Serving Tht: State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City

Establisbed In 1868-Five Cents A Copy A s~ o ciate d Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto Tuesday, July 28, 1959, Iowa City, Iowa

Min~s~er~ Agr~e To Modify , Rickover Praises .J •

Recess Called I)_mos Favored In First General Vote- For Red~afts OVlet ce rea,' er , . '. Of Proposals Hawaii Holds Election. Today HONOLULU IA'I - The inrant 'A Fine Job;': GENEVA IA'I - The Soviet and liean Wilfred C. Tsukiyama, 62, \ His Republican opponent Is Weslern foreign ministers agreed state of Hawaii votes today in its dean of lerritorinl legislntors of Hawai.i·born Dr. Charles H. Silv~ , Monda), to redrllft their conflicting (irst general election. Democrats Japanese stock. .55, dentist who is director of views on a Berlin truce. This de· aTe favored. Heavily favored to win Hawaii's public institutions. But Reactor " cision was made in the hope of lone seat in the U.S . House is Hawaii's representative will savini the Big Four conCerence The 300 mile chain of Pacific is· Democrat Daniel K. Inouye, terri· crve only a year and a half, from total breakdown. lands - whose people are a mix· torial senator, lawyer, decorated until Jan. 3, 1961. Its two senlltors Advance Nil After a flurry oi secret negotia· ture of many races, with Asians war hero and youngest candidate will serve terms of two, four or tions, the ministers clilled a one· predominating - . appears certain to seek major office. six years to be decided by the Inouye, 34, lost his right arm Senate, probably by drawing lots Po~.rForPeac.S.. n clay recess oC the conference Tues:' 10 Send to Congress the first legis· clay to draw up fresh summarie$ while serving in Europe in World as in the case oC Alaska. In Atomic Ships-Nixon of the East and West versions of lator in U.S. hislory of Japanese War II With tile fam d "Go For Election oHicials Cltpect close to a possible stop·gap· agreement on or Chinese ancestry. Broke" regiment made liP entirely 9Q per cent of the 163,099 regis· LENINGRAD IA'I - The Russians of soidiers of Japanese ancestry. tranLS, a rccord in itself, to vote. at first heaitat~ and then gave Berlin. With this election, ~awailans , The ministers were expected t9 will reach a goal they have been U.S. Vice Adm. Hyman Rickover meet again Wednesday to try to long close·up look Monday seeking (or more thlm halC a cen· a at merge the two drafts. their atomic Icebreaker Lenin and British informants, habitually tury - a vote in Congress. Turnpi~e ~afety Study ,Shows its three reactors, tbe most optimistic among the The)' will elect two senators and Westerners here, said the British one representative. The three The crusty little admiral CaUl· lelt Monday's agreement showed a could be seated in the current ered the American atomic sub· certain amount of headway. session. Twice That For Other Roads marine and is probably . the Western officials reported there Islanders also will pick a gov. CHICAGO t.4'I - U.S. turnpikes achieved a shining record last world's ace pioneer in naval nu· wUl be some lTlodifications but l1li ernor, lieuternmt governor and 76 year. Despite the relatively high speeds permitted on such ellpress· clear powering. lJe il; tourin, Rus· basic chapee in the proposals tha~ members of the first state ways, they were nearly twice as safe as other roads and highways. U.S, SecretarY of State Christian legislature. sia as an official In Vice Presl· A. Herter and his British anve~jth Nixo~i on. the tour, ~fou,1r East Ger.!l}~y. but· a~. Hiram L. Fong a~ one' oC their nel , salel ' ttlfs 'Mlind/lY In pr test. '5( Y • I a tai has mounted much hll~her tharr form s of music, drama, and dance. " ,';", .• (I' .' 'rr J. prot~ am'. "nulrlcl"l were- qeptallce of' cOlltrol ot access best hopes for a winner. . ing a bulletin Issued last Thursday getting a rurl·around: • . , the toll from the nation's wars The evening will open in Macbride Auditorium at p.m. with a LENINGRAD t.4'I - Vice Presi. routes by German personnel. F(mg, 52, former speaker of the at .the Mather base. a ~t and other great cataslrophies. one-act comic opera by Donizetti, "Rita." This Hallan opera, sung in dent Richard M. 'XOn is serious. "1 want lo s~ the inside," he t . A, -lour·power commission iO t~rritOrial bouse, is running Cor The bulletin SlIid: said. ' Motor vehicle accidents alone English in a very free translation. Iy weighing the possibility of ~cuu . diflculties arising. hi .the the U.S. Senate against Connecll· "Attention 1111 personnel : A I Nixon backed him up. w,est'$ of access to Berlin. c:ut·bcIr.n Frank F. Fasi, 38, a ter· have killed 1.2 million in the U.S. Iowa City Round Up presents a staging problem. With recommending that Soviet Premier rfgb~ drive to improve military cour· this century. This is twice the toll , ' . the set in place for the 3.act opera, . The shipyard master refused to $. MeaSul'$4 to prevent activitiet rlt6rJal senator wbo scored the tesy and appearance on Mather of 60<1,773 killed in battle or dead There wasn t a rodeo ID town "Western Child " to follow most Nikita Khrushchev be IDviled to IIltely . distlirb publiC , order in only upset in the primary by win· let the admir.1 110 Into the ship's Air Force Base began 23 July oC wounds In all principal con· ~aturday night, but Iowa City Po· of the action Co; "nita" mu;t take I vi sit the United States. inner workings immediately. Rick­ both parts of Berlin. ning Democratic nomination. 1959. flicts from the Revolutionary War lice held a round up o{ a summer place on ttJe apron stage in front Nixon is understood to be con. over was left fuming in the offl· •. Mainte~llnceB 0.( t~ese . meas, OppOnents for the other senate "A staff car will patrol the base, through the Korean War. crop of mavericks that escaped of the curtain. cer's dining room whlle local au· utes unW tHe reunification oC Ger· seat are veteran Democratic Leg. displaying the commander's em· Three famous disasters - the from the Iowa City Sales Barn side ring the advantages that trip The premier of the aU·lowa con· a thorlties took up the matter with many. i~lator Oren E. Long, 70, former blem. It will be followed by an Chicago fire, the San Francisco pens on South Linn Street. would have in giving the Soviet higher officials. IGrom),ko's proposals . of ,T\lne 1~ governor of Hawaii, and Repub. Air Police patrol. Military person· th k d th T't I I k P I" d I h cei ved and writlen opera, "West· provided for maintenance b~ the - ______ear qua e, an e, an c s n . 0 Ice sal apparent y t e leader first.hand information in Permission finally cam~ through. nel failing to salute the command· ing - took a combined toll of 2" calves "nosed" their way out by ern Child," follows "Rita." present occupation status of Berltn key areas where he now appears For two hours the slight, Inqulsi. er's car will be cited." 169. More tll!lD 40 times that many pushing up a latch on the pens. "Western Child was written by Cor 18 months, followed by negotla· tive eniineer·adrplral roved about The bulletin was issued over U .S . resl' den ts dI'ed In' ac cI'd en t s No Iess than 12 ca II s b y ca ttl e· Phillip Bezanson, associate pro. to be uninformed. lion of a new agreement under Red CHina's the ship and studied the reactors. ~ the signature of Lt. R. M. Sin· last year, the study showed. shy resident in the area were fessor of music and head of com. Nixon, however, has not made which were inactive. He Cound the these conditionS: . clair, assistant adjutant to the But the overall totai of acciden· made to the Police Department. position at sur, with libretto by up his mind. Authoritative inform· .l .' ~ed.!!ctiop of U.S., British and design slightly different from those commander, Col. B. H. Chatter· tal deaths is taking an actual And after a good show {or on· Paul Engle, professor oC English ants said he realizes there are used in ,U.S. submarines. French garrisons to symbolic Ion. drop , despite the surge in popula· lookers, pollcemen and drafted and director of the SUI Writers' serious disadvantages weighing i.angu~~e He climbed and crawled to the strength. Kowalski, who graduated from tion in the last 35 years. "cowboys" were able to round up Workshop. against any such invitation - 2, A ban on all activities in We,.t' furthermost crannies of the vessel West POint, cailed the bulletin to Aidtotatsl Off 91 OOOt met ~ea~~58from the critters and herd them back "Western ChUd" opens with a amobng th.em the massive secullrity Berlin directed against the Soviet jI l ld alter advising a Soviet woman Reform ·Told the attention of Secretary of the acc en 0 a ypes m ,or into their stalls. colorCul, bawdy, Christmas Eve, pro em It w~u pose a~ we as translator to (ollow him if she Union or the ]last German Com· 1,100 fewer than the 1923·32 aver· gold m,'ners brawl. The men, strong .0Pposltion by Important Air F orce James H. Doug 1as, say· wanted to earn her money, munist regi!l'e, : ! Through the use of the Latin ing: age of 92,100. WRITERS' HOME dressed in rough miners' clothing congressional leaders, 3, E8tl\bhshment of an all-Gef.' ~IPhllbet' the Communist Party in The NSC study showed that Sat· MOSCOW !A'I _ The oCficial with heavy b""ts, are dancing with Ni,!