
The Official Newsletter of the Un-Official Unit Natu ra list Published Every 2 Weeks...More or Less! Al Asad au Natural

Volume I, Issue 5 12 October, 2008

Special points of in- Creature Feature terest: (Extirpated—Critically Endangered) • You’ve met the , now meet the of Al Asad! The Asiatic Al to the brink of , shot in the Tigris / Eu- • What’s an endemic? Read Asad translates to “The with the last Iraqi lion phrates delta in 1918. Birders’ Corner. Lion”, a symbol of • Next Issue: I’m going strength and cutting edge batty over the Halloween military might, and a tra- Issue! ditional Iraqi symbol dat- ing back to the Lion of and biblical times. The lion that once Inside this issue: roamed (and in fact an area from to Cool Cats of the 2-3 Greece and across north- ern Africa) was the Asi- atic Lion. Today only 350 Questions from the Field 2 wild Asiatic remain, all centered around a small preserve in India. The Dusty Lens: Pics of 4 the Week! The Asiatic lion is slightly smaller than the African Birders’ Corner 4 lion, has a shorter mane (exposing its ears more), and has a wrinkle of skin running down its abdo- “ He goes out hunting men that the African ver- sion lacks. Persecuted The mountain lion I am since Roman times, this With mahogany bow he has been hunted

goes out hunting With the yellow tail- Who’s Living Under My CHU? feathered arrow he

goes out hunting The Domestic I mistreatment from The finest of female game was surprised to see a cat humans, hunger, acci- of the tabby variety near dents, parasitic Through the shoulder pad 9.a couple weeks ago. worms, fleas, and This cat appeared ringworm (a fungus). that I may shoot healthy, but outdoor cats These last two are In death it obeys me.” are subject to several easily transmitted to fatal feline diseases, at- humans, and a bite - Navajo folk song tacks from other , can pass . PAGE 2 AL ASAD AU NATURAL VOLUME I, ISSUE 5

Sand Cat

Sand Cats live in the harsh- hearing for hunting in the est , hiding under dark and can hear the sound rocks during the day and of a scratching out an hunting at night for lizards, underground tunnel. The , and insects. This numbers of Sand cats are not cat lives away from water, well known. While wide- completely meeting its fluid spread, they are threatened requirements from its food. in some areas by de- Sand cats are small at about struction and hunting. They 20” in length and an average are non-aggressive and can weight of 6 lbs. They have a be observed sunning on rocks broad head and large ears, during cooler days. with a 12” tail. Their are protected from the hot “Extirpated!” describes a sand by long hairs between their pads. They are further native plant or animal insulated from the sun by that no longer lives in a their dense fur. Unusually, Sand take turns using the same dens. cats will share territories and even They also have highly developed certain part of its range.


Wildcats are a widely spread, slightly larger version of a domestic cat, and their habits and diets are similar. The in Arabia is called the Tawney cat. These cats are timid and avoid humans. The main threat to the Wildcat is inter- breeding with domestic cats and “Sufferin’ Succotash!” also the diseases transmitted by The cartoon cat Sylvester gets feral cats. This is ironic because domestic cats are descended from his name is from the Latin name African subspecies of the Wildcat. of the Wildcat, sylvestris

Questions from the Field...your questions answered!

What is the difference between occurs in chalk and chert in other chert and flint? sedimentary rocks like limestone or

dolostone. In general usage, flint Not much. Both form when silica denotes a higher gem quality and minerals replace sediments in a low chert a less attractive piece. Agate heat and low pressure environment. and jasper are types of flint. Both Both form as nodules and occur in can be used to spark a fire. Another various colors, and have similar name is cryptocrystalline quartz. characteristics. Traditionally flint Flint is the State Gem of Ohio! Chert found by Chaplain Lewis VOLUME I, ISSUE 5 AL ASAD AU NATURAL PAGE 3

Jungle Cat

villages or lives in coming rare in the due © Tony Zubaku abandoned build- to hunting and poisoning by farm- ings. In Iraq, they ers protecting their . When prefer to live bred with domestic cats, the result among reed beds is a called a “chausie”. Vector along or in Control occasionally catches one of swampy areas. these cats (see photo) around the Rodents, , wadi. Al Asad has a catch and re- and amphibians lease policy for Jungle cats, which make up the diet do not pose a threat to humans. of the , and near water Cheetahs and Leopards once they will swim for fish. They average lived in Iraq, but like the Asiatic 28’ long with a lion have been extirpated. The short 8-10” tail and weigh 9-35 lbs European lives in northern The Jungle cat is a resident of Al (males much heavier than females). Iraq. Asad, and sometimes approaches Though widespread, they are be-


Caracal derive their name from the at a time! They will eat animals Turkish word karakulak , meaning up to the size of a gazelle or “black ear”. They live in semi- small antelope, but are picky desert and savannah areas and can about which parts they eat go for long periods without drink- (most cats will eat the entire ing. Weighing up to 40 lbs, Cara- animal). They are also highly cals are the largest cat that live in territorial with other cats. Ca- this part of Iraq. They are known racals are easily tamed and can for their skill in hunting birds, be trained for hunting, but are jumping to snatch them in flight— rarely seen in the wild due to sometimes catching more than one their ability to hide & blend in.

The Lion of Babylon

Attack Cats are concentrated near Athens, Ohio, and can give an embarrassing but non-lethal bite to their larger neighbors! The Original “Jungle Cat” THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE UN- OFFICIAL UNIT NATURALIST Pics of the Week! Send your photos, questions, and submissions to MAJ Rogers at: [email protected]

The editorial staff full responsibility for the content of this publication. It does not reflect any official views from the U.S. military or this command. Most content is blatantly stolen from other sources and greatly appreciated!

SGM Dillon snapped this cool Bearded lizard in the desert.

Always Right, Sustain the Fight! MAJ Hinton caught this baby House gecko (photo & finger courtesy of MAJ 371st SB Rogers)

Birders’ Corner

One of the distinctive (some would warbler (B), is one of the say noisy) sounds of the Al Asad special birds of Iraq. An is the Great Reed warbler (A). inhabitant of the south- It’s close cousin, the Basra Reed ern marshes, the BRW is considered an endemic of Iraq, meaning it occurs A nowhere else. In truth, B ©Mike Pope the BRW can also be found in Kuwait, proba- bly in SW , and in 2006 a small breeding population (only about a dozen individual birds over 2 years) was found in . When Saddam Hussein drained the marshes in the south of Iraq (attempting to destroy the culture of the Marsh ), the BRW was put is serious jeopardy of extinction. Thankfully the marshes and the birds are slowly recovering C through the efforts of Nature Iraq and Birdlife International. Iraq’s only other endemic , the Iraq babblers that live here in the wadi, babbler (C), is one of two types of the other being Common babbler.