6889. Charitable Organisacions - Incorporated 4826. P (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (401)

Chanel Secturities Bill - Corn. 7366-7367. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5469. Corn. 5479, 5480. 3r. 5712. Assembly's Amendment 8012, 8143-8146. Committee for the Session -- Ioint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation--Appointment- Amendment to Motion 644, 1647-1t650. Point of Order 1649. Communications--.Radio -- Rottnest Island Ranger 8172. Community Services - Children - Adoptions - Age Ineligibility 5617, 5618, 5884. Australia Card -- Information 4088, 4089. Contact -- Negative Register 655. Foster Parents 2170. Child Abuse 5616. Child-care 928, 3915. Children at Risk 2169,2172. Children's Court 5755, 5756. Removal from Home 655. Community Grants Assistance Scheme 4205. Community Resource Centre, Applecross Anglican Church 5483. Department -- Motor Vehicle Sales 653. Hillscon 1041. Hostels 657. Juvenile Offenders - Accommodation 1041. NgaI-A Mothertraft Home and Training Centre -- Minister's Comments 5241. Conservation and Land Management Department -- upyree Plant 6383. Court, Mr - Dismissal 6574. Courts - Damages 4669. Crm -Superior Court Judges 7083. Break-ins 1343, 2299. Fines--. Non-payment 3716. Forensic Investigations 6889. Sexual Assault Laws 1515, 1516, 5615. Vandalism 5886. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1997. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2436. Education -- Basic Learning in Primary Schools Programme 6379. Hedland College 575 1. Primary Schools -- Rossmoyne 3138. Waroona 1344. Special School -. Carson Street -- Break-ins 5883. Closure 656.,1273, 4973. Future 5883. Land Resumption 656. Properly Caveat 5884. Toilet Facilities 655, 1040. Valuation 654. Electoral (Procedure) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4305. Corn. 4628-4647, 4657-4665. Electoral Distribution (Rottnest Island) Amendment Bill - 2r. 6026. Corns. 6027-6029. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill - 2r. 5228. Emergency Services - Frernanle Surf Club 8023. Environment - Cossack 1039. Governor Stirling's House 449. National Trust - Funding 7407. Ozone Layer 4339.,4340. Estate Agents - Regulatory Body 4086. (402) P (402) P[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]p P

Fair Trading Bill -- 2r. 7391. Corn. 7398.,7399. Family -- Definition 67, 68. Family Support Services Programme 1272. Financial Institutions- Bank -- "Merchant Bank' -- Use 6890. Swan Building Society 4669. Teachers Credit Society 4669. Gambling -- Lotteries -- Commission -- Subsidies486 Instant 1273, 5886,6191, 8253, 8254. Government Building -- Heathcote Hospital 7737. Government Instrumentalities -. Paintings 300. Government Railways Amn-odmient Bill -- 2r. 2418. Government Travel -- Bookings 656. Health -- ADDS -- AIDS Council 653.654. Notification 7738. Sexual Partners -- Information -- Petition 4603. Condoms -- Advertising-.- Buses 7407. Disabled Persons -- Handicapped Children 5754. InelculyHandicaped Minor -- Sexual Offences 3968. Mentally Handicapped Offenders 5753. Pyrton Centre Closure 5614. Taxis 4670. Family Planning Association 653. Hospital -- Bentley Lodge 7083. Medical Practitioners -- AIDS Notification 7738. Natural Family Planning Association 653. Terminally Ill Children 3138. Homosexual Activities-.- Legalisation -- Opposition - Petitions 1990, 2154, 2398. Homosexual Persons - "Family-- Definition 67, 68. Insurance -- Motor Vehicle Insurance Trust 656. State Goveranent Insurance Commission -- Road Service 5752.6889. Land -- Burswood Hotel Site 1343. Manning 3190. National Parks -- John Forrest -- Entry Fee - Petition 28. YanlChep 2798. 3138. Resumption -- Carson Street Special School 656. Legislative Review and Advisory Committee Repeal Bill -- 2r. 2768. Corn. 2769. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking -- Adjournment Debate 3296. Liquor - Tavern - John Forrest National Park -- Petition 28. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8113. Topics Discussed -- Arts Funding 8114. Parliament House 811t3. Local Government - Broome Shire Council 654. Melville City Council 3138, 8223. Perth City Council 655. Waroona Shim Council 1344. Local Government Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3059. Coin. 3073. Minister for Community Services Ngal-A Motherrraft Home and Training Centre -- Comments 5241. Portfolio Responsibility -- Hillston 1041. Morling Report 6889. Motor Vehicles -- Community Services Dep ailment 653. Fringe Benefits Tax 497. Road Service.-- State Govenrment Insurance Commission 6889. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (403)

Nude Beach, Fremanitle 7082, 8023. Old Rockingham Bowling Green 5753. Parliamentary Precinct -- Freeway -- Coveting 7737. Parole Board -- Butterly, Archie 3619, 3620. Petitions -- Health -- AIDS -- Sexual Partners -- Information 4603. Homosexual Activities -- Legalisation - Opposition 1990, 2154,2398. John Forrest National Park 28. Planning Development -- Bunbury 5108. Police 3974, 3975,4209,5884. Pornography -- Censorship -- Stale Authority 1344. Ports and Harbours -- Fremantle Porn Authority - Nude Beach 7082, 8023. Prisons - Officers - Badges 3620. Prisoners -- Bunterty, Archie -- Parole Board Decision 3619, 3620. Mail - Censorship 1273. Real Estate Agents 4086. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 818 1. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. 7025. Corn. 7052, 7063. River Swan - Boat Moorings 2441. Management Strategy - Guidelines 5752. Statutory Bodies 6575. Roads -- Bridge -- Burswood Isand 6887. Canning Highway 4339. Mitchell Freeway 7737. Mowan Road 788. Mt Newman-Turner River 927. Sheppertori Road 7232. South Street 8223. Rotrest Island -- Board Members 1039. Boat Moorings 655. Businesses 1039. Cottages 3618, 4086. Land Reserve 2598. Ranger 8172. Tenders 3189. Yacht Club 1655. Rottnest Island Authority Bill - 2r. 63 10. Corn. 6336-6343. Sex Shop -- Langford 3719. Sportand Recreation -- Camp - Noalimba 68. Department - Instant Lottery Distributions 5886, 6191. Signposting -- Albany 653. Sports Funding 8253-M25. State Finance -- Budget Allocation - National Trust 7407. Superannuation Board-- Motels - Purchase 5483. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3117. Topic Discussed - Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hon V.1. 3117. Harding, Mr Almn 3118. Taxes and Charges . Fringe Benefits Tax 4973. Increases 1344. Stamp Duty - Windfall 1042. Technology -- Computers -- Tourism Commission 7233. Thornton, Mr Mark 5884. Tourism -- Bridgetown-Greenbushes Tourist Bureau 6888. Brochures 1342. Bureaus -- Granm 1341. Commission 4672, 7233. Developments -- Headworks Charges 654. (404) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Tourism (continued) -- Holiday WA Centres 656. Kimberley Tourism Association 654. Motels __Walkabout Chain 5483. Regional 6888. 8227. Travel Bookings 4669. Traffic -- Albany Highway-McMlan Street 4669. Counts -Canning Highway. Como 8224. Lights -- Shepperton-Teddington Roads 4669. Pedestian Crossing -- Perth Zoo 2598. Transport -- Air - Perth-Tokyo -- Port Hediand Airport 789. Boat Moorings -- Swan River 2441. Buses -- Bicentennial Terminal 1040. Condom Advertising 7407. Latblain- Victoria Park 6890. Passengets -- Tax 788. Railways - Indian-Pacific8025. Taxis - Disabled Persons 4670. Video Tapes -- "X"-rated 7082, 7587. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bil -- 2r. 2419. Corn. 3153-3159, 3284-3291, 3582-3594. Waste Disposal -- Liquid 300. Water Resources -- Spuinklers -- Lee Oval. Lathlain 6379. underground wells -- Safety Aspects 656. Wildlife -- Cockatoos 1654. Women's Interests -- Book .. Why Work with,Young Women 1270. Workers' Compensation -- Premium Rates Committee 1655. Zoological Gardens 2598.

PIANTADOSI, HON S.M. (North Central Metropolitan)..- Acts Amendment (Coain Marketing) Bill -- Corn.-- Point of Order 6512. Acts Amendnment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Ur.- Point of Order 7970. Dog Amendmemt Bill -- Corn. 2531. 2532. 2537. Gaming Commission Bill -- 2r. 4065. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill - 2r, 2585. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 6000. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3116. Point of Order 3114. Topics Discussed -- Complimentary Remarks 3117. Minister for Racing and Gaming 3117. Taxes and Charges 3116.

PREMIER -- See "Burke, Hon. Brian, JP"

PRESIDENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, HON CLIVE GRXFFITKS Abattoirs - Midland - Land Sale -- Issues -- Motion -- Amendment to Motion 7077. Points of Order 7075. 7076. Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Sites Deparnent -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 393 1. p P ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]P P (405)(45

Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill- Question 4681. Points of Order 4680. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 3835. Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill- As to 2r. 5353. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill- Reinstatement of Clause 8 -- Motion 1463. 1464. President's Ruling 1461. Point of Order 1470. Amendment to Motion 1469. Points of Order 1467, 1469. Standing Orders Suspension 1470. As to Recoin. 2257, 2260-2262. 3r. 2280. Point of Order 2280. Amendment to Motion 2264. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion -- Point of Order -- President's Ruling 272. Presentation to Governor -- Acknowledgment 2154. Adjournment Debates - Australian Labor Party -- Withdrawal of Remark 3613. Chamber Etiquette 175. Hetherington, Hon Robert -- Bereavement 175. Legislative Council -- Sittings of the House 3187. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking -- Point of Order 3295. Members of Parliament -- Government Members--. Hon Neil Oliver's Comments 5239. Parliament .- House -- Congestion 175. Fire Alarm 5748. Staff -- Retirement 3187. Parliamentary Parties -- Leaks 923. Time allowed 2596. Youth Organisationks -- Ocean Ridge-.- Extension of Time 3710-3715. Agriculture--. Agriculture Protection Board -- Aumal Report 358 1. Rural Adjustment and Fiac Corporation -- Annual Report 358 1. Apiary - Honey Pool Annual Report - Extension of Time 4287. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 5444. Points of Order 3499, 5233. Australia Card-- Support -- Labor Party Members 4087. Australian Labor Party -- Branch Stacking Allegations -- Withdrawal of Remark 3613. Bills - Committee Stage--. Advisers 144 1. Standing Orders Suspension 4287. As to Rescission -- Point of Order 3832. Bush Fires Amendment Bill- 2r. 1457, 1633. Cemeteries -- Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park Cemetery Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. Committee for the Session .. Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislaiorn - Appointment - Amendments to Motion 643, 1636. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Annual Report .- Extension of Time 393 1. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2703. Decorum of the Chamber 403, 757, 2257, 2279, 2411, 2412, 2596, 3295, 3614, 4299, 4318. 4462, 4931, 5056, 5103, 5222-5224, 5226. 5322. 5346, 5357, 5465, 5713, 6999, 7000, 7004, 7695, 7940, 7944, 8099, 8100, 8156, 8252. Deputy Chairmen of Committees -- As to Appointment 29. Deputy President of the Legislative Council (Hon Robert Hetherington) -- Deliberative Vote - Point of Order 6998. Divisions -- Casting Vote 5227. Dog Amendment Bill - 2 r. .. Point of Order 2015. Question 4088. (406) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P

Dolan, Tbe Late Hon Jerry -- Condolence Motion 8. Education -- Policies -- Urgency Motion 7939. Western Australian College of Advanced Education -- Annual Report 582 1. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment BiUl -- Report 4922. Points of Order 4922. As to Recommittal - Point of Order 4923. Electoral -- Chief Electoral Officer -- Perfonmance Indicators Report -- Extensi on or Time 393 1. Financial Administration and Audit Act -- Report Tabling -- Extension of Time 3273, 3581, 3931, 428?, 4461,.5821. Point of Order 3274. Fire Authorities -- Annual Reports 3581. Fisheries Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4461. Forests -- State Forests .- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- Motion to Concur- Tabling of Document 4932. Withdrawal of Remarks 4931, 4934. 4935. As to Amendment to Motion -- President's Ruling 4934. Governor of Malacca -- Distinguished Visitor 6307. Governor's Speech -- Distribution of Copies 9. Grain -- Parliamentary Grain Industry Delegation -- Report -- Statement by Hon 3.M. Brown 5823. Mansard -- Daily Production 3273. Incorporation of Material 3113. Hetherington, Hon Robert -- Bereavement -- Adjournment Debate 175. Homosexual Activities -- Legislation -- Opposition -- Petition 1990. Industrial Relations Office -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. Iron Ore (Channair Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 5463. Points of Order 5463. Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 5465. Labor Party -- Caucus Meeting 8252. Legislative Council -- Chamber -- Distinguished Visitor 6307. Etiquette -- Adjournment Debate 17 5. President's Gallery -- Use 144!1. Television Cameras 1990, 2154. Sittings of the House -- Adjournment Debate 3187. Liberal Party -- Branch Stacking -- Adjournment Debate -- Point of Order 3295. Liquor Outlets - Superdrome 2172. Loan Bill -- 2r. 81 15, St 16. Local Government -- Superannuation Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4287. Wanneroo City Council -- Ocean Ridge -- Youth Club -- Adjournment Debate -- Extension of Time 3710. Members of Parliament -- Members of the Legislative Assembly - Criticism -- Statement by Hon G.E. Masters (Leader of the Opposition) 8174. Statement by President 8173. Hetherington, Hon Robert -- Bereavement -- Adjournment Debate 175. Oliver, Hon Neil -- Comments 5239. Pendal, Hon P.G. -- Dress 8253. Mickelberg. Peter -- Appeal 69. Minerals -- State Batteries -- Subsidies 7410. Ministers of the Crown -- Absence from Chamber 8228. Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel -- Statements 7530. Motions -- Abattoirs -- Midland -- Land Sale -- Issues -- Amnendmnent to Motion -- Points of Outer 7075, 7076. Condolence -- The Late Hon Jerry Dolan 8. The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MLA 28. '[be Late Sir Billy Mackie Snedden 3152. Resumption of Debate 4291. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- Withdrawal of Remark 4931. 4934-4935. Stock -- Saleyard - Midland -- Select Committee -- Witnesses - Offences -- Withdrawal of Remark 5222; Point of Order 5226. P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] P (407)

Motions (continued) -- Urgency -- Education -- Policies 7939. Stamp Amendment Bill 31421. Nalder, The Late Mr C.C., MLA - Condolence Motion 28. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Assembly's Message -- Objection to Deputy Chairman's Ruling 317, 317 1. President's Ruling 3171. Point of Order 3172,3173. Parliament -- House -- Congestion - Adjournment Debate 175. Fire Alarm - Adjournment Debate 5148. Report 58231. Military Exercise 6823. President's Corridor -- Use 2983. Staff--.Retirement-'.Adjournment Debate 3187. Parliamentary Library - Closure 419. Parliamentary Pantics-- Leaks -- Adjournment Debate 923. Parliamentary Privileges Act -- Adjournment Debate 5357. Pastoral Industry - Herd Improvement Services -- Annual Report--.Extension ofTimne 4461. Petition -- Homosexual Activities - Legislation - Opposition 1990. president of the Legislative Council -- Corridor -- Use 2983. Prisoners - Butterly, Archie 362 1. Mickelberg, Peter 69. Questions -- On Notice -- Daily Publication 5042. Inclusion -- Supplementary Notice Paper 6496. Without Notice -- Direction- Appropriate Ministers 4344. Statement by President 478 1. Procedure 7410. Rules 69. Sessional Orders 8254, 8255. Termination 5113. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 8 196. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 5743. Point of Order 3598. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - As to 2r. - President's Ruling 7068. Rulings by the President -- Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Point of Order 272. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amnendment Bill -- Corn. -- Objection to Deputy Chairman's Ruling 31711. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - As to 2r. 7068. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -- As to Amendment to Motion 4934. Services Department-- Annual Report - Extension of Time 4287. Sessional Orders-- Questions without Notice 8254, 8255. Sittings of the House - Adjournment Debate 3187. Snedden, The Late Sir Billy Mackie - Condolence Motion 3152. Sport and Recreation -- Noalimba Camp 66, 69. Stamp Amendment Bill - Urgency Motion 3 141. Standing Orders No 187 -- Amendment -- Motion 7003. Points of Order 7001. 7002. Withdrawal of Remark 7004. Suspension - Bills 4281. (408) P [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] R

Statements -- By Hon G.E. Master (Leader of the Opposition) -- Members of tbe Legislative Assembly - Criticism 8174. By the President - Members of the Legislative Assembly - Criticism 8173. Ministers of the Crown -- Attorney General -- Appointment as Queen's Counsel 7530. Questions without Notice -- Direction 478 1. Superannuation Board -- Questions 2255. Ministerial -- Timing 5214. Stock -- Herd Improvement Services -- Annual Report 4461. Saleyards; -- Midland -- Select Committee -- Witnesses- Offences - Motion 5227. Point of Order 5226. Withdrawal of Remark 5222. Superannuation - Board- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3273. Questions -- Brush Affair-- Point of Order 2169. Statement by President 2255. Local Government Superannuation Board -- Annual Report - Extension of Time 4287. Parliamentary Superannuation Fund -- Annual Report- Extension of Time 3273. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3129. Point of Order 3114. Topic Discussed -- Compimernary Remarks - Fery Hon Vi. 3129. Harding, Mr Alan 3129. Technology -- Biotechnology Seminar 1990, Trustee Companies Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 4469. Youth Organisatiorns -- Ocean Ridge -- Adjournment Debate -- Extension of Time 3710-3711, 3714, 3715.

