Meets Wingfield by RICHARD WARREN Accurately and to Correct Our In Ad Offering a S100 Award for a March 26 — Today, Sentry Accuracies
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t pp wm&mfib nations -H\":;"".' ••'• .. '^ '"" "-1-' -^ ..'"'- " ... "«^ "'»$'*' '1l1' "^*- Vi;.'.'-; •"/ ••I«fi^»»lllll Trife Student Voice Of Bdruch College \ Volume LXXVIII, Number 8 Tuesday, March 30, 1976 A Free Press Meets Wingfield By RICHARD WARREN accurately and to correct our in ad offering a S100 award for a March 26 — Today, Sentry accuracies. The Police Deputy Photo of Dean Senour having Editor-in-Chief Mark Friedman Commissioner of Public in-. homosexual relations with a and Editorial Board member Ada formation's office has told this member of his staff. Later. Solia. along with Socialist Party reporter it has not been deter TICKER Editor-in-Chief Richard candidate Catarion Garza, met mined whether or not it was an Rodriguez pointed out the ad with President Wingfield con assassination attempt. had appeared about 8 months cerning the alleged assassina Wingfield was angered about ago. and Wingfield did concede tion attempt on Friedman and'or Sentry's accusations against that TICKER "was getting bet Garza. Baruch Coliege students and ter." At one point Wingfieid stat President Wingfield stated stated he did not believe a ed that Baruch journalism was that if police wished to enter the Baruch student was responsible at an all-time low. Baruch campus to investigate "I for the alleged assassination at When Friedman and Gravas would co-operate fully." Fried tempt. He did not give much mentioned death threats they man claims police said they weight to the death threats in had received on the Baruch needed permission to enter the "Baruch Eye." He also campus. Wingfield replied "I campus Wingfield also said the caned it "an inexcusable rag don't know that to be the case " police had told him they had no that has been schooled by the He also stated if these charges reaso'n to believe any Baruch legitimate 3aruch College pub could be documented it would student was involved in the inci lications." He further said he lead to federal prosecution. dent and. the firing of random had no respect for the journal shots is not unusual in the lower ism of the Sentry which he Wingfield said he fully syrn- east side Friedman called this a described as inaccurate, biased phathizes with the right of all racist form of stereotyping. and lacking in credibility. He students to be able to express Rodriguez stated that TICKER also attacked the TICKER in a their political views without fear does its best to present news President Clyde Wingfield similiar way. and referred to an of injury. Breast Cancer Not For Women Only 3y nE^ES. PSAS3O; JV... *3.~I prsvsr:'.' oos' cs. f r chmc o fe':ng b'east examma- disease, and ~ea~ lOG~c fo :: 5o^.i/C.nj... ^ .. ^ 3 • tions an : n *o' m at io r ~ auout S. tu US'IOK: h.:: : et y u er c e:". t o -Ad:i:l Vci'.l'J" a ' ' d '• a d ' o . O C < a :9S:0-:b O ':e b'east d" e a S t CS"'Jfe' IS dstcCteC ^y t 'n tec h~ cues ^ e'o c r ao'"i> m e' e i s so..: " d . O ' t^ S . woma~ w ".c ca..s it tc t.ns at ~S"1CC'S3 m J i deceased "vine the in )ctance tention o* the ohysiciam a smal rfeath by 33° wome- are at above " * e oe-ce~tac;e s "ou_>d :;:• ~ ' " s< es oe c ai use eve- -J Stat:st;os. we2rr e taken ':<. Sym. posiu : o" Neop'ast 4 DSSG Treasurer Fran McGinn -emaie 3 r e a s t. edited Another Fire At Baruch DSSG Constitution: FTeuven K Synderrnan. the V Vosby Company. '973 By RICHARD WARREN lew ha's>e a'amts oa;> r. ._ // Cancer o* the female breast :s :ne leadirrg cause of death h-orrr L ast Wednesday Varcl". ^^ da-iye'Otrs Since people can get Treasurer "Resigns car":ce' m womien. 