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   JAMMU, TUESDAY, MARCH 16 , 2021

VOL. 37 | NO.74 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Lt Governor visits Ranbir Canal, Road Amarnath Yatra likely to attract heavy rush, will make arrangements widening sites on Jammu-Akhnoor road for successful pilgrimage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

IN BRIEF NIA conducts searches in Delhi, Kerala, Elimination of com- J&K: Shopian encounter enters 3rd Karnataka in ISIS module case; 3 arrested manders of terror outfits day as fresh firing breaks out Girl hospitalized after will provide respite to    !4A0;0C74>558280;B083    suicide bid in Jammu #2 #(%& - )7A44?4>?;4<44= people of Kashmir: DGP -&* $ - - 0=3 78B 0BB>280C4B       )74 $0C8>=0; #DB701 =DE0A 0=3 A4B758A8=64AD?C43>= -&* $ - -  ))0 - =E4BC860C8>= 64=2H '0744B'0B783F4A4 #>=30H 14CF44= <8;8 $  >= #>=30H 0A C0=CB0=3B42DA8CH5>A24B 0AA4BC4305C4A?A4;8<8 0<A  H40A>;368A;0;;4643;H0C A4BC43C7A44?4AB>=B0B 8= (7>?80= 38BCA82C >5 C4 =0AH4G0<8=0C8>=C74 4=4A0;>5&>;8248;1067(8=67 8C2>=3D2C43B8<01A836474A4 $  >558280; B083 )74 >=#>=30HB083C744;8<8=0C8>= >DBB40A274B0C ;>20 F74A40C>?2><<0=34A 1DCF0BB0E431HB><4H>DC7B 6A>D?70B144=AD==8=6 >5C>?2><<0=34AB>5C4AA>A>DC C8>=B 8= !4A0;0 >5 08B74#>70<<03 0=3C0:4=C>7>B?8C0;>558280;B F8C7;>20;?>;824D=8CB E0A8>DB ( (?A>?060= 58CB F8;; ?A>E834 A4B?8C4 C> C74 !0A=0C0:00=34;788= B083 )74 68A; 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Kamal beloved Sh Bansi Lal Sharma sad demise of our beloved SH. mise of our Dearest mother Smt Gavri Shorie W/o Sh Pt Brij Nath Dass S/o Late Sh. Ganju Ram S/o Late Sarvan Dass R/o ROSHAN LAL BANGJI Dass, originally from Bomai R/o H.No. 106, L-3, Rani Talab H.No.33/6 Lower Roop Nagar (WAZIR) S/O LT. SH. near Migrant Camp, Jammu. Sopore Kashmir and presently Digiana, Jammu Kriya will be Tarachand Bangji originally performed on 18-03-2021 at Sh. Kamal Dass 10th Day will be performed on Sh Bansi Lal residing at H.No 819 Sector 31, resident of sheli tang of Habba SH. ROSHAN Smt Gavri our residence at 12.00 Noon. Tuesday 16-3-2021 at 11 am at Sharma Faridabad Haryana. She Kadal, Srinagar at present T4- LAL BANGJI Shorie UTHALA will be performed on our residence. Kriya will be per - breathed his last on 07/03/21 904, Amolik Heights, Sector- 19-03-2021 at Radha Krishan formed on Wednesday 17-3- evening. The 10TH DAY KRIYA 88, Faridabad who left for will be performed on Tuesday i.e Mandir Rani Talab Digiana, 2021 at 12.30 pm at our resi - dence . Uthala will be performed heavenly abode on 8th March 16/03/21 at 9 am at Ganga-ji Jammu at 4.00 pm. on Friday 19-3-2021 at 4.00 pm 2021 at 11 AM. Tenth Day (Chota Haridwar), Muradnagar GRIEF STRICKEN to 5.00 pm at Migrant Kriya will be performed on UP. Smt. Renu Devi- Wife Community Hall adjoining at our Wednesday 17th March 2021, GRIEF STRICKEN Sh. Atul Kumar- Son residence. at Chota Haridwar, Murrad Nirja & Ashwani Pandit- Daughter-in-law & son Sh. Vinod Mehra- Son GRIEF STRICKEN Nagar Canal, UP at 8 AM. Ranjeeta & Vinod - Daughter-in-law & son Sh. Jaipaul- Son Sons & Daughter-in-laws GRIEF STRICKEN Jansi & M. L Pandita- Daughter & Son-in-law Sodhi Family Ravinder Prashar (Gathu) and Kamlesh Smt.Rajni Bangji (Wazir)- Wife Kamal K Bagati- Son-in-law Mob. 9858212386 Jugal Kishore (Pinky) and Nisha Son & Daughter-in-Law Rainu & Sanjay Bhat- Daughter& Son-in-law Ajay Kumar and Shallu & Samasth Parivaar of Razdan's, Dass's,Pandita's, Sh.Rajesh Wazir & Smt.Monika Wazir Daughter and Son-in-law Bagati's, Bhat's Smt Neelam Sharma and Sh Govind Ram Sharma Smt.Manju and Sh. Vishal Dhar - 9354739771, 9811604251 CHOUBARSI Grand Daughter and Grand Son-in-law Daughter and Son- in- Law Four years have passed since Neha Sharma and Mandeep Sharma Sh. Pyara Lal Bangji & Smt. Veena Bangji - you left us. But your sweet mem - Grand Children: Sahil Prasher, Ishan Prasher, Brother & Bhabi ories of love and affection, your Ankush Prashar, Pankaj Prashar, Jatin Sharma, Vanshika & Vritti Wazir- Grand Daughters ANTIM ARDAS smilling face, caring attitude al - Abhin Sharma and Shivangi Sharma Smt.Pushpa Turki -Sister-in-law With profound grief and sorrow, ways remains in our heart’s Sh. Chaman Lal Turki -Brother-In-Law we inform the sad demise of our throughout life. You are physi - Sh. Shashi Turki -Sister-in-law beloved S. Beant Singh S/o Late cally not with us. But we know Sh. Mohan Lal Sh. Bushan lal Turki & Bita Turki - S. Nand Singh (Fridge Wale) 10TH DAY/KRIYA R/o Mehjoor Nagar Srinagar you are protecting us always as Gandotra Brother-in-law & Sister-in-law) With profound grief and sorrow, originally from Hardochanam usual. We miss you in every mo - Smt. Asha ji Jailkhani -Sister-in-law ment. Choubarsi of our beloved we inform that our beloved and Rafiabad Baramulla at present S. Beant Singh respected Smt. Nancy Kaul Sh. Shiban Koul & Indu Koul - Sector No. 07, House No. 09, Lt. Sh. Mohan Lal Gandotra will Brother-in-Law & Sister-in-law be performed on 16-3-2021 (Thathi/Pyaari) W/O Sh. Ashok Lane No. Zero Guru Nanak Tuesday at 12.00 noon at Arya Kaul (of Airlines) R/O 63/9 Nagar Jammu who left for heav - Samaj Mandir, Arya Samaj Gali Trikuta Nagar, Jammu at pres - enly abode on 09.03.2021. Smt. Nancy Kaul Udhampur (J&K). ent in Chicago, IL, USA passed Arambh Shri Akhand Path GRIEF STRICKEN away for heavenly abode on OBITUARY Sahib at our residence Guru Smt. Raj Rani -Wife March 7, 2021 (2:20 AM CST) In memory of our mother Jai Nanak Nagar Jammu on M/s Ashoka Bartan Store (Lambi Gali) and her 10th day will be held on Kishori Bhat W/o Lt. Sh. Arjan 15.03.2021 (Monday) at 9.00 Ph. No: 9086081174, 9906047174, 7006081385 March 15,2021 in Chicago. Nath Bhatt On 10 March, 2021, AM. Bhog Shri Akhand Path Shradhanjali & Prayer meeting our devout mother (original resi - Sahib on 17.03.2021 for the departed noble soul will dent of Wanpoh) left for heaven - (Wednesday) at 9.00 AM at resi - be held on March 17th, 2021 ly abode. Composed of iron dence. Kirtan & Antim Ardas CHOUBARSI (Wednesday) from 4 PM to 5 nerves, possessing grit and de - Jai Kishori Bhat from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM on PM at Community Centre Hall termination she guided her six Four years have passed since 17.03.2021 at Gurdwara Shri (near Gateway Apartments daughters towards virtuous and you left us. We feel your pres - Guru Singh Sabha Guru Nanak Society, near A-Block Church) honourable life in absence of ence is everywhere. Your love Nagar, Jammu. Sector-51, Noida, U.P. (Entry our beloved father and requisite and memories are alive with us. GRIEF STRICKEN from Metro Side gate near resources. Her life journey de - Choubarsi of our beloved LATE Smt Inder Kour -Wife Sector 51 AB Block) notes she was a liberated soul SMT. SHASHI ANAND W/o Sons & Daughters-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN: and has now attained Moksha. ASHOK ANAND will be per - SMT. SHASHI S. Karnail Singh & Smt Harvinder Kour Ashok Kaul -Husband In Grief, We hide and conceal formed at our residence H.No. ANAND S. Gernail Singh & Smt Balbir Kour Daughter & Son-in-law our tears; your eternal love will 15, W.No. 4 Adarsh Colony, S. Swarnjeet Singh & Smt Sandeep Kour Maneka & Sidharatha Raina remain in our hearts forever and Udhampur. S. Ajit Singh & Smt Gurmeet Kour Sonika & Anil Hashia will show us the right path al - dEEplY MISSEd BY: Smt Dalip Kour -Sister Sister-in-Law & Brother-in-law : ways. 10th Day Kriya of our Sh Ashok Anand (Husband) Smt Kalaish Kour Ji -Bhabhi Renu and Rajan Kaul revered mother will be per - Abhinandan Anand (Son) S. Salinder Singh Ji -Nephew Sushma & Opender Kaul formed at Akhnoor on March 19. Tanima Anand (Daughter) S. Ravinder Singh Ji –Nephew Veena & Prem Kaul YouR lovING ChIldREN: Smt Sunita & Sh. Vijay Anand Brothers-in-law Girja & Kuldeep Vass Santosh and J.L. Goja (Dassi) -7889553441 Lalita Smt Asha & Sh. Vinod Anand S. Joginder Singh Ji (Retired SP) Gita & Shuban Zutshi & B.L. Mahaldar - 9711928684 Smt Sudesh & Sh. Subash Sharma S. Daljeet Singh Ji, Master Babli & Dilip Chowdhary Basanti & B.L. Raina (Thaploo) - 7889543251 Smt Anita & Sh. Narinder Suri S. Karnail Singh Ji DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY Asha & P.N. Raina - 6005536455 Smt Anju & Sh. Rameshwer Gandral S. Jagdev Singh -Nephew Mishanka, Vish Vass, Suchit, Nishant, Brij Mohni & P.L Koul - 9414153733 Smt. Poonam & Sh. Arjun Gandral Mb. 7006031381, 9622280927 Ambika,Tanushree,Praful, Malvika, Piyush, Pinki & A.K. Koul - 9018819889 Ph No. 9419161119, 7006610551 Saguna | Souren | Ashwin | Sheena Current address - 4/2A, Adarsh Nagar, Bantalab, Jammu 9717895101/7889671807 OBITUARY 10TH DAY KRIYA With profound grief & sorrow, we With profound grief and sorrow, 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA 10TH DAY/KRIYA inform the sad demise of our beloved Smt. Sham Rani we inform the sad demise of our (THERE IS NO SHADE LIKE A With profound grief and sorrow, Pandita W/o Triloki Nath beloved mother Mrs Jaya MOTHER, NO RESORT LIKE A we regret to inform the sad de - Pandita originally resident of vil - Wanchoo W/o Late Sh Balji MOTHER, NO SECURITY LIKE mise of our beloved Shri. Madan lage Nowgam, Shangus Wanchoo original resident of A MOTHER, NO OTHER Lal Khajuria S/o Late. Shri. Hari Anantnag Kashmir presently re - Smt. Sham Rani Bagh Jogi Lanker, Rainawari, EVER-GIVING FOUNTAIN OF Dass R/o 4-B, Shastri Nagar, siding at Adarsh Nagar Top Pandita Srinagar, Kashmir on 11th Mrs Jaya LIFE) With broken heart and Jammu. TENTH DAY will be Shri. Madan Lal Paloura Lane No. 1, House No. March 2021. 10th Day Kriya will Wanchoo tearful eyes, we inform the sad performed on 16-03- 2021 Smt Rajindra Khajuria 3 Near J&K Bank who left for be held on 20th March 2021 demise of our beloved mother (Tuesday) from 11a.m. onwards Khanna heavenly abode on 14-3-21. (Saturday) at Lodha Ghat in Smt Rajindra Khanna W/o Late at our residence. KRIYA will be The Tenth (10th) Day Kriya will Pune. Sh H.L Khanna R/o H.No.136-A performed on 17-03-2021 be performed on 23-3-21 at GRIEF STRICKEN Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. She left (Wednesday) at our residence. Akhnoor Ghat, Jammu & Mrs Ratno Wanchoo -Daughter-in-law us for heavenly abode on 7th GRIEF STRICKEN Assembly will be held at our res - Mr Ramesh & Sushma -Son & Daughter-in-law March, 2021. Tenth Day will be Smt. Taro Devi (Wife) idence. Mr Surender & Renu -Son & Daughter-in-law performed on Tuesday, 16-3- Daughters and Sons in law GRIEF STRICKEN Grand Children: Rajesh, Namrata & , Nidhi 2021 at 10.00 am at our resi - Dr.Sonia Khajuria & Mr.Anirban Chakrabarty Triloki Nath Pandita - Husband & Alok, Rahul & Yasha, Nidhima & Alok, Megha & dence. KRIYA will be performed ( Assoc.Prof. of English) Daughter & Son-in-law Atul, Rohit & Shikha on Friday, 19-3-2021 at our resi - Mrs.Monika Sharma & Col.Vivek Sharma Shashi Tickoo & Sh. Maharaj Krishen Tickoo Great Grand Children : Ashanya, Mahin, Karnik, dence H.No.136-A Gandhi Mrs.Anamika Sharma & Mr.Pardeep Sharma Sons & Daughters-in-law Yuvaan, Maya, Mayra, Eva, Meera Nagar from 12.00 noon on - Grand Children: Aniket, Daksh, Dishita, Anindo, Roshan Lal Pandita & Smt. Sunita Pandita Mrs Mohini Vass (Kaul) -Sister-in-law wards. UTHALA will be per - Anika, Atiqah Rajinder Kumar Pandita & Smt. Nirjala Pandita Gadroo's, Qazi's, Moza's & Harkar's formed on Friday, 19-3-2021 at MOBILE : 9906042829, 9906222566, 8825037207 Sunil Kumar Pandita & Smt. Renu Pandita Mobile Nos: 9149592076, 9419130005 our residence at 4 PM. ALL RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Grand Children GRIEF STRICKEN Priya, Sheena, Rahul, Supriya, Sujal, Ashu, Karan Kamlesh Khanna -Daughter 7889872114, 9906171962, 9682572912, 7006198963 UTHALA Neelam Khanna -Daughter KRIYA/UTHALA WITH PROFOUND GRIEF AND Lovely Khanna -Daughter With profound grief and sorrow SORROW, WE INFORM THE Contact Nos: 9596863461, 7051057898 we regret to inform the sudden SAD DEMISE OF OUR untimely sad demise of our OBITUARY BELOVED SH BHUPINDER beloved Sh. Amit Magotra With profound grief and sor - SINGH JAMWAL S/O LT. SH (Gopi) S/o Sh. Bhwani Shankar row, we inform the sad de - PROF. GOVERDHAN SINGH OBITUARY Magotra R/o H.No. 83-84, With profound grief & sorrow, we mise of Smt. Chuni JAMWAL R/O 163 A/D GANDHI Sector-4, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu SH BHUPIN- inform the sad demise of our Sh. Amit Devi/Krishna Bhat W/o Late NAGAR, JAMMU. UTHALA DER SINGH beloved mother Smt. Jaikishori on 6th March, 2021. Kriya will be Magotra Sh Soom Nath Bhat original - WILL BE HELD ON 17.03.2021 JAMWAL Bhat W/o Late Arjan Nath Bhat performed on Tuesday 16th ly resident of Ashmuji (WEDNESDAY) AT OUR RESI - R/o Wanpoh Anantnag. Presently March, 2021 at our residence. Kulgam presently residing at Smt. Chuni DENCE 163 A/D GANDHI NA - Rasam Pagri/ Uthala will be per - residing at 4/2 A Adresh Nagar H. No. 17 Lane 1A Sai Vihar Devi GAR JAMMU FROM 4.00 PM Barnai Road Bantalab Jammu. formed on wednesday 17th Smt. Jaikishori Tomal Anand Nagar Bohri TO 5.00 PM. The Tenth Day will be performed Bhat March, 2021 at Panch Mandir, GRIEF STRICKEN on 19th of March at Akhnoor. Sector-5, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu Opp Royal Gym on 8th Smt Rita Jamwal -Wife GRIEF STRICKEN at 10.00 AM. March 2021. Tenth Day Kriya Daughter & Son-in-law Smt. Phoola Bhat W/o Late B.K. Bhat GRIEF STRICKEN: will be performed at Akhnoor Mrs Aprajita & Mr Gautam Singh Kotwal Smt. Shammi Bhat & C.L. Bhat Smt. Eera Magotra - Wife on 17th March, 2021 Brothers & Sister-in-laws Smt. Chuni ji Raina W/o Late P.N. Raina Smt. Uma & Sh. Bhwani Shanker Magotra - Parents Mourning assembly will be Smt Shyam Lata W/o Lt. Sh Yashwardhan Singh Smt. Kushliya & P.K. Raina Smt. Santosh & Sh. Vijay Magotra - Chachi & Chacha Daughters & Sons-in-law held at H. No. 17 Lane 1A Sai Smt Lakshmi & Sh Rajinder Singh Jamwal Smt. Santosh & J.L. Goja - 9018033399 Lt Smt. Usha & Sh. Ramesh Magotra - Chachi & Chacha Vihar Tomal Anand Nagar Smt Mohini & Sh Narinder Singh Jamwal Smt. Lalita & B.L. Mahaldar - 9711928684 Smt. Pinki & Sh. Ashok Magotra - Chachi & Chacha Borhi at 10:00 am. Smt Anshu & Sh Manmohan Singh Jamwal Smt. Basanti & B.L. Raina - 7889543251 Smt. Anju Magotra & Sh. Jitendra Magotra GRIEF STRICKEN: Smt Nirmal & Sh Vijay Raghav Singh Jamwal (Mahant Bitta Ji) - Chachi & Chacha Smt. Asha & P.N. Raina - 9419205452 Daughter-in-law & Son Sisters & Brothers-in-law Smt. Brij Mohni Koul & P.L. Koul - 9413353733 Smt. Renu & Sh. Sumit Magotra - Bhabhi & Brother Smt Shashi & P.C. Katoch Smt. Pinki & A.K. Koul - 7006971737 Aarshay Magotra - Son Smt. Rekha & Sh. Vinod Kumar Bhat Smt Sujata & Sh Rajinder Singh Rana Samast Bhat Parivar of Wanpoh & Pandita Parivar of Dhanya Magotra - Daughter Daughters & Son-in-laws Grand Children: Aarushi & Anuvrat Singh Kotwal Bonpora Akingam Anantnag All Pujari Family of Bawe Mandir Grand Daughters & Sons Mob. No. 9086098787, 9697176426 All grand & great Grand Children Mob.No: 9419142119, 9419354014 SAMASTH BHAT PARIVAAR     3 LOCAL !$$,+,*/$)  "Many join Aam Jammu Trade Fair BJP regime humiliated dogras by Aadmi Party at inaugurated at Canal Road Janipur Colony ,   Jammu." 81BD9I1 !1>1D1 '1BDI !' CD1D5 @B5C945>D demoting J&K state to UT: Harsh Dev   )1F9>45B)19>1D?41I9>1E7EB1D54!1==E+B145   81F5255>D85=?CD49C1@@?9>D54 $?B5D81> @5?@<5 $18?DC1F?>D855F5?6 ?<919C1;89>51B'1<= C5BF935C81F5 C<1>4$1<<1>1<)?14+8565CD9F1<G9<<BE>D9<< 9>37 G?=5>25 L.9D8!"81F9>7255>49F5CD 255>12IC=1<79>7D?F1B9?ECC8145C 19C1;8965CD9F1<1>449665B5>DCD1<DB13DE1 ?6 C?395DI 75DD9>7 9= D855D8>931>4=?45B>9D5=C?BD8569BCDD9=5 D?EB9C=1>453?>?=I?6D855BCD 45B5=@75B!E<<1G9<<@B?F945D8B9<<D?F9C9D?BC+85B59C G89<5@B9>35!'B579=5<<579>7D81D1455@ 4B1=1D93C?39?G5<61B5 1DC1DN.5<<?651D8O1>46??4CD1<DBI81C255>14F5BC5G1C C385=5C <1E>3854 9> 1B5C@5391<3?B>5BC6?BC8?@@9>71>4389<4B5>C?D81D 54.89<5D8553?>?=I61CD49CC9 @B5F1<5>D9>)1=>171B$B*9>78 5<892I'E>45B4I D85I31>5>:?ID859BF9C9D+85+B145619B81C255>?B @1D541>445F5D31=5D?1 31<<54E@?>D85F979<1>D5?B71>9J1 >1=93 <5145BC89@ ?6 9DC 71>9C542IC91>CC?391D5C<542I*1>:1I-?8B1 7B9>49>7817E> D9?>CD?;55@134 "5:B9G1< !'<5145B/E4F9B*5D891>46?B=5B$9>9CD5B'B9I1 5=@DC55=54D?25D85?>3D9?>9>7?6F1B9?EC5@DDC@1B :?9>1=14=9'1BDI9> *5D891+85619BG9<<BE>6B?= >?D12<5651DEB5?6D85C166B?>BE<5 D93E<1BE51>4) 1=55D9>7?B71>9J542I 1=D?@=*@51;9>7?>D85?331C9?>)1F9>45B +85@1CD65GI51BCG9D>5CC54=1C 5C?E78D18978<5F5<@B?259>D? $B =9D #1>75B !?9>D )19>11@@B5391D54D85?B71>9C5BC6?BD1;9>79>9D91D9F5 C9F5 @E2<93 E@B9C9>7C 1719>CD D85 D85451D8?61I?ED89>1C1>D71B8 *53B5D1BI ?>   D??B71>9C5CE38DI@5?6DB145619BL*E38DB145619BC 1>D9!1==E1>41>D9@5?@<5@?<9 1B51B535>D 1D!1>9@EB?I >?D?>D5BD19>=5>D1F5>E5C6?BD85@5? 395C ?6 D85 BE<9>7 49C@5>C1D9?> C9D9?>@1BD95C5C3B929>7D85!'OC 44B5CC9>7 D85 8E75 71D85B CE=@D9?> ?6 C@EB9?EC 4BE7C 5 !1==E9>@B5C5>35?6*8 @<52ED17C@1356?BD852EC9>5CC=1> G89383?