READ, MR J.t., JP, PARL[AMENTAKY SECRETARY OP THE CABINET (Mandurab) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Land -- Tenure 4598. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 494. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture -- Farmers' Meeting 495. Animals -- Mandurab Veterinary Clinic 494. Courthouse -- Mandurab 494. Education -- High Schools, Mandurab 494. Opposition's Programnme for Improvement in Education 498. Employment and Traiing -- (15 497. Environment -- Peel-Harvey Inlet 495. Styx Channel 494. Fisheries -- Mandurah 494. Members of Parliament -- Opposition 494. Police Station -- Mandurah 494. Allen, Mr Charles 2393. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4403. Topics Discussed -- HihSoos- MamIduaJI 4403. Pinjanra 4403. THREADS 4405. Health -- Community Health Centre 4404. Manriurah Hospital 4404. R R[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]RR (409)(49

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill (continued) -- 2r. (continued) -- Topics Discussed (continued) -- Mancturahi -- Police Station 4404. Waterways 4404, Youth Centre 4405. Meadow Springs Development 4405. Member for Vasse 4403. Brockley Investnents Ltd 4456. Education -- Better Schools Report 604. Policies -- Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 7097. Fmnanciat Institution -- Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- [nvestmnents -- Brockley Investments Ltd 4456. Gambling -- Social 993. Health -- Drugs - Telephone Hotline 161. Liberal Party - Dissension 8354. Matter of Public Importance -- Education Policies -- Condemnation 7097. Members of Parliament -- Opposition - Better Schools Report -- Rumours 604. Ministers of the Crown- Premier - Alleged Conversations 2393. Pastoral Industry -- Leases -- Working Conditions -- Yout 2525. Petition -- Video Tapes Classification and Control Binl -- Amendment 5619. Police 1594,2252. Tourism Commission -- Advertising Budget 539. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment -- Petition 56 19.

RUJSHTON, HON E.C. (Dale) -- Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 708. Amendments to Motion 346.480, 712. Point of Order 33. Topics Discussed -- Government Employees 709. Housing -- Rental 712. Members of Padliament -- Statements 708. Planning -- Swan Brewery Site Redevelopment 480. Questions 708. Taxes and Charges 7 10. Transport -- Railways 710. Western Australian Development Corporation 709. Westminster System 346. America's Cup -- Queensland Rail Cars 377. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. - Division -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority 7910. Appropriation (General Loan Arnd Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2r. 8035. Topics Discussed -- Consolidated Revenue Fund Budget 8035. Crime 8037. Economic Situation 8037. Local Government 8035. Minister for Planning 8036. "Planning for the Future of the Perth Metropotitan Regioo" 8036. Transport -- Railways 8037. Western Australian Development Corporation 8035. Youth -- Work Experience 8037. Arts -- Pernh Entertainment Centre 128, 381. 382. Cameron Inquiry -- Road Funding 7156. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Houses - Owetlingup 530. Staff 7927. 8087. Education -- Primary Schools - An~nadale 251. Byford. 251l, 5572. Covered Assembly Areas 629 t. Kanrgullen 25 1. Oakford 378, 5572. Roleystone -- Reconstrction 252. Electricity - Power Poles 17 17. Environment 3251, 3252, 6290. (410) R 1INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] R

Forests - Dwellingup - Timber Mill 325 1. Lang Scientific Study Management Priority Area 3*248. Prescribed Burning 8087. Production Conts 3246. Resources Inventory 1717. Royalties 1588. Silviculture Techniques 1588. Sleepers - Price 1587. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Motion 2136. Timber - Draft Timber Strategy 1715. Forresidale Progress Association -- Westfield Sewage Treatment Plant 2520. Gill, Dr Jim 130, 382. Government Buildings -- Heathcoze Hospital Rezoning 792 1. Government Employees 129, 378,5573, Health -- Annadale-Kelmscout District Memorial - Permanent Care Unit 130, 3252. Housing 530, 6990. John Connell & Associates-.- Railway Electrification Report 1415S. lawd- National Park - D'Enurecasteaux Land Purchase 7927. Reserve -- Lane-Poole 1717. 3246. Laphamn, The Late Mr S.E., ML-A -- Condolence Motion 8312. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7267. Local Government Amendment BiUl -- 2r. 2472. Corn. 2492-2514. Council's Amendments 3222-3235. Local Government -- Arnadale City Council -- Westfield Sewage Treatment Plant 2520. Pecuniary Interests Inquiry 7174. Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry - Motion 5680. Motor Vehicle Parking Policy 5965. Mant, Mr John -- Previous Employment 7170. Minerals - Darling Scarp 3252. Minister for Transport -- Overseas Trip -- Benefits 5956. Motions -- Condolence -- The Late Mr S.E. Lapham, MLA 8312. Local Government -- Perth City Council - Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry 5680, State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication 2136. Motor Vehicles -- Parking -- Perth Central Business District 52 1. Perth City Council Policy 5965. Perth Railway Station 6282. Planning 878. Petition -- Sex Shops -- Control 8029. Planning.-. Approval Statistics 1105. Development -- Westeck 6290, Rezoning - Heatbcote Hospital Site 792 1. Zoning -- Heathcote Hospital Site 6474. Ports and Harbours -- Jetty -- Mosman Park Tearooms 968. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2465. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) B ill -- 2r. 6916. Roads -- Brcokton Highway 6290, 8342. Canning Road, Kanragullen Junction 7160. Funding 6282, 7156. Kwinana Freeway -- Contra-flow Lane 387. Main Roads Department -- Gill, Dr Jim 130. Nanga Brook Road 877. Stirling Highway 878. Sewage Treatment Plant - Westfield 2520, 3248. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 8029. Transport- Buses -- Contra-flow Lane 387. Department Staff 586. R R ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]S S (41(411)

Transport (continued) -- Monorail Examination 5956. Passengers 1222. Railways -- Electri fication 1103. 11t04, 1415, PassengerServices 1103. Railcars -- Queensland Government 377. Sleepers - Price 1587. Station -- Perth 6282. System 5956. Total West 5965. Westrail -- Amalgamation 75 18. Corporate Identity 8329. Gill. Dr Jim 130, 382. Sale 5963. Vincent, Mr Phillip 5573. WA Herbarium 7928, 8088. Water Resources -- Harris River Dam 7161. Wildflowers 7927.

SCHELL. MR M.W. (Mt Marshall) - Abattoirs -- Lambs 2386, 2679, 5186. Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill- 2r. 7604. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) BlU -- 2r. 5021. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 506. Topics Discussed - Agriculture 506. Chemicals -- PCBs: 509. Health -- RFDS 508, Mining -- Mt Marshall Electorate 506. Transport -- Air 508. Water Resources 507. Agiculture -- Farmers --Inquiry 3478. Farms -- Homesteads -- Water Supplies 1725. Machinery -- Transport Licence 1419. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 970, 2253. Rural Sector Hardship 1285. Soil Conservation 3668. Weeds 1863. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4230. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 4230. Aviation Industry 4235. Education 4232. Koolyanobbing -- PCB Inci ner-ator 4235. Taxes and Charges 4230. Water Resources 423 1. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1062. Chemicals -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Incinerator -- Alternative Sites 6676. Environmrental Report 4456. Grievance 4117. Mobile -- Motion 185 1. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7609. Communications -- Telephones -- INWATS Number -- Rural Adjustment and Fnance Corporation 970. Community Services - Children -- Adoptions 1586. Department -- Marriage Certificates 125. Conservation and Land Management Department -- District Officer 4569, 4763. Consumer Affairs - Health Clubs 3927. (412) S (412) S[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

Education -- Mukdibudin District High School -- Mixed-mode Facilities - Grievance 5262. Schools 123. 540. Teachers -- Disciplinary Action 3925. Technical and Further Education -- Pit-apprenticeship Courses 7173. Energy - Electricity Connections 6670. Non-domestic Customers 7684. Environment -- Polychlorinated BiphenyLs -- Incinerasor -- Report 4.456. FairTrading Bill -- 2r. 6801. Grievances -- Chemicals- Polychlooinated Biphenyls 4117. Education .- Mukinbudn District High School 5262. Health Amendment Bil-- 2r. 5549. Health -- Clubs 3927. Disabled Persons -- Wheelchairs 7923. Hospitals -- Medical Practitioners 6669. Kamien Committee Report 3380. Medical Practitionets 4903, 6669. Motor Neurone Disease 7678. Nurses -- Accommodation - Country Areas 4037. Osteopaths - Registration 1233. Patients -- Travel Assistance Scheme 3824, 4047, 5703. Laing, Dr Nigel -- Motor Neurone Disease Research 7678. Local Government -- Boundaries Commission 996. Mukinbudin Shire Council 4763. - Road Grants Scheme 1108g. Yilgazn Shire Council 6676. Marriage Certificates- Recognition 125. Motion -- Chemicals- Polychlorinated Biphenyls -- Mobile Incinerator 1851I. Nalder, The Late Mr CC., MLA -- Condolence Motion 13. Petition -- Water Resources -- Bencubbin 666. Planning Commission - Members -- Country Representation 4050. Roads 110O8, 1223, 4266. State Finance -- Budget -- Education -- School Grants 126. Stock -- Lice infestation 5703. Livestock Market Report Service 38L9. Tradesmen - Country Towns 7173. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2F. 6780. Transport -- Air - Jandakot Airport 6304. Buses -- School 1231. 8352. Railways - Bonnie Rock-Burakin Closure 2697. Taxis - Wheelchairs 7923. Water Resources -- Agaton Scheme 873. Bencubbin -- Conmplaints 873. Petition 666. Desalination Plants 4159, 4412. Farm Homesteads 1725. Rock Catchment Tanks 5815. Wildlife -- Duck Shooting 5580.

SMITH1 MR D.L., LL B, JP (Mitchell) Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill - 2r. 4536. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill - Corn. 2341-2344. Council's Amendments 2884. S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S (413)

Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 725. Topics Discussed -- Dairy Industry 728. Government Employees 727. Housing 726. Regionalisadion 727. Tourism 727- Workers' Compensation, 729. Agriculture 503 1. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4245. Topics Discussed -- Citizens Advice Bureau 4249. Community Services 4246. Education 4247. Employment and Training 4247. Health 4246.,4249. Housing 4248. Legal Practitioners 4245. Police Force 4248. Roads 4247. SCM Chemicals Ltd 4248. South West Development Authority 4242. State Engineering Works 425 1. Telecom 4250. Waste Disposal 4249. Australia Card-- Legal Advice -- Motion 4139. Committee for the Session -- Public Acounts and Expenditure Review Committee .- Stage Government Insurance Commission -- Inquiry - Motion 2186, 2187; Reports --Tabling 8031. Crime 4279. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Family Benefits Act - Administrtion, -- Inquiry -- Sub ludice -- Motion 843; Point of Order 85 1. Education 1286. Gambling 5585. Health -- Medical Practitioners' Fees -- Grievance 5266. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference -- Motion 2186, 2187. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Taxation Proposal -- Motion 2229. Liquor Amendment Binl - Corn. 2808. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2511. Members of Parliamnent -- Leader of the Opposition 503 1. Member for Cottesloe 6817. Member for Mitchell -- Electoral Visits -- Minister for The South West -- Personal Explanation 1281. Motions - Australia Card --Legal Advice 4139. Condolence -- The Late Mr C.C. Nalder, MIA 13. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference 2186,2187. Taxes and Charges -- Federal Liberal Party Proposal 2229. Motor Vehicle Drivers 893. Nalder, Thie Late Nix C.C., MLA -- Condolence Motion 13. Personal Explanation -- Electorate Visits -- Minister for The South West 128 1. Pigment Factory (Australind) Agreement Amendment Bill - 2r. 2891. Racing and Trotting 5585. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - Corn. 6639. Point of Order 6629. Road Traffic Amendment Bil (No 2) -- 2r. 3350. SCM Chemicals Pty Ltd 1788. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6606. Sitting of the House 6817. (414) S [fNDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

State Government Insurance Commnission Review -- Terms of Reference -- Motion 2186. 2187. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub ludice - Motion -- Dissent from Speaker's Ruling 843; Point of Order 85 1. Taxes and Charges-- Federal Liberal Pasty Proposal.-- Motion 2229. Union -- Teachers Union 1286.

SMITH, MR P.J., B Ed (Bunbury) -- Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bili -- Corn. 2341. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 578. Amendment to Motion 696. Topics Discussed -- Health -- Decompression Chamber 580. Price Watch Scheme 696. Regional Development -- Bunbury 578. Sport and Recitation - Scuba Diving 578. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4399. Topics Discussed -- Arts -- Regional 440 1. Sunbury 4400. Education -- Australind High School 440 1. Bunbury Institute of Advanced Education 4400. Health -- Community Health Centre 440 1, Fremantle Hospital -- Hyperbano Unit 4403. Industral Development -- Silicon Smelter 4401L. South West Development Authority 4399. Traffic 4402. Transport -- Australind 4401. Arts -- Amateur Groups 1228. Woodcraft 2395. Bumnbury and Districts Power Boat Club (sIc) -- Premises- Petition 6893. Crimte-- South West 4601. Education -- Department -- Appointees 6994. High Schools -- Technology 649 1. Electoral -- By-elections 3385. Environment -- Houtman Abrolhos 538. Gambling -- Instant L-otteries 1228. Health- Department -- Records 5705. Hospitals -- Margaret River 3682. Liquor - Trading Hours 1250. Member for Mt Lawley -- Commissioner of Police -- Annual Report 3925. Minister for Education -- Appointees 6994. Petitions -- Buntury and Districts Power Boat Club (Inc) -- Premises 6893. Sex Shops -- Control 8314. Pigment Factory (Australind) Agreement Amendment Bill- 2r. 2895. Police -- Commissioner -- Annual Report 3925. Firearms - Licences 4048. Prisoners - Daily Average Population 4411. Regional Development -- South West 2395. Rouinest Island -- Moorings 16 1. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 8314. Sheep -- Lupinosis 2147. Techoltogy -- Computers -- Health Department Records 5705. High Schools 649 1. S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) S (415)

SPEAKER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, HION M. BARNElTiF (Rockingham)..- Abanoifs - Midland -- Land Sale -- Select Committee -- Evidence 248. Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Sites Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3849. Compact -- Content 7524. Matter of Public Importance 7590. Responses 7525: Point of Order 7525. Land -- Original Ownership 7933. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- As to Standing Orders Suspension 3720. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill - 2r. - - Speaker's Ruling 4532. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cars) Bill -- As to 2r. 3204. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion -- Points of Order 80, 192. Withdrawal of Remarks 334, 340. Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 101, 117. 208,.216, 332, 457, 677. Withdrawal of Remarks 10 1,112, 117. Presentation to Governor- Acknowledgement 1860, Agriculture -- Pesticides -- Misuse -- Environmental Damage -- Speaker's Ruling 3831. Apiary - Honey Pool -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. __ Points of Order 3532, 3533, 4391. Withdrawal of Remarks 4385, 4389, 4393. Budget Speech -- Filming 353 1. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4684. 3r. 8054. Arts -- Paintings -- Parliament House 7161. Australia Card -- Banking Legislation 4163. Premier's Support -- Point of Order 3684. Bernies Hamburger Bar -- Excision --Petition -- Point of Order 6580. Brush, Mr Len -- Questions -- Sub Judice -- Speaker's Ruling 664. Resignation Letter -- Point of Order 160. Withdrawal of Remark 160. Writs -- Question 242. Speaker's Ruling 71; Point of Order 72. Cemetery -- Pirtnaroo Valley Memorial Park -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Chemicals -- Polychloonnated Biphentyts -- Incinerator -- Grievance 4117; Point of Order 4118. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) - J r. 778 1. Committees for the Session - Deputy Chairmen of Committees -- Appointment 308. Joint House Committee -- Temporary Offices -- Decision 1421. Community Services Department -- Annual Report - Extension of Time 3977. Conservation and Land Management Department -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3849. Creative Arts and Therapy Association -- Speaker's Guests 664. Crime -- Crime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1728. Increase -- Maner of Public Importance 3977. Decorum of the Chamber 457, 465, 491, 675. 855, 857, 85 8, 891, 995, L1409, 1523, 2252, 2368, 2922, 3346. 3438, 3444, 3470,4836,4864,6615, 6746, 7418,7592, 7593. Deputy Chairnen of Committees- Appointment 308. Dissent from Speaker's Ruling -- Superannuation and Fanily Benefits Act - Adminisination - Inquiry -- Sub Judice -- Motion 837, 844, 847, 849-852. Points of Order 841-843, 850, 85 1. Educati -- Policies- Condemnation -- Matter of Public Importance 7087. Schools - Dalkeith Ptimary -- Point of Order 995. Public Awareness Programme - Parliamentary Staff 3563. School Cleaning -- Matter of Public Importance 2174. WA College of Advanced Education -- Annual Report 5888. (416) S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

