Report Published by: Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisatio Public institutions may order additional copies from: Third United Nations Conference Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation on Housing and Sustainable Urban E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: Telephone: + 47 22 24 00 00 Development (Habitat III) Publication number: X-0000 E Design: Andvord Grafi sk Norwegian National Report Front page photo: Marianne Gjørv Print: Trykkerinavn xx/201X - Impression XXXX Report Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) Norwegian National Report Foreword In Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016, the whole world will The physical environment affects human behaviour. discuss the urban challenges and lessons learned since Future challenges that should be addressed are closely Habitat II in Istanbul in 1996. The Third United Nations related to the maintenance of houses, public areas, Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban meeting places, gardens, parks, pavements and general Development (Habitat III) will agree on a New Urban outdoor surroundings. Agenda. The Norwegian National Report is an important contribution to these discussions. It was with great pleasure that Norway participated in the expert group developing the International Urbanisation is one of the defining features of the 21st Guidelines for Urban and Territorial Planning, which century. In less than four decades, 70% of the world’s have been presented at the UN-Habitat Governing population is expected to live in urban areas. Hence, Council Meeting in April 2015. Cooperation and the ‘Cities are where the battle for sustainable develop- exchange of experiences on an international scale are ment will be won or lost’, as the High Level Panel put it.