>D9>E54D?25CE@@B5CC54 81>4<9>7?649CC5>D1>449CAE95D1C 9>7C$B 1BC85F<1=21CD54D85 B5=9>9C354D85781CD )1: "E=1B %9C381< DOC17B51DG1ID?C8?G31C5D85@B?4E3DC=1>E613 D8B?E789B?>69CD?6@?<9351>439F9< ?@@B5CC9F545=?3B1D93 !'6?B81F9>74?>5D857B51D5CD D85@1CD9>)1=>171BG85B59> *53B5D1BI*=B9;*9>78 DEB54G9D89>D85!"1>4 >491MC194)19>1 D9C1 14=9>9CDB1D9?> +1;9>7 B5@51D54 1>4=?B1<9CD5B$B*9>781@ 49CC5BF935D?!"2I45=?D9>79DD? 389<4B5> +1>F9B )1D85B =1:?BD?EB9CD1DDB13D9?>1>4@B?F945C13?==?> C?=5BC1E1<=?CD1<<9DC@B? @51<54D?D85G?B;5BC>?DD?CE3 D85<5F5<?6,+ D81C8E=9<91D54 =5>135?6C@EB9?EC4BE7C>4?> *8149#1<)*#1;8?DB1 @<1D6?B=6?BD85=1>E613DEB5BCDB145BC5H@?BD5BC 65CC54@B?=9C5CD85>1B39CC9CD931< 3E=2256?B5D85=13891F5<<91>45 D854?7B1C2I49C=1>D<9>7D85?<4 D81389<4?6F9<<1751B9 +9<1;)1:+8?C5G8? 1>49=@?BD5BC+85619B49C@<1IC1G945B1>75?6 4@?G5B9>D?H931D54 C97>C?6D85@?G5B8E>7BI@?<9D9 5CD4?7B1CD1D5+855HD5>C9?>?6 G1CD1;5>C5B9?EC7 :?9>54'9>34C5BF935CD5HD9<5C71B=5>DC8?EC58?<4 !'3?>D9>E54D?EC5D853?5B39F5 391>C 5C194D81D%''<5145BC89@ C5F5B1<4B13?>91><1GC16D5B12B? 3?>CE=545H@9B54=54939>5C 5 )1:5C8*5871<>?=9>1D 1@@<91>35C;9D385>1@@<91>35C@B?35CC546??425F 1@@1B1DEC ?6 CD1D5 D? 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The ddc di - during the daylong stalls to showcase machin - Budgam, shahbaz Ahmad backbone of our economy rected the Agriculture Abhiyan, various pro - ery and high yielding vari - Mirza today inaugurated a and needs special attention department to hold such grammes including cultur - ety seeds. The Mela was or - daylong Nasha Mukht for its proper boosting. he programmes in every part al, mini skits, debates, ganized as a part of ‘Aazadi Bharat Abhiyan pro - stressed the need for intro - of the district and simulta - nataks were presented by Ka Amrit Mahotsov’ and gramme held here at ducing a double cropping neously advised farmers to Angels cultural Forum de - was attended by hundreds sheikh-ul-Alam hall, system in the district so take advantage of new and picting and demonstrating of progressive farmers of Budgam. that the income profile of innovative techniques of precautions, its hazardous the district. The The event was jointly the farmer community gets Agriculture Farming to effects on our generations, chairman, district organized by the social better. he also urged for yield better results at besides measures how to development council, Welfare department and banning use of polythene in ground level. he stressed get rid of this menace. district Administration in Kupwara Irfan sultan the district. Panditpori for use of cash crops, im - collaboration with the Later, ddc presented Panditpori and deputy asked the chief Agriculture proved and high yielding department of health and certificates, mementos to commissioner, Kupwara, Officer to expand the realm variety seeds and the adop - many NGOs including steps at the right time to The ddc appreciated Farhana Asgar presented a various persons, district Imam din co-chaired the of modern farming in every tion of organic farming and Angels cultural Forum. curb it. the efforts of all concerned detailed curtain raiser of Officers, Media persons, function and inspected dif - part of the district so that use of Vermicompost. speaking on the occa - he said drug addiction particularly the social the events organized by the NGOs, Volunteers who ferent stalls installed by uniformity is maintained in he also directed the sion, the ddc said that re - has the capacity of devas - Welfare department department with the sup - with their sincere support various departments. agricultural development chief Agriculture Officer lentless efforts and com - tating the future of our Budgam for their relentless port of other concerned at and commitment enabled in the district. The district Kupwara to make a pro - mitment is required to take young generation. he said campaign, since the all 24 identified hot spots them to make the campaign The president, development gramme for youth who can the Nasha Mukt Bharat we jointly have to share re - Abhiyan was launched on across the district. she said a success. Municipal committee, commissioner (ddc) visit the progressive farm - Abhiyan as a result oriented sponsibility in keeping vigil 15th of August, 2020. he during the campaign they The programme was al - Kupwara, reyaz Ahmad Kupwara, Imam din, in his ers and observe their campaign. he said rigorous at our wards and their close said district observed an overwhelming so attended by Adc dr Mir ; Bdc chairman, address said that the progress in agriculture mass awareness at all levels ones to prevent them from Administration is ready to response from the general Nasir, General Manager Trehgam , Mohammad Kissan Mela was organized farming. to spread the message getting into this menace. envisage all required sup - public, particularly youth. dIc dr M.Ashraf, cMO dr Abdullah; Bdc chairman as part of ‘Azadi ka Amrit On the occasion, cash among common people is ddc said we have wit - port and cooperation in Witnessing great re - Tajamul hussain, dds Machil, Ghulam rasool Mahotsav’. he said the ob - certificates worth rs.5000 need for the hour, as this is nessed how many families taking this Abhiyaan as a sponse from the general Welfare Najwan Nazki, Khan, chief Agricultural jective of holding such a each were distributed a complicated problem have become victims of this result oriented campaign. public, she appealed the Acd Nuzhat Khursheed Officer, Nazir Ahmad farmer awareness pro - among 12 progressive which requires serious menace. earlier dsWO Budgam, ddc that they are allowed and other concerned. Wani, scientist, subject gramme is to transform the farmers. Week-long State level Exhibition Mega Kisan Mela/ Exhibition held at Anantnag

under NSSH held at B’gam ANANTNAG, MARCH 15: As many as 18 stalls were growers and elaborate all the farm practices and scientific presented with cheques, BUDGAM, MARCH 15: opportunities. installed where various prod - technicalities associated with techniques besides use of Tractor and Tiller Keys and In seeking alternate employment The Agriculture ucts related to Agriculture the latest farm practices in quality input materials which appreciation letters The district development by establishing their own micro units, department today organised and allied sectors were dis - simplest terms. have a capacity to boost the choudhary also oversaw commissioner (ddc) Budgam, today the ddc asked the concerned that a Mega exhibition cum Kisan played. Besides, a number of While laying emphasis on production and generate the ceremonial launch of the inaugurated a week-long state Level while making products and other ma - Mela at dak Bungalow entrepreneurs showcased the importance of quality meaningful and sustainable Agriculture Brochure which exhibition under Nssh (sc-sT hub) terial they should maintain quality Khanabal here. their items and achievements seeds, fertilizers, pesticides employment for a large num - has been prepared by organized by KVIB Budgam at New and standard. The event was presided during the event. etc in enhancing the output, ber of people. earlier, the of - Agriculture department Bus stand here. he said the department shall initi - over by director Agriculture Addressing the gather - he assured to make the provi - ficers of Agriculture and al - Anantnag and highlights the speaking on the occasion, the ate a process in addressing the issues Kashmir, Mohammad Iqbal ing, choudhry reiterated his sion of these input materials lied sectors, Animal/sheep Agriculture and religious ddc emphasized the need that the of shGs and other concerned and choudhry as chief Guest and commitment to provide qual - affordable and accessible to husbandry, social welfare Tourism Map of the district. programmes and other welfare added that the aim and objective of was attended by President ity services and materials be - the farming community. and other concerned depart - Later, Jd Agriculture in - schemes run by KVIB shall be focused this exhibition shall be to encourage McA hilal Ahmad shah, sides ensuring smooth imple - On the occasion, cAO, ments apprised the farmers augurated the custom hiring primarily on to boost socio-economic sc-sT youth to adopt their own in - Adc Gulzar Ahmad, Joint mentation of the relevant dr. Waseem highlighted the about their schemes and a centre at Mattan in presence conditions of the needy persons. he come generating ventures. directors of Agri dept., cAO, schemes for the overall socio- achievements of the depart - number of progressive farm - of cAO and other officials of said KVIB has a unique responsibility earlier dy. chief executive dsWO, cAhO, dshO, dOA, economic upliftment of the ment and presented a brief ers shared their success sto - the department. in providing monetary success to the Officer KVIB while welcoming the Bank officials, other con - farmer community. Agriculture scenario of the ries. The farmers on the occa - unemployed educated youth by in - participants presented a detailed ac - cerned officials and a large he impressed upon the district. he said that the dis - The director inspected sion hailed the efforts of the volving them to adopt and take advan - tivity report of the board and its future number of farmers of the dis - officers to enhance the out - trict has a vast potential and the stalls and interacted with department and hoped that tage of the employment generating to do activities. trict. reach to the producers and called for adoption of latest the beneficiaries who were such events will continue. UFD, Srinagar observes Chinar Day JD Planning tours remote Plants saplings at SKUAST Shuhama, Parimpora Bypass SRINAGAR, MARCH 15: Professor Abdul hi, while Chandaji village in B’pora presenting the vote of thanks sug - The Urban Forest division, gested that students shall be giv - BANDIPORA, MARCH 15: which is lifeline for the develop - with teachers and students. A srinagar today organized a pro - en the assignment to plant trees ment of chandaji village. repair of the school building gramme to observe chinar day at and look after them. continuing with tour of re - While inspecting the road was also demanded which has shuhama campus of sKUAsT Later, the department held mote areas for focused inter - he expressed the need to realign been entrusted to deputy ceO where the chinar saplings were chinar plantation drive at vention, Joint director the electric network and con - Bandipora for resolution. The planted within the premises. Parimpora Bypass, Where chief Planning Bandipora Imtiyaz veyed ex. engineer Pdd to do people of the area including conservator Forests, circle conservator of Forests, Kashmir Ahmad on the directions of the needful. The visiting team Paris expressed satisfaction srinagar, Zubair Ahmad shah, division Farooq Ahmad Geelani deputy commissioner expressed satisfaction over the over the detailed tour by the dis - dFO, Urban Forestry, srinagar planted the chinar saplings. Bandipora today conducted an completion of health sub trict officers that was promised division, syed Abid Nazir, hod While speaking on the occa - extensive tour of chandaji area centre which has been com - by the deputy commissioner FVsc & Ah, shuhama, skUAsT, sion, chief conservator of of Bandipora district. pleted by providing gap funding during Block diwas. The Jd sarfaraz Ahmad, Professor Abdul Forests, Kashmir, said that under While interacting with the under tribal sub plan. during the visit was accompa - hi, hods, Professors, civil Green J&K drive, the forest de - people at chandaji village The compensation issue of nied by ex. engineers of society Member, Nazir be Nazir, partment is organizing planta - Ahmad said that the interde - health sub centre has been en - PMGsy, Pdd Bandipora, r&B, Officers of Police department tion drives across Kashmir partmental issues of PMGsy trusted to revenue/ health dy ceO Bandipora, BMO and students were present on the division and is involving various and Pdd have been settled on departments to be settled on Bandipora, range Officer occasion. institutions in the process. spot that will pave way for priority. They also visited Forest, NT Bandipora including On the occasion, conservator he added that it is our con - sarfaraz Ahmad called the mo - he said that the Forest de - speedy development of road, school building and interacted PrI functionaries. of Forests, srinagar said that we scious effort to preserve this her - ment very important to celebrate partment has developed chinar have assembled to celebrate the itage and shall grow more and the plantation of the heritage nurseries for its plantation at the chinar day and exchange the more chinars as it enhances the chinar tree. he requested dFO to places where land is available. he DC Bla visits landslide affected area, ideas about this heritage tree. he beauty of our land besides pro - help the sKUAsT campus ad - said to make srinagar smart city said that without chinar the viding gallons oxygen to our at - ministration to cover the pasture beautiful, it has been decided that landscape of Kashmir is incom - mosphere and helping in the area around the campus by lush all the departments will work in takes stock of situation plete. While divulging into the maintenance of the environment. green plants. that dimension. BARAMULLA, MARCH 15: details, he said that today the de - he said plants are not only com - Nazir Be Nazir, a civil society se, circular road, srinagar, partment will plant about 2000 plete in themselves but also com - member said that it is the social executive Landscape division, The deputy commissioner (dc) Baramulla, Bhupinder Kumar accompanied by concerned chinar saplings, besides twelve pliment nature by providing responsibility and duty of every concerned Aee besides Officers officers today paid a visit to upper reaches of the district to take appraisal of the situation that thousand five hundred chinar habitat to birds and various prod - individual to cherish the preser - from police and Urban Forest emerged due to landslides. These landslides were caused due to recent incessant rains that lashed saplings shall be planted during ucts to humans. vation of the chinar tree and oth - department were present at the the valley. Bhupinder Kumar visited Katyawali and its adjoining villages where several houses the year. speaking on the occasion, er plants. event. have been damaged due to landslides. The dc took a detailed review of the situation during which he directed to make a complete assessment of the losses. DC reviews status of Week-long programme on International Womens Day culminates at GCE, Sgr SRINAGAR, MARCH 15: Mohammad Aslam who highlighted various provisions of law that protect A weeklong programme on and safeguard women and women’s HWCs at Gb’l International Womens day culminat - rights. On the second day, an in-cam - ed on saturday at the Government pus rally of staff and students was or - GANDERBAL, MARCH 15: in 2018-19 and 2019-20. regarding college of education (Institute of ganised with a tour of entire campus, the status of manpower, the cMO in - Advanced studies in education), M.A holding placards and pledging full The deputy commissioner (dc) formed that 54 posts of MLhPs are road srinagar. support to spread gender sensitivity Ganderbal, shafqat Iqbal today sanctioned out of which 36 are in posi - The event that began on March 8, and unflinching support to overcome chaired a meeting of the health de - tion. The meeting also discussed the 2021 in the college conference hall all discrimination faced by women in partment to review the status of ap - status of utilization of funds for equip - witnessed various programmes our society. After this the faculty proved health Wellness centers ment and repair and renovation of throughout the week related to members shared their ideas on the (hWcs) in the district. during the hWcs. It was informed that in 2018- awareness about womens rights, ral - ‘Wall of Thoughts’ specially created meeting, the dc was briefed through a 19, rs 33 lakh was received for repair lies, speeches, screening of documen - for this purpose. In the post lunch ses - constituent colleges of the cluster They further said that the sensitisa - PowerPoint presentation about the and renovation and rs 6 lakh was re - taries and seminars. sion, Mir Toyibah, a young woman University srinagar on the theme tion about womens rights and remov - status of health Institutions approved ceived for equipment besides in 2019- At the outset, the Principal of the entrepreneur shared her experiences ‘Women in Leadership: Achieving an ing the discrimination faced by as health and Wellness centers block 20, rs 1.31 crore was received out of college, Prof. (dr.) ruhi Kanth con - and emphasized the focused thought, equal Future in a cOVId-19 World’. women in