on October 7. We will be blessed for angels go with us. "Angels of God The Church Is Goings Forth enter the family circle with him." And Christ will go with us. `'Christ will "In the future the earth is to be an influence for good, for God and for guide them in their work, entering the lightened with the glory of God. A His holy truth. houses of the people with them, and Incidentally, that day—October 7— divine influence is to go forth to the giving them words to speak that will is the first day ever set for a world-wide, world from those who are sanctified sink deep into the hearts of the lis- through the truth."—Christian Service, concerted action on the part of every teners."—Evangelism, p. 436. Seventh-day Adventist to engage in vis- p. 250. ADLAI ESTER. This is a challenging statement. It itation evangelism. All the world divi- --0-- should stab us all awake. It should come sions are uniting with us on that day home to each Christian heart with tre- to visit millions of homes around the Keeping the Light Burning mendous force. Somehow it seems to world. It is the going forth of the In a small town in the northern part press some vital questions for an im- entire denomination. At last the Church of California there stood for many years mediate answer from every church —the entire church, all around the a one-room church building, the prop- member. Really, we must face these world—The Church is going forth bear- erty of Seventh-day Adventists so long questions: ing aloft the torch of truth in a con- as they used it regularly for religious Are we sanctified? certed effort to enlighten the world. meetings. This little church had a pre- Are we going forth? The field is so vast, and the task so carious existence. In time nearly all of Are we lightening the world? great that we hope that every sanctified the members moved away to other sec- heart in every church will be "pressed tions of the country. But one old saintly According to this penetrating, into service." We must feel the com- sister remained, and she was determined thought-provoking statement from the pelling power of the Holy Spirit calling that the church should not die. servant of God, there are three distinct us out of our selfishness, out of our- Through more than a decade she steps to a finished work in the world. selves, out of our narrow circle of isola- stood by that little church and saw to it Here they are: tion, to GO FORTH to a dark and that regular meetings were held in it. 1. The first step is being "sanctified dying world that needs light and life. Sometimes only this good sister and a through the truth." This is a daily and We hope and pray that every Sev- few of the neighbor's children met a continuous process. Do we need a enth-day Adventist in the Pacific Union there on the , and on prayer- revival and reformation? How mature Conference will join our brethren and meeting nights she was often there en- are we in our thinking and in our living sisters around the world on October 7 tirely alone. But she was hopeful and the truth? and go forth to be a blessing to others. courageous and undaunted, She felt 2. The second step is "going forth to Do it for Jesus' sake. Do it for the that God wanted a witness in the place, the world" bearing the divine influence. sake of others—those "waiting on the and she did her best to keep the light Many precious souls, many hungry souls verge of the kingdom" for they may be burning through the lonely years. are out there in the houses of every city in your city, on your street. Do it for A few years ago some of our people waiting for that divine influence. In- your own sake. You need the heart- moved into that section, used the little deed we are told that "many are on the warming, the thrill of sharing your faith church for a time, and then decided to verge of the kingdoth waiting to be with those who have lost hope. It really build a new and larger church. And so gathered in." We do not find them by will do something for you, and them, the little light grew into a greater light. sitting at home wishing we could find and Him. The dear old sister set a fine example in them. We must go forth and seek and Many American boys are going to faithfulness and loyalty. Like the keeper find these lost but waiting souls. Korea. There are many vacant chairs of a lighthouse on some lonely island, 3. The third step in the marvelous in many homes. Let us find these homes she carried on regardless of conditions, miracle of "lightening the world with and pray with the parents. Pray for the and kept the light burning! Do you not the glory of the Lord." boys. Let us arise and GO FORTH believe that God has special blessings On October 7 another opportunity and bear a sweet, Christian, holy influ- for those of His children who hold forth will be presented to every church mem- ence upon the world. the light of truth in the lonely places ber to go forth to the world, exerting May God bless us all as we go forth of earth? ERNEST LLOYD. a INIOINIRSVM 'YARid lornom, VCS aouaaajuoD luaaua9 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Pacific Union Recorder 21 months of service in the armed forces. "Second. Those persons who parti- VOL. 50 NO. 9 No person who is a member of a re cipated as students in the Army special- MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1950 serve component of the armed forces, ized training program or similar pro- so long as he remains a member thereof, grams administered by the Navy, and Official organ of the Pacific Union Con- will be liable for registration or induc- those persons who were deferred from ference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box 146, tion under this amendment. service during World War II for the Glendale, Calif. Section 6 of the amendment declares purpose of pursuing a course of instruc- Published weekly at Angwin, Calif.; fifty- that "for the purpose of this Act, the tion leading to education in one of the - one issues a year. term 'allied specialist categories' shall above categories, who have had ninety Address: Pacific Union Recorder, Box 116, include, but not be limited to, veterin- days or more but less than twenty-one Angwin, California. Notice of change of arians, optometrists, pharmacists, and months of active duty in the Army, the address should give both the old and the new osteopaths." It is understood that this Air Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, address. listing of allied specialists will not pre- the Coast Guard, or the Public Health Subscription Price, 50 Cents a Year vent the registration and induction of Service subsequent to the completion other medical and dental allied special- of or release from the program or course F. W. SCHNEPPER Editor ist categories should the need arise. of instruction (exclusive of the time OPAL STONE Assistant Editor C. L. BAUER Assistant Editor The Act provides that in registering spent in postgraduate training). and inducting persons under the amend- "Third. Those who did not have Entered as second-class matter September 3, ment, that there shall be four qualifi- active service in the Army, the Air 1927, at the post office at Angwin, California. cations for priority. They are listed as Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. follows: Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of Coast Guard, or the Public Health postage provided for in section 412, Act of "First. Those persons who partici- Service subsequent to September 16, February 28, 1925, authorized September 3, pated as students in the Army special- 1940. 1927. ized training program or similar pro- grams administered by the Navy, and "Fourth. Those not included in the Sunset Table those persons who were deferred from first and second priority who have had Friday, October 6 service during World War II for the active service in the Army, the Air Angwin 5:46 Oakland 5:46 purpose of pursuing a course of in- Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the 5:29 San Diego 5:29 Coast Guard, or the Public Health Serv- Arlington struction leading to education in one of 5:43 San Jose 5:45 Chico the categories referred to in classes (A) ice subsequent to September 16, 1940. 5:53 Phoenix 6:07 Eureka and (B) of paragraph (1) of this sub- Inductions of persons in this priority Fresno 5:36 Reno 5:35 Salt Lake City 6:04 section, who have had less than ninety shall be made in accordance with regu- Lodi 5:42 5:31 Honolulu 6:15 lations prescribed by the President Los Angeles days of active duty in the Army, the Hilo 6:04 Air Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, which may provide for the classification Friday, October 13 the Coast Guard, or the Public Health of such persons into groups according Angwin 5:36 Oakland 5:36 Service subsequent to the completion of to the number of full months of such Arlington 5:20 San Diego 5:19 service which they have had and for or release from the program or course 5:32 San Jose 5:35 Chico of instruction (exclusive of the time the induction of the members of any 5:41 Phoenix 5:58 Eureka such group after the induction of the Fresno 5:26 Reno 5:24 spent in postgraduate training). members of any other such group hav- Lodi 5:31 Salt Lake City 5:52 5:22 Honolulu 6:09 ing a lesser number of full months of Los Angeles Hilo 5:59 such service." OPEN DOORS IN THE ORIENT Another provision of the law is, "It is Draft of Doctors the sense of the Congress that the Presi- A World-Wide Bible Pictures' dent shall provide for the annual defer- A law drafting doctors, dentists and Production ment from training and service under "allied specialists" through the age of All sound-color 16mm Mission Film this title of numbers of optometry stu- 50, is now in effect and being imple- Depicting in vivid color and stimulating dents and premedical, preosteopathic, mented. It is in the form of an amend- narration the mission work of preveterinary, preoptometry and pre- ment to the Selective Service Act of Seventh-day Adventists dental students at least equal to the in the 1948. numbers of male optometry, premedical, FAR EASTERN DIVISION It provides for the registration, ex- preosteopathic, preveterinary, preoptom- amination and "special calls for male In the setting of oriental scenery, life, etry and predental students in attend- persons qualified in needed— customs and pageantry. ance at colleges and universities in the medical and allied specialist "(A) Those who have seen this film pronounce United States at the present levels, as categories who have not yet reached the it the best mission picture our denomina- determined by the Director." age of fifty at the time of registration, tion has produced. It merits wide use. and It is a 1200-foot film. Price to confer- The law is aimed mainly at prodding "(B) dental and allied specialist cate- ences, evangelists, churches: $160. into military service an estimated 5,600 gories who have not yet reached the Order from: doctors and 3,000 dentists who received age of fifty at the time of registration." WORLD-WIDE BIBLE PICTURES all or most of their training at govern- Persons called under this provision Box 146, Glendale 6, Calif. ment expense during World War II in are liable to induction for not to exceed (Continued on page 4)