Electoral Distribution Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 4213. Electoral Distribution (Roitmes; Island) Amendment Bill -- Standing Order No 178 -- Suspension 5795. Point of Order 5795. 2r. 5795, 5796. Point of Order 5795, 5796. 3r. 5796. Electoral -- Chief Electoral Officer -- Report on Performance Indicators - Extension of Time 3 849. Vote Rigging Procedures- Point of Order 3382. Energy -- Gas -- North West Shelf- Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance 3303. Environment.-- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment - Matter of Public Importance 4503. Fair Trading Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 5373. rmancial Administration and Audit Act -- Report Tabling -- Extensions of Time 3303, 3532, 3849, 3977, 4348. 5888. Financial Institutions -- Banks -- Australia Card Legislation 4163. Interest Rates -- Mini-Budget Effect -- Speaker's Ruling 1596. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Investigation -- Select Committee -- Point of Order 4284, Ministerial Authority -- Point of Order 3387. Select Committee inquiry -- Motion -- Points of Order 3435, 3445. Withdrawal of Remarks 3425, 3435. Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 3449.3450, 3453-3455. 3469. Fire Brigades Board -- Report Tabling -- Extension of Time 3532. Fisheries Department -- Annual Report 4348. Forests -- State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Motion -- Point of Order 2123. Gold Banking Corporation Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 6086. Withdrawal of Remark 6085. Government Employees -- Departments -- Speaker of the Legislative Assembly 1423. Reduction -- Claims -- Withdrawal. of Remark 4596. Government Guarantees - Details -- Matter of Pu blic Importance 536 1. Government Instrumentalities -- Confidential Information -- Matter Of Public Importance- Amerndment to Motion -- Points of Order 3640, 3641. Governor's Speech -- Distribution of Copies 15. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. - - Withdrawal of Remark 939. Grievance -- Chemicals -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls 4117: Point of Order 411L8. Hansard -- Daily Production -- Statements by the Speaker 1794, 3335. Health -- AIDS -- WA AIDS Council -- Legislative Assembly Staff Claim 664. Disabled Persons -- Rocky Bay Village - Speaker's Gallery 4347. Medical Practitioners -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2444: Points of Order 2452, 2454: Speaker's Ruling 2455. Tobacco Smoking -- Dangers -- Petition -- Speaker's Ru ling 4499. Her Majesty the Queen -- Photograph -- Parliamentary Dining Room 7519. Industrial Relations -- Disputes -- North West Shelf - Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance 3303. Royal Penth Hospital -- Point of Order 397. Office - Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Comnmissi on -- Share Dealings -- Matter of Public Importance 6045. Iron Ore (Chanoar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill -- Standing Ordens Suspension 5373. Iro Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Amendment Bill - Standing Orders Suspension 5373. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amendment Bill - 2r. -- Points of Order 6397. Land -- Ningaloo Marine Park -- Deputy Leader of the Opposition's Comments -- Points of Order 747. S S ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) S (417)47

Legislative Assembly - Chamber-.- Guests 664, 3301, 4828. Daily Documents 3335. Distinguished Visitors -- Commnonwealth Parliamentary Association 3392. Former Clerk ofthe House of Commons 330 1. Gupta, Hon Indrajit 4213. Guests--. Speaker's Gallery 4347. Photographs 5514. Staff -- Harding, Mr Alant-- Retirement 2944. McHugh, Mr Peter 3301. Television Cameras 1546, 1928, 2099. Visitors -- Welcome 6304. liberal Pasty -- Parliamentary - Deputy Leader 3303. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. -- Points of Order 7257, 7262. Local Government .. Superannuation Board - Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Matters of Public Importance -- Aboriginal Affairs .- Compact 7590. Crime -. Increase 3977. Wave 1728. Education -- Policies--. Condemnation 7087. School Cleaning 2174. Environment -- Old Swant Brewery -- Redevelopment 4503. Government Guarantees - DetailsS5361. Government Instrumientalities -- Confidential Information -- Points of Order 3640, 364 1. Industrial Relations Disputes-.- North West Shelf Gas Project 3303. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Share Dealings 6045. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure 2444. Taxi-drivers -- Assaults -- Prevention 3193, 3194. Transport -- Air -- South Africa 4829. Members of Parliament -- Leader of the Opposition -- Point of Order 1724. Member for East Melville -- As to Personal Explanation 6732, 6733: Points of Order 6733: As to Standing Orders Suspension 6734; As to Withdrawal of Remark 6734, 6735. Member for Kaiamnunda -- Naming 152 1. Member for Nediands -- Deputy Leader of the liberal Pasty 3303. Member for Rockingham 1979. Opposition - Cost - Motion -- Point of Order 4864. Overseas Travel 4272. Pasty Directives -- Parliamentary Privilege 739. Salary Increases--. Point of Order 7342: Withdrawal of Remark 7343. Stationery Allowance -- Overdrawing 1982. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations -- Standing Orders Suspension 2073; Motion -- Points of Order 2075, 2078; Withdrawal of Remarks 2078, 2079, 2080; Remarks during Division 208 1. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure - Matter of Public Importance 2444; Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 2452, 2454; Speaker's Ruling 2455: Remarks During Division 2456. Prmier-- Return to State 8354. Premiers - Photograph Gallery -- Statement by Speaker 6732. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Authority-- Point of Order 3387. Motions -- Members of Parliaiment -- Opposition Promises -- Cost -- Point of Order 4864. Police Commissioner - Confidence .. Amendment to Motion 7424, 7425; Point of Order 7422. Stare Forsts - Revocation of Dedication -- Point of Order 2123. Motor Vehicles -- Parliament Opening Day -- Tow Truck 2145. Newspaper Articles - Use - Statement by Speaker 7235. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Standing Orders Suspension 4213. Parliament -- House -- Dining Room -- Photographs 7519. Paintings 7161. Premiers' Gallery -- Statement by Speaker 6732. Robert Juniper Tapestry 5971. (418) S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

Parliament (continued) -- House (continued) -- Staff -- False ClaimI 664. Temporary Accommodation -- Decision 1421. Speaker's Role -- Standing Orders Suspension 1348; Censure Motion - Points of Order 1 356, 1357. Statement by the Speaker 1519. Opening Day -- Motor Vehicles 2145. Parliamentary Library - Closure 482. Parliamentary Privilege -- Criticism of Speaker -- Statement by Speaker 6578. Freedom of Speech -- Speaker's Action -- Motion - Point of Order 6391; Amendment to Motion 6395; Motion, as Amended 6395. Members of Parliament -- Party Directives 739. Questions without Notice -- Statement by Speaker 6299. Staff -- Public Awareness Programme -- Schools 3563. Pastora] Industry Leases -- Australian Land anid Cattle Co Ltd 172 1. Personal Explanation - Withdrawal of Remark 2137. Petitions -- Health -- Tobacco Smoking -- Dangers -- Speaker's Ruling 4499. Planning -- Development -- Warnbro Dunes 308. Police -- Commissioner -- Confidence -- Standing Orders Suspension 7413. Amendment to Motion 7424, 7425. Point of Order 7422. Superannuation Board -- Speaker's Ruling - Employees 20. Presiding Officers' Conference -- Programme -- Statement by Speaker 1347; Wife's Attendance- Questions 1347. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 2470. Questions -- On Notice -- Answers 3579. Without Notice -- Factual Statements 8354. Form 1881. Interjections 399. 539, 1594. Operation 992. Privilege -- Statement by Speaker 6299. Question Time -- Conduct 3495. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. - - Speaker's Ruling 6898. Rothwells Ltd -- Government Action -- Standing Orders Suspension 5117. Motion -Extension of Tame -- Suspension of Standing Orders 5129. Advice -- As to Notice of Motion 5154. Amendment to Motion -- Points of Order 5163, 5173. Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill See 'The Ruraland Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill". Rulings by the Speaker -- Acts Amendment (Police and Child Wel[fare) B ill -- 2r. 4532. Brush, Mr Len -- Writs 7 1; Points of Order 72. Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates -- M ini-Budget Effect 1596. Minister fo~r Conservation and Land Management -- Censure -- Point of Order 2455. Pesticide Misuse- Environmental Damage 383 1. Petition -- Health -Tobacco Smoking -- Dangers 4499. Right of Reply to Bill 4532. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. 6898. Superannuation - Board 20,664. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub ludice - Motion 835. Select Committees - In Camera Evidence 597. Services Deparment -- Annual Re rt -Extension of Time 4348. Small Business Guarantees ArneentBill - 2r. -- Point of Order 4992. S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S (419)

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Conduct -- Standing Orders Suspension 1522. Point of Order 1521. Censure Motion -- Point of Order 1530. Cook Wsands Visit -- Wife -- Questions Struck Out 1347. Criticism -- Parliamentary Privilege -- Statement by Speaker 6578. Government Employees -- Positions 1423. Overseas Travel 4272. Parliament House -- Temporary Accommoodation -- Censure Motion- Points of Order 1356, 1357. Remarks -- Statement by Speaker 6387. Stamp Amendment Bill - Standing Ordens Suspension 1883. Standing Orders Suspension -- Electoral Distribution Bill 4213. FairTrading Bill 5373. Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Bill 5373. Iron Ore (Harnersicy Range) Agreement Amnendment Bill 5373. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations 2073. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) 42 13. Police Commissioner -- Confidence 7413. Stamp Amendment Bill 1883. Standing Order No.t178 -- Electoral Distribution (Rounest Island) Amendment Bill 5795; Point of Order 5795. Statements by the Speaker .. Daily Hansard-- Production t794. Legislative Assembly Chamber -- Television Cameras 1928. Newspaper Articles -- Use 7235. Parliament -- Parliament House 1519,6732. Parliamentary Privilege -- Criticism of Speaker 6578. Presiding Officers' Conference 1347. Questions without Notice -- Privilege 6299. Speaker ofthe Legislative Assembly -- Remarks 6387. Superannuation -- Board -- Sub Judice -- Procedures 3642. Superannuation and Family Benefits Act -Administration-- Inquiry -- Motion 819. Stock .. Herd Improvement Service -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 4348. Sheep- Lupinosis -- Points of Order 2149. Superannuation- Board- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3303. Employee -- Police Interview 20; Speaker's Ruling 20. Investments - The Anchorage 746; Points of Order 746. Questions -- Sub Judice -- Speaker's Ruling 66. Sub Judice -- Procedures 3642. Fire Brigades Superannuation Board -- Annual Report -- Extension of Time 3532. Local Government Superannuation Board -- Annual Report - Exttension of Time 4348. Parliamentary Superannuation Fund -- Annual Report -- &xtension of Time 3303. Superannuation aid Family Benefits Act-- Administration -- Inquiry -- Sub Judice 79 1; Point of Order 79 1. Statement by Speaker 819. Motion 820, 853. Points of Order 828, 832, 835, 853. Withdrawal of Remarks 824, 833. Speaker's Ruling 835. Dissect from Speaker's Ruling 837,844,847,849-852. Points of Order 841-843, 850, 851. Supply Bill -- 2r. 2925, 2934, 2937. Points of Order 2927, 2929, 2932. Withdrawal of Remark 2930. Suspension of Standing Orders - Extension of Tine - Rothwells LtAd - Government Action 5129. Taxes and Charges - Federal liberal Party Proposals -- Point of Order 2250. Flat Taxation System -- Rural Effect -- Point of Order 891. Income Tax -- Flat Rate -- Point of Order 23. Increases - Consumer Price Index - Point of Order 1986. The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension 4499. (420) S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2) - 2r. -- Point of Order 6782. Transport- Air - South Africa -- Matter of Public Importance 4829. Taxis - Far Evasion-- Point of Order 2695. Taxi-dri vens -- Assaults - Preventiont-- Matter of Public Importance 3193, 3194. Trustee Companies Bill - 2r. - Points of Order 7656. 7659. Trustees Amendment Bill -- 2r. -- Point of Order 6418.

SPRIGGS, MR G.C.C., JP (Darling Range)--. Albany Hlighway -- Tender -- Completion 2519.

STEPHENS, MR M.E. (Stirling) .. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill - Council's Amendments 2865, 2879. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill 2r. 7428. Corn. 7434-7436. Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gaming) Bill - 2r. 5782. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 699. Amendment to Motion 697. Topics Discussed -- Electoral Reform 70D. Government Employees 703. Members of Parliament 699. Police Force 702. Price Watch Scheme 697. Statements -- Political 699. Agriculture -- Pesticides 6144. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. -- Divisions -- Miscellaneous Services 7835. Great Southern Development Authority 785 1. Blood Donation (Limitation of Liability) Amendment Bill- 2r. 4516. Dread Amendment Bill- 2r. 5634. Corn. 5773-5781. Buabwry Port Authority Amendment Bill - 2r. 4520. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 7777, 7779. Closing Days of Session -- First Part -- Standing Orders Suspension 2084. Second Part -- Standing Orders Suspension 6056. Committee for the Session - SlandinZ Committee on Delegated Legislation .- Council's Resolution 2460; Point of Order 2461. Conservation and Land Management 1239,4444. Consumer Affairs - Misleading Conduct - Legislation 5580. Crime Wave -- Matter of Public Importance 1735. Dog Amendment Bill- Corn. 1088-1096. Door to Door Trading Bill - 2r. 949. Education -- Agricultural 994. Better Schools -- Guidance Counselling -- Downgrading 4165. Priority Country Areas Programme 3557. Tertiary -- Curtin University of Technology 2150. S S(~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) S (421)41

Electoral Act (Commencement of Amendments) Bill- 2r. 1060. Electoral Distribution Amendment BiUl -- 2r- 5003. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill - 2r. 6073. Withdrawal of Remrnak 6068. Corn. 6206-6214. 3r. 6217. Point of Order 6214. Energy -- Electricity Poles -- Pesticides 6144. Environment -- Shannon River Basin 4598. Woodchipping Proposals 2679. Fire -- Control 4444. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill -- 2r. 4998. Fisheries Amendment Bill - 2r. 7242. Forests .- Sandalwood 5968. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motion 6936. Revocation of Dedication- Motion 2133. Amendments to Motion 2128, 2133. Woodchipping 2679, 337 1. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill- 2r. 6404. Corn. 6422. Gaming Commission Bill -- 2r. 3397. Corn. 3403. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. 929. Corn. 945-947. Health -- Minister for Conservation and Lanid Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2448. Horticulture -. Potato Crops 2q62. Housing -- Residential Tenancy Legislation 5202. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission 2695. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7259. Local Government Albany Town Council 1287. 2959. Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission inquiry -Motion 5675. Matters of Public Importance Crime Wave 1735. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure 2448. Ministers of the Crown -- Allegations -- Standing Orders Suspension 2073. Motion 208 1. Minister for Conservation and Land Management .. Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance 2448. Motions .- Forests -- State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication 6936. Revocation of Dedication 2133. Local Government -- Perth City Council -- Corruption Allegations -- Royal Commission Inquiry 5675. Parliamentary Privilege.- Freedom of Speech-.- Speaker's Action 6392. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill -- Corn. 7125. 7127. Parliament -- Parliament House - Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Rote - Censure Motion 1357; Point of Order 0357. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech .- Speaker's Action-.- Motion 6392. Petroleum Retailers Rights and Liabilities Amendment Bill - Intro.; 1,'. 1794. 2r. 2196. * (422) S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

Police Amendment Bill -- 2f. 5274. Police - Complaints 1415. Force -- Corruption 4055. Regional Development -- Great Southern Development Authority 7936. Swan Valley Policy 2394. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 6626. Corn. 6639. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. 6915S. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 3) -- 2r. 5284. Road Traffic Amendment Bill -- Into.; Ir. 1534. Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill - 2r. 1805. Corn. 1810. Sale of Government Property (Parliamentary Approval) Bill - Intr.; Ir. 76. 2r. 1825, 4147. Shea, Dr Syd 4598. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Parliament House -- Conduct -- Standing Orders Suspension-- Point of Order 1521; Censure Motion 1327. Temporary Accommodation-- Censure Motion 1357; Point of Order 1337. Standing Order No 164 -- Amendment-- Motion 1360; Adjournment of Debate 1360. Standing Orders Suspension -- Closing Days of Session -- First Part 2084. Second Part 6056. Stock -- Livestock Marker Reporting Service 214 1. Superannuation- Board -- Mishandling -- Standing Orders Suspension 74. Parliamentary Superannuation Fund 8330. Supply Bill -- 2r. 2932. Topics Discussed -- Albany Town Council 2933. Local Government Department 2936. Member for Albany 2935. Shipping - Albany 2932. Town Clerk 2936. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5405. Traffic Fines 8089. Water Resources-- Denmark 1877,4162, 4602.

STEPHENS, HON TOM, BA, JP (North)--. Aboriginal Affairs -- Gordon Downs --Treatment -- Adjournment Debate 920. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 432. Point of Order 272. Topics Discussed -- Arts Department 435. Health -- AIDS 435. Ministers of the Crown 432. Public Service 433. Wildlife -- Crocodiles 436. Adjournment Debates - Aboriginal Affairs--. Gordon Downs -- Treatment 920. By-election - Gascoyne 5237. Defence - Coastal Surveillance 7399. Pastoral Industry - Caretakers 920. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Consideration of Tabled Paper - Point of Order 5233. Defence - Coastal Surveillance - Criticism -- Adjournment Debate 7399. S S ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]SS (4)(423)

Door to DoorTrading Bill -- 2r. 1448. Electoral -- By-election .. Gascoyne -- Adjournment Debate 5237. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill - Assembly's Request for Confetence 7388. Pastoral Industry -- Caretakers -- Adjournmrent Debate 920. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5730. Corn. 5989. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 7209. Corn. 7213.

