•’ r' )A Y , NOVlMBBlsi 1«, IMS' tfatubntnr CvnriMQ V m tt AVEBAfflB DAn-Y COCCULTIOIV aiialiSW THE WKATBKa Winter may bo juat around tbe Ur. Bowen la accordance with the Foroeast sf Q. g, Wstahar Banaa, ,?S corner but it baan’t yret touched the same plans. Hartford ABOUT TOWN garden o f Mra. E. S. Flack o f Bol­ FILLING STATION Selectman Uathios Spieai report ton Notcb. Thia morning her daugh­ ed that every merchant on the op- 5,828 I FEEL ■BiMr o f Om AnOt L y ^-^.'— ter, Hra. Ruth E. McCoombs, pluck­ 'te side of Ualn street from tbe Filr tonight aad Twoaoyt 1 JUhn Biaekatt. who lost a large to- Ivatlon Arm y citadel to Blaseil rsM of Obeolatlaas '4 ^ 0 0 shed by Are early this fall, to- ed two Tallaman roaea in the gar­ CHANGE OKDERED rising tempemtaN Tntodny. den. street was opposed to Ulowing the M ttsr with a large amount of to- gas station to have hav< four entrances LIKE HOME ALLIANCE and laths, has had a new shed because they w*ould eliminate sev­ and Carl Stoltenfeldt won flrat prize VOL. LV- NO. 42. (Oaottaod Advnrttolng oa ftgn It.). iKdlt. It Is three bents shorter than eral parking' placea. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) the previous shed. in bridge at tbe Manchester Green Selectmen Decide Original Chairman Sherwood G. Bowers A N E W PRICE THREE CBNin| ' S'* Community club's bridge and set­ reported that Town Counsel Wil­ i* back laat night. Mra. Mary Grozla- S M , Cart Benson is in Elizabeth, liam S. Hyde was of the opinion -#• dlo was second and John Douglas, Plan Must Be Followed by ■ fl . 3^ -where she is caring for chll- that tbe company could make the ^ e n of her sister, while she is In third. In setback Mra. Nelson was town pay the coat Involved in re­ MAN U. S. and Canada Sign Vital Trade Pact ’ £| Elizabeth hospital recovering flrst, Joseph Morrison, second and Contractor. turning to the original plan. BANK PLAN REDUCES Itom an operation. Mra. Alice Daurltzen of Hartford, Mr. Spless, who la also police Thanks to third. Harold Ross won the attend­ commissioner, promised the select­ STORM LASHES CO AS i " # ance prize. The fifth and final sit­ men that he would see that parking ' The second report meeting of the ting in the Thanksgiving series will The Atlantic Reflning Company, between the drives is aot prohibit­ OLD COMPANIES Rod Cross campaign committee will be held Friday evening of next eonstructlng a gnsoltne filling sta­ ed. BUDGET BY $100,000 be made by Captains from 3 until 9 week. A request for permission to build LEHIGH B'eloclc today in the drive headquar- tion at Main and Myrtle streets, a gasoline flIUng station at East waa ordered by the selectmen last Center and Foster streets was re­ t M , the office of R. J. Smith, Main Miss Helen Senkbell of Goodwin Boy, how I enjoy the eirtra night to complete the Job In accord­ ceived from the American Oil Com­ GABECODTOHATTERAS street All leaders are asked to By Re-Finaiidiig Part of street was the guest of honor at a pany which will ccnatruct it and Make their reports during the after- miscellaneoua shower given last ance with a plan approved by tbe sleep I get now. No more REFUNDING AIDS kioon or evening. Edward J. Holl, owner of the land. night at the home of Mr. and Mra. selectmen laat February calling for A public hearing on the request rising at dawn to fii the Town’s Indebtedness It William Sharp of Summit atreet. two entrances from Main street and will be held by the selectmen Tues­ Worst Nor’easter in Y c « s I The British-American Dart About 25 guesta were present. The not in accordance with the plan ap­ day, November 20, at 8 p. m. The furnace. OLD COMPANY’S TOWN NOW, ADDS Ijsague got away to a flying start Serious Damage Done Sharp home waa taatefully decorat­ proved last month by Building In­ plan for the station calls for two Would Be Possible to Strikes North Al last night All teams were strongly ed In a color acheme of pink and driveways on East Center street, LEHIGH ANTHRACITE yepresented and some good scores spector Edward C. Elliott, Jr., and blue and a delicious supper was Town Engineer J. Frank Bowen, each 30 feet wide. has every room in the house warm in the morning. IN T E R E ^ LATER Were recorded as Distillery took served. Miss Senkbell will be mar­ calling for four entrances from Effect 2.7 Mills Cnt m Tax Along State *s Beaches States— Millioiis in lm > Olenavon into camp by 4 to 1 and ried to Walter Sh'arp on Saturday, Main atreet. Uortadown defeated Llnfleld by 3 to December 14. We’re through with “ trick” fuels- 3. The standing: Distillery. 4 points; The permit for erection of the Rate— Boston Man Snb- es, Ships m Distress—Hl^^ station was Issued by the selectmen Bring Ypur Shoe Troubles in this family. I’ll catch those extra Rednees Necessary Appro­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS .^.tlde was the highest they ever had Portadown defeated Llnlield by 3 to The regular meeting of Enlghct to Cheney Brothers, owner of the To Us. Prices Reasonable. Ownera of shore property came to known. points; Qlenavon, 1 point. “ 40 winks” with OLD COMPANY’S miU Proposal Lodge, I. O. G. T., scheduled for to­ land. The drawing of the plan for priations $100,000 Year tbe Connecticut beaches today to In Old Greenwich nsnal High Tides BepojC^ night, has been cancelled. two Main street driveways was filed SELWITZ-DELL LEHIGH in my furnace. survey the damage wrought by the In bid Greenwich, in addition to In the office of George H. Waddell, ,Cor. Main and Pearl Streets gale and high tides which pounded considerable other damage, a 450 Dr. W. J. Field Is In New Haven clerk of the Board of Selectmen. * A plan by which the amount of the coast unmercifully yesterday foot pier was swept away from in ed— Gale Now B low i^ Last month a building permit was ly for 3 Years Bot In­ today attending a meeting of the money to be raised from property and laat night. front of the Greenwich Inn. Connecticut Ostcopalhlr association granted after Mr. Elliott approved Saturday Night OLD COMPANY’S LEHIGH taxation this year and the next Probabl.v no accurate estimate of Three Stamford residential sec­ Itself Dot at Sea. in Hotel Taft. the new plans and permiaslon to creases Interest $ the damage win be available for tear out gutters and curbs to make £>rui£..t / two years can be reduced by 1100,- 100,900 tions temporarily became Islands as way for the drives was Issued by several days but It is feared it will the tide flooded roads and fields. In SPECIAL Mncheater Assembly, No. 15, Read The Herald Adrs. 000 each year, waa proposed in a amount to many thousand dollars. Westport street department work­ By ASSOdAIVD PBBS8 Order of Rainbow for Girls, will go letter received Saturday by the By RICHARD MARTIN A police official in Westport last ers were drafted to aid in saving to Rockville Tue.sday evening, G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. The worst nor’easter in mow' finance sub-committee of the Com­ Tbe plan suggested by John W. night eatimated tlic damage In that boats which were dragging at Hot Turkey where they will exemplify their de­ Coal, Lumber, Masons' Supplies, Paint mittee of Fifteen from John W. Ag- town alone at "several thousand.” anchor In the yacht basin while years roared out to sea tod^r a tw 2 Main Street Phone 5125 Agnew, manager of tbe municipal gree before Hope Chapter, No. 60, Manchester new, manager of the municipal de­ Hundreds of small boats were police and firemen toured the ihore pounding the North AtianUe coast Order of the Eastern Star. Miss department of the First National Sandwich partment of the First National Bank of Boston for alleviating tbe wrecked at their moorings, larger roads, rescuing motorists whose with devastating fury from Geraldine Tenney of Woodbrldge - - TONIGHT- - Bank of Boston. tax burden this year and the next pleasure craft "drifted from their cars had stranded on the flooded With Potatoes and atreet will be the candidate. Cars approval of a trade pact of vast Importance to the United States and Canada here was concluded Cod to Cape Hattsras. 2.7 Mills Saving two years, if adopted by tbe town vWth the rignlng of the agreement by Secretary of State CordeU Hull, left, and Prime Minister Mackenzie anchorages and many were feared highways. will leave the Maaonlc Temple at “THE MOSTEST AND THE BESTEST” Seaboard States from IB Cranberry Sauce The saving of $100,000 in this will i^ u c e the annual appropriation King, center, shown holding the treaty, in the presence o f President Roosevelt, right, and a number of high loat, and at practically all Ckmnectl- In Madison there was two feet 7:30 sharp. A rehearsal has been (Apologies to the Old Maestro) year's budget, which will be adopted for bond payments and interest on cut beaches cottages were damag­ of water along a stretch of the Bos­ North Carolina suffered government officials gathered in the President's office. The agreement placea trade relations between the damage mounting into All For called for Monday evening at 7 at the adjourned annudi town meet­ bond Issues by $100,000 this year, two countries on a basis of mutual agreement for the first time since 1866. ed and flooded. ton Post Road in tbe Bkut River o’clock at the Temple. All officers ing Saturday will reduce tbe tax $100,000 next year and $91,000 the No personal injury or loss of life section. lions of dollars. 7 ^ brunt o f havoc was boms by the ___ and members of the choir are urged STOP!—LOOK!—EAT! rate to be laid next March by 3 and year after next directly attributable to tbe storm Several itrests in Mystic ware to attend. 7-10 mills. from Masaaehusstts Cape dowa 35< RAVIOLI TENDERIA)IN STEAK WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS From thereafter, to and including was reported. flooded as Uu tlda backed up tbs ths Virginia Caps. Mr. Agnew proposed that the 1659, it will Increase the same ex­ Westport, NIantic, Old Green­ Mystic river. Twenty-five cottages Suneet Rebekah Lodge members ALSO FRESH STEAMED CLAMS town borrow $100,000 on temporary penditures by a total of more than The freighter Florida With a nice glass of AND VEGETABLES HUALOFO(OATS wich, Stamford and Darien appear­ were Isolated at Willow Point there. safe anchorage In Hampton v e reminded of tbe regular meeting notes and use tbe money to meet $ 100,000. OPINIONS ARE DIVIDED ed to be the hardest hit. Traffic on Guilford residents told of waves Monday evening in Odd Fellows AND BIG, TASTY SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS _ . accompanied In ^ the coast.'i BALLANTINE BEER Interest Increase ths shore road at NIantic bad to lashing S t the eecond Story windows hall, when the guests of honor will TONIGHT cutter Sebogo. The ship 1 BALLANTINE’S ON DRAUGHT PERTINENT POINTS The refunding recommended by be rarouted when the tides swept of cottages at Sachem Head, Mul­ battered by ths heavy aeoi be past noble grands. A line enter­ TONIGHT ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE IN PARIS BEGINS berry Point and Vineyard Point, At “ When better beer is made, we’ll sell it” Also Ravioli — Spaghetti and Meat Balls him will not increase the indebted­ ON NEW TRADE TREAH over the highway. Two Niantio yesterday and last tainment program will be presented Excerpts from the letter wrtl- ness of the -town. The Increase in shipyards were Invaded by the high the Branford town dock waa under Tbs cutter then went to ths oM and refreshments served. Noble ARMORY TAVERN! water at high tide and Clinton re­ Steamed Clams — Oysters and Clams on the Half Shell. ten by John W. Agnew, manager coat will be entirely the interest water and the pleasure craft were of the three-master Unisa E. SSmt, ■ Grand Mrs. Marlon Straughan and paid on the bond issues proposeA ported waves 16 feet high. THE o f the municipal department of tilted from the dry-docics where in trouble off C m Henry with, a • Vice Grand Mrs. Grace Lathrop will And All Kinds of Sandwiches 2 — GOOD FREE PRIZES — 2 The amount of tbe increase will The Bridgeport area waa flooded the First National Bank of Bos­ President Says It WHH Double Three Men Charged With they bad been drawn up for the shifting cargo. 'The acboonsr -PRINCESS GRILL attend tbe supper and meeting of OAK ST. TAVERN ton. to the financing sub-commit­ be dependent on tbe rate of interest D .S. COURT TO HEAR anchored two miles offshore, AT at which the bonds are sold, respec­ winter. NIantic residents aald the (Oontianed ea Page Twe) Main and Pearl Streets Miriam Lodge of Hartford, when 30 Oak Street John Andisio, Prop. tee of tbe Committee of Fifteen; Aiding in the Assassina" cutter planned to tow her Into j the Rebekah Assembly officers are RAVIOLI "Frankly, I waa somewhat tively as follows: Bnsmess; Odiers See In It At Keyport, N. J„ a doekwe making their official visit. surprised to find your condition 3 per cent $94,500 TALMADGE’SSUIT was blown Into Raritan Bsy The deUclons home made much better than I had ex­ 4 per cent $126,000 tion of King Alexander. drowned. • kind. Also Spaghetti and pected.” 5 per cent $157,500 ’’Cold Comfort to the A t least 36 persons PYMANDER’S TAVERN The Interest rate of the laat bond 35 Oak Street Charles Reymander, Prop. Meat Balia, and onr famous "Your bonded debt Is not at all SANaiONS ARE APPLIED in automobile mishaps; flvs la Ng DRAMATIC READINGS prohibitive." issue marketed by the Town of Jersey, 17 In Pennsylvania Reduced-Rates On Italian Grinders. Manchester was SVi per cent American Farmers.” THE BEST EXPORT AND BLUE RIBBON ON TAP “Comparing your financial Higliesi Tribaul ADows Soil Alx-En-Provlnce. France, Noy. three In New Torii. authorized May 25, 1938, to refund 18.— (A P )—The trial of three The high Uds, rellsd asboro AT CHURCH SERVICE KINGSBURY AND condition with that of other Con­ a fioatlng Indebtedness of $800,000. PHOTOS Tonight—Steamed Clams necticut towns *** Manchester Croats, charged with aiding tl^ AGAINST ITALY TODAY the storm, caused most of the t The manner in which Mr. Agnew's Washington, Nov. 18.—(AP) —: to Be Piled Against Cot­ eriy damage. The Jersey HARVARD ON TAP! ••♦is somewhat above the aver­ plan will effect aimual appropria­ slayer of King Alexander of Y u ^ For Christmas Frankfurts and Sauerkraut age ••• not only considering After making public a reciprocal pturground of the east, was Passages from Channing Pol­ tions for payments and intereat alavia, started today and was inter- mu stretoh of wreokags. Ss your present but your future charges on the bonded Indebtedness trade treaty described officially "a ton Control Act. At lock’s “The Fool” to Feature position.” rijpted five minutes later when 51 Leagae Members Agree of New York city’s watsrffoat t The Best of Beers On Tap is shown in tbe following table. revolution” in commercial relations Georges Deabons, French defense FR. COUGHLIN RAPS ^vradated hy a tlda- rm m ^ North Methodist Program. "You will imdou*'tedly work Tbe annual costa under tbe prea- between Canada and the United ARMORY TAVERN out o f your present troubles sttoney, accused a Serb inteipreter twfaiav 306 Main Street ’ Vincent Binello, Prop. States, tbe New Deal watched close­ Weshlngton, Nov. 18.—(AP) — of attempting to "make the mison- ^The New Studio Rev. C. Homer Ginns will preach without too much diffleulty." (Oqntinned on Page Six.) ly today for the reaction of the coun­ to Pro?egt ImportatioD of Over the protest of tbe government, ehf cblnmlt eulclde.” ■ n X & r--' 9 Johnson Terrace a drama sermon tomorrow evening -4f try. ROOSEVEin PLANS tbe Supreme (3ourt today agreed to Deabons asserted one of the In- ed tbe storm ia . at 7 o'clock in the third of the SPRUCE ST. TAVERN that much of the llTd.OOO due this First comments showed conflicting terpretera was a "Jailbird who bad lialiao Goods and Stop Ex­ ttons o f the e est Photographs Up To $40.00 series of "Happy Hour" services, (• year on bond payments. Tbe same views. President Roosevelt, ex­ let Governor Eugene Tslmodge of Corner Bissell and Spruce Streets bean condemned by tbe Marseilles Early today, the aor’eastar I A Dozen. delivering selected dramatic pas­ procedure could be adopted during PRESIDENT DENIES plaining the pact to a largo gather­ Georgia file a suit attacking Con­ criminal courts." when he declined ed out to ima. Tba wind <' ing of newspapermen in tbe oval ports to Same Nation, sages from Channing Pollock's the next two years, he suggested. He stitutionality of the Bankhead Ck>t- to drop the subject, the presiding Radio Priest Tom s Away tho northwest. The ocm of the White Houae yesterday, "The Fool." further recommended that tbe town ton Production Control A ct Judge left tbe courtroom, followed itorro was whirling out The meeting will begin with the seek legislative permission from the said it would double the trade be­ by the three other Judges. Atlantle. south orNuitttd next Qenerai A m m b ly to refund APPEAL OF K. OF C. tween tbe neighboring nations In a Talmadge has been a frequent The trial opened with s eulogy by from New Deal; Says Pres­ Bntirs towns w e n tkx customary hymn-aing of old gospel critic o f the administration. By ASSOCIATED PRESS favorites. Special music will be pro­ the $800,000 in floating indebted- year or two. the court of King Alexander and Benito Mussolini's undeclared were Isolated oa the berrter hesidMff ATLANTIC nees, incurred under tbe plan, with On the other bond Fred Brenck- This was the flrst request receiv­ Foreign Minister Louie Barthou Which form much o f Now JeraeM-. vided by the Cecellon club under ed by the high tribunal from a atate war in Ethiopia met world opposi­ ident Broke ffis Pledges. No. 2 FURNACE OIL the direction of Thomas Maxwell. a bond issue spread over 30 years. mnn, Waahington representative of who fell at Marseilles October 9, and Long Island'a cooat Unas.'" Dance and Dine Tonight The possibility of relieving the Refuses to Investigate Al­ the National Grange, said at Sacra­ seeking to start original action In 1934, under' the fire of the assassin, tion today as the League of Na- oua oommuniUss reported * The full program of selections fol­ the Supreme Court against New Dimitrov Velltebko, who was slain 6c per gallon lows; tax burden this year by some mento that the treaty was "cold tiona' economic aancUons were ap­ toppled,' highways undsrmlaad method of postponing a part of this Deal legislation. Usually, cases are by tbe police soon after tbe shoot­ Detroit, Nov. 18—(AP) — Ths bosMwalks cut, "The Pilgrim's Journey", E. B. comfort to the American farmer," ing. plied against Italy. year’s appropriation for debt pay­ leged Religions Persecn- while Representative Brewster (R- started in lower courts u d brought Rev. Charles E. Oiugblln turned hla O ffidsl eetlmates o f tha damaflig:' L. T. WOOD CO. TUIaton; "The Heavene arc Tell­ WHAT IS AN AMATEUR. ANYWAY? here on appeal. Praises Prisoners At midnight, the program where­ were impossible before a cheek ~ ing", L. Von Beethoven; "1 Have ments, is being considered by Me.) said a reduction of duty on Ca­ by 61 League members agreed to Nations] Union for Social Justice sub-committee appointed by tbe nadian- seed potatoes, as provided in The high court already bad Deabons, in turn, "eulogised” the whatever havoc was wrought hy 1 Been Alone", R. I. Forman; "My It seemi thste are two kinds of humans — amateurs tions in Mexico; His Letter. prevent importation of Italian definitely sway from ths Roosavelt other high tide d u r ^ the Committee of Fifteen and oonslat- the pact, would be a flat contradic­ agreed to review a cose brought by prisoners, MIo KraJ, Zvonlmir Pos- goods and to stop exporting certain Pence I Leave With You” , J. V. and professionals. Ing of CoL William C. Cheney from Lee Moor, a Texas plantar, which pechil and Ivan Rajticb, as "vlo- administration today with an as­ Newspaper estlms tee, howi Roberto; "Rejoice the Lord Is tion of a Prosidential promise made raw materials to Italy went into ef­ CONRAN’S Just when does on smateiu' cease to be one and, like tbs Committee of Fifteen, Harold to the Maine Ck>ngresstonal delega­ affected the Bankhead Act. tims of the cruel, oppressive yoke fect. sertion that New Deal practices and ranged m m $1,000,000 to $16J King", L. A. Coeme; "Whispering 000. North Jersey shore a butterfly cmer^ng from its chrysalis, miraculously C. Alvord, treasurer of the Manches­ New York, Nov, 18.—(AP)— tion. But some attorneys contended it of Alexander and as Croatian war Italy, having already made prep- principles of bis organisation "ars Hope", C. Wllllard; vocal solo. "My ter Trust company, and George H. President Roosevelt has denied the could be decided without passing veterans who faced sbell-fire for the unalterably opposed." — r- appealed to the Fademl gove Heg,No.M-Z661 become a professional? Legislators eagerly delved into aratlona to combat the penalties for for repUr funds. Task” , Miss Ruth LIppIncott; piano Waddell, town treasurer. appeal o f the Knights of Columbus the treaty to see how it affected in the validity of the Act Itself. same holy cause as the Judgea.” Its Invasion In East Africa, which The militant priest, who support­ selection, Mias Luclle Brown. Tbe northeashwlnd swung to tkq- JACK and JILL CLUB Moot questioni Let’s skip it. His Letter for an Investigation of rell^ous their areas. Senator , O’MOboney Moor's Contention The courthouse resembled on the League has termed "aggres­ ed tbe candidacy o f Preindent Rooaevelt with the slogan “Roose­ northwest today, besting beck tba The Owner of the Anyway, no one need be more'than an amateur to Mr. Agnew’s letter follows; "persecution" in Mexico, with the ID., W yo.), one of the flrst to com­ Moor sought to compel the Texas sive," dleplsyed its "Implacable re­ *T have been giving considerable result that the Catholic order plan­ (OontiDued on Page Six) velt or Ruin," declared in bis regu­ furry o f the sea. But as a remindAr ‘ make an out-of-town telephone call. ment, expressed the belief it would and New Orleans railroad to trans­ sistance” to the santUona In a tbe gala left the North Atlaatifl' Above Named Auto­ thought to the financial condition of ned today to carry its cause to the port his cotton which had no tags showing of banners tbrougbout the lar radio address yesterday that *T SPECIAL ORCHESTRA public. benefit especially the Rocky moun­ cannot coniclentlously oulpport ths states their flrst real taste of wlat Just tell the operator the distant number and presto, tbe Town of Manchester since I was tain area. attached to show ho had compiled nation. mobile Will Receive 5 DANCE! In a letter to Michael H. Carmo- present policies of the New Deal, ter. Inland areas reported freezt|i( you’re there. with you on Wednesday of this with the Act. His petition was dis­ It had promised to treat other 6FC0lt ^ dy. Supreme Knight of the order, Other OpItUoDB. which to my mind, have degenen- weather and os much as 8)6 toiekal Highland Park Clubhouse Pay Us A Visit During the Week At Our missed by lower courts. Arguments nations aa they treated Italy. The Gallons o f Gas The cost? That’s real amateurish, too. For cxamplet “Frankly, I was-^gmewhat si the President said; While Henry F, Merrill, chairman ADDITIONAL G-MEN sted into practices hostile to the o f snow. Saturday, Nov. 16, 8:30 to 12 will be beard hero in Liecember Fascist Grand Council, which on New Restaurant and Bowling Alleys. prised to find your condition much "I decline to permit this govern­ of the Port of Portland (Maine) Au­ Saturday denounced tbe sanctions, sixteen basic principles o f social Shors Towns Tisksd Old Fashioned and Modeth Better than I had expected. In my ment to undertake a policy of Intor- thority, hailed the pact as "the with government attorneys par- Justice.” Ths Coast Guard euttsr Omtp waa to meet again tonight to study sent out from Boston, rsportad opinion your present difficulties ore ferenoe In the domestic concerns of greatest impetus given shipping on Uelpsting. NEEDED BY BUREAU details of Italy's fight against them Says He Was Wrong —FREE— Dancing. You can call HARTFORD from MANCHESTER for: the Atlantic seaboard In many Talmadge contended the legisla­ wind blowing bstwsen 86 and not the result of anjrtblng which foreign gmrernments and thereby and. It waa aaid In Informed quar­ Styling hla address an accounting you sre doing now, hut more the re­ Jeopardize the maintenance of years," E. H. Jones, Vermont conv- tion was "unconstitutional" and ters, to consider peace bfoposala miles an hour. Many BY CALUNG a t t h e peaceful oonditiona." of stewardship of bis organisation, were bit a 66-mile gUe. CcoM ' 10c— Station-to-Station (S minutes) at any hour BUSINESS MEN AND sult .of past years' financing. Your missioner of agriculture, said it was rendering tbe state’s farm rslaed In diplomatic contacts. he said today, I humbly stand be­ bonded debt, for instance, ia not at Mr. Roosevelt, reiterating bis ab­ would mean "Inestimable loss to lands “subatantially worthless.” It Italian troops guarded the Brit­ Guards on outer Long Island sKH '. 20c—Person-to-Person (3 minutes) at any hour horrence of religious intolerance, CmDinnigs to Demand More fore tbe American public admit the tide roM 18 feet above normal all prohibitive, but la maturing in Vermont agriculture."- operates two prison farms on wblch ish Embassy in Rome and the head­ I have been in error. Despiteto all made It clear that his refusal was Tbe Record Una motorahto Wlm^ FRANKLIN amounts substantially greater than The treaty signed Isst Friday by cotton is grown. quarters of other sanctlonlst coun­ promises, tbe money changer has WATKINS BROS., TONIGHT-RAVIOLI W O M E N K N O W ------those o f other munlcipaUties. Of not to be interpreted aa an act of ids, listing and stugglata, made a riffi Secretary of State Hull and Premier The Act imposes a tax on cotton, Fnods to Keep Up Stand­ tries, aa youths began demonatra- not been driven from tbe temple." tor tbe harbor at Hampton you r'total $1,614,000 bonds out­ Indifference. Uons denouncing the sanctions. OA8 BIG TURKEY GIVEN AWAY W. L. Mackenzie King o f Canada, ia produced in excess of a quota fixed Taking up numarlcally the sixteen with tbe Coast Guard cutter Iiic The importance of having clothes al­ standing, only $487,000 are refund­ Csrmod.v, in making public the an almost complete revamping of Between 10 and 11 O’Clock letter, said that the CathoUc order by the Department of Agriculture. “Down With England" prlnciplea of his union, Father go aa an escort and two other 1 ways neat and fastidious. They know, ing bonds, WHiile your balance rep­ the tariff structure between the two ard of Department. Some shouted "down with Eng­ Coughlin compared each with ad­ SPECIAL! SURPRISE! resents capital Improvementa, the had asked only for “investigation of ten nearby. STATION Robert K. Anderson too, the value of this low-priced, high th* righto denied American eltlzena nations. In oU, more than 800 land!” ministration policy, taking strong Tbe B. S. Hartwelaon, Boston ool>' Something New! Something Different! useful life of such improvements commodities are affected by the con­ O ener Center and Adams Sla. Funeral Director quality dry cleaning service. and pf the cruel oppression by that Some delay in application of the Issue on the subjects of money, Her, loat a man overboard, but ape. Between 8 and 9 O’Clock. should certainty be much longe? cessions. sanctions by certain countries was labor and agriculture. than tbe life o f the bonds issued to government o f Its own people, DAU(»TERACCUSED Washington, Nov. 18.— (A P )— parently waa riding out the storm^t Someone wins each day. Come Funeral Home, BALLANTINE’S BEER Cold Weather ^s Coming sought by the Borah reoolutira.” The United States granted cuts on Justice Department sources predict­ expected because of legal difficul­ The administration, be charged, The S. 8. Orizaba stood by.- pay for them. In other words, you 79 major articles, including reduc­ ties. Tbe Spanish government had supported a "slave wage” and not a la and register your car nnmbers i42 East Center Street PLAIN GARMENTS, DRY CLEANED AND ars paying now for schools which in The President’s .'eply, be stated, ed today that Attorney General Sebooner Safe Will it find you prepared with a radiator which has PRESSED-^aUed For and DeUvered...... OUC “expresses his unalterable opposi­ tions on tariffs on cattle, calves, Cummings will carry deraonda for not yet published Its decrees mak­ living wage in its relief work pro­ Tbe three-masted schooner I lllUff'i Offer Only Good At Tbis SUUob. tion” to tbe Borah resolutitm, which dairy cows and cream, subject to IN FATHER’S DEATH ing Uie economic penalties effective, grams. Policies of the Agricultur­ E. Kerr apparently waa safely Telephone: the right amount of Anti-Freeze in it? Why not'save (OoBttooed Od pRge Two) more '-'G Men' and new Jails to the Chairter Oak Tarern Small extra charge for fancy garments. called for Congressional determina­ quotas described as narrow; on four- President in an effort to block a re­ while the exact time of enforcement al Adjustment Administration, be anchored off Cape Henry, desplta a Office 5171 — House 7494 120 Charter Oak Street trouble and money by letting us fix you up now? A tion of the situation, and "declares year-old aged-in-the-wood whiskey, ported cut. by France was in doubt. said "only deceived the farmer with obtfUng cargo. But another sebooi^; frozen head or radiator will run into real money on a These sources said the Budge Bu­ Tbe economic sanctions were the the hypodermic needle o f the dole," er waa bunted off Naragansett r LAST DAY TODAY! Men’s Overcoats, Dry Geaned and he characterized-the A A A as repair job. Avoid this by using our (Oonttanied On Page Twe) (Oontlnaed on Page Six.) Y oaof Woman Pleads, Self reau has cut tbe appropriation re­ last of the meaeures against Italy after reports that It waa in 1“ nnd Pressed— Called For and Delivered ...... 