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Six-year-old Tony was playing on the floor when Field Adventurers Jack and Martha Jones came to her home. As Tony's young mother admitted the visitors they greeted Tony and asked if she would like to hear a story. The story was about heaven and the pets the children would have there, church would not permit it, but you have been so nice, and and Tony as well as her mother listened attentively. 'Tony's I know this will be a help to our children." mother readily assented to the offering of prayer, in which Jack prayed for Tony and her mother and father. After the That's Field Adventuring. Old and young wait in every prayer Tony slipped out of the house while Jack and Martha neighborhood for glimpses of the truth we know so well. told the mother about the free Bible course and took her Warm your own soul. Cheer your neighbors. Go adventuring enrollment. October 7. Two houses down the street Jack and Martha were greeted cordially and invited in before th6y could explain their mission. Inside, they were surprised to find a group of Gospel teams with their Bibles, the new tract by children seated on the floor, Tony in the middle. Carlyle B. Haynes, Home at Last, and enrollment "Here's the storyteller," cried Tony, as the gospel team cards for the 20th Century Bible Course will be on came in. Martha obliged with another story, and at its con- the march for God—visiting and praying in millions clusion the children reverently said the Lord's prayer together. of homes throughout North America, Sabbath after- The children went out to play, and Jack and Martha noon, October 7. It's your day to go adventuring for God. talked with the mother in this home. When she learned about the Bible course she said, "I really shouldn't take it. My


Draft of Doctors are in the first priority category would John have been shipped to Korea by the (Continued from page 2) do well to apply for a commission and Bible Society. Binding materials and ASTP and Navy V-12, but who put in accept the $100 increased pay. Their paper were also sent to Korea by the little or no service afterwards. noncombatant status is already cared for American Bible Society so that Scripture The sponsors of the law have said and covered by the fact that they apply publication was taking place there. that men in this group would be wise for a commission in a noncombatant Special paper required for Braille Scrip- to volunteer. Those who do volunteer unit, the Medical Department of the tures was also furnished by the Bible will get $100 more monthly than men Army. Their Sabbath privileges, which Society and an edition of the complete who wait to be drafted. The bill's back- usually must be worked out on an in- New Testament in Braille completed. ers hoped that enough men would come dividual basis with the immediate super- A Braille New Testament in Korean re- forward to make it unnecessary actually ior officer, can be taken care of by a writ- quires ten large volumes. A set of these to draft anybody. ten reservation in the oath of office, hooks is in the library of the Bible The Army, Navy and Air Force have such as many of our professional men Society in New York. made it plain that they must have an used during World War II. It reads as extra 5,000 doctors and 600 dentists follows: LISTEN EVERY SUNDAY TO THE this year, based upon an anticipated "I have a single reservation which it strength of 2,500,000 men. Under a seems best to disclose now. I am a new goal of nearly 3,000,000 men an- Seventh-day Adventist. I have no un- VOICE OF nounced by the President, the medical willingness to engage in my professional PROPHECY need probably will be higher. duties in ministering to the sick any day s,,,afwee/ca-- - The Department of Defense has or any time human need requires. I made it plain that medical and dental would not, however, have my accept- •REACHES INTO ALL THE WORLD• reserve officers trained at government ance of a commission construed as mean- BOX 55, LOS ANGELES S3, CALIF expense but who had no previous active ing I am willing to compromise my duty would be the first reservists in religious convictions regarding merely The subjects for their professions to be called to active routine, administrative, ordinary tasks the next two Sundays are: duty. on the seventh-day Sabbath." "Keep Looking Up"—October 8. Under the new draft authorization CARLYLE B. HAYNES. law the President can, if he finds it --0-- "The Laughter of the Bible"—Oc- necessary, order special registration of tober 15. almost any medical or allied group Scriptures for Korea Invite your friends to tune in. through age 49. Those registered then The American Bible Society has pub- would be subject, through age 50, to a lished a special edition of 50,000 copies Flashes from the Voice of call of 32 months of service. of Korean Scriptures for distribution to The draftees will be inducted as pri- the Korean Army, Navy and Air Force. Prophecy vates then commissioned at ranks based The books were printed at the request We know that there is in the hearts on age and experience. Under an earlier of the Korean Bible Society, whose of our people a deepseated interest in law medical men got $100 per month headquarters is in Seoul, and will prob- the work which The Voice of Prophecy bonus over regular military pay. The ably be distributed by the Chaplains is doing in the cities, towns, and vil- new law declares that draftees will not Corps under the supervision of the lages of North America and other parts get this. Korean Bible Society. The books, of the world. To make sure that no community is bound in black fabrikoid, contain the We wish to call your attention to stripped of medical care for civilians, four Gospels and the Book of Acts. One the center-spread that you will find the President must set up a national hundred thousand copies of the Sermon in this paper. It is composed of a timely committee of outstanding medical men on the Mount in Korean and English and interesting article from the pen of to "advise" Selective Service on how are also available and will be sent to Elder H. M. S. Richards, speaker, many men can be spared. Korea, with the Scriptures, as soon as pictures of the radio group, and an The Defense Department, in issuing shipping arrangements can be made. account of recent happenings of The its priority lists outlining what reserve The Rev. Young Bin Im is secretary Voice of Prophecy. officer doctors and dentists would be of the Korean Bible Society. No direct We would call your attention also called under its reserve programs makes word has come from Mr. Im but it was to a special article to appear in the clear that the only exemptions are those agreed that if there was an invasion of Review and Herald at about this same doctors and dentists who are reserve southern Korea, he was to stay at his time. by Elder Paul Wick- officers in organized reserve units who headquarters in Seoul. man, Radio secretary of the will be subject to call, along with their The people of Korea have been avid Conference, and gives a gripping ac- units, and those pursuing a 12-month Bible readers. They have had the com- count of the advancement of the work medical internship. The interns could plete Bible since 1911. During 1945, of The Voice of Prophecy in all the be called upon completion of that train- due to lack of printing facilities and world. This article will bring you up ing. paper in Korea, publication of the to date and will thrill your heart. The inquiries coming into the War Korean Scriptures was inaugurated in May God bless every one of you as Service Commission are mainly with this country. Since then 250,000 you continue to pray for and support reference to applying for a commission Korean Testaments and 125,000 each this soul-winning radio ministry. or waiting to be drafted. Those who of paper-bound Gospels of Luke and D. V. POND. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 5

Further Draft Changes Planned Testaments for Armed Forces Up to now men over 26 years of age, One half million Service Testaments Southeastern California are being prepared by the American H. H. HICKS, Pres. E. A. SCHMIDT, Sec. or who are married or have other de- 9707 Magnolia Ave., Telephone Riverside 9012 pendents, or who are honorably dis- Bible Society in anticipation of calls Mail Address, Box 584, Arlington, Calif. charged veterans, have been deferred from chaplains for distribution to the from the draft. armed forces. The books are stream- This is now changing, or soon to be lined to fit comfortably in the pocket of Two Inspire Sixty changed. As was pointed out in another a blouse or jacket. They will be avail- This is the result of two of our young article, married men are being made able in two colors, brown and blue, for members attending the Laymen's Con- eligible for induction. the various branches of the service. vention in San Diego. Brethren Lance Scriptures Wanted in Israel The talk now is of raising the age Prestige and Lawson King put so much There is great demand in the State limit from 26 to as much as 35, and genuine enthusiasm, zeal, and interest of Israel for the complete Hebrew Bible including many veterans, formerly de- into their report in church Sabbath, that and for Scriptures in the mother tongues ferred. sixty members of our church in San of refugee Jews who know no Hebrew, What may be done is, at this writing, Bernardino met in the afternoon to' visit according to a report by the Rev. Leon- uncertain. The purpose of this article homes. Elder Goffar and our missionary ard Geary of the American Bible Society is to impress upon veterans under 26 leader led the group in prayer before who has recently made a tour of Israel. years of age the importance of imme- beginning the precious task of winning The cry has been for more Scriptures diately safeguarding their noncombatant souls. from each sector of the country than the One hour was spent in the field and status by making sure that they have Bible Society could supply. Mr. Geary signed SERIES XIV of their Selective all sixty returned with so much joy and reports finding Orthodox Jews seeking Service Questionnaire, and filling out happiness on their faces, and so much the entire Bible so that they might read the Special Form for Conscientious Ob- enthusiasm, that each one was anxious the New Testament bound