Senate R Funding Educes 'Source' for Second Time
T DAILY THE Volume XXXVI, Number 45 IWhere You Read It First Tuesday, Marchs 31,1998 Senate reduces ‘Source’ funding for second time by ANDREWF’REEDMAN According to Thever, she met able to meet before spring break, Daily Editorial Board with Levenberg after the last Sen- however. The Primary Sourceis still feel- ate meeting. “[Levenberg] as- Until last evening, Levenberg ing the repercussions for alleg- sumed he was allocated $1 1,500 was unaware ofthe Senate’sdeci- edly turning its budget in late. nomatterwhat,”Theversaid,add- sion to remove him as signatory. Before spring break, the Tufts ing that in fact the amount was “The Senate has been stone-wall- Community Union (TCU) Senate only a suggested cap, and said ing us for weeks, I have to hear voted to reduce the Source’s bud- she and Levenberg were to agree about it from you guys; this is get from approximately$17,000 to on the final budget. ridiculous,” he said. a maximum of $1 1,500. At this “He rejected everything I had Levenberg saidThever ignored 1 Photo by Mike Weissmai Sunday’s meeting, the Senate to say. He didn’t even have an hise-mails followingspring break. TCU Senate voted on Spring Fling funding Sunday night. votedtogranttheSource$10,625. itemized budget for me then,” He said that Thever tried to con- The Senate also removed the Thever said. tact him before the Senate meeting publication’s signatory, Editor-in- She said an itemized budget on Sunday, but that he was in The Senate strikes the ChiefKeithLevenberg, which bars was sent to her after that meeting, Primary Sourceofficeworking on him from future budgetary nego- but said she had no other contact production of the next issue.
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