STRETCH, HON W.N. (Lower Central) -- Aboriginal Affairs 3969. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 1620. 3r. -- Amendment to Motion 2265. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill- 2r. 6368. Corn. 6504, 6505, 6515-6519, 6567-6572. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- 2r. 5832. Corn. 6352-6361, 6364. Acts Amendment (Water Authority Rates and Charges) Bill- 2r. 2723. Corn. 2726. Address-rn-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 406. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture 414. Education-- Parent and Citizens Associations 4 10. Fires -- Volunteer Brigades 412. Forests -- Dieback Disease 412. Fuel Supply 407. Land -- Westrail 408. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill 413. Roads 408, 412. rS t and Recreation - Swimming Pools 410. pmsadCharges 415. Transport 406, 407, 409. Water Resources 406,410. Adjournment Debate - Shannon River Basin 5107. Agriculture .- Agricultural Societies 1038. Education -- Select Committee -- Motion 2408. Rural Adjustment and Finance Corporation 2066,2067. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Consideration of Tabled Paper 4470. 2r. 8136. ToisAgriculture -- Pesticides 4474, 8136. Chappell, Mr R- 447 1. Conmmity Services 4477. Education 471. Land - Conservation 4476. Grimwade 4477. Member for Collie 4473. Roads 4472, 8136, 8137. Transport 4471, 8140. Walpole 4473. Water Resources 4470,4473, 4474,4477. Bush Fres Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1453. Corn. 1633. Charitable Organisatinrs - Select Comnmittee - Establishment - Amendment to Motion-- Amendment on the Amendment 632. (424) S [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] S

Chattel Securities Bill -- Corn. 7363, 7376. Community Services 3036,4827, 5489, 5490. Conservation and Land Management Departnent 3527. Criminal Code Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2701. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2432. Corn. 2535, 2538. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- Corn. 4797. Report -- Point of Order 4922. As to Recommittal 4922. Employment and Training 1044, 3969. Energy -- Petrol 662, 788. Environment-- Shannon River Basin - Member's Comments- Adjournment Debate 5107. Fire Brigade Volunteers 657. Forests-- Central Forest Region Draft Management Plan 3617. Hardwood Logging 1275. Softwood 1275. State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motion to Concur 7188. Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution -. Motion to Concur 4936. Adjournment of Debate 3002. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7195. Government Building -- Austtnark, Bunbury 3035, 3037. Government Railways Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2418. Grainfeeds Ltd 6190. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. 1032. Corn- 1034-1036. Gruwade Township 5754. Health Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6171. Corn. 6177. Health 927, 6729. Horticulture -- Potato Marketing Authority 2066. Hospitals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2162. Housing Sales 1038. Local Government 663, 3970. Member of Parliament -- Stretch, Hon W.N. - Shannon River Basin -- Comments -- Adjourrnent Debate 5107. Minerals - Blue-Metal Quarry 3528. Ministers of the Crown- -- Ov tgAuhry104 Attorney General--OerdnAuhit104 Minister for Agriculture -- Potato Marketing Authority 2066. Motions -- Agriculture -- Education- Select Committee 2408. State Forests -- Revocation of Dedication -- Assembly's Resolution 4936. Nalder, T'he Late Mr CC.. MIA -- Condolence Motion 27. Noxious Plant -- Angel's Trumpet 927. Plymouth Brethren 1044. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3042. Regional Development -- South West Development Authority 5883. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5743. Road Funding 7411. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 3091. Corn. 3093. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6849. Corn. 7186. Soil Fertility Research Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5333. State Energy Commission Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3032. S S[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]TT (45(425)

Stock 448, 662. Tourism -- Guisowade Township 5883. Transport 3528, 3970, 619 1. Water Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4067. Water Resources -- Dams 3969, 5753. 6378. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill - 2r. 5603. Corn. 5846. Wildlife -- Dingoes 2799.

TAYLOR, HON I.F., B LEon (Hoes), JP, MINI4STER FOR HEALTH, MINISTER FOR CONSUMER AFFAIRS, MINISTER ASSISTING THE MINISTER. FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Kalgoorlie) -- Abantoirs; - Beef 4433. Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Medical Services 8333. AIDS 983. Alcohol Abuse 140. Health Problems 3571. Kava -- Imports 517. Land Rights - Victoria 384. Substance Abuse 242. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendment to Motion 679. Topic Discussed - Price Watch Scheme 679. Aged Persons -- Pensioners -- St John of Goed Hospital, Bunbury 5 810. Agriculture -- Pesticides -- Beer Contamination 4433. Farmers -- Returns 3559. Products 3665. Ambulance Officers -- Paramedic Tools 4570. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - Corn.-- Divisions -- Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons 79 11. Health 7895-7897. Library Board of Western Australia 7369. Resources Development 7867. Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Authority 7915. Audit -- Aboriginial Medical Service 8333- Australia Card -- Ministerial Responsibility 4164. Australian Family Association -- AIDS -- Publicity Material 24. Bills oa Sale Amendment Bill -- Cognate Debate 6759. Corn. 6764. 3r. 6765. Birch, Clive -- Real Estate Agents Act - Grievance 5648. Blood Donation (Limitation of Liability) Amendment Bill - Intr.; Ir. 3391. Zr. 3552,4516. 3r. 4517. Bread Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Br. 3391. Brickyards -- Orange Grove -- Rubbish Tip -- Grievance 341t9. Building Industry - Builders' Registration Act 1287,3819. Builders Registration Board 75 18. Draft Building Code 3368. Charitable Organisations - Community Television Bingo 4895, 5183. Chattel Securities Bill -- Cognate Debate 6756- 2r. 6759. Corn. 6762-6764. 3r. 6764. Question 6126. Chemicals - DDT 1787, 7519. Organochlorines 7674. Pharmaceuticals Manufacture - Graylancla Hospital 3559. (426) T (426) T[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) T

Chemicals (continued) -- Phenols 7674. Polychiodrited Biphenyls -- Incinerator - Alternative Site 6991, 7677. Mobile -- Motion 1855. Siting 2954. Monitoring Bores 7674. Storage Sites 7519. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)- Com--. Point of Order 7779. Commnittee for the Session-- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee- Builders' Registration Adt Review 3819. Small Claims Tribunal -- Recommendations 125. Communications -- Telecom -- Charges Investigation 71I72. Community Services - Child Cas Certificates 5192. GROW 2687. Home and Community Care Programme 590, 6806. Ngal-A Mothercraft Home and Training Centre 4434. Villa Maria Homes 3241. Conservation and Land Management Deparment 3258. Consumer Affairs - Australian Consumers Association -- Food Irradiation 3916. Board Game -- 'Grass' 3562. Cosmetics Industry 140. Firestone Furehawk Tyres 6485. Health Clubs 3928. Indebtedness -- Western Australia 5197. Misleading Conduct-- Legislation 5580. Price Watch Director 243. Small Claims Tribunal -- Alterations 125. Grievances 4594. Judicial Privilege 4903. Judicial Status 4593. Restructuring 1439. Select Committee 374, 377, 3561, Toy-nasties -- Policy 3562. Credit Act 7516. Crime 243, 739. Door to Door Trading Amendment Bill -- tnrti.; Ir. 5620. 2r. 5763, 6796. 3r. 6797. Door to Door Trading Bill -- [ntro.; I r. 75. 2r. 949. Corn. 950-954. 3r. 955. Education -- Pire-primary -- Greenwood Intellectually Handicapped School 1981. Primary School -- Leeman 3680. Special School- Castlereagh 523. Students -- Work Experience 2681. Technical and Further Education -- Nurse Training 198 1. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill -- Intro.; I r. 4213. 2r. 4236. Emergency Services -- Ambulances- Medical Kits 7685. Officers -- Paramedic Tools 4051. Sealed Medical Kit 7675. St John Ambulance Association 529, 5568. Energy - Unleaded Petrol--. Grievance 3413. Environment -- Hazardous Wastes 4907. Ozone Layer 667 1. Exley, Dr Malcolm 172 1. T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T (427)

FairTrading Bill-- Intro.; IT. 5377. 2r. 5517, 6802. Corn. 6803, 6804. 3r. 6805. Fair Trading Legislation--. Religious Organisations 6479. Families--.Health Needs 5191. Finance Brokers 6656, 7164. Financial Institutions -- Building Societies -- Life Insurance Policies 4056. Francis, Mr Victor 603. Government Buildings -- Claremont Menial Hospital Complex 3361, 3363. Harrison House, Northamn 4766. Harrow House 4593. Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 370. Government Publications -- Headway Magazine 125. GrEvne.y -- Unleaded Petrol 3413. Health- Hospitals -- Children -- Welfare 817. Medical Practitioners -- Fees 5267. Tobacco Smoking -- Cigarette Sales -- Children 5645. Real Estate Agents - Activities 5648. Technology-- Computers 4112. Waste Disposal -- Orange Grove 3419. Head Injured Society of WA (Inc.) 740. Health m Act -- Amendment -- Draft Building Code 3368. AIDS -- Aboriginal Persons 983. Homosexual Bathhouse 395, 603. Infants 268 1. Ministerial Statement 224. Mosquito Transmission 234. Patients 2520. Publicity Material 24. Sexual Assault 739. WA AIDS Council 244, 87 1. Western Australian Cases 7676. Alcohol 140, 2244. Authorities -- Databanks 3798. Bends -- Cases 735. Clubs 477 1. Consumers -- Phone-in 3560. Dental -- Act -- Amendment 526. Clinic Assistants -- Award 4583. Dentists 589,3367. Hygienists -- Registration 1432. Department -- Computers 6138. Headway Magazine 125. Health Inspection and Occupational Health Branch 4899. Publications -- Macedonian Language 1231. Records 5705. Students -- Work Experience 2681. Women's Health Policy Unit 589. Dietitians 156. Disabled Persons -- Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons 1221. Handicapped Children - Irrabeena Centre 252 1. Intellectually Handicapped Children 524, 1981. Pynton Training Centre 53 10. Drugs -- Codeine 3573. Detoxification Unit 535, 741, 864. Generic Drugs -- Hospital Patients 1982. Heroin 742, 746, 5207. Joyat Venture 7935. Marijuana -- 'Grass" Board Game 3562. Methadone Programme 74 1. Research Funding 4430. (428) T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Health (continued)- Federal Liberal Party Policy 2251. Food Standards Regulations 5699. Foodstuffs -- Chemical Residues 3812. Imports -- Testing 3664. Ionizing Radiation 242. PVC Wrapping 3667. Radiation 3916. Haemophiliacs 5811, 6129. Head-injured Persons 3493, 6131, 6132. Head Injured Society of WA (Inc.) 972, 122 1. Health Clubs -- Laurie Potter 4587, 5033. Life Membership 3928. Oversupply 4588. Turnover,4581. Hospice - Additional Facilities 139. Hospitals -. "A"-class -- Bed CostsS54l9. Acute Services 4585. Albany Regional -- Alterations 1226. Bed Capacity 3666. Image Intensifier 1981, 5700. Nursing Establishment 2951, 3563. Azmadale-Kelmscott District Memorial 130, 3252, 3675. Avro 4449. Bed Occupancy Averages 2688. Bentley 7162. Bicton 590. Children -- Welfatre -- Grievance 817. Cleaning 1875. Computers - Patient Care System 2956. Country 6660. Day Surgery 1222. Ear Nose and Thrroat Patients 868. Elective Surgery -- Categories 1417. Commonwealth Funding 7169. Waiting Lists -- Questions 128, 864, 3368. 6483, 6659. Urgency Motion 1050. Fremantle 1222. Geraldton 1230,5700. Onowangerup, -- Director of Nursing 53 1. Government Decision 885. [Iquiry 3670, 4434. Report Publication 4048. Running Costs 1572. Graylands 2689, 3257. Heatbcote -- Closure 534, 972, 979. In-patients 590. Valuations 1223. Information Management Systems 1228. King Edward Memorial 3369. Mandurah 3237. Margaret River - Allocation 4266. Construction 1291, 3237. Rebuilding 8343. Redevelopment 3682. White Ant Infestation 7688. Medical Practitioners -- Model Contract 6670. Murray Distfict 2246. Northamr 7926. Osborne Park and Wanneroo 3241. Pharmaceutical Manrufacture 3559. Planinmg 239, 739. Princess Margaret Child Care Centre 5025. Private 4594. T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T (429)

Health (continued) -- Hospitals (continued) - Psychiatric 980. 1223. Public 535. Records 5969, 665 6. Rockingham 7165. Royal Penth-- Doctor Resignations 3675. Ear Nose and Throat Ward 528. Industrial Dispute 396. Parking Facilities 381. Surgeon Resignations 128. Welfare: Officer Appointmient 74 1. Running Costs 3360. St John of God, aunbury 5567, 581t0, 6659. Swan District 752. Imrmunisation Programmes 2529. Ia Vitro Fertilisation 379. Kamien Committee 3380. Kava 5 17, 4429, 4430. Magnetic Resonance Imager 1220 Mamlurab Community Health Centre 4050. Medical Practitioners -- Castieden, Mr Bill 2956. Country Hospitals 6670. Fees 5267, 7679. Northam -- Surgeon 7926. Specialists -- Charges 4903. Tom Price 6811. Medical Reseanch 2516. Melville Rehabilitation Centre 740. Mental -- GROW -- Grants 3485. Patient -- Indecent Assault 7345, 7527. Psychiatric Hostels -- Subsidies 534. Working Party Report 5309. Psychiatric Services -- Inquiry 1289. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Mailer of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 2453. Motor Neurone Disease -- Research 7678. Nurses -- Accommodation -- Country Areas 4037, College Row School, Bunbury 3658. Community-based 589. Concerned Nurses Group 979. Kimberley 979. 1982, 4266. Nurses Board 5192. Nursing Homes 8336. Pullman Inquiry 3359. Registered Nurses -- Training 6475. School of Nursing -- Investigation 7182. Training 1981. Occupational Therapists -- Castlereagh School 523. Osteopaths - Registration 1233. Patients -- Assisted Travel Scheme 5703. "Consumers" 7679. Isolated Patients' Travel and Assistance Scheme 1233. Travel Assistance Scheme -- Escorts 3824, 4047. Handicapped Children 2387. Reftunds 2246. Pesticides -- Leeman Primary School 3680. Podiatrists -- Referrals 156. Policies -- Federal Opposition 1987. Polychlorinated Biphenyls 2252. Psychiatrists - Regional Areas 124, RegionaLisation Policy 740. Spas 2387,3806. Tobacco Smoking -- Advertisement 1435. Cigarette Sales -- Children -- Grievance 5645. (430) T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Health (continued) -- Tobacco Smoking (continued) -- Deaths -- Death Rate 3360. Heart Disease 4160. Statistics 3669, 4047. Young People 3797. "Quit" Campaign 6661. Women 5315. Health Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Jr. 4090. 2r. 4214, 5553. Corn. 5556-5562. 3r. 5562. Homosexual Persons - Bathhouse 395, 603. Horticulture -- Metropolitan Markets 384, Hospital Laundry and Linen Service 3925. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- 2r, 5384. Housing -- Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Draft 1288. Introduction 874, 3914, 5207, Provisions 1224., Rental Accommodation Shortage 5202. Human Tissue and Transpl ant Amendment Bill -- Intro.: IJr. 76. Industrial Relations Dispute -- Royal Perth Hospital 396. Insurance -- Life Insurance Policies 4056. Laing, Dr Nigel 7678. Land Sale - Claremont Mental Hospital Complex 336 1. Liberal Party -- Federal -- Health Policy 225 1. Local Courts Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 6749. 3r. 6750. Lo~cal Government -- Nedlands. City Council -- Swanbourne Rubbish Tip 3362. Subiaco City Council -- Avro Hospital 44-49. Wanneroo City Council -- Recreation Centres 2390. Margerts, Mr George 740. Matter of Public Importance -- Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Censure -- Amendment to Motion 2453. Members of Parliament- Federal Member for Kalgoorlie -- Polychlorinated Biphenyls Incinerator 2252, 2954. Opposition -- Federal - Health Policies 1987. Ministers of the Crown -- Australia Card 4164. Government Employees 1714. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance -- Amendment to Motion 2453. Minister for Health -- Air Charter 5697. Overseas Travel 4276. Motions -- Chemicals -- Polychlorinated B iphenyls -- Mobile Incinerator 1855. Sewerage -- Investigation -- Select Committee 3906. Urgency -- Health -- Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Waiting Lists 1050. Motor Vehicles -- Accidents -- Alcohol-related 6285. Central Register 244. Hire Purchase -- Register 356 1. Repossession 2527. Second-hand -- Brokers 53 10. Tyres -- Firestone Firehawk 6485. O'Sullivan, Mr Michael 3670, 4434. Price Checks 1439, 6813. Privatiisation -- Hospital Laundry and Linen Service 3924. Pyramid Selling -- Golden Aeroplane Game 7679. Real Estate Agents - Activities -- Grievance 5648. Religious Organisations -- Fair Trading Legislation 6479. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) - 2r. 5385. T T[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES)TT (431)(41

Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6974. Corn. 7439-7443, 7448-7511. 3r. 7511. Council's Amendments 8318. Retail Traders Association -- Shoplifting 244. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill - 2r. 6909. Second-Hand Dealers Act -- Review 526. sewerage -- lovestigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 3906. Treatment Plant -- Westfield 3249. Shoplifting 244. Small Claims Tribunals Act -- Amendment 1582. Small Claims Tribunals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5296. Sport and Recreation -- Basketball -- Perth Wildcats 6661. Diving -- Bends 735. Indoor Soccer -- Perth Cougars 6661. Recreation Centres -- Wannerco City Council 2390. State Finance -- Budget Allocations - Margaret River Hospital 4266. Ngal-A Mothereraft Home and Training Centre 4434. St John Ambulance 5568. State Psychiatrists Association -- Mental Health Services -- Inquiry 1289. Statement -- Ministerial -- Health - AIDS 224. Technology -- Computers -- Confidentiality -- Grievance 4112. Databanks 3797. Health Departmnent 5705, 6138. Hospitals 1227, 2956,6656. Information Systems -- Contract 1589. Tourism -- Caravan Park Regulatons 5704. Toys - Unsuitability 7680. Trade -- Imports--Kava 517. Transport -- Air- Charters -- Minister for Health 5697. Travel Agents Act -- Anomaly 601. Travenol tnfoheaith Systems Australia 1589. Unions - Hospital Service and Miscellaneous Workiers Union 396. Psychiatric Nurses Association 2689. Royal AustAan Nursing Federation 979, 3257. WA Development Corporation 370, 384. WA Exim Corporation -- Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 370. Waste Disposal -- Gosnelis Site 7519. Hazardous Wastes - Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 6474. Disposal Sites 5577. Health Department Policies 4907. Monitoring Bores 7673. Quantities 6473. Rural Areas 6473. Rubbish Tip -- Orange Grove - Grievance 3419. Question 5190. Sites -- Pesticide Testing 6473. Water Resources -- Underground 7519. Women's Interests -- Health Care 5315. "Women's Health and WeUl Being" 5193. Women's Health Policy Unit -- Establishment 589. Younger. Mr Ross -- Death -- Geraldtoo Hospital 1230.