together to tell his experience. Many promising jectors, for which SERIES XIV is a with the Old. Among those looking for request. contacts were made and seventeen specific languages were some Jews from signed up for the Voice of Prophecy If you are not sure whether this has Shanghai, asking for Chinese Scriptures been done, make sure by going to your Correspondence course. Plans have been and others, having left Soviet territory laid to follow up the interest of these local board, asking the clerk for your and influence, wanting Rumanian, Bul- folder, examining your Questionnaire individuals as well as ma king personal garian and Russian books. visits to others. (SSS Form 100), signing SERIES Scriptures Are Being Circulated in China XIV, if you discover it is not signed, An estimated circulation of the Scrip- Another field day has been set for asking for the Special. Form for Con- tures in China, covering the last six- the near future. scientious Objectors (SSS Form 150), month's period to be reported, totalled MRS. GEORGE SEIFERT. filling it out in accord with the instruc- 578,406 copies, according to a statement tion contained in our War Service Com- issued by Dr. Eric M. North of the mission leaflet entitled, Filling Out the American Bible Society. The report, A Timely Reminder . Special Form for Conscientious Ob- which came from Dr. Ralph Mortensen, The Loma Linda Medical Cadet jectors, and sending this completed the Society's secretary in Shanghai, also Corps fell in ranks for the first time form (150) in to your local board for stated that sales were said to be improv- on Monday night. There, of course, placement in your folder. Only so are ing in all regions except Central and was the usual laughing and joking you you secure in maintaining your non- Northeast China. find among new recruits who do not combatant status, if and when you are There has been some shortage of stock knovv what attention means, and who called for induction. due to the difficulty of securing paper do not know the real seriousness of the If the age limit is lifted to 35, or during the blockade, but now locally training. But es they stood there, there any other age above 26, all the new manufactured paper is available and a came a chorus of sirens in the far back- men thus required to register should full printing program is being taken in ground, for again, after five years, the make very sure when they fill out their hand. air-raid warnings were sounding in San Selective Service Questionnaire that The China Bible House has recently Bernardino. they sign SERIES XIV (SSS Form secured as an addition to the staff a Quietness fell over the ranks of men 100), which signature constitutes a re- Promotional Secretary who will be en- for here was a warning to each one of quest for The Special Form for Con- gaged in developing distribution and the seriousness of the times. As I lis- scientious Objectors (SSS Form 150), support. tened, it brought back memories of sirens which is the only procedure by which Preparations are being made to issue I had heard before and I imagined that men inducted can obtain their noncom- a Latinxua transliteration of the Gospel I could again hear the roar of bombers batant status in the Army. of Mark. The Latinxua is a recently and the scream of bombs. CARLYLE B. HAYNES. developed method of printing Chinese The sirens of San Bernardino were --w--- in Roman characters which is being a warning that night, not just of a prac- "In these perilous times we should fostered by the Government. tice air raid, but of what is coming in leave untried no means of warning the --O-- the :near future. Some of our young people. We should be deeply interested "Let every church member become a men do not realize the seriousness of in everything that will stay the tide of working member, to build up spiritual our times and are not availing them- iniquity. Work on. Have faith in God." interests." selves of the Medical Cadet Corps train- 6 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER ing. What are they going to do for their and missionary secretary's room; a bap- ing year, 1951. Each society is to elect country when these air-raid warnings tistry and dressing rooms. Two of the a delegate who will cast a vote in the turn into the real thing? ladies of the church contributed funds election. This will be the final meeting HARRY GARLICK. for the masterful painting of the River to lay plans for a large Dorcas Jubilee --0-- Jordan, by P. J. Renning. The total in- Rally to be held in Fresno in November. Dedication of vestment for the Sabbath school rooms MRS. MARIE BRULAND, and the improvements made is $5,- Federation President. Rooms at Oceanside 682.50. 0 Plans made by the Oceanside church Pastor B. J. Savage expressed his King's Legion Meeting at members in March of this year, for ex- pleasure in the completion of the Porterville pansion and remodeling of the build- project. Don't miss next King's Legion meet- ing, have resulted in a completed proj- Elder H. H. Hicks gave the dedi- big. Special sacred musical program by ect that exceeds the original hopes. catory sermon, and E. A. Schmidt top talented S.D.A. youth. At an impressive service Sabbath after- offered the dedicatory prayer. Date: October 14 noon, September 9, to which the neigh- The Yucaipa church orchestra in- Time: 3:30 prompt boring Adventist church members and spired all with instrumental solos, duets, Place: Porterville Union High School the community were invited, the new trios, and orchestral selections. H. T. addition was dedicated. Dealy and Bernie Parsons joined Auditorium Excellent secular program planned The 100th Psalm was read by Elder them from the congregation. Deweese for that night beginning at 8 o'clock. R. J. Bryant, Ramona pastor, who long Staude's rich voice flooded the church DR. GLENN H. MAYER, has had a special interest in the Ocean- with sweet melody as she sang "My President. side church, having been a former pastor Heavenly Father Watches Over Me" --0-- here and a frequent guest speaker over and "Jesus, the King of My Heart." a long period of time. Rev. Raymond L. Boadway, pastor of Medical Cadet Corps In invoking God's blessing upon the the Whitewater, Michigan, Congrega- Several Medical Cadet Corps have completed project, Elder D. A. Parsons, tional church, nephew of Elder Hicks, who began his ministry just fifty years been organized, and in most of the areas sang "I Shall Not Pass Again This the attendance is good. It was noticed, ago to the day, entreated God to "glorify Way," accompanied by Mrs. Boadway. it with the outpouring of the Holy as we were organizing, there is a com- Elder W. R. Jefferson, pastor of the placency among young married men, Spirit." Vista church, pronounced the benedic- they feel there is no danger that they 0. J. Fisher, head elder, presented tion. the new addition to the Southeastern will be drafted. It is true present draft There were many complimentary re- laws allow postponement of induction California Conference, and Elder H. H. marks from those who were escorted Hicks accepted it in behalf of the con- for married men, but those laws could through the church at the close of the be changed in the twinkling of an eye. ference. Mr. Fisher expressed his deep service. appreciation to God for making possible All men, 16-35 especially, should avail The church members arc deeply themselves of the opportunity to take the addition and improvements, and for grateful to all who assisted in the pro- the sweet spirit of cooperation among the training. "It is better to he safe than gram of expansion and of dedication. sorry." those who so generously gave of their EDNA L. MEYER. time and talents in the construction and Here are the places where Medical decorating. He also commended those Cadet Corps are being conducted. whose financial support has made pos- Central California Though the corps are held on the school grounds they arc organized for the com- sible the giving of the new addition to R. C. BAKER, Pres. SCOTT DONALDSON, Sec. the conference free of debt. 435 North Third St. Telephone Cyprus 2-3987 munity. It is not too late to enroll. Mail Address, P.O. Box 580 Don't miss another meeting. Among the improvements are two San Jose 4, Calif. large classrooms, one to be used also as , Sunday a Dorcas room; mothers' room; a beauti- 1:00 p.m. (Across from Fire Station) ful pulpit made by H. T. Dealy; a loud- Central Valley Dorcas Mountain View, Sunday 6:00 p.m. speaker system, including ear phones; A special meeting of the Central (Academy Auditorium) reconditioned library, supply rooms, Valley Federated Dorcas is being called Modesto, Monday 6:30 p.m. (Acad- to meet on October 1, in Driver Hall, emy Chapel) which is located on the rear of the Shafter, Tuesday 6 : 00 p.m. (Acad- Fresno Academy property. The meeting em y chapel) Coming . . . is to convene at 10 o'clock in the morn- Arroyo Grande, Wednesday 6:00 SUNDAY, ing, and a potluck dinner will be served p.m. (School) OCTOBER 22, 1950 in Roeding Park at noon. We are very anxious to have a full representation of Fresno, Thursday 6:00 p.m. (Driver M.V. Shell Hunt the thirty-six societies, and it is desired I Tall) to that all will come and bring their fam- The total fee for Medical Cadet SALT CREEK BEACH ilies. Corps is $5 which includes all equip- A fine program is planned, and the ment, supplies and textbooks used. Uni- Watch for details . . . nominating committee will be elected form, approximately $8 to $10, will be for the selection of officers for the corn- extra. Meetings will be held four hours PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 7 per night, running concurrent with the is being donated by members and about to see, where he can cut down school year. friends of the church. If there are any expenses the most and yet affect the Gerald H. Friedrich has been ap- of our good friends of the other churches business the least. He locates the de- pointed Medical Cadet director and in the Fresno area who would like to partment that calls for the largest outgo Associate War Service Commission sec- have a part with us in the erection of and brings in the least returns pro- retary for Central California and will this house for God, we would surely portionately. be commander of all local corps in this appreciate your donated help. We need Our police department is an expen- conference. During the last war Brother carpenters, plasterers, cement men, etc. sive one. It is expensive because there Friedrich drove 108 miles for each Etiher write or phone Pastor R. E. is so much work for it tc do, and the meeting when he took Medical Cadet Berry, 2490 Geneva Street, Fresno. thing that furnishes the work is the work—he recognized its importance Phone: 2-2268. R. E. BERRY. liquor business. The income of the long