our society will ultimately wise in the district, man power ap - which rs 72 lakh is utilized on equip - gratulated all the faculty and students strengthened body and mind and ab - Nine students from constituent col - lead to women empowerment. The proved and utilization of funds. The ment and repair and renovation. on the occasion of womens day. solute resolve on the part of women leges spoke on different facets of the detailed report on the weeklong pro - meeting was informed that 73 health Meanwhile, the meeting also dis - she pledged to spread awareness leading to actual emancipation. The theme. On 13th March, 2021, women gramme was presented by dr. institutions are approved as hWcs cussed the status of work progress on about womens rights. day three of the weeklong programme personalities viz deputy Tabasum Maqbool. The programme which include Phc, NTPhc and sub ongoing Phcs and NTPhcs in the dis - The second session of the day con - began with screening of a documen - superintendent of Police, J&K and concluded with vote of thanks by Prof. centers of the district. While giving trict for which dc asked the executive vened an interaction with members of tary titled ‘equal half’ for the stu - sdPO, Kothibagh, srinagar shared syed shabana shabir. Later, the the details about approved health engineer to expedite all the works in a district Legal services Authority, dents in the college auditorium. In the their experiences and emphasized guests were accompanied by the Institutions as hWcs, it was given out planned manner to complete the in - srinagar, Advocate Tabasum rasool, second session of the day, a seminar upon creating awareness and sensiti - Principal and the faculty to inaugu - that in 2020-21, 30 hWcs are ap - frastructure within stipulated time - Advocate henna and Advocate was organised for the students of the zation about the challenges faced by rate the Art exhibition organised by proved and remaining were approved line. women who form the core of society. the Womens studies centre. Glimpses of Future 5 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, TUesdAy, MArch 16, 2021 World Consumer Rights Day Court sentences Javaid Ahmad Bhat of Kremshore to life imprisonment 2021 celebrated by Directorate Awards compensation of Rs.5.00 lacs in favour of the mother of victim SRINAGAR, MARCH 15: mained in custody and his age speak It has been held by the supreme for the fact that the case cannot be court in Manohar singh Vs. state of of FCS&CA Jammu The court of Principal sessions bracketed as one of the “rarest of rare rajasthan 2015 supreme court (sc) Judge srinagar Abdul rashid Malik case”. 42, wherein the supreme court has JAMMU, MARCH 15: sentenced Javaid Ahmad Bhat s/o Therefore, keeping in view the en - held as under: We find that the court Abdul Gani Bhat r/o Kremshore tire facts and circumstances of the of sessions and the high court have directorate of Food Khan sahib, Budgam to imprison - case, this is not a fit case for inflicting not fully focused on the need to com - civil supplies & consumer ment for life. death sentence under section 302 pensate the victim which can now be Affairs, Jammu, in collabo - The accused was convicted under rPc, therefore, it will be just and taken to be integral to just sentenc - ration with department of section 302 rPc on 13-03-3021 for proper to sentence the convict Javaid ing. Order of sentence in a criminal Legal Metrology, celebrat - causing the death of Mst. Gulshana Ahmad Bhat s/o Abdul Gani Bhat case needs due application of mind. ed the world consumer day d/o Ghulam hassan sofi r/o r/o Kramshore Khan sahib, Budgam The court has to give attention not 2021 with the theme ‘Tackle Kremshore Budgam. to imprisonment for life under sec - only to the nature of crime, pre - plastic pollution’. While sentencing the convict, the tion 302 rPc and execution of the scribed sentence, mitigating and ag - Amit Gupta, Additional court observed that convict is a sentence of life imprisonment shall gravating circumstances to strike just Advocate General was the young man of 29 years of age and is in be subject to confirmation of the high a balance in needs of society and fair - chief guest on the occasion. by President John F available in various statue While highlighting the judicial custody since the date of his court in terms of section 374 of ness to the accused, but also to keep in yash Pal Gupta, president Kennedy’s special message books to tackle its misuse. legal aspects involved in arrest. There is nothing on record cr.P.c. While granting compensation mind the need to give justice to the federation of retailers as - to the Us congress on “All of us should work with implementing the various from which it can be deduced that ac - of rs.5.00 lakhs to the mother of the victim of crime. In spite of legislative sociation, Neeraj Anand March 15, 1962. On this day dedication and in a mission provisions enshrined in the cused cannot be reformed or rehabili - victim namely Mst. Zainab (Aged 55 changes and decisions of this court, president chambers of trad - every year, various organi - mode to keep the consumer Act, Gupta laid stressed on tated or he will prove a menace for the years) W/o Ghulam hassan sofi r/o this aspect at times escapes attention. er’s federation, Joint sations like consumer aware about all the legal the technical aspects and society if not awarded the death Kremshore Budgam, the court ob - rehabilitating a victim is as impor - director Fcs&cA shagun International hold events rights and remedies avail - cautioned the officials to penalty. served that every criminal court is al - tant as punishing the accused. sharma, deputy director and campaigns to inform able to them” singh added. work within the legal As laid down by hon’ble supreme so under a legal duty to apply its mind Victim’s plight cannot be ignored Fcs&cA Javed Iqbal, more and more people Amit Gupta, highlight - purview to implement any court in the cases discussed supra to the question of compensation to even when a crime goes unpunished Assistant directors and of - about consumer rights. ed various provisions of stringent measures. that brutality and manner in which the victim of the crime. The deceased for want of adequate evidence. ficials of the directorate , The theme of the World consumer rights Act, which Joint director Fcs&cA murder was purported may be a was a young girl. The criminal justice While making the reference to the besides civil society mem - consumer rights day 2021 provides consumers with shagun sharma also high - ground but not the sole criteria for system has to address the plight of the high court for confirmation of the bers, were present on the is ‘Tackle plastic pollution’. the many rights including, lighted the need to aware judging whether the case is “rarest of victim also. Mere punishment will sentence, the court observed that the occasion. director FcscA right to be heard at an ap - the masses about the con - rate cases”. every murder is brutal not satisfy the victim who has suf - entire record be submitted to high World consumer Jatinder singh, while propriate forum, right to sumer rights and remedies and difference between one from an - fered as a result of commission of the court for confirmation of the sen - rights day is observed terming the issue of Plastic seek redressal in case of un - available to them for their other may be on account of mitigating crime. she was killed so brutally but tence of life imprisonment awarded every year on March 15, pollution as one of the most fair trade practices, right to grievance redressal. or aggravating features surrounding the real victims are her parents. One to convict Javaid Ahmad Bhat s/o since 1983 with the aim to pressing problem facing consumer education and The programme ended the murder. cannot assess the shock and trauma Abdul Gani Bhat r/o Kramshore raise global awareness present times, stressed up - right to goods and services with the vote of thanks by To conclude, on preparation of caused to her parents, near and dear Khan sahaib Budgam. Learned about consumer rights and on the officials to imple - at competitive prices, deputy director Fcs&cA the balance sheet of mitigating and ones. No amount of compensation registrar Judicial, high court of J&K needs. The day was inspired ment all the measures among others. Javed Iqbal. aggravating circumstances, length of can repair the irreparable loss may place the reference before the detention for which the convict re - caused. appropriate hon’ble Bench. Doda Admin braces up for hosting maiden Mega Musical Fest "YUVA" on March 20 DC Kishtwar reviews progress on mega projects

DODA, MARCH 15: tion of band troupe/per - Bhaderwah to showcase Asks District heads to ensure punctuality of staff formers from outside as well their talent . The ddc in - district Administration as from the district, decora - formed that the program KISHTWAR, MARCH 15: doda, under the overall su - tion of the venue, list of invi - shall start by 3 PM onwards pervision of deputy tees, installation of modern and asked to formulate the The progress on the execution commissioner, dr sagar d sound system, Led screen sequence of program to of various mega projects under doifode, is bracing up to etc. avoid mess up. The ddc di - PMdP, MGNreGA, B2V and host the first "Mega Musical The ddc directed the rected to finalize the list district capex was today reviewed Fest -yUVA 2021 on March concerned to place all the performances and artists by deputy commissioner, 20, 2021. necessary arrangements at within two days positively. Kishtwar Ashok sharmahere at a In this regard, the dc the venue well before the Among others present in the meeting of the district heads of the chaired a meeting of the commencement of the fest meeting were Adc doda department. event management team, and decorate the venue as Kishori Lal sharma; Jt The meeting was attended by comprising officers/offi - per the requirement of the director school education Addc, Mohd hanief Malik; Joint cials of concerned organisa - musical event. regarding roshan Lal; sdM Thathri director Planning, Mohd Iqbal; tions and held threadbare band troupes, the ddc di - Athar Amin Zargar; dsWO, sdM chhatroo, Inderjeet singh discussions with regard to rected the concerned to doda, Zubair Ahmed Lone; Parihar; Acd, Kishore singh the preparedness for the identify and call the profes - Administrative officer GMc Katoch; dFO, Marwah, Vijay successful conduct of the sional band troupes from doda Joni Kumar; dIO Kumar, dFO, Kishtwar, sagar first musical event. The Jammu or from other doda, Mohammad Ashraf singh; ALc, Anoop Kumar; meeting discussed seating places, besides provide the Wani; besides other con - dsWO, Tariq Parveaz Qazi; ceO, arrangements, establish - opportunity to the local cerned also attended the Ashok Kumar; cMO, dr r s ment of the stage, identifica - artists from doda and meeting. Manhas, besides other district and sectoral officers. The dc Kishtwar with the executing agencies so that timely completion of the roads. the achievements made in the im - took detailed review of the progress forest clearance on the ambitious The work-wise progress of the plementation of the beneficiary ori - made on the mega developmental Marwah -dachhan road is granted projects under the PMdM were al - ented schemes and social security GDC Vijaypur organises seminar on World projects and passed a slew of direc - in speedy manner. On the issue of so reviewed in the meeting, which schemes being implemented by the tions to the concerned implement - the pending land compensation the includes the ongoing 100 bedded department of social Welfare and Consumer Rights Day ing agencies for timely completion. dc Kishtwar informed the meeting additional hospital building at dh Labour. he also set deadlines for the com - that rs 238 crore has been project - Kishtwar, multipurpose indoor sta - To ensure smooth functioning SAMBA MARCH 15: the importance of the consumers rights.” pletion of different projects. While ed to the higher ups and the liabili - dium at Ghss Kishtwar, construc - of the government departments The consumer rights are imperative and reviewing the progress of work on ties shall be cleared as and when the tion of Gdc building at chatroo, particularly in the far flung areas, Government degree college Vijaypur, required to be affirmed by the students under execution PMGsy and PWd funds are released. construction of Nursing college the chair directed the district offi - today organized a seminar on the theme (consumers) at large”, she said in her roads in the district, he directed the he further directed the execut - Kishtwar and sdh Atholi, electrifi - cers to ensure punctuality of staff “Tackling Plastic Pollution” to mark the keynote speech. she stressed that the Xens to expedite the pace of work ing agencies to mobilise the men cation work in the left out habita - and camp their offices in the far World consumer rights day. rights of the consumers are needed to be for their stipulated completion. and machinery particularly in tions in the district, KGBV at flung areas of Marwah and Warwan speaking at the event, Principal of the protected and creating mass awareness dFO Marwah and dFO Kishtwar backward areas, where work has Marwah ,Warwan etc. to provide services to the people at college, dr. sangeeta sudan highlighted about the same. were asked to work in coordination been held up due to bad weather for The dc Kishtwar also reviewed their doorsteps. Group of 40 Workshop on ‘Sewerage and farmers flagged Drainage issues of Srinagar’ held SRINAGAR, MARCH 15: by the administration for improving cases the storm water is discharged off for exposure sewerage and drainage system but into the water bodies. In order to discuss suggestive more needs to be done. he said we he said that as per the storm wa - measures and steps to be taken to need to prioritize the issues for prop - ter drainage master plan, srinagar overcome the rising drainage and er solutions and public/ private part - city is divided into three drainage tour within UT sewerage problems in srinagar city, nership is very much important for zones and there are about 50 existing JAMMU, MARCH 15: a workshop titled ‘sewerage and better results. he assured the gather - drainage schemes having more than drainage issues of srinagar’ was held ing attending the workshop that the 100km of primary and secondary A group of 40 farmers, including women farmers in the Auditorium of Institute of suggestions put forth by them would storm water drains. was flagged off for one day exposure visit within UT engineers here at church Lane. be looked on priority for better he informed that around 89 de - here today. The workshop was organized by drainage and sewerage system in the watering pumping stations exist in director Agriculture Production & Farmers the Institution of engineers (INdIA) srinagar city. srinagar city, having 69 permanent Welfare Jammu, Inder Jeet flagged off the farmers J&K centre in collaboration with commissioner sMc, Athar dewatering stations and a sizable from Krishi Bhawan. The exposure visit has been or - divisional Administration, Kashmir. Aamir congratulated the Institute of number of mobile dewatering Former Advisor to Governor, ganized by department of Agriculture, sub division engineers for organising such a pumps, which are manned by the Khurshid Ahmad Ganai, divisional Marh under Pradhan Mantri Krishi sinchayee yojana- workshop and said that storm water drainage division of the srinagar commissioner Kashmir, Pandurang Per drop More crop (PMKsy- PdMc). Among others and wastes are a resource and need to Municipal corporation. Majority of K Pole, commissioner sMc, Athar be harvested in a better way by segre - these pumping stations have been present on the occasion included Joint director Amir Khan, director disaster gating the wastes at home and chang - retrofitted post floods and raised Agriculture (extension) dr shahid Iqbal sheikh; sub- Management, Aamir Ali attended the ing them to manures by various above the hFL, and even provided divisional Agriculture Officer Marh, dr Ashwani workshop. methods. with dG sets, with funding from ei - Kumar Jojra and other senior officers. Interacting with Addressing the workshop, he stressed on the collective ap - ther AdB or World Bank. the farmers on the occasion, the director Agriculture Khurshid Ahmad Ganai who was the proach of all the departments for the he further informed that despite Jammu underlined that objective of such programmes chief Guest on the occasion said that implementation of the projects and this, the divisional and district is to make the farmers aware of latest technological in - the issues need to be dealt at house assured sMc would be always open Administration has to deploy