THOMAS, MR WIL, BA (Welshpool) .. See also -Deputy Chairman of Comrmitrees in rthe Legislative Assembly and Acting Speaker". Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact - Mattr of Public Importance 7597.


Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 181. Amendment to Motion 564. Topics Discussed -- Financial Institutions -- Interest Rates 564. Health --Homefirths 18 1. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill - 2r. 3866. Topics Discussed -- 1974-75 and 1987-88 Budgets-.- Comparison 3866. Economic Planning 3866. Employment and Training 3870. Expenditure Review 3869. Public Sector Constraints 3866. Public Service-- Special Executive Service 3870. Social Welfare Ref'orms 3868. Taxes and Charges 3869. Associations Incorporation Bill -- 2r. 5015. Corn. 5247. Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 3897. Legal Advice -- Motion 4129. Opposition 4052. Australian Labor Party -- Division -- Random Breathi-testing 7688. Bernies Hamburger Bar 7346. Easton. Mr Brian 5976. Electoral -- Federal Election -- Liberal Party Success 1722. Vote-rigging Procedures 3381. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery -- Redevelopment - Matter of Public Importance 4514. Federal Budget 3687. Financial Institutions -- Rural and Industries Bank -- Select Committee Inquiry -- Amendment to Motion -- House to Divide 3472. Teachers; Credit Society Ltd -- Select Committee Inquiry- Amendment to Motion - House to Divide 3472. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6408. Housing 4597. Liberal Party -- Federal Election -- Success 1722. Local Government -- Perth City Council 5707. Matters of Public tmportance -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Compact 7597. Environment -- Old Swan Brewery .- Redevelopment 4514. Members of Parliament -- Member for East Melville -- As to Standing Orders Suspension- House to Divide 6736. Member for Mt Lawley 395. Member for Murchison-Eyre 600. Opposition- -- Mto 85 Ideas- Government's Stealing 5589. Salary Increases 6991. Mines Regulation Amendment Bill - 2r. 4845. Ministers of the Crown - - Minister for Minerals and Energy 3569. Premier 395. Views-.- Minister for Local Government- Perth City Council 5707. Motions -- Australia Card -- Bill -- Opposition 3897. Legal Advice 4129. Members of Parliament -- opposition- Promises -- Cost 4875. Parliamentary Privilege -- Freedom of Speech- Speaker's Action -- Motion, as Amended- House to Divide 6395. Police -- Random Breath-testing 7688. Prices- Consmer Price Index 994. Standing Orders Suspension -- Superannuation Board -- Mishandling- House to Divide 75. Superannuation Board -- Mishandling -- Standing Ordens Suspension -- House to Divide 75. T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T (433)

THOMPSON, HON Lb., JP (Kalrnnunda) -- Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- Staning Orders Suspension -- Point of Order 3767. 2r. 3780. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Council's Amendments 2869,2875. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfaue) Bill- 2r. 2195. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Superannuation) Bill - 2r. 7429. Corn. 7435. Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Houw) Bill- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6428. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7649. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bil -- 2r. 387 1. Points of Order 3879, 3880. Topics Discussed -- Electoral Reform 3872. Industrial Relations 3875. Minister for Labour, Productivity and Employment Canges to Departments 3878. North West Shelf Gas Project 3873. Corn. -. Division -- Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission 8077. Bread Amendment Bill-- 2r. 5626. Corn. 5769-5780. Council's Amendments 7670. Catialini. Ms Helen 1983. Coldale Constructions Pty Ltd 4776. Dangerous Goods -- Traffic Accidents 2679. Dog Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1091. Recoin. 1895,1897. Education .. Pre-prmary .. Maida. Vale 5568. Primary Schools -- Annadale 2243. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bil -- 2r. 6076, 6195. Electoral Distribution Amendment Bill - 2r. 5002. Employment and Training -- Apprentices -- Stale Energy Commission 4912. Energy -- Electricity -- Electrical Contractors' Licences 2394. North West Shelf - Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance 3304. State Energy Commission -- Apprentice Intake 4912. Factories and Shops Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5948. Government Business - Precedence - Wednesdays 2185. Health--_ Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Waiting Lists -- Urgency Motion 1054. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance -- Point of Order 2455: Remarks During Division 2455. Industrial Relations Amendment Bil (No 2)- Intro.: It. 3532. Industrial Relations Amendment Bill (No 4)- 2r. 7742. Corn. 7755. Industrial Relations -. Awads-- Annual Leave Loading 8352. Disputes--. Argyle Diamond Mines Ply Ltd 5206. North West Shelf - Gas Project -- Matter of Public Importance 3304. Employment Protection Legislation 125. Redundancy-Severance Pay Claim 4776. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Water Payments -- Arrears 8355. (434) T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Matters of Public Importance -- Energy -- North West Shelf -- Gas Project 3304. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery - Censure - Point of Order 2455: Remarks During Division 2455. Members of Parliament -- Member for Rockinghanm 1979. Opposition -- Cost -- Motion -- Point of Order 4864.: Amendment to Motion 4885. Stationery Allowance 1982. Minerals - Diamonds 5206. Minister for Conservation and Land Management -- Surgery -- Censure -- Matter of Public Importance -- Point of Order 2455; Renmarks During Division 2455. Motions -- Members of Parliament -- Opposition Promises - Cost--. Amendment to Motion 4885. Sewerage Investigation- Select Committee 3905. Urgency -- Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Waiting Lists 1054. Motor Vehicles -- Parliament Opening Day 2145. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Macedonian United Society 2954. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 5005. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1380. Council's Amendments 3207. 3209. 3214. Corn. 1748, 1755. 1761, 1764, 1775, t781, 1908, 1921-1971. Points of Order 1936, 1947. 3r. 2188. Parliament -- Opening Day -- Motor Vehicles 2145. Parliament H-ouse -- Temporary Accommodation -- Speaker's Role -- Notice of Motion 1348; Censure Motion 1348. Petitions -- Perth Observatory 2801. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill - Amendment 3390. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill -- 2r. 552 1. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6428. Corn. 6450-6460. Council s Amendments 7286. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- 2r. 6913. Road -- Great Eastern Highway 2679. Ruxton, Mr Bruce 1983. Salaries and Allowances Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1811. Select Committees-- Appointed -- Sewerage Investigation 3907. Sewerage -- Investigation -- Select Committee -- Motion 3905. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -- Parliament House -- Temporary Accommodation - Notice of Motion 1348; Censure Motion 1348. Standing Order No 164 -- Amendment -- Motion 1365. Taxes and Charges -- Electrical Contractors' Licences 2394. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment--. Petition 3390. Waterfront Workers (Compensation for Asbestos Related Diseases) Amendment Bill - 2r. 2462. Water Resources -- Water Authority 8355. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Amendment Bill - 2r. 2462.

TREASURER.- See "Burke,.Han Brian, JP".

TRENORDEN, MR M.W. (Avon)- Aboriginal Affairs -- Norihamn High School 7180. Acts Amendment (Building Societies and Credit Unions) Bill- 2r. 7138. Coin. 7147. Acts Amendment (Public Service) Bill -- 2r. 7633. T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECH-ESJ T (435)

Acts Amendment (Retail Trading Hours) Bill -- 2r. -- Cognate Debate 6442Z Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7642. Corn. 7649-7652. Address-in- Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 355. Amendment to Motion 718. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Children 355. Business -- Small Business -- Country 357. Crime 355. Emergency Services -- re Brigades 358. Housing 359.,718. Police Force 356. Roads 358. Society -- Values 355. Water Resources -- Charges 358. America's Cup -- Police Officers 595. Anzac Day -- Public Holiday 1720. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4348 Topics Discussed -- Businesses -- Country 4350. Education -- Agricultural 4350. Employment and Training 4348. Racing Industry 4349. Tourism 4350. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - 2r. 8031. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs 8034. Agriculture 803 1. Arts 8032. Avon River 803 1. Chemicals 8033. Education -- Aboriginal Education Aide 8034. Agricultural 8032. Country High School Hostels Authority 8034. Schools 8032. Technical and Further Education 8032. Permanent Care Unit 8032. Police - Northarn 8032. Small Business Development Corporation 8034. Tourism 8035- Water Resources 8033. Wundowie Progress Association 8033. Australia Card- Bill -- Opposition -- Motion 3765. BuildingSoceties 4044. Credit Unions 3922. Small Business 40-45. Betting Control Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Zr. 5947. Businesses -- Small Business 1573, 1862,4045. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendment 2646. Chemicals 3685, 4042, 4417, 5027., Committee for the Session - Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry- State Government Insurance Commission -- Motion 2187. Community Services - Departnent -- Youth 595. Domestic Violence Task Force 2152, 3246. Conservation and Land Management Department 3372, 68 10. Crime 595. Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 7758-7762. Declarations and Attestatrons Amendment Bill - 2r. 1797. (436) T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Education -- Northamn High School 7180. Regional Resource Centre -- East Nontharn 1423. School Cleaning -- Matter of Public Importance 2182. Teachers -- York 736. Tertiary 3558, 4265. Employment and Training -- Joblink Centres 5810, 6133, 6483. Environmental Protection Authority -- Cyanide Transport 4417. Evidence Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5536. Family Court Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2656. Financial Institutions -- Building Societies -- Australia Card 404-4. Fremantle Port Authority Amendment Bill - 2r. 6406. Gold Bankcing Corporation Bill -- Corn. 6118-6120. Government Buildings -- Avon House 5036. Harrison House. Northamn 4766.5189. Government Employees Superannuation Bill- Corn. 2377-2380. Government Employees -- Public Sector- Superannuation Scheme 3558. Government Guarantees -- Details -- Matter of Public Importance 5371. Government Railways Amendment Bill- 2r. 1802. Health -- Northamn Hospital 7926. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill - 2r. 5953. Housing -- Government Employees -- Noitharm 3242. 3243. 7926, 8328. Pilbara 5703. Industial Relations - Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Amendment to Motion 1218. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Estimated Liability 6657. Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference- Motion 2187. Liquor Amendment Bill - 2r. 2665. Corn. 2804-2816. Local Courts Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6747. Local Government -- Dudk Shooting Licences 6291. Marketing of Eggs Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1058. Matters of Public Importance -- Education -- School Cleaning 2182. Government Guarantees- Details 5371. Taxi-drivers -- Assaults- Prevention 3202. Minerals -- Quarries 5962. 6483. Ministers of the Crown -- Entertainment -- Expenditure 736. Motions -- Australia Card Bill -- Opposition 3765. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Amendment to Motion 1218. Police Commissioner -- Confidence -- Amendment to Motion 7425. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts andl Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference 2187. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7119. Motor Vehicles 1585. 4764. Occupational Health. Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1681. Corn. 1776, 1922, 1934. Petitions -- Sex Shops -- Control 7412, 8029. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- Amendment 3302. 3977, 4348, 4683. 5495, 5887, 7412. police -- Commissioner -- Confidence -- Motion - Amendment to Motion 7425. Housing -- Northam 7926, 8328. T T ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]) T (437)47

Police (continued) -- Nontharn Region 7528.,1927. Officers -- America's Cup Duty 595. Stations- Civilian Clerks 7691. Regional Development -- South West Development Authority 3305. Residential Tenancies Bill -- 2r. 6958. Corn. 7467, 7504. Retail Trading Hours Bill -- 2r. -. Cognate Debate 6442. Corn. 6450-6460. Rivers 1792. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 3337. Roads -- Funding 1253. Pingelly-Wandering 4042. Rottnest Island Authority Bill - 2r. 5936. Sex Shops -- Control -. Petitions 7412,8029. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6610. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - 2r. 4992. Southern Districts Thoroughbred Association 5565. 5963. Sport and Recreation -- Avon Descent 3372. Stamp Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6796. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 2606. State Government Insurance Commission Review -- Terms of Reference -Motion 2187. Superannuation and Family Benefits Amendment Bibl -- 2r. 2354. Superannuation 2516, 3558. Taxes and Charges -- Exemptions 6493, 6494, 6980. Tourism -- Inbound Tax 4155. Transport - Cyanide 3685, 4042, 5027. Road- Canter Quarries Pry Ltd 6483. Taxis - Delays -- Eastern Suburbs 3663. Taxi-drivers -- Assaults .. Preventiont -- Mailer of Public Importance 3202. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- 2. 2089. Corn. 2099-2117. Petitions 3302, 3977, 4348, 4683, 5495, 5887, 7412. Water Resources .- Mains Extensions 5587. Waterfront Workers (Compensation for Asbestos Related Diseases) Amendment Bifl -- 2r. 2462. Western Quarries Ply Ltd 6493, 6494,6980. Wildlife -- Duck Shooting Licences 5962, 6291. Workers' Compensation and Assistance Amendment Bill - 2r. 2463.

TROY. HON GJ, 8 Bus, AVAM, JP, MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT, AND MINI1STER FOR SMALL BUSINESS .. Aboriginal Affairs -- Brickbill Campsite 1104. Acts Amendment (Port Authorities) Bill -- 2r. 7106. Corn. 7111-71 13. 3r. 7113. Acts Amendment (Taxi-Cmr) Bill -- 2r. 5287. Points of Order 155 1. Aged Persons -- Travel Concessions 4567. Agriculture .- Farms.-- Motor Vehicles -- Overload Permits 5428. Sertilisers - Deliveries 1134. America's Cup 148, 377. (438) T (438) T[NDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]T T

Appropniation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Corn. -- Divisions -- Marine and Harbours 8061. Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Transport Trust 3067. 8068. Small Business Development Corporation 8076. Transport 8063. 8065. Western Australian Coastal Shipping Commission 8072. 8073. Western Australian Government Railways Commission 800, Australia Card -- Small Business -- Compliance 4045. Bankruptcies -- Increases 1229. Boating Industry Association of WA Inc. 5957, 5970. Etinbury Pont Authority Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 3391. 2r. 3554. Businesses -- Computer Company -- Closure 1439. Rural -- Drought Assistance 7934. Small Business -- Australia Card -- Compliance 4045. Bankruptcies 1229. 1573. Development Corporation Act -- Review 3670. Duty-free Industry -- ini-Budget Effect 1362. Rural -- Assistance 133. 867, Discussions 992. Inquiry 161. 249. Report 131, 867. Small Business Development Corporation -- Act -- Review 3364. Business Migration Programme 149. Exenditure 4755. Loan Guarantees 3911. Operations 3364. Outstanding Debts 4435. Rural Assistance 867. Chemical -- Cyanide _-Transportation 3685. 4042. Christmas Island -- Vessels - Delays 7683. City of Perth Parking Facilities Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 1534. Cuomo. Mr Mark 1425. Dangerous Goods -- Traffic Accidents 2679. Education - Non-Government Schools -Prindiville Catholic College -- Buses 2242. Tertiary -- Sporting Goods Stores 1120. Energy -- Fuel -- Butk 6487. 6488. 7514. Distributors -- interstate 6487. Facility -- [-illarys Boat Harbour 1432. Shell Agent, Esperance 6487. Evers. Mr Tom -- Overseas Trip 1134. 1577. Fire Brigades -- Road Transport Emergentcy Assistance Scheme 236. Forests -- Sleepers -- Price 1587. Fre mantle Port Authority Amendment Bill -- Intro.: I r. 1173. 2r. 1534.,6409. Corn. 6413. 6414, 6422-6426. 3r. 6427. Gill, Dr Jim 130, 382. Government Accounts -- Prompt Payment 1437. Governiment Employees -- Departments -- Ministers of the Crown 1430. Government Instrumentalities -- Advertising Budget 1870. Dealings -- Gove rnment Corporations 370. Governiment Railways Amendment Bill -- Intro.: Ir. 1173. 2r. 1278, 1802. Corn. 1804. 3r. 1804. Grain 3265. 4284, 4566, 5318. T T ~[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T' (439)49