before he was called for service liquor business is about 121/2% of what as our Director. During his more than Northern California it costs to care for the police force that three years in the army he learned to is kept busy looking after all the crime, CARL BECKER, Pres. F. T. OAxss, Sec. fully appreciate the training he had 1811 I 1 th Ave., P.O. Box 149, juvenile delinquency, divorce courts, received as a medical cadet. Brother Oakland 4, Calif. insane asylums, state and county police Friedrich attended the recent Officers' Telephone Kellog 4-1710 patrol, and all other forms of wrong Training Camp held in Pueblo, Colo- doing, 70% of which can he and is laid rado and is certainly well qualified to Thinking Out Loud directly at the door of the liquor traffic. lead out in this work in our conference. Do you know that the amount of This being so, 70% of our state's HENRY T. BERG, income received by the State of Cali- heaviest outgo can be eliminated by War Service Commission Secretary. fornia from the liquor industry in the eliminating the use of liquor. Startling form of taxes and licenses amounts to isn't it? Not only is this industry ex- Fresno Gospel Crusade Meetings $24,800,000? This is taken from. the pensive, it is non-productive. Even income tax report of the Board of after the expense is paid, the state is no Closed Equalization. Now, that is a lot of better off than it was before. Paying out The sacred rite of baptism was ad- money. Some people think that money all this money does not en rich the state. ministered to eleven persons Sunday cares for all the expenses of the state Its people are not made better. Their night, August 27, climaxing the twelve- for a whole year, in fact, that there work is not done better, and they do week evangelistic crusade conducted in is some left over for next year. less work than they did before. We pay the Fresno Gospel Crusade tent by Elder Now we will ask Dr. Wilton L. and pay, and get nothing in return but R. E. Berry and his corps of workers. Halverson, Director of Public Health a lot of wretchedness, crime, and Because of a city ordinance, we were for the State of California, how much heartaches. not permitted to pitch our tent within there is left to apply on next year's But, says one, "Just think of all the the city, which necessitated finding a expenses. Better grab onto something people that would be thrown out of location outside of the city limits. But, rather stable for you are going to receive work:, if we stop making liquor. That in spite of this handicap God's richest the surprise of your life. Dr. Halverson item alone would affect the economy blessings rested upon our meetings and says that it is costing the state of Cali- of the state." That is true, but not many came out to hear the truth. fornia $280,000,000 to take care of the adversely. The state would be better Thus far forty have been received expenses of the state. No, not the off to pay all their salaries, then pour into church membership as a result of United States, just one state, California! all the liquor down the sink and forget the strong evangelistic program fostered Income from liquor, $24,800,000; about it, than to keep on receiving the in the church since the first of the year, outgo, $280,000,000—about 70% of revenue, and allow the liquor to be thirty-two by baptism and eight by which is brought about by liquor or sold, then pay for the care of those letter. Another baptism is planned for $196,000,000. To put it in language who drink themselves crazy. After pay- the first of October. The membership that even the boys and girls can under- ing for the liquor and destroying the of our church now stands at 174, for stand, this state is spending over $8 stuff, we would still have $7 left to do which we thank our heavenly Father. for every dollar that it received from something with that we do not have Those associated with the evangelistic the liquor traffic. Do you know where now, for every liquor dollar received. program were Mrs. L. M. Gordon, the other $7 comes from that makes up The money we spend in California Bible instructor, Mrs. L. J. M. Berry, the difference? That is made up from in art effort to rehabilitate the alcoholics pianist and chorus director, and C. Gor- the taxes that we are all called upon is costing us more than the industry don, tent master. Members of the to pay. That is why our tax bill is so affords by $8 to $1. Why keep on church gave valuable help as, ushers, high. We are spending quantities of trying to rehabilitate the wreckage serving in the chorus, passing out hand money that it is not necessary to spend created by alcohol, while at the same bills and literature, etc. and would not be spent, if it were not time we are creating more and more Work has also begun on our new for the liquor traffic. wreckage by allowing flourishing liquor church home. Brother J. R. Church, a One of the best ways to reduce taxes institutions to flaunt their wares in the contractor and a member of our Fresno is to reduce expenses and the need for faces of those who cannot resist? We Central church is supervising the work, spending. Any thorough-going business pay the bill, and never do a single and Brother C. Redding of our own man who finds that his expenses are thing to stop the flow of the stuff that church is the foreman. Most of the labor getting above his income, begins to look (Continued on page 10)



Broadcasting from M, S, Richards, This is Christ's invitation. It is an invitation to you H. Auditorium, San Francisco and therefore to me, and all the "you's" and "me's" in Civic the world. This invitation includes everybody. It is a universal invitation because every human soul has burdens: Everybody who has any personality at all—that is, anyone who is aware of his existence—has soul burdens, has labor, has duties, has things to do. The entire message of Christ's statement here is found in Matthew 11:28-30: "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My yoke. upon you, and learn of .Me for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light:' More and more people today are bearing a burden Office Room of Elder Richards in of concern. More and more people realize that the New Voice of Prophecy Building world is certainly no place of peace. Not only do we have a cold war that envelops the whole world, but we have a hot war that is draining out the lives and bodies and souls of men. People everywhere are "Come V concerned, people everywhere are carrying burdens, laboring apparently for so little reward. It seems that one month follows another and one year another with by H. mankind no nearerdits goal of eternal peace, world-wide security, and heart-warming accomplishment. Surely, friend, it is time that we listened to the one authoritative voice: "Come unto Me, all :" That means you; it means me. The Voice of Prophecy is attempting to give this call clearly, and from the Holy Word of our Redeemer. It is our desire to put these words of our only Saviour into the hearts of men around the world! We know that only as people accept His call and turn to Him and roll their burdens upon Him and receive Him as their Friend, their Saviour, their Helper, and Guide, can real peace come, that peace which lives deep in the heart and keeps uc through everything—yes, everything that may possibly come to us. That is why Jesus says: "Come unto Me all of you. My burden is easy, My yoke is light; and you will find the peace for which your soul has longed:' The Voice of Prophecy broadcasting group has just returned front a trip of several thousand miles visiting camp meetings, evangelistic gatherings, and other places of Christian witness and testimony. Never before in our experience have we met so many people who testify to the blessing that has come to them through The Voice of Prophecy, people who say: "You .brought me to Jesus. The Voice of Prophecy broadcasts kept me from suicide, from utter despair. I listened to the broadcast, enrolled in the

Studio and Control Room With All Forward in Faith Broadcasting Facilities


Bible Correspondence Course, and now I am redeemed, a child of God. Please let me shake your hand:' They love us as a broadcasting group because we brought them in touch with eternity's great Lover, the Lord Jesus Christ. What the world needs above everything else today is a voice of authentic love, the love of God for lost men. During the great peace conference after the First World War, Clemenceau, the "Tiger of France:' referring to Woodrow Wilson, said, "He spoke like Jesus Christ:' There was a curl of scorn on the lips that made this statement, but he spoke a greater truth than he knew. Had the leaders of this world spoken like Jesus Christ then—and since then, and today— woffid not the world be a different place? Would not human hearts everywhere be blessed if Christians would speak like Jesus Christ—not only truth, but truth in Radiebroadcasting Group. A nding love? It is our duty to spread abroad this Wisconsin Camp Meeting Thi Summer invitation of Jesus, "Come unto Me, all ... and I will give you rest'' rest even while we are working. In doing this; wc are to be His witnesses. Our Me. AII..'. radio message is to go out and out and out with still greater power. We hope also on Richards television to carry the witness farther and farther out, and deeper and deeper, into human hearts. Will you, my friend, co-operate with The Voice of Prophecy in giving this message to all men everywhere, in presenting Christ to the millions? That is the burden of The Voice of Prophecy. The hour is late. Earth's day is drawing on into the darkness of night. Will you not at this time of special need make a special sacrificial offering to The Voice of Prophecy? • Only once a year do we come to the churches with this appeal for an offering made through the church. The General Conference has authorized this offering, and we hope—yes, we pray—that all our ministers, pastors, ,,and workers in this cause will co-operate earnestly with us in making this the greatest offering ever. We must not reduce radio coverage; we ought to add. We ought to go into television. Not only must we receive the faithful support of our friends directly to The Voice of Prophecy office during the E. R. Walde and Elder Richa ds year, but this one great offering in October through the churches must be Explaining Junior Bible Course.: Now added to our income to make this great radio ministry possible. Over 30,000 Juniors Gradua 'ed Let us keep the work going until the day of work is done, and in our own personal sacrifice, our own relation to Christ, may we also find a very blessed relationship to Christ, our Saviour. On this day of special giving, may we also give ourselves an offering to Him and hear His voice again, *saying, "Come unto Me, all ..