Fire terventions in the field of agriculture to achieve the tar - hold level as the population of for all the recommendations and sug - Tenders for assisting in dewatering get of doubling the farmers’ income by 2022. srinagar city is increasing at an gestions to improve sewage and low lying and water logged areas, af - The farmers were advised to replicate the new tech - alarming rate due to which there is a drainage system in the city. he said ter every heavy downpour. It is esti - nology in their respective areas that they will learn dur - huge increase in the waste produc - capacity building and awareness is mated that solid waste generation in ing the visit and further share it with other fellow farm - tion. he stressed that not only important in this regard. srinagar city is around 500 to 600 ers.It was given out that farmers from all four zones of srinagar city but also other major director disaster Management/ million Tonnes per day, out of which sub-div Marh will visit Krishi Vigyan Kendras and towns in J&K should be developed on chairman Institute of engineers, only around 50 to 60 percent is col - Advanced centre for rainfed Agriculture in Jammu modern lines to ensure effective Aamir Ali in his welcome address lected by sMc and the balance trash and samba districts, where they will interact with Agri management of waste products. he gave a detailed overview about the finds its way through the storm experts. Further, it was appraised that the PMKsy- underscored the need for giving fo - sewage and drainage system of the drains into the water bodies. Then we PdMc focuses on enhancing water use efficiency at cused attention towards proper and srinagar city. he said we are all well have the issue of sewerage, which is farm level through Micro Irrigation technologies viz. viable measures for better sewerage aware that srinagar city is located on generally confused with drainage. drip and sprinkler irrigation systems. Micro irrigation and drainage system in srinagar. relatively flat terrain and the there - While drains are designed to carry technique not only helps in saving water but also in re - The divisional commissioner, fore the drainage system of the city is the waste water or rain water, the ducing chemical fertilizer usage, labour expenses and Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole who also either Lift system or Gravity system sewerage system is meant to carry the other input costs. spoke on the occasion, said that vari - and at a few places it is a combination sewage from home to a treatment ous projects have been undertaken of Lift-cum-gravity system, but in all plant. Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU TUesdAy MArch 16 2, 021 Glimpses of Future Militancy of trade unions is a curse for the pharma industry esTABLIshed IN 1986 By : HL KUMAR parts of the country. The service conditions clearly stated that the The sector is in the grip of irre - employees were transferable. Work for climate sponsible trade unionism as a sec - Though most of the staff accepted tion of medical representatives the transfer and joined their respec - ndia is the only country in the G-20 forum imple- holds the drug companies to ran - tive postings, some refused to som. The militancy of trade unions menting the Paris accord commitments on renew- oblige. With the help of the (TUs) has done enough damage to Association of Medical and sales Iable energy and afforestation. There has been a net the economy of the country. Though representatives, they caused ob - increase of 15,000 square kilometres of tree cover in the it may sound strange, but some of struction to the managerial staff, re - the states have been lagging behind gional business managers and sales last six years. The pace is likely to increase as the central in the race for industrialisation and representatives of the said company government has distributed rs 48,000 crore to states employment generation mainly be - in carrying out their duties. Further, last year with the direction that 80 per cent of the money cause of the militant and irresponsi - they also approached the Labour ble TUs. For instance, West Bengal commissioner, , with their be spent on afforestation. India is the only G-20 country which was once considered the hub grievance. According to the writ pe - which is implementing the Paris commitments given of industries in India was deprived tition, those who refuse to comply as of investment opportunities, and well as the TUs have threatened that through our nationally determined contributions, be it hence employment and prosperity, they will not permit the company to renewable energy, be it reducing (emission) intensity as due to the activities of the Left-lean - carry on its business activities in the well as creating more forest area. On all three commit- ing TUs. sadly, even the pharmaceu - state unless their demands are met. tical industry is in the grip of irre - similar incidents were reported at ments, we are much ahead than any other country. sponsible trade unionism as a sec - Thrissur, calicut and several steps taken to increase afforestation both at cen- tion of medical representatives, he observes that if any industry “My state shows a red flag Parappanangadi where the unions which earns well but works less, of - threatened that the entire business tral and state levels, besides green India and horticul- comes up in Kerala, it is closed with - whereas we should be waving green ten holds the drug companies to in two years. Without industries, flags to investors”, he says. his would be brought to a standstill if ture missions, will help give a boost to increasing the ransom. As far as Kerala is con - how will you create capital, wealth words need to be taken seriously. It their demands were not met. The forest cover in the country. India Meteorological cerned, the words of ‘Metro Man’ e and add jobs? Kerala is a cent per is a relief that the Kerala high court deputy general manager lodged a sreedharan are pertinent. he says complaint before the senior police department (IMd) has carried out an analysis of ob- cent literate state but it has hardly in its recent judgment has taken that Kerala has not had a single in - any jobs for youngsters. sreedharan note of the growing militancy officers; however, no action was tak - served monsoon rainfall variability and changes in 29 dustrial investment in the last 20 cites how industrialist Kochouseph among medical representatives. A en. While allowing the petition, the years due to the malaise of trade states and union territories based on 30-year (1989- chittilappilly, who set up an electri - drug company filed a writ petition high court in its order said that unionism. he wonders that if cal appliance maker V-Guard had to stating that on account of adminis - even if the demand is legitimate, the 2018) data during the southwest monsoon season. Keralites can go to the Middle east shift 80 per cent of his firm’s opera - trative reasons, as well as business only option for the unions is to re - Although there is inter-annual variability, the total pre- and set up an industry there, why tions outside Kerala because of a exigencies, it had to redeploy its ter - solve the dispute in a manner known can’t they do it in India? however, cipitation during the Indian summer monsoon has re- hostile labour climate. ritory branch managers to other Militancy of trade on page 7 mained largely stable over the period 1901-2019 and has shown a weak decreasing trend during the recent few decades. Five states -- Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Meghalaya, and Nagaland -- have shown signifi- Mine wayside amenities for economic growth cant decreasing trends in southwest monsoon rainfall By : SB PRASAD ed contracts for 13,000 km of during the recent 30 years period (1989-2018), as per roads at a cost of `3.3 lakh crore the IMd report. The annual rainfall over these five states What is needed is an enabling under the `5.35 lakh crore ambience and interventions with the states of Arunachal Pradesh and ‘Bharatmala Pariyojana.’ Better along from the centre and states, in road infrastructure is loaded himachal Pradesh also shows significant decreasing terms of hassle-free land acqui - with varied opportunities as trends, the minister added. All changes cannot be linked sition and faster approvals. The wayside amenities along high - wayside amenities sector is ways and byways can be utilised to only climate change. In a written reply to a question evolving as a potential economic as a marketplace for local arti - that according to a report by the World Meteorological trigger in India. The catalyst is a sans by promoting their craft. Organization (WMO), the average global temperature huge network of quality high - This will in turn add value to that ways coming up across the coun - particular place. The concept of for 2015-2019 is currently estimated to be 1.1 degrees try. The way things are shaping wayside amenities is also in sync celsius above pre-industrial (1850-1900). According to up, wayside amenities consisting with the central Government’s of retail fuel outlets, eating initiative to set up Farmer the Moes, the surface air temperature over India has joints, food courts, public con - Producer Organisations (FPOs), risen by about 0.7 c during 1901 2018 which is accompa- veniences and other commuter- which are aimed at enhancing nied with an increase in atmospheric moisture content. friendly services will create a not only our growers’ income but plethora of gainful jobs and eco - also to ensure that their produce The sea surface temperatures in the tropical Indian nomic activities away from ur - is sold at a remunerative price. Ocean have also increased by about 1 c during 1951 ban spaces and will give a big FPOs are member-based farm - boost to the local economy in the ers’ institutions to feed the 2015. On an average, at present, the sea level along the countryside. According to Union growing population of the world Indian coast is estimated to be rising at about 1.7 Minister of road Transport and with shrinking resources and a farmers, who do not have the committed liability of `2,369 mm/year. highways Nitin Gadkari, over rapidly changing climate. economic strength to apply pro - crore from 2024-25 to 2027-28 11,000 km of National highways Besides India, countries like duction technology, services and towards their hand holding. (Nhs) were constructed during china, Vietnam and Indonesia, marketing, including value addi - FPOs are being formed and pro - the current financial year at an too, have adopted the FPO ap - tion. For instance, food courts moted through the cluster- average of 35 km per day. proach very successfully. The can have a dedicated corner Based Business Organisations Gadkari has vowed to increase Government, with an aim to where they can run retail outlets (cBBOs) engaged at the state or the pace of road construction to make this initiative a success, is for the farm produce supplied by cluster level by implementing Removing roadblocks achieve a rate of 40 km per day FPOs for whom the central agencies. The cBBOs will have providing necessary policy sup - and the Union Budget allocated port. consequently, FPOs have Government has provisioned five categories of specialists `1.81 lakh crore to highways. The the potential to be the game `496 crore for five years (2019- from the domain of crop hus - Government has already award - changers for small and marginal 20 to 2023-24) with a further Mine way side on page 7 Will ICC war crimes probe be a silver bullet? By : MAKHAN SAIKIA he currently heads a UN investiga - tion into war crimes committed by There are many stakeholders in the Islamic state in Iraq. the Palestine statehood stalemate. The Icc probe aims to focus on despite decades of struggle, the two key areas around which Israeli Palestinian movement for self-de - Government’s policies are involved: termination is heading nowhere.A its continued military offensives two-state solution is the most ideal against the Palestinian militants in way to end the crisis once for all. the Gaza strip rocked by a devastat - The hague-based International ing war in 2014 and its expansion of criminal court (Icc) has ordered settlements in east Jerusalem and an investigation into the alleged war West Bank. These actions of Tel The UP Government's road safety measure to remove religious struc - crimes in the Palestinian territories Aviv have been broadly highlighted tures from public land must be hailed. In a move that will free up public which were captured by Israel in the by the PA in its report filed in the land, decongest roads, pavements and highways and make walking and historic six day War of 1967, where - Icc since its joining the court. driving in Uttar Pradesh (UP) safer and easier, the yogi Adityanath in the country has already started Though Palestine is not an inde - Government has directed that any encroachment, structure or construc - settlement construction. The Icc pendent nation, it was granted non- tion of religious nature on public roads, streets, pavements and highways investigation will look into “crimes member status in the coveted UN after January 1, 2011, should be removed immediately. The structures that are alleged to have been com - General Assembly in 2012. And this built earlier would be given six months for a planned removal. These in - mitted” since June 13, 2014 the helped Palestine to claim its mem - structions have been issued by the UP Government in compliance with the Palestinians chose June 2014 as the bership in other crucial global insti - 2016 order of the Allahabad high court (hc) and all senior administrative start of the investigation to coincide tutions such as the Icc. ever since, and police officials at the district level have been told to shift such en - with the run-up to Israel’s devastat - Palestine has been trying to con - croachments to land given by the followers of that religion or private land ing Gaza war that summer. vince the international community proposed by the persons responsible for the religious structure’s manage - Way back in 2015, the Icc be - about its allegation of war crimes by Removing on page 7 gan a preliminary investigation into Israel. Now interesting part of the the 2014 Gaza conflict. In the probe announced by the Icc is that month of June that year, the Israel is not a member of the court. Palestinian Authority (PA) submit - “anti-semitism and hypocrisy”, has brought forth the fact that there Also, Israeli Government outlines H I S T O R Y T H I S D A Y ted evidence of massive war crimes Israel Prime Minister Benjamin is enough evidence to open a war the fact that since Palestine is not an by the Israeli military. however, a Netanyahu has said, “The state of crimes case in the West Bank, in - independent state, the Icc does not 1776 : Alexander Hamilton is named report released by the UN highlight - Israel is under attack. I promise you cluding east Jerusalem and Gaza have any jurisdiction over it. ed that there was evidence of war we will fight for the truth until we strip. In one of her statements, she however, the PA is extremely en - crimes by both the Israeli military annul this scandalous decision.” said that the investigation will look thused with the launch of the Icc captain of artillery company and the hamas, the Palestinian mil - Netanyahu has accused the Icc of into crimes within the jurisdiction probe. Nevertheless many Palestine itant outfit. According to UN esti - “turning a blind eye to Iran, syria of the court. she has ensured the in - On March 14, 1776, Alexander hamilton receives his commission as sympathisers are getting worked up mates, over 2,200 Palestinians, in - and the other dictatorships that are ternational community that the in - as the Icc has been painfully slow captain of a New york artillery company. Throughout the rest of 1776, cluding nearly 1,500 civilians, were committing real war crimes.” The vestigation will be conducted “inde - despite the evidence of war crimes captain hamilton established himself as a great military leader as he direct- killed by Israeli fire while at least 67 decision to launch the Icc probe pendently, impartially and objec - was mentioned in the preliminary ed his artillery company in several battles in and around New york city. In soldiers and six civilians were killed was taken by its outgoing chief tively, without fear or favour”. The report by Bensouda. The interna - March 1777, hamilton’s performance came to the attention of General on the Israeli side. however, Israel Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, a for - massive task of this investigation tional court proceedings involving George Washington and he was commissioned lieutenant colonel and per- has