5°-o o^ wo"^e-> ^ me b-oke out :n the '-ttn ':oo^ m;-t du-ing evacrratio'r are ah'eoted and represents ' - bathroom of the 23-d St'eet " he cause o' the ':-e ^-~ Sy CARLYLE THORNH1LL ulecVtor Thursday, Apr.] ' " ev o of ail cancer :n wcrme" It is very Building Viark Rohrhch oiscov whether it was Sfe! by tne Stu cent Government affairs the eight members or th« important to identify precancer ered it when he let' his arsonist responsible tor recer^t „oem to he heading for even Assembly would be co:)Siucred ows presumably curable breast clasb-oon, (Rrr, tc2C) est 9 2J A' fires has riot been determined more oompi nations than already as having resigned This how lesions Seventy five thousand ter spotti.iy the fire he :m VI r L nden repeated his watmnc ever, would seem to put a fur exist as a result of the constitu new cases o* breast cancer pe- mediately pulled the ai^rrm ar^d ot prosecution to the fullest ex ther stall :n the Fees machinery t: o n a: resignation o' the "reas year ^lave been reported a\)d. ther: returned to class to inrorm tei.t o' the law o' anybody guilty u'e: ; he situation carne to hght alret Jy corispecuo-jsiy ab r O. aibo'l S'.Oo'J deaths pe.- yea ma: v ^'^ h:s classmates > w ^ e • •• se ns semester hubs a r« h a 'eoort was made to this seem very impressive ~ 9 *i'9 WHS ^ve" ;;-'de' wciy - 1 o"ice that the "Treasurer as we'' pectec to be *cthe- oppressed --1 v o' eve'v ! b "^ew born C" v\'-e'~ ^'j^'lici" discovered h as se^er: ot^e: :renbe:s o" the £b a -es;:i; o" Swc " c= -rove "or -> bes.t:~ec :o cat b'east ; .-•-"••- '.^ . a basnet " t^ot bat'^-oc"! e Assembly had m.sseb three con already th-it, stnr&ste" inere have sometime curing her :i*e Evo-y WdS evacuated n :• S secutive :neet'.riys without prior been a great deal of controversy '7 minutes arour:d the clock in -rurrutes rhouyh some stu-Jents writte notice The othe' mem over Student Government and the C S about three cases o* lir^.gered m the looby and others "Where's Chan^v .- be r s : e X'fcbsi.'ii . a ;: i;n a r i Fees Alioca'iuiib arid Er_xpendi breast cancer d.< ^ diagnosed hi actually entered the buiidmg * N o : n . d u> a r i t'. a g o Janice t;:;ei ten yeiars the mcioence of breast ar;d '-:d.o to be to!d to leave Williams A-thu-r Zen: a Vl r !rc2 b^-'iut;! .l;c: yv.: w> ".*)<_; Volunleet Action Carreer ecu a Is the total pop u la The fire was extinguished Ab: ad N ;t:e Aiv, d.'r : Sta' MCoh -jrachy Club wda under :: e^ tion of :he o:t> of Boston. Every ^:mos: immediately d-'.'.^r its d:s Center ^ r ij t a r; d a b 1 y a vj 11 e t e d by : i "i e re u:C bidiHid 1 7 mir.utes one woman dies o' ouveiy by security cmd rrictlrrteri According to the L;<.« bcjsiwn percussions of sue;, a <. onsutu y or^rast every '.I nisn'.es ancfe men but the fire depart "Nazaicth ; otudent Government t.onstitu tlona: resignation *!ov ever he a death from this anatomic site merit was called in \o determine i tiori ArHole VI Section 3 Sub iaid that "if it's determined mat alone As a i.ompar isor, l:\ ten whet; ter the building was Safe tp | Poetry Corner section t "Any Assembly mem the i reasmei is a niembe: o: the i years during the Vietnam -var re-enter Aib,o. the buiidmg waes be: whu !isb missed three COn Assembly and it there is cfticiai : - - - almost 30 000 ArTicrlcan soldiery searched by Security but to n.O 3 secutive meetings in a semester docvj men 1 at ior: oi;ch JS an at " Queen were Killed, m ter: yeaiS more av di I ana has not submitted a written tend a rice register st.a nas than 300.000 women Cie of At ' 11 CJ i it . j ^> ;li,.in(hi I. I, v i ^J r rr i thme consec .i civo M.eet not ice c r cuse >r ioi iO !. i i a * hisfc c2iQ. .i. t.he.c ha e i,,iii in>,. that i ttlc Issue :>h>.>i.iu' be or ea^,; cancer ; a I meetit.y U) tr e S <_- c i e t u i y Breast cancer /_ ine r;t.,.uDo/ oi/v; been oevettii recently Mi PvtaA I . 2 i tbiyrit-J 3 O • rtsSoi 'ed JVOUI Jlny i.; the <. -'.n be cone i cJc ed killer O / ivurne'i Tne niortalitx, fias [ IIHJI ) head of Secmuy ^ iated tuiiOVVll'.y : sitl tct Ionia l provislonu ! Huston laKCv V. the call ci 'he not i boiiyeJ rr.noh m the pa; t .ih that UK.JC yn.lty of set'nnj talse An «t U, i r i o t «aj .,.».. ; . dldi nib AO.JIJ ah.o Oe piOUeout - yea. s TiU . , <-. ... ! ^ . J I 1 i oi.^u,^ a cor i ii rieri t Iron . 4 We i,^,;//i/f /./-ovc; il U,~..^l .- i.' eo to the I; J, i est extent of the 1 .