I ncreasing Presented Requests forPr Every Thursdar ayer 10 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Thinking Out Loud or not there will be other items besides concerted effort on the part of our (Continued from page 7) regular subscription books that are sold societies to launch the Share-Your-Faith is causing all the wreckage. Why are we by our colporteurs. Yes, there will be project; two, a Pathfinder group in each so stupid when it comes to a business trade books and Bibles and a general organized community with plans for a proposition of this kind? Stop the flow line of outside books as well. Pathfinder Field Day, October 22, at of liquor. That will reduce our taxes, We wish that we could make you the Sanitarium auditorium; three, medi- and at the same time bless and make all very happy; however, there are not cal cadet corps to be organized in several better citizens for the state to work enough books to go around, so strategic areas in the conference. with and for. Subscribe for the Listen Hurry, hurry, hurry! A report on the temperance work magazine and lend your support to V. D. DORTCH, and the Sabbath school work was given this noble enterprise. J. W. RICH. Manager. by Elder J. W. Rich who is secretary --0-- for these departments. Elder Dinwiddie Additional Fire Sale—Northern Workers' Meeting reported on the work of the publishing All of the workers in Northern Cali- department. Elder P. W. Wipperman California Book & Bible House told of the plans for the department of We think most of you know we had fornia met in the Berkeley church on education. Dr. L. M. Stump, the new a fire shortly after camp meeting, and Monday, September 18, for a special principal of the , gave a a number of you have been happily workers' meeting. Elder J. E. Edwards glowing report of the opening of school surprised to get in on such wonderful was present from the General Con- ference and Elders C. L. Bauer and there. He stated they have the largest buys as we have had on Christmas and beginning enrollment in the history of other greeting cards. A. A. Esteb and Dr. H. W. Vollmer were in attendance from the Pacific the academy. From the home missionary This is an announcement of an department we learned through Elder additional sale, on books that went Union Conference. In the stirring devotional study which Lind that Northern California has through the fire. raised a higher Ingathering total this Please do not write to the Northern Elder Bauer gave at the beginning of the meeting, he included quotations year than in any previous year of the California Book and Bible House about conference, with still more to be re- this, but contact your local church mis- from current publications showing the critical times which are facing the ported. sionary secretary, as she will have the New workers introduce dto the work- announcements and they will be handed world in general, and the Adventist movement in particular. He urged that ing force of Northern California at this out in your church. meeting were: Elder E. L. Branson, This is a wonderful opportunity to each worker make a personal prepara- tion for what is coming, and that he pastor of the Grand Avenue, Oakland, get literature for missionary purposes, church; Elder B. W. Shaw, pastor of and the one-cent sale that we are having lead the church into a fuller consecra- tion to the Lord and His cause. the San Rafael church; Elder A. M. will no doubt surprise many of you. Petrone, pastor of the Italian Stockton Here is an example of the approximate In the address by Elder Edwards, he church; Fred Osbourn, who will assist prices that you will have to pay: one gave a report on our work in some Elder Schull in an effort at Grass Val- Homemaker's Cookbook, regular price foreign countries in which he spent ley; Carl Coffman, who will assist $8.75. You may have this book, pro- three and one-half months visiting, and Elder B. W. Mattison in the East vided you are one of the lucky ones, explained that in some sections of the Oakland-Alameda district; E. A. Neu- at $3.75, and you may have any other world field our leaders are laboring feld, colporteur-ministerial intern who book in our list, such as Great Con- under extreme difficulty. We were all happy to learn of the faithfulness of the will be associated with Elder Joseph troversy, for a penny more. Of course Phillips at Woodland; 0. A. Troy, Jr., we will have to add the three per cent members in those lands. He also gave a report on the supplies that were sent to assist Elder B. W. Spears; and Wil- sales tax and the handling charge, liam Jamerson, Jr., who will assist which will be twenty-five cents per at the close of the war and up to the present time. He urged that ministers Elder Branson in an effort at the Grand book. Avenue church. Again, please do not write to the and laity consecrate their time and Book and Bible House requesting infor- efforts as never before to help finish the mation about this sale, as all announce- work while we still have complete free- Yreka-Ford Jones District ments will be made to your local church dom. In conclusion he urged a five- Yreka is a valley gatetway to the missionary secretary, and you may get point program of coordinated evan- Shasta Cascade wonderland, the Trin- a copy of this announcement from her. gelism which included: 1, public evan- ity Alps, and also the beautiful Scott We expect to have this announcement gelism; 2, house-to-house visitation; 3, River Valley wherein our baptism was in the churches about the tenth of medical missionary work; 4, North held this summer. October. American Laymen's Convention in The Lord has providentially opened I would suggest that, to save disap- 1951; 5, sacrificial giving. On the fifth up the Voice of Prophecy radio program pointments such as we have had in our point, Elder Edwards stressed that 85 to 25,000 potential listeners for the first recent sale on cards, you send your per cent of all offerings come through time in this area which includes terri- order immediately after obtaining the the Ingathering and Sabbath school tory from Mount Shasta to the Oregon announcement, and that you do not offerings to which we should give more border and from the Klamath River delay, because we have only a limited liberally. National Forest to U.S. Highway 97. number of books of each kind. Elder Glenn Fillman outlined three Recently a new extension Sabbath Some of you are wondering whether projects for our youth. One, school has been begun at Scott Bar PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 11

and there has now come a demand for mediately a letter from the Voice of way the message is given keeps both one at Cecilville. Prophecy office was sent to Elder J. D. members and non-members on the edge The new church and school building Marshall who was spending the sum- of their seats." at Fort Jones is rapidly receiving the mer erecting the new Honokaa church God is surely blessing the humble finishing touches. Our Yreka members on the main street. Elder Marshall efforts being put forth by Brother Leia- have been promised the gift of a church found Miss Matsumoto and invited her loha and the Nanakuli Sabbath school lot by an interested businessman and to church services and she came. members. Brother Ufuti, the ex-Samoan since there is a building fund, plans Elder Marshall stated, "It was a real chief, is leading the music. Most of the are being laid for a church and school thrill to see this 19-year-old, brilliant other laymen who are assisting were building. girl drink in the truth week after week. baptized at the close of Elder Barber's The Siskiyou County newspaper has She sat enraptured." Waipahu effort last spring. accepted a Scripture for the week Elder George Kiyabu, the new pas- Sunday night, September 17, will series without charge. Also the local tor in Northern Hawaii, is planning open another laymen's effort in the new radio station which is the only one to have a baptismal service in the near Aiea. church. Brother Alexander Kiile- plainly heard in this area, has pledged future. What a joy it will be to see hua will be the speaker and Brother free, one-half hour radio time at stra- this young girl unite with God's church. Gerald Ishihara will direct the music. tegic intervals. Though our primary Who left the tracts and Voice of The Honolulu Star Bulletin recently activity has been evangelistic follow-up Prophecy enrollment card at the hotel? printed a news story of these meetings and pastoral work, a complete literature We do not know, but it was probably so soon to open. Brother Kiilehua's pic- campaign is in fulfillment as well. done at the time of the first field ad- ture accompanied the witeup. "When Our two prayer meeting studies on venture crusade in March, as Voice of I went to work the next morning (in "Christ in all the Bible" have been Prophecy enrollment cards always ac- one of the Pearl Harbor shops) the men made evangelistic in nature and are company the tracts. jokingly said, 'Good morning, reverend.' attended by some non-Adventists. We Another opportunity is just before The teasing continued for awhile, but request an interest in your prayers in us. October 7 is the day set aside for as the days went on the men came one behalf of the work in the Yreka-Fort giving our third paper for 1950—Home by one to ask serious questions about Jones district. A. L., at Last--Eternal Security. There are the meetings. Several of them said they DLUMENSHIEN, hundreds who, if presented with the would come to the meetings," reported District Leader. evidence, will be forced to say, "Surely Brother Kiilehua. this is God's Church!" Will you do A third laymen's effort is soon to be- Hawaiian Mission your part? DON R. CHRISTMAN. gin in the town of Ewa. Brother Ger- C. E. ANDROSS, Pres. E. L. Haan, Sec. aldo Cabanilla will lead a. corps of lay- 2003 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii men in this crusade for the salvation of P.O. Box 4037 Telephone 969345 The Canvassing Work our Filipino people on Oahu. "My brethren and sisters, remember All of these lay efforts are being con- t t that one day you will stand before the ducted in Elder Walter E. Barber's dis- Surely This Is God's Lord of all the earth to give an account Church" trict. Each week Elder Barber meets of the deeds done in the body. Then with these laymen to discuss plans for A Voice of Prophecy Bible Course your work will appear as it really is. enrollment card was left with other greater evangelism and to give guidance The vineyard is large, and the Lord is to each section of the field. After the pieces of literature in the Honokaa calling for laborers. Do not allow any- Club Hotel lobby. For days the guests dedication of the new Wahiawa church, thing to keep you from the work of soul- Sunday, September 24, Elder Barber and workers came and Went, seemingly saving. The canvassing work is a most paying little attention to the messages. plans to conduct an evangelistic series of successful way of saving souls. Will you meetings for Wahiawa to be held in Finally one of the workers, Miss p. 3. not try it?" Colporteur Evangelist, the new church building. A vacant Hideko Matsumoto, picked up the en- --0-- church building in the plantation