Commission of the European Communities

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Commission of the European Communities COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES COM(8J) 229 final Brussels, 25. May 1983 IN':'ERIM REPORT REALITIES AND TENDENCIES IN EUROPEAN TELEVISION PERSPECTIVES AND OPTIONS (Report from the Commission to the European Parliament) COM(8J) 229 final CONTENTS Summary and conclusions 5 Introduction 7 II European television and the chaJJenge of the new technologies 9 Consequences on programmes 10 Technical standards 11 DBS regulations in Europe 11 III National and international actions and projects- the European scene 15 National sateJJites 15 International sateJJites in Europe 16 The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 17 Other initiatives 19 IV The current situation of television in Europe and options for the future 21 Specific nature of the situation in Europe 21 The Community : its interest and role 23 The EBU and the EURIKON experiments 26 Advent of DBS 27 Possible forms of cooperation 28 Opinion poll among Community citizens 30 Final considerations 32 - 4 - ANNEXES 1. Resolution on radio and television broadcasting in the European Community, passed by Parliament on 12 March 1982 33 2. Technological developments 41 3. Ariane launch programme 51 4. US space shuttle launch programme 55 International organizations and initiatives 59 6. Council of Europe 79 7. National activities 99 8. Table of DBS satellite projects in Europe 143 9. Maps of DBS reception areas in Europe 149 10. National broadcasting legislation in the European , 61 Community 11. Euro-Barometer survey of European attitudes to transna tiona! television 191 - '- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. The new telecommunications technologies, and especially direct broadcasting by satellltes (DBS), will inevitably lead to a proliferation and an internationalization of television broadcasts in Europe by the end of the decade. The situation now emerging, though certainly not without its risks, will afford the citizens of Europe greater opportunities to learn about, appreciate and participate in the cultural unity of our continent. In globaJ terms, the new technological developments will enable Europe, to make a greater impact, compared with its major competitors, both industriaUy and culturally- provided a common policy is launched without delay. 2. Faced with this development the European Community and its Member States w111 have to take the initiative and act in various fields : On the institutional front, they will have to devise and put in place a general framework for the "European system" with will be constituted by the satellite, cable and traditional network, and to examine the economic and financial aspects of the new situation, including the question of advertising. In industrial policy, the aim must be to adopt uniform technical standards and to support European industry. As regards programme production, no European country will be able to satisfy on the enormous needs of tomorrow on its own. The integration at European level of the programme market, in terms both of production and of demand - including the integration of cinema and video production, in both technical and commer­ cial terms, will become imperative. And, last but not least, action will be needed in order to maintain the pluralism of national identities that go to make up the cultural unity of Europe. In this context, the creation of a common television programme constitutes a first step towards a more European perception of the prospects and problems of tomorrow. - 6- 3. The prospects have already given rise to several national and international projects in Europe, devised by both public and private bodies. Within the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) a number of public television organisations are already trying out, among other projects, the production of a common television programme - a fuU programme featuring news, education, entertain­ ment and sport. The purpose of these multilingual experiments started in 1982 and designed for the 300 million television audience in Western Europe, is to identify the technical, economic, political and legal problems involved. In the future, this new venture could be transmitted direct to the European public especiaUy when the European Space Agency's L-Sat becomes operational in 1986. This project, initiated by an autonomous decision of the public broadcasting authorities involved paves the way for the first steps in the areas mentioned in point 2. 4. The Commission is therefore prepared to provide political and material support and a reference framework for this initiative by the EBU and its members. To preserve the independence of the broadcasters and promoting the interests of the European public, an appropriate body, bringing together representatives of the broadcasters, the governments of the participating countries and if appropriate, the Institutions of the European Community could be set u~ 5. An initial public opinion poll conducted by the Commission among the citizens of the ten Community countries has shown that a majority (57%) of Europeans are interested in a European television channel. 6. This is only an interim report and its conclusions must therefore be regarded as tentative. They will be subject to regular review, to adapt them in the light of the unprecedented rate of change in the technological, economic and political fields. - 7- I. INTRODUCTION 1. On 12 March 1982 Parliament adopted the resolution on radio and television broadcasting in the European Community (1 ), which calls on the Commi~sion "to submit a report on the media giving assistance to the Community institl.Jtions in preparing the decisions to be taken by them in this field" and to "create the political and legal basis for the realization of a European television channel". Point 8 of the explanatory statement (2) to the resolution states that the report should contain information on the following: (a) the legislation relating to the media in the Member States; (b) the legal basis for action by the Community in this field; (c) the matters in respect of which legal provisions should be laid down; (d) whether a convention on the media drawn up within the Council of Europe is advisable and, if so, what form it should take; and (e) the legal requirements and pratical possibility for the creation of a European television channel. 2. In this report the Commission understands the term "media" as referring exclusively to television, which is the field where the new technologies - satellites, cables and video - will have by far the heaviest impact on existing structures. This will demand a radical reappraisal of public, professional and political attitudes, but will at the same time, open new and unprecedented vistas. (1) Resolution on radio and television broadcasting in the European Community (OJ C 110, 5 April 1982); reproduced at Annex 1. (2) Published in the report on behalf of Parliament's Committee on Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport on radio and television broadcas­ ting in the European Community. Rapporteur: Mr w. Hahn. Doc. 1-1013/81, 23 February 1982 (EP 73.271 final). - 8- 3. The report itself is to be regarded as an interim statement, for two basic reasons: the technical and statutory framework is still in a state of flux in all the Member States and in the international organizations operating in the field of telecommunications. If the Commission and Parliament consider it their task to keep up with medium- and long-term developments in order to define their role in this field, the data and facts contained in this report will have to be systematically updated; the Commission is preparing a "Green Paper" on the progressive establishment of a common market for television, especially considering the freedom to provide television -services within the Community and to receive television programmes transmitted from one Member State to another. Me;:mwhile the Council of Europe's Steering Committee on the Mass Media is still collecting documents, comparing data, studying solutions and drawing up recom­ mendations concerning satellite broadcasting within a broader context. The Commission will keep abreast of this activity so that efforts can be coordinated to the maximum extent possible. 4. Considering the purpose of the report, to which both the Commission and Parliament attach the same importance, it has been decided to give first consideration to the practical possibilities of getting a European television prograr11(Jle onto the screen in the situation which the new technologies will . ~reate. ...... l 5. The data regarding the plans of the various European countries for broadcast sate!lites and cable networks were checked with the International Institute of Communications (HC) in London which was also consulted on developments in video reception and recording equipment. Contact has also been established with the Council of Europe, the European Space Agency and the European Broadcasting Union. - 9- II. EUROPEAN TELEVISION AND THE CHALLENGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES 6. The eighties will be a critical period for the telecommunications industry and thus also for the national and international bodies responsible for telecommuni­ cations planning and supervision. Experts believe that the pace of technical progress in the coming decade will be greater than in the whole of the preceding hundred years. It is only twenty-five years since the launching of the first sputnik on 4 October 1957, yet already people depend on satellites for countless essential services in their daily lives. The "electronic village" which Marshall McLuhan spoke of in the sixties is already a reality. 7. The new prospects opening up for television are due to developments in three fields: satellites and optical-fibre cables for the transmission and distribution of programmes, and domestic TV receivers and video-recorders. The combination of these developments wiJl have far reaching effects on the programme market. Experts have speculated that by the end of the eighties European countries would, on average, have 30 cable television channels, 3 television channels for direct broadcasting by satellite (DBS) and 3 traditional television channels, with 10 hours of transmissions a day on each channel.
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