Lt Governor Visits Ranbir Canal, Road Widening Sites on Jammu-Akhnoor

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Lt Governor Visits Ranbir Canal, Road Widening Sites on Jammu-Akhnoor &#$#"!" !""& "#"#" "!#"#"#$! '$"% $""$ #(!!%!$"" &"#!( %! #$!" !!"# $"$# JAMMU, TUESDAY, MARCH 16 , 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.74 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Lt Governor visits Ranbir Canal, Road Amarnath Yatra likely to attract heavy rush, will make arrangements widening sites on Jammu-Akhnoor road for successful pilgrimage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