com- rollment card and said to a friend stand- .. munity of Waialua has been secured ing near by, "Well, if nobody is willing Laymen's Public Evangelism and a Sunday school is to be conducted to take this Bible course, I might as Saturday night, September 9, Brother shortly and possibly Sunday night meet- well try it." It was not long before the Ben Leialoha began his first public evan- ings. This also is manned by laymen. first two lessons reached her and for the gelistic meeting in the recently con- "The ministers may do their part, but first time in her life Hideko studied structed tabernacle in the village of they can never perform the work that the Bible. Maile. Nearly 100 attended this open- the church should do." Evangelism, p. Buddhism slowly gave way to Chris- ing lecture. The following evening, 352. Elder Barber has demonstrated tianity. When Miss Peile, the Voice of Sunday, brought a near capacity audi- his belief in this statement. Prophecy instructor, received the 20th ence.of about 125. lesson there was an unexplainable thrill "You have missed one of the great- Won't you show your faith by your as she read the note at the bottom: est thrills in life if you haven't heard works in helping in these soul-winning "I understand there is a Seventh-day Brother .Leialoha preach this message," crusades? Remember these meetings in Adventist Church in ray neighborhood. remarked one of the Hawaiian Mission your daily prayers and go out and do I want to attend when I can find it. workers after listening to the presenta- your part especially on the coming big Surely this is God's church." A desire tion of "The Millennium" one Tues- field adventure day, October 7. for baptism was also expressed. Im- day evening. "The simple but forceful DON R. CHRISTMAN. 12 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Adventist young people in our churches, Arizona Nevada-Utah colleges, academies, and grade schools G. H. RUSTAD, Pres. M. E. HAGEN, Sec. R. A. SMITHWICK, Pres. L. H. NETTEIMEG, See. will participate in this program, and cash 2601 East Thomas Road, Box 5277 185 Martin Ave., P.O. Box 1470, awards will be given to the winners. Phoenix, Arizona Reno, Nevada Telephone 6-3342 Those desiring to enter the talent program should write or phone the Fallon Dedication October 5 Educational department or M.V. depart- Medical Cadet Corps The Voice of Prophecy will give the ment of the conference. Phone: CApitol A medical cadet corps has been organ- dedicatory address, and the King's Her- 6136. Address: 3131 Pasadena Avenue, ized at Arizona Academy with the first alds are to provide a half hour of sacred Los Angeles, or Royal Reid, CItrus drill taking place on Sunday, Septem- music, at the dedication of the beau- 4-2576. MILLER BROCKETT. ber 24, with approximately thirty tiful new Seventh-day Adventist church young men enrolled. building, Thursday night, October 5, The corps is under the leadership of at Fallon, Nevada. M.V. Forecast a skeleton staff which was elected on An interesting feature of this dedica- Youth Recreation September 21. Prof. R. L. Hubbs, con- tion service will be an exhibit of pic- The conference-sponsored recreational ference educational and Missionary tures of the pioneers who helped build program will begin at the Glendale Volunteer secretary, is superintendent up this part of the West. Fallon church, Academy Saturday night October 21, of the organization, with Prof. George formerly called St. Clair church, was 7-10 p.m. The program will be held E. Smith, principal of the academy, as begun in 1875. It was the first church the first and third Saturday nights of director; Norman L. Jones, principal of of Seventh-day Adventists in the State the month and will cater to teenagers the elementary school, commanding of Nevada. For over a quarter of a cen- and young people up to 35 years of age. officer, and Noel Shelton, teacher of tury it was the only church in Churchill The program will feature roller skating, music, as assistant. County. In the early days the public volleyball, ping-pong and craft classes. Young men enlisting in the corps school teacher, and most of the county A similar program is being held at the must be at least sixteen years of age or officials were Seventh-day Adventists. Lynwood Auditorium the second and have passed the tenth grade. Members Sister White attended camp meetings fourth Saturday nights of the month. from the surrounding towns of Glen- held here. So we have a rich treasure All Adventist youth are invited to at- dale, Tempe, Buckeye, etc., will come of things of the early days to exhibit. tend. in each Sunday to drill at the Academy. Important Notice We invite all those in the surround- Drilling begins at 7:30 a.m., and will The Fall Talent Festival has been last for five hours. ing churches to come and enjoy this blessed occasion with us. And pray that postponed from the date first announced to Saturday night, November 18. All We are desirous of securing a copy the Lord will make it an opportunity to Adventist youth who plan to partici- of "From Judaism to " by interest the people of the community, pate in the Talent program should con- Gilbert. Anyone having a copy to sell, and a great blessing to us all. The tact the principal of their school or the please write to the Arizona Book and Voice of Prophecy will give out some I.I.V. department of the conference. Bible House, Box 5277, Phoenix, Ari- interesting literature at this time. CApitol 6136. zona. R. ALLEN SMITHWICK. MILLER BROCKETT. Elder A. L. Westphal, pastor of the Spanish church in Tucson, recently re- Southern California ported the baptism of eight persons in R. R. RIETZ, Pres. R. G. Lswis, Sec. J.M.V. that city. 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles 31, Calif. Pathfinder Fair CApitol 6136 Elder E. E. Hagen, home missionary Sunday, October 29 10:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. secretary of the Nebraska Conference, Fall Talent Festival visited the office Friday, September 22, Lynwood Auditorium when he was the guest of his brother A Fall Talent Festival, sponsored by the Educational and M.V. Departments and sister-in-law, Elder and Mrs. M. E. Exhibits of the conference, will be held, as pre- Hagen. DEAD and ALIVE viously announced, at the Lynwood Auditorium. The time is Saturday night, --- Please Remember November 18, at 7:30. Seventh-day Entertainment Special offering October 7 for State Fair Booth (November 3- Andrew Fearing Collections, Hobbies 12). Drills and Games Help make it possible to give lit- Visits All erature to the thousands who will KGIL Juniors Parents Friends pass the booth. 1260 on the Dial, 8 a.m. E. W. STORING. Every Monday through Friday WELCOME PACIFIC UNION RECORDER " 13

CUNNINGHAM—Durward A. Cunningham married to Lois Connelly. They were baptized was born Nov. 18, 1900, at Plateau, Shasta in 1892 and became charter members of the Did You Sign Your Name? Co., Calif.; and passed to his rest Sept. 8, Messena, Ia., church. In 1897, an Des Moines, We receive too many un- 1950. At the age of 15 he gave his heart to Ia., they established a vegarian restaurant. the Lord and was baptized by Elder E. J. In 1901 they sold out, and then established signed requests For address Urquhart. He has been faithful. He was a health restaurant in Colorado Springs, changes. Most of such requests married to Cupid Speece Nov. 21, 1922. He which grew into a small sanitarium. In 1911 fail to give the old address. It can leaves his wife, a son, and 6 sisters. they entered nurses' training at Loma Linda be understood that under such Sanitarium, later being employed in the hos- WALKER—Robert J. Walker was born in pital there. In 1916 they were invited to the circumstances it is impossible for London, Canada, March 12, 1866; and passed Paradise Valley Sanitarium where they re- us to make the desired change. to rest in Oakland, Calif., Aug. 25, 1950. mained for more than 20 years. Mrs. Pat- Please check your requests for With his wife and son he was baptized in terson passed away in 1944. address change; make sure you 1898. For many years he lived in St. Helena, In 1945 Mr. Patterson was married to Calif. He is survived by his son, Earl William Ethel Jane Gist, who died in 1947. On May have given the old address, the Harris, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. 30, 1950, Brother Patterson passed away. His new address, and have signed the life had been an example of Christian hope name used on the mailing plate. RuNYAN—Mrs. Mary E. Runyan was born in and faith. He is survived by nieces and If you prefer the paper to go to Danville, Ind.,April 17, 1873; and passed nephews and other relatives. you under a different name, away in Pasaena, Calif., April 8, 1950. She is survived by her husband, James W. Runyan; nasoN—Levi Alexander Gibson was born in change of initials, change from 2 sons, Lee M. and Alfred M. Hutchison; or whatever; state t. Vernon, Mo., Feb. 22, 1864; and passed Miss to Mrs., 3 daughters, Mrs. Emma McClure, Mrs. away Aug. 21, 1950, at Loma Linda, Calif. that request. But please sign your Grace Campbell, and Mrs. Epha P. DeVoe; He accepted the message while attending a name! and a number of grandchildren and great- camp -meeting at Walla Walla, Wash., in grandchildren. 1892. He had been teaching in the public schools, but entered Walla Walla College GOLDSBERRY--Minta J. Huston Goldsberry where he studied for 3 year; in preparing "The honest seeker after truth will was born in Cass Co., Tex.; and died in Na- for a part in the Lord's work. In 1894 he Aug. 21, 1950. She is not plead ignorance of the law as an tional City, Calif. was united in marriage with Miss Artilla excuse for transgression." survived by her husband,' Hugh A. Golds- Wheeler. They first labored in what was then berry, 2 daughters, Mrs. Doris A. Clapp and the Montana Mission. He was, in ministerial Mrs. Coress King, a granddaughter, and sev- work in Montana, and the Upper Columbia eral brothers and sisters. Mrs. Goldsberry was and Southern Oregon Conferences until ill OBITUARIES baptized by Elder Chester Prout in 1921. health caused his retirement from active min- She was loyally devoted to the message. istry in 1916. He is survived by his companion ~JCRooscs--Samuel Andrew Crooks was born in and their 2 children, Paul Gibson and Mrs. MCCARTHY—Pearl Valentine Peterson Mc- Saskatchewan June 18, 1892; and died at Mildren Shipley, 2 grandchildren, 2 great- Carthy was born at Valentine, Nebr., Feb. 14, Loma Linda, Calif., Sept. 2, 1950. He was grandchildren, a brother, and a sister. interested in the Advent message by reading 1906; and died at Angwin, Calif., Aug. 25, books sold to him by Adventist neighbors. 1950. She became a Seventh-day Adventist at His baptism was administered by Elder A. C. the age of 12 and was a faithful member until WELCH—Eliza Jane Welch was born in Gilbert. He attended her death. She attended Shelton Academy, Canada July 7, 1868; and passed away in one year and the next three years were spent , and Pacific Union College, Arroyo Grande, Calif., Aug. 12, 1950. She at Battleford Academy, where he was grad- and had taken a dental hygiene course at the was for many years a faithful Seventh-day uated in 1920. Five summers were spent as a University of California. She is survived by Adventist. She is survived by a. son, a grand- gospel colporteur while he attended academy her mother, Mrs. Anna Peterson; 2 brothers, son, and a great-grandchild. and college. After 2 years at Pacific Union LeRoy D. Peterson and Dr. Vernon Peterson; College, he entered the College of Medical and 2 sisters, Mrs. Zella H. Keyes and Mrs. LANE--Nancy Jane Lane was born Feb. 23, Evangelists with ten dollars and much faith; Lita Rogers. 