=on is understood to have In blunt language, he summed man oC East and 'China been able to teach a "At a timll when our armed urday is the week's worst day for v.,. talk d i I Ie Kh h up his reaction ~ newsmen: commi~tee ~egj; h~s services are (acing critical man· traffic accidents, followed by Sun. news agency _Tass says the first gaily dressed women, mostly of e . n genera rms to ru~. . "It looks like It first-class job, ~ermans to prepare for reuniflCP j common la'nguage to the' Chinese power problems, this base is us· d internallonal holiday home for dubious reputation. Dancing, in chev In Moscow about the Soviet twn and a ~erman peace treat)'. , illiterate in order to help spread ing valuable personnel to Initiate a+~n.agers, as a group, have jO)lrnali ts has been opened om· one form or another, is found leader's desire to visit the United but since I don·t lIave X·ray eyes, 4. Estabhs~me/lt of a four·power !Iocialist ' construction, Kuo.P'ing disciplinary actlop against those been worse drivers than the aver. cially on Bulgaria's Black Sea' throughout most of the first half States. I can't look: Inside those reactors. ~ to e~'llre that the agreeme'n1 (:hou told her audience Monday failing to salute the empty seat age. The seven per cent of drivers coast. of the opera. One informants said that in tallt· "It doe. not represent an ad· fS not vl~~ated by the West Ber· dlght ill the Senat Chamber of vance in the rqctor art. lin authorities." e of a commander who is elsewhere. under 20·years old have caused The agency said it was built Authentically costumed in the ing with Khrushchev, Nixon used 'The two plans were mutually un. Old Capito\. "Granted that we are in the era more than 12 per cent of the na· with funds from unions affiliated 1849 gold rush. The dance forma· the expressions "when you visit the "It is a fine Job, a aood' job for acceptable and kept the confer· Miss Chou, an assistant profes· of space, J' don't feel that men tion's auto accidents in rec'ent with the International Organiza· tions are based on western forms United States" and "if you visit the 'the purpoae Cor wbIclJ it was planned. I got to Bee everythiJ1g I mce in delldloclr. of Chinese, University of Wis· have as yet to salute it." years. tion of Journalists. of the era rather than the more United States." On these occa· Mf wanted to see." • ~ol1SiiJ, Madison, spoke on "The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fumiliMNewEn~~ds~~s, ~MsNbMwasre~rtedtr~~~ LlInguage Reform in Communist Harold Shiffler, stage director, drive home the point that a first· After his tour of the Lenin, China." , said the chorus, which acts as a hand look in the United States Nbon rodl In It Leningrad sub­ Former 51udent·' principal 1ft the opera and is sel. would convince the Soviet leader way. inspected It metallurgical :. Foliowlni clOllel, the' article she dom in the background only, has he was wrong on certain basic in· piant, took a !HIat ride and wound H'.ld I., ShQoting . wrote. e'!Utled "Red ~ina Tackles been wonderfully cooperative. Be. formation and could learn on a up attendl", ~ ballet with Dep. Its Limgul\ge Problem" mat.per's sides its difficult duai job oC sing. visit. Premier Fro! Kozlov. A' ~rmer SUI graduate student, Magazine July 1959), MiSs 'Chou ing and dancing, nearly aU of the ' But Nixon had at no time, said Tbe vice presideDt flew to Len­ Prentl~e G. Von Conrad, is beini told of the strong opposition be· men have grown their own beards an authorized spokesman, issued ingrad at tIie start or a five-day held at LaFayette, Ind., in connec· tween the Chinese ,literates f who for the rqies. Not only does ' this an invitation; Nixon realizes this trip that will take him to western tloa with' a-(atal shooting of a Pu~· favor the National Phonetic Sym· give a variety of beard styles that wQuld be up to President Eisen· Siberia. A crowd or about 1,500 In· dIIe senio~. . . tib[s. baSed on earlf Chinese char· lends variety to the production, hower and all Nixon could do 1s eluding saUors alld many youn, .James F, Strain. 26, of LaPorte, acters and the Chinese illiterates but these boys deserve special recommend. men and wornen welcomed him 1nCI" ,was fOUJId shot to death. 111 whO .believe all writing is sacred commendation for suffering the The vice president also is aware at the alrport. ~Gn Coo~ad'B · apartrnept SaturdaY,. aM' are more in favor of the side·long glances and lifted eye· that Eisenhower, at present, is op­ In a short air~ speech, Nixon . yon ,Conrad, ... , 0( Houst®, alphabet. . ~ brows of fellow citizens thinking posed to any Khrushchev visit at alluded to his sja-hour talk with ~, ' ~8 Ii graduat~ psyclloloi~ ( In h~r " lecture" sPonsarea by the them beatniks. this tim!. Eisenhower told a' news Soviet Premier Nlkita Khrushchev ~i , a~ . P\U'd:;e ,U~i,versl'y. ae, ~OI l)epartment 9f Oriental stud· Marcia Thayer, a graduate stu· conference he has weighed tbe at Khrushchev', summer home SPUr,olll 1953 to lii5s l!tjn"de'd IJIId les; Miss Ohou explllined the con· dent in Dramatic Arts ftom Port. pros and cons lind , in 'his words, outside MolCOw Sunday. He said receiVed students were interviewed. their bome work, then meet for "The sun comes tip in the morn­ La Grande, Oregon; the Soren$en's Tt was TIle Daily low, 0' b lief that evils Of th{' 31 ~ did not smoke. We made no Good Listening- an hour at 9:30 every weekday lng." morning with their teacher, Mrs. The three girls learn daily vo· to Salt Lake City, Utah. and the ' \\ hi h rtailJing tial' (·\'il. or how mueb a neees ity. good enough for us, b callse oth r surveys INSTEAD OF TALK, at 8 p.m .• Concert. Selections included are U.S. from her home in Arroy, place of a text book. "Yo tengo sons next summer, if we aU come WSUI's Evening Feature tonight La Jeunesse d'Hercule by Saint- Puerto Rico. In 1949, has been una cartera" demonstrates Diane, back here again," said Mrs. Haw­ A ft!'r. all, the purpo e of attending the did not involve themselv s with degree. will be a program of concert Saens, String Quartet No. 2 by meeting with the !iris for five saying "I have a purse." ley. During the school ~ea.rl f~C; masterpieces written between Prokofiev. Moments Musicaux weeks. They gather informally The Spanish lessons are usually ('lin), teaches Spanish and regular sub­ ' lIivl'( it)' is to I and nothing mll t It was intere~ting to not that 5% of the 1200 and 1700 A.D. played by and by Schubert and Symphony No. 6 around her kitchen table to learn visited by the Hawleys' children, jects to third·graders in a Sa ~ta~ . stalld in 'the way of pr paring th tudent to mok rs had grade point averages of exactly sung by distinguished artists of in A by Bruckner. Spanish words and phrases which, Cathy, 4, and Don who will soon the New York Pro Muslca. Call­ THE KING OF ICELAND is she says, interests them in the be 3. Since Mrs. Hawley's hus· menta suburb. ~ thc' ftdl('~1 [or. rich life based on a sound 2.55, while only 2 <1( of the non-smokers had ed "New York Pro Musica Anti­ not a new regency but the name language and will be a background band, Don, teaches German and Mrs. Hawley was graa\l4te< months, Make-loocI service on rru-d papers p.rn. In Macbrid. AudltortWll. Tkl to ml~~"tbl to p.m.: FrIcJaJ' - ""'nil,,: • La - t:It p.m.: , ••:so . ...: ~: I p.nt. Opera, "Rita" by Doni­ able reports reaching Bombay extra day to spend in ScalUe, dren bound for a Long Island day tepnl'l nw Item... women"s pale '.V8TEES. IIOA.D 0' IIWDINT p.m.; ,-.:. p.m. 1-" hem., ' or announcements to The DAIL'! IOWA" CracuLATlO\'l' PUBLICATIONS zettil and "Western Child" by from Trlvandrum. Two students ,Wash.. earlier this month. They camp. the Ilus swerved into a DaUy Jowan. EdItorial office. are Circulation Mallaler .•. , .. Robert BeU BezaIlSOll and Engle - Macbride were seriously wounded. these re- deCided to go for an excursion parked car. hit a tree and' carne I In \he CommlinlcaUonJ ~enler. Walter Barbee. A3; Dr. Oeorre A~jum: porta said. • • . boat ride to Victoria, Canada. to rest agaln~t an apartmcnt - Eu\on, CoLI ... Of o.RliItr7: 1_ SubicrlpUon rate. - by carner-- In Dial 4191 U JOII do Dot ncelw ,our GIIcluU~ A2; Paul I , ~eDlOft, 01: ...... ,,~UlVll1 The information received here 5 eve r 8 I minutes after the house. low. Cl " 25 cents weekly or $10 per I)&Ijy 1_ 11)' ,:. I .m. TIle DsII,. Judltll -. AI: P!'D~ "'" KelIo; 1 p.ut. - 0pUa. "lUte" was tbe came after Clarkes took their seats on the None of the youngsters was in- I ")Ifar, In advanc ; Jlx nlontbl. Iowan ~n:uIatIcm oftI •• hi COlMlunl- De\l&ftlllellt of PDllUeal Sc:IneeI PntC. n that f1rIn' aBel had public trans· boat• • two other persons sal down jured. But Morgello died later of $11.110: \htee month", ~OO, By m.U In calloM ...1« 1$ 0PfIIl from ••.II'. to LesIJ. G...... u.r. ~ 01 .Jourul- DonizettJ "'Western CbJ1d" by stUdellta balted I ~ )lear: oIJt month.. fa: ",.5 p.m:,· VlIIIIli:r ~ ntlhY ad lam; Sara D. 1Ith1ndler. AJ~PrC L. "".!bOIl atJd __ ...· lIac:1Jride port- tMI8CI I te ·enIIrae .ode-udS bebind IbIlm. Tlie other perlOne? . the hcart Jttack that : caused ...... III , f3; all olber lIIall sub- A. ttom "\0 10 I .m" on lIaturc!al. Van D71te. con... 01 ueaUola. Auditorium. that tbe statc's Red rC1:ime rcsil:n. Jucij:e and Mrs. Murrow. crash. • • '''' 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-I_a City, la.-Tuesday, July 21, 195' 3rd Mai9.r.Lea,gUe Formed; St·arts I'n '61i

