July 16, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1405 Centennial year of NASS and the Association demic, social and communications skills in a must become available to ensure the best is meeting in celebration of this very special work setting. All clients at Pasta Fare are em- economic and environmental use of the land milestone. ployees of the Illinois Center for Autism. Cli- and water. This rural development project In 1904, NASS was organized and ap- ents are transitioned into the community for could provide such an alternative to many of proved for assembly at the World’s Fair in the further competitive employment opportunities our farmers while producing sugar, ethanol, administration building of the Fair—Brookings and many are placed into food service and re- and renewable energy. My constituents are Hall—which still stands today and is in con- lated occupations. pursuing an economic development project to stant use by Washington University. The year Not only has Carol and the ICA been able develop sugarcane production and processing 2004 also marks the 150th anniversary of to prevent the unnecessary institutionalization capabilities, along with ethanol and renewable Washington University. I am pleased to honor of hundreds of people with autism, she and energy production, in the . The this fine institution and recognize its impor- the Center have also helped them to become number one crop in the Imperial Valley is al- tance in the history of NASS. productive members of society. falfa, which has a much lower dollar value Having left the organization as its president- Carol has devoted her life to serving the than sugarcane. Due to a rural-to-urban water elect, I continue to remember NASS as the needs of the disabled community. She has transfer that has reduced the number of acres most helpful and personally fulfilling profes- served as a Site Visitor for the US Department that may be planted in the Valley, my rural sional organization I have been a member of. of Education’s Blue Ribbon Schools program constituents searched for an alternative to al- On behalf of myself and my colleagues in and as a Hearing Officer with the Illinois State falfa—and found it in sugarcane. The eco- the Congress who also served Board of Education from 1977–1987. She has nomic conversion project includes develop- as Secretaries of State—Sherrod Brown of consulted with the Madison County Associa- ment of sugarcane acreage in the Valley, as Ohio, Tom Cole of Oklahoma, Katherine Har- tion for Retarded Citizens and served on the well as construction of a new sugarcane proc- ris of Florida, Jim Langevin of Rhode Island Illinois State Board of Education Advisory essing facility on the site of an existing sugar and Candice Miller of Michigan—I gratefully Council on the Education of Children with Dis- beet processing facility in the Valley. The cur- acknowledge the value of NASS to us person- abilities from 1992–1999. She has served as rent sugar beet facility, which currently only ally and to the nation. the Director of the National Association of Pri- operates four months of the year, employs ap- f vate Education Centers and was the Chairman proximately 300 people (100 full-time and 200 of the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy seasonal employees). Opening the new sugar- RECOGNIZING THE CAREER AND Commission. cane processing facility would allow year- RETIREMENT OF CAROL MADI- The future holds great promise for the Illi- round processing at the site, dramatically in- SON—EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF nois Center for Autism and the people it creasing the number of full-time job opportuni- THE ILLINOIS CENTER FOR AU- serves and we owe a great debt of gratitude ties at the facility. The project would also allow TISM to Carol for the work she has done on behalf the creation of a power plant reliant on renew- of hundreds of young people in our area. able fuels, principally from residue from the HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me production and processing of sugarcane. Fur- OF ILLINOIS in recognizing the contributions of Carol Madi- ther, the project includes plans for ethanol pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES son and wish her and her family the very best duction from the sugarcane. Due to Califor- Thursday, July 15, 2004 in the future. nia’s phase-out of MTBE as a gasoline oxy- f genate, the state requires a stable supply of Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ethanol, and a local supply will dramatically re- ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing , RURAL DEVELOP- duce transportation costs for ethanol pur- the career and retirement of Carol Madison, MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- chasers. Sugarcane-to-ethanol production in Executive Director of the Illinois Center for Au- ISTRATION, AND RELATED the Imperial Valley will greatly benefit the eco- tism for 27 years. AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS nomic well-being of my constituents—as well The Illinois Center for Autism, ICA, is a non- ACT, 2005 as reduce renewable and clean fuel costs for profit, community-based mental health treat- the nation while protecting environmental qual- SPEECH OF ment, special education center, and vocational ity. training site, dedicated to prevent the unnec- essary institutionalization of people with au- HON. BOB FILNER Environmental Technology Business Park— tism and help them achieve the highest level OF The County of Imperial is working to catalyze of independence possible in their home, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development of an EcoPark for location of re- school, and community. Students/Clients must Tuesday, July 13, 2004 newable energy and ‘‘green technology’’ in- dustrial projects. An investment in this project be diagnosed as autistic and/or exhibit charac- The House in Committee of the Whole teristics, such as severe communication dis- would leverage funding already allocated for House on the State of the Union had under development of biomass-to-ethanol projects in orders, severe behavioral disorders, uneven consideration the bill (H.R. 4766) making ap- intellectual skills, and socially inappropriate propriations for Agriculture, Rural Develop- Imperial County over the past three years by behaviors. ment, Food and Drug Administration, and local, state and federal agencies. The EcoPark Under Carol’s direction and service as the Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending is expected to attract more than $400 million ICA’s first Executive Director, the Illinois Cen- September 30, 2005, and for other purposes: in private investment and sustain more than ter for Autism was established in the fall of Mr. FILNER. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support 4,000 jobs in the related industry and agricul- 1977 to provide a Special Day School Pro- of the Fiscal Year 2005 Agriculture Appropria- tural sectors. Further, a variety of new and es- gram. At that time, it was serving only eight tions bill. The bill includes several projects that tablished firms are interested in bringing addi- children with autism. will benefit my district. tional technologies to the EcoPark, such as In January 1978, the Illinois Center for Au- Imperial County in my Southern California methane digesters, minibiorefineries for bio- tism was incorporated as a 501c (3) not-for- district is a farming community located diesel, nutraceutical manufacture, liquid nat- profit corporation. The ICA’s mission then was on the California-Mexico border. The county is ural gas production, and solar power genera- to prevent the unnecessary institutionalization one of the top agricultural counties in Cali- tion. The EcoPark will be a beacon of eco- of children with autism. ICA received accredi- fornia. It produced over $1.2 billion of agricul- nomic and environmental development for re- tation in 1992 from the North Central Associa- tural products in 2002. The county is a leading newable fuels projects. tion (NCA). To this day, ICA has maintained producer of agronomic and winter vegetable Desert Farming Institute and The National its accreditation and serves both adults and crops, as well as livestock. Center for the Study of International Trade in children throughout Southern Illinois. This bill contains language that directs the Agriculture—My constituents are interested in In 1992, under Carol’s leadership, the ICA Under Secretary for Rural Development to establishing a ‘‘California Desert Farming Insti- began an innovative initiative. With Carol’s give consideration to projects that would di- tute’’ at the San Diego State University’s Im- careful hand guiding the program, the ICA rectly benefit my constituents: perial Valley campus. The Imperial Valley of opened a gourmet Italian take-out eatery The Imperial Valley Sugarcane/Renewable California is one of the most successful exam- called Pasta Fare. Pasta Fare provides an Energy/Ethanol Project—Environmental and ples of desert farming in the world. San Diego ideal site for food service training for the ICA’s water conservation issues are of grave con- State University-Imperial Valley campus, a clients. They assist in all aspects of the busi- cern to the agricultural producers in my dis- Hispanic-Serving Institution, is located on the ness, learning to apply their functional aca- trict. Alternative, higher-value commodities border with Mexico and thus a logical site for

VerDate May 21 2004 02:37 Jul 17, 2004 Jkt 029061 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15JY8.056 E16PT1 E1406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2004 a Center charged with studying the inter- of U.S. agriculture in desert and arid environ- decision rendered by the International Court of national aspects of agriculture. The U.S. De- ments. For example, crop salinity trials are Justice was both irrelevant and moot, and partment of Agriculture has designated the conducted in conjunction with the U.S. Salinity demonstrated political partisanship rather than campus as a ‘‘National Center of Excellence.’’ Lab based in Riverside, California. The salinity a desire to truly affect change in the Middle The Institute’s primary mission would be to work done at Brawley could not effectively be East. compile, analyze, and disseminate information performed at Riverside because smog negates In the end, Congress must do much more on desert farming and its commercial viability; the scientific validity of the findings. Such re- than pass resolutions that carry no real to study the environmental and health issues search has worldwide application as saline weight. Instead, the U.S. should be the lead related to desert farming; to compile, analyze, soils are a constant challenge to farming prac- negotiator to achieve peace in the Middle and disseminate information on international tices in many regions. Further, the station is East. When we take sides on this issue, we trade in agriculture, including trends in agricul- strategically located to provide quick response diminish our ability to play the role of impartial tural production around the world; and to form support to biosecurity and agroterrorism detec- negotiator. The Bush Administration should be collaborative research partnerships with other tion work. It is situated less than 90 miles from providing leadership in the by en- institutions around the world to encourage re- six border crossings, one of which is the busi- suring that both the Israelis and the Palestin- search in the development of desert farming. est passenger crossing in the world. The con- ians live up to their commitments as stipulated A significant part of the world, including major stant supply of host crops and high inter- by the Road Map, and by bringing both parties parts of the United States, is desert land with national traffic puts Imperial County on the to the negotiating table. Only by re-estab- little productivity. However, the application of front line of protection of the American food lishing trust, respect, and cooperation between state-of-the-art technology to farming and the supply from foreign introduction of diseases, Israelis and Palestinians will we be able to development of modern agriculture have made insects, and many invasive species. The achieve a lasting resolution to this devastating desert farming a viable and, in some cases, a Brawley Field Station currently headquarters conflict. necessary activity. Any major expansion of research facilities and personnel from USDA f desert farming could have a significant and and the California Department of Food & Agri- positive effect on the global competitiveness of culture, which can quickly implement control PERSONAL EXPLANATION the American farmer, as well as positive im- and eradication programs in coordination with pacts throughout arid regions of the world. local authorities—thereby making use of the HON. XAVIER BECERRA Neighborhood House of Calexico Youth best capabilities of local, state, and federal OF CALIFORNIA Center—Throughout the past 66 years of its agencies. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service, Neighborhood House of Calexico has I urge my colleagues to support this bill, and Thursday, July 15, 2004 targeted low-income families in the commu- these important agricultural and rural develop- nity, serving an average of 7,000 low-income ment projects. Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, Friday, July 9, persons per year. The Neighborhood House f 2004, I was unable to cast my floor vote on provides services such as day care, youth vio- rollcall numbers 355, 356, 357, and 358. The lence prevention, micro-business develop- DEPLORING MISUSE OF INTER- votes I missed include rollcall vote 355 on ment, and shelter for homeless and abused NATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE Agreeing to the Gordon Amendment to H.R. women and children. The Neighborhood BY UNITED NATIONS GENERAL 3598; rollcall vote 356 on Agreeing to the House Youth Center has been successful in ASSEMBLY FOR POLITICAL PUR- Jackson-Lee Amendment to H.R. 3598; rollcall interacting with at-risk youth, in diverting gang POSE vote 357 on Agreeing to the Larson Amend- activities and helping youth obtain job skills, ment to H.R. 3598; and rollcall vote 358, the conflict resolution skills, increased level of SPEECH OF Motion to Recommit with Instructions, H.R. interaction between adult role models and HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY 3595, the Manufacturing Technology Competi- youth, and recreational activities. The City of OF CALIFORNIA tiveness Act. Calexico is experiencing a significant increase IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Had I been present for the votes, I would in gang activity and potential for intensification have voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall votes 355, 356, Wednesday, July 14, 2004 with the downturn of availability of jobs, a 22 357 and 358. percent unemployment rate, and reduced level Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, today the f of training opportunity for youth and adults. House passed H. Res. 713, a resolution to Funding for this project would provide youth condemn the recent decision by the Inter- IN MEMORY OF SSGT DUSTIN mentoring, assist youth in obtaining job train- national Court of Justice in opposition to ‘‘BOB’’ PETERS ing, and creating youth employment opportuni- Israel’s security barrier. I voted for this resolu- ties. tion, not out of support for Israel’s security HON. MIKE ROSS Calexico Telemedicine Center—Calexico, barrier, but because the International Court of OF ARKANSAS California is a very poor community located in Justice overstepped its bounds in issuing this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rural Imperial County along the U.S.-Mexico decision. Thursday, July 15, 2004 border. Unfortunately, this community does not Make no mistake, I strongly oppose the have a hospital. Pioneers Memorial Hospital route of Israel’s security barrier, because it de- Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- and the Heffernan Memorial Hospital District, viates significantly from Israel’s internationally ognize the life and courageous spirit of SSgt. the two major healthcare providers located in recognized eastern border. In so doing, the Dustin ‘‘Bob’’ Peters of Shirley, AR. SSgt. Pe- other cities in the county, have partnered to fence encroaches on Palestinian lands and ters, just 25, was killed in the line of duty on open an urgent-care center in the vacant fully encloses some villages, overtly harming Saturday, July 11, 2004 near Bayji, Iraq. Calexico Hospital building, which could be many Palestinians by turning these areas into After graduating from Shirley High School in wired for telemedicine. Locally, this project has isolated enclaves. I fully support Israel’s right 1996, SSgt. Peters entered the Air Force the support of all the stakeholders, govern- to defend itself. But this resolution is not one where he attended technical training at Fort ment leaders, health boards, and businesses. of support for the fence, it’s one of opposition Leonard Wood, MO, and graduated as a vehi- Funding for this project would provide for the to the politicized ruling by the International cle operator journeyman. He completed as- equipment needed to start a telemedicine cen- Court of Justice. If we’re going to achieve signments at Whiteman Air Force Base in Mis- ter. Imperial County has a low number of med- peace in the Middle East, we’ve got to get rid souri and Anderson Air Force Base in Guam. ical professionals, and the residents of the city of the politics that have tainted this issue for SSgt. Peters arrived to Little Rock Air Force of Calexico are especially medically under- so long on both sides. Base in 2000. After returning from Iraq in July served. Telemedicine will allow patients to Prior to the International Court of Justice rul- of 2003, he volunteered to return to Iraq for a have appropriate medical treatment without ing, Israel’s High Court issued a ruling calling second tour of duty to serve with a young having to travel across the county, or to other for Israel to take into account the humanitarian group of soldiers, most of whom had never counties, states, or even countries, for service. needs of the Palestinian people. The High been to combat. His sole purpose in returning This bill also contains language to uphold Court stated that the path of the fence must to Iraq was to protect this group of soldiers. funding for the Agricultural Research Station in be adjusted—even if this change results in One friend of SSgt. Peters remembers fondly, my district. The Brawley Research Station per- less security for Israel—and the Israeli govern- ‘‘Peters was respected and loved by fellow air- forms crucial research work under the arid sa- ment stated its willingness to comply with this men. They admired this young staff sergeant. line conditions of the Imperial Valley in support decision. Given the High Court’s ruling, the He knew his job very, very well.’’

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