50c Billy Sunday-isms approved by the League. Financial "economic hoaxing." Tho unreported tug waa tbei'P. quested by the Justice Department "Like a grotesque coUossiu this MEXICAN FIESTA for next y » ir by $1,000,000. aancUons, by which credit Is not ex­ Marvin, bound for Phlladelphls with;: 188 Proof Alcohol, 80c gallon. Prestone, $2.70 gallon. tended to Italy and business Is not administration stands astride the In view o f tbe revived inter­ Defense; Man Was KMed A demand for $350,000 worth o f one barge. [Wednesday, Nov. 20 Super Royal, $1.40 gallon. est in BU]]t Sundair’s unique Twenty-one sailors aboard the - epigraas, Hue to new "G Men" to aid tbe Bureau of (Ooattnoed on Page Two) (CooUnoed on Page Two) bti recent Highway Travel Light Investigation In enforcing new laws former submarine chaser, the 7B85, [Center Church House TOmOHT TOmOHT U. S. CLEANERS & DYERS death. The Herald_____ will print b j Blows r u b Shoe. leaped to safety when it was driven^ ;'the best o f them dally until was cut from the appropriation en­ COMPLETE 836 Main Street tirely, it was learned. ashore at Jamestown, R.'I. s u p p e r 5:S0 to 7:00. Phone 7100 they are exhausted. The Mary Patten and UttI*. PAGEANT o r MEXICAN Yet 6 State Auto- Deaths J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Silver, old Iron steamboats, sank HISTORY, 7:S0. Accent on ENJOYMENT iWben^^^ou quit U v l^ like the WIis, Va., Nov. 18.—(AP) — "O Men," has indicated hla men will Tears streamed down 31-year-old To Dig Up 2nd Skeleton - their wharf at Long Branch, N. J Two of the vlctiins were pedes- beries of "small town" banks, as were flooded. A train was dsralHM,- MEXICAN h a n d c r a f t s . As Usual An fense counsel told a Wise county 1 am preaching Although tbe weather was any­ authorlssd by the laist Congress, un­ by a washout near Riverbead, oB ela, Adnlto SOc. Children 3.1c. Alemite Winter Transmission and Differential Greasy for. the age ia trieas, W. C. Gray, shout 60, of Jury that the blows which UUed her When Sheriff Gets Time ^ ile h 1 live, I am Just recasting thing but Ideal for motortag less the added funds ars provided. Long Island, but there w en no travel on the atate'a highways was Bristol, who was struck crossing a father, Trigg Maxwell, were inflicted Dial 7SM for Reoervatlono v if VDcabulsiy to suit the people of Hoover’s man now invsstigato Na­ cosualUea. EXCELLENT FLOOR SHOW “ Save 50% On Tires By Baying Our Retreads.' Ught, there ware six people killed ia new Britain street Saturday night, in self defense when he attempted : On or Before November U. Are You The Lucky One? mg age Instead of'Joshua'a age. tional bank robberies. Deal, N. J„ reported that the aoSA , And ‘ Selected Stock of Used Tires. • e •" Conaectleut by automobiles dtnring and James R. Alexander, 68, who to whip her for staying out late. ' Prison Popolatlen Newton, Tex., Nov. 18—(AP) ‘'From all accounts," he said, “it tbe week-end-. A man died in a f u alw was struck Saturday night, Attorney A. A. Skeen told the A mounting prison population, Sheriff T. S. Hughes, claiming solu­ appears the woods around 'Scrap- (Continued on Page SIz.) BE AT THE TINKER TAVERN TONIGHT! 3S you took no more core of your- at Meriden to bring the total violent Jury she picked up a shoe from tbe tion of one flve-year-old murder pin' Valley bave become a grave­ •tlf pbyMeaUy than splrltusUy, while walking aeroas tbe Meriden- wblch reached tlw highest peak in FLAT TIRE OUT OF GAS deathS'tn the state ta>aeven. Kensington highway near bis home. floor and struck her 63-year-oId history during the past six months, mystery, said today be would dig up yard for men killed by whiskey Percy Nelson and his Night Hawks you'd be Just as drtsd up physically TREASURY BALANCE None of the fatal traSie accidents A car driven by H. B. Lewis, 60, fstbsr several times. is another worrying problem. tbe skeleton of another Scrappln' makers." Dial 4129 Dial4129 M yon are splrltuaUy. occurred later than earty Sunday of Bast Hartford, bit a light truck "N o father,” Skeen added, "has Valley victim "as soon as I have Sheriff Hughes said Vernon Wells, , ol * • • Both Sanford Batra, director of Washington, Nov. 18.— (A P)—ThS morning and no deaths were attri­ in Durham Saturday nIgbL Lewis the right to chastise a 21-year-old tbe Prison Bureau, and Attorney time." 28, had named hla father, tbP late FILMS 650*00 Door Prise Home is the place .we Idve beet buted to icy condition of the roads Pete Wells, as Ridgeway's slayer. position of tho Treasury on Novom-. Anything From a Bite Favorite Mixed Drinks Battery Trouble — Dial 4129 died Sunday and three others ate doi^ter.** General Cummings have expressed A Biysterious "Up" aaid, led to ber 15 waa; Receipts, $22.466,678,» ' OBVBIXIPEU AND Bad grumble the moet. . which prei^ed Sunday afternoon ha^W patients os a result of the Fnaseutlaa attomeirs said tbe azhumation of the akeletoD of a man Vernon Wells and bis brotber-ln- THE VERY FINEST STEAMED CLAMS and ovMilag. concern over crowded Federal 33; expenditures, 823.448,413414: PRIATBD * * * . young sehool teacher had on several prisona. idsnUfled as Richard Ridgeway, 40, law, Albert (Pete) Williams, were To a Meal! All of the victims wore men and from a grave in the middle of a charged with murder. balance, $1,476,778,297418. Custozagj 34-HOUK 8BHV1CB At Moderate Prices! i ‘Serving AO Kinds ^ n n e h e ^ A salooa-keeper sad a good Wilfred Groleau, Si, of New York occaaras threatened her father’s Orders to return the Fort Leaven­ receipts for the month, $HW71,tj toother don’t puli on the same rope. two, Charles B. WUson, 60. of East was fatally injured early Sunday life. Oomawowealth's Attorney highway where he allegedly waa Scrappln’ Valley, tbe sheriff said, Campbdl’s Service Station Hartford and Joseph la Rose, 16. worth Annex to tbe Army nmet bi^ed alive five years ago—al­ waa an isolated area wblch got its 860.01. Filai Ocposit Box At AND THE BEST OF BEERS morning when B car in which be Fbad B. Qreear said Maxwell was July 1 wUl further curtail the Prison Receipts for the fiscal year (stocS; lot o f jNibple, from the way of Mlddletawa, ocreen from a rear door. He land­ eeveral occasions that she was going id tlw parked antomo- ed bead flrqt on a concrete sidewalk administration, will be carried to would sxbums It as soon os he could valley who bad never seen a train, 656,881,29849, an increase o f $ 0 ,8 ^ WHERE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIMBI Mala and Bfarch Streeta. tdiiBmoet bMotelheyNre started. the President with tbe demand for IdJa. B o a suffered fatU lqJurles. and died frani a fractured sfcnB. rotiirn from a murder trial At Hous- beard a radio, or seen on riectrie 686.00 over ths prevloas dsy. Gold ADVERTISE IN THE HERALUM? PAYS I aa Pace ffis.) im ort *;0 M m -, tt was isvntd. toe. light. AsssU) |$^7«6,677.Maa4. - i n W-T’ iHAHiVHtSSTBH CVBNINO RJCRALD. MANOHBBTBR. OONR^ MOmYAr/RDTCMBBR 18,1888^ I TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OOMN^ MONDAY^^NOVEMBER 18,1988, PAGE

ters of town govsniment with prMidmt o f the orgaiitxatien wbloh DOM Df THB OBAVB th* us* of telephones in their res­ which to contend. pleaded guilty to vlolatliig a local late plunge tor man will Mlow tke leen MeOIoas. was IdUsd yesterday BANK PLAN REDUCES was rsesntly resigned by Mrs. Har- HE DUO FOE ANOTBHS pective offices tor Private toll calls. RADIO SINGER EIUED when tha automobile in which she Describes ESCAPES AJbovo A ysn go ^ d Fatric. CHENEVSANNOUNCE ordinance pn>hlblUu the discharge gym period. FINDS DRlTDiG TOUGH ROCKVILLE 0ODRTTESHMONY Tuesday ^ TELEPHONE TOLL Of course, where a^rsonal toll call waa riding collided with a milk "In the mattar of oonparing your o f firearms In the 'Town o f Man­ Teroenteaoyjr Bint Waatad Lenexa, Has,, Nov. 18.— (A F) N. Y. Stocks Is put through by either a town of­ truck. BUDGET BY $100,000 financial condition with that of oth­ Anyone having a bill in rti,'ard to —Walter Cole, 45, a sexton, died chester. The men's volleyball period will er Connecticut towns, I would say A bullet from a .33 calibre rifle start at 6 o’clock. The women’s ficial, employee or outsider the coat IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT Mlsa Wells was returning to her ONWAYFROMSTRAC ‘^MIVRKSINWAR the Tercentenary celebration is In a grave be dug for another. o f said call shall be turned over to that if all Connecticut municipali­ Fearful he would not finish the Adams E x p ...... 9 (( PROMOnONSINMni owned by (tonistrlno and being used swimming cissies will meet as fol- CAIXSTOBECDT home in Jersey City from on'' en­ asked to present it at once, and it is INVOLVES GRILL vs: 7:00 to 7:45, B egins; 7:48 the town treasurer." gagement on Long IilanA Richard (CMUoaed from Pat* On*) ties were divided Into thrae groups planned to dispose of all remaining grave in time for a scheduled Air Reduo ...... ; ...... 172 for target practice at the home of - ■> Robert Perretto at 189 Maple to 8:30, Intermediate. J. (yostello, pianist of the Peter von , i — — Manchester would be well up in the BETTEKnUIS GROUP money at the next meeting which burial, he worked furiouel3r--.ira- Alaaka Jun ...... isv^ Jersey a ty , N. J., Nov. 18.— (A P) Local Man Hit Deep Snow seeond group, or somewhat above ttl he threw out the last shovel­ Allegheny ...... 2% street, broke a window in the home The Blast Sides will practice Spun glass Is the Invention of the —Kathleen Wells, 24-year-oId radio ateeden orcbeatra, with which Mias all probability will be In use fifteen will be called within two weeks. Route from Footbidl Game-s: B ebit Doctor, Goest of Ki- the average financial condition; ful of dirt and died of heart dis­ Allied CTiem ...... ,..1 6 6 of Joseph Lombardo at 132 Oak basketball from 7 to 8 o'clock. The Venetians. soprano, whose real name was Kath- Wells was appearing aa a soloist, or twenty years from now. that is, not only considering your Bills should be sent to the Treasurer J. Fred Van Ne»Na^ tioiir Claim Tkey Consumed street Saturday afternoon. He was Atlas will practicefrom 8 to 9 CoiBinittee of 15 Finds Town was driving her home. Saw Many Crashes. . • MEETING TONIGHT Maurice Spurling or chairman ease. Am Can ...... 144 "Your tax collections are fair, but present but your future position, as sqw arrested shortly afterwards by Po­ o'clock. The Polish-American Club Mayor George Sebeets. It Is ex- -«1 Am Oorol A l c o ...... Both be and Wallace Zima, driver waiU Qnb Today, Telit with your levy for this year amount­ I feel that you will undoubtedly Am Home Prod 3TV4 liceman Michael Fitxgerald. II practice from 9 to 10 o’clock. ot the truck, were held on technical ing to ({,088,861 we roust assume peeted that thera will be a balance yet Soperinteiilent; Suc­ Piys Too Modi in Extras Frank J. Miller ot 687 Center" work out of your present troubles Organizations Interested In Am Rad 8 t S ...... 21H ' Beer Early Sonday — Car Joseph Arson, 65, of 146 South The Model Airplane C3ub will meet chargea ot homicide. that your entire uncollected taxes of without too much difficulty. More Chiid Welfare to Rend Rep­ left as the result of the generous Main street, arrested Sunday at at 7:30. street, returning yesterday from tha (612,303.70 are suimlus. Breaking contributions of those solicited by Am Smelt ...... e iv i Mlsa Wells began her musical Exciting Storiei. dsflnita comparisons are difficult, as Am Tel and Tel ...... 150 ceeds Late E. F. BaOsieper. 1:30 a. m., on charges of intoxica­ Wedneeday Colgate-Syracuse football gams, up this levy of (1,088,851, we And resentatives to Gathering. Lebbeus F. BIssell of tbs Finance '■ Drirer Arrested. tion and breach of the peace at his The men's life-saving class will for Official Bnsness. career in the choir o f S t Patrick’s no two municipalities, any more Am Tob ...... 107 that (620,851 Is for general budget than two Individuals, can be com­ committee, the income from the sou­ Local Stocks home, was sentenced to Jail for 30 meet from 7 to 7:48. Roller skating Roman Catholic church tn Jersey had one ot the toughest 18 hours o f Am Wat Wrka ...... 21% expenditures and the balance of pared to. eaeh other. Physically * RbekvIIIe,' Nov. 18,-^Thers will be venir booklet, the profit from the days on each count. He waa sent to in the gym starting at 8:30. Ad­ City. Six yeara ago she made her driving in bis experience. He left A t tba end of their weakly lunch- (459,000 Is for debt service. It a meeting this evening of represent* Tercentenary ball, the sale of Ter­ Anaoonda ...... 3314 Clifford Oicney, plant manaffer jail two months ago on similar mission includes checking. Aa one means of reducing t radio debut over station WHOM. as and economically, they are unallke. Armour, lU...... 4 % A* a result of testimony given In Syracuse at 3:45 p. m. yeeterdSF V n In the Mancbeiter Country club would seam to me that this latter However, taken on an average. It atives of various organlMtioos in< centenary eeale and the generous of­ (Famished by Fotaom A Oe.) of Cheney Brothers announced tp- charges. A public setback party xvlU be annual expense of town affairs t "Ima Whom, the Mystery Girl'’, and arrived in Manchester aoriFr Central Bow. Hartford. Conn. Atchison ...... 64 .PoUee Court this morning In con- tM« nooii, manibara of the Kiwania amount Is really out of all ratio to would seem that your expenditures tcrestsd in Child W sifart and the fering at the pageant day that J. Fred Van Nesa of (17 Improper Reglstiatloa held at the West Side Rec on Cedar Committee of Fifteen will recom­ later joined the staff of Station this morning after battUng d*sp ' debt service of other municipalities. arc about as low in ratio as any promotion of Better Films. This Eastom Star Meeting Auburn ...... 3TVG hbctloB with a trial for drunken Judgment was stmpended in the atreet. Play will start at 8 o’clock. WOR, Newark, and then became a .etiib llatened to stories of expeii- Bouth Main atraat and John Q. Rsh- driving, the State Liquor (tommls- mend to the Board of Selectmen snow nearly all the way and h a ^ ' Recommendation Connecticut municipality; while Better Films oommlttss was firet The regular meeting of Hoi 1 P. M. 8 toeks ______8 % case of Qanl Myslim, «35, of ' New Cash prizes will be given. featured entertainer with the Na­ involved in a slight accident near , afieas In Arabia with Colonel Law- Balt and Obio ...... i b h inson of 4 Lincoln atreet had been ' stoo svill be Informed that four xvlt- that it prohibit the use of town tele­ "For this reason it is my recom­ your valuation and tax rate cannot organiMd last June and it is ax* CbapUr, No. ( 0, O. B. 8 . wiU K York City, arrested at 10 o'clock Dance Attraction tional B'oadcaaUng Company. the Connecticut-New York line. sea, tn Palestine with Oeneral Al- be considered excessive. Bank Btooke BandU ...... \...... 31H promoted to suparintendant and aa. nessea declared they consumed beer Saturday night on a charge of oper­ Friday, 8:30 to 12:30. Dancing in phones for personal toll calls unless Amonig others she appeared on mendation that you issue temporary peoted that esvsral more organiaa. held on Tuesday evening in Masonic the person using the phone reim­ Nearing Avon, Miller picked 'm ;; o f parroti^ escaping iqurdsr "As you know, I am ordinarily tions will be present at the meeting Hall. At this meeting the Assem­ Bid Asked Beth Bteel ...... bom aiatant auparintcadent, reapsetlv*'- after midnight In Jacob Laufer'a ating an automobile with improper the gym to the music of Dick Ben- the Showboat, Fibber McGee and the driver of a car which had skifl.' JttSa hands o f Tories several times notes to ths extent of ( 100,000, Cap Nat Bank * Trust 18 19 Beth Bteel, pfd ------,,1 8 0 ly, of the Cheney velvet dapartment, BUxrer Grill at 1007 Main street registration. He told the court be burses the town. using this monay to pay maturing against the Issuance of funding or to be held in Room 18 at the gykes bly of Rainbow Girls of Manchester venutl and his orchestra. Molly and the Jack Pearl programs. ded into the side o f the road oM - the war and other edven- refunding bonds, but In your case It Oonn. RIvsr ...... 480 Borden ...... 26V th e promotlma ware mam to flu Sunday morning. had purchased the car he waa driv­ The committee feels that tele­ She also appeared in vaudeville as bonds, with the intention of apply­ Memorial school this evening at (rill put on thair Initiatory de- phones in the Municipal building, carried him to the nearcot psysIchuL Auaf, told by Or. Eldwin fit. John would not sceiVi fair to pay In one First Nat Bank ...... 90 Can Pan ...... 12H the vacancy caused by the recent I A change made by the last Gen­ ing when arrested at 2 o'clock that "The' Golden Masked Singer” , and W ai^ it. D., F. A. C. S., chief sur- ing to the legislature for permission 7:30 o'clock. grati. All ntambara ara urgad to ba the police station and others for Miller witnessed several bad aeeh-’’ or two years for the mistakes of The purpose of the committee is preaant. Rafraiihmanta will ba Htfd, Oonn, Trust . , , . BT Case (J. I.) ...... 11114 death of Edward Balllieper. Sr-" eral Assembly in the liquor law pro­ afternoon in New York and thought In several motion picture shorts. dents In the nearly 300 miles. '' n a n at the American hospital to to Issue refunding bonds maturing hibits the sale or consumption of arrangements for transferring the which the town pays, are used con­ for the next twenty years to a Ilka the past, accumulated over a long to secure better moving pictures for larvad by tlia aoolal commlttaa. Hartford National .... IIU Oerro De Pasco ...... 60V4 Horaea Leamad of Hamlord Road HOSPITAL NOTES iM ruL period, especially In view of the fact Phoenix Bt. B, and T , . 190 Ches and Ohio ...... 52 >,4 has also been advanced to assistant Uquor after midnight and at any markers had been made. siderably for toll calls other than on The wives of the visitor and of C. amount. At the same time I think the children of this vicinity. The Lnrga Attandanaa at Fanaml Mme on Sunday. Th,. old law pro­ official business. It would be well to have permission that It docs not appear to me that committee states that tbs pictures Insoranoe Bteeks Chrysler ...... 89 superintendent of the piece dyeing, n ^ o r a Watkins, whose guest he It will be necessary for you to Issue Tbara wara more than 200 per- printing and finithing departments. hibited the sale, but permitted the Mrs. Martha Heyn of 86 Walnut The vote passed by the Committee to Issue (100,000 refunding bonds shown In this vicinity are of a Aetna Casualty ...... 94 (toes Cola ...... 896 street, Lewis Phelps of Andoxrer, laaa today, were schoolmates at bonds for any major improvements aoni, Including elty and town offt- Aetna Fire ...... BBU Cot Carbon ...... 99 Mr. Von Ness has been assistant , continued consumption after the was; Smith College. payable In the same manner. In very undesirable type and it la the elali who attended the funeral of tclosing hour.. . OPEN GE0RGE3 TAVERN Charles Winchester of 106 Summit "Tliat we recommend to the each of the two following years. 1 such as the building of schools for Aetna Ufa ...... (4H (tol Glas and El ...... 15 to Mr. Baiisiener for a number «* K L .A I the b a n n in g of the World a number of years, in other words, object of the group to secure inter­ Counetiman Arthur R. Nawall, 74 years and has been employed ifi the ..- After the witnesses had repeated- street and Mrs. Eric Anderson and Board of Selectmen that a vote be believe this ( 100,000 would repre­ esting, educational pictures, which Automobile ...... 89 ii Coml fiolv ...... 21 infant son of 33 Benton street were W— thw e {War, the doctor was in Germany. if refunding bonds ars Issued all of Park atreat, Rockville on Sunday, velvet department since his return ~|y staM that beer was consumed in passed by said board prohibiting the ~ A t Wa ttme be crossed a desert sent a saving of approximately two the audience, made up mostly of Conn. General ...... 88V4 Cons Gas ...... 34 >4 TOMORROW MORNING discharged Saturday. approval of any telephone toll general Improvements should be Tha aarvleea were held at the Roek* Cons Oil ...... B14 from the World War. the Silver Grill for about an hour FlaMhI MUCH COLDER JWith t t students to escape from the and one-half mills on your tax rate children, will enjoy. Hartford Fire ...... 71 after midnight, Judge Raymond A. Earl n eld of 75 Oak street waa ad­ charge item unless the person or paid for ou( of the tax levy of the villa HatbodUt ehurch with Rev. Hartford Steam Boiler 78 Cent Can ...... 98 >4 John Robinson has been in tea iTiunfs. In his activities as a Red and yet the refunding would not In year they are Incurred. Reports of the work done so far Charlai 8 . Johnion. paator officiat­ employ of Cheney Brothers from 'Johnson Instructed Assistant Prose­ mitted and Mrs. Edith Shenntng of persons responsible for said depart­ iCroBs physician during the war he my opinion seriously affect your will be given, suggestions offered, National Fire ...... 71 Com Prod ...... 70 cuting Attorney (toarles S. House 183 Wadsworth atreet, Mrs. Mary ment satisfies said hoard that the "If we can be of any assistance ing axalatad by Rev, John Pierce of Phoenix Fire ...... 89V( Pel Lack and West ...... 15% boyhood and has worked In the vel­ New Owner to Serve Same *worked alongside of the famous credit standing. to you whatsoever, please do no. and a general diseusslon as to the Stafford. Mayor George BcheeU vet mill for 16 yesri. Eight yea/d to nmify the State Liquor (tommls- Sumlsloskl of 6 Buckland street, toil call related to town business, TOmCHTfillDTOIIORBOW! Aawrence of Arabia. Travelers ...... fiSB Du Pont ...... 144% Beers at Same Low Price Mrs. Arthur SmacbettI and Infant In the event that the Legislature hesitate to call upon us. future plans will take place at the and t«n of Mr. Nawall'a aaaoolatea In ago he was placed In charge of the slon o f the testimony and supply and be It furiher recommended that * Nine doctors from Manchester at- would not give you permission to is­ mealing. An Invitation haa bean Public Utllltlea Btoeks Eastman Kodak ...... 172 the names of the witnesses. That Won So Much Patron­ daughter of 25 Moore atreet and all departmental beads discourage "With kindest regards, the Chty Council wore among thoie Elec and Mus ...... 7 weaving planning eccUon of the Jtended the meeting. The attendance sue the refunding bonds, you could "Very truly yours, extended to anyone interested to at­ Conn. Elec aervioe . . . 63 Fonnd Guilty age. Mrs. Earl Carron and Infant son of preienl at the lervlce. Conn. Power ...... 4TH Elec Auto Lite ..,, scheduling department of the velvet priss, donated by Rev. Elmer fall back on your surplus of uncol­ "JOHN W, AONEW, tend the meeting. department In the main office, Alfred Morin. 41, of Eagleville, 43 Church atreet were discharged \SSfM OJfP»nii\ WARDS STAGE There waa a prayer eervlce at Greenwich, WAG, pfd. 63 Gen Elec ...... TOenes, was won by Dr. F. Forbes lected taxes to take care of the "Manager Hona of Legion Card Party Horace B. Learned baa worked tn who was being tried for drunken Sunday. Sushnell. the home preceding the church Hartford Elec ...... 68 Gen F o o d s ...... Everett Glenney of 23 Peari MM Nt. I,WO 5M notes. If they do give you permis­ "Municipal Department." The Bona of Legion will hold a the broadgoods dyeing and flnlshlllg driving when the other testimony Announcement Is being made to­ eervlce. Rev. Pierce, a friend of Mr. Hartford Gas ...... 49 Gen M o to rs ...... was given, was found guilty by street was admitted today. sion, a percentage of the surplus public whist party this evening In Newell'x for more than forty yeara, departments since entering the eta- day of the opening tomorrow morn­ SALE WIRTEI could also go to lower your tax do., pfd...... 63 Gillette ...... Judge Johnson and fined (100 and OO-BOfifiF, OO-BOBSV the a. A. R. hall. There will be gave the eulogy. Mm. Emily Met­ plsy of (toeney Brother* in 198(, ing of George's Tavern, at Oak and rate. prizes and refreshments. The pro­ S N E T C o ...... 128 134 Gold Dust ...... costs. His attorney, Irwin I. Krug Cottage streets, under the new own­ CRACKERS IN BED DAUGHTERS OF UBERTY calf, former aoloiat at the church Manufacturing Stocks Hershey ...... of WUIimantlc, notified the court Princeton, Ksis.—C. R. CrimblCi AITO REEIS! ; Maoon, Oa —W. Grover Anderson My strongest recommendation ceeds will go towards ths work of cang two of Mr. Newell'i favorite ership of Matteo CivHello. Mr. nem to you, however. Is to have your ths organization. Am Hardware ...... S3 S3 Hudson Motors ... that the verdict would be appealed (Jlvltcllo will continue to serve the who was 1(K) years old ’ yesterday, p e a t late the woods in search of a hymna. says one of his favorite diversions charter amended to establish a To Observe Foresters Night Am Hosiery ...... — 28 Int Harv ...... TO AWARD FINE PRIZES j to the Superior (tourt and a bond of same grade o f ales and lagers that Most motorists in this vieinito Maaiiig cow and, since it Is hunt- INSTAU TOMORROW Following the rellgloua service Arrow H and H, co m .. 3B|^ S7| lo t NIek ...... (300 was furnished for the appeal. is a midnight meal of cheese and ST* alrssdy well oeqaaintsd with tW eaaeon, tooh his shotgun. Board of Ftnghce of three members. Foresters Night will be observed officer! of Fayette Lodge, A. F. A attracted so much patronage to the Your present set-up Is somewhat do., pfd...... 107 — Int Tel and Tel , . . ' ' Morin waa arrested at 1:45 a. m. crackers and a mug of beer. Mwitgwnsry Wards eoai|^*to ; s e tound the cow and started by D Court Snipsic, Foresters of A. M. of which he was a member ‘''Sunday by Policeman Winfield Mar­ tavern under the ownership of ADHESIVE SEALEX unwieldy, and while your town offi­ America at their meeting this eve­ Billings and Spencer,, It l^! John! ManvlIIe , . , AT WEDNESDAY GAMES George England. He will also Btoeks xnd splendid valnss in lapis, leading It by a rope. A part- oonduoted the Masonic service. The Bristol Brass ...... 68 70 Kenneeott ...... tin after his automobile bad backed fldgs flew up. Anderson dropped cers are l)V>dIing {he situation in a District Deputy Mrs, Martha ning. This Is an annual event and serve the same large glass of beer tlwjk Anln Supply Depsrtmsntt commendable manner I feel, never­ bearers wdre Ernest Backofen, Ro­ Case, Lockwood and B, 178 —• Lehigh Val Coal .. from the curb opposite the Silver A tale of'-emd westtier ante ths rcTO. fired, hit the bird and re- Cranston of Hartford to Re It la expeoted that there wlU be a land Usher, former Councilman ^aul Committee Arranging for 8t, Grill into a car being driven south at the low priee which has attracted theless,,' that three men handling largo turnout of members. Collins Co...... 120 — Lehigh Valley Rd . so many customers to the place. needs right st this tinm will an. tpleaad U from a nearby field. Installing Officer Here. Mengc, Councilman Charles Under­ Llgg and Myers B by Joseph E. Grigolat of 113 Sum- LINOLEUM your finances could do a much bet­ The regular meeting will start at Colt's Firearms ...... 48 '4 7 .lumen’s Hail Party Gets Fine Mr. England Is unable to continue donhtsdiy b« “ warmly' j^^Marsen U looking for the cow ter Job than your Board of Select­ wood, Dr. Martin Metcalf and'Su­ Eagle Lock ...... 26 28 Loew's ...... iher street. sight o'clock and will be followed by Coopenitlon. Sold Wife Drove ownership of the tavern because of — mwww— ^ e d . Among th* nmOBNUisatslilJn- man which has so many other mat­ perintendent of Publlo Works Fafnir Bearings ...... 80 — Lorlllard ...... Daughters of Liberty, No. 125. a pitch tournament, the first of the George B, Milne. The defense, supported by the the time his meat and grocery busi­ Ladles Loyal Orange I.odge, will season. Refreshments and a social Fuller Brush. Class A . 12 14 Mont Ward ...... Mrs. Eileen Strange, chairman, testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Morin ness at Spruce and Eldridge street saves you money seat Its new officers at a meeting hour will follow. George Hammond Dlaehafged In Court Gray Tel Pay Station. 19 21 Nat Btsc ...... and her committee In charge gf th* and Mr. and Mrs. George Dore, also requires. The taVem at Oak and tomorrow at 7 p. m., In Orange and CharlcaAVlIleke arc In charge of Armando Perretta, 22. of 83 Shul- Hart and Cooley ...... 