ITALY ROUTS SPAIN 5 Founding Cities Name~; ( Braves Recapture 2nd Place Stengel Makes 6 Switches I\1lLA , Haly 1.4'\ - Italy com· pleted a 4-l rout of Spain Monday in the European Davis Cup tennis Will Add At Least 3 More . ~ finals. , , In 'lineup For 2nd Star Tilt The Italians lake off immedi­ NEW YORK IA'I - A third rna· owners TOI"Q ately for the United States. They jor baseball league was formed Yawkey of Boston and Arnold W,·th 5 -2 W,·n' ave r P,·rate· s B05TO 1.4'\ - fieiders but is out or action be­ will play the winner of the Ameri· Monday to operate in 1961 with Johnson of Kansas City. apparently is determined to pre· cause of a broken wrist. 0 reo can Zone, probably Australia, at five founding cities - New York, The met for MILWAUKEE tfI - The surg· vent another Amet;ican League de· placement has been announced. Philadelphia Aug. 7·9. Australia Houston, Toronto, Denver and the last three- days. adopting a ing Milwaukee Braves climbed feat when the All-Stars of bolh Ted Williams of Boston i on meets Cuba this weekend in Mon· M'mneapoLis·S!.Paul. At least three constitution and setting up proced. back into second place by belting circuits meet again in Los An· the ol\lfield list with Harvey trea\. more will be addeCi later. ures for screening and quaHIying Pittsburgh 5-2 with a rive·run sev· geles next Monday. Kuenn and Al Kali ne of Detroit, William Shea, chairman of May· other cities for membership. It enth inning Monday for a sweep of The Yankee pilot ha replaced Mickey Mantle of New York, and Meet your friends or Wagner's New York Baseball also !pade plans to comply with a five-game series with the Pirates. three pitchers and added three Rocky Colavito and Minnie Min· eommittce, announced at a press the request from Senator Kefauv· Joey Jay held the Pirates to outfielders to tlie A mer i can o 0 of Cleveland. at the Annex, cmlerence the founding of the cir- er to appear before an anti trust five hits as the Braves inched past League quad announced Monday Behind·the·plate duties will be cuit, to be known as the Conti· subcommittee in Washington July Los Angeles by two percentage MEIlICAN LEAGUE by league President Joe Cronin. handled by catchers Sherm Lol· neota! League. 31. Each rounding city put up $50,. Beer just naturally points and to within a game and W. L. '.1. G.B. W. L. Pel. G.B. Named to the pitching staff for lar, Chicago : Yogi Bel!ra, New Chlca8'o ... .. 56 40 .582 tastes better at Shia .aid there will be a mini· 000 and reportedly Is prepared to a half of first place San Francisco. Clevel.nd ., . . .. 156 40 .582 San Fl'ancilCO " .. 55 4S .561 I U. the second game are Billy O'Dell York, lind Gus Triandos, Ba[ti· mum of .ight cities, and perhaps invest as much as $2,500,000. Milwaukee .... ". 52 43 .547 Milwaukee had dropped eight of Baltimore .. .50 49 .505 7 I!! Lo. Mleles ...... 55 48 •:145 I'. of Baltimore, Cal McLish of more . 'Doc' Connell'sl more, In the league which will The Continental League is the nine games before the arrival of New York " .. 48 48 . 4~ 811a Chlcalo ." ... 48 48 . 505 5' • Kin ... Clly ., 47 4. .4to Plttsburlh ... .. 48 50 .495 6''3 Cleveland. and CamiJo Pascual of In this second AlI·Star Game, .... y • lS4·game schedule. He result of increasing demand of Pittsburgh at County Stadium last Detroit . .. . 4B 52 ."'<1 10• St. LoW . .... '" .. 17 51 .480 Washington. T~ey repiace Whitey the manager can pick their start· IIsttd 11 additional cities that cities in this country and Canada WuWnglon .. ·n ~5 .439 14 ClnclnnaU ...... :14 .449 II• Friday. ~5 ing lineups, whereas in the first Boston . . . . . 41 .421 l~ PhiladelphIa " ... 40 56 .417 It Ford of Stengel's Yankees, J im h. d IItpl'Issed intlrest. They (or major league baseball," said Stopped on three singles for six MONDAY' II" LTS Bunning of Detroit and Billy game, tile fi eld bosses had to The Annex" _. BuHalo, Montreal, Atlanta, Baltimore 5. Detroit 2 . MONDA Y' aESULTS innings, the Braves jumped on Boston 4. Cleveland 0 Pierce of Chicago. tarl with the lineups chosen in H E. Coli ... New Orleans, Miami, Indiana· right·hander Ronnie Kline in the Kan .... Clly 7. Washlnaton 6 Milwaukee 5. Plt\.oburlh 2 Only lame. $C:hedulcd. ClnclnnaU S. St. Loul. 3 The thre dropped hurlers were the voting. 110111, Oellas·Fort Worth, San Here is* the projected * *ball park seventh to pul\ out the \'ictory. Only ,ames ..,heduled used in tile first All-Star game Dltte, Portland, Seattle and San arrange",...ts for each of the Pittsburgh had gone out in front TOU Y'S PITCHER at Pitt burgh July 7 which the JII.n Puerto Rico. New 'lo rk It Chlca,o I N I - Terry TODAY'8 PITCHEIlS five cities awarded franchills 2-0 with runs in the third and sixth 13·71 v• . Donovan 17· 51 or Pierce (11· St. LouJa al Clnclnna U IN) - Broi· Nationals WOll 5-4 with a eighth Tb~ new league hopes to have innings. II'. 110 15·81 VL Hook (1.\1. Monday in the (ontir... ntal Base· Wa.blnaton at IUn"". City' IN) - Chtca.o It e" INI - Hobb le inning outburst climaxed by a two or more franchises definite· ball League: West Covington started the upris· Pa..,ual f11-&1 v,. Kuckl (4-&1. (l0·" VI. PIr.arro 13·1) . triple by Willie Mays or the San ly lined up by Aug. 18 when the ing by lining a single to right for Boston It Cleveland Itwl-nl,htl - Plttsburlh at Lo. Anllel.. (N ) - Minneapolis - St. Paul Ixpand MonbouQuctle 12·31 and Sullivan DanIell 111-., v,. Sherry (1·31. Francisco Giants. Final July Clearance founders meet with Commissioner present 22.000 stadium to .. 'his second hit and advancing to 16·61 vo. Bell 19·81 and Ferrare.e (5.3). Phlladelphll at San Fronc!JCo INl - With the squad limit raised to IN) - OweN fB·81 VI. S. Jones (14-101 or 's seven·man commit· 45,000. third On a safety to center by Baltimore at Detroit Wilhelm 28 players from 25. Stengel has tee from the existing majors. rookie Lee Maye. Johnny Logan f10-81 vo. Mo ..1 1&-41 . AnJonelll 114-" D.nver - Expand prellnt 19,· added these fly chasers: Gene "I look forward to the fullest GOt seat .tadium to 4O-4S,OOO. walked to fiU the bases. Woodling, or Baltimore. Roger Dell Crandall smashed a driv(> slam homers and ' held it until the man Vic Power hitless in rour trips Suits cooperation of the National and eighth when Frank House and Joe tb the plate to break his 13·game Maris or Kansa City and Bob AI . American Leagues and expect a Hou.ton - Build new .tadium, off third baseman Don Hoak's lison of Washington. Regular weights-$25.-35.-45.-55.00 program will be initiated at our "atlng about 36,000. glove, scor in g Covington and Maye Demaestri singled in the tying and hi tting streak. winning runs. Tilc rest of the squad is the Aug. 18 meeting to bring the Con· Toronto - Build new stadium, and sending Logan to third. Bolton ...... 011 101 000- 4 7 0 saml' that appeared in Pittsburgh Tropicals-$20.00-30.00-40,00.50.00 . Roger Maris hit Kansas City's Cleveland .. . OO!I 000 000- 0 3 0 tinental League into the structure "atin" about 37-40,000. Jay was callcd out on strikes C... I" and White; SeoTe, ClcoUe 161 , with pitchers Bud Daley of Kan ­ 01 major league baseball," said New York - Build new sta· and Crandall stole second as an gra nd ~lammer in thc third and Oarela (81 and FlttOerald. NIxon 161. sas City, Early Wynn of Chicago, attempted pickoff on Logan was Marv Throoeberry equalled it in W - C.. ~ le (7·81. L - Score 19·81. Shea. "We are therefore proceed· dlum, "atlng about 52,000. Home runS - BOlton, Jen en f22 1. Ryne Duren of New York and Sport ~oats ing on the basis of complete and too late. Bobby Avila tripled and the fifth . Until the eighth it looked M.llone (121 . Knuckleballcr Hoyt Wilheim of a if Harmon Killebrew's lead-off unqualified cooperation of the two * * * scored as Bill Mazeroski unleashed Baltimore rounding out the hurl· a wild relay throw. homer in the fo urth would prove ing staff Regular and lightweights exisUng major leagues." Shea in a mineographed state. Pittobur.h ., . 001 001 000. 2 5 1 to be the winning margin. Orioles 5, Tigers 2 Frick in his Radio City office menl. "Not only New York, since Milwaukee . . .000 000 ~ox - 5 7 0 The infielders arl' Harmon Kille· -$10.00-15.00-20.00-etc. KlIru~. \'iaddtx (81 and 8t1 rlile",JIi; Jay The viI/tory, plus Detroit's loss, DETROIT 1.4'\ - Gene Woodling brew and Roy Sievers of Wash· said he had been aware that the losing the Giants and Dodgers, ."d Crn"rlall. W Joy 14·71 . L left Kansas City in sOle posses ion drove in all of Baltimore's runs ington: Luis Aparlco and Nellie founders were meeti ng. but many otber cities have done Kiln" . 7· 101 . of fifth place. Murry Dick on was "W. are going to sit down and everything in their power to ob· Monday in a 5·2 victory over the Fox. Chicago: Pele Runnels and the winner and Hal Woodeshick the Delroit Tigers. .~ talk with them," he said. "At tain franchise~ 1n the two exis~· Red .. 8, Cards 3 Frank Maizont', Boston : Vic Pow· Slacks 10S{'r . The Oriole outfielder hit a ba es· Ihlt lim. we will discuss the ing major leagues without su~· CINCIN ATI IA'I _ A three run Wuhln.lon ..... 010 ltD 000- 0 7 2 er, C[eveland : Gil McDougald, whele lituation. Appilrently thlY cess. By trial and error it de. homer by second baseman Johnny Kin"". City 005 000 02)(- 7 9 t loaded home run in the third inning Nt'w York. From $3.95 to $22.50 Stobb. f41 . Woodelhlck and drove in another tally with an 1/2 off no", hev. sel up their organize· vel oped thaI the only way to pro' Temple headed a Cineinnati hitting 151 . Hyde IBI and Courtney: Garver, Bill Skowron of ew York was tlon." vide major league basebljll for an barrage Monday night that sank DlcklOn IS' . Grim 191 and Chill. lIou,"" eighth·inning single. named on tile original list of in· 191 W DIckson '1· 01 L - Woode· In addition to Frick, the com· increasing number of communities Sl. Louis ' Cardinals, 8.3. hick .0·3' WoodlIng's home run followed a mittee includes President Warren on this continent was to form a The Cards got to Bob Purkey for Home runs - Wa'hlnrLon. KU)ebrew pair or singles, a forceout and a Sport Shirts ,33,. Thronebcrr ~' 181. ](ans.. City. Giles of. the National League, ' new major league." five hits and all three runs In the' Chili I~ •• Marls 114'. walk . He hit it off Jim Bunning, Jim Hickey Named President Joe Cronin of the Ameri· The chief backers of the New fifth inning. Otherwise. the veleran who has made 27 gopher ball pitche~ Excellent Values can League, National League own· York franchise already had been Purkey had little troublo. striking BoSox 4, Indians 0 this sesson and 87 over ·the last 21, To Replace Tatum ers Lou Perini Qf Milwaukee, and identified as Mrs. Joan W. Pay· out three men and walking two. seasons. Bob Carpenter of Philadelpliia and son, sister of John Hay Whitney ', CLEVELAND (N! - Jerry Casale Four Cardinal pitchers wen' I th i I . 't h' g Billy Loes made his 16th save, At North Carolina American ambassador to Great gave on y rec s ng S .ln PI C III shelled by 11 hits, four of them th B t R d So t ,.