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I 14 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARon 13, - lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for Thine SECRETARIES OF LEGATION. is the kingdom, and the -power, and the glory, forever. Ari1en. Thomas Ewing Moore, of the District of Columbia, now con So may the very peace of God .which passeth all understand sul at "\\.,.eimar, to be secretary of legation and consul-general of ing go with us and bless us. So may the Lord Jesus Christ, the United States to Roumania and Servia. who is our resurrection and our life, show to us this heavenly William PhHlips, of Massachusetts, to be second secretary of Word, yes, and this present Holy Spirit. He is the Comforter; the legation of the United States at Peking, China. He is the only comforter. May he go with us always. Amen. Henry P. Fletcher, of Pennsylvania, now second secretary of The family of the deceased Senator and the invited guests the legation at Peking, to be secretary of the legation of the having retired from the Senate Chamber, United States at Lisbon, Portugal. Mr. ALLISON. Mr. President, I move that the Senate do now Charles S. Wilson, of Maine, now secretary of legation to adjourn. Greece, Roumania, and Servia, to be secretary of the legation of The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and the United States to Greece and Montenegro and of the diplo 30 minutes p. m.) the Semite adjourned until Monday, March matic agency in Bulgaria, with residence at Athens. 13, 1905, at 12 o'clock meridian. PROMOTIONS I~ THE NAyY. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Samuel B. Thomas to be a lieutenant in NOMINATIONS. the Navy, from the 1st day of January, 1~5. Executive nominations received by the Senate March 10, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Clark H. Woodward to be a lieutenant in the Navy, from the 28th day of December, 1904. SOLICITOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE. Edwin Walter Sims, of Illinois, to be solicitor of the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor, vice William Miller Collier, re Jerome Martin, of New Mexico, to be register of the land signed. office at Las Cruces, N. Mex. This nomination is to be substituted for the nomination of Mr. Sims which was sent to the Senate on the 6th instant. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE. SENATE. Edward Whitson, of Washington, to be United States district MoNDAY, March 13, 1905. judge for the eastern district of Washington. An orfginal ap Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWABD E. HALE. pointment under the provisions of the act approved March 2, The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed 1905, entitled "An act to divide Washington · into two judicial ings of Friday last. districts." Mr. KEAN. I ask unanimous consent that the further read PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. ing of the Journal be dispensed with. Col. Allen Smith, Sixth Cavalry, to be placed on the retired Mr. GALLINGER. Let the Journal be read, Mr. President. list of the Army with the rank of brigadier-general from the The VICE-PRESIDENT. · There is objection. ' The Journal date on which he shall be retired from active service. will be read. The Secretary resumed and concluded the reading of the Oavalry Arm. Journal, and it was approved. Second Lieut. \Villiam C. Gardenhire, Fifteenth Cavalry, to [Several messages In writing from the President of the United be first lieutenant, with rank from March G, 1905, vice Pershing, States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. B. F. BARNES, Fourth Cavalry, promoted. one of his secretaries.] PR01.10TIONS IN THE MARINE CORPS. CONSTITU'l'ION OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Second Lieut. James J. :Meade to be a first lieutenant in the Mr. MORGAN. Mr. President, I hold in my hand a transla- Marine Corps, from the 24th day of May, 1904, vice Second . tion into the English from the Spanish text of the constitution Lieut. Raymond W. Dikeman, resigned, before qualifying for of the Dominican Republic promulgated on the 12th of June, promotion. · _ . 1896, and again put in force May 21, 1903. It was translated Second Lieut. Charles J. E. Guggenheim to be a first lieuten in the Bureau of American Republics by Mr. Rodriguez, a very ant in the Marine Corps, from the 4th day of June, 1904, vice able Spanish scholar and a very fine Jaw writer, too. I move Benjamin B. Woog, promoted. that it be printed as a document for the use of the Senate. The motion was agreed to. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. HOUR OF MEETING TO-MORROW. Carpenters William E. Powell, McCall Pate, and Thomas W. Richards to be chief carpenters in the Navy, from the 12th day On motion of Mr. CULLOM, it was Ordered, That when the Senate adjourns to-day it be to meet at 11 of December, 1904, upon the completion of six years' service, in o'clock to-morrow morning. accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress approved EXECUTIVE SESSION. April 27, 1904. Mr. CULLOM. I move that the Senate proceed to the con sideration of executive business. CONFIRMATIONS. The motion was agreed to ; and the Senate proceeded to the Executive nominations confirmed by th-e Senate March 10, 1905. consideration of executive business. After three hours and fifty-two minutes spent in executive session the doors were re CONSULS. opened, and (at 4 o'clock p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Robert Brent :Mosher, of the District of Columbia, to be consul to-morrow, Tuesday, March 14, 1905, at 11 o'clock a. m. of the United States at Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Hunter Sharp, of North Carolina, to be consul of the United NOMINATIONS. States at Kobe, Japan. Ea:ecutive nominations 1·eceived by the Senate March 13, 1905. Robert S. Chilton, jr., of the District of Columbia, to be consul UNITED STATES DISTRICT JlJDGE. of the United States at Toronto, Ontario, .Canada. Joseph Cross, of New Jersey, to be United States district George B. Anderson, of the District o! Columbia, now consul judge for the district of New Jersey. An original appointment at Guadeloupe, to be consul of the United States at Antigua, under the provisions of the act approved March 3, 1905, entitled West Indies. "An act to provide for an additional judge of the district court SECRETARIES OF EMBASSY. of the United States for the district of New Jersey." John Ridgley Carter, of Maryland, now second secretary of APPOINTMENT IN THE NAVY. the embassy, to be secretary of the embassy of the United States Kenneth McAlpine to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 3d at London, England. day of March, 1905, to take rank as No. 1 on the list of lieuten Craig W. Wadsworth, of New York, now third secretary of the ants, and to be an additional number in grade, in accordance embassy, to be second secretary of the embassy of the United with the provisions of an act of Congress approved March 3, States at London, England. 1905, entitled "An act to reinstate Kenneth McAlpine as a lieu Lewis Einstein, of New York, now third secretary of the em tenant in the Navy." bassy at Paris, to be third secretary of the embassy of the PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. United States at London, England. Pay Inspector Mitchell C. McDonald to be a pay director in William Blumenthal, of New York, now secretary of the lega the Navy from the lOth day of March, 1905 (subject to the ex tion at Lisbon, to be third s~retary of the embassy of the aminations required by law), vice Pay Director Henry T. B. United States· at Paris, France. Harris, retired. 1905 .. -- CONGRESSIONAL REC{JRD~ENATE. -- ., - - - - tl 15 -:. .. •. P~ymaster Henry E. Jewett to be a pay htsp"ector in the Navy SENATE.· from the 10th day of :March, 1905 (subject to the examinations required by law), vice Pay Inspector Mitchell C. McDonald, pro- -TUESDAY, March ·JJ,., 1905. moted. - Tbe Senate met at 11 o'clock a.· m. A. be P. Paymaster Edward E. Goodhue to a paymaster in the Prayer by tbe Chaplain, Rev. Ei>w ABD E. HA.LE. Navy from the 10th day of March, 1905 (subject to the. exami The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ~p nations required by law), vice Paymaster Henry E. Jewett, pro- proved. m~d . • Mr. GALLINGER.· :Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a Assistant Paymaster Edwards S. Stalnaker to be a passed quorum. assistant paymaster in the Na-vy from the 10th day of March, · The VICE-PRESinENT. The Senator from New ·Hampshire 1905 (subject to the examinations required by law), vic~ P. A. suggests the ·absence of a· quorum. The Secretary will call the Paymaster Edward E. Goodhue, promoted. .. ton. · Jame~ G. Field, a surgeon 1n the Navy no.t in the li~e o~ pro The Secretary called tb.e roll and the following Senators an motion, to be a surgeon in the Navy in the line of promotion swered to their names : from the 3d day of March, 1905, to take rank next after Surg. Alger Clapp Fulton Morgan Eugene· P. ·stone and to be an additional number lrr grade, in. Allison Clark, Wyo. Gallinger Nelson accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress, approved Ankeny · - · Crane . Gorman Nixon. March 3, 1905, entitled "An act restoring James G. Field, naval Bacon Culberson Hale · Perkins Bailey· Cullom Hansbrough Piles surgeon, to the lina of promotion." Berry Dick Hemenway Rayner Carpenter Alonzo Burke to be a chief carpenter in .the· Navy Bulkeley Dubois Heyburn Simmons from the 12th day of December, 1904, upon the completion of Burkett Elkins Kean Spt>oner Burnham · Flint.