110 — Nat Cash Reg .... weekly card party Wednesday pight ot Eagleville, claimed that Mrs. Cottage streets was the first licensed tas Place, Hartford was discharged N ow we can lay a fine inlaid linoleum floor hall. Ths Installation will be In the refreshmenta. Plans for the Hartmann Tob, c o m ... — 4 Nat Dairy ...... Morin was driving the car. Police­ In Manchester and proved popular by Judge John E. Flak In the Rock­ at at. James's parish hall, are meet. charge of District Deputy Mrs. winter activities will be discussed at do., pfd...... SO — Nat Dlftill...... man Martin stated that Mr. and from the start. in from 2 to 3 hours— ready for immodioto TWELy SPECIALS AT ville City Court on Saturday on the Ing with generous cooperation ,ln Martha Cranston of Hartford. the business session. Int Silver ...... 20 22 N Y Ontral ...... making their arrangements, ena- Mrs. Morin told him after the acci­ Mrs. (Svltello, xvife of the new pro­ charge of speeding. He was In an do., pfd...... 73 76 NY NH and H ____ New 1>luecofil uie— and at a big reduction In coitl Ask us Mrs. Lily MeCaughay will con­ Parent Teachers Meeting Wing them to award beUsr playing dent that the husband was the driv­ prietor is an excellent chef, and an tinue an worthy mistress. Her asso­ The Ellington Parent Teacher As­ accident on Saturday evening. No­ Landers, Frary A Clk. 48 60 North Arocr ...... er and Mr. Grigolat said that when nouncement will be made later of CLIFFORD'S vember 9th op the TalcottvlUe road, prizM. oil about the new Adhesive Sealex Linoleum. ciate officers will be; Deputy mis­ sociation will hold Its postponed New Brit. Mon., com .. 17<4 10', Packard ...... he got out of his car Mr. Morin was the menus that will be served at the Heat Regulator t IL M BaiMf Waal when the automobile he was driving do., pfd...... 85 — Penn ...... For Instance, tht First National standing oh the driver's side and tress, Mrs. Ellsabath House; chap­ meeting this evening tn the Elling­ Stores have donated five pound* of tavern. See the sparkling new patterns In our Floor> lain. Miss Lucy Clarkson; recording ton Town hall. Two plays are to left the highway and overturned. He Mann A Bow, Class A 9 B Phiia Rdjg C and I Mrs. Morin was on the other side maintains even, healthful tcarmth AUTOMATICALLY Anti-Freeze coffee for a door prize; Bryant 6Bd secretary, Mrs. Elliapcth Caverly; said his car was crowded oft the do.. Class B ...... — 1 Phil Pete ...... Of their ear. Covering Department. Come In todoyl KWCEEBS be presented In connection with Na­ road. caiapman. the We*t Side and Bhady Fill up now with Wards financial secretary. Miss Lily tional Book Week, the first being North and Judd . 33',t 851 Pub Serv N J ...... None of the four occupants of the # Oon\ riik Brins in tn nnerenly bested home— Ma n ias MlAI Boga* Oardnroy Recover Stolen Auto Niles, Bern Pond ,.,. 27 '29 Radio ...... Glen dairies will fum iih cream and Morin car were able to account for yon're ssmbling with family health. Pby ufe—put Suprsma Quality Anti- Mathews; treasurer, Mrs. Martha "The Book In the Woods" and the coffee for th* coffee n e^ed for the an empty beer pitcher, three small Recreation Center $ Lsemon; lecturers, Mrs. Martha An aiitomobllo owned by Albert Peck, Stow and Wilcox 6 7 Rem Rond ...... in a ‘bine coal’ Heat Regnlalor. Then yonll be rare Freexe. Non ovi^rating second "The Story Book Before the large gathering expected. Th* Baren goblets and a bottle ptu'tlally filled Bell, Mrs, Jana Irwin; conductresses, Judge", both being given by chil­ Ncwniarker of 164 Grove street Rus.sell Mfg...... — 25 Rey Tob B ...... o( even, beallblol warmto at all timet. Thii elecui- $1.59 to $1.95 ... non-rusting I (jne Fill­ eoff** for ••fving will alae h* a with whiskey v’hlch the policeman Items of Interest per sq. yord inttallsd Mrs. Margaret Bain, Mrs. Mary dren. which waa stolen from Sohool street Scovill ...... 32 li 34 < Safeway Stores eally operated Regnlator tentet temperature changes ing lasts all printer and GAL. on Saturday night while the owner Stanley Works ...... 84(4 S6 >. SehanlM D ls ...... gift from a Hartford Brm. found In the car, although the offi­ Conn; Inside guard, Hisa Mary Mc- Ths east for the two plays is as cer testified the pitcher was on the and automaticatty opens or dotes the furnace damp­ you can rtusa it yoor af­ Cougbey; outside guard, Mrs. Annie follows: Judge Adams, John Artna; was attending a motion picture Standard Screw ..,., 118 — Ceara.Roebuck ,,,, Priie* tn bridf* and »etback will Monday ers, It keeps year home at a censlant temperature do., pfd., guar, ..,. 102 — Shell Union ...... b« five dollar* for the high *eor«ta, back seat where the Dores were sit­ ter yearl Sams kind of Perrins; trustees, Mrs. Annie Don­ ClndrcUa, Eleanor Bsrgh; Alladln, show was found early Sunday morn­ ting. The men's boxing class xvlll be day and night—and tsvet fnel, too. Coiti only (18.95, Other Wool Knlofceri $1*17 ing at the com er of Lawrence and Smyth Mfg. Co...... 80 — Sooony V a c ...... (2.50 for the second and (1 for th* protection as high priced nelly, Mrs. Qeorglna Tomlinson. James Patrick; Princess, Helen Dr. LeVeme Holmes, who exam­ held from 7 to 8 o'clock. The wom­ pins instaUation. Aik jonr ‘bine cosT dealer. In yeor own esNtol Mrs. Margaret E. Smith; past Shaperio; Meg. Ruth Palmer; Beth. Pleasant streets by the Rockville I'aylor and Fenn ..., •— 88 South Pac ...... coneolation prize* in each section. en's gym class will meet from 7 to anti-freeses but Warda South Rwy ...... ined Morin at the police station fol­ AlwseMln4|M.4 worthy mlstrata, Mrs. Barah J. Ted' Ann Hatheway; Robinson Crusoe, police. Groceries and other pro­ Torrtngton ...... 80 Vi 8 8 ', Dougbnuta and coffee xvUl be terv. 8 o’clock. The men’s gym class price ia lowerl Underwood Mfg. Co. . 80 82 St Brands ...... lowing his arrest, testified that AUTOMATIC HEAT Boys* Wool Knicker» 97^ ford; pianist, Mrs. Lily Cordner. Christ Lee; Village Blacksmith, Nel. visions which Mr. Newmarker had ed at the elose of the gams*. / Morin was under the influence of will meet from 8:15 to .9 o'clock. A supper will follow the Installa­ left in the automobile were missing Union Mfg. Co...... 5 7 St Gas and El .... B yrisr Me Bnys' son Loetacher; Hiawatha, Arnold liquor and unfit to operate an auto­ The men’s plunge period will be 'bluecoaT REOULATOR tion, In charge of the November U 8 Envelope, C om .. 90 — St OU Cal ...... held from 7 to 8 o’clock. The wom­ Sebjson; Evangeline, Barbara Davis; Mre. Margaret Keegan do., pfd...... 122 127 mobile. Not much damage was committee, Mrs. Annie Perrlne, Oliver Twist, Mario Luia; Sherlock Mrs. Margaret (King) Keegan of St on N J ...... PRESIDENT DENIES done to either ear. en's plunge period xvill be held from Veeder Root ...... 70 72 Tex Corn ...... 9iOIoF HOSE poll* 21 o Mrs. Clara Robinson, Mrs. Margaret Holmes, Robert Hoffman. For the 323 Bishop avenue, Bridgeport, for­ Fired Firearms 8 to 9 o'clock. The women’s tap THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Change NOW! / • palr~»I 00. Smith, Mrs. Mary B. Smith and "Book In the Woods", Thomas Saw­ Whitlock Coll Pipe . . . — 2 Timker Roller Bear A fine of (18 and costs was im­ dancing class will meet from 8 to merly of this city, wife of W. E. J.B.VVirms Co. (10 par 40 50 Coal, Lnmber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint Mrs. Annie L. Tedford. yer, Clement Brunsll; Huckleberry Keegan died on Saturday at the Trans America ... APPEAL OF K. OF C. posed on Alfred Canistrino, 25, of 8:45. The girls’ gym class league Union Carbide . . . 3 (6 North Main St. TeL 4149 Manchester to ’■ Visitors are expected from the Finn, Edward Loetsehar; Tim Jim Bridgeport hoeptial. The funeral US Broad street, Hartford, who will bowl from 8 to 10 o’clock. A Auwm.1 P L A I D C O A T S lodges In Providence and Paw­ Hawkins, Howard Lane; Heidi, Hil­ Unl m Pao ...... was held this morning at nine Unit Aircraft ___ ((lonttnuad from Pag* Um ) For Men on’l Beyi. (Uses 14— 16— 18. tucket, as well as lodges In Massa­ da Rashall; Little Bo Peep, Leona o'clock from St. Ambrose's church In SERIOUS DAMAGE DONE chusetts. Parker; Do Doolittle, Harlan Ban­ Unit Corp ...... Ward's Bridgeport. Besides her husband Unit Gas Im p ___ It to bo his poliey not to undertak* croft. she leaves two daughters, Helen and .my personal determination of th* COSTLY HOLIDAY Tilt) two plays will also be pre­ U B Ind A l e ...... • 1004. U. 3 . lU reoU s Tab. C o. $ 4 .t7 ai»4.97«s$6.3i7m $7.97 Rita Keegan of Bridgeport; three ALONG STATE’S BEACHES U S Rubber ...... facts." sented at the Elllnglnn Llhrary cii sisters, Mrs. Isabelle Deere and Mrs. ■I)" RIVERSIDE U 8 Smelt ...... To Keep Up Campaign Men'i Bogular (1 4 0 deal and Pbllover DCS Moines- -Otto Morgenthaler, Tuesday afternoon at 8;50 o'clock Bridget Jordon of Rockville and "Aa citizens and a* an organisa­ 25 years old Urlnnell, Iowa, farm­ for the school children and any (Continued from Page Une) U S Steel ...... Mrs. George Cornwell of Springfield, Vick Cbem ...... tion," (tormody concluded, "we shall hand, worked two years to have others Interested. Between the two Mass.; aUo a brother, James King continue to use all proper mean* to TIRES SWEATERS $1.49 widely. A two-mlle stretch of road West U n ion ...... Wards WlntM* King Same with sippers. (210. On Ills first trip to the city, plays there will be piano seleotions o( Springfield. bring to the attention of tha Amer. he told the police, he was robbed of by Betty Jane Pease. from the city to Lordahtp was im­ West El and Mfg 46 fff*fM ( If 10 B MM) Daughter Bom Woolworth ...... lean people these deplorable eondl* For Safe It all by two gunmen who kidnaped At the meeting this svening a re­ A daughter waa born on Saturday passable for four houre, year round tions, with the hop* and oonfldsne* him and released him with only his port will also be given in regard to t'csldcnta at the Fairfie'd beach col­ Elec Bond and Share (Curb). that an aroused publlo ■cntlmant GOODRICH RUBBERS at the Rockville City hospital to onies were marooned part of the $ 5 . 4 5 s w a Winter Drivihgr! For MImct. ChUdrea, Boys and Men. watch and bis ticket back home. the nomihatloD for ths offlos of Mr and Mrs. John Weingartner of will eventually pronoune* a con- WWhsMSeWwy night and waterfront eection of damnation of them that oanaot go More Mileagel this rity. Stratford waa Uttered with debrii. Estra large, thicker plates— J Sleet Storm Affects Traffla FR, COUGHUN RAPS unheeded." and mors o f them girts you 88 BHIes An Hour Mr. Rooaevbit told Carmody, a A More Safety! The trafflo through the city on The Weather Bureau at New Ha­ extra "sero starting power" I Siipday was very slight and those resident of Grand Rapid*. Mloh„ 24 month Ousranteel Free CLIFFORD'S ven reported the wind there reach­ who is viiltlng In New York, that Lower Prices! \ enturing out proceeded roost slow­ ed an occailonal velocity in jpjats ROOSEVELTS PLANS rfcbsrging and "loaner" if (Formerly Hultman’fi) ly because of the sleet storm. There ha had r*e*iv«d no complaint* of neededi 917 Mliin Street Next To Mainchenter Trust Co. of 65 mllei an hour and a eteady any American being depnvad of r*. was considerable skiddling on the velocity ranging between 30 and 40 (Oentlaned from Pag* One) steep grades throughout the. city Uglous liberty tn Mexico. James’ Beauty Salon mllea per hour, the highest record­ "In respect to the rights enjoyed DRIVING GLOVES...... pdr 98o but no .accidents were reported. ed tbara In more than four yeara. two extremetles of »oclaI error," he by Mexican oiUxen* living In Mixix Oworeb . Bastek Tha wind dtreotlon waa ateadlly said. "While It* golden heed enun­ CO," tha President w rots; 'It ho* THERMOSTAT For Ford 28-35 ...... ,..95e Miss Anna Bastek, daughter of north, the bureau aaid, ciate* th* epiendld program of been th* policy of tht* Mmlni*tra. Damage In the interior of the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baatek of Union ahriitlan Justice, it* feet of sordid Uon to refrain from Intervtnint In HIGH PRESSURE GREASE...... Ib. 17e street and John Gworek of Woeb- state was light compared with that clay tn mir*d, only in th* red mud such direot conetni* of tk* Mexican ington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Valeria along the shore but Mrviee crews of o f Soviet Communism, and the other government. That poU^ of nen-ln- Gworek of Union street, thla oily the lighting and telepbona com­ tn the atinking oesapool of Pagan terventioh I shall continue to pur. ALCOHOL, Denatured, 188 P r^ f, bulk price .. .gsL 59e were united in marriage at St. panies . were given plenty of work Plutocraey." •ue." Joseph's Catholic church on Satur­ aa poles were blown down and traa IGNITION POINTS For Ford A ...... -ISe "Brack's The Buy” day. Rev. Sigisround Woronieckl, limba fell across wlrea. pastor of ths church officiated, the The sleet and snow which Mroe THE TOWERS OF M A N H IinjlN 100% PURE PENNSYLVANIA OIL, bulk price, q t 15e •'’Ingle ring ceremony being used. with the wind bad aU highway de. You’ll hear this enthusiastic verdict re­ partraent workers out aanding ley, fiom a new angle—New York’s new SPARK PLUGS, SUPREME QU ALITY...... 33e Miss Mary Bastek, sister of the dangerous roads, their task made WHEN YOU MAKE A DATE WITH BILLI Ttiborongh Bridge, which is rapidly peated at the Automobile Shows. bride waa maid of honor and Mias especially difficult as the wind WINTBR BPORTS TAKE Clementine Gworek, sister of the Thrille rub shouldarl with lousbior and romanca ai "Tktn Man” being com|)leted. In the fotcgronndi **I'VE WON A COUPLE of whipped the sand from the pave­ ENEROY TOO. But to enjoy -TV SUPREME HEATER For U rger Cars ...... $8.69 iiridsgroom was bridesmaid, An- Powell gaily w lvai e mystery that thraoleni 3,000 lives—and ‘ Howard Houglsnd, McClintic-Mar- world championships In the ment almost as soon as it wins a brido—o l In 4$ *xeltln9 hoursi the fun you have to be fit. "And You can afford the New Buick. List ihony Sadlali was best man and spread. Workers also bad to p^rol shall engineer, wearing the pictur- rodeo game," says Dick Shelton, WINDSHIELD DEFROSTER For Clear Vision . .$1.19 prices $765.00 up. Hmest Rock waa the usher. The ths roads to watch for fallen Imbs that’s why I prefer Csme(t,"says csqite eogineers' "bard hat,"a necessaty sU-round cowboy. "After s choir was composed of aunts and and other wind-swept debris which T H U R 8 . I Margaret Lynam. "I know that ptotectioa on big jobs. "An engineer’s tough event—or any lime I’m y FELT BACK M A TS...... - - ...... 95e uncles of the bride, with ten voices: mads driving tven mors basardotu. athletes approve o f Camels, as life,” be say s, "calls for physical fitneu tired—I get s ’lift* in energy Pour Big Reasons Why ’’Buick’s the Buy”: 5tlss Batty Orlowski, on aunt waa Only Tws calls they do not distotb their wind. RADIATOR STOP-LEAK, Saves Anti-Freeze ...... 29c the soloist. During the afternoon M and energy. When my pep is at low with a Camel. And s mighty LIsut. Commandsr O w ls a( tha And that goes for me too." and evening a reception was held Fort Trumbull (toast (juard base ebb, there’s nothing like a Camel, for plcsslng, cozy smoke it IL tool" Silent Oil-Cushioned Valve-in-Head En­ at Pulaski hall. Village street. Fol- said all shipping along the Connec­ a Camel chssesawtyallsignsoftircd. RADIATOR SOLUTION TESTERS...... 49e gine with Powder-flash Power. lowing a wedding trip the couple ticut coast anparently had scurried ness. I olxrays get a'lift’ with a Camd. will reside in Washington, where f l # for safety before the storm and that 1 hsve preferred (amels for years the bridegroom is a member of the tha bass had only two calls during Xt,, “Turret Top” with year-ahead style. United States Marine band. the night The Guardsmen were becstue o f their good taste and mild­ asked to watch for a pleasure boat ness. They never Irriuu my throat. Perfected Hydraulic Brakes with Tiptoe I which had drifted from Its moor­ Thar’s one way you can tell Csmels at* ings at Niantic and ths Westbrook ' mode fiora more expensive tobaCGOS.'* Pressure Action. SANCTIONS ARE APPUED state police reportod a boat appar­ ently m distress in <31ntoa harbor. Commandsr Coyle saiu no patrol Knee - Action and Buick’is famous AGAINST ITALY TODAY boat was sent in responM to tba Torque-tube Drive with True Free Spring­ Westbrook call aa any craft'tn shel­ (OentiaMd from Page One) tered Clinton harbor sould ^ bo in ing. great danger, A freigbt and passenger steamer, Just slip behind the wheel — drive it a done with Itallana, and an arma em­ tbs Colonial Una's Concord, enreute Wards Auto Radlatore THIS WEEK ONLY — A NATIONALLY AD- bargo had already been made effec­ from New Toik to Providence, put mile and you’ll Imow why; VliTtTlSED, STANDARD PERMANENT WAVE, tive. In a t Naw London and sent Its pas- FOR ONLY While at Rome Italy prepared to ■engera on to'their daaUnatlon by StrBR>on Chains Everyone is enthusiastic about this won­ meet the economic efege, on the train. No shipping left Naw London $9.25 war front Italian troope continued harbor. derful new 1936 Buick. their eucceasea, on offlolal com. Tba storm damage was not great Ford 28-29 Exch. Price 1.00 muntque said. in that area altkougb wavaa cams COSTLIER TOBACCOS! c Oen. BmlUo de Bono, etUI com­ over the Octan Beach boardwalk Ford 30-31, ex ch ...... $11.46 39 Compare Buick construction with other The name of this pemanent is liot allowed to be and flooded aevaral stores. T t» mar- B Cameb ate made from finer, MORE fliM t»r Any TR« I mander-in-chief- pending the arrival Cbev. 29-30, e a ch ...... 68 98 given, but if you will come in we’ll be glad to give quea of ths Home Memorial boapl- Strap on in a jiffyl Won't makes and you will realize Buick’s better of Uarehal Pietro Badogllo, named Chev. 31, exch. p r ic e ...... $9.78 all the details. Also a deposit will entitle you to to succeed him, reported that Haile tel In New London proper waa “ I AM A BTEEL WORKER e x p e n s i v e t o b a c c o s —Turkish knd flip. Molybdenum steel cross value, at practically the same cost. Selasale'e warriors were puahed be- blown down and travel on tha New LISTEN TO THIS BUSI. Liberal 18-montb guaranteel chiins for extra Imc wetft have the work done »t a later date. London-Stonlngton road along tba on theTriborough Bridge," says Domestic— than any other popular brancL NESS OIRL. Eve Miller, New yond the Takkaea river by tha Ben Parsons, as be enjqys • Second ItaUan Army Corps, with shore waa made baxardoua by faUan “LITTLE AMERICA” Yoric departmant-stote ezeen* Choice of Soft, Natural, Spiral Waves or Close-to- the Bthioplana suffering several trees and branehas. (UmeL "Like so many o f the (toatS) R.J.RIYM01DS TOBACCO CO, WlMn»8ala■^ N. C the-icalp Croquinole Curls. Basis lOolgfcti *TnBds A e m * Uw TBbIs" nod *Ofcee In Sknegkal" live:"I smoke Csmels bccaosc 1 caaualUaa. fatldgs mtn,I smoke Csmels If appredste mildness and delicacy Ran Naatbu, governor o f Harar 9VWLAM W u6ii I tocl tir*d,Iget a Tift* with a o f Bavoc. I found. In additioii, Provisca and commandar o f tha CsmeLAndCsmslshsvsall the T U N E IN I CAMEL CARAVAN with WALTER O ’KEEFE Montgomery Ward J. M. SHEARER EthloBtan a m la s la the south, was Austin. Tw(.—A nan strong that Comsl* give me a Tift* JAMES* BEAUTY SALON leportad to have withdrawn u s snouiA to m ovt a (OO-pouad aafa, fiill flsoor anybody conUI want," DEANE JANISeTED HUSlNGsGLEN GRAY and ths CASA LOMA wfacnsvsr my sostgy is low." 'bL TtSO 385 Main Street toreea to the region of tha city of eoBtalnlDg ( ( A l l . from a fsooary TeL 7230 476 Main St., Just below Lincoln school ORCHESTRAeTnssday and Thnrsday-9 p. m. E. S. T , 8 p. os. C S. T., 824-828 Main S t Phone 5K1 M anchcB tor j an by Wmaalf. eras sougkt M rs to- 9:30 p.m.M .8.T,sad B40 p.m.P.8.T. • WABCColdmUa Network H ' ■" .All. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18,198(L A0B rotm M AM CtllSVieR E VeffIN U nERALXr, HAMUHCarnElC, OUNM m MUnUAX, miViSMKBK 18, IM h. PAGE sisMnw0>< ATJVERTIHEMKNT— ADVERTISEMENT— tha field of theology and philosophy. and modem flxturea will be Install­ Mag, kUUng the leader af tbe ed' tioo, which for two and a half years gloriaa wttfc flaaiitTatead UkaI "Moania’"M< Low.* W ANT FINAL CHECK UP Accompanied by Mrs. Reynolds, hs ed, making possible on improve­ limn, oeaena Wauebope, aad a bM been stolUsig on the queetion, 175ATTEND DINNER REV. DR. REYNOLDS went to Europe in the fall of 1938 ment In effldency and service to UPR rS RELIEF lot o f bla aoldlera. The eurvlvcre but to the preeew e ot Oanadlan SAMPLE FOR ISABELU DINNER and attended the univeraltlea of their steadily growing trade. |i*%Sort,lrrlM« rMNTIMa OUMi'AN*, IMC sequent djft that the Canadlane have U »lw«ira:rMt tOroe tackled tbe Job over again. ralt artist commleetoned to STUDIO FREE Mefnbers Asked to Contact nolds also put In some special work month. MiMkMUr. C»*ii. Roeetta was bombarded, without be«n ding-donging reciprocity into find the perfect feeturee and neck> there, and during the two. years THOHAit rKHUOtON Cokimittees On Transporta­ K e s in o l the ears of Waebington ever since line, six are now In Hollysroood: B a r g a in H loUND they were abroad they had oppor­ a«nMl Mr. Roosevelt became President-- Jack Mulhall, Neil Hamilton,' Rob­ tunity to travel In Scotland, £ig- er of tbe expedition, OentrsI Mac­ ert Allen, ‘ Brian Doolevy, Mahlon tions. and more especially, no doubt, to the COUCHES land, Holland,. Belgium, Qerinony PuMliliM Cvarr ■*»nm s BiiMpt kenzie Fraser, learned that a big HaroUton and Reed Howes, Great Saccess; Fine Pro­ to Second CongregatHmal and France. W a t i r t ■■< lfalis«f*. KflUrfA at tb« Egyptian army was coming to at­ victory of the Uberala In the Cana­ F M I OKIm « t MaacliMtar. ^ a a .. aa The dinner oommittee and the Dr. Reynolds' first pastorate wsa iaaaM CUaa Mail Maiui. tack him. -He had to withdraw and dian election and tha Insistence of Clover Ruses When you come to our store in Stanton, Indiana. He Is from a To the cbsgrln o f enybody In Smart looking wrought Iron stands mer, winter, spring---wlth many gram Gireii. transportation committee, named to Pulpit; Here Yesterday. SENT TO YOU ON Mackenzie King that somsthing he ask for your copy of this at­ long line of clergymen going back * •UMK-'RIPTION *ATW ____ flnaBy get out of the country elto- debt on the pey-whcn'3rou-cateb- in M i t e or Verde green finishes will needs for hot water you'll get It In­ arrange for the dinner and Installa­ Reduced! tractive book, ulustrating in four generations. His father U at Oaa faar, to m a ll...... MJJ gether. That rankled. dons at once about tha long debated me plan, the collection agencies be on sale Tuesday morning at Wat­ stantly if you have an Automatic tion of officers of SL Margaret's K r Meaili, to m a ll...... ( *2 full colors five beautiful mod­ storage-type gas water heater, an the present time minister In Meantime there sprang up a smart trade agreement. have perfected a new meana kins Bros, for 82.98. These stands Circle, Daughters of_IsabeUa, which ilaa la Copt ...... i ®* em Utdiens. Also ideas on American-Bosch ball-tank hektsr or W ith more than 175 in attend­ Rev. Dr. Ferris B. Reynolds of ST Brownstown, Indiana. 10 Qa YS FNEE TRIAL of finding their prey at ' home. regularly priced 83.80 are just the Is to )>e held at Castle Farm Inn OalTporad aaa r o a r ...... i * ° t Eyptlan named Mehemct All, who That the general principle of trade modemiziag your own Utchan First, they set the trap by phon­ thing to make yoiir winter plants a gas water heater manufacture by ance, the annual Father and Son Tuesday evening, wish to have tbe W arriner avenue, Springfield, Maaa., Inexpensively. "iM H B E Il o r THK aMKXnATBU schemed and fought and wriggled reciprocity between this country and ing to say that they are making eveb more attractive and they will the Handley-Brown Heater Co. Tbe banquet at tbe Emanuel Lutheran members of the circle who have not in a letter to the clerk of the Sec­ GRAND nUZI MODEL 9 Hltcaa Manchester Oaa Co. will install any Tfca Apaoalatto frata ta aaamaiaalT bis way Into what amounted to a Canada Is a wlos one Is too apparent a radio stirvey. When you bava r o r s N O T hold three o f them. church Saturday night waa an over­ already done so get in ouch with ond Congregational church, form al­ confined your favorite program to one of these beaters In your home ly accepted the call extended to Itim FINANCE COMPANY a a lllM to tba aaa f t rapobllaaiioa dictatorship, though be was still to require debate. There are, In­ O rOLUDED whelming success. The affair was them at once so there w lil be no de­ pf ail tawa aiapaiobaa araPJia* «o li them, they discreetly would like tor a free trial and if you don’t like at a s ^ la l meeting of the church ?»' deed, a great many Americana who Supple, shimmering fringe la one lay tomorrow. The parly will gath­ PT pat atbarirlaa artaliaP In lain nominally subject to the Porte. He to know If you Intend to listen to It they will put back 3rour old type arranged by the Brotherhood, and held Tuesday evening. Dr. Re3molds (7 the newest trimming mediums the liidies’ Aid society prepared er at 6 o’clock and there will be a TO CHANGE OFHCES aaaar and alao tba loeal aawa pub- really built up quite a country, but can see no merit In any more re­ It' the next time. In a glow of co­ of water heater. But, "Once you who, on invitation of the pastoral ItPtiaa aa'aln. for both daytime, dinner and formal the dinner, which was served by a reception to the national and state All riahia o( rapakllaailon of he eUyed on the Job too long and strictions on Imports and exports operation, you reply that you'll be frocks. ■ It carries out the theory have tried one of these new water officers who wUl be present This supply committee of which H. L. corps of efficient young women of Tenney Is chairman, occupied the •ptolal diapalabaa barala ara alao ra- between the United fltatee and Can­ tuning In, aa usual. And whan that if the gown itself does not gleam heaters you will never use any w ill last until 6:30 when the dinner -^^VACUUM aiANIt ^ when he waa over 80 years old Brit­ the church, pulpit at the morning service yes- Ideal Financing Company to Mraad. you are lounging comfortably In and shimmer. It's trimming must. other” say the people who now have will be served. The installation ain end France and Turkey began ada than upon tbe movement of tba eofa Uetenlng to your favor­ Ehrald Matson acted In the capac­ Be Located Over Newly Re­ ra il aarvlaa oltani o< N K A aaraina, College formals In a simple way them In their homes. will take place at 9 o'clock. In or­ goods between the statee of tbe ity of toastmaster and kept the tPA to push him around. He died pret­ ite program tbe next time, expect have semt-low backs that can be der that all who have not means of modeled Grant’s Store.. RabHilt tit factory and guar- the big, bad w olf at tbe door, evening's program moving along in ty soon and E gypt never had au- Union Itself. Politically we are worn nicely to dinner and later on Fruit Salad Dressing. transportation be assured of their rubllahara H«iiraa>nallvai Tha ready to wreit tbe sofa from un­ a most commendable manner. While anto«d by Hi* manufachirar two countries, economically we ere, in the evening. Favored colors in­ being present a call to Mrs. Mae Mc­ Julluaullua Maihawa Hpaclai Afancy—NawAfancy—T olhor no afrong ruler. der you. In lieu of paymente In Four tablespoons pear, peach or tbe meal was In progress, fathers Announcement was made today clude deep jewel tones that show up Veigh, chairman of the transporta­ Ttfork, ■ Cbioaao. * UairoU...... and aoaton, In 1884 the French put one over on to ell Intents and purposes, one— or arrears. WROUGHT IRON pineapple juice. 