(). pitching three hitless innings in reo Dress Shirts Britain', Mrs. Dorothy' Killiam of e os on e x 0 8.. VIC' lief of Larter Skinny Brown. Loes CHAPEL lilLI" N.C. 1.4'\ - As· Montreal and DWIght Davis, son fo r extra bases. tory over tl 1e CI eve Ian dIdn 19n' s sistant Coach Jim Hickey Monday Temple also scored the Reds U d . ht struck out three In his brief stint. Long and Short Sleeves of the donor of tennis' Davis Cup. ,,,on ay mg . was given a three·year contract 1/2 Killebrew final run in the eighth inning. TI 1 d d the dl " off The Houllon backlrs were list. Ie oss roppe rn an~ Barry Shetrone, a 21·year.Qld as head root ball coach or the Uni· • I banging a double and reachin~ t t' 'lh th 'd! Ch' Id as the HOUlton Sports Asso. 0 a Ie WI e 1 e Icago rookie made his Cirst major leekue ver~ity of North Carolina, suc· cietion with ' Gralg'" F. ) Cullinan home on Gus Bell' ~ Singli~' White Sox rOt Lhe Af11erican appearance, starling in center rield ceeding the latc Jim Tatum. Swim Tr.unks blOJ Jr., II chairman. Toronto was Slarter Wilmer Mizell, knocked ,""aguer A Iea d. for the Orioles. The youngster col · No salary was announced for the Loses' Groumf­ out of the box for lhe second Th" . t th I' t f lected two hits in four trips and repres.ntld by Jack Kent Cook., '" VIC ory was e Irs or 39·year.old Hickey, a native 0 r Complete Stock oMler of the Mapl. Leafs of the straight time by the Reds this Bos ton on 'h, e current We s tern ,,np. scored two of the Baltimore runs. Springfield, Pa. lie joined Tatum season, look the loss. d d' I i 1/2 off Interniltlonal LlilgUI. Dlnvlr's an snappe a slx·game os ng 004 000 100- 5 2 9S an offensive coach three years St. (,ouls ""'. . 000 030 000- 3 9 I t k Th I d' h d f' B.IUmore ..... 9 To Colavito back.r was Robert ~. Howsam, CinCInnati .... 21)0 320 Olx- 8 11 0 S rea . e n lans a won Ive Detroit . . 000 0 II 000- 2 6 0 ago when Tatum gave lip his posi· Brown, t.oc. 17) Ind Triandos; Bun· Alterations at Cost owner of the D.nver club of the Mizen. Brld" •• 141. Rlcketto '5'. Jeff· straight. tion at the University of Maryland NEW YORK IA'I H Kill cant f71 .nd Smith. Porter IBI: Pur· C I k h b nln(. Morlnn (7) and Btrebert. W - - armon e· American ~.n. Th. Minneapo. key and Dotterer. W _ Purkey 19. 101 asa e struc out t ree atters Brown '7·81. L - Bunnln, (g·gl . to return to his alma mater. brew, Washington's erstwhile kill· III.St. Paul ,'oint o-ration WII L - Mizell 111,81. and walked five. "fIome runs - Baltimore, Woodling . g k the ,... "liome run - CIncInnati. Temple 151. .. d S I fltl. Tatum died la L Thursday night er, has [pun d th e gOlD roc y r'presented by Whitelock Whit. The ne ox scored the r first from an overwheiming vi rus which past LWo weeks, enablipg Cleve· nlY Jr. run in the second inning when Dick RAPS PLAYER VOTE attacked his vital organs. land's Rocky Colavito to close Cooke said he was prepared to Gernert led off with a single, A's 7, Senators 6 MONTREAL 1.4'\ - International tile gap in the American LeagUE! spend $2,500,000 of his own money KANSAS CITY (.fI - Those sur· moved to third on two walks and ANDREWS WINS ho me run an d runs· ba tte d ·lD· com • to make the third league a suc. prl..slDg K ansas c·tlye Athl t' IC S ran score d on a fitorce p sy a secon d League President Frank Sbaugh· SOUTIiAMPTON , N.Y. tfI - Art petition. cess. • their winning streak to eight «ames ba e. They added another in the nessy Monda), blasted players on Andrews of Iowa City won a first In seven games lasl week, KiI· Where would the league get the Monday ni ght with a 7·6 decision third on a si ngle and a double and Uie Toronto Maple Leafs baseball round match in the Madow Club Clothiers and 710bcrdasTt ers fo/' Ill C/1 I.brew fail.d to hit a homer or players? over Washington. made it 3-0 on Jackl Jensen's team after a report they had voted In vitation tennis toul'Dament her/' drive in a run while Colavito Edward C. Johnson, former gov. The Senators have now gone leadoff homer into the left field unanimously against playing in Monday. The State University of 20 S. Clinton had one homer and collected five ernor of Colorado, U.S. senator winless in 10 straight games. They stands in the fourth. Havana again. Iowa star defeated Clyde Buck' of RBI . Their totals through Sun· and president of the defunct West. won their last one from the A's in Malzone added another Boston "I don't care what they said or Montclair, N.J., 6·0. 6-2. d.y'l gamas Killebrew ern League, had this answer: Washington. run in the sixth with a home did," Shaughnessy said. "we've 32 homers and: 80 RBis and Cola· "The same question about play. Washington took a 6·5 lead in run . got a schedule to play out and vito 30 home runs and 74 RBis. ers was asked when the American the fifth on an exchange of gran,d· Casale held Clev!!land first base- we're going to play it." ~~w~~Ern~Ban~ ~the L~g~ WM ~m I~" fuith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ , i Chicago Cubs took over the Na· in America. This is a historic oc. I tional League lead in rUlls·balted· casion." I in and gained ground on Eddie Shea 51ld such qu.ltionl ., a Mathews of Milwaukee in the World Sirie. would be discussed bome ~un race. Banks drove home at the Augu.t me.ting. HI indio Memorable Va(ation~ Begin seven runs in last week's games, cated some time ato that th~ giving him 92 for the campaign. league might net be ready for a At 10 South Fr~nk Robinson of Cincinnati, Ule seri .. for a Yllr or two. leader a week ago, managed only "The important thing to be dis. Dubuque St. two RBIs for a total of 88. cussed at the meeting with the Banks has 27 homers. Mathews, majors will be player personnel 1I who is out with a leg injury, has and territorial rights. We don 'l 29. Banks was his circuit's pace· want to hurt the minors," said Photo & Art set!er with 47 homers and 129 RBIs Shea. in 1958 when he won the Most Val· "[ would say we will have at Supplies uable Player. award. least eight teams, perhaps 10 and Th, American League batting . no more than 12 clubs. We are KEEP A KODAK CAMERA HANDY 9 So. Dubuque rice allO continued to be clo.e. not interested in open classiflca. R~'r Mari. of Kansas City is tion but will insist on being a mao Iowa City, Iowa the new le.der, replacing De· jor league." Your Clothes Ready I'n troil'. HervlY KUlnn. Maris pick· ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stili Cameras td up 11 points to .344. Kuenn * * * climbed five points to .343. Glne Capture scenes of One Hour On Request Woodling of Baltimore gained COME IN IIYln points to .340. Enjoy a ' Movie Cameras a lifetime and Nellie Fox of Chicago and AI .. - No Extra Charge Kaline or Detroit remained in a refreshing beer literally vacation deadlock for fourth place at .333. MON. FolC is the leader in hits with 132. with your friends Popular. all year. Before Milwaukee's Hank Aaron gained at TUES. & Bround in the National League bat· leaving check: WED. ONLY ting derby. Aaron collected 10 hits YE COZY lAVERN , · Prices in 25 at bats and lifted his per· SPECIA.L. t/ Camera Condition tentage to .363. Joe Cunninghanl 119 S. Clinton of St. Louis tied teammate Bill Alit CONDITIONED I Fresh Film White for second place at .339. EWERS t/ Lens Cleaners TROUSERS t/ Gadget Bag ANY Men's Store Makes full­ .5. Clinton "- Ot~er Supplies LUCKY , color slides 3 Special .SLACKS .IIY es bfack and whitl FOR snapshots. Mailing Bags Fluhholder is part Movie Cameras M.JI Film Enroute of camera. Has with built-in Imetersl Speedy Dakon Lln~ I LIND'S . now '. '1· • Y We Do Alterations, a Hundred~ of pairs of Florsheim, Crob.y·S~uare, Por. Telephone 8-4446 ~pIe Friendly, Personal Service Always bnt toge and olh.r fine make. at low, low prices. THE DAILY IOWAN-lowl Clfy, 11.-Tuesday, JulV 21, nSf-Page , • Prie t Found Women's Swimming Pool , Dead, At F.oot BE SURE · YOU Offers Fun, Heat Relief Of High Cliff 11 JUDY KLEMESRUD Ias maya 45 length' at a time. Staff Writer but most of them are beginner~ GRA 0 CA YON. Ariz. !A'I - HAVE ENOUGH EverY weekday afternoon at 4.10, who need in. truction and arc ju t The tranquil quiet of the 20' by learnin th elemt'nlary kick and The body of a Catholic priest, ' .,. swimmine pool in the Women' trokes." she ·aid. .., om n who I missing in rugged Grand Canyon Gymnasium is pierced by the can do synchronized swimming .' I inee Saturday. was found Monday shrlets and splashes of SU1 coeds. also practice here." he added. at the base of a 2OO·foot eliU. But coeds are not the only one Mrs. [arie Palmer. attendant Search continued (or a companion. CLEAN CLOTHES who take advantage of the op- at the pool. said that m st women 'ational Park rangers found the portunity to escape Crom Iowa enjoy the recreational swimming body of the Rev. Eugene A. Gavi· heat and humidity - any woman period becau e of the mall at· , gan. 30. a Trappist on vacation connected with the University may tendance at each session. "Attend· 'inllll from St. James church in Savan· The LAUNDROMAT way is the fast way enjoy the recreational oppartuni. ance averagrs about 10 wornen a na h. Ga .• in Tanner Wash in the ' ties offered by the pool. day." he aid. "The. wimmers sou thea t part of the canyon. to do your laundry. You can do your "Most women come to the pool never n cd worry about anyon(' 1L lay about lJi miles from aDd brush up on their strokes. to diving on top of them." be where the body of Walter J. Ma· wash in just 90 minutes and be sure you get out oC the btat. or for just added. hany Jr .