argued that it waged a war of mer Gambian Judge. In February will be carried out by the Icc’s new such cases might take a longer ton in the continental Army. After serving sonal aide to General Washing self-defense against nonstop rocket this year, Bensouda claimed that chief Prosecutor, leading British course of action in comparison to under Washington for four years, hamilton resigned in February 1781 after fire against its cities. calling the Icc the Icc had jurisdiction over the lawyer Karim Khan, who will re - domestic trials. Known popularly as 1776 on page 7 decision to begin war crimes probe case. her preliminary probe in 2019 place Bensouda in June this year. Will ICC war on page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU TUesdAy MArch 16, 2021 Congress following in Jinnah''s footsteps, will destroy India: Shivraj PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Assam and India," chouhan said, re - Gandhi is "dividing India" into north ship of rahul Gandhi and Priyanka first-time BJP candidate Taranga Naharkatia, Mar 15 ferring to the opposition party's al - and south, while doing the same poli - Gandhi Vadra, he claimed. Gogoi, who will have a triangular liance with AIUdF in Assam, IsF in tics in Assam, creating differences "The congress only knows drama contest with Assam Jatiya Parishad Instead of following Mahatma West Bengal and IUML in Kerala. between different tribes and commu - and theatrics. rahul swam in the sea (AJP) president Lurinjyoti Gogoi and Gandhi, the congress was following congress has allied with Badruddin nities. "congress ruled Assam for 55 in Kerala, while Priyanka plucked tea congress' former minister Pranatee in "Jinnah's footsteps", Madhya Ajmal, who has filled Assam with in - years, but what has it given? Assam, leaves in Assam. she didn't even Phukan. sitting AGP MLA Naren Pradesh chief Minister shivraj singh filtration... he has a perfume busi - which was not defeated by the know that it was off-season! Was sonowal, part of the BJP-led NdA, is chouhan said on Monday, asserting ness, but is spreading poison in the Mughals due to the heroism of Lachit there any film shooting going on?" he also in a "friendly contest" against that it would "destroy" the country. society... If 'naagraj' and 'saapraj' al - Borphukan (Ahom general), Indira asked. chouhan also targetted rahul the BJP candidate. Addressing a rally in Naharkatia in ly, then Assam cannot be developed," Gandhi and rajiv Gandhi gave only Gandhi over his promise of setting up Appealing to the people to vote poll-bound Assam's dibrugarh dis - chouhan alleged. he said that the infiltration, violence, terrorism, agi - a fisheries ministry, saying that it is for the BJP, chouhan listed out a se - trict, the senior BJP leader said that congress should feel ashamed for tation, hunger and unemployment," already in place. "his tube light lit a ries of schemes rolled by the govern - the congress has failed to carry out joining hands with AIUdF, claiming chouhan alleged. The congress has little late. This party which is so di - ments of his party at the centre and any developmental work in the that even former chief minister always used illegal immigrants as rectionless, how will they work for the state. "did congress do as much Northeastern states since Tarun Gogoi did not ally with that their vote bank, while Prime Minister the development of Assam?" work in 55 years as sarbananda Independence. "congress is not fol - party. "congress has allied with Narendra Modi and Assam cM sonowal was also present at the pub - sonowal did in just five years?" he lowing in Mahatma Gandhi's foot - Muslim League in Kerala and IsF in sarbananda sonowal took initiatives lic meeting. asked, adding that the BJP govern - steps. congress and rahul Gandhi West Bengal. congress is doing di - to curb infiltration into the state, chouhan was in Naharkatia, ment will solve the perennial flood are following in Jinnah's footsteps. vide and rule politics," he claimed. chouhan alleged. The congress will which is going to the polls in the first problem of the state by "shifting And Jinnah's steps will destroy The BJP leader alleged that rahul "become history" under the leader - phase on March 27, to campaign for floodwaters to lakes and ponds". sc notice to centre on IMA plea TN CM Palaniswami files nomination BJP demands action against arrested Raj cop against order allowing post-grad from Edapadi PRESS TRUST Of INDIA from the woman, who had Jaipur, Mar 15 lodged three complaints, including one of rape, po - Ayurveda docs to perform surgery The BJP demanded on lice had said, adding that he Monday stern action began demanding sexual clude modern medicine in against police officer favours from her after she syllabus. The notification Kailash Bohra, who was ar - expressed her inability to by the ccIM listed 39 gen - rested by the rajasthan an - give him money. The officer eral surgery procedures and ti-corruption bureau a day was investigating the cases. around 19 procedures in - ago for allegedly seeking earlier, rLP MLA Pukhraj volving the eye, ear, nose PRESS TRUST Of INDIA sexual favour from a rape raised the issue of attempt and throat by amending the Salem (TN), Mar 15 survivor for taking action in to rape and attack on a Indian Medicine central cases lodged by her. deputy woman in Nagaur district. council (Post Graduate Tamil Nadu chief Leader of Opposition he said police did not Ayurveda education) Minister and AIAdMK Joint rajendra rathore raised take prompt action and the regulations, 2016. coordinator K Palaniswami the matter during the zero main suspect managed to PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Justice s A Bobde and Justices According to the November on Monday filed nomination hour through an adjourn - escape due to carelessness New Delhi, Mar 15 A s Bopanna and V 20, 2020 gazette notifica - from his native edappadi in ment motion and said it was of Khunkhuna police sta - ramasubramanian issued tion the procedures listed this district for the April 6 a shameful incident. Gulabchand Kataria also ruling of the speaker that tion. he demanded suspen - The supreme court notices to the Ministry of include removal of metallic Assembly polls. rathore said the officer demanded stern action in ministers would not give re - sion of the Khunkhuna po - Monday sought response Ayush, ccIM and National and non-metallic foreign Palaniswami has won from edappadi four times (1989, was facing a cBI inquiry in a the matter. "If no action is ply to an adjournment mo - lice station incharge. The from the centre on a plea by Medical commission while bodies from non-vital or - 1991, 2011 and 2016) and the case and despite that, he taken against him despite tion. The speaker then woman was going to sikar the Indian Medical seeking their replies on the gans, excision of simple cyst region is among the strong - was given posting in the discussion in the house, ruled that the minister from Nagaur when a van Association (IMA) against a petition. IMA has moved or benign tumours of non- holds of the ruling party. The special investigation unit then the public will not for - would later give a statement driver allegedly abducted central council of Indian the top court seeking to set vital organs, amputation of chief minister, who walked a for crimes against women. give us. People should get in the house on the issue. her on pretext of dropping Medicine order authorising aside or quash the amend - gangrene, traumatic wound short distance to reach the The BJP leader said such of - the assurance," Kataria Bohra, who was posted as her to the destination on post-graduate practitioners ment to regulations to the management, foreign body local Taluk office, submitted ficers should be terminated said. speaker c P Joshi the assistant commissioner saturday. The suspect took in specified streams of Postgraduate Ayurveda removal from stomach, his required papers. from service and ccTV asked Parliamentary of police (special investiga - her to an isolated place and Ayurveda be trained to per - surgery by ccIM and de - squint surgery, cataract Palaniswami is later slated cameras in police stations Affairs Minister shanti tion unit for crimes against called her friends and they form surgical procedures. A clare that the council does surgery and functional en - to address poll rallies in dif - should be installed, adding dhariwal whether he has women) in the dcP east of - allegedly attempted to rape bench comprising ch ief not have the powers to in - doscopic sinus surgery. ferent parts of the district. that the government should anything to say on the issue. fice, was caught by the AcB her. They also hit her head take exemplary steps in the responding to this, team on sunday. Bohra had and abandoned her in an case. Leader of Opposition dhariwal said there was a first demanded money injured condition there. Contn. from Page 6 ...... 1776 ...... Contn. from Page 6 ...... a dispute with the general, but remained in the army. In President George Washington and served in that office un - Mine way side ...... July 1781, hamilton took a position as commander of a til resigning in January 1795. hamilton then returned to regiment of New york troops and served with distinction at the private sector and a law practice in New york city, but bandry, agri-marketing, value addition and process - the brand name ‘highway Nest.’ The Ministry of the Battle of yorktown in the fall of that year. remained a close advisor to President Washington. In ing, social mobilisation, law and accounts, and road Transport and highways (MorTh) plans to de - After resigning from the army and working at a law 1800, hamilton became embroiled in a bitter dispute Information Technology/Management Information velop a network of amenities every 50 km on the practice, hamilton was elected to the continental when he threw his support behind President John Adams’ systems. These cBBOs will be a platform for end-to- Nhs. so, over 1,000 such amenities will be devel - congress from New york in 1782, where he quickly became reelection campaign instead of presidential candidate end knowledge for all issues in FPO promotion. The oped across the country. Private players will also be known as a proponent of a stronger national government. Aaron Burr’s. After his defeat, Burr ran for governor of concept of ‘Agri Visit’ is very popular in foreign involved in this endeavour. however, the country In the years to come, hamilton became well-known for his New york in 1804; hamilton again opposed his candidacy. countries. In India, too, at many places on highways, cannot cash in on the economic opportunities pro - political philosophy and published several papers with humiliated, Burr challenged hamilton to a duel on July 11, farms are being developed for this purpose. On simi - vided by wayside amenities if the movement of traf - James Madison and John Jay that became known as the 1804, in Weehawken, New Jersey. Alexander hamilton lar lines, such places can be developed on highways, fic on highways is not safe. hence, the rating of roads Federalist Papers. hamilton became the first secretary of was shot in the duel and died of his wound the following which, in addition to commercial services, can also is very important and recently Gadkari released the the treasury in september 1789 after the election of day, July 12, in New york at the age of 49. promote local goods and services. It will also lead to ratings for 18,668 km of completed four-six lane Nh empowerment and inclusive growth of local commu - stretches covering 343 toll plazas. This initiative un - nities. Wayside amenities can also promote organic dertaken by the NhAI aims at improving its account - Will ICC ...... farming in a big way, which is beneficial for all: ability towards road users, who pay a fee for the use Farmers, consumers and the environment. There is a of developed Nhs. The fundamental objective of ‘KingBibi’, Netanyahu is adept in handing the Icc probe and a multilateral approach to foreign policy has stood need for making organic agriculture a mass move - highway rating is “minimum time with maximum issue. his followers call him, “The Magician”, “The behind Israel, as American Presidents do. Antony ment, not just for a wealthy nation but also a healthy safety in a stress-free environment” from the high - Winner”, and “Melekh yisrael” (i.e. King of Israel). Blinken, his secretary of state, sharply reacted to the Icc nation. As per an estimate, the organic food segment way users’ perspective. high-quality highways, cou - Known for his anti-solutionism, he tries to popularise the probe and said that the Us firmly opposes and is deeply in India is expected to grow at 10 per cent during pled with improved standards of living and higher theory that Israel is surrounded by wolves in sheep’s disappointed at the court’s decision to open a war crimes 2015-25 and is estimated to reach `75,000 crore by disposable income, would enable overall growth in clothing and wolves in wolves clothing. It seems investigation in the occupied Palestinian territories. he 2025. The central Government aims to increase the tourism, never seen before in our country. And hence Netanyahu favours status quo on the Palestine issue. An further stated that the Icc had no jurisdiction over this length of Nhs to 2,00,000 km against the current development of superior wayside amenities would be equally reluctant Fatah and the Palestinian Authority matter. Israel is not a party to the Icc and has not con - length of around 1,31,326 km. A huge stretch of state a vital infrastructure to boost tourism and add to the need to come up with a realistic solution. The status quo sented to the court’s jurisdiction and we have serious con - roads around 53,000 km is being developed as Nhs. employment opportunities for the local populace. has supported the Fatah leadership as it helped it to re - cerns about the Icc’s attempts to exercise its jurisdiction Around 3,500 km of the Nh which includes the each toll plaza is being judged on three major crite - main in power. even without creating a Palestinian state, over Israeli personnel. Us state department spokesman Madurai-Kollam corridor and the chittoor-Thatchur ria: efficiency, safety and user services. These are the security cooperation with Israel may safeguard the PA Ned Price said, “We firmly oppose and are disappointed corridor will be developed at an investment of `1.03 further divided into a total of 39 parameters which from being overthrown by the hamas. In the past, when by the Icc prosecutor’s announcement of an investiga - lakh crore. In Kerala, 1,100 km of Nhs will be devel - include average speed; road condition; facility for concerns were raised over war crimes in Israeli occupied tion into the Palestinian situation.” “We will continue to oped at an investment of `65,000 crore, including public; service road; delay at toll plaza; accidents; areas, attempts were made to detract from the serious - uphold our strong commitment to Israel and its security the Mumbai-Kanyakumari corridor’s 600-km sec - incident response time; wayside amenities; general ness of the court’s findings. Questions were raised by including by opposing actions that seek to target Israel tion. These highways will change the economic pro - cleanliness and so on. These criteria were framed af - Israel on the issue of statehood of Palestine, the legitima - unfairly,” Price told reporters in Washington. This will file of the region. The 675-km-long Nh in West ter detailed studies held by the NhAI and MorTh. cy of the court jurisdiction and their very political appro - surely encourage Netanyahu to ramp up campaign Bengal to be developed at a cost of `25,000 crore, in - No such criteria have been developed across the priateness. The then Trump Administration solidly against the Icc decision. To put an end to all the contro - cluding the upgradation of the existing Kolkata- globe in the past which evaluates the performance of backed the Israeli Government on this issue. versies, the duty of incoming prosecutor Khan is to con - siliguri route, will not only ensure seamless move - highways from the user’s perspective. Better traffic Washington’s unwavering support to Tel Aviv reflected in sider the probe as purely a legal one. After decades of ment of traffic but will also provide umpteen high - flow facilitates in saving the time spent in commut - its direct attack on the Icc and its personnel as it rejected struggle, the Palestinian people and their movement for way tourism opportunities. during the covid-19 ing, improving customer experience, saving fuel and the Icc’s authority over its citizens and territory, sus - self-determination are heading nowhere. The right to pandemic, many fuel stations also made