1850; and died in Fresno, Calif., June 18, and received his diploma May 2, 1927. Dr. 1950. She was baptized by Elder H. M. J. Crooks spent a year as intern at the White McCoRmicK--Rosella P. McCormick was born Richards in Hanford 50 years ago and was a Memorial Hospital, and at once joined the in Kentucky April 4, 1861. She passed away faithful member until her death. She is sur- faculty of the College of Medical Evangelists at Corona, Calif., July 29, 1950. vived by a son, 6 daughters, 6 grandchildren, in the Department of Anatomy, where he 11 great-grandchildren, and 16 great-great- faithfully served for over 23 years. During his Luren—Loyd Lund was born in Minnesota grandchildren. first year at Loma Linda he married Hulda in 1930 and died April 1, 1950, near Burbank, Hoehn, who was his classmate in Battleford Calif. He was baptized and united with the SMITH—Edward John Smith was born Sept. Academy. church at the age of 12. He had attended the 11, 1890, in Bison, Kansas. From his boyhood Beloved alike of students, faculty, and Glendale Union Academy. he was a faithful member of the Seventh-day neighbors, he shed a cheerful and holy influ- Adventist Church. active in church activities ence wherever he went. His health, never VANcE—George Arthur Vance was born in so long as his health permitted, He attended robust, failed during the last 2 years, but his Missouri Jan. 5, 1871; and passed away near Union College, graduating from that insti- death was quite sudden. He leaves his widow, Buckeye, Ariz., Aug. 26, 1950. He was mar- tution in 1915. He is survived by his wife, Hulda Hoehn Crooks, their son Wesley, 2 ried to Sarah Norman Aitken in 1896. Mrs. Lauretta Smith, 3 sisters, Mrs. Fred brothers, and a multitude of friends and Brother Vance accepted the Advent Message Ebel, Mrs. I. G. Ortner, aril Mrs. Mary former students. at the age of 23 and was a consistent and Simon; 2 daughters, Mrs. Virginia Redfern faithful member. He awaits the call of the and Miss Marrilyn Jacobson; and one son, GLEFFE—Ralph Edward Gleffe was born in Life-giver. He leaves his wife, a son, Floyd John Robert Smith. Funeral services were Germany April 21, 1862; and died near St. Vance, and 3 daughters, Mrs. Lee Carter, held Aug. 26, 1950. Helena, Calif., Sept. 4, 1950. His first com- Mrs. Gilbert Leon, and Mrs. Charles Mc- panion in marriage was Estella Fellows. To Donough; 8 grandchildren, 2 brothers, Frank CLEmENTs—Richard A. Clements was born in them were born 6 children. She passed to her Vance and Ernest Vance; and one sister, Mrs. Wheatland, Ind., Oct. 4, 1869; and passed rest in 1905. In 1906 he was married to Emma Bales. away at San Bernardino, Calif., May 17, 1950. Martha Port. Brother Gleffe is survived by He was a faithful member of the Seventh- his companion, 12 children, 27 grandchildren, PATTERSON--Frank W. Patterson was born in day Adventist Church for 34 years. He is and 10 great-grandchildren. Wayne Co., Ia., Feb. 4, 1866. In 1889 he was survived by his wife. 14 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

SKEEN—Abb-le Belle Skeen was born Feb. 9, BuRMAN—William Garfield Burman was born FOR SALE.-40 acres; 6-room house, bath, fire- 1884, in East St. Louis, Ill.; and passed to in Milbank, So. Dak., Jan. 28, 1907; and place, garage, barn, 2 fenced pastures, creek, her rest in Eugene, Ore., June 2, 1950. She died in San Bernardino, Calf., Sept. 12, school and mail route. Price $5,250; terms. accepted the message in 1918. She was united 1950. He is survived by his wife, 5 chldren, Located 15 miles out of Myrtle Creek, Ore. in marriage to Harry F. Skeen in 1905. She his parents, Brother and Sister Frank Bur- Address Mrs. M. H. Rowe, Gold Beach, Ore. is survived by her companion, a daughter, man; 2 sisters, and a brother. Marjorie Knight, a son, Kenneth Skeen, 3 FOR SALE.-2-bedroom house on large corner grandsons, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. BEISEL—Alma E. Beisel was born near Arnett, lot; tile in kitchen and bath; basement. floor Okla., Feb. 23, 1903; and passed away Sept. furnace; fireplace; fruit trees; berries. Room HESSE — Christine Hesse was born in San 4, 1950. She was baptized in Loveland, Colo., re build another house. Good rental district; Francisco Oct. 6, 1888; and fell asleep in Jesus in 1918. S:ster Beisel was a faithful member c'ese to store. Full price $4,500. Write H. R. July 24, 1950, in Alameda, Calif. There she of the La Sierra church. A mother and Angell, Box 38, Loma Linda, Cal:f. has served the church as teacher, deaconess. brother survive. and in other offices. "And her many acts of FOR SALE.-3-bedroom home; hardwood floors, kindness do follow her." In her youth she 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 fireplace, large patio; garage. Small health attended church school. She is survived by her food business. Growing neighborhood, 2 blocks husband, Walter Hesse, who looks forward to WHEN tn 10-grade school and church. 80 x 330 lot, the resurrection morn. fruit, nuts, nice lawn, organic garden. A home OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS was a future. J. Marion, Rt. 4 Box 7207-Y. ELLINGToN—Mrs. Anna P. Ellington was born Carmichael, Calif. in Bowling Green, Ky. Nov. 7, 1867; and died at Lakeport, Calif., Sept. 10, 1950. She I W A NTED mechanic to run highway accepted present truth 53 years ago and re- garage, or will sell or lease to reliable man. mained faithful. Hers was the blessed hone Good wages or percentage. Ray E. Schafer, of a part in the first resurrection. She leaves Box 152, Solano Beach, Calif. 4 sons, 2 daughters, 5 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. WANTED.—Trained, experienced S.D.A. lady for treatment room and massage. Permanent NAsx—John Edgar Nash was born in Tav- work for right party. Westwood Physical lorsville, Ill., June 2, 1869; and died in Loma Therapy, 1005 Broxton Ave., Los Angeles Linda, Calif., Sept. 10, 1950. In 1889 he was 24, Calif. united in marriage with Rose May Welch. In 1911 Brother Nash accepted the message Do You need a warmer climate this winter? and. was baptized. The family located in IT KNOCKS I have nice light-housekeeping rooms in my Loma Linda in 1922, where Brother Nash home. Alfred Oeltjen, 204 Farmers Ave., was employed at the sanitarium until he SOME PEOPLE OVER. Tempe, Ariz. retired in 1937. He is survived by his wife, 4 daughters, 7 grandchildren, 5 great-grand- Get ready for your great day FOE SALE.—Convalescent Nursing home, children, 3 brothers, and a sister. and terms. Would consider home in pines as par- Step into larger service, tial down payment, if desired. Phone 382-J; GRAHAM--Joseph A. Graham was born May or write Convalsecent Home, Pratt Ave., 26, 1861; and passed to his rest at Loma Into deserving responsibility Rr. 1 Box 650, St. Helena, Calif. Linda, Calif., Aug. 30, 1950. He was united in marriage to Nettie Welton in 1885, and Enroll for a course with FOR SALE.-5 acres under cultivation. 4-room together they became Seventh-day Adventists house with bath; hot and cold water; barn, and in 1886. Mrs. Graham passel to her rest in HOME STUDY INSTITUTE garage. For information write to Rt. 3 Box 1922. Brother and Sister Graham were faithful Tokomo Park, Washington 12, D. C. 581, Oregon City, Ore. to the end of their lives. Brother Graham is survived by a son, a daughter, and 5 grand- 111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FOR SALE in beautiful Meadow Vista, in the children. hills, approximately 7 acres, 3 in orchard, rest pasture and home site. Creek frontage; PERRY — Mrs. Lucia C. Perry was born in ADVERTISEMENTS 2 all-year springs. Half mile to store, church, Iowa, Oct. 22, 1858; and died in National and church school bus. Good roads; electricity. City, Calif., July 13. 1950. She was th' Reference from the conference president Priced for quick sale. Rt. 1 Box 1505, Colfax, widow of Henry H. Perry. They were both must accompany request for advertising space Calif. employees at the Pacific Press for some years. in the RECORDER. Mrs. Perry was the first superintendent of Advertisements are accepted for one inser- FOR SALE.—Small 5-room house on 5 acres. nurses of the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. tion only. Rate: $1.00 for fifty words or less. Electricity and pressure system. Located in She was a faithful Seventh-day Adventist Cash must accompany the advertisement. farming community 50 miles north of Monnt for over 50 years. Her life was spent in loving Personal advertising is limited to Seventh- Shasta, 30 miles south of Klamath Falls, Ore. service for others. She is survived by a foster day Adventists in need of disposing or securing Elevation 4000 ft. Mile and a half to church son, and two nieces. real or personal property because of moving, school. $1,250, cash. Francis Purdy, Macdoel, health, or similar reasons. Certain types of Calif. BRomrvf—Mrs. Elsie M. Bromm was born advertising by Seventh-day Adventists, offering or hiring personal services may be accepted. Feb. 27, 1869, at Toulon, Ill.; and passed GOING EAST? —Have room for 3 or 4 pas- It is understood that the RECORDER can assume away Aug. 3, 1950, at Arlington, Calif. She sengers, one way or round trip for 3 to 4 no responsibility for advertisements appearing leaves a daughter and 2 grandchildren. weeks. To East Coast or intermediate points. in these columns. 0. G. Erich, Box 456, Angwin, Calif. MILLER—Chandler Eugene Miller was born in Gays Mills. Wis., July 4, 1878; and fell WANTED.—Ride for 2 to Florida in early asleep in Jesus Sept. 14, 1950, in Riverside, October; and return. Will share expense and FOR SALE.—Attractive 2-bedroom house on Calif. After accepting the third angel's mes- help drive. Box 379, Camino, Calif. 80 x 280 ft. lot. 16 fruit trees; garden space; sage he and his family located in Oregon, 2 water shares. 2 blocks from La Sierra Col- then moved to Riverside. He leaves his wife, Goon PIANO for sale, $150. May be seen at lege campus. Moving to east coast. 4550 Elm, 8 children, 19 grandchildren, and 4 great- home of Owen Claunch, Angwin, Calif., or off Raley Dr. Phone Riverside 9613-R-3. grandchildren. He looked forward to the write to owner at 3136 Belmont Ave., Fresno, Guy 0. Nelson, Box 106, La Sierra Sta., morning of the resurrection. Calif. Arlington, Calif. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 15