4 tablespoons lem­ and sons joined In group singing un­ that the Ideal Financing Associa­ FOR THIS SFICIAL SALE jko richly in the new fringe trlm- tion committee will assure this. at least It la obvious that we should To duck tbs movte fans while on juice, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1-8 der the direction of G. Albert Pear­ tion, Incorporated of 843 Main "jM R M M R AUDIT^ BUREAU o r the BrIUah by getting Said Pasha, *)nlngs. Ticket reservations can be had by eiRCULATIUNa be Is on furlough In N ew York, teaspoon salt, 2 eggs. son, who also supplied the accom­ street, Manchester, will occupy the the then Khedive, to grant to Fer­ be. calling Mrs. Lillian Carney. Clark Gable baa evolved this new IN WHITE OR Beat eggs just enough to blCnd paniment. Later, Ivar Carlson quarters located over the recently There w ill be, o f course, loud, even ■ One of the most Important fea­ 8 5 Tba Harald frlntlnn Ci/mpany. Ina., dinand DeLoeaeps the conoeselon to ruse: He registered at tbe Wal­ white and yolks. Add sugar, salt spoke briefly for the fathers present remodeled and enlarged Grant's O flf aaaumaa ao InanalaT raaponalblMly tures of dressy frocks for afternoon and fruit Juices. Cook In double and the response was given by his build the Sues canal. In 186.1 he tumultuous wallings and gnashings dorf-Astoria and then moved In­ store at 821 Main street. for typoaraphlaal arrora appaarlna In VERDE GREEN wear, are the very full and decorated boiler, stirring constantly, until seven-years old son, Burton Carl.ion. dvartlaamania la tha Hanehaaiar of teeth over the items. to a flat around tba comer. To This company has been furnish­ wee eucreeded by lemeil Pasha. sleeves that end in tight cuffs at the Rev. Karl Richter, pastor of the Ivaalna Harald ' lore his eafrle-eyed pursuers he Yes, I'm a thickened. The mixture should ing, a fam ily and personal financial This Ismail was the chap who "mod- It Is a peculiarity of any tariff Wrist. In most models they arc in coat a metal spoon. Remove at Concordia Lutheran church, was RED CROSS REPORT AHadimMitt fraa wMi each i walks into the lobby of the Wal- service to residents of Manchester IfONDAT, NOVBMBRR U emlied" Egypt—and broke hie peo­ system that whila It Is always possi­ C.or,, takes the elevator to tbe large printed pattern to contrast once from heat and cool quickly In a Introduced as the principal speaker daamar durinf Hilt tola I member and Its environs for the past flve first floor, then walks down a ser- with the plain fabric o f the dress. pan of cold water. and took for his subject, "Pla}rlng ple doing it ble to Increase the'duty rate on an years In Its present location. V.'" t'/ ntalrvvav, exits through an the Game." In his Inspiring ad­ SHOWS $825 TOTAL CARRY ON article without eliciting a protest Hie flnat truckload of sample studio couches from Tbe Europeans told him, "You p-'... brim of hlB hat "Vp at our house we decided , The Manchester Gas Co. baa a dress, Rev. Richter stressed the I t Is the opinion of T. Ander- A ttmrlliog polutl Grond from within the country raising Its our Hartford itora arrived Saturday. So our atock aon, local manager, that the outlook Tba daelaton o f the employed of should have a groat army; you down over his forehead and 1.98 tbat we were going to have a water heater, suitable for every point that when youth Is laying its Prixt VTinoiug Modtl mt tariff, It Is irnposelbis to lower o f tbeoe discontinued models la large and com­ new Governor Wlntbrop desk - tcundation for life fathers should on business conditions In Manches­ Chaiiay Brothara to accept tba ware should have a magnlflcent now pal­ eli'H'tlilly walks over to the apart- fam ily and every purpose. In sum­ Strqui-Cxntmnial ExpotMoo. plete again. Included are some of the discontinued S QiSiarNrruauk lielp by being examples and moilcia ter have Improved sufficiently to ace; you should have this and that." rate wlUioul stepping on somebody's mint, for CSiristmas. Bo w e joined Prospect of Reaching $1300 cute aonoimeed laat weak, while far samples from our Manchester displays, too. Watkins Brothers CSiristmaa to guide youth In seeking a high justify this move. The new offices Sold origioolfy— ivlum new toes and causing loud shrieks from from belnr an occaalon for raJoleInK,' And gladly would they lend him the C3ub last week. W e couldn’t goal. He said that the opportunity have been thoroughly renovated the toes’ owner. L. T. Stone, Jr., both Yale students, Baveftbalaaa will be received by tha money—on bonds at a terrlflo rate have this desk if we had to won the contract bridge champion­ presents Itself many times in life for Quota Appear ExceDent to , .(M And yet there may very reaillly be make a big ‘down* payment at TO OPPOSE SIGNALS fathers to give good advice to their entire aommualty—very certainly of interest. Health and Diet Winter ptonto wiu be a real ship of Connecticut at a tournament decorative addition to your (Siristmas. But the Cfiub takes sons and that they should be ready Includiiiv the homed o f the wbrkara In 1860 the flues canal was opened. occasions on which the reduction of 14 Studio couches at this popular staged by the Hartford Bridge Club room If displayed on a emart care of that problem. Wq* Southington—Mrs. Daisy Booth. to do so. Chairman. In 1878 Ismail aotd to the British tariffs, as In tha present Instance, price! Values from 849.78 to 862.50. M o t h E F S ! THIS GREAT OFFER IS G O O D themaalvee-~witta a feeling of pro­ Advice Smart round-comer models In the new-. stand like this. White or make small pajrmenta each 69, of Waterbury, died suddenly Rev. Richter said that "playing In treating children* 1 colds, can hardly fall to result In beneht to AT GRADE CROSSING the game of life" Is like playing a found rallaf. Another labor conflict government Elgypt's share In tba By DR. FRANK McOOY. est covers. Davenport-bed models with ' Verde green flntobes. Regular week that total tha 'down' psiy- while waiting for a bus here. d o n ’ t ta k e game of checkers, that each move FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. between the town'e largeat Indue- canal for about twenty million dol­ the country's Industries and business arms; modem tubular chrome design... ; 3 9 - 5 0 88.80. On Sale Tuesday Morn­ ment at Cairistmos!" Stratford — Chief WUUam B. At the second report meeting of In both must be carefully made to Bs a whole—to lienefit the Imhistrles ing. (Excellent (Christmas Only a .short time left in , Nichols of Stratford cleared up the the Manchester Chapter, American Jut inuginei Thus fine clunen look brand new! trial eoncatn and Ita employee, com­ lars—you couldn't buy It today for N E U K I'n B Insure success.- He compared the flfta .) which to join the club. mystery aurrounding tbe discovery Red Cross membership drive, 8825 mill size, foil power, every one perfect and foJly in g lit euch a time aa thla, would fifty times that amount. But be and business of two countries. In Manchester ImproTement lives of boys who had moved In the PROVFD BY 2 GtNfRATIONS of the body Saturday of Patrick was reported pledged, Mrs. Mary gnarante^ by the manufacturer the tame u brand ' have been unthinkable and i^lght was etui utterly bankrupt. fact. The common cause of neuritis Is Regular 888.00 to 849.78 studio eouebta Doran, 73, with a bullet hole in his wrong direction, because they did Brosnan, chairman of the campaign Rev. Dr. F. E. Reynolds not hesitate or plan their move­ new cleanert. All worn trtt have been replaced v ery eaelly have reaulted In final Egypt wasn't keeping her word to High tariff barriers between the IrrIUtlon and this irritation of a Including a almpla modem design with head by stating a medical examlna stated today. The prospects for se­ nerve, or i.erves, may be either -.Association to Be Repre­ tlon had determined tbe ex-army ments, with that of Lindbergh, who terday, also took the opportunity to with brand new pant tuci I at btgt, cordt, wbecit. the bondboldera, woe defaulting on United States and Caqada ara not chroma bands; rad leatherette couch;, curing tbe quota of 81,300 waa ex­ TOWN ADVERTISEMENT Chemical or mechanical. Fortunate­ and round-comer design. Just five' cook died of a heart attack and that played the game of life tbe proper cellent aa a large number ot the verbally accept the Invitation of tba bearings, bruhet, etc. tha Interest. Bo France and Eng­ only bad In theory, they have dem­ church to become its paator. Ha A t an evente the Cheney workera ly, when the cause of neuritis has couches In this lot ‘ 2 9 7 5 sented at P. U. Hearing. a bullet from a hunter’s gun proba­ way and succeeded In his ambitions. campaign captains have not yet re­ have demonatratad their dealre to do land put on the screws. They onstrated their Injurtousness. We been a chemical Irritant and when bly bad entered bis bead as he lay "W e can lengthen our Uvea by put­ ported their collections, the chair­ stated that both Mrs. Rejmolda and himself deeply appreciated the hon­ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING iOO Balance tmtil monthly peymenu— have seen a great many American the Irritant la removed, the nerve dead In the wooded section where ting ourselves to work In the time man said. all their part in haiping the big allk formed a "dual control" and mus or bestowed upon them, and aln- iminlly will tend to regain Its pre­ Heats two big rooms he waa found. Authorities at Hill we have and making the beat use of Several persona have called the N tmall carrying charge company to work Ite way out o f ltd cled In on Ismail's government—to manufactories moyo over the line or Francis J. Conti will represent cerely hoped to be able to fulfil the vious normal state. Tha first two aboppera tomorrow side home, from which Doran van IL The essence of life Is a strug­ campaign headquarters offering Notice Is hereby given tbat a Spe­ collect their dues. n.stabllsh branches over there, for iahed, said he had been suffering contributions, stating that they obligations connected with the pas­ very great dUrieultiee. They eould Simple neuritis means that a sin­ morning can buy 888.()0 studio couches the Manchester Improvement Asso­ gle, a striving and a battle and Al­ cial Meeting of tho Vbters of the Hurry I Only a limited number have bcen allottcd ■ * - or yoor 2-ear garage with a heart ailment were unable last year to make do­ torate acceptably, with the co-oper­ do BO more. An Egyptian army colonel called the making of goods tbat ought to gle nerve Is affected, or that a small for 824.78. Included 1s a plain ru s t. ciation In the presentation of their mighty God is our guide. Sons look Town o f Manchester will be held on ut for tbit tpccial tale. Decide right now to re­ to fathers for help, for a word of nations and had not been approach­ ation of the people o f the church. By their couree the workera have Arabl Pasha set himself up as the have been made In the States. Wo group of nerve trunks lying close to floor sample; and a green-and-rert check-, opposition to the installation of Bom In Tampico, Indiana, In Saturday, November 23rd, at 8:30 p. quest a FREE TRIAL in your owo home. Then d^ (2 4 7 5 a flash signal system at the Oak­ comfort and cheer, for comrade­ ed so far this year to take out have seen Canadian InduKtrles lose each other, are affected. Multiple ed covering. Subject to prior sole ..... 1907, he was graduated from Butler m„ at the State Armory for the fol- put tha future euccaaa o f Hanebea- eoiintry's No. 1 patriot, summoned land street railroad crossing at the ship and leadership. They want memberships. cide if you with to keep it Phone or mail coupon: . neuritis refers to an Involvement of University at Indianapolis, Indiana loi^n g purposes: ter'B primary Induatry up to the the people to rise sgalnst the for­ markets In tills cuuntry that they hearing before the Public Utilities precepts and models and it Is up to Mrs. Brosnan requests team cap­ 1. To see If tho Town will vote to several rllfferent nerves In various V. M. C. A, Notes in 1928, and received his Bachelor maaagomant If, ae there la every eign nppreieore, got them with him, used to have and by all right still Commission Thursday morning. fathers to fill this need.” tains to make telephonic reports to adopt an amendment to Its build­ ports of the body. of Divinity degree from the Hart­ In preparation for this a check An outstatnding feature of the her at her home, tel. 5542. Wednes­ ing code relating to builders, plumb­ hope—and avery raaaon to hope— end got Into the government. He should have. A ll that the barriers A nerve Is a cord-Ilke structure ford Theological Seminary In 1930, has been made of tbe number o f au­ Schedule for Week program was the appearance of day afternoon and evening. Resi­ ers, steamfltters and electricians. that future ehall become bright continued to stir up the people. In have su9Ceedcd In doing has been tu which conveys Impulses from one and tho Master ot Sacred Theology tomobiles, trucks and foot passen­ Monday Robert S. Brewer, youthful East dents who have not been contacted 2. To see If tbe Town will make divide one economic unit Into two, to nnrt of the body to another and by workers may leavp their mem­ In 1932. , and proeperoue, there wtll reel upon a riot at Alexandria In 1882 a nuro INNERSPRINC gers that use the crossing. The first 2:00— Hospital Auxiliary (Mrs. Hartford - magician, who mystified an appropriation for the purchase ot WATKI NS the' o Impulses may be carried by two days tbat a check was made Caldwell's group). bership subscription at the R, J. On September 12, 1933, Mr. Rey­ Obaney Brothera the high moral bar of British and French wore the Injury of iKith parts. and entertained bis audience w-ilh a compressor. either motor nerves or sensory $ 1 9 - 7 5 the men making the check worked 4:00— Jolly crew girls club. Smith office, 963 Main street. ::Mume 51 7 1 an extensive repertoire of magic nolds married Mias Ann M. Buntln, Dated at Manchester, Connecticut, obligation to remember how, In the killed. France refused to join The protests sure to ariss from Here’s a busy Florence from 8 o'clock In the morning until 5:15— Business men's gym class. nerves. The motor nerve fibres MATTRESSES and slelght-of-band which brought a member of the First Christian thla sixteenth day of November, ------PHONK, OR MAIL COUPON AT ORCt— — fU l of IMS, their workera atood by England In showing the Egyptians Individually Interested quarters heater. Although It takes 7 o'clock at night. The first day 7:30— Foremen's cluh supper move the miiscies. The sensory Words can't tall you what a luxurious, rich-looung considerable laughter and applause. church of Springfield which he very small floor space It will showed 789 pleasure automobiles meeting. YOUTH KOXS SELF 1935. loyally, tightened their belta and what, and Turkey kept bands off too, should bo weighed with due conild- nerves carry seneatlon from the tress this la. If we say It la made by the famous old O. D. A surprise presentation was Bunny served as pastor for three years. He Please tend e ftoory naianteed Enreks Model 9 to me heat two rooms to cozy com­ Went over the crossing, 281 trucks 7:30— Bucharoos basketball prac­ SHERW OOD O. BOW ERS, carried on, fo r the community good so the British fleet bombarded Alex uratlon to their lm|Hirtance cum- outer parts o f the body. For ex­ Baker factory (makers of De Luxe bedding) and la covered Bean, boy soprano of Middletown, declined on opportunity for study for free trial during mir Special Sale—ao obligadon. fort . . or keep your 3-car and 388 foot passengers. On tbe tice. hba Angeles, Nov. 18.—(AP)— JAMES H. JOHNSTON, pared with the Importance of the ample, pressure la conveyed by a In Imported Spanish damask, will you come In and see it? who sang “When Irish Eyes Are Nicholas Castro, 17, cited tor a traf­ as a German exchange student, and DAVID CHAMBERS, and for the good of the greet Inatl andria. , garage above tbe freezing second day the count was 870 auto­ 9:00— Bantl3r’s basketball prac­ Smiling'', "When I Grow too Old to sensory nerve, also Information con­ Regular, advertised price, 829.60. tice. fic violation, -was found hanged near later resigned the pastorate of the JOSEPH O. PERO, tutlan. And there la no allghteat lA te r a British army coma nil the trade interests of two great aatlon.i. point. Bums Inexpensive mobiles, 259 trucks and 287 frit Dream” and "Home on the Range." cerning touch, heat and cold, and passengers. On the third day the his home. His brother. Hlllario, Springfield church, having been HAROLD M. REED, rtaaon to doubt that tha company range oU. I FLORENCE I 8:00— y Bowling League: Reids The program ended with the show­ way from India and licked the pain, travels over sensory nerves. check was from 8 o'clock In the said the youth had dreaded appear­ awarded the Wells Fellowship from MATHIAS E. SPIESS, vs. Shearers, ToicottvIIIe vs. Cough­ ing of a comedy motion picture by win remember—and to the extent of Egyptians. Then Britain set down Most of the spinal nerves are "mix­ morning until 8 o’clock at night lins, Gibsons vs. Kellers. ing in courL Hartford Seminary for ability In Address. .a iy _ Carl Johnson. Board of Selectmen of the Ita power eryetallM that memory to nm E gypt as a protectorate— wlUi ed", which means that they are W ith the additional hour added the Tuesday Town of Manchester, Conn. J&, IN NEW YORK made up of both motor nerves and flares showed that the number of totb the form o f fetter pay cheoke. Turkey still a nominal and very 2:00— Women's card party. sensory nerves. automobiles tbat went over the 4:00— Grade school boys gym. Thla ta going to be a better win' silent and Inactive partner. By G EORtlK ItOHH In simple neuritis, the nerve crossing increased to over 1,000 and 6:30— Andover boys gym. CURB QUOTATIONS (o r fo r ua all becauea the Cheney That's tlia way things were until trunk may become red or swollen that the trucks that went acriss 7:30— Young women's basketball New York, Nov, 18—W . Bomer- practice. Borkere on Saturday voted to take the World War, when Britain nnt but In mild cases, the small nerve the rails Increased to over 300 while GOOD DENTISTRY Bul Maiigliiiiii. famed British novel- illnmcnts are not Involved. The the number of foot passengers went 8:30— Women's gym. e little more of the load of ra­ urally declared Turkey "out" and iBl, came to thla country, he sold symptoms of simple neurltla are to over 500. WedneMlay By ASSOCIATED PRESS ring the town'e great lodiibtrlal upon hlH rceent arrival In Manhat­ need not be Egypt ''Imlepemlent." Long ngo, variable hut the moat pronounced *Bring on the gohhler!” . On Wednesday night there will 2:00— Women's bowling. Am er Clt Pow and L t B ...... EXPENSIVE B tan, "not to gel money, but to spend be a dinner meeting of the associa­ 2:00— W ell baby clinic. Dr. C. W. King has proven that real good dentistry can be tUutlon to the level of eecurlty. Britain promised the world thnt nhe symptom Is pain. The patient says Assd Gas and Elec A ...... It." tion. The committee having this 5:15— Business men's volley ball. Am er Sup Pow ...... done at prices within the reach of people with small Incomes. would stay In E gypt only long tlml the pain la boring, cutting, or Tills Is the most unusual reason meeting in charge wishes to have tt 6:30— Manchester Improvement Blue Ridge ...... Dr. C. W. King’s Is an established New England Institution, burning, appearing worse at night, DINNING ROOM enough to get It pacined and on nil Kiigllali aiiliior has tliiis far understood that the association Is Association-supper meeting. Can Marconi ...... which has treated thousands of satisfied patients in the laat 24 ABOUT EGYI*T The pain becomes more Intense working basis, but the never did quit given for journeying to America, not composed o f business men of 7:30— Men’s gym class (Hugh Cent States Elec ...... years. when the affected part Is moved, IS R^ADY ' Tba threatening attitude o f a con' rile United Htates (especially New the. north end only, but it la the in­ Greer). Clt Service ...... Or. O. W. King employs no students. He does not claim any until 1022, when Qeneral MIenby rosaure with the fingers on tbe Ir­ tention and desire to have all resi­ pderable portion of the Egyptian York and Hollywood) have al 7:30— Women's sewing class Clt Serv., pfd , ...... ; secret or special methoda, but adheres to the methods taught by fixed up a plan for complete Egyp­ ways been a goldinr~fi:eId for-Lon - ritated nerve trunk will demon­ dents of the town of Manchester in­ (Miss Hibbard). Elec Bond and Share ...... iple, which la oecaaionlng a good tho leading dental colleges, and practiced by the foremost den­ tian Independence and Britain (Ion's literary satellites and they strate a marked tenderness. Some­ terested in the north end, to hold 9:30— Bantly's basketball prac­ Ford Limited ...... membership. At the meeting Wed­ tice. tists of America. Only experienced, reliable dentists employed of worry to Qreat BrUaln at acquleeced, linve gained a bigger bankroll In times the patient deacribei varioua Midwest Utils ...... (15 to 30 years In practice.) crucial juncture, will bring to a lecture tour acrosa tbe continent sensory disturbances which accom­ nesday night there w ill be a discus­ Thursday Nlag Hud Pow ....» ...... 'Ihe world did Imagine, for that they could hope for from the sion on the crossing question. 8:80— Beginners dancing class. Americana a degree of wonderment pany tba pain or develop after It Is Penn Road ...... DR. C. W. KING’S 10 POINT SERVICE while, that Egypt was actually royalties of a beat-seller. Barn gone, such aa a sensation o f numb­ In addition to the question of the 4:15— Intermediate dancing class. Segal Lock ...... • 24 years with offices In M to what It la ell about. How free hnd self governing coimtry But otormlDg among the ladles' clubs ness, or a seneatlon of ants crawl­ flash light at the crossing and the 5:00— Advanced dancing class. •2 0 to 80% saving. United Founders ...... Hartford. |Ud Britain get Into Egypt and why T brniight them Into Hollywood ing on ths akin. In addition to the selection of representatives from 4:00— Older Itiys gym ciasa. United Gas ...... she never has really became so. She the association to ..(tend the hear­ 6:00— Girl Scouts. . •FREE extraction when ivlicro another bankroll was easi­ sensory disturbances, we find dls- Unit L t and Pow A ...... • \ll plate and bridgeuorl) t la the itntiii of Uiat country, bos been a sort of "zone of InfiU' ing in Hartford the following day, 7:00— Slagles gym. plates or bridgework ore ly available for a quickly type turbanoas o f tha motor nervaa. Tbe done In our own labora- » . there will be other matters discuss­ 8:00— Arrows gym. ordered. enca" for Qreat BrUaln—and a good written scenario. Interference with the emotor narvM • tory. The E gypt o f aeopatra dlaappeat^ After which they ratumed has­ ed. 9:00— Talcottvllle gym. •Speclnl ONE-DAY SERV­ many of her people don't like the will oausa tha musclaa to baooma and a different Egypt came Into tily to Now York, decried Ameii The question of additional park­ 7:30— Women's bowling league. • Plates repaired while you ICE for out-of-town pa­ Idea. They have become eipeolslly ca's low state of Intellect, Holly­ weak and J ab b y,. and. In severe ing apace in and around Depot Friday wait. tients. when the Araba, after tha fall dlocontented recently, when British wood's lower state of Intellect, cases, paralysis results. The muscles Square is to be considered. This Is 4:00— Girto gym. • Experienced dentists, IS •Liberal discount for trav­ the Roman empire, conquered the said "Cheerio" and sailed home. may waste away or bet ime atro­ a question that haa been before the 5:15— Business men’s volley ball. military and naval comnuuidors have to SO years In prsettoe. eling expenseo. ^untry and made a aort of mongrel Mr. Maugham would like to re­ phied. The appearance o f the akin association for over a year, but up 7:00— Cubs gym. appeared to take It for granted that may changa and the skin surface of to the present time there lias been 7:00— U v e Y ’rs. •CREDIT extended. A rab a U U o f It. Then it fell qn verie the order. He came here 610 EFree examlnatloa. they could do oa they pleased In with a wad of currency he'd Ilka the affected area may become thin no definite plan arrived a t Tickets Saturday 6 3 0 0 . Bar tha oontrol, more or lesa nom­ Egypt without any by-your-lcave. to niaes In Immediate circulation and shiny, or tbs fingernails may for the dinner that will precede the 9:30 a. m.— Grade school boys meeting Wednesday night can be syra. Mo m v for dotklno—roiMf'o FELT BASE RUGS inal a t timet, of Turkey. For oen- while he enjoys himself, w ill shun become brittle and ridged. nro^ ot any etliox utoful 'That, briefiy and perhaps with secured from EM ward Stein, chair­ 10:30 a. m.— Older boys gym. luriea It waa the acene of Innum- Ihr lecture halls and w ill say I consider tbat a general toxemia pmtpoio. No •ooufity oi.«ndois«2a man of the ticket committee, or ro«alto4 on loans 91SO to DR. C. W. KING. DENTIST some liWGCuracles, Is the way things "No" to the movie miamis. la the moat common cause o f nerve 9:30—Craft class (Fi^'Sw eet). upio d is c o n t in e d p a t t e r n s jirabla civil ware. Intriguea, doiible- from Dante Pagan!, Matthew Merz, aaiatiod omployaa. Tho only coal IN O ’ came about llicy want to buy his storlcrlea at 2:00 p. m.— Andover boys gym. is a ekarao of throo pot ooni a IrriUUon o f this type. Such an Irri­ Office in i)i;. K I \iti i.s croaelnge and treacherlee of one kind fancy prlcea, that's all right with Michael Coughlin or J. N. Nichols. 8:00— Talcottvllle baaketbalL ' aaonllis IklrtTesin por anmuBs on tko The Egyptians are a strange peo­ tation will only follow when toxic I t la the hope of the committee unpaid balaneo. Tho aoorava Bridgeport gnd another. him, nut he wishes no hand In ple. They may appear like nonetl substances have accumulated In tha that a large number attend the iSMlhly eool of SlOO lapalJ In 10 aad 111 ( li.ii),'r Tel. Just two dozen of th^se finest quality Felt Bane Rugs go on sale tlipir transfer to the screen. As BRontMy payMonta la only Ml-SB. ' Juat what Idea Napoleon Bonaparte part Involved. The toxic material meeting on Wednesday. In order TAKE TAXI TO FAIL Moosacha- ties for a long time and then, all of u matter of fact, he vowed the Fnll lopayukont laay bo mmde al any ' 6-8100 tomorrow. Hardly two alike . . so if you’re here bright and early you’ll pad In mind when he Invaded Egypt which la the principal cause Is pri- that the committee may know how liato, Ihotoby toduelng total ekatfo aetta CtUes a sudden they start raising rim. other afternoon while he Upped Kansas City, Nov. 18.—(A P)— ^foportianataly. 306 MAIN ST„ HARTFORD have a lot to choose from. The three leading brands are represented ex­ la a bit cllffimilt to underatand. He msirily the result o f Irritating sub­ many to provide dinner for the re­ When they do they are terrible. One a gold monocle against hla knee, stances produced by using Improper port o f tbe sale of tickets should be Kirby Obom and Ernest Tremaine clusively . . Armstrong’s Quaker, Congoleum Gold Seal, and Bird’s Ne- waa probably never quite sure hlm- lie's never been able to alt through paid a taxicab to take them to jail IDEAL FINANCING time when they were having trouble foods In Inharmonious comblna- ready by Wednesday noon. ponset. M lf whether he waa friend or enemy any talkie -Hollywhdd has made of tlona —and added a dime tip. They were ASSO CIATIO N. Ino. with tha French a hundred-odd years Ills fiction. This British author, arrested by Police I ^ t W . D. Room 6, Rublnow Building ALL SALES FINAL. “’ to Turkey. His Invasion didn't do When tha chemistry 6f 'fluids of ago they killed a lot of Frenchmen at least, to outspoken from tha Taya, who aald he caught them In 848-888 Main Street , him any good and he got out without moment he geU In. the Bbdy Is abnormal, disease Is in­ skinned their heads, stuffed the the act of robblnx the taxi driver. P b o a eT tS l having acrompHihed anything. But evitable. These chemical irritants 9x12 Size. Just 7 Congoleum and Neponset Rugs, skins with straw and sent the Melodv Mahto may result In neuritis, if they ae- Whatcvri- Bonaparte did or tried to stuffed heads to the French general The night clubs' hlgbeat-pald oumulata around a certain nerve formerly $8.95...... do Britain olwaya figured tint she to "take back to France." Their entertainer Is Mile Luelenne That'type of neuritis resulting from had to uppoae him. So the took Boyer who earns, I'm told, 83.800 exposure to cold which la some- Idea o f getting ugly la to got ugly. a week for warbling half a doatn tlmea called "rheumatic neuritis" Is t New Haven — Rockefellers Ace, 9xl0i/i size. 5 excellent Congoleum and Neponset a military look at Egypt. Her lit­ bwiied by W. C. Ely of Terre Haute, iialiada at tbe Veraalllas every a good exampla of a neuritis pro­ WILBERT ASPHALT tle axpedltlnna had no luck and In Century Croup Ind., and his son, Ekiater Parade, Rugs, formerly $7.95 ...... CANADIAN PACT evening. The ooatly Luclenna duced when rheumatic toxins have IM S ahe too departed. But her was brought here from Paris last owned by Dr. O. M. Deems of collected around a nerve trunk. Ab- Springfield, Mass., took major BURIAL VAULT ^ I t a r y men had ooncelved the new The algnlng of a trade reciprocity season to be sUrred In The Con' Scesaed teeth or d iie a s ^ tonsils tinental Varletlea and received a honors at the third annual Boston 9x9 Size. Just one of this size for some early shop­ M e t that E gypt wha important to treaty between the United Btatee may aerva oa epntrlbutliig eauoaa. terrier specialty show here. build-up from tha produeara that Simple neuritis may occur In any pers. Formerly $6.95 . . . . . ' ...... Britain. They reallaed, during their and Canada Is one o f the Incidents had not been matched since Jen­ ' When the family gathers fw the annual Thanksgiving reunion, will N ew Haven—The W P A headquai^ one o f aevcrol special and la O R — d a y there, how completely the of the Roosevelt Administration ny Und was bailed by the late ters announced nine projects, an- named according to What part of you receive congratulations on a redecorated dining room? You will if ploylng 381 persona, would be atart- country commanded the roada tu whleli. If it M-orks, will doiibtlese be rhineaa T. Bamum. liiey spoke 7i/^x9 Size. Select from 8 Congoleum, Neponset and of the Blue-gowned Boyer In awe­ the nervous system to affected. For ed this (Monday) morning In the l(, India, Bo In IM 7, when the coun- DESIGN YOUR OWN you select this smart 18th century group, for it is one of today’s most acclaimed as one of Ita "great some adjectlvee, calling to our at­ example. In optic neuritis, the in- Bridgeport area and that IS more Quaker Rugs. Formerly $5.95...... p try waa la tha mldat of one of Ita achievements"; but If, on the olhsr tention tbat ohe waa the queen tra-oeular part of the optic nerve to projects bad been aent to Washing­ QUICKER THAN A CAT / DINING ROOM popular periods . . designs that have lived for slmoet two hundred years. ton for final approval. CCMtBBtly recurring aU-around rot- hand. It should prove to be an un­ chantcuae o f Partoton night Ufa. Involved; In neuritis of the seventh But what thay neglsotad to tail nerve, a paralyaie o f tha muaelea of s Durham— Bight persons, seven ot 6x9 Size. Just 6 of these Congoleum and Quaker lace, they eent out a fleet with S.OOO popular move, can be, quite conven- them from N ew Haven and the Painttaking research hat foiled to develop exactly us was that bafore MUe. Boyar one aide o f the face results, called You can deaiim a room to < Beat of sU. a new dining room Uke this Is really inexpensive. Imag­ Rugs. Formerly $4.95 ...... ^/'aoMiera to do e little foot-bold get lently, disclaimed os on administra­ BeU’a paralysis, or facial pm iytit. eighth from Waterbury, were Injur­ bow quick a cat U. conquerad tha Champa da lysee, meet .your particular require- ^ Ung. tion meaaure and charged up to tbs she worked hare, la tba employ This latter type of neuritis Is a pro­ ine 9 large, full size pieces, in beautiful mahogany veneers, for only | 1 2 5 . ed, one aerloualy, when two cars But here it wlw we think we arc right in saying that menta from a apecial collection Came together on an icy road a mile AlaUBdrla waa ou the outs with Inalstencs of ths Chamber of Com- of the flhuberU, as a aolo singer nounced example of that type of .. e tclcpiione call it "quicker than a cat”. In a musical variety, for a small, Buffet, china, table, arm chair and 6 side chairs, as pictured. from here. tba laat c f E gypt and welcomed the marca of the United BUtao, the de neuriUa having a rheumatic ba^. of 20 18th Cratury reproduc­ Bridgeport—Dean Charles Brown, On the average it takes lest than a minute to complete See (hem in our Show Window . . Tonight. weekly pay-check. M e now trav­ The treatment of neuritis in BriUah. But K was oeceeeaiy to tions. This is an "open stock^ former head of tbe Tale Divinity mands ot tbe texUle Industries, and, els with her own ansamble (not every case depends upon removal ot IXEBBIBnOALLY sealed: a A N outer vault of re-Inforoed an out-of-town call ensemble, so to speak . . for School, said In a talk at Bridgeport ^(aet, act Jast p phnae, get poeeaeelon o f Rosetta aa a key by far cry, to the encouragement of merely a piano player) to accom­ the causa. A thorough examiruitton ^ concrete; aa luuer vault ot That’e six timet u fast u 10 yean ago. that the human race is “Incarably whea tha weB-buUt W ilbert pore aaphalt: eaet en Moo. d t y to a g eB cn l Una o f aupply fo> preceding admlnlstratloaa pany W '. everywhere. to required In order to determine the finishes of each piece The chanteuee to ragalnlng hsr om e muKsoAT a n d s a iu r d a t e v e n m c s u n tr . 9 o ^ a o a c reUgiouo" and that religion wtll re­ pr avtiee eadaHag protectioa. Bedes time’s attacks. And die cott b reasonable, too. what the cause, or eausaa, may be, match the next 9-pieee groups turn In Rumla. klagandriA. Bart cf the tittle Bitt- The Idea ot a Canadian trade vogue la Manhattan, after on epl- Tha cauae to tha Important thing— For example: s m army marcbed thara. Tba In treaty Involving substantial tariff demio ot notoy quarUttee, quln- of this fine furniture ran.q« Watertown —Penn Jinks, brown ^ Sold bjr Reputable Funeral Directors the aymptoma are only the effect ddlng owned by Dr. Andrew J. Yon CAB can WINDSOR from MANCHESTER fo r i. ^•■Mtaata Sed at the red coata. ap- rsduotloM on both atdae haa been In tettea aad harmony trios. Halan from 1169 up. Yon can make Morgan haa a club named for her; U you wtoh an aitlda on Neurltla, your snitq aa large or small as WATKINS BROTHERS Jackaon of Waterbury, won flve WATKINS yiM Sfll Into tha city. But when the amrke tor a long tinsa. That It it w ill ho aent to you. W rito to b m In |luea and tw o aacond places a t tha Taylor, erstwhile movie you desire! EUfOBE 6k CO. lOc—StgtioH-toStatioH ( f minittes) nf sHybour B ittM get Into Uw atraaU they b u BOW been brought about to due star, to BtoigiBB la tha Btttmora care ot thla newapaper and raqubat at MANCHESTER, CONN. htb annual Watenown indoor: . Mqckjr Hin. Conn. 20c—P€rson-to-fenoH (3 minutes) dt any hour at MANCHESTER, CONN. Supper PAC