• 16. Savannah, was found plain enjoyment." aid Lifeguard Suits. towels, ~oap and individual unday. Search continued for Ma· Jean Ann Jacobson. A3, La Grange, dr sing tails are availnble to the son Owe ns. 16, aiso of Savannah, wtll have enough clothes on h a nd-. m. ''Many of them work out for swimmers. Each S\\lmmer mu t who hiked into the canyon with the I their Iwimming classe • and ome take a hower before .he ['nter the other two last Friday. Friendly attendants on duty at all times. practice diving off of the one- pool. Bathing cap an~ not pro· Rangers said Father Gavigan. a meter board." she said. vided. but can b(' purcha cd 'for 50 native of Racine. Wis ., apparently Tbe pool is a safe place to swim, cents if a woman I('a\'e, her al too. " I have only had to help one hom . had fall en over Lhe cliff. person, and that Is becau e he Mahany 's body was Gown out of PARKiNG AT THE Mrs. Palml'r . aid that the suits. the canyon by helicopter Mo nday .FREE happened to wander into the deep referred to a "tank ·uits." u ua lly epd by mistake," said Miss Jacob­ after the aircraft negotiated the bring thi' rl'aetion (rom the wi m· dangerous air currents in the lIOn. The pool is seven feet at the mer: "Do we have to wea r th e deepest end and three feet at the gorge Lo drop additional rangers things?" Thl' :uits. which come into the searcb area. sh.aIlowest end. in red. blue Bnd green. are steril· "It looks so inviting. I wish I ized wh n washrd al)d are worn by ·Ashore For A Walkie-Talkie The youth had died oC exposure could go in, .. . Miss Jacobson said. and la ck of water on a twisting all swimmers to help keep the paol Guests of Greek Ship Magnate Aristotle Onani. walk and talk on the .trHt of the Itanan Rivi.ra town Tbe llfe(Uard is requJ red to stay bacteria·(rrc. trail while apparently seeking help LAUND AT of Portofino after leaving Onessis yacht "Christina," Friday, on which they .ar. making a Mediter· for his fri ends. on the side of the pool during the Margaret G. Fox. profes or of • one·hour swimming perlod. women's physlc()} education. sa4d ranean cruise. Front row, from left, ar. Sarah Churchill, actresa-daullhter of Sir Winston Churchill; Rangers said he had scrawled I 320 E. Burlington Besides the' diving board. swim · the paol is one of the c1e()rest she Optra Singer Maria Monegh i",i Callas; Mrs. Tina On usls; and Mrs, Anton.lla Plaggio of .Itilly. Others a note in the sand indicating his mers may also use paddleboards ha even e n, "The water i are unidentifie d.- AP Wirephoto. companions had been injured. to practice swimming kicks. Fins, fi ltered three time~ a day and must rings and rubber balls are avail · m t drinking watl'r . Ullld()rds." INC ·bb T · , able ror those who want them. he aid, "Thl' wat r L tl'sted twicl' 0 an ean enslon, Trustee Arrested ';We have aU kinds of wim­ II day for chlorine content by the mer ," said Miss Jacob on ... fany University Watl'r rvice'. and the In Des Moines of them are expert who can swi m Clinton and Washington Sfs. tate Water Laboratory ch cks It D1is MOINES IA'I - A trustee once a Wl' k [or bacteri ." shr Castro Says•, Of Meefl ng added. from the State Prison Farm at Thl' Women's Gymnasium has jL<; HAVANA IA'I - Fidd Castro I the peo pl e aftl'r nine days out of Clive was arrested by Des Moines Stiffer Labor own equipmenUor the filtering and declarl'd Monday therl' arl' nO the governme nt. police inside a downtown laundry chlorination prOCl'sses. A JX'ci I te nsions in the Caribbean. He His remarks at the news con. early Monday. ;css than fiv e hours Delicious Luncheon 'Specials . f' after he walked away from the Iga uge mea ur s til . chlorinr count. suggeste d th :I t Amencan orelgn , I d d r I bl t t Bill Launched and two large water heater. heat ministers meeting Aug. 8 in Chil ference mc u e : a res \ as a farm. the pool and showl'r wau'r. to discu s Caribbean tension en. Jam O. Ea tland. m·Miss), He was identified by poli ce as In House "It l. the heating which makes should consid('r intead hunger. and Eastl and 's Senate Internal Ralph M. Spaerry, 32. of Adel. Au· the operation of a wimming pool paH'rty and und('rdev('lopment in Security subcommittee: another thorities said he had tripped a WASHINGTON !A'I - A substi· , burglar alarm. Roast Beef or Pork tute labor controls bill was intra· expensive." aid Miss Fox. Latin America. . pak .., at what he caUed certain Spoerry. who had been at the duced In the Hou Monday by "The pool is drained and "They con\'oke it to dral with inten'.t. in the Un ited State de· pri on Carm oniy three days be. Reps. Phil M. Landrum. CO·Ga/, vacuum-clean d a~ .oon as ·um· tensions because 'J'rujillo asked termined to defame Cuba 's revo· fore he fled. told officers he Whipped Potatoes and Robert P. Gri((in, cR·Mich). mer school ends. and j openrd for it," Castro told reporters at lulion. and a reiteration that Cuba crawled into the laundry through Toulher than the measure ap­ again when school startl; in th a news conference. • has no dollars to pay Cor expro· an open window "to get some proved by the House Labor Com· fall." she said. The fall swimming He referred to Generalissimo priat d America n lands and thus clothes and some money." Gravy and Trimmings pe riod i at the same time - from mJttee. the substitute was d · 4: 10 to 5: 10. Mi s Fox sold that Rafael Trujillo. the Dominican will have to cove r the obligations ~- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ scribed to the House by Landrum the pool has ix-en open fol' every Repu bl ic's strong man with whom with long·term bonds. \ as "the minimum r qui red to top SUI , ummer t'ssion. hf! has been waging verbal war blackmaJl oreanitation pi cketin g SUI tudrnLs. taff and faculty ince the Cuban revolution oyer· STUDENTS! The ideal place to meet for and secondary boycotts." member also have access to the threw Prrsident Fulgencio Ba· Pork Surplus Billi For the cleanest wash " It Is a bill which would reo Fieldhou~e . wimming pool during tista in town it's store control of union affai r to the 'ummer st· 'sion, Mixed swim. Expeditionllric reportedly or· Market Light Hogs Coffee B~eaks, Cold Fountain Delights union members - it i a bill which ming i held \'ery Tu(' day and ganized in Cuba have been creat· would deal realistically wllh the Friday from 7: to 9:30 p.m. ing nerVOusne's in neighboring WASIIlNGTON IA'I - A plan to SUPER WASH life·and-death problems of small SU I familirs may usr thr Field· countries. particularly in the Do· encouragc farmers to market light businessmen." he said. hou I' pool during thr Wednesday minican Republic. H. iti and Nica· weight hogs and cut the pork sur· Wash Dry Rep. Clare HoCCman. S1(lri "iitB1A' as ·Rl!p. Edrl "H6g(>n.,r I '1 rld, . ,. l being bombarded with union·in· ming pool. loentl'd in City Park, Cuba's Prime Minister. 'fhe revo· Hogan introduced a bill that Chicken' 'Pie Wired mail demanding preserva· also provid s cool r£'li C. It i open lutionary leader accepted return would establlsh Cederal premiums 10;. tion of the right of secondary boy· to the public Crom 1 to 9:30 p.m. Ito the office at a mass meeting Cor hog sold at Ji ve weights be- cotto organlzalional picketing. and daily. • here Sunday night as the will oC twecn 180 and 200 po unds. per tub ten minutes Dinner "hot cargo" contracts. ---- I In a secondary boycott. a un ion For the cleanest wash Involved in a dispute wilh one employer brings pres ure against in town it's 85¢ another firm doing busines with ,him. SUPER WASH . Hot cargo contracts are (ound particularly in the trucking indus· Coralville try. With these a union seeks to Back of Superior let employers to reCuse to handle Malts, Shakes, Sundaes loads from another bu iness with Oil Station I which the union ha a dispute. Open 24 hours tach day. Organizationai picketing is pick. etlng a firm in an effort to union· Whetstone's ======~~~~~ ize its e m p loy e s, sometimes Alainst their wisbes. Door Unlocked; Children Cause ORDER NOW'! $1,500 Damage BUFFALO. N.Y. !A'I- Four chil· dren. aged 4 to 9. caused $1.500 worth o( damaee to the inside The UNIVERSITY EDITION, of a home in suburban Snyder Suaday, police reparted Monday. Food was thrown against the walls; dishes were smashed; wa· ter was lert running so that it of 'Th~1)aily Iowan' lleeped through the Goors into the basement; ink was poured on the 'Copter Crash Fatal To Two aheeta and blankets; and the med· Jcine cabinet was rlpped (rom Marine Sgt. Charles Hoffman checks the wreckage of a Navy helicopter which crashtd near Easton. Md" Send This Grear Edition to Your Friends! I ~ bathroom wall. on the Eastern Short of Chesapeakt Bay, killing two men who were on • flight from Lakehurst, N.J., Two ,iris, 9 and .. and a boy. to Norfolk, VII.~AP Wirephoto. 104 pages jam-packed with news of cam­ T, all from the same family, and another girl, 8, were picked up APPOINTEE APPROVED ,------• pus activities and events-sports, fashions, wben the mother of the 8-year-old WASHl GTO IA'I - The Senate • • .. learned that her daughter might Foreign Relations Commitee ap- I 101(;0 City's Fashion Siore society and a host of other interesting fea­ bave been involved . proved fond ay the nomination of I Tbe children were released in career diplomat Walter ewbold I - ~ lOs. CLf/lo, O'l PIIONE 9686 the custody of their parents .who Walmsley, 55 to be ambassador to tures fa; SUI students, families and friends. III't!ed to pay for the damage to Tunisia. the home of Paul L. Mallory. He I The complete story of the university! Pub­ A SE said the front door bad been un· Ed "" S R at I' • planned locked. waru • ose -TO ornnews lication date, August 22. daughte Skogen HOORAY ATHLETICSI To INI better and to be better I . . . u:i1 erc yOlI'U find more famous E. We\] TOKYO '" - Koebi city resi· take your vitamins tach day- I lllbd tllan any otla er aLore ill land W deIIts. happy that a Cellow citizen we suggest our own formulation easterll lotea The l: .. the new Miss Universe, say of MULTIPLE VITAMINS con. Mailed An~her~, 50~ the SUI ber athletic activities helped her taining Vitamins _ Minarall _ I employ. JriII the beauty crown. Livtr Extract - maIM fresh, of t d I • Mr. W• Tbey recall that Aldko Kojima high potency and priced 1_- I 0 No Phone Orden, Please' SdJool , was on the hJgb schooLswimming ,a Y.• - - Circulation De~rtment .J :f~~~sde:!~pa~~r ~:~;:: DRUG SHOP I 5 ALE The Daily Iowan JIOriioned figure. Friends in Koehi _ 1- S. Du·b'-'" St. Iowa City, Iowa ~ knew her as "long legs." '" ..... - i ~I ~~~~~~~~~~ I Of ~ . I ,only 50' He,. II my order for ...... copy(ies) of the Annual ' . . 't ." . • Unlvenlty ~dltlon. I enclo.. $...... to cover entl;' I' cost at SOc per copy. Mall to: · ~ ' ~ COTTON SKIRTS: a copy I t Name ...... ,