Grievances . Roads -- Mitchell Freeway 3415. Shopping Cents -- Rentals 810. Traffic-.- Perth Electorate 1817. Health -- AIDS Awareness Campaign 5587. Disabled Persons -- Wheelchairs 7923. Foodstuffs -- Ionizing Radiation 141. Howard Butler and Associates Pry LId 968. Industrial Relations -- Disputes -- Bus Drivens 525. Fremantle Port 1881.,2149,2677,7919,7920. Ports 7672. John Connell & Associates -- Railway Electrification -- Report 1415. John Curtin -- Passenger Survey Requirements 149. Land 1235. 6806. Lendich, Mr Zelkoi 1425, 1432. 1433. Local Government -- Cockbumn City Council-.- Robb Jetty Railway Line I1118. Country Shire Councils Association 6293, 8329. Derby Shim Council -- Airport 7159. Melville City Council -- South Street 524, 1115. 3678,4755, 7166. Murray Shine Council -- Yunderp Canals 6463. Perth City Council -- Bunswood Bridge 4759. Main Roads Amendment Bill- Council's Amendments 2647, 2664, 2665. Matter of Public lmportane-..Taxi-drivers -- Assaults-- Prevention 3198. Members of Parliamnent -- Member for Dale .- Comments -- Railway Electrification 894. Member for Mt Lawley -- Superdrome -- Bus Route 6493. Minerals - Gravel Pit - Petition 45 1. Gypsum- Road Tra nr 6295. Iron Ore- Barrt Scheme 8338. Mineral Sands -- Road Cartage 990. Quarries -- Canter Quarries Pry Ltd 6483. Gypsum -- Yelbeni 4592. Western Quarries Pry Ltd 1117, 5962. Ministers of the Crown -- Government Employees -- Positions 1430. inister for Transport -.. Cuomo, Mir Mark 1425. Legal Action 5565. Lendich, Mr Zelko 1425. Meeting -Road Transport Association 6675. Overseas Trip -- Benefits 5956. Overseas Travel 4276. Motor Vehicles -- Drivers 869. 968. Fam -. Overload Permits 5428. Parking - Perth Central Business District 52 1. Perth City Council Policy 5965. Perth Railway Station 6282. Volume 83331. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Business Migration Programme 149. Natural Disaster -- Drought -- Assistance 7934. Ocean Freeway Pry Ltd -- Government Assistance 53 1. Paciexpoi 2954, 3247, 4050. Petitions -- Great Eastern Highway -- Right-hand Turn Lanes 2443. Minerals - Gravel Pit 45 1. Roads -- Mt Newman-Port Hedland -- Sealing 875. Planning -- Mosman Park Tearooms -- Jetty -- Lease 968. Licence 134, 520, 871, 1252, 1862, 3258, 3556. Police .. Heavy Haulage Division 866. Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 1173. 2r. 1173, 21 19. 3r. 2120. (440) T (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Ponts and Harours -- Barge Harbour -- Fremantle 4037. 8087. Boat Harbour -- Hillarys 1432. 1434. Casual Ship Painters and Dockers Pool 1227. Commercial Marine Industry, Fremantle 1792, 1793, 1876. Conservancy Dues 6807. Curtis Bay, Dunsborough 6125. Dredging- Yunderup Canals 6463, 8088, 8335, Fremantle- Commercial Operators -- Facility 3268. Containers Handled 8328. Disputes 1881. Port Authority -- Industrial Actions 7919. Private Cargo Terminal 7924. Stoppages 1861. 2149, 2677. Trade Competition 7921. World Comparisons 7920. Fremantle Port Authority -- Political Strikes 792-0. Unloading Levy 8355. Industrial Disputes -- Details 7672. Jetties - Frem antile- Leasehold 587. Mosmari Park Tearooms -- Lease 968. Licence 871. 1252, 3258. Tankers -- Esperance 7168. The Anchorage Development 1874. Marine and Harbours Department -- The Anchorage Development 1786. Port Authorities -- Privatisation 989. The Anchorage--Facilities -- Relocation 1877. Waterfront Committee -- Meetings 3378. Questions On Notice -- Redirection 4269. Regulations -- Office of Regulatory Review 373. Roads -- Albany Highway 2519. Australian Bicentennial Road Development Programme -- Bunbury Buses 8332. Bicentennial Road Development Programme -- Government Attitude 876. Bridges -- Balcatta Road 1107. Bwswoodl 4759, 7514, 833 1. BusseUl Highway 875. Narrows Duplication 866. Shelley 3916, 391L7. Brookton Highway-Canning Road, Karragullen -- Junction 7160. Brookton Highway 8342. Buflflncb-Warraiakin 875. By-pass -- Northamn 1579, 4573. Cascade-Lake King 4760. 5588. Condition -- Comments 8326. Construction Funds 5979, 8331, 8332. Coral Bay Road 876, 2689. Emergency Assistance Scheme -- Fire Services 236. Eyre Highway -_ Trucks -- Speed Limit 1434. Farrington Road 526, 3916. Forrest Road 526. Funding -- Arterial Roads 1223. Claims 8329. Commonwealth Contrbutions 6282. Cuts -- Mini-Budget 876. Mini-Budget -- Effect 1253. Grants -- Administnnion 1 108. Great Eastern Highway - Dangerous Goods -- Accidents 2679. Right-hand Turn Lanes -- Petition 2443. Karel Avenue 972. Kwinana Freeway -- Contra-flow lane 387, 8090. Extension 3910. Southern Extension 365. T T ~[TNDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T (441)41

Roads (conitinued) - Length 8332. Main Roads Department -- Budget Allocation -- Urban Transport Projects 427 1. Commissioners 4575, 5024. Contracts -- Retention Money 5183. Gill. Dr Jim 130. Payments -- Kimberley Land Council 2696. Maintenance .. Motor Vehicle Volumes 833 1. Programme 8330. Mitchell Freeway -- Construction - Contractual Problems 3667. Facilities Access -- Grievance 3416. Footbridge -- Construction 4568. Mt Newman-Port Hedfland 875. 991. Nanga Brook Road 877. Northern Perimeter Highway 1107. PingdIly-Wandering -- Cyanide Transport 4042. Railway Road, Shenton Park -- Crosswalk 4762. Riseley Street 872. Roe Highway 1104,5190.. Salisbury Road 596. Servetus Street 388, 522. South Swreet 524, 1115,.3678. 4755. 5583, 7166. Southern Cross-Wyalkatchem 4266. Stirling Highway 878. Transport -- Gypsumn 6295. Shopping -- Centres -- Rentals -- Grievance 810. Sporting Goods Stores -- Tertiary Institutions 1120. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill - Intro.: I r. 339 1. Sport and Recreation--. Cycles -- Bikeplan - Bunbury 589. Jet Skis -_ Safety 138. Superdrome -- Bus Route -- Member's Comments 6493. State Finance -- Budget Allocations -- Urban Public Transport Projects 427 1. Stock -- Crates -- Heights -- Regulation 457 1. Transport -- Volumetric Loading 991. Superannuation Board -- The Anchorage 1786, 1874, 1877, 2141. Taxes and Charges - Exemptions 6494, 6980. Fuel Franchise Levy -- Estimated Income 6983. Revenue 1863, 457 1. Westrail Payments 6667. Fuel Taxes -- Concern 6293. Sales Tax -- Exemption -- Western Quarries Pry Ltd 6493, 6494. Lubricants 6668. Total West -- Payments 6668. Transport Industry -- Interstate 7156. Taxi-Car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5405. 3r. 5406. Tourism .- Australian Airlines _-Sale 152. Hawkesbury River Cruises -- Westrail Promotion 3481. Hotel Complex -- Jurien Boat Hartour 4569. Railways - Rolling Stock 1591. Trade -- Competition -- Fremauntie Port 792 1. Exports - Papua New Guinea 8328. Silica Sands 587. Imports -- Transport Equipment 6664. Mission -- Papua New Guinea 6478, 8346. (442) T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Traffic -- Accidents 240,4908. Counts -- Coral Bay Road 876. Hazards -- Archer Street-Great Eastern Highway 123. Lights--. Beaufort-Walcott Streets 4765. Benningfield Road-South Street 1241. Centenary Avenue-Leach Highway 886, 1115. Ranford-Warton Roads 239. Stock-Yangebup Roads Intersection 7166. Perth Electorate -- Grievance 1817. Speed Limits--. Farrington Road 526. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill (No 2)- 2r. 6785. Corn. 6788. 3r. 6789. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill - 2r. 7324. Withdrawal of Remark 7327. Corn. 7329-7335. 3r. 7335. Transport -- AIDS Advertising 3587. Air - Albany 11l1, 1287, 1582. Albany and Esperance -. Alternative Operators 1582. Ansett Group -- Skywest Airlines Pty Ltd 4907. Australian Airlines 152, 156. Derby Airport 7158.,7159. Equipment- Eastern European Imports 698 1. Esperance -- Alternative Operators 1287, 1582. Inbound Flights 7525. Iandakot Airport -- Formation Circuit Training 6304. Perth Airports -- Bus Services 7514. Petit International Airport - Sale 1579. Skywest Airlines Ply Ltd -- Takeover 4907. Authorities -- Fraudulent Claims 5023. Bulk Fuel -- Regulations 6488. Bunbury City Transit -- Subsidy 4434. Buses -- Accidents 4908. Bus Stations 3827. 3829.,5189. Bullcxeek-Booragoon Service 142. Bunbuxy 8332. Charter 2929. Children's Concessions 4S91. Contra-flow Lane 387, 1238. Fremantle-Mirrabooka 1234. Mosman Park-Perth 1234. Mundaring-Parterville 143. Operations -- Merredin Electorate 877. Perth Airports 7514. Rerouting -- Diana Crescent, Lockridge 972. School -- Alinjarra-Baflajura-Noranda 5578. Canning Vale 7166. Forest Crescent 8329. Prindiville Catholic College 2242. Services - Connolly 241. Superdrome 6493. Tourist -- Bus Stops 7681. Transfer Stations - Kwmoana 1587. Two Rocks-Yanchep -- Weekend Service 142. Westrail 1240, 8326. Yhagen-gFebu-p Service 142. Chargs--uel isttibutors -- Interstate 6487. Cyanide 3685, 4042. Department - Mailed Article 4591. Staff 586. T T ~INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T (443)43

Transport (continued) -- Fares -- Concessions -- Review 523. Ferries-- Fertiliser Deliveries It134.. MV Perth 989. 3493. 5959 Regulations 5577. Grain 3265, 4566. Livestock -- Problems -- Committee 4568. Metropolitan Transport Trust 4567. Monorail -- Examination 5956. Passengers 1222. Pilot Boat - PrincessRoyal 1865. Rail -- Deregulation 6669. Railways - Bonnie Rock-Burakin 2697. Bunbury-Perib 1226. Closures -- Tourist Railways 159 1. Electrification -- Consultants' Report 1415. Contracts 6287. Expenditure 1103. Hicks Committee 1104. Lendich, Mr Zelko 1433. Members' Comments 894. Tenders 1579, 2519. Fares -- Concessions 3918. Fremarnle-Perth 1976. passenger Services -- Flow Chart 1103. Prospector-- Meckering Stop 4576. Railcars -- Queensland Government 377. Robb Jetty 11 18. Sleepers - Price 1587. Stations 4907,6282. Transit-type Operations 1592. Walkaway 7168. Road Trains .. Interdepartmental Committee 6808. Road Transport Association -- Meeting -- Minister for Transport 667 5. Roads -- Coral Bay -- Traffic Counts 2689. Interstate -- Legislation 970. Registration fees 698 1. Taxation Burden 7156. Licence -- Canter Quarries Pty Ltd 6483. Pennit -- Weight System 4570. Shipping-- Barge Service -- Broome-Koolan Island 8355. Roll-on Roil-oft -- Project Evaluation 246. Ships (Capital Grants) BllU-- Effect 1578. Statesbips -- Cbarters 6297. Christmas Island 7683. Cocos Islands 5422, 7683. Container Crane 7682. Costs 4759. Crew Numbers 7167. Crewing Costs 7924. Expenditure 4754. Financial Position 1252. Gangway Watchmen 7682. General Manager -- Information 8087. Losses 791IS. Maintenance 767 1. North West Services 6294. Outstanding Debts 4435. Papua New Guinea 5421, 6983, 8327, 8328. Singapore Accommodation 7167. South East Asian Operations 4052, 4266. Roll-on Roll-off Service 135. System - Benefits -- Minister's Trip 5956. (444) T IINDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] T

Transport (continued) - Taxis - Delays -- Eastern Suburbs 3663. Drives- Assaults - Prevention -- Matter of Public Importance 3198. Security Devices 2526. Wheelchairs 7923. Total West -- Taxes and Charges 6668. Trading Figures 5965. Transpertli -- Employees -- Previous Service 7160. Expenditure 4754. Fares -- Increases 1987. Name Change 373. Outstanding Debts 4435. Passenger Liaison Committee -- Lockridge 97 1. Revenue Source 8343. Strike -- Drivers'Transport 525. Trust Fund -- Payments 1157. Yangebup 3917. Westrtil -- Advertising Budget 1870. Amalgamation 7518S. Corporate Identity 8329. Employees 1228. 1978. Employment -- Age Limit 295 1. Expenditure 4894. Fraudulent Cairns 4567. Fuel Tax Payments 6667. Gill, Dr Jm 130. 382. Grain -- Freight 4566. Hawkesbury River Cruises .. Promotion 348 1. Joint Ventures -- Tax Exemption Status 6494. Jolimont Lant- Sale 3910. Lubricants -- Sales Tax 6668. Outstanding Debts 4435. Road Operations.-- Sale 4905. Staff -- Motor Vehicles 5188. Safety Glasses 2949. Sale 5963. 6137. Union Officials -- Overseas Trips 1134, 1577. WA Development Corporation - Government Instrumentalities -- Dealings 370. WA Exim Corporation -- Government lnstrumentalities-.- Dealings 370. Watson, Mr Colin M. .- Asbestos-related Disease -- Legal Action 5565, 6137. Webb, Professor Martin .- Narrows Bridge -- Duplication 866. Webls, Mr Bob -- Overseas Trip 1134, 1577. Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill -- Into.; Ir. 1174. 2r. 1174. Cognate Debate 2119. 3r. 2120. Western Quarries Pry Ltd -- Sales Tax Exemption 6493, 6494, 6980. White, Mrs Margaret - Train Speeds -- Walkaway 7168.

TUBBY, MR RJ, JP (Greenough) -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Lands Trust -- Barrel Well 2688. Reserve No 1475 -- Granting 1984. Address-in- Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 581. Topics Discussed -- Barrel Webl Reserve 582. Electoral -- One-vote-one-value 582. Health - IPTAAS 581. Local Goverment -- North Ward - Country Shire Councils Association 582. Regional Development 582. Taxes and Charges - Fuel Tax 58 1. T [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W (445)

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4393. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs -- Barrel Well Reserve 4398. Ranger-- Mullewa 4399. Agriculture -- Current Situation 4395. Emu Faxmning 4396. Australia Card 4393. Education -- Moruwa - Hostel 4399. TAPE College. Geraldion 4393. Training -- Station Hands 4399. Electoral -- State Elections 4394. Health -- Chemists 4396. Mullewa District Hospital 4393. Police -- Law and Order 4394. Private Citizen -- Financial Dealings 4393. Crime- Capitatl Punishment -- Reintroduction - Petition 14. Education - Northampton District High School 6808. Technical and Further Education -- Functional Review Committee Report 6133. Grain 6984, 6986. Health -- Hospitals -- Bed Occupancy Averages 2688. Housing -- Defence Home Loans Scheme 4164. Land -- Reserves--. Barrel Well 2688. Classification -- Notification 2688. No 1475 -- Aboriginal Group 1984. Liquor Licences .. Marina Hotel 6287. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7256. Coin. 7301. Local Government -- Northampton Shire Council -- Barrel Well 2688. Rates -- Agricultural 53 10. Ministers of'the Crown -- Cabinet-- Functional Review Committee- Technical and Further Education 6133. Petitions -- Crime -- Capital Punishment -- Reintroduction 14. Police Station -- Geraldton -- Staffing 176. Railway Crossing-- Walkaway 1794. Sex Shops -- Control 7590, 8314. Police Station -- Geraldton -- Staffing -- Petition 176. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 6629, 6630. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition7590,8314. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 2904. Corn. 2915, 2916, 2919. Soil Fertility Research Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4984. Transport .- Buses- School -- Geraldton 7516. Wesu-nil -- Tenders 1240. Railway Crossing -- Walkaway -- Petition 1794. Transpertli -- Revenue Source 8343. Wildlife -- Emu Parning 3485, 3658,4902, 6669. Rabbit Parming 3658.

WATKINS, MRS itP iP (inondalup) - Building Industry 254. Electoral -- Federal Election 2692. Employment and Training 4161. Government Advertising 4454. Government Employees 6820. (446) W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECH-ES] W

Grievance -- Police Staffing -- Warwick 4522. Health -- ADDS Awareness Campaign 5587. Housing -- Federal Package 254. Industrial Relations -- Commonwealth Legislation -- Condemnation -- Motion 1564. liberal Party Candidate -- Federal Election 2692. Local Government Amendment Bill -- Corn. 2507, 2510. Members of Parliament -- Leader of the Opposition 1983. Opposition 68202- Petition -- Hepburn Avenue -- Dual Carriageway 3849. Police Staffing -- Warwick -- Grievance 4522. State Finiance -- Budget Forecast 20. Taxes and Charges -- Increases -- Statement by Leader of the Opposition 1983. Transport - AIDS Advertising 5587.