^ After three attempts, they put OPINIONS ARE DIVIDED back to the pilot sehooner N<>nbsra ABSENT MINDED In the morning until 9 o'clock In the statement waa Issued in [SAVINGS POSSIBLE light aad tne Baayo Main, afraid NORTHERN CmNA^ DISCUSS BUILDING evening on the question of accept­ rasulte wera mads Woman Ambulance Doctor PROFESSOR, PIKER TO SEE HANDIWORK Human Reflex Blanied CHiNEY WORKERS ing ths wags cut ot S to 10 p«r em t tha gale would poimd her on thS the New Herbert Melodies that "tite majority eC tk ^ ON NEW U. S.-TRADE PACT Winthrop ahora, ran up « to r the which wiU go into offset at Chenty ot Leeal SiKl had votad to UNDER REGISTRARS Quaraatme station without a pilot ASANEWSTATE Here’s A Man Who Mislaid the Brotbera' mllte today. The vote majority to accept foe Likes Work in Bridgeport Small Craft Wrecked CODEAGAINTDNIGHt Disclosed By Daughter OFUTIN-AMERICANS For Many Auto Crashes ACCEPT WAGE CUT was taken by eeeret ballot. A 'com- reduettoa” and added that 1 (OoBtbraed from Page One) The $80,000 Gloucester fisherman Ring, the Groom’s Coat and mlttea to tupenrtea tha voUng waa hops of thoss who had voM I Bride’a Wedding Dress. appointed at tbe meeUng ot the cxe- " fcMgtport, Not. 18.— (A P )—D r.»p«jcU top* pr H e ' to the Bridgeport General hosplUl. also promised to move for liberal­ side the harbor, and as the gale in­ Martel, both of the Dorcbeater produced Herbert operoa and have \ Local's office, located on the south knocked out by hte oam shot yt ■Inee 1980, and one of the few ever title of "Tbe House That Jack Dr. Yandell Henderson of Yale ing, reported that venom from the Bide of tbe C)dd Fellows' haU. to ride any officially In Connectl- We divide tte city between us. ’ The registrars of voters depart­ ization of methods of valuing Inv- creased, she was advised by radio to By ASSOCLITED PRESS district, were married last been In the possession of Mra. Ella day when hte drive atrock a i roceed to Galway, eliminating the Carpenters, plumbers, electricians Built”, and "Seven Little Windows.” The exhibition and sale of Mexi­ University said these occldente, Cobra, deadly snake, can give relief Employees of Cheney Brothers, Only the election officiate were ou t _ The slim, athletic looking young ment was suggested to the Com­ ports which American officials con­ From Tokyo and Shanghai came night, but not without difficul­ Herbert Bartlett since the death ot In the falrwajMuid the ball r ' doctor said she chose medicine as a Eoston call. and steam fitters will meet a ^ n There are about ten Herbert tunes can handicraft to be held at the which account for ten per cent of ' -om pains or cancer. members of Local 2129 U.T.W. of allowed In the room when the vote ‘You've seen the movies?” Dr. mittee of Fifteen Saturday after­ sidered arbitrary and unreasonable. ties. her famous father In 1924. in each of the works. back against hte chin. A ' profession after rejecting careers In Elgbty-tw6 passengers, ready to the aimultaneoue indications today with the selectmen tonight at 8 p. Center church on Wednesday, Nov. automobile fatalities, occur because Dr. Macht formerly of Johna Hop­ A., voted Saturday from 11 o clock was counted. When tabulated stitehed an Inch-long gask Quinn asked as she seated herself Under moat-favored-natlon treat­ Bride aad groom arrived at a m. In the Municipal building to dis­ Along with hundreds of others of The manuscripts which Mra. Bart­ tbe driver jams bis feet to the floor kins and now director of tbe pbar- teaching and secretarial work. noon as a place where several embark here, were sent to a down­ that 90,000,000 people wrould soon downtowm hotel where tha wed­ 20, wU I be widely representa­ OB a stiff wooden bench In the tan ies which the United States has wlUi cuss proposed changes in tbe build­ Herbsirs manuscripts, they lay for lett gave to the Congressional U- tive of Latin America's folkways. when he becomes momentarily un­ maoologioal research laboratory of aad yellow ball of the welfare build­ As she talked, the telephone bell small savings could be made, by other countries, all concessions town hotel for the night, and line find themeelves citizens o f a new ding ceremony took place, to officials said they would be taken state, virtually independent of tee ing code. 10 years in a New York storage braiy include the complete orches­ Prices of the articles to be display­ set Thus he steps on the gas and Hynson, Westeott and Dunning, ing where she works from 2 to 8 jingled, a nurse called, "they're Judge Raymond A. Johnson who granted Canada will be given to find that three suitcases and warehouse until Mrs. Bartlett de­ ready, doctor,” and throwing on an to New York to sail on the Beren- Republic that was (3hlna. The selectmen have arranged to tral scores for most of Victor Her­ ed begin at a very low figure, as the ear speeds up. Baltimore, Md., said the poteon was appeared before the group to ex­ .every other country except Germany three bandbaga containing tbe cided' to present the originals of bert’s beat known productions, but overcoat, for It was cold and foggy garla Wednesday. The new state would consist of important IncidentaTs had van- have a special town meeting Satur­ the Center church women who have When a driver unexpectedly finds Injected Into the muscles of 100 per­ '^"•W rS^'a just like that When which has denounced her trade day at 8:30 p. m. to take action on most of her father’s work to the Li­ there are several nilssing and his himself in danger of striking some sons "affected with advanced and In­ they put the camera In the back outside, she apologized for the In­ plain the annual appropriation for Telephone and electric light serv­ the five provinces of China contigu­ iahed. arranged the exhibit hope that treaty with Washington. ous to Monchoukuo, the Manchuri­ the revised code. Last EYiday, fol­ brary of Congresa In Washington, daughter is now trying to trace object, he said, an age-old reflex operable cancer and other malignant m k , you know. It's thrilling and I terruption and was whisked away the town court. ice was disrupted along the Cape; The beat man swore hs put many people will wlah to purchase on another case. Moreover, Secretary Hull said communities were darkened In an Empire which Japan created lo lowing k discussion hy Uw trades­ ^ a gave the library a collection of them In order to Include them in the compete him to grasp the wheel tumors” , and oufferlng Intense pain. WARNING! OLD MAN WINTER like the work tremendously. The possibility that the present countries other than Canada "will them In Karlsber^q car before mors than 7,600 sheets which will be Christmas gifts or objects for their The Temple University graduate, To the energetic young doctor, who system, under which Town Treas­ Rhode Island as poles fell, and a military campaign three years leaving the Karlaberg home In men, it was uncertatin If tbe new library’s collection. own homes. The exhibit, however. Is tightly and shove hte legs down and He obtained favorable results In 75 obtain relatively little benefit” be­ ago. placed on public view early next One of the missing scores is that who polished off her medical knowl­ has ‘been on the go” almost con­ urer George H. Waddell pays the roads blocked by the tangled wires. Dorchester. Police wrere notl- code would be. In proper shape at open from 4:30 to 7:30 to anyone out In a self-righting movement cases. HEADED FOR MANCHESTER! stantly since entering the practical cause Canada supplies most o f the Tbs wind toppled a 60-foot wood-' Japanese newsp^ermen In the the special session. year. of ’'Sweethearts", the music of just a sT f he were slipping on lee. A finding that a person Is about edge In the school attached to the registrars of voters for election cx- fleld. Only one of tbe unproduced operas who wishes to enjoy the beauty of a umversity, dresses In regulation field of medicine four months ago, pense.s and they In turn compensate American Imports of the commodi­ en tower of the U. S. Geodetic Sur­ area reported to 'Tokyo that Lie Twro hours later, while the An attempt will be made tonight which formed the basis of Herbert's This la known as the "extensor four times as likely to have tuber- ties covered in the new pact. vey at Falmouth, Mass. declaration of Independence would is complete. It U called “Tbe famoiu damage suit for violation of highly Individualized art, whether thrust." white, clinical thermometers and it was one more thrill. their helpers, would make the town hunt was atlU on between Dor­ to Iron differences of opinion be­ or not he cares to buy. culoste tf both hts parents bad It Government officials, foreseeing A scow was tom from Its moor­ be made next Saturday. tween the tradesmen and the se^ Lavender Lady”, and waa written in tbe copyright laws. The composer’s "We cannot change human nature than If neither parent did was pre- liable for a second payment if the chester aad the hotel, Daniel 1914, diortly after 'The Only Olri" adverse reaction in some quarters ings at Bass Point, Nahont, and The five' provinces are Hopah, Hoffman of Chelsea, reported lectmen and between various victory In this court action led to The Mexican artisan, shaping —not In a million years". Dr. Hen­ eented by Dr. Raymond Pearl of tbe workers should not receive their Shantung, Shansi, Chahar, and Sul- waa produced. each piece of clay or glass to bis meet the temporary notes. It cannot ay, because a registrar was at because of some of the sliced Amer­ throwrn up on tha beach at Revere. to police there were atx strange tractors. the formation of tbe American So­ derson declared. Instead hs sug- Johns HopMns medical eehooL Many vessels stayed in port, yuan. Their various governors. It ciety o f Compoeers, Authors and personal fancy, embodies the stories be also used for paying off the notes Ciched or for any other reason, was ican duties, sought to show the pact ' pieces of luggage In his ear, The chief points on which arget "Of course tbe book la out of date to be Issued under the Agnew plan. would lean to greatly increased among them the Boston-New York was indicated, may be called upon which had been parked In front ment has not yet been reached ore now” , said Mra. Bartlett today, Publishers. Herbert was one o t Its of his childhood, the life about him, REFUNDING AIDS pointed out hy Judge Johnson. steamer St. John. to form the Inner council o f govern­ If the legislature should not permit trade and employment which would of the Karlaberg home while he the establishment of a building "but the music is stlU fresh and founders. and his love o f gay color In the Center church's "Mexican Fiesta" Items In the last bill submitted ment. Ilshmenta where beer, wine and dis­ the town to float the proposed re­ benefit the country. The State De­ visited friends. commission, boards of examiners to ornamentation of oven the moat A supper, of which one dish v/tU be tilled spirits are sold became just for election expenses Included pay­ Japanese sources contend that funding bond Issue. ments for services which should be partment also said: test applicants for license to prac­ ordinary utensil which he nmkei Mexican In nature, will be followed plain merchants today. TOWN NOW, ADDS Now that the Board of Assessors, "While our agriculture and our the indicated development Is a r>- tice the trades and tbe amounts to Tbe earth-brown clay of the hand- JO" performed by the registrars for by an entertainment portraying The State Board of Equalisation, from the figures of the Clemlnsbaw sult of dissatisfaction among the bo ebarged for licenses. shaped glazed baking-ware in which their annual salary of $900, and Industry will benefit largely from the ASSERTS RED TAPE Chinese with the National govern­ FOREMEN DINE WALL ST. BRIEFS various phases of Mexican history liquor regulation agency, announced reappraisal, has estimated that the services, such os making voters, expansion of their Canadian sales, ABOUT TOWN he cooks most of hla food has allp- and customs. Tickets available with it would start enforesment today of grand list when completed next ment at Nanking and Is a popular INTERE^LATER which are not, according to the the agreement leaves for both agri­ manifestation o f the people's will. decoratlon In bright green and or without supper. the law barring aignt with tbe pop­ February will be approximately statutes, within the jurisdiction of culture and Industry adequate pro­ H 0LD m > RELIEF Chinese government officials, 'on The sum of $6.28 has been donat­ New York, Nov. 18.—Schenley white. Illustrating some of the old ular terms cocktail lounge, salon or 836,000,000, the town, by various ed to the Will Rogers Memorlil AT T TONIGHT folklore. There are conventionalised buffet or tbe more familiar bar, (OOBtlBWed from Page One) the office. Judge Johnson stated. tection in the domestic market, even the other hand, claim that the auto­ NEW GOAL IS SET Distillers Corp. stockholders wlU means, can arrange Its operting The appropriation for the court la though it opens to Canadian pro­ Fund at tha Manchester Trust Cjoin- designs of the flowers which he BAR SALOON SIGNS bar-room or saloon. nomy movement is a result of Jao- vote Nov. 27 on a proposal to eat set-up and if Mr. Agnew's pro­ coats and debt service charges to almost entirely for salaries, which ducers a larger share in that market. anese machlnatlona aimed at in­ pany. Donations will be received foi loves on the vivid red or blue paint­ posal is adopted. Including both pay­ provide a tax rata an}rwbere be­ are fixed by the general statutes, B enito Consumers. creasing Japan's sphere of Influence the fund until Thanksgiving. authorize 200,000 shares of 6 1-2 ed furniture. He caricatures the Sacramento, Calif., Nov. 18.— ments on the principal and interest tween 3t and 30 mills. and court orders for witness fees, “To consumers, moreover, the re­ Mayor LaGoardia Declares In the Far Blast. FOR STATE’S IDLE ever-present Mexican pig In pottery (AP)—By the wording on their ad­ Reservations for 75 Made; per eent cumulative preferred stock, vertising signs, keepers o t estab- CUlD STARl’' charges. The interest charges for The___ estimated grand list Is one- medical examinations and similar ductions in our duties will be of Grave Situation The Springfield figure skaters, penny-banks with purple spots and the Icebords, have extended an In­ $100 par, of which it Is planned to the A^mew plan are computed at 4 | eighth less than last year. Last costs Incidental to trials. much benefit, by checking unreason­ "Semi-Colon Boys” Are A spokesman for the Japenose sell 180,000 shares to bankers. Pro­ orange stripes. An anecdote, typical Dial 5321 M I L UP w i : par cent 4. All court officials have taken a able Incredises in prices of the con­ Embsasy at Shanghai said that, 'or vitation to the Manchester figure Motion Pictures to Follow of the Mexican, Is thet of the fur- their part, the continuance of pres­ skaters for Thursday evening at 8 ceeds will be used for additional EFFECT OF FLAN ON INTEllEST AND DEBT voluntary pay cut of 10 per cent, sumers' commodities concerned." 25,000 Persons to Be Placed working capital. ntture-maker who charges a higher F or Floeal Tear Annual Cost Annual Cost Reduction Increase Johnson told the committee. President Roosevelt stressed that Responsible for Delays. ent conditions, referring to a resur­ o'clock at the rink In the Spring- price for making several duplicate I'd v/hlle duties were lowered on Ca­ gence of anti-Japanese activities, field arena which Is now open at a the Banquet Free Delivery Ip.''' Preaant Under Effected by Caused by Smilingly explaining It would be Lumber production for the week chairs because It bores him to re­ R lC H F lf Set-up Agnew Plan Agnew Plan as easy to say "$200 and costs" as nadian cattle, cream, seed potatoes were regarded by the Japaneas as moderate admission charge. On Jobs by Dec. 1, State peat a pattern. Itodliig Aug. 18, Agnew Plan grave. ended Nov. 0 waa 218,013,000 feet, (minus) (plus) "$100 and costs,” Judge Johnson o f­ and certain kind of lumber, quotas Miss Adelma Grenier has visited Washington, Nov. 18.—(AP) — He said that Japanese troops Sunset Council, Degree of Poca­ shipments 182,212,000 feet and or­ L.M see* ...... 8348,198.00 8148,198.00 $ 100 ,000.00 fered to make the court self-sup­ placed on those articles would pre­ Over seventy-live reservations Mexico and has personally selected HI-OCTANE Mayor Florello LaGuardia of New were massing at Sbantaalkuan, the Official Asserts. ders booked 102,886,000 feet, ac­ e e e-e aaa.aa a porting, on achievement which has vent serious Interference with the hontas, will bold ita regular meet­ lurve been made for the Foremen’s W ELDON 1987 340,290.00 140,290.00 10 0 ,000.00 city of the Great Wall, but that cording to the National Lumber the glass, pottery, and fabrics which 1.88 338,288.00 188,388.00 91,000.00 been suggested to some other de­ American markeL York criticized the public wrorks ing tonight at 8 o'clock In Tinker Caub banquet, wbich will be held at are moat typical of Mexico and still HTORADE on. CObq Inc. CASOLI N E partments, If the Committee of Fif­ they did not intend to Invade North the Manchester YMCA tonight at Manufacturers Association. Revised DRUG CO. IM 8 . . . a . . . . . a . 198,730.00 311,620.00 17.800.00 For example, he said the quota of administration today for "red tape” ball. Members of the drill team and most adaptable to more sophisticat­ S3 Ckartor a The boaeball club of the Concor­ 67,030.00 91,880.00 23.400.00 date. been cu t mended Secretary lakes, the PWA Japanese commercial activity with with the objective of Administrator bond for tbe occasion. ed baking pots, bowls, a:^ .platters e • e •a ...... dia Lutheran church will have a 1N 6 68,803.80 88,302.50 22.800.00 Estimating that a few hundred Though the agreement did not administrator, as "helpful and co­ the area as a result o f Its probacle Harry L. Hopkins of having S.Ocio,- Following tbe supper a meeting to from Tonala; brightly painted INT e a e • a a a a a a a 64,078.00 86,278.00 22,200.00 mention coal, officials said It could autonomy. special meeting at 8 o'clock tomor­ elect officers for the coming year AUTHOR TO U9CTUBE tables and chairs; amusing, painted !"■ dollars can be saved in the expendi­ operative." 000 men and women employed by 1948 61,607.80 83,207.80 21,600.00 tures of the South Manchester Free be supplemented. They said an But “no one man can do It alone,” According to the Japanese Infor­ row night at the clubrooms. the WPA by the first of Uie month. will be held. Rev. Elmer Tlilenes of gourds and clay piga; multi-colored ' 1M9 • a a a a a a a a a a 39,140.00 60,140.00 21. 000 . 00library this year. Rev. Woodruff agreement on coal had not been he added. mation, a declaration of Independ­ As o f Friday. Daly estimated, 16,- the Hartford County YMCA, bos West Cornwall, Nov. 18.— (A P) woven baskets on i mats from 1960 a a • a ...... 33,832.80 82,622.80 20.400.00 went out of his way to say that a possible yet. "If they would only stop the ence is already In preparation. Its A. L. Brown Junior Court of Mac­ 640 men and 6 0 i women were work­ been secured to present a series of —Henry Wellln^on Wack, Inter­ Toluce; and rugs made of the fibre 1981 26,142.60 four main principles were stated tO The F irst 45,942.60 19.800.00 cut In the school budget would be typewriters we could get the steam cabees followed Its meeting Satur­ ing on 444 projects In the state. motion pictures depicting the flight nationally known author, artist and of the maguey plant. The exhibit ...... a be: 1963 a a a a 19,200.00 19.200.00 more serious than one In his depart­ day afternoon with a party in honor The number of towns In which o f Colonel Lindbergh through South editor, will lecture at Camp Cross, will also have natural-colored wood­ 1968 shovels working,” LaGuardia con­ 1. The complete autonomy of 18,600.00 18.600.00 ment. DAUGHTER ACCUSED tended. of the director, Mrs. W. P. Law, one or more projects ore In opera­ America. This Is a talkie film. the 182nd Co., C. C C., here to­ en cheese trays, bowls, and aalad 1'. 19M e a « a ...... 18,000.00 18,000.00 The receipts of the building In­ North Cblna; who has been leader of the court tion: Litchfield county, 10 towns, morrow, camp offlclala announced Out of the New Deal ho said, "has 2. The severu ce of all financial sets for all kinds o f buffet service, 1988 17,400.00 17.400.00 spector's department during Octo­ since its organization a year ago. Hartford, 18; Tolland, 4; Windham. BIG CUPPER BOPS today. made In California but decorated 1986 come a new species that we might and economic ties with the Nanking 10,800.00 16.800.00 ber would have been $143 if the IN FATHER’S DEATH State Manager E. A. Rock, who 7; New Haven, 18; Middlesex, 8; Baltimore, Nov. 18.— (A P )—The A fellow of the Royal Geographi­ with typically Mexican motifs— 1987 a a a a...... call the 'semj-colon boys'." government; Rr-' 16,200.00 16,200.00 building code revisions being con­ gntTpresent, In behalf of tbe courts, New London, 9; and Fairfield, 18. Philippine cnipper, sister ship of the cal Society o f London and the fruit, vegetables, even a sombreroed 1866 , sidered by the selectmen had been "They are simply a boll on the 3. Tbe co-operation of the Japa­ Nine more projects employing 281 Thanksgiving Dinner 10 000.00 10,600.00 nese army In the prevention of the liresented a beautiful candy dish to 28-ton China Clipper on the west American Geographical Society, peon asleep under a cactua, in 1669 a a a a a a a In force Instead of the $36 which (Oontinned from Page One) neck of this administration,” he 5,200.00 9,300.00 Mrs. Law. The children are request­ persons were slated to get under­ coast ready to go Into trans-Paclflc Wack la exp ect^ to apeak on 'The bright reds, blues and greens. Hand, was collected under the present added. spread of Communism; way In five Fairfield county oom- "I think It is senseless to take the 4. The promotion of cordial rela­ ed to come Wednesday at 4 o'clock service, left today for Miami en Lure of the Woods”, the hobby of woven scarfs and luncheon cloths Total .$291,000.00 $417,000.00 code provisions, the committee was to kill her father. He said that to instead of Tuesday to rehearse tbeir munitiea during the day if tbe route to San Francisco, Cal. Informed by Edward C. Elliott, Jr., plans and specifications of experi­ tions among North China, Japan which led to his founding and edit­ from all over tha world which are leas 391,000.00 another person she had said It would drill. weather permitted. Less than two hours after the building inspector. be the happiest day o f her life when enced city engineers," and submit and Manchoukuo. Daly said work will be started ing America’s sportsmen's maga­ suitable for combination with the take-off, tbe giant air liner radioed zine, field and stream. band-made gloss and pottery will she ever fully enjoyed Total net increase to the town In annual The situation whereby Mr. El­ she saw him in the grave. To still them to younger, inexperienced men this week in placing under the WPA liott has continued his duties as In­ Another bridge and whist party It was over Morebead O ty, N. C., Wack baa a studio In lim e Rock, be Included, appropriations caused by adoption of the another person, Greear added, the holding office jobs down here in Is announced by the ladles o f the the five Federal transient camps spector without pay since last Washington.” located in CkmnecUcut. averaging 200 miles an hour. adjacent to Camp Cross. The exhibition Is a part a t the AgMW p la n ...... $126,000.00 defendant said when told that her Buckingham church for Friday eve­ March because the town meeting father might complain: He defended delays incident to Shot la The Arm did not make a special appropria ning of this week at 8 o’clock. The "I don't give a damn. Let him beginning works progress projects, winners will receive grocery prizes. The plan is a "shot in the arm." year's tax rate o f 22 mills can tlon last mring as the selectmen kick. I’m going to kill him any- contending that In this case the DON’T WORRY SrOCKBOlDERS RAUFY It win give temporary relief for therefore be increased to a fraction anticipated, was explained to the wray.” There will also be two door prizes Her new Eleciric Range committee. government was providing lOO per­ and refreshments. three years. After that the relief less than 29 mills trithout'effecting Scene Described cent grants and was justified In full Miss Thankful why are you talking from me "shot” will end, while the Mr. Elliott offered to forget about fifty cents a day? the tax bills of property owners, ex­ A scene of confusion in the Max­ examination of the projects. ELECTRIC CO. MERGER aealady lingers on. cept as valuations have been chang­ claim he may have against Don’t you know two hundred dol­ Tbe committee In charge of Co. If the premise on which Mr. Ag- town for that back salary If well home in the Uttle Pond settle­ Cannot Be Abandoned lars a month Is on the way ? K’s recent Cabaret Night is wiU do the cooking, ed In the equalization program of ment In the early morning of July LaGuardia scoffed at the Idea that new's recommendation Is based la the reappraisal. pa.v is restored this year. Two millions have signed and more anxious to get all bills In by Mon­ Holding Company Eliminated; The question of a town grocery 21 was pictured by Skeen. He said federal relief could be abandoned $300 00 CASH PRIZES sound, the idea might well be ex­ Available methods of Influencing are reaching out for the dole day, Nov. 28 so that Its accounts Approved by Slate Public tended. store for charity department dis­ Trigg Maxwell was intoxicated and next July, and warned against the You could not have read the papers, can be cleared. the tax rate con therefore make It bursements and the purchase of all threatened to whip his daughter for possibility that the resettlement ad­ you poor misguided soul. Utility Commission. ieave Her free to join He claims that the useful life of four mills less or five mills more capital Improvements represented commodities wholesale Instead of keeping late hours, catching her by ministration might develop "satte- than it was this year, Elmer A. Weden, vice president by $1,137,000 o f the $1,614,000 In through local retailers was gone into the hair and stating: "I can whip llte” cities to draw industries away Why we could not have the luxuries of the J. W. Hale company, bos pur­ Hartford, Nov. 18.