True World History : Humanitys Saga
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TRUE WORLD HISTORY HUMANITY’S SAGA By Stewart A. Swerdlow ARTICLES By Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow Expansions Publishing Company, Inc. P.O. Box 12 • Saint Joseph • Michigan 49085 • USA Books by Stewart A. Swerdlow & Janet Diane Mourglia-Swerdlow: Archetypes & Symbols Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation Decoding Your Life: An Experiential Course in Self-Reintegration Healer’s Handbook: A Journey into Hyperspace Hyperspace Helper Hyperspace Plus Montauk: The Alien Connection Stewart Says… True Reality of Sexuality White Owl Legends: An Archetypal Story of Creation Your Health & Healing: Taking Control of Your Life Published by: Expansions Publishing Company, Inc. P.O. Box 12 Saint Joseph Michigan 49085 USA 269-519-8036 skype: [email protected] [email protected] Editor: Janet Swerdlow Cover artist: Dino Venturino Graphic Design: Simone Mani ISBN: 978-0-9626446-7-2 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Copyright © 2014 Expansions Publishing Company Inc. Dedication To Clifton Davis, a dedicated Hyperspace/Oversoul student and loyal friend, whose tireless efforts and countless hours of transcription enabled Janet and I to bring this book to fruition, We know him in many lifelines and are so happy that he journeys with us in this one! CONTENTS Introduction 1 Galactic History: The Alien Presence 2 Planetary Science 3 Evolution of Our Solar System 4 Lemuria & Atlantis 5 Alien Manipulations 6 Nibiru 7 Development of Sumer & Egypt 8 Ancient Egypt 9 Ancient Hebrews 10 Ark of the Covenant 11 Bible Code 12 Ancient Greece 13 Ancient Rome 14 Khazar Empire 15 Jmmanuel 16 Magdalene Culture 17 Jmmanuel’s Descendants 18 Saturnalia, Oester & Passover 19 Slavs, Gypsies/Romani & Germanic/T eutonic Tribes 20 Vikings 21 Frisland 22 Portugal’ s Gibraltar Straits Island 23 Celtic Empire 24 Lost Tribes of Israel 25 Inca 26 Bolivia Underground Tunnels 27 Maya 28 Aztecs 29 Mongol Empires 30 China’s Influence 31 Moors & Arabs 32 Ottoman Empire 33 Templars 34 Waldensians/V audois/Valdenses 35 Waldensian Exterminations 36 Michigan Connection 37 Bosnian Pyramids 38 The Papacy 39 Spanish Empire 40 British Empire 41 Antarctica & The 4th Reich 42 Tibet, India & Nepal 43 Iceland 44 Nazi Experiments 45 Book of Revelation 46 Staged Alien Invasion 47 Kuiper Belt 48 Your Genetic Lineage 49 Extraterrestrials, Aliens & Interdimensional Existences 50 Factors That Affect You 51 Taking Responsibility ARTICLES BY JANET DIANE MOURGLIA-SWERDLOW 1 Unholy Trinity 2 What is the Astral Realm? 3 Gone to the Dark Side & Proud of It 4 Exploring The Darkness 5 The Illuminati’s #1 Secret Weapon 6 Why the Illuminati Give you a Shelf Life: 20 Reasons 7 Transitions: Is Physical Death Necessary? 8 Death Program… And How To Stop It! 9 Crucifixion Program & More 10 My Waldensian Ancestry GLOSSARY OF TERMS INDEX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1.1 Lyra star system 1.2 Draco star system 2.1 Mercator North Pole Map 3.1 Solar System 4.1 Lemuria 4.2 Atlantis: original location 4.3 Atlantis map with Gulf Stream 4.4 Milky Way Galaxy 5.1 Earth Civilizations flow chart 5.2 Galactic Civilizations flow chart 5.3 Location of Mount Ararat 6.1 Nibiru 7.1 Sumer/Egypt 8.1 Ancient Egypt 8.2 Reptilian/Snake people 10.1 Ark of the Covenant 11.1 Ultimate Protection archetype 11.2 Toroid 12.1 Ancient Greece 13.1 Ancient Rome 14.1 Khazaria 16.1 Last Supper (Giampietrino) — detail 19.1 Slavs, Gypsies/Romani k, Germanic/Teutonic Tribes 20.1 Viking map 21.1 Norse map showing Frisland 23.1 Celtic Empire 24.1 Lost Tribes of Israel 25.1 Incan Empire 26.1 Elongated skull 27.1 Mayan Empire 28.1 Aztec territories 29.1 First Mongol Empire — Attila the Hun 29.2 Second Mongol Empire — Genghis Khan 30.1 China Xia dynasty 32.1 Ottoman Empire 33.1 Templars crosses 33.2 Seal of Templars 34.1 Waldensian Territories 35.1 Waldensian persecutions 35.2 Waldensian persecutions 35.3 Waldensian persecutions 36.1 Michigan Tablet 36.2 Michigan Copper Mines 36.3 Copper Island Keewenaw 36.4 Oxhyde from Cyprus 36.5 Phoenicians copper oxhydes 36.6 Monks Mound in Illinois 37.1 Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 37.2 Pyramid of the Sun 38.1 Sistine Chapel Central Panels 38.2 Amminadab 38.3 Sistine Chapel: Seal of Solomon/Star of David 38.4 Prophet Zacharias 38.5 Cumaean Sybil 38.6 David and Goliath 38.7 Judith and Holofernes 38.8 Creation of Sun and Moon 38.9 The Drunkenness of Noah 38.10 The Last Judgment 39.1 Spanish Empire 40.1 British Empire 41.1 Neuschwabenland uniform logo 41.2 Antarctica with research bases 41.3 Map of Antarctica with Neuschwabenland 41.4 Flying Saucer of the Nazis: Haunebu II 41.5 Nazi Moon Base 42.1 Tibet 42.2 Inner Earth 47.1 Kuiper Belt 50.1 Factors That Affect You INTRODUCTION True World History is much different from what is given to the public. