1st Cavalry Division Association Non-Profit Organization 302 N. Main St. US. Postage PAID Copperas Cove, Texas 76522-1703 West, TX 76691 Change Service Requested Permit No. 39 SABER Published By and For the Veterans of the Famous 1st Cavalry Division VOLUME 70 NUMBER 4 Website: www.1CDA.org JULY / AUGUST 2021 It is summer and HORSE DETACHMENT by CPT Siddiq Hasan, Commander THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER vacation time for many of us. Cathy and are in The Horse Cavalry Detachment rode the “charge with sabers high” for this Allen Norris summer’s Change of Command and retirement ceremonies! Thankfully, this (704) 641-6203 the final planning stage
[email protected] for our trip to Maine. year’s extended spring showers brought the Horse Detachment tall green pastures We were going to go for the horses to graze when not training. last year; however, the Maine authorities required either a negative test for Covid Things at the Horse Detachment are getting back into a regular swing of things or 14 days quarantine upon arrival. Tests were not readily available last summer as communities around the state begin to open and request the HCD to support and being stuck in a hotel 14 days for a 10-day vacation seemed excessive, so we various events. In June we supported the Buckholts Cotton Festival, the Buffalo cancelled. Thankfully we were able to get our deposits back. Soldier Marker Dedication, and 1CD Army Birthday Cake Cutting to name a few. Not only was our vacation cancelled but so were our Reunion and Veterans Day The Horse Detachment bid a fond farewell and good luck to 1SG Murillo and ceremonies.