Star Trek STAG NL 38 (STAG Newsletter 38).Pdf
_ Newsletter No. 38 December 1979 A HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you, our members· and to Gene Roddenberry, Robert Wise and the cast and crew of ST·· TMP with our thanks for giving us the movie at this time. .... c.: .::l ···.0 . eE '(\\c.. ,0') , I"- m (f) o ....o .c.: 0. 3 President: Janet Quarton, 15 Letter Daill, CairnlKk,n, Lochgilphead, Argyll, Scotland. Vice president: Sheila Clark, 6 Craigmill Cott, Strathmartine, by Dundee, Scotland. Committee: Beth Hallam, Flat 3, 36 Clapham Rd, Bedford, England. Sylvia Billings, 49 Southampton Rd, Far Cotton. Northampton, England. Valerie Piacentini, 20 Ardrossan Rd, Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland. Honorary Members: Gene Roddenberry, Majel Barrett, William Shatner, De Forest Kelley, James Doohan, George Takei, Susan Sackett, Grace Lee vfuitney, Rupert Evans, Sonni Cooper, Anne HcCaffrey, Anne Page. DUES U.K., £2.25 per year; Europe, £2.50 surface, £3.00 airmail letter U.S.A., $11.00 or £4.50 airmail Aust:calia, Japan, £5.00 airmail. Hi, folks. This is Sheila being coerced into starting the letter this time round (Janet usually does) because Janet is at the moment buried deep in other stencils and Sheila has - for the moment - finished hers. I had dared to think - up till today - that this newsletter wouldn't turn into yet another book, but it lOOks like I'm wrong. Finished stencils are piling up in a fashion that's truly alarming. • • There's such a lot happening just now, with the movie due for release here on the 15th December and some of the movie-linked merchandise beginning to make its (sometimes premature) appearance.
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