SUNDAY TUESDAY Berkeley KRE 1400 7:30 a.m. The Quiet Hour KPMC 1560 12.00 noon Voice of Prophecy Bakersfield KRE 1400 1:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Chico KHSL 1290 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Oakland KROW 960 7:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Douglas, Arizona KAWT 1450 11:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy San Fernando KGIL 1260 8:00 a.m. Andrew Fearing Visits El Centro KXO 1230 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Eureka KIEM 1480 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy WEDNESDAY KHUM 1240 9:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Berkeley KRE 1400 7:30 a.m. The Quiet Hour Fresno KYNO 1300 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy KRE 1400 1:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Globe, Arizona KW.JB 1240 10:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Long Beach KGER 1390 11:45 a.m. Prophecy Speaks Oakland KROW 960 7:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Hilo, T.H. KHBC 970 9:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy San Fernando KGIL 1260 8:00 a.m. Andrew Fearing Visits Honolulu KGMB 590 9:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Las Vegas, Nevada KENO 1400 9:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy THURSDAY Logan, Utah KVNU 610 8:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Los Angeles KHJ 930 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Berkeley KRE 1400 7:30 a.m. The Quiet Hour KRE 1400 1:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour KECA 790 2:00 p.m. Voice of Prophecy Long Beach KGER 1390 11:45 a.m. Prophecy Speaks and KECA-FM 95.5 meters Oakland KROW 960 7:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Marysville KMYC 1450 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Phoenix, Arizona KPHO 1230 1:30 p.m. Gluiet Meditations and KMYC-FM 99.9 megs. San Fernando KGIL 1260 8:00 a.m. Andrew Fearing Visits Merced KYOS 1480 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Oakland KROW 960 7:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour FRIDAY 1430 8:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Ogden, Utah KLO Berkeley KRE 1400 7:30 a.m. The Quiet Hour Pasadena KXLA 1110 7:15 p.m. Life and Health KRE 1400 1:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Paso Robles KPRL 1230 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Long Beach KGER 1390 11:45 a.m. rophecy Speaks Oakland 960 7:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Phoenix, Arizona KTAR 620 11:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy KROW Safford, Arizona KGLU 1480 9:30 p.m. Melod es & Meditations Prescott, Arizona KYCA 1490 11:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy San Fernando KGIL 1260 8:00 a.m. Andrew Fearing Visits Price, Utah KOAL 1230 8:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Provo, Utah KOVO 960 8:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy SABBATH Redding KVCV 600 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Berkeley 1400 Reno, Nevada KATO 1340 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy KRE 7:30 a.m. The Quiet Hour Blythe KU BC 1450 5:15 p.m. Mountain Meditations Safford, Arizona KGLU 1480 11:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Brawley KROP 1300 5:15 p.m. Mountain Meditations Salinas-Monterey KSBW 1380 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Indio KREO 1400 5:15 p.m. Mountain Meditations Salt Lake City, Utah KALL 910 8:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Riverside KPRO 1440 5:00 p.m. Mountain Meditations KUTA 570 9:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy and KPRO-FM 97.5 megs. (channel 248) KPRO 1440 5:30 p.m. Voice of Prophecy San Bernardino KFXM 590 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy San Francisco KGO-TV 9:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour KITO 1290 2:00 p.m. Voice of Prophecy San Diego KGB 1360 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy San Francisco KFRC 610 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy KGO 810 2:00 p.m. Voice of Prophecy FOREIGN LANGUAGES and KGO-FM 106.1 megs. SUNDAY KGO 810 10:15 p.m. The Quiet Hour San Luis Obispo KVEC 920 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Spanish Santa Ana KVOE 1480 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Calexico KICO 1490 7:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Santa Barbara KDB 1490 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Pasadena KWKW 1300 9:00 p.m. Voice of Prophecy Susanville KSUE 1240 9:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Tucson, Arizona KVOA 1290 9:30 a.m. Voice of Prophecy Italian Yuma, Arizona KYUM 1240 11:00 a.m. Voice of Prophecy San Jose KLOK 1170 9:30 a.m. The'Voice of Hope Wailuku, Maui KMVI 9:30 a.m. Morning Meditations 5:00 p.m. The Voice of Hope KSYC 1490 1:00 p.m. Voice of Prophecy Yreka Hawaiian Honolulu, T.H. KGU 760 8:45 a.m. Ka Leo Oina Hawaii

MONDAY Filipino Honolulu, T.H. KPOA 7:15 a.m. Timec Ti Namnama Berkeley KRE 1400 7:30 a.m. The Quiet Hour KRE 1400 1:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour

Oakland KROW 950 7:30 p.m. The Quiet Hour Your assistance in keeping this log accurate will be appreciated. San Fernando KGIL 1260 8:00 a.m. Andrew Fearing Visits Kindly send all changes to Radio Department, Box 146, Glendale, Calif. 16 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER

Temperance Missionary Work believers will then be able to invite religious beliefs will not result in lesser Made Easy their relatives and friends to attend or lighter duty than performed by other services. The building will be effective enlisted persons. Decision as to whether Almost every youngster has signed a in convincing others that we are a or not work is essential will be the pre- temperance pledge at some time or stable organization, one that can be rogative of the commanding officer." other. Now we have discovered another trusted. The existence of this Sabbath ruling way of making temperance "stick" in To complete the furnishing of the in the Navy ought not to encourage any the minds of boys and girls. It is the building, the members wish an organ. of our Seventh-day Adventist members temperance blotter, issued by the They think of an organ of good size to enlist in the Navy rather than wait American Temperance office at Sac- with an electric motor attachment; they to be drafted for the Army. The only ramento. would, of course, prefer an electric way at present that men can get into The attractive blotters are of two organ but funds are limited. If readers the Navy is by voluntary enlistment. kinds—one bearing a challenge from a know of an available organ at a reason- Voluntary enlistment is something we famous athlete to the boys; the other, able price, please write to Treasurer, can never recommend, for it is the Miss America's message to young ad- Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, equivalent of voluntary surrender of mirers. B.W.I. the noncombatant status. The only way Remarkable success has been that a noncombatant status can be achieved in even a limited circulation Navy Sabbath Ruling secured is to go into the military services of the blotters. In Vallejo, Martinez, through the processes of the draft. In For the help it may give to members and St. Helena, interested folk have this a man can be classified as a non- of the Seventh-day Adventist Church placed the blotters in the hands of every combatant and his status assured. By high school and junior high school who are also members of the United voluntary enlistment it is not. The States Navy, and in order that they may student. A thousand blotters have been Navy as yet is not taking draftees, nor refer to the proper Naval order when requested by the Trinidad church. A is any other military service of the working out difficulties regarding Sab- Sacramento lady has given $5 toward country except the Army. the 8,000 blotters needed to cover the bath observance with their immediate CARLYLE B. I lAyNEs. Sacramento high schools. A nine-year. superior officers, the following informa- old boy gave them out to all the gram- tion is supplied. mar-grade children in a North Sac- During the last two or three years of ramento school. A Brownsville brother World War II, the Navy, at my earnest La Sierra College recently sent $10 to help in blotter solicitation, issued a Sabbath ruling con- distribution. An order has come in tained in Circular Letter No. 362-44, from Ogden, Utah. The idea is spread- valid on all ships and stations the world First Vespers ing like fire in the wind. around. Elder R. R. Bietz, new president of The best story we have heard is Early in January of 1950 this order the Southern California Conference, from Mrs. Stewart of San Mateo, who was cancelled, along with a long list of spoke to L.S.C. students at the open- invested in 2,000 blotters for the young others, as it was considered to have ing vesper service of the school year people of her town. Both teachers and served its purpose. The Bureau of Naval held in Hole Memorial Auditorium on students were so pleased with them Personnel, however, has incorporated Friday evening. that Mrs. Stewart plans to order another the same material in Article C-12201(2) Elder Bietz has been president of the supply for the coming year. of the Bureau of Naval Personnel Southern New England conference since Young people, especially of high Manual, and this can be referred to by 1946, and held a similar position prev- school age, are confused on the issues any of our Navy men who may be iously in the Texico Conference. He is of moderate drinking and total absti- having trouble regarding Sabbath ob- the brother of Dr. Arthur L. Bietz, nence. The liquor people have done servance. This Article is as follows: pastor of the White Memorial church. their utmost to spread this confusion. "(2) Members of the naval service, Temperance blotters—kept for weeks, however, whose strong religious con- Enrollment used constantly, read and reread—point victions require them to observe some Eight hundred students have en- the way to right living in all of its day other than Sunday as their Sab- rolled at La Sierra College, Registrar attractiveness. bath, and to refrain on their Sabbath Mary I. Champion reveals, and the total Ask your temperance secretary for from any but the most essential work is expected to reach 850 before the further information regarding the blot- are entitled to respect for their religious week ends. This is the largest enroll- ters, or write the American Temperance convictions. To the extent that military ment in. L.S.C.'s history. Society, 1005 Eighth Street, Sacra- conditions permit, personnel who cele- Already the new addition to Calkins mento, Calif. F. G. ASHBAUGH. brate the Sabbath on a day other than Hall is occupied, and seven more rooms Sunday will be afforded opportunity to are being constructed in space formerly observe the requirements of their reli- occupied by the assembly room in A Real Need gious principles, and should normally Calkins Hall. Hole Memorial Audi- Our members in Paramaribo, Dutch be excused from duty on that day to the torium is now being used by L.S.C. Guiana, are erecting a new church. The same extent that other personnel are men for morning and evening worship building will seat three hundred to excused on Sunday. In all such cases periods. four hundred people and is to be a they will be required to perform full More than 400 students are housed representative place of worship. The duty on Sunday in order that their on the campus this year.