— (AP)—Stockr bonds outstanding against the town ninstration of the Maximum Rate extensively by the committee and her and I'm going to whip her.” from present locations. that others have earned chased the bouse at 43 Brookfield, holders today ratified the merger of For Letters Telling Why /. Like the family fun. "should certainly be much longer Tax receipts required to George H. Waddell, clerk of the Skeen said the father tried to He urged the conference to recom­ For which we do not save for but street from Herbert House and Is the Ckmnecticnt Electric (tervlce than the life of the bonds Issued to halance budget propos­ Board of Selectmen and charity com­ carry out his threat but that the mend lower InteVest rates on federal for which we have yearned. moving today from bis former resi­ Company into the Connecticut L t ^ t pay for them. In other words, you ed by the selectm en..$ 1,088,800 missioner. young girl, breaking loose from him loans for public works. Now don’t worry Miss Thankful but dence at 67 Boulder road. and Power Company, effective Nov­ are paying now for schools which In ,T ax rate of 80 mills on Mr. Waddell, questioned by mem­ fell over a rocking chair and struck "To say that the relief program sit and take your ease ember 27. No more lonff hoars, in the kitcheif aU probability will be In use 19 or a grand list o f ...... $36,000,000 bers of the committee, guessed that her side against the heel of a shoe. can be stopped abruptly on July 1 For you don’t have to save a cenL Tbe claasea in Home Hygeine and The conaolldatlon, which elimin­ 30 years from now.” Will raise ...... $ 1,080,000 the town would save $18,000 a year As her father advanced, Skeen con­ next year,” LaGuardia said, "is sim­ you can do as you please. Nursing, under Miss Meo of the Red ates the Electric Service (fompany, a R A G O W ASH while her guests have all the f a n ., . ., m inting out that $499,000 of the Or practically enough to hy purcliBsing coal at the mines and tinued, the girl struck him several ply unthinkable and impossible. Cross ^11 begin at the Health Cen­ bolding company, from the corpor­ 81,088,891 revenue needed from balance the budget. tliat It would save perhaps $100,000 blows on the head with the shoe. He "Granted that there Is an Im­ If you have three In your own fam­ ter tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock, ate set-up of the state’a largest util­ ily who have reached sixty taices to balance the budget propoS' lUustrstlon of the Minimum Rate a .vear by buying all supplies whole­ said It was sometime later, after provement In Industry and business, and again Thursday at tbe same ity system, was approved by the ed by the selectmen Is for debt ser­ Tax receipts required to sale. Trigg Maxwell had died, that Miss Why there Is six hundred dollars a hour. Those who have contemplat­ State Public Utility Commission granted that wo are on our way to month, don't you see: vice, Mr. Agnew says, "It would balance the budget pro­ Maxwell became "suspicious" that recovery and assume that we will ed registering and have not dons so Saturday. Lucky Woman? N ot at a l l seem to me that this amount la The water department affairs So you see you need not worry or DAMP WASH DRY WASH posed by selectmen .•$ 1.088,800 were briefly discussed by Fred H. the blowra froift the shoe might have have complete recovery, we will be should confer with Mias Emily The vote was unanimous at meet­ resdly out of all ratio to debt see- have a ringle care Cheney or Miss Dorothy Buttle FLAT WORK I RON EC) ELAT WORK /RONtD Deduct temporary notes Parker, superintendent. caused death. confronted with a new normal. If ings of both companiea, with excep­ DE LUXE Tice o f other municipalities." A jury of twelve Chimbcrland For you know it must come from without delay. tion of 10 obares o f preferred Con­ DAMP WASH She has earned this freedtmi from to be "washed-out" by It was stressed that the water de­ anybody expects a return to the old someone, somehow and some­ He predicts, "It does not appear mountaineers was chosen In just 30 necticut Light and Power, v o t^ ( rnkiF 1 v) (n.UJ F DRV) ALL FINISHFD to me that it will be necessaiy for back taxes ...... $ 200,000 partment has not yet, and will not normal he simply does not know where. this year, coat one penny in tax minutes this morning to tiy the conditions or refuses to recognize against the merger. AU common, kitchen drudgery, as almost every you to issue bonds for any major ease. and 74 per cent of preferred of Con­ improvementa such as the building ^ $ 888,800 money. them. There are always those who a of schools for a number of years." Deduct part of bond pay­ Several members of the Ckrmmlt- The defendant, smartly dressed "With complete recovery of busi­ saving for a rainy day. STALIN ANNOUNCES necticut Light and Power waa voted, man’s wife has. Surely your wife is Need of Schools ments due in accord­ tee reported they bad beard several listened attentively after entering i ness and industry we will still have And those who as fast as they get and 94 per cent of EHectric Service v . s i It would not be difficult to chart ance with Agnew plan $ 100,000 rumors that the department was not plea of innocent through her coun. several million employable men and It throw it away common, there being no preferred. the ayowtb of population and the self supporting. sel women unable to find gdlnfull em­ So we need not fret or worry but Tbe merger la being consummated no exception. NEW SOCIAL ORDER by increasing tbe common stock of number of school children in Man­ $ 788,800 Mr. Parker and Mr. Waddell ex­ ployment." set our minds at rest chester for the last 20 years, from Deduct cuts In appropria­ plained to the satjsfactlon of all the For they will have to pay It or be Light and Power, 100 per cent, which the accommodations for tions which the Com­ committeemen that the $40,000 in STORM LASHES COAST, impriZoned or uasessed. owned by Electric Service, to make She deserves the modem advantages school children which will be needed mittee of Fifteen may the budget this year la entirely _ 8 E H a share for share exchange of Light during the next years could be OH. STOVE EXPLODES, Soviet Leader Declares Com- and Power for Electric Servioe, 20 recommend ...... $ 32,800 bookkeeping entry. Included only be­ predicted with reasonable accuracy. cause all orders for disbursements in CAPE COD TO HATTERAS THE FADED BOUQUET which is controUed by United Gas of electric cookery. Nor would It be difficult to as­ the department are drawn by the Improvement Company of Phlladel- certain the physical condition of the _ $ 736,000 DAMAGES TWO ROOMS It was towards evening immisiii Win Now T ^ e pbla. Tax receipts required to town treasurer. had done $100,(XM damage to When I heard a gentle tapping at present school properties and esti­ The Income from the water de­ The transfer books of Omnecticut mate the need for replacements. If balance the revised Its sewage treatment plant and des­ my door, EUectrlc Service will be closed Nov­ partment, which each year equals troyed a $35,000 bathing pavilion. Place of Sodalism. any, which will occur during the budget ...... $ 796,000 Three Companies Answer Cali I opened It wide, and there standing ember 26, the final date for transfer or exceeds the expenditures, are in Piers, boardwalks and other beach waa the little orphan maid. next 20 years. Tax rate o f 21 mnia on to Essex Street House On of ths stock. Hartford-OonnecUcut a grand list o f ...... $36,000,000 turn paid into the town treasury. front structures suffered all along In her slender bands ahs held Similar surveys would reveal the The cost of operatl^ the water Saturday Afternoon. Trust Company ia transfer agsnl Prove to yourself ’with a Will raise ...... $ 796,000 the north Nsrsey coast. The sea faded bouquet Moscow, Nov. 18—(AP)—Joseph amount of bonding, if any, which and sewer systems in the south end and Hartford National Bank The town meeting Saturday night cut a new Inlet Into the Manasquan She smiled and said In a voice 1 StsUn, Soviet leader, today an­ will be needed during the next quar­ of the town under municipal man' river. Fire, caused by the explosion of Trust, registrar. Directions ter of a century for capital Improve­ by making more drastic cuts In sweet and low nounced the coming transition of i d # agement has been 80" per cent leas Scranton, Pa., reported 8H Inches an oil stove at the home of Julian 'T brought you these, because bo sent to service company stock­ ments. proposed appropriations can reduce Soviet society from Socialism to holders on methods of exchange than was the cost while they were of now. About lob motorists were Tournaud, of 32 Essex streeL at 8:30 love you so." (Communism. With such material at hand, Mr. the tax rate even further if It de­ operated by Cheney Brothers. stranded by a drift near Wilkes- Saturday afternoon resulted in shortly. TRIAL ELECTRIC RANGE Agnew's plan could be revised to sires, a mill be dropped from the Trembling, I took her offering. In a speech delivered at the clos­ A saving o f $18,000 in the pro­ Barre, Pa. still alarm being eent ia calling out Her gift at love t o sweat ing session o t ths First National s^ ead evenly through the next 20 rate for each $86,000 by which the No. 3 of the South Manchester fire Damp W ash T h rifty _ F lu lfD iT jrsars, the payments on principal posed appropriation of $80,000 for I held her eloaa to my,.beart Stakhanovita Congress in tbs Krem­ All Finished budget is reduced. Federal aid work, can be niade be­ department and wras followed soon TRIAL OF CROATS and the interest charges required to All the meeting has to do, ia de­ New England Coast And kissed her cheek; lin, hs promiasd "wslfars and a cause of the chknge over from after by a box alarm from Station While unbidden my tears did flowi mors cultured” life for everyone un­ Prizes Prizes P rizes De Luxe Prizes amortize the present Indntedness cide the desirability of curtailing « 1. Ton can hava the nae of a modem electric range for 4. At the end of the year^i trial, you may continue to o f the town. FERA to WPA auspices of the relief Battered By Storm 391. This brought out Companiea And all thru the years that have der tbs Bsw order. 4 Cash Prises for tetters—ao- services by cutting appropriations activities, Mr. Waddell announceiL 8 and 4 in addition to No. 2. The Tbs Congrsas was attsndsd by IN ? m BEGINS 4 Osah Prtxea telling "W hy 1 4 Cosh Frlies for tetters say- 4 Oaok Ftlaes tor tetters say­ swertag tha question, "Why I Belief Ends Suddenly Boston, Nor. 18.— (A P )—Missing passed Like Bog O' Wash Damp n whole year without any rental charge. keep the electric range at the nominal rental of 30 and the deslrabUlty of the various The expenditure of the $35,000 fire had spread over the kitchen and In the garden of my heart 8,l time with the players of both teams No Tronble Is Enconnter- tice. vegetables (60 per cent); vegetables TO THE EDITOR: Imported In marketing season (36 ksd wmaq wcfl who «ow wdaf s M the newspapermen covering the MIOWEST—wood wire Oralnar—weat Local Sport Chatter UNBEATEN GRID ARRAY The United States agreed: SEVEN TEAMS KEEP UNBEATEN RECORDS per cent); most classes of farm ma­ Regia Orcheatra— aeries. Wishing to have a part In per­ NORTHWEST * CANADIAN — wtml Ihaje. Heilisrt Fsste. Orgin—wcit ed During It. To grant concessions to Canada chinery (60 per cent); Industrial He wrote much about them then, petuating the memory of one of on 79 major commodities which SL*!?-?**!’ "■sba wday kfyr crcl cfcf 7.00—Myrt snd Msrgs — east: machinery (35 to 26 per cent); min­ SOUTH — wr\-a wptf wwnc wU wjax but now Lou Gehrig, star of the dia­ our most beloved and useful citi­ amounted to two-thirds of Amer­ wrla-waun wlod warn wmo wab wapl Testerdey*e sleet end rain atorm^ we predicted, Meriden High mond. tells about Rogers. He says: : zens, I enclose herewith my con­ ing and textile machinery; radios w)dx wamb kvoo wky wfaa.wbap kpre ! srrll'. VocoUtt waa In fittin g accord with our eplrlta troundad Bristol, 31-7, to osptura IN STRUGGLE T H A f MAY ica's Imports from Canada In 1929. — Slngln' Ssm — bsrio; I had met W ill Rogers several j tribution of ...... to the The coastal storm which lashed (30 to 26 per cent) electric refrig­ voat fctba ktha wsoc wavs wtar MINNESOTA ALONE Halfback Cheered by Lie when we got through figuring out the C. C. L L. title for the second Chief among these concessions MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl s-i/t? Orosn—D ial. times casually, but the first time 1 ! Will Rogers Memorial Fhind. I the coastline from Maine to the were: erators; tinplate manufactures; J Comment Sport Forum tha raault o f our plgakln ploha la as year with five itrolght victorias, dressed lumber; building materials; PACIFIC—kso kfl kgw komo khq kfsd '-"?T Z:0O—Ouy Lombsrdo — basic: sad the opportunity of receiving the 1 understand that this g ift will be Carollnas yesterday and last night, T ariff slash on 4-year-old whisky kur kgu kpo ksz kga k]r kya ksca topsy-turvy a week-end as football while Weat Hertford trampled East tull benefit of his rare wit and' motor vehicles; cotton fabrics, furs, Cent. East. E"»s<»— west TO FORM r LEAOUB )ECD)E EASTERN CHAMi added to others from Manchester hat known thla aeason. A aurvey H ertford beneath a 82-0 aeora. The did no damage In Manchester al­ from 81 to 60 cents per fifth of a y inZ *'■"»" Oreh.—weat SEEMS SURE OF AN As He Dies of Grid Hurts ^rsonallty was at an affair given j and will go without any deduc­ gallon. chemicals, silk fabrics, cotton 7:30- S:S0--pick and Pat, Comedy— A coll to a masting to plan for of the huge ecorea piled up in many final atandlng of the league foUowa: though the rain and sleet made manufactures. Electrical apparatus.. I'S t S'SS:ri' ’’•if.'* •"'* ®*nq a ■“ rksrth Ore.-midwest w the Baseball W riters of New | tions whatsoever to the National Reductions In duties on specified J 'I'* • Wsatsrn Skit baskatboll for tha 1935-36 season of the major gamea reada Uka a list W L T P T ork during the winter three or walking and motoring hazardous. Also rate cuts on oranges, grape­ 1-4}— B;4S—Clara, Lu and Em—also o 5 SZ-X-SJ” ! ! " "•<*'* Th.stsr-lo • has been Issued by Horry N. Ande^ Fund to be expended, also with­ No accidents were reported, due to quotas of beef cattle (from 3 to 2 J'JO- J'?®—f.'k'"* Tima fsr Kiddlsa • 'S2z !S'22~'^*7'’* R1"8 Orch__to a UNBEATEN SEASON Chattanooga, Tana., Nov. 18.—< > But thare tha Ue came la. The of baaketball ooateata and in most Meriden ...... 5 0 0 10 four years ago. This annual affair cents per pound on animals over 700 fruit, nuts, Iron and steel manu­ }:1}—Nswst L. 8mlth Orshss. a lX zJ n 'S zIS * Nsrch of Timt—10 o ■on, presldant of ths County Y Ath- Instances our choices wers on the Middletown .. ...4 BUFFALO, DEIROIT out any deduction, as the Memo­ the storm, and communication was (AP)—Halfback Jamas Patrick Oiattaaooga Times printed a spe­ 1 0 8 U an exclusive stag dinner attended rial Committee may determine. pounds); dairy cows ( 2t4 to I H factures. « ; » - S:S^Prsss.Radls Nsws Psrisd lo-'ooZlSiSzT'’*,. Monhotlon Byrne has beard the final algnaU cial edition of one copy for Bubber leUo Association, for this coming short end. West Hartford ...3 3 0 6 uninterrupted at the Southern New I®-®®—l l ’OO—Jock Donny Orohootra— Tuesday evening, November 19, at by approximately seven hundred cents); cream (56.6 cents to 36 cents An agreement to place magazines . “ ft- Nyri a Margo—west repeat dying with hla heart lightened % a only. Manchester .. ...1 8 1 3 England Telephone Company ex­ 5:fc ! f Bstty-wear only 7:30 o'riock In the new headquar­ Machine b Lanj tuminarles, including players, man­ N a m e ...... per gallon); white or Irish seed po­ and potatoes on the free list. 7:00—Ameg »n* Andy—eait only Ue over the gridiron proweaa of hla Streaming across the sport paga East Hartford ...1 3 change during the past 36 hours. 10:30—11:30—Jerry Freeman Orehoo.— ters o f the County Y. M. C. A., 278 As one o f the commentators on 1 3 UNBEATEN ON ICE agers and all executives. The base­ tatoes (75 to 46 cents per 100 Mrs. Imogens B. Wolcott, director J i l t SUtlon matea on the Notre Dame high was the 8-oolumn line; Bristol ...... Likewise, no break In the service of A pledge to grant the United Kclucatlon from thg Nowi '^•y Orch.—mldwoit Gophers End Campaign With Farmington avenue, Hartford. Rep- the air waves told, when the teem ...... 0 4 0 0 ball writers act as hosts, and during Address pounds); Douglas fir and western of the Homemakers' Service De­ school football team. "Inspired Notre Dame upsets the Manchester Electric Company States, on 767 articles, the lowest Crowloy—woof only 33‘S2“ 3S'25~S,''y'"'>“ '' *lmon Orehostra resentaUvea of Interacted teams on you Mlect la beaten it's an upiet, so Tigers Hire Met BettK Um dinner a show Is given, and be­ hemlock (50 per cent). Some of partment of First National Stores, ' Kgmb, PonolulUg Calling They colled blm "Plucky Bub- Central 6 to 0." was reported, although the lines rates paid by any non-British coun­ Muilo Hall urged to be present at this Initial there were no leas than eight uptete Other echolBiUc scores of tntorast lieve you me. It Is a razzing contest were In danger from falling tree the quotas, which Include Imports try. will inaugurate a new radio fea­ NBC-WJ2 NETWORK Wisconsin; Others Have ber," these youths who volunteered "I guess I'm going. Mo," he told hare....New Britain High walloped ! S z Concort Orehoats for transfusions snd prayed In the his widowed mother, Mrs. Margaret meeting. on our Hit o f twenty-three tuaslea ea Close Race Marks Opoiing from start to finish. tunate to be among those present branches during the storm. from all countries, are 166,000 beef ture, "First National Food Newi Opon Houoo—0 to wba-wbta wbaJ Hartford High 81-0, brfora 8,500 Opposition; Yale Facbf A promise to seek legislation to Erlonger hospital for hla recovery Sullivan Byrne, "But I'll write to BaskatbsU Commlialonen for the we celled ’em right on fifteen for a "On this particular evening after when our most typical American Borne on a strong northeast wind, cattle: 20,000 dairy cows; 1,500,000 Flashes" beginning Tuesday morn­ Coneort—Alio « ^ a m kdka wgar wxya wlw wayr wmal fans at Memorial Field In the Hard­ permit Canadians visiting the wfll: Mid: wcky wenr wla kwk koU Major Hurdles to Over­ from blood poisoning which physi­ you.” County Y. M. C. A. are Kerm et B. percentage of .688. We were wrong, much revelry (It was a festive occa­ was bis most lovable self.— and In the rain began falling early Sunday gallons of cream; 260,000,000 board ing (November I9th) at 10 o'clock Forum by Radio ware City Saturday to clinch Its feet of fir and hemlock. United State to carry 8100 In 10:00—11;d^—DlQk Fidior*a Orchoitra wren wnaq kao cians traced to blows received in a Bubber died late lost night. Parker, Naw Britain, senior teams; very wrong, on <3oIgate over Syra- Matches of International Harvard With Eli Favored. sion,— you can imagine). Will rare humor." morning, ' soon turning to sleet American goods duty free back to over W TIC. Recipes, menus, help­ claim to the mythical etoto grid Also reduced duties on lumber A " ’ ?* Andy—waat ropoat MIDWEST—wmt wood wlro game against South Pittsburg, Dr. Earl CsmpbeU sold tbs blood Georgs Hill, Wapplng, intermediate cuae, Duke over North Caroline, Rogers arose to speak. Judge Lan- which coated highways and side­ their homes each month. ful household suggestions, news of n o r -t h w e s t a Ca n a d ia n — wtmj come in Next Two Weeks. teams; and Dudley Burr, East Louisiana State Over Georgia, Piu^ championship. .Norwich Free Acad­ lUa was seated next to him. From walks with a thin, treacherous coat­ and timber of other kinds; Cheddar what food Is In the market and a wlba kstp webo wdoy kfys cret cfcf Tenn., Nov. 8. straom InfsoUon come from blows Hochey League. Millions now have an opportunity A pledge to liberalize the system Without him, the "U tU e Irish" on on Inflamed arm In tbs South Hartford, Junior teama. due Over Iowa, Temple over Mar­ emy edged New London Bulkeley 9-6 somewhere Rogers had obtained an ing of Ice. Forewarned of the cheese, turnips, apples, hay, maple weekly contest In which every Orpanitt •OUTH — wrva wptf wwnc,wla wJax New York. Nov. 18. — (AP) — to contribute to the memory of of establishing arbitrary valuations Ruttoll A, OroHoatra lost 7 to 6 to the more powerful Pittsburg gome. The youth entersd quette, the Arm y-Notre Dame tie. to take Ite second successive Etestern old battered hat. the duplicate of storm's approach, motorists cancel­ sugar, live poultry, horses, halibut 11:3<^12:80—Btrt Block'a Orehottra wlod warn wmo web wap| W ill Rogers. Famous frlend.s have on American products. (United listener may participate, and other wjdx wamb kvoo wky wfax wbxp kpre Central High school team Friday the contest suffering from bolls. 8lfeBK COURT GAMES Southern California over Waolilng- ConnecUcut Oonference Utle...... When Yale and Princetim abandoned, led all hut emergency trips, slowing and some other fish; some leathers By RERBCST W. BARKER Lendls', also a cane. He put the hat organized The Will Rogers Memo­ features will be Introduced. The CB8-WABC NETWORK wo&l ktba ktha waoc wave Bubber, a Junior classman, wUI The Shamrocks Athletic Club, Middletown High blanked Woodrow tradition a few years ago and - dar up through traffic during the day and ferro-nianganesc. State officials considered these Assoctatod ITses Sports Writer night as be deliriously called sig­ ton State and 'Vanderbilt over Ten­ New Tork, Nov. 18.— (A P )—The on, leaned his chin on the cane, a rial Commission. It Is hoped every program Is a fifteen minute one and BASIC—Eaat: wabe wade woko wcao MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgtr kghl members of the Bridgeport Senior Wilson High lS-0 to gain the dty and evening. A pledge to keep on the free list valuations equivalent to higher and nals and fought for Coach BUI be burled with CstboUo rites, prob­ nessee. London Tecumeebs, who usually elded It was possible to play their characteristic pose of the august one who smiled with Rogers will will be on the air over W T IC every waab wnao w*t wkbw wkro whk wjr PACIFIC—kso kfl kgw komo kbq Msdl New York, Nov. 18.— (A P)—The City League and entrants of tbe UUe. Canadian puipwood, newsprint, un­ unreasonable duties). To keep raw wdre wcau wjaa wean wfbl wapd wjgv; ktar kpo kex kga kjr kya keen Coughlin from hla bed. ably Tuesday. annual football game a week aftaq high priest of baseball. come forward with a subscription. During the height of the storm, a week day morning except Monday. mod football campaign draws rapid­ some league this season ore now con ba found la ths thick of the In­ visible fluttering of the lights was manufactured wood, shingles, lath, cotton on the free list and to put Mldwoit: wbbm wfbm kmbo kmoz Cant. East. I t was startling to see tha dacla- "His caricature was so uttering Take It or send It to your bank— or tractors on free list. whaa kfab krnt ly to a close with only a "baker’s arranging their scbadula for the ternational Hockey League race, the Yale-Harvard eneouator noticed In some sections. This was lobsters, certain furs, crude asbes­ Ive manner In which three o f the na­ Sports items culled from here and amusing that the entire audience any bank—or use the accompanying KAST—wbna whp wboo wlba wfoa 4:30— }i80—Tha tinging Lady—wat half dozen" teams atiU unbeaten season and would Ilka to invade the bounced back from a Couple o f early of a week before, they laid the fouii-' due, James McCaw, superintendent tos, artificial abrasives and fertil­ Scope of American concessions; wlco efrb ^cao wmaa weaa tion's unbeaten end untied grid ar­ th ere... .With one game remaining ivas on the verge of panic. 1 only coupon to send your subscription to M Sz M fizS’’®"*". .A""'*—«*ot and uj^tlgcl. Islr of any of the clubs In this sec­ defeats to taks their usual position detion for this eeason’e oteaete at of the Manchester Electric seirlcc izers. "RENDEZVOUS” PERFECT DIXIE—wgat wafa wbro wqam wdM tion. rays went down to defeat... .Temple to play, It Is estimated that New wish 1 could remember each and this office. Every cent subscribed All reductions In American duties klra wreo wlao wwl wtoo krid ktrh •-30— 4:30—Prata-Radlo Nawa — ba- lost week while the Buffalo BIsons Baatern football. lines said, to the swinging of the A promise to maintain the pres­ on Canadian products will be ex­ The crushing defeats suffered Britain High has taken In receipts of every witticism be uttered that will be used for memorials to be ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae wbla a^: Tha ainglng Lady—mldw. rpL) HAWKS AND LEAFS LEAD Tha Shamrocks ore completely swamping Marquette, 36-6, Colgate As a result that ehoaga Prinoi-'. lost week by North Carolina, Mar­ and Detroit Olympics remained In h i ^ tension wires In the wind. ent 10 per cent duty on feedstuffs tended to all other Countries except wdhj wwva wmtf waja wmbr waJa }:30— 0:33—Charlotaars SIngars—wj^ uniformed and arc formerly the drubbing Syracuie, 37-4I, Duke giu.uuu during Uie current football ton and Dartmouth come together l6 night. The outstanding burlesque selected by Henrv Ford. Herbert VEHICLE FOR POWELL ktiil kgko wcoa wdno wnoz kwkh •:43— 3:43—Lowall Thombs — oaotfl tha undsfeated class. During the night the temperature for animals. Germany, which has denounced Its quette and Syraeuee reduced the Bridgeport Senior League Boys smothering North Carolina 35-0. And oeoson---- and 81,000 more Is ex­ TIgertown Saturday In a atruggto was hla tsdee-off of the Judge Hoover, Alfred E. Smith, WUl H. Canada agrees to; MIDWEST-wfl wmbd wlan wlbw kfh Orphan Annio—rapoat to midwest! London, which lest tta first two dropped several degrees and the most-favored-natlon pact with the wamk wkba wcco wabt ka^ wnaz woe 3:00— 7:00—Oinnar Organ Cencart field of front-rank contenders for a u b champions. Lost, season they It was no less surprising to see pected from tbe final gome with that probably will dedda the m y l» handing down his decision on the Hays, Jesse H. Jones, Owen D. games to Boston, picked up a few sleet turned to rain. The wind died Make concession on goods ac- United States. wowo !'lS z I ‘lS~f®®*’ H»aiyt aumpB( the mythical naUonal championship HOCKEY LOOP STANDING played In the Senior City League Arm y tie Notre Dame, 6-6, Man­ Hartford Bulkeley... .the total Isn't cal Baatern ehompionshtp for tbal^ tsrenty-nlne million dollar Standard Young, Vice President John N. Gar­ Actor Scores Hit in New Spy MOUNTAIN—kvor U t koh kal J‘J®- * Abnan- Lewis Herrick, age 64, of Avery close second, and Mrs. Albert W. Mrs. Wilfred Kent sang "Because." 11:10— Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. ton Saturday, probably will decide wins from Baylor this week, the Montreal Maroons proved otherwise scored twelve wins and one loss Press turned in another brilliant Moriarty Bros.