groceries reducing the nation’s carbon footprint. Thanks to vi - pended visas to Icc personnel and their families, and self-determination of the Palestinians and their dream of and other essentials available for the people for pur - sionary leaders, India is going to have many iconic condemned the Palestine investigation and any other ac - an independent state have so far remained a lofty goal. chase. since the movement was restricted and hy - corridors, which are world class, for example, the tion that seeks to target Israel unfairly. Then secretary of Frustrated, annoyed and deprived of a credible interna - giene was a point of concern, fuel stations became a Mumbai-delhi expressway, the Taj expressway, the state Mike Pompeo constantly referred to the Icc as an tional attention, the Palestinians are forced to set the popular choice for people to buy items of daily need. Ambala-chandigarh expressway and the delhi- embarrassing, political, renegade, unlawful, and a vehicle stage for basic building blocks for their survival. All what It was also an occasion for people to appreciate the saharanpur-dehradun economic corridor, work on for political vendettas, masquerading as a legal body. they need is the very basic rights guaranteed by the UN value of good facilities on highways. The National which is underway. India is poised for a wayside Then President Trump issued an executive order that im - declaration of human rights of 1948, some 72 years ago. highways Authority of India (NhAI) has already amenities boom. What is needed is an enabling am - posed sanctions over Icc prosecutor and investigators. And it’s time for Israel to recognise and help establishing started the process of developing wayside amenities bience and interventions from the centre and states, Many, particularly the left liberals across the world an independent Palestini an state. Biden hiding under semi- at 183 locations along the Nhs. Facilities with an in terms of hassle-free land acquisitions and faster thought that with Joe Biden coming to power, Trumpism or any other Us Preside nt, with a preset frame - area of more than five acres will be developed under approvals. It will be a win-win situation for all stake - Washington will reverse the previous course of action. work, will not be able to solve the long conflict between the brand name ‘highway Village’ and facilities on holders in an evergreen sector, which beckons pub - And eventually a new America will be back. however, the Palestine and Israel. A two-state solution is the most ideal plots smaller than five acres will be developed under lic-private partnership for a self-reliant India. Biden Administration that has stressed on human rights way to end the hostilities between the two parties. Removing ...... Militancy ...... ment. The order also stated that in case of any disobedi - fact that religion is a sensitive and emotive issue in India to law. Under no circumstances can the workers resort to only up to three pm and remain idle for the rest of the day. ence, the officials concerned would be held responsible and and comes above everything else. hence, removing a reli - violence to further their cause. That would infringe upon Moreover, it is almost unsupervised work as a company of - in contempt of the hc’s orders. This move was a long time gious structure from the side of a road or pavement is next the right of the management to carry on the business. The ficial or manager must give 10-day advance intimation to coming because anyone who has driven on Indian roads to impossible without having a communal flare-up, as logi - pharmaceutical industry is rapidly growing, particularly in an employee for a field visit which cannot be for more than must have come across structures that jut out into an oth - cal thinking and reasoning tend to take a back seat where the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and also due to three days at a stretch. even the number of times a manag - erwise perfect road and force people to go around them. our religious sentiments are concerned. Now, thanks to the India’s projected position as the pharmacy of the world. er can visit an employee is fixed. hence, there are many Not only do these structures pose a big risk to drivers, hc’s order, many such constructions in UP and NOIdA, in Given the nation’s ambitions to become a global hub for such rules that discourage effective supervision and by and especially at night as most of our roads are not well lit, par - particular, will be removed, making life easier. however, medical tourism and quality, affordable drugs, the need of large the sales employee is on his/her own. The Government, the ticularly the highways, they cause traffic jams and bottle - the Government would do well to take the religious leaders the hour is to tap into the opportunity so as to grab the judiciary, the companies, the TUs and above all civil socie - necks, too. Though successive Governments have con - of all communities into confidence and ensure that the en - world market. But this must be realised by the workers and ty will have to make concerted efforts to stop this menace structed hundreds of kilometres of roads and highways in croachments are removed peacefully without hurting any their leaders, too. however, the general grievance of the so as to take the country on the path of progress and pros - UP and other states, they have failed to remove such en - sentiments. Plus, it will have to ensure that all religions are companies is that the TUs have their self-styled rules and perity. This is the need of the hour in a post-pandemic croachments, no matter how many accidents they cause or treated equally and there is no room for partisan behaviour they often resort to violence. The normal process of the world if India is to realise its dream of a $5 trillion economy how many people are inconvenienced. This is owing to the that creates bitterness and communal disharmony. working of the medical representatives is that they work and a global economic powerhouse by 2024-25. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU, TUesdAy, MArch 16, 2021 In Brief Hong Kong activists No 'exclusive cliques' should be say democracy fight Asian shares to continue abroad mixed as China formed: China on first Quad summit Hong Kong, Mar 15 reports so-so By K J M VARMA spokesman Zhao Lijian told a hong Kong democracy activists Beijing, Mar 15 (PTI) media briefing here. have launched a new push to continue economic data he was answering a ques - their fight among residents living china said on Monday abroad in the wake of a sweeping crack - Bangkok, Mar 15 tion about the first Leaders' that no "exclusive cliques" summit of the Quad coun - down by Beijing and changes to the the should be formed as it ac - semi-autonomous chinese city's elec - shares were mixed in Asia on tries and the reported re - cused some countries of try - toral system aimed at shutting out op - Monday as china reported a vari - marks by Us National ing to "drive a wedge" among position voices. In a letter titled the ety of data that painted a compli - secretary Advisor Jake regional nations citing the 2021 hong Kong charter," the activists cated picture of its recovery from sullivan that the four leaders "china threat" and asserted stated that, Numerous hongkongers the pandemic. Benchmarks rose discussed the challenge that they will "end up have no choice but to leave in exile, in hong Kong and Tokyo but fell posed by china and said all nowhere". while those remaining in their city are in shanghai and south Korea. four believed the democra - Quad countries involving living with the constant fear of being po - The passage of a 1.9 trillion cies could help compete with the Us, India, Australia and litically persecuted on any day." The aid package for the U.s. economy autocracy. Japan held their first virtual 2021 electoral reform imposed by the has added to investor confidence "For some time, some summit on Friday during chinese communist Party further anni - that the U.s. and global economy countries have been exagger - which President Joe Biden hilated the democratic elements in our will likely experience a strong re - ating the so-called china told leaders of the coalition threat'. china challenges to elections, putting the last nail in the cof - covery from the pandemic in the that a "free and open" Indo- drive a wedge among regional fin for One country, Two systems, the second half of the year but also Pacific is essential to their countries to sow discord be - letter said, citing the framework for run - potentially increase the rate of in - countries and vowed that his tween their relations with parties," he said. the right mindset, view china the international system with ning the city after its handover from flation. china has led the global country was committed to china, Zhao said. Zhao also reacted angrily and china-Us relations in an the UN at its core and inter - British colonial rule in 1997. The letter, recovery, reopening earlier than working with its partners and "What they have done is to reported remarks by Us objective and rational way, national order based on in - cosigned by eight prominent opposition other countries from coronavirus allies in the region to achieve against the trend of times defence secretary Lloyd J. stop interfering in china's in - ternational law rather than figures, calls for international support shut-downs that emerged in the stability. which is peace, development Austin that the goal of the Us ternal affairs, work with the international order de - to counter what they called the global central city of Wuhan in early Prime Minister Narendra and win-win cooperation and and its key allies is to ensure china, focus on cooperation fined by certain countries to aggression of china's ruling communist 2020. retail sales jumped nearly Modi attended the virtual runs counter to the common that they have the capabili - and manage differences to save their hegemony," he Party, along with reforms to the govern - 36% year-on-year in January- summit alongside Australian aspirations of people in the ties, operational plans and bring china-Us relations said. ment and police force and the abolish - February from a year earlier. But Prime Minister scott region, he said. concepts to offer credible de - back on track for sound and Us defence secretary ment of a sweeping national security the surge was mostly driven by Morrison and Japanese "They will gain no sup - terrence to china or anybody stable development, he said. Lloyd Austin will visit India law imposed last year. dozens of ac - strong demand for cars, catering Prime Minister yoshihide port and will end up else who wants to take on he said china has been this week along with Japan tivists including former lawmakers and jewelry, suggesting chinese suga. nowhere," he said. America. "In the era of glob - promoting world peace and and south Korea, in the first have been charged under the law, consumers were splashing out "relevant countries "The state-to-state ex - alisation, the practice of contributing to the develop - overseas trip of a senior prompting many to seek asylum abroad. during the Lunar New year, ING should abandon the cold War changes and cooperation forming cliques against spe - ment and defending the in - member of the new Biden Under such high pressure from china, economists said in a report. The mentality and ideological should be conducive for im - cific countries based on ideol - ternational order. Administration. the diaspora from hong Kong have data were exaggerated by low bias, do not form exclusive proving mutual understand - ogy is detrimental to the in - "A growing china would This is for the first time more responsibility than ever to speak base effects from the shutdowns cliques and act in a way con - ing and trust among the ternational order," Zhao said. only mean a greater strength that India has been included out and ensure we continue to draw in - last year, they aid. ducive to solidarity, unity, re - countries and should not be "They will gain no support for peace. It is an opportunity in the itinerary in the first ternational concern, Nathan Law, who , the jobless rate rose to 5.5% gional peace and stability," targeted against and under - and end up nowhere," he rather than a challenge to the overseas trip of a Us defence now resides in the UK, said during an from 5.2% a year earlier, possibly chinese Foreign Ministry mine the interests of third said. "The Us should adopt world. china firmly upholds secretary. online news conference sunday. affected by flare ups of coron - avirus in some areas, analysts said. Travel restrictions weighed on retail sales but boosted indus - trial output and investment. We Lanka's burqa ban proposal think activity will remain strong during the first half of this year, before giving way to a weaker sec - 'divisive steps' in the name ond half," Julian evans- Pritchard of capital economics of security: Pak envoy said in a commentary. policy support is being grad - Colombo, Mar 15 (PTI) the local Islamist extremist group ually withdrawn. And foreign de - National Thawheed Jamaat (NTJ) car - mand for chinese goods will drop In an unusual move, Pakistan's en - ried out a series of blasts that tore back as vaccines start to reverse voy here on Monday criticised the sri through three churches and as many lux - the recent shift in global con - Lankan government's plan to ban the ury hotels, killing 270 people, including sumption patterns," he said. wearing of burqas in the country, saying 11 Indians, and injuring over 500. The shanghai composite in - such "divisive steps" in the name of secu - Announcing his proposal to ban dex fell 0.6% to 3,432.01. Tokyo's rity will not only hurt the sentiments of burqa in the country, Weerasekara on Nikkei 225 index edged less than Muslims but also strengthen wider ap - saturday said, The burqa has a direct im - 0.1% higher, to 29,732.98, and prehensions about the fundamental hu - pact on national security. In our early the hang seng in hong Kong man rights of minorities in the island na - days, we had a lot of Muslim friends, but climbed 0.6% to 28,907.15. In tion. Muslim women and girls never wore the south Korea, the Kospi lost 0.2% Pakistan's high commissioner to sri burqa. It is a sign of religious extremism to 3,049.16. sydney's s&P/AsX Lanka Ambassador saad Khattak's re - that came about recently. We will defi - 200 inched 0.1% higher, to marks came three days after Minister of nitely ban it. 6,771.00. Investors will be watch - Public security sarath Weerasekara Weerasekara also said the govern - ing this week for the outcome of a signed a paper on Friday seeking the ap - ment is planning to ban over 1,000 Federal reserve policy meeting, proval of the cabinet ministers to ban Madrassas, which are flouting national Anti-coup protesters display signs and shout slogan as they protest against the military coup in Mandalay, Myanmar. Myanmar's ruling junta which wraps up on Wednesday. burqas -- outer garments that cover the education policy. has declared martial law in parts of the country's largest city as security forces killed more protesters in an increasingly lethal crackdown on re - body and face worn by some Muslim Japan's central bank will be issu - The Lankan government last year sistance to last month's military coup. ing a policy update on Friday. On women -- citing "national security". had also made the cremation of cOVId- Friday, a late-afternoon burst of Tweeting a news report on Lanka's 19 victims mandatory, citing health con - buying helped nudge the s&P proposal to ban burqa and other face cerns. It cited the opinion of some ex - 500 0.1% higher to 3,943.34, ex - coverings, Khattak said, "The likely ban perts who claimed that the burial of 2 killed, 13 wounded at party on Chicago's South Side tending its winning streak to a on Niqab will only serve as injury to the cOVId-19 victims would contaminate fourth straight day. The dow feelings of ordinary sri Lankan Muslims the water table, thereby spreading the Chicago, Mar 15 shooting, the chicago Tribune re - ting started. A bar had been step up Jones Industrial Average added and Muslims across the globe." pandemic further. The cremation of bod - ported. It said a blood stain was al - in a garage attached to the business 0.9%, to 32,778.64, lifted by in - "At today's economically difficult ies is forbidden in Islam and Gunfire erupted at a party on so visible on concrete. for what Brown described as a pop- dustrial stocks like Boeing and time due to (the) pandemic and other christianity. Amidst mounting interna - chicago's south side early sunday, The Tribune cited preliminary up party. We don't know what the caterpillar. The tech-heavy image related challenges faced by the