.~ I • Full and Straight Stylesl (Coven co.t of paper, • Nice Choice of Styles I , . . . Add,...... ,...... ,.. ,...... "" I dnd Colorsl • handl ng and poltage) I Reg. 5.95 . I City and State ...... , ...... • U.e extra .hee' for cidditional order•• It. • ...... I ...... ~ ...... , , "TJ • , , I • It THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, 1.,-Tv._V, July 21. l'Sf-PIl" , Don't Blame Sentence, Fine Korean Graduate Student Three Teenagers For Two Missile Cho rged Here Jumbo; He Base Protesters Drowns In Cedar River For Tampering OMAHA (A'I - Federal Judge An SUI graduate student from Seoul, ·Korea, drowned in the Cedar Charges of tampering with a Richard Robin on Monday ga\'e iver near Cedar Rapids Saturday while swimming and boating with motor vehicle have been filed Really Tried suspended ,entences to I wo of the two friends. against three Iowa City teen-ageri pacifists who look part in the Chang Kwon Paul Kim. 29, 216 E. Fairchild, St., &owned when a after they we caught by Iowa LE PLANEY, France IA'I - Omaha aelion prote t against lhe ------wave created by a passing motor City police trying to steal \jub caps Jumbo the mountain climbing ele­ 0(( a car. pltanl and her saddened group of mis ill' project at Mead, 'ebo bo~t covered his head. The drown­ The boys, two 16 years old and . ha ndlers plodded slowly out oC lhi They arc Ir!;. Roberl Swann. Omaha To Have ing occurred at a place known as one 17, were apprehended ea~ly . I'lllage Monday night, their dreams 38. Trevose. Pa., and Arthur Har­ High Rock, about a mile north of Monday morning by Iowa City of glory hallered by a monu­ March Of Dimes vey, 27, She(fjeld, Mass. Elli Park. police after residents in' the 1700 mental goof. block of E. Court St., called police. An advance scout party reported Judge Richardson al 0 continued Emergency Drive A companion, David Bai, also oC Officers who made the arrest Ib~ 7.300·Coot high Clapier Pass the probation of 71-year-old WilmE'r Korea. said Kim went into the OMAHA lA'I- orman J . Keegan, caught lhe youths in the act of re­ _ last big barrier along Jumbo's J . Young, Wallinrord. Pa., who water to practice swimming. Bai moving the shiny discs from a roate to her home in a zoo at chairman of the executive commit­ had violated probation by appear­ attempted to re cue him and trLed parked car, and charged them with Turin , Italy - was blocked by a tee of the Douglas County Chapter larceny in the nighttime. However, ing at the mi ile site after pre­ to hail pas ing boats, but none landslide. of the National Polio Foundation , after further investigation th ~ . Jumbo slarted out a week ago viously being arrested there. saw the two in the water. THe body said Monday an emergency March charge was changed to tampering . to re-enact Hannibal's historic ele­ Mrs. Swann and Harvey plead­ was recovered at 6:40 p.m., about with a motor vehicle. phant-assisted crossing o[ the Alps of Dime campaign will start here ed guilty to trespassing. They two hours after the drowning. The three boys were released to 10 invade Italy 219 B.C. Aug. l. were arrested last Tuesday for at­ A second po sible drowning was their parents Monday after spe nd· British historian John Hoyte, "With about 100 Douglas County ing the night in jail, and their case principal oganlzer oC the trip, is averted whE!O Eacksoon Bai pulled tempting to go over the fence and polio patients to care lor, we'rt' was referred to juvenile court. o[ the opinion Hannibal used the enter thl' site. his brother David from the river, Police said two oC the leen-lIgers ClBpier Pass to reach Italy. He broke," Keegan said. Most oC the Deputy Sheriff Larry 1cGinnis Young was arre ted. plead d patients, he added, are persons have been arrested previously. has accorQpanied Jumbo on her said . journey. guilty and was paroled after a who contracted the disease beror~ Kim had bee n in the United Many other historians think !imil ar attempt. Judge Robinson, the Salk "accine was available. Hannibal used the lower passes States four years. lIe was an X­ Hey, Babe! at Monday's hearing, ordered the I The goal is $35,000. "That will be ICE CREAM ' near the Mediterranean. ray laboratory technician at SUI. Quaker teacher to return home at enough to care for Douglas Counly The trip was to prove an ele­ The Milwaukee County Zoo', new Indian rhinos get in a little juvenile smoochinq across a barrier In their Kim enrolled here'in the summer phant could negotiate the Clapier once. patients thro h the year - if we SOCIAL quarters, and officials hope it k.. ps up when the youngsters get their growth. The two are Mohinij., oI 1958, the year following his Catholic Student Center Pass. The judge imposed six-month don't get hit by an epi demic," said left. from Whipsnade Zoo, in London, and Rudra, from Basel. Swiherland. They arrived last week, graduation Irom Cornell College, 108 McLean St. Why hadn't the organizers of -AP Wirephoto. • prison terms and $500 fines on Harold Poff, Omaha advertising the expedition checked the pass Mt. Vernon. I ------~------~,--- Mrs. Swann, mother of four. and executive who will head the drive. belore the start of the trip? He was a research B. sistant in WED.-JUL Y 29 Harvey. He suspended the sen- The March of Dimes campaign in "We thought of just about every­ Drake U. Official the radiation research laboratory I 7:00-9:00 P.M. thing, even a coat [or Jumbo to t ' nee. on condition that they re- January rai ed $60,950, of which Price per plaLe : Me ward lofC the mountain chill," said Southern Senators Succeed To Speak Friday turn home and keep away from about 60 per cent was returned to headed by Dr. Titus C. Evans, I Hoyle, "But we just didn't think of G. C. Huff. \ice prE' 'idl'nt of the Mead fissile Base and other the Nationtll Foundation for re­ Local funeral services are being I that. Who would have thought the Drake Uni\'er~lty, De~ '10ines, will mililary construction and opera- search and for emergency epi- arranged. pass wouldn't be open ?" In Stalling Civil 'Rights ' Bill Ilrebent a talk ent :tlt'd "Where lions. demic care. imMai lhoponedr Tg qhadr- gw Do(>s Evolution r::nd~" at Lakeside CAN SAVE THE ONE HOUR Hoyte said he would try to find WASHINGTON IA'I - Southerners on the Senate Judiciary Com- Laboratory on WI'st Okoboji Lake, ARTISTIC CLEANING WAlt another route to negotiate the mittee used their parliamentary know-how Monday to stall [or at at 8 p.m. Friday. He will speak in mountains and get back to Turin, YOU! Odorle", Mothproof least another week consideration oC a civil rights bill. the Shimek Library. IIhere Jumbo was borrowed from Hufr talk Is the sl'["ond durin'! CleanIng the zoo for this trek. Despite thi~ , advocates of new civil rights legislalion remained the slim mel' progr"m' ~ second Laundry Service Before being stoppep, Jumbo had outwardly optimistic tbey would ~cssion, which op('nt'd .July 20 and walked a little over 72~ miles. be able to push through a bill wl11 clos(' Aug. 2J Foul' earlier From her starting point at Mont­ Gas Firm Wants next month. h'eture .~ were pn's 'ntl'd during the FOR THE BUSY STUDENT mellan she had climbed from an A limited civil rights measurE' summer· Ion :;: biological, field ¢ (MinimUm \ SKlaTS & PANTS Ib • Bundle 6Sc altitude of 926 feet to 7,150 Ieet. Import Of Natural was approved 4·3 by a Judiciory study program, whkh is in it', Rough Dry 1O J bc 'tt J I 15 1t b' k , llftietlr Y('ar, Gas From Canada su omml e.e on u y . s ac -, Huff received his bachelor'. de- WASHINGTON IA'I - A sharp ers were prrmed to get full com- gr~e from Drake Uni\'l'rsity. n.. Folded (~~~~~~) Hour ruscon, Phoenix increase in domestic natural gas mittee consideration at the group's receivl'd both 'his'ma, II r's ond doc­ Dry & 12¢ lb. -One demands was predicted Monday from SlIl, FINISHED WASH TROUSERS AND SHIRTS 'S'OC regular weekly meeting Monday. tor's degret·, the latter Hit By Storms; • DRY CLEANING AVAILABLE-. as Midwestern Gas Transmission But after a closed-door session, III 1935. -4r.lidlic Co . renewed eCCorts to get author­ 2Persons Killed Chairman James O. Eastland, ~..rA I d c I" th e qM. ,John~ton coulc,l Ilrl, .,.,Tll!' . (lLlI"" ,· \'i lil1!!' n(ll illl\lllo{li .1I.. J.tJ . ... ,as.. ef,.e i ~ .(. Who Does 1t-1 Waller Norton or Cleveland, be required by new cllstomel·S. such a req'ucsl a secont! otely Idl·l\tilR-'(i. Will"!" believed tQ '. \" ~I Q i, I Ohio; was crushed to death 17 As a hearing opened on a new lime. But that would nol prevent be his mother and sbter. Ad t" R t MAKE covered belte, buckle. Dnd but- SPINET plano u•• d n shorl lime. Sub- AVAILABLE SePtember. 3 room and miles north of Tucson when a gust import application by Midwestern, some olher Southerncr [rom do- Of{jl'('r~ ~aid two ~'(JUllg('r un i- ver Ism9 a el Ionl. Sewl", machln.s for rent. .\.antl"1 savlnl/. to relpon,lble pany. bath, first floor. furnished apartment. Sewln, Center. 125 S. Dubuque, Cash or lermo. Can be ""en here. Fo r 321 E. Davenport. 7-30 of wind toppled his van-type semi­ companies connected with Michi­ Ing it. dcntifil'd womcll II'l're laken to the WO~D ADS Phone 2413. 8-111R Informallon write Smylhe Plano Co .. trailer truck on its side. gan Wisconsin lines began pre­ Sen. Thomas C, Hennings Jr., JIIini 1I0,pital af Pittslil'ld. 3611 61h Avenue, Dos Moines, [owa . 1-28 ~' Oll IlENT, sma ll furnllhed apart- vnd Vt1Y ...... •.. a. t1 Word ELECTRO LUX Sales and Service. O. K . - --- menl. Clos. In. Avanable now. Dial senting witnesses to support de­ CD-Mo.), a leader of civil rights Officers ~aid a truck. oltempl­ 6684. 8-2S Len Burt Allen, 47. of Phoenix, Two Days ...... 