-Orolea clash for tbe caromed off a skate into the ooga to Street, who has been 111 In the Hart­ East Hartford since graduation. A .Mrs. Wlnthrop S. Porter and Mrs. ing toward stardom. Is seen as Joel, Monday, November 18. town football UUe was postponed nova; (folumbla against B m n ,'. Hilding third. No prizes are given, Raymond Peck sang "What’s the 11:80— Rockefeller Center Rainbow the eastern championship, although title wil hinge upon the battle of In the Stanley Cup finals, arc off to Being handicapped without a home achievement wlUi twenty-nine accu­ tie the score end Carl. Ltecpmbe ford hospital for the past three reception followed the ceremonies at Karl Links. Programs for the com­ the Secretary's daughter. Blnnle P. M. Room Orchestra. until next Sunday. Tbe asme line­ Georgetown against Marytead^'-; as the money paid In each week is Reason." The Dubaldo Bros, play­ the Tigers itill will have Yale to the two'main rivals at Fort Worth a fljring start In the 1935-36 cam­ court they baa to take to the road rate guesses out of thirty-eight and Giroux rapped home the win­ months, passed awny last Thurs­ the home, with abp'ut eight guests ing year were completed and plana Barnes, the English actress, por­ 4:00— Women’s Radio Review. 12:00 Shandor, vlolinlsL and ore doing tbs same tbit season. ups, officials, place of game, etc. Buoknall against Penn State, aitf , ' used for other purposes, such as ed the guitar and banjo. Robert contend with and Dartmouth still on November 30. A Friday clash paign. gamea for a psreenUge ot .761: His ning counters. day. He leaves a son, Albert C. Her- present. Following an unannounced made for a tenth anniversary party trays Olivia, a bewitching spy who 4:30— Girl Alone. 12:00 a. m.— King Edward Hotel Among their victims last year wers will prevail next week. If ths series Rutgere against Colgate's aurpttfi. listed above. Members then took Hodgkinson played the piano. Robert betweeig Texas and Arkonsoa com­ After the first fun week of cam­ mistakes included Arm y-Notre It was Rochettor’e fourth straight rii^ and a stepson John F. Gordon, wedding trip, they will reside In to take place In the Town Hall. No- proves to be the source of most of 4:45— Grandpa Burton. Orcheatra. has Columbia In the way. Dart­ the Glenbrook A. A., Fairfield Town ohomd go the three gomes the i ^ Red Raiders. part in an alphabet game devised Dunfield and Gayland Abrahamson Powell’s troubles. mouth, snowed under Cornell, 41-6, pletes this week's program. paigning which finally brought oU Dome Ue, Duke over North Carolina, defeat and tha third of the week ae of Wethersfield, also tbfee grand- their newly built home In Wapplng. venlber 21, from 2;30 to 5 p. m. All sang "Margy". A comedy sketch 6:00— A1 Pearce's Gang. 12:30— Roosevelt Hotel Orchestra. Team, Stamford Holy Names, Nor­ cbomplonoblp will not be decided Sharing interest are the Labig!i» \'^ for their amusement, and there On the same show the State last week, while Princeton's sub­ Far Weat tbe teams Into action, the Leafs Southern California over Washing­ Windsor had given the Cardinals a children, Virginia M. Herrick, Nor­ New books ^recently added to the members and past members and a was given by W ilfred Kent and 6:30— "Dick Tracy." walk Y P H A and Norwalk White unUI well Into December. Lafayette eneouator, booked by few other friends will be Included were responses to toasts which theater presents Rear Admiral stitutes were whipping Lehigh, 27 Pacific Coast Conference: (^1- were well out In front In the Inter ton State, Purdue over lows, tulane 6 to 0 ahsllacking Friday, man L. Herrick of Rocky Hill, and Sadd Mcmoi^l Library in Wapplng Mario DePelllgrlnl. Percy Simpkins 5:45—Clara, Lu and Em. Eagles and the Bridgeport Iroquois over Kentucky, Baylor over Centen­ longest though not the oldest esriafi L. A. Henick of Hartford. Hlia fu­ In the Invitation. were very entertaining. Mrs. Gilbert Richard E. Byrd’s great Antarctic to 0. N. Y. U., third of the section's fornls's Golden Bears, unbeaten and national Division today with five Cleveland and byraouae both are as follows: recited an original monologue which played the harmonica. Miss Helen 6:00— W rightvllle CHarion. Their lineup Includes Wilson and The Orioles will have on import­ in Gridiron btetory, tha tradiUoaot >' neral was held Saturday afternoon M r. and Mrs. W alter C. HewltL expedition "Little America." undefeated and untied elevens, untied, play Stanford's Cardinals, points. The CSilcogo Blackbswks ary, the Marylond-Woshlngton A broke Into the winning column ovar Deathblow Hill, by Phoebe Tay­ took down the house. "Mother Slcbert sang "I’ve Got a Feeling 6:30— News— Gems Jrom Memory. Dumitre who played with Central Lee Ue, Georgetown over Manhat­ ant meeting tonight at 7 p. m. at Boston CoUega.Boataa Ufitvan' at 1:80 o'clock In Hartford. M1.SS Victoria Hilding, Mrs, Chaun- swamped Rutgers, 48-0, and now 1034 champions. In ths crucial sn- hod the isme record In the Ameri the week-end. The Foleona whipped lor; Beapty's Daughter, by Kathleen Shipton s Prophecy" was read, and You're Fooling." Miss Lylabel 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. H l)^ oehool whan they won the Alt- tbe home o f A.-Sciu-chuck. A ll mam' and West Virgiiiia-WaahiBgtM ___ . cey B. Kinney nnd Mrs. Edward H. gogement of the week. If the Bean can section but their margin was tan and the Vlrglnte-Vlrglna Tech tbe Pittsburgh Shamrook 3-0 Sat­ A t the meeting of the Young Norris;, Singing to Sylvia, by Lucy Its surprisingly accurate guesses at Strong and Mrs. Helen Monaghan 7:15— Gordon, Dave and Bunny. will rest imtu Its objective game New England acholaatlc title at Ue. bers ore requested to appear on Jaffsraon clSahas and A t m f i tuamJ; Raymond attended a military whist win tbsy will capture the title out­ slightly amaller. The Hawks, bow- Tufts, Maas., Bobby Lynch, former time. Practices will be held on Democratic club It was voted to al­ S tebbl^; Rachel Moon, by Lorna the future commented upon. The were accompanists. The Dubaldo 7:30— 'Fireside Melodies." with Fordbam Thanksgiving Day. urday to square up for Ptttatargfi’a up for the N avy ogaiaat SttM V tt* given at the Masonic Hall, Colches­ RADIO A v Harding High ace, the Budniek Wednesday and Friday nigbte of low the old Pleasant Valley A. C. COLUMBIA From the standpoint of tradition, right and with it the right to repre­ ever, bad glvtn decisive proof of 6-5 Tuesday victory while Syra­ mont On tha iatarsaottonal ft«i6% Reaj/Innocent Bystander, by Faith compan.v then adjourned to the hos­ brothers won first prise and Ray­ 7:45— "Ask Me Another." With a season's total of 196 out of to use the name o f the club In their ter, Wednesday evening, under the nothing this week will compare sent the Far W est in tha Rose ^ w l their edge over the second-place brothers, H arry Atilatrand, Radom- this week. cuse outlasted Pittsburgh 6 to 6 Baldwin; Fuller's Earth, by Carolyn pitable parlors to spend the rest of mond Peck won second. - 8:00— Hammersteln's Music Hall. (Eastern Standard lim e.) 370, Barker pushed bis svarogs to ara Duquesaa-Datroit, WastsMii coming basketball season. Four new auspices of the O. E. S. Fourteen The mild weather of the past with the clash of Harvard and Yale New Year’s Day. If Stanford wins, New York Rangers by whipping skl and Ernie Izzo, star o f the St. lost night in an ovartlma aeoilng Maryland-North Dakota oad Wells; Dreamland, by Clarence tables were In play. Miss Victoria the evening In playing bridge, and The Parent'Teachers Association 8:30— William Daly’a Orchestra. .710 to take a Ughter grip oa first asambirs were voted Into the club. held a meeting at the .Vernon Metho­ month started flowers growing S t Cambridge. Army, tied 6-6 by the race probably will end In a them 8 to 0 lost night Raphael Senior H oly Name team. Henry Piers, ths robust Hollander ebsstar (Pa.) Taoehara va. W eeteS-i I^lland; The Secret of Camp Hilding won first prize. the party broke up Just before mid­ 9:00—The Gyp.ilcs. New York. Nov. 18 — (AP) — plate. Tha writer held his runner- match. Tha Bhamrocka tied tha Baby Kay Morgan of East Hartford night. dist church on Wednesday evening. again. Raymond Clarke picked eight 9:30— Grace Moore. Notre Dame In a thrilling finish be­ triple tie among Collforata Stan­ Toronto, tied by the New York 'The P. N. A.’s are completely uni­ who hoi won eaveral bouts In tbe count on goals by Bari Rocha and MIchigaa Teaebara. -iA presented special dance numbers luoneer, by Virginia Falrflax; A The first rehearsal of the Christ­ vlolcta from his yard a few days Broadcasts of two addresses by formed and will play any fast club I'P honors with 106 out o( 158 tor Hartford orano, will clash with Ed Child's Book of Country Stories, by Friends of Miss Elizabeth Cronin, Dr. Butterfield addressed the peo­ 10:30—Contented Program. fore 80,000 spectators In the Yan­ ford and U. C. L. A. Both Stanford Americans in its first gome, came Scotty Martin In tbe late miautee To return to the Mg gamiL Dart«'^q and refreshments were serv-ed. mas program for the Trl-County ago, and in another Instance a bed President Roosevelt within the next In any section of the state who will n-.' end Sutherland tr,ills 10 third God George, former champion, Iq a former teacher In the Hebron ple. Teachers from the Rockville 10:30— The Travelers Hour — Julius kee Stadium on Saturday, will tune and California end chelr schedules through last week to whip the of tha third period only to have mouth and Prlaoetaa orare old rtviM The Legion and the Auxiliary ar^ A. E. Skinner; Fair as the Moon, by Christian Endeavor Union took of calendulas which were supposed­ several weeks are to be distributed guarantee them expenses for trav­ place with 105 out o f 158 for .663. In tha feature of tha wrseUIng card to schools, are pleased to learn that schools were present also. A large up for the Navy at Philadelphia, this week. While U. C. L. A. after Rangers twice although the New Normie Mpnn break tha deadlock in although they havant mat t t m fo ' sponsor a Thanksgiving Me Temple Bally; Open Land, by B. M. place Sunday afternoon at the He­ ly killed by the hard frost of a few Nussman. director; with Ma­ by the NBC and CBS networks. eling. Teams wishing to book the ibese statistics. Us games not picked be itaged at Foot Guard hall noxt she has fallen heir to about 876,000, crowd attended. November 30, in a "breather" Sat­ meeting Loyola of Los Angeles In s York club displayed usually good quantly in recant years. Their dance November 27 at the Lane Bower; Mason of Bar Ranch, by bron Congregational church. The weeks ago, have developed a bunch rie Healey; Modem Sym­ The first will originate from the P. N. A.'s are requested to write to as such are figured tbe same os a Thuraday night. Piers was tha the overtime. H. Bennett; Mistress Pat, by L. M, Rev. Elmer Thlenes of Marlborough through the death of her cousin, the The following local puplLs made phonic Choir. Atlanta. Ga., homecoming on N ov­ urday against Vermont. Navy, easy non-conference _ test on Saturday, early-seaoon form. The Leofi won Tbe atandlng of the clubs: orda don’t shew a lot to maka eithRF': Oak hall. late Judge Daniel Cronin of New the honor roll at the Rockville High of green leaves on the top of the Joseph C. Bennett, Jr., 63 Jones loss. I f you pick a team to win winner over Billy Bortuah In the Montgomery; Storm Signals, by acta as director of the music and 1 1 :0— News. ember 29: the other to come from victor over Columbia, - 28-7, will be will play Idaho In Its final confer­ to 0 at New York Thuraday and avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Bostara DIvlaioa a favorite. 'His Ihdlaaa. with 8Mf: The Federated Workers scpved a London. .Miss Cronin Is now a School: Seniors, Robert Loverin, dead stalks, with a bud In each and its gets a Ue, then your pradie- principal match at the test show pointe to their credit la eight-’ baked bean supper last Tbtirsday Joseph Lincoln; Alaska. Onr North­ Mrs. Heniy Blakesice of Marlbor­ IIG3—Leonard Keller’s Orchestra. Chicago as made before the Am eri­ Idle. Temple’s Owls, who stopped ence game November SO. to 2 S t Toronto Saturday. The W . U T. P. teacher In the grade schools In Wallace Thrall; Juniors, Lena De- cluster. The intermittent rains ol Uon is wrong os we see It. and so Is matched with Don George games, ore one ot the aatien'a hlgto 4. •venlng at 6:30 o'clock. There were ern Wonderland, by Frank Carpen­ ough as accompanist. A ll singers 11:30—Enrlc Madrlguera’s Orches­ can Farm Bureau Federation Dec­ Morquette'e winning etreok, 26-6, Washington and Oregon, Montana Rangers, after taking a tough Dear Editor: Buffalo ...... 8 0 0 6 Colchester. She plans to continue Pellegrinl; Sophomores, Edward and the past few days have been wel­ for the top of Thursday night's pro­ eat scoring teams. Tbsy UavMt^ about fifty who sat down to the ta­ ter: Lands of the Andes and the who wish to take part In the pro­ tra. ember 9. will face VUlanovo, while Cfolgate and Oregon State, are the other overtime decision from tbe Mon­ We are planning a tour through­ gram. London ...... 8306 her year’s work. Ralph Robb; Freshmen, Faith Blinn, come, but everyone wishes as long Jim O'Leary brought hla football mat as formidabte opposltlMi ; bles. A fte r supper, the Rev. Newell Desert, by Frank Carpenter: British gram arc urged to be present at all os the weather has to be so nasty 11:45— Jesse Crawford, organist. The NBC Chain la adding 14 hitting Its stride with a 27-0 rout of conference pairings for this week. treal Conadlena, 2-1, couldn't stand out tha Southern New England Syraeuee ...... 1 3 0 3 afi Geraldine Risley and Barbara career at Wesleyan to a glorious Prlncetoa, which aumbera PSaSui' Booth, who Is a retumeq missionary Isles and the Baltic States, by Frank rehearsals as far as possible. The that It would rain hard and fill up 12:00— Silent. hours more of symphonic music to Syracuse's previously undefeated Southern Callfoftila's Trojana, who the pace with their rear guard states and hm>e to play In Manches­ Ths rugged matman from the land Rochester ...... 0 4 0 0 Thrall. eloke Saturday when he scored two Navy and Harvard among Its vto--'. from Belgian Congo, spoke and Il­ Carpenter; Lands of the Carib­ concert will be given first at Col­ the wells. Its roster of the classical, on the eleven, takes on Rutgers, upset Washington State, 20-lQ with weakened by injuries and Eorl Sei­ ter, Conn. The Dukes, a popular of the dykes and the ditches has Weatera Olvisloa chester at the regular Trl-County There was a whist party held at touchdowns as the Cardinals Urns, but thair 41-0 triumph otH ^] lustrated hla talk /with lantern bean. by Frank Carpenter; The A t the meeting of (Columbia WBAF aide Monday nights, start­ Columbia and Brown, Lehigh and a fourth period passing barrage bert's continued “holdout" • sports club in southwestern Connec­ been winning conslstenUy but os Detroit ...... 3 0 1 6 Union meeting, the evening of the the Dobsonvllle Scboolshouse on ing at 11:30. smashed out a 84 to 0 Mumph over Cornen Saturday In a gataa thfit ;: tildes which were very Interesting. Puritan Strain, by Faith Baldwin; EAGLEVILLE Grange Wednesday evening the pro­ Lafayette, and Bucknell and Penn lost Saturday, will travel East to Chicago's progress was marked ticut, la composed of college snd yet bos not met any opponent ot Windsor ...... 3 3 1 5 last Sunday In December. Tuesday evening. Many attended The orcheatra will be the Minnea­ high school stars. Koche&ter in New Yorit. O'Leary usually is one of Uu season’s Impocv, Anthony J. Blades of South Exit the Prince, by Lucy Stebblns; gram was an armistice Day pro­ State ore the other leading Eastern meet Notre Dame at South Bend. by the brlUlont work of M ike Kara- the calibre ot George, wbo te rated Several members of Colonel Hen­ this whist. There will be another polis ayropbony. We will appreciate any co-opera­ was on tbs receiving end of two Plttaburgh ...... 3 3 0 4 tent affairs, eomparsa well with W in te r has been/appolnted as a The Case of the Chinese Cong, by one next Monday evening. , gram In charge of Hubert Collins, pairings. The principal intersec- Rocky Mountain (Conference: The kns, first-year goalie subbing for among the six lesdlDg hesvywelgbt deputy' sheriff o y Hartford county. ry Champion Chapter. D. A. R., Mrs. Flo Roscdale and daughter WDRC Try these tonight: tion you and vour paper can give ue long passes that led to scorn and Cleveland ...... 1 3 0 2 tha Tigers’ 54-0 rout o f the saafi-^ Christopher Bush: Spring Came on A number of local people attend­ Philip Isham. George , Champlain tlonol engogemente will be Du- leader, Colorado University after wrestlers and who U considered by HO was a form M state policeman were present at a meeting at the .spent Armistice day visiting rela­ W EAF-NBC , 7:30, Education In the Injured Lom e CHiabot A fte r al­ In securing basketball games In with Elmore HulUne funeuoned team. Princeton tuned up teoA- Forever, by Be.ss Htreter Aldrlrh; ed Neighbors' Night Wednesday and Chauncy Squier. Six ex-service 225 Hartford, Conn. 1330 queane, 19-0 conqueror of W est Vlr- dropping a 13-6 decision to Kansas lowing one goal In his first gome, many Judgsa of wresUlng u lent the and Justice of /the peace. He was Rustlers of Beacon Creek, by Max Charles Williams place In Colches­ tives in Hartford nnd Wilson. the News: 8:80, Richard Crooks and your town. brilUonUy nil the way. Manchester week by letting its raean rea trouHiRi evening In Windsor, furnishing part men gave some of their Impressions (Eoatera Standard lim e.) glnis. against Detroit, and George­ In on Intersectlonal duel last week, jta r a kS i turned In two shutouts, outstanding man in oU the lot. Piers ARROWS-WIN AGAIN appointed t^ ^ take the place of Brand; No Lovelier .Spring, by Lida ter, Wednesday afternoon. Several The Infant granddaughter of Mr. and experiences In the World W ar Margaret Speaks: 0:30, Return of Thanking yta for your Interest, baa a lot to be proud o f la tbSae and George will meet on the custom­ Itehlgh 87-0. ,jt neighboring chapters were repre­ of the program. Grace Moore: 10:30, Radio Forum. town, winner over Manhattan, IS-0, resumes conference warfare thl) ’bloaklBg tha Datroit Red Wlnga ws or* boys, botb «uds. O'Learp baa bMn fjtorge W. Stone. He moved from Larrlmore; Thi Garden Murder nnd Mrs. W. Converse has been and John Rising Illustrated some of ary bails of bast two falls. There The Arrows Basketball elub ot Many L tadiea Beat Bast W in d e r to South Windsor sented, Including Norwich and New Richard and Eleanor Tyler cele­ A. R. Clas; 11:45, Jesse Crawford, against Maryland. Penn, which week against Wyoming and thi Thurwlay hi a aearalass Ue. Yours in sports, a Bteiwart an tbe yarsity fo r thre4 On the records Tote look* ccaRAc Case, by S. 8. Van Dine: Alaska, named Blanch Constarce McCollum. the bugle calls on his cornet. W ar Monday, November 18. fans by rouUng Red Dutton’s Ths Arrows will ptey the Mortar- may ba in Una for on invltatioii J. A. Koendras of East Wlndsor- daughter, Mr. end Mrs. Asa W. kins acted as chairman assisted by Robert Hodgkinson was a guest ice. acres of tobacco In the towns Iln. The ex-Bcrvlce men who took atrels; 10, American Woman’s As- Thanksgiving Day. Cochran Has 3-Cushion ty Oriolea next Thursday night at Uu Rose Bowl if It can koap up ths K vllle, who has recently had a dis­ Ellis of Gilead and their son Ken­ at the home of John Monaghan on find UIntesota and Ohio State wind­ team 6 to 0. Jock McGlU of the TEAMS CUT TO 13 ' K Simsbury and TarHTvllle. It Is Mrs. Roscdale. Eleven tables were part in the program were John 6:15— Bobby Benson and Sunny eociation a w u d ; 10:30, FTank Simon tha T. M. C. A. Tbe Arrows are good work against VUtemova aad^i one o f the best crops they have ever carded trolley car put alongside of neth spent the evening with her, Wednesday evening. ing up In a tie for the title. Min- Canodiene sad Paul Thompson of In play. Prizes were awarded to Rising, Philip Isham, Raymond Ly­ Jim. band; 11:30, R ay Noble orchestra. looking for stronger oppoRtloa and Buekntll tat the WUdeata, with e « " raised. The tobacco has to be as- his filling station is going to have It Mrs. Waldo la in splendid health for 'The Missionary Society held a nkaote, victor In 16 succeosive tha Blockhawks wars Sundsy’a New Totfc, Nov. 18—(AP) — A Mrs. Reynolds, first. Miss Tracy, sec­ man, Aubrey Winter, Horace Little 6:30— Hartford Public Schools Ser­ What to expect Tueaday. are golni out of town for it Tbe extra week of praparaU^ maF^ •Ofted Into fourteen grades which remodeled and ready by spring to one of her years, and can hear os meeting at the church on Tuesday. games and undefeated In 28, w ill be leading sbarpaheotan with two double dose o f grief waa handed out ond, Mrs. Brcault, consolation for and Irving Lohr. ies— Fred D. Wish. Jr. W EAE-NBC, 2:30 p. m.. Marine UPSET BUG VISTTS Arrows havs bema and home sariea nuke it tough. .'MUlres experience for the perfect be opened as a first class diner. well as any young person. Her mind Letters of thanks were read, receiv­ exhibition; 4, Women’s radio re­ heavily favored over Wisconsin, and goals and an assist apiece. to the naUon'a undefeated football Title Within His Grasp the ladies. Men's prizes went to 6:45— Arno Meyer and his Royal Colgate, beaten three Unui^ Wb. The uniform wage Is 31 's cents Mr. Koendras' business has Im Is very clear and she can remember ed from the Rush Memorial Church Mrs. Marshall Squier snd infant Ohio State should be able to handle Steading ot anbe teama laat week aa Armistice Day booked with the strong T. M. C. A. Mr. Hansen, first, ^ymond Wil­ daughter June, have retirrned from Screnaders. view; 5, Boston Civic symphony. bobbed up again among the leaders, sn hour for a forty-hour week for proved greatly during the past many interesting things In Uie past of Atlanta, for clothing which has WABC-CBS. George Hall orches­ Michigan, beaten last week by Min­ wiped three namea off the Hat and team of Hartford. Any etixMig Mon- liams, second. Mr. Reynolds, conso­ the Windham Community Memorial 7:00— M yrt and Marge. PRO L E ^ GAMES ^ T. P. ..4 5 9 83 with Its 27-0 victory ovsr the prsvi-'. the women, the men getting a little year. history of Hebron and Marlborough. been sent to them, and a letter from tra; 3, Lola Long Hour; 6, W elling­ nesota 40-0. Northwestern's flashy Chicago ...... 3 0 1 5 Saturday removed a few more. As cheater Juvenile team wishing to lation. Mr. Wood received the door the Hospital o f Madura, India, for hospital. 7:15— D ^ o Boys. a raault thera ara only 18 left to- 6 11 at book a home and home series with ously unbeaten Syraeuee team and ' more. The help comes from New The American Legion are nmnlng The Rev. Harold R. Keen, Miss ton Porter, “The King's English.” Wildcats, who trounced Wisconsin, Chicago, Nov. 18.— (AI>)— Tha R an «er« ...... 1 8 1 8 Sao Frandico Cneitt Can lotlo RStelSr?!^... 8 prize. Ginger bread, whipped cream, hospital garments which were made Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchins 7:30— Singin' Sam. astthar baatan nor tied. Augla Kteckhefer ..8 6 7 80 sbould whip Rutgers easily. Britain. Simsbury, Tarilfville, Man­ a setback tournament at Legion Clarissa Pendleton and Mrs. C. C. WJZ-NBC, 1:45, Itocbester Chil­ 83-18, will meet lows, surprisingly upaat bug that baa dsati oyad ae Detroit ...... 0 0 3 8 the Arrows plaoSs call 4440 hetweaa snacks and saltlnes and coffee were by the Itaies o f the Home Mission­ spent Thursday In Hartford. 7:45— Books Carter. N aouthweat coaferanco rivals. Tiff rDenton 1 8 10 41 5 and d. In sddlUon to N . T . U. and Foid-'.- chester and surrounding towns as hall. They hold their meetings on Kestner represented . SL Peter's dren's concert; 3:15, Silver Flute; upeet by Purdue, 13-6. Purdue will many floararing eoUaglato gridiron Boeton ...... 0 1 0 0 % well as local people. served. ary Society. The local pastor and the pastor of 8:00— Lombardo Road. Southern Mathodlat and Texaa Add Grown to 1K2 Lau­ bam, Pittsburgh, Canugte, Cbniall,r Wednesday evenings. They have al­ Episcopal church as delegates at 5, Medical Association program. play Indiana’s Hooslera who shel­ bopca this season hasn’t overlooked International Division Arrewe A pretty wedding took place at the Women's Auxiliary at Christ Mrs. E. Dodge Is visiting at the Mrs. CaiiTla Allen is confined to the Andover church which will ex­ 8:30— One N igh t Stands with Pick Christian, ahare ths isad with Call- Pennsylvania, Navy, H oly Craoa;'. ready played seven or eight nlghU. lacked Chicago, 34-0. ininoU, nosed U(e National Profeasional Footbedi Toronto ...... 2 0 1 6 Schedule for Monday. B. F. T. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W alter N. Church Cathedral, Hartford, F ri­ home of Mrs. Barrows at Mansfield her home with Illness. ' change pulpits th » coming Sunday and P a t fornla’B Goldren Bears. Bach has Catholic University and Syraeust Mrs. Joseph C. Willson of Laurel out by Ohio State, 6-0, meets Chlcs- Maroons ...... 1 0 0 3 Allen Hall va. Kinrey Matsuyama Bycbolikl, rf ...... 7 0 14 Foster of Foster street on Saturday day. at on all-day meeting. Center. The Sacred Heart church at Ver­ morning. 9:00— Lux Radio Theater — WlUtom League. won nine games. California Is the rels hj Winning Next Two are among the major eastern teams , HUI. Wapplng was the guest speaker Canodlens ...... 1 1 0 8 (playoff for 4th place), Jobnay Lay' MIkoIett, If ...... 3 0 4 afternoon, November 16tb at three The Rev. Berl Lewis of Hartford, Among the local people attending non w ill hold Its annual husking bee Gillette In "Sherlock * 0- Tbe 1984 champion Naw York defenstva laadar of the group, hav­ which remain'Idle thte Saturday, at the "Ever Ready Circle of King's SOUTH COVENTRY Americans ...... , 0 3 1 1 tra vs. Jay N. Bosemon (playoff for Rubocho, c ...... 4 0 8 o'clock, when Mis.s Ellen Josephine who baa preached at the Hebron the entertainment featuring Brad­ and carnival at the church social Holmes." Big Six: Nebraska already bos Glanta and the Detroit Lions, by ing allowed Its opponents only nine Daughters", which was held at the Matches; Is Lik dy to Op­ 4th place), W elker Cochran vs. AT' Bushy, rg ...... 0 1 1 Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Gilead Congregational churches ley Kincaid at the Town hall In Wil- rooms. Wednesday evening, Novem­ 10:00—Wayne King’s Orchestra. ellnehed the crown and plays only whipping tha Chicago Bears and pointe, whlls Dartmouth aete ths Whlton Memorial Library rrcently. Deaths Last Night The Misses Mary and Rose Rester thur Tbtmbtad. Snow, rg ...... 0 0 0 Walter N. Foster, and Robert Welles several times during the past fall, limantic Sunday evening were Mrs. ber 20, and there will be entertain­ 10:30— March of Time. one more game—with Oregon State, Green Bay Packers, raspeetlvely, OBAVAT BOWUNO LBAOm scoring pace with 389 points in Mr. and Mrs. Norman K lt v ^ d of were In charge of the whist party Cowles, Ig ...... 0 0 0 ALL-STABS V10TOB8 Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur will occupy the pulpits next Sun­ Rosedale and daughter. ment by the children, fo llo w ^ by a 10:45— Manhattan (Jbolr. on November 28. Kansaa has a yesterday, accounted for two of the eight triumphs. pose Hoppe in Plajoff. Springfield, Mass., were the guests held In the basement of S t Mary’s Yost. Ig ...... 1 0 B. Sharp of 10 Clift street. Mystic, day. On account of another engage­ Felix Benoit recently received sev­ program o f farm er’s sports and New York— Dr. Robert Judson 11:00— Yankee Network News Serv­ chance to clinch at least a tie for biggest surprises of the campaign. Team No. 3 took four points from' Tbs racords of the undefeated 3 recently of Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. church Wednesday evening with Brannick, If ...... Thursday night at Murphy’s Al­ Conn., were united In marriage by ment he was 'inable to come last eral bites on the hands, arms and dancing. Aley, 72, president emeritus of But­ ice. second place by beating last place . Tbe Giants conquered tha Bean, Team No. I and Team No. 8 took and uttUed teams follow; .. 0 0 0 Jones of Station 39, South Wind­ ler University, Indianapolis, and sixteen tables in play. Prizes were COLLEGIATE HARRIERS leys, Sparky Sstdella’s AU-Stara ■ Rsv. Elmer T. Thlenes. secretary of sor. Sunday, and bis place here was tak­ head while fooling with his dog when 11:15— Jack Denny’s Orchestra. Iowa State this week. Kansas State, 3 to 0. at Chiea^, after taking a four potato from Team No. 4. B ^ - Team W onPts. Op. Yorkowskl, rf ...... 0 0 0 former president of the University awarded as follows; Ladles, first Chicago, Nov. 18.— (AP) —Wal­ nped the Oak .Street Tavern the Hartford county Y. M. C. A., as- en by Bradley Skinner, a student at the dog showing a vicious streak at­ 11:30—Jerry FTeemah’a Orchestra. beaten by Oklahoma, 8-0, plays 30 to 8 laelag from tha Waataraera atoa hit high single of 131 and high Soutbeni Methodist ... 9 284 16 by 9 Baby Kay McGann entertained at of Maine. Mrs. Mary'BuVke,'aecd'hai Miss Jane S-string of 887. Texas Christian ...... 9 311 89 ker Cochran, amiUng yonog Ban alated by Rev. David Carter of the Hartford Theological Seminary, tacked him. Feeling It was not Mlsaetirl In the only other Confer­ at Naw York two waeks ago. Da- 14 1 29 for a 3 string total ot 1743 to thsir the Young Democratic club meet Philadelphia—R e a r Admiral Solenskl; third, Mrs. Alex Proulx; Standing C alU on la ...... 9 188 TO SEEK IC4-A TITLE . Wapplng- The single ring service Hartford. ence game. trolt, which abaorbed a 81 to -7 Francisco eustet, rslgnlng 18J balk Union Church, BockvUte opponents 1646. Ing Tuesday evening with tap danc­ safe to have the animal around they At Camp Femow Charles P. Nelson, 68. of the United Dartmouth ...... 