WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly THIRTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT SECOND SESSION From 31 March to 22 December 1987 360 ELIZABETH 11 VOLUMES 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268 and 269 By Authority: GARRY L. DUFFIELD. Government Printer 60200-1 6000-i1987 '13 CONTENTS Pages Committees................................................................... viii Index to Parliamentary Debates -- Index to Standard References ................................................ (1) Index to Subjects........................................................ (16) Index to Questions and Speeches............................................ (174) Legislatre of Western Australia..................................................... iv Members of the Legislative Assembly ................................................. vi Members of the Legislative Council................................................... v Ministry....................................................................... iv Officers of Parliament ........................................................... viii Papers tabled during the Session - Legislative Assembly..................................................... 8360 Legislative Council....................................................... 8356 Public Bills of the Session......................................................... xi] Public Statutes of the Session........................................................x Report of Debates................................................................I iv LEGISLATURE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Governor: IS EXCELLENCY PROFESSOR GORDON STANLEY REID, AC Lieutenant Governor: THE HONOUJRABLE SIR FRANCIS THEODORE PAGE BURT, KCMG BURKE MINISTRY (RECONS7TIThD) From 16 March 1987 Premier, Treasurer Minister for Public Sector Hon BRIAN THOMAS BURKE, JP, MLA Management;, Women's Interests Deputy Premier- Minister for Industry and Hon MALCOLM JOHN BRYCE, BA, JP, M2LA Technology; Defence Liaison; Commnunications; Parliamentary and Electoral Reform Attorney General; Minister for Budget Hon JOSEPH MAX BERINSON, LL B, QC, MIC Management; Corrective Services; Leader of the Governm ent in the Legislative Council. Minister for Community Services; The Family;, Hon ELSIE KAY I4ALLAHAN, BSW, 3P, MLC Youth;. The Aged; Minister assisting the Minister for Women's Interests; Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Minister for Local Government; Regional Hon JEFFREY PRILLIP CARR, BA, IF, MLA Development Minister for Education;, Planning; Intergovern- Hon ROBERT JOHN PEARCE, B A, DipEd, 3?, mental Relations; Leader of the House in the MIA Legislative Assembly Minister for Conservation and Land Management, Hon BARRY JAMES HODGE. MLA Environment Minister for Minerals and Energy; Economic Hun DAVID CHARLES PARKER, BA, JP, MLA Development; The Arts Minister for Agriculture; The South West; Fisheries Hon 1ULIAN FLETCHER GRILL, LL B, JP, MLA Minister for Housing; Lands Hon KEITH JAMES WILSON, MLA Minister for Works and Services; Labour, Hon PETER M'CALLUTM DOWDING, LL B, Productivity and Employment; Minister assisting the MI-A Treasurer Minister assisting the Minister for Pubtic Sector Management Minister for Health; Consumer Affairs; Minister Hon IAN FREDERICK TAYLOR, B Econ (Hons), assisting the Minister for Economic Development JP, MLA Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gamning Hon PAMELA ANNE B EGGS, JP, MIA Minister for Transport; Small Business Hon GA VAN JOHN TROY, B Bus, AFAIM, 117, MI-A Minister for Water Resources: The North West; Hon ERNEST FRANCIS BRIDGE, MLA Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Police and Emergency Services; Hon GORDON LESLIE HILL, IP, MIA Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Minister for Sport and Recreation Hon GRAHAM JOHN EDWARDS, NRC Parliamentary Secretary of dhe Cabinet: John Bell Read, Esqu~ire, 3P, NR-A MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL THIRTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT .. Second Session President: Hon CLIVE EDWARD GRIFFITHS Chairman of Committees: Hon DAVID JOHN WORDSWORTH Deputy Chatirmen of Committees: Hon John Williams, BA, JP; Hon Robert Hetherington, BA; Hon Garry Kelly, B App Sci (Physics); and Hon Mark Nevill, 8 Sc (Hens), JP Member Province Term Party Bell, Hon Colin John ..... .............. Lower West ........... 1983-1989 Lib. Berinson, Hon Joseph M=x LL B, QC........ North Central Metropolitan 1986-1992 ALP Brown,. Hon James McMullan ....... South East ............ 1986-1992 ALP Butler, lHon Thomas George........ North East Metropolitan. 1986- 1992 ALP Caldwell, Hon John Norman.............. South............... 1986-1992 NPA 'Chaulton, Hoo Eric James................ Central.............. 1984-1989 NPA flaps, Hon Desmond Keith. .... ......... South Metropolitan.. 