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July 11, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1235 Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize the RICE UNIVERSITY 100TH BIRTHDAY my college years. We Tech fans are often de- wonderful life and important contributions of scribed as very passionate at our football Susannah Mushatt Jones. She is a treasured HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY games and other sporting events. I remember and active member of Vandalia Senior Center. OF TEXAS how much fun we had when we played We are proud that she is still part of our com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES against Rice, because Rice fans are just as munity. This milestone gives all of us hope Wednesday, July 11, 2012 fanatical about their school as we are about that people can truly live a long prosperous ours. life. Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Rice University on its 100th birth- Rice University cultivates a flourishing learn- f day. For over a century it has stood as one of ing environment and empowers its students to the premier educational institutions in the explore opportunities in and out of the class- HONORING COLONEL CHARLES C. world. room. It has a prestigious and notable alumni GIBSON Over the past 100 years, Rice University’s name has come to be synonymous with excel- list comprised of many people I respect and HON. TOM MARINO lence. The institution consistently ranks among admire in Texas and throughout the country, OF PENNSYLVANIA the top 20 national universities in the U.S. including my friend and Texas colleague, Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES News & World Report and holds many other gressman PETE OLSON. I’m proud Texas can marks of excellence. boast of a quality university like Rice, and I Wednesday, July 11, 2012 For example, in 2010 Rice University was stand today to congratulate Rice University on Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ranked No. 1 worldwide in materials science 100 years of excellence. honor my constituent, Colonel Charles C. Gib- research. In 2011, the Carnegie Foundation son, and congratulate him on his relocation to gave the university top classifications for ‘‘very f the United States Army Communications Elec- high research activity’’ and ‘‘comprehensive tronics Command Headquarters at Aberdeen doctoral program’’. RICE UNIVERSITY’S CENTENNIAL Proving Ground, Maryland, as Chief of Staff. While this is an amazing accomplishment, COMMEMORATION Currently serving as a commander of Rice’s work is more than just a statistic—it has Tobyhanna Army Depot, Colonel Gibson has changed the world we live in. The research devoted over two decades of heroic service to performed by the university has proved HON. JOE BARTON our country, demonstrating his devotion to the groundbreaking on several fronts, most nota- preservation of the United States of America bly the discovery of ‘‘buckyballs.’’ The dis- OF TEXAS and to our safety through numerous military covery launched the field of Nanotechnology IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES campaigns, decorations and advancement to which has led directly to advances many leadership positions. fields, including medicine, technology, energy, Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, Colonel defense, and transportation. Nanotechnology Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Charles Gibson was commissioned a second is already playing a powerful role in the lives today to commemorate Rice University on lieutenant in the Ordnance Corps in 1986. of Americans, from its capacity to help find After receiving his degree in Mathematics from cures to deadly diseases to reducing the cost reaching its centennial. Since its founding a Bowie State University in 1987, he began his and extending the lifespan of consumer prod- hundred years ago, Rice University has be- military career as a Platoon Leader for the ucts like clothes and cars. come a distinguished institution, high in the 122nd Main Support Battalion, 3rd Armored Rice’s School of Business, Architecture, En- ranks of academic achievement amongst our Division, Hanau, Germany, which later de- gineering, Social Sciences, Music, Humanities, country’s best colleges and universities. Rice’s ployed with the 3rd Armored Division to Oper- Institute of Public Policy, and the Alliance of research programs are highly regarded and it ations Desert Shield/Desert Storm in 1990. Technology and Entrepreneurship all hold is the proud alma mater of many intellectuals Upon his return, Colonel Gibson assumed similar national standing. who have been recognized for their accom- the position of Maintenance Officer, Support Not only is Rice University a heavyweight contender in academic and research fields, plishments, including numerous Marshall Operations Cell and Battalion S–3, 264th Scholars, Rhodes Scholars, and Fulbright Corps Support Battalion, Fort Bragg, NC, and the university also maintains a noteworthy ath- Scholars. deployed to Haiti in 1994. Subsequently, he letic department. For 17 consecutive years, served in several leadership positions while Rice has produced a NCAA conference cham- In addition to their extraordinary academic assigned to the 25th Infantry Division, pionship team—another outstanding accom- programs, Rice has made a name for itself in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii including; Support plishment. the area of collegiate sports. The Rice Univer- Again, congratulations to Rice University on Operations Officer, G4 Division Logistics Plan- sity Owls became the kings of baseball when its 100th birthday. Rice University’s devoted ner, Battalion Commander of a Stryker BSB, they won the 2003 College World Series, and 2nd Stryker Brigade, and Assistant Chief of faculty and student body have continually en- deavored for excellence, and as a result Tex- they have continued to stand in the ranks with Staff, Logistics Division G4. While with the the country’s best college baseball teams. 25th Infantry Division, he deployed to Bosnia ans, Americans, and people all over our world Rice has also succeeded in the area of wom- as the Logistics Operations Planner. He also have benefited. served one year as the BDE Support Oper- f en’s athletics. Its volleyball, soccer, basketball, and tennis teams have competed in many ations Officer with the 45th Corps Support RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL NCAA tournaments, earning Rice a varied set Group with a deployment to Thailand. CELEBRATION OF RICE UNIVER- Colonel Gibson’s awards and decorations SITY of achievements. for his service in the United States Army in- As Rice University reaches its centennial in clude the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER October, I want to give credit to its students Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters, Army OF TEXAS and professors for their hard work and com- Commendation Medal with three oak leaf clus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mitment to higher education. Their consistent ters, Army Achievement Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, National Defense Service Wednesday, July 11, 2012 dedication to academic advancement makes Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Rice the prestigious institution it is today. Southwest Asia Medal, Global War on Ter- today to commend Rice University and cele- I commend Rice University for reaching this rorism Service Ribbon, Kuwaiti Defense Serv- brate 100 years since its founding in Houston, impressive milestone, and I wish them the ice Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas TX. Since its first class in the fall of 1912, best of luck for the next 100 years. I look for- Service Ribbon, Southwest Asia Kuwaiti Lib- Rice has established itself as a flagship of ward to seeing the big things the faculty, eration Medal, NATO Medal and Parachutist Texas universities. This October, faculty, stu- alumni, and current students at Rice will un- Badge. dents and alumni will celebrate a century of doubtedly continue to accomplish. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Colonel excellence and distinction in the Houston com- Charles C. Gibson, and ask my colleagues to munity and the state of Texas. I hope all Members will join me in congratu- join me in praising his commitment to the pro- Rice and Texas Tech, my alma mater, were lating Rice University for 100 years of aca- tection and defense of our great nation. in the Southwest Conference together during demic excellence. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:14 Jul 12, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11JY8.007 E11JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.