10¢ a Wort! Ihrl,. Phone 8-2R REFRIGERATORavailable July .31st. let 8-4026.of ocreen door7-28s. 9681______. :- 10 • an Arizona :public Service Co. mand estimates. forces, Indicated he will make all- ins pa~s ilnothrr vehicle, struck FURNACE cleanlnl/. Lar&e machIne. . - SEPT. I, 3 room [urnJshed eoltaae In lineman. was electrocuted while Those submitting estimated re­ other bid next Monday to get the tht' Morgan car and sheared off Three Days ...... !.2¢ a Word Prompt .,tvlce oh orders placed now. AMANA Bakery Goods. MU.'leatfne To- exchanee lor work. Close In. 3703. Four Days ...... 14¢ a Word Larew Co. ~81. 8-7 maloes, 190 lb. Coral Fruit Market. 8-22 working with a repair crew try­ quirements included: bill officially be/ore the commit- its top. 8-18 tee...... ;;-__ • __iiiiiiii ___'iii._~ ing to restore service in the Phoe­ Iowa Southern Utilities Co., Cen­ Five Days ...... , .15¢ a Word T-V Servlelnll. Evenln,_ and weekend.. 2 ROOM furnllhed apartment In Quiet Dial 8-10St. 8-17 FRESH Swed Corn picked Dally. Coral home. CI.,.., to campus. Phone 8-1300 nix area. terville, Iowa , from 2.4 billion to The Southerners have made it Ten Days ...... 20¢ a Word Fruit Market. 8-IRC before 4:3() p.m. 8-15RC 5 billion cubic fe~t with new plain they will lise every parlia­ DANCE One MOlatb ..... ~ a Word lost and Found customers proposed in Leon, Co­ mentary tactic pos ible 10 keep Trailer I-!ome For Sale .Apartment Wanted rydon, Albia and Moravia, Iowa. the bill bottled up. Tuesdoy, July 28 (Minimum Cbarge ~) LOST: Brown pl. tic key C"C. Nebr ..- ka Ilceh..., 1-86852. Call 8-0511 ext. 1937 BELL C•• ~ Trailer Home. Never APARTMENT wonted Sept. lst. Grad- Miss Skogen Keokuk Gas Scrv;ce Co., and Nation'. No.1 4674 botween 6 and 8 p.m. 7-30 lived In. Two bedroom, 8 Ceet wide. uate couple. Call Warren CoHney North Central Public Service Co., STONEWALL JACKSON Rapid32 feet.. lonlr. Phone EM 5-2322, Ced7-28ar ______afler 7:30 p.m., Ext. 3277. 7-31_ St. Paul, also foresaw sharp in­ U.S. Undecided and DALE THOMAS Typing crease in requirements. Pets .for Sal. To Marry ~ING. Experlene'1' 8.. 931. 8-23 Where To Eat Meanwhile. John A. McGrath, On Batista Entry SWISHER PAVILION counsel for the National Coal SWISHER. IOWA TYPING. 8-()t_3_7. ______9-_ 21 TVRKEY SANDWICHES and HOME- SELLING Ba.. e t pupple.. DloI7_3~~ ~ Assn. and the Chesapeake and TYPING. 31143. 8-15 MADE PrES to ,0. Mapl,ec:resl Sand- In September WASHINGTON IA'I - The Statl' ~dmi5Sion _ $1.50 wich Shop. Hwy. 218 South. Across f 5 I Ohio Railroad Co., opposed "flood­ Department said Monday the Gov· per person (tax inc.) TYPING. 6110. 8-13R Crom Ih. Airport. Phone 11-1773. 8-I8RC _____A_u_to_s __ o_r_a~. __ ..;.._ ing co ld normal markets with for­ ernment is still studying Fulgencio Phone GI-52172 eign fuel " from Canada. 24 HOUR ..rvlce. ElectrIc typewriter. Work WanJ,d 1057 ISETTA 300. Must ,oerltlce (or 8-133D. 8-14 ca.h. 8-5928. 8-1 Btheati sUnitedta's application States. It stillto getshowed into ri~i~~~~~~;i~l l WANTED - L.tundry. 8-0609. 7-21 1051 CHEVROLET Convertible. H.8 no signs It would allow the former u!lJflr. ~ F I TYPING. 8-5102. 8-10 • exira.. Excellent condJtlon. $300.00. Girls Visit Father ------=--,-;:.--...·8-- -- WANTED - [ronlne'. 8-0446. 1-10 Call alter 2:30 p.m. 5470. 8-1 Cuban stron~ man in . ri~.,!] ; j (.) ~ Phone 4191 TYPINO. 9246. _ ~rotests Asst. Secreta'fy of Slate William I --- . ------TYPING. 2447. 8-18 Despite B. Macomber set oul the U,S, of- The Best In THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES TYPING. IBM. t202. 8-le CENTERV[LLE IA'I- Two young ficial view in a leller to Rep. Movie Entertainment THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY Michael A. Feighan (D-Ohio ). Fei­ girls tearfully left Centerville Mon· ADVERTISING COPY. Instruction FURNACE CLEANING day with Sheriff Paul Thomas to ghan last 'Week asked President spcnd a month wi th their divorced Eisenhower and Secretary of State . Boby Sitting BALLROOM uance leBOnI, Mimi YoUde Cather in Bloomfield . ,Christian A. Herter, to deny Ba­ Wurlu. Dial 9485. 8-30 Large Machine The two girls - Carol Adams, tista's entry. WANTED - Baby .UUne by week. Best 12, and her sister, Yvonne. 9 - had rererences. Cnll P215. 7-31 Ignition Prompt Service on order. Co rbu retol'1 • objected to the visit. -Doors Open I: IS- placed now When authorities sought to take Rooms for R.nt GENERATORS STARTERS them from their farm home neal' Unionville to take them to Bloom· ROOMS tor men. Cookltlll prlvllelles. Briggs & ~trotton M~to:~rs' Larew Co ~ Dial 8-2276. 8-21 Pyramid Services • 9681 field Saturday, the girls raJl into -Ends MAN'S room. cookln, prlvllell"', M87 the woods and hid. The , officers NOW • Thursday- I~r~~.~'- ~ F'Ina ~.. ~ __.. __ ~~ __.'~ Art. were acting under a , court order ..-: M-li-M NUflj:T...... L£211e'!8 or 5848. 7-30 1 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 :::, ======~======' requiring the girls to be with their GLENN SHIRLEY ~ [ather Crom July 21 to Aug. 21. FORD ..' M~cL~!N[ NOW SHOWING They were missing for 10 hours, TIley calred hJm the eluding a posse of 30 men who Miss Skogen STRANGER wrrn A GUN ... searched for them, aided by State ... c...... zmat rm A September 12 wedding is Highway ,fatrol planes, The girls •• ~II wrnOCOlO" ~"tM!~ ~~ gave themselves up Saturday even­ planned by Gwendolyn Skogen, ---- ;P~LIJ::,:,i.;;;;;;;;:-;;~ daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Andrew ing. Skogen of Lake Mills, to Charles E. WeUs, son of Mrs. Ernest Le­ land Wells of Sioux City. The bride·elect is a graduate of the SUI School of Nursing and is ~.];)'1m employed at University Hospital. -Doors dpen 1: IS- Mr. Wells is a student in the School of Engineering at SUI. TONITE we~~CDAY! m:Qfij M.G·M p


Specill - In Color "ROAD TO THE CLOUDS" Pa9~ ~THE CAlLY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-Tutsday, July 21, nSf Partly Deaf, They "See, Feel" e d Sound --E c

NI _\ on \ thu Sibe waf lour

SOUND, A NEW EXPERIENCE for thes... vet:.'y hard-of·h.arlng "Ii,t.n," Inhntly t. Mrs. Elenor. Culliman, speech therapist, a. children, is being learned in the auricular program at the University Patty, 7, and Gary, " •••• rly await their turn to identify the words Norma ponders the unfamiliar sounds , , • Gary responds, indicating he knows ••• Hospital.School for Severely Handicapped Children. Norma,,, 6, spollen .• ,

Photo Feature By* JERRY * SMITH* tion and what* Is seen* pn *the face Birthdays* are *celebrated * with speech reading* *instruction * . Gary, therapist* will hold * the finger* o( a St"ff Writer, Photographu of the speaker, Mrs. Prusok said. parties, which present an ideal Pally and Norma also r ceive aca· child to the ide of her nose . a that Though sound Is amplified by ear incentive for speech reading, Mr . demic instruction and therapeutic he can feel the \ ibrating sound, A speech therapi t ays "boy" phones, the children do not hear as Pru ok said. assistance for their other handi· "mmmrr.." into a microphone and three mall does the "normal" person. Mrs. The children "hear," with aid . caps. To make the child conscious of children, wearing ear phone which Prusak said the belief that a hear· when they want to, Mrs. Prusak Thl.' auricular program is too the small differences In things, he almnst cover their heads, respond ing aid allows a h·ard·of·hearing said. They sometimes tea. e the new to be fully evaluated, Mrs. IS taught to diflcrt'ntiate between quickly. Nine·year old Gary points person to hear normally is a Ial· teacher by pretending lhey do not Prusok said. one of the children materials by touch. with eyes a finger at himse'lf; tht' two girls, lacy. hear. While playing with toys, the in the program has been trans· closed, the child is given a piece orma and Patty, ages six and The children hear primarily response to a teacher's call may ferred to a public school b cau ' o( material to feel and then from ~eveD rt'spectively, gesture toward vowel sounds and only some of the be only a smile Indicating that they of the short time the program has a box of assorted materials he Gllr~. voiced eon on~nts. Mrs. Prusok have heard but do not want lht> been in operation. However, Norma picks out the one he first Celt. ThiS is .a s!~'p forward f~r t~ese . said that a high frequency hearing teacher to know. she said. will aLlend the State School for th The children also receive spe· children III • peech readmg, a loss results in distortion oC sound The children talk among them· Deaf at Council Bluffs, becoming cial music les. onR III which they program for traching language to when amplification above 1 000 elves u ing gestures, "which we the first student to transfer from learn to difCerentiMe various in· ~everely hard-of·hearing children at cycles is required. ' do not a\'ways undertsand," Mrs. the auricular program. instruments. the University Hospital.S~hool for The sound heard, with aids, give Prusok said. She recalled one day One six.y ar-old boy, Steve The school will accept children everely. ~I~ndlca pped C.hlldrt'n. . cues which coupled with the visual Gary motioned to Norma to sit Schneider, who entered the chool for the auricular program from By utiliZing the hearing ability " .. beside him, whIch he did. Gary without »Cech, aUained a limited ages 3 to 18. Mrs. Pru ok , aid. remaining in a child. called resi. reception oC the sltu,atlOn, formu· then proc ded to playa game. He use of speech after two school however, the majority of children dual h!'aring, and with visual aids lates t~e message being conveyed, covered Norma's eyes and rp· terms. Steve, however, received arc between the pre· chool and the children ore taught to listen. accordlllg to Mrs. Pr~sok. moved one block Crom a small pile good home training before entering .. hth grad(> ages. The school gives Beginnlng with 'II!'O" ollhd ifi8' .Evorythlng rtpOImn) prtSOnted ill ~ III front of hJm. HeWIl 'the schoOl. Mr. Prusok