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is control. Those who run the World know this. History is written by the victors. They do not write true history; they write the history the way they want you to see it. Hitler rewrote history, as did the Romans, Greeks, Americans, British, and French, therefore justifying their actions to win public favor. The Spaniards along with the Catholic Church may have been the worst of all from the destruction they created in most of the world and the history they altered. The world as you know it is not the way it was or the way it should be. Whenever anything is discovered or found that undermines public history, it is methodically removed from public knowledge or labeled a hoax. For example, an elderly man came to one of my seminars in Houston, Texas. He was a beekeeper from Tennessee. He told me that when he was a little boy in the 1920s he had a history book that his class used in their one-room schoolhouse with stories about how Admiral Byrd went to the North Pole. The book said that he found tropical islands, dinosaurs and all kinds of amazing things there that no one knew existed. One day, “the G-Men” came in black suits, pulled up to the school, removed all those texts and gave them new ones without the story in it. A few years ago, Janet and I toured Marvel Cave in Branson, Missouri. While there, one of the guides told us the story of how explorers found dinosaurs that looked like they had simply lain down and gone to sleep. Someone called the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. which subsequently sent a team to remove the dinosaurs. After some time had passed, this same person called the Smithsonian to inquire about the dinosaurs. “What dinosaurs?” was the only response this person received. I personally spoke to an archaeologist from Bolivia who discovered 9- foot/3 meters tall Cyclops in suspended animation in a cave in the Andes Mountains. The Cyclops were surrounded by what looked like all kinds of computers. However, the country was in political upheaval at the time so the cave was sealed shut to protect it from the incoming regime. Now, the archaeologist tells me, the maps showing the cave’s location were lost in the change and they are still looking for the cave. I can tell you many, many stories like this. I will share some of them with you throughout this book. Why change history? Because when you are a group of a few hundred thousand people and are up against billions of people, guns, weapons, and armies are really not enough. You would be overwhelmed by the sheer number of people so the most intelligent thing you could do is to mind- control and program people to believe that they are free. The best slave is one who doesn’t know he’s a slave. Then, instill fear so that the slaves accept the most plausible explanations so that the few can maintain control over the many. People think that only in modern times with aviation and roadways in the last century or so people migrated across the world, but this is not so! From ancient times people have spread from all over the world. Be prepared to change your view not only of history, but of your Self. Who you are, where you came from, why you are here… I suggest that you wrap your Self in a mental blanket of maroon for courage and that you mentally flush the pages of this book with pale orange so that at long last you KNOW the truth for your Self. 1. GALACTIC HISTORY: THE ALIEN PRESENCE & YOUR DNA ORIGINS In the very beginning of our galaxy there were two main types of Beings that existed. One was the Draco, or the Reptilian beings that existed in the Draco star system; the other was the Lyraens. For all intents and purposes, the Lyraens are the origin of all humanity in this galaxy. If you think of the types of beings that exist in our solar system and galaxy, 70% are humanoid, 25% are Reptilian, and 5% are other types of beings. Even though 5% may seem like a small percentage you have to understand that in our universe there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies. If one-tenth of one-percent of that has intelligent life, that still means that there are millions of beings out there.