8 389 35 was used. The bride was given in Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Smith gentlemen's first Jeremiah Con­ _ • . Points B. , T. Tbs Tavern boytboys took the first ing. She is the daughter of Mr. had him shot States Navy, a descendant o f Lord In the Sooth trouncing from Green Bay' last Sun­ Team No. 8 ...... Butter ...... 8 341 31 line billiard champion, today had marriage by her father. Walter N. and children attended the presenta­ nors, Wllllmantlc; second, Frank Bodsteubner, f g . . . .. 0 0 0 game by 10 pins but Sparky's boys and Mrs. E. W. McGann. Charles Heckler was among the Through the effort of the Camp Nelson, British naval hero. Southeastern Oonference: Louis­ day, botmeed back to trim the Pack­ Team No. 1 ...... i s the wortd’a thraa cushteti cbatnplon- New Tork. Nov. 18— (AP) — Tbe .Foster. Lois May Foster, sla­ tion of a play given by Windham Lutbl; third. Leslie Fitts, Mans­ Arkansas Tech ...... 8 198 13 Ponky, ig ...... 3 0 6 came back to take Uu second Wells Dewey, son of Mr. and Mrs. applicants to receive appointments educational adviser, many text St. Louis— Mra. Addle Wilson iana State's 13-0 conquest of Qeor- ers, 30 to 10. Team No. 3 ...... 13 Alm a ...... 8 182 IS Vth annual croea-country ebam- gmw» ter o f the bride, was maid of honor, High school students at the school field; ace of hearts, Alvak Roya; eblp within hte grasp. Qreen, rg ...... 0 0 0 by 68 and the Anal gome by 48 ptno. Levi T. Dewey, was the lucky to the state police force. books, based on commercial oub- MacCkiy, first cousin of President WBZ-WBZA g ta vlrtuaUy cUnebed the chan- Tbe Cardinals and Dodgers will Team No. 4 ...... 11 ploaalilpa of tbe IntercoUegiata A. t jt a e s t Sharp o f Boston, Mass., s auditorium, Wllllmantlc, Friday door prize, Mrs. George Taylor. Re- Spearflah N o r m a l...... 7 219 35 Winner of seven straight gamea, Sudolf, 0 ...... 0 0 0 Jim PontUlo sraa Uu star os bolder of the ticket which entIUed Mr. and Mrs. Scott have closed 'ecte tor use la typing, spelling, Wilson. Springfield — Boston plonahtp for the Tigers. Tbsy ease play off the postponement Tuesday T a w No. 1 New Tork Vnivereity ..7 206 26 A.A.A. ivlU ba run today st Van ^brother o f tlm groom, was beat rn.n evening. freabmenta of hot frankfurts, coke (foebran plays Arthur Thunblod. of Monahan, If ...... 1 0 3 Sparky’s team, hitting for 880. him to get ten dollars worth of mer­ their summer home at Pine Lake lusiness English have been donated BstUmore—Charles Lee Anthony (Bostein Stoadord Time.) up against Southwastem of Louis­ night. On Sunday, tha Cards play ...... 78 78 108— 387 'Cortlandt Park with tha six mile Men from the state highway de­ and coffee were served. These week­ Princeton ...... 7 192 19 Chicago tonight ohd. if victorious, Anderson of the losing team hit foe Bartlett L, Sharp of Mystic, chandise In Wise and Smith's store Shores and returned to Hartford. by the Bay Path InsUtute In HeUer, 69, one o f the founders and iana this weak before closing out at Boston, Detroit Invades Chicago T a d fo rd ...... 93 100 96—890 Minnesota ...... 7 161 89 diatanee, giving way for the first Blinn, rf ...... 0 0 0 r o f tbs groom played the wed- free. partment who have been taking ly cord parties ore to be held Wed­ meets WlUie Hoppe, o t tbe 377. M r. and Mrs. Starbraneb and Mr. Springfield, Moss. . former president o t Uu. Maryland against Tulaaa on November 80. for a battle with the Bears, Naw Uuniby - ...... 95 96 95-368 Ohio University ...... 7 157 86 time to tbr five mile route. Twenty march. The flower girl was esue of dead or otherwise danger­ nesday evenings tesulsriy instead 18.1 game, fo r thie ohampftmahip to­ Oak Street Tavern Raymond E. Geer of Sheffield, ous trees about the Green and ap­ and Mrs. Tucker called at the home The Femow baaketball team Horse Breoders' Assodation. He Should Tulane, 30-18 victor over Tork entertains Philadelphia and Diets ...... 100 114 90—8 U Middle Tenn. Tcaehera. 7 121 19 four colleges ara entered In the var 4 0 8 Lorraine Sharp of Weth- of Tuesday as formerly. morrow. Hoppe firmly entrencBed Anderson . . . . 118 ISO 181 87T Mass., called on his friends In Wap- proaches have had a few days off of Mr, and Mrs. Philip Llnderson on elected Leonard "Red" Anderson as woe owner of the estate over which :45—King’s Jesters—mole quartet. Kentucky, do the unexpected and Green Bay goes to Plttaburgh. alty teat, white freehmea ot 16 col­ Umpire, R. Daigle. Time, 8 min- a niece of the groom. The himself in seooiid plaoe last night, Wennegrta .. 114 113 106 888 jrfng recently; he formerly lived in on account o f .mpropltloua weather. Armistice night captain for the coming season. the Maryland Hunt (Jup steeple- 4:00— Betty and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nugent ot halt U. S. U„ VanderbUt, Alabama The standtaiga: _ 874 880 800 U t t leges mast Over tbs three mUe ute quortera. girls were Ellen Abbe of ’Red" la on Ideal leader, having 4:15— Dog Stories. Hudson. Moss., ore spending the with seven victories and one defaat Kovte ...... 137 96 108 818 Wapplng. He Is visiting his mother Mf. and Mrs. Charles C. Sellers Ex-servlee men’s night was held cboae to run. or lOsslisippi would have a chance Waaiaw DHWaa T s s m N s. 8 route. Michigan State with sever­ EBomwavlUe, a cousin of the bride in Hartford, also. been awarded on honor medal for 4:30— Musical M ixing Bowl. winter with the Mioses Mary, and Chnmbsn Ha outplayed Johnny Laytoa of So- Howard ...... 104 100 UO 888 spent the day Saturday In Hartford by the Earl W. Green Post and Unit Chicago—J. K. Btotchford, 73. to share la tha crown. Alabama W. L. T. Pet...... 00 100 00—888 al highly rated runners, had hopei STATE LEAGUE I Fatrida Sharp, of Wethersfield, sportsmanahlp at the tournament secretary of the American Hotel 5:00— K ay Fsyre. Katherine Hopper. Lnrdsr ...... 08 118 96-803 daUa, Mo., defending ehomplon, 00 Twarnite ...... 95 98 98 386 on business. During their absence Armistice evening. A covered dish crushed Georgia Tech 88-7 last Graan Bay ...... • 8 0 J67 o t can tinning Its two year winning (Schsefera Alleys) M of the groom. The bride's which was sronsored by the Y. M. Association from 1909 to 1924, and 6:15— Safety Cruqpders. Holland ...... 06 93 64— 373 to 41 in 00 innings. o f both ths team and individual their small son Horace visited with supper was served followed by enter­ Robert Brown, son of Hr. and week and will face VaadarbUt, 18-7 Chicago Garda ... 4 3 1 MU Totals ...... ~8M ~SS8 16U /dnas was of ivory satin with veil, HUNTERS MISSING C. A. In WUUmantle tost March. former editor rd. the Dolly National 5:30— The Singing Lady. Brennan ...... lU 96 116—880 tlUss. his grandmother, Mrs. Anna C. Gil­ tainment'. About eight-five were Mrs. Amory Brown of 31 North winner over Tennaasaa, on Thanks- Chicago Basra . . . 5 8 0 M i Lsyton te Usd with Altea Han of Monchceter AU-Stars . and tbs maid of honor's dress was bert. Anderson balls from Manchester Hotel Reporter. 5:46— Little Orphan Annie. street, WUlimontic, Ckmn., and Mtos St. Louis, Jay N. Boaemon of CaU> .Among the colleges entering Anderson ...... 130 105 9fi—831 Amltyvuie. N. Y., Nov. 18.-(AP) present including members and giving Day. Miaaiaalppi, after play­ Datroit ...... 5 a 1 .<88 Baldella ...... 116 116 96 887 taffeta, the ribbon girls* The annual banquet of the Wom­ where he dtoUngutobed himself as Chicago—David Warren Clark. 6:00— News Reporter. Phyllis B. Brooke, daughter of Mr. 400 408 891 U tS fernia oad Kinrey Matsimaw of toams are Alfred, Carnegie, Col­ Wsnaergren . . . 90 133 118—818 IS were o f peach taffeta, and — Coast (Suards reported today they guesta. athlete at Manchester H i ^ school, 6:05— Supper Show. ing a on -e^ era aea Oantanary this Baatan' D ivM aa N s. 8 ** Kaiser ...... U 1 97 U 4 888 en's Bridge Club took place Friday 95, form er Republican office holder, and Mrs. Robert G. Brooke were Tm m Tokyo. Japan, foc^fourth piaos, soak umbia, Manhattan. Cornell, Dort- Kmleer ...... 138 99 87—809 tbs flower girls' were of green taf- ^ found no trace of five duck Charles Rada has been discharged as well as being a member of the 6:15— Mr. and Mra. Magoogie. w a ^ wlada u)i kgaiast Mtealaalppl Naw Tork ...... 5 S 0 M i TorraBM ...... U 8 80 114—813 W alker ...... 07 188 188 884 evening at the home of Mrs. Ger­ banker, print shop owner and for­ married in the parsonage of the By ABBOCBATBO FBBS8 with four vietortea and five defeats. fiMuth, FOrdOiam, Harvard, L afay­ PonUlIo ...... 99 188 U 8 —830 hunters who set out In little boats from the Windham ho^tol. AU-Bumslde baaketball team. His 6:30— Press-Radio News. State on Nov. 80. Tha Ooafaranca Brooklyn ...... 4 4 0 MO Anderson ...... 98 109 91— 898 PonUllo ...... 108 188 I t t 88fi iP * * - Tbs bride’s mother wore ma- trude Hough. Nearly aU the sixteen mer Grand Steward o f the nUnoto N sUs m I Lsaesa Layton wants to meet the winner ette, Pannaylvanla, Pittsburgh, Twaronlte ....114 118 135-8U *horUy before t^ Ehnest Burdick has been honors election was well deserved os be Congregational church Friday night program thla weak saada Auburn Plttaburgh ...... 4 0 0 .444 D w ytr ...... 96 06 68— 380 Petke ...... 107 184 108 84» colored silk and velvet, and or more members were present as Groad Lodge o f Masons. 6:36— ^Headliners o f the Air. Montraal Oana«Hena 0, N tw Tork of tha present tournament and bat Prineaton, Tols, Syracuse and Penn groom’s mother black lace. The worst storm in twenty years swept ably discharged from the CCC camp performed comroendably for the 6:40— Sports Briefs. by Rev. Chorlee G. Johnson. They aggihut Georgia, Oaotgis Tech Philadalpbla ...... 8 6 0 J50 Bongston ...... 131 104 118-887 Amerleaaa 0. Btata Fann State and Manbatt^ Great South Bay. ^ ^sll as one or two friends who have were attended by Mr. and Mrs. hte teat dollar on himself. 555 647 Totate ...... l u *886 17U ‘ I carried a bouquet of bridal played as substitutes for regular 0|id Is now staying at the home Camp team last season. CATHOUCS MAKE FLEA 6:45— Lowell Tbomoe. against Florida and Miaaiaalppi Boaton ’ ...... 1 7 0 036 Chleam 8, Naw Tork Rangers 0. ware eenoidered most likely to halt WnUEm Monroe of WllUmontc. The standings: Sekaefert I and the maid o f honor bouquet Guards from the Fire Island sta- mepabers. A t " ilfi the party sat his parents. Hairy N. Payne, 2nd lieutenant. Mexico City,, Nov. 18.—(AP)— 7:00— M ayfair Orchestra. State agalaat Sawaaaa. Tka fichedala 437 861 408 1387 »TtinmtlgMt Lesna Mtehlgaa'a reign. Penn State, hav­ ^ hunM all night for the man, W L H R 8Q Waxanbwg ....184 9fi 186-861 ebrysanthemuma. The little down to a delicious supper , yooo ■ ■ R D V E R f HE “ 'ii!i",!S Wear a smile. Be a teamworker. SATO Dare to be orlginaL Look ahead, not backward. l o s t a n d f o u n d GARAGES—SERVICE- APARTMENTS^FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES Keep In tune with yquf job. 78 LEGAL NOTICES 78 to consult with tha defendant or Mr. Navsr stifle ypur omsoienos. TOTJND—THURSDAT evening Zlp- STORAGE 10 TENEMENTS 63 AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Lenholm?” ha asked, and it seemed Ssy goodbye to tee worry hsbit at Manchester, within and for the At Manchester, within and for the Slt m OM COURAGE, to Anne he was pleased with tha Never be too busy to be polite. per jacket. Owner may have same FOR RBarr—LARGE garage, for FOR RENT—TWO ROOM aport- district of Manchester, on the 16th district of Manchester, on the 9th by payings for adv. Telephone 3086. turn of events, which had left her EJst rcgtilsfly, slowly and modemte- storage of automobiles or trucks. ment. Heated, modem conven- day of November. A. D., 1935. day of November, A. D„ 1935*. BfiiPi All" wide eyed with hope and amaze­ Telephone 8160. lencca. In Selwitz Building. In­ Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Esq., Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq.. ment. ly- quire at Selwitz Shoe Shop. Judge, Judge, Lsam to control your tongue and announcements EstaAe of Ellis B. Cooper late of Estate of Stanislaw Klrchlskl late SjrnqpaU: Althoofli zhe Is beliiK Anne watched Judge KeUogg as your tamper. Manchester In said district, deceased. “That would bo true, unless— ’’ ' FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, of Manchester In said district, de-. IXted for tlie nrarder ot her ancle, he shook his head. "1 need no con­ W ANTED—BOTS AND girls to MOVING—TRUCKING- Upon application of James Mason cessed. "Answer yes or no." oU modem Improvements, good praying that an Instrument purport­ Anne Fsmsworth Is nlmost ImppY. ference with either. I desire that tha A father and bis UtUe boy were anter bicycle contest, collecting STORAGE 20 Upon application of the Consul “ Your honor," Interposed Len^ location. Inquire 10 Cedar atreeL ing to be the last will and testament General of Poland praying that let­ For Teobt Sorfcl, her old nurse, Just trial go on without pause.” llSvtng a disdusalon on legM mat­ address labels, in Manchester, from of said deceased he admitted to pro­ ters of administration be granted on has testlOed that Anne’s name real­ holm, "the district attorney is ask­ “Very well, proceed, Mr. District PERRETT tc Q1.ENNEY IN G local ing the defendant to give an answer ters: magazines, (^11 5825 after 5 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- bate and that lette'ra of administra­ said estate, aa per application on fils. ly Is -Anne Farnsworth,” that she Attorney.” Little Boy— What is a rctatelng and long distance moving. Dally tion with tho will annexed be grant­ It Is caUlng for a deduction upon her o’clock, evenings. express to Hartford. Overnight ment, rent 314. Inquire 66 School ed on said estate, as per application ORDERED:—That the foregoing was the leptlly adopted daoghter of Tbe district attorney looked at fteT wV_ street. on file. It is application be heard and determined lAike and Lnclndn Farnsworth. But parL I beUeve she should have the Judge Kellogg, then at Judge Ben- , . Father—A retaining fee Is a fee service to and from New York. Tel. ORDERED:—That the foregoing at the Probate Office In Manchester right to qualify her answer, and 3063, 8860 or 8864. she la by no means aecnre, for Tom son. "Mr. KeUogg has spoken o f paid to a lavjrar before he srUl un­ ToonenriUc Folks m o AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- ppllcatlon be heard and determined In said District, on the 7tb ds'y of Farley, her most bitter enemy. Is give her reason for arriving at that fresh evidence. 1 believe it would dertake to do any work for a client. at the Probate Office in Manchester December, A. D., 1935, at 9 o’clock In deductive answer.” ment, all Improvements, centrally in said District, on the 23d day of the forenoon, and that , notice be asslsttnc the district attorney, and bo advisable to hear that at this Little Boy—Oh! U ke putting a 1981 FORD ROADSTER, m o located. Available Dec. 1st. See November, A. D., 1936, at 9 o’clock In "You may answer in full, Miss time I yield to Mr. KeUogg.” Dodge coach, 1029 DcSota Bcdan, PUBLIC PASSENGER given to all persons Interested In said she realizes that her lawyer's case quarter in the gas meter before you OUR BOARDING HOUSE B f OqiiD Sam Yulyes, 701 Main street. tho forcnofjti, and that notice be estate of tbe pendency of said appli­ Is pitifully weak. Farnsworth." "That will be all Anne.” Tho gei any gas. T h e P o w e r f u l K a t r i n k a p i c k s u p a o r c a t e A R f A iN f o r 1029 Pontiac sedan, 1929 Ford SERVICE 20-A given to all persons interested In cation and the time and place of Atme remember her daya at judge nodded to her, and os she coupe, 1928 Bulck sedan. 1928 FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat! with said estate of llie pendency of said hearing thereon. by publishing a school, the confusion of angles and h e r p y M R F IN ADDITION TO SILVER LANE application and the time and place of copy of this order In some newspaper Chapter 39. passed on her way to her chair ho U you take no part in clvlo affaire Dodge coupe. Cole Motors. 6463. garage, 76 Summer street, recent­ hearing thereon, by publishing a having a circulation In said district, triangles, and remembering these, patted her shoulder and smiled. a lot of your feUow townsmen say EGA'D.'POSCOE.eRKAT NEy mailing In copy of this order addressed to Jan clamoring for recognition. It's hsrd to sqnsre thiitgs when 44 T H ’ c h a n c e C J P . aimed at me, and missed me, it she whispered. The man looked He—There’s one thing a girl wear­ I PERSUMDVD Hte Manchester REPAIRING 23 FOR RENT—6 ROOM bungalow, a registered letter, postage paid, on Kurc2«\vskl, Mlnkowce, Poland. Judge Benson looked down, rapped you get mixed up In S Irlansle. v l€ . or before November 18. 1935. a copy would have continued at an upward down and smiled, then went on to ing shorts can't do. © R® a s'* N\k¥TlN'THAT fAU<3 j on North Main street; downstairs WILLIAM 8. HYDE smartly for order. ’The case will l O <%\VEi\iQU A CVAANCE.AND Evening Herald VACUUM CLEANEIR, gun, clock, of this order to Annie M, Baker, 116 Judgs. proceed," he sold. "As long as tho angle and struck Lee Farns­ tbe witness chair. She—Yeah? What’s that? H\6 NAJN WOULD lock repairing. Key making etc. lavatory, breakfast nook, porch. 2 Hudson street, Ithaca. N. Y. H-M-18--85. fU 'PU T TH’DWi WILLIAM S. HYDE defendant waives the technicality worth—” she paused, horrified at "Your name?” asked tho clerk. He— Scratch a match tho way we A NERVE RBBTORA'nVE: CLASSIFIED Bralthwaite, 52 Pearl streeL car garage, large yard, 330. Avail­ tbe thought, "Jones, sir, Leighton Jones, but men used to when ahe wants to VOU s3U«T U6HT able Dec. let. Apply W. G. Glcn- Judge. and admits to both names, it wiU not Green quiets the nerves, an oculist ADVERTISEMENTS H-ll-lR-35, be necessary to put the state to ad­ “Do you mean you have some known to the family as Buttons." light a clgaret. WORK-OUT l-vyoUR ENfD, HE G L A S S |l ney Co. Tel. 4148. explains- You bet It does, especial- ODUnt six AV«rac« worda to a llu«. SHORE PROPERH OWNERS ditional expense. Mr. Lenholm, call enemy among the Finnish people "What family, Mr. Jones?” asked ly if Itx on a nice crisp piece of paper O AID .WOULD t»E #7 S -‘-ADOUT fA IN U T . XalttalR. aurobers and abbravlatlona HELP WANTED— FDR RENT—6 ROOM single house, AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD your witness.” who have stood by you so loyally? KeUogg. IT IS PLEABANT TO SIT BY irith a 10 on it aaah count at a .'ord and ooropound at Manchenter within and for the THE FIRE THESE NOVBOfBBR BNOU6UTD'WiiN”ra:tTH6X-‘R/W6 word! aa two worda. Minimum cost la FEMALE 35 all Improvements, at 223 Oak Again Anne crossed to the witness That one of these, perhaps one of “The family of the late Luke . District of Msnehenter. on the Ifith prlca ol thrat ilnea. street. Inquire at 40 Wetherell St. day of Novpmhcr. A. D.. 1935. HEAR OF STORM DAMAGE chair, but this time the floor was as tho Sorkl brothers, broke Into your Farnsworth, air. I worked for him EVENINGS AND MEDITATE ON anddoctweiu I Una rataa par dar for tranalant ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home, l»resent WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. firm as her confidence. instead of house and stole your gun—" for fifteen years.” HOW THE MOSQUITOES OUT­ Salesman—Did you give your help •da* sparetime; $5 to 315 weekly. Ex­ JudKO. being nameless, she had two names; “ No.” Anno Interrupted with "Then you know the defendant In SIDE ARE FREEZING TO DEATH- a two weeks’ vacation? CtfcctiTC March 17, 1M7 Trust Estate u-7th Clause of will Boss—No, I gave them four Caah Cbarsa perience unnecessary. Dignified Ocean Waters Lash CottaRes at instead of parentless, there had been scant regard for court courtesy. this case?" work. Stamp brings details. Em­ LEGAL NOTICES 78 of Allirrt W. Post kite of Manchester, weeks. Two weeks when T went on i ConaacDtIva Uajra e.| 7 otai • ota In said District, deceased. White Sands and Other two who might have loved her had "That gun has never been in my " I do sir, and a finer little lady—” Son—Dad. what is a budget? I Conaaeutlva Dayi •.1. i ota U ota ployment Mgr., Dept 5230, Box 75, AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD The Trustee having exhibited Its they lived. And rapst Important of home nor In my possession." " I imderatand and agree," Inter­ Father—^WeU, Its a method of my vacation, and two weeks when 1 Day ...... I 11 otai It ota. Prominent Resorts. Hammond, Ind. St Manchester, within and for the annual account with said estate to all, Luke Farnsworth hadn’t ne­ She saw Lenholm lean back with rupted KeUogg laughing. "Buttons, wonying before you spend instead of they went on their own. All ordon (or IrrtmiUr laaartlona District of Manchester, on the 16th this Court for nllownnce, it Is Will be eharcad at the ona ttma rata. glected to make her his own. nor to a sigh of relief, and realized she when did you leave tho Farnsworth after. day of November. A. D.. l&3fi. ORDERED:—That the 23d day of George W. Strant, who owns prop­ ■pcctal rataa (or long tana avary Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. November, A. D.. 1935. at 9 o'clock, protect her against tho cupidity of had been baited, but by her honesty home?" IF YOU WEBB TO BOB SOME day advartlaing give upon raquaat. DOGS— BIRDS— PETS 41 Judge. forenoon, at the Probate Office, In erty at White Sanda, located !□ the "Aa soon as those people made It The Value of • Smile. Ada ordered (or three or alx daya his own brother-in-law. had evaded the trap. PEOPLE OF TH EIR (X>NC!EIT Estate of Jane C. Robinson late of salt! Manchester, be and the same is town of Saybrook, was notified this "Tho shot, your yourself admit, so uncomfortable Miss Anne had to Nobody ever added up the valu* of ‘ M d Btoppad bafore tbe third or Afth FOR SALE—ENGLISH bull dog, assigned for a hearing on the allow­ Anne told her story that after­ THERE WOULDN’T BE ANY- day will be charged only (or tbe ao* Manchester, in said District, deceas­ morning that the storm yesterday leave. None of us would stay on, a sinlle; female, 6 months, pedigreed, 330. ed. ance of said account wMth said estate, noon, told it clearly and concisely. must have been fired from within a THING LEFT. that auiaber o( .Imea tbe d appear* and this Court directs the Trustee to and last night had done considerable air.!’ We know bow much a dollar’s aC oharglng at the rate earned, but Highland Bull Dog Kennels, High­ The Executrix having exhibited Unknowingly, the interruption of few feet of tho boat on which you her administration account with said give public notice to all persons In­ damage In that place. Tbe notifica­ stood. Miss Farnsworth, answer "How soon after she left did you worth, and bow much is a mila; BO allowance or refnnda ean be made land street Phone 8060. the morning had disrupted the Josephine—How did George break OB alii tine ade itopped a(ter the estate to this Court for aMovi'ance. terested therein to appear and be tion came to Mr. Strant from Daniel this question. Did you fire that leave?" We know the distance to the sun, ttth day. It Is heard thereon by publishing a copy Moore, a contractor, who lives at State's plans. They had hoped to the size and weight of earth, his leg? ORDERED;—That tho 23d dqy of of this order In some newspaper hav­ shot?” ■•The next day, sir, March eleventh H o ^ U (orbida**; display llnaa not White Sands and does building dur­ cross-examine her when she was It was, sir.” But no one’s ever told us yet how. Clarenos—Well, do you see those Bold. November A. I)., 11)35, at 9 o'clock ing a circulation In unld District, live "She did not!” POULTRY AND forenoon, at the Probate Office, In days tiefoit; said day of hearing and ing the winter. In addition to Mr. tired from a day In court. As It was much a smile Is worth- steps over there? The Uarald will not be responsible she completed her version of Lee. A huge voice boomed out from the Judge KeUogg turned to Lenholm, ior more than one inoorreot insertion SUPPLIES 43 said Manchester, be and the same Is return make to this Court. Strant other property owners living then to the clerk of the court and Josephine—Yes, assigned* far a hearing on the allow­ WILLIAM 8. HYDE Farnsworth's murder at five o’clock. door. Anne looked up. She saw o f any advartlaeaent orderad (or In Manchester that have cottages in asked for exhibit A. With the re­ First Girl-—Where were you on Clarence—Well, (ieorge didn’t FOR S A L E — N ATIVE turkeys. ance of said administration account Judge. But her cheeks were pale from the Judge Ansel Kellogg thrust bis bulk aioro than one tlmA H-ll-18-35. that place are J. H. Quinn and Q. volver In his hand he showed It to your vacation? Tbo laadyartaat oralaalon of incor* Franklin Orcutt, Coventry. Tele­ with said estate, and this Court dl ordeal, and her Ups trembled as into the crowd gathered there, saw recta the Executrix to* give publlo E. Keith. the witness. "Have you ever seen Second Girl (listlessly)— No man's NO MAN EVER CONTRACTED foot pobtloatloo o t advartlaing will ba phone Rosedale 34-3. Sharlcc cried hysterically when she the sheriff follow, and behind them VoetlAe' only by eaneallatloo of tha notice to all persons Interested AT A COURT OF PROBATE HEI.D According to the information came other officers, in uniform. this weapon before?” land. RHEUMATISM IN THE HEAD AS dharge made (or tbe eervloe rendered. therein to appear and bo heard there* nt Muncliesii’r, within and for the given Mr. Strant the storm was such pictured the bullet passing her own R sa on by piilillshing a copy of this or»!er They spread along the railing, "Yes, sir," declared the man em­ THE RESULT OF RIGHT THINK- All adveriteemente must conform district of ManriU’.sicr. on the 16th. on Sunday that It hit against the head to lodge In the heart of her m a . IB otyle, copy and typography with FUEL AND FEED 49-A In some newspupfr having a circula­ day of November. A. lb, 1935. foster uncle. covered every exit, and remained phatically, "many times, sir. Mr. fognlatlone enforced by the publish* tion In said District, five days before sea wall and sent water over the Luke always kept that in his room, Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., Back In her cell, ahe sat with eyes motionless while tbe big man pro­ Ota had they reserve the right to. FOR SALE— WObD, fireplace, fur­ said day of hearing and return make Judge. wall for a distance of 6 E FOR s a l e :—YELLOW Globe tur. some newspaper having a circulation H-ll-18-35. Date Book golden brown, then brushed her hair KIH & PPOM IB Memorlam ...... y nlpa, 50c at farm, 75c delivered, In sniil probate district, within ten until it shone. She added a touch of Lost and Fou n d...... I 4luys from the date of this order, and THE WILY KRA6 . . . limited supply. H. Warren case, . AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD rouge and lipstick to protect her Aanounoemente • • svr* I return make to this court of the no­ nt .Manchester, within and for the TUs Week Feraonele ...... I Buckland, telephone 8643. tice given. district of Manchester, on tho 16th Nov. 20.—Mexican Fiesta, Center from revealing her emotions to curi­ AwtoambUeo WILLIAM 8. HYDE day of November. A. I)., 1935. church. Supper, sale, entertainment. ous eyes. Aatomobllee for Sale ...... 4 Judge. H-n-1833. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq. Also meeting of Manchester Im­ Court convened, and Anne went Atttomobliea (or Bzchenge s HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Judge. Immediately to the witness chair to ABte Aeoeseorlee—Tires ...... 6 Estate of fjertrude E. Hnlllsler provement Association at Y. M. C. A. face the district attorney. Ante Repelring—Feinting . 7 A FEW KITCHEN RANGES 37.50 late ' of Manchester in said district, WASHINCsTON TUBBS By Crane OUT OUR WAY ABte dohoole ...... 7*A deceased. Nov. 22.—"Huckleberry Finn," a He plunged Into bls_ cross-exam­ FRECiOES AND UlS FRIENDS By Blosyer By wnnamf . Aatea—Ship by Truck . .. . • to 325.00. One 2 cover kitchen Upon application of Nellie L. Hol­ 'FOB 6 PAYS, FOPNER, aOHN HMMf tOlV Tips, MAVeS ' AetOO—For Hire ...... I 3-act comedy by Sock and Buskin ination. "Misa Farnsworth, you say beater A-1 condition 310.00. These TOWN ADVERTISEMENT lister praying that administration he club at High school. you have never before seen the gun SHEET'S BEEN P(^IM(3 AROUND ^ he4i loom in' por « a A .(wirageo—Service—Storage . 10 are all fitted for oil bumera. Head- granted on said estate, aa per appli­ POUR I NEVER SAN AN/TMIN(7 o W6Y— M6V/ I VYA’S JU S Ifotoreyeleo—Bleyelee ...... II Nonci: OF PVBUC h e a r in g cation on file, it in Nov. 23.—Adjourned annual town filed here as cxchblt A, and yet it . 1WE SAND OVER BY THE NORTH Wanted Autos—Motoreyeiee It quartera for guaranteed oil burn­ TOUCMDOWNS WMUT'RE YOU WONDERIN' FOR A ORDEIIED:—That the foregoing meeting 9; 15 p. m., State Armory. has been established that your fos­ TO EQUAL rr? NUTTY RDIMT. KEEP AN EVE ON HIM. ■d ••rvtccH ers, completely Installed 311.95. (Vinilng Events IW TEIsj , ^iTANNIN' TUEDG WMV PEOPLE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAl. appllcatififi be heanl and eleiermlnengmeadow. Mass.: R. F. T if­ back to Anne, “and yet you admit rr sfBMFWNW