suit! IIcadomicinstt'uclion to the !'ighth crimination," Mr . Pru ok, speech Visually .to the children; Prlrited to Indicate what change had been Steve's mother slarted training him gtade level. ther children learn words, plct~es, and obJects sup­ made in th pile. Through gestures at the age of two with John Tracy The time in training varies with to dl. tingui~h ound. of a vacuum port the audiO symbols. As a sen· the game was understood and Clinic material. lhe individual, I\lr . Prusak said. cleaner, bells, train., and other ten.ce is spoken the therapist played, Mrs. Prusok said. The Tracy program is offered The lime required for the fitling • veryday sounds. A fir t step is wrlt~s the sentence under such Sign language is not u ed at the free to parents of deaf children and application of a hearing Did Irarning that sound has meaning. headlllgs as. who, equaLs~ where. school. Every eCfort I made to who agree to make report on the also varie with the individual The auricular pro~ram, e tab. and when, With the respective parts have the child rely on speech progre s of the program as applied case. II h d three years ago, i th fir t o.f the se~tence under the respec· reading, according to Mrs. Pru· to their children. The John Tracy Mrs. Prusok said the child must and only program available to tlVe he~dl~gs . An equal~ sign is sok. Clinic, established by pencer be trained to take heari ng tests hard-of.hearing children in this used to mdlcate ver~s. This system, The speech reading instruction Tracy for his deaf son, is located necessary for determining the cor· area who have additional handi. known as the Fitzgerald Key, is being conducted as a class thl in California. The program is now rect type of hearing aid. It may caps, teaches the children word sequence summer because of ' the small international, with material pflnted take {rom six months to thrcc Gary, Pally, and Norma, the o£ sentences. number of children involved, Mrs. in 28 languages. or foul' years to ready a child for only childr n in the auricuior pro· When Gary, Patty, and Norma Prusak said. Last year from ;peech for the children at the a hearing aid, she said. gram at presont, learn to remem· take one of their periodic trips. September to June, nine children Ho pitai-Sehool begins by imilat· To supplement the training of the ber sound and the way it "looks." such as a recent jaunt to the city attended the speech reading lng words after the therapists, Mrs. children, parents receive instruc· Speech reading, a term preferred library, the th rapist goes over the course. They al 0 attended aca· Prusok aid. The sounds are studied tion on ways to continue the train· •.. and a ste!) is gained by these children learning speech reading. to lip reading by therapists, il1· trip beforehand in cia s with words demlc classes among groups their and felt. For instllnce, in the for· ing after the child has returned fo/"Wa~d valves an evoluation of the situs· and pictures. own age and r~ecived individual mation of the word "mother" the hom e.

I Wisconsin P.E. Professor Flood Gate Shut Author To Speak At SUI- Pay Scale Raises For All Builders °11 D 5 · U 5 5 ' . R WASHINGTON !A') - The Labor was $3.50 an hour. At Cora IVI e ami oVlet- .. upremacy ace D~partmc nt reported Monday the From mid·1958 to mid·J959 union To SpeQk 'Tomorrow Night mld·year average pay scale for pay scales for canst ruction work· lake Starts Rise Who will win the race for su· and to control Asia, Africa and Iall union bullding trade workers ers rose by 4.6 per cent, or an "Contemporary American and and allied fields. He has also con· average 15.<1 cents an hour. The premacy between America and South America. FATAL LANDSLIDE increase over the year varied from World Li[e - Implications for ducted research in the fields of The flood gate on the Coralville physical Education," will be the time and motion studiefand motor Dam was narrowed Monday start. Russia wi11 be discussed by Maur· After his recent Russian tour, TAIPEI, Formosa !A') - Sev· H to 17.4 cents for individual AM· topic oC Robert Francis, a profes· characteristics o£ mentally retard· ing the reservoir on its way up to ice Hindus, noted author just reo Hindus reported that Americans en workers employed by the Na· trades. ~or of physical education at the ed. the 680-foot conservatJon pool lev. turned from an extensive Russian "do not begin to understand the tionali t Chinese Forestry Admin· A breakdown o( pay rates by University o[ Wisconsin, Madison, Tn 1956 he was awarded a cita· el, offlcials of the Army Corp o( tour, in a free lecture at 8 p.m. gigantic development of Siberia. istralion were killed Monday by cities ~hows that the bricklayer in in Iowa Memorial Union, Wednes· tion £01' his outstanding contribu· Engineers, Rock Island, ut, said. Aug. 4 in Macbride Auditorium. which isn't a wilderness for exiles a land lide near Uan in northeast New York is at the top o( the day at 7:30 !l.m. tions as a layman to the National Work on recreation facilities and ,risoners but is Russia's Great FOl'masa. building scale. The third and last lecture in the Wild West, far richer than ours -?;;;;;;;;:;.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;:;;;;;r;;:~.;.--;;;;.~iiiiiiilii;;;;;;;;-.- Francis' lecture will be the {j. YMCA. around the reservoir has been . f t d ' th I AZ- senes ea ure In e summer- ong ever was." n!l1 colloquium to!lic of the summer A family picnic (or graduate stu· completed for this year. Boat Fine Arts Fe lival here, Hindus' ses ions sponsored by the Men's dents in physical education and ramps and parking facilities have talk will center on key issues in WATER SHORTAGE and Women's Physical Education their families will be l)eld at the been built. the world's hope for peace and Departments and the Department Old Finkbine Golf Course Aug. 5 Of(icials said the pool should fill security. The talk will be open to NAPLES, Italy fA' - A land· o~ Athletics. The talk is free and at 5:30 p.m. The picnic will be in about as days, according to the flublic and no tickets are need· slide Monday cut the Naples aque· the public is invited. sponsored by the Men and Wo­ long·time averaaes. 1L could be ed, according to Orville A. Hitch· duct, leaving nearly one half mil· Francis will discuss six areas men's Physical Education Depart· quite some time, howe\ler, before cock, professor of speech and Icc· lion persons without water. All ING! " <'.-r:' ':'!-: "'" and their implications to physical ments and the Department of Ath· reaching the 680-{oot intended lev· ture series chairman. Naples residential areas on the ., education. The areas are: mental leties. Tickets are $1.30 {or adults e1 unless the Iowa River Basin gets Hindus, author of 12 definitive water·front were aHeeted. health status of the nation; sta· and 50 cents for children and more rain in tho near future, of· books on Russia, will present facts City ~uthorities put 14 big wa· bility of the American home - di­ are available at Room 'JJJ7 in the (iciols said. on I¥Iw Ru ia, und l' Khrushchev, tel' tank trucks into emergency vorce rate changes; competition Fieldhouse. is engaged in a desperate race to usc. and disbeliefs among man - both CAR PRODUCTION outmateh America in industry, sci· Authorities said it WOUld take local and international; obvious IKE CHALLENGE DETROIT I.fI - Production of ence, agricullure and education 10 days to repair th'e break. and subtle pressures resulting {rom WASHINGTON I.fI - Two Demo· 1959 model cars i$ slowing down llperficiaJ knowledge about the cratic senators called on the and will end for almost aU lines atomie-cobalt·hydrogen era; stress· Administration Monday to spell within tWo or three weeks. • es resulting [rom economic dis· out what President Eisenhower Total domestic production last order, and the problem of youth. calls decent Carm legislation. week was 125,223 cars. A week State University .of Iowa CLEANED, PRESSED Francis joined the staIr of the ago production was 127,502 and in University of Wisconsin School of Eisenhower called on Congress the similar week a year ago it last week to pass "a decent Educalion Professional Depart· farm was 85,519. THIS WEEKI ment of Physical Edllcation in 1936. bill. " Fine Arts Festival He holds a Ph.D. degree from Sen. Stuart Symington, (D·Mo ..l. ..preMnts I Ohio State University, an M.A. told his colleagues Monday that degree {rom the University of "Congress and the people have Kirkwood RIT, A • MOTHPROOFING • MILDEWPROOFING Kentucky and a B.A. degree from the right to know what the A One Act Opera by Gutano Donizetti Ohio Northern University. President considers a 'decent' • "'lIilt-in" DEODORANT He has published various papers bill." Sen. Eugene McCarthy, <0- Kwik Kleen "nd in physical education publications Minn .I , joined in ,the challenge. . LOW DOWN PAYMENt .... celt, ..... QuIlty Service WESTERN ' CHI~D DAVIS COTTON· CARE , In Thre. Acts \ Governor controlled m0- • I.,.~ Dry I". \. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING c._ .. libretto by Paul Engl. Our special sizing process keeps the original tor, geared footage in\1iea­ • Shim Skdlfvlly Music by Philip B.nlanson crisp. finish and feel in your summer cottonl tor, pre· focused Lytar 'h' " Iou .. tlered p...... F:2.S lens! Takes all 1). ' .nd full ea.t - costum" - iCOnery - oreh.str~ LOCATED AC~OSS mount lenses [Of special e Com,.... &..unclry Tutsday, Wodn.5day, Frld"y, Saturd.1y R=:== NO, EXTRA COST I ~_lIIi.I ServIce tfIects! (Declic bandle op­ from Pearson', Dru". July 21, 29, 31 and Au.ust 1, "5' tional at extfa cosl.) See Acr.t. '""' N,.y.. Grecery MACBRIDE AUDITORIUM it todayl ( air concIitl_d) 1 So. Dubuque 315 E. Market 'Kirkwood Open Monday Night Tickets on sole Iowa Union East Lobby 'til 8 P.M. Open 7 a.m. to 6 p ••• Kwik' Kleen 9 : 00.S : ~O LOUIS DRUG Price: $2.00 111 So. Clinton Monday thru Saturday Box Office Phone X 2280- AII seats reserved 229 So. Dubuque