tional criticism, including from killing two people and wounding information in a police report as celebration associated with this Nasdaq fell 0.6%, to 13,319.86. country at international fora, such divi - Pakistan, the government revised its pol - 13 others in what authorities say saying the shooting may have been party was at this point, we're still The russell 2000 index of small - sive steps in the name of security, be - icy last month. Pakistan Prime Minister may have been a gang-related gang-related. A woman who had trying to follow-up on leads on er company stocks advanced sides accentuating economic difficulties, Imran Khan had also raised the issue shooting. been shot in the head was found what that motive might be, Brown 0.6% to 2,352.79. It ended the will only serve as fillip to further during his visit to colombo last month. Officers responded at around dead outside the building, and a said. week 7.3% higher, outpacing the strengthen wider apprehensions about Muslims make up about 9 per cent of 4:40 am (local time) to reports of a 39-year-old man was found dead More than 760 people were s&P 500's 2.6% gain for the week. fundamental human rights of minorities the 22 million people in sri Lanka, where shooting at a towing company inside in a back room, according to killed in chicago in 2020, one the The bond market again was the in the country," the envoy added. Buddhists account for more than 70 per where the party took place, police the police report. Authorities had - highest homicide totals in the city dominant force in pulling tech The Buddhist-majority nation in cent of the population. ethnic minority said. Jose Jara, a department n't made any arrests as of sunday in 20 years. Police blamed many of stocks mostly downward, be - 2019 had temporarily banned wearing of Tamils, who are mainly hindus, com - spokesman, said in a statement afternoon. The cook county med - those killings on disputes between cause as yields push interest rates burqas under emergency regulations fol - prise about 12 per cent, while christians that those shot were between the ical examiner's office later identi - rival gangs chicago Mayor Lori higher, they make high-flying lowing the easter sunday attacks in account for over 7 per cent of the popula - ages of 20 and 44. fied those killed as 30-year-old Lightfoot called the shooting out - stocks look expensive. After re - which nine suicide bombers belonging to tion. seven of the wounded were rayneesha dotson and 39-year- rageous in a series of Twitter posts maining stable for most of the taken to hospitals in serious to crit - old Lionel darling. They were pro - sunday, urging those who wit - week, the yield on the 10-year ical condition, fire department nounced dead at 4:55 a.m. at the nessed it to come forward and tell Treasury note jumped to 1.62% spokesman Larry Merritt told the scene, the medical examiner's of - police what they saw. she added from 1.52% a day earlier. Quad summit went very well, chicago sun-Times. Others went fice said. speaking to reporters that "people out there, people Investors had sold off stocks late to hospitals on their own or were near the scene of the shooting in reading this, know who pulled the last week after that yield crossed taken by acquaintances, which chicago's Park Manor neighbor - trigger last night. For the mothers complicated getting an accurate above the 1.60% mark. On says President Biden hood, Police superintendent who will never hear their child's count of the wounded, said author - david Brown said investigators voice again, and the children who Monday, the 10-year Treasury from Australia, India and ities, who initially reported that 10 were still seeking a possible mo - will grow up without a parent, I was at 1.63%. The increase in Japan. people had been shot but later tive. Brown said four guns were re - urge you to please support our city bond yields came as President In his address to Quad raised the total to 12 and then 15 covered at the scene, but he didn't in this investigation so justice can Joe Biden signed into law the 1.9 leaders on Friday, Biden people. say whether investigators believe be served and our families can trillion stimulus plan, which will had said that it was going to red and black balloons and a more than one person fired shots. move forward from this tragic and include 1,400 checks for most be a vital arena for cooper - shoe were on the ground outside We have a lot of work to do, Brown heart-shattering loss, Lightfoot Americans and additional pay - ation in the Indo-Pacific re - the business shortly after the said. detectives are really just get - said. ments for those with children or gion. he also described those who collected unemploy - Quad as a new mechanism ment benefits last year. President to enhance cooperation Biden also laid out a plan, in a and raise mutual ambition primetime speech Thursday, to as they address accelerat - Martial law imposed in parts of expand vaccine eligibility to all ing climate change. Americans by May 1. Wall street "We know our commit - got another sign Friday that infla - Washington, Mar 15 (PTI) establishment in 2007. ments...Our region is gov - Myanmar city as deaths rise tion is creeping higher. The Labor Biden on Friday erned by international law, yangon, Mar 15 of the crackdown, ac - Video from hlaing cording to the aid group, department said its producer Us President Joe Biden opened the first Quad committed to all the uni - cording to the Thar yar township which said more than a price index, which measures in - has said that the first virtu - Leaders' summit held vir - versal values and free from Myanmar's ruling Assistance Association showed people running dozen civilians were flation before it reaches con - al summit of the Quad lead - tually and attended by coercion but I am opti - junta has declared mar - for Political Prisoners, away after gunfire was wounded and described sumers, rose by 0.5% last month ers, including Prime Prime Minister Modi, mistic about our prospect, tial law in parts of the an independent group heard. Those fleeing a large number of junta following a record jump of 1.3% Minister Narendra Modi, Australian Prime Minister he said, in an apparent ref - country's largest city as tracking the toll of the carried one injured per - forces engaged in the the month before. Over the past went very well and every - scott Morrison and erence to china which is security forces killed violence. son and tried to revive township. since the year, wholesale prices are up one seemed to like it a great Japanese Prime Minister flexing its muscles in the more protesters in an in - Most of those killed two others, one who takeover six weeks ago, 2.8%, the largest 12-month gain deal. Known as the yoshihide suga. region. creasingly lethal crack - 34 were in yangon, seemed to be dead or dy - Myanmar has been un - at the wholesale level in more "Quadrilateral security "It (Quad summit) "The Quad is going to down on resistance to where two townships, ing, the footage from in - der a nationwide state of than two years. some economists dialogue, the Quad group - went very well. everyone be a vital arena of coopera - last month's military hlaing Thar yar and dependent democratic emergency, with its fear that inflation, which has ing comprises the Us, seemed to like it a great tion in the Indo Pacific and coup. At least 38 people neighboring Voice of Burma showed. civilian leaders ousted been dormant over the past India, Australia and Japan. deal," Biden told reporters I look forward to working were killed sunday and shwepyitha were being hlaing Thar yar was and detained and mili - decade, could nudge higher un - The representatives for the on sunday in his first reac - closely with all of you in the dozens were injured in placed under martial the location of 22 civil - tary leaders in charge of der the extra demand generated four-member nations have tion on last week's Quad coming years, Biden told one of the deadliest days law. ian deaths sunday, ac - all government. by the stimulus package. met periodically since its summit involving leaders Quad leaders. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU, TUesdAy, MArch 16, 2021 Men over 50 have 60% How Students and Teachers Can Stay Safe higher chance of early death than women, says study from Coronavirus Amid Schools Reopening en aged 50 years and above may have a sig - nificantly higher risk of death than women ith the commence - by the school authorities, teach - and hygienic -- surfaces and ob - Mof the same age group, partly due heavier ment of nationwide ers, parents of the students and jects (eg. desks and tables) need rates of smoking and heart disease in men, according to a Wvaccination drive the students themselves. Basic to be wiped with disinfectant reg - major study of people in 28 countries.

he Golden Globes this year trended ting their babies to latch on to their breasts and clusive.” on the social media for a very unique even to fear that they are not producing enough The ad showed the very real struggle of new Treason. The “honesty” of a breast - milk. mothers like the lack of sleep, little under - feeding commercial has touched the hearts of “do I love my baby?” and “Am I a bad mom standing of the physiological effects of breast - women across the globe. On sunday, Frida if I stop now?” were the questions the new feeding, emotional weight it carries and the ir - Mom aired a stream of lactation commercial mothers in the commercial ask themselves. reversible changes that a mother’s body goes during the awards. This commercial showed Frida Mom’s ceO chelsea hirschhorn through after child birth. the realities of what new mothers undergo said: “The reality is that women are blindsided Although the commercial was edited down while breastfeeding. The commercial was by the physicality of breastfeeding – raw nip - to air during the Golden Globes, its makers be - aimed at normalising breastfeeding, which is ples, uterine contractions, painful clogs, no one lieve the context remained unaffected. normal but not fully understood. tells you that it can be as painful as your vaginal A previous ad by Frida Mom, which showed In the commercial, issues around breast - recovery. It’s all part of the postpartum physi - a mother going to the bathroom, was banned by feeding are discussed by the characters. right cal experience – but it never gets any air time the Oscars last year citing graphic visuals as the from, how “a good mother” is supposed to because the end supposedly justifies the reason. Then again, it was duly celebrated by “know” everything about breastfeeding to get - means. The two don’t have to be mutually ex - the twiterati. How to Handle Loneliness

ggplant or brinjal aids in strengthening the amazing to combat osteo - or aubergine- functions of the heart. It is porosis, strengthen bones, eknown by vari - known to reduce the ‘bad’ and enhance bone mineral ous names, this purple, LdL cholesterol and pro - density. Also, the presence in the Elderly Community tear-drop structured veg - mote the ‘good’ hdL cho - of iron and calcium in it is etable is loaded with na - lesterol. great for bone health. oneliness is a global phenomenon. As ture’s goodness. Aids in weight loss Better Brain health per a report, in the UsA, more than Frequenting our meals, this eggplants being low on eggplants boosts cogni - one-third of adults above 45 years of flavourful vegetable which carbohydrate and calorie, tive health. The phytonutri - L age feel lonely, and nearly one-fourth of the eld - is technically a fruit, scores feature high on weight loss ents and potassium in egg - erly above 65 years are considered to be socially high on nutritional value. It diet plan. Also, the saponin plants ensure oxygen sup - isolated. In India, over 40 million elderlies are has innumerable health in the eggplant obstructs fat ply to the brain. They ob - aged 70 years and above. As the population in benefits. even the leaves accumulation and absorp - struct the free radicals, and India ages, more and more seniors will be at risk and roots of this plant are tion in the body, thereby function as vasodilators for concerns related to mental health and social beneficial for treating infec - making it a great addition to aiding in broadening blood well being, believes Neha sinha, dementia tions and wounds. your diet. vessels. Also, they stimulate specialist and ceO and co-Founder of epoch Let’s take a look at egg - Elevates haemoglo - the neural pathways which elder care. plant’s health benefits: bin levels boosts memory as a result. Very often we see the terms loneliness and Natural laxative have eggplants to treat Prevents cancer depression interchangeably used especially in eggplants are brim - anemia. eggplants are Being rich in antioxi - the context of the elderly. When an elderly is ming with fibre besides wa - loaded with iron in addition dants, anthocyanins, egg - quiet, or does not share or talk, it is written off ter, antioxidants which help to a series of nutrients such plants reduce the risks of as depression. It’s important to understand reduce gut inflammation, as thiamine, niacin, copper, cancer. what clinical depression actually is. relieve constipation by act - fiber, folic acid, vitamin c, They prevent the depression is a mental health disorder and ing as a laxative; and im - K, B6, and potassium, man - growth of cancer cells, and much more than just ‘low mood’- it is also the prove the overall digestive ganese. This nutrient-rich have healing properties. continued feeling of hopelessness over weeks health. vegetable will keep you en - even the solasodine rham - combined with lack of sleep and appetite. There Promotes cardiac ergized and healthy. nosyl glycosides, an extract are many causes of clinical depression and it in front of you, but you will still not want to talk hand, is the feeling of not ‘being connected’ and health Boosts bone health found in eggplant peel is could be a combination of social, psychological to them. lack of affection in current relationships. Anthocyanins, a pig - eggplant have phenolic known to eradicate cancer and biological factors. If you are clinically de - depression is biological in nature and often Loneliness is an important indicator of social ment present in eggplants, compounds which are cells. pressed, you may have all like- minded friends needs medication. Loneliness, on the other well being and feeling isolated. Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU TUesdAy MArch 16 , 2021

Guess The Price: 's Always been a dream favourite kitty bags can burn Honsla Rakh: Shehnaaz Gill starts shoot in Canada with to work with Salman a hole in your pocket Diljit Dosanjh looking adorable with a baby bump Khan:

For actor emraan hashmi, getting an op - portunity to collaborate with superstar salman Khan on the third installment of "Tiger", the ac - tion spy franchise is a dream come true. hashmi has been roped in to play the villain in "Tiger 3", which will also see Katrina Kaif reprise her role as spy Zoya opposite Khan's Tiger. Last month, a source close to the film's production told PTI that the 41-year-old actor has come on board the yash raj Films (yrF) production. hashmi said even though he is yet to sign on the dotted lines, he is looking forward to working on the blockbuster franchise. "I would love to work in the franchise. I would love to work with salman. It has always been a dream and hopefully it will come true," the ac - tor told PTI. "Tiger 3" will mark hashmi's first collaboration with Khan and Kaif. It will also be his maiden yrF film. The first movie in the franchise was "ek Tha Tiger" (2012), directed by Kabir Khan. Ali Abbas Zafar helmed the sec - Fans of shehnaaz Gill dress. she has a small baby placing his head near her Mumbai immensely. Post ond part "Tiger Zinda hai" (2017) and Maneesh have started the weekend on bump in the pics. Besides her tummy. The film is going to that, she spent some time sharma will be the directing the third install - a great note. The lady has be - is diljit dosanjh in a white release in October 2021. In with Gippy Grewal at his ment. hashmi is also excited about audience's gun shooting in canada with suit with a yellow tee. canada, shehnaaz Gill was in home in canada. his son, reaction to "chehre", his upcoming film with diljit dosanjh. Today, she shehnaaz has an amazed ex - quarantine for two weeks. shinda is also a part of the megastar Amitabh Bachchan. The mystery has shared pictures where we pression in one of the pics. In The lady said that she hated film. he has two other sons, thriller, directed by rumy Jafry, is set to have a can see her in a printed blue the other, you can see diljit being in isolation and missed Gurfateh and ekomkar. theatrical release on April 30.