WATSON, DR J., Cat Nsg Ed, B Sc (Runs), Ph D. JP, (Canning) -- Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Question -- Provisions -- Implementation 5203. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill -- 2r. 4542. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Motion 352. Topic Discussed - Aged Persons -- Ethnic Minority Groups 352. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4019. Topic Discussed - Health -- Smoking 4019. Bicentennial Celebrations 6142. Bread Amendment Bill -- Question 1876. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1062. Government Employees -- Reduction 3822. Grievance -- Health -- Tobacco Smoking -- Cigarette Sales - Children 5645. Health Amendment ]Bill - 2r. 5550. Health - Hospitals -- Elective Surgery -- Waiting Lists - Urgency Motion 1053. Royal Perth 396. Swan Distict 752. Tobacco Smoking- Cigarette Sales -- Children -- Grievance 5645. Industrial Relations Dispute -- Royal Perth Hospital 396. Minister of the Crown -- Premier - Government Employees -- Reduction 3822. Motion -- Urgency -- Hospitals -- Elective Surgery - Waiting Lists 1053. Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs -- Language Services 3924. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1387. Corn. 1913, 1915. Council's Amendments 3218-3220. Petitions- Sex Shops -- Control 8029, 8314. Planning -Bernies. Hamburger Bar 257. Police -- Headlight Testing Service 542. Radar Guns 2679. 2946. Retail Trading Hors Bill- Question 1876. Road Traffic Amendment (Random Breath Tests) Bill -- Corn. 6929. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petitions 8029, 8314. Shopping -- Trading Hors Legislation 1876. Union -- Hospital Servce and Miscelanous Workers Union -- Dispute 396. Workers' Compensation 5711.

WATT, MR LH., JP, (Albany) . See aLso "Deputy Chainnan of Committees in the Legislative Assembly and Acting Speaker'. Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill -- Standing Orders Suspension -- Point of Order 3767. 2r. 3784. w [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ W (447)

Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill -- 2r. 4539. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speecb - Motion 67 1. Amendment to Motion 676. Point of Order 192. Topic Discussed -- Prices 67 1. Aged Persons -- Services -- Budget Allocation 44 10. Agriculture -- Pesticides 5574, 5957. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4357. Topics Discussed -- Aged Persons -- Senior Citizens' Card 4357. Agriculture -- Beef Industry 4363. "Albany Tomorrow" 43 60. 4363. Breakwater -- Boat Harbour 4362. Employment and Training 4359. Government Offices 4362. Hospital 4362. Museum 4362. Navigational Aids 4362. Police Ucensing Centre 4362. Population 4360. Port Authority 4362. Regional Prison 4362. Sewerage Works 4362. Travel - Truck Drivers 4359. Valencia Lodge 4362. Water Supply 4362. Westraul 4362. Corn.- Divisions -- Consumer Affairs 8081, 8084-8086, Great Southern Development Authority 7850. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill - Zr. 4724. Topics Discussed -- Communications 4726. Employment -- Bunbury 4724. Health Clubs 4724. Australia Day Holiday -- 1988 Celebration 2693. Bills of Sale Amendment Bill -- 2r. - - Cognate Debate 6756. Chattel Securities Bill -- 2r. 6756. Corn. 6762-6764. Question 6126. Citizens' Advice Bureaus 1577, 2138. Committee for the Session -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Commnittee - Government Utility Charges -- Inquiry -- Motion 1832. withdrawal of Remark 1829. Small Claims Tribunal -- Recommendations 124. State Government Insurance Commission -- Inquiry - Motion 2187. Communications -- Radio -- Racing Broadcasts 1792. Consumer Affairs - - 52 Board Game - Gas 52 Firestone Ftrebawk Tyres 6484. Indebtedness -- Western Australia 5197. Price Watcb Director -- Appointment 243. Small Claims Tribunal 124,374, 3561. Toy-nasties -- Policy 3562. Copemtan, Mr Charles -- Industrial Relations Activities- Point of Order 2397. Credit Act -- Rule of 78, p. 7515. Crime 243,2678. Door to Door Trading Amendment Bill -- 2f. 6796. Door to Door Trading Bill -- 2r. 947. Corn. 950-954. (448) W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W

Edgel Birdseye Pty Ltd it112,295 1. Education 888, 4757. Electricity -- Power Poles -- Pesticides 5574. Fair Trading Bill -- 2r. 6797, Corn. 6803.,6804. Fr Extinguishers 1120. Fisheries -- Nomnalup, Inet 5692. Forests -- Resources - Committee of Inquiry 3818. Government Employees 888. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. 792. Corn. 942-946. Health -- Drugs -- Marijuana -- "Grass" Board Game 3562. Foodstuffs -- PVC Wrapping - Hazard 3667. Health Clubs 4587. 477 1. Hosital -- Albany Regional 1225. 2951, 3562.,3665. Medical Practitioners' Fees 7679. Patients -- "Consumers" 7679. Psychiatrists - Regional Areas 124, Horticulture -- Potatoes -- Cyst Nematode 518. 3816. Housing 383, 5207. Insurance -- State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference - Motion 2187. Land Purchases -- Albany 3%18. Local Courts Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6748. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7264. Local Government 531. 3261. Member for Stirling -- Albany Town Council -- Allegations 3261. Motions -- Government Utilities - Charges -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee - inquiry t832; Withdrawal of Remark 1829. Standing Order No 164 -- Amendment 1359. State Government Insurance Commission -- Public Accounts and Expenditure Review Committee Inquiry -- Terms of Reference 2187. Motor Vehictes -- Central Register -- Fraud 244. Government 888. Hire Purchase Register -- Legislation 3561. Licences - Stickers -- Identification 5197. Police Use -- Compensation 4040. Second-hand Brokers -- Operations 53 10. Tyres -- Firestone Firebawk 6484. Office of Regulatory Review -- Continuation 11I11. Petition -- Prisoners -- Halfway House 45 1. Police -- Motor Vehicles -- Compensation 4040. Prices- Price Check 1439, 6812. Prisoners - Halfway House -- Petition 45 1. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill -- 2r, 5522. Pyramid Selling -- Golden Aeroplane Game 7679. Racing and Trotting 1424, 1792. Regional Development -- "Albany Tomnorrow" 3262, 3817. "Bunbury 2000" ' pp. 2957, 3817. Geraldton 3S16. Great Southern Development Authority 7937. Regulations - Offce of Regulatory Review 373. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Zr. 6937. Corn. 7438-7506. Retail Traders Association -- Shoplifting -- Videos 243. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2)- Zr. 3339. Road Traffic Amendment EU]l (No 3)- 2r. 5285. Rotumast sand Authority Bill - 2r. 5910, 5934. Corn. 5941, 5942. Council's Amendment 6934. W w[INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W (449)49

Sale of Government Property (Parliamentary Approval) Bill -- 2r. 4146. Shoplifting. Increase 243. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. -- Withdrawal of Remark 6602. Sport and Recitation 531. 587. Standing Order No 164-- Amendment -- Motion 1359. Suite Government Insurance Commission Review -- Ternms of Reference -- Motion 2187. Supply Bill -- 2r. 2937. Point of Order 293 1. Topics Discussed -- Albany Town Council 2937. Minister for Local Government 2937. Tourism 4059, 5704, Transport. Air 1111, 4059. Pilot Boat - PrincessRoyral - Sale 1865. Railways - Marshalling Yards 3262,3263. Transperib -- Name Change 373. Travel Agents Act -- Anomaly 60 1. Trustee Companies Ball - 2r. - Point of Order 7656. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill -- 2r. 2092. Corn. 2100-2116.

WENN, HON DOUG (ot et. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion 428. Topics Discussed -- Fisheries -- Mandurab 43 1. Hospital -- Margaret River 430. Kerguelen Islands 428. Nudlear Testing 429. Police Station -- Augusta 430. South West Mobile Counselling Service 43£1. Adjournment Debates -- Employment and Training -- Unemployment -- South West 2594. Health -- Margaret River Hospital 4969. Parliament House -- Fire Alarm 5747. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill. -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 4074. Topic Discussed - Regional Development 4074. Community Services -- Complaints 1657. Door to Door Trading Bill -- 2r. 1447. Employment and Training -- Unemployment -- South West -- Adjourrnent Debate 2594. Fire Alarm - Parliament House - Adjournment Debate 5747. Fisheries Amendment BiUl (No 2) -- 2r. 7568. Health -- Margaret River Hospital -- Member's Commnrs -- Adjournment Debate 4969. Member of Parliament -- Wenn, Hon Doug -- Margaret River Hospital -- Comments 4969. Parliament House -- Fire Alarm - Adjournment Debate 5747. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 6006. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6847. Supply Bill -- 2r. 3124. Topics Discussed -- Complimentary Remarks - Ferry, Hon V.3. 3124. Harding, Mr Alan 312Z4. (450) w (450) W[INDEXTO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES]w w

WIESE, MR RL. (Narrogln) -- Acts Amendment (Financial Provisions of Regulatory Bodies) Bill - 2r, 5908. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill -- 2r. 589. Corn. 5900, 5905. Acts Amendment (Imprisonent and Parole) Bill -- 2r. 7764. Corn. 7766-7768. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- Zr. 6227. Corn. 6249, 6252, 6262-6279. Acts Amendment (Lega Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - 2r. 5787. Corn. 5793. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill- 2r. 455 1. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7652. Agriculture Protection Board 5205. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- 2r. 4252. Topics Discussed -- Agriculture -- Department 4253. Businesses ~-Rural 4256. Chemicals -- CSBP 4256. Education 4255. Handicapped Persons -- Numbat Industries 4257. Payroll Tax 4252. Telecom 4256. Water Resources 425 5. Corn.-- Division -- Office of Racing and Gaming 8060. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bill -- 2r. 8037. Topics Discussed -- Aboriginal Affairs 8039. Agriculture Department -- Narrogin 8037. Economy -- Rural Industry 8040. Education 8037. Housing -- Marribank Village 8040. Penth-Albany ighway 8040. Transport -- Grain 8038. Water Resources 8039. Corn. -- Division -- Technical Education Buildings 8045. Associations Incorporation Bill -- 2r. 5012. Corn. 5251-5260. Bread Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5636. Criminal Investigations (Extra-territorial Offences) Bill -- 2r. 5540. Education -- Technical and Further Education -- Narrogin 1988. Employment and Training -- Employment Schemes -- Narrogin - Petition 7590. Forests -- State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication -- Motion 6934. Gold Banking Corporation Bill - Corn. 61 15-6123. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill - Z2r. 5403. Health Amendment Bill - 2r. 5545. Corn. 5556-5561. Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Bill -- 2r. 5414. Con- 5533. Lo~cal Government Amendment Bill (No 2)- Corn. 7294. L~cal Gover-nment Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2482- Council's Amendments 3231. W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECH ESJ W (451t)

Maiden Speech 1698. Matter of Public Importance -- Transport -- Air -- South Africa 4833. Mines Regulation Amendment Bill - 2r. 4846. Motion -- State Forests -- Partial Revocation of Dedication 6934. Motor Vehicles 2687, 3825. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1774, 1956. Pay-roUl Tax Assessment Amendment BiUl -- 2L.6791. Corn. 6794. Petitions -- Sex Shops -- Control 7590. Youthforce -- Narrogin -- Closure 7590. Public and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5522. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 7486. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 364. Seizure of Connected Property Bill -- 2r. 5302. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7590. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 2908. Corn. 2915. 2917, 2919. 3r. 2920. Council's Amendments 3237. Supply Bill -- 2r. 1698. Topics Discussed -- Education 1700. Employment 1698. Environment 1701. Finance 1700, Government Services 1702. Small Business 1698. Water Resources. 1700. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7317. Corn. 7329-7334. Transport -- Air -- South Africa -- Matter of Public Importance 483 3. Trustee Companies Bill -- 2r. 7658. Corn. 7661-7667. Water Authority Amendment Bill -- 2rL 3393. Corn. 3396. Youthforce -- Narrogin -- Closure -- Petition 7590.

WILLIAMS, HON JOHN, BA, JP (Metropolitan) -- See also "Deputy Chairman of Comrninees in the Legisladve Council and Deputy President'. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- 2r, 1149. Acts Amendment (imprisonment and Parole) Bill -- 2r. 5824. 6366. Order Discharged 6347. Assembly's Amendments 8010. Acts Amendment (Legal Practitioners, Costs and Taxation) Bill - Corn. 3958-3965, 4465,4466. Acts Amendment (Totalisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - Corn. 7981, 7989. Acts Amendment and Repeal (Gaming) BWl -- 2r..5984. Address-in-Reply to Govemnor's Speech - Motion 613. Topics Discussed -- Congratulatory Remarks 613. Health -- AIDS 616. Prisons 614. Tourism 61t7. (452) W (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHESJ W

Adjournment Debates - Legislative Council -- Sittings of the House 31t86. Parliament House -- Congestion 175. Staff -- Retirement 3186. Adjournment of the House -- Ordinary - Point of Older 1268. Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 5216. Topics Discussed -- - Courss-Clerks of Court 527. Crime- Punishment 5218. Prisoners 5216. Prisons -- "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" 5216. Betting Control Amendment Bill - 2r. 11t62. Blood Donation (Limitation of Liability) Amendment Ball- Zr. 4781. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r, 5475. Constitution Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4782. Court. Local -- Small Disputes Division 7234. Crime -- Sexual Assaults 2170. Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 6863. Corn. 6866. Criminal Investigation (Exbra-Territodial Offences) Bill - 2r. 4463. Declarations and Attestations Amendment Bill -- 2r. 629. Corn. 787. Electoral Act (Commencement of Amendments) Bill - 2r. 1012. Evidence Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1991, Family Court Amendment Bill - 2r. 1257. Gaming Commission Bill - 2r. 4062. Corn. 4186-4188. Health Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6162. Homosexual Activities -- Legislation -- Opposition -- Petition 2154. Human Tissue and Transplant Amendment Bill - 2r. 1163. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Amendment Billg 2r. 5468. Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) BiUll 2r. 4060. Legislative Council -- Sittings of the House -- Adjournment Debate 3186. Loan Bill -- 2r. 8126. Topics Discussed - Gambling -- Bingo 8 127. Parli ament 8 126. Local Courts Amendment Bill (N4o 2) -- 2r. 7184. Question 72.34. Local Courts Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1157. Local Government Amendment Bill - Corn. 3065. Mines Regulation Amendment Bill - 2r, 5602. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Amendment Bill - 2r. 7715. Corn. 7720. Parliament House -- Congestion - Adjournment Debate 175. Staff -- Retirement -- Adjournment Debate 3186. Petition -- Homosexual Activities -- Legislation - Opposition 2154. w [INDEX TO QUEST-IONS & SPEECHES] W (453)

Prisons - Legislation - Amendment 524 1. Prisoner -- Catherine Birnie -- Adjournent Debate-- Point of Order 1268. Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No 2) -- Corn. 5988. 5989. 6000. Road -- Challenger Parade-West Coast H-ighway 8024. Sittings of dheHouse- Adjournment Debate 3186. Sport and Recreation -- WA Soccer Federation 3190. Standing Order No 187 -- Amendment -- Motion -- Point of Order 7001. Stockbrokers 306. Tennang, Mr Brimn 2170. Treasurer's Advanice Authorization Bill -- 2r. 3130. Trustees Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6147. Corn. 6155.6157-6159. Western Australian Water Resources Council Amendment Bill- 2r. 5603.

WILLIAMS, MR R.G., AFAIM. JP (Clontarf)- Acts Amendment (Totaisator Agency Board Betting) Bill - 2r. 7644. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech -- Motion 704. Topics Discussed -- Anzac Day 704. Crime -- Rape 704. Equal Opportunity 704. Motor Vehicles 708. Police Force 707. Premier 704. South Afirica 705. Traffic 707. Aged Persons - Pensioners t253. Alfa Electronic Office Equipment 872. Bradford Kendall -- Hyperchrome Technology 4278. Business Franchise (Tobacco) Amendment Bill -- Council's Amendments 2819-282 1. Censorship of Films Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1062. Community Services -- Refuges 872. Crime -- Assault -- Librarian 3814. Dog Amendment Bill -- Objections-- Petition 664. Education -- Functional Review Committee -- Report4I58, 5194, 6988. Review 3814. - Lecturers -- Meal Allowances 38 13. Perth College Principal 4158. Smoking -- Schools 3815. Technical and Further Education Staff 4157. Student Activities Coordinators 4593, 5422. Teachers -- Government Employees' Housing Authority 873. Handbook 4158. Technical and Further Education -- Fremantle College Librarian 3814. Unit Curriculum t286. Employment and Training -- Apprenticeships 143 1. Eve, Mr Tom 1134. Government Employees -- Reduction -- Claims -- Withdrawal of Remark 4596. Government Instrumentalifies .. Apprenticeships 143 1. Health.- Dietitians 156. Hospitals .. "C-class -- Rossmoyne -- Petition 7086. Noise Abatement 745. Podiatrists 156 TobaccoSmoking 3815,4157. (454) W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W

Housing -- Government Employees' Housing Authority 745, 873. Homneswest -- Parliamentary Liaison Officers 744. Private -- Homeswest Purchases 744. Purchass-- Refuges 872. Rental - Pensioners 1253. Lapham, The Laze Mr S., MLA -- Condolence Motion 8312. Members of Parliament -- Leave of Absence -- Member for Dale 3720. Member for Kanrinyup 1534. Offices -- Maintenance Contract 872. Ministers of the Crown - Cabinet - Functional Review Committee -- Technical and Further Education 38124. 4158. 6988. Motion -- Condolence --The Late Mr S.E. Lapham, MIA 8312. Motor Vehicles -- Government -- Private Plates 746. Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1674. Corn. 1927. Petitions -- Dog Amendment Bill -- Objections 664. Health -- Hospitals - "-class -- Rossmoyne 7086. Sex Shops -- Control 7742. Police -- Noise Abatement 745. Residential Tenancies Bill -- Corn. 7465, 7466, Roads -- Lighting - Waterford Estate 744. Line Marting 1419. Riseley Street 872. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7742. State Engineering Workcs .. Sale 3573. Swiss Office Machinery Co 872. Technology- Hyperchrome 4278. Transport - Air- Australian Airlines 156. Taxis - Fare Evasion - Legislation -Point of Order 2695. Unions -- Civil Service Association 6988. Officials -- Overseas Trips 1134. Teachers Union 6988. Wells. Mr Bob 1134. Wannant International -- Hyperchwmre Technology 4278.