1983-1989 ALP Edwards, Hon Graham John ......... ...... North Metropolitan.. 1983-1989 ALP 2Evans, Hon George Maxtwell, MBE, FCA .. Metropolitan .......... 1986- 1992 Lib. Ferry: Hon Victor Jasper. DFC ............ South West ........... 1983- 1989 Lib. Gayfer, Hon Harry Walter................ Central.............. 1986-1992 NPA Griffiths, Hon Olive Edward.............. South Central Metropolitan 1983- 1989 Lib. Halden, Hon Stanley John, BA, IP .......... North Metropolitan.. 1986-1992 ALP Haflahan. Hon Elsie Kay, BSW, IF.......... South Past Metropolitan . 1983- 1989 ALP Helm, Hon Thomas Richard .............. North ............... 19865-1992 ALP Hetherington, Hon Robert, BA ....... South East Metropolitan.. 1986-1992 ALP 'House, Mon Barry John. B Ecan .......... South West ........... 1987-1989 Lib,. Jones, H-on Beryl Lillian ................. Lower West ........... 1986-t992 ALP Kelly, Hon Carry Kenneth, B App 5ci (Physics) South Metropolitan.. 1986-1992 ALP Lewis, Hon Alexander Ashley, IF.......... Lower Central ........ 1986-1992 Lib. Lockyer, Hon Philip Harry................ Lower North .......... 1986-1992 Lit Masters. Hon Gordon Edgar .............. West................ 1986-1992 Lib. McAleer, Hon Margar.................. Upper West .......... 1986-1992 Lib. McKenzie, Hon Pied Evan ......... North East Metropolitan.. 1983-1989 ALP McNeil, Hon Thomas ..... .............. Upper West .......... 1983-1989 NPA Moore, Hon Norman Frederick, BA, Dip Ed.. Lower North .......... 19834 989 Libt Nev11, Hon Mark Warniedar, B Sc (Hows), PI. South East ............ 1983- 1989 ALP Oliver, Hon Oscar Neil Blackbune, ED.. West ................ 1983- 1989 Lib. Pendal, Hon Phillip George ........ South Central Metropolitan 1986- 1992 Lib. Piaritadosi, Hont Samuel Mathew........... North Central Metropolitan 1983-1989 ALP Stephens, Hon Thomas Gregory, BA, P .. North............... 1983- 1989 ALP Stretch, Hon William Noel................ Lower Central........ 1983-1989 Lib. Wen Hon Douglas William.............. South West ........... 1986-1992 ALP Williams, Hon Richard John Lloyd, BA, JP.. Metropolitan .......... 1983-1989 Lib. Wordsworth, Hon David John ............. South ............... 1983-1989 Lib. ,Electedat a by-clection on 17 November 1994 in succession to Hon William Gordon Atkinson (deceased 4 August 1984). 3 4 Elected at a by-election on 24 October 1987 in sutceajon to Hon Victor, Jasper Ferry (resigned 2 IJuly 1987). MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY THIRTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT--. Second Session Speaker: Hon MICHAEL BARNETT7, JP Citainrnan of Committees and Deputy Speaker: Mr GRAHAM JOHN BURKETT, JP' Deputy Chairmen of Committees: Mrs YVONNE DAPHNE HENDERSON, BA, Dip Ed, JP; Dr CARMEN MARY LAWRENCE, B Psych, Ph D; Mr WILLIAM LAN THOMAS, BA; and Mr LEON HAROLD WATT, JP Member Constituency Parry 'Alexander, Ian Christopher, BA WHoos). MA, M Phil, Ph D .............. Penh .............. ALP Barnett, Hon Michael, ......................................... Rockingham........ ALP Beggs, Hon Pamela Anne, if........................... Whitford ............ ALP Bertram, Ronald Edward, AASA ...................Balcarta ............ ALP Blaikie, Barry Roy .. .. .. .Vasse .............. Ub. Bradshaw, John Le.slie, MUPS, 11 ................... Murray-Wellingon b. Bridge, Hon Ernest Francis, JP.................... Kimberley ........... ALP Bryce. Hon Malcolm John. BA, JP.................. Ascot .............. ALP Buchanan, Pamela Anm, if..................... Pilbara............. ALP Burke, Hon BrimnThomas,JIP.................... Balga .............. ALP 'urke, Terence Joseph, if..................... Perth .............. ALP Burkett, Graham John, IP....................................... Scarborough........ ALP Carr,HMonlJeffty Phillip,BAJP ................................. Geraldron ........... ALP Cash, Samuel George Ernest. B Bus, AdIS, JP ....................... Mt Lawley........... Ub. Clarko. James George, AE, BA. Dip Ed, MACE, 3D..................... Kairinyup ........... Ub. Court, Richard Fairfax, B Corn................................... Nedlands............ Lib. Cowan, Hendy John........................................... Merredin............ NPA Crane, Albert Victor .....................--Moore .............. L b. 3Donovan, Francis Anthony, BSW (Dis) .................Morley-Swan ......... ALP Dowding, Hon Peter M'Ca~lum. LL.B ................Maylands ........... ALP Evans, Hon Hywel David. BA ....................Warrn.............ALP .Gallop, Geoffiley Ian, B Econ, MA. M Phil, D Phil.................... Victoria Park......... ALP Grayden, Hon William Leonard ....................South Perth ......... Lb. '(li, Robert William, MI, TMA................................. Darting Range ........ LUb. Grill, Hon Julian Fletcher, U. B, JP................................ Esperace-Dundas..ALP
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