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: After Neil Bhatt, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein actress claims she was almost tortured Aishwarya Sharma tests Positive for Coronavirus at the beginning of her career

Alia Bhatt, who celebrates her birthday to - positive. The producer of the rajesh morrow, is a bonfide fashionista. she is someone ram singh said, "Actress Aishwarya who likes to keep things fuss-free. From denims sharma and a crew member who are to pantsuits and comfortable dresses, Alia Bhatt a part of the TV show Ghum hai loves things that are extremely wearable. It is per - Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, have tested pos - haps why so many young women relate to her itive for cOVId-19. Both have re - sense of fashion, which is chic but easy to carry ceived medical help / attention and off. Like every actress, her wardrobe quarantined themselves. The BMc too is full of designer bags. she has the big totes has been informed and the sets have from chanel, Prada, Gucci to carry her whole been fumigated and sterilized as per world as she travels across the globe. At the same the protocol. We are constantly in time, she is very fond of small sling bags. her col - touch with the entire team as their lection in this category is quite eclectic. One of the brands we see on her is Balenciaga. she is very health is our priority. We stand by fond of the everyday Xs camera kitten bags from our commitment to safety and will the brand. she has a couple of them, which the continue to ensure that all measures fashion police have spotted. There is a mini one in prescribed by the authorities are be - yellow, which she sported in the Us. The cost of ing adhered to. The show's shooting that bag is rs. 81,630 (920 Usd). some days lat - was stalled for a few days and will re - er, she was seen in a similar bag. This one was in sume on Monday morning, "he blue and smaller in size. The cost of this bag was added. Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya (350 Usd) which comes to rs. 31,029. In real life, sharma have been in the news re - she is a cat lover so we can understand the affinity cently after their roka ceremony. for the kitty bags. Alia Bhatt has a great line-up of during the course of the shoot and movies in 2021. The lady will be seen in Gangubai the two started dating in October last Kathiadwadi, rrr and Brahmastra. she is busy year. They even had a roka ceremony with Gangubai Kathiawadi right now. On the oc - at the actress’ hometown, Mahidpur, casion of her birthday, ss rajamouli will unveil in January 2021. earlier, in an inter - her look as sita from rrr. The film is her big for - Ghum hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin's tested positive for coronavirus. Neil view with eTimes, Neil Bhatt spoke ay in the south Indian film industry. On the per - shoot had stalled after the lead actor Bhatt's co-star and his fiance about his relationship with sonal front, marriage rumours do the rounds Neil Bhatt had tested positive for Aishwarya sharma has been tested Aishwarya. he said, "We have been every few months. There are reports that she coronavirus. The holi sequence of the positive. she plays the role of shooting together since september might get hitched by the end of the year. The year show has been pushed forward and Patralekha aka Pakhi. Along with last year. We enjoyed each other’s looks like a smashing one for the actress! now another actor from the show has her, a crew member has also tested company and became friends.

divyanka Tripathi may have become household in the television space thanks to her work in fiction as well as real - ity shows such as Banoo Main Teri dulhann, yeh hai Monday Memes: Kangana Ranaut defends Sadhguru's 'feminine Mohabbatein, and The Voice. But it was not a cakewalk for divyanka when she had set her foot in the in - dustry. she has claimed that she was almost tortured at the is a dimension' tweet and gets trolled with hilarious meme fest beginning of her career. "There have been ups and downs. There was the beginning phase when I was like almost tor - Kangana ranaut can speak on any - sions within them. Fools stop embar - tured (laughs). But when I think of it today, I am thankful. thing and everything. she shares her rassing yourselves. she added, "It isn’t every bit of pressure that I got, every bit of frustration that I thoughts without any filter and speaks her targeted harassment of an individual went through, has shaped me up today. Only when you will mind without giving two hoots about how but of an institution, entire culture, re - embrace your past experience, you will feel powerful. you it will be perceived by others. however, ligion and this nation, because feel that you deserve to be in the place where you are today. Apne saare experiences, acche ya bure, unhe sanjoh kar people often term her opinions and claims sadhguru represents ancient wisdom rakho. Those are little gems that make your life beautiful," as bizarre, derogatory and provocative of Bharata and close to shivratri worms divyanka told Times Now in an interview. earlier, which leads to her massive trolling on so - and insects are going mad cause to - divyanka had revealed that there was a time when she was cial media. And once again, Kangana land - morrow is his favourite day he will cele - desperately looking for work, and even though she got an ed herself in hot water when she defended brate shiva." however, netizens were opportunity she didn't take it up. she had said that years motivational speaker, Jaggi Vasudev, bet - in no mood to listen to Kangana's rant ago, an incident happened on the set of her new TV show ter known as sadhguru, for his tweet on either. They slammed her left, right which she quit to avoid a traumatic experience. "I knew Women's day. "Feminine is not a gender – and center for her views and shared hi - that I wanted to do good work, but not at the cost of my dig - it is a dimension," this tweet from larious memes and jokes to shut her nity. In fact, I left a show. I won't name the person, produc - sadhguru prompted netizens including down. she added, "It isn’t targeted ha - er or the channel. I had signed a show, and the maker made filmmaker hansal Mehta, to give hilarious rassment of an individual but of an in - a pass at me. he was very indecent. I left the show because reactions and made fun of him. The criti - stitution, entire culture, religion and of that. I knew that it would be a traumatic experience for me because any daily soap continues for a certain number cism against sadhguru, however, didn't go this nation, because sadhguru repre - of months or years, and I couldn't see myself in that kind of down well with his follower, Kangana. she sents ancient wisdom of Bharata and a situation," she shared. After her debut, she played the called those trolling sadhguru as insects close to shivratri worms and insects lead role in Banoo Main Teri dulhann, which ran from with the IQ of rats. In a series of tweets are going mad cause tomorrow is his 2006 to 2009. Later, she appeared as a guest or contestant Kangana said, "Idiots who got rats IQ and favourite day he will celebrate shiva." in several shows, including comedy circus. Then, worms existence are targeting sadhguru however, netizens were in no mood to divyanka took up the lead role of dr. Ishita Bhalla in the for calling feminine a dimension, not a listen to Kangana's rant either. They long-running show yeh hai Mohabbatein, which aired gender, they will be shocked to know they slammed her left, right and center for from 2013 to 2019. she also starred in the 2019 web show have sun and moon,their mother and their her views and shared hilarious memes coldd Lassi Aur chicken Masala. she recently hosted a spe - father, masculine n feminine both dimen - and jokes to shut her down. cial series, crime Patrol satark: Women Against crime.     11 LOCAL !$$,+,*/$) 

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 Negligence towards COVID-19 appropriate Over 3.17 crore coronavirus vaccine doses  administered so far: Health Ministry    behaviour behind rising cases: Vardhan #2 #(%& - #2 #(%& -!% 8B43 3DA8=6 C74 ;0BC 54F A08B8=6 0F0A4=4BB 0<>=6 =8CB5867C0608=BCC74 H40AB 0 ;0A64 =D<14A >5 C74<0BB4B )74C>C0;E0228 %+   ?0=34<82 *=8>= 40;C7 #8=8BC4A 14=458280A84B 8=2;D38=6 =0C8>=3>B4B8=C742>D=CAH =38070B2A>BB430=8< 0AB7+0A370=>=#>=30H #&B4G#&BC748A50<8;H 0A4=40A8=62A>A40=3C74 ?>AC0=C<8;4BC>=4>503 <8=8BC4A8=6 >E4A   B083 =46;864=24 C>F0A3B <4<14AB 0=3 >C74A BC055 E0228=0C8>=3A8E48BA0?83;H 2A>A4E0228=43>B4BC74 %+  0??A>?A80C414 <4<14AB 0E08;43 >5 C74 20C278=6 D? +0A370= 70E8>DA8BC74<08=A40B>= *=8>= 40;C7 #8=8BCAH B4AE824B =7>DB40AA0=64 03343 B083>=#>=30H C>C0; 1478=3A8B8=620B4B0338=6 <4=CB70E40;B>144=<034 ?0AC5A><DBD0;B4AE82 C70C54FBC0C4B022>D=C5>A >5    E0228=4 C7458ABC3>B4  =38070B <8=8BCAHB0830338=658 5>A%+ C4BC8=60=3E02 4B B?4280;8B43 BD?4A B?4 3>B4B70E4144=68E4=C8;; <>A4C70= ?4A24=C>5 2A>BB43 0= 8AC0=C =0;A4?>ACBF>D;3142>< 28=4 03<8=8BCA0C8>= C78B 280;8BC2>=BD;C0C8>=B0A414 #>=30H?<022>A38=6 <8;4BC>=4 8= 8CB 5867C ?;4C435>AC7430H1H;0C4 C7420B4B 4BCA4BB43C70C H40A74F0B@D>C430BB0H 8=6>554A43C><4<14AB>5 C> 0 ?A>E8B8>=0; A4?>AC 2>A>=0E8ADB 0??A>?A80C4 0608=BCC74?0=34<82 = =867C )74  8= 8=68=C74BC0C4<4=C ?0A;80<4=C8=2;D38=620A )74B48=2;D34  C74F>A;3B;0A64BCE0228 2;D34   14=45828 1470E8>DA ;8:4 F40A8=6 (?40:8=6 >= A8B8=6 38>;>6H =4DA>;>6H 4= 740;C720A4 F>A:4AB =0C8>= ?A>6A0<<4 C74 0A84B064301>E4 0=3 <0B:B0=3<08=C08=8=6B> %+   20B4B 8= =380 3>2A8=>;>6H0=360BCA>4= ,BF7>70E4C0:4= 2D5  8=38E83D0;B0643 280; 38BC0=28=6 B7>D;3 14 C74 740;C7 <8=8BC4A B083 C4A>;>6H HDB7 B4AE824B C74 BC 3>B4 0=3 %+  E0228=43>B4B  F8C7 2><>A1838 5>;;>F4334B?8C4C740E08; J%=;H54FBC0C4B022>D=C5>A 0=3=DCA8C8>=0;B4AE824B0A4   ,B F7> 03<8=8BC4A43 8= C74 C84B )74 2>D=CAHF834 018;8CH >5 E0228=4 0608=BC <>A4C70= ?4A24=C>5 0;B>>554A438CB083 =C74 70E4C0:4=C74 =33>B4 2>D=CAH70B2A>BB43  E0228=0C8>= 3A8E4 F0B C74 38B40B4 +0A370= F0B C74A8B8=620B4B )74=46;8 20=C;8=4 2A>A4C>30HC74<8=8BCAH A>;;43>DC>= 0=D0AH  B?40:8=63DA8=6C74B8GC7 64=24C>F0A3B%+ 0? 0;<>BC  <4<14AB F>A:4AB ",B F7> B083 )>C0;   F8C7740;C720A4F>A:4AB <460740;C720ABD #8=8BC4A >5 28;8C84B ?A>E8343 0C ?A>?A80C41470E8>DA8BC74 >5?0A;80<4=C0E08;43>5C74 70E4144=03<8=8BC4A43 E0228=43>B4BF4A468E4= 64CC8=6 8=>2D;0C43 0=3 C74 BC 3>B4 0=3 ?4AB?4280;8BC 2>=BD;C0 &0A;80<4=C0AH 5508AB &0A;80<4=C>DB4==4G4 <08=A40B>=1478=38C C8B B4AE824B =C>30HB20=#>=30HC74 E0228=0C8>=>5C745A>=C C8>=B5>A?0A;80<4=C0A80=B &A0;703 +4=:0C4B7 >B78 <43820; 24=CA4 A>D=3 C74    ",B F7> 585CH=8=C730H>5C74=0 ;8=4F>A:4ABBC0AC435A>< 8AC0=CC>0B24AC08=C70C BD?4AB?4280;8CHB4AE824B8= 70E4 A4248E43 C74 =3 74;38=&0A;80<4=C>DB4 #8=8BC4A>5(C0C45>A40;C7 H40A+0A370=B083B4AE824B %+ 0??A>?A80C41470E 20A38>;>6H20A38>E0B2D;0A C8>=F834%+  E02 41AD0AH )74 =4GC ==4G4 )7420D14H '09H0 >5B?4280;8BCB5A><E0A8>DB 3>B4>52>A>=0E8ADBE02 28=0C8>=3A8E4 %5C74B4 ?70B4>5%+  E0228 8>DA8B5>;;>F434E4=05C4A BDA64AH 0=3 ?D;<>=>;>6H 28=4 4B834B  0D6DA0C43 1H ">: (0170 (0170 4?DCH 708A<0= B?4280;C84B 0A4 0E08;01;4   14=458280A84B =0C8>= 70B 2><<4=243 C74E0228=48B0E08;01;4 4 F8C7B?4280;8BCB5A><C74;; 14=458280A84B06430=3 (?40:4A %< 8A;0 8= C74 0A8E0=B7$0A0H0=(8=67 0;>=6F8C7C74?A>E8B8>=5>A F4A4 E0228=0C43 5>A BC 5A>< #0A27 5>A C7>B4 0;B>B083C74%+  E02 =380 =BC8CDC4>5#43820; 01>E4 F8C7 B?428582 2> 3>B40=3 ,B F7>0A4>E4A H40AB>5 ?A4B4=24>5C74740;C7<8= 0=3>C74A386=8C0A84BF4A4 ;01>A0C>AH 8=E4BC860C8>=B 28=0C8>= 3A8E4 B7>D;3 14 (284=24B  #( 70E4 <>A1838C84B 0=3 8BC4A 0 740;C7 <8=8BCAH 0;B>?A4B4=C0CC744E4=C -A0H0=3D;CA0B>D=35028; 0=3 ",B A4248E43 =3 0640=35>A?4>?;40643 <034 0 J 0= =3>;0=K 144=8=CA>3D243C74BC0C4    14=458280A84B 3>B4>5E0228=40B?4AC74 0=301>E4F8C7B?428 BC0C4<4=CB083 )0;:8=601>DCC74740;C750 8C84B  =C7420A60= ?4>?;4B <>E4<4=C 1H <4=C03343 064301>E4 70E4C0:4= ?A>E8B8>=0; A4?>AC C74 58432><>A1832>=38C8>=B

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