Environmental Services Committee 06.01.16 LISBURN & CASTLEREAGH CITY COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of the Environmental Services Committee held in the Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, on Wednesday, 6 January 2016, at 5:30 pm PRESENT: Councillor Brian Hanvey (Chairman) The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor R T Beckett Deputy Mayor, Councillor A Redpath Aldermen T Jeffers and S P Porter Councillors J Baird, P Catney, A Givan, J Gray MBE, A McIntyre, T Mitchell, T Morrow, Jenny Palmer, L Poots and R Walker OTHER MEMBERS: Alderman J Tinsley IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor J McCarthy Chief Executive Director of Environmental Services Director of Development and Planning Head of Service (Technical and Estates) Head of Service (Operational Services) Head of Service (Environmental Health) Business Support Manager 1. Apologies It was agreed to accept apologies for non-attendance at the meeting on behalf of Councillor B Bloomfield MBE. 2. Declarations of Interest The Chairman invited Members to declare any declarations of interest they might have in relation to the business of the meeting and reminded them of the requirement to complete Declaration of Interest forms in this regard, which had been provided at the meeting. The following declarations of interest were made: Councillor L Poots in respect of Item 5.1 ‘arc21 – Residual Waste Treatment Project (RWTP) – Consideration of Next Steps’ on the basis that he was a member of arc21. 3. Minutes It was proposed by Councillor A McIntyre, seconded by Councillor J Baird and agreed that the minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held on 2 December 2015, as adopted at the meeting of Council held on 15 December 2015, be confirmed and signed.
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