WILLSON, HON KJ., MINISTER FOR HOUSING, MINISTER FOR LANDS (Nollamara) Aboriginal Affairs -- Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority 594. Housing 882, 1593. Pastoral Leases 984. 2248. Reserve No 1475, p. 1984. Acts Amendment (Child Care Services) Bill -- I r. 6124. 2r. 6193. 7606. 3r. 7607. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill Intro.; Ir. 4829. 2r. 4977, 6232. Corn. 6245-6279. 3r. 6280. Council's Amendlments 7793. Questions 5818, 5967. Acts Amendment (Police and Child Welfare) Bill- 2r. 4553. Address-in-Reply to Governor's Speech - Amendment to Motion 719. Topic Discussed - Rental Housing 719. Aged Persons 139,524,1253, 4410. Agriculture Department - Pastoral Board Inspectors 2696. W (INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) W (455)

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bil -- Corn- -- Divisions -- Community Services 7845. Consumer Affairs 8083-8086. Government Employees' Housing Authority 7881-7883. Land Administration 7883 Spant and Recreation 8079, 808 1. Appropriation (General Loan and Capital Works Fund) Bil -- Corn.-- Division-- State Housing Commission 8051. Audit -- Swan Building Society 3825, 4451. Australia Card 3922. Australian Underwater Federation 6130. Berodes Hamburger Bar 5590, 5967. Boxing Control Bill -- 2r. 963. 3r, 963. Building Industry - Federal Housing Package 254. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2) -- l r. 5800. 2r, 5 800, 7609. Corn. 7770. 7775-7777. 3r. 7780, 7782. Councilt s Message 8316. Child Welfare Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4850. Cockbumn Pleasure Boat Storage 8346. Communications -- Telecom 4911. Community Services - Children -- Adoptions - Foster Homes 1867,.2947. Processing 2139. Staff 390. Statistics 137. Bucidand Hill Pie-primary School 5694. Child Abuse Task Force -- Report 7161. Child-care -- -

Capacity 388. Leeming 526,4043. Princess Margaret Hospital 4909, 5419, 7676. Child Care Regulations Review Consultative Committee 2957, 3917, 5308. Regulations 5 193, 5808. Services - Mothercraft Nurses 5194. Child Prostitution 2142. Children's Court 2386. Day Care Regulations 1867, 3251. Fremantle Children's Court 1865. Guardianship 3915. Jennifer Lockwood Child Care Centre 8344. Safety House Association 1868. Complaints -- Complainant's. Identity 154. Custody Cases 746. Department -- Fraudulent Clainms 4414. Goowangerup Property Purchases 250. Magistrate's Sentence 6811. Marriage Certficates -- Recognition 125. Ministerial Action 380t- Offices -- Location 4574. Youth -- Release 595. Domestic Violence Task Force Coordinating Committee 3915. Emergency Relief 2385. Emmiaus Women's Refuge 7673. Mothercraft 5193, 5194,5307,7694. Ngal-A Motberrmh Home and Training Centre 5192, 5193.,5307. (456) W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] w

Community Services (continued) -- Ngal-A Moahercraht Home and Training Centre (continued) -- Restructuring 7684. Review 535. 979. 5307. Structural Changes 5307. Pauent Help Centre -- Mt Lawley 880. Refuiges -- Homes Purchased 872. Review- Recommendations 6807. Crime 866, 4763, 5972. 6811. Education -- Teachers--. Brourmehill 4910. Teriary -- University of WA -- Bold Park Land Exchange -- Grievance 814. Employment and Training -- Unemployed Persons -- Homeswest Mortgage Loans 2-I8. Environment -- Bold Park -- Land Exchange -- Grievance 814. Question 75 1. Evidence Amendmernt Bill - I r. 2117. Financial tinstitutions -- Building Societies 989, 3825. Interest Rates 1283. 1596. Swan Building Society -- Audit 3825. 4451, 4901. Financial Condition 3821. Reports 4424. Teachers Credit Society Lid 3387. 3495. 4155. 4450. Gambling -- Instant Lotteries 865, 1976.4051. 4270, -1421. Government Buildings 3363. 3478. 3673. 5036. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill - Itro.: I r. 4090. 2r. 4237. Government Employees -- Deparments-- inisters of the Crown 1427, 1429. 143 1. Land Administration 58 18. Public Service -- Transfers 1283. Government lnistnjmentalilies 369-371. 1978. Grievances -- Enviroment -- Bold Park--. Lanid Exchange 814. Land Sale - Moora 3422. Planning~ -- Subdivisions 813. Sport and Recreation -- Football -- Subiaco Oval 1823. Health -- AIDS 4592. Disabled Persons -- lntellectuafly Handicapped Children 1118. Drugs -- Rehabilitation Programmes 4422. Mothercrafl Nurses 3799. 3802. 3803. Princess Margaret Hospital 4909. Housing Loan Guarantee Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5954. 3r. 5955. Housing -- 430 Light Street. Dianella 528. Accommodation Units -- Warren Electorate 66-18. Boddington 6990. Construction Programme 4577. 6130. Defence Home Loans Scheme 4164. Emergency 4 159. Exmouth 6292. Federal Package 254. Government Employees - Government Employees' Housing Authority- Cleaning 746. Expendfiture 4580. Outstanding Debts 4437. Port Hedlanid 529. 34191. Northam 3242. Homeswest-. Carpeting 98 1. Eviction Notices 1870. Expenditure 458 1. W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W (457)

Housing (continued) -- Homeswest (continued) -- Fraudulent Claims 427 1. Harchnere 3480. Inventory -- Augusta 3670. Land Planning and Development Section 979. Loans-- Waiting List 4439 Mortgage Loans - Unemployed Persons 248. Outstanding Debts 4436. Parliamentary Liaison Officers 744. Prestige Brickworks Site 3663. Private Homes -- Purchases 744. Repayments 1121. Staff -- Borrowing Conditions 154. Housing Loan Guarantee Act 5701, 5702. Industrial and Commercial Employees' Housing Authority 4437, 4580. Loans 4578.,4897, 4898. Maintenance -- Balga 1432. Multiple Units .- Water Meters 862. North West 6293. Pinjarra 153. Police -- Northam 8328. Private -- Homeswest Purchases 744. Privatisatiorn 392-8. Purchases 872. 4597. Relocations 2246. Rental - 28 Preston Way, Balga 882. Mbany 383. Applications 3366. Assistance 4160. Exinoutb 5574. Karratha 2697. Maintenance 3365. North West 5814. Pensioners 1253. Pilbara 5703. Purchase 4897, 4898, 5308. Tenancies 3366, 3660-3662. Taime Reached' Date 3365. Turnaround Time 154. Residential Tenancy Legislation -- Introduction 875, 1982, 2523. Provisions 986, 1111. Residential 142, 3364. Rockingham 7338. Rooming Houses 2690, 2691. Rural Housing Authority 4437.4581. Shortage -- Motion Rejection 996. Subsidies- Means Testing 4271. Units.-- Albany 383. Industrial Development -- Professional Development Land -- Kwmnana 7164. Kwinana Progress Association 1591. Land Amendment Bill -- Intro.; Ir. 2942. 2r. 2942. Question--. Withdrawal 3486. Order Discharged 3724. Land-- Bold Park 1788. Commissioner of Titles 137. Conditional Purchase 2691. Crown 3868, 2523, 4584, 5811. Development Committee 979. Land Administration Department -- Functional Review Committee Report 38 10. Landbank 978. 4436, 45 82. Lease -- Kumnuuna Progress Association 324 1. National Park - Fitzgerald River 740. Releases 240, 2684, 2687. Reserves -- Elleker-Nornaip Railway Reserve 5024. (458) W INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W

Land (continued) -- Reserves (continued) -- No 1475- Aboriginal Group 1984. Nol1720--Plans 5811. No 27598-- Vesting 5698. No 37304 - South Mandurab Bowling Club 3255. Sales -- Claremont Mental Hospital Complex 3478. Guilderton 2686. Moora -- Grievance 3422. Surveyor General 137. Tidles-- Kwinanai Picture Gardens 1591. Liquor - Drinking Age-- Reduction -- Petition 1658. Lisdale Pty Ltd -- Land Sale-- Grievance 3422. Local Government 2952, 3362. 5698. Marriage Certificates 125. Mclver. Mr Ken 594. Micke. liM. and KCY. - Land Sale - Grievance 3422. Ministers of the Crown -- Cabinet -- Functional Review Committee -- Land Administration Department 38 10. Government Employees 1427, 1429. 143 1. Land Administration.-- Actions - Validation 5818. Minister for Community Services 3808, 5807. 5808. Minister for Housing 3495, 4155, 4424, 4450. Minister for Lands t790. Overseas Travel 4277, 4278, 4416. Teachers Credit Society Ltd -- Authority 3386. Natural Disaster -- Cyclone Relief 159. Pastoral Wnustry.(Management of Certain Land) Bill - Intro.; Ir. 1738. Pastoral Industry -- Leases -- Aboriginal Groups 983. 1875, 2248. Australian Land and Cattle Co Ltd 1287, 1289, 1725, 1790, 2152. Meda, 1791, 3270. Mt Barneut 594. Reappraisement -- Tabling 991. Statistics 1874. Tenure -- Legislation 594, 984. Pastoral Board 984. 2696. South Australian Legislation 984. Petitions -- Liquor -- Drinking Age -- Reduction 1658. Sex Shops -- Control 7235. 8314. Planning -- Strata Tides 141, 523. 2390, 5698. Subdivisions.-- Grievance 803. Kununurr 4422. Telecom Cables 4911. Police--. Housing -- Northanm 8328. Prisons 1110, 4592, 5029. Privatisation.. Public Housing 3928. Real Estate Agents 381. Regional Development. -Joondalup Development Corporation 4436,4582. Reserves and Land Revestment Bil (No 2) - 2r. 6628. Corn. 6630-6636. 3r. 664 1. Council's Amiendmnents 8315. Reserves and Land Revestment Bill Intro.; Jr. 1534. 2r. 1660, 3408. Corn. 3409. 3r. 3409. Roads - Mayor-Rockingbamn Roads 128. Russle, Mr Ed 986. Saville, Mr George 159. Scuba Diving Federation of Western Australia 6130, 8344. Sex Shops -- Control -- Petition 7235, 8314. w [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES) W (459)

Sport and Recreation -- Activities -- Select Committee Report - Recommendations 4766. Bowling - South Mandurab Bowling Club 3253. Camrps - . Noalirnba 251, 1977.3911,6132. Vasse 382 1. Woodman Point 128. Cycling 4420. Departmnent 1116, 1414, 7928, 8346. Equipment Grants 4428. Football -- Subiaco, Oval -- Grievance 1823. Grants 8337. Indoor Soccer 6807. Organisations 5811. Scuba Diving 7674, 8344. Supeirame -- Advertising 6287. Funding 1244. Management 1244. Swimming 1721, 6284. Underwater Diving 6 130. WA Sports Centre 531, 587. State Finance - Budget 4420, 4422. Tourism -- Holiday Units-- Guilderton 1864. Projects 2684. Woodman Point 865, 869, 1977. Traffic-- Parking-- Woodman Point 128. Transport 5807, 5808. Valuation of Land Amendment Bill -- I r. 2117. WA Development Corporation 369-371, 594, 6132. WA Exim Corporation 369-371, 594. Water Resources 142, 862.

WORDSWORTH, HON DJ. (South) - See also "Depury Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council and Deputy President". Acts Amendment (Casino Control) Bill - 2r. 3842. Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Bill -- Corn. 1267. 1319. 1335, 2048, 2049, 206 1. Progress 1267. Reinstatement of Clause 8 -- Amendment to Motion 1466. Point of Order 1470. As to Recoint. 2258. 3r. .. Amendment to Motion 2268. Acts Amendment (Grain Marketing) Bill - 2r. 6496. Con,. 6506, 6507, 6510, 6511, 6519, 6568, 6572. Acts Amendment (Land Administration) Bill -- 2r. 7540. Corn. 7559. Acts Amendment (Meat Industry) Bill -- 2r. 5857. Corn. 6359, 6361-6364. Acts Amendment (Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare) Bill- Corn. 3003, 3006. Acts Amendment (Pant Authorities) Bill -- 2r. 7218. Corn. 7224-7226. Adjournment Debate - Parliament House Staff - Retirement 3185. Agriculture--. Education -- Select Committee -- Motion 897. Fertilisers 2066. Salinity - Select Committee -- Motion 598 1. (460) W [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] WN

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) Bill -- Consideration of Tabled Paper 815 1. Topics Discussed -- Bloor, Mr R. 815!1. Sales Tax -- Albany Printers 8152. Associations Lncorporwton Bill -- 2r. 3279 Betting Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1162. Bread -- Country Prices 3619. Bunbury Port Authority Amendment Bill- 2r. 5214. Bush Fires Amendment Bill -- Corn. 1634. Cemeteries-- Crematorium -- Albany -- Petition 3274. Chattel Securities Bill -- Corn. 7361-7365. 7374-7381. Child Welfare Amendment Bill (No 2)- Corn. 5480, 548 1. Close of Session -- Complimentary Remarks 8300. Committee for the Session -- Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation -Appointment - Amendment to Motion t636. Constitution Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4782. Dog Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2438. Point of Order 2015. Question 4088. Education -- Agriculture -- Select Committee -- Motion 897. Regulations -Amendment.. Motion 4296. Students 1654. 4208. Electoral (Procedures) Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4324. Corn. 4632-4646, 4661, 4792, 4796. Report 492 1. As to Recoin. - Point of Order 4923. Firearms Amendment Bill -- 2r. 3603. Fisheries Adjustment Schemes Bill -- Corn. 5333. Frenmantle Port Authority Amendment Bill- 2r. 6867. Government Employees' Housing Amendment Bill- 2r. 5594. Corn. 5596. Government Railways Amendment Bill- 2r. 2416. Governot's Car 3190. Great Southern Development Authority Bill -- 2r. 1026. Health -- Visually Handicapped Students 4208. Health Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6169. Corn. 6176.6178. Homosexual Activities -- Legislation -- Opposition -- Petition 2154. Hospitals Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2161. Inspectors -- Entering Premises Without Warrants 2441. Land -- Frank Hann National Park 6041. Liquor Amendment Bill -- 2r. 2981. Corn. 2985-2987. Loan Bill-- 2r. 8110. Topic Discussed - Parliament House 8111I. Local Government Amendment Bill (No 2) -- 2r. 7713. w [INDEX TO QUESTIONS & SPEECHES] W (461)

Main Roads Amendment Bill -- 2r. 4.41. Corn. 912-915. Assembly's Message 2714, 2716, 2718, 2720, 2722. Motions -- Agriculture -- Education -- Select Committee 897. Salinity -- Select Committee 5981. Education Regulations -- Amendment 4296. Urgency -- Stamp Amendment Bill 3148. Motor Vehicles-- Government 2070, 3526. Parliament House Staff -- Retirement -- Adjournment Debate 3185. Pastoral Industry Leases 2070, 2796. Petitions -- Crematorium -- Albany 3274. Homosexual Activities-- Legislation- Opposition 2154. Questions On Notice 27 1i. Rotbwells Ltd 5489, 5613, 5614. Rottuest Island Authority Bill -- 2r. 6324. Corn. 6338. 6345, 6346. Rottnest Island Board 7229. Sheep Lice Eradication Fund Bill -- 2r. 3089. Silicon (Picton) Agreement Bill -- 2r. 6848. Small Business Guarantees Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5327, Spot and Recitation--. Noalinba Camp 68, 69, 789. Stamp Amendment Bill - 2r. 3014. Urgency Motion 3148. Stock (Brands and Movement) Amendment Bill- 2r. 1159. Taxi-car Control Amendment Bill -- 2r. 5594. Corn. 5596, 5597. Totalisator Regulation Amendment Bill -- 2r. 1160. Transport Co-ordination Amendment Bill -- 2r. 7696. Corn. 7701, 7704. Trustee Companies Bill -- Corn. 5826-5828. Trustees Amendment Bill -- 2r. 6148. Corn. 6152-6134, 